#just some rambling thoughts
the-friendliest-freak · 8 months
// Mild chapter 3 spoilers!! //
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This tape has been living in my head rent free. Like…it not only adds way more depth to Rich’s character (and implies he and Patty got married, woop woop), but it re-contextualises his previous tapes. I’ll have to talk about it in more depth sometime.
It’s also just…the fact that he knows. He’s aware that people don’t like him, which makes the fact he got sent to Reject Storage (where everything unwanted goes) all the more sad. It’s not just the higher-ups - even his fellow employees don’t like him.
Also, it adds a new element to his character - paranoia. Justified paranoia, like his justified anger, but he doesn’t know that yet. He thinks everyone is out to get him, which isn’t far off, honestly.
A lot of people had Avery and Rich clocked as being friends, or at least on friendly terms with each other, and the note “Lunch with Avery Fri” implies they were indeed close.
But listen to the way Avery talks in the first tape. When first hearing it, everyone kind assumed Avery was a little pissed because he also hates working there. But with this new tape…what if Avery just didn’t like Rich at all?
What if his sigh at the beginning isn’t one of tiredness, it’s because he can’t find the damn boxes and now has to resort to talking to Rich of all people?
What if their friendship was one-sided? What if Rich genuinely thought he and Avery were good friends, because Avery always listened to him?
Many thoughts.
Also “you’re just different” is always a “this character is absolutely neurodivergent coded” line.
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the-phantom-author · 4 months
You spend your first mother's day in New York with Hasan. You've known that he's planned on going for a while now; his mother's graduation was that week, a majority of his family will be in the city, and he's been looking forward to going. He's been trying to convince you to go with for as long as he's been planning on going. Obviously he wants to spend your first mother's day with you, be he also wants you to be able to have a break from being around the twins all day every day.
So, they spend the week with a few of your family members, while you and Hasan go to New York for the week. And it's a nice break from what your life has been for the past 7-8 months since you got to your third trimester. But it's nice, he's still streaming everyday, but they are shorter. He's showing you around the places he spent time around in Jersey. Your spending time with his family.
But most importantly, you two are spending time with eachother and just each other.
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bridgyrose · 6 months
While driving on a road trip, I had a lot of time to think about Ruby and her healing process and how much she pushed down just to keep herself going.
Like, Ruby started her healing process by going to Mistral to find answers about why Beacon was attacked and why so many had to die. She wanted... needed answers in order to really move on from her friend's deaths. And she pushed all of that down to keep going and moving forward just to make it to Mistral. And once she got there, she kept pushing things down.
The questions she wanted answers to only brought more questions, keeping her distracted from healing until she could get more answers and find out who Salem was. Haven was attacked, more questions were answered while more questions came, Yang came back with a relic, and then came a need to get to Atlas. And ever since then, it seems like every time a question gets answered for Ruby, two more take its place as she's pulled into this fight that she'd never known about.
Vol 9 was the first time that she had in a long time to rest, where the questions she had werent enough to keep her distracted as the feeling of failure crept up on her. And everything finally came crumbling down. Watching Pyrrha die in front of her, losing Penny twice, knowing that an entire kingdom fell and there wasnt anything she could've done to stop it... all of that finally weighing down onto her and becoming too much that she didnt know how to talk about it. And with the added pressure of her friends trusting in her leadership ability... she finally cracked under the pressure of everything she had been bottling up. The feelings she's had for Penny eating away at her, knowing that once again she didnt have the chance to tell her how she really felt, losing her just as quickly as she'd met her again.
Its not a surprise that she ended up snapping at her team or felt that she wasnt enough and that she didnt want to be herself anymore. There had been so much against her, so much pushing and prodding at her as she bottled up everything she was feeling so she could keep moving forward and be the person she thought her team and her friends needed. And even after getting back from the Ever After, her mindset still hasnt changed as much. She knows she's a hero, she knows she's going to die eventually because that's what all heroes do, but she has to keep moving because that's what she does.
But she's been healing. No matter what she's been through, no matter how much pushes her down or what she bottles up, she's been slowly healing as she goes and meets new people, seeing the way that a little hope is able to spark a raging fire for others. And it'll be interesting to see her continue to heal now that she's been reforged to be herself.
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djeterg19 · 10 months
Is anyone else having trouble reading Day's mom(I don't know her name tbh)? It seems like she would prefer it if Day did just stay in his room and rot. Out of protectiveness maybe. But also maybe because she doesn't think he can function like a "normal" person anymore. It goes back to the idea that they've been infantilizing him. Because she didn't seem thrilled that he was eating in the kitchen. And she absolutely wasn't thrilled he spent a day out with Mork even before Mork came back looking like he got into a fight. Yes, it feels like she's concerned but concerned in a bad way. Where she would rather lock him away from the world so no one knows what's happened to him. So nothing else can ever happen to him. Good or bad. But he would be miserable and she doesn't seem to care about what Day wants or what makes him happy. Night at least can see the positive changes in Day and went to bat for Mork as his caretaker. And how often does she go out of town on these long trips? No wonder she wants Night to be Day's guardian if she needs to leave for days or longer at a time on business trips. They could have just focused on getting Day help to become more independent which they could've started ages ago.
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the-orangeauthor · 1 year
So I haven’t watched all of the hunger games movies, because the books are definitely better, but I just did a re-read and decided to rewatch too because I haven’t actually seen the mockingjay movies yet but oh my god, the things they skipped and changed??? I’m definitely late to this but I’m gonna say it anyway:
Some are small, or don’t have too much of an impact, like removing Madge as the person who gives Katniss the mocking jay pin, or that fact that Peetas dad doesn’t give Katniss cookies after the reaping.
But then - they go ahead and skip the part where Peeta is supposed to get a prosthetic leg at the end of their first Games?? The leg was the source of some of their issues in the second Games when it came to running and evading enemies?
Also the gifts - in the first Games Katniss received bread from district 11 after Rues death which has such important significance rebellion wise. Gone.
Also in the second Games, the gifts of bread etc that was meant to be how the rebels communicated with the victors ? Gone
The hint of Plutarch showing Katniss his mockingjay watch before the Quarter Quell begins?
The fact that the first Games actually go on for a while, with days of dehydration for Katniss or fever with Peeta, yet the movie feels like the Games were only 3 days? I’m not saying they had to show each individual day but they could have shown the passage of time better.
The mutts in the 74th Game didn’t have Glimmers eyes / the shock value of being the fallen tributes
Before the 2nd Games, Katniss meets runaways from 8 which is when she first learns about district 13 and how bad the rebellion actually is
When Peeta and Katniss learn how Haymitch won the games with the force field and Katniss tries to use that too
There’s probably more, I’ve only just started Mockingjay but already I’m not looking forward to it. The movies are too gentrified and palatable - made for family fun. There isn’t the grit and shock that was present when reading. Some of these might seem small but they add the layers to the picture and shouldn’t have been skipped because it makes up for the lack of insight to Katniss’ thoughts.
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scarletspectral · 2 years
Ok so I know Sam is goth and would be really into like Specific music that would be more in line with the gothic community than music viewed as being more for the scene or emo communities, but, listen, she’s a teen in 2004 whose really into activism and you’re telling me she /wouldn’t/ listen to every band that aggressively went after the Bush administration?? You’re telling me she wouldn’t go apeshit for the album American Idiot by Green Day that dropped in 2004 and was a direct criticism of the society she personally loves to critisize??
I know she canonically likes Dumpty Humpty who are iirc just described as “rock” with seemingly no other genre specifics, but I’ve always kind of assumed she’d be into gothic rock and maybe its post-punk origins, but now that I’m thinking about early 2000s anti government pop-punk bands (seen more as emo music than goth in my experience) I genuinely think she’d be so here for it.
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mazzystargirl · 4 months
whats awful and frustrating abt the protest movement in the us is that it is very organized and beautiful but it is also outgunned. like our biggest fear is that the police may shoot & kill us.
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samueltanders · 1 year
Prisoners is a fascinating episode of Stargate SG1. The team work with Linea without really questioning why an elder, kind of frail looking woman is the most powerful person in the prison because she has the means of their escape. While they might have some reservations and feelings on her, they know they need to co-operate with her to get out of prison. Fair. But the most interesting thing is how after they do escape and bring her back to Earth, they don't really question her or put her in a room until they can grasp her intentions, but they offer up stargate addresses and give her access to computers and the SGC because she said she'd show them how to create the power source she used for their escape. Where is the caution? From my memory, there is no other time when they give someone such access to the SGC. It's interesting to me that they are sort of blinded by her look and their want for her technology to disregard concerns they may have until the formally blind man appears and gives his version of who Linea is.
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raptorbricks · 2 years
What was Lightning Mcqueen's life like before the events of Cars? Did he have a life beyond racing? By car standards, is he disabled on account of not having headlights? Would he even be road legal before he got his prosthetic lights at the end of the movie? It would explain why he needed Mack's to travel long distances.
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wyrmwyrm · 8 months
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Undiagnosed in the American Dream
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tawaifeddiediaz · 9 months
you know what boils my blood.
over the last 2 weeks, i've seen countless patients walk into my urgent care center, symptomatic for so many things, refusing to get tested for covid and flu, citing that they don't want to knowingly bring it to their holiday tables. i had a patient tell me, verbatim, "i don't want to test for covid, because i don't want to be the asshole who brings it on a plane."
i understand that - i understand that holidays are times where people look forward to meeting loved ones that they might only see once a year, or where they get a break from the hectic back and forth of their lives.
but here's the thing - whether they get tested or not, they will bring whatever they have to their holiday tables. it's pure recklessness to know that you're sick, and walk into someone else's house spreading the disease.
today, january 2, i saw 91 patients, many of them who have tested positive for covid and flu. many of these patients are the same ones who didn't want testing 3 days ago, until their events were over, and now, they will have to reach out to everyone they know to let them know that they were positive because they were showing symptoms well before their event.
the next week or two? we're going to see many, many more, all people with symptoms that started around christmas. these are the only two viruses we test for rapidly in our office, but they are potent and can be fatal in many people.
so here's why i wrote this post, and maybe it's a little late, but - if you care about your loved ones, please get tested if you know you're sick. it doesn't have to be at a clinic if you don't want it to, because the over-the-counter tests work just fine too (if you test within 5-7 days of symptom onset). just...please don't try to run from the knowledge that you might have covid, because immunocompromised people, elderly people, people with co-morbidities like asthma, pregnancy, diabetes, etc...many of them may not recover. and they may not be sitting at your holiday table in the future because of it.
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Just finally finished the last adventure time episode yesterday and also recently finished Steven universe and while I am so happy bubbline became canon and they did a wedding for ruby/sapphire/garnet it made me think about how queer rep (specifically lesbian) in kids shows always ends up only being canonized in the last episode/season when it’s the easiest for story creators to get it by studio execs. Like i am so happy we have made lots of progress with more queer characters but it still feels like they get treated as potential liabilities by studios
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onesidedradiostatic · 3 months
I'm thinking about the stupid fucking parasocial dynamic between sir pentious and alastor. I have questions
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the fact that sir pentious says "again" in the pilot and him saying they'd done battle "like 20 times" in episode 2, was this just like. a regular thing he did even prior to alastor's disappearance. where he would just come in every other week to attack alastor while he was casually doing stuff and alastor just forgot each and every time.
also keep in mind sir pentious is from the VICTORIAN ERA, he arrived in hell before alastor. how. how long has he known him. how long had he been DOING this.
sir pentious being one of the chronologically oldest major characters really makes you think about how much he has seen or knows about LMAO
also the fact that he says "for when I've slain you the almighty vees will finally acknowledge me as their equal" was he just thinking of alastor just being generally powerful that it'd be cool if he defeated him or did he know the specific significance of alastor in the context of the vees. I also find it funny that he found out about alastor's return BEFORE vox, yeah if he delivered a dead alastor to the vees after 7 years I'm sure that would've been one fucking hell of a shock
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somnimagus · 10 months
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My page for @sheikahzine; about Impaz's duty to her village, empty of people and full of memories.
[id in alt text]
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scarletspectral · 2 years
Thinking about the plot point in Baccano where an immortal character is given cement shoes and dropped in a river where he dies and is revived by his immortality over and over for around 50 years, cause, I wouldnt put it past Jack and Maddie to show up in the kitchen one morning like "these are the FENTON ANTI-GHOST ECTO-STICKING CEMENT SHOES these ghouls will be haunting the FISHES when we're done with 'em!!" or something while danny sits at the table eating his cereal like ((;゚Д゚)
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frownyalfred · 2 days
thinking about a Damian who was raised his entire life hearing how much he looks like his Father, how he's the blood son, how he's better than any other child Bruce Wayne has taken in, starting to buy into it like a kid does, only to hit puberty and turn out looking like 80% Talia.
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