#kidding she's a huge inspiration to start but i've been wanting to learn it for a while
oksanas-sun · 1 year
guess who's starting to learn russian on duolingo now
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rems-writing · 4 months
Humble and kindness
Pairing: rookie!San x maestro!reader
Summary: This will take place in an orchestral setting
Warning(s): people being dicks. That's pretty much it
Genre: Fluff with some angst
Nets: @blossomnet @mirohs-aurora-society
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Since @sannie4luv is a huge San stan, I'm tagging her in this :3
As San straightened out his pristine suit jacket that was ironed to perfection, he looked himself in the mirror one last time and gave himself a small pep talk.
"You got this, San. You can do it. You've been practicing for months on end for this very moment. You can make it. Fighting!"
After releasing a short breath, he picked up his silver violin case, slung it over his shoulder, and began walking briskly from out of his apartment to the busy streets of Seoul.
He probably should've brought an umbrella. Good thing he packed an emergency one in his case.
After closing it back up and opening the umbrella, he made his way to the symphony hall again. He only had three more blocks to cover. As he continued to walk briskly yet carefully in the rain, he noticed something odd. A few feet away from him, a young woman was wearing a cloak and was standing under a newspaper stand to try and shield herself from the rain. She had been asking for various strangers to lend their umbrella, only to be met with half assed apologies or straight up rudeness whenever they said no.
His heart broke when most of them were young people with violin cases slung over their shoulders as well. Looks like they cared more about the competition than helping a stranger out.
Due to the fact that he couldn't stand the weary woman suffering for so long, he walked over to her and put on his kindest smile.
"Hello, ma'am. Need to go somewhere?"
The woman heard his voice and let out a soft cry of relief.
"Yes yes! I need to get to the symphony hall. I want to see my child audition! Unfortunately, my car broke down in the middle of horrendous downpour and I didn't bring an umbrella with me so I had no choice but to stand here."
"How long have you been in the rain?"
"Not too long but it feels likes ages! Please, young man. Can you help me?"
A short internal conflict went on inside his mind. His brain told him to just ditch the woman and hope she forgives him while his heart told him to help her out so she wouldn't miss her child's audition. Sighing quietly, he made up his mind.
"Ok. I can take you. I might be late, but I'd rather be late than have someone's kid audition knowing that their number one supporter isn't there for them."
The woman's eyes shone brightly and a grateful smile graced her face. She scuffled under his umbrella and was even more shocked when she felt his jack be draped over her shoulders.
"But what about you?! Your shirt will be soaked and you will get sick!"
"Your wellbeing comes first, ma'am. Besides, I have an emergency shirt in my case that I can change into later."
The woman chuckled and they both walked together to the symphony hall.
"So... I presume you will audition as well?"
"Yes, ma'am. I've always wanted to perform in front of my biggest inspiration for years!"
"Ahh! Let me guess. Is it that one young girl? Y/N?"
San nodded eagerly and the woman chuckled.
"I heard she got her rise to fame fairly quick. She used to be a street performer and now here she is, playing in the KQ Grand Hall in front of thousands of her most beloved fans."
"That is correct! It's always been my dream to make a name for myself, wherever that might be." San chuckled sadly before speaking.
"After tearing a muscle in my calf during a taekwondo competition, I thought my life was over. During physical therapy, my hands started to get antsy so the doctor found something for my hands to do. At first, when I played a single note, it sounded like a dying cat being strangled and it was screeching for help."
The woman giggled to that comparison.
"From there, I learned how to play on my own."
"No teacher to guide you?"
"Most of the teachers thought I was too cocky or arrogant whenever I passed a simple lesson. They quit right after teaching me a few lessons. It kind of saddened me, but that didn't stop me from learning. Now, here I am."
"Do you think you'll pass the audition?"
"I would hope so. If not, I'm just grateful enough to even perform in front of y/n."
"That's very humbling of you, young man. I pass on my good luck to you for your audition."
"Thank you, ma'am."
When they arrived at the doors of the symphony hall, San let the woman go in first. She thanked him and was about to give him his jacket back when he shook his head.
"Keep it. I want you to stay warm and healthy."
The woman smiled.
"Alrighty then. Thank you for walking me to this venue. You truly are a kind man."
San simply smiled before waving goodbye to her and turning to the table that had sign-in sheets. Once he signed in, the employee pointed to a practice room behind San, where other musicians were waiting for their audition. Some were even practicing. San thanked the employees and walked to the practice room before finding a seat and opening his case so he could take out his violin and practice.
The tension in the symphony hall was thick.
Some musicians only made it through halfway of their audition piece before they were sent out of the audition room. A few of them walked in and then walked out since the maestro and her two colleagues, who were also judges, didn't even want to hear to the piece in the first place. It caused an uproar and loud claims of being unfair, to which the maestro shut it down quickly.
One of the musicians even cried as she ran out of the audition room.
The maestro made someone cry!
San was the last one to audition and some of the musicians that auditioned before him wished him the best of luck while others tried to persuade pressure him into backing out and calling it quits since the maestro has high expectations and San will never be able to surpass them. However, San pushed all of that aside and walked into the audition room with a humble head held up high and a kind heart beating rapidly.
"Hello. Tell us your name, the piece you'll play, and why you want to be a part of the maestro's symphony."
The colleague named Seonghwa spoke mundanely as the colleague named Hongjoong read over San's portfolio. The maestro sat silently in between Matz with the back of her chair facing San. San gulped nervously and spoke.
"Hello. My name is Choi San. The piece I'll play is actually an original piece I composed. Or rather transcribed I should say."
He quickly passed out three copies of his audition. Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and the maestro looked over the piece while San kept talking.
"The title of the piece is called Everything. It's actually written by my little brother. His name is Choi Jongho. He allowed me to transcribe his song and his dream is to have this performed in front of thousands of people during a symphony concert."
Seonghwa hummed quietly in approval while Hongjoong spoke up this time.
"It says on your portfolio that you were once a world-renowned taekwondo champion. During an international competition however, you pulled a calf muscle, which rendered you down. You've been in physical therapy and picked up the violin as a hobby."
"That is correct." San answered politely.
"So answer me this. Why would you, a former athletic champion, want to join something as spectacular as the symphony? You could've done some other sport yet you chose to dabble in the arts."
San sighed.
"I've been asked this question a million times and my answer will always be the same. I want to make a name for myself whether it be here or somewhere else. I also want to make my family proud. They've always been there for me. Growing up in Namhae, we don't get a lot of opportunities since it's such a small town. My parents worked hard to make sure Jongho and I have a bright future. They also taught us how to be humble and kind whenever we receive those opportunities. I may sound like I'm talking out of my ass, but it's the truth."
Hongjoong sat there in a stunned silence while Seonghwa leaned in so the maestro could whisper something in his ear. San caught a glimpse of a gold ring on her index finger and looked down at his own, smiling to himself slightly.
Both of them wore a simple gold band on their index finger.
Once Seonghwa nodded, he sat up straight.
"Do you have a backing track for this? Most of the other musicians did."
"I do not. However, I do have the piano chords written down."
Matz were pleasantly surprised by this and Seonghwa nodded to Hongjoong. The smaller man got up and San gave him the sheet music. Hongjoong took it and sat at the piano before cracking his knuckles.
"Ok. Whenever you're ready. I can sight read."
San started and got into playing position.
Once the audition was over, San stayed in that position with his bow lifted in the air until Hongjoong ceased playing. Seonghwa nodded and Hongjoong got up to take his place at the judge's table once more. San got into resting position and anticipated the words of the judges.
"Hongjoong and I already have our opinions, but the maestro herself would like to say her part."
"I'm ready for what she has to say. Whatever the verdict may be, I deserve it."
The chair spun around and San's breath got knocked out of his chest. Standing before him was y/n. She was wearing her iconic pinstripe pantsuit but in lieu of the pinstripe blazer
Was a very familiar looking suit jacket.
"Wait a minute... you're the woman that was under the newspaper stand?!"
A light giggle escaped her lips and San's heart rate increased rapidly. As her heels clicked over to where he was standing, she stared up at him with a soft smile.
"Yes I was. I knew people would do anything to make sure they made it to their audition on time, even if it meant disregarding anyone that was in need of help."
She reached out to him and fixed his tie, the gold ring brushing against the gray fabric.
"You risked being late to your audition to help out someone in need. And I admire you for that."
San chuckled softly while Matz awkwardly looked away.
"Do you even have a kid?"
"No. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that you were a good Samaritan. And you are exactly what I need for my symphony."
After fixing his tie, she took his violin and set it on top of the piano before grabbing his hands in hers.
"You passed your audition. Welcome to the symphony, Choi San. Let me repay your kindness by composing a full orchestral version of your brother's song. You can even conduct it. I'll play for you."
San couldn't help the bright smile on his face as he picked y/n up and spun her around. She didn't mind thought. The feeling of being in this kind man's strong arms felt nice. After he set her down, she spoke once more.
"Shall we get to work?"
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Have I ever told you this? (Probably! But I'll say it again, ha) It's been an absolute treat reading your Royai fics. Thank you for joining this fandom!
What are your inspirations? 😃 In terms of writing style, but also ideas, etc. Please indulge us all, and please do geek out about your writing process too!
I always love learning about how fan fic writers work and write!
Thank you, and I hope you have a lovely day~
Hey there!
You are so kind. It's hard to put into words how much it means to have had such a lovely reception from the FMA fandom. I used to write a lot when I was a kid, but eventually stopped due to some unfortunate and painful circumstances. Writing for this fandom over the last couple of months has been an incredible journey. It has healed some very intrinsic parts of me that I’d forgotten were wounded, and I have written more in the last few months than I have in 15+ years.
So, first and foremost, thank YOU.
Inspirations: I've always been a lover of fantasy and science fiction. My very first fandom was Star Wars, followed shortly thereafter by Avatar: The Last Airbender. Recently, I've become a huge Sarah J. Maas fan (I read ALL of her books in the year 2023 - minus the new one that came out in January). I've also enjoyed Suzanne Collins and Leigh Bardugo (particularly her Six of Crows duology).
But really, I just love stories. I love adventure, magic, and romance. I look for complex characters, vibrant worlds, strong magic systems, and rich backstories. My favorites always involve women who embody strength (mental, physical, and emotional), capable leadership, and femininity. Characters who are equal parts war-like and compassionate, fearsome yet soft.
But my very best inspiration comes from real-life: my sweet husband. It's going to sound silly, but I feel like I write about true love because I've experienced it. This guy was 100% written by a woman (lol). He's read everything I've written, and provides the most wonderful feedback and encouragement.
As far as style/process, I feel like I am still developing it? Haha! It's only been a minute since I got back into writing. But it usually starts with daydreaming to music (often songs without lyrics; Secession Studies is a favorite), typically while I'm in the car. With my first FMA fic, The Counteroffer, I was listening to "Beautiful Things" by Benson Boone on repeat. Something about the way he sings "Please stay / I want you, I need you, oh God" really set the tone for that story. That, combined with inspiration from the infamous Chapter 54 of A Court of Mist and Fury.
There's usually an moment or a line of dialogue that pops into my brain first (for The Counteroffer, it was Hawkeye lifting the discharge paperwork to find Mustang has also given her an unsigned marriage certificate). I write that bit, then the rest of the story sort of fills in around it. I write in disjointed fragments, adding chunks here and there and then connecting them together. Sometimes I shuffle things around, moving chunks to different locations in the story to see how it changes the flow.
Beginnings, endings, and titles are usually the hardest for me to come up with.
And here's a few of my own patterns that I've started to notice:
I love stories that read with a poetic beat to them (I think the best example of this in my own work is Hourglass).
I use line breaks for emphasis a lot.
I am intentional about keeping things concise but impactful. When it comes to word count, my personal rule is quality > quantity, always.
I try not to use "said/says" without other descriptive words.
If a portion of the story is dialogue driven, I'll read it aloud to make sure it actually flows like real conversation.
I often drop "and" from sentences when I feel like it messes with the poetic flow ("She became familiar with the space between heartbeats, the squeeze of the trigger, the wet sound of a bullet finding its mark." - Hourglass).
In the same vein, I use a sort of "rule of threes" quite a bit. I break sentences into three parts, offer three descriptions of a character's observation/sensation/emotion, repeat the same phrase three times, etc. (Oh look, I've done it again.)
I write in third person, present tense, always from the perspective of one character at a time. I feel like this puts myself and the reader right in the middle of the action, as it's happening. I dive deep into the primary character's thoughts and senses, both internal and external.
I re-read/re-watch the original content (i.e. FMAB, the manga) often, even if it's just in small parts. It keeps me grounded to who these characters are, and prevents me from going OOC. It's so easy to lose track of characterization if it's been too long since I watched an episode or read a chapter.
Hoo boy this got long. Thanks so much for the delightful ask! It was a lot of fun to dive into my own writing process and habits.
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ethanhuntfemmefatale · 4 months
i just wanted to say that i am a huge fan of dick (your oc not the appendage -_-) from what i've seen in his tag he just fascinates me. your mind is magnificent etc etc..
I cannot thank you enough for saying this. He says hi
:-) <-thats him
he's my player character for a ttrpg im doing...his name is dick wayne, erectile dysfunction joke partially intended (he's trans!) & also batman reference intended. he's basically a play on the stereotype of the dumb brute, I made him to play with a lot of ideas about vigilantism and violence in the family that are woven throughout the rpg. He's become a bit murky and complicated as a character because I use him so much as an outlet. The core concept of him is as a powerful guy who treats his body like a tool that he hands over to someone else to use however they see fit. He ran away from his mom as a kid but he never was able to get away from the ideas she taught him...when he was fresh out of (dropping out of) college he fell in with an older man who stoked his anger issues and taught him to fight crime. They took in a kid together! And in the end he wasn't able to stop the man from teaching those same ideas to their kid, passing the violence on.
A LOT has happened in the rpg at this point, he's almost died about 20 times, he's got like one and a half boyfriends and the one boyfriend has another version of himself who's pretty hot, etc. Now he's at a crossroads and he's trying to get better for the wrong reasons. Trying to rid himself of violence so he doesn't "infect" anyone else with it, not because he wants to get better. He's struggling with the growing horror of realizing that he has power over his own life, which means that everything that's happened because of his passivity is on his shoulders. And things are about to get worse! He's gonna die and get resurrected, for the SECOND TIME, and come back as a shambling zombie who's also kinda fey, still very powerful in all the wrong ways.
My concept is that he'll ultimately learn how to give up the one thing that he believes makes him useful and loved--his ability to fight for & protect people--in order to have a shot at real peace and contentment. before he died the second time (a really great phrase) he was a mechanic! it was the only thing he had that was his, that brought him satisfaction even through everything. he's constantly commenting on people's cars in the rpg, which is partially my own way of living out my car guy fantasies. and he has a car that's his best friend (named daisy.) I have this idea that after he gets resurrected, he'll have lost all the knowledge he had about cars, all the muscle memory, everything from this one skill that kept him tethered to the world and grounded in his own body and humanity. And at the end of the story, he'll slowly start to teach himself those skills again. Because it's not about competence, it's about the love of the work, and the love is still there! It's basically the idea of--there's no going back or undoing what's been done to you, or what you've done to yourself. the conventional happy ending (the world is saved, the status quo is restored, hurts are mended) is essentially impossible after horrible trauma. Things have changed, there are still scars, you're still older and you're still in the life all that stuff happened in. But taking the step to take care of yourself despite all that is better than a happy ending--it's meeting your life where it's at, looking at it honestly and making a commitment to it.
forgive me for being sappy i just am very invested in this. Dick is important to me at all times but especially right now cause I'm trying to use him as inspiration to deal with my own struggle to . well. give up the one thing I believe makes me useful and loved in order to have a shot at real peace and contentment.
anyway. dick wayne! he's a bear! he's a slut! he's even aro!
i love you thank you for the ask. hope you're doing great<33
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runwayrunway · 1 year
Hello my fellow resident of the world! How did you get into planes, if you don't mind my asking? I've just started my interest in aviation (thank you Admiral Cloudberg) and would love to know how you went about learning what you know. (Also, converted all my friends to PSA lovers this afternoon. I am still a JetBlue stan for the airplane names.)
Joke answer 1: I generally board planes through the aerobridge just like everyone else.
Joke answer 2: When they give you your autism diagnosis they tell you to pick a vehicle.
Real answer: is going to be under a cut, for length (seriously, it's long) and for rambling (seriously, it's incoherent) and also for being my life story rather than blog content proper (seriously, I talk about my grandparents) and also for discussing morbid things like plane crashes, so be advised.
I'm not totally sure. I mean, I moved across an ocean as a young child, my grandfather was a microelectronics engineer who worked in aerospace, I've spent most of my life living directly nearby an airport, but I don't think any of that is it?
I think it's a combination of factors. A major one was my first flight in a propeller plane and realizing that I really enjoyed it. Also major was an interest in air disasters. I'm a huge enjoyer of the Admiral's work as well, I think she has among the best coverage of air disasters out there (definitely in terms of narrative content, at least) and I find her writing style in general very inspirational, but I didn't discover air disasters through any specific media. Rather, I actually was very struck by certain crashes in the news (particularly the 2011 Lokomotiv crash, which I heard a lot about because my family are Russian expats).
I was a morbid kid. I've just sort of always been like that. I'm a second-generation goth who lives across the street from a cemetery with immediate family members who've survived some pretty awful things and aren't shy about it, it might be weirder if I wasn't kind of curious about mass casualty events. Like, one of the earliest things I remember is the Columbia disaster. For a long time I thought I had a weirdly specific and irrational fear of tsunami, nightmares and all, and then I remembered that I lived in Japan until the tail end of 2004. Also, my grandfather thought war stories were appropriate for three-year-olds. So I heard 'awful plane crash' and went 'oh cool. Let's look up what happened'. And then my family got talked to because I didn't own a computer and thus had no choice but to frantically search "Air France 447 CVR" in my school computer lab.
And then I got older than my nebulous age at the time of "child" and became a far different type of person and learned about politics and human people and the like. Frankly, if I were more of an active member of general avgeek communities I would probably spend literally all of my time yelling at people because of my very strong feelings about the callous ways people discuss these crashes, the uselessness of the concept of "pilot error", and pop coverage and 'memeification' of air disasters (again, another reason I enjoy the Admiral's work is that she does not do this). Discussion of air disasters is frequently done by a type of person I will describe, bluntly, as smug racists too afraid to admit that human nature is fucking up and that means they might have crashed the plane too if they were put in that situation.
While I consumed the normal air crash media (Macarthur Job's books, Air Crash Investigations (very hit or miss depending on the episode), Mentour Pilot (recommend) and the like) I'm actually a history student with a focus in archival science, so I like to do these dramatic dives into researching specific things and a lot of the most formative media to me is individual documentaries and books about specific crashes that probably isn't worth listing out unless someone wants a source about something specific, and the same sort of thing about specific models of planes and airlines. My point is that I kind of started just getting wrapped up in it, and it's been an on-and-off fixation ever since.
Like I said, though, I'm a history student, so I wasn't going to limit myself to one area of aviation. Like I mentioned, air disasters are a focus of mine, as are, obviously, liveries and branding, but neither of those are enough on their own to understand aviation as a field, the way it evolved - all of these things, wake-up calls to industries, changes in regulation, the evolution of airline marketing and structure over time, shifts in technology, they're all part of the same broader story. So while I have things I know more about than other aspects, I like to understand at least a little about everything. I like pulling these threads out of the cloud of information I don't know until I've unravelled it as much as possible.
At this point I have a solid working understanding of the physics of flight (though I'm also very interested in astrophysics so I expect that played a part), the history of airlines, the way they developed in the US and in Europe and also in other places that didn't start out with the same infrastructure, the role they play in society and propaganda and the avenues they open. I have a lot of blind spots. I don't really know how engines work and I think it's unlikely I ever will. But I'm always learning and I like that about aviation. It's just a gigantic field. You never run out of reading material. And that's even despite the fact that I simply do not care for military aviation (unless it's really strange/niche things like the SR-71, but I just don't really care about how many missiles you can strap to the Boeing Foreignguyblaster 9000 or the like).
I also sort of have an advantage over most people in that Soviet aviation is an entirely separate and deeply interesting subject that often gets reduced to jokes or 'well isn't that weird' and I have a secret weapon for researching it called "my first language is Russian" and a second secret weapon called "I can ask my grandmother and she'll just tell me about how she remembers the Miracle on the Neva happening and walking past the plane before they got it out of the river because she lived right nearby".
I also just like planes. I think they're pretty. I think it's incredible that they're real machines that humans invented. I don't know anything about computers and I never will so this is sort of the main avenue I have to be awed by the scale of human engineering. We put a giant metal thing in the air and then we painted a smiley face on her nose.
I not only am not a pilot, but cannot be a pilot. I have a seizure disorder and also the potential to get very lightheaded very suddenly, so I cannot fly and that's fine. A lot of people hear this and try to argue with me about how I could get an exemption or find a loophole and I get the idea but it's very misguided. Some people shouldn't be pilots. Causing plane crashes is bad and the reason aviation is so safe is because it refuses to take risks. The thing about being disabled is that you aren't able to do things. And that's fine, I have no choice but to be fine with it. But it gives me a lot more incentive to research and to planespot and to discuss aviation with other people, and I think paradoxically I would probably not know or care as much about the history of airlines if I were spending all this time out there doing figure-eights in a Cessna Whatever.
And I just sort of don't have the capacity to like something a little. I either don't care or I've looked into it enough that I could run some sort of blog about it. Aviation is important to me even though I can't directly participate in it. And I wanted to write about it. And, to be honest, not only is this a niche that's not often covered, but the backstory to this blog is exactly what my intro post is. I was at the airport with a friend and we had this conversation:
Me: oh my gosh, look at that Lufthansa plane. It's basically white. Him: yeah Me: why are all airlines painting their planes such boring things nowadays. This sucks. They're bereft of both whimsy and character Him: yeah Me: I feel like I could complain about this for years Him: yeah Me: has anyone written a blog about this Him: probably not Me: would you like someone to?
Is it the most elegant genesis out there? No. And I'm sorry I don't have a more coherent explanation for how I got super into planes than "I have access to a large library and also an autism diagnosis", but I'm sort of an earnest person and I like thoroughly answering questions.
If you want general recommendations for informative civil aviation content I recommend the youtube channels Mentour Pilot and 74gear, which are both run by actual pilots, and also just digging around at any libraries near you and seeing what you can find. You might be surprised by the depth of the research people have done into very specific topics, and also because you can find some good overviews written by very passionate people. If you want specific recommendations about any defunct airlines or old planes or major historical events, shoot me a DM. Also, if you know any pilots, ask them, because pilots are the only people worse at shutting up about planes than me.
Sorry this got so long. Much like my inability to hold a tepid interest in a subject, I am very bad at answering questions in a way that's not perhaps too forthcoming and thorough. I hope at least some of this feels like a satisfactory answer to some of your questions, though. Thank you as always for reading my silly little blog about airplane outfits.
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jasminedeserveslove · 2 months
Okay so I've let the DLC stew for a little while and now I think I'm fully ready to express my feelings on it. Be prepared for spoilers for SotE and a little bit of spoilers for my fic.
All in all, I really love the DLC.
Hot take, I know.
Seriously though, I think it's completely worth the hype. I enjoyed every second of exploration and getting my ass kicked (I still haven't defeated the final boss and it's eating me alive). I couldn't ask for anything more. Characters from the base game were rounded out a little bit more. Hell, I'm SO happy about the tidbits of lore we got for Marika, plus the HUGE revelation that Melina was one of her kids. Rennala got a badass sister! We have more lore about omen (hornsent, I suppose) and why exactly they're seen as so terrible in Erdtree culture. And the finger mother thing? I love her! There's so much lore to dive into, and I can't wait to do so in RBRB.
Speaking of my fic, I am SO pleased that I stopped where I was in the story and waited for the DLC to come out. After a little bit of editing and a couple more chapters, I'll be at its doorstep, and I have SO MUCH I want to do with it. I've been struggling trying to figure out exactly how I want to fuck Nyle and Stroud up, and the DLC gave me my answers on a silver platter. Stroud has a drake to kill and a heart to eat. Nyle has some eldritch horrors to witness and FINALLY something to break his spirit enough to become the antagonist I want him to be. I could kiss Miyazaki on the lips for the present he has given me and my sad middle aged men. Lux has so much to learn from the DLC too! I can't wait to throw her into Belurat and see what she does.
Finally, the elephant in the room. Mohg and his treatment. I've seriously been going back and fourth about how I feel with his treatment, but I've finally come to a conclusion. Am I sad that he died for, ultimately, nothing and was pretty much just used? Absolutely. Am I angry at the creators of the game? No. I could never be. Sure, Miquella choosing Radahn as his consort does seem pretty out of left field. I know that's one of the issues I've heard tossed around a lot. We don't know very much about Miquella from the base game, who are we to assume that this is completely out of character for him? We are not the people who made the game. We STILL don't know a whole lot about him. I've just decided to accept what happened and move on. I can be upset about how my boy Mohg was treated. I'm allowed to cry some tears of mixed feelings about what Ansbach says. I can express myself through the characters that I write (which I absolutely will. Good luck Nyle). But I'm not going to let it ruin the whole DLC for me. I'm not even going to let it ruin the characters for me. I still love Miquella and how compelling his pointless pursuit of love and happiness is. I still love Mohg, and possibly love him more, now that I know that we don't really know what he was actually like and only know him as a shell of his former self. I now have more respect for Radahn and understand his character so much more now. Personally, all of that is so much more compelling and inspiring than being upset that the DLC did Mohg and/or Miquella wrong. To each their own though, I just love talking about a particular tree game and my opinions over it.
Anyways, rambling over for the most part. TL;DR I love the DLC and can't wait to start writing again and have Lux and the goon squad explore every little inch of it. I also can't wait for the heartbreak I'm going to put every single character through.
I'll get to editing RBRB through the next couple of weeks. I have like two more weeks of work before I get ready to go back to school, and after that I'll be way more free to get to writing for the DLC and the rest of the game.
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cerseimikaelson · 3 months
1, 6 and 20, please!
Heyy, thanks so much for answering and the ask!
I don't know if you've read any of my fics so I will answer about them in general and not just about a specific one, hope that's okay.
1- Have any media sources acted as inspiration for your fics and which ones?
Well, I kinda want to say it depends. There have been influences, but not directly, more like in the worldbuilding process or in the background.
For example, in Collision of Parallel Lines (which started as a Maleficent/Diaval fic with two storylines and now has a life of it's own) I went for the modern fairytales/darker fairytales trope. At the time I had recently watched this show called Tell Me a Story, which is an anthology series featuring fairy tales such as The Red Riding Hood and Sleeping Beauty in a grimmer setting. Characters whose backgrounds are similar to Red Riding Hood and other fairytale people are a huge part of COPL (my OC Lyarra the main one).
I also use a lot of references to everyday culture in my fics (the lyrics to "My Jolly Sailor Bold" in COPL, String Theory was inspired by Taylor Swift's "I Can Do it with a Broken Heart" etc)
6- What is your favorite type of feedback and why?
It's kind of funny because I just yesterday made this post about the importance of validating an author's work and leaving comments. I am personally happy with any kind of acknowledgement. But if I had to choose, it would be a comment or a DM. I love people telling me what their favorite part of a fic/chapter was. A line, a scene, something that made an impression. I put a lot of detail into my fics, so it thrills me to know someone paid attention and little things stood out to them as they did to me. It's the best feeling in the world to know your writing has touched people.
20- Is there anything about my fics I want to discuss but haven't gotten the chance?
Only a million different things. As I've said in question 6, I am always eager to discuss things with my readers, headcanons, ideas, anything.
In When Violence Causes Silence I created a whole new branch of magic called Mind Magic that delves into people's memories and perceptions, complete with its side effects and what it does to a person who uses it.
In The Lucky One I introduced a whole bunch of OCs with their own personalities and storylines. I loved one of them, Veranika Bates (the ice queen with the sharp tongue that doesn't believe in love) so much that she is getting her own origin story and fic soon (which I am actually posting tomorrow hehe).
I am literally happy to talk about anything.
Veranika in String Theory is revealed to love almond croissants, I'd be thrilled if someone commented something like "oh, i love almond croissants too, that was a nice touch".
Ashara in There's a story left untold struggles with her identity and acceptance from others. I'd love to hear someone relating to her and feeling less alone.
My OC Viola from You're on your own kid faces difficult decisions in the entertainment industry. (she is also a badass that takes no bullshit from anyone and I love her to death)
Maleficent hurt Diaval badly in COPL, do people think it's alright to make choices on behalf of someone you love, even if it is to protect them?
I think interaction between authors is extremely important and having a supportive community at your back can do wonders. I love talking to my readers and other authors and it's amazing the things you can learn.
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Full Talent Swap NDRV3 Cast
Korekiyo: Ultimate Detective/Serial Killer
And so we find where the serial killer talent has gone! Groomed by his sister on stories of detectives and kidnapping for love, Korekiyo has become quite the skilled Detective.
Kiibo: Ultimate Anthropologist/Robot
Due to his intense need to understand humanity as a robot, Kiibo has become quite skilled at Anthropology
Chisa: Ultimate Aikido Master
Quick and strong, Chisa learned how to fight to help better help the people around her.
Nagisa: Ultimate Inventor
Always very smart and clever, Nagisa is a natural inventor with all that implies. Very determined to leave his impact on the world.
Mikan: Ultimate Artist
When no one would help her, Mikan turned to art to cope with her trauma. Eventually becoming fascinated with live performance pieces. Which she began to design her own based on her trauma, which where a huge hit. Though Mikan wonders if it's so popular because of its greater meaning, or because people just want to peep at her.
Great Gozu: Ultimate Child Caregiver
Yes he still wears the mask, children love it, dude seems really kind, and you need an energetic all in person to take care of little kids.
Peko - Ultimate Maid
She learned how to handle the household and clean for Fuyuhiko, clean also sometimes meaning murder, which her intense skills at got her noticed.
Koichi: Ultimate Tennis Player
Sometimes you're really good at tennis but you have addictive habits so you get a temporary banned from the league, oops.
Imposter: Magician
Sometimes you use magic to get money to survive, and get really good at it.
Naegi: Ultimate Supreme Leader
he’s a sweet boy who I could see amassing a following by sheer wholesomeness. His organization is a bunch of friends he made while wandering and they work together to improve their city and help people. While it started with simply getting food for people and the like, eventually this escalated to more reckless behaviors like prying up anti-homeless architects and organizing large protests. Naegi’s earnesty and need to help is leading him to being wanted as the mysterious organizer of large scale protests and routine defiance of cruel laws. The group has swelled to a shocking size but Naegi still considers it just a group of friends trying to do what is right.  He wears a green ushanka he got as a gift, both a very welcoming hat and a hat used in war, fits him. Can you tell he's my favorite in this au?
Ryota: Ultimate Cosplayer
Still inspired by animation, Ryota tried to escape himself by becoming the characters he saw on tv.
Chihiro: Ultimate Astronaut
I know they were originally the Tennis Player but with their subtle love for the stars you can see in their room, I felt Chihiro could make a great astronaut.
Hifumi - Ultimate Entomologist
I still think Hifumi making weird bug gjinkas is funny and that's my only reason.
Yasuhiro: Ultimate Adventurer
Yasuhiro has done some crazy things to escape the mafia like hiding in caves and drinking mud, and has even been to south america, I think he's earned the title
Kyosuke: Ultimate Pianist
He's just got stuck up pianist energy.
Kaede: Ultimate Assassin
Since Kiibo is also the Ultimate Robot and I've seen some great assassin stuff, Kaede is the Ultimate Assassin, but she likely words it like "oh yeah I'm the Ultimate Cleaner" or something. Very motivated to help people, even if it means she has to hurt people for it.
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faislittlewhiteraven · 8 months
Fai's Fic Ramble: The GorseTale AU (bare basics)
Ever since roughly... 2017 I think, there been a single Undertale fanfic I've been tapping away at and though it's nowhere near done or even organised enough for me to think about posting chapter 1 on A03, I recently posted a spinoff fic related to it called Eight Coloured Picture about the deaths of all the fallen humans and how some monsters each time were effected by their passing, and well.
I wanna ramble about the main story that fic comes from for a bit!
Working Title: 'Gorse, Blackthorn and Buttercups' I also call it GorseTale in my head for short since Gaijin Goombah's rather fun video on why Undertale's Golden Flowers are most likely Gorse was a HUGE inspiration for the fic back when I started out (it's er changed quiet a bit since then but I'm keeping the flower vibes because Chara likes them and I did way too much research into both practical and symbolic uses for plants in the Underground for this fic not to use at least some of it at some point XD).
Core premise: Story is a Slice of Life/Drama AU set around Frisk being born in the Underground and taken in by Toriel right around the time of 'Undertale canon' (for Undertale Yellow fans, roughly a year or so after Clover's death), and through a series of domino effects stemming from that, various monsters of the Underground are confronted with the flaws of both themselves and their kingdom, and as a result start putting in effort to try fixing things so the little human child they've become so attached to can actually live their life to the fullest without fear of being murdered just for being born a non monster.
Aka: Toriel and Sans experience the joys and terror of co-parenting a child who only survives past the age of 3 because they have phenomenal cosmic power. Papyrus discovers the Royal Guard is NOT in fact something he wants to join (and accidentally becomes politically active in an effort to right by his new nibbling). Undyne takes some time to really rethink her career path and motives. Alphys somehow manages to turn former mistakes into miracles (oh and cures death maybe). Mettaton learns to take time off and share the spotlight, and finally King Asgore gets a surprising amount of hope in encouraging peaceful rebellion against his own accidental dictatorship.
Main cast: Rotates a bit since every major monster (and Flowey) matters in this and who's most in focus depends on the exact arc but Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Chara and Frisk are the ones who I have the most planned scenes for since well, they're where the 'domino effect' starts.
Ships: Fic is pretty gen for the most part but leaning Undyne/Alphys, Papyrus/Mettaton (who knew all Paps needed to become popular was to openly try convincing monster kind that killing all the humans is wrong in front of a very specific underground star XD), and some very very very slowburn Sans/Toriel (is teased throughout the story because Sans IS Frisk's other parent Sans just means 'Dad' in Frisk speak and I find various Monsters' "Wait Sans has a kid- Wait Sans is married?!" reactions hilarious (Paps giving 'context' to why he suddenly has a nibbling to Undyne especially) but actual, real Soriel doesn't happen until near the very end because Toriel is Not Ok, Sans leans AroAce/Demi and both agree that while the odd kiss, hug or 'real talk' is fine neither up for anything more than that right now. Also Toriel has yet to get a formal divorce and er, she can't even think of him for much of the fic without wanting to set him on fire so... Yeah). Also considering Mad Mewmew/Asgore (because funny but also oddly sweet), and Mettaton trying to get over a crush on Alphys at the start (due to Mettaton's Winter Alarmclock dialogue reframing all of Mettaton's actions in canon in a whole newlight for me), but for the most part romance really isn't a focus.
Things to set it apart from every other 'Frisk grows up in the Underground' fanfic:
A LOT of worldbuilding focus on stuff how monsters get food and materials.
Toriel teaching everyone how Monster society was before the War vs now (aka lots of cultural trauma themes here).
More emphasis on how little Monster society these days really knows about things they really should given their Kingdom's plans.
Sans 'timeline trauma' getting tossed out the window for joining Toriel in 'worried parent' stress (hard to be upset about LOADS when they're specifically stopping a toddler you love from getting murdered).
Papyrus accidentally making everything better just because for the sake of his nibblet he can't back down.
Undyne having a character growth arc triggered by Papyrus.
Mettaton having a character growth arc triggered by Papyrus (and a passing mention of Napstablook).
Alphys not being fired post Amalgamite reveal making her realize she has in fact actually kinda created the cure for death (by 'Falling Down') or at the very least is only maybe three steps away from that and actually works on that alongside a bunch of other stuff with other scientists because working alone sucked.
Lots of focus on the humans who fell before Frisk because their lives mattered! and also the Blue Soul was Kris because damn if I don't feel the need to really hammer in Toriel's trauma caused by Asgore here
NarraChara and Napstablook being ghost buddies =D they suck at it but Chara will take literally anyone who can hear them for company and Napstablook feels bad about that
Snowdin being secretly a hub of human sympathisers! (None of them knew they weren't the only ones).
Tems and the Riverperson mattering while still being true to their very weird selves!!!
Asgore learning that he DOES in fact have a lot of influence and that maybe, juuust maybe, that his screw ups were worse for his Kingdom than he already thought (don't worry Asgore fans, despite my having to write a lot of Asgore grr due to Toriel being a major character, saving him and showing how much he loves his people is a major goal of mine &lt;3). He still f%cked up majorly though XD
Frisk dealing with, well, the stress of growing up in a place that says their death would make everyone (except their immediate loved ones) happy and constantly having to live in hiding/disguise...
Flowey being a murderous little shit but also not having reset power and both Frisk and Chara in his life again.
Undertale Yellow and Deltarune characters! Who probably won't be in focus a lot but they've helped me out a ton for fleshing the out my setting so I will 100% be giving them at least a little screen time to make up for that (like Amalgamate Kanako playing with Frisk, and Martlet and Noelle being VERY interesting in Papyrus's 'Lets not kill the humans' movement for reasons our main characters will eventually learn &lt;3).
Oh and a huge amount of 'Unseen in game' areas I made for the Underground which include:
SnowDen: a 'town' of Dog and Rabbit made tunnels underneath the ENTIRE Snowdin region (connects to every dog sentry post, the 'Toby Fox secret area' and the 'very efficiently laid out' travel tunnels seen in canon Undertale). Generally requires those living there to get through given how winding and confusing the tunnels can get (all guideposts are puzzles made with scent markers...).
TooHot: basically a 'lethal lava land' housing district for fire monsters below general Hotland. Predates the Wat and is too hot for most non fire monsters to go anywhere near (the current name was given by Asgore though).
Cliffstop: a 'thin' vertical crevice monsters in New Home unearthed a while back that goes from from all the way to the very top of Mt Ebott down to the dark of the Abyss below (locals there call the top of the area Clifftop and the lowest safe for travel Cliffdrop). Gets a fair bit of sun and has flying room so it's popular with plant and flying monsters but the cliffs are very unstable so the bottom is covered in rope nets to prevent accidents. Most puzzles about the place are moving rope bridges, loading up vertical conveyer belts with the correct weights and 'light and mirror' puzzles.
Riverfolk Waterway and True Tem Village: settlements hidden deep within Waterfall's 'unreachable in canon' winding waterways. The former is a small inlet where 'Riverfolk' monsters like the Riverperson have a small collection of boathouses they dock at, and the later is exactly what is sounds like, with the 'Temmie Village' we see in canon being merely a Temmie trading outpost. Can accessed only by Riverperson boat or the Temmie's secret tunnels and is home to all sorts of cool things like the Temmie 'Colleg' and 'DEEP HISTORY mUSEEum'~ XD
WebbInn 'the Spider district': Mostly a giant communal spider web hanging Hotland's ceiling but also connected to a tunnel that goes up near Mt Ebbot's peak (the spiders have been digging upwards in hopes of getting a 'sunspot' they can use to advertise their 'sweet little town' to tourists). Has a... Very distinctive culture compared to the rest of the Underground and the 'puzzles' there tend towards being 'social' in nature (aka fey logic games where how you speak and act gets you directed every which way).
Starlite Strip: A little connecting area right underneath the path/cliff Monster Kid and Frisk see the castle while travelling through Waterfall in Undertale Canon. Not a big settlement on its own but something of a trading hub for monsters from New Home and the surrounding areas in Waterfall to buy and sell goods (also has a LOT of Royal Guard presence which is why absolutely no one in Undertale recommends it to the very human Frisk). Very sparkly but in a gentle 'crystals, glowing water and fire flies' kinda way.
And... Yeah. Wanna post a full script of what I've got planned so far but this post is already massive so will do that in a bit.
Will say though that the general ending plan for this fic arguably goes full fix fic with:
12-14 year old Frisk comes out as human publicly and goes through the entire Underground arguing their case (something the Underground has been publicly debating for the last 10 years or so thanks to a very motivated Papyrus and a wanting more ratings + genuinely interested Mettaton).
Undyne attempts to kill them but well, she's only going all out because she and Paps had a deal about this (he vowed that he'd defend any innocent human from her killing them so she could still go all out at her job) and Frisk knows that.
Mettaton gets to do THE biggest and most historically important interview in the Underground's history.
Asgore declares that the Underground will try out this whole 'everyone in the kingdom votes' thing on both the upcoming war and how they will treat humans living here because he wants to make sure he's doing what his people want (Mettaton asks what Asgore will vote but Asgore, finally realizing his own influence, refuses to say).
Asgore and Frisk spend a nice, if slightly nervously time together drinking tea and talking about the future while the votes are being counted. (Toriel and others may join them but mostly this is Asgore getting to know... the last of Toriel's adopted children she told him about the others when she asked for a divorce).
Monsters choose wisely because for all this fic is 'Monsters are flawed too!' they are good people and I want to make that clear <3
Cue Frisk publically trying to help break the barrier while being very alive...
Flowey pulling a 'God of Hyper Death' except well, he, Frisk and Chara maaay have discussed a bit of this beforehand (Flowey did want the souls and this would get him them), so er, the fight might be a touch more mixed with genuine anger and playfulness. Note: Still working out the exacts.
The human SOULs get brought back to life as monsters while Flowey gets a SOUL of his own and Chara gets enough magical matter to be visible to people other than Frisk (it required less waste of the accumulated magic, the soul of an additional human another girl falling into the Ruins was what got Frisk deciding to come out actually, the kids using a bunch of Alphys' furthered research on the interplay between Determination, matter and Dust, and breaking down the dead humans' bodies for enough 'compatible matter' to work with, and the destruction and repurposing of the Barrier but hey! Back to life! Or arguably Chara's case an upgrade to proper ghost-hood). Oh and the Amalgamates that want it are safely separated but not sure if that's a 'before no' thing or a 'here in this big finale' thing~ XD
And yeah. That's all of my 'extra happy ending just because I can' stuff the entire fic eventually builds towards. Will post all my planned scenes/'domino effect planning' some other time but for now I'm done.
If you liked any ideas in this feel free to use them please (I'm a slow ass writer and I write what I want to see more of in the world XD) and er, hope this was a fun ramble to read <3
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melanielocke · 2 years
Book recommendations - a-spec characters
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I don't have a lot of books that fit this category unfortunately, but I've read a couple of good ones recently so I figured I might as well make list for a-spec books. I'll list the specific representation for each book as well. These books are all YA fantasy but still very different types of books, so I hope there's something here for everyone looking for more a-spec characters.
I'll start with Fire Becomes Her by Rosiee Thor
This is a stand alone fantasy set in a 1920s jazz age inspired world. This world has magic in the form of flare, a hot magic substance that can be mined and is used in various ways, including heating and electricity, but also mixed in drinks for rich people, or to give you temporary fire/heat magic. The premise is largely based around huge flare inequality, with poor people not having enough to heat their homes whereas rich people are sitting on vast amounts of flare they're either not using or using for useless things like putting it in drinks. Ingrid was born very poor, but has been given the chance to move up in society by attending a school for rich kids on a scholarship and dating Linden Holt, the son of a senator and one of the richest men in the land. When Linden's father, goes to run for president, Ingrid is hired as a campaign assistant for her internship before she graduates school, but the senator is running against a leftist woman who wants flare to be accessible to all and Ingrid has to decide if she wants to stay with Linden and his family to make sure she has enough, or fight for everyone else' flare as well.
This is a very political book, with the main focus being the presidential race, and there are very clear parallels to real life (American) politics. For example, Linden's father proposes a plan called "trickle down flare".
Rep: most major characters are queer, the main character is bi and demiromantic
Beyond the Black Door by A.M. Strickland is next
This is a fantasy in a world where some people can soulwalk. They can enter their own and other people's souls as long as the other person is close enough. Kamai and her mother are both soulwalkers, and her mother is a courtesan and spy who walks through the souls of her clients to find out their secrets. For Kamai to put her abilities to use, becoming a courtesan would be the ideal option since it allows her to easily get close to people, but Kamai is asexual. She has no interest in having sex with people.
Kamai cannot enter her own soul, no one can. Some people believe she doesn't have one, others that it has been hidden away. But no matter whose soul she enters, she sees a black door. Her mother warned her to stay away from that door. But when tragedy strikes, Kamai, desperate, opens the door.
This is a dark fantasy story with some conspiracy, spying and a focus on this world's religion and mythology.
Rep: main character is biromantic asexual, and her being asexual is a big part of the story, some side characters are also queer including asexual
Also by this author: In the Ravenous Dark, which is another dark fantasy I'm about to start reading with a pan mc and poly relationship
Then I have Silver in the Mist by Emily Victoria
This story is set on an island divided into two kingdoms, Aris and Cerena. The continent is in danger from a mist with deadly phantoms within it, and right now the problem is a lot worse in Aris than in Cerena. Only casters can use magic to hold back the mist.
Dev is a spy. Eight years ago, her father died and her mother became very distant as the whisperer, the head spy, of Aris. Now her mother is more of a commander than family and Dev will try anything for her approval.
On her next mission, she's sent to Cerena to go undercover in their court and kidnap Alyse, Cerena's most powerful caster, in the hopes that bringing her to Aris could turn the tides on the mist. But on the way she learns that not everything she thought of Cerena is true and that Alyse might have a better way to stop the mist.
This is a spy story, but also a story of family. Dev has a difficult relationship with her mother, who is very distant, and keeps seeking her approval, but there is development and nuance in their relationship. I also loved the strong bond Dev forms with Alyse.
Rep: it was not explicit in the book, but Dev is asexual and possibly also aromantic. She shows no romantic or sexual interest in anyone, and the author is also ace-aro, so I'm sure she's supposed to be aspec but not sure what. Dev's best friend Lochlan is non binary.
Last up is Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson
Artemisia is a nun training to cleanse the bodies of the deceased so they don't turn into evil spirits and eat people and/or possess people. She was possessed by a spirit as a child and as a result she's very sensitive to spirits.
When the convent is attacked by possessed people, Artemisia saves herself and the other nuns by binding herself to a revenant, the most dangerous type of spirit that was locked up in a saint's relic. The dead are rising, and if only a vespertine, a priestess wielding the power of a revenant can stop it, but all knowledge on how this works is lost to time so Artemisia has no choice but to learn from the revenant itself, someone she can't trust.
This story is dark and has a very gritty medieval feel, and I think while the world is made up it captures medieval europe better than most medieval europe fantasy stories. Artemisia is someone who prefers to be around dead people than living, generally she dislikes people and doesn't care to form close bonds with them. While she isn't explicitly ace/aro in the book, I'd read her as such based on her lack of interest in romantic and/or sexual relationships, and she can also be read as autistic.
Also by this author: sorcery of thorns, which has a bi love interest and asexual major side character
Previously covered books with a-spec characters
Dread Nation duology by Justina Ireland - ace/aro side character who is also a POV character in book 2
Black Wings Beating trilogy by Alex London - one of the two mc's is ace/aro
@alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @astriefer @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @bottomdelioncourt @ikissedsmithparker
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twilekchiss · 1 year
What was the inspiration for your OC Asha? -💌 (shy anon)
Hi Shy Anon!
No worries, I'm quite shy myself. I understand. But I'm always open for a good chat and making new friends if you some day find the desire to do so. Until then, feel free to send me any anon asks you like!
Inspiration for Asha -- well, there are a lot of them, actually.
First thing's first, though, Asha's a huge part in how I cope with my C-PTSD. Ever since I was very young, I have escaped into books and shows I liked as characters from those universes. I imagined what it was like to form friendships and romantic relationships to just deal with what I was going through. As I grew up, it never really stopped, it just had varying degrees of intensity.
I've been on a long journey about healing, and I've learned that this isn't an uncommon thing. So I decided to own it. Asha is a repository for a lot of my trauma, grief, and healing. If she can heal, love and be loved, find the strength to thrive, maybe I can, too. As such, though, she is a very vulnerable part of me. Only the last several months have I been opening up about her, and it has admittedly been difficult. I've questioned myself on whether or not I should stop and just keep her to myself.
For her looks: she's a Twi'lek, which has always been my favorite Star Wars race. Ever since I was a kid watching the Twi'leks in Jabba's Palace in Return of the Jedi, I loved them. I thought they were so cool-looking and pretty. Later, when there was more Twi'leks than just Oola and Lyn Me, I became even more interested in them. Nowadays, my favorite Twi'lek character (aside from Asha 🤭) is Hera.
Lyn Me is the visual inspiration for Asha; I really liked the idea of a white Twi'lek. But there's also a design element: I wanted Asha to be a blank canvas, someone who used color and fashion as a tool.
Asha started as a Rebels oc, just someone in my head I could use to escape again. Someone just to go along with the Ghost Crew and have fun. When Thrawn was announced, and I ended up obsessing over him, she switched to an OC I could partner to him. So yeah, she's been in my head an OC for Thrawn since 2016 (when I scarfed up every single Thrawn crumb I could prior to his debut in Rebels).
Asha has bits of my own trauma in her past. Different, but similar enough for me to use her to process. It's why I write a lot of fluffy little bits between her and Thrawn: it is absolutely a self-soothing thing.
🤔 I hope this is a satisfying answer! If not, feel free to ask anything else you're curious about!
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I'm sorry you had such a sucky day today. 🥺 Hope my fluffy thoughts make you feel better! 🥰
I went back and reread basically everything under the Echo tag after reading the final chapter and now I have Alpha!dad Jake on the brain. ☺️
So I've just been thinking a lot about Jake holding each of their babies for the first time, especially when Maisie comes along. Like, you know Jake is a hands on dad with their first two, but when his first baby girl comes along??? Something in him just switches on and he becomes the ultimate girl dad. And yes, I was totally inspired by the tags you wrote on that one post!
(Side bar- you know Maisie, Aurora, and Delaney have the absolute highest of standards when it comes to men because they grow up with a dad that shows them how a man should treat the women in his life. They watched him treat their mother like an absolute queen and he treated them as his more than capable princesses. And you know he taught his boys the same thing.)
He lets Maisie cover his lunch box or coffee thermos with sparkling unicorn stickers because he knows how happy it makes her, he starts forming opinions on Disney princesses, he learns how to do her hair, he brings her (and Ronnie) little bouquets wildflowers because he loves the smiles on their faces when he does, he bakes cookies & cupcakes with her, they have daddy/daughter picnics/hikes/fishing days, he starts caring around extra hair ties & clips.
Basically, just girl dad Jake. 😭🥰
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god, i've been wanting to talk about the kids some more and i can always count on you indy. you know i can talk about this family for days.
God, yes, Maisie changes everything for Jake. He's an amazing father. But fathering a girl is just different. I can just imagine the look on his face when the midwife announces it's a little girl. Ronnie is just like "ugh FINALLY". And when he holds her for the first time 🥺🥺
And all three of the girls are so different from one another!
Maisie - very quiet, thinks before she acts on anything, introspective, imaginative, and when she's older she is very interested in woodworking and making things with her hands like her dad!
Aurora - the sweetest of the three girls and straight up like a Disney princess. she likes to help around the house and pick flowers for her parents and rescue little animals she finds in the woods. she'll just randomly walk up to Jake with a little bird in her hand with a broken wing and look at him like "daddy fix him 🥺". Jake has had to learn some vet medicine rather quickly cause he can't let his little girl down.
Delaney - the absolute wild child of the family. she's loud, she likes to roll around in mud, wrestle any of her siblings, jump off of stuff, and run through the woods. she doesn't care about getting dirty and she doesn't care about getting hurt. she does it all with a bright smile and a huge laugh playing on her lips because that's what's fun to her.
and Jake definitely takes the time to spend with each of his kids individually. While group activities are fun, getting to spend quality time alone with dad without anyone else around is just special. I love that.
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protagonistheavy · 2 years
It's kind of blowing underneath everyone's radar among all of the other problems with regards to Overwatch 2......... but holy shit the Kiriko animated short is fucking terrible. Horrifically bad compared to the usual quality of these shorts, easily the worst directed one of the bunch. I left the video having learned less about Kiriko.
It's soooooo outlandish that I was genuinely cringing. It's not like the OW universe is gritty, but it's never felt so like a cartoon, so immature. Nothing about this short is actually original, it's just constantly wanting to be like other stuff. It hits so many generic checkpoints: protagonist walks in with her favorite trademark food, she bumps into Innocent Civilians which also conveniently lets her show off her Checkbox Diversity skill of knowing sign language, local not-yakuza gang walks in (complete with exaggerated walk cycle) and beats up old man only seconds later, protagonist interferes in the most edgy way... and then, by using her ultimate, she... turns the two civilians into killing machines? Wtf? And then this over the top mother-wailing of her mom crying "My baby is a super hero!!!!!!!!!!!!! ......... ooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ............... !!!!!!!!!!!!! wahhhh!!" jesus christ why did it go on for so long. Nothing felt inspired here, everything felt like such a specific production, trying to be what other stuff has done before, and failing to make the character any more interesting.
Why was this animation so fucking cramped? The entire thing takes place in the world's most narrow apartment hallway and never, ever opens up. This makes the battle extremely unimpressive with no depth, it's just Kiriko disappearing and reappearing, kicking people around. And what's with the whole "I'm going to kick all of you in the face" thing? There's such terrible mood whiplash here, we're seeing innocent people get beat-up by organized criminals and be genuinely threatened... and then our hero appears and says "I'm gonna kick you all in the face" in a really dark voice? Wtf is this middle school shit?
Middle school is just totally how to describe Kiriko. She feels like a chuuni character but with zero irony or awareness, a weaboo's OC shamelessly made-up of influences from the anime theyre watching. And it outright ruins her design/makes it worse. My most hated aspect of her design was her dumbass headband, and you wanna know why she's wearing it? Why is such a prominent aspect of her appearance there? Oh it's because in THIS animated short, she randomly received it as a gift from the kid. Doesnt that just seem so awkward? It's so irrelevant and yet it's arguably the most defining characteristic of her visual design -- imagine if Roadhog got an animation and in the first ten seconds he sees a random mask at Goodwill and is like "hmm, cool" and then just starts wearing it forever.
God and the climax, when the old man gets shot. Again, another huge whiplash that just totally broke my neck -- everything is all goofy during the fight, then STOP! SOMEONE HAS BEEN SHOT! GUNS ARE REA-- oh don't worry, Kiriko has magic healing papers, so all tension is lost. EXCEPT IT'S NOT. YOU JUST PISSED OFF KIRIKO AND NOW SHE;s;psijfb SHE'S FUCKING GOING RAGE MODE. LSL:ASKNDS oh my GOD! How did they animate this with a straight face? I've seen role plays on Neopets be better about drama than this. And then with her ultimate ability, she whips up the two civilians into a murderous rage???? I'm supposed to think this is cool???? That Kiriko apparently has the power to make people explode into violence???
.......... AND THEN SHE DIDNT EVEN KICK ANYONE IN THE FACE? right??? I dont think she kicked ANYONE in the face, despite that being a huuuuge "joke" or whatever! Wtf is this disappointing set up? This whole short feels way more confident in itself than it should lmao, it really thinks its being hilarious.... Like when that gangster was like, "we're gangsters, son!" and then when he's lost he whimpers it again? Oh my god, this is just so juvenile.
What's her relation to Genji and Hanzo? What's her relation to ANYTHING happening in the Overwatch universe? What's the science behind her abilities? Where's her spirit fox?!?! Do we get any sort of glimpse into who Kiriko is besides a shounen anime protagonist vigilante that beats up nameless goons? No but 30% of this ten minute short is spent about fucking donuts.
I want to guess that maybe this was an extremely rushed product, because I just can't believe how poor in quality it is. The dialogue sucks, the cinematography sucks, the action sucks, the characters suck. There's nothing worth remembering here, nothing that pushes Overwatch lore or makes the OW world more interesting, just an immature showcase of the worst character added to OW yet. So completely uninspired.
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The Chaos Polycule
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Summary: It started out with two eighteen-year-olds who were stupid, young, and a little bit drunk. It ended with five thirty-year-olds and eight kids. Warnings: Warnings mentioned at the beginning of every chapter Word Count: 1,216 Ship(s): Viktor Hargreeves/Diego Hargreeves/Sissy Cooper/Five Hargreeves/Lila Pitts
Archive link!
A/N: This is the first oneshot in a series of them that I'm going to be writing inspired off of some conversations I've had with my mutual, @lovely-number-7 ! Thank you so much for helping me with all of this and I hope that you enjoy
Viktor was reclined back on his bed, eyes closed and his hands folded over his stomach. He was focusing on the music spilling from his headphones as he took steady, deep breaths to try and soothe his powers. He had spent the day with some of his younger students, which always left him feeling kind of worn out and overstimulated. He powers had come back, which left him feeling more frazzled than he used to feel when he did that kind of work.
He knew that he had about an hour between when he got home and when Sissy came back from Harlan’s therapy appointments. They had been reduced down to weekly sessions now that they had learned the more important tools that would help Harlan interact with the world and it wasn’t as urgent for him to continue. He’d have to get up when they got back so that he could either help make dinner or help Harlan with some of his homework from school.
It had only been about twenty minutes before his resting was interrupted by the door to his room banging open. He peeled his eyes open and then slowly removed his headphones as he watched Lila hop over the edge of his bed so that she was sitting on the baseboard. 
Viktor lifted himself up so that he was propped up on his elbows. He asked, “Can I help you?”
“So when were you going to tell me what you were married to Diego?” she asked.
He let his eyes drift shut and then let out a long breath at that. He knew that this was going to have to explain this eventually but he had been half hoping that when they ended up in the new universe it never would have happened and half hoping that he’d have to explain it later. “So you found out about that?”
“Well when you ask your boyfriend if you can get married and then he explains that he’s already married it’s kind of something that you pry into,” Lila laughed.
He noticed, with some relief, that she didn’t seem to be too upset about it. It reminded him a little bit of what had happened back when Eudora found out what they had done. She and Diego had never had that serious of a relationship, so it wasn’t really all that big of a deal that they would never be able to get married. She had made them tell the entire story one night after their show, happily tipsy and giggling the entire time.
He laid there for a moment longer before his face split into a huge grin. He tossed his headphones and tape player down onto the bed as he shuffled to the edge of his bed. “Come on, I think there’s a chance that I can find some of the pictures from that night,” he waved his hand for Lila to follow him.
They hurried up the stairs and into the attic where a lot of Viktor’s things from his old apartment had been stored. They had moved into the Academy shortly after returning to the new universe because they found that none of them had any place to go that had good memories. Luther and Sloane were living in their own apartment while they saved up to be able to travel the world like they had been wanting to for so long. Jill and Ben were living in Chicago while she went to university, but they were planning on moving back as soon as she graduated. Klaus and Dave were wrapping some things up with Dave’s sister back in Dallas, but Klaus promised they would be coming back since he loved his family. Diego, Lila, Viktor, and Sissy had nowhere to go when they found themselves in their new universe. Viktor still had his apartment but it was full of so many foul memories from when Harold had been there that it was a non-option for living. Lila and Diego had a baby on the way and Stan, so there was no way that they could live in the backroom of a gym. The Academy was serving them well, even if it held a lot of bad memories overall. They were slowly replacing them, though they wished that they could have been doing it with Grace and Pogo.
Soon, Lila and Viktor found themselves crowded around a box of old photo albums that Viktor had kept for sentimentality’s sake, even before the whole universe had been reset. 
There were dozens of photographs when Viktor and Diego had tried to start their band up, but the ones that they were focusing on came from a very specific night a month after they turned nineteen. The first one was of Viktor and Diego outside of the register’s office, a handful of money in one hand a thermos full of alcohol, as Viktor later explained to Lila. The second was of their marriage certificate, which had been signed by them both. The third was them inside of the marriage chapel that the building had for people that weren’t going to be able to afford a wedding were allowed to use.
It was one of Viktor’s favorites. It was before his transition, so his hair was still long but he had lost the bangs not long after he left the house. He had been wearing one of Diego’s baggy t-shirts and a pair of scuffed up jeans tucked into the big black combat boots he had used in the stead of winter boots. He had a nose piercing, one that he had since let heal over. Diego was wearing the black turtle neck that he was still so fond of years and years later, but he was also wearing a pleated green skirt that he lost a bet about. They were both grinning ear to ear as they stood in front of the plastic arch next to their newly signed marriage certificate. All of their belongings peaked out of the corner of the photo.
“You guys were young when you did this,” Lila commented as she ran her hand over the bottom where Viktor had dated the picture.
“Yeah. I don’t think that we would have done it if we hadn’t been that young. We started having some arguments and problems not long after this,” his mouth flickered down into a frown. The Umbrella Academy (and the Sparrow Academy, for that matter) didn’t exist in the universe they were in currently, which meant that his book didn’t either.
“What are you guys doing?” Stan asked as he finished climbing the stairs so that he was standing in the light shining up from the hallway below.
“We’re looking through some parts of your father’s history. Now come on, we’re going to talk about this over dinner and embarrass him even more than he already is,” Lila grinned wickedly. She snatched up the book and ushered Stan back down the stairs.
Viktor hauled himself up off of the ground and walked after them with a laugh. Even though Stanley had been born from a different woman, he was so like Lila that no one would have been able to tell. “I guess I should get a jump on telling Sissy before Stan tells Harlan, then.”
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zootplayz · 1 year
Not so Doctor Who Legacy
So, Zoot loves legacies and she loves Doctor Who so it only seems natural she would want to combine them. And if you pay attention to my many legacies you know I've started this already so I thought I'd finally share. We are obviously not complete since I've been writing the rules as I watch the show from the beginning (it's been one heck of a binge).
Now there is already a very awesome Time Lord Challenge for the Sims out there but it's not really my thing. I love legacy play and would much rather have my challenge reflect each Doctors personality in different generations rather than in just one sim.
That's where the Time Lords Path of the Doctor comes in. Initially I was just going to use this plan straight out as the legacy but then my brain got thinking.
Why can't I take the concept and make it my own? Complete with rules along the way.
Thus, the Not so Doctor Who Legacy was born!
Obviously, huge inspiration is coming from the Not so Berry challenge here. At least in the generational requirements stuff and somehow I've got the first couple gens following the same careers. It wasn't intentional it just kind of happened that way.
They just fit the doctors!
This is based on my own interpretations of each doctor and will hit most packs so not really base game friendly. I chose to make my doctors famous that decision however is entirely yours.
Like in Not so Berry you can start out wherever you want but no cheating after that so keep those bill's in mind when picking your starter lot.
Any gender, its your doctor.
Keep a memento from each doctor. A picture or photo of them or just something they created.
If the rules seem abnormally specific that is because they are and I was trying to get myself to do things I usually don't. Plus slow myself down on baby making and just getting to know the sims.
But anyways without further ado here we go:
A Not so Doctor Who Legacy
Generation One
In loving memory of William Hartnells stern, mysterious yet family loving 1st doctor.
"Eh? Doctor who? What's he talking about...?"
You're a famous scientist with the brains to back up that ego of yours. Yet despite your many brilliant discoveries the one thing you struggle with is being a good parent. Which it turns out is your true desire in life.
- genius, self absorbed, hot head
- master scientist career
- master super parent aspiration ]
- master logic, parenting and one skill based on lovers traits (ie. violin for a music lover)
- have a child with coworker before you're in a relationship
- cannot have child until at least halfway through career (level 5)
- cannot marry until you learn all of your lovers traits and are halfway through the skill you learned to impress them
-make an enemy at work (this sims family will forever plague your own)
- make sure all of your work inventions are completely upgraded
- dress style: prim and proper(always dressed to the nines)
- 1-3 kids
- any spare children must find the perfect life partner before they can leave the house
Generation Two
In loving memory of Peter Troughtons cosmic hobo 2nd doctor.
"People spend all their time making nice things and then other people come along and break them!"
You love people. All you've ever wanted to do is make the world a better place for you and your family. Which sadly, is not as big as you'd like. Many friends have come and gone from your life but your child is always by your side no matter what.
- slob, music lover, family oriented
- friend of the world
- charity organizer in the political career
(does not need to be mastered, your focus is your child and self made family - friends)
- master comedy, violin and another instrument
- your postcard collection starts here , get your first postcard (collect one every generation from now on)
- protest at least once a week
- always have dinner as a family
- never marry
- can only have one child
There are two options to acquire this child.
*preferred method, be abducted and have your child from this otherworldly encounter
(It is possible for females to be impregnated thanks to mc and the satellite from generation 1 could help with the abduction process)
This child should always wear a disguise.
Now if you dont want to go the alien route I have provided an alternative
alternate method - your best friend hates children but after a one night stand the two of you have a child but they do not want anything to do with the child
(may remain friends but that is up to you, they just can no longer be romantic)
- your enemy dies in your presence (child of previous generations enemy)
- dress style: bow ties, hats, baggy and holey clothes
Generation Three
In loving memory of John Pertwees action packed dandy of a 3rd doctor.
"I sometimes think that military intelligence is a contradiction in terms."
Somehow your home has never felt like home. Your parent absolutely loved you but very much sheltered you from life. You seek to see all that life has to offer and maybe just maybe find somewhere that feels like home.
- active, snob, self assured
- complete renaissance sim aspiration
- master barista or scout career as a teen
- work in military as a young adult and continue to hide alien form (optional: attend university to be an astronaut at the same time)
- once your rocket is built (and or received a degree or got the job option from a phone call) join the astronaut career and never hide your true form again
- build 'Bessie' your spaceship fully upgrade her and visit another world
- if you did not go the alien route last generation you must move to a different neighborhood as well
- master handiness, rocket science,fitness and rock climbing
- dole out firm punishments on your children - you have your rules they must learn
- (optional) marry a witch or wizard
- master the rock climbing wall
- climb to the top of Mt. Komorebi
- have a light saber fight with your families enemy
- 1 - 3 children
- dress style: dressed to the nines like generation 1 but with flair! A bold color splashed into an otherwise sensible outfit or a cape
Generation Four
In loving memory of Tom Bakers erratic, brilliant and ever exploring fourth doctor.
"I'm a very dangerous fellow when I don't know what I'm doing."
Here's the thing: you are perfectly aware that you're just some form of entertainment for someone behind a screen somewhere. None of these so called sims believe you when you tell them they're out there. So you know what you're going to do?, you're going to make this as entertaining as possible, for you of course everybody else better strap in its gonna be a wild ride.
- erratic, clumsy, dog lover
- master jungle explorer aspiration AND spellcraft and sorcery AND a star wars aspiration of your choice
- must be born a spellcaster
(If second parent isn't one use a story element to account for it and use mc to make them one as a toddler)
- never have a job
- have a magic dual with your families enemy
- must own a dog from young adult on (can get one earlier if desired)
- master baking, pet training and comedy
- have an adventure (invite out) weekly with your best friend
- explore space with your parents rocket at least once a week
- marry someone down right jaw dropping
- clone yourself
- have three kids but spread them out. 1st is the parents best friend, 2nd not born until 1st child is a teen - this kid is pretty opposite of their parent, 3rd (heir) cannot be born until 2nd child is a kid.
- dress style: a scarf or a hat in every outfit, earth tones
- (optional) own a bakery or a restaurant specializing in deserts (jelly babies)
Generation Five
In loving memory of Peter Davisons doctor with the childlike optimism and a passion for cricket.
"The trouble with time travel is one never seems to find the time."
Your parents never paid too much attention they were far more interested in fun and exploration after all they didn't think this was the real world. And although technically you had a big family you were never all home at the same time. To you it just felt empty, as a child you surrounded yourself with friends to try to fill that empty feeling. But as an adult you think it would be even better to fill it with family.
- bro, childish, outgoing
- master social butterfly as a kid and big happy family as an adult (optional party animal secondary aspiration)
- master athlete career (sports)
- have a club with all your childhood friends that meets every week (bowling team anyone?)
- throw a party every week (man this generation is friendly)
- master fitness, bowling and robotics
- go to university to become an engineer but dropout when you are drafted into professional sports - just complete your next goal before you leave school
- build a servo and teach it to be self sufficient (2nd part can be done after you start your sports career)
- have at least 3 kids (but why stop there)
- children rules: one is a homebody who never wants to leave but you must guide them on their true path (help them find their calling career and/or play match maker) another child just craves independence, they leave as soon as they become a young adult but they just can't make it on their own and return as an adult
- after an altercation with your families enemy in front of your kids any spare children still at home must leave
- (optional) a child dies prematurely
- (optional) adopt a child
- (optional) doctors death by disease (rodent fever or jungle disease)
- dress style: sporty with eccentric accessories
Generation Six
In loving memory of Colin Bakers loud justice seeking and highly misunderstood doctor.
"I may be behaving like a manic barometer, but don't shrug off help when it's offered. You can't afford to."
After seeing your parents great fight (or death) it leaves an undeniable mark on your psyche. You're rude, brash and have no time for those not as smart as you. Yet despite this you believe strongly in justice and will fight for anyone in need - even if you don't really like them.
- paranoid, hot headed, cat lover
- master the academic aspiration
- master debate and charisma
- own white and bengal cats (because no cat lover ever owns just one)
- greet everyone lesser than you (think those God awful townies) with a rude introduction. The conversation can then be friendly but peoples initial impressions must be off putting
- earn a distinguished language and literature degree from Britechester
- join the Debate club and secret society
- must live on campus
- master lawyer career
- meet your future spouse in debate club - (initially you dont get along but over time and a chance encounter years later fall in love)
- this doctor must be famous (5 stars)
- use fame shine at all times
(You dont care if people like you but they must pay attention and always be aware of your presence)
- (optional - (because I dont know how it would work in game) have your families enemy save you
- dress style: bold colors mismatched until a graduate then can switch dapper and dark solid outfits
- have 1 to 2 kids
Generation Seven
In loving memory of Sylvester McCoy's entertaining, non violent but really quite sad and devious doctor.
"Happiness is nothing unless it exists side by side with sadness. Two sides, one coin."
Following in your parents footsteps you are quite well known. Which is great because you are a natural entertainer. You begin your life by riding on your fame as an actor. But your naturally devious personality catches the eye of those who could use someone like you in more secret enterprises. And you will do anything to blot out the ever nagging sadness that constantly seems to want to overcome you.
- gloomy, outgoing, perfectionist
- acting aspiration (does not need to be mastered)
- master acting and mischief
- master the secret agent career
- begin your working life as an actor but after an offer you couldn't refuse join the secret agent career (preferably from those job opportunities presented via phone messages for reputation)
- have a great reputation
- perform at a talent showcase once a week to keep up the pretense
(alternatively use a mod to have both careers going at the same time)
- always listen to jazz or blues music
- have one child very late in life (quite frankly you forgot all about being an heir to a legacy)
- dress style: anything you please (what can both attract attention and yet somehow be forgettable?)
Generation Eight
In loving memory of Paul McGanns effortlessly charming doctor.
"I'm the Doctor, but probably not the one you were expecting."
You never really knew your parent. So you try your hand at everything to emulate what they would want you to be. But your true calling is putting down roots, literally and physically.
- cheerful, loves the outdoors, green fiend
- master successful lineage aspiration and freelance botanist
- master violin, gardening, flower arranging and painting
- master gardening career (science)
- grow a large garden (10 plants or more)
- marry your soulmate a music loving doctor
- have 3 or more children
- have close relationships with them all
- dress style: a little bit cowboy
Have you noticed there's been no mention of the families enemy? They have disappeared.
Generation Nine
In loving memory of Christopher Ecclestons lonely and sad but do gooding Doctor.
"Tell you what, with a little bit of jiggery-pokery—"
You grew up in a very happy and close family but with time they all leave you. It was nothing personal just time. But with every loss you feel more and more sad and alone. As a result you retreat from the world throwing yourself into your crafting hobbies and work. What truly begins to brighten your life is finding that certain someone with a true connection.
- loner, gloomy, maker
- master detective career
- during interrogations use bad cop never good cop interactions
- master the master maker aspiration
- master handiness, charisma and fabrication
- cannot meet future spouse until on part three of your aspiration
- meet your true love through work (does not have to be a coworker) using an enchanting introduction
- make and keep a statue of every kind (including emotional ones)
- once married go on adventures with your spouse and family (weekend vacations - wherever and however you want just leave the house for 2 days)
- have 1 - 2 kids
- dress style: dark colors especially leather jackets
Generation Ten
In loving memory of David Tennants loveable and severely empathic doctor.
"If I believe in one thing, just one thing, I believe in her."
Your passion bubbles very close to the surface. You always admired your parents relationship but your emotions make it real hard to settle on just one sim no matter how hard you try. Until you realize they've been right in front of you this whole time.
- hot head, romantic, bookworm
- master style influencer career
- master serial romantic aspiration
followed by
- master soulmate aspiration
- master dance and a skill of your choice
- go on a date at least once a week once you reach teen
- all serial romantic lovers must be of the opposite sex
- soul mate must be of the same sex (an old friend)
- read two books every week
- really enjoy your life (take up invites out as often as possible)
- have as many kids as you like (who knows what risky has in store) one spare child of the opposite gender must follow in your footsteps in your career and the romantic trait
- your families old enemy returns at your favorite vacation spot. There's a light saber battle and they die
- dress style: big jackets, neck ties, glasses and sneakers ; sharp but casual
Generation Eleven
In loving memory of Matt Smiths extremely young incarnation with the oldest soul.
"Space can be very lonely. And the greatest adventure is having someone share it with you."
You are an incredibly kind, happy and understanding soul. All you want is to do good for others and encourage the same in others. Consistently winning people over with your big smile, big brain and even bigger heart. Over the years you develop a reputation as a natural matchmaker and set up many happy couples. Forgetting about finding someone for yourself as you have an incredible passion for traveling until you meet an incredibly flirty archeologist. Oh yeah, you are also an extremely picky eater.
- childish, good, foodie
- master doctor career
- master the grilled cheese aspiration, archaeology scholar aspiration and Mt. Komorebi sight seer aspiration
- master the vampire lore skill, cooking and at least level 6 in two other skills of your choice (except dancing and painting)
- have a childhood friend that you lose touch with until you become an adult
(once reunited with them you learn of their engagement. Attend the wedding and afterwards travel with the couple regularly over the following years.)
- visit every world (minus Sixam and Batuu) and hidden area at some point with your old friend
(emphasis on art galleries and museums)
- set up at least three sims with their future spouse
- marry a sim with an archaeology scholar aspiration (met in Selvadorado)
- complete the snow globe collection
- you absolutely adore kids but only ever have the one child
- your families enemy has a fight with a friend when you intervene they seem to have no memory of your families feud
- dress style: decidedly old fashioned, bow ties and suspenders, high water pants and sometimes a cowboy hat
Generation Twelve
In loving memory of John Hurts tired, warrior doctor.
"Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame. Whatever the cost."
You are tired. All that travel with your parents was exhausting. You decide to take your time reflecting on your families past to ensure a good future.
- genius, bookworm, proper
- successful lineage aspiration
- freelance career
- marry the child of your parents best friend
- turn your families enemy against their siblings
- dedicate a room in the home to the achievements of all the doctors
(reflect there regularly)
- have at least 2 kids
- clothing style from the Batuu pack
Generation Thirteen
In loving memory of Peter Capaldi's brash yet caring and eccentric yet brilliant doctor.
"Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?"
Your parent learned of your families past to ensure the continued success of your family. You took all that knowledge and decide to pass it on to others because you have an excellent way with words.
- erratic, music lover, snob
- master musical genius and academic aspiration
- master education career
- master guitar, logic and/ or charisma, mischief and/or comedy
- have 2 best friends as a child
--marry one
-- the 2nd friend is from your families enemy, the relationship alternates between friend and enemy at every life stage
- have lots of kids
- be rude to all soldiers
- can only have really good friends/ you're incredibly loyal
- at some point take a week long vacation with just your spouse
- (optional) Father Winter saves your life
- clothing style: dark colors, formalish/ magicianish/ rockstarish
(Thank you Mist for help with 12, he baffled me. Maybe that's why he's surpassed 4 as my favorite doctor.
Generation 14
In loving memory of Jodie Whittakers exceptionally kind and compassionate doctor.
"Keep your faith. Travel hopefully. The universe will surprise you."
Your parent taught you to be the best of the family. Which you take to heart, always kind never mean and always helpful.
- cheerful, perfectionist, maker
- master the engineer career
- master handiness and juice fizzing
- leader of the pack aspiration
- work as a lifeguard as a teen
- volunteer once a week
- age up with all character traits positive
- never use mean or mischief interactions
- never live alone, always have roommates
- marry a genius sim (either a scientist or engineer)
- adopt at least two children
- clothing style: childish, always with boots
To be Continued ?
If you decide to do it please let me know and lets hashtag it either #wholegacy or #nsdw
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mx-mind · 2 years
hey sky!! for the OC ask meme you recently rb'd on your other blog, could I ask: 1, 4, 11, 19, 23, 32 (feel free to swap horror out with the like.. yume nikki-esque type of game! i'm curious to know! :D) 40, 44, and 50? :]
it's a lot to ask, so feel free to skip over any if you'd like! and sorry for asking so many! your ocs are very cool and i like learning more about them ^-^/
HI SARAH thank you for all the questions I love OC questions :3 Sorry for taking so long to answer these ^^;
1. Your first OC ever?
Twas a My Little Pony OC named Western Cat (name received from a generator). This was also generated, but she was "a unicorn with flame colored hair, a golden coat, and purple eyes". I interpreted flame colored as red and yellow hair, golden coat as golden yellow, and purple eyes as. Well, purple eyes. I then turned her into a Sonic OC, and years later made a human design based on the Sonic OC and changed their gender to match mine and wait a minute... That's Sky! My OC who acts as a fictional in-story representation of myself! So yeah, my sona is actually my first OC (after dozens of revisions over about 8 years of existing)
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Hasedonia! Mostly because I don't have too much for her and her story yet, but I also tend to talk about H&R! less than R&RWG. She's another person who's been isekaid to Phitania and appears to be half dragon
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Bailey is probably the closest to sunshine? I originally thought "just as a kid though", but she's still optimistic as a teen.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
I don't really talk about these characters too much since I don't really talk about my regular novel stuff, but one of the main characters is a Jewish girl named Talia. She works in a bookstore and the story opens with her... not exactly in the best place. She's been fired from many places, she's a huge people pleaser and ended up getting dumped for that, she's still not over her ex, and she feels like she disappoints everyone she meets. Her arc has her moving on from her ex as she and her old friend Cassie reconnect. Instead of it ending with her and Cassie dating as would be typical of a YA story though, she just stays single. I don't think the story is really YA anymore since she and everyone else have aged up as I've gotten older, but I created her back when I kept missing an old ex-BFF. I also just like that she doesn't end up in a relationship at the end because YA stories I read at the time ALL had romance in them. Before I really started to realize I was arospec I felt like teens should have the opportunity to see characters that stay single and are okay with it in order to send the message that you don't have to date. I don't even know if Talia is arospec or not yet but either way it's important that she has the option to not date and still learn to be happy without one
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
The Sun King is a benevolent ruler who acts as Shiko's guide and confidante in his journey through Phitania, a magical world where Shiko becomes the hero. Hey, I think I should add more to this guy. *Turns around and now he's the main villain and his character and actions are now similar to the likes of King Bradley from FMAB, Kyubey from Madoka Magica, and Belos from Owl House* Oops...
So basically yeah he was supposed to just be a stock king character until I wanted to develop him more. He's still the ruler of Phitania and initially appears to be an ally, like he acts like the perfect dad towards everyone and the country is at peace, and then after Shiko dies he reincarnates him back on Earth and tells him he needs to send people to Phitania and then he can be brought back. Originally there was no real reason except hey we need isekai protags, but uhhh you know how I mentioned Kyubey as being inspiration? Yeah... Turns out everyone in Phitania is someone who had a miserable life who got "sent" there and he gave them happiness but has secretly been draining them of their hope and determination in order to become all powerful! And he was just supposed to be some guy...
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Neil! This can work as both a human and a truck. He has a lot of trauma, and his life is basically a horror game. Even though he can drive himself around as a truck, Shiko can still take control of him at any time and that tends to happen when they have a target they need to run over. Like imagine at any moment your freedom can be taken away and you're forced to run through someone at top speeds in order to kill them. That's so fucked up
For Yume Nikki protag, I'd say Evanthe. Its whole story is it running through various scenarios to decide what to do with its newfound sentience, so the open-ended nature of a YNFG combined with a vague ending would work well with this. God now I wanna make one...
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
Jaxon is the first OC I got fanart of from my friends! This is the first attack I got of xim on Artfight, and then here's another drawn by my excellent and talented friend @lab-labrava
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
They all try to fight against their fate and have fun colored hair :3
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
Nova Armstrong! Ze's a Batman Rogue OC I recently came up with based on the Rookie from Lego DC Super Villains and the first Planet Master (old Silver Age villain who only appeared once; ze's actually related to him but I dunno how yet). Nova is a henchman for hire and can temporarily steal people's powers and strengths. Ze will also copy other people's personalities, though this is due to an effort to fit and unrelated to hir powers. Ze does this to fit in with any rogue ze wants to get hired to
Hir reasoning for working in the rogue industry is ze's trying to find hir brother, but after ze does find him, ze ends up becoming a solo villain called "The Black Hole". Now ze goes really overboard with the "steal people's powers and strength" shtick and keeps trying to find ways to make it permanent. I haven't designed it yet beyond "this needs a long flowing cloak with a hood" and "stars" but hir whole costume is based on space
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