#just don't corner him xD
daily-ethoslab · 3 months
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my bad for not adding skizz won't happen again
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siixkiing · 1 year
Sooo... I just got here. Why are there suddenly grey people is glasses angering the shadow monkey? Where did they all come from?!
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"Eh, nothing to worry about there."
It almost unnerving how unphased the six-eared simian is about the harsh words spat in his direction. Putting up the façade of uncaring and aloof in the moment. Not the worst insult to grace his hearing after all — having heard much worse than whatever those beings could hope to deliver. The attempt to anger him was cute though even if ineffective to say the least.
"Just some pathetic attempts to try and rile me up."
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"Honestly, it was adorable how hard they were trying too."
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undertalethingems · 19 days
man, idk if i can describe the Undertale dream I had last night... but i'm going to try, and it's a long one:
It started out as me playing an entirely different (fictional) game, but next thing i knew a glitch sent my character out-of-bounds or something like that. I tried to reset, but instead of going back to that game, it flicked through alternate Undertale timelines every time a reset was attempted. I don't remember what most of these were like, aside from largely being role swap AUs--one featured a confident Alphys who had seemingly put her soul in a robot body, and was happy to see me/my character because we could potentially help her research this weird timeline stuff she'd noticed...
how many times you could go back was limited, so eventually things got stuck in a timeline that was quite different from the normal game--and then i/my character left normal game space entirely and entered what seemed like the storage area for like... an appliance store? Idk, there were fridges and furniture and other junk scattered around--yes, very backrooms, i know. But my POV character wasn't the only one down there.
They found dozens of other monsters that had fallen out of the assorted timelines and ended up in this strange space. Most were random NPCs, but several were versions of the main Undertale cast. I recall two Mettatons who were dating each other, and an Undyne who filled Toriel's role in her original world. Sans was there too, seated on a couch, but... I tried to say hi to him, and got no reply. It seemed the whole experience had essentially broken him, and the only thing he cared about was making sure the Papyrus next to him hadn't Fallen Down--even though it was swap!Papyrus, and not his original brother.
In fact, there were seemingly no other Papyruses at all (though i don't remember there being any Asgores or Toriels either, ahah.). But as the group of lost monsters started moving to try and find a way out or get some answers, another monster appeared: Gaster. Though, he looked like he was wearing a paper-mache mask--it had that lumpy, papery texture, but no eyes or mouth... And apparently, all these disappearances were his doing. But he promised he had his reasons, and if we followed him we'd find out who he was and why he was doing this. So of course the crowd rushed to follow him down a corridor that got progressively more... unfinished looking, like the garbage area where Spamton lurks, with blocks of missing pixels. It looked unsafe, but i was excited to see what all this was leading to. i just had to follow him around the corner...!
And then I woke up.
Yep. Trolled by my own brain. this isn't the first time this kind of thing has happened to me either--I've had several dreams where i was going to learn some incredible secret, only to wake up moments before the reveal. So, now you can share my disappointment too, but I guess I didn't clairvoyantly reveal spoilers for Deltarune XD
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alexa-fika · 1 month
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Demonically obvious ( Whitebeard pirates x nezuko!reader)
Part 1
A/N HERE WE GO, Im sorry for the wait but finally we got part 2! and lemme tell you I COOKED, Im so exited for this one guys, I had a blast writing it and hope you guys like it as well, HERE YOU GO COSMO, YOU ONLY HAD TO WAIT A WHOLE MONTH XD
Reader here is replaced by dokucha which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/Saradika
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-He cared as much as he cared about Ace being Roger's son, aka he did not care.
He hummed after Ace finished confessing both his heritage and the true nature of Dokucha's current ailment.
"Roger, huh, Don't look much like the old bastard," he chuckled, taking another chug of his jar as he glanced at the small girl happily cuddling up to him.
"And a demon, who would have thought? Definitely something you don't see every day," he hummed. 
"I have just told you I am the child of your greatest enemy and that my sister is a dangerous being. Don't you want to kick us out?" 
He let out a bellowing laugh at his worries. 
"See, when I saw you come in with such a somber look on your face, I had thought you had important news to tell me, but I could not think of something more trivial," he exclaimed, laughing further at Ace's shocked expression.
" I could not care less about where you came from or what you are. At the end of the day, we are all children of the sea; your backgrounds do not change the fact that you are now my children."
Ace stares at him for a bit longer until he slumps down, a small smile breaking on his face.    
"you're something else pops."
"Gurararara Had me on my toes, boy. I thought I was going to lose my son and my only daughter."   
Dokucha frowned as he tilted the jar further, gulping more and more of the liquid until she had grown tired of it, and kicked the jar away from his grasp, much to the shock of both men.
Whitebeard frowned, glancing at at the wall she had kicked the jar to, watching as all that remained were small fragments littered throughout the floor. Glancing back at the child, who sat on the corner of the bed, kicking her feet as if nothing had occurred
"I already have the nurses and Marco on me for drinking, now you?"
Dokucha glanced his way, and he could notice a slight upward tilt of her lips wrapped around the bamboo and a mischievous glim in her eye.
"Cheeky Brat," He grumbled.
"Don't take your eyes off her boy. She is going to be a troublemaker; I can feel it."
He chuckled
"She already is. Hey pops?" he called, receiving a slight hum from the older male.
"Thank you."
"Don't you get sentimental on me, boy."
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He knew she wasn't human due to her lack of food intake and other peculiarities.
"I know," he stated as he continued cutting the kale on his cutting board, the rhythmic sound of the knife hitting the board filling their ears.
"What the hell do you mean, you know?"
"Din't know she was a demon, but I knew she wasn't human either, also." Thatch looks up at him, narrowing his eyes at him and pointing his knife his way
"Stop using those words around your sister; she's gonna end up cursing like us," he grumbled, glancing at Dokucha, who sat next to Ace, dewy eyes staring back at him.
"Hi, pumpkin; you hungry?" he questions, returning to his previous actions of cutting the vegetable, letting out a soft hum when she shakes her head.
"You think I wouldn't notice?" he asks, giving Ace a side glance.
"I'm the head chef of this ship, Ace; you think I wouldn't notice the fact that she never eats?" he questioned, raising a brow to the younger male.
"At first, I thought she was shy about eating in the mess hall. We ain't a quiet bunch after all, but she doesn't have any problem with hanging around the mess hall at all," he noted  
"Maybe I was just missing it, so I started looking more. I never saw her take any food, nor did I see you make any action to give her some; she always said no when anyone offered too," he listed
"What, are you a stalker? he scoffed
"I'm observant, ya nitwit," he snapped back.
"Not to mention the odd sensitivity to the sun, and the little bamboo piece she always carries around didn't help the case alone. They didn't mean much, but it kept stacking up."
He rolled his eyes at that, leaning his head on his hand as he stared at him, his sister looking up at the chef, waiting for his response.
"And you're okay with it?"
"Ace, we have fishmen, minks, mermaids and giants in our crew, not to mention most of the 'humans' in the crew aren't the spittin image of a human, have ya seen Marco? He's a walking chicken, or a pineapple.' He muses, grinning when he gets a choked laugh from the freckled man and a joyful laugh from the demon beside him
"She fits right in with us, and even if she didn't, we still would have made it work for the lil pumkin," he spoke, reaching over the counter separating them and ruffling her hair.
Ace smiles slightly at the interaction until a thought pops into his head.
"Marco is gonna kill you for saying that, y'know?" he snickered, remembering the commander's previous jabs.
"Eh, what he don know won't harm'em." 
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-Knew she wasn't human due to their first encounter, lack of injuries, regeneration, and discrepancies on her devil fruit. (also that is such a nice gift, look at that man < 3)
"Oh, Was that supposed to be a secret?"
"W- you also knew?!"
"Ah, you probably forgot since you were out of it back then, but the little miss was quite protective of you; lunged right at me," he said, looking down at the small girl who began trying to climb her way into his lap, eyes slightly teary as she did
"Ah, it's okay, Dokucha; I know you only meant to protect him; I'm not mad at you," he reassured her as she nuzzled into him.
He looked up, returning the attention to the fire-user
"Her strength wasn't anything to scoff at and at first I thought it was the Toshi-Toshi no mi, but that fruit was consumed by Jewelry Bonnie," he recalled
"Not to mention that The fruit wouldn't change your body the way it did to her; it would only age you up, so that wouldn't explain the teeth, the eyes and the horn," he said, petting her head as she slowly dozed off.
“Seriously, you guys need to lay off on the staring”
"The cherry on the cake to that was the fact that the injuries she got from our squabble and any other injuries she has ever received healed instantly, much like the Tori-tori no mi Moderu Fenniksu, but last I checked, I'm still alive, and kicking so she can't be the holder of that fruit" he listed, ignoring his previous statement
"She could have just had a different fruit that was capable of those things." Ace pointed out a frown on his face
"Hmm, I thought so too, but I found it weird how, despite her incredible regeneration, she seemed to be incredibly sensitive to the sun, getting quite the nasty burns when she left that umbrella of hers; those are the only injuries I have ever needed to treat on her, it was peculiar but a devil fruit still could have been to blame, until I saw her swimming in one of the islands we stopped in, no care in the world and definitely not weakened by it."
"Hah, I guess we weren't the best at hiding it," grumbled Ace
"You sucked at it," Marco affirmed
"Okay, now you're going too far," he glowered, the scowl on his face growing as the doctor simply threw a smile his way. 
"Do..do you know of a cure?" he asked tentatively.
" I do not." 
Ace sighed at that, slumping down in defeat.
"But I'm sure we will find something; I have gathered a good amount of journals and information over the last few years. I don't doubt that the solution is among one of the journals; we just need to look through them,"
"I have been looking through books and information for the last three years. What makes this any difference? "
"The Difference, Ace, is that you were alone, at most with your crew You had what, twenty people? On the other hand, we have more than a thousand in the main crew alone, and that is without taking into account the dozens of subordinate crews and affiliates."
"I see the humility runs deep here," he mutters sarcastically, giving him an unimpressed look.
"Watch it."
He rolled his eyes, waving him off.   
"Do you really think we can find something?"
"You guys may have just recently joined, but you are as much as our siblings as anyone else, not to mention that everyone would do anything for their only sister."
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WHAT DO YOU THINK? Again i loved writing this, Like i can just picture Ace dumfounded look as he realized that the crew did not give two craps about it almost everyone already knew, he thought he was being so sneaky. What we thinking of southern Thatch again?
Also cosmo, next request is also yours XD red pirate/whitebeard one. AND after that I have yours holo, second attempt
Fic specific taglist (Alarm bell for part 2)
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
Helloo this is my first time asking here so I'm not entirely sure if I'm doing this correctly haha...
Could you do a Vash x shy reader where they can't look at him for too long because they think he's too good looking? Sorry if the request was too weird XD
You're fine I understand the request! He is just so pretty lol hope you enjoy it! I had too much fun with this, lol I feel like sometimes you’ll never know what you’ll get when you request from me! I also don't know what I'm doing! I just like writing fun and light scenes. 
Edit: Vash won the poll I know it’s not over, but it was a landslide lol a Wolfwood x Reader will go up tomorrow :)
'One step closer, we're gonna be alright'
Vash X Reader
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You woke with a soft yawn, sleeping in the car wasn’t the best but sometimes it was your ragtag group's only option. You just didn’t remember the car window being so comfy and soft. Opening your eyes slowly, and glancing over your make a strangled noise of surprise. 
Blushing brightly at the knowledge that you had been using Vash’s shoulder as a pillow, you pick your head up trying not to wake the man up in the process. God, you hate how he makes your heart race and he’s not even awake! 
Luck wasn’t on your side as you watch Vash yawn, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes it forces him to push his glasses up and the whole movement is just too cute for your heart. He looks over at you, his eyes lighting up once he sees you awake. “Sleep well?” If it was anyone else you would figure he was teasing you, but since it was well Vash you know he was genuinely asking. 
Looking away and out the window, you noticed the car was stopped and well it was just you and Vash. “Fine… where’s everyone else?” You ask trying to change the subject, God you can't even look at the man, hands fisted nervously in your lap.
You watch Vash out of the corner of your eye as he stretches taking up most of the back seat, you can't blame him it gets really cramped in here. “Stopped to stretch their legs and refill the car, I didn't want to wake you up.” He must have fallen asleep then as well or pretended to. Your hands go to your face, great so everyone else probably saw that too. 
Before you can say anything, the door on your side is thrown open Wolfwood shoves you towards Vash and you crash into him, “Your hoggin the seat.” he says this with a smirk as he looks at you, glaring at him you kick him right in the shin and he lets out a little ‘hey!’ Wolfwood gets over it and laughs when your entire face turns red when Vash puts his hands on your shoulders to adjust you in the middle seat. 
Giving Wolfwood the finger, you quietly thank Vash. The three of you settle in the back, while Meryl gets into the driver's seat, and Roberto in the passenger seat. The car starts and heads out into the dunes, it's still night and while you’d like to get more sleep you were too wired, sitting in between the two men. It's when you feel a shove, glaring at Wolfwood as he subtly shoves you into Vash, you know exactly what he's doing.
“Stop touching me.” You snap at him quietly, God the eavesdropping little shit was pissing you off! You wish you never admitted your crush on Vash to Meryl! You had no idea the Undertaker had been around the corner and he’d been harassing you ever since. You got so flustered around Vash that it was painful, and Wolfwood loved torturing you. 
“I'm not.” He replies, as he shoves you more into Vash, you can hear Vash sigh beside you. Probably tired of the childish arguments, your shoulder presses into the blonde, but you're too annoyed to notice. “You're touching me right now!” “Am not” the argument continues, as the others in the car ignore the two of you too tired to really care. 
You turn, your back pressing into Vash's side, and you bring your knees up and kick at Wolfwood, who just blocks your kicks yelling at you that you are cheating. How can you even cheat at whatever the hell this was?
“Why don't we switch.” Vash interrupts always the peacekeeper; he looks at you with a smile. And it makes you shut your mouth, “Great idea.” Wolfwood says with a chuckle, as Meryl sighs “We're not pulling over because the kids are fighting.” she glances at you through the review mirror you just stick your tongue out at her. 
“Here just let me.” You let out a yelp as Wolfwood grabs your legs and pulls you towards him. He maneuvers you easily enough, you doubt you weigh anything to him with that gun he carries around. Yelling at him to let you go, he manages to very awkwardly scoop you into his arms. And with a very sharp turn, he throws you at Vash who lets out a startled yelp his arms shooting to catch you and make sure you don't hit your head on anything. 
You ungracefully land right in Vash's lap, one of his hands behind your head to brace it and the other wrapping around your waist. He's telling Wolfwood off, but all you can do is stare at his pretty face as he argues with the other man. He really is so pretty, and oh he's looking right at you and talking… wait what is he saying. “What?” you practically squeak at him, his brows furrow, God this is probably the longest you’ve held eye contact with him!
“Are you alright?” He asks with concern in his eyes before you can answer Wolfwood does for you, “Oh they are more than alright now, and I'm sure extra comfy.” You get some satisfaction when you kick him right in the side and he gives a little ‘oof’ You let out a gasp when you feel Vash grip your waist with both his hands, he moves you so now you are sitting by the door and him in the middle. 
You swear he gives you a light squeeze before letting go, you’re going to die of embarrassment! With a shy thanks, you have to look away when he gives you a gentle closed-eye smile. Leaning your face on the cool window, you beg for your blush to vanish. You don't know how much longer you can handle this crush on Vash, you can barely even look at the blonde and he was just way too sweet to you! 
With a soft sigh, you close your eyes, you didn't know how long it would be till the next town and you need to calm your racing heart anyway. You are on the verge of falling asleep, when you feel something soft and warm drape over you, cracking your eyes open a bit to see what it is your heart skips a beat when you recognize Vash’s red coat. 
Forcing your eyes close as you feel Vash shift beside you, his hands are light and quick as he adjusts the coat around you making sure you are covered. Comfy and feeling safe you fall asleep to Wolfwoods light scoff, and Vash shushing him. 
a/n: Part 2? :3 aka an excuse for me to write another confession with Vash! only my favorite thing! Part 2 is up!
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tytarax · 4 months
I saw your requests can I request if it’s okay a Kiribaku and or Denkishinso comfort for getting hurt on the job or getting tired from a long day art work?
I literally did both in both scenarios XD. Enjoyed writing it anyway.
I hope you like it as much as I did.
Pure fluff <3
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The sun was setting over the city, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets below. The day had been long, filled with challenges and dangers, but you had finally made it back home. The apartment was quiet as you entered, the only sound being the soft hum of the refrigerator and the distant sounds of the city outside.
You dropped your bag by the door and sighed, feeling the weight of the day settling on your shoulders. Your body ached, every muscle protesting against the strain of the mission. You were tired, bone tired, and all you wanted was to sink into the comfort of your bed and forget about the world for a while.
But as you made your way through the apartment, you heard voices coming from the living room. Curiosity piqued, you followed the sound and found Katsuki and Eijiro sitting on the couch, talking quietly. They looked up as you entered, their expressions shifting from concern to relief at the sight of you.
"Hey, you're back," Kirishima said, standing up and approaching you. "Are you okay? You look exhausted."
You managed a weak smile, leaning into his touch as he brushed a hand against your cheek. "I'm fine, just tired. It was a tough mission."
Bakugo stood up as well, his gaze sharp as he assessed your condition. "You're injured," he said, his voice tight with worry.
You glanced down at yourself, noticing for the first time the cuts and bruises marring your skin. They were nothing serious, just the usual wear and tear of hero work, but Bakugo's concern made your heart ache.
"It's nothing, really," you said, trying to reassure him. "Just a few scratches."
Bakugo didn't look convinced, but he nodded, his expression softening slightly. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up," he said, taking your hand and leading you to the bathroom.
Kirishima followed close behind, grabbing the first aid kit from the cabinet as Bakugo helped you sit on the edge of the bathtub. They worked together, gentle yet efficient, cleaning and bandaging your wounds with practiced hands. The whole time, they stayed silent, their presence a comforting anchor in the midst of your exhaustion.
Once they were done, Bakugo stood back, studying their handiwork with a critical eye. "There," he said, his voice gruff. "All patched up."
You thanked them, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over you. They had taken care of you without hesitation, their concern and care a balm to your weary soul.
"Why don't you go rest?" Kirishima suggested, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "We'll take care of dinner tonight."
You nodded, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over you. "Thank you," you said, standing up slowly. "I don't know what I'd do without you guys."
Bakugo snorted, rolling his eyes. "Don't get all sappy on us," he said, but there was a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
You smiled back, feeling a warmth spreading through your chest. They may not say it often, but their actions spoke louder than words. They were your rock, your support, and you were grateful for them every day.
As you made your way to bed, you knew that no matter how tough the world may be, as long as you had Kats and Ei by your side, you could face anything that came your way.
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As you arrived home after a grueling mission, the weight of exhaustion and aches settled heavily upon your shoulders. The day had been long, filled with danger and adrenaline, leaving you battered and bruised. With a weary sigh, you pushed open the door to your shared apartment, the soft click echoing in the quiet space.
Denki Kaminari and Hitoshi Shinso were both lounging on the couch, engrossed in a video game, their laughter filling the room. However, as they caught sight of you, their expressions shifted from amusement to concern in an instant. Denki's eyes widened with worry, while Hitoshi's usual stoic demeanor softened with empathy.
"Hey, are you okay?" Denki asked, jumping up from his seat and rushing over to you. Hitoshi followed suit, his gaze never leaving your tired form.
You managed a weak smile, trying to reassure them despite the pain throbbing through your body. "I'm fine, just a bit banged up," you replied hoarsely.
Without another word, Denki gently guided you to the couch, while Hitoshi disappeared into the kitchen. Moments later, he returned with a first aid kit and a glass of water. Hitoshi knelt in front of you, his hands deftly tending to your injuries with a gentle touch that belied his usual aloof exterior.
Denki hovered nearby, his worry evident in every line of his face. "You should have told us you were hurt," he chided softly.
You shook your head weakly. "I didn't want to worry you guys"
Hitoshi finished bandaging your wounds and handed you the glass of water. "You're part of this team too," he said quietly. "We're here for each other."
Denki nodded in agreement, his eyes filled with unspoken emotions. "Yeah, we've got your back no matter what."
As you leaned back against the cushions, feeling their unwavering support enveloping you like a warm embrace, you couldn't help but be grateful for having Denki and Hitoshi by your side. At that moment, despite the pain and weariness that weighed heavily upon you, there was nowhere else you'd rather be than here with them – your teammates, your friends, your family.
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luimagines · 7 months
I dare you to do one with your favorite trope to write (unless you've already done it)
Oh my goodness, this might be longer that usual. XD
And I really had to think about what I wanted to write. I think I'll make this a one-shot. (unless you guys want more anyway) Prepare for this to be as self indulgent as hell. :D
And I'll make it Time while I'm at it.
Content under the cut!
This was the third time this week that you found something like this. You didn't know who was doing this.
A basket, filled to the brim with goodies and trinkets alike, sat properly outside of your window sill. It would be charming if you weren't on the third floor. Someone was climbing up to your balcony and leaving the baskets for you to find.
It was creepy- to a degree. There was never anything malicious about it though. The baskets typically held a flower, a warm meal (or groceries) and some little thing for you to put around your apartment.
You see, you moved to the Kingdom of Kokiri with nothing but a backpack and small child's wagon. Your apartment wasn't even on a nicer side of town. But it hard to be worried about robbers when you're home is bare and empty.
Slowly, that's been changing though. The baskets always had a poem attached, but no name. You secret admirer would give little things from time to time. The baskets are getting more frequent too.
What used to be a small monthly thing, turned weekly then bi weekly- and you're beginning to suspect that they're turning into a daily thing.
Part of you worries that whoever this is, is spending too much on you.
But seeing that the last basket had a new set of dining wear with plates and cups and a some nice utensils to match- you're not inclined to have them stop anytime soon when they're improve your very living conditions as it is. Even if you feel a little guilty.
That being said, this basket had a warm meal already prepared, still steaming in the glass tupperware. There was a small bouquet of roses near the top and a small little box that you opened to see a single slice of chocolate cake.
The card was attached on the inside but it lacked the typical poem. It simple read: "Rest well, Love. You've worked hard today. Dinner's on me. I just want to see you smile in the morning."
You smiles and tucked the card back into its place, bringing the basket back into your apartment.
You have to figure out who this secret admirer of yours is. It has to be someone with access to your floor but it can't be a neighbor. Right? You're on the corner so it can't be anyone to your left. But maybe your neighbor to the right? That's a creepy thought. You hardy ever see him and you don't think he showers throughout the week.
It can't be him. Or at least you're going to deny it.
Maybe it's someone from above? That's more likely. There is this cute guy that you know lives on the floor above you, but you don't know which apartment. It wouldn't be hard to drop the basket secretively onto your balcony from above if that was the case.
The thought rotates in your head as you eat the food. It's delicious. Decadent, even.
Gratitude fills your heart and soul. you have to return the favor somehow after everything this person has provided for you. But how?
You head to bed with a smile on your face and a full stomach. You'll have to start small but you can think of something.
The next morning you head to the castle and walk straight to the throne room.
It was a deal that the king had proposed personally to you. You get to work concern free in his kingdom but you have to report to him every other Tuesday. Seeing as you had nowhere else to go, you didn't think it wise to refuse.
You've grown somewhat close, but with his power and status by his side, you couldn't help but slightly intimidated by him even now.
The king- like most Royals of Kingdoms of Hyrule- was a dragon. Sure, he could take the form of a typical man, but he stayed in his half form more often than not. His age and strength add to his credentials. As the current senior amongst dragons, all you've gathered is that he's lived longer than he appears. The older the dragon, the stronger they are.
King Link is a force to be reckoned with.
However, he's kind and patient with you. He's not all that bad.
You nod and grin at the Captain, who's affectionately called Warrior. Another dragon hidden among the people. You don't know his story, but he's a hard working fellow. He also came to the king in a time of need, looking for asylum and has been working under his employ ever since. He is the king's right hand man.
Warrior smiles back and salutes you softly as you enter. You'll never understand why you've more or less been given free reign of the castle, but with his approval, you feel better to head on in.
You meet the king and curtsy clumsily, still feeling rushed. He's asked you call him Time and he stands from the throne. His face is kind, amused even. A chuckle tumbles out of him as he walks toward you, his marble like tail swinging behind him. "I thought we were passed the formalities, my dear."
You clear your throat. "Were we? I don't recall."
He laughs again. "Come. We have much to discuss."
You nod and follow. He leads you to the back room with a gentle touch the small of your back. It's a familiar routine that you've grown comfortable with.
There's a small rounded table with a pale blue laced table cloth. There's a delicate tea set and it's covered to the brim with snacks and treats alike. You think you see a few of your favorites and your eyes light up at the sight.
King Time notices and he smiles, pleased. "Sit."
You nod and take your usual spot. Time sits across from you and serves you the pieces that you eyes earlier. You almost feel bad. You're still full from the night before.
Time notices. "Something wrong, dear?"
"No." You shake your head, afraid of insulting him. "Someone gave me dinner last night and I'm still a bit full from it."
Time seemed to be shocked by the tidbit. "Really?... Was it good?"
"It was delicious!" You can't help but gush. "I would normally cook for myself but they send food from time to time and it was still warm so I couldn't resist."
His smile turns a little tight. "Is that so? I'm glad that you were fed adequately then.... May I ask who?"
You falter, the smile on your face turning more soft and shy. "Um... I think it was my neighbor..."
"...You don't know who it is?"
You blush and look down onto the table, playing with the treats on your plate. "I know that I should be more cautious. But they've only ever left it on my balcony... It's a secret admirer so to speak. They've given me trinkets and flowers and food. It seems as if they've slowly been furnishing my house for me. I don't know... I've been trying to think about who it may be, but I'm coming up short. Regardless, enough about my lack of love life-"
Time abruptly puts his hand under the table but you catch the reason why before he can hide it.
He's bent the fork in half with his hand, seemingly without realizing it. He smiles brightly, as if nothing happened and the thought gets put on the back burner for now. "Right... Well, you can always ask for my assistance, Darling."
You shake your head with a small smile. "Thank you, but I'm here to report my work. Let's get to business then."
Time clenches his jaw slightly but nods in agreement. "Right. I believe last time you mentioned that you were following a trail of some suspicious individuals on the property of the farm lands for relief efforts. Did that bloom into anything substantial?"
You pull out a manila folder with a smirk and hand it to the king. "Did it ever."
The time passes before you know it. Little by little, as you give your report, if drifts away and you're talking about your lives as much as you can before you leave.
Warrior comes in, informing Time of another meeting has to attend. He looks apologetic.
The king winces but you're quick to stand up, mid panic. "I'm sorry. I've overstayed my welcome."
"Impossible." Time blurts, standing abruptly as well. He reach out as if to stop you and moves around the table as if to block your path. His tail curls around your ankle, stopping your in your tracks. It's gentle but firm. Even if his grip is painless, you can already tell that you wouldn't be able to escape on your own.
You freeze and after a beat he lets you go. Time gulps and stands, seemingly more aware of what he was doing. His grip falls away and he takes a step back. "R-right... I won't keep you from your work much longer then."
You can't help but blush. He's always been fine with putting a hand on your shoulder or your back... but the tail is one of the most sensitive parts of a dragon. And he just grabbed you with it. For some reason, you find yourself blushing.
You nod dumbly, as if your schedule is jammed packed like his. Your heart is pounding. You follow Warrior out of the room as he leads you back to the main gate of the castle.
"Sorry." Warrior says quietly. "I didn't mean to interrupt."
"Nonono-" You're still shaken by the phantom feelings of the scales around you. Even if it was just a brush, there was a power there. You don't know why you're so out of whack suddenly. The act was more intimate than you were able to admit. "If you didn't say anything, I would have kept going. Honestly, I swear he's just humoring most of the time."
"This is the only time we get him to actually take a break." Warrior tells you. "He'd work himself t the bone if it weren't for you. It's not like he can't afford it. He's two years ahead of his work. By all means, keep him there longer."
You flush and look away, walking out of the gate. "Oh please, he'll get sick of me before we'd know it."
Warrior is quick to bite his tongue, biting back the instant retort that no doubt sat on his tongue. He takes a breath and shakes his head.
"...He likes you." Warrior looks pained. Like there's something there that he wants to say but can't. You don't see it. "Would you like me to walk you home? If I recall you live far enough away-"
"Not enough to cause concern, Captain." You smile and pat his shoulder. "But thank you."
"His Majesty wouldn't like it if anything happened to you." Warrior tries to push it a little bit.
You shake you head. "And take more of your time away? You work just as hard, if not harder, than the entirety of the castle staff. I think only the King works harder than you."
He presses his lips into a thin line. His own scales poke from under his skin. Something is riling him up but you don't know what. You've never seen his dragon form or even his half. He seems to hide it more often than not. You would never know he was a dragon if the King hadn't said anything earlier.
Warrior sighs and runs his hands through his hair. "Very well... Just... be safe, yeah? I don't think the goddesses themselves would be able to calm the king should things go wrong."
"Like what?" You snort. "I end up in the hospital? I'll be fine. No worries."
You wink for good measure and head home, happy, fulfilled and ready to take on the rest of the week.
You miss the next three visits.
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imastrangeone98 · 11 months
(A/N: yes to blade, yes to everything about him 🩵)
WARNING: extremely ooc!blade cuz stoic men are hard to write, fem!reader, smut smut, minors get the hell out of here or I'll smack u to Heaven and back; more plot than there should be tbh; also y/n lowkey being the stellaron hunters' favorite member XD
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Being alone with Blade in the hideout is not how you wanted to spend your day, yet here you are.
Agonizing over the lack of Kafka and Silver Wolf (your two greatest- and only- friends in the Stellaron Hunters) helps distract you as you sweep the floor of the Hunters' newly occupied hideout.
It also helps keep your mind off your unexpected companion... the man you've been trying to avoid for the past few weeks.
It's not that you didn't like him- quite the opposite, in fact. Your feelings for the broody swordsman were... complicated. Of course he was visibly attractive, as well as emotionally volatile; you'd be blind to not notice it.
But you grew to enjoy seeing his reactions to the smallest of things- from his disgust at the tomatoes in his sandwich, to the smallest curl of his lip at the sight of a whetstone for his sword, to the faintest glimpse of peace in his eyes when he watches the sunset.
You grew to love him. How could you not fall for the sensitive soul who secretly fed the stray kittens near the base, who joined Silver Wolf on the couch to watch her play games, who quietly thanked you every time you patched up the wounds his healing factor could not, even though it was your job?
Your heart blooms when you're near him. But you know better than to think he feels the same way.
Kafka had told you of his reasons for joining the Hunters: a thirst for revenge against all who wronged him, and the undying desire for eternal sleep. His path of vengeance meant no room for any unnecessary things, you included.
You will never be a part of Blade's world.
So you keep your feelings under lock and key, choosing to ignore the fluttering of your heart whenever he helps you with the dishes, when he silently joins you on your trips to the market for groceries, even when he hands you a small souvenir from whatever planet his mission was in.
"Bladie certainly likes to give you special treatment," Kafka had teased you once as she helped blow dry your hair. "Any more of his flirting, and I might just have to fight him for attention~"
"Oh please, be serious, Kaf." You rolled your eyes at the thought. "Blade would never be interested in romance, especially with a dime-a-dozen medic like me. Besides, have you seen the way he looks at that bracer?"
"Well, if he doesn't want you, I don't mind picking up the slack~"
You smacked her for that. But even though she hadn't used her Spirit Whisper on you that day, her words stayed in your mind long after the conversation was over.
Her voice echoed in the back of your mind after that night, when you had encountered him broken and lost in the middle of the night, aching from pains you could not understand. You had taken him in your arms, unable to watch him suffer, and sung him to slumber, watching as his eyes slowly drifted closed as he relaxed in your hold.
Putting him to bed was no easy task, but it was when you were about to pull away that your problem truly began.
"Stay," Blade whispered, soft and drowsy- a sound you didn't think him capable of. It left you speechless, even as he pawed at you to pull you closer to him. "Stay here tonight."
The warning to stay away should have rung in your mind. But when he gazed at you with wide, almost desperate eyes, you could not say no. And so you stayed that night, his head resting on your chest, falling asleep to the sound of your racing heartbeat.
You shouldn't have. Because now you're stuck in this situation, trapped in a corner, with the man haunting your thoughts hovering above you, a dangerous gleam in his eye that sends a shiver down your spine.
"C- can I help you?" you squeak out, a bead of sweat on your forehead. "I'll get started on dinner pretty soon-"
"You are very difficult to get a hold of." Blade cuts you off, leaning closer to you, nose brushing against yours. "Now you have nowhere to go... and no one to hide you."
You gulp. Aeons, you wish Kafka and Silver Wolf were here right now.
"You've been avoiding me. Why?"
Your cheeks feel hot at his question. Is he really that daft? (No, he isn't. He just likes seeing you flustered; but you don't have to know that just yet.)
"I have no idea what you're talking about," you splutter. He stares at you, exasperated. "I'm treating you just as I always do!"
"...You're terrible at lying." He sighs and finally leans away from you; you hadn't realized you were holding your breath. But you're still not off the hook, because he slides a finger under your chin and tilts your head to maintain your gaze on him. "Since you're not willing to be honest, I will. You disappearing in the morning wasn't particularly... enjoyable for me. And here I thought we were getting close."
Blade lightly scratches your chin, and aeons, if your face wasn't hot before, it's burning now.
"If you didn't like me, you could have just said so. I thought-" He stops himself, but his wide eyes speak the words he cannot vocalize.
Your heart threatens to burst. You have tell yourself it's not real. There's no way this is real. Blade does not like you. Blade is not capable of love. He desires only revenge against the many who wronged him, against the one who holds the other half of his bracer, the key to his heart.
Blade does not love you. He loves only what you briefly gave him because he lacked so much of it in his mysterious past that he instinctively reached out to the first person who gave him scraps of what he deserved.
And that knowledge breaks your heart.
"...You don't know what you're saying," you say stiffly, your grip on the broom tightening. "You must be confused. When Kafka returns, I'll ask her to use her Spirit-"
"Stop," he growls, pressing against you once more. He's so heavy he nearly squeezes the air from your lungs. "I don't know what you're thinking, but that's enough."
Aeons, you're insufferable. Yet he can't stay mad at you, not when your expressions are so cute. He gently cradles your face, fingers lightly tracing your cheeks, the corners of your eyes, your soft lips.
He wants to kiss you. He wants to know if you taste as sweet as you look. If your voice is just as sweet singing his name as you sing your songs that soothe his soul, his mara, better than any of your healing balms or even Kafka's Spirit Whisper.
"Why won't you let me in, you stubborn woman?" Blade whispers, eyeing your confusion, your hurt that he doesn't understand. "What pains you so, that you won't even look at me?"
You grit your teeth. How can you tell him that what pains you is the very thing that brings his immortal life meaning? That you're just trying to make his life easier by not interfering with his plans with your own, temporary issues?
But nothing comes out except a half-hearted, "Nothing you need to concern yourself with."
"Bullshit," he hisses. "Everything you do concerns me. Your existence concerns me."
Your hands squeeze into fists. "And why's that? Am I that much of an inconvenience to you?!"
His lips curl into a pained smile. "Like you wouldn't imagine. You make me think of things that I don't need..." He glances down at his feet for a brief, long second, then looks back at you. His eyes are aglow with something you can't describe. "That I don't deserve to think of."
For as much as you want to harden your heart, Blade's words make your attempts meaningless. It's so full of fear and longing that you want to reach out and touch him, hold him close to your heart and never let him go.
You swallow, somehow feeling more nervous than before at what you're about to ask. But you want to know. You need to know, for your poor heart. "...And what is it that you think you don't deserve?"
His gaze softens. Blade leans down once more, and you feel his breath on your lips. He smells nice, you think hazily. Suddenly, you feel overwhelmed, too hyper aware of everything- his scent, the gentle brush of his fingers on your chin, the flecks of gold in his eyes.
"You," he whispers, and softly presses his lips to yours.
He's warm against you. His arms are strong as they wrap around you, pulling you into his firm chest. Before you're fully swept into the storm that is Blade, a funny thought flits through your mind: for a man with such a sharp name, he feels so warm in your arms.
He groans against your mouth, hands moving to your cheeks, coaxing your lips open to slide his tongue inside, feeling every part of you. You're so soft, so sweet, so perfect- he swears that you must have been crafted by the aeons themselves to fit his taste, to his hold. He has to fight against every cell in his body to not rip your clothes off and take you against the filthy walls. As badly as he wants to taste you properly, he needs to move this elsewhere. You deserve better than the cold corner he trapped you in. (And if Kafka shows up early, he doesn't want her to witness the filthy things he wants to do to you. But the marks he'll leave... That's fair game.)
When he finally pulls away, you're left breathless, chest heaving, and your lips tingle with the heat of his own. Blade nuzzles against your neck, and leaves kisses down your throat.
"Come on," he whispers against your skin, and tugs at your sleeve. "Stay with me tonight."
It feels too good to be true. You should be more suspicious. Blade does not love. Blade does not care for love. He does not love you.
He doesn't...
But he smiles at you- a soft, innocent smile that tugs at the corners of his eyes- and you fall into him, helpless.
When he offers you his hand, you don't hesitate to take it.
Maybe you're too hypnotized by him, but time melts into one hazy fog of memories. He's gentle- leading you to his room, lying you down on his bed, peeling off your clothes, piece by piece, until you're left bare and wanting. He stares at you hungrily, but he makes no move to devour you just yet.
He's slow, too. Watching him remove his garments- untying his belts and vest, sliding off his glove, unwrapping his bandages- it was torture. You huff, displeased, and reach out to him to lend a hand, but he lightly smacks it away, a playful smirk on his face.
"Patience," he teases, "and I'll give you what you want... and more."
To drive his words home, he moves even slower. By the time he's kicked off his shoes and pants, you've given up on being patient and paw at his boxers, much to his amusement. His cock finally springs free, and you gulp- it's big. Thick at the base, you wonder how it'll fit you. But you can't resist the temptation to lean forward and lick the tip. He groans above you, hands resting on the back of your head to push you further against his groin.
You're so cute. He watches you, hearts in his eyes, slurping away at his cock, clumsy hands rubbing at the parts you can't fit. You reek of inexperience, but it's okay. He has more than enough time to teach you, and he'll enjoy every second of it.
But for now, he lets himself relax and enjoy the warmth of your throat. The urge to cum rises its head, but he pushes it back. Not yet. Not until he feels you properly. (But he can't deny the mental image of his seed dripping from your mouth is incredibly arousing.)
It's when you begin to choke on his length that Blade pulls himself out of his pleasure-induced stupor, and he pulls you off of him to lay down on his bed. He follows you, resting on one arm above your head while his other hand trails down your neck, to your breasts (sparing a few seconds to fondle and squeeze each one), down your belly to your thighs, lightly tapping your wet mound.
"I'm gonna stretch you out now," he says, making sure you're paying attention to him. "Or it'll hurt when I go in."
It hits you: he's done this before. The bracer flashes in your mind. For a brief moment, you think to pull away and return to your room alone, to lick at the wounds to your sensitive pride.
But you hear him call to you, soft kisses being pressed onto your cheeks, and you are pulled away from the storm into his solid embrace.
"You're thinking again," he sighs, and he moves to kiss the corner of your mouth. "Whatever it is, think of it tomorrow. Just let me in; look at me."
Blade rubs his cheek against yours, giving you a reassuring look, then you feel his fingers, long and calloused, brush against your sensitive hole. You gasp at the unfamiliar feeling and squirm, but he keeps you firm, kissing you deeply to distract you from the way they slowly press inside you.
Your walls are tight. Blade wants so badly to pull his fingers out and devour you from the source, slurp up every last drop of your essence. But he grasps hold on the last few strings of his unraveling patience, not giving in to his desires just yet. He needs to do this, lest you cry in pain when he finally pushes inside you. So he finds solace in your softness, in the rhythmic squeezing of your silky cunt, carefully stretching you out.
A tear slips out of your eyes at the painful pleasure, and he kisses it away. "There we go. You're ready," he murmurs, pulling his fingers out, your whines at the emptiness music to his ears. He brings them to his mouth, sucking off your juices and moaning at the taste.
"Don't... don't do that," you whimper beneath him. You stare at him so innocently, he wants to ruin you. "It's yucky..."
"It's you," he corrects you, and he adjusts himself so he's between your legs. He smooths his hands down your thighs and positions his cock right at your entrance. When the tip catches onto your hole, you both sigh in pleasure. "Nothing about you is 'yucky.'"
With that, he finally- finally thrusts inside you. You yelp at the intrusion- he stretched you out, but aeons, it's still painful... and he's still not fully inside you. Whimpering, you claw at his scarred shoulders, nails raking down his back. He groans at the sting, leaning down to kiss you, unable to escape your addicting lips.
He can't move. He's trapped by the tightness of your pussy, your wet warmth distracting him from the main course. But your cries of his name pull him out of that haze, reminding him of what he needs to do.
"You're okay," he manages to heave out, cupping your cheek before pressing his chest to yours, mouth smushed against your ear. "I'm here. I'm gonna move."
You whine a weak "Blade..." but he shushes you.
"...What?" you ask hesitantly.
"My name. My real name. Ren."
Oh, aeons. Your voice is so beautiful saying his long-forgotten name, he nearly came inside you. But he works up the strength to push his cock deeper, until his hips meet yours with a wet slap.
You wail, chanting his name- his true name- as he builds up a semi-steady rhythm. And he makes love to you, for aeons knows how long, hypnotized by your sounds, your smell, your touches on his body as you scratch at him and bite his neck, as if leaving your mark on him. (He wishes he didn't have his healing factor. He wants your scratches to last. He wants to look at them in the morning.)
You manage to cradle his face in your palm and turn him towards you. You take the time to admire him- his gorgeous red eyes, his bare chest gleaming with sweat, his long hair forming a curtain around you, narrowing your sight to him, and only him. So it's just Blade.
No... Ren.
Your heart clenches at his amorous gaze, as if showing his devotion to you, and only you. You do not know if he loves you... if he is capable of loving you. You do not know if he will come to regret this come morning. But you will embrace him, and smile at him, like you do now.
Because you love him. You cannot deny it anymore. You love Ren.
"Ren..." you call out once more.
And he answers you. "Yes." His voice is breathy, and his touch gentle, for he cups your cheek in his hand and rubs soft circles into your sensitive skin.
He may not love you, but you love him. And that is all you need. And you let your love consume you.
You say his name so much you lose count. And he responds every time, sometimes with words, sometimes with his lips. Until he grabs your thighs and folds you nearly in half, hips now slamming into yours as he buries his length inside you even deeper than you thought possible. Your eyes cross and you howl at how impossibly deep he feels, pressing buttons you never knew existed.
Blade moans, drunk on his pleasure, on your sweet, sweet pussy. He feels that unfamiliar tightness in his loins, his balls aching for release. But he needs you there with him, standing at the edge of that cliff right by his side.
"'M close," he whispers hoarsely. His hand flies to your hidden pearl, rubbing at your clit through your folds. You whine pitifully, but this time, he pays no heed. "I need you, come on, I need you-!"
The burning warmth in your gut spreads faster at his rough administrations. You squeal at how sensitive you feel, but you can't outrun it. The heat reaches to your limbs, your eyesight is hazy, and all you see, feel, smell, know is Ren.
Ren, who grasps hold of your hand, urging you to jump off with him. And aeons, he looks so beautiful doing it.
You can't help the words that slip past your mouth: "I love you."
And you jump. You plummet into the canyon, hands intertwined, and you're swept under the waves of indescribable ecstasy that makes you see galaxies. You feel warm, much like the ropes of warm seed that fill you.
Your mind is foggy, but Blade's sighs of pleasure are clear and bright. You feel him thrust inside you, once, twice, four times, before collapsing on top of you. He nuzzles into your neck, taking in lungfuls of your scent, committing it to his memory so he can never part from it.
With shaking arms, you manage to run your hands through his hair, massaging his scalp and untangling the soft strands, trying to shake your sudden nerves as you realize what you just said in the throes of your first orgasm.
I love you.
But if he noticed, then he hasn't spoken up about it. Instead, he shudders at your touch, pushing his head further into your hands, a silent urge to continue. So you do, until your eyes can no longer stay open, and your hands fall limp in his hair.
He pushes himself up and gathers you in his arms, pressing you to his chest, close to his pounding heart. And he takes the time to admire your drowsy form, so vulnerable and soft, so trusting.
"You terrify me," is all he can whisper before he joins you into slumber.
Because you make him not want to seek death. But he knows he must search for it, now more fervently than before. So that when your time inevitably comes...
...He will be able to follow you.
"It seems like you and Bladie have been rather close these days~ Have you two finally fucked and made up?"
You blush at Kafka's stupidly accurate teasing. "Don't say it like that! We just... had a talk, that's all."
Your friend eyes the hickies on your neck with amusement. "Sure... a talk with teeth~"
"When's dinner? Are you gonna make pasta?" Silver Wolf pops up out of nowhere, eyes fixed on her game.
"Do you want pasta?" you ask her with a laugh. She can be so childish sometimes, but you love her nonetheless.
"Yeah. I like your pasta." The gamer moves to sit next to you, but her chosen spot is suddenly occupied as Blade slides in beside you. He gives you a knowing look, before sending a cocky smirk at Silver Wolf, who pouts and complains to Kafka.
You cackle at the sight before you, and slowly rest your head on his shoulder. Blade says nothing, but the way he shifts his body for your comfort and wraps an arm around you tells you everything. You close your eyes in bliss, ignoring the chatter between your two friends as Silver Wolf decides to make a spot on your lap.
Blade is warm beside you. That is enough.
A/N: this b*tch took all my wishes but it's ok I love him. I'll hopefully be able to save enough for Dan heng's dragon form *wink wonk* also I'm reassuring myself that no matter how bad this is, hbo's the idol is far far worse 😃
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peachsayshi · 5 months
Hi Peach! I’m pretty new around here but I’m here to get in on your WIP tag. I wanna take a sneak peek at two different things but to save the effort for you to not do that I would really wanna see what the next Older Brothers Best Friend Geto x Reader pt. 4 🫣
“whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same pt. 4”
⊱ ─── [ ❦ ] ─── ⊰
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄ older brother’s best friend geto x female reader ⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ 
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  minors / ageless / blank blogs (dni)  ↬・tags: (check my masterlist for previous parts) tension; alcohol consumption; reader is gojo’s sister; reader has a big fat crush on geto; size difference; kind of angsty but that's because I'm keeping this as an on going drabble as ideas hit me; this ends a bit abruptly but there will be more parts once I conjure up some other ideas( age gap; reader is 22 and geto is 27
⥽ notes: hello! thank you so much for reaching out, and I'll be happy to add you to the tag list! I was originally going to share just a snippet, but in honor of suguru's birthday I decided to go back and clean up the next part to share with you! I know I said I was taking a break from geto fics but something sparked when I reread this XD I hope you enjoy this update hehe
You're hyper aware of the confined space, of the sound of the car slowly purring when Suguru hits the acceleration, of the intoxicating aroma wafting off of his body, and of the gnawing, aching silence that's hanging heavy in the air.
The two of you haven't said a single word to each other once you dropped off your friends. Suguru tried to eliminate the awkwardness by turning on the radio, but the sound of the low bass was only matching the erratic pace of your heart.
You squeeze your hands into two small fists on your lap, keeping yours eyes on the road as you tuck your bottom lip between your teeth. Your cheeks sting with embarrassment, the heat scorching the apple of your cheeks. You bounce your leg up and down, trying to steady your breath as you muddle through your jumbled up thoughts. A shiver ripples along your exposed spine when you recall the bubbly tone of your friends voice, cringing to yourself as you hear her sing "isn't that also the name of the guy you have a crush on?"
You would do anything to hurl yourself out of the car at this very second.
You aren't even sure if you should apologize profusely for her behavior, or to try and offer Suguru some semblance of an explanation behind her statement.
A hand finds your thigh, a gentle touch bringing your awareness to the present. You gaze down and stretch out your tense fists, fingers spreading where the tips barely touch Suguru's palm.
You freeze.
He lightly traces his thumb back and forth, the tender gesture forcing your will to look up at him.
His sharp eyes are still on the road, and he relaxes into his seat while using his other hand to steer the wheel. "Relax, sweetheart," he coos warmly, a hint of a grin ticking at the corner of his mouth, "I'm not going to bite."
There's a tickle in your throat when you speak, your voice leaving your body in timid horror. He makes it so hard for you to conceal yourself - like you're a an open wound bleeding freely before his eyes.
"I'm mortified," you admit quietly, shameful tears forming as the champagne bubbles in your veins.
Suguru's hand doesn't leave you, but hearing your reply cracks the gentle grin on his face.
"Why are you mortified?" he replies steadily, his brow quirking with intrigue but there's a playfulness in his tone that makes you wary, like he's trying to pry the answer out of you himself.
"Um, because of what she said-" you exhale, as you turn away once Suguru tries to catch your stare. You return to look at the tips of your fingers so close to his palm, the slither of distance sending tingles up your forearms.
"Don't sweat it. Besides, nobody is worse than Satoru, right? He's particularly embarrassing when he drinks," Suguru consoles.
You swallow nervously at the mention of your brother, wishing that Suguru didn't bring him up at this very moment. You mindlessly extend your index finger out, the pad slightly ghosting Suguru's knuckle, and your heart flutters when he flexes at the featherlight contact.
The car halts abruptly, and your heart stops.
You didn't even notice that you made it back home.
The street lights around you glow like a thousand stars, a dewy mist hindering their radiant halos. Suguru lifts his hand away from your thigh to shift the gear into park, and you feel an unwanted chill from the vacancy.
"Yeah," you anxiously snigger, trying your best to play off the moment with ease but there's something in your heart that's stopping your performance.
You're defenseless against the influence of the alcohol in your system, the mask you've so carefully been wearing cracking to lay bare the truth beneath.
You breathe out as you undo your seat belt.
"It's just..." you carefully add on, your courage bravely egging you on to just tell Suguru how you really feel.
There's no point in lying, you reiterate. Come clean.
When you turn to face him, you find yourself faltering once again. He looks bigger than he is with you both trapped inside the vehicle. The expanse of his broad shoulders stretching across miles. His dreamy eyes pierce through your own irises, plunging themselves right into the depths of your soul. You're suddenly shrinking under the heat of his gaze, curling into yourself like a small creature hiding in it’s shell.
Suguru tilts his head, always considering you thoughtfully.
You angle your body towards him, wishing you could just pour out your feelings in an effortlessly cool manner. You think about how Utahime, Shoko and Mei Mei act. Each one of them moving and flowing with self assurance that you can only admire.
Right now all you have is the softest parts of you, your delicacy at the forefront. All the drinks you've consumed have eroded away the shield of your concern, and you feel everything spin once again while Suguru remains firmly in his own place.
Strong. Poised. A beacon that your heart keeps gravitating towards again and again. It pounds in your chest - thump, thump, thump - and the longer you linger in his space, the less you find yourself willing to resist your own desire.
"Remember when we um...when we kissed?" you feebly inquire, a slight shiver making your shoulders tremble.
Suguru's eyes dip to your lips, the memory an anchor of temptation that constantly weighs him down when he's around you.
"You were...guiding me, a-and you said something along the lines of how some guys like it when the their partner can be...assertive..." your body moves faster than your mind can catch up with itself. You inch closer, leaning your torso forward as you tilt up your chin to place your face directly in front of his. "There's...there's something I need to tell you..."
Suguru's expression transitions from curiosity to caution. He visibly stiffens when you close the gap, your innocent lips brushing against the corner of his mouth.
"Sweetheart," he mumbles warily, but releases a petite sigh when you press firmly down.
A peck so small for a gesture far, far too big.
"Would it be so bad if I said it?" you wonder, when you notice him visibly stiffen. "Would it be so bad if we just-"
Your mouth goes dry at the thought, your stomach twitching with uncertainty. Your hands find his shoulders, and you trace the outline of his lips with your own, lingering for just a minute as you hold his gaze.
You faintly lick your lips before moving in for a real kiss.
Just like he taught you.
You feel his palm against your waist, a wave of goosebumps bumping all over your bare skin. Suguru parts his lips to grant you entrance, and you hungrily slip your tongue in for a taste. You ribbon your arms around his neck, whimpering gently when he digs his fingers into your flesh. He eagerly returns the kiss, in the same way he did before when the both of you were lying horizontally on his couch. Your lips crush together, your tongues locking into ties and twists.
He drags his electric touch upward, slipping underneath the flimsy fabric of your top. You gasp into the kiss as his fingers tease the curve of your breast, grazing the underside and making you sink your own digits into the forest of his shadowy mane.
But just when you've almost lost yourself into the haze of your addiction, Suguru suddenly pulls away.
Your name spills out of his lips in frustration.
You widen your eyes slightly.
For as long as you've known the man he's always ever addressed you with one of his many cutesy pet names.
His "sweetheart", his "doll", his "princess".
Every one of them left his lips with indifference but they always held so much affection while maintaining a safe distance of attachment.
But hearing your name, which always leaves his lips like an affliction, which he only calls out in moments few and far in between, seizes your heart pitifully.
"We shouldn't," Suguru points out, his voice deeper than the color of his midnight hair. "We can't."
You thought about the girl he was kissing on the night of his party. The way his body tangled in between the fabric of her purple dress.
"Why not?" you press, anticipating your long awaited answer.
You wanted to hear him say it himself - to admit that there was somebody else. Maybe the rejection will help you finally get over this long winded crush. Maybe the heartbreak is just what you needed to set yourself free.
Suguru's hand was still resting precariously underneath your top, but neither of you were perturbed by the intimacy of your bodies loosely intertwined.
"Because," he breathes out bitterly, “I told Satoru that I wouldn't."
Your jaw goes slack, your mouth dropping in obvious surprise when you part your lips.
There's a twitch in his jaw. He dotingly presses his forehead against yours, allowing his eyes to flutter close. Leaning into the touch of the one thing he's forbidden to have.
He slithers his hand away, and your body twinges in agony, like it's begging him not to. Tears prick your eyes, but you aren't sure if it's because you can feel your heart crumple or if you're simply overwhelmed.
"I shouldn't have-" Suguru murmurs, "I shouldn't have let things go so far."
"But-" you sniffle, blinking back your tears and your reaction makes him instantly pliable, like you can mold him easily between your fingers
"Satoru is too familiar with every part of me. Too familiar with my history. The good, and the bad." Suguru explains, "And he's fiercely protective of you."
The truth sinks in, the awareness of yet another obstacle in your way.
You slump in your seat, feeling foolish for not considering the extent of how deep their friendship lies. "Oh."
Your hands fall away from around his neck, and you fidget as you shift to look forward. Your chest hiccups as you try to resist the full shattering of your docile composure.
Suguru's eyes don't leave you.
"I should...um,..." you announce with a furrow of your brow, shedding all aspects of your embarrassment and grief in the hopes to leave them behind in the front seat of his car. "I should go..."
You gather your things, ignoring Suguru when he calls out your name a second time. You slam the door behind you, your heart effectively dwindling into nothing but ashes at your feet.
One tear falls, and then another. You initially perceived that the strike of rejection would bring you a sense of catharsis, a final out of the clutches of these sinking emotions… but you didn't expect the sting to hurt this dreadfully.
You carry your feet with as much strength as you can muster to your front door, fumbling with the keys as you struggle with blurry eyes. You sniffle quietly to yourself again when you insert it into its lock, taking a minute to compose yourself before stepping inside.
You freeze taking a step over the threshold when a brush of warmth traces the outline of your waist.
There’s a shadow that drowns out the light behind you, whispering for your return.
You spin on your heel to find Suguru behind you, his lamenting eyes apologetic.
You quickly wipe any rogue tears away, clearing your throat as he takes another step forward.
“Please,” you beg, “let’s just forget about it…”
Suguru nods his head - not because he wants to, but because he has to.
He doesn’t ask for permission when his hands grip your waist, nor do you deny him the access.
“Please, don’t cry,” he soothes in return, his voice angelic and lovely. “Seeing you upset kills me”
You know it’s the truth.
Suguru has always been blunt about how soft he is towards you - even going as far as putting Satoru in his place when your brother tries to overstep.
“I’m fine, just tipsy…” you lie.
Suguru doesn’t point out your fib - taking it at face value even though he doesn’t want to. You nuzzle into his arms when he extends his embrace, enveloping yourself into his protective hug.
One his hands seeks your jaw, and he cradles it with care, ensuring to handle your fragility with a delicate caress. He tilts your face up towards his helpless eyes, hoping you’ll eventually make peace with this like he did. His thumb traces your bottom lip, he tugs at the muscle and watches it gently bounce back. Resisting the urge to kiss away whatever pain he’s caused.
“I don’t want you to think that I don’t want this, because I do,” he confesses, maintaining a balance between the scale of your relationship lest you feel weighed down by him. “You make me feel things that I shouldn’t.”
He seals the truth with an honest peck and a spark ignites inside you but you hastily put out the flame.
Yet, his admittance eases some of your woes and you count the minutes passing as you two linger into the kiss far longer than intended.
tags: @brownskinnedgirll @chibigetoo
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Hey nerds guess who made another thread about Vash's shooting skills during the finale of Trigun Stampede?
This nerd right here!
(( AGAIN! ))
Because Studio Orange has been driving me insane with how great Vash is as a gunman not just cinematically but realistically! I am NOT getting over this for a while my friends.
Of course, if you hadn't watched the finale yet and want to avoid spoilers, just know this post is gonna be filled with them and if you'd like to see my first analysis on Vash the Pro Gunslinger you can check it out here on tumblr and here on twitter before reading through this one!
Speaking of the bird, this post is also on twitter below:
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Oh but wait, don't have one? No worries! I've retyped everything below so you don't have to look at the bird app if you don't want to!
All posts mention guns and shooting because otherwise this analysis would not work at all.
First off, again, I’m going based on what I remembered from shooting air rifles & other research I’ve gained over the years! Second, I’m not an OG Trigun fan, so do take this thread with a grain of salt!
With that, let’s dive into THEE fight scene:
So right off the bat we’re getting Vash’s “smooth criminal” shot! Notice how he’s lining up his body sideways with his pistol vs forward like in the past. That’s exactly how you’re supposed to shoot one handed: feet shoulder width apart and aligned w/ the gun.
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Normally you’d want both feet planted on the ground when firing but since Vash HAS to stay on the move to avoid getting hit AND is being a cocky little shit to his brother, he lets himself lean forward to fire and use that kick back to gently guide him into his next step.
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Again, you NEVER fight what’s considered natural movement with a gun! You WILL get hurt! If you want to aim properly you NEED to be relaxed and composed. Vash isn’t fighting against the force of his gun, he follows it with the confidence and poise of a dancer on stage.
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And speaking of dancing just look at how Vash makes Knives dance over puddles! Vash has impeccable aim yet he deliberately chooses to shoot in areas that could stun or stumble Knives, knowing he could block the shots, and distract him as he goes behind the corner.
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Remember how I said lining up sideways is how you shoot properly? Here he’s firing straight forward using the corner as his shield. Had he not been holding a ticking bomb in his hand he would probably rest the gun on his other hand like he normally does on the rock jutting out.
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The second he fired his last shot he dips down to reload and LOOK AT THAT!!
He is practicing proper trigger discipline again!!
You do NOT keep your finger on the trigger when loading in order to prevent misfire. That is BASIC SHOOTING SAFETY!!
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And he does this throughout the fight!
When he turns away from Knives to make his way to the corner he lets go of the trigger before he turns back around to fire at him!
He can only hold 8 bullets in that gun and he will make each one count!
He can NOT afford to misfire.
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Because that bullet he loaded was going STRAIGHT FOR KNIVES! Vash is NOT messing around! At this angle it looks like he aimed and could’ve hit Knives' NECK which would be super hard to dodge close range. Knives would have to bend backwards like he did here to dodge.
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Shout out to everyone at Orange for the incredible work put into Vash and his shooting! There’s so much care into this show I can’t wait to see more!
Bonus: while we’re here, let’s get into Vash’s stellar reloads starting with this one (my absolute favorite) :
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Remember how I said Vash was being a cocky little shit to Knives earlier?
Yeah this is it at it’s peak.
Faced forward, standing still til the last second, and very slowly reloading so Knives hears all 8 clicks before flying out the window.
This is just being mean lol XD
It's because we KNOW he can reload fast! The gif below might be faster by half a second but it's still RIDICULOUS compared to the first one:
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Hell, he’s put individual bullets in the chamber midair and slammed a container of them in the SAME FLIGHT! MIDAIR!!!
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He did NOT have to mess with Knives like that! Dude's flexin' hard.
In any case, I can’t recommend this show enough! The amount of work and detail put into not just Vash’s skills as a marksman but the acting and storytelling - everything is superb!! What an amazing experience!
Thanks again Studio Orange and Nightow! See you again, soon!
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jymwahuwu · 6 months
wingweaver anon here again XD.
i come back with silly brainrots. what if the reader has those hormonal shifts during spring and summer time and starts nesting, gathering pillows and blankets and little trinkets and comfort items close by. and she WANTS to let jing yuan in...perhaps she's grown used to the intimacy they share, perhaps not.
...but...she can't help but feel...unimpressed with him.
yes he's very impressive and yes he's sweet but...he's not really DONE much to woo her now has he? instinct dictates she push him away and find a more suitable mate, one with a better song, who will present better food and shiny items to you.
aka reader is going through her mating season and is very deprived and needy and fully expects jing yuan to show the proper etiquette before even DARING to set foot into her nest he gets scratched otherwise.
jing yuan : no let me in?
reader : you're cute, but you have no shiny. you don't sing. you haven't offered to preen me, or get me berries. what kind of man are you?
jing yuan : :000000 wait wot-
in the end, he does impress reader enough to be let in, and the first thing he does is grab her by the leg, pull her close and give her the fucking of a lifetime. surely the idea of starting a family wouldn't be too far off? look, she's even prepared a nest tp hold them, and he'll be a good father, providing for his little bird and their young ones.
( i'm sorry, you really don't have to write this out. i just think it would be hilarious just...watching jing yuan flounder because his darling???? is being fussy???? she wants him to sing for her?????? she wants berries and shinies????????? and then he just...sits down and gets cracking on general bird mating behaviors while reader is sitting in the corner like "well??? are you going to make a move or should i find someone else????" )
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-CW: yandere, dub-con, breeding
part 1
This brainrot is too adorable!! Jing Yuan’s most precious little bird is going through her estrus… Although you didn’t ask for it, I wrote a little bit🫢🤗💖
Even General Xianzhou couldn't expect this, you just have wings after all. He didn't expect you to be in heat like a bird. It’s really interesting to see this hundreds of years old man overwhelmed 🤭
Jing Yuan immediately searched for the keywords "birds + estrus + wingweaver" in the database, and those holographic data blocks immediately swam around him. His eyes were darting around and reading the information he needed, and you were already… squirming on the nest? It was actually a bed with cozy blankets on it. You pouted and puffed out your cheeks, glaring at him angrily. The instinct in your head is calling you to find a better mate, one who will pursue you appropriately. Maybe your confused mind thinks he is a savage bird kidnapping you back to his nest…
Bird courtship behavior:
Display beautiful feathers
Bring delicious food and shiny stones as gifts
Decorate the love nest together
Demonstrate hunting ability
There won't be enough time to order berries or collect trinkets for you. You're already questioning him. So… Jing Yuan took off his armor and robe… showing off his burly and well-trained chest and shoulders. He smiled leisurely at you. Your distracted eyes focused, and you felt heat radiating from your neck, your legs began to lose strength, and your wings trembled and fluttered. "you- you……"
"Shhh, come to me. Here's your preen." Jing Yuan opened his arms and simulated the sound of people teasing their pet birds.
You snuggled into his comforting arms. The sensitive wings are carefully groomed. You were about to assume a position that would allow for mating, but the general had already caught you and started breeding. You rocked on top of him, placing your hands on his shoulders and moaning softly. After a round of breeding, your legs were once again pinned as high as they could by his hands. His fat cock is thrusting upwards, thrusting inside your throbbing needy cunt.
It was finally burned into your head - no one could pursue you like he could, no one could mate with you like he could. Jing Yuan is the only spouse you need💖
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divider @/cafekitsune
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kenandeliza · 5 months
A Marvel Family Fantasy AU
A few days ago, I randomly dreamt of Drawing Billy and Tawny in a fantasy setting.
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Billy was this kid wizard and Tawny was his companion (or an animal to ride on like a horse)
Then it got me thinking, maybe in this setting, Mary could be someone of high status in this fantasy setting (since she's in a rich family in the golden age comics)
I'm inclined to think Freddy would be a captain of a ship for irony-sake but I have a feeling pirates and fantasy settings don't match well?
It's just funny for me to think of him with a peg leg xD
After further discussion with @the-brash-spud :
Warning: Too many text :>
These are the ideas we have so far (if there are quotation marks, those ideas belonged to @the-brash-spud ):
Maybe Billy and Mary were prince and princess separated by birth, (i'm not sure if its a kidnapping or the baby got lost on his own) but the wizard founded billy and trained him.
At the ripe age of (insert young age below a teenager's), The wizard decided to grant him the power of shazam to turn him into the world's mightiest Wizard!
Captain Marvel!
Wizard dies and then Billy and Tawny have adventures together, maybe helping people along the way (maybe somehow found out that Mary is his sister :p idk)
“ I think you could go angst if you made the wizard get brutally hurt in a battle to protect Billy and the rock of eternity so in a last ditch effort he transports the rock to its own pocket of existence and then giving Billy powers of shazam because its as ready as he'll be able to make the kid :) and it's his last effort for Billy to be protected even if he has to do so himself because he has failed :)) made Billy cry as Wizard turns into dust in Billy’s hands :)))”
Uncle marvel can be a con-man/thief who took pity on Billy or realiz, teaching Billy that the world isn't always honest and he's like, "Billy, don't always give money to the poor on the streets, sometimes they faked their illness to be lazy”
" Billy: "The man in the shadowy corner needs my help."
Uncle: "No, the hell he doesn't!”"
How Billy Met Freddy
Billy probably met Freddy in a bar fight. How did the kid get into a bar?
Billy looked at the man exiting the pub with a bottle.
Billy: Ohh! So this is where you get refreshments here! I wonder If they have enough Milk for Tawny..
Pub sign written NO KIDS ALLOWED!"
*Billy can only read magic scrolls and not regular alphabet*
Cue him meeting Freddy (who's armwrestling with one of the people there)
(Insert Bar fight for some reason because The child decided to drink a white cocktail thinking it was milk and the fact that Billy is a Kid)
“Freddie is definitely that kid having his ass thrown out of the bar/pub/inn”
I'd like to think he and his brother are a team, prolly sailed a ship together.
“Yes, they target slave ships. Unless you wanna go different routes. Then, he is focused on certain nations' flags that have a whole lot of red in them
Also, he goes to the bars just to start bar fights over drunks being mean/nasty to the landlady. The landlady doesn't appreciate it bc now she has a broken table and four broken chairs”
Freddy faces the Captain Nazi equivalent of a pirate [Captain Arian? Like Aryan?] XD, Freddy lost his leg the same way, from his encounter with Captain Arian.
Kit (probably a necromancer or a ghost who's cursed to be bound in the ship Freddy's in, making Freddy more attached to the ship) can still summon crewmembers.
Maybe they both meet mary during the birthday ceremony parade
Maybe Mary snuck off from her family (disguise herself as a regular girl, i know, generic plot) and then meet Billy accidentally
Billy: It's my birthday today!
Mary: What a coincidence! It's mine too!
The-brash-spud: “Billy, in his innocence, thinks ,"There must be something to us sharing birthdays!" While Freddy calls him stupid, Billy tries to get a look at the princes and then cue the lung-fu panda rocket incident, but maybe something else more fitting with Freddy being pulled along”
On an unrelated note, i think Billy knew about Freddy's peg legafter either a pirate slashed it clean and Freddy just used it to bonk his head.
Billy is still screaming from the shock and immediately casted healing spells (i'd like to think everything about billy is lightning based- so yes getting struck by lightning is a healing spell for him :D) Freddy got shocked lmao
And what about boarding Tawny on the ship?
Freddy: "I'm not letting a tiger into my ship."
Kit who absolutely adores animals: "YES"
Kit:" Does he love belly rubs??"
Billy:" yes but you have to ask him politely for his permission-”
Freddy rolled his eyes, realizing he has to clean cat fur everyday off from the furnitures.
How did Mary, a royalty tag along with a kid wizard and a pirate?
“Yeah, I guess forced separation would work better. Hell, go with a scenario that will allow them to have Mary with the parents' blessings as long as she's kept safe (she isn't, but that's because she is the danger herself)”
Mary and Billy: "Yay adventure"
Freddy: "Oh great, now I have to take care of two kids and a tiger in my ship!?"
*Freddy looking at Kit and the kids + a tiger playing together, kit seems happy*
Freddy: "...i guess it's alright..”
How Freddy and Mary found out about the wizard?
“Hmmmm, maybe Billy takes them to the rock because they were in a pickle, and unforeseen effects happen?
They got surrounded maybe?
Also I can see the aftermath
"You were raised by THE Wizard!? THE Wizard?! A Wizard of legends so often told he is recognisable even if his name was lost?!"
"Oh, his name is Shazam-" *BANG*”
Hopefully i could draw these AU ideas, I don't plan on making this into a story, i just like the concept that my dream gave my a few days ago and I’m just expanding it. Sorry for too many text xD
I don't mind if you want to add something to this silly lil AU, It's just a fun thing for me to do :p
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onskepa · 11 months
Hello, could i get a neteyam x human fem reader one? Neteyam and reader were together for a short amount of time and they didn't have time to cuddle or stay together. One day Neteyam comes at the lab to meet with reader and forgets how small she really is. She's a rly short girl, maybe 4'11 (148 cm) so she smaller than all the humans from the lab. He takes advantage of it and corners her to the wall knwoing she can't escape or manhandles her like a doll. OML I WANT A NETEYAM IN MY LIFE SO BAD
Sorry if this was already asked but i don't remember if i requested this. Like ik i requested this but don't remember who i requested. Thank you
Hellooooooooo~!! You're the first to ask for a short reader! Which is refreshing to see XD Anyways! Hope you enjoyed this one~!!
A little tug here, a little pull there
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The humans are very different from each other. Some are tall, others are shorter, some have facial hair, others have short hair, different skin tomes, different accents, etc.
How humans look like has always peaked the sully children's interest. Norm is a funny looking human, tall, lanky, scrawny, and very smart.
But there is one human that never fails to catch interest of neteyam. That is Hi'i. Neteyam and hi'i have known each other for almost their entire lives. Know each others secrets, habits, hobbies, likes, dislikes, evertthing.
But if there is anything that always gets neteyam by surprise, is just how small hi'i is.
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Comparing all the humans height together. hi'i is the last in line, as being the shortest of them all. And neteyam likes it. Its not secret to everyone that neteyam likes to tease hi'i about her height.
It doesnt help since all na'vi are very tall, so when hi'i is next to tuk. Hi'i is very baby. So neteyam cant help it! He enjoys carrying her around , can easily pick her up as she weight less than a leaf.
So when they began to officially date, oh Eywa did the teasing turn up 10X more.
So every time neteyam goes to the lab to see his little lover, he really means little lover. Standing at 4'10 ft tall. So small. So little. So cute.
As the son of the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik, he has many responsibilities to do and a face to uphold. So unfortunately he doesn't get to see his little lover as much as he liked. But if there is one benefit to it all. It is that he will be NOT be constantly surprised how small his little lover is. He forgets most of the time but enjoys being reminded.
Like right now. Standing before him was his cute, small, little lover. "I see you came with big anticipation" hi'i smiles as she tells him. He nods in agreement, "of course, whenever I have the chance, I will always come see you".
Both sat in hi'i bedroom floor, just spending some quality time by listening to music and talking about each others days. But one thing that is consistent, is neteyam having the need to touch hi'i everywhere.
"neteyam, I think you have my body mapped out by now" hi'i giggled as neteyam's hands roam on her legs. Gently kissing her on the cheek, neteyam replies "ma'yawntutsyip, even if I know every inch of your body, my hands will never be away from you. You are just too cute to not handle".
Every praise, every comment neteyam says, hi'i cant help but be a blushing mess. It will never get old no matter how many times he says it.
"still, at some point you will have to stop" hi'i says, that only made neteyam want to explore more. From her legs to her arms, neteyam buries his face at the crook of hi'i neck. She gently placed her hand on his cheek.
"I don't wanna..." hi'i giggles at his childish act. Was a cute sight to see him pout and be clingy. Not everyday he can act like his age or more childlike.
"neteyam, give me a moment I need to get something from another room" hi'i says as she tries to wiggle out of neteyam's grasp. "no, I want you to stay like this. Whatever it is, you can get it later".
Hi'i slightly groans. "No because then I will forget about it, I will be back, it will only take two minutes I promise". Finally out of his grasp, she makes her way to the door only for neteyam's shadow loom over her.
"its just two minutes, not very-EEP!" hi'i almost fell down when neteyam cornered her. Placing his two long arms beside her body as means to refrain her from escaping. His golden eyes narrowing down at her, smirking a bit, giving a glimpse to his sharp fangs.
Seeing his fangs always make hi'i go weak on the knees. One of her many weaknesses.
"If I said no, then it is no. Now come here, let me hold you" effortlessly, as though he is holding a kitten. Neteyam picks up hi'i in his arms and sits back down with her being cuddled. Hi'i doesn't say anything since she is too busy blushing red and her mind is a puddle.
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And that is it for this one! Hope you liked this one! Until next time! see ya!
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hi'i = small
yawntutsyip = little beloved
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
I'd kill for you to write some Xiao x fem reader smut
No need to kill anyone, I'm so down to doing it without that xD
Though, it has been a hot minute since I last wrote smut, so I apologize in advance if it's not the best
Content ahead: female bodied reader; top reader; bottom Xiao; ooc Xiao; nipple play; coming untouched; multiple orgasms; overstimulation; praise; no protection; creampie; not proofread yet
Word count: 3,8k words
Sorry it took me this long to write it, but still, have fun reading&lt;3
I hope I did not forget to mention anything of the content. But if I did, please tell me so I can add it!
Minors do NOT interact!
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You sighed as you collapsed on your couch, completely exhausted from a long day of travelling around and fulfilling commissions. The heat of the sun during this hot summer day didn't exactly help either, only adding to the pile of external factors that kept draining your energy.
For a few minutes, you just laid there, contemplating wether you should just get up and take a well needed and deserved shower, or just fall unconscious right here and now.
But in the end, a shower seemed far too appealing, with the way you felt dirty from all the sweating during the day. So, with a grumble, you got up and went to your bathroom, hoping that the water would aid you in feeling a bit more relaxed.
And in the end, it did help. Once you exited the shower and finally put on your pyjama, you felt like an entirely new person. You couldn't help but take a deep breath of relief, before working on your skin-care-routine in front of the mirror.
When finally satisfied with the well deserved self-care, you unwrapped the towel on your head, letting your still wet hair fall down. You only brushed through it, deciding to just let the rest dry on the air.
Finally feeling better again, you exited the bathroom to once again make yourself comfortable in the living after getting something to eat.
When you got out and rounded the corner towards your living room, you got the scare of a lifetime when you noticed a person standing there in the middle of the room.
You let out a short scream, ready to summon your weapon and fight for your life, when the figure turned around. That's when you finally recognized the familiar hair and stature of the intruder to be Xiao.
You visibly relaxed and let out a deep breath, beginning to laugh a bit at the situation.
"Xiao! Archons, you scared me! Don't do that."
"Sorry..", was the only answer you got back. You noticed his tone sounded a bit strange, almost a little... beat up. You approached him and in getting closer to him, you finally noticed it.
"You're hurt!", you exlaimed as you saw several cuts all over his body. You knew that as an adeptus, Xiao's body couldn't be compared to that of a mere human. But this was still strange.
Precisely because he is an adeptus, his own healing powers should have already taken care of such injuries. But here he was, clearly not healing the wounds.
When you pointed it out, he turned his head to the side, but said nothing about it.
"I'm sorry, I.. shouldn't have come here.."
But he was here. And the fact that he allowed you to see him like that and wasn't trying to hide it from you, told you more than you needed to know. He felt safe with you and trusted you to take care of him.
Even if he denied it afterwards, saying that he can take care of himself, sometimes, the touch and love deprived adeptus just wanted to be doted on.
"Come on", you gently said, extending your hand towards him. "Let's get you fixed up again."
And when he looked at your hand first and then your soft smiling face, he couldn't find it in himself to deny you of anything. So, without protest, he took your hand and went with you to the bathroom, where you kept your first aid kit.
You knew that there probably wasn't much stuff in there that would actually do anything for him, but it was the closest thing you had in your household, so you both just had to deal with that for the time being.
Making him sit on the bathroom floor, you went to look for said bag and when you found it, you took a seat in front of him, starting by assessing his condition.
In the end, Xiao wasn't in as bad a shape as you had initially thought. Sure there were many cuts scattered all over his body, but those really were just minor scrapes you only needed to clean out a bit.
However, there was a noticeably bigger one, stretched across his left upper arm. Since you couldn't really do much, you opted to clean it and then wrap some bandages around it. You would leave it there until the morning, and if his adepti powers hadn't healed it till then, you would have to find some other way to patch him back up.
Throughout this entire ordeal, Xiao kept quiet, simply watching you moving around, trying to help him, even though he could clearly see how tired you yourself were.
Once you were finally done, smiling to yourself while looking at your boyfriend, Xiao still didn't say anything. Instead, he began to lean forward a bit, letting his head come to rest right under your chin, while slowly wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you onto his lap.
You were a bit surprised by his actions, but quickly adjusted your position to sit more comfortably, returning the hug by placing one hand around his back and the other into his hair, softly massaging his scalp.
A soft sigh escaped his lips as he melted into your touch, plus the added reassurance he got from listening to your heartbeat made Xiao feel at peace again. He often felt like this when being with you, and although he wasn't quite used to it yet, he still very much enjoyed it. You slowly but surely became his sole reason to keep going, to not succumb to his dark and twisted desires. And he loved you even more for it, for saving him without you even realising it.
No words were spoken as you both sat there for a few more minutes, just basking in each others presence. Silence never felt uncomfortable between the two of you, and you were grateful for it.
When you pulled away from Xiao for the first time, he too raised his head to look into your eyes. You both studied each others faces as you slowly leaned in, getting closer and closer until finally, your lips met in a slow, loving kiss.
There was no urgency whatsoever behind the kiss, just a soft press of your lips against each other, conveying just how much love you had for the other.
When you parted again, you looked into Xiao's eyes, able to see the lust behind them, slowly beginning to cloud over him. He did the same as his grip around your waist tightened a bit, trying to hold you even closer to him.
Then, the next second, your lips crashed together again, but more forceful this time around. It was a messy, open-mouthed kiss that openly displayed the desperation the both of you had tried to hold back.
You burried both your hands into his hair, gripping tight and pulling him in even more. A soft moan escaped Xiao's lips as he used his strength to press you against him, so you could feel how turned on he was from all this.
You were the first to break the kiss again, gasping for air, while Xiao settled with kissing down your neck and nibbling on the exposed skin there. His hips had started to grind against clothed cunt, the friction feeling incredible, as his hands wandered upwards to cup your breasts, gently kneading them.
"Mhh..", you let out softly, hands still in his hair, holding him against your neck. Now joining in with the motion of his hips, you matched his pace and were able to draw yet another quiet moan out of him.
"Bedroom.", you managed to get out in a low breath, but you still managed to get Xiao's attention.
"Yes!" He sounded desperate, but you refrained from laughing at him, fearing that he would dissapear on you if you did that.
Instead, you both scrambled to get up from the floor, but as soon as you were standing, his lips were on yours again, desperate to feel you against him again.
You moaned into the kiss, trying to guide the two of you towards your bedroom. Luckily, it was just acroos the hallway, but it still proved itself a difficult task.
But you made it, and when you were sure of your destination, you gave Xiao a slight push, making him land with his back against the mattress. He was about to protest, but you didn't waste any time and immediately climbed on top of him.
Your still clothed cunt pressing against his erection again, you continued to grind against him, giving him more of that delicious friction. He let out a moan, but it was quickly swollowed as you leaned in for another kiss.
Soon, both your hips were moving in rythm, riling each other up even more. Xiao gripped your hips, desperately trying to push you down even more.
You smiled into the kiss, deepening it even more when you slid your tongue into his mouth, exploring it.
But you soon noticed that Xiao, although he seemed to enjoy it, wasn't really doing anything. He didn't really initiate anything to take things further. And while you were concerned for a second, you soon realized it.
That maybe, today was one of those nights. Where he didn't want to be in control. Where he just wanted to relax, let you do anything that you wanted to him, without having to care about anything at all. But, not wanting to just assume anything, you had to make sure. After all, you wanted this to be enjoyable for the both of you.
So, you slowed down your movements against his clothed cock, which obviously seemed to upset Xiao. He let out a frustrated noise as he pushed his hips up further into you, grinding even harder now.
"Xiao, darling. Slow down.", you whispered into his ear, one hand gently pressing against his chest. He whined at that, but still listened to you, slowing down his movements but never stopping completely.
You leaned back a bit so you could look at your boyfriend beneath you. He was looking up at you, his eyes clouded over with lust and desperation.
"Why.. did I... something wrong?"
He was already unable to form a proper sentence and you guys haven't really started yet. It was adorable. But you refrained from straight up pouncing on him again.
"No, baby. You did nothing wrong. But I need you to tell me what you want tonight. I don't want to assume anything.", you reassured him, gently grazing your fingertips over his arm and chest.
Xiao looked up at you, his eyes filled with the love he held for you. He knew that you knew what he wanted, but you still needed him so say it. "Want you.. only you. Do what you want, I don't care!"
You couldn't control yourself anymore. After hearing him so needy and desperate, the last thread of restraint within you finally snapped, as you went down to attack his neck while pressing your hips into his again.
Xiao cried out at the sudden pleasure, thrusting up into you in a hectic rythm. He circled his arms around your head, keeping you pressed against his neck, as you altered between kissing and licking his skin. You could clearly feel how hard he was through his clothes, shortly wondering how he could still be so sensitive even after all the times you already did it. Not that you were complaining about it, in fact, you find it rather adorable.
As you were still busy marking up his neck, your hands wandered down his chest and slipped underneath his shirt, pushing it up until you reached his nipples. Slowly circling them with your fingers, they quickly hardened under your touch, causing Xiao to let out a loud moan.
He quickly threw an arm over his mouth to try and keep him more quiet. "Don't do that", you said as you detached yourself from his neck, looking into his eyes while slowly wandering down his chest. "I want to hear you, hear everything."
And as he began to lift his arm up again, you smiled and started to lick one of his nipples, taking it into your mouth, sucking on it, before circling it with your tongue again.
"A-Ah! (Name)!"
You continued with it, one hand keeping itself busy with the other nipple, while your free hand gently caressed the skin on Xiao's hip. He was squirming so much under your touch. His cock, still in the confines of his clothes, was throbbing and pressing against your stomach. And in your mind, you wondered if you could push him over the edge like this.
"Please, I'm so close! Please, please... touch me!", he cried out, gripping the sheets beneath him, trying to thrust up more into you, to get more friction against his dick. But you wouldn't budge.
"Not yet.", you whispered, before attaching your mouth to his other nipple, switching places with your hand. "I want to see you come undone like this first. Can you do that for me, darling?"
"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!", Xiao screamed, already so close to his orgasm. He could feel it, so, so close..
"Then do it."
As you said that, you gently bit his nipple, pinching the other between your fingers, pushing him over that delicious edge. You felt his cock throbbing in his pants as he screamed, coming from all the pleasure he was recieving.
His entire body spasmed as he came down from his high, eyes glazed over with lust as he looked at you. His mouth hung open, his chest heaving up and down heavily with each breath and you smiled at him.
You crawled up to him again, giving him a gentle kiss to his cheek as he was still out of breath.
"You did so good, Xiao. Such a good boy for me.", you praised him, knowing that he needed this. He needed to know that you were satisfied with him, that he did nothing wrong. Because, even in moments like these, that was still a constant fear in his mind.
"Are you ready for more?", you whispered into his ear, and although Xiao didn't trust himself to speak again just yet, he still nodded, giving you the okay to go ahead.
You smiled at him again, giving him a quick, loving kiss. Then, you worked on getting Xiao out of his clothes, first his already pushed up shirt, then to his shorts. Once he was only in his underwear, you got rid of your own shirt, finally revealing your soft breasts to him.
His eyes were immediately fixed on them. With the way he was looking at them, you thought that he could almost start drooling.
You couldn't help but laugh a little at the thought, as you got up a bit to get rid of your sleep short and your panties along with them. But, even now, Xiao's eyes were still fixed on your breasts.
"Do you want to touch them?", you asked, cupping them in your hands, playing with them, while you remained out of Xiao's immediate reach.
"Please!", he begged, not feeling above it anymore. He needed this badly and he would do anything to achieve it.
You smiled at him as you crawled towards him, your legs now on either side of his chest, with your pussy hovering in the air above him, your breasts now hanging in front of his face.
"Go ahead."
Once given the go, Xiao immediately cupped them in his hands, latching his mouth and tongue onto your nipple, trying to make you feel just as good as you did to him a few minutes ago.
"Mhh..", you let out a soft hum at the feeling, enjoying it. You let him play with them for a while, holding his head close to you as he switched between your breasts.
Then, unbeknownst to him, you let your free hand wander between your own thighs, starting to prepare yourself for him. You slowly circled your fingers around your clit, playing with it.
Realizing how wet you already were, you easily slipped a finger inside yourself. "Ahh!", a moan escaped your mouth at the feeling of intrusion. That sound only spurred Xiao on even more, now also starting to knead the soft flesh in his hands.
With the added stimulation, you pressed against his mouth more, slipping another finger inside yourself to stretch you even more. And as you glanced behind you, you caught sight of Xiao, already hard in his boxers again, thrusting up into the air, searching for some kind of friction against his aching cock.
Now eager yourself, you pushed a third finger inside, feeling a bit of discomfort at that, but the added stimulation from both your clit and your breasts easily drowned that out, turning it into pleasure.
You continued to let out low hums and moans, spurring Xiao on with them, who shamelessly moaned against your skin.
When you felt like you prepared enough, you pulled back from Xiao's face, sliding down his chest to sit on his dick again. At first, he chased after you, but as soon as he felt you on him where he needed it the most, his head fell back again, moaning loudly at the contact.
"Ahh! (Name), please!"
"Are you ready for more?", you asked above him, slowly circling your hips on top of his boxers.
"Yes! Please, please! I want it!"
A smirk present on your lips, you gribbed the last fabric of clothes remaining on his body, pushing it down. Wet, sticky noises could be heard as you did so, the cum from his previous orgasm staining parts of the fabric. When he was finally freed from it, some of it still remaining on his hard cock, you gently took him in his hands to give him a few strokes.
"A-Ahh!! Oh... Archons! So... goooood!", he wailed loudly, not even trying to hide his voice anymore. His body twisted and turned, probably because he was still sensitive, but his hips still tried to thrust up into your strokes, not wanting the pleasure to stop.
But by now, you were impatient as well. You wanted to feel Xiao inside you again, not wanting to wait any longer.
So, not wanting to loose any time, you gribbed him by the base, holding him there, while you positioned yourself above him. Before you lowered your cunt onto him, you looked him into the eyes, whispering a soft "I love you", then you sank down on him.
Xiao, who was opening his mouth to reply back to you, had the words punched out of him, a loud moan coming out in their stead as he felt his cock going inside you.
So wet, so tight, so warm...
It was such an overwhelming feeling, he had to bite down on his tongue to keep himself from immediately coming again. He could feel everything of you, how his cock twitched inside you, as you bottomed out, taking all of him.
"Hah.. ahh.. (name).."
Xiao was gone. The last thread of sense he tried to hold on to was finally cut. He cared for nothing else anymore but you and him, together like this. And he wanted it to never end.
You, on the other hand, felt the same way as him. But you were also impatient, having dragged out your own orgasm for far too long. So, eager to finally get your release as well, you slowly raised your hips, before sinking down on him again.
"Ahh! Yes! Yes!"
"Mhh, Xiao..", you hummed as you leaned down to catch his lips in a heated kiss again, starting to raise the pace of your hips with each thrust. Xiao tried to match you, thrusting up into your cunt in rythm with your own movements, making him reach even deeper inside of you.
You both moaned into the kiss, swallowing each others noises, but not drowning them out completely. When you finally pulled away again to catch your breath, you noticed how Xiao's thrusts were starting to grow more irregular. He must be close.
"(Name)! (name), (name), (name)!", he chanted your name like a prayer, seemingly not able to form any other, coherent words.
"Are you close, darling?", you asked, watching him as he shut his eyes closed, his brows furrowed, nodding his head at your question.
"So... so close!"
"Me too. Touch me, Xiao."
And he knew exactly what you wanted him to do. Without wasting a second, his hand flew to your clit, circling it and stroking it between two fingers, giving you the stimulation that you needed.
"Ahh...", you let out a moan, picking up your speed even more.
"Please, please! I'm.. close! Coming..", Xiao whined beneath you. He was so close, desperatley wanting to come, and yet, you could tell that he was still holding back. But you were not about to let him suffer anymore.
"Do it. Come for me, Xiao. Be a good boy and do it."
"AHH! Coming, coming!"
As he screamed, you felt his cock twitching, releasing inside you like you asked him to do. His mouth still hanging open, unintelligible noises coming out of him as he continued to empty himself. His movements against your clit slowing down for a few seconds, before he picked it up again.
But you have not yet finished. So, you continued to push his cock in and out of you, even as he started to whine from the overstimulation.
"(Name)! Too much! It's.... too much!"
"I'm almost there, baby. Just.."
Hearing that, he concentrated on his fingers, making you feel good and before you knew it, you were pushed over the edge as well, your walls spasming and clenching around his cock, still inside of you.
"Ahh, Xiao!", you moaned as Xiao tried to hold back his tears, the feeling starting to become too much for him to handle. Yet, he continued to stroke your clit through your orgasm, wanting to earn your praise still.
When you finally came down from your high again, still twitching a bit, you focused your gaze on Xiao, who looked up at you. You gave him a soft smile, leaning down to capture him in a kiss again, but this time, slower and more loving.
Your lips were lazily moving against his, the fatigue catching up to the both of you now.
"Shower?", you asked as you pulled away from him. Xiao groaned as he nodded at your question.
You both made your way to the shower, cleaning each other up while whispering sweet and loving words into each others ears. That night, no nightmares came to haunt Xiao in his sleep as he felt saved and loved in your embrace.
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marihem · 2 months
Why do you ship Sans x Frisk? As a person who ships them myself, what do you see in them, like about them? Personality traits, situations, tropes etc, anything that comes to mind, what makes you enjoy them and continue to breathe life to them?
Okay so uh this is pretty hard to answer in a way that precisely expresses what's in my head in words ngl so the short to the point answer would be that...I play the game. I get to Snowdin. I get to the point where we meet Sans. I put the Frisk sprite next to Sans sprite. I go:
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Yeah I don't know. Maybe they're 2 of my favourite characters. I just really liked seeing these 2 characters together. First it was the character design appearance that pulled me in. They just look good together in my eyes. Then I studied more of these characters individually and I was like, what if they're together? 👀 hohoho the potential :]
For me, Frans is like- something something "We have burdens and secrets that no one but the two of us knows and it's killing me on the inside. So let us share these burdens between us and find comfort in each other. It's okay as long as we're together. I'll be here for you. Please comfort me" something something
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And damn, there's so many different flavours of Frans around the internet. I can never get tired of this ship TvT. Heck, I even got to cook up a different kind to add to the buffet too XD. I've talked about their dynamic more in my "Why I made my Frans queerplatonic" post.
Yeah, Sans "there's more to him than he lets it show" the Skeleton and Frisk "mysterious protagonist with powers unique from the other characters" the Human. I just genuinely love them. They've been spinning in the corner of my brain for years. I've been thinking about how these two's realtionahip would develop into what I've been drawing but that's another topic and I don't know how to tell it without sounding incoherent haha
Oh yeah also, monster x human. We love that trope here
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factual-fantasy · 10 months
24 asksss :}}} ⭐⭐⭐
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You are my favorite person
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Cassie does not exist in my AU. But hypothetically-
If Roxanne found this lost child she would report it to Vanessa and have her help Cassie. As is the protocol for children that are found on the premises after hours.
If Roxy found her while she had the "bug" in her system? She would have attacked and maybe even killed Cassie :x
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Had to google what that was, <XD It looks beautiful! And I image that he has seen it before yeah :)
As for their favorite songs, I'm not sure :0
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That's.. actually a really good idea.
For a long time I never went back to the comic because the writing I did was awful. Everyone was acting out of character, it was SUPER dramatic. I wrote Peso's character all wrong. Uhg, awful awful awful.
And then I was kept away from going back because people would not stop asking me to finish it. "Why did you abandon this comic?" "Are you gonna finish it?" "Why did you stop drawing it" "Go back and finish the crab comic" Like, it was so frustrating.
...Buuuuutt,, rewriting it? Hmmm... I'm way too wrapped up with projects to start this anytime soon. But I wont lie this ask really got me thinking about it-
Also thank you so much! I'm glad you like my art!! :DDD
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@smilegirl64 (Post in question)
Thank you! I'm so glad you noticed! That was my favorite detail to add XDDDD
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I dug into the series a bit and took a look around the fanbase. And I decided that it just wasn't really my thing.
Although I did love the character designs and I think they'd be really fun to draw, I didn't think I'd get along with the fandom. I can see myself huddled in my own little corner with all my headcannons and stuff, and I wouldn't really want to interact with anyone else. :/
Also my favorite character is probably Julie or Howdy XDD
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I use an XPPen Artist 13.3 Pro. Its a tablet with a screen! :))
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As for my drawing program I use FireAlpaca. Its free and really good for beginners and pros! Highly recommend if you're just getting into digital art. Also thank you!! :D
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I disagree actually. The "bug" aside, they are in no way programed to hurt anyone. They are programmed to have full obedience to staff and Managers.
They could try to stop them, and they could physically stand in their way. But you wouldn't see Freddy straight up punching an employee to keep him away from Bonnie.
Now with the bug in their systems? mmm.. Okay yeah they would. BUT ONLY WHEN THEY'RE NOT IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS-
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XDD Offended Bibi noises can be heard in the background
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<XD I'll do my best!
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I feel that my responsibility as an artist on this platform is to tag my art appropriately. Tag it for blood, gore, injuries, things like that. So that people who are disturbed by those subjects don't have to stumble upon it and have their day ruined. :(
What is NOT my responsibly is to prevent little kids from seeing my bloody Octonauts artwork. That's the parents job. XD THEY should be keeping an eye on their kids and making sure they're not browsing sites like Tumblr XDD
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Tangle and Lolbit are not a part of my AU actually.
But Mangle? Just because she hasn't made an appearance of any kind yet, doesn't mean she wont in the future.. 👀
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Thank you! :DD
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Thank you! I'll try to not rush through my projects so much <XD
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Thank you for respecting that! :D
Also uhg. I hate pinterest. I would rather people just never found out about me then find me through a pinterest post with my stolen artwork.
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YEESSS!!! I always love it when people decide to give Octonauts a try :))) Its a really neat show!
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XD My first thought was Peso or Shellington for some reason. They're just too polite to make a fuss XDDD
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Wanna know a good place to start if you genuinely struggle with that? Make 1 character that is based off of you. And then make a second character that is based off of someone in your life that you have 0 romantic interest in what so ever. Like your Mom, or your Dad, siblings, Uncle, dog literally anyone. It should be impossible to twist those 2 characters together because they are modeled after you and ur mom. You should look at them and say "thats me and my mom" or "thats me and my brother" Those 2 should then be characters that are 100% protected from becoming a ship. :0
This actually reminded me of my transformer ocs. I modeled the characters after the drivers/owners. And people wanted to ship them together and I was like "for 1 they are my OCs so thats kind'a odd but 2 those two characters are based off of siblings. They absolutely should not- in ANY universe, be paired together"
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Personally not a huge fan of the bright blue color he has. Seeing his Bonnie Bowl artwork everywhere I expected him to be his usual purple..
As for my Bonnie I think he'd get along pretty well with his Glamrock counterpart! But when it comes to the Bowling ally they'd be rivals. >:)
Also thank you! :DD
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aaaa thank you so much!! :DD I'm so glad to hear that you've liked my Mario artwork!! And that you read the info aaaa!! I spent a lot of time writing all that so I'm glad to hear that you read it! As for your questions,
1: Yes! My Peach, Daisy, Wario and Waluigi are all the same species, which is not human. They are this incredibly tall elf like species that closely resembles humans and has many biological similarities.. but ultimately they are very different species.
2: Its hard to say.. I've been known to change my mind a lot so maybe? Honestly I hope that someday these feelings towards fanart will vanish and I will be able to engage with my fans more. But for now,, noooo fanworks :(
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OH MY GOSH I LOVE THAT FNAF VIDEO XDD Very well animated and funny! Here's the link in case anyone is interested!
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I drew it myself! :)
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