#katelyn from last night
asteracaea · 9 months
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thats-so-reagan · 9 months
everyone sit down and shut up katelyn from last night is finally out
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elisiassideb1tch · 8 months
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Good morning friends, hope everyone is having a good day/night <3
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merry-death · 6 months
on my second watch of the new hbomberguy video (I was not totally sober when I watched it last night) and I just remembered where I know James Somerton from. A few months ago I ended a friendship because she kept talking about how excited she was to play the hp game, and at first she genuinely didn't know how bad r*wling was, but even after I explained and sent tons of resources so she could see for herself, she still eventually said something along the lines of "oh well, I still don't think it's bad enough to stop me from buying the game". Then she sent me James Somerton's video about why he was still going to buy and play the game and said "His thoughts are basically mine". I had never watched his videos, but I was immediately suspicious of him for being able to lay out the clear transphobia and antisemitism but still justify purchasing the game. And now, I guess we know that his thoughts weren't even his. And no wonder he was fine still giving r*wling money, he's also fine misgendering trans people if it means he can be more misogynistic
EDIT: so i decided to fact-check myself since it's been several months since that conversation, but he does say he "probably" won't spend more money on the franchise even though he totally understands and supports people who want to.
And in a turn of events shocking no one, aside from that conclusion that he thinks it's fine to still support hp, the vast majority of that same video was also plagiarized:
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EDIT 2: I've seen some people in the notes saying he even plagiarized the transphobia, so I'm going to clarify this. Most of the video was about all of the transphobic, antisemitic, or otherwise awful shit r*wling has done. That is the content that Somerton seems to have plagiarized from Katelyn Burns.
The only part of the video that doesn't appear to have been stolen is the conclusion, which is where he said it's understandable and fine for people to still financially support the franchise. So he did not plagiarize the transphobia, he plagiarized the proof of transphobia and then added in his opinion that it's still cool to give your money to transphobes if not doing that makes you sad
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Just a little bit where Bucky would give you everything you want.
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Pairing -> Sugar!Daddy!Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x SugarBaby!Girlfriend!Reader
Warnings -> 18+, Minors DNI, smut, fingering, talking about sugar daddy
A/N -> @lanabuckybarnes because you liked it so yeah.😂😂
“Anything you want, doll? You know I can buy you whatever you want,” Bucky grins at you, his hand gently placed on your lower back. You turn your head toward him, smirking when you nod.
When you first met him, you never thought they the relationship between you two could be that perfect. Bucky picked you up when you had nothing, no money, shit job and apartment — when you were broken after your last boyfriend. He took you home with him, gave you food, a bed, clothes, everything you ever dreamed of. And it slowly went from strangers into friends and he offered you to be your sugar daddy.
First you wasn’t sure about it, but he said he isn’t looking for sex unless you want it to. He wants some company during his dinners with co-workers or just someone who watched movies with him or plays games, nothing much and you could get everything you want.
So you said yes, and Bucky learned to read you like a book, you didn’t even need to say anything and he already knew what you would like to have. You never asked for much, and even though Bucky assured you that you can have everything, you didn’t need more.
With every passing day you both came closer, the movie nights were more often, the cuddles more intimate and the talks more serious. You forgot about every shit you went through because of your ex-boyfriend.
Bucky made you smile in the highs and the lows and that never changed, not even know, not even right now when you were walking along the aisle, never! He loves you and he care about you, knowing every feeling you have just from looking into your eyes and you can do the same.
“I would love to spent the night with you, just with you, on the sea. Just we and the stars, the moon and nothing else,” you admit and Bucky chuckles softly. He thought you would ask for something expensive, but you never did, that’s probably the reason he fell for you.
Of course you asked him to get things which would cost some money, but you appreciated the time with him, and the moments when you’re just going for a walk or being on the boat on the sea so much more than everything he could buy you.
“Everything you want, pretty girl.” Bucky wraps his arms tightly around your waist, pulling you flat against his muscular front and inhaling your sweet scent. He then kisses along your neck, smirking when you giggle and squirm softly in his embrace. “Everything! I love you, so much.
“I love you too, and being with you is everything I can only dream of,” you say back, letting your head fall against his shoulder.
“Luckily it’s not just a dream. And I can show you that’s definitely not a dream,” he says, his hand sliding down your front and into your panties, causing you to moan when his fingers slide thought your already wet folds. “So perfect, already so wet and ready for me, doll.”
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katelyn was the regina george of your high school. bossy, rude, manipulative, but she still got all the boys and was at the top of the social pecking order. until after gym class one day, you notice a weird… bulge. in her track pants.
you watch her walk into the locker rooms, and she seems to be almost waddling? you could chalk it up to her being sore from whatever rendezvous she probably had last night if it weren’t for the distinct crinkle you heard as she passed you.
you think you know what she’s wearing instead of panties, but you need proof.
katelyn always stays back after gym you’ve noticed, typically being late for next period, though no one seems to care, assuming she got caught up making out with another football player.
so you stay back too, who cares if you’re late to algebra, if your theory is right, you might just take down the biggest bully at this school.
shoving yourself between lockers, as to not be seen, you wait, getting your phone ready to capture any evidence.
all you need is a waistband or just a slip of her joggers, instead, she gives you an entire show.
you watch katelyn look around nervously, making sure everyone’s left, luckily missing you.
she giggles, kicking off her designer sneakers without a care, then fully pulls her pants down, exposing a soaked diaper around her waist.
in awe, you begin to snap photos as she gropes her soggy bottom, squishing the padding around her ass. she even moans a little when she gets a little too close to her clit.
you’re ready to bail, sneak out quickly and quietly, since you’ve already got more than enough evidence to take her reputation from prom queen to potty training princess.
but you freeze as you see her squat down, hands bracing on her thighs.
oh god, you think. is she really about to-
you watch aghast as the queen bee of school fills her already packed diaper to the brim with shit. you hold back a gag as you see some of it squish through one of the leg holes of her diaper.
before you can even process, she slams her ass down on the floor, effectively spreading the mess all over her ass, some even peaking out the top of this filthy diaper she’s wearing.
you’re glad you pressed record long ago, because you’re frozen in shock. you thought that she might just need diapers or something, but she seems to be throughly enjoying pissing and shitting this diaper.
she starts humping her packed pamper a little, only pausing when the first bell rings. she whines like a petulant child, even stomping her feet as she pulls another diaper out of her backpack.
katelyn doesn’t even change out of the full diaper she’s in, you watch her cut some slits in the full diaper, contents almost bursting out onto the waiting clean diaper as she tapes it up. she pulls on a puffy skirt, which to her credit, hides the doubled up diapers very well, and douses herself in perfume. grabbing her things and heels clacking behind her as she walks to class.
you don’t even know what to think, so you let your peers decide for you. you click send on the video, purposely putting it on your graduating classes snapchat story so no one would miss it.
in the next few days, you watch in delight as the former class sex symbol becomes the school’s diaper filling babygirl. she had it coming, maybe she should’ve worn joggers that better hid her pissy diapers!
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leveloneandup · 3 days
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(Photo: Katelyn Mulcahy/Getty Images for Angel City FC)
Christen Press set to return to Angel City training
Christen Press is returning to Angel City FC training this week, the team announced on Monday. Press, who tore her ACL in June 2022, has had a lengthy rehabilitation process that included four surgeries. While she has been training individually for the past few months, her full return to the team’s training environment is set for Tuesday.
“My first day, I’ll do the warm up and the passing pattern with the team, but it will still be the first time I’ve done a legitimate passing pattern with a bunch of bodies on the field and checking angles, because it’s just been one-on-one training for two years,” Press told The Athletic on Monday. “We really are looking at — I got my first ACL surgery June 22 (2022), a week before that I tore my ACL — so really coming up on a two-year mark since the last time I played soccer, the last time I’ve been in team training. When I first told Angel City (about my return), I was thinking, let’s just keep it closed, let me come in on a day when no one’s going to be there and let’s just see how it is. Then I reversed, I changed my mind, because I was like, ‘Shoot, who knows how many milestones I have left to celebrate? Who knows what’s going to happen after this first team training?’ So if this is something we can all celebrate, let’s just go for it, because this journey has been really, really long.”
In January, Press spoke to The Athletic while still officially designated as having a season-ending injury. At that point, she did not have a firm timeline for her return, though she expected it to be at some point during the 2024 season.
“The first thing I need to do is get into training, but then I can get into games, then I can score goals, then I can have an outstanding season, then I can play on the national team again,” Press said. “I don’t have anything ruled out. But the most important thing for me right now is just the first step: getting back into training.”
With that first step now imminent, Angel City has not yet given an estimated return for Press in a NWSL match. The team is currently in 12th place in the standings through 11 matches played.
The timing also should prove a tough turn for Press to get herself into Olympics contention with the USWNT. New USWNT head coach Emma Hayes is expected to name the 18-player roster by the end of the month ahead of the final two send-off matches in July, but considering the depth of the forward pool and Press’ absence for two years, a return to the USWNT is far more likely to be a long-term goal.
“If you’re looking from a nine month perspective, I’m already past that right,” Press added on Monday. “A 9-12 month ACL perspective is not too far off, if we just look at my last surgery. But for whatever reason, I never really looked at the Olympics. With all the trauma of missing the World Cup, then watching the World Cup, then doing the show for the World Cup, I was like, I can’t do this again with the Olympics, because no matter how chill or zen I seem when I talk about it, there’s no way your mind can’t start doing the math, right? There’s no way. I’m like, ‘Oh, I’m not like every other athlete, I can handle this.’ Then I’ll catch myself in the middle of the night counting how many weeks I have left. You can’t stop that. You can’t stop the dreaming, and you want that. That’s part of it, but it’s also the torturous part of it, and the balance of trying to believe you can do something incredible hard and the balance of not getting too excited.”
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gentle-forest-daddy · 11 months
The Tantrum (Part 1)
A three-part ABDL romance. All characters are 18+. CW: Diapers, Spanking, Bondage, Messing, Wetting
Katelyn pulled into the driveway, her hands tight on the wheel and stereo loud enough to make it shake.
“Fuck my life,” she sighed to herself, before switching off the engine.
She breathed in deep, held it until the count of three, then breathed out what was supposed to be a controlled exhale but was really an angry huff. She huffed again and grabbed her bag, climbing out of the car and slamming the door behind her, only to be yanked backwards when she tried to storm off.
Katelyn whirled around and saw her coat caught in the door. Glaring, she gave it a vicious yank, which turned into her falling on her butt when the thrifted wool tore with a thunderous riiiip.
“Oh come on!” she whined, slamming her hands on the pavement, which was quickly followed by “Owww.”
After giving the driveway a dirty look, she stormed up to the house, holding back tears threatening to break through the thunderclouds on her face.
It had been another shitty Friday in a long string of shitty Fridays (and Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays...), and as was the case after every shitty day, Katelyn had a lazer focus on the bottle of wine waiting in the fridge.
Drink to forget your day, and any part you might have played in it. A flawless plan.
She took a bit more care closing the front door, but still managed a gunshot slam. With a couple kicks, her heels arced down the hall, and she tossed her bag in the direction of the couch, wincing when the loud thud announced she’d missed her target. That just added to her burning frustration, and she whipped off her torn coat and kicked it in the direction of the closet.
From around the corner she could hear chopping and frying and felt a pang of annoyance at the thought of interacting with another human. Even Ryan. But still, she followed the smell of sizzling onions.
Ryan looked up from the cutting board as she stomped in, his smile falling to something more cautious when he saw her face.
“How was your day, honey?”
Katelyn made no stop on her way to the fridge, hunting for the chilled red she brought home last night.
“Fine. I don’t really want to talk about it.”
She moved to the cupboard to grab the big wine glass, the one Ryan jokingly called her wine bowl, before remembering it was still in sink.
“You know you can talk to me.”
Katelyn sighed as she pulled the wine glass out of the dirty pile and started swishing some soapy water in it.
“I know,” she said a little too quickly, scrubbing at the wine residue.
“Okay.” The chopping got louder.
Once the glass hit ‘good enough,’ Katelyn went for the corkscrew, tugging open the bottle with practiced hands. She gave herself a generous pour (Ryan didn’t drink the stuff anyway) and turned to go nest on the couch when she saw what he was sliding into the skillet.
“You’re using carrots?”
Ryan looked at her surprised, stirring the pan as the sweet fragrance made Katelyn wrinkle her nose.
“Yeah, we both agreed we need more vegetables. It was on the meal plan.”
A moment of guilt cross her mind as she remembered the digital meal planner, the one she still hadn’t opened. But the guilt was quickly overwhelmed as her mind conjured the revolting taste of carrot.
“You know I hate carrots. I’m not eating that.”
Mentally, she was already on UberEats. She’d done burgers three nights ago, maybe tonight she’d go KFC.
Ryan didn't look up from the stove, his voice flat.
“Katie, I’ve been cooking since I got home. We planned one meal tonight, no takeout. Can you at least try it?”
She knew he was right, which was maybe why she felt a helpless rage flare up. Was it too much to ask for some comfort food after the day she’d had? The week? The month? The tears were threatening again and her mind flashed back to the work lunch, the one hadn’t even wanted to go to, but Mr. Henderson had to be wined and dined…
“I’m not eating it!” she said, surprising herself at the volume.
She needed out of there, away from Ryan and his carrots. She whirled around, moving just a little to fast, and felt a cold splash hit her chest.
Katelyn froze at the sight of red wine soaking into her best work blouse.
“Oh Katie.” Ryan had sympathy pain all over his face, but somehow that just made it worse. She couldn’t stop herself from stomping her foot for real this time, sloshing more wine on the floor.
“Don’t mock me!” Ryan was getting blurry as she blinked hard. “None of this would have happened if you just cooked something good!”
There was a hint of danger in Ryan’s voice as he grabbed a dish cloth from the sink.
“I haven’t made you do anything, and I would appreciate it if you started acting like a grown up. Do you want help cleaning up?”
Katelyn snatched the cloth out his hand and started dabbing her ruined shirt, for all the good it would do.
“I’ve had a really hard day and I just want food I can eat,” she mumbled, trying to keep her voice from breaking.
Ryan sighed. “You’ve had a lot of hard days lately, and we’ve had a lot of takeout lately. Can you please just try it?”
Katelyn gave up dabbing and flung the cloth back at him, unintentional aiming for his face, which Ryan narrowly caught.
She was about to storm out when Ryan grabbed her wrist and spun her back to face him. His eyes locked on hers and she felt a small flicker in her chest from the times when he’d had more fun reasons to give her that look.
“If you keep acting like a toddler having a tantrum, I’m going to treat you like one. Is that what you want?”
Those words …
Even in her frustration and anger, a memory surfaced, that very specific phrase and the gravity of the question. She looked into her fiance’s serious eyes. It had to have been over a year since they’d practiced this exchange, well before her promotion. But faced with the real deal for the first time, she felt her subconscious make the decision for her.
“Fuck off!” she said, and pulled her hand free to slap him.
Ryan caught it with a much less gentle grip. A shiver ran through her as she looked up at him and felt the weight of the pact she’d just signed.
“This has been a long time coming.” Ryan grabbed her other wrist and started pulling her out of the kitchen.
“Stop it! Let me go, asshole!”
Katelyn leaned back and dug her heels in, but it hardly slowed Ryan down. Her fiance dragged her down the hall with ease, her hands trapped in an iron grip and sock feet sliding easily. Her rage was back in full force and she leaned into it, no filter.
“Fuck you! I hate you!”
She tried kicking him, but instead lost her balance and slipped on to her butt, and Ryan just swirled her around and started dragging her backwards as she kicked her feet uselessly. Soon she was sitting at the foot of their bed, and a second later he hoisted her up and over his lap.
Katelyn thrashed as best she could, but Ryan had her pinned, her body pitched forward, keeping her off balance. She felt cold air hit her butt as her pants were tugged down to her ankles and was about to unleash a string of obscenities when the first thunderous WACK! struck her ass.
“Do you know why you’re in trouble?”
The spank shocked her, but Katelyn wasn’t done fighting.
“Because my boyfriend is a stupid carrot-loving dick!”
The ferociousness of each spank killed any smart comments she had stored up, drowned in the pain radiating from her backside.
“Is it maybe because you’ve been acting like a selfish baby for months now?”
“You’ve left messes everywhere.”
“You’ve been incredibly rude.”
“And you’re drunk every other night.”
“You’ve” WACK! “Been.” WACK! “A.” WACK! “Very.” WACK! “Bad.” WACK! “Girl!”
There was no stopping the tears now --- every spank drove coherent thought further from her mind, leaving only the pain, anger and fear to finally boil over as Ryan’s hand rained down again and again.
Katelyn sobbed.
(Part 2)
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otdiaftg · 8 months
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The Raven King - Chapter Seven
Day: Thursday, October 5th Time: 11:00 AM EST
"Andrew hates her, you know. Andrew's not really big on the idea of Aaron's happiness, see? So if Aaron likes Katelyn, Andrew doesn't want him to have her. Andrew might smile awful bright but he is a master of childish spite." "That doesn't make sense," Neil said. "It's complicated," Nicky said, rubbing the back of his neck as he leaned back in his chair. "I didn't really get into the gritty details last time because those aren't really Dan and Matt's business, but you're family, so I can tell you." He looked over his shoulder again. "I told you Aunt Tilda gave Andrew up, right? That's only half of it. Truth is she put both of them in the system at first. One week later she changed her mind."
"They know she gave them both up?" Neil asked. "When Andrew's foster mother called to set up that meet-and-greet, she asked Aunt Tilda how only one of them ended up in the system. Aunt Tilda told her, and Aaron heard it on the upstairs line." Nicky gestured up as if indicating Tilda's bedroom. "I don't know why the hell Andrew's foster family told him, but yeah, he knows. I'm thinking that's why he wouldn't talk to Aaron when Aaron wrote to him. He was—justifiably, I think—pissed off." "But it's not Aaron's fault," Neil said. "It was their mother's decision." "That's Andrew for you: making sense since never." Nicky spread his hands in a helpless gesture. "Finding Andrew again was a turning point for Aaron in all the worst ways. Aunt Tilda moved them cross-country, started drinking more than ever, and got heavy-handed with Aaron. Aaron got into all kinds of trouble in some sort of traumatized rebellion. He took her drugs and got into fights at school and in general grew up to be a bit of an asshole. Mom wrote me about it when I was in Germany because she was worried about him. The only good thing Aaron did in South Carolina was play Exy, and he only picked that up so games would get him out of Aunt Tilda's house. Then Dad found out about Andrew and began this years-long campaign to bring Andrew home. Told you last time, right? He wore Aunt Tilda down until she agreed to take Andrew in, then talked to the courts and Children's Services and Andrew's last foster family. He met Andrew, who apparently wasn't at all interested in a triumphant return with his mother, and introduced Aaron to Andrew. That's when things started moving. Andrew suddenly got motivated. He started behaving and toeing the line and got released on early parole about a year later." "Andrew decided he wanted a brother after all," Neil said. "So what went wrong?" "Aunt Tilda died, and Aaron blames Andrew." "Did Andrew do it?" "The night Aunt Tilda died, she and Aaron got in a fight. That's how Mom and Dad finally found out Aunt Tilda was beating on Aaron. He showed up at their place with fresh bruises and cuts. Dad called Aunt Tilda over to sort things out, but she didn't stick around long. She took Aaron and left. They didn't make it home. She went over the median into oncoming traffic and wasn't wearing her seatbelt.... It wasn't Aaron in the car. Aaron was standing in for Andrew at a study session. That was before Andrew was on his drugs, so it was a pretty easy act for Aaron to pull off. He didn't know why Andrew asked him to do it until the police called. I still don't know what happened, if Aunt Tilda panicked when she realized which son was with her or if they were fighting or if it was intentional, but... It's not like Aaron liked her, but she was his mother, you know? And Aaron never got to fix things with her, never got to understand why she was so messed up or why she messed them up so bad. Aaron can't accept that she's gone. He misses her. He can't forgive Andrew, and Andrew doesn't understand or care about how much it hurt Aaron. Stalemate."
He spoke slowly, giving himself time to think and to bleach the grief from his voice. "Andrew did care. That's what went wrong."
Art used with permission by Aymmidumps. Thank you @aymmidumps!
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jinkiesmariz · 1 year
!!! I made a Rough Nicole design last Night for her s1 look and I like to think her hair is like fucked up when Katelyn arrives as well (they’re sparing and Katelyn nearing fucking murks her and she has like three stripes on the side of her head later on and rocks it
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!! And she deserves scars and stuff too :3
Anywyas i really wanted to doodle her and Kc together, from first meeting to a couple years after the Dmitri reveal
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Awkward as shit between them
Versus old women yaoi!!! After years of meeting up and like handing over the kids they got close and probably ended up like kissing and !!! The rest is history
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exy-shmexy · 1 year
Some more wholesome Twinyards for you
Aaron is alone at the library in the (very) late evening studying for an upcoming biochemistry exam. It's a random Tuesday. Aaron is startled by Andrew quietly dropping down on the chair in front of him. He blinks, wondering what the hell his chronically-allergic-to-libraries twin is doing here.
Andrew silently reaches into his backpack—an old discolored black thing Nicky got him when they started high school—and gets his own books out of it as if it were the most normal thing. He pushes Aaron's laptop slightly to the side with a corner of his textbook.
Aaron is too stunned to say anything.
He just watches Andrew splay an array of annotated papers in front of him, settling into his own homework session.
"What are you doing?" Aaron finally manages to ask after a long stretch of silence.
Andrew lifts his head, usual boredom plastered on his face. "Studying."
"You never come here."
Andrew shrugs. Aaron knows it's the end of the conversation because Andrew lowers his head and begins scribbling more notes down as he goes through his set of mandatory readings. Aaron stares, frowning. He tries to get back to his own biochemistry notes, but his brain has decided to stop working.
Andrew should be with Kevin and Neil for their usual evening practice session.
But then it hits him.
"You were listening?" he asks. Andrew looks up again, one eyebrow raised. "The other night, when I was talking with Matt," Aaron continues. "I told him Katelyn would be away for the week with the other cheerleaders. You heard us?"
Andrew sighs in what Aaron is now certain is feigned annoyance. "You don't like studying on your own, you can't focus if there isn't someone else with you."
Aaron blinks. "So you came here to... keep me company?"
"Neil and Kevin are being intolerable Exy junkies together. Nicky is out with Matt and Dan. Renee is... busy with Allison. Unless you made some friends on the football team no one knows about, which is highly unlikely considering you punched one of them—"
"He deserved it."
"—then I don't think there was any other option. Don't overthink it. I just couldn't stand the stickball fanatics a minute longer." And with that Andrew dives back into his coursework.
Aaron is smiling so big it's actually embarrassing. He clears his throat, knowing perfectly well Andrew didn't mean the last part of his statement because he never does anything he doesn't want to do. Andrew is with him because he knows Aaron can't stay focused ifhe doesn't have someone to study with. Usually it's Katelyn, but Katelyn isn't there.
Andrew is.
Aaron goes back to his intercellular communication notes. He loses track of time, and quickly forgets how long they stay in the library together. Once Aaron declares he's done for the night (having noticed Andrew had been done for a whole half hour and was busy getting ahead of his notes), he asks him if he wants to go to the sandwich place close by. His gift. Andrew accepts. They go together, and spend another hour together. They don't talk a lot, but the shared companionship is enough.
When the next Tuesday arrives and Andrew shows up again instead of Katelyn, Aaron is more than happy to clear up some space for his brother at the desk.
When he learns about this, Neil secretly tells Katelyn to give them one evening together away from everyone every week and she graciously accepts
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asteracaea · 9 months
do not underestimate my ability to listen to one song on repeat
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starhvney · 3 months
HelloI hope you’re having a good day! Can I request a one shot of a reader that has a crush on Gene and kawaii-chan sets them up on a date?
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mystreet gene x fem!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: accidentally telling your romance-crazed friend who your crush is sounds like a terrible mistake… but maybe it’s not so much of a mistake after all
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: pure fluff, kind of awkward conversation from the reader(real), ft. wingwoman nana ashida (and aph), reader is shy and exasperated
𝐂𝐖: none!
𝐀/𝐍: i took so long to write this for no reason but i actually really like how it turned out
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you should’ve known she was up to something again.
“want to go to the cafe for some coffee and snacks this morning?” nana had asked you in the doorway of your room, holding a bundle of her clothes in her arms and rollers still in her hair.
“oh, yeah! like, now?”
“um, in an hour… i need to leave early and run some errands before and then i’ll meet you there,” she says with a small nervous giggle. “oh, and wear something cute! i have another friend coming!”
“oh…kay?” you barely agree before she had darted back down the hall.
you should’ve known. it was too late, though, when you looked up from nana’s last minute canceling text as your eyes met his. you repressed a groan when you saw realization dawn in his dark blue eyes.
recently, the two of you had reconnected after bumping into each other. your jaw had dropped at how much he had changed since you last saw him.
not only had he somehow gotten even taller after high school, he looked… better. naturally, he had matured further into his features, as did you. but you noticed a completely different change in him. it was something deeper than skin, you realized, when he had begun to apologize for how he had acted in high school. his expression was genuine and his eyes were full of regret. 
deciding to leave the past in the past, you both agreed to have a second chance at friendship. over the course of the past month you had bonded and grown closer, and you couldn’t help but admire him for how much he’s grown. then, slowly, that admiration has snowballed into… affection.
sure, you always thought he was attractive, but the irregular beating of your heart against your rib cage was something new. suddenly you started paying more attention to his features. how one side of his mouth turned slightly down as he smiled. how his dark black hair was somehow always perfectly messy and attractive. or how his sleepy and bag-ridden eyes would squint and light up when you managed to say something funny. did he always have that little freckle near his jawline?
this is what you get, you internally scold yourself, for letting your feelings slip in conversation the other night. katelyn nearly blew a gasket, complaining about how you were way above his league and could do way better. but aphmau and nana couldn’t stop squealing and teasing you about it until you finally managed to  retreat to your room for the night. you should’ve known it would be only sooner or later that they would pull something like this.
“…hey.” he greets, the deep rasp in his voice almost physically startling you out of your thoughts. “i thought nana wanted to meet me here to talk about a job at their new cafe, but…” he trails off, lifting up his phone with a shrug. 
you quietly clear your throat, trying to ignore the heart rising against your cheeks. “um, she asked me to come this morning to hang out, but she just canceled, too.”
gene’s eyebrows pinch together, before looking back at the cafe counter in thought. “well, wanna get something to drink since we’re here?”
“oh, yeah, sure.” you reply, trying to control the nervous warble in your voice.
after ordering, you two finally take your seats, sitting across from each other.
“you said nana was talking to you about a job?”
“yeah.. she said you highly recommended me, actually.” gene leans forward on the table, his head tilting as he rests on his laced hands.
“well, you said you were looking for a new job… so i mentioned you, is all…” you trail off, your eyes nervously darting away to land on… a very familiar looking duo in poor disguises. 
your roommates’ light pink and black hair stuck out from tightened hoodies, paired with sunglasses that were completely conspicuous for a cafe in the morning. nana only gave you a cheeky smirk, while aphmau cheesed and held a thumbs up.
oh wow.
“…you good?” gene questions, his head beginning to turn in the direction you were looking.
“uh, yeah! no i’m fine, aha! just thinking. um, if you would take a job at a maid cafe. it’s just a little funny for me to imagine, i guess.”
he smiles in amusement, shrugging his shoulders. “if it pays well, why not? besides, i’m open to trying something that might not be expected—“
“order for gene!” the barista calls out, setting our order on the counter.
“i’ll get it.” gene announces with an almost inaudible click of his tongue, quickly leaving you to your fried thoughts.
you send a glare at your friends mouthing profanities and a baffled look in their direction. they merely twirl their hoodie strings, looking away innocently. you can only bury your face in your hands, lowly groaning.
“are you sure you’re okay?” gene’s voice approaches you, followed by the sound of your drink and pastry sliding onto the table.
“yeah… just annoyed that nana canceled at the last minute.”
“well geez, i didn’t think you’d be this upset at being alone with me, but—“
“that’s not what,” you start, head whipping up to see his teasing smirk. “ugh, i just mean it’s not professional. i’ll be sure she hires you.”
his smirk melts as he lets out a soft chuckle. “just as sweet as always, huh?”
you release a sigh, shoulders sinking as you take a sip of your drink to relieve you from your stressed rambling.
“hey… speaking of which…” gene starts, head tilted down as he looks up at you through his dark lashes. 
“order for… cupid?” the barista calls out with a questioning tone, causing gene to stop what he was about to say. you watch nana and aph out of the corner of your eye, giggling to each other as they go up to get their order.
… unbelievable.
“i’ll take that as a sign, i guess…” gene mutters, turning your attention back to him.
“listen, i,” he runs his fingers through his hair, eyes narrowing at you as if he was trying to read your mind. “do you like me?”
you’re sure your heart nearly bursts through your throat as your eyes widen and jaw drops. you stutter out some sort of noise, but before you could form any coherent sentence or thought, gene continues.
“because i really like you,” he admits, his voice sounding almost unsure of himself for a moment. “and, i hope i’m not reading this wrong, but it kinda seems like you feel the same.”
a beat passes. and then another. if you didn’t feel like you had tunnel vision in this moment you might have noticed the poorly disguised duo shaking each other in excitement as they shuffle and lean closer to try and hear the conversation.
“…yes, i do.”
gene leans back, a look of relief passing over his face before his usual laidback and confident demeanor has returned. it’s like he never sipped up in the first place.
“yeah, you’ve never been good at hiding things. you may not say anything, but your face says everything.” he leans forward again, brushing a stand of hair behind your ear.
he leans even further, his lips dangerously close to the shell of your ear as he whispers, “your roommates aren’t very good at it either.”
he leans back with a grin, before turning to look at the two culprits behind this whole ordeal. they freeze in place, nana nearly dropping her phone from where she has clearly taken a few pictures of you two. they scramble to grab their drinks before sprinting out the door, whisper shouting, “abort mission, cupids have been spotted! go go go!”
“i guess i’ll thank them later.”
“…i’m gonna kill them.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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knickknacksandallthat · 6 months
wait so do the foxes actually think kerejean is a thing?
or do they still think its just sex, cause kev never actually explained it
LMAO anon - this is a fabulous question! And I feel like, in true Fox fashion, Kevin hasn't answered it.
AKA the Foxes, while Kevin was at the hospital checking up on his dad the next morning, were definitely taking bets on what the hell just happened.
Boyd: *stuffing his mouth full of bagel* Dude, no way. They're banging. You see that possessive move by Moreau? Man was practically announcing to the room how they're bumping baguettes now.
Aaron: bumping baguettes? what the actual fuck, boyd?
Dan: *banging spoon on table* I will not allow stereotyping at this breakfast table! Observation allowed, withdraw the metaphor.
Matt: Withdrawn. Sorry, your honor.
Dan: Don't let it happen again.
Nicky: *on Kevin's laptop which the Foxes definitely found and powered up without asking* Okay, nope. Not enough. Those Trojans are the literal definition of touchy-feely, and they definitely turned Jean once he got there. So I need some facts - does Kev have a hickey? Are they wearing each other's clothes? Did you find a used condom in the bathroom trash can?
Aaron: I am NOT fucking digging through their trash, Nicky! Are you kidding me?
Nicky: *shrugging* You want proof? I'm just offering the method.
Allison: Nope, I'm calling it right here, right now. It's the whole enchilada. The big L, sex - the works.
Dan: Evidence?
Allison: Are you kidding me? Have any of you even been watching them? Neil, tell them.
Neil: *without looking up from his bowl of cereal* no.
Allison: See? That's proof right there. Neil would be denying it if it wasn't.
(Neil scowls at her.)
Aaron: okay, not that I'm buying into this whole "they're dating" thing, but they did sleep in the same bedroom last night.
Andrew: So did you, me, and Nicky for two plus years in college. Are you saying we all slept with him?
Allison: I don't know. Did you?
(Now Andrew glares at her.)
Aaron: *rolls eyes* That was different, Andrew.
Nicky: Well, I know I sure as hell didn't because lord knows I tried. That boy is the king of snacks and he let me starve. For years.
Dan: All right, so it sounds like we've got three categories: it's nothing, they're fucking, or they're an item now. Show of hands? Just raise the number of which choice you believe it is and I'll mark 'em down.
Katelyn: you guys are the weirdest bunch to eat breakfast with.
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theplottdump · 2 months
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𝗞𝗮𝘁𝗲. Kate needed to see this.
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Poppy ran from the window to shake her fellow angel awake from her deep sleep and incessant faulty engine starter snoring.
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Poppy: 𝘒𝘢𝘵𝘦- Kate wake up! Wake up!! It's him- he's outside! The same man from last night!
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Being snapped awake prematurely had never been one of 008's favorite activities.
A self declared morning person, Katelyn Evelyn Miller preferred waking up gradually- and without anyone touching her.
But over the years, it had become necessary to take… 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴.
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One smooth motion- quick, sharp, practiced.
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Kate: 𝘖𝘩. Whoops.
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Poppy: 𝙒𝙃𝙊𝙊𝙋𝙎?! 𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗗𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗠𝗘𝗔𝗡 𝗪𝗛𝗢𝗢𝗣𝗦?! Kate: Hey you're the one that woke me up.
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Poppy: Do you always sleep with a giant knife??? Kate: 𝘠𝘦𝘴? Poppy: Isn't that like- I don't know- 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙨?? Kate: Only for creeps that shake me awake in middle of the night.
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Poppy: That's kinda hot. Kate: 𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘩, 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘩, self defense is sexy.
Did you want something?
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chewingonsneakers · 1 month
yall it’s seeping into my dreams. last night was the second instance. first instance was a couple days after i read tsc for the first time, i had a very vivid dream where i was jean moreau but i was also in my childhood bedroom and i was curled in bed with bandages on my hands and kevin motherfucking day came in to bring me soup and put new bandages my face and calm me down cuz for some reason i got scared when he pulled bandaids out of his pocket. it was smtg straight out of a hurt/comfort fic.
and LAST NIGHT dear god i was neil josten, in the flesh, and i was walking with andrew goddamn minyard to go see aaron who for some reason was in juvie but the juvenile hall was in the middle of the woods. as we were walking through the forest i remember telling andrew something like “he hooked up with the vixens btw… not katelyn vixen tho… yet…” and he looked at me like ‘why do i care’ and i responded with something like “he hooked up with them but they refuse to keep their hands away from him, since” and he just started pulling a pocketknife out. THEN jesus holy christ T H EN when we finally got to the cabin and entered the room aaron was in it was like a bathroom and he was checking his face in the mirror for some unknown reason and i remember saying hello and then… oh lordy… andrew minyard HUGGED ME. it was like half a second long and just a goodbye so i can leave them be for a moment and obviously i am neil josten in this dream but i could fucking feel his arms, and i get it now neil. that man was sturdy. dear god. i would have stopped working had that been irl. then i left them alone to converse and i don’t remember anything after that.
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