#most likely. Idk maybe someone will see it on my list or smth
niko-jpeg · 9 months
sighs heavily. I purchased a Shadow plushie.
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toruskiii · 4 months
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Love Delivery!
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Synopsis: Balancing part-time food delivery with a busy school schedule is no easy task. One day, while on a delivery, you find yourself awkwardly waiting at the door of a luxurious apartment. Suddenly, the door swings open, revealing a handsome, albeit annoyingly rich, man. Genre: Romance, fluff, slow-burn?? (modern au!) Character: Aventurine x fem!reader Warnings: Hot sassy men apocalypse, maybe this will have a part 2 or smth idk
[masterlist] [about me]
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Someone has placed an order near your set area.
You glance at the notification on your screen, just as you’re snapping a picture of the food you’ve delivered to the nice granny’s house. The elderly lady smiles politely, waiting patiently as you finish taking the photo.
“Ah, another order, young lady?” she croaks out, offering a small, grateful bow when you hand her the plastic bag of food. “Thank you so much, hoho. I’m sorry to trouble you young folks, but it’s hard for my old bones to get around, you know?” She chuckles, giving your shoulder a gentle pat.
You smile at her and shake your head, waving off her concern. "It's no problem, granny. It's my job, after all." After bidding farewell to the old lady, you put on your helmet, hop back on your bike, and accept the new order request.
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Penacony's Clock Diner? Wait-
You quickly check the location set for your food delivery, confused by the address. You're all the way in Aurem Alley, and the customer wants food from Penacony? Ridiculous.
Location Set: Xianzhou Luofu.
How is this guy even able to send his request to you?
You double-check the address, noticing the system listing it as Fyxestroll Garden. What the hell? There aren’t any apartment complexes at Fyxestroll Garden!
Puzzled, you pull over to the side of the road and open the map on your phone, trying to make sense of it. Fyxestroll Garden is a well-known public park, famous for its serene walking paths and meticulously kept gardens. You can’t recall any buildings, let alone residential ones, in the area. You tap on the address again, hoping it’s a mistake or a glitch, but the coordinates remain unchanged.
Maybe it’s a new complex that just opened? you wonder. Or could it be some sort of exclusive residence hidden within the park?
Not long after, another text message pops up on your screen, and it's from the guy.
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Frustration boils within you as you read the message, your temper nearing its breaking point. The blazing sun beats down mercilessly, intensifying your irritation as you stand near the dock, contemplating a plunge into the cooling waters below. How could this customer be so careless as to mess up their address, leaving you to contend with this sweltering heat and an hour-long detour?
And curse this app for its lack of a proper cancellation feature!
With a frustrated groan, you glance at the text, feeling the resistance of your bike's wheels grow heavier as you open the GPS. You're tempted to unleash a torrent of curses at the customer for exploiting some loophole in the app, forcing you to exert yourself just to deliver his order. He better be prepared to tip generously for this inconvenience.
To reach Penacony, your best bet is to take the Astral Express train— a mode of transportation you've used before but disliked immensely. The erratic jumps and occasional turbulence make for a nerve-wracking journey. And that conductor… Was it just fatigue playing tricks on your mind, or did they really have bunny ears…?
You sigh heavily as you enter the station, swiping your pass before parking your bike and leaning against it. Your gaze drifts to the TV hanging on the wall, checking the schedule to see when the train will arrive. Fifteen minutes? Well, there's no escaping it now…
You feel like hurling yourself into outer space.
Not only did the restaurant forget to prepare the order, but you're also stuck in a conversation with one of the servers who insists on cracking the most cringeworthy jokes.
"There's no such thing as a bad joke, only lousy comedians who can't deliver them!" the server— Jay, apparently. boasts. Doesn't this guy have other customers to attend to? Good grief. You're tempted to point out that he's no better than those lousy comedians, but you're not that mean— and you definitely don't want to risk losing your job.
"Order number 38! One sarmale and one classic soulglad!" a worker calls out, providing a convenient distraction as you hastily grabbed the food and rush over to your bike— just in time for your phone to start chiming with multiple notifications.
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Fuming with frustration, you run a hand through your hair, pedaling away as fast as your legs can carry you to the designated location. One hand grips the handlebars tightly while the other clutches your phone, fingers jabbing at the screen as you send panicked voicemails to the careless customer.
"I'm on my way! I'll be there soon!" you breathe out, your voice strained with urgency, weaving through traffic with reckless abandon. You're so preoccupied that you didn't even bother with your helmet, leaving it hanging on the basket of your bike as you speed along. The wind rushes past you, whipping your hair back as you scream into your phone.
"I'm practically flying to your place. Just hold on!" you seethe, narrowly avoiding collisions with other vehicles. You swear you catch a glimpse of a pair of blue-haired siblings shooting you a skeptical glance as you whiz by. No one's going to meet their demise on my watch.
(Maybe a few might with the way you're on the verge of causing car crashes.)
With determination fueling every pedal, you push yourself to the limit, determined to reach the customer's location before they decide to relocate to another universe altogether.
Upon stepping into the lounge of the apartment complex, you stand there, utterly flabbergasted.
The sight before you is nothing short of opulent. Everyone here is dressed to the nines in fancy attire, oozing sophistication and wealth. I mean, what did you expect? That the guy who ordered the food would settle for anything less than extravagance? 1800 credits for a soda?
But even knowing that, you weren't prepared for the sheer luxury of it all. Marble floors greet you the moment you enter, with plush velvet red sofas arranged in elegant clusters at every corner. The vases of plants adorning the marble countertops probably cost more than your entire monthly rent.
The sprawling expanse of rooms lining the halls seems to stretch on endlessly, giving you the impression that you've stumbled into a palace rather than an apartment complex. You can't help but feel like a humble peasant as you approach the lobby manager, your attire— a mishmash of sweaty clothes and a random jacket—paling in comparison to the impeccably tailored suits of the residents. Are you checking into an apartment or a castle?
What catches you off guard is the realization that most of the people milling about in this opulent setting are students. Students! You recognize familiar faces in the crowd— classmates from the same campus you attend.
"Hello, I'm here to deliver an order for room number ███," you murmur to the manager, noting the slight stress in her demeanor as she punches in the room number to confirm the request. Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise when she directs you to the Platinum room.
The Platinum room? Your mind races with questions as you make your way through the halls, the extravagant surroundings only adding to your bewilderment. What kind of student lives in the Platinum room of an apartment complex like this?
Here you stand, face to face with the imposing wooden door adorned with intricate golden trimmings, feeling as though your bank account is slowly draining with each passing moment. You raise a hand to knock, furrowing your brows in confusion when there's no immediate answer.
"Hey, it's me. I'm here to deliver your food," you call out, giving the door another firm knock. Still, there's no response. Seriously?
Technically, you could just leave the food at his door and be done with it. But something about the luxuriousness of this apartment complex makes you hesitate. It wouldn't reflect well on you to simply abandon the delivery outside, especially in such an upscale setting. (You internally roll your eyes at the absurdity of it all.)
As the door finally creaks open, you're poised to unleash the most scathing side-eye you can muster— ready to give this guy a piece of your mind for keeping you waiting (and running). But as your gaze meets his, you freeze.
You'd seen his profile picture on the app before, but you'd doubted that a man so devastatingly handsome could possibly exist in real life. You'd convinced yourself that it was probably some sort of prank or scam, someone using a fake photo to lure in unsuspecting victims.
But now, standing before you, is a man who defies all logic. His golden, tousled locks frame a face so strikingly beautiful it steals your breath away. His eyes— oh, those eyes— they're like pools of sapphire surrounded by a halo of lavender. You feel your cheeks flush hot with embarrassment as you struggle to find your voice, your words caught in your throat like a lump of lead.
He gazes back at you, those mesmerizing eyes flickering with mild curiosity as he tilts his head inquisitively. "Hm? Ah, it's you," he says, breaking the spell of silence that had enveloped you. But you can hardly hear him over the thunderous pounding of your heart, which seems to be screaming one thing over and over again: He's even more breathtaking in person.
You mentally slap yourself, shaking off the remnants of your daze as you stumble over your words, handing him his bag of food with trembling hands. "R-right, sorry to keep you waiting. Here's your food, sir," you manage to stutter out, inwardly cursing yourself for apologizing. Why am I apologizing? He's the one who's in the wrong here!
He lets out a soft chuckle, and you swear the sun must be finding its way to shine through the walls of the complex as your ears burn at the mere sound of his laugh. It's so calming, so captivating, that you feel like you're floating in a dream.
"No, no. Don't apologize. It's my fault for entering the wrong address," he reassures you, his voice smooth as silk. His fingers brush over yours as he reaches for his food, sending an electric shock through your entire body at the brief contact. You can't help but notice how his gaze softens as he opens the plastic bag to check the contents, a small hum of satisfaction escaping his lips at the sight of the still-warm food. You decide not to question it— perhaps he's just feeling a bit homesick.
You continue to awkwardly stand there, your hands fidgeting nervously in your pockets as you struggle to find something to say. "So, uh, your total is 6500 credits, sir," you finally manage to blurt out, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up your neck.
He blinks in mild surprise, a small "ah" escaping his lips before he nods, disappearing momentarily back into his apartment. He returns a moment later, wallet in hand, a mischievous smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Since I've troubled you so much, how much do you want me to pay you back with, hm?" he teases, his tone playful.
You stare at him, your mouth hanging open in disbelief. Well, he did put you through quite a bit of trouble, making you trek all over town just to deliver two measly items. But still, the thought of asking for more money makes you feel incredibly awkward and embarrassed. "No, that…that won't be necessary," you choke out, feeling your palms grow sweaty with nervousness. "There's no need—"
"I insist," he interrupts, his tone firm yet strangely charming.
Well, damn. You're caught between feeling grateful for his generosity and feeling utterly mortified at the prospect of asking for more payment. But with his insistence ringing in your ears, you find yourself reluctantly nodding in agreement, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
"1000 credits is fine," you mumble, feeling a pang of guilt at the thought of asking for more money.
"Just 1000?" he repeats, narrowing his eyes at you with a slight frown. "That's quite low, considering the trouble I've put you through," he adds, his fingers skimming through his wallet in search of more credits.
As he rummages through his wallet, you can't help but notice his student card peeking out from among the bills. Your lips part in shock as you realize he's a student at the IPC—yeah, he's definitely rich. You should have haggled for more money.
"Are— do you major in accounting…?" you blurt out before you can stop yourself, your eyes darting to his card. He hums in response, shaking his head. "Nah, fashion. I can't count."
The two of you maintain eye contact for a few moments, and you find yourself staring at him dumbly while he gives you a cat-like grin.
"Did you actually buy that? I'm joking. I major in both finance and accounting."
You can't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at his flippant attitude. This man radiates fuck-boy energy, and you're starting to have second thoughts. Does he get a pass because of his looks, or is it because of his looks that he gets a pass?
"Oh," is all you can manage to answer as he hands you a random stack of credits.
You stare dumbfounded at his outstretched hand, uncertainty flickering in your eyes as you glance back and forth between the stash of credits and his gaze. "Huh? How much is this?" you inquire, still hesitant to accept the payment.
"Does it really matter?" he scoffs, nudging you playfully. "1000 credits is way too little, and I don't like scamming people. I don't stoop that low," he chuckles, his tone light despite the seriousness of the situation. When you don't budge, he feels a twitch in his eye before suddenly grabbing your jacket and tugging at your pockets, causing you to let out a startled yelp. "Hey! What the hell—"
Ignoring your protest, he shoves the credits inside your pocket with lazy nonchalance, letting out a whistle of satisfaction before releasing his hold. "There. Now just think of it as you were robbed in reverse," he quips, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"That's not helping!"
"It's not like your boss or whoever's in charge of the app will check your pockets, right? I'm just giving you tips, there's nothing wrong with that," he shrugs, struggling to hold back a snort at how visibly annoyed you look. If this were any other person, like an 'actual' adult or man, he'd brush it off and just toss a random wad of tips your way before politely closing the door. Maybe he'd pause for a pretty lady— well, you are a pretty lady.
But he can tell you're a student, just like him, probably working your ass off just to make ends meet. Hey, he doesn't judge. Plus, it's kind of fun to tease people occasionally, and you remind him of another acquaintance of his who's majoring in medicine.
"So, anything else?" he murmurs, leaning casually against the doorframe, a small smirk playing on his lips.
You can't help but feel a mix of irritation and amusement at his nonchalant attitude. "No, that's it," you reply tersely, your voice tinged with annoyance. You can't wait to get out of here and put this bizarre encounter behind you.
He nods in acknowledgment, his smirk widening ever so slightly. "Alright then. Take care, pretty," he says, offering you a lazy wave before shutting the door gently behind him.
As you make your way back to your bike, you can't help but replay the encounter in your mind, wondering just what the hell just happened. This guy is definitely one of a kind, that's for sure.
As you swiftly exit the complex and pedal back to the train station, a dull headache begins to gnaw at your temples. You have other pending orders waiting for you back in Luofu, and the thought of having to navigate through the city once more only adds to your growing exhaustion. Yet, amidst the fatigue, a small swell of warmth tugs at your heart at the thought of not getting his number.
Sure, he provided his contact information when he placed the order, but with a guy like him, you're almost certain it's just his business line or something equally impersonal. Besides, it would feel a bit creepy to text him out of the blue. What would you even say?
'Hey, I thought you were cute after making me run laps around the city and deal with an annoying server, hmu?'
No way, that's beyond pathetic. Plus, you'd risk losing face.
Lost in your thoughts, you arrive back at the train station, your hands absentmindedly reaching up to touch your flushed cheeks, still tingling from the encounter. He's undeniably attractive, and you can't shake the nagging feeling that he probably already has a girlfriend— or several. Besides, you should be focusing on your studies, not getting involved with some rich fuck boy.
You're snapped out of your reverie by the sound of a notification chiming on your phone. With a curious frown, you unlock your device to see what it is.
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Your heart leaps into your throat as you read the notification, your eyes widening in disbelief. What the hell is wrong with this guy? 10,000 credits? Is he insane?
With trembling hands, you quickly fish out the money he gave you from your pockets, counting through the stack under your breath to keep your panic in check. "6, 7, 8… 9…" you mutter, your voice barely above a whisper as you realize he gave you thrice the amount needed.
Your fingers tap frantically on your phone screen as you type out a response, your words rushed and panicked. "Dude, you gave me thrice the amount needed already—stop."
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As you stare at the screen, your mind reels with disbelief. He just willingly gave you his phone number— and he thinks you're cute?
It's a little funny, in a surreal sort of way, that the entire conversation is still ongoing within the food service app. Here you are, exchanging private messages with each other despite the platform's intended purpose.
You gulp, feeling the heat rise to the tips of your ears. Your brows knit together in a mixture of disbelief and slight annoyance, the memory of the earlier encounter still fresh in your mind. After all, he did put you through quite a bit of trouble with that address mix-up.
Should you add him?
You're caught off guard as a strong gust of wind rushes past you, fluttering your hair in its wake as the Astral Express train arrives. The station immediately becomes crowded, and you struggle to maneuver your bike into the passenger compartment as people squeeze past you. Finally, you manage to park your bike and squeeze yourself into an empty corner to avoid blocking anyone.
As everyone settles into their seats and grips the handles, the doors of the train shut, and the conductor announces the next stop. You let out a sigh, knowing it'll be another 20 or so stops before you reach Luofu…
Glancing back at your phone, your fingers tap onto it mindlessly, the cabin now quiet save for the occasional cries of children or chatter between friends.
Your gaze softens as a new notification pops up.
Aventurine (loser of a customer) is now saved into your contacts.
"Good evening to you again, pretty delivery lady."
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sunthyme · 8 months
LAST PART!!! WE'RE IN THE HOME STRETCH, BOIS! Thank y'all so much, I know I keep saying it but I really appreciate y'all sm. The next post I do will feature my Yuusona or Prefect design and some headcanons featuring it. After that, I'll give y'all some options to see whatcha'll want. Now for...
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The disclaimer from Ignihyde is still in effect here, most of my headcanons are either because it looked cool or sounded cool lmao.
First up is...
🐉Malleus Draconia🐉
(he/she/they/it any basically) Agender - Panromantic Asexual
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*giggles, kicks feet, twirls hair* Mal... Anyways! Some of y'all probably been waiting for this one! My silly fae prince, whose identity may or may not be based on my own. Sue me, this bitch is hella relatable.
- So, onto the headcanons, I felt like Mal wasn't all that intimidating when he first popped up outside our house. Idk, I see a cat-type personality and all my self preservation is thrown out the nearest window. She's just a big meow. But I wanted them to actually look rather intimidating, making his bangs cover his eyes a bit more, darker makeup, whatnot.
- I know Mal is canonically taller than the rest of the cast but Imma make her even taller. Its 6'6" without the horns and like 6'11 or 7' with them. I want them to be a cryptid!! Also the height difference with Lilia bout to be crazy.
- I like the idea that my prefect made her some lil Howl's Moving Castle earrings, even though it obvious doesn't exist in their world. Or maybe it does??? Who knows.
- *scientist voice* The autism is this subject is astronomical. *cough* Yeah, it's also not up for debate. The gargoyles, the general demeanour. Yuu is their favoured person.
- Malleus and my prefect would probably interact a little differently than Yuu does canonically, as we're both silly little autistic people, but I'll save that for my Yuusona post lol.
- Really tempted to throw in that it has a forked tongue. Does have fangs but Mal and Jamil probably both have forked tongues, j st for funsies.
- Loves to read sappy romance novels, is giggling and kicking her feet at soulmate stuff in particular. Has a whole list of little date ideas in a notebook (totally not saying this because /I/ have one or anything)...
Not mush else to say give I've only canonically interacted with her like three times but now for everyone's favourite grandpa!
🦇Lilia Vanrouge🦇
(he/she) - Bisexual
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- Teehee! So I saw someone headcanons Lilia as Indian and I was SO here for it, though I think he's be half Indian, half Mexican or smth.
- Gave this girl SO many piercing. I feel like she got them 'cause she was bored. Idk, 500 years is pretty old, ya gotta spice things up some how.
- Some scars from 'ye old days'(tm) and I made his hair a bit wavy and added a green gradient to the ends, just to mimick Malleus' hair. Also, this bitch stands a proud 5'3" on a good day (aka with heels).
- He's the kind of dad that makes his kids wear matching pjs during the winter holidays and while he knows his kids like the back of his hand, chooses to give them silly gifts most of the time. Also, he spoils Mal and Silver rotten.
- Absolutely tries to get Malleus to properly flirt with MC but it never works out like he plans. Silver just watches with mild amusement.
Speaking of Silver,
🗡️Silver Vanrouge🗡️
(he/they) Demiboy - Achillic Asexual
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- Yes, I was mad he doesn't canonically have a last name. I figured that Lilia would have officially adopted him at some point or another and typically you need a last name for a lot of things so I just gave them Lilia's.
- I think that Silver's gray hair is natural and once it gets to be a certain length, it just becomes gray. Additionally, Lilia's a cool dad so Silver got dyed ends and piercings too.
- I actually headcanon that Silver's blind and has narcolepsy (though that's pretty much canon). It was likely from birth or manifested early on and as a result, Malleus is a bit protective of Silver (and Sebek is too but he'd never admit it lol). He has a service dog, which is probably a cute golden retriever named Aurora, and records lectures to listen back to. He, Kalim, and Ruggie have little study groups as second years. Also, Silver's autistic. Lilia really out here collecting autistic children lmaooo.
- He really likes to knit. Don't ask why but I think he'd enjoy the rhythym of it. (He's made Ruggie and Kalim scarves and both treasure them a ton) He likes to make blankets for Malleus and Lilia as well as himself. He loves to work with the chunkier and softer yarns, especially because it makes keeping track of the stitches easier.
- Owes SO MANY plushies. His bed is half dedicated to them, most probably give to him by Lilia for birthdays and holidays. He loves soft things so all the plushies are like squishmellows and stuff.
Ah, I love Silver. Onto our last canon character,
🐊Sebek Zigvolt🐊
(he/him) - Achillic
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Oh boy, this design was such a pain. I literally had to redo it because I didn't like it. Though, in the end, I think it turned out pretty neat.
- On with the physical stuff, I fucked around with his skin tone a bit because it did not look right with his hair in my og design which had a more lime, yellowy green instead of the mint. I made it warmer and ditched the yellow green for the original design's mint, just darker. Finally, I thought I needed a kick of something so I gave him some violet streaks and eyes and BOOM! A Sebek!
- I gave him a bit of a rounder face, I feel like he wouldn't have outgrown his baby chub yet, and a single dimple. I thought it'd be super cute, sue me. Cute lil freckles, the works.
- One thing I am super proud of was his Lichtenburg scar (I believe that's what it's called, I've only really heard in in TMA oops). While I certainly didn't do it justice here, I'll be fleshing it out at some point. I think it's a cool addition to the character based on lighting, maybe his magic accidentally hit him or damaged him at some point idk.
- He is, wait for it... also autistic. Shocker, pun intended. He's actually AuDHD to me and has issues with volume regulation, which is real idk. Would actually also be sensitive to loud noise, as backwards as that sounds. Has noise-cancelling headphones courtesy of Idia. Malleus is his favoured person and he looks up to him a lot.
- Grew up loving dragons and thinking they were like the coolest fcuking things then met Mal and was in awe. Was a totally nerd about dragons as a kid and still has figures and posters and whatnot.
God, I love the Diasomnia characters sm omgggg. It's time for my ocs!
🪡Thumbelina Souster🪡
Third Year - (they/she) Genderqueer - Pansexual
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She looks like Zelda. I know... but she's pretty!
- Thumbelina is 'twisted' from the loom in the story of Sleeping Beauty. IF EPEL IS LITERALLY AN APPLE, she can be a loom. Anyhow, I made her a fae as well, likely one of the craft fairies, just taking on a more human-sized form. She takes a ton of inspo from the og story of Thumbelina, as a tiny little fae she got separated from her kin and raised by human parents. That's why she doesn't have the 'ick' about humans that most fae have.
- When she got accepted to NRC, Crowley gave her access to a potion that changes her size so she'd be able to attend school easier. Her parents were tailors and so she grew up around sewing but could never do it because of how tiny she was. When she changed sizes, she immediately wanted to try her hand at sewing, official joining (or maybe founding) the sewing club.
- After intially joining Diasomnia and seeing Lilia's piercings, they piqued her curiosity and she got some.
- As a fae, she loves to be outdoors and tends to a garden outside of the dorm. She also rather oblivious when some expresses interest in her as she's not familiar with human courting. Lilia adopts yet another autistic child lmao.
For another character based on something mildly abstract...
🥀Munkh Sarnai🥀
Second Year - (they/he/she) Genderfluid - Asexual Aromantic
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- Munkh is my character for the thorns that encircled Aurora's castle. Minorly abstract but hey, cool ass character design.
- They're Mongolian and I wanted the spikey aspect to really shine through, giving them liberty spikes thanks to my friend's suggestion! Wanted to go really punk especially because I haven't really done so in a character design before and I LOVE IT!
- She was originally going to have a Maleficent colour palette for the spikes but it was getting too close to some of the other designs so I made it black and red to emulate roses.
- He's a part of the music club as well, likely a vocalist or drummer. He loves the energy and the people are really cool, plus obviously his vice housewarden's there.
- They're also on the athletic side and enjoy various sports, namely Spelldrive. Also, she does own her own blastcycle and immediately bonds with Deuce over a shared love of them. Deuce and Munkh like this 🤞.
Last but not least...
⏰Kyra Delano⏰
First Year - (she/her) - Sapphic
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Pspsps... TMA fandom... pspsps Delano...
- Kyra's my oc twisted from Tick Tock, the alligator(?) from Peter Pan. I gave her the yellow-green from my original Sebek design and it looks way better here.
- I think as a reference to the clock and like 'ticking', she'd have Tourette's. It sometimes flares up more than others so she has an agreement with the teachers about class times where it's acting up.
- I think she'd have like mild beef with Josephina because they met on a wrong foot during orientation but it's not a huge deal. Probably sleep-deprived Josephina said something insulting Diasomnia and Kyra was like, "What the hell?". They have a friendly competition going on now, every gym class.
- She's a part of the track and field club and is one of the fastest on the team. That being said, she's not a huge fan of physical activity and prefer to read in the library or study.
Head's up, I lied. This isn't the last post. I have to do the staff and extra character like Neige, Che'nya, and Cheka. Plus Grim. I tricked you >:). Mayhaps it'll be up tomorrow... love y'all!🩷🩷🩷
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 months
Hi! can I request averyjameson as parents. like what kind of parent they would be and what rules and stuff they would have for their kid(s)
averyjameson as parents head canons
of course <3. i've already done 3 posts about them as parents (seperately) so if you want to go read those, you can scroll through my master list (pinned in my intro post) until you find them (there's jameson as a girl/boy dad and avery as a boy mom i think). two other people made these (maybe more idk) so i apologize if any of these are similar. hope you enjoy.
they definitely would not be strict parents. they trust their kids to be responsible and stuff so they don't really have any rules.
although they have a ton of money, jameson and avery make sure that their kids don't take everything they have for granted. they involve them in the foundation where they donate to charity, talk to them about societal issues, and could even make them do some community service.
they stay at hawthorne house most of the time, but they do also own another house (or maybe a condo) that they go to whenever hawthorne house is unsafe/they want to get away for a while.
their kids were homeschooled for around a year while they travelled the world together. they both love travelling and wanted their kids to see the world just like they did.
idk if someone else said this, but jameson would definitely be the type of dad who tried to learn their kids' generation's slang. unlike other parents, he would succeed (and he somehow doesn't make in cringe)
they didnt post any pictures of their kids on their socials until they were old enough to decide whether or not they wanted to be on their parents socials knowing the risks.
their kids each have their own wing in hawthorne house (literally all of jameson's brothers' kids do)
i don't really see the kids having a favorite parent. they both prefer one of their parents for different reasons. avery is the one to go to if you need advice/comfort and jameson is their go to when they need a laugh or something fun to do
jameson and avery are so affectionate with one another that their kids don't find it weird. they're so used to it that this is what's normal to them.
they'd have a girl and a boy (maybe a third kid but i think they'd keep it at two. i can see them either being twins or them being 2 years apart or smth).
although they want their kid to do well in school, they're not strict with grades. they don't want their kids to not give a shit about school, they want them to try their best, but avery and jameson make it known to their kids that their grades do not affect their worth.
they're not the type of parents who care about what their kids want to do in the future. they don't need them to have some huge paying job. if their kid wants to become a hairdresser, that's fine by them.
jameson and avery would sort of become their kids' best friends. not in some weird way, but they're very close and tell each other everything. even their kids get along and rarely fight.
this one is a bit sadder but they'd definitely have a discussion about consent very early on bc they know that growing up in the spotlight can be dangerous and people might try to hurt them. they would obviously explain it in a kid friendly way at first.
they'd definitely get a pet. i can imagine the pet being all of the hawthorne's pet (like the four brothers, their wives/gfs (i hc max and xander don't get married but stay together), and their kids)
no matter what alisa and avery's other lawyers said, her kids never did interviews until they were old enough to do one and to decide they wanted to do one. they aren't required to attend events and stuff unless they want to. alisa and avery had a few fights over this until alisa backed off and realized that they were just kids.
they wouldn't have kids until their late 20s. they'd want a few years to themselves, travelling the world, before they have kids (i can also imagine them not having kids at all but eh)
they hate excluding their kids when they make important decisions. they make sure their kids know their opinion is important to them. for example, earlier i said they'd get another house or a condo to get away from hawthorne house sometimes, well they'd ask for their kids' opinion on which place they should buy and stuff.
when their kids don't get along (very rare cause i imagine their kids to be best friends), they put them in a room together (they're in the room next to them or right outside) and don't let them get out until they apologize (they're also very strict (?) with apologies. they want their kids to properly apologize if they did smth wrong like 'im sorry for .... i did it bc... but ik its wrong and ill never do it again. next time i feel like this ill...' or smth like that)
they have movie nights every week. each week, a different person gets to choose the movie or the series. they all settle down in the theatre room at hawthorne house with tons of popcorn and candy and binge watch movies (or just one if they're tired).
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
Aaaaaaaa I honestly need to know absolutely everything about the royal au!!! I don’t even have a specific question I just would love to hear any of your thoughts on everything. Also I love your art so much!! I might make fanart :p (that’s a big maybe I’ve got massive art block right now but if my brain functions correctly I absolutely will.) 🧡🧡🧡
Hello hi I DO have more :D I have a little pocket notebook that’s been my brainstorming and planning book that I’ve put all the ideas for this au in so far and I’m sure I’ve missed a few points so
There is art in this post, it’s Abram post-Evermore with a knife and very little control of his actions so I’ll stick it under the cut, at the end with some more angst 🙏 ANYWAY let’s see what we got
I haven’t colored it so you can’t tell but the twins frequently wear all white with silver embellishments as official/fancy outfits. They look ethereal. That’s all, next point
Most of them are still bi/multilingual but once again only some of their languages overlap. (I’m going to be keeping all the languages real/ones used in canon for clarities sake but who knows what they actually are in this universe.) Day and Abram can speak some Japanese, Abram doesn’t know a ton, but they only use it if they really really need privacy. Neither of them like using it. They also know some French (again, Abram not as much as Day) and Wymack knows some too (bc diplomacy or smth) and the twins and Nicky (Nicholas?) still know German. I also want Abram to start out knowing a fair amount of Russian (maybe from another ‘coworker’) just because I think it’d be fun, I dunno if that’ll change. These combinations can be used in any amount of fun ways I think
So there’s the obvious rule of ‘don’t get too close to the royal family’ right. Just the basic safety thing. But there’s that rule and then there’s the rule for Prince Andrew, where EVERYONE knows you do not touch the prince. With the king or queen or Duke Nicholas someone could always come forward, pay their respects, or even ask for a dance or something, I’ve decided they’re pretty lax about that kind of thing. But with the prince you can only offer your hand or something and he might just decide Not to shake your hand or whatever. And RIP to whoever tries to touch him without permission. So basically canon. When early story Abram first becomes familiar with this - while he’s still under Day’s supervision - he kind of looks at his arms-length perception of the prince and assumes it’s a ‘holier-than-thou’ bit, that the prince doesn’t want to touch the unwashed masses. One time Abram - Nathaniel at the time - approaches him too quickly too close (for some reason idk) and all Andrew can remember is Day’s heavy warning that no one get too close to Nathaniel without being accompanied and yeah, thinking back to their meeting that sounds about right, so Andrew immediately takes out one of his own hidden blades and stabs it into the table between them. Nathaniel stops short. Andrew says, “I am so clear, and yet people like you must think I’m lying. I don’t like being touched, Wesninski, and I’ll appreciate you to keep your distance.” And EVEN THEN Abram doesn’t realize exactly what that means but he’s a lot more careful after that.
Speaking of: what does make it clear is much later, maybe after Abram becomes officially Abram, they’re out in a parade or at a bazaar or something similar and the prince is in immediate danger, like something-is-falling-and-Andrew’s-gonna-get-crushed type thing, so Abram pulls him to safety. But they’ve been out in public where it’s loud and there’s too many people for long enough that Andrew can’t really help his harsh reaction, and it’s raw enough that Abram realizes “oh he’s serious serious.” So after that he adds ‘don’t let people get too close to or surprise the prince’ to his list of duties.
Okay okay not only does Abram wear a corset but the prince also frequently wears lace up/corset vests to parties and stuff (it’s probably what gives him the idea for Abram’s outfit). But yeah eventually instead of like Aaron or someone else trusted doing it up Andrew asks if Abram will help and pretends to be annoyed when Abram asks twice that it’s really okay, but as we all know he appreciates it and even secretly lets Abram decide for him; (“how much tighter, Your Highness?” “How does it look?” “”Hm. …I do rather think you look ball-worthy more often than not. Still - a little more?”) And then later when Abram gets his gifted outfit he expresses its convenient, but rather a shame it laces from the front, and then can only smile when Andrew tells him it is in fact wearable either way.
And yes. Confident no-need-to-hide-his-personality Abram accidentally flirts like A Lot (because why would he hide his opinion, he does think the prince looks good (just not for the purely aesthetic reasons he thinks it is past a point ya know 👀)) and Andrew is so frustrated because it’s an accident until one day it isn’t. Rip Your Highness
WAIT BACK TO NICKY. idk what to call him here, the twins can still call him Nicky but he’s probably formally/publicly known as Nicholas or Nick. Since the world is a little less heteronormative, Luther does not have an issue with Nicky’s sexuality but he is livid that Nicky is trying to get with a commoner. Specifically a cute baker from the next town over that sometimes comes to do the medieval equivalent of catering at the castle for events or something idk. BUT as soon as Luther’s out of the picture for whatever reason Aaron and Andrew have no issue letting their cousin be “abroad” or “off on business” in about as vague of terms for like. A long while at a time. How official and professional of Duke Nicholas. Mhm. No, they will not be taking any more questions
In this au Abram and Aaron are neither friends nor enemies, Aaron would just really love to associate with Abram as little as possible and Abram’s totally fine with that. Absolute masters of staying in their lanes. But when Katelyn gets a little too drunk at a party and wanders away from Aaron and Wilds, for way too long, and Aaron starts getting worried - where is my wife I hope she’s okay - Abram’s found her and has been watching her. Wilds can see Aaron’s relief when he realizes that, because yeah they’re not friends but Aaron knows for a fact that Abram will take as good care of Katelyn as he ever does of Andrew, maybe even more so. That Does Not Mean he likes him any more than he does currently tho. (This becomes a frequent occurrence. Party Queen, Her Majesty Katelyn Minyard)
The prince asks, “When do you relax, Abram.” “Occasionally when I am off duty.” “Are you not off duty now?” Abram smiles. “I am off duty when the only person’s safety in my hands is my own, Your Highness.” (Where does this go? Completely up to you, have a blast)
Okay moving onto the angst.
Abram cannot outrun his past forever, especially since he’s not running at all. And not just from the Moriyamas. I don’t know how, but maybe someone in the general castle ranks figures out where Abram comes from and is (rightfully, unfortunately) immediately on edge. It ends in a mob of castle workers/knights/etc finding Abram and bringing him to the king, queen, and prince, announcing that this man comes from Evermore, he must be a spy, he must be just waiting for an opportunity to cause the royal family harm. He’s stolen into the prince’s good graces with the worst of intentions. And the issue is: I don’t think Day ever told the family he knew this. He kept it hushed for a while as to not cause a panic (part of the reason he was ever lenient and gave Abram a chance was obviously because he himself was in almost the exact same position). And then when Abram proved himself trustworthy he didn’t want to ruin Abram’s chances at having a fresh start. So as far as Aaron and Andrew are aware, the mob is right. That doesn’t make it easier for them - they all trust Abram as much as Day does, they suspect now that Day might have known given his initial reaction to Abram, but what does that matter when Abram’s proven his loyalty so many times - and in the confusion, Andrew has no damn idea what to do. He can hear Aaron whisper beside him, “Andrew,” but even if the mob is right Andrew can’t bring himself to be the one to execute any sort of judgement. He returns, “this is your jurisdiction. Tell me your decision once you’ve made it.” And he can’t stay there any longer. Abram watches him leave silently from the center of the mob.
But Aaron doesn’t want Abram hurt either. He’s sure there must be some misunderstanding, he needs to talk this over with his advisors. So he does nothing more rash than send them all to leave Abram in a holding cell until they can figure it out. When Andrew hears about this, he gives himself the full day to make sure he’s got his head in order before going down to the basement. Abram hardly moves from his place in the corner of the cell. Andrew asks for an explanation and for once, Abram has nothing to say. Nothing more than Andrew’s heard already, he says. Once again, Abram waits to be served a death warrant. And again it is refused him. After it’s more or less cleared up, the biggest issue is getting the general public to even begin to trust their prince’s closest servant again.
(Read a snippet of their conversation in the cell here since this is already so long lol)
Lastly. It’s a good thing, I think, that Day put himself in charge of Abram immediately once he’s back from Evermore. Not for Andrew’s sake this time, though that’s still certainly the case, but I kind of think Abram would have come out worse on the other side even despite Andrew’s best intentions and efforts. And the issue would be that Andrew is too patient and careful with his words. Because while he’s recovering (specifically his sight) Abram is a danger to both himself and the people around him. Like this.
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Neither Day nor Andrew are afraid to get a few cuts or bruises; the difference is Andrew would have tried to hold him too gently, just take the blade by force and it probably would have ended with more superficial wounds on them both than Day’s approach. Meanwhile Day isn’t afraid to do what he needs to do to get results. Once he realizes the extent of the trauma around ‘if you are like a dog you will be as obedient and loyal as one’, he can use that. Instead of trying to take the knife by force here, all Day has to do is say “Nathaniel, drop it,” sharply enough, and Abram’s muscles react before his head can. I don’t know how long it would take for Andrew to resort to the same thing. If that makes sense, anyway, I might be wrong on this one. (It’s one of the things I’d have to put a lot of thought and maybe even writing into to be sure of.) Anyway if Andrew heard this happen he’d be incredibly angry, but Day never uses it without very, very good reason. It keeps Abram from hurting himself too much.
So that’s like all the extra random points I had in my book :D once again, no idea where they fit in a timeline but they’re here in my head floating freely around on colorful inner tubes, occasionally bumping into each other. I really appreciate you enjoying this so much, I hope it is everything you wished and more 🥰 also omg… if you make art I’d DIE to see it, I’d be so honored 🥹
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flightfoot · 4 months
Ur a pretty fair voice in my opinion when it comes to the whole mess in miraculous. Would you mind telling me what your favorite things are about Marinettes appreciation of Chat Noir in Canon? Not fanon, CANON.
I'm still grieving LadyNoir and recently I'm feelin very down in life in general and now I don't have my comfort show and ship anymore the way I used to love them for.
The way Marinette treats Chat Noir in and outta her transformation never stops hurting my poor broken LadyNoir heart n as much as I wished I could love the potential of her love for him as I once did, it just feels so paper thin and shallow to me now after everythin this show did.
The show is clearly trying to have her feelings for him be smth now, but for me it never seems to go beyond her infamous vague heart eyes the show likes to hav her throw around for damage control & surface level appreciation of his presence when she has to. But if you'd tell me that she still has no real feelings for him, I would believe u, cause he as a person doesn't truly matter at any given moment her words have to MEAN something more than a vague "<3" she's never asked to back up with anything worthwhile (srry, I know you've heard that complaint a million times before. It's at least comforting to know that others feel the same)
Wasn even her taking any interest in Chat for his person in the first quarter of season 5 only caused by Marinette wantin to proof Alya wrong and that her love for him instead of Adrien is real and valid? That's so disheartening...
Going through the tags isnt helping either, cuz most i find it is either much more fanon than Canon, or it's in line with Chat prrty much being her servant now instead of her finally giving care back
Idk, I hope I'm not bein too much of a downer. So imma get back to my question now. Maybe u can help me see Canon in better light again.
Could you tell me what you like most bout Marinettes and Ladybug's connection with Chat Noir? Things she does for him, what she values in him and so on and so forth?
I like the times we see her getting upset when Chat's hurt, or when she comforts him when he's clearly not feeling good. I adored how angry and upset she got in Timebreaker when Chat was "killed" in front of her for the first time, how she suddenly became more vicious. She doesn't want to lose him.
Or like, for times when she's comforted Chat, I adore how calmly and patiently she spoke to Chat in Reverser, after his courage was taken away, how she gently coaxed him where he needed to go. I took great solace in that, the first time I rewatched that episode, since I'd been exposed to a lot of Saltinette at the time, and I needed the reminder that Marinette does, in fact, care about people, even when it's inconvenient.
While I wish that Marinette had really thought through Chat's potential reaction to someone new showing up with her Miraculous without warning, I DID love that Marinette had this long list of protips. I especially liked this one:
Marinette: (v.o) Protip 33: When Cat Noir tells a joke, try to laugh at it even if it isn't funny. It makes him happy.
Even in episodes where I have a problem with the way Marinette conceives of Chat Noir, I generally still like elements of it. Like even in Ephemeral, while I think it was very, very wrong for her to try to trick Chat the way she did, she WAS doing it because she didn't want to risk Su-Han taking Chat's Miraculous from him. Or in Kuro Neko, when she didn't want to give the miraculous back to Plagg to give to Chat Noir, because she was afraid they'd end up back in this same situation, and she didn't want to keep hurting him.
At her core, Marinette cares about Chat's feelings and wants him to feel good, to be happy. The issue comes from her not seeing things from his perspective, from being terrible at reading him. Marinette has a lot of compassion towards Chat Noir, she just doesn't understand him.
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an-theduckin · 10 months
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ENOUGH ABOUT HOW I FEEL. LETS TALK ABT WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN. Okay okay so! Many things can happen lemme just list down all the possibilities. More maf lore, marks life b4 Billy, marks life after Billy n how he got 2 the void, Mark interacting with Argos/Mr plant, Mark just doing smth in the void like "A day in the life of Mark" (Just realised that's literally my fanfic's title after typing that LMAO) so yeah. Ashur said "A YouTube video related to this series is coming out tomorrow...", the word 'related' suggest that it might not be fully about Mark and could include like. Mr plant and Argos too. Which crosses out the possibility of it being more maf lore, marks life b4 Billy, and 'a day in the life of mark'. I considered crossing out the possibility of the marks life after Billy thingy but like, maybe ashur would show how mark moved into the void and could like connect it 2 Argos delivering mail 2 him or Argos being the welcoming committee for when he first moved into the void (eeeeek this is what happened in my Mark fic!) Sooo yeah the most possible thing is Mark just interacting with plargos. Ughhh but idk cuz he has interact with them b4 and ashur didn't made a whole announcement for that. Maybe its cuz this time he'll have more screen time? Gosh I really hope so. Idk man maybe all my theories r wrong n ashur just do a completely different thing and in that case I'll go hide in the corner from embarrassment. I really really hope he does this green goober justice n doesn't just ruin it yk. I've seen it happen before and I'm just so scared of it happening to Mark.
Anywaysss so yeah if u couldn't tell IM SO FUCKING HAPPY N EXCITED ABT IT IM SCREAMING
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burrowingdweller · 1 year
Has your outlast sans gone completely crazy in the head or or is he approachable?? FEED US THE HEADCANONS thank you 🫂🌸
I keep on imagining him being a very quiet person and he just stares at you... From afar(idk picturing it is funny to me😭HA) and when you try to approach him he disappears and never allows anyone to approach him or his bro
What do you think would original sans's opinion be about him if they were to meet?
Thank you for your art have a nice day!! X3
Ooooh, I'm so happy to see someone's interested in my boyo 😭
Well, he's pretty sane, I mean, he totally understands what's going on and he's actually up to something (he doesn't just walk around and watch, he has plans for the player). And no, he's chatty xD Sometimes he can be kinda quiet for ✨suspense✨, but he won't lose an opportunity to play a trick on player.
And just a list of some facts about him:
- He's closely related to Gaster and his experiments in this au and after the accident he was one of the few who still had some kind of connection with the scientist. And because of this he speaks unknown language (which is wingding font ofc), but unlike others he can made someone understand it (so after meeting Sans player can understand anyone "speaking with hands"). Before this happens, all player can hear is some noise, like a broken record.
- There are two main ways for player: follow Sans or follow Flowey, and while Sans will leave player be if player decides to follow Flowey, Flowey will become a big pain in player's ass if player decides to follow Sans. Tho if player chooses Sans route and Flowey gets too annoying, Sans will try to get rid of him.
- Papyrus has connection with Gaster too, but his much more unstable and almost helpless. Player doesn't meet him on Flowey's route, cause Sans just don't let them to get close. But on Sans' route he'll introduce player to his brother and with Papyrus' help player will get some information about Gaster.
- But about staring from distance: that's kinda true, bc unlike Flowey, who will be player's companion, Sans will look after player like he did in the original game, showing occasionally so that player wouldn't die. But most of the time player just feels his presence without actually seeing him.
Idk I'm sleepy maybe I will remember/come up with smth later, hope it was interesting to read, sorry for my poor English, thank you and bye 👋
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mochimouiemarty · 4 months
CSOW day 3, Relationships!
Im just gonna list off the most of the operatives they wouldve encountered and describe their relationship with them:3 Some of these might be ooc, not sure though 😭
heads up, this is pretty long
Crackle: They'd be kinda close! Chipper would enjoy hearing about his stories and experiences in Australia. (I think they'd also like his accent! random, but i felt like mentioning it lol)
El Topo: I think that they'd make a pretty good team when it comes to missions! Though outside of that, it's just friendly greetings and nods.
Le Chévre: Honestly.. I think he'd find Chipper a bit weird at first, but he'd be indifferent abt them/more friendly with them when he sees that they're not that incompetent! or smth idk.
And idk if Chipper would really care about him all that much😭 but they would def be impressed with his skill in climbing and whatnot!
Tigress: Another one who'd find them a bit weird, and another one that Chipper wouldn't really care for 💀. But! maybe itd be kinda similar with Le Chévre. oh and they'd be super interested in her mask + claws/nails.
Paper Star: Chipper would adore her style, and be impressed and a bit scared of how quick she can fold the paper + attack.
Neal the Eel: They'd wonder how the hell he can fit in such tight spaces, and how he seems so.. snake (eel) like. They also questioned his lack of eyebrows at some point 💀
Lady Dokuso: Finds her intimidating asf. They dont have that many thoughts on her!
Dash Haber: They like his hat, and even more so after they find out that its basically a glorified pizza cutter (im sorry, i love calling it that lmao). They immediately asked him about it after a mission and talked to Doctor Bellum about it!
And as for special someone's...
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look at my past content and account and tell me you didnt see this coming/j
but yeah! out of everyone, they'd be closer with Mime Bomb. They don't really need to talk that much around him, and they enjoy his charades! Though, they do find that the dedication to his role as a mime can sometimes be a bit troublesome, but they don't exactly care.
They never exactly dated, they were just. super duper close. And they'd have a bunch of quiet nights on Vile island during breaks, listening to the waves and asking questions neither would answer, but would definitely ponder later.
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motherthroat · 1 year
ok see now i'm gonna go down the list again n send u a novel bc quite frankly i'm relentless n want to know wht three emojis u wouldn’t give me + clown around Together 😇
🍪 - this is a given and my motivation behind handcuffing us together for all of eternity duhhh<3
💥 - this is visible to anyone with eyes but i do understand tht it may be nice to hear so yes mori ur layout is very pleasing 👍
🚬 - you Are cool, n perhaps intimidatingly so, but not to me bc you’ve been soft w me before n even tho you're taller.. in my heart, you're my height. or shorter :3
🍜 - see i can’t say this bc i feel like ur skills cannot be imitated bc wht infuses such flavor into ur work is the fact tht it comes from You n it has ur heart in it. so. i will leave all of tht to you n all of the fawning n rabid cheerleading to me 😌
🧠 - yes i learn that there are indeed intelligent life forms out there which is always reassuring and desperately needed in these dark times amen 🙏
suddenly blind and unable to read idk wht the next emoji is omg 404 blue screen of death currently buffering only to finally load…..
🍧 - yes. u are. n i remember sometimes going “omgggg am i special… seeing the soft underside… 🥹👉👈” heheheheheh but again this is jus a Given like. nods at u
🧢 - see idk if i have the proper qualifications to determine whether or not ur a Bro and i would hate to be misdiagnosing out here 😞
🫀 - ok so see the thing abt this one is tht i’m actually a goodie two shoes tht can’t fight n has nonexistent arm strength so this whole killing someone n digging a grave thing would have to perhaps fall to u like . it’s almost a cannibal au situation except we’re not eating them yk? 🫶 but i would offer emotional support ofc n a moist towelette to wipe the blood off. sooo ride or die as in that + i'm your chihuahua guard dog tht would bite anyone's ankle <3 (but this is also a given bc again: the handcuffs. would i cuff us if we weren't ride or dies? exactly.)
🗣 - the thing abt this one is i’d be happy tht ur out there thriving living ur life or i’d assume tht u were here but deleted ur posts before i woke up / logged in bc the alternative would also kill me immediately </3
the only time i’d ever send u a tomato is if i were gently placing one in ur hand bc we were in the kitchen cooking something delicious n u asked me to get u one :) peace n luv on planet earth
i made tht small text n it's still long as hell . rip
𝄢 hey 😎
🍪 ─ u're v fascinating n i mean that. even if u do smth incredibly weird that'll annoy me i'd still go hmm i can fix them. or not bc i'll most likely be knee-deep joining u on wtvr u're doing. u make my ti-dom...... ti-domming
💥 ─ the fact that i'm ur moot rn is prove bc ppl w horrid sense of aesthetic just existing piss me off
🫂 ─ a given. in fact, u can bring up the most outta nowhere, embarassing topic n i won't ever think fuck this lil weirdo asking me stupid shit. tho if it's trivial matters like a post reminding me of u, i prefer to interact publicly. for no rzn................
🚬 ─ no ♡ u are cool... the way i find will byers cool. unintimidatingly so. n the fact that i'm shorter in ur heart is actually sickening to read ngl. this is us denise, this is how we look side by side ↓ 1.) i can rest my chin on top of ur head 2.) if i'm any shorter then we'd both be chihuahua material which is wrong
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🍜 ─ ur ability to befriend anyone quick n be generally likable instead of mr. oversuspicious who yells at anybody stepping on his lawn due to a few bad experiences x
❤️‍🔥 ─ do i need to say anyth. c'mon. c'mon. everytime i log in, i wonder what's denise gonna say today abt raggedy ass ppl n what cute stuff is denise gonna come up w. u helplessly dying on the floor due to ur lactose intolerance for the 5th time is Content. atp i'm an enjoyer of a whole denise* not just denise the st blog
🧠 ─ maybe. not necessarily learning new things but being reassured that smone hasn't forgotten the thing
─ ok? i was making a creamy red sauce rigatoni w flan as dessert n u gotta pay the kiss the cook toll to even get the flan i put on the upper shelf but ig smone is full. more for me 🙄
🍧 ─ another given. n here's the thing: i don't like it when ppl get 💗💞💓💕💖-coddly w me. s not inherently bad, just that a lot of em expect u to match energies/respond similarly which is. i don't do that. n i don't like how fragile sm mutualships can be over it. but i don't mind u barfing ur love all over my activity partly bc ik uk how i am n none of my painstaking push n pull will deter u + it's U. that's it
🧢 ─ pft no. never even crossed my mind. u hv ZERO bro energy
🫀─ i knew u have the arm strength of soggy fries so i alrd fully assigned myself to do the brute work yes. on a srs note, u're my Friend friend. now me making a distinction between a friend n a Friend friend seems terrible but the latter isn't just existing in the same space peacefully, no, i wanna get to a point where u n i fight over small things n make up 5 mins later. i want us to bonk e/o on the heads. i want sm henpecking going on when necessary. ik u can be relied on for that level of #trust
❤️‍🩹 ─ *n this is why i wanna meet u irl. i want this so bad it's actually embarassing
🗣 ─ yes but if u're enjoying life away from this lawless wasteland n its chronically online weirdos i can do nothing but let u be. get that fresh O². touch that grass
🍅 ─ why the hell would i give u this. why. not in a million yrs. unless... ☹ peace n luv on planet earth indeed. later i'm peeling chilled fruits n sharing it w u on the front porch as we watch the sun set alongside édith piaf's hymne à l'amour
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elgaravel · 1 year
eheheehh 5, 24, 21, 32 for sylvan, 9, 11, 17, 19 for hakon pleaseys
ik you sent this forever ago but i forgot abt it in my notes on my phone im so sorry 😭😭 thank you beloved
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
Some gold he managed to pickpocket from some rich people, matching bracelet with Valen that he broke and still hasn't fixed (he says he keeps it there as a reminder to do so), and a bunch of pocket sand in his back pocket that he'd probably throw at Andros or smth JFDSKLF. He talks to Julian too much :/
How quick is your character to trust someone else?
An average amount of time? He doesn't have trust issues, really, but he's not giving it out to just anyone. He takes his time getting to know people and seeing if there's any connection before deeming them trustworthy. But he doesn't have to like someone for him to trust them (ex. he doesn't like Kaidan all that much but he trusts him to keep Valen safe).
If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
He's usually more of a "shit happens" kinda guy so neither, I guess. He does have his moments of pondering if he deserved being condemned from his homeland and everything beyond that. But he knows logically that he doesn't, he's a good man.
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
Hmm. I can't think of specific scenarios but I can list some things that make him uncomfortable ig? fjdskl. He's not a fan of confrontation, especially if it gets heated. He also has a hard time admitting when he's wrong and has made a mistake but isn't above it.
Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
Yeah, definitely. Hakon grew up fairly poor with little access to a proper education, and he was often doing any labor job he could get his hands on to help ends meet. But now as the vestige and a very well renowned mercenary, he has quite the income and is incredibly well-off financially.
In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
Being kidnapped by the Worm Cult and having his soul stolen by Mannimarco 😭. Someone being able to knock out and lug his giant ass around to do that ritual is unsettling as is but then waking up totally helpless while some emo mf (who happens to be your bestie's idol) rips your soul out of your body before sending you to Coldharbor to get tortured for who knows long would be terrifying to most.
What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
He has SO many issues, oh my god. But he haaaaaates being doted on/taken care of or anything of the sort. He can't stand it. It makes him feel weak and useless which can definitely seem ridiculous and maybe it is, but he's spent much of his life having the fact that he needs to be a provider and caregiver and that he can't be weak drilled into his mind. So it can be a struggle to maintain balance with him in that regard. Idk if it's destroyed any relationships but it definitely causes problems. He gets better as time goes on.
What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
He didn't have many toys but he was fond of a teddy bear his mother got for him. Definitely went with him everywhere when he was little and he probably named it something simple like fluffy. It's long gone by now though.
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kuuyandere · 1 year
I have some avoidant tendencies😅.. i mean i have a good long history/list of ending close connections just cuz their (whichever of my past friend we’re considering) and my personality grew apart. Or our lives grew apart. And with some, i even discussed it by saying smth along the lines of “we should stop trying to be close now, we’re clearly so diff/don’t really click well.. so let’s stop putting efforts in our friendship before it gets more awkward or whtv..(some had turned bitter/passive-aggressive, didn’t wanna say that). That way we’ll remember each other good in our memories. We can obv contact each other whnv we want to😊” i’ve always ended things on good terms with ppl (tbh confronting way was v rare, cuz mostly we’d just stop checking up. I did have guilt whnv it was from my side but I knew it had to be done cuz it was going nowhere).. i only have my childhood friends. I’m not saying all this proudly. I’m just admitting I’m myself responsible for being kinda alone, n my justifications are always somewhat like “had to be done”.. It’s just.. I’m at that phase where being active for keeping friendships is kind of.. not smth i can do rn. (They’re in their exploring phase which I can’t match) I’m not going to say “bEinG aLOnE mAKes mE sO hApPy” cuz I’m a talkative one so right ppl are obv>>> but yeah from some years, being alone has been comforting n addicting.. i don’t plan on staying reserved of this level in the future cuz this goes against my personal belief of ‘an ideal adult’… (i hope this answers that ‘how have u been faring’ part…) 
Tbh i was considering how staying on this page could make me more sick😅 cuz i have a tendency of fluctuating bw…. Of assuming you to be him occasionally (I’ve done this countless times before you too). And like if you’re really not him, then I should be stopping right away. Cuz obv.. you’re just an internet stranger in the end n getting close to you is only going to be bad in the long term. Resemblance is so much that an internet str. is bothering me much more than he should. But then… I’m having soo much fun here rn & you saying “will take your response as permission to continue in the future”.. like u r enjoying my msgs so much (even i enjoy here) n have an expectation from me to continue talking, i find it so precious & absolutely bitchy of me/heartbreaking to stop talking to you. I have delusional tendencies n I usually do have to go an extra mile to truly see what is actually the reality around me n what isn’t (my thoughts/dreams took a looong time to accept i was out of school) & then, stop myself from falling into things that can consume me n detach me from seeing what’s right in front. So I’m going to stop now. 
Moreover, I know someday I’ll have also to stop this habit of allowing him to haunt me everywhere n stop ruining my present cuz of it, clinging to a subconscious hope of finding him in the end, smth that’s never going to be happen. I hope this hits you too for your situation. There are some things which are out of our control, clinging onto them, being hopeful for them doesn’t take one anywhere. No matter how strong/worshipping type your hope is. They. Are. Just. Not. Happening. Ever. It’s better to focus on the things that we can control. The nature of reality is imperfect. The quicker we accept it, the better (I have sooo many examples) Chapters can be left incomplete. Or can have a gruesome ending. The kindest, most generous person can fall off from a balcony. A perfectly healthy olympic athlete can die in a road accident. Injustice happens everywhere. World doesn’t work acc. to ppl. Someone not getting a happy ending with their loved one, is the most common scenario happening around. 
Ik I unnecessarily extended this (& ik I promised u once to not repeat this ‘trying to fix you’ habit, this this the last time)😅 but i believe to make someone see your side of things, this way is better than writing 2 summarised lines. Or idk, maybe i was just telling myself all this🤔 idk exactly how you both have been/are progressing, so apply this only if it’s required..  
If you are still here to read this, it's not bitchy at all to advocate for your wellbeing, and it takes a lot of strength to stop doing something you enjoy and acknowledging when it may not be the most healthy for you.
Again, feel free to block me if you have not already. You are right about needing to accept reality and not cling onto the idea of someone (and right that it is something I also sorely need). I wish you the best with your healing and your future as a whole.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
Some of y'all need to remember that it is not, in fact, morally wrong for people to make fanworks of your kin that you don't like. I'm not talking about legitimately problematic stuff, I'm talking about totally normal ships and interpretations you don't like. You don't get to be the fandom police, suck it up and just block people and tags that make you uncomfortable like the rest of us
Anonymous asked:
guys you can just… choose to not talk about certain kintypes, esp if you know they are from something harmful 😭 like, sure, on here it’s fine, that’s what the blog is for! but it supremely sucks seeing people defend their sources from criticism when the criticism genuinely is ‘this has so much racism/antisemitism/ableism/etc.’ i have kintypes from harmful media, i get it! i just… don’t talk about them, or if i DO i recognize the harm the media has caused, and boost the voices of those it affects. also, on this point: no one ever needs to feel guilty for kinning from smth - esp spiritual kin or someone who does not control it! just be understanding of the harm the Media does, and be respectful - thats it. idk, critical thinking and respecting others is so important.
Anonymous asked:
@ post/703018736627679232 - Would you rather someone be upfront about it on my list so you can block them and move on or befriend them not knowing and then only learn it way into a friendship? I've had the latter happen before as someone who kins from a problematic source (not Hetalia), which is why I mention it upfront.
Anonymous asked:
cannot believe we are actively having hetalia discourse in 2022. don't you guys have jobs
Anonymous asked:
Respectfully, it is not the responsibility of everyone else to suppress themselves when it comes to catering to some random individual's personal discomforts. It's up to you to curate your own online experience.
Block users! Block more tags (such as # racism cw)! Don't interact with content that bothers you! Nobody is forcing you to read, reply to, or send in your own asks about sources that are triggering to you.
Also, being kin doesn't mean you support or enjoy your source's creative origins, writing, or canon at all, obviously. Identity on this level is not a moral issue, it's just a fact of being.
Anonymous asked:
Boy some of y'all are missing the point of that guy's ask about Hetalia kins. The "stop kinning" thing might've been poor wording because yeah, most people can't simply not kin anymore, but you can absolutely stop engaging with the source, stop supporting it, not list your kintypes publicly.. I kin from Hetalia too and I simply don't talk about it publicly. I actually started keeping a diary where I write about my problematic sources and kins when I get the urge to talk about it. It's helped a lot more than I thought it would, honestly. Maybe some of y'all should try that too?
Anonymous asked:
Hmmm MPC, if it’s okay, could you add on to my Hetalia ask (the one signed from a biracial POC) the addition that the anon I think was very out of line was the one who claimed only the English dub was racist, however, I was already seeing people say this before that ask, so don’t think those comments are only directed at them?
(I felt a little bad about singling someone out, but the more I think about it, I really do need to clarify that. Sorry for a SECOND discourse ask now!)
Anonymous asked:
Okay sorry to add to the discourse but I think some people are seriously conflating “kins a character from a show” to “enjoys the show.” To me, someone liking Hetalia is one of the biggest red flags, but idk why we’re acting like kintypes can be helped. They can SOMETIMES be suppressed healthily, but not always!
I totally get if you don’t want to interact with Hetaliakin. I’m not sure I could comfortably, tbh. But people keep saying stuff like “how dare you ignore the racism in that show and act like nothing is wrong with it,” when I don’t think a single person defending the ‘kin from it has said anything like that. -A mixed POC
Anonymous asked:
wrt 703034476015566848 - yes, there was someone in the replies of one of the (many) hetalia posts blaming you for their being triggered because the post was "untagged" … even though if you use blacklist properly it blocks any post with the blocked word (in this case "hetalia") even if its untagged, so its just kind of on them and i dont like seeing people put responsibility on strangers for their own caretaking lmao. sorry if commenting on it was out of place though.
Anonymous asked:
Hetalia discussion: idk why this is a discussion at all. It's between a kin identity and a history of oppression and genocide and real people's trauma and discomfort. Genuinely how is this discourse. What's more important.
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forgottenroderick · 1 year
OOC | Roderick & Heirs
ok so ill do individual things for all the kids of course, but i just kinda wanted to leave this out here bc this is super complicated and!!! yeah
basically, roderick will NEVER decide the succession issue to anyone's satisfaction bc he 1) wants his kids to prove themselves like he did to rule bc he tells himself that's how you become a great ruler and so its really this great favor that he's doing to both his kids and his country etc smdh and 2) he can never, ever be eclipsed and everyone has to remember that HE is the emperor and not get distracted w ideas of someone else being emperor so alksjdfkj sdklfjaskljf ok so onto more specifics
ok so!!! this def won't be a complicated relationship or anything kalsjdfjkdf v lowkey vibes ksdljfakjsf ok ok but srsly im so sorry in advance for this man hahaha he's like...idk...he's v weird bc on one hand he's def an absentee dad??? like, does he show up to tourneys if one of his boys is competing? Or to a ball that is celebrating the nameday of one of his girls? Only if he happens to be there anyway and nothing else is happening which is...almost never! Does he talk to them everyday? Not a chance! There are probs whole months, maybe even years, that went by during childhood while Roderick was off on campaign where he never saw them, never wrote to them, etc, etc, etc.
But!! on the other hand!! he's also a deeply controlling father? he may not have seen the kid in weeks, but he knows what they ate for all of their meals and whether or not they had a snack, he knows what their lessons were and how well they did, he knows whole details of who they spoke to and what they said, etc, etc, etc, AND! he has opinions!!!!! and he WILL make any displeasure felt!!!! however, if the kid behaves as roderick thinks they should, he doesn't interfere at all he's like 'cool cool ok tell me every single weird intimate thing that happened to my next kid on the list' and just moves on alkjdskfjdsdlkfja and!! he calls this love!!! and believes his kids should be grateful to him for this care he puts into their upbringings!!!!
so the net here for the kids is basically they don't hear BOO from dad at all (unless they happen to be in the same castle as he is atm and the man is always on the move) unless they've done smth wroNG!!!!
now, when he's there, he will call them to him when he's got smth he wants to teach them. if they're a boy, this can be anything from you're going to sit here and watch me behead this traitor (or maybe even do it for me yourself when they get older) to look at this map and ill explain why im attacking this city and not that one first in order to conquer this kingdom! this is his version of bonding time btw lasjkdfkjdf
also this is only for the boys, but it is for ALL the boys, including sebastian
for the girls, its more likely to be general statesmenship stuff and less violent stuff, like 'im gonna make this deal with this dude to undercut that one and here's how you can make this work for you' etc. he'd also def give these sorts of lessons to ed and seb -- arthur *sometimes* but he doesn't think arthur's v smart tbqh so he focuses more on the war and punishment stuff w him
also, which kid he summons is generally pr normal, but it tends to lean most towards the kid he's most pleased w at that moment so alksdjfkjsdf
roderick's succession plan is alexander the great's 'the greatest' succession plan, where basically they have to kill e/o for it or whatever after he's gone he's like 'succession is a you problem, kids' basically but he won't ever just come out and say that laksjdfjksdjf he also expects that they won't just break up his empire, but maintain it which is super unrealistic in that he's basically 'just have a civil war when i die' aklsdjfjklsdf
but anyway alksdjfkjsdf he ~does see them all as potential rulers, whether as the next emperor/empress (he is a bit sexist so he does lean towards it being the next emperor w guin simply being so exceptional she's considered rather than being like yeah women can rule in general) or as the queen re: a marriage alliance which he sees as cassandra's certain destiny and a possible one for guin. however, he also means to conquer everything he can so will this include conquering the place where he's lately made his daughter queen? who knows! he's a changeable dude
but also while the above is 100% true AT THE VERY SAME TIME he does have v distinct ideas about who would make a great king and who would not...these shift pr radically tho ngl alkjdfjdsf and so he'll def sometimes be like 'yeah you know what edmund you should def be my heir' on a day that edmund performs esp well and he def makes this felt by everyone at court and rubs everyobody's face in it but then he sort of moves on from that bc obv the REAL king everyone needs to remember is HIM so he kinda resents any cowtowing ed gets and then two weeks later guin performs particularly well and then he's like THIS IS MY HEIR RIGHT HERE and the cycle repeats smdh
TL;DR: he basically approaches fatherhood just like he approaches ruling complete w a spyring and sending envoys w strongly worded letters if he sees smth he doesn't like
so yeah!! tis a hot mess my friends!!! and...im so sorry about him so yeah here pls enjoy this terrible father ig aklsdjfkjldsfj
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belovedblabber · 2 years
the locked tomb! or if someone already asked, dragon age!
Thank youuuu for asking!
Favorite Male Character: It's John, we all know it's John. I stand by my cancelled wife <3
Favorite Female Character: I legit do not know how to answer this because that list is, so long and frequently neck and neck but today while zoning out I ended up thinking about Harrow and had a resurgence of how much I adore her so I'll say Harrow rn!
Least Favorite Character: I'm not sure honestly, I don't really think I have one? Maybe currently Paul just because we don't know them very well yet and also I'm so mad to have lost Pal and Cam so let's go with Paul
Favorite Ship: This is another tough one oh god. I love Harrow/Gideon, and Harrow/Ianthe, and Gideon/Ianthe in a 'gay sex won't fix this situation in fact it may make it worse but I think we should give it a shot anyway' sorta way fghj. Idk if that last one is a ship or a 'I think they make each other worse and I love that' thing. Also between Gideon/Harrow and Ianthe/Harrow I like. Gideon/Harrow more in terms of just pure shippines, I guess? I want them to be happy and kiss but I'm aware that may be a tall order. I'm terrible at answering ship questions especially with this series dfghj. Also the entire dios apate trio situation is just the absolute tastiest although I've been thinking a lot about John and Augustine in particular lately I think just because that's where my brain is kicking around atm. I love them, obsessed with that fucked up lil' jaugustine dynamic it makes my brain spin
Favorite Friendship: Gideon and Palamedes, I know we didn't get to see much of that dynamic but what we did see was so sweet and I love it. Also Harrow and Palamedes. I LOVE Palamedes he's up there as one of my fave characters
Favorite Quote: This one is just cruel I have so many I legit cannot pick. But currently I have the whole quote that ends in "Something will satisfy them eventually, but nothing satisfies me. Nothing" stuck in my head and am wanting to draw smth from it so I'll just go with that, John that was sooo sexy of u babygirl. (Also "Is that the truth, or the truth you tell yourself?" "What is the difference?" said God'" hit me like a sack of bricks the first time I read it and continues to do so. But I also have so many other fave quotes asdfg, I just need to leave it off here or I'll write a novel length list of them).
Worst Character Death (if any): This one is ALSO hard but I will say that the one that shocked me the most was honestly Jeannemary. After that it was hard to rattle me although oh god Gideon's death at the end of GtN did have me crying
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment: When I read the NtN preview on amazon and saw that it opened with a John thing and I got so excited that I shrieked out loud alone in my dark room and then messaged my partner rapid fire while literally vibrating and then was so jazzed that I couldn't sleep. Because I'm a freak.
Saddest Moment: How do I pick? The one freshest in my head is the creation of Paul because OUCH
Favorite Location: Canaan house, I love the vibes in a way I can't articulate
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bloustorm · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 35,806 times in 2022
That's 27,669 more posts than 2021!
594 posts created (2%)
35,212 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,463 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 779 posts (I only started to use the XKit like two weeks ago and look at this)
#blou talks - 431 posts
#blou talks to people - 130 posts
#ask game - 122 posts
#tcf - 93 posts
#lmao - 93 posts
#remember dember - 88 posts
#blou writes - 84 posts
#bnha - 75 posts
#yes - 73 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the only thing that comes to mind was the one time my dad started telling the story of snow white different to see if we actually were list
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sometimes when listening/reading hfy, space orc stories etc. The human says like a quote with god in it or related and I'm hit with the fact that the author is Christian
Like nothing against it
But it's kinda weird to think that Christianity would survive that long, inmean ither religions are old as well and like wouldnt it be nice to have some variety sometimes??
I know that most people prob don't even consider it or want to do research, but some small hints shouldn't be that hard
Like, an alien asking his human crewmate if they wear a headscarf at all times to prevent hairs clogging up the vents or smth, and said human saying it's for religious reasons
Or dietary restrictions that are of choice, alien having recently learned about some humans can be allergic to some shit and then asking his friend if they are, because aparently humans can even develop allergies against something like meat and them just explaining it.
And like all of these things don't have to be big at all
A small throwaway comment here or there
Idk I would find it nice and I'm not even religious
131 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
Also why is no one talking about the fact that the White Star wants to feed Cale a dragon heart
Where are the angst fics
The bad endings
Where is "the WS force feeds Cale, Raons or Eruhabens heart"
Like come on, use it
205 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
pssst why is April 3 Danny day?
Ah i think you should beter ask that someone who remembers it, I'm pretty sure that I learned it once but well that was around a year ago probably, so I don't remember now.
Maybe @floralflowerpower knows? Though I know they took a hiatus for a bit and if it started during that time they might not know but at least they might have an idea who knows instead? Sorry Anon that i can't answer this
205 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
standing in the shower and madly cackling because i just gave all might a tumblr account (for my fic) was sure an experience
219 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If you're reading this...
feel hugged <3
564 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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