#kibo x reader
randoimago · 2 years
Hey! Can you do a ultimate telekinetic reader who seems super stoic and cold, but are really nice once’s you talk to them with togami, Kiibo/K1-B0 and kazuichi?
(Non-despair/non killing game au)
Thanks! Btw I love your stuff :))
Ultimate Telekinetic Reader
Fandom: Danganronpa
Characters: Kazuichi Soda, Byakuya Togami, K1-B0
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: Thank you!! Sorry this took so long to get out but here it is!!
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Originally found your talent really scary. I mean you can just move things without touching them. That's crazy! You're also pretty intimidating so that's nerve-wracking to him too.
Ends up deciding to talk to you due to a boost of confidence and because he can't deny being interested about you talent.
Completely taken aback with how nice you are? You're just so sweet and wow how come he didn't talk to you before?
Believes in science over magic and telekinesis sounds like magic stuff. So he thinks you're using strings or Himiko is helping somehow.
Doesn't have any problem going up and talking to you. It's nice that you're so nice with answering his questions about your talent.
Can't help but feel guilty for thinking that your talent is fake when you're so kind.
Scoffs at hearing your talent because he thinks it's fake. But he's also intrigued with what you can do with the talent.
Might try getting on your good side just so he can use your talent for his own benefit.
Is more intrigued with how nice you are. He thought it'd be more difficult to talk to you and get answers but it's turning out to be really easy.
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Kibo and Kisses
Taking a breather on a remote planet after working yet another job for Cid, Echo steals away with you for a moment.
Pairing: Echo x f!reader
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: cuteness, sweetness, fluff, Echo is self-conscious but we love him, eavesdropping brothers, idiots in love, first kiss, pet names/nicknames, brief mention of Fives (who else was Echo going to learn some moves from?)
Translations: Uj’ika – kinda like ‘cupcake’
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He was sweet behind all the gruffness and bad puns. If anything, it just added to his charm. War changed many men, and being kept prisoner, body altered without consent, and mind used to defeat your brethren? Yeah, that would undoubtedly change a man.
You wouldn’t think it, though, watching Echo listen intently to Omega’s story, laughing at the right moments and nodding to encourage her to continue. She only had a handful of stories, late-night tales Nala Se used to tell her back on Kamino, but she could remember them like the back of her hand, and once she grew tired of the boy’s war stories and the ones about your childhood, she would share hers.
You’d lost track of how long you’d been roaming the galaxy with Omega and the boys. Cid had insisted you accompany them on a mission, and that mission rolled to two and then to three…
Shaking your head fondly, a sigh slipped from between your lips. The Trandoshan had given you such a sly smile when she’d shoved you onto a ship with four charming men and a cute kid.
“He’s not going to disappear, you know.” Warmth blossomed in your chest as Hunter sat next to you on the crudely made wooden bench you’d fashioned shortly after landing two rotations ago on Yavin 4. While the boys had armour to protect their behinds from the damp grass, you and Omega didn’t have that luxury.
“Don’t know what you mean.” You lied, tilting your head to meet the Sergeant’s gaze, squinting a little as the setting sun dared to blind you.
“Mhm.” The corners of Hunter’s lips quirked up in amusement, but he refrained from pushing his point too far. Watching you moon over his brother from afar was adorable and frustrating that you were too stubborn and anxious to do anything about it. “What story is Omega telling this time?” He switched topics, noting how the tension melted slightly from your shoulders.
“You’re the one with the enhanced hearing, you tell me.” You rocked to the side, lightly nudging Hunter’s arm with your shoulder. You’d grown up with a brother, and though the war had taken him from you, it had also graced you with a few new ones.
Turning your gaze back to Echo and Omega, you waited as Hunter tuned in to their conversation. At first, his ability to eavesdrop from afar had caught you off guard, forcing you to switch to your mother tongue when quietly cussing anyone on the ship out. Still, you found amusement in using it to your advantage, twisting Hunter’s arm until he would eavesdrop on gossiping women in marketplaces or creepy men with lousy pick-up lines in cantinas.
“It’s not a Nala Se special.” He admitted, eyebrows rising closer to his hairline as Echo’s laughter filled the tiny clearing Tech had set the Marauder down in. “Did you tell someone that you prefer they take you for dinner before calling you names?”
The colour drained from your face, and your jaw slackened. “Oh no.” You squeaked, wide eyes watching the way Echo’s whole frame shook with laughter, while Omega grinned, oblivious to the true meaning behind the comeback you’d snapped at the rude market attendant the last time you’d touched down for supplies.
Turning your gaze to Hunter, his thinly veiled amusement had you stammering out an explanation. “A- A fruit vendor wasn’t looking where he was going. He walked into us. His goods went everywhere. He called me some choice names; I told him I preferred dinner beforehand – it slipped out before I could stop it. Oh, Maker, you think Omega knows what I meant?”
Allowing himself to chuckle at the horror on your face, Hunter stood, bringing a large hand down to land on your shoulder. “I hope not but try not to make such comments around the innocent child next time. I don’t think any of us are ready to have that talk with her yet.” He shook his head in disbelief, smile firmly in place as he retreated onto the ship.
“Omega.” You called out, desperately hoping to stop her from telling any more stories before she embarrassed you further.
Your voice drew the young girl’s attention, and with a quick wave of your hand, she came racing across the clearing, stopping right in front of you. Echo trailed behind her, his pace much more languid. “What is it?” Omega offered you a sweet smile, rocking on the spot with her hands locked behind her back.
“It’s getting dark, and we should head inside.” You gestured to the setting sun, which had dropped a little further towards the horizon since you’d first sat down to watch Omega and Echo.
Frowning, the young clone glared at the sun before returning her smile to you. “But you and Echo are out here with me.” She retorted, tampering down her grin as she watched Echo sit beside you on the bench, his knee lightly knocking against yours.
Grateful he couldn’t hear your heart hammering away at the physical contact, you bit down on the inside of your lip. “I know, but it’s bedtime.” You insisted. You tried to keep a routine for her, conscious that she was young and growing. Omega never skipped a meal, even if it meant you did on the quiet, and where possible, she got eight hours of sleep.
“I’m not tired.” Omega’s smile turned to a pout. She wasn’t ready for the evening to end.
“It’s been a long day. You’ll fall asleep as soon as you’re in bed and have Lula.” Echo chimed in, catching how your shoulders relaxed as he took the reins. He enjoyed that you mothered Omega, offering her one of the things that they had been deprived of. But he also knew how difficult it could be, especially when the child in question wasn’t your own. There were invisible boundaries to negotiate and rules to establish, but whenever he felt you might need a helping hand, he was more than willing to step up. Sometimes, it was good to remind himself that Omega was still a child, even if she was older than him and his brothers.
Shooting Echo a thankful smile, you returned your focus to the quiet girl before you. She looked to be contemplating Echo’s words. It was time for the big guns. “Besides, you’ll need plenty of energy if we’re going to track down a Ysalamiri tomorrow.”
Omega’s face lit up brighter than the suns of Tatooine. “We’re going to go and find one?” She gasped. When you’d landed, Tech had pulled out his datapad to research the planet. He’d found a list of native plants and animals, pointing out which ones to avoid. Omega had caught sight of the Ysalamiri and loved the non-threatening, furry creatures.
“Yep, so you’ll need your sleep. They’re fast and live in the trees, so we might need to do some climbing.” You explained, silently praying Hunter wasn’t actively listening to the conversation. He would have a fit if he knew you’d scramble amongst the branches, but it was part of a normal childhood.
“Will you come too, Echo?” Omega swung her wide gaze to her brother, pleading for him to join them.
Eyes widening as he was put on the spot, Echo stalled for a moment. He’d told Tech that he would help him perform maintenance on the ship in the morning, but was he about to give up the chance to explore with you? “Sure.” He decided, knowing he’d have to break the news to Tech. His brother could maintain the ship alone, but Echo didn’t want him to bear the weight alone. “I’d be more than happy to escort my favourite girls.” It slipped out before he could stop it, and he studiously kept his eyes on Omega, ignoring the weight of your soft gaze on his profile.
“I’ll go to bed then.” Omega declared, conceding with a grin that had you narrowing your eyes in her direction. What was going on in that young girl’s mind?
Opening his arms, Echo accepted Omega’s goodnight hug. It had taken a short while for him to grow accustomed to the action – a shoulder thump was the usual level of affection his brothers gave, and he was conscious that his cybernetics made everything uncomfortable and awkward. Sometimes he wondered if he could swap his scomp out for a proper arm and hand, but they didn’t have the credits or time to purchase and make such adjustments.
Omega threw herself into your arms after hugging her brother, giving you a tight squeeze before she bounded into the Marauder, leaving you with Echo.
“If you’d rather have a girl’s day tomorrow, that’s okay. I know you and Omega enjoy your time together.” Echo broke the momentary silence. As much as he wanted, no yearned, to join you tomorrow, he would respect your decision. You and Omega didn’t get much time to explore marketplaces or local fairgrounds together, and he would hate to take that from you.
“I’d love for you to come with us.” You stated, reaching up to tuck an errant strand of hair behind your ear.
Echo wasn’t entirely convinced. “You sure?” He gave you one last out. “Feels like you haven’t wanted to be around me lately. You left the cockpit quickly the other day when we swapped watch.” He added dejectedly, shrugging his shoulders as if he didn’t care.
Your heart ached, and your mind berated you. You’d just wanted a little space to determine whether your adoration for the man at your side was genuine or forged because you lived in each other’s pockets. Some hypothetical questions had been posed to Tech, your confidence in the man’s research capabilities unquestionable, and done a lot of soul searching.
Reaching out for him, your hand found purchase on his scomp, and though he couldn’t feel anything from the rigid metal, you still gave him a gentle squeeze. “Ecks.” The nickname slipped out quickly as you scooted closer, registering the flicker of surprise across his face at the new name. “I’m sorry, I’ve had much on my mind lately. You didn’t do or say anything wrong; it was just me getting stuck in my head.” You explained. “Of course, I want to be around you, and I’d love for you to come with us tomorrow.”
The frown creasing Echo’s brow disappeared at your reassurance, but your words kept playing over in his mind. What have you been thinking about? Could he help ease the weight of it, if only for a little while? “You should probably rest too then, uj’ika, if we’re to keep up with Omega. And don’t tell me you’re not tired. You yawned twice when Hunter was handing out rations.” Echo chided. You might’ve thought you were being subtle, but from the vantage point of his bunk, Echo could see the faint glow of your datapad screen each night as you stayed up late.
The term of endearment made you smile, but you were still none the wiser about the meaning. The first time Echo had used it, Wrecker had given a hearty chuckle, Hunter and Tech shooting you amused smiles before glancing at each other – communicating in that silent way only the Batch boys could. With Hunter’s words from earlier playing through your mind, you took a small leap of faith. “I should, but I was thinking about going for a small walk – want to join me?” You offered, rising to your feet and offering the sweet man before you your hand.
Echo hesitated. He wanted to go with you, Maker, he did, but he was supposed to be on watch with Tech. “Go.” Tech’s voice clipped through his cybernetic headpiece, and Echo gladly placed his hand in your own, rising to his feet as he watched the momentary confusion marring your features smooth into a beautiful smile.
Tinkering with the ship’s engine, Tech had heard the entire exchange between you and his vod. It took only two taps on his vambrace to isolate Echo’s comms and deliver the instruction. While some assistance would’ve been helpful, and another set of eyes for the watch was optimal, ensuring his brother’s happiness was back on track and your anxiety levels lowered would be better for the group.  
Letting you lead, Echo savoured the warmth of your hand in his, the way your fingers curled to grasp him tightly, and how you brought your other hand over to clutch at his forearm, suffocating all space between you. Fleetingly, he was grateful that you’d grabbed hold of his arm and not his scomp. “We shouldn’t go too far; we have no idea what could be out here.” He warned as you approached the edge of the clearing.
Shoulders shaking with your small laugh, you turned to stand in front of Echo, letting go of his forearm in the process. “You’re right, but I know I’m safe with you.” There had been some close calls over the last few missions, but Echo had been behind you, blaster in hand. He always had your back.
The softness of your words and the way you smiled at him took everything for Echo not to stride forward and steal his first kiss. Were you even aware of the effect you had on him? How his heart raced, and how he sometimes struggled to find the right words? “Always.” He vowed. His body had been through plenty. What was another blaster shot if it meant keeping you safe? 
The distant look was back in Echo’s eyes; the one you knew meant he was lost in thought. “Come on.” You gently prompted, moving to his right to loop your arm through his, fingers resting on his scomp.
“The other side would be comfier for you.” Echo swallowed, highly aware of how unforgiving his altered arm was. His first few weeks with the Batch had been spent relearning how to fight, sleep comfortably, eat, and wash himself. He’d sometimes wondered if it would be easier not to have the scomp.
Shrugging, you lightly pulled him forward, starting your journey into the tree line. “I like this side too.” You reassured him. “I like all of you.” You took a leap, throwing the comment out into the open, avoiding Echo’s gaze as you moved nimbly through the woods, avoiding the mighty trees that stretched up to the sky. At the same time, the crisp crunch of fallen leaves and the sweet music of local birds provided a beautiful soundtrack.
“You do?” Echo blinked in surprise, lips parting as your words settled in his mind. Your hum of affirmation as you released his scomp to jump across a small creek made him grin. “Well, it’s mutual.” He offered, reaching up to rub at the back of his head.
Giggling, you turned back around to face Echo, but your smile faltered when you caught sight of something above him, eyes widening as you gasped.
Watching your expression change, the galaxy slowed for a moment as Echo reflexively pulled his blaster from its holster, finger on the trigger as he aimed it upwards in the direction you were looking. His body tensed, every nerve on high alert, ready to take down whatever was up there and protect you. But while scanning the branches, leaves, and colourful flowers, he found no danger, no noise of a droid or person, or even an animal beyond the melodic bird song – was there something he couldn’t see?  
“Uj’ika…” Echo searched for an answer.
Returning your gaze to Echo, you hopped back across the creek, reaching out a hand to take his arm and slowly lower it, along with his blaster. “It’s okay, there’s no danger.” You explained quietly. “I’m sorry I spooked you.” You apologised, watching as he slid his blaster back into its holster, questioning brown eyes turning in your direction.
“It’s a Kibo.” You whispered, awe lacing your voice as the softest smile crossed your features. “The purple flowers. They’re so rare, Ecks. I never thought I’d see one in person.”
Flowers. You were in awe of rare flowers. And he’d nearly shot them. “Are they going to eat us?” Echo asked, fingers twitching near his blaster. He tried to ignore how his heart clenched again at the nickname, warmth daring to seep through the few bones he had left.
Laughter bubbled forward, and you raised a hand to cover your mouth. “No, they won’t eat us.” Your laughter tapered out as you watched Echo relax.
Reassured, Echo could now ask his next question. “Why are they rare?”
“The seeds of the Kibo can restore sight. They’re prized for it. Healers and medics have searched for and taken them, so few are left.” You explained, moving closer for a better look at the flowers.
“Can they restore anything else?” Echo questioned, admiring the delicate blooms.
“I’m not sure. All that’s been documented is how they can literally and metaphorically restore a person’s vision, allowing them to see what’s right in front of them.” You shrugged, head tilting towards the flowers, watching the petals shift in the light breeze. You couldn’t believe you’d finally seen them – and out in the wild, too!
Echo couldn’t help but watch you, the awe on your face exquisite. Swallowing thickly, tendrils of fear try to creep down his spine, but he pushes them aside and reaches out with his hand. Sliding it across your cheek, he tilted your head towards him. “I don’t need a flower to let me see how beautiful you are.” He whispered, silently praying the years of watching his twin compliment women would pay off.
Surprised, your lips parted, eyes widening at the compliment and physical contact. Warmth seeped through your body. Was he flirting?
Emboldened by the fact you hadn’t reacted badly, Echo slipped his scomp around your waist and pulled you close. He had the opportunity, and he wasn’t going to waste it.
Your breath caught in your throat, your heart pounding with anticipation. A soft, nervous smile formed on your lips and Echo’s eyes dropped to them – it was all the warning you got before he leaned in and closed the distance.
His lips met yours in a soft, gentle kiss, like the brush of a feather against the skin. It was sweet and tentative, filled with all the unspoken feelings you’d both been withholding since you’d joined the squad. The world seemed to stand still as you savoured the sensation, lips lingering against each other’s.
You pulled back slightly, breaking the kiss, and your eyes opened to find Echo gazing at you with warmth and affection. Your bodies pressed together, heart racing.
You watched as a glint of something crossed his eyes, and with light steps, he guided you backwards, pressing you against the trunk of a nearby tree. His lips found your throat, and he peppered kisses across it, pulling a gasp from you.
His hand gripped your waist, keeping you close. You were still out in the open on an unfamiliar planet, and your safety was his priority. More kisses were left up your throat until he pressed his lips to yours once again. There was a little heat behind this one, making your insides turn to mush as Echo’s fingers grasped at you tightly.
He pulled back after a moment, resting his forehead on yours while you caught your breaths. The soft sound of the wind rustling the trees filtered back into your mind, along with the chirp of forest creatures.
“Maker, I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” Echo whispered, nervousness settling in.
You chuckled, a smile breaking out on your face. “Me too.” You admitted, sliding a hand to the nape of his neck, careful not to snag his cybernetic headpiece. “I think we should do it again.” You whispered.
As Echo’s eyes snapped open, you were no longer unsure what their glint meant. Those soft lips you’d just kissed curved into a wicked smile. “Yes, ma’am.”
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years
i sent like 2 different anon asks already im so sorry u have to see this typing style again but i have so many req ideas and ur blog is so nice,,, !! can i req byakuya, hajime, and k1bo with a male s/o who gets anxious alot and sits next to a student who makes them wayy more anxious? sorry if this is confusing ^^’
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HAVING A SCARY SEATMATE • byakuya, hajime, k1bo x male reader
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its alright!! im actually very honored to have people who want to request from me multiple times! it makes me happy that you enjoy my writing so much, so i hope this compensates for the wait you had to endure. please dm me if i got anything wrong, and enjoy, anon!
tws/cws: mentions of anxiety and your seatmate being mean to you.
|| -> mod taka <3
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this man is pretty intimidating himself, so when you and him first met, you were really anxious, even just seeing him in your peripheral vision made you sweat so many bullets. you could barely utter a complete sentence to the man without your palms getting all clammy.
when you eventually got comfortable around him, leading to you gradually opening up to him, he was relieved. he didn't want the only person he actually liked being terrified of him. while byakuya does like being scary to others, hes willing to be soft to you.
you've always been very fidgety, nervous & lacking of a back bone, but lately its been way more obvious. someone as smart and respected as him obviously notices when his beloved boyfriend is being more jumpy than usual. and he will figure out why.
checks in on you after every class you attend, but he notices that after one of them you're more shaken up. thats all the evidence he needs to gently confront you about it. only gently, though! he may be very cruel to others, but he would never do so to you.
after a few minutes of trying to calm down your anxiousness, you finally admit that the person that was sitting next to you was making you very uncomfortable. always giving you cold glares, ignoring you whenever you tried to talk to them, even giving backhanded remarks sometimes.
instantly hates them. you're generally scared of almost everyone, but a person actually going out of their way to look scary to you? no. he will not tolerate this kind of treatment towards his loved one.
next thing you know, he's excused himself from your conversation, and was power walking to the other persons class. it would be fifteen minutes when he gets back to you, with a slight walk of pride. when you try to ask him what he did while he was away, he simply tells you not to worry about it.
the following day, you're met with a sorry from your scary seatmate, politely asking if you two could start over. once you accept the apology, they never bother you again, they don't even dare look into your eyes. the roles are reversed, now they seem terrified of you.
you're not quite sure what byakuya did, and you're also not certain if you were grateful for it, but you were definitely a lot calmer now without them looking disgusted at you the whole class. byakuya seems to notice this, and smiles to himself. he only really wants to see you happy, and he's thankful that he's given the opportunity to do that for you.
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is probably the one you warmed up to the fastest. he is generally very nice to all of his classmates, especially your nervous self. he never made fun of you for avoiding social interaction, or for not really knowing how to continue conversations.
in fact, he actually related to you in some way. while he was very friendly, there are also times when he just wants to crawl into a corner and not talk to anyone. hajime gets why you feel that way, so he'd never judge you for it.
he calmed you down, which helped a little with your new anxious problem causer. your menacing seatmate. hajime doesn't notice you being more nervous at first, but since he was in the same class as both of you, its hard to miss after a certain time period.
whenever he turned around in his seat at the front row to look at his boyfriend, he was met with you avoiding eye contact with someone who looked like they were being a jerk on purpose. 'maybe its just a coincidence' he thought at first, but he realized it definitely wasn't, the same scene playing whenever he peeked behind him.
after class eventually ends, he goes to talk to you immediately, with a concerned look on his face. he silently brings both of your lunches, and leads you to a quieter, more secluded area. it was nice, but was interrupted by him addressing his concerns and asking if you were still okay with sitting next to them. he only wants whats best for you.
even if you do reassure him that you're fine, he doesn't really buy it. obviously, he trusts you, but he knows your expression well. you were extremely nervous. he just smiles at you, and nods, eating lunch with you in a peaceful atmosphere.
when you get to class the next day, dreading sitting next to that person again, you've been informed by your teacher that your seating arrangement has been changed to be next to hajime's instead! you let out a happy sigh of relief, feeling slightly guilty for whoever was going to sit next to them now. oh well, better them than you.
if you decide to ask hajime, he'll straight up tell you that he asked the teacher to change your seating arrangement. the educator didn't have any complaints with it, and knew that he wouldn't do anything too bad while sitting next to you, so they agreed.
you two celebrate after school with some candies at the nearest convience store, and some cuddles at a bench. you're honestly really greteful that he saw through your words, and followed what your expression said; you really didn't want to deal with that seatmate. he just laughs at your statement while chewing on candy, glad that he could do what was best for his amazing boyfriend.
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you definitely bonded with him first out of everyone else in the class. he was a robot, so he did extensive research with anxious feelings to try his best to accomodate to you. plus, he's a robot, he can't really judge your feelings because of that fact.
being extremely comfortable with him, he almost forgot what you looked like while nervous, especially because you two always choose each other for paired school activities. you rarely talked to anyone but him, and since you were relatively comfortable with him, he became unfamiliar with your nervous expression.
that doesn't mean he's clueless, though. he immediately notices the little thing. like your pulse is going faster or that you're sweating way more than usual, thats what makes him more suspicious.
at first, he brushes it off though. maybe it was one of those days where your nerves were playing mind games with you, and tries to comfort you like how he usually does when you get anxious for no reason in particular. something strange did happen though; his usual methods weren't working. you haven't calmed down at all for the past week or so, and he was finally at the height of his worry.
investigates! he decides to tag along with you for the whole day, and thats when he notices that a certain student keeps staring at you through the classroom windows when you leave one of your classes, very clearly making you uncomfortable.
when he asks you about it, you sigh and simple just tell him everything thats been going on between you and that person. he's an advanced robot, he'll surely find out sooner or later. plus, k1bo was one of the few students that you feel safe enough around to vent to, so it helps both of you, in a way.
the robot just listens to your problems, and comforts you with some cleverly thought out words. once you feel better, thats when he'll start to look around for a solution to solve your problem.
when you walk into class the following day, your "mean" seatmate, they didn't seem as cruel. actually, they were... friendly? they let you borrow their school supplies if you forgot any, tells you what the homework was if you need a recap, and lets you copy their notes if you missed anything. it was a weird 360 from their past attitude.
you had a feeling k1bo was behind this, so after saying a friendly goodbye to them, you decided to ask him. turns out, he berfriended them, and mentioned that you were his boyfriend. they decided to be nice to you since they thought he would be a nice friend to have.
if you're uncomfortable with it, he'll happily cut ties with them and find another way to solve the cause of your anxiety, since he'll do practically anything to make you more relaxed. he hates seeing the man he loves so jumpy, so k1bo would do everything in his power to help you out.
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wozwaid · 4 years
danganronpa v3 kissing headcanons?
Y E S! I’m gonna do the boys hehe
- shy. boy. 
- doesnt know how to do it
- kokichi told him that the person sticks out their tongue and then he’s supposed to lick it
- so you gotta take the lead
- but once he gets the hang of it he’ll be a solid 8/10 at kissing!
- solid 11/10 he's way too good its kinda scary
- just as clueless as shuichi
- everyone thinks he was lying about the licking tongue thing but he actually thought that that was how you did it
- I mean props to him for trying to give genuine advice?
- once he figures out how to he’ll tease the living HELL out of you
- he’ll move in closer and ur like oH YEAH BABY and then he’ll like say “hey do you see that over there?”
- he teases you sm to the point where you’ll like cry and then he’ll feel SO BAD
- he’s so soft around you but don't you DARE tell anyone
- keebo doesn’t know what he's doing, but HE TRIES SO HARD TO AND THATS WHY WE STAN KEEBO IN THIS HOUSEHOLD
- the last thing he wants is to hurt you
- when he sees you he’ll pick you up and give u a kith oaigjwekprfsd
- he prefers to kiss your forehead though.
- insanely good.
- rantaro amami? no. rantaro a-daddy.
- it gets HEATED
- not gonna go into detail abt that but he just is  GOD WITH HIS TONGUE 
- ok bye no nevermind I'm gonna go sit in a corner timeout
- no.
- I refuse to believe that he knows what kissing is
- when he learns, he only gives you little pecks
- gonta isn't big on intimacy. you know how much he loves you so he doesn't have to show it
- aha- uh
- he had practice...?
- yeah no I'm not doing this
- He’s like a solid 6/10
- he holds your hand when he kisses you!
- looks edgy but is a soft king
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ashsurixsachiki · 3 years
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During these trying times, Kiibo would like to say you can do it!! Or good job take your pick!
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maki-and-sushi · 6 years
NDR3 Boys meeting their crush irl after they die in the game.
Anonymous said: If it's not too much could I request NDRV3 guys reacting to meeting their crush alive? Like the killing game was like (SPOILERS) DR2 in virtual reality, and their s/o died in it. Basically a non-despair au sort of thing.
So this was a really interesting prompt! Actually, DR2 is my favorite game (over all, I still feel like NDR3 had the best setting, and ryoma and kokichi will forever hold a place in my heart, but I really like the dynamic of the characters, and I love their interactions. I just really love DR2 okay) IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW ALREADY: This basically is just one big spoiler for the twist ending of DR2. (and also the ending of ngr3)
Warnings: Language, Angst >:)
EDIT: for ryoma, I put that kirigiri killed him... and unless kirigiri can suddenly time travel, that didn't happen... lol! I ment to put kirumi, but I guess I was thinking about another prompt. Thank you for pointing it out!
Also: feel free to call me on my bullshit! - mod katie
Shuichi Saihara
When you first died, he was devastated. the only thing that kept him going was the fact that people needed him, they needed him to carry on. the only way that they could get out of this alive was him. He needed to do it. He needed to do it for you. your death would not be meaningless.
the stress was too much, sometimes. but he carried on. it was all he could do.
In the end, they stopped it. They stopped it all. No more killing game. Danganronpa would end in it's 53rd season. he would gladly accept punishment if it meant that this would all end. if it meant there would be no more people who died. sacrifice one for the majority, right?
He remembers that feeling of relief, when it all faded to black.
But then woke up.
He was confused, to say the least. He woke up in this.. Pod, of sorts. he remembers thinking it was like something out of a sci-fi movie. His wasn't the only pod, either. He watched as one by one, as the pods all around him started to open, revealing people he never though he'd see again.
there was himiko, and there was Kaito! Kii-bo, maki, Everyone! everyone besides Tsumugi was there!
And as that thought struck him, he searched frantically for the one person he had yet to see. Spinning around, he saw your confused face as you looked around. confusion that quickly turned to joy as you spotted him. Dodging teary reunions and embracing forms of the people who were reunited at last, he ran to you and embraced you.
holy crap, he feared it was a dream. he feared that if he squeezed to hard, or if he looked away for even a second, that you would disappear and he would wake up, cold and alone, back in that hellish game.
he felt your shaking form as you cried, sobbing for joy, sobbing from relief. you held him in a bone-crushing grip, as if you and him shared the same fear.
suddenly, more and more people joined in on the hug, some crying, some not. they joined until everyone was huddled together in a big, comforting embrace. Sure, there would be hell to pay for people who had killed, just as there would be trauma for those who died. they had gone through so much, it had unmistakably changed each and every one of them.
but right now, they were all here, and they were all alive. they would make it through this. together.
 Kaito Mamota
Kaito didn't want you to worry about his condition. he didn't know what suddenly brought it on, but he was stronger than whatever this was. he would beat it.
at least that's what he told himself.
he remembers when you saw him cough up blood for the first time. how shocked and afraid for him you were.
he remembers your face, when kokichi picked him up in the exisal. how horrified you were.
he remembers you crying throughout the class trial while he hid in the red exisal.
he remembers it all. up until the last moment, the thought of you being freed, being able to leave this place, even at the cost of his own life..... it kept him going. He was going to be a hero! and you.... you would be safe.
Darkness. he remembers the darkness. the floating lights that danced like stars behind his eyelids, through his mind. he felt weightless. he thought this must be what space was like, vast ... cold.... Suffocating. For the first time he could remember, he hated this space.
Then, he heard a voice. your voice. You, sobbing.... It didn't feel right.
Next, he felt the sharp pains in his head, taletell throbbing of a migraine as suddenly the entire world rushed into his skull. All of a sudden, as if he had been struck by lighting.... He was awake.
with a gasp of breath, drawing air into aching lungs.. he briefly felt the phantom pain of his rasping cough.
but that didn't matter. because you were there, above him, staring at him like you had just been granted your one true wish. With a pained cry, you enveloped him in a bone-crushing hug, burrowing your face into his shirt. sobbing, shaking, you refused to let him go.
he... he was alive.
He drew you impossibly closer into his arms, letting a few tears of his own escape. he was here, you were here, and with a start, he realized that everyone was here.
he didn't know how it happened. he didn't really care to, either. he had been given a second chance and he was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
 Korekiyo Shinguji
You and Korekiyo had admired each other from afar for so long. the subtle compliments, the cautious glances. you both knew what kind of situation you were in. you also found that your heart didn't particularly give a fuck what kind of situation you were in. you found him lovely.
His vast knowledge of seemingly everything astounded and entranced you. his love for humanity was admirable to you, and his comforting words (often directed only to you, you would never find out) made you feel safe. safe in his arms, safe from the horrible situation you were in.
maybe that was why you liked him. as the ultimate Psychologist, you often found yourself pondering this killing game. On darker days, you would ponder motives for killings, chances of survival. It was a relief when you found yourself on the lighter topic of love. You mused that in a terrible situation such as this, that it might be his ability to provide comfort, or his willingness to forgive small mistakes, such as emotional out lashes, that drew you to him.
 Whatever the reason, your heart refused to acknowledge just how ridiculous this crush was. You also refused to make a move, believing yourself foolish.
one of your biggest regrets was not saying anything before you died.
When you awoke, you didn't quite know what to do with yourself. you observed some of the tearful reunions of the the classmates around you (participating in a few of them yourself), reflecting on your death. you had unfinished business.
With steely determination like that of a hunting cat, you gathered your with and went to korekiyo.
You had been given a second chance, you weren't about to throw it away.
nope you couldn't do it.
you stopped just short of reaching korekiyo, intent to turn around and do it another time, but before you could run away you felt yourself being stopped by two lanky arms hugging you from behind.
Turns out you didn't need to confess. Korekiyo beat you to it. he was intent on never letting you go. You found that you didn't seem to mind.
 Rantaro Amami
You had the biggest crush on him. it wasn't hard to fall for him, really. kind... sweet.... calm and collected... he was your hero in this dire time.
it made you mad when he died. why would anyone kill him? he hadn't done anything to anybody! you had often found yourself seeking comfort from him, talking about anything and everything to keep your mind off of this depressing reality. you remember him talking about his sisters, with such affection in his eyes. you had jokingly suggested that he might be the 'ultimate brother' with how he talked about them. he had rolled his eyes at you, and shoved you in a playful manner. you remembered that day fondly, joking in the library
the very library he had been found dead in.
you couldn't help but let a few tears out. tears for this boy, who had been so hopeful for the future, for his ultimate talent. This man who has assured you that everything would be fine.
you wouldn't forgive whoever did this. You couldn't forgive them.
After that trial, you couldn't really bring yourself to have much hope for the future. You wouldn't be burdened with the weight of living much longer, however.... Because of someone's selfish reason, you had to die. you hoped your killer got what was coming to them.
Waking up after was almost like a dream. You found yourself having a hard time believing that all of that... all the pain and emotion you felt... wasn't real.
You were grateful, though. because if you had awaken, that meant...
Rantaro was there, helping people out of the pods they had awoken in. helping, he was always helping 
Noticing you, however, he stopped trying to help a (rather confused) kirigiri, and after a quick goodbye, was at your side.
with gentle hands he helped you out of your pod, making sure you were steady on your feet before drawing you into a hug.
In that moment, you felt like you could take anything the world threw at you.
 Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta thought you were the nicest person he had ever met. You had been there to comfort him during class trials, you had shared his passion for bugs, and let him talk about bugs for hours on end, and better yet, you actually listened!
it didn't hurt that gonta thought you were the prettiest person he had ever seen.
when you were found dead, it broke his heart. you and him had been sweethearts for a week before this horrible game had ripped you away. Gonta had never cried so hard.
he was never the same after that. His words felt hollow, and there wasn't a day he didn't think of you. And when it came down to it, he all too willingly accepted his death.
When gonta woke up and saw you above him, he thought he was in heaven. when you smiled down at him and kissed his cheek, he decided that you must be his guardian angel.
You had started to cry when he said that, tears of joy falling down your face. you started laughing and kissing his face all over again. You kept telling him that he was safe, that you were all safe at last.
Gonta suddenly got serious, however. he vowed to you that he would never let anything happen to you, ever again. You stopped sniffling for a moment and told him with a fierce expression that you were going to protect him too!
And with that, you and gonta started crying all over again.
 Ryoma Hoshi
 Ryoma had treasured you. you always seemed to be positive, pulling him out of his funk whenever he got too far gone. you made him hope for the future, you made him wish he could be a better man.
he knew how he felt about you, and he knew how you felt about him. but regardless, he wasn't going to make a move. Someone like him, be with someone like you? Even if you both weren't trapped in a crazy killing game, He knew that you would eventually get tired of him, or even worse, you would see him for what he really was.
it hurt, really. To see you try so hard to try to confess, and him playing dumb at every turn. How he wanted to just accept your feelings, to tell you he felt the same....
no, being with him was a weakness In this environment. and you would never be able to stand a criminal like him anyway.
so, he made peace with being your oblivious close friend. but oh, how he longed for more.
He had accepted death rather easily. he was ashamed actually, with how easy he gave up. he knew you would be disappointed.
Ryoma awoke to someone saying his name. he was confused, because the last thing he remembered was kirumi about to kill him.... had she...not been successful?
Ryoma opened his eyes.
Huh... no he was probably dead. that was the only possible explination for seeing kaede above him... kaede, who had been killed in the last trial. kaede, who had made a grave mistake.
Which surprised him, because he thought for sure he was going to hell. unless kaede was in hell with him...?
While he was having this dilemma, kaede looked at him, waiting for some kind of response.
'sorry.. did you say something?' ryoma asked, hesitant.
"I just said that if you needed help getting out of your pod, I'd help you."
noticing his confused look, kaede gave him a quick rundown of what happened
".... and apparently, it was all just a simulation. that's what shuichi told me."
shuichi, huh? maybe he should go get the full version from him. After nodding to kaede signaling that he did need help, he got to the floor and looked around. sure enough, everyone around him was hugging and crying and having a big reunion.
before he could stop himself, his eyes locked on you.
you were smiling and hugging angie, and were none the wiser about his eyes on you. he figured that was for the best, after all, if he pushed you away enough then you would eventually stop coming back. maybe then you would move on and you wouldn't waste time on a criminal like him. he turned and walked away, too lost in his own depression to notice you running to him.
With a sudden lurch, he found himself buried in somebody's arms, his face in their neck. He was tense and uncomfortable, until he heard your sobbing voice say his name.
Suddenly, he was boneless and hugging you back just as hard. he tried soothing you by petting your hair, trying to calm you down, to quiet your sobs.
You told him through your tears how glad you were that he was alive, that you were here with him. you then did something that baffled him.
You apologized.
You apologized for not being there to protect him, not being there to save him. When he heard this, he started to cry with you. He apologized for giving up, for succumbing to his darkness.
he took your face in his hands and pressed his forehead to yours.
He had died, once. seeing you now, knowing how it must have hurt you... no. he wasn't going to let you go another day. he wasn't going to give you up. He was going to be incredibly selfish.
Looking deep into your eyes, he said the words he thought he would never get to say again.
"I love you"
and with that, you kissed him.
 Kokichi Ouma
You would never forgive yourself. out of all people, at all times, you chose Kokichi Ouma, in the middle of a Killing Game, to have a crush.
You could practically kick yourself at how obvious you were. you giggled whenever he caused mischief, you gave googoo eyes whenever he was in the room. Whenever you two would banter back and forth, you always felt heat chasing up your neck and onto your cheeks. And from that smirk, that little smirk, he always gave you ...the little fucker knew. he just liked to see you flustered.
you hated how easily you could be manipulated by him... while you wouldn't bow to his every whim, all he had to do was start to flirt or get in your personal bubble for you to cave to his demands.
It was often your crush that got you into trouble with the others. you were often the first to defend kokichi, trying to give reason to some of his more nonsensical actions. trying to make him less like the bad guy. it wasn't your fault that you saw a softer side of him sometimes, and it wasn't your fault that you wanted the others to stop persecuting him for every little thing...
You knew you were biased. you knew.
...Gonta had been too far. you know what the others thought of him now but... It had been gonta's decision.... you knew kokichi probably manipulated him but.... but the raw, unadulterated pain and emotion in his eyes when he explained to gonta....
You were confused. and a little hurt. but god, your feelings didn't waver.
if anything you just wanted to help heal this broken boy.
And after the trial... You knew he was lying. He wasn't the mastermind. and that wasn't your bias. This was obvious, out of all his lies, this was the most obvious one of them all....
so why did they fucking believe him?!?
you, true to your intentions, still tried to find holes in his logic. still tried to clear his name. You didn't notice the looks maki was giving you.
When you woke up, it was as if the entire fucking sun was shining in your eyes, with a migraine the size of Russia to match.
with a groan and a dozen or so curses, you sat up and stepped out of the-
holy fuck were you in a pod or some shit?!?
you jumped out of the pod thing, trying to separate yourself from the machinery that was foreign to you... and immediately cursed, louder this time, as vertigo and your migraine came back to bite you in the ass. you swayed, about to fall, when all of a sudden, arms were around you, holding you to someone.
"don't you ever fucking do that again, you dipshit. Don't ever put your life on the line for me ever again, you got it?! Don't.....Don't you .... fucking..." and with that, Kokichi started to cry.
You were shocked why kokichi, big bad, supreme leader kokichi was crying.
 When you asked him as much, he looked at you like you were an idiot.
"because I care about you, you stupid idiot!" he said, trying to dry his tears.
Gathering you close and holding you tight, he whispered to you
"please don't leave me again.."
You couldn't tear yourself away, even if you tried.
You were always the one to defend him, when the others were being robophobic. when they treated him like nothing more than a hunk of metal.
you and him would talk for hours and hours, you explaining what it would be like to do certain things as a human..him, sharing his experiences as a robot. you called it a 'culture exchange'
the more the two of you shared, the more k1-bo felt like he needed to protect you, like he needed to comfort you, to keep you safe.
when the final trial came around, you were so tired. tired of the death, the destruction, everything. He wanted to shield you from this torment, to put a smile on your face.
He wasn't really aware of what he was doing in the last part of the trial. all he remembers is the voice in his head...louder, louder, until..
s i l e n c e
When he .... Awoke? was that the right word? Well, when he finished rebooting, he realized he was plugged into a machine. the next thing he realized was that you were in front of him, making sure he was all right.
When he reported that he was perfectly fine, you weakly smiled and paused.
'Do.... Do you remember anything, kiibo?" you asked, trying to keep your voice light. When he responded with what he last remembered, you looked like you were about to cry.
"are, are you alright? Do I need to go get some bandages?" kiibo asked, trying to see if he could fix what was wrong. You let out a choked sob and hugged kiibo tight.
"don't you scare me, don't you do that to me again, kiibo... I was so worried.."
when he asked what he had done to make you so worried, you weakly told him that it didn't matter, that you would tell him later.
And it was the very concept of later, that implied you would be around for a while, that made him absolutely hum in delight.
When you felt the vibrations, you giggled through your tears and kissed him on the cheek.
You would be all right, you both would be.
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mango-bango-bby · 3 years
Congrats Mango on the 3k
Now if I may request a single parent with sugawara
Reader is a single parent and their kids teach er is sugawara
Sugawara falls in love with reader blah blah, he does the normal thing of stalking and isolating reader and their kids, you know the norm for when your in love
He eventually realizes that the quickest way to readers heart 8s through the kid
The kid loves suga and want him to be their new dad, setting up dates and such, suga acts innocent, when really this was the plan all along.
Please write readers kid bringing home theire teacher and begging reader to give suga a chance, that suga is better then his father(who was actually a fine person and father just not for reader, and their kid never had a problem with before)
♡ I Wouldn’t Mind ♡
(A/N: Ahhhhh this was so cute 💖🥺🥺 I love writing domestic stuff, so I loved this!!! Readers child in this is absolutely precious, she just wants her teacher to be her dad and she wants her mom to be happy 😤😤 Anyways, enjoy!!!)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, domestic stuff, single mom!reader, children, spoilers for what Suga does for work in the time-skip, FLUFFYYYYYYY
Summary: Sugawara + Single Parent Au (Yan!Sugawara x Fem!reader)
3k Prompt List ➸ ♡
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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Some say teachers don’t have favorite students. However Koshi knew that wasn’t true, because he knew exactly who his favorite student was. His favorite student was Kibo L/n, the girl was an angel of a child. She did great on all of her assignments, she was kind to all of her classmates, and she was the child many parents would dream of. And Kibo was the child of an absolute delight of a mother, you.
Sugawara hadn’t met you the first day of class, like with most of the parents as you didn’t have time. Being a single working mother took up so much time. However Kibo talked incredibly highly of you, often telling her favorite teacher that her mommy was the best and the most pretty in the whole world! Koshi would always play along with the toddler, saying that he’s sure that that’s true. He didn’t believe it until he saw you, and fell completely in love at first sight.
You were absolutely perfect. Koshi knew you were absolutely meant to be with him. You two would have the perfect life together! You wouldn’t have to work so hard anymore, instead only caring for the home while he was gone. Kibo would finally have a father, one that really cares for her. Maybe you two could even give Kibo a younger sibling!
He can imagine coming home from work along with Kibo, and you would be there ready to kiss both of them once they’re back while dinner cooked on the stove. That’s why he did things like follow you home, watch over you at night, find out everyone you knew
Earlier in the day Kibo came into his classroom during lunch with tears running down her face. Koshi practically scooped the young girl into his arms, asking what happened. Some other children in the class were making fun of her for not having a father. He hugged your daughter close, humming in an attempt to calm her down. Eventually the toddler calms down, wiping her eyes of any stray tears, “I wish you were my real daddy, Sugawara-sensei” Kibo mumbled, she already considered him as a father figure. But she wishes he was really her father.
“Please, Sugawara-sensei! You’ll love my mommy! She’s so nice and then she’ll be happy and you can take care of me! Please date my mom!” Kibo pleads, tears still in her large e/c eyes. She sounded almost desperate. He wishes he could tell her that he already loves you, her mother. But he can’t, he doesn’t want Kibo to tell you and you to be scared off. Even though that’s all he wants, to tell you his undying love for you. How he would protect you and Kibo with his life, how he would kill anyone he needed to for you and your daughter, how he would be an incredible husband to you and incredible father to Kibo.
“I’m sure I would, maybe one day I’ll be your daddy” Koshi smiles, watching the eyes of his student sparkle at his words. Kibo was coming up with a plan in her head now. She needed Koshi to be her father, and be with you. Then you wouldn’t have to work so hard, you wouldn’t be lonely anymore, Kibo wouldn’t hear you cry at night if you had Koshi. Because he would be there to comfort you.
The school day went on as normal, Koshi making sure to separate your daughter and the children that were making fun of her. Kibo did great on her assignment for the afternoon, being able to read the short story with practically no problems. Koshi makes sure to give her a star sticker for that.
School ended a few hours later, all the students cleaning up the school before leaving to go home. Today, luckily for both Koshi and Kibo, you had enough time to pick up your daughter from school. Kibo dragging Koshi by the hand so she could officially introduce her favorite teacher to you and hopefully make you realize that you should fall in love with him. Kibo wanting to act as a baby Cupid, even though Koshi was practically running this all. He’s sure Kibo wouldn’t want to set you two up unless he’d said those words earlier that day.
“Mommy!” Kibo yells, jumping into your arms. You still have your work uniform on, showing that you came here straight from work just to pick up your daughter to make her happy. “Hi sweetie!” You cheerfully smile, you pick up your small daughter in your arms, giving her small kisses over her face as she giggles. You would ruffle her hair however it was tied up into a ponytail with a hair bobble.
“Mommy, that’s Sugawara-sensei! Can he be my daddy? Please, please please!” Kibo energeticly whines, dramatically throwing her head back. You can feel your whole body heat up at her words, your daughter always knew how to embarrass you, didn’t she? “I- I don’t know, hon, I’m not sure Sugawara-san would be comfortable with that-”
“Oh, no, I wouldn’t mind”
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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mythgirlimagines · 4 years
(In the Kibo-Con library…)
Nerd: (feuding with Wyre) YEAH, I burned Myth! You got a ****ing problem with that?!
Fusion: (hunched over some trivia textbooks) Excuse me! I’m trying to concentrate over here! And will you watch your ruddy language? My ears are not a toilet!
Source: The IT Crowd
(In Scar’s infirmary…)
Myth: (after Scar healed her scouter-burns) Thanks for the healing!
Scar: (confused by Myth’s terminology) Where is this coming from?
Myth: (happily) I just think nurses are great! The best! You do so much good for everyone!
Scar: (in her Demon of Life mode) Heh! All in a day’s work for the Demon of Life!
Myth: (shyly looking away) So…….do you think you can fix my bad back?
Scar: (breaking out of her Demon of Life mode) I’m not that kind of doctor!
Source: Miitopia
Egg/Wet Sock: (entering the Kibo-Con building)
Egg: We don’t want to be seen together! They can’t find out we’re twins!
Wet Sock: (dryly) Haha. Very funny.
Egg: Know what IS funny? Your face!
Wet Sock: Dude! You just insulted yourself!
Source: Mortal Kombat X
Curious: Iris and I have made a marshmallow Janon.
Iris: See? His arms are crossed because he’s mad at all the other marshmallow Anons for interrupting his beauty sleep!
Curious: (to Janon) Do you like it?
Janon: (holding back tears) I-It’s fine!
Source: Parks and Recreation
Eldritch: M-My heart is t-t-telling me to ov-overthrow the g-government, while wearing Pr-Pringles c-c-cans on my arms and chanting ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ b-backwards! S-So I’d rather n-not!
Source: Tumblr
(After Fusion II recommended one of her favorite fantasy novel series to Dream…)
Fusion II: (on her phone, calling Dream, in fast-talking bookworm mode) Hi, Dream! What’s up! HaveyoureadmoreofAnUnfamiliarFamiliar?!
Dream: (on her phone) Yeah! But I’m-
Fusion II: (massively fangirling) I know! Isn’t it amazing?! Howfardidyouget?!
Dream: I’m in the middle of one of them, but I’m really confused! They keep talking about this Blankman guy who died! Am I supposed to know who he is?
Fusion II: (slowly realizing something) Blankman? But that’s Lisa’s dad…
Fusion II: (panicking) Dream?! You’re reading them in order, aren’t you?!
Dream: (shocked) There’s an ORDER?! Aw, man! I’ve just started with the one with the coolest cover!
Fusion II: (internal suffering speed-reader noises, immediately hanging up)
Dream: (confused) Hello?! Dream?!
Source: Steven Universe
Video Source: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8vEW6rYj7w&t=166s)
One: (possessed by MM!Fancy, going into the bathroom while Purple is taking a shower, and writing “YOUR NEXT” on the mirror in blood)
Purple: (steps out of the shower, and notices the bloody message)
Purple: (corrects the message to “YOU’RE NEXT”, and leaves in fear)
Source: Unknown
Finally, I’m finished with this week’s quota! I hope you like these quotes! Let me hear your opinions of them! In the mean time, have a nice week, and stay tuned for a Tuesday Talentswap and next week’s Anon-Correct Quotes! 
-Fusion Anon
If she could I would absolutely trust Scar to fix my back XD
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randoimago · 3 years
Can I request Danganronpa headcanons for the Danganronpa V3 boys with a female S/O who’s an Ultimate Gamer?
S/O is the Ultimate Gamer
FANDOM: Danganronpa
Character(s): Rantaro Amami, Gonta Gokuhara, Ryoma Hoshi, K1b0, Kaito Momota
Type of Request: Headcanons
Word Count: 652
Note(s): I only write for 5 characters at a time so I'll do the first 5 characters by alphabet (last name) and maybe do the rest in other posts!
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Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta is so confused by technology and video games are included in that so you would have to explain your ultimate talent to him so many times.
Now if your talent extends to board games then Gonta would be more interested. Technology is scary but he loves playing board games.
Definitely not the best if you do get him to play some games with you, but he tries because he wants you to have fun with him. 
He doesn’t want to disappoint you (gonta, sweetie, you’re never a disappointment).
Would want to watch you play your games more than play yourself. Gonta does enjoy the more “relaxing” games such as Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley as they’re really cute.
Kaito Momota
Probably takes your Ultimate Talent as a challenge and will want to compete against you in video games. 
It’s actually his way of spending more time with you as well as just complementing your skills every time you win.
Likes playing cooperative games with you more but probably gets wrapped up in telling you some story so you’re the one doing most of the work if it’s a game like Stardew or something.
Okay but he loves listening to you just talk about video games since it’s obviously your passion. Likewise, he’d love to just sit and talk to you about space. 
If you introduce him to games like Universe Sandbox then he is going to just be blown away and so happy playing with things and such.
You mention being the Ultimate Gamer and Kibo suggests playing some games with you as a way to bond.
Honestly with him being a robot it definitely proves quite a challenge to you when you play games. 
He has probably downloaded all sorts of cheat codes and knows the move sets super easy because he wants you to have fun playing with him.
You might have to talk to him about actually playing video games to have fun and not to think too much on the numbers and coding.
Might need to have a lot of talks with Kibo because while it’s nice that he can help you out with what to do in video games, there’s a time when it becomes backseat gaming because he’s doing algorithms and such and you’re just trying to play.
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro has definitely played some video games with his sisters and always let them win so he’s happy to do the same with you.
If you accuse him of letting you win then he’ll object and state that he was trying. Which most of the time is true, he just can’t compete with your Ultimate Talent.
Rantaro does enjoy cooperative multiplayer games the most because you two can just have a fun, chill time without any worries. 
Although he probably enjoys watching you play video games more than playing with you. 
Especially if the games have a really good story and good characters. He won’t say no to playing with you, but enjoys watching more.
Ryoma Hoshi
Not that big of a video games person. He doesn’t hate them though, he just never really got into them.
Like he won’t stop you from talking about them because he knows it’s your passion and would never want to stop you from talking about your passions. He might end up tuning out a bit on accident which causes him to feel guilty.
Again, he’s happy that you love them so much but he probably won’t join you in playing unless you seem really excited. 
Would lose a lot when it comes to playing video games. Even video games that don’t really cause you to “lose” he’ll still not do too well in them because it’s just not his thing.
He’ll support you though. You can talk about how you beat a boss or managed to catch every fish in the game and he’ll state that he knew you could do it and you’re amazing.
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years
Hello! Ur blog looks amazing so far! Can I request kiibo with a gn(?) that sleeps in random places and doesn't remember how they got there? (Sorry for a weird request and bad English)
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SLEEPY READER • k1bo x gn reader
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thank you so much! i do hope i did this right, but please ask me to change anything if you would like. this isnt a weird request at all, and your english is great! english is also my second language so i know how you feel. anyways, while it is somewhat short, i still hope you enjoy your request! oh, also this wasn't proof read, i apologize for any typos.
tws/cws: none that i can think of.
|| -> mod taka <3
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the robot was very concerned when he saw you do it for the first time. seeing your s/o casually sleep on one of the benches at a nearby park and not remembering how they got there is certainly a sight to see.
does some research as to whether or not this is normal behaviour for certain humans, the closest he could find was sleep walking, but he was sure that wasnt it.
after a few more tries at attempting to have you describe your experience so he could research what was happening, he eventually gave up and just made some alternative solutions.
one of them was putting a watch on you that would notify him whenever you started sleeping, then it would track the location you were in so he could come over and wait until you woke up, making sure you're safe.
has a little speech whenever you wake up and start acting confused because you dont remember how you got there. "hello s/o, you have fallen asleep again. you chose a childrens park to rest in this time, you did this all by free will and i arrived here around ten minutes ago. did i answer all your questions?"
carries you home if youre too groggy and tired to walk there, giving you a small lecture on the way there that you could be hurt if you keep doing this strange habit.
one time he had to go watch over you while you slept in a golfing course, so he had to skip his appointment with miu to check on his functions and to see if he needed any repairs.
it was very entertaining to go to school the next day and see an angry miu trying to accuse k1bo of standing her up, with an intimidated k1bo trying to explain that you slept on a golf course and he had to escort you home before one of the old men accidentally hit you with one of the golf balls.
there are times when k1bo cant physically come to pick you up, so when he cant do so he asks one of his available school mates to come over and wait for you to awaken.
the most common two to come fetch you in place of k1bo is kirumi and kiyotaka. kirumi gives you a gentle talk about some solutions to help with your problem, like coffee and simply forcing yourself to stay awake until you got home. taka, on the other hand, gives a very loud speech about how this could affect your attendance, saying he'd hate to give you detention for having too many tardy slips.
whenever you wake up confused as to where you are, k1bo secretly takes a photo and saves it in his internal storage, looking at the photos whenever hes missing you or just needs a good laugh.
regardless, k1bo is still very much willing to stand by your side, despite all your strange sleeping habits. its actually a nice quirk that hes grown to love! it lets you two be together for even more time, and it makes for some pretty funny scenarios.
overall, the robot is very much willing to take care of you when you randomly knock out in a pet store, and will give his usual speeches to tell you youre safe and you came there by will.
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hub-pub-bub · 5 years
For the sixth year, Tech & Learning presents its awards program that honors nominated products at the annual ISTE conference. The products below were selected by an anonymous panel of educator judges, who scoured the exhibit hall floor during the conference in Philadelphia. The judges rated their impressions of individual products on a sliding scale, evaluating areas such as quality and effectiveness, ease of use, cost, and creative use of technology. They then met in person to decide which technologies deserved to be named Best of Show.
"Our stalwart judges tromped through the Pennsylvania Convention Center evaluating 125 different edtech products and services over two days at this year's ISTE," says Kevin Hogan, Managing Director, Content. "Those companies whose technologies were identified as extraordinary should know that this recognition is not a badge of participation, but a true endorsement by one of the most innovative educators in the country."
Please join us in congratulating the following winners! A more detailed feature will run in our August ISTE Wrap-Up issue.
Acer: Predator Helios 300 gaming notebook & Acer Chromebook Spin 512 (R851TN)
Alive Studios: Classrooms alive!
Autodesk: Instructables& Tinkercad
AVer Information, Inc.: AVer M15W & EP65
Dell: Dell  Latitude 3300 Education, Dell Chromebook 3100 2-in-1, & Dell Chromebook 3400
Boxlight: MimioClarity & Mimio MyBot Educational Robotics System
Capstone: PebbleGo
Casio America, Inc: Casio Superior XJ-S400UN LampFree® Projector & Casio LampFree® XJ-UT352WN Ultra Short Throw Projector
ClassLink: ClassLink Launchpad, ClassLink OneSync, & ClassLink Analytics
Clear Digital: Evo Lite, 6000K Interactive Flat Panel, & 7000X Interactive Flat Panel with Convertible Mobile Stand
Curriculum Associates: i-Ready
Dremel: Laser Cutter
Edgenuity: UpSmart
Edmentum: Exact Path
ELMO USA Corp: PentaClass G2 Classroom Audio System
Epson America: BrightLink 1485Fi
Follett: MyDestiny
Gale, a Cengage company: Gale In Context: for Educators
GoGuardian DNS
Houghton Mifflin  Harcourt: read180; math180; & Amira
HoverCam Pilot X & Ultra 10
HUE HD Pro camera and HUE Camera Viewer
KinderLab : KIBO - The STEAM Robot Kit for PreK-2 students
Lexia Learning: Lexia Core5 Reading & Lexia PowerUp Literacy
Lightspeed Systems: Analytics Powered by Relay
Mango Classroom by Mango Languages
MAXCases EdgeProtect & EdgeProtect Plus
Ozobot: Evo Classroom Kit (18 Bots) / Ozobot Classroom
Piper, Inc.: Piper Computer Kit
Promethean: ActivPanel Elements Series
Renaissance: Star 360 & myON Reader
ScreenBeam 1000 EDU
Securly: 24 by Securly
Texthelp: WriQ
UL Xplorlabs platform
Vernier: Exploring Motion and Force with Go Direct Sensor Cart, Coding with mBot Life Hacks, & Energy Explorations and Solar Energy Explorations
ViewSonic Corp.: ViewBoard IFP7550 Interactive Flat Panel Display; XG350R-C Gaming Monitor; & CDE9800 4K Commercial Display
VSC for Nearpod: Nearpod
zSpace Experiences
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randoimago · 3 years
Danganronpa Masterlist
Check the Fandoms list to see who I write for!!
Also for some reason links don’t work on the Tumblr app so use your phone’s web browser instead because that seems to work (at least for me it does)
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Trigger Happy Havoc
Aoi Asahina
Byakuya Togami
Celestia Ludenburg
Chihiro Fujisaki
Leon Kuwata
Makoto Naegi
Mondo Oowada
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Kyoko Kirigiri
Sakura Ogami
Sayaka Maizono
Toko Fukawa
Yasuhiro Hagakure
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Goodbye Despair
Akane Owari
Chiaki Nanami
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Gundham Tanaka
Hajime Hinata
Hiyoko Saionji
Ibuki Mioda
Kazuichi Soda
Mahiru Koizumi
Mikan Tsumiki
Nagito Komaeda
Nekomaru Nidai
Sonia Nevermind
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Killing Harmony
Angie Yonaga
Gonta Gokuhara
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaito Momota
Kirumi Tojo
Kokichi Ouma
Korekiyo Shinguji
Maki Harukawa
Miu Iruma
Rantaro Amami
Shuichi Saihara
Tsumugi Shirogane
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Danganronpa: The End of Hope’s Peak
S/O is a Demon
Mukuro Ikubasa
Kiss Headcanons
Spending Christmas with Her
Beach Headcanons
Watching The First Snow Fall  ::  ❄️
S/O Is Ultimate Thief
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years
- Good morning, afternoon or evening, Mod Taka! I was wondering, could you make headcanons with a NB!reader, who has gender dysphoria? with Keebo and Shuichi. You can add your favorites though!
- Thanks in advance, and remember to take care of yourself! o(^▽^)o
- Mod Chiaki🎮
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DYSPHORIC NB READER • shuichi, k1bo x nb reader
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of course mod chiaki! im sorry if these are a little short, my head has been hurting for quite awhile, but i need to finish requests before they pile up. i hope you take care of yourself as well!
tws/cws: dysphoria, mentions of ang13 and t$umugi positively.
|| -> mod taka <3
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when he notices that youre dysphoric, he tries his best to comfort you. hes panicking a little inside, he doesnt want you to feel bad about how you look or questioning your identity because of invalidation.
after he nervously makes you feel a little better, he asks his classmates for advice. kaede suggests that he should buy you androgynous clothes, to help you feel confident while still being out of the gender binary.
he overthinks what to get you, not wanting to upset you even more if you dont like the outfit he buys. the only reason he was walking to you with a wrapped gift was because kaito had to help him by clicking the purchase button himself.
its a very fashionable outfit that still manages to be gender neutral. he confessed that some of the girls in his class helped him pick an outfit to buy you, worried that he doesnt have a good style and wouldnt pick something nice.
once you say that you do like it, he'll ask you to try it on, which you go to the bathroom to do. once you go out, he smiles brightly. you looked amazing!
he notices that youre also happy, which makes him sigh in relief. then, he asks if he can do anything else to help you with your feelings. shuichi doesnt want to just give you an outfit and leave, he wants to help you get these feelings away.
mention anything, and he'll do it for you right away. do you want physical affection? got it. hes immediately hugging you and kissing your cheek. do you just want to watch a show with him that makes you happy? he'll go buy some of your favorites snacks.
is very open minded and considerate when youre venting about what youve been feeling. doesnt really try to chime in with his opinion since its your moment to be vulnerable, but if you want some advice then he'll try to give some to you.
if youre uncomfortable with people staring at you, then he'll respect it, a little too much. he looks behind you whenever you talk to him, worried that he'll make you dysphoric if he stares for too long.
helps you go shopping for more baggy clothes if youve run out. will also help out with laundry if youre one of those people that get demotivated and tired when they feel their dysphoria.
texts you every day to make sure you had enough food and water for the day, and asking if youre feeling any better compared to yesterday.
is just very accommodating to you and your feelings, slowly helping you get out if your slump because of how patient he is with you. will always be there to help you in tough times, so dont worry.
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sort of knows what you feel like. hes a robot that sometimes wishes he was a human. k1bo has probably had days where he doesnt like his appearance, which is why he is so determined to help you.
he understands how horrible those type of thoughts can be, so he'll do anything to pull you out of it. the first thing he does is telling you to take a nap.
he knows how mentally taxing those thoughts can be to humans, and can easily burn them out. so he practically forces you to sleep while he goes and thinks of what to do to make you feel better.
the robot decides that he'll make a small party for you, that will take place in your room with only you two. but, he asks some of his classmates to help him out.
angie makes you a painting of yourself, purposefully making you gender ambigious to help you out. definitely not because k1bo was watching over her paint the whole time to help her paint you in that fashion.
kaede plays your favorite song on her piano for you, recording it so your boyfriend can play it at your little party later.
tsumugi takes pictures while cosplaying as your favorite character, making mahiru take pictures.
after setting it all up in your room while you were still sleeping, being as quiet as possible to make it a surprise, he gently woke you up.
when you wake up to your room decorated in some ballons, a piano music playing in the back, and k1bo holding a canvas with some pictures on top, youre fairly confused.
once he explains that he did this all for you and that he wants you to feel better again, youre touched. a robot can understand your feelings better than some real people can.
you have a fun little party, watching a funny show that never fails to make you laugh, playing your favorite game with him afterward, and then just having some pillow talk after it all.
you explain some of the logistics and specifics of what you feel, also telling him the things that make you uncomfortable and the things that make you feel validated.
he memorizes it all in his head, taking note to respect it. after you speak it all out, he hugs you. you can feel him turn on his heater to make you feel warmer and welcome, it makes you slightly sleepy as you cuddle up to him.
he talks about all the things he loves about you, both personality and appearance wise. says that you just need to be certain in yourself and he'll always stick beside you, no matter what.
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years
HI IM BACK CHECKING UR ACCOUNT !! i noticed ur requests are open so i would like to request kiibo taking care of their sick s/o headcanons, maybe they have a high fever because they got caught in the rain </3 gender neutral reader pls, thank u sm !!!! <33
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TAKING CARE OF A SICK S/O • k1bo x gn reader
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hello, cheo! its so nice to see you requesting again. i was actually sick a few weeks ago, so i was going through a fever before, and how i felt during it is still fresh in my memory. i do hope its accurate and enjoyable enough!
tws/cws: mentions of sickness.
|| -> mod taka <3
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immediately knows when you're sick, so don't bother trying to hide it from him. his censors immediately does a body scan whenever he sees someone, so he picks up on your higher body temperature.
the moment he notices, he's picking you up and carrying you to bed, insisting you get some rest so you can get better faster. its no use arguing with him, he can and will drag you to sleep.
absolutely babies you for the next few days. refuses to let you do anything more than hold a cup, and when you do need something to get done, he'll do it for you instead.
talks the teachers into letting you skip the next few days. he also asks if he can be absent as well, since he wants to be your care taker while you're ill. because k1bo is very good at logical debate, his teachers can't make any good arguments to deny his requests. basically, he's allowed to stay with you at home!
he has a lot of special features to help make this experience more easy for the both of you. he can easily take your temperature in less than a second, he can also single out what meal would benefit your state the most and make you heal faster, as well as always being ready to put a new damp towel on your forehead.
is willing to shower you so that you don't get too tired in the bathroom, but he understands if you don't want him to. instead, he makes sure to leave you a towel and a clean pair of clothes on your bed.
does all of your household chores for you while he's staying at your place. he can't have any mess laying around, that might weaken your immune system if you breathe it in! expect him to be cleaning profusely every time he's not pampering you.
knows how to cook! since he's a robot and a big part of making good food is timing things right, he's quite good. has an internal timer in his body, so he can always do things at the perfect second.
the only down side is that you cant convince or bribe your way out of eating all of his healthy food. if you don't like vegetables or soup, then maybe think twice before deciding that this man should be your care taker.
makes sure to ask his classmates for any of the homework that you missed, and tries his best to keep you up to speed with the lessons that were taught in school. this is so you won't be stressed trying to catch up when you get better.
once you get better, the first thing he does is give you a lecture to teach you the importance of always having an umbrella on you. while he does love babying you, what he doesnt love is seeing you sick in bed.
forces you to carry a foldable umbrella everywhere after that experience, and carries an extra one inside one of his body compartments whenever you forget.
is just looking out for your health and well being. knowing that the person he loves most is doing okay is one of the things that helps him sleep at night, so he makes sure to keep you as safe and uninjured as he can.
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years
hi, if it’s okay could I have byakuya, Hajime, shuichi, and kiibo with a ftm reader who menstruated on the sheets while they stayed the night? Maybe some comfort and validation sprinkled in, it happened to me irl with my past partner and was really embarrassing,,
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ON YOUR PERIOD • byakuya, hajime, shuichi, k1bo x trans ftm reader
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of course! that does sound quite embarrassing, im currently on my cycle, which really isn't all that great since it does give me a bit of dysphoria. anywho, i hope these headcanons are good, enjoy!
tws/cws: mentions of blood, bottom dysphoria & bruises.
|| -> mod taka <3
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i've adressed before that i think byakuya is an extremely light sleeper, so the moment he feels a liquid seep slightly on his side, he's wide awake, shaking you up to see what was dripping on the sheets.
when he turns on the lights and sees that its blood, he's immediately checking your body to see if you were injured by something. when you say that you weren't injured, he asked why theres blood on the bed. and then, it clicks.
he's silent for a moment, before apologizing for his cluelessness. there are times where he forgets that your anatomy is originally female.
he'll go ask for his servants to clean the sheets, making sure to only ask the women in the staff to do the task, not wanting to embarrass you too much.
also asks the other ladies in the crew to buy tampons/pads/menstrual cup/pantyliner, he'll buy whatever you need, including food if you're the type to have cravings during this period.
he definitely knows alot about menstrual cycles because of his science classes, so no need go get humilitated in front of him.
buys you a heat pad if your cramps ever get really bad, so you can go back to sleeping comfortably after the whole situation happened.
it really doesn't matter to him, you're still a man in his eyes. this day will probably fade into the back of his mind, only remembering when you mention it. it really is irrelevant to him, he loves you no matter what.
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probably the deepest sleeper out of everyone, so he only notices when he's waking up and looks over to your side of the bed, getting overwhelmingly worried when he sees a red liquid under you.
after a small while of trying to figure out why you were bleeding, it hits him. unlike byakuya, he does know that you're afab, because he needs to keep track of your binder time.
still, it does surprise him, either way. he probably knows the least out of this group when it comes to periods, but he isn't dumb, he knows the basics at least.
wakes you up so he can clean the bedsheets. when you express that you're embarrassed, he tells you not to worry about it, its a normal thing and he really doesn't get why other guys are digusted by it.
will go out at like, 6am to the nearest grocery store if you need more pads and things of that nature. he'll buy you some chocolate as well, he's heard from his female classmates that they crave sweets during that week.
gives you massages if you're ever sore anywhere. he just looks like the type that knows how to give a good massage whenever you need one.
if you're having any bottom dysphoria because of the fact that you still get your period, he's quick to say that body doesn't matter, and whatever you are is right no matter what.
that day becomes one where you two can joke around about it. its sort of like an inside joke, he doesn't take it in a negative way.
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when he wakes up and sees the red liquid around the bottom part of your body, he immediately realizes why its there. knows quite a bit about periods, he's not that knowledgable on it compared to actual women, but he knows more than the basics.
has a stash of menstrual items in his bathroom. he has alot of his afab friends come over, and he wants them to be comfortable talking to him about such topics and prepared, just in case.
he asks what you use and will go get it from his bathroom, and makes you breakfast so you can eat in bed. he's heard how painful cramps can be during these times, so he'll offer to put his warm hands on any part thats cramping, since he doesn't have a heating pad.
writes a note to buy a heating pad for his stash though. will also stock up on candies and junk food for any craving you or his friends have.
will make sure that you're extra careful when walking around. he's heard that people tend to bruise more often when they're on their period, and he doesn't want you to get injured.
will attend to your every need. if you're like me and have a part of their body that hurts every time you have your menstruation, then he'll make sure that you take it easy so you're not feeling so much pain.
won't judge you if you're ever over emotional over something that he thinks isn't that big of a deal. he knows its just a temporary thing, and therefore he can just wait until you're finished with the week.
doesn't see you as any less of a boy when this happens. sure, you were born with a female body, so what? you're a boy at heart and thats all thats valid to him.
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do you know those apps that keep track of your periods and tries its best ot predict whenever your next cycle will start? k1bo is the walking, living version of that app for any afab person.
most of your other classmates use him as a calendar for their menstruation, and he's almost always right. so, when you unexpectadly bleed all over his dorm bed sheets, he's more worried than disgusted.
puts a mental reminder in his head to readjust somethings with the calendar function, all while he goes to clean the bed and your clothes, also going to get you some new boxers and clothes.
since he's a robot, his whole body has a self heating feature, so theres no need for any heating pads, his hands can do a much better job at providing heat.
does a quick scan of your body to see which material would work better for soaking up the blood. if you're too embarrassed to do that, then he'll just buy one pack of each.
he's your go-to buddy if you ever want more information about your body during shark week, he's researched alot about this topic, so he doesn't mind telling you some things about it.
he's probably had some of his code changed and modified by miu to be open minded and sensitive when it comes to certain topics, and this is definitely one of them. he's very open to others talking about their cycles, he doesn't understand why its taboo in other areas to do so.
doesn't really pay mind to the fact that you're a trans man that still gets his period, it's a big disconnect in his brain as to why it would prove your identity wrong. he'll be by your side no matter what, so you can always count on him to validate you.
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years
Hewwo! Could i ask for holding hands headcanons with Mondo Owada, K1-B0, Gundham Tanaka and Kiyotaka Ishimaru (seperately) x gn reader? Feel free to not do this request if you don't want to! Have a great day! (ू•ᴗ•ू❁) 💗💗
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HOLDING HANDS HCS • mondo, taka, gundham, k1bo x gn reader
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hi, its really nice to see you requesting again! i'm really sorry if its not all that good, school has been ruining my creativity recently, so i apologize if this is a little repetitive. i still hope you get some enjoyment out of this, enjoy!
tws/cws: none that i can think of.
|| -> mod taka <3
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doesnt initiate much. you might think its because he doesnt want to show you any physical affection at all, but you'd be wrong. he actually really likes cuddles and simple ways of affection, he's just to nervous that you'll dislike if it he starts anything, and he also has this 'bad boy' person to maintain in public.
but, if you do decide to initiate any physical touch, he'll be really greatful and happy internally, but very flustered and anxious externally. he doesn't really know how to react when people actually like him and are willing to show it physically, so he just opts to being extremely silent and red in the face.
please bear with him if his hands are a lot a little sweaty. he's trying his best over here- he's super happy that you held his hand, its just that his body literally doesn't know how to react.
when you ask if hes okay with getting his hand held and with you showing minor pda towards him, he'll just nod and say sure, as if it doesnt matter at all to him.
but in the inside hes practically screaming out of happiness. mondo can actually feel that you love him with how you hold his hand, so it makes him jump out of joy whenever you do it.
after a few months of you doing all the work for his nervous self, he'll eventually get the guts to very hesitantly intertwine fingers in the school hallway.
do you feel him practically shaking like a leaf and spot him putting his head down out of embarrassment that you'll not like him initiating? yes. do you think its adorable? absolutely.
just a very nervous boy that doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. he'll try his best to be respecting of your space, even if you're practically yelling at him that its okay to hold hands. its just how he is, and you love him like that.
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pda? how dare! you should not do those sort of things in public, it is only for the private eyes of the people in a relationship! he says while he's practically grasping onto your hand, almost cutting off the circulation.
he too craves affection, but his morals are very much against it. so, him fighting his own logical brain with his touch starved body, you get some strange results if you try to initiate affection.
the most common result is him saying the exact opposite of what his body is doing. he'll scold you for holding his hand in public, while not letting your hand leave his grasp. its weird at first, but you learn to get used to it soon enough.
at first, he'll completely reject any form of pda, claiming that it isn't respectful to those who are near and we should be considerate to those who don't want to see it.
then, he'll mildly start to tolerate it. of course, since hes taka, he'll still scold you and say what you're doing isn't morally okay, but he wont even attempt to slip away from your touch like he did before.
after that? he'll minorly still tell you off for doing anything, but he'll also do it to you. you hold his hand, he'll grip it back, extremely tightly, while saying that you should have learned to not do these things by now.
he really likes it when you hold his hands if he's panicking or if he's overthinking something. it helps him calm down and try to arrange his thoughts to help himself out.
whenever he's being a little bit too angry when discussing things, just lightly graze your skin over his and he'll give himself a moment to breathe.
your touch is like a painkiller for a really bad hangover. it helps him in most scenarios, and its almost always available for him. kiyotaka is so happy that you're okay with showing him affection, despite him still scolding you after months. it really does help him.
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would actually do it first. i mentioned before that i headcanoned that he would be the type to intertwine your guys' pinkies when no one is watching, and thats what he's like.
while he will start the affection most of the time, but it has to be when its either too crowded and chaotic to notice anything, or when theres absolutely no one around.
like almost everyone else in this list, he gets really embarrassed when someone does notice him showing love to you, rejecting anything they said they saw. its not anything against you, its just that he too has to keep up this 'overlord' persona.
its kind of hard to keep that label in yourself when you're intertwining pinkies with someone else, with your face practically burning on fire with how much blood is circulating through your cheeks.
it catches him extremely off guard when you start the showing of affection instead of him. if you thought gundham before was the most flustered you've ever seen him, think again.
all you need to do is hold his hand for a slight second of your own free will and he'll be melting down with how hard he's blushing. you're gonna need mikan's help to have him calm enough so he can start to talk again.
the four dark devas are the ones who will snuggle against your hand when he can't. they're like his seperate outlet for showing how he feels about you. it works out great because he can still tell you how he feels about you, and he doesn't get nervous by it because someone else is doing it for him. it all works out for you two, and the hamsters love it too, since you're like their second parent.
is one of the people on this list that would actually be the one to start everything first, though there has to be some requirements before he does so. he is gundham tanaka after all, he can't be seen so gushy and soft with someone else. but maybe, hes okay with being embarrassed if that someone is you.
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he's a robot, and while he does have the functions and capabilites to process patterns and behaviours most humans do, he doesn't understand why some of them are so against pda.
its just a way for you to show what you feel for someone and appreciate them, right? and, he has feelings for you and he appreciates everything you do for him, so he'll do things for you too.
his favorite for him is holding your hand! he likes that he can use his hands because its one of the parts of the body that humans uses the most. it makes him feel like he's part of you guys.
if you're cold, then he'll turn the heaters on in his hand. there are heated plates all over his body that can warm almost anything up, so if your hands are the type to get really cold for no reason at all and you dislike that, he's basically the perfect counterpart.
on the other hand, if you need something to cool your hands down, he's the robot for the job as well. if its summer and your whole body is sweating because of how hot it is, he'll turn on the chillers instead of the heater.
and he'll start cooling down your body, usually beginning with your hands. he just really likes touching your hand. its the most simple, yet affective way to show how much someone matter to you, so he often initiates it.
doesn't matter whether its in private or public, he'll try to hold your hand. of course, he only does this if you're comfortable with him doing so. if you're not then he'll gladly stop, but if you are then be prepared for having your hand he held for the rest of your days.
whenever the robot is happy, he'll hold your hand so you can be cheery together. whenever he's sad, he also holds your hand. it helps him try to be optimistic and enthusiastic, it works alot more effectively than most think.
just, loves to hold your hand. its one of the things that makes him feel somewhat human, and anything that can make him feel something of the sort is something he'll like. which is why he loves you, you make him feel like a regular human who can love.
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