#she still LIVES with her biological family but she spends most of her time with her found family
jessicas-pi · 1 year
Writing Prompt Ask Game!
Hera and Sabine
Literally anything. lol. You are so creative. In any time or au, Sabine points out the obvious to Hera, and Hera is the one who gets flustered.
Oh, fun fun fun! This one turned out longer and idk if it's quite what you were thinking of, but... it's what happened when I started writing? anyway, this is set in a modern AU!
“Hera, I am not blind!” Sabine said, shoving her bagel into her mouth. “You adore Kanan. Kanan adores you. You’re always together! Would you just stop beating around the bush and propose already?” Hera looked, frankly, flustered. “Sabine, you know Kanan and I are taking this slow—” “You practically live in each other’s houses! And you’ve been together for going on… six years? How slow are you going to take it?” Sabine demanded, loudly, but keeping her voice low enough that only about half the people at Panera heard them. “Consider: just get married already. There’s tax benefits, one rent to pay instead of two, and Ezra can stop dying of mortification every time he accidentally calls you mom.” “Sabine,” Hera insisted, giving her a look that said pipe down! “This is not a discussion we are having.” Sabine was not going to be deterred. Hera and Kanan were basically married already, and the only reason they weren’t actually married was because they both had generational trauma that made them afraid to truly commit. Sabine, being kind of an expert on generational trauma herself, was going to fix this problem. “Your anniversary is coming up this summer,” Sabine pointed out. “Why don’t you two go somewhere nice for a week? You can pop the question then.” Hera looked like she was going to object, so Sabine threw her hands in the air. “If you’re worried about where to put the kid while you're away, just leave him with Zeb. Or even at my house!” “Sabine—” Sabine clasped her hands together in a slightly-exaggerated way. “Please. Hera, I am actually offering to let a fifteen-year-old boy, and not just any fifteen-year-old boy, the world’s most insufferable fifteen-year-old boy, stay in my family’s home, where he would annoy the crap out of me, give me horrible secondhand embarrassment with every word he said to either of my parents, and Tristan would probably dare him to steal my diary or do some other unforgivable thing that would turn us into eternal mortal enemies. It would be a mess, and I am begging you to consider the option. I am that desperate for you and Kanan to just get this over with.” “Why?!” Because if Kanan and Hera weren’t honeymooning in less than three months, Sabine was going to owe a lot of money to Zeb, but she wasn't going to admit that.
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ask-spiderpool · 4 months
Hey mod, are you okay? It’s been a while since you posted (no judgement!) and I just wanted to see if something was wrong. Love you and I hope you stay strong🫶🏼
Bless you anon! I appreciate you checking in! I don't post a lot of personal updates here, but I have been going through the wringer lately... hough.
Lately I've been battling with anxiety, you know, same as everyone. It's kind of made things that I used to enjoy kind of stressful for me. Everything becomes stressful for me. Even not having things to stress about makes me stressed. I'm at my most Peter Parkeriest, in the worst sort of a way.
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I thought it was a brain thing – that it was all in my head. I have a new, stressful job, and a stressful living situation, and some family issues I'm dealing with. It'll pass. So I kind of tried to power through, until my body shut down on me last year. And as it turns out, when I got checked out by the doc, it's not just a brain thing. I have a tumor (her name is Lamar, and she's benign, buuut...) she's producing 5x the normal amount of stress hormone in my body. The doctors think it's insane. I think it's hilarious. I feel like it's some kind of joke.
I've been battling this ridiculous chronic stress for years, thinking it was all in my head, but actually, biologically, I'm an overflowing reservoir of stress, and it's something that can be measured in my bloodstream. And it's been going on for years!
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So, lately I've been devoting a lot of time to forcing myself to relax. Doctors orders. I can't get stressed about things. Every day I have to effectively diffuse a bomb. And the bomb is me. I'm so pumped up with involuntary stress, and I have to devote my time to keeping it at a manageable level. And so there are a lot of backflips I have to do to keep myself human right now, and not turn into a bomb.
See... posting to the blog doesn't exactly calm me down. It makes me anxious, most of the time. So I've been telling myself it's okay. Only post when you feel good. You have enough things to worry about, and the blog can't be one another thing to worry about. It can only be for fun. If it doesn't feel like fun, don't do it.
I need to do a million little calming activities to function. The blog used to calm me. But it doesn't, anymore. I still love it, and I still have so many scripts I'm excited to do, but... I just have to be patient with myself, right now. I can't bug my head over something that can wait. It can wait. Right now isn't the time. My health is the most important thing. I can't get that back, if I lose it.
Right now I'm about keeping my head above water. Keeping calm. Doing meditative things, that aren't necessarily productive... (trust me, I am SO upset about not being productive. I miss it a lot) but they force me to take it slow and force me to not worry. I'm learning the banjo (she calms me), and I spend a lot more time in nature, having staring contests with ducks and pigeons, and befriending beetles and bugs.
I'm a very positive person, and I know I'll make it through, and I love myself for all the effort I'm making to keep myself from breaking. Because I know if I didn't force myself to calm down, I could snap like an elastic band. I – I don't want to break, like I did last year. I need to be good to myself. And relaxing is an effort. It takes a lot for me. And certain calming routines work for a little while, and then stop working, and I need to make the effort all over again to find something new. It's kind of insane how much time I need to calm back down again. I remember, once upon a time, it being baseline.
Luckily there's a surgical solution, so hopefully I'll be normal again soon, and there won't be any more bees buzzing in my brain!
I hope you'll all be patient with me! And hopefully I'll make it out alive and stronger than ever, soon.
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leclucklerc · 4 months
Something Immortal CL16 - 01. Fate
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Wayne!reader
Summary: Bruce Wayne loves his kids. He really do. To the point he's going to buy his son a whole ass Formula One team.
Word Count: 5.6K
Masterlist Next
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It’s a fairytale-like story where a billionaire stumbled upon a baby – fresh out of her mother’s womb, still red and wrinkled – on his doorstep.
There’s a note, written by someone who he can faintly recognize as one of his one-night stands months ago. A messy note with an almost unreadable handwriting declaring that she doesn’t want to have any responsibility for this baby. That as the sperm donor, now it’s his responsibility to take care of the child.
He stared at the note before blue eyes turned their way toward the baby once again. And then, as if the baby recognized his stare, blearily eyes blinked.
It was at that moment that the man fell in love with the baby in front of him.
It was also the start of Bruce Wayne and y/n Wayne’s story.
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Y/n understands that her father is not a perfect man.
He had made many wrong choices, choices that he believed were the best but in reality, it’s the choice that ended up doing more hurt than comfort. 
Communication is not his forte, as well as baring his emotion to those around him. There are many instances where her father intended to say one thing but, in the end, the words that escaped his mouth are more biting. More blunt. More heartless.
She knows it’s normal for someone to have a problem conveying their emotions. But in their family? In their family where there are far too many misunderstandings and far more unstable emotions as well as the tendency to take their own conclusion without consulting with anyone?
Jason used to call her the perfect child. The only child that grew up within the walls of the Wayne manor that ended up with a stable emotion and right mind. That she’s the perfect princess that Bruce Wayne always wanted. Unlike him, goes unheard. You’re the favorite, the one he favors the most, the one that he loves the most, goes unheard. Unlike him, once again, goes unheard.
It’s a bit funny to hear the man say that, because all her life, y/n is sure that she’s the least favorite child.
When she was a child, Dick had always been the golden boy. The perfect partner for Batman when they’re wearing masks and a charming happy child off mask. It’s a bit petty, but there was a time in y/n’s life when she felt a lot of resentment for the older. After all, she’s Bruce’s biological daughter, she’s the child that fell into Bruce’s life first, and yet-
And yet why didn’t he spend more time with her? Why didn’t he always explicitly forbid her to venture through the night like he and Dick?
Why was she never enough?
Of course, that resentment was short-lived because it’s Dick. Dick with his playful laughs and sunshine smile. Dick who always held her hands, guiding her away into some new adventure that he had created a mere minutes prior. Dick is the best big brother anyone could ever asked for. He always made time for her – even to play with her dolls or play pretend – always took care of and protected her in school, and always prioritized her over anything in his life – even Robin.
It’s hard to hate Dick, even after his huge fight with Bruce and his moving out of the Wayne manor. It’s hard to hate Dick, even though he had only hugged her in the middle of the night, muttering that he couldn’t stand living in the manor anymore, that B is beyond reasoning, and disappeared the next day.
It was hard to accept, that her perfect big brother suddenly disappeared from her life. That she was back to being the only child. That the only contact that her big brother made was the occasional phone calls or the screaming match that she sometimes heard from the cave.
What if she also wants to live with her big brother?
What if she also missed Dick?
Maybe that’s why Jason had always been so special to her. An older brother that Bruce found whilst in the middle of stealing Batmobile’s tires. She knows that Jason is not perfect. He has a potty mouth and often says rude things in a fit of anger. His temper was also extraordinarily short, and a bit unpredictable.
But Jason always tries.
He had always tried to be the older brother that y/n needed in her lonely life. He had always tried to make up all of his brash personality and short fuse. He had always tried to apologize first, always tried to keep up with all of her hobbies and interests. Always tried to be there for her. An older brother who often read her to sleep and talked sense to her father. An older brother who fills in the huge gap that Dick left behind. 
An older brother who had promised her that he would always be right by her side. That he will be there during her dance recital and her university graduation. That he will be there during her first date to give her lover a shovel talk. That he will always be there to make up for the lack of her father and their oldest brother’s presence.
To be the perfect older brother for her.
An older brother who died.
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Y/n love for cars started when Jason stole one of Bruce’s Ferrari.
It’s a custom—a vintage beauty in the color of midnight and the only one that exists in the world. Her dad received it years ago as a thank-you for his massive investment in the company. Y/n knows that it’s one of her dad’s favorite cars. He rarely used it, only for special occasions, and he often came to the garage and polished it personally.
Most of your siblings shared that sentiment. Even those who don’t really care about cars appreciate their beauty.
So it’s normal for Jason – an automotive enthusiast, who has his own personalized bike and follows Formula 1 religiously – to be entranced by it. He had taken a liking to it since his Robin days when Dad once took him for a drive with that Ferrari. Many things had happened between those times and current times, but it seems his love for the car didn’t diminish.
Y/n was in the garage when Jason appeared, whistling and keys jiggling in his hand.
“I thought we’re not allowed to use that one,” pointed out the woman, grabbing his leather jacket in a sad attempt to stop him.
Jason raised an eyebrow before he raised his hand to ruffle the top of your hair. “As long as he doesn’t know I’ll be fine,” he scoffed.
“I bet Alfred knows.”
“Alfie knows everything.”
Y/n continues to stare at him as Jason reaches the Ferrari. You could practically see all the love and adoration in his eyes as he walked around the car as if he was about to inspect it.
“You know,” y/n started. “I could tell Dad.”
The older male stopped at that. “You wouldn’t,” he said, raising an eyebrow at you.
“I could,” you shrugged.
“What do you want in exchange for your silence?”
You grinned. “When you take it out for a drive, I want to go too.”
Jason seemed to contemplate that bargain for a couple of seconds before he nodded. “Deal.”
Truth to be told, it’s not like y/n was interested in automotive or cars back then. Back then, she had just seen it as an opportunity to become closer to Jason. After all, his relationship with the family is tense during the best days and downright horrible during the worst ones.
Y/n had been hesitant about approaching the man after the whole Red Hood and the… Jason being dead… thing that she had elected to stay away from him for some time. Most of the time, the man doesn’t even come to the manor if he can help it and only visits during vigilante business. Considering y/n is not a vigilante, well.
Jason had been her favorite brother. He had been the brother who understood her perfectly. The sibling that is the closest to her age.
The sibling that she had grieved for the longest.
Of course, she had been overjoyed at his return, despite all of the killings and the not-right-in-the-head part. It’s still Jason after all. It’s still the brother who likes to accompany her in the library and the brother who helps her with her English homework.
It’s still the older brother that she loves with all her heart, despite all the differences and all the things in between.
Jason still laughed with his full body, eyes still crinkling in amusement every time he found something funny. He still loves to read those cheesy romance books and believes in true love. Jason is still Jason and that’s all that matters.
That’s why she had seen it as an opportunity to once again, grow closer to Jason. To rebuild the relationship that had years ago. To become siblings once again.
She’s not even sure why Jason agreed to take her alone, not that she’s complaining. She just hopped into the car – excitement high and brimming – as she began thinking what kind of conversation they could have or if should they stop by for food afterward-
Though, in the end, both y/n and Jason crashed the car.
In both of your defenses, Jason – who was driving the car at that time – didn’t mean it. The both of you were high in euphoria and the thrill of high speed after all. And the road near the Wayne Manor is always empty considering, well, it’s also owned by the Wayne family, so no one is ever in it.
It’s not your or Jason’s fault that they didn’t predict a stray cat will pass through the road.
Y/n had screeched and Jason had cursed to hell back as he swerved. It’s only due to the man’s extensive experience as a vigilante and doing many many car chases throughout Gotham that the crash is not a horrible one.
But still, the custom Ferrari had a big dent and scratch mark on its side. Certainly not something that the both of you can hide from. 
Considering that it’s your dad’s favorite car, it’s only normal for him to be mad. But one look at your bruised forehead and Jason’s bleeding noise squashed down all of that anger and replaced it with worry and fretting. It seems his love for his children greatly overpowers any fond memories he has of that car.
However, it doesn’t mean that both of you came out of that mess scot-free. As a punishment, Bruce told both you and Jason to go fix the car.
Fixing the car is a generous term considering you and Jason only had to bring the car to something like a garage specializing in Ferrari or something. But though, it was also the moment that you started to build your relationship with Jason once again.
“Why do you like it so much though?” you had asked.
“Because it’s cool,” grunted out Jason as the both of you lounged in one of his safehouses. The TV is on, showing a Formula 1 race being broadcast. “Look, I know it just looks like cars going around in circles but you gotta watch the whole thing to understand the thrill!”
Letting out a hum, you settled once again on the sofa.
“Are you interested in it?” you asked in it. “To… you know, becoming your daytime job.”
“Dunno, being a crime lord is kind of a daytime kind of thing.”
You let out a huff of laughter at that. “You know that’s not what I mean,” you said, nudging him by the shoulder. “Dad is… you know how he’s trying to announce your revival publicly right?”
Y/n knows Jason knows that. Practically everyone in the family knows it at this point.
“And well, for your civilian persona, maybe having a daytime job that’s not borderline illegal could help.”
Jason let out a scoff at that. “Psh,” he said. “I’m like, way too old to start my carreer in racing,” waved Jason off, though Y/n can sense a hint of disappointment on his tone. “There’s no team who wants me anyway, what with my anger issue and bout of madness.”
The female frowned at that. “You know that’s not an issue,” she said.
“The hell does that mean?”
“If you want to become a Formula One driver, or anything – really – you just only need to say it,” said the woman. “Dad will practically buy you a private island if you asked him, let alone a Formula One team.”
Her brother stared at her, eyes blinking, and y/n merely kept her gaze on the screen in front of them.
“Are you- are you being serius?” Chocked out Jason.
“Jay,” started the female. “Dad id practically building a zoo on our backyard for Damian’s pure shit and giggles,” she said, reminding the older male about the construction that had been happening for some time and Damian’s dedication to it. “If Dad thinks you being a Formula One driver can help you to your… recovery, or you being closer to the family, he’s going to buy the whole paddock at this point.”
“… You’re being serious.”
“Obviously,” said y/n. “What? You don’t want to?”
“I don’t-“ Bit out Jason, “Have any time for that.”
Jason said that he doesn’t have any time for that. Not that he doesn’t wants it.
Y/n remember Jason’s childhood bedroom back in the manor. The old Formula One poster that had faded over time. The miniature Ferrari Formula One car that had been customized gift from the company, a special gift requested by Dad all those years ago. Or that day years ago, when Dad had taken a much younger y/n and Jason to Monza to watch the race.
She stared back at the race that’s showing on the screen in front of them.
Well, she thought. It won’t be too hard to convince dad to buy a formula one team.
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You see, the thing is, contrary to popular belief, Bruce Wayne doesn’t want his children to become vigilantes like him. After all, he knows best how dangerous the job can be. How with a single mistake, a single misstep, it will be your life that is in danger.
He had been a bit accepting of the idea after Dick. Bruce knows that he’s not a great father, that he has made way too many mistakes, but seeing how great of a hero Dick is, the older man had accepted the fact that he may not have been a great father, but a great mentor.
However, that kind of thought soon changed.
After Jason, after Ethiopia and its explosion, and Joker’s manic laugh, he doesn’t want any of his children to become a vigilante. He doesn’t want to lose any of his children anymore. Bruce had been scared for the day that y/n would come to him and declare her desire to become a crime-fighting vigilante to come.
And yet, that day never came. Instead, y/n had come to him holding a stack of papers that Bruce recognized as his own father’s research paper. There’s a bright grin on her face, so much like Martha Wayne’s, as you declare, “I want to become a doctor!” said the girl. “Just like Grandpa Thomas!”
Oh, Bruce loves all of his children equally. He had loved each of them with the same intensity. Yet, at this moment, all he could see was the crying baby that was left on his doorstep all those years ago—the result of a careless one-night stand when he was too young even to manage his grief properly.
Y/n had been the first child that he raised and was even under his care years before he took in Dick as his ward. Bruce was practically a child himself when y/n appeared in his life, just a crying baby that was dumped on his doorstep by a mother who didn’t want her. He had made many mistakes and actually managed a somehow decent job at the whole being a father thing due to Alfred’s helping hand. She had been his only daughter for so long and seeing her like this, wanting to become someone just like his late father-
Maybe, just maybe. Maybe Bruce did a good job in this whole fathering thing.
That happened years ago, and now fast forward to now, y/n has become the youngest professor in Thomas Wayne Hospital. Considering her achievements and who her father is, it’s a no-brainer that she will take up the director seat soon enough. She too, alongside Jason, had been the face of Wayne Industry charities where her older brother focuses on helping street children to have a more stable future, she focuses on improving Gotham’s horrid healthcare system.
And of course, her side job.
The doctor to her siblings’ recklessness.
“Ow!” Hissed out Tim as y/n began stitching his wound in the med bay. “I didn’t expect it to be that painful-“
“Of course, it’s painful,” answered the woman with a scowl. “And you’re the one that’s insisting on not using any anesthesia, so suck it up like a big boy.”
“You know I got all sleepy if I had anesthesia,” grumbled the younger male. “I need to study a case file later tonight-“
“Tim,” cut off y/n. “When did you last sleep?”
Tim blinked. “… Last night?”
“Drake is lying,” interrupted Damian as he appeared next to the girl with a glare in his eyes. “He was last asleep approximately 65 hours ago,” continues the boy, tattling his older brother without a care in the world.
“TIMOTHY JACKSON DRAKE-WAYNE!” Yelled y/n as she finished out the stitch. “What did I tell you about the importance of sleep!?”
“You’re still growing! I know that you just took over the CEO position and there are case files that you need to look up to, but how many times do I have to tell you that resting your body is also equally important!?”
The younger can’t even come up with a retort as he resigned himself on the onslaught of scolding that’s being rained upon him.
Dick is laughing easily besides them, fully enjoying the whole debacle.
It didn’t took y/n long to finish up tending on her sibling injuries before she moved towards where Bruce is sitting.
“I’m not injured,” he replied, though at the same time, letting his daughter to examined him closely.
Y/n furrowed her eyebrow at that, a gesture that his own mother likes to make when she knows that Bruce is lying, before she began examining him. It was silent around them, as Dick had decided to haul Tim up to his bedroom.
“Dad,” started y/n as she bandaged a small wound on his shoulder. “Can I talk to you about something?”
Bruce hummed.
“If I ask you to buy something, are you going to do it?”
That made him raised an eyebrow. Out of all of his children, y/n is probably the one who has the largest personal income besides Tim. It’s rare for the woman to ask Bruce something ever since she has her own money.
She’s probably going to ask him buy something expensive.
“Depends,” he replied. “What do you want?”
“A Formula One team?”
Bruce has so many questions at that. 
He knows that a few months ago that y/n and Jason had crashed his Ferrari. As a punishment, he had asked them to fixed it together. He also knows that the both of them had been bonding over it. Y/n even visited Jason often enough to know the man’s daily habit at this point.
“What’s this all of the sudden?” he asked instead. “I didn’t know that you’re that… passionate about Formula One.”
It’s not that he’s against or doesn’t have the money to buy a Formula One team. Hell, he could probably buy the entirety of Formula One and go on his merry way. Wayne Industry is trying to expand into the automotive world too these past years – something that had caused Tim a great headache lately – but his daughter who previously doesn’t have any interest in Formula One suddenly asked him to buy a team there?
“It’s not for me, obviously,” said the woman. “It’s for… Jason.”
“Jason?” Bruce blinked.
“Lately we’ve been bonding a lot,” started y/n. “It’s great to have my older brother back, and we’ve been bonding a lot over Formula One because if you remember, Jason had always liked it, even before… everything.”
Bruce does remember it. The weekend that he spent in Monza with younger Jason and y/n had always been one of his fondest memory.
“I think Jason had wanted to become a Formule One driver, once.”
That, is something that Bruce doesn’t know.
“He obviously can’t right now, but if you buy a team, he could… I don’t know, do some testing, go on a simulation, or if god’s willing, maybe even race for the team,” explained y/n. “I know that this seems like a bizzare request dad, but I think this can make Jason really happy.”
An image of Jason appeared inside of his mind.
Of Jason scowling in front of him. Of Jason who had begged him to choose him over his killer. Of his son, laying lifeless on his arm, body cooling rapidly as the time stopped around him.
Of Jason, laughing and smiling decked in Ferrari colors in Monza all those years ago.
It’s an easy choice for Bruce Wayne- no, as Jason’s dad.
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There’s a lot of hustle and bustle during the Monaco Grand Prix. This is not uncommon, considering how many celebrities or another important figures that attended that particular GP.
Though usually, Charles tuned them all out. After all, this is the Monaco GP. His home race. Monaco GP is probably the Grand Prix that matters the most to him. 
He really can’t help it. It has been his childhood dream to race in the streets of Monaco. Charles can remember vividly his childhood memories when he would watch the Monaco GP from his friends’ balcony. To watch the cars, speed up through the streets that he’s familiar with, just admiring and daydreaming about his dream as a Formula 1 driver. Years later, Charles managed to become a Formula 1 driver. Not only a Formula 1 driver but a Ferrari Formula 1 driver. It’s everything that he had ever wanted and yet-
It’s only losses after losses. Disappointments after disappointments. A string of failed races every time it’s time for him to race in his home country. People like to call it his Monaco curse. Charles personally found it ridiculous.
And yet they’re all living in a world where superheroes and supervillains roam around the land. They’re living in a world where there’s an alien and a man who dressed up as a bat posing as their heroes. Where villains who wants world domination appear every week.
So maybe, a curse is not something too far off.
Nonetheless, every time the Monaco GP turned up; it put him in a pensive mood. There are just so many things inside of his mind. The excitement of the race, all the bits of knowledge that he had to know regarding the car and the track, the fear of disappointment that kept hanging on his back over and over again.
Too many things to contemplate and brood about for him to listen to the idle chatter inside the garage. This year though, he can’t help but tune in.
“There’s an important guest in attendance,” said his manager during lunch. Charles eyed the chicken that was being served in front of his manager almost hungrily before he turned his gaze toward the sad plate of salad in front of him. “You know Bruce Wayne?”
“Ah,” said Charles in realization. Charles is not even an American and he’s very familiar with the name Bruce Wayne and the Wayne legacy. To be honest, it’s harder to not know the man considering he’s gracing every news outlet every other week. “The richest man in the world?”
“Bingo,” nodded the man. “He’ll attend the Monaco race, with some of his children,” he continued. “Apparently he’s a big fan of cars, and there’s even rumors that the Wayne Industry is going to acquire a team in Formula One soon.”
Oh, that’s news even for him. He wonders if FIA is going to expand the sport or maybe the Wayne Enterprise is going to buy one of the teams. Haas maybe?
“I see,” murmured Charles. “Is he going to stay in one of the team garages or?”
“He’ll be staying with us,” answered his manager. “His father had saved Ferrari from a financial crisis a few decades back, and Bruce Wayne is also one of the major stakeholders in Ferrari. The guy even got a custom-made Ferrari a few years ago… wonder where that went through.”
Well, if Charles also had a custom-made Ferrari, he would parade it around everywhere. But if you’re as rich as Bruce Wayne maybe a custom-made Ferrari is nothing.
Despite everything, Bruce Wayne didn’t actually show up until Sunday, the actual race day. Charles is sitting on top of tires just outside of the Ferrari garage, trying to get into the right head space when there seem to be clamors around him. He heard him before he saw him, as he could hear the increase of camera shutters and conversations.
Bruce Wayne is a large and domineering figure. He’s tall, really tall. Charles thinks there’s a couple of inches in difference in their height, but what really caught his attention is how built the guy is. Formula One drivers are expected to stay light, because the lighter they are, the faster their car will go. He has been way too used to seeing tall and lean men – the other drivers – that Bruce Wayne’s built body made him do a double-check.
Accompanying him, are a younger man and a woman – his children it seems. The man is also tall, taller than Charles but not as tall as Wayne, but he seems to compensate for it with pure muscle. He has tan skin as well as a tuft of dark hair with white streaks in front. The woman is also tall, her face showing few similarities with Wayne. Different from his father and brother who are decked in all black, the woman is wearing a red silk top. Clearly showing the whole paddock the team that she’s rooting for.
Ferrari’s chairman – John Elkann - is walking beside Wayne and is clearly pleased by the declaration from the woman.
“And of course, our driver!” said John when they were nearing the garage. Instantly all eyes were on Charles and almost automatically, a smile appeared on his lips. “Bruce, this is one of our drivers, Charles Leclerc, and Charles, you know Bruce Wayne.”
“Yes,” said Charles, increasing his charm to the max. Being on a good term with Bruce Wayne not only will benefit the racing team but Ferrari as a whole. “It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. Wayne.”
Wayne laughed cheerily at that, shaking his hand with Charles. “It’s an honor for me too,” said the man. “I’ve been a big fan of Formula One for so long, only now do I have the time to watch a race live.”
Charles doubts that. Bruce Wayne is famous for all of his vacations and playboy lifestyle – the latter part had tamed a bit in recent years, considering all the children that he had now. No doubt, if he’s really a fan of Formula One, the man would have found time to watch a race or two.
“And my children too are big fans,” grinned Wayne as he motioned for both of his children to come closer. “This is Jason, my second eldest,” he put an arm around the man who nodded his head towards Charles. “And this is y/n, my youngest daughter.”
For the first time since their arrival, Charles got a good look on their face and-
Y/n Wayne is probably the most beautiful woman that Charles had ever seen in his life. Perfectly styled hair, red lipstick across her lips – perfectly complimenting her pearly teeth – and how her outfit today fits her like a glove. She looks really beautiful, almost unreal. It’s a really big compliment because he had seen many beautiful women – models, influencers, celebrities – but no one seems able to compare with the ethereal beauty of Y/n Wayne.
“It’s really nice to meet you,” said Y/n with a large smile. “As you can see,” at this, she motioned her top, there was a mischievous glint in her eyes. “I’m rooting for Ferrari, so I wish you good luck during the race.”
Fuck. Her voice sounds really nice too. Charles needs to open his mouth and answer the woman, but his voice seems to be stuck in his throat. 
Finally, after a couple of second of silence, he managed to say, “Yeah,” said the driver. “Yeah, thank you.”
A snort cut through his haze, making Charles turn his eyes towards the older Wayne’s sibling. Jason Wayne stares at him with a raised eyebrow, eyes showing as if he knows something that Charles doesn’t know. 
“I hope you enjoy your stay here,” said the driver turning his attention towards Bruce Wayne, trying to steer the conversation away from his awkwardness. Away from y/n Wayne’s perfectly styled hair and a perfect smile. “I was told you will be staying in the garage, yes?”
“Yes,” answered Mr. Wayne. “I’m really excited about it, right Jason? y/n?”
“For sure,” answered Jason, talking for the first time since their arrival here. “Heard you have a shitty luck in your home race, gonna need lots of good luck, no?”
And ouch.
Charles knows that his home race curse is a bit infamous, but being told like this directly in front of his face is hurting his ego a bit. It’s not like he can give the guy a retort back considering he’s Bruce Wayne’s son – one of their biggest sponsors – but still, he can’t help the small twitch of annoyance that appeared on his lips.
“Jason,” said y/n, nudging the elder’s side.
Jason rolled his eyes, holding his hands up in defense. 
“Sorry about that,” said y/n. “He’s a bit prickly after the long flight.”
“No, no, it’s okay,” dismissed Charles good-naturedly, not wanting to offend their guests. “My Monaco curse has its own reputation after all.”
“Don’t call it a curse,” laughed y/n. “Someone once said to me that if you acknowledge something as a curse, it will only bring bad luck.”
Charles raised an eyebrow at that. “Oh?” he said, a bit intrigued. It’s an interesting concept after all. 
“Yes,” replied the female with a smile. Her eyes crinkled, only making it far more beautiful and show-stopping. “Maybe it’s luck? Luck for me?”
“For you?”
“Well, I think if I managed to see the il Predestino first race win in Monaco I would be a really lucky girl.”
And well, Charles can’t help but bark out a laugh at that. The idea itself is a bit ridiculous, but somehow, it only warms his heart. The woman seems to be amused at his sudden bout of laughter as she too, regards him with some kind of amusement in her eyes.
“That certainly one of the ways to see it,” said the driver, amusement dripping on his tone. “Thank you though, I’ll remember your words during the race and maybe it can serve as my personal lucky charm.”
Y/n let out a laugh at that. “Please do,” replied the woman. “It’s every girl’s dream to be remembered by Charles Leclerc after all.”
“Every girl’s dream huh?” answered the driver. “Is it also yours?”
“Well, for one, I’m a woman,” said y/n grinning.
“Mhm, I can see that-”
“That’s enough of that,” Cut off Jason and it made Charles remember that it’s not only him and y/n in the room. The older of the Wayne children stared at the both of them with something akin to disapproval that made Charles flicker his eyes to where Bruce Wayne was. Thankfully, he’s deep in a conversation with John. “I really don’t want to see my sister flirting with someone,” this he made a vague gagging sound, “and Bruce is leaving, so we better get going.”
“Ah,” said y/n, turning her eyes towards where her father is. “Jason is right, it’s really nice to meet you, Charles.”
He really can’t help the twinge of disappointment that appeared inside of him. He had been enjoying their conversation after all. The driver wishes that he doesn’t have a race soon so that they can have more time just getting to know each other. “It’s also really nice to meet you, y/n.”
The woman smiled at that before she leaned closer, startling him a bit. “Let’s continue our conversation later at the after-party,” she whispered, giving him a wink before she leaned back and said again in a louder voice. “Anyway, good luck out there. We’re really looking forward to the race later.”
Soon after that, Bruce Wayne’s entourage moved on, no doubt exploring the paddock with Ferrari’s chairman, leaving Charles standing there staring.
“Stop that gawking,” muttered his managed, snapping him out of his trance. “We all know y/n Wayne is pretty.”
Charles spluttered. “I was-“ he began fumbling. “I was not gawking at her.”
“Mhm,” hummed his manager. “Anyway, get your head right on your shoulder loverboy, the race is starting soon.”
The driver grumbled as he turned around towards the garage.
He’s Charles Leclerc. He does not gawk. He’s not-
Y/n Wayne’s beautiful smile flashed across his mind.
Well, he’s a simple man after all.
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xxchumanixx · 7 months
hiii, could you write a Tim Bradford X Grey!reader? She is sergeant grey’s daughter but adopted, so everyone can imagine themselves as they want 💕!
and they have to sneak around because she is “off limits”, also maybe younger than him??
and one day, while they are at her house and they are doing it (idk if you write smut, if you don’t you don’t have to go into details ofc). Wade goes at her house because she was not answering her phone and finds them while she is literally on top of him ??
Not just any man
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Tim Bradford x Grey!reader
Warnings/Tags: 18+ mdni!, smut, p in v (wrap it before you tap it!), language, fluff, secret relationship, reader is Grey's adoptive daughter
Word count: 1.722
Authors note: Hey love, thanks for the request! Yes, I do write smut. I hope this fits your expectations! I really appreciate the idea with the reader being adopted, so everyone can imagine the reader as they like!
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There was a lot you had Wade Grey to thank for.
Catching you with your boyfriend wasn't one of those things, though. Especially when your boyfriend was one of his officers and he was older than you.
You were in so much trouble.
It had all began when you met Tim at a charity event hosted at the police station (not the best place for an event like this, as your father later would always like to mention).
It had instantly clicked.
The thrill of doing this behind everyone's back was what excited you the most the first few months - that was, until Tim confessed his feelings to you.
You were deeply in love with each other, and no one would be able to separate you - not even your father, even when he decided to fire Tim, if he ever found out.
When you were a baby, barely a few months old, Wade had adopted you.
Your parents died a few days prior, losing everything, including their lives, when a drug deal went horribly wrong.
You didn't know much about them, but you didn't care. The Grey's were your family, not them.
Family didn't end in blood.
You were a little older than their biological daughter, but you were still your fathers little girl.
Which meant you were off limits - to everyone, including Tim. Not that it would have stopped you, though.
You had to sneak around of course, but someday your parents eventually had to find out - especially if you wanted to spend the rest of your life with Tim.
It just wasn't supposed to be that day, especially not like this.
You and Tim had been busy that day, you both had a day off and had been cooking together, went shopping (yes, you did that together, when your parents weren't near), and watched movies.
All that time you didn't look at your phone, though - missing several calls from your father.
Now, you were very busy with Tim, as he placed kisses down your neck, making you shiver in delight.
Your naked body's pressed together, his fingers brushing over the curves of your breasts, wandering further down.
Your fingers touched him wherever they reached - his muscular chest, his back and his arms, brushing through his short hair as his fingers pleasured you.
His lips found yours, muffling a moan, as his fingers went in and out of your tight pussy, his palm brushing your clit in the process, sending shivers up your body.
You loved every second of it.
You loved the way he always took care of you, the way he took his sweet time.
The knot in your stomach tightened, as he quickened the pace of his fingers. Gasping his name your fingers dug into his shoulders, his lips ghosting over your neck, as his thumb drew figure eights on your clit.
With a few last strokes you came, moaning his name, pure bliss pulsing through you, blinding you momentarily. You rode out your high on his fingers, before he removed them, smirking down at you as you gasped for air.
He was breathtakingly beautiful. His eyes that shined like the stars at night, full of love. His face, his lips and his hair - he was perfect the way he was.
And he was all yours.
His lips found yours again and he stroked himself, before he aligned his dick with your entrance.
Slowly, he inched forward, stretching you out in just the right way, the initial pain quickly fading into a feeling that was so much better.
When he was fully settled, he started to move, not giving you much time to adjust.
A throaty moan passed your lips, as his hands gripped your hips to steady himself. You fell into a steady rhythm, the familiar knot in your belly already forming again.
"Fuck." he breathed, one of his hands finding your breast, pinching your nipple. Moaning loudly your legs wrapped around his middle, taking him even deeper.
He thrust into you vigorously, your moans mixing together. But you wanted a change in position.
Pushing him back you sat up, his brows furrowing in confusion. You pushed him onto his back, causing him to chuckle knowingly, as he realized what you were doing.
Smirking, you straddled him, not wasting any time to sink down on him again. He groaned, his hands gripping your hips, steadying you.
“Oh fuck…” His moan was like music to your ears, raw and unfiltered, as you started to move, up and down and up and down.
Skin slapped on skin, as he gripped your ass, helping you in your movement, when he suddenly stiffened, pulling you into his arms to cover you up.
"Tim wha-" you wanted to ask what happened, when you heard it.
"You better be kidding me!"
Flinching, your head snapped in the direction of your father's voice, body pressed against Tim, as your eyes widened.
"What the hell?" you yelled, your father's back turned towards you, one hand on his pistol.
"What the fuck?" Tim cut in. "What the hell is he doing here?"
"What the hell am I doing here?" your father bellowed, as you climbed off Tim, frantically searching for your clothes. "What the hell am I doing in my daughter's house? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?"
He shouted - never a good sign.
Tim searched for the right words, not sure how to explain, as you threw his shirt at him.
When you were both fully clothed your father had already left the bedroom, pacing in your living room.
Walking towards him you tried to come up with an explanation. It would have been useless to lie, so you decided to confront him with the truth.
"We're together." you spoke, swallowing. Fast and painless - just rip the bandaid off in one move.
Your gaze fixed on your father who so suddenly stopped, you thought time had paused for a second.
"You are what?" he yelled, anger clear as day on his face, a vein on his neck popping out. Tim stood somewhere behind you, not daring to say anything.
After all he was still his boss.
"We. Are. Together." you repeated word after word. "We are in a relationship. We love each other."
Your father's eyes nearly bulged from their sockets, as he stared at you, mouth agape.
How we're you to explain, if he suddenly had a heart attack?
"You of all people!" he spoke angrily, pointing at Tim and you stood in front of him, blocking his way as your father took a step closer. Giving him a pointed look, he fell silent.
"Dad, I'm not thirteen anymore!" you tried to reason, shaking your head at him. "Im twenty-six! You don't have to protect me from men - and you definitely don't have the right to tell me who I date and who I don't!"
Blinking rapidly he tried to process your words.
"But-" he started, irritation clear on his face. "Y/N, you're my daughter! I told them you're off limits!"
Furrowing your brows you looked at him in disbelieve. "You did what?" you almost shouted. "God, you're so embarrassing!" His eyes were wide. "I am embarrassing? Seeing my daughter naked with a man - that is embarrassing!"
Your cheeks flushed, not wanting to be reminded of that, as you looked away.
Sighing he tried to find the right words, only making unintelligible sounds, though. "I can decide on my own who I want to be with, dad." you explained, brushing away a lose strand of hair.
"But-" he tried again, brows furrowed in sadness, and your heart grew heavy. "You're my daughter, my little girl! I can't just hand you off to any random guy!"
"What?" Tim interrupted, stepping forward. Rolling his eyes your father shook his head, fully knowing he could trust Tim Bradford.
If anyone, it was him.
It grew quiet, as you bit your lip, nervousness washing over you in waves. Would he fire Tim? Destroy his entire career just because he loved his daughter?
He sighed heavily, wiping over his face with his hand.
"Look, you didn't answer your phone all day so I got worried - and then I find you with him!" he explained, briefly pointing at Tim, who grabbed your hand, not letting go even as your father's jaw clenched at the sight.
"I'm not ready to hand you off just yet."
Closing your eyes for a moment you took a deep breath. "Sarge, I love your daughter and I want to be with her." Tim started, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze.
It would all be good.
"I'm not willing to give her up, just because you can't let go."
Your father's brows rose at the bluntness of his words, but he kept quiet, chewing on his cheek as he thought.
"What if you break her heart?" he wanted to know after a while, tilting his head. "Won't happen." Tim returned without a moment's hesitation.
You couldn't help but smile at his words. You loved him with all your heart and you knew he did the same.
Your father swallowed, nodding after a while, eyes glistening. "If you just so much as look at her in the wrong way, I will make the rest of your life a living hell." he swore Tim, huffing at his emotions taking over.
Letting go of Tim's hand you walked to your father, hugging him in relief. He returned the hug, his arms the same shelter as when you were just a small child.
"Thank you." you whispered, happy tears filling your eyes. "When he hurts you, just tell me and I'll get rid of him." he offered, letting go of you.
Judging by Tim's huff he heard his words, but you were sure he did it intentionally.
"I love you, dad." He smiled down at you, the emotions still clear on his distraught face. "I love you too, kiddo."
Rolling your eyes you hugged him again, before letting go and walking towards Tim.
Smiling up at him you took his hand back in yours. It would all be good. He returned the smile, still a little hesitant because of your father's presence.
Standing on your tip toes you kissed him, causing your father to immediately protest.
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prickly-paprikash · 7 months
Since the discourse has reared its ugly head once more, the simple answer is no.
Aang was not a deadbeat, unsupportive, absentee father.
He loved all three of his children and was supportive of them. When Kya came out in the comics, she mentioned straight up that Aang was nothing but supportive of her and who she was. Aang made mistakes in parenting, but he was also stuck in one of the worst situations possible for him.
For one thing, it's been stated that Airbending culture has different views when it comes to family dynamics. Never once does Aang mention his parents, and it's clear that Air Nomads did not put emphasis on the standard nuclear family organization that other nations did. From context clues alone, and many have inferred in the past that Air Nomads were communal, so it stands to reason that their parenting was communal. Monks, Nuns, Masters—all of them were most likely parents to every single child. The responsibility of raising and educating a child was shared amongst the nomads, and that there was no real difference between biological and adoptive parents. Airbenders shared nearly everything, and that meant family as well.
Imagine you're Aang, spending twelve years of life being raised by every adult in the temple. Sure, he was exposed to nuclear family dynamics when visiting other nations and befriending Bumi and Kuzon, but his exposure to their culture was most likely limited. Now, not only is he a father to three beautiful children, but he must raise them in a way foreign to him. There are no other Monks to raise his children—it's just him and Katara. I've no doubt that Sokka and Toph chipped in whenever they could to ease the burden of parenthood, but they were leaders and figures of great importance as well. Not to mention that Toph had her own daughters to take care of.
Aang is also the Avatar, the central spiritual figure amongst the four nations. His presence would always be demanded in other nations. Peace Summits. Negotiations. Ceremony. Dealing with splintered Fire Nation cells and loyalists. Aang had to lead the people of all four nations back into balance, and he was in the unique and unenviable position to heal the scars of a 100 year war due to the absence of the Avatar.
Finally, the dude is also the Very Last Airbender. Of course he'd show favoritism to Tenzin. Bumi was a non-bender and Kya was a waterbender already taking after her mother. Aang was a war hero, a political figure, a man out of time and history, the Avatar, and the Only Living Airbender. The weight of his culture and people all rested on his shoulders, and so he passed on that responsibility and hope to the only other living Airbender at the time. Aang needed to spend time with Tenzin because only through Tenzin could the practices of the Air Nomads survive.
Aang was basically having to transition from a communal family mindset to a nuclear family's; he had to balance romance, fatherhood, and being the Avatar in a Wartorn World; and he had an obligation to every Airbender in history—millions of souls and their memories, passed on from one very flawed father to his newborn son. Every part of Aang's life as a father was met with trials and tribulations, and his family still came out loving him, albeit with some resentment underneath.
No parent is perfect, and Aang could have done so much better when it came to communicating with his children.
But none of his mistakes ever meant he was an abusive, cold, distant father.
He was overworked, acclimating to a style of family not his own, and desperately reviving a century-long dead culture all by himself. The fact that every single one of his kids still loved him and cherished him only solidified the fact that Aang was a father who did his very best.
Being the child of the Avatar would always mean living in his shadow. That resentment, of Aang being needed by the world while his children sought him out, would always be there. Doubly so for Tenzin, who grew up with the Avatar as his father and continued his life-long work of breathing life back into the Air Nomads. Say what you will, but at least Bumi and Kya had the freedom to choose who they wanted to be. Tenzin, no matter what, would always grow up to be the Airbending Master because no one else could.
Aang loved his children. Aang loved his wife. And they in turn loved him. But just like every family, complications rose up and planted the seeds of bitterness and resentment. The only thing that stopped these from blossoming into actual dislike of their family was that Aang's love and respect for his children was always genuine, and that Katara stood firm in making sure their children knew they were beloved.
Aang and Katara's family would never have been ideal in the first place, but they did their best.
And their best was certainly enough.
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nijigasakilove · 8 months
Fuck Lakan. All my homies hate Lakan
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Before we discuss that loser, starting us off at the beginning of the episode.. I thought it was so cute that Jinshi grabbed Maomao and didn’t want her to leave him in the pleasure district. I wonder what he ended up getting into?
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On Maomao’s end, it’s always nice to see her go back home and spend some time with friends and family. Pairin is always a joy to have on screen as is the old lady in charge of the brothel.
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Maomao’s having nightmares about her past.. they’re slowly drip feeding us information about her origins one scene at a time and I love it, but I want the answers now lol.
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Now what’s confusing to me is I can’t tell if the courtesan who’s living in the annex is the same one with green hair from Lakan’s flashbacks that’s implied to be Maomao’s mom or not. Maomao said she got syphillis like a decade ago, but Maomao is obviously over 10
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Going back to Lakan, we unfortunately pretty much got confirmation that he’s Maomao’s biological father. This shouldn’t come as a surprise since it’s been hinted from his first appearance, but damn, talk about dysfunctional family.
The look on Maomao’s face when Jinshi said Lakan wants to meet with her was a legit jump scare. Might’ve been the first time someone’s ever put the fear of death into Jinshi.
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Speaking of Jinshi, we also got some official confirmation that he’s much more than a simple Eunuch, which again most of us already knew based on some things just not adding up. But who exactly he is still remains a mystery. Lakan knows though and knows only a few people would be able to say no to him. Meaning he’s gotta be royalty of some sort
As if that weren’t enough, we’ve got a new suspicious court lady planting an unofficial garden.. lot of moving pieces coming together. Next few episodes should be great
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littlefankingdom · 2 months
Okay, I keep seeing this post and it had, like, 900 notes last time, so I need to respond.
Yes, Steph and Barbara are part of the batfam.
This fandom seems to not fucking understand what a found family is. A found family doesn't follow the traditional family's dynamic. People aren't blood related or legally related. Have y'all never seen a friend group in a media being referred as a found family?! That doesn't mean they are siblings, or that some of them are the parents, or that they cannot date. It just means that they are close like a family should, that they can depend on each other always and forever like a family should. Whatever happens, they are a family.
Found family is LITERALLY one of th theme of Batman. The batfam has ALWAYS been a found family. All these people who lost their blood family and found each other to fight for justice. Bruce lost his family when he was a kid, he is building a new one from the ground, and a family isn't just his children. Bruce and Alfred are not blood related, and Alfred is barely referred to as Bruce's father-figure in anything Batman related. However, he was always seen as Bruce's family. Bruce also sees some members of the Justice League as his family (Clark, for example). Lucius and Leslie have also always been his family, and Lucius is not his father at all, the man has another family, a traditional one, but he is still in the batfam. Dick spend DECADES not being adopted, but he still considered Bruce and Alfred his family. Dick also sees the Titans as his family, that doesn't make his teammates his siblings or stops him from dating them. Tim, even tho he is not Bruce's son and has a family, is referred by Dick as "his brother". Dick and Tim literally DID NOT want to be adopted by Bruce, but the man and his butler were still family for them, even when they did NOT want Bruce as their father. Cass and Bruce go through all Batgirl (2000) having a father-daughter coded relationship, and Cass and Barbara have a mother-daughter coded relationship, and her biological parents are there sometimes, and she isn't Bruce's daughter yet. Cass is both Bruce and Barbara's daughter. Barbara has always been seen as a part of the batfam since she first appeared, before a lot of us were even born, and it's not because she is Bruce's daughter or dating Dick, it's because the bats are a family that don't give a shit about traditional family's dynamic. Damian is the only one who actually call Bruce "Father", most of the time the others don't. Dick has lived 20 years with Bruce in his life, as his father-figure, and he never calls him "Dad". Some comics don't even referred to anyone than Damian as Bruce's kid. Some comics like to remind everyone that Bruce is Dick and Tim's father, but most of them do not. Most of the time, they are just a bunch of young people and teens living on his property and eating his food. And even through all of this, they were a family. It's not about blood, it's not about adoption and some papers, it's not about Bruce being your father, it's about trust.
The Wayne family and the Batfam are two different things. Huntress, Helena Bertinelli, is in the batfam. Azrael, Jean-Paul Valley, is in the batfam sometimes (in Batman: Detective Comics 2016, he is). Harley Quinn is also in the batfam sometimes (in Injustice). Lucius Fox and Luke are in the batfam. Harper and Collen Row are in the batfam, but Bruce kind of sees them as his children (in Batman and Robin Eternal at least).
People aren't a part of the batfam because they are Bruce's children, but because they choose each others, again and again, through the highs and the lows. It's about fighting Bruce, taking his shit, and still helping his ass.
And while we are it, batkids doesn’t mean "Bruce's children", it means "the kids around the big Bat, helping in the Bat's mission, that are the Bat's responsibility". YES, Barbara is a batkid, and it doesn't make Bruce her father or a father-figure. She was a kid and batgirl, so she is a batkid.
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richeeduvie · 4 months
Can someone please explain to me the whole baby thing? And dog bone au? And all these aus im so confused
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.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.
This is asked every five months and I'm happy to explain it each time! I'll put it in the pinned post! This is a long one so sorry yall
So Dog and Bone is the title to the AU for a self-insert x Roman Roy fic compilation. There's no actual series yet…sorry, I know! How long has it been? But these fics range from entire one-shots that center around a plot that can lead into another one-shot/drabble, with the content of said piece becoming important to the whole AU, to just cute, fluffy or smutty drabbles and blurbs. Most of them are based on requests. Your request could become a big part of Dog and Bone!
Baby is the name for the self-insert. Fics will flip from a second person to third person POV, so you'll see her referred to as 'Baby' a lot. I don't consider her an OC because there's no and will never be a physical description of her and to be honest, I only started to referred to her as Baby so I could write third person POV fics when I'm lazy and don't want to go heavy in internal monologue, which is what I do for second person POV fics. I never use 'Y/N' for her or any self-insert. But many see her as other people and not themselves and I love that too!
Personality-wise, you'll find her to Roman's soulmate. Although she is still a victim of being out-of-touch due to her wealth, she's managed to be kind and respectful and just something that Roys don't have outside of her. She's the ultimate nepo baby with Logan just giving her some vague career path at Waystar to keep her around. She mostly works in marketing and spends her days with Tom and Greg. So, the story of DAB (lol). Baby is the childhood best friend of Roman (and Shiv). In the AU, Baby's biological father was Logan's best friend and business associate. She met the Roy family when she was five and when Roman when almost seven. She was meant to be the best friend of Shiv, but Roman stole her one day when Shiv when to get more toys and baby Baby was on the swings. His sister is still pissed about this to this day.
Nothing much has been mentioned of Baby's bio dad just yet, but it was a one-time thing (so understandable is yall don't remember) that we see Logan giving Baby the medal her father gave him after his funeral. He's dead and apparently fought in a war, or maybe just liked collecting medals as much as Logan did.
So, facts about the dead dad:
Maybe was a veteran
Was hinted to have given Baby an eating disorder
Died when she was eight
Possibly kept her away from her mother
Logan's her godfather, but it was Frank to take her in after her dad had passed. Frank ON TOP!!!! PAPA FRANK!!! Baby's mother is very distant and she's really only seen her for a few holidays throughout her childhood. I've always imagined her to be those wealthy hippies feigning spirituality and did maybe try to get Baby in terms of custody, but didn't try a lot - not even after Baby's father died. So, Baby gets to stay with the Roys with Frank being her guardian. With this, it's just co-dependency and possessiveness growing.
Roman and Baby don't really have friends outside of each other. They do everything together and eventually start doing relationship sort of things together. They take each others virginities. Roman gets panicky and painful in the muscles if Baby has to leave him for more than three days. It's great, but nothing's official.
They live this way until Roman gets with Tabitha.
Now, you may be thinking 'Why does he begin a relationship with Tabitha if he's so possessive and seemingly satisfied with the situation he has with Baby?' Well, I have two fics that'll help you to explain Roman's stupidity:
Why Does Rome Still Date Tabitha (They Don’t Have Sex, but Still) Kendall Wins!AU Confession
The latter of the two is a bit more personal and truthful for Roman. It can be noted that as much as I am a GerriRoman supporter, their relationship does not happen in the DogandBone!AU. Only because one, frankly, I don't know how to or have the desire to thread it throughout the story because I already kept Tabitha's plotline…which is Roman's downfall. You will see. And two, you'll find that Roman and all of the Roys, really, have a lot of themselves changed all because they have one genuine friend that's cared and loved them since childhood so that big part of Roman's plotless plot-time in canon is gone here. Grace didn't happen as well because Jesse Armstrong said so lol.
As I said, the genuine friend line applies to all of the Roys (excluding Logan, except for his AU…), but it really applies to Kendall. Going back to the point where Baby and Roman are fourteen/fifteen and fifteen/sixteen, he gets sent away to military school. I made it so he's only there for two years to which Logan just doesn't care to send him there anymore because I want Baby and Roman teenage puppy and needy love for as much as I can get it. During this time, Kendall has this belief, this kindness to take in Baby when she's at her loneliest.
and…so…Kendall and Baby's whole thing?
The link above sums up their whole situation but I'll elaborate a bit more here because there's Tern Haven. Tern Haven happens in the OG!DogandBone!AU and KendallWins!AU, the grooming situation happens in every AU.
Of course, Roman comes back and Baby sobers up for the most part and leaves groomer Kendall's ass in the dust! It's when Roman starts dating Tabitha decades later that Kendall, who never actually made a move on Baby, brings hell and tragedy to the family. Baby's not so keen on continuing to have sex and the weird thing she has with Roman as he is with Tabitha around, so she becomes lonely and thoughtful in the need to reconnect with friends, maybe start dating herself. She's there during Tern Haven and can't go to Roman's room to hang out, Tabitha's there. She doesn't bother Shiv and Tom, she could talk with Frank, maybe? Maybe, but she makes her way to Kendall's room.
And whatever high horse Kendall put himself on for not doing anything with Baby, maybe not being in love with her - or at least having no awareness about it, whatever was starting with Naomi, it's gone when Baby enters that room.
Again, Tern Haven happens in Kendallwins!AU and the OG!AU. The only difference is that after, Roman is either successful in pulling Baby away from Kendall, or he isn't. This is where it can get confusing as it can with all the AUs because there's so many little splices of moments within content that really helps you understand how things happen but I can say that the Kendallwins!AU is just sad, scary, and dark.
But enough of that!
After Roman's successful in getting Kendall away from Baby, he immediately breaks up with Tabitha and they heal from what happened. Kendall declines quickly during this. Logan dies and they get married after the GoJo sale. They have Baby Jr. On occasion, we'll have fun and write them having two more kids, Baby Jr Jr and Roman Jr, but they aren't canon - or they at least would get a canon fic like Baby
FICS TO HELP: Romulus Sneakers | Dad Frank feat. Baby Roman Call Them Brothers Back in Town Bone and Her Heart Roman’s a Friend Stealer While you were sleeping Touch Me (I'm Sick) Date Death | Part One Date Death Part 2 Babied (He Loves It) Violet, Blue, Green, Red To Keep Me Out Phone Call Home Baby Baby in “I went to Market” Baby in ‘Too Much Birthday’ After the GoJo Sale Telling Roman She's Pregnant
Baby Jr is an unrealistically perfect angel of a child that belongs to Roman and Baby in their AU and was born a preemie with a slew of health problems, but because I love her so much, it's becoming a running joke for her to just exist in every AU, somehow. if Baby's there, Baby Jr's there. She's named fittingly. You'll see her a lot in smaller blurbs and fics. Another running joke is that she hates Kendall in every AU, though she's barely mentioned outside of the OG! and Loganwins!AU.
Baby Baby's First and Last Day at School Bear Baby Jr! Baby Jr Doing Something Dangerous Connor Taking Baby Jr Fishing Baby Jr seeing Baby Roman with Glasses
They aren't mentioned a lot anymore because we don't get so serious about them and it was more just to have fun with the story, but the OG!AU does have some variations to how the plot goes. You have Baby and Roman having Baby Jr before season one where Tabitha and Tern Haven are things that obviously never happened:
If Roman Knocked Baby Up Logan Bullying Baby Jr YoungBornBabyJr!AU With Roman Forcing Baby to Marry Him Roman Drunk and Loving If Roman Knocked Baby Up in Their 20s If Baby Jr was Little in The Pilot Logan’s Baby Jr Favoritism Where’s Your Daughter?
Then, you have Baby dying and Roman killing himself to leave Baby Jr an orphan: Come Time, Baby Jr Missing Mommy.
Or you have Baby AND Baby Jr dying to leave Roman killing himself after his last moments of suffering…which, I can't find, but do we really want to read that?
If you don't want to suffer, it can end simply as a nightmare Roman had in the night. Here's another Nightmare Blurb.
Listen. I CANNOT be the only person who has consistently written for Logan. I CANNOT! But I do and Baby is unfortunately the victim of a joke turned into a horniness for an old, old man.
Logan doesn't actually have a fic establishing the Loganwins!AU. Everything that's longer than a blurb are moments that already take place after they've gotten together. Tern Haven does not take place here because it appears that this…intimate relationship takes place before season one. Roman doesn't get together with Tabitha in this AU because he's really fucked up about his soulmate having sex and marriage with his…Dad. His abusive Dad. Baby Jr does exist here! This started as a joke to get people grossed out over old man Logan cock, I played it so I was DISGUSTED to appease any requests that were sent in. I really was. I don't know what happened. But a lot of what is written expands past Logan x Reader and more about the AU itself, which happens with Kendallwins! and the OG!AU too.
FICS TO HELP: THE OFFICE CONFRONTATION Mondale The Second Baseball Sick Baby Jr Mom(my) Siblings and Baby Jr Buzz off! Sister Shiv Recital Alone Baby Jr How Does The Relationship Begin? How Does Logan Propose? Are Baby and Roman Still Close? Pregnancy Announcement in the AU They Bought a Cat Who's Baby Jr's Godfather? Panty Stealer Roman's Twitter Argument
You guys are lucky I can't find the smut fic I wrote. But it's here on this blog. Somewhere.
Nvm here it is my bad: Reflections.
There's the Loganwins!AU, then there's the Affair!AU, which was established pretty recently. It's where Baby begins an affair with Roman while she's married to Logan and Baby Jr ends up being Roman's daughter, not his little sister. As much as I have accepted my great enjoyment in indulging the Logan lovers, I do think this is Baby at her most Succession.
She gets the benefits of being Logan's wife and his favorite wife, a cute daughter, Roman at her heel, whining for her to really be with him but knowing he'll never leave her at her denial. She's horrible, a whore. A baddie winning.
FICS TO HELP: Baby Jr being Roman's Daughter Roman and Newborn Baby Jr Baby in the Affair!AU Roman revealing she's his to his siblings "Dada" A Slight Confrontation How does it start? In Dad's Bed
So, I explained most of it above, but these are the fics to help understand just how messed up DogandBone!Kendall is. He's a different man, guys.
(Also Stewy was there. Stewy was her friend. A flawed twenty-something year old who didn't care enough to separate himself from Kendall when noticing the red flags of him and Baby, but he denied, denied, denied. But he also gave Baby some sense of being…ya know, a kid…cause he saw her as a CHILD)
Tern Haven:
Tern Haven EXTENDED TERN HAVEN More of Tern Haven (…Yay…)
Ken's Groomer Era:
Sleepover Drugged Up Heart Does Baby go Clubbing With Kendall? The Birthday (Big One) Kendall being Confused That Baby's Not Jealous More of Ken being Confused That Baby's Not Jealous Sleepover 2 Kendall's Birthday Gifts....
The Aftermath:
Smacktalking During Too Much Birthday Bad Bit
There's more, of course. There's always more.
After Tern Haven, Kendall has Baby. He's won Baby. He gets more addicted to drugs while making her dependent on them. He turns her into nothing - and just for him. He's scary and paranoid when it comes to Roman. A variation of the AU would be the Babydies!AU, where she accidently overdoses after he leaves her alone. It's a lot. This is not a fun AU, guys. But I like to write it!
Housewife Thing Waystar Press Conference Accusing Baby Jr of Not Being His Roman Trying to Get Baby Back From Kendall A Slight, Brotherly Confrontation Daily Does of Horror (Heroin) Mention of Heroin Handsy Baby and Kendall and Pills Panty Stealer Brother Roman's Dick Pics Saying Roman's Name Flower Delivery
No Time Needled Memories
Shiv's AU isn't even a win!AU, technically. We haven't really dabbled in the idea of her winning. Just more of her yearning, but all in all, this woman wants Baby soooo badly. Too sad she has the guilt of being a woman. And her father. And Tom. And the denial hot on her skin.
Calling Shiv Shiv
Apparently the man can get obsessed and they haven't even kissed in his AU, yet. Fitting considering the shit he pulls with Greg. It's Baby at her most guilty due to her friendship with Shiv.
I give crumbs and only crumbs. But we're getting something started with Wedding Bells (Part One)!
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.
I hope this helps! xoxo
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igotanidea · 11 months
Crawl back to you: Jason Todd x reader
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Summary: Mexican!reader celebrating dia de los muertos, going throught the process of grieving after Jason's dead and her process of getting better through the years with a little plot twist at the end.
Thank you @thefandomdiaries07 - I played with the idea somewhat, hope you'll like it.
Disclaimer: this is not, in any way, a hate on religious belief, the reader's attitude just fit in the plot. (no offence to anyone meant here, truly)
Dia de los muertos.
Day of the Dead.
Despite her origin and upbringing Y/N never really felt connected to this celebration.
Remembering people who died and who she was too young to remember in the first place felt just … weird.
Of course, her mother, aunts and grandmothers got her involved in preparing the ofrenda and preached her about the importance of preparation for the souls’ arrivals but she always did it only half-heartedly, putting on a fake smile and pretending to enjoy the festivities.
But deep down she felt like a freaking hypocrite, while in fact not feeling anything.
And when her family moved to Gotham, out of all places, it got even worse. Poor girl felt conflicted, unaccepted, unsure of who she was and dealing with identity crisis, going as far as renouncing her ancestry to fit in the crowd. She was a teenager what else could you have expected.
A few months passed and she got used to that god forsaken, lawless hole, keeping herself a bit away from her family, even if technically she was still living the same house. But with her struggles with ethnicity and traditions, she was a bit of a black sheep of the family, having not many true friends and spending most of the time alone,
recklessly wondering alongside the streets, pretending to be a freaking globetrotter. 
 And that was how one day she got involved with the batfamily, starting from being saved from an assault, by the Batman sidekick, Robin.
Jason Todd.
Whose name she learnt a few weeks later, having lost all the hope to see that red, green and yellow bird boy ever again.
However, surprisingly, those two clicked fast enough and even though they were technically still young  teenagers something bigger than friendship started creeping in.
He kissed her for the first time when they were 15.
And it was magical, romantic and send her into a spiral of love and dreams and worries and thoughts about future.
It was pretty much prefect for a whole year, as they somehow managed to make it work despite being forced to keep their relationship a secret from both families.
Imagine the panic that would spread in her family if they knew she was in love with a vigilante.
Imagine the panic that would spread in his family if they knew he told his identity to a girl he fell for.
That was obviously a no go.
So they kept on meeting in secret.
Almost every night she sneaked out of the house to check out on him after patrol and he was escaping Batman’s watchful gaze to have at least a few hours together alone with .
But one night changed everything.
He went to search for his biological mother.
And she should have stopped him or tell him how reckless he was being or do anything to dissuade him from this idea. Instead she laid her head on his shoulder, holding onto him tighter, kissing his lips briefly and making him promise he’d report to her the second he gets back.
A promise he never kept.
 “Hello? Who’s this?” she picked up her phone, blissfully unaware of the news that was about to fall upon her.
“Hey… um… is this Y/N?” an unrecognisable male voice reverberated on the other side
“Yes” she frowned “Who is this?” the girl asked again.
“My name’s Dick Grayson. I’m Jason’s older adoptive brother. We’ve never met but… I know you two were close…”
Wait. Did he just say were close?
“What – what happened…?”
The receiver fell from her hand, tears flooded her face and her heart broke in half.
His funeral was probably the worst day of her life, even though she couldn’t remember much more than the see of blackness, plenty of people she knew from Jason’s stories but saw for the first time and some meaningless words of consolations.
It had been eight months since his death and she was still grieving, unsure if the pain in her chest would ever subside or the tears would ever dry.
In that short time, she had become very close to Jason's brother, Dick, who was the perfect definition of an eldest child and had sort of taken her under his wing (pun intended). After everything with Jason and everything in between, she couldn't and didn't want to stay in Gotham, a place that was a painful reminder of the past.
Y/N took a different route every time she came across the places where they hung out or where they first kissed and where they secretly met at night and considering the fact that Gotham wasn't that big, it was slowly becoming impossible to move. And going to school and seeing couples and happy people was like a shot to the heart, making her a walking fountain almost every school break.
She felt a sudden need to get away from everything and moved to Bludhaven, where she started a new school and where Dick made sure she was safe and (as much as possible, meaning not much at all) happy.
It was October and dia de los muertos was right around the corner, of which her family was kind enough to inform her, inviting the girl to the family celebrations, and mentioning the resulting obligations of the living.
Making her angry at first.
Angry and with the sense of unfairness and stupidity of life. You’re there one second, enjoying the presence of the loved ones, and then, in another second you are just gone and it’s like you never really existed.
What was the point of life, apart from constant suffering and uncertainty of tomorrow?
 This whole celebration freaking sucked, and she was not going to celebrate the death, having loved and lost the most important person in her young life!
Once she got herself into that spiral of thinking, Y/N slowly started feeling something more than annoyance at her nation’s cultural habits, overwhelming depression and lack of any motivation to move on. Maybe…
It was the first time she had someone she knew to remember. And to hope that maybe, on this special day, his soul  were walking amongst the living and watching her from the other side even if she could not do the same.
And if he was, maybe it was her only chance to somehow communicate with him, tell him all the words she kept hidden in her soul, that never found a way out. Perhaps from the silent beating of her heart he would feel the love that was still there, the longing, the needing and the fact that despite being gone, he wasn’t and would never be forgotten by her.
Her eyes grew wide and she jumped off the bed, gathering all the necessities and beginning her work.
“Y/N?” Punctual as always Dick entered the apartment, carrying the box with her favourite takeout. It was their Thursday tradition to have some good food and hang out together and he was not going to be a breaker. But he definitely did not expect to see his friend kneeling on the floor in front of something that looked like a tiny stairs, painted in red, green and yellow ending with an arch. It was decorated with something he recognised as salt, candles, water and marigold flowers. And the whole apartment smelled like lavender for some reason. “Y/N? What are you doing?” he put the food on the table, seriously concerned by her mental state.
“Oh!” she almost jumped at the sound of his voice, turning around to face him. “Hey, Dick. It’s just a little celebration.”
“Of what?” he frowned, not understanding a thing. “What is this?”
“ofrenda” she explained, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, but his confused gaze made her realise that maybe not everyone were familiar with the festivity. “an offering.”
“An offering? Of what? To who? And why?”
Y/N almost rolled her eyes.
“I thought Bruce made you go the private school. Don’t you know anything about dia de los muertos?”
“I thought you were done with your national customs?”
“I was…” she sighed deeply reaching for the picture she was about to hang in her little altar. Jason, smiling, happy at some point back in time, that was never supposed to go back. She took the photo at one of their walks in the park in the autumn, with the sun shining and colourful leaves falling down from the trees. “but things have changed…” Y/N whispered, caressing Jason’s cheek on the photo, her eyes still shining with love and affection, but also tinged with sadness. “I miss him…”
“I know, Y/N. I miss that little prick too.”
“Yeah, he was a prick, wasn’t he? And an asshole, sometimes.” She chuckles as Dick sat on the floor next to her. “I bet if he’s around he’s annoyed at us bad-mouthing him.”
“If he’s around?”
“Yeah, the whole point of this day is that the souls come back to earth to visit us.”
“so it’s basically something like Halloween.”
“ more or less so. But cut the haunting part.” She smiled a little “We can’t see the deceased but we can feel them…”
“do you?”
“do I what?” Y/N frowned at his question. “Do I feel him?”
“Yeah. Sorry if it’s too soon or too bold thing to say, Y/N…”
“It’s not. It’s okay. I can’t exactly feel him, but it doesn’t mean he’s not here. We both agreed he was a prick sometimes, maybe he’s just hiding from me. Just to tease me. But that won’t stop me from calling upon him even from beyond the grave.”
She stood up and put the picture at the top stairs.
“Hey Todd, if you’re somewhere there, I’m not gonna go easy on you. See you next year, you little asshole.”
“Hey, Y/N, I dropped by decorating store and bought some things for your ofrenda this year, wanna take a look at them?”
You know, Dick, I’m not sure if Jason would appreciate us using the cape here….
“Your limiting my imagination….”
“I don’t care. I’m in charge. Remove it, now”
 Did you make the ofrenda without me, Grayson!?
No way in hell she was going to let Dick take charge this year. For the past four of them he was growing more and more fond of the day of the dead, starting from assisting and doing shopping ending on going behind her back in finalising his own crazy concept. And finally, the tide had changed and Y/N had to put her foot down.
“What do you mean  you want me to leave?!” Dick cried out the second she told him what punishment she chose for him “Y/N! Why?! It’s so unfair, I – “
“You hijacked my preparations last year. And two years ago. And to tell the truth, three years ago as well!”
“I didn’t – ok, fine…” he raised his hands in surrender “but you can’t blame me for that! It’s really fu-“ he stopped in the middle of the sentence.
“You wanted to say funny, didn’t you?” Y/N raised an eyebrow and Dick blushed a little. Maybe it was a bit inappropriate and unfortunate word to use.
“NO! No I wanted to say… um…” Dick was desperately searching for more accurate wording, also starting with fu, but obviously the alternatives were even worse.
“See that’s the whole point. You kind of missing the message of the day. Yes, sure, it’s supposed to be fun way to honour the dead and tame death in some way, but still it’s also supposed to be at least a little bit of an opportunity to stop for a second and think about things and people.  I really appreciate your positive attitude and it’s not like I’m kicking you out, but...”
“but you do.” Dick smirked and nodded with understanding.
“I just feel like I need to be alone for a while, ok? It’s been five years and at his point I feel like I sometimes need to focus to even remember his face without a photo. It’s all becoming a blur, lost in the joy and amusement. And I don’t want that. I want to remember.”
“Is that why you never gave any boy any chance to –“ he cut out again without really thinking what he was saying.
“Grayson… “ she trailed warningly.
“I’m out! I’m out! Don’t hit me!” he rushed towards the exit. “Just call me when it will be safe to come back, ok?”
“Got it. Now get out!” she chuckled, closing and locking the door behind her friend.
Every little word she said was true.
She wanted to remember.
She had to remember.
It was the only way to fill that little dent in her heart, that Jason left when he died. She couldn’t just let go of him, even though Dick was probably right, and after so many years she should have moved on.  But both her heart and her soul refused to do so.
Maybe you only get one chance to meet your soulmate and Y/N was close to sure that  Jason has been hers.
”It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" she whispered the quote to herself while reaching for Jason’s photo she chose for this year’s decoration, turning them over in her hands for a while, looking at the face of a 15 year old she used to know “I wonder what you would look like now. Bet you’d be even more handsome and all the girls would be jealous I got such a catch.” She laughed a little “Hope you don’t hear me now, cause god damn, that would be such an ego booster for you.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself.” The sudden male voice coming from behind her made her jump (almost the mirror situation to the one that occurred five years ago when Dick found her preparing the ofrenda). But this time it was not Dick standing in her apartment.
“What the actual fuck!?” she yelled taking a fighting stance she learned from Grayson, knowing it would not help her at all due to the shaking of her body at the view in front of her.
“Handsome, huh?” Jason Todd in the flesh, absolutely not dead, brushed some unruly hair from his forehead, looking at her with a playful expression
“¡Estas muerto! ¡Eres un fantasma! ¡¿Qué está pasando?! Cómo –?“ as usual when she got nervous she started using Spanish. (you’re dead! You’re a ghost! What’s going on?! How-?)
“Baby…” Jason took a step forward, hesitantly. “Baby…” he opened his arms “I;m not dead, I swear to you. I-“
She cut him off by diving into his embrace, holding him tightly, wanting to make sure that he wasn’t just a friction of her imagination and needing to feel his warmth, the beating of his heart and his breathing.
“You’re really here!” she cried out, tears falling down her cheeks like a waterfall when she nuzzled into his chest. Honestly, she didn’t need any explanation, at least not at this point. She only wanted him close, afraid that if she let go for as much as a second he would disappear again. “Swear to me this is not a dream…” she muttered, against his shirt. “Swear to me.” Her entire body shook from the shock, she felt so small in his arms, but also safe as never before. It was like after five long years she got home again, that this missing part of her heart was found, and immediately jumped into the place reserved solely for him, unrepleacable. She was whole again and that was what count.
“Baby…. Oh, my sweet girl…” Jason wrapped his arms around her, caressing her back and hair, pulling her even closer, wanting to comfort her, to give her all that love and peace she was deprived of for what felt like ages. “I’m really here. I’m here. My baby… I’m back to you.” He whispered, closing his eyes, feeling equally, if not more emotional than her. He’s been through hell but the only though that made him keep on going was her. His angel. His joy. His only source of light in the eternal darkness that seemed to surround and swallow him. His grip on her tightened and he hoped to convey all these unspoken words to her through hugs and caresses and the gentle brushing of his lips against her temples.
“I love you…” she sobbed desperately, blurting out the only thing that was on her mind at the moment. “I missed you and I love you and –“
“I know baby. I love you too. And I promise you, you’ll never have to worry about hanging my picture in your altar ever again. Ever. I’ll crawl back to you every time and not even death can stop me from being with you. ”
And they just stood there, next to something that was supposed be an tribute to not-so-dead Jason Todd, holding and hugging each other tightly, creating the little bubble only for them two and being so very happy cutting out the entire world and reality, lost in daydream that happened to be the upcoming future for two people that have loved, have lost, and luckily, have found a way back to each other.
Talking could wait.
Silence, in the company of the only person that mattered, came first.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
We’ve still got a long way to go. - Buddy Daddies E12 - SPOILERS
When Rei asks Kazuki:
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“You think we managed to change?” And Kazuki responds with:
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“We’ve still got a long way to go.”
This is, of course, a call back to Episodes 8 and 10, when Rei asks Kazuki and he says, “Dunno,” and when Kazuki proclaims, “I guess we weren’t able to change” (or something of that nature). But now, Kazuki says, “We’ve still got  long way to go.”
I love that answer, because it’s one that is long term and shows that change isn't a one-time thing. It’s long and continuous. You, as a person, are constantly changing. If you aren’t, then that means you’ve stopped growing as a person. 
That’s Rei’s father.
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He was unwilling to change. Even the resolution that Rei comes to in order to escape the Organization is one that involves him “changing” a part of himself (BLOOD WARNING) :
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Shooting himself in the arm. Intently “breaking” a part of the “perfect killing machine” that his father envisioned and wanted him to stay as. Rei then left and never looked back.
Shigeki was forgotten and he lost his most valuable “asset.” His blood would likely die with Rei, in the sense of his biological bloodline not being carried on. In order for the Organization to stay in his name, he might even have to do something like adult adopt someone, otherwise, the whole name, legacy, and Organization will be lost to the Suwa name now. 
Rei hit him where it hurt and left him in ruin. Fitting in with his lines earlier in the episode where he says things like, “Bullets aren’t for resolving intergenerational squabbles.” And calling the welcome of bullets and shooting when they go through the manor doors, “domestic violence.” 
On the opposite end of this, we have Misaki. Misaki tried to change.
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She died. Her death was unfortunate and unfair. A product of a cruel world. 
But unlike Shigeki, she hasn’t been forgotten. Her daughter sang loud for her. Making sure she would hear, wherever she was.
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10 years later, Miri has a photo of herself and her mother on her desk. 
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And she tells her mother, “I’m heading out, Mama!” That seems like a routine for her. She likely does it every day. Misaki tried to change and do right by her daughter.
Her last words were her daughter’s name, Kazuki got angry on her behalf at Ryo’s response to that answer, she died protecting Miri and Miri’s last words to her was telling her mama how much she loved her.
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She got to spend her last days with her daughter - all good memories. And, even though Misaki died, she stays alive through Miri every day. Ironically, her blood will live on, while Shigeki’s will die with him. 
Finally, getting back to Kazuki and Rei. We know from Episode 9 that Kazuki and Rei are all about continuing to practice and change and move and grow. 
They changed their whole lives for Miri and are continuing to change. Shigeki was only ever shown wearing short hair and a suit. Uniform. Unchanging.
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But Kazuki and Rei, while they keep core aspects of themselves and their styles, are shown looking very different from before. Not only because they are naturally older (in their mid to late 30s now), but also because they’ve done stuff like grow a beard (Kazuki - which is a bit of a rebellious thing in a way - beards aren’t looked highly upon and are seen as unprofessional) or wearing their hair slightly differently (Rei doesn’t have the shaved side anymore, he leaves two pieces of hair out of the ponytail, and he wears his ponytail long now - giving an impression of longer hair too). 
(Though, maybe Rei’s signature dish will remain unchanged, and some things staying the same sometimes is okay too, lol). Of course, Rei being a cook in and of itself is a huge change from where he was at the start of the series.
Back in Episode 9, Rei worried about them taking a photo. Kazuki felt that taking only one was likely going to be okay. But now, they have a whole bulletin board up in the diner showcasing the journey they’ve been on (well, the legal and family friendly parts, lol). Photos galore documenting the changes they’ve been through:
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They are a found family. So they chose each other. So they are along for the ride, no matter how wild it may be or what changes they are confronted with. They’ll learn, they’ll grow, and they’ll live on through the food they make and the people they meet at Diner Nest. 
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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I wet you like water but she stained you like blood.
Chapter 2
Pairing: widowed!dilf!Jake Sully x younger!female!human reader
CW: angsty as hell, Neytiri is dead in this AU, unrequited love, older man & younger woman relationship (y/n is in her 20's), feeling like you're only there to fill in the gap someone else left (Neytiri, in this case), mentions of death and being a widow, complex feelings, talks of trauma, CAN BE TRIGGERING TO SOME, mentions of sex, mentions of sexual fluids, reader feeling guilty about being with Jake not long after Neytiri's death
Not proofread. And I can't even read what I just wrote, without even correcting it, because I have to feed my cat and take care of dinner right now. I'm just praying this stuff makes sense. I'll correct any mistakes as soon as I can. Sorry in advance lol This amateur writer here never has enough time on her hands...... 🥲
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Chapter 1 𓆩♡𓆪
You're so much older and wiser
And I wait by the door like I'm just a kid
Use my best colors for your portrait
Lay the table with the fancy shit
And watch you tolerate it
If it's all in my head tell me now
Tell me I've got it wrong somehow
tolerate it (Taylor Swift)
Jake was a widowed father of 4, he was an attractive, responsible, charming, older man. And he was also funny when he was just chilling, hanging around his friends or his family. Last but not least: he had a delicious "dad bod", a word people came up with to describe older men who are still toned but have some cute fat here and there.
You were a girl in your 20's, a young xenobotanist living in Pandora, who used to spend her nights alone, eating cup noodles, watching and rewatching old TV shows from when the planet Earth was still a place where humans could actually live in, and feeling lonely. So, when Jake Sully got his eye on you, you fell head over heels for him.
You knew well you could never replace Neytiri. Even after her death, she still had a place in Jake's heart that nobody, not even you, would ever be able to claim as yours.
Still, you could not let Jake go. Still, you insisted in staying. Still, you didn't seem to love yourself enough to say to yourself "I deserve better" and wait for a guy who actually loves you, not one that seemed to only love your company and well... your body most of all, as it seemed.
Okay, maybe you shouldn't think this bad of Jake. You knew he felt really connected to you, in a deep level. You two would talk late at night and he would always be vulnerable and tell you about real personal and deep stuff about his life - the one in the human body and the one in the na'vi body -, while the both of you would eat roasted meat and fungi, up in some tree in the middle of the Pandoran forests. But you knew he did not love you. Even if you could feel his heart beating fast through his chest when he kissed and touched you, away from everyone, never in front of anybody, because you two were adults and knew damn well that situation, him seeming like he was so happy and living his best life with another woman, a much younger human girl, who was at an age where she could actually be his daughter, wouldn't sit right with anybody, not human, not na'vi - given that he had children that were still mourning the death of their mother (one of them being a little girl, Tuktirey).
That sacred feeling, love, was saved inside of Jake's heart for Neytiri, his deceased mate, even after death. He bonded with her through tsaheylu. You, as only a human, no neuro queue to connect with his in sight, knew you could never compare to that primal bond he had experienced with her. But worst of all (you felt horrible saying "worst of all" but you knew you didn't mean it like that, like you didn't care about other people's feelings), Neytiri was the mother of his children. She might be with Eywa now but you knew Jake would always remember her looking all beautiful and incredibly feminine carrying his first born, Neteyam Sully, and his other two biological children in her belly (Kiri was adopted after her biological mom died, a dear friend of the couple, Grace Augustine. Kiri was a miracle kid. Her mother was bearing her inside of her body after her own death, inside the lab. That was crazy stuff your human mind would never understand, you thought. Only the na'vi could understand the magnitude of Eywa's power. You yourself knew she was strong and respected her but didn't love and worship her like they did.)
Thinking about the way Jake must still adore the memory of Neytiri and think about her and even cry missing her gave you a big lump in your throat and made you wanna throw up. You felt like the worst being in the Universe thinking like that, but you swore, truly, that feeling that way was not you being a petty selfish girl, jealous of the man you were currently in a situationship with and not even considering to have some respect for his grief and the grief of his children - who had just lost their mother -, but it was actually the love you felt for Jake manifesting in your body, in a psychosomatic way. The pain and desperation you felt thinking about the possibility of him never getting over Neytiri made you sick to your stomach, it made the bones inside of your flesh ache.
The first time you saw him talking to Norm one day at the lab, his tall, large frame in all its glory, his blue skin so beautiful, his dark blue stripes adorning his whole body in intricate patterns, his long brown hair falling on his toned back, his tail looking so cute, reminding you of a kitty cat.... "I'm fucked" You thought to yourself. "Am I really catching feelings for this older na'vi man who will probably never want me in this way?! Damn, he's still mourning his dead mate.... Neytiri died not even a whole year ago... I must be evil to be thinking about him this way at this moment. Stop that, you crazy stupid heartless girl."
You looked at him again and he was smiling, his fangs touching his lower lip. He had such a cheerful, precious smile, even though you knew he had been through a whole lot of pain and trauma in his life. "He must be really strong and resilient. That's beautiful." You thought to yourself
Jake Sully had the right amount of muscles but still had soft flesh in all the right places, his tummy just perfect enough for you to be able to squeeze it if you wanted to, his thighs thick but the muscles were balanced with sweet softness. He made you feel a raw kind of heat in your lower belly and think about him just before sleep, like you were a damn schoolgirl. Sometimes (okay, many times...) he made your panties slick with your own juices when you imagined him taking you in his arms and kissing you hard, dominating you like you were his. Which you wished you were. Until one day that wish was fulfilled. You were in cloud nine when that happened.
Jake had been in the marines back when he was human and lost the movement of his legs, being left needing a wheelchair to move himself around and do day to day activities. He lost his twin brother back on Earth, too, after he - Tommy - had been mugged. And now, he had just lost his wife to death too and was left alone to take care of his 4 children. Poor thing must have PTSD, if the na'vi brains were able to have the same disorders as humans brains had. You didn't know, to be honest. You were a xenobotanist. Your area of expertise was the biology of extraterrestrial plants, not the biology of extraterrestrial bodies.
The fact that he still was capable of irradiating happiness through his eyes, smile, voice and overall presence made you weak with admiration. And love, you must say. Because thats what you were: weak and in love, all for and with Jake Sully.
Too bad his feeling were not even close to being the same as yours. He loved you as a friend and he lusted over your body. He wanted to protect you from any harm anyone could ever do to you. The bitter part of it all is: he could never protect you from the harm he himself did to you. The harm being giving you pieces of what could be his love, but it wasn't. That was the worst crime he could ever commit against you. At least that's what the pungent pain deep inside the arteries of your heart told you. Every night. Every time you remembered he didn't love you, but he loved Neytiri. Everytime you got reminded of the fact that you were alive and she was dead but you still were not his favorite.
Goddammit. How did you end up competing with a dead na'vi woman over a na'vi man's love? You sure were losing your mind.
But falling in love with Jake Sully proved to you that you were not the nerdy science girl who used to always put reason first and feelings last, that you always thought you were. Not when it came to love, at least. Or not when it came to this relationship.
If any of you wanna be in the taglist for this fanfic, just leave a comment 🤍 ily n hope you're having a nice day/night 💓⚘
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apollo-justice-irl · 8 months
we should consider the bad kids end up growing apart after graduation without a breakup. it's not intentional, there isn't any hostility between them, they just ended up doing different things. they do their best to keep up with each other, but it eventually it stops being daily check ins. it becomes once a week, then once every other, then once a month, until eventually they find out what's going on through the occasional instagram post. they love each other, they support each other, they just don't talk like they used to.
fig splits her time between leviathan and solace, not caring about her band's popularity anymore, and just focuses on what makes her happy. sometimes she writes a song about ayda but mostly they just live in the moment together.
adaine is in fallinel trying to rebrand the elven oracle as being everyone's oracle. she reconnects with her roots, and meets the family she has in fallinel still. they also think her parents sucked, but theyre glad to meet adaine.
kristen spends time finding herself. she spreads the word of cassandra, having reconnected with her and working through their differences. cassandra becomes a goddess for people questioning their sexuality, gender, religion, anything. theres also a small group of rogues and PI's who started following cassandra for the mystery part of "goddess of mystery and doubt", and because gods reflect their worshippers cassandra becomes a cool rogue type.
fabian opens a dance studio. he uses his trust fund money to make it so his students don't actually have to pay, but if they feel inclined they can donate to help the school. he helps his students when he notices signs of neglect or abuse. he knows how much it sucks to be neglected. he goes to therapy and eventually stops getting into toxic relationships. he gets along with gilear.
gorgug becomes a mechanic. he has a lot of fun working on the hangvan and it's nice working with tools. he tinkers for fun and makes stuff to sell on whatever their version of etsy is. he visits his biological parents, and they start to feel like family, too. he stays in elmville but does eventually move into an apartment where he doesn't break his bed every morning. he still visits his parents all the time.
riz hones his skills with magic. he takes a level or two in bard, and eventually becomes a spy like his dad. his mom is so proud of him, and it's nice to feel connected to his dad. he still uses the tools and gadgets he got while at aguefort, but he has a lot more now. he reconnects with penny and they start trading tips/tricks/stories from their jobs. he comes out as aroace, and it's the most free he's felt in a long time. he can finally mean it when he says it's good pressure.
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abbysimsfun · 23 days
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 29 (Pregnant Again?!)
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When Spencer and Everett's dog, JJ, fell ill, they trusted no one more than Heather to care for him. So Spencer made the long trek from Oasis Springs to Brindleton Bay while Everett stayed home to take care of their son, Greyson.
Once Heather had worked her skills and cured JJ's sickness, she invited Spencer to her place to get caught up. "I'm heading back to Selvadorada soon," said Spencer. "I can't wait to start this dig!"
"I'm a little jealous! I miss the jungle, but even a sick pet is easier to deal with than a swarm of plasma bats!"
"I'm all stocked up on repellent! Now that Greyson's a little older and eating solid foods I can think about spending time away from him. It's a little scary, but I've needed a work trip like this for so long."
"I know what you mean. Ash still needs me for everything, but the daycare is a great help."
"Malcolm hasn't stepped up at all, huh?"
Heather curled her lip in disgust. "Who? I haven't heard from any Malcolm since I was six months pregnant."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm not. If this is what Malcolm wants, it's better for Ash not to know him. He's such a sweet baby, and every time he smiles at me I feel like a superhero."
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Ash was cooing away in a sunny mood when they picked him up from daycare. Spencer smiled at the infant with brown hair and green eyes. "Despite everything, you and Malcolm made a very cute kid."
"Baaaa!" The women laughed as Ash attempted to make conversation.
Heather let her son watch the world from his playmat while she and Spencer chatted about Greyson's milestones. "He's really clingy, but he clings more to Everett than me. I think he sees me as the parent who makes him eat his veggies and practice the alphabet, and Everett is 'fun guitar dad' who does all the voices when he reads him bedtime stories."
"Greyson should have both. You and Everett are a great team."
"And we've worked hard to be! It's not easy, but we started counseling recently, and we came to a decision about growing our family. We want to hire a surrogate."
Heather was surprised. "You were so sure you just wanted one kid."
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"Even if I could be, I don't want to be pregnant again. And I'm not a baby person, but I'd run through a brick wall for Greyson. I enjoy being a mother, even if I'm the sort of mom most Mommy and Me groups would shun, but we both want Greyson to have a sibling."
"Why surrogacy? If you can't have children, would the baby even be yours?"
"The baby will biologically be Everett's and I'll choose the mother. That's our deal."
"How do you decide something like that?"
"I did have one idea. Everett supported it, but...I thought of you."
"You loved being pregnant. I know you and Everett had feelings. In counseling he told me you kissed again when you found out you were pregnant. We discussed it for a while. I wouldn't find it strange to raise a kid who was biologically yours, if you'd even agree to such a thing."
"I'd do anything to support you two. I'd be honoured to help you grow your family, but are you sure it wouldn't be easier to raise a child with a stranger's DNA? What if the kid turns out to be a romantic mess like me?"
"And what if they turn out to be a badass business owner who saves lives and can switch out suppliers without getting sued by the Landgraabs?"
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With Spencer's affirmation, Heather agreed to be their surrogate. "But I really advise against letting any of your kids get tangled up with the Landgraabs."
When Ash was just a year old, the Pancakes returned to Brindleton Bay for Heather's successful insemination. Heather really did enjoy being pregnant, but the Pancakes visited throughout her pregnancy, helping with Ash and taking her to her appointments.
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But even as she bonded with the growing baby inside her, she knew in her heart his mother was Spencer. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
NOTE: I know, I know, this is such a stretch and if I were Spencer I'd pick literally ANYBODY ELSE, but originally I had planned for Everett to offer to be her sperm donor when she had a science baby (per the Gen 2 rules), until they acted up when Heather found out she was pregnant with Ash.
They've all been friends since they were five years old (Everett and Heather since they were about 2), so they definitely have a lifelong bond, but I was mad enough at Heather and Everett for almost woohooing autonomously that I made them decide to be just friends and changed course. But I am a sick simmer who loves to play with genetics and I really wanted to see what would happen with Everett and Heather. Will Bob's genes win, or Neal's? (Bob genes are super strong but playing this legacy for 2 generations has shown me Neal's genes are pretty strong, too!)
I wanted to include a science baby storyline in this generation but with a twist on the suggested plot for the official rules because Heather being a messy romantic versus anti-romantic and single for life felt more her after all the pining for Everett since high school. I considered having Spencer and Everett adopt, which feels like the actual right choice, but but but playing with genetics!!
I also really wanted to try out the surrogacy feature on Lumpinou's RPO mod even though I'm playing as the surrogate, not the mother, which isn't recommended. BUT it went fine except I have six-day pregnancies on long lifespan set through MCCC - a year is about 8 sim days - and the mod is only 3. On top of that, as soon as I clicked it, Heather was pregnant, first trimester. It was instant, so it all went as quickly as this whiplash post suggests!
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•| A not so stolen youth |•
Stranger things / Chapter 1
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Summary: Everything in life seemed limited to walls of whites and rainbows. Caged within the confines of the lab. But an accident that involved a group of teenagers and the upside down world finally let him free. In a funny turn of events he found himself hiding in a step sibling's shed. A redhead that loves video games and a blond that spends his time making sure to keep his good looks.
Character: Male child OC
Warnings: Possible to descriptive scenes, child abuse, use of drugs and bad language.
A/N: I ask you to take into account that I lack experience writing in English and there'll be some grammatical mistakes because my native language is Spanish.
Prev part - Masterlist - Next part
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“What does it say here?” Sounded the voice of the teenage redhead in the shed. She pointed to one of the dialog bubbles in the comic.
Thirteen tilted his head in a vain attempt to read better. The comic was in his own hands and moving it wasn’t as helpful as he thought. “Mmm… final… v… victory?” He stutter. He felt he chest warm when he saw the look of pride in Max face while she nodded.
“Yeah. You’re getting better.” She said excitedly. A big smile was formed in the kids face.
It’s been two weeks since they met. And everything’s going good so far.
The day after Max let him stay, with the condition of being careful no to be seen, she went to check on him only to have heart attack when she didn’t find him.
The blankets she gave him were folded and there was no trace of him.
She spent the whole morning of school wondering where he could have gone. It’s not like she paid attention to the classes before.
And after an uncomfortable ride home with her stepbrother she went straight to the shed getting an insult of how weird she was behaving from the blond and disappointment from finding nothing.
She stayed on her room thinking the few things she knew about him while her brother worked out in the living room. She thought about the limited vocabulary of the kid and that she had to read the comics she showed him because he couldn’t.
There were no visible signs of physical abuse but she got a glimpse of a tattoo in his left wrist when he rubbed his eyes after yawning.
The kid is only ten, what kind of tattoo would a kid his age want?
He is dirty and his clothe doesn’t fit him, obviously not his. But still, none of it gives her a hint from where he comes from or how to find him.
She didn’t even know why she wanted to finde him so bad. Or more like, she pretended not to know.
She’s always thought of herself as independent, which was accurate for the most part, but didn’t mean she liked being alone.
Before moving to Hawkins, in California, she made her life outside of the awkward environment of her house. She spent most of her time with her two best friends and going to her biological fathers house. Even when her mother met Neil and his son, she did it.
But now, she is stuck in a place she doesn’t know with her awkwardly nervous mother, an asshole who controls the house and everyone in it and calls himself her father just to have an excuse to “educate” her and a stepbrother that gives cero shit about her.
The kid was like her hope for something better. His innocent soul hasn’t been taught how to be an though (asshole) to confront the live out there. He was a little piece of the remaining good things of the world.
Fortunately, before she could exit and give her stepbrother an excuse to leave the house she was startled out of her thoughts by a knock on her window.
There he was peeking over the edge of the window and lifting a hand with three bags of chips to share with her.
Since then it became a routine that they manage to hold for a week. While Max goes to school and avoids as much interaction with her current family as she could, thirteen sneaks out to explore more. He already knows most of the place like the back of his hands but he still finds interesting the things that people do, even tho he is to scared to get close.
Those are the moments too bitersweet to him. He loves watching others have fun and imagine himself enjoying with them, having a life where he didn’t have to keep hiding, but before he can get a step closer to the kids in the park the fear of returning to the lab and being punished for leaving in the first place stops him.
That’s why he always goes back to the shed. To a place where he knows he is not alone anymore. At least the fear of being found didn’t bother him for the first week, but at the beginning of the second something that neither he or Max could have thought happened.
It was a normal day for them until the girl came back from school and went to her room like usual. But her heart fell once she saw Billy walking out of the house with a grey tank top and a pair of shorts he only uses when he knows his going to get dirty. Which means he is going thinker with his car, which means, he needs his tolls that are in the shed.
She took a shortcut jumping through her window. She run to catch her stepbrother and walked as normal as posible beside him.
“What are you doing?” She asked, trying to act normal.
He threw her a a momentary look, easily realizing her act. “To mind my business.” He answers bluntly.
She put herself in front of him walking backwards, only making the situation even weirder to Billy. “Don’t you have a date? With the… that blonde girl. What was her name?” She tried to remember almost stumbling with a rock.
Billy rolled his eyes in exasperation. “I don’t know and I don’t care. That was yesterday. Now move.” He pushed her effortlessly to the side once they reached the shed.
Max almost face planted in the floor but that wasn’t her priority. She turned to Billy only to witness him stop in his place with the door open.
“What the fuck?” He mumbled.
Max rammed her body against the door and closed it staying between it and her stepbrother. “It’s not what it looks like.” She defended.
Billy rose a brown in incredulity. “Really? Because it looks like you’re keeping a stray in Neil’s shed.”
“He’s not a dog, he’s a kid.” She defended, actually offended. “A really scared kid.”
“And I don’t give a shit. You’ve been keeping him there in a shed that doesn’t belong to you.” Max knew that what he said was true, but she couldn’t let him to his own with the possibility of returning to an abusive home. “What could a kid of his age be scared of? A monster under his bed?” He shook his head. It was ridiculous. “He needs to go.” He said with finality.
Max pressed her back even harder against the door and shook her head.
Billy got closer to her, using his height to tower over her in an intimidating way. “Get him out before Neil finds out or I’ll do it.” He threatened in a gruff voice.
Max genuinely felt scared. She knew what he was capable of, but she bets that the kid is even more scared than she is right now. And she was right, the boy was shaking inside the shed, hugging to his chest one of the comics Max left for him. His favorite comics. One of x-men’s.
“No.” She said with all the confidence she could in front of her intimidating brother.
The blond grabbed her arm in a painfully strong grip and dragged her a few steps away from the shed before throwing her, ignoring her yelp when she fell on her side. “Then I’m gonna get rid of the scaredy cat myself.” He conclude walking with heavy steps towards the shed.
Max panicked. She let out something that she knew could affect him. “He’s scared of his father, okay?” She screamed.
She felt a small relief when Billy stopped in his actions with his hand in the door’s handle.
His hesitation brought some confidence to the girl. “He hurts him.” She explained in hopes of changing his mindset. “I’m not asking you to take care of him. Just don’t tell anyone. You won’t even notice he is here.” She pleaded a little calmer now but still seating in the floor. “You won’t even notice he is here.” She repeated in a soft voice.
Billy bit the inside of his cheek in thought. He doesn't know how long the kid’s been there but if it weren't for the fact that he personally went to the shed he wouldn't know of his existence.
Almost reluctantly, Billy opened the shed again. He stayed in his place but he took his time to actually take a look at the kid. Scared and dirty, the boy stayed in the very back of the wooden place, shaking. Those blue innocent eyes were looking at him, waiting for the worst.
For a second, a small flash, he saw himself in the boy. When he was recently abandoned by his mother and left with his abusive father. He moved slowly to one of the shelves close to the door to grab the box of tools, keeping an eye on the kid.
Once he was out he looked at the surprised redhead in the floor as he closed the door behind him.
He stepped in front of his sister with his always present frown in his face. “If Neil finds out I let you hide a kid in the shed I’m gonna drag you under the bus with me. Do you understand?” He concluded.
Max was stunned for a few seconds but nodded slowly.
Billy scoffed, proceeding with his plans on tinkering in his car but made a las comment. “And wash that filthy kid. His gonna become a charcoal by the weekend.”
Max blinked a few times. She sat there for a moment, processing what just happened until she heard the door creaked open and a pair of eyes accompanied by a dirty fur (at least that’s what it looks like) peeked out of the place. She gave him a toothed smile that soon became a laugh that turned into a cackle that had her almost rolling on the floor.
The boy came out of the shed smiling, visibly confused but smiling. If Max was happy that means good news.
And it did.
Now that she didn’t have to actually hide the boy it became easier to change places between her room and the shed, they go through her bedroom’s window though.
She did what Billy said. She gave him a bath. She took his clothes and left him in his underwear covering it with a towel and sat him in the bathtub. She was horrified when the water changed color almost instantly and she had to change it for more clean water.
She knew he got dirty through the week but not that much.
She was surprised once again when she gave him the bottle of her brother’s shampoo and he only looked at it in wonder.
The kid didn’t know how to use a shampoo, much less the conditioner. He now has hair long enough to go a little below his ears when wet but that’s new to him, he’s always had a buzz cut since he was a kid. He never needed anything more than soap for his whole body, like the rest of the kids in the lab.
Knowing the kid was never taught how to use a shampoo put another knot in Max’s heart. Through how much has the kid gone?
She end up teaching him how to use the shampoo and conditioner. He needed a little help to get some knots out of his hair but it was easy.
Surprise surprise. Under those old rags and all the dirt was a beautiful kid with light brown hair. It was formerly a way darker color.
Even Billy who was just on his way to his room did a doble take to the boy standing patiently in the hall. He scoffed and continued on his way. Who could have thought?
Meanwhile Max was practically buried in the main closet of the house, it was more like a storage room with all the unpacked boxes, looking for clothe that would fit him. More specifically, clothes her stepbrother used, but there was nothing. She already looked for in the unpacked boxes around the house and the closet was her last option.
She debated if she should ask Billy personally. It wasn’t the best of her ideas but it was the only one. The probability of Billy slamming the door in her face where high.
She sigh. It was her only option for now.
Reluctantly, she made her way to her stepbrothers bedroom where he was gathering clean clothes to take to the bathroom. His towel was already in his shoulder.
She knocked on the doorframe a little shy.
“What?” He grumbled without looking at her.
“Can you lend me some of your old clothes. The kid doesn’t have any.” She said in a small voice.
He huffed as he grabbed a blue tank top from his closet. “Why is that my problem? He should have thought about it before running away.” He said in a low voice with a hint of annoyance.
“Come on Billy. You can’t let him freeze to death in the autumn weather. Winter is already close.” She answered with a little bit of annoyance in her own voice.
Billy slammed the door of his closet shut and turned to Max. He already had what he needed. He pointed at her with his free hand. “You said he isn’t my problem and I wouldn’t even notice him. This doesn’t seem like it.” He had a point. “Give him some of your old clothes.” He recommended walking to the door. “You dress like a boy anyway.” He insult on his way out, bumping with Max’s shoulder on purpose.
Thirteen, still in the hallway, looked at Billy in curiosity when he walked by him, even when the teenage was obviously ignoring his presence.
Max huffed at him. Well she didn’t have that much expectations in him anyway.
She guided Thirteen back to her room and sat him down on her bed.
She looked for her own old clothes through the many unpacked boxes in her room, grumbling every time something fell out of the boxes for the lack of space needed.
It took a long time but finally, she found her clothes. she organized it into tree divisions. The too small for the 10 year old kid, the clothes that fits and the clothes that will fit. All of that, after selecting the ones that looked boyish.
By the end of it thirteen already had his hair sticking out in every direction, full of static. He put on and took off everything to measure.
While they were both doing their own things, Billy was back in his room. He discarded the dirty clothes in the laundry basket and dried his hair with harsh movements of the towel. Once satisfied he threw the towel to wherever the hell it flew, he just wanted to fall on his bed and blast some music, but he was stopped when he heard a commotion at the feet of his bed.
He huffed. The towel fell on top a stack of books placed on an unpacked box and caused everything to fall.
He grabbed the towel with annoyance only to freeze when he saw the box slightly opened. The item wasn’t hidden but wasn’t visible either from the door, that’s why Max didn’t see it when she came to ask. The light left a cloth visible inside the box. The box was filled with the clothes Max was looking for and some other things of his childhood.
Memories of the few good times. When his mother was still with him and he was happy.
He hasn’t been able to get rid of the things. To sentimental. But he doesn’t want to be reminded of the past and keeps everything hidden. Just like his feelings.
Agitated, Billy grabbed the box of things, slammed his closet’s door open, threw the box inside and slammed it back shut. He walked to his nightstand and grabbed the box of cigarettes. He lighted one up with hands trembling in bottled fury and disgust towards himself and the world.
The relief of breathing nicotine and filling his lungs with the smoke was almost instant. He held his breath for a few seconds, calming himself first then letting it out just like the bad feelings.
The past is in the past, he cannot be weak anymore. He doesn’t have that chance.
To drown every remaining of that bad taste in his mouth he blasted his noisy music so loud that he couldn’t hear his own thoughts anymore.
Thirteen, still in Max’s room frowned when the music reached his ears. Billy’s door was close and so was Max’s, yet, he could still hear the music very clear. He didn’t like how it sounds.
A little thing he hasn’t told Max yet is one of his rare capabilities. Everyone in the lab new it was a possibility to gain enhanced senses once some of the kids started showing signs of it. More specifically, hearing and smell.
Whatever they did to expand the limits of their minds also better enabled the senses limited by mental capacity.
9 of the 15 kids they had developed the enhanced senses along with telepathy and psychokinetic powers. Thirteen was one of them. He only got the hearing though.
But he never got to interact enough with them because he was separated from the rest of the kids when his father found out he was a late bloomer. He was left in isolation for many hours with the excuse that it was to help him concentrate. He was raised in the east side of the lab while the rest were held in the west.
But still, he ended up better than his father ever anticipated and now he has some resemblance of freedom.
Uncomfortable with the music rumbling in his head he rubbed his ears for a moment. The security alarms in the lab were still worse so it wasn’t that much of a problem.
“Here” cheered Max grabbing jeans, a pair of socks, a navy-blue t-shirt with long sleeves and a red hoodie that has less color than when it was new for the many times it’s been washed.
Happy to cover his chilling skinny body he quickly put on the clothes. Max helped him when he managed to get his head stuck in one of the long sleeves.
At last, when he was done, he had a big innocent smile in his face that was reflected in Max’s own. The clothes fitted perfectly.
“Looking good, uh?” she said rising and lowering her eyebrows consecutively. The smile in the boy’s face widened with joy. “Now you can blend in with the others if you need.” Thirteen nodded in agreement. “Wanna read a comic now?” She asked, getting another nod as an answer.
“Magneto?” asked the boy in hope.
Max laughed a little, already grabbing an x-men comic. She knows that the boy’s favorite character is Magneto. She doesn’t know why but she likes how he thinks outside of the box. Most of the kids like a hero, but Thirteen likes a villain, just like she likes monsters. In some way, they are similar.
That’s how the first two weeks of knowing the stepsiblings went. Enjoying a little bit of liberty and not lonely anymore.
But Halloween is close, and so are other things in the dark he thought he would never see again.
Fortunately, this time he won’t be alone.
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What do you think?
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you should be scared of me
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masterlist part 1
Finally wrote a part 2!! This became a little bonkers. I've always thought that after 1000 years, the Originals should've been a little crazier and more ruthless. I get the MF gang had plot armour because Klaus and co were originally (ha) the season villains, but after being vampires for so long, you'd think their patience for enemies would be even less (at least, that's what I would do if I was an Original).
Warnings include: canon divergence, people dying who didn't in canon, MF gang and Klaus slander. Some Klaus feelings worked their way into this and I chose to roll with it.
You don't leave it there. Now that Klaus has completed his transformation, you 'keep the lines of communication open' as recommended by a book about nurturing and strengthening relationships that you read once.
The 90s were a weird time for you and you don't want to talk about it.
This means that you spam him with texts, calls and selfies from a number that him and his followers are unable to trace.
Partying in Cali just isn't the same without family.
It's me, Y/N. Hope you're having a nice day and when are you going to undagger our siblings?
Klaus groans every time he sees an unknown number pop up on his phone. He'd forgotten just how much of a little shit you could be and the years apart had only made you more annoying.
It doesn't help that you've rigged your number so that he can't call or text you to get the last word. He's secretly missed this kind of sibling interaction but he'll never admit it.
This combined with his hybrid problem makes him even more short tempered than normal.
You make contact with the Mystic Falls gang after Stefan steals the coffins.
You've always been careful to cultivate good relationships with witches and you've helped out enough covens and families over the centuries for them to keep an ear out for you.
Being dead doesn't stop some of them; in this case, you're contacted by a Richmond witch (descended from a very helpful ancestor you met 100 years ago), who tells you that there's Original shenanigans afoot.
You quickly reach out to the Salvatores and Elena.
The MF gang don't know what to make of you.
You're polite, but not as honourable as Elijah. Your remarks are even more cutting than Rebekah's and you have a temper, but you don't fly off the handle like Klaus. You don't even sound like you like your family, considering that you attempt to only get Kol back before Stefan refuses.
"In big families, there's always one sibling you prefer and Kol was always my favourite."
You decide to team up with them for the moment, if it's at Klaus' expense. You even suggest awakening Elijah, because of his influence on your brother.
You don't attend the dinner. Not officially. Instead you're the one to remove the daggers.
You don't trust either of your older brothers when there's an empty coffin with your name on it.
Your first words to your twin after nearly a century apart are "welcome back to the land of the living, idiot" followed by 2 blood bags being thrown at him.
When your siblings start attacking Klaus, you're right beside them filming the whole thing.
"Are you actually recording this?" "Consider it payback, Nik."
When your mother appears, you can barely look at her.
Why is she still alive with her magic to boot?
You don't trust her talk of reconciliation and, judging from the look on his face, neither does Kol.
You're proven right but you don't have the heart to gloat. Not this time.
While Damon bites Abby Bennett, you turn Bonnie.
Part of you doesn't like doing this to another witch. You still feel incomplete without your magic, even after 1000 years.
But the Bennetts went against your family and allied themselves with one of your biological creators.
And that is something you cannot, will not forgive.
You spend most of s3 with Kol helping him get used to modern society.
Both of you get up to mischief, especially now that Kol's no longer restricted to a spirit form.
You'd forgotten how much fun partying with Kol was when he wasn't stuck as a spirit.
Both of you return to Mystic Falls when Klaus tells you about a possible cure for vampirism and some folklore about a boogeyman called Silas.
You've never seen Kol look so terrified in his life. And he's not alone.
You'd helped him wipe out that coven that worshipped Silas centuries ago. You thought all mentions of the man were destroyed. Obviously not.
Despite you beheading Shane (and getting blood on your favourite jacket), it still doesn't stop the MF gang from going after the cure.
Everyone disregards your warnings and you're both getting sick of it.
The final straw comes when you narrowly save Kol from getting killed by the Gilberts.
You're furious, more than you've ever been in your life. You haven't spoken a word since the witch arrived and began to heal Kol. The look of fear on your twin's face, when you'd snatched him away from his would be killers, was utterly foreign and you never wished to see it again.
You hear footsteps come up to you and you notice Klaus out of the corner of your eye.
"They tried to kill Kol tonight," your voice is tight. "Our brother, my twin nearly died and you still think we're being dramatic about Silas?"
Your body is completely still apart from your hands, which are so tightly clenched that he can smell the blood dripping from the fingernail marks on your palms. Your gaze never leaves Kol, as his pained groans start to die down.
You finally turn to face him. You continue to speak in such a quiet voice that Klaus feels a shiver go down his spine.
"I dont know why you've given that group so many chances. You've made exceptions for them that you would never do for your blood. They killed Finn and you never retaliated. But I kept silent because I thought there was a plan to lure them in. But you have allowed them to become too bold and made us look weak. We are the bloody Originals. We are the monsters people warn their children about."
He will never admit this.
"This is what's going to happen. Apart from Elena Gilbert, I'm going to kill everyone involved in this Silas mess. I'm going to find the cure and shove it down that useless doppelganger's throat so you can continue making those hybrids you're so fond of. And then I'm going to burn this cursed town to the ground and you're not going to get in my way."
Klaus looks at you for a long time. You and Kol had always been inseparable as humans and that didn't change when you were turned.
He'd witnessed countless fights between you both during the centuries and just as many reconciliations. He'd seen you communicate without words, using a smile and a head tilt to say so much.
Part of him had always been jealous of your bond and how steadfast it was. It was an exclusive club that he felt shut out of. He's not alone in thinking this, Rebekah had complained in the past about how she felt like an outsider with you and Kol.
He is trying to let you go, trying not to hold on so tightly that you hate him. But his past actions have left scars on both you and Kol. Neither of you are quick to forgive him.
Maybe this concession could be a start.
What's the total annihilation of one town, he muses, in the face of forgiveness? What's the love of family compared to the slaughter of sheep?
"You have my blessing," he finally says. "I'll keep Rebekah and Elijah out of the way."
The destruction of Mystic Falls becomes the subject of news channels and government departments for months. An entire town suddenly turning up dead is a mystery people have a hard time trying to solve.
But the supernatural community knows. Whispers spread about the Mikaelsons, about Y/ Mikaelson's revenge. And if they hold their loved ones tighter and look over their shoulder more frequently?
It isn't something that any of them will confess to.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
I've seen you talk about found family dynamics a few times and how its often abused in fandom and I know Bells Hells in no way fits this trope but I was wondering about your thoughts on Vox Machina and Mighty Nein within the dynamic or if it doesn't fit those groups either.
Hey anon,
So here's the thing: I actually think the bigger issue is that most people make a lot of incorrect assumptions that a found family is automatically functional and healthy and loving and ignore that simply because it is a family born of choice rather than birth. D&D parties are often found families, but they are also often a bunch of deeply traumatized weirdos who met by chance in a tavern, which is not precisely a recipe for the most well-adjusted dynamic. People can make terrible choices of family just as easily as they can be born into a dysfunctional or abusive family.
A lot of people also equate found family with "they need to stay together forever in the equivalent of the avengers' mansion" which is similarly not true. What is a family? It is an (often) lifelong bond; but the people within the family still also have their own lives outside of it, and might live apart while still loving each other very much. They also often forget or try to disparage the idea that characters can belong to a found family while still also having families by marriage or blood outside of it and might need to make compromises to balance the two, even though this is again a very true thing of families in the real world.
The cast of Critical Role generally gets this; the fans don't always. Quoting from episode 1x85 for the second time in like 12 hours but as Keyleth said, "I think Percy's right. We're worse than friends, we're family. And family leaves." I can't entirely define a found family - it is ultimately a vibe, and it is ultimately subjective - but I actually think Vox Machina and the Mighty Nein are both found families.
What's always been very revealing to me is that no one ever really disputes Vox Machina is a family, even though from the end of Campaign 1 until the TCSR was published over four years later, in early 2022, it was assumed that they were all living separately or in couples - Percy and Vex in Whitestone; Keyleth in Zephrah; Scanlan and Pike in Westruun; Tary in Wildemount; and Grog traveling the world but often finding himself in either Vasselheim or Westruun. Indeed, even with the TCSR and the fact that everyone has residences in Whitestone, Keyleth does usually live in Zephrah (though she can easily travel); Vex must spend time away from both the others of Vox Machina and her actual family by marriage and blood given her duties in Emon; and Scanlan splits his time between Whitestone and Ank'Harel. Perhaps it's that there were already familial bonds between the twins and between Pike and Grog, and that only Tary dated outside the party and the people who make this claim often forget him anyway.
People do frequently argue the Mighty Nein are not a family for parting ways at the end, despite this being no different than Vox Machina, and also actually being far more able to reunite quickly than Vox Machina can. I think it's in part because several party members (Veth, Jester, Caduceus) all did still very much value their biological families and a lot of found family people really do not like that, but also...look. Most Campaign 2 hate is a front for either being mad that Molly wasn't resurrected or being mad about one or more of the ships. I've never seen anyone whose only complaint was "I felt like it was a found family but then they parted ways"; it's always thrown in on top of being far more angry about several other things.
For what it's worth: I don't think Bells Hells are quite as bonded, but I do think they're on their way, especially if travel and communication remains messy and they're forced to spend more time on watch and sharing rooms (again: I think Matt's vision for this campaign is, in retrospect, actually pretty great, but it should have probably been communicated a bit better to the cast and more investment have been put in the character development to compensate for the challenges of this unique structure). My issue specific to the fandom response to Bells Hells as a found family isn't that I think they're not going to be a found family; it's that people who insisted they actually had the best and most honest found family dynamic and everyone who disagreed were just being haters suddenly turned on the proverbial dime when a character not in their good graces was the one who actually voiced it.
In summary: I think people in fandom, generally, place a disproportionate weight on found family as like...an end all and be all and forget that much like a family of blood/marriage/adoption, a found family can also take on many different configurations and have various levels of functionality and honestly and healthy behaviors; and in doing so forget to actually say "is this dynamic of closely bonded people fun to watch and interesting? then who cares what the fuck we call it." But I do think it's hard for a D&D party in a longform campaign of very close friends not to take on some familial traits.
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