#just that yes john was there but dean was the only parent he ever had
bonnie-toyour-clyde · 10 months
Plagued by thoughts of 12 year old Sam scared and alone and clutching a shotgun in a motel room while John and Dean are off on a hunt. John who told him not to call unless there’s an emergency and he absolutely has to. And he’s been sitting there for hours, wide awake, listening to every tap of tree branches against the window and every creak in the ceiling as people walk around in the room above theirs. Thinking about how he’d probably break around two in the morning and how John would answer the phone, frantic, thinking he’d been hurt. Im thinking soooo hard about his little scared voice apologizing for calling so late and asking to speak to Dean. About Dean taking the call and immediately hearing the fear in his voice for what it was. He just needs Dean to talk him down. And Dean would just walk outside and talk to him about nothing and everything until he’s finally asleep sometime around three and even then he’d stay on the line for another ten minutes to make sure he was actually safe. And how he’d walk back in and John would be sitting up on the edge of the bed nervously for him to come back only for him to shrug and make up some excuse about how Sam wasn’t feeling well and he stayed on the line while he went to the drug store and back and John wouldn’t even really believe it but he’d be too weirded out to ask and he figured as long as Sam was alright he didn’t need to grill Dean about it.
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andreafmn · 22 days
Kinktober ⛓️ Day 26
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Word Count: 4.0K Paring:  Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader Requested by @elizabeth916: "Supernatural" Prompt @kinktober2023: Masturbation WARNINGS: SMUT 18+ (minors DNI), slight voyeurism, vaginal fingering, masturbation, joint masturbation
Summary: After a hard life and a close brush with death via vampire, (Y/N) is taken in by Bobby Singer and taught the way of the hunters, even if that was the last thing he wanted for her. Add Dean and Sam Winchester into the mix, and she's more involved in the hunter lifestyle than before. Now, Dean is always always at odds with the girl. Even if he was the one who asked her to join them, he's always the one getting in her way. Sam says it's because he's in love with her. (Y/N) just thinks he's stubborn. One way or another, she's gonna find out they're both kind of right.
A/N: whoop, still doing this, I will try to finish before this october 🫣🫣 I've only gotten to season 5 of Supernatural so sorry this isn't more canon-centric
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Constantly being on the road provided little privacy. Being the only girl in a team of hunters made it harder to have some. Being the only girl in a team of hunters that were brothers made it nearly impossible to have any. 
But (Y/N) couldn’t complain. The Winchesters were the closest thing she had to a family, and they needed her help. 
She had lost her parents at a young age and had made a life for herself as best as she could. She was sent from foster home to foster home until, at eighteen, she met Bobby Singer by chance during one of his hunts. 
A couple of days before, she had been kidnapped by a young vampire as she walked from work and took her back to his nest, where she was fed upon from the moment she arrived. She believed she’d die there with nothing to show for her life other than a rundown apartment and a shitty waitressing job. 
But just as everything had seemed bleak, Bobby had come in swinging a machete around and killed every single one of the vampires that had resided in the abandoned warehouse. Seeing the girl who was barely clinging to life, the man took her back to his motel and waited until she had regained consciousness. 
He was sure she would scream, try to run away, or even hit him. Yet all she did was flutter her eyes open and thank him. She wasn’t afraid, nor was she angry. She had simply accepted what had happened to her as something else she had to deal with. 
“You really ain’t scared of everything I just told you?” he had asked her that night as they ate some burgers. “I mean, I just told you that you almost died because of vampires, and you were more surprised that they put pickles in your burger.” 
“I’ve dealt with worse shit in my life to find the supernatural unbelievable,” she shrugged. “With how my life goes, dying from a vampire is the least of my worries.” 
Bobby had only met one other teenager as nonchalant and used to peril, and he had not been able to help him as much as he wanted to. But he knew he would always regret if he left (Y/N) to her own devices after meeting her. So, Bobby offered her a chance at a different life. Going against everything he had ever believed, he offered her a room at his place and a new job. And she said yes. 
That answer had changed her entire existence. 
(Y/N) took to the hunting lifestyle rapidly, finding it easier than being an eighteen-year-old girl living by herself in a sketchy part of town. She invested all her time and energy to get stronger and faster, wanting nothing more than to become better and better.
Bobby tried his best to keep her life balanced, especially after seeing what the hunting life had done to John Winchester’s sons, Dean and Sam. For years, he pushed her to have a social life and do things normal young people would. Still, he couldn’t squander her determination. So, when Dean called her up one day to help him and his brother find their father, she quickly agreed, much to Bobby’s dismay. 
But once her mind was set on something, there wasn't much he could do; all he could do was hope she’d one day come back safe and sound. 
And that was the day she had lost all sense of privacy. The trio jumped from motel to motel, and there was not enough money for two rooms. Thankfully, there always were two beds and sometimes a rickety couch, not that it helped the choking sexual tension between (Y/N) and the older Winchester. 
From the moment they met, there was an undeniable chemistry between them. Sure, Dean flirted with anything that walked on two legs, but it was different with (Y/N). He wanted much more than just a one-night lay with her. He wanted the entire package–the apple pie life he’d dreamed of. 
But he wanted something different for her—something better than what he could offer. Like Bobby, he didn’t want her involved in the hunting business. He had even begged Bobby not to let her go. But Sam was right. If they had any chance of finding their father, it would have been with her by their side. Just because he had agreed to let her tag along did not mean he didn’t worry whenever they were on a mission. If he wasn’t making sure that Sam wasn’t hurt, he was worried that (Y/N) was, and more often than not, his concern came out more like hostility rather than worry. 
Much like their latest case. The three of them were sat at a diner, a giant breakfast spread on the table before them, and the only one eating was Dean. (Y/N) and Sam had their noses buried in books and laptops, trying to gather all information they could about a particular nest of vampires that had made their home in a small town outside of Detroit. 
The case was particularly personal for (Y/N). The vamps that had been running amok the town had been the same ones that had almost taken her life many years before. Just like Bobby had told her, they left an item of the person they abducted with a star drawn in their blood at the place they were taken from. The creatures looked for easy targets and always hunted in the darkest corners of the night. 
Now, (Y/N) had a plan to get to their nest, but it seemed she was the only one who thought it was a good one. “I’m just saying that it’s worth a try,” she whispered as she sipped her coffee. “I can make myself a target, and they’ll think it’s fucking divine intervention that they got the one that got away. Then you guys can follow and kill them all. I don’t see what’s so bad about that.” 
“Are you fucking serious, (Y/N)?” Dean seethed. “They could kill you on the spot. It’s too risky.”
“It’s the only plan we’ve got right now that could actually end this,” she countered. “Even Sam thinks that it’s good.” 
“All I said was that it could technically work,” the younger Winchester defended. “But I also agree with Dean that it’s too dangerous.” 
“I don’t care if I get hurt as long as we get them.” 
“It’s not about you getting hurt, (Y/N),” Dean spat, slamming what was left of his sandwich onto the plate. “It’s about you fucking dying.” 
“Well, it’s a risk I’m willing to take,” she countered with the same anger. “It’s my life we’re talking about here, Dean. Not yours.” 
“You’re fucking unbelievable!” he exclaimed through gritted teeth as he got up, grabbing his jacket in the process. “I’ll be in the room. I need to cool off.” 
Sam and (Y/N) watched as the older Winchester left the diner, a cloud of steam almost visible in his step. It wasn’t the first time he had stormed out that way; it was his standard practice when things weren’t going according to his plan. But that moment, in particular, felt different. The energy was different. 
“Okay, he needs to get over himself,” the girl muttered as she slouched in her seat, her arms crossed across her chest. “You guys cannot be the only ones allowed to sacrifice yourselves for the greater good. I know I can get hurt. I signed up for this job just like you guys did.” 
“I don’t know who’s more oblivious,” Sam snickered as he popped a slice of bacon in his mouth. “You seriously don’t understand why he acts like that with you?” 
“Because he’s a total douche with a god-complex?” 
“No, idiot,” he laughed. “Because he likes you and cares about what happens to you.” 
“Oh, come on, Sammy. We’ve been through this before,” (Y/N) said. “The only things Dean Winchester cares about are his car and you. I don’t even fall in the top five.” 
“Jesus, you’re both just so stubborn,” he sighed, rubbing his temples. “Go talk to him, and then tell me if he doesn’t care.”
“He’s just gonna fight with me.” 
“Go, (Y/N),” Sam exclaimed. “And actually talk to him.” 
“Fine!” the young woman finally relented. “But you’re getting stuck with the research then.” 
“Like that’s ever changed,” he scoffed jokingly. “Now, go.” 
(Y/N) took the short walk back to the motel as slowly as she could, kicking a rock in her step as she fiddled with the key. It wasn’t the first time Sam had hinted at Dean’s supposed feelings for her. It had become his one source of teasing material since they had met for the first time. But she had always taken it as a joke, nothing more—just a quip a little brother used to bother his older brother. There was no way there was any truth to it. And if going to the room proved that, then that was what (Y/N) had to do. 
As she neared the motel, she caught a glimpse of Baby, and a slight chuckle bubbled in her throat. That car was Dean’s one true love, and she knew that. He treated his vehicle better than any of the women he paraded in and out of their motel rooms or even the ones who never made it out of the bars. Hell, he treated it better than her or Sam at times. 
That was the reason she had never admitted her feelings in the almost eight years she had known him. (Y/N) knew they wouldn’t be reciprocated. Dean had never given a single indication that he’d ever share her sentiment. Well, other than Sam’s words. But who could believe him then? 
All she needed was one sign. A simple whisper from the universe that he did share in those feelings. That the reason he fought with her so much was because there were so many emotions bottled up inside him that he couldn’t help how they came out. Just one sign. 
“(Y/N),” she heard an exhale as she neared the motel door. It was raspy and guttural, and she knew it had not come from the wind. “Fuck, (Y/N).” 
She could have been dreaming. In the supernatural world, anything was possible. But the metal doorknob felt too cold in her hand, and the key turned too loudly for it to be her imagination. Behind that door, a scene was unfolding that surpassed her wildest fantasies, and she was the main character without knowing it. 
(Y/N) opened the door slowly, pulling it upward to avoid the whining of the hinges, and she came face-to-face with something she could have only dreamed of. In fact, she was sure she had dreamt it before. 
Dean was splayed in the middle of her bed, his hard cock in one hand and a pair of her underwear in the other. He ran his hand up and down his length, easing his pumping with the leaking precum that stained him. After every few strokes, he’d bring the piece of fabric to his face, taking a long drag before muttering (Y/N)’s name once more. 
His eyes were pressed shut, and his movements were erratic. Dean was close, that much she could tell. She could see it in the way he breathed, in the way his hips stuttered, and the way his skin had grown red and flushed. Dean was reaching his climax with her name spilling from his tongue. 
“So fucking stubborn,” he croaked out as his seed spilled all over his stomach. “(Y/N), fu~uck.” 
“Good to know my underwear didn’t just disappear three months ago,” she grinned as she finally made herself known. “Didn’t take you for a panty sniffer, Deanie.” 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Dean exclaimed as he tried his best to cover himself. He pulled the sheets from under himself, pulling too hard and falling to the floor with a loud thud. “How long have you been there?” 
“Long enough to know who you were thinking about,” (Y/N) taunted as she approached him. His legs were still on the bed, and his jeans pooled around his ankles while the sheet covered the rest of his body. At any given time, she would have made fun of him; tease him until he begged her to stop. But the heat that pooled between her legs had blurred her mind, and all that she wanted was to replace the hand that was working him. “Something you wanna tell me, Dean?”  
“God, you’re insufferable,” Dean huffed as he tried to get up. “It’s not what you think.” 
“And what do I think, Deanie? What did I just walk into?” 
“I just needed to relieve some stress.” 
“Oh, and do you always relieve your stress thinking of me?” (Y/N) mewled as she knelt down, her breath hot on his skin as she whispered in his ear. He stiffened up at her closeness, trying his best not to touch her. “See what I think, Deanie, is that what Sam’s been telling me is the truth. That you like me and that you care about me. And since daddy never taught you how to express yourself correctly, you just let everything out when you’re angry.” 
Those words ignited a fire in Dean. He no longer cared about his lack of clothing or the situation (Y/N) had caught him in. All he wanted was to regain control. “You think you’re funny, huh?” he growled as he flipped her onto the ground and towered over her. “You think that just because you caught me like this, you know everything now?” 
“I know enough,” she smirked up at him as she fought against his grip. “Matter of fact, I can feel it against my leg right now.” 
“And you think it’s for you? You think you’re the only (Y/N) out there?” 
“I’m the only one you know,” she teased. “And I’m the one whose panties you were sniffing.” 
“It’s just a matter of convenience, (Y/N),” he shrugged. “You’re here. That’s that.” 
“Are you sure, Dean? Because I’ve never seen you hoard the underwear of any of your past playdates. So, why mine? And why were you jacking off with my name rolling off your tongue?” (Y/N) propped her torso up by her elbows, pressing the tip of her nose to his, testing the waters before diving in. “And what if I told you I felt the same way, Deanie? What if I said that I’ve thought of you with my own hand down my pants? That I’ve edged myself for hours thinking of what you could do to me. And it’s not a matter of convenience for me, Dean. It’s the real deal.” 
Dean couldn’t believe what the woman under him was saying. He’d gone so long thinking his feelings were one-sided that Sam only told him the things he wanted to hear. To him, (Y/N) was too smart and too beautiful ever to want to be with him. He wasn’t what she deserved, but now he knew he was what she wanted. 
“Tell me you’re messing with me,” he grumbled. “Tell me this is just one big joke.” 
“Why do you want me to lie to you, Dean? Is it so hard to believe that someone can feel something for you? That I love you?”
“You don’t mean that,” he continued. “How would you know what you feel is real? It’s not like you have a lot of options on the road.” 
“Because I’ve felt like this from the moment I met you, Dean,” she confessed. Her heart had begun hammering inside her chest, begging for a moment of rest. But that was the last thing she wanted. It was the last thing she needed. “Why don’t you want to believe that I could feel this way about you?” 
“Because you deserve better, (Y/N),” he muttered softly, almost like he didn’t want her to hear it. “I’m not better.”
(Y/N) knew words were not enough to calm the doubts that drowned his mind, but she knew how she could show it. With a smile on her face, she pulled one of Dean’s hands with her own as she unzipped her pants with her other. She moved their interlocked hands to the wetness that had pooled in her core, pressing his calloused fingers on the aching bundle of nerves that had been begging for attention. “I know what I deserve,” she hissed. “And I know what I want, Dean. I want you.” 
“You don’t know what you’re saying,” he argued. But his fingers were telling another story. As if by instinct, his digits had started circling her clit, rubbing circles and shapes over the bud. “I’m damaged goods, (Y/N). I’m no good.” 
“And I’m not better,” she added. “We all have a past, Dean. It can’t stop us from living in the present.” 
“Is that what you’re doing, then?” Dean chuckled. “Living in the present?” 
“We both are, Deanie,” (Y/N) grinned mischievously, knowing she had won him over. “As soon as you give in, baby.” 
“You win, then,” he smiled. “For now.” 
Dean pressed his lips to (Y/N)’s, savoring their softness and their warmth. It was everything he had imagined and more. They moved perfectly in sync, fitting into each other’s empty spaces like they had been crafted for each other. And maybe they were. Maybe they were part of some divine plan and had no idea. But at that moment, it didn’t matter. It was the fact that they were together that made everything just right. 
“So, is this all because of me?” Dean taunted as he teased her folds. “This how you always are?” 
“Yeah,” she sighed in pleasure. “I can’t help it when I’m with you.” 
“Wish I had known earlier,” he grinned deviously. “I would have been taking care of you, (Y/N).” 
“I think we’ve been taking care of ourselves quite well,” (Y/N) teased. “I mean, from what I saw today, you got your system down.” 
“Oh, is that so? That mean you got your system too?” 
“Well, I have not heard any complaints yet,” she chuckled. “I kind of know my body quite well.” 
“Show me then.” 
“Did I stutter?” Dean smiled. “Get up on the bed and show me how you touch yourself thinking of me, baby.” 
Dean slipped an arm under her legs and another on her back and carried her to the bed, where he laid her body softly on the mattress. He kissed his way down her body as he rid her of her clothes, revealing the valley of her skin and marking his path with his mouth. 
“Show me,” he said as he kissed down her legs. “Show me what you do.” 
“You gotta get off me first,” she chuckled. “Or are you gonna do the work for me?” 
“As tempting as that sounds, baby, we gotta even the fields here. And we don’t have much time.” 
With a slight chuckle, (Y/N) situated herself comfortably on the bed, propping her back up with a few pillows. Just enough so she could see Dean’s form. He had dragged a chair and rested it just at the foot of the bed, his eyes firmly trained on the woman’s body. 
Soon enough, (Y/N)’s hands set off to work instinctively. They roamed her body sensuously, squeezing and kneading her most sensitive spots. As they worked their way through her skin, one rested upon her breast as the other made its way between her legs. She spread her limbs wide, giving Dean the show of a lifetime as her digits spread her folds and gathered her wetness before landing on her aching clit.  
She knew it was her hands that were touching her, but her mind quickly tricked her into thinking it was Dean’s calloused fingers running across her body. In her head, it was him that was toying with her clit, it was him that was pinching her hardened nipples, it was him that was bringing her closer and closer to her awaited orgasm. 
But it was clear that it wasn’t. Where he sat, Dean had taken his hard cock back into his hand, pumping at the same rate (Y/N) was touching herself. He slid his hand up and down his length, using his thumb to circle the head as precum coated him. In his head, it was her hand wrapped around him, squeezing softly as he tried to ride out his climax as long as he could. 
“Fuck yourself, baby,” Dean groaned out. “I’m getting close here.” 
“I always knew you were always too fast to the finish line,” she teased, concealing a moan that burst through. “Might just call you two-minute Dean.” 
“You really know how to shatter the fantasy, (Y/N),” he sighed. “Just do it, baby.” 
“Alright, but stop talking, Dean. You’re wrecking my fantasy here.” 
After Dean finally quieted, stifling a moan that was bubbling, (Y/N) continued with her work. The hand that had been touching her chest slithered down her body, sinking into her core as her other hand continued her attack on her clit. 
Moans and pants left her as she pistoned into her cunt, her digits curling at the end to bring her that much closer to her climax. She could see how hard it was for the man before her to keep up with her speed. His skin had started to redden and beads of sweat had formed across his body. His chest heaved quickly, and his movements stuttered as he held onto whatever resolution he had left. 
“Fuck, Dean,” she moaned. “I’m so close, baby.” 
“Me too, sweetheart,” he stammered. “Keep going. Cum for me, baby.” 
(Y/N)’s picked up speed as she felt the tight coil in the pit of her stomach threatening to snap. She had done that dance many times before, searching, pushing, beckoning her orgasm to the brink. But it was the first time the Dean that was before her was real, close enough she could touch him. Close enough he could touch her. 
It was that very thought that had her yelling out his name as her finish washed over her body, drenching her hands in her essence. Close behind, Dean burst across his stomach with her name dripping from his tongue, his eyes firmly trained on hers. 
Dean took her into another rough kiss as they came down from their respective orgasms, her lips so irresistible he didn’t care how out of breath he was. “God, you’re perfect,” he panted. “So fucking perfect, baby.” 
“Was that everything you had dreamed of?” (Y/N) teased with a grin. “Was that what was running through your head when I caught you?” 
“Something like that,” he chuckled as he caressed her cheek. “It was more of a contact sport, if you get what I’m saying.” 
“Well, we still got some time to kill before nightfall,” she offered. “And I’ve got enough for a round two.” 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, baby.” 
As Dean kissed his way down (Y/N)’s neck, a knock on the door startled them apart, sending them scrambling for their clothes. 
“Guys?” Sam called from the other side of the door. “Is everything okay with you two? We really need to get ready for tonight.” 
“Fucking Sammy,” Dean grumbled quietly, his eyes rolling as he slipped his t-shirt on. “We were just getting done talking.” 
“No fighting?” 
“We were very civil, Sam,” (Y/N) called out, trying her best to swallow the laughter that was bubbling in her throat. The pair had gotten dressed in record time, fixing the bed and brushing their hair. She was slipping on her boots when she whispered to Dean, “We are definitely getting a raincheck on that round two, Dean.” 
“Oh, you betcha, baby,” he grinned. “Don’t think I’ve ever been so grateful to be caught in the act.” 
“Just be grateful it was me and not Sam,” she smiled before kissing him once more. “Now, let’s go kill us some vampires.”
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sunshine-on-marz · 4 months
Dean Winchester x Reader
Setting: Highschool- Season 1
Being Dean’s favorite has some perks ;) and falling in love with him is.. well it’s a journey
Tw: canon level violence, parental death
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You’d practically been thrown into Dean Winchester. You were both 16 years old and by some stroke of luck, two hunters’ kids wound up at the same school at the same time. You weren’t friends per se but you’d talked. But now, some girl was shoving you down the hall and screaming in your face about ‘stealing her boyfriend’.
“I didn’t sleep with your boyfriend!” You shout, an attempt to defend yourself without punching this girl in the nose. And you hadn’t slept with him, he just thought you were pretty and he’d been caught staring. “Yes you did!” She screeched as she poked your chest and pushed you back by your shoulders. You felt your back hit something- someone. Their hands fell to your hips as he moved you slightly to the side and stepped around you. “She said she didn’t do anythin’. Maybe your boyfriend just isn’t that into you.” It was Dean. He’d left one hand gently on your hips, despite having to reach back. You were completely zoned out while Dean talked to the girl, by the time you’re back to earth she’d stormed off and Dean crouched down slightly, right infront of your face. “Hey sugar, thought you got lost in that head of yours” Dean smiles, gently tapping your temple. You smile “I- uh- sorry. And thank you! You didn’t have to do that” you stumble over your words, but god, Dean’s smile made you forget all about your awkwardness. “I wanted to step in” he says, his smile doesn’t falter. “No really, that was sweet of you Dean” he stands back up, gently resting his hands back on your hips “you’re sweeter” he leans down and kisses the top of your head “now let’s get you to class” he slid the backpack off your shoulder and hooked it on his.
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Dean swore to himself that day that not only would no one ever mess with you again as long as he’s around, you’d also, never again carry a bag if he could help it. So every morning, before the first bell he’d find you, take your bag, and walk you to your first period, and he’d walk you to every class after that.
One day, your parents didn’t pick you up from the bus, so Dean brought you back to the motel he was in, he introduced you to Sam and that little boy adored you from the first moment. Dean was content to just sit and watch you talk to Sam about school. Somewhere deep down Dean was happy someone was encouraging Sam to learn. Then your phone rang.
“Let me take this” you smile at Dean as you walk out the motel room. A minute or so later you walked back in, crying. “Woah, hey, what’s wrong?” Dean hardly got the words out before he was pulling you into his arms. “My parents” and that was all you had to say.
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John, thankfully, took pity on a kid with no parents, so from that day on you were riding with the Winchesters.
And Dean? He was looking at you through the review with hearts in his eyes. Absolutely enamored he was, and Sam and his father wouldn’t let him forget it. With John, it was more of hitting Dean’s forearm to make him refocus. With Sam though? That kid was relentless.
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“[y/n] and Dean sittin’ in a-“ Sam’s little song was cut off by Dean throwing a pillow across the room at him, then putting his arm back around your waist. Dean leans towards you “ignore him, he’s just being… he’s being Sam”. You chuckle at him “and Sam is my favorite Winchester”. Dean’s faux outrage somehow devolved too you writhing in his lap as he tickled you. The fun all stopped when the door lock clicked. Immediately the three of you sat straight up. John coming back from a hunt either meant packing and leaving or he immediately falls asleep. And waking up John Winchester is never a good option.
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It was like this for years, pining between you and Dean that the both of you refused to acknowledge. Pining that only got harder to hide when Sam left. When it was just you Dean and John it meant that you and Dean found yourselves alone more often, with no little brother to tease you whenever the both of you held eye contact for a bit too long or let your hands brush while sitting on the sofa. Infact, at some point, you’d stopped hiding your closeness from John too. Allowing him to walk in on you curled up next to Dean watching a movie.
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Dean never let you go on a solo hunt, not once. And in all honesty you were fine with that, when you wanted alone time bashing monster skulls wasn’t exactly your choice of self care.
Now, not too say he was distracted on hunts, but when he’d get a glimpse of you in the zone, it was sure to stick in his mind. And he always made sure to patch you up after hunts, he’d try and ignore the wound on his arm that probably needs stitched in favor of putting a bandage on your scraped elbow. He was sweet about it too, uncharacteristically sweet.
“This might sting doll” he says softly “but I’ve gotta clean it”, Dean presses a kiss to your shoulder while he dabs your cut with a cotton pad soaked in rubbing alcohol. “Dean I’m alright” you say, but the way you hissed in pain tells a different story. He shakes his head as he wraps your arm with a bandage. “Does this seem a bit like overkill to you?” Dean just smiled as you gestured to your arm “maybe, but maybe I just like taking care of you”
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Sam coming back was one of the best things to ever happen to you both, especially once you three got back into a rhythm.
But along with Sam came his teasing.
“God you two are still at it?” Sam asked from across the motel. “At what?” Dean knew exactly what he was getting at, but acknowledging it meant he was admitting to everything Sam hinted at over the years, and well, Dean wasn’t ready for all that. “You know exactly what” you could practically hear Sam’s eye roll in his voice. “Enough you two” you lean into Dean’s side. “Yes ma’mm” Dean mumbled into your hair as he kissed the top of your head.
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Dean was pissed, to say the least. He hadn’t wanted you on the hunt, but Sam stuck up for you, saying you’re perfectly capable, and now you’re unconscious in the backseat because of some kind of witch spell. “I said she shouldn’t come.” Dean mumbled as he reached back to grab your limp hand. “Dean I already said I’m sorry” Sam really did feel bad, but right now that wasn’t on the forefront of Dean’s mind. “I don’t give a damn how sorry you are! My girl is curled up in the backseat and she won’t wake up till God knows when because you wanted her on this hunt!” Dean wasn’t quite yelling, but his tone said enough. “Your girl?” Sam cocked his brow and leaned against the window “she isn’t yours just because you’re in love with her” Dean didn’t even try to hide his glare.
Dean carried you inside that night, laying you down in his motel bed. You and Dean have been sharing beds since you were 17, but it’s always different when you’re out cold. He kissed your cheek and took off your shoes. He’s so gentle with you, like always. Slowly your eyes start to open “Dean?” As soon as he hears your voice he walks to the head of the bed, gently cupping your cheeks “hey sweetheart, how ya feeling? Have sweet dreams?” Your little chuckle makes his stress fade immediately.
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“Hey doll can I talk to ya?” Now the last time Dean asked that question was 6 months ago when he said he wanted to go pick up Sam. “Yea.. yea we can talk! What about?” You make room on the motel bed for him to sit, he does. “Now I’m just gonna say this and I need you to let me finish before you say anything back, alright?” You nod. “I think- no. I know I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you for years sweetheart. And I’ve spent years wondering what it’d be like to get with you. And not just get with you—actually be with you. Be your boyfriend. Be able to actually kiss you and stuff. And I know you dont feel the same, and that’s fine. That’s alright. But I had to tell you” you were in awe at his confession, all you did was lean into his chest. “Love you too Dean” he leans down and kisses the top of your head. “Can I kiss you?” He asks as he lifts your head up by hooking his thumb under your chin. “Yea you can” and that’s all the confirmation he needed to lean down and kiss you.
And after 10 years, you were finally dating Dean Winchester.
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A/N: I LOVE how this turned out
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deans-angel67 · 3 months
Just Friends
Summary: They're "just friends"
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Word count: 600
Warning: none really, angst?
Everyone knew they were inseparable. Wherever she was, he was right there beside her. They were attracted by the hip, 'I'm going to get food.' 'Let me grab my jacket.' They shared a bed, and always did research at the same time. No matter what they were doing they were together. Dean and Y/n if one was close the other couldn't be very far.
A/N: Drabble. Let me know if you enjoy things in this format. Also would you be interested in me turning this into a series?
Y/n joined the Winchesters after her parents where killed. None of her family could take her in (not that they would have). So John kept her, she was quiet and shy, which was normal considering she was grieving. But she eventually broke out of her shell, thanks to Sam's thousands of questions and Dean's sympathetic glances. She'd answer all the questions and she started to be herself again slowly. She got closer to the brothers but mostly to Dean. It was bound to happen with the amout of time they spent together. They shared a bed, spent hours if not days in a car together and had all the same classes. Even though she was a year younger than him (she skipped 3rd grade).
They had quite a bit in common. Same music taste, they enjoyed the same movies and food. But something about them just clicked and they never left each other's side. Even when Sam went to college and John left, they always had each other. Throught out the years they went through a lot of things and they bonded, over trauma, over sports, over homework. They built an incredible strong trust between the two of them and it was never broken. Y/n was probably the only one who had ever seen Dean truly cry, and he was the only one who had ever seen her so angry she beat a man half to death. Which was extremely unlike her. They comforted each other.
Now they were adults, and they knew everything about each other. They knew the others triggers, when they needed comfort, physical touch, when they needed to be alone or just some encouraging word. Most people assumed that they were dating because of how in sync they were. Always knowing the others next move, but they were....
It was something they had both said numerous times throughout the years. Sam knew that saying those words always hurt Y/n. She fell first, how could she not? He understood everything that she was going through, he was kind and gentle. He smelled like pin cones, cologne and leather. Not to mention he was tall, with beautiful eyes, a killer smile and an adorable attitude with alot of sarcasm mixed into it. He always made time for her and his touch gave her butterflies. He would hold the door open and stay near by when he noticed she didn't feel safe.
But when he realized that he was falling for her it became chaos in his head. Her kindness, compassion and her soft smile. The way she always smelled good honey and mint even though they stayed in musty motel rooms. Her way of always having a brighter perspective and a chipper attitude. Yes, she had her bad days, but who didn't. She would play along his sarcastic wit, and she never failed to make him smile.
But neither was willing to risk there friendship for a stupid crush. A crush that made her heart swell, and that made him feel jealous the moment another man looked her way. They were oblivious to each other. They were just friends. That's what they tried to convince themselves at least.
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holylulusworld · 3 months
Designed by pain (4)
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Summary: Broken hearts are hard to put back together. 8 years ago, Dean lost something he didn’t even know he had in the first place. Will he get a second chance?
Pairing: former AU!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, implied break-up, angry Sam, Mary bashing
A/N: This was an alternative idea for the first chapter of my Bucky story: Monster-in-law masterlist. I decided to use it for a story with Dean.
Designed by pain masterlist
Designed by pain (3)
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“Sammy, I can’t just go to her hotel and ask her to forgive me or take me back,” Dean mutters under his breath. Sam talked him into confronting Mary and to talk to you before you got the chance to fly back home.
“Dean, this is your only chance. We will talk to mother and ask her if she has anything to do with the missing note. After we clarified that our mother is the worst,” Sam snorts at Dean’s pained expression. “What? We both know our parents are the perfect example of a failed marriage and selfishness.”
“Do you honestly believe Mother had something to do with the missing note?” Dean asks. He still doesn’t want to believe his mother would do such a thing.
“Yes, I believe she is behind all of this. Mother invited Lisa, and she distracted you. Hell, she even refused to acknowledge Y/N’s presence.” Sam throws his hands up. “Wake up. Our mother is a manipulative mastermind.”
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“I’m going to ask you this only once, Mother,” Sam stalks toward his mother. He straightens his back and tries to look even more intimating as he dwarfs his mother. “Did you steal the note Y/N left that night eight years ago? Yes or no.”
“Samuel, where is this coming from out of a sudden? How dare you come here to attack your own flesh and blood like that,” Mary sniffles. “I can’t believe my son talks like that to me.”
“I guess this means yes, Dean.”
“Mother, what did the note say?” Dean pleadingly looks at his mother. “I know you wanted me to get back together with Lisa, but please, I need to know if you took the note Y/N left.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” she snaps at her son. “If you’d excuse me now. I got better things to do than letting my sons walk all over me.”
“Stop!” Sam blocks his mother’s path when she tries to leave the room. “You will answer Dean’s question. I know you don’t care that you ruined his relationship with Y/N and that he lost the woman he loved that night. But I will not let you ruin the one chance he got with Y/N.”
“Samuel,” she sniffs and wipes a fake tear off her cheek. “I didn’t take a note. I saw the ring, that’s all.”
“So, you admit that you entered their room that night,” Sam takes a step toward his mother and another. “Answer my question. Did you enter their room and take the note.” He gets louder with every word. “YES OR NO MOTHER!”
“YES!” She sneers. “I never liked that woman. She was no good for your brother. I invited Lisa to make him see what he was missing out. I took the note and left the ring. It was for the best.”
“What did she write?” Dean asks again. “I need to know.”
“I don’t remember,” she shrugs. “I burned the note, and that’s the end of the story. You should thank me.”
“You are dead to me,” Dean shakes his head when Mary tries to touch his arm. “You ruined the best thing ever happening to me. I can’t believe I was too blind to see that you’re a manipulative bitch.”
Dean turns on his heels and storms out of the house. He gets into his car to drive toward your hotel, forgetting about his brother and his hurt pride. He’ll try to get you back. No matter what.”
“Now that Dean is gone,” Sam’s voice is dangerously low as he leans closer. “You will tell me what she wrote. If not, I’ll make sure John will hear about your dirty little secret.” He smirks darkly when his mother whimpers. “The pool boy…”
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Dean didn’t make it in time. When he arrived at your hotel, you already checked out. He drove as fast as possible, pushing his beloved car to its limit, but it was no use. 
The airplane was in the air, and you were gone. Once again, he came too late…
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“Mommy!” Your son runs toward you, giggling and laughing when you pick him up and twirl him around. “How was your flight? Did you get me something cool?”
“I got you something cool,” you whisper and peck his hair. “Look inside my back, baby. You’ll love it. Uncle Bobby got it for you.”
“Cool,” your son opens your bag to find another classic car model. It’s a 1967er Impala. A split-image of Dean’s car. The one your son wanted since he found an old picture of Dean and his car. “I love it, mommy.”
“I know baby,” you run your hand over his hair. You sigh but shake the sadness off. Seeing Dean after so many years hurt you more than you thought possible. “Let’s have dinner before we look for the perfect spot for the car.”
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Your son was fast asleep while sleeping soundly on the couch. After dinner, and a long conversation with your son about cars, and the airplane he drew, you fell asleep on the couch.
The last days drained all the energy out of you, and you couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that Dean had the guts to blame you for leaving. He even lied about the note you left.
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Dean wrings his hands. He debates whether to use the number he got from Charlie or not. What if you don’t take his call? What if you don’t believe his mother stole the note you left?
He takes a deep breath and dials your number, waiting for you to pick up the phone.
Dean closes his eyes, holding his breath when you take the call.
 "Hello, this is Ms. Y/L/N phone you are speaking to. I'm Michael Joseph Y/L/N, how can I help you?" Dean gasps at the other end of the line, whilst he tries to find his voice. He didn’t expect a child to answer his call.
"Hi, I'm Dean Winchester and I wanted to talk to your aunt Y/N Y/L/N..."
"That’s my mother, Sir. My aunt lives in France. I'm afraid my mother fell asleep on the couch. I'm asking you to call again in the morning."
"You're Y/N's son, huh?" Nosy Dean tries to get more information. "How old are you buddy? When is your birthday?"
"Why do you want to know?” your son asks. “Mom said not to tell strangers more about me. I don’t know you, so you are a stranger.”
“Uh-I’m an old friend of your mom. I’d like to give you something for your birthday,” Dean feels bad for lying to a child, but he can’t stop now.
“I'm seven, Sir. But I'll turn eight soon...well in a few months." Your son politely answers while Dean tries to remember how to do mathematics. His heart races and his jaw goes slack realizing he's got a child...with you. "Shall I tell my mom you called?"
"No, it's okay, buddy. I'll call her later..." Dean hastily says. The last thing he wants is for you to know that he knows about your sweet little secret.
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Half an hour later Dean stands in front of Sam’s door, he harshly knocks and calls his brother’s name.
"SAM, Sammy, we got to fly to London, today,” he calls for his brother. “SAMMY! OPEN THE DOOR!
Sam opens the door. He yawns and rubs his tired eyes. “Dude, it's 2 am. Why are you at my apartment?" Sam grumbles. “Can’t this wait?”
"Sammy…I got a son,” Dean splutters and wildly gestures toward his car. “Y/N got my kid and I need to get to London...now..."
Designed by pain (5)
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So this is what I have so far on the Dean Winchester character analysis it's a bit all over because I wrote it while on the bud home but I'm writing it in a notebook of mine in a more clear and organized way then gonna re type it once I get it done
Also if you guys don't mind pls add your own character analysis of your own or just things you've noticed during the series because I really don't wanna mischaracterize him and accidentally make him into a complete different person especially since Dean's whole character is literally so important to me
Also I don't want anyone to think I'm gonna excuse the bad things Dean has done to Sam, Cas, and also Jack. I wanna include the fact that he isn't that great of a person and i still wanna hold him accountable for all the bad things he has done throughout the series
How Dean Winchester is. Given the parental role and also the more “women” or ‘feminin’ role in the series and also by the fandom.
Firstly we will talk about the fact that from a very young age (four years old) when his mother died in the fire he was the one to grab Sam from his crib and ran out of the house while his father stayed back. We see this in the very first episode and was also mentioned in one of the later seasons, growing up he was given the parental role because John (the father) was to busy with ‘grieving” his dead wife to the point that he threw himself and his family into the hunter life leave Dean and Sam to grow up on the road with no real home, they stayed in dirty old motels and barely had money to live off of, you can see this by the fact that they never had Christmas and I know that’s not a very ‘big deal’ BUT the fact that Dean had to sneak off and steal from a random home to give Sam some type of Christmas and also the fact that Dean was arrested for stealing some peanut butter bread and then was sent to Sunny’s home or wayward boys. There was also hints that Dean barley ever got to eat and often have his food to Sam so he wouldn’t go hungry at night, I don’t know if it was ever actually mentioned but it was hinted in episodes where Dean would have flashbacks or it was hinted, you can also notice this with how Dean eats his food, it’s more animalistic and rushed while Sam eats more calmer and also less, that is because Sam never had to really worry because Dean always fed him but Dean never knew when his next meal was so I believe it is a trauma response. Another trauma response is also is his savior complex, in the show we often see Dean more concern for Sam then himself and and could also be a readily for his own self destructive tendencies but we’ll talk about that later- since Dean has taken care of Sam his whole life Dean took on the parental role naturally and also started to relaty on Sam to be there constantly because Sam is his only constant figure in his life much how Dean is Sam’s only constant figure as well. Why is Sam and Dean each others only constant figure even tho they both have John tho? Well that is because John wasn’t the parental figure they needed. They only could rely on each other and no one else, sure they had Bobby but they don’t show him much in their flashback so I don’t know how much of a role he had in their childhood because he only really shows up more in their adult life, I do belive Bobby was there in their childhood because we see Bobby and Dean playing catch in season 7 when Bobby dies but that’s pretty much the only scene we get with Bobby and younger Dean every other scene is when Dean is a adult, so that makes me belive even more that Sam was deans only constant and the same with Dean for Sam. Now, about the savior complex, there are multiple examples of Dean wanting to risk his life for same and wanting to ‘save’ Sam for example
•Dean welling his soul in season 1 to same Sam
• Dean wanting to save Sam from ruby and his demon blood addiction
•Dean wanting to say yes to Michel
•Dean trying to get rid of the mark of Cain
•Giving himself up to Amra
•Even giving his own childhood up for Sam
Etc (look up more of deans self scarification)
We also see Deans self destructive tendencies by the fact he pushes people away, him being a alcoholic, him hiding his own traumas and emotions resulting him to have break downs or out bursts of rage because that was what he grew up on. He never learned how to let his anger out in normal healthy ways I believe that was because of John and how he was raised because we constantly see John being abusive and taking his anger out of Dean.
Again this is super all over the place but that’s because it’s still the rough draft I’m planing on rewriting all of this to make more sense and also I still wanna add more things to this as will because There’s so much more I wanna talk about but just can’t put it in words exactly
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ambersock · 1 year
Very random spn question: do you think Bobby was a good parental figure to sam and dean?
This isn't a straightforward answer because Bobby's relationships with Sam and Dean were very different.
I’d say that for Dean, yes, Bobby was a good parental figure. In the early seasons, after John’s death, Bobby was really the only one who held any sway over Dean, who could call him on the carpet and get him to back down (4x22 Lucifer Rising, 5x18 Point of No Return). We also see in 7x10 Death’s Door one of Bobby’s memories where he’s letting Dean just be a kid for a while. Tellingly, Bobby does refer to Dean as “son” in 5x18. For his part, Dean feels comfortable turning to Bobby when he can’t talk to Sam (6x04 Weekend at Bobby’s).
For Sam, it’s a much different story. After AHBL2, Bobby tends to keep Sam at arm’s length, already nervous about his powers (3x10 Dream a Little Dream of Me). There is no sign of a young Sam in Bobby’s memories, and the way Bobby talks about Sam, well… look at this exchage:
BOBBY: Back at Niveus? I watched that kid pull one civilian out after another. Must have saved 10 people. Never stopped. Never slowed down. We're hard on him, Dean. We've always been. But in the meantime... He's been running into burning buildings since he was, what, 12?
DEAN: Pretty much.
BOBBY: Look, Sam's got a... Darkness in him. I'm not saying he don't. But he's got a hell of a lot of good in him, too.
DEAN: I know.
BOBBY Then you know Sam will beat the devil...Or die trying. That's the best we could ask for. So I got to ask, Dean. What exactly are you afraid of? Losing? Or losing your brother?
The phrasing that Bobby uses: “that kid”, “we’re hard on him”, “your brother”. He doesn’t include Sam in his familial circle, and he never refers to Sam as “son” while he’s alive. The one and only time he does this is in his letter to Sam in 10x17 Inside Man, three years after his death and two years after Sam rescued him from Hell.
Bobby’s concern for Sam also isn’t on the same level as his concern for Dean. Case in point: 7x02 Hello Cruel World when they discover that Sam’s been hallucinating Lucifer, Bobby just makes an excuse to not be in the same room with Sam but then later he’s fawning over Dean:
“Yeah. You just lost one of the best friends you ever had, your brother’s in the bell jar, and Purgatory’s most wanted are surfing the sewer lines, but yeah, yeah, I get it. You’re – you're fine.”
And again, instead of referring to Sam by name it’s “your brother”.
The saddest part of this is that Sam is clearly very fond of Bobby – he’s the one who doesn’t want to leave him alone in the hospital (5x01 Sympathy For the Devil), even before he knew that it was the demon, not Bobby, who disowned him.
It’s a shame that Bobby never really reciprocated Sam’s fondness until after he died.
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jensenackleswifey · 10 months
Don’t Ever Let Me Go
Supernatural Fic
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Summary: While hunting a Crocotta, you discover someone is alive who should've died 10 years ago.
Notes: Blood, violence, gore, death, anxiety, angst (?), italics are thoughts about the past
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"I think it's a Crocotta." Sam says from the seat next to me. "The phone calls from their loved ones before their deaths even though the victims’ families claim they didn’t... it’s the only obvious option."
Dean and I agree as Sam's phone rings.
"Agent Stiles."
I can hear a slight murmur over the phone, but I can't quite make out what is being said to Sam.
"Mhm... Yes, we'll be right there... Alright, thank you."
As soon as the beep of the disconnect is heard Sam announces that there has been another murder.
We all get in the Impala and head towards the latest crime scene to talk to the witness.
As we get there the body is getting wheeled into the coroners’ van and Dean stops it to check the deceased as Sam and I go up to the Sherriff
"Victims name is Lily Moonarch. She just dropped dead, same as the rest of them."
Sam replies, "Interesting. Any ideas yet?"
"Fourth victim and we're still stumped."
"You said there was a suspect?" I questioned as Dean rejoined the group.
"Yes, she was on the phone to the victim when she died." Dean and I shared a look, thinking back on what Sam had said back at out motel. "It's our only lead so we think she might have something to do with it."
"Okay well what's the suspects name, we'll head over first before you guys if that’s alright?" I ask at the same time as Sam appears at my side.
"Yes of course, her name is Phoebe Y/L/N"
Both Sam and Dean look at me wearily and I feel my stomach drop and my heart goes to my throat.
Sam is asking for her address, but my ears are ringing and everything seems muffled. I can barely breathe, and I can hardly feel Deans hand linked with mine, dragging me away back to the car.
Phoebe Y/L/N. Phoebe. Pheebs. My younger sister. My younger sister who died over 10 years ago when a demon killed my entire family while I was on a playdate. She was only 6 and I was 12.
"Mum! Dad! I'm home!" I yelled as I walked in through the large white door.
I heard no response, so I yelled out again but still, no one responded.
'Maybe they're asleep' I think to myself, so I walk up the stairs, but I stopped dead in my tracks when I see a bloody, red handprint smeared on the door of my parents’ bedroom.
"Mum?" I say anxiously awaiting her response.
I didn’t hear anything, so I push her door open very carefully. The scene before me is something no 12-year-old should see. Her parents dead on the bed in a pool of blood. A knife in her dad’s abdomen with his own hand wrapped around it. Her mothers throat slit. Blood splashed all over the room, the stench making me want to throw up. With tears streaming down my face I run out the bedroom and into my sister’s room, but I was too late to her as well. As I step in their room, a man is standing over her tiny bed with these hands around her neck, choking her. When the man looks over at me, he smirks, and slowly walks over to me, his eyes glowing red and he slams the door shut with just his mind.
"What are you doing here you sweet, sweet child?"
His smirk grows wider and so do my eyes as he continues making his way to me, but I can’t move. It's like I'm stuck in the mud, no matter how hard I try I just can’t move.
As I've accepted the fact that I can't go anywhere, that this is the end the door bursts open again, and a tall figure stands in the door, and I hear a shot.
"It's going to take a lot more than that to kill me, John." He drags out the man’s name, almost like he shouldn’t know what his name is but does anyway.
The man screams but no sound comes out, all that does come out is a long line of black smoke. The man- John, picks me up and runs outside and puts me in the car next to another boy who looks around my age and he runs back inside which I later found out was to double check that my family is in fact dead.
"Hi, I'm Dean and this is my brother Sam." Says the boy in the front seat.
"Y/N" I say through sobs.
"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N"
I jump up from the back of the same Impala I was in those 10 years ago.
Sam is looking over at me from the front seat and Dean is looking down at me on his lap with a worried look.
"We're 5 minutes away from Phoebes house."
I just look at him and give a late responded nod.
You can tell that the brothers are worried about me by the way they keep looking at me every couple of seconds.
When we pull up, I'm frozen in place, just like that night a decade ago but this time I have the help to pull me out of my trance. Dean puts his hand on my thigh.
"Y/N... Sam and I can do this on our own if you'd like? You can stay in here and-"
"No. I want to come. I need to see if it’s actually her." I interrupt.
We get out of the car, and I adjust my pants and suit jacket and wipe off the remaining mascara on my face and smile at the two brothers in front of me.
"Let's go."
As we're walking up the stairs in silence my mind is running wild with thoughts of what could happen. What is she's a vampire? What if it's someone else just with the same name? What if she doesn’t know who I am? I try to keep my heart rate normal and my breaths even but the longer we walk up these stairs the more worried thoughts are running through my mind.
When we get there both the boys give me a questioning look and I nod.
Sam knocks on the door, "FBI open up."
Phoebe opens the door.
"Is this about Lily?"
I stand there shocked, and Dean subtly holds my hand.
Before I can stop myself, I blurt out. "Pheebs?"
She finally makes eye contact with me, confused.
"No-one has called me that in years."
Sam puts his hand on my shoulder as a warning to stop and slow it down.
"It’s me Phoebe. Its Y/N."
"That can't be possible. The real Y/N died 10 years ago.”
"We were told you died 10 years ago." Dean told her.
"How about you come inside."
We all go inside, and Phoebe makes us all a tea and I pretend to not notice the holy water she boils for the drinks, and I sit down on her grey sofa in between Sam and Dean.
We sit in a semi-awkward silence until Phoebe hands us our holy tea and waits for us to drink it before continuing the conversation.
When there is no reaction to the holy water, a look of relief washed over her face.
"How are you alive?" Dean asked, almost accusatory.
Phoebe looked taken aback as she answered "I don't know. Just one day I woke up in my childhood home, cops everywhere. They told me my whole family were killed and my sister was missing, presumed dead. I went into a foster home and as soon as I hit 18, I moved in with Lily."
"So you have no idea how you go bought back?" Sam asked, sounding more sympathetic than his older brother did.
"Maybe she never died to begin with?" Dean suggested.
"But she couldn't have. I watched her die and John went and confirmed that they were both dead." I still remember the feeling of watching my baby sister die and never getting answers for it. Why did it happen? Who did it? I'll never get those answers, but it doesn’t matter anymore because my little Phoebe is alive.
"What about Lily?" She said, tears returning to her eyes. "Is it something supernatural? Is that why you’re here?"
"We think so." Sam replied.
I zone everything out after that. Looking around her little apartment. Her cat and the detailed drawings on the walls, she always was a good drawer, and the pink accents in her decor, pink is still her favourite colour. Everything is so normal compared to what I was expecting. I think I was expecting her to be a lot like me. A hunter trying to find out what happened all those years ago but she somehow managed to not get involved in this life and hopefully we can keep it that way by not getting her too involved in this job.
"Thank you for your time, Phoebe, we should get going." Dean says, putting his hand back on my thigh.
Sam and Dean stand up as I sit still, watching Phoebe.
Dean holds his hand out to me, and I accept it, getting to my feet and giving Phoebe a tight-lipped smile, still holding Deans hand hard.
"If you notice anything else strange, don't hesitate to call us," Dean hands her his FBI card. "We will call you with any updates as well."
"Thank you, guys."
As we're all walking out the door, I feel a cold hand grab by arm, and I turn around.
"It's good to see you again." Phoebe says and she pulls me into a tight embrace as I drop Deans hand. "I wanted to give you my number, maybe we can try and get to know each other properly."
"Of course, I would love that Pheebs."
A single tear falls from her eyes as I hug her again, never wanting to let go.
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This could have a part 2 possibly
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according2thelore · 4 months
bolting out of bed in the morning like, "what if mary didn't die right away in the fire. what if azazel possessed her so that she ~mysteriously clung to life~ for a few days only to die in a hospital burn unit, just to wring a little more psychological torture out of john."
john who is a fucking WRECK, having carried his nearly-dead/actually-dead wife out of his burning house at the tender age of twenty-nine. john who's really trying to hold it together, who just wants dean to come in and say goodbye to his mother because even if it's hard, john knows what it's like to not get to say goodbye to a parent. he wants dean to have that with mary, like he never had with his own father. the doctors keep saying she could go at any time now, and he wants dean to have closure later, even if it hurts now.
dean, who keeps insisting that "that's not momma".
john who keeps trying to explain that even though she doesn't look like how dean's used to seeing her, that is his momma.
and azazel who finally leaves mary's charbroiled meatsuit to die, but not before opening not-quite-mary's eyes one last time to give dean a slow, yellow wink.
(really, it's hardly a wonder dean didn't talk for ages after the fire.)
–majordemonblockparty 😈🎉
AGHHHHH!!!! cilla u knock this out of the park EVERY!!!! TIME!!!!!
azazel's kind of curious, about what that little girl with the boyfriend is up to. he knows that he's going to be coming back around to collect the baby--hell, this is his fifth house-call this month alone--but she sticks out in his mind.
after all, she's the one with the dad that azazel popped into, just to twist them around a little. so sue him for wanting to see if the little bitch thought her trade was worth it. she ended up popping out two brats, and azazel went to appraise the livestock himself. azazel stood outside one afternoon watching the older one bounce on his little swing, but even looking at him left a weird taste in azazel's mouth.
the younger one, he's perfect. azazel tries not to pick favorites, but what parent doesn't have them? he stands over the younger one--sam's--crib for a while, just looking at him, and yes. this is right. there's something behind his eyes, or maybe the way the fat under his skin smells. this whelp was made for blood.
the brat tries to stop him, because of course she does. little lamb's been fattening herself for years and now azazel's holding the knife. it's perfect. the boy--the one worth her youngest one's soul--is barely a man, now. he screams. he cries. the pads of his fingers char as he tries to pull mary-little-lamb off the ceiling, and they both know that he'll never be able to feel anything there again. the last thing he'll ever touch and know about it is the melted fat of his wife's forearms.
mary's soul is gone by the time they get to the ground floor. azazel rakes his fingers along her as she goes, and her soul stays stuck as john kicks open the front door, left in the wreckage that she lit aflame herself.
azazel's always been a big fan of poetic irony.
he can't resist grinning at the young boy holding sam in the lawn, holding the baby to his breast like a widow and not like a four-year-old.
john tries to bring baby sammy to the hospital. he brings him into the hospital room like this'll wake mary up, or stop the quiet little wailing that sammy keeps up day and night.
mine, dean screams, mine, and daddy, and please! he kicks john's shin and claws at his waist like some wild thing, and won't quiet down until sam's settled in his arms outside the room, where he can't see mary. adorable little fucker.
john sits at the bed and cries. he whispers nonsense to her, and azazel's ready to vacate the bitch, because this is a new level of maudlin, of whimpering and capitulating and begging that he's not interested in unless he's pulling it out of someone with the business end of a blade.
please, mary. i can't do this without you. i love you. then: please, i'll do anything. i'll quit the garage, we'll move out to the country, we'll leave this all behind.
then: dean's scared to come see you. he can't fall asleep unless he's curled around sammy. he won't eat until sam has. he doesn't look anyone in the eyes. he keeps saying that you're not here, that you're not his mom. what am i going to do, mary? what am i going to do?
john finally manages to bring dean to the bedside. azazel's got the vessel's eyes closed--hasn't opened them since he left the house--so he can only hear dean's quick breathing, his shuffling feet as john pushes him farther into the room.
say goodbye to mommy, john whispers, voice thick and tight and shaking. azazel's been letting mary's vitals slip for the past few days, out of mostly boredom. he's ready to leave this little family melodrama to themselves, especially since dean's been keeping the main event to himself.
he can't help himself when he hears john shuffle over to the window. he peeks his eyes open, sees the state of mary's skin for the first time. it's black. flaking. he looks up at the boy, who's stopped breathing. he smiles, and feels the skin of mary's cheeks crack and ooze. he winks.
and he slips out, devil-may-care, as the boy opens his mouth to scream, as quiet as he came in.
azazel wants to take mary's womb out and give it to john still bloody, tell him 'you did this to her,' but he doesn't. they all know she did this to herself, the short-sighted little cunt.
sold her son for thirty pieces of silver, drenched in john winchester's blood.
all azazel has to do now is bide his time, and wait for collection day.
anyway, i can only imagine the psychological warfare he commits against dean and john that whole time. what an INCREDIBLE thought good lord. immediate!post-fire winchesters always makes me insane!!!!
thank you as always for this lovely, incredible ask!!!!! mwah mwah mwah!!!!
-lizzy :)
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The thing is. The Winchesters would be a tragedy if Dean weren’t in it.
If there was no Dean narrating, no Dean with his car and pen and notebook, then there would be no doubt that the story being developed in front of our eyes would be a tragedy. Everyone is pushed by an invisible script along the tracks of their role in a cruel god’s story. All the characters are cogs inside a machine. The outcome is already written, it already happened. You can’t change the past. You can’t rewrite a book that has already been typed out. There’s no hope.
But Dean’s presence in the narrative changes things. Dean writing with his own hands on a notebook. Dean who is the future and who defeats the machine in the future. Dean who rips out the script in the future. Dean who refuses to be the character he’s supposed to be.
Dean who is hope.
I don’t know if the show will fix the finale. Probably not. An actual continuation will fix the finale. But this show, I suspect, could actually fix something else: 14x18.
The past has already happened so it can’t change. But the future can be changed, it doesn’t have to still follow the script.
Maybe I’m wrong and this show will, indeed, change the past. But there’s a way of fixing something bad about Supernatural without needing to do that.
If Dean is in heaven (again, the finale fix-it will be its own show, one that has Dean and Cas front and center) then this can be a partial for-now finale fix-it. Because the so-called finale (-guy pointing at forehead meme- there can’t be a finale if the thing doesn’t finish) wants us to drink up the idea that a dead Dean is static. He drives nowhere just to stop. He does nothing but drink a shitty beer that reminds him of his dad and shitty childhood, and the only prospect in front of him is to hang out with his parents next door.
This show has the opportunity to be like “oh? You put Dean in heaven? Very well. He’ll be Dean Winchester in heaven then. Doing his thing. Healing”. No static Dean who’s like “oh it’s nice to be dead :)” but a Dean Winchester who doesn’t stop fighting his fight, fixing what he can fix, help who he can help.
Heal himself by healing his family. Healing his parents.
We’re supposed to believe that Mary Winchester is also just happy to be dead and reunited with her husband for eternity. That was a pretty horrific perspective in Supernatural. Mary had started out a new chapter of her life, was making new experiences, dating someone else, learning about her husband abusing their kids - and then she’s slammed back into the dead wife role.
We were like, there is no way those two people can just meet again and heaven and just spend the rest of eternity together, like nothing else happened to them, like they didn’t both go through experiences that changed them.
But what if that’s what Dean is doing? What if Dean is looking for Mary and John’s friends, possibly lovers who could never be because of destiny, and allow them the life they could have had if not for the machine?
What if Dean allows them to reunite - all of them looking the way they did when they were all together, young and as innocent as they could ever be, already traumatized but capable of hope and love?
What if Dean is the one who brings the gang together again, yes dead - you cannot change the past - but free to be themselves and love each other and heal together?
This is my theory for a “the past cannot be changed” scenario. Who knows, maybe the show will indeed pull some fuckery and surprise me. Dean did promise us surprises. But if this is the case, then I think I would be still satisfied with it. Yes, John and Mary Winchester’s story is a tragedy, but Dean Winchester can heal it and consequently heal himself by healing it.
I mean. I would love a scenario where the show goes. “Ah, you put Dean Winchester in heaven with his parents? Very well. He goes to get his father’s boyfriend and his mother’s girlfriend. You’re welcome.”
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I'm finding the depictions of Dean and Sam parenting of Jack a little… caricatural maybe? With Sam being 100% supportive and Dean acting like John 2.0. This post is not to blame Sam or to pretend Dean acts perfectly, but I find some points are left aside too often.
Cas, about Jack (season 12)
Cas planned to kill Kelly, at first.
Cas (12x19): This has nothing to do with my reputation. I am doing this for the Winchesters. I-I stole the Colt to keep them out of this mission and to keep them safe from Dagon, and I– I will kill this girl so that Sam and Dean don't have to.
Dean and Sam know this. They know Cas' plan. They know what Cas did in the past (in particular to Lily Sunders and her daughter) and they try to come with another solution, removing Jack's power so he and his mother can both live.
The first shift about Jack is in episode 12. He uses his powers on Cas and, suddenly, Cas says: "I've been so lost. I'm not lost anymore. And I know now that this child must be born with all of his power. (…) I have faith. We have to go."
Kelly: What did he tell you? Cas: He didn't tell me. He showed me. The future.
Cas (12x23): I saw… I saw the future. I saw a world without pain or hunger or want. I saw the world that this child… that your child… will create. And it is a world without fear and without suffering and without hate. I saw paradise.
(Paradise being
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okay, okay, I stop)
This change leads to:
Dean and Jack (end of season 12 and beginning of season 13)
Dean to Cas (12x19): Okay, whatever that thing did to you, we're not just gonna let you walk away.
Dean to Sam (12x20): Okay, so last night…that Super Mario power-up crap? That wasn't Cas. That freaking baby isn't even born yet and it sock puppeted him. Think about it. Cas said that he had faith in Lucifer Jr.? What the hell is that supposed to mean? (…) Seriously I mean up until now if Cas messed up, if he did something wrong, but he thought it was for the right reasons, I got it. Right? But last night, when I looked at him, I did not recognize the guy staring back at me.
And this is Dean who, at this point, saw Cas being mind-controlled by Naomi and used as a vessel by Lucifer. Both times he felt something was off, without quite figuring it out. (He also met Jimmy Novak, Meta!Misha and the Leviathans)
Episode 12x23
Cas: You don't have to worry. The child, he opened this door. He'll close it. Dean: You sure about that? Cas: I have faith. Dean: Really? In your unborn baby-God? Cas: Yes. Dean: Well, then, you're a dumbass.
Dean, to Sam: Yeah. You know, Cas has faith in this kid. (…) I hope he's right. But me? I have faith in us. You, me, Mom, Cas. And Crowley. Sometimes.
Episode 13x01
Dean: No. No, nothin's changed. He's still the Devil's kid. He's still evil. He still brainwashed Kelly and Cas. And even if he hasn't gone Big Bad yet, he will. Sam: You don't know that. Dean: Yeah, I do. 'Cause when have things ever gone right for us? So until I figure out a way to end him, we'll bring him home. At least there, the only people he can hurt are you and me.
Episode 13x02
Sam: Look… losing Mom and Cas, that’s a lot to process, Dean, especially on no sleep. And the kid— Dean: The "kid"? Come on, man, you know how this plays out. Look, when we try to bend the rules, pretend that the bad guys aren’t so bad or that things will get fixed, that’s when people that we care about get hurt. And then we end up doing what we should've done in the first place, which is end the problem. So this time, let's start with the obvious. Soon as I find a way to take care of… It. Sam: Okay, look, yeah, Jack is on Lucifer's family tree. But we don't know if that DNA is stronger than Kelly's, or his connection with Cas. Dean: Oh, you mean the connection that got Cas killed?
Episode 13x03
Dean: I told him the truth. See, you think you can use this freak but I know how this ends and it ends bad. (…) Look, I know you think that you can use him as some sort of an interdimensional can-opener and that’s fine, but don't act like you care about him! Because you only care about what he can do for you! So if you want to pretend, that’s fine! But me? I can hardly look at the kid! Because when I do all I see is everybody we've lost! Sam: Mom chose to take that shot at Lucifer. That is not on Jack! Dean: And what about Cas? Sam: What about Cas? Dean: He manipulated him, he made him promises, said, paradise on earth and Cas bought it and you know what that got him? It got him dead! Now you might be able to forget about that, but I can't!
There are two major points straining Dean's beginning of relationship with Jack: what happened to Cas and the Winchesters' past experiences with trying to make exceptions.
And then-
Episode 13x04
Dean: All right, well, you said you wanted to help, so, uh… dig. Sam: Dean, what's up with all the orders? You're starting to sound like Dad. Dean: That a bad thing? Sam: I'm just saying his drill sergeant act worked with you… but it didn't work with me. And that's not the way we're gonna get through to Jack. Dean: Look, you wanted the kid here, he’s here. All right? But I'm not gonna hold his hand and tuck him in at night. Pass. I'm not gonna be his mother, and neither are you. And the kid can dig, so I'll give him that.
Dean: You gotta snap these cuffs. Jack: I can't. Dean: Yes, you can. Sammy believes in you, and when he believes, he'll go Hell for leather…but you gotta try.
Dean, to Jack: You did good today, Jack.
So, Sam compares Dean's behavior to John's and, in the very same episode, Dean starts treating Jack differently. I will not believe the two points aren't connected.
(Not-truly-related-note but I would have liked Dean being able to acknowledge to Sam he didn't think their father perfect and their childhood nice, instead of telling to literally everyone but him :/)
Dean, to Sam: And maybe you're right, about the kid. I mean, he tries. I'll give him that. And he tapped his powers, saved our ass, so that's a win.
(And in the next episode, Dean tries to die, but everyone remembers that.)
Sam and Jack (beginning of season 13)
Sam wasn't only caring about Jack's well-being. He was also interested by what his power could do for him. He doesn't talk about guiding him, but about teaching him and molding him according to his principles.
Episode 13x01
Jack: I don't know why these things happen. It's like I'm me, but… not me. Sam: Jack, look, before you were born, you opened up a door to another world. Do you remember that? Jack: Yes. Sam: Okay, could you do that again?
Sam, to Dean: Jack is not evil. He—he—he's just a kid. (…) We need him.
Sam: You wanna say anything? Jack: I… What do you say? Sam: Right. Thank you. You say thank you. And you say you're sorry. You hope they're somewhere without sadness or pain. You hope they're somewhere better. You say goodbye.
(The 'you say you're sorry' imply some guilt)
Episode 13x02
Sam: Dean, "the problem" might be our only shot at saving Mom.
Sam: So, Jack, we know Kelly taught you things before you were born. And obviously, you can, you know, make people or things move with your mind. But, what else can you do? Jack: I don't know. Sam: Okay. For instance, say you wanted to be someplace else right now. Could you?
Sam: Dean, whatever his powers are or will be… if we train him properly, they could be used for good.
Sam: I'm just saying, Jack doesn't have to be evil. We can teach him not to be.
Sam: I'll tell you what. You got some special skills, Jack. That's for sure. We just need to make sure we get a grip on them, so… so you don't hurt anybody. (…) And right now, we need to protect you. But we may also need to protect people from you. Jack: Maybe I'm not worth all this. Sam : Your mom thought you were. So did Cas. So do I.
Sam: He seems to have a real attachment to his mom, but only kinda a fuzzy idea about his dad. And his mom, Kelly, was a really good person, so that makes me think Jack can be molded the right way. Asmodeus: Mm, molded. I hope you're right.
(And a little parallel with Asmodeus' intentions)
Episode 13x03
Sam: Dean, we need him. (…) Mom…
Jack: Train me. To what? Sam: I've seen what you can do, Jack. You're powerful, but you have to learn to control it. You know, to focus. Jack: So I don't hurt anyone, anymore. Sam: Exactly. See this pencil? I want you to move it. With your mind.
(Another emphasis on Jack's possibility of turning wrong.)
Jack: I can't. Nothing. I'm useless. Sam: Alright. Jack, when you did use your powers, what was it like? Jack: I don't… It was like, breathing, blinking. It just happens. Sam: Even with Asmodeus, that just happened? Jack: No, he made me. It was like, like he was in my head. Sam: Okay, then imagine him doing that. Jack: No! Sam: No? Why not? Jack: Because I don't want to! It's just… I can't do this!
(Which wasn't the most thoughtful, empathic and caring idea)
Sam: Okay, but why is it so hard? I've seen you throw people across the room. I've been thrown across the room by you. I've seen you open a gate to hell and now nothing? It doesn't make any sense.
Sam: I think that, after everything that's happened you're probably scared to use your power, and me pressuring you certainly isn't helping. Jack: Really? Sam: Really. What do you say we call it? Until I figure out a better way. How does that sound?
Episode 13x04
Sam: Jack, I really think this would be good for you. You know, maybe a change of scenery might— Jack: Get my powers working again? Sam: Yeah, maybe. Jack: So I can be your "interdimensional can opener"? You're using me. Sam: Jack… when you were born, it ripped a hole in reality. Like a—like a door from this world to another, to a… a really bad, bad place. So—so Dean and Cas, and I, we—we closed that door. But… our Mom, Mary, she's trapped on the other side. If we can get your powers back, maybe we can open that door up. Maybe… Jack: You wanna save her. Sam: Yeah. Yeah, I do. But… if this doesn't work, if that can't happen, that's okay, because I do care about you. But I should've told you. I'm sorry. It's a lot and, uh… Jack: Dean can't even look at me. He wants to kill me. Sam: I won't let that happen. Listen, if there's one thing that Dean respects, it's effort. So come along. Help us out. Let's go be the good guys.
About Mary's death (seasons 14 and 15)
Episode 14x20
Dean: Sam, I know this isn't easy, okay? He—I know how much he meant to you. He meant a lot to me. He was family. But this? This is not Jack anymore. He's hurting, he's killing people. This isn't gonna be easy, but we're gonna have to do the hard thing. We're gonna have to do the ugly thing. (…) Ain't like it's the first time, though, right?
(Which was basically the whole reason he hadn't wanted to treat Jack as a person in the beginning.)
Dean: He killed our mom. Sam: I get it. I was mad, too. Or you know what? Hell, I'm still mad. And a part of me wants Jack dead. It really does. But, Dean, we haven't even tried to save him.
And, in the end, he wasn't able to kill him.
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Episode 15x14
Jack: Do you still think I'm a monster? Dean: Okay, I'm just going to say this, okay? Just get it out there. Jack. I'm trying, okay? I really am. But what you did, that's not easy to forget. Now I was angry with you, for a while. And maybe I still am a little bit, okay? But I'm not gonna let some evil Mary Poppins take you out. Do you understand?
Dean was working on forgiving Jack about Mary's death. I repeat: Dean was working on forgiving Jack about Mary's death. Mary, the only person John loves, the one whose disappearance destroys their family (from Dean's POV). She's supposed to be protected above everything else.
About Cas' and Sam's view of Dean about Jack
Episode 13x04
Jack: Dean can't even look at me. He wants to kill me. Sam: I won't let that happen.
(Great implying Dean would actually kill him.)
Episode 14x20 (after Mary's death)
Cas: You should never have tried to lock him away. Dean: You know what? You're right. I never wanted to put him in that damn box. I wanted him dead. Cas: Dean. Dean: He's dangerous, Cas, and you knew it! You've known it for a long time! But that's okay. You know why? Because me and Sam, we've killed just about everything there is. And this -- Jack -- oh, we'll find a way. Because he's just another monster. Cas: You don't mean that.
Remember that one of them thought the Colt was in the safe while the other knew where the Colt truly was in fact.
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deancasbigbang · 2 years
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Title: Don't Say Gay (in Russia)
Author: ValandraWrites
Artist: SoloArcana
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Dean Winchester/Castiel Past Dean Winchester/Lee Webb
Length: 75000
Warnings: Homophobic language and violence Attempted Sexual Assault
Tags: High School AU, Russian Castiel, Hurt/Comfort, Boys in Love, Musician Castiel, Pierced Castiel, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Past Abuse, Physical Abuse, Happy Ending
Posting Date: October 31, 2022
Summary: Foreign exchange student Castiel Krushnic arrived in America looking for a clean slate for his senior year, but his host family didn’t even remember he was coming.  He resigns himself to another year of isolation, but the green-eyed boy who finally arrives to take him home is as confusing as he is beautiful. Dean Winchester is less than impressed to discover his father had signed them up as a host family and never told him and Sam.  Now he has to deal with a grumpy Russian who barely speaks, a best friend who isn't speaking to him, a brother full of teenage hormones, and a whole litany of doubt about who he is and what he really wants.  It’s going to be a fucking disaster of a senior year. Getting closer to Cas requires that Dean confront his own demons as well as try to heal the physical and invisible wounds the past has inflicted upon the tender heart beneath the hard shell who only ever learned the party line that you Don’t Say Gay in Russia.
Excerpt: “So what’s the paper on?” Dean asked, leaning closer to the screen so he could see Gavriil clearly.  It was amazing that they were just chatting with someone all the way in Russia on Cas’ laptop. Cas huffed and rolled his eyes.  “Hugh Heffner.  Is biography assignment.” Dean cracked up, dropping his head to the ground.  “Are you fucking kidding?” “He had to write about American figure in history in English.  And the draft he asked me to check…”  Cas shuddered.  “Will be here a while to finish cleaning it up, if Gavrill can focus.”  Gavriil shrugged as Cas pulled the document he was editing back up, snapping at him in Russian as he made changes.   Dean laid there and closed his eyes, listening to the easy flow of Cas’ voice, the comfortable laugh he shared with his cousin – the only family member he had left.  Now and then, Cas’ gaze would wander over to Dean, and he’d smile, gentle and private, only to be rewarded with another guffaw and taunting garble of Russian. At one of Gavriil’s outbursts, Cas barked a laugh.  Dean poked him in the side.  “What?” “Gavriil says you are cuddly,” Cas said without turning. “Cuddly?” “Ahh, my brain is tired, um he say ‘cute like kitten to cuddle.’” Cas chuckled, clicking around in Gabe’s document and typing a few words. “I am not,” Dean pouted, making Cas chuckle again. “Да, Лапачка.  You are most cute.”   A broken gasp came through the laptop’s speakers, followed by a high-pitched squeal and another stream of Russian.  Cas’ cheeks flushed, and he tried to interrupt, talking over Gavriil with no success until he dropped his face into his hands with a groan. “Dean…  You know Лапачка?” Gavriil asked with a singsong voice. Dean scowled at the laptop screen, switching programs so he could see Gavriil’s face.  “Yes…  Why?” “What mean?” Gavriil narrowed his eyes and Cas groaned his cousin’s name. “Um, it’s like friend or something, right?” Dean’s eyes darted between Gavriil and Cas. “Is for… lover.” The way Gavriil said the last word is borderline obscene, and Dean’s brain began to melt. “Ummm…” Dean searched for words.  He was struck with the idea of just shutting the laptop and hanging up on Gavriil, making it all go away.  That way, he could stick his fingers in his ears and pretend this conversation never happened. Gavriil laughed at the look on Dean’s face, and when Cas lifted his head, his cheeks were flushed bright pink.  “Stop, Gavriil.  Ёб вашу мать!”  He turned and looked doe-eyed at Dean.  “I am sorry.  He thinks he is funny.  He is not.  He is walrus cock who can’t even write his own paper.” “But Cas…” Dean raised his eyebrow and whispered, not even thinking about how ridiculous that was since he was speaking English.  “He called me your… lover.” “Да!” Gavriil yelled, clapping his hands.  “Lover.  Hugh Heffner.  Larry Flint.  Sexy Sexy Bunny Boy, yes?  I have big kielbasa!”
DCBB 2022 Posting Schedule
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nolanhollogay · 2 years
fictional BOYBAND 🤯👀👀👀
yesss the moment I've been waiting for!!!
ok so for some background, I created these boysizes when i was thirteen and knee deep in my one direction/little mix/fifth harmony phase and i loved them all soooo much that i wanted to try my hand at writing my own group
(bcuz of this I'm very emotionally attached to them, as to be expected)
but bcuz I started writing them as a literal child, their story was not very well done/fleshed out, so I'm rewriting them now with my Grown Up Skills
time to unlock The Lore™ (under the cut bcuz im incapable of shutting up):
Okay so, to start, the group is formed on a fictional singing competition show called StarCaster yes, it's a rip off of the x factor don't worry about it where they are given the name Chrome Heart yes, its stupid but I got it from a generator and I'm too emotionally attached to change it
there's five members: Alvin Santiago, Edwin "Eddie" Smith, Rosscoe "Ross" Jones, Derek John Juarez and Cam Perez
Alvin is the oldest and the unofficial official leader! He was born n raised in San Antonio, Texas and he's the child of second gen immigrants, and the second child out of two! His father was very strict so Al is very good at following rules and making sure things run smoothly, hence why he's leader! He was the smart kid to his brother's troublemaker and he was always told that he was going to be the one to "make it" in their family! He's very intelligent, observant and an overthinker.
Looks wise he’s what I call classically handsome, like Marlon Brando or James Dean. He’s Honduran. He’s got dark hair, which he keeps short because he doesn’t want to deal with doing his hair lol. Tan skin, brown eyes, a straight nose, dimples, and a very wide smile that takes up his whole face. 
Eddie is the heartthrob of the group. He's from New Jersey. He's an only child and his parents are new money so he was very spolied growing up and basically told hes the greatest person to ever have lived lol. Because of this he's very full of himself and a little selfish and it shows. He's vain, confrontational and take charge, but also can be very thoughtful when he wants to be.
Eddie is our token white, so ofc he gets all the girlies. He’s tall (5′11″) and pale, with black hair and blue eyes. Just imagine a generic white guy and thats him.
Ross is from New York (where exactly is tbd). He has no siblings but he grew up with Derek John, who's his brother in everything except blood. They were both middle class and lived comfortably. His mother is a nurse and his dad is a mailman! Ross is very easygoing and doesn't really take anything seriously lol. i would describe him as laid back, silly, but also surprisingly good at being serious when he needs to be.
Ross is black and smart and sexy, universally appealing, he’s dark skinned, with dark eyes. Beautiful, showstopping, incredible smile. He’s 5′10″ and very angry about it because if he was 5′11″ he could lie and say he’s 6 foot but he can’t.
Derek John is the son of a lawyer and a bank teller. He’s the eldest of three with two younger sisters (they both also have two first names). He had a very troubled childhood because he had bad anger issues and would get into fights a lot :(. He was diagnosed with IED at 11, so like silver linings. Other than that he was chilling. Hes also a jokester with Ross and the two of them are always making trouble together. Hes very loyal and protective of the people he cares about, and also very kind! He’s do no harm but take no shit as a person.
Derek John is Mexican, 6 foot, tan, with brown eyes and dark hair. I’m running out of descriptives.
Cam, who’s first name is actually Mateo, was born in mexico, and he immigrated to the US (California specifically) when he was ten with his mother and grandmother. His father passed away from cancer when he was five. He’s always been a performer, singing and performing since he was very young, like three. His personality is kind of hard to explain bcuz most of the time he’s just acting in a way that makes him desirable to whoever hes with, but when he lets the mask slip, hes very quiet. But also he’s kind of a control freak, and has some obsessive tendencies (this bitch needs a diagnosis so bad). He’s very snarky and sarcastic, and he likes to pick fights with ppl bcuz he knows he’ll win. But underneath all of that hes a little sweet pea, gentle soul who just wants to be liked.
He’s the baby of the group and it shows very hard in his looks. He’s the tiniest at 5′6″, with a baby face, and big doe eyes and a poutty mouth. He’s half black so he’s darker skinned than Alvin and Derek John but lighter than Ross. He’s also my specialist most favorite boy.
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asirensrage · 1 year
Ten Lines Game
Thanks for tagging me @wordspin-shares!
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three or more) then share it. Tag others if you want.
the real question is which ones to pick?
Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down - Stranger Things
“This is my friend Steve. I ran into him walking the dog. His parents are out of town.” Deanna looked at him sharply. “They left you alone?”  “Uh, yeah,” he said. “But they left me money and stuff. It’s fine.”  “You were going to spend Thanksgiving alone?” she asked. Steve nodded and Deanna wiped her hands on a towel. “Tammy, add another place setting.” 
there's a heaven above you (don't you cry) - The Lost Boys
“Did he hurt you?” he asked, eyes glancing down her body. “Who? David? I’m fine. He won’t be though if I ever catch up to him again.” She glared at Paul. He had taken her away just when she was going to start getting her point across.  “Dwayne. Did he hurt you?” He seemed abnormally serious from how she knew him.
This Means War - Daredevil and The Punisher
Billy pulls back for a moment, eyes going over her face as though he’s trying to memorize every feature. She grabs the back of his neck, moving him down to kiss her again. Anything to keep him from looking at her like that.
Serendipity - John Wick
Staying in New York probably isn't a good idea. Not when they’re out for his blood. Still, it’s home. At least the one place he’s lived the longest. He has memories here and he knows the ground well. He doesn’t want to be driven out.  John goes to Aurelio. He doesn’t really have anyone else he can trust anymore. He shouldn’t even be here but he’s known Aurelio for years and the man told him that if he needed help, to ask. So John’s asking.
A Study in Intimacy - Divergent
All in all, after the final test, Eric passes. He is Erudite.  It is a relief but it is only when he sees Jeanine’s face as she welcomes him fully into Erudite that he feels like he can breathe. Her expression is trying hard not to be pinched especially when he says loudly that it is all because of her and that he hopes he can continue to make her proud. Her grip tightens almost painfully at that, but everyone is watching and all she can do is smile. He can't push her too hard. Even if he wants to...right off of a cliff. 
It's Always Darkest Before the (Second) Dawn - Shadow and Bone /HP
She glances at the other men in the room. This is not part of her plan. She wants answers. However, judging from the look on Ivan’s face, the clench of his jaw and the blatant disregard on Kirigan, she knows she’s unlikely to get them now. She takes his arm. “Certainly.”
"Season 2" of Caught in the Crossfire - Supernatural
“He agreed to be friends,” I said. “Just friends.”  “Good,” she said. “That’s...good. Right?”  “Yeah.”  “Well, as someone who was friends with Sam while you two were having your...weird sexual tension last year, he’s a good friend to have.” “You guys were friends?”  She looked at me unimpressed and rolled her eyes. “Yes. What? Did you think Dean and I were going at it like rabbits 24/7?”  I shrugged and hesitantly made a noise of agreement. “Oh my god Michelle!”   “What? You go at it enough here!”  “We do not!” “I’m sorry, but have I not walked in on you multiple times?” “Learn how to knock!” “It was the living room!” 
Untitled - Jujutsu Kaisen
“I thought you said we were avoiding the country?” she asks herself softly.  “There’s no choice,” the voice echos back. “Better we deal with him now and find whoever’s helping him.”  “And then what?” She shoves her hands in her pocket. Her headphones are covering her ears, helping it look like she’s just on a call.  “We deal with them.”  She sighs. “Yeah, I thought you’d say that. So what’s the plan?”  “Stay hidden,” it says. “Until it’s too late.” “For them,” she agrees. “You sure no one will sense you?”  “They never have. They’ve forgotten about me.” “Well, not for long I guess,” she says.  “We will remind them.”
"Fae M-" - Undecided, Maybe Shadow and Bone
It’s not a lie. She meant no harm…mainly to herself. What she stole was retaliation. They tried to steal hers first.  “Are you bound only by a contract?” She asks. “Or are you bound fully?” Her meaning would make sense to those who know. She needs to see exactly what he understands and who his loyalty is sworn to.  “You’ve gotten yourself into something deep,” he says. He avoids the question which tells her that at least he knows the type that has contracted him.  “So have you.”
Reality is Fictional - Multiple Fandoms
“What’s your name?” Helen asks softly.  Her eyes snap up at Helen. She still doesn’t know where she is or what happened. She doesn’t trust this. So she gives them a name that she’ll remember, one that she remembers reading about before she left on that date. A name of a woman who was left for dead. “Ariadne,” she says. It oddly fits. 
tagging: anyone who wants to join in! Make sure to tag me so I can check out your fics!
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michaelmilligan · 2 years
Dare I ask about catboy Cas?
You've dared. I'm not sure you want to know but here we go. XD
So, this is a Destiel A/B/O thing, with Dean as an Alpha and Cas as am Omega. It's basically arranged marriage, except they have some modicum of say in who they will marry.
Cas is a 'catboy' in the sense that there are a few people (generally Omegas) in the world who for some reason have cat ears and a tail. (Yes, I watched too much anime in my life. Sorry, not sorry.) Those 'cat Omegas' are treated even worse than regular Omegas.
Anyway, this is mostly about Dean and Cas meeting and doing the whole marriage thing because they're both pressured into it by their parents. Cas was married before and has a kid from that relationship (kid Jack my beloved). There's no mpreg in this story, Cas cannot bear children as a cis man.
The whole thing takes place in a modern setting (pretty much our current time). Dean and John are hunters in the sense that they're hired to capture dangerous criminals (kind of like the Huntercorp universe except without monsters). Sam lives in California, studying to become a lawyer.
So yeah, the focus of the story is Dean and Cas and how they learn more about each other and about how to live with each other, with some side characters thrown into the mix (unfortunately including John, who needs to get punched by Cas at least once I think, but also Bobby, Gadreel, Charlie, Benny and others).
I don't know if anyone would ever want to read this, but have a snippet anyway (under the cut):
Suddenly, a child's voice broke through the constant buzz of the lobby below. It was just loud enough for them to make out the words: “Daddy, daddy!” Dean spotted a small child standing by the door, waving at them.
Castiel's face lit up so much Dean was surprised it didn't blind him instantly. Then Castiel's expression turned so soft it made Dean's heart melt.
“Jack?” Dean guessed, and Castiel turned to him, obviously trying to school his face.
“Yes. He... I'm sorry, he shouldn't be here yet.”
“Well, now that he is...” Dean gestured down to the lobby. “You don't wanna go and say hi?”
Castiel hesitated, looking between the stairs and Dean. “That would be rude. We're still...” He motioned towards the meeting room.
“Pretty sure they ain't missing us in there.” Dean shrugged and started walking towards the stairs. It didn't take long until Castiel followed him.
“Are you sure it's okay?”
“Come on. He's your son, you can't just let him stand there.” Dean knew from experience what it was like to be ignored by your own father in favour of some strangers, and he wasn't going to be the reason that the kid would feel like that.
“Daddyyyy,” Jack squealed, coming up towards them on the stairs. It was only now that Dean realized there was someone with the kid, a tall guy dressed in pretty formal clothes who seemed torn between holding the kid back and letting him get to his dad. It also took Dean a moment to realize that like his dad, Jack also had cat ears and a tail, though both in the same brown that his hair was.
In the end, Jack got his will and clutched at his dad's leg.
“Hello, Jack.” Castiel was smiling radiantly again, and he picked the child up in his arms, then carried him back down the stairs.
Dean was impressed. The kid was five, according to what Naomi had said, so he couldn't exactly have been light.
“I'm sorry, sir. We got here earlier than expected and he really wanted to go into the building,” the tall guy explained, glancing at Dean shortly before concentrating back on Castiel. “I thought you would still be in the meeting room...”
“It's okay, Gadreel. Technically, we still are in the meeting. This is... you know. His name is Dean.” Castiel set Jack down and crouched in front of him. “Did you want to see me, Jack?”
“Yes, daddy.” The kid's expression turned sheepish. “Gadreel said that if I was patient, I could have some nougat. But I wasn't patient.”
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he11sprncss · 20 days
Was there anything their parents pushed them to do? + What is a deal-breaker when it comes to dating someone?
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while john winchester was raising her, he mostly pushed her to live a normal life. kept her in school with he help of bobby singer and made her be as far off from hunting as possible. made sure she got good grades and got into a good college -- get her far away from everything as for lucifer , aka her actual father , he pushes her to let him in and join him down in hell so they can take on his big plans together and get her to convince sam to say yes to him. naturally, delaney despises her father ( and honestly john too ) and tries to be everything else but like him. let's just say the only good sort of parent figure delaney ever had was dean, camden ( @hcllchesters ) & sam winchester and bobby singer
they don't get along with delaney's older brothers && they're dishonest with her && and try to control her
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