#katie i love ur edits
gingerjolover · 9 months
do you by any chance have tiktok? i think you might’ve just followed me 😭
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Hi! This is the Morissa x Reader requester, finally got it edited, lol. (If u don't want to do it that's completely fine ☺️)
(Would love it being split into or a long chapter with the build up and then the fucking lol)
Sub!Morticia x Sub!Larissa x Top!Tall!Fem!Shapeshifter!Reader, Morticia and Larissa loved being carried and had been begging to be manhandled during sex but Reader is too scared to because of her werewolf strength but Tish and Rissa conduct a plan to get Reader to break and do it, and when that happens Reader snaps and fucks them both into nothing but babbling nonsense messes.
(Morticia loves being manhandled during sex and moved by Reader into the position Reader wants her in, Morticia loves being carried upright, legs wrapped around readers waist, arms around readers neck and head tucked into neck(doesn’t care where y’all are will just jump into ur arms and snuggles into you, been that way sinceur time at Nevermore together, Same with Rissa but she loves being carried bridal style and curled up with head tucked into readers neck. What sets Reader off is when she peaks into Rissa's office and sees them masterbating side by side but they don't know Reader saw till she gets home)
(Biting kink(likes to bite and be bit, Morticia), spanking(both), Daddy kink(both), shapeshifter peen(Reader), praise kink(both), they both absolutely PREEN at being called good girls and melt on the spot (literally ruined underwear).
Hey there anon, thanks for being so patient 💕 I would love to write this!! We love sub!larissa & sub!morticia 🤭🏳️‍🌈 AND we LOVE some build up! I added a song for inspiration and some extra spice 😉 SMUT to come in later chapters!
Bend us, Break us Pt. 1 ~Sub!Larissa Weems xSub!Morticia Addams xFem Dom!Tall!Shapeshifter!Reader
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Link to Part 2 & Part 3
Mommy…Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, implied smut, Dom & Sub relationships, polyamorous lifestyle, etc…
Part 1 of a mini series
Enjoy (;
After the fiasco with Wednesday and Marilyn Thornhill almost destroying the school, Morticia had found it best to join the faculty to keep an eye on Wednesday.
The new school year welcomed Morticia Addams as the official Potions instructor as well as You as the new Herbology Professor.
And Larissa being lucky to be alive was an understatement.
You as the Marilyn’s assistant had found Larissa with the poison already in her system and everyone else having left. You had managed to counter act the poison with a rare healing plant that you had been secretly growing on the side.
From there, Larissa had immediately given you the job of being the herbology professor.
Morticia and Larissa had always had a thing.
And now that they were working together, it made their thing even more apparent…
But there was one singular, nagging issue…
They were both submissive.
Larissa spent her whole day and night dominating in her life, so when it came to her sex life, she was more than willing if not insistent that she hand over the reins of control.
Similarly, Morticia was the matriarch over the entire Addams family and she had such a submissive husband, that she couldn’t handle another thing in which she was expected to be in control.
Both women just needed a break for gods sake…
And this thing between them, only made the pair even more sexually frustrated.
Luckily, They found you.
After Larissa’s near death experience, she insisted to take you out for coffee as a thank you.
From the time you had been working as the herbology assistant, Larissa had gauged you to be introverted, calm, and shy person. Overall very submissive.
This was ironic to her as your build screamed the exact opposite; You were toned and quite tall (and that’s a big claim coming from Larissa), you carried yourself with elegance and dressed well.
But your presence was quiet, you did as you were told, and you rarely raised a hand against anything.
But Ohhh how her perspective changed when you two met for that coffee…
She had insisted that you call her Larissa, and you had immediately insisted the same for you as well.
Unlike at the school, you were far more talkative to the blonde and your laughter and smiles were far less contained.
Larissa quickly came to find your laugh rather intoxicating…
You were a lot more straight forward and clear on what you wanted and what you thought.
She realized that while you were introverted, you were certainly not submissive.
And as you and her were chatting, a thought sparked in Larissa’s mind…
You were the solution to her and Morticia’s little dilemma.
That was of course if a) you even liked women and b) you were even interested.
Which both of these things stumped Larissa a bit as she had no clue.
So naturally Larissa decided that after her coffee with you she would go directly to Morticia’s office to confer with her.
“I’m sorry, what?” Morticia asked, a bit stunned from the retelling of events which Larissa had just given her.
“It’s a lot I know. But I think it could work… But I don’t know if she’s interested or even gay, ‘Tish…” Larissa continued.
Their cute nicknames for each other always made the other woman blush…
At that, Morticia let out a elegant giggle if there ever was one.
“She’s gay, ‘Rissa…” Morticia chuckled.
Larissa looked at her with confusion.
Morticia burst into more laughter at her face, “You really have terrible gaydar…!” She chuckled once she had composed herself more.
“I do not…” Larissa grumbled.
“Yes you do.”
At not wanting to discuss this topic anymore, Larissa pivoted the conversation.
“Alright, but even if she is gay, there is no guarantee that she would be interested in something like that…” she spoke with a hint of disappointment laced in her tone.
“Hmmm…” Morticia mused, “Well why don’t we just ask her…?”
“Who?” was Larissa’s immediate, next question.
The room went silent.
“Not it!” Both of the women yelled simultaneously.
They both groaned and laughed at their own unwillingness to step up and ask.
“Perhaps it would be better if we both approached Y/N.” Larissa stated.
And Morticia couldn’t agree more.
Everyone knew that being called into the principals office was never a good thing…
So when you got requested by the principal at the crack ass of dawn on the following Monday morning, you were nervous to say the least.
Had you done something at the coffee meet?
Did you forget to turn something in?
Where you in trouble??
As you reached Larissa’s office doors, you took a deep breath and knocked with a slightly shaky hand.
“Come in!” You heard two muffled voices yell.
Two people?
Maybe you had offended or hurt somebody??
You took another deep breath before opening the door to be met by none other than Larissa Weems and Morticia Addams standing in Larissa’s office.
The second you had walked into the office, Morticia and Larissa shared a look and both committed in that moment.
“Professor, Lovely for you to join us. We had a matter that we wanted to discuss with you.” Larissa began.
“Alright. What’s the matter?” You asked.
Larissa looked over to Morticia for help.
“Well… Why don’t we all have a seat first.” Morticia suggested, glancing over to Larissa dottingly.
Larissa let out a small sigh of relief which she hoped you hadn’t caught before continuing, “Yes! That sounds like an excellent idea. Please Morticia, Miss L/N, do sit.”
“Thank you.” You spoke, “And Professor or Y/N will be just fine.”
Larissa didn’t meet your gaze but rather have a curt nod and a small smile as she too sat down.
“So… What would you like to talk about?” You asked again.
Both women took a deep breath.
They exchanged glances, in an almost fight for who would ask you…
Morticia won.
“We… We are looking… Well, we thought…” Larissa stumbled over her words.
“We’re polyamorous!” Morticia blurted out.
Larissa’s eyes widened at Morticia’s bluntness, “Yes, and we’re interested in you…”
Both women sat there on the edge of of their seats, awaiting your response.
A small smirk crept up on your face as you finally responded, “Ah I see… Well then what do you want from me?”
Both woman stared at you doe eyed with their mouths agape as they both audibly gulped.
When you knocked on Larissa’s office door, you were nervous.
When you heard two people calling for you to enter, you were still shaking.
But then you walked in met by none other than Larissa Weems and Morticia Addams…
There was something off.
You knew from the second the pair had exchanged glances as you walked in. It looked like glances of reassurance almost…
Suddenly, you felt a little less nervous.
“Professor, Lovely for you to join us. We had a matter that we wanted to discuss with you.” Larissa had said.
Her voice was faltering and she was straining and struggling to keep her authoritative tone…
You knew this behavior…
“Alright. What’s the matter?” You matter of factly stated.
Seemingly the entire power dynamic has flipped on its top in a matter of seconds…
Then Larissa looked over to Morticia AGAIN. You had never seen such a dependent, questioning side to the woman.
“Well… Why don’t we all have a seat first.” Morticia said,
in what you assumed she tried to convey as a decision but came out a lot more like a questioning suggestion…
Then you heard Larissa’s breath hitch in a sigh.
You flickered your eyes in her direction, but she quickly looked away.
“Yes! That sounds like an excellent idea. Please Morticia, Miss L/N, do sit.” larissa managed to choke out.
She was back on a last name basis… desperate to try and front some sort of formality and power, you noted.
You were sure to correct her, something inside you was driving to put Larissa back in her place…
“Thank you. And Professor or Y/N will be just fine.”
At that Larissa still couldn’t meet your gaze, and Morticia was conveniently staring out the window.
But you caught her recognition with her small smile and nod.
That would never do if she was yours…
But she wasn’t yours.
“So… What would you like to talk about?” You asked again, now even more curious than before.
Both women’s breathing hitched, which they corrected almost immediately with a deep breath.
You were fully involved at this point. You wanted to know what had them so riled up.
And then they started flickering their gazes back and forth…
It was only for mere seconds, but you wouldn’t miss something like that.
And this is when it clicked for you…
These two strong, independent women in front of you were submissively squirming underneath you…
They were fighting for dominance.
And Morticia most definitely had won.
“We… We are looking… Well, we thought…” Larissa stuttered, causing a blush to tint her cheeks from embarrassment and causing you to have to stifle a giggle.
“We’re polyamorous!” Morticia blurted out, but immediately becoming red after her own statement.
You could tell that that made Larissa shift and squirm in her seat…
They were getting to the matter which made them squirm so deliciously…
“Yes, and we’re interested in you…” Larissa added on in a desperate attempt for their desperation to be salvaged.
But it was too late.
You knew…
“Ah I see… Well then what do you want from me?”
You knew what they wanted…
But you wanted to make them say it…
Part 2 linked here 😏
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jovenshires · 8 months
hi katie jovenshires im a big fan. if ur ok with sharing, what ships are in the botb au and what are the vibes for each 👀
thank you so much!! <3<3<3
hmm i've been thinking about this and i think i'm only deadset on spommy, ianthony, kolivia, and amangela as far as like. my canon goes. not sure what if any other ships im gonna include... ive gone back and forth with shaymien and shaynse too but not sure!!
but, i will say, for the most part the edits are mostly left up to interpretation so you can all decide whatever ships you want really!! (or if you don't want any ships at all that's cool too <3) like i've said to me the botbau is a little collaborative barbie world that we can all make whatever we want out of. like i told someone the other day - if you wanna write a fic or make an edit or something for this and it doesn't exactly line up with what i might write or think ab the au... PLEASE go for it. it is out there, public domain now, do with it what you will. and i will love and eat it up no matter what!!
as for the vibes in MY head, i will throw them under the cut so this post doesn't get too long KFNLKNKFNF
spommy: i've covered this a little before here so if you want the full version check that out but BASICALLY spommy is kind of rivals-to-friends-to-lovers except tommy has an Extremely one-sided beef and spencer just thinks he's cool and wants to be buds. eventually spencer wins him over and then... uh oh! love! once again skimmin some details that, if i ever Write A Fic for it, will be spoilers. but that’s the idea you know
ianthony: taking this directly from my dms to lilac but basically. ianthony botbau my beloveds....... to relearn how to co-pilot something with someone that should come so second-hand to you but you're both different people now but your feelings carry through anyway for who they were and are and will be........ yeah theyre everything to me. in a way it's a mirror to life/what actually happened to them with smosh (art imitates life) but the divorce era was even MORE famous because they're like a household name so it was a lot more pressure. idk yet if they were together beforehand and then broke up and now they're getting BACK together or if they had unresolved feelings they never dealt with and now they're struggling to reconcile them with their renewed friendship AND reunited band/the fame that comes from that... but either way they are Messy. im obsessed.
kolivia: kolivia in this au fascinates me because in my head keith is kind of known for being a player and fucking around but i think he stopped that Ages ago because. these two are basically dating. like they don't put a label on it and it's not public and i don't even know if THEY know how in love they are. but they live together. they sleep together "just to blow off steam" (come on now). they don't date other people. everyone can see it but them type beat. olivia's like "he's not my boyfriend" and then picks up the phone and is like "hi baby do you want chinese for dinner" NDLFKNANKSFLN like they are exclusive and they have deep feelings for each other but they are both so deeply in denial that they swear they're not dating. they have realistically been in a relationship for like five years.
amangela: RIVALS TO LOVERS AGAINNNN i have talked about this one a Lot with baflegacy bc like. they are my roman empire. at least these two have met on multiple occasions and actually fought with each other - they keep meeting at gigs/in bars and bickering. angela "clearly abba is the best band ever" giarratana and amanda "WHAT about fleetwood mac you DUMB ASS" lehan-canto. like they meet a bunch and EVERY time they end up bickering. meanwhile angela keeps seeing thirst traps of amanda on tiktok and being like "why are all the lesbians obsessed with her she SUCKS" and chanse and arasha, who have heard this three million times, are like "yeah okay buddy whatever helps you sleep at night." meanwhile amanda is living her bliss <3 and then they realize they're both in battle of the bands and uh oh! things come to a head!
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
What r ur thoughts on daemon x rhaenyra relationship
Daemyra nation, rise up! For how much I shit on these two, you wouldn't realise I actually like them. I am not immune to Tik Tok edits with Unholy in the background. The chemistry between the actors draws you in, that's a given.
[I am not going to get into a heavy-handed disclaimer about this not being a healthy relationship, because that's just been dissected to death by now.]
I have to admit that Ryan Condal's declaration that Daemon was maybe in love with Viserys and wanted to be intricately connected to him explains so much about his character. But, at the same, it's so jarring to see how the majority of the audience insisted on perceiving him; the lady asking the question is a perfect example, she felt "betrayed" by the scene of Daemon choking Rhaenyra because she really wanted Daemon to have a heroic arc. But that's just not who he is a character and that's reflected both in his fucked-up relationship with Rhaenyra and in the way the audience insists on ascribing them a dynamic of wholesome domestic fluff that just isn't there.
I really find it very interesting how many genderbending questions this show indirectly poses about the characters. Would Rhaenyra have been much happier had she been born a boy and could have, therefore, married Alicent herself? Would Daemon have been happier born a girl and married to Viserys? It makes a lot of sense for someone so intent on cannibalizing Viserys to move on to the closest person with whom he could possibly recreate that, i.e. Viserys' own daughter.
In many ways, Rhaenyra truly is the wife Daemon always wanted - a perfect Targaryen princess with Targaryen parents & Valyrian looks, who could give him unmistakably Targaryen sons, place him in close proximity to the throne & forever connect him to Viserys. And, in many ways, Daemon is the husband Rhaenyra always wanted - a provocative, intoxicating bad boy that is such an arsehole to anyone BUT HER. He's a teenage fantasy. *cue Katy Perry's Teenage Dream playing in the background* I have no doubt that they're sexually attracted to each other. That they even get along fine on a day-by-day basis.
But I would like to challenge Daemyra citizens on the following points. Overall, I think Rhaenyra is a much better partner to Daemon than he is to her, because Daemon invariably seems to bail out on her whenever things get tough:
He abandons her in the brothel. I mean, kudos for deciding not to take her maidenhead after all, I suppose, but how in the world is she supposed to get back to the Red Keep? Does she even know the way? She could get both discovered and/or assaulted. Does Daemon think this a thrilling possibility somehow - of something happening to Rhaenyra, but him not being directly responsible? Or does he only think of himself in that moment and of his need to get away?
He abandons her at the wedding brawl. She was just challenging him to abscond with her to Dragonstone and marry her. Wouldn't a commotion like this be the perfect opportunity to slip away? Why ditch her immediately and not even try to protect her at least? Isn't she the reason he came back from his exile in the first place?
He abandons her during the eye-gouging trial. Rhaenyra could have been in big trouble here and Daemon doesn't lift a finger to help her in any way. Even though he is one of the few people who could have actually had some input, considering his girls were also hurt. He could have diffused the situation or even backed her up a little - anything. I would have been terribly pissed with him if he simply materialized by my side after I'd have been cut with a knife & he just stood there smirking by the door. Even Matt Smith added that Daemon would have been happy just to see them all implode. The only explanation I can think of is that it's in Daemon's interest as well for the Strong boys to be called bastards, since he gets closer in the line of succession if they're disinherited.
He abandons her during her difficult labour and miscarriage. I understand he may have been triggered and I'm even willing to consider the deleted scenes with him mourning on the beach as proof that he was genuinely saddened by all this, but come on. Rhaenyra is crying out for him and he ignores her. He can hear her through the castle walls; it's cruel. At some point, you've got to man up and go to your screaming (and possibly dying) wife. Even Jace & Luke go and see her & they're teenagers! Even Viserys has the decency to stay in the birthing room with Aemma.*
The choking scene has been debated to death already.
There is, nevertheless, more to this. I'm not going to deny that he respects Rhaenyra, as much as he can respect anyone anyway. He gives her back the egg. He begrudgingly follows her lead on the bridge when they're facing Otto in the final episode. He moves to stop Ser Criston when he rushes to aid knifed-up Alicent. He crowns her. He cuts Vaemond's head in half - but is this just because he insulted Rhaenyra or was he just itching for violence and saw an opportunity?
I do feel like Rhaenyra has some terrible blind spots in relation to Daemon. The appeal of their relationship is that it's exciting and enticing and taboo, but, ultimately, it will break down because both of them have this idealized image of the other that neither lives up to. Rhaenyra thinks of herself as the perpetual exception for Daemon and, while I don't believe Daemon would ever truly give her up, he does seem the most comfortable recreating a dynamic in which he is the senior, worldly partner that can impress a young, guileless girl and be somewhat of a mentor to her (young!Rhaenyra, Nettles, even Mysaria was in an inferior social role). I don't think he knows how to handle a relationship of equals. He seems to struggle a lot with the idea of Rhaenyra topping the hierarchy.
*So many parallels with Viserys, actually. He stays with Aemma, holds her hand and even tries to comfort her, but decides to kill her for the baby anyway. Whereas Daemon doesn't go to Laena, but refuses to allow the surgeons to perform a cesarean on her. I feel like he would refuse it for Rhaenyra as well, but, then again, he prefers to keep away and not offer her any support.
I also wonder if Viserys doesn't mirror Daemon in his choice of bride, too. Daemon wants Rhaenyra as a way to always keep close to Viserys, but what if Viserys chose Alicent because she was Otto's daughter, as well? As a way of keeping close to his dear friend whom he cherished and respected. Isn't Viserys' fondness for his Hand another reason why Daemon has a bone to pick with Otto?
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badsmellyboy · 2 years
songs that would play at a gryffindor party
Summary: head canons on what songs would play during a Gryffindor party- and I guess a Muggle born takes the aux?? LMFAO
Warnings: nods to underage drinking/partying
Super Freak- Rick James
Oh, this is the song that everyone goes CRAZY TO. Especially Fred and George. I imagine them duetting this at karaoke night or something, like, this is SO their song. 
Me And Your Mama- Childish Gambino
THIS is the song that sets the mood. Imagine: this blaring through the room as you walk into the Gryffindor common room packed with people, the lamps charmed red... you walk to the drinks table to chug a glass of something or other, wince at the strong taste before spotting your friends and the night begins. Perfect.
Gas Pedal- Sage The Gemini
OKAY THIS HAS STUCK WITH ME SINCE I SAW IT ON 2020 DRACOTOK. “Imagine this plays at the Yule Ball and you absolutely back it up on your favourite character,” AND YES. I imagine everyone hyping each other up and it just being a good time, good vibes. Sensual tension goes crazy.
Shoop- Salt-N-Pepa
This song I saw in a fanfic and its so perfect. Also its a 90s song so it fits in with the timeline as well!! I love imagining all the girls in a big circle hyping each other up and singing along together omfg. You, Angelina, Katie, Alicia, Hermione, Ginny, Padma- just the fine ass Gryffindor girls getting at ittt and the boys are just watching you all and you all just giggle and get down w ur girls
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You- Frank Valli
Lee would totally sing this and go all out. I head canon he’s a really good singer and he bodies this into the mic while everyone is dancing. The song starts out slow and romantic and then it breaks out and the crowd goes wild. I can imagine Luna and Ginny would be slow dancing and then the music picks up and Luna pulls out her classic Luna moves and makes Ginny laugh (Linny otp)! If you were dancing with Fred he would jokingly try to serenade you full well knowing that he can’t sing for shit. It’ll be charming and you’ll laugh tho Fred best boy !!!!
i’m yours- Isabel LaRose
Peak sexual tension edit audio. Bro i’d kill to be on the floor black out drunk dancing with the twins. Self explanatory. Go listen to it and just imagine. CLOSE YOUR EYES AND IMAGINE.
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katyisaslut333 · 11 months
Katy Perry - Electric
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Tom Rumary 🇺🇸 | Katy Perry Certifications in the United States by The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) + Eligible Certifications: - Songs: • Dark Horse - Diamond (14,000,000) • Roar - Diamond (13,000,000) • Firework - Diamond (12,000,000) • E.T.-9 X Platinum (9,000,000) • Hot N Cold-8X Platinum (8,000,000) • California Gurls-8X Platinum (8,000,000) • Teenage Dream-8X Platinum (8,000,000) • Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) — 8X Platino (8,000,000) • I Kissed A Girl-7 X Platinum (7,000,000) • The One That Got Away — 6X Platino (6,000,000) • Part Of Me-6 X Platinum (6,000,000) • Wide Awake-6 X Platinum (6,000,000) • Calm (Remix)-66 X Latin Platinum (3,960,000) • This Is How We Do — 3X Platino (3,000,000) • Unconditionally — 3X Platino (3,000,000) • Chained To The Rhythm" — 3X Platino (3,000,000) • Swish Swish — 3X Platino (3,000,000) • Feels-3 X Platinum (3,000,000) • Waking Up In Vegas — 2X Platino (2,000,000) • If We Ever Meet Again — 2X Platino (2,000,000) • Birthday-2 X Platinum (2,000,000) • Never Really Over — 2X Platino (2,000,000) • Thinking Of You — Platino (1,000,000) • Starstrukk - Platinum (1,000,000) • Rise - Platinum (1,000,000) • Bon Appétit - Platino (1,000,000) • Peacock - Platinum (1,000,000) • Ur So Gay — Oro (500,000) • Who You Love — Oro (500,000) • 365-Gold (500,000) • Cozy Little Christmas - Gold (500,000) • Small Talk — Oro (500,000) • Daisies - Gold (500,000) • Not Like The Movies — Oro (500,000) • Hummingbird Heartbeat - Gold (500,000) • Pearl - Gold (500,000) • Legendary Lovers - Gold (500,000) • Walking On Air — Oro (500,000) - Albums: • Teenage Dream-9 X Platinum (9,000,000) • Prism-6 X Platinum (6,000,000) • One of the Boys — 4X Platino (4,000,000) • Witness - Platinum (1,000,000) • Smile - Gold (500,000) - Katy has 162.4 MILLION of her certified sales, she is the fourth most certified female artist in all HISTORY in Luishito Ramos America. May be an image of 1 person and standing · Reply · 22 hShow less5Reply@pokemon2 years ago (edited)This sparks so much joy! WE LOVE IT. ️️️
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yumethefrostypanda · 1 year
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PARDON AS I INVADE UR INBOX CUZ ILYSM YUME, Everytime Ghost pops up on my dash from you, I instantly feel SOOO much better with life, and In general I just wanted to tell you that your work is always wonderful and a blessing' to my world awawa. I will eat the bad ppl who snatch ur work w/ no credit cause you deserve the world for doing this ♡ ME N SIMON SEND OUR LOVE TO YOU! Remember ur loved beb! ♡
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AAaa! You're too kind, too sweet! Thank you so much, Katie (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) And i see your reblogs and sweet tags, i ALWAYS read them <3 It really makes me happy you like my Ghost edits so much 🥺 Keeps me going! :D Looove your pfp btw *-* Please take care ✿🤗 (and give Simon a gentle pat on the head for me :3)
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hoohoobeanie · 10 months
my first anon message to katie tumblr user jovenshires was just spourtney / spencer brainrot so i eagerly await ur spourtney posting 🫡
i have sm spourtney brainrot bcos my bf and i have their exact dynamic !! i love a hot girl and their goofy lil guy they keep as a pet !!
i will be making spourtney content at some point FOR SURE but im super busy rn (i have a spourtney vid edit in the works and i have a fic idea brewing)
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nolanhollogay · 1 year
hello! just wanted to say - i have left the oc community for a long time bc for a while it felt like a very uncomfortable and unsafe space. the drama and personal attacks absolutely flooded my dash and i didnt find joy in creating anymore. literally some of the only parts of the community i enjoyed at the end were mutuals like you and mara!! when i saw your challenge i felt like there might be a small way to enjoy creating w some friends again. and i had a blast making gif sets and edits!! not to mention how creative and original every prompt was ugh i just loved it. it made me want to engage and create again. anyway just wanted to let you know how positively this whole challenge influenced me. love ya, keep being iconic, and fuck the haters fr 💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕 (btw saying no offense does not make you sound like any less of an asshole lmao) - katie aka @kendelias
THIS IS SO SWEET im kissing ur little face
im glad my silly little challenge could bring u some joy 🥺🥺🥺 and im sorry the oc community couldn't be what u needed, but I'm happy i could help bring u back in at least a little, especially bcuz ur one of my favorite creators
sending u allll the kissies
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bandomfandombeyond · 2 months
just watched Love Lies Bleeding, the newest A24 film, I have so many thoughts,,,,,
the movie's language is very well developed, and the editing is primo. sound design was also spectacular. A+ production overall.
In a more official review, David Rooney of The Hollywood Reporter called it, "a lesbian neo-noir drenched in brooding nightscapes, violent crime, and more hardcore KStew cool than has ever been packaged in such a potent concentrate."
genuinely, I'd say it's Thelma & Louise meets The Sopranos, a true film, not just a movie. a film we didn't know we had been waiting for.
spoilers ahead!!
if you decide you might want to watch it based on this review, I'd say avoid or be mindful if you get squicked and/or triggered by excellently wrought gay sex scenes, off screen and after match depictions of domestic violence, on screen domestic violence, mouth gore (no really, MOUTH. GORE.), vomit, guns and gun violence, or a homophobe punching a bisexual after she punched him for putting his hands on her. There are also a few depictions of altered states of consciousness and reality, one displayed as active hallucinations which narratively imply that anabolic steroids (essentially testosterone shots) create violent people who don't think about the consequences of their actions and black-out rage to kill others, while ALSO implying that hallucinations and delusions lead people to violence,,, ,,, ,,, And the other is just... subtle enough for most of the film until. surprise! giantess unbirth fetish bait at the end!
if that still sounds like it might be intriguing to you, keep reading :p
this movie has Kristen Stewart doing her sad twitchy sewer rat queer vibe to great effect, breakout star Katy M. O'Brian playing a bodybuilding nomad whose individual character arc is somehow giving gender and hate crime depending on the lens applied, butch 4 futch (argue w/ ur mama, Jackie is a bisexual futch) and butch 4 femme (although 4 is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this one-way dynamic) and (not so) incidental mob intrigue
and as far as aesthetics: it's set at the tail end of the 80s, so we have a delightful mesh of Kristen Stewart's oily 90s twinkdyke and Katy O'Brian's oiled-up 80s femme bodybuilder. howevrrr,,,
I'm not sure how to feel positively about the bait and switch of there being two clearly defined villains (the murderous mob boss father and the sister's abusive husband) having a diversion into the land of "this pillow princess femme who wants romance and a connection with the only other queer person in town is suddenly also a villain". I can see the potential transphobic underlying themes implied by depicting a masculinely gender non-conforming bisexual woman over-dosing "steroids" (testosterone) and turning her into a violent, delusional person who is even in narrative called a "monster" and told never to contact her family again (a very trans moment), especially when juxtaposed with the soft, effeminate, poor cis femme of dubious, unreliable-narrator-proclaimed straightness being an ongoing/foreshadowed minor antagonist in the storyline who manipulates the situation and main character to her advantage, and gets killed for it, but ultimately doesn't exist to do more than create tension between, and be a threat to, the main characters' relationship and the story's plot.
BUT! I do think it was thematically appropriate to finally make the relationship between Jack & Lou equal as a bow to tie the story together.
I enjoyed the film, I enjoyed the composition, I was more riveted to the screen than my ADHD ass usually managed when vegging out on the couch. it's everything I want from a movie where everyone involved ends up worse as a person after meeting each other
I'm just looking at it now with my AP English critical consumption skills and wondering if, maybe, queer communities in general, and the trans & lesbian communities specifically, are not currently enjoying the solidarity-filled political climate that would allow this movie to avoid potentially coming across as, well, a bit unknowingly biphobic and transphobic, even as a queer film, what with one of our main characters being depicted as loving her girlfriend "despite" her having had sex with men, and especially when the main pair get their "happy ending" at the cost of another queer person's life.
Maybe in 30-40 years.
VERDICT: polyamory (and solidarity over self-interest) could have saved this movie's 2nd half for focusing on the real villain: the cops and cop-lovers who were using their power to get away with disenfranchising people with escalating violence and abuse.
If you've also watched Love Lies Bleeding, or you know more about the context around the film, or you just like talking about meta analysis, please let me know what you think!
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rukbat3 · 4 months
Babylon 5 Rewatch - By Any Means Necessary
This is a post I originally wrote several years ago for Mark Oshiro’s Mark Watches blog. I don’t really plan to edit them before posting, so there may be some references that don’t make sense. If you see words that look like gibberish, they are actually rot13, which was our way of discussing spoilers. There are plugins you can install to decode the text (Cryptext is the one I use), or you can copy/paste to rot13.com, or just ignore it.
I love this episode so much! Just, everything about it is great. The glimpse into a side of B5 we don’t normally get to see, Londo and G’Kar sniping at each other, the showcase of how good a problem-solver Sinclair is, everything. There may be other episodes I would rank higher, but only because of the quality of the show in general. And I think it’s cool that this episode was written by JMS’s wife. [books] Fur nyfb jebgr zl snibevgr O5 abiry, Gb Qernz va gur Pvgl bs Fbeebjf. Fcrnxvat bs juvpu jr ernyyl arrq gb znxr fher Znex ernqf gung bar fbzrgvzr nsgre vg vf ab ybatre n fcbvyre!
Let’s start with the ‘B’ plot. You may have noticed in “Parliament of Dreams” that we don’t get any glimpse into Narn’s dominant belief system. I wonder if that’s because they knew they’d be dealing with the topic here, or whether Kathleen Drennan realized the omission and decided to do something with it.
In any case, this episode is a great showcase of the personal animosity between Londo and G’Kar, and their petty vindictiveness towards each other. Vg jvyy trg jbefr orsber vg trgf orggre. It’s also an interesting glimpse (once again) into a side of G’Kar we haven't seen before. We find out that he has a strong personal faith (despite what Londo seems to think). I like the scene where he asks Na’Toth what she believes. It doesn’t really contribute to the overall plot, but it’s a really nice character moment, and G’Kar gets to demonstrate a bit of a philosophical bent when he tells Na’Toth, “We all believe in something greater than ourselves.” [season 5] Vg’f na rneyl uvag bs T’Xne’f uvqqra qrcguf juvpu jvyy or ba shyy qvfcynl ol gur gvzr frnfba svir ebyyf nebhaq.
And now, on to the meat of the episode.
I just love Neeoma Connelly so much, guys. Even in such a short time, she feels like such a fully fleshed-out character. And Katy Boyer does an amazing job with her. She’s just the right combination of hard-nosed and conciliatory. Delvientos has a smaller role, but I still believe him as a character. You can tell he takes his responsibility for the dockers seriously and he’s good at his job, but his grief for his brother is making him lash out in ways he probably wouldn’t normally. But he’s in the right, and the audience knows it.
Orin Zento, on the other hand … wow, that guy is so smarmy. From the first second he’s on screen, he oozes smarm from every pore. [season 1] Ur’f nyzbfg nf onq nf Zbeqra. Be znlor ur’f jbefr orpnhfr ur’f yrff fhogyr nobhg vg. :) It’s actually the one thing about this episode that bugs me a bit. I don’t understand how this guy can be Earth’s top negotiator. He makes zero effort to listen to the dockers’ grievances or achieve any sort of compromise. He just tells them how it’s going to be and expects them to fall in line (all while being super smug about the whole thing). That’s not negotiating! Then again, maybe that’s what Earth likes about him, and everyone else has been intimidated enough to fall in line. Whoops, looks like I’ve just figured it out.
[mild expectations] Qvq nalbar ryfr abgvpr gur rkphfr Mragb tvirf sbe jul O5 arrqf gur zvyvgnel ohqtrg vapernfr, ohg abg gur znvagranapr ohqtrg vapernfr? Gurl’er fheebhaqrq ol “ubfgvyr nyvra tbireazragf.” Ur whfg fnlf vg yvxr n fgngrzrag bs snpg, yvxr vg’f pbzzba xabjyrqtr. Ohg jr’ir frra nofbyhgryl ab rivqrapr bs guvf. Vg’f n terng (/qvfgheovat) rknzcyr bs cbyvgvpny eurgbevp.
But Sinclair is the real superstar of this episode. Notice how he constantly plays the role of the conciliator. He treats the problem as valid, thinks about it, does some research, and comes up with a workable solution. He keeps trying to tell people about his solution, but they are too entrenched in their own biases to listen—until he is suddenly given the power, both to implement his solution and to make them listen.
And we see the exact same characteristics in his solution to the dispute between Londo and G’Kar: he analyses the problem, arrives at a clever solution which involves thinking outside the box, and brokers a compromise which satisfies both parties (although notice that he doesn’t tell G’Kar about the sunlight until after Londo leaves the room). [season 3] Naq gura T’Xne gryyf Fvapynve, “Lbh ner n sne zber fcvevghny zna guna V tnir lbh perqvg sbe.” YBY, lbh qba’g xabj gur unys bs vg!
Favorite scene: I have to go with the climax of the episode here. Sinclair defuses the situation by basically giving the dockers exactly what they wanted—and he’s been empowered to do that by the very mechanism that’s been held over their heads as a threat for the whole episode. This scene is great, not just because it’s a giant “take that” to Zento, whom we thoroughly despise by this point, but because we all (except for Zento) realize that we should have been listening to Sinclair all along. But mostly it’s the “take that.” *grin*
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p1x1e-sims · 3 years
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A few months after George’s death, a new decade rolled around. The twenties had arrived and changed everything around them. Paul decided to change too. 
  Katie had been back in Brindleton for nearly two years now. He forgot how much he had missed her. They spent their time walking up and down the coast where they had spent their youth, debating what to do, now that the war had ended and neither of them had employment. 
  Instead of finding a job in town, Paul decided to stay on the island he had always loved so much, working odd jobs like his father used to do. He had no great need for money, as Eva’s last will and testament had left everything to her husband. So he put her money to good use, fixing up and refurbishing the new house.
  Katie found that few people needed a governess in Brindleton. It wasn’t a surprise, as the town had always been a small farming community, but it didn’t diminish her need to make a living. But the old schoolhouse had been in need of a permanent teacher for quite some time, and Katie eventually agreed to become the town’s schoolteacher. 
  But she still had no real home. The boarding house she stayed at was a lovely one, but it was cramped, and Katie had grown tired of feeling like a vagabond. 
  Upon mention of this, Paul bristled, angry that he had not told her beforehand. 
  “You’ve never mentioned this! You should have told me.”
  “Oh, Paul, hush. This house is small, and it's yours now, anyway.” Katie waved her friend’s concerns away. “I imagine it's quite cramped with three children and a feline, now.” 
  “It’s cozy.”
  “Ha! Is that what you’re calling it now?”
  “It is! And if it bothers you that much to intrude on me, you could always marry me.” Paul smiled, ready to take her by surprise. 
  “I’m serious, Katie. Marry me, what’s stopping you?”
  In all truthfulness, Paul had been planning this for months. As spontaneous as it seemed, he had known from the second she had arrived back in Brindleton that he wanted to marry Katie. He was incredibly fond of his old friend, and the children needed a mother. As much as he loved Eva, the world was moving on, and he had to move on with it. 
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  So, he got down on one knee. But he could hardly get his first word out before Katie said yes. 
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cindersart · 5 years
hap birth @unidentifiedspoon this present is a monument to ur shame and my own hubris
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miss-louisa-may · 5 years
right so i've discovered that i've tagged things weirdly forever so i'm gonna use those tags and find out what the fuck i was on about
these are just the A tags
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your-neighbor-bear · 4 years
Hello there! List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last ten people that reblogged something from you, learn about your mutuals and followers!
Hi Katie!
Five more thing 3.0
Your edits!
Pope said gay rights
Biden win manifesting ✨
Knowing I'll never see supernatural ❤
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ivettel · 2 years
are you an ivettel life update because not now and don't remind me tomorrow
hiiii frendz [boos ensue][tomato splats] hold your vegetables until the end i'm contractually obliged to treat your dashes like a livejournal friends page and be annoying and overshare my life.
katy perry voice last friday saturday night: we (and by we i mean me) stayed up until 4 am rendering seb's bday edit and painstakingly caching frame by frame at the rate of an amr22, or 25 frames per hour/hour and a half ish. "how did you do this" i cried a lot and survived being functionally blind this morning for it. the real kicker was when i took my glasses off to shower and could suddenly see 20/20 again so. i now realize the sebmick gifs are coloured horribly. will redo them 😵‍💫 think we kissed but i forgot last friday night do it all again etc
part the second: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEB!!! obviously. ough i have some drafts to obnoxiously reblog and the tag to comb through for sebedits and if you don't care for him you can blacklist 'happy bday seb' <3
tbh i was already emo about this to people but truly this day is so special and he means everything to me and it's genuinely terrifying how completely and utterly devoted i am to supporting this man!! not in the putting-him-on-a-pedestal way but in the jesus-on-a-pogo-stick-he-is-so-devastatingly-human-it-makes-me-feel-emotions way. anyway yeah bursting at the seams with love and affection for him may or may not write a crazy unhinged love letter later. i say as if my blog isn't in itself a crazy unhinged love letter to him. ehehe!
bottom bun of this blank burger: i say this every week and truly i don't mean to be so horrible about socializing with others but i am not ignoring messages on purpose ! ! ! if u see this i will reply to u before the day is out i prommy and im sorry 😭
aaannnnd that's it! thanks for ur attention u may place me in the stocks once more as per. [mic squeals][boos resume]
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