#just. just sayin! just sayin @ racists!
softestepilogue · 1 year
full offense but fandoms are unbearable because y’all are unlikable. y’all are so weird and i will die on that hill.
this is like the third time i’ve been in a fandom where a white male SIDE character is heavily favored by the fandom and they start jumping through hoops, and grabbing reasons out their asses, to prove why the main poc character is a terrible person. they will also ignore any wrongdoing of the side white male character.
it’s so fucking weird and exhausting.
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miiilowo · 7 months
hey man. i heard from someone that you dont like she/her v2 headcanons because they feel misogynistic to you, and i just want to say in the most respectful way possible (i genuinely mean no ill will or hate i promise. also i should clarify this ask is coming from A Woman) that your behaviour about that feels a little like, idk, making a mountain out of a molehill. except the molehill is just a she/her headcanon.
i do understand the genuine concern behind people heacanoning a "less violent, more peaceful" character with the she/her pronouns; but as far as ive seen no one headcanons v2 as a girl for those reasons, or even characterizes v2 like that at all. and v2 is canonically portrayed just as violently as v1 ? just because v2 is a security bot doesnt mean its more peaceful, its like calling the turrets from portal 2 harmless.
im not saying you have to accept a she/her v2 headcanon, im just saying i think you may need to reevaluate *why* you find a she/her headcanon to be so offensive. because i dont think misogyny is the reason.
I understand the concern and where you're coming from with this, but in the original post where I talk about being irritated by it, it's specifically referring to people who use she/her for v2 while using he/him for v1 at the same time. I tried to get that across but I guess I failed lmao. this is because i personally HAVE seen people woobify and soften v2 for the reason that it's a security bot, and the version of them that they make up in their heads, and while it's definitely not how the fandom views v2 at large, it Does happen, and just because you havent seen it doesnt mean that people aren't doing it, you know? im not trying to be a dick here but like. i dunno man. its a contextual discomfort, not a general hatred, and overall, im fine with she/her pronouns for v2 . i generally dont care if people think v2 is a girl or use she/her for it, but in some contexts it feels weird and i dont like it. thats literally all my problem with it is lmao
I did acknowledge in my head that maybe it irked me for a different reason [you know. potential internalized misogyny considering im a trans guy. acknowledge that you can be an asshole sometimes so you can improve etc etc whatever you know the drill], and came to the same conclusion: that I don't like it because it feels off to me, and not because I dislike the idea of v2 being a girl or using she/her pronouns. you asked me to reevaluate why it makes me uncomfortable, but i already did that before i even talked about it publicly
as for the making a mountain out of a molehill thing, i can also definitely see that, but it . wasnt supposed to be a mountain. i generally use my blog as like. a thinking out loud thing more than a um. Fighting The Good Fight Against Those Disgusting Morally Corrupt Tumblr Users and it wasn't supposed to be a big deal. which is why i turned off reblogs. on thepost where i talk about it !
i may not be a girl anymore, but i used to be one and most people still perceive me as one in real life. i have experienced, and continue to experience misogyny, so my occasional discomfort with those headcanons is actually coming from somewhere and isn't just me trying to find something to get pissed off about
believe me or dont, its up to you, but i can promise the reason isnt because i hate women
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stellarangelic · 6 months
Yall am i crazy or is cartman normal in this game
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weirdo09 · 1 year
how to kill all the racist mfs on pin. send
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literaryspinster · 9 months
Calling out bad fandom behavior has become almost taboo now. You basically have to grin and swallow every microaggression because it's all fictional and it doesn't matter. If you for example, call a certain type of Homelander simp a psychopath then something is wrong with YOU. If you say you don't ship something for any reason, even if you aren't personally attacking people who do (although I will admit I sometimes judge others for shipping certain couples especially if they’re weird about it, and I reserve the right to do so on my own blog as long as I tag accordingly) you're just overreacting and it's all just fictional so it doesn't matter. Since when does art not matter? To me, art matters more than almost anything.
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princelabia · 1 year
What was your opinion on the Asexual episode on House?
yeah that episode sucked, not a good representation of asexuality
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
do yall know any genuine rose tyler stans that are actually upset about how s1 rose was treated as an equal AND a love interest but as soon as s2-s4 rose was treated more as a equal BECAUSE of her being pideonholed as only a 'i can do things too! see!' archetype of love interests that it took two other characters to be treated as an actual equal? like why did ten thru donna said that he needs an equal and that what the dr needs an equal??
rose was already an equal in season 1. its established bts that rose was an equal to ninth doctor? but now why didn't that sentiment continued on with ten? what happened?
like martha is treated like an actual equal because the dr in the past have always hated themselves, reflected back at them, but still shared the joy and comradarie during a joint adventure with said version of self. like even the time lord victorious two parter book - 8 was flirting and 10 flirted back but at the end of the day - both of em can carry themselves without the arrival of the other, leaving the eyerolling and mild disgust or disinterest aspect to ninth dr when he shared a room with them. like the dr not wanting to "date" martha even though he literally in text trying real hard to pull the wool in both ur qnd his own eyes is essentially him trying not to fuck himself.
donna is - in an almost wish-fufilled in what the dr missed from the master - considered an equal preestablished since season 3 guest appeared and fully in season 4. shes seen as a pea in the pod like the dr master rani and romana - keeping up with that specific lot of em without going thru the 'but im better than you' alien egoist rhetoric that the time lords fall to in times of upper handedness. she can manipulate she talk fast she tech-savvy yet people-grounded BUT she makes sure the respect isnt temporary and doesnt lord it over people because everyone is great and without that person, the whole system can fall apart.
because so far, it doesnt feel that way. like are yall not mad that tenth doctor gave rose up?
after seasons of build up and getting shot and everything? the funky alien eldritch being in a mask of an earth lookin boy that had a chance to man up and show feelings when the opportunity is very in your face given to him to do so in a space where he could do so and — he just gave her up? all that moping and whining and when given what he wanted, he just went: no. here. i need an equal and i have donna so im giving you what i TEN think you want as an equal in me and thats him. BUT NINEROSE ARE EQUALS SHE NEVER SAID SHE WANTED HIM HUMAN BUT RATHER HIMSELF AS HE IS.
its like fridging rose but worse. in s2-4 you made her in memory of someone else that ALWAYS treated her as an equal instead of actually continuing on with that with the next face. death wouldve been more forgiving and thats not a great thing to come to a conclusion to. The one that really treated you as both a love interest AND equal is dead, and now you're married to the discarded imitation of the one that only typecasted you as a love interest.
tentoo should be mad abt this too but this aint about him, this is about yall and the rose tyler connundrum.
i wouldve settled for her having the hand - settling for the hand if that hand turned into ninth doctor (like full on christopher eccleston doing donna impression everything) instead of what we got - which was dust. it made more sense that way. because then the dialogue narrative - the doctor's excuse - wouldve been more well recieved. Does it need saying would have more weight if Eccleston played a NineToo whispered i love you because you know it was well meant. Genuine. Its coming from someone that always treated you as an equal and also getting that i love you and not just - oh the human i love. i miss them not because i treated them on equal terms, its strictly because i only love them - no equality at all
like yeah chris wasnt going to return but hes a movie actor - hes used to green screen. he couldve sent a video message in a leather jacket and let it be done. like we couldve had nine saying i love you to rose on doomsday like do you get what im trying to say like. like tooth and claw if it was nine and rose both wouldve been like 'oh look at that a werewolf transformation!' And not what. we got. LIKE DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN
#tv: doctor who#c: rose tyler#c: ninth doctor#c: tenth doctor#{no because im tagging because i want genuine responses and not ANON HATE I WANT ACTUAL DEPH ANALYSIS}#{i dont think i have a tentoo tag. if i did i forgot}#{but i ship the dr with everybody including every TARDIS i see}#{but like i dont ship 10rose or 8rose. like those should be n' stay as platonic SO GLAD 8ROSE IS CANONICALLY PLATONIC thats drdonna LOVE IT}#{like 10martha is more appealing because that man flirted outwardly to her in front of a class and main hospital chief}#{meanwhile 10rose got deleted waste.of.time hand holding seasons 'we had to cut for time' professional sayin IT WAS A WASTE OF TIME}#{THEY CHOSE DUST INSTEAD OF THE FOOD NINE GAVE US FOR FREE WITH LATER 98% DISCOUNTS}#{so yeah but um yeah}#{but like yknow make a comprehensive argument: also goal here non poc ppl TRY NOT TO BE RACIST IN YOUR WORDS}#{i know how easily tempted you are as soon as you see martha and ten in the same sentence let alone the same post: check yo self}#{like 'oh rtd might bring to rose' he might kill her and its feeling and more like hes going to just to appease tories}#{because billie is VERY MUCH not a tory aka conservative so yeah do YOU see why i dont rose back but the moment}#{like he killed off 9 and that was probably due to him being antiroyalist so i IM RIGHTFULLY WORRIED FOR OUR GURL}#{IF she returns as rose tyler. if she returns as the interface THE MOMENT AS SHE IS WELLKNOWN FOR i wont have anythin to worry abt}#{as well as bts conditions but LIKE👀 the worry is there the worry is prevalent present and here}#{she need to come back with tentoo and mia in tow: linked arms handcuffed to each other SOMETHING THAT CALMS ME}#{i dunno who they'll cast for mia i dont care BUT MIA BETTER BE IN TOW WITH HER ON SCREEN IF IS MISS ROSE COME BACK}#{its to calm me.}
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pa-pa-plasma · 3 months
yeah I'll say it. some people here don't know what abuse even is. avoiding an unnecessary situation you know you can't handle does not make you an abuser, it makes you a person who is aware of your limits. that's called "being normal" actually. you should try it out some time
#''you avoid children. you must be an abuser'' no that is a whole other set of words right there dude. what are you fucking talking about#disliking being about children cannot be equated to being racist too. i just think you're a fucking idiot if you think that#children require specific care & shit & i don't have the energy to put up an act that long#& yeah you know what. acknowledging your limits is better than pretending they don't exist#& forcing yourself into that situation for so long you actually DO become an abuser#if you don't have the patience to do that shit why would you force yourself to do it?#tons of people do & you wanna know how they end up? no contact with their kids#cuz if people who don't want kids & don't wanna interact with kids if possible could have that then there'd be way less abuse. just sayin#like if someone doesn't like dogs you wouldn't force them to get dogs. that's just stupid right?#all these ''not liking kids is child abuse'' people also seem to think that everyone lives inside of a daycare#it is actually very easy to avoid being around children. idk what you're doing or where you live where you're forced to interact with kids#but i don't actually interact with kids often if ever. so this really isn't even an issue. you guys are just making it one#because you feel uncomfortable with people thinking diapers & snot & unwashed hands are gross#impatience is not abuse guys. pleeeaase stop being ableist holy shit#''but i'm autistic!'' shut the honest fuck up. i don't give a shit what you have. it's still ableist
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starszinhis3y3s · 5 months
I'm so dead 🤦🏽 this older white lady im associates with (im friends wit her daughter, theyre a packaged deal unfortunately) told me last night the most racist conspiracy theory ever!!!!
okay, so basically this woman thinks that housecats were artificially created by Ancient Egyptians (cuz they were all aliens dont u know? they brought this technology from their homeworld!). she legitimately thinks that Egyptians created housecats by combining SNAKES and LIONS. she acted like i was stupid for not knowing this, when shes basing all these lies on that cats are the "only mammals" that have slitted pupils 😐 like....wtf. please hop off the fucken youtube conspiracy theory train girl.
ik she'll never see this but like heres some actually correct knowledge for ya hannah!!!!
the following mammals ALL have slitted pupils:
goats, sheep, deers, most snakes, all cats smaller than a bobcat, etc. pretty much a shittonne of herbivores, reptiles, insects, and predators that hunt close to the ground! literally hundreds of animals, the only distinction between herbivore and carnivore/omnivore slit pupils is horizontal (helps prey animals live) versus vertical (helps predators move in darkness)
Egyptians were COLORED FOLK NOT ALIENS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. they were all just people, like we are!! they just happened to live a long time ago. now i will say, the Egyptian Empire was so long lived, and not documented super duper well (time is a bastard lol she'll have us all) that we will never 100% know what happened and/or what all technologies they had. that being said, it was period appropriate technology 😭 please get off the fucken misinformation trail.
hey bitch guess what?! being a transbian dont excuse/erase your rampant bumpkin ass midwestern ass racism. "theres no racism in Kansas! racism is like soooo different in kansas, it barely exists! oh i black family and friends who all tell/encourage me to say the n word so its okay!" BITCH IM FROM TEJAS ILL FUCK U UP IF KEEP ON WIT THAT SHIT IN MY FACE THEN ACT LIKE *IM* THE FUCKED UP FOR BEIN UPSET😒
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“I’ve never been happier in my life” then playing Question..?
Is giving the same energy as “this is a song about why being famous sucks” *plays the lucky one* followed by the leak of her breakup.
I just don’t know what’s coming next
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
And this is all during pride month too! A win for the queers in my opinion
Today alone has had:
Pat Robertson kicking the bucket (few people worked harder to make LGBTQ/abortion rights a demonized issue by religious conservatives);
SCOTUS shockingly striking down the racist Alabama gerrymanders which should result in southern states being forced to create at least 5 Democratic or lean-Democratic House seats;
Trump getting federally indicted for MOTHERFUCKING TREASON UNDER THE ESPIONAGE ACT;
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Oh look, it is in fact the exact code and statute I said it was earlier
And a few days ago Florida's ban on gender-affirming care for minors was partly struck down;
Before that the Tennessee drag ban was totally eviscerated by a TRUMP APPOINTED JUDGE;
Idk man, it's only eight days in and we're going HOT
Clarence Thomas HAS to die before the month is over, right?
Or someone equally heinous
Just sayin
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Duke plays either r&b/rap/gospel on sundays (he's deep cleaning his room like a mug)
He's an outside kid (his mom forced him to go outside while she made dinner)
He has hacked the wayne gala speaker (w the help of tim after he accused tim of a "racist" comment *it wasn't a racist comment) and started blasting "juju on that beat" and then proceed to hit the nastiest moves of the century right in the middle of the dance floor
He's taught Bruce how to flex *the dance*
He cried while reading "where the red fern grows" (evil laughed when he bought damian a hard copy as a birthday gift)
He'd rather support small businesses than buy very expensive stuff (he always has new j's tho)
Bro is either wearing the most fly ass 90's fit or he's wearing heart boxers, saggy sweats, and a beat up grey wb (he prolly dresses like icecube😭)
Please don't even say he "doesn't say the n word" that man is a nigga bsffr😭 I will nyaat let him be white washed in that wayne house hold- half of em not even white neway
He prolly plays stardew or animal crossing with cass (plays wolf quest w damian)
I love the headconon of him being a literature/poem nerd w Jason (being a stereotypical black person does not mean you can't be smart in literature? Or any "nerdy topic." You don't need to separate him into two different versions cuz in your mind they don't "mix"
Idk why but I feel like he'd be bomb at cosplays?
He thinks discowing is beautiful (he's insane)
Even tho he lives dick he would sacrifice him for a barbecue link (he will always have it out for dick for way to many reasons)
Him and steph go on trips to the hairstore
Luke sees him as a son (I love my people and how they are w the youth)
OK but Duke w aave speech only😫 like bro ik sometime people don't even know what he be sayin🏃🏽‍♂️ again I love to think if him as just a yn
Idk if Duke woukd be a kid who got whoopins cuz I don't think his mom would be like that (maybe his stepdad?) But he sure as hell was standing in the corner or squatting on the wall
He was prolky raised in a Christian house hold (doesn't mean he worships) and he still had habits instilled in him
OK I gt gts now enjoy your Duke headcanons hoes🥰👹🕊🐺
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lazyneonrabbitt · 10 months
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Daryl Dixon x reader | current world AU(?)
You're chilling on the couch watching your favorite show. Daryl joins you because he wants to learn about your interests.
🏁 💕 🏁
"Wha's tha?"
You were curled on the couch, blanket over your body and a stuffed animal in your arms as you watched the tv.
You hadn't even heard him when he came in and only noticed his presence when he plopped down next to you and stole your snacks.
"Huh? H.. hey!" You snatch a handful of snacks as you turn your attention back to the bright pink screen.
"Whatcha watchin'?" Daryl had only recently started living with you and was still getting used to your day-to-day routines, especially on your days off work.
"RuPaul. Never heard of it?" You didn't even turn to face him as you talked, not wanting to miss any of the drama.
Daryl scoffed beside you, laughing at your question as he reminded you of his household. "Yes, dear. But Merle's all nicely tucked away in jail and we're not bailing him out again, so ignore his mental assholery and just watch. Food's on the way."
An amused smile pulled at his lips as he settled properly next to you and tried to catch what this show was about.
As the first episode went on Daryl just ..stared.
"Who's tha?" The question came as the bald man in his crazy suit walked into the bright pink room.
"That's RuPaul. He's the show creator and host." An acknowledging hum was given before going back to trying to understand again.
On screen the contestants were doing their runway makeup after spending most of the time working on the sewing challenge.
"How can ya understand wha' they're sayin'? I aint' even know half of them words."
You let out a laugh, quickly trying to muffle it and apologize. Letting him know he'd learn eventually you turned your attention back to the tv as the runway intro sound started.
A large, gorgeously dressed woman appeared on screen, doing a theatrical entrance and welcoming the judges.
"Who's tha' then? Sounds jus’ like tha’ host guy.” Daryl's questions kept coming. Not that you minded, though. It meant he was actually watching and somewhat invested in one your interests.
"That's because it is RuPaul again."
"Tha's really the fancy suit guy from earlier?" His eyes were locked on the screen, deep in focus as he stared at the woman. ..man?
"Yeah, there's a good reason why she hosts the show." There was admiration in your tone and he couldn't place what aspect of this show earned that admiration just yet.
"Yer shittin' me righ' now." He looked from the screen back to you who stared at him and nodded. “There aint’ no way tha’s the same person.”
"An' why's it She now? Cuz there's a dress on?"
Your smile widened and you snuggled into his side. "Yeah! See, you'll learn."
Seeing Daryl so involved in something his entire environment as a child had shunned warmed your heart. And he was right when he mentioned his family earlier. You could also still hear Merle's voice yelling all kinds of homophobic, racist slurs at any little thing that didn't go like he wanted it.
You both watched all the queens do their runway routines with you spilling your opinions out loud and Daryl sometimes doing more than hun in acknowledgement to your comment. A "yer righ', looks weird." might have been the most he said, but it was something nonetheless. When the judging started you even got a "ya really gotta translate fer me sometime." A shrug and an okay gave him enough answer for now, as you watched the two bottom queens stand at the ready to start their lipsync. "Wait wha's up now? I missed sumthin'."
"They're the worst ones this week. They perform a song and the best one stays." The song was announced and with the one famous quote it started playing and the two started their performance. Daryl had seen girls dance around poles and whatnot at bars he used to go to but this was something else. As the song went on you'd let out an impressed 'woah!' or a gasp, and even Daryl let out a soft "damn." at an impressive twirl and an "oh shit." as one of them dropped into a split.
Right between the end of the song and the winner announcement you glanced over at your partner who nodded at the tv, impressed with the performance.
"I hope the one in yellow wins." You state as you nudge him. "You?"
"Yeah. Yellow's good." You both watched as they went through the elimination talk and you cheered as the one you wanted to stay did win.
As you continued on with the next episode your doorbell announced the food had arrived.
Daryl went to fetch it as you got plates and cutlery and set up the small table to eat on the couch.
When you both came back you both got your food plated and sat down to continue on with the show.
“So,” you swallowed your bite of food. “Do you want translations? Or pause the show to get explanations?”
He gave it a short thought before shrugging it off and letting you know he'd save the questions for after the episode.
So you watched. Comments were still happily given mostly by you but Daryl started giving some lovely critiques as well eventually. Ones like "Man, why's tha' one always bitchin'?" when one of them kept complaining about judges' calls and whatnot.
During one of the sad, emotional conversations Daryl let out a comment that compared the mentioned parents to his own and how they would have reacted maybe even worse if he’s ever had to go through such a talk. You cuddled into his side even more, practically laying in his lap now as you listened to his heartfelt talk while watching the last bits of runway prep.
As the runway intro started again and banter between Ru and Michelle went on you both genuinely laughed.
“I like ‘er, she’s feisty.” You looked up at him from your spot now all the way down in his lap.
You shook with laughter in his lap, complimenting in his taste in women and agreeing to like her a lot as well. The runway starts and Daryl points out one of the queens “tha’s the one tha’ had the backwards cap on earlier? The bitchin’ one?” It was so cute how he tried to tell which queen was which workroom guy but he did get it dead wrong. “Oh, no sweetie. The bitchy one was the second one, with the high ponytails and the belts.” You saw how he gave it a little thought and seemed to connect the dots, so to speak with an “aigh’ yeah, tha’ one.”
On the screen the queens kept coming down the catwalk and showing off their looks as yet another question arose. “So wha’ about those tits?” You burst out laughing at the directness of his question as you thought back and indeed not seeing any breastplates on screen in the workroom yet.
“What about the tits, Dee?” Your breathy laughs were slowly calming down as you waited for him to elaborate. “Them skinny ones, there’s some real lookin’ racks on ‘em. An’ they aint’ got any fat to shove in a bra.”
“Well, Daryl. Them’s fake silicon tits.” You faked his accent before reverting back to your own to continue your answer to the question you thought he’d be saving for after the episode. “They’re like tank-tops, but stretchy silicon that are matched to your skin tone and stop right where the boob ends. The arm and neck holes are hidden with sleeve straps and necklaces.” You could see him stare and think again. He had been doing it a lot during the episode and maybe he was finally starting to understand it all. During the judging emotions were high again and you both watched as the queen poured her heart out on the stage. It might not have had anything to do with the challenge but it was a continuation of that earlier talk at the mirror that was still fresh.
"Mah dad would'a sent a huntin' party after me if I'd even look at a guy fer too long, let alone admit I was into 'em."
You had to go and pause the episode for a moment to let that sink in.
"Daryl?" You rolled over onto your back and looked at him. "Something you wanna share with your girlfriend now that you're in a safe place to talk about it?"
You got a look that was him clearly thinking about the conversation, before his eyebrows shot up and he looked down at you with an ‘oh shit’ kind of look. “Wha? No. I aint’ sayin’ I am.” He had to think first before phrasing this wrong again. “Wha’ I mean’ta say’s I can tell ya if a guy yer eyein’ at the store looks nice, ya know. Like ya girlies all do to each other. Bu’ if I ever let tha’ slip around my family I’d get beat fer bein’ a sissy.”
You reached your hands up to grab at his cheeks and get him close enough for a kiss, being helped up a bit as you couldn’t reach and gave him a loving kiss. “You know you can comment on pretty ladies too, right? If you spot one I’d love to get a peek too!” Daryl laughed before pressing his lips against yours again. “I know ya like them good racks an’ squishy butts too, sunshine.” He pulled his arms away from under you making you drop back into his lap with an ‘oomph’.
“Now unpause.” He pointed at the tv as he stuck his tongue out to you. “Wanna see if the bitchy one in the sparkly blue thing goes home. I’on like tha’ one.” Rolling your eyes and giggling you got comfortable again to finish the episode and see if Daryl’s wishes will be heard.
A/N: A headcanon question in our yume ship discord got out of hand in my head so I had to write a fic about it.
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weirdo09 · 6 months
i mean honestly you wanna know how i know that white people only see Black Lives Matter as a trend and not literally people who are being killed by the police? take one scroll through the tag on here, you’ll see porn bots, a white religious person preaching that because the statistic for white man deaths is so low and the black man deaths (mind you black women and children are being killed like blatant misgynoir n just ageism) is so high but “why are Black Lives Matter people caring about the black lives??”, a bunch of hindi posts and occasional actual posts about black lives
like c’mon y’all white people be sayin that this site isn’t racist but LOOK ryan gainer died, ain’t heard much of an uproar as nex’s got and he was autistic, nex was trans but the mentally ill site cares more about one or the other. nex and ryan deserved to live happy lives yes, but i saw more of those “nex deserved to grow up!” posts than for ryan, they were around the same age, nobody talkin bout that. y’all really posted about him for a few hours and then nothing, y’all posted about nex for weeks on end, providing resources but i have yet to see any sympathy, causes that talk about and help victims police brutality.
what do we as black people have to say get y’all to care about everyone? to care about us for more than a day, you see with ryan that the police killings did not stop in 2020-2021, THEYRE STILL GOING
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Complaining about ugly 'afrolatino' Percy designs once again and this time i'm sayin' there's no such thing as 'The Percy Jackson look',not really.Percy wasn't given an overly specific physical description in the books and that's exactly why it's so easy and popular to picture him as an moc even unintentionally as it's not all that uncommon for kids of color who grew up on the books to have believed Percy was a poc too when reading and it's helped by having no in-text contradictions.Percy
Has black hair,sea green eyes and brown skin('a mediterrean complexion')
Looks like a younger Poseidon
And is so attractive he passes for a god according to someone who's actually seen one(Hazel's description of him in SON)
None of this stops him having dark and strong features and is more fitting than any other version of him as he has a hidden darkness in him and is the strongest demigod so it's a visual metaphor on top of representation.'Mediterrean complexion' is an umbrella term so darkskinned Percy works and sea green comes in multiple shades so his eyes can be a complimentary color instead of looking off.Hair texture and facial structure were never given so type d and his nose nor lips nor anything else on his face have to be delicate and NOTHING about him has to be light.As a lightskin half white black person,we are VERY overrepresented in contrast to monoracial and darkskin black people so to ME,biracial and especially lightfeatured Percy is bad and will only accept the former if the other heritage is a nonblack poc race as multiracial black characters are practically unheard of and get swept under the rug when we get them
This is exactly why it pisses me off much when people say Luke's actor looks book!Percy when they headcanon Percy as 'afro'latino,because Charlie isn't AFROlatino,he's a white passing mestizo and that's not a dizz on him but to Y'ALL.You cannot seriously tell me you looked at a whole ass WHITE passing nonblack man and thought of Percy while claiming to think he's BLACK.The performativeness dosen't need to be spelled out and it really shows that y'all see afrolatino Percy as either just black gringo Percy with a quirk thrown in or a racially ambigious latino you can say is black for brownie points as if that's what irl mixed afrolatinohood is like at all-We get it,you don't do your research.And that ain't good enough.Like how Leah is the perfect Annabeth casting since she dosen't look anything like Annabeth but acts like Annabeth,Perseo needs to be Percy Jackson personality wise over what the fandom mistakenly thinks he looks like because of their racist beauty standards that're shown in their volatile reactions to anybody be they fictional or even real and literal minors that dosen't fit them(see the Leah harrasment but also how often the canon poc in the books have gotten shit thrown at them since the start).It's not 'Perseus [insert pretentious fake greek middle name here] Jackson',he's Perseo Isadore Jackson
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bubble-popping · 23 days
day 15! give it up for day 15!!! i don't think i've ever written anything more c!rivalsduo than this idk what i was on but this captures their dynamic so well. set in my blood of the covenant au on ao3 :)
The last thing Technoblade expected on his doorstep that morning was a certain server admin. He supposed it wasn't that surprising, considering how they'd worked together to destroy Manberg or L'Manberg, whatever they referred to the cursed place as these days, but that didn't exactly call for a sudden visit. How did he even know where to find him? But he could overlook the strangeness and growing concern he had because he'd truly never heard Dream sound so earnest. "Forgive me, Dream, just makin' sure I heard ya right. Ya said ya want me to heh?"
Dream visibly bristled, shoulders going up to his chin--or at least, where Techno assumed his chin was. "Don't play dumb, Techno, I know you heard me. With those-those giant ears of yours." He tried to sound intimidating. Keyword: tried. Because Techno had a pretty good hunch Dream was red as a bush of berries under that ever-smiling mask.
"Relax, man, I'm just clarifyin'." Techno raised his hands in surrender. "So, ya said ya want to learn to make a ring, right? Why would ya come to me for that?"
"Well, cuz you're good with gold, right? Ya know, part piglin and all."
Techno pushed his lips to one side. "That's a little racist, Dream, not gonna lie."
Dream sputtered, entire body jolting like the raised fur of a frightened cat. The mask became kind of pointless when he was still so expressive in his body language. "WHAT, no! That's not-it wouldn't even be racist! It'd be like, species-ist or something-that's not the point!" And Techno couldn't help but laugh because, honestly, this was the guy everyone feared? Dream just scoffed, attempting to square his posture into something more befitting his villainous reputation. "Are you gonna help me or just laugh at me?"
"I dunno, makin' fun of ya sounds real temptin'." Techno shrugged, leaning lazily against the doorway to his newly built tundra home. "What kinda ring ya lookin' to make?"
At this, Dream grew quiet, contemplative. After a minute, he replied, "The kind that'll last. The kind that... that says everything I don't know how to put into words."
And again, Techno had never heard that sort of tone from the man. Soft and reverent, as if there existed anyone on this server somehow above him.
Techno hummed as he debated this. A genuine request, and the potential significance wasn't lost to him that Dream came to him for this. "I'll help ya, Dream."
"On one condition." And all the happiness seemed to instantly fall out of Dream's demeanor.
"What? What is it?"
"Who's the ring for?"
"Not happening," Dream deadpanned.
"Well, then, I guess no ring for you-"
"Ugh! Okay, fine, just, just look. You CAN'T tell ANYONE. Got it? Not even-not even Phil. Like, NO ONE."
"Ya can just say it's George, Dream. Everyone knows ya love him-"
"What, NO-it's not George!"
The admin sighed. He looked around, then leaned in before whispering, "It's Punz."
Techno blinked. Once, twice, then narrowed his eyes. Finally, he asked, "Who?"
But Dream didn't respond. In fact, he was deathly still. Statue-like, absolutely nothing given away.
"No, I'm-I'm serious, Dream. I dunno who that is."
"That's not my problem." Dream crossed his arms. "Now, c'mon, you owe me a ring."
"How do I know yer not just lyin' and sayin' some random name-"
"It's not my fault you don't know, bacon! Figure it out yourself-AFTER you help me make the ring."
"Fine, fine. A deal's a deal, and I'm a man of my word."
"More like pigman of your word."
"See, that's not how ya get a ring, Dream."
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