#keith is very much in love and very much oblivious about it
pt one
Hunk’s phone rings. Loudly. Since he is the pinnacle of grace and benevolence, he spares one hand, eyes still trained firmly on the other hand pressing a screwdriver onto a delicate wire joint to hold it steady, to blindly pat about on his workbench until it closes around the device. He jabs a finger on the screen until the ringing ceases.
“Yah,” he says, not bothering with hellos. He’s busy.
“Handle your person,” Shiro hisses, then immediately hangs up.
Hunk snorts. Someone’s nap was disturbed.
He turns back to his project, sighing as he wraps it up. He doesn’t have long. If he can just solder this last wire, get that last connection in, it’ll be way easier to —
Lance kicks open his door, walking in screaming.
“Hello,” Hunk greets idly. And largely sarcastically, he will admit. Lance continues his wordless yell, vocalizing at the very top of his lungs, muffled only when he throws himself on Hunk’s bed and buries himself in Hunk’s pillow. “Shiro tells me you’re terrorizing people.”
“His skull is fucking solid!” Lance screeches.
Hunk does not need to ask to whom Lance is referring. He does, however, pause what he’s doing immediately, spinning around slowly in his chair with his fingertips pressed together like every eighties cartoon villain. His smile can only really be described as gleeful. Perhaps diabolical if he stretches.
He is entirely unapologetic.
“And what happened this time,” Hunk questions, adopting his very best therapy voice. It must work, because Lance shoots up, face bright candy red, wicked snarl pulling on his lips. When he speaks again his voice is carefully controlled and dripping with rage.
“It is beyond hinting, Kealoha. I have practically laid myself at his feet and begged him to ravish me, and he still does not get it. I am going to fucking wring his neck.”
Hunk hums thoughtfully. “Well, that is probably what it’s going to take.” At Lance’s raised eyebrow, he rushes to clarify — “Throwing yourself at his feet, I mean. Don’t strangle him. At least not before I can see it.”
Lance groans loudly. This time when he flops back on Hunk’s mattress he is more miserable than rageful, like a scolded chihuahua. Hunk considers telling him that and then remembers that he’s quite fond of his limbs where they are.
“I know he likes me,” Lance grumbles. “He’s just a dumbass. Like, yesterday he had to go into a healing pod because I did those leg stretches in front of him and he walked into the wall and broke his nose. And last week he said I smelled good and no straight people say stupid shit like that. And when I flirted with that princess on our last mission I was lowkey worried he was gonna jump her, or something. He went all big bad Galra growly and everything.”
Hunk inclines his head. “This is true.”
It is true. Well, he didn’t know the broken nose thing — although that’s hilarious and he will be sharing that information with the class when prudent — and he hasn’t witnessed many of the specific brands of Keith and Lance dumbassery, since they spend so much time on their own, but he, like, has eyes. Keith wants Lance so bad it’s actually embarrassing. Hunk’s not one to generally agree with Lance, since it’s his God-given right to humble him at any opportunity, but that boy is oblivious unlike any other. He understands that Keith is emotionally stunted due to the ordeal of being orphaned, and to Keith he leaves his highest sympathies, but also Jesus Christ, dude. How many times are you going to be wrought with jealousy before you go oh, duh, I might be in love with this goober.
Maybe Shiro hasn’t had the talk with him yet. Hunk makes a mental note to follow up.
“—it’s just that I don’t understand,” Lance laments.
Hunk blinks back to the conversation, where Lance has clearly taken it upon himself to wax poetic and inspire woe upon himself once more.
Hunk stills. An idea wiggles its delightful little way through his brain. He holds up his phone, pointed at Lance’s prone and desolate form.
God, he loves his brain. He loves meddling. He loves love and life, basically.
“I just,” Lance sighs, and to his endless credit he sounds genuinely torn-up, for all his melodrama. “I wish I could just tell him, I guess. In some way. I wish I could get it through his fool head that he is loved by me particularly in such a way that I want to hold hands and kiss and generally be nuisances of the affectionate kind. You know, romance.”
Hunk hums with great understanding. “I see. And say you were not plagued with chronic anxiety and an unfortunate tendency to glow in your face region if someone so much as insinuates in any capacity that they care about you — what would you say to this paramour of yours?”
Lance tilts his head consideringly. His eyes are big and brown and pouty, like a scorned puppy. It’s adorable, in a pathetic kind of way. Hunk cannot help but pat him delicately on the knee.
“I suppose,” he huffs, “that I would just say it outright. Keith Kogane, you magnanimous dumbass, would it kill you to ask me out like a man. Something like that.”
“You could also ask him out like a man,” Hunk points out.
“Choke and die,” Lance responds, predictably. Hunk pays him again.
Hunk stops the recording and tucks his phone back in his pocket. He will decide how to handle the situation shortly.
…After he makes several copies and distributes them to the team. Obviously. Hunk’s excellent advice and matchmaking skills isn’t free, after all.
Lance whines again. “Why is my life so sick and twisted.”
Hunk chooses against reminding Lance that they are in the very beginning of the process of dismantling the worst tyranny the universe has ever seen, and of all the things in his life to be sick and twisted his dweeby romance is probably not one of them. Because that would be a huge buzzkill, obviously. Instead he delicately and a touch condescendingly pats Lance on the head. Lance leans into the touch, because he is a massive sweetheart and dork and nerd, and Hunk can’t help but smile widely.
“All will work out,” he says ominously. “I’ll make sure of it.”
“Blah,” Lance says.
Hunk smiles wider.
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littlexdeaths · 2 months
it’s a recipe for disaster headcanons
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below you can find a bunch of headcanons for this little au.
i’ll definitely be adding some more as they come to me <3
enjoy my loves xx.
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• set in the summer of 1991 and onward.
• mouse is 20 and eddie is 25.
• sid works at sam goody in the starcourt mall.
• gareth is the assistant manager of upside down comics. (where they host hellfire club meetings every saturday)
• keith (unnamed freak) is a line cook at benny’s.
• jeff works with eddie at the sinclair’s auto shop.
• sid and eddie have been friends for the longest out of the group, they met in fifth grade.
• mouse has had a crush on eddie since middle school. and while he was totally oblivious to it at the time, he can’t stop teasing her about it every chance he gets now. “oh so you liked me, liked me, huh?”
• corroded coffin has started getting gigs in indianapolis and is slowly starting to gain traction in the underground music scene.
• sid is the lead singer of corroded coffin, i picture his voice as chino from the deftones. and his style is very reminiscent of matthew lillard’s character in senseless.
• mouse’s style is very much inspired by a combination of jennifer connelly and winona ryder in the late 80’s and early 90’s.
• robin figures out mouse and eddie are dating almost immediately. i mean she did crack a russian code in another lifetime.
• eddie has literally had to hide in mouse’s closet and under her bed multiple times in the very beginning because he couldn’t help but want to sneak in a quick make out session. he also definitely teased her about her collection of cabbage patch dolls that she has hidden away in her closet.
• mouse made eddie watch my girl with her and he absolutely cried like a baby.
• eddie gives mouse a stick and poke tattoo of a heart on her hip.
• wayne catches eddie trying to sneak mouse out of the trailer before he wakes up one morning but all he has to say about it is, “about damn time, boy.” and rolls over to go back to sleep.
• robin has to go in and erase the security camera footage of mouse and eddie when they got a little too frisky in the adult section of family video. she’s scarred for life.
• when eddie finds out argyle has been supplying mouse with weed for several years now, he’s very offended. “you mean to tell me you’ve been willingly paying for weed, when you could’ve gotten it for free?” but it’s not something a couple kisses can’t fix.
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• series masterlist. •
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theroundbartable · 3 months
Okay, if you were asked who are in Merlin BBC & Voltron that you can see based on canon that are gay/bi/pan/demi, which characters are they? Why?
What a fun ask I'm totally not doing to procastinate on cooking... XD
BBC Merlin
Arthur Pendragon is, in my head, demiromantic and bisexual... It sort of depends on the circumstances/episode. Arthur needs a very long time to really feel connections with people and only starts to consider love after he really gets to know them, hence his constant search for true love in the show. With Merlin I'm not entirely sure if he was attracted to him instantly, strangely enough feeling a connection from the moment they met, or if it takes him till the end of the series when Merlin confesses his magic and finally shows his true self to realise the depth of his feelings.
Merlin is, well... Bi Bi Bi. A disaster bi in fact. With a preference for sweaty men in metal boxes, he's not very peculiar. However, Merlin is a one person hyperfixation kind of guy. Most people are convinced that Merlin's gay.
Gwen: I feel like most people in BBC Merlin are bi and Gwen is no exception. Like Merlin, she prefers the hero type in metal uniforms. But she also had a thing for Morgana in the beginning.
Morgana: lesbian. I have never seen a woman so disinterested in men, I'm not surprised that they casted Katie McGrath in supergirl as supergirls love interest. I might settle for homoromantic and asexual. But definitly in love with Gwen in the very beginning.
Sir Leon, my beloved, the immortal, the one and only, the eternal suffering aro/ace. I don't have to explain this one. The only counter moment is the Lamia episode where Leon suddenly develops interest in women out of nowhere. My personal take is that anyone could be fallen under a Lamia's spell, this one just had a taste for men (and male presenting).
Sir Elian: once upon a time I clocked them as nonbinary and sadly that's as far as I thought into this character. Pretty sure he's aromantic. He/they pronouns. I dunno, I don't think Elian would conform to anything if given a choice. Aromantic too, I think. Like Leon, there is no interest there, but he does play around with Percival and Gwaine quite often, so I'd take that as allosexual.
I am excluding Gwaine because I think canon Gwaine is written as a straight oblivious fuckboy. Albeit a kind one XD fanon Gwaine is often poly/ pan... Or into apples. Lmao XD and I'm not sure about Percival because the man has a dead wife and kids.
Keith: with his lack of interest in women, he can only be gay. That man looks at no one quite the same as he looks at Lance. what the hell was the whole bonding thing if not a hint for post canon klance? Sorry, not sorry XD rivals to best friends to lovers.
Lance: *bi bo bi* bisexual lighting Lance. Doesn't matter if you prefer klance or shallura, this man is a walking bi flag. I don't know what you mean by proof, just look at this wiggly boy with the fingerguns. He can't even sit straight! Can't do math either. He's perfect!
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Shiro: probably the only character in my entire history of shipping that I would unqueer without feeling bad about it. I know he's gay, I just don't really see it in the writing. Of course there aren't always clear signs that someone is gay which is why this is good rep actually (+he's married), but you asked me for proof in the show and all I see is that this man is a dad. That's his gender and his orientation and that's all I really need to know.
Pidge: aro/ace because I love my aroaces and this child loves robots and robots only. Also nonbinary/genderqueer. Pronouns: fuck/off XD
I think Lotor should have been bi. Pre-canon Lotor had us Langsters ship Lotor x Lance and it was so much fun :D
Bob: gender: evil, orientation: villain. I hate this guy
Coran: the georgous man is either gay or pan. More likely pan because I vaguely remember he had a son?
I hope I answered your question reasonably enough XD thank you for the ask, anon :3
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nightghoul381 · 1 year
Harvest~ Keith x Reader
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Day 3 of the challenge (sorry in advance for the tag bombing @aquagirl1978 and @violettduchess... I have 11 more to go 😅.)
Prompt: 3. Strawberries Pairing: Keith/Alt!Keith x Reader Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1052 (It ended up much longer than I had intended)
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Golden sunlight danced across the fields, the dew on the leaves glistening like diamonds. A gentle breeze ruffles your skirt as you make your way out among the fruit-laden plants.
A quick glance over your shoulder affords you the most adorable sight. Keith was rushing to catch up with you after he had stopped to help a small tortoise get over a rock that it had been trying to climb. The soft pink flush on his face brought a smile to your lips and he looked over at you with soft golden eyes.
“I…uh, sorry about that.” He apologized, offering you a bashful smile.
“Don’t apologize. You were just being yourself, and I happen to love you.”
His eyes widened and his blush deepened as he ran his hand over the back of his neck. Letting out a quiet cough, he handed you one of the wicker baskets that you had brought along and the two of you crouched down and began to rifle through the plants.
“I’m very excited to try that new recipe you found.” Keith states, his composure regained. “I don’t think I’ve ever tried a strawberry candy like that before.”
You beam a smile at him and he returns with a gentle grin of his own. Feelings of affection wash over you and you lean over and wrap him in a hug.
“I’m excited to get to make them for you!” You reply happily, giving him a small peck on the cheek. “But you’d better be nice if they don’t turn out.” You add jokingly.
“What? Of course I’d be nice! I would never want to discourage you from your hobbies.” Keith starts, giving you a surprised look.
You can’t help but let out a giggle at how oblivious your lover could be.
“What now?” He asks, his surprise morphing into confusion. His hands had stilled and he turned on his knees to face you more directly.
“I know you would never be mean to me. It’s one of the things I love about you. You’re endlessly kind and I know I can always look to you for support.”
His cheeks once again flushed at your praise and you know that he would likely be retreating into himself to think for a while, so you continue your harvest.
Luscious red strawberries quickly filled your baskets as the two of you worked in comfortable silence. Your mind began to wander, thoughts of your lover running through your imagination. The sweet, gentle side, his calm, soothing voice whispering sweet nothings in your ear. The teasing hushed voice of his dark self, making intimate promises in tandem. You imagine what it might be like to have them both at the same time, showering you with attention and affection. The idea is almost overwhelming, and you can feel your face growing warm as you desperately try to shoo the thought away.
As if in response, a warm, gloved hand suddenly came to rest on your shoulder.
You jump in shock, turning quickly to find that his face is much closer than you had expected. A sly grin danced across his lips as he takes in the redness of your cheeks.
“I was calling for you…What were you thinking about?” He asks, taking your chin in his other hand to prevent you from hiding your embarrassment.
“I… uh… Good morning. I haven’t spoken with you yet today.” You scramble, trying desperately to change the subject.
“Ah, nice try. It would have probably worked on him, but I’m a little harder to shake. Your face is so red… why?” Keith’s breath ghosted over your jaw as he leaned in to hush in your ear. You swallow back a gasp, closing your eyes tightly.
“I don’t think I should say.” You finally admit, moving his hand away from your face, and fixing him with a pleading gaze.
“Don’t give me that look. You know how much I love that face.” He groans, pulling you against his chest. Thinking quickly, you pluck a strawberry from a nearby bush and squish it against his face.
Glancing up at him, you can see the look of utter shock on his face. You stare at each other for a few seconds before you explain.
“Now your face is red too…”
His head drops to your shoulder and his shoulders begin to shake violently as his loud laughter fills the air around you.
It’s contagious and you find yourself starting to relax, letting out your own laugh.
“How is it, you never cease to surprise me?” Keith asks, his eyes glinting with a vibrancy you felt you haven’t seen in ages.
You open your mouth to respond and the glint in his eyes quickly reveals itself to be nothing more than mischief as he shoves a large berry between your lips.
Your eyes widen, teeth clamping down on the fruit as his laughter fades into a deep snicker. Juice from the strawberry splatters onto his white gloves and you nearly choke on the portion in your mouth.
“Ack! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean for that to happen!” You sputter, grabbing onto his hand to inspect the damage.
“Don’t be,” Keith says, abruptly cutting you off. “It’ll be a good way to let him know we both got to enjoy the day with you.”
He leans in and presses a kiss to your lips before sitting back and closing his eyes.
When he once again opens them, the warmth of his kind self has returned to them and he glances at you in confusion.
“Sorry, I must have zoned out for a bit.” He chuckles when he notices you staring at him.
He moves to reach out to you and notices the red drops on his glove, understanding flashing over his features.
“He just couldn’t stay away could he?” Keith sighed. However, the disappointment that used to accompany this realization was thankfully absent.
The two sides of him had come to accept each other’s presence in your life, knowing that your love for them both had no bounds.
Helping you to your feet, Keith scoops up the fruit-heavy baskets with one hand and takes your hand with the other. A peaceful joy filled you as you returned to the castle, heart warmed from the little adventure you were gifted today.
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duffylin · 4 months
the chicago resident, doreen “duffy” lin, was heard blaring don’t delete the kisses / wolf alice this morning . the twenty six year old is a bartender / veterinary student in the city & has lived the west tower for nine months. since being here, they have been told to be stubborn, but also devoted, i guess we'll find out soon !
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tw: parental death
name: doreen 'duffy' lin.
nickname: duffy. duff. dove. anything except doreen. whos that? don't know her.
gender: cis woman
pronouns: she / her.
age: 26.
date of birth: november 25th
place of birth: donegal, ireland.
spoken languages: english, cantonese, irish.
occupation: bartender / veterinary student.
education: zoology degree, currently a grad student
romantic orientation: bisexual.
sexual orientation: bisexual.
relationship status: single.
parents: enya lin (50), flynn duffy (deceased).
siblings: daria lin (23), julian (half brother), some ex step-siblings.
maternal extended: sylvie lin (aunt), sebastian jelley (uncle-in-law), joy jelley (cousin), leo jelley (cousin), connor jelley (cousin).
paternal extended: ciaran duffy (uncle), maeve duffy (aunt) + cousins, doreen duffy (grandmother), keith duffy (grandmother).
pets: juzi + dubh (her two cats) - would love more.
faceclaim: havana rose liu.
accent: mix between a donegal + dublin accent, softened since moving to the states
height: 5'5.
build: slim, muscular.
eye colour: jade green
hair: reddish - brown, wavy and cascading down to her back. very rarely puts it up outside of work.
tattoos: a couple scattered about.
piercings: ears.
distinctive features: freckles across her cheeks, more noticeable in the summer.
star crossed lovers are often bound by tragedy. and, enya lin and flynn duffy were no exception. from the moment the lin family moved in across the duffy's, flynn was smitten. enya was utterly oblivious to his affection, but they quickly became inseparable friends. they always seemed to find their way back to each other, even after endless ups and downs. it wasn't until university that enya reciprocated his feelings, following a string of toxic relationships. but, once all their cards were on the table, that was it.  
marriage was never in their plans. it was one of the many things they always agreed on; money was better spent on their future. instead, they opened a small music venue in the heart of donegal. it was something they'd always talked about, but never imagined actually going.
a year after opening, enya discovered she was pregnant. her family were far more enthusiastic about the prospect than flynn's. his mother was still in hysterics over their decision not to marry, but mellowed after she found out the child was named after her. they welcomed doreen lin nine months later.
donegal is where she spent the three years of her life, surrounded by people who loved her. it's all a blur to her now, a distant memory, but they were some of the best days of her life. she was a tad spoilt, both sides of her family were to blame for that, and she adored being in nature. she was always bringing home little 'gifts' for the family, which typically included a newt or mouse or whatever little critter she stumbled on.
a trip to dublin is where disaster struck. since it's inception, the business had been thriving and they were even talking about expanding elsewhere in the country. flynn had gone down to meet an old university friend about potentially helming a new venue for them in the city. everything had been going smoothly until a wayward driver crashed into their car. a few hours later enya received the call that would change everything.
flynn's death broken enya - her mind, her soul, anything that held so tightly together by his presence shattered in an instance. he was her soulmate, a ribbon sewn into her very being that was slowly being undone and thrown into an abyss so dark it nearly consumed her. a darkness save one for one small light - doreen. so much of him was in her, so much that it almost pained her to look, and yet she couldn't look away. everything he had left, he'd left in her, from the locks he'd sworn weren't really ginger to the freckles that danced across her cheeks and impossibly emerald eyes.
to then discover she had a second child on the way, she would have burst into flames if it wasn't for her family. her younger sister was born, and the world became even heavier. she was named her daria, after the titular character, and she grew to be very much like her namesake as she got older.
for enya the business, as important as it had been to her, became background noise. it was now a painful reminder of everything she had accomplished with flynn, one she couldn't bare for much longer. she tried to keep afloat, for those around her and herself, but she was starting to drown. so, she sold up. she'd always hoped that the venue would stay as it was, but not long after she'd heard it'd been turned into some worker men's club.
duffy, as she now went by, was five years old when her mother packed up their stuff and moved them to dublin. her jobs frequently changed, so they often found themselves moving from town to city - it was a rather nomadic childhood from then. it was just the three of them, and it was perfect. until her mother had to ruin it by dating again. men that would steal all their money and leave them penniless, or would just treat them both like garbage. or worst of all, try and act like her dad. there was the rare instance of a good one slipping through the cracks, but they didn't last long.
she was fifteen when the promise of a job brought them to new york. her aunt, sylvia, had moved there to start up a magazine, and needed some help getting it off the ground. it was the change they needed. the three of them got a small apartment and settled into life there. the work paid enough to cover cost of the apartment, but to support themselves better, duffy ended up getting a job at the local zoo where she found her passion for animals grew.
duffy planned to go to university in new york, study zoology and stay home to save on accommodation (and because she'd miss them too much). after that, get a job working in animal rescue and get a place close by. the plan changed when her mother got married, which had come as an absolute shock. her mother had always been so anti--marriage and she just assumed dale was another failed relationship waiting to happen. when she'd been told of their engagement, she almost laughed. surely, he must have pushed her into it, she always thought - he always seemed like a walking pile of red flags to her. kids included. and, now she had a new baby brother. it was like a fever dream.
after graduating, she and her sister got a place together and she started working back at the zoo. finding rescue shelter jobs that weren't volunteer was extremely difficult, and as much as she wanted to take a step away from that area of the animal industry, she needed the money. so she decided to go to save up and go to veterinary school. chicago seemed like a viable option - it did help that her mother had just relocated there with her husband.
being near her mother again, it was like coming home. being near her step-dad, was not. they often clashed when she visited on weekends. and she always picked up on little things he did, and the way her mum changed around him. not a good change. and it wasn't just her noticing this, but her sister, and even enya herself - despite getting defensive when anyone said anything remotely close to the subject. but, she couldn't lie to herself. she was unhappy. she wasn't herself. his children hated her. her children weren't fond of him.
after one fateful chat (after one too many wines) with duffy and her sister, they all came to the conclusion that the reason she wasn't happy in many of her relationships was because she was gay. it was a truth accepted so easily, just like she had accepted duffy all those years ago. and, it explained so much, but it didn't change the love she had for a number of men in her life, including duffy's father - it was just not quite the love she thought.
both duffy and daria pushed their mother to tell dale. he may have been an absolute leech with terrible children, but surely he'd be understand. and in truth, duffy would never forgive her mother for not being true to herself. they had not expected dale to explode the way he had. he felt lied to, is something he kept repeating. the divorce, still ongoing, has been messy to say the least. mostly the custody of duffy's little brother.
nine months ago, duffy moved in with her enya at marina towers to support her through the divorce. it also happened to coincide with duffy's eviction notice after their partner destroyed their apartment during a party whilst she was away, not that she's going to let anyone know that. it's not something that she needs people worrying about. she recently got a job bartending to help out with extra cash on the weekends, whilst trying not to worry about what she's going to do after graduating in a couple years. she's doing too much, and it's starting to take a toll - she's trying not to let the cracks show.
duffy, for as long as anyone can remember, has always been a devoted daughter and friend - to the point of perhaps being overbearing, especially in regards her family. she would drop anything for the people she cares about, even if it means sometimes neglecting her own needs. though, that can be a good excuse for ignoring problems in her own life, like breakups. why deal with your own problems, when you can deal with others? she's always fine even when she isn't basically. she's got a habit of putting way too much on her plate. working, studying, taking care of her family, trying to juggle a social life. she has a schedule and she likes to stick to it to manage it all, but lately it's becoming too much even for her. she's quite good at hiding her struggles but she's not been great - sleeping late, waking early. deep down, she doesn't know how much longer she can keep this up. she's outgoing but burns out after a while. she's always needed quite time, but she's been needing it more lately - just a place to escape, even if it means just sitting in silence with someone. her room is an organised mess which she prefers, so people touching her things is a no. if she believes she's right, it will take a lot of convincing to change her opinion.
she wants to open her own veterinary clinic or go work as a nature reserve after graduating. she hasn't made her mind up yet.
has 2 cats, dubh and juzi.
she and her family travel to ireland twice a year. on her dad's birthday and the anniversary of his death. her mother had to skip his last birthday because of dale. boo. we hate dale.
lactose intolerant queen
hates to shop at lush in person - it's so utterly overwhelming in there for her so she just avoids it at all cost, which really sucks cause she loves their bath bombs.
barely ever sleeps and then wakes up super early - either from working late on weekends or studying late - it's starting to have a massive effect but she refuses to believe it and would rather people didn't worry. coffee / redbull fuels her at this point.
really wants to live on a houseboat like she did briefly as a kid.
became vegetarian after watching a documentary when she was eleven.
grows herbs and veg on the balcony of their apartment. she thought it'd be a good idea for her and her mother to do together when she's not working or studying.
pinterest (will add link soon)
mother dearest! - she and her mum are insanely close. and i'm going to be putting a wc out for her.
ex (really bad) - she's had two recent break ups. she got out of a relationship around the time she moved in with her mother. quite a bad breakup. the person they were dating had a party whilst they were away and pretty much destroyed their place and led to them getting evicted - she's avoided mentioning this to her mother for nine months.
ex (sorta bad) - this was in the last nine months, but quite short relationship. it ended because she wasn't investing enough into the relationship. they had a blast together, but they noticed she'd been putting to much on her plate with her family and school and work, and neglecting what they had as a result.
friends! i would love her to have some friends. whether that's surface level that she just sees around the building or something deeper. her mother is quite affable, so maybe people who she's met through her.
people who come into the bar she works at on weekends
friends to lovers - i'm a sucker for it. like, so much. her mother always taught her the basis for love should be friendship - not that she ever set a great example with that her dad.
if i think of anything else, i'll add it, but honestly, i'm down to listen to anyone else's ideas too!
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discordiansamba · 9 months
spitballing some facts about the area 51 au bc why not
Hunk literally did a coin toss back in high school because he couldn't decide if he wanted to become an engineer or run a bakery. Bakery won.
(he still does repair work on the side. the man loves to tinker.)
Lance is incredibly suspicious of Keith. Mysterious biker guy with a prominent scar on his face that just shows up out of nowhere one day? Yeah, that's got red flags written all over it.
When it turns out Hunk might just be crushing on Keith a little? Protective best friend mode is a go.
Keith, for his part, is completely oblivious that a.) Hunk has feelings for him and b.) that he has feelings for Hunk.
Keith voice: huh. why does my heart always feel weird whenever Hunk's around? Is this heartburn?
Romelle voice: oh my god you fucking idiot.
Keith was taken into custody by Area 51 when he was fourteen, after one too many trips to the hospital produced one too many irregular medical reports. He was basically wiped from existence in terms of his records. Keith Kogane doesn't exist and never has.
Shiro still gets abducted by aliens. Sorry, buddy. They leave him with a cool new arm, and he too, winds up in custody of Area 51. He meets Keith there, and they develop a close bond. But when they get a chance to escape, Shiro has to choose between letting himself get caught, and letting them both get caught- it's obvious which one he chooses.
(Keith has been there for much long than him. He deserves freedom more.)
Keith has never forgiven himself for that, and has always been looking for a way to get Shiro out of there.
Plaht City is a safe place for extraterrestrials living on Earth. There's no small amount of them mingling among the human population, without them knowing.
Coran, Allura, and Romelle are all still Altean. They arrived on Earth alongside Lotor many years ago, after Altea was struck by a natural disaster that rendered it uninhabitable. Those that survived had to find another place to live.
You know how in season 8, when Honerva found that alternate reality and Lotor was a little kid? He's only a little older than that in this AU. That's right. Baby Lotor in public school. What will he do.
(not let his obsessions drive him to disaster. congrats, my guy.)
The alien community in Plaht City very quickly establishes that Keith is one of them... but they also recognize the tattoo on he inside of his wrist as meaning he was once in custody of Area 51. They'd like to help him, really, but there are huge risks involved...
They're also the reason Krolia left. They had begun to snoop around, and had gotten too close for comfort- if she stayed with Heath and Keith, she'd only eventually expose her son. She left for his sake, always planning on returning when he was older...
(also Veronica and Acxa are dating in this fic. which means Lance doesn't know about the aliens but Veronica DOES. there's just something deeply funny about this dynamic to me.)
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therosebunpost · 1 year
Bicycle Race
Inspired by Queen and my oblivious self as a child:
Steve liked Queen. He’d hum along to the music while driving, or whenever it came along on the radio. While he never said he was an avid fan, he had a few songs on rotation on his mixtape. We Will Rock You, Somebody To Love, Don’t Stop Me Now, Bohemian Rhapsody. All great, fun tunes to pop into the player when he felt like it.
But there was one song that Steve always perked up at. Where his eyes got a little shiny, and he’d sing along to no matter who was in the car with him.
Eddie learned this about Steve pretty early on in their friendship. With the former king of Hawkins driving him around so much, he was bound to see this side of him.
“I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike~!”
Steve had a great voice, Eddie realized. Even if the music wasn’t exactly his scene, he could listen to Steve sing along for hours.
“I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like~!”
Bitting back a joke, the metalhead focused on Steve instead. On the way he danced in his seat, tapping in time with the music. At the way he knew the lyrics by heart, and the way he giggled through “I say hey man, Jaws was never my scene and I don't like Star Wars!” With a little “Fuck You Keith!” Added on with so much gusto, Eddie knew he had to ask about it one day.
The third time Bicycle Race came on when they were in the car together, Eddie was ready. Was it a dumb idea? Probably. Did he hope Steve would find it funny anyway? Absolutely.
They were sitting in front of a long red light. Steve was jamming along in his seat, singing away like usual. He had asked once, if Eddie minded, and the memory of how quick Eddie was to assuring that he didn’t was only just a bit embarrassing.
“Fuck you Keith~!”
Eddie hoped his smile wasn’t too noticeable, or the way he swallowed down a laugh. He needed to be ready.
“You say Rolls-“
“I say Royce!”
Steve stumbled, blinking over at Eddie, who was already looking at him. “You say God give me a choice!” Eddie added, internally praying to whatever cosmic being who would hear him that Steve didn’t get annoyed.
The smile Steve flashed him was beautiful.
“You say Lord-!“
“I say Christ-!”
“I don't believe in Peter Pan, Frankenstein or Superman, All I wanna do is-!”
A loud honk interrupted them. The two jumped, looking up at the green light and then at the man driving past them with a waving fist. Steve looked at Eddie, Eddie looked at Steve.
“Bicycle~?” Eddie sang, laughter making his shoulders shake. Steve wheezed, soon driving down the road. “Bicycle!”
“I want to ride it where I like~!”
The song soon ends, but the two were still giggling over it. “I didn’t know you liked Queen?” Steve ventured, turning a corner. “Like, it’s not very uh..metal?” He added, almost like he was trying not to offend him. “I don’t listen to him a lot, no, but Y’know that song kinda speaks to me.” Eddie jokes, looking over at Steve knowingly, only for him to look confused.
“It’s the first one you heard too?” He ventures, and Eddie weighs his next words carefully. “Nah, it’s uh…cuz I’m Bi. Or well, I usually go with Pan but there aren’t a lot of Pan songs.”
There’s a long silence, and Eddie can feel the ache in his stomach. In his heart. Had he misread Steve wrong? “I’m just joking man, I-“
Steve starts laughing. “Wait, that’s what that song is about? Oh my god…Well, that explains a few things about myself.” He turns to look over at Eddie, who slow blinks. “Wait you-“
“Yeah.” Steve admits, and he’s gazing at Eddie with a look that left the metalhead’s cheeks heating up. “I thought I just realized it this year, but I guess even back then some part of me knew.” He snorts, leaning back against the seat with a heavy sigh. “You’re the only other person I’ve said this to other than Robin.”
Eddie fiddles with one of his rings. “You’re the first person I’ve told directly, other than Wayne.”
The rest of the drive isn’t eventful, but as Steve drives Eddie up to his trailer, the two pause as another song floats from the speakers. Steve smiles, tawny brown eyes shifting over to look at Eddie. There was a hope in his eyes that lured Eddie back into the car. The sound of it clicking closed barely registered to the metalhead as Steve’s voice filled his mind.
“Can anybody find me somebody to love~?”
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keithsandwich · 11 months
How would you describe Keith and Maeve's relationship? What are their favorite things about each other? When the argue, what does it look like? How do they reconcile when they know they've messed up?
Hey, Oliver! Thank you for asking 💕 I'm always happy with your questions! It's kinda long so I'll put it under read more.
How would you describe Keith and Maeve's relationship?
It's sweet. The three of them are very loving and supportive of each other in their own ways. Maeve and Nice Keith are more tender and sentimental, sometimes even a little oblivious, while Alter keeps their feet on the ground and has the assertiveness and courage that sometimes lack in the other two.
What are their favorite things about each other?
Maeve loves how kind, considerate, and honest Nice Keith is. She also loves how determined, ambitious, and deep down very adorable (although he wouldn't admit it) Alter is. She trusts them completely, and they've become a sort of home to her. For someone who felt out of place for so long, it means a lot.
Nice Keith loves how comfortable Maeve makes him feel, and appreciates her generosity and nurturing nature. Alter loves how genuine, delicate, and yet so dependable she is. They both value her acceptance and her love for Mother Nature and Jade.
When the argue, what does it look like?
It's funny because Maeve and Nice Keith are usually on the same page, except for one thing: Keith tends to keep his opinions to himself if he believes they can cause arguments, which Maeve wishes he wouldn't do. While Nice Keith fears arguments, Maeve wants him to express himself more, even if his opinion is contrary to hers.
Now, Maeve has more disagreements with Alter. She tends to be passive-aggressive when it happens, showing non-verbal cues like making faces or acting coldly. Alter, on the other hand, is more direct and persistent in addressing conflicts, pushing her to talk about it or playfully teasing her. Nice Keith tries to reconcile right away with Maeve when she's upset, as he dislikes seeing her like this. He would make this face a lot: 🥺
How do they reconcile when they know they've messed up?
Nice Keith would feel deeply mortified and upset if he realized he messed up. He would make every effort to make Maeve happy again. He'd first try to understand what he can do to make amends. Since she may not be the best at communicating her needs directly, he would go to great lengths to make her forgive him. Maybe giving her extra attention, bringing her flowers, giving her gifts, preparing her favorite food... He would be willing to try anything and everything to make things right. Luckily, she usually can't stay upset with him for too long, recognizing his sincerity from the start.
Maeve would also feel deeply saddened and dramatic if she realized she messed up. Being a Cancer, she might even cry while apologizing and try to bare her heart to them to express how much she cares for them. She'd want to be around more, show extra sweetness, and go to great lengths to make them happy. Maeve tends to worry about making herself useful, so she'd double her efforts in the following days. Fortunately, they also usually forgive her quite quickly, but she'd still want to show her sincerity and love.
Alter isn't very fond of apologizing because he shares a body with someone who tends to do it quite frequently. It's almost like a pet peeve for him, but that doesn't mean he's not sorry or doesn't care. If he recognizes that he's made a mistake, his first reaction is to try to distract Maeve from the issue, hoping it will naturally go away. If that doesn't work, he might try to explain why he had messed up. Only as a last resort, if Maeve remains upset, would he offer a sincere apology. Once everything is resolved, he prefers to move on from the matter and never mention it again.
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My personnal opinion about the two last polls :
Hi everyone ! I told you that I will post it so here it is :
Geordo and Catarina :
To me, they look like a couple from a fairy tale, maybe because of Geordo's nature and their apparances (blonde hair and blue eyes and brown hair and azure eyes). When I was a little girl I always asked myself about what happens after the "they live happily ever after". I think they are a perfect example (althought Geordo is not one of my favorite) He is possesive and madly in love with her and often say the sentence "you belong to me" which often makes girl's heart skip a beat. After all these years I think Geordo deserves happiness. His scene after the kidnapping incident when they "save Catarina" after he knows about what happened was just so funny ! And his yandere end in the game is just...It startled me ! His black smile to prevent men to approach Catarina is really funny too. I hope he will never learn what happened during the sea town operation...
Keith and Catarina :
To me, Catarina and Keith look like lovers from a romance novel, because of their personnalities ; the two are shy, puerile and not really at ease with the opposite gender in a romantic way. But if you see them together, you have this aura about them about a gentle and loving couple. (In Keith's memory scenario, people around thought they were a married couple with even a child...) He always wants to protect her but has his limits (like in the volume 6 or 8) And, like Geordo, he considers everyone who shows any interest in his sister as rivals (guys and girls) Keith is constantly worried about his sister, who is oblivious of how many people she unintentionally seduces. He indeed has a severe case of sister complex... He is also affectionate, gentle and overprotective toward her. It's just a shame that he acts very motherly toward Catarina.
Alan and Catarina :
To me, Alan and Catarina look more like siblings than a couple because the two of them have a "childish" and "puerile" personnality. But if you try to see them as a couple I would say that they look like two mischievious children who were friends in their childhood and become conscious of each others as they grown up (and it's a bit the case) In this kind of story it often happen that the guy or the girl realizes that, he or she is in love with the other when he or she becomes jealous of the others guys or girls approaching the other person or something like that . Or even when (in this case) they start to become flustered with each other as they grown up (blushing when they brush, this and that) But even if Alan can be rude sometimes I think they look like a cute and cool couple next to each other.
Nicol and Catarina :
To me, these two look like the light and the dark when you see them together, you can't help but feel that it's very beautiful. Next to each other they really remind me Nicol's parents when I saw them for the first time. I couldn't help but feel that it's a good match. Their story looks like one of a romance story, at some moment I really wanted to say "Do it ! Kidnap her and live happily !" I know it's a bit too much ^^; Especially when I knew his parent's story. They look like an elegant, (VERY) charming and loving couple almost like in a fantasy story. And Catarina really puts Nicol at ease because he is not a sociable, I think it's very cute. The end in the game was really adorable ! I love Nicol's father !
Raphael and Catarina :
To tell the true, Catarina and Raphael is really one of my favorite ship. They just look so cute when they're next to each other. And Raphael is really sharp and wants to help and protect her in any way he can. Raphael is very caring and kind, like Catarina (you will see it it in the last bonus story I posted) Next to each other they look like a lovely and really adorable couple. To me, they look like childhood friends in stories who fell in love with each others when they were kids but were too shy to confess. I can imagine Raphael taking care of Catarina if they had know each other in their childhood, like a gentle, caring and diligent big brother. It's also because he really reminds me of Rozy in the game. I want them to get married !!!
Sora and Catarina :
Just like with Raphael, I fell head over heels for him at first sight and I really hoped he would fall in love with Catarina, I was so happy when it happened !!! I just think they look really similar and are really adorable during their interactions. The fact that Sora ruffles Catarina's hair every time she's too dense or says romantic things without realizing it is just too funny and cute ! What's more, Catarina said that he does that pretty often so...I really pity him, It must not be easy... He also acts so tsunstun with her ^^ And during the kidnapping incident I was so excited when he said he wanted to flee to another country with her ^^. So cute ! I really love the bonus short story when this girl thought they were a couple and I completely agree ! In short, when you see Catarina and Sora you immediately think they are an attractive and cute couple like "in a illustration of a romance novel" like this girl said. It's really the perfect couple at first sight for me.
Cezar and Catarina :
I loved him from the beginning, he has a incredible personnality, the one that we lacked in the group. He is also very handsome (in his normal clothes) and I love his oriental style. I was so happy when he fell in love with Catarina, his POV is so cute ^^ For me, physically it's a strange mix but so beautiful, "A man and a woman from different countries meet by coincidence and one of them fall in love with the other" They throught they will never meet again but it happens".It looks like a romance novel !!! They also get along in no time and their interactions are one of the best. It's just a shame that it didn't last long... But in the volume 13, Cezar comes back !!!! I can't wait to see them again and the synopsis is very interesting.
Rozy and Catarina :
I really love Rozy too ! I don't really know why but when I saw him for the first time I couldnt help but feel that he really looks like Raphael (but unfortunality not him...) And their personnalities are very alike too. Rozy is very cute and I love his background too. His story with Catarina is adorable too, how he loved her when they were children and all ^^ And how he looks after her even as children. The story looks like "A lost childhood friend" My favorite picture was the one when he hugs her at the end after Catarina said she will come back for him. I blushed so much ^^ Next to each other they look so cute and lovely, like a painting ! It's just a shame that we don't see Rozy in the original story... His shy and gentle side really is adorable !
Silva and Catarina :
I loved Silva at first sight, he's so handsome ! Just like with Rozy, he really reminds me Sora, their personnalities are so alike ! Silva's route is really my favorite and the end is just perfect. His relationship with Catarina is so cute, their moments and especially when we have Silva's POV about how he feels for her and the customs from his country. Just adorable ! Next to each other they look like so much things, a painting, an illustration of a romance novel ect... Their story sounds like the one Sophia was talking about on the ship with the pirate and the noble lady (and also with Sora but it was inverse) In short, Silva and Catarina is really one of my favorite couple. And Silva is an incredible character. There is just one thing....Silva was able to make Catarina fall in love with him in... a few days and with Geordo and the others it took 8 years !!! He's good ! (and Rozy too)
I think it's all, thank you very much for reading, and all of that is only my opinion, don't forget ^^
It's also okay if you don't agree with anything I said ^^
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Keith Howell. Tell me what you like
Chapter 3. Premium End.
MC presses Keith against the wall, taking advantage of the fact that no one was around.
Keith: Miss MC?
MC: ...Don't ask me again. Otherwise I won't be able to let you go, okay?
It was embarrassing and embarrassing for the girl, but she hoped Keith would get behind her.
An anxious silence filled the hallway.
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Keith: Don't worry, you're a sweetheart. I just prefer to corner someone than to be cornered.
Before the heroine realizes it, the roles are reversed.
Keith: Just like that.
The prince grinned.
Flashback from the "More Love with the Beast" event.
MC: I want to know you two, Lord Keith.
Keith: How long have I waited for the day when I could talk to you like this/face to face?
Keith: From now on, we won't have to play hide&seek anymore, will we?
End of flashback.
MC: You're "mean" Keith, aren't you?
When she said it with confidence, "Gentle Keith" disappeared without a trace.
Mean Keith appears. And Keith will act throughout Chapter 3.
Keith: Right.
MC: But I'm pretty sure that Lord Keith who was with me a moment ago wasn't you.
Keith: Yeah, I thought I'd just shut up and watch, but.... this guy was completely frozen.
Part 3/2
Keith: This guy is so naive that he doesn't understand when you chase him. Don't tease him.
MC: I didn't mean it.
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Keith: But I'm not like this guy. I will take care of you instead of him.
Grabbed her by the chin, Keith and made her look at him. Strangely, with the same golden eyes, but they looked like different people.
(In fact, it must have been a different person...)
(But this man is also Lord Keith, right?)
Keith: By the way, why don't you ask me?
MC: About what?
Keith: You asked him what he liked about you, didn't you?
MC: ....Do you want me to ask?
Keith: Hmm...
MC: .......
Keith: Come on.
Lord Keith twisted his head in amusement and waited for a word.
MC: As a prerequisite, do you like me as a person, too?
Keith: Why bother showing up in front of people I don't like?
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Keith: He likes you, I like you. That's good, isn't it?
Keith: What, are you so embarrassed?
MC: No! I just don't know how to react.
Keith laughed.
Keith: Well, that's okay. I don't feel like going on forever, so I'll just list my favorite parts.
In contrast to the gentle Keith, the mean Keith took the girl's hand unconditionally and wanted to take her to her afternoon class.
Keith: Like him, I have to think alongside you. And...
Part 3/3
Keith: Get interested in me too, MC.
The girl's heart started pounding harder.
The prince remained in good spirits when he saw her reactions.
After School. MC's room.
MC was so tired that she leaned back on the couch without caring about anything, completely oblivious to the prince.
(Mean Keith was merciless...)
Dancing lesson.
Keith is surprised; he doesn't understand why the girl needs choreography lessons if that's what she's into.
Keith offered himself to be the heroine's partner.
The prince quickly changes the tempo in the movements, but the heroine successfully adjusts.
Keith: Yes, you are very good at dealing with the situation.
Keith: And that's the first point.
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Keith: I like your confused face.
After the dance, it's time for a walk.
A gust of wind sweeps through the air, causing her skirt to flutter in the air.
MC hastily holds back her skirt, but feels the prince's gaze.
MC: .... Did you see that?
Keith: Nooo?
Keith: Even if I could see it, I wouldn't say that.
Keith: Not the others, not this guy.
MC is so ashamed that she lives to cry, but thanks to the kindness of the prince, the girl calms down.
Keith: Here comes point number two.
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Keith: I like your "crying" face.
Keith: ...Should I embarrass you so much that you want to cry even more than before?
MC: Okay, I'm leaving!
Part 3/4
MC's Room.
(Lord Keith is always like this.)
He would do mean things to her, laughing at her reactions with amusement, and draining her energy.
The points of "what likes about the heroine" in mean Keith's list are different from those gentle Keith's.
Suddenly the prince remembers something.
Keith: What do you like about me?
"Gentle" Keith asked the same question.
MC:..... I'll leave that to your imagination.
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Keith: What's wrong with you? You said a lot of crazy things when he was here.
(I hate talking about it because it stays in my memory).
Keith: I'm not being kind.
Keith's smile doesn't bode well, but the girl is wary.
The prince plops her down on the sofa.
Keith: If you don't tell me, I can just take it from you, right?
Part 3/5
Keith stroked his finger over the girl's lips.
MC: No way!
Keith: Then tell me.
And mean Keith, indeed, can do it. She needs to tell him.
1. Prince is a good dancer, it was fun.
2. Even though he's mean, he cares about the girl.  For example, the girl was tired and Keith took her to her room.
Not as many points as gentle Keith, but there are unexpectedly many.
The prince smiles, but does not let the girl go.
Keith: No good.
Keith: I want to hear more.
Keith: That guy had more points, didn't he?
MC: But I just don't know you well enough....
That's no excuse, Keith thinks, he and the girl had already "met," she just didn't notice.
MC thinks there have been strange moments when she was uncomfortable...
She realizes that Keith doesn't need the list, he just enjoys her reaction.
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Keith: Heh, if you desire it so bad, I'll take what you want.
MC: Please wait!
Keith takes the heroine's hands over her head and brings his face closer.
MC: Give me time...
Keith: I won't.
Closing her eyes, the girl waits for a kiss. There was a kiss, but on the cheek...
Keith: Here comes point number 3.
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Keith: I like you shaking and hoping like that.
Prince isn't holding the MC anymore.
Keith: You don't think I'm really going to do it. From your reaction, it seems like you don't know any men at all, right?
MC: But my cheek...
Keith: Greetings, right?
(This man....)
MC: .....Greetings, right. I want to forget the series of events!
Keith: No, remember. ....And don't tell this guy.
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Keith: It's a secret between you and me.
Keith: Can we play again sometime?
After gently stroking MC on the head, Keith leaves the room.
MC thinks again that the two Keiths, though different, are alike.
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sapphireshineauthor · 2 years
Keith's "Revenge" Scheme 
My brain is all over the place, so enjoy this random prompt since my thirst for yaoi in this series is not quenched yet. 
Keith has feelings for Alan, but doesn't think they're as intense as they actually are. 
Plus, Keith is majorly annoyed with Geordo's advances on Katarina despite his complaints. So, Keith tries to "fight fire with fire" and give Geordo a taste of his own medicine. 
The plan? Seduce Alan and annoy Geordo about it to the same extent he perceives Geordo is doing it to Katarina. 
Keith gets his plan in motion simply by going slow at the beginning as to not arouse too much suspicion. He hangs out with Alan more, plans more outings with him, accompanies him to music practice and whatnot, a compliment here and there. Things slowly escalate and Keith is happy to see that Geordo does seem a tad bothered by the new attraction. 
However, the plan spirals a bit and gets lost in thought because the intensity of Keith's feelings become more evident in his mind. So the plot of simply annoying Geordo and spending time with a close friend becomes a new scheme to court Alan. 
Part of this plan change was also due to Sophia and Katarina's interference (who both definitely see that Keith is madly in love with Alan). This leads to a series of events where Keith and Alan end up in more private and more intimate moments for "unknown reasons". 
Over this course of time, Keith slowly accepts the fact that he does have more intense feelings for Alan and Alan probably realizes he has the same. Cue another series of events of the two getting into crazy situations, Keith getting more daring with his advances on Alan and Alan being a bit more aware of what he's feeling and accepting those advances.
Eventually, things reach some sort of head and they end up confessing their feelings for each other. Who confesses first is undecided, but it ends with a kiss. 
Plus add onto it and Keith becomes more aware that Katarina returns Geordo's feelings in this situation. Cue moments near the end of Katarina trying to explain to Keith (as much as she can), that no, the plan isn't to seduce Alan and annoy Geordo, but to court Alan and confess his love for him. 
Other moments is Keith switching between what I dub his "puppy" and "playboy" form to make Alan flustered. And Keith realizing he very much does love seeing Alan flustered. 
Cap off the story of Geordo and Keith coming to a full "truce" about dating each others sibling and are on the same page now. Katarina and Alan are oblivious to what they mean regarding that. 
And of course, for added fun, Mary still has her say in this situation and is not entirely sure how she feels about Keith trying to court Alan. (if Mary doesn't have romantic feelings for Alan, my second go-to favorite dynamic is Mary seeing herself as Alan's older sister). 
Those are my thoughts before bed. Enjoy. 
Title prompts include:
You Seduce my Sibling, I Seduce Yours.
This is Revenge Courting My Sister! (And that Alan is also cute...)
The Seduction Plan
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fic rec friday 32
welcome to the thirty-second fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. A Dragon’s Treasure by @wittyy-name
As heir to the kingdom, Lance always thought he knew exactly what life had in store for him. That is, until a dragon kidnaps him at the age of sixteen. Suddenly his life is a lot less parties, lessons, and castles, and a hell of a lot more barren mountains, grumpy dragons, and boredom. From heir to prize, in just one night.
So now he’s stuck living in a cave with an adolescent, grumpy dragon who doesn’t seem to want him there but still won’t let him go. Not to mention his annoying habit of defeating every suitor who tries to come rescue Lance.
As much as he hates to admit it, he’s probably going to be here for a while. So he might as well settle in and get to know this dragon named Keith.
i accidentally lied last week this one is the last one from my rereadables collection. and for good reason!! dragon beauty and the beast tbh. and wittyy-name ALWAYS nails the complicated i-love-you-and-feel-trapped-by-you, complicated relationships kind of thing. and i fckn love it so so much 
2. Needle and Thread by VulpesVulpes713
Based on the prompt "kisses meant to distract the other person from whatever they were intently doing ". Keith tries to fix a tear in his jacket. Lance just wants some attention. The end result? Feelings.
this one is so cute they are so in love u know?? they just like to be around each other. always a fun read. vulpes is very good at klance with a crush on each other regardless of whether they’re already dating lol
3. Plans Are Overrated, Anyway by @chyeahlex16
"Lance, I-" "I know, I know," Lance said as he bustled around his nearly bare bedroom, tossing shirts out of drawers and pictures off of walls into his open suitcase on his bed. "I totally procrastinated till the last minute, just like you said! I don't need to hear the 'I told you so,' a little help packing would be nice!" "Lance-" "I bet you're already packed," he went on, oblivious to his best friend anxiously shifting in his doorway in frustration and anxiety. "Man, I can't wait until we get there-" "Lance! I have something to tell you!" Lance blinked, stilling his movements. He'd never seen his best friend so... guilty and anxious before. His brows pulled together in concern. "What's up, buddy?" "I'm not going to the Garrison with you." ~ In which I project onto Lance about things that I'm currently going through because I need to vent lol
HUNK AND LANCE HUNK AND LANCE HUNK AND LANCE. we do NOT have enough of it in this here fandom, ESPECIALLY prekerb, early relationship, and what a shame! i have always loved this fic’s exploration of their relationship and the ways they had to learn to grow into themselves, the starts and explanations for the way they were when we saw them. i love them
4. With These Hands by @azapofinspiration
Despite all the trouble they'd been through, Hunk figured everything had turned out all right. After all, he and Lance had managed to return to the castle!
Then Hunk sees the bruises and knows that things are not as good as he thought.
bro a-zap has always KILLED early season dynamics and their missing moments series is everything!! ive always needs three hundred percent more context on the mermaid episode and this fic provides not only that but also some excellent hunk & lance moments, with hurt/comfort that isnt imbalanced or infantilizing on either paladin’s part which is a low bar but awesome anyway 
5. Not As Clueless by @azapofinspiration
Pidge had always thought it was strange that despite being quite observant, Lance had completely missed the fact that she was a girl. However, it seems that that wasn’t really the case.
from the same series i just mentioned! lance IS observant, thank you very much, and i loved this take and interpretation. as much as lance does have a tendency to be dense about things, he also tends to be very observant bc hes a walking dichotomy. he notices things but his conclusions are often different than what others would make, and this entire concept is nailed in like 1.5k words
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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casspurrjoybell-30 · 9 months
Cry Me A River - Chapter 21- Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
The Green-eyed Monster
"Yeah. Food," a voice exclaimed.
We all turned our heads as Michael came dashing in, shirt wide open, hair in a frenzy as Keith followed at a more relaxed pace, combing his fingers through his knotted hair.
"Please tell me we didn't miss the food," Michael sounded like he was moments from breaking down in a fit of tears.
"You're just on time, Michael," I laughed.
I could never understand Michael's love for food.
I swear if he hadn't met Keith he would have mated with the nearest edible a long time ago.
"Oh, praise the Goddess," Michael breathed.
Keith laughed as he wrapped his arm around Michael.
"See I told you we'd make it," he kissed Michael's shoulder.
Michael brushed him off as he dived for the food.
Keith shook his head as he sighed.
"Sometimes I feel as if he loves food more than me."
"That's because I do," Michael said through a mouthful of chicken.
"Aah, manners," Hyde scowled.
"You speak as if you have any," Michael scoffed as he continued to eat the chicken straight off the bone.
"Getting the munchies?" a girl's voice said as Feyona walked in.
Her lips were painted a darker shade of red than earlier as she walked in, in a wine red, velvet dress.
Her heels clicked loudly as she strolled towards the table, her hips moving from side to side before settling in the chair beside Hyde.
"Like you wouldn't believe," Michael laughed.
"Oh, I could believe," Feyona rose a brow as she eyed Keith.
"Someone as big as he could take a lot out of a person."
"Tell him that," Michael sighed as he picked up a celery stick and began to nibble on it.
Were they seriously speaking about such a thing as we ate?
Feyona's eyes turned from Michael as they settled in a heated gaze on Alastair, who was too engrossed in his food to have noticed her entrance.
Clearly, the love for food ran in the family.
She turned her head with a sigh as she smirked in my direction.
I felt my skin prickle.
"River, doll, how has your day been?"
Her eyes seemed to turn into almost slits as she attempted friendliness.
She was clearly new to the concept.
"Good, yours?"
"Oh, quite marvelous. I went shopping," her smile widened.
Ah, so that's what she meant earlier when she had claimed she had 'much' to do.
"Typical," Hyde grunted. "Girls."
"Oh, why Hyde you love to shop just as much as I. You just shop for a very different item," she winked.
Hyde broke out into a fit of laughter.
"True, dear sister. That I do," he turned towards Isaiah.
"That I do."
Derek dropped his fork to his plate in a loud clank as he eyed Hyde through a darkened gaze.
Hyde seemed oblivious to Derek's death-filled glare as he smiled brightly at Isaiah, who looked more than uncomfortable as he smiled back in a small, awkward smile.
It was like watching two dogs fighting over one bone as the bone lays there, unable to do anything but watch it all play out.
"Why Isaiah, have your eyes always been such a beautiful blue? They appear as serene and magnificent as the ocean on a clear, summer day," Hyde acquired.
Isaiah smiled awkwardly as he opened his mouth to speak.
"Why yes, Shakespeare," Derek interrupted.
"Maybe if you'd pull yourself out of your ass every now and then you'd be more aware of your surroundings."
Hyde grinded his teeth as he attempted a smile but ended with an awkward sideways grin.
"Why Derek I wasn't aware your name had become Isaiah."
"Why Hyde, maybe if you would breathe some fresh air every now and then as opposed to whatever disgusting odor emits from your ass, you'd be less delusional. I was merely answering for Isaiah as you've been pestering him for the past hour. Can't you see he's trying to eat?"
Derek faked a smile.
"Why Derek, he looked like he was taking a break as he wiped his hands with a napkin. I was merrily starting a friendly conversation. Why you aren't jealous are you? There's plenty of me to go around," Hyde smiled back.
I almost could have sworn I saw Derek's eye twitch as his eyes narrowed.
"To think, you'd assume I wanted your attention is appalling. Just having your eyes on me is causing shivers of disgust down my spine."
"Aah, is that denial I'm smelling, dear friend?" Hyde smirked.
"Why to me it sounds like a very different kind of shivering."
Their fake smiles were beginning to become more and more frightening as their words were beginning to appear less like remarks and more like swords.
Derek stood from his chair.
Isaiah placed his hand on Derek's chest before he could bash Hyde's face in.
Isaiah sent him a look of disapproval as Derek's posture seemed to slump.
He dropped back to his chair, eyes focused solely on his food as Hyde watched with a victorious smirk.
I let out a sigh as I turned towards Alastair, who was watching the scene through narrowed eyes before looking down at me.
His eyes immediately softened as they locked with mine.
His hand reached out to cradle my face as he brought his lips down to mine in a soft peck.
"What's wrong, love?"
I shook my head.
"I hate fighting," I whispered as I rubbed my nose against his.
"I know, love," he kissed my nose.
"They've always been like that. Those two, always fighting over something. The only thing that changed is it's now gone from a favorite toy to an actual person."
I quickly turned my head, nervous that they heard but they seemed to be too engulfed in an eye duel to even notice their surroundings.
I let out a sigh as I turned back towards Alastair.
"Do you think Derek fancies, Isaiah?" I whispered.
"Whether he does or does not has no affect on anything. They aren't mates," Alastair stated simply as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me from my chair and onto his lap.
I rested my head against his chest as he cradled me to him, head resting on top of mine, as I silently contemplated his words. Is that true?
Would it really mean nothing at all if Derek and Isaiah had mutual feelings for one another?
Did love mean so little that it could be blown away like a fragile piece of parchment over something so out of one's control like being mates?
Did the mating system trump all?
Even the undying love two can have for one another?
I peered at Isaiah as he poked at his food with a glazed look as Derek and Hyde continued to bicker around him.
Was he destined to be alone?
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theroundbartable · 4 months
Can I ask from this ask game : https://www.tumblr.com/toomanyfandomsthings/749729499738996736/send-me-a-ship-and-a-number-and-ill-tell-you?source=share
No. 2, 10, 11, 12, 15 for Merthur, Klance and Drarry....Thanks 🌻
I don't mind being asked :). @comingfromastatechampionasshole, I hope this is alright with you, since it's your post. ^^ 2. What their love letters look like
Merthur: I imagine that Arthur would be the one writing love letters. Merely because Gwen told him he was unromantic and that Merlin WOULD do it. Merlin doesn't do it, however, because Arthur keeps calling him a girl. Besides, giving him flowers does the job just fine. So Arthur writes and writes and doesn't ever dare to give them to Merlin because of how much he himself cringes. Merlin finds the attempts between tax reports and the drawings Arthur sometimes makes of him. Merlin never mentions it either but they both know he's seen them.
Klance: Lance writes a DOZEN letters all the time for Keith. He makes a full show of it. But he also gives friendship love letters to Hunk and Allura and Pidge and everyone who appreciates it. Once in a while, Keith would give him one back and every single time, Lance starts to cry when no one is looking.
Drarry: Draco. But it's not love letters, it's HATE letters. It's little pictures of Harry getting electrocuted or sending goblins with insult poems at Harry. Once, he accidentally mixed a drawing of them holding hands up with one where he slapped him and when he noticed, he nearly obliviated Harry.
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other
Merthur: They watch Disney movies and specifically King Arthur movies together. Arthur hides that he's watching BBC Merlin though because he loves seeing Merlin use magic and wants to know what he's done the entire time. Merlin keeps that very show from Arthur, unsure how Arthur would react. Unbeknownst to him, Arthur keeps gushing about him every single episode.
Klance: They watch - I would say anything together. From documentaries to soap operas, they watch everything together. Keith hides that he's watching Mamma Mia though because he knows Lance will be insufferable when he finds out.
Drarry: When I say they watch everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Draco doesn't like to admit it but he's really fascinated with muggle technology and especially the effects, so he watches it all and then talks about how "shitty" those effects are, even though he's secretely amazed. Harry knows and teases him about it all the time.
11. What their first impression was of each other Merthur: instant attraction. Have you seen the episode? They were flirting. Merlin =brave idiot, Arthur = kind pratt Klance: Lance was amazed at first, completely focused on him which then turned into jealousy and an awkward crush. Keith didn't notice Lance at first, then slowly got to know him as Lance wiggled his annoying habits into Keith's life and Keith never wanted to let him go again.
Drarry: Draco had always wanted to meet THE Harry Potter and be friends with him, from the very day he learned they were the same age. When they met, he was shocked to find Harry to randomly antagonize him for reasons Draco couldn't fathom. Harry just saw a blond guy who reminded him all too much of his bullying cousin and instantly disliked him.
12. What they do for their anniversary Merthur: Arthur would absolutely forget about it until Merlin reminds him. Then Arthur would make Merlin plan a picnic, which Merlin has long planned anyway. And then they ride out and end up in trouble. It happens every year, the bandits are basically family by now.
Klance: Stargazing. But like, in the black or blue lion on a different planet. Lance really likes water planets and Keith likes deserts, so they switch it up every year.
Drarry: Draco would be OBSESSED with anniversaries. He makes monthly anniversaries and he keeps annoying Harry with it all the time. Like, "It's our 34th monthly anniversary, I GOTTO call at the Ritz to get a table!" Meanwhile, Harry is like: "He just loves going out and I like when he's happy." Anyways, Draco sometimes REALLY blows it out of proportion and arranges a meeting with the queen or something.
15. What they would change about each other
Merthur: ... "I don't want you to change. I want you to always be you."
Klance: At first it was the Mullet, but when Keith came back from the abyss, Lance is furious that Keith is now taller than him. So it's that, the height. Keith however, he's the jealous type, he's make Lance flirt with him more often. And yeah. MORE. Just so Lance doesn't flirt so much with everyone else anymore.
Drarry: Draco has a list. A very long, very detailed, very annoying list. He means absolutely none of it. Harry wishes Draco would stop writing that list. This was very fun to do haha XD I hope it was fun to read, too ^^
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hopeheartfilia · 4 years
I don't think words can express how much I liked My next life as a villainess : All routes lead to doom
#thats why I shouldve kept notes.. but I was watching on my phone and didnt want to close the window.. fuck I hope another season comes out.#my life as a villainess#my next life as a villainess#whats the short hand for that?#I dont remember the tittle in japanese.. shame on me#also I just. I dont know what I ship dont ask me. But also Maria#Not that Im not a total sucker for sophia.. and actually all the charavters.. theyre just so good...#I love Alen but like Because hes relatable not because i ship it. He just laughts with me and I appreciate that a lot#also this show catters to my prefrence of denser then a rock protagonists. Just Oblivious to the next level#the show is great. ist just so bisexual. I love it#I mean Catherine has some serious heteronormativity going on and not helping with her perceptions But shes also like so Bi#Were in her head and she talls about how pretty girls are a lot. Thats why she and Alen are such good friend. Theyre both so oblivious#And of course Keith. Little bro I absolutely adore him. No idea if I wouldve liked ottome personality better honestly#George Is Much less bad then expected like I genuenly like the guy sometimes#I very much gpt Raphael on the nose but its not like its hard#Sophia I just adore shes th ebets thing ever.#Mary is of course also great but Im not much of a gardener and am a bookworm and a half which i guess is part of the appeal#but I do think Maria is best for Catherine. Because they could live together on a farm and Catherine loves sweets and Maria makes her sweets#tis simply meant to be#oh I forgot Nikol. He was so emotional and dramatic and I loved that#Like yes the show is not that depe honestly but.. Its an otome game isekai. It was deeper then I expected#And it was just such a pleasent and fun watch!#oh its georde nor george i think i wrote george whatever#The ending was kinda.. eh but the teaparty elevated it#I jsut love how someone falls in lvoe with Catherina and hteyr elike Yeab happens all the time honestly thats just Catherian#and when the book exploded it was completly in characger#and of course she had an actual snake that was great#I also ended up counting the characters for every case as to check what Im claling it and its an ot8. Because I say so#oh wait raphael. I guess it could be an ot9 if we want anyway but he got the least development#Oh and the axe moment was so great
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erithel · 2 years
Random ask, can I ask your opinion on shiro/keith as a romantic dynamics? Actually when I first enter VLD fandom, it's because my friend's fanfic (about keith/shiro), but when I finished the show itself, all I get is the brotherhood vibe between those two....And your amazing fanfics also made me keith/lance shipper.....Thanks for sharing your works....Sorry if you've answered this before....
I don't think I've ever talked about Sheith before, at least not in anything other than passing.
I will start by saying that I get it. I understand how people could see their dynamic as romantic. I can see how that conclusion could be reached.
I also understand why some people hate this ship. I get their reasoning, too.
For me, personally, I saw the relationship between Keith and Shiro to be that of brothers, or that of a mentor/role model and protege. And I really liked that. I think it's very important to show really strong relationships between male characters, specifically, that are not romantic in any way.
It's important to show that male characters can have an insanely strong bond with one another – that they can love one another – but not be in love with one another.
Shiro is important to Keith because, as he kept saying in the show, Shiro was the one person who never gave up on him. Shiro was the first person who made him believe that just because he was an orphan with no options it didn't mean he never deserved a chance.
But here's the main reason why I don't and can't ever see their relationship as romantic:
I don't believe Shiro cared about Keith as much as Keith cared about Shiro.
And putting that into a romantic context is super unhealthy.
Granted, it's been a while since I watched the show, but from what I can remember, there was a huge difference between how Shiro never gave up on Keith, and how Keith never gave up on Shiro.
Shiro saw a kid who needed help. A kid who had a lot of potential, and he wanted to give that kid an opportunity to be something more than what his current life could offer him. He never gave up on that kid because he saw something in Keith and wanted to push him in the direction of what he could be.
Keith, on the other hand, would die for Shiro. Like…literally. During the episode where they fought in season 6, he was going to bring Shiro back or die trying. Period. He never gave up on Shiro, but if you look at certain instances pertaining to that in canon – he gave up a lot of himself by doing so. Because for Keith, Shiro was always more important than his own needs and his own life. Because, essentially, he owed Shiro everything.
I've read a few fics that had mentions of Sheith, and the only ones that actually worked in my opinion are the ones where Shiro was Keith's first major crush, and Shiro was either oblivious to it, or he had previously let Keith down gently.
Everyone has their own reasoning for why they are attracted to certain ships. I personally only like ships that 1) have chemistry, and 2) have both parties involved as equal participants.
So, as I said, I can see why people could see Sheith as a ship. But it's definitely not for me because if I try to think about their relationship in a romantic light, it feels extremely one-sided and that just makes me uncomfortable.
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