#kataang positivity
toph-bi-fong · 3 months
Kataang is a loving and healthy relationship- bite me.
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circlique · 1 year
Hello, I love your art style! It's booootiful I was wondering if maybe I can request a kataang one? If so maybe a kissing one? Like in the Southern Water Tribe, with katara wearing her parka. With a tall aang as well hehe ok bye! 🥰😍🥰
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Kisses are way better in the cold.
Thanks for the ask!
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i-am-suffer · 1 year
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staliaqueen · 2 months
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Mal's Avatar: The Last Airbender rewatch: The Crossroads of Destiny 2.20
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ultfreakme · 3 months
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Kiawentiio painted Aang riding on a skateboard and gifted it to Gordon ;_; What if I cry? That is adorable!!!!!! That's so sweet <3<3 it's such a nice painting!!
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yourhighness6 · 2 months
It's funny to me when people insist that "ATLA was really feminist" as if there wasn't really only one feminist message which was the very generic "girls can fight too" spiel that every 2000s show had going on whenever they briefly tried to jump on the feminism bandwagon or whatever
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tategaminu · 11 months
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The "I was an small baby but now I'm taller and bigger than my girlfriend" boys
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eponastory · 4 months
Okay... this is ridiculous.
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I am in no way dissing kataang. I understand it's a ship that is Canon (I'm not denying this) and have nothing against it other than the way it was handled in the OG series. To me, it was shoehorned in and very awkward. Personally, I like the direction the Netflix show is going where there is no hint of any kind of pairing other than Sokka's crucial romances. I also don't care for teenage relationships to begin with because it's tricky. Especially when it involves a 12 year old boy with a girl that is older. It's very... controversial. That is the eew part. Nothing wrong with them being adults later on, as I've stated in my previous post. But again, underage relationships are not my thing. Mainly because I am in my MID 30S and I mostly read stories that pertain to over 18 relationships. That is what I have to say.
But Jesus christ... yall gotta stop with the shipping wars. I've seen my fair share of them in my years of being in several Fandoms. Guys, gals, and those in between... people gonna do what they want! They are going to like what they want and love what makes them feel good. I happen to love several different things that don't always align with everyone else.
You've got both sides calling each other toxic when the majority just wants to live in harmony with their favorite ship. There is nothing wrong with that. This goes for all ships. I have my preferences and they aren't going to match up with everyone else's. That's fine. It makes me feel nostalgic.
But don't tell me what to do. Don't tell anyone what they should feel or say. That's toxic.
Thank goodness I can say and feel what I want because Godzilla help yall if things don't go the way yall want.
Sorry, that's just my no nonsense done with everyone's bullshit side coming out because I've seen some shit from different Fandoms over the years. It left me shaking my head and wondering if any of it is really that important.
Oh well, I'm just preaching to the choir here.
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thyfggfy · 3 months
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Average kataang shipper
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toph-bi-fong · 4 months
Fun fact: putting your rancid anti-Kataang takes in the main #kataang tag is a sure-fire-way to get your ass handed to you by the Kataang fandom.
Don’t be surprised when this happens, because contrary to your delusional beliefs, people actually ship, love, and support kataang.
Keep that shit under the #antikataang tag. It exists for a reason.
As the ancient tumblr proverb goes:
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alphinias · 1 year
Important question. Do you ship Zutara?
I do!
You can’t really have an etl sun and moon yin and yang ship and not expect me to ship it a little. It’s so weird because they definitely baited it so much and knew what they were doing with the tropes they used with them. Especially with it being animation so you can’t even blame the shippy interactions on actors.
I do ship Kataang too though. I know they aren’t as popular but they are just two cuties and I can’t possibly not love them. So I’m happy with where canon ended up, even though zutara canon would have been epic for the books.
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fan-kingdoms · 5 months
it is 1:08 in the morning and i am screaming crying sobbing throwing up in my bedroom because i just finished my entire avatar rewatch and what the fuck i forgot how much emotion the ending makes me feel
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hrtiu · 2 years
I dunno if this is a hot take or just naivety, but I honestly don’t get where the hostility between zutara and kataang shippers came from?? Like, I prefer zutara because it’s angstier and hotter, but to me they’re both perfectly valid ships.
Kataang is canon and nice and sweet, and though we didn’t see much of the transition the friends-to-lovers basis is solid. Zutara on the other hand was never canon but has plenty of basis in canon, lots of chemistry, and fun tropes to play with. And as far as enemies to lovers goes, zutara is about as wholesome and unproblematic as it can get. If you have trouble with that aspect of the ship then you probably just can’t do enemies-to-lovers, period.
Anyway, it just seems like these are two ships we should be able to just peacefully have our own opinions/preferences about???
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kataracy · 11 months
So what are the chances of getting more chapters for "Vigilante"
That's such a good premise for a fic, it's just so juicy, please feed us more, your writings so good! 🤲🏽
If it were on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being happening, I'd say the 'Vigilante AU' is at a 4
Thank you for the nice compliment WHAT!! Vigilante AU...now that's a name I haven't heard in years🚬🚬🚬...
Lowkey I lost the notes for that fic outside of what I tagged as 'Vigilante AU' and lost a lot of energy for it because I didn't think anyone noticed! I haven't written anything besides original story/art notes and in my journal lmao
I feel like I'd be doing a disservice to my faves writing them now, I'm so out of the loop now what is the kataang yearning even like now idk yall gotta tell me
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dukeofdelirium · 10 days
I saw this anti-Kataang post saying Katara is 14 going on 25 and Aang is 12 going on 8. And honestly this really pissed me off, the invalidation of Aang’s trauma and the adultification of Katara honestly grosses me out. It’s such a shameful mischaracterization and flanderization of both characters. Zutara stans like these are such fake fans, they don’t care about the show, they don’t care about Katara just their own fanfic version of Katara they can project onto.
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imma be real this is the weirdest shit I ever read 😭
“Aang plays with Momo while the other kids drink TEA like sophisticated ADULTS and play GAMES that require CRITICAL THOUGHT !!!! REEEEE”
Aang knows how to play pai sho…… we literally saw him playing it in book 1 episode 12: The Storm…. Fuckin moron @ OP 🤦🏻‍♂️
Also the weird commenting on what Aang would theoretically know about genitalia and sex is … odd…. And it’s also so strange to me that people think Aang would be some naive idiot who knows nothing about the world let alone about sex at his age.
The air nomads were very sexually open in ways that none of the other cultures are in ATLA. This is canon. They were a sexually free people, lol. So saying that Aang would have no concept of these things because he’s too “immature” to know about it is not aligning with what we know of his people and culture. We also know that Katara and Aang married and had a child together when they were pretty young, so… this whole argument is so strange lmao. Adding onto this, Aang traveled the world and frequently at that and we can assume he did so solo. He had way more life experience and knowledge by the age of 12 than Katara or Sokka combined, who had never even set foot outside their village. If any of these two characters is naive about sexuality and all it encompasses, it would in fact be Katara…. Who grew up in a village without men aside from her brother… lol. Aang traveled everywhere, he probably was friends with plenty of girls and I’m sure Katara wasn’t his first kiss, either given these facts.
Their argument is “Aang doesn’t know about female anatomy” which is implying he is unfit to date her on the grounds he couldn’t “please” her. However, as I already showed, this would very likely not be the case given Aang’s culture and people and everything we know of his life pre iceberg.
If anyone doesn’t know about sex and genitalia, it would be Katara. 100%. She literally grew up in an isolated village with no males aside from her brother. She would have virtually no concept of male puberty or male anatomy. Lol. So what’s the argument here? Is Katara now “unfit” for Aang because she grew up isolated from men? See how easy that was to flip their bullshit? 😭
And no, the point isn’t whether he knows or not, OP. The only reason anyone is considering this in the first place is because you argued the point. Yknow, because normal people don’t rlly think about this in regards to cartoon characters.
It’s honestly so bizarre to me how ppl act like Aang is the naive, stupid and sheltered child in the show when in reality, Aang was already self sufficient as a 12 year old. He traveled, cooked for himself and cared for himself during said travels, he knew of other cultures intimately, he knew a lot of history, he was already a master of his native element, etc…. That doesn’t sound like a naive child to me. Aang doesn’t act silly and goof off because he’s stupid. It’s both an aspect of his carefree personality and also a conscious choice and coping mechanism from trauma and grief and survivors guilt.
And anyway, Katara thinks of Aang’s carefree nature in a very positive light. She likes this about him.
I’m also never gonna understand the argument of “she grew up in war” as if Aang didn’t fight alongside her in that very war as a kid, too. Yeah, he had 12 years before that, but who gives a fuck? He also suffered far more loss than Katara or anyone for that matter, and that is objective fact.
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quillthrillswriting · 3 months
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i think that by far, the most common zutara trope i've seen is zuko freeing katara from her unhappy marriage with the clingy, unappreciative aang.
i've always felt that that aang would genuinely worship the ground katara walked on and be exceedingly kind and respectful, and so i've always thought that this trope would make a lot more sense flipped, with aang in the position of being katara's safe space after zukko reverts back to his angry, sullen, lashing out persona that he was before uncle iroh & the gaang's involvement.
this fic is the result of me having the thought "might f around and write a kataang fic that flips the usual zutara trope of "zuko helps katara escape a failing relationship with aang" 😳"
Zuko was all alone, heading an entire empire and facilitating the transition of his nation from a war-bringer to a force for peace. At first, she told herself that it was only because he had needed help that she chose to stay with him, but that wasn’t being entirely honest. After that play on Ember Island, all of the scenes where the two of them were in love had opened Katara’s eyes to the possibility, and try as she might, she couldn’t shut them again. And Zuko, after all that he’d sacrificed to help them, after redeeming himself in her eyes, even fighting alongside her, he had seemed like her best chance at home. 
So she had stayed with him. 
Zuko proposed, after just six months, but Katara thought little of the brief timeline. When you know, you know, right? He had given her his mother’s ring, and had her dress in Fire Nation colours for the ceremony. She had been under the impression that the wedding would be a welding of cultures, and so she had spent weeks painstakingly carving a traditional water tribe proposal necklace. 
When she had presented it to him, Zuko had only said that a Fire Lord couldn’t be seen wearing another nation’s trinkets . She had quietly dabbed away her tears when he wasn’t looking.
The moon rose and set six more nights before Katara rose with it, slipping outside of the castle during the changing of the guard, draped in traditional water tribe colours for the first night in years. Before anyone had seen her, she had made it, slipping between Fire Nation homes almost silently. She only paused to pull clothes and a cloth head covering from a clothesline, silently apologizing to whatever family she had just stolen from. She tucked a couple of coins and a piece of gold jewellery into one of the pockets of the pants still on the clothesline, an attempt at making amends for her crime, then blended into the night again. 
She hadn’t stopped moving until she’d finally found a small forest, then she’d made herself a bed of moss and curled up as if she was a child back on the tundra, pretending to be a sleeping snow fox alongside Sokka.
She missed her brother. She missed her home.
She knew where she would go once the cargo ship reached the land. The last location Aang had been in was the Western Air temple. So that was where she would go. If she needed to, to find Aang, she’d scour every inch of the mainland. She knew he would do the same for her. Which begged the question- why hadn’t he come to her when he began to feel that something was off?
It was that question that Katara started with, as she settled into a comfortable position on Aang’s woven rug, a cup of hot tea curling steam around her body that she absent-mindedly bent into shapes around her.
Aang sighed, looking away. “Katara, I hate to give you more reasons to feel distressed, but in case you hadn’t remembered, you told me to stay away. Told me my “juvenile crush” was ridiculous and made you uncomfortable. I felt awful, and so, I backed off. I kept sending letters every couple months, trying to make sure you were okay, but you told me you were too busy, and I respected that.”
Katara’s tone was unsettlingly neutral when she responded. “...What?”
Aang titled his head, confused. “You said, in your letters, that-”
She responded in that same tone. “What letters , Aang?”
♥ the rest of the (completed) fic can be found here!! ->
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