#keigo x gn!reader
shisnhou · 2 years
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pairing. hawks x reader
genre. angst
cw. dabi manga spoilers! infidelity
wc. -
an. there might be mistakes.
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they all look at you with pity deep in their eyes. all of them do. no matter where you look, you‘ll feel their burning stares into your head as if you‘re being put at gun point.
could they just not look away? mind their own fucking business? they don‘t know what they‘re talking about. they‘re not you, nor are they in your relationship. they don‘t know what truly happened.
yet somehow, some feeling your stomach stirs. a voice in your head telling you to stop falling for false pretenses.
have you truly not learned your lesson? after the first warning you saw when they both walked into the party with their hands interlocked, and somehow the moment you went down to tie the laces of your shoe his feet were no longer within sight? or after that second major warning; when he packed days worth of clothes claiming he had a mission, only for you to find out there was no mission when you ask his trusty best friend?
oh, you‘re just hopeless. pitiful even.
there had been red flag after red flag with every passing second, yet you keep missing them. you must be blind to the colour red, because even after every single one of those red triangles with desperate exclamation points on them, screaming at your face, you still somehow manage to ignore them.
it‘s just sad how you still try, still force yourself to exert effort after effort even though you know he‘s not going to notice nor see. why do you try? still force yourself to suffer? since when have you become this desperate? is it because you still hold hope that this relationship can still be fixed? is it because you hope that even after all this he will realize what he‘s doing wrong? or is it because you can‘t accept the fact that he‘s doing so well without you? that even after everything you both endured together he suddenly throws you away, leaving you here to suffer.
either way. it seems to you, he can‘t seem to be held down. not by you.
you should have known from the start. you should’ve known from the very beginning, that keigo takami cannot be held down. he has wings for christ sake. his red wings that symbolize freedom and hope. he wasn’t meant to be tied down by the likes of you. not by someone who would just hold him by his feathers, someone who would grasp his wings, someone who would stop him from soaring the sky.
so you swallow all the pride you have left. swallow every last bit of self confidence you have and walk into his office as if you hadn‘t been warned by everyone out there. by every single hero that tried to hold you back, to stop you from entering the office that will only for sure show you the reason why the man you call your everything slowly become your nothing.
with a heavy heart and a shaky hand, you hold the golden wooden handle.
what are you waiting for? are you perhaps waiting for it to be all just a dream? that somehow, you‘d be shaken awake from this impossibly long nightmare and be awoken to his beautiful face? perhaps waiting for him to appear in-front of you, to beg for forgiveness and you‘d absolutely forgive him in a heartbeat because you still love him? or could it be because your heart has gotten so used to being with him that you‘re now awfully unsure to let him go?
"god," you shakily sigh, finally feeling the tears that are falling down your cheeks. "i can‘t do this." pitifully, you whisper. who are you kidding? you were never strong enough to do this to begin with. you were just fixed up with adrenaline. you‘re not ready. you can‘t. can‘t do this now. not ever.
however, you have to.
but then again, what if tomorrow promises a better day? what if tomorrow he finally admits to his wrongs and ask you for another chance? but you‘ve waited for every tomorrow, and after waiting, every tomorrow promises nothing but more misery.
"i don‘t know." you whisper, feeling goosebumps arise, as thoughts run around your head. uncertainty, insecurity, and self-pity fill you up. what possibly can you do or see if you ever walk in there and scream at him about his infidelity? would you see him beg, cry, laugh, smile, or even flee? you don‘t know, and a part of you is also saying it doesn‘t wish to know.
and as you stand there, waiting for an answer from your own mind, without your own knowing, the door opens before you, effectively causing you to stumble.
"oh god. i‘m sorr— oh.."
before you stands a woman. a beautiful one. her eyes glistening as if they hold the galaxy in them. hair silky and smooth, reminding you of a still river in the wild. her face is so symmetrical that it seems to make any plastic surgeon in this world envious.
"lia? what‘s wrong?" lia. what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. no wonder she also holds the heart of the man you love. no wonder she would be able to sweep him away. no wonder she makes you accept the fact that you would be no match against her, that you would never be enough for him.
"kei were you expecting anyone?"
oh. she doesn’t know.
this poor beautiful girl doesn‘t even know what mess she has stepped in. in your head, you wonder how long it will take her face to turn sour and ugly when she realizes what the man she loves is doing. or maybe, she does know and simply is playing dumb. either way, her reaction will hurt you in some way shape or form.
"no, love, i wasn‘t." his voice is so unsuspecting, it hurts. there‘s not even one thought in that head of his, had it had, maybe he would’ve asked a question instead of being so sure. his actions further prove the fact that he no longer loves you. he‘s merely keeping you for the familiarity.
familiarity. not even love.
"oh," she turns to you, looking at you up and down with her eyes before smiling sweetly. "are you perhaps lost? maybe i can help you find where you‘re supposed to be." her voice is sweet and nice like honey. you‘re hurt. hurt by her, by him, and most importantly by this searing burn in your heart. she‘s so perfect. so fucking perfect.
amidst the hurricane of thoughts in your head, there’s one thing you can figure out. she‘s everything you‘re not.
"no— i… i‘m fine." you try to keep your voice, afraid that he might hear you. you force a smile on your lips, nodding away and swallowing. "i— i‘m just—"
the gods must hate you for sure.
if your cheating boyfriend, meeting his new girl, and seeing them interact wasn‘t enough, he decides to add someone into the brew.
your eyes widen, immediately turning and seeing the eyes of keigo‘s childhood friend, touya. his blue eyes are widening like saucers, hand extending quickly as he possibly can.
however, you hear another sound coming from inside the room.
a million thoughts run inside your head, and you hope that the speed of your running thoughts is as fast as keigo runs to you.
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content belongs to @shisnhou on tumblr! do not repost, copy, use, or modify!
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emmyrosee · 7 months
In the morning, Keigo stretches his body; and it’s ethereal.
The way the Sun peers in through the sheer curtains keeps you in a slight between sleep and cognitive function, eyes hazy and bleary as he slowly gets up from his side of the bed, grunting softly.
It’s warm, it’s so quiet. You blink a few times to watch him go about his morning, and it starts with his wings quickly splaying out, the full spanse of them taking up an underestimated amount of space in the room. They glimmer in the peering sunlight, and you smile softly as they slowly curl back towards him.
His fingers cross over each other before they pull his arms taught above his head, shifting them to the right, then the left, which pops louder than the other side due to more than a few injuries to his left side. His muscles shadow and dance in the light soaking in through the window. He whines softly as he then bends at the waist, wings fluffing back out as he stretches his knees, as if moving out of the way.
Clearly, he must notice you, as one of his pristine feathers immediately darts from the pack and over to you, and before you can reel your foot back in, the plumes swipe over it, making you giggle sleepily and yank it under the covers.
“You liking the show, creep?” he teases, chucking, the feather now shifting to gently nuzzle your cheek, as he does so often.
You nod, “you’re just so pretty, Keigo.”
“Im aware.”
“No, like, really pretty,” you assure, and he sighs before turning around to face you. His hair is stuck up in random places, his eyes sleepy and still heavy from the act of waking up. There’s lines from blankets that imprint his skin, and his feathers fluff out slightly to buff out the flattened areas.
He bends at the waist to be face to face with you, leaning slightly to plant a small kiss to your nose, and you mewl happily at the feeling.
He takes an inhale through his nose, “I’m not half as pretty as you are, babe.” He gently cups your cheek with a warm hand, “trust me. I watch you almost as much as you watch me.”
“Bull,” you tease. “I’m always watching you. You never even look at me.”
He frowns at you dramatically, and before you can assure him you’re teasing, more feathers dart from behind him to yank the blankets off of you, the chill of morning dew making you whine in agony. “Keigo!”
“You’re pretty when you’re mad, too, doll.”
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star-spirit-mayhem · 2 months
Keigo who can't sleep without you cock warming him or he becomes a big baby, needs to feel your gooey insides keep him safe all night long or he wakes up whiny and close to tears. You sneak off one night to get a drink or use the bathroom and came back to him crying while squeezing himself in his hands, dazed and confused on where the warmth went and you had to ease him back into you, warm and still lose from not minutes earlier.
"Don't leave, don't leave again please, s' too cold without you. Need it- need you Dove, please." He doesn't fall asleep again for hours just trying to keep you in place, dozy distressed chirps soothed by you running you hand through his hair as he clings to you like you were the only thing keeping him tethered to earth.
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demovamp · 19 days
saw this one vid and it just reminded me of hawks.
him laying down naked and having a small bullet vibe attached to his cock. turning up the vibrations and watching him squirm and kick on the bed. he's digging his heels into the mattress and hitting the bed... he feels so, so good, but it's so overwhelming. he's crying, begging for you to let him cum. he's not even talking. just pathetic whines that vaguely sound like words.
you stop the toy, and he whines, thinking you ruined his orgasm. knowing how sensitive he is - especially on his dick - you brush a finger over the length of his dick, and he lets out the loudest moan you've ever heard. he completely coats his chest in his cum, going limp on the bed.
you remove the toy and set it aside, listening to your boyfriend's tiny gasps and "thank yous".
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frickingnerd · 1 month
dating hawks / keigo takami
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pairing: keigo takami / hawks x gn!reader
tags: established relationship, wholesome fluff
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hawks has lots of dating experience and it's kind of intimidating to know how much. he has been asked on countless dates already!
you might not want to introduce hawks to your friends, knowing the effect he has on women. they are likely already crushing on him and meeting the flirty bird would just make things worse…
hawks fell in love with you quickly, but didn't admit to himself right away how serious he was about his feelings for you
he’s really direct and can express his feelings well, if he chooses to do so. but teasing and joking around is just so much more fun to him~
he also doesn't blush too easily, but if you manage to catch him off guard, you might get to see your boyfriend get all red and flustered!
hawks is really protective and stupidly reckless. he would get himself killed for you, so you have to try to keep him out of trouble
and hawks is pretty jealous too! he knows what it's like to have a lot of admirers and he doesn't like his partner having those too. he's scared you would be too nice and couldn't reject your admirer, so hawks always sticks around you and tells anyone getting too close to you to back off!
hawks is really clingy, but only if nobody else is around. sure, if others are there he'll still keep an arm around you, but if they are alone he will shower you with kisses!
he also loves getting really sweet present for you or just surprise you with a date! those often include flying across the city to your date destination
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agendercrisisx · 3 months
Hawks has always been a flirty guy, but in reality he never had time for relationships. So he don't know anything about it. He has never been with someone. He has never been on a date. He has never kissed someone. He always told himself he didn't have time. And even if he had, the person would get hurt. And it wouldn't be worth it.
Until you. He can't go a minute without thinking about you. He can't go an hour with out seeing you. He can't go a day without touching you. He is breaking every promise and rule he ever made for himself. Because you are so much more than worth it. You are his everything. And no matter what happens he'll protect you.
His plan is to spend the rest of his life with you. And his recklessness, that normally put him in dangerous situations, is totally gone. He wanna survive. He wanna live a long life. For you. No. With you. He can't imagine a life without you. And he'll make his life as long as possible, to make sure he doesn't miss a moment with you.
And as the responsible, awesome boyfriend he is, he is starting to come home early. Just to make sure you get everything you need before bed. Food. Water. Sleep. And of course cock.
They are all a need, and he makes sure you get everything. Or almost everything. The sleep slips sometimes, because he just can't get enough of you. And fucking you all night, making you cum on his cock so many times you can't keep count. Making you a screaming moaning mess, is his favourite activity.
But it doesn't matter if you don't get sleep, he makes enough money for both of you. So you can just sleep all day, and be ready for another good fuck when he gets home.
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nightfall-kachiniko · 4 months
Dear God, keigos cologne.
If you think cologne isn’t the sexiest part of a man, you’re wrong.
When they’re wearing that expensive fancy scent it makes you go nuts.
The moments when he pulls you into a loving hug, his Amber musk scent never fails to make your knees weak.
When you put on one of his hoodies and it smells like him, it serves as a constant reminder that your his and his only.
When you lay in his bed, his bedsheets smell just like him, wishing he could come home faster.
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hollowtakami · 2 months
so I read your keigo fics and I really loved them! What do you think about Keigo waking up from a nightmare and he can't find you, so he starts to panic, and when you come back from the toilet (or wherever you were), he immediately latches onto you panicking and crying
Man he is so sweet
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hi anon! ^_^ tysm for your ask, it rlly made me smile hehe. here’s a small drabble as thanks:)
(apologies if its rusty, the only thing i have written as of late is uni essays-)
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keigo gasped for air as though he’d been reborn, feathers pricked out like needles.
he clutched at his shirt like a vice, daring to tear through his skin and stress grip his dying heart. he panted, delirious amidst his fear.
the suns of his eyes bounced across every corner of the room, his free hand scratching away the duvet in search of you. nothing, not even his feathers could sense you, clouded by fright.
what the avian didn’t know was that you hadn’t left him like his father, you’d only gotten to get a glass of water after the drought in your throat had woken you up, not nearly as violently as the way your boyfriend’s body treated him.
what you didn’t know was that your boyfriend was unfurling faster than the might of his wings ever could.
pattering through the hallway of your apartment with a glass and a plenished throat, you gently broke your way into your shared bedroom with a tired hand.
your eyes retreated behind their lids at the light you swore you hadn’t put on, lest you disturb keigo in his sleep.
no, an instinctual feather did so.
you stop, feet planting into the carpet as your brain tries to process the scene in front of you, whirring through its fatigue.
there was keigo, plumage fluffed up in fear, eyes wild and pinned on you, your bedsheets in tatters.
“kei?” words clawed up your throat as you slowly made your way to the bedside table and placed the glass. keigo grabbed your wrist the moment you’d set it down, you managed to get a better look at him.
sunny bedhead and a dark sky lining his eyes, his chest heaved along with the heavy burdens that laced his blood, what was his own that didn’t stain his hands.
no matter how much he scrubbed his skin, keigo would never be clean. it had trickled into his brain, and he couldn’t even escape it in his sleep.
“stay,“ he silently barked, his words scratchy.
keigo’s stress grip on your wrist wouldn’t let up, the avian latched onto you for dear life.
your face fell, eyebrows furrowed as you saw his glassy eyes, glossed over with fear.
“bad dream, baby?” you whispered, slowly raising your wrist to run a hand through keigo’s hair, massaging his scalp with gentle nails.
keigo only choked on a sob, his vulnerabilities racing down his cheeks to their end. if only this would end, he begged to a god he wasn’t sure existed.
you brought your wrist down, eyes trained on the dots of his.
“‘m not going anywhere, baby boy,” you soothed, gentle reassurance hanging in the air until keigo was ready to pluck it down and hold it close to him.
he tried to not, more words contesting in his throat.
keigo looked down at himself, feathers shaking more than his tired body.
“bad..” he gestured to himself.
“you aren’t him, birdie,” your words were soft, sun against his skin. his heart swelled amidst the silent rage of his head.
soon, you felt keigo’s grip starting to soften too.
you grabbed the glass of water with a free hand, using the other to usher strands of gold out of his eyes, tucking them behind his ear as you helped him sip some water.
kissing his forehead, you cooed, “that’s my boy,”
keigo chirped, too frightened to speak. he would only chirp or coo when this regressed into his fear, not that you minded. you knew that his bird qualities were something he was forced to bury, much like other innocents.
but, there wasn’t any blood on keigo’s hands.
the only thing in his hands was the silk of your skin, fingers intertwined as you spoke to him with the song of your voice, an angel he would tell himself he didn’t deserve.
your wings were pure, his stained red. he was born like this, conceived by a monster of a man. so, that must mean that he was born the same.
it took an angel like you to help him realise he had never fallen, it was someone else who had clipped his wings.
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hadakzu · 25 days
Thinking of Hawks having two pairs of his hero uniform. One in case the old one got damaged in fights or when needing to wash the other one.
Thinking how you'd steal it when he was gone at patrol outside, wearing it felt so comfortable, like a safe hug when he wasn't around. Warming your body as you would lay it over yourself like a soft blanket. The fluff of it reminding how you'd feel it against your cheek, when hugging him before leaving to work or after he got home.
It still smelled like him, probably one of the biggest reason why you always found yourself at his wardrobe whenever you missed him, or needed to ground yourself. You couldn't help yourself.
It's not like he would mind, he found it actually adorable. He will never forget the swell in his chest, when he saw you sleeping on the couch waiting for him, wearing his pants, and his jacket hiding the rest of your upper body. His clothes, his jacket. Honestly in that moment Keigo swears he fell for you even harder, you were so cute. He suddenly felt a bit possessive over you, not in a obsessive or a bad way. But for the first time he felt like he owed something in his life, seeing you in his clothes. Seeing you find comfort specifically from him, it did something to his brain. (He knew he didn't actually owe you, but it felt a bit like that.) He swore to not let go of you, he didn't understand how he got to be so lucky to have you in his life. He only knew he'd do his everything to not let that go, to not let the two of you go. No one had ever made him feel this content, make him feel this warm feeling in his chest, spreading to all over his body every moment spend with you.
After that he would change between using his different jackets more often. So you could smell more of his significant fragrance whenever he wasn't around, he thought of you wearing it when he was out on patrol. Always slightly cursing to himself if the jacket got damaged, knowing it would need to be fixed or replaced meaning you couldn't hold on to it for a while.
In those moments he made sure to leave some of his others clothes more visible for you to grab. One of his shirt or the comfortable hoodies he had, the ones you loved the most.
Sometimes he'd softly laugh, seeing you steal and replace the jacket to the one he had wore earlier that day, it just smelled more like him. He didn't say anything about it. Or well.. He might have teased you a little bit about it every now and then. Complimenting how good it looked on you, how you looked just so fucking cute, he wanted to bite your neck, he was sure his heart was about to burst someday. Kissing you more passionately and all over your face, seeing you in his jacket really did something to him he coulnd't explain. Making him want to hold you more close to his heart, head over your hair feeling bit protective of you, wanting to make sure you'd stay happy and safe. He would do anything to make sure you were happy, to know how much he loved you, how much you meant for him.
He usually didn't want to bring all of his work back to home, or be reminded of his hero self when being alone with you. He just wanted to be Keigo, to be himself with you. To be yours. Maybe that's why he didn't mind, seeing you wear his jacket like it was your own, how you felt so close to him, meaning you wanted to be surrounded by him, you wanted him in his life.
Suddenly his uniform didn't feel just 'Hawks', it felt more like home to himself too, like it also belonged to Keigo. Reminding him how he was able to make you feel safe, not because he was a hero, but because he was him. You found a home in him, you loved all of him, not just what the jacket used to represents to himself. A pro hero meant to always stay strong, saving others and sacrificing himself for the greater good.
You managed to make him feel more human, just a normal guy, someone also deserving of love and affection without the twist of him just being used.
His jacket didn't represent that to you, not in a way it had for him for years at least. Sure you found safety in it, and felt comfort from it, but it was about so much more. It wasn't just about 'Hawks being there to save you' it was just the reminder of him itself, how you'd often bury your face in the fabric while hugging him tight. Sometimes carefully helping him to get it off, or helping him to put it on, pulling up the zipper at the back. The ones helping him to put it on with his wings, he could do it himself, but you looked so happy to be at help, kissing him afterwards to tell him to stay safe and have a good day. Telling you were here waiting for him when he'd get back. Finally he'd have someone to answer in return, when he'd call from the door that he was back at home at the end of every day. At actually home.
The jacket held so many precious memories, something you'd think to yourself when he was gone. It was a reminder of him. And the thought of him wearing the same jacket out there was kinda sweet and funny to you. Wondering what he was thinking at the moment. Was he safe? Did he remember to eat? Did he know you were wearing his other jacket too? Matching him like the feathered necklace he had given you.
You loved his jacket a lot, almost as much as you loved him, but still, nothing was as good as the real thing.
Keigo didn't mind, he'd sacrifice his jacket for you any day or night, if only he knew it was making you feel safe and cared, when he was away at work. It actually eased his mind, feeling a bit like you had something looking after you when he wasn't around.
You were so fucking cute.
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keigos-wings · 1 year
the idea of subby keigo rutting against your thigh as you play with his wings has me in SHAMBLES
listening to him whimper and whine and beg for you to fuck him as tears roll down his pretty little face bcs he’s so frustrated,, he’s such a good boy, why won’t you fuck him already :,(
“fuck- please- i need you so bad- ‘m a good boy i promise, please just fuck me-”
and how could you say no to your little birdie when he begs so pretty?
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bea-does-stuff · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬 (𝐦𝐡𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 305
𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴: 𝘋𝘢𝘣𝘪, 𝘩𝘢𝘸𝘬𝘴
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₊˚✩彡 𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐈
He’s not gonna outright ask you, that's not his style, or more specifically, he’s too embarrassed to. Dabi’s scars sometimes hurt, he’ll just wake up and feel pain all over his body, this usually happens when he’s burning, so snuggling up to you was perfect to him, since you were like a block of ice compared to him.
Usually you're able to tell when he wants attention or love, but if you don’t realise, he’ll try to give you hints that he wants affection, typically by saying things like “Baby, y’know i’m not around often, might as well do something” or “Are you just gonna ignore me?” 
One day however, he worked up the courage to try and y“Hey, um, I was wondering if you wanted to…” he paused, all your focus was on him, which only embarrassed him more.
After a few seconds of silence, he simply picked you up with no warning, the sight of shock on your face making him chuckle, he plopped you on the couch as and then wrapped his arm around you waist as he pulled you in and laid his head on your shoulder 
“Y’know dabi, you could’ve just asked me for cuddles” you laughed “Shut up.”
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₊˚✩彡 𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊𝐒
This man is an attention whore, let’s face it. Whenever he gets home from work, all he wants to do is cuddle you until you both fall asleep, and he isn’t shy to admit it
If for some reason you reject his offer to cuddle, he will take it VERY personally, he’ll cup your cheeks and say “do you not love me anymore?” while pouting like a kicked puppy
If you still won’t budge, it will actually start to hurt him, did he do something wrong? Eventually he’ll get your attention one way or another, so prepare yourself..
He’ll poke you with his feathers, nuzzle you with his nose, just ANYTHING that will annoy
When you finally agree he  immediately pounces on you and gently wraps his arms and wings around you 
“about time.. Y’know i need my cuddles” 
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star-spirit-mayhem · 1 year
Keigo using his feathers to play with you while you're seated snugly in his lap, Your thighs straddling his hips as they shake and twitch from pleasure. You're not allowed to move as he strokes the little downy feather against the most sensitive part of you.
"Look at you songbird, falling apart all over a measly little feather. Its not even one of my strong ones. Poor thing, you can take it though I believe in you, my pretty little dove." The mockingly sympathetic tone he used as he brushed your hair back and made you look him in the eyes was almost too much, making you cry out as you came, covering his precious little feather in your juices.
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nakunakunomi · 26 days
*leaps back in* Ooooh, heyas <3 second request time go go.
Hawks for 9 or 3 as you please or don't please ^_^
I hope you're enjoying your event so far =D
Hiya Quin! I am enjoying this event a lot!! more than any of my other recent events, it's really been pulling me out of a writer's block! :D Hope you enjoy a little chicken story <3
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☁️ Pillow talk event - Masterlist ☁️ Prompt: “well... it was nice getting to know you" Character: Keigo Takami / Hawks (BNHA) x GN reader (no pronouns or genitals mentioned)
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ Suggestive content | Minors DNI | One night stand but more is implied, fluff, humor ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
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You knew Hawks was attractive. There was a reason the top hero was all over the billboards, and it was not just because he was so strong and so fast. He was effortlessly hot, with his messy hair and lazy grins, the way he seemed to connect with everyone so effortlessly -at least on a surface level-. 
Attractive people got people to let their guards down, and that’s exactly what happened here. You were to work together with him for a mission. Not in any big capacity, more of an assisting role. Still, you had spent most of the briefing staring at him more than you had paid attention, a move you would certainly regret later. 
He had noticed your undivided attention was on him, and had made use of that to strike up a conversation. Polite introductions turned to cheeky teasing remarks, turned to plain out flirting. And you fell for it. Of course, how could you not? 
You had not expected it to end up in a hotel room not too far from the briefing location. You were sitting back against the headboard, his head in your -still naked- lap, you were absentmindedly playing with his hair. It was less awkward than you had anticipated a random sexual encounter to be, but there was nothing said between you two after the conversation turned physical, besides some questions in the moment and moans of each other’s names. 
You were just about to say something as his phone rang, and he got up with a groan. You watched as he picked up the phone, expression souring immediately as the voice on the other hand started rambling. Hawks only could give some affirmative grunts, and ended the conversation with a “yes. I will see you there”. 
He bent down to pick up some of his clothes and started getting dressed. You weren’t sure why you were feeling so disappointed, there had been no agreements or expectations of anything more than what your encounter had been. 
“Well… It was really nice getting to know you.” 
You smiled, teeth clenched together, and responded. 
“It was nice getting to know you too.” You nodded, and got off the bed as well, figuring out you might as well get ready to leave too. 
He was faster than you were though, and was the first out the door. He hesitated while in the doorway, and turned around to address you, just as you were pulling your shirt back over your head. 
“No need to rush. Room is paid for till tomorrow morning. And ehm- maybe after our mission is done, we can get to know each other better?” 
He didn’t leave you time to respond, just winked at you and left. You nodded to what was now a closed door.
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frickingnerd · 22 days
hawks comforting you after a break up
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pairing: keigo takami / hawks x gn!reader
tags: unrequited crush, break up, hurt/comfort
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hawks heart sunk when you showed up in front of his door, crying your eyes out
he thought that something horrible must've happened, but when he learned that your boyfriend broke up with you, he managed to relax a little
that guy had been a thorn in his eyes for months now, always treating you like garbage, so he was glad that things were finally over between the two of you
but seeing hawks this sad about it still bothered keigo and he quickly pulled you into his arms, while you told him about everything that happened
"t-thank you… for listening to me…" you sniffled after you had told hawks the whole story "you're so nice to me, even after i wasted your entire evening by crying about my ex…"
hawks quickly shook his head and gently lifted your chin to make you look at him
"it's normal to be this nice. i think you've just been dating too many assholes and forgot how a relationship is supposed to be"
hawks smiled at you, but his smile faded away quickly as your replied
"but we're not dating…"
you sounded more confused than anything. why would he be so nice if he wasn't your boyfriend?
though for hawks, it was a painful reminder. he wasn't dating you. he never had been. you always were with someone else, when he'd rather be the man by your side instead
"r-right… we're not dating…" he mumbled quietly and sighed
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vrisrezis · 1 year
Could you give some headcanons about BNHA characters helping their transmasc boyfriend with his testosterone shots because he has a fear of needles? You can pick the characters 🤗
Bakugou just is kinda like “MAN UP” and sticks the needle in . LOL. He loves you tho ❤️
Izuku on the other hand is actually nice about it, he also hates needles lol. Tells you not to look and puts on a show to distract you, problem is he takes his sweet time LMAO
Hawks is understanding of your fear cuz he also hates them. Is kinda like “I knowww:( I’m sorry but you hafta” and reminds you of the benefits of taking your shot before doing it .
Dabi just doesn’t get it. Stabs you with that needle before you even have a chance to be worried about shit lol
Shigaraki finds you to be a pain in the ass but does it before he is a trans ally and loves you <3 “if you don’t stop squirming I will turn you into dust . STOP”
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yutxsgf · 8 months
Some Hawks fluff because he's such a dork.
Hawks catches Reader sobbing over some low-level punk partner.
Cw; fluff, Hawks x Reader, light hurt & comfort, GN!Reader
Every flash of that vivid fight is what keeps your tears fresh and flowing, slipping down your slightly chubby cheeks as you curl up deeper into the couch you've practically grown into.
It's been about 3 days since you've last seen the sunlight, depression hitting you like a bus after being dumped by someone who you thought was the love of your life. Yikes, never making that mistake again, huh?
The bags under your eyes more vibrant and visible than ever, the small cartons and plates of fast food places from whenever you would starve yourself to the point you were so hungry you were tempted to eat yourself.
To put it simply, everything went to shit for you. And you honestly couldn't care about anything right now, even the soft glow of your phone and the constant buzzing of notifications vibrating your coffee table.
All you wanted to do was mope, cry, mope some more, cry some more, sob, eat if really necessary, cr—
You flinched at the sound of a familiar voice, one you didn't expect to hear at all at a time like this. You slowly pulled the blanket just below your eyes to make sure it was the person you were thinking of.
And sure enough, red apple colored wings along with a small flurry of feathers immediately captured your attention from across the living room.
His head immediately snaps towards you before he came rushing to your slump figure on the couch.
"Y/n, are you okay? What happened? Why aren't you answering any of my texts?" The hero panicked, placing a hand just on your jawline, gently leading you up to look at him.
"Slow down." You mumble, yawning before slowly and reluctantly getting up from your dent in the sofa.
"Sorry, okay.. What's going on baby bird..?"
"You know I know what you mean when you say that, c'mon now, I know you better than that songbird."
You grumble quietly before sighing and finally looking into his golden-brown eyes.
"They dumped me."
"They dumped me."
He froze, simply zoning out before a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes took over his concerned expression.
He quickly shook his head before the frown reappeared. He hesitated for a moment before clearing his throat and sitting beside you to your left on the sofa with a small grunt.
"I know it hurts, but if I'm being honest about this, as a hero, and as your friend, you seriously shouldn't be doing this to yourself." He lightly scolded before fluttering his wings and wrapping one around your side.
You huffed, yanking your blanket from underneath him. "Not as easy as you think, playboy."
"Hey, I've quit my ways a long time ago." He quipped back, sending a feather to grab your blanket and pin it against the wall nearby.
You gaped before glaring up at him and reluctantly getting up to chase after your blanket.
"Ah, where do you think you're going?" He hummed before pinning your shirt to the sofa with another carmine feather.
You pointed to the blanket, and he chuckled before using his wing to pull you closer, unwinding your shirt in the process. "Listen, how about instead of you moping here, we go out for a little fly and get some fresh fried chicken."
"Do we have to?"
He silently cheered, pumping his fist down in front of him with a grin. When you gave him a look he cleared his throat and sat up straighter.
"Alright, I'll be a second, I need to do something real quick. Go on and get dressed, baby bird. I'll come get you in 15."
You couldn't help the smile on your face before you nodded and hopped up off the couch for the first time in 7 hours.
A giggle erupted from your lips when Hawks sent a feather to tickle you as a soft see you later. One last playful glare at him and you're off.
And that's when his expression darkened.
"Now, where does that bastard live."
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