#Allison winning the bet AGAIN
knickknacksandallthat · 7 months
wait so do the foxes actually think kerejean is a thing?
or do they still think its just sex, cause kev never actually explained it
LMAO anon - this is a fabulous question! And I feel like, in true Fox fashion, Kevin hasn't answered it.
AKA the Foxes, while Kevin was at the hospital checking up on his dad the next morning, were definitely taking bets on what the hell just happened.
Boyd: *stuffing his mouth full of bagel* Dude, no way. They're banging. You see that possessive move by Moreau? Man was practically announcing to the room how they're bumping baguettes now.
Aaron: bumping baguettes? what the actual fuck, boyd?
Dan: *banging spoon on table* I will not allow stereotyping at this breakfast table! Observation allowed, withdraw the metaphor.
Matt: Withdrawn. Sorry, your honor.
Dan: Don't let it happen again.
Nicky: *on Kevin's laptop which the Foxes definitely found and powered up without asking* Okay, nope. Not enough. Those Trojans are the literal definition of touchy-feely, and they definitely turned Jean once he got there. So I need some facts - does Kev have a hickey? Are they wearing each other's clothes? Did you find a used condom in the bathroom trash can?
Aaron: I am NOT fucking digging through their trash, Nicky! Are you kidding me?
Nicky: *shrugging* You want proof? I'm just offering the method.
Allison: Nope, I'm calling it right here, right now. It's the whole enchilada. The big L, sex - the works.
Dan: Evidence?
Allison: Are you kidding me? Have any of you even been watching them? Neil, tell them.
Neil: *without looking up from his bowl of cereal* no.
Allison: See? That's proof right there. Neil would be denying it if it wasn't.
(Neil scowls at her.)
Aaron: okay, not that I'm buying into this whole "they're dating" thing, but they did sleep in the same bedroom last night.
Andrew: So did you, me, and Nicky for two plus years in college. Are you saying we all slept with him?
Allison: I don't know. Did you?
(Now Andrew glares at her.)
Aaron: *rolls eyes* That was different, Andrew.
Nicky: Well, I know I sure as hell didn't because lord knows I tried. That boy is the king of snacks and he let me starve. For years.
Dan: All right, so it sounds like we've got three categories: it's nothing, they're fucking, or they're an item now. Show of hands? Just raise the number of which choice you believe it is and I'll mark 'em down.
Katelyn: you guys are the weirdest bunch to eat breakfast with.
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Been spending my time lately thinking of a House MD au where, through a series of accidents and lies and a bet he didn't rly intend to win, House ends up as a registered foster parent (he's still addicted to Vicodin and his normal dickish workaholic self but for some reason he cleared the requirements and trust me he's as stunned and mildly concerned as everyone else is).
Through further Shenanigans™, he ends up accidentally getting handed fostership of not one, not two, but three hellish but brilliant kids:
1. This total smartass 16 year old named Robert Chase who yeah he's a bitchy teenaged boy and a former rich kid and Australian with enough mommy and daddy issues to reawaken Freud after his dad dipped and absconded all parental rights and his mom drank herself to death, but he's also got a nice car left over from his rich kid days and an eye for detail and weirdly enough his best friend/mortal enemy (some other teen named Eric Foreman) and his on again off again girlfriend (Allison Cameron, totally won't last if u ask House) both work at the hospital as a candy striper and after school in the cafeteria respectively so House can get all the inside gossip from Chase. Plus Chase has no problems breaking and entering into patient's homes which helps bc since he's not employed by the hospital Cuddy can't complain as far as House is concerned.
2. A 14 year old girl who only answers to Thirteen (House knows he could look her name up in her file but honestly it drives Chase nuts that she won't tell him her real name and that's good enough for him) and who's dad was declared unfit after the death of his wife to Huntington's devastated him. She's a total nightmare, snarky and quick witted and freakishly smart even tho she puts most of those smarts towards things like shaving Chase's entire head (eyebrows included) bc he's trying to grow a sucky teenage mustache, and trying to take House's wallet bc she keeps calling him Old Man and he informed her he's actually only 25 but the stress of fostering has aged him prematurely and she's like 95% sure that's a lie but she wants to check his license and make sure bc everyone lies. She loves tormenting Chase by telling him his best friend and/or his girlfriend is hot and asking if they're single.
And 3. This 6 year old boy named Lawrence Kutner who's weirdly cheerful considering his parents got killed in front of him. He's way too chatty and excellent at puzzles and the only morning person in the entire house and therefore frequently tries to make breakfast (he likes to be helpful and he hasn't burned the place down yet so House doesn't feel the need to stop him). Once he told House he was gonna build a Death Star in the living room and House said lol sure go ahead whatever, only to return home from work to discover Kutner called himself out from school and has a huge wooden frame made of broken furniture in the living room. House rly can't argue since he did say go ahead. Benefits of fostering a 6 year old are 1. The babes love it, 2. Free excuse to leave work early/come in late/not show up at all, and 3. Justification for buying juice boxes and Ritz crackers. The neighbor kid Taub is his go to babysitter bc his mom volunteered him forcibly and Taub is lowkey praying that babysitting Kutner could lead to an in at Princeton Plainsboro once he graduates high-school and finishes medical school (it won't, House doesn't believe in nepotism unless it benefits him).
The adventures of House and his Foster Ducklings mostly revolve around being a Found Family, but do involve frequent plots such as:
House fired his brand new fellows again (he tosses em every three or so months, he hasn't found The Right Team yet) and will sometimes bring his foster kids in, hand em doctors coats, and tell patients that they're just a bunch of medical savants here to consult yes even the 6 year old he's actually Harvard's youngest graduate ever.
House sends the kids to break into a patient's home. They refuse. House tells them the first one to find black mold or lead paint or a dead animal or whatever gets $20. They agree. Chase drops Thirteen and Kutner off at a bus stop across town and drives over himself so he can get an hour and a half head start (ultimate fuck them kids moment, however Thirteen did steal his wallet so guess who's paying for lunch and their taxi ride to the patient's house? Net loss.)
Cuddy demands House does his clinic hours. House sends his foster kids to do his clinic hours for him. Tfw you go to the free walk in clinic for a sore throat and a cough and your doctor is a 6 year old boy who keeps asking for help with spelling whilst filling out your chart.
Wilson babysits them one (1) time since House doesn't trust Chase not to throw a party or sell his foster siblings on eBay if left as the one in charge. He wakes up with a big strip of hair poorly bleached right down the middle. Chase crushed up stolen sleeping pills and mixed them into a juice box, which Kutner 'innocently' offered to Wilson. Thirteen was going to bleach and dye his whole head blue (for practice, she wants to dye her hair but she's certainly not gonna fuck up her own hair until she has the method down) but Wilson woke up pretty quickly due to years of House drugging him. Wilson has not offered to babysit again.
Anyways this is my House Foster Ducklings au which I'm thinking about actually writing. Thank u 🫡
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lovewisegirl06 · 9 months
- Neil doesn't like sweets (Canon fact) but he was willing to take baking classes in order to gift Andrew some chocolate cookies for his birthday (Among other things he learned how to prepare) If the foxes notice him walking funny the next day, Andrew's death stare kept them at bay.
- Andrew knows Neil's schedule and makes sure to remind him to take something with him to eat between breaks. Sometimes he makes small sandwiches and Neil dies inside every time he finds one in his bag.
-Neil leaves post it notes in the fridge when he goes out for a run and Andrew keeps them inside a small box (He also keeps there the receipts from every book Neil has gifted him and of the places they have gone to different dates.)
- When Neil has a nightmare and can't go back to sleep, Andrew tells him about the new book or series he's been paying attention to lately. As they get better with touching and casual PDA, Andrew lets Neil rest his head on his chest and curls his fingers through those red curls until Neil falls asleep again. (Somewhere down the line, this starts happening even when the nightmares are gone.)
- Once, Andrew took a class where he learned how to profile criminals. Neil helped him with all his assignments because damn is he good at figuring people out.
- Sometimes, when Andrew wants to mess with Neil before a game, he leans in and whispers in Russian "The amount of times you score tonight, it's the amount of times I'll let you score when we're alone" at first Neil doesn't get it, but later when they are...celebrating...well, while he's catching his breath and his tights are trembling and he's panting like he ran a marathon and Andrew asks him if he can give him a fourth one...How can he say no? (Kevin and later on Robin learned to make themselves scarce when Neil is determine to at least score five times during a game)
- When Andrew graduates and they are doing long distance, they make sure to call each other every night to talk or simply hear each other breathe. It's the only times Neil keeps his phone fully charged.
- Andrew once tells Neil how there was a cat on one of his foster homes and how much he liked the cat, especially since once that furball scratched and fought when his foster father entered his bedroom one night. Neil mentions how they should get one when they are living together after graduation and can't understand why Andrew kisses him with so much desperation (It's the fact he said When instead of If. But Andrew won't tell him that)
- During Halloween of Neil's second year, Allison wanted to win a bet and convinced Neil to dress up as a bunny (I'm talking about shorts with high tights and bunny ears, with drawn moustaches and everything) Andrew kept quiet the entire time at Eden's and Neil through something bad had happened. Later that night, when he was riding Andrew in their room at Columbia and he heard the "That's it, keep doing that bunny" he understood it was anything but bad. (And if the pet name stuck, it's between them and them only) (Oh my God, maybe I'll write a one shot about this? Should I?)
- Sometimes Neil lets out words in the different languages he knows because he can't remember the English word (Things we bilinguals know can happen) Andrew refuses to tell him the correct word and it's one of the few times something akin to a smile appears on his face.
-Andrew allows Neil to fight his own battles, especially regarding Jack. But after Neil punched the guy, Andrew made sure to carefully explained him what would happen if he ever made another comment towards Neil's appearance.
- Neil leaves scratches down Andrew's back when they're having sex. The first time it happened and he was about to apologize, Andrew pounded into him so hard he saw stars. Andrew won't say it, but he finds the tiny marks something interesting to look at after they're done (Plus, Neil only does it when he's about to come, so it's a great tell tale if he wants to edge him for a while. Scientific purposes)
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Hello there! I don't know if anyone has asked for this, but do you happen to know any fic on which Stiles and Derek are colleague nurses or doctors, and they meet each other in that setting?
Hey @darkmind-ofmine! Here you go.
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(^gpoy at work. true facts)
Pretty Eyes by Inell
(1/1 I 1,720 I Teen)
Stiles doesn’t intend to become a resident during a pandemic, but he’s learned to roll with whatever life throws his way.
The Anatomy of an FBI Agent by orphan_account
(2/? I 7,347 I Mature)
Stiles nodded. It sounded like a day full of machinery and doctors muttering over his scans.
“Will I be hanging out with you or one of the babies?”
Dr. Cutie grinned. “How could I trust them with my most prized patient?”
Stiles laughed.
He barely noticed the pain.
Bet On It by IDreamOnlyOfYou (lauren3210)
(1/1 I 8,343 I Mature)
Stiles is an RN and Derek the attending trauma surgeon at Beacon Hills Hospital. They're constantly arguing, much to the amusement of their colleagues, who ultimately decide to take bets on when the sexual tension will finally explode. The only question is, who will win the jackpot?
5 times one of the guys try to push Derek and Stiles together, and the time they worked it out all on their own.
Complications by DIEMONDS
(3/? I 17,273 I Teen)
“We can still be strangers. Strangers that hook up.” Stiles had to mentally curse at himself for liking Derek’s smirk. He honestly couldn’t help it, the man’s smile was too gorgeous.
“No!” Stiles ran a hand through his hair. “What we did-you and me-that cannot happen again! You’re an attending, and I’m your intern! It’s wrong on so many levels.”
(this isn’t exactly) where you’d want me by decideophobia
(1/1 I 19,070 I Teen)
“Do you even have any nice and soothing words in your repertoire?” Stiles asks, holding still while McBroody shines a light into his eyes. “Or is it only me who they let you loose on?”
“I actually just downloaded a new set of comforting phrases to use on patients this morning but I haven’t had a chance to listen to and internalize them yet. I do know how to say, Good news: you’re not dead, and We only need to take off one of your legs, though.”
OR, the one where Stiles keeps ending up in the ER and Derek almost gets brain damage from so much stupid.
Hazardous to Our Health by HenleyBeck
(6/? I 21,590 I Explicit)
Derek has just moved back to Beacon Hills and he works at the hospital with his sister. He loves his job, he loves the people he works with and then there's Stiles. Stiles who seems to pop up everywhere that Derek is and it doesn't help that everybody loves the kid. But Stiles is also the Chief of Surgery's son and there's no way he can get involved with Stiles right?
Wrong. As a doctor, Derek knows that certain things can be hazardous to one's health but sometimes it's nice to live dangerously.
Yin To His Yang by weirdwithhumor
(9/? I 26,125 I Teen)
Derek always wanted kids. He just thought he would find the perfect man, get married and settled down first.
He just never thought he would be left pregnant, unmated at nearly 30, and on a journey to become a single father.
But, Doctor! by stilinskisparkles
(1/1 I 30,269 I Mature)
“We had to splint a girl’s leg in a ditch,” Scott says excitedly.
“Bro, you sound way too happy about that,” Stiles complains, opening up his bag and pulling out a Twinkie.
Derek removes it from his hand silently and replaces it with an apple. Stiles scowls at him for a second then bites into it, regardless. Derek sits back and lets the group discuss the merits of dramatic lifesaving feats for winning over the ladies. Scott is convinced it’ll help impress Allison; Isaac thinks Scott’s a loser. Stiles—
Stiles is falling asleep on Derek’s shoulder.
@wolfspurr suggested this one!
No Superman by WhoNatural
(6/6 I 48,830 I Explicit I Sterek)
(AKA The Sterek Scrubs AU)
In which Stiles learns that med school didn’t prepare him for much at all; even the most epic of bromances can be weakened with the right amount of long, curly hair and dimples; and sometimes, first impressions aren’t all they’re cracked up to be - it’s the digging beneath the bravado that reveals who’s worth getting to know a little better.
Dr. Hale’s probably still a dick, though.
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homenecromancer · 19 days
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comic by Tim Kreider; here’s the full text of his Artist’s Statement for this one:
I had already turned in my cartoon Friday afternoon when, Saturday morning, I read the news that Reagan’s health was failing. I began drawing immediately. I have had a rough draft of this cartoon ready for this occasion for years. As the day continued I kept getting e-mails and text messages from friends excitedly anticipating the Gipper’s impending death. Finally Steve, with whom I have planned for over a decade to hold a party on the day of Reagan’s funeral, called me from the track, where he was betting on the Belmont Stakes, to tell me that the old bastard was finally dead. He reported that there had been a perfunctory Moment of Silence, lasting approximately 1.6 seconds, before everyone went back to betting. It was beautiful. As the afternoon went on I got a flood of congratulatory calls from friends around the world—Ben in Boston, Megan and Mike in New York, Berkeley in Baltimore, even Allison in Bulgaria. I e-mailed this cartoon into the City Paper around seven P.M., begging them in the name of our sweet lord and savior Jesus Christ to stop the presses and please run this Wednesday, and then headed down to Baltimore to drink tiny beers and watch The Big Lebowski. The Reagan party will be held at my house this weekend.
Perhaps it may seem insensitive and unpatriotic to some for me to run such an ugly cartoon at this time of national mourning. To those of you who hold this view, I must respectfully say fuck you. Some of my younger readers may not even remember Ronald Regan’s presidency, and I would not want them to be misled by the onslaught of state propaganda they’ll be subjected to this week. Calling him the Great Communicator is like calling Hitler the Great Negotiator, and if we’re going to credit him with winning the Cold War we may as well credit him with the Challenger disaster and the return of Halley’s Comet. Let me tell you what it was really like:
Even at age twelve I could tell that Jimmy Carter was an honest man trying to address complicated issues and Ronald Reagan was a brilcreemed salesman telling people what they wanted to hear. I secretly wept on the stairs the night he was elected President, because I understood that the kind of shitheads I had to listen to in the cafeteria grew up to become voters, and won. I spent the eight years he was in office living in one of those science-fiction movies where everyone is taken over by aliens—I was appalled by how stupid and mean-spirited and repulsive the world was becoming while everyone else in America seemed to agree that things were finally exactly as they should be. The Washington Press corps was so enamored of his down-to-earth charm that they never checked his facts, but if you watched his face when it was at rest, when he wasn’t performing for anyone, you could see him for what he really was—a black-eyed, slit-mouthed, lizard-faced old son-of-a-bitch. He was a bad actor, an informer for McCarthy, and a hired front man for a gang of Texas oilmen, fundamentalist dingbats, and right-wing psychotics out of Dr. Strangelove. He put a genial face on chauvanism, callousness, and greed, and made people feel good about being bigots again. He likened Central American death squads to our founding fathers and called the Taliban “freedom fighters.” His legacy includes the dismantling of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, the final dirty win of Management over Labor, the outsourcing of America’s manufacturing base, the embezzlement of almost all the country's wealth by 1% of its citizens, the scapegoating of the poor and black, the War on Drugs, the eviction of schizophrenics into the streets, AIDS, acid rain, Iran-Contra, and, let’s not forget, the corpses of two hundred forty United States Marines. He moved the center of political discourse in this country to somewhere in between Richard Nixon and Augusto Pinochet. He believed in astrology and Armageddon and didn't know the difference between history and movies; his stories were lies and his jokes were scripted. He was the triumph of image over truth, paving the way for even more vapid spokesmodels like George W. Bush. He was, as everyone agrees, exactly what he appeared to be—nothing. He made me ashamed to be an American. If there was any justice in this world his Presidential Library would contain nothing but boys' adventure books and bad cowboy movies, and the only things named after him would be shopping malls and Potter's Fields. Let the earth where he is buried be seeded with salt.
as of today, Ronald Reagan has been in Hell for twenty years
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babygirl-riley · 2 years
No Strings Attached*
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Task Force 141, Los vaqueros Special Forces, and Shadow Company found El Sin Nombre. How he is related to the missiles. However they are going to be able to catch him for another day, which leaves them down time. Catching up they play some Black Jack however with everyone else doing bets Ghost and Fox have their own bet.
Warnings: Swearing, violence, SMUUUT SMUUT SMUUUUT
Never had Simon in his life doze off planning an infiltration mission. Hell he is an expert at them, however for some fucking reason any time Allison would mention something he would stare at her lips. Which would lead him into thinking how her mouth was around his cock.
He would be still and quiet like usual until Allison would ask for advice. A quick glance at the map and he was good, he know she wouldn’t fuck anything up. It should be an easy mission. El Nombre was located at a large house, where he does his meetings. We would be a couple blocks away from where it was located and scout out.
Allison stated that she would be our eyes on the other side of the house making sure we have each side covered. Just in case Nombre makes a break for it. “We honestly don’t know the layout that well, once we get there we can be able to fully know what we will be getting ourselves into.” Allison finished looking up at Simon.
“Right, once we are on this meeting spot, we will take our positions and get Nombre out of there then find where those bloody missiles are.” Simon explained looking around at Graves, Alejandro, and Soap.
Graves nodded. “Alright, we will leave here at 2100 tomorrow.”
Allison gave a questioning look at Graves. “Tomorrow?”
Alejandro nodded. “Yeah that’s when El Nombre will be there,” He put his hands on his hips. “It’s the night where you have information he will see you in a personal type of situation. He isn’t there tonight basically.”
Allison nodded and looked at Soap then at Simon. “Well you guys up for a card game?”
Soap nodded and slapped Alejandro back. “You and Rodolfo wanna join?”
Rodolfo shook his head. “Nada, I promised some of the men I would join for drinks.”
Alejandro nodded to him. “No worries amigo, just sad that I won’t see you get beat.”
Rodolfo shook his head and walked out. We all followed behind. Simon waited till Allison moved and they were more behind the group. He walked along side her. “You gonna join,” She said looking up at him. Simon nodded. “Good, let’s make a bet then.”
“A bet?” He questioned looking back at her. Simon won’t say or show it but he was damn happy she was back. He missed her voice. Stop. He cursed himself.
He cannot be doing this. Not now. He doesn’t deserve it. Simon will always think he is a monster, he has killed times and times again. He has been taught by his father that he isn’t good enough. He wasn’t good enough to save his…
“Ghost,” Her voice rang through his ears. Bliss. He blinked a couple of times. She was smiling at him and also a glint that he saw once. Last night. “Did you hear my bet?”
“No, will you repeat that?” He said stopping in his tracks.
She laughed, fuck that laugh that smile. Those eyes. He could take a…no. Simon stop. “I said,” She walked closer to him and looked around to make sure no one was looking. “If I win, I get to have a say on what other night activities that you and I should do or…”
He could feel his dick twitch for thinking of what she had in mind for them. “Or?” He lowerred his voice and little more breathy then he intended to be.
“Or if you win you can have a say on it.” She said walking a bit backwards from him once she heard voices coming towards them.
Simon walked into that space got close enough to her ear. “What if you can’t take what I have in mind love?”
Allison took in a big breath before saying. “You underestimate me Lieutenant?”
Fuck how she uses his rank drives him nuts. Her saying yes sir last night had him going over and over again but the rank god forbid how he would love for you to say that again. He chuckled before stepping away. “You are on.” He said walking towards where the rest of them went.
Simon couldn’t stop thinking what he would do to her and all the pretty sounds she would make. He had to keep thinking of how it has to stay flirty and sex nothing more. Maybe that’s what he needs to bring to her attention. Maybe if he said it out loud that it will convince him too.
I watched as everyone started to gather around a plastic table with makeshift seats. There was a big tool box that I dragged to the table. “Took you two long enough.” Soap teased sitting on a stool shuffling the cards.
I looked over at him and shrugged. “We were making sure everything we said was correct on both parts.”
Soap just nodded and Alejandro shot a look over at Ghost. Ghost found a box and set it next to me. “Mind if I join?”
We all looked at the entrance and Graves strolled in. “Sure, more the merrier.” I said finally settling in.
Graves grabbed a tote and sat next to me. “Wanna get to know Task Force 141 and you Alejandro.”
Alejandro smiled and nodded. “Oh?”
Soap started to pass out the cards sliding each one’s towards their temporary owners. “Yeah,” Graves said, picking up his cards. “I mean I know my Shadow team perfectly but not y’all.”
I nodded looking at my cards. “What would you like to know, Commander?”
I didn’t trust him, something about how he basically is butt buddies with Shepard. Or at least how lap dog he was with him. He would know things that none of us would know and be correct. His attitude was off, he would be giving the good vibes but occasionally there was a shift. I didn’t trust the shift. Here and now wanting to get to know us. Just felt off, maybe I am being protective.
I was basically by myself in Russia for a while not being able to trust nobody. Maybe that followed. “Nothing crazy Lieutenant,” He started out before placing his cards down. “What are we playing?”
“Black Jack.” Alejandro answered. “What are we betting on?”
We all looked at each other. “Well if we don’t hit 21 or go over we can just take a swig of beer?” Alejandro said getting up to a fridge in the back pulling out a pack of Coronas. “Not the best beer but it works.” He stated handing everyone one.
“Aye,” Soap mumbled before putting the cap against the table popping it open then taking a quick swig. He made a sour face. “You are not wrong brother.”
Alejandro looked at Ghost smirking. “You in Ghost?”
Ghost looked at the beer before shaking his head. “I will put pacos in.” He said grabbing out of his pocket couple of paco bills.
Alejandro had a disbelief on his face. “Vaya fantasma,” (Wow Ghost) “When did you get those?”
“He never tells those secrets.” I mumbled but enough for everyone to hear.
“I see that,” Alejandro said sliding one to me. “You?”
I nodded grabbing it and doing the same thing that Soap did taking a swig before making a gag noise. “Fuck wish it was tequila.”
“I hear ya.” Graves said taking a swig of it as well.
“You mean dog piss.” Soap quipped, snapping my head up.
“Dog piss?” I questioned glaring at him.
“He isn’t wrong.” Ghost said before placing his cards face down.
I shook my head. “I am wondering how you both know what dog piss taste like,” I looked at my cards. 6 and 7. “Hit me.”
Soap nodded while chucking and handed me a card. A 6. 18. “I will stay.”
We played for a moment, making the worst jokes that could possibly be mustered into existence. Ghost didn’t say a lot just nodded and placed money down. I lost a couple of rounds. But won at least once between Ghost’s and I’s bet. It was quiet while we looked at out cards before Graves spoke up. “Where you from Allison?”
“United States.” I stated side glancing before looking back at my cards.
“I knew that,” Graves set his cards down. “What state?”
No one asked about that in Task Force 141, we don’t really talk about home. Sometimes we mention family we’ll never Ghost really. “I am from Washington.”
Graves eyebrows raised. “DC?”
I chuckled. “No Commander the state.”
“Hm,” He nodded looking back down at his cards. “Family?”
I side, glanced at Ghost who was watching him intently. “Yes,” I answered quickly. “One sister and my mom.”
“No dad?”
I shook my head. “No, he died when I was 17.”
“I’m sorry to hear that Lieutenant.” Graves said sound apologetic.
“No worries, what about you?” I asked, looking over at him.
“Negative,” He answered quickly. “My parents died a couple years ago and apart. And only child.”
Ghost glanced up and Soap, which Soap made a frown face before placing his cards down. I smiled a bit knowing damn well these bastards bet on if he was an only child. “How old is your sister?” He asked looking over at me.
“24,” I said leaning back and shifting my weight towards him. “She joined the air force two years ago.”
“The air force?” Alejandro asked looking up at me.
I nodded. “Yep, my mom wasn’t too happy about it since both of her daughters would be out on deployment but she didn’t mind after a while.”
“Did she join the military?” Ghost asked looking over at me.
“No, she never did. Just my sister and I are the only ones in my family, my dad and his side couldn’t really hear so that was out of the question for them and my mom and her side never really joined.” I explained in small detail.
“The first in the family then?” Soap said almost proudly.
I chuckled. “Yep.”
“Damn,” Graves whispered before throwing his cards on the table. “21.”
Soap cursed in Scottish before placing his down. “15.”
Alejandro smirked. “Good job Tumbas. 20.”
I looked at my cards. Fuck. “10.” I rolled my eyes tossing mine.
We all glanced at Ghost who looked at all of us before placing his down. “21.”
“Shiit,” Alejandro hissed out. “Looks like we have a tie winners.”
Graves smirked and looked over at Ghost. “How you wanna play this?”
Ghost looked down at the table. Thinking his options. “Arm wrestle?” Soap suggested.
I rolled my eyes. “Really? That is the most man thing you could come up with.”
Soap shot me a hurt look. “Well what ya thinking?”
I smirked and looked down. “I was going to say rock paper scissors.” I whispered.
Ghost huffed. “That’s any better?”
I glared at him. “What? It’s the simplest, quickest way to end a tie breaker.”
“She has a point.” Graves intervened.
Ghost rolled his eyes. “Fine,” He placed his hand out in the air and balled it into a fist. “Ya ready?”
Graves smiled. “You’re going down, Ghost.”
I stood up out of the way so they both could see each other's hands fully. I stood up. “Alright, best two out of three.” I said looking at both of them.
“Rock paper scissors. Shoot.” Ghost said having scissors and Graves paper.
“Shit. Alright,” Graves prepared himself. “Rock paper scissors. Shoot.”
Ghost had rock and Graves had scissors. I looked up at Graves and raised an eyebrow. “You suck ass at this game.”
Graves straightened himself up and rolled his shoulders. “Fair is fair,” He reached for his beer and chugged the rest. He placed the empty bottle on the table. “I am gonna hit the hay. We have a lot to prepare for tomorrow.”
We all nodded and watched him leave. I turned to Soap. “What the hell Soap.”
Soap snapped his head at me. “What is it Lass?”
“When did you become shit at black jack. Graves was running circles around you.” I said grabbing my beer and taking sips.
“Ayyye,” Soap said, longing the word. “I am just stressed about those bloody missiles.”
Ghost nodded and hummed. “We will hermano,” Alejandro said standing up. “Just need to get El Nombre and we will be set.”
I nodded and started to walk out. “We will get him tomorrow. Good night gents.”
“Night Fox.” Soap called out and continued talking to Ghost and Alejandro.
As walking out I knew the bet was lost. The only thing I could think of is what was going to happen and what Ghost had in mind.
Simon stayed for a while talking with Alejandro and Soap. He didn’t want to make it suspicious when Fox left. Simon knew if anyone found out there would be attention and hell he didn’t want attention. Especially Soap, it would be a never ending question after question. Everyone on Task Force 141 heard of the bantering and flirting between Allison and him.
Simon was trying to get away fast but efficiently. Simon was always good at disappearing. Being able to place himself with the shadows. He was taking his time to get to Allison’s room but he couldn’t help but notice the pace was a bit faster than normal. Simon won the bet. He beat her at least twice more than she did with him.
All the things he thought about doing to her, having him between her legs, tasting the sweet juices from her core. Or having him face fuck her. Or just plain fucking her. Hard. Fast. Behind. On top. Bottom. As long as those pornographic noises came out of her from last night.
Once he got to her door he knocked twice. It took a minute before she was standing in the doorway. Naked. He looked around and gently pushed her in and closed the door with his boot. “You are crazy ya know that,” He said, placing both hands on her side. “What if that wasn’t me?”
She giggled and put her hands on his chest. “That would be an interesting interaction,” She shivered when Simon moved his hands up her sides and on the side of her breasts. “But you are the only one that knocks twice, Ghost.” She was already breathing heavy.
He smirked underneath his mask. “Oh yeah,” He squeezed her right breast while his other hand went to her neck. “So you know I won our little bet.” He leaned in more to her making a quick squeeze of her neck.
Allison gasped a bit and nodded. “Yeah I did and when I make promises, I keep them.”
“Good,” He pushed her and picked her up to place her on the desk in the room. “I can do whatever I want?”
She wrapped her legs around his waist. “Whatever your thoughts desire.”
He growled a bit, rubbing her legs with his hands. “Alright,” he pulls her closer as he started to go down on his knees and took his gloves off, placing them beside her. “If it ever gets too much you let me know.”
Allison watched him closely as he rubbed the inside of her thighs. “Okay, should we do a safe word?” She asked as he drew closer to her cunt.
“Sure.” He mustered out trying his hardest not to sound like he was gasping for air. Fuck she was beautiful. Her cunt out for him like this. She was already wet and god only knew how that made him feel.
“Blue.” She whispered when one of his fingers slid over her folds. She moaned and moved forward.
He chuckled a bit. “Eager aren’t we?”
She nodded. “Yes, haven't stopped thinking about how you made me feel last ni…” He put a finger in her cunt and she gasped arching her back. “Fuck.” She whispered.
Simon moaned at the way her moan came out. He started pumping slow and soft. Then using he other hand to widen her legs, to get a better view. The noise that her wetness made as his finger pumped in and out. It was blissful sound with her moans and gasps. He put another finger in her and she squirmed a bit moving with his fingers. “Faster please.” She begged.
He made tsking sounds before curling his fingers. “I am going to make this last a while love.” He said finding that sponge spot that oh she desired.
She gasped loudly and arched her back once more, lifting her hips a bit. “Fuck Ghost.”
He started to pump his fingers faster, her gasps and moans became louder and shorter. “There you go sweetheart.” Simon said, listening to all the noises she was making.
He felt her walls clench, fuck how he wanted his dick to feel that. “I-Im almost there,” She whined, bucking her hips. He smirked and pulled his fingers out. She snapped her head at him. “What the fuck.” She whispered.
He looked up at her, lifting his mask to his nose. “Ghost you don’t need to…”
Simon just blew on her cunt to stop her sentence. He just wanted a taste. She choked on her words and replaced it with a soft groan. “Fuck Allison,” He licked from her hole up to her clit. Allison gripped his mask. “You taste amazing.” His voice was more husky, filled with lust.
He started licking her clit and sucking on it hard. She whined and laid on her forearms, he wrapped his arms underneath her legs and pressed her core more to his mouth. Fuck she tasted amazing, sweet. He moaned he couldn’t help it, he loved the sounds, the taste. He could feel his cock pressed hard against his pants, begging to be free.
Allison moans turned into whines and gasps. He inserted his tongue in her hole. “Fuck,” she whispered and then he sucked his clit. “Just like that,” He looked up and seeing she was almost there, he unsnaked his arm and inserted his two fingers hitting her g-spot. She arched her back and squeezed his face into her core.
He moaned and pumped his fingers harder. “I’m going..” She didn’t finish with words but with a choked moan and his name. Not Ghost. Simon. Fuck how that made him feel things. Ghost made him excited but Simon how it rolled off her tongue was like a beautiful prayer.
She slumped a bit gasping for air. He made one more long like before sitting back and looked at her. Bloody hell she was a mess. Beautiful mess. Sweat glistening off her body as her chest raising up and down quickly. He stood up and walked over to her. “You ready for more, love.”
Allison came up and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Yes sir.” She whispered. He stared into her eyes the hazel green looking at him. Caramel apple, that’s what reminds him of. Just the brown melting around the green of her eyes.
He unwrapped her legs and pulled his mask down licking the reminder of her juices on his lips. She watched carefully, he undid his belt, and the button his pants. He pulled out his cock and groaned from the release. Fuck that felt much better. Allison looked at his cock and back up at him. “I don’t have a condom.” She whispered looking disappointed.
He smirked and walked towards her, he grabbed her throat and had her face really close to his. “Do you want one?”
She carefully watched his eyes, searching for a moment, before shaking her head. “We don’t need one.”
“Good girl.” He whispered then lifting his hand to her mouth. “Now spit.”
She looked at his hand before spitting into his hand, ge gripped his length before pumping the saliva over his cock. He looked back at her. “You follow orders well.” He groaned and grabbed her neck pulling her towards him. “Put your legs around me love.”
She did just that, he felt her warmth on his cock. He had to bite back the moan, he guided his cock towards her entrance. He leaned in more to her, having his forehead touch hers. Too intimate he thought but he felt her head on his and left it there. It felt right.
He put his tip in and watched as her mouth opened, he sighed having her adjust before pushing more in. “Fuck more Simon.” She whispered and he went all the way in. They stayed there for a moment, having each other adjust. “Move please.” She whispered, smiling at him.
He felt his heart sputter for a moment. Bloody hell she truly is beautiful. The shimmer of sweat on her body the way the moonlight hitting inside the room on her. He could stay like this forever. He pulled out and slammed right back into her. She gasped wrapping her legs tighter as he did it again.
It was slow but harsh as he pounded into her, he gripped her thighs knowing damn well they were going to bruise later. Marking her. His marks. Thinking about that made him even more hard. He grunted as he picked up the pace. She cursed and wrapped her arms around his neck as she moaned and screamed into his ear.
Fuck those beautiful sounds. He kept repeating in his head. “Harder Simon,” She begged “Please please.”
How could he say no to that? He pulled her arms off of him before grabbing her throat and pushing her down. She moaned loudly and whispered just like that. Don’t stop. God the pornographic sounds they both were making, the breathing getting harder and faster, the slap from skin to skin contact, the moans, it all sounded like a fever dream.
He felt her walls flutter as he squeezed his hand around her throat. Making him roll his eyes and head for a moment. “Fuck you dirty girl.” He whispered. “Taking me so fucking good.” He grunted out.
All she could do was nod as his pace was faltering, he felt the walls about to burst. “Where?” Was all he mustered and he released her throat a bit.
“Inside please please.” She begged, whined, and gasped.
Her walls clenched around him, she was there and so was he. Both of them gasped as he pushed all the way in. He stayed in gasping, sweating, he looked down at Allison. Her eyes were shut and she was gasping for air. He watched her breast move up and down, he moved a piece of her hair out of her face then pulled out. He hissed as he did from how sensitive he was, watching her and his cum coming out. He looked at it for a moment admiring before he looked at her. “Stay here.” It came out as an order.
He walked back, noticing his pants were dropped, he pulled them up and buckled his belt. He walked to her bathroom grabbing a towel that was hanging off the door. She was still laying on the desk, having her breath back. She turned her head towards him. “What is this Ghost?”
He froze from the inside as he strode over to her, wiping her up before grabbing her hands, lifting her to sitting position. “What do ya mean?” He whispered helping her off the desk.
She walked to her crate and grabbed out underwear and sports bra. “This,” She motioned her hand out waving it a bit in the air. “The sex.”
Fuck. “Just sex,” He replied. He wanted more. He did but… “No strings attached yeah?”
She turned to him and half smiled. Her eyes shifting emotions for a brief moment. “Yeah,” She agreed. “No strings attached.”
They talked a bit about the upcoming mission, all he could repeat in his head was how her eyes said the opposite of what she agreed with. He wasn’t mad no. Cause deep down he wanted her to be his.
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aftg-brackets · 1 year
please reblog if you vote!
(character descriptions under cut)
Abby Winfield: The Foxes' nurse.
Allison Reynolds: A dealer for the Foxes. She is a former heiress to the extremely wealthy Reynolds family. Allison is always immaculately dressed and primped. She is known for her haughty attitude and her on again/off again relationship with Seth Gordon. She loves gossip, placing(and winning) bets, particularly involving relationships and social events.
character descriptions from x
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violetfairydust · 8 months
Snippet Sunday
Thank you for tagging me @dear-massacre <3 <3 <3
This one is pretty long and Jallison centric. Everyone has a bet going to see who can get to a bookstore an hour away first by using different modes of transportation. Allison chose a tandem bicycle and Jackson's not pleased.
“Why do we even have this thing?” Jackson asked over the wind as they pedaled thirty miles an hour in a residential street.
“Because my dad thought it would be funny. Now, Inquiry-It maps said the fastest way is if we go down by the river. It will take us to the boulevard and we can go east from there.”
Jackson and Allison turned to the left and rode straight for a while. They crossed the street onto the bike trail near the river. The sun was behind them, so the glare was not as bad as it could have been. It was a little hard to see, but Jackson focused straight ahead.
“Are we at an incline? It’s getting harder to pedal.”
Unbeknownst to him, Allison stopped pedaling for a moment. “Weird.” She turned her head at the right angle and saw a small child unaccompanied speeding down the narrow path. “Jackson, move!”
“He’s on our side, it’s going to be his problem.”
“He’s a child and we’re adults.”
“That’s not my fault. Someone needs to teach that kid to be less entitled.”
Allison looked at him. “I can’t believe you of all people just said that.”
“Maturity, my darling.”
The kid wasn’t moving and neither was Jackson.
“He’s playing chicken.”
“Jackson, seriously!”
He sighed. “Oh, fine. The things I do for you.”
Jackson moved out of the kid’s way, but the kid moved at the same time. He had to swerve again, which led them down the small embankment into the river. As Jackson raised his head, the kid stuck his tongue out.
Jackson walked back down the street to Allison.
“By a stroke of good luck,” she called out, “my phone is fine. It barely got wet.” She sighed. “We’re not winning the bet now.”
“No, but I think we won.”
She moved her hair behind her ear. “What do you mean?”
From behind Jackson’s back, he pulled out the kid’s bike. He smiled and waved it around like a trophy. “Now we have something to give our future child. Good as new.”
“You stole the kid’s bike?”
“I couldn’t find him, he must have gone inside to brag about his world destruction to his evil parents, but he stupidly left his bike on the porch, so I took it.”
Allison went forward and high-fived him.
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
You got this!!
You can take control again!!
Also the Allisaac shipping only furthers at the fact that I bet you the ONLY person who could get her to calm down WAS Isaac.
We love them so much. The gentle "Allison...breathe" and the way she just looks at him in pure panic and then takes a deep breath and re-centers herself.
And then the way she chants the French with their new slogan...AHHH I love it.
You go, girl. That's our powerful hunter. <3 <3
That said, my timing with this episode today has just...not been good.
I had to stop AGAIN for another class, and OF COURSE the spot I stopped at was where Lydia had just stepped into a bear trap.
So anyways I'm back now and I need to make sure that both Isaac AND Lydia get out of this mostly unharmed.
I understand where Mr. Tate is coming from, and I understand that he's grieving, but REALLY MAN. Don't you think this is a LITTLE much?
Allisaac for the win. <3 <3
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(I couldn't find a gif of him saying "breathe" but here's bad*ss Allison. <3 <3)
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TUA was on my dash and I remembered I haven’t posted my live reacts. So here they are! Many moons late.
oh so Dot and Herb ARE a thing
Huh emergency briefcase
Dang Lila had her Whiplash moment
Jfc Reggie you asshat what is wrong with you (funny how we always end up here)
Wait something so charming about Lila saying to Grace “lovely to meet you” which suggests her and Diego have talked about her and how important she is and the fact the Brelly’s all called her mom
Luther not knowing where to sit
SO SHE DID KILL HIM. Damn Allison tf.
Ben shushing Five
Damn Allison coming through without even needing the I heard a rumour
Weirdly kinda been waiting for this confrontation bc tbh Viktor does need to be held accountable for some of his actions. Some of them justifiable tho
Ok yeah nah Allison took it too far there and deserved the smack. But shit this was intense
Interesting tho. Same movement as when Viktor sliced open Allison’s neck but he didn’t use his powers
Mmm not your room Vik?? That’s old Bens
Klaus laying into Reggie for just how messed up he was/is is everything I needed
“Do you trust me?” “…Yeah *nods vigorously* I trust you” *looks away eyes wide* (°▽°)
Oh god Klaus is gonna be even more messed up after this. Little Girl on a Bicycle is gonna be pissed
Dang Klaus really did have the greatest potential. Original Timeline!Reggie was correct. Literally dancing in the face of death
Why the weapons cabinet Grace????
Is Viktor just lying in Ben’s bed? Not his brother Ben but Sparrow Ben???
I really think Lila and her abilities is such a clever addition
“The day of vengeance was in my heart and the year of my redemption hath come”
Holy moly the spirits
Damn Five good job. I mean he merc’d his mom but quick thinking.
Hmm now. Good speech Reggie. Will this thinking and helping Klaus develop his powers ultimately be more helpful or harmful bc supportive Reggie is sus.
HAHAHA ONLY CHAMPAGNE. They really celebrating this easy huh. Is Christopher gonna die??
Lila and Five is a fun dynamic
Wow so Luther and Diego seem to have created the most positive relationships so far
“It means you’re dangerous Viktor Hargreeves. The decisions you make impact the entire world. So no matter how benevolent they may seem, you don’t get to make them alone” what a powerful fucking line. Props to Aiden.
A discussion about the inevitable moral grey zone that heroes have to face and how no matter how sympathetic a person is or justifiable their reasons may be, they have to be held accountable for the power they hold. Fucking fantastic. My favourite scene so far. Aiden goddamn killed it. Five acknowledging Viktor’s intentions and wanting to be there for his brother but knowing that what he did by acting alone was dangerous no dismissive of the danger. And also not having enough faith in his family that they could resolve the situation.
“No more going rogue. If you ever need anything, I’m always here for you. But lie to us again, Viktor, I’ll kill you myself”
Do I think Allison should’ve killed Harlan? No? Should she have said those things about leaving Viktor in the basement? No. Allison is also making many dangerous mistakes. But it’s like, Viktor doesn’t need to be coddled anymore or treated as if he can do no wrong just bc he got wronged in the past. The fact Viktor was waiting in Ben’s room for someone to come after him and acknowledge his feelings and let him once again be in the right was presenting a dangerous mindset.
And I think Five was the perfect person (unharried as he is by an impending doomsday) to say all this to him
Aw man poor Fei and Christopher. I figured trapping the kugel in Christopher would have consequences
Five going back for Sparrow!Ben!!
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heymrstargazer · 3 years
(i was thinking so) daily aftg hc: the foxes play flashlight tag. matt had suggested it as a joke, but all of the sudden andrew and renee return with nine cheap flashlights from the gas station and nicky and dan are mapping out the perimeter of where they can and can't go. kevin and allison were very against it because it's a children's game and outside but then alcohol became involved and it's midnight so maybe it won't be so bad. aaron didn't want to be there at all but then bets were made and he was not going to lose. they split off into teams of two (dan and matt, aaron and nicky, allison and kevin) and renee, andrew, and neil planned to be a group of three. problem being two seconds into the game, where is neil? poof. mf has disappeared into thin fucking air (andrew knew it would happen, and if they can't find all members of a team then it doesn't count. it's basically his guarantee at a win). dan and matt are trying to be stealthy and sneak between buildings and duck under bushes but keep laughing histerically about absolutely nothing. they get kevin and allison out before crouching down after thinking they saw aaron but neil fuckin teleports behind them, gets them out, and dissappears again. nicky keeps saying they need to go after andrew but aaron knows neil is the real target. nicky and aaron are weaving carefully between shadows (mostly because aaron is leading them) and the spot andrew and renee carefully walking along the edge of the building. just as they come around the corner to get them andrew is standing right there and instead of turning on the flashlight to shine in his face, aaron and nicky panic and just sprint for it. andrew didn't exactly plan to chase them but all of the sudden him and renee are sprinting after them halfway across the campus. there's too much space between them to actually hit them with the beam from the flashlight and they're running out of ground quick but out of absolutely nowhere neil just drops down in front of them and shines the light directly in their eyes (hes so smug about it too he was hiding up a tree for 20 minutes waiting). the next round they're all a little more excited and decide to ditch the team idea and go separately. kevin is out first (he has no enthusiasm he just wants to go home), matt second (he's so tall literally where is he supposed to hide), then allison, nicky, andrew, dan, and renee. which leaves aaron and neil as the final two. they aren't done until 3 am. aaron actually had a good strategy, and neil was just going off instinct, but eventually neil decided to say fuck it and literally body slammed aaron and half blinded him with the flashlight in the process
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anythingbutmar · 4 years
The girl next door
Ben Hargreeves x reader
Summary: Everyone saw you as the sweet girl next door, but Ben knew better, and he was determined to find your dark secrets.
Prompt: 25. “she may be all lollipops and candy bars, but I bet behind closed doors she’s handcuffs and gags.”
A/N: My first Ben fic! Yay! For the sake of the plot (and my poor little heart) Ben is alive here!
Warnings: smut
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“There she is again.” Ben pointed towards you, making his siblings roll their eyes. “I just know there has to be something dark about her! She can’t be perfect.”
“Maybe you just have a crush on her.” Luther mocked him as he sat besides him on the sidewalk.
“Maybe you should go talk to her, that way you’ll see she’s just a sweet girl.” Allison followed.
“You know guys, I actually think Ben might be right on this one. She may be all lollipops and candy bars, but I bet behind closed doors she’s handcuffs and gags.” Klaus now seemed oddly interested as the others snorted, eating their donuts.
“Let’s bet on it!” Diego exclaimed excitedly, ever the competitive child. “If Ben’s right, we’ll have to do his and Klaus’s laundry for a month and viceversa. Vanya’s, with us too, right?”
“I guess... I do think Y/N is just an ordinary girl.”
“Alright, I’m going in then.” Ben finished his donut and crossed the street, determined to win.
“I don’t get why you’re so damn worried!” Two weeks had passed and even though Ben had gotten close to you, he couldn’t seem to find anything odd about you, it was truly unbelievable.
“We only have half a week before summer’s over, have you seen Luther’s laundry pile? Have you smelled it? It truly is something to worry about!” Ben paced around his room, thinking about a way to win.
“You’re just mad that Y/N can’t fulfill your dark fantasies.” Said Klaus, who couldn't care less about that stupid bet.
“What fantasies?” The two boys got startled at your voice coming from Ben’s window. You laughed as you climbed inside and landed on the bed, right next to Klaus, who just waved at you.
“Nothing, really, you know how he is.” Ben rolled his eyes and pushed his brother towards the door, closing it behind him. “Klaus just thinks you have a dark side to yourself, that’s all.”
“Well I can’t say I do Benny.” You smirked, knowing about it all along. “Do you?” At first, it had seemed quite funny that the siblings hadn’t noticed just how loud they were when they were talking about you that day. You weren’t offended by Ben’s comments but you desperately wanted him to lose that bet, even if he was right; after all, you had a reputation to keep. Lately, though, you realized that playing with him would be much more fun than watching him do some laundry.
“Do I what?” He asked nervously, clearly shocked by your interest on the subject.
“Do you have a dark side?” You gave him your best puppy eyes as you fought back laughter. He truly looked confused.
“I mean, maybe? I’m not really sure about it.”
“You know you can tell me everything, silly, I might understand you!” You stated with a cheerful tone.
“I don’t think you can.” He thought to himself, Klaus was the only one who knew about his sexual fantasies. The reason? Apparently he talked in his sleep. But you surely would run away from him if you knew he pictured you wearing black lacy underwear, giving him orders with your hand around his neck.
“Come on! What does dark even mean? I think everyone has secrets, some are just better at hiding it and that’s why they say it’s dark.” You pushed further, you just needed him to give in first before revealing your true nature.
“Oh really, Y/N? So you think it’s normal to enjoy pain? Isn’t it dark to want to give your entire control to someone else?” He finally exploded. Perfect.
“Oh my sweet Benny Boo.” You pouted as you stood from the bed and leaned towards him. “I do think it’s perfectly normal. In fact, I think we might have much more in common than you think we do.” You purred, grabbing his jaw and forcing him to look at you.
“W-we do?”
“Yeah, we do. I think you’re about to win that bet.” You finished before pushing him against the door and kissing him roughly. You bit his lip and he whimpered against you, which allowed your tongue to explore his mouth freely. Filling him with pleasure and surprise.
“What are you talking about?” He asked, gasping for air as you finally split.
“You think I don’t know about that silly little thing you got going on? I’ve decided to let you win, but I might have to punish you for going against me.” Your hands worked through his zipper with grace and expertise and soon you were stroking his growing member through the thin fabric of his underwear.
“I’m sorry...” He moaned against your lips. He looked so attractive with those innocent eyes, so helpless.
“Here’s the thing, Benny, I’m gonna try to let you please me now, but if you dare cum before I do, I won’t let you touch me again for a month.” You took his hand and led him to the bed as you spoke. You pressed it against your breast and kissed him again.
As he grew more confident over his movements, he thought about how he wasn’t going to let that happen. He had just now discovered this and if you were willing to do it again he would be too. He just had to make you cum.
He pulled away only to undress you with tenderness. He treated you like you were a fragile porcelain doll and even though it drove you crazy, you were done with it. You removed every piece of clothing that stood between you and laid on the bed, resting on your elbows and waiting for him.
He understood and immediately followed through. You grabbed a condom from your pocket and handed it to him, assuming he would just go for it, but you were pleasantly surprised when he kneeled on the edge of the bed and ran his long, delicate through your folds. He wanted you ready for him, and he was making sure he wouldn’t fuck it up.
You weren’t sure anymore about Ben’s complete lack of experience when he started sucking on your clit. He was a natural and it was clear to see. The way his hand started pumping inside you wasn’t all that exciting, but his tongue knew what it was doing. He sucked, and licked, and twirled his tongue around it. You could tell that he was tremendously dedicated and you loved it. He wasn’t an expert, of course, but whatever he was doing worked cause it was nearly getting you there.
You sat up and grabbed him by the neck, pulling him towards you and kissing him with such passion you felt your lips burning. You needed him inside of you, and based on his growing erection you could tell he needed it too. You quickly opened the condom and tossed it’s package away before you slipped it on his throbbing cock.
“You look so fucking hot like that.” He moaned before pushing his entire length inside of you, nearly making you scream in pleasure as you dug your nails into his bare back, making him moan again as he started to move, thrusting hard but slow.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when one of his hands pinched your nipple before he grabbed your butt and lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around him and he pinned you against the nearest wall making you bounce faster. His tip clashing with your g-spot and his hot breath against your ear were almost enough to make you cum, but it was the touching of your clit with the smooth skin above his pubic area that finally made you scream as you tiredly scratched his back.
As soon as you did so he let you down and you instantly took his dick in your mouth as a well deserved reward. You bobbed your head around it and twirled your tongue on the tip, but it didn’t take long for him to cum inside your mouth with a grunt, head swelling against you.
You swallowed and stood up to kiss him again when you heard a voice outside the room.
“I don’t know what that was but it sure does sound like we won! Congrats Benny Boo.” Klaus teased, making him turn a bright shade of pink.
“So... My house next time?” You asked, biting your lip and he just nodded, laughing at his siblings.
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elyteracy · 2 years
other people's words speak louder than our own
dear @neil-jortson, here's your @aftgexchange gift! sorry for the delay, as this was a pinch-hit. I was quite inspired by your librarian AU idea and hope you will like this short little story about Neil and Andrew working together in a library
The staff of the Foxhole Library had a running bet. It wasn’t their longest-standing bet, nor the ones with the highest stakes, but it was surely the most exciting. The bet was simple: how long would it take until Andrew Minyard killed Neil Josten? A few had already lost the bet. Allison, although usually a formidable opponent, had bet on two weeks, but that had already passed. Matt’s bet, the usual optimist, had been surprisingly small this time, and the month had gone before him winning. They were at the six-months mark and only Nicky and Dan remained in the race. 
Andrew was in the process of annoying Kevin Day, one of the regular users of the library. Kevin Day might have been knowledgeable and a hard worker (too hard, in Dan’s opinion, the guy was holed up in the library with a mountain of books 12 hours 6 days of the week, more often than not skipping lunch) but he was also an insufferable prick. He complained about the state of the books, how the library’s options weren’t sufficient, even though they had the possibility to get him any book through interlibrary loan, the state of the facilities and other comments which would have been less annoying if they had actually had the budget to do something about it.
Dan didn’t particularly like Andrew. He was silent most times, scared the readers away and was generally unpleasant. Nonetheless, watching Andrew put back Kevin’s books as he brought new ones to his table was a source of entertainment on an otherwise quite boring day. Friday usually were, as most students were out partying while their favourite groups of older women usually came on Saturday. It took three trips for Kevin to caught up to what was happening, but by the time he went back to his table, Andrew had disappeared. Neil was instead there, smiling that particularly sharp smile of his.
“Kevin, so nice to see you again today,” Neil said. He was still holding his book cart with one hand, and a large book in his other arm. Dan briefly wondered if a heavy book had already been used as a murder weapon. She knew, at least, that they would be less lethal than Neil’s wit.
Kevin knew it too, as it’d often been to the receiving end of it. He grumbled something which might have been a greeting, might have been an apology, who knew and went back to his stack of books.
Neil, when he went back to Andrew, smiled at him, with that infuriating victorious grin that he had and simply said: “You owe me.”
Andrew’s pen snapped in his hand.
“Hey!” Matt said. “That was my pen!”
The look Andrew sent him was nothing less but ice cold. Matt quickly went back to typing on his computer right away.
Renee conscientiously adjusted her hijab. She’d chosen a pale pink today, which she’d matched to her nails. She was in the process of adding a new pin to secure it, a beautiful golden pin with a pearl, when she heard voices in the hallway. She opened the door quietly, making sure that her long skirt didn’t get caught in the gap when the door closed behind her, and followed the voices. 
 It was a quiet evening, and they’d just closed their doors, encouraging the last few stragglers out. The sun was streaming through the windows, warming the wood of the shelves and floors. Renee stayed out of sight, looking at Neil and Andrew. Neil was standing on the ladder, looking at Andrew.
Neil looked at the spin of the book he was holding. “Wuthering Heights,” he read, with slight disdain. 
“You seem to have time to discuss book choices when you should be ordering them.”
Neil raised an eyebrow. “Does that mean you like the book?”
“I do not like anything.”
“Honest people don’t hide their deeds,” Neil quoted. 
Andrew made an annoyed noise, more emotions than Renee had seen him do in a while. A small smile graced her face. 
“Book! You lie there; the fact is, you books must know your places,” Andrew answered back.
Neil let out a laugh. It was short and dry, almost like it was out of practice. “Moby Dick. Quite suiting for you, isn’t it?”
Renee hid her laugh behind her hand. Maybe it was time for her to leave. God would forgive her that small indiscretion.
Being at the reception was Allison’s least favourite place. She couldn’t show the work she’d put in her own clothes when she was behind the counter. Thankfully for her, Neil was with her today, whispering snarks about annoying visitors. 
Mrs. Canberry was unfortunately one of those ladies whose age hadn’t made them sweeter. Allison straightened herself and her jacket, a beautiful suit jacket made of purple satin, and put on her customer smile. “What can I do for you today, Mrs. Cranberry?”
Mrs. Canberry was wearing a dreadful colour between yellow or green. It wasn’t the colour per se, Allison objected to, but what it did to the poor tint of Mrs. Cranberry’s skin. “I would like to borrow a book,” the lady demanded.
“By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes,” Neil whispered, from behind her, where he was organising papers. Allison was quite certain he was just pretending to be busy so he didn’t have to talk to her, the traitor.
“I want to borrow Me Before You by Jojo Moyes,” Mrs. Canberry said.
“Madam, the book are organised by alphabetical orders. Have you looked in the shelves where it belongs?”
“I want you to come with me. I can’t find it,” Ms. Canberry insisted.
Allison took a breath and told herself at least she would have the opportunity to show off the beautiful suit she’d sewed herself.
“Shakespeare is the happy hunting ground of all minds that have lost their balance,” Andrew said, joining Neil behind the counter.
Neil scoffed. “James Joyce? You could not have chosen more boring in the classics?”
“Your taste is worse than a teenager's.”
“And yet, you quite like my taste.”
“I do not like anything.”
“We both know that is a lie,” Neil said.
Andrew pushed the stack of papers that Neil had been tidying off the counter. The papers fell in disorder on the floor. “No answer? The rest is silence." Neil teased back, with a small curtsy, clearly aiming to be as annoying as possible.
From a few meters away, Allison snapped a book shut. “Oh, those bastards!” She snarled.
“Excuse me?” Mrs. Canberry gasped.
Allison took a deep breath and turned to her. “I apologise, Madam. I remembered what happened in this book. Unfortunately, I don’t believe you should read it. Why don’t I offer another suggestion?”
“I demand that the bet be cancelled!” Allison ordered, to the full Foxhole staff.
There was a chorus of displeased noises. “You’re just a sore loser,” Nicky said.
“Maybe,” Allison conceded. “But that is not why… Those two have been lying to us this whole time.”
“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark,” Andrew added, with his usual bland tone.
Neil laughed. “I thought you hated Shakespeare.” Everybody turned to him, instead of looking at Allison, looked at the way the freckles on his cheeks hiding in the creases that formed under his eyes when he looked at Andrew and suddenly it all made sense.
“This is bullshit!” Matt exclaimed. “Obviously now, we can all see Andrew will never kill Neil, they’re clearly dating.”
“You’re just saying that because you’ve already lost,” Dan protested.
“I would rather agree that we should let the person who’s chosen the most time win the bet then,” Renee said, from where she was sitting, her hands with pink painted nails neatly folded in her lap. “That would only be fair.”
The room quieted and as things often went when Renee talked.
In the end, it was agreed that the best course of action was to split the reward (the right to exchange any shift at any time) between the two remaining participants of the bet.
the quotes in following order
“Honest people don’t hide their deeds” – Wuthering Heights
“Book! You lie there; the fact is, you books must know your places” – Moby Dick
“By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes” – Macbeth
“Shakespeare is the happy hunting ground of all minds that have lost their balance” – Ulysses (James Joyce)
“The rest is silence.” – Hamlet
“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” – Hamlet
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youknow-igetit · 4 years
heres the thing
like, baltimore happened. right? right.
but like, absolutely none of the foxes believe that andrew and neil are together. like romantically. (it’s mildly plausible that they could have sexual relations with one another but it’s literally only allison that thinks that, and even she’s doubtful.)
(renee is the only outlier here but she doesn’t comment on any of it because she doesnt have a death wish because she’s andrew’s friend)
(maybe also aaron but he thinks they just fuck)
what with neil’s insistence on not swinging and andrews... andrewness, it makes no sense that they’d actually be together
they never touch whatsoever. no kissing (no evidence of kissing), no hugging, no hand-holding, nothing. not even an accidental bumping of knees between the two of them.
kevin refuses to talk to them about the topic, but nicky is a very talkative person. “I live in the same dorm as them. but i’ve never seen anything even slightly coupley.”
even allison is beginning to doubt herself.
by their second year most of the foxes have come to the conclusion that they just said it to get the foxes out of neil’s love life and to make them tolerate andrew at least a little more
like, of course they think that neil and andrew are friends, at least, no one could get that close to the little knife-wielding maniac andrew and not have some sort of connection
also they talk to each other a lot. andrew hardly talks to anyone else. the foxes interpret that as they 
but they kind of just brush it aside until it���s new year’s eve and all of the original foxes are there (because they’re not letting neil leave them again)
andrew and neil are off smoking and nicky’s like “okay guys a new bet.”
so nicky thinks that they’re together, full stop (because he’s lived with andrew for years he knows that he shows his affection differently). 
aaron thinks they’re just fucking and so does allison (one of the few times they have ever agreed on anything)
matt, dan, and kevin all think that they’re just close friends (because kevin is probably thinking about their exy careers and also the internalized homophobia that the nest drilled into him for years is still there)
renee isn’t a part of it (obviously)
and so the bet finally begins
neil and andrew probably know about it, but they also have no idea who thinks what and they also don’t really care. they know. that’s all that matters. they’re a very private people.
none of the freshman even know that andrew and neil are together in the first place, so they definitely don’t know about the bet
so the foxes start watch andrew and neil just a little bit more closely but they’re still not seeing anything different than how they acted before they were ‘out’
it isn’t until the next october that they get anything
they’re all in the girl’s suite (now only dan and allison, renee graduated the year before)
it’s all of the foxes, the new freshmen and the now-sophomores (bonding exercise, dan told neil. you’re all gonna be there) and all of the original ones
they’re all hanging out and some people are chatting but it’s kinda lame
so allison’s like “fuck it, we’re all playing never have i ever.”
they establish things such as if you feel uncomfortable revealing anything you don’t have to, no singling people out, etc
so the game begins and there’s the usual tame questions like “never have i ever skateboarded” and such
but it slowly delves into the more revealing things, like “never have i ever broken the law” (and nearly all of the foxes drink because they’re foxes)
but jack, the asshole, goes “never have i ever sucked dick”
nicky, obviously take a big gulp. and allison, dan, matt (”what?? i was experimental in high school”), andrew, kevin (everyone kinda knows about the hookup culture that the nest had, so whatever), and many of the freshmen and sophomores drink as well. and, astoundingly, so does neil
nicky literally gasps, allison coughs on her drink, the rest of the original foxes simply gape (except for kevin, who swears loudly) because there was no one that neil would give a blowjob to besides andrew
neil, completely unblushingly, goes “what?” at all of his speechless friends (except for kevin, who is still swearing. it was only twenty dollars that he lost, but still). andrew, next to him, has the same bored expression
so matt, kevin, and dan have already lost the bet, even if it’s still going strong
but eventually they’re all like okay yeah, whatever, they’re fucking, but that’s it
except nicky
so it basically all of the foxes trying to get neil (not andrew, andrew’s scary) that it’s a fwb thing without explicitly asking outright
but every time matt asks how his thing with andrew is going he just kinda shrugs and goes back to what he was doing because it hasn’t really changed much except they trust each other a lot more, both emotionally and physically but neil’s not gonna tell anyone that
so allison’s like “got any dick recently?” and neil’s like”???? yeah?? i guess???”
but suddenly it’s andrew’s fifth year and nearly all of the original foxes have graduated and the bet is still there, obviously, but it’s come to the point that if they stay together after andrew graduates then nicky’s right and he wins the bet
but it’s before that that shit goes down
so it’s spring break, and they’re all at the cabin that they went to that first time (i like to think that it becomes a tradition and no matter what, all the foxes are there every year)
so  it’s the third night and things are... tense
it’s not that andrew and neil are being quiet, since they usually don’t talk a lot, but the air around them seems charged, like a bomb about to go off
they’re all gathered around, sitting on assorted furniture or the floor, and their all conversing quietly and dan gets up, grabs an assorted but large selection of alcohols, and sets them on the coffee table, declaring that they’re going to play drinking games and absolutely no one can sit out (glaring pointedly at neil, who looks ready to bolt. he hasn’t had that expression on his face for years. they all hate it.)
it is, again, during a game of never have i ever, when things come to a crescendo
they’re all mildly tipsy at this point of the night, and neil and andrew are sitting on the same loveseat, but nearly as far away from each other as possible (they’re still playing, since dan insisted, and despite her having not been their captain for two years, she is still mentally their captain)
allison, because she felt emotional or it’s just the alcohol, goes “never have i ever been in love”
and dan and matt share dopey smiles as they both drink, aaron drinks, nicky stares off into space while drinking, thinking only of erik, and kevin takes a hesitant sip from his
its silent for a full second before neil, with a determined look on his face, looks andrew in the eye and takes a huge mouthful of the alcohol and swallows
no one says anything either from knowing better than to say anything or being physically incapable of speech
neil and andrew maintain eye contact before andrew, andrew, picks up his own drink and drains his glass
as if rehearsed, they both get up at the same time and storm outside onto the deck, slamming the door and shaking the paintings on the walls
it’s a terse silence as they hear faint voices arguing but it isn’t until they fall silent that kevin gets up to investigate but then immediately goes to sit back down after one glance out of the window
he picks up a bottle of vodka and drinks directly from it before going “they’re fine”
“how do you know?” matt asks tentatively
“because they’re making out”
the room is silent again, surprise coloring the air
and then
“pay up, bitches”
Nicky is very pleased upon knowing that his cousin actually does have someone to love and so does neil his adopted son but also that he won six hundred dollars (”I never should have fucking bet that much” allison muttered later)
and for the rest of their vacation everyone’s happy and fine and dandy and they all ignore those hickeys on andrew’s neck
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darlingbudsofrae · 3 years
Allison Reynolds Appreciation Post
Foxes Appreciation Series : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 ||
I know I pretty much start every single one of this series with this but I love Allison Reynolds.
I can’t explain why when she doesn’t even appear that much on the books (a sad travesty, really, that all the girls didn’t really appear that much in the books)
But I just see a fanart and I’ll be like, oh wow, y’know? 
Like is that weird? I think that’s weird.
Before we go to uncharted territory, let’s appreciate our one and only Allison Jaimaca Reynolds.
Let’s start with the bets. Allison mostly always (or is it just always) wins bets. 
I think she has a really sharp eye for things and is just generally good at reading the room, but also- it’s because she listens.
When Renee tells everyone who asks back when they thought her and Andrew had a thing, Allison was the only one who really listened when Renee says it wasn’t going to happen.
I think the reason why I love Allison the way that I do is because I feel this connection with her character and she’s just a character I really admire.
So, Allison was hospitalized for bulimia when she was in high school because of the pressure placed on her by her parents of needing to conform to the toxic beauty standards society set for women.
Playing exy means gaining muscles, and because it wasn’t really ideal for a girl to be too buff because gods society cannot give us a break-
She starved herself.
When I learned that, I legit cried. Like oh shit.
Also, can we talk about how Allison literally gave up her inheritance for exy?
Like, billions of dollars of inheritance. 
I think most people have this notion that out of all the foxes, Allison is the one that doesn’t seem to belong with the foxes because her past is not as gruesome or as detailed as the others.
This personally pisses me off because why are we ranking people’s traumas? 
Also, I find it adorable that Allison actually learned exy from her grandfather- he’s the one who taught her how to play.
She’s actually really good at exy, and I think people forget that in place for her haughty personality or just because pretty is often associated with her.
Like Wymack wouldn’t really recruit her if she wasn’t- there’s two requirements for Wymack to consider someone- (1) great play, and (2) problem kid/horrible past.
Allison filled both. 
I just think Allison is such an icon- like this is a pretty obvious message at this point but because society is infested with misogyny and all that crap it’s forgotten but-
Who says you can’t both be girly and into sports?
I’m going to go on a limb here but I love Allison Reynolds because she is something the writers of Mean Girls (cult classic) did not explore. 
SPOILER FOR MEAN GIRLS: At the end of the film, Regina George got into sports for therapy (which she was good at) but gave up all the pink and the things considered hyperfeminine that she dons during the beginning of the movie.
Allison Reynolds? Girl dresses like she’s an IG model and plays stickball wickedly, how about that?
Like again, you can both be feminine and into sports and it pisses me off how the movie industry slash books paint the girly girl as the villain or how she has to give up her femininity to be good.
The fact that Allison is always described to be into fashion, makeup, dresses/looks her best every time, and plays exy competently- that’s awesome. I love that for her.
What an effing badass.
Also, Nicky might’ve called her a “catty bitch” (which kinda triggered me in the wrong way because just out of all the words in the dictionary- why) and while her words sting, Allison tells the truth as it is- or at least, as how she sees it.
And I admire that. 
Like, we admire Neil for saying whatever the fudge he wants and I love Neil for that too but Allison also does say whatever she wants regardless and I think some even hate her for it and it’s just not appreciated enough?
Allison Reynolds isn’t really appreciated enough, TBH.
She’s confident, competent, strong-willed, and tenacious.
“They want to break my toy? So what? I’ll buy another one. Maybe I’ll buy two. Fuck them if they think this will hurt me.”
I just love her so much- what a damn queen. 
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codename-adler · 3 years
foxes + onesies (1/9)
based off of that one post i saw and don’t remember, where people once caught Allison wandering around Fox Tower in a giraffe onesie, and i absolutely melted for her. here is the Foxes’ journey to getting a onesie each!
in the aftermath of the “mob war”, Allison still sees Betsy for counselling, mostly to cope with Seth’s death still, her ED and to process her childhood and teenage trauma
Betsy teaches her a lot about self-care (and not in Allison’s traditionnal definitions of self-care, which are: bottle it up, act out, burn through 500$ in clothes, repeat)
all in all, Allison has a lot to come to terms with by the end of the semester, and Betsy won’t be there as much in the summer, so she leaves her with a little list of self-care tips to look at when Ally feels overwhelmed
- pick a time to make yourself some tea, or try out some new ones and tell me about it next time
- try drawing with those wonderful pencils of yours, but in different art styles (because yes, Allison does have a fashion sketchbook. but silly doodles? abstract drawings? anatomy sketches? she never tried)
- watch movies by yourself, and for yourself, Allison
- since you love shopping and spending so much, find yourself a cozy thing, a soft thing that will only be for yourself, when you need to be reminded to love yourself and be gentle with yourself
those were the suggestions that stuck to Ally the most
so the next time she goes out to the mall with Dan and Renee, she doesn’t expect to find anything like Betsy suggested
she does look for some herbal tea at David’s Tea, and ends up getting some hibiscus + rose water green tea
but then they go to Walmart (she wants to gag)
fucking Walmart
the girls need some pads and tampons, and the gatorades are on sale (because all the Foxes, as a treat for winning the Championship and bc they all want to stay close after the hard year they endured, got to stay on campus for the whole summer (idc if it’s unrealistic, sue me, that’s how i roll))
for once, Allison follows Dan and Renee, without looking at anything, without touching anything (what if she catches it??)
then Renee wants to look for socks
that’s when Ally passes a rack of colorful onesies
one brushes the tip of her elbow, and wow it’s so soft
not at all the quality material she expected
she stops in her tracks, lets the girls go on to the underwear section, and really looks at the pajamas
there are lots of unicorns, and pandas, a few mouses, and two giraffes
bright yellow, light-spotted giraffes, with their little ears and antlers and all
the sewn-on eyes are closed and have cute little lashes details
Allison imagines herself wearing it and feels utterly stupid
but- she keeps running her fingers through the synthetic velvety material, mesmerized by its softness
she thinks back on Betsy’s list
the folks would absolutely loathe it. the high school bitches too. God, even Seth would say it’s fucking stupid. Nobody should ever be seen wearing that…
But I wouldn’t have to worry about my man-shoulders in it… or my stomach… or my thighs… I could even go braless, or wear just that cute little bralette I haven’t got the courage to wear yet… and I think Renee would agree it’s cute…
then she hears Betsy’s soothing voice in her head
But do you like it?
Yes. Yes I do.
and that’s how Allison takes down the onesie, cashes out and waits for the two other girls outside the Walmart entrance, feeling silly, and jitty, yet quite happy with herself
back at Fox Tower, she washes it immediately, only to stuff it back under her bed
it stays there for quite a few weeks, until it’s almost time for school to start again, her last year at PSU
the boys are out at the beach, Andrew and Neil are God-knows-where, Renee is meeting a friend, and Dan is out shopping with her Sisters
Ally is alone, and lonely
she’s craving something, something that feels close to how one of her nanny used to take care of her hair before bedtime, telling her stories of folklore around the world
guessing that nobody will be back before sundown, she reaches underneath her bed and takes out the giraffe onesie
she gets rid of her high-waisted skinny jeans, her silky cropped blouse and her high-heeled sandals in favor of Seth’s old Marvel boxer shorts, her baby blue bralette she still hasn’t worn, and the infamous onesie
and wow, it’s so baggy
as she buttons up the front, it almost feels like being wrapped up in a giant, fluffy pancake
she giggles to herself, like a little girl
until she goes to look at herself in the mirror, where she straight-up bursts out laughing
she feels so, so light
she puts on a pair of Renee’s fuzzy socks with the sticky soles and leaves her bedhair as it is
she spends the rest of the day on the couch, watching Barbie movies from the hidden collection she has in her closet while painting her real nails in rainbow colors
she makes herself a big cup of the tea she bought, and lights an ocean-breeze candle
between Barbie as the Island Princess and Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus, she even goes so far as going at the end of the hallway to buy some sugar-free gummy bears from the vending machine, completely forgetting herself…
of course, this is when the boys, including Andrew and Neil, are coming back from their day outdoors
she stops dead in her tracks when she turns around and sees them, a *giraffe* caught in the headlights
the boys only notice her because she stops moving so abruptly
she’s speechless
the boys, not so much
Kevin: *oblivious to the onesie situation* So you’re the one hoarding the healthy gummies. Dude give back some.
Matt: Oh, hi Ally… *raises his pointer finger, opens and closes his mouth in awe, lowers his arm back down* Cute?
Andrew: *his face says he doesn’t give a shit, but he’ll let the image make its way to his heart eventually* *very sneakily snaps an adorable pic for the group chat*
Neil: *whispering to Andrew, genuinely confused*  I thought these were for babies? Do we qualify as babies? Why is Ally dressed like a baby, Andrew?
Nicky: BITCHHHHHH I shoulda made a bet on THAT!
Aaron: Well fuck. 60 points to Hufflepuff for cuteness.  Ugh. I can’t believe I said “cute”. Jesus, I wanna vomit. Eurk.
Allison slowly makes her way back to her dorm room without a word, her cheeks flushed and her eyes to the ground, clutching her bag of gummies
she hasn’t felt this vulnerable since Seth’s passing
an hour later, she’s still hiding under her blankets as Renee and Dan file in
of course, they saw the photo posted to their group chat, and they heard everything from Matt and Nicky
Renee gets under the covers with Ally, and Dan proceeds to show off the goods she got with a very silly runway walk
they don’t say anything, until Neil sends a new picture on the GC
it’s a printed version of Andrew’s picture, pinned to the locker room wall with all the other photos they’ve accumulated
and everybody in the chat is dying of cuteness overload
Ally’s got that look of a toddler caught red handed, so open and genuine and surprised; her mouth is slighlty opened in an “o” shape; her mismatched fuzzy socks are peeking from underneath the bunched up fabric at her ankles; the hood is pulled up and slouching over her head…
but nobody, nobody, is making fun of her
we’re talking about the Foxes here. they never pull their punches.
so this? unexpected. shocking. astounding.
and right at the bottom of the picture, in shaky black marker: Baby Ally
with a poorly drawn heart next to it
in Neil’s unmistakeable handwriting
she cries
and never again is she ashamed of wandering around in her giraffe onesie
and if from then on, many Foxes gifts are soft things for her, well, that is called character development
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