#kat tut
wizardofanarchy · 9 months
This probably has a target audience of only like 3 other people, but I’ve been playing Peggle since I was like 4, and I realized recently that ever since, I’ve unconsciously headcanoned all but one of the Peggle masters as not-straight. I wasn’t even aware of it, I never actually thought to myself “that character is gay”, that’s just how they were in my head, and I never had to think it specifically, it was practically subconscious.
Sorry if this doesn’t matter to anyone but I needed to talk about it and my friends don’t know the game and my brother doesn’t care
Anyway here’s what I headcanon each of them as now that I’ve been able to think about it for real. Pt 1:
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Bjorn Unicorn: Gay
Jimmy Lightning: AroAce
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Kay Tut: Pansexual
Spork Sporkan: I’m not sure but just not straight. (it kind of works cause he’s an alien so maybe his species has different understanding of gender and sexuality)
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Claude Lobster: Bisexual
Renfield Pumpkin: Gay/Ace
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Warren Rabbit: Bisexual
Tula Flower: Bisexual
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Lord Cinderbottom: Gay
Master Hu: Asexual
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Apparently literally NOBODY on the internet has any kind of documentation on the extra features in Peggle Dual Shot; not even SPRITER'S RESOURCE, of all places!
Therefore, I took it upon myself to download a ROM (it was NOT hard to find) and screengrab all 10 of the Bonus Underground areas.
It's actually pretty interesting how seamless they look on emulator (barring the literal seam in Hu's hourglass); usually DS games put in some kind of invisible gap in two-part images to accommodate the gap between screens in the actual hardware, which looks awkward on an emulator.
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dreamatia-stories · 9 months
Design Notes: The Original Ten Peggle Masters
If you follow my main, you might know that Peggle Dual Shot for the DS has a mechanic known as the Bonus Underground. Each playable Master that made it in (Marina got axed, presumably due to hardware limitations) has a unique background and layout, and most notably for this project, different colored Gems to collect.
Why is this notable? Because I made sure that all ten of them got that color somewhere on their design for OoD. If playing Magic Pengel has taught me anything, it's that colors bring meaning to life, and also that I'm drawn to bright things like a toddler.
And I figured that while I'm explaining that, I might as well explain the rest of the choices I made. Note that I'll be using avatars from Recolor as "concept art", so some details may be off.
This'll be a long post, so bear with me here.
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Bjorn's Gems are Orange, as reflected in his hat, jacket, and shorts. His glasses being orange are a complete coincidence, though; that element was actually taken from his appearance in Blast!
(Funnily enough, earlier drafts from before Blast's release had Bjorn getting his eyesight damaged in a fight with Fnord; in the current lore, he's always had nearsightedness that he actively hid with his magic for...Fnord's-eyepatch-related reasons)
His outfit is a little out-there, but it's definitely grown on me. I wanted to go for more RPG Hero than Superhero, specifically an agile spear-wielder. Horses are pretty fragile animals, and a having a jabbing weapon rather than a traditional heroic sword serves as a nod to his horn.
The biggest change I made from the concept when drawing is probably his hat, which loses its brim and gets a horseshoe instead of a star. My goal with all the Institute Masters is to hide a horseshoe somewhere in their design to tie them all together; it's gonna be harder for some Masters than for others.
(The Academy has its own insignia: a flipped horseshoe resembling an omega, as seen on Fnord's eyepatch in canon.)
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Jimmy's Gems are Blue, as seen on his jeans and elbow pads. Not many places I can hide a theme color on an already-clothed Master, but thankfully our favorite gopher (who I thought was a guinea pig for years cause science) is consistently pantsless.
While there was no getting rid of his iconic hat, I did give him some protection from impacts in his elbow pads. I gave him jeans to look more like a Rad Cool Kid(tm), but apparently it's recommended skaters wear them due to being wear-and-tear resistant.
While I'm pretty sure it's just weird artifacting from cranking up the saturation slider in Recolor, it kind of looks like he's got green patches or leggings, the latter of which I would definitely wear if I was forced to wear jeans for whatever reason.
If I had to add a horseshoe, it'd probably be some kind of charm on his hat.
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Kat Tut's Gems are Cyan, which can be seen, uh...everywhere.
I'm not gonna lie I had ZERO ideas on what to do for KT. I knew Recolor had an "Egyptian Headdress" item (which I'm not sure were actually a thing in Ancient Egypt) and went from there. I do like the silhouette of the headpiece, though.
I wanted something light and show-offy, since Kat Tut is an acrobat and a performer, and well...something definitely happened.
This is probably the most likely to be subject to change, even if I do like the flowy shapes.
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Splork's Gems are Yellow, as seen in his overshirt and shoes.
I originally wasn't the biggest fan of Splork, but I think designing this look made me warm up to him a little. It's fairly basic by gijinka standards, just with an added bowling shirt and shoes in his theme color.
Splork only has one eye, so I deliberately gave him the Other Eye Syndrome bangs as a nod. The particular hair part I use for said bangs have an annoying layering shortcut that puts a pile of disembodied hair at your avatars' feet, so I have to make a bald version of every Splork I make and photoshop the two together.
If I ever draw him, I very much intend to give this guy his bulk back. We have enough twinks in this project already.
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Claude's Gems are Magenta, which I misremembered as a more coral-y shade of pink. At least it stands out more from Warren's purple?
My main inspiration for Claude was essentially just "guy who tries to pick up chicks at the beach". Unfortunately, in my folly it completely slipped my mind that the guy who gives you Flippers might have a reason to be wearing, well...flippers.
At least I gave him some Big Meaty Claws.
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Renfield's Gems are an eerie Lime Green.
My idea for Renfield was to somehow combine a suit with a wizard's robe, and I think the execution went REALLY well.
The suit portion was actually lifted from Eyegor; while it hasn't been stated, Renfield is available as a hat/head item for Xbox Live Avatars if you own Peggle, heavily implying Eyegor is a headless body that Renfield normally perches upon.
Despite having left the Institute prior to the New Frontier's formation, Renfield is one of the few characters that actually DOES have a confirmed horseshoe placement: a subtle shape made with the detailing on the back of his jacket.
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Tula's Gems are more of a minty Green, which I misremembered as being more vibrant like her stem.
Tula's design was...supposed to be derived from her Blast Design, but when I went back to look it turned out it was COMPLETELY different.
For starters, her hat. I initially gave her a sunhat, but I recently started wondering if it was actually meant to be a bucket hat. Looking at the art, I legitimately cannot tell what kind of hat that is supposed to be. And apparently it's supposed to have a gaudy fake flower charm on it??? Not only that, but it completely clashes with her color scheme??? That is NOT the same yellow as her petals, and that orange is nowhere else in her outfit!!!
Also, her raincoat??? Apparently it's not actually cerulean, but a bright aqua that makes the green of her stem look muddy and the rest of her design look plastic and fake, which is especially egregious since she's an environmentalist!!!
And good GOD, I think Blast!Tula's face is somehow giving me DOUBLE Uncanny Valley vibes. Like, Classic Tula and her flower friends are kinda disturbing since they have detailed human faces on flower bodies, but Blast Tula STILL looks disturbing because of how Not-Tula she looks.
...Anyways, this is "Design Notes", not "Getting Really Mad At Fashion". Let's move on.
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Warren's Gems are Purple, which is convenient since his regular outfit is already almost completely purple.
In this concept, I made his suit fit better since he's larger than he is in-game as a humanoid, but I think I wanna walk that back. He's a gambling addict on a teacher's salary, this man CANNOT afford a tailored suit. If the art department had ever seen a rabbit before in their lives then he would've already been peak design.
Also, just for fun, Warren's form is short as hell. Possibly the shortest New Frontier member besides Gnorman and Luna. I'm thinking 5'1" (~155cm), possibly even shorter.
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Cinderbottom's Gems are Red.
Not gonna lie, I think I might be less happy with Cindy's concept than Kat Tut's solely because of how I put in the red. I REALLY should've gone for something less bright. Probably need to do something about that hair, too; maybe some kind of gradient.
Among the Institute, Cinderbottom is the most at-odds with Bjorn, even (not-so) accidentally making him violently ill with his smoke in one of the old Blog posts -- now what was that about 'flames only serving the virtuous'?
Anyways, my point is that Cindy is also based on an RPG hero, this time an armor-clad knight with a sword, befitting his noble stature. (I also thought it'd be a neat reversal if The Hero had a lance while The Lancer had a sword.) His green mail is derived from his green scales.
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Master Hu's Gems are White.
This one was pretty much as simple as just giving him a white robe. Recolor didn't have any good turbans, so I left it off.
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samelbuenaonda · 1 year
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Fanart De Kat Tut Del Juego De Pop Cap Peggle Deluxe Creado Por Spam (Usuario De Amino)
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perioddramasource · 2 years
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Sibylla Deen as Ankhe in «Tut» (2015)
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sorrowfulrosebud · 8 months
Not too sure if you're bored of these yet but have another ask.
Reader's work. Do they work at home or not? If they don't, what's the day like for hybrid Bakugou who's stuck home alone? If they do, how do they keep Baku busy every now and then while they work? Cause we all know sometimes we have to sadly get rid of distractions to get some work done, even if it's one ya want~
Finally in a writing mood!!!! Sorry for the wait my angel, thank you for your patience!!
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For reader’s work, I imagine you to have a job in law (bc I do) since reader is so passionate about equality for hybrids. You spend a fair bit of time in the office, but you’re allowed to go home frequently enough to make sure Katsuki is okay.
It’s horrible leaving him by himself for long hours of the day. Your mornings usually consist of you hunting down your shoes since Katsuki hides them from you, and they often have bite marks from his mauling. You then have to encourage him to eat something before you go, because you know he’d probably nap too much or forget to eat out of anxiety rebelliousness.
Soooooo, what do you do with a pouty pup who gets anxious when you work? You give him as many toys as possible! Since living with you, you have given him so many toys that he is often spoiled for choice. Squeaky chickens, rope toys, balls, the whole works. He could spend many an hour chewing on them and gnawing holes in them.
Then of course, you have the TV. Katsuki didn’t understand it at first, barking and snarling viciously at the screen when he first settled in. But now he races to grab the remote before you can, chuffing victoriously when he clicks to a nature documentary. You can only roll your eyes playfully as he settles on the couch whilst you make his favourite breakfast of sausage and bacon butties.
He sits for hours watching the soothing waves of the ocean and its inhabitants, of lush rainforests and harsh deserts. You often hear him growl at the TV when smaller prey animals are on the screen, and you can practically feel his drool drip onto the couch. You serve him his breakfast with a gentle rub between the ears, then get ready and fight him for your shoes.
With a final goodbye kiss, your hybrid is left to his own devices. You taught him your phone number in case he needed it, but he much preferred when you called him. So he sits and waits for you to come back. He watches TV for a while, potters around the house and naps. For lunch he waits for your phone call, sitting in almost silence bar a few grunts or growls when you ask him questions. He’ll then potter to the fridge and heat up the food you left him.
You had been teaching him to cook. He was quite the natural, but he was still learning and you didn’t quite trust him to cook by himself just yet. He eats lunch, naps more and plays with his squeaky toy. If he’s lucky, FatGum video calls him with his best friend Kirishima. The two puppy-boys stare at each other as they communicate.
It was abysmal, the guilt that rotted in your tummy after leaving him alone for so long. That’s when you had the most amazing idea ever. So, you changed up your routine. Along your journey to work, you passed by FatGum’s farm.
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Katsuki waited for you on the couch as you finished getting ready for work. You wandered into the living room, yet again tutting at the state of your backup shoes that Katsuki had mauled. He smirked indignantly. You shook your head.
“Kats, go get your shoes. You’re coming with me today, I have a surprise!” You told him, grabbing your jacket. Katsuki stared at you.
He would never admit the thump in his heart. Was he bad? Were you sick of him?? Were you getting rid of him?!
“Well, go on. I have to be at work soon, so hurry,” you ushered him gently. Katsuki swallowed as he stared at you. You caught on almost immediately as your gaze softened.
“I promise you Kats, it’s a really nice surprise. I’ve not lied to you before, have I? Go on, I’ll wait for you,” you promised him softly, rubbing his sandy ears.
Katsuki stood up shakily, walking to his room. He was sure you’re going to get rid of him. He prays that you would do good on your promise to love him forever. He slowly makes his way downstairs, you smiling at him gently as you held out his jacket. You fixed his collar for him, the silver tag with his name and address soothing his nerves.
You’d never get rid of him if you’re making him wear his collar.
Katsuki followed you to the car, sitting in front as he puts on his seatbelt. After doing the same, you pet his ears proudly.
“My good boy, such a good boy,” you coo. Katsuki’s tail swayed against his will, causing him to pout as you giggled. You drove the familiar way to work, but caused him to blink at the destination you stopped at.
FatGum’s farm.
You get out the car, opening his door and walked to the door. An excited series of barks akin to gunshots sounded off as a happy redhead bounced in the window. FatGum opened the door with a laugh as a streak of red bashed into Katsuki, sniffing and chuffing his best friend.
Katsuki couldn’t help his wagging tail as he sniffed his friend back, growling a little when he was caught smiling.
“I feel so bad leaving you alone during the day. So, whilst I’m at work, FatGum said you’re more than welcome to spend the day here! You’ll be helping him of course, with some work here and there but it won’t be difficult,” you explain happily.
Katsuki stared at you with wide eyes, Kiri clinging to him happily. He walked to you slowly, before resting his forehead against yours with a gentle bump. His carmine eyes were soft as they looked at you through blonde eyelashes. You felt his gratitude as you gave him a hug and bid him farewell, leaving him to play with his best friend.
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yucel-64 · 9 months
Kimsenin derdini hafife alma. Herkes kendi yükünün hamalıdır. Ne kadar ağır olduğunu taşıyan bilir. Ya ucundan tut, ya duâna kat, yada sus 🥀
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mesut-sems · 8 months
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Kimsenin derdini hafife alma. Herkes kendi yükünün hamalıdır. Ne kadar ağır olduğunu taşıyan bilir. Ya ucundan tut, ya duâna kat, yada sus..
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Warnings: age gap, creepin’, slow burn, stepdad-adjacent, possible noncon/dubcon, abuse.
Character: silverfox!Thor
Summary: Your mother meets a new man, but he doesn’t seem very interested in her.
Note: I’m in my head. Sorry for another post. Another erratic drabble series. Appreciate any and all feedback. Love you all.
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You chew on your sleeve as you look at the shelf of oats. The bustle of the grocery store has you shifting between bodies, trying to avoid getting in the way of other shoppers. You hide your mouth behind the frayed cuff and take a bag of instant oats. It’s the right brand but not the right cut. They don’t have any of the ones your mother likes left in stock.
You take a step back and collide with another, a brush against your arm as a warmth spreads across the back of your loose sweatshirt. You flinch and pull away from the large man at your side, his silver and blonde hair drawn back into a low bun as he smiles down at you. His shoulders are impossibly wide and his height has you dizzy.
“Sorry,” you mumble into the cotton.
“Not at all,” he reaches blindly and takes a bag of oats, tossing it in his cart as he goes to stand behind it, “just didn’t want you tripping.”
You blink at him and tuck your chin down. Your heart is thumping behind your ears. He’s a stranger. You don’t like strangers. And he’s big. So big.
You scurry away without another word and head down the next aisle. Your mother stands with a hand on the cart as she holds a can in her other. She sneers at the label. You near and set the bag of oats in the basket. She looks over as she puts the soup back on the shelf.
“I don’t want quick oats,” she tuts.
“Get your hand away from your mouth,” she snaps and you pull your arm down as another cart rattles by on wobbly wheels. You turn your head, the figures of other shoppers has you overly aware. “Finally get you out of the house and you can’t even get the right oats.”
“Mum,” you murmur, “there was none–”
“You need to speak up, it’s loud in here,” she snaps and takes two cans of cream of mushroom and drops them in the cart, “how many times do I need to tell you?”
You swallow, “they were out of steel-cut.”
“So get a different brand.”
“I didn’t–”
“Think?” She bats your arm with her knuckles and herds you out of her way as she keeps browsing the broths.
You back up, this time, your heel hits the wheel of another cart. You spin and try to sidle out of the way, clamouring into your mom with your shoulder as you apologise to the other shopper. It’s the same man. He stops his cart parallel to your mother’s.
“You okay?” He asks as you get your footing. You nod and quickly scuttle to hide beside your mother.
“Watch what you’re doing,” she spins and flicks her fingers at you, “you’re getting in everyone’s way.”
“It’s fine,” the man says as he remains, “but if you could pass me some of the Heinz’ split pea, it’d be better.”
She glances over at the man, her cheeks taut and ready for confrontation. In an instant, the venom drains from her face and she puts on a simpering smile. You can practically hear the drool in her mouth.
“Oh, sir, I’m sorry about my daughter,” she preens, a none too subtle swipe of her hand over her hair, “she’s a bit oblivious.”
“Like I said, it’s fine. It’s a busy one,” he glances around as you stare at the floor and bounce in your sneakers nervously. You just want to go. The heat blazing up your neck has you sweating as the aisle grows more and more crowded, “the split pea, please, if you don’t mind?”
“Of course, just the one, dear?” You mother tweets in a higher pitch.
“One, yes,” he agrees.
“You come here often?” Your mother asks as she picks out the can and hands it over.
“As often as I need split pea soup,” he kids and you peek up beneath your lashes as the heat piques along the nape of your neck. He’s looking at you as he speaks, not your mother. “You?”
“Feels too often,” she says brightly. Your eyes dart over as you’re put off by her unusually chipper singsong. “Kat, by the way.”
“Kat?” He utters in confusion before his irises spark and he tears his attention from you, “oh, uh, Thor.”
“Thor, that’s an interesting name,” she says breathily.
“And your daughter?” He asks.
“Oh, her,” she says tritely and gives your name, “she’s a bit shy, as you see. Don’t worry about her, she’s off in her own world.”
You hide a frown and return to your examination of your shoes. Your soles scuff as you sway anxiously. Why does she have to stay and chat? You just want this over with.
“I can grab the right oats,” you offer.
“Dear, if I have to tell you to speak up one more time,” she turns on you and grabs the oats from the basket, “here. Go try again.”
She shoves the bag against your chest, nearly causing you to stumble. You catch them as she lets them go and they slide down your stomach. You hug them and refuse to acknowledge the witness to your humiliation.
“Yes, mum,” you turn and retreat slowly, stepping around the shopper lingering behind your mother.
You weave through the roadblock of carts and get to the end of the aisle, standing on your toes to look back at your mother. She plays with her hair as she continues to blabber at the man, jamming up the rest of the shoppers waiting to get by. As you watch, the stranger turns and sees you easily over the crowd. Thor, he said his name was.
You flit away into the next aisle and return to the shelf of oats. You trade the old one for a bag of generic steel-cut oats. You take your time as you pause to check out a new flavour of instant oatmeal; cinnamon praline. That’s different.
You dodge another shopper as they approach and you go back the way you came, taking the longest path back to your mother. She’s not by the soup, rather you find her down the next row staring at the trail mix. As you near, she doesn’t bother looking.
“Took you long enough,” she chides.
“Sorry, mum.”
“Hmm, well, it’s fine. Gave me time with that… hunk,” she pushes the cart onward as you follow at her heels, “god, wasn’t he handsome?”
“Um, I don’t know.”
“Well, you wouldn’t, would you? Hermit like you.”
You bring your cuff back to your mouth and nibble, “no.”
“Hmm, we’re having dinner.”
“Me and that man. Thor. I asked him out and naturally, he said yes. People our age, they don’t have many options but I think I just stumbled on the jackpot,” she chimes and slows the cart, “we should check the toiletries. Perhaps I could find a new lipstick before we go. For the date.”
“I… guess.”
She sighs as she veers the cart around to the next aisle, “it really is sad, you know? Should be you out on dates, not your old mother.” You hum into your sleeve and shrug. She rolls her eyes as she looks back at you, “for the last time,” she halts and grabs your wrist, forcing your hand down, “don’t do that.”
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cloudyzeusy · 11 months
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His Rules ||
summary: izuku rewarding katsuki for being good while he was gone.
pairing: izuku midoriya X katsuki bakugou
genre: smut
warnings: light BDSM,Top Midoriya Izuku, Bottom Bakugou Katsuki, aftercare, morning after
“I was really good while you were gone!” Katsuki whined eyes shining with want.
“Were you now?” Izuku smirked his hands traveling down Katsuki’s slim waist slipping into his boxers. Causing Katsuki to gasp lurching into his daddy’s touch. “Yes, I didn’t even touch myself so… please daddy.” He whimpered.
Izuku just hummed “Okay baby if you want a reward first, I want to watch you take off your clothes.” Katsuki quickly stripped himself and Izuku smiled at his eagerness and lifted him up onto his lap.
“Now then kat I’ll jerk your cute little dick off as today is all about you.” Izuku smiled waiting for an answer on the other hand Katsuki resisted the urge to complain that his cock wasn’t that small compared to his.
But Izuku knew that it was another thing that got Katsuki off the size difference between the two. Instead, Katsuki nodded in excitement waiting in anticipation as Izuku slowly jerked him off while he whispered words into the ear.
As he got closer to his edge Izuku just stopped. “Wa- wait no! I was so close daddy I was good.” Katsuki pleaded rutting against Izuku’s lap Izuku grabbed his waist to stop him and tutted. “Don’t whine there is more to come.”
Izuku placed katsuki down and began to strip getting his lube and condom ready. “Now katsuki lay down let me take care of you.” Katsuki obliged squirming he was always so nervous during preparation he watched as izuku slowly entered a finger he was so high-strung he felt himself get close to orgasm again.
As izuku added three fingers inside he had to bite his lip and will the urge to cum away if he came without permission his reward would quickly become a spanking. Of course, his daddy noticed as he started laughing. “Look at you, I’ve only started using my fingers and you’ve already shaking.” In response, he just moaned louder and started thrashing and once again Izuku stopped taking out all his fingers.
Spreading out Katsuki’s legs, he rubbed his thighs. This causes Katsuki to get all blushy and let out quiet moans. From the bed, he watched as Izuku put a condom on his cock and began to lean over him. “Are you ready baby?”
“Mhm, ye-yeah.”
“Okay then come and sit on my lap.” He said patting his lap Katsuki hovered over his cock gulping at how big it looked. “Don’t think about it too much just let your body take over.”
Katsuki screwed his eyes closed and began lowering himself he felt the head enter with little resistance. He took way too long even though it wasn’t his first time on top Izuku knew he had neglected his Kat for way too long. So, he did the only logical thing he forced Katsuki all the way down.
Katsuki immediately came come spurting on his own chest as the cock inside him filled him up perfectly hitting his prostate “That feel good, baby?” Katsuki just couldn’t respond that that was his best orgasm in a long time he just kept panting and scratching up his daddy’s chest. “I’ll fill you up to the brim.”
He continued slamming Katsuki up and down like he was a doll and Katsuki could do nothing about it but take it. Until they both were close to their finish Izuku flipped Katsuki, so he was lying on his back and began thrusting into him sloppily he groaned marking Katsuki in noticeable places.
Izuku did one last thrust before releasing inside the condom which led to Katsuki cumming.
Pulling out he threw the condom in the bin and turned his attention to his boyfriend in the bed this was much needed day for both of them. He carried Katsuki to the bathroom, and they got in the bath together just relaxing and reveling in each other’s company
The Next Day
Katsuki woke up earlier than the beast beside him he groaned at how stiff his body and ass felt. Slowly making his way to their mirror he silently gasped at himself his neck looked like he got choked out (which he did) by a Nomu.
“I’m not used to being this sore. Jesus fucking Christ Izuku.” He muttered to himself now what was he going to say to his friends?
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huzunluyol · 5 months
Gecen yıl aldığım, isparta kat gül fidanını budayınca, çıkan dalı, toprağa dikmistim..
O da sen tut ve haline bakmadan koskocaman gül aç ama nasıl bir güzel kokuyor.
Misler gibi..
Ben nasıl bir duygusala bağladım gozlerim dolu dolu her gün onu kokluyorum
Ve şükür ya rabbi.🥰🌹🌹🌹🌹
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Peggle: The Netflix Reboot
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a-aexotic · 2 years
heyyy i love your imagines so much can you write another katniss x female reader one? 🫶🏻🫶🏻
—cw: unedited 😐😐, TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF, kissing, idk what else LMAO just fluff
—a/n: hii!! thank u sm i love katniss she is actually my fav to write for LMFAOO im glad u requested this <3 i'm gonna write fluff this time, this is after the games!!!!!!!!! also i don't really have any knowledge about what exactly happens after mockingjay so this isn't exactly canon! ok enjoy LMFAO
Y/N WAS IN THE KITCHEN, PREPARING SOME DINNER. It was almost 5 pm and Katniss wasn't home, she was beginning to worry. She was out hunting, needing her time alone. She was supposed to be home almost an hour ago but she was taking her sweet time.
Usually, Y/N wouldn't mind Katniss taking longer hunting but she needed help with dinner because Haymitch and Effie were coming to eat. Y/N heard footsteps coming from the door, and it unlocks and she turns to see a very dirty Katniss. Dirt and mud dripping off her clothes.
Y/N's eyes widened and she gasped, she just cleaned the floors! "Katniss!" She ran up to her, checking her face for any sign of injury.
"I'm fine, just fell in some dirt." She put her hunting gear down, and sniffed the air with a delighted expression. "What's for dinner, princess?"
"Tomato soup and garlic bread, of course. It's Haymitch's favorite, he'll be very excited for it." Y/N walked back into the kitchen, Katniss following with a confused face.
"Why?" Katniss tried to sit down in the dining table but was grabbed by her girlfriend, disapproval on her face.
"Did you forget? Effie and Haymitch are coming down for dinner! I told you five times, Kitty, how could you forget?" Y/N tutted disappointingly. Katniss shrugged.
"Guess it slipped my mine, dear. Sorry. What can I do to make it up?" Katniss had a knowing look on her face, a smirk spreading her lips as Y/N shook her head, smiling.
"Help me with dinner first, Kitty. But first, clean up and come down as soon as you're done. They're coming at 6:30 so we better hurry."
Katniss sighed and nodded, going up for a quick shower. Y/N was pretty bored as she cleaned the mess that her girlfriend had made so she decided to put on some music.
As Katniss walked down, done with her shower. She saw Y/N finishing up dinner and she was suddenly overcome with contentment. She truly loved Y/N, and she looked so darn cute in that apron and pretty dress. Katniss's mouth morphed into a huge smile.
She looked so pretty with her hair made and a nice dress on. But no matter what Y/N looked like, Katniss would always think she was the most gorgeous lady in the world.
Katniss walked over and put her hand on her cheek, planting a quick kiss on her lips. "You look so pretty, honey."
Y/N blushed, looking down. They've been together for years but Katniss still made her blush like a schoolgirl seeing her crush. "Thank you, Kitty."
As if on cue, Katniss and Y/N's song came. Ain't no mountain high enough' by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell started playing and Y/N started laughing at how perfect this moment was.
Katniss grabbed her hand, twirling Y/N making her laugh even more. Katniss started singing loudly as they danced in the kitchen.
Listen, baby Ain't no mountain high Ain't no valley low Ain't no river wide enough, baby
Katniss sang Marvin's part very passionately, Y/N was laughing at her girlfriend as she sang along with Tammi's. They started setting the table as they danced.
If you're ever in trouble I'll be there on the double Just send for me, oh baby, ha My love is alive (Hoo) Way down in my heart Although we are miles apart If you ever need a helping hand
Katniss grabbed Y/N's shoulders as they sung loudly together. As the song ended they both started laughing loudly, crashing into the dining table chairs, sighing contently. "I love you, Kitty."
It was Katniss' turn to blush. "Love you more, gorgeous."
They heard a knock at the door and Y/N quickly got up, fixing her dress and taking off her apron. Katniss watched in admiration. She looked back at her, "Do I look alright-"
"You look more than alright, babe, you look stunning." Katniss smiled and took her hand, walking to the door to greet Haymitch and Effie.
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samelbuenaonda · 1 year
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Fanart De Kat Tut El Gato Egipcio De Peggle Deluxe
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segatetris · 2 months
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ziyapasa-01 · 4 months
Kimsenin derdini hafife alma.. Herkes kendi yükünün hamalıdır.
Ne kadar ağır olduğunu taşıyan bilir.
Ya ucundan tut, ya duana kat, ya da SUS ❗️
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