#kat x pippa
sunshinesickies · 2 months
Kate Bishop x Reader
Skye/Daisy Johnson x Reader
Gwen Stacy x Reader
Cassie Lang x Reader
Kara Danvers/Supergirl x Reader
Kara x MonEl (Supergirl)
Kat Stratford x Reader
Coming soon!
Pip Fitz-Amobi x Reader (AGGGTM)
Coming soon!
Cara Ward x Reader (AGGGTM)
Ava Silva x Reader (Warrior Nun)
Ava x Beatrice (Warrior Nun)
Lindsay Weir x Reader (Freaks and Geeks)
Coming soon!
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erooca · 1 year
ellie williams x reader
description: ellie williams is forced to take a shift at a daycare. she knows she’s gonna hate it, that is, until she sees you. 1.9k words
this is very self indulgent cuz i work at a daycare. i’d be so down to continue this storyline if it gets any interactions :)
part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/erooca/725335248989208576/daycare-pt-2
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why the fuck am i here? is exactly what ellie was thinking, pulling into the small, but cheery daycare. it was 9:30 in the fucking morning. she should still be asleep, not getting prepared to run around with little kids for the next eight hours.
after feeling sorry for herself a bit longer, she turned off the ignition and headed into the double doors.
“good morning, ellie!” maria said with a bright smile. ellie almost rolled her eyes at the enthusiasm. maria was sitting behind the front desk, clicking away on the computer in front of her.
“morning,” ellie responded back, a complete opposite from the way maria had greeted her.
“i know i’ve already thanked you a million times, but seriously. thank you for coming in,” maria thanked.
right. the reason ellie was here in the first place. maria had mentioned how the daycare she owned was extremely understaffed recently and needed all the help she could get. of course, joel offered up ellie as help. he said it would be good for her. ellie would have shut them both down, but maria mentioned how much she’d pay ellie. ellie was sold.
“yeah,” ellie responded, still not happy about the experience.
“listen, ellie, as soon as i get some more workers you’ll be free to go,” maria comforted.
“i know. so what am i gonna be doing?” ellie asked, praying to whatever’s out there that she won’t have to change any diapers.
“i think i’m going to put you in the big three’s. it’s a good group of kids, so don’t stress. it’s just down that hallway. second door on the right.”
ellie nodded her head and set off to the room. she already knew she was about to have the most frustrating and long shift of her entire life.
as she walked down the hallway, she admired the kids’ art that was strung on the walls. she noticed more of it around the big three’s door. she took a deep breath, and then entered through the door.
and then she saw you. you were kneeled down, ground level with a little girl who was crying. she watched as you gave the little girl a big hug, and how you helped her focus on the tower she was building with the colorful blocks.
when you finished calmed down the kid, you spotted ellie. maria told you that you’d be having another teacher today, but she never mentioned that teacher would be fine as fuck.
“hey. ellie, right?” you asked.
“um.. yeah,” she answered.
you introduced yourself to her and the room.
“they’re doing centers right now. you should go around and try to get to know some of the kids. once we have circle time, we can do proper introductions. that sound okay?” you suggested.
“sure..” ellie said. you could sense the nervousness radiating off of her.
“don’t stress. these kids are fun to be around. at least most of the time. let me know if you need anything,” you encouraged.
she nodded her head and looked around the room. from what she could see, the centers included music, blocks, art, math, science, and a play kitchen.
of course, she felt inclined to visit the art table first. there was only about three kids over there, and it was a topic she knew pretty well. was she overthinking this? probably.
she took a seat on the uncomfortably small chair in front of the table. immediately, the three kids looked up at her.
“hi! what’s your name?” a girl with short brown hair asked her.
“ellie,” she answered, then realized she should probably talk a bit more, “um what’s yours?”
“pippa,” she answered, putting away the green crayon in exchange for a red one.
“what are you drawing?” ellie asked, looking at the mound of colors on the girl’s paper.
“my family!” pippa smiled, “that’s my mommy, and that’s my kitty kat, and that’s daddy!”
to ellie, it looked more like scribbles of different colors, but nonetheless she praised the girl for her creativity.
she felt a light tap on her arm and when she turned she was met with a shy looking boy. he had black braids in his hair and wore a toy story themed shirt.
“hi.” ellie said to the boy.
“can you draw me something?” he asked, handing her his blank sheet of paper.
“okay..” she said, taking the paper from him, “what should i draw?”
the boy thought for a minute, “ooo, i know! a dinosaur!!” he said, excitedly.
this request made ellie’s smile grow. of course she could draw him a motherfucking dinosaur.
“what’s your name?” she asked him.
“king!” he replied, awaiting his dinosaur.
as she drew, king watched intently, and once pippa noticed ellie was drawing, she started watching too.
when ellie was finished, she gave it back to king.
“woah!!! it’s a t-rex! i’m gonna color him green!” he said.
“ellie. can you draw me a mermaid?” pippa asked her.
ellie obliged and soon she had a good line of kids asking her to draw things for them.
as she was working on her third princess drawing, she heard you singing the clean up song.
she didn’t have chance to admire how beautiful your voice was before the kids started singing along. the three year olds started cleaning up their messes and ellie helped them out.
you had them gather on the carpet, where you finally introduced ellie as their new teacher (for the time being). you watched as ellie awkwardly smiled and you had to hold in a laugh.
after doing a couple songs and shit with the kids, they all went outside and played on the playground.
you took this opportunity to talk to ellie.
“hey, so, how you liking it so far?” you asked her, curiously.
“i thought i’d hate it, but it’s actually not too bad,” she said, glancing over at you with a smile. you swear you almost passed out right there.
“haha, yeah. it can take a second to get used to. you’re lucky they didn’t put you with the two year olds. those children make me want to quit my job,” you laughed, “so you know maria?”
“yeah. she’s sort of my- aunt-in-law - i guess?” ellie said, trying to find the right words.
“really? tommy must be your uncle then. gonna be honest, maria scares me,” you admitted.
ellie laughed, and your heart skipped a beat.
“pretty sure tommy feels the same way. she’s not bad once you get passed the cold exterior. how long you been working here?” ellie asked, intrigued to know more about you.
“about a year. its just a steady job while i’m in college,” you answered.
“you’re in college. where do you go?” she asked.
“jackson state!”
“no way, me too. you on campus?”
“yeah, campbell north.”
“no fucking way-“ ellie said, but caught herself, “shit-SHOOT, no freaking way. i dorm there too.”
after you laughed at her slip up, you continued your sweet conversation with her. you felt like you’re falling in love with her by the second, and little to your knowledge, she’s was feeling the same way.
“do you have any favorites yet?” you asked.
“um.. i like king. he’s sweet,” ellie answered, thinking back to the dinosaur drawing.
“yeah. he’s really smart too. he’s actually in the foster care system and can be a bit sensitive about it. try not to mention moms or dads around him,” you told her.
this struck a chord in ellie. she had been in foster care a long time before joel came along. she knew exactly what it was like for king. she hopes he will be as fortunate as her in the future.
when the time came, you and ellie corralled all the kids back into the room. there was a cart at the front of their door that had lunch on it. you explained to ellie that you guys will have to make the plates and then hand them out, same with the milk.
you passed out the plates to each kid who was sitting down at the small tables, while ellie came behind with the bowls of food, placing a nice scoop on each child’s paper plate.
you went to start pouring the milk but soon got distracted. you couldn’t help but watch ellie as her lean figure slid around the room. you liked the way she kneeled down when a child was asking her a question, acting as if that child were her equal. you studied how her hair was sticking up a bit on the sides, probably from being outside and running around with the three year olds. most of all, you loved how she was smiling. how it seemed that she was enjoying herself. the beautiful curve up of her lips was enough for your heart to beat at a rapid pace.
you snapped out of your trance when you saw ellie look up at you. you flicked your head away before she could catch you staring (even though she definitely did and you knew it too). you started actually doing your job and pouring the milk for your children.
as the day went on, ellie was very fond of learning more about you. you both spent nap time learning new things. when ellie told you how much she loved space, you told her how you thought you could be the first person to pluto as a kid, since it was your favorite planet. you guys talked about your favorite constellations and which ones you spot first. you told her how much you liked to read and shared your favorite stories with her. you asked what maria was like at thanksgiving dinner.
you were sat together against the wall, just chatting. the lullaby music played on the tv. the lights were off and curtains were closed. the three year olds were all asleep. ellie was all to yourself right now. you were so starstruck with how easily your conversation flowed. she sat with her knees up, resting ur arms on them as she looked at you. you could see glint in her eyes, even in the dark room. it made you like her even more.
once the kids woke up, it was less talking and more working, much to your disappointment. the rest of the day went by smoothly. you did a fun craft with the children that they enjoyed, and ended the day with tv time. once the number of kids got lower, maria came in to let ellie know she could go home.
“well. i hope all these kids didn’t scare you off. will you- be here tomorrow?” you asked with a hopeful look on her face.
ellie chuckled, “some of them are a bit scary, but they didn’t. i think i will be here tomorrow, but only so i can see you again though,” ellie smirked.
once her words sunk in, your cheeks turned a blushy color. no way the new, hot teacher just flirted with you. you stammered a bit but regained your ground.
“looking forward to it, ellie. have a good night,” you smiled brightly.
ellie have you a slight smile and a wave before walking out the door. you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. holy shit were you in deep.
ellie joyfully said bye to maria, earning her a weird look. she felt on cloud nine as she walked to her car. the day went better than she could’ve ever expected. she was already making a mental list on ways she could win you over.
maybe this daycare job won’t be so bad. is exactly what ellie was thinking as she drove away.
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sunshinies · 1 year
⋆ฅ Kirara inspired names/pronouns/titles ! 𖦹⋆
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art by x! rq by @confeqttis and @cocajimmycola !
🐈 names: allie , astrid , billie , birdie , bobbie , calico , callie , catrine , chelsea , chloe , cici , clio , coco , cori , cricket , elsie , emmy , felina , imogen , ivy , jaclyn , joy , kat , katie , kayla , kiana , kimber , kimmy , kira , kit , kyra , mimi , nikki , penny , phoebe , piper , pippa , poppy , rosie , scout , sunny , tabbie , tabitha , tortie , zoe
🌱 pronouns: hop/hops/hopself , mew/mews/mewself , purr/purrs/purrself , scratch/scratches/scratchself , dash/dashes/dashself , nya/nyas/nyaself (jp excl) , mrrp/mrrps/mrrpself , cat/nip/catnipself , yarn/yarns/yarnself , play/plays/playself , paw/paws/pawself , soft/softs/softself , kit/kits/kitself , nip/nips/nipself , fluff/fluffs/fluffself
any other variation pronouns of these may be used , of course !
✉️ titles: the speedy nekomata , the cat upon the eaves , the charming courier , she who bounds through the city , the courier of the komaniya express , the fleet-footed feline , the two-tailed mailwoman
prns and gendered terms may be replaced.
additional tags: @eternoelle @hauntingidol @delusielle @puriette @the-astropaws @ladyth
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ussjellyfish · 3 years
fic: without knowing how ch 1/? | Philippa Georgiou(prime)/Katrina Cornwell | ST: Discovery | teen
read on ao3
The last thing Philippa Georgiou remembers is a Klingon ship, gold and ornate. Katrina Cornwell was on the Enterprise, worn from war. Then they wake up in bed, together, with memories and feelings that aren't theirs.  Should they try to get home? Is this their home now?
Everyone lives, families are found, friends are sweet and enthusiastic and only slightly overprotective, and Kat and Philippa have a baby.
middle aged ladies who really didn't meet in canon being domestic and having babies (in space) is totally my fic happy place. I love Kat and Philippa, they could very easily love each other.
So they do.
Many many thanks to @verbumproxen, who inspired this, @girlgoneangsty and @aleksandrachaev  for cheerleading and poking it so it was better.
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fatalitysficbakery · 3 years
My Girl. (Katriona Tamin x Black Fem!Reader)
Genre: Angst???/Fluff/Smut.
Warning: Dom Masc Kat (It’ll always be dom Kat, can’t see her as a Sub nor Switch), Sub Reader, Groping, Claiming, Marking, Impact Play, Spitting In Mouths, Degradation, Orgasm Denial, Sir Kink, Public Play, Oral (Giving).
Synopsis: While on a date the waitress seems to have a little crush on you and Kat, being the territorial possessive person she was had to make it known who you belonged to. To the server, and you.
❤︎ Heaven’s Baked Goods (Masterlist) ❤︎
A/N: Some feral possessive dom Kat to start your day off right. This was supposed to be for Valentines but my girlfriend distracted me.
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Kat’s Point Of View;
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Your Dress^
Y/n and I had been together for almost a year now. She lifted me up when this job got tough. Date nights didn’t come often for us, me being a detective and her being a nurse, it was difficult having intimate moments without one or both of our phones going off. Finally, I got us reservations at a new restaurant and told my lady to put on whatever made her feel most confident, beautiful. Jesus, What a mistake that was. I have several weakness but Y/N Y/LN was the highest on the list.
When she walked down those stairs, my jaw nearly dropped to the ground. She was effortlessly gorgeous, I didn’t realize how hard I was staring until I saw that dimpled smile of hers, she knew my eyes were on her. She knew she had me in the palm of her hands and that fact amused her a little too much. Our first words were uttered at the same time.
“You look…Beautiful”.
“You look…Handsome”.
Your Point Of View;
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Kat’s Suit^
“You look…Handsome”. I smiled, giggling along with Kat when we realized we spoke simultaneously. I’d meant what I said, I know she felt the same way and if I voiced this opinion it’d launch into a playful argument about who was right but in my eyes? She was the most handsome, beautiful, amazing person to ever exist and the twinkle in her eyes told me she’d felt the same.
It felt like we hadn’t breathed same air in months, years even. Tonight was going to be magical, the woman swept me off my feet and I could never repay her for it. She’d be lorded over me forever and I was simply okay with that. Her authority. Her power. I was at the mercy of her and I would admit loudly and proudly any chance I get. She was my king.
“Shall we go, then”? She held out her arm for me to link mine with and I nodded, the smile on my face never ceasing. I couldn’t stop thinking about how lucky I was. I was so deeply in love, no one else in the world even mattered. My kryptonite and so much more, My only weakness was Miss Katriona Tamin.
When you got to the restaurant, your hands wouldn’t stay off each other. As Kat checked in, you looked around with eyes sparkling. The decorations looked expensive, diamonds and glitter; A winter wonderland. When Kat looked over to you, she bit back a smile. She loved that about you. So in tune with your inner child and it shone through as outer joy. You looked like a curious kid in a candy store, if only Kat could frame the moment.
“Alright, right this way”. The hostess smiles at you both and takes you to your seats, a private booth upstairs in the back. It overlooked the entire restaurant from above along with an outside view showing you the city lights. It was absolutely stunning and Kat adored the way you looked around in wonder before turning your eyes back to your date. The hostess muttering an enjoy before retreating.
“Kat, this is amazing. It’s beautiful, baby”. You let out a breathless whisper, grabbing her hand from across the table. You know that old wives tale that once you’d been together for awhile you’d start looking alike? Maybe it was true because the matching, identical expressions of adoration on your faces was enough to make both of you melt.
It was going so well, you were set in effortless conversation. It had been like that for almost a year now, you fit each other like perfect pieces to a puzzle. When you met her team, even they would mention how similar you two were. Deeming you perfect for one another. That was when it happened, the first part of the incident that would end with Kat claiming her territory. When the waitress had arrived at your table with champagne on ice, Kat’s entire demeanor had changed. The waitress seemed to keep her eyes on you the entire time she was there. Mainly addressing you and barely even looking Kat’s way, When you noticed what was happening, you were repulsed. She was laying it on thick. Desperate. Pathetic.
“Have you decided on an order, Ma’am”? Her attention zeroed in on you, your eyes shifted to Kat’s and you could see her face was now red with fury but she only smiled sweetly at you. You kept her calm for the moment.
“Yes, actually. My girlfriend and I have decided on both-” You began to speak but Kat cut you off, itching to continue for you. To show the waitress her existence would be noticed, especially when it came to being with her woman. She wasn’t one to play with, especially not about you.
“We’ll have the Shrimp rolls for our starter and we’ll have the Crab leg and steak platter for our main courses. Thank you”. She sounded sweet, too sweet. Kat was definitely holding in her attitude, this night was for them. She wouldn’t let this imbecile ruin their night. The waitress walked away, a tight smile on her face. You hoped that was the end of it. When you looked back at Kat there was new emotion on it- Pettiness. Mischief. You bit your lip shyly knowing what came next.
“Come sit by me, Princess”.
When the waitress had come back with your starter, Kat wrapped her arm around your waist, nearly pulling you right into her lap. She eyed the servers moves when putting down the order and was less than happy to see the waitress pull the “brush of the arm” move on you, slipping you her number. She knew you were taken yet didn’t seem to care. It was absolutely disgusting in Kat’s eyes and yours. You ripped the paper when she’d left.
“Let me know if you need anything else, Lovely”. The waitress drawled, her eyes trailing from your eyes and landing down onto your chest. They stayed there for an uncomfortably long period of time and you were 2 seconds from blowing up on her if Kat decided not to. There was one thing you’d never been able to tolerate and that was blatant disrespect to your relationship. When you’d met the team and once when a case landed in your hands, one of the DA’s Pippa Cox, you could tell she was desperately in love with Kat. That night had angered you so much that you’d cursed out Pippa and later that night rode and marked your girl like she was a stallion.
You wouldn’t allow Kat to feel that level of jealousy and disrespect but it was far too late for that. Kat’s hand had already made its way to your inner thigh.
3 months ago…
Rollins, Kat, and Pippa had made their way to the hospital to interview a 16-year-old sexual assault victim. The victim had clung to Y/N and sobbed as he begged you to stay while they did the rape kit. So you did, he needed that much. Poor boy was so traumatized, he was shaking the entire time he hung onto you. Afraid and Alone. His mother and father being the ones who’s sold him off to support their addiction. Sick, very sick. When you saw Rollins had finally gotten the boy alone, you were relieved to see your girlfriend and rushed right up to her, thrusting your arms around her neck and sighing deeply, not noticing the looming figure next to them, angry and waiting. When you pulled away was when you finally acknowledged Pippa. You thought she was gorgeous but sometimes gorgeous, gorgeous girls needed to keep their gorgeous, gorgeous lips shut.
“I’m so sorry. Where are my manners? I’m Nurse Y/LN. Kat’s girlfriend”. You smiled genuinely, not realizing this was the ex Kat had told you about, warned you about more like. Telling you Pippa was still in love with her but she held no feelings towards her anymore, only regarding her as a colleague and because it was Kat, you trusted her completely. She’d given you no reason not to. When you saw the way the Counselors eyebrow had raised, you knew. Looking to Kat to confirm and getting ready for the bullshit when she did a small nod. Pippa grabbed your hand to shake but it was more than aggressive and had left you moving your arm around to get it back into place.
“Counselor. Pippa. Pippa Cox. I, uh, didn’t know Kat was taken”. she licked her lips, putting on a too big smile that you and Kat knew was fake. Kat was about to butt in when Rollins had called her over leaving you with Pippa who was now giving you the stankiest look you ever did see. You attempted to ignore it and readied yourself to follow Kat and Rollins when she started talking and for an ADA, she told some pretty bad lies. Fact checking was a given and she had not done so that day.
“You and Kat seem a little different. Kat usually goes for more reserved types and I must say you’re a bubbly little thing”. She started off, a brief sigh left your lips before you turned to deal with her bullshit. Yes, Kat did date more reserved women before you but that was what made you so important and special to her. When she met you, you were something new in her life. So bright and in tune with your inner child and you brought her out of her shell. The one she’d spent so long searching for to hide herself in and keep her heart under lock and key. You, however, were a breath of fresh air and you pushed her to be outgoing. You personality was one of the things she loved most about you. You were honestly shocked that was what Pippa had chosen to nitpick at. A part of you and Kat’s relationship that made you mesh so well…Your differences.
You spoke politely, not willing to stoop to her level this soon, “Well, she and I have had that conversation before. We think our opposite dynamics is what makes our love bloom so big, always something new to learn about each other”. you didn’t miss the way her face had soured a little and it was a bit satisfying, seeing her face fall when she realized Kat was actually happy with someone else but her next words? They nearly enraged you. You had no patience for liars or people willing to disrespect your relationship.
“Well, that’s nice. I thought for sure she’d missed me, y’know? Maybe I was wrong but then again…I wasn’t the one who showed up to my ex girlfriends house new year’s day begging for a make up. She seemed quite heartbroken groveling about how she missed me, but maybe it was a dream. A nightmare, I suppose”.
Unbeknownst to the two of you, Kat and Rollin’s had finished their interview and Kat was making her way back towards you with Rollin’s in tow. They stayed back when they realized what was said and happening. Rollin’s was pissed on behalf of the both of you because she knew damn well it wasn’t true, you’d spent two entire weeks at Kat’s house before New Years and the two of you were with each other 24/7 during the eve of New Year’s and the next morning because you’d gone out to party with the squad before retreating back to Kat’s. It was absolutely stupid to claim something without evidence, Pippa was no dumbass. She had to know that. Kat was about to step in but she knew and trusted you so she stayed back as well, watching the entire thing pan out. You knew how to hold your own and it was certainly attractive to watch. You nodded, feigning a shocked and hurt glance before walking in front of Pippa, slightly towering over the Ginger.
“O-oh she was? Wow, I must be so dumb. Think I might need my glasses checked because I swear she’d been with me the entire two weeks and we’d gone out to a party for New year’s eve and only got back to hers at 1 a.m where she made love to me all night and spent the next day treating me like a princess but Y’know”. You scrunched your nose, leaning down to whisper into a shocked Pippa’s ear, “Must’ve been a hologram. Silly, silly, SILLY me”. when you stood back up, your face was red before you began to walk away in anger, Kat said something muffled in the background to Pippa almost sounding like a “Fuck you, Cox”. before catching up with you before she and Rollin’s had to leave.
That night she let you claim your territory because she couldn’t help but think how attractive it was when you checked Pippa for fucking with your relationship.
Kat’s hand was snaking up your thigh, your breath had hitched when you realized where this was going, she smirked seeing that familiar pink blush showing up to dust your perfect high cheekbones, “Something wrong, Babydoll? Scoot closer, you look a little flush”. she pulled you to her by the thigh and you wanted to smack that beautiful yet highly annoying smirk off of her face. Fucking sadist.
“Kat, what are you doing? We’re in public”. You looked into her eyes and stumbled a bit, she gave you that look. Dark and unwavering, letting you know she wasn’t playing around and strike one was you calling her the wrong name, “S-sir”.
“Just…Wanting to get close to you. Is that a crime, Puppy”? She whispered into your ear, sending shivers down your spine, you knew she was jealous, possessive. It always happened that way, the moment she was feeling an ounce of jealousy, she was suddenly clingy, touchy, and not in the mood for you to defy her.
“No, Dieu. I’m just- I was just caught off guard” You assure her and she decides to shock you even more when the waitress comes back, her fingers play with the edge of the yellow lace of your lingerie set, her fingers stay there for awhile before finally landing on your bare cunt. The waitress sat your food down before starting in on her bullshit, but this time your focus was elsewhere. Specifically the fingers sneaking dangerously close to the entrance of your pussy.
“How’d you like your starter, Darling”? At the name, Kat’s fingers dipped into your cunt hole, aiming to distract and make you stumble over your words if you so decided to talk to the blonde bobble head in front of you. You rolled your eyes at this, tired of the disrespect and horrible timing, you were done playing nice and although two of Kat’s fingers were thrusting into you at a slow controlled pace while the other groped your boob lewdly, not caring that the waitress saw and almost wavered for a second.
“Look. The dinner is fine but C-can we get a new waitress? You can literally see I’m with my girlfriend and you’re constantly being disrespectful and trying to flirt with me. Get a clue and leave”. You spat at her and she looked taken aback, shuffling away quickly after you checked her. At that, Kat sped up.
While you ate dinner, Kat was still fingering you, it took so long for you to even pick up a bite of food, your thighs nearly squeezing over her hand, she slapped them back open. She was gonna make you cum before you left the restaurant and once you got home, you’d be at her mercy.
“Come on, Pet. You’re almost there…Cum for Mommy and we can leave”. Kat whispered, her fingers rolling into your cunt, massaging the walls of your hole, particularly pressing against your G-Spot which made you almost moan on command but you held it in, food forgotten about, you were nearly levitating. She had always been good with her hands.
Adding pressure to your clit, it was pierced and she knew it was sensitive and you loved a bit of pain. When she pinched, you came right there, all over her fingers. She pulled them out and smirked, sucking your cum off of her finger. God, she couldn’t wait to get you home.
“Good girl. Good fucking girl”.
When you’d gotten home, you barely had a chance to step out of your dress before Kat was on you like white on rice. Her mouth going to the most sensitive part of your body, your neck. She began sucking red and purple marks onto the skin, enjoying the fact she could now drink in your moans without worry of being caught. She held you tight against her, you slid the dress down your body and moaned softly, her hands running all over your body, she just couldn’t get enough of you.
“Get naked, Pup. Ass up, all fours. I need my marks on your body NOW”. she ordered and let you go although she hadn’t wanted to. That was the last thing she wanted but she was far too in the mood to claim what was hers to care. She needed you and now.
You did as told, you knew what time it was. It had taken you a long time to get her to give in to her sadistic desires. She was still a Sex Crimes Detective and the thought of hurting you was at first something she couldn’t fathom but when you gave her that first taste of Impact Play, the moment she slapped you that night in the bedroom and you smiled, begging for more was the night that unlocked something so darkly hidden within your girlfriend. You’d been a pain whore through and through and she thrived off watching you react to the pain she inflicted on you made her realize she absolutely loved dealing out pain. Especially after a hard day at work when she was particularly angry or stressed she’d come home and angry fuck you into the bed, providing you all the pain you wanted. All consensual and nothing too fucked up. She would never punch you or anything, she knew where to draw the line and you trusted her.
When she came into the room she was pleased to see you had listened, dressed in nothing but her lacy grey bra and a pair of boxers, she made her way over to you, holding something that vibrates in her hand. Your back fell into a deep arch when it was inserted inside you. She chuckled, pulling you up by your hair and holding you to her chest, her voice had gotten impossibly darker, “What are you, Y/n”? she asked, the toy pulsing inside you made your thoughts muddle together. It was cute seeing you struggling to talk.
“A pain loving toy”. You finally replied after a moan too many. Kat slapped both of your cheeks, smiling sadistically when she did, her hand wrapped around your throat. Hand between your thighs, cupping your cunt.
“That’s right, Baby. My toy”. She reiterated spitting in your mouth and watching you gulp it down before shoving you to the bed, ass tooted up with your legs spread. Ready to be devoured. When she crawled onto the bed and saw her prize in front of her, there was no stopping her. She roughly grabbed your asscheeks and dug her nails into the skin, creating a delicious type of pain that almost made you collapse to the bed, but you held up and she dove in, her tongue licking a stripe up your cunt. She moaned from the taste and enjoyed the way you quivered and whined. Like a little bitch. How adorable. She sucked your clit into her mouth, her tongue moving up and down your folds, paying special attention to your hole, her tongue dipping in and out repeatedly. You were in ecstasy. Your moans dripping out loudly, letting the neighbors know exactly who was making you feel good.
“Oh, Fuck, Sir. F-faster”.
Kat slowed down as soon as the words came out, somewhere inside you knew she would do this, she loved to prolong, make you wait, beg for it. You knew immediately that you’d messed up, by way of her tongue just flicking at your clit, giving you no sense of pleasure until you gave in and apologized.
“Are you in control, Pumpkin”? She asked, huskily. She’d pulled away to watch you, a stinging resounding slap to your ass sounded out and you let out an audible gasp that had Kat slapping your ass again just to hear it, after you finally gave in and started to beg and make your ass jiggle like you knew she liked. She dipped back down and dove back in, her tongue shoved deep inside you. She knew what she was doing what she wanted from you.
“N-no, I’m not in control but…” She wouldn’t let you speak nor breathe, your body was pushed over the top. It was embarrassing the way your body toppled over to the bed, Kat only chuckled and pulled away once more, looking down at you and feigning a pout, she was plotting in her mind what to do next. Her eyes moved up from your cunt to your quivering body and she smirks, pulling something out from the nightstand and moving towards you.
“Good girl but…Let’s play a little game, shall we? Let’s see how long you’ll last being denied your right to cum with my tongue on your clit and this vibrator inside your pussy. Cum without permission and you won’t be walking for the week, got it”?
And with that she loomed over you and grinned, you knew just by her smile that you wouldn’t be cumming for hours on end. Not if Kat had anything to do with it.
A/N: I have 21 fucking scenarios in my drafts. Kill me now.
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A/N: This is set in my Paper Hearts modern au. You don’t need to read the main fic to understand but I do mention some things that might not make sense if you haven’t read the whole fic. If you are going to read the main fic, please read the tags and be aware that I have poured much of my own trauma, physical and mental into this fic as a sort of therapy 😅. This one shot though should be fine, just angsty. And hot. I hope.
Nice, stupidly long one shot for @writer-wednesday
Summary: It’s been 5 years since you split with your ex-husband, but recently you started dating again. You are heading to a conference for the weekend, ready to take time and reflect on your life choices away from everyone and everything, only for him to be attending the same conference.
Warnings: mention of marriage, angst, mention of past abuse (not RC), angst, fluff (maybe?) NSFW 18+ MDNI. Smut, p in v, fingering F receiving, plenty of mentions to their past, mention of infidelity. RC has a child but barely in it.
This is also terribly unbeta’d 🤣
Pairing: Armitage Hux x F!Reader
Word Count: 7.4k+ (don’t @ me ok? I have missed this au!)
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The weather was awful. Thick sheets of grey fell from the sky, smearing the bright lights of London across your window but you still knew exactly where you were. This would always be a place you’d come back to no matter where you ended up. It was home.
Thankfully the heat wave had broken but did it need to break in such a dramatic and wet style? You stepped from the taxi and the umbrella flared above your head cutting through the torrential downpour, but not well enough. Water seeped into your shoes, a riverlet spilled off the curve of the umbrella, soaking your hair and trickling disgustingly down your back.
People filled the checking in area for the hotel but none of them looked as wet and bedraggled as you did.
Everyone was dressed smartly for the conference and you became highly aware of how creased your skirt was from sitting in the taxi, your shoes were wet and slippery on the smooth floor and you nearly slid to the desk when it was your turn. As soon as that card key was in your hand, your head was down and you were marching for the lift, your small suitcase trailing behind you.
Not paying attention to your surroundings you read the little booklet the receptionist had given you about the different rooms and what was happening in each one. You didn’t notice when someone stepped up beside you, patiently waiting for the lift with their own suitcase.
Your phone rang making you curse under your breath as you had to dig it out of your bag at the same time the lift doors dinged.
“Go up without me!” You huffed pressing accept on the screen. The doors didn’t close and you looked up with annoyance only for your fingers to clutch tightly round the phone and your throat to become as dry as the Sahara desert.
“Mum?” The voice sounded loud in your ear, jolting you into action.
“Yes! Yes, sweetheart I’m here.” You stepped forward and positioned yourself next to him, hoping your nervous swallowing wasn’t noticeable down the phone line. Pippa started babbling about Kat’s baby, how he had grabbed her hair and dribbled on her face. Your heart was as fast as a bird in a cage while you tried to concentrate on your daughter's excitement and not think about the cologne of the man standing in the small lift with you.
“Are you there? Is it busy? Do they put chocolate on your pillow?”
“No Pippa. They do not put chocolate on your pillow,” you glanced up to see him smiling as he watched the lights change above the doors. “Anyway be good for Aunty Kat and Uncle Poe…”
“Tell her I said hi.” You almost choked at the sound of his voice when the doors opened on your floor and you had to concentrate on walking, talking and pulling your case along.
“Your father says hello,” you turned, expecting to wave farewell but he was getting out too and you thought your heart was going to stutter and stop.
“Dad? Dad is there? Let me talk to him!” He stopped when he saw you weren’t moving, you tried not to stare into those ocean glass eyes that were permanently imprinted in your mind as you handed the phone over.
“She wants to say hi.” His fingers were warm against your own and you cleared your throat trying not to be overwhelmed by feelings. You had assumed this conference would have been a good way to take a break for a few days.
Since you’d been on a few dates with him you found yourself falling into old patterns, it was so hard not to fall back into bed with him, to let you destroy each other all over again. But you wanted this to work and now he was here. And staying in the room opposite yours.
You watched him smile at something his daughter said, his gaze alighting on you for a moment when he nodded.
“I promise Pip. All right. Let your mum talk to Kat. Bye Pip!” He handed the phone back and you gave him a quick smile already dreading what Kat was going to say.
“Is he still there? Can he hear me?” She hissed. You jumped when Hux touched your arm, almost dropping your key in the process.
“I’ll talk to you later,” he murmured.
“Ok,” you watched dumbfounded as he disappeared into his room. Of all the places. Of all the times. Of all the fucking rooms!
“Answer me bitch!” You swung your door open and immediately collapsed onto the bed.
“I’m here. He’s gone now.”
“What is happening? You didn’t tell me he was going? If you wanted a weekend away all you had to do was ask…”
“Kat! Stop! I had no idea he was going to be here. We generally don’t talk about work when we’re together.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Noth—nothing?! Listen here woman. That man is mad for you. I still don’t understand why, WHY, you insist on dragging this out.” She sighed heavily down the phone and you could hear Pippa laughing in the background. “You two need to rip the bandage off, and quickly.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to,” you told her, rolling to lay on your front and pluck at the covers. “I just feel myself slipping back into those old feelings and I don’t…that’s not where I want to be.”
“It’s going to feel like that though. It’s you and Armitage. There is no other way I can describe it. You guys had everything once, that’s where you need to get back to.”
“We can’t just flick back to those chapters in our life. It’s not that simple. And starting again is difficult with our history.” So much history, it filled the void between you and Hux like an obstacle course, one you both have to manoeuvre to meet in the middle.
“Well, just take each day as it comes then? Attend your conference and then hide in your room. Does he know your room number?”
“He’s in the room opposite.”
“Oh fuck. I feel the universe is trying to kick your arses into gear.”
“Lovely talking to you!” You said loudly, pushing off the bed.
“Oh come on, you know I’m right!”
“Say bye to Pippa for me. Love you all bye!” You cut her off and threw the phone away from you. Burying your face into the covers you screamed. This was not how you wanted this conference to go.
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You ordered room service. You had spoken to Beaumont and told him you were too tired to socialise tonight and asked if he could handle it. After a shower you got dressed in your pyjamas and sat cross legged on the bed watching Eastenders, you’d got back into your soaps over the years. Something for you to do in the evenings when Pippa slept or while she was with Armitage.
You had a bottle of champagne and some crisps that you were picking at when there was a knock on your door. Glancing at your phone you saw it had only gone 8pm, if it was Beaumont you were going to tell him to bugger off. Getting up with a sigh you trudged to the door and opened it without looking through the peephole.
Your breath caught in your throat so hard you nearly choked, Hux was standing there in a grey suit, his tie was loose and the top buttons were undone. His hair had been agitated from the gel making it drift over his brow. He held a bottle of white wine and two glasses, cocking an eyebrow at your casual attire.
“Busy?” He enquired with a hint of amusement.
“Watching Eastenders, so I’m incredibly busy.” But you widened the door and stepped aside to let him pass anyway. Half of you was screaming in horror while the other half was curling up with excitement, you weren’t sure which one was going to win.
Releasing the door you walked past him to sit at the window seat. It was dark but the rain was still falling, splashing against the plane of glass as though wanting to spy on what was happening in your room. Your pulse quickened as he approached, your hand automatically reaching out for the glass he offered you. He settled next to you on the seat, leaning back and crossing his legs with a sigh.
Desperately you tried to focus on some lights below, how the rain changed their appearance with every new drop but you weren’t strong enough to resist. Your gaze wandered to him, following the line of his side profile as he stared at the ceiling.
“Is it busy downstairs?” You managed to ask, before wetting your mouth with the wine. Your favourite white, no less.
“Yes. All stuffy and boring. But your absence was noted,” he turned to look at you, making a heat roil under your skin. A sensation that was all too familiar and damaging.
“What brings the owner of First Order Publishings to a lowly conference?” He inhaled deeply, staring down into his glass.
“Well, I still haven’t found someone I trust as much as I did you. So I have to do it.” You rolled your eyes and leaned against the window to give him a knowing look.
“It’s been more than 5 years, you can’t do everything, Armitage.”
“So come back?” Pain flickered with every beat of your heart, you wanted nothing more than to go back to the company you’d worked in for most of your life. To see him everyday, to sit in your office once again, but you had broken free. You were you for the first time in your life and you didn’t want to retread your own footsteps through this new half of your life.
“Armitage…” he lifted a hand in silent apology when he saw the anguish cross over your features. Both of you sipped the wine, bathed in the light from the tv as you fought the rising tension between you. “Pippa had a project at school last week about the Romans,” you said, changing the subject.
“Ah yes. She did moan to me that you and Kat had pricked her with pins trying to get her costume to fit,” he recounted with a slight grin.
“That child fidgets!” You exclaimed, unfolding your legs to get up and get the bottle of wine. “She cannot stand still for five minutes.”
“She’ll grow out of it,” he murmured. “I was the same.”
“Sometimes I think she’s your double…” you started.
“But then you fall out of her mouth,” he finished and you beamed at him as you topped up his glass. “She really is the best of us,” he sighed.
“We’re going to be in trouble when she’s a teenager,” you commented, settling back down on the seat.
“After everything we got up to, yes we’re in serious trouble,” he moaned, lifting the glass up.
“Here’s to parents of headstrong daughters,” you said, knocking your glass against his. You could feel his eyes on your face as you took a long sip but you concentrated on the rain outside once again. Ignoring the thrumming of your body, the knock of your pulse that seemed to thread through to your fingertips.
“I should be going. Need to be up early to get a decent seat at breakfast. Care to join me?” Your brain short circuited for a moment but then you realised he was talking about breakfast and not his bed.
“Oh, yes I’m sure you’ll see me there. Can’t resist a fried egg and hash browns.” Your eyes widened when he shifted on the seat, leaning into your space and you froze.
All you could hear was the drum of your heart when his hand tentatively slid up the side of your face, his fingers tangling in the still damp strands of your hair. His pupils had blown wide, drowning out the green you knew so well. They danced over your features, noticing your parted lips as you breathed in small gasps at his feather light touch. You saw him hesitate, so you made the next move.
Your body became fluid as you moved forward, heat curled up from your stomach to coalesce in your chest. But when your lips finally touched, nothing else existed for you. He washed over you like a comforting blanket, the aroma of home and all things that were ingrained into your very soul.
The kiss was soft, both of you holding back because you knew where it would lead if you didn’t. Still you pressed into him, parting your lips so he could claim you, possess every part of you. His fingers hooked around the back of your neck and your hand lifted to hold onto his wrist. He was all you could taste, his scent was drowning you, smothering you in the most delicious way as his body leaned to rest over yours.
You could feel him between your legs as the kiss continued, your body responding to the hypnotising sensation of him. He gasped against your lips like a man starved of oxygen and you were the only source for miles, the sound of it sent your mind soaring to new heights and you chased his mouth not wanting this to end.
But he whispered your name, making your eyes flutter open and see the concentration that marked his face. He looked like he was in pain, his bottom lip dragged between his teeth and he sighed. Slowly he retreated, his scent clinging to you but his warmth left with him. Your legs fell closed in his absence, not trusting yourself to get up as you pull them up closer to you.
“Goodnight,” he told you firmly.
“Goodnight, Armitage.” He nodded, his fingertips pressing into the top of the chair that rested at the small desk in your room before turning sharply and taking his leave.
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You skipped breakfast the next day, you’d barely slept and your stomach was a knot of nerves. The kiss had played on a loop in your mind. You even tried to work it out of your system with your fingers, but didn’t come close to dulling the ache you had for your ex husband. You were going to do your best to avoid him today, it wasn’t that you didn’t want to see him. It was because you did want to see him. You were here to work, and relax for a weekend, to take time to reflect on how things were going with him after a grand total of three dates. Well, that had been the plan anyway.
You text Beaumont to meet you at your room and he did, rapping smartly on the door at 7:30am sharp.
“Morning,” he began to rattle off what was available today and you tried to listen but you were highly aware the door opposite yours was Hux’s. Was he downstairs already? God, you needed another coffee, or something stronger.
Entering the lift Beaumont continued, letting you know who was here as he’d already been downstairs and one name made your entire body lock up.
“Stop…say that again?”
“Enric Pryde. He recently took over Blue Publishings.”
“Damn. All right, avoid him at all costs,” you demanded. “The man thinks he’s the king of publishing but I can assure you there’s someone else who would rival that title.” Enric fucking Pryde. Here!
The doors dinged softly and the ambiance of the restaurant reached you. The clink of cutlery on shiny white plates, rich conversation and laughter weaved through the air, the hiss of a milk frother caught your attention and you headed for it with your assistant trailing behind.
“Espresso, please.” You asked at the counter, casting your gaze round the room but you couldn’t see a shock of ginger and you began to relax a little. The smell of breakfast was amazing but all it did was successfully turn your stomach. Beaumont ordered a latte, both of you sat at an empty table to discuss what presentations you’d each take through the day.
Your name slithering from someone else’s mouth had the cup clattering down into the saucer, spilling the dregs of your espresso. You shivered from the icy fingers that voice created down your spine and you let loose a slight hysterical giggle as the old man approached, his startling blue eyes piercing and steely.
“Enric! It’s been far too long!” Beaumont sat uselessly opposite you, probably shocked into silence, the poor kid's eyes were wide as you stood up to accept a kiss on the cheek.
“I didn’t expect to see you here and under a different company name.” He tutted quietly, pursing his lips together as he studied you. “That’s a story you’re going to have to tell me over dinner.”
“Dinner?” You couldn’t keep the panicked edge out of your voice and you glanced at Beaumont.
“Tonight 6:30pm you have an invitation to dine with some of the top people in the business,” he whispered.
“My boy, she is one of the top people in the business. Shame you didn’t come to me when things fell apart. Maybe I could persuade you? Hux was a fool to let you go.”
“I didn’t exactly give him a choice in the matter,” you said sharply and Enric smiled, but it didn’t reach his cool eyes.
“We shall catch up later, my dear.” You didn’t realise your hands were shaking until you sat down again.
“You ok?” Beaumont asked and you nodded.
“Yes, but I am not looking forward to this dinner later.”
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The rest of the day passed in a blur of presentations and chatting with people you knew through the business. Many of them didn’t know about the breakup of your marriage so you felt your smile was fake for most of the day. Stretching it across your face in an effort to disguise the growing frustration you had every time Hux was brought up. It had been over 5 years, didn’t people have something better to talk about?? You spied Hux once or twice during the day but he was deep in conversation with other people which allowed you to turn and head in the opposite direction. You wanted to sit down with him and talk properly. Not at a conference surrounded by so many other people who were currently all gossiping about your private life.
Finally you trudged back to your room, the weight of socialising for so long was heavy on your shoulders and you couldn’t wait to get in your room and shed some of it with a nice relaxing shower. And then do it all over again, tiptoeing around the social minefield Pryde was no doubt going to make you walk through at dinner.
The dress that you had brought with you was a simple black, chiffon material that flowed from your hips. The neckline was a deep V and you debated putting a strappy top on underneath to lessen the devastating effect of your cleavage. But you couldn’t be bothered to take it all off again. The material covered the top of your shoulders, wrapping round your waist slightly and it was plain. Just how you liked it, not wanting to draw attention, especially now Pryde was here. That man was vile, one of Brendol Hux’s best friends and you were fairly sure Pryde knew about the abuse Armitage had suffered at his friend's hands and did nothing about it.
Putting some lip gloss on in the mirror, you rolled your lips together and slipped your phone, key card and bank card into a small bag. Tugging some heels on you frowned when there was a knock at your door. Cursing softly you hobbled with one shoe on and opened the door to reveal Hux standing there in an all black suit. The top button of his black shirt was undone and had clearly gone down the more casual route while still looking impeccably smart. He smiled at the sight of you, immediately crouching down to help put your other shoe on. Heat swirled to your face as you leaned on his shoulder for balance, floundering in the smell of his cologne. One that you recognised.
“Off somewhere nice?” You asked knowing full well he was attending this damn meal, of course he was.
“I heard a lady didn’t have company to dinner, so I thought I would offer my services.”
“Jesus Christ Armitage, you sound like an escort service,” you muttered. Pushing away from him as soon as your shoe was on properly and the straps were all done up.
“Makes me wonder how you know what one would sound like.”
“I hire them all the time, didn’t you know?” You told him dismissively, picking up your bag and checking you had everything.
“Someone is feeling on edge this evening,” he commented.
“It’s just a long day and…well Pryde is going to be at dinner.” You peered up at him trying to get a read on his reaction but he kept his expression blank.
“I had expected he’d make an appearance, what with his recent expansion,” he said carefully. “He offered to buy FO.”
“Excuse me?” You rounded on him as you both paused at the lifts. “The audacity of the man!”
“He offered me a decent price,” Hux murmured, a hand in his pocket as his gaze fixed on the light above the doors.
“You considered it?” You could see the quiet contemplation on his face and you just knew he had. And why.
“I decided not to. Obviously,” he swallowed harshly, trying to quell some rising emotion. “But I did consider it.” You fell into your own thoughts as you both rode the lift in silence. For him to even contemplate selling the company was huge and if you were honest, it rocked you a little.You leaving, couldn’t have messed with him that much, surely? You felt the lift slowing down and you slipped your arm into his, looking up at him hoping he’d look your way just for a moment, but he didn’t. Just holding your hand close in the crook of his elbow, he led you into the restaurant that had been decked out for tonight’s meal. Most people from the conference would be dining here but a few had special invites into a private dining room.
Hux dropped your arm to open the door for you, checking to see if you were ready and you gave him a small nod. As soon as it opened that fake smile you thought you were done with, reappeared and you were all pleasantries as you worked the room. Pryde sought you out almost immediately, walking with you and introducing you to people you didn’t know. You tried not to show your disgust at the way he possessively put a hand on your back and you deliberately did not look at your ex husband to see his reaction.
Enric took you over to the small bar, you ordered a G&T and he ordered a whiskey on the rocks. You could see Armitage had his back to you at the moment and you were grateful he was ignoring you as much as you were him.
“So tell me, what did happen for you to leave that cushiony position?” You shrugged, desperately trying to think of something to say other than; my husband had an affair, we fell apart at the binding, I left him as broken as he left me?
“Well things happen. It just didn’t suit me anymore. I moved out of London and got my daughter into a nice school on the outskirts.”
“A daughter?” His gaze followed your line of sight, a calculating smirk curving his lips. “Interesting.”
“But what about you? I heard you’re trying to buy up every publishing business you can get your hands on.” You blinked innocently at him and the anger that sparked in his gaze died down.
“I am expanding my empire,” he gushed. “You know I could make room for someone of your talents.” A rough giggle erupted from you as he guided you to the table in the middle of the room.
“I already have a job, Enric.”
“Pish posh, darling. Minor details.” You spied Hux moving, still chatting with someone from another company as they approached the table. He didn’t even look at you as he grabbed the chair next to you, but you could see Pryde smile wickedly as your ex husband firmly planted himself beside you.
This wasn’t your ideal situation, in fact if you could be anywhere on earth right now, you’d take it. Just absolutely, anywhere. You were sure people were casting looks in your direction, gossiping about your broken marriage and forming their own, wrong, opinions. The only thing you could do was hitch your smile up and join in the conversation someone had started further down the table.
You found yourself relaxing when nothing happened, Armitage didn’t even talk to you which was fine. Perfect. You all ordered your meals and when the starter was being cleared away you dared to start enjoying yourself. Even braving a second G&T. You listened to Enric and his boasting, pretty sure your eyes had glazed over more than once but he didn’t notice, as long as you grinned and nodded in the appropriate places.
The mains arrived and for the first time Hux acknowledged you, his green eyes crinkling slightly as he smiled at your food choice.
“I knew you’d order the steak,” he murmured.
“It was the most appetising thing on the menu,” you told him with a shrug. “I bet you ordered the steak.” Sure enough, they put a steak in front of him and you couldn’t stop the self satisfied smile that graced your lips.
“Just shows you still know me better than anyone else,” he said, leaning into you slightly, his shoulder bumping yours. For a moment it seemed like no one else was at the table, it was just you and him as you gazed at each other.
“You were a fool to let her go, Hux.” Your eyes rolled slightly and Armitage tipped forward to look past you.
“I have no idea what you mean, Pryde.”
“She was the backbone of your company and you just let her walk out of the front door.”
“It doesn’t matter,” you said lightly. “And I do believe it was my choice.”
“Did you know FO turnover has decreased by 10% since you left?” Enric told you smugly and you glanced at Hux in surprise.
“Armitage, that’s a lot,” you whispered. But he acted like he hadn’t heard you, slicing into his steak and you were pretty sure he was pretending it Enric’s face.
“I tried to buy FO, see if I could turn them around.” Enric said loudly to the person next to him. Oh Jesus. You turned to tell Pryde to be quiet or distract him at least but Hux’s cutlery clattered loudly onto his plate, bringing a hush to the table.
“Enough.” He snarled. “I refused your offer, and my company's gross profit is still more than most in the country.”
“Surely now would be the time to sell, you’re on a slippery slope. One your father would have been ashamed to be on.” Armitage launched out of his seat, but you were already standing with him. Providing the barrier he so desperately needed against the idiot behind you.
“Let’s take a walk,” you mumbled, fully aware every single eye was on the pair of you. “Move, Armitage!” You hissed, pushing on his rigid body as he glared at the old man who sipped his whiskey like nothing had happened. Finally he complied, but your heart didn’t stop pounding.
His strides were long as he headed to the lifts, a hand carding through his hair in agitation. He didn’t speak, he didn’t need to. You could read him like a book. A redness flushed the tops of his ears, his footsteps were heavy as he paced, waiting for the lift. When the doors opened he turned to you but he couldn’t bring himself to meet your gaze.
“You don’t have to stay. You should go back.” His tone was sharp but he was just riding out the rush of anger at the mention of his father.
“You think I want to head back in there? If you want to be alone, fine. I just want to get in my pyjamas and watch tv.” He leaned heavily against the wall of the lift and you knew now he was silently berating himself for his outburst.
“I’m sorry if I ruined your night.” You scoffed loudly and rested your back against the wall beside him.
“Are you kidding me? They’ll be talking about this for years to come. Highlight of my weekend.”
“And there I was, thinking that kiss last night would have been the highlight,” he sighed. “I clearly need to up my game.”
“Maybe you do.” The words slipped out before you could stop them, interest flared in those pale green irises and you had to look away. Your bottom lip was sucked into your mouth, a motion you barely remember doing.
The silence between you was anything but silent. Your body seemed determined to betray you with every function. Your heart was trying to pound its way through your ribs, forcing your pulse to throb loudly. Your breathing was loud, dragging between your partly open lips and you were sure Armitage could hear every single one you took. Your insides were quivering but you kept repeating in your mind, you were going your separate ways. Hux in his room and you in your room.
The doors loomed in front of you far too quickly for your liking and you turned to face him. God, this was awkward. Your brain was melting at the sight of him, the way he looked at you sent shivers down your spine. Your hands flexed, itching to drag through that plush hair as you remembered your last encounter in a hotel.
“I’m going to get out of these shoes and put some pyjamas on,” you breathed, backing towards your door. He stepped towards you, his ocean green eyes, stormy as he came closer. “A-and then I’m going to watch some nonsense on tv.” You licked the corner of your mouth, the door was suddenly firm against your back and heat unfurled in your body as he stalked closer.
“Sounds like you have your evening all planned,” his voice was steady and light. He glanced casually toward the lifts, he still had a hand in his pocket and the other swept that little fringe of hair back. Seeing no one else was around he moved quickly. Bringing his hands up to cup your face, crowding you against the door so hard it jolted in the frame.
His lips were insistent and you let the moan slip from your throat as he explored your mouth. The kiss was intense, stealing every sense from you and awakening everything you’d worked so hard to keep buried.
“Care to change those plans?” He whispered, his voice aching with need and you nearly swooned.
“Yes,” you breathed. “New plans.” Your hand was shaking when you went into your bag to look for your key. He leaned on the door, still pressing into you so when you turned you felt everything through the thin material of your dress. He swept the hair away from your neck, his lips persistent as he kissed the exposed skin of your throat. His other hand trailed heavily down the curve of your body and your eyes closed as a strong wave of need made your legs tremble.
As soon as the door unlocked you were both tumbling through. His hands stayed on you, whirling you back round to face him as he desperately feasted on your lips before the door had even swung closed. Your hands gravitated to his hair, pulling through the rich locks of fire that you’d been thinking about all day.
He walked you backwards to the bed, your legs knocking into the frame and you broke off the kiss to crawl onto the covers. He followed, his eyes never leaving yours as he caged you beneath him.
Your legs fell open and he settled down along your body, his hand coming up to toy with your throat as he ravaged your mouth again. His hips pressed down, stroking his hard length along the apex of your thighs making you gasp wildly into his mouth.
“I’ve wanted you all fucking day,” he growled. “I’ve wanted you for weeks…years.” Both your motions slowed at his confession. He rested his forehead on yours, his eyes closed so he didn’t see the reaction on your face. Gently you ghosted a hand along the side of his face, trying not to get swept up in the ache that rose in your chest.
“It’s only ever been you,” you whispered. Hux rolled onto his side and you shifted with him. Still trailing your fingertips over his face, tracing the line of those features you had committed to memory. “Armitage…”
“I just want us to be us again,” he whispered brokenly. Your heart started to burn at the edges, the words of your story were imprinted there for all eternity no matter how hard you tried to ignore them. He was written all over you, branded into your very soul and there was no escape. You’d been resisting for far too long and it was a wonder he was even still here, trying.
“One last chance,” you murmured. His gaze magnetised to yours, a sigh fell from him and he nodded.
“One last chance,” he agreed. You moved closer, tugging his face towards you for a kiss, his hands lifted you on top of him, holding on firmly to the curve of your hips. You rocked against him, feeling the intensity of the kiss increase as your bodies took over.
His fingers deftly unzipped the back of your dress, a soft groan rumbled from him at the feel of your bare skin and you sat up to slip your arms out. The fabric pooled around your waist and his gaze devoured the sight of you sitting half naked on top of him.
His chest heaved as his hand slid shakily up your body, delicately touching your stomach and brushing the underside of your bra. Sitting still, you let him reacquaint himself with your body, holding his shoulders to steady yourself as he sat up. You slipped your hands under his jacket, sliding it carefully off his shoulders, smoothing the fabric of his shirt down as both your breaths mingled in their closeness.
He wrapped his arms around you, hauling you impossibly closer, his face buried in the crook of your neck as you returned the embrace. You ran your finger nails up and down his back, feeling the tension leave him as he sagged slightly against you.
He started to nibble the underside of your jaw, tilting your head back to allow him better access, his hand coming up to cradle the back of your head. You found yourself falling backwards and he followed, his cock straining in the confines of his trousers as he kissed his way down your body. His long fingers curled over the fabric of your dress, gently swiping it down your body until you were just in your underwear and heels.
Your eyes fluttered when he appeared back over you, the concentration on his face had you canting your hips upward slightly, wanting him to touch you where you needed him the most. You entwined your fingers in that flop of fiercely red hair, seeing his eyes half close at the sensation of you touching him.
He splayed a hand over your stomach, slowly drifting it down to stroke the inside of your thigh, his eyes watching every change that came over your face as you silently pleaded with him. Finally he swiped your core, such a teasing gesture that instantly had you gasping for more.
He trailed a finger along the line of your underwear, the tickle of it had your stomach tensing and he actually smirked. Well two could play that game. You locked gazes with him, reaching down to stroke his hard length through the fabric and he bucked softly into your touch. His own fingers pushed your underwear aside, his lips seeking out yours as he felt how wet you were for him. His teasing sent you to new heights, his fingers knew you more intimately than anyone else and he used that to his advantage. Gently pushing past your clit had you clutching at him and he exhaled abruptly against your open mouth.
He slowly dipped two fingers into your heat, your back arcing off the bed almost in relief. You cunt welcomed him, fluttering around his fingers greedily when he curled them round to find that magic bundle of nerves inside you.
Your hands moved, ripping open the fastenings for his trousers and delved into his pants, both of you panting as you palmed the heated silkiness that resided there. It had been so long since you’d touched a man, let alone this man. 5 years of desire and urgency threatened to overwhelm you, so you kept eye contact with him as you pumped his cock. Desperately trying to stay in the moment as his fingers plunged into you, dragging a cry from your chest.
Heat prickled across your body, tingling its way up your neck as your head rolled on the covers, your mouth opening as the edges of your orgasm covered your body. Your hips rolled, trying to get more friction off his hand and he let you chase that high your body craved.
Hux slotted his lips over your mouth, sucking down each cry you fed him. Your hand gripped him tightly as you pumped him faster and he made such a sinful noise it had you tipping over the edge. Mind numbing bliss exploded through your body and white spots erupted behind your tightly closed lids as you unravelled beneath him.
He left you limp and boneless on the bed as he shed himself of his shirt, kicking off his trousers, he was back on you in moments. His arms crowded you, fingers tangling in your hair as he kissed you deeply. His cock hot and heavy against your wetness, pressing in tightly against you, as though worried you were going to disappear.
Each rut of his hips had you gasping. Reaching down you tugged at his pants, rolling them down to free his cock. He hooked his fingers in yours, yanking them off with a firm pull that had the material splitting making you moan.
He held his cock, running it along your folds and coating himself in your slick, nudging your clit and sending a new wave of electricity through your body. He notched the spongy head at your entrance, his hand coming to rest next to your shoulder as he pushed into you with a soft groan. You spread your legs wider, your mind shattering at the way he stretched your cunt, filling it so perfectly, like he was made just for you. He huffed loudly, resting his forehead on your clavicle as he slowly pressed further into you.
“I’ve missed you,” he breathed, the words scorching your chest before they dissipated. You lifted his head, your eyes focussed on his pink lips needing to taste him again. He pulled himself out slowly, his cock dragging enticingly against the clenching walls of your cunt. Thrusting back into you in a single swipe, started a chain reaction neither of you could deny.
He set a relentless rhythm, pushing you to the edge of the bed as he rutted forcefully into you. So many years of pent up frustration, years of denial and unspoken words of desire came through in his actions. It made your soul ache, your heart pumped wildly as you clung to him. Your bodies melded into one, writhing together as you both gave over every single page of yourselves.
Sweat gathered on your skin, his hands sliding over you as he clutched you tightly to him, bringing your body to that point you couldn’t escape. Your nails dug into his back, your other hand raked across his scalp and you buried your teeth into his shoulder.
His name ripped from you, it was the only word you could say as he ploughed you into the bedsheets, burying you beneath him in a show of possessiveness and need.
“You’re mine,” he snarled in your ear, his hand tight at your throat and his eyes consumed every flicker of pleasure that crossed your face. “I’m yours,” he whispered. His tone breaking, revealing the sadness that he’d been carrying around all these years. “Please don’t leave me again,” he uttered heartbreakingly against your neck as his hips snapping devastatingly into your body.
Raw emotion eviscerated your insides, everything that had been behind the locked door, burst forth. Tears leaked from your eyes, your mouth was anxious as you came together in a clash of bruised lips and teeth. You wanted him, needed him with you all the time. You belonged together and now, you felt free for the first time in years. There had been a time you thought the story between you was over, but this proved it wasn’t. The pages kept turning and you never wanted them to stop.
You cried out loudly, your heightened emotions made your entire body tense up as he pounded you towards the most soul ripping orgasm you’d ever experienced. He spilled first with a noise so deep it was almost animalistic, his cock throbbing deep in the softness of your cunt as he filled you again and again. The pressure of his release pushed you towards yours and you fell completely apart underneath him.
You could feel his body over you even though you were floating, drifting in a sea of ecstasy as your body shattered and remade itself. You could feel him still thrusting into you, keeping the pleasure thrumming between you, slowly bringing you back together only to let you break apart in his arms once more.
Finally he stilled, his exhausted form was heavy and damp on top of you. His chest heaved in time with yours, his breath washing over your skin and leaving goosebumps in its wake. You didn’t want to move and break the precarious essence of peace that had settled over you both.
“Can we stay here forever?” You whispered. He let out a soft chuckle, turning his face as he snuggled against you, his cock still half hard inside you.
“I’m not moving,” he stated quietly. Your fingers picked their way through his damp hair, tugging the strands gently before letting them fall back to join the rest.
You moved a little and he tensed, his hips pressing into you slightly and you cocked an eyebrow at the sensation.
“Already?” You queried. He inhaled, groaning softly as he buried his face into you.
“That all happened far too quickly for my liking,” he muttered. “I could do it all again.” You giggled when he rolled over, pulling you with him. Sitting up, you widened your hips to sink down on him. He reached up to remove your bra, leaning forward he took your breast in his mouth, his tongue swirling suggestively over your nipple.
“Haven’t we got to be up early?” You breathed, your voice catching on the huskiness in your throat.
“My plans have changed,” he muttered as he nuzzled the column of your throat. Your hips rolled, pulling a sharp inhale from you both and his fingers splayed up the side of your neck. “I don’t plan on doing anything, other than you for the rest of the weekend.”
“Mmm that sounds so good. Much better than what I had planned for this weekend.”
“You make everything better,” your eyes closed as his lips nibbled along your bottom jaw.
“Armitage….” His name tore from you like a sinful prayer and soon you were both sinking into the pools of pleasure you’d only just escaped from. You both got lost in the feel of each other, baring your souls more than you’d ever had before and showing each other just how strong your love truly was.
The night closed in around you, the soft glow of London the only light in the room as you lay entwined together in the bed. His hand drifted lazily along your arm, lulling you into that comfortable state just before you fall asleep.
“I love you,” he whispered into the darkness. “But that phrase never feels enough.”
“I know,” you whispered back. “Because I feel the same.”
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Tagging: @lemongingerart @strangunddurm @princessxkenobi
Divider by: @firefly-graphics
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
Serendipitous Secrets & Surprises Ch 22
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Rita Calhoun x fem!reader Warnings: smut, language, chaos. A/N: well, this is officially the end (for now,, there will be a collection coming later on). But I wanted to end this with a week in the Hamptons with some super soft fluffy found family.
You awoke gently, the smell of the ocean and a warm breeze flowing in through the open balcony doors, the sun beginning to stream in through the room. You felt Rita press a gentle kiss to your shoulder and you rolled in her arms, greeting her with a soft kiss.
“Good morning.” You smiled.
“Certainly is.” She smiled back at you, pushing back your loose hair as her fingers delicately traced your face, “this break was exactly what we all needed.”
“I know.” You hummed, “I’m amazed everyone’s schedule’s actually lined up.”
Well most of them had at the very least, Buchanan was still stuck working through a couple of cases, but no one really minded that. Fin had opted out saying that a Hampton’s weekend was some “true white people shit”, Olivia teased that that meant he was left in charge for the week. You were lucky that between all of you, there were enough houses for everyone to spread out in, no one crowding anyone else’s space, though it had involved some switching around from where you’d usually stay. You and Rita were sharing Rita’s place with Alex and Casey. Liz and Rafael were next door in Liz’s place, while Alex had leant out her beach house to Liv, Amanda, Sonny and the kids. Leaving Pippa, Kat and that set of kids in your Dad’s place two doors down.
The sunbeam coming in through the curtains was just making its way across the bed, you were cozy in Rita’s embrace when Casey’s voice broke the silence.
“Oh God Alex..”
“I thought I told you to keep quiet sweetheart.” Alex returned, her voice sharp and clipped.
It pulled sniggers and quiet giggles from you and Rita.
“As if she’s ever been good at following the rules.” You whispered and Rita laughed again. Her arm wrapped around you as she pulled you in for a kiss, leaving you practically breathless.
“If ya can’t beat ‘em, join them, right?” She smirked and you smiled.
“You sure?”
Her lips met yours in a smile of a kiss, her hands tickling under the oversized shirt you’d worn to bed. Your hand buried into her hair, pulling her closer as she deepened the kiss, tongue delving into your mouth, dancing against yours. The kiss broke for a moment while she pulled the shirt over your head before her hands gently cupped at your chest. Your free hand snuck under her shirt, leaving goosebumps in its path as you softly traced her body.
It didn’t take long for either of you to get worked up, it had been more than a while. Your hand had just begun to sneak under her shorts, slowly teasing at her pussy when she broke the kiss in a quiet gasp, burying her face into your neck. Her teeth nipped at your skin gently as your fingers circled her clit, her hips slowly rocking into your hand.
“I love you.” She murmured breathlessly.
“I love you too.” You pressed a kiss into the side of her head, a gasp escaping your lips as she sunk her fingers into you.
Rita sat up, leaving a trail of kisses littered down your body until she ducked between your legs, her mouth meeting your pussy. You swore quietly when her tongue swiped through you, mouth eagerly fucking you. You whimpered softly as her fingers sunk into you again, her lips wrapping around your clit.
“God I missed you.” She murmured and your breath caught in your throat at the vibration. You whined heavily at the feeling of her tongue winding patterns around your pulsating clit while her fingers curled inside you. Your hand sought out her free one, gently linking your fingers within hers as she continued to fuck you. Her fingers pumped with ease as the suction on your clit increased right as she curled within you again.
“Oh fuck…” you gasped, your thighs beginning to tremble around her. You let out a soft whimper as your orgasm washed over you, breath panting as Rita kissed her way back up your body. You hummed softly as she kissed you, tongue swirling the taste of your juices against your own. She pulled back only an inch, leaving a gentle kiss on the tip of your nose.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.” You smiled, kissing her again, “now it’s your turn…”
“Ah.” She pressed on your shoulder to shove you back into the pillows, murmuring against your lips as her hand sought out the bedside table, “I want to ride you.”
“Fuck you’re hot…” you murmured and she chuckled, retrieving the double ended toy from the table.
Rita slid the smaller end of the dildo into you, watching with a smile on her face as you let out a quiet moan, your head falling back amongst the pillows. Her fingers snuck into you, collecting your juices to coat the dildo before sinking down onto it, a low moan escaping her lips. You nearly whimpered as the middle base pressed against your still pulsing clit, your hands settling on Rita’s hips as she began to ride your cock. Each time she dropped down on the toy the base pressed against you, rocking the other end within you. But nothing beat the image of Rita rocking herself on your cock, one of her hands found yours, linking your fingers as it rested on her thigh.
“God you’re beautiful…” you muttered between pants. Her eyes half opened, looking down at you with a grin, a sparkle in her eyes that made you absolutely weak.
She dropped down over you, catching your lips in a breathless kiss while her hips rocked faster into yours. Your hand guided her hip, the other hugging her tightly to you, whimpers and whines bounced off the walls of the room, wet sounds among them while she chased her release. The hand you had on her hip shifted, slinking between your bodies to start to circle at her clit.
“Oh god…” she whined, burying herself in the crook of your neck again. You rubbed faster, increasing your pressure while you peppered kisses into her neck, scraping the skin ever so softly with your teeth. “Oh fuck…fuck..fuck..”
Rita’s body shuddered against yours, her thighs clenching around your hips as she stilled, mini shockwaves shooting through her body as she stilled. You placed a soft kiss onto her shoulder, hands rubbing soothing patterns on her back as she came down. She hummed softly at the feeling, leaving a kiss on your neck, uttering a quiet ‘I love you’ that you returned.
Your moment of intimacy was short lived however, as a rather loud ‘fuck’ came from across the hall practically moaned in Casey’s husked voice. Swiftly followed by a quiet spank and more mutterings from Alex. Both you and Rita were returned to quiet fits of giggles as she shifted off you, slipping the toy out of you, tossing it to the end of the bed.
“Mmm…” you lazily protested, “that needs to be cleaned and put away properly, there’s gonna be like five kids in here later, someone will find it guaranteed.” Rita chuckled softly, kissing you before she crawled off the bed.
“I’ll take care of it. Join me for a shower?”
“It’ll block out whatever other noises are coming from their room, so…hard yes.” You laughed, slipping from under the sheets as you followed Rita into the en suite.
Showered, refreshed, dressed in comfy summer clothes and ready for the day you returned back into the bedroom. Rita stashed the toy into the proper drawer, doing a quick sweep of the bedroom and bathroom while you checked your phone, she raised a brow at the evil chuckle you let out but didn’t question it. You paused as you stepped into the hallway, rapping on the door to Alex and Casey’s room.
“You two done?” Your called.
“Sorry…” both of their voices sheepishly replied and you laughed.
“I don’t care. My Mother just wants to know if it’s safe to come over for breakfast or if we’re planning on being harlot’s until lunch. Her words…not mine.”
“Oh God…” Alex’s very embarrassed voice called back, “just give us time to shower and we’ll be down.”
“Okay, remember…the kids are coming over, hide anything inappropriate.”
“Yeah.” She called back and you chuckled, moving down the stairs with Rita at your side.
You started on the coffee while she grabbed the paper and sifted through the mail, though most of it was all junk or flyers from businesses in the town. While the coffee brewed, you pulled down more than a handful of mugs, along with the ingredients to start on breakfast. Aside from your Mom and Barba you knew Pippa, Kat and the kids would be joining you.
“How many kids am I going to need to deal with before noon?” Rita nearly grumbled, wrapping herself around your back.
“Just Jordan and Leah.” You laughed, “Liv, Rollins, Carisi and those kids will be here by dinner, but that’ll probably be kept outside. Case and Sonny wanted to barbecue.”
“Alright.” She left a kiss on your shoulder before she moved to the fridge, grabbing the creamer to add to your mugs as the coffee finished up.
You heard Alex and Casey making their way down the stairs as there was a brief warning knock on the door before Liz swung the door open. You glanced up from the kitchen, the small breakfast bar opened right up into the dining room, through the living room, giving you a clear view.
“Morning.” You called, “coffee’s almost ready.”
“I’ve got a surprise.” Liz smirked at you and you raised a brow, behind Rafael you could see another body that became fully visible as he moved into the house.
“Aunt Lena!” You shrieked, “what are you doing here?!” You practically skipped through the room, wrapping her in an excited hug.
“What? I can’t come see my favourite niece?” She teased and you turned to Liz.
“You just wanted a day drinking buddy so you didn’t have to put up with our shit, didn’t you?”
“If I had known how much I was going to have to overhear I would’ve started drinking hours ago.” She turned her gaze to Alex and Casey, “who knew Alexandra had such a mouth on her.”
You and Rita burst out laughing while the girls immediately flushed, cheeks burning as they tried to hide within each other but also tried to stay apart from each other, not wanting to be associated at the moment.
“Probably should have told you to keep your windows shut.” You winced to them, “that bedroom’s directly across from Mom’s.”
“Now you tell us!” Alex shot you a glare and you laughed.
“Whatever, you should’ve known that!”
You returned to the kitchen, making sure everyone had a cup of coffee, handing Alex her preferred green tea before setting up a second pot of coffee to brew. With this crowd, you knew it would probably be on all day. You pulled the oversized griddle down from the top of the fridge, plugging it in to preheat as Casey plopped a couple of pans onto the stove burners to do the same.
“Cabot…Calhoun.. out of the kitchen.” Elizabeth warned, “I don’t need either of you burning this place down.”
“This isn’t even your house.” Rita shot back with a laugh.
“After that lasagna disaster, I don’t even want to risk it.” She smirked back, “let your girls do the work.”
Alex didn’t even protest, giving Casey a glance before she moved over to the table, beginning to catch up with Lena. Rita wrapped around your back as you began to mix the pancake batter, kissing your shoulder softly as she reminded you how much she loved you. You said the same back to her, quickly topping up her coffee before shooing her to the other side of the bar. It didn’t take long before her and Rafael were debating back and fourth between things and you couldn’t help but smile at how good things had returned to.
You and Casey moved effortlessly through the kitchen together, she started scrambling up eggs, doing a batch without cheese and one with extra, keeping an eye on the bacon in the other pan. You let the batter sit for a little bit while you cut up fruit, dolling out yogurt for those that you knew would want it. You heard the front door creak open again, your head turning towards it to see Leah practically bolting into the kitchen.
“Auntie!” She jumped onto you and thankfully you managed to catch her, picking her up to plant on your waist.
“Hi princess.” You left a soft kiss on her cheek, “you ready for breakfast?”
“Yes!” She squealed, “but they need sprinkles!”
“Oh?” You asked, blowing a raspberry against her skin, “should they all be the same?”
“No!” She replied and you laughed, “Momma and Kat’s have to be blue, pink and purple.”
“Is that so?” You laughed, turning to Pippa and Kat as you raised a brow to the latter, “I assume this has something to do with you?”
“Yeah.” She laughed, almost blushing as she dug into her bag and handed you a container of pride sprinkles, “I’ve also…got these if you might be interested.” She pulled out another handful of pride colour related canisters of sprinkles and you laughed.
“Oh my god these are amazing, thank you.”
After receiving attention from you and a swift kiss on the head from Casey Leah was adamant to be transferred to Kat’s arms, you slid a coffee across the island at her before you turned to Pippa.
“Can’t say I ever saw that coming.” You smiled, beginning to pour out batter, adding the appropriate sprinkles to it.
“She offered to help with the kids a couple times, she’s sweet, and unbelievably caring.” Pippa replied, her gaze drifting over to the living room where Kat had settled with Leah and Jordan.
“Are you happy?” You asked, pausing in your cooking.
“Good. Cause you deserve the world Pips.”
“Thanks.” She smiled softly as she accepted the mug of coffee from you before retreating back to the living room with Kat and her kids.
Breakfast went over as well as it could with that many different people and two kids in the same place. You all knew it would be a whirlwind of a week, especially considering half of your crew wasn’t even there yet. There was lots of team work from the adults to make sure syrup and whipped cream wasn’t left everywhere, that the sticky hands were properly wiped before they raced off to go play. Alex and Rita thanked you and Casey for brunch, urging the two of you to go relax with some boozy filled iced coffees while they took care of the dishes. You cocked a playful brow between them and Liz who hesitantly joked that they should be able to handle that without destroying the house.
The rest of the morning was spent down at the beach, you made sandcastles and played mermaid with Leah, while Casey started a game of beach volleyball with Jordan. Every single one of you got dragged into the water at least once, and that was before the rest of the crew showed up.
Noah and Jessie shrieked, eagerly running towards the water, Sonny barely chasing after them making sure they’d be safe while Billie was plopped on Amanda’s hip. They’d picked up an order from a local bistro for lunch for everyone and the food was very quickly passed out, especially among the hungry adults who’d spent probably too much time frolicking on the beach.
Somehow, Billie ended up in your lap as Amanda, Sonny, Pippa, Kat and the kids ended up in the ocean. Sonny and Kat were quite literally tossing the younger ones around letting them splash in the waves while Noah and Jordan started to compare boogie boarding techniques. Rita rejoined your spot under the umbrella, handing you a seltzer as you smoothed a bit more sunscreen onto Billie’s skin.
“You know…” she began, “you do look good with a baby.” You snorted, looking over at her.
“You have a sudden change of mind?” You asked, nudging at her, “you really want something that drools, snots, pukes and shits constantly for like..three years before it can even handle that by itself?”
“Absolutely not.” She insisted, a look of panic written across her face as you laughed. “I’m just saying that kids suit you.”
“As long as I can pass them off to their parents the moment they start crying, then yes.” You teased, leaning in to kiss her softly as you leant against her shoulder. “I will forever be the best Auntie I can be. But that’s it.”
“I know.” She smirked, pressing a soft kiss to your head.
It didn’t take much longer for Jordan and Noah to start complaining that they were hungry to their Mom’s, who, naturally looked to you since you were the organizer of all this. You laughed, directing Casey and Sonny to the back deck of your Mom’s place where the barbecue was. There was a brief pause as Sonny ran back to the house to get everything he wanted while Casey fired up the barbecue (And Liz reminded Alex to stay as far away as possible).
You, Amanda, Pippa and Kat busied yourselves in the kitchen, getting paper plates, side dishes and the like ready, setting up condiments and toppings on the picnic table down the stairs from Liz’s porch. Meanwhile Liz, Lena, Rita, Rafael and Alex were simply enjoying the switch from seltzer to scotch as the day came to an end. Once the kids were all fed, you settled into making up burgers for everyone else, making sure they were properly dressed. You dropped a plate off to your Mom and Lena before returning with one for you and your wife, making sure there was extra watermelon on the side, knowing it was Rita’s favourite.
Amanda and Pippa made sure to come around, collecting all the trash as the sun started to sink in the sky, Casey and Sonny started to attempt to make a bonfire, but you laughed them off. You and Alex ended up building a much better one, your experience just came from going to camp, whereas Alex had been number one in her girl guides troupe for years.
The kids roasted some marshmallows and made some s’mores before yawns started to take over and the crowd on the beach slowly started to dissipate. Before you knew it, it was you and Rita, Casey, Alex and Rafael down on the beach, a few feet away from where Liz and Lena were up on the porch. You’d been passing each other drinks as the night went on, this was your time to indulge, to let loose so why not now?
The sun had fully set, the only glow coming from the porch lights feet away and the fire itself. You’d previously been sitting in Rita’s lap, but had now laid across the blanket, your head landing in Alex’s lap. The small murmur of conversation had taken over the group of you before Alex’s harsh voice broke through.
“Casey! What the fuck!”
“What?” The redhead responded. You noticed the wild gesture toward yourself from the blonde and half sat up, noticing the joint in Casey’s hand.
“Oh please!” You shot back, “Lex, calm down. As if Case and I didn’t do worse in South America.”
“Yeah but you’re a cop.” She fired back.
“And I was a cop back then! It’s not like I’m going to snitch on you. Give me that!” Casey very freely handed you the joint and you plucked a piece of kindling out of the fire to light it before tossing the wood back into the fire as you took a puff and passed it back to Casey.
“See.” The redhead teased, “I told you it would be fine.” Alex swatted at her arm before she accepted the joint, huffing on it before passing it to Rita who did the same before passing it to Rafael. The circle continued until there was all but a stump left and Casey tossed it into the fire.
“You know…” Casey started, “this has been one of the best weekends I’ve had in a long fucking time.”
“Helps to be surrounded by great people, right?” Your head tilted up so you could catch her gaze, laughing as she nodded, leaning in to kiss Alex. You sat up, shifting so your arms were around Rita.
“Casey’s right.” Rita murmured, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, “I mean, this family…this is all I ever wanted. Including the squad and all those kids, it makes things feel real.”
“Baby…” you turned slightly, “our family was always real.”
“I know.” She chuckled, kissing your nose softly, “and I’m never changing my mind, it’s just nice to have kids around once in a while even if they are sticky and full of snot.” The five of you laughed heavily at that. “I just mean that this little found family that we’ve created is far superior to one I ever could have had otherwise. And I will never stop thanking you for letting me be a part of it.” She leant in, kissing you softly.
“Plot twist.” You teased, “you were always a part of it, you just didn’t know you were the main character til you realized you loved me.”
“Oh stop.” Alex teased, “you guys are too adorable. I would say get married already but you did that.”
“We did.” You laughed, and then you paused, turning back to Rita, “hey….we’re only a few weeks away from six years…why don’t we renew our vows?”
“We’re only here for a week darling.”
“So? Carisi’s ordained. He could do it tomorrow if we wanted to.”
“Did…you want to?” She asked hesitantly and you giggled.
“Rita Calhoun, I would agree to marry you every single day for the rest of my fucking life. You are everything I could ever want and more. You’ve been the most amazing and perfect wife for the past five years, and the most incredible girlfriend for the five prior to that. You are the love of my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Okay.” She chuckled, caressing your cheek as she kissed you gently.
“Will you re-marry me?” You teased, a giggle on your cheeks.
“I would love to darling. You are my world after all.” She laughed softly, pressing another kiss to your lips. The three around you cheered in glee.
There was no better way that any of you could have imagined to wrap up such a wonderful weekend out in the Hamptons than a vow renewal. You’d both decided to go without a script, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house as you announced your love for each other amongst your closest friends and family.
All that mattered was your love surrounding not only the two of you, but everyone on the beach as the sun set behind you as you kissed. There were happy tears in your eyes, and many others as everyone realized that love really was the most important. Work, the baggage it brought along with it, it didn’t matter, if two people like you, who constantly worked on the opposite side of the law, managed to not only make it work but make it work in a marriage and be as happy as you were, what was stopping anyone else?
All that you had eyes for that night was each other, and you couldn’t lie, it reminded you of your wedding night, but with even more love. Because now, you’d truly found your family, the ones you knew would have your back no matter what, the ones who loved each other as deeply as you loved them.
When you finally dropped back into bed Rita curled into your arms, wrapping easily around you as you pressed a kiss to her head.
“I love you.” She murmured and you smiled, “more than anything else in the world. I hope you know that darling.”
“Only if you know that I love you just as much baby.” You replied, dropping another kiss to her head before shifting so you were curled in each other’s arms, “and I will never stop.”
“Am I stuck with you?” She smirked, her eyes already closed in drowsiness.
“I married you twice, didn’t I?”
“Good.” She yawned, pulling you closer “there’s no place I’d rather be.”
“Right back at you.”
@natasha-danvers @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @thatesqcrush @altsvu @disneyfan624 @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @swimmingstudentchaos891 @1000spices @screenee @nocreditinthestraightworld @beccabarba @redlipstickandplaid @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @enduringalexblake @denpine @molllss @wosoimagines @solemnnova @infernumlilith @yourtaletotell @australiancarisi @cerberus-spectre @whispered-tear-drops l @snowsgay19 @michael-rooker @jj-arms @emskisworld @prettypyschoinpink @newyorker14 @wandas-wife
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sunshinesickies · 2 months
Hey everyone! I hope you all are well. I just wanted to pop on and say I’m opening my requests for all characters so if you have any ideas I can’t wait to hear them! It will probably take me a bit to write them since I’ve never written anything for anyone other than myself and I’m still away but I have plenty of time to imagine and write up some good new fics!
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fal-carrington · 6 years
Love Will Tear Us Apart
Tumblr media
Pairing: Victoria x Mc
Gender: Slightly Angst/heartbreaking filled with romance
A/N: Hi everybody, today I was inspired and I decided to write this. The idea popped into my mind as I was replaying the last chapter of RCD's book 2 when Victoria admits being in love with MC, and MC alternately rejects her, so Victoria says "Don’t say anything else please. If you get there... Amazing. If you don’t... I still think having you in my life has been for the best”
Prompt: Falling in love with your best friend and seeing her date someone else can be painful, especially when you do not admit your feelings to her for fear of losing her and being rejected. That was what Victoria thought, but that was before her agent called with an unexpected offer. When Victoria and Kat have to act as lovers in Thomas Hunt's new series, things can turn out to be disastrous, would Victoria finally admit the truth when she's about to kiss her best friend for the first time on a TV show? Somebody is going to get out of this with a broken heart?
"So what do you think Victoria? I mean, it's a great opportunity and you were saying a few years ago that you wanted to reinvent yourself. That may be the perfect moment." Rachel, her agent was looking at her waiting for a response from the diva. Victoria stared at the script with no expression on her face. She knew perfectly well that this was a great opportunity, many famous names in Hollywood would be in that show, Hunt was the director, that had everything to succeed and be a glorious, but what she did not expect was who would be her co-star. Kat.
"You know very well that I don’t do TV shows, Rachel." Victoria left the script on the coffee table, turning her eyes to her garden, feeling the cool wind hit her face. Her agent took a sip of coffee with an expression Victoria knew well. She would not take an no so easily.
"That role is perfect for you and you know it. I honestly do not know what the problem is in accepting." Rachel groaned again, waiting for a true answer from the diva. "Is this because of Katherine?" Rachel narrowed her eyes. Victoria sighed.
"She is my best friend. She has nothing to do with my refusal,” Victoria lied, swallowing dry, distractedly stirring her croissant on her plate.
"You're a great actress, but I know you're lying." Rachel pointed. "Are you still having that unprofessional tension on the set? I thought that had been solved in Tender Nothings."
"And it was! We get along really well, I love being around her, we talk about everything, we spend most of our time together. She's a good friend,” Victoria said feeling the words run down her throat like acid. Referring to the person she was in love with as a friend was perhaps as bad as being rejected by her.
Rachel stared at her for a few moments before taking her coffee.
"So it happened, huh? I was wondering how long it would take to happen," Rachel said casually.
"What are you talking about?"
"You and her. You fell in love with her. Who would say, honestly I'm not surprised at all. I do not know how the media has not yet realized this tension between you two"
"Oh, please." Victoria rolled her eyes.
"It's true, huh? Tell me how long you've noticed” Rachel leaned back in Victoria's summer chair and looked at her with a triumphant smile.
Victoria sighed. She knew she would not escape that conversation even if she tried. The best thing would be to open the game for her agent and stop denying it at once.
"Since she visited me in New York. Before the recordings of The Last Duchess begin,” She admitted. “... And she show up at The Godmother premiere.”
"And you never opened the game for her? Has nothing ever happened between you both?”
"No, never. And besides, she's dating Matt.” She sighed heavily, feeling the weight of those words. "Why would I say anything? I do not want to ruin our friendship. She clearly doesn’t feel the same and I dont even know if she’s into girls.”
“You never asked?”
"So you're afraid of rejection."
"Oh, for god's sake. Enough talking about Katherine.” She rolled her eyes. But deep down inside, she knew that Rachel was right and with that came the memory of last night in her mind.
Victoria was coming down through her Pictagram feed, smiling gratefully at the thousands of likes that popped up in her newest photo. She liked a photo that Teja had excitedly posted from her new chair of director of the film she was directing, Victoria's eyes went down to the end of the screen immediately to the unexpected photo posted a few seconds ago. It had been posted 10 seconds and there were already a thousand likes.
"Night out with bae! Love you.”
Her eyes lingered on the photo for a few moments. Until her fingers went automatically and without her permission to give like in the photo.
It was a picture of Kat with Matt. Both were hugging and smiling, sitting in a booth couch at Vertigo's. Kat was as beautiful as ever, the flash had made a beautiful contrast in her blue eyes. Victoria swallowed hard looking at the photo of the new Hollywood couple. It had been a huge bang when they both took over the relationship, gave in all the magazines and newspapers. Both were in innumerable interviews and the cover of the magazines, she lost her account of the photoshoots they did together. Leland and Candy always demanded new interviews to see them again, just as the paparazzi pursued them in the streets. She wanted to hate Matt.
She wanted to hate him with all her strength, but she could not. Matt was a good person and a good boy, and he was certainly making Kat happy. He probably was a good boyfriend too, he was going in all the fashion shows that Kat participated as a model, she knew perfectly well that he was going, because she also went in all. He had been with her on all her travels, and had been with her almost all her tours, since she had decided to invest in the music career dropping her first album, making a huge success.
He was with the person she wanted to be, the person she had fallen in love with. Her girl, her best friend. But she understood or she tried at least, Matt was young. Both were, and it was undeniable that both could not take their eyes off each other during the entire Tender Nothings recording, Victoria would like to say that she was surprised when Kat came to tell her the news, but she was not.
"I'm not going to lie, it fucking hurts," Victoria murmured softly to herself. She had never told Kat what she felt, but what was the point of doing this? She would only be rejected. She remembered perfectly the tough beginning of their friendship, how she had been rude and cruel to Kat, until she truly knew the girl and realized she was a good person. End up liking her without even realizing what was happening, what was a rivalry became a friendship... And the friendship became love. She never expected to fall in love with her best friend. She'd known Kat for four years, and she had not expected to be so attached to her. She needed her and couldn’t imagine her life without her best friend. Maybe the universe has a sick sense of humor after all.
"... And It's kind of hard to put aside when we're going to have to play as lovers on this show!" Victoria said, running her hand through her blond hair in frustration.
"I know this complicates things."
"Just to say the least." She sighed.
"You have much to consider. Think about it and try to put this question about Katherine aside. I know you two are best friends, you're in love with her, but you're a complete professional actress. Certainly, I know you can leave your personal problems aside on the set.” Before she could said something else, her cell phone vibrated. "Oh, it's Pippa Majors, I have to pick it up. Think about what I told you and then call me, okay? " She stood up leaving a confused Victoria behind.
Victoria paced back and forth in her bedroom, with Rachel's words in her mind. She knew that accepting the role was a difficult choice, but it was probably the right thing to do.
California's hot air entered the room of the actress porch, causing the curtains to sway. She was too busy in her thoughts to realize that her cell phone was vibrating a few seconds ago.
"Oh, fuck," she said to herself and took him in her hands. She bit her own lips, cursing herself when she saw the name and the picture on the screen.
Kat. She watched for mere seconds to Kat’s dork photo and she answered.
"Katherine, what can I do for you?"
"Hey, you." Kat laughed on the other end of the line. "You're not busy right now, right? You can talk?"
"Sure. What's it?"
"So I was talking to Chazz this morning and Hunt came up with this incredible new series offering he's producing, so he mentioned that he offered it to you as well. So of course I got the script, and I was wondering if you already accepted it.”
 "Well, I'm still thinking about. I'm not much of a type making series."
"Oh, come on Vic. It'll be great, you'll love it! "
"I'm not so sure about that."
"What's the problem?"
"Nothing. It's just... It's not my style."
"It's never too late to change." Victoria sighed impatiently.
"I'm thinking about it, okay? I know this is a great opportunity, but I still do not know."
"I'll be there. Let's act together like we did in the past. Tender Nothing’s was great and you know it."
"Yeah... I'm aware of that."
"... And we can see each other everyday. It's been a long time since we've been out, I've been busy and so have you. I have not known what it's like to see you for months. This project will be great for us "
"I'm sure Matt fills my seat." Kat laughed.
"You are my best friend. Do not get me wrong, I love Matt, but he's not you." A smile grew on Victoria's lips at those words.
"Grow up, Kat." Victoria rolled her eyes.
"Oh, come on, do not be mean."
"Yeah. Maybe you're right. Maybe it's good."
"Look, you're already agreeing."
"You're so biased." Victoria laughed and sighed. "Okay fine. I'll talk to my agent."
"Finally! Thank you, Vic."
"Do not thank me, I'll get paid for it." Kat laughed in response. "So ... Uh. Do you have plans for tomorrow? I'm free, and if you want to have coffee or something..." Victoria bit her lip anxiously.
"Sure thing. We can catch up. I have plenty things to tell you."
"Alright. See you tomorrow."
"See ya." She hung up and swallowed dry looking of her cell phone. Until her fingers automatically went up to her agent's name in her agenda and soon the phone was already dialing.
"Hey, Rach. I was thinking about the paper... And I decided to accept it."
"That’s great. What made you change your mind?"
"Kat did."
Saint Monica, Malibu 15h30pm 
Victoria was staring at her coffee in her hands, watching people passing by, people looking over her shoulder and taking pictures of her with flash and the paparazzi doing a terrible job of hiding themselves at the tables. She rolled her eyes. As the cafeteria door opened and Kat emerged, a smile lit up her face involuntarily. She looked gorgeous in that white summer dress, her honey-colored hair loose and her blue eyes vibrant. She smiled back when she saw Victoria, walking to her table.
"Hey, Vic." She hugged her.
"Hey Kat," Victoria sighed, patting her back slightly.
"I feel like I have not seen you for decades! You've been so busy lately.” Kat laughed as she sat beside Victoria.
"Oh, shut up. It's you who's been traveling all the time,” Victoria said and Kat chuckled.
"I know, things are going crazy these days. But I'm so happy to see my best friend again." Kat touched Victoria's hand on the table, taking one look from Victoria to the pair of hands together. "I missed you."
"Yeah... Me too. So ... How's it going with Matt?" Victoria scratched her throat trying to distract herself from the scene.
“Like always. He's recording his new movie in London and I'm getting new work in mind now."
"Hunt's new series," Victoria concluded.
"I'm so excited about this. It will be wonderful, all the scenery that goes, the forbidden romance ... All the crime and the action scenes. And of course, I'm excited to see the guys, Chris, Holly, and I was told Pippa's going to be in the movie. Are you excited to see her?’” Kat took a sip of her coffee.
"Who?" Victoria frowned.
"Pippa." Kat shrugged.
"Why would I be?" Victoria looked at her blankly.
"I remembered the chemistry between the two of you that day at the party at her house. You seemed very interested."
"That was... Nothing." Victoria dismissed it with one hand.
"Oh... okay. Well, anyway, The fact that we're going to star together as lovers is awesome. I’m so excited, I mean, you're a great mentor and my best friend, I feel like we're going to do a great job."
"Oh, yeah." Victoria chose the words carefully. Watching the big dimpled smile on Kat's face. "Well, what can I say... Two hot women as a couple on a tv series? This series is already ours.”
“That’s the spirit!” Kat grinned.
“What can get wrong?" Victoria muttered to herself.
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For the character headcanon meme: Katrina Cornwell (this feels like cheating, lol... )
Character headcanons
Send me the name of a character and I will tell you my:
1: sexuality headcanon- Straight ( well, she is much busy to explore other possibilities but she always loved this one girl from Starfleet Academy. also she had feelings for  Pippa, but Afsaneh and Pippa was together and Kat never dreamt of destroying that. then Gabriel came along..)
2: otp -obviously Gabriel x Kat (both Prime)
3: brotp - Kat and Sarek  also Kat and Ash
4: notp - Kat and L’rell , Kat x Mirror Lorca 
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - oh god... I have like tons of HC s about her. hmmm... She loves coffee and her pet is a fluffy ragdoll named Gray (who tries to lick Merkin everytime which leaves poor tribble trilling, covered in goop, shivering). 
6: one way in which I relate to this character- Katrina’s empathy and her psychological background. She is super awesome judge of character and human behaviour. 
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character- ummm... nothing. *grins sheepishly* 8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? sometimes she is a cinnamon role but mostly a problematic fave (maybe this is because of war?)
thank you @rikerssexblouse and I’m sorry it took me this long to answer it. Also, I’d love to answer KJ prompt  sometimes... so ask about her too?
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eventuallyfall-blog · 7 years
13 Envelopes
pairing: reader x lin summary: After graduating from UCLA, you would find any way to escape having to go back home. Lucky for you, your Aunt Jasmine Cephas Jones had organized a way for you to have the adventure you’d never gotten to have before. You’re ready to take her up on the offer. warnings: rpf (naturally), mentions of teen pregnancy, swearing a/n: i was tryin to post this august 6th but then i had a hard time writing thru it bc i made myself sad with my writing because that’s a thing i do i guess. anyway let’s get crackin tagged: @defenestrate-yourself-please@justabravelittleblogger @decayingtrash @andschuyler @linslovelylocks @sarahgurl09 @artofnerdom
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)
Ever since the date, you had been utterly giddy. You were suddenly extremely grateful that your Aunt Jasmine had decided to shove you to asking someone out. It was like you were walking on air, actually. “So wait, he actually kissed you?” “For the last time, Pippa, yes,” you said with the widest grin as you remembered the feel of his lips against yours. It'd been ages since you and Pippa had gotten to hang out. Right now, Pippa and you had made tea and decided to catch up on the couch. “I mean, you knew Aunt Jas was going to make me ask someone out, though? You couldn't have warned me?”
Pippa laughed, shaking her head. “Your aunt really wanted everything in the envelopes to be a surprise so no, I couldn't,” she said with a grin. “Besides, I only knew the contents of that one letter because she mentioned that you were still single and she felt that you should be going on dates and what not. I think she did you a favor. From the way you and Lin were acting, the two of you would've danced around asking the other out until someone else asked you out and end up married to someone else. Which is what happened with this other girl he liked a few years back.”
“Really,” you said with your eyebrows going up. “So then it sounds like Lin also owes Jas a thank you and not just me.”
“Oh for sure,” she said with a giggle, leaning back with a bright grin. “You're a catch! I mean, you are so pretty and smart. Exactly his type, funnily enough. Which it turns out that's also Michael's type.”
“Who the fuck is Michael?”
“The guy the girl he liked ended up with,” she explained as she finished off her tea and stood up. “Lin was bitter about it for a while there, but I think he's getting over it. Oh, you should open the next letter. I wanna know what letter five is all about.”
Envelope five had a small drawing of a girl that looked vaguely familiar. It took a minute before you realized it was your mother, age twenty-seven. She hadn't looked that vibrant and glowing in years. It was like life had started to suck the life out of her. You didn't realize that Aunt Jasmine remembered how your mom looked back then. Normally you discarded the envelopes but you set this one down with the intention of keeping it.
Honey bun,
Sometimes life doesn't have direction. When I was born, Anya was already fifteen and a full fledged teenager. Our dad and her mom had split ages ago – shortly after Anya was born, actually. Dad was only nineteen when your mom was born and her mother was only eighteen. Instead of taking responsibility and staying with dad, she split. He knew that relationships when you're a teenager aren't meant to last. He was worried that Anya's relationship wouldn't make it despite your existence and that she'd be left with little to nothing. Honestly, what I admire most about Anya and your father is that they still went to college and took care of you. It wasn't an easy task and I'm not sure you remember them being on food stamps and living in a crappy married couples dorm in Stanford.
They made it work, though. Stanford saw the happiest years of your parents' lives because there's something about being in school that made it easier. They had a roof over their heads, they had a schedule. It all fell apart upon graduation – which you probably don't remember well. I barely remember it myself. The only reason I know is because my dad told me about how he'd been surprised how steady their relationship was while he and my mom were raising me. I think when I turned ten is when your mother decided she didn't want to see him and my mom together anymore but I still wanted to see you and her. So I started visiting California on my own on dad's dime with his blessing.
Relationships are a tricky thing to explain, actually. It's the sort of thing that can feel like you're spinning rapidly out of control and it's easy to ditch them once it starts getting too serious. When you've got dreams, it's easy to see love itself as a baggage. That's how I once thought of love, anyway. Neither your mother nor I had any real model of healthy relationships. I think it might be why your mother is so defensive of her relationship with your father. It's... real. Or real enough, really. I think once you've spent twenty-eight years with someone, it becomes harder to say this isn't working. You don't want to throw away all those years together. Especially when you can say you'd been together since high school.
See, your mother doesn't hear criticism well, especially since dad's been trying to get her out of that relationship since before you were born. Which is the only reason I was okay with the relationship, I think. It made me an aunt to you. You're the greatest thing to come out of that relationship. And honestly, this is why envelope five is a wild card – you get to decide what you need to do. You can open envelope six whenever you feel it's appropriate.
All my love, Aunt Jas
There was no answers to this. You couldn't tell what the appropriate time to open envelope six was. For some reason, right after reading this letter didn't feel like the right time. You tucked away the sixth envelope in your purse, figuring that the perfect moment would hit you eventually. You already knew your family had been a bit screwed up – it was obvious to anyone. Between the fact your aunt was barely two years older than and you being the product of a teenage pregnancy and your mother somehow also being the product of teenage pregnancy (you wondered what the odds on that happening were), there was too much to your family that you didn't want to go into. In fact, when Lin specifically asked about your family during the date you went out of your way to focus exclusively on Aunt Jasmine. It had just been easier at the time.
You talked about how before Aunt Jasmine turned 15, she had stayed in your room during summer vacations and how when she was 15 she started staying in fancy hotels under her dad's name. How she was the one who helped you picked out your homecoming dress freshman and sophomore year and how lost you felt when she wasn't there to help after. You danced around why she stopped showing up and merely mentioned being surprised at the contact she'd made two years ago. For some reason, it felt like luck that you hadn't opened the envelopes until now. While you were certain this trip would've been just as amazing two years ago, it felt like a crescendo in your life. Like this was the drum roll, leading up to something important that you've yet to figure out.
Maybe you were investing too much stock in these envelopes your aunt gave you. Maybe the goal wasn't to figure your life out. After all, you'd only been 22 when the letters arrived. There's no way it was as simple as “help you figure your life out”. Whatever was going on, you figured a breather from the envelopes would help you sort out what you needed to do next. What you needed was something to clear your head. Some space away from them, something that would take you away from the right now.
The answer of what you needed to do next was see the Museum of Natural History. You weren't certain how your mind connected the need for distance from the now to history. Perhaps it had been on your mind a lot due to your recent conversations with Lin. He texted you almost every day now, telling you how he couldn't wait to see you again. It was nice to see his name flash across your phone screen with your heart racing every time, even as you were swiping on the blood red of Vampira from Kat Von D. You texted Lin, asking him to send your aunt to meet you at the Museum of Natural History. A slight grin appeared on your face as he texted back with your aunt's number and that he'll let her know you'd like to see her.
It was then that you realized that you never told your aunt that you had bought a laptop and phone in New York City. You supposed you should probably let her know that you had done that and explain that you figured that you'd be staying in New York City for a while. It'd already been almost a month, you realized with a start. How long where you going to stay? You weren't even halfway through the envelopes and it's already taken almost a month to get through them. It was then that you started to calculate out how long it'd been. You arrived June 20 – a week after graduating. It was now July 18 – in two days it would be a month. Suddenly you wondered if you should be getting through the envelopes faster.
You were grinning when your aunt showed up. Here was the thing about your aunt: you always felt like she was so much prettier than you. It was just since the two of you were so close in age it seemed like you and her should have bloomed at the same time. However, when Jasmine bloomed, you... didn't. Jasmine got the attention from the boys and at one point over the summer, a crush you'd had all summer long ended up trying to get your aunt Jasmine's number. It was demoralizing to have your aunt get the guy you liked, to say the least. That was when your self confidence was definitely at its lowest.
Right now was no exception either. It was why you were still surprised that Lin showed an interest in you over your aunt – who was older (and a gap between 35 and 26 was far less insane than the gap between 35 and 24), with lighter skin and with far more control over her own curls, and far more knowledgeable about theater than you. Looking at her now, it was hard to believe this was the same woman you had once shared baths with at age five and harder still to believe that someone would actually chose you over her. She threw her arms around you, a big grin on her face. “Let's go look at some dinosaur bones.”
Dinosaur bones wasn't exactly what you had in mind – you'd really wanted to see the planetarium. You figured maybe there was a chance the two of you could do both. Some time to see dinosaurs and stars. While logically, you knew museums like this existed all over the country something about New York City made it feel different. It was that feeling again; that feeling that felt like you'd been struck by lightening and were unable to put the flames out. “And maybe some stars later?”
Jasmine laughed slightly – you weren't sure if it was because of your predictability or because she was laughing at you. You took the favorable option. “You want to look at the observatory, huh?”
And for a while, everything went fine. Aunt Jasmine starting telling you the stories of backstage life, with you clinging to every word and realizing you'd never met the rest of the cast beyond Phillipa and Lin. “So when am I going to get to meet everyone else?”
“In due time, honey bun,” Jasmine said as she read the plaque for the giant set of bones that was in front of the two of you. “Pippa says you're the best roommate she's ever had. She comes home and you've already cleaned everything and have a hot meal waiting for her. Sounds incredibly domestic.”
You supposed domestic was the right word for it. You found yourself settling more into Pippa's apartment over the past month. A week after arriving, you'd hung your clothes up in the closet. Two weeks after, you starting writing your own events you needed to get to on the big whiteboard that Pippa had hanging up in the kitchen. Three days ago, you paid for groceries in the place after you'd run out of chicken. You hadn't realized how quickly you slipped into treating Pippa's apartment like “home”. “I suppose it's just cause I can't do anything without a clear head. Cleaning helps.”
“You'd always been a neat freak,” Jasmine said with a sly grin on her face. “Whenever you'd come over to my hotel, you'd yell at me over leaving my clothes everywhere. Renee and Pip do the same thing in the dressing room. Well not yell... more like sternly talk to me about how it's a shared space.”
Jasmine was right – she'd always been messy and you'd always been the clean one. Cleaning up after everyone else's mess, the same way you always had chosen the clear cut path rather than taking risks. It had been the biggest opposition between you and aunt Jasmine. She was messy, a risk taker, the one who broke the rules. You were clean, the steady course, the one who abode by every rule. Even your notebooks told this – clean, neat, elegant notes. Everything laid out neatly in stark contrast with Jasmine. Her lighter but somehow messier. “You probably might need my help,” you teased. “I'm willing to come look at previews any time.”
“Oh no you don't,” she said, her eyes going wide. “Pippa insists you need to get the full experience opening night. Star studded VIP treatment and all that. I kinda agree with her.”
You shrugged, figuring at least you could find out how much 128 gigabytes really could store when it came to pictures. It did go against the spirit of the trip, but since it was starting to feel more like it'd be months before you returned back to reality... you wanted a way to call your mother is what you told yourself. You missed home. But you knew that it was all because you wanted a way to keep in contact with those you'd met in New York City. “Pippa likes to be bossy, doesn't she?”
And then your phone went off. The loud ringing meant it was probably Lin – either texting you or calling you. And then you saw Jasmine's face – you'd never seen that look on her face. Her lips had parted and her eyes just had a hint of something that looked... like hurt. The only time you'd ever seen her seem hurt is when your mother had told her that she was too young to understand her. “You brought your phone? On the trip where I said don’t bring your phone?”
Logically, you knew you didn't have to explain yourself if you had brought your phone with you. You knew that you were an adult and she couldn't prevent you from. But you didn't like how vulnerable Jasmine looked. Your aunt wasn't a vulnerable person. So instead of the 'so what if I had' answer on the tip of your tongue, you said instead, “No, I bought a new phone. The instructions didn't say I couldn't buy new electronics.”
“It was... implied,” Jasmine said, briskly starting to walk away from you. And your heart sank. You chased after her, calling her name until she spun around, clearly upset. “You just... you violated the spirit of the adventure!”
You sputtered in response. “The spirit of the adventure,” you said, seeing red. “We haven't spoken in almost ten years! And the first thing I get from you is ditch your phone and your entire life in Los Angeles to come hang out in New York City! We were like sisters growing up but here we are and I had no idea you were making a Broadway debut!”
Jasmine looked hurt by this. “At the time when I sent those, I didn't know I'd be making a debut on Broadway,” she said, folding her arms over her chest and pulling away. You knew that this was probably a point where you could apologize and everything would be fine and the two of you could go off the planetarium but the logic had checked out for the day. “What about you, huh? You took two years to even get around to this! It was supposed to be a graduation gift!”
“Graduation gift,” you said incredulously, shaking your head. “A better graduation gift would have been actually coming to my commencement ceremony. But you weren't there. You had... three separate tries at now! High school graduation – where were you? Not there! Bachelor's? Not there! Masters? Nope! I had to find out through your cast mates that you even knew that I had gotten my masters!” You paused, realizing by the look on her face that you had touched a nerve. “I'm flying back to LA. Tonight.”
And you stormed off with aunt Jasmine making no attempt to stop you from leaving. Yet when you arrived at Pippa's apartment with the intent of going back to Los Angeles and forgetting about the rest of the envelopes, your phone buzzed yet again. Lin's name flashed across your phone and the ticket Pippa promised to get you for the premiere of Hamilton caught your eye – sitting right there on the bedside table. The silver dress you planned to wear to the event was hanging on the door. And then the realization came that you couldn't leave. You had to see this thing through. So there was only one option you could really feel comfortable with: you dialed a number on your phone and through your tears, you managed to get out, “Can we hang out later?”
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Fanfic Request Jukebox
I want to write fic over the long weekend so I’m trying to make it as easy as possible for you to send it requests. Just pick a pairing and an AU/trope! Note: please send requests to my inbox, if you reply to this post or send me an IM I will probably lose track of it.
1.     Tony Stark/Pepper Potts (MCU)
2.     Kat Stratford/Patrick Verona (10 Things I Hate About You)
3.     Blair/Frankie (Rough Night)
4.     Ingrid Thorburn/Dan Pinto (Ingrid Goes West)
5.     Peter Parker/MJ (MCU)
6.     Mantis/Nebula (MCU)
7.     Ronnie Greenbaum/CJ Parker (Baywatch)
8.     Cherry Darling/Dakota Block (Planet Terror)
9.     Scott Pilgrim/Wallace Wells (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World)
10. Mike Milch/Evan (The Belko Experiment)
11. Peter Parker/Ned Leeds (MCU)
12. Andrew Detmer/Steve Montgomery (Chronicle)
13. Baby/Buddy (Baby Driver)
14. Alice/Pippa (Rough Night)
15. Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes (MCU)
16. Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr (X-Men)
17. Tony Stark/James Rhodes (MCU)
18. Elle Woods/Vivian Kensington (Legally Blonde)
19. Buster Moon/Eddie (Sing)
20. Torrance Shipman/Isis (Bring It On)
21. Beatrix Kiddo/O-Ren Ishii (Kill Bill)
22. Scott Pilgrim/Todd Ingram (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World)
23. Ramona Flowers/Kim Pine (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World)
24. Cher Horowitz/Dionne Davenport (Clueless)
25. Cher Horowitz/Tai Frasier (Clueless)
26. Your choice (please specify)
1.     Spin the bottle
2.     It’s a Wonderful Life-style vision
3.     Double date
4.     Fake dating
5.     Soulmate AU
6.     Birthday
7.     Kidfic
8.     Vegas marriage
9.     Your choice (please specify)
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fatalitysficbakery · 2 years
𓆰♥︎𓆪 Fatality’s Fic Bakery Masterlist; Law and Order SVU Menu Updated 4•13•23 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ A Multifandom blog, that caters to less represented. Mainly black women but other poc and minorities as well.
↳ CHECK THE RULE LIST. Highly important to check my rule post before requesting ANYTHING.
↳ ❦ Fatalitysficbakery navigation menu ❦.
↳ ��� Fatalitysficbakery rules + drabble menu ❦.
↳ ❦ Fatalitysficbakery requests guidelines menu ❦.
𓆰♥︎𓆪 Welcome To The Bakery 𓆰♡︎𓆪
series (☀︎︎) oneshots (☦︎︎) smut (✞)
fluff (☻︎) angst (☹︎)
two parters (♫)
reactions (❥) headcanons (☠︎︎)
drabbles (☾)
𓆰♥︎𓆪 Law&Order Women Menu 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ Olivia Benson.
coming soon!!
↳ Amanda Rollins.
coming soon!!
↳ Katriona “Kat” Tamin.
My Girl. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎ - ✞) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warning: Dom Masc Kat (It’ll always be dom Kat, can’t see her as a Sub nor Switch), Sub Reader, Groping, Claiming, Marking, Impact Play, Spitting In Mouths, Degradation, Orgasm Denial, Sir Kink, Public Play, Oral (Giving).
Synopsis: While on a date the waitress seems to have a little crush on you and Kat, being the territorial possessive person she was had to make it known who you belonged to. To the server, and you.
↳ Melinda Warner.
coming soon!!
↳ Casey Novak.
coming soon!!
↳ Alex Cabot.
coming soon!!
↳ Pippa Cox.
coming soon!!
↳ Monique Jefferies.
coming soon!!
𓆰♥︎𓆪 Law&Order Men Menu 𓆰♥︎𓆪
↳ Nicholas “Nick” Amaro.
Poisoned Motive (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎ - ✞) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings; Dom!Nick, Sub!Reader, Rough rough rough, Oral (giving/receiving), intercourse, and then completely dorky fluff afterwards.
Synopsis: This episode unlocked my Amaro Kink, and I NEEDED to write about it. Whew. This episode is so sexy but spoilers ahead if you haven’t watched it!
Born Psychopath (☦︎︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings: Talks of guns and blood, animal abuse, all that good stuff.
Synopsis: This takes places on the first episode of the Henry Messner case, after Nick is “shot” so to say and finally gets to tell Gil he’s his father. You’re a nurse and Nick’s girlfriend, Zara and Gil both know about you and you come in after Gil finds out. Fluff ensues.
She’s Out There!!! (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warning: Attempted Rape, Kidnapping, Torture, Violence, ANGRY Amaro, Child Abuse, Racism.
Synopsis: When you’re out there, kidnapped by a suspect, Amaro loses it. He’s lost so much and you? He can’t lose you too.
Safety. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings: Talks of guns and abuse, Tense violent situation, mentions of blood, mentions of rape and death, Smutty but no full out smut.
Synopsis: Nick had been in love with you since you entered SVU and seeing a gun pointed at your head might just be the kick in the ass he needs to confess.
Blood Brothers. (☦︎︎ - ☻︎ - ✞) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings; EPISODE SPOILERS, Mentions of violence, death, rape, teen pregnancy, abortion (pro-lifers do not interact.), bitchy rollins, female receiving oral, soft degradation, oral fixation, spitting in mouth, pet play, all that good stuff. that is all.
Synopsis: Getting close with the devishly handsome Nicholas Amaro during a particularly daunting case was amazing, made even better when his possessive side starts to show over little ole you.
Candy Kisses. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings: Lots of stuttering, Awkward Nick, Sweet bullshit.
Synopsis: After a night out trick or treating with Zara and Nick you and Nick enjoy yourselves after Zara is finally asleep and your lips look amazing with sticky candy on them.
Twerp. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings: Child Death, Talks of Child Molestation, Abuse, Miscarriages, Trafficking, Teen Pregnancy.
Synopsis: From the moment you entered SVU it seemed that Nick hated you, and you him. The entire team could tell it was just the opposite but let you both tell it? You despised one another. After a tragedy happens, just how true is that?
Holden’s Manifesto. (☦︎︎ - ❥ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings; Hostage Situation, Side Character Death, Blood, Protective Yet Tender!Nick.
Synopsis; My first reaction about one of my FAVORITE episodes!? Okay, Okay. Here’s how I think Amaro would react to s16e4 but with wife!reader instead of Rollins.
White Noise. (Surrendering Noah) (☦︎︎ - ❥ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings; Blood mentions, Talks of Death, Gunshots (obvs), Sweet Bullshit.
Synopsis; ngl, i never rewatched this episode because i can’t stand to see how it affected olivia, noah, and amaro but this is cute so here we go. here’s how Y/n would react to the court shooting.
Daddy/Daughter Project. (☦︎︎ - ☾ - ☻︎) x South Asian Fem!Y/n
warnings: cuteness aggression.
synopsis: #9 “you’re too tiny for that, let me help.”
authors note: thank you so much, beloved! that makes me so glad. i want to make requesting as simple as possible. by the way, i love this idea so much. mwah mwah!
↳ Dominick “Sonny” Carisi.
hrs and hrs. (Songfic) (☦︎︎ - ☻︎ - ✞) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings: Talks of Incest, Abuse, and Pedophilia. None just sleepy fluffy smut and sweet aftercare. Slight Breeding Kink.
Synopsis: After stressful jobs sometimes all you and your husband Carisi need is each other. To take care of one another.
Revenge. (☦︎︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warning; S20 E4 SPOILERS. Talks of Rape, Assault, Death, Incels.
Synopsis: You and your partner Sonny work as a “couple” to get a confession out of a peep who happens to be an incel. Everyone thinks you played too well at being a couple and that gets Sonny thinking if it’s time to tell you he loves you.
That Girl Is Mine. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warning: Possessive Dom, Dad Figure Odafin, Light Asshole Barba, Mentions of Rape, SVU stuff, Smutty No Full Smut.
Synopsis: Barba takes a little too much of a liking to Sonny’s girl.
Sickly Overprotective. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings: Tutuola!Reader, Dorky and Sometimes Mean!Carisi.
Synopsis: Sonny’s never liked you and the feeling was mutual, well I think. The squad saw it as an old married couple fighting but filled with love. You and Sonny disagree…until you get sick that is.
↳ Rafael Barba.
coming soon!!
↳ Hasim Khaldun.
coming soon!!
↳ John Munch.
That’s Not Her Name. (☦︎︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings; Sexual Harassment, Slut shaming, Semi Aggressive Munch.
Synopsis; inspired by s13ep9 when the lawyer calls alex “sweetheart” and munch steps in his face and goes “ADA Cabot” but with y/n and someone disrespecting her while they’re on a date.
↳ Odafin “Fin” Tutuola.
coming soon!!
↳ Mike Dodds.
coming soon!!
↳ Peter Stone.
He Can Only Hold Her. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎) x Black GN!Y/n
Warnings; Asshole!Peter, Breaking piece by piece!Y/n.
Synopsis; It was no secret Peter Stone was in love with Olivia Benson, even you as his lover could see it. The question was how long would it be before you broke?
↳ Brian Cassidy.
coming soon!!
↳ Elliot Stabler.
coming soon!!
This List will be updated regularly as I go on. Enjoy the baked goods in Fatality’s Fic Bakery! 🥖🥐🥯🍞🥨🥮🧁🍧🍨🍯
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londontheatre · 7 years
Joining Diana Vickers, Debra Stephenson and Ian Reddington in the 2017 tour are Michael Howe, Michelle Long, Kate Hardisty, Cassiopeia Berkeley-Agyepong, Lewis Kidd, Liam Vincent-Kilbride, Jon Bonner, Rachel McAllister, Ellie-Jane Goddard, Gary Mitchinson and Jess Barker.
The full cast is announced for heart-warming new musical Son of a Preacher Man. Joining Diana Vickers, Debra Stephenson and Ian Reddington in the 2017 tour are Michael Howe, Michelle Long, Kate Hardisty, Cassiopeia Berkeley-Agyepong, Lewis Kidd, Liam Vincent-Kilbride, Jon Bonner, Rachel McAllister, Ellie-Jane Goddard, Gary Mitchinson and Jess Barker.
Featuring the soulful music of Dusty Springfield, with a book by Warner Brown and directed and choreographed by Craig Revel Horwood, Son of a Preacher Man embarks on a national tour starting at Bromley’s Churchill Theatre from Monday 4 September 2017.
Three broken hearts, one Soho hang-out, and the only man who could ever help them… Welcome to the Preacher Man, the swinging 1960s Soho joint where the kids danced the night away to the latest crazes and dared to dream of love, while the legendary owner, the Preacher Man himself, dispensed advice to cure the loneliest of hearts.
Only, that was a long time ago and all that remains are the memories, the stories and the myths. Until now, that is, when three random strangers, generations apart but all in need of help with their hopeless love lives, are inexplicably drawn to the site of the original venue. The Preacher Man is long gone, but his son, with help from the wonderful Cappuccino Sisters, might just find it in himself to channel the spirit of the Preacher Man and once more give these three lovesick strangers the look of love.
Featuring the greatest hits of Dusty Springfield, including “The Look Of Love”, “I Only Want To Be With You”, “Spooky” and of course, the classic “Son Of A Preacher Man”, this sparklingly funny and sweetly touching new musical by internationally renowned writer Warner Brown will have you laughing, crying and singing your heart out to some of the greatest songs ever written.
Diana Vickers first came to public attention as a semi-finalist on the X Factor and has made her professional acting debut in the title role of The Rise and Fall of Little Voice in 2009 (West End, Vaudeville Theatre). Since then her theatre credits have included The Duck House (West End, Vaudeville Theatre), Hatched ‘n’ Dispatched (Park Theatre), The Rocky Horror Show (UK Tour). Her film and television credits include The Perfect Wave, Awaiting, To Dream, Give Out Girls and Top Coppers.
Debra Stephenson is known for her long running roles in Coronation Street and Bad Girls, whilst her entertainment credits include The Friday Night Project, 8 Out Of 10 Cats, Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special, Comic Relief Does Fame Academy and Let’s Dance For Sports Relief. As a comedic impressionist she is best known as star of BBC One’s The Impressions Show, with her other credits including BBC Radio 4’s Dead Ringers as well ITV’s Newzoids.
Ian Reddington is best known for playing Tricky Dicky in EastEnders and Vernon in Coronation Street, with other roles in popular TV programmes including the Outlander series, Dr Who, Shameless, Benidorm, Inspector Morse, Robin Hood, Outlander, The Queen’s Nose and The Dumping Ground. On stage, Ian has worked with the Royal Shakespeare Company and has toured the UK with Bouncers, Dead Funny and Oh What a Lovely War. His film credits include cult film Highlander.
Warner Brown works internationally and is well known for his work in musical theatre and straight plays, encompassing both traditional and avant-garde forms. He wrote ‘the most popular family show of all time’, the arena production Walking With Dinosaurs, creating an entirely new genre of theatrical presentation and winning many international awards. Currently playing in venues from Madison Square Garden to the Mercedes Benz Arena in Shanghai, an episode of CSI: Las Vegas has been based upon the show and it has even been parodied on The Simpsons.
Warner is currently working on multiple developing projects, including the Broadway musicals The Gold Room and The Thomas Crown Affair, both with composer Michael Feinstein; the opera Empty Spaces, with composer Joshua Schmidt, for Florentine Opera in the USA; the musical A Little Danger, with composer Michael Reed, for the St Petersburg Theatre in Russia; and the screenplay for the movie A Minute To Midnight for Bill Kenwright Films. He is part of the consortium, including choreographer Arlene Phillips and musical director Mike Dixon, for the new internet based project Reality.
Writing credits include Half A Sixpence (UK Tour), The Biograph Girl (Phoenix Theatre), Cinderella (London Palladium), The Black and White Ball, which opened in London and for which The Cole Porter Trusts granted Warner stage rights to the songs of Cole Porter, Flickers (Broadway’s Circle-In-The-Square Theater), The House on the Corner (Edinburgh International Festival) and, in addition, Tallulah For A Day and Sleep With Friends. Plays include Laughing Dove, Wavelength and The Prospero Suite, directed by John Doyle.
Warner has worked extensively in Europe, most recently writing the musical Garbo, with music by ‘Meatloaf’ rock legend Jim Steinman. He also has extensive writing credits for the BBC and was Script Associate of the BBC Classic Musicals Series, for which he adapted fourteen musicals featuring many international stars. Warner was the subject of the BBC Two TV documentary The Making Of A Musical. Warner is co-sponsor of the international music prize The S&S Award, named in honour of his late parents.
Craig Revel Horwood is a well-known face on television in the UK and now internationally for his role as a judge on all fifteen series of BBC One’s Strictly Come Dancing and for directing and appearing as a judge in the Live Tour.
Craig’s recent credits as director and choreographer include the current UK tour of Sister Act, the previous UK tours Brother Love Travelling Salvation Show and Chess; for television, How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria? and Just the Two of Us; and for film, the feature film Paddington 2. In addition, he recently directed the all-star concert version of Stephen Sondheim’s Follies at the Royal Albert Hall. Other credits as a theatre director and choreographer are: West Side Story (Prince Edward), Miss Saigon (Drury Lane), Hey, Mr Producer! (Lyceum), Spend Spend Spend! (Piccadilly Theatre; Olivier nomination for Best Choreography), Pal Joey (Chichester Festival Theatre), Guys and Dolls (Sheffield Crucible), Paradise Moscow (Opera North), Carmen (Holland Park), My One and Only (Piccadilly Theatre; Olivier nomination for Best Choreography), Beautiful and Damned (Lyric Theatre), Arms and the Cow (Opera North), The Ballet Boyz: Yumbo Vs Nonino (Festival Hall, Sadler’s Wells, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden), The Hot Mikado (Watermill Theatre and UK Tour; Martin Guerre (Watermill Theatre), Sunset Boulevard (Watermill Theatre and Comedy Theatre, West End), Spend Spend Spend! (Watermill Theatre and UK Tour) and Copacabana (Watermill Theatre).
He recently returned to his roots as a performer in musical theatre, starring as Miss Hannigan in the UK national tour of Annie, and in Christmas 2016 as Captain Hook in Peter Pan at the Churchill Theatre, Bromley. Other performing credits include Captain Hook in Peter Pan at the Orchard, Dartford in 2014 and at the Swan, High Wycombe in 2015. Previously, Craig starred as the Wicked Queen in Snow White at Venue Cymru, Llandudno in 2009, The Hawth, Crawley in 2010 and The Orchard, Dartford 2011. He reprised his role at The Swan Theatre, High Wycombe in 2012 and the Cliffs Pavilion, Southend in 2013.
Amongst his numerous TV credits, highlights include winning the BBC Two series Maestro at the Opera, the final of which saw him conduct Act II of La Bohème at the Royal Opera House. He was also a grand finalist on the hit cooking show, Celebrity MasterChef and participated in and won Ready, Steady, Cook.
Book Warner Brown Director & Choreographer Craig Revel Horwood Set & Costume Designer Morgan Large Musical Supervisor & Arrangements Paul Herbert Lighting Designer Richard G Jones Sound Designer Richard Brooker Musical Director Brady Mould Associate Director & Choreographer David James Hulston Casting Director Anne Vosser Diana Vickers (Kat), Debra Stephenson (Alison), Ian Reddington (Simon), Michael Howe (Paul), Michelle Long (Cappuccino Sister One), Kate Hardisty (Cappuccino Sister Two), Cassiopeia Berkeley-Agyepong (Cappuccino Sister Three), Lewis Kidd (Liam/ Young Paul/ Ensemble), Liam Vincent-Kilbride (Andy/ Mike/ Young Jack/ Ensemble), Jon Bonner (Hardman/ Otis/ Jack/ Ensemble), Rachel McAllister (Pippa/ Miss Marsh/ Ensemble), Ellie-Jane Goddard (Sandra/ Anna/ Ensemble), Gary Mitchinson (On-Stage Swing & Ensemble) and Jess Barker (On-Stage Swing & Ensemble).
Casting for the 2018 tour to be announced. Son of a Preacher Man is produced by Brian Berg, John Sachs, Andrew Berg & Kimberley Sachs for Eclipse Live, Michael Park for The Infinite Group, Paul Tyrer & Jamie Clark for TBO Productions, Churchill Theatre Bromley and executive producers Andrew Green and Ben White, all on behalf of Dusty Touring Ltd.
http://ift.tt/2mSjutI LondonTheatre1.com
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