#just silly pals doin silly things
delightfuldevin · 7 months
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Happy MAR10 Day!! Take some silly role swap art ^^
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awkwardarmadildo · 4 months
here are my favorite quotes and bits from both parts (m=mariana, s=sherlock, j=john, w=wiggins, a=rich little pissboy) [excuse all the emojis, i think theyre funny and they help me get the tone across better]
m: "whos a beautiful, weird smelly boy? thats right, thats you! uee!🥰😍😙😄"
the entire introduction handwriting bit actually theyre so silly and goofy i love them so fucking much bro
s: "what is this 🤨? some kind of code 😲... a cipher😮... its ineligible but it has patterns😯... similarities in its form😲... what could it mean 🤔?" m: "...its johns handwriting" s: "😮‍💨 ah."
s: "youve taken me to a loud marketplace 😐. full of people shouting and strong smelling foods 😑" j: [allistic sputtering]
j: "youre supposed to be resting" s: "mhmm" j: "you are though ☹️" s: "oh i know that" j: "then dont say it. mkay? dont even think it" s: "dont say what?" j: "😠 i 😠 know 😠 what 😠 you 😠 are 😠 about 😠 to 😠 say 😠" s: "not about to say anything 😇" j: "good" s: "fine" j: "lovely" s: "splendid 🙂" *typing sounds* j: "what are you doing?" s: "sending... a message" *message notification* j: "oh i-... from you 😒... the game is afoot- uahhhh" s: [voice getting smaller as he runs away] "i told you i wouldnt say it! 😁😊😌"
s: "a hunk. a dish. a ssssstud. a certified BeefCake." j: "oh, don’t say beefcake ☹️" m: [whistles] "yum!" j: "oia-! dont say yum! 😟☹️😠"
the bit at about 25:45 - 26:00 in the first part. just imagining a mix of someone chasing after their dog when they hear it chewing on something it shouldnt be and "what d'you have?" "a knife!" "NO!"
s: "watson here is one of the most capable medical practitioners london can offer 😤 i am in safe hands" j: "yeah youre delirious, im calling an ambulance😒🙄"
j: "yeah, well, y'know. id rather you went home and stopped collapsing, but Here We Are 😒😠" s: "fine 🫤😒. ʰᵉˡˡᵒ"
j: "aaaa ow! that-! she pinched me ☹️😣😥! *turning and pouting at the small child while pointing at sherlock* 'scuse me! i didnt steal the swing, he did 😠😤!"
j: "lets go 'nd betray this old mans trust... ✨️ t o g e t h e r ✨️😊😚☺️"
w: "sherlock pal"
w: "i sure did"
w: "hey johnny boy, how ya doin"
w: "nice to meet ya mariana, heard lovely things"
w: "from sherlock"
every word out of wiggins mouth
every noise wiggins makes
s: "the temperature of your bollocks are not my concern. it is alec cunninghams bollocks that i am interested in" j: "*into the mic, likely while making a stupid face* you heard it here first folks"
a: "forrester- get off- call my dad. call my dad right now-" m: "nobody needs to call their dad, alec 😒 were not in the playground 🙄"
a: "NOOOOOO 😨😢😟" s: "yyyyes ☺️🤗😇"
a: [sad little rich man whimpering]
i actually kinda liked colin he was kinda funny to me because i would have to be bleeped just as much as he was lmfao. sometimes people say fuck
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93. Death in the Magick Shoppe
So many notifications that are just people accidentally reblogging my reblog of someone else's post and it's just </3 T-T
i know it's an accident but it hurtsssssssss
Of course. A little Irratino-branded shop. It’s about the size of… a bedroom, and Azure, Dusty, Champagne, and Uncle Midnight are all crammed inside. There’s a bunch of cult stuff everywhere for sale… was this a trick?? And the clerk’s dead, because, of course he is.
LOGICO: Fuck you, Irratino.
Time for some Logi Lookin’.
LOGICO: Don’t say that. Anyway, why are YOU all here? Did he send you here too?? AZURE: I’m not here for the reason you think I am. I am getting things for my sister. LOGICO: You have a sist- AZURE: YES.
Dusty peers out from a room in the back people didn’t know was there.
Logico dives in. The room is… a photo booth with pretty much nothing in it. Dusty is just pacing around.
LOGICO: Okay… what about you? CHAMPAGNE: I dunno man.  LOGICO: You’re holding a crystal ball. CHAMPAGNE: Yeh, but, I just like the look of it. LOGICO: Right. Aaand… Uncle Midnight.
The boy is in a cheap tuxedo and fedora, and has a cane. 
U.MIDNIGHT: Uncle Midnight? Who’s this, ‘Uncle Midnight’? LOGICO: Oh god no. U.MIDNIGHT: You’re looking at… THE MASKED DANCER! 
He does a bad tap routine. 
AZURE: You’re not wearing a mask. LOGICO: And I’m sure that name is copyrighted. U.MIDNIGHT: People tell me that I gotta be more ‘serious’. And man, look how serious I am! [falls] Ahaaah. 
Logi calls.
LOGICO: Why did you send me here.
He hasn’t even answered yet.
IRRATINO: I’m sorry. I was on the opposite side of the mansion when I heard the phone. But more importantly, you’re about to understand everything.
The only thing Logico understands is whodunit.
AZURE: My daughter always tells me… LOGICO: You have a daughter too? AZURE: SHUT UP! She told me that magick is the key I’ve been missing. And if I give up my silly superstition, I’ll be able to sell my screenplay. But the first time I try to? I’m called a MURDERER! LOGICO: You have a screenplay? AZURE: UGH!!! [storms off]
Champagne is gone too, and so is the crystal ball. Guess he REALLY liked the look of it… meanwhile Uncle Midnight is on the porch, lit by a single lamp against the night sky.
U.MIDNIGHT: I’m gonna make my own career, just you wait. Yeaaah. Gettin’ down with my tap-dancing, out in the big leagues? Everyone’s gonna love me. LOGICO: Why are you telling me this?
Benjamin grunts and shuts up, leaning on his cane. There’s a lot of silence.
Logico brings out his phone and stares at it.
LOGICO: But I will.
The end! 
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playing in roblox avatar creatore with a pal and this
logico is l i t e r a l l y a penguin
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The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See you next time murdlers!
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arcaneafterhours · 11 months
anyway really long list of sbg headcanon time
i have alot so im just gonna dump them all here
oh jeez where to start
-asexual taylor and ben
-unlabeled ashlyn
-bisexual aiden and gay logan
-tyler has intense internalized homophobia but is probably gay
-tyler and ashlyn probably have really similar music taste
-tyler got into indie and rock music in his middleschool years (and probably had a very minor emo phase)
-taylor has really mixed music taste but through tyler she knows a weird amount of lyrics to random songs he listens to all the time i think thats funny
-if you shuffled aidens playlist its the most mixed thing ever you cannot name a genre for it
-aiden also probably listens to his music at full volume casually
-logan listens to things like cavetown no i dont take criticism
-taylor is a morning bird and tyler has the worst sleep schedule known to man she is constantly dragging him out of bed
-(i have so many thoughts about the twins)
-tyler is probably often favored over taylor, and she tries not to let it get to her because she loves her brother but damm!! she isnt just “tylers twin!!” tyler knows about this and feels shitty
-ashlyn knows sign language because of often going nonverbal in youth and ben asked her to teach him
-logan really admires tyler but is too scared to say it
-taylor has lots of interest in music and singing but never went after it
-logan is far tougher than he looks hes just a kind soul
-taylor also played like the clarinet in 6th grade and loved it but quit
-ashlyn accidentally sits/steps on her braids all the time. every day
-ashs favorite holiday is thanksgiving for the food and she is the only one in the group with that sentiment. everyone else loves halloween
-aiden’s love language is gifts. he buys his friends stuff all the time and theyre like “WHAT why how MUCH WAS THIS” and hes just “:]”
-aiden also wears eyeliner. silly goose
-he tried teaching ben how to wear eyeliner and it didnt go well
-aiden has the loudest most disruptive sneeze ever
-ashlyn has a ton of inside jokes with her dad and they would always tell each other to shut up after sneezing (affectionately) and so she just instinctively tells aiden to shut up after aforementioned sneeze
-aiden and taylor were warrior cats kids and bonded over this
-ben and aiden go ice skating!! they have fun racing around on the ice
-ben has a competitive side
-aiden and taylor are also really good at volleyball. Idk man they’re Pals
-taylor braids her hair out of nervous habit she wants to braid ashlyns hair
-ashlyn misplaces her stuff all the time she gets it from her mom
-(this is simply because me and my sister did it when we were little) the twins used to make their own little dance routines to music and perform it for their parents and it was really silly and cute and theres a video somewhere of them doin a little dance together
that one was purely projection
@planetarymesss @rainbowangel110 yall wanted me to tag yall so smdnsnd
ANYWAY thats whats been on my mind recently- i could go on
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radiocrypt-id · 5 months
My fav Maritime Canadian phrases i used on the reg as a retail/food service guy
"It's goin'." in response to "hey hows it going?" or "Hey how are things?" etc.
similarly "Livin' the dream." usually in response to "Hey how ya doin'?" etc.
"Oh for sure bud." said without a single ounce of understanding or shits to give.
"Yeah no, yeah." used instead of just saying yes, for some reason.
"No yeah, no." used instead of just saying no, for some reason.
both previous phrases are used to express understanding or sympathy as well, no I can't explain how, you'd have to hear it being used in context repeatedly to get it.
Also, it doesn't matter how many times you say yeah and no together before the final word, because the final word is the sentiment of either agreement or not. I've had entire conversations with customers that has consisted of me just repeating "no yeah, yeah no yeah, yeah no, no yeah" for twenty minutes until I either agree with their final statement/request and send them on their way or say goodbye without any indication of a final word, leaving it ambiguous as to whether or not we agreed at all on anything.
"If I could bibbidi bobbidi boo it into existence for you I would happily do so, but sadly I'm not a fairy and don't have a wand." said in response to an outrages request/demand/question about a product, typically about something that we didn't sell or were out of. I don't know if this is Canadian or just a thing I started doing and everyone picked up on where I worked but I've heard several variations of it, including the more simple: "If I could wave a wand and have it for you I'd do that but I can't I'm sorry." and the angry blunt: "I'm not a magician, sorry." I like my version best because it always shocks them into laughing and immediately deescalates their anger as they realize how silly they sound demanding the impossible, and let me provide a genuine solution.
"You got it pal." Said in response to being ordered around when you're busy or annoyed, usually with the customer service voice/smile that barely conceals the boiling rage of the service industry under it. I never did as told if I said this, it's a polite go fuck yourself.
"Go on then." usually used to tell people to explain what their issue is with a blank expression. used a lot to deal with complaints or bullshit karens that you know is just being a pain to be a pain. usually combined with crossed arms or a jut of the chin at them.
"Ooh she's pissed eh?" only ever said about the weather or a machine, never actually a person.
"Ain't that a thing." Said in complete admiration for either complete stupidity or something beautiful. Be it your coworker/buddy scaling shelves to reach a 10lb barrel of something, or the sky turning purple at dusk, it was said the same regardless, in complete awe.
"Yeah that's uh... That's a thing." Said in response to the above, also in awe but also usually more tired as they recognize the danger of the situation or that they are in fact still at work for several more hours no matter how pretty the sky/thing is.
"Boy jesus get that fuckin' thing outta here!" often used for those birds that get stuck in big stores, but also just for literally anything that shouldn't be there or is annoying for the speaker. could be a pop-up on their computer for an error or a lawnmower driving through the front, equally pissed. said in one breath very fast.
"She broke." said about literally anything that isn't working immediately as expected or any coworker that's expressing extreme emotion, often laughter or sobbing. everyone/thing is 'she' regardless of gender.
"Now what exactly do you think you're doin' there bud?" Said to anything out of place in bafflement or in annoyance/outrage to someone doing something incredibly stupid when they know better.
"Aw no bud, come on now." said in absolute devastation.
"Work with me here big guy." said in prayer to any piece of machinery before trying to use it appropriately, as designed.
"We're gonna commit a few crimes but be back for dinner, yeah?" Said in prayer/prep to any piece of machinery before using it incorrectly on purpose. Also to coworkers when you're about to do something very unsafe that will piss off your more mature/responsible coworkers but you're hoping you'll get away with it. It's a confident phrase, said before disaster.
"Eh?/Hey?/Hah?" a sound just used to express deep confusion or sudden attention onto a new person you think has called you
I might add more as I think of them
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headgehug · 3 years
accidentally took a nap earlier and now my brain is mush 😌 quintessential sunday activity
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everyothermouse · 3 years
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A lil group portrait of the time au adventuring gang!! Them <333
Basically tol fucked up as a kid and is now on the run from the law, but realized that since his life was so crazy he could live off of telling stories of his wacky adventures. When he met Jay he wanted him to come with him, and when he found out jay couldn't come cus he was virtually a demon/god/magic magnet he decided he NEEDED to bring him to capitalize on how it'd make more cool stories. And yeah it worked so since then he's been collecting wackos to aaa go crazy aaaa go stupid (and also bcus safety I numbers or whateva, pop and pip are also criminals and pastel and jay are crimes against god <3) more about each individual under the cut!
Doin them from left to right :)
Pastel: died when she was messing around with some friends and got stuck under a big rock and left to starve. But because of a fluke in the underworld her God decided to resurrect her, a right usually only belonging to saints. Because of this she's now poorly pretending that she totally did something to deserve being revived (she tells a different story every time someone asks, she thinks it's funny) to avoid being persecuted for suspected witchcraft. She met Jay when they were both drunk and they had fun fucking around in the city, and she spilled the beans to him that she was revived for no reason. She regretted it, but jay didn't kill her because even though he's religious he knew what it felt like to be magically cursed and have everyone be pissed at u for it. Also she's really funny with jay so tol begged her to come with them to add more Comedy(tm) to his memoirs
Pop: a time traveller and angel who is trying to hide both of those facts but only really succeeding at hiding the time travel thing. When they were a kid they traveled to this time with his friends Lustre and Cherrybomb, but when they were attacked by the vicious royal guard they weren't able to escape without leaving Lustre behind. Cherrybomb super repressed that memory, and while pop recovered from some minor injuries they vowed to never time travel again. Yeah they only kept that up until they were like 15, but they still couldn't bring themself to go back to when they left Lustre. But now they're 26 (well technically they're like 33 but in their time their supposed to be 26) living with their boyfriend cherrybomb and have years of time travel experience under their belt, and they're ready to go back. Except they can't go back because they created a travel block for themself by accident because of how upsetting the event was, so instead they traveled as close as they could, about 10 years in the future of the time. Now they search for any form of closure, all they need to know is what happened to their friend, and they will do whatever it takes to find this out. But angels aren't super welcome in the past, especially not with uncut wings, so it's not exactly easy for them to navigate this time period. But after a while of their search they met two lovely children (well young adults), a demon and a "cursed" (nowadays they call em spiritually gifted) and felt so bad for how much the world seemed to be against them they decided they could travel with them, just for a bit, to protect them. They tried not to get attached. They failed. They're in it for the long run now aren't they TwT also as they explore this time and learn more about the gods, they start to realize that they might... be the God of longevity???? Or at least an older version of them became them? Time travel is fucked man
Btw Lustre plays a big role in this plot, her hyper futuristic knowledge, 'blessed' white eyes, and strange God gifted clothing would all lead to him rising to a much different role than fugitive rather quickly, but they're not who this post is about ;) also I'm gonna go bottom to top for the 3 in the middle let's go
Lune: just a little guy :) lune is a young rancher/gardener who worships the God of the wood, who kind of goes missing sometimes and is lowkey the least loyal God but shhhh he loves them. Lune and tol were childhood friends (along with their pal cleo) but on one of their little excursions tol took something very important to a very powerful king, and refused to give it back. As retribution the king destroyed their entire town, and cleo put all the blame on tol, tol and lune both knew lune had to take the side against tol in order to not have the town turn on him. So yeah he moved with the town to bring up a brand new farm, long awaiting the day when tol would come home and say that things were OK and they could settle back in town together, hopefully with cleo too. That didn't happen, but tol did come back and peer pressure lune into part time adventuring with him! So yeah generally lune just runs his lil farm and prays, but when tol comes to pick him up he gets a chance to go be free to act batshit crazy, just like when he was a kid 🥰
Pipes: DEmon! One time lune and tol had a little squabble so lune was like 'im gonna get a new best friend and ur gonna regret this' and tol was like 'yeah right, u live with a bunch of criminals right now no one's gonna wanna be ur bestie dumbass' so lune just walked into a cave at night and dragged out this little nonverbal demon because demons who live alone in caves don't have high standards for friends. Even tho it was just a ploy to make tol jealous lune went super hard on it and now pipes is actually friends with the gang lmaoo
Tol: like I said with lunes, stole something important from a king as a kid, monarch got pissed, blew up the town, town got pissed at tol for it, and since then he's been on the run because he's too stubborn to give back the damn thing (they could have just attacked HIM for it, but since la queen decided to fuck with his town, his family, tol thinks he doesn't deserve to have it back.) He had to run from town to town and got into a lot of danger in his attempts at finding places to hide, but he lacks fear and tended to fight stuff off. As a kid he found that he could get enough pity to be welcomed into towns if he told people he had to fight a monster to get there, so he told stories at every town and camp he went to of his hardships. But as he got older, those he stayed with beckoned him to keep talking, and more and more people said they had heard of his adventures. And that's when when it clicked, his shining ticket to true freedom wasn't a place, it was his stories. They gave him food, shelter, fun, memories, a life. So he made it his mission to never settle down, to make his life as crazy as possible and to talk about it as much as possible, and if he ever ran out of energy to adventure, he'd spend the rest of his dying days writing and writing his entire life story. He thought this was a life he'd live alone, but one day he sought refuge in jays little lonely house because he thought it was abonded, luckily though Jay had just been praying for a second chance at life and decided that considering the timing, tol must be that second chance. So yeah jay patched him up, found out on his monthly supply route he was harboring someone very wanted, and took care of tol even harder because he didn't know or care why he was wanted, he just knew that anyone who had a drawing of them as a child on a wanted poster definitely didn't deserve it. So yeah they're besties now.
AAA I wrote out a really long description for jay but tumblr glitched and I lost it :'O ble here's a shorter rewrite cus I'm not writing out that whole thing again >:P
Jay: brought up in a church village,, he was born with the curse, which allows him to tap into magical properties very easily, and be very easily controlled, manipulated, and possessed by them. This allowed him to be very connected with his god (the god of longevity) but also meant he was often treated as a security risk and a monster by the adults of his town since he could let in evil spirits so easily. He spent most of his time praying and he became obsessed with acting on compulsions (repeated prayer, overscrubbing, scratching himself, touching religious things until he felt like he touched them "right") because he believed they were messages from God and would prevent him from becoming evil (look he was a teenager and everyone told him he was a monster his whole life leave him be.) He gets possessed twice, mage as a rep of the town is like "either have ur cursed removed or leave town forever" (uncursing is only hypothetically possible, it's hella dangerous) and he's scared itd sever his connection to his god so he leaves and he's upset bcus his entire life plan was built around his church, so now he's livin alone on a hill and leaving like once a month, he stays up there and sews and prays mostly, he sort of works on himself and becomes vaguely mentally stable, so he prays for a second chance at life since he lost his original path and needs a sign where to go, and then boom tol shows up and the rest is history. Now he has his own little family and things are going great :) other than the still getting possessed like once a week but shhhh
Pip: in between the entrance to hell and the religious central of the continent is a little town that sides with neither. They mostly fuck around and find out, and in this town lives a monster researcher and her less formal wife, pip! Pip is just a silly goofy little guy livin life, and when the crazy bunch shows up she feels like he's finally found her people :3 and for the first time the group gains a member who's begging to join them as opposed to the other way around
Ya and together they all go on wacky lil adventures with demons and monsters and monarchs and what not.
Tldr pastel is a funny lil dead guy, pop is a time traveller and the Adult of the team, lunes a lil farmer man, pipes a hobo demon they picked up off the side of the road, tols a little criminal demon adventurer, jays a religious weirdo who tol dragged out of his hermit hut, and pips an insane little guy
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luvargas · 3 years
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     i think i just saw LUCILA “ LU ” VARGAS ride by on a golf cart . at least i think it was her . after all , CREDIT IN THE STRAIGHT WORLD BY HOLE was blasting on the transistor radio . maybe she was on her way to work , i hear she’s a PERSONAL TRAINER . but she totally could have been on her way to SNEAK IN A SMOKE AT THE GARDEN . guess we’ll never know . you’ll definitely know its her when you see LOOSE AND TANGLED HAND WRAPS , BUTTON BADGES ON VEGAN LEATHER ,  AND HEAR THE SHRILL SOUND OF BICKERING around the country club . let’s just hope she stays off the green after hours or else the sprinklers will get her !
( new muse, messy thoughts, u get the gist. pls know the views of this chara do not reflect my own. the name’s katya, 21, she/her pronouns & im ready 2 party. feel free to hmu wnvr or drop a like to plot n ill com 2 u ! x — oh n pls be a pal n read this quick disclaimer. tysm ! )
24 years old
15 april 1997
5′1″ or 1.55m tall
bisexual cis woman, she/her
aries sun, aqua moon, and aqua rising
love languages : quality time & acts of service
kid o’ divorce, lived w her ma in chicago til she was 6 then w her dad in highlands til 14 then back to her ma ! 
def a daddys gorl. so used to her white pop’s leniency that livin w her strict latina ma durin her teen yrs was So Not Her Vibe ergo * cue her rebel grrrl phase *
did not finish hs ! left senior yr 2 to go w her “ radically progressive ” college bf to [ insert dev country. ] they broke up after a few mos but she kept at that life for a couple more yrs
seen some places. lived in new countries. done some shit. some good, some sus, but all generally well-intentioned. tis a whole thing but u get the gist, nywy !
lu’s back in da usa by 21. rel w the ma is strained but the pa is chill w stuff, they kept in touch. he said shell get her college fund if she gets her ged so she does !
her dad is v active n stuff so shes just always been v sporty w him. lu turnin 23 w zilch plans worried him so he implored her to get certified as a personal trainer ! n when she did, he called in a few favors w a pal he knows et voilà ! ur hired.
shes been workin at the country club fr a little over a yr now. most her clients are influencer-type gals n they luv her bc shes can take rlly cute pics n stuff for content. lu sorta likes some of em n she fakes the rest for the bread. u can bet she clowns all em richies behind their back   
unless she got clients, catch her runnin’ about the club n minglin’ w the other workers. does it annoy mngmt ? yes. n she luvs that. but bc her soon-2-b-karen clients luv her n wont stand for her bein booted, she can milk that impunity
actually knows her shit n lowkey rlly enjoys the work. she picked back up the boxing n tae kwon do she did when she was younger plus she was always in the track team at school. v healthy lifestyle save for her smokin vice n the party moments
passionate ! has lotsa opinions. helluva a drama queen, bit of a loud mouth, argumentative n stubborn but her heart’s in the right place, albeit a lil misguided. comes w the whole activist bit, bitin her tongue just aint it. highkey makes everythin political n smtms gotta realize .,.,. it just aint that deep chief. some say shes needlessly defiant, but maybe thats a in the beholder typa thing ? fingers crossed 4 lu’s sake
fun, fun, fun ! can be real naggy but shes no buzzkill. wannabe anarchist-slash-mutineer who wants 2 stick it 2 the man ! get rowdy go crazy
fight, fight, fight ! goin back to the first bit, she talks big. esp w like ,, men n the whites lol. she can actually walk her threats tho she isnt actually violent. w arguments, she likes to start em but finishin is ... ruff.  also any dare, she wont back down in either doin it or arguin why doin it wld be smth-ist. shes not the sharpest tool ok rip lu
loyal legend ! fr her friends n buds, shell turn a blind eye. pals r the only exception ! truly ride or die n will do errthng 4 em. v much a believer in the power of community n ppl needin ppl or wtvr, yk, all that stuff. shes mouthy but like, she helps ppl 
here’s a brief blurb n a more coherent look into lu as a character
lu can understand spanish but hers is a bit broken, tis her secret shame shhh
she doesn’t believe in the institution. any institution. u name it, shes got beef
pls dont fact check her she cant hear u
probs lowkey thinks shes better than u bc shes vegan
prefers 2 be called “ lu ” n ny1 who insists on lucila is dead 2 her 
comments abt her not lookin like a pt w her height n frame will result in an earful n a dramatic outburst. it aint worth it chief
watches lotsa sports w her pops. mostly indiv ones. mma, boxing, tennis, track, etc
dont ask me abt her principles n politics, i cant explain em either. v inconsistent n just messy at this point tbh but here’s a lil attempt ig
she drives a 2018 prius n lives in a p nice 1br apt outside the club
her mom’s middle class n her dad is almost upper-middle class. he isnt a member of the club but, like ,,, he cld be if he wanted to lol. he spoils her sm while she hasnt rlly Spoken to her mom besides civility, rip they both stubborn, tis a vargas thing
she is v much in a comfy position money-wise n dsnt hav much Need to hustle but sis does hav a couple of organizations she regularly sends some dough to so thats nice ig
she went fr grassroots activist to a veteran twitter/tumblr/reddit/wtvr ranter n a change.org gofundme petition regular. is it burnout ? is she ok ? honestly who knows
found family ! pals n squad wanted. y’all gotta hav patience or ear plugs to power thru her self-indulgent mini-rants but shell luv ya back tenfold !
carpool buds ? cld be a pal ! or maybe yall had a lil argument or small beef but lu still drives ym bc her pride ? said mother earth first even tho the tension n silly drama is funny 
homies to smoochies ! just sum nsa makin out. cld be pals, cld be flirty, idk, but if u wanna kiss her shes probs ok w that
smoke bud ! just sum1 thats her go-to 2 smoke w on her breaks. knows not to call her out on how its not healthy fr a trainer yada yada she knows ok. let her live
an ex ? idk yet shes not rlly datey but thats out there
crushes ! this bitch hot but does she know how to flirt ? not rlly. watch her fumble
debate club ! aka sum1 she bickers w relentlessly. its valid, sum1 fite her. r u a worker or a club member ? either works. its a whole club bc she can have tons, lu can be hella annoying n testy
clients ! self-explanatory. do they get along tho ? lets find out ! 
( im officially braindead now but if y’all got more ideas or think theres smth lu wld fit just lmk !!! down 4 wtvr, wld luv 2 hash it out w yall <3 ) 
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Eighty-Eight
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff and Smut. (bum stuff right away)
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
While Harry was cleaning up in the shower, you got out the special box. You lay the towel out on the bed, a new one that you and Harry had picked out together. It seemed silly, but sometimes when he was extremely shy, he would pull it out and that’s how you knew he wanted you in that way.
“All clean.” He beams when he walks out of the bathroom.
“Baby, we’ll have to use the plug for a bit after I use my fingers. We haven’t done this in awhile, and I don’t wanna hurt you.”
“Alright, angel.”
Harry helps you out of the rest of your clothes, and you both kiss for a bit while laying down. He sucks on one of your nipples while he fingers you. Harry always liked taking care of you first before you took care of him in this way. He made sure to make you come twice before he let you get between his legs.
You got plenty of lube around his hole and on your fingers. You suckled his tip while you just lightly played with the area around his hole, just to get him relaxed. Then you slipped your fingers inside, curling them up the way he does to you. He gasps when you graze his prostate. You love the way his cock twitches from it.
“Fuck, baby.” His head rolls back as he moans. He whimpers when you retract your fingers.
“Just getting the plug ready, doll.” You smile.
You grab the plug and get it lubed up before slowly and carefully inserting it.
“Wanna sixty-nine while we wait?” He asks, blushing.
“Ooo, I like where your head’s at tonight.��� You giggle.
You climb up his body and turn around. He grabs at your ass to pull you closer. You wrap your lips around his throbbing cock as he licks into you. You groan against him which causes his hips to buck up. You take him further down your throat. You were being sloppy with him. You had spit and precome dripping down your chin. He was being just as sloppy with you. You could hear him slurping on you, and it was driving you nuts. You swallow around him when you feel your legs start to shake. You release on his tongue.
“Pull off babe, I wanna wait to come.”
You get off of him and slowly take the plug out. You stand up and put the strap on. You turn around as you stroke the lube onto the dildo. You didn’t like when he’d watch you do this part, for whatever reason. You get back on the bed and spread his legs apart.
“Ready for me, honey?”
“Mhm.” He smiles and hooks his legs under his arms for you.
“God, you looks so beautiful Harry.”
He gasps as you start to push the tip of the dildo in. He clenches, only for a second, and then relaxes. You slowly push inside him and he sighs.
“How’s that feel?” You rest your hands on his knees.
“Good, you can move now.”
You nod and start to rock in and out of him. You close your eyes and try to concentrate for a moment. You try to remember where his special spot is. When you hear him let out a throaty moan your eyes snap open.
“Right there, babe, shit.” He groans. His body had a nice layer of sweat on it now.
“Yeah? I’m hitting good?”
“So good, sooo fucking good.”
You use one of your hands to pump his cock up and down as you continue to his rub up against his prostate. He starts panting, you knew he was close. His eyes glaze over, he was fully gone. You had him screaming and crying out when he came. You pointed his dick towards your stomach how he likes. You give him a second to catch his breath before you pull out of him. You get the strap off and climb onto his chest. You rest on him, planting kisses on his neck.
“You did so good, Harry. You’re always so good.”
He strokes the back of your head and plays with your hair.
“I never thought in my wildest dreams I’d ever like somethin’ like that, but Jesus, that feels good. And you looks so fuckin’ sexy doin’ it.”
“I do?”
“You have no idea.” He kisses the top of your head. “I love you.”
“I love you too, so much.” You give him a little squeeze and get up. “M’gonna start the bath.”
He watches you get up and strut into the bathroom. You call for him once it’s all set.
“I wanna sit behind you.” He says as he gets in.
“Okay baby.”
You get in and sit in front of him. He holds you close, and you lean your head against his shoulder. You look up at him and he kisses you. You can’t help but moan into the kiss when you feel his tongue swipe across your bottom lip. His hand slips between your legs and starts ribbing your clit in small circles.
“Aren’t you tired?” You say against his lips.
“Never too tired for this.”
His fingers slip inside you while his thumb stays on your clit. He hooks his other arm under one of your legs to get in deeper. You clutch the rim of the tub as you grit your teeth.
“Ngh, Harry.” You groan.
“Like when my fingers get nice and deep?” He says into your ear.
He nibbles on your earlobe as he rubs up against that spongy spot. You grind your hips into his hand. Your head rolls back hard against him. You thought you were going to slip under the water. Your chest was heaving, what the fuck was he doing to you?
“Harry!” You cry out as you come undone.
You turn around and straddle him. You wrap your arms arouns his shoulders and hide your face in the crook of his neck. His hands go to your back and press you further against him. You sit there for awhile just holding each other. It was soft and tender, and what you both needed. You always give each other exactly what you needed.
Just because you had Monday off, didn’t mean that Harry had Monday off. This was a really big weekend for last minute senior photos.
“Wanna come to work with me today?” He asks as he rolls over, snuggling up to you.
“Hmmm.” You give him a playful smile.
“You kid bring Buster, hang out at the park.”
“That would be nice. I do have some school work to do though.”
“So bring your laptop, you can work up in my office.”
“Alright, you’ve sold me.”
You both get up and take a quick shower. You pack both your lunches, and get Buster leashed up. Harry drives you both to the studio.
“Y/N! What a nice surprise.” Isaac smiles, and hands Harry his coffee.
“Mind gettin’ her one?”
“Not at all!” Isaac stands up.
“Harry.” You scold him. “I can go get my own coffee.” You assure Isaac.
“I don’t mind, Y/N, it’s part of my job.” He smiles.
“But you don’t work for me.” You take Buster’s leash off. “Hang with Uncle Isaac while I go next door, baby.”
Buster goes to his little dog bed behind Isaac’s desk.
“Where’s Mariah?” You ask.
“She asked to come in at noon today.” Harry shrugs. “I’ll be up in the office before my first appointment.”
You nod and head out the door the the coffee shop. You get yourself an iced coffee, and a few doughnuts, and head back in.
“I’m so glad it’s air conditioned in here.” You say to Isaac. “Doughnut?”
“Sure!” He looks in the bag. “Ooo, Boston Cream, you know these are Seth’s favorite?” He takes one and bites into it.
“Mine too! Something he and I bonded over early on in our friendship. Once a week we’d go to Dunkin’, and get one. It was like our Friday tradition.”
“Aww, that’s so cute. We’ve begun a Friday tradition of our own.”
“And what might that be?”
“I go to his place and we cook dinner together.” He swoons. “Then we watch a movie together on his couch, and he keeps an arm around me the whole time. I’ve noticed he really likes touch.” You nod. “Suppose I didn’t need to tell you that.”
“Oh, Isaac, I love when you tell me these things. It just reaffirms that I did the right thing by setting the both of you up. I like knowing he’s treating you right. What’s your favorite thing to make with him so far?”
“We made chicken parm once, oh my god, you should’ve seen him pound on that chicken with the mallet.”
You burst out laughing, and so does he. You stifle when a teenage boy his mother walk in. You step aside so they can check in with Isaac.
“Hi, you must be Benjamin.”
“Yeah.” He says shyly.
“Let me tell Harry you’re here.” Isaac presses a button on his desk phone. “Harry? Benjamin’s here.” He hangs up. “He’ll be down in a moment, please have a seat. May I get either of you anything?”
“Oh no, we’re all set.” The mother smiles and the two sit down.
“Think I’m gonna head up to his office now. Buster, come on baby.” He yips and heads up the stairs with you.
When you walk into Harry’s office he was just locking the top drawer in his desk. He shoves the keys in his pocket. You kiss each other and out he goes. You set your laptop up on his desk and get to work on your school assignments. Buster sits on the little love-seat Harry has in his office. You loved the way he’s slowly decorated it. There were a few pictures of you on his desk. That stupid one you hate of you wearing pj’s on Christmas morning, a picture of the two of you from his birthday, and the picture of the three of you (you, him, and Buster) from Castle Island. He also had a separate picture of Buster from when he was a puppy.
“Alright, Benjamin, we’re gonna head across the street.”
“Okay.” His mother stands up with him.
“Comin; with, mum?”
“Well sure, I have to make sure he-“
“You know, in my experience,” He pulls her aside, turning on the charm. “It’s a lot more fun for the kids when the parent doesn’t hang around. This is a special day for them, you know?”
“It’s just-“
“I promise, he’ll smile and the pictures will be beautiful. He seems a little tense though, so I’d like to try it with just me and him, yeah?” She blinks at him. “You can hang here with my pal Isaac.” He smiles and she nods.
He nods over to Benjamin and they both outside.
“You can, uh, call me Ben.”
“Alright, Ben it is.”
Harry looks around to see where he wants to start first.
“Sit down there, against that tree. The shade’s perfect.”
Ben does as he says.
“Does your mum do that a lot?” Ben sighs and nods. “A lot of you have overprotective parents, so I’ve noticed.” He chuckles.
“I know she means well, but she’s so far up my ass sometimes…I can’t wait to go away to college next year.”
“Where do yeh wanna go?”
“Not sure yet…I just wanna go away somewhere that she has to call first and can’t just drop in.”
Harry laughs and nods. This loosens Ben up a bit and Harry’s able to get some beautiful shots of him. You come downstairs to use the bathroom, and the mother looks at you funny. You shrug it off as you head to the toilet.
“Who is that woman? Does she work here too?”
“Her?” Isaac giggles. “No, no. She just has the day off from work. She’s Harry’s girlfriend. She’s doing some of her grad work up in his office.”
“Oh, I see.”
“She’s really something. Harry’s head over heels for her. I’ve known him a few years, never seen him so in love.”
They both look at you as you go back up the stairs. Ben and Harry come back into the studio after an hour or so outside.
“This one’s all set, he did great. Now, just make sure to give your information to Isaac. Once I send you the edited photos, all you have to do is email us which one you want in your yearbook and we’ll send it to your school.”
“Do we get to see-“
“Showed him a couple, don’t worry. Nice meetin’ yeh Ben.” He smiles. “I’m startin’ to book out in June for graduation photos, so if you like what you see afterwards, feel free to come see me again.”
Harry heads up to his office to load the photos onto his computer before his next client shows up.
“Hi baby.” He says.
“Oh hi!” You turn to look at him. “Here, I’ll go sit over there.” You get up and sit with Buster.
“Thanks.” He takes the SD card out of his camera, and slides it into his computer.
You watch as he creates a new folder for Ben and loads all the pictures in. He swivels around in the chair to look at you.
“Kinda like the way yeh look hangin’ out here.”
“Well don’t get to used to it. S’just for today.”
“I know…is it weird that sometimes I wished we worked together?”
“Not really, although I think we’d get on each other’s nerves.” You laugh.
“What makes yeh say that?”
“Well…now we have have our separate spaces, and we’re able to miss each other all day, and then we get home and we’re able to talk about our days. If we worked together, there wouldn’t be much to talk about, would there?”
“Not true, you work with Niall and you’re able to talk to him.”
“Yeah, but I don’t live with him. When we hang out outside of work we’re catching up.”
“Guess that makes sense.”
“I can’t quit my job, Harry.”
“Woah, that’s not what I was gettin’ at.” He puts his hands up in defense. “I’d never ask you to do that. I know how much you love it.”
“I mean, I love doing all the freelance stuff for you. I really enjoy keeping your website and social media updated.”
“Speakin’ of that.”
He unlocks the top drawer in desk very carefully, and snatches an envelope form it. He locks it up quickly.
“What’s this?” You gasp when you open it and see cash. “Harry, what the hell is this?”
“We’ve started makin’ money off the ads you suggested we do on Facebook. I’ve wanted to pay yeh for the work you’ve been doin’ for awhile, but I needed to wait to make sure everything else was all set. You deserve to be paid for your work. Gotta pay yeh under the table of course.”
“I know you don’t expect me to keep this.” You try to hand it back to him, but he doesn’t take it. “Harry, come on, this is stupid.”
“You’ve been workin’ for me, Y/N. You’ve earned that.”
“No.” You shake your head. “I do all these things because I love you and want to help you how I can. I don’t want this money. I’d rather you put it towards something else.”
“Like what?”
“Well…we could put it towards our shared bank account and let it just pay our rent? Or save it for a rainy day. Oh! We could use it towards a vacation at some point.”
Or towards the wedding. He thinks to himself.
“Alright, towards a vacation sounds good. I’ll just keep it all in an envelope, like a nest egg.”
He takes it and puts it in the safe under his desk.
“I do appreciate you wanting to pay me though, that means a lot.”
Mariah comes in at noon, and works with a client right away. You and Harry head across the street with Buster to eat your lunches.
“It’s so nice out today.” You toss Buster a carrot. “Not humid for once.”
“Mm, I know. I felt bad for some of the kids this summer. Can only edit out so much sweat from the pictures.”
You laugh and nearly choke on your food.
“I did mine right before school started, weather was similar to this.”
“Your pictures were beautiful.”
“Did I show them to you?”
“No…I, uh, creeped on your Facebook one time cause I was curious.” He blushes.
“That’s cute.” You giggle. “My Sean had done them for me. He had graduated a year earlier, but he had his own photography business. I had known him since middle school, it was fun to work with him.”
“Your hair was so cute, with your little bangs.”
“I’d cut my hair like that again in an instant, but it’s so hard to keep up with. And my forehead broke out really bad all the time. It just wasn’t worth it after awhile.”
“We didn’t get to do stuff like that at my school. We had to get our pictures taken by the school photographer, and we had to be in uniform.”
“I’m sorry, did you say uniform?”
“Yeah, a lot of the schools require uniforms over there.”
“Please tell me you have a picture.”
He chuckles and scrolls through his phone to see if he has one. He scrolls really far back on his Facebook.
“Ah! Here’s one.”
“Look at you! You’re a fetus!”
“Quit it.”
“And your hair is so curly! And the glasses! Jesus, you were cute.”
“Oi, I’m still cute.” He snatches his phone back from you.
“Yes, very cute.” You kiss his cheek. “But that’s like an innocent sort of cute, you know? Like, adorable.”
“I bet the boys were knockin’ down your door after you posted those pictures.”
“Yeah right.” You scoff. “I wasn’t exactly the cool girl, Harry. I wasn’t all that popular, and I had a small group of friends. I actually bounced around from group to group since I did theater and played sports.”
“M’little actress.” He kisses your nose. “I remember you mentioning you didn’t date much in high school.”
“I really didn’t. I had my first kiss at fourteen and didn’t kiss anyone again until I was seventeen. I had guy friends, and boys that I liked, but they just never liked me back…”
“Oh stop.” You nudge him. “I was very shy back then. I didn’t become outgoing until college, where I felt like I could just be myself, you know?” He nods. “Plus, the girls just became my people and my life just got more fun.”
“Yeah, I feel like I really could find myself in uni. Way less judgement. And since I didn’t have to wear a uniform anymore, I could really experiment with my look.”
“You have an array of clothes, I love it.”
“And that’s one of the things I love about you. You just let me be myself. You never look at me funny.”
“Why would I? Wear whatever makes you comfortable.”
He hooks an arm over your shoulders and pulls you into him. He kisses the top of your head and you both watch Buster run around and play.
It was the perfect day off. You loved seeing Harry in action. He was so wonderful with his clients. His last client of the day was a newborn shoot. It was Harry’s old friend that you had run into at the market months ago. You think you remember her name being Lydia. They had wrapped up and Harry was holding the baby while catching up with his friend. You were talking with Isaac as he finished up his work for the day. You couldn’t help but be amazed at how naturally Harry could hold the baby. You had seen it several times before, but something about this was different.
He hands the baby back to his mother, and out she goes. Harry goes up to his office to grab his things, and he comes back down. He locks the door and out to his car you go.
“Didja have a nice day?” He asks.
“It was great! Buster sure likes that park.”
“It’ll be tough once the winter comes, he’ll miss it I bet.”
“God, I’m not looking forward to waking up on those cold mornings to bring him out.”
“So I’ll do it.” He shrugs.
“Don’t be silly.” You rest your hand on his thigh. “I enjoy my time with him in the morning.”
“You know while he was sick he whined all day while you were sleepin’. Thought he’d like spendin’ some extra time with me.”
“Gee, I wonder where he gets missing me so much from.” You laugh.
“I do not whine or whimper when I miss you.” A smile grows on his lips. “I just get grumpy and take it out on my coworkers.” You burst out laughing.
“It’s a wonder they don’t hate me then.”
Harry laughs and continues the drive home. You both make vegan BLT’s for dinner and settle in on the balcony. Buster was a good boy and ate his dinner, so you gave him a little treat.
“Could we watch Glee tonight?”
“Of course!”
It was the middle of the second season. It was the…Justin Bieber episode.
“God.” Harry groans. “Please tell me you weren’t a fan of that idiot.”
“Not at all.” You snort. “He’s a fucking douchebag, I didn’t fall under the spell. A couple of my friends did though, it was super annoying.”
“Were you obsessed with any celebrities back then?”
“Oh, yeah! Zac Efron was the first boy I ever loved.” You both giggle.
“He certainly was the one to make that hair styles cool.”
“Exactly! You know, some weeks they really missed the mark with the songs, and other weeks it was like holy shit that was breath taking.”
“Mm, yeah, I agree. You know I’ve started to make a playlist of my favorites.”
“Really?! I wonder how it compares to mine.”
“Let’s see.”
You both take your phones out and go to your Spotify playlists. There was quite a bit of overlap, but a few songs that you didn’t agree on.
“How do you not like Like a Prayer?!”
“S’not that I don’t like it, I just don’t need it on my playlist.”
“But it’s one of their best songs!”
“I’m savin’ room for the other seasons! I haven’t even heard half the songs you have on yours yet.”
“Okay fine, you got me there. At least we can agree on Total Eclipse of the Heart.”
“The first time I listened to that with headphones in? Chills.”
“I’m really glad you’ve gotten so into it. Is there a show you like that we haven’t watched yet?”
“I really like the older seasons of Top Gear…I think those guys are funny.”
“Maybe I could watch it with you sometime.”
“Sure.” He puts his arm around you and you snuggle in closer as the episode goes on.
It was 3AM and Harry hadn’t been able to fall asleep yet. The day was getting closer and closer and he was getting more nervous and anxious. He was excited of course, he knew you were going to say yes, how could you not? But he was scared something might go wrong, or that something could get ruined. He was putting so much work in to surprise you, while also having to play it cool around you.
He turns over on his side and looks at you. You were on your side facing him, lips parted, soft snores coming from you. He never really got to see you when you were in a deep sleep. As always, he thought you were the cutest thing in the world. He watches as your eyebrows furrow and your hand reaches out for him. You sigh once it rests on his hip. He inches closer to you and gets his leg between yours.
“Mm, Harry?” You say without opening your eyes.
“Go back to sleep, angel.” He says softly as he strokes your cheek.
“You can’t sleep?”
“Havin’ a little trouble tonight, I’m afraid.”
“Mm, my poor baby.”
You roll onto your back and pull him onto you. Your eyes were still closed, but you start stroking his head and scratching his scalp. He nestles into your chest. He could feel his eyes starting to droop, but you hadn’t work a shirt to bed, and being in between your breasts like this was making another part of his body perk up. You could feel it against your hip.
“Harry.” You sigh.
“M’not doin’ it on purpose.” He groans. “Sorry.”
“Well, it’s clearly not going away…you can just stick it in if you want.”
“We’ve done that before.”
“Not when we’re tryin’ t’sleep though.”
“Baby, I’m so tired, go ahead, if it’ll help you sleep.”
“The second I stick it in, I’m gonna need to fuck you.” Your eyes snap open and you look down at him.
“Okay, so then fuck me.”
“I feel really bad, you’re gonna be tired for work, and-“
“The sooner you fuck me the sooner we can both cuddle and go to sleep.”
Harry dips lower under the blankets and gets his head between your legs. You weren’t expecting him to go down on you, but you weren’t complaining. His tongue felt really good on you right now. He had your toes curling right away. You and Harry had been together for almost a year and something you noticed in all that time is that he always sticks his tongue up inside you first. He loved to suck and nibble on your clit, but he loved to get his tongue up inside you. Again, you weren’t complaining.
Your head thrashes against your pillow and your hands run through his hair.
“Need to see you!” You gasp as he sucks on you.
He rips the blankets away and looks up at you. You mouth falls open as you look down at him. Your eyes screw shut when he makes you come.
“Jesus.” You breathe.
He kisses up your body and slides inside you. You moan as he starts to rock in and out of you. You pucker your lips so he’ll kiss you. Your tongue slides into his mouth and he groans into you. He reaches for both your hands rests them on the pillow. You squeeze his as he thrusts in and out. God, you loved when he made love to you like this.
“Harry.” You moan as he starts to hit your g-spot.
“I love you, Y/N, fuck, I love you so much.”
“I love you too, baby.” You squeeze his hands again. “Please, fill me up.”
“Yeah? You want my come?”
“Need it.”
That was enough for him. Just as you feel your release coming, his hot come shoots inside you. He collapses on top of you and kisses your neck. He lets you get up to use the bathroom, and then you snuggle into his chest. You had successfully worn him out, and you were both back to sleep in no time.
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pastelbrachypelma · 4 years
Blind Date
Requested by @swampythesweetsketch ! Thank you for your suggestion and I hope you like it!
“I’m so nervous,” Murray admitted, sitting in front of the mirror and staring at himself. “What if he doesn’t like me?”
“Dude, c’mon!” Sly retorted, barely looking up from where he was putting a top coat over Murray’s nail polish. “If he doesn’t like you, then I’m Santa Claus!”
“That can be arranged,” Bentley teased. “Seriously, though, Murray. Just be yourself. That’s how to be the most attractive.”
“Yeah,” Murray looked away. “I guess. But…”
“Hey,” Sly slid onto the vanity, gently pushing aside a makeup palette with his tail as he sat directly in front of his friend. “Stop worrying, okay?” He grinned. “You know this guy is into you. You’ve been talking for ages. It’s worth a shot at least, right?”
“Right!” Murray squared his shoulders like he was going into battle, and wasn’t wearing holographic nails and a smokey eye. “Thanks for doin my topcoat for me, Sly. And thanks for helping me with my suit, Bentley.”
“No problem,” his brothers said simultaneously.
Sly patted Murray’s shoulder. “Go get ‘im, pal.”
“We’ll be waiting,” Bentley promised.
Murray smiled, and headed out the door.
“All right, Sly,” Bentley said, “you know what to do.”
Sly grabbed his binocucom and cane. “On it!”
Murray was already nervous enough being in a sizable crowd with bounty on his head, but, just as Sly had assured him, Murray was the best at disguises out of all of them, and nobody would recognize “The Murray” with makeup on.
He liked his makeup look; just a foundation to match his skin tone, a little contour, blush, and a smokey eye. Sly had helped with his nails, and they looked good. It wasn’t like Murray couldn’t have done it on his own, but Sly wanted to help, and he was better at nails than at eyeliner. Murray chuckled to himself, thinking of the last time Sly tried to do a winged liner. He’d looked even more like a raccoon than usual!
He was sitting alone at the table, waiting for his date, like he had been for the better part of an hour. Every time the door opened, he would look up, expecting to see a handsome man looking for his table. But, it was just couples or families. He sighed. He was sure a blind date would’ve been better, seeing as nobody could turn him down just because of his weight, but maybe the guy had guessed, judging by how much Murray talked about recipes. Or maybe he thought Murray was a sissy, or…
The door opened again, to someone by themselves. Except Murray could recognize that tail in his sleep. Sly had a satin jacket over a button-down shirt, hair slicked back. He was wearing the dance shoes they’d stolen from India, and was looking a little lost. Murray was a bit worried for two reasons. The first was that Sly was here at all; had something happened? The second was that Sly could only handle big crowds if he was at a social event. Parties, he liked. There were excuses to mingle in small groups. He had never liked large throngs of people. If Sly has a panic attack…
But instead, Sly found him (after pretending to have been looking for him) and waved. Murray waved back, confused, as Sly strode forward confidently through the crowd.
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” Sly said, brushing dust off his lapels. “Didn’t mean to keep you waiting.”
“You didn’t,” Murray said, a bit confused. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
Sly demurred, giggling shyly. “Oh, don’t be silly! How could I ever turn down a hunk like you?”
Murray wanted to laugh. Sly liked playing the effeminate gay. The question was, why was he doing that in the first place? At that moment, the door to the restaurant opened again, and Bentley rolled his wheelchair inside. People who were waiting for a table stepped aside to give him room. He was disguised as well, a cloth hat matching the more casual dark wash denim jacket he was wearing over a black necktie. Murray could appreciate the aesthetic...but he was still confused.
Bentley made his way towards the table. “Sorry I’m late,” he said, pitching his voice deeper in contrast to the way Sly’s had been more high-pitched. “Hey! What’re you doing here?” He glared at Sly.
“I should be asking you the same thing,” Sly pointed an accusing finger at Bentley. “I’m here for my date!”
“So am I,” Bentley said, and Murray smiled, starting to catch on. “One of us has the wrong table and you, buddy,” the turtle wheeled into Sly’s space, making the raccoon step back, hand splayed on his heart in dramatic offense, “are definitely at the wrong table. This gentleman is far too handsome for you!”
“I think he’s just the right amount of handsome,” Sly argues. “Just look at those bulging muscles,” he gestured, and Murray flexed, having a bit of fun now that he was in on the joke. “A man like that deserves the world!”
“Guys, you’re gonna make me blush,” Murray grumbled under his breath. Sly winked before sliding back into character as Bentley charged further.
“And? You still kept this gorgeous man waiting! Look at the poor guy’s makeup! All smudged because you were off…” Bentley waved his hand as he searched for an insult, “vaping!”
Sly gasped. “Do you think I would smoke around such a deceptively delicate flower?! The nerve!”
Murray looked over again as the restaurant doors opened. It was his real date, a buck with gold chains draped artfully around his antlers, dressed to the nines in a slimming suit to complement his slender body. Murray recognized the designer logo on his tie, and felt shame creep up his throat as he thought of his thrifted jacket and pilfered shirt. Even the silk skirt he was so proud of made him feel like a freak next to this guy.
“What’s going on here?” The buck spoke, his voice like molten chocolate, as he approached the table. “Which of you is Murray?” His eyes slid approvingly over Sly, and Murray hid his face. “I hope it’s you, handsome.”
“Sorry,” Sly slid in beside Murray, hooking his arm through the hippo’s. “I’m taken. Happily.”
“Me too.” Bentley took Murray’s hand, glaring at the buck.
The deer narrowed his eyes, then laughed. “Oh, thank god,” he said, relieved. “I could never be seen with such a,” he waved his hand derisively, “hideous beast.”
“Hey,” Sly said, voice sharp despite the different pitch. Murray recognized it as the raccoon’s “don’t fuck with me” voice, a rarely seen anger flashing in his eyes. “Murray is amazing! He’s funny and kind and always knows what to say!”
“His strength and skill can’t be matched!” Bentley agreed.
“And tonight, he’s my date.” Sly declared. “So fuck off.”
“No, he’s my date,” Bentley argued. “You fuck off!”
As his two friends bickered, Murray watched the deer walk away. He felt a little bit upset at the rejection, but his friends were nearby, defending him on what was technically their night off. He felt warm inside even so. It was good to be with his brothers again.
Once the deer was out of sight, Sly deflated. “Ack, my throat,” he complained. “I don’t know how you do those high-pitches voices, Murray. I feel like I’ll be raspy by tomorrow!”
Murray chuckled. “It takes practice.”
“Let’s get out of here,” Bentley suggested. “I think we’ve caused enough of a scene.” He glanced at the table. “Nothing needs to be paid for, right?”
“Nope. I didn’t order yet.” Murray replied.
“Let’s get Chinese,” Sly said, stretching as Murray got to his feet. “I saw a great place on the way over.” He locked his arm through Murray’s, hiding a yawn in the hippo’s bicep.
“Do you mean you saw it or smelled it?” Bentley asked, guiding Murray to the handles of his chair. That was about equivalent to hand-holding, Murray knew.
Sly laughed. “Both!”
“Chinese sounds fantastic,” Murray said, sighing in the fresh air. He was still upset about being stood up. He was glad for his friends, but…
“That guy was a complete jerk,” Bentley grumbled, going back to controlling his own chair as Sly let go of Murray. It wasn’t a sudden “no homo” sort of thing, though. It was more of a natural progression as they walked together on the sidewalk, with Bentley’s chair a half-step ahead. “What didjya day his name was?”
“Pierce Monogram,” Murray said. “Trust fund baby, I think. Works in the family business selling shoes.”
“That’s ironic,” Sly mused, swinging his arms up to rest behind his head as he walked. “He wasn’t wearing shoes.”
Murray laughed. “No, I guess he wasn’t. That’s a dealbreaker for me.”
“Murray, you don’t wear shoes either,” Bentley said.
“Exactly!” Murray went on, still laughing. “Somebody has to wear the shoes in the relationship!”
All three of them laughed, and couldn’t stop laughing until they reached the Chinese.
“Ah, the smell of sweet, sweet MSG,” Sly licked his lips as he set out the various cartons and bowls.
“This isn’t going to give me indigestion, is it?” Bentley asked skeptically, wrinkling his nose.
“No, no, I got your egg rolls and plain rice here,” Sly set out the food separately for Bentley before using a set of chopsticks to serve himself liberal amount of pork fried rice and vegetable lo mein, claiming one of the containers of scallion pancakes for himself.
“Man,” Murray grinned, slurping his hot and sour soup, “I forgot how good Chinese food actually is.”
“Right?!” Sly beamed. “Glad I thought of it. I haven’t had a good Chinese in months!”
“It’s delicious, I agree. Pass the wonton soup, Murray?” Bentley asked.
“What’re we watchin?” Sly asked between shoveling noodles into his mouth.
Murray blushed. “Are you guys gonna kill me if I say I wanna watch “Pitch Perfect” again?”
Sly swallowed noisily. “Nah, I like that one all right. It’s funny.”
“I’ve no objection,” Bentley said, taking off his glasses momentarily to clean them of the fog from his soup. “It’s date night, after all. You always pick the films for date night.”
“You guys still wanna call it date night?” Murray asked.
The gang had always jokingly held “date nights” for self care, movies, and video games. But that had been before Murray was officially out of the closet. His friends were straight. He thought they hadn’t had a date night in a while because his friends didn’t want to do that sort of this with him now that he was out as gay.
Sly leaned forward. “You okay, big guy?”
Murray sniffled. “I...I dunno, I thought you guys...didn’t wanna do this with me anymore.”
“Why wouldn’t we?” Bentley asked.
“I’m gay,” Murray confessed. “I like guys.”
“So?” Sly twitched his tail in confusion. “You’re still my brother. My friend.” He waved his tail in Murray’s face, making the hippo sneeze. “In case I haven’t made it abundantly clear,” the raccoon snuggled up properly against Murray’s side, chittering quietly, “I love you, pal.”
“So do I,” Bentley affirmed. “And...not to be too blunt about it, but...it was pretty obvious to me that you weren’t straight. But,” he cleared his throat, smiling. “That never mattered to me. You’re still my brother. And I still love you.”
Murray rubbed the tears out of his eyes. “Thanks, guys.”
“Sure thing, Murray,” Sly replied, butting his head against Murray’s shoulder before sitting up to properly shovel more food down his throat.
“I’ll get the DVD,” Bentley abandoned his food momentarily and rolled his chair over to set up the TV. Once he was done, he took his food and rolled closer to the couch, so Murray could enjoy his comfort, too.
Murray smiled warmly, happily chowing down on Chinese food and shouting all the words to the songs at the top of his lungs.
That was the best part about being home, Murray decided as he laughed at Sly nearly choking on a wonton and Bentley snorting soup out his nose. Being with the people who loved you unconditionally.
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luvnhugsgt · 3 years
G/T: Almost a Garden Gnome: Chapter 3
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***As told by Eddie “The Man” Edwards (stupid parents who thought they were funny)***
I don’t really know what to say or do. I hope asking if the little mystery human was alright didn’t cause any lasting trauma? I didn’t know I was such a scary guy! Take a look at me standing next to my buddies, and you’ll find that I actually have a noticeably slighter frame than they do. I’ve never been the biggest, toughest dude in the crowd, and I’m cool with that, I think. That’s how it’s always been, you know? I’m sinewy, light and lean. It runs in my family.
Considering my self-image, I’ve always had some sort of cognitive dissonance about hanging out around the little human folk. I’m not sure why, but I’m kind of… afraid of them? Uncomfortable?
When I look down at my feet, bending my neck at a near ninety-degree angle and squinting my eyes just to see somebody, it hurts—well, my neck—and my eyes—and my self-esteem. Am I truly a big-lug, taking up way too much space and sounding like a hurricane, just because of my race, something I’ll never be able to reconcile with the littles?
To be around Little Lady, then, as you may have deduced, while she’s ostensibly cute (I can hardly see her face, so maybe I’m just an optimist), freaks me out, big time.
Should I, then, take a good, hard look at myself in the mirror, and say ten times, “Humans are friends”? Should I shut the door and keep her out of my house for the sake of my mental health? Should I get someone to scare her awa-no, wait, that’s horrible!
I guess, just maybe, I could leave out something for her to eat, then promptly go back inside. I certainly don’t mind her munching on my strawberries, even though I holler at the damn squirrels for doing the very same thing. But I think something’s wrong with the squirrels here—they have an attitude problem! They chatter at me and they shoo me away after I shoo them! Ah, but if I dodge this tiny woman, I’ll also have to avoid my garden; my only hobby!
You’d be surprised—I show off my garden to everyone, even ~lady friends~, and everyone digs it, or at least they seem to humor me. Aw man, I love my garden! If I abandon the garden, (I named it Steve), where will all my bragging rights come from? Oh, I ooze masculinity, guys.
Unless it doesn’t matter if I attract the Bel Parine 'Babes anymore—unless—u-unless I swing a full 180 and fall in lo-
Um-fall for a cute h-
Ahhh. Let’s not push our luck here, yeah?
How do Bels usually deal with bum-humans squatting in their backyard, anyhow? Yes, this one’s endearing—‘guess I’m lucky—but what if—I mean, this is pretty shallow, but—what if she were a crusty old man with a grating voice from years of drinking and smoking? A bit of a yikes from me, dog. Maybe I should see the ‘silver lining’ in this situation…
Oop! The phone’s going—“Hiya Grandma, what’s doin’?”
“Eddie, I was passing the nursery on Main Street this morning on my way to pick up my prescriptions, and I saw the most beautiful sunflowers. Oh, to tell you the truth, I didn’t even know they were in season, yet! And of course, I bought you two pots, because I know how you adore your garden—” she pauses, “what’s that you’re calling it now—Steve? Oh, you silly goose! But you’re my silly goose, you handsome young ma-“
“Grandma, oh thank you, I love ya ‘a million,” I explain, “but, about the garden… I do have something to ask of you.”
“Oh? I’m sure I can help. I’ve got lots of books with all the different flowers, loads of detailed, colorful pictures, all kinds of guid-“
“N-no, Grandma, it’s a different kind of issue. Do you…uh…know anything about humans?”
Her tone changes, “Humans, huh?”
“In your garden?” I add.
“…Lucky you!” She chirps; I can easily visualize Grandma beaming on the other side of the line. “Oh, do you have a homeless human on your hands?” She sighs. “Well, that’s not very good. We’ve got to do something. First thing’s first—let’s attract him. I hear humans like honey water. I read it on the web. There are so many wonderful things on the ‘line’.”
I sigh, knowing now that I’ve boxed myself in. I’ll have to face my fear. Why’d I get on this crazy ride? My grandma, she’s got the opposite issue, though she’s got scant self-awareness. She doesn’t seem to realize that the way she fawns over those ‘cute, cuddly’ humans, makes them seem uncomfortably similar to animals. It comes off as, I don’t know, condescending? I know I’ve got no stake in this narrative, but it grates on me for some reason or another. I’ve not been very exposed to humans in my twenty-nine-and-some-months years of life, but even I can understand how to respect the othersiders.
“Eddie, this is the best news I’ve had from you in weeks!”
“What?! What about my Impatiens?” I frown. “You know how hard it is grow those badboys ever since they were wiped out by the—what is it, fungus?” I mused absentmindedly, distracting myself from the trainwreck that’ll most surely ensue after this phone call.
“Oh, wait—wait—after the Impatiens!”
I pout. “Okaay, Grandma, I get your vibe. I gots’ta’ go catch my show, I’ll chat with you later…?” I speak rapidly, looking to flee as soon as I can.
“Great! Love you, Eddieboy! Enjoy your show. I’ll see you tomorrow morning at ten!”
“Grandma, wait a second!” I panic, but it’s too late. She’s already hung up, and I’m reeling here, almost in tears as I draw closer and closer to facing this phobia—yeah, I’ll acknowledge it as a phobia—for real, after all those sheltered, trepidatious years…
Agh! I run my hand through my hair melodramatically. What the hell do I do here! What say you, reader, ol’ buddy ol’ pal?
Jeez, next you’ll tell me you’re a human, too! Haha!
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phoenix-downer · 4 years
Birthday Wish
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After a long day spent catching up with folks in Twilight Town and gatherin’ ingredients for Little Chef, Goofy was about tuckered out when he made it back to the Gummi Ship with Sora and Donald. Sora still had the box with the, uh, tart thing in it, and he was about to put it in the ship’s refrigerator when Donald stopped him.
“Hang on, Sora, don’t put that away just yet.”
Sora raised an eyebrow but closed the fridge door. “Huh? Why not?”
Donald looked to Goofy, and suddenly Goofy remembered what they’d talked about earlier. He grabbed a stash of party hats from a nearby nook and handed one to Donald before puttin’ one on himself, and Donald pulled down a blanket that was draped over the kitchen cabinets, revealing a big Happy Birthday Sora! sign in colorful letters.
“We never got to celebrate your fifteenth birthday, Sora, and we figured we should make it up to you,” Goofy said. 
Sora’s face lit up. “Oh yeah, I guess we never did. We were all asleep in the pods at the time, huh?” He took a hat from Goofy’s outstretched hand and put it on his head. “Riku and Kairi and I all got to celebrate once we made it home, but I didn’t get to celebrate with you guys.” 
“Time to party!” Donald said as he put the tart on a plate, and Goofy turned up fifteen mismatching candles and carefully stuck them in the gaps between the pieces of fruit. Gawrsh, this reminded him of Maxie’s fifteenth birthday, how excited his son had been to turn the big 1-5. Sora’s happy face was like watchin’ that happen all over again, and Goofy sure was glad Donald had come up with this idea. 
“Alright, Sora,” Donald said as he summoned his staff so he could light the candles, “you hafta make a wish.”
“But keep it a secret, or it won’t come true!” Goofy told him. He and Donald took their seats at the ship’s small table, but Sora remained standin’. Donald and Goofy sang the birthday song to him, includin’ all the extra joke choruses to get him to laugh. When they were done, he had a very solemn look on his face as the light from the candles flickered across it.
“What do I wish, more than anything? Hmmm, let’s see…” 
He looked down and crossed his arms for a moment, then broke into a huge smile.
“I’ve got it!” He braced himself against the table, then took a deep breath and blew out the candles all at once. Donald and Goofy cheered him on for gettin’ them all in one go, and he grinned and bowed in an over-the-top fashion, makin’ them laugh. When they’d all settled down, Goofy grabbed a knife and carefully lifted a piece onto the plate Donald held. 
“Birthday boy gets the first piece,” he reminded Donald.
Donald quacked and said, “I know, I know,” in a disgruntled tone, and Sora laughed as he passed the tart to him.
“What, were you thinking about eating my share?” Sora teased. 
“Don’t push it,” Donald muttered under his breath. 
Sora remembered his manners and waited till they all had pieces of the tart to take a bite. And gawrsh, what a tart it was! The fruit was ripe and the crust was flaky and the fillin’ was delicious. Whatever was in the glaze was real tasty, too. Better than most cakes Goofy had had. They’d have to get the recipe from Little Chef next time they stopped by.
“Donald, Goofy, thank you,” Sora said as he helped them wash the dishes afterwards. “It was really fun, getting to celebrate with you guys.”
“Of course, Sora,” Goofy said as he held one of the plates so Donald could dry it with some wind magic. “You’re our pal.”
“Next time, we won’t miss your birthday!” Donald promised.
But they did miss his birthday. Missed celebratin’ it with him because he wasn’t here with ‘em. Goofy and Donald and the king piled onto the Gummi Ship after another unsuccessful search, and everyone was feelin’ dejected. The king just sat in his chair in the main control room, and Donald was mopin’ in the kitchen. 
“He’d be sixteen today,” he told Goofy as Goofy joined him at the kitchen table. 
“Gawrsh, can you believe it? The time sure goes by quick. I remember when my Maxie turned sixteen. Sixteen’s an important year for a feller.” 
“Yeah,” Donald said, his head droopin’. “And he doesn’t have a single friend to celebrate with.”
“Now Donald, we don’t know that,” Goofy pointed out. “Sora’s real good at makin’ friends. For all we know, he’s celebratin’ with new friends this year!” 
Even as Goofy said the words though, they rang a little hollow. His biggest fear right now was that Sora was all alone out there with no friends to look out for him. Every old friend of his they’d asked hadn’t seen him or heard from him since he’d disappeared, and…
“We’ll just… hafta celebrate for him,” Goofy said. “Then we can have a real party for him when he gets back.”
Donald nodded. “We still have some of those cookies Rapunzel gave us. Maybe we can stick some candles in them. I’ll get everything ready, you go get the king.”
Goofy went to grab the king, who was still sittin’ in the main control room, lookin’ sad. Gawrsh, what Goofy wouldn’t give to bring a smile to his face again.
“Your Majesty, c’mon, we gotta celebrate Sora’s birthday!” he said, and that seemed to cheer the king up a little. He followed Goofy into the kitchen, where Donald had crammed sixteen candles onto three chocolate chip cookies somehow and was currently lightin’ ‘em. 
“This time, we’ll all make a wish,” Donald said when he was through. “That’ll make the magic more powerful.”
“It’s gotta be the same wish though,” Goofy said. “But we can’t tell, or else the wish won’t come true.”
“Of course,” the king said. “We can’t say our wishes out loud, but that’s okay. We’re all wishin’ for the same thing anyway.” 
“Happy Birthday, Sora,” Donald said.
“Happy Birthday,” Goofy and the king echoed. 
They sang the birthday song after that. At first it felt a little silly singin’ to Sora when he wasn’t here, but as the song went on, somethin’ clicked into place. He was always talkin’ about how his hearts were connected to theirs, so maybe he knew what they were doin’ for him somehow. 
When they were through with the song, they silently made their wish and counted to three, then blew out the candles.  
For a moment, Goofy could’ve sworn he saw Sora here with them. Was that his smilin’ face on the other side of the smoke? He opened his mouth to say something when Donald waved the smoke away, and the moment was over.
Oh well. Goofy figured it was just a trick of his imagination. Still, it was awful nice to think he might’ve been with them, some way, somehow. 
The next time they saw him, they’d celebrate his birthday with him like Donald had promised. For now, he was with them in spirit, and they were a part of his heart. They wouldn’t stop lookin’ for him till they’d found him, till they’d brought him home safe and sound.
That was a hope worth wishin’ on, and the three of them wouldn’t stop wishin’ until it came true. Goofy smiled a little at the thought. He was thinkin’ like Sora now. Maybe their friend wasn’t as far away as they’d thought. 
He looked out the window, and a shooting star passed by, a sign that maybe Sora had heard them. No, it was more than that. It was a promise to return.
Goofy’s smile got bigger. “See you soon, Sora.”
A/N: Happy Birthday to Sora! I wanted to write something for his birthday this year since I missed last year, and I decided to focus on his friendship with Donald and Goofy this time around. It’s been a little while since I’ve written some good Trinity Trio interactions, so it was nice to revisit them. Hope you enjoyed! 
And really quickly: I’ll be returning to the kiss prompt fics here soon for anyone who’s wondering! A big thank you to all the people who have sent one in, I’ve seen them and will get to them when I can, I just want to make sure I do each one of them justice. 
(And no, Sora, that is not a cake). 
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archaneanscribe · 4 years
A Firefly In The Hand
Some pre-canon/pre-relationship Forsython, Forsyth trains at night, remembers a local tradition, and Python reminds him that he'll never be alone.
The moment Forsyth’s plans set into motion was after he heard his parents exchange goodnights the room over. He kept his eyes shut, but began reciting one of the old veteran’s war stories in his head to keep him awake for the next thirty minutes, listening closely for any noises in the house. When the only sounds he could hear was the distant bleating of his neighbor’s goats, he shrugged his blankets off and hopped out of bed.
Moving as quietly as his feet would allow, he made his way over to the window and pulled it open, climbing up and out into the quiet darkness.
Sneaking through the village late at night wasn’t a new activity for him by any means, nor was it for any of the local youth. During the summer, a mass of fireflies would light up the sky every year, and it was regional tradition to catch one in your hands and make a wish that was certain to come true, but the younger children were sent to bed long before they appeared. This, of course, began a long standing and unspoken custom to sneak out after everyone else had gone to bed. Forsyth remembered those evenings fondly, catching one for both him and Python (who couldn’t be bothered to do it himself) and gleefully refusing to share their wishes.
Usually, he would wish to become a knight one day, but there were other, even more secret things he hoped for too.
Tonight, however, he wasn’t off to hunt for fireflies, but train. If Father wouldn’t let him do it during the day, he would just have to do it when he was asleep.
It wasn’t long before he had made his way out to his favorite clearing in the nearby woods. It was a fairly open area surrounded by a ring of tall, hardwood trees, with many bushes scattered around for him to hide his training lances, lantern, and bandages for worse case scenarios (he often had to forcibly enlist Python to help him come up with reasonable excuses for the injuries). He never put his things in the same spot to avoid detection, effort that his best friend told him was unnecessary as no one was even looking for them, but that was Python, who told him any effort was unnecessary. 
At the moment, his stash was nestled into a wild blackberry bush which will lay dormant for another month or so, where they had spent many a summer afternoon ruining their dinner. He pulled out the crude wooden lance, which only looked anything at all like a weapon because the blacksmith from the next town over had taken pity on him when he was in the village for a horseshoe delivery and helped him carve it.
That was how most of the adult’s saw his aspirations. Just a child’s fantasy to indulge in, even as he grew into teenhood.
He gripped his lance tighter. 
After lighting the lantern with his flint and stone to give the night some small illumination, he took the frustration of never being taken seriously out on the invisible enemies laid out before him, swiping at them in his best mimicry of the forms in his book on combat. His father tried to take it away from him, but his mother had always felt bad and returned to him later on.
More pity.
“Haaaah!” he let out a huff of exertion as he lost his footing, sliding forward an inch further than he had meant to and nearly falling.
“Really? This again?”
As he righted himself, a familiar voice emerged from the darkness, and Python came into the dim lantern light, arms behind his head in judgemental nonchalance, “Yer pop is gonna be mad.”
“I know that. And you should know by now that won’t stop me,” he replied, swinging once more, “I do everything he asks of me all day, so I can do what I want at night.”
Python shrugged, taking a seat against one of the thick tree trunks. it was a common enough occurrence for his friend to join him, as he would often be up anyway, choosing to instead nap throughout the day like a cat. His parents weren’t all too fond of the behavior, but unlike Forsyth’s family, they had long given up on changing him.
“You know I’m all for doing whatever it is ‘ya want,” he said with a dismissive wave, “I just thought you might need the reminder. You actually seem to care when he yells at you.”
Forsyth paused, glaring down at the dirt like it had wronged him, “I don’t care about his opinion so much as it’s suffocating to be there when he’s angry. We just aren’t going to see eye to eye, which I’m fine with, but he refuses to accept it.”
A jab, and a snicker from Python.
“Are you picturing an enemy soldier, or your old man?”
They shared a laugh at that. Despite their differences, and how often they would get on each other’s nerves, if there was one thing he could never be in Python’s presence, it was dour.
“Any success with hunting lately? he asked conversationally as he resumed, now focusing more on his footwork than his lancework. It may have been hard to believe, but out of all the teenagers and the village, Python easily had the best bow arm, and thus the hunters always forced him to tag along. Forsyth suspected the only reason he gave in is because hunting had significant down time compared to carpentry.
"I guess. Been seeing a lot of wild boar lately, but I don't think I'll tag along for that. A lot of work I'm not willing to put in."
Forsyth scoffed, "Two boar could feed the village for a week and a half! If you helped, it would save you a lot of work in the long run."
Python hummed in consideration, snuggling into his relaxed position even more like he was barely listening, but Forsyth knew he was actually thinking hard on his words. One of the few things he would put effort into was the saving of effort, after all.
"We'll see. It's a problem for tomorrow."
"If you," step, jab, "Always," step back, block, "Put off," downward swing, "Your problems," upwards swing, "Until 'tomorrow', then you'll never get to enjoy 'tomorrow'."
"Your form was off in the middle there, more shoulder, less arm," Python pointed out, and Forsyth adjusted accordingly, "That might be true, but if yer always doin' everything today, then you can't enjoy the moment. Either way you lose something, and I'd prefer to reap my benefits before I'm old and wizened."
Shaking his head, it was Forsyth’s turn to shrug, "I will never understand you as long as I live."
"Feeling's mutual, pal."
And for the next few minutes, there was silence between them. When they were younger, their time was almost always filled with antics, arguments, and mutually prodding, and there was still plenty of that, but they were now able to enjoy long periods of quiet together. 
Of course, nothing lasts forever.
"Python, look!" Forsyth called out, letting his lance arm relax, "Fireflies!"
True to his word, a group of fireflies formed a small bundle of light that was hovering near and on the bushes.
"They're a little early, but it is getting to be that time," Python supplied, getting up and brushing the dirt off his posterior, "Reminds me of when we were kids, staying up too late to see the lightning bugs."
"You're right..." he put his training lance aside, Forsyth reached out to trap two in his hands, a much easier task as a sixteen year old than a nine year old.
Python walked over to him, smiling in a soft way Forsyth thought might exclusively be for him, but didn't dare be so bold as to be sure of that, "Caught one for me too, just to finish the trip down memory lane?"
"Maybe I just want two wishes for myself."
"Ha!" Python gave him a friendly jab in the ribs, "You'd never be that selfish, it'd give you a stomach ache. Though your lofty dreams need as many wishes as they can get."
Forsyth’s heart fell. He often forgot that even his best and longest friend also saw his dreams as silly.
He did his best to sound chipper, "I think I'll just let them go this time. No need to rely on some bugs when I've got hard work!"
As he opened his hands to release them, he felt something, or rather someone, force them shut, "Hey now, what's all this about? That ain't like you."
"It's nothing."
"Don't give me that. Nothin, is ever just nothin' with you."
"You're being awfully pushy about this. Why do you even care?"
Even in the low lighting, Forsyth could see a unique flavor or anger flare in Python's eyes at that, making a feeling bubble in his gut he couldn't name. The look was gone as soon as he saw it, but it wasn't something he would soon forget.
"Dealing with you normally is already more work than I feel like doin', and it's double that when you're mopey. Better put the work in now than be forced to deal with it later, right?"
That's what Forsyth always said to him.
"It's- No one takes me seriously. Not my parents, not anyone else in the village, not even you. I won't give up no matter what anyone thinks of me, but I would rather not be dismissed anytime I open my mouth. My dreams aren't just some joke!"
"Forsyth," Python tightened his grip on his friend's hand, making Forsyth worry he was killing the poor torchbugs, "Listen. I do think what you're tryin' to do is impossible. But I know you're serious about it. I take everything you do seriously, even if they're wastes of time. Have I ever tried stopping you?"
"And have I been there for all the nonsense?"
"Am I here, keepin' you company because I know that you get unto yer own head on nights like these, when I could be in my comfy bed back home?"
Python released him, so he could in turn release the fireflies, thankfully alive, though likely quite annoyed, "Then that's that. I would love it if you learned to settle for a little less, but I'm never gonna get in the way of your big dreams. Yer gonna need someone with a good head on their shoulders to keep your big old noggin' from floating away anyhow."
"Python..." Forsyth grinned, much more like his normal self, "I'm sorry for doubting you. Lazy layabout you might be, bad friend you are not."
"Glad to see your common sense came back. While we're here," he smiled mischievously, "Why don't you tell me what you wished for?"
"It won't come true if I do!"
And like that, they argued amicably until their exhaustion finally caught up to them (and Forsyth’s father was an early riser, so he had to return soon), and they walked back to the village together. 
Forsyth hadn't come out here to find fireflies, but he had, and even better, rediscovered that no matter what he might feel in the moment, he'll never be truly alone.•
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theinkquiry · 5 years
What He Left Behind
Pairing: Bucky X Reader (could be read as past!Steve X Bucky or past!Steve X Reader)
Prompt: You, Sam, and Bucky returned from the Blip only to lose the one person in your life who had defined so many of your years. With your world forever changed, it’s hard to not be bitter about what happened. Bucky tries to help you heal. You both end up a little better, a little worse. 
Warnings: Not Steve Rogers friendly. Contains large amounts of salt. 
A/N: I had to write this because lately I’ve been waking up enraged about what happened to Steve at the end of Endgame. It hasn’t been good. We got a good dose of self-projecting here today, lads. 
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Two weeks after saving the world and you were sitting on a second-hand couch bought online, nursing a beer in your ‘brand new’ apartment that was older than you and Sam but younger than Bucky. Whatever show you’d been watching was left on autoplay for a while now. You weren’t really paying attention, but lord did you need the background noise. If you stared hard enough, the vaguest outlines of your slumped body could be seen between the static screen. Deciding it a fun little game, you looked only to find your reflection frowning back. You switched off the TV and turned to your side, taking another sip. 
You didn’t even like beer. 
Fourteen days since Steve Rogers ran out of your life forever, and you had no clue what to do with yourself since then. Unlike with Sam, the old man didn’t bother thinking of your place in the grand scheme of things.
Sure, he talked to you. It was an honor that he even bothered to ask for you at all. And as you sat beside him in front of the giant sprawling pond, you recalled a strange sense of calm as Actual Old Man Rogers drawled words of wisdom. About how he wished you two had more time together but ultimately it was never meant to be and your paths would have to diverge. It was supposed to provide closure and signal a new beginning. With the gentle breeze and serene atmosphere, you left feeling okay. That maybe a new sort of peace could be salvaged. A feeling that lasted for all of five hours before you were left a garbled, confused mess.
“Jerk,” you mutter to yourself. 
Even the insult tasted bad on your tongue, tainted by its connotation. But calling him anything worse would have been cruel to call a now nearly two-hundred-year-old man. 
Though you three only moved in a short while ago, the apartment looked so lived-in yet so empty at the same time. Water stains on the table from coaster-less drinks, but no centerpiece. Pristine white walls yellowed in the dingy lighting. A pile of mail on the counter- none important. Some old appliances that have yet to be used. You briefly entertained the idea of cooking until you realized that you, Bucky, and Sam ran on different schedules these days. 
You cast a glance at the door. 
“Still sulking?” Bucky’s voice came in through the door even before the keys started jangling. He came in not five seconds after with a bag of groceries, shrugging off his thick jacket and tossing aside his baseball cap. 
Teasing as his question was, you felt a little relieved upon his arrival. Ignoring what he said, you picked his hat off the floor in front of you. Bucky always managed to toss his garments right within your reach on the couch. Far enough so he won’t pick it up, but close enough for someone else to do it. How considerate. If you didn’t already know how much of a jokester he was, you might have taken offense. 
Though it had been a few years, Bucky’s wardrobe didn’t contain anything beyond a few plain shirts and his battered old jacket. “You know, you don’t have to wear this stuff anymore.”
“I’m used to it by now. And hello to you too. When’d you get up today? Two in the afternoon?” 
You rolled your eyes but got up to help put away some stuff in the fridge. “Only twelve, for your information. Where’s Sam?” 
“Out on Cap duty-” he noticed your slight grimace- “so it’s just us two for tonight.” 
You didn’t say anything back, opting to finish folding up the plastic bags and tucking them away before returning to your spot on the couch and staring at the blank TV. Bucky sighed loud enough for you to hear. 
“Do you want dinner?”
“We could get takeout. Or try whatever this is…” He eyed a frozen dinner box. 
“Not really hungry.”
He dropped the box in the freezer, nudging it shut. “You can’t keep doing this to yourself-” 
There it was again. You slammed down your empty beer can with a hollow echo. “And what about you, huh? Like you’re doing so much better walking around town dressed for a snowstorm in the middle of spring.” 
His eyes darkened. It felt a little bad, sure, but you weren’t any less wrong. As much as Bucky was nagging at you to find a new purpose in life and ‘move on’, the man himself spent most of his time wandering around all his old hangouts in Brooklyn and acting like the whole Thanos thing never happened. Like Steve was on a mini-vacation and about to walk right back and set everything in order. 
Bucky made his way over to the couch beside you, avoiding eye contact. “I don’t know what you want me to tell you.”
“I don’t need you to tell me anything. I need you to stop acting like what happened was totally fine, because it’s not.” You frowned, clutching at the empty can if only to hold onto something. “He didn’t even say good-bye!”
“It was a long time coming…”
“Was time hopping back to who knows when really so urgent that he couldn’t have at least talked it out with us?”
“Steve said that if he did, we’d probably convince him to stay.”
“Well then maybe he should have,” you argued, “instead of galavanting off back to the land of no internet. What happened to the guy who couldn’t turn back if a situation was headed south? ‘Cause let me tell ya, the events after the forties sure weren’t heading north!” 
“Maybe it was time for Steve to finally do something for himself. After everything, doesn’t he deserve to be a little selfish?”
“There’s a difference between selfish and leaving everything behind. Again!” The metal can crunched under your harsh grip. “We were gone five years. Five years he’s been allegedly missing us. Then what? We come back and he’s just- just okay with leaving us again?”
He pressed his lips together in an attempt to compose himself. “I know this is difficult, but like Steve said-” 
“Forget what Steve said! I’m pissed!” You threw the can to the floor and stomped up. “And I know you are too, so why can’t you acknowledge that?” 
Bucky’s stern neutrality didn’t waver. If he needed time to think it over, that was fine with you too. Now that you got started, it was hard to stop. “Every single day. I’ve been telling myself ‘it’s what Steve would have wanted, you have to move on’ and ‘he deserved to be happy with her’ but what about us, huh?”
Still no response, Bucky’s eyes zeroing in on the dusty wooden floors. 
“What about what I wanted? Or what you wanted? Or Sam? All of a sudden it’s goodbye Falcon, hello Cap. Why, because Steve said so? Steve, Steve, Steve. It’s all about Steve. And sure, yeah, I’m happy or whatever that he got to live a beautiful life with his lost love. It’s just so romantic and blah blah blah. I’m so sick of always putting Steve first! Don’t we matter?” 
“Of course we matter,” Bucky insisted.
“Well, it sure as hell doesn’t feel like it!” You shouted back. “We already lost Tony and Nat. Why did he have to go too?” 
You took several deep breaths. A few tears had already spilled over, and your face felt warmer than Bucky’s arm on hot summer days. 
“I’m not mad,” Bucky said after a while. His head hung low, allowing his long hair to cover most of his eyes. 
You bit your tongue, reminding yourself that you weren’t the only one hurt by Steve’s actions. Quelling your anger took some effort, and knowing that Steve left Bucky in this state made your rage seethe out again.
“Well you sure as hell aren’t just fine and dandy, are you?” You crossed your arms, pacing the floor. 
“No,” he admitted, “I’m not. I-I thought I could do it. He told me right before he left, looked me right in the eye and told me that I was the best pal he ever had. That it was time for him to catch a break. A-and I really believed him. But thinking back now, I don’t even know how I feel.”
You allowed your shoulders to relax, and sat back on the couch beside him. “He’s Steve Rogers. Of course he has that effect on people.”
 He kept on talking, though not necessarily at you. Sort of working it out by himself out loud. Every now and then, you’d squeeze his hand or rub his back. To think that he had lost his best friend upwards of five times now. It was a comically absurd number. The kind that put into perspective just how difficult processing everything must be. This was the only time Steve chose to go willingly. 
“He was so distraught over not seein’ Peggy for decades, but all of a sudden he’s okay with doin’ the same thing to us? I came back thinkin’ it would be one more fight. Then maybe, if even for a few months or something, we could… I dunno…” 
You knew how he felt. Maybe not exactly, but it could not be easy to hear that someone was with you “‘til the end of the line” only for them to suddenly tell you that the line stopped here, good luck. As close as you, Bucky, Sam, Nat, and Steve were before… it all still felt like mission stuff. Never truly having the time to do silly bonding things that other adults would do. Sure, there were fun times, but it all felt so incomplete. 
You felt duped every time you thought back to those years in DC. Every time you remembered when Steve would talk about the past- it stuck out like a warning sign. A premonition you should’ve seen coming. You let out a dry, bitter laugh. Purposeful or not, he really fooled you into thinking that he moved on, and that staying in the present was better than going back. So much for ‘no polio’. 
“You know, he never even finished his stupid list.” You told Bucky after his mumbling trailed off into silence. “No trip to the space museum. No team dinners. No movie nights.  Nothing. We didn’t even finish any Disney movies past the 1980s.” 
That seemed to make him crack a smile. “I wonder how the punk’s dealin’ without his weather app.”
“You think he’d miss it that much?”
“It was the smallest conveniences that brought the most joy for old geezers like us.” 
You burst out laughing, playfully pushing his arm. Bucky’s breathing evened out again, and he felt the slightest bit lighter. Shifting around on the couch, you ended up relaxing against each other and putting on something lighthearted to act as background noise. Half paying attention, half lost in your own thoughts. 
“Maybe,” he began in a soft voice, “before we try and hop back into hero nonsense, we can do all those things together. Movies ‘n stuff.” 
You looked up, a suspicious grin on your face. “Is that right?”
He scoffed. “Don’t look at me like that. Steve ain’t the only one who missed out on all those cool things, ya know.”
You supposed he was right. If Steve wasn’t going to stick around to experience your plan to ease him back to real-time, Bucky for sure would. You, Sam, and Nat had actually put more effort than you’d like to admit into brainstorming fun ways for Steve to reacclimate himself. It’d be a shame for all that hard work to go to waste… 
Bucky shook his head. “It’s kinda funny though. One moment you think you’re a second away from finally catchin’ a break-” 
“-the next, you’re left with an empty podium and semi-comforting words from a wrinkly old man.” You finish his sentence. 
“Hey,” he gave you a nudge, “I’m not that wrinkly.” 
You shared a laugh. The rest of the night spent bonding over the loose ends Old Man Rogers left behind and daydreaming about all the possibilities that still lay ahead of you. 
Little did either of you two know, Sam had been outside for a while trying to get a handle on his new tactical gear before any of the neighbors noticed. He walked in at the sight of his two roommates asleep. You curled into Bucky’s side, clutching at his shirt while he had an arm around your waist. 
It was a good catharsis, and perhaps you two could finally help each other instead of suffering in silence. Sam shook his head with a low chuckle. “Dorks.” 
He decided to leave you both alone, wondering what reactions you’d both have waking up so snuggled in the morning. One of these days, hopefully soon, all three of you could get together and try to build a new family in this post-Steve Rogers world. But for now, he stole one of Bucky’s sodas from the fridge, he tossed a blanket over the two of you, and let himself relax in the comfort of his own room after a long day of being Captain America. 
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sandcrdriesens · 5 years
Please give me some Valentine’s Day Stanlon!!
ahh thank u for the lovely prompt pal ! <3
Mike always hated Valentine’s Day.
He found it so silly ‘n’ gross! All the sappy cards, the gross couples makin’ out, all of the flowers everywhere, makin’ him sneeze. He just hated it with a burnin’ passion.
But ever since Stan ‘n’ him became boyfriends, it got a lil better.
“Darlin’ I’m home!” Mike calls, takin’ off his Vans and hangin’ up his coat.
As he walks into the kitchen, he can’t help but smell the lovely aroma of nice food. Maybe Stan’s doin’ somethin’ for Valentine’s Day? He thinks to himself.
Both men had been in love at first sight, bein’ attached to the hip as teenagers, growin’ only closer as they got older. They’ve been boyfriends for five years, ‘n’ Stan finally wanted to ask Mike the big question.
When he gets into the kitchen, candles are lit everywhere, Mike’s favorite song ‘Ivy’ is playin’ ‘n’ there’s two plates filled with lovely lasagna filled on either plate. Mike grins to himself as he thinks, what a sap.
“Hey Mikey,” a voice, Stan’s, says as he wraps his arms around Mike’s strong body ‘n’ kisses his neck softly. “Hey baby,” is all Mike can say before kissin’ him properly on the lips, fulla passion ‘n’ love.
As they both pull away, Stan nods to a chair for Mike to sit down.
“Hmm, what’s the occasion love? Ya don’t normally do this kinda thing when it comes to Valentine’s Day,” Mike says smilin’ as he tilts his head.
Stan’s heart almost stops, “Well, there’s somethin’ I’ve been meanin’ to tell you,” he gets down on one knee in front of Mike.
“Oh my god,” Mike exhales as he gapes at him in awe.
“Mike William Hanlom, I’ve been in love with you since I met you. Ever since me ‘n’ Beverly your father’s lovely flower shop as kids, I instantly fell in love with your kindness, wittiness, and your beauty. Everyday you continue to awe me with your facts or your talent or basically anythin’ you do! I love you more than anythin’ ‘n’ everythin’, so will you do the honors of becomin’ my husband?” Stan holds in a breath.
Mike kneels down in front of Stan and kisses him firmly before speakin’ up, “Yes! A hundred billion times yes!”
He peppers kisses all over the curly headed man as he giggles with delight, ‘n’ just like that, Valentine’s Day became his favorite holiday.
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nancypullen · 5 years
Whatcha’ Doin’?
I dropped the mister at Nashville International on Sunday afternoon and I’ve been living a bachelorette lifestyle ever since - and by that I mean binge watching the final season of Grace and Frankie and doing crafts.  I’m probably less bachelorette and more warty spinster.  I’m okay with that.  Besides ruling the television and being crafty, I’ve also been eating food that I know he’d hate. I made a big skillet full of stir fried cabbage, ground turkey, ginger, garlic, sesame oil, and green onions.  It tastes like the filling in an egg roll but without the fattening (delicious) wrapping.  It’s so yummy.  I had it for dinner two nights in row.  Tonight I’m having shrimp and zucchini noodles.  Mickey would be begging for pizza by now. One of the crafty projects I tackled was way outside my comfort zone.  That means it involved a needle and thread.   I don’t sew.  I don’t possess the patience or the vision for sewing.  I thought I’d do something more along the lines of cross stitch or embroidery. Somewhere in a box in our attic there’s a cross stitch that I started when I was pregnant with Matt.  He’ll be 35 this month so I should probably finish it.  And I will, just as soon as I lose the baby weight.  All kidding aside (I’m kidding about ever finishing that), I wanted to do something stitchy but without all of the stinkin’ rules.   I only enjoy projects where I can freestyle.  That often results in a less than perfect product, but man, do I have fun with the process!  I dug around in my stash and tried my hand at freestyle cross stitch - my two e’s are different sizes,  Turns out it’s important to count the squares.  I thought I’d add a cupcake or some cherries to this.  We’ll see.  It was really just to prime the pump.
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Soooo, I chose to use what I like best and started perusing my photos of dead people.  I felt that this gal had something to say.
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I removed her background and decided what words should accompany her (typed them backwards) and sent her through the printer on a sheet of transfer paper - you know, the sort you use to make decorative iron-on t-shirts.  
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I ironed her onto (that’s why the words had to be backwards) a piece of muslin and then popped her into an embroidery hoop.  That’s when the fun started.  I chose thread colors and then just started stabbing wildly to create some prairie flowers.  There wasn’t a single legal embroidery stitch involved, I don’t know any. 
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Wouldn’t she be fun framed with some suede fringe and attached to a red bandanna as a pillow front?  I’ll do something along those lines and maybe she’ll sit on a front porch chair this summer.  As long as no one leans in and looks at those stitches it’ll be just fine.  It was loads of fun to do and best of all, no rules!  I love making it up as I go along.  Tomorrow I’m going to meet a couple of pals for lunch and do some pottery painting.  The last thing I need is another dish, but perhaps I’ll find something useful to paint - maybe a flower pot or some pretty plant markers.  Yep, I’m thinking of spring.  We haven’t had any sort of winter so I might as well plan the garden. 
And that’s all the news that is news from my little corner of the world - just eating my veggies and making stuff.  Creating is good for the soul, whether it’s a delicious meal, some silly stitching, or planting a bright, blooming landscape. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.  Keeps me off the streets and out of trouble. Hope you’re creating something lovely in your world today.  XOXO
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