#claude lobster
wizardofanarchy · 9 months
This probably has a target audience of only like 3 other people, but I’ve been playing Peggle since I was like 4, and I realized recently that ever since, I’ve unconsciously headcanoned all but one of the Peggle masters as not-straight. I wasn’t even aware of it, I never actually thought to myself “that character is gay”, that’s just how they were in my head, and I never had to think it specifically, it was practically subconscious.
Sorry if this doesn’t matter to anyone but I needed to talk about it and my friends don’t know the game and my brother doesn’t care
Anyway here’s what I headcanon each of them as now that I’ve been able to think about it for real. Pt 1:
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Bjorn Unicorn: Gay
Jimmy Lightning: AroAce
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Kay Tut: Pansexual
Spork Sporkan: I’m not sure but just not straight. (it kind of works cause he’s an alien so maybe his species has different understanding of gender and sexuality)
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Claude Lobster: Bisexual
Renfield Pumpkin: Gay/Ace
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Warren Rabbit: Bisexual
Tula Flower: Bisexual
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Lord Cinderbottom: Gay
Master Hu: Asexual
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Apparently literally NOBODY on the internet has any kind of documentation on the extra features in Peggle Dual Shot; not even SPRITER'S RESOURCE, of all places!
Therefore, I took it upon myself to download a ROM (it was NOT hard to find) and screengrab all 10 of the Bonus Underground areas.
It's actually pretty interesting how seamless they look on emulator (barring the literal seam in Hu's hourglass); usually DS games put in some kind of invisible gap in two-part images to accommodate the gap between screens in the actual hardware, which looks awkward on an emulator.
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dreamatia-stories · 9 months
Design Notes: The Original Ten Peggle Masters
If you follow my main, you might know that Peggle Dual Shot for the DS has a mechanic known as the Bonus Underground. Each playable Master that made it in (Marina got axed, presumably due to hardware limitations) has a unique background and layout, and most notably for this project, different colored Gems to collect.
Why is this notable? Because I made sure that all ten of them got that color somewhere on their design for OoD. If playing Magic Pengel has taught me anything, it's that colors bring meaning to life, and also that I'm drawn to bright things like a toddler.
And I figured that while I'm explaining that, I might as well explain the rest of the choices I made. Note that I'll be using avatars from Recolor as "concept art", so some details may be off.
This'll be a long post, so bear with me here.
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Bjorn's Gems are Orange, as reflected in his hat, jacket, and shorts. His glasses being orange are a complete coincidence, though; that element was actually taken from his appearance in Blast!
(Funnily enough, earlier drafts from before Blast's release had Bjorn getting his eyesight damaged in a fight with Fnord; in the current lore, he's always had nearsightedness that he actively hid with his magic for...Fnord's-eyepatch-related reasons)
His outfit is a little out-there, but it's definitely grown on me. I wanted to go for more RPG Hero than Superhero, specifically an agile spear-wielder. Horses are pretty fragile animals, and a having a jabbing weapon rather than a traditional heroic sword serves as a nod to his horn.
The biggest change I made from the concept when drawing is probably his hat, which loses its brim and gets a horseshoe instead of a star. My goal with all the Institute Masters is to hide a horseshoe somewhere in their design to tie them all together; it's gonna be harder for some Masters than for others.
(The Academy has its own insignia: a flipped horseshoe resembling an omega, as seen on Fnord's eyepatch in canon.)
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Jimmy's Gems are Blue, as seen on his jeans and elbow pads. Not many places I can hide a theme color on an already-clothed Master, but thankfully our favorite gopher (who I thought was a guinea pig for years cause science) is consistently pantsless.
While there was no getting rid of his iconic hat, I did give him some protection from impacts in his elbow pads. I gave him jeans to look more like a Rad Cool Kid(tm), but apparently it's recommended skaters wear them due to being wear-and-tear resistant.
While I'm pretty sure it's just weird artifacting from cranking up the saturation slider in Recolor, it kind of looks like he's got green patches or leggings, the latter of which I would definitely wear if I was forced to wear jeans for whatever reason.
If I had to add a horseshoe, it'd probably be some kind of charm on his hat.
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Kat Tut's Gems are Cyan, which can be seen, uh...everywhere.
I'm not gonna lie I had ZERO ideas on what to do for KT. I knew Recolor had an "Egyptian Headdress" item (which I'm not sure were actually a thing in Ancient Egypt) and went from there. I do like the silhouette of the headpiece, though.
I wanted something light and show-offy, since Kat Tut is an acrobat and a performer, and well...something definitely happened.
This is probably the most likely to be subject to change, even if I do like the flowy shapes.
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Splork's Gems are Yellow, as seen in his overshirt and shoes.
I originally wasn't the biggest fan of Splork, but I think designing this look made me warm up to him a little. It's fairly basic by gijinka standards, just with an added bowling shirt and shoes in his theme color.
Splork only has one eye, so I deliberately gave him the Other Eye Syndrome bangs as a nod. The particular hair part I use for said bangs have an annoying layering shortcut that puts a pile of disembodied hair at your avatars' feet, so I have to make a bald version of every Splork I make and photoshop the two together.
If I ever draw him, I very much intend to give this guy his bulk back. We have enough twinks in this project already.
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Claude's Gems are Magenta, which I misremembered as a more coral-y shade of pink. At least it stands out more from Warren's purple?
My main inspiration for Claude was essentially just "guy who tries to pick up chicks at the beach". Unfortunately, in my folly it completely slipped my mind that the guy who gives you Flippers might have a reason to be wearing, well...flippers.
At least I gave him some Big Meaty Claws.
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Renfield's Gems are an eerie Lime Green.
My idea for Renfield was to somehow combine a suit with a wizard's robe, and I think the execution went REALLY well.
The suit portion was actually lifted from Eyegor; while it hasn't been stated, Renfield is available as a hat/head item for Xbox Live Avatars if you own Peggle, heavily implying Eyegor is a headless body that Renfield normally perches upon.
Despite having left the Institute prior to the New Frontier's formation, Renfield is one of the few characters that actually DOES have a confirmed horseshoe placement: a subtle shape made with the detailing on the back of his jacket.
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Tula's Gems are more of a minty Green, which I misremembered as being more vibrant like her stem.
Tula's design was...supposed to be derived from her Blast Design, but when I went back to look it turned out it was COMPLETELY different.
For starters, her hat. I initially gave her a sunhat, but I recently started wondering if it was actually meant to be a bucket hat. Looking at the art, I legitimately cannot tell what kind of hat that is supposed to be. And apparently it's supposed to have a gaudy fake flower charm on it??? Not only that, but it completely clashes with her color scheme??? That is NOT the same yellow as her petals, and that orange is nowhere else in her outfit!!!
Also, her raincoat??? Apparently it's not actually cerulean, but a bright aqua that makes the green of her stem look muddy and the rest of her design look plastic and fake, which is especially egregious since she's an environmentalist!!!
And good GOD, I think Blast!Tula's face is somehow giving me DOUBLE Uncanny Valley vibes. Like, Classic Tula and her flower friends are kinda disturbing since they have detailed human faces on flower bodies, but Blast Tula STILL looks disturbing because of how Not-Tula she looks.
...Anyways, this is "Design Notes", not "Getting Really Mad At Fashion". Let's move on.
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Warren's Gems are Purple, which is convenient since his regular outfit is already almost completely purple.
In this concept, I made his suit fit better since he's larger than he is in-game as a humanoid, but I think I wanna walk that back. He's a gambling addict on a teacher's salary, this man CANNOT afford a tailored suit. If the art department had ever seen a rabbit before in their lives then he would've already been peak design.
Also, just for fun, Warren's form is short as hell. Possibly the shortest New Frontier member besides Gnorman and Luna. I'm thinking 5'1" (~155cm), possibly even shorter.
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Cinderbottom's Gems are Red.
Not gonna lie, I think I might be less happy with Cindy's concept than Kat Tut's solely because of how I put in the red. I REALLY should've gone for something less bright. Probably need to do something about that hair, too; maybe some kind of gradient.
Among the Institute, Cinderbottom is the most at-odds with Bjorn, even (not-so) accidentally making him violently ill with his smoke in one of the old Blog posts -- now what was that about 'flames only serving the virtuous'?
Anyways, my point is that Cindy is also based on an RPG hero, this time an armor-clad knight with a sword, befitting his noble stature. (I also thought it'd be a neat reversal if The Hero had a lance while The Lancer had a sword.) His green mail is derived from his green scales.
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Master Hu's Gems are White.
This one was pretty much as simple as just giving him a white robe. Recolor didn't have any good turbans, so I left it off.
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pespo · 2 years
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My silly ‘’The lobster’’ au things I did for the #dmclweek2022  (this were the first 3 days )
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marine-indie-gal · 1 year
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One of The Most Underrated Non-Disney Movies that I saw long ago in my Childhood. Given the fact that I haven't watched this film is so long ever since I've grown, I showed this Movie to my Parents and they actually really liked it. Although despite myself not reading the Original Book that the Movie was based on, but I have heard of the Racism behind the Original Story itself and how it was against Irish, Americans, Jews, and even Catholics (shame that the Original Story and its Concept felt Interesting despite some Old Stories having some controversial tones). Here we have is Tom (The Main Protagonist of this Story) and Toby (his Dog) swimming with their Sea Creature Friends (Claude The Swordfish, Jock The Lobster, and Terence The Seahorse). The Water Babies (c) Charles Kingsley
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i did not learn anything, i refuse to improve as a person. Im going to rewatch Kuroshitsuji season 2, cause i want to character study everyone in Trancy household. I know all the cringy shit will give me -100 mental damage, but I want to search for some more stuff to overanalyze.
Last time i watched it was a decade ago and i don't remember anything from it... pray for me.
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Best Beanie Baby in your opinion?
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
One Hell of a Love (Book 1.5) Chapter Fifteen
Sebastian Michaelis x Teen! Reader
Chapter Fifteen: One Hell of a Ball
Summary: Ciel, Sebastian, and (Y/N) are invited to Trancy Manor for a Danse Macabre.
            (Y/N) looked up from their chores as they sensed Sebastian enter the room. He had a solemn look on his face. (Y/N) understood immediately.
            “It’s today, isn’t it?” said (Y/N).
            Sebastian nodded.
            Ciel had been invited back to the Trancy Estate. It was time for his “revenge.” It was time for a duel to the death
            “Ciel!” greeted Alois, standing outside of his mansion with all his servants behind him.
            “Alois Trancy,” said Ciel curtly, descending from his carriage with (Y/N) and Sebastian.
            “Welcome, and thank you for coming,” said Claude, bowing.
            (Y/N) could feel Claude’s eyes on them, but they ignored him in distaste.
            “Come, I prepared a special stage for today,” said Alois.
            He led them to the sprawling lawn of his home. A large chessboard of stone pieces at least ten feet tall spread across the garden.
            “This is…” murmured Ciel.
            “An ancient battleground,” said Sebastian.
            “Listen, Ciel. How about this?” said Alois. “Our butlers will fight in our place.” He knew Ciel was looking for a duel. “Or, better yet, all our servants! The one who is able to dance until the end wins. The loser will have to obey any of the winner’s orders.” He spun and clapped. “Would you be happy with such a ball?”
            (Y/N) glanced at Sebastian. “It seems they were also planning a fight to the death.”
            Ciel smirked. “Well, I’d say that’s a ball that will suit us. Definitely better than dressing up in false costumes.”
            Alois smirked, and then the two nobles turned away from each other to address their servants. Ciel pulled his eyepatch off.
            “This is an order, Sebastian: win, and then bring Alois Trancy before me,” he declared. “I will finish him off myself.”
            Sebastian knelt and bowed. His eyes flashed fuchsia. “Yes, my Lord.”
            (Y/N) bowed. “Yes, my Lord.” They glanced at Sebastian. They were with him to the end.
            On Alois’s side, Claude kept his eyes on Sebastian and (Y/N). “Master, what is your order?”
            “Ah, right.” Alois smirked. “Make Ciel Phantomhive mine and make Sebastian Michaelis feel true agony. You can do it, can’t you, Claude?”
            Claude’s eyes turned fuchsia. “Yes, your Highness.” He would make Sebastian feel agony. He would take Ciel Phantomhive’s soul, and then he would take (Y/N) for his own.
            The servants took the stage. The triplets brandished several weapons. Hannah held several of her own, more hidden within her skirts. (Y/N) and Sebastian had their silver knives. Really, there would be no match. The Trancy servants were beaten already.
            Above them on a terrace, Ciel and Alois sat on couches set apart.
            “Well, then,” said Claude, preparing to attack.
            “F-F-Fantasique!” cried a dramatic voice, and everyone paused in confusion. “This is just like the battlegrounds where mythological heroes once crossed swords! If this is tonight’s stage, than I have never felt so honored to be invited to a ball!” Viscount Druitt, wearing a blue lobster hat on his head, nearly swooned as he gazed at the chess board.
            (Y/N)’s nose twitched. That man truly appeared at the most inopportune moments and in the strangest places.
            “Sir, what brings you here today?” said Claude politely.
            “Oh, I am most honored to have been invited to today’s ball,” said Druitt excitedly. “I am Alister Chamber, Viscount of Druitt.”
            “The costume ball took place last week,” informed Claude. “Today, we invited Earl Phantomhive for a private ball.”
            “What?!” cried Druitt, deflating. “What a faux pas, coming on the wrong day! I will go home then…But why didn’t anyone tell me? Society is so cruel to those with a criminal record…” He looked over his shoulder and gasped as he laid eyes on (Y/N).
            Not again, sighed (Y/N).
            “What a beautiful sigh! The shadows have formed into a stunning, elegant being right before my eyes!” Druitt sighed and spun as he waxed poetry at (Y/N). “Raven wings of night have blessed you with their beauty, and Heaven itself has blessed me with the sight of you!”
            I don’t think Heaven has anything to do with me, thought (Y/N) in amusement.
            “I am unworthy!” Druitt look a knee before them. “Oh, and knives! Danger wrapped in beauty, how exquisite! This ball exudes such a dangerous and suspicious scent!” With speed akin to a demon it seemed, Druitt ran up to the viewing terrace and sat on the couch between Alois and Ciel. “As a servant of the Goddess of Beauty, please, by all means, allow me to watch for future reference!”
            “Then, let us start again,” said Claude, turning towards Sebastian and (Y/N) once more with the rest of the servants.
            “The Danse Macabre,” said Sebastian with a smirk.
            “Only macabre for those who die,” remarked (Y/N). “I find myself entertained.”
            “Attack!” ordered Claude to the triplets. “Combo: Bloodstained Wash Bucket!”
            One triplet lunged with an axe, and (Y/N) parried it, allowing Sebastian to move forward. He blocked the crossbow bolt fired at the two, whirling and cutting the crossbow in half. (Y/N) pivoted and slashed through the spear and sword of the other two triplets.
            “Attack,” ordered Claude again. “Combo: From the Bloodstained Wash Bucket to the Three Way Mirror!”
            The triplets each grabbed spears as weapons. All three rushed in together. This time, Sebastian parried the attacks, and (Y/N) flipped overtop and kicked them away. The triplets’ eyes flashed fuchsia, and they turned, connecting their spears into a single, long instrument of death. They launched it at (Y/N). The cat demon smirked and caught hold of the spear, spinning it above their head with ease.
            (Y/N) smirked. “Well, thank you for lining up for me.”
            They threw the spear, and it pierced the triplets’ heads and pinned them to a chess piece. The triplets blinked in surprise, swaying by the head. Sebastian smirked and looked at (Y/N) approvingly, who grinned at the recognition.
            “Oh, my!” cried Druitt in awe. “What a deadly beauty! The lovely rose’s thorns reveal themselves!”
            Hannah threw two daggers at Sebastian and (Y/N). The cat demon sprung to the side with catlike agility, and Sebastian’s coat was cut.
            He tsked. “I will have to mend this.”
            “You don’t have to since you will soon be full of holes,” said Hannah, running towards him and (Y/N). After all her quiet submissiveness, it was refreshing to see the demoness actually exercise some power.
            “How about the maids have a battle while the butlers do?” remarked (Y/N) moving between Sebastian and Hannah. They glanced at him.
            “Why, that’s a fine idea,” said Sebastian, smirking. He turned towards Claude, and (Y/N) pivoted towards Hannah.
            The demoness fired two small pistols (pulled from who knows where) at (Y/N), and they flipped to the side, moving with the acrobatic ease being a cat demon allowed them. Out of bullet, Hannah pulled a machine gun from…yeah, (Y/N) wasn’t sure either. Hannah fired at (Y/N), and the cat demon dodged behind a chess piece. Hannah continued to pelt the statue with bullets, but (Y/N) ran up the side of the stone sculpture and leapt into the air. Before Hannah could react, (Y/N) threw down silver knives, pinning the demoness to the ground.
            While (Y/N) faced Hannah, Sebastian and Claude looked at one another. Claude raised an eyebrow at Sebastian’s torn coat, and Sebastian pulled out a needle and thread. Before they fought, he would make himself presentable. Once he finished, however, and faced Claude, a bell rang. At the same moment, (Y/N) landed on the ground to finish Hannah.
            The standing servants straightened at the ringing.
            “We stop here. It’s tea time,” said Claude with businesslike coldness as if all the other servants being defeated easily by (Y/N) and Sebastian wasn’t an issue.
            “Oh, is it that time already?” remarked Sebastian.
            “I have to prepare a snack for my Master,” said Claude. “Let us suspend the dance for a while.”
            “May we borrow your kitchen, then?” said Sebastian.
            “Of course,” said Claude.
            The butlers stood behind tables and cooked for their masters while their fellow servants assisted them. The triplets, still impaled, carrying ingredients awkwardly to Claude. Hannah stood to the side, waiting for any orders from Claude. (Y/N) stood next to Sebastian, watching the Trancy servants warily. They didn’t trust them not to try anything. They were not as respectable as (Y/N) and Sebastian.
            Claude whisked the egg before him. His eyes traveled to (Y/N). He was so close to getting them and Ciel Phantomhive’s soul. Then, then Claude could do whatever he wanted with them. He’d have them to himself to turn into his little cat demon. They’d serve him exactly how he please…Claude couldn’t wait for the fight to continue, just so he could get his hands on (Y/N). He’d trap them in his webs and then finally feel their skin against his hands, so easy to break and make bleed if they were disobedient, but so easy to make blush if just—
            Dough splattered on his glasses as he stared, and his fantasy was disrupted.
            “Oh, I am sorry,” said Sebastian. His gaze was dark even if his smile was pleasant. “I was slightly bothered by the way you were staring at my colleague.” He knew precisely what Claude had been imagining, and he wanted to gauge the spider’s eyes out for looking at (Y/N) that way.
            “You’d think a butler would be more respectable,” said (Y/N), scoffing in distaste. “Then again, he is just a spider.”
            Their words were light and witty, but they didn’t like Claude’s stare. It was predatory, and (Y/N) could remember bits of their human life where similar stares sent shivers down their spine. Now, they had power to defend themself if needed. Still, that didn’t mean the stare was any less disturbingly lecherous.
            Claude’s eyes narrowed, and he flicked dough at Sebastian, who leaned back to dodge. The demonic butlers flung yolk and dough at each other. When the bowls were empty, the butlers glared at one another before looking behind at the statues of yolk and dough constructed by the food fight.
            A statue of a Valkyrie leaning towards Claude with a spear and expression of a woman ready to kill stood on his side. Behind Sebastian and (Y/N), there was a statue of a person trapped by a ravenous snake. The figure was reminiscent of (Y/N), to the distaste and anger of Sebastian and the disturb and irritating of (Y/N).
            Claude’s eyes were glued on (Y/N) as his long tongue licked the dough from his glasses. Sebastian returned the taunt by pressing cherries into the snake’s eyes, gauging them out.
            “Today’s sweet is Puits d’Amour—a puff pastry filled with crème pâtisserie and raspberry jam,” said Claude. “As for the tea, I prepared Mariage Freres’s Eros.”
            Alois and Ciel sat on opposite sides of a long table, Druitt in the middle, and were served the dishes their butlers had finally finished. Alois opened his mouth, and Claude placed a piece in his mouth.
            “E-E-Excellent!” cried Druitt as he tasted the pastry. “This Puits d’Amour…The silk-like ensemble played out by the rich cream and sour raspberry is like the Silk Road of taste! You feel thirsty; you want to eat more and more! My palate feels like the Taklamakan Desert! Are you perhaps the Marco Polo of taste?!”
            Sebastian set his own dish before Ciel. “Foret Noire—a chocolate sponge cake centered with cherries in syrup, garnished with white cream. The tea is Keemun of the finest quality, which I ordered directly from the Qing province of Anhui.”
            “T-T-Tres bien!” Druitt had tears in his eyes as he tasted the cake. “This Foret Noire…The chocolate’s rich aroma brings out the scent of the cherries! This sweetness and delicate flavor are like surging waves after a round trip! It’s like the Age of Discovery of taste! It’s so delicious it makes my head spin more and more! My palate feels like the Ptolemaic Theory! Are you perhaps the Vasco de Gama of taste?!”
            Druitt held his head as he gazed at the two pastries. “It’s so hard to choose a winner! I’m…I’m…I’m so moved I will go and pick some flowers!”
            “The bathroom is that way,” gestured Claude, reading into Druitt easily.
            Druitt flounced away from the table, twirling and skipping. The demons and nobles were left on their own as the sun hung lower in the sky, sending scarlet light dancing across the chessboard. Ciel and Alois finished their tea and took their seats on the terrace above once more.
            “Well, then,” said Claude. “Let us resume our ball.”
            Sebastian and (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed. The fight was about to continue.
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a-reality-dream · 4 months
i was tagged by @eowylesbian thank you <3
Coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
tagging @sharktofu @depressedraisin @joshus-lobster
@ballad-of-what-could-have-been @ineveryspaceandtime
if u want ofc! :)
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dove-da-birb · 1 year
Meet Claude Monet
Picrew | Picrew does not belong to me
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Claude Monet (Oscar-Claude Monet)
Don't let the sweet smile fool you, as this painter has quite the temper underneath the charming mask. He wants not for nothing, besides to be surrounded by his paintings, and some decent company.
However, if he deems you to be worth the hassle, he will offer you consul, and listen to your problems. Be warned though, he is very blunt and logical with any solutions he comes up with. But over time, he will become softer, especially if you have somehow wormed your way into his heart.
Claude lives in a modest cottage, the interior completely covered in his paintings. He keeps a large garden and pond as to practice his skill in the art.
Voice Claim; Koki Uchiyama
Birthday; November 14
Height; 175 cm
Occupation; Painter
Hobbies; Spending time in his garden, landscaping, painting
Dislikes; Disingenious people, the Académie
Specialty; Landscape paintings
Weakness; Time blindness
Favourite Food; Lobster
Hated Food; Roquefort (blue cheese)
Animal Companion; a white Maltese named Camille
I haven't decided what else to include, but here; have the hotheaded (and probably tsundere) artist!
@azulashengrottospiano @krenenbaker
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woozysioux · 4 months
@foxlungz & @demonfvcked thank u guys for the tags 🖤 u kno i love these
coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
@icepoptroll @dreamoftheotherlife2 @satanlikedmymoxie @flderwin @necrotic-biotic @ice-truck-killer @step-on-me-handong @xsweetsunflowerx @entrop33 @cleverbabyghoul @terrible-claw-lobster @bulletsandbarter @alanxietatem @zeman37
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walugus-grudenburg · 2 months
world's best claude: the one from in stars and time
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lizardrosen · 3 months
Some are Satin, Some are Steel: werewolf penelope featherington au
This began its life while I was writing part two of my werewolf au, and I couldn't stop humming "Northsoutheastwest" and "Disturbia" to myself, and I decided to gather some more into a proper playlist so I wouldn't have to keep searching for those songs constantly
Track Listing with relevant lyrics under the cut
Clair De Lune - Claude Debussy [instrumental]
One Day I'll Fly Away - Moulin Rouge Why live life from dream to dream And dread the day when dreaming ends?
Changes - David Bowie I watch the ripples change their size But never leave the stream of warm impermanence and So the days float through my eyes
Sigh No More - Mumford & Sons There is a design, an alignment A cry of my heart to see The beauty of love as it was made to be
Northsoutheastwest - The Jane Austen Argument But these days I wake up and never can be sure If the feet at the end of the bed Will be muddy and cracked Or fresh as a lily When I meant to walk them raw
Danse Bacchanale - Camille Saint-Saens [instrumental]
The Lobster Quadrille (from Alice in Wonderland) - the Cog Is Dead "What matters it how far we go?" His scaly friend replied "There is another shore, you know, Upon the other side"
Chasing It Down - Mother Mother Turn around your life or you'll change Without your consent, without your okay It happened again I woke up today and everything changed
Wolf - First Aid Kit When I run through the deep dark forest Long after this begun Where the sun would set, the trees were dead And the rivers were none
Disturbia - Rihanna Your train of thought will be altered So if you must falter, be wise
She Wolf - Shakira There's a she-wolf in the closet Let it out so it can breathe
The Stranger - Billy Joel Don't be afraid to try again Everyone goes south every now and then You've done it, why can't someone else?
Sylvia - Emmy the Great And tell me, if my character is fate Do I confine myself Til I find a way to dream us all awake?
Running With the Wolves - Aurora My heart still beats and my skin still feels My lungs still breathe, my mind still fears But we're runnin out of time All the echoes in my mind cry
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nullbutler · 1 year
Me: in my theoretical mermaid AU Sebastian would be a big octopus thing who can sorta change color and transform, but he’d mostly put his tentacles together to create a large tail. Also he’d be called the leviathan. Claude however would be a sea lobster like creature because they’re more genetically similar to spiders
My mom: we are leaving in TEN MINUTES
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rubywolf0201 · 2 years
Y’know, you always send me FE asks and I absolutely appreciate it! I think it’s time to switch it around a bit, so for an ask for YOU, I’m curious: If you have one for each installment, who would you say is your top husband pick from each version (i.e Archanea, Valentia, Tellius, etc)? If you have more than one, you can list them too. Diamant is a given for Engage, lol.
Awww thanks @childofaura!! Ok so I have a lot of husbandos to list but maybe I’ll start with the modern ones (Awakening, Fates (don’t have the game plus my 3DS died 😢) 3H and Engage):
Lon’qu (lit my first FE husbando and one of my top fav)
Frederick (Another top fav and I even bought a plushie of him)
Stahl (I love me some green hair himbo who likes to eat)
Gaius (he’s my birthday twin since both his and my birthday are 2nd Jan)
Owain (he is technically a blorbo but I’m pretty sure that counts right)
Brady (same as Owain)
Ryoma (Lobster Lord Onii-chan 😂)
Xander (Spaghetti Lord Onii-chan 🤣 also may give @emblemxeno some credit for making me be attracted to this blonde hunk)
Odin (technically a blorbo too)
3 Houses
Claude von Riegan
(Didn’t include Ignatz and Cyril since both are blorbos)
Diamant (one of the first Engage man I fell in love with when I saw him in the announcement for Engage)
Boucheron (yeah I know the design is not that proportionate but he makes it up with a sweet-loving personality)
(Clanne, Alcryst, Fogado and Rosado are blorbos)
BONUS: Tellius (Never played the game but hot damn are the guys just 🤤)
Ike (his RD design is just 👌🏻)
Zelgius/ The Black Knight
And that’s all with my list of husbandos. I wonder what’s yours look like!
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cyrah-is-cool101 · 2 years
The Adventures of Ocean Breeze #5: The Rogues Gallery
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Introducing the crossover villains of other fandoms added to Ocean Breeze's Rogues Gallery: 
(Note: All the characters belong to their own fandoms and this is my version of them) 
1. Boneblaster (DC/Batman) (My Version) 
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Name: Boneblaster 
Real Name: Xander Ankou Bones 
Age: 20 
Personality: Ill-tempered, ruthless, cocky 
Relationships: Ocean Breeze (Enemy)
Residence: 40 Vice St., Bad side of Dove City 
Powers/Abilities/Weapon/s of Choice: Power gloves 
Xander was a small time crook who hoped to make a quick buck but he was then caught many times by the police. So, with the help of a doctor named Strike, he was given special gloves that could shatter bones with a mere touch, dubbing himself as Boneblaster, which strikes the residents of Dove City but Ocean was not afraid of him and would beat him easily, to which makes Boneblaster’s blood boil that he would be beaten by ‘some two bit mermaid heroine’, he swore revenge on her. 
2. The Vicious 6 [5] (Minions: Rise of Gru) (My Version) 
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- Wild Knuckles (Leader, formerly) (Retired)
Name: Wild Knuckles 
Real Name: John Henry Kurtis, ‘Willy Cobra’ 
Age: Around 60′s 
Personality: Very scary, calm, soft 
Relationships: Vicious 5 (Allies), Ocean Breeze (Neutral) 
Residence: Gilligan’s Retirement Home 
Powers/Abilities/Weapon/s of Choice: Martial arts
John Henry Kurtis, better known as Wild Knuckles, was a legendary fighter and leader of the Vicious 6 but he retired afterwards to take care of his grandchildren. 
- Belle Bottom (Co. leader [formerly], Leader [currently]) 
Name: Belle Bottom 
Real Name: Bellatrix Buford 
Age: 29 
Personality: Rude, sassy, immoral, petty 
Relationships: Vicious 5 (Allies), Ocean Breeze (Enemy/Ally [sometimes]) 
Residence: Vicious 5′s HQ (hidden beneath Criminal Records) 
Powers/Abilities/Weapon/s of Choice: Extendable chain belt with a disco ball mace, motorcycle with various gadgets 
Bellatrix Buford, better known as Belle Bottom, is the former co. leader/current leader of the Vicious 6 (5). She’s a disco diva villainess with her weapon being an extendable chain belt with a disco belt mace. She and the Vicious 5 are viewed as being ‘anti-villains’, meaning they only steal and have a moral code to not put innocents on the line. Belle has also a stylish motorcycle with various gadgets. She wanted to be a fashion designer but her work was stolen by a rival, so she gave up her dreams to become a villain. 
- Jean Clawed 
Name: Jean Clawed 
Real Name: Jean Claude Dubois 
Age: Around mid 30s 
Personality: Senseless, ruthless, charismatic 
Relationships: Vicious 5 (Allies), Dr. Nefario (Friend), Ocean Breeze (Enemy/Love Interest) 
Residence: Vicious 5′s HQ (hidden beneath Criminal Records) 
Powers/Abilities/Weapon/s of Choice: Robotic claw 
Jean Claude Dubois, also known as Jean Clawed, is a French supervillain with a robotic lobster claw for a right arm and is a member of the Vicious 6 (5). Jean lost his right arm when he was working at a bakery, a unknown man pulled out a gun and shot Jean at his arm, causing it to bleed, He was then sent to the hospital that his arm had to be amputated due to the bullet going through the skin, creating a hole. He was given a robotic claw thanks to a man named Dr.  Nefario, who was sent by Wild Knuckles to recruit Jean for the Vicious 6 years ago. Jean became a villain after joining the Vicious 6, he also developed feelings towards Ocean Breeze because, due to Ocean’s past about an ex she got abused back then, it was during the time the Vicious 5 kidnapped her and saw bruises on her arms, he then starts working at Pure Diamond Cosmetics as Pearl’s assistant and the two of them would often sneak into the sleeping quarters in the break room to make out. 
- Sevengeance 
Name: Svengeance 
Real Name: Sven Bergström 
Age: Around 30s 
Personality: Vain, soft, cocky, sweet, girly (sometimes), aggressive, skilled 
Relationships: Vicious 5 (Allies), Jean Clawed (Friend), Stronghold (Friend), Ocean Breeze (Enemy/Friend) 
Residence: Vicious 5′s HQ (hidden beneath Criminal Records) 
Powers/Abilities/Weapon/s of Choice: Roller-skating expertise 
Sven Bergström, aka Svengeance, is a Swedish roller skating villain and a member of the Vicious 6 (5). Sven wanted to become a roller skating champion/legend but his father ridicule him for not meeting his expectation for roller derby. So, he became a villain instead, fashioning his old roller derby uniform with spikes and joined Vicious 6 afterwards. Sven is aggressive and skilled but deep down he’s just a big softie and acts a little girlie, even though he doesn’t show it, when he’s doing crimes cause he might feel embarrassed 
- Stronghold 
Name: Stronghold 
Real Name: Butch Armstrong 
Age: Around 30s 
Personality: Brutish, softie (sometimes), short-tempered 
Relationships: Vicious 5 (Allies), Svengeance (Friend), Nunchuck (Friend), Jean Clawed (Friend), Ocean Breeze (Rival)
Residence: Vicious 5′s HQ (hidden beneath Criminal Records) 
Powers/Abilities/Weapon/s of Choice: Superhuman strength, metallic fists 
Butch Armstrong was a strongman in a circus alongside his uncle, who happened to be the ringmaster, but they borrowed money from a mafia group and killed his uncle. Butch swore revenge on the Mafia who took away his uncle and joined the Vicious 6, given metal gauntlets and kept his strongman stage name, Stronghold, as his villainous alias. Stronghold has a love for military weapons since he used to work for the military and is a real Chad, a triathlete and is a collector of military themed action figures like G.I Joe and Action Man. 
- Nunchuck 
Name: Nunchuck 
Real Name: Sister Rosemary Darwin 
Age: Around Mid 50s 
Personality: Sadistic (sometimes), very Catholic, serious  
Relationships: Vicious 5 (Allies), Stronghold (Friend), Ocean Breeze (Enemy/Neutral) 
Residence: Vicious 5′s HQ (hidden beneath Criminal Records) 
Powers/Abilities/Weapon/s of Choice: Nunchucks, holy abilities 
Sister Rosemary Darwin, aka Nunchuck, is a nun-like villain who uses nunchucks as her personal weapon. Sister Rosemary was kicked out of her church due to being skilled in self-defense, she later joins the Vicious 6 last and dubbed herself as Nunchuck. Nunchuck hates people who have ‘sinned’, in her own perspective but she just sympathize those who do good in the world, she also supports LGBTQ+, racial rights and others, she also sympathize Ocean’s past relationship and cannot forgive Ocean’s ex for doing something ‘sinful’. She has an infinite love for tea and would tell old stories about her church she used to be living in. 
3. Double Dare (DC) (My Version) 
(Original Design) 
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(Current Design) 
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Names: Double Dare 
Real Name: Aliki and Margot Marceau (formerly), Candy and Sandy Kingston (current) 
Ages: Both 24 
(Candy) Sweet, girly, vain 
(Sandy) Stubborn, tomboyish, short-tempered 
Relationships: Stronghold (Old Friend), Ocean Breeze (Enemy) 
Residence: 18 Richmond Blvd. 
Powers/Abilities/Weapon/s of Choice: Martial arts, acrobatics 
A pair of French circus acrobats who decided to make some fast cash by robbing Dove City's residents as the dastardly duo Double Dare. Aliki and Margot Marceau (their American names are Candy and Sandy Kingston) came from the same circus as Stronghold, they both left the circus after their ringleader (Stronghold’s uncle) was killed by the mafia and the circus went into a downfall. Candy (braids) is sweet and girly while Sandy (short hair) is stubborn and tomboyish, both girls have twin telepathy and use different techniques to stop Ocean from commiting their crimes. 
4. The Eraser (DC/Batman) 
(Original Design) 
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(Current Design) 
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Name: The Eraser 
Real Name: Leonard ‘Lenny’ Fiasco 
Age: 32 
Personality: Stern, lazy, intelligent 
Relationships: Clue Meister (Rival/Ally), Ocean Breeze (Enemy) 
Residence: 13 Fullend Blvd, bad side of Dove City 
Powers/Abilities/Weapon/s of Choice: Double barreled shotgun, sharp point shoes 
Leonard ‘Lenny’ Fiasco, better known as the Eraser, used to be a teacher until he got fired and became a professional criminal for hire who eliminates every trace of evidence left at a crime scene, making him the ‘perfect’ rival for Clue Meister. 
5. Mirror Master (DC/Flash) 
(Original Design) 
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(Current Design) 
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Name: Mirror Master 
Real Name: Evan McCulloch 
Age: 30 
Personality: Cocky, possessive (sometimes), cheerful
Relationships: Lucky March Hare (Rival), Ocean Breeze (Enemy/Love Interest) 
Residence: 17 Hammond St. 
Powers/Abilities/Weapon/s of Choice: Mirror gun, clairvoyance, illusion casting,  teleportation, dimensional travel, chronokinesis, hypnosis, invisibility/intangibility 
Evan was born with wealthy parents, who put him up for adoption because they were too young at the time. Instead, he was raised at the McCulloch orphanage, hence where he gets his last name. Afterwards, when he grows up, he became a hitman, gaining a reputation as one of the best in the country. He then stole some technology from the FBI and became the villain known as Mirror Master. He then moved to Dove City in order to get some quick cash but he ran into a conflict with the heroine of Dove City, Ocean Breeze. He became infatuated with her beauty and wanted to make her his’, however, there was an obstacle between him and Ocean: Lucky March Hare, who became his love rival for her heart. 
6. Punchline (DC/Batman) (My Version) 
(Original Design) 
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(Current Design) 
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Name: Punchline 
Real Name: Alexis Kaye 
Age: 25 
Personality: Very cold, sadistic (sometimes), snarky, twisted sense of humor 
Relationships: Crackerjack (Boss/Friend), Ocean Breeze (Enemy/Rival) 
Residence: Old Abandon Crackerjack Toys Factory (temporarily), 12 Edmund St. 
Powers/Abilities/Weapon/s of Choice: Chemistry engineering, bladed combat 
Alexis Kaye was a college graduate who was always fascinated with Dove City's villains and is also an employee at Pure Diamond Cosmetics. She’s part of the IT Dept. and is an expert of on forensics, however Alexis has always a twisted sense of humor just like Crackerjack. A silent but deadly type, Alexis became Punchline, CJ’s second partner in crime and expert in combat. Punchline sometimes go solo or do crimes with either CJ or Pink Cupid, she would often outsmart Ocean Breeze but Ocean is very way smarter than she looks and Punchline would make water jokes just to annoy her, which Ocean isn’t always irritated nor amuse by the jokes. 
7. Princess Fragrance (Miraculous Ladybug) (My Version) 
(Original Design) 
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(Current Design) 
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Name: Princess Fragrance 
Real Name: Flora Benedict 
Age: 26 
Personality: Obsessed, sweet, cheerful, naïve 
Relationships: Sweet Queen Candy (Ally/Rival), Ocean Breeze (Enemy), Pink Cupid (Ally/Rival) 
Residence: 30 Dunlap St., Sweet Fragrances and Perfume Shop 
Powers/Abilities/Weapon/s of Choice: Perfume generation, stench manipulation, hypnotic perfume, pathokinesis 
Flora Benedict, better known as Princess Fragrance, is a well-known famous perfumer who loves to give the right perfume to her customers based on their likes, personality and mood. But all that change when she fell in love with a very rich and handsome businessman but he rejected her and this spark her intention to rid the world of heartbreak by fashioning a pink and black costume, a perfume gun and dubbed herself as Princess Fragrance. As Princess Fragrance, her perfume gun releases a hypnotic trance which is based on what emotion she spritz on her victims: red (anger), orange (confusion), yellow (joy), green (disgust), blue (sadness), indigo (vanity), purple (fear), pink (love), dark green (envy), brown (hunger), white (peaceful) and black (rebellious). Princess Fragrance is Pink Cupid’s 2nd rival and Sweet Queen Candy’s main rival because of the ‘rank in royalty’. She doesn’t like Ocean trying to stop her from ridding the world of heartbreak and other ‘distasteful emotions’. 
8. Balthazar Bratt (Despicable Me 3) (My Version) 
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Name: Balthazar Bratt 
Real Name: Bratt Kennedy Branson 
Age: Early 40's 
Personality: Extremely ruthless, destructive, megalomaniac, egotistical, very intelligent 
Relationships: Music Man (Ally/Rival), Ocean Breeze (Enemy) 
Residence: Lair near the ocean in an island near Dove City 
Powers/Abilities/Weapon/s of Choice: Various technologies, weapons, and traps themed around the 80s, master of disguise, martial arts, dance fighting, sonic keytar 
Bratt Kennedy Branson, aka Balthazar Bratt, is a failed child actor who wanted to return to the spotlight but he got cancelled since he was already growing up. Bratt beaceme Balthazar Bratt, villain of dance and Music Man’s rival, but Bratt has no evil intentions, he’s nothing more or less than a pure melomaniac and psychopath with 100% egotism. In the addition of pride and a huge ego, Bratt is an extremely ruthless and destructive individual, showing no mercy towards his enemies, including Ocean Breeze, he enjoys wrecking havoc and destruction. 
9. Mini-Mini King (Kaitou Joker) (My Version) 
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Name: Kaitou Mini-Mini King 
Real Name: Koji Tanaka 
Age: 20s 
Personality: Anthropariophobic, intelligent, respectful 
Relationships: Kaitou Black Ace (Rival), Kaitou Night (Rival), Pink Cupid (Rival), Rocketeer Rosie (Rival/Hated), Ocean Breeze (Enemy/Neutral) 
Residence: Unknown 
Powers/Abilities/Weapon/s of Choice: Shrink ray 
Koji Tanaka was a very short boy in school and feels embarrassed about having to stand in front of class all the time and getting humiliated by all his other classmates. During that time, he only had one childhood friend called Miyo and he was happy that he could stand next to her. However, during graduation, when he told Miyo that he liked her, she gently rebuffed him. Koji believes this is because she had grown much taller than him. Since then, he only considered the ants as his friends, and that's when he thought that if everyone was as small as an ant, he would be the king. He then made a shrink ray as his weapon and was given the name of Kaitou Mini-Mini King, the phantom thief king of small people. Mini-Mini King hates being called small/any other synonyms. He focuses so much on his size that he even thinks that if he uses his shrink ray to make everyone small, he will be the king of everyone just because of being bigger than anyone else. Ocean Breeze would clash with him sometimes and Mini-Mini King admires her because of the size of her skills and promises towards others, he starts respecting as both a foe and a friend. 
10. White Rabbit (Marvel/Spiderman) (My Version)
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Name: White Rabbit 
Real Name: Dr. Lorina Dodson 
Age: 25 
Personality: Insane, intelligent, mannerism 
Relationships: Lucky March Hare (Boss/Friend), Ms. Carpenter (Fellow Member/Friend), Ocean Breeze (Enemy/Neutral) 
Residence: Fairytale Land Amusement Park 
Powers/Abilities/Weapon/s of Choice: Martial arts, variety of weapons and equipment (giant robotic rabbit, genetically altered killer rabbits, weaponized umbrella, razor tipped carrots and a pair of rocket boots) 
Born into a rich family. Lorina was a sheltered child, protected by overbearing parents intent on seeing their daughter become a proper lady. Finding solace in the many books of the family library, she was entranced by Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Later in life, at the age of twenty-five, she was married off to a rich, elderly man of eighty-two, named Lewis Dodson. Finding life as a trophy wife stagnant and boring, she killed off her husband, a death that the authorities ruled as accidental. With funds gained from her inheritance, Lorina bought various hi-tech gadgets and developed a criminal career as the eccentric villain named the White Rabbit, inspired by the namesake character from Carroll's work. She started off with robbing restaurants and small cafes but then they start causing havoc towards big business and companies, White Rabbit even tried to target Pure Diamond Cosmetics but she was stopped by Ocean Breeze and later was arrested afterwards. White Rabbit later joined the Wonderland Crew, alongside Lucky March Hare and Ms. Carpenter, to find new members. White Rabbit has utilized a variety of weapons and equipment, including a giant heavily armed robotic rabbit rabbit that she could use as a stead, genetically altered killer rabbits, an umbrella that fired explosives, razor tipped carrots and a pair of rocket boots. 
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