#kiki so soon!
aartischockee · 2 months
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kikimari as this reference from pinterest 🤍
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mokadevs · 4 months
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day 19: partners-in-crime
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kindlythevoid · 1 month
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Part One, Part Three, Part Four
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okkalo · 2 months
i am cooking up a good event for u guys pls get ready for my return 🫶
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kafus · 4 months
Liko and Nemona because I couldn't pick between the two
OKAY i'm finally getting to this whoops. i'll do both and i'll just skip questions i can't really answer or don't want to
for liko:
why i like them: liko is like. everything i would have wanted in an anipoke protagonist when i was younger. that's honestly the best way to put it, it's like retroactively healing for my child self in a sense lmao. i love that she kind of just gets to be... a character? like she's a girl but not the token girl. they aren't going hardcore on #girlpower or something, she's just... a character. who is a girl. a well done character at that - i think liko's internal struggles are relatable, and i enjoy that her compassion for others is treated as a strong point, because it is. i also just think her character design goes hard LMAO ken sugimori popped off w that one
why i don't: frankly there's not a lot i don't like about liko? this is more a commentary on horizons' writing and not her but i will say the anime is a bit slow to get her off her feet - like she's REALLY lost in internal monologue in the first few episodes and it drags a bit. but she hasn't had that issue for a while so whatever
favorite episode: oh god i have a handful of favorite episodes, i can't just pick one even if we're just narrowing it down to liko centric ones!! i guess the recent episode where liko rescues a maushold family sticks out right now because recency bias but also like, it really shows off that liko, despite her anxieties, is brave in the face of danger when it concerns the safety of others (including pokemon), and also watching her try to keep her cool after experiencing a cave in was really interesting. obviously horizons wouldn't kill her off or some shit but i will admit i was on the edge of my seat a little
favorite line: there's probably a much better answer for this but my brain is only pulling up "i'm not looking!! gurumin is gurumin!! there's nobody inside her!!" when she barges into dot's room after her computer fucking explodes LMFAO
OTP: GEE I WONDER WHAT SHIP I LIKE THE MOST (it's likodot. it's likodot so bad)
BROTP: the obvious answer is roy because they are besties and it's awesome but in my heart of hearts i need amethio to have a redemption arc so her and amethio can also be besties. Right now
headcanon: even after the pendant permanently becomes terapagos, ever since episode 15 when she had the pendant stolen and got her memories wiped, liko still clutches her shirt where her pendant would be as a self soothe/grounding mechanism
unpopular opinion: the fandom for this series is still pretty small cause the dub isn't out yet in the US so i don't really know what's a popular opinion and what isn't? is it too soon to say i like liko more than ash (i still love ash though and he's obviously iconic)
a wish: can liko get an older gen pokemon on her team before bank shuts down so i can rng manipulate it in an old pokemon game and ribbon master it Please and thank you
an oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen: i'm REALLY enjoying that they aren't really baiting liko x roy aside from perhaps ONE facial expression in a really early episode and i really really hope that they never START baiting it. there's nothing wrong with shipping them if you want to, i am just personally sick of ash being shipped with every single girl companion he has ever traveled with and feeling like the girl partners exist at least in part for that purpose. it's so refreshing seeing that turned on its head and just allowing the two of them to be healthy friends. if they start pushing it as a ship i'm going to explode (negative, bad)
5 best words to describe them: compassionate, introspective, naive, timid, kind
for nemona (gameverse):
why i like them: GOD EVERYTHING ABOUT HER?? i love nemona she's an icon for every autistic pokemon obsessed person everywhere. i love her passion i love that she exists. i love that she's also the first rival to actually feel more powerful than the player and you have to become strong enough to see her at her full force
favorite outfit: this is a good time to mention in my mind, despite playing violet and being very attached to my violet playthrough, nemona should be in the scarlet school uniform. like she should be wearing orange. my mental image of nemona is very much based on naranja academy and pokemon scarlet jiodsfoijfsd
OTP: UHH god i ship her with both the protagonist and penny. i think my OTP used to be nemopen but i'm more a nemona x juliana person these days? my QPP is really into juliana and nemona together and both that and the yoasobi MV where gengar marries them sold me LMAO
headcanon: nemona's arm brace is an actual assistive tool for a disability!! she has poor coordination and weakness in her arms and without the brace she wouldn't be able to do nearly the level of pokemon training she does, not to mention just daily life tasks and things. also she's autistic as fuck
unpopular opinion: jokes about nemona being a stalker or god forbid a yandere are really fucking annoying to me. like i know it's not that deep but come on. it just makes me roll my eyes. like god forbid a girl has passion and is a little neurodivergent about it. unsettling to me that people see that as stalkerish/creepy. and people look way too hard into her showing up at the gyms you're at. i'd sooner be concerned about arven calling you on the phone when you're in the middle of a fucking desert or whatever despite not physically being there to see you yet. like arven could be tracking your location constantly with your phone (he's not, it's just a vessel for gameplay to happen, i'm just making a point) but no one jokes about him being a stalker bc of course they don't
a wish: nemona showed up in horizons for an episode, but CAN SHE PLEASE SHOW UP IN ANOTHER?? she said her and roy should battle sometime I NEED THIS TO COME BACK UP SEASONS FROM NOW OR SOMETHING. THEY HAVE TO FINALLY BATTLE
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kikiwritesfanfic · 7 months
Hello my lovelies~ <3
So, as you’ve probably noticed, posting has been pretty scarce the past two months. I’ve been dealing with a lot of stuff happening to me irl and trying to make it all work. But! I want to spark my love for writing again. So with that being said, I would like to make a few announcements, and ask a few questions here to gauge popularity of my stories. ^^
1. My ask box is open for all of my long form fanfics right now!!! I’ve been thinking this one through for a while and I would really like to involve everyone with my characters. I enjoy interacting with you all so please, don’t be afraid to send a question to any of my characters. To clarify, my ask box is open for Tainted Magic, Tainted Blood; The LoveBug Virus; and A Summer to Remember <3
2. I’m also taking requests!! (DCA fandom only of course.) If you’ve got a particular fic idea that you’d like to see me write for you, by all means, send it in!! Just keep in mind that I’m not super woman, so if you send in a request and I don’t respond to it, that means that either A) I literally just haven’t gotten to it yet, B) I’m not taking requests anymore, C) you didn’t include enough information and I’m not sure how to go about writing it, or D) I just didn’t want to or couldn’t write that particular prompt for some reason. Also, keep in mind that I am 22 and I am NOT a completely SFW blog, including that I do occasionally write smut/explicit content (even if you haven’t seen it here). So do not be afraid to ask for things of that nature!
3. I am doing writing commissions! I know that I haven’t made a complete post for it yet, but I promise they’re open hahah. If you would like to commission me for a piece, feel free to send me a message and we can discuss my rate, what I’m willing to write, and what you’re looking for!
4. And last but not least-
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meowufff · 5 months
Hi Kiki <33 I hope you're staying hydrated and taking care of yourself the best you can <33 You've got this! You'll do great <333
REA! OMG HI!!! o(≧∀≦)o
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I'm very exhausted, my brain is done with this whole shit...
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But I did drink! And eat! And passed today's exam!
So I just gotta hold onto the next two days and got a bit air to breath then! :D
How about you? Did you drink? And eat? And took care of yourself? :3c
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rosebe11y · 2 years
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click for better quality!
these are the 'main' characters, with rosebelly being the most important!! left to right is grassdapple, rosebelly, chickadeechirp, and kikiclaw/kiki!
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smile-files · 7 months
seeing the new ghibli film (the boy and the heron) with my family!! i brought totoro with me :)
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gloriasato · 10 months
the gangs alll hereee!
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cod-sins · 11 months
When yall read COD fics do yall prefer civilian reader or military reader
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majouartings · 1 year
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an old thing I unearthed in my wips folder the other day... I didn’t go to the ocean last year haha
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niko-jpeg · 5 months
sighs heavily. I purchased a Shadow plushie.
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kindlythevoid · 5 months
You write so that your favorite actor will one day star in an adaptation of your book.
I write so that an adaptation of my work gets featured on Film Theory.
We are not the same.
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It's either coming up to my period again OR I've just developed a disease where I get misty eyed at even the most banal sequences and scenes in ghibli movies. I was crying during the early parts of ponyo
#ramblings of a lunatic#ponyo is not a very emotional movie i just kept being like#OUGHHH LITTLE BABY...LITTLE BABY HAS TO TAKE CARE OF HIS MOM WHILE HIS DAD IS AWAY AT SEA...OUGH LITTLE FISH GIRL#nothing as bad as when i was crying during every scene in kikis delivery service tho lmao#i still haven't seen very many ghibli movies but they're all pretty wonderful#i had another art exam today so i think I'm gonna chill for the rest of the night now that's i watched the cute fish movie#I'll watch something new soon (i am eyeing that movie ever after 👁️👁️ sorry i still can't kick the fairytale spinterest revival rn)#but until then I'm gonna have fun#be silly hehe#I'm also at a weird place with my toh hyperfix where like. i went through intense pre-grief (is that?? what it's called)#like. near the beginning of the month#just being so so sad about it ending and the inevitable fandom dwindle that'll come with that (OBJECTIVE WORST PART!!!)#but that pre-grief was so intense that now I'm at a weird place of peace with it#once the shows over I'll probably start being able to actually like. watch and read other things now hsbdjdhfk#but i imagine it'll stay my main interest (to u guys. I'm more complex irl) for a good while (i wanna make more art i wanna try writing!!!)#just with other stuff spliced in as it comes (i wanna get back on reading sailor moon. maybe check in on deltarune again)#(TRY and get back into tlt again. hell maybe I'll check in on comics again! who knows)#but tbh as long as i find toh on my dash i doubt I'll ever really leave it behind lol#again- a relatively positive fandom experience plus a deep connection with the work is a recipe for me being Not Normal forever#I'm. making less sense as this goes on#anyway. you get it! I'm a big cry baby but also I'm at a state of peace for the moment. yeehaw
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kafus · 6 months
i do not talk about it much because i have a complicated relationship with being perceived as a “furry” (word i never picked for myself but that was moreso chosen for me) for a variety of complex reasons but i do actually really care about animals and while i wouldn’t necessarily call myself a full therian i’m like�� therian adjacent? i think the closest i’ve come to describing it is voidpunk but i’m not a huge fan of the term nor is it quite right. but i don’t think any label can really properly describe it nor can i fit into any specific animal centric community. i have complex trauma surrounding animals and a long history with Stylized Art of said animals that makes me feel isolated from pretty much everyone else with adjacent feelings about the topic. but thank god i’m at least comfortable enough again to draw my ocs. i hope my arm feels better soon i still wanna be drawing AGH
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