#keith has thoughts
keithhalfa · 4 months
Idk if ive ever written about this before outside of my little theory servers (plz excuse me if my thoughts r a tad scattered) but i dont think Vast is avian naturally.
The delay of her sisters eyes changing (i feel this is a side effect of making someone an avian), alongside the sigils on their back's very interesting phrasing 'fly for those that fell' (why would an avian need something that says to fly? My first thought was something linking them to the crystals but 'fly for those that fell' feels too specific) makes me feel its definitely not a natural avian situation.
The zygote crystal being something relating to Avicane having children makes me feel its another part of this process, perhaps a way to choose which species theyd want their children to be, as we havent seen its interactions with natural birds, only the capacitor crystal.
The Avicane being descendants from the sorcerers is another part, because the exposition before the start of the first lore, the sorcerers turning people to avians, it doesnt sound to me like they turned themselves, maybe the nature of the magic used required they use another less heriditary method.
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axeleton · 6 days
FINE I'll draw women
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year
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(to know more about the story and the calendar on pre-order check out previous posts!)
February is actually a continuation of January, because Lance isn't stupid - he planned it out. If Keith gets sleepy in the cold, they need to take a longer vacation so they can both - explore what he planned for and laze around in the meantime. And Lance always wanted to try ice skating in the wild. Before he got into dancing, he had many other hobbies he never stuck to, and these included ice skating (and BJJ, knitting, guitar playing, sculpting…), but Keith has been on ice once or twice as a kid and he can skate around, but it would be his first contact with any tricks. Keith's favorite pass time on the rink would be trying to pull Lance down without falling himself (he’d be very unsuccessful and he’d like it).
Also, he took Lance's sweater from January.
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justaz · 2 years
keith has blind faith and complete trust in lance. he could be completely zoned out, not even listening, just not aware of his surroundings at all but the second lance stands up and is pissed off, keith is right on his heels ready to beat a bitches ass.
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klanced · 1 year
I still have no idea how Veracxa actually played out in the show but I’m enamored by the idea that the team spends years fighting like the bitchiest most tenacious most androgynous lesbian ever. And then she becomes Lance’s sister-in-law.
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Lance knows the tradition. And as much as he often rolls his eyes about doing things just because “that’s how it’s always been done”, there are some things about it he really loves. Someone on their knees, in front of friends and family in some beautiful location, asking you to give them the honour of marrying you?
Absolutely fuckin’ dreamy. Lance would love that shit. He would be unashamedly riding that attention high for years. He used to daydream about it, to; talking to his siblings when they were up late, painting their nails and talking shit about whomever for fun. He knows he’s definitely explained ad nauseam his preference for a pretty diamond ring placed on his finger to the backdrop of the sun setting on the waves.
But, as it always does, life does not go according to plan.
His faceless daydreams were only fantasies. There’s nothing wrong with them — fantasies are fun, and can even be a basis for reality — they just didn’t match up with where he ended up! At no point in his life could he ever have expected to fall so deeply in love with the man he’d sworn so vehemently to hate. At no point could he ever have predicted being swept up into a war beyond his greatest comprehension with that man at his side, or to lead a war with that man. He could never have predicted the softness that would bloom between them, the gentle moments that would be just as frequent as the intense competitions.
Honestly, he never could have predicted Keith. Who could have? Keith is… he’s just so much. Of everything. There’s not a single thing he does that he doesn’t do with his whole heart and soul. He cares so deeply and intensely; his love is so all-encompassing… sometimes Lance lies in bed and is rendered breathless by the force of it; of him. He can scarcely believe that he is so lucky, that the universe aligned so carefully, that he has the chance to love Keith and be loved by Keith, in every day and in every way.
It’s a lot. It’s everything, really.
And so that’s why it has to be perfect. Away with the small crowd of friends and family, with the public space and pomp and circumstance — as much as Keith loves their family, and loves indulging Lance (seriously. What Keith wouldn’t do to make Lance happy… it makes Lance giddy just to remember it. He is so, so fucking lucky. He scored), Lance knows he values his privacy. Hell, it took nearly an entire year for anyone else to know that they were dating. Not because Keith was ashamed of him, or because either of them were afraid, but because Keith kind of likes to keep things to himself. He likes it when it’s just him and Lance, when they have inside jokes and secrets and moments that are just theirs.
Lance likes it too, frankly. Plus, there was nothing funnier than the pure outrage on all of their friends’ faces when they realised they’d been blind to Keith and Lance for eleven whole months. Truly a moment Lance has cherished.
All this to say that Lance has been preparing to finally ask Keith to be his husband. He’s told no one — not even Hunk — but several weeks ago he measured Keith’s ring size as he slept, and worked carefully with a jeweller to design something he knew Keith would love. That was the easy part. The harder part has been carving out the right time in both of their schedules; a time when they can give each other their full attention for long enough that Lance can do the asking and then have some time after for… ahem, celebrating.
(Lance has been looking forward to that part especially.)
But finally all the stars aligned — the two of them had a week off after spending three months on a Balmera with restoration efforts — and Lance can put his plan into motion.
The first thing he does is send Keith on some random errands. That buys him a few hours to set up the alcove by their front door — a collage of pictures of them over the years, pinned artfully to the wall; bundles of Keith’s favourite flowers, poppies and California lilies and sunflowers and desert roses; and perhaps most ostentatiously, a goofy banner that Lance hand-painted with the magic question. Is it elegant? Not really. A little tacky? Possibly.
But although Keith would rather surgically remove his tongue than admit it, he eats this shit up. He grew up with Shiro, for Christ’s sake. The man as watched every romcom ever made, and loves them all to pieces. Lance has watched 10 Things I Hate About You with him more times than he can physically count.
Once he’s satisfied with how the alcove is set up, he digs the velvet box out of its hiding place, tucking it carefully into his jeans pocket and settling into the truck to go pick up Keith.
If Lance was following his daydreams, they’d both be dolled up to the nines and heading to some fancy restaurant. Instead, Lance is wearing his dark red shirt that he knows makes Keith cross-eyed and his good jeans that make his legs look long. He knows that Keith is wearing his favourite flannel and his rattiest pair of converse, which Lance has had to literally patch back together because Keith refuses to throw the damn things out.
It fits better, somehow.
“Where are we headed, Casanova?” Keith asks, after trying (and failing) to convince Lance to let him drive. (As if. It’s Lance’s turn. The schedule says so and everything.)
“Surprise,” Lance says vaguely. He glances as surreptitiously as possible into the backseat, making sure that he did, in fact, remember to pack the food and the blankets.
(He did. He has also checked fourteen billion times. He is, although he knows it’s silly, the slightest bit nervous, apparently.)
“C’mon,” Keith prods, sliding a free hand into Lance’s hand. “Can’t I get a hint, baby? Just a little bit?”
“I am trying to drive. Keep that shit up and we’re gonna crash, you walking distraction.”
Keith laughs — cackles, really — but pulls his hand away.
“Loser. If I drove, you could distract me all you wanted and we’d still be fine.”
Lance reaches over blindly to grab Keith’s hand back, bringing it up to his lips and pressing a kiss to the tops of his knuckles.
“Not a chance, babe.”
When they finally make it to their destination (after an hour of Keith complaining about the drive, trying to convince Lance to tell him where they’re going, and switching through every available radio station twelve thousand times before he’s satisfied), Lance throws the truck in park and practically sprints to open Keith’s door before he has the chance.
“Dork,” Keith teases, flicking him on the nose as he hops out.
Lance grins. “You love it.”
“You’ll never prove it.” He takes Lance’s offered hand, then looks around. “Where are we?”
Lance hums, carefully swinging the backpack he brought over his shoulders and tugging Keith away from the truck.
“Well, you see, my boyfriend is this massive nerd,” he starts playfully. Keith rolls his eyes, grinning.
“Nerd, you say, as if you don’t have alphabetized samples of cool rocks from every planet we’ve ever been on.”
Lance ignores the jab, plowing right on. “And because he is this massive nerd, I figured he would appreciate frolicking through the desert until we come to a decent spot, then eating this dope ass dinner I made for us —” he pats the backpack — “while watching the meteor shower that’s supposed to be visible tonight.” He grins widely at Keith’s excited gasp. “I know it’s nothing we haven’t seen before a million times, but I thought it’d be nice.”
Keith says nothing, using their joined hands to yank Lance towards him and kiss him soundly.
“Sounds good to me,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to Lance’s lips, his jaw, his throat.
“Keith,” Lance says, breathless. Like everything with them, this has rapidly escalated off-course.
Why are they like this, again?
“We’ve got an itinerary, babe, we’ve gotta — oh, God, do that again.”
He feels Keith’s smirk against the hollow of his throat. “Wouldn’t be the first time we messed our plans in favour of the truck bed, sugar.”
“Itinerary,” Lance tries again, weakly.
“Truck’s right there,” Keith reiterates.
Lance has a lot of discipline, okay?
But Keith is convincing. He knows exactly which buttons of Lance’s to press.
And, if Lance is being entirely honest, he loves indulging Keith as much as Keith loves indulging him.
Their food goes cold.
“This is your fault,” Lance says, pointing a fork at the perpetrator in question. “I had this hot and ready to eat, and you stubbornly decided to be a distraction, you dick.”
Keith is entirely unapologetic.
“There was something else that was hot and ready for me to eat,” he says, looking pointedly at Lance’s ass and grinning wolfishly.
Lance smacks the shit out of him with a pillow.
“You are a dog!”
He’s laughing, though, as he says it, so it doesn’t quite have the desired effect. Keith has no qualms with teasing him right back, either, both of them spending as much time eating as they do roasting each other.
God, Lance cannot wait to put a ring on this bitch. The meteor shower better hurry the fuck up so Lance can take them home and get down on one knee, already.
As soon as Lance thinks it, Keith gasps, grabbing Lance’s arms and pointing at the sky.
“Look! It’s starting!”
It’s slow going, at first, barely one flash of light every five minutes, but eventually shooting stars are racing through the sky as thousands of rocks burn to nothing in Earth’s atmosphere.
Lance nudges Keith’s side. “Bet you’re wishing that Hunk brings another dozen eggs to the next diplomatic meeting to throw at people when they say stupid things.”
“There’s no way you knew that!” Keith protests immediately. “I must have spoken out loud!”
“Nope! I just know you, baby.”
“Well, I bet you wished that Allura and Veronica will finally kiss this month so you win the betting pool!”
They spend the rest of the meteor shower like that — frantically shouting out what they think the other wished after each star that shoots by. They’re both right a good half of the time, too.
It makes something warm and fiery ignite in Lance’s belly, to have someone who knows him so deeply. Without even talking about it.
It’s the best thing Lance could possibly wish for.
By the time the meteor shower ends, they’ve eaten their food, and it’s something like three in the morning. Keith yawns every few minutes, and doesn’t even bother with the radio on the way home, simply resting his head on the window and closing his eyes for a while. He doesn’t fall asleep — his hand is tangled with Lance’s, and his thumb runs constant lines over the backs of his knuckles — but he’s too tired to be fully awake, either.
Not Lance. Lance feels like he’s buzzing, the breeze from his cracked-open window the only thing keeping him from going supernova. He’s so excited he can barely breathe.
When they finally get home, Lance rushes again to open Keith’s door, who grins tiredly at him and presses a kiss to his cheek before following him inside. Lance takes a deep breath before opening the door, stepping quickly to the alcove and grabbing the ring from his pocket as Keith walks in.
Aaaannd… right past him.
Lance’s jaw drops. Keith is so tired he doesn’t even notice the newly decorated alcove, or even Lance — he simply walks to the kitchen with their picnic supplies. Lance hears him hum as he starts to put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher, their leftovers in the fridge.
“Lance, babe,” he calls, “do you care if I eat the last of the pan frito? It’s better fresh.”
Lance glances down at the ring. He barely holds himself back from cackling with laughter, because of course Keith is so distracted that he didn’t even notice Lance down on one knee.
“How about you come in here for a second, first?” Lance responds, voice shaking with amusement.
“What? No, come here if you want some! I’ll share, but I just mopped the floor yesterday, I don’t want to get crumbs all over it.”
“Keith,” Lance tries again, “come here for a goddamn second, will ya?”
“Alright, Jesus,” Keith grumbles. In what Lance assumes to be spite, he takes a couple minutes, before he finally turns the corner and sees Lance for the first time.
His freezes, the dishtowel he was carrying flutters to the ground.
“L-Lance? What’s going — what —”
“I have a question for you, sweetheart,” Lance says. He grins teasingly. “Would’ve asked earlier, but you walked right by me.”
“Oh my God.”
“You paying attention, now?”
“Oh my God!”
Before Lance can blink, Keith rushes forward, tackling Lance to the ground and pressing kisses all over his face; anywhere he can reach.
“Yes! Yes! Yes —”
Lance sets the ring in his lap so he can grab Keith’s frantic, fluttering hands.
“I haven’t even asked yet, babe.”
“Well, get to it!”
Lance snorts, but complies. “Keith Kogane,” he says, smile softening and gaze steady. “Will you marry me?”
Keith laughs, holding his left hand out to Lance, his right hand wiping the tears that have dropped down his cheeks.
“Yes, Lance McClain, I will marry you,” he chokes out. Lance grins brightly as he slides the ring up Keith’s fourth finger. The second the ring is in place, Keith smashes their mouths together, knocking Lance flat on his back.
He doesn’t mind.
It’s way better than a traditional proposal, anyway.
based on this video (ninth slide)
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bleh1bleh2 · 4 months
I am going crazy over the Teen Beach Movie au that is in my brain right now
Lance (brady) and Keith (mac) having an Argument about Keiths plan to leave without telling Lance. Keith trying to surf the Huge Wave the day of the flight and Lance going to save him when it gets dangerous.
They get into the movie and Allura (tanner) is there. Movie plot says that she is going to fall in love with Romelle (lela), but Falling For You happens and klance messes it up, so sad. Its a fun and silly time.
I think Zarkon and Honerva should be the evil duo in the Lighthouse. I am flip flopping about where to put Coran, bc I think he would love the surfer lifestyle but also i think him owning Big Mommas would be very good. Butchy could probably be Lotor, but I am not 100% sold on that one. So sorry to the rest of the vld cast, i have no clue where they would be
I just think the Mac and Brady argument in the beginning (and technically throughout the movie) could be changed to be more klance-esque which would be really fun
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thebetterbrogane · 1 month
atp we’re just saying shit (quotes pt 7)
”I just fall into an alcohol induced coma every thirty seconds or so, and then like a minute later I’ll read your messages.”
”The wok left is making me cook fried rice.” “Cock fried rice?!” “You’re tellin’ me a left woke this rice?!”
“I’m fucking punching my monitor and shitting everywhere because I can’t find documentation on fission reactor fuels.”
“Bumper? Sticker? I hardly know her!”
“Sorry, I don’t wanna fuck a Lego minifigure.”
“The man, the myth, the guy who shit himself on VC—“
“Can y’all shut the fuck up? I’m tryna have sex.”
“It’s not bagpipes, he just sounds like that.”
“Keith, I will smack the shit out of you, that’s not true.”
“No, I bathe in dollar bills like the rest of America, bitch.”
“He has long hair, I can pretend he’s a woman from the back.”
(in reaction to my busted ass phone screen) “That thing has been through every World War, including future ones.”
“Can I be a politician, but all my stances are about saxophones being better than any other instruments?”
phone vibrates on table “Dude I thought you fucking shit yourself.”
“You stupid.” “No I’m not.” “What’s 9 + 10?” “DEEZ NUTS”
“Can you guys stop sending nudes over Snapchat? I’m trying to play Clash Royale.”
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lycankeyy · 4 months
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keithskogane · 7 months
klance mean girls au where lance is regina and keith is janis. you agree. reblog
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dailykallura · 7 months
I'd like to expand on my nice little tiny cute thought about how Keith exists on the fringes of both of Allura's relationships and how he technically is instrumental to both of her relationships being started with Lotor and Lance and how that too, is kallura meta.
The events that take place between 4.07 and 6.01 kickstart the relationship between Allura and Lotor (in my opinion), since that is when and where they are both face to face, with explicit knowledge of what each other looks like and what they can do for each other. 
My idea is that Keith is instrumental to starting this relationship, primarily because in 5.04, during the Kral Zera, Lotor is at a risk of being gravely injured by the bombs placed all over the Temple, and Keith takes a shot and successfully rescues Lotor from the blast, further allowing him to take up the mantle as the new Galran Emperor. 
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It’s this change in leadership that changes Lotor and Allura’s relationship from the vague “when I take control of the Empire” to the realistic development they had as diplomatic partners and then as romantic partners. 
Keith remains on the fringes of the relationship however, and has some measure of conflict with Lotor because of what he finds out about the hidden Alteans, and he is shown to be both the catalyst for its breakdown (by bringing back Romelle) --
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-- and also acknowledge the possibility of salvaging the relationship Allura may have had with Lotor (by being the one to suggest them rescuing Lotor from the quintessence field).
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I’ve joked about this so much in 2020, but regarding Lance in s8, Keith is instrumental to this relationship being started because of Lance’s insecurities re: Keith and Allura’s relationship: Lance doesn’t choose to make a solid move to Allura until he finds out that it’s popular opinion that Keith and Allura have a relationship (based on the cartoon, yes) - 
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and unbeknownst to Keith, also still harbours insecurities that he’s unworthy to be with Allura. 
It’s Keith’s very kind reassurance that Allura is interested in him, and that Lance does have something to offer to any relationship he’s in that gives him the confidence to go through with the date - 
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and with the offer of a relationship with Allura. 
Keith still exists on the fringes, however, as s8 (consistently) props Keith up as Allura’s support - 
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and as such, he is shown to be the one that Lance speaks with regarding how he feels about Allura and her decisions\their relationship.
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Kallura meta comes out of this primarily because it’s something to note that Keith and Allura are written to be similar in a multitude of things and also be written as not having a relationship past detached friends with some measure of tension - but also have Keith be central to Allura’s relationships like this.
TL;DR: Keith saved Lotor at the Kral Zera and Lotor became Emperor, leading to Allura and Lotor’s relationship; and Keith told Lance to go for Allura, leading to Allura and Lance’s relationship, and it’s because Keith is written as putting priority to what might make Allura happy.
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vulturevanity · 1 year
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normal thing to say about your dear friend who you think is really cute and charming and hard-working and basically the perfect wife material
#hamefura#my next life as a villainess#otome game no hametsu flag#aaand rewatch done! now my honest thoughts#good start. the middle is kinda boring. ep 8 doesn't exist don't worry about it#this anime draws me in in the same way that Futari Wa does#in that it has a fascinating main cast and a very vague skeleton of a worldbuilding that leaves me wanting to overthink it#unstructured thoughts incoming:#Geordo's still a creep and no matter how much the story wants me to like him I just can't#Keith's siscon is very Yikes! and that's so bad because I love his and Katarina's relationship as siblings#Katarina lowkey thinks Sophia is a freak but never kinkshames her and that's so bestiecore of her. they're soulmates your honor#Mary is SUCH A LESBIAN holy shit. I did not remember how much lesbian she is#I'm lowkey annoyed that the show frames her attraction to Katarina as “haha funny isn't she weird?!”#like in the sleepover episode she was describing the things she'd like to do with her beloved and she's being like. normal about it#but the soundtrack does a silly and I'm like. wow this anime does not like her huh#I swear Geordo and Keith are even weirder about Katarina than she is but the anime always gives them slack about it#unless they're having their homoerotic squabbles. which is to say the anime does Not Like The Queer Coding of the story#I'm sure there are worse examples of weeb homophobia but there are a couple moments I saw in the manga but not here!#anyway where was I. Oh right. Ascart Sibs Autusm 👍🏼#Nicol doesn't have much presence in the story due to his quiet nature which is so sad because his inner world is intriguing#he's such a good friend. loyal and caring. I wish we got more of him in this season#and finally: Maria. God. what is there to say about her that I haven't already#the girl came in with a 7 year disadvantage on her rivals and yet Katarina is all over her!#rewatching season 1 is so weird because I could swear she had more presence than she really does because holy shit#Katarina loves her! so much! wtf#maybe I'm remembering season 2?#anyway these are my thoughts on doomflags season 1#2nd watch edition#oh I almost forgot#romance in chiaroscuro
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I think Lance should get like the meanest, most evil Earth cat in existence (think Becky Apples from Centaurworld) and also the biggest rose tinted glasses ever because he genuinely believes that Mr Cutie Paws has never done and would never do anything wrong and i think said cat should tolerate him and ONLY him and I think the only other person making an effort to bond with said cat is Shiro who recognizes the bloodlust in its eyes but damn it! Every kitty deserves a chance!
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heynhay · 1 year
Keith reacting to Lance’s sword since canon denied us
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he'll be coping with this for weeks
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discordiansamba · 9 months
actually it would be funny if the in the identity crisis AU, the personality swap somehow unlocked Keith's suppressed accent. just imagine allura and coran's confusion. four of her paladins are all scrambled up, and now Keith is also talking extremely strangely.
she points it out to Keith and he's just like oh. yeah. ah've got an accent. I was just suppressin' it the whole time. ain't no need to worry.
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melien · 3 months
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Janai & Olive💜💚
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