#just wish the show took the perspective that it wasn't okay
the-nightbreaker · 5 months
I just saw a post about Lisa telling Dean "if you don't walk out that door, I'm going to shoot you," and how it speaks to the depth/beauty of Lisa's character and her understanding of Dean. And I can't say I really felt much toward Lisa, but I agree, that line made me think: wow. She's genuinely such a good person. She saw Dean struggling with his desire to return hunting with his brother, and his obligation/loyalty to stay with her and Ben. And I think she knew he'd stay with her (at least for a while), torturing himself for not being with Sam, because he didn't want to let her down, didn't want to abandon or lose her and Ben. And if/when he did leave, he'd torture himself for not being there with them. So she gave him her permission to leave; she, in fact, didn't make him choose at all. She was willing to try to let him live in both worlds. It's not what she wanted, but she knew it was what Dean wanted, so she supported that anyway.
Now, I'm sure so many others have noticed it before, but I just realized the parallel/contrast in what she told him. In what she didn't say.
"If you walk out that door, don't you ever come back."
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resu-w-ana · 3 months
Merlin noticed it soon after the magic ban was lifted.
Every time someone used magic around Arthur, the king flinched.
Really, Merlin wasn't expecting Arthur to embrace all magic users with love and trust. He really shouldn't do something stupid like that.
He wasn't sure if Arthur knew about his own reaction or not. It hurt nonetheless.
Constant paranoia and perspective to be burned alive took the best of his desire to show people his magical talents. But the freedom was intoxicating, and whatever Arthur was afraid of magic or not, he would never took it's freedom again.
He had enough work as newly appointed Court Sorcerer to not let his magic idle. The knight and Gwen were here to enjoy pretty tricks too.
So Merlin reduced his magic around the king to doing only necessary things.
Making Arthur comfortable were more important than Merlin's desire to enjoy the beauty of magic with his king.
But the problem accrued from where he least expected.
«Why won't you use magic?»
«I- Ehm, It's possible to do without magic just as easy.»
«I saw you moving dinner plate because you were to lazy to stretch yesterday.»
«I thought I was alone! How do you even know that? Were you spying on me?»
«Oh, come on, Merlin. As if you are that interesting. Doors were open, I was just passing by.»
Even if doors were open, Arthur couldn't accidentally catch him, considering the fact, that there was only one way to Merlin's tower.
Arthur's weird explanation aside, the crisis was averted.
Or so Merlin thought. Because Arthur hadn't stopped.
Every time Merlin did something remotely hard by his hand, Arthur asked the same question: «why won't you use magic?»
Now Merlin was the one running out of weird explanations.
He had no desire to explain his reasoning to Arthur, nor asking Arthur for something he clearly wasn't comfortable with.
Merlin even paid attention to king behaviour around magic more precisely, in case it had changed. But no, the flinching was still there.
Contradicting his own reaction, Arthur cornered him with more determination them ever before.
«So tell me, why knights have no idea about yours so called "proper use of magic".»
«Well... They do know very little about proper use of anything. Especially Gwaine.»
«Yeah, Gwaine, who's apple your turned from green to red because he wished for another variety.»
«I-, Merlin started, as Arthur continued:
«Or should I mention fire figures you do for Leon constantly? The story about Lance's and Gwen's dinner table? Gaius' flying potions?"
Merlin felt guilt creeping onto him.
«Do I need to continue? Because I'm cer–»
«No! No! I got your point!»
«Explain yourself.»
When Merlin still hesitated, Arthur decided to use lethal weapon: «you promised no more secrets.»
Merlin deflated. «It's not a secret.»
«Then tell me.»
«I've noticed you've tensed whatever magic was around. Decided to spare you the trouble.»
Suddenly, Arthur wasn't angry anymore. He looked sad and... Guilty?
«It's okay» and «I'm sorry» they said at the same time, than stared at each other.
«You have nothing to be sorry for!» Merlin argued.
«It's not nothing and it's not okay!» Arthur replied.
«That's why I didn't want to tell you! Now you feel like you're doing something wrong or not enough or whatever!»
«Well, that's because I do!»
«No, you're not!»
Arthur sighed. «Look, Merlin... You're not wrong, magic does make me nervous. For all my life, every time someone used it, it was with intention to hurt me.»
He stopped, thinking about his next words. «You are an exception. Yours feel safe.»
«I don't know how to describe it. It feels warm and... safe. I like it. And I like watching you do magic, too.»
«I'm sorry.»
Arthur smiled. «You can repent your crimes by stopping hiding your magic from me,» he said in playfully serious tone.
Merlin smirked. «Of corse, sire. What would you like to watch now?»
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This one is a slightly altered version of one of the prompts, because I thought it was a bit more interesting that way:
35. “I trusted you with my heart.” “Well, I’m sorry but you’re clearly very gullible.”
could work well in combination with these ones:
33. "You think I wanted this to happen?!” 49. “I fell in love, so hard, and so fast, but a part of me knew it wasn’t going to last.”
My thoughts/ideas: Sinner!Adam makes a deal with Lucifer for protection, and falls for him incredibly hard after being reminded of how they were in Eden. Luci is mostly just fucking with him for the feeling of power over the former angel. Their perspectives on the relationship are different, and Adam shows his trust by confessing some of his feelings for Luci. Sadly it doesn't work out. Or maybe it does?? Maybe Luci changes his mind after? The ending is all open for whatever your mind can come up with.
As always, take every prompt however you want, include or leave out whatever you prefer, and have fun with it!!
Indigo (loved what you did with my first request!!!!)
*Cracks knuckles* Buckle up Buckaroos! This one's gonna hurt.
I'm glad you're enjoying them 😁
Content Warning: Mildly graphic smut
Adam sobbed into his pillow, his heart shattered a hollow feeling in his chest. How could he be so fucking stupid? He should have known better than to try and tell Lucifer his true feelings.
He didn't use the word love. Adam didn't want to go crazy in case Lucifer wasn't there yet and scare him away. The conversation was burned into his mind.
"I really like you, Luci." It was the truth even if it wasn't a full confession of feelings.
He didn't expect his answer to be a blank stare. "Well, I don't completely hate you if that's what you want to hear."
Completely? "The fuck do you mean completely?"
"Jesus Adam, what do you think it means? You didn't really think I have feelings for you, do you?" Lucifer smirked at the shocked and hurt look on the sinners face. This asshole has hurt so many people, it was only fitting that Lucifer be the one to hurt him back.
So why did those words hurt him too? Like he was lying?
"B-but, I trusted you with my heart." Adam said, he felt his chest was heavy. This was going so wrong so fast. He thought at least that Lucifer LIKED him, they were having sex for fuck sakes!?
"Well I'm sorry, you're clearly very gullible and desperate. That's on you, boo." Lucifer said, he wanted to hurt Adam, but the broken look on his face didn't make him feel as good as thought it would.
"B-but, w-w-we...."
"Have sex? Yeah sure, you're a good lay. Like you were made to take it. But that's all that's good here. Why do you think I only want to fuck you from behind?"
Adam hadn't thought about it, he just assumed it was an easier position. Bile rose in his throat, fuck he was so stupid! How could he think that things could be like they were in Eden? Had he really forgotten that this guy is the literal devil.
He had to get the fuck out of there. Adam felt his heart shatter as he ran away to his room in the hotel. Slamming and locking the door he threw himself onto his bed and just let it all out. He sobbed into his pillow, he hadn't cried like this in years.
So that brings him to the now. Sniffing sadly into his tear stained pillow, wishing he would just die. Why did no one love him? He deserved it, even sinners filthier than him had love!
Maybe he didn't deserve it......
Lucifer stood there, feeling like a sack of shit. Well fuck, that didn't feel the way it was supposed. Adam's heart broken face was tattooed on his eyelids every time he blinked, making his own heart ache.
Okay, maybe the devil did return Adam's feelings. But he wasn't supposed to! This has been about power and dominance over the fallen angel, making him powerless at the king's finger tips. The way he felt under him.....
But now, now he took notice of the little things Adam did like how his nose crinkled when he smiled, or how his eyes would shine when he'd speak about rock music or how his laugh was contagious and loud and warm.
As for why he only had sex with him from behind, Lucifer knew that if he looked into those golden eyes while in the act his fate would be sealed.
Fuck. Maybe it already was.
He had to make this right.
So now Lucifer stood in front of Adam's door. He thought about knocking but knew he may not be let in, so he used a portal.
The sight before him broke his own heart. This isn't what he wanted. "Adam?"
Adam jumped at his voice and glared, though he looked more sad than angry. His face being stained with tears didn't help. "The fuck do you want? Get out!"
"No. Look, I'm sorry I was wrong." Lucifer sat down at the edge of Adams bed, the sinner flinched and moved away slightly.
"No you're not."
"Yes I am."
"What's the matter? Afraid you won't get fucking laid again asshole?" Adam seethed as he glared daggers at the king.
"I wanted to hurt you. For everything you've done." Lucifer started he watched Adams face crease in concentration. "But in doing so, I ended up hurting myself too. I didn't expect to have any feelings for you Adam. Hell, I didn't expect you to have feelings for me."
"You think I wanted this to happen?" Adam sat up to properly look at Lucifer. "I fell in love so hard and so fucking fast." Adam felt his eyes water again, might as well spill the whole beans. "Part of me knew this wouldn't last."
"You love me?" Lucifer asked, well shit this changes things.
Adam looked away. Here we go again, he's going to get his heart ripped out twice in one day. Adam squeaked when he felt lips crashed against his own, he was pinned to the mattress with Lucifer on top of him. Adam should push him away, stay mad. But that kiss both made him ache and healed him in one.
Lucifer snuck his tongue into Adams mouth, he smiled when he pulled a weak moan from the sinner. He would fix this, he had to. He couldn't let Adam get away again, it has been too hard to get him back after last time. "Let me make it up to, baby."
Sure enough, looking Adam in the eye like this only sealed in his true feelings. Seeing the hope and love in those beautiful golden eyes had him in a vice grip.
Adam should tell him no, kick him out. But his heart yearned for any affection that the king would give, he didn't care how he got it as long as he did. "Better make it worth my fucking while, dick hole."
And he did. This was the first time that Lucifer had sex with Adam facing him, in missionary. His gaze never leaving Adams. It was soft, slow, and sweet Lucifer made it all about Adam making sure he felt every little sensation. He whispered praises and sweet nothings into his ear, kissing his neck and mouth gently.
Adam soaked it up like a sponge, his head swimming his heart beating so fast. "Ooooh Luci.~"
"Yeah, that's it darling." Lucifer kissed him firmly, stealing the air from Adams lungs.
How could he have almost let him get away? Adam was his, mind, body, heart, and soul. That last one literally. He would never let him go, so maybe it was fine to give him something in return. He whispered it in Adams ear, like a velvet caress. "I do love you."
Long legs wrapped around him pulling him deeper. "I love you, too." Adam weeped, a tear rolled down his cheek. He held on to Lucifer for dead life like he'd float away. "Ahhhhh!" Adam came, bliss taking him over.
Lucifer followed behind, they stayed there like that for a while, breath mingling together as they panted. Lucifer cupped Adams jaw and kissed him sweetly, he watched as Adam melted under his touch. The king swore he melted himself.
He held him close, they said nothing for a while. "Did you mean it?"
Lucifer looked down into those eyes and yes, he knew he meant it. They were filled with love, hope, apprehension, and fear. "Yes I meant it."
Adam smiled weakly and oh, how that soft look was one Lucifer wanted to protect and keep in place. He placed a kiss in his soft hair, resting his chin there as he held Adam close.
From this moment forth he vowed to never intentionally hurt Adam.
Making him happy felt so much better.
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cuecrynsleep · 3 months
Revenge With a Side of Kink
AO3 Link
Teasing was a natural element of their relationship. Amanda would fluster Angela, and Angela would do her best to double down. Only did she struggle on that part as it wasn't as easy to fluster Amanda. After constant teasing, and fleeting touches, she swears she'll get revenge on Amanda and make her flustered.
or Amanda has a mommy kink and realizes it in an embarrassing way
Tags: Implied sexual content, Mommy Kink, Kink Discovery, Kissing
Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a representation of those in Smosh, rather a fan made perspective on the characters they portray online. Remain respectful.
Word count: 2,534
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Angela was going to exact revenge on Amanda even if it'd kill her. Well, maybe not that far but she was still determined to do so. Amanda was just such a fucking tease, when she could be and the latter needed a break. It's not like Amanda didn't take it too far. She was always careful with the boundaries they talked about, but if she could poke at those boundaries as much as she could, she would. Yet, she'd never take it to a point where it was too far. Something that annoyed Angela even more because of course Amanda was still ever-so caring about her feelings.
With them there could be two things that could be equally true, even if it may seem it'd interfere with each other. Amanda and Angela wouldn't let anything interfere with their work, and they'd find time for other things outside of it, or even during work, in small private moments. Yet, as part of their nature, Amanda and Angela are both very affectionate and teasing people in their own right, so they wouldn't stop something that still existed before the relationship itself. Especially more so when said relationship wasn't exactly made public to the entire world.
There was no actual list regarding their boundaries written out, nor was it talked about in just one conversation. It was a learning process that took place over multiple conversations. Then the mental list of certain boundaries in Angela's head just built over time.
1. Never make a spectacle out of their relationship. It could still be a bit in videos but with limitations.
2. Physical affection is okay but never to the point of blatant PDA that'd earn them a conversation with HR.
3. No sexual jokes or innuendos that hit too close to home when on camera, for everyone to hear and see.
4. Always talk about something that may have happened on camera that was bothersome.
5. Flirting and banter is okay but not to the extent the point of the video is lost.
6. On screen kisses, even if fake or over exaggerated is prompted by a subtle sign only the two know.
7. When off camera, affection is more allowed and open, but don't take it too far to a disgusting degree.
Amanda did a lot to tease her when she knew it wouldn't bother her. Sometimes she'd even do it as a means of making Angela feel better. One time it may be a sneaky hand on her thigh underneath the table, other times it was multiple text messages, in between shoots. What didn't change was that each time Amanda would just have a look on her face. A smile that would scream so much to only her, as if she was challenging her.
Angela wouldn't take that sitting down and she definitely wouldn't let Amanda continue to tease her, days on end, without Angela doing anything. She'll double down and show Amanda she can fluster her too. She just wasn't sure how, because it was hard. It was incredibly hard. She knew she could fluster her, surprise her in many ways, it's just that she rarely, if ever, reacted. She more so expressed how she felt through words and actions, which Angela loved, she just wished she could see it so clearly on Amanda's face.
The thoughts continued to trail on, in the back of her mind, as the work day blurred within itself. Only did she think of having a moment to tease Amanda when she teased her again before a shoot. The feel of her hand under her shirt, against her skin, ingrained in her mind. The action looked like an innocent hand on the waist if anything. She wasn't even sure if Amanda meant to tease her that time. As she had always been touchy, that wasn't exactly new.
It was a TNTL video, the fast paced energy was always so infectious. The amount of times all of them had laughed always made those shoots fun. If either Angela or Amanda needed another person for the bit, they’d always naturally ask the other. It was a nice dynamic they had going, always loving the chance to be by the other’s side for bits.
It was finally Amanda's turn in the hot seat, and as usual stuff that'd make Amanda laugh would come naturally to her. It was known at this point that both Amanda and Angela could make the other laugh within seconds. They just understood each other's comedy extremely well, the task itself never turning into a challenge.
Angela, this time around, wanted to catch Amanda off guard. She wanted to be able to surprise or fluster her as much as Amanda tended to fluster Angela. Stirring her out of her train of thought she felt Courtney's hand on her shoulder.
“Do you want to go ahead?” Courtney asked. They already had on a ridiculous costume with a random prop in hand. She could just about hear their words over the rest of the cast mates talking around her.
“You can go ahead,” Angela ushered Courtney forward. She knows she typically goes first whenever Amanda is in the hot seat, but she needed enough time to think of a plan. If not a plan then at least a general idea.
Random inside jokes came to mind as she remembered past TNTLs. Inside jokes weren't uncommon during them, but sometimes cast mates would whisper something to the other, and it'd always be an instantaneous success. Those in Smosh rarely ever did these sorts of bits for TNTL simply because it wouldn't be as enjoyable to the audience. Despite that each time it was practically guaranteed to make the one in the hot seat break. Though she wasn't making Amanda laugh, it still had the same end goal of making her spit out the water. That's all that really mattered to Angela.
She couldn't come up with any ideas on what to say, another cast member going ahead of her. The idea of flustering Amanda or at least catching her off guard enough to spit out the water seemed rather challenging. Plus, Angela didn't want to make Amanda uncomfortable so the idea of referencing any of the stuff they do in bed seemed like a recipe for disaster. It was probably better at this point for Angela to come up with it on the fly. Some of Angela's best bits were improv, and she'd trust in her quick wit to come up with something.
She went after Chanse, stepping away from the barrier and towards Amanda. She smiled as Amanda met her gaze, unable to hide the smirk that reached her cheeks. The moment that Angela was to her side, and not in front of her, or the camera, Amanda knew it wouldn't be like any of the other bits.
"Amanda," Angela whispered in her ear. The hot breath against her skin combined with the raspy tone of Angela's voice made Amanda stiffen. Her tennis shoes hit against the stool, once, twice, the action repeating again.
Amanda hummed in response, glancing at Angela as she continued to face the camera. She could hardly trust what Angela was about to say, especially if she whispered it.
Angela lightly put a hand on her shoulder, making Amanda grip her pants. She could only sit there in anticipation, hanging onto every word that would fall from her mouth.
"How does it feel to be on the other end of this?" She asked. Amanda hummed in confusion, the water still in her mouth, as she looked at Angela. "I think you might have a humiliation kink we need to talk about after work." She silently noted, in a teasing voice, as Angela eyed Amanda for her reaction. Her eyes did bug out and her hand reached to her mouth, like she was about to spit it out. She was caught off guard but it was obvious she was adamant in not letting Angela win this.
Angela's brain racked for any ideas, holding off on referencing any of the stuff they actually did in bed. That was private and definitely not something she wanted to tease about whilst on camera, even if no one could hear them. Suddenly, prior shoots and characters Amanda played came to mind. Many of which gave off ‘mommy energy’ or some version of a dominating character. That mini tidbit always gave Angela way too many feelings and thoughts when she watched Smosh videos.
Amanda had never mentioned being into it once, and she was always extremely transparent with Angela. Rather than making her not laugh it was more so a challenge of catching her off guard.
With a smirk Angela leaned closer into her ear, if that were even possible. “I’m sorry, Mommy.” She whispered into Amanda’s ear, making the moment seem intimate, as Angela felt slightly flustered. If this backfired against her she wouldn’t exactly be surprised.
Amanda’s reaction was instantaneous as she turned wide eyed, water starting to trickle out of her mouth, before she entirely spat it out onto the floor. She turned towards Angela, leaning her head back as she looked at her. “What the hell?” She sputtered. “You can’t just- why- no,” she said, stumbling over her words. She was both flustered and caught off guard, an unfamiliar color reaching her cheeks as she looked at Angela.
Angela gave her a brief pointed look, discerning whether or not she crossed a line with her turn. She had expected Amanda to react like that, but less so on the point of stumbling over her words, with one of them being ‘no.’ She didn’t exactly have the time nor moment to voice out her concern. A moment of silent communication crossed through both their eyes as Amanda made sure to tell her she hadn’t crossed a line. That’s really all Angela cared about at that moment.
She got off the TNTL stage, letting Tommy have his turn. She could only push the likely inevitable conversation aside, expecting it to come up later after work was done. The moment the shoot was finished, as they filmed the outro, Angela felt Amanda's hand on her wrist. She was definitely impatient and antsy. Yet, she had to wait as the two had a brief conversation with the rest of the cast, naturally bidding their goodbye.
The rest of the way, Amanda held her hand, naturally guiding her out of the Smosh office and toward the parking lot.
“Are you sure I didn’t cross any line?” Angela asked, glancing at her girlfriend.
Amanda squeezed her hand lovingly. “You’re fine, Ange,” she said. “I promise.” She was obviously withholding information, and was most likely to break the moment they were alone.
Angela frowned, getting out her keys as she opened the car door, unlocking the passenger door with it. The two tend to take turns taking the other to work sometimes, the unspoken agreement saving gas money if anything.
“So what did your reaction mean?” She tried, not even turning on the engine yet, as she looked at Amanda.
A beat of silence passed between them as Amanda simply waited. A tentative hand on Amanda's thigh seemed to seal the deal. She rolled her eyes, before pulling Angela closer by the collar. She put her mouth against Angela's ear, letting the confession drip off her tongue. “Angela, sweetie, I was turned on."
Angela slowly blinked. "What? Wait, what?"
Amanda pulled back with a light chuckle, satisfied to let it end there as she properly sat on the passenger seat. Never the one to give up, Angela leaned in closer, her hand resting against the dashboard as she propped herself up.
"So, Mommy, huh?" She teased with a light smirk, knowing full well she was pushing at Amanda's buttons. It felt nice to see the difference in what was their typical normal. To watch as Amanda gulped, sucked in her lips, her grip tightening on the chair.
Oh. She was really affected by it.
"Mommy," she teased again, receiving a glare from Amanda. "Are you okay?" She asked, leaning closer, as if she was fighting fire with fire. "How are you feeling?" She whispered this time, watching as Amanda lost her composure.
With every passing second, the tension rises before Amanda leaned in closer, pulling Angela in. She kissed her lightly, smiling into the kiss as Angela returned it feverishly. One thing led to another and the tension from all of their teasing hit its peak. A simple kiss, turned into a few pecks, which only progressed further.
A hand trailed down to the small of Angela’s back prodding her closer. Amanda lightly nipped against her bottom lip, watching as Angela’s half-lidded eyes closed in pleasure. Her tentative thumb brushed past her jaw, trailing down her neck, resting at Angela's nape.
Leaning forward, Angela climbed over the console, letting herself be pulled in closer by Amanda. She ignored the pain and awkwardness that it took to sit on top of her, silently thanking her car for having dark tinted windows. She found herself returning the kiss, their noses bumping against each other. Hands pulled at clothing, slipping underneath articles, but never once pushing closer to take it all off.
Angela found comfort in Amanda's hair, pulling it out of the ponytail, as she tugged at a few of the strands. She haphazardly moved around to get comfortable, her knee resting in between Amanda's thighs. A breathy moan and gasp came out of her lips, as Angela pushed further.
The first to pull away was Amanda, lightly pushing Angela off. The latter rested her head against her shoulder, catching her breath. "Shit," she cursed. "I'm sorry, I got ahead of myself." Angela apologized, smiling as Amanda's hands still had a hold on her waist.
"I did too," Amanda smiled, turning her head to kiss her cheek. "Also, don't call me mommy during work." She said lightly, chucking as Angela rolled her eyes.
She got off of Amanda, settling back into the driver's seat. They both took a moment to gather themselves, pushing the many dirty thoughts aside. The last thing they were doing today was have sex in the parking lot.
"Yeah, it wasn't a part of my plan, anyway." Angela paused, easing herself back into a sense of normalcy. "Did you always know you had a mommy kink?"
"God, no," Amanda huffed. "I can't believe me finding it out will eventually be on YouTube." For once, Angela fared far better than Amanda with the latter needing to squeeze her thighs at the uncomfortable feeling.
"Yeah, maybe TNTL wasn't my smartest idea." Angela thought aloud. "If it makes you uncomfortable I'll just ask the editors to cut it out. We can come up with a bullshit excuse and just reflim a bit if they need it.”
She smiled lightly. “I’ll check in with the editors and see the footage tomorrow.” She paused in thought, as Angela started her car. “Wait, what prompted this in the first place?”
“Oh, I just wanted to get revenge on you for all of your teasing.” She sent a look Amanda’s way before she backed out of the parking lot. “I think it’s safe to say I succeeded.”
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znerac · 1 year
First Job || Pedro Pascal x FtM!Reader
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Forgive me i was up all night finishing this and i don't have time to proofread so 😭 good luck!
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x FtM!Reader. Word count: 5.8k. Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Pedro calls you a 'good boy', Reader only has top surgery but it isn't mentioned, Oral (R receiving), Unprotected piv, Alcohol, no y/n Summary: Reader flies to LA from Canada to pursuit in his first official acting job. And immediately he and Pedro hit it off. When the readers coworker invites the group to a bar, you and pedro end up at your hotel room.
A/N: I hope it was okay writing from a ftm perspective!! 😭 i don't see enough male/transmasc fics (or at all) and figured I'd just write my own for those interested. Anyways, please enjoy! ^^
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"Are you sure you can do this on your own honey?" you mother asked, handing you your suitcase. Giving her a soft smile you nodded "I'm an adult, Mom. I'll be fine." you said, now walking into the airport. "Okay.. But please call me when you land. And tell me how everything goes. This is your first role, i want to know everything" she said with a smile. You chuckled, "i will. You've been my biggest supporter, how could i not?" you said, checking the time. "Shit, sorry i have to go now. I don't want to miss my flight" you said, leaning over and kissing your moms cheek. "I promise I'll call you. Love you" you called with a smile, before rushing off to go through security and have your bag be set on the plane.
Around ten minutes later you finally boarded the plane, luckily getting a window seat. You were crawling with excitement, You had been waiting ages to get a decent role in a show, and now you had it.
Relaxing into your seat, you took out your phone to send a few messages to your friends and family before you had to take off. And when the plane started, You set your phone away and watched out the window. You always liked flying, only this time you were alone. But you were excited to finally reach out of your parents clutch to act more like the adult you were, And get on the road of fame. Hopefully. It was your dream to inspire others.
For the most part you kept your eyes out the window, Or drew in your sketchbook. The lady who sat beside you chatted with you for a bit, and you told her what you were flying to LA for. She seemed happy to be hearing about your job, and even wished you good luck. It wasn't a long flight, Alberta to LA was only about four hours, lucky you.
Once landed, you spent a painful amount of time looking for your bags. And when you found them, had to catch a cab. You would have to settle into your hotel room before meeting anyone on set. Just to grab your scripts and meet the other actors you would be working with. Calling your mom on the ride since you did infact promise her you would.
Letting out a sigh you plopped your suitcase on your hotel rooms bed. It was going to be a long couple of months of filming. And you considered having an early sleep tonight. But inevitably you'd probably just stay up all night rehearsing and practicing your lines. You were nervous to say the least, but you were determined to get this role perfect.
"Okay so you'll have a car parked outside waiting for you, That'll take you to the set and we can speak there. Don't worry, you'll do great"
You nodded along, phone tucked between your head and shoulder as you pushed your shoes on. "Right, Thanks, I'll be there as soon as i can" you replied, hanging up and rushing out the door. Your new agent was strict, but you didn't mind. Anything to get your lazy ass up and ready.
When you arrived, your agent met you at the door and lead you inside. "Okay, So this is where you'll be meeting everyone every weekday for the next few months. From here the directors and stage crew will assist you. Your trailer is out back for when your getting ready. Your script is also in there, organized by day and acts in the folders. Today everyone is just getting familliar with each other and taking a peek at their scripts." she stated, and you held back a groan. Too much information for a Saturday, You wished you could of slept instead.
You ignored the rest of the words your agent was spouting and looked around the room. Seeing a few familiar faces from different movies and shows. Well, might as well get to know them, right? As a new actor it might be good to get to know a few. Maybe you'd get tips or even make a few friends. While debating on who'd you'd try to walk up to, someone beat you to it.
"Hey, haven't seen your face before."
You turned around, Smiling at the new face. "Oh, uh he- hi, Nice to meet you" you said, putting your hand out. Great way to start the day off, Awkward as usual. The guy furrowed his brows with a grin, and shook your hand. "So your the new actor Davids been talkin about I'm guessing?" he asks, then tucks his hands in his pockets. Your cheeks flush with embarrassment. It was that obvious? "Yeah.. First big job I've got. I'm terrified" you joked, making him chuckle. "I remember my first job. Oh, and I'm Pedro, nice to meet you" he said with a smile. You returned it and replied with your name.
"Well, come on. I'll introduce you to everyone. Might as well, since your stayin for a couple months" he offered, and took you around. You liked how Pedro was easygoing, good with getting along with others. It was hard to find people like that. And you found yourself clinging to this guy for the rest of the day, a bit afraid to go anywhere else. Since he was the only 'familiar' one you knew.
He even took you to your trailer and let you know how most things went around. You were thankful, and it clearly showed. "So, Where'd you come from?" he asks, sitting on the small couch as you looked through the folders. "Oh I'm from Alberta. What about you?" you asked, turning around and leaning against the counter.
"Chile. Two pretty different places, yeah?"
You nodded, "god yeah. Ones too cold most of the year and what, chile is hot?" pedro laughed, and the two of you kept chatting. Learning few stuff about the other, How he usually got killed off as characters and whatnot. You found him funny, and immediately felt comfortable around him.
Looking at your watch, you hummed and your stomach growled. "Think its time to get somethin to eat" you muttered, "you hungry Pedro? I can order us some food." you offered, "Sure, but let me pay. You shouldn't be paying when its your first day here" he stated with a soft smile. You bit your inner cheek, "how about we split the bill instead, i don't want you paying full" you stated, getting your phone out. Before pedro could protest you were already on skip. "Do you just want me to order a pizza or something? I don't really know what's good around here" you offered, looking back up from your phone. "Sure, Easy food."
After eating you decided to go back to your hotel, the next few days for you were busy. Being on set and learning your lines and staging were tough. It was very different from acting classes and such, being on an actual set and such. It was very intimidating, but pedro reassured you it was easier than you thought.
You bit your lip, pacing in your trailer as you practiced your lines alone. Sitting on your couch with a huff. "Why didn't we get more time-" you mumbled to yourself, closing your eyes and going through the whole thing in your mind. Focus, you could do this!
You almost didn't notice when the door opened and your agent walked in. "Get up. You have to change and be on set in ten" she rushed, and just when you thought you had it. "Okay- okay give me a second-"
"We don't have time. David won't be happy if your late." she said, grabbing your hand and pulling you out. You let out a groan, Following her to the dressing room where a crew did your makeup and helped you get into costume. It was a stressful eight minutes of your time, and now you were off-stage. Watching the scene before you.
Pedro looked over, Nugding your arm. "Hey, you'll be alright. Your first scenes with me so I'll be there" he said with a comforting smile, his eyes looking you up and down. "You look good." he stated, and you smiled "thanks.. So do you" you replied. Pedro nodded and when it was time for your characters to be in the scene, you went on and moved with him.
Thankfully, previous days you had done this scene and others. You felt decently prepared, the only thing making you nervous was that it was being recorded.
You were holding up well, The scene was almost done. And you were confident that you could do it. That was, Until you froze. Forgetting the line that you had been worrying about. Freezing in the middle of the set, trying to wrack your brain for the line you were supposed to say. It felt like a big deal, getting the filming done first try. And when they yelled 'cut' you could feel the dread settle in your stomach.
You could hear david call your name "whats up, why won't you say your line?" he yelled, not mad but you felt like you were in trouble. Pedro looked over at you, as did the other actors. You felt like you couldn't speak.
"I uh- um.. I forgot what i was gonna say-" you mumbled, looking around.
David sighed, "Fine. Everybody take five to look over your scripts."
Pedro walked over and patted you on the back. "Good Job. You did pretty well". You felt your mouth go dry at his words, he was being sincere. But you couldn't help but feel guilty, Hearing a few of the other actors say your name and complain a bit. "Hey, don't sweat it. This happens all the time. Usually we have a scriptor up but i guess they thought we wouldn't need it" he said, hand lasting on your shoulder. You bit your tongue, wiping your eyes. Pedro's look softened and he pulled you into a little hug. "Hey- hey its okay, this happens all the time, honest to god. No need to feel bad about it"
The feeling of his arms wrapped around you made you relax a bit, although you still couldn't help the feeling. "I know. I just thought i was doing so well-! I was so ready but i blew my first scene. The rehearsals went good-" Pedro laughs "good rehearsals usually mean a few bloopers. Lets get you some water, then hop back on set." he said, taking you to one of the tables and handing you a water bottle, that you happily chugged down about half of.
The rest of the day on set went pretty well, actually. Now you sat down next to Pedro, and a few other actors. "What happened earlier, what made you freeze up so badly when you forgot your line?" Amanda asked, She was another actor who welcomed you in immediately. "I don't know. I could of just like, improved but nothing came to mind." you hummed, Drinking the gross coffee that the crew set out. "Happens to the best of us. I don't know why Diane made such a big deal out of it, Since it literally happens all the time."
Amanda's face lit up, "say, today went well, aannd its friday.. We had a long week of practice. You guys wanna go out and get a drink?" she asked, and the others at the table immediately agreed. Your eyes lit up, "i could use a drink. What about you, P?" you asked, turning to your friend. Pedro nodded, "i know a good bar. I'll order us a cab."
The thought of a drink to settle your nerves and relax for the weekend sounded great. As you all piled into a cab, you were luckily enough to catch front seat. And at the club, You all sat around a big table. The only difference being now you all had alcohol in your hands, and loud music blaring.
Amanda was kind enough to pay for the first few rounds, mostly because she wanted to get you talking and to open up. And of course it worked, you slurred slightly and replied to any questions asked.
"Daaamnn.. Did you see that guy over in the corner? Man had a cake" Amanda slurred, laughing as the boys in the group either made a joke or fake gagged. You couldn't help but fake a gag, though silently try to find the apparent dumptruck she had went on about. Blushing as she caught you looking. "Man, you looking out for caked up guys over there?"
You swatted at her hand, "shut up, a guy can appreciate a good cake anytime he wants"
Amanda wiggled her brows, "if your lucky you should bring one back to the hotel, if you know what i meaan.." she teased, making your cheeks flush more "shut up! I ain't into guys, no way-" you said, worried. The group laughed, and you couldn't help but join. You needed the laughter, and at this point they were probably too tipsy to care about your preferences.
For a second you felt a weight gain on your shoulder, making you confused. That was until you found Pedro leaning against you. You couldn't help but look at his hair, slight curls and a nice brown. You couldn't help the urge to want to play with it, the alcohol making you less afraid to ask. "Can i play with your hair?" you asked, hearing an approving hum from the other. Making you smile as you lifted you hand up and threaded your fingers through the soft locks he had. Making you nearly awe. His hair was so soft.. You couldn't stop playing with it. Giggling softly to yourself as Pedro leant into it, humming deeply. By the sounds of it he was enjoying the attention. And you blocked out the sound of anyone teasing you for it.
Your head snapped over as another drink was set in front of you. Bringing it to your lips and taking a sip, feeling pedro's arm snake around your waist and tug you closer. Was he always this affectionate? Maybe it was the alcohol. But you didn't mind, not at all. He wasn't holding you in a weird way.
Taking another sip, you turned to see Max, another one in the group who had joined you guys, Stand up. "yo amanda, Lets hit the dance floor."
The group ended up leaving you and pedro alone to go dance.
"Sorry is this weird..?" he asked, lightening his hold on you. You shrugged, "Maybe a little. I don't mind though" you said, bringing the drink back up to your lips. "You having a good time?" you asked, turning as he sat up, hand still snaked around you. "Yeah. I'm just enjoying myself. Don't do that much at bars. Or in general" he stated. You nodded, inching closer to him. "You wanna join the others up there?" you ask, And he looked at you. "What, askin me to dance?" he asked with a smug grin.
You rolled your eyes "Damn right i am. You gonna accept or not?" Pedro let out a laugh, stood up and pulled you to your feet. "Absolutely, lets go" he said, Practically dragging you into the crowd. You laughed, being pulled closer to him. Letting your body sway to the music, Giggling as Pedro danced along with you. Eventually the two of you found your rythem and were dancing like idiots, but having the time of your life. For once you weren't worried about how others looked at you. All you cared about was having fun. And surprisingly Pedro was a great dancer, he moved and you noticed how he was definitely trying to pull a few laughs from you.
"Come on, Do what im doin" he called, pressing his back up against yours and doing a little dance. You chuckled and tried to copy him, failing and ended up just moving a little while your eyes was on the other. He smiled and stood straight, "Hey, you were the one who asked to dance. Show me what you got" he said, pointing towards you. Rolling your eyes, you shook your head. "Clearly I'm not as talented. And we've been dancing for a good fifteen minutes! Lets go grab another drink" you said, turning on your foot to head to the bar. Pedro leapt forward and put a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, let me buy. And then we can head upstairs, theres another bar on the rooftop" he said with a grin, walking with you to the bar. After grabbing your drinks and letting pedro pay for the two of you. He lead you to the rooftop where there was in fact, another bar and dance floor. But it was slightly more crowded with few seats available in the corner.
He took you to the more secluded corner and sat you in the booth, sitting beside you. "Didn't realize it was late already" he stated, pointing to the night sky. Taking a sip of your drink you nodded, looking over at him. His brown puppy eyes locking in to yours. After a bit of time you heard a familiar voice speak up, "so this is where you guys went. Was afraid if i got max to look in the mens room you two would be makin a mess of the place" amanda teases, sitting across from the two of you. You rolled your eyes "told you already, Amanda. I'm not into guys" you said, and she scoffed "whatever, you wouldn't admit it either way" she stated, stealing your drink and taking a sip. "Why'd you guys come up here then? Its more crowded."
You shrugged, and pedro sat up. "Night air is nice. Plus you guys can be a little-" he paused, "Too much" he said with a grin. "I mean, you've been teasing our pal for something he might not even be. He might not want us to know anyways." he stated, "you push it he might run off" he said, leaning back into the booth.
Amanda rolled her eyes, "sure. Oh and," She leant towards you, "i can always get you with Max, he's single and likes guys-"
Pedro set his hand on the table with a 'thump'. "Amanda, Enough" he said, a bit of a defensive play to his tone. Amanda gave him a smirk and nodded, backing up. "Alright fine! I'll leave you guys to it then!" she said, slipping your drink back to you and leaving.
You sighed, "shes alot to handle." you groaned, taking a big drink of your beverage. "Yeah. She pushes it alot" he said, taking a slug of his. "Sky's kind-of pretty. Not as nice as home, though" you state. "Yeah? Not much light pollution there?" pedro asks, leaning onto the table a little. "Yeah! A lot of the time its a super dark sky, lots of stars. If your lucky, you catch the northern lights too" you say, smiling a little. Pedro nodded with a smile, "interestin. Never seen them before." he said, and you sat up with a grin. "When the shows done you should totally come and visit, I'll take you to a nice spot or something where we can see them really well" you offered, "sounds like a deal" he replied.
After another hour or so of conversating, you two got comfortable and you leant up against pedro. The alcohol hitting you both pretty hard as you couldn't stop doing little dances and laughing at the stupid jokes you both made. And at one point, you two were just staring comfortably together.
"So, earlier when amanda asked if you liked guys, were you lyin or are you actually not into them?" Pedro asked with a slur, downing the rest of his drink. You hummed, placing your glass down. "I lied" you said with a playful grin, "i din't want anyone to tease me or anythin. I hate gettin set up and, who knows, y'all coulda been against me for it" you rambled, and The other nodded. "bah, their all harmless. But amanda had no right to push you, or ask you if you wanted to hook up with max" he said, a bit of a groan to the end of his sentance. You grinned at that, leaning towards him, "yeah you got pretty pressed at that. You aren't jealous are you-?" you teased with a slur.
Pedro's eyes hardened and he looked away, "No, and so what if i was? S'not like you'd be into it, would you?" he retorted, grinning. You laughed, "sounds like you miiight be into it" you continued to tease, feeling his hand appear on your thigh. "Nooo, Never" he said, sarcasm lacing his tone. There was a moment where you two stared at each other. And then the next, you both crashed your lips against anothers. Humming at the taste of liquor on his lips, you slipped your hand to the back of his neck and slipped it into his hair. Pedro groaned into the kiss, taking your cheek into his hand and pressing harder into the kiss.
Tugging softly on his hair you were able to pull more groans from him, and he was absolutely loving it. The feeling of your drunken lips on one another and somehow having the perfect rythem was- it was amazing. Before you knew it, his free hand was lightly feeling up your chest. And he pulled you into his lap with a hum, grasping your thighs and moving to leave kisses down your Jaw and your neck. You let out a hum and placed your hands on his shoulders as he continued to suck and nibble at your skin, leaving just barely visible pink marks. He let out a groan of frustration when he felt his phone buzz, pulling it out and looking at the notification. "Others are leavin." he mumbled, looking up at you.
You bit your lip, "tell em we'll catch a new one" you said, waiting for him to finish typing and put his phone down before you pressed your lips desperately against his. He met with the same energy, his hand tangling itself in your hair. Usually you weren't one for one night stands. But your drunken mind could care less, the heat in your chest wasn't just from the alcohol now. Or, in your pants.
Pedro pulled away with a pant, looking around briefly. "Maybe we should call a cab, we don't exactly need the pap catchin us like this" he said with a nervous chuckle. You bit your lip, and nodded. "Sure- we can go to my hotel if you'd like" you offered, to which he sent you a nod and grabbed his phone while you shuffled off of his lap. Nervously looking around at the mention of the paparazzi was etching at your nerves. Which were quickly soothed by pedros hands sliding around you with a couple kisses to your nape. "Lets go" he said quietly before you both got out, and walked downstairs. There was a sway in both of your walks, which you both giggled a little at. Waiting outside on the curb you watched as a cab pulled up, and you slid in saying the address. Pedro slipped in beside you and did his seatbelt, as well as yours. His hand was comfortably on your thigh the whole was as you both talked nonesense to eachother. Surprising you both when you got to your destination, and pedro paid without a thought.
Getting out you fumbled for the key in your pocket and lead him to the elevator, and walked inside. Almost immediately when the doors closed and the button to the floor was pressed, pedro pulled you in and kissed you again. Your soft lips on his and still tasting the faint alcohol on his breath. You groaned as he pressed you gently against the elevator wall, feeling up your sides and just slightly under your shirt. Scaring you both at the ding of the elevator when the door opened. But laughing as it arrived on your floor. You took him by the hand and practically dragged the other to your room, playing with the key until it worked and scurried inside, taking your shoes off and barely managing to get the first off before pedro's hands were on you.
This time he pressed you firmly up against the wall, kissing you a bit harder, more lust built into it than anything. You blushed a little, putting your hands on his sides and sliding your hands up underneath his shirt. Feeling his slight-stomach and pecs making your face redder. He was just your type. You let out a hum as his lips traveled from yours to your jaw, then just under your ear.
"You sure you wanna do all this-?" he asked, panting softly from the lack of air. You thought for a second, a bit of anxiety creeping up. "Um, yeah- but i have to tell you something" you urged, feeling his hands come to rest gently on your hips. "Whats that?" he replied, looking into your eyes. You bit your lip, you had to tell him. It wouldn't be fair not to- right? "I'm well- not like, most guys, yknow? I- don't have the like- normal bits n stuff like-" you stammered, royally fucking up your 'coming out' to this guy. He chuckled, "not all guys have dicks, i get it" he said, easing your anxiety with the little joke. "So you still-?"
He smirked, "i think you know the answer" he said, pulling you towards him to meet his hips. You nearly gasped at the feeling of his bulge there, and he went in and kissed you again.
He began to lift up your shirt and only broke the kiss for a second to take it off of you. Slowly grinding his hips against yours, making you shiver and whine slightly as it turned you on further. He pulled away to admire you, licking his lips and grinning as his eyes met yours again. He let you remove his shirt, gently guiding you to the bed afterwards. "M'gonna make my boy feel real good, kay?" he hummed, watching your knees hit the matress causing you to fall back and sit on the bed. All you could do was nod, meeting his lips as he leant down to kiss you. He let his hand wander to the hem of your pants, slipping under the waistband and sliding over your boxers. Groaning into the kiss as his fingers glided over your slick-coated boxers.
"Already baby?" he teased softly, feeling the wet fabric again with a content hum. Your cheeks went hot, and you avoided looking at him in embarrassment. But corrected that quickly. "Uh uh, you've gotta look at me. Or I'll stop what I'm doin" he stated, watching your eyes travel back to his before he grinned "Good boy" he mumbled, making you moan out softly just from the petname itself, making your arousal flush throughout your body. He chuckled, "you like that? You like bein' my good boy?" he asked, carefully slipping his hand under the strap of your boxers and letting a finger glide through your folds, pulling another moan from you.
"Mmm.. M'gonna make this pretty boy feel amazin" he groaned, ducking his digit in slightly to gather your slick before rubbing circles around your sensitive clit. You whimpered and grabbed his wrist, then changed to grab the bed so he didn't get the wrong idea. He hummed, looking down at your crotch, before back at your face. "Want me to get down between those pretty thighs of you, handsome?" he asked, and you nodded, "Yes, please-!" you said a little too quickly, blushing at the grin on his face. "M'alright then" he said, and with one quick move, removed both your pants and boxers down and off of you.
You gasped at the cold air, making you shiver. "Pedro i-" you paused, seeing his eyes dart to yours. "I don't- like being in the open" you admitted softly, and he bit his lip with a nod. "Here.." he said, getting up and shutting off the lights and closing the curtains. As much as he wanted to get to business right away- he was also keen on you being comfortable. Even in a somewhat-drunk state. "Lay down. Under the covers" he instructed, in which you followed, a little confused. Before you knew it, he was under those covers, and in between your legs.
"You- you didn't have to-" you began, but he quickly interrupted. "You deserve to be more comfortable" he slurred, spreading your legs with his hands. "I don't mind" he mumbled, and you could feel his hot breath on your core. Squirming a little at the idea of this man eating you out. "Pedro please-" you started, but let out a gasp as you felt him drag his tongue up your folds and to your bud. He let out a groan, "tastes so good-" he muttered before he started to devour you. You moaned, instantly taking a fist full of his hair. And pedro grasped your thighs as he tasted you, using the flat of his tongue to tease and pleasure your sensitive bundle of nerves. He absolutely loved all the noises that came from you, making him groan into you and gently grind up into the matress.
The feeling of his tongue exploring you was amazing, he paid careful attention to what make you feel good, and wasn't afraid to do what made you loud. Fuck, he couldn't get enough. Lapping up your juices like he hadn't eaten in days. Your thighs squeezed his head as your back arched, small whimpers and moans pulling from your chest. God the pleasure he was giving you made you unable to think. And embarassingly enough, your climax was already itching at you.
"I- Pedro- a, slow down i'm gonna-!" you shouted, pulling on his hair in an attempt to push him away or get him to slow down. But if anything your speech letting him know he had you that close already was amusing and arousing to him. He pushed your legs open and used his tongue to perfectly abuse your clit, making you cry out and tug on his hair as you came. Moaning as you clenched around nothing, your high making you nearly see stars. Your hand holding tightly onto his hair as you calmed, breathing heavily once pedro took your wrist and crawled up so he could kiss at your collarbone. "Good boy.. Been awhile hasn't it?" he teased, rubbing your sides.
Your face felt like it was burning, biting your lip as you felt his chest with your hand. "Fuck, thats embarrassing" you laughed, causing him to chuckle. "Don't worry bout it stud. I'm not done with you anyhow" he stated, leaving wet kisses along your neck and jaw. "Yeah? Whaddia plan on doin to me?" you pressed on, a smirk evident in your voice. Pedro ground his still-clothed hips against yours, giving you a chance to feel the hard-on he had previously been ignoring. Making you gasp at the sudden contact. "Fuck, i actually can't wait" you breathed, earning another chuckle from Pedro.
He slipped his pants off and hovered over you, planting kissing all over your neck and collarbone. And just the feeling of his length digging into your thigh had you trembling. "Pedro, please" you hummed, shifting. Unable to stop thinking about how good he'd feel inside you. He let out a breath, "don't worry baby, m'gonna fill you up all nice" he said lowly, gabbing your leg and lifting it to your stomach, using his hand to help position himself right against your dripping folds. He exhaled hard. "Gonna have my boy cummin' around me all nicely" he huffed, slowly inserting himself with a groan. You couldn't help but moan out at the feeling of his cock stretching you out nicely. And fuck, you didn't think he would be this big. But when he bottomed out, you both let out a huff of air. He wrapped his arms around your stomach, kissing at your shoulders. Letting you adjust for as long as you needed, and when you jolted your hips on him, he took the hint and started slow, but it didn't last before he was slamming into you and the room filled with the lewd sound of skin slapping against skin and both of your moans and breathing.
Pedro often changed the position slightly, looking for that sweet-spot everyone had. And once he noticed the higher-pitch and crying out, he focused on pounding repeatedly into that spot that made you see stars. You were a sweaty, moaning mess. The intense pleasure he brought you basically paralyzing you as you focused on how amazing you felt. The only things falling from your mouth now being whimpers of his name and small moans. You could barely breathe with how air got punched out of your lungs each time he bottomed out on you.
"H-Aah. Fuck- Ngh.."
Pedro was surprisingly vocal, whimpering wasn't too much of it, he would express himself with either throaty groans or little words or- well trying to be words. "Gonna make my boy feel so good- fuck 'm just right-" he groaned, not letting himself get any closer than you were. As hard as it was, he was able to control himself. That being until he felt you clenching around him, and hearing the cries of his name spilling from your mouth. He tried to coax you through your orgasm, but had to quickly pull out before his was a problem. Letting thick ropes of cum spill onto your stomach with a loud moan. For awhile the only noise in the room was both of your panting.
He bit his lip and fell to the side, humming. "Ffuck" he huffed, feeling the comfort of the bed occupy his thoughts. But he let out a grunt as he got up and stumbled to the bathroom to clean himself up, and grab you a washcloth that he cleant you up with.
He studied your face for a moment, then your body. Remembering what you told him earlier as he found your suitcase and grabbed a pair of your boxers before slipping them onto you. "Just relax handsome" he told you, tucking you back into bed when you tried to get up. You looked at him worriedly, "are you leaving?" you asked in a worried tone, making his face fall. "No, of course not" he said, crawling in with you and pulling you to his chest. Feeling your exhausted body go limp over him after a few minutes.
This was.. Definitely an eventful week.
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Reminder that fic requests are open! :P
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I know we as a fandom all love to shit on Duncan whenever we get the chance (see: me posting Duncan GruncanWuncan) especially since the like, two times we ever see him he's shitting on us for being ourselves then tries to kill us because of his own delusions of grandeur but I thought about it and I was like, "......man that's kinda Sad actually"
BECAUSE seeing this from Duncan's perspective; he's The Best, he always has been the best, but reality constantly shows him that isn't true (Malorn, The Wizard, anyone else)
Like imagine how painful that can be when you think something that you truly deserved and something that you've fought for, maybe for your entire life, is seemingly handed to others who aren't nearly as deserving as you
And yeah WE know that Duncan has neither worked (very hard, at least) for his perceived greatness NOR does he truly """deserve""" it (Duncan has been shown to be shirking his duties off to us and possibly others for his own gain), but DUNCAN doesn't know this. Like in his mind he truly, honestly, genuinely believes with his whole fragile heart that he is just above everyone else and puts more effort in trying to convince others of that rather than literally just trying to work towards that himself
And then there's the extra added insult that even in his own class he's pretty mediocre. Duncan INSISTS that he was Malistaire's best student and that he praised Duncan maybe once and that all other Death students only wish they could be like him, but... Malorn. And I bet deep down Duncan KNOWS that in fact Malorn was Malistaire's best and most talented. And Duncan can't even really twist that in his mind because it was made solid when Malorn took over Malistaire's duties instead of him. It was proven as a hard fact that Malorn was more suited to the job than Duncan was and is widely recognized as being The Best Death student (if the YW isn't a Necromancer)
Okay so fine. Whatever it's just Death right? At least Duncan can be the best at ANYTHING ELSE, maybe he's not the most talented Necromancer but there's 6 more types of magic to excel in!!!
But then another person ruins that. The Young Wizard poofs in from another world and suddenly, Duncan is overshadowed once more because a literal child prodigy and Local Hero arrives and literally saves their world and then, the universe. Multiple times in fact
Like bro I can imagine that could be at least a little bit painful for anyone, but imagine with Duncan's already low self-esteem and his fragile, large ego, he literally and genuinely took that personally and a hit to your pride is devastating for anyone, no matter who you are. That was like, Strike Three for Duncan and it was so very personal and important to him that it left him in a deep and vulnerable state
But I think the absolute saddest part of Duncan's downfall is that near the end, he was ultimately manipulated by an adult. A grown ass adult noticed and acknowledged his insecurities and purposely struck where it hurts the most, in his weakest state. Duncan already wasn't thinking clearly from the start but when everything went to shit for him and he was clinging, Gretta DarkKettle approached him and completely broke him down to make him into something else entirely for the Schism's benefit.
Of course Duncan was a piece of shit from the start but he truly didn't have any malicious intentions until Gretta messed with his mind. Like, he went from a pretty much harmless bully to an actual criminal of the state and a threat to the literal universe. Duncan was CORRUPTED and all of his worst fears and delusions were solidified the moment Gretta """validated""" those feelings Duncan had.
Is Duncan completely blameless? Fuck no he did some fucked up shit actually and I'm glad he was held accountable for it by the narrative and the fandom!!! But I think it's something to be said that at the end of the day, Duncan was still a child that was suffering from many type of issues before being recruited and manipulated by a powerful literal cult. Wizard101 does have a theme of malicious intending and less than responsible adults using children to get what they want (Malistaire, Morganthe's brother, GF Spider, GM Raven, coughcoughAmbrose) but unlike the Young Wizard who successfully stays true to themselves despite that, Duncan had a more Morganthe-like route and ultimately succumbed to it. Of course their situations are a lot different since the YW wasn't brought in by a cult, but you can't help but feel bad for someone so young being preyed on by older people who are supposed to look out for them and protect them from something just LIKE that.
I will always shit on Duncan because it's funny and hold him accountable for his actions because he should, but I also feel bad for him and I hope he had a better ending after he was defeated
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hazel2468 · 1 year
Okay this is apparently a Magic theory blog now. But I just gotta...
I'm talking with the wifey. About the most recent side story, the Ravnica one. And I simply MUST present my theories about Jace, Vraska, and how Norn is a fucking IDIOT.
Spoilers for March of the Machines, but it's been out for a couple of days now so. If you haven't read it yet, tough tiddies.
Okay. My Theory.
Jace is playing Norn like a fiddle, and he saved Vraska.
Jace ALWAYS has a plan. Always. He doesn't leave things to chance- he's just like that. There's precedence for him preserving his mind in the face of some altering or possessing influence (see what happened with Emrakul, where he created a little mental "safe house" for himself. Also see what happened with Vraska- little mental "safe house" for her). Jace is NOT the kind of person who would go to fight the Phyrexians, knowing he might get Compleated, and not have a plan to preserve his mind. I think that, combined with the fact that he was fucking stabbed with a sword made of fucking HALO, makes a pretty good case for Jace being more himself than Norn would want him to be.
Not to mention the whole bit where he just. Dips before Norn gives him any orders. We see in the chapter that Norn is assuming that he already knows what she wants... But we have also seen that Elesh Norn's biggest weakness is her hubris. The way she is so assured of her own rightness has consistently been her undoing. It cost her Tamiyo, Ixahel is rebellious. Even Atraxa, Norn's own daughter, is not immune to individual thought and feeling (saw art and had an existential crisis there, didn't you, Atraxa?).
So if Jace is himself, if he isn't under Norn's control as much as he should be, or even at all. If Jace is still purely JACE. What do you think this oh-so-smart-but-still-so-stupid lovesick bisexual man is going to do?
The same thing he did before. Go after his fucking girlfriend.
The entire Ravnica story, from Vraska's perspective, demonstrates that some part of her is preserved. Her mind is safe from Norn's corruption (and I am specifically calling it that because I think the idea that phyresis and Phyrexians are inherently corrupting and evil is stupid, tired, and abelist as well). She persists in there and, when she "dies", she is preserved.
So when Jace showed up, at first? Yeah- I thought Vraska was dying, and she was just giving herself the closure she needed. Getting to spend just a little more time with her beloved, even if it wasn't real.
But then shit started jumping out at me. Vraska's mind was in a place that JACE created for her. Everything seemed too real. There was a moment when Vraska experienced their kiss from Jace's perspective- how could a memory in her head do that? The way that Jace reacted to things she said (asking to make it right, a do-over, another chance)....
And then Jace telling her "this part hurts", like he KNOWS. The explosion of white light instead of what I frankly would have expected from her death, a fading into peaceful darkness.
And all of this was purely wishful thinking-
And then her fucking body vanished. Ral fucked up the oil in her, and then her body was GONE.
So, current running theory in this house?
Vraska's mind, her self, was preserved in the mental safe house that Jace made for her. Something we've seen him do in the past for himself in the face of mind-altering forces. Then, Ral fucked up the Phyrexian oil and that really took Vraska apart. But when she went down, she ACTUALLY spoke to Jace. That vision of Jace in her head was the real Jace, communicating with her while he tried to save her. And as for the flash of white light, well, bare with me here...
Halo. Jace was stabbed with a sword made of Halo, and I think its power might have given him the edge he needed to win over Norn's influence. What if he simply did the same thing to her? "This part hurts"- because Jace KNOWS what it feels like for his Phyrexian body to be flooded with Halo.
I could be wrong. I really hope I'm right. Because if WotC gives us this, saves these two, then there is HOPE for Nissa because holy FUCK if they disrespect the fucking gays again with this one... Normally I would say I find it hard to believe that anyone can build up a relationship's significance like Chandra and Nissa's has and then fuck it up, but WotC has done it once.
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correctpathos · 2 months
Learning to Draw #1 - :)
My Manifesto that will be read as I lay destruction to The Works
I'm in my late 20s. I'm doing this because I can't find anyone else showing a similar process as a genuine sucky beginner. I used to draw a bit in my early teens. Slated for greatness at my art GCSE, a master of using the ruler for two-point perspective, I could achieve an 'A' they said - if I chose it - and I bet you're wondering how I got here... At home I drew my favourite anime characters. They weren't good, but whatever. I drew Itachi from Naruto and was so happy with this one that I took it to my parents to use their scanner. I subtly wanted to show it off, but I said I thought it would be cool if I scan it and colour it in on my cracked version of Photoshop CS5.
All I remember is they both saw it and had a good laugh at Itachi's hand. "It looks like E.T - 'phone home'". I didn't colour it in, and don't think I drew anything after that. The GCSE Art I took was bizarrely thin on teaching theory/skills and more about trying out a variety of creative mixed media - textured collages, pottery, and the like. I didn't draw a single thing and somehow achieved a B.
So anyway, I kept wishing I knew how to draw. Not as a professional or anything. Just enough to convey a sketch of an idea on the page that didn't look weird. What inspired me to pick it up again was some of the artwork in the RPG book for 'Warlock'. Thought it was rad as fuck. Wish I could do that.
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Figuring out how to do this has sucked so much ass. So many 'beginners' post absolutely passable drawings to undermine your confidence, or they bait you in and say "yeah, I'm learning to draw...I stopped a few years ago when I finished up with Sistine Chapel". Fuckers. One egregious example was on the 'learntodraw' subreddit where someone said their husband started drawing a 'week ago', presenting a near photo-realistic image. Later admitting after backlash that their husband had only just started 'taking it seriously this week, but has drawn before'.
All the other guidance essentially consists of happy-go-lucky 'just draw :)' or locked-in 'drawing is like working out, put the reps in'. In-between are mentions of 'the fundamentals' but the best way to learn these are???
A few months ago I attempted 'Draw a Box'. I gave up because I'll be honest, it is incredibly boring to spend your evenings drawing 250 boxes, cylinders, and then once you finally think you're onto the interesting stuff you get asked to do several pages of arrows. I still hadn't drawn anything apart from basic shapes.
The structure was good for me though, so I thought let's buy an online art class. The course recommends joining their community and sharing your first work, which you must draw 'from your mind'. Here is Chroknight. This took approx 2 hours of really trying. This was still attempting to incorporate ideas about perspective and breaking down shapes I had heard about from Draw a Box. So this probably shows a month of learning. This is what I want to see when I look for a beginners journey.
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I did this for a bit and drew some heads before becoming so fucking angry at the entire process. "People can be broken down into very basic shapes - squares, circles, triangles". Yet what really happens is a lot of complex rules around curving, avoiding tangent lines, and so on. I watch as the 'forms' get drawn in and say "okay, how the fuck do you make that look like a person?". My forms were often weirdly askew so I tried to correct them. The heads just don't look right. I was really struggling to spot that my forms were so wrong that it wasn't until I got to the details or the end that I was like "oh, wow this is really off". People who can draw say "just make sure your forms are correct first", and I get it - but often I can't tell until I start putting features on.
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I know they're not like if you just picked up a pencil for the first time. This was around 2-3 months of learning. I was really feeling angry and impatient that after drilling facial features and head forms that they still looked so weird and were taking a significant amount of time to draw. Each of these took at least an hour. Could've watched X-Files.
"This is why an understanding of anatomy is so important" the instructor says on their demo. Proceeding to practically, to my untrained eye, ignore their forms and freely draw 'skin lines' to indicate anatomy. How do I do that? "Study anatomy". The assignment for this part of the course is to draw each body part 'until memorised'. More grinding. I was too angry and couldn't face it.
So here I am a few months on. I am going to restart the course and actually begin 'grinding'. Drawing regularly, from reference, whatever. I am banning myself from artist YouTube videos about how they learn because these people are already great and their advice amounts to variations of studying/grinding or even worse "learning to love art again". I am also leaving the communities full of people posting things I can only aspire to and saying "any feedback UnU?", "why do I suck? :(".
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"The Shane [Rollan and Abeke] knew would probably have forced people to call him king on punishment of death. It was hard to imagine him as anything but a ruthless leader" (The Burning Tide, 24).
This line is so interesting to me, because it proves just how much Rollan doesn't understand Shane. Shane was a colonizer and was responsible for a lot of people's lives being ruined, but as far as canon evidence goes, he never forced anyone to call him a king or anything like that. He was indirectly brutal and incredibly manipulative, but he always had a tired, gentle demeanor. It was all a lie, of course. Part of the act. But he wasn't the kind of guy to force people to call him king.
"'Whose was it before the Conquerors took it over?' 'It's a palace of one of the lords of the Niloan steppes,' Shane said with another sigh. 'Listen, I'm not proud that we've taken over someone's home. The lord is still alive, and I'm doing my best to make sure the Niloans who work and live here are kept safe and have enough to eat. I'm trying to make the best of this situation'" (Rise and Fall, 3).
Shane could be lying here, I suppose. But I don't think he is. It doesn't really fit with his character. I do believe he truly tried to keep the Niloans alive under his horrible conditions. But I don't think he would have forced the Niloans to call him king. He wanted to rule over them, but as long as they were under his control, I don't think he particularly cared about whether or not they saw him as a king or not. He just wanted to stamp out any rebellion. Him calling the lord "the lord" shows that he does sort of respect the lord's authority and leadership to some extent.
"'You're responsible for the wrecked village west of here?' 'Yes my king,' the captain said. 'We met resistance there, but we overcame it.' There was pride in his voice. Shane slapped him across the face. 'Idiot,' he seethed. 'Those were innocent people'" (The Book of Shane, 97).
Again, Shane does demonstrate a quality that, in his twisted head, likely seems caring and compassionate. Of course, it's not. Caring about people whose lives you uproot only makes you a marginally better person. But it does prove that Shane tried his hardest not to kill people. He felt like he had to to some extent, but I wouldn't call him a "ruthless leader". He did what he felt was necessary from his own twisted point of view. He did, from his point of view at least, try to protect the innocent.
"Achi scowled. 'Sometimes bad people do good things,' he said icily. 'It doesn't mean they're good people.' Shane said nothing, just watched as Achi was carried away" (The Book of Shane, 97).
Achi just showed Shane a lot of disrespect, but Shane let it slide. This feeds into some other things, like Shane's desperate need for friends and validation. But mostly, it shows that Shane tolerated disrespect as long as it wasn't anything physical or too rebellious. He was a horrible person, but he was never the sort of king that would make you go down on your knees every time you addressed him. I wouldn't say he's the kind of guy that would force people to "call him king on punishment of death".
I kind of wish we'd had that chapter from Abeke's perspective instead of Rollan's. I wonder what she was thinking in that moment. Was she thinking that Shane was a ruthless leader that would force people to call him king on punishment of death, too? Or did she have a less aggressive, more manipulative idea of him?
None of this makes Shane's colonization okay, obviously, but characterizing him as a a harsh king that ruled with an iron fist isn't really as correct as saying he's a manipulative liar that did his dirty business in the shadows. A snake, if you will, instead of a lion.
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go-river-flows · 1 year
They Have Returned (Sequel to WBtAP)
part 1 of ?
Summary: The Avatars have returned to Pandora, which means trouble for our characters from Welcome Back to the Avatar Programme. Perspectives from Grace, Human Lyle Wainfleet, Reader and Recom Wainfleet. This is going to get confusing as heck.
Note: Spoken Na'vi = Normal, Spoken English = Italics
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(Grace’s POV)
(Y/N) was hit. Shot in the abdomen by Quaritch. If I had sat where she was, I think I would have died. We patched her up as much as we could though we didn't have the equipment for a surgery, we could at least make her last moments as comfortable as we could. Arriving at Site 26, Norm helped her into the facility first, as I helped Jake onto his wheelchair, we rushed in. Norm passed us into the other part of the facility to grab blankets, pillows and anything else we needed before disconnecting the two parts. 
“We’re gonna hook up this side of the building. Norm you’re up!” I helped Norm as fast as we could before he jumped into a link bed. Jake was by (Y/N)’s side, trying to ease her pain.
“You're gonna be okay,” I could hear Jake reassuring her. After what felt like forever, Norm’s avatar showed up through the tree line, jumping onto the facility as hooking up the half that we were in. Before we knew it we were off the ground, jolting suddenly.
“(Y/N)! Grace! She’s dying!” Jake yelled, I quickly made it to his side, where (Y/N) wasn't breathing. Running for the defibrillator, I chucked it onto the bed as Jake and I rushed to jump start her heart again. Trying to find a heartbeat in between shocks. After the fourth try, her heart started beating again, it was faint but enough. 
Trudy dropped the facility somewhere close to the Tree of Souls as morning was soon approaching, I kept my eye on the dying girl in front of me. It was hard seeing her like this. She was like a daughter to me. When daybreak came, Jake wanted to jump into his avatar. He said there was something he had to do, though I was unsure what he meant by that. Norm disconnected from his avatar and we took shifts looking after (Y/N) just in case something happened. It was much later when Jake (in his avatar form) returned. He had convinced Mo’at to save (Y/N), to do a consciousness transfer to her avatar so we had to prepare her for the ritual. I jumped into my avatar, waking up at the Tree of Souls, finding (Y/N)’s avatar right next to me back completely burnt, when I was suddenly bombarded by children and teens, I couldn't stay to chat.
Rushing to the facility, Jake had already prepared (Y/N) for the ritual, which meant taking off her clothes and wrapping her body in vines and leaves, only keeping her mask on. Jake was most nervous, he kept fidgeting as I carried first aid and the defibrillator in case her heart stopped again. We made our way back to the Tree of Souls, her avatar already laying below the pink and purple tendrils. Jake carefully placed (Y/N)’s small human form next to her avatar. Wow, I really wished to get some samples right now but that was not a priority. As Mo’at started the ritual as the Na’vi chanted along with her. 
“In order for the consciousness transfer to be successful, she must pass through the eye of Eywa and return,” Mo’at explained beforehand. I held Jake’s shaky hand. Please, please, please work.
The chanting subsided and Mo’at moved closer to make sure the transfer was a success. It was. The two of us sighed a huge sigh of relief. Oh, thank you Great Mother. Thank you very much. 
The next morning, I talked to Mo’at asking if I too could do a consciousness transfer. She did not hesitate to agree, though I was not injured or sick, I felt like I needed to explain but she quickly shot it down, explaining that I was already Na’vi, already part of the clan. Already Omatikayan. That night it was my turn to have my consciousness transferred. It was like falling into a deep sleep, entering the eye of Eywa, she spoke so gently and softly like a comforting whisper pushing me back down to Pandora with her warm palm. 
Waking up in my avatar felt nothing short of a miracle. It was like I was born to be Na’vi. Though I needed clothes at that moment, I felt very naked which was a bit embarrassing. Covering my chest with my arms, Jake draped a large blanket around my body before I was taken somewhere to be dressed. I was handed my na’vi necklace, which was now too small to fit around my neck, opting to wear it as a bracelet or arm band instead. I was handed a chest covering which was a bit too skimpy for my liking, as well as a loincloth which pinched in weird places – It was basically a thong, definitely something I had to get used to – I felt most comfortable in a tank top and shorts, but I knew I would get weird looks. My human body was buried next to (Y/N)’s human body, becoming one with Pandora, a funeral held for our human forms.
After the war between Na’vi and humans, adjusting to the life of a Na’vi was not very difficult, the only difference was my height, the food and being unable to do any sciency stuff, which is basically everything in my life. But falling asleep and not waking up in my human form was strange. I lived within the village with Jake, but occasionally trekked between the village and Hell’s Gate now overrun by weeds and crawling vines. (Y/N), the avatar drivers and some scientists remained as the only humans on Pandora, Lyle Wainfleet included. A little baby boy was found in the medical facility being taken care of by the science team and (Y/N). Miles Soccoro was his name, the child of Commander Miles Quaritch and Paz Socorro, both parents dead. Norm took over most of my research and I was just tasked with collecting and finding new flora native to the planet, which thankfully made my job a bit easier. But one day, I felt a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, thinking I was sick with some sort of Pandoran flu. I went to Mo’at to get a check up.
“You are blessed with a child,” I was dumbstruck.
“What? But I'm not mated. I haven't even had sex.”
“You are with child,” she deadpanned, repeating herself.
And she was right. For the following months I was pregnant with a child. (Y/N) helped me most of the time, doing most of my research and collecting samples as she usually did when she was part of the Avatar Program. I decided to pop up at Hell’s Gate, big belly in tow. Knocking on the door, Wainfleet opened it. He was wearing a simple grey shirt, loose jogging bottoms and socks. Looking rather cosy. 
“What's up doc,” he greeted me chipperly. Letting me in, I ducked into the hallway, making my way through the very walls I once walked, now as a blue giant. Suddenly everything felt smaller. “Got new samples?” he inquired.
“Ah, just the usual,” his eyes meandered to my stomach, smirking a little. Finding Norm in my old office, I carefully placed the samples on the table. Looking around I could hear (Y/N) talking to Lyle, as the cute sounds of Miles Jr babbling. Peeking through a window, I watched the three happily playing with hand made wooden toys. They looked happy together. Like a family basically, (Y/N) the mother figure and Lyle the father figure. My hand unconsciously touched my growing belly, rubbing it a little. 
After five more months, one month longer than a human woman’s pregnancy (Don't quote me on this, cause I don't know how long Na’vi pregnancies last. I want to say it's about ten months), I was due to give birth very soon. (Y/N) and Neytiri, who had given birth a day earlier than me with her second child, were by my side as Mo’at guided me through the birthing. I was taught a breathing technique to make the birthing easier. I was told to push, gripping (Y/N)’s hand tightly. My loincloth around my ankles in a kneeling position, letting gravity do most of the work. It was painful but worth it. The cry of my little baby sounded so sweet, as a little girl was handed to me. I was guided to sit down as my little girl smiled like the sun, her cute gummy smile lighting up the healing tent, Mo’at connected our queues and I could feel everything my baby girl was feeling at that very moment. Neytiri and (Y/N) smiled at the sight of the cute little girl with four fingers and five little bean toes.
“What will you name her?” Neytiri asked. I thought a little bit.
“Kiri. My little girl’s name is Kiri,” I kissed her little forehead.
“Hello Kiri. Little Kiri…” (Y/N) cooed at my baby.
Having a daughter blessed by Eywa herself was like a miracle, I felt like the Virgin Mary in that sense. It was basically the same situation. (Y/N) became Kiri’s aunt, taking care of her whenever I needed her to, and she happily took on that role despite also caring for Miles Jr, no, Spider. Eventually the two kids met as she brought Spider into the village on occasion, or I would visit her in Hell’s Gate bringing Kiri in a carrier.
As we would discuss things relating to research, the children would be in another room being watched by Lyle as they played together. Their laughter echoing through the halls. 
Kiri practically grew up around the Sully kids and Spider which was good for her. Though not so great for the adults having to corral a bunch of rambunctious kids which often led (Y/N) to hold Spider or one of the kids in the air as a time out, all whilst she tried holding in her laughter as they squirmed, nearly eight feet in the air. Air prison she calls it. But one day Jake and I were called to Hell’s Gate. To our surprise it was Lyle who called us, getting us to sit down on the cold metal floor.
“What is it called again?” Jake asked. 
“Project Phoenix,” Lyle repeated. Jake rubbed his face as Lyle rubbed his chin nervously.
“Does (Y/N) know?” I added.
“Yeah, she was with me when I was talking to Zdinarsk,” he confessed. I looked over to Jake, who was clenching his jaw with an unreadable expression. Wainfleet, brought up his holo tablet, using his credentials to gain access to his own files, “Everything you need to know is on this tablet. I should’ve told you sooner, I'm sorry I didn't.”
“Well at least you did,” Jake sighed, flicking through the many files related to the project. “Recombiants? New form of avatars…without drivers? Holy crap.”
“What do we do?” Wainfleet questioned, a part of him knowing that this was bad news for the near future. 
“Well, I have a clan to think about. If it's danger we’re talking about, we have to move somewhere safe. That includes all of you guys and the avatar drivers. We have to prepare,” Jake says seriously.
“I guess it’s time to pick up a gun again. Hopefully not soon,” Wainfleet scratches his bald head. 
In the room not too far away, (Y/N), Kiri and Spider were playing with toys or scribbling on paper. (Y/N)’s sharp ears listening in on the conversation down the hallway, whilst keeping an eye on the two children. Kiri is only six, I don't want to scare her with the potential danger of humans returning to Pandora, I have my own family to take care of now. Making my way to where the kids are, I peered through the open door watching the three scribble with pencils. Kiri struggled to hold the thin pencil as she drew, but Spider was helping her grip it. (Y/N)’s eyes met mine, a content smile on her face. Jake put a hand on my shoulder looking into the room from just behind me watching the same scene.
“We should go,” he gestured with his head.
I called into the room, “Come on Kiri, time to go.” She whined a little, not wanting to leave Spider’s side. I chuckled a bit, “Come on sweetheart, you can come back to see him tomorrow.”
“Or we’ll go to the village,” (Y/N) piped up, Kiri’s little ears and tail perked up at that.
“Really?!” Kiri stood up, holding the drawing in her hand.
“Sure! Why not?” (Y/N) patted her head as Kiri gave her a hug before giving Spider one.
“See you tomorrow Spider!” she ran to me, waving goodbye to (Y/N) and the small boy.
“See you tomorrow, Kiri,” he pouted a little, returning a wave.
Returning to the village, Jake returned to his family as Kiri and I returned to our nest. We ate before falling asleep in each other’s arms. The playing tiring her out, though I had trouble sleeping mostly from the troubling news, my overprotective paternal instincts coming out. From that day on I kept a close eye on Kiri, no longer caring about work and research, just wanting to spend all the time I have with her as her mother. I took off my bracelet, the one I always wore on my neck as a human, putting it around Kiri’s neck, fitting perfectly.
The next day Jake set off to find a perfect spot to prepare for the inevitable, setting a game plan for the village, beginning to prepare for D-day.
Nearly eight years have passed, watching my daughter grow up to be a wonderful young lady but also finding out Kiri’s strange connection with Pandora and Eywa. Despite a slight paranoia rising within Jake, (Y/N), Lyle and myself. On this particular calm and beautiful night (Y/N), Norm, Spider and Lyle were staying the night in mine and Kiri’s nest. The children playing with the Sully kids just below us as their parents were having a date night. Norm was rattled off about the research as (Y/N) translated it to Lyle making it easier to understand. Before the two of them cuddled together to watch the stars.
“And what about that one?” Lyle pointed to a bright star. (Y/N) sat up a little bit getting a better look at the brightening star.
“That's not a star,” her eyes widened before meeting mine, “That's a decelerating ship.” Our eyes shot to the sky, knowing exactly what that meant. The human’s have returned.
Gathering everyone up, (Y/N) called for her ikran helping Spider and Lyle on, climbing on behind them. Neteyam and Lo’ak rode with Norm on his ikran. Jake and Neytiri returned as quickly as they could. Kiri rode with Jake as I hopped onto Neytiri’s ikran. We headed straight for the Hallelujah Mountains, our stronghold and new home. We could only watch the descending ships, burning everything surrounding it, the desperate cries of the Pandoran wildlife echoed through the forest below. There was nothing we could do. 
As soon as we arrived at the camp, which Jake unceremoniously dubbed as ‘High Camp’ the rest of the clanspeople flooded in. A year would pass slowly as fear spiked.
Part 2
@drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @cumikering @ducks118 @writerfromcz
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thoughtsineedtoletout · 5 months
The Tortured Poets Department
Track 1 – Fortnight feat. Post Malone
The song sets the scene of a woman stating that she should have been taken away to an asylum but no one came to get her. So, she's not in a good place mentally, didn't get help, so is a functioning alcoholic to cope.
The narrator goes on to explore the idea of her ex-lover years on becoming her neighbour. Your wife waters flowers // I want to kill her - this lyric reinforces her mental instability and tells us about the animosity towards her ex-lover's wife. It also demonstrates her ex-lover is now in a happy marriage with a nurturing person.
She then goes on to describe her own unhappy marriage:
All my mornings are Mondays // Stuck in an endless February // I took the miracle move-on drug // The effects were temporary At this point is when I felt like it was metaphorical, composite piece as it ties in a few different moments of Taylor's life. It is speculated that February 2023 is when she split up with her long-term boyfriend, and she moved onto her rebound; represented here as the miracle move-on drug. This didn't last either, therefore the effects were only temporary.
Later on in the song, the narrator says my husband is cheating // I want to kill him bringing it back around to contrast her marriage against her ex-lover's marriage. To me, this feels like an insecurity and anxiety of the narrator's, believing that her ex-lover will get his happy ending but she's still stuck in a place where she isn't happy. I believe the use of 'fortnight' here isn't literal, either. It is a metaphor for how the relationship had such a significant impact on her, but in the grand scheme of her life, it was a blip in time. It wasn't long enough for her because she was hoping for forever.
I don't think 'neighbour' is literal, either. I think because these are all celebrities who run in the same circles and go to the same award shows and ceremonies, she will inevitably bump into them and have to suffer through watching them with someone new and being happy without her.
I believe the outro of the song is from the perspective of the ex-lover trying to reach out, but she's not allowing that door to open anymore (I've been calling ya, but you won't pick up). This could also be interpreted as a communication barrier and how they're just misunderstanding each other all the time. Then he's encouraging her to move on (move to Florida, buy the car you want), but she doesn't want to do this without him (but it won't start up 'till I touch, touch, touch you).
Florida here could also be interpreted as the rebound. Move on with the rebound or someone else because the ex-lover can't offer her what she needs from him, but the thing is, she doesn't want to move on yet. She feels like she can't because she loves him and she can't start up without him. It's ruining her life to love him.
Overall, the song sounds like a reflection and regret. She still holds a lot of love for her ex-lover and wishes him well (all of this to say // I hope you're okay but you're the reason // and no one's here to blame // but what about your quiet treason?). The treason line is intriguing, perhaps this is a glimpse into cheating and it is why they were only together for a 'fortnight', but at the end of the day she still loves him and it is ruining her life because she doesn't want to move on without him and it is pushing her towards insanity.
Back to list of analyses.
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ajokeformur-ray · 1 year
🤨 What blasphemous thing could you possibly say/do at 8yo to get banned from church?! But I guess I shouldn't be too suprised, after all a priest told my mom that I'm a literal Satan when I was a baby and refused to baptise me 🤣🤣🤣🤣!
A priest refused to baptise you??? Why??? Ohmygod😅I'd love to hear the surrounding story if there is one!!!💗
Okay, so I need to give you some context! And please please know that I mean no offense if I get any terminology or names wrong; it's just I'm telling this from the perspective of an eight year old, and my memory is quite hazy. And I came out of this experience an atheist and I've never looked back so I have very little knowledge of what events and types of church services are called. But anyway.
Here's how I got a life-long ban from my local church at the age of eight by being extremely blasphemous:
(I have placed a cut here but it may not be showing itself; I know tumblr is having trouble with cuts recently).
It's a story which had @daincrediblegg laughing so hard my microphone went a bit statick-y, and I'll never be able to forget the sound of the sunshine that night.😭😍💗
When I was a young kid, between the ages of 4 and 10, my nan was obsessed with trying to teach me about monotheism; Christianity, namely. I'm not too sure what sector she wanted me to learn about, I was too young to really know anything beyond "it's religious and I have to go to Church every Sunday and I don't want to". And I mean she was obsessed.
Against the wishes of my mother, my nan took me to Sunday school every Sunday even if I had plans already, such as seeing a family member or mum taking me out somewhere, and nan always took me to... is it Mass? every Easter and Christmas, and it got to the point where the only thing she'd read me if I stayed over at her house was the Bible (please note, she wasn't even a practicing Christian, not really; it was all for show because, while she believes in God, what she really wanted to do was get some kind of control over me to rub it in my mum's face... they've never gotten along and have a very antagonistic relationship even now) and she was always dragging me to Bible study groups etc etc and by the time I was eight, I was old enough to know that I was sick of it.
But no matter what I said, no matter how big a tantrum I threw or how loud I told her I didn't want to, no matter how well I literally hid myself, she always found me, and she always dragged me to church. Sometimes, I would be literally kicking and screaming. Please remember, I was only eight and I wasn't being listened to. My nan wasn't listening to me and mum's attempts to stop it from happening were failing, too, my nan was borderline controlling with it tbh I was being told that I would become a monster if I didn't let the priest do the... is it the sacrament? With the wafer on the tongue when you go up to the altar and the priest does the holy water cross on your forehead? I'm not sure what it's called, but one night she said I would become a monster if I didn't let the priest do this with me (implying I wanted it, when I really didn't and was actually crying because I didn't want to do it).
And I remember, as I stood up, I was thinking if a tantrum doesn't work at nan's house... will it work here? I was desperate to go home and be left alone and not be made to come back to church. And she wasn't listening to me, so I did what any child would do.
I threw a tantrum.
So I got up there and knelt down at the altar and the priest offered me a circle wafer to put on my tongue (I held it in my mouth and didn't eat it because I didn't wanna eat Jesus) and just as he put the holy water on my forehead and started to make the sign of the cross, I started screaming and hissing, thrashing myself around yelling "it burrrrrns, it burns me" and making a proper moment of it. I don't even know where I got the idea from, I was just a little kid with so much anger and frustration and my emotions were too big for my little body and all I knew was, I wanted to go home and I never wanted to come to church again.
I was basically carried out of the church, I don't even know by who, it was absolute chaos, and my nan literally threw me past the doors, yelling at how I'd embarrassed her and she'd never be able to go there again, didn't I know what I'd just done? The priest was so upset, I was condemned to hell now, blah blah blah, and I was crying on the way home but not because I was upset. I was happy.
When nan yelled down the phone about what had happened, my mum was cackling and took me out for ice cream to celebrate my standing up for myself. The next day, I asked mum what a person is called if they don't believe in any god, and she told me about atheism. That day, I decided I was an atheist. I've never looked back since.
And that is how I got banned from the church for life at the age of eight. And also how I finally got my nan to listen to me. She never tried to get me to go to church again after that, and our relationship has also never been the same, because that day, she realised I had a mind of my own and she's never quite known what to do about that... either way, I'll never be that cool again, ohmygod🤣
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xxgothwhorexx · 2 years
Trailer Park Trash: Part 1
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader.
Reader: Trans Guy . Goth . Femboy . 18
Warnings: This takes place in my own version of Hawkins and ignores the canon timeline and events.
Summary: The smut episode because I said so.
Authors Note: Just a lot of sex, implied bad past experiences. Eddie gets pegged. (this is a wip, accidentally posted it lol)
First Person Perspective
It'd been a week since the DnD session. Eddie had started coming over unannounced, at this point I'd just stopped locking the door. It wasn't unusual for him to stay the night, his uncle had started working day shift and wasn't fond of Eddie's late night shenanigans. So began the nights with Black Sabbath blasting in my living room.
Spending so much time around him had me feeling things, it was getting harder to ignore. Every slight brush of his skin against mine sent bolts of electricity through my body, if he felt the same way he certainly hid it well.
"You're so goddamn hot" He wore nothing but a towel hanging loosely around his waist, "I want you so bad" he took a step forward dropping the towel-
I gasp sitting bolt upright, out of breath and covered in a thin layer of sweat. It was just a dream..
"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD!!" Eddie shouts.
I groan rubbing the sleep from my eyes, of course he shows up while I'm having a sex dream.
"IT'S OPEN!!" I call out refusing to get up this early, if he wants me out of bed he's gotta drag me.
He let himself in seemingly determined to make as much noise as humanly possible, slamming cabinets in search of something to eat.
He opens the fridge, bottles clinking before it slams shut. He dances into the room eating cereal directly out the box with his hands.
"Why are you here so early?" I rub my eyes trying to wake up more.
"Couldn't sleep" He shrugs continuing to shove cereal in his mouth.
"So you woke me up!?" I glare at him.
"Awww don't be mad pretty boy" He sits on the bed next to me setting the box aside, "I couldn't wait to see you" he bats his eyelashes.
"I'm going back to sleep." I roll over to face the wall.
After a brief pause he joins me under the sheets, "move over" he wraps an arm around me settling in for a rough few hours of sleep.
Needy moans escape my lips, I roll my hips searching for the friction I desperately want. Finding purchase against something warm I grind feverishly, my breath coming in shaky gasps. White-hot fire building inside me, my back arching as the sensations overtake me.
My body goes limp, chest heaving. Heavy eyelids fluttering open, widening in shock as Eddie's eyes meet mine. My face burning in embarrassment, his thigh between my legs. What will he think of me now? I shut my eyes tight, praying to a god I don't believe in. When I open them he's still watching me, cheeks flushed, breathing shakily.
"I'm so sorry" I whisper tears welling up.
He reaches out cupping my cheek, wiping tears away with his thumb.
"don't be" His lips meet mine, kissing me deeply. I pull him closer hands tangling in his hair, legs wrapping around his hips. Small sounds rumble through his chest, his hand travelling south gripping my ass. We part catching our breath.
"eddie-" Foreheads pressed together I meet his eyes, "are you sure about this?" There's no going back if this happens, I don't want to be another regret.
"never been more sure of anything in my life pretty boy" I wish the reassurance made me feel better, there was still one thing left to do. What if he rejects me or worse? I can't imagine him causing harm but the fear is still there.
"eddie- i'm not normal" My voice wavers, "before anything else happens you need to know" I take a deep breath trying to remain calm. "my body is different.. i- i don't have a dick" I look away bracing myself for the worst.
There's a minute of silence, each second that passes makes my heart beat faster. Finally he breaks the silence.
"okay, not sure why that'd change my mind though" He tilts his head slightly, eyes full of confusion.
"it doesn't bother you?" I meet his gaze once again.
"nope" He smiles at me, it feels like my hearts gonna explode. I can't stop myself from crying, he holds me close as I sob into his arms. He can't even fathom the idea that I'd been rejected for this in the past, he continues to hold me long after I've calmed down.
We agreed to continue what we started later that night, him insisting that he needed to make some 'preparations'.
(I'm working on the actual smut but I hit post accidentally, feel free to suggest ideas for the sex scene)
| Prologue | Part 1 |
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jimimn · 1 year
I'll try to keep this short ❤️ I love this album so much 🥺 And I think I told you that Alone would destroy me and it really did... And it's also my favorite from the album. I can't really explain what I feel when I listen to it, but I always have this tightness in my chest. I had it when I first listened to it and I had a feeling the lyrics would make me cry and they did. It really brings me back to my quarantine days... and not to the better ones. It really has that choking, depressing feeling that quarantine had. I really love his singing in the song too 🥺 He sounds amazing, so gentle, so soft, and yet very strong (I'm literally contradicting myself but anyway)
I really liked Like Crazy too. The mv was amazing, and I read so many theories. Most of them were kinda the same, you know with the woman also representing him. Both the English and Korean versions were done so well 🥺 interlude: dive ❤️ his introduction from the busan concert❤️ oh, and the transition between the songs? Him having a drink at the end of dive, and then like crazy having this "being intoxicated in a club" vibe, and alone starting with an alarm clock... I'm obsessed with this. Also I'm SO SAD letter is only on CD 😭😭 Like I understand why, but Jimin 😭 It's my second favorite from the album, and after listening and crying to Alone, I cried to Letter too 💔 The parallels with blue & grey 😭 Shivi, the urge to get a lyric tattoo from alone or letter 😭
Also I still don't know if he's singing "please me" during Like Crazy and we will never know and it will bother me forever 😂 But anyway. He did such an amazing job, I'm so happy he could finally release this album. And I'm so happy he said he got to overcome and heal from these feelings.
Ps. Let Jimin curse on TV okay thanks that's all ❤️ -🦋
putting it under read more bc i rambled lol <3
i love it so much too 🥺 oh and same, alone took me back to my own quarantine days 😭 i was stuck at a relative's place for three months and my aunt wasn't very good to me. i used to cry alone a lot and that was when i had found bangtan :( they really saved me :( and alone took me back to all of those feelings i went through back then before I found bangtan 😭 everyone's stories are so different but im sure so many people related to alone 🥺 (and no i get what you mean by gentle and soft yet so strong, and i agree) i absolutely LOVED face off too. his voice in face off his so addicting and those high notes damn 😭
and like crazy is a fckin bop ✋🏼 RIIIIGHHTTTT i loved the mv too the colours in the mv .. *chef's kiss* (this is me speaking from a gifmaker perspective btw, i thought the mv would be impossible to colour properly but I had so much fun colouring it and I was satisfied w the results gdhfhdjhfdj ANYWAY thats not the point fghdjfhj) AND PLS TEH THEORIES. SO GENIUS. AND THEY MAKE COMPLETE SENSE TOO. yes yes yes you're so right the transition and connection between the songs truly genius 😭😭😭😭 ALSO LETTER!!!!!!!! YES !!!!!!!!!!!!! im obsessed please it is SUCHHHHH a beautiful song 😭😭😭😭 i cried to letter too 😭 its my new song that i fall asleep to 😭 it was with you before this hdjhfjd. its so beautiful and jikook's voices go so well together and they sound so beautiful 😭 and god it being a hidden track and starting at 6:13 of like crazy english version on the cd just .. it just feels sooooo personal and full of love 😭😭😭 i really wish it was on spotify too but I downloaded the song and added it to my playlists through local files thing on spotify 💖 omgomgomg anon you should definitely get the tattoo!!!! <333
i will believe it is "please me" and run with it 🧘🏼‍♀️ and me too 🥺 the album is so so good im so proud of him 🥺 right, im happy this album helped him to let go of those feelings 🥺
pls you know when they reviewed face off alone and like crazy three days ago and said face off wasn't eligible (?) i thought they totally dropped smf from music shows bc 1. they didn't review it along w the other songs 2. and i thought maybe they didn't review it bc it was already known that it has cussing and i got SO SAD that they wouldn't perform smf 😭 and i was confused too bc bighit did say in the notices that he would perform the prerelease track and the main track. but i was relieved yesterday when they said he performed smf 😌 anywayfddh im dumb. i can't wait to see the performances heheh <33
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lavender-long-stories · 11 months
Part 1 - What He Left Behind
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Spoilers for What He Left Behind
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Let's start with the opening sentence, because I swear to god, when I read it I laughed so loud. I knew something dramatic was on the way. When Sasuke is absolutely livid about Naruto's behaviour? Chief's kiss. The "like some whore you took in for the sex"? Phenomenal.
Fun fact this story was originally called 'Asshole' in my files because of the opening line.
Coming back at the beginning of the story after reading the ending makes me so fucking angry. [...] [Naruto's] reasoning is nonexistent.
I was actually under the impression people would feel bad for him, but I think I underestimated how much pure rage I instilled in everyone about him.
You said you didn't want bashing in the comments 
I had to add this because it was the only comment I was getting. >.> I get that Naruto was pissing everyone off, that was kind of the point but there was cute shit going on focus on that.
"[Sasuke] wasn’t sure he wanted to see it when it split. But he would. He had made this decision." This is not the bare minimum at all [...][Sasuke] is already being a better husband and father
I love how sometimes I just need to make Sasuke supportive and he's considered the top-tier man.
The "cogito, ergo sum" in Naruto's perspective is literaly "no thoughts, head empty" bc?
Can he blame the tumor?
there is a void Naruto-shaped between them that will be filled with respect and love, this is nice
I love this description of their relationship hahaha
"How did he still eat only take-out and quick-cooked rice?" She isn't judging him but she is judging him so hard
Wheels coded.
I love that one of the good things Sasuke thinks about Hinata is that she is sane, his bar clearly isn't very high, but who knows, right?
When you're used to extremes, basics will impress you XD
It makes me sad that Hinata is grateful for being treated with respect by Sasuke, because they don't even know each other really well, he is just being a well-mannered human being and respecting her space. This is the bare minimum.
People often don't give you the bare minium, so when you get it, it feels like the world.
Yeah... the signs of abuse. This shit broke me. Not gonna lie and tell you I didn't laugh when Sasuke went for a hug, but boooy if this shit wasn't heavy.
I want to make a point that not all abuse is physical, and sometimes it's not even intentional. (That doesn't dissolve fault. If you did something to someone, it is your fault whether or not you mean ti.)
“Once you start making excuses, it turns from bad behavior to abuse.” Yes.
I like that Sasuke said this because it's hard to think that your friends could be capable of being not great people, just because they are fine people to you.
Hinata's tantrum in the car is the best piece of literature ever, I laughed so hard because girlie has been through some deep shit, she deserves to go apeshit sometimes, okay? She even cursed!
I have a head cannon that Hinata just needs to scream out of her little quiet body every once in a while so there isn't a Hyuga massacre.
I wish my dad loved me like that LOL
Babes, are you okay?
"It’s just like a roommate, and the roommate gets a dog." I compared my friend's kid to a dog once and she said it was actually worse than having a dog, the father wasn't very happy with us but he didn't disagree lol. Point is, at least he wants the kid.
Sasuke is a different level of unbothered in this story.
I think this story awakened a monster in me, the monster that loves the trope of roommates acting like they're married until they fall in love.
🤝 I need to make like 30 of those because I love not quite a couple but completely living as a unit moments.
I totally forgot about the bath situation.
I like writing mildly dramatic situations handled very humanely. People fall in the shower all the time. I love having people have to actually deal with situations. I think it shows more of their character than anything.
“Why aren’t you at work?” “I don’t want to come back and find a pregnant woman bleeding out on the floor.” This is my kind of humor. I fucking love him.
Sasuke's dry humor in this gets to me.
Oh yeah, the cringe baby clothes. Why does this shit even exist? Why do people even buy that kind of thing?
Not me having opinions and making characters talk about how much I hate cringe baby clothes. >.>
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What He Left Behind
Pairing: Sasuke x Hinata Rating: T
Description: When Sasuke is confronted with an abandoned pregnant Hinata, he does the only thing he can think to do, he takes her in. Strangers to friends. Friends to lovers.
Tags: Pregnancy  |  Romance  |  Domestic Fluff  |  Happy Ending  |  Fluff and Angst  |  Hurt/Comfort
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
"Miraculous" film: Likes and Dislikes
Spoilers ahead
For those who don't know: the TV series released their first movie this month, which takes place in a seperate universe from the show, wrapping up the Agreste arc in one film. Here's what I thought.
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Adrien gets more screentime and development. I LOVED this! My only qualm with this is that they go the angle of "I shut people out because I'm afraid of being hurt." He doesn't really do this until Ladybug rejects him, despite saying that he was like this earlier.
We're REMINDED that Gabriel is a designer and Marinette wants to be a designer. Granted, it's mainly in the beginning, but I love that it's mentioned, since the show rarely draw attention to it anymore.
The romance is much more satisfying. No stalking, no hypocrisy, and it's glorious. Their friendship is also much better and not as cringey.
Tikki and Plagg show off their animal forms! I wish they did that more throughout the film.
Hawk Moth DOES NOT PLAY GAMES. The moment he could, he took the miraculous. Plus the fact that he's powerful enough to tear apart their suits is pretty amazing.
The villains aren't irredeemable. Chloe is a bully, but similar to her season 1 self, and her annoyance with Marinette was understandable--though she was excessive about it. Sabrina also had thoughts of her own (though the apologetic shrug she gave Marinette after Chloe said that she'd keep bullying her disappointed me), and Gabriel is a much more likeable character, since he actually cared about Adrien and wanted to protect him.
It doesn't seem like Adrien's an amuk. THANK. GOODNESS.
The pacing is kind of off to me. There's a lot going on (the romance, Adrien and his dad's relationship, Ladybug and Chat Noir becoming heroes), and I'm not a fan of how it all happens in one film. Adrien telling off his dad was understandable from a story perspective, but I wanted more of their dynamic, more of Gabriel worrying about Adrien while shutting him out to really justify the concern. I'd have preferred the Agreste arc lasting about 3 movies. It just felt too rushed.
The songs were....okay? I've never listened to a musical made by a foreign country (I'm mostly a Broadway and Disney guy), and this wasn't the best introduction. The production and the lyrics just didn't feel unique; they just felt generic, like they were made for a TV special.
The plot wasn't very interesting. I was expecting more worldbuilding and complex themes, and if I wasn't a Miraculous fan to begin with, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it. I liked the film when comparing it to the TV show. I'd have enjoyed it if we got more standout villains like Clonika, Chat Blanc (which, admittedly could be saved for a later film), Volpina, Sandboy, the Collector, Evillustrator, or Lady Wifi instead of two random criminals.
The cliche "new girl at school" trope could've been avoided. I liked how the show allowed Marinette to already be acquainted to all her friends already, as well as her being bad at everything before she becomes a hero.
Hawk Moth accepting Emilie's death after Adrien told him to. Kind of connecting to the first thing I disliked, I wasn't a fan of how Adrien told him that he had to let Emilie go and he just did. I feel like that should've been a harder pill to swallow, something he'd push aside while holding Adrien.
Nit-pick: Adrien and Chloe's relationship is never established. Are they still childhood friends?
Lemme know what your thoughts were on the show!
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