#kids like this boy read these books and know they're not alone
archivlibrarianist · 1 year
"As he read the young adult novel, “Symptoms of Being Human,” whose main character is gender fluid, he felt an awakening. Soon, he started identifying as transgender." -David Wahlberg, "After teen started transgender treatments, 'All of that anxiety was gone,'" Kenosha News, 12/13/2022.
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fandom-go-round · 5 months
bg3 companions + their reactions to finding out they knocked up fem tav? 👀 (for the ladies we can say they're trans or it's magic)
I wrote my boy first because he’s the best, can you guess who it is? Hint: He’s my first romance. No guess for you lovely requestor because you know too much LOL
Also I’m ignoring cannon endings here because we want to end up happy with babies. No angst here, begone!
Warnings: Implied Sex, Implied Sexual Situations, Pregnant Tav, Babies, Pregnancy Thing (Morning Sickness)
At first, he thinks that you’re joking. Vampires can’t have children after all, that’s a pretty basic fact. When you’re insistent, part of him wants to accuse you of cheating, as much as it pains him. That’s a part of him still tainted by Cazador and he muffles it as best he can. Astarion is going to insist you go to a healer together; if you’re not pregnant, something must be going on you need help with. When Shadowheart confirms you’re with child, he’s at a loss. Astarion doesn’t know what to say, truly.
After the initial shock, he goes on the hunt for anything and everything about human-vampire babies. The records are hard to find and some are locked far, far away but he finds them all. He can be very persuasive after all. It’s in one of these books that he figures out how you two made a baby; he’s going to be very careful taking your blood from now on. Speaking of, Astarion will refuse to drink from you while you pregnant, no ifs ands or buts. This is a firm boundary for him, even if you smell more and more delicious the farther along you get.
The pregnancy is hard and Astarion is afraid he’s going to lose you. The birth is especially gruesome and it’s only because of Shadowheart and Halsin that you’re alive. He wants to resent the baby for how you suffered but he can’t, they’re just too perfect. He’s afraid of getting too close, of tainting this little thing but you refuse to let him be apart. The first time he holds your child he weeps and it’s over. Astarion is always going to struggle with his emotions and feelings about being a father but never about how much he loves them. Also, he’s completely in charge of their wardrobe; you’re going to have the best-looking baby in the entire city hands down.
Gale was always on the fence about kids. Sure they’re cute but they’re also loud and he struggles to take care of himself, let alone a little squishy creature. That doesn’t mean he’s upset when you tell him you’re pregnant, not at all. He’s just doing furious calculations in his mind and it looks like he’s crashed. Give his brain a moment to reset and he’ll give you a large grin and lean down to kiss you. Tara is the first person the two of you tell and she’s excited, vowing to be the baby’s protector. Gale loves her even more which is quite the feat. His mother is next and she immediately starts offering help. He just can’t get over how perfect his family is, it feels like a dream sometimes. 
He takes a very technical approach to your pregnancy, like everything. Gale is reading all of the baby books and using all of the tracking charts he can get his hands on. He even goes to talk to midwives, wanting an expert opinion. It’s very sweet of him but you have to remind him that all babies grow at their own pace. He just wants to be the best dad he can and for him, that means more information. It is funny to watch him change a diaper for the first time but he never backs down from a challenge! Maybe he can use magic…?
He’s a mess when you actually go into labor. Gale swore he would be with you the entire time and then passed out in the final moments. He wakes up to a healthy baby and immediately starts crying. He enjoys being a dad, especially teaching your child new things. Your kid is going to have a huge curious streak that Gale will feed with vigor. He doesn’t consciously want your kid to be a wizard but would be overjoyed to have more in common with them.
Wyll is over the moon, as surprised as he is. Kids are something that he’s always wanted to have eventually and with you, his favorite person? What could go wrong? Of course, he’ll hear out your concerns if you have any and can have difficult conversations around pregnancy and child birth. One benefit of being a noble is that he has resources to help; whatever you want will be yours. He’s nervous to tell his dad but once the older man starts to tear up, he knows that he’s made a good choice. Wyll wants his family to be whole and happy.
He’s a chronic hoverer, as cute and frustrating as that is. Even in the early stages of pregnancy Wyll will try to do everything for you; moving a trunk? He’s got that, don’t strain yourself. Trying to cook dinner? Let him help you love. Be firm that you can do things yourself and he’ll back off. Just know that when you turn to ask him for help he’ll be waiting in the wings to be your hero. He’s also a pro at helping you figure out cravings. Wyll won’t complain if you wake him up in the middle of the night to go get something from the kitchen. He loves wrapping his arms around you from behind and rocking together; you being in his arms is his favorite thing.
He’s a trooper during the birth, being there the entire time. It takes a long time and he does worry but he encourages you and is your personal cheerleader. He can’t stop smiling after the baby is born, tracing their cheeks and forehead. As much as it would be funny to say Wyll struggles with being a dad, he really doesn’t. He loves your child so much, you’re surprised he never brought up kids in the first place. He is very much the definition of doting father but don’t let that fool you, he takes no disrespect, especially towards you. You’re the ruler of the house and Wyll is your backup. He’s the perfect mix of fun and strict dad. Now if he can convince you to have others…
Karlach is over the moon when you find our you’re pregnant. She had noticed you felt off and encouraged you to go to the doctor. Neither of you were expecting the baby news, as silly as it sounds. That doesn’t stop her form immediately lifting you up with a loud ‘whoop!’ and spinning your around the room. She loves babies! She loves you! This is going to be great.
She insists on redoing a room just for the baby. Even if their crib is going to be in your room for the first few months, Karlach wants your kid to have their own space. She paints the walls, builds all the furniture, everything. She asks for you opinion on decorations and doesn’t do anything without checking with you first but it’s her labor of love. It’s also her project for when she gets anxious thinking about the future. What is something goes wrong with her heart? What if something is wrong with the baby? What is the birth is too much for you? All of these thoughts get washed away in making the baby’s room perfect and then she goes to talk to you.
Karlach helps as much as she can during the birth aka you kick her (lovingly) into the hall to go grab towels so she stops hovering. When she gets back the baby is almost here and there’s no time to panic, just watch with wide eyes. She thinks you’re even more of a badass for going through all that and asks to hold the baby fist. Karlach cries holding them; they’re so cute and small and they’re the perfect mix of the two of you. She’s defiantly going to be the fun mom and there will be moments where it feels like you have two kids to scold. She takes safety very seriously, however, and is the first to lecture about stranger danger. Your kid will never feel unloved or unsafe, Karlach swears it on her life. This is her family now and no one else can have them.
Lae’zel struggles with the news that you’re having a baby. Partly because she never thought that she could have kids and the other part because she’s terrified about being a mom. She wasn’t raised in a traditional Faerunian way; no where on the continent can be compared to being raised Gith. She needs time to process on her own and it’ll be a few days before she comes back ready to talk. Take her concerns seriously and, if you truly want to keep the baby, she’ll raise them with you. She loves you after all.
It takes her a bit to understand all the changes your body is going through. It’s horrifying and amazing to watch your stomach swell and she loves gently cradling your bump as it grows. She doesn’t know what to do about the crying, except when someone else makes you cry. Then it’s easy: she wants to kill them. That usually makes you laugh and you’re able to talk her out of bodily harm. You do have some nice shop discounts now. Lae’el is very much your guard dog and she fulfills her position with pride.
The entire birthing process just shows Lae’zel that you’re the strongest person she knows. She’s completely impressed by how you handle everything and has a new respect for moms everywhere. She still thinks it’s gross and inefficient but badass all the same. Lae’zel is a strict mom but soft in her own way. She’s still learning to be kind to herself and the world around her. Your child will never feel the brunt of her frustration or confusion; they will, however, be able to swing a sword much too young. She beams with pride the first time your child beheads a training dummy and you know, deep deep down, that the two of them going to be trouble.
She starts to notice the signs before you do, honestly. At first it’s little things; you’re tired quicker, you’re more sensitive to certain smells. The big one is that you start to get morning sickness, frequently. Shadowheart finally sits you down after the fifth morning in a row over a bucket and checks you over. You’re pregnant all right, not doubt there. She’s going to be as surprised as you; you were both good about protection. Surprise baby!
She’s fairly neutral about kids. She never thought that she would have any, serving Shar, but now there’s a little more appeal to them. The pooping and crying she could live without but the idea of there being someone made up of the two of you? Shadowheart likes the idea more than she would admit out loud. She starts researching pregnancy healing the midwifery right away; she doesn’t have a lot of expertise with babies but she is a healer.
Shadowheart insists on delivering your baby herself. She wants to be a part of this and while you’re going to be doing the hard part, she wants to support you. If you have an issue, she will relent but has to be in the room. Your delivery is flawless and as she holds the bloody baby in her hands, she feels full. Of love and hope and excitement, all those emotions she once would have sworn off. For the first time since you’ve found out you’re pregnant, she’s excited to be a mom. She’s a strict but loving mom, teasing her kid and embarrassing them in public (just a little, like a cheek pinch). Shadowheart loves singing to your kids, something neither of you knew until now. Your house is full of love and laughter and singing, just perfect.
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papercorgiworld · 3 months
Can i request a Mattheo Theo and(or, how many u feel like writing) enzo with an older gf maybe like a girl who'd walk em like a dog and in a second they're like "Yes maam whatever you say🧎‍♂️" byw love ur writing I'm obsessed with ur works!!
I kinda wasn't taking request, but I suck at saying no and I just kinda felt like writing this. This is just short and quick, but it was a really fun idea. I gave it a bit more of a specific context, I hope you don't mind. Thank you so much for sending this my way. I hope you like it, bc I really loved your idea. I wrote this in like an hour or so, let me know if you spot any errors. Also currently 2k+ words into a very fluffy muffin coded Mattheo piece. So this is more like a suggestive snack. Enjoy my dears!
Warning: suggestive
I added a part two.
Whipped for their tutor
Mattheo had been skipping too many classes and his latest test had reduced Mcgonagall to tears, so it was tutoring sessions or no quidditch for the rest of the year. So here he was waiting outside of the transfiguration's classroom as the professor informed his tutor on all the material he needed to catch up with. The list was really long and Mattheo was starting to get embarrassed. Especially when he heard the professor refer to his latest test. He really wasn't stupid, he just neglected his studies for a bite too long.
He heard chairs shuffle and moved away from the door. The door opened and Mattheo's mouth almost fell open. You've got to be kidding me. (y/n). Fuck. Everyone at Hogwarts had a crush on you and in Mattheo's case it wasn't just an innocent crush. No, the thoughts he had about you were far from innocent. Professor Mcgonagall's voice pulled Mattheo out of his trance. "Mister Riddle, this is miss (y/l/n), she'll try to save your grade."
You smiled at Mattheo as he nodded at the professor's words. He was cute you couldn't deny that, but seriously the staring was obvious. When the professor left you two alone Mattheo chuckled nervously making you roll your eyes. Wasn't Mattheo Riddle supposed to be a big bad boy? You turn on your heels. "Follow me, I reserved us a classroom." Your voice is sweet and Mattheo feels himself heat up to an unhealthy degree. Yes, mommy. He stares at your ass for a second and then quickly walks after you.
"Mattheo Riddle." Mattheo introducing himself when he catches up with you and you smirk, before licking your bottom lip. "Oh, I know who you are." Mattheo smirks, feeling confident a his reputation. "I've also seen your grades." Mattheo's smug smile drops and he falls silent for a moment. You open the door to an empty classroom and enter, walking over to a table to lay your books on. "I'm actually not stupid." Mattheo finally manages to say and you look up as you organize your books. When you don't say anything he walks closer. "I just didn't work hard enough." He explains and you sit down. "Well, I guess I'm just here to make sure you work for it this time." You tilt your head and watch him almost drool.
"Sit." Mattheo nods and complies. Nothing left of this bad boy. He reaches for his books. "You should start with summarizing chapters 3 to 6." Mattheo huffs. "I never make summaries, I'll just read it over." You lean a little closer and rest a hand on his thigh, making him almost gulp at you touch. "Matty, be a good boy and summarize chapter 3 to 6 for me." Your lips near his ear have his dick twitch in his pants and if your hand would move even an inch you would feel it. Mattheo can't remember the last time he's blushed, but right now his face is reddening as he stares at his book. Slowly he moves his eyes, first to your half opened blouse and then to your perfect lips. "Yes, ma'am." Is all the notorious Mattheo Riddle can say before he opens his books and starts doing the work.
He was late and hearing from the laughter in the hallway, he wasn't in a hurry. "That Gryffindor goat just failed me bc she hates Slytherins." You roll your eyes at Theodore's arrogant voice echoing through the hallway, approaching the classroom you were supposed to meet at half an hour ago. "Can't believe you're stuck with a tutor, mate." Mattheo chuckled and you focus on Theodore's test in your hands. "I know, I probably can teach them more than they can teach me." Theo laughs as he opens the door and you tilt your head with a cheeky smile on your lips. "I doubt that." Is all you say and Theodore stares up and down your figure as you sat so elegantly and perfectly. Mattheo stands behind his friend mouth hanging.
"I might need some tutoring as well." Mattheo says his voice squeaky, making him look down in embarrassment. "No doubt, but this session is reserved for Theodore. I can call you Theodore, right?" There's a teasing tone to your voice but both boys are too enchanted by you to notice. "Anything." Theodore breathes as he takes a few steps towards the table you were sitting at. "Mattheo." You say looking past Theo. "You can close the door." Mattheo smiles bright as you say his name and does as you say, only once outside he realizes how foolish he must've looked.
Theodore was now alone left at your mercy. "Are you just gonna stand there?" Theo shakes his head and smiles like a love struck puppy. You were the hottest and most unreachable girl at Hogwarts and now he got to sit next to you, smell your perfume and take in your perfect features from up close. "I don't actually need tutoring." Theo said with a half smirk on his lips, faking confidence. "Your latest test says otherwise." You move the piece of parchment over the table towards the Slytherin, who's immediately flustered. He really doesn't need his dream girl thinking he's stupid. "I say we start by correcting the mistakes you made and filling in the blanks you left." Theodore chuckles, he really didn't want you of all people to tutor him like he was a little boy. He needed to you see him as a man for far from innocent reasons. "I don't think that's necessary." Theodore protests.
You scoot a little closer to him and lay your hand on his thigh, gently moving between his legs. An unsteady breath leaves his parted lips. You owned him and you both knew it. "Don't be like that Theo, just do the work... for me." Another breath leaves his lips and he reaches for his quill, like a good boy. Cute and whipped, exactly how I like them.
It wasn't even his fault. Mattheo and Theodore had gotten him high and he had written the word 'soup' as an answer to every question. Now he had to skip quidditch training to go hang with this tutor. With his hands in his pockets he entered the library, scanning the room for his appointed tutor. That's when he saw you. Gods, you were a view. He smiled, immediately getting flustered, you were out of his league and he knew it, but damn you were fine to look at.
"Lorenzo, right?" She's talking to me. Oh by Salazar, it's happening! Say something! "Lorenzo?" You snap your fingers in front him and his smile turns goofy. "Sorry. I was fantasizing- I mean dreaming- thinking." You press your lips into a line you were used to guys getting a little nervous around you, but this guy couldn't even hide it and that just made him adorable af. "I'm your tutor." You don't bother introducing yourself, since you had caught him staring at you enough times for him to know your name and sizes. "Tutor?" The Slytherin seemed to panic at the idea, but you chose to ignore it leaving him with some of his dignity.
"Come on. I was just planning on getting your books." Enzo nods and watches you walk, making you turn after a few seconds and raising your eyebrows. "Come on, Enzo." He sighs at the way you say his name, like you did it better than any other girl. He hurries and follows your every step carrying every book that you summon. Suddenly you turn on your heels and Enzo almost bumps into you, smiling at you as his eyes rest to your soft lips. Probably fantasizing. "Let's start studying, shall well." You announce and despite the discouraging pile of books Enzo quickly nods. "Yes, ma'am." You chuckle. Whipped. With him still trailing behind you a dirty thought sets root, maybe a younger and utterly whipped guy like Lorenzo Berkshire might make a good sugar baby.
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ecstacy-appleofmyeye · 4 months
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jason grace headcanons<3 (some x reader too)
a/n: my boy needs more love 🥺 also i haven't read all the books (im lazy) so if i miss something important that's why. also, reader is intended as male but i'll use they/them or you/yours pronouns
general hcs;
i don't think he's as macho/buff as some ppl make him out to be.
he is strong, obviously, but im sure as hell that he isn't 80% muscle . he's lean—skinny but muscular—and tall, very tall(193 cm, 6'4''—in canon) with lots of scars all over.
hates going to the doctor and getting stitches.
with all the fights and quests he's been im sure he made lots of visits to the infirmary and hated equally every single one.
he's scared of roaches, especially the ones that can fly (tbh who isnt afraid of them)
hugs ppl when he's excited (i think it's canon too? i may be wrong). he'll have to restrain himself from choking the air out of his friends and you. but he's respectful if someone doesn't like touching.
his glasses break at least once a month. he's not clumsy, but sometimes he forgets and fights with them. usually they just fall amd someone accidentally steps on them.
he loses them a lot too for some reason??? he'll just leave them on his nightstand to sleep and the next morning they're gone. where did they go? who knows
kinda afraid of nyx kids. they don't get along very well but he's trying to be friendly.
isn't afraid to fight someone if they insult his friends.
i saw a hc that roman demigods don't have dyslexia (cuz they use english to read, instead of greek) BUT they have dyscalculia instead 'cause of roman numerals.
and it makes sense. tbh i always thought of jason as more of an english type rather than maths.
neatest handwriting ever.
he has selective mutism. it stems from his anxiety and trauma from when he was under lupa's care—and extreme training. he also has migraines, thanks to lupa—again—and her anxiety-inducing training.
it wasn't uncommon for him to have panic attacks and have trouble talking—like the words couldn't get out of his throat—during his first quests. he was all alone too, so that didn't help at all.
i think reyna would be the first person he consulted for help.
after chb and camp jupiter united he would spend more time with hypnos kids, since their relaxing aura helped ease his mind.
very clingy in his sleep
he and thalia shared a small wolf plushy when they were younger.
whenever she visits camp and he happens to there they usually go to the lake and listen to thalia's music (i hc that music lovers have adapted and started using mp3s to listen to music).
he eats everything. he was a picky eater when he was younger but he grew out of it and eats pretty much anything that isn't molding. if it's not something disgusting (human flesh, scat, these things) then he'll probably eat it.
he's not photogenic at all 😭
dude is literally so handsome but you can't take a good picture of him to save your lives.
he's ticklish on his palms and elbow. aND HIS WRISTS!! someone will try and grab him by the wrist and he'd start giggling.
he Never shouts or yells. for any reason. jason always tries to talk calmly. he doesn't like it when he's being yelled at, and definitely feels bad if he does it to someone.
he doesn't like conflict. some times he'll just agree with anything just so he doesn't start a fight.
he's pretty awkward at the start of your friendships, but when he opens up more he's very talkative.
if you are the type of person that like to share your food, he always eats some of it. he can't say no to food.
he might look like he doesn't gaf about anything but it's just his resting bitch face.
he also doesn't express his emotions a lot but he's trying to get better at that.
romantic hcs;
cuddler!!!! he loves cuddles!!! my boy craves physical intimacy (intimacy in general but anyway)
his favourite position is either him laying on top of you (or the opposite) while you play with his hair.
not that romantic most of the time ex. bringing flowers and chocolates or stargazing/going to a cafe/going out in general for a date. but he can be sappy some times.
i think he'd probably prefer for him and you to sit in a room together and they do something without necessary talking to eachother (literally my idea of fun)
he will make you food tho.
not an amazing cook but he's trying his best <3
also not that big on pda. he'll be cuddly in private but never in public. hand-holding is as far as he'll go.
at first he's insecure because, what if he messed up their relationship? what if he upset his s/o? he needs lots of reassurance.
like. he grew up in a world where everyone expected him to be the perfect leader that saves and helps everyone anytime, doing the oh-so-noble-thing of selflessly sacrificing himself for others. he was forced to grow as jason grace, the son of jupiter but never just jason (there are other posts here that describe what im saying better
ahrm anyway
his perfectionism makes him second guess if he's doing anything wrong, he always tries to be perfect for his partner :(
they need to remind him that he's perfect just the way he is. he doesn't need to change himself for anyone, that they love him for being him <3
his love language is quality time. being a praetor means that he needs to sacrifice his personal and private time for his duties. at first it was alright, but now that he has a partner he values any time he gets to spend away from his job with them.
loves it if his partner's love language is words of affirmation.
im imagining them cuddled in his bed, both ready to fall asleep any second and his partner murmuring how much they love and appreciate him while playing with his hair.
he'll literally melt in their embrace. he needs someone to remind him that his mistakes are human.
jason definitely likes sparring with his s/o. sometimes he likes a more intense spar, other times he likes it so he can spend time with them.
he's so sweet and respectful and nice and understanding if you don't like physical touch.
he was raised by wolves so im 100% sure that he bites (take that however you will).
likes it when before you kiss him, you gently caress with your thumb the scar on his lip, kissing it first and then you kiss his lips.
the butterflies in his stomach are going around in circles.
your affection in general makes him feel dizzy. like, gods, he loves you so much and you're being so sweet he'll faint.
overall he's an amazing boyfriend <33 he'll always be there for you but you also need to be there for him
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Steven Universe told from the perspective of other characters
Garnet: A story of gay empowerment from start to finish. As a book it would be titled either Made of Love or Stronger Than You and feature Garnet's gauntlets with her wedding rings on them as cover art.
Amethyst: A seemingly wacky coming of age story that drops the most heartfelt moments when your guard is down. The cover resembles kids' detective stories, the kind where the whole gang is looking around for clues to the mystery.
Pearl: Everything up to Rose's death is an ancient literary classic titled The Ballad of Rose Quartz, illustrated with intricate inkbrush paintings. Steven Universe season one to three is the kind of introspective life after tragedy novel you pick up to look sophisticated reading. It's probably titled Without Her or something similiar. I don't have a title for season four and onwards, but the blurb is "it's not easy to manage twenty girlfriends, two life partners, a son and a dark past at the same time!" It's much more lighthearted than the previous two, but still prone to punching you in the emotions with little warning.
Connie: A magical adventure series just like the Unfamiliar Familiar! It centers Steven the magical boy with his best friend and eventual love interest Connie as the female lead. The tone gets a little darker after the first book/season, but less so than the original Steven Universe (let alone Steven Universe Future).
Greg: First a coming of age story, but unlike Amethyst this one is about breaking away from toxic people in your life. This story gets its happy ending when Greg finally finds someone he can be himself with in Rose. The time until Rose's death is a romantic comedy titled My Girlfriend, her Girlfriend and Me and conists mostly of shenanigans. After Rose's death and Steven's birth, it turns into something more bittersweet centering Greg's worries about being an adequate father to his magical son.
Peridot: It's titled How I learned to stop worrying and join the Rebellion and is easily the most lighthearted installment here. Our dorky protagonist is very obviously a somewhat unreliable narrator, but in a funny way. She encounters a few struggles, but they are quickly overcome with the power of friendship.
Lapis: This is just multiple whump fics. They're in a collection titled Bad Things Happen Roulette. Steven Universe the Movie is a pretty standard fantasy adventure with a group of powerful heroes though, and Steven Universe Future is the fluff fic with a smidge of angst you'd read as a pick me up after Bad Things Happen Roulette.
Bismuth: The war is a good vs evil sci-fi story with lots of social commentary. The Diamonds are definitely irredeemable here. I don't know what to do with the few episodes of the original Steven Universe she was in, but the movie is an empowerment narrative against systemic oppression titled Still Standing, or something in that style. Steven Universe Future however is a romantic comedy.
Rose: This is just a straight (well, bi) up tragedy. Our protagonist desperately tries to recover from her childhood trauma and be a good person, but is ultimately unable to escape the prison of her own mind. The book wins several literature prizes, but very few people actually read it because it's just too depressing.
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reedmurdock · 5 months
Figure You Out- Mattheo Riddle
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A/N: This one shot is based off the song Figure you out by Voilá
Summary: Mattheo, your childhood friend, knows you better than anyone else including your new boyfriend.
POV: 1st/2nd/3rd  Gender: fem/GN/m
Warnings: Jealousy, bad bf (not Mattheo), me writing while I have writer' block 😅, also I changed the Rolling Stones to Måneskin bc  I love them
I could love you with my eyes closed Kiss you with a blindfold Figure you out (mm mmh) I might hold you with my hands tied Show you I'm the right guy To figure you out
     Mattheo stared at you from across the Great Hall. You were seated beside your new boyfriend, some Ravenclaw boy whose name he couldn't remember. The boy was too caught up in his conversation with his friends that he didn't pay any mind to the hand you nudged him with to get his attention. Mattheo frowned when the boy just brushed you off and continued talking.
   "Is that git still not giving them attention?" Draco asked, sliding into the bench across from him. Mattheo shook his head still glaring daggers at the Ravenclaw boy that, in his opinion, didn't deserve an ounce of your care and love.
   "I know them better than anyone. If you put me in a room with a hundred other people with a blindfold and my hands tied, I could find them from their voice. Also, he got them tickets to a rap concert. They like Måneskin a lot better than rap." Mattheo sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He knew he could treat you so much better. He'd known you forever.
   "Does he even give you any love?" Mattheo asked you while you guys were hanging out in the Slytherin common room. 
   "I mean he always invites me when he goes places with his friends. They're fun to be around I guess," you said not looking Mattheo in the eye and picking at the skin around your nails. Mattheo tilted your head up, giving you no other choice but to look at him.
   "That's not what I asked. I asked if he gave you love," he snapped though the anger was not directed at you but at your sad excuse for a boyfriend. Your silence told him all he needed to know.
   "I don't think this is working," your boyfriend said, "You seem to take a liking to the Riddle boy. You give him so much more attention than you do me." he nitpicked as if he was the victim to neglect. Instead of begging him not to break up or profusely apologizing like he thought you would, you countered his faults he found in you.
   "No. Ever since we started dating, you didn't give me an ounce of affection, in public or private. In fact you seemed embarrassed when I tried to hold your hand or touch you in any way around anyone you knew. Even when we were by ourselves, you pushed me away when I reached out. I tried to make this work even when I clearly saw it wouldn't. I'm done trying and I'm done with you!" you yelled and walked off leaving a very stunned Ravenclaw alone in the hallway. Mattheo approached him with a smirk on his face, "Didn't go how you expected huh?"
   Draco walk into the common room to see you and Mattheo curled up under a black fluffy blanket reading a book together. Although Mattheo was paying more attention to you reading rather than reading himself. Draco chuckled and made his way up to his dormitory happy for his friend.
   "You know, I bet if you put a blindfold on my I could still kiss you just the same. I could hold you with my hands tied," Mattheo said with a content smile on his face. He gently took the book and laced it on the table in front of you, pulled you closer to him, and pressed kisses all over your face until both of you were laughing and giggling like little kids. 
A/N: AHHHHHH, I think this is one of my favourites. I hope you enjoyed it. I'm sorry if it was a bit choppy, I've had a very bad case of writer's block. I hope after this I can post more. Love you guys ❤️❤️
Word count:710
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
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♡ random headcanons ♡
☆ starring ☆
♡ könig aka the most babygirl of them all ♡
Tw: mentions of anxiety, weight and mature language. Other than that pure fluff
A/N: YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. YOU DON'T GET IT HOW MUCH THIS MAN IS STARTING TO GROW ON ME. THIS FUCKING TALL ASS BITCH AND THE OTHER GIANT JACK SKELLIGNTON FUCKER ARE THE BAIN OF MY EXISTENCE. I needed to do write for him, you can blame it on tiktok and it's sinful content and @bloodlst for fueling my obsession
He knows a lot of cool fidgeting tricks with pencils or knives because he needs to keep his hands busy when he's nervous.
It's almost like a security blanket for him when he's around too many people, he carries something he can fidget with and uses it
I can't stress this enough but tall people have back pains and oh boy if könig is tall
He is always cranky in the morning because of it and because he loves to just sleep in the weirdest fucking positions ever
Which is funny cause otherwise his postures is always very straight and stiff, it just that when he sleeps he gets all weird
About that, he hates, absolutely despises, the beds they have during missions
which makes me absolutely sure he downs coffee likes it's fucking water
His breakfast is basically a big ass mug of coffee first and then some herbal or fruity tea or maybe some juice
He loves sweets but has a weirdly good self control
He just likes the idea of savouring things rather than eating all at once bc they're so good
Besides I just know he has also a tendency to gain weight more easily than the others
He just tries to be as healthy and balanced with things as much possible bro
The only times he doesn't pays much attention to what he eats is around the holidays or when he gets to see his family
Which always ends up in him putting some weight but he doesn't cares that much, he always gets in shape before getting back to work
You can actively see this unit of a man closing the book and like getting up and walking away two steps just to turn around and keep reading
He does not look his age at all. Either bc of how youthful he acts or bc he looks really young no one has ever guessed his age and it's something he find quite funny so he just let people try to figure it out on their own
People are often really mean with him and sometimes really harsh. He knows they're just playing around and they mess up with everyone like that but he gets genuinely hurt sometimes
No one notices cause he always takes it like a champ tho
I feel like ghost kind of gets annoyed at him. Not for the reason you may think
He's just looks always so serene and at peace, but most importantly happy and it's something ghost can't comprehend given what they do for a living
Key word is looks
König is not a sad person by default and he recovers pretty quickly for certain things but he always carries around a weight of guilt and self doubt that is unbearable sometimes
Much like ghost, this man is kind of scare of himself really
He always worries about ending up being some sort of psycho who has no regards towards human lives
He gets so carried away when he's on the mission and often does not realise how efficient and kind of brutal he can get
He is absolutely scared of ghost. Everytime he is in the same room with him he just gets so nervous he ends up embarrassing himself more than once
like I have anxiety and my jaw is dislocated cause ever since I was a kid I was always clenching my jaw while sleeping or unconsciously while going about my day so I just know that someone like him has the same problem
He has definitely popped his jaw and hurted his ear more than once and has ADORABLE CROOKED TEETH CAUSE I DO AND I WANT HIM TOO OKAY?
he is really good at signing but everyone thinks he's not because the few times he has tried to sing in front of someone he fucked up from being too nervous
He knows how to play piano. As matter of fact he has one at home
Prefers wine over beer or cocktails but has a weird ass liking for strong liquors
And BTW he is annoyingly hard to get drunk, this man could get down shot after shot and still be as lucid as ever
Which soap found out by embarrassing himself. König ended up trying to take care for him the whole night cause he felt guilty
When he gets angry is not a pretty scene. He's always so jolly and easy going even if you're rude to him so is hard for him to get angry, but when he snaps this man is not playing around
Smells of fresh laundry and lemon perfume
He is still pretty mad about not being able to be a sniper. Specially because he's good at his job, he knows he is but no one believed in him and his abilities bc of his height and his anxiety
When he was younger everyone always used to talk over him because he had difficulty with speech due to his anxiety
He used to get so frustrated to the point of crying and since no one ever had the patience to listen to him he just used to write on notebooks all the things no one ever wanted to hear
He still does it and has like a lot of diaries filled with rants, thoughts, jokes ecc
When he was younger he used to listen to the FILTHIEST SONGS not knowing what they were about because he didn't understand English well
When he's nervous his accent slips a little bit
He writes letters to his loved ones and specially his s/o when his away from home and has the prettiest handwriting ever
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slasherx · 21 days
Hello again 👋🏽, Congratulations on passing your exam 🎉!!!, and I don't mind you calling me Diablo
Gurl your write Thomas so well like I can't help but ask for more 😌
Can you do just general Sfw or NSFW (or both 👀) head cannon for my man Tommy, I just love that man to much 😍
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Look at this man right here and tell me he isn't a full meal right there
Ah, hello again! Thank you Diablo! I did write some SFW headcanons for Thomas here, but so many people asked for a part two, so I suppose I'll indulge and give the people what they want <3
Content: Thomas Hewitt x gn!Reader
Warnings: This post contains NSFW, so 18+. Minors DNI
Notes: I'm thinking about doing this with Jason...hmm...
• ───────────────── •
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Piggybacking off of this, I feel like Thomas is a huge family man
He would expect kids from you or some form of offspring, like a pet if you can't have or don't want children
Doesn't really care if you don't get along with Katherine (tea lady), or Henrietta. He's not particularly close with either of them, though he was close with Henrietta as kids since they're close in age
I feel like everybody but Thomas knows he's adopted, just nobody says anything. And when they let you in on that secret, don't you dare tell him either
He's definitely the big spoon while cuddling
He also takes his shirt off for bed and just wears old basketball shorts. The heat gets to him during the day and he can't wait to strip for bedtime
Definitely listens to metal music when it becomes a thing, he's a huge metal head. It allows him to vent all of his frustrations in one sitting
I feel like he would take more care of himself once you two get into a relationship. More showers, more brushing of his teeth, etc.
He wants to be squeaky clean for you
Below is for if you can have/want kids
Once you two have children, Henrietta is going to be super jealous. Not because she wants your man (ew, thats her cousin), but because SHE wants kids
She'd offer to help watch them if you and Thomas ever need some time alone, but you often entrust your children to Luda Mae
Tommy is SUPER excited to be a dad. He thought for a long time that he would never become a father, and that saddened him. He needed to continue the Hewitt bloodline, since Hoyt and Monty pretty much had no interest doing so
He would also be afraid that they would come out looking like him
He'd sew them all kinds of clothing, especially as they grow older
Let's say you have one boy and one girl - he would sew shirts and pants for the boy and dresses for the girl
But once they grow older and develop themselves a little more, he can sew clothes to their liking, no matter what Hoyt or Monty say
I don't see him using physical discipline like his family did growing up. He would probably consider it since it's all he knows, but once you start buying parenting books and he reads through a few of them, he realizes there's more ways to parent
When the actual babies are born/adopted, he has no idea what to do, and admittedly neither do you. All those parenting books did not prepare you in the slightest
But he knows one thing is for sure, he loves you and he loves the babies you created/adopted together, so he's going to try his hardest to be the best husband and father out there
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Definitely a dom at first, but the more comfortable he gets with sex the more he'll become a switch
LOOOOVES when you suck him off
Will fuck your throat all day if he had the chance, just be careful of your teeth if he ever takes over. He likes to move a lot
He loves having his hand in your hair, it makes him feel in control, and when he's not in control? Your hand in his hair. He will grab your hand and move it to his hair for you to grab
The sexiest thing he can do (if you like his hands) is when he grips surfaces hard, and you can see his veins pop out. Oh how you wish they were around your throat, or on your chest, or anywhere else you like them on you
Doesn't like giving oral as much as he likes receiving. But make no mistake, that doesn't mean he's a selfish lover. No, it's the opposite
Thomas always makes sure you cum at least once before he cums, or at least cum with him. He doesn't like it if you edge yourself but make him cum, or just make him cum first in general
Which was why he didn't understand in the beginning, how you were lasting so much longer than him. But soon he built stamina and could match you
I feel like Tommy would have a pregnancy kink, and a breeding kink. He loves stuffing you full of his cum at any chance he gets, even going so far as to go multiple rounds in a night
There was even a time where he went on and on before you finally cried and begged for him to stop, your hole was so raw
His favorite positions are one where he can see your face, but he's not opposed to fucking you hard in doggy
Speaking of hard, he's going to be gentle with you in the beginning of your sex life. But once he gets more accustomed to it, he'll go harder for you, if you wish
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Here's my masterlist, in case you like what you see and want to request more!
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ohforficsake · 2 months
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Down, Boy
A Margay Universe Drabble
series masterlist / main masterlist
Summary: The boys end up at a dive bar on Frankie's birthday. Snipers are good at pool. Frankie's not gonna be able to wait until they make it home. Can be read as a standalone.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Sniper!OFC Audrey 'Moose' Goddard
Word Count: ~ 1.6K words
Rating: Explicit 18+ / dirty talk, momentary dry humping, jerking off in a dive bar bathroom, mention of oral sex (f receiving), bit of a come fetish (it's these two, they're just like this) / language / drunk!Frankie is the sweetest, filthiest menace with a massive competency kink / Minors DNI
A/N: A little drabble that came up a few months ago but didn't quite fit with the main Margay storyline. Just something fun to tie you over after putting you all through it with Chapter 9.
Divider by @cafekitsune!
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Frankie is—
—a bit drunk tonight.
But it’s his birthday.
And he’s always been a happy drunk. 
There’s no falling on the floor. No getting up in other patrons’ faces. Just cheeks ruddy and round from freely-given mirth. 
He’s harmless as a puppy and just as excitable. 
Whooping with cheers whenever anyone sinks a pool ball into a pocket, whether they’re on his team or not.
He had made the trip out to northern California for the occasion, wanting only to spend his day with his daughter.  
But the boys catch wind of his plan and throw in for an Airbnb on the coast for the occasion.
And in the process of planning, Santi and Benny cook up a four-beer deep idea over an empty pizza box to arrange an extra gift.
Aud, what are your thoughts on Fort Bragg? Santi fires off on a text thread between the three of them.
I’m glad that they’re changing that name, guy was a cunt.
Sorry no, California. Benny clarifies. But also, agreed.
Is that not named after the same guy?
Santi sends the house’s address at the same time Benny sends, it is yeah.
Catfish wants to spend his birthday out there with his kid and we couldn’t let him celebrate alone. Pope attempts to steer.
Wondering if you might want to tag along? Last week of June. 
Send me a venmo request for my part of the booking.
Something warm blooms in Audrey’s chest at the sight of Frankie with his friends, quietly strategizing over forest green pool table felt.
He throws his arm around Benny’s neck and thumps Santiago on the back when they win this round, uncaring that he and Will have lost the last three.
“Can you please play this one, this score is embarrassing,” Will leans over on his bar stool with arms crossed against his chest, voice raised just enough so Audrey can hear him over Garth Brooks being played at a decibel below ungodly volume.
“Already told you, if I play, it’s over in one turn,” she takes a swig of beer, “that’s no fun for anyone.”
“Losing isn’t fun either though.”
She studies Will in the haze of neon-red tinged smoke. Audrey’s only known him for three hours, but she likes him already. Enough to grant him this favor.
She slips off her bar stool and shimmies her jeans higher up on her hips before shrugging the leather jacket off of her shoulders.
“You playin’, Moose?” Santiago calls with a grin.
“One round,” she holds up a finger, “save these boys some shame,” she finishes as Will hands her a cue. The minute she lifts it off the ground she murmurs “not that one,” and Will swaps her out. 
“There’s no way she’s that good,” Benny quips to Pope as he racks up the balls.
“I—do not have as much confidence as you on that,” Santiago carefully lifts the triangle and slots it back under the table. “You should probably know better, Benjamin.”
“You boys are fucked,” Frankie loops his arms around both of their shoulders as Audrey chalks her cue.
She places the cue ball towards one rail behind the second set of diamonds and glances behind her, gauging the space before leaning down to eye level, bouncing and spinning the cue in her hand to get a feel for its balance before she takes her first shot.
Audrey sinks two balls on the break. 
She quickly assesses the table when they come to a stop. “Stripes, do I need to call the pocket?”
“No need to be a show-off,” Pope quips. 
“Fair enough,” she slips around the far side of the table and sinks the 9-ball in a corner. It lines the cue ball up perfectly and she drops 14 in a center pocket. 
One lap around the table and a glance at the boys to be sure she has clearance before Audrey knocks the cue ball just off its center point, gliding it across felt where it transfers its spin to 15, sending it swirling down the rail into a corner pocket. She slips around to the opposite side of the table, banking the cue ball off the opposite rail and into 13, which slips neatly into the center pocket nearest her. 
“What went in on the break?” Benny calls.
“11 and 2,” Will answers where he’s calmly perched on a barstool against the wall.
She could miss now and he’d still be impressed.
She won’t.
The cue ball is dead center on the table and 10 is sitting a foot short of a corner. Audrey circles the table, chalking her cue as she analyzes angles. The best shot is from the end nearest the three boys but she’ll have to reach for it.
She stands in front of them and murmurs “sorry, boys,” before she hikes one knee up on the side rail and leans down, chest nearly grazing the table. 
Frankie covers Benny and Santi’s eyes from where his arms are still braced on their shoulders. 
His eyes, however, are locked on her ass.
They hear 10 drop in before brushing Frankie’s hands away.
Audrey bounces the cue ball off the edge of 12, popping it into the nearest pocket.
“Oh, that’s done, she’s got it,” Benny murmurs when the white ball comes to a stop directly in line with the corner pocket nearest Will, the 8 ball sitting perfectly in the middle of the shot.
Audrey sinks it and Frankie whoops, clapping both men on the back before rushing around the table to grab Audrey in a bear hug that lifts her up off her feet.
“FUCK yeah, baby!!!” He screams, taking her face in his hands and mashing his mouth against hers.
“Okay, down boy,” she quips with a smile.
“Well played, Moose,” Will holds out his hand for a shake.
“Alright, the rest is on y’all,” she hands the cue off to Will. “I gotta hit the restroom and then I’ll pick up another round.” She makes her way around the table, Benny and Santi congratulate her with claps on the back before she’s off down the hall.
“Hell of a woman you got there, Catfish,” Will chalks his cue.
Frankie answers with the quirk of a brow and a smirk that drips with filth.
One of the patrons recognizes Benny from fight night and it causes a stir. Turns out Will knows him from high school and everyone’s fascinated with what a small world it really is, attention distracted enough to allow Frankie to slip away.
Audrey wrenches the door to the bathroom open and collides with Frankie’s chest.
“Jesus, Francisco.”
He backs her up with his body, kicking the bathroom door closed and latching it as his mouth crashes against hers, twisting his cap around backwards.
“You’re fuckin’ amazing, baby.” He smashes her against the wall with his broad form, craning low to kiss at what skin he can get to under her turtleneck before giving up and sucking on her earlobe. 
“Yeah, well, I guess” she pants as Frankie drops to his knees and grabs at her hips, grinding the bulge in his jeans against her shin as he mouths at her stomach through the fabric of her shirt, “don’t play pool with a sniper.” 
Frankie is fully hard as he ruts against her, pulling clumsily at the button and zipper of her jeans. He inhales against her mound and moans before quickly getting to his feet. 
Harmless as a puppy and just as excitable.
He’ll sniff crotches and hump legs too, apparently.
Audrey grabs his face between her hands in an effort to center him, dipping her tongue into his mouth before Frankie pulls back.
“Fuuuck baby,” he reaches down to squeeze his cock through his jeans, “I’m not gonna make it, baby, I can’t–”
“Shhh, gatita, please,” he clamps a hand over her mouth as his forehead thumps hard against hers, “fuck,” he huffs, “I’m gonna. Pull those pretty panties down for me, beautiful. Just a little bit.”
Audrey is positively dying to see where this goes. 
She slips her jeans and thong down her thighs, eyes locked on Frankie’s locked on black lace.
“Right there. That’s my pretty girl. Yeahh,” he shifts around to free himself from his jeans and she moans into his palm where he slides the hot, hard length of him against her center.
Frankie indulges for a moment, slipping his cock against the smooth wet of her lips.
“Shit,” he hisses before gripping himself in his fist, brown eyes searching green for permission.
And having it, he starts to pump his cock.
It takes him less than a minute before thick ropes of semen spurt into the gusset of her panties as he groans against the back of his hand where it’s still clamped over her mouth.
“Gatita?” He lets go on a ragged gasp once his hips have stilled and he’s worked himself through.
She puffs an acknowledging breath against his palm. 
“I’m gonna make it up to you, I swear,” he lets his hand drop but keeps his forehead pressed against hers. 
Frankie’s fingers move down to hook in the waistband of her lace thong before he slips it, warm and sticky and reeking of his spend back up into place.
“Keep that for me?” He slips his tongue in her mouth, fastening the button on her jeans and dragging the zipper closed. “I’m gonna come back for it.”
He presses a final, wet kiss to her lips, warm palm resting briefly on her cheek before he slips out of the door.
He leaves her frayed with want. Panting through burning lips as her head thumps back against the wall.
Sometimes she wonders if Frankie Morales is the filthiest motherfucker alive.
Two hours later when he cleans her cunt with his tongue—cap twisted round backwards on his head, wet panties stuffed into the pocket of his jeans—she realizes he probably is.
He probably is.
And he's hers.
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Tagging a few lovely folks who are/might be interested: @tinytinymenace @theshensei @jeewrites @oliveksmoked @for-a-longlongtime
@toomanytookas @missladym1981 @harriedandharassed @76bookworm76 @spookyxsam
@soft-persephone @julesonrecord @legendary-pink-dot
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Hot take but Percy Jackson actually isn't anything like Harry Potter and the reason they're popularly compared is due to the mass mischaracterization and misenterpretation that leads to sanatization of Percy to turn him into a more standard protagonist despite the whole point his character being that he's NOT normal while Harry's is that he IS and that made him into a very bland and lowkey passive aggressive bigot that's an awful example for kids while Percy is the perfect role model.Like let's look them over.Percy:
Was born poor and never becomes rich
Is a child abuse victim with consistent trauma responses and unhealthy coping mechanisms all the way starting at The Lightning Thief
Beat up bullies as a kid,was targeted by them to begin with because he's neurodivergent and his teachers picked on him too
Has nothing but love and respect for his fellow minorities,women especially thanks to being a mama's boy with no positive older male figures in his life except Beckendorf
Is pessimistic,sardonic,anger issued,bad at socializing and gets embarrased to be overly open with his emotions but none of this turns him into a bad person but instead makes him realistic and relatable
And he's also kind,gentle,nurturing to the point of basically adopting younger demigods as his found siblings and pseudo-kids if they don't have positive adult figures in their lives already,encouraging,loyal to a literal fatal fault and has a distinctive and iconic sense of humor that never dosen't land
Didn't like Annabeth or Rachel for shallow reasons and instead for their personalities and only wasn't into Reyna because he was taken at the time and treats all three of them very nicely
Is an instigator who's driving point as our hero is taking down corrupted figures but also does activism for the lesser treated people in his world by helping out every time he gets a chance to,has one of his core trait's being that he's COMPLETELY devoid in power hunger and pretty arguably counts as an anarchist because of this
Relating to the sense of humor thing again,his whole PERSONALITY is distinctive-He's not just some fantasy protagonist,he's PERCY JACKSON.The name alone gives everybody who's read the books flashbacks to all his crazy ass shit(affectionate)and that's how you know you've got a well-written protagonist
And Percy is legitimately transfem-coded,because i've met so many trans women in the Pjo fandom and every single one of them without exception have said that she's a femme trans woman egg.This also applies to black/afrolatino folks and autistics in the fandom like me to a less near universal extent
While Harry:
Grew up middle class and then got riches out the ass when the series started
Is a very poor attempt at positive abuse survivor rep because he uses his mental health as an excuse to a huge dick with no consequences given to him afterward
Had no tormenters other than the Dursleys
A 'dosen't know better and refuses to learn' typa bigot with tons of passive aggressive remarks about girls and ableism and fatphobia thrown in too,not to mention racist moments like hating Dean for dating Ginny
Is the quintessential young male fantasy protagonist and this is exactly his problem because it makes him boring asf and we're dealing with so much fucking damage in the kids fantasy genre thanks to his musty ass
All his crushes were shallow(Only liked Cho for a pretty girljock and only noticed Ginny when she became one too and prioritizes looks and society's idea of 'coolness' on the other girls his age too like damn i wonder why he only ever saw Hermione as a sister,surely it can't be connected /s)
Never does actual justice fighting unless he's required to and don't tell me he shouldn't have needed to because this wasn't real life,it was a magics series so he should've fought evil on purpose like Percy did and so did Katniss Everdeen and the Pevensie Siblings and all the other actual good kids books protags.This genre is supposed to be a power fantasy for kids that they can be heroes too and Harry failed big time at his job just like he did at everything else
Again,he is VERY mediocre as a character but mediocrity sells and now we have a million clones of him instead of real mcs
Is part of exactly zero minorities,neither intentionally or accidentally,and that made him grow up to be a cop.Douchebag ass white straight boy Harry vs Autistic afrolatina transfemme slay Percy.No competition,Percy's punk so she'd kill Harry to earn her blue laces
And before Maraturds and Luke/gods stans get bold,you're literally him irl but worse besties♡
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pluckyredhead · 30 days
I have fallen down a Fourth World rabbit hole (this is @ngoziu's fault) and am now reading everything DC has ever published with these characters, in order, as is my wont, and I have a lot of thoughts and feelings, so I'm going to start dumping them all here. Sorry.
Background if you have no idea what I'm talking about but want to read this post anyway (why?): in 1971, Jack Kirby left Marvel because he couldn't put up with Stan Lee any longer and came to DC, where they were like "Yes you can do anything you want" (this was a lie). He immediately began writing, drawing, and editing an incredibly ambitious epic that stretched over four simultaneously published books: Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (we can mostly ignore this one), New Gods, Mister Miracle, and The Forever People. These books came to be known as Jack Kirby's Fourth World Tetralogy.
The books all center around the war between the utopian planet New Genesis, ruled by the benevolent Highfather, and the dystopian planet Apokalips, ruled by the evil Darkseid. At the heart of the narrative is "The Pact," aka The Cosmic Baby Swap. To ensure a (temporary) truce, Highfather and Darkseid traded sons when said children were very young - so Orion, Darkseid's son, is raised on New Genesis, and Scott Free, Highfather's son, is raised on Apokalips. Neither knows who their real father is until adulthood.
Orion grows up in a utopia, but tormented by his feelings of rage and otherness that he can't explain. Scott is raised in a torture orphanage, because that's just what happens on Apokalips, but eventually he escapes to Earth and becomes the escape artist Mister Miracle. The Cosmic Baby Swap begs what to me is the central question of the Fourth World, which is: what is the nature of good? Which boy will be a hero? The one born to good and raised by evil, or the one born to evil and raised by good?
TRICK QUESTION THEY'RE BOTH HEROES!!! GOOD IS MORE POWERFUL THAN EVIL! LOVE WINS AND FASCISM LOSES! This is so, so important to me and any version of these characters that doesn't understand the really not very complex symbolism here is invalid and kind of embarrassing for the writer (looking at you, Tom King).
Also Scott falls in love with and eventually marries Big Barda, one of Darkseid's fiercest warriors, who was born on Apokalips and raised on Apokalips and chooses good anyway. LOVE WINS AGAIN! BARDA TOPS HER TINY HUSBAND IN THE NAME OF PEACE AND COMPASSION!
Sadly DC canceled New Gods and Forever People after only 11 issues, which kind of killed Kirby's whole vision. Mister Miracle limped along until #18, but as a really pale shadow of itself. So we never really got the full scope of Kirby's original plans.
ANYWAY. That's the background. Now thoughts on the actual comics:
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen: I love Jimmy, I love Superman, I love the Newsboy Legion, but this book feels very tangential to the whole Fourth World experiment and I think we can safely set it to the side. However, if you love the 90s Superboy series, I recommend dipping into this because it's the source material for a lot of Kon's worldbuilding (Cadmus, Dubbilex, clone Guardian, etc.).
The Forever People (1971): So I originally read all the Jack Kirby Fourth World stuff like...at least 15 years ago, when I was still relatively new to comics, and I'll be honest: I didn't get it. Kirby is sort of an acquired taste, and I didn't really have any context for what he was doing. I understood the metaphors, but I didn't get why people found the work appealing. And Forever People in particular was the book where I was like "Why. What is the point of this" the most.
Rereading it many years later, I find it to be a lot more moving and profound - like, the Happyland issue alone is a knockout. That said, Kirby is, uhhhh...not great at ensemble characterization without Lee, and the Forever People themselves are unforgivably bland. Default Guy! Big Guy! Black Guy! Girl! Kid! Props to Kirby for making it a not all-white group - and for introducing five out of seven of DC's first Black characters in the space of, like, two years - but it would have been nice if he gave them personalities, too.
New Gods (1971): This is Orion's book and the heart of the Fourth World. At its best, it's the pinnacle of "Makes no sense...compels me, though." Like, "Glory Boat?" I don't understand a single thing that happened in that comic but it's so fucking good. I just want to read thousands of words of comics scholars over the past 50 years going "????" in collective confused admiration.
Mister Miracle (1971): This was the book I was most invested in when I read the Fourth World years ago, because I already loved Scott and Barda from JLI, but now I think it's weaker than New Gods and arguably even than Forever People. Kirby doesn't seem as invested in going all in on Big Concepts here, and Scott escaping endless weird deathtraps is only compelling for so long. The later issues, after the other books were canceled and DC made Kirby pivot away from the Apokalips/New Genesis war, are nothing. But Scott and Barda (and Oberon and Shilo) are everything, so I guess it balances out. Anyway Scott clearly already knows a lot about Earth by the time he meets Oberon and Thaddeus Brown, so DC please feel free to hire me to write a Mister Miracle: Year One miniseries about Scott's arrival on Earth, thank you.
Okay, now for the post-Kirby (or really, intra-Kirby) stuff:
Mister Miracle (1977): This picks up the numbering from the Kirby series, running from #19-25, and was written by Steve Englehart and then Steve Gerber, and it sucks so bad. For three reasons, in escalating importance:
Riddled with continuity holes and factual errors that don't match what Kirby established. Himon is shown on New Genesis - how did he get there? Metron is depicted as subservient to Highfather when Kirby showed him as a neutral, independent agent. Etc.
The treatment of non-Scott characters is largely terrible. Oberon is written really condescendingly (Scott's like "Ride on my shoulders like you used to!" even though they definitely did not ever do that before, because Oberon is not a child). When Scott feels guilty that he's not actively fighting the war, Highfather's like "I don't want you to fight because I feel bad that I traded you to Darkseid, let Orion do it" as if that isn't the root of Orion's severe emotional trauma TOO. And worst of all is Barda, who is knocked out and captured in the first issue and spends pretty much the entire rest of the series unconscious, waiting for Scott to rescue her - except for the brief scene where she wakes up brainwashed, requiring Scott to beat the shit out of her. Lovely.
The series is reeeally fixated on the notion that Scott is a god, and extrapolates that to Scott deciding he's the messiah. Now, I'm not going to say that the Fourth World can't be used to explore Christian themes just because Kirby is Jewish, because Kirby was very definitely exploring biblical themes extensively and frankly I don't know enough about the Bible to say whether he was sticking religiously (ha) to the Old Testament. But I do think taking one of the central characters of a Jewish man's magnum opus and making him the messiah is, uh, pushing it. And there's no way to argue he's not a Christian messiah because, uh, he T-poses a lot in this series and Granny also specifically states that if Scott is the messiah, she'll find an anti-Christ to combat him (which...wouldn't that sort of by default be Orion? which just further proves that the idea of a messiah really doesn't work in the Fourth World framework). Anyway it's gross and I hate it.
New Gods (1977): I'm kind of using this as a catchall to cover all of Gerry Conway's New Gods work, which includes the actual 1977 New Gods series (which picks up the numbering from Kirby, so it's #12-19), the conclusion of the story in Adventure Comics, and the Justice League of America crossover with the Fourth World. (Also there's one issue of Super-Team Family where Lightray and Metron team up with the Flash to save Orion, who has grown really really big, but that doesn't fit with the rest of Conway's continuity so I guess we can ignore it.)
Anyway this stuff is not as infuriating as Mister Miracle, but it's also not...good. The central concept is that Darkseid has discovered that the Anti-Life Equation is contained within the brains of six humans, so Highfather sends six New Gods to protect said humans: Orion, Lightray, Metron (he doesn't work for you, Highfather), Forager (also does not work for you), Lonar, and Sensational Character Find of 1977, Jezebelle of the Fiery Eyes (Original Character Do Not Steal).
Mostly this series is frustrating because all the New Gods are wildly incompetent and fail completely at their tasks. Orion is dumbed down to The World's Most Basic Superhero (he has a big O on his chest now!). I spent the whole time yelling "HE CAN'T FLY, GERRY!" at the comics. Forager is lumped in with no mention of that whole thing where...he's a New God who was raised among the Bugs, who are being persecuted by the New Gods? I feel like that should be explained or at least addressed? (Presumably Kirby would have gotten around to it eventually.) Forager also should not be flying but here he does. I guess. Lonar flies too but mostly on his horse, which bothers me less for some reason, I'll accept a flying horse. (Also Lonar's human he's supposed to protect is Inuit and hoo boy is this comic racist. The poor guy wears a fur diaper the whole time and speaks a completely made up language.)
And then there's Jezebelle of the Fiery Eyes. Who is blue, for reasons that are never explained, and wears a bikini and fishnets because it's 1977, and mentions her fiery eyes (heat vision) every time she speaks. She's from Apokalips, but defected to New Genesis during battle. Which, like...I appreciate that Conway recognized that this team should have a female character, but what with Orion, Scott, Barda, and Inexplicably Present Himon, it feels like we have enough characters who have defected from Apokalips in some way? And it's just super weird that the ONLY female characters we have seen from New Genesis are Beautiful Dreamer of the Forever People (trapped in another dimension indefinitely) and Scott's dead mom. Like, what's the implication here? Heaven doesn't have women? Also, I know Conway was going for biblical names to match New Genesis and Izaya (he also introduces a Lucifar), but, like...Jezebelle? JEZEBELLE. Your only female New God and you named her "whore." Amazing.
And with that, we have covered the New Gods in the 70s (minus some Mister Miracle/Batman teamups). Next time: the 80s, and Kirby tries so so hard to kill Orion but DC won't let him.
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the-cannibal · 1 year
child reader that’s like Matilda, has a weird family, book smart, and has a telekinetic powers meeting the slashers(of your chose) for the first time -🪱anon
Hi worm anon! This is such a cute idea, its been a while since I watched Matilda so I apologize if anything is wrong (I need to watch it again, that movie is great) I decided to do Billy and Stu and I did a female reader, I hope that's alright! Billy and Stu X (platonic) Child reader that is like Matilda! Female reader - she/her and you is used
You had always been a very smart kid and preferred things your family deemed as "weird". While they would lounge around all day around the tv, you would be in your room reading a book. A book that was made for an older reading level usually. Your older sibling liked to go to the arcade every week and spend his allowance on the video games and sweets they offered. Meanwhile you liked to save your money up, and go to the library with your little red wagon and borrow new books. The librarians always liked to try and direct you to books that were "more appropriate for your age", but those books were far too short and boring! Besides, you had probably read all those books already by the time you were two.
One day when you were walking back home with your wagon rolling along side you, you noticed a strange red trail on your front porch. You weren't dumb. You knew it was blood. But who's? But it seems your question was answered when the front door opened and revealed two tall people in strange costumes, and behind them you could barley see your father laying on the floor. Looking up at the figures you clenched a thick book in your hand and held it back, ready to swing, as tears weld up in your eyes. Sure your family wasn't the best. But that didn't mean you wanted to see them dead on the floor... "Shit dude! Who's the kid?!" A male voice spoke behind the mask. "Obviously someone who knew them." Another male voice spoke behind the other mask. "Probably their kid..." He mumbled. "What do we do?!" The first voice panicked. The shorter disguised male began pulling a knife out. "No!" The taller man yelled and shoved him against the door. "What are you doing?!" Shorter yelled. "She saw!" "She's like four, Billy!" The taller one yelled at the shorter one, which you now knew as Billy. "Five..." You couldn't help but say, making the boys turn to look at you. You sniffled, tears and snot running down your face as your body shook like a leaf. "I'm five. Not four..." And something about the way you looked at the ground, scared and confused, made the boys hearts melt in guilt. Something in them in that moment made them want to protect you. So they took you to who you would learn to be Stu's house. They sat you on the couch, Billy pacing behind it in panic, while Stu sat next to you and tried to get to know you better. "What's your name?" "Y/n." "How old are you, Y/n?" "I already told you! I'm five! Geez you're just like my parents! They never could remember my age, let alone my birthday..." Billy's head perked up at that, as well as Stu's. "Why didn't they remember? They're your parents." Billy asked. You huffed and slouched against the couch. "Because they never cared about me because I'm too weird. They just watched tv and ate junk food all day." Billy and Stu gave each other a look. Seems like they made a good choice in picking that house as their next victims. "Wait... Are you guys like... My guardian protectors?" "Your wha-" "my guardian protectors! Just like in my book! You knew I needed help so you came!" And you rambled on about your little book and how you thought these two teenage serial killers were here to protect you and saved you from your strange family. Billy and Stu just grinned. This was perfect. So they nodded and went along with everything you said. Billy and Stu agreed that night as Stu tucked you into his bed that they would be your guardians. They would do anything and everything for you. You were now a Macher Loomis.
You surprisingly settled in with the two boys quite quickly. You usually stayed at Stu's house since his parents weren't usually home (and frankly Stu's house was a lot nicer than Billy's due to his money). But when they were Billy would just sneak you to his house. After all, it wasn't like he had any parents to worry about finding you. It was quite easy keeping you hidden surprisingly! Because you didn't play with toys made for your age, the boys didn't have to worry about someone finding a random doll some where in their house, or a toy making noise on accident and drawing attention. You were happy with your books of course, but also with some sketch books and markers and pencils. Things That was easy to hide if needed and didn't draw attention. You loved to sit on the counter as Stu and Billy cooked you guys dinner and spit facts at them. Stu loved hearing about all the things you knew about space, animals, and how quickly you could do math equations. He could randomly give you a problem with no warning and you'd have the answer in seconds. Billy loved hearing about what you knew about nature, big vocab words even he didn't know, and of course what new books you had just read. Speaking of books. The boys were very surprised at all the things you read... One day Billy and Stu were watching IT, and it took them a solid twenty minutes to notice you had snuck out of your room and were watching it with them. Stu frantically reached for the remote to stop the movie, while Billy was picking you up and telling you that, despite being five and being a big girl, this movie was to mature for you. "The book is way better, and scarier." You simply shrugged. Billy and Stu stared at you in awe. Did their kid seriously read one of the most famous horror novels? A novel that was over a THOUSAND pages? "Silence of the lambs was also way better as a book than a movie." "Okay we seriously need to check your bookshelf out..."
Billy and Stu were very surprised that you came home with a detention slip. You had finally got signed up for school (another thing your family didn't bother to do) and you were so excited! You're a good kid! So why detention? "What happened, kiddo?" Stu asked. "I don't know! The teacher says I hit her with a marker, But I didn't! I swear, papa, I didn't!" Tears weld in your eyes. Stu picked you up and began shushing you. "Its alright, it's alright. If you didn't do it who did? We can go to the school and explain it." "That's the strange thing," You sniffled. "No one threw it. I was just looking at it and I thought it would be funny if it hit Ms. Wrench. And then it flew and hit her!" "Uhhh... Billy?" Stu turned to Billy in hope that he would have an explanation. But he looked just as confused as Stu. Some tests at home, asking you to do the same thing and have you move paper, silverware, dvds, they came to the conclusion that you had powers. "Might as well change your name to Carrie!" "But no pig blood, please!" "haha yeah no-! Wait- how do you know about that?" "Uhhh..." "Dang it, Billy check her book shelf again!" "I CAN HANDLE IT!" "YOU ARE FIVE-"
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pheesfanfics · 1 year
Hi Phee! It's so cool to find another 19yr old writer in similar fandoms to myself!
You asked for requests, so I have one if you'd like!
Do you have and general dating headcanons for Luke from TWDG2?
Thank you!
(Ps, can I be 💚 anon?)
OFC I CAN!!! Who doesn't love Luke??? So here you go!
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TWD Luke x Reader Headcanons
This boy is the ultimate golden retriever boyfriend. THIS BOY!
If you're doing your own little thing (e.g. drawing or cleaning, whatever you prefer) you can expect to see him giving you loads of long glances and dopey grins, especially if you catch him.
This man is a lovesick puppy sometimes.
He honestly admires all of your hobbies and tries to learn even more about them so he can surprise you with his little facts later.
He always asks if you need something even if he knows you can handle yourself just fine.
And if you have younger siblings he is immediately becoming their cool older brother as he likes to say. Seriously as awkward as he can be making conversation with new people he loves looking after kids.
And expect loads of bear hugs and kisses on top of the head because he loves being as close to you as possible.
During Apocolypse
During the apocalypse, he is the same as before but it's noticeable how more protective he is of you.
He really likes Clementine as well so he also loves it when he sees the two of you spending time together. It makes him wonder if you'd ever be up to having your own kids one day.
His ideal date night is when you guys are bunked up in his room in the house and reading some random books you come across.
Even if you only start dating during the Apocolypse or not he's definitely more handsy when you're alone wanting to be with you as much as he can in case something ever happened.
And don't worry ladies! He and Jane had nothing between them at all he is a loyal guy.
(A/N): I hope you guys enjoyed this! This is the first set of headcanons I've written but I hope they're good! Have a lovely morning, noon, or night <3
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piracytheorist · 11 days
I chose violence ! So, ask 22. <3
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I am really choosing violence here because I recently got the Family Portrait light novel book and I (re-)read the story of Anya and Damian getting lost in the woods and I am so amazed at how people miss how their dynamic can be funny.
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Look at how Anya completely dismisses him and tell me she deserves to be reduced to an "I can fix him" narrative for Damian's uwuification. She's not playing "hard to get", she's standing up for herself while Damian is being too stubborn to confront his own conflicting emotions.
To be clear, this is far from my "favourite part of canon", but among the "parts of canon everyone else ignores", this is probably the one I feel people miss the most about. It's not funny when Damian bullies her (yes I have seen that take before because some see the bullying as "teasing" between equals and sorry but it very much isn't), it's funny when Anya ignores him or one-ups him and he's just left there pouting and grunting.
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I cannot comprehend people seeing this and taking it seriously. It's just funny because Anya only challenges him when she's not trying to. She tries to help him, or impress him, or do anything positive, and she gets the cold shoulder. Then she gives him a funny look and Damian's entire world is shooketh. But saying that Damian was never a bully, that somehow his intentions were always noble, or that he never considered her lesser is just... biased, for starters, and second, it removes from the equation how funny it is that the girl he tries to avoid at all costs even by insulting her - or her father - to their faces keeps coming back to haunt him because he has a crush on her. The uneducated pleb actually helped me! The horror!
It's just funny and I cannot comprehend taking it seriously. You work with kids for a few years and you only see that stuff as funny antics you'll laugh at with your friends, and nothing close to something you'd get invested in. Like fr there's a girl at the school I work at always complaining about one certain boy and I joke with my friends about how people are only so obsessed with others when they have a crush on them - but it's just that; a joke between me and my friends, and something I would never even dare to think to utter in front of any of my students. And the thought of giving one (1) iota of shit about my students' romantic relationships makes me wanna barf. Let alone doing that for six-year-olds, even if they're fictional.
Idk I just feel that amatonormativity has just poisoned the public opinion so much that only romance is important and all other fictional character dynamics are merely an afterthought, if even that, and that can only make discussing fictional stories less interesting, more limited, and more shallow. And honestly, it can be unfair to the original material (yeah yeah I know death of the author but sometimes you gotta separate canon from headcanon and fanfiction). There's so much fun to have with fictional stories if you set romance aside for once.
(Anime only fan here and not interested in debate on this. Don't spoil me and don't try to sell this ship to me)
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ginaluvr · 14 days
rating the changes between tmr book and movie
anyone who read the books first knows that the movie trilogy ended up telling a completely different story. i've been a big fan of the books forever so i thought i'd rate the significant changes made in the first one since it's generally the same plot. scale is 0-5 with 5 being good change.
the gladers initially not remembering their names: 3/5. maybe it was done to raise the stakes and make it more disorienting.
there are no real buildings in the glade: 1/5. this implies they had to start completely from scratch when they first arrived, which makes the maze seem like a test of survival rather than willpower and psychology.
leading on from that... the maze is actually outdoors: 0/5. you're telling me they had rain and lots of greenery in an outdoor structure in a desert climate? and the gladers had no real shelter provided? it also makes the test of their determination less powerful, because in the books, the maze was an indoor structure. the fact that they could technically climb the walls and see the outside world in the movies removes some of hopelessness and frustration for me.
ben is a runner: 4/5. makes sense! especially since we never learned how he got stung as a builder in the books.
the gladers are allowed to have a bit of fun: 5/5. i love the bonfire scene. i think it's a realistic change that a bunch of teenage boys would want to let loose every now and then.
they were there 3 years instead of 2: 4/5. i mean, sure.
no one has ever seen a griever before and survived: 0/5. makes no sense at all because the gladers are aware of the changing as a process! if no one has ever survived encountering a griever, where did they get this precedent from? how did they recognise that ben was stung? perhaps this info was just newt being dramatic since it comes from his dialogue.
they don't have grief serum until teresa arrives: 1/5. again, doesn't make sense. the changing being a process they're familiar with which brings back memories after they get the serum is entirely destroyed in the movie. this is the catalyst for a lot of the events in the book and it loses all its function.
several of the characters are different in personality: varies. thomas is more typically 'cool' in the movie and less curious and, to put it bluntly, less annoying. i don't like this change much, his constant curiosity and eagerness to learn and discover was a huge part of who he was in the books (if you know mbti, all i have to say is he was an INTP in the books and an ISTP in the movies). then we have minho, who was way less brash, hot headed, and reckless in the movies (he was also made into an ISTP while he was an ESTP in the books). i think alby is a bit different. i like both portrayals of alby, but i think he seemed nicer and more chill in the movie, probably just because the actor was very charismatic. this works because he can easily be charismatic as a leader. but him also being a stressed out kid with too much responsibility in the books, leading to him lashing out more and being less calm and collected, makes sense! gally is a bit nicer, actually rational at times, in the movie. he's also not, like, pathetic and embarrassingly petty. these are all traits in the book which emphasise the fact that he's a scared kid, so this also isn't my favorite change ever.
thomas gets memories back in his dreams: 1/5. unnecessary and completely removes the high stakes of him having no recollection of his involvement with WICKED.
minho doesn't find a dead griever: 3/5. at least they still accounted for why alby had to go into the maze. i still wish they did it.
alby was alone in the glade for a whole month: 1/5. it is not logical that someone would be able to run a whole farm and build shelter all alone at 15 years old without any help. it also doesn't make sense that he wouldn't have gotten killed in the maze on accident.
teresa doesn't come up one day after thomas: 2/5. i guess it doesn't really matter, but this is just one element of the timeline being quite different that wasn't necessary to change.
minho helps thomas save alby in the maze: 0/5. this is thomas's first big act of heroism and the thing that makes minho respect him. they should've kept thomas doing it alone.
the grievers are completely different: 2/5. i understand that this is probably a design issue for the movie, but the book concept of the grievers is better.
the maze is completely different: 1/5. i don't like the movie maze... why is it a circle. the idea of the 8 square sections that are repeating and consistent makes the maze so much more frustrating and bewildering! also that part in the movie where the walls start to fall and the floors come up... why. there's also no code hidden in the walls, which was a very cool element.
no cliff/griever hole: 2/5. not terrible because this would be hard to show on screen. but the fact that instead, in the movie, there is just a visible section that the runners never found before is a bit unrealistic.
gally never went through the changing: 0/5. gally's hatred for thomas in the movie is baseless, while in the book it's clearly about suspicion and fear. he's an understandable antagonist in the book.
thomas and teresa don't have telepathy: 3/5. would've been hard to portray on screen. takes away from the depth of their connection, however.
the gladers give up too easily: 0/5. this one bothers me! when all the other runners in the movie randomly quit their jobs. the whole point in the books is that they'd never do that.
thomas is looked to as a leader: 0/5. when he starts giving orders in the movie and leads the charge into the maze.... ughhh. again i think they tried to make him a more cool and admirable protagonist, but i think a big part of the books is that thomas never saw himself as particularly special, or a leader. he couldn't have done anything he did without minho's, newt's, alby's, teresa's etc skill, authority, support. they were a team and a family. instead, in the movie, they start to follow him without question when he was barely there five days.
the grievers don't only kill 1 glader per night: 2/5. adds tension but also takes away from the fact that the maze again wasn't a test of survival.
alby's and chuck's deaths were essentially swapped: 0/5. i really dislike this change. they took away the fact that alby's fear changed him, and that his last act was both selfless and scared. in the movie he just died on accident. then i think chuck actually chose to sacrifice himself in the movie, when in the books he was forced to as a variable by WICKED. this absolutely takes away from the utter pointlessness of chuck's death, and it's also ooc for a scared 12 year old to choose to die when he so badly wanted to escape.
thomas had no real reason to sting himself: 0/5. he already had memories coming back in dreams and they already believed they had found an escape in the maze. he literally had no reason to go through the changing in the movie and it's a bit overdramatic for no reason.
people take gally seriously as a leader: 2/5. this only happened because alby got killed off early in the movie.
this is one of my least favorite changes so i saved it for last. nalby erasure: 0/5. the movies definitely take away that alby was newt's best friend and the person he cared for and protected most. likewise, in the books, thomas's favorite and most prioritised glader (along with teresa) was actually always minho. although thominho wasn't erased as much in the movies, the fact that those two pairings were the strongest bonds we ever got between the boys in the books isn't really there in the movies. i think the movies allowed people to forget that newt being canonly gay actually means alby is his most likely love interest!
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chiharuhashibira · 9 months
Here we go with our Part 5 finally ^^
I am thinking if I'll make a Part 6 of 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 or no, but it depends on y'all loves and my magic plot bunnies.💓 In this chappy, I want to resolve one of Y/N's concern, sooooo this might all be about that, but I promise it'll be sweeter.
Taglist: @unofficialmuilover @sofilsworld @skeleton-the-gangser @ahashiraswife
𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒀𝒐𝒖
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚅
𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐗 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
Content Warnings: Curse words, Slightly Suggestive
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"Here's your coffee..."
It has been a few days since you reconciled with Sanemi. It has also been a few days since you agreed to go out with him. Yes, this hot math teacher is now your boyfriend, and you adore him so much.
But despite this, both of you decided to hide it from the school for now. It's not that you're not proud of it. You just don't want the thought of other people invading your privacy. You are the total opposite of Mitsuri and Obanai, as the couple made it clear that they're together. Mostly, it's because Sanemi's friend is just too easy to get jealous of.
Oh well, Sanemi can easily be jealous, but both of you decided to keep it lowkey.
And yet, there are times that Sanemi can't keep his hands to himself. He would sneak kisses on your cheek when you were alone in the faculty room. He would even slip his hands under the table and entwine them with yours when he was sitting with you at lunch. Even if he acts harshly, he'll make sure to send you sweet text messages, which you never thought he'd do. He's too fluffy inside that facade.
Sanemi and you still haven't kissed on the lips. Surprisingly, the man easily gets flustered. Perhaps soon you will feel his lips, but perhaps it will happen if you initiate it.
You'll never know that Giyu is getting the hang of these. With the sudden closeness between you and Sanemi, your best friend knows that something is happening behind the curtains. But knowing your best friend, he's not the type of guy who'll intervene or ask too much, so he just lets you. And yes, Giyu is prepared to punch the hell out of Sanemi if he breaks your heart, despite the fact that he will not admit it. And the man will make sure that his scars double because of it.
You had this little mission in you to make your best friend and your boyfriend on good terms, but it seems like it isn't working. Giyu doesn't fight with Sanemi, but yes, the latter makes sure that the former hates him to the guts. There are times where Giyu will even ask you why Sanemi hates him so much, and even if you know the reason, you don't want to tell him, as your boyfriend might get madder at him.
"Thanks babe." You said this as Sanemi placed the coffee on your table. You were reading a history book while listening to your favourite song. Your boyfriend had decided that he would visit you for the first time, and that made you happy, so you let him. You want his company as much as you want to just cuddle with him, inhaling his minty scent.
Sanemi plopped down in the space beside you and draped his hands across your shoulders. "What are you reading, baby girl? I'm here already, yet you seem to still be busy."
Baby girl.You felt a tingle in your stomach as you heard this come out of Sanemi's mouth. You turned to look at him and placed your book on your lap. "Ooh, so the baby boy wants my attention?" You teased, pinching his cheeks, which made him roll his eyes.
"Stop calling me baby boy, babe. I can definitely put a baby inside of you now if I want to."
"What the heck!"
His words made you blush madly, so then you kicked him with your feet, which made him fall down the couch, laughing like crazy. Again, he is teasing you, which is somewhat amusing, but you are a little taken aback by his words.
"Idiot! I'm just kidding!" He said, massaging his butt as he stood up, still laughing from your reaction.
You were about to throw a pillow at him when, suddenly, your doorbell rang. Who might it be? As far as you know, it is Saturday, and no one has ever visited you before.
Unless it's... "Fuck it's Giyu." You muttered under your breath, which immediately made Sanemi look at you with a sudden annoyance plastered on his face. "The fuck? That asshole visits you?" He groaned and gave you an angry look that caused you to roll your eyes.
"Obviously, he is my best friend."
"Who cares? Just open the door!"
You sighed and walked towards the door. Yes. You know that Sanemi's jealous; that's why he started to throw a fit. Sanemi's somehow childish sometimes, and one of those moments is this one.
Ignoring your fuming boyfriend, you opened the door, and there Giyu stood, handing you a cake. "I bought this from Kamado-kun's bakery. It's your favourite." He says and that made you smile. "Thanks Tomioka-san. Why don't you come in?"
"WHAT IN THE HELL, Y/N?" Sanemi yelled from the living room when he heard you invite Giyu in.
The poor man blinked in surprise. His suspicion was confirmed. He had seen Sanemi's car parked near your house but decided to ignore it. But now it's all clear. "That's Shinazugawa-san's voice, right?" He asked you with his brotherly mode activated. "Uhhh... Tomioka-san—"
"Why are you here, Shinazugawa-san?"
Giyu entered the house, crossing his hands at Sanemi, who was sitting on your couch with a crossed leg.
"Why do you care? Tsk!" Sanemi blurted out, standing and crossing his arms at him as well.
"Uh guys..." You tried to intervene, but the two seemed to be in an intense staring contest. You can't deny that Sanemi looked so hot while glaring at Giyu, but of course, you pushed your thirsty thoughts away and went between them, raising your hands on their faces, which definitely shocked them.
"Hey idiots! Listen, okay? Please? Or I'll both kick you out of my house."
"What's happening then?" The two men asked in unison, and that made you sigh for the nth time.
You turned to look at Giyu, taking Sanemi's hand and holding it tight.
"Tomioka-san, Shinazugawa-san's my boyfriend."
"What? You hate me for that?"
Thirty minutes had passed, and the tension had faded. Thankfully. You never expected that in those thirty minutes, you could change the way your boyfriend looks at your best friend.
After you told Giyu that Sanemi was already your boyfriend, all his thoughts were confirmed. Even if he wanted to protect you that much, he also wants you to be happy, and Sanemi makes you happy right now, so he respects that.
Giyu went in front of Sanemi and bowed his head. "Please take care of my little sister. I know that she'll be in good hands when she's with you." He said that, claiming you as his little sister, which made you blush a bit. Sanemi blinked in confusion, telling Giyu to stop bowing to him. The ravenette man's remarks made your boyfriend blush as well.
And there, Giyu smiled at Sanemi for the first time. His kindest smile made all the coldness in Sanemi's heart melt. "Dude, stop grinning; that's spooky!" Your boyfriend said that, which made Giyu and you chuckle.
"Sanemi's just flustered at your cute smile, Tomioka-san."
"He surely is."
The teasing eventually became a conversation that finally led both men into this moment. Sanemi and you sat across from Giyu, with him slicing the cake for the three of you.
"Just to settle this, Tomioka, why on earth do you think you are different from us? I believe you're not fucking better than me."
Sanemi suddenly blurted out, seemingly curious about the reason behind the man's detachment. Giyu looked up at the man and blinked in confusion. "I never thought of that, Shinazugawa-san."
Sanemi gritted his teeth and slammed the table with his hands, which surprised you and Tomioka. "Why? Because you think I'm no good? The fuck, I'm gonna—"
"What? You hate me for that? You thought that I thought I was superior to you?"
Giyu sighed and crossed his arms. You patted Sanemi's back, trying to calm him down. Sanemi leaned back, crossing his legs again. No words came from his lips, and that gave you the chance to look at him. Even though he gets upset easily by things, he is still so adorable.
"I never thought of that. I even think all of you are a hundred times better than me; that's why I tend to say I don't belong there."
"Oh." Sanemi's tensed shoulder relaxed with his breathing. He looked at you, and you just gave him a smile, urging him to listen to Tomioka.
"Even back in high school. I saw how hardworking you are, so I always thought that you deserved to be noticed more. I wanted to be friends with you; I tried, but you hated me that much, so I just dealt with it."
You looked up at Sanemi and held his hand again. "That's why I always wondered why you all avoided Giyu so much. He's a great person. He acted as my brother when I lost my family in a car accident. He and Tsutako-sama took me in, and that's why I'm still in. But yeah, Giyu's not just a great talker, and I've been dealing with that all my life."
That's the first time that Sanemi heard about your family, and sadly, you've already lost them. Your lover looked at you with sadness in his eyes. Sanemi squeezed your hand and pulled you near him, giving you a warm side hug.
He wanted to know more about you, but one step at a time.
"Tomioka, look. I'm sorry, man. I misunderstood you." Sanemi let go of you, stood up, and bowed to your best friend. Tomioka blinked in shock once again but didn't do anything, as he doesn't know how to handle Sanemi at all.
"Shinazugawa-san, let's be friends."
You smiled at Giyu as he made your boyfriend blush, but the math teacher just hummed in agreement as he looked away, hiding his reddened face.
That day ended quickly, with Giyu leaving the both of you early and apologising for barging in and interrupting you. And yes, Sanemi was nicer to him. He'll still throw some curses and insults, but not like before.
And you watched them like a proud mother as Sanemi sent Giyu out the door, shaking his hand for the first time.
Sanemi went beside you after that, and both of you just decided to watch a movie together.
But yes, the night came, and you woke up on Sanemi's shoulder. He was staring at you, which made you blush hard.
"Baby, what's the matter?" You said, rubbing your eyes as you tried to compose yourself from the adorable sight in front of you.
"I love you." Sanemi muttered, and in a blink of an eye,you felt a warm but soft sensation on your lips. Realising that Sanemi had kissed you, your heart started to beat faster than before, and you felt like the heat on your body was quickly rising up.
Letting your emotions go, you wrapped your hands around Sanemi's neck, deepening the kiss that made the man chuckle as he slowly ran his tongue on your lips, asking for entrance.
Fuck, he's a great kisser.
You parted your lips a bit, and Sanemi took that as the chance to explore your mouth, your tongues fighting for dominance as his hands slowly wrapped around your waist, pulling you over his lap.
Drunk with passion, Sanemi pulled out for a breath, ironically taking your breath away with how flushed his look is. The man slowly came near you and whispered in your ear.
"How about I really put something inside you now? I think you'll love it, baby girl."
Shivers crawled across your skin as you heard those coming from his lips with his super-sexy voice. Sanemi placed his hands on your face, looking at you with eyes glistening with a mixture of passion and lust.
"What do you think, Y/N, baby?"
𝒀𝒐𝒖! 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌? 𝒀𝒆𝒔? 𝒀𝒆𝒔? 𝑯𝑨𝑯𝑨!
Oh my gosh~ I want it so much >.< Sanemi, so naughty!
Hope you'll also check my other stories! Send a request if you want me to tailor one, specifically for you fufufu~
Anyways, thank you for reading this chapter~ And good news, more chappies will come hahaha! My plot bunnies are awake soooo hihi ^^
Also, for easier navi, Imma put this here as well:
Thank you so much and see yah on the next part! Love yah!
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
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