#just in a big MEH kind of mood
mulletmitsuya · 2 months
Tokyo revengers groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mommy issues, mentions of deceased mothers, brother issues (akashi's), mentions of physical abuse, mentions of suicide, depending on what kind of person you are, this might be kinda dark
Side note: i think i may be projecting too many of my headcanons on these people so i apologize for mischaracterizations😔🙏
Desc: it's Shinichiro's birthday!! (sneaking in the fact that it's also mine and i'm 19 today😋)
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Izana: happy birthday Shinichiro
Izana: everyone's gonna say the same thing so i don't think there's a need for an influx of happy birthday messages
Izana: just dm, to prevent a pointless conversation
Shinichiro: aw thanks Izana😁❤
Baji: you're such a loser man
Baji: with all due respect and no offense of course
Baji: happy birthday tho
Mitsuya: aren't you a virgin, Mikey?
Mistuya: a bit hypocritical
Mitsuya: happy birthday Shinichiro-san
Mikey: i had sex once, and meh
Mikey: 5/10
Mikey: being confronted with someone's dick and balls was crazy
Mikey: and i have mommy issues so i don't think it's a good idea for me to sleep with a woman
Mikey: but i would like to lay on one's chest as they sing me to sleep
Baji: what does that have to do with anything
Draken: no one asked you for any of that information, just so you know
Mikey: your mom asked me
Mikey: oh, sorry😔
Mikey: they wasn't even part of the joke. i'm genuinely apologizing😔
Emma: Mikey!
Emma: you know that's a sensitive subject 😠
Draken: not really, to be honest
Senju: why's it a sensitive subject
Emma: his mother left him
Senju: ...
Senju: Emma why would you tell me that
Mitsuya: i think we should word this differently or not talk about it, maybe
Mikey: Mitsuya's right, as always (boring 🙄)
Mikey: but Emma☠️?
Senju: yours left too girl
Emma: well i know that, so i'd be sad if someone made a joke about it
Emma: and so did yours🤨?
Senju: death is different. your mom CHOSE to leave you
Senju: skill issue
Senju: was that too far? maybe
Draken: guys
Chifuyu: ok guys let's calm down
Emma: of course a person with a mother would say that 🙄
Chifuyu: ...sorry
Emma: just jokes Fuyu😚
Baji: don't apologize Chifuyu, not our fault we have mom's
Baji: suck it, losers
Mikey: i really didn't mean to start all this, my bad
Draken: it's not a big deal😐
Draken: and Shinichiro-san, happy birthday, but you're still a virgin?
Draken: i'm not judging or anything. i just find it impressive
Draken: all the other stuff is overrated
Emma: 🤨
Emma: we'll talk about that later
Emma: are you actively practising abstinence?
Emma: i couldn't
Emma: not with Ken-chan around, at least😋
Draken: dude
Draken: your entire family is here
Emma: don't call me dude☹️
Draken: okay
Draken: babe
Draken: your entire family is here
Emma: so?? they know we have sex
Emma: how else would we try to have a kid?
Draken: bro...
Izana: Emma was underage when you got together
Izana: something to think about, Draken
Draken: i was too???
Takeomi: who the hell are you
Draken: me?
Takeomi: obviously not you
Takeomi: "Izana"
Takeomi: who is that
Shinichiro: this is Izana, Omi
Takeomi: i fucking know that Shinichiro
Takeomi: why are you all so stupid
Baji: why are you brining your sour mood here
Baji: go die
Baji: no offense
Mitsuya: you can't keep saying bad things then saying no offense
Mitsuya: it literally doesn't mean anything
Shinichiro: i said i had another little brother remember?
Shinichiro: before Emma was a Sano, she was a Kurokawa. this is Izana Kurokawa
Takeomi: your dad was a man whore. respect
Shinichiro: dude, ew?
Izana: technically i'm no ones sibling because my mom lied to your guys' dad about being my father so i'm actually not related to any of you. not really supposed to be here
Mikey: dude give that up. we don't care 🙏
Izana: i was just clarifying
Emma: Izana-nii you know it makes Shin sad when you say that☹️
Izana: i was stating facts, but alright
Haruchiyo: happy birthday Shinichiro
Baji: you never speak on this group but oh, let the topic be about Mikey
Baji: all of the sudden it's a yappathon
Baji: "i wish Mikey would stick it in!"
Haruchiyo: and i'm speaking now, aren't i😐
Mikey: Baji leave Haruchiyo alone
Mikey: you're the one always scaring him away😔👎
Mikey: hi Haru😋
Haruchiyo: hi Mikey 🙂
Kazutora: happy birthday Shinichiro-san
Kazutora: um, sorry about... the incident
Mikey: (i told you not to talk about that in front of people, Tora💀)
Senju: what incident
Kazutora: uh
Kazutora: almost killing him
Shinichiro: buddy, i know you didn't mean to do that. it's all good
Kazutora: no, i fully intended to kill a person
Kazutora: it just wasn't meant to be you
Kazutora: and for that i apologize
Shinichiro: oh...
Shinichiro: well at least you don't have those murderous thoughts anymore, right? let's dwell on the positive 😁
Kazutora: i do have those thoughts
Baji: you don't always have to tell the truth man
Mikey: dude☠️
Kazutora: but they're about my father, mostly
Kazutora: i look exactly like him, so looking in the mirror is hard sometimes
Kazutora: i'm not allowed to kill myself, but killing him would be close enough
Kazutora: but i can't. because of the law
Draken: dude, are you okay? do we need to talk again
Draken: this is concerning
Kazutora: words cannot help me, Draken
Kazutora: anyway, have a good birthday, Shinichiro-san
Kazutora: i'm glad you didn't die by my hands
Shinichiro: ...
Shinichiro: i'm not really sure what to say
Senju: i love his thought process
Senju: (what the hell is wrong with this guy)
Draken: we can see the text inside the brackets 😐
Senju: fine
Senju: what the hell is wrong with this guy😭
Senju: you were the one who put Shin in a coma??
Senju: the power or friendship really carries this group's dynamic because if it were me, Kazutora would never see the light of day😭🙏
Senju: it helps that you're handsome
Kazutora: thank you. i'm sorry
Senju: you're welcome. you are forgiven
Baji: maybe let's change the topic
Senju: what's wrong with him?
Senju: no offense
Emma: his father used to beat him
Senju: Emma!
Senju: you can't be telling people this 😭
Emma: there's no malice!! i'm just telling you what happened!!
Inupi: happy birthday Shinichiro
Inupi: my sister has agreed to go on a date with you
Inupi: i see you as a really good guy so if you fuck this up, i'd have to kill you
Shinichiro: AKANE-SAN?
Shinichiro: she's too pretty for me
Shinichiro: ok um, please give me her number, Seishu
Shinichiro: thank you
Shinichiro: let's speak privately yeah?
Mikey: Inupi, this is the first time in your life you've ever been useful
Mikey: i'm impressed
Inupi: kill yourself
Mikey: Koko doesn't love you back👎🔥💔
Inupi: Takemitchy is married to a woman
Draken: break it up
Draken: and Koko does love him back, he's just fighting heteronormativity and internalized homophobia
Emma: ?
Draken: i'll tell you about it later
Emma: 🤗
Inupi: you will not
Koko: i am in this group, you know?
Koko: happy birthday Shinichiro
Koko: also Inupi, aren't we dating?
Inupi: huh
Koko: are we not dating?
Inupi: i mean, i wasn't aware of it
Inupi: but okay
Inupi: you didn't ask me
Koko: well, we act like we're dating so i thought we were
Inupi: okay
Draken: Koko you can do better than that
Draken: this is a terrible confession
Draken: i did not sit through hours of Inupi's yearning for this
Draken: do better
Koko: okay...
Koko: meet me at my place?
Inupi: ...
Inupi: okay
Draken: 👍
Izana: can't anyone solve their private matters, PRIVATELY?
Mikey: dammit
Draken: what?
Mikey: i don't like when he's happy
Mikey: i need to ruin this for him somehow
Izana: Inupi fucking sucks
Mikey: he's the worst
Mikey: i regret changing the timeline for his sake
Mikey: should've left him to burn
Baji: what?
Mikey: nothing
Baji: this was about everything, except Shinichiro's birthday ☠️
Shinichiro: to be honest? i couldn't ask for more
Shinichiro: my family being happy is the best present i could ask for
Shinichiro: i really love you guys
Izana: thanks
Mikey: too sappy, i'm out
Baji: that was so corny😂
Baji: (we love you too)
Emma: Shini-nii😭❤
Senju: Takeomi, take notes
Senju: i still don't get how you guys are friends considering the personality difference
Senju: Shin is so kind and lovable and amazing and sweet (and hot lwky)
Emma: ew😐
Senju: you um, you smoke, and you um
Senju: yeah i got nothing
Senju: still love you though!
Haruchiyo: he's ugly and abusive
Takeomi: says the dick sucker
Takeomi: i'm abusive because of the way you are by the way
Takeomi: besides, i've regrettably, never lay a hand on you
Baji: here we go again
Haruchiyo: in another life, i've killed you with my bare hands
Takeomi: do you seriously think you could beat me in a fight
Haruchiyo: i'll die trying
Shinichiro: okay guys um let's please not
Shinichiro: Omi stop being a dick 😅
Shinichiro: Haru, sorry for Omi being a dick
Senju: ☹️
Senju: we love you too, Shin
Draken: uhm i don't know if it's appropriate for me to say? but i love you too Shinichiro, i guess
Draken: this is a little awkward now
Kazutora: should i say it?
Baji: no, Tora
Kazutora: ok
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Not sure if this was asked before but... how do you get your *passion* back for writing - or any old hobbies at all? Maybe bc of ADHD, but I used to hyperfixate on writing, reading and other things. They were my world. Now, when I actually have time to write... my interest is meh. Mild. Barely exists. But I'm still interested. Just not passionate. My heart doesn't flutter at new OC ideas anymore - or ships. Or family dynamics. I'm bored... what gives?
ADHD: Interested in Writing, But Not Passionate
I really struggled with this. Mainly, because I have a hard time wrapping my head around, "My interest barely exists but I'm still interested." I can't make sense of that.
I've written three different versions of an answer, none of which I liked in the end, because I think the long and the short of it is this: you can be interested in writing generally, but stuck on a WIP or unable to get started generally. And there are all sorts of reasons why you can be stuck on a WIP or unable to get started generally (including executive dysfunction... thanks, ADHD!) However, at the end of the day, if writing was a hyperfixation for you, that may be all it ever was. Even if some part of you is still "interested."
Which brings me to a story from answer attempt #2, which I think is still worth sharing. Years ago, I hyperfixated for weeks on a particular historical topic. I couldn't get enough. I read about it, watched documentaries about it, subscribed to magazines about it, fell down topic-related rabbit holes for hours at a time. My brain needed to understand every single thing there was to know about the topic, which was troublesome because everything about this topic isn't known... even by those who study it.
One day, my attention shifted to something else, but I never really lost the "interest" in this topic. My ears still perk when I hear something about it. I still skim articles about it when they come up on social media. I would probably pause in my channel surfing if I happened on a documentary about it. But my interest isn't the same. It's not enough for me to dive in to the extent that I did when it was a hyperfixation. And this was tested by the fact that not long ago, I visited a museum with a whole wing dedicated to this topic. And I knew it was a big deal that I was there, and that hyperfixated me would have blown a gasket out of sheer joy, but I just wasn't able to engage with the exhibits the way I wanted to or felt I should. I was looking at the artifacts and absorbing the words on the exhibition labels, but I wasn't feeling anything about it. It all fell flat. Which was kind of depressing, to be honest.
So, I'm telling that story because I think there's a very real possibility that may be what's happening for you with writing. It may just be a hyperfixation that still interests you in some way, but which can never really inspire that same level of interest you once had--unless you become hyperfixated on it again, but there's no way to force that. And there's no way to know for sure if that's what's going on except to try some of the things suggested in the links below to see if you can troubleshoot a cause or kick start your motivation. If not, it may just be something you did once and may come back to again eventually. ♥
Guide: Filling Your Creative Well Guide: How to Rekindle Your Motivation to Write Getting Excited About Your Story Again Getting Unstuck: Motivation Beyond Mood Boards & Playlists 5 Reasons You Lost Interest in Your WIP, Plus Fixes! Feeling Unmotivated with WIP
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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itsdeniini · 3 months
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🫧‧₊˚⋅ n ¤ t ə ⋆ : : i am a self-taught tarot reader, and the interpretations i provide are personal. if anyone would like to share their own insights, i would be more than happy to hear them! please be kind <3
★2: in this reading, I will be talking about a person from the future and how their relationship will progress at the moment when they are already know each other; that's the twin flame that he's yet to meet. 👾
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The Sun, The Emperor, The Star, Queen of Wands, 8 of Pentacles, The Chariot, The Tower, The High Priestess
There's an unmistakably regal air to this person. Yes, that's the first thing that came to mind, because she's literally exuding the vibes of a royalty. A 𖤓 Leo perhaps? She's carrying herself as a noble with dignity, and it's not only this but also the fact that she's conceited. Leos have a reputation for being conceited, but let's think AGAIN 🤓☝️ Leos do feel important, but it's usually because they want to change the world in some way to make it a better place. In our case, our twin flame is motivated by affection for people and often has big dreams and plans to make people happy. She is hard-working. After all, she is attracted to the good things in life and knows she has to work to get them, something she is doing at the moment. She most surely works in entertainment, just as Sunghoon, but in a different direction. She's quite emotive, so I bet she's an actress or a presenter.
But one thing about her is that she was not always a go-getter typa girl. In those past ~2-3 years she was in a languid mood that put her career under some sort of limitation. She used to sleep in, laze around, and luxuriate for long periods of time. However, this year she seems to have pulled herself together and gotten to work, and she's doing it with new determination and intensity. She's still early in her career, so I can suppose she's 20–23 years old. She tends to blow up and create herself a new image, and the fact that she's versatile enough to do that will help her thrive. Now (before too, I think) she is staring in something thriller-like with a lot of action, and she likes this genre so much. I got reminded of Sunghoon's acting in the UNTOLD Concept Cinema and his gun scene, and with that, I mean that she's having similar roles where she's the mean girl that has bad blood with the antagonist. And she fits in SO GOOD, her acting agenda is 🤌... Investigation drama? Yes. Something post-apocalyptic? Yes. Detective? Mhm! She also has experience playing in romance/teen romance movies/television series, so again, she must be extremely driven to stare in as many movies this year and get that bag in.
The worst thing you can do to her is accuse miss twin flame of bad intentions. Displaying behavior that makes her think you don't appreciate her runs a close second! She might become mighty hurt and pouty when others (especially her lover, so take notes Sunghoon ✍️) don't see her for the noble intentions she has.
And something I wanted to point out! In my Could Sunghoon date a foreigner post, the anon mentioned that they see Sunghoon as a Korean guy with traditional views on life, and as I said, he's not that traditional, at least in comparison to THIS young lady who has fixed views and may also appear conservative. She'll hold on to situations and people for a very long time before giving up completely, while Sunghoon is more of a "Meh, I'm done with A, B, and C... with all of them!"
And just as I thought, she's both idealistic and perfectionist, just like Sunghoon! She has a very noble inner code that she answers to. Although she appears rather confident on the surface, she can also be humble. She is the first to blame herself when something goes wrong. Once again, it's her self-importance at work, and this characteristic works in unexpected ways. Instead of being the conceited, self-absorbed show-offs of reputation, she can be very self-aware, self-conscious, and, yes, even humble.
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏~♡ So that's what we have so far...
Positive traits: She is masterful, brave, and competitive; she likes authority; and she aspires toward an ideal. She likes to give advice. She is honest, frank, loyal, open, and sincere. Possible issues: pride, vanity, arrogance, presumption, and disdain for others.
And from the Sun we go to the Moon... ☾𖤓
The Fool, The Knight of Wands, The Wheel of Fortune, The Page of Swords, 8 of Wands, Temperance, 3 of Cups, 7 of Swords
Sunghoon's ☾ is in Aquarius, and since they're quite similar, I can presume that it's the same thing for her, but I'm more inclined towards her being a Sagittarius ☾. ☾ Sagittarians, just like ☾ Aquarians, need personal freedom and space. She is extraordinarily happy and easygoing, as long as she doesn't feel caged in or cooped up. Also, Sagittarians have a simultaneous need for activity. Meeting new people, going out in the world, or traveling are all important to their well-being. She loves open spaces and, in her house, a roomy and bright environment. Eh, this girlie 😭 She easily forgets appointments or veers from her schedules, a bit irresponsible, hehe~ However, it is hard to stay angry at her for that! She is just too cheerful and upbeat while working with the crew, and her optimism is catchy. So outdoorsy! At the very least, she has a great love for friendly competition. When she gets tough, she gets moving. She doesn't like to be caught up in routine for too long, and she needs frequent escapes. She's such a dreamer as well <3 There's a blind faith that is admirable; she believes that everything will ultimately work out. She is not much for making detailed plans; she prefers to wing it and deal with whatever comes her way when it comes. She's very adaptable and generally on the go.
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏~♡ So what do we have now...
Positive traits: May like to throw herself into the unknown and into adventure; she is agile, tough, and enthusiastic. Attracted to long trips or discovering the unknown, she has a need for escape or flight and room for spontaneity. Possible issues: May take great risks by throwing herself into the unknown. Audacious, bold, and rebellious. Unable to stay in one place, she was always ready to risk everything to achieve her goal.
1. Vibrant maxi dress with bold patterns, statement earrings, comfortable sandals.
2. Tailored bright-colored blazer, casual tee, distressed jeans, standout necklace.
3. Jumpsuit, bangles, stylish yet comfortable shoes.
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[ 𖹭 approximative representation ↗ and face card ⁀➴ˎˊ˗ ]
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catindabag · 10 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (47)
Felix: Hey, guys, please settle down and listen to me-
Clemensia: Class Pres, why is your hair bubblegum pink today?
Felix: Well, Clemmie, that’s a funny story. You see, a certain someone happened to steal my very expensive Ravinstill exclusive shampoo and replaced it with pink hair dye-
Androcles: It wasn’t me! I swear on my mother’s cooking that it wasn’t-
Felix: Andie, your mother doesn’t cook.
Androcles: Oh, yeah.😐
Coryo: Let’s just go straight to the point, Class Pres.
Felix: *sighs* Fine. So I’ve gathered everyone here to discuss our upcoming PTA meeting this Friday-
Hilarius: PTA meeting?! With my father?! Class Pres, I’m not sure about that-
Felix: Calm down, Heavensbee! Your creepy old man is not even allowed to go near our school.
Urban: True. He can’t even go near us without Dean Highbottom calling the Peacekeepers-
Hilarius: You don’t understand! My old man will try to sneak into that meeting either way!😫
Coryo: Well, if he does, we can always call the President to punish him indefinitely-
Urban: Or strangle him ourselves for the greater good of Panem-
Hilarius: Hey!😠
Urban: Just saying~.
Sejanus: I’ll protect you from that creep, my Coryo, my love!😍
Coryo: Sure, Babe. Whatever you say.
Io: By the way, Hilari, how many restraining orders does your father have?
Hilarius: 42-
Felix: It’s 77 and counting. But anyway, Dean Highbottom told me to list down the parents who would be attending our PTA meeting this Friday. So-
Livia: Obviously, my ever fabulous mama will represent thee~!😌💅
Pup: Meh Daddy~!😘
Felix: Stop saying “daddy” like that, Pup.
Florus: Both or none. Depends on my crazy dad’s mood.
Dennis: Sorry~. My mama can’t attend this week. She’s too busy running the Capitol black market and trading illegal magazines with Cardew’s mom-
Livia: You lying little shi-
Felix: How about you, Urban?
Urban: Same with Florus.
Felix: And the rest?
Io: Both will come as usual~.😎
Arachne: My pushover big brother will represent me as always.
Androcles: My mama and her camera crew-
Felix: Andie, we’ve talked about this issue before. Your mother can’t bring her camera crew to our PTA meetings again-
Androcles: They’ll pay everyone 20 bucks for a feature.
Festus: Free money?!
Coryo: Free money!!
Persephone: I love money!
Dennis: Oh, yes~. Mah money~.😏
Felix: Fine! But this is the last time-
Gaius: Class Pres, can my crazy grandmother attend for me?🥺
Felix: The one who fought and defeated the rebels with a giant toothpick?
Gaius: Pretty please?
Felix: Sure. She’s a war hero.
Palmyra: Can my unhinged mama and her delicious pies-
Felix: No. Next.
Hilarius: My father-
Felix: He’s banned. Next.
Hilarius: My mother-
Felix: She’s banned too. Next.
Vipsania: My gym instructor-
Felix: Nope. Next.
Lysistrata: My drug- I mean, medicine dealer?
Felix: For legal reasons, no. Next.
Iphigenia: The pizza delivery guy next door-
Felix: Not a parent. Next.
Domitia: My emotional support cow-
Felix: Too hairy. Next.
Apollo: My imaginary friends-
Felix: Not real. Next.
Diana: My cute stuffed animals.🥺
Felix: Sure. Why not.
Apollo: That’s not fair-
Felix: Next!
Coryo: I’ll bring my cousin Tigris. But if Highbottom’s drunk, I’ll summon the ghost of my gorgeous dead dad instead.
Sejanus: My Ma will represent!
Coryo: Will she bring food?🥺
Sejanus: Always, Babe. Always~.😘
Coryo: I might kiss you right now-
Lysistrata: Kiss him, Coryo! Kiss him!
Coryo: Not now, Lizzie!
Felix: How about you, Creed?
Festus: My whole family’s going.
Sejanus: The whole Creed Clan?!
Festus: Yup! Free food is free food.
Pup: Especially when Ma Plinth’s the one cooking it.🤤
Juno: Well, whatever, peasants. My royal daddy will represent for me as usual~.😌💅
Urban: Nobody asked you, Juno~.🙄
Juno: Suck a di-
Felix: How about you, Clemmie? Is your dad going too?
Clemensia: Depends~. If my mom wins their annual wrestling match, then she’ll be the one attending-
Vipsania: Wrestling match? What kind?
Clemensia: Do you truly want to know, Sickle?😏
Vipsania: Yes-
Felix: Nope. We don’t wanna know about that, Clemmie.
Persephone: Well, I think my old man-
Coryo: Wasn’t Nero Price banned from the school grounds last year?
Persephone: My dad was banned?!
Coryo: Yes.
Persephone: What for?!
Felix: Cannibalism allegations.
Persephone: That’s a lie-
Coryo: He literally almost bit off Highbottom’s foot when he found out about the Heavensbee Hall Flooding Incident.
Persephone: He did that to defend me!
Felix: He also bit Professor Click’s hand-
Persephone: He was hungry!😭
Coryo: And stole all of Ma Plinth’s ham sandwiches from her body bag.
Persephone: To be fair, my daddy thought that there was a literal dead body inside her bag-
Felix: Still banned. Next.
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p-redux · 18 days
Has this site closed down,its so long since there were any posts
Hi there. I'm in one of my "meh" fandom moods. They've happened a few times every so often...and then "bam!" I get some kind of inside info, or something big happens in the fandom, and I'm right back in.
I'm focusing on my RL and fandom stuff just isn't exciting me right now. But, Paleyfest is in October and I know people going. So, I'll definitely post stuff then.
For now, this is me...
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PS. Yes, I saw that Hannah James and her boyfriend are expecting a baby. Congrats to them! But, it wasn't exciting enough for me to post about it. Meh.
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pluttskutt · 22 days
Writeblr Interview
thanks @tildeathiwillwrite for the tag!
Short stories, novels, or poems?
I naturally write novels. It's not a flex, but it's the fact that the side plots I come up with go beyond what I imagined at the start so suddenly we're 100k in and the main conflict hasn't begun yet. Ha.
What genre do you prefer reading?
Depends! I read "All the Bright Places" and "Hearstopper" for research when writing my own teen love story and I enjoyed them both. Growing up, I was an avid fantasy devourer but ever since they went from children's book -> YA I lost interest.
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
I always start with a plot and MC's but what happens is kind of up to the characters in the way that they shape the story. I tend to have at least two points I want to hit (a secret comes out, A meets E that will be important later etc) but how I get there is up to the characters.
I'm not a slave to them, but they drive the story forward but how they interact. An impatient character may break into a place, certain of their cause, only for it to be the wrong place, which would be a different story than one who waits and breaks into the right place.
Both are valid and will lead to them being chased by the law, but one fits the character and the other doesn't.
What music do you listen to while writing?
I have character and WIP playlists on Spotify that I listen to. If I'm writing something new that I'm unsure about I use YouTube to search for ambiance to help me picture the scene.
Favorite books/movies?
"All the Bright Places" was so good it made it to my favourites. There's a Swedish book series I read when I was younger that was called "(the) Circle" (translated) about witches I enjoyed a lot as a teen.
When it comes to movies I tend to enjoy the ones where music plays a big part like Disney musicals, the Greatest Showman, Shrek, Wonder Woman.
Any current WIPs?
Yes! A lot! I talk briefly about them in my pinned post.
Create a character description of yourself:
No thank you.
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
In a way. I draw inspiration from those around me when creating certain characters. One time, I just took a name from my then-BFF onto the MC's BFF to make me think of our relationship so the character's would feel like real BFF's.
Are you kill happy with your characters?
Not happy but "meh" about it. There are times when the plot has them die. They are nothing but puppets. and I am their master.
Coffee or Tea while writing?
Neither. I drink water.
Slow or fast writer?
Slow. I set the mood with music, play Solitaire when I'm not sure how to proceed, and delete a lot of what I write before I'm satisfied. I've deleted 3k long scenes before.
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
I don't know! Everything! Mermaids are beautiful with long hair, but I'd also love to be a dryad and run through the woods jumping over obstacles since I can barely walk now, and I'd love to ride a gryphon.
I think I'd be an elf who goes on adventures and gets to experience all of it. I'd even be the champion if It meant no brain damage.
Most fav book cliche:
I don't know. I don't read a lot, ha. True love's kiss I guess.
Least favorite cliche:
Characters who hate each other with the guy being an absolute bully and the girl starts to like him ???
Favorite scene to write?
Emotional ones! Sad, lethargic, happy, etc. Like a doom scene where everything goes wrong and the surviving characters are left with emptyness and the betrayal of one they considered a friend who caused it.
Character A holding onto B in desperation as B dangles over a black hole, both knowing B won't survive.
A species that has lived underground for generations sends someone up to test if the surface is okay every now and then. Now that they do, this one comes face to face with a beast known only in books.
Scenes like that.
Reason for writing?
Easiest way to get the characters out my head. I couldn't ever get the hang of drawing as a child, so writing it was. Also, comments on Ao3 are the only proof I have of being good at anything.
I leave this as an open tag for anyone wanting to do it!
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gizkasparadise · 9 months
2023 wrapped: kdrama edition!
taking a page from @dangermousie, here's a list of all the kdramas ive watched this year, in order from least liked to most liked! because i dont have a spotify wrap-up to share :'D
cdrama one here!
and i'll do a webtoon one too /o/
overall i didnt watch too many kdramas this year, and finished less. kind of a "meh" kdrama year for me overall (with 1-2 exceptions). with that in mind, full disclosure that i didnt love a ton of what i watched this year in kdramaland:
we barely knew ye: ones i dropped only a few eps in
sweet home 2. dropped after ep 2. direction it went in is v much not my thing, my fave surviving characters were either killed off or put on the bench, and im not that motivated to see what happens next. might jump back into the franchise if word-of-mouth on s3 is good, we'll see
moon in the day. first ep was actually great and i enjoyed it a lot!! but im not doing cancer storylines rn so that killed momentum. may try this one again later
king the land. watched the first ep. simply did not vibe.
death's game. ditto ^
black knight. i LOVE a good dystopian scifi. this was not that. i was really bored after the first ep and didnt bother with the rest
my dearest. i watched the first ep and liked it, but just wasnt in the mood/wasn't immediately hooked. i'm going to give this one another try when i hit the Angsty Sageuk craving again
dramas i watched at least half of
6. twinkling watermelon.
it's pretty wild to put what i believe is the current #1 show on mydramalist as my bottom pick for the year, especially since it's written by my favorite screenwriter, but here we are. this one is far from objectively the worst drama but it's here because it made me the most mad!! the female lead and second male leads were both off-putting and selfish to me, and the whole drama i was actively rooting for ryeoun's earnest and endearing male lead and shin eun soo's underwritten second female lead to escape and have mother/son adventures on their own away from the rest of everyone else
5. arthdal chronicles: sword of aramun.
sigh. i was a big believer/supporter of this season, even with all of the recasts. but despite a few moments of brilliance, it was overall a slog to watch and just kind of joyless. too much time spent on the ago tribe, too many nonsensical victories and deus ex machina coincidences, and the bag was very much fumbled with some of the characters (particularly saya, who was to me the most interesting character in s1 and you KNOW ljk could have rocked that ruthlessness). positive standouts were kim ok bin flawlessly scene-chewing as taealha and lee joon ki working what he was dealt
4. worst of evil.
adored this drama for the first 2/3rds! it was gritty, neo-noir that reminded me a lot of the old school hong kong crime films like infernal affairs. lots of style, great acting, messy and flawed characters. but the last arc/ending was a boring dud for me. still very much enjoyed the ride up to that point though!
3. perfect marriage revenge.
so! much!! fun!!! just. full commitment to making a show as gloriously makjang/soap operay as it could get and it was a blast watching because of it. made on pocket lint for a budget but it rocked what it had and a special shoutout to lee min young's absolutely fantastically camp evil stepmother. the excitement died down a little toward the end, but still a good time overall
2. the glory, part 2.
a satisfying ending to a really excellent first half. love that the female lead just got to execute revenge and there was no moral or sanctimonious hangups about it. enjoyed the way the ending was set up as "the adventure continues," and all in all this was a really solid and enjoyable dark drama! only thing that was kind of a bummer is that the time split between airing the first and second halves killed the momentum a little, but that's entirely netflix fuckery and not the fault of the show
hands-down the best kdrama i watched this year, and possibly my favorite kdrama ever. i didnt plan to watch this one because im sick of superhero everything, but the cast got me wanting to at least try it and omg im glad i did. great acting from literally everyone, wild action scenes, and just beautiful characters and dynamics across every level. the family narratives are so, so good and the whole show is expertly grounded in the concept of planting seeds so your children can see flowers. please give this one a try if you're on the fence about it!
2023 kdramas that i plan to watch (but didnt get to yet!)
my lovely liar
a good day to be a dog
my perfect stranger
mask girl
my demon
Favorite ship: juwon and jihee from moving absolutely destroyed me in the like 3 eps they were in, so they win this one. he's a gangster who gets the shit kicked out of him for a living and loves stories with happy endings. she's a weary but always brave sex worker (coded, but still) who decides to trust a lonely man crying in the street. i never thought a motion-sensor light could wreck me the way theirs did. "you have worth to me, and i have worth to you."
Favorite FL: song hye kyo's dong eun in the glory just barely edges out han hyo joo's mihyun in moving. song hye kyo needs to play, like, all the villains and anti-heroes ASAP because that's been the most fun ive had watching her. she took on a dark character and rocked it
Favorite ML: juwon from moving, definitely. to quote my older post:
Moving really said hi this is Juwon. he has scars from gunshots all down his arm. he opened a chicken restaurant. he’s a gangster. he loves pro wrestling because the good guys win. he tried to rip out his own galbladder to prove a point. he’s a proud girl dad. he is unkillable. he stands in the street and cries.
Favorite 2FL: lee min young's incredible, over the top, villainous camp queen lee jung hye from perfect marriage revenge was just so much fun to watch and she ate every single scene she was in. 10/10 would watch her throw lawn chairs in a ballgown all day
Favorite 2ML: i would die for bongseok from moving. precious sunshine child who deserves only the best
Best Cast: im a broken record, but moving. so many characters with such great depth given to them and this was truly an ensemble show A+++
Best WTF: yura eating her paternity results in perfect marriage revenge!!
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jseobsky · 1 year
hi hi, me again!! had kind of a rough day so I was wondering if I could request some best friend!minjae fluff? like just a minjae hanging out with you trying to distract you and make you feel better kind of thing? hsjshjdksjshsj sorry it's not v specific idek myself what exactly I want I just know I need some comfort :(
Bad days like these.
Pairing ! bestfriend!Minjae x gn!Reader Synopsis ! after a bad day and only wanting to be hug by the blankets and watch your favourite show, your best friend Minjae comes to your door. Genre ! Fluff, hinted romantic ending but can be read as like platonic Warnings ! Swearing, haven't proof-read anything- W/C ! 0.8k a/n ! omg I hope you feel much better now!! I'm sorry to hear that :(( I'm also having a quite meh day, so this was also just what I needed. thank you for requesting!! I loved writing this KSJHSDKFJ
Main masterlist &lt;3
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There are days when you can fight against the whole world. Those days are the ones that people appreciate the most. I could’ve solved a world’s problem, and people would be happy. However, if I, for whatever reason wasn’t doing good one day, it wouldn’t count. People don’t count those moments as valid. People don’t count any moment as valid unless you are strong. But I can’t always be strong. 
There are days when all I can do is lie around. Those days are the ones I hate the most. I am ashamed of those days. Days where I try to hide behind a big screen. Sometimes trying to escape the little lie that I live in, in hopes of some comfort. People love to ignore my struggles. People ignore you unless you are fighting. But I can’t always fight.
Today is one of those days. Watching TV seemed the best answer to today’s mood. The characters hold each other as I hold my plushy. “You don’t have to be strong” Says one of the characters. “I know, but it’s hard” They hold each other even closer. Their breathless voices quivering at each word. “When moments like these, please call out my name. I’ll be there, whenever you ask for me, wherever you ask for me” Oh shut the fuck up. I wanna cry now. “Please just let me help you” Said the same character, reaching to kiss the person they were holding. Fucking finally after 14 episodes. “Mia. I” He breathed out. Ding, ding, ding. Who dares interrupt their moment ffs. I walk towards the front door, random objects are lying around the floor as I walk. I walk past some school books, some clothes that I must have thrown, and some random papers that might be more important than how I’m treating them. I finally reach the door and open it. 
The cold air hits my face as soon as I open the door. Outside, the sky was dimmed, definitely a representation of how I felt. Even with my tear-stained face from the scene, I was just watching, I get to smile. “I hate you” I say out loud. Minjae, who was standing outside my door with a big puffy jacket, and a big grocery bag, slapped his empty hand on his chest and gasped. “How dare you. Should I turn around?” I stopped him from turning around completely and pulled him inside. “How did you know?” I asked. “You changed your Instagram notes from BARBIE NEW MOVIE I CAN’T to: alexa play voices by stary kids” Minjae said while taking his shoes off. “You only do that when you’re sad as fuck” “Touché” I say while grabbing his bag I walk again towards the couch. He follows behind me, crouching down for a moment to pick my music notes and placing them on the table they fell from, not before shaking his head. I take interest in the scene again. 
Although I couldn’t see more of the scene, now being paused again a little less than a second before their kiss. I make an annoyed face and turn to look at Minjae who paused my show. “What happened?” He asked. “If I ignore my problems, they won’t hurt” He got a little closer. “They will, and you know it. That or you’ll end up punching someone” I gasp. “Okay, that was ONE time. And the guy deserved it anyways so who’s the one at fault?” “Still you, that guy just approached you because you were crying, you looked at him, flirted with him, and when he said he didn’t like stray kids you punched him” I giggled remembering the moment, the second I look at Minjae again he’s looking serious so I straighten my posture. “Still his fault, he said that I was jobless bcs I liked those stupid dancing boys and that I spent too much money on them after talking about my collection” “How much of that is true?” He raised an eyebrow at me. “Not my point” I pouted jokingly. 
“Okay let’s do this. I help you escape from your problems” I nod. After waiting for two seconds and him not continuing I ask. “Aaand?” “Nothing, you just get bragging rights because you got the best friend in the entire world” “Well that’s arguable, Felix is Hyunjin’s best friend so like” Minjae stands up. “Okay sorry, sorry, you’re the best, you’re the best” I grab his arm again and pull him towards me, making him fall on the sofa. We stay laughing for a bit, but our laughs come to a stop when we hear the show playing again. Minjae hugs me closer to him and we start watching the show from where it was left. “You don’t have to be strong” Says Minjae after a while, him looking me directly into my eyes. I nod. “I know, but it’s hard” He hugs me closer. He pets my head and smiles. “I’ll make the pain go away, I promise.”
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auburnitzy · 1 year
Behold !! My...very not impressive creation-
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I lost their edited version so I had to start from scratch ! DX I left out some details so you could do whatever you want with them. I just came with the ref: Juliet 'JuJu'/Qi Guiying/齐桂英 Age: Something younger than Haoran and Mingxia- Height: 4,9 to 5,3 feet Pangender She/He/They (Normally just goes by she-) Personality: Baby of the family :) But they are very capable of flipping the switch between being a closeted introvert…and dramatic extrovert. One minute they are playing pranks with Mingxia and the next, they are just rolling their eyes when following Haoran’s rules. Their emotions are a hit or miss depending on the mood and as long as she is having fun, it won’t be ending in a mess. They just want a fun time. She loves the drama…unless its the kind that gets in HER biz >:( Also independent and doesn't take crap from anybody lest they get beaten up.
Fun Facts:
- Loves ALL kinds of strawberry-flavoured foods ! They’ll go rabid trying to get one ! Strawberries by themselves are…meh to them.
- Their powers are similar to both Nawa and MK’s. Being a perfect mix of them, inheriting half of each of their powers makes a little sense.
-Has a big thing for music. They enjoy Jazz, Rock and a bit of traditional music. And a bit of a singer and dancer- -Mix of Monkey and Bakunawa ! Hence the ears and fins-
-In school, their appearance on the outside does tend to get the wrong kind of attention. Kids will be kids and make fun of others for strange features so…they get bullied. But their siblings always come to help in the end !
-Don’t bite….They’ll bite back.
Voice: Ivy Pepper from Lackadaisy (If you don't know it, go check it out because it is sick !)
Theme Song: The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives. (And that wraps it ! My Auburnitzy OC ! I left a lot of details somewhat out so that you could add anything you want ! Because my babu, is your babu UvU I hope you enjoy this if you can Nitzy !)
SHE'S SO ADORABLE!! >o< 🌸💟💗✨️✨️✨️
Thank you for sending her to me AAAAAA- her and mingxia would get along (only sometimes tho!!)
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luescris · 2 years
Okay alright okay just got done reading issue 55 of the IDW Sonic comics and I have so much I need to say on god so. Spoilers under the cut fhfh
Okay. First. Surge.
At first, I was meh about her. Thought she was just another one of those average villains and all that. But this issue.. Put up a new light.
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This... This is a panic attacks, right??? Like I'm not crazy, or the only one that sees it as that, it is one right???
I don't know why it didn't hit me until now but like. Starline really did screw them up big time didn't he?? Cuz god if this isn't the definition of trauma then idk what is, and the fact that IDW is going this hard for it?? That's just crazy.
Like I said earlier I just thought that Kit and Surge were kind meh, but now it's like. They're like villains I can sympathize with now because Surge can't see that Sonic is trying to help her, she actively thinks he wants her gone. I had more coherent thoughts on this earlier but this was the gist shdbdg
Hell Starline just. Kidnapped them when they were children. Stole them away from their homes. I don't remember how he did it but was their growth accelerated?? Did they stay down there for like. Years? Like what Surge said:
Who were they before all this. Will we learn? What will happen then??
And not only that, but when Sonic and Tails learned that they were made Sonic's face.
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I know that people have probably already talked about it but he is. Genuinely horrified. We don't see him get shaken like this very often, and now that he knows he just wants to help her. This is like going down a road he probably didn't expect.
If we find out where Surge and Kit comes from it's going to be like. Idk but it's probably not gonna be fun for him fhhfhh
Starline just. Is a lot worse than I already thought he was. Good lord these poor kids. ):
And to make the mood lighter oh my god this
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LIKE I KNOW CREAM AND VANILLA IS THERE BUT LIKE. THE FACT THAT HE'S GOING WITH IS INSANE ON IT'S OWN. Like he always made some other excuse or refused her if Amy asked him to go on a date and I don't want to look to far into things but it's a big deal to me that he agreed. They would probably make the excuse that they were just hanging out but then there's. There's the bottom one.
Look at the way Sonic is looking at her. Everyone else has their eyes closed, even Amy. But Sonic is just looking at her. And holding her hand. On god this is insane I am going so insane
I can't wait to read this I'm gonna die of happiness 😭😭
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dreadnoughtus · 10 months
Liveblogging after taking an edible and watching
game awards
I don't know what these games are
Oh wait assassins creed VR??
Got distracted my friend texted me.
The dress is kinda flapper ish you know not in a bad way it's fine
What did Forza just win
Oh that's cool good for them I don't drive cars
The height differences......
This would freak me out being on live TV I would hate it ohmygod
Wait huh hometlstuck
This is such strange vibes
Sign language is so sick tho
Why isn't there a general neutral version of mommy and daddy
Oh here come the names I don't know
I'm playing Sandrock while I watch this
Would it be weird if your kid immediately called you by your name like would that fuck them up or
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Was told to use beepbo
Alright I'm back
Jk gusher break
I'm fucking clappiny
Ok but this game fucks
This is about persona 3 btw
I'm absolutely freaking out over her writing
Wait is it a bit
She's in a silly goofy mood
Oh never mind I wanted more burning things in a fireplace game
Cool if you're into goo.
I'm a googetter myself
Omg remember this
Ok but I'm hype
I'm gay
Hell yea hell yea
Remember when Rocco was sitting all by himself on camera
Guys I really don't hope someone says some dumb shit on stage again
Geoffs walking out music is cracking me up
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Get you a mans who sends you two chairs and a table through the mail
Omg remember his speech last year lmao
Oh it's a bit
What is this lol
Is this a roast
My fucking boyfriendddd
Idris where you at
Idris you're missing the fanciest night in gaming
Our boyfriend won!!!
.....what is he wearing lmaoooo
Security BEEFY this year
Aww omg
He wore his armor I'm dead
I need to replay baldurs gate NOW
That's right baldurs gate!!!! You can fuck a bear!!!!
Geoff relax
Huh lol
Immediate fanservice
...I'm dying
Turned him on??????
Is he gonna fuck us????
This isn't interstellar
Damn bro
Wet Chair :/
Daddy's back
Oh free dayum ok
Geoff has the air of a man who presents this as if he himself made these games
Goose guy 2
Wait this is great
This is my kind of game
I love this
Fuck gta6 I got Big Walk
Is this fornite Lego????
What the huh
Took a break for ice cream
I just got the news Wonka will be presenting
They give them less speech time than on the Oscars
Oh wait this is the cool lady
Gonzo has good taste
Cocoon was good
Ok Sega ok!!!!!
Hold up anime game I'm awake
Oh nice ok I'm into it
Alan Wake sweep
Apparently the site you have to login into to get a steam deck for whatever is crashing crazy lol whoopsie
I liked venba!!
His boy
I'm scared that's just a video
Not the fog machine
His broach is wild
I'm so glad kojima is finally making the movie he wanted to make
Is this wrestling
This is a WILD collaboration
They have my support
Movies and games!!!!
Ohhh dinosaurs?? I'm too scared to play this
Everything is fortnite now we are all assimilating into fortnite
Monkey 👍👍👍
I cannot escape suicide squad
Nooooot a fan of the remix
Where do I aquire claws
What is Warframe sorry
Good games!! I loved tchia
This looks sick, ori vibes
So many cool looking games
Man with ponytail?????
I want to play rebirth so bad
SHUT UP STOP lol huh?????
Sea of stars was meh sorry I said it
Omg I forgot about hades 2
Cutting to ads from ads is so funny
Holy shit he almost killed the camera guy with one kick
Anthony Mackey doing crowd work lmao
He's zooted
Thank you for the meme s
Thanks for the memeorys
Steve Martin looks different
There's 3 genshins now
Hell yeah democrazy
Are these guys a big deal I just don't know
I feel like I need to have played Alan Wake I guess
Ok but they are shredding
Ok I'm ready for bed how much longer
Stop flirting on stage
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Gamer snax
We get it you're a voice actor 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ok wait the armor??? Ok nice
It's funny tho cause the last thing I liveblogged was last of us, good show
The PR glowup for no man's sky was impressive no doubt
No mans sky 2!
We're always talking about mountains
Dragons so I'm in
Can I be a wolf man
Badass title
Stretching this is what I'm always saying unironically to everyone
I love tonberry king
Omgggg monhun!!! Chocobo
Huh what modded controller???
He flutin
Gotyyyy let's goo lol
Bg3 🫡🫡🫡
I sleep 😴
I'm not reading this back
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thelikesoffinn · 3 months
Heeeey! It's okay if you ignore this bcos random but you said you were OK with talks so I wannah shoot my shot lol butt I was curious which part of the game you don't like at all and which is your favourite? Again totally cool if you don't answer! Love your stuff!
Hiya, flower! I'm assuming we're talking about bg3 because that's the one I talk about the most, but if not, hit me up and let me know!
As for which part I like least and which I like the most...huh. Good question, honestly! I'm not super sure because I generally really enjoy the game as a whole but...hm.
I guess my favourite part of the game would be the mountain pass! I really like the surroundings - like really it's so fucking pretty there with all that sunlight! - and it's a nice to run around and explore some old monastery. It's just a...Nice break, I guess? The rest of the game feels either busy or rather heavy - especially in act 2 - but the Mountain Pass is relatively quiet and easygoing. I also really enjoy the Crèche bits, for some reason? Gith fights are, in my opinion, some of the hardest fights in the game and I always always always struggle so much, but I kind of like them exactly because of that.
I'd like to throw in some honorable mentions - I do like the Temple of Bhaal (as Durge), the Circus of the Last Days, the Thorm Siblings, the big Moonrise Battle and Waukeens Rest a lot as well! Oh oh oh, and the fight against those wee beasties in the Shadow Lands! I'm sure you know which one I mean, the one where they basically leash you and drag you all over the place! Oh, and I really like the haunted house and the iron throne in act 3!
My least favourite is probably the Underdark. I love the setting. The lighting is absolutely stunning down there, and I like meeting the Myconids, Blurg, and Omeluum, but the quests are just really...meh. I don't really like most of them.
Boooal and the Myconid quests are a bit boring; I don't give two flying fucks about Baelen; the minotaurs, the bulette and those sussur tree dinosaurs are some of the most annoying shits in the game - as is Lenore's entire tower, btw, how redundant of a quest is that please? - and I absolutely HATE the Grymforge.
(And I'm being for real, the Grymforge is where most of my playthroughs stop for weeks to months at a time because I hate it so much. It's the most boring part of the game, in my opinion, and I'm saying that as someone who went and pieced dribbles together multiple times. That was bad but the Grymforge is worse. The set is ugly, the duergar are pretty much all the same, the fights are annoying, and the entire adamantine shit is a hassle. Get the grymforge away from me, please.)
If it weren't for Omeluum, Barcus and the exp I would probably just skip the Underdark entirely. It just isn't really worth it to me. So, at this point, I mostly just speedrun the underdark bits because I can't be arsed to do them slowly, haha.
Once again, some honourable mentions: Auntie Ethel pt. 1 and the Sharlympics. (And dribbles, haha.)
Now, I generally like the Auntie Ethel fight, but I hate the climb down there, which is precisely why I have many playthroughs where I don't bother most times. (And I don't really like Mayrina all that much...? Not enough to want to save her...? Should I be saying that as a social worker? Probably not, haha. And yet...) But I do like the ethel fight in act 3!
And the Sharlympics are something I have to be in the mood for. If I am, then they're cool, and I have a good time with them, but if I'm not, they're just a darn hassle because the Gauntlet is fucking confusing and I always get lost down there.
And, dribbles...meh. meeeeh. I don't like quests that are just running around and searching for shit. Dribbles felt like the Demiguises from Hogwarts Legacy all over again.
But what about you, flower? (Or anyone else reading, you're invited too!) What do you like and dislike the most? Tell me all about it, I'm super interested to know!
Have a lovely day/night now!
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dragonmuse · 2 years
Does Uncle Izzy ever have a year where he has to take Pickle trick or treating? I guess I'm in the mood for cozy Halloween...
@internerdionality and @thehobbitbadger both included this one in their groupings of questions, so I will save their asks for later and do this first!
The knock came right on time and Izzy opened his door to find a knee height unicorn, the pearlescent horn jutting out from her forehead and almost directly into his stomach. 
“Thanks so much for this,” Thomas said in a rush, handing over a bag with a jack o’lantern face on it and her little backpack. “Just make sure she doesn’t eat too much candy.” 
“Uh huh,” Izzy took the bag. “I don’t want her puking on me anymore than you do.” 
“Great! Bye, baby, have fun,” Thomas leaned down and kissed the top of Pickle’s head. 
“Bye, Daddy!” She chirped, then darted into the apartment. “When are we going?” 
“Dinner first,” Izzy insisted, turning to make sure she didn’t take a header and when he turned back around Thomas was gone. He and Delly supposedly had theater tickets, but he suspected they were dying for a night alone. 
He very rarely volunteered for overnights, but Delly had started looking a little wild around the eyes when picking Pickle up on Wednesday afternoons and Izzy didn’t want her to actually crack like an egg, so here they were. 
“Can I have cheese?” Pickle asked.  
“I made pizza,” he informed her. 
“Yay! What kind?” 
“Muschroom and sardine.” 
“Uncle Izzy,” she glared at him. “Don’t be mean.” 
“ I like mushrooms and sardines.” 
“I don’t!” 
“No?” He said vaguely, getting the oven mitts. “I guess you can have the plain one, but it sounds boring.” 
They ate on the couch. Pickle and the counter height stools had an unreliable history. She ate carefully, not getting any sauce on her monstrosity of a purple furry costume. Last week she had regaled Read in deep detail about the cartoon the thing was from and how it was a unicorn, but also a regular horse sometimes. Read had gone a little glassy-eyed and Izzy had tuned it all out to the best of his ability.  
“Where are we gonna go?” she asked when she’d wolfed down have of her dinner. 
“Figure we’ll do the building, then head out onto the street. Couple of stores will probably have stuff.” 
“Okay! Can we go until my bag is full?” 
“We’ll do an hour and see how we’re doing.” 
“But I want to get more than Carolyn.” 
Carolyn was technically Pickle’s closest friend, but Pickle also seemed to see her as a permanent adversary in a grudge match. The kid lived a few doors down from her, so maybe it was just a proximity thing. 
“We’ll see.” He had said that phrase more since she’d gotten old enough to ask for things than the rest of his life combined.  
“I’m ready!” 
“Finish your pizza, we’re not snacking as we go.” 
But she did finish eating and even brought her plate to the sink. The purple tail of the costume ended in a puff of iridescent strands. He’d have to vacuum later so Sweeney didn’t get them. The cat was sitting in the window, watching the commotion below with interest. Izzy gave him a chin scratch then took a deep breath and prepared for whatever nonsense was about to befall him. 
“Is Read home?” Pickle asked immediately. 
“Better knock and find out,” he opened the door so she could shoot across the hall to knock frenetically. 
The door opened almost immediately. Read was wearing a headband with two black pom poms on springs and a yellow and black striped sweatshirt. Behind her, Anne had a similar headband, with a single spring with a big flower on it. Otherwise, she was in her regular velvet leggings and sweater look. 
“Trick or Treat!” Pickle announced.  
“Look at you!” Read exclaimed, reached in to her sweat shirt pocket and deposited a few bits of candy into her pillowcase. “Hey, can I ask you a big favor?” 
“Yes!” Pickle said eagerly. 
“Can Anne come with you? She’s never done Halloween like this, can you believe it?” 
“Never?” Pickle asked, eyes wide. 
“Never ever,” Read said solemnly. “And I’ve got to study for a big test, so she’d be bored if she stayed here. 
“Did I say that?” Anne asked dryly. “I don’t think I said that.” 
“But it’s true,” Read insisted. “So can she come with?” 
“Yeah! Come with us, Anne!” 
Apparently no one was going to ask Izzy. Fucking figured. 
“Thanks, munchkin,” Anne smiled and bussed a kiss on Read’s cheek. 
“Are you a flower?” Pickle asked. 
“I am,” Anne confirmed. “Red flowers attract a lot of bees.” 
“Cool,” Pickle determined. “I’m Moonglow! So there’s this show-” 
“You can go down the hall,” Izzy cut her off. “Knock on the doors. If someone doesn’t respond in thirty seconds or so just jog on to the next.” 
“Okay!” And she was off like a shot. 
“Real reason you were booted from paradise?” Izzy asked. 
“She’s setting up a little spooky movie night for everyone. First movie is Pickle safe, so she can hang until bedtime,” Anne said readily. 
“Who’s everyone?” He asked resignedly. 
“Dunno. You know. People?” She shrugged. “Not more than she can fit in the apartment.  Probably.” 
“Didn’t help plan?” 
“I’ve been working overtime all week. I wasn’t even sure what day it was. I walked in and she stuck this thing on my head and here we are.” 
“Here we fucking are,” he agreed. 
“Oh, are you the man that lives in 19H?” An grey-haired woman asked as she let Pickle root through a small bowl of treats. 
“That’s me,” he said warily. 
“I’ve been meaning to ask about what you put on your windows. I noticed they’re tinted from the outside and I’ve been trying to block the light out in my bedroom for ages.” 
“Uh, just kind of this sticker thing. They sell them all over...” 
“I’m Babs, by the way,” she beamed down at Pickle who had made her selection. “Nice to see a child. Most years if I get one or two teenagers, I count myself lucky.” 
“Izzy,” he said, resigned. Years of anonymity were going to be destroyed in minute. 
“Well hold on a moment, let me get a pen and paper so you can write down the brand.” 
Free of Babs and having thoroughly cased the hall, they trooped down the stairs to conquer the 18th floor. 
“How’s things with work?” Izzy asked, when it became clear Pickle needed their help like she needed another hole in the head. 
“Pretty good. It’s more of a change from receptionist than I thought it would be, but I’m digging it so far. Lots of document organizing. Flint frowns at me like fifty percent less than he did at the beginning, so I must be making progress.” 
“Work on anything interesting?” 
“Not that I can talk about,” she sighed. “It’s really annoying. I have to be all vague and shit.” 
“Uh huh.” Izzy had spent most of his working life being blissfully vague to strangers, but such was life. 
He did, in fact, meet many more residents that he had taken note of over the years. Luckily, Pickle was distraction enough that he mostly escaped without learning anyone’s name.  Two of them though, the double parker with the year round winter coat and the mailbox busybody, both tried to make him stop and talk. By the time they got to the front door, he was ready to call it quits and it had only been forty minutes. 
“The pharmacy has a whole table out!” Pickle reported, ducking around the front door. “Come on, come on!” 
“Yeah,” Anne said dryly. “Come on.” 
“Fuck,” he groaned and they were out into the unseasonably balmy night. 
Children’s voices rang through the streets, clumps of them in bright costumes flanked by adults rushed in every direction. Traffic, naturally, didn’t slow and Izzy grabbed up Pickle’s hand. 
“Look at the windows!” Pickle said instead of complaining, happily gripping him back and bobbing around like a balloon on a string. “All the orange lights.” 
“Yeah, look at that,” Izzy said vaguely. 
Then he stopped and actually looked while Pickle talked to the kid working the pharmacy’s sad table. Someone had taken time and set up a Halloween village in the window. Lights blinking and a little graveyard with cotton cobwebs. 
“Did you do this as a kid?” Anne asked, follow his gaze. “Run around a neighborhood getting candy?” 
“Yeah, every year. Until I was ten or so.” 
“What would you dress up as? Unicorn?” she asked.  
Anne had a permanent dryness to her that Izzy generally appreciated. Even when it was aimed at him. 
“We didn’t have shit for anything big. Ghosts or robbers or whatever else we could piece together. Jonah was pretty good at drawing, so sometimes he’d do things on posterboard,” he tried to shake the memory loose. “Think I was a robot like that one year. Might’ve been Aaron.” 
“Mommy said she was a princess every year,” Pickle chimed in. 
“Huh, yeah, she was,” Izzy recalled. “Ma let her use her old prom dress. Some plastic crown too.” 
“She looked really nice, I saw a picture,” Pickle told Anne. “But every one is a princess and it’s boring.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
“Uh huh. Can we keep going?” 
They ranged up and down the street until it was Izzy holding the bag because Pickle couldn’t manage it anymore. 
“Good enough,” he declared. 
“Nooo I wanna keep going!” 
Anne checked her phone, “Dunno, you might miss a cool party if we don’t head back.” 
“A party?” Pickle’s eyes went wide. “Really?” 
“Really really.” 
“Hell yeah!” 
Izzy actually had to run a little to catch up with her. 
Read’s door was open, held by a shoe when they got upstairs. Sunshine was waiting by the door and gave an excited whine when she saw them coming. 
“Hey honey girl,” Anne crooned and Sunshine started wagging her whole body. 
“Come on in!” Read shouted from inside.  
Inside, the lights were dimmed and there was a jaunty light up jack o’lantern on the kitchen counter. Something that smelled pretty damn good was simmering on the stove. On the couch was Jim and Oluwande. Lucius had dragged over one of the barstools and Charlie was on the floor, shoulder resting against Lucius’ knee.  Izzy had known he was coming into town, but it had been for next week. 
“What are you doing here, leech?” He asked. 
“Leeching,” Charlie said cheerfully. “And suggesting movies no one else wants to watch, apparently.” 
“Yeah, this is like fun scared, not ‘holy shit I never want to sleep again’ scared,” Read snorted. “Hot cider?” 
Pickle commandeered Charlie into helping her sort candy which was great because Izzy had been planning some judicious application of latex gloves to that situation.  Instead, he got a mug of apple cider and after attempting to find a spot on the floor and being thwarted, a seat on Luicus’ lap, who was obviously very smug over the situation. 
“Hi,” Lucius kissed his cheek. “How was candy gathering?” 
“Fine,” Izzy grumbled. “You know she’ll be over tonight? You going to head back home after?” 
“Nah,” Lucius wrapped an arm around his waist. “How would I have halloween candy for breakfast if I did that?” 
“You wouldn’t,” Izzy glared at him, unaware that he looked much like Pickle just then. 
“I absolutely would and will,” Lucius cackled. “Oh hey, I love this song.” 
Apparently everyone did because the entire apartment broke out in a happy rendition of ‘What’s this?” as a skeleton pelted pell-mell through Christmastown. Pickle had even paused in her candy sorting to watch.  
“Don’t know the words, boss?” Jim teased. 
“Never seen the movie,” He shrugged. 
Many horrified eyes on him all at once. 
“What? I was a teenager when this came out.” 
“Old,” Jim heckled. 
“You were like thirteen and this movie was awesome even then, I bet,” Read decreed.  
“I was watching actual horror movies by then.” 
“Guess you’ll just have to pay attention now,” Oluwande shrugged. “People miss things, it happens.” 
“Yeah,” Jim conceded. “Fine. But pay attention.” 
Izzy sighed, but he did pay attention. Only a little distracted by Lucius’ hand on his hip, Pickle’s thousand and one questions and Charlie’s bizarre commentary when he got warmed up about the nature of claymation. 
So not that much attention at all actually, but he figured he would get points for trying.
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dedicated-family · 1 year
my funfacts and unpopular opinions about each of the boys.
louis: i haven’t listened to his 2nd album yet despite how long its been out and his music being my favorite. i just haven’t been in the right mood to listen to new music since it’s been out.
harry: i’ll probably get hate for this, but i really wasn’t that big of a fan of his 3rd album. it was good, don’t get me wrong. i adore some of the songs on it. but i really prefer his first two albums. i personally don’t think he should have won a grammy for it.
niall: he was the first of the boys that i published a one direction fanfic about. he has always been in my top 3 of the boys and i think he’s just so sweet. i love him.
zayn: i was salty for a long, long time about how things went with him. i still kind of am, but i’m definitely not as bad as i was. i’d like to get into his individual music since i haven’t listened to much of it.
liam: his individual music is my least favorite tbh. i’m just really not that into it. some of his songs are good, but most of them are pretty meh to me.
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ash-and-books · 9 months
Tumblr media
Rating: 3/5
Book Blurb: Sometimes, when you ask the universe for your soulmate, you wind up with your hate mate instead.
On Nami's 30th birthday, she’s reminded at every turn that her life isn’t what she planned. She’s always excelled at everything – until now. Her fiancé blew up their engagement. Her pride and joy, the tech company she helped to found, is about to lose funding. And her sister, Sora, is getting married to the man of her dreams, Jack, and instead of being happy for her, as she knows she ought to be, she’s fighting off jealousy.
Frustrated with her life, she makes a wish on a birthday candle to find her soulmate. Instead, the universe delivers her hate mate, Nami’s old high school nemesis, Jae Lee, the most popular kid from high school, who also narrowly beat her out for valedictorian. More than a decade later, Jae is still as effortlessly cool, charming, and stylish as ever, and, to make matters worse, is planning a hostile take-over of her start-up. Cue: sharp elbows and even sharper banter as the two go head-to-head to see who’ll win this time. But when their rivalry ignites a different kind of passion, Nami starts to realize that it's not just her company that's in danger of being taken over, but her heart as well.
When your high school nemesis comes back into your life years later only to try and take over your company... but he also seems to want to win your heart. Nami's life is not how she imagined it going, she thought she would be married and living the perfect life with a great job by now... but her fiancee cheated on her, her tech company is about to lose funding, and Nami is feeling so alone. When she gets a text from her old high school nemesis she just knows her life is going to be turned upside down. Jae Lee is egotistical, handsome, wealthy, and bored. When his company is planning a takeover of a start up he is surprised to find that his old high school nemesis works there, the uptight, rule-following, party mood killer, Nami. Nami gets under his skin like no one else, no one else can make him feel excited or even get a fire going in him, no one challenges him like her... and finding out that she's back in his life, he will do anything to be near her again. Nami and Jae can't seem to be in a room without arguing... yet there is something different, there's an undertone of passion between them and both of them can't seem to stop wanting to kiss each other. Yet working on opposing sides, and Nami's beloved company at stake and Jae knowing something... can their relationship survive this company takeover? Nami and Jae felt so immature as individuals, I get being high school rivals and all but come on both of you are grown adults dealing with a company and being in charge of people's jobs and livelihoods but can't stop acting like children. The third act breakup/makeup was meh, I honestly was hoping for a better make up between the two of them after the big breakup. There were some aspects of the book I just didn't vibe with but overall it wasn't a bad read. If you enjoy rival romances then give this a go, maybe you'll have a better time with it than I did.
*Thanks Netgalley and St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Griffin for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
randomised trope/tag grading game
@captain-aralias tagged me in this fun challenge. I did a trope rating one a while ago, but this one is randomised!!
Rules: Generate your own personal list of 10 AO3 tags to rate. How much do these tags affect your decision to click on a fic? -10 -> very dissuaded 0 - don’t care either way +10 -> very enticed nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Drag Queens - 5
5 feels like a good mid-point, because I've never actually read a fic where a character doing drag has a central role, but I do love drag queens in real life, so I wouldn't mind. I just never thought to seek it out. Maybe I should.
Virtual Reality - 0
Define "Virtual Reality". Do you mean the blorbos playing some sort of VR game of the blorbos actually being in a VR-generated world? The first one sounds, uh, kind of boring. The second one sounds more interesting. (Not a fic, but the Hank Green duology really does this well). But also... not really interested in the first place.
Retirement - 0
Look, I just turned 25. I don't have any idea what to think of retirement yet. Ask me again in 40 years.
Feel-Good - 1000
FUCK YEAH. I don't believe that fic necessarily has to be a form of escapism, but it can be and feel-good and pure fluff is my JAM.
Loneliness - idk
This is a tough one, hence the idk. I think it is a great topic to explore, but as someone who's felt incredibly lonely, it's also a tough cookie. So it can be cathartic to see my (past) feelings reflected, but it can also be daunting, so I guess it depends on the mood.
Cardinal Virtues - ????
I had to Google what this means and I am still not entirely sure. I feel like I should, cause I literally study philosophy these days.
But, like, what does this mean for fic tropes? Does this mean a fic is all about a character being just or what not?
Post-Canon - 10
YEAH. I mean, it does depend on how much I love the canon (looking at you, Glee, fuck off!), but if I do love how the show/series/whatever ended, I do like the idea of checking up on these characters, so to speak.
Animal Traits - -10
Meh. I also don't really know what this means. I assume it has something to do with hybrid fics and that is not my thing and it never has been. This assumption is because traits like "loyalty" aren't inheritely for animals, for example dogs. Wait, is THIS what's meant with Cardinal Virtues? (jk)
Unhealthy Relationships - 2
Oof, okay. I was literally just thinking today on how fiction allows you to explore things you don't want to occur in real life and this is one of them. I mean, guys, I love Snowbaz. That isn't particulary healthy, especially in Wayward Son. I suppose it depends on how unhealthy (there's a difference between miscommunication and personal problems getting in the way and straight up physical violence) and how it's explored. If it's romanticised in any way, it's a big no, but to come back to the Wayward Son example, I do like the exploration.
Cannibalism - -100000
Tagging @quizasvivamos @spookyklaine @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @cutestkilla​ @wellbelesbian​ @artsyunderstudy​ @martsonmars​ @facewithoutheart​ @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @blackberrysummerblog @whatevertheweather
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