#khr ideas
rarepears · 1 year
Hello! I read ur ideas and I've got to say it's amazing! Although I can only come up with ideas when I'm on high of sugar but can I ask if u can make a prompt about skull de mort (from khr) as Gojo Satoru? If u want compensation then u can ask me anything.
Skull as Gojo or... Gojo as Skull?
Because imagine Gojo getting this weird ass invite about the "strongest" flame users and like, sure he's the strongest, but flame user??? But he's curious to see what kind of meet up this is, so he decides to go in costume for shits and giggles. And he winds up Reborn for shits and giggles. All those bullets can't touch him; none of the slaps make contact.
It's so freaking funny (for Gojo). It's really a pity that he can't spend all his time with these hilarious people. His vacation time is almost up and he's got to return to his kiddoes and missions.
(And then Gojo gives checkerface a good beat down and then a merciful death after checkerface tries to turn him into a chibi. Like please! The world order was already obviously messed up if curses are still being created. Gojo is tired of all these monkey faces trying to tell him that things are "for the greater good".
This vacation was terribly therapeutic for Gojo.)
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social-muffin · 1 year
I just watched some Tinkerbell movies and my brain can never resist mushing my most beloved khr into things. So I ask thee!
Who would make the better Guardian Fairy? Skull DeMort, or Hibari Kyoya? Specifically, they would be the guardian/guide fairy of whichever cloud isn't a fairy.
So either Hibari Kyoya learning how to use his weather magic/flame from this cowardly little fairy that prefers just staying in his shirt-pocket.
Or Skull DeMort learning how to use his magic/flame/how to fight from this angry little fairy man that absolutely bullies him for being a bit wimpy.
Both dynamics are absolutely delicious actually! And each time, the human would have something whimsical and joyful about themselves btw.
Hibari would find joy in speeding through the clouds and using his magic to ridiculous degrees. Like creating huuuuge storm clouds when he wasn't supposed to do that at all.
And Skull would find his joy doing endlessly risky airborne stunts and loopy-loops and he would always do his very best. Of course, he would always have trouble covering up that one pesky sun-magician who seems to specifically shine his baby-clouds into extinction.
I'm picturing just. A lot of flying around and cloudy mischief, all while a little fairy is either grumbling about responsibilities, or encouraging even more mischief!
Of course... All the joy would be overshadowed by the weirdly ominous storyline of the sky-magicians....
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attyattlaw · 5 months
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dont ask me abt baseball do i look like i sport at any capacity
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stormsthatrage · 11 months
The Hair Thing
At some point, the hair stops being about what was stolen from Xanxus and starts being about what was stolen from Tsunayoshi.
Of course, in the beginning, it's like this: Squalo knows the Vongola Ring should have been Xanxus's.
It’s simple. Xanxus was first in line for the throne after his older brothers died — and damn whatever Timoteo says, those three were his brothers. Even considering the fact that Xanxus wasn't a blood son after all, the fact remains that for the majority of his life, Xanxus was a Vongola heir. He was claimed as one, he was raised as one, he was loved as one. (And again, fuck what Timoteo says. If Enrico had still been alive, Timoteo would have been dead for the mere suggestion that Xanxus wasn't family as well as Family). And as such, he should have been on the throne far before any other candidate could ever have been brought in.
Also? Xanxus had the skills to be just about a damn perfect Don Vongola. He knew how Vongola worked. After all the time spent learning at his brothers' knees, he knew everything that the Capo dei capi could possibly need to know, and had a bunch of practice at it to boot. He was familiar with the duties of the head and the duties of the underbosses and the duties of the lowest ranks on the street. He knew how to keep his people safe. He knew how to enter a hostile negotiation and come out on top. He was great at strategy, both on and off the battlefield, and, oh yeah — speaking of the battlefield, Xanxus was really, really fucking strong. And so on. Squalo could have spent a week listing all the reasons Xanxus would have made a perfect Tenth.
So yeah. Squalo was fucking pissed when Timoteo revealed his lies, revealed his betrayal, and revealed that Xanxus had never actually been in line for the throne at all.
And Squalo's anger damn near turned him insane when Timoteo put his fucking Sky in ice.
So yeah. The hair thing. It begins because of what was stolen from Xanxus. As permanent as the fury embedded in his bones (as permanent as the rage still twisting in the back of his mind, a quiet, infernal madness that doesn't heal even when they finally break his Sky out of a fucking ice-seal) is his determination to never cut it, not until what was stolen is restored.
His determination grows even stronger when he meets Timoteo's choice heir for the first time. Tsunayoshi is weak. Tsunayoshi is a coward. Tsunayoshi is slow, and inexperienced, and absolutely not qualified for the throne.
The only thing Tsunayoshi has going for him as a candidate is his blood, his freakish primo-like genes, but ancestry has no impact on capability, and Squalo has been by Xanxus's side for too long to be okay with the thought of Tsunayoshi leading the Vongola into the ground from incompetence and cowardice.
Squalo's initial impression of Tsunayoshi, of course, does not withstand prolonged contact with him. It turns out that underneath the weakling appearance is, in fact, a perfect Capo dei Capi — different from the type Xanxus would have been, but no less ideal for it. Tsunayoshi is strong, fierce, determined, protective, smart, skilled, and — as it turns out, most importantly — kind.
Tsunayoshi is unbelievably kind. Impossibly kind. So kind Squalo finds himself searching for proof that it's a mask, because it has to be, because no one could be that genuinely good — but no matter how hard he searches, he only finds more evidence that somehow it's not a mask, it's real. And Squalo can only watch in awe and terror as Tsunayoshi's compassion spreads out like a fucking fungus, infecting others and the world and the fabric of the underworld itself, until Squalo has no choice but to believe that Tsunayoshi is going to save everyone, both Vongola and outsiders alike, from all the blood and suffering they were once destined to stain themselves with.
Squalo gets a front-row seat to Tsunayoshi's... Tsunayoshi-ness, as shit goes down in the wildest year of his life. There's the undoing of a ten-year-apocalypse, the undoing of an ancient curse, the making of what feels like a thousand different treaties, hell, fucking earth flames. At some point, Squalo stops keeping track, because so many absurd things have happened. And after it all, Tsunayoshi turns 15, and the kid and his guardians finally come to Italy.
For some reason, as soon as they step foot on home soil at the airport, they're ditching their Iron-Fort appointed chaperones to infest the Varia Castle. The kid and his equally impossible guardians make themselves comfortable, and as another year passes, every single one of the brats manages to endear themselves to the Varia Commanders — not that any of them would say it, of course.
(Years later, Squalo will remember his initial amusement at their sudden appearance at the Castle, and will realize that instead, he should have been furious. Why, why, after everything, didn't he think to wonder why they didn't want to stay at the Iron Fort? Sure, Tsunayoshi was Timoteo's chosen heir, but that didn't guarantee safety in the bastard's presence. After all, Xanxus had once been Timoteo's chosen son.)
The year ends, and the time comes. Tsunayoshi takes the throne.
Squalo doesn't cut his hair. He doesn't cut his hair, and for a moment, for a brief period of wonderful relief, the abstinence is not performed out of fury. The rage, the hurt, the insanity clawing at the back of his mind — it's dimmed, as dormant as it could ever be, after everything. Xanxus is happy, and frankly, after the ice, more comfortable heading the Varia than the main family anyway. Tsunayoshi is a better Vongola X than anyone could have dreamed. Vongola is stronger than it has ever been, his Sky is happy, and Tsunayoshi is leading the underworld into an impossibly bright future.
So Squalo does not cut his hair, because he took an oath not to and he is a man of his word. But he can imagine a world in which he did not take the oath, a world in which the hair was not a vow, and was instead a mere visual expression of his fury and resolve. It is a world where, after the ceremony in which the kid donned the title of Vongola X and Xanxus called the kid "little brother" in front of half of Italy, Squalo went home and pulled out a knife and finally got rid of the damned ponytail.
That period of blissful relief lasts right up until seven months later, when Squalo finds himself exhausted and a little bit tipsy and no longer up for celebrating the destruction of the human-trafficking ring the Alliance had just broken open.
He stumbles up a secluded staircase in the Iron Fort, and down a quiet hallway, intent on locating a room in which he can fucking take a nap. He spies a door that looks promisingly abandoned, tricks the lock open, and enters the room to find Tsunayoshi curled up against the far corner, spine pressed tightly against the wall, head tucked between his knees.
Even from the doorway, Squalo can hear how rapidly the kid is gasping for breath, can tell how painful it is.
For a moment, Squalo thinks someone has had the audacity, the stupidity, to dare and poison his Sky's little brother.
And then he hears the strangled sob, and puzzle pieces that he didn't even know he had come slamming together with the force of a fucking asteroid impact.
He's across the room in a heartbeat, pulling on his rain flames to calm the kid down. As he tries to take Tsunayoshi's hands, the kid flinches back. Holds his hands away from Squalo, like there's something coating them and he doesn't want to get Squalo dirty.
All of a sudden, Squalo thinks of his initial impression of Tsunayoshi. Not suited for the underworld, and especially not suited for leading the Vongola. Best left as a civilian, far away from Italy.
He bites back a hysterical laugh as he realizes that he had been right all along.
Tsunayoshi. Sweet, compassionate Tsunayoshi. Too stupidly soft to not get maimed by all the suffering he sees, by all the people he can't save, by all the people he has to fight because they are too far gone to save. Too ridiculously loving to not loathe himself every time he sends family onto the battlefield.
Too strong to let any of that stop him. Too kind to turn his back on those who are defenseless, who need his help.
Squalo gives up on cradling Tsunayoshi's hands. He sits down next to the kid, legs splayed out in front of him, and then hauls the kid (still just a kid, god, they are all so young) into his lap, back to chest. He wraps his arms around Tsunayoshi’s ribcage, as tight as he can without causing pain, tucking his chin over the kid’s head, and pours rain flames into his shaking frame.
The hyperventilating stops. The agony and self-hatred, so strong that Tsunayoshi's flames are radiating it into the air, do not.
His Sky's kid brother sobs into his neck, shakes apart in his arms, and all Squalo can feel is, in the back of his head, that fucking rage flaring back to life from dormancy.
In the end, it's like this. Squalo knows the Vongola Ring should have been Xanxus's.
Tsunayoshi gets it anyway.
And so Squalo never cuts his hair.
Edited 7/14/2023. Crossposted to AO3.
(AN from 7/13/2023): Authorial Disclaimer: Normally I don't post fic hot off the press but in my defense I didn't know this was going to be a fic. I just wanted to post an idea! It was going to be like. 1 paragraph! Max! I swear! ...So I'm posting my definitely-short-idea, because I planned on posting today, and I'll edit and revise and add it to ao3 later. Because that is a thing I am going to need to do now. Apparently. Later, after bedtime. Dang, but these plot bunnies are out of control...
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nxmimochi · 22 days
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working hard or hardly working
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exocara · 3 months
I think a magical girl AU for KHR (i know ive made one but discard that) could work in hilarious ways with reborn arcobaleno being tsuna's magical guide. And he doesn't want to be a magical girl (or boy but to me magical girl is a genderless job term like doctor and mafia boss) but like, what's he gonna do when a monster attacks the school and kyoko-chan is in danger? Save her of course. He's glad PE got cancelled though.
Then once he gets a taste of being able to save people he starts doing more and more. Then you can have gokudera joining in like kyoko from pmmm, a rival magical girl from another town moving into the territory. Who is his magical companion? No fucking clue. You decide.
Hibari gets tilted that this fucking magical girl is IN HIS TERRITORY and DOING HIS JOB and FIGHTING THINGS WITHOUT HIM that he keeps trying to track MG!Tsuna down. Hijinks happen with Tsuna being able to assume his nondescript normal boy form and narrowly escaping hibari every time.
Yamamoto finds an idol in MG!Tsuna because she's always trying her best all the time! He joins the fan club. Thinfs get very awkward for Tsuna when Yamamoto finds one of the MG weapons in Tsuna's possession but incorrectly assumes its a toy version tsuna made because tsunas a fan too. They attend the fan club together.
Mukuro obviously is either a magical girl gone rogue or working for the nebulous magical girl enemies that gets converted to being somewhat allies against a greater threat. Likely mukuro's crew got targetted by the nebulous enemies, leading to mukuro and tsuna having to work together to rescue them.
Ryohei's just there. I dont really know what to do with him. He should have the funniest fucking crush on MG!Tsuna.
Lastly reborn and the other arcobaleno are revealed to be under a curse, as you do, and that they were the previously chosen magical girl group or something and this is the end result for every magical girl like pmmm or, well, khr
Im sure I'm missing stuff DO @ me abt it
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what-the-fuck-khr · 5 months
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Colour of the Year 2019
Living Coral 16-1546
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ner0w0w0 · 10 months
A fic idea, or smt like that.
Hibari can see ghosts, Fon probably can see them as well but he refuses to tell anyone, even the Arcobaleno just to mess with them.
The thing is, Hibari can see ghost and sometimes he can't tell the difference between living people and dead people so he'd stay silent most of the time and wait until others start to interact with them to make sure they're alive.
Long story short, when he first meets the first generation, he has no idea that they're spirits. The others are talking with them! G can even pretend to be Gokudera for a whole day and no one can tell! So when they just... fade away, he doesn't give it a second thought. Illusionists exist and they're all dramatic. This trick isn't that new.
Fast forward to 10 years later, Hibari can still see ghosts lingering around the corner of the streets, under the bridge,... He doesn't acknowledge them, and they don't know that he can see them, which suits him just fine. Until one day, when he's due to meet Tsuna in his office to turn in his report of the recent mission.
"Ah Daemon, is this... Elena?" the Sky's voice comes from behind the door.
"Yes, yes she is." Daemon replies as he opens the door and takes in the occupants in the office. There is a beautiful lady sitting next to Daemon on the sofa, gently leaning on the nobleman's shoulder.
"Ah, Kyouya! I assume you're here to turn in the report?" He wordlessly gives the Vongola's boss his file before turns back to greet Daemon and his lady. Tsuna always yaps about politeness and hospitality so much that he'd just do it so the Sky will stop.
"Good morning" he greets monotonously as he shakes Daemon's hand.
"And you as well" as he bows lightly to kiss Elena's hand.
But when he rises back up, everyone seems shaken up at his action.
Hmm? Are you not allowed to kiss a woman's hand in greetings? Reborn has told him it's the way of things.
"Wha- Who are you talking to, Kyouya?" Tsuna seems particularly scared.
"Hmm? To Elena?" He questions back, clearly not seeing the problem.
"The-there is no one there, Kyouya! What are talking about?" The Vongola boss sounds near hysterical now and even Daemon seems clearly dumbfounded, and... hopeful?
Ah. So Elena is a ghost. Interesting.
But troublesome, because both Daemon and Elena look like they're about to use him as their telephone.
What did Fon say about what to do in this situation anyway?
'If you ever get caught seeing ghosts Kyouya' Hibari's inner Fon's voice rings out 'just run'
Excellent advice.
The Vongola can't find their Cloud Guardian for the next 3 months, not until they contacts Fon, only to find that the skylark has been taking 'spiritual enhancing class' (learning how to beat up ghosts, exorcist way) with the martial artist.
When he comes back and learns that Daemon, as well as other Vongola First Generation they have met is trapped inside of the Vongola rings, their plane of existence is different to normal spirits. That's why Daemon can't see Elena and the illusionist is on his knees begging Hibari to help him speak to his past lover.
To which Hibari only says.
"Skill issue"
And disappears for the next 3 months, this time to exercise his skill in exorcism. (He, inevitably, fails, so he goes back to the business of making people becoming spirits, hitman style)
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Nemesis as Tsuna
Reborn: I'm going to teach you to be a mafia don. Tsuna: ...Do I get to kill my deadbeat dad? Reborn: Yes, you do.
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lixenn · 2 months
KHR discord server
So my beloved mutual @childe-of-saulot put this idea in my head and now I've read several articles and watched one (1) youtube video about how to run a discord server. And before I really dive into it and loose myself in hyperfocus I wanted to ask you guys:
For your information that isn't for any of my fanfics, it would be a general KHR fandom server. Also, I've never run a discord server before so this might be a bit messy at first.
Please tell me what you think!
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Crossover idea of the day
John wick x KHR
Skull De Mort is John Wick reincarnated. He wanted a life of peace, of getting to be human and free in a way that he never has been. He takes the chance and joins the circus.
Looking the other way when he happens to see something that hints at the criminal empire.
He is dragged kicking and screaming into the world's strongest. The Arcobaleno, I Prescelti Sette and makes it everyone's problem. He refuses to be the world's greatest hit man. He chooses to be the world's greatest stuntman instead as the biggest f u to checkerface.
Death retired him dammit.
Anytime someone tries to get him to kill, he throws the biggest tantrum. He acts so childish anyone that knows him would cringe and shoot him dead.
Then someone tries to kill Oodako.
Que John Wick Rampage
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rarepears · 1 year
Okay, in a SVSSS world with KHR flame, Shen Yuan would obviously be a Sky - it really amplifies his whole wife-beaming halo. But Luo Binghe? Luo Bingge could be a sky too with the way that he's able to woo and captivate all the ladies, but Luo Bingmei doesn't give sky energy to me. He's giving me feral chihuahua energy (cough Hayato Gokudera energy) like a Storm. But what do y'all think?
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ketchup-chup · 6 months
I have an idea for a KHR hospital AU where all the acrobaleno are different kinds of doctors/work in different departments at the hospital but Skull is just a regular guy who’s always there because he gets injured so much
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dark-elf-writes · 30 days
Imagine if Enma also ended up being Tsuna’s first time by virtue of he knows how to keep his mouth shut
(Tsuna does end up sleeping with the rest of them anyway and no one realizes Enma was both the person Tsuna lost his first kiss and virginity to)
Scream laughing at the thought that Enma knows full well what will happen if anyone ever finds out he was all of Tsuna’s firsts but him being so down bad for Tsuna that the fallout seems worth it if he can just have Tsuna in his bed at least once. (It’s far more than once.)
Enma: I will quite literally have all of the strongest members of the mafia after me if I do this
Enma: … but I can’t not fuck him
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
okay idk if you had this question before
But considering how Shamal is aka flirts and hits on everything that identifies as female
How would Tsuna and his guardians react to that happening to their female partner?
This actually isn't a question I've ever had before! Thank you so much for sending it in and I hope you'll enjoy the headcanons!
We actually kind of saw how this would go down with Tsuna during the Daily Life Arc, when Shamal made some comments about Kyoko, someone Tsuna had a crush on. He'd react exactly the same throughout his teenage years with anyone he dated. That is, while nervous, panicky, a little upset, not at all sure how to react, Tsuna would definitely step in front of his partner and tell Shamal to leave them alone. I think he'd still largely react the same as an adult, though he's gotten more used to the doctor, knows Shamal is just being Shamal and wouldn't genuinely carry through with any of his flirting. He's still making sure he's right beside his partner though and if they become uncomfortable in any way, he's shutting Shamal down and getting his partner out of the situation in the best way he could.
Now, when it comes to Gokudera, I really do think that Shamal has a real weak spot for Hayato. Hayato is someone precious to Shamal, even if he verbally pretends otherwise. Actions speak a lot louder than words and Shamal is very interested in Hayato's life, worries about him, and does keep tabs on Hayato's life even as the boy grows into a man. He'd never actually do anything to harm Hayato, so in a way, I do think Shamal respects any partner Hayato does actually settle down with enough for Shamal to meet. His flirting wouldn't be as overt and not as physical as it would be with some of the other Guardians partners and it's mostly done to tease his precious student, to see Hayato get worked up. Because he will get worked up, calling Shamal a dirty old man and maybe even getting a little physically violent and definitely angry. His partner is either someone who just would've shut Shamal down anyway or is laid-back enough to realize the flirting was harmless and teasing and would both laugh it off and help Shamal out by defusing Hayato's ever-present temper just a little.
Honestly, this probably wouldn't bother Yamamoto too much. Not only is he a pretty laid-back, chill kind of person but he really does accept people for who they are. And that includes Shamal and his many quirks and his habit of needing to flirt and 'pick up' those women he considers attractive. In some way, yeah, it's kind of an ego boost for Yamamoto that his partner is so hot that other men really are desperately trying to flirt with them. Overall though, Yamamoto is someone who would never be in a relationship with someone he didn't absolutely respect and trust, so he knows that his partner would never do anything with Shamal, no matter how much flirting and pick-up lines the other man tried. That being said, if Shamal does cross the line to a point where Yamamoto notices his partner getting uncomfortable (which he definitely will, as Yamamoto is a lot more observant than he lets on), Takeshi will have absolutely no problem just casually telling Shamal to knock it off, in probably the nicest and friendliest way. He's just like 'yeah dude, maybe tone it down a bit, you're making her feel uncomfortable' or Yamamoto manages to completely change the subject, because he really just that kind of person.
Okay, but we kind of get hints that teenage Lambo turns into a bit of a playboy type and I really think that's partially to blame on Shamal being around Lambo during his formative years. Lambo seems to be the one person genuinely interested in learning Shamal's pick-up tricks and he takes some of the doctor's lines and techniques and honestly, those are probably among the things that made Lambo's partner initially fall for him. So Shamal trying to flirt with Lambo's partner? Lambo is genuinely curious to see how his partner will react, what might make them blush, make them upset. He uses it as a bit of a learning experience, though if his partner doesn't seem at all interested in anything Shamal is selling, Lambo is celebrating and rubbing it in the other man's face. It's that 'I have surpassed your skills, you dirty old bastard' moment for Lambo, where Lambo genuinely thinks it's because of Lambo's superior flirting and hitting on people skills that makes his partner like him more than they like Shamal and not the obvious choice of Lambo is who they're in love with and attracted to. That will, of course, create a verbal spar between Lambo and Shamal and Lambo's partner is just going to have to step away from those two idiots for a little bit, though Lambo will want his partner's sympathy and comfort when he loses that verbal sparring match.
Ryohei's starting a fight. There is going to be actual physical blows thrown on Ryohei's side and Shamal tends to beat a hasty retreat when that happens. It only takes once and Shamal really learns not to hit on Ryohei's partner, even jokingly or out of force of habit, when Ryohei is within earshot.
Hey, sorry to break it to you, sorry to anyone who doesn't like this take, but if Shamal is flirting with Hibari's partner, it's pretty much goddamn certain it's because Hibari isn't with them. One, Hibari doesn't actually spend an abundance of time with any romantic partner he does take, just because he is busy and has very clear goals and ideals he's working towards in life and doesn't have a lot of free time. Two, not even Shamal fucks with Hibari. Three, even if Shamal did fuck with Hibari and knew that was Hibari's partner, and even if Hibari overheard anything, Hibari expects ANY partner he takes on to be able to handle their own shit. Any romantic partner of Hibari's needs to be able to stand up for themselves and handle their own problems and that includes the good doctor.
I really honestly don't see Mukuro and Shamal interacting much at all. Even if they do encounter each other, it's largely just in passing, not even conversations. They share Tsuna's family in common but Mukuro doesn't really attend Vongola events, still holds himself apart. Chrome goes in his place instead for the most part and the only time I see Shamal and Mukuro seeing each other is either if the Vongola is in the midst of battle or if Shamal is treating someone in Kokuyo at Reborn's request. So, if Mukuro's partner does get hit on by Shamal, it's when they're not with Mukuro and Mukuro mostly hears about it afterwards. Because the situation isn't a pressing matter, it mostly just amuses Mukuro when his partner tells him about it.
As much as I absolutely adore Shamal, he's definitely propositioned Chrome and her female partner for a little ménage-a-trois action because the only thing hotter than one pretty girl is two pretty girls. It did make Chrome angry, embarrassed her, but Chrome isn't great about speaking up and standing up for herself. So her reaction is probably largely to just grab her partner's hand and run away from him. She doesn't much care for Shamal and tries to avoid him to the best of her ability anyway.
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zibulon01 · 10 months
Got tagged by @kstbj thank you! (hi, feel free to ask about more details or snippets for each of them if you want)
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