#just received a text excited that she’s second me something but it’s like ‘called grandpa yet?’
Me when my my family only calls or texts when there’s something they need meanwhile I call once a week for no other reason than wanting to chat:
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 5 months
Hart and Hunter - Chapter 31 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Julian Hart
"My grandfather?"
"More like his grandfather. I went down to the town archives to poke around. I was hoping to find some original building plans but instead I found this. Hang on..."
I wait and a moment later my phone pings as it receives a texted image.
I open it and find a picture of an old photograph.
It's an old-timey portrait of a man seated in a chair.
He has handsome features, slicked-down hair and a somewhat severe expression and he stares directly at the camera with an intensity I feel across the span of time.
He also looks vaguely familiar.
My phone pings again as a second image comes through.
This one appears to be of the photograph's back, on which two words are written in an antique script I can barely decipher.
Freya squints at it over my shoulder.
"Julius Hart?"
"Yeah," Grace confirms.
"And you would not believe the number of dusty boxes of un- cataloged crap I had to sort through before I found even a crumb of information on the guy. Even that is barely a mention but... hang on."
There's another pause as a third image comes through.
This one is a picture of a microfilm screen showing a page from an old newspaper.
I enlarge the image and read aloud.
Mayor Josiah Inglewood of Spring Lakes has announced the construction of a new town center, to be designed by architect Julius Hart. After a harsh winter marked by bitter losses for the small mountain community, Mayor Inglewood asserts that the modernized buildings will bring new life and prosperity to the region. Lingering anger and resentment following the mysterious disappearances of seven children over the past year has plagued Inglewood's campaign and his choice of Hart to lead the project has not escaped scrutiny. Hailing from Ireland via New York, Hart is well known among Spiritualist circles as a man to call when a problem defies rational solutions. His presence in Spring Lakes has aroused curiosity and suspicion, as well as hope. Since his arrival, no further disappearances have occurred and some... including this reporter... have wondered if there might not be some connection between the two. Construction of the new buildings is slated to begin within the month.
I look up at Freya and see my shock mirrored on her face.
"I did some digging, too," Chloe says, chiming in over the line.
"I found some mentions of a 'Hart' family in my uncle's journals. They were some sort of 'Shifter hunters' but they were all killed off or died out over time. Julian, I think you're the last of their line."
I grimace.
"Great. So, if you're right, I've got wolf-slayers on one side and Shifter hunters on the other. Dane will love that."
"Dane won't give a shit," Freya says.
"The important thing is that whatever happened with the portal back then, your great-great-great-grand-pappy was a part of it. Didn't you say Stephanie saw children in the Shadowlands?"
"Yeah but no children have been reported missing, that I'm aware," I say.
"This is amazing work, anyway, Grace... you, too, Chloe. Obviously the portal and maybe the skin-changers and Fae, have caused trouble before. I just... don't know how it's connected to what's happening now."
Freya sighs.
"Too bad the one person who could probably tell us everything can't speak."
Even as she says this, it hits me.
"Rhiannon," I gasp.
"The rune in Stephanie's shop said 'Hart.' I thought it was about me or my grandpa but what if she was trying to tell us something else? Something about this Julius guy and whatever happened back then?"
"If only there was some way we could ask her," Freya says dryly.
"Maybe there is," I say, my excitement... somewhat feverish from lack of sleep and compounded emotions... growing with every word.
"The spell-kit Danni gave me worked, in its own way and I think Danni has a real Gift... whether they know it or not. Maybe they know something about breaking curses. You said yourself you've seen something similar, right?"
"Similar in effect. That was human magic. This is probably Fae and I have no idea if what works for one would work for the other."
"I say it's worth a try. Chloe, Grace... thank you both. This is the biggest break we've had yet. Maybe you two should be the detectives from now on."
"I'll stick to research, thanks," Grace says.
"I'm not the one who enjoys running headlong into danger. That said, be careful, Julian and call us if you need anything."
I promise that I will and hang up before grabbing my wallet and keys.
"Whoa, where you going?" Freya asks.
"To see Danni. You stay here and wait for Dane."
"No, no, no. That's not how this works, Juju. We stick together, you hear me?"
"Tell that to Dane. We're supposed to be equals, Mates, a team but the second he thinks there's something real to do, he 'goes solo.' Well, he's not the only one who can. So you can either stop me, come with me or let me go because I'm not waiting for him this time."
Freya stares at me as if seeing me for the first time, and then shakes her head.
"Okay, fine... I'll come with you. Just leave him a note or something, okay? Don't let him come back, in whatever state he's in and find the house empty and you gone. He looks tough on the outside but... well, you know how he is."
I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding, and cover my eyes with my hand.
As angry as I am, I understand my mate well enough.
"Okay. Give me a minute."
Grabbing a pen and a pad of sticky notes, I scribble a message, then crumple it up and try again.
On the fifth attempt, I think I have it right.
Dane, gone to Danni's for supplies love you. Julian
Dane will know what it means, while to any other eyes it appears innocuous.
I stick it to the outside of the front door at eye level, the bright yellow paper unmissable against the dark wood, before walking to my car.
As Freya follows me, I pause beside the vehicle and turn in a slow circle, sweeping the land with my gaze.
By this time the sun is up, and the meadow glitters with dew beneath its first golden rays.
The forest beyond is quiet and still, except for the usual busyness of birds. There's no sign of Dane.
Casting Freya a glance, I find her watching me with a worried frown.
I shake my head, open the car door and get behind the wheel.
She circles around and gets in the passenger side, folding her long limbs into the small space.
We share a look and I feel a sort of understanding pass between us.
Then I start the engine, put the car in gear and turn towards town.
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alicemitch09writes · 3 years
look, i know i’m an asshole but at least i’m trying
“Look at that, isn’t he amazing?” the blond boy yells, pointing at the TV on display, showing one of those heroes in work.
“Uwah, All Might’s so cool!”
(E/c) eyes followed the boys’ gazes, watching a big hulking figure power through villains.
She could only nod, half-heartedly, keeping her eyes on the screen, listening to the two boys go on about how amazing he was.
Booming laughter sounded off from the screen, the two boys anticipating as the hero turned to the camera. “I am here!”
And then, the boys went wild – gesticulating wildly, words of admiration leaving their lips, eyes twinkling with amazement. Honestly, it was easy to like someone as big and prominent as All Might.
But in a world ruled by quirks, and your perception of them tainted at an early age, it was difficult to really set yourself on where you stood.
“Isn’t he the coolest, (Nickname?)” green eyes turned to the (h/c) girl.
“Uh, yeah…” came the girl’s reply, rather dull and lacking in the same energy as the two boys.
“That was a weak reply, (Name)!” the blond boy turned to her, a bit offended. “You should be crying out like me and Deku! All Might’s the coolest!”
Chancing a look at the said hero on screen, she shrugged, unsure how to reply to that. “I mean, I guess he is.”
Both boys froze at their friend’s lack of admiration for their favorite hero.
“Sorry I’m not like you guys.”
“T-That’s okay, (Nickname).” The green-haired boy says, voice shaky and his eyes sheen with tears he’s fighting off, smiling warmly at her.
“Hey, that doesn’t mean I don’t like him, though. He’s just not my favorite hero.”
The blond boy’s carmine eyes widen at that, the three kids began to walk home together once the show was over.
“Then, who is your favorite?”
“Hm…I guess I prefer the quiet heroes, I guess?” she nods, mind thinking of policemen, teachers, cooks, train staff, and fishermen. “Ones that don’t really stand out but are cooler in other ways.”
“Ah, there’s this one hero I heard about from Kyoto!” Izuku tells her. “He has a healing quirk, but he’s also really good at martial arts and carries a cool staff with him.”
“That’s Merlin!” the girl gushes excitedly, her walking having a bit of a jump. “The Wandering Hero: Merlin! He’s so cool! I think my grandpa mentioned him before, having trained in our dojo when he was still in training. Ma says he was the prettiest looking man next to Pa. And Pa says his quirk’s extra cool if you get to see it in person!”
(E/c) eyes sparkled the more she gushed about this hero of hers, one he’s never heard of because of his rather elusive nature as a hero.
“That sounds amazing, (Nickname)! I wish my family could have known All Might as well!” the green-haired boy’s tiny fists shook with excitement, sharing her enthusiasm.
“Tch, All Might’s still better. Just wait ‘til I become a hero, (Name)…” muttered the blond, hands in his pockets. “Then you’ll see that I’m definitely the best outta the rest.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, looking at her friend in disbelief. Then mischief.
Getting behind him, she kicks the backs of his knees, causing him to topple to the ground face first.
“Ah, Kacchan!”
“What the hell was that for, (Name)!?”
“That was so lame of you, Katsuki!” laughed the girl, sticking her tongue out as she grabbed the green-haired boy’s hand and proceeded to run ahead of him.
Angered the boy rushes to his knees, cheeks definitely not flushed, and gives the two a chase. “HAH!? WHO’RE YOU CALLING LAME!?”
Three little kids ran down the streets, laughing in their wake.
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Traditions in Japan were rather a thing that made the country quite known to the outside world, as many adhered to certain types of customs.
And as per family tradition, certain family never fails to hand over ochugen gifts to the people in your lives.
A (h/c) girl was headed off to the Bakugou’s first, a box full of fresh harvest from her grandpa’s garden. Coincidentally, it also happened to be Izuku’s birthday and she got him special tickets to that superhero exhibit. To commemorate, she had even worn an All Might shirt!
Reaching the Bakugou’s, she put down the Midoriya’s box, before reaching for the doorbell. Someone yelled inside, followed by explosive remarks, which was something she’s rather used to.
Patiently waiting, she felt a buzz, taking her phone out of her shorts pocket, smiling when she saw a text from the birthday boy, feeling the excitement through his text.
The door clicked open, her smile still in place as she furiously texted Izuku back. As she pressed reply, she then pocketed her phone and readily met a pair of carmine eyes.
Except, the owner of said eyes came from the last person she cared for, smile flattening.
For a second there was surprise in his features, softening slightly as his usual scowl set in. His eyes took in her form, the box, then at the ridiculous shirt she had on. “What the fuck are you wear-“
Behind him, a voice called out. “(Name)-chan!”
It was Auntie Mitsuki.
Smile finding its way back, a rather polite one at that, the teen greeted her back. “Hiya, Auntie!”
Shouldering her son aside, receiving a snarky reply she didn’t bother with, the Bakugou matriarch’s eyes shined at the sight of the young teen. “Look at you, growing up so fast to be this cute!” unable to help herself, she reached over to pinch the younger girl’s cheeks before swallowing her into her arms for a hug. Releasing the girl, her carmine eyes then focused and shined at the items in her hand. “Ah, Shihan really has the neatest harvest every summer, thanks for these!”
“We most graciously bestow our gratitude to you, oh great Bakugou Mitsuki!” the teen implored, rather dramatically, earning a laugh between the two, like a running gag.
Bakugou could only watch, quite amazed at their relationship.
“Oi brat, get this will ya?” snapped his mother over her shoulder.
“Don’t tell me what to do, hag!” screamed the blond back, carefully taking the box from her hands.
Their eyes met briefly before she easily slid them away to focus on his mom, an instantaneous reaction.
“You seem dolled up, (Name)-chan. Got a date?”
Humming, she tilted her head to the side. “You could say that,” at that, Bakugou nearly stumbled in his step but she didn’t notice. “it’s Izuku’s birthday today and I’m just having a birthday date with him in a while!”
At the mentioned of Deku, Bakugou froze in his step, looking over his shoulder to take in her attire once more – a gaudy All Might shirt tucked into some simple denim shorts, then some sneakers.
“Aw, ain’t that cute. Oi, Katsuki, why aren’t you with them!?”
Caught, he burst out a reply. “HAH? Why the hell would I spend time with those extras?” his words got the best of him before he could control himself, her brows knitting together, pain flashing through (e/c) eyes for a quick second. He instantly regretted opening his stupid mouth.
“Anyways," he couldn't help notice the slight strain in her voice, feeling his heart drop "I just came to drop by our ochugen gifts. Thank you again for all your help, Auntie.” Grabbing the Midoriya’s gift box from the ground, the teen worked on a smile. “Please tell Uncle Masaru I said hi!” And with that, she was gone.
Both blonds watch the young girl walk away before the door closed. Without a word, Mitsuki walked back in, giving a quick smack to her son’s head before disappearing into the kitchen.
Her hit was rather soft, reprimanding.
Something unpleasant filled his gut as he dropped the gift box on the dining room table and headed off to his room, pained (e/c) eyes haunting him.
You always hurt the ones you love.
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Does it feel weird to feel close to someone you haven’t spoken to in years? That there’s always been this sort of connection between the two of you that instantly links you together even after days, months, years of zero contact?
Well, that’s how Bakugou Katsuki feels towards Yuroichi (Name).
Ever since they were kids and he was introduced to (Name), she was all he cared about. Well, there was Deku, but he was second on his list.
(Name) had always been special for him.
But then, things changed.
Since being paired up with Deku for his practical exam, he was unsettled. Well, he’s been unsettled for a lot of things for lots of reasons. But basically, what he’s been unsettled about with Deku was (Name).
While he remembered wimpy Deku trailing behind him, there was always (Name) ready to drag him away or be beside him. Where there was Deku, (Name) was sure to follow. They were like a combo; one was never without the other. He hated it.
Deku had no fucking quirk, was weak, small, a shitty nerd, yet he had the fucking gall to stand up and try to be a hero. With that, (Name) shifted her attention and adoration to him and him alone.
Honestly, he didn’t mind that they were quirkless – they honestly just got in the way.
Still, it fucking hurts that (Name) wouldn’t bother looking his way or even saying a word to him. Fuck, even Deku would acknowledge him even if it were outta fear!
Bullying probably made sense to keep her distance, especially since he loved targeting weak quirkless like Deku and her. But to be on the receiving end of those angry eyes, it made him weak. It may have enforced and asserted his dominance in middle school, but to her, it was a disgusting power play.
He may not be close with her compared to when they were younger, but he’s always kept an eye out for her (and Deku, shut up). He knows that she’s an expert martial artist, bagging and winning several competitions and tournaments, was the pride of the school and her family dojo, sleeps a lot during classes, and sometimes, the older kids would pick on her because they knew she was tough.
(However, after that one time in middle school, she stopped with the fighting and worked on a clean slate.)
She never befriended anyone without a quirk lightly, the majority of her friends either were quirkless or had a really minor, insignificant quirk. She didn’t seem to care nor mind. However, Deku remained her closest companion.
He’d see her a lot – in hallways, in class, on the way home, but he never got to be with her.
Nonchalant, lax, yet kind and sweet to others, but to him, she was forcibly polite and civil.
Those adoring, reassuring, warm (e/c) eyes were reserved for that one shitty nerd.
He hated to admit it, but he craved for her attention, yearned for her approval, and desperately lingered on the fact that they were childhood friends, so he’s obliged to keep a relationship, even when now they’re barely acquaintances.
On his middle school graduation, while he was surrounded by his so-called friends and his parents, his eyes easily caught on two people laughing amongst themselves.
Just seeing them, laughing together with cherry blossoms fluttering to paint an idyllic image, suddenly made him feel extremely lonely. His hold on his diploma slackened, fingers and foot twitching, eyes taking his childhood acquaintances in.
Graduating top of his class, with a bright future set for UA High School. He should be excited, right? Ecstatic even at what he’s gained? Yet why does it feel so lacking?
Carmine eyes began to soften, especially at the smaller of the two. Realization dawned unto him, the occasion was rather bittersweet for (Name), as it was nearing a year since she lost her parents and she couldn’t share the joyous occasion with them. Thankfully, she had her grandfather with her, then Auntie Inko, and Deku.
But not him.
Irked, he left before his mom could find them, no doubt, to use the opportunity to snag a photo of the three.
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Nothing hurts more than to realize that the one person – he swore to protect, to keep by his side, had completely shunned him.
At first, they were inseparable. But as the years passed, they drifted apart.
The day (Name) punched him was a literal awakening, a prologue really. It got him worked up. Then the Sludge Incident happened. Her parents died. The light in those (e/c) eyes weren’t as bright as before, even when she got a part-time job.
He knew he was wrong; he won’t deny that (but he won’t say it out loud either), but he won’t ever hide from it either.
After getting into UA, he felt her punch even more at the introduction of his classmates with quirks, as she aptly put it “better and flashier” compared to his.
That stung, hurting his ego.
Damn, the top was a challenge.
But he wasn’t backing down, damn it.
So, what is he was a proud asshole? He had every reason to be! He had compensated with his talents, smarts, and versatility.
Still, to be called out on having a shitty personality boosted only by the fact that he had a strong quirk could do a number to him.
When it came to matters of the heart, he sucked in that aspect.
(h/c) locks, framing a pretty face with (e/c) eyes, they always, always, always manage to catch him off-guard.
Unbeknownst to the green-haired nerd, whenever he opened his big mouth to his friends in 1-A, he’d hope there was something about (Name), no matter how small or insignificant. They even texted.
Pride would always win over him whenever Deku would openly talk about (Name) – Bakugou would pretend to be uninterested, looking out the window while he was actually taking in the nerd’s words like a starved man, he was the only source of news he had because for the first time in their life, (Name) was not there with them. It sucked. (She was very clear on steering away from heroics or people who had a quirk, despite having one herself)
The days were lonelier and duller without her. Deku’s ramblings were something – slightly comforting, but don’t tell him that, but it just missed that one figure next to him.
For all his bravado, just the mere mention of Yoruichi (Name) made him weak. Wait, scratch that, (Name) was a strong person by herself, he did not make him weak, shut up. Hesitate, yeah, that’s the word, she made him falter, hesitate. Whatever.
Thankfully, none of his idiotic ragtag of friends keyed in on that. Save for Deku.
Deku, who’d always known. Deku, that sharp fucking nerd who always tried to be the goody-two-shoes and goaded him to talk to her.
Like fuck he’d talk to him about (Name), fucking no way. He’d rather have his nails done with half-and-half bastard than to have a heart-to-heart talk with fucking Deku.
Still, there was just one thing he was sure of about Deku, one thing he’ll never admit to anyone – or even him, out loud: compared between the two, Deku was always the bigger person. He was kinder, gentler, better.
A part of him would forever be jealous of the fact that Deku had been there for her when he couldn’t. Deku had access to parts of (Name) he was barred from. Deku was protective of her. Deku had (Name).
And as for him? Well, he was probably good as a dead fuck to her.
The punch still stung.
Nothing hurts more than to realize that you never had a chance, to begin with.
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From: (Name) Yuroichi
To: Bakugou Katsuki
I’m glad you’re safe.
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A day after Kamino…
For once, the Bakugou household was at peace, a day after his kidnapping. The day before, there was screaming, yelling, crying from both parentals that probably had dried off for today. At least for the first few minutes of the day.
The doorbell rang, Katsuki called out to get it, desperate for a bit of distraction from the silence around him.
He opened the door then froze, breath hitching. Two breaths, actually.
Carmine met (e/c).
For once, indifference was not the expression set on her face that he was looking at, but a softened expression. So incredibly soft.
An image of a younger her suddenly came to mind, back to when they first met each other.
“Katsu- “stopping, her lips pinched together, a small frown setting in, not ready to say his name just yet.
Hurt flashed in his eyes, desperately taking her in.
When he was kidnapped, first of all, he was annoyed as fuck, but most of all, he was scared. The League of Villains had him by the neck, literally, immobilized him, just to lure out All Might. And the thing that kept him grounded was her, (Name). The memory of her soft expression after they’d washed the dishes, comforting silence between them, that burnt mark on her neck, her telling him to have fun at summer camp. Her text message.
Remembering her presence at his doorstep, his eyes caught hold of the item in her hand – ochugen gifts, he uncharacteristically gestured at it.
“My mom’s not home, so…” his words came out lamely, weakly. So, unlike him.
But she was so lost in her head that she could only nod.
Gently, he reached for the box, their fingers brushing against each other lightly.
Something fluttered in his chest, wildly and tightly. Summer seemed to have come quickly as he was beginning to sweat, the smell of burnt sugar bleeding through.
Head still hung low, he took it as her parting, something in his chest twisting painfully, and he slowly turned on his back.
(Before he headed back in, instincts – maybe, or her heart forced her to, she grabbed hold on the back of his shirt, stopping him, and pressed her head between his shoulder blades, taking in his scent.)
Bakugou didn’t move, feeling her shaking hands balling into fists, as though to ground herself.
“I…I know I said this already, but still, I want you to know,” her voice was shaky, but she continued to speak, taking a deep breath. “I’m so glad you’re safe.” The thing in his chest continued to flutter wildly, threatening to come out. “And I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
Silence followed, likening to a pregnant pause, there was more she wanted to say, but the fear of having your feelings get the best of you seemed off-setting in the given situation, so she settled for that.
Before another word was said, she hurriedly grabbed the Midoriya’s box and clumsily left, completely red in the face.
He watched her leave over his shoulder, she almost ran into the gate, fumbling with the box as she headed to the Midoriya’s.
Suddenly, he felt lighter. The punch no longer hurt, leaving a bruise in its wake. This was the beginning of progress with her, it was something. Proud as he is, Bakugou’s never one to admit his mistakes, but for her, he’ll try.
If anything, she was right about everything she thought about him. Especially the part that he was lame.
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Heaven Sent; Part 3
Jin x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings: None to note.
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Month two after your husband’s passing was the month that you decided to go back to work. You were starting to go stir crazy from being home all the time (which is something that you never did before Hae-il died), and you figured that the consistent change of scenery could help you start to feel better.
You had been working at the same interior designing firm since you graduated from university, which was around the same time that you met Hae-il. You loved your job and as much as you’d been grieving the past two months, you were actually excited to go back.
This excitement waned on the day that you were due back, however, because you realized that you didn’t have anyone to watch Aera. It had completely slipped your mind seeing as though she was school aged but since it was the beginning of summer, she needed someone to stay with her. Your parents couldn’t do it because they were in the next town visiting family and Hae-il’s parents couldn’t do it because they had gone on a vacation out of the country. 
“Just my fucking luck,” you groaned loudly, slumping down at the table in the kitchen and setting your head in your hands. You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes, but you forced yourself not to let them free. Now that Hae-il was gone, these were the types of things that you were going to have to start thinking about and you just had to deal with it.
“Mommy?” Aera called as she strolled into the kitchen and you lifted your head, quickly sniffling to make sure that there were no tears about to fall from your eyes. 
“Yeah sweetie?” You answered and Aera walked over to you, climbing up and squeezing her way into your lap.
“Are you still going to work today?” She wondered and you smiled softly.
“Probably not love,” you replied. “I forgot that Nana and Papa and Grandma and Grandpa aren’t able to watch you today so I’ll have to stay here with you.”
“What about uncle Yoongi or uncle Tae?” Aera asked.
“They have to work today too,” you told her.
“How about uncle Jin?” Aera suggested and your eyebrows raised automatically.
“Uncle Jin?” You repeated. “You would want to stay with him?”
“Yeah! I love uncle Jin!” She exclaimed, making you laugh at how excited she had gotten. 
“Alright, alright, calm down,” you giggled. “I can call him but there’s no guarantee that he’ll be able to watch you because he works too.”
“Oh, can I call him?” She asked and you just nodded your head. After getting up and finding the business card that he had given you that day in the grocery store, you dialed his personal number before putting the phone on speaker and then handing it off to Aera. 
“Hello?” You heard Jin answer.
“Hi uncle Jin!” Aera chirped happily.
“Is this my little heart?” Jin gasped playfully, making Aera giggle.
“Yeah, it’s me!” She confirmed. “I’m calling you from my mommy’s phone.”
“Oh, well I’m so happy to hear from you,” you could practically hear the smile in Jin’s voice. “What’s going on?”
“My mommy has to go to work but I have no one to stay with so I told mommy that I can stay with you!” She told him.
“Is that so?” Jin chuckled. “Why don’t you let me talk to your mommy for a minute?”
“Ok,” Aera agreed, turning to you and holding the phone up. You took it from her, taking it off speaker before pressing it to your ear.
“Hi Y/N,” Jin greeted you. “I see someone is very insistent on coming to stay with me.”
“She is,” you chuckled lightly. “I’m sorry for the late notice. I suddenly decided that I was ready to go back to work and today is supposed to be my first day back but I forgot to make babysitting arrangements for Aera.”
“Say no more,” he interrupted you. “I’ll keep her for you.” 
“You sure?”
“Of course,” he said. “I’m working from home today anyways, and I wouldn’t mind the company.”
“Oh my gosh, thank you so much,” you gushed. “I really appreciate this.”
“Hey, I meant what I said about you being able to call me if you needed something,” he told you gently. “When do you have to be at work?”
“In like an hour and a half, so I’m gonna finish getting us both ready and then I’ll bring her to your place?” You suggested.
“That’ll be fine. I’ll text you my address,” he replied.
“Ok, we’ll see you soon. Bye.”
“Bye,” Jin echoed before hanging up the phone.
An hour later, you were pulling up to the address that Jin had texted you, marveling at how large the house was. You had to admit, it kind of confused you as to why he needed such a large house when it was just him from what he had told you, but you just pushed that thought to the back of your mind as you got out of the car and helped Aera get out of her booster seat.
“Can I push the ringy thingy?” Aera begged and you laughed.
“It’s a doorbell Love, and go ahead,” you nodded. She lifted herself up onto her tiptoes, pressing the beige colored doorbell multiple times. A few seconds later, the front door flew open and Jin was standing there, smiling at the both of you. 
“Hi uncle Jin!” Aera shouted, making you wince from how loud she was while Jin just chuckled and bent down.
“Hi little heart,” he greeted her as he opened his arms and you watched as Aera stepped forward and wrapped her little arms around his neck. “Are you excited to stay with me today?”
“Yes! Can we have strawberry ice cream?” She wondered and Jin just shrugged. 
“Maybe after lunch,” he told her before releasing her and standing up straight again.
“Thank you so much for watching her at the last minute,” you spoke up and he just waved his hand dismissively. 
“Seriously, it’s no problem,” he repeated himself. “She’s never any trouble.”
“But still, I really appreciate it,” you told him. You then bent down so that you were at Aera’s level and you held your arms out to her, smiling when she moved into them and let you hug her to your chest.
“I’ll be back to get you a little after 6, ok?” You said and she nodded her head. “I want you to listen to uncle Jin, and be good for him. Alright?”
“I will,” she promised.
“I love you baby,” you whispered and you smiled when Aera pressed a soft kiss to your cheek.
“Love you too mommy,” she replied happily and you released her then, standing up straight again and looking at Jin. 
“Please, don’t hesitate to call if you have questions or even if she just needs to talk to me,” you instructed Jin. 
“I’m sure we’ll be fine, but I will,” Jin assured you. “Have a good first day back.”
“I’ll try,” you smiled. “Bye Love.”
“Bye Mommy!” Aera waved her hand rapidly, making you laugh before you turned around and headed back down the steps to your car.
You had been nervous about what it would feel like to step foot back into your office, given the fact that you hadn’t been there since the day that Hae-il died. You were afraid that all of the feelings that you felt that day were going to come rushing back and that you’d turn and run, your tail between your legs. 
It wasn’t like that though. Of course, you had slight flashbacks as you walked through the entryway, remembering how you had sprinted through the same hall in order to get out of the building and to your husband, but it wasn’t anything so strong as to make you want to leave.
You were also pleasantly surprised to find that your co-workers were really nice about you coming back to work as well. Deep down, you knew that at least part of it was because you were a young widow now, but you still appreciated the smiles and murmurs of ‘welcome back’ that you received as you made your way to the office that you shared with Yoongi. 
“Knock knock,” you called as you knocked on the door and Yoongi’s head whipped up, his eyes widening when he saw you.
“Y/N-ah, you’re back!” He grinned, pushing his chair away from his desk and standing up, making his way over to you and gathering you up in his arms. You instantly hugged him back, smiling as you rested your chin on his shoulder. 
“You’re way too happy to see me so I’m assuming that working with Taehyung hasn’t been going so good?” You assumed with a smirk and Yoongi pulled away from the hug to roll his eyes dramatically.
“I love the kid, but he has no sense of color coordination,” he groaned. “We worked on an apartment last week and he tried to put black furniture in a brown bedroom.”
“Oh God,” you grimaced. 
“So I think it goes without saying that I missed my partner in design crime,” Yoongi huffed.
“I missed you too,” you smiled. Just then, there was another knock on the door behind you and when you turned around, Taehyung was standing there. 
“Y/N!” He exclaimed, rushing over to you and gathering you up in his arms. You squealed in surprise, wrapping your arms around his shoulders only to make sure that he didn’t drop you.
“Ok, please put me down,” you begged and Taehyung gasped before doing so, his smile turning sheepish.
“Sorry, I just got excited,” he chuckled. “Are you back to work now?”
“I am,” you nodded. “I figured that it was time and to be honest, I missed it.”
“We missed you too,” Taehyung grinned.
“Who has the baby?” Yoongi wondered, referring to Aera. “Your parents or Hae-il’s?”
“Uh, actually Jin has her today,” you replied. 
“Jin?” Taehyung repeated. “Who’s that?”
“Oh, is he that guy that Aera ran up to at the dinner after the funeral?” Yoongi questioned and you nodded your head. 
“Yeah,” you confirmed. “My parents are visiting family and Hae-il’s parents are on vacation and since me coming back to work was kind of a last minute decision, I ended up asking Jin and he agreed to watch her.”
“And you trust him with her?” Yoongi asked. “Wasn’t he one of Hae-il’s friends?”
“Yeah, his closet one,” you huffed. “Jin is Aera’s godfather and he loves her probably as much as we do. I wouldn’t have even entertained the idea if I didn’t think that Aera would be in safe hands.”
“Hey, I know,” Yoongi gently said. “I just wanted to make sure everything was ok.”
“Sorry,” you apologized sheepishly. “I’m just kind of tired of everyone questioning my decisions just because I’m grieving.”
“Yeah, I couldn’t imagine how that would feel,” Taehyung nodded in understanding. 
“Alright, I won’t do it again,” Yoongi promised. “Unless you try to suggest putting red furniture in a green colored room, then I’m going to question your sanity.”
“Hyung, that was one time!” Taehyung exclaimed and you just smiled, happy to be around something familiar again. 
After a somewhat long but very productive day, you headed back to Jin’s house to pick up Aera. However, you weren’t expecting to knock on the door and be greeted by someone other than Jin.
“Hi,” a tall, bunny toothed man greeted you.
“Um, hi,” you chuckled awkwardly. “Is...Jin here?”
“Oh yeah, hyung’s here,” the man nodded, stepping back and holding the door open wider. You stepped inside, waiting for the man to shut the door behind you before you followed him through a short hallway and into what appeared to be the living room. 
Jin was there, sat on the couch with Aera in his lap and she was fast asleep on his chest. Two other men were on each side of Jin, and the movie ‘The Little Mermaid’ was playing on the large TV on the opposite side of the room. 
“Y/N,” Jin smiled when he saw you and you smiled lightly. 
“Hey,” you greeted him. “How many men does it take to watch a five year old?”
“One as busy as this one?” Jin chuckled. “Definitely a few.” He then slowly stood up from the couch, being careful not to jostle Aera too much as he stepped over to you.
“Y/N, this is Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin, and Jeon Jungkook,” Jin introduced the two men that were still sitting on the couch, as well as the man who had opened the door for you. 
“Nice to meet you guys,” you waved at them.
“You as well,” Namjoon nodded.
“Your daughter is absolutely adorable!” Jimin gushed, making you laugh. 
“Thank you. She can be somewhat of a handful sometimes if she wants to be, though,” you noted.
“Oh, we saw that today,” Jungkook spoke up. “She wanted me to give her 50 piggy back rides.”
“Oh, you should’ve never done that,” you giggled. “She loves piggy back rides.”
“A little too late now,” Jungkook grumbled but the smile on his face showed you that he didn’t regret it too much. 
“Come on YN, I’ll walk you out,” Jin said and you nodded, giving one last wave to the men in the room before following Jin back through the hallway and over to the front door. 
“How was she?” You asked him and he smiled as he grabbed Aera’s shoes, expertly managing to slide them onto her feet as he held her.
“She was amazing,” he told you. “She ate all of her lunch and then we had a little strawberry ice cream and then we just hung out with the guys and watched movies.”
“Sounds fun,” you laughed and Jin nodded, finishing with her shoes and then grabbing her small jacket from the hook next to the door, draping it over her tiny body. 
“She seemed like she had a pretty good time,” Jin smiled, stepping forward and handing Aera over to you. You hoisted her up, letting her tuck her face into your neck as she got comfortable. 
“I really appreciate this Jin,” you thanked him.
“Stop it Y/N,” he chastised you gently. “I was happy to help today and I’ll be happy to help any other time.”
“Still, thank you,” you nodded. 
“Get home safely, alright?” Jin said and you nodded your head. Jin opened the door for you, smiling softly as he watched you carry Aera out of the house and down the steps to your car before shutting the door gently. 
187 notes · View notes
chocolatemin · 4 years
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word count: 6.15k
contains: college!au, fantasy, fluff, angst, cursing, mutual pining, gn!reader, slightly suggestive remarks
synopsis: Does it really require pixie dust and magic to feel sparks, happiness, freedom, and comfort all at once?
ana’s note: ahhhh this is the first full-length fic i’ve ever written for jisung and i hope i did well for this one ;-; and this was inspired by the very obvious, just by looking at the title, taylor’s sparks fly and also peter pan. i hope you enjoy reading <33 
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Fairies, of course, it is no secret that fairies do exist and sometimes disguise themselves as humans to go out and mix themselves on night festivals during spring, even the one celebrated in your university during mid-spring. You cannot blame them though, the mid-spring festival was always the most anticipated by the people, everyone is welcome too but the biggest difference is that everybody is wearing a costume which makes things more enjoyable. You could dress up as a god or a mythical creature or even a fairy, but of course, no one dares to dress up as a god.
The first time you encountered such fairy was at 3 AM. You shouldn’t be awake at that particular time of the day, people say that it’s either you encounter a good one or a bad one. The elders say that meeting one could either bring you good fortune or bad luck, and in the worst case scenario, make your life miserable. Why? Because it will never leave you alone. In your defense, you were finishing a project due at 9 AM that day and you were barely thriving on the amount of workload. Just like the saying, ever since that day, the fairy hasn’t left your side. So far, the fairy hasn’t made your life miserable but rather made your day more tolerable, but as of now, you want to take that back.  
“Minho, can you please stop whining like a kid? I have this due tomorrow at eight!” You sent a glare to the fairy sprawled out on your bed and he just rolled his eyes at you. 
“Let’s go out please!” He raises his voice to a pitch similar to the annoying girls in your class whenever they talk to their crushes.
“You’re so annoying!” You give your temples a light massage and sigh deeply, “God, when the elders say meeting a fairy could bring bad luck, I didn’t know it was this bad.”
“That’s rude!” Minho suddenly transported himself beside you to slap your arm jokingly.
“I swear if you don’t shut up, I won’t take you to Changbin’s.” You shove your phone to his chest before pushing him away, “Go entertain yourself and remind me when it’s 9:30.” 
“Not the texts and gallery!” You added.
You push the door open causing the bell to chime and garner the attention of the boy behind the counter as Minho trailed behind you. You flash the barista a soft smile before dragging Minho by the sleeve of his shirt. 
“Hey,” The man in front of you returns the smile, “What would you like to order?”
Scanning the menu, you picked the first thing you saw, “Caramel Frappuccino, extra shot please,” nudging the boy beside you as the barista punched in your order, “What’s yours?”
“I’ll have the same.” Minho tenses beside you, you forgot that he always gets the same drink. 
Before you could hand in the cash, the barista beat you to it, “Don’t worry, it’s on the house tonight.” 
“Chan, I insist.” You shake your head, handing him the money.
“It’s because your bags look like they could beat me anytime.” Chan chuckles as he pushes back your hand and you let out a small huff.
“He’s not lying though,” Minho snorts beside you causing Chan to give him a fist bomb. As if they really knew each other.
“Yeah, sure.” You roll your eyes playfully, “Thanks grandpa, you’re the best.”  
Chan shakes his head as you ushered Minho to a seat as you wait for your orders. 
“So, tell me, how did you meet Chan?” Minho places his hands on his pockets and leans on his seat.
“Oh, are you interested in him?” You looked up from your phone.
“Yeah, maybe we could join forces and annoy you non-stop.” Minho smiles at you and you threw a napkin at him.
“Idiot,” You chuckle at his unexpected answer, “Well, he was a senior of mine in the university but we became close because Jisung’s from the same department, he introduced Chan and also Changbin, the owner of this café.” 
“Ah yes, the crush.” Minho smirks upon the mention of Jisung’s name.
“Oh my god, stop,” sighing in annoyance, “Don’t.”
Before Minho could tease you more, you heard Chan yelling your names. This isn’t the first time you took Minho at Changbin’s so Chan didn’t have anymore the need to ask the name of your company tonight. The two of you headed over to the counter and grabbed your drinks, thanking the cute barista and slid an extra tip on the jar before leaving the café. 
Just moments after you left the café, the bells chimed once more, indicating the entrance of another customer. 
“Hey, Sung.” The older smiles, “What will you have for tonight?” 
“The usual.” Jisung hands him the money and leaves a large tip upon receiving his change.
“Y/N just left,” He could see the teasing face of the older despite having his back turned from him as Chan made his order.
“And?” Jisung replies with a lazy voice contrary to his actions. His heart skipped a beat hearing your name.
“They’re with another guy.” Chan raises his brows and Jisung just coughed, “Someone’s jealous.” Jisung ignored Chan’s remark, earning a laugh from the older. “Aw, come on, they only like you,” Chan spoke as he handed him his order.
“As if they would.” Jisung frowns. 
“Trust me. They only have their eyes on you.” Chan gives him a reassuring smile.
“Well, that’s creepy but that’s better than having their eyes on another guy.” Jisung jokes to lighten up the mood, taking a sip from his drink, “See you later.”
Chan nods and he watches the younger head to the exit, a huge grin etched on his face. 
 “They’re idiots.”
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“Do you guys wanna hang out this weekend?” Felix glances up from his food and turns to look at you and Jisung.
“Sure, I’m free on Saturday,” You take another bite of your lunch, “Movie?”
“I can’t,” both eyes turn to Jisung, “I have to meet my old friend in middle school, she’s transferring to our university next semester.” 
“Oh, we’re supposed to look for our costumes,” Felix nods, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice, “I guess it’ll be only me and Y/N.”
“I’ll try to catch up with you,” Jisung grabbed his coffee and abruptly stood up from his seat beside you, “I should get going now, my class is in twenty.” 
“See you later.” You wave at Jisung and he flashes you the smile that never fails to send the sparks bursting inside your chest before leaving you two in an awkward atmosphere.
“I can’t believe he chose his friend over us!” Felix dramatically places his hand over his chest, pretending to wipe his invisible tears.
“Spring break is within the next two weeks, Lix. It must be important.” You gave the boy across you a pat on his hair.
“But they could’ve scheduled it the other day! He knows that it is our costume-finding day!” Felix pouts, poking his food aggressively. You know that every second Saturday of February is special for you three since you became best of friends in high school and this is the first time Jisung declined.
“Don’t be sad, it’ll still be fun.” You smile at him assuringly. 
After your last class, you received a text from Jisung saying your and Felix shouldn’t wait for him since he has to meet his friend. On your walk to the dorms, Felix couldn’t stop complaining on how Jisung chooses his other friend over you two. You feel sad but you understand that Jisung’s time and space does not revolve only within your friendship, what makes you upset is that it’s a girl, thoughts like “What if it is one of his past crushes?” lingered in your mind. Since finals are coming up, you decided to distract yourself from the heavy feeling in your chest by diverting your attention to studying and you are glad that you successfully got rid of the thoughts for a while. However, it’s been hours and you still kept on turning sides and shifting positions on your bed trying to fall asleep yet the feeling inside your chest doesn’t seem to go away.
“Minho, are you there?” Your voice cracked, making you cringe but there is no response. You tried calling a few times and Minho in his pyjamas with a grumpy look appeared beside your bed.
“What do you want?” He groans.
“Can’t sleep, do you have any magic that can make me fall asleep?” You drag the blanket up to your chin.
“Are you still upset?” Minho’s voice softens but you do not answer his question, making him sigh as he sits at the edge of your bed, “I have something cooler to show you, come on,” Minho extends his hand over you.
“Huh?” You ask, staring at his hand.
“Get up, I’ll show you something.” Minho drags you out of bed despite your protests. Snapping his fingers, you suddenly got transported to what seemed like Minho’s room. You know it is his because it smells just like him—cat, he does own three cats so it isn’t new to you. His room felt cozy yet mystical, the things in his room are made of wood, leaves, vines and flowers and the room erupted with fresh leaves and scent of lilacs, and let us not forget, cats.
“Why am I in your room?” You turn to Minho who is taking a small chest from his nightstand. 
“Close your eyes,” you obey as he said and you feel something powder-like stick on your skin, “Don’t open your eyes yet,” you feel Minho’s fingers brush against your forehead, then your brows, your eyelashes, your nose, cheeks, lips and lastly, your chin; his fingers felt like cotton against your skin– gentle and light.
The thoughts were cut off by his voice, “You may open your eyes now.”
“Wow, what is this?” You inspect the shining dust on your skin and clothes.
“That’s pixie dust.” Minho confidently answered. 
“Wait, it’s real?” Your eyes went wide from the excitement. 
“Duh. Did you really think those were all made-up?” He scoffs at the bewildered look in your face. 
“Where are we heading to?” You jump excitedly, making him laugh at your child-like behavior. 
“It’s a secret.” With that, Minho snapped his fingers once more and you were transported outside his house, specifically on his roof, “Are you ready to soar the night?”
“Hell yeah!” You throw your fist in the air, laughing. 
“Take a deep breath, think and believe that you can fly.” You do as he says, mumbling ‘I can fly’ to yourself repeatedly. “Now, take a step forward.” 
“You could’ve just told me to jump off your roof.” You shake your head and jump off his roof, you feel your stomach drop as you fall but you are quick to remember that you have to think and believe that you can fly, feeling yourself stop mid-air and float. 
“Cheesecakes, I did it!” You grin as you fly back up, stopping in front of Minho.
“Wow, didn’t think you were the hardcore type.” Minho chuckles as he spreads his pretty wings that sparkled against the moonlight and fly above you, “Come on! We’ve got an exciting adventure to do!”
You flew here and there, Minho holding your hand in the first few minutes until you got used to flying. His wings fluttered against the gentle night breeze and you suddenly had the urge of wanting to touch his wings, curious on how it would feel against your fingertips. You spent the time flying around the Land of Fae, Minho being your tour guide for the night. He felt happy seeing your eyes light up as he showed you the cool places in his hometown, compared to your dead-looking eyes while you tried to distract yourself from the pain by studying and he promised to bring you again next time for another adventure. By the time you transported back to your place, it was already three am, so you immediately dive on your bed, face first and thank Minho before dozing off, the pain definitely forgotten.
“Y/N! You look like you didn’t get much sleep, what happened?” Felix grabs the sides of shoulders, leaning in to take a closer look at the dark circles under your eyes. 
“It’s just, I didn’t see the time ‘cause I was reviewing my notes on Hegel’s.” You lie, you cannot tell him you just flew all night. 
“Morning,” You feel an arm wrap around your shoulder, making your heart skip a beat. You knew whose arm belonged to, even if you didn’t hear his voice.
“Good morning, Sungie.” You turn to look at him but you are surprised that he was closer than you expected, you smile at him before turning your head away from his face, the tip of your ears getting red. 
“What are you two discussing without me?” Jisung feigned a frown.
“You should tell Y/N not to stay up too late. Look at those eyes! It’s terrible!” Felix points at your face. 
“Hey, it’s not that bad, you still look pretty though.”Jisung brushes a stray hair on your forehead making you flustered while Felix looks at you with an amused reaction. 
“Oh, Y/N, don’t let that get in your head.” Felix laughs. 
“You’re insufferable.” You push Felix before turning to Jisung, blowing a kiss to his direction, “Thanks, babe.” 
Jisung feels like he could ascend anytime from the name you just called him, even if you two exchange flirty remarks on a daily basis, he’s getting used to it to the point that he doesn’t even know if it is still all jokes or means something else.
“I’m getting tired of you two! Ugh!” Felix walks away causing you two to erupt in fits of giggles before catching up to him.
The day was almost great, until Jisung had to leave first again to meet his friend, leaving you and Felix alone for the second time. 
“Aww, Lix, come on, I’m here,” you playfully poke his side, “I bet I’m funnier than Jisung.”
“Oh my god, Y/N! You are never funny!” Felix pushes you away from him and starts walking faster, leaving you behind.
“Don’t you want to hear any of my jokes?” You elbow him, “What does the cell say whenever it takes a picture?”
“What?” The tone of Felix’s voice is flat, obviously unamused at your attempt.
“Cellfie!” You are literally howling at your pun, clutching your hand over your stomach and failing to notice the annoyed look on your best friend’s pretty face.
“That’s so bad, Y/N!” Felix runs away while you are dying of laughter from your terrible joke.
Weekdays had passed and the three of you became busier than ever with all the finals coming up, you could barely hang out with Jisung during lunch and vacant periods, but since you and Felix are taking the same course, you didn’t feel lonely with his presence, the only day you are looking forward to is Saturday, which is today.
You agreed to meet up with Felix at the mall without mentioning that you brought another company with you today, so you weren’t all surprised to see Felix with a panicked face as soon as he sees you. 
“Hey, Felix, I hope you don’t mind bringing my friend with us today,” You smile looking over to the man beside you, “Minho, this is Felix, my best friend.”
Minho extends his hand in front of Felix for a handshake which he accepts despite his flustered state, “Felix, this is Minho, my fair– friend, yeah, friend.” You awkwardly chuckle, nodding to him. 
Thankfully, Felix didn’t raise any suspicions on the two of you but he asked how you became friends, because as far as Felix knows, you really didn’t have any friends aside from him and Jisung, you barely even talk to your classmates. You decided to eat first before proceeding to your real agenda and surprisingly, it was Minho’s treat– which never happens when it’s only the two of you. What a two-faced fairy.
“Y/N, the truth is, I don’t have any ideas for our costume,” Felix scratches his nape, “All I know is we have to match.” 
You are about to answer but Minho beat you to it, “Why don’t you all dress up as fairies?” He says with a proud look at his face, “You can even customize and add details if you’d like.”
“Impeccable.” You mocked, you can see Minho’s hidden intention.
“That’s perfect! We’ll dress up as fairies then!” Felix chirps, your eyes wide from the declaration.
“Fairies are cool, Y/N.” Felix places a hand on your shoulder. What a great ego-boost to Minho.
You glance at Minho quickly and you see the tiny smirk planted across his lips, “They are not, besides, how do you know? You haven’t met one.”
“Neither do you,” Felix retorts before dragging you to the costume store, “Now, shut up, we’re gonna be the best fairy friends ever!”
To be honest, you did not expect searching for your outfits will still be fun without Jisung. Speaking of Jisung, he sure doesn’t know what costume you three are going to wear so you decided to send him a text.
You: hey, ji. we’re dressing up as fairies, should we choose for you?
Sliding the phone back to your pocket, you went over to the accessories and decorations to pick something to add on  your costume that will definitely make you look more like a fairy. Your eyes dart toward a green headdress decorated with crystals and flowers.
“Wow, this is really pretty.” You are interrupted by the vibration from your pocket and you quickly fish out your phone to see a reply from Jisung that made your lips curve into a smile.
Quokka: can you pick my costume for me? i don’t trust felix geez
You: should you really trust me? 
Quokka: baby, your choices are better
You: well then, i shall not hear any complains when you see it
Quokka: thanks, love. don’t have too much fun without me ;(
You feel your heart burst just from the way he addressed you but it was quickly replaced by a heavy feeling upon remembering that he’s with his friend right now. Sighing heavily, you grab the headdress before walking, tapping the shoulder of your best friend from behind.
“I’m picking Jisung’s clothes.” Felix turns to you with his brows furrowed.
“I already picked his!” He shows you a forest green tunic paired with grey braies, you admit Felix absolutely chose a great outfit this time.
“You picked a decent one for the first time!” You happily hum, “All that’s left is his accessories.” 
The day wouldn’t be complete without games, so the three of you went all out on arcade. At first, Minho didn’t know how the buttons and joysticks worked and you had to teach him first before you three went into competitive mode. Felix was almost skeptical about Minho and it isn’t a surprise for him to come up with a believable lie, you were glad that Felix and Minho got along. You even saw them teaming up just to piss you off coming. By the time you parted ways with Felix, the sun was already setting and the skies were tinted with orange and pink hues.
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Feeling lonely albeit the presence of your mystical fairy beside you as you typed your essays, you decided to text your friends.
You: do u guys wanna come over to study?
Sunshine:  u r heaven sent y/n
Quokka: i’m really busy tonight
You: does that mean u cant join us?
Quokka: yeah…
Sunshine: don’t worry sweet cupcake y/n, i’ll bring over snacks
You: yuck, i’m not sweet and i’m not a cupcake
Sunshine: but u like it when sungie calls you pet names
You: just get ur ass here dumbass
Quokka: ofc, thats MY y/n ;)
Sunshine: i want to puke
You shake your head while smiling to yourself, despite Jisung being the busiest among the three of you, he never fails to lighten up the mood, and your overreacting friend, Felix, that is always there for you, you are really grateful for these two dorks.
You hear a loud knock and a yelling causing your eyes to dart over to the door. You immediately stood up from your seat, nearly dropping your laptop, and grabbed Minho’s arm, who is lying on the couch lazily beside you, “You have to hide!”
“Why? Can’t you just tell him that I came over?” Minho shakes your hand off his arm.
Deciding that you will not make up anymore lies to your best friend, you snake your arm and carry him with his back facing you, “Hide or you get out!”
“Y/N?” You turn your head to the door with shock and horror painted on your face, standing on your doorstep is Felix with a box of pizza and ice cream carrying on his hands, “Were you and Minho sleeping together?!” 
You let go of Minho causing him to fall, butt first on the floor and earn a groan from the fairy.
“No, it’s not what you think!” You rush over to Felix but he takes a step back.
“What is this then?” Felix raised his brows.
“Y/N, just tell him the truth.” Minho says as he stands up from the floor, massaging the part where it hurts.
“What truth?” Felix narrows his eyes as he glances over you then Minho.
“You see, uh, how do I say this,” sighing, “Minho is my–”
“Your what?” 
“Let me finish, brat,” you glare at him, “Minho is a fairy.” 
“The fuck are you saying, Y/N?” Felix walks past you, placing the pizza on the table and putting the ice cream in the freezer.
“I’m not lying!” You argue as you close the door.
“He does not have wings!” Felix raises his hand in frustration.
“Of course, we’re not in the Land of Fae!”
“Quiet down! You don’t want them to know you have a fairy in your room, do you?” Minho shushed the both of you.
“Sorry,” you glare at your best friend, “Believe me.”
“You guys are making this up, right?” Felix’s eyes darted at the two of you, “Tell me you’re joking.”
“We’re not,” Minho answers for you, “Do you want to see me fly?”
“Sure, why not.” Felix jokes but as soon as he sees Minho floating with his legs crossed, his mouth fell agape, “You aren’t fucking kidding?!”
You slap his shoulder as a reminder to tone down his voice.
“I think I’m going to faint-” Felix places a hand over his forehead before dramatically falling down on your couch–on the top of your laptop. Wait, what?
Out of instinct, you pushed Felix before his body could crush your laptop, so he fell on the floor face first instead, “What the hell, Felix! You almost broke my laptop!” You glare at him.
“Do you really have to push me though?” Felix sits up as he rubs his forehead.
“Whatever,” you roll your eyes, “Are we gonna study or…?”
“Yeah, right, sweet cupcake Y/N.” 
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Monday. You loathed Mondays, take note on the emphasis. It was just the second period but you are already tired. You are about to open your locker when you hear footsteps coming towards you.
“Good morning, Felix. What do you want?” You lazily put your textbooks inside your locker before closing it shut, “By the way, did you see Jisung?”
“Wow, Y/N, I’m here yet you’re looking for another guy.” Felix scoffs.
“Stupid,” you shake your head lightly, “I just haven’t seen him this morning.”
“He didn’t tell you?” The question made turn your head to face him rather abrupt, your brow raised and Felix cannot help to notice how badly you are inlove with Jisung, “Nothing, I don’t know either, he didn’t even respond to my text.” 
“Ugh, Felix, you’re so annoying!” Felix just laughs at your irritated reaction.
The walk towards the university cafe is too quiet and you didn’t mind, you wish Jisung could join you for lunch but it seems like he’s really busy and has no time for you, reasonable enough since he probably has lots of work to finish before the due date and it’s already the finals next week, his assessments are different than yours and Felix’s, having your majors in Philosophy. Majoring in Music Production sure is tough and that is one of the reasons why you admired Jisung, aside from his personality. He is hardworking and dedicated, you could see him just goofing around but his grades are always above the average. He tends to joke a lot but when he starts talking about his passion, you could see his determination in his eyes.
Your thoughts are cut off by Felix, sitting across you, “I think you should ask Minho to come with us more often.”
“Who’s Minho?” Jisung is standing beside your table, panting heavily as if he ran all the way here just to see you two.
“Y/N’s friend. He went with us on our shopping.” Felix hums.
You hand Jisung his costume inside the paper bag, your fingers brushing against his slender ones, causing you to stutter on your reply, “Y-yeah.”
“Too bad you didn’t meet him, he’s hilarious! Little did I know, our Y/N has a gorgeous friend.” Felix winks at you but Jisung stood unfazed. To you, Jisung is more gorgeous than Minho and you don’t really care about Felix’s stupid teasing. 
“Whatever, I won’t be coming with you guys later, I’ll have to see Wendy.” With that, Jisung left you dumbfounded. 
“He just came to get his costume?” Felix coughs in disbelief and you just nod. 
Jisung can’t help the jealousy that’s why he left just like that, his insecurities are slowly eating him up again, leaving no parts behind. It would be impossible for you not to have another guy friend, you are attractive as hell and fun to be with, and Jisung thinks you’re out of his league. He just blurted those words as an excuse for him to leave early but he realized that if he leaves you and Felix alone again, you might actually invite Minho with you which isn’t good for the jealousy that is eating him inside.
“Oh, Jisung, I thought you’re with Wendy.”  You stop on your tracks upon seeing Jisung leaning against the railings outside your classroom, probably waiting for the dismissal of your last period. His back facing the sky and the golden streaks of light casting from behind made him look strikingly unreal, with his hair parted and slicked back on the right, is absolutely taking your breath away. He looks up to meet your eyes and you feel the rapid thumping inside your chest intensify. Jisung is going to be the death of you. 
“I told her I have important matters to do.” Jisung walks up to you, his bangs swaying along with his movements. You thought the slowing of time when your crush walks up to you only happens only in dramas, but you were wrong. You realize that they just dramatized it because in real life, time just passes rather quickly without you noticing it since your attention is completely taken by your loved one.
“S-sure.” You mentally slap yourself for making yourself look like a fool in front of Jisung. 
“Wanna have dinner together?” He slings an arm around your shoulder while his other hand clutched around the strap of his bag. You almost forgot that Felix is still with you.
“Of course! We barely had time together the past week.” Felix walks beside Jisung.
“I won’t pass,” you flash him a shy smile, “I missed your loud voice.”
“I don’t know whether to take that as a compliment or what.” Jisung snickers while Felix made gagging sounds. 
You are surprised to see a familiar brown hair at the entrance of the university.
“Hey, Y/N. Isn’t that Minho?” Jisung feels his enthusiasm drop upon hearing the fairy’s name.
“Y/N!” Minho jogs over, stopping just in front of you, “Felix!”
“You must be Jisung,” Minho extends his hand for a handshake which Jisung unwillingly took, “Y/N never shuts up about you.”
You sucked in your bottom lip in annoyance, throwing Minho a death stare, “Why are you here?”
“I was heading home but I figured I could say hi.” Minho feigns a smile, he knows you knew his real intentions.
“You know their schedule?” Jisung finally breaks his silence.
“Not really, it just so happened that my timing is right.” Minho sends you a knowing look. 
“Ah, is that so?” Jisung nods, “By the way, we still have to go somewhere else. See you later, man.” Jisung drags you and Felix away from the scene and you are confused by his sudden behavior.
“Wow, Jisung, didn’t know you’re that territorial.” Felix mused, surely liking the situation. 
“I just didn’t like him,” Jisung turns to you and shrugs, “There’s just something I feel from his presence, y’know?” 
“Ah, yes, jealousy,” Felix speaks in a mocking tone, “That’s something hard to ignore, y’know?”
“Someone wants to sleep outside tonight.” Jisung smirks, making Felix take back his words.
You are disappointed with the short amount of time you spent with Jisung, the day after you ate together, Jisung became busier, if that’s still possible, he rarely responds to your messages and if he did, it is short. His ‘meeting’ with Wendy became more frequent and you tried your best not to think of it and let jealousy consume the best of you. Despite the exams coming up, you found yourself flying around on your nightly trips with none other than Minho–but that is after you finish studying; it became some sort of reward to you. You did forget Jisung and Wendy during your adventures but the longing slowly became terribly agonizing. Even with the use of pixie dust and magic, your heart still feels empty at the end of the day.
It is the last day of finals and spring break is just over the corner yet you feel numb and drained already. 
“I’m going to die,” a sigh escapes past your lips, “I want to sleep for a whole day.”
“Aww, Y/N, you can rest all you want but we have to take the remaining subjects.” Felix pats your hair gently.
“Thanks, Lixie, I know you’d do well!” You smile at him before taking your phone out of your pocket.
You: hey, love, good luck on your final assessments. <3 
Quokka: thanks, y/n. good luck to you too, i know you studied well /( ̄3 ̄ )/
Jisung’s short encouragement was enough for you to go through all your remaining tests and you were satisfied with your answers too. Just like you said on the last day of finals, you really did spend the succeeding day sleeping. You woke up the next day to see your notifications blown up from Felix and Jisung’s texts. It took you almost thirty minutes to read the entirety of the messages and reply to it. 
You became all giddy and impatient with the fact that you’d be attending the festival next next week. You were excited, nonetheless you still spent the first week of spring break either by yourself or with Minho’s company. You tidied up your dorm since you basically live there even during the short breaks from school. You didn’t have a house to come home every spring break because your parents are working abroad and all busy with their work, plus they don’t have spring breaks at work, so it’s you travelling to another country every December just to be with them. 
The day you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived and your heart has been pounding the moment you wake up. 
“Where are you going?” You ask Minho who is heading for the door.
“Felix asked me for some help.” You nod at him and go back to making final adjustments on your costume. Over the few weeks, Minho became disgustingly close to Felix to the point where Minho knew everything about him too but that’s because Felix promised not to tell anyone your friend’s not-so-little secret and Minho trusted your ball-of-a-sunshine friend. What you didn’t expect is for Minho to become friends with Jisung, looking back on the way Jisung acted upon meeting Minho for the first time, it seemed impossible for him to trust your friend. You spent the remaining time watching cute cat videos and reading theories in Philosophy that made you curse a lot and almost regret taking Philosophy as your major during your freshman year. 
Taking one last spin in front of the mirror, you excitedly head to the university gate to meet Jisung and the others but little did you know, your friends had other plans. They decided that they’ve had enough of your pining on each other albeit all the teasing and flat-out hints. 
“Jisung, where are they?” You try to brush off the rowdy butterflies in the pit of your stomach. The pair of tunic and braies gave Jisung an extreme makeover, he looks just like a real fairy, which also coincidentally matches with your olive green fairy costume–to put it short, you look like a couple.
“Didn’t Felix come over to your dorm?” Jisung shrugs, fiddling with the hem of his forest tunic, you can sense his nervousness.
“Minho told me Felix asked him to lend a hand,”  Your eyes widen in realization, “They left us!” 
“I shouldn’t have trusted those two!” Jisung mutters under his breath. 
“What are we going to do now?” You bite your lip, analyzing your surroundings; a fair amount of people have gathered outside the university and the others have already entered the gates.
“Just forget them,” Jisung grabs your hand, “Let’s just enjoy the festival even with just the two of us!” 
Jisung and you went from stall to stall, spending a huge amount of money and eating an unhealthy amount of sweets. The two of you are now sitting beside each other on one of the benches, feet sore yet contented. You can see the diversity in everyone’s costume and everybody is having a great time, smiles plastered across their faces as they celebrate with their friends and loved ones; making your heart feel warm at the rare sight.
“Y/N,” Jisung snaps you out of your trance, “The fireworks are starting soon.”
“Really?” You unlocked your phone, showing the cute wallpaper you had set, which is you three on your first mid-spring festival, “So much time had passed already?”
“Yeah, are you tired?” Jisung places his hand over yours and it felt natural to Jisung.
“I mean look,” you raised your phone to his vision, “Three years had passed and we’re all still friends.” 
“Isn’t it a great thing?” Jisung squeezes your hand lightly. 
“Yeah…” You couldn’t finish your sentence, you cannot just straight-up tell him ‘And we’re still not together, so it’s not great’, your insecurities just don’t agree with you. 
“Did you have fun today? You’re too silent.” Jisung’s eyes searched for yours.
“Of course!” You exclaim, averting your gaze within seconds.
“Good to know,” Jisung smiles as he thumb rubs circles on your knuckles, “I wish this day won’t end though.”
“What do you mean?” It is your turn to face him.
“We have to go home sooner right?” You nod at his words, “Can I ask for something before we leave?”
Ignoring the loud palpitating inside your chest, “Go ahead.”
“May I kiss you?” Jisung is too jittery to mind his choice of words, anxiousness consuming him as he anticipates for your answer.
“Of course,” Feeling slightly confident, you even smiled at him. His eyes marveled from your eyes to your lips and you felt the tiny hairs on your nape stood up when Jisung placed his free hand to cup your jaw while the other held your hand. Just as his lips touched yours, you heard the sound of fireworks spreading across the night sky and everything felt perfect and magical. Seconds passed and you feel Jisung’s lips parting away from yours and you wished it didn’t have to end.
“Hey, Y/N, I know I don’t have supernatural powers nor wings to take you on nightly escapades,” Jisung gazes oh-so-lovingly at your teary ones.
“How did you know?” Your ears perk up, waiting for his response.
“Minho told me,” Jisung smiles, taking a deep breath, “but I can love you with all my heart.”
“I love you too, Jisung.”
You don’t need any pixie dust and magic to feel sparks, happiness, freedom, and comfort all at once; all you need is Jisung and his love.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Gimme Love, 8/9 (Miz Cracker/Blair St Clair) - Grinder
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AN: Oof! After this part, we have one more chapter. Things start to look a little bit better for Brie in this part of the story. Not completely, but she's getting there. Enjoy!
TW for this chapter: mental health mentions
A week later, still no change on the Ed Sheeran thing. Launch day was just around the corner, and my nerves were wrecked. And Jujubee still hadn't spoken a word to me.
It was only morning time, and I hadn't even been awake for 5 minutes. Already so many things were playing in my mind.
I still hadn't reinstalled Messenger. So I had no idea whether Blair had replied or not. I really wanted to just forget about her already, but it was slow. I probably should have applied for counselling sessions with HR. I hired a lady a few years prior named Dela, and apparently, she was brilliant.
But therapy could wait until after the launch.
I had seen Jujubee at work a few more times, either making eye contact and looking away just as quick or trying to say hello at least. She'd just brush by.
I tried texting her but never received a reply. As much as she had pissed me off, I missed her. A lot.
"Hey, this is Jujubee. Leave a message."
"Hey, Juju, it's me." I paused, struggling to figure out where to go from there, "Look, I...I know things are bad between you and me. But I...I don't want to lose you."
I couldn't think of what else to say.
'Please, talk to me?'
'You mean a lot to me.'
My silence was going on too long. "I...hope to see you at the prelaunch party...OK. Bye"
I hung up, burying my face in my pillow, feeling very pathetic. And because I was impatient, I thought to try reinstalling Messenger and try there.
Or was that too much? And did I really want to risk seeing a reply from a certain someone?
...Fuck it, I was doing it. I'd just ignore her. Yeah, I'd do that.
Blair: Wow. I didn't think…
I never clicked a message quicker. I sat up with my back against the headboard, eyes already reading the message.
Blair: Wow. I didn't think you'd actually reply! For sure, girl, we need to hang out! I'm in New York for two weeks anyway. Perfect timing, right? Give me a call as soon as you get this. TTYL.
"Oh my God." I let the phone slip into my lap. How was this real? How the fuck hadn't she found that message creepy? Were things starting to look up? I couldn't just leave her on read. It was sent last week, meaning she was still in New York.
Good. This was good.
But still, why didn't she address the confession to my feelings? Why was she avoiding the subject?
Sorry, you have to hear my innermost thoughts, all these questions. It just goes to show the whirlwind my head was experiencing.
Make a move, Brie.
My thumb hovered over the phone icon in the upper right corner. Do I just...do it?
I clicked the button. It rang for a few seconds, the nerves telling me to just give up.
Why the fuck do the people on the other end always say 'hello' like they didn't see who is calling them?
Why was I even thinking that?? Focus, Brie.
"Hi," I said.
"Wow, I didn't think you'd call." She sounded surprised.
"I'm sorry I keep doing this," I said too quickly. "Anyway, yes. Let's hang out."
There was a moment of silence, and I realised how panicked I sounded.
"Brianna, are you OK?" I heard the concern.
"What? Yeah! Of course, I am." I cleared my throat, "Just a bit...stressed out. Trying to...deal with this launch thingie and...deal with Ed Sheeran, I don't know," I laughed nervously before almost slapping some sense into myself, "I'm not majorly stressed out, though. I can still hang out."
She laughed. And fuck I realised just how much I missed it.
"You always made me laugh. You wanna grab a coffee?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Great! When are you free? I would say today, but I'm stuck with this thingie…" She replied.
And a thought hit me. "Actually... there's gonna be a party for my thing. It's for that project I told you about...back on Prom night, I don't know if you remember."
"Of course I do, Brie. I've been following all the media coverage. It's pretty awesome."
"You have been?" I sounded a little too excited and then reminded myself to not sound too desperate, "I mean, that's pretty cool. But yeah, there's a party the night before the launch. I could add you to the list."
"Yeah, of course! I'd love to come."
"Fantastic. I'll send you the details."
"Well, I'll leave you to it then."
"I can't wait."
"Me too."
"Bye, Brianna."
"Bye, Blair."
She did the awkward half-spoken "bye, bye, bye," and hung up.
I threw my phone down onto my duvet and puffed out a breath of air.
"Yes!" I punched the air, "Yes. Fucking yes."
Shit was definitely looking up.
I found myself loading up my emails. "Dear Ed Sheeran, I appreciate your enthusiasm about participating in our project. However, after some thinking, we would love for you to perform at the event instead. This is strictly for your safety and the safety of everyone else. Sorry for the inconvenience. Kindest regards, Brianna Caldwell and team."
Sent. Easier than I thought.
No matter what the reply would be, I felt strong. Two problems down in less than ten minutes.
All that was left was Jujubee and Mom.
Fuck...the Mom problem.
It wasn't that I didn't love her. I adored the woman with all my heart. But I was still afraid of that recurring conversation, the memories of how I was a problem child. And if it wasn't that, it was my Grandpa.
Funny how those were always the recurring topics, things I didn't want to address. And now, on top of things, we were going to have to talk about Piggie's health.
I sent her money for his medical bills, so maybe things were different for him.
But still, the other topics of conversation I just wish we could avoid…If only there was something else to talk about...
I stared at my phone and instantly became very still.
There was one subject that had gone unaddressed for so long - too long. Oh, God.
Half an hour later, I was in the kitchen, shaky hands pouring a cup of coffee. I couldn't call Mom immediately. I needed to will myself, build up my willpower.
After two cups, I found Mom's name in my phone book, hesitated to hit call but forced myself.
I breathed deeply, taking a seat at the breakfast counter and put the phone to my ear.
She answered but was silent.
"Mom?" I spoke.
"Hey, honey." She sounded deflated.
"Did you get the money?" That was all I could think of to start with.
"Yeah. It's actually really helped. He's already showing improvement." She paused. "Thanks, baby."
It was painful how thankful she sounded, yet so miserable.
"Mom, I'm gonna come see you," I confirmed.
"Yeah." I smiled upon hearing how she lightened up. "I'm sorry about last week. My phone just...cut off, I guess."
I heard a sniff before she spoke again, "It's OK. When are you coming around?"
"Well, I got the launch this week, so maybe not now. How about 2 weeks?"
"Yeah, that's perfect. I have a job interview to prepare for anyway. I applied to this new boutique that opened in town. My interview is next week."
"That's great!" I was actually excited for her. Things weren't just looking up for me, it seemed. "I'm really happy for you."
"Yeah, me too. I'm not even nervous. Just ready to start working again. Anyway, how about you?"
"Actually, Mom…" I paused, squeezing my hand into a tight fist.
"What's wrong, Brianna?" She lowered her tone.
How did she know? I didn't even sound sad. Mothers intuition? Because I always thought that was bullshit. Like, if I was a Mom, I'd be the worst in picking up on things.
"You there?" Mom asked.
"Yeah, I just…" I licked my lips and swallowed. "Mom. Why was I adopted?" I sighed. "Why did they give me up, Mom?"
She was silent for a moment. I could practically feel how she turned cold. "It's time, isn't it?"
I nodded, not that she would see, "Yeah. I...I need to know."
"OK...How about we talk about that when you come here?" She asked.
"No. I...wanna know. I need to know." My voice cracked. "Or I won't be able to move on."
She's silent again…just for a moment. And I felt like I crossed a line.
But she spoke. I hadn't crossed any line.
"OK...Brianna? I just want you to know that I love you, and I always will. No matter what, I'll never stop loving you." Her own voice was cracking now. "When you came into my life, I never realised I could be so happy, how I felt when I met you. You were this...little light that brightened the dark...a reminder that life wasn't so bad. And I promised I'd give you the best life. I'd be the best parent you'd ever have." She paused again. And I knew she was crying. "Brie, it wasn't that your parents didn't want you. I'm sure they knew that they would have been the luckiest parents in the world." She was crying. "Brie. They...they went for a drive one night. And it was raining really bad. And they…"
She was silent. But I nodded slowly, my eyes just staring at the counter, glassy with tears. "I-I understand."
"I'm sorry, baby." She whimpered. "I should have told you this years ago. I...I didn't know it would affect you for this long. I'm such an idiot."
I held my forehead in my hand. "No. No, Mom. You're not. You had no idea." I sniffed.
"I know. I know. But I just...I...How do you tell a child something like that?"
"Don't worry about that, you idiot. I know now." One of the tears finally slid down my cheek. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Brianna."
I smiled, wiping the tear away. And then a quiet laugh escaped. "OK, I can't lie. I don't wanna leave you like this right now. Let's talk some shit or something."
She laughed in return. "God, you and your potty mouth."
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - Shards of Glass 1/2
After over thirty years, Ma is getting paid a visit, all thanks to the persuasion of a sweater-making, pig-loving teenager. A loud HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Stanley and Stanford Pines, born June 15th 19?? (who cares?) Part 2 will be posted on June 30th to conclude the celebration of their existence. So stay tuned!
Mabel had never been on a plane before.
Well, okay, that wasn't entirely true; she had been on an airplane before, but she was so little back then and she didn't remember it now, so to her brain this was her first time on a plane, and she didn't like it much. She had to chew on gum the whole time to keep from getting a headache and the WiFi was too slow to function, so she daydreamed about the summer ahead as she watched the clouds roll by and imagined shapes.
Once, when she and Dipper were really little, maybe four or five, they had flown down to Ma Pines' house all the way in New Jersey for a holiday. Probably Thanksgiving since Mabel only had three memories of that trip. She remembered yummy sweet potatoes with marshmallows that she ate as much as she was allowed, she remembered the distinct smell of the flat, and she remembered…
"Attention passengers, we will be arriving in Glass Shard, New Jersey in five minutes. Please remain seated until instructed to exit the plane, and as always thanks for flying with us at…"
"Dipper, we're here!" Mabel cheered and checked her phone, her other hand busy petting a disturbed Waddles on her lap. By the time a message would load to her great uncles they would already be in front of them, so there was no point in sending a text to alert them of the arrival. "This is so exciting! A whole month sailing with my three favorite people in the world!"
"I'm so excited to see all the anomalies the guys were talking about." Dipper said, looking up from his special journal to smile at his twin. "Maybe we'll see a real adlet!"
"But first I wanna see where Grunkle Stan and Ford grew up!" Mabel piped in. "Maybe we'll see the cave where they found the Stan O' War!"
"Maybe," Dipper said, unsure how true that word was. "But don't you think they might not want to stay very long? I wouldn't be surprised if they want to set sail as soon as we get there."
"But what about their mom?" Mabel asked. "Don't they want to see her?"
Dipper looked down at the silver pinetree on his blue book. Their great-grandmother was a tough old bird (as Grandpa Shermie called her) and was still going in her early nineties. Grant it, she didn't do much besides give an occasional palm reading to keep herself busy, but she was definitely still around. Grandpa Shermie was good about staying in touch with her from what Dad said, and Dad called her every Sunday, but she was still relatively lonely due to the fact that her husband was gone (good riddance) and two of her sons hadn't spoken to her in thirty years. ("Stanford" had been very quiet during Stanley's funeral, had refused to attend Filbrick's, and when Grunkle Stan saw Dipper and Mabel being born he left just before Ma arrived at the hospital.) While a visit was way overdue, it might be too little too late.
"I'm sure they want to see her," Dipper finally said as he looked back up at Mabel. "But it might be too hard, now. And not just for them, you know? How would she take it? Would she even believe them?"
Mabel's attitude dropped a little bit more. She shrugged and scratched the spot Waddles can never reach. "I dunno… Dad took the news okay."
Dipper smiled. When their parents' had gotten Mabel's letter their mother didn't believe them, but their father took them seriously and only shrugged and said, "Yup, that sounds like my uncles, alright."
"I think it's a good idea to see Ma, but let's not pressure them, okay?" Dipper settled on.
"Don't worry, Bro-Bro." Mabel said confidently. "It'll all work out. Oo! Look, look, look! We're here! Look, Dipper, look!"
"Okay okay, I'm looking." Dipper chuckled as they both watched the ground come closer and closer, the plane landing safely on the runway and gliding peacefully.
Ford had always been more collected and self-contained of the dynamic duo; this became apparent as he was able to stand perfectly calm in the airport with his hands on the pockets of his blue jacket while Stan tapped his foot impatiently and checked his phone every minute, even though he never received a notification or heard a ringtone. Ford smiled and came up with a joke to poke the bear with. "Well well, has Stanley Pines truly gone soft for two teenagers?"
"Shaddup." Stan growled but smiled back nonetheless.
"You know, a watched pot never boils. Just relax."
"I ain't worried or nothing, Poindexter," Stan defended. "Sorry that an uncle's excited to see his kids!"
"I'm happily anticipating their arrival, as well," Ford chuckled. "I'll admit it, Mabel's idea of sailing with us is a fantastic one. Why in the Multiverse she wanted to go so badly she felt compelled to beg for a month straight…"
"Believe it or not, the kids like us." Stan lightly punched his shoulder. "I'm sure all they want is to be stuck on a boat with two cool old men for a month with nothing but fish and an occasional monster for company."
"And a pig."
Stan snorted. "I try to forget that naked jerk."
"And we all know how great of a job you…" Ford cut himself off, turning red and fearing he had crossed a line, but Stan laughed loudly and slapped his knee.
"Okay okay, you got me there…"
Just as Stan turned around, his eyes landed on the two most precious things in the world: a boy in a ushanka and navy blue vest with a green t-shirt and blue jeans, a journal in his hands and a large backpack on his shoulders, and a girl with shoulder-length brown hair kept back with a red headband, wearing a purple sweater with a big pink heart that held a golden fish and a golden six-fingered hand, a pig in her arms and a huge suitcase just busting at the seam with sweaters and arts n' crafts supplies.
Mabel grinned with teeth free of braces and tears in her eyes and let Waddles down so they could all run freely. Stan broke into a run for his pumpkin and ignored the squealing pig that arrived at him first by a split second, little hooves on his jeans and button eyes requesting cuddles. Stan scooped Mabel up into his arms and held her tight, her arms wrapped around his neck and her face in his shoulder. Dipper was at his legs in an instant and hugged him, not bothering to pretend it's a chokehold or a means to make the old guy trip and fall. Stan freed an arm to keep him close, and not even a second after Dipper joined the hug Ford was by his brother's side and Dipper adjusted to hug him, too.
Stan heard a small sniff and rubbed Mabel's back. "Sweetie, you're not crying, are you?"
Mabel lifted her head up from his shoulder to look at him, wiping away the tears on her cheeks and eyes. "N-No…" Her smile unwavering through her white lie.
Stan chuckled warmly and put her down next to her twin. "Alright, let us get a good look at you two."
"You've seen us at least once a week." Dipper reminded him. They video-chatted constantly and there wasn't a day they didn't exchange an email or a text message.
"This is different, now shaddap and let me work through my cataracts." Stan and Ford looked at the kids hungrily, who was looking back at them just the same, as if they couldn't absorb each other's appearances enough. Which was probably true. "You've both gotten taller."
"I'm taller than Mabel now!"
"By one milometer!"
"Now don't get short with your brother." Ford said with a smile, making every laugh, including Mabel, who shrugged with a "whatcha gonna do" atmosphere to it.
"And your teeth look amazing, pumpkin!" Stan commented; back in March she had gotten the braces removed and admitted to being unsure if her teeth looked good enough, but they dazzled beautifully when she grinned and apart from a painful reminder that she was growing up, Stan was pleased with the new change.
"And the pictures and video don't do your hair justice. You look beautiful." Ford got on one knee and ruffled her hair, making her giggle and playfully swat his hand away. "I must ask, was there a reason for the new hairstyle, or did you simply fancy trying something new?"
"Let's just say an arts n' crafts accident didn't leave me much choice." Mabel said with a wink.
"She set her hair on fire and we had to cut off the dead ends." Dipper spoiled.
"Dipper! I gotta keep some secrets! It makes me look cool and mysterious!"
"No more secret, sweetie." Stan laughed alongside her.
"And Dipper, my boy, you've certainly grown up a lot since we've last seen you." Ford noted as he stood back up.
"Yeah, who gave you permission to look more manly and junk?"
Dipper rolled his eyes at Grunkle Stan's comment, but Mabel chimed in first. "He's already grown five chest hairs! I bet he named them, too."
"I did not!"
"He won't let me see, though…"
"Last time you saw my chest hair you put it in your scrapbook!"
"That's cuz it was your first, Dip-Dip. The rest aren't as special."
The uncles laughed at the kids' playful bickering and Stan took Mabel's suitcase and they ventured out of the airport with Waddles in Mabel's arms.
With the airport being on the furthest side of town from the beach, Stan flagged down a cab and they piled in for the docks. The entire car-ride they filled each other in on their lives, the kids talking about school and the adults giving brief summaries of some of their adventures. Waddles moved from Mabel's lap to Stan's, and without a single comment and only funny looks from the others, Stan scratched the pig as he talked and listened.
At long last the cab pulled up to the docks and the kids ran out, tired of sitting after a six-hour flight and a twenty-minute car ride, while Ford paid for the ride. The younger set of twins raced to the boat they had only seen pictures of and marveled at the vessel before them. Already showing signs of harsh weather and tons of love, the Stan O' War II stood strong on the gentle sea salt waves, the white letter shining in the early-afternoon sun. With a cozy cabin with a downstairs bedroom and an upstairs everything room, a hardtop for astronomy and sunbathing, and a big enough cockpit for the small family, the Stan O' War II had been an excellent home for the old pair of twins and the younger pair of twins were excited to live here for the first half of summer.
"There she is, kids!" Stan said proudly, a hand on Dipper's shoulder. "This ole girl survived Fiji Monkeys, sirens, and five different krakens. It's completely and totally safe." And then a piece of the antenna for the TV fell off.
"Grunkle Stan, if we can survive in the Mystery Shack for an entire summer, I think we'll be fine here." Dipper said while Mabel ran up to the boat and climbed up with Ford behind her.
"What do you think, my dear?"
"It's BEAUTIFUL!" Mabel squealed and hoisted Waddles up into the boat with them, her eyes sparkling with stars as she took in every detail. "I can't wait to get splinters and name all the moldy spots!"
"Unfortunately, there aren't any moldy spots yet." Ford chuckled. "But there are some craters in the wood that haven't been named."
"Leave that to Mabel!"
When Stan and Dipper joined them, the old men took the kids downstairs to the bedroom to unload their things and get situated. What once used to only hold a set of bunk beds and a dresser now also hosted a set of hammocks hooked to the wall and the dresser, one on top of the other for the kids. Mabel squealed with delight and snuggled into the lower one (still a little afraid of heights) and Dipper said, "Whoa, cool! Thanks, guys."
"Well, can't have you two gremlins sleeping out on deck, can we?" Stan asked. He clapped his hands together and declared, "Alright! You two get settled while Ford and I get us out at sea…"
Mabel sat up on her knees, her hands on the edge of the hammock. "Wait, Grunkle Stan! Aren't you gonna give us the grand tour?"
Stan shrugged. "It's a small boat. Not much to tour, kid."
"I mean Glass Shard Beach." Mabel pressed. "You could show us that old candy store and your swing-set and the boardwalk you used to play in!"
Ford looked over at his brother; while he could stomach saying here a little longer, he wasn't sure how comfortable Stan was taking a trip down memory lane, but then again Stan was always preaching about how "the past's in the past" and "old memories shouldn't stop us from making newer, better ones," but that didn't excuse the fact that Stan had been quick to suggest leaving the docks as soon as they picked up the kids and get the supplies they needed when they first arrived.
But Stan smiled, crossed his arms over his chest, and smirked, "I don't see why not? You cool with it, Sixer?"
Ford smiled at his family. "I think it's a wonderful idea. The boardwalk should be open, maybe the Freak Show is still there."
"Freak Show?! Let's go!" Mabel hopped out of her hammock and the four left the boat for town.
Walking alongside the beach and letting Mabel ride on Stan's shoulders, the kids got a good glimpse of the town. They eventually decide to walk into it on the way to the boardwalk, the old men wondering how much Glass Shard had changed.
It was an odd combination of "nothing changes" and "everything changes". The buildings were still the same, not much torn down or rebuilt, but the interiors were mostly updated or something completely different. They passed the Juke Joint and Stan found he couldn't ignore the growl in his stomach. Nothing but the staff had changed (and the prices had gone up due to inflation), the wall art and food and music still the same, but they had a fun time in the diner as the adults told the kids why What's New Kittycat wasn't an option in the jukebox.
After the late lunch, they were just about to enter the boardwalk when they spotted the candy store that mostly sold saltwater taffy, but they also sold jelly jeans, toffee peanuts, peanut brittle, and any kind of candy anyone could want. Though the store had been given a clean update since Ford and Stan were children, the candy was better than they remembered and they all filled their pockets with bags of sweets. Then they strolled along the Boardwalk and while they didn't play many games, the Stan-twins had a lot of fun telling stories that came along with each and every booth.
At the end, in a giant tent with a devil at the front, stood the Freak Show. Of course, none of the adults from the old men's childhood were still around, except for one muscular guy with tons of tattoos who growled at Mabel like an animal but then broke into a smile as she complimented his look and asked where she could get a cool tattoo of a headless seagull.
"Well, tear off my limbs and call me the next human pickle!" The very old tattoo guy said, his hair white and his skin in wrinkles, but his muscles still somehow very toned and his tattoos still clear as ever. "Good ole Six Fingers! How've you two been? These squirts normies?"
Dipper pulled off his hat and pushed back his bangs. "Who you calling normie?"
The whole tent gasped and a woman with hair growing all over her face said tearfully, "One of us."
"Yup, these little weirdos are Dipper and Mabel, our brother's grandkids." Stan introduced proudly.
"Aw, well ain't that swell!" A puppet said for it's puppeteer.
"So wait, you knew our great-uncles when they were kids?" Dipper asked the oldest weirdo.
"Tell us some embarrassing stories about them!" Mabel bugged, her hands on the guy's knee.
The old tattooed guy laughed. "Embarrassing?! Ha! Your uncles were cool little weirdos who made this dock more bearable! Nearly caught a devil at ten-years-old to boot!..."
"You did WHAT?!" The kids gasped at their beaming uncles.
"... Stan over there knew more swears than anyone else his age and Ford knew more secrets than anyone ever. Those two were hands-down the best pair of twins this side of the Mississippi!"
Ford, who was rosy in his cheeks, had his hands in his pockets and commented, "The Sibling Brothers would have loved to disagree."
"What who now?" Mabel asked.
"The worst pair of uptight dorks you would ever meet," Stan growled. "Ascot and Dickie. Blond-haired rich kids who claimed that no one solved a case quicker than them, but who found the Jersey Devil first, ey?!"
"You found WHAT?!"
"I wonder whatever happened to them." Ford pondered as he held his cleft chin.
"Who cares?" Stan said and motioned the kids out of the tent. "Now let's get outta here so I can show you what happens when a pelican eats a firecracker!"
"Stanley, no!"
"Stanley, YES!"
When the sun was setting beautifully on the ocean, the grunkles bought everyone some ice cream and they sat at the edge of the boardwalk to eat. At one point Stan got ice cream on his shirt with a small "Boo!" and had to leave to clean it off, but then got sidetracked and tried to cheat at a booth. Ford went over to rangle his brother, leaving the kids alone.
"Isn't this place great?" Mabel asked with Waddles licking her strawberry ice cream. "They were so lucky to grow up on a beach! Piedmont is so boring."
Dipper smiled at his sister and opened his mouth to respond, but something else caught his attention. A pair of look-alike kids were snickering and laughing as Grunkle Stan and Ford fought off a mean seagull that was trying to peek at the ice cream on Stan's chest. It was a cruel snicker, one the old men couldn't hear, but the kids could, only being a few feet away from them.
"What a couple of fools." The girl with short blonde curls laughed with a slight English accent.
"And does that one have six fingers?" The boy sneered with peering eyes, his hair greased and parted down the middle. "Ugh."
"Hey, hey!" Dipper snapped and stood up, pointing at the rude pair of siblings. "Shut it." He said darkly.
The boy scoffed with a cheeky smile. "Or what? What does it matter to you?"
"Yeah, you leave Grunkle Stan and Ford alone!" Mabel demanded, standing by her brother's side.
"Wait," The girl looked back at the old men, still fighting off the bird, and she cackled a mean laugh. "Six fingers? Rags for clothes? Stan and Ford? Are you the Pines family?"
Dipper and Mabel glared at them. "Yeah? So what?"
"I haven't heard that name since Uncle Ascot and Uncle Dickie told us about how they conquered the Jersey Devil and tricked some monsters to make the boys run away crying." The boy marveled.
Dipper and Mabel glared daggers at the kids, ready to snap at them, but a pair of adults came up behind the mean kids and a voice said coldly, "Bernard, Silvia, play nicely."
Mabel snickered. "Bernard…"
Dipper looked at the men who were around Ford and Stan's age. Their blond hair was freckled with gray, one of the men had a twirly mustache and wore a red and brown sweater-vest combo while the other was clean-shaved and wore a blue polo with khakis. Their blue eyes were cold and mean, and Mabel and Dipper instantly didn't like them. Ascot and Dickie smiled maliciously; these kids looked nearly identical to those pains in their sides. "I see twins run in your family, as well, do they?"
"Excellent deduction, Dickie." His brother commented. "My my my, I didn't think this town could get any worse, but here we are. Once again terrorized by the discount Mystery Twins."
"Hey!" Mabel snapped. "We're awesome! Our grunkles are the best! They go on super cool adventures all the time!"
Meanwhile Stan kicked the seagull away, making it squawk and dive for his red beanie. While Stan grabbed his hat in time and tugged, Ford grabbed the bird and pulled furiously.
Ascot and Dickie rolled their eyes in unison. "We can see that."
Huffing and puffing, Ford and Stan walked up to their kids while Stan readjusted his beanie and smiled down at the best pair of Mystery Twins he knew. "Kids, if we hurry we might make it to…"
Ford's eyes widened and then narrowed darkly. "No. Way."
"What? What…" Stan looked up and growled like an angry bulldog, a hand on Dipper and Mabel's shoulder instinctively. "Oh, great. You two."
"And so the Pines twins come crawling back, eh?" Ascot snorted. "I do hope the mysterious findings out in the West have served you well, Stanford, as you preached it would." He and his family looked up and down at their faded jeans and gruff stature.
"Clearly not." Dickie and the let slip his downfall. "And here I thought your family couldn't sink any lower."
He screamed as a pig bit his ankle and Stan stole the moment of weakness for his advantage, punching the old jerk in the face and Dickie slapping him in return, the two getting into a fight. The moment Stan punched Dickie, Ascot nearly punched Stan in retaliation, but Ford jumped him and started rolling on the docks with him. Mabel shrugged and pulled on Silvia's hair and punched her on the cheek while Bernard and Dipper began slapping each other.
And that was how Stan and Ford ended up fleeing from the cops with a teenager in their arms. Stan had to pull Mabel off of the girl like an angry cat at the sound of the sirens and Ford carried Dipper merely because the old scientist was much faster than the boy.
Luckily no one was hurt, aside from some bruises on their limbs from fighting, but Silvia had grabbed Mabel's arm awkwardly at some point during the fight and her long nails scratched Mabel's skin, actually just deep enough to make a bead or two of blood. So Ford sat Mabel on the table, her sleeve rolled up, while he tried to disinfect her injury, but Mabel kept pulling away and whimpering at the painful medicine.
"Mabel, please, you're worse than Stanley was." Ford said to ease the situation.
Mabel smiled and gripped his hand a little tighter as the medicine stung her arm. Ford then quickly wrapped it up as he scolded. "And really Stanley, you couldn't have controlled your temper?"
"You're one to talk, you jumped Ascot!"
"He was about to attack you!"
"Whatever, you were both awesome!" Dipper cheered.
"Yeah! Did you see the black eyes Dickie had!" Mabel laughed. "He'll be avoiding cameras for weeks!"
"Who says it never ends well to see old friends?" Stan asked and opened the cabinet to get started on a late dinner.
Over baked beans and hotdogs, or Beanies and Weenies as the Pines called them, Stan and Ford shared their plan with Dipper and Mabel, the map laid out on the table and the trail through Canada's islands written in pencil. The kids were beyond excited. The plan was actually pretty straightforward; they were all going home to Gravity Falls together. After first exploring Boston (mostly so the nerds in the family could geek about American History), they were going up north past Prince Edward Island and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, crossing the Labrador Sea for the Baffin Bay, passing the Cornwallis, Bathrust, and Melville Islands, sailing over the Beaufort Sea, down through the Chukchi Sea, and dipping around Alaska and down south for America until they arrived at Florence so the Stan O' War II could rest for whatever remained of summer.
"This looks incredible!" Dipper said, eyeing the newspaper articles on monsters around Canada and the foggy photographs that accompanied it.
"I'm so excited!" Mabel cheered, shoving her cheeks full of Beanies and Weenies.
"Then we'll head out first thing tomorrow!" Stan declared.
"Actually, can we go see Ma first?"
It was like a record had screeched horribly. Stan's whole body tensed, his jaw was tighter, and he was gripping his spoon much tighter than necessary. Ford, however, looked like he was caving in himself, like an animal curling up in fear to hide, his back hunched over and his head a bit lower. Dipper glared at his sister. "Mabel," He hissed in his warning tone.
"What?" Mabel asked gently. "I miss her. It'd be good to see her again, don't you think?"
"Well yeah, but…"
"I didn't know you had met her." Ford mumbled with a soft smile.
Mabel grinned. "Yeah! We talked on the phone sometimes when Dad would call. And we went to see her once. She loves us! She's super cool! She's the one that told me I'd one day marry a really handsome guy."
"She only said that cuz you wouldn't quit begging her to read your palm." Dipper sneered with a smile. "You know all her fortunes were fake, right?"
"The love behind them wasn't." Mabel insisted. "Come on, can't see just go say hello? We're already here, we might as well. She'd be so surprised!"
"I don't think that's a good idea, my dear." Ford said quietly.
"Why not?" Mabel asked gently.
"Well… given everything that has happened… it would just be very difficult."
"So is defeating a triangle demon, but you guys did it together, didn't you?" Mabel said with a soothing smile. She covered one of Ford's polydactyl hands and squeezed it reassuringly. "I know it'll be hard, but I think we should go see her? Don't you want to say hello?"
"Of course I do." Ford said quickly. "She's my mother, but…" His eyes went to Stan, suddenly concerned about something. "Stanley, you've been very quiet."
Mabel looked at her hero to find him engulfed in shame. She wondered if he had looked like that after Ford was lost behind the portal. He held his head with one hand, his elbows on the table, and the strong grunkle she knew resembled a tired old man too much for her liking. Mabel's heart dropped when she came to the conclusion that she caused that pain. "Grunkle Stan…"
"Look, it's no secret I did a bad job of staying in touch with her even before the portal business." Stan started with. "I definitely went months without a payphone for her."
"You're not the only one to blame." Ford sighed. "I hardly called her when I was in college and nothing changed when I moved to Gravity Falls. Fiddleford was actually the one who encouraged me to call her one day the summer before… before everything happened. That was the last time I spoke to her."
"Yeah well, I kept that character trait in my portrayal of you, Sixer." Stan growled, his anger at himself. "You know her; she's too smart. One long look at me and she would've known who I was. You can't fool the best conwoman in New Jersey. So I just straight-up avoided her. I didn't even go to Pa's funeral and showed up early to see you two gremlins being born, all so I could avoid her. And I would've been too tempted to dance on someone's grave if I had gone to the funeral." He added.
"Kidding, that was a joke. The point is, just popping in after all these years seems too little too late in my book. So, no. sorry, but we're not going."
"Grunkle Stan," Mabel said as soft as a kitten and got down from the table to stand next to him. "I'm sure Ma would wanna see you."
"I don't think so, sweetie…"
"That's not true." Mabel said firmly. "She loves you both. All moms love their kids, no matter how many stupid mistakes they make, or how old and grunkly they get." She added, making Stan crack a smile that didn't last long. "It doesn't matter how mad our mom would be, she'd still wanna talk to us. She even forgave Dipper for breaking her favorite mug."
"Geez, it's been five years…"
"And you still haven't replaced it, Dip-Dip." Mabel said and focused her attention on both of the old guys. "If you two really don't think you can go see Ma, it's okay. We don't have to go. But I think you guys want to go, and you two need to go. She needs to know the truth, she needs to know you're okay, and even if she doesn't take it well, at least you can say you tried and you won't have to worry about it anymore."
Stan and Ford's eyes flickered to each other to use that awesome twin-telepathy they had or whatever. Or maybe they were just close enough to be able to read minds with a single facial expression to go off of. Either way, Stan gently ruffled Mabel's hair with a smile and said, "Alright, we'll go see Ma tomorrow after breakfast."
Mabel wanted to cheer and shout and punch the air victoriously, but she managed to catch herself in time and only allowed a quiet "yes!" before hugging Grunkle Stan and saying, "I'm so proud of you guys." She quickly hugged Ford before returning to her dinner, choosing to ignore the star-struck looks on the old men's faces.
A few hours later and Mabel was sitting criss-cross in her hammock, wearing pajamas while knitting. The gentle clicking of her needles harmonized with the gentle rocking of the waves and her grunkle's humming from the tiny bathroom. Dipper was above her, reading a book quickly before bed, and when Stan emerged from the bathroom in his boxers and undershirt, taking his gray hair damp with a towel, and saw that his twin wasn't preparing for bed, he growled, "Sixer, do I have to drug you again?! Get down here!"
"I'm coming!" Ford called back.
Stan rolled his eyes. "Yeesh. You kids settled in okay?"
"Yeah," Dipper said casually.
"I love these hammocks!" Mabel said, rocking hers a little with joy. "Maybe we should replace the mattresses at the Shack with these!"
Stan chuckled as he threw his towel at the foot of the bunk bed and he noticed the beautiful deep violet yarn in his niece's lap. "Whatcha workin' on, Mabel? 'Nother sweater?"
"Yup!" Mabel said proudly to show a thick and cozy purple sweater that was a little more detailed than her usual creations. While this one lacked any pictures or designs, the sleeves had been woven with a special pattern down the arm and the wrists and neck were so thick and fluffy they resembled odd clouds you could sink into. "I wanna show Ma how much better I've gotten since she taught me."
Surprisingly, the mention of his mother made Stan smile, not frown. Ford came down the stairs just in time to hear Mabel say that, and they both smiled tiredly at their niece. "I didn't know she taught you how to knit."
"Oh yeah," Mabel said with a nod and resumed her work. "When Dipper and I were four or five we visited her for Thanksgiving with Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa. I don't remember much about it, but I remember the delicious sweet potatoes with marshmallows, the flat's smell, and that Ma taught me how to knit. Mom and Dad and Grandma were busy in the kitchen and didn't want my help (I still have no idea why), and Grandpa Shermie had fallen asleep while watching the parade. Ma sat in this rocking chair, and at first I thought she was a witch and doing magic, making two shiny sticks click together to make something, but Ma laughed and explained what she was doing and asked if I wanted to do it, too. So she let me sit on her lap and follow her hands as we made a really pretty blanket until dinner was ready. Ma even let me take some yarn and a pair of needles home with me, and I haven't stopped knitting since."
Stan smiled, sitting on the bottom bunk. "That's really cool, sweetie."
Ford, who had slipped into the bathroom to change into his blue flannel pajamas, called from the other side of the door, "She will love a Mabel Pines original."
"Thanks. I hope so." Mabel inspected her work and gave a quick nod of approval before packing it away in her suitcase and curling up for bed.
One by one everyone settled down. Ford emerged with clean teeth and pajamas and climbed up to his bed, putting his glasses up on a shelf by his head. Dipper turned off the lamp on top of the dresser, leaving only Stan's nightstand-lamp on, and he set his book down and began to settle. Stan was just about to turn off his lamp, but Mabel sat up and gasped, "Wait! You guys! Tell us about the Jersey Devil!"
Dipper sat up excitedly and sided with his twin. "Yeah! When were you gonna tell us that one, anyways?"
Stan shrugged with a cheeky smile and Ford chuckled. "Oh come on, you don't wanna hear about the first pair of Mystery Twins." Stan teased, waving the idea away.
"Yeah we do!" Dipper argued with a grin. "Come on!"
"It can even be our bedtime story!" Mabel suggested, snuggling into her blankets and smiling at her uncle with those adorable eyes and cheeks no man was immune to.
"How old are you again?"
"Oh, just tell them, Stanley."
"Alright alright," Stan rubbed his hands together with a toothy grin and wiggled his fingers to begin the story. "The year was 1960-something in Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey. Summer had just started, but before we could figure out which urban legend to hunt down that day, Pa called for Stanford and was really mad about something…"
"Now, hold on, Stanley." Ford said, sitting up a little from lying on his front and listening to his brother's story. "Pa called for both of us! In fact, we called for 'Stan Pines' but we both knew that meant he wanted us both."
"What?!" Stan gasped, pretending to be offended. "Me, innocent and perfect, being angrily called? Never!"
Dipper and Mabel laughed, not sure if Stan had ever truly been innocent, and so from that point forward the elder twins told the story together, interrupting each other with corrected versions of the story and doubling the runtime, but the kids weren't complaining. Hearing about the old Freak Show, killing the Sibling Brothers, and basically acting how Dipper and Mabel would act on a search for the devil, was hands-down the best bedtime story in the history of bedtime stories, and by the time they had gotten to the part where Shanklin the Stab-Possum saved the day, Waddles was asleep on Stan's bed and the kids were shiny-eyed.
"And that's how Stanley and I ended up grounded for the summer." Ford concluded with, adding in a shrug. "To be honest, we didn't even mind. Solitary confinement is't so bad with the right prison mate. Pa was angry when Stan confessed, but I think some small part of him appreciated the honesty. I guess I'll never know."
"And that's when you two knew you'd be adventuring together for the rest of your lives and everyone lived happily ever after!" Mabel cheered.
Ford laughed at her adorable nature and commented, "I suppose we did."
"Alright, everyone get some shut eye." Stan gruffed as he laid down, gently pushing Waddles out of the way so he could rest his legs, but all that did was cause the pig to trot up to his hand and lay underneath it for sleep. "G'night."
Three voices returned the wish for pleasant dreams and Stan turned off the lamp. The room was soon filled with the gentle snores of the four Pines, escaping into a world entirely their own.
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littlesliceofmarvel · 5 years
Asking For A Friend
Synopsis/Request: Reader is in an abusive relationship and the Avengers end up finding out and get really protective.
Warnings: abuse (verbal, physical), swearing, violence
Pairings: Reader x Avengers (no romantic connections)
A/N: My Masterlist is finally up! Also, Gif isn’t mine. x
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Being an Avenger was hard. Without a doubt. One of the hardest things you had ever done. You were constantly moving around from country to country, getting injuries one after another, and having to live in Stark Tower because there was no way you could take care of a place when you were away that often. It was hard.
But one thing that was harder was to lie. You hated lying to your team about your personal life away from work, and you hated that life in itself. Two years ago, you found yourself in one of the best relationships you could have pictured yourself in. His name was Jason, and you loved him. He was sweet, caring, understanding, and loved you more than you thought you deserved. You had been so happy with him, and when Tony offered you a spot on the team a little under a year ago, Jason was the first person you ran to to tell. He was excited for you, but there was something that changed in him once receiving the news. 
He became cold towards you the more you were away on missions with the team, and it got to the point where you spoke maybe once a week, even less. When you got back he made no effort to see you, nor to contact you in the slightest. It took a toll on you because you felt like this was a mistake, that you should have chosen your boyfriend over saving the world, and you felt like you had let him down. It killed you on the inside to have him be so distant and in all honesty, you didn’t even know if the two of you were even still together.
It had been two weeks since you left for your last mission, and as you and the team pulled up to Avengers HQ in the quinjet, celebrating another successful run, you couldn’t help but feel a little down. 
“Dude, you saw the way my arrow went straight through 3 dudes’ heads, right?” Clint stood proudly, admiring his bow, giving it a little spin on his finger.
“Of course,” Natasha rolled her eyes at him, “You single-handedly saved us all.”
You gave a small laugh, their encounters always being quite entertaining to you. Post-mission, you were usually talkative and celebrated alongside your team, but something about today just had you feeling a little sadder than usual.
“You know, I think next time you should all lay back, I’ll handle them myself,” Clint smirked, facing the rest of the team. You sat between Steve and Wanda, all silent as you enjoyed the feeling of having come out on top, collecting all the information you needed before blowing up a Hydra base, no one falling victim to any injuries.
“I think I’m going to host a celebratory gala in our honour,” Tony nodded, looking out the window, causing a couple of people to groan.
“Tony, come on,” Steve slouched his shoulder, “We don’t need another party, we just want to hang out.”
A couple people nodded, causing Tony to let out a sigh of defeat, “Fine, we’ll do it your way, grandpa.”
The remainder of the ride to HQ was silent and once the jet landed, you all got out the jet, removing weapons and equipment, placing them in your designated bins to be re-stocked and fixed. Fury gave you all a small post-mission briefing, and left you all to go your separate ways.
“So, to Stark Tower?” Tony asked, eyebrow raised as he looked between everyone, all of you nodding and separating into groups to drive there. You hopped into Tony’s luxurious car alongside him, Natasha and Peter. She had called shotgun, so you quietly took your place in the back next to the second youngest on the team.
Tony and Natasha maintained some conversation about weapons, so you took advantage of your lack of social ability and took out your phone, finger hovering over Jason’s name. Your heart got caught in your throat, the nerves getting the best of you, but you hadn’t heard from him in forever, and you were aching to get in contact with him. You pressed his name and opened up a new text message.
Stark’s Tower, tonight at 7? I haven’t seen you in forever and I’m back from a mission.
You felt stupid once you sent the message, somehow feeling clingy, and you had a feeling he wouldn’t answer. You honestly had no idea where you two were in your relationship, or if you even were in a relationship. You instantly regretted sending the message and locked your phone, turning it face down on your lap. A couple minutes later, you felt your phone buzz and you took a deep breath, dreading the message before turning it around and letting out a deep breath.
Sure. I’ll be there.
You closed your eyes and leaned your head back on the seat, nerves settling in thinking about how it’ll be to see him again after nearly a month.
“You alright, (y/n)?” Peter turned his attention to you, voice laced with concern. 
You nodded at him, making him smile, “Yeah, I’m good,” you turned to face the front, leaning forwards a tad, “Tony, I’ve got a plus one for tonight.”
Tony’s eyes widened and he lowered his sunglasses, “Is it that Jason guy? I forgot he existed, you haven’t mentioned him in months.”
You sighed, leaning back down with a slight shrug of your shoulders, “It’s been complicated.”
Tony didn’t press the topic but he gave you a weird look. Not wanting to go into details, you just gave him a kind smile. The rest of the drive consisted of small talk between the four of you, and when you showed up, the clock showed 5:13, giving you a little under two hours to prepare. Once you walked in, you grabbed Wanda and Nat, motioning them to the elevator.
“What’s up, (y/n)?” Wanda questioned, pushing her hair out of her face as the three of you got into the elevator, going up to the floor where your room was. 
“I need help,” you sighed, “Jason’s coming tonight and I haven’t seen him in like, a month. I need to make an impression, you know?”
Natasha nodded, understanding, “I get it, you wanna be hot.”
Wanda chuckled along with you, realizing that that was indeed what you were going for. You wanted to re-kindle the fire that was slowly burning out between the two of you, to get back the excitement that was there throughout the first year of your relationship.
“Well, we can do that,” Nat smirked.
Forty minutes later, you were decked out in a velvet bodysuit and a pair of skinny jeans. Wanda straightened your hair and did your makeup in a way that was subtle, but gave you a bit of an accentuated appearance. You felt good about yourself, and that made you feel a little better about facing Jason tonight. He had previously made comments about what you wore, so you felt like tonight could be a chance for him to see another side of you. The two girls complimented you as they admired their work. They weren’t the type of girls to dress up, both of them being quite the warriors, but they had skill in the area, you had to admit. 
A knock on the door took your attention away, Tony stepping into the room.
“He’s here, just so you know,” the tone in his voice gave you a feeling that something was wrong, but all you did was raise an eyebrow at him, spraying yourself with a touch of perfume before Wanda and Nat whisked you out the door. You felt your legs buckle slightly at the intense nerves that were flowing through your body and you wanted nothing more than to be able to stop time and re-think this decision.
As you entered the common room, you noticed Steve, Bucky, Peter and Tony standing tense, all facing the elevator where you heard slight commotion. You knew that that’s where Jason had to be, so your rushed over and stood next to Bucky, who looked slightly apologetic, and you understood why.
Jason emerged from the elevator, bottle of whiskey in hand as he stumbled towards you, a stupid look on his face.
“Heyyyyy! If it is’t the world-saving, ass-kicking Avenger who abandoned me!” Jason shouted, swinging the bottle in the air before taking another sip from it.
Bile rose in your throat at the sight before you, “Jason, are you - are you drunk?” you hated the way he was when he was drunk, and you were crushed to find out that the one time you see him in forever, he showed up shit-faced. 
“DUUH!” Jason rolled his eyes, stumbling towards you, “I couldn’t see you while sober.”
Peter stood in front of you protectively as Bucky clenched his metal hand in a fist, neither of them liking this guy’s attitude towards you. You were thankful to have your team around you, you could never handle how aggressive he got when he was drunk.
“Why not?” You asked, your voice abandoning you as it shook slightly. You wanted to appear brave, not affected by his actions, but you immediately gave in.
Jason laughed sarcastically, “Why? Because you’re a dumb bitch,” he sneered, causing Peter to give him a small shove away from you as the rest of the team immediately kicked into protective mode. You were speechless, you never expected this to happen, and you had no idea how to react. 
“You had me, the best thing that’s ever happened to you, and you took off to save this stupid, goddamn planet,” Jason rushed over to you, “You know, at first I was ok with it, because it meant I got to have you out of my hair, but then you started getting busier and I couldn’t just be left behind. I’m the one who was supposed to break you, but you took off, leaving me looking like some sort of moron.”
You couldn’t form the words, you were absolutely humiliated. As much as you wanted to be mad and shout at him, you couldn’t help but think he was right. He was loving and caring and you left him. The guilt consumed the humiliation and you took a deep breath, looking down as the rest of the team approached you, defending you.
“Dude, I, uh, think you should leave,” Steve said quietly, not taking his eyes off of you as he pointed a finger to the elevator, motioning for Jason to get out. You felt your eyes sting slightly, tears threatening to fall, but you tried your best to keep yourself collected.
“You know, when you were gone, I was never alone,” Jason sneered, getting right up in your face as Peter stuck a hand out in front of you, “That girl from the coffee place downstairs, Sally, is it? She came by, a lot.”
If your heart wasn’t struggling enough right now, it had been pushed to it’s limit. Your head shot up to face Jason’s his eyes bright red and his breath fell on your face, the smell of alcohol making you internally gag. You heard Natasha mumble a ‘son of a bitch’ to which the sound of movement from behind you indicated that Wanda was probably holding her back. 
You didn’t know how to process what he has just said, and it felt like everything in the room went quiet. You couldn’t hear your team telling Jason to leave, or the laugh that bubbled from him when he realized he had gotten to you. He slept with someone else. While you were saving the world. It felt like someone had taken a knife and slowly carved little X’s in your heart, telling you that you were an absolute fool.
Before you could process anything, you felt your hand come in contact with Jason’s cheek, leaving a nice red mark behind. Tony’s eyes widened and Bucky took a step back from beside you, ready to pounce if Jason retaliated. In a way, you were thankful that they were letting you handle this, letting you have this chance to do this, but at the same time, you wanted nothing more than to have Jason being dragged out. 
Within a second of the slap, Jason’s hands found their way to your shoulders and you were shoved down to the ground, landing forcefully on your back causing you to let out a small ‘oompf.’
“You bitch,” Jason said through gritted teeth a millisecond before Bucky’s metal fist connected with his face, resulting in him landing on the floor, Nat jumping at her chance to jump on him and kneeing him in the abdomen. Peter helped you up and you lost all sense of sadness, anger taking over you as you looked down at the sad excuse for a human being on the floor.
“Small mistake, dickhead,” Tony approached Jason and put his foot on his chest, “You don’t mess with (y/n) unless you’re willing to deal with the Avengers. Unfortunately for you, we don’t waste our time on douchebags who aim to hurt kind women, so you’re going to be escorted out of the building.”
Before anyone could say anything, Tony’s foot collided with Jason’s face and his eyes closed, settling him into unconsciousness.
It had been an hour since Jason was dragged out of the building by a pissed off Steve who didn’t try to avoid knocking his head into walls, much to the team’s amusement. You sat on the couch, digging into a tub of ice cream with a spoon. You were surrounded by the team, who had let you pick tonight’s movie. You picked The Lord of the Rings, because right now, you felt like you wanted to be in a world other than your own. 
You were glad to have had all of them
The elevator opened up and Sam Wilson walked in, his expression turning to confusion when seeing the team watching a movie together.
“Why wasn’t I invited to this?” he put his hand to his heart in mock hurt, causing Steve to chuckle slightly.
“It was a last second thing, sorry bird boy,” Tony shrugged, turning back around to face the TV.
Sam walked over and took a seat between Steve and Wanda, “Ok, but why wasn’t I invited?”
Steve looked over at you cautiously and you gave him a small nod, telling him it was alright to explain the situation to Sam.
“(Y/n)’s dumbass boyfriend came over drunk and said some bad things to her and pushed her, so we decided to watch a movie to cheer her up.”
Sam’s eyes widened and he shot out of his seat, rushing over to you. He kneeled down in front of you and checked your face, eyes scanning you, causing you to giggle slightly.
“I’m ok, Sammy,” you smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder, “I’m honestly glad he’s now out of my life.”
Sam stood up facing the team, “Son of a bitch, is murder legal?” Steve’s eyes shot wide open and Tony and Peter chuckled slightly.
“I don’t think we need to murder anyone,” Steve raised a hand at Sam to say ‘calm down.’
“What?” Sam shrugged, “I’m asking for a friend.”
You had been through quite the day, and you knew it was going to take you a while to get over what you had just experienced, but having your family here with you, you knew it was going to be ok. After all, they’ve always got your back.
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bevioletskies · 6 years
let’s stay together
summary: For all his missteps and mishaps, Scott has been on pretty good terms with the Pym-Van Dyne family lately. That is, until Cassie started calling Hank "Grandpa".
a/n: Fic title is from the song Let's Stay Together by Al Green because I've yet to figure out how to title Scott/Hope fics. Takes place post-Ant-Man and the Wasp, with the optimistic assumption that they at least had a month to relax before that post-credits scene.
word count: 3.9k | ao3
The first time it happened, Scott was reasonably certain that the universe had momentarily ceased to exist, or at least, that’s what it felt like. All the air had been sucked out of the room, everything went mind-numbingly silent, and out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Hank turning an alarmingly violent shade of red. Well, THAT can’t be good, he thought.
“Oh!” Janet finally said after a minute too long. Hank was now purple.
So, Scott did what any reasonable person would do (that’s what he told himself, anyway) and promptly stood, hauled his daughter up by the armpits before she could finish her bite of mashed potatoes, and practically carried her to the front door. “This-was-great-we-should-really-do-this-again-sometime-okay-bye!” he blurted out, tripping over his own feet in his attempt to pull on his shoes and jacket at the same time.
“Scott?” Hope was half-skeptical, half-concerned, as she often was when it came to Scott’s...Scott-ness, but before she could get up and follow him, the door slammed shut. She glanced over at Hank; his knuckles were white. “...did Cassie just call you ‘grandpa’?”
“Don’t,” Hank grouched. The color in his face was slowly returning to normal, but he was still clutching his steak knife with a worryingly vice-like grip. Janet patted his hand consolingly before resuming her dinner like nothing had happened.
Hope texted Scott the moment dinner was over, reassuring him that it wasn’t as bad as he thought - Hank had only ranted for three minutes about being anyone’s grandfather, then Janet interrupted to remind him of his age - but Scott’s reply was an uncharacteristically curt response about arriving late at the laboratory tomorrow morning. It was only because of Hope’s good memory that she remembered that it was because Maggie and Paxton were picking up Cassie from Scott’s place, and not that Scott decided to preemptively berate himself at home before joining them to work on the latest iteration of suits.
Janet, who was still getting used to an adult daughter and not the child she’d unintentionally left behind, hovered in worry, fretting over Hope’s shoulder at Scott’s message. “Seriously, Mom, it’s okay,” Hope repeated for the fifth time while she put her jacket on, preparing to leave for the night. “I’m not seven or sixteen, remember? Nothing to worry about. Scott’s just a little...excitable.”
“That’s one way of putting it,” Hank grumbled from the sitting room. Despite her best efforts, Hope couldn’t help but roll her eyes like a child.
“Bye, Dad,” she called, kissing Janet briefly on the cheek before walking out the door.
The next morning, Scott arrived even later than he said he was going to be, looking just as agitated as he’d sounded last night. “Hope, I swear, I didn’t say anything about - ”
“I’m sure you didn’t,” she said calmly. “Besides, he’s probably forgotten all about it.”
“I haven’t.” Hank emerged from behind one of the enormous machines, startling Scott. “Did you - ”
“Nope!” Scott said a little too quickly. “Hank, I would never - ”
“Does she call her anything?” Hank wildly brandished his pen in Hope’s direction. She fixed him with a stern expression in return, plucking the pen from his hand and neatly tucking it into the breast pocket of his sweater vest.
“Henry,” Janet called from across the room.
“I already told you she doesn’t,” Hope said exasperatedly. “Can we focus, please?”
“Grandpa,” Hank muttered under his breath as he returned to his workbench, where Janet gave him a playful poke for his troubles.
“For the record, I think Mom was secretly thrilled,” Hope whispered to Scott. He snickered in relief.
After the day’s work was done, Scott and Hope said their goodbyes to a cheerful Janet and a temperamental Hank (though really, when were either of them anything else) and got into Hope’s car, promptly shrinking down to a more...elusive size. It was a new routine for them after Scott had completed the terms of his house arrest, and although there was still a search out for Hope and her parents, it wasn’t too difficult for them to evade the authorities now that they had everything and every one in one place. Scott spent his weekdays working at X-Con Security and Pym Tech, while he and Hope, sometimes Cassie, spent their weekends at his place. Hope had grown quite attached to Scott’s house, finding it far more inviting than her own apartment, and of course, she’d adored Cassie the moment they met. After everything she and her father had been through ever since the Sokovia Accords had come into play, it was nice to have some normalcy in her life.
Scott drummed his fingers restlessly against the window. “Where do you think this whole ‘grandpa’ thing started?”
Hope groaned. “I thought we were going to drop this, Scott. Besides, you and Cassie have been coming to dinner for several weeks now and Dad’s the right age to be her grandpa, so it just...came out. Not that big of a deal.”
“Yeah, but what if it means something?” Hope’s eyes briefly flickered over to his unusually serious expression. “Hank’s never been a big fan of...us.”
“Then it’s good that what he thinks has no impact on our relationship,” Hope said testily, her grip tightening on the steering wheel. Scott winced in memory of how angry she’d been when they first met, often at Scott himself for being in her life, but mostly at Hank for everything he’d done - or rather, hadn’t done. “He kept me out of his life long enough. Just because we’re back to being a family, it doesn’t give him the right to tell me what I can and can’t do.”
“Of course,” he said automatically. He suddenly looked very interested in the loose thread on his jacket sleeve, picking at it with a strange fixation. “Look, I just don’t wanna be the reason you guys fight again, alright? And if he doesn’t want me to be part of your family - ”
“Oh, Scott.” Hope briefly let go of the wheel to squeeze his shoulder in reassurance. “Dad’s got his hangups about you, but you know him, he’s like that with everyone. Doesn’t mean he wants to cut you out. Besides, Mom adores you, and there’s no way he’ll go against her.”
Scott laughed despite himself, his shoulders finally relaxing as he settled back into his seat. “Your mom’s great. Perceptive, too. It’s almost like she can see inside my head - ”
“That joke was only funny the first time,” Hope interrupted, though there was a smile in her voice as she said it. “Please stop telling people my mom was inside you without context.”
Another week went by - a relatively uneventful one at that, all things considered, in which the only mishap they encountered was a couple of random thieves that tried to break into the lab and received an unpleasant surprise in return for their efforts - before Cassie was at Scott’s house again. On the first morning of her return, she was chatting a mile per minute about her most recent soccer game, the last math test she’d had, and anything else that came to mind. “How come Hope isn’t here?” Cassie asked once she’d taken a second to breathe between her bites of cereal.
“She doesn’t live here, peanut,” Scott reminded her, absent-mindedly thumbing through the newspaper.
“But why not? She stays over all the time, and she drives you places, and - ”
“That doesn’t mean she has to live here,” Scott pointed out. He then sighed in realization, knowing they had to talk about it eventually, and now was as good a time as ever. “Hey, when you called Hank ‘Grandpa’...did you mean to do that?”
“Yes,” Cassie said bluntly. “Hope is kind of like my second mom, so her daddy is kind of like my grandpa.”
“Okay, well, I think you scared him a little,” Scott said gently. “I’m sure Hope loves the idea of being your second mom, but it’s making Hank feel like me and her are getting really serious.”
“Serious?” Cassie furrowed her brow in adorable confusion.
“Like we’re gonna get married.” Scott sat up straight as if he just realized what he’d said. “Which is...I mean, you know...wow.”
“But don’t you wanna marry her, Daddy?” Cassie prompted, in the sort of tone she used when she asked him to help with her science homework, like it was just another topic of conversation. “She’s your partner.”
“That’s not - I - oh.” Scott rubbed his temples, willing the conversation to go away on its own. It wasn’t that he didn’t like the idea; in fact, the very idea of marrying Hope was simultaneously thrilling and terrifying and very much something he’d like to do. But it was far too early in the morning to be processing anything more complex than the latest episode of Cassie’s favorite morning cartoon. “Finish your breakfast, okay? We gotta head out soon.”
It was only when the two of them got in Scott’s car - a relatively new investment for him, though it was about as rundown as Luis’s van - that he remembered they were picking up Hope on the way to Cassie’s school. Usually, he enjoyed the ten minutes they had together, where he could just sit back and listen to two of his favorite people in the world chat and laugh like they’d known each other forever, but now he was rather paranoid that Cassie was going to do...something.
“Hey, you two,” Hope smiled, radiant, as she got into the passenger’s seat, leaning across to briefly kiss him. “You’re early today.”
“Daddy wanted to finish breakfast super fast,” Cassie shrugged, grinning toothily. “I think he was excited to see you.”
“Is that so?” Hope quirked an eyebrow in his direction before putting her seatbelt on. “Well, better early than late, right?”
“Right,” Cassie chirped. Scott started the engine, crossing his fingers that she wouldn’t bring it up - “Daddy thinks your daddy is scared of him.” - and there she went. Fantastic.
“What?” Hope rounded on him instantly. “Scott.”
“Listen...sometimes, we say things that - ”
“Scott,” Hope repeated. It amazed him that she was capable of saying his name so affectionately some of the time and so authoritatively, well, most of the time.
“Cassie,” Scott said firmly, glancing at her through the rearview mirror.
“Daddy,” Cassie said plaintively, blinking innocently in return. When that didn’t work, she added, “I don’t want anyone to be scared of anyone,” her bottom lip wobbling in the way that they all knew would change anyone’s mind no matter what.
“I didn’t say Hank was scared of me,” Scott finally explained with a sigh, briefly glancing over at an unimpressed Hope. “It’s just what I was saying before. About him and our relationship.”
“Of course you didn’t let this go,” Hope groaned, turning to face the window. “When it was just me and Dad on the run, he had a lot to say about you. But he never said anything about us.” She turned to look at Cassie, whose nose was scrunched up in worry. “No one’s scared of anyone, alright?”
“So...he doesn’t think Daddy’s gonna ask you to marry him?” Cassie asked. Scott felt the gas pedal slip underneath his feet, nearly flinging them all forward in the process. For the second time that week, he felt his chest seize up with one single word blaring through his head like a siren - PANIC.
“What,” Hope said flatly.
“Hey, hey, no distracting the driver,” he said weakly. “Besides, didn’t we say we were gonna talk about the regulator in my suit before we get to the lab, something about the whatchamacallit - ”
“Were you going to ask me to marry you?”
“No, I - ”
“So you don’t want to marry me.”
Scott paused. “Hope, I gotta be honest, I don’t really know what the right answer is.”
Hope merely shook her head, jaw clenched tight, staring straight ahead. “Just drive, Scott.”
Cassie looked at Scott in silent apology once they dropped her off, hugging Hope as she always did before running up the steps to the front door. The rest of the car ride was expectedly uncomfortable, lacking a single word out of either of them. Upon arriving at the laboratory, Hope continued on like nothing was wrong, hanging up her coat and setting down her bag, briefly hugging Hank and Janet with a warm smile. She then settled down at one of the workbenches and promptly got to work on her faulty blasters, her back pointedly turned on everything else.
Scott meandered around for a bit, picking at the wires in his suit’s regulator (“You’ve got some nerve calling this a working suit, Hank!” he’d said pretty much every single day since he first put it on) but entirely unable to concentrate. All he could think about was how he’d managed to mess things up with Hope, again, and he didn’t even have to get arrested this time for it to happen.
“Don’t you look all bothered?” He looked up to see Janet smiling pityingly at him from the other side of his table. “What’s troubling you, Scott?”
“Didn’t sleep great,” he lied. Janet quirked an eyebrow.
“It’s cute how you think you can lie to me,” she said not unkindly, clicking her tongue in disapproval. “Is it about the whole ‘grandpa’ thing? Because I can’t tell who’s more hung up about it, you or Henry!”
“I’m embarrassed she said it in the first place,” he admitted, setting his tools down. “Cassie loves being around you guys, and I guess I should’ve seen it coming.”
“It’s okay,” Janet said, squeezing his arm. “Personally, I’d love it if Cassie thought of us as her grandparents, she’s one of the loveliest kids I’ve ever met. Reminds me a lot of Hope...before I left her.” Her smile faltered somewhat. “Is it you and Hope, then?”
“You could say that,” Scott said carefully. He glanced across the room to where she was sitting. She hadn’t looked at him since they got out of the car.
“It’s one day at a time with that one, isn’t it?” Janet hummed, briefly turning on her heel to look at her daughter, too. “Always have to remind myself she’s so much...more now. All the things she wants, all the things she is, I have to get used to that.” She turned back to look at Scott knowingly. “That goes for you, too.”
“I’m gonna fix it, Janet,” he promised. “And...please don’t tell Hank.”
Janet laughed throatily, though Scott wasn’t sure what was so funny. “Oh, honey, what makes you think he didn’t already notice?”
Hank, meanwhile, sidled up to Hope’s side in a way that he thought was subtle enough, but she merely gave him a look that said, “I know exactly what you’re doing, and I don’t like it”. “What?” he barked, embarrassed. “I wanted to check your progress on the - ”
“Dad,” Hope said firmly. “Just spit it out, okay?”
“You’ve been tense,” he observed, pulling up a stool so he could sit beside her. “I wanna know why.”
“Because it’s affecting our work?” she snorted, turning back to her blasters.
“Because you’re my daughter.” Her hands paused in mid-air. “I don’t give a damn about the work right now. You’ve been all wound up lately, and it’s affecting you. So what is it?”
Hope couldn’t help but smile at her dad’s usual gruff tone, how it completely failed to hide his concern. “It just...feels like we’re in between everything right now. We’re sort of on the run but we sort of aren’t, we have Mom back but we’re trying to figure out how to be a family again, not to mention you and Scott being weird about what Cassie said even though we’re all growing closer...I’m a little stressed out, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. I promise.”
Hank smiled ruefully. “Someday, those Sokovia Accords are going to be through, and we’ll be free. Respected. And me and your mother, we’re going to make sure you don’t have a single thing to worry about. I’m sure Scott’s on board, too.”
“Surprised to hear you say that,” she admitted. “You really need to stop antagonizing him, okay? I’ve forgiven him for Germany, and I think it’s time you did, too.”
“I thought I already did,” he said, briefly looking to where Scott and Janet were conversing. Janet seemed to be laughing at something that Scott couldn’t quite follow; the very idea that she knew something he didn’t amused Hank greatly. “What, you think I’m working with him and inviting him and his daughter to our house every week because I’m angry ?”
“It’s hard to tell with you sometimes,” she shot back without missing a beat, though her grin was widening regardless. “Be nice, Dad.”
“I’ll...try to say something at our next dinner,” he said through gritted teeth as if the thought of expressing any emotion other than mild annoyance toward Scott was inherently painful. “But I mean it, Hope. Once this Accord nonsense is all over, we’ll get my company back on track, and we’ll be a family. All of us.”
Hope nodded, her eyes shining, and reached out to squeeze her father’s shoulder. “And I won’t vote you out of our company this time.”
Hank chuckled, briefly leaning in to kiss her on the forehead. “That’s my girl.”
Scott and Hope got into Scott’s car several hours later, both still somewhat tense. The rest of their time at the lab had been quiet, with Hank and Janet doing most of the talking. Both of them clearly suspected that there was more to it than they’d discussed, but wisely decided to let it be. Or rather, Janet had caught Hank by the arm every single time he seemed like he was about to open his mouth. “We have to remember she’s an adult, Henry,” she had murmured. “I know we both want her to need our help, but she doesn’t. Not this time.”
“I’m sorry,” Scott said the moment they were on the road.
“You’ve been apologizing a lot lately,” Hope sighed. “What is it for this time?”
“Freaking out, not letting stuff go, and everything that Cassie said this morning,” he replied like a child reciting the alphabet, listing his fingers off on one hand, the other drumming restlessly against the steering wheel. “I almost got over it, you know? But then when we were having breakfast this morning, Cassie said all this stuff about living together, getting married...I started overthinking it.”
She nodded, sinking back into her seat. Her anger had mostly dissipated over the course of the day, evolving into something more akin to contemplation. “I know you, Scott,” she said quietly. “Maybe we haven’t known each other for as long as we think, but I know you. And you know me. You know that I’m not going to sit around waiting for you to tell me or ask me anything. So just...get to the point, and we can move on. For good.”
Scott inhaled, then let out a short huff of an exhale, his fingers still drumming on the steering wheel, though quieter now. “You’re my partner, Hope. In more ways than one. And I...do wanna marry you someday, just not yet. It’s early, and there’s too much going on, and it feels like - ”
“ - like we’re in between?” Hope guessed, smiling slightly.
“Yeah, exactly.” He looked away for a moment to return the smile, his eyes twinkling in the way that made her feel just a little bit more at ease about everything. “So why don’t we get to the ‘in between’ first?”
She paused. “What do you mean?”
“Move in with me. Or, I guess we could get a different place together if you want more space, though I dunno if I can afford a house as big as your parents’, but maybe you could, and - ”
“Okay,” she said, biting her lip to stop herself from grinning as giddily as she felt. “And for the record, I meant it when I said I’m not going to sit around and wait for you to ask.” She paused, letting the smile spread across her face despite herself. “Maybe someday, I’ll ask instead.”
Hank and Janet arrived at the laboratory at precisely nine in the morning, chatting quietly in the elevator ride up to their floor. They hung up their jackets, changed them out for their lab coats and protective equipment, and Hank went about telling his ants their orders for the day. Janet, on the other hand, went to log in on the main computer, only to find someone was already in her seat.
“Hi Grandma,” Cassie said, smiling like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.
Not missing a beat, Janet immediately drew her into a hug, then leaned back to tuck Cassie’s hair behind her ears. “Hey, sweetheart! Never seen you in here before,” she fussed, beaming. “You looking for a science lesson today?”
“Yes, please,” Cassie chorused. “But first, Daddy and Hope wanted to tell you something.”
Janet turned to see Scott and Hope approaching from the other room, looking somewhat sheepish. Instinctively, her eyes flickered to Hope’s stomach, though her daughter’s immediate visceral response told her she was incorrect. Hank then came over to join them, letting out a stifled grunt when Cassie went to hug him as well, though he patted her on the back in return. “What’s this all about?” he asked.
“I’m moving in with Scott,” Hope announced matter-of-factly, holding up a copy of his house keys. “I’ve had it with hiding in my own apartment, what with technically being on the run and all, so this just made sense.”
“Glad I’m the most logical choice,” Scott drawled, nodding her way. “So Hank, Janet...what do you guys think?”
“Oh, we think it’s wonderful! Don’t we, Henry?” Janet exclaimed, briefly turning to narrow her eyes at her husband before clapping her hands together in excitement. “My precious jellybean - ” She swept Hope and Scott into her arms, letting out an overwhelmed sob of elation into her daughter’s shoulder. Hank, whose jaw was clenched but was also not one to be left behind, walked over to awkwardly clap his hand on Scott’s shoulder; Cassie followed, nestling herself in under everyone’s arms.
“Didn’t realize we were gonna have a group hug today.” Still, Scott tried his best to get his arms around everyone, even Hank, who merely squirmed. “If I’d known, I would’ve remembered deodorant - ”
“Scott, I swear to god - ”
“Obviously I’m wearing deodorant, Hank, what kind of guy do you think I am?”
“Okay, I think we’re done here,” Hope sighed, withdrawing herself from the mass of bodies. “So Cassie, you ready for my parents to show you the ropes?” She nodded, looking unusually shy, staring up at both Hank and Janet expectantly.
To everyone’s surprise, it was Hank who reached for her first, gently taking her by the shoulder and guiding her over to his workbench. “Let’s set you up with some protective gear. There’ll be no accidents in my lab today.”
“Yes, Doctor Pym,” Cassie said obediently, hoisting herself up onto the bench stool. Hank paused, turning to look at her, to really look at her. Cassie’s eyes were bright, wide, inquisitive, her posture both anticipatory and patient. He looked over at the others, where Janet was standing between Hope and Scott, her hand over her mouth in a poor attempt to hide her pleased smile. Hope’s eyes shone back at him; he barely noticed her fingers intertwined with Scott’s.
Hank turned back to Cassie. “You know what? ‘Grandpa’ is okay, too.”
a/n: I have been talking about writing this fic for at least six months now and I'm sure some far better version of it exists elsewhere, but I finally finished! Still figuring out my characterization of these lovely characters, so bear with me if anything seems particularly OOC, and I'm looking forward to writing even more Scott/Hope in the future and getting better at doing so. Thanks so much for reading, likes and reblogs would be much appreciated, and I hope you enjoyed :)
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agustdef · 5 years
Here & Now - Chapter 9
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Pairing: Yoongi x OC
Genre: Fluff; Chill romance
Word Count: 2,436
Warning: None.
Banner Marker: @dee-ehn​
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I’d washed my hair a day earlier than I planned to and I had so many regrets. I was rocking a wash n’ go and the hair in front of my face hadn’t been trimmed enough when I got it done; not having cut it in its natural state was a mistake. So when my curls blocked my eye one too many times I ended up groaning and forcing all of it into a ponytail holder.
“I swear I’m just going to shave it all off,” I muttered to myself.
A scoff drew my attention to Namjoon, who was sitting beside Yoongi at his computer. “You’ve been threatening that for two years. Not happening.”
Glaring at him I faked like I was going to throw a pillow at him, which caused him to dodge and hit his leg on the table - hard.
I laughed so hard that it became hard to breathe, his groan of pain and curses making it worse.
“That’s what you get for not letting me lie to myself in peace,” I choked out between wheezing.
When I finally reined myself in Joon was still rubbing his thigh and muttering under his breath. Yoongi seemed to be back with us and not absorbed in his work with headphones on. He was shaking his head and looking between us.
Over the hours we’d been in his studio he’d been forced to endure my antics and then when Joon appeared it gotten worse. We tended to bicker like siblings and though we knew when to stop, we also knew how far we could go and get away with it.
He’d only threatened to kick us both out once. Joon had received the warning about three times and had been forcibly removed once.
Even though Joon hitting his thigh again almost sent me into another fit I refrained, Yoongi’s screen drawing my attention.
“So, can we hear it now?” I asked.
“You can’t,” Namjoon muttered.
That time I actually threw the pillow at him, but he caught it. It left both of us surprised and him, looking a little more smug than he had been before.
Rolling my eyes I turned my attention back to Yoongi. He shook his head and pointed to Joon. “What he said.”
“Why is this the only song that I’m not allowed to hear? I’ve heard and worked on all the others.”
Both of the jerks looked at each other, having some silent conversation before turning back to me.
“Because it wasn’t going to be there before and it’s almost perfect how it is. Plus I want it to be a surprise. I don’t know why you keep asking me when I’ll say no.”
I yawned halfway through his little speech.
“See, you don’t even have the energy to argue with me. Just let it go,” he said, wearing a smirk I’d started to hate.
I wanted to wipe the smugness of both of their faces, but then I released another yawn. Tired was setting in and when I glanced at the clock on the wall I knew why. It was almost 1:30 am. We’d been in the studio since 5 pm.
Getting up sounded horrible, but I knew I had things to do tomorrow. I’d be running around a lot for work and for things with friends I had in South Korea. Some sleep was a must.
Joon followed my eyes to the clock and cursed, getting up.
“We have schedules tomorrow and recording to do. We need to sleep,” he said.
Yoongi looked like he was going to argue, but his mouth closed as quickly as he opened. Turning back to the screen he continued to fiddle with whatever he was doing, which just made Joon roll his eyes.
Another yawn pushed through and I knew that I’d have to leave or I’d end up asleep on his studio. Carefully I rose up, giving my legs the time to adjust after being under me for so long. My stretching produced many cracking sounds, which made Joon cringe and brought Yoongi’s attention back to us.
As I gathered my things he looked at me with a raised brow.
“I have too much to do tomorrow to pull an all-nighter. So I’m going to go,” I said.
For a moment he continues to stare, but then suddenly turns back to his computer. Joon was already halfway out the door, waving to me as he took his leave.
With my bookbag on I turn towards Yoongi, who is staring me down.
“Are you staying here?” I asked.
His lips purse for a moment and then he yet again turns to his computer without a word. Instead of working though I watch him save his work - to several things - and then shut everything down.
A few minutes later we both have all of our stuff and are heading to the entrance. Whipping out my phone I go to request a taxi, but before I can get far he takes the phone from my hand and exits the app.
Brow raised I let him lead me out front to the one van left for the evening. Then before I could ask anything he was helping me inside and getting in behind me.
When a minute had passed with just staring at him he stared back and gestured towards the driver. Snapping out of my trance I relayed the address of my apartment and buckled in just as we started moving.
“A taxi would have sufficed.”
“You’re going the same way as me, it wasn’t a problem,” he responded nonchalantly.
There was no reason to argue with him, plus it saved me having to wait and endure and an awkward taxi ride. I wasn’t in the mood to possibly deal with someone who was talkative.
The entire twenty-minute ride we stayed in silence, both messing with our phones. As we got closer I went to put my phone down and noticed Yoongi angle his away from me. Turning my head I narrowed my eyes on him, but he didn’t glance my way and tilted the screen so I couldn’t see it.
“Did you just take a picture of me?”
Rolling my eyes I drop it and unbuckle, we’d pulled upfront. I slide my bag back on and hop out of the car. Waving to him as I go.
“Bye dork.”
Once inside I stripped down and jumped into the shower. I didn’t feel like wasting time, just wanted to get into my bed. Once dried and dressed with a bonnet atop my freshly twisted hair I threw myself on the bed.
My eyes fluttered closed and I felt like I was going under, but thirty minutes later they were upon and I was very awake. The tiredness from earlier was gone, but also still lingered; teasing me about the sleep I wasn’t getting.
Again I tried to sleep, but another half an hour and I gave up. Grabbing my phone from where it sat on my dresser I unlocked it and went to Twitter. My “business” one was lacking, even though most people I knew were very awake and posting. Switching to my stan account I was bombarded with a flurry of comeback announcements and photos of groups I stanned or at least liked.
I scrolled through the feed, liking things, retweeting a few and removing all the posts arguing against someone trying to start another dumb fan war. They were always stupid, because they were between the fans and trying to bring down artists or pit them against their own friends and/or fellow artists who had no ill will towards each other.
The night was riddled with claims of copying and I was having none of it.
Not wanting to feed into it I stumbled upon a comeback announcement for 1Team that I’d been waiting for and quote tweeted it with an all caps caption about my excitement.
Two minutes after the post my phone dinged and a text from Yoongi came through.
Thought you had too much to do?
For a moment I was confused, but then I remembered that he had a secret Twitter account. I’d only found out about it when he’d brought something up in conversation that I’d only posted on my stan Twitter account.
Why are you lurking on my account?
A few seconds passed and then in came a response. I’m not. I just got the notification.
Oh… you have my notifs on? I sent, actually shocked.
Minutes pass and nothing, so I assume he’s fallen asleep or refusing to deal with me. The second I went to sit my phone down a call came through, a glance at the screen told me it was Yoongi and that it was a video call.
Answering it I roll onto my stomach and use the ring on the back to prop it up on my phone. It being overtly firm working to keep it stable.
“Yes, I have them on.” They’re the first words he says before he comes into view. His hair slightly wet, probably from a shower and his face bare.
“Aw, that’s so cute. Trying to make sure you’re the only one I’m gushing about online?” I teased.
He rolled his eyes, using his free hand to push his hair out of his face. There was some shuffling and then he was lying back on a pillow, free arm behind his head.
“Why are you up?” he asked.
A yawn escaped the moment I tried to talk, which made him look at me weird.
“Contrary to the sound I just made, I can’t sleep. I’ve been laying here for over an hour trying.” Sighing, I ran a hand over my face in frustration. “Why are you up?”
“Had an idea before I got to bed,” he admitted.
Without a thought, I felt my face shift and a look of disapproval form. Before I could say anything though he cut me off.
“I know. I should have gone straight to sleep. I couldn’t risk forgetting though. You know that feeling?”
He made a valid point, and since I knew all too well that I spent three hours writing two nights ago I let him have that one.
Another sigh and I laid on my back, staring at the ceiling and hoping to sleep. Sleep felt so close, but every time I felt I’d finally slip away it left me. I wanted to scream.
“Why Sailor V?” Yoongi asked.
“Hm?” I asked, feeling momentarily dazed. Shaking my head I collected myself and recalled the question. “Oh. Sailor Moon was the first anime I saw as a kid and my favorite TV show. And most think the V is because Sailor Venus is my favorite, which is completely false. Mercury owns my heart.”
“So what is the V for?”
“My mother almost named me Vanessa.”
Yoongi laughed and I turned my head so I could see him.
“Vanessa,” he said carefully as if testing it out. “What changed?”
Pursing my lips I abruptly shifted positions again, turning on my side and propping my head up with my hand. “Hmm… she held me and as my grandpa was about to tell the nurse my predetermined name she called me Kendall instead. Said it felt right.”
Yoongi’s face didn’t change much, but I could see the usual look of curiosity that peaked in people. I knew what question he was going to ask next.
“You’re other parent just accepted that?”
That phrasing made me pause. No one usually asked it like that, they always implied the father role. It was interesting to hear the acknowledgment of possibly having not a father. He was still wrong though.
“I’m the sole daughter of a woman who didn’t want a relationship. She didn’t want to be with anyone, she dated but didn’t truly care for it. But she wanted a kid and could afford to go to a clinic to make it happen. It’s the kind of life that made her happy.”
Again Yoongi’s face didn’t change much, he just nodded his head and pursed his lips. After a second or two he spoke up again.
“What’s that like? I assume you still had a normal childhood,” he said.
“Yup. Pretty much. Mom, my three uncles and then her two best friends who were also basically family. They all alternated the father-daughter events or my mom would come. It felt normal. Even though others would swear not having an actual dad must have made it such a lacking childhood.” Sarcasm dripped from my every word as I got to the last bit.
“They’re idiots.”
We just stared at each other, neither breaking eye contact. And for once I didn’t feel like panicking and looking away quickly as I usually did with prolonged staring; it made me uncomfortable most of the time.
“Favorite color?” he asked.
“Dark gray and cyan.”
“It’s a shade of blue.”
“Ah. Food?”
“Steak, something you know already.”
“Between Sailor Moon SuperS and Fast Five.”
“Sailor Moon… and Hellsing Ultimate.”
“TV show?”
“Veronica Mars.”
He paused for a second, brow raised. “What is that?”
The offense that overtook my body was strong even though I knew it wasn’t a show that he would have seen growing up.
“Alexa,” I called out, waiting for the little noise to happen. “Add Veronica Mars to the ‘Yoongi needs to watch’ list.”
“Adding Veronica Mars to ‘Yoongi need to watch’ list,” she parroted back.
When I glanced back and Yoongi he looked shocked, but the smirk he wore told me he was amused. “A list?”
“Yes, there are many things that need to be rectified with you movie and television wise.” I shrugged, a smile threatening the corners of my lips.
The longer we just looked at each other, the harder it was not to smile. Eventually, we both gave in and it was nice a calm and comfortable silence.
“Okay. I get to ask the questions now,” I said after a few minutes passed.
Yoongi groaned and rolled his eyes.
“Hey! Don’t be rude, you just bombarded me with questions.”
He took one look at my face and sighed. “Okay, okay. Stop pouting and ask.”
“Good. So, I’d like to discuss seventeen-year-old audition tape Yoongi’s sense of style and hairstyling choices.”
He groaned, throwing his head back and I hold in my laughter.
After he finally justified his life choices we spent way too much time just asking random questions. When we woke up in the morning, I couldn’t recall when exactly we’d fallen asleep.
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drink-n-watch · 6 years
It’s been a wild and crazy summer! We’ve laughed, we cried, we oogled girls in bikinis. We didn’t actually cry at all. Also we didn’t laugh all that much either…. Matt and I are back one last time to bring you our take of Harukana Receive. Although our takes on individual episodes may vary, generally we were left with the same impression. Hope you join us for this last discussion of the season and let us know if you watched Harukana, what did you think of it?
unfortunately, all vacations must end
OK – is this show going to pull a Pretty Derby on me and be 13 episodes long? It seems like a conclusion but so did the ep12 of Pretty Derby (to me at least).
I can assure you this is the finale, no false finishes here!
I noticed that color shift in the shadows that you mentioned last week, at the beginning and end of this episode. That was pretty cool.
They did it better in the previous episode, but glad you noticed!
I wanted more Grandma x Akari though. I feel like they cheaped out on that ship. I guess that age difference was a little problematic. And Grandma is married woman…But all that taboo is what made it exciting!
Not even a parting glance, such a shame! Though we did get to see Grandpa finally! Well part of him, guess he’s part-man part-turtle (it was a funny joke to keep the whole ‘female-only aesthetic alive).
this image is relevant to the text, it shows um…female-only aesthetic…
Seeing the hot one again makes me hope there’s another episode. They kept making a big deal about those two throughout the series but they were completely superfluous to the plot. Even as an incentive element, they fall completely short. I did really like the airport episode. However, these are dead weight characters.
I think it’s got more to do with the fact that they’ll play a big role in the non-existent second season. (Okay I don’t know that it won’t get a second season, I’m just assuming…) It probably makes more sense in the manga? That said, I do like it that they didn’t just have them miraculously show up for to watch them play and that they had their own shit to do, felt more realistic that way!
I’m not sure it will get a second season either. I’m notoriously uninformed about the anime world but I really haven’t gotten the impression that this was a runaway hit show.
I admire a show that has the husspaw to do a clip montage in it’s 12th episode! That  bit and the CG water were giving me a Grancrest flashback. I was surprise to note that I’m thinking back on Grancrest considerably more positively than I would have thought. Did you ever watch Grancrest Matt?
You really seem to hone in on that CG, I didn’t even notice, then again I was probably just distracted by other… things… ahem… What’s a Grancrest? Is that something I combine chocolate and marshmallow with?
I was watching the BBQ and thinking we finally get a beach episode….I’m not that smurt.
I mean doing things other than sport at the beach technically counts as ‘beach fun’ rather than ‘beach business’ so you could be forgiven for thinking that… maybe…
she really likes food…this seems familiar
Did you notice that Haruka was shorter than everyone expect Kana.. This really freaked me out. I realize it’s just a little artistic inconsistency (it happens in almost every show), but considering the first episodes, it was awesomely ironic! I’m not sure that’s what ironic means…
Again, can’t say I noticed, man, it’s almost like there’s something about this show that’s inherently distracting…
But you made a big deal about her height in the first episode….Isn’t it ironic that I’m the one noticing it now! Did I get it right this time?
I only made a big deal about it because the show did, literally the second she touches down in Okinawa random people are pointing at her and wondering if she’s a model. If it weren’t for the dialogue I wouldn’t really have noticed either to be honest!
The little fun in the sun bit was cute but for some reason I didn’t like it as much as previous random fun times episodes. I’m not sure why but they seem to have a bit less chemistry than usual. Maybe it’s the awkwardness of losing the match.
I thought it was fine personally, maybe it was because of all that food made them feel lethargic, although apparently not enough for Haruka and Claire to do a bit of practice afterward.
it’s the right characters at least!
I gotta say, if this is the final episode, it’s a bit of a let down for me. Part of it is most likely that the team I was kinda rooting for lost and this show went for the opposite message than what I like about sports anime. However, I also don’t think it showcased how fun and amusing the series can be at its best. Mind you it doesn’t invalidate the season as a whole. I just didn’t like this episode as much as last episode.
Gotta disagree with you on this one, easily my favourite episode of the whole season (yes, even better than bikini try-on episode) I never doubted that Haruka and Kanata would win–even if it was against all logic. It may not have been outright ‘amusing’ but I found it more cohesive and balanced than previous episodes. Like half sports/half socialising fun–that’s the ratio it should have been all season!
I’m pretty sure everyone knew the title characters would win. But predictable endings aren’t always the best. To me it was tonally at odds with most of the series and had no character defining moments. If I wanted to sell this show to someone I wouldn’t use this episode. It did have the best animation though. In my opinion.
Yeah, seems like they saved the majority of the animation budget for the final episode, it was pretty sports-y! (Is that a word? If it is it’s a terrible word…)
The hyphen makes it look fanc-y!
i thought the scrunchy was kind of fancy
I will write more about the entire series once Matt confirms that this was indeed the finale… Matt confirmed it – here I go with my brief overall thoughts. Objectively speaking it’s probably an average CGDCT show (Ed – Matt just sad it’s not a CGDCT show and I believe him – I’m gonna call it a show with cute girls instead…). There’s both worse and better on both technical and narrative merits. Subjectively, I thought it was mostly fun but a little uneven. And I personally would have prefered it without the sport and with more comedy instead. I would say, if you like the stills from the show, you should go ahead and watch it, you’ll probably enjoy it.
I’ll save my more detailed thoughts for a seperate post but my general opinion of this series is strikingly similar to Irina’s, sport is what held this show back, but unlike Irina that’s just because I generally don’t care for sports anime–I thought this show would be enough to change my mind but apparently it doesn’t matter how many and how much cute girls in skimpy bikinis you throw at me I’m still going to caught at that hurdle. Much like Uma Musume last season, I didn’t really connect with any of the girls on this show but still found them pleasant and endearing enough to be around. I’d stop short of calling this a CGDCT show though as it never really felt like one, even when they were just out doing shopping. If anything it’s more akin to those shows about school clubs with a bit of actual tournament action thrown in. I liked the show, I liked the characters, I liked the setting, I liked the vibe–but I didn’t love it.
Do you guys want any more pictures? I’ll give you a few, for old time sakes!
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Harukana Receive Episode 12 with Matt & Irina – Chance Ball It's been a wild and crazy summer! We've laughed, we cried, we oogled girls in bikinis. We didn't actually cry at all.
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I wish I took this quiz earlier to better explain how I personally understand acts of love. I never knew something like this existed to better communicate and learn more about ourselves. I know she always wanted to keep buying me gifts all the time. And it looks like that's not how I understand love. When she would cook food for me I saw it more as just things that you do together to survive, I guess I didn't see it as acts of love.
Those were her ways of explaining and being able to show the way she loves. In a similar way of how you used to wear purple all of the time, I switched to blue jeans because I know you love blue and I learned how comfortable they actually are. Lol. My boxers, I prefer to wear the blue ones because I always felt you were closer to me because of your favorite color. My fault text sweatshirt and my Mac and sweatshirt I prefer to wear while we were out and about. I wore those so much more frequently than my Overwatch sweatshirt because I was excited to be wearing your favorite color. My shoes I got the maroon ones because of how much you love that color, too. My UWL hat I stopped wearing as much because it felt weird wearing it in the cities, but I wanted to and I would every once in awhile. So many things we do for each other that we don't even realize if the other person notices or not. We are both such nonverbal people that I guess I wish we would have messaged more even while at home because you seemed to connect better with that, Just like I connect better with physical touch. I would tease you sometimes in the car, playfully, because I thought it was a fun, loving thing couples did. I thought maybe if I showed you the cute gesture and tease that you might do the same to me. That might have been how you were trying to communicate with giving me so many gifts. I don't really know. If I did know it would change absolutely everything about how I try to show love and be more active in learning what moves you and helps you feel loved.
And I couldn't even put my arm around her without her freaking out because of how overheated she would get. I kept trying to spend time with her and all she wanted to do was watch violence and murder.
Best times for when I was able to put my arm around her and watch a movie or go on walks together, bike rides. Just spending the time together was how I felt her love. She was always buying me gifts and doing the claw machines and giving me those gifts and they just seemed like stuff, things that take up space.
I cherish them wholeheartedly because I understand that's how she understood how to show her love. But I guess for some reason I didn't understand how she understands love.
I wish we both took this quiz earlier in our relationship so that we could actually understand what love means to the other person. I thought she didn't like receiving gifts herself because every time I'd give her something it would seemingly disappear, Ever since I gave her that bear on Valentine's Day I felt like getting her gifts were just going to get tossed away.
To me the act of being with someone is so much more important than the things being done. Going to E3 was the most magical experience of my life so far. Not just because I like games, But primarily because I was with her going on an adventure that she was also excited about. I fed on her excitement and it made me so happy to be there with her. It's not an event I would go on my own. I went because I was so excited to spend time with her away from La Crosse. We had each other when we needed someone. There were times where we were scared and we worked through it. She would get in a panic and I would call her down, And then at other times I would get panicky and she would call me down. Walking down to the bookstore through the city was terrifying for me, But she was in front of me guiding my way so I wasn't so scared of all the people. She didn't notice all the scary people that were around, I had to focus on following her to get through it.
What an adventure in this world that we've shared. It's so hard to convince myself that it's over.
Every time I felt your hand in my hand felt like fireworks. That meant so much more to me than receiving gifts ever did.
In my past I've been horrible at getting gifts because I want them to be the perfect gift not just a gift. Yes I gave gifts seldomly but they always had a deep meaning to be coming from me that I knew (or thought I knew) that you would enjoy. There was even a couple times that I was trying to get a gift for you and you convinced me to keep it for myself. So every gift I got for you always meant something extreme to me to be giving. Giving gifts is not an easy thing for me to wrap my head around. I always tried thinking of the experiences not the act of having or receiving gifts. That's why the shows and movies and all of those things that we did together like traveling meant so much to me. Whatever we did only mattered because you were with me.
I loved and miss being able to kiss you so passionately that I can feel you breathing out and I could breathe you in. Passion and the desire I could feel, And it was so real. More than real, pure ecstasy beyond just the thoughts and words. It was real. It was deep passion I felt. So strongly for giving you all that you desired and begged for. I always buckled too fast even though I wanted to drag that desire on so you could enjoy that wanting feeling. I remember what it used to be like. But that desire I craved with you turned to jealousy for your connection to your books that you weren't willing to share with me. You showed me a couple times but never transferred that energy from those books to me. Not that you made me aware of anyways. I started second guessing when you would come on to me. Was it me that she desired or was it a character in one of those books? Why won't she share with me what her fantasy is so that I can match that level or play to that fantasy and make things more pleasurable for her.
I got very jealous of the books you would read because they're explaining very physical things between people and when you would read them they weren't translating to things happening between us. You tried saying that you were reading them for ME, And I never understood what that even meant. How do you read books about other people being physical with each other and then not be physical with me and then explain that they're FOR me. I just never made sense and when I would ask more questions you would get upset rather than understanding of my feelings. I was trying to understand your feelings about them, I tried very hard not to get jealous. You started reading them more and more, And then reading them wasn't enough you started reading the graphic version with illustrations and I tried getting you to share those with me so I could understand and maybe even get into them with you. Instead you hit them like some secret that you'd rather have for your own self rather than share I was trying to understand the sharing part of it. I tried hard to understand and the more I tried to help and understand and connect that way with you, If I like the more I got pushed away.
What is your love language? Do you know it? I wish I knew so I could fix things and do things better than ever before.
Seeing gifts I gave you get tossed to the side and given away to other people even, really f***** with me because I thought that that's how you understood love because of how many gifts you gave. I have boxes and bags of countless items, tokens of your love that you tried showing me that I didn't understand how to explain that I'd rather be with you than receive gifts. And maybe you are trying to tell me that you respond better to receiving gifts then being told how much I love you. Words of affirmation. I don't really know because we never took this quiz and... I am deeply saddened that I was too depressed to be able to show any of these things to you no matter how deeply inside of myself I wanted to give to you all five of these things. My drive to do anything had been taken away by this depression. I want to make up for it all somehow, someday.
I miss you.
I hope you can take this quiz and share it with me and we could work on learning each other's love language and balance each other out. We checked a lot of boxes for each other unknowing of what our own love language must be. I think we both needed quality time. But I don't know... I don't understand why I've been pushed away.
I tried doing my love to you without being able to really know how you experience love.
I know when we used to text everyday and when you be at work and text me back, Oh when we would text each other how passionate and loving we were. Not being able to have that time apart to be able to text you was so hard. I kind of enjoyed going down to see my grandpa even though it was extremely difficult with my aunt down there taking advantage of everyone.
I wanted you so badly, But I knew you had school, the arboretum, and work that you are already balancing. We haven't had a vacation or time to relax away from the everyday in so long. I long and desire for that stronger than ever before.
I miss you with more passion than any book you've ever read combined. I love you more than I love seeing the sun rise every morning and set in the evening. More than the moon glowing in the night sky. Many nights since you've left, I've looked up at the moon knowing that we're still under the same moon. Dreaming that you might be looking up at the same moon, possibly even at the same time. And as I get all dreamy about you, The Mighty Boosh meme comes to my head and says
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I never know which context to do these posts and because I never know if it's going to be some random person reading this or if she actually will ever read these some day. My hope is that she can understand the love and frustration in tandem like a yin yang. You have to be able to take the bad with the good or we don't grow as people.
I miss you, Crystal. I miss you, Everlong.
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bestfriendforhire · 4 years
Children of BFFH, Entry 76
 Hugging my favorite teddy, Anette, I stared at my ceiling, not sure I wanted to get out of bed just yet.  Then I remembered last night’s conversation, and jumped from my bed.  Carefully, putting Anette down, I quickly made my bed.  I needed to finish packing still.  When I finished, I almost left my room still in my pajamas.  I stood still for a moment to take a deep breath, and then looked at the list next to my bed.
 Packing… As I looked over the list, I carefully checked off each item that I knew was in there.  Then I double checked the items that might be missing.  All there.  Today was going to be a big one.  Dad had spent the entirety of our dinner telling me just to relax and have fun today.  The way he described Best Friend For Hire was cute, like he was telling me a fairy tale.
 When I asked why we hadn’t ever visited Uncle Mick’s family in their home before, Dad shrugged and said that my grandpa really enjoyed getting the family together at my grandparent’s.  Best Friend For Hire was a business first and foremost, so they were busy enough without the lot of us gawking about.  I didn’t know why he thought I’d gawk.  I had been in skyscrapers and fancy hotel rooms before.
 “Layla, breakfast’s ready!” called Mom.
 “I’m coming!” I assured her, wondering if there was anything that hadn’t made its way onto my list.  Nothing came to mind, so I took one last look in the mirror to see that I was ready, grabbed my bag, and headed downstairs.
 “Don’t worry about forgetting something.” stated Mom when I reached the kitchen.  “They’ll have you covered.”
 My jaw nearly hit the floor.  Mom had been helping me stay organized my entire life.
 Dad reached up from his seat to pull me into a hug.  “She’s right.  They have everything.  You could leave your bag here, and you’d find everything in order there.  I really wouldn’t bring your pillow.” he told me, smiling as he looked at it.
 My pillow was the fluffiest, most comfortable pillow I had ever seen.  Even after two years, I hadn’t found one more comfortable anywhere!  “But Dad…” I started.
 He laughed, interrupting me.  “Honey, your Uncle Mick gave you that pillow, so it was made by Best Friend For Hire.  Knowing Jarod, he’s probably made dozens of improvements since then, and the ones they sleep on feel like…” he paused, thinking.  “I dunno.  Heaven’s embrace or something.  Whatever you think is the best, they probably have better.”
 “They don’t have us, so don’t go finding better parents.” teased Mom.
 Dad laughed and said, “James will make sure she comes back, head filled with wonders to keep her dreaming for years.”
 I rolled my eyes as I told him again “We’ll just be playing Ancient Tribes of Earth!  I really don’t know what you’re going on about.”  Taking my seat, I dug into my blueberry pancakes.  Mom’s were so good that I didn’t even need syrup.  If the other kids knew what they were missing, I bet they’d be jealous.
 Probably not even a second after I put down my fork, our doorbell sounded.  Mom hurried over and answered, saying, “Mila, good to see you!”
 “Nice seeing you in person as well.” replied the woman who sounded strangely familiar.  She stepped into the house, and I marveled at how pretty she was.  Pretty, and very short.  She couldn’t be much taller than me, and looked like she might be in her late teens, maybe twenties.  She had straight, auburn hair hanging down to her calves.  Then I realized what she was wearing… a frilly maid’s outfit.  Catching me staring, she said, “Hello, Layla.  Nice seeing you in person.”
 “We’ve met?” I asked in disbelief.  There was no way I’d forget this girl.
 “Every time you’ve taken a taxi from our service or sought advice through Best Friend For Hire’s search engine.  That’s me.” she replied, seeming perfectly serious.
 Something clicked in my head.  “That’s your voice!” I exclaimed, amused she felt that was the same as actually meeting her.  I received a text but ignored it, not wanting to be rude.
 “Don’t worry.  Check it.  I sent you something.” she told me, still smiling.
 As I reached in my pocket, Mom looked like she was in on something.  I had received a text from a number I didn’t recognize, saying “Hello, Layla.  Still me.”  Then another appeared, reading, “Look no hands.  Isn’t texting fun?”
 “But…” I started.
 “This body is one of a dozen I use these days.  My mother, Aaliyah Sypher, designed an AI to assist James Michael Somerset III, and that AI grew into what I am today.  Are you familiar with the idea of an AI?” she questioned, still wearing a perfect poker face.
 “She’s telling the truth, Layla.  Mila was artificially constructed, but she’s married and has a daughter that you probably already met in the game.” asserted Dad encouragingly.
 “Justine.” provided Mila.
 “But how does that even…” I started to ask.
 “It’s complicated, but I’m sure Mila will fill you in on the way.” insisted Dad.  “You don’t want to be late.  I’ve heard that James frowns when people are late.”
 “You have to do far more than be a little late for my master to frown at you.” teased Mila as she smiled beautifully.  “But Rona is waiting in the car, excited to meet you in person.  I’m currently reassuring her that we’ll be there shortly.”
 I moved to grab my bag, but Mila was already picking it up.  “I’ll get this.  Let’s just be on our way.” she told me.  Then she looked to my parents, who were hugging me, and said, “I promise to bring her back Sunday night by nine o’clock.  My master wishes me to convey his thanks for allowing your daughter to stay with us this weekend.  His children are quite excited for the visit.”
 As I stepped outside, my head still trying to come to grips with the idea that Mila was artificial, I caught sight of the limo, and my mouth dropped.  “You brought a limo to pick me up?” I asked in surprise.
 “My master wanted you and Rona to be comfortable for the drive, and both sets of parents have been informed of our current safety features.  Even in the event of a collision, you will be safe, but I guarantee there won’t be any problems on our way.” she told me.
 I was about to tell her that no one could guarantee that nothing would go wrong when the door opened, revealing Rona.
 Black eyes moving up from her phone in surprise, she was instantly excited.  “Layla!” she exclaimed.  “I’m so glad we’ll get to play in person!  You’re going to love this!”
 “Love what?” I asked, watching Mila move to the trunk that opened for her.  Getting used to the idea that she was controlling everything with her thoughts would take some adjustment.
 “Everything!” insisted Rona with a wide grin.
 I stepped into the car, admiring the beauty of the black seats and silver trim.  There was an assortment of fruits chilled on a table in front of us along with an array of drinks.
 Catching my look, Rona said, “Mila brought me breakfast today.  Want some?  The warm food’s over here.”  She crawled over and opened a compartment, revealing a variety of breakfast foods.
 I declined, still full from my pancakes, though I did take one of the bottles of juice.  I wasn’t familiar with the brand, but there was only so much that could go wrong with orange juice.  After a taste, I decided this stuff had to be super expensive.  There was no pulp, and the taste was amazing.
 During the hour-ish drive, Rona teased me about how much my eyes were going to pop out of my head, and talked about her adventures in Ancient Tribes of Earth.  She was eight and excitable, loving stories from my exploits as Megwrn.  She also took an interest in Goblin culture after I started explaining it.
 “Is the building in a gated community?” I asked, looking out the window and seeing grass stretching on and on.  “Are we even in town anymore?”
 Rona was laughing.
 From the limo’s intercom, Mila said, “We’ll be up to the mansion shortly.  This is just the driveway.”
 I shut my mouth after realizing it was open.  The driveway was like a wide road, and having this much land in a city had to be expensive.  When the car stopped, and I stared at the sprawling, three-story building, I had to admit that the place looked impressive.  Why hadn’t Damien told me more about where he lived?
 Realizing there was a tall, teenage boy standing in front of the place—dressed in a very nice blue suit—I wondered where he had come from.  Was he one of the employees, here to help Mila with… my bag?  Rona’s bag?  His face looked somewhat familiar.
 “Mr. Somerset!  Nice to see you again!” exclaimed Rona, waving at him.
 “A pleasure to see you again as well.  As with you, Layla.  Welcome to Best Friend For Hire.  I realize that I look considerably younger than pictures you might have seen, but I don’t actually age, something I would appreciate you keeping private.
 “Wh-What!?” I exclaimed in disbelief.
 Nodding, he said, “I get that often.  A number of us here are incapable of aging, which makes altering public pictures necessary to avoid questions.  You’ll see as you grow older.  I just wanted to greet you two before the kids try taking you fifty directions at once.  Please, enjoy yourselves.  If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask.  Everyone here will be happy to assist you.”  Then he was gone.  Completely and totally gone.
 “Where is he?” I asked, still looking around.
 “The Boss does that.  He’s busy.” replied Rona with a shrug as she hurried up the steps to the doors.  As she reached them, the double doors opened along with the double doors behind them.  Over a dozen other kids stood there, staring out from a super fancy looking room.
 Damien stepped forward from the group.  Motioning from me to them, he said, “Layla, I would like to introduce my friends.  Our friends?  I mean, you’ve sort of met, right?”  He seemed to question it for a moment, and then motioned for me to get inside.
 Introductions were made, which was a bit confusing.  The Somersets were easy to remember, though some explanation was needed about the nicknames.  I knew no parent would name their kid “Four”, but I understood why they called him that when he turned out to have the same name as his dad.  Those violet eyes of his were really something.  The quadruplets were a hopeless case for me.  If I managed to remember their names, I still wouldn’t be able to match their names to faces at all.  Seeing them, I had a little trouble believing that these were the same girls who had talked about engineering things with such enthusiasm.  They all had to be brilliant!
 Ella was easy to remember, being the same as her character even down to how they looked, minus the armor and weapons.  How was the girl so cute?  Doc and Aspy were probably African-American by their skin tone, which would help me remember which ones they were.  “Doc” turned out to be an acronym for her name, which was pretty cool as nicknames go.
 Crazy and Messy looked a whole lot alike, though Messy was actually the one who kept her hair brushed.  Crazy’s hair was naturally curled and left to its own devices, which didn’t detract from how incredibly pretty they were, easily rivaling Ella on the adorbs factor.  Of course, all of these kids looked like they won the genetic lottery.  Valeria was…
 “A vampire!?  Vampires are real?” I asked in shock when they made a joke about her not drinking my blood.
 With dark blonde hair and hazel eyes, Valeria looked at me as if she was extremely happy that I had asked.  “That’s how I felt!” she exclaimed excitedly.  “I went to sleep in the fifteenth century and woke up in this one.  I can’t even tell you how weird everything is!”  She had grabbed my hands in her excitement, and I realized that I could barely even move my fingers in the cold grip of her soft skin.
 “Easy there, Valeria.  She probably doesn’t even know what she is.” stated Serenity, whom they call Crazy.  To my surprise, the smaller girl easily removed Valeria’s hands from mine.
 I took a moment to realize what she meant by saying “what she is”.  Valeria was staring in surprise.  “I’m part fey.  Dad did tell me that much.  That’s why I can disappear.” I replied.
 “You can turn invisible?” asked Crazy excitedly, she had suddenly gotten even closer to me.
 “Not exactly.” I told her, demonstrating.  To my shock, several of them watched me move away, including Damien.  Whirling on him, I asked “How!?  You never found me during hide and seek!”
 He shrugged and said, “I’m cheating now.  I electrically charged your shirt when I realized what you were doing.  I can’t actually think of your position or see you, but I’m aware of the charge.  Touch anything, and you’ll get a zap.  Fair warning.”
 “I sense heat, so I always know where most everyone is.  If I wasn’t focusing, I wouldn’t even notice you.  This is the coolest sensation!” exclaimed Aid.
 His sister, Luce, nodded.  “Really is.” she agreed without explaining what she was doing.
 I stopped using my gift, staring at these kids in amazement.  My parents were right.  This really wouldn’t be like visiting any of my other cousins.
0 notes
dudence-blog · 7 years
Dear Dudence for 8 March 2018
Been doing some home projects and was very proud of a nice TV shelf I built. Very proud of how it turned out and I can still count to 10!  YAY!  Winning.  So, now we’re off to the questions and answering them for people who don’t know I’m answering them! 
My father passed away last year and I’ve finished up most of the legal matters, but I have boxes and boxes of family photos. My father was born very poor, but I doubt members of the British royal family have led such documented lives. I have hundreds of photos of him at every stage of his life. I have photos of my mother—including an album and 16 mm film from her first wedding, a marriage that only lasted eight months. I have photos of my grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-great grandparents. I have school pictures, team pictures, travel pictures, holiday pictures. All these photos completely fill a large walk-in closet.
Dear Family Photos, you don’t need to sacrifice your space and time to store something you don’t want.  I do think you should do what you can to preserve those items.  Just because you can’t imagine who’d want to see it doesn’t mean no one in your family, or elsewhere, won’t.  if you’ve got the money to spend it would probably be worth looking into a photo organizing/digitizing service.  You could probably even solicit financial help from the rest of the family since it is a project aimed at the family.  Get an estimate, shoot out and email saying what it’s going to cost and see if anyone would like to PayPal you some of the cash.  Depending on how much you value your time and doing something else with it the several hundred to over a thousand dollars for such services might even be cheap.  If you’re balking at the cost try and get some other interested family members to come over and go through the bounty.  Put everything that can be identified in one pile, that which can’t in another.  Apply whatever filters you want to the first pile; “We want 10 photos of Grandma and Grandpa”, “At least one photo from every house we lived in”, whatever.  Let your imagination run wild.  When everything is filtered take the discard pile, contact your local historical society or a heritage society and see if they’d like some of the photos (great-great-great grandparent pictures might feature background locations which have been destroyed for decades).  If there is a design or art school in the area see if they could use it; old photos can be used in projects, for inspiration, whatever.  Finally, just take some handfuls, post them on eBay as bulk vintage photographs and sell them.  You don’t need to let your family’s history dominate your storage space, but you can fulfill your role of custodian and not let than happen.
We took in my son’s girlfriend when she was 15, after her stepfather broke her arm and her mother threw her out because she wouldn’t lie to the police to protect him. She was the daughter people pray for: kind, respectful, and smart—she graduated fourth in her class despite everything she went through. My son and her broke up in their senior year, but she continued to live with us even while our son went off to college. (She went to community college and became a pharmacy tech.) They are both 23 now. We see her regularly and consider her part of our family. My son’s current girlfriend dislikes this. She says she will not come to visit us if we continue to have her over, and guilts my son for coming alone. He skipped Christmas and Thanksgiving last year on her orders.
Dear Like a Daughter, sometimes it’s really hard not to let me mind go wild filling in missing context.  Such as how much of “what my girlfriend said” have you heard from the girlfriend herself and not through your son?  “How does your son feel about his ex becoming his ‘sister’ in the eyes of his family?”  “Was their break-up mutual and amicable?”  “Are there any sort of lingering romantic feelings from either party?”  Taking everything at face value your son is probably letting his dick do a bit too much of his thinking for him.  Disappointing, but understandable.  It also means you probably don’t need to worry about this breaking up your family or you losing your son.  He’ll be moving on.  Taking this a step deeper though, let’s look at what’s going on here.  Your other children have discontinued contact.  You’re using some pretty hurtful language to describe your son’s disappointing but not wholly unusual actions, and I’m going to question just how welcoming you are towards his new girlfriend given you’re referring to a woman he’s been with for at least half a year as “the girl he has been sleeping with”.  Finally, your foster daughter is a young woman herself, maybe she should be finding her own “boy/girl she has been sleeping with” so she’s not left with “Ex’s family” as the only people she has in her life.  
My mother remarried when I was 17 to “Dan.” Dan was accused of molesting several neighborhood girls after I was 23 and married. The evidence was pretty damning: Beyond the girls’ testimony, he sent explicit photos to a 12-year-old girl and tried to get her to do the same. Dan plea bargained and served less than a year in prison. My mother stood by him during it all and even sold the house my dead father left her to pay for Dan’s legal fees. Her support of Dan broke our relationship. Our last serious conversation involved me begging her to see the evidence (the texts had just come to light), and I asked what she would have done if I had been one of those molested little girls. My mother said that wouldn’t have happened because she didn’t raise me to be a “slut.” Since then, I don’t visit and rarely call my mother.  I am pregnant now, and we know it is going to be a little girl. After we posted the news on Facebook, my mother sent me a physical letter explaining that she was sorry about our “estrangement,” excited to be a grandma, and hoped this would be a new beginning for us all. I miss her so badly, and never thought I would go through this without her.
Dear Mom’s Support of a Child Molester, wow… and then there’s the letter which fills in a lot of the contect.  This is not better.  On principle I have a tough time condemning someone for loving who they love; emotions are weird.  But I think you’ve got to make the difficult decision to cut your mom out of the loop for the time being.  Maybe permanently.  It’s not the “being married to a child molester” part which really squicked me out, but the part where she says the girls bore some responsibility for Dan’s actions.  It would be one thing if she admitted he’d done some terrible things, but she still loves him in spite of it… he paid the price for his actions… blah blah blah.  I mean, shoot, a father in Texas just successfully petitioned the governor to commute his son’s death sentence, the sentence he received for murdering his mother and brother.  Your mother’s view of the victims is really the red flag here.  I’d leave the option open to repair the breach in your relationship with you mom, but it’s going to have to come with her having a reckoning of just how, and why, she has supported Dan.
I attended a trivia event with some fellow “mums of young bubs” for a girls’ night out. I was having a great time until I saw some of the women cheating by Googling answers. This made me feel uncomfortable (I’m an honorable soul), but the awkwardness grew worse when at the end of the night we won the second-place prize (a bottle of wine—each!) by only two points. We cheated on more than two answers, so we definitely cheated other tables out of prizes.
Dear Trivial Trivia Concerns, if you only won by two points despite Googling it’s likely the competitors were doing so as well.  That really doesn’t matter though since your issue is with the cheating itself.  When you go next month tell the girls you don’t want your team to cheat.  You’re enjoying the night out in and of itself and will happily supply the wine if you don’t win because you were playing fair.  Heck, you’ll probably be supplying better wine than you’d get from a bar’s give-away for a trivia game.  As for what to do with your ill-gotten gains: drink the fucking wine.
One of my best friends since teenage years (we’re in our mid-30s now) has consistently made terrible dating choices: abusive men, drug addicts, just plain jerks, you name it. She is a great single mother to a wonderful 6-year-old, and got back together six-ish months ago with “Jake,” a guy she briefly dated a few years ago. She recently moved in with him, and while he seems nice enough, even she admits he is not the sharpest tool in the shed and doesn’t have a lot of personality or interests. In fact, this is why she broke up with him in the first place. When I expressed surprise that they were back together, she made a comment about how she was just ready to “settle” because she was tired of being single.
Dear Best Friend Troubles, this is an AB issue and you should C your way out of it.  Do you know why your friend thinks Jake is dull without a lot of personality and interests?  It’s because he’s not an abusive, drug addicted jerk.  After a decade or so of filling her life with shocking levels of drama she is with someone who does not bring the noise.  As a metaphor, just because a habanero pepper isn’t as hot as a ghost pepper, doesn’t mean the habanero isn’t also hot.  Jake most likely is plenty interesting as “Jake”, he just appears uninteresting because his interests don’t include a series of unfortunate events which inexorably lead to a visit from the police.  Honestly, that you’re proudly stating how your friend views you as a font of relationship advice, and your advice has led her to a string of soul-destroying horrors, you might want to rethink the little voice in your head telling you that you’re not sure if you should be encouraging her relationship with nice, personable Jake.  Let me be blunt, you need to see something shocking to the senses if you come away from your visit to your wrong-side-of-thirty single-mom-with-a-history-of-abusive-relationships friend saying anything to her but your best wishes for their happy future together.  
I am 34, with a Ph.D. and a successful, happy life. I am regularly mistaken for being much younger—often a college student. (I live in a city with many colleges, which probably doesn’t help.) Though I’ll be “thankful for this someday,” according to many well-meaning but semi-irritating strangers, I have struggled for years to think of an appropriate response to people’s surprise upon learning my actual age. For a bartender or checkout clerk, a smile and nod tends to be OK. (I’ve also tried, “Yeah, I get that a lot and I never quite know what to say,” but that never seems to help.) In a professional environment, things feel a bit weightier, as I don’t want people to assume my experience and skill set is below where I actually am.
Dear Not as Young as You Think, the appropriate response is “Yeah, I get that a lot,” which you already know.  And it is going to continue to be annoying for you until the inevitability of time consumes your youthful appearance.  Hopefully it is more gradual for you than it was for Dorian Gray.  And involves less murder.  What I do wonder about is your professional situation.  Since your phd isn’t assumed is it something which isn’t expected in your field?  It is entirely possible that “you are much earlier in your career” compared to peers only a couple years older than you, despite you being very educated and credentialed.  They spent the years you were in school working.
I’m a 23-year-old woman and have been dating my girlfriend for just over eight months. I’m over the moon about it, we’re happy together, and we communicate well. Here’s the thing: She’s a bit high-strung and tends to react to small issues in life with tears. We’ve spoken about it and she has reassured me that it’s not a big deal, and that when she cries it doesn’t necessarily mean that anything terrible is happening. I really struggle with this. I grew up in a household with a lot of abuse, both physical and verbal, directed at everyone. My self-appointed role as keeper of the peace meant that I spent my entire childhood on the lookout for subtle signs of distress in everyone so that I could try and mitigate it. Someone crying sets off all of my alarm bells for “something I have to fix,” and it is very hard for me not to overreact to her tears.
Dear Not a Big Deal When She Cries, you know, I’m going to go ahead and say that the high-strung person in a relationship isn’t the one with the hair-trigger tears but the one who is a self-appointed relationship peacekeeper from the abusive household who is struggling to adapt to someone else’s emotions.  It is entirely possible this is just an issue which the two of you are incompatible.  When you’re still in the euphoric happy banging stage of a relationship and you’re finding yourself emotionally drained and internally annoyed by her innocent behavior that is not a strong indicator for future happiness.  You should totally check into some options to help you deal with your issues from growing up, but it might not be much help for this current girlfriend.  Maybe you could try and find the girl from the “Like a Daughter” and see if she’s into some sapphic delights.  She’s got no one in her life and might be wasting her time pining for an ex who has moved on.  Give it a go!
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silkhyung · 7 years
→ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader / Namjoon x Reader → Genre: fluff, smut, angst, humor → Words: 2,517 → Rated: NC-17 → Warnings: alcohol, language
→ Summary: A text message sent to the wrong number turns into a long lasting affair between two people completely opposite one another. 
→ Note: This is an old thing and actually the first thing I wrote after the accident, and I decided to post it again because I kind of hold it close to my heart ? It’s not all going to be texts between the characters, but quite a lot of backstory and stuff the more we get into it. It’ll be told from both Y/N’s POV and Jungkook’s. Please enjoy! :)
Parts: 01 : interim : 02 : 03 : coming soon
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The first time you receive one it’s in the middle of the night.
At first you simply stir in your sleep, turning around as if that will somehow stop the annoying buzzing resounding from under your pillow. When it doesn’t, you grab the cursed device and flip it over in your hands, wondering whom of your stupid friends decided to be an excruciating pain in the ass this late.
━ unknown 1:32am Heeeeeey what was the name of the beatle who walked first on the Abbey road cover? I’m trying to get into joys pants and she’s a huge beatles and pop quiz fan Help me out pls Hyung?
You squint at the screen.
The Beatles? Joy? Pop quiz? You are pretty sure you don’t know any people named Joy, and all your friends listen to crappy pop and crappy pop only, and the answer is John. Another thing you are most certain of is that you are not a hyung. But… wait…
… who?
Your text of the standard question “who’s this?” is interrupted by three familiar dots blinking, indicating this stranger on the other side of the screen is writing again. Sighing, you wait for their next text. Perhaps they had realized their mistake and would apologize and leave you alone now?
━ unknown 1:33am she’s abt to bail soon help me
Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes to see better, you quickly text them back.
━ 1:34am Hey I think you’ve got the wrong number But the answer is John Hope it all works out lol
It is silent for a few seconds, your messages staring back at you blankly while the other side seems completely dead. You wonder briefly if the stranger and the even more strange Joy had gotten frisky because of your help as you lock your phone with a relieved puff of breath, burying it under your pillow again.
The buzzing returns just as you settle back into a comfortable position, and even though you don’t want to - you need to sleep - curiosity makes you dig it out again to check what’s going on.
━ unknown 1:37am So not Taehyung?
A tired, lazy smile breaks free and you snort amusedly.
━ 1:38am Nope this is Y/N
━ unknown 1:38am Shit sorry But thanks for the answer
━ 1:39am Np
━ unknown 1:39am Lucky i accidentally texted another beatles fan lol I would’ve known 2 if i wasnt so drunk
You let out another snort.
━ 1:40am Sure dude
━ unknown 1:40am Yeah anyways thanks again
With that, you lock your screen and place it on your nightstand, smiling tiredly to yourself while shifting in bed, trying to get comfy again. Hopefully you won’t wake up with circles as black as your soul in a couple of hours.
The second time the unknown number pops up on your screen you’re in the library trying to work on your latest exam paper due this week. Not exactly something you want to do on a Tuesday night, but what does one not go through to keep the grades up?
Several heads belonging to those study nerds your friends sometimes make fun of but you actually identify with turn to stare at you accusingly and you sheepishly smile back at them, hiding your phone under the table to not disturb anyone else.
It’s been three days since the first text on Saturday and you curiously smile at the screen.
━ unknown 7:11pm Hey last cover song beatles did?
A breathy laugh escape you for some reason, and you quickly sink back in your seat, hiding your smile under the cover of your hand to not irritate any more study nerds than you already have.
You quickly shoot back a question of your own.
━ 7:12pm Is your hyung not available?
━ unknown 7:12pm I think he’s ignoring m
━ 7:13pm Lol poor u. I think it’s Maggie Mae but i’m not sure
The dots showing he was writing start moving, then still and begin moving again several times before your phone finally buzzes again.
━ unknown 7:15pm Wow i might actually score thanks to you Thanks beatles genius
Muffling your laugh with the sleeve of your shirt, you bite into your lip amusedly as you type a quick answer back.
━ 7:16pm Np beatles amateur
━ unknown 7:17pm lol
Even though some small part of you want to, you decide against responding to that. The beatles amateur whose name you still haven’t gotten is probably on a date with that Joy who enjoyed the Beatles pop quizzes so much, and you don’t want to intrude. Especially not since you’re just a stranger in his phone.
Despite this, your mind is very much focused on everything besides the computer screen before you, often lingering on a strange guy - guy since he has a hyung - who sucks at Beatles quizzes and apparently can’t get laid on his own.
Third time, it’s Friday and you’re on the bus on your way to meet up with a friend for a few drinks when your phone buzzes, interrupting the soothing tune of Coldplay’s greatest hit with an annoying pling.
You forcefully fish out your phone from the deep pocket of your coat and despite yourself, you smile at the screen when you see the unknown yet familiar number of your Beatles stranger shining on your screen.
━ unknown 5:45pm Hey another question. Do you by chance own an iPhone?
━ 5:46pm Why are you asking me out of all people? But yeah I do
The three dots start moving, then they stop just as quickly. You bite into your lip watching him start typing and stopping several times. You’re just about to lock your phone when he finally sends you the message he spent almost a minute working on.
━ unknown 5:47pm Idk
━ 5:48pm Really?
While he seemingly writes the longest reply in history, you’re at the street Jeongyeon told you to meet her at, so you hop off the bus. Scanning the crowd for your friend who’s nowhere to be seen, you decide to hang back outside the flower shop she mentioned, waiting for her while simultaneously waiting for a reply about the iPhone from the stranger in your phone.
━ unknown 5:51pm How do I download music?
You let out a loud laugh, your cheeks red from both embarrassment because of your obnoxious laughing as well as the biting cold. It reminds you of why you hate winter so much.
━ 5:52pm How can you NOT know that? What are you, 80 yrs old?
━ unknown 5:53pm Apparently lol pls help me out it’s embarrassing asking my friends
━ 5:53pm Buy from iTunes Or ask someone to help you download illegally i guess? Or u know,,, Spotify, Soundcloud, Naver?
━ unknown 5:54pm Spotify it is! Thanks!
Your thumbs linger over the keyboard, wondering if you would offend him somehow writing what you have in mind, but decide to just fuck it. It’s still just a stranger.
━ 5:55pm Np grandpa
His reply comes so quick it actually takes you off guard.
━ unknown 5:55pm HA HA I’m not that old
━ 5:56pm Whatever you say Grandpa
━ unknown 5:56pm T.T
You smile unnecessarily big, your thumbs hovering over your screen as you’re about to type out an answer when you hear your name being called by Jeongyeon. Looking up, you find her jogging towards you with her phone high in the air, waving the lit screen at you.
“Hey”, she breathes out, hunching over to catch her breath before straightening up. “Didn’t you get my texts?”
You flush, not because of the guilt over missing them but because of the fact you let this stranger take up so much of your attention you didn’t even realize you’d gotten text messages from your friend.
“Oh, sorry”, you say as the two of you begin walking side by side to the apparently amazing bar she’d wanted to go to since she first heard about it a month ago. The only reason you were here with her was because it could be something nice to add to your column. “Mind was preoccupied.”
“Don’t worry about it.” She waves her hand dismissively while checking the directions on her phone. “Oh, great news! I talked to that guy from my history class who recommended the bar and he told me this rising hot band was playing, so I hope you’ve got your notebook in there somewhere”, she says and nudges your purse with an arch of an eyebrow.
A part of you is disappointed by the news, because for once in your life you’d like to be able to go to a bar or club and enjoy yourself instead of having to critique the band playing - because there is always a band playing. Rising hot bands are like mosquitoes in this town, constantly popping up everywhere.
Running a popular music column for an even more popular magazine while still in college may have been your ultimate dream come true, but it was still a lot of work that you sometimes felt like you could most definitely live without. But, to not hurt Jeongyeon’s feelings who probably arranged for the two of you to go the same day as this new band - and judging by her proud grin she definitely did - you give her a genuine smile.
“Really? What’re they called?”
She tells you to turn right while thinking for a few seconds. “BTS, but I have no clue what it stands for. Behind The Scenes seems a little off for a band, don’t you think?”
Snorting, you nod in agreement. “Maybe it’s a name in progress?”
“Bath Time Sucks?”
“Your humor sucks.”
“I know- Oh! It’s here!” Jeongyeon exclaims, interrupting her own sentence with her undying excitement. “This is going to be great! We’re meeting up with the dude from my history class, too, by the way.”
Sighing, you glare at the back of her head as the two of you enter the bar. You’re about to say something to her about what an awful person she tends to be sometimes, but get too overwhelmed by the atmosphere to honestly care.
It is one of the tiniest spaces you’ve ever seen being used as a popular bar, but it fits. It’s warm and oaky, the air carrying scents of musky beers and strong spirits to your nose and you enjoy your stay already. The lighting is dim, yet bright enough to make out everyone in the room and the decor is very exclusively homey, with old leather clad chairs and couches, a lot of wooden furniture and Persian rugs covering almost every inch and corner of the floor.
You fit in perfectly, and despite your initial grim expression as you entered the place, you’re smiling now.
“There he is”, Jeongyeon says, nudging your shoulder while waving at her friend.
With nothing but exasperation, you notice it is none other than Kim Namjoon sitting there, smiling cheekily at the two of you with a large beer in front of him.
He greets Jeongyeon, who easily slides in beside him in the booth, with a high five and a huge, dimply smile. You, on the other hand, gets a cool nod in acknowledgement as he asks the two of you what drinks you’d like. You both opt for the same beer he’s having.
When he’s gotten up to go buy you your drinks, you nudge your supposed friend with your elbow as hard as you can without seriously hurting her.
“Why didn’t you tell me your ‘friend from history class’ was fucking Kim Namjoon?” you hiss, careful not to be heard by the man himself as he’s not too far away yet.
“Ow!” She gives you the softest glare you’ve ever seen before. “Seriously, what’s your issue with him? He’s really nice. And pretty cool, too. He writes for the band that’s playing tonight.”
You scoff. “I don’t care. I still think he’s pretentious for pretending to be a philosopher just because he’s majoring in philosophy or whatever.”
Jeongyeon snickers, shoving a handful of peanuts in her mouth and decides to talk through chewing them. “He’s nice. That’s what matters.” A piece of peanut gets stuck between her teeth.
Just as you’re about to throw a retort at her, Namjoon joins the two of you again, handing over a beer each with a smile and you want to punch him in the face. Your dislike towards him origins in his pretentious personality, but you suspect it might also have something to do with those damn dimples.
While Jeongyeon and Namjoon dives into a full discussion about music and what underground bands actually deserves more recognition, you pull out your notepad, getting ready to jot down some notes about the place. Mentioning good bars has become your Saturday morning thing for the blog, and since you only have two evaluations for this week, it wouldn’t hurt to add this one since you’ve actually been here now.
You manage to get the first word down when you’re interrupted by your phone buzzing. You’re about to put it to silent when you see your Beatles stranger’s number lit up on your screen.
━ unknown 7:03pm I’m actually jk
Smiling, you scoot away from your friends a little to get some privacy, angling your screen away from them discreetly.
━ unknown 7:03pm Like u can call me jk
━ 7:04pm You mean ur name is jk? Jk Rowling?
He doesn’t respond immediately, so you wait for a few seconds before you decide to just call him “JK” from now on, even taking the liberty of changing his caller ID from his number to his new name.
Oddly enough, you find great satisfaction in seeing his ID on all of his messages change to “JK” instead of a long row of numbers. While waiting, you put your phone down next to your notepad and begin scribbling down some words to describe the space that you can use later. You’re on the fourth word when your screen lights up again and you giddily grab it, checking to see what he replied.
━ JK 7:08pm Original But yeah I figure i should tell you my name Since I know yours and have been using you as a pop quiz key this week lol
You try so many replies that all sound downright awful that you at last settle for the easiest one, hoping it won’t make you sound like a total fool.
━ 7:09pm Okay hi
━ JK 7:09pm Hi :)
It’s the first time any emoticons or emoji’s have been used, and it for some reason makes something deep down in your stomach flip softly.
━ 7:10pm Anything else? More pop quiz questions?
━ JK 7:10pm Nah i’m good for now Thanks though
━ 7:11pm :)
You nearly drop your phone when your mutual friend Hoseok appears out of thin air behind you, swatting at your phone playfully before embracing you from behind over the booth, his lean arms wrapped around your neck tightly. He’s too happy to notice he’s nearly choking you, and Namjoon only laughs.
“Who’re you texting, Y/N?” Hoseok laughs joyfully while sliding in the booth beside you, followed by Namjoon’s friend Jackson.
It’s suddenly so crammed you feel claustrophobic, but you know no one would let you escape even if you begged them so you stay put, leaning into Jeongyeon for comfort. She rests her head on the top of yours and you stay like that because it’s quite nice. It’s actually so nice you decide to not bother remove Hoseok’s yellow cap he for some reason felt to put on top of your head.
You only adjust it so it won’t fall off when the band starts playing, and even though you kind of enjoy their music and the lead singer’s pretty impressive vocals, you can’t help but ponder over Hoseok’s question throughout most of the show.
Because, yeah, who are you texting?
next part
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sawthingsiimagined · 7 years
[ New Flame - Jada] "And now, give a huge Miami welcome to...FLAME!", exclaimed the announcer. The arena went completely black as we took our marks on the set. I would appear behind a veil-like material that would act as flame at the top of burning car and my brother would step out of the car. The car was was being moved on a moving walkway on the stage to give the illusion that my brother was driving. Red lights begin to flash as the car parked center stage. The audience goes crazy. They scream so loud that I was afraid that I would miss my cue to come in. My brother and I prayed fervently before we left the hotel room that evening and were confident that we would put on a great show. Here we are. Two kids from a small suburb right outside of Atlanta, Ga performing for thousands of people. "Are y'all ready to dance?!", I say as loud as I can over my mic. "Let's take a ride. I guarantee to have you home before the morning light.", Jace began singing. His voice was so perfect. He looked great. I knew he was nervous. Hell, I was nervous. But it was something about jumping out there on that stage and the energy of the audience that took all of that nervous energy away. We performed for 40 min and the crowd loved every minute of it. We had one costume change and somehow wardrobe misplaced my shoes for the second costume but besides that, our show was flawless. "Thank you everybody! Be sure to get our debut album 'Double Trouble' available everywhere on July 1st!", I said as we left the stage. We exited the stage and I immediately jumped in my brothers arms. Jace is literal perfection. I know I'm the outgoing one but I want to be like him in so many ways. I look up to my brother and I hope our, already strong relationship, grows stronger. After our embrace we head back to our dressing room to meet Mona and to our surprise our entire family was waiting in the hallway. "Oh my God!", I screamed running into the arms of my grandpa. Bishop, was the first person I saw and then I hugged my grandma, mom and dad. A couple of our aunts and uncles came along as well as our cousins. We even had a couple of close friends from our church all there with flowers and balloons to celebrate our awesome performance. It meant so much for us to be here. Growing up as preacher's kids, we were blessed to have family who supported our secular music. However, we didn't push the envelope when it came to our lyrical content out of respect to our upbringing and legacy. After hugging everyone and exchanging words of excitement I changed so that I could join everyone else in the arena to see SASSY perform. They came out and did their thing...if that's a nice way of saying that they were "ok". It felt like we were at an entire new arena watching from the audience. Everything is much different on stage. We hadn't interacted with SASSY since we've been here. I didn't even get close to them at the pool party but Mona informed us that they were looking forward to meeting us at the afterparty tonight. The concert ended at 11pm exactly. We rushed back stage for a quick meet and greet. Our family and loved ones went back to their hotel to rest up. We would meet them for breakfast to celebrate tonight's show. I was taking a picture with the last fan when I heard someone scream. After the previous night's events I jumped out of fear. When I looked up I saw Q walking in with 2 dozen red and white roses. I can't explain the way I almost ran up to him and kissed him. I had to remind myself that I haven't even called him yet. "Superstar you were amazing and I had to make sure I came to tell you that myself.", Q said flashing a smile as if he was Jay Z looking at Beyoncé. After tonight, honey I felt like Beyoncé. I ran to him to give him a hug. I've never received flowers like that from a guy so I thought a hug would be the proposer exchange, although he was looking so good I wanted to give him some of "Jada's Pink Kit" right backstage. "Thank you friend!", I said with my face buried in his neck. You call guys 'friend' when you aren't sure of their motive but yet you have a motive of your own. It keeps things neutral. He smelled so good. "I'm so happy you came.", I said. "I told you I was. You're too pretty to lie to.", he said. I blushed. "I can't stay long because the car is waiting. Maybe I'll catch you later?", he asked. "I understand and yea....maybe.", I said with a flirty smile. Security escorted me to my car. I was slightly disappointed that it was Paul again and not Ernest. I hadn't see Ernest since he brought me back to my room. I hope I didn't break his dick and have him in the hospital. I should probably check on him. "Hey Paul.", I begin to ask as he opened the door for me to get in the car. "Where is Ernest?", I asked. "Ernest had some family matters to tend to. He will be back tomorrow.", Paul replied. "Oh ok, just asking. You're great. I just remember him saying that y'all rotated so I didn't know if I need to report him if he had you out here working doubles for him.", I lied. I got in the car. Truth is, after performing like we did tonight, I was extremely turned on. Something about all of that hip thrusting, and knowing that every person in the audience is lusting after you in some way, made me horny as hell. Mona, Adrienne and Jace were already in the car when I got in. We laughed and looked at footage from our set on various fan's social media pages. Mona was so proud of us. I can always tell when she's excited because her voice goes from proper "Hello Miss White Woman" to country "I made the potato salad" really quick. Tonight's after party was at a night club called XHALE. The line to get in was wrapped around the building. Of course we were the special guests so we would walk right in. SASSY was walking in when we pulled up so we had to wait in our car until their security team had them situated inside of the club. I thought about the flowers Q brought me and how good he looked tonight. It was crazy that this time last year I was at a TRAPPERS concert. I remember it ended early, because of a fight, but it was so fun and since then I followed the popular rap group keeping up with their music and appearances. Now, their lead guy was acting as if he was into me and brought me flowers after opening night. I decided to text him. I texted him: 'Hey Q. Thanks again for the flowers. If you guys would like to party with us tonight we are at CLUB XHALE. I would love to tell you thank you again in person.' I knew after I sent the text that he would have my number and a new relationship of some sort would be formed. What is a bitch to do? Hmmmm SEND! We get out of the car to walk the red carpet. People are screaming and taking pictures of us. My phone vibrated and I saw that it was Q. I stopped right there and checked the message. The text read: 'Ok mama. On the way to you.' My inner hoe began to rise. He called me mama which means he must be daddy. We are about to play house! I continued into the club trying to decide if I was going to play 'hard to get' or 'hard to get away from'. He's a celebrity with millions of girls throwing themselves at him daily. He probably has baby mamas and groupies galore. I better not mess with him until I know I can keep my feelings out of it. Shouldn't be hard because I still had a mission to get as much as I could on this tour. Guys do it all of the time so for this tour I was going to rep the rockstar life for the ladies. We head over to our section and 'THROW SOME MO' began playing. I immediately started throwing my ass to the beat. I could see Jace shaking his head before venturing off. About 20 minutes later, Mona walks us over to meet SASSY. They were just as I expected; Fake and fraudulent. I put on a fake show for them because I was grateful to be on their tour. Maybe after a couple of cities I would get to know them and like them. I tried to give the black girl of the group the "hey Sis" wave and she looked at me with a smile that read "umm excuse me I don't speak peasantry." I knew then I'd probably eventually have to catch her outside and throw some hands. Such a dry weave heifer. They were eating my brother up. The can look but that's all they can do. I was going to find the perfect girl for my brother and it wouldn't be any of them. I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I turned around and it was Q. I gave him a tight hug. I turned around to excuse myself from Mona and the rest of the crew when I noticed ol' girl from SASSY, the black one, looking like she felt some type of way about Q coming for ME. I decided to rub it in. "Hey Mona, if anymore of the fans want to meet us just text me. I'm going to the bar to talk to Q.", I said and then turned around making sure my hair flicked over my shoulders. I grabbed Q's hand and escorted him to an empty space at the bar. "You came.", I said like a little girl excited to see Santa. "Of course. You rang.", he answered trying to rhyme. It was cheesy but in a cute way for a rapper. "Can I get you a drink?", he asked. "Sure, I'll take a...", I began as he cut me off. "Hey Mike! Hook me up with 2.", he yelled at the bar tender. First name basis? Two what? "Don't worry, I come to this club every time I'm in Miami. Mike makes the best drinks and knows what I like.", he said. We got our drinks and began to talk. I learned that the other 3 guys in TRAPPERS all grew up on the same street as Q. They went to school together and pretty much got caught up in the thug life together. They were from Jacksonville, Fl. I wasn't aware that Jacksonville had thugs but whatever. The TRAPPERS were truly thugs just made over with a star appeal. We talked so much that I missed some messages from Mona. I glanced across the club and they were having a good time so I didn't bother to text her back. I also notice Paul not too far away. When he wasn't looking I took Q's hand and pulled him down a hallway that lead to what looked like offices. There were people in the hallway. I needed to get somewhere a little quieter. I felt like we had been screaming to hear each other all night. "So where are y'all going after this?", he asked. "We have a show in Charlotte tomorrow night and then we have a day off before heading to D.C.", I answered. "Oh word. We'll be in D.C. in a couple of days too. We have a performance at Howard University. They want us to come encourage students to go to school. I hate school and didn't go to college but I'll take whatever check Howard is writing.", Q said with the smile of a scammer. "I hear ya. Well I'm a college drop out thanks to our record deal and this tour. Maybe I'll see you there too.", I said. "You said that like you're about to say goodbye", he said with a look of disappoint. "Oh no, I just didn't want to come off thirsty and ask you to hang out in D.C. I'm a direct person but I'm still taking in everything that's going on right now. Don't let me keep you out late though.", I said with a chuckle putting my head down just in case I came off crazy. He grabbed my chin and pulled my lips to his. HOE! Before I knew it I had my hand around his neck and we were kissing. It was crazy that Chris Brown's song 'New Flame' was playing in that moment. After a while I no longer heard the music or noticed anyone else's presence in that moment. He pulled away. "I would ask if I can take you back to your room but I don't want to come off too direct either....although I am a little thirsty. Do you mind thirsty Jada.", he said running his tongue across his top grill. Forget the hotel. I couldn't wait and I knew the crew would want to stay up and talk about tonight. Whatever was about to happen will have to happen right now. I thought about seeing if we could 'talk' in his car but he's a celeb and I know there are a lot of people who would chase us once we exited this front doors. I look around and notice one of the office doors cracked open. I take his hand again and lead him into the room not caring who saw us go in. Once inside I answered him, "No Q. I don't mind thirsty. Take your sip." I must have used the same tone of voice I used on Ernest because before I knew it he grabbed me up and laid me down on top of a desk knocking over folders and boxes that were on top. The lights were off but I could see him lick his lips from the light coming from under the door. I had on a simple black body dress with bedazzled stilettos. He pulled my dress up and pulled my sheer black thong off. I laid their in disbelief. Again. I was at this guy's concert a year ago watching from the top section. This was turning out to be a wonderful testimony. He caressed my legs all the way up to my thighs and then stopped to rub my inner thighs. He takes a few seconds and then introduced his index finger to my golden gate. He then used two fingers while staring me in the eye the entire time. Bitch he was trying to connect with me. My goodness began to moisten as he removed his fingers and stuck them in his mouth to sample a taste of me. That was a first for me and I wanted to propose to him right there in that moment. Still staring at me, he lowered himself to his knees and removed the cap he was wearing. He disappeared for a second and then I feel his hands again. I feel the warmth of his face and breath on my inner thigh as he traced circles on my thighs with his tongue. Before I could let out a light moan he took his tongues and thrusted it inside of me. I immediately grabbed his plaits. He went to town on me, licking me like a never-ending lollipop. The music was loud still so I didn't have to mask my moans. It felt so good that I wanted to cry. I fought back tears because I figured if I cried it would make me look inexperienced and I wanted him to think that I was used to this. After about 10 minutes my phone began vibrating none stop. He reached for my phone and handed it to me. I notched that he had accepted the call. I couldn't hang up because it was Adrienne. She was probably looking for me. "Hello!", I said trying to hide my moans. "Yes..mmm..I'm ready...ahhh..I'm saying bye to Q...ahhhh...I'll be right there give me three minutes..mmm.", I said and hung up the phone. After I hung up..Q stood up and leaned over me. He bent down and placed his fat tongue in my mouth allowing me to taste my own honey. That made me so hot that I wanted all of him. He stood up and put his cap back on. He then pulled my panties back up and I pulled my dress down. Reaching for my hand he said "Come on, let me walk you out." I knew that probably wasn't a good idea. My face was flushed and it looked like I had been crying so I didn't want anyone to make up any stories. "I probably should go out alone. They are waiting at the end of the hall and I think we should keep this on the low. It's sexy to me.", I said. "So next time it's your turn to hit me." "I sure will mama. You taste so sweet. I'm fighting not to throw you back on the desk.", he said taking a handful of my ass in his hands. I hug him and kiss him on the cheek. I have to make him crave me and want more so I decided against another kiss on the lips and I didn't even say good bye. I looked down and saw the print in his pants. Looks like what they say is true. The slim ones be packing. I open the door and before I can open it all the way I saw Adrienne standing there as if she was about to walk in. I slip out without letting her see inside. "Did Q leave already?", she asked. "Yea I said.", putting my head down in shame. "What's wrong with you? Looks like you've been crying.", she said. "Everything was just so good tonight. And Q made me feel good. That's all.", I replied before walking away towards the exit. "If you say so hoe.", Adrienne said following behind me.
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