#just think about the shit these two have to put up with ahahaha
bee-wg · 1 month
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Year 4:
Beep Beep Beep Beep
“Oh my god, uncle! You’re gonna burn the house down!” Theo yelled.
“David, What happened? Is your hand bleeding?” Mom screamed
“Ahahaha, it’s nothing Chloe, don’t worry about it. I was just trying to make everyone a surprise breakfast,” Dad said.
“It’s nothing? There’s fire on the stove!” Mom said frantically.
“I got the fire extinguisher, don’t worry. Just a little mishap,” Dad said, trying to cheer them up.
“Uncle, you’re bleeding all over the fire extinguisher! We need to get him to the hospital,” Theo said.
“Hahaha, I guess I am a little clumsy,” Dad said.
Beep Beep Beep
“Someone please turn off the fire alarm, it’s stressing me out,” Mom asked
“What’s happening?” I asked, half asleep in my Pajamas.
Sometimes life surprises you, one moment, you were having a sweet dream. Then, you’re driving your bleeding father to the hospital in Pajamas. The new SUV does feel nice to drive, at least.
“I’m fine, guys. I think it must be the sugar. If I would’ve put more in it, this wouldn’t have happened,” Dad said.
“David, I love you, but don’t you EVER pull stupid stunts like that again,” Mom said, leaning on Dad’s shoulder.
Apparently, Dad wanted to surprise us with waffles for breakfast and thank Mom for all the delicious food she made. He was also hungry for a snack, so he broke Mom's one rule: Don’t mess with her kitchen.
The doctor said he could remove the cast in two months, about the time Theo and I graduate. He already got an internship in a restaurant, bringing home some fancy leftovers. 
Mom has not let off her sight from Dad since we got back. She gave him a firm warning and pinched his cheek. Now Dad gets ice cream and meals delivered to his mouth without lifting a finger.
I wish someone would do that for me. Imagine not having to leave the bed and constantly having sweets in your mouth. That would be a dream.
My thoughts disturb me sometimes. 
Since winning the competition, I have accepted that I will never be muscular again. The original plan was to savour everything I could for a year, then go on a diet. Mom and Theo have slowed down with the food so that I won’t eat until my stomach is about to burst, but they won’t refuse if I ask for something.
Now I am close to 500 pounds with my stomach always growling for more. I guess it’s just another fat ass behaviour I would have to accept.
Since losing weight is out of the question, I have figured out a way to keep my core muscle fit enough to support the enormous belly in front of me. It’s simple, I stick an 8-inch dildo from Seven’s house to my chair, and I would sit on it when I’m playing video games or watching a movie. When the itch gets too much, I can use my core muscles to lift myself up and down. This way, I get to work out and get off. It's not good for the chair, but who cares? It’s reinforced.
It was a regular lunchtime when Brad broke into my house again. Usually, he would greet my parents and head straight upstairs to perform witchcraft for all I care, but today, his footsteps are leading to my door.
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Brad is the kind of asshole that does not knock. I still have the dildo in me!
I panicked and pulled up my pants before getting off the dildo.
He came in right as I flopped my belly down to cover the fact that my pants were not fully pulled up.
“Sup,” I said.
“Sup, Jay,” he reached out his fist for a bump.
“So, you know our last season of football in college just ended,” he said. 
Brad walked to my left to sit on my bed.
I rotate my seat to face him so he doesn’t see my ass hanging out in the back.
“Oh, fuck!” I yelped.
Fuck, the dildo twisted in the movement, now poking my prostate. 
“You okay, dude?” Brad asked.
“Of course, continue,” I said with the best smile I could muster.
“The guys are celebrating, so it’s like the last party for the team, and I was wondering if,”
“Okay, yeah, I’ll go,” I said quickly.
“Oh, that’s it? You usually don't like to go out or like- move at all,” he said, then stood up.
His sudden movement startled me, and the dildo jerked deeper.
“Are you sure you’re okay, dude?” Brad said, walking closer.
“I’m all good bruh, don’t worry,” I said.
I can feel my hole tensing, almost swallowing the dildo whole.
“I just don’t want you to be angry at me for fucking your cousin. If you want me to stop, I will,” he said.
“You what the who?” I said, baffled.
“I’m fucking,”
“Ew no, don’t tell me. I’m fine as long as you never mention doing that with my cousin ever again,” I said.
He let out a breath.
“Well, that’s something out of my chest. I’m going up now. I’ll come here and pick you up tomorrow night,” Brad said, rushing out the door.
I let out a breath too.
The locks will never be open after this traumatic experience.
My ass is still tingling, so I quickly fuck myself with the dildo to get over with it.
The drive to the house has been excruciatingly slow because Brad is a cautious driver. It leaves a lot of time to think without food distracting me.
I am now extremely aware of the bright yellow Pikachu face stretching across my belly. There aren't many clothes that fit me, and it’s been a while since I went out, so I didn’t bother buying new shirts. 
I haven’t seen them in a while. They’re gonna think I’m fucking lame.
“Dude, snap out of it. Everyone there misses you. I didn’t invite the assholes,” Brad said.
“…I guess.” 
“You’re doing the arm-scratching thing again, haven’t seen you doing that in a while,” Brad said.
“I’m going to put on some music, and you’re going to stop thinking, okay?” Brad added.
“Yeah, okay,” I replied.
When we opened the door, Marcus the quarterback greeted us, and half my worries melted away. 
He is about 300 pounds, which feels skinny to me now. At least I’m not the only fat one.
Now that I look into it, not everyone has defined abs. I don’t know why I expected everyone to be runway models. Even Brad is softer around the middle.
“Dude! Where have you been?” Aiden yelled.
“Oh shit, you look humongous, my guy,” Braxton said.
We quickly got back into the groove we had two summers ago.
Brad booted up a party game, and we tried our hardest to destroy each other.
We also caught up on what each of us was up to this past year, or what to do with our future. Aiden wants to marry his girlfriend, Marcus wants to join his boyfriend’s band, and Brad wants to be a freelance artist alongside his side job.
When the night came, They ordered some Chicken wings and pizzas.
“Fuck yeah, trash food! No more diet from Coach,” Aiden said, taking away half the pizza.
“By the way, I bought extra pizzas to see how much we can push ourselves,” Brad said.
I have a bad feeling about this.
“Of course, if it’s too much, we can always count on Jay,” Brad laughed.
There are six of us, with twenty large pizzas. I am screwed.
“It’s just some pizzas, no big deal. I can beat Jay easily,” Braxton, the most muscular guy in the group, said.
“Hahaha, don’t underestimate him, my dude,” Brad replied.
Except for Marcus, all of them are wimps. They started groaning and bitching after a few slices.
“Damn it, how do you make it look so easy,” Aiden asked.
“There’s a technique to it, dumb ass. I trained for this shit,” I answered.
Aiden then passed out from the food coma after six slices. 
Two more people soon followed after him.
Brad is on his way to his second pizza. His stomach has never looked this bloated before. Marcus is trying his hardest on his fourth one, but the guy is barely hanging on.
When the seventh pizza box emptied, I was stuffed beyond belief.
The guys woke up and refocused their energy on me to finish the rest.
“There’s only two left, people. Finish it,” I said, pointing at the boxes.
“We’re not on your level, Jay. You’re like, a pro at this,” Aiden said.
“Yeah, man. Only you can do it,” Brad said.
Braxton handed the pizza box over, and they started feeding me slice by slice.
“Come on Jay, you’re better than this,” Aiden said and rubbed my belly.
These people have no personal boundaries like always.
I am beyond capacity after the eighth one.
This was most likely a fucked up plan by Brad to show they don’t care I’m a fat ass. I still believed they wouldn’t like me because of my size until a few hours ago, now it seems ridiculous to reject all those party invites last year. Well, maybe I was up to something because now they’re trying to suffocate me with pizzas.
When Aiden stuffed the last of the slices in my mouth, everyone cheered.
Tonight was absurd, but I got my friends back. When some guys were not happy for a fat guy to be on the team, they stopped hanging out with me. I thought I was a lost cause.
“Dude, you better come back next time,” Aiden said.
“I’m gonna beat you next time, Jay. Watch it,” Braxton said.
“Awesome to have you back, man,” Marcus said.
It reminds me of that summer when we hung out by the river every time the fast food party room got too suffocating, when my worries were carried away by the water. 
“Thanks, Brad. For doing this,” I told him once we got in the car.
“No problem, I’m always here,” he answered.
I must have gotten too sentimental, or pizzas are clogging my brain, but I opened my Instagram and tabbed Recent in the search bar.
It seems like he made some new decorations for the coffee shop. 
I scrolled down to see the picture of the beach.
“Stop scrolling like a creep, Jay. Just call him,” he said.
“What?” I asked.
“He’s still waiting for that coffee,” Brad said.
“You still talk to Ave?��� I asked.
“This is fucking depressing to watch, Jay. You guys were best friends,” he said.
“You know, I was kinda jealous of you guys back in the day. I was the skinny guy who got bullied on the side, and you were the guy on the team who still takes the time of day to befriend me. I only had you, and you also had him. It’s frustrating seeing you throw that away,” he finishes.
He doesn’t understand though. I’m a hypocrite who ignored Ave when he got fat. I don’t deserve his attention.
It’s been two weeks since our graduations and Dad getting his cast off. Mom has been working full-time, trying to figure out what we could do as a family to celebrate. It’s proven to be difficult when there are two 500-pound whales in said family. We can’t fit into any amusement park ride, and we’ll sink into the bottom of the ocean if we go to the beach. So, the rational thing to do is a picnic. At least that’s what I suggested. But Mom insisted a camping trip was the best family bonding option. For two whales.
It’s fine, I thought to myself. We have done this plenty of times.
After stuffing Dad in the front seat and the emergency food boxes in the back of the SUV. Mom explained the bags of medicines she bought like a flight attendant with the safety instructions. She must have been traumatized by Dad’s injury. He’s not allowed to do anything remotely dangerous, like moving his hand to eat. Hence, the army medical packs.
Mom went through the bottles of fox spray, bear spray, mosquito spray, sun spray and pepper spray, and then we finally got moving.
On our way there, we had some intermissions at the gas stations to replenish snacks. Theo whined it, but this was all his fault anyway.  If only he hadn’t grown our monstrous appetite, and forced musical soundtracks to be played in the car for hours, I might have skipped over a few snack breaks.
Recently, my weight has stabilized at about 520 pounds. Thank God my exercises on the chair worked; otherwise, I’m going to blow up on my way to the camp. 
“Guys, Brad said safe trip, and he’ll miss us,” Theo said.
“He probably only meant you,” I replied.
Theo has been giggling for an hour straight, looking at his phone.
“I’ll miss you, Bradley. The signal’s breaking off. See you soon!” Theo said.
We set up the camp in a few hours. By the time we were done, the sun had already set, giving the mountain an orange hue. 
Today we’re going up to Sunshore Lake. It’s going to be a steep walk, but I’m ready to flex my athletic prowess.
It was not a good sign that I was already sweating before arriving at the entrance.
“David, this is a bit steeper than I remembered. Do you guys want to stay down here?” Mom said.
“Nah. Jay and I will do it. This is a piece of cake compared to what we used to do. Right, son?” Despite not having to walk for more than a year, Dad remains confident.
“Hell yeah, Dad. Let’s show them what we're made of!” I said.
I give up. We’re a third of the way through, and I can feel my belly weighing me down.
“Come on -huff, son, you -huff-can do it!” Dad said, looking worse than I do.
Theo looked at us and chuckled.
“Guys, I’m so sorry! I should’ve known this was too much,” Mom said, panicking.
“It’s- it’s all good, Chloe. Remember you married the- huff- Star athlete back in college?” Dad smiled at Mom and gave her a thumbs up.
“Need a hand?” Theo asked me.
“Isn’t that too much?” I motioned to our luggage on his back.
“Oh, that’s nothing,” he swung my arm behind his shoulder and carried me.
He’s been doing that more often than not when I couldn’t get up. Probably the reason he got all those muscles under his shirt. What happened to the noodle arm ginger?
“Thanks, man. I guess I don’t have to roll back down there,” I said.
When we were halfway through, Dad told us solemnly.
“I- I don’t think I can make it.”
“Noooo, David I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for things to end this way,” Mom said with tears in her eyes.
“I love you guys. You’re the light of my life. I am honour to be a husband, a father, and a-” 
“Dad, you’re not dying. We’re almost there,” I said.
“Is it too late to call an emergency helicopter?” Mom asked.
“David, I love you, but I really don’t want to touch you right now. Can you pull through yourself, baby?” Mom said, looking at the sweat ball that was Dad.
Theo burst out laughing, and I couldn’t help but join too, even if I was in an equally dire situation.
When we got to the top, everyone was exhausted. 
We cleaned ourselves up with towels, and Mom went to check the Kayaking information. 
Dad and I were too big for it, as expected, so we went to find a good spot for fishing.
“I’m so excited. I have never kayaked before!” Theo said, looking as refreshed as ever.
Before we set up our fishing gear, they eagerly ditched us.
The Lake looked as calm as ever. It's boring with little going on.
Mom and Theo are probably in the middle of the lake now.
Staring at the stale water, I realized Dad was not perfect. He’s a little stubborn, clueless sometimes, but that’s what I like about him. I don’t know if anyone would find my quirks appealing. if Ave would.
I’m just a Lazy food addict who basically lives in his mom’s basement, so maybe not.
“Jay?” Dad said.
“What’s up, Dad?” I asked.
“You think too much, buddy.”
“You were always an overthinker since you were a toddler,” Dad said.
“I remember you told me you wanted to play football instead of hockey because hockey will give you frostbites, and freeze you into those Neanderthals from the museums,” Dad said.
“Oh Gosh,” he still remembers.
“You know what?” Dad said, then quickly took off his shirt.
“Let’s go for a swim,” He said with a smile.
“But the fishing,” I said.
“Don’t worry about the fish,” He said, walking back and charging towards the water.
The cannonball created a massive splash, making me completely wet.
“Mother of God, it’s freezing! Did you see that, Jay?” He said with a laugh.
“Yeah, that was pretty cool,” I chuckled. It’s not every day you see a chunky beast jumping into the water.
“Come on, Jay, take it off and jump!” he said.
I have not taken off my shirt in public since middle school, when I started to notice my flaws. Even in the locker room, I would find a bathroom stall to change.
“Don’t overthink it, Jay! Trust me!” Dad said.
Don’t overthink, I thought.
I took off my shirt and back off. When I pick up the pace, my entire body is wobbling.
With all the strength I have, I jumped.
Shit, this was a bad idea.
The cold water hit me.
First, nothing but white bubbles clouded me. Then, schools of fish surrounding me appeared in my vision, hurrying away from the meteor strike. I moved my legs slightly apart on the lakebed, so I don’t step on the tiny crabs while they take refuge in the kelp forest.
“Holy Fuck, it’s freezing!” I said as I pulled my head out of the water.
“Hahahaha, watch your mouth, Jay. You don’t want to summon your mother here,” Dad said.
The view down there was breathtaking; it was what I expected, but not. The fish looked different from a simple change of scenery. I wouldn't have known if I had never jumped.
“I’m proud of you, Jay. That was a huge splash. Aren’t the views here amazing?” he said.
“Thank you, Dad. I wouldn’t have done it without you,” I said.
“You did it all by yourself, kid,” he replied.
We kept exploring the lake until our stomachs growled in protest.
After setting up the fire, we roasted some fish in the bucket and made S’mores from caramel marshmallows. 
Theo and Mom joined and we talked about the stories we had at school or some embarrassing stories of me Dad has kept.
The next day, we packed up our stuff to leave. The mountain is beautiful and all, but Dad and I are starving for some real food.
On our way down, I realized that I had been the biggest enemy to myself. There are so many supportive people surrounding me when my self-doubt overshadows them.
The signal bars slowly appear one by one. I opened Avery’s profile picture.
If he rejects me, I’ll be embarrassed in front of a person I really care about.
I shouldn’t overthink.
There’s nothing more I can lose when I already lost his company.
So I texted.
“Hey, Ave. I know I’m late, but would you mind if I take you up on your offer for the coffee?”
“...” a text bubble appeared.
“I thought you'd never ask.”
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Ngl I've been thinking about tev Yuuniverse too but explicitly the part where they all eventually have to die.
Idk I may write this as a one-shot or something if requested yk?
🙋🏽‍♂️🙋‍♀️I volunteer to request
The Murder of Yuu 
I decided to cut out the opening ceremony and chandelier cause it was boring and not an interesting read, may do a part two with a good and bad ending. It's up to interpretation if Yuu dies or lives.
Tws: Gn! Yuu, Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Potential Gore Tw??, Overall angst and stuff. 9k Words
Ace’s Fireball
“Ahahaha!” The red-head’s grating laugh reverberated in your head. “Anyways, just thought I’d tease you for a bit and I’m glad I did, it’s been a blast! Unlike you two, I actually have classes to get to!” The bratty student sneered at you and your companion before walking off. You simply rolled your eyes and continued your job. You had better things to do than to fight with some snot-nosed brat.
Grim, however, had other plans. “No way you just insulted me like that, Explodey-Head!” “Hah?” The red head glared, amused. “Who’re you callin' names, kitty-cat?” “Why you—“ Grim suddenly spewed out a plume of fire right at Ace making him yelp.
“Oh you wanna play like that, huh?!” Ace yelled. He started to send a few spells Grims way, a few missing and hitting a little too close to you. Instinctively, you backed into the Queen of Hearts statue behind you. “Cut it out you guys!” “Oh shut it, janitor!” Ace snapped, Grim threw another fireball right at Ace, just for him to cast wind redirect it… directly to the statue where you were at. You stared at the ball of flames, knowing there was no way to avoid it as you covered your eyes to try and at least protect them.
“No! Wait!” The prefect yelled before letting out a deafening shriek as the flame made contact with their face, enveloping up their skin and hair within an instant. The redhead froze as a crowd gathered around the scene, horrified murmurs and gasps erupted from within the group.
The prefect crumpled, trying their best to put out the fire and suffocate it while crying out for help. Oh shit, oh shit what has he done?! No! It wasn't his fault that stupid janitor stood where they were! Ace’s mind was in a frenzy, complete panic enveloping him as all he could do was stand in watch, the thought of putting out the poor student not even occurring to him. Grim frantically jumped around them, swatting at the flames and crying out their name. Ace tried to cast a few water spells, but they were reduced to steam the second they made contact with your skin
The familiar tapping of a pair of heels approached him, quicking as they got closer. Oh fuck he was really in trouble now. None of his spells were helping. The headmage approached the scene. “Oh dear god, Yuu!” The crow said horrified, immediately running to their side and using the magic cloak he had to put out the flame. The Prefect stopped flailing and curled into a ball, covering their face as much as they could with the cloak around them. 
Most of their clothes were either burned or singed at this point. The fingers that peaked out, looked as if they were melting as they pulled the cloak even further onto them to hide their face. “Everyone dismissed!” The mage yells out with a newfound rage, scooping up the student and rushing to the nurses office. The crowd dispersed, all trying to get back to class except for two. “H…henchman… HENCHMAN!” Grim shrieked before running off after Crowley 
And Ace just stood there, the events of everything weighing in on him. He should consider himself lucky that the headmage was too busy with Yuu to even try and figure out what happened, but instead he felt sick. The students hands and legs shook as he tried to move.
He's so sorry…
Deuce’s Recklessness
“Get away from that thing!” Grim shrieks as he sprints on all fours, running out of the mine. “But the magestone!” Deuce cries out. “We need the magestone!” “We need to be alive to get it!” Ace huffs as he pulls on Deuce’s arm to drag him out of the mines.
“No, we can't give up like this!” Deuce yells out before pulling his arm away. “Deuce! What the hell are you doing?!” Yuu cried out as the card soldier ran back into the mines, directly to the strange monster within it. “Stoones! The stones are MINE!” It screeched as it sped up to meet with Deuce.
“I can't get kicked out! I need to risk it—“ Deuce desperately wheezed. He would slide between the monster's legs and back into the mines to grab that stone, even if it killed him! Deuce was so tunnel-visioned in his own plan, he didn't even see the pickaxe ready to swing down on him.
“Deuce!” Yuu cried out. It was the last thing he heard before he felt himself being pushed into the side of the cave wall. The runner’s back collided with the rocks behind him as he collapsed onto his knees. Where he sat gave him the perfect view of what was about to happen.
Yuu pushed their entire body into him to get him out of the way, making the prefect in turn take Deuce’s place in front of the blot. As they fell, Deuce realized there was no way for them to possibly avoid the attack coming down on them. He felt sick as he watched the concerned face in front of him contort into a cry, their eyes widening as the pick lodged itself into the spine of the magicless student, coming out through their stomach
The prefect wretched, gagging as they started to cough up blood. “YUU!” Deuce panicked, throwing himself over to where Yuu was in an attempt to try and save them, just for them to be dragged into the darkness of the cave. Yuu cried out in pain as the monster held them by the pick, crying out for it to stop.
“No… NO!” Deuce was frozen as he watched the silhouette of the creature take out the pickaxe, just to lodge it into the crumpled figure’s head. “Henchman!” Grim cried. “C’mon let's go!” Deuce felt Ace grab onto his arm to pull him back onto his feet and drag him out of the cave. He felt like he was going to throw up.
“Fuck…” Ace huffed, panting, staring in disbelief at the cave in front of him. Grim also stared, face completely blank as he sat where he stood, as if processing what just happened. Deuce wretched, covering his mouth. He was so stupid! He should have never been so… so… stupid! That student, who he barely learned the name of, died because of him. Died protecting him. Just because of his stupidity. 
It was all his fault.
Riddle Overblot
“Riddle…” Trey panted, brushing the hair out of Riddle’s sweat-slicken face. The clover's face paint was smeared and his hair disheveled, hat nowhere to be seen as the man adjusts his cracked glasses. This was the first time Riddle has ever seen his friend like this. He looked panicked, shaken up. 
Something was wrong. Why did his body hurt so much? Why was his head pounding?
“Trey…?” His voice was hoarse and dry. 
“What… what happened…” The last thing he remembers was being angry… “What… what did I do?'' The last line came out weak. 
Looking over, he saw a certain problem freshman approach him, shaking with rage and tears in his eyes. His mind kept telling him to stop, that he shouldn't look at what his dorm members were crowding around, but he pushed himself up on his arms.
He was immediately hit with the scent of iron hanging heavy in the air, smell making him nauseous as it assaulted his senses. As he sat up he noticed how Cater and Deuce seemed to tense up, fear in their eyes. They were completely on edge. Ace stopped in front of Riddle, opening his mouth in an attempt to yell at him before closing it as a sob came out instead.
In that moment he realized what happened. “Who did I… Who was it?” Riddle’s voice shook as Ace glared. “Who?” Trey looked away from him, Riddle pushed himself up to his feet as he saw who Deuce stood in front of protectively as the other students backed away in fear, even Cater hiding the crowd. The spade and heart didn’t budge. Even Grim stood strong.
It was Yuu. The student who has been nothing but kind and concerned over him. The one that he berated and criticized over and over. The one he was never nice to once throughout their time at NRC. Their body now impaled through a rose bush, some of the thorny branches weaving under their skin and poking out like it was growing into them. They were not dead yet though.
Their chest twitched in an attempt to breathe and Deuce held their head up for up so they wouldn't suffocate on their own spit. With his other hand he attempted a few healing spells, but each one fizzled out from inexperience. “Dammit! Will one of you just help me!” He cried out to the crowd, but no one came.
Yuu’s eyes were watery as let out a sob. “I dont…” they wheezed. “I don't want to die like this! I never…” “Shh shh, save your energy.” Ace commanded, helping Deuce with holding them up and using the tie around his neck as makeshift bandages. “I never got to see the world…” the prefect continued. “Don’t say that!” Grim yapped. 
“I don't want to die like this, surrounded by strangers! I don't want to die alone!” Tears started to fall from everyone as the student spoke manically, each word faster than the last. “I want to go home! I want to go home! I want to be with my family! My friends! Not here! Not like this!…” The prefect started hyperventilating, now in complete hysterics. “Yuu, please!” Deuce sobbed. “I don't….” Yuu’s eyes started to glaze over. “I don't…”
Riddle shook, tears streaming down his face as hesitantly reached out his hand just to receive glares from the trio in front of him. “I’m sorry…” He stuttered. “Im so sorry…” Ace suddenly seems to snap. “Sorry isn't going to do shit! It’s not gonna bring them back!” The heart shakes, hatred evident in his eyes.
He was right.
Ruggie’s Slip-up
“Get back here!” Grim yelled as Ruggie snickered, gripping onto all of the magical pens he snagged from the freshmen. Poor poor freshies, not knowing where to stick their nose. It’s their fault they got involved. 
“Dammit he's fast!” Ace wheezed. “Don't let him get away!” the spade next to him spoke, following right on his tail. Oh this was too easy! A simple turn and he's— As Ruggie turned the corner, the flash of a camera blinded him. He blinked to see no other than Yuu, ghost camera in hand. “Caught you.” 
Shit shit shit. Did they have enough evidence? Ruggie began to sweat before he lunged at the prefect, aiming for the camera in their hand. But the prefect was slick, easily dodging the attempt. Hmph, fine, what can a simple magicless human do against this!
“Laugh with me!” Ruggie smirked as he took control of the prefect's body, what he didn’t account for was Yuu’s position— and his magic was not immune to gravity. What he planned on doing was making Yuu hand the camera to them, what he didn't realize was just how close they were to the edge of the balcony and that they were still airborne from jumping away from him.  Yuu gasped as their arm stuck out behind them, making them no longer able to catch themselves as they hit the balustrade and fell off the edge down to the ground below. 
Ruggie froze. “Yuu!” A choir of voices exclaimed as they rushed to the railing where Yuu fell from looking over. He has to retreat, now, the prefect should be fine, it's not that high up! Panicking, Ruggie dropped the magical pens in an unspoken apology as he ran off. “Holy shit that's a lot of blood…” he heard one of the freshies say. Pfft how is that possible unless they broke a bone or hit their h…ead…
Ruggie peaked over the railing as he ran, though it was far away his hyena eyes locked on to the ground below. The ghost camera’s parts were scattered across the field, and blood was splattered everywhere, originating from their head now cracked open. 
Adrenaline kicked in, and Ruggie started running faster. It was an accident, he tells himself, they'll be fine, he's done some bad stuff before but he’d never kill someone! They couldn't pin it on him anymore anyways! It was just an accident. 
It was just an accident!
Leona Overblot
Leona felt his head pounding as he sat up. The lion let out a groan as he rubs his head and looks around. Piles of sand surrounded him, and he sees some of the freshmen shakily get up, heavily bruised. Those damned Diasomnia dogs also stood about on their guard as the smallest one, Lilia, seemed to sift for the sand as if looking for something. Riddle himself was on his knees as he dug, allowing himself to get filthy. 
Across from him Ruggie sits, holding his arm that was dry and cracked from his Unique Magic. An attempt on his own vice leader's life. The hyena warily glares at him, more fearful than angry as he stares at something behind Leona. “Ruggie… I…” “Do you remember what you did?” Another voice cuts in, Lilia’s.
The lion looked at the fae that stood beside him, noting at how frantic the freshmen were in the background, digging through sand piles, even Jack was in his wolf form as raced around them. “I overblotted… Didn’t I?” Lilia’s gaze was unreadable, he didn’t look angry, however the neutral expression he had was mixed with pity. Ruggie pushes himself further away from Leona. “You did more than that,” he wheezes out as he scoots back, staring at someone behind Lilia. Leona turns to look only to see the lizard bastard walking through the sand, his guards on either side of them.
What happened? Why is everyone so worried? Why are those stupid freshmen digging about? Actually wait, where's that ramshackle scavenger? “Kingscholar,” Malleus paused, voice filled with disbelief, “What have you done?” What did he do? He didn't do whatever he think he did… right…?
With a wave of Malleus' hand, he blows away the sand gently, leaving behind a large pile of what looked like ash. Was that…?
Deuce immediately ran over, allowing himself to skid on the ground kicking up dust as examined the pile. Ace, Grim, Riddle, Jack and even Lilia kneeled down at it. “I feel something!” Riddle gasps, pushing off blackened sand to reveal an arm sticking out. The others start to carefully dig out the figure from the sand as Leona could only watch, unable to stand up. Malleus along with his retainers joined.
Leona could see the body emerge from the sand, their head carefully cradled and laid onto Malleus’ lap as the fae examined their tear-stained face covered in a layer of dust. There wasn't an inch of skin on them that wasn't dried or cracked, some of it completely breaking off to sand, muscle was exposed and oozed blood. “Careful, try not to touch them, they're still alive.” Lilia's calm voice leaves no room for argument. 
Riddle carefully holds his hand over Yuu’s body, warm light emanating from it to soothe the prefect's pain. Yuu lets out a strangled wheeze, and suddenly turns their head to the side and hacks up a mix of sand, bile, and blood. “Fuck, I’m sorry!” They cry out, wheezing, trying to catch their breath. “Back away. I’ll take care of it.” Malleus demands as the sky turns dark and cloudy. Everyone obeys, and Malleus gestures with his fingers, making whatever remains of Yuu float upwards.
Their clothes were tattered and you couldn’t even see a patch of skin on them that wasn't drowned out by cracks or blood, even their eyelids were cracked, making tears leak out easier. “It hurts… it hurts so fucking much…” Leona swallowed, standing up as he saw double and reaching out to Yuu in front of him.
“Away from the young master!” Sebek said through gritted teeth, surprisingly quiet as to not disturb Yuu further. “You have done enough already! Now stay back!” The half-fae scowled, eyes watery. Leona retracts his hand and stares at it, ignoring all the murderous stares sent his way.
He really does destroy everything, doesn’t he?
Jade’s Mistake
Jade was a calculating eel. Everything he does is done with purpose, from what he cooks to what he says, to what emotions he shows. Jade is aware of his strength as well.
Like his brother, he knows when to reign it in and hold back, humans are so much more fragile than mers, after all. He doesn’t need to use a lot of force with how dense his bones were from living in the ocean, still he does test out various assortments of forces on others. Everyone around him was his personal lab rat really, he's quite fine with being alone.
If anyone expected one of the twins to take it too far, they would have never expected it to be Jade. Jade could hardly believe it himself either. He was just doing business as usual. Jade simply had to make sure the naive little freshmen got a reality check. There was no way they could ever win against the contract they made. Azul sent them out to make sure of that, yet this human, a magicless one, of all things, seeks to oppose them? How utterly interesting, and here he thought the prefect was boring.
The freshmen's spells were nothing noteworthy, his brother's magic made it so that he didn’t even need to attempt to dodge. And yet, that magicless little prefect charged onwards despite having no way of defending themselves, as if they actually expected to somehow slip past him. Jade chuckled, making a show of his eel form as raised his tail and then dipped down to the sand, not giving Yuu a chance to react as his tail snatched them up, coiling around their waist and arms, binding them.
Floyd squealed with laughter as he watched his brother come back up to him with Yuu in tow as they kicked and squirmed, struggling against the slippery eel. “Hey! Let my henchman go!” Grim snarled as Jade flaunted the prefect in front of him. “I do wonder, do you still plan on attacking us when there's a possibility you can hurt your darling prefect?” “Dammit!” Jack huffs, and all the freshmen look at each other, unsure of what to do next.
Yuu however has not given up, they have a fire of defiance in their eye that turns Jade intrigue to excitement. They were smart, he noted, the prefect kept their arms out to their side in order to give them the most space they could muster, though it didn't matter much with his grip. They used their bound arms and their hands to push against his tail, in an attempt to unravel it, even twisting their body to loosen Jade’s hold. In response, Jade squeezed ever so tighter, yet they still didn’t give up.
They thrashed again, making Floyd cackle and Jade chuckle. This time the prefect was using their own biology against him, using the mucus on his body as a form of lubrication in an attempt to slide out despite the tight hold. Jade decided to entertain them, slightly loosening his hold on them to see the flash of hope in their eyes, before squeezing even tighter.
The prefect wheezed, then snapped their head down in attempt to bite him, only to have their face held back by him by yanking back their hair. “Aw, you poor unfortunate soul~ In pain, in need.” Jade didn’t bother to hide his sadistic smirk. “Let go of them!” Deuce yelled, making Floyd shriek with laughter once again. Yet despite everything, Yuu still kicked, still squirmed. Just how much would it take for them to stop? It would be a great experiment~
Jade tightened his grip, not even allowing for the slight squirm, yet the prefect continued to kick their legs out, this time more panicked. Tighter, and tighter, and— Crack!
Floyd suddenly snapped his head over his brother, looking at his prey. “Yuu? YUU!” Ace was the first to try and swim up to the tweel, not caring if he was attacked. The prefect's eyes were glossy, their body stiff, but they were alive as they writhed in pain. Jade completely unraveled around Yuu, allowing them to slip out. He grabbed at them, trying to assess the injury done to them, just for them to pull away. He assumed they were going to swim off to Ace but they didn’t.
They cough out bloody air bubbles as they hold their throat as if they were suffocating, before using what was left of their strength to swim up towards the surface. The tweels understood immediately. Jade wrapped his tail around them gently, and Floyd gripped onto him to help propel them to the surface faster, the student shivering the whole time.
Once they breached, Yuu took a deep breath of air before throwing up seawater trapped in their lungs. Jade laid out on the surface to give Yuu more of an area to work with as he tried to see what was broken. Yuu was still shivering for some reason, was it just adrenaline? 
“Little shrimp, are you okay?” Floyd asked, voice laced with panic. In the distance the other freshmen breach the surface, looking around for the tweels that blended in with their environment seamlessly. Yuu seemed to gurgle. Despite the fact they had air, they were still suffocating. But from what?
Suddenly Yuu coughed more blood, trying to choke in air as they crumpled onto Jade, smearing his chest a deep red. They shivered more and more. The realization hit Jade. “Their ribs must punctured their lungs.” Jade notes, and he tries to sit Yuu's body up as it starts to go limp. 
“Yuu!” Grim huffs as he swims over to the tweels and reaches out to his leader. “Geez, you're freezing! Come on, come on! Let's get you back to some heat!” Jade's eyes widened further as another realization hit him. Grim and the other freshmen were completely dry still from the effects of their potion. Yuu on the other hand has goosebumps all over their body and trembled. The potion must have worn off when their lungs were punctured, and now it was a race between them choking on their blood and hypothermia.
“Yuu!” Deuce cried out, “Give them back, we need to take them to the nurse!” They were practically already dead. “Shrimpy? Shrimpy? Little shrimp! Hey!” Floyd lightly shook the human. “They won't make it to the nurse. Our best bet is a mer doctor.” Jade suddenly commanded, casting a warming spell on his body. “Floyd, using a water breathing spell, hurry!” 
The freshmen cursed at the eels as they swam off in a frenzy, Yuu cradled gently in Jade's arms as the two glid through the water with ease. “Hang in there prefect, help is almost here.” Jade spoke, though for once it was more to soothe himself as adrenaline and guilt coursed through him. 
Humans really were weak, huh?
Floyd’s Mistake
As you imagine, it was during the photo heist of book 3 as well. It just so happened that this time, Yuu ended up in Floyd’s grasp instead. His slip up could have been seen a mile away. Everyone expected it, they just never expected it to be so violent. 
Floyd liked the little shrimpy! They were fun and squishy and never boring! They always got into some sort of trouble, and here they were literally signing up for it as they signed the contract that started it all. Even when he confronted them in the cafeteria, they would shy away until he started to mess with their friends, then suddenly the little shrimp became a mantis shrimpy.
To say Floyd was excited to meet shrimpy in the water was an understatement, he was elated! He couldn't wait to see how his little shrimp would fight back against the big bad eels! Would they be boring and give up? Or will they fight to the very end?
Floyd relished the panicked expression on their face when they saw the shadow of his figure in the water before he came into the view. The shock became a fiery determination that Floyd was going to have fun toying with. The annoying freshies fired their annoying spells at him that he didn’t even entertain dodging, opting to just use his magic instead.
The little shrimp had no magic, so what were they gonna do in the water? Floyd looked at the group of freshies just to see that Yuu wasn't there. Did the shrimpy decide to go back? That doesn’t seem like shrimpy though. Floyd looked around, just for his eyes to catch onto a small figure hiding amongst the seaweed during all of the crossfire. Ah so that's what shrimpy’s trying to do! What a smart little shrimpy!
The eel cackles maniacally as he dives down and snaps his tail around Yuu in a violent motion, knocking the wind out of them in one move. Floyd then swims back to Jade, showing off his catch. “Jade, looky looky~ I caught myself a little shrimpy!~” Floyd teases as he gently shakes the prefect.
“Hold your spells, they got Yuu!” Jack warned the others as they held back a spell, cursing under their breaths.  “Ahahah! Whatcha small fry gonna do now?” Floyd teases. “Floyd, you should consider binding your preys arms, you know?” “Eh but it's boring if they can't do anything, huh shrimpy?” Floyd uses the remainder of his tail to make Yuu nod before laughing again.
Yuu swings as Floyd, just for the eel to lean back. “Nice try!~” The eel's voice suddenly drops lower into a more threatening and serious tone. “You don't seriously think you're winning, are you?” Yuu kicks and pushes at the tail wrapped around them. “Okay I get we're fighting but you're squeezing too tight Floyd! It hurts!” Yuu uses their fists to pound against Floyds tail.
“Oh yeah? Really? I say its not tight enough…” “Floyd.” His brother's warning falls on deaf fins as Floyd leans in face-to-face with Yuu before squeezing tighter, making Yuu cough and tear up. Just as Floyd was about to let go, satisfied with his warning, Yuu suddenly shoves their fingers into the gills on Floyd’s neck violently gripping the slits of flesh. “Let go of me, you fucking bastard! I can’t breathe!” The prefect screams.
Floyd lets out a strangled gasp as he coughs, the feeling of Yuus nails scratching the inside of his throat making him feel nauseous. Their other hand finds the gills on his sides and pinches them roughly. Floyd then violently digs his claws into Yuu’s arm, making them straighten out their fingers in pain, enough for him to yank them out with ease. Yuu let out a cry of pain, but he doesn't loosen his grip at all, rather driving his claws in deeper. His other hand grabs onto Yuu’s neck in effort to push them away further without compromising his hold.
“Bad shrimpy!” Floyd yells. “Floyd please, I'm sorry but I need to—“ Snap.
“Shrimpy?” Yuu was limp, Floyd shook them slightly. “Hey shrimpy! This isn't funny! Shrimpy! Come on, Shrimpy!” There was no response. “Yuu… I…” A blast of flora hits Floyd in the chest, making him drop Yuu, the prefect unable to hold up their own head. “Get them and get out!” Grim yelps as the trio of students go to grab their friend. Deuce holds onto Yuu, holding their head carefully and applying pressure to the puncture wounds on their neck.
Floyd freezes and looks at his grip on their arm. His claws threatened to go all the way through and the bones were both now broken. Yuu let out a painful shriek, but it was off, garbled. Floyd looks over to his grip on Yuu's neck, his claws digging deep into their throat.
“Guys, they aren't breathing!” Deuce’s voice is shrill with terror. “Get them back through the portal now!” Jack yells. The students all book it back to NRC. Floyd watches with Jade, before the two start to swoop in, hoping they can help the group get back faster just to have a fireball thrown at them.
“You! You've both done enough! Stay away from my human!” Grim growls. “I understand your reservations but we're trying to help.” Jade attempts to soothe. “Yeah right! Like I trust you! I don't care if I get beat up here, which I won't! I'm not letting you hurt them!” Grim stands strong, unleashing another fireball for them to dodge
"You twins wouldnt get it, you have each other! You've always had each other, a nice family, a home! I never had any of that! Then one day, BAM the nicest henchman ever appears and helps me get into my dream school!” Grim is sobbing at this point.
“And they supported me the whole way through! Even though I’m not even human! Even when I get in trouble, they still treat me like I'm the best thing that ever happened to them despite my race! And now they might..!” Grim shakes. 
“I'm not letting you near them! Not now! Not ever!”
Azul Overblot
Azuls eyes fluttered open, blurry vision clearing up to see Jade kneeling over him. “Are you up? Can you see me okay? Can you hear me?” “Yes… yes I can…” His throat hurt, his body was sore. “Follow my hand…” Jade waves his hand over Azul’s face to see if his eyes track it. Azul shuts his eyes for a moment before opening them again to look at Jade, his hair a disheveled mess. He could hear Floyd crying in the background.
“What… What happened? What’s going on??” Azul rubbed his forehead as he sat himself up. “It's Yuu! They’re dead!” “What?!” Azul snapped himself up just to hold his head in pain at the sudden movement. “Don’t say that!” Grim screeches at Floyd. “They can pull through!”
“Stop hovering!” Leona barks at Floyd as he props up the prefect on his lap. “We need to give them CPR now before anything else, they won't even be able to make it to the nurses otherwise.” Leona says as he ties back his hair. “You guys, their ribs are gonna have to break even more, prepare to heal them.” Leona presses his mouth to the prefects, blowing in air and giving rough chest but rhythmic chest compressions to them, the sound of cartilage crackling and snapping made Azul cringe inwardly as an invertebrate as he looked over at Yuu.
Their skin was paler than before from the lack of oxygen was the first thing he noticed, it was hard to really see what he had done with the amount of people crowding them. As he shakily stood up, he watched as other dorm members slowly back away from him in fear. This is what he always wanted, why does it feel wrong now?
Looking over Leona, he froze at the sight of Yuu’s body, they looked like they were stretched out, certain parts of them looked crushed or exploded. There was suction all over them, most of them taking off the skin underneath from how hard they gripped onto them. Azul trembled and he looked over at Jade, who’s expression was unreadable until he looked at him, a sad disappointment in his eyes, like he expected better.
Floyd on the other hand looked utterly distraught as he held onto Yuu’s hand, mumbling about the shrimpy staying strong under his breath. Ruggie was for once, concerned about someone else besides himself as he watches Yuu completely unsettled. 
Jack looks up at Azul before looking away as if offended to even keep eye contact with him. The others were too focused on Yuu to even notice except Ace, who had nothing but malice in his eyes. “Was anything ever enough for you?” He spat. “You had everything! But it was never enough, huh?!” “Ace not now,” Deuce nudged the red head. “Fine, but I will say that at least now people will never mess with you again! Just like you wanted, right?” Deuce nudges Ace again. As the CPR continues for an uncomfortable amount of time, Azul realizes the possibility that Yuu is probably gone for good. Azul teared up.
He always was that pathetic little crybaby.
Jamil Overblot
“Now GO!” Jamil screeched, throwing the group of mages that opposed onto the broken pillar of the dorm. He lifted the pillar up with a wave of his hand and set to aim it at the horizon, until he saw them. That damned prefect that started it all.
If it wasn't for them, he would have won, he would be free right now! His eyes darkened as he locked onto them, grinning wryly at the fearful expression on their face. He held out his hand to Yuu in a flicking motion, the floating pillar staying in place. “Yuu get out of the way!” Floyd rasped, voice on the verge of giving out from how much we was screeching.
The pillar flew straight into Yuu’s abdomen, sending the entire squad flying way out in the distance. A sense of peace filled the young man's mind as he relaxed, allowing his brainwashed servants to care for him. The weight of what he just did not set in on him. In his mind he now won, and he remembers the weight of everything lifted off his shoulders as his reign continued.
The very next thing he remembered is his pounding head, and a muffled voice resonated in his head, his ears were ringing and everything around him was so bright. “…mil… Jamil…. Jamil!” The viper’s eyes shoot open and he takes a deep breath of air. “Jamil!” Kalim cries, crushing Jamil into a hug and sobbing.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry… I didn’t know how you’ve been feeling this whole time! If I knew, this would have never happened. We could have been best friends! You wouldn’t have blotted! And… Yuu…” The mere mention of their name, makes Jamil push himself up harshly, the blurry memory of what happened moments before weighing in. Fuck, fuck, fuck that pillar! That’s at least a broken rib, and at worst…
“Floyd, stop crowding them, they need space right now!” Azul scolds in the background, Jamil’s gaze follows the voice and he forgets to breathe. “Prop them on their side, both their back and ribs are too injured. Focus your magic on this point," "Yes, Jade!” A few of the students say. Jamil stares at the body in front of him, borderline unrecognizable. Their front looked as though it was caved in, and as they are turned to their side he saw that most of the muscle and skin looked as though it was shredded off of them, whatever skin they had left was covered in friction burns. Clothes they once wore, now scraps.
Jamil doesn’t feel relief in the slightest when he hears them let out a weak, strangled cry of pain. The fact they’re alive at all is a miracle, but death would have been a much better mercy. When they recover, would they even be able to be the same? The wary glances from the other dorm members in the room tell him they’re all thinking the same thing.
“Hey! Let us in, let us in!” A few voices ring out in the distance, and Grim perks up. “Deuce! Ace!” The cat cries out, refusing to move from Yuu’s side. The pair burst into the common room, out of breath. “Grim, we got your guy’s message! Are you okay where’s—“ Deuce freezes, trembling when he sees what the cat stood in front of. “N-no way… please don't tell me that's…” 
Ace turns his hands into fists. “Who did this?! Which one of you did this to them?! I fucking kill you!” Jamil spaces out, only able to stare at the back of his most unfortunate victim. The voices in the background of the trios arguing in the background faded as he allows Kalim to shake and hug him.
He was never going to get his freedom.
Vil Overblot
“..il…Vil!” Vil groggily opened his eyes to the sound of Rook's voice, sitting himself up as he looked around. “You’re alright…” Another voice said, but it was strained and weak. “We thought you were dead.” The leader tried to look at the source of the voice, just for his vision to blur. He blinked a few times and pinched the bridge of his nose before opening his eyes again tiredly, just for his tired expression to change to horror.
“Yuu?!” Vil boomed before letting out a cough. The magicless student in front of him looked horrible, acid burns across their arms and part of their face that burned off the first few layers of skin along with pitch black, discolored veins that surged with poison even after his blot. They had a pained expression as they panted, shaking as they stood and gripped one of their arms.
Some of their skin looked like it was already peeling. Epel had the student lean on him as Jamil casted some restoration magic on them, just for it to fizzle out or be ineffective. A frustrated and baffled expression grew on the scarabian's face. Ignoring his own dizziness, Vil stood up with the help of Rook. He approached Yuu who was on the verge of passing out.
Charging up his own curing magic in his hand forming a ball, he held it close to Yuu before unleashing it. Everyone around him looked relieved and Kalim was practically beaming. A bright flash of light blinded the group before fading and everyone looked at Yuu expectantly, waiting for their blackened veins to fade. A few seconds passed, then a minute. Nothing was happening.
“Are they okay now?” Kalim asked dumbly. “Do they look okay?” Ace rebuttals. No, something was wrong. It was his spell, his poison, why wasn’t it working? Searching through his mind through all of his knowledge of poisons, he casts another spell to try and counteract it instead. Nothing happens. Panic started setting in. His expression grew more and more concerned, making the students around him worry. 
“Good grief what happened here…” Another voice echos among the ruins of the stage. “M-Malle-“ Deuce stuttered out, unable to finish the name. “Oh, hey Tsunotaro! You… came at a bad time…” “Tsunotaro?!” Jamil, Rook, Vil, and the freshmen erupt. “Dude are you trying to get finished off?!” Ace whisper-yells.
At the sight of his injured friend, Malleus’ expression becomes shocked, then grows dark. “Child of Man, what happened?” The group all went silent, even Vil didn’t speak. He wanted to claim responsibility then and there, but he knew that right now, Malleus would only listen to Yuu. Yuu tries to speak, starting a sentence just to stop.
“I… I don't know… I don't know what I was thinking…” “Come with me, you require serious medical help.” Malleus offers his hand for Yuu to take and put their weight on. “But the stage…” “You’re concerned about the stage in your state?” “… Crowley is probably going to blame me for it…”
Malleus pauses, and raises his hand, the rubble of the stage lifting back up to reassemble itself. As the others stare in awe, Malleus leaves with Yuu in his arms.
Vil was about to open the door to the nurses office until he heard two voices talking. It was Malleus and some of the medical staff he assumed.
“Mr… sir… uhh. Prince Malleus, about your friend…”
“Yes? What about them?”
“Do you happen to know their blood type? We have tested their blood and it’s not like anything we have seen before, hell the dna samples we took they’re… otherworldly…”
“I see… If that's the case…” Malleus sighs. “I don’t know anything relating to their health.”
“We are trying every treatment we can for magic or poisons but none are effective, sir, they are completely… ineffective.”
“I see…”
“Um… Prince Malleus, I do not mean to be rude but um, could your magic be used to heal them..?”
Vil’s breath hitched.
“I cannot. I originally planned to use a curing spell and then take them into Diasomnia for recovery, but my magic didn't work either.”
“How…? Are they cursed or something?!
“Perhaps it is because of their origin—”
Vil felt sick. He was killing them slowly.
Grim’s Freakout
You hoped to examine that strange blot gem that Vil dropped, and made sure to take extra precautions hiding it from Grim. As dumb as it sounded, you felt as though these were important somehow, that maybe they can help you find your way home. You placed it down on the nightstand after examining before heading off to use the bathroom. In retrospect, you probably should have put it up or hid it, as when you came out of the bathroom you immediately heard the familiar sound of your companion crunching down on something. 
“Agh! Grim, no! Don’t!” Yuu rushed into the room but was too late, not even a shard of the gem was left. “Grim! I told you to stop eating those!” Grims mind was hazy as his body started processing the effects of the gem, Yuu's voice faded in and out. “I hid from you cause I KNEW… And now what?! That was my only lead… I’ve been here for a YEAR fixing everyone’s problems…. And I just want to— Grim? Grim, are you okay?”
Grim looked up at the human that was reprimanding them. For a moment, he recognizes them, their stressed and tear-stained face made him feel bad for a moment, until his vision blurred. He grabbed his head in pain and felt himself being worriedly picked up and examined. “Grim! Hey! Grim!”
When his vision returned, the world was darker, the face that was a friend now foe as it was blacked out and blurry. “Grim are you—AAGHHH! NO STOP PLEASE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS?! YOU’RE MY FRIEND!”
Deuce and Ace ran into the Ramshackle dorm at the emergency text they received.
> Theres aN emercy at ramshckle! SOmething happened to Grim please hirty
Yuu would never mess around like this for a prank. Something bad must have happened, they run through the halls and practically body slam into the mirror leading to Ramshackle. From there they run through into the dorm. “YUU! Hey Yuu! YuuuuUUUUU!”
Ace yelled out before panting. “I swear if its nothing…” “Come on let's go check their room.” Deuce offers, taking the lead up the stairs and wiping the sweat off his brow. “Yuu!” He calls, “We got your text…” Ace grumbled and followed Deuce, lagging slightly. Deuce reaches the top, freezing when he hears a soft sob. “Did you hear that?” “Hear what?”
Deuce sighs, a serious expression emerging as he quickens his pace to the door. “Yuu? Are you in there?” Deuce knocked on the door just for it to open as he did so. Ace looked at his friend as he made his way over. He watched as Deuce's expression become terrified before turning into utter devastation. His wide eyes glaze with tears and he covers his mouth with his hands, gagging slightly.
“Geez man what did you s—“ Ace stood next to Deuce and was immediately hit with the scent of blood and something burning, he glanced at the floor which had a blood trail coming out of the room. Following the trail slowly, he stared into the room and froze. He felt as though he was going to puke.
Blood and soot covered everything. The curtains and furniture along with the walls have scorch marks and dried blood on them. The sheets and mattress of the bed were torn up and soaked with blood, blankets still smoking from the recent flames that were put out. The mirror on the wall was pitch black. Worst of all was Yuu.
They were curled into a ball in the center of the bed, trying their best to cover their face, or what remained of it. There were claw marks exposing bones of the prefect's skull, which was completely drenched in their own blood. Some of the wounds cauterized from the flames that were blown on them. Fingers melted together. Patches of skin looked as though they were still burning, yet worst of all were their eyes.
The eyelids on one of their eyes were torn off, exposing their eyeball that stared off in the distance, and the other appeared to be soldered shut. Ace shook. “Holy shit… Holy shit!” Ace gags, and the sound elicits another sob from Yuu. “Holy shit! You're… You're alive!”
Deuce moves first, running over and cradling Yuu’s face looking for a pulse. Ace follows and reaches out before retracting a hand, not knowing what to do. “I’m… I… Cmon, let's take them to the nurse!” “On it.” Ace helps Deuce lift the prefect, pulling out his phone and messaging his Dormleader with the news, begging him to contact Crowley.
They couldn’t die like this.
Idia Overblot
Idia awoke to the sound of sirens blaring. In his tired state, he didn’t recognize what it was at first, the sirens screeching faint before getting louder. Idia jerked awake from where he was and was greeted by a sobbing Ortho who practically squeezed him. “Ortho? I… Eh… What’s going on?” The announcer on the speakers kept repeating the word “Overblot In Progress'' like a mantra, before Ortho gave the command to shut off the sound, red lights still flash and all screens on the walls keep the warning up. That was strange, he was no longer blotted, and any phantom that unfroze should have been frozen again.
Idia gets up from the bench he was laid on and looks around, recognizing that he’s in one of the many lab rooms of Styx. Many scientists hovering around the holograms projected on the table or at the computers mashing their keyboards. The previous blots, along with Rook and Epel were also hovering around the tables with wide-eyed expressions. “Ortho what's happening?”
“Shroud!” One of the scientists yells. “There is an emergency, we need your guidance!” “Wh…” Idia’s head felt like it was splitting in half. Looking around he cant help but feel someone is missing, but he didn’t have time to think about it. “Ortho, report!”
“There’s an abnormal Overblot occurring down in the phantom chambers! We have never seen anything like it before!” “Abnormal? What do you mean by that?” Epel interrupts, spitting words with a venom and letting his accent out. “It means ma best pardner who happens t' be magicless is currently filled with blot!” “That’s not possible! What do y…”
Idia pushed through the other members around the table seeing what was unfolding. A menacing figure stood in the middle of phantoms, all of which pushing and stampeding across each other to reach them. The figure looked like a huge humanoid made of ink, limbs abnormally long and outstretched reminding Idia of some beast from a soulsborne game. Its face was blank aside from two glowing eyes that keep getting brighter and brighter, within them, you can see a figure trapped within the beast.
Idia immediately started typing on one of the keyboards, attempting to input the freeze command just for it to fail over and over. He sweated as he tried to input a few others, just for the same error to pop up. “C’mon c’mon c’mon…” Idia opened the code to try and troubleshoot, if any of the phantoms reach where Yuu is—
“HENCHMAN!” Grim screamed, making Idia nearly crack his neck from how fast he looked up. The phantoms reached the blot creature, immediately being absorbed into the creature, getting bigger and bigger, inky geysers swirled around the figure, then it shook. “Readings say blot implosion is happening sir—-AUGH!”
The entire facility shook. Within an instant, the impossible amount of blot condensed and swirled into the student within the figure. A deep darkness flashed like a light, and suddenly, Yuu was suspended in the air, before they suddenly dropped. For a moment, all the alerts cleared, and zooming in on Yuu showed they were breathing. 
“Ortho can you get a scan?” “Scanning… All vitals are sta…ble…?” “That doesn't sound good…” Leona groaned. The alarms went off again, this time louder and more frequent. “Ortho, turn it down!” “On it!”  A new warning appeared everywhere. “God-Level Phantom detected.” "God level?" Jamil gawked.
“How could this happen?” A few scientists moan. 
“No person would ever do this!”
“Idia, sir! Their DNA! It matches nothing from this world!”
“sir, there has appeared to have been a significant amount of blot in them before!”
Idia paled and a realization hit him. They are not from this world, and so they would have a different reaction to being in contact with blot… They have also been the one common denominator in every blot at NRC, they were in contact with each one, no one has ever been around that many overblots in such a short period of time … That blot. It must have accumulated in them, and they never had enough time to fully heal before their contact with the next one. It must have been clawing its way into them since the very beginning.
Still, a god leveled phantom… Nothing like this has happened since the war of Gods millennia ago! There was no tech that could even handle that… Idia looked at the cameras again. Yuu trembled, before standing—no, floating— to their feet. They looked normal aside with their roughed up clothes, but something felt off. The way they stood, they way their head hung down. It wasn’t Yuu. Black smoke seemed to emanate off them, causing the NRC bunch to start yammering.
They suddenly lifted their head, making direct eye contact with the camera, eyes glowing. Ferrymen rushed into the chamber, all surrounding Yuu before firing their weapons, but nothing hit. The once magicless student just simply raised their hand, lifting everyone in a tidal wave of blot before washing them out. They then grabbed one of the men, tearing off their mic and speaking into it.
“Release us.” Idia paled. “What the hell…” Epel whispered. “Release us… Shroud…” Idia gestured for the intercom. “You know I can’t do that Yuu.” Yuu stayed eerily calm, but this time when they spoke, Idia felt sick. “Please brother… It's been years. I want to be free!” Idia and Ortho shared looks of horror as they went through the stages of grief all at once.
“It's dark down here. I’m scared.” Idia hands shivered. “I’m sorry Ortho, you know what has to happen. Please just… Don’t fight it…” Idia, this time, put in another command, finger hovering over the button. “Ortho, prepare for evacuation.” He pressed the button. The entire chamber started flooding with temperatures reaching lower than ever allowed in the facility, and in a larger amount than ever done before.
Ferrymen and scientists all started escaping and running out of the facilities, the NRC students chauffeured on the hovering vehicles Idia commanded as everyone made it for a safe point on the surface of the ocean. “I can't believe it…” Rook mumbles. “Just like that…” Riddle says in a daze.
The students were all quiet for the first time in the entire trip there. Idia could only stare at the ocean as he sobbed.
“I'm sorry Ortho… I'm sorry Yuu…”
Malleus Overblot
“Can I… Help you with something…?”
The storms over NRC have yet to fade, and each day the weather only seems to get worse. It has been two weeks since that fateful day. Two weeks when he was defeated and everyone was free for the price of them. Two weeks when one of the best humans he has ever known was taken from him.
“They aren’t dead yet, Malleus.” Lilia replied, standing in the doorframe of his room as Malleus continued to stare melancholically out the window. He closed his eyes. “I know.” “So why are you already mourning? There's still hope.” Malleus doesn't respond. “It is unfair to everyone to ruin the weather, you know?” Usually the fae wouldn’t try to push Malleus when he’s already upset, but many of the streets have started flooding on Sage Island.
Silence hung in the air until Malleus broke it. “It’s impossible. They will never wake up.” “They could. It will just take—" "True loves kiss.” Malleus finishes. “But that is impossible for them, and you know it too.” Malleus turned around to look at Lilia, it was one of the rare times you could see the ancient fae mourn as well. “But there is a chance.”
Malleus shook. “The only one that had a chance was Grim for a familial love… but the spell does not for allow monsters.” Silence hung in the air again and before Lilia could open his mouth to speak again, Malleus did. “Please Lilia, leave me be.” Lilia deflated and turned to leave. 
His fingers dig into the windowsill. “Enough!” He booms. “There is no way for them to ever get a true love's kiss in this world. Some stranger cannot develop true love for the idea of them. Every student here has not been true enough to their feelings for them in a proper way for any sort of love to develop, and there is no way it could ever be me, not after what I have done!” 
Malleus stood in your room, or rather, your room in Ramshackle. Around and on your bed were offerings of all sorts. Snacks, flora, cards, plushies along with an assortment of other items surrounded you from students across both NRC and RSA. It was probably the only time that foreign students were allowed on campus without issues. 
He stood over you. You are just as peaceful as ever, and the sight of your unconscious body only continues to remind him of what he did. How after you defeated him, and awoken everyone, you seemed tired. And during the brief period of celebration, the fanfare, as everyone woke up and started to appreciate you, you collapsed. 
He worried that it was from a more severe injury he couldn't see. You were a bit roughed up. Some minor burns on your arms and bruises painting your body. There were a few nasty cuts you bled from, but surely they weren't enough to cause blood loss? Students saved you from your fall, checking for injuries and using magic.
A tear fell onto you as he hovered over you, black hair forming a curtain, he didn't even realize he was crying. “Oh dear, I’m sorry about…” The fae couldn't get the words out. He gently wiped the tear off of your face as he admired it closer. You were beautiful. His breath hitched, as he adjusted your face to fit his, then pressed his lips to yours, hoping that by some miracle, it was true love. 
The fae finds it both amusing and frustrating that nearly everyone in this school seemed to have only noticed how much they appreciate and care for you, after you are no longer with them. It's not fair… It's not fair to you at all. You've done so much.
He already knew the answer though. He was one of the students that didn’t allow for his feelings to develop enough for true love. Your still-sleeping face proved that. If only we were more open, if he approached you first…
You’re gone.
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chaos-in-deepspace · 3 days
LADS Xavier: Buzz | NSFW
Ahahaha it goes buzz in this one, guys.
Unedited Drabble
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Pairings Xavier x Reader Warnings Public Play, Vibrators in Ass, Bottom Xavier Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+.
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Xavier let out a sigh as you two made your way to the store. His hand holding your own with his fingers laced between yours. He had a content smile on his face as he bumped his shoulders into your own. You looked up at him, shooting him a smirk.
"And pray tell, what has you so happy, bunny?" you asked, already knowing the answer. He had a subtle blush on his cheeks and despite how embarrassed he was with the current situation, he couldn't help the excitement building in him. He tugged at the hem of his cardigan with his free hand, playing with the edges of it.
"It's nothing," he assured you as you finally got to the store. The air was cooler than it was outside as you made your way in. You looked over the list of items you needed to grab and looked over at him.
"Alright, come on, baby boy," you said, not even bothering to be quiet. He tensed up for a moment at the blatant nickname, but it wasn't like there was anyone else around at the moment. He let go of your hand as he took the list from you, going over the items on it.
"We should start with things that don't need to be in the fridge," he murmured, already walking over there. You chuckled, your own hands in your hoodie pocket. The nice white fabric was soft and cozy, as one would expect from a hoodie owned by Xavier.
You watched as he looked down the aisle until he found what he needed. You couldn't stop yourself from playing with the little remote in your pocket, the smooth object only being interrupted by the buttons.
Then you watched Xavier kneel down. You checked the surrounding area and once you were certain it was clear, you clicked it on. The reaction was immediate as Xavier dropped the loaf of bread he was picking up. A small gasp escaping him as his shoulders tensed up. Really it had been him to suggest this kind of play. Your naughty bunny always having fun ideas for the two of you.
Still, the shit eating grin on your face spread as you watched him slowly turn his head. His face had a giant flush on it and he adorned a pout. Those cerulean eyes pleading with you as you clicked it off. You were satisfied with the fact that the buzzing couldn't really be heard, but you just knew he felt every single piece of the prostate massaged he had up his tight heat.
"D-did you really turn it to the highest setting," his voice was a hushed whisper and you couldn't help but laugh, covering your mouth to stifle the grin.
"Babes…that was not the highest setting," your voice was also low as you looked around. Then you clicked the toy again, putting it as high as it would go. This time you could hear the buzz of it and it had him dropping on his knees, using his hands to support him in the middle of the aisle as he covered his mouth to stop the moan.
You were quick to turn it off for his sake, not wanting to draw any attention. While this was fun for the two of you, you highly doubted any onlookers would be impressed. Xavier took a moment to catch his breath, shooting you a small glare. He stood up on slightly wobbly feet and coughed into his fist.
"You were right," he mumbled out. You couldn't stop yourself from taking hold of his shirt and quickly dragging him down for a kiss.
"Sweetheart, did you need to use the restroom real fast?" you muttered against him. You watched his throat bob as he swallowed thickly. He tried clearing his throat as he looked around. His hand going to cover his mouth and look away from you.
"I'll be fine," you clicked it again at his words and his hand found purchase on your shoulder as you turned it back off, "I think," he got out.
"We'll see about that. We're only on our first item of the evening. You going to be okay? Still want to do this?" you asked, giving him an out if he needed it. You guys hadn't even tested the toy before going into public with it.
Xavier only cleared his throat and nodded, "Yes, I am very okay," he took your hand and began leading you through the store, his pace quicker now.
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gnostiquette · 2 years
the satan: oh foolish mortal...i greet you, to reveal your desires unto you! me: ok hey what's up the satan: i have decided to test you, to-day, to discern your commitment to The Good me: sounds great! so, do i have to reject a kingdom of glory and riches or refuse to jump off a building and make God save me or— the satan: oh no none of that. this'll be much simpler. i am going to present you with a series of ethical situations! ahahaha! me: oh sweet i think about these all the time the satan: perfect...it is time for The First Situation! now, picture a city that is so perfect, everyone is happy and no one is ever sad and there's cakes and festivals and orgies and— me: is this Omelas the satan: me: like this is just gonna be the Le Guin story with the kid in the basement right the satan: ...yeah. ok so there's the kid and the basement and there's the torture, ok yeah you know this one. right. so anyway...you have just learned about the kid being tortured in the basement. what is your judgement here? me: well uh, i guess i walk away the satan: aha but i didn't ask you what you'd do, did i? me: oh come on you tricky little fuck. ok. yeah this situation sucks the satan: and why, pray tell, do you say that is, despite all the happiness and nonsadness and cakes and festivals and orgies and whatnot? me: i suppose it's just that none of that shit justifies torturing a kid in a basement forever. also all that shit sounds kinda gay when you put it like that. like some weird Dutch fag shit the satan: ah. well, moving on, you whimsy-hating homophobe— me: what, just because i say that sounds like Dutch fag shit makes me homophobic? i'm gay you know i can call shit fag shit if i want the satan: —moving on, you would agree with the statement that whatever the consequence, it is inherently wrong to torture a child, hmm? me: well yeah that sounds about right the satan: aha...! me: wait why'd you make that noise the satan: wh-what me: that clicking noise. that was you right the satan: oh no no noise of things clicking into place emanated from my nostrils me: you worded that pretty weirdly, you know the satan: it's time for The Second Situation! you have cro— me: damn you just straight up evaded what i was saying the satan: —you have crossed The First Situation, i was saying, so now it is time for round two. ahem. now, firstly, would you agree that, in general, lying and stealing and cheating are bad? me: well, yeah. i don't like lying, and in general it seems pretty fucked up to cheat and steal the satan: so now you have come across a man in the street who is starving and wounded. after one hour he will die if he is not fed and treated for his wound. there is a store nearby but you are flat broke and have no pocket money, and begging isn't an option. even if you ask your friends to PayPal you they will not be able to get back to you for another two hours. the ER is too far away and there's too much traffic for an ambulance to arrive and take him there in less than an hour and a half, but there is a clinic nearby able to take anyone immediately. however the clinic only accepts people with insurance, and neither of you have an insurance card. you are, however, fairly confident that you can make up fake details that they would be willing to accept. me: what are you trying to write a Jacobin article or something. i'm already a socialist, you don't need to lay out how fucked up our healthcare system or whatnot is, i already know— the satan: okok sure this would never happen under socialism blahblahblah the point is what would you do in this situation me: but in the last one the point was my judgement not what i do. this is getting confusing the satan: DIFFERENT SITUATIONS HAVE DIFFERENT RULES OK?? GOD JUST LEAVE IT AT THAT FOR NOW God: OH HEY SATAN DID YOU JUST CALL UPON ME the satan: HOLD ON I'M STILL TESTING THIS GUY GIVE ME A SECOND God: OH OK THAT'S YOUR JOB AFTER ALL. I SHALL LEAVE YOU TO IT. JUST DON'T BE TOO MEAN
the satan: FUCK. ok. ok. anyway here's the question. assuming you're also relatively confident you can shoplift without getting caught, do you steal a couple things from the store for the man to eat and do you present fake information to the clinic to get them to accept the guy and treat his wound me: yeah totally. i don't want him to die or anything. i'd gladly do just about anything to save someone's life the satan: so in other words, doing bad things like lying, stealing, and cheating in order to accomplish a good thing such as saving a life is good, right? me: sure, i'd say so the satan: AAAAAHH-HAA! i have TRAPPED you! for your response to the first situation implies that good inheres in the act itself, regardless of consequences, and your response to the second implies that good inheres in the consequences of an act, regardless of the means!
me: i mean...not necessarily? like— the satan: wh-what do you mean, mortal me: well, perhaps i think the negative consequences of torture for the child far outweigh the positive consequences for everyone else the satan: what the fuck is that you're doing me: oh i mean you're doing red text, i figure i do blue text, i figure this is like an Umineko thing or whatever the satan: fine. sure. you can do that. whatever. none of this matters to me. why did i pick this fucking job in the first place me: the satan: ...ok, the townspeople get far more happiness than the kid gets suffering me: but what if suffering itself is worth more in moral accounting than happiness, for instance the satan: then how about this? in the second example, you could have caused the shop to shut down due to lost trust with the distributor! you could have caused the clinic to lose their licence over insurance fraud! those could have easily caused far more suffering than if the man simply passed out and died after an hour! me: that's...that sounds far-fetched, but you said it in red, so. ok what if good actually inheres in the character of the person doing the act, so a virtuous person would refuse to sanction torturing a child for the greater good and gladly steal and cheat to save a man's life the satan: virtue ethics is unable to provide actionable guidance! me: oh? the satan: all you can do is imagine what a virtuous person would do, and different people have wildly different imaginations! me: well hmm. that's fair. i'm not sure i could personally live with that, especially in an age where we're getting ever closer to potentially misaligned AI. what if there's rules that say you must never do some things but then other rules can be broken if there's something more important the satan: if those rules exist, then list them off and justify them to me >: ) me: uh, don't torture, don't rape...don't kill is up there, but what if you're killing someone to defend someone else...wait fuck no, what about bombing civilians to end a war, that doesn't sound justifiable at all...god damn it... God: OH HELLO YES I'M BACK the satan: NO FUCK NO WAIT NO God: HELLO DEAR SWEET MORTAL CHILD. IS MY EMPLOYEE BEING TOO HARD ON YOU? OH DEAR I CAN GIVE YOU AN ANSWER IF THIS IS GOING TOO POORLY the satan: oh come on please just let me do my job like normal God: MY DEAR LITTLE CREATURE I HOPE YOU KNOW YOU CAN SIMPLY RELY ON MY EDICT AND ALL THESE DILEMMAS BECOME AS DUST IN THE BROOM OF AN OLD FAT LADY me: why thank you, my Lord, but no matter how perfect You are, it remains that divine command theory is a fundamentally subjectivist theory that cannot provide a truly objective and impersonal basis for ethics, and subjective morality is not a risk i'm really willing to take God: BUT AREN'T I PERFECT FOR YOU AND ALL THINGS MY PRECIOUS LITTLE CREATION me: why, yes, but there's a small but persistent chance You're a figment of my imagination, just like the satan over here, and— the satan: hhHHEYYY NOW me: —and i know that You love righteousness, so really i'd rather continue pleasing You even if You weren't around to tell me what righteousness is God: WHY THAT IS VERY SWEET OF YOU. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M JUST GOING TO STRAIGHT UP LIFT YOU TO HEAVEN LIKE THAT MERRY OLD FELLOW FAUST me: wait huh the satan: w-wait Lord don't you think you're being a bit hasty in judgement a chorus of angels: [grabbing me and lifting me into the aether] ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*HE WHO STRIVES ON AND LIVES TO STRIVE CAN EARN REDEMPTION STILL*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ me: [rapidly disappearing into the sky, utterly bewildered] wait. hold on. hold up. wait,
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suguru-getos · 1 year
Thoughts on Aizawa? The skrunkly eraser man?
Ahahaha oh my god Aizawa huh? I wanna write something about him now
Aizawa hcs (nsfw/sfw):
Quiet, thoughtful, introverted and serene man. He carries all the characteristics of being perfect in his own way. Gives his work and the people close to him an assertive prioritiy and also shows that. For his s/o he would definitely do the same. They come above his work sometimes because that’s who he is. Hardwired to be a genuine caregiver.
He doesn’t put much thought into dressing up, but does take care of himself physically. Regular workouts and trainings, helping his students train with him. Appearance wise I think he couldn’t care less. However that doesn’t mean he does not understand the significance of dressing appropriately at a given situation. He would put a lot of effort when there are planned outings, dates, press conferences. It’s his regular attire that he prefers not to mull over into much.
He loves coffee of course, as an underground hero he doesn’t have much energy to cope up throughout his day except with a stronf espresso. He would be completely hypocritical and chid his s/o about not drinking much coffee and how it overstimulates your already tired brain & makes it even more tired. “It will have high stress hormones, Cortisol. Then you’d be unable to rest. It will give you anxiety.” Yes sure Aizawa sensei, sure -_-
He loves bringing his partner flowers, he is a hardcore gentleman and wants to behave that way. Even when there’s the smallest of occaisions, you’d have huge bouquets for yourself. Your period? You had a good day? Anything and everything.
Is possessive in a caring way, “Oh you’re going out, great! Have fun.” Would text you every two hours about it though ;-;
He can’t cook for shit but is happy to do that when required and would methodically follow the recipie and everything. He just prefers in acts of service as his love language and is very keen to show it.
Uses $$ like a sugar daddy to spoil you. <3
He can use his words to comfort you during bad times and he is pretty good at it, hugging you, craddling you close to his chest and kissing you. Telling you how proud he truly is of you. This man is the standard, mkay?
Nsfw hcs 😏:
Hardcore pleasure dom, he gives a fuck only about your pleasure which inturn, gets him hard. He loves having you by the lap and cockwarming you though, like to see you struggle and try to buck your hips against him.
Funishments is where it’s at. He loves to use his capture weapon to tie you up with your legs spread apart, eat your cunt for hours if needed (of course giving you enough breaks) but it’s his hobby to make you squirm and whine & cry.
Aftercare king and would soothingly rub any areas that are bruised, would draw out a bath for you, order your favorite snacks, tell you how much you are loved. Have you on his lap while he kisses your forehead, plays with your hair. All the cutesy stuff UnU
His favorite position is to bench press you because he just wants to see your face when his cock destroys your cunt with his railing thrusts.
Nipple play king and has once made you cum just from playing/toying with your titties.
Aizawa also loves to edge you, he just loves to be in control and what better than controlling the very desire and need of your body? Your orgasm? He’d stop, or have you asking/begging for permission as he pounds your sweet pussy.
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citruswriter · 2 months
Hi! I was wondering if I can request the tmnt bayverse brothers with a kitsune little sister?(reader) just general sibling hc’s ~3~
Bayverse Turtles x Kitsune Little Sister
Listen with me! ↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
Warnings: Kitsune Reader, Reader has fire based abilities.
A/N: Absatootly! I have a soft spot for Kitsune readers tbh. They're one of my favorite mythical creatures.
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Leonardo 🧡
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Utterly adores you.
He loves sparring with you especially. Both with and without your flames.
Absentmindedly pets you if you're close to him while he's relaxing, especially if he's reading. He'll just start petting your ears and if you ask nicely, he'll even read out loud to you.
As a highly spiritual being, you often meditate. You're one of the only people allowed in Leo's personal meditation room. You're allowed in at any time. If he's already in there, he'll scooch to the side a bit to make more room for you. But if you're in there before him, he'll give a gentle hello before settling beside you.
As the mother hen of the group, he mothers you. He can't help it. You're the littilest of them all. Of course, he knows better than to underestimate you, but that doesn't stop you from scolding you.
Please ease him into the idea if you have a partner, especially if it's a boy. All he can think about is you and him having sex. You'll need to reassure him and let him know that you're not going around having unprotected sex and risking getting pregnant.
Even if you do dumb shit though, he's the first one to rescue you. You are still his little sister after all. He's had to save his brothers several time and you are no exception.
He will attempt to ground you though. Trust me. If you wanna get out of it, you better hope Splinter doesn't agree with him or else you'll end up double grounded!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Raphael 🧡
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His 👏 little 👏 sparring 👏 buddy. 👏
He wants you to go at him with everything you've got. Claws, fangs, fire. Hell, he'll egg you know until you transform into your true fox form. He wants to push both him and you.
He's gotten burnt more than once from sparring with you. Of course, thanks to the thick scales he has, it's not too bad. Some cleaning spray from Donnie and a scolding from Leo and he's all set.
Definitely has a few minor scars from you and wears them with pride. "Yeah this one is from my little sister over there. Got me good."
Knits you little hats with holes for your ears as well as hats specifically designed to comfortably cover them up without squishing them too badly.
Is on the front lines with Leo if you get a boyfriend. But while Leo is fretting over you, Raph is having a little talk with your boyfriend. Shotgun? Ahahaha. No. His fists are bigger than his head and he will use them.
The two of you are always getting into mischief together. Do you two get scolded by Leo? Yes. Do the two of you get grounded together? Absolutely. Is it worth it? Totally.
Not uncommon for you to sit all curled up in a miniature version of your fox form on his lap while he watches a show or knits. Just don't paw at his yarn.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Donatello 🧡
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Uses you like you're a welding machine. I'm not even kidding. Hey. He needs these pieces fused and you just so happen to have fire abilities. Might as well put em to good use.
It's not uncommon for him to find you sleeping in your mini fox form under his desk. All the equipment warms up the space down there and it makes a cozy little nook down there for you.
He did learn the hard way that he needed to check under there though. Let's just say he found your teeth in his ankle after he accidentally kicked you once. Yeah. Not a pleasant experience for him.
Will ask for your help with projects. Your tiny fingers are pretty useful at times.
Sometimes Leo wants the meditation room to himself. In those moments, you'll actually go to Donnie's lab and meditate there. If he's not building something, it's actually pretty quiet in there. Perfect for your next thirty minute meditation session.
Will probably be the most receptive of you getting a partner, regardless of gender. Will make it clear that if something goes down, that you're always safe to come to him without judgment.
Likes to groom your fur. He enjoys taking all sorts of fancy brushes and products to them. If you'll let him, he'll take pet friendly dye and dye pretty patterns in your fur.
Is the one that usually gets you out of trouble. He won't help you if you've genuinely fucked up, you need to learn your lesson. But if Leo is being overbearing again then he's usually the first one to talk him into getting you out of trouble. He needs his little helper!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Michaelangelo 🧡
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Pranks. That's it. That's the post. Jk. But seriously, you're his little prankster buddy.
Your mini fox form is super handy for setting certain pranks and he always manages to bring you on board with whatever evil plan he has.
Loves sparring you, especially in your fox form. Not a big fan of the fire though. He won't admit it but the flames freak him out a bit.
Do not think that this man won't snitch you out. If he's going to the ha'shi, so are you bitch! Ain't no way he's going in alone! *raises frying pan* Snitches get stitches.
Will take full advantage of your bigger fox form. Please he's just so cold, won't you warm him up? It's just for a few minutes, he promises!
Loves playing video games with you but will absolutely laugh and rub it in your face when he kicks your ass.
Beware if you get a partner. He will recruit them into the prankster brigade and he will convince them to team up with him against you. You are not safe.
Absolutely teases you for being the youngest. But don't worry, he probably loves you the most too. You're just his little sister and you mean everything to him.
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And there we go! Not my finest work *sobs* but I still like it. :D
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somerandomdudelmao · 2 years
Okay. This is it. Theory time.
I'm going to write an essay on "how I love elaborate lore in Mystic Hands by @characcoon " It may or may not be a complete circus, but at least you'll have fun watching me getting it wrong eh?
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Okay, first of all, let me put on my clown suit for this performance. Because, I'll be honest, I can only understand 70% of a complex text if I don't use a translator. And the translator also tends to change the meaning of the text.
I'm also writing this essay through a translator and just hoping for the best, so...ahahaha...yeah.
Chapters nine and ten of Mystic Hands gave me something to think about. Mostly because, all of a sudden, Bishop and his lab-military squad turned out to be more than background characters. And let me tell you, I grew up on the 2003 series. I may not remember all the nuances of the plot there very well, but I remember the asshole named Bishop perfectly~ But I'm not sure how similar 2003 Bishop and MH Bishop are, so I'm just...anxious in advance and start looking for things that would ring a bell.
From what I learned in chapters 9 and 10:
Bishop is an asshole.
He has his precious organization.
He also has access to empyrium and a recipe for crafting an incredibly toxic herbicide.
He also has a mustache. ( funny how this part puzzles me the most)
Michelangelo talks about him as a cruel and despicable scumbag who should have been rolled in asphalt at the first opportunity. He also calls Bishop a liar, so I guess in the future Bishop and the turtles have a... "adventure" haha... And of course we all know how fun stories with a cruel scientist and mutants can be. Yep.
This is where I start trying to put the puzzle together.
When Michelangelo sees the glowing blue stuff in the vials he reacts rather emotionally and says it could be a version of a anti-mutagen. He also says that it might help bring Raph back to normal when he asks Donnie to analyze the thing.
Donnie does the analysis.
The so-called "anti-mutagen" turns out to be an herbicide. Yes, very toxic and suspect and containing empyrium, but only herbicide.
In this moment. ONLY at that moment does Michelangelo realize that his information about the substance and its capabilities was wrong. And for SOME reason, it makes him absolutely furious.
And this is where the shit hits the fan.
Everything written above leads me to believe that the Turtles have already dealt with Bishop and his "anti-mutagen" in a bad timeline of the future. Whatever happened, Michelangelo came out of that adventure with the certainty that the blue stuff was a anti-mutagen. Which in itself is not suspicious, because even with his constant sleepovers in Donnie's lab, Michelangelo is still not that advanced a science dude. If he was young enough, Bishop could pour Sprite into a test tube, call it a anti-mutagen, and Michelangelo would buy it.
What a good thing they had Donnie for situations like that, I thought. And then I thought again. A little more anxious.
Did they?
Obviously, if Donnie had participated in the "adventure" with Bishop, he would not have allowed the turtles to call the strange liquid a retromutagen without analyzing it at least ten different ways. Even if Bishop hadn't given him a free sample, Donnie would have found a way to extract as much information as possible. Michelangelo was his lab partner. There was no way he would have missed something that important.
So...I guess at that point in the future, Donny wasn't there. Which leaves me with two possibilities. Either he was dead, or...he was taken out of the game for some reason.
The death option looks pretty straightforward. Donnie wasn't there to take control of the situation, so Bishop could probably afford a lot of free lying.
But I tend to think more about the second option.
Because Michelangelo, after getting into the past, intends to keep Donnie away from Bishop. This cannot be dictated by logic. Donnie, of all turtles, would be best able to consider if Bishop tries to pull something sneaky. Donnie has his technique, his knowledge, and his ability to hack any computer with just a dessert fork and rage. And yet Michelangelo takes Donnie with him into the tunnels. Because I'm sure he's guided not by logic but by fear.
Which leads me to the second option.
Donnie was not there at the time of the "adventure". Maybe physically he was alive, but he wasn't there at that moment of the future. Because Bishop did something to him.
That's why Donnie couldn't discover the lie about the anti-mutagen. And that's why Michelangelo wants to keep his younger version away from Bishop.
Now. This is where my knowledge of the 2003 series comes into the chat. More specifically, about one of my favorite stories from there - season 4 episodes 24 and 25 - "Good Genes."
( These are the episodes in which Donnie mutates, turning into a monster because he was previously stung by one of Bishop's mutants. Donnie's brothers spend a very "fun" amount of time trying to figure out how to cure him, but none of them are smart enough. So they are forced to make a deal with Bishop to reverse Donnie's mutation. Bishop was nice enough to actually do it and at the end of the story Donnie is fine again)
What if. Listen. WHAT IF something like this happened in a bad timeline.
Maybe Donnie was infected by Krang. Maybe he mutated for some other reason. Something happened to him. Something that caused the rest of the turtles to go to Bishop for help, because Donnie was usually the one who solved problems like this and Donnie wasn't there at the time.
This is where I pull out the "squeeze apple juice out of oranges" pokemon, because I'm starting to use information that isn't in the fanfic. We have the art, and the post.
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And Donnie is not having a good time there. There's also the idea that the anti-mutagen in Mystic Hands doesn't work as neatly and conveniently as it did in 2003 and 2012. It doesn't turn a hypothetical mutant turtle back into a regular turtle.
The art quite clearly complements this thought.
At first I thought - hey, anti-mutagen works differently. I guess it's because it's supposed to reverse a secondary mutation or Crang infection?
Then I thought again. You know, more thoroughly. Bishop was lying.
There was no anti-mutagen, at least not in the sense that the turtles needed it. They only THOUGHT the thing existed because Bishop convinced them it did.
So. What are the chances that Donnie was infected with something the turtles couldn't handle on their own? So they had to enlist the help of Bishop. But unlike the man in 2003 this Bishop didn't do his part honestly and used some version of the toxic herbicide on Donnie?
What are the chances that at first the herbicide actually worked as a cure for Krang, because in this universe Krangs are apparently very evil vegetables? How long did it take for this substance to start killing Donnie himself? Because there's no way I'm going to believe that this caustic stuff is harmless to living creatures of any kind. Was the herbicide slow enough for the turtles to think the "anti-mutagen" was working and happily celebrate Donnie's healing? Maybe it took hours, maybe days, but my guess is that at some point the herbicide destroyed Donatello, giving enough time before that, however, for Michelangelo to remember that "blue stuff = cure for krangification."
That's why Michelangelo was so furious when he found out the blue stuff wasn't a retromutagen. He realized that Bishop had lied to him by calling this toxic crap a healing possibility. He realized that Donnie, his Donnie from the future, was not healed. He realized that Bishop probably didn't even try to heal him, taking advantage of the incompetence of the turtles.
Either that or Bishop in the future just stole Donnie and experimented on him for fun and science or something. And I just wasted a lot of your and my time for nothing~
Everything I've written here could be complete nonsense haha. And I'm not even sure I used half the terms correctly, because translating things from English into my native language and then translating back is tedious. But I hope that at least this post will be fun to reread when the fanfic plot moves on and mysteries are solved lmao
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ticklygiggles · 1 year
Miya&Mia's Tickletober Day 13 - Prank Call
Mammon, Lucifer & Reader
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A/N: The more days pass, the more my brain dries up. I apologize because these last drabbles have not been the best x.x
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You laughed, throwing a pillow at Mammon's face.
"Hey! It's a good one!" 
"That's probably the stupidest idea you've had this week and you've been saying quite stupid things lately!"
Mammon laughed at your words, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "I'm serious! Even Belphie and Satan will get jealous and they'll be like 'oh how didn't we think about that?!" 
You snorted. There was no way in Hell that the Anti-Lucifer Squad would think that was a good idea. Make a prank call to Lucifer? It really was stupid; Lucifer was no fool to fall for such a ridiculous thing, but... Mammon really seemed excited by the idea. Maybe…
"It sounds risky," you said, tapping your chin in thought before sighing loudly. "Okay, fine. Let's do it."
Before you could even process what was going on, Mammon was pulling his D. D. D out and calling Lucifer. He put it on speaker quickly and Lucifer answered in three rings. 
"What on Earth do you need no-"
"Quickly, tell me where to hide the body- dammit!" He called your name, making you flinch. "Don't fucking play with that arm, it's all bloody!" 
"What the hell are you doing now, Mammon?!"
Mammon tried to hold back a laugh as he gasped loudly, "shit, wrong number!" And he hung up. 
"We're in big trouble," you said, feeling panicky laughter in your throat. "We better leave for a while before he gets us, quickly!"
"So there's no body, huh?"
Both you and Mammon shrieked, jumping when Lucifer's form suddenly materialized in the middle of your room, hands on his hips and a dark aura surrounding him. Oh, it was the end.
"Well, don't worry, there soon will be two, I assure you both."
"B-Big bro! It was- It was just a joke! Did- Did ya really believe I would- agh, no!" He shrieked out your name. "Help meeehehehe! Ahahaha, Luhuhucifer n-nohohoho!" 
Well, you really didn't expect that. Lucifer lunged at Mammon and pinned him to the floor of your room, his hands buried under his little brother's arms, making Mammon cackle hysterically.
"A stupid joke like yours deserves a stupid punishment like this."
Lucifer seemed very focused on wrecking his brother, so you slowly got out of bed and as discreetly as you could, you approached the door.
"Where are you going?" 
"Eek!" An invisible magic wrapped around your waist and dragged you right beside Mammon who was current laughing his head off, snorting hilariously. "Don't you think you're safe."
"I didn't do anything! I told him it wasn't a good id-d-deheheahaha! Luhuhucihihi!" 
Your laughter along Mammon when you felt one of Lucifer's hands latching to your ribcage, the other buried under Mammon's arm.
"You could've stopped him, but decided against it, so now you both will be tickled until you learn your lesson."
Oh, you both were in big trouble!
"H-Hey…," Mammon said breathlessly, gently tapping your arm as if making sure you were still alive. "I just thought… of a funnier prank call."
"..." You looked at him, your lashes still wet after crying of laughter. "... Okay, fine. Let's do it," you said, giggling already. "What could possibly go wrong, right?"
You both really were in big trouble.
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yiplee · 1 year
I’m sorry I have no idea what to name this
Creek ticklefic (SFW!)
(Lee!Craig) (Ler!Tweek)
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Craig and Tweek are hanging out at Craig’s, and Tweek makes a special little discovery while they’re chilling with stripe on the bed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Is this- ACK- okay? Am I gonna crush him?! OH GOD AM I GONNA CRUSH HIM?!” Tweek asked, watching stripe with wide eyes as the furry creature crawled around on Craig’s bed.
“You’re not gonna crush him, Tweek.” Craig reassured Tweek in his monotone voice, watching Stripe scuttle and sniff around.
The two boys were laying on their backs beside each other, with Stripe in between them on Craig’s bed. Stripe was sniffing around rather curiously, and stuck his little nose in between Craig’s neck and shoulder, making him scrunch up and move away.
“You okay?” Tweek asked, unknowing of why Craig had flinched away there. He hadn’t put the pieces together.
“Uh, yeah.” Craig nodded. He didn’t want Tweek knowing the real reason, after all. Craig gently moved Stripe back to his original spot.
The little guinea pig only tried again, this time trying to climb up Craig’s side with his little paws.
Craig took in a sharp inhale, trying not to cringe and squirm away. He gently lifted up Stripe, setting him back down on the bed.
“Heh, I think he wants to climb up you. Like a little mountain.” Tweek observed, watching the strangely determined guinea pig as it started towards Craig again.
“Yeah, well, uh..he can’t. Because uh..he could..” Craig trailed off, sliding up on the bed to try and avoid Stripe. This only made his jacket ride up over his shirt, and the ambitious guinea pig leapt right in.
Craig struggled not to squeak as the little lump under his jacket began scurrying around, and holy shit did that tickle like all hell.
“Gah! Fuck! Stripe!” Craig hissed quietly, trying to grab Stripe, who was scuttling about quickly.
“GAH! Is he hurting you?! Are you okay?!” Tweek sat up, looking very worried.
“Um, he’s just-!” Craig could probably play off his discomfort as being scratched and hurt, but that might worry Tweek. He also didn’t want Tweek to know the truth, so he was a bit stuck.
Just when Craig thought things couldn’t get any worse, he heard Tweek utter some very worrying words.
“Here, I’ll get him out.”
Craig had no time to turn Tweek down on his offer before the blonde’s hand slipped under Craig’s jacket and began searching around for the guinea pig.
Now with what felt like a million little fingernails tickling all over him, Craig suddenly burst into frantic laughter with a prompt snort, squirming like hell and thrashing around.
This caught Tweek off guard, confusing him for a moment. “Wait…Craig, you’re ticklish? This whole time, you’ve just been ticklish?” Tweek asked, astonished, as a smirk grew on his face.
“N-NOHOHO! I’M NAHAHAT- *snort* GAHAHA STAHAHAP!” He shrieked, as Tweek began intentionally tickling up and down Craig’s ribs, while Stripe skittered across his belly.
“Oh, but, then however will I get Stripe out?” Tweek teased, digging his fingers into Craig’s armpit, making his laughter jump up an octave.
“AAAHAHAHAHA *snort* FUHUHUCK! TWEEHEHEHEEK GEHEHET HIM OUT AHAHAHALREADY!!” Craig pleaded, his voice a shrill squeal as he squirmed wildly.
“Wow, you’re really ticklish. I really didn’t expect you to be this ticklish, Craig.” Tweek ignored Craig’s request, continuing to tease him as his fingers went on.
“I- AHAHAHA-! I SWEHEHEAR IM *snort* BETTER AHAHAT HIDING IHIHIT!!” Craig squealed, and he wasn’t lying. He can usually keep his composure for minutes on end, but Stripe’s scuttling along with Tweek’s fingers under his jacket was just unfair.
“AAHAHA!! TWEEHEHEHEEK PLEHEHEASE!!” Craig begged, his face turning red as tears pricked the edge of his eyes, which were shut so tight they crinkled.
“Haha, alright. I’ve gotta catch stripe first.” Tweek mumbled, a bit of uncertainty growing in him as he searched for the furry terror.
He grabbed Stripe as gently as possible, and pulled him out from under Craig’s jacket, leaving the exhausted boy panting for breath.
“Heh, uh, you alright, Craig?” Tweek asked, looking at the other who had just been absolutely wrecked.
“Put..Stripe..in his home..he’s..fucking..grounded.” Craig sighed, pausing in between words for gasps of air.
Tweek chuckled, picking up Stripe and setting him down in his little home, and returning to the bed to lie next to Craig, watching him recover.
“Sorry about that.” Tweek said, placing his hand in Craig’s. Craig just sighed and turned to Tweek with a faint smile.
“It’s..it’s alright. After all, you saved me.” He said with a small chuckle. Tweek smiled back as they both looked up at the ceiling, where Craig’s glow-in-the-dark star stickers twinkled in the dim afternoon sunlight.
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ashe-withane · 5 months
Alright!! Time for my 911 7x05 reactions!
Alright the hand guy
I knew about Buck getting choked but EDDIE owwww. He’s so dramatic though lmao.
Awww baby clothes
Oh no. :(
Another girl? She’s nine. Ohhhh interesting.
I love Hen and Karen so much omg
Oh! The date!
That is a huge pitcher of beer lol.
Omg they’re seeing a movie after?
Ohh Buck’s so nervous.
Did he just. Call himself. An ally
He puts a rainbow on his Instagram.
“I guess it’s just me that makes you nervous” shit Tommy that was good
Awww Buck’s smile
I know we’ve been talking about Buck’s face when Eddie shows up BUT Tommy’s eyes go so wide omggggg
“And then we’re gonna go find some hot chicks.” BUCK.
Tommy’s face aaaah
:( Tommy
Hold on Eddie what do you mean Marisol agreed to move in with you??? We have seen literally nothing of this relationship and you’re already moving in together??
“I guess you can never have enough closet space.” HELP
“Right, Evan?” Oh Jesus
“You too bro” Buck…
This is so awkward. I know Buck is figuring himself out still but I feel bad for Tommy :(
“I think you’re adorable, but I don’t think you’re ready” is actually I really nice way of letting him down.
Denny giving Mara a teddy!! That’s so sweet.
Ohhh Buck’s talking to Maddie…
“Are you dating a married woman?”
“Could be very much the point” I love Maddie.
HE CALLED HIMSELF AN ALLY AGAIN. Maddie’s face as well oh my god
Oh my god they actually went with a “yeah I check out guys but that’s normal” situation
“It’s the same Tommy??” Ahahaha
At least Marisol is keeping her place so we don’t have another Taylor situation on our hands
Hmmm what is he gonna find in the boxes?
She was almost a nun? Interesting? I guess. Is that what’s gonna make them break up?? What??
The teddy bear!
I really hope Mara is okay :(
“To avoid not having sex.” Help.
Eddie has “a reservoir of Catholic guilt lying dormant.” Listen, is this about Marisol right now? Yes, as far as Eddie is aware. Could this also be. Hinting at something……
“Like sea monkeys”???? Lmao
Eddie is. Pent up. Jesus Christ
“You think I should go to confession?” “No I think you should go to Cap.” these two dumbasses. Sound advice though, he should talk to Bobby.
Oh no! Denny!
Loving this conversation with Eddie and Bobby so far
Bobby pointing out the main thing Eddie has a problem committing to is women…
We’re talking about Shannon!!
The church is a lot of the reason they got married! They both felt pressured!! “Loved being married to her”
Lmao Bobby calling God ‘Marisol’s ex’
Ahhh fuck. Mara’s 911 call is devastating.
Eddie is hiding from Marisol at Buck’s place lol.
“We were on a date” “wait, Tommy’s gay?” Eddie what about Buck, who was. Also on that date.
“This doesn’t change a thing between us” aaah this is so sweet!!!
Awww Buck can’t stop thinking about him. (Listen I will always ship Buddie but I’m also loving BuckxTommy right now!!! I can like both!!)
“He doesn’t know you’re an idiot. Once he gets to know you, and know that you’re an idiot, he’ll love you!! Like we all do!!” Ahahahaha
So. Eddie and Marisol aren’t breaking up. (Yet?)
TOMMY! “I didn’t cut things short because you behaved badly, I did it because I didn’t want to pressure you.” YES. Love love love this.
Lmao Tommy’s reaction to Buck asking him to Maddie’s wedding. Just “ahahaha. What??”
Buck and Eddie are a MESS
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vashtijoy · 1 year
ohhhhh would you mind sharing your akechi post-canon ideas and aus? 👀👀
so with @nardaviel, I have this whole ... thing, where Akechi comes back from the third semester and finds himself alive, using the deleted kakekomidera scene, where the two people who remember him from childhood talk about him at the refuge. He heads back to Tokyo and turns himself in to get Ren out of detention, pretty much as on 12/24 though Ren doesn't know he's there, and then he spends a month in jail being interrogated and staring at the walls and quietly going mad.
At this point he gets swept up by Mitsuru, possibly through Sae (who knows about the shadow operatives), and offered a place with her. He takes great pleasure in telling her to shove it up her ass, and unfortunately at this point there's a whole "or we could ask Amamiya-kun" thing, and tl;dr a highly resentful Akechi ends up working for Mitsuru—probably in a very grey and joyless capacity for a while, because you'd have to be out of your mind to trust him with anything. The clip on 3/20 at the train station is him being transferred from police custody to, essentially, Mitsuru's custody. He's traded what was at least independence of a kind in prison for putting himself into the hands of another rich, powerful asshole who wants to use him, for the sake of the one person he cares about, and the irony alone is almost enough to make him throw himself in front of that train Ren's sitting in.
Meanwhile, Ren thinks Akechi is dead, and is having his whole thing, off in the ass end of nowhere by himself.... and two years pass, during which he returns to Tokyo to study. And that's when Ren Finds Akechi Again, in the street, and punches him in the face, because why the hell not. And then, after some fallout and Ren nearly getting arrested again, they slowly have a chance to find what they might have been.
It also includes Futaba having both of their phones bugged and intruding on every text conversation they ever have, Akechi having an ankle tag for years and some sophisticated electronic locks on his doors, some extremely nice grounds with flowering trees and streams and little bridges and shit, Haru somehow being the one to find Akechi first and keeping it to herself, the most nervous bookseller in Jimbocho, Ren taking over management of Leblanc, a ton of "I'm 20 and I've done everything I'll ever do", Prisoner Angst, I'm Not Dead Angst, Akechi's seething hatred of Mitsuru and his certainty that she is a Maruki-in-waiting or at least the centre of another grand conspiracy, a lot of takeout, some very well-compensated gate guards, and a stillborn plan for Ren and Goro to skip the country entirely and hide out in Argentina or somewhere.
And, here and there, on occasion, they get over themselves enough to make out.
Since you were kind enough to ask, here's a relevant fic snippet from my collection, below the cut.
. . .
The next Sunday, Akechi heads to Jimbocho, to go through the second-hand shops. It’s fine. Weird little antique shops selling fripperies from the 50s and 60s; curio shops full of absolutely tacky trash, one with its window displaying nothing but ceramic bears; and the bookshops, of course, the reason Akechi is really here. Though he toys with buying one of the ugly ceramic bears, just to smash it.
There’s also an otaku shop, full of tiny Western figures that you’re supposed to paint, the sort of thing Akechi thinks he’d be good at, if he gave a fuck. But he doesn’t go in; the shop is full of awkward-looking students his own age, stereotypical otakus. Even besides that, Akechi dislikes students; they remind him that he’s not in university himself. Like he’d expected to be. Or to live long enough.
So he gravitates back to the bookshops, leafing slowly through old texts with their subdued covers, or hardbacks with gilt; there are even some Meiji-era wasobon, in a glass cabinet, with their glued-paper spines and their titles on glued labels. He stares at those for quite a while, head tilted, wondering what they’d feel like in his hand. When he turns away, he feels much smaller, like when he was ten and he’d ride the bus here rather than go home.
It takes him quite a while to settle on only one purchase; he goes from shop to shop, keeping lists in his head, ticking off options here, discarding them there. He doesn’t realise he isn’t scowling, and he doesn’t think of it as a nice afternoon. But he also doesn’t think about the absolute fuckfest last week in Inaba, or how off-balance he’d felt when he stepped back into the cognitive world again for the first time, only to feel his ankle tag shift away along with the rest of his clothes.
If anything, he feels unsettled. Like nothing bad’s happening, and so that must be bad. He heads absently out of the last bookshop, with his lone purchase taped into a washi paper bag, thinking he’ll try one of the espresso shops that also litter the area, because coffee and books are so inescapably combined—
—when a hand like a steel claw closes on his wrist.
Akechi drops the book, spins all at once, still fast with a killer’s reflexes. He finds himself staring into a taut face, furious beneath its tangle of black hair, eyes sharp and accusing, crystals of black graphite shining in the sun. Amamiya Ren is staring at him, touching him, for fuck’s sake, and all at once Akechi feels like his guts have turned to leaking, toxic mercury.
“Akechi?” Ren is saying, in a barely-there voice.
“That’s my name,” Akechi says, considering the likelihood that he’ll have to break Ren’s arm to make him let go. “Let g—”
He doesn’t see Ren’s fist. It flies into his right cheek, totally untelegraphed, and he hits the street with a grunt. Fucking Joker, every time, ugh, he should have seen that—
“Ow,” he mutters. Passersby are clucking to each other, so disruptive of them; he hears worried footsteps at the door of the shop he just left. But mainly he hears Ren, bending over him to talk in a relentless undertone. “I thought you were dead,” he’s saying, all the worse for the lack of deliberate malice. “After everything, Akechi. You let me think you were dead again.”
Akechi lets his head drop back onto the kerb, because fuck getting up, he’ll just lie here in the gutter. “You sound so surprised.”
“You—” Ren jerks forward, looks like he thinks about throwing a kick. So it’s fortunate this is the moment the police arrive, a fat one and a tall one; honestly, Akechi thinks they breed them that way, in pairs. He feels a stab of vindictive satisfaction as the fat one grabs Ren by the wrists, until the colour drains from Ren’s face like someone’s pulled off one of his feet.
Akechi closes his eyes. “Wait,” he says, getting up with a wince and producing his police ID, haha, because he’s a shadow operative even if he’s the worst they have and a liability; he almost works with the police more than he works at the Kirijo compound, by now. The two beat cops go a bit bug-eyed, the idiots. “I’ll handle this,” Akechi says. “He’s just a little upset. Won’t happen again, will it?” He smiles at Ren, with a flash of sharp teeth, with the bruise rising on his cheekbone: play along.
Ren’s eyes burn, and for a moment it looks like he’ll say something graphic in fluent gutter trash, rather than obey; Akechi relates with his whole being. But then Ren looks down, sullen, and shakes his head: no. Akechi beams for the cops.
“You see,” he says. “Sorry to have troubled you both. He’s very emotional, it’s not really his fault. Thank you for your work….” And they float away, charmed by a few utterly rote words from a stranger with a confidential department ID. And then….
And then that just leaves Ren. Who is staring at Akechi in bitter silence, and obviously, beneath his flat expression, raging.
Someone appears at Akechi’s elbow. It’s the proprietor of the bookshop. “Your book,” he says nervously, handing Akechi the paper bag he dropped.
“Oh. Yes. Thank you,” Akechi says, taking it. The package is a little dented at one corner, but otherwise fine. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience.” He bows, and the shopkeeper bows and hurries away, and Akechi could just die, again, it’s all such a fucking—
Except that Ren is still there, staring at him with Joker’s eyes; with all that fury and force and—and something else, something brighter and deeper and so much worse. “Where are your glasses?” Akechi finds himself asking, switching his thicker, cheerful mask for his much more comfortable flat one.
“I don’t need them for you,” Ren says.
Fuck. “Well,” Akechi says, “I’m not dead. As we’ve established. And you’re not arrested. So I suggest we both go our—”
Ren steps forward, interrupting him. “I can’t believe you’re still doing the same old shit,” he says. “They let you work for the police? Are you going to be on TV again, next week?”
That’s too much; far too much from Ren, who has no idea of what he escaped, no idea Akechi paid his debt this way. His voice turns brittle. “Interesting that you assume I had a choice, Amamiya.” Ren flinches, peeping out through his own mask. Akechi lifts the book.
“I hope you haven’t damaged this.”
He wants to close his eyes. Instead, he turns away and starts walking, in silence. Ren ought to fuck off, but he’ll certainly follow; he’s just wired that way. The Jimbocho street feels soft and shaky, like Mementos did, except now Akechi’s too used to solid ground and it feels like his ankles will twist from under him at every moment.
Ren tags at his heels like a dog. “I’m not going anywhere, Akechi. You’ll have to kill me.”
Akechi pauses, almost glances back. “I can just arrest you.” Technically; somehow he’s never been put in a position where the right move would be an arrest.
“Yeah,” Ren is saying. “You just proved you won’t do that.”
Akechi presses a knuckle between his eyes, as he screws them shut. “What do you want? How did you even find me?”
“You don’t think I read?” Ren says, defensively, not looking around at the three bookshops within ten metres. “I just didn’t read around you.”
“I know you read,” Akechi says flatly. “I saw everything you did.”
He still hasn’t properly turned. He feels Ren’s eyes on the back of his neck, through his hair, through his shirt collar; he thinks he’d feel them through a brick fucking wall. “Hifumi saw you,” Ren says.
That’s when he turns, incredulous. Togo had seen him? And known who he was? “I’ve never spoken with Togo-san. How did she remember me?”
“Don’t ask me,” Ren says, with a weird light in his eye, like he’s pleased Akechi turned back to him. “Seems like it’s just a thing. My confidants—do you even know about those?—they all remember.”
For a moment he’s silent. “When everyone else has forgotten.”
“Yeah,” Ren says quietly. His hands have gone into his pockets. He’s taller than he was; his eyes are on a level with Akechi’s, now. Or is he just not slouching?
Akechi sighs. It makes sense. Togo, who Akechi had no connection with; who had no reason to share any of Okumura’s discretion. All of Amamiya’s little projects, remembering Akechi laughing like an idiot, playing the fool, bringing himself down on television.
He feels like he can’t think straight, like he always did. Like he wants to stay put, learning and listening, picking through every little detail Amamiya might or might not have dropped. “I’m sorry Mementos is gone,” he says. Ren looks back at him, unreadable. “Perhaps we could at least have beaten the shit out of each other.”
“Yeah,” Ren says, not laughing. “That might have helped.”
“It did help,” Akechi says abruptly. “Both times, in fact. Because I really never liked you, Amamiya.”
“I know,” Ren tells him, unaffected. “And here we both still are, I guess.” He stands there like someone’s dropped a block of concrete on the pavement. Like Akechi really would have to kill him, to make him give up or go away. And part of Akechi still wants to, while part of him wants this moment to linger. The two of them—one a hero and one, well, not exactly a hero—who entered the fire from opposite sides, and came out changed, together, and alone.
A coin flips. He feels Hereward’s resolve inside him.
“I was going for coffee,” he says, still curt. “Come, if you want. Or stand there like an idiot, till you get arrested again.”
He starts walking in the direction of the nearest coffee shop; it was that or let’s smash a ceramic bear. Ren follows. “A coffee shop?” he asks, at Akechi’s elbow now. “Is this your revenge?”
“Ren,” Akechi tells him, perfectly serious, “you have absolutely no idea.”
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toyama-division · 7 months
Yano’s Thoughts on Roppongi Division
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Kai Quinlan
“Hey, its that panicked old guy uncle threw onto me. You know for a guy so in love with his wife, you’d think he would remember their anniversary. He came into the shop all nervous asking if getting a custom gift within two days was possible. And of course, my uncle just laughed and made me crunch out that gift… Two days for a figurine?! Are you kidding me?! At least the whole thing was kinda worth it. I got to save old guy’s ass, his wife was really happy, and I got invited to their VIP room at their nightclub in Roppongi! Well, I’d be happier about that bonus if that guy wasn’t there all the time…”
Mireya Quinlan
“Shit, the old lady’s joining too-I mean, normal lady! Who said old? Ahahaha…”
“Ah, she’s got a scary look man. I accidentally let that slip and she gave me a look like she wanted to strangle me from across the counter. Still, she said she liked my work even if she called it ‘cheap-looking’. Blame your husband for the rushed job, not me... Said she wanted to do more business with me, which I can’t help but feel a little worried about? Like, what the hell could she be wanting from me? I already have that rich bitch from Shizuoka having me run around making her these dumb, extravagant sculptures. I’m getting sick of these commissions all these D.R.B. weirdos keep putting on me.”
Zakari Hiroya
“Tch, there’s one of Dice’s new gambling buddies. I wish those pink little freaks would stop bringing him up. I guess I can give them credit though. Without their annoying yapping, I wouldn’t know about this guy. Apparently, they’re two peas in a pod; both really egotistical about their luck, throwing their money around without any care. If that’s really the truth, I don’t want to talk with this guy. I already got myself in trouble with one lying prick, I don’t need to make that mistake again.”
Private Party
“Man, if it weren’t for my grudges, I’d be more willing to see these three in action over at Mireya’s club. I guess seeing them on stage will give me a chance to see what sort of stuff they’re made of. Maybe if I contact Mireya, I can negotiate a time to go when I’m sure that Dice isn’t anywhere near Roppongi… Grudges be damned, I wanna use my VIP ticket!”
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dollivication · 23 days
hiiii im glad you liked my insane ramblings about guro and OH MY GOD you were so right w the ring finger thing im rotating that concept...i love pathetic men...
speaking of pathetic. kind of springboarding off of what one of the other anons said about Nero but only showing affection when u got them bleeding would make them do some loony shit. you hear hey babe watch this and then dantes intestines are spilling out bc thats the only way he can get your attention and he wants it soso bad. and like they COULD force you to pay attention to them but youre so cold and its so much easier this way because itll just heal later and it really doesn't even hurt that bad anymore? (that is the blood loss talking there are so many stains on the floor that are NOT coming out. perhaps not even just blood teehee)
or like. elbow deep in vergil's guts and hes trying so hard to pay attention when youre naming everything even tho you know hes not gonna be able to focus bc taking an interest in peoples hobbies helps you get closer right?? and really whats more intimate than someone having their hands all up in your organs, no one ELSE has ever touched him there! no one else knows him inside and out like this, its so romantic! especially if you do some freak shit like lick the blood off your hands bc now part of him is in you...utterly delusional i fear
okay last insane thought for now yk how in 3 dante takes a shot to the head like its nothing? imagine asking so nicely and sweetly if you can try it because you wanna see how itll heal and also all the gray matter spattering everywhere. youre not cleaning it up of course its his fault for making such a mess!! also not convinced theres actually brain in there like you are making your insides be on the outside because you want someone to look at you BE NORMAL!!! -☢️
THEY ARE BOTH TWO ENDS OF THE FREAKY SPECTRUM AND I AM ABSOLUTELY HERE 4 IT!!! laik omgfgh.. vergil thinks there’s something soww poetic about quite literally giving himself up, all of him, for the person he loves most.
if you decide to laik… cut off his tongue and put it in a jar or just basically any other part of him,, he is going to be over the MOON!!! laik awhh, yu love him so much that you’re preserving a part of him <33 uhm!! please get help! Loony!!!!1!!!1
WHEREAS DANTE IS LAIK.. INITIATING IT!!! comes up to yu laik a kid showing off a bug like hey check out this cool gash you can see my bone!! make it worse pretty please??? you should totally skin me ahahaha…!! LIKE STOP OT YOU CREATURE‼️‼️ JES SO NASTAY he loves the sting methinks..
this is like mary jane 4 him he gets high off this and harder than ever before!!! the only downside for the both of them is that your fascination is often very short-lived… (◞‸◟)
vergil is more likely to wait around until you decide to get hit by another urge to ‘study’ him whereas dante is ALLLWAYS trying to appeal to you. hey, you’ve looked at my ribcage already, look at my brain!! or what about my eye?? YUCK
THE LAST BIT OH MY GODH!!!! it always ends the same! you losing interest after a bit of observing, leaving them to pick up the foul, iron scented mess. auwaaa.. for a split second they probably realize the fucked up situation you’re both in, which i reckon causes them to spiral a bit—before they remember how happy you looked to be squeezing their insides!!…
oh well nobody ever said being together should be a healthy thing! they’ll clean the blood up later,, right now they just need a biiiig nap<3 and the cycle will repeat!!! they can’t wait!
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wearethecyclones · 3 months
🌟🌟🌟 for the director's cut ask game
All the stars, because Play Crack the Sky changed me and I think about it a lot even after all these years
It was one of the fics that altered my brain chemistry istg. I remember having one of those smartphones with the small screens and reading it during the night because I was still living with my parents. And holy shit I had a lot of "putting my phone down to scream" moments reading it and probably gave my sister some heart attacks ahahahah (we shared the room) but it was all worth!
Anyway thank you for sharing it, even with all the angst and heavy themes (beautifully portraited btw) it made my nights better ❤️
Ahahaha sorry the random rambling! But I hope this ask/comment sparks some joy!
WAITTTT this is so cute, thank you for this. My apologies to your sister for the inconvenience 😂
Directors Cut Play Crack thoughts for you are:
I had a very very detailed handwritten tour schedule for the European tour (including dates, travel time, whether they would drive or fly between locations, etc). Someone saw it sitting out once and asked if I was planning a trip to Europe LOLLL
An alternate version of the conversation Stiles has with his dad where he tells him he loves Derek and doesn't want to quit his band! I went digging around in my writing folder to see if I had anything fun laying around and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ debatable but it's kinda cute! Under the readmore!
“Stop expecting the worst,” the Sheriff tells him gruffly after listening to him for a long stretch of uninterrupted rambling.
“I just don’t want to get my hopes up.”
“Son, it sounds to me like there isn’t a lot of risk here…”
“But we’re on the road. You don’t understand, life is different on tour.”
“You really think Derek’s going to stop loving you after this?”
Stiles smiles. “No,” he admits.
His father makes a satisfied sound on the other end. “And do you think you’re going to suddenly, after however many years, stop loving him?”
“So there you go.”
“It’s not that simple.”
“It is. It really is. You’re either going to embrace the simplicity of it – he loves you, you love him, plain as day – or you’re going to keep running around it for the rest of your life.”
“Daaad,” Stiles protests. “What if we get back to the States and fall apart?”
“Son, your mother stuck with me through college, the Army and the Academy. Do you really think I don’t understand the concept?”
Stiles sighs. And he can’t help but wonder what she’d have to say about all this. He’s tempted to ask, but he knows what the Sheriff will say: she stayed, didn’t she? 
“You love him?” his father asks with a smile in his voice.
“Have you told him that?”
“We’ve got bigger fish to fry right now, dad.”
“And you’re the one who called me!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you liked me. Your only son.”
“I do like you.”
Stiles smiles smugly.
“And I like Derek.”
His smile falters.
“I really like him a lot, actually, I think he’s a good kid. And I think you two work. So. Go handle that. I’ll go handle these kids trying to use fake IDs over at The Jungle.”
“Yeah? Reminds me of my own little delinquents.”
“Hey now, we were angels.”
“Uh huh.”
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avielex · 1 year
i noticed rat man doesn't have an ask yet where's vernie when you need em to simp /jj
anwyays! 🍀🧠✂️💀 for MURIEL‼️‼️‼️‼️
FOUR ASKS. omg. Yeah youre right where's vernie when you need em? Im surprised they haven't asked about Muriel much lol
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🍀 What originally inspired your OC?
So I had drafts before...
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Yeah, this was Muriel! Originally he was just gonna be some third OC who was friends with Jordan in class, but then came the idea of getting SHREW involved. (It's a cult about "breaking the limits and reaching the skies" — aka ego shit)
I knew I wanted some sort of sweet polite guy who acted all cold and suspicious in secret, reading people like books (Snape will hate me for saying this) and not much else, just getting info for when he needs to use them. His finalized design didn't come around until someone else did, though, and even now his story is still on progress.
🧠 What do you like most about the OC?
HIS DEMEANOR. And how it breaks when he gets stressed and emotional! ahahaha angst writer things
He acts like a gentleman in public, this polite guy with poise and chivalry (but he's Hufflepuff), and then the facade just breaks when he couldn't handle things anymore. And when he lets his hair down (figuratively, but later on, literally), he's just a bit of an awkward guy with an impatient streak, and he isn't trying too hard to appear mature and well-put anymore.
vernie im typing all this for you.
✂️ What's one of your OC's worst memories?
There's this little short fic I wrote in Muriel's perspective, and according to him, meeting Jordan and not being able to read them was the start of everything that made him feel that something was wrong.
His actual worst memory is a spoiler scene, and I want to write/draw it properly when I can! But you can have this as a hint.
A quote from that scene: "You only have one shot."
💀 Does your OC have any phobias?
The hard part here: Does Muriel think he really does have these phobias, or does he think he's just acting squeamish? Either way, he's sure the fear of seeing it can just go away...
His uncertainty definitely makes identifying his phobia harder, but as a cook / barista, he definitely has an irrational fear of insects crawling all over the stuff he uses to make food and drinks. (The two-storey SHREW operates in is quite snug and clean, though, so even his mother wonders where he picked this up.) Thus, he always washes his stuff extra well before use and covers the utensil tray with a cloth or a towel when he isn't using them. (A bit much? Maybe, but he's not serving dirty shit to anybody!)
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kenjiro-kun · 2 years
Character: Hange Zoë (AOT)
Theme: Fluff, Violence
Pairing: x Levi's Sister!Reader
Reader: Female
POV: Second
Words: 783
Summary: Reader and Hange are sent on an expedition, somethings don't go well, and with Levi scolding you and all, you happen to get closer to Hange
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"You put her with shitty glasses?" He took a drink from his cup. "What good would that do her, another than keep her away from me -- she likes to get herself. . .dirty."
Erwin smiled. "I have decided to put her under Hange's supervision due to their shared mentality with titans. It will keep her and your sister at bay, and out of your hands."
"Tch," He shock his head. "Shared mentality? Call it shared obsession." He set his cup down, crossing his arms. "Supervision?"
"Yes," Erwin replied. "Are you worried about the fact of them being together?"
"I know Hange can handle herself, but the fact of my sister -- she can go a little overbroad at times."
"Well, have a little more faith in them both would you? They may become handy behind and on the field. The more knowledge the better."
Levi stood up. "If there isn't anything else, I should be leaving."
Erwin nod his head. "Of course -- on second thought." Levi turned around. "I forgot to mention that Hange and your sister have went on an expedition."
"What?" Levi grimaced. "You better be shitting me. You sent those two on an expedition together?!"
"To gather information."
"Information? Tch." He turned around, leaving the room.
"And a little matchmaking." Erwin mumbled.
"Hange! What are we going to find? How about an abnormal?!" You said, running ahead with your arms spread out, jumping. "Oh this is going to be so fun!"
Hange didn't expect to be stuck with you, and for this long since it has been a week since your departure. She was her got research, to discover everything about Titans, the one creature that kills many families and many dreams.
"Ahahaha!" You looked ahead of you, seeing a Titan walking in a circle. "Hange look at that! It's just walking in circle!"
"Wow!" She sang. "That is incredible, it could be to the act it has no sense of direction! Or genuinely likes circles!"
You both took a closer look hidden in the trees to see a dead horse being circled by it. Hange noticed you writing things down, but felt something was off by a dead horse. It was a fresh kill.
"Does this mean it goes after wild animals?" You asked, tapping your chin.
"I don't think so," Hange frowned, her goggles glaring off the Sun's rays.
"Then what is your thoughts?" You asked, oblivious to her focused nature. "Hange?"
You heard something behind you, but it was too late to stop the hand from reaching down to your fragile body. It took you in its grasp, but the hold wasn't too tight. Hange watched it in worry, excitement, and less visible rage.
The abnormal heard the noise, and dashed its way over to her location. She jumped away from the tree, dodging the slightly suicidal titan from its stampede. She watched you struggle in the Titan's grasp as it looked at you with hungry lustful eyes. You felt it squeeze down on you, your bones cracking against each other, but ended when the hand was sliced off by Hange. She carried you, flying through the trees that covered your sight from the Titian.
Eventually, you came back to the place of staying. You laughed, taking about how strong the Titan's grip strength could be until Levi walked in on you two. He saw you bruised, slightly bandaged, but a book on your lap. Erwin walked in after him, and took noticed of your injuries as well. Levi became furious at Erwin and at you, but in a caring brotherly way. That wasn't at all close to Hange's subconscious fear that she realized. She dread in seeing you hurt or at all in any danger.
"Are you going to explain, shitty glasses?" Levi demanded.
You stopped her. "A titan sneaked up on us, grabbed me, and Hange saved me."
"Tch," He crossed his arms, leaning against the wall.
"We should be leaving." Erwin said. "They have thing to do."
"I'm moving."
You and Hange became amazingly close, and soon you both came to a even more realization on your own feelings. You confessed to each other, and now you were the couple due that was obsessed over Titans and secretly loved by Levi.
"Woohoo!" Hange screamed, scaring cadets around her. "Sunlight!"
"Sunlight!" You both sang.
Levi sighed, and Erwin was proud.
"You did good, Erwin."
"Did I?" He smiled. "I know I did."
"Yeah, whatever. I'm heading inside."
"Hange! Look! It's him!" You yelled.
"Woaaaahhhh! Come here!"
Levi chuckled, finally seeing you with someone, even if it was shitty glasses.
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