#killian jones oneshot
thewxtchwhowrites · 10 months
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Hi 💖✨
I'm back after a long time of being a silent reader of one-shots and fics (I have some of them that I would love to recommend), and also thanks to those authors for making wonderful works.
That led me to the conclusion of making my own Masterlist of my one-shots and fics, mainly to have more order in my blog and because I really want to write again because I LOVE to write.
🔥 = smut
(ES) = español
(EN) = english
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Dean Winchester
Don't Boss me around - 1 & 2
Hold On
Sam Winchester
Positions - Old and New version
Lucid Dreaming - One Shot
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Bucky Barnes
Bus Stop (EN)
The winner takes it all
Healed (requested)
Loki Laufeyson (soon)
Steven Grant (soon)
Marc Spector (soon)
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Eddie Munson
Hit the Pedal, Heavy Metal - 1 & 2
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Lee Bodecker (soon)
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Charles Blackwood (soon)
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Jefferson Hatter (soon)
Graham (soon)
Hook / Killian Jones (soon)
August Booth / Pinocchio (soon)
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Nick Fowler
Dangerous Woman
PD: I'll probably re-write some one-shots (improve grammar and even plot, so stay tuned), but don't worry, I won't delete the original.
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booksteaandtoomuchtv · 8 months
CS Sleepy Prompt One-Shots (5/?): “Go Rest. I'll take care of this."
Since the sun had set on Captain Liam Jones, his successor had made a point of rising before the sun. Most mornings were spent pleading with the sea to swallow him and correct the wrong that had occurred when the wrong brother was claimed by Death. But, there were some mornings in which he’d feel this odd sensation that he was meant for more, there was a reason he’d been spared, and he merely needed to hang in a bit longer and everything he’d been through would be worth the treasure he was headed toward.
When Milah entered his life, he’d thought their love was the end of his hunt. She had been killed for her love for him by a petty ex-lover. The crocodile crushed her heart and shattered his in one swift movement. Endless mornings followed in which the darkness was filled with fantasies of revenge - if he were forced to survive after his love and heart had been lost, then he would dedicate what was left of it to destroying the bloody beast who had taken them.
This morning was far from those. Today. exhaustion weighed him down and he groaned as he pushed off the bed. A demand for warm milk had turned into a chant taken up by two little voices that seemed to echo throughout the house, perhaps the neighbourhood.
The mound of blankets taking up the other half of his bed released a sound that might have been a grunt or perhaps a word. Whatever the sound was meant to be, Killian could hear in it fatigue that matched his own. Something in their shared struggle gave him the strength to rise and face the chaos he knew would be waiting for him.
A small smile pulled at his lips as he leaned in to kiss the wild mane of blonde hair poking out from the cocoon of blankets, “Rest, love. I’ll take care of this.”
“Five minutes,” Emma muttered back, her voice already thick with sleep.
Killian shook his head as he left the dark room, closing the door behind him. His wife would sleep another few hours after the night they had last night. Hope had woken up several times with coughing fits that seemed too big for her tiny body. Each time she woke up, Maren followed shortly after, having crawled into bed with her big sister earlier in the evening. They would battle with the stubborn four-year-old to take the bright blue liquid that would resolve her coughing fits and cut the fever that she hadn’t been able to shake and then have to soothe her sister back to bed. Almost an hour after Hope’s heart-breaking coughs woke them, Emma and Killian would crawl back into their bed. Killian would drift off quickly, having learned to catch rest whenever he had the opportunity. But Emma would toss and turn, finally drifting to sleep mere moments before the next wake-up would occur.
“WARM MILK! WARM MILK!” The chants continued as he stepped into the room where both girls were wide awake and bouncing around despite the early hour. He leaned against the door, his legs and arms crossed as he watched them in amazement. Both girls were sniffly, coughing messes and they were still full of energy and giggles.
“DADDY!!!!!!” Maren yelled, wiggling off the bed over her sister and running toward him with her arms wide open. Killian swept her up onto his hip, “I want warm milk,” she demanded in greeting.
“I’ll help! I am good at helping.”
“Alright, little loves. We have to be quiet so we don’t wake Mummy.” Killian said, his voice a whisper.
“WE’RE SO GOOD AT BEING QUIET, RIGHT DADDY?” Hope said excitedly as they passed the door behind which his wife slept.
Killian flinched at her unexpected volume. “Yes, you are both so good at keeping quiet. We need to stay quiet just a bit longer,” he answered in a whisper.
“Do we have to be quiet downstairs?”
“No, love.”
“Why? We will wake up mummy if we are loud.”
“The kitchen is far from our room. Mummy won’t be able to hear us, so we can be loud once we are there.”
Hope was quiet for a moment as they made their way down the stairs.
Once they stepped into the kitchen, Killian set Maren down to start preparations for breakfast. Hope took her sister’s hand in hers and led her deeper into the room, “Mary, we can talk now because Mummy can’t hear us, so we can’t wake her up.”
Maren, who had stayed quiet since issuing her initial command, nodded seriously at her sister’s words. The curls in her blonde hair bobbed with the motion.
“Do you want to colour?”
“Mhmm.” Maren climbed into a chair as Hope pulled out some crayons and paper for them both.
Killian stalled in his preparations and watched as they sat together chatting away about their drawings. He soaked up this moment, saving it for when they started yelling about their toys and favourite cups and which one touched the other one first later today. But this moment, just as the sun started to stretch its first rays over the horizon, was the treasure he'd spent his lifetime seeking.
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cosette141 · 2 years
In Hindsight | OUAT fanfic (oneshot)
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairing: Captain Swan (and Captain Charming bromance/friendship)
Author: cosette141
Words: 1k
Summary: (tag to s3 CS movie) "I'm not sure her parents approve of me." "Given the lengths you've gone to save her, they'd be crazy not to." "I hope you remember that." After Killian and Emma's adventure, David does remember the conversation he and Killian had around the fire, and David has something to add to it. CS/Captain Charming
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a/n: takes place right after the "you traded your ship for me" kiss :) Also I'm still working on the next Lost and Found chapter I promise <3
"I remember it, you know."
Killian was startled out of his thoughts—daze, really—where he was in the far corner of Granny's diner, alone at the end of the bar. Emma had given into her feelings and kissed him outside only moments ago, something he was still reeling from.
They'd been inside for a while, but she'd just gotten up to check on Henry and her new brother in the booth across the crowded room.
But it wasn't Emma who'd spoken, it was David, who pulled out a stool and sat next to him, looking at him like they were already in the middle of a conversation.
"Sorry?" managed Killian, finding the semblance of his voice, sitting up. "You remember what?"
"Meeting Prince Charles and Princess Leia... y'know, you and Emma." said David with a grin, like the names were amusing to him.
Killian felt himself tense; for some reason, it hadn't actually occured to him that Emma would tell them. "You do?" he managed.
With a grin, David said, "Meeting my True Love by helping a prince save his thieving princess from the Queen's castle?" asked David. "Something like that is a little hard to forget."
Killian cracked a smile. "Aye, when you put it like that."
"It's hazy," admitted David, leaning back, and Killian felt himself relax a little. "But I remember Prince Charles," said David. With a crease in his brow— "Didn't you insult the mutton?"
Killian felt a smirk erase his discomfort. "Tad overcooked."
"Right," said David with an amused nod. "I liked Prince Charles," said David. Looking at Killian, he said, "You know, Snow and I invited you and 'Leia' to our wedding. It was thanks to you both that we got together, after all."
Killian's brows raised. Never has he ever been thought of in such a way. The pirate's life certainly prevented royal invitations and he wasn't a huge fan of the affairs but the idea of being thought of was something… touching.
"I can't believe it was you I was talking to," said David, shaking his head in disbelief. "I bonded with Captain Hook over the problems with my engagement," he said with a laugh. 
"I'm not so sure her parents approve of me."
"Given the lengths you've gone to save her… they'd be crazy not to."
"I hope you remember that."
Suddenly, Killian was uncomfortable. He'd been more than vulnerable when he'd talked to past-David; he thought it wouldn't ever matter. He'd never have been as open with the version of David he knew.
How much did he remember?
Bloody hell.
"Our conversation that night?" prompted Killian cautiously, trying to appear casual. "You remember it from all those years ago?"
"Bits and pieces," said David. "You asked me something about how I didn't look like I was happy with my engagement?" said David, brows kneaded like he was trying to remember. "I don't know; it was a really long time ago. For me, at least," he added.
Killian felt himself breathe out in relief.
He didn't remember.
"Aye," said Killian, relaxing. "Something like that."
David hesitated a moment before saying, "I wanted to thank you."
"For what?" asked Killian.
"For what?" echoed David with surprise. "For jumping in that portal after Emma when you didn't have to," clarified David. "For protecting her when I couldn't—or when I didn't know I was supposed to."
Killian felt a little heat creep up the back of his neck, the gratitude feeling uncomfortable. "Of course," he managed, taking a swig of the rum from his glass, thankful it was there. David stood, and Killian felt himself nearly sigh with relief, suddenly thinking that life was easier when the prince was yelling at him.
David turned to go back to his wife, when he said, "Oh, one more thing."
"Hm?" Killian forced a grin.
A tiny, knowing smile quirked the corner of David's lips. "We would be crazy not to."
Killian choked on the rum.
"Given the lengths you've gone to save her, they'd be crazy not to."
Killian stared at David in utter shock.
David just grinned at his reaction.
He bloody remembered.
With a sigh, David said, "I meant what I said to you that night, Hook," he said seriously. "I walked away from Prince Charles thinking that he was the most stand-up guy I'd ever met." Killian stared in shock. "We would be crazy to not see just how devoted you are to Emma." With a softer smile, something Killian has never gotten from David before, he said, "Thank you for… going to the end of the world for her." A little, meaningful smirk. "And time."
Killian forgot how to breathe.
"It's obviously up to Emma, whatever you and she become," said David. "But… I approve of you, Killian." With a look toward the booth where Snow was sitting, who'd looked up, gaze on both men, David said, "We both do."
He bloody called him by his name.
Killian could hardly find his voice. He managed a nod, his voice stuck somewhere in his chest.
But his shock seemed to only make David's approval solidify, with another quirked grin at the man's lips.
"What are you guys talking about?" asked Emma, walking back over and sitting next to Killian.
Killian swallowed and David told Emma, "Just catching up with my old friend, Prince Charles." David shot another look to Killian before leaving them to find Snow and the baby again.
Emma intertwined her fingers with Killian, smiling at him with something he's never seen her direct at him before tonight. Something that looked like the sun after weeks of cloud and rain, like a shine that had always been there but had finally broken free.
He had Emma.
And the approval of her parents.
He felt a smile at his lips, something foreign tickling his chest. Something he never thought he'd feel again.
And it was happiness.
tag list: @kmomof4 @klynn-stormz @stahlop @ilovemesomekillianjones @hookmecaptain @tiganasummertree @jonesfandomfanatic @anmylica @pirateprincessofpizza @snowbellewells @eddisfargo @motherkatereloyshipper @sotangledupinit
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Stolen away;
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Summary; the story of how Harry Hook was stolen away from his parents, Captain Swan, and taken to another dimension along with his uncle Chad-- only to be returned to them years later.
Trigger warning; Kidnapping 2x, feelings of loneliness, crying, attempts at self multiation, child neglect, child abuse, etc.
Tag; @cosette141 .
Harrison David Jones was born to the savior and the legendary Caprain Hook on October 22nd, like his mother before him.
23 years after his half brother, Henry, was born.
9 years after his uncle, Leo, was born.
5 years after his sister, Hope, was born.
Roughly 2 1/2 months after his uncle, Chadwick, was born.
And from the moment he was born, he had everyone wrapped around his little finger.
"Are we sure he's not a clone? Because he looks just like you, Killian" Emma joked softly, smiling down at the positively tiny bundle in her arms.
"I rather hope he doesn't look just like me. I'd hate to explain to your parents why our newborn has a beard" the pirate captain quipped back, shooting her a mischievous grin.
"Oh stop it" the blonde swatted him lightly with one hand, holding their son in the other as she rolled her eyes.
"Ok, ok" He raised his hook and hand up in surrender "but in all seriousness luv, he's not a clone of me. You wanna know how I know?"
Emma raised an eyebrow "besides the obvious you mean?"
"Well, color me intrigued. Go on then. Tell me how you know he's not a mini clone of you"
Killian leaned over her shoulders and carefully pulled back the edge of the towel that was covering their son's face before pointing at it. "There. Right there. He has your face. Your skin tone. Your ears--"
"You know what my ears look like?"
Including his very own infant uncle, who somehow managed to always pop up wherever Harrison happened to be.
Chadwick laid curled around Harrison, pale chin resting atop strains of black hair. Curly blonde hair sticking up all over the place, arms wrapped around the smaller infant in his to-go crib that Emma got for when he was staying over at her parents for the night.
David let out a sigh of relief and called out to his wife, who was still frantically searching through the living room with their other son and granddaughter.
"Found him!"
which is why everyone was devastated the day they disappeared-- almost 2 years after Harrison was born-- and every day after.
The day had started out like every day before it.
Killian arose with the sun, changed into his work clothes, and changed Harrison's diaper before carting him and his toy hook off to the kitchen were he settled him down in his highchair.
From which Harrison babbled at him as he made breakfast. Happy and unable to sit still, an urge to escape and explore rushing through his veins as Hope shuffled in. Hair a mess as she placed a kiss on Harrison's forehead-- their 3 legged golden retriever, Indiana Bones, hot on her trail.
Emma following not long after, half asleep and ready for work.
They ate breakfast, put the dishes in the sink, and got the kids ready for the day ahead.
Dropping Hope off at school where Snow and little Neal ,or Leo as he preferred, were waiting to walk her in like they did every day before doing the same with Harrison at the day care. Where a very excited Chadwick was waiting with a frazzled looking Nova.
They went to the station, greeted David, and got to work. Doing paperwork, answering calls, going out into the field. Nothing major occurring. Nothing to clue them on what was about to happen.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY'RE GONE?!" Emma yelled almost frantic at the nun, craining her neck to see into the empty classroom.
"Emma, I know you're upset--"
If it wasn't for Killian, the blonde was sure she would have throttled the woman in front of her. The woman who was supposed to have been watching her baby brother and son. The same woman who was now saying that they were gone and she didn't know where they went.
"I mean they're gone. Not here" Nova replied meekly, not looking at the duo. "You... you picked them up hours ago.."
"WELL OBVIOUSLY I DIDN'T BECAUSE I'VE BEEN AT WORK WITH MY HUSBAND AND FATHER ALL DAY!" Emma snapped, as Killian pulled her back. Already texting Her parents and Henry, telling them to get a search party ready.
"It was you! A-at least she looked like you..." Nova protested weakly. "How was I supposed to know she wasn't you?"
The savior had to admit that the nun had a point. But that didn't quell the fury she felt at all. So she just spun around and stormed out, tears welling up in her eyes before she said something she'd regret.
They didn't find them.
Not after a hour. Not after a day. Not after a week. Not after a month or a year. Or 10.
They didn't find them alive or dead. They didn't find the toys they had brought with them that day or the clothes they had worn. Not even a shoe.
No one knew whether that was better than finding any of that or not. All any one knew was that the two boys were gone, seemingly without a trace.
And that broke their family's heart.
Year after year passed, with Emma and Killian unable to move on from their search for Harrison and Chadwick.
With them lamenting all of the time and milestones they were missing.
No one knew who was more of a wreck. Emma and Killian or Snow and David. All anyone knew was that they missed their boys.
Wherever they were.
"I dream about them, you know" Emma whispered to him one sleepless night as they laid in bed. Too tired to get up but too sad to sleep.
"Who?" Killian asked, even though he already knew the answer.
"Harrison and Chadwick."
"Oh? What are they like? The dreams I mean?" He questioned, eager to know more. Needing something to take his mind off of the dark places it kept venturing into.
"They're... oddly colorful. Like eye bleeding levels of colorful that doesn't fit the vibe of the places they show." He leaned closer to her, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her close.
"And the places. They're... lonely..."
"Lonely?" Killian asked baffled.
"Like, both places are full to the brim with people but every one is on edge. Their walls up high. Like mine were"
"And the boys, they're separated. One in each place. Harrison's on a flithy island with 3 girls he calls his sisters and a crew to back him... And Chadwick's in a castle, surrounded by people who call themselves' his friends. A-and they're both fighting a silent losing battle with themselves, knowing they don't quite belong but not knowing why" Emma began to tear up, feeling hopeless.
Killian wanted to comfort her but didn't know how. How could he, when he was feeling just as hopeless and worthless as she was?
Every so often, Emma would mention these dreams of hers but only ever to him.
Chadwick's insecure and is starting to bully other children.
Harrison is losing his sanity and keeps trying to get a crocodile to bite off his hand.
The adults they live with aren't good to them. Chadwick's guardians ignore him in favor of their biological daughter and Harrison's has fits of rage where he slashes at him and the girls with his hook.
The boys cry themselves to sleep every night.
They keep getting rejected by the boys and girls they like.
Chadwick tried to get a girl expelled because of her parentage after using her to cheat.
Harrison and his crew kidnapped a boy king.
Harrison still has his hook and jumped in polluted, shark and crocodile infested water after it.
Chadwick teamed up with the girl who broke his heart to get revenge on the kingdom only to be mistreated by her.
Harrison fought a group of knights and helped save a kingdom and free Chadwick.
Killian both savored and dreaded every dream Emma shared with him. Not sure whether or not these dreams were healthy or if even entertaining the idea that they might be real was cause for concern.
Not sure whether or not he wanted the dreams to be real.
Not sure whether or not this was a sign that the boys were alive and making their way back to them.
He soon got his answer, 17 years after the boys had been lost, when the doorbell rang on his and Emma's day off.
Killian reluctantly got up and answered the door, with Emma right behind him. Befuddled by the sight that met them.
Because there, on the porch, was a small group of people young adults. A boy dressed in red, white, and black standing at the front-- fidgeting with a hand held hook. He had Killian's eyes, nose, and hair. And Emma's face and ears.
And that nervous smile of his, a mix of their own. As blue eyes met blue eyes. "Hi. I'm Harr'. Harr' Hook... and yer son"
And behind him stood a boy with long curly, dirty, blood hair and familiar eyes dressed in blue. Grinning like her mother did.
"Hello sister of mine".
At long last, their prayers had been answered. Their boys were home.
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captainswanfanfic · 2 years
I'm like a puzzle (but all of my pieces are jagged) (A CS Fic Rec)
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By: Philyra
Summary: Emma Swan finds her home and her family, both on and off the ice. Hockey AU with an integrated NHL.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3219713
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swanimagines · 8 months
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Regina Mills
Henry Mills
Peter Pan
Killian Jones
Mad Hatter/Jefferson
Elsa of Arendelle
Anna of Arendelle
Robin Mills
Drizella Tremaine / Ivy Belfrey
Zelena Mills (coming)
Archie Hopps (coming)
(Any of the other characters don't have any requests written nor pending as for now, so I'm unable to have serieses for them as AO3 requires you to have at least one oneshot written to be able to add it to a series, and I can't promise serieses for characters who don't have requests pending/I have no ideas of my own for them)
For anyone who's concerned, THESE ARE NOT ONESHOT COLLECTIONS, they are made using AO3's "series" feature.
If you want to be informed about new fics for OUAT or its individual characters, create an AO3 account and subscribe or bookmark any of those serieses listed above. There are buttons at the top right corner for those, or on top on mobile. I do not do Tumblr taglists anymore.
Also, if you're wondering, requests are ALWAYS open and you're welcome to leave one or multiple. Just remember to read my rules and pick a request type from this list.
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aceofwhump · 1 month
Hi Ace! :)
Do you have good OUAT whump fanfics? (Or any user if you know good OUAT fanfics)
They can be from any season!
Thank you very much!
Have a good day
I do!! They're gonna be all Killian Jones whump though. Hope that's okay. That's pretty much all I read (minus a few August Booth whump fics)
You Are Not Alone by scientificapricot Summary: Killian is injured in a fight with Zelena’s flying monkeys. However, he finds that he doesn't have to deal with said injuries by himself.
Don't Let Go (Because I Can't Hold it Back Anymore) by cosette141 Summary: (canon divergence for s4 episode "White Out") Rather than Emma and Elsa trapped in the ice cave, Emma is trapped with Killian. They have to keep warm and stay awake as they fight the frigid cold, or their first quiet moment together may very well be their last.
A Snowball's Chance by cosette141 Summary: After Emma rescues Killian from Hades in the Underworld, David and Snow tend to some of Killian's physical wounds, and end up healing emotional ones. (aka, Snow and David acting as parental figures for Killian) hurt/comfort oneshot
The Servant by natascha_ronin Summary: Killian is tortured in the Underworld by a familiar face.
Last Time by thoughshebebbutlitle Summary: The last time he had been in a hospital bed they had been completely different people. She had handcuffed him to the bed then, but now she waited anxiously for him to wake; the rise and fall of his chest was a reassurance that he was still alive.
To Take a Heart by MisfitWriter Summary: Set in Season 3, after the incident in the boathouse. Killian is left on his own. Zelena ambushes him with the intention to take his heart and force him to take Emma's powers. Our pirate is about to prove that there is one thing stronger than any magic...
We're Living in a Desperate Time (We Won't Give Up) by LadyofAvalon Summary: He knew he was in for bad weather when the Crocodile appeared and knocked him out again. It only got worse from there.
You can take the boys out of Neverland by WinkyCutto Summary: The Lost Ones don't like having to live by the rules and Henry and his family are about to find out that bringing them back to Storybrooke may not have been the best idea... Hook whump galore, you have been warned.
Pale by SignoriaSickFic Summary: Set in the 6 weeks of peace in S4. Killian catches a nasty stomach bug and, feeling sick, fails to answer his phone. Enter a worried Emma who finds herself playing nursemaid to her indisposed pirate boyfriend. Warning: mentions of vomiting.
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beckettj · 1 year
There’s No Harm in Repeating - a CS (feat. Captain Cobra) oneshot
Summary: Killian Jones has lived in apartment 204 for a year and has never exchanged more than ‘hellos’ with Emma Swan in apartment 205. That is until a run-in with her son, Henry, results in the boy doing some unintentional matchmaking. For how else do you find out what a woman thinks of you, if not through her four-year-old son? A Captain Swan as neighbors au featuring Captain Cobra moments.
A/N: This fic is inspired by all the wild and wonderful things said to me by various pre-school students over the last couple of years (though I did take a slight creative liberty in one section). And it does get wild. There's no such thing as secrets when it comes to three/four-year-olds.
Word Count: 4432
Also available on: AO3     FFN
There’s No Harm in Repeating
A flask of coffee in hand, Killian Jones stepped out of his crappy apartment, into the just as crappy hallway, to the oh-so-familiar sweet sound of arguing travelling up the stairwell from the entrance hall below.
“Who the hell do you think you are, Emma? You have no right to stop me from seeing my own son!”
“Look at yourself, Neal! You can barely stand! You’re hardly in any fit state to look after yourself, let alone a four-year-old boy!”
Emma Swan. The irritation was clear in her voice, as it travelled up the pungent staircase that Killian started to take down, yet it was her voice which reminded him of the single reason why he hadn’t moved the hell out of the crappy apartment building at any point in the last year. Even when shouting, screaming at her dickhead of an ex with all her might, her voice was as captivating as a siren’s song, drawing him in as the rest of the world fell away around him.
“Every fucking time, Emma! There’s always something with you, isn’t there? You can never just hand him over without causing a scene.”
“Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that you are never able to turn up sober. You need help, Neal.”
“Leave off! I’m perfectly fine.”
“I’d almost believe you, if it weren’t for the slurring.” She let out a heavy sigh. “I can’t believe this! No, in fact, I can! I can totally believe this! This is textbook you, Neal! You get his hopes up and then you let him down.”
“Let him down? I’m here, aren’t I?”
“Yes, and utterly shit-faced, you damn asshole.”
Killian chuckled to himself, having heard enough of their arguments through the building's thin walls to be invested enough to back Emma over her alcoholic ex. He’d also overheard enough to know that when Emma resorted to cursing, she was well and truly pissed. 
Commotions were a frequent occurrence in the apartment complex. Day or night, the residents just did not care. Killian had quickly learned that the best way to cope with it all, was to just treat the whole thing like a soap drama; it was almost more compelling than the ones on television. It wasn’t just Emma and Neal; there was enough drama in the building for him to develop his own soap drama television show if he wanted. If it wasn’t Emma, his lovely neighbor in apartment 205, arguing with her ex, it was the guy in apartment 101 making direct complaints over noise levels, someone accusing the pickpocket in 219 of theft, the guy in 117 finding a megaphone through which to broadcast his crazed ramblings that no one could make any sense of, or the young man in 301 hosting his midnight raves which attracted all the youth in the city like the bloody Pied Piper.
Yes, life in Enchanted View apartments was just charming. And extremely entertaining, in a guilty pleasure kind of way.
The arguing continued as Killian made his way down the stairs, obscenities and insults getting thrown back and forth as Emma went for it in giving Neal a piece of her mind. Killian had to hold back a cheer of satisfaction that she was finally doing such a thing; making himself realize just how invested he had gotten. 
He stayed quiet, not wanting to draw any attention to himself. He hoped to get by unnoticed, to slip out onto the street, and go about his day, leaving them to their dispute. It was only when he reached the bottom step that he determined such a feat to be impossible for Emma Swan stood in the building doorway, blocking his way. Or rather, preventing her tool of an ex-boyfriend from gaining entry to the building. Neal was bladdered; completely and utterly bladdered. Killian had known, from his slurred words, that he was drunk, but the man stood before Emma was well and truly hammered, incapable of standing still, staggering around the doorstep. His movements were slow and shaky, resulting in any attempt he made to get past Emma looking weak and pathetic. The only danger there was of Neal getting over the threshold were if he were to fall flat on his face. Killian chuckled lightly to himself, amused by such a scenario playing out in his head.
“I promised I’d take him bowling so I’m damn well going to take him bowling.”
“Maybe you should have thought about that before you chose to go heavy on the booze for breakfast. It’s not happening, Neal.”
“I’m not leaving ‘til I see him. Where the hell is he? Henry! Henry!”
“Cut it out, Neal. You really don’t want him to see you like this.”
“Oh, lighten up, Emma.”
Killian moved off the bottom step, with the plan to slip out through the back door which led into the side alley. Yet, as he began said plan, his eyes fell on the very boy at the core of the adults’ argument. Henry. The four-year-old sat patiently on the bench, positioned opposite the out-of-order elevator, a book open in his hands. Peter Pan, Killian read from the cover. Henry’s head was buried in the book, avidly inspecting the colourful pictures within it but, every now and then, whenever his parents’ voices rose or his name came up, the boy’s head would shoot out of the book, sending an apprehensive glance towards the doorway in which his equally unrelenting parents stood.
Killian thought back to his own childhood, to all the times his mother argued with his drunk father. He recalled how much he hated it, how he always found a way to blame himself for their arguing, and how useless he had felt every time; the urge to help his mother conflicting with the fear of how his father may react if he did. Killian couldn’t help but see himself in Henry but with one key difference; Liam had been there for Killian, right by his side, throughout every argument. Henry had no one, an only child, sat alone on the bench, just a book for company.
Killian wondered over to the young boy, taking up the empty space on the bench beside him.
“What have you got there, lad?” Killian asked, nodding to the book in Henry’s hands.
“A book,” the four-year-old responded with the obvious.
Killian chuckled to himself; ask a stupid question.
“That a good book?” Killian tried again, determined to strike up conversation to distract the lad from the scene behind him.
The boy shrugged, lacking enthusiasm, “It’s okay.”
Henry’s head turned to the entrance again, just in time to see his father attempt to force Emma’s arm out of the way, only to stumble backwards and fall into a pillar.
“Do you want me to help you read it?” Killian offered, successfully drawing the boy’s attention back onto him.
“That’s okay, thank you,” Henry politely declined his offer. “I look at the pictures and make up my own story.”
“Do you now?” Killian replied. “Care to tell me one?”
Henry smiled at him and nodded enthusiastically. He pointed to the picture in his book, a crocodile circling the waters around the Jolly Roger.
“Once upon a time, Peter Pan took a girl called Wendy to a place called Neverland and they flied there but actually, properly flied, not on an aeroplane, with, like, magic and stuff, and it was an island but there were no animals on the island and Wendy was sad because she loves animals,” Henry began to tell his story.
“Oh, why were there no animals?” Killian asked.
“They went in the water with the crocodile,” Henry answered.
Killian wasn’t quite sure what the four-year-old was implying with that statement.
“So, they all went to live in the water with the croc?” Killian checked.
“No!” Henry protested, looking at him like he was stupid. “The crocodile ate them all up!”
“Well, that’s not very kind,” Killian responded.
“Duh, he’s the bad guy,” Henry said.
Killian laughed; that told him.
“Good point,” he conceded.
“Are you going to let me tell the rest of the story?” Henry asked pointedly.
“Sorry, lad, sure, go ahead,” Killian encouraged.
“There was also a very, very, very bad guy on the island and his name was Captain Hook! He was a pirate who got everyone’s treasure and didn’t like Peter Pan or Wendy,” Henry continued, putting a great level of emphasis on certain words. “Peter Pan and Wendy didn’t like Captain Hook because he was naughty and didn’t have kind hands or kind words so they went to fight him. With swords! And a tyrannosaurus rex! And a dragon! But Captain Hook was really stronger and a gooder fighter and he pushed the tyrannosaurus rex and the dragon and Peter Pan and Wendy into the water and the crocodile ate them all up!”
Henry grinned, looking really proud of himself for coming up with such an exciting story. Killian raised an eyebrow.
“Aren’t the good guys supposed to win?” Killian asked.
“But that’s boring!” Henry defended his story.
“True,” Killian conceded with a chuckle. “And I must admit, it was a twist I didn’t see coming. You’re quite the storyteller, lad.”
Henry beamed at him, completely distracted from the argument raging on behind him.
“That’s what I want to do when I’m bigger!” Henry spoke enthusiastically, bouncing up and down on the bench. “I want to be a story maker!”
“I’m sure you’ll make a fine story maker,” Killian encouraged, smiling at the boy.
“I’m going to make stories about castles and princes and princesses and space and pirates and dragons and dinosaurs!” Henry told him eagerly, speaking at a hundred miles per hour.
“Wow, that’s a lot of stories,” Killian remarked.
“My favorite dinosaur is the tyrannosaurus rex,” Henry segued slightly, once again impressing Killian with his pronunciation.
“Good choice, lad. Those are the big ones,” Killian replied.
“But they’re all extinct now,” Henry spoke matter-of-factly.
“That’s a big word you’ve used there,” Killian commented as the four-year-old continued to impress him with his vocabulary. “Do you know what it means?”
“It means they’re all gone,” Henry answered confidently. “They died and turned into fossils which is good because if they weren’t died they would eat us all up!”
“You’re just full of knowledge, aren’t you?” Killian mused.
Henry grinned at him, seemingly appreciating the compliment. Killian was just happy to have lifted his spirits slightly, even if it was only temporary. The commotion in the doorway was bound to end eventually and he couldn’t pretend to know how things would proceed from there. In the meantime, Killian was more than happy to keep the lad company; it was far better than the boy sitting on his own, listening to every word his parents exchanged.
“My name’s Killian, by the way,” he introduced himself.
He had seen the boy around the apartment building on multiple occasions. They had even nearly bumped into each other several times; the energetic boy didn’t have the best spatial awareness. They had smiled at each other, waved on occasion, and Killian had exchanged the odd ‘hello’ with his mother, but no official introductions had ever been made. Killian suddenly realized that his conversation with the boy meant that he had had more interaction with young Henry than with the boy’s mother. As good company as the boy provided, something had gone seriously wrong with that one.
“I’m Henry,” the boy introduced himself in return.
Little did the four-year-old know that Killian already knew his name. The apartment walls weren’t exactly thick, and Henry wasn’t quite as well behaved behind closed doors as he was when out in public. There were a few times each week where Emma got forced into resorting to shouting her son’s name to get him to listen to her.
“Nice to meet you, Henry,” Killian smiled at him.
The boy smiled back in return and Killian took a pause from the conversation to take a swig of his coffee whilst thinking of the next question to ask to continue his distraction attempts.
Henry spoke up first, “My mommy says fucking hell.”
Killian spluttered and choked on his coffee as it went down the wrong hole. He promptly recovered and looked at the boy beside him who was looking up at him with such sweet, innocent hazel eyes. There was no way, Killian decided, that such a young boy had said what he thought he had just heard.
“Sorry, kid, I missed that one,” Killian told him.
Henry replied, assured and matter of fact in what he was saying, “My mommy says fucking hell.”
Bloody fucking hell. Killian was out of his depth the second he had struck up a conversation with the boy, let alone when he found himself having to deal with a four-year-old cursing.
“I don’t think you should be repea-”
“That’s what my mommy says to my daddy.”
Killian couldn’t help himself and let out a loud laugh. He glanced at Neal and took in the man’s inebriated state; the way he staggered as he tried, and failed, again, to force his way past Emma who stood strong in the doorway, continuing to refuse to relinquish her position. A series of slurred insults poured out of Neal’s mouth, all directed at Emma and none of them harbouring even a slither of truth.
Killian turned back to Henry, his own chain of choice words coming to mind when he thought of Neal.
“Honestly, lad, I don’t blame her,” Killian remarked.
Henry glanced down at his book and absent-mindedly flicked through a couple of pages, barely glancing at the pictures. Killian took the momentary pause in conversation as another chance to take a swig of his coffee.
“Killian?” Henry spoke up again.
“What’s up, lad?” Killian returned.
“Are you going to have a sleepover with mommy?” Henry shot a random question at him.
Killian frowned, wondering where the boy could have possibly gotten that question from, before answering, “Not that I know of.”
“Oh,” Henry’s shoulders slumped, radiating disappointment.
“What makes you ask?” Killian questioned curiously.
Henry sat up straighter and set his book down on the bench. He turned back to Killian, his eyes wide with excitement.
“Once upon a time, I had a scary nightmare at night-time and it was really, really, really late because it was really, really black out my window,” Henry delved into what Killian feared for a moment was going to be another story ending with everyone getting eaten up, rather than an answer to his question. “And because I was scared, I wanted my mommy and I found her in the living room and she was drinking wine!”
“Did she drink it all up?” Killian asked.
“She drank loads of it. Mommy says wine is really nice but I don’t know because she won’t let me try because I’m not big enough. She says it’s a grown-up drink,” Henry said, instantly making Killian regret asking, distracting the boy from the original point. “Mommy says too much wine make you silly like Daddy, and not in a good way like a clown, but she said she needs wine sometimes to deal with Daddy. She says Daddy drives her round the bend.”
Killian laughed and made a mental note to watch every single thing he said around the boy, picking up on his habit to repeat things he heard. He guided the lad back to the original point, “What were you saying about a sleepover?”
“Oh, yes!” Henry grinned at the reminder. “Mommy was drinking wine with her friend Mary Margaret and I heard Mommy say that she wanted the man next door in her bed. That’s you.”
Killian knew it was him before Henry had even pointed it out to him, given the resident in apartment 206 was a woman. He smiled to himself and looked knowingly across at Emma. She still had her back to him, too caught up in dealing with Neal and was probably totally oblivious to his presence there. She wasn’t, however, oblivious to his presence in the apartment next door; her kid had just made that much clear to him.
She may have been drunk at the time of Henry’s earwigging, but drunk meant free of inhibition which meant there had to be some level of truth to her words. It had been a year since he had moved in, and it was the first hint he had ever received that she was at all interested in him. With nothing but passing exchanges of ‘hellos’, Killian had assumed otherwise but, after talking to Henry, he put the pieces together, realizing that she was essentially a single mother, single-handedly bringing up a four-year-old with a pathetic excuse for a father, which undoubtedly left little room for dating. If he wanted to be more than neighbors exchanging the odd polite hello, he was going to have to make the first move and, armed with the knowledge Henry had given him, he was suddenly extremely eager to do so.
If only Neal would give up already. The man was still arguing his case to Emma.
“So?” Henry spoke up, forcing Killian to take his eyes off Emma and return them to her son. “Are you going to have a sleepover?”
“We’ll see,” Killian responded, trying to be as careful as he could with his choice of words.
‘Killian wants to have a sleepover with you’ coming out of Henry’s mouth was not the way he wanted to approach asking Emma out.
“Are you going to be my new daddy?”
Killian was so glad he wasn’t drinking his coffee in that moment for he would have choked on it again. He stared at the kid, unsure if he really wanted to find out where that question had come from and yet, he was curious.
He couldn’t help himself, “What makes you ask that?”
“When Mommy said that she wanted you in her bed, Mary Margaret said that you would make a better daddy for me than my daddy,” Henry recalled then sighed, dropping his head and inspecting his shoes. “My daddy’s rubbish. He never does anything he says he’s going to do.”
Killian made a mental note to thank Mary Margaret, if he ever met her, for dropping him in it with that one.
“Your daddy’s not rubbish, Henry,” Killian reluctantly forced the words out. “He just needs… a bit of help.”
A lot of help. And Neal needed to accept that fact too.
Henry frowned, looking slightly disappointed, “So… you’re not going to be my new daddy?”
“You’ve already got a daddy, Henry. And maybe, if he gets that little bit of help, he’ll be able to be a good daddy. And if not, maybe in the future Mummy will find you a better daddy,” Killian replied carefully, not at all sure he was saying the right thing; he was so far out of his depth. “For now, though, I can just be your friend.”
A small smile crept onto Henry’s face, “Friends?”
“Friends?” Killian returned the question.
“Yeah!” Henry nodded enthusiastically.
The boy’s smile broadened into a huge grin, one which Killian couldn’t help but return. As they fell into a comfortable silence, the heated exchange in the doorway was the only sound which filled the room.
“You want to see your son?” Emma snapped. “Sober the hell up and get some help. I’m done playing these games with you.”
“Fine!” an exasperated Neal shot back.
Killian watched as Neal turned and staggered off down the steps back towards the street, amazed and slightly disappointed to see him do so without falling flat on his face. Emma slammed the door on him, the loud bang making little Henry jump. She let out a heavy sigh, and took a moment to compose herself, before turning around to find her son. Her eyes landed on Killian and she narrowed them, confused and surprised by his presence, watching him inquisitively as she walked over.
“Hey there,” she greeted.
“Hi,” he returned.
An exchange of hellos.
Henry jumped up from the bench, bouncing enthusiastically on his feet as he grabbed Emma’s hand.
“Mommy, Mommy, this is Killian, the man next door. He’s my new friend. He’s very nice. He sat with me whilst you and Daddy were arguing again,” Henry told her excitedly.
Emma glanced to the door and there was a harder look on her face when she looked back at Killian, “You heard all that?”
“I heard all the stories your boy was telling me,” Killian responded, choosing not to acknowledge the argument that she didn’t seem too thrilled about him overhearing. Something told him she hadn’t realized just how thin the walls were in the building, and just how many of her behind-closed-doors domestics he had also heard in the past. “He’s got quite the imagination.”
“Did they end with everyone getting eaten?” she asked, a hint of amusement in her tone.
“They did, indeed,” Killian confirmed with a nod. “Quite the thrilling twist.”
“Predictable if you listen to too many,” Emma warned.
“That, I look forward too,” he returned.
She smiled slightly then spoke, with some of the sincerest words he had ever heard, “Thank you, Killian.”
“It was my honor,” he returned, matching her tone. “That’s one fine boy you’ve got there. He’s a real credit to you.”
Even if he has been dropping you in it.
Emma looked down at Henry beside her, ruffling his hair. When she looked back up at Killian, their eyes locked, his blue ones meeting her green, captivating him, drawing him in just as her voice did. Henry’s words echoed in his mind; I heard Mommy say she wanted the man next door in her bed. That’s you. It was him. Emma wanted him and man, did he want her. Not necessarily in his bed (though he certainly wouldn’t protest) but even in general; he wanted her there, with him, beside him, around. He wanted to be hers and, lost in each other’s gaze, he had the chance to take a step in that direction, to ask her out.
“Where’s Daddy?” Henry spoke up first, beating him to it.
Damn it. Bloody Neal.
Emma’s eyes left his, dropping down to her kid once more and Killian followed her gaze. Henry was looking towards the closed door of the apartment building, no Neal in sight.
“He said we were going bowling,” a disappointed Henry sighed.
“I know, kid,” Emma crouched down to his level, pushing the hair away from his eyes before taking his hands in hers. “But Daddy had to be somewhere. He’s really sorry. Maybe in a few weeks-”
“Let’s do it,” Killian spoke up, cutting her off.
Emma looked up at him, frowning, “I’m sorry?”
“Let’s do it,” Killian repeated. “Let’s go bowling.”
Henry gasped, his eyes immediately lighting up as he started excitedly bouncing around again. “Really?”
“If your mum doesn’t mind…” Killian hesitantly trailed off, realizing he probably should have spoken to Emma about it first.
He looked at her. The sharp look he received back from Emma told him he most definitely should have spoken to her first.
Bloody hell.
Had he put his foot in it the very first chance he had gotten? Had he screwed things up before they had even begun?
Emma stood up. She encouraged Henry to take a look at his book whilst she discussed some plans, and then pulled Killian away from the bench and towards the door. Her touch was light and her skin smooth against his arm. He was hit by a pang of disappointment when her touch left him, desperate for more. She folded her arms, guarding herself.
“Look, Killian, I appreciate-”
“I’m sorry,” he apologized, cutting her off before realizing he was developing a bad habit of doing so. “I should have spoken to you before saying anything to the lad. He just looked so disappointed.”
“I appreciate the sentiment, Killian, but all you did is delay the disappointment, probably even increased it. I can’t take him bowling,” Emma told him with an exasperated sigh. “I’m living pay check-to-pay check as it is and we’re only just scraping by. I can’t afford to take him bowling.”
“It’s on me,” Killian told her.
Emma gaped at him, “Why would you do such a thing?”
The question had multiple answers, as far as Killian was concerned. He could spend all day answering that one. After all, why wouldn’t he do such a thing? He decided to keep his response as concise as possible in an effort not to appear all gushy.
“Because your son is quite the charmer, in his own little way,” he told her. “And it’s about time I asked you out on a date and I can’t wait a week and I don’t expect you to find a babysitter on such short notice. So, Emma Swan, would you and your little prince care to join me on a bowling and pizza adventure?”
“You know my surname?” she didn’t miss a trick.
“I may have peeked at your mail,” he confessed.
“That’s crafty, Killian Jones,” she smirked at him.
He raised an eyebrow at her own crafty confession, “Is that a yes?”
“Hey, kid!” Emma avoided answering, calling over to Henry instead, whose little head shot out of his book like lightning. “Wanna go bowling?”
“Yes!” Henry exclaimed.
The four-year-old tossed his book aside on the bench and jumped to his feet, racing across to Emma and Killian before once again returning to his excited bouncing.
“Killian’s treating us to bowling,” Emma told the boy. “What do you need to say?”
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Henry exclaimed.
Without warning, the boy charged at him, running straight into his legs, and wrapping his arms around them. The action knocked Killian off balance and he would have fallen were it not for Emma grabbing a hold of his hand and steadying him, saving him from that embarrassment. With his balance restored, Killian gratefully ran his thumb along hers as he let go.
“That’s quite alright, Henry,” Killian replied as he gently patted the boy on the shoulder.
“Come on then, kid, go fetch your book and we’ll set off,” Emma prompted.
Henry released Killian from his tight grasp and ran off back to the bench, doing as he was told. Killian’s eyes met Emma’s once more as she smiled at him, a gesture he automatically returned.
“You just made his day,” Emma told him.
“You just made my year,” Killian returned.
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CS Fic Recs: Soulmates
Happy Sunday! Here's a small list of CS fics that fall under the soulmate trope. I hope you enjoy!
Countdown by A_Pirates_Love_For_Me
What if you could have a countdown until you met your soulmate? Emma Swan thinks it's all b.s. and that she doesn't need some guy in a lab coat to tell her who to love but then she meet a dashing Brit in a pub. He has a messed up timer, one with no match. Killian Jones was a man with no countdown until he'd leave her. But can she open herself up to love?
All the Subliminal Things by WelpThisIsHappening
Emma Swan does not believe in soulmates. Or so she says. Because if her soulmate did, actually, exist, he should have shown up by now. So, she must be a fluke, a broken cog in a system that really doesn't make much sense anyway. It is, she figures, why she agrees to meet David's friend before Regina and Robin's wedding. This guy doesn't believe in soulmates either. She's intrigued. Until she hears him talk. And everything flips after that.
Red is the Rose by Treluna
They say you only see in black and white until you meet your soulmate. Emma didn’t believe in soulmates. Her life was her own. She was the only one who would decide her fate. But life had other ideas.
Amaranthine by @caprelloidea
In which soulmates are rare, and those that have them stop aging at adulthood. Rarer still – and dangerously conspicuous – are those that have special abilities. Immortality and powers alike fade when soulmates come in close proximity with their other half. In which Emma’s touch heals, and Killian’s kills.
foxtrot uniform charlie kilo by @swanisms
In order to get into the soulmates exclusive apartments outside of uni and escape their shitty roommates, Killian and Emma pretend to be soulmates.
give me a shot at the night by birdbox (Bella_Barbaric)
Emma stares at her wrist in her lap, her breathing getting shallow; she even tries, stupidly, to scrub the letters off but like David's and Mary Margaret's they're stuck fast. Forever. She has a soulmate. Somewhere in London, her soulmate is walking around—and probably just found her own initials tattooed onto their wrist. She might be within days of meeting them.
Stardust in Your Skin by midwestwind
Emma Swan may believe in magic and curses and fairy tales but she absolutely does not believe in soulmates.
like the sun by @prorneth-eus
“What gave me away this time?” he asked. “Well, you’re always English and your eyes never change. It gets easier every century,” she explained. cursed soulmates au oneshot
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iamstartraveller776 · 4 months
New game: Share your three best fanworks. No thinking, just the three that instinctively occur to you. Then copy-paste this ask to anonymously share with as many people as you want.
Thank you so much!! The ones that immediately came to mind:
Sarah Williams’s life is turned upside down when her widowed father remarries. At the same time, a new lord has taken over the Labyrinth who may be the most insufferable man Sarah has ever known. But as she is thrown in, quite against her will, with him and his kind, she discovers mysteries that call to question everything she thought she knew. Regency AU, currently on hiatus (but I still feel it's one of my best), 46k words. [Labyrinth, Adult Sarah Williams/Jareth]
The first touch was her fist to his jaw, and she thought the last was when he pushed her out of the way of a Dark Elf bomb—until he showed up years later with a proposition she had trouble turning down. Post-Endgame Canon Divergence, Oneshot, 4k words. [MCU, Loki/Jane Foster]
Killian had taken one look at Emma Swan and knew she was every kind of trouble a man ought to steer clear of if he wanted to keep his sanity. Beautiful, vulnerable—probably with a heart-rending backstory—but hiding it admirably behind a tough exterior. She was an open book to him, and he’d read one just like it before. The last thing he needed was to have her as a flatmate. Unfortunately, he was outvoted. Modern/Non-Magical AU, currently with very slow updates (still think it's one of my best), 9k words. [OUAT, Emma Swan/Killian Jones]
This was so hard, though! I have over a hundred fics posted! 😅 I might have had three different ones if I answered this yesterday.
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"Open to Interpretation" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 16/16: Epilogue- Reinterpretation Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: General Chapter Word Count: (986/24K) Summary: Emma Swan is appalled at works by modern artist Killian Jones- until a handsome stranger convinces her otherwise- and after introducing himself as the artist in question, he invites her out on a date. As their relationship develops, they find that they might not be as different from each other as originally though. Chapter Summary: Killian's painting at the Nolan Blanchard Art Museum is unveiled. Tags: au, fluff, captain swan, modern au Author's notes: This has been such an exciting journey. When I think that this was originally just a silly little oneshot from a silly little prompts list... I'm not gonna get all emotional, but I want to thank everyone whose enthusiasm and excitement over this fic has gotten me through to the end of it. I hope you've all enjoyed it as much as I have! Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie @pirateprincessofpizza @lfh1226-linda @pawshapedheart  [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 Killian's residency at the Nolan Blanchard ended a year later, with the unveiling of the painting the museum had commissioned him for. His brother came up to see the unveiling, along with Uncle Nemo and Paige, the latter of whom was more than "just" a friend of Liam's by this point. August and the new Mrs. Booth came by to support him as well, along with the Nolans- and their new infant son.
 But Killian, admittedly, didn't care one iota about whether or not those people were here for the celebration- and if he did, he didn't care nearly as much as he did that Emma was there- today was a day to celebrate her too.
 On his way to his wing, Killian saw his girlfriend, staring at a new painting that had recently been put on display in the museum.
 "I can't believe this Emma Swan has a painting in this museum now," Killian teased, as he came up behind her.
 "Why not?" Emma asked, with a playful smile as they stood in front of her newly recommissioned painting of "Small."
 "Because it's just one painting. She deserves a whole gallery of her paintings, so everyone can see her talent," Killian smiled as he put his arm around her, "though none of the masterpieces could ever live up to their artist."
 "Or her boyfriend, for that matter," Emma nudged him.
 "You've got that right, love," he kissed her forehead.
 They walked into his wing together, where his new painting hung behind a large sheet. There were cameras and a few other people around as well as Killian's guests, all waiting for Killian to unveil his masterpiece.
 "Go get 'em, tiger," Emma said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
 As Mr. Nolan announced him to the group, Killian didn't feel as nervous as usual- though maybe that was just because he was comparing how terrifying this would be with what he was planning on doing afterwards.
 "I want to thank you all for coming out here today," Killian said, "and while I don't want to keep you all waiting too long when there's refreshments in a moment, I'd like to give a few brief words. When I partnered with the Nolan Blanchard a year ago, I was a mess. My life was empty, sad, and lonely. During my time here, I got to know some pretty cool people- Mr. and Mrs. Nolan, who've become like family to me, and my beautiful girlfriend Emma. This piece, hopefully, reflects that."
 He pulled off the tarp off the canvas to reveal a painting he was rather proud of. It featured two hearts- anatomical hearts- one bright red, though cracked and bruised in a couple places, but with a glow coming from behind it. The heart next to it was in perfect condition, but was gray and dusty, and had metal bars like a jail cell across it.
 "Sometimes we go through so much hurt that we don't think we can keep going," he pointed at the farther, grayed heart, "we think we'll do better if we avoid breaking our hearts, so we avoid even using them, and instead we let them wither away in their pristine condition."
 He then pointed at the closer heart, the cracked and glowing one.
 "But if we use our hearts- if we let ourselves risk getting them hurt- they'll flourish, and thrive, and keep beating. We have to let people in- we have to love. Too often we think 'my heart's too broken to love again-' but that's how you know you can love again. If it can be broken, it means it still works- and the more we use our broken heart, the sooner we can heal it."
 Killian nodded and stepped away from the painting as those watching started clapping. He crossed paths with Mr. Nolan, whom he assumed would give him a handshake but instead gave him a hug.
 Mr. Nolan then dismissed everyone for refreshments, August and Belle especially making sure everyone cleared out of the room quickly- and August giving Killian a thumbs up, as he was the last one out besides Killian and Emma.
 "We probably better get down there if we want there to be refreshments left for us," Emma said.
 "Wait," Killian said, taking her hand, "I have something to ask you about first."
 "What is it?" Emma asked.
 "When we first started out, our relationship was open to our interpretation," Killian said, his throat drying up as he fished around in his pocket, "and then you agreed to be my girlfriend, and now," he half chuckled, "I want to reinterpret us. I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore," and he pulled a little box out of his pocket, and he got down on one knee, and he opened the box to reveal a ring, "I want you to be my wife instead," he gulped, "Emma Swan, will you marry me?"
 Killian wished he could capture her face in that moment on canvas. Sure, he always wished for that, but never more than when he looked up at her on his knees in his gallery, like a ship looking up to its lighthouse, drawn in by the smile beaming on her face.
 "Yes," Emma said, "yes, I'd love to!"
 Killian smiled as well, all of his fear melting away at her excitement. Energy coursing his veins, he slipped the ring onto her finger, and she helped him up, off of the ground and into her arms.
 Emma smiled down at the ring on her finger, then back up at Killian.
 "Permission to kiss the masterpiece?" Emma asked.
 Killian bit his lip, never having been more in love with her than he was in that moment- but knowing that love would continue to grow with every moment he spent at her side.
 "Aye, love," he said, as they drew their lips together, "permission granted."
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What is this - CS movie AU: Emma fucked up?
I actually love this one but I'm not sure if it'll get written but the whole idea is based on Killian "the course of my entire life would have changed because you kissed me one time" Jones telling Emma he'd have gone after her in the CS movie. (Which let's admit is canon considering that's exactly what happened after the Neverland kiss)
But Emma would come back from the past through the portal to find that Killian wasn't there and nobody had any memory of him (and a few things were different because he'd never been there). So she goes back in time again to try and stop herself seeing him in the bar but because portal magic is screwy and she's trying to find him by thinking of him, she ends up portaling to him at different times in his life (mostly his angsty moments) and accidentally just ingraining herself even more in his past 🤷‍♀️
It's one of those fics I promise myself would be a oneshot but I don't trust myself enough to start it because if you knew how many of my fics were supposed to be oneshots....
Thanks for the ask!! 😊
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alovesongshewrote · 2 years
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Tales of Arcadia Masterlist
Resident Evil Village Masterlist
Stranger Things
(Fuck Netflix btw)
Eddie Munson
Woof | Eddie Munson x Reader
We’ll Fix It | Eddie Munson x Reader
Is There a Doctor on this Plane?  (Yes, yes there is.) - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
You Choke on His Blood - Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn
Nina - 1986, 1992,
3 a.m. Crisis | Eddie Munson x Reader
Baby Boy (Derogatory) | Eddie Munson x Reader
Violin Strings | Eddie Munson x Reader
Multiple Characters
Mamma Mia! (Steve x Eddie x Reader)
D.A.R.E | Reader x Causing Problems (Eddie, Steve, Robin, also includes hints of Ronance and Steddie)
The Spicy Six Go Ghost Hunting (Steddie, Ronance, Jargyle)
Genshin Impact
Multiple Characters
Fight Club | Genshin Characters (Zhongli, Beidou, Kaeya, Diluc, Itto, Thoma, Childe) x Reader
Light Hit Taken | Genshin Characters (Zhongli, Beidou, Kaeya, Diluc, Itto, Thoma, Childe, Albedo) x Reader
The Arcana
Julian Devorak
Plague Masks and Tomfoolery | Julian Devorak x Reader 
The Lost Boys (1987)
Multiple characters
Too Weird to Die | The Boys x Reader
Baby Girl | The Boys x Reader
Slightly Stabbed | The Boys x Reader 
Kitten | The Boys x Reader
Twist and Bend | The Boys x Reader - Requested
It's totally Normal to Move into a Cave with the Homies and Care for the Homies and Gently Kiss the Homies and | General Lost Boys Hcs [Not x Reader] - Requested
Once Upon A Time
Killian Jones
Drink Me | Killian Jones x Reader 
Stabby-Stabby | Killian Jones x Reader 
Detroit: Become Human
britney spears | Connor (DBH) x Reader - Mama, I’m in Love with a Criminal, Oops, I Did It Again  
Peter Parker
Help Me Peter Parker, You’re my Only Hope | Peter Parker x Reader  
Run Babe, Run | Peter Parker x Reader  
Lyin’ in a Bush and Letting the Earth Reclaim You | Peter Parker x Reader 
Pride or Something | Loki x Reader  
The Fall | Loki x Reader  
2020 Masterlist 🎃
2021 Masterlist 🎃
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Descendants and ouat masterlist part 2;
Sometimes this list will feature my friends, @dragoneyes618 @descendants-extended and @cleverqueenchild . So go check them out.
Descendants fanfiction;
Cj in wonderland;
Summary; Cj Hook and Ally Wonderland have tea and terrify everyone around them.
It's a twin thing.
Summary; The Smee/Gaston twins acting like the stereotype of identical twins, i.e. finishing each other's sentences, moving at the same time in the same manner, knowing where the other one is, etc.
Dr Jiminy part 3;
Summary; if Jiminy Cricket had his own show that was a mixture of Murray, Jerry Springer, and Doctor Phil.
Dr Jiminy part 4;
Summary; if Jiminy Cricket had his own show that was a mixture of Murray, Jerry Springer, and Doctor Phil.
Dr Jiminy Part 5;
Summary; if Jiminy Cricket had his own show that was a mixture of Murray, Jerry Springer, and Doctor Phil.
Baby Thomas Tremaine;
Summary; Dizzy, Cj, and Harry meet Captain Tremaine's baby son, Thomas.
What if the Villians were good parents part 1;
Summary; If Frollo was a good parent.
There is no gold in Virginia;
Summary; "Guess what, Dad," Rick Ratcliffe said. "There is no gold in Virginia!".
Rick's and Clay's Big fight;
Summary; when roughhousing goes wrong.
First Day At Auardon Elementary;
Summary; Rick Ratcliffe being a good role model. In a total isle way.
Why Clay Clayton is afraid of water;
Summary; a Clay Clayton centric fic that takes place at Mal's Hellraiser party at HellHall.
A light for nobody;
Summary; Chad Charming Angst with a hint of a happy ending.
Vks in Therapy part 1:
Summary; Rick Ratcliffe goes to Therapy.
Too little, too late;
Summary; "I've paid my dues, time after time, I've served my sentence and committed no crimes-“For Anthony Tremaine.
Parenting Problems in Agrabah;
Summary; Jasmine and Aladdin are overprotective of their youngest adoptive daughter, Salima. Which is worsened by the fact Jasmine is pregnant with Aziz at the moment. And Salima sneaks out and gets hurt.
Lights off;
Summary; lyric fic about the aftermath of d3 staring Audrey.
Soul Mark (Sea 3 +Chaudrey Additon);
Summary; Chad, Audrey, and the sea three are soulmates. Platonic or romantic.
Soldier Poet King;
Summary; Chad, Doug, and Ben from childhood to adult hood.
Welcome to the family:
Summary; a short story featuring Pin and Tulip Lampwick pranking someone.
Saving Christmas;
Summary; Ben saves Christmas for Audrey and Chad after finding out they aren't having the best time.
Bestie WHY?!;
Summary; Eleanor (Daughter of Alexander and Princess Eilonwy) , Pin ( Son of Pinocchio and Alice), and Tulip (Daughter of Tiger Lily and Romeo Lampwick) attempt to get up to some mischief. Key word being try.
Auradon Gossip;
Summary; Pin shares some Auradon gossip with his cousin, Tulip.
Vat7k aesthetics;
Isle kid Moodboards revamped part 1;
Isle kid Moodboards revamped part 2;
Isle kid Moodboards revamped part 3;
Isle kid Moodboards revamped part 4;
The Next Generation of the Atlantica Royal family (Moodboards) part 1;
The Next Generation of the Atlantica Royal family (Moodboards) part 2;
Ouat/descendants edits;
Captain Swan edits;
Summary; Emma x Killian edits featuring their family.
The Lost Children edits part 1;
Summary; edits of my fanfiction where the descendants kids were born to their ouat parents only to be taken to Neverland by Peter Pan.
The Lost Children edits part 2;
Summary; edits of my fanfiction where the descendants kids were born to their ouat parents only to be taken to Neverland by Peter Pan.
The Lost Children edits part 3;
Summary; edits of my fanfiction where the descendants kids were born to their ouat parents only to be taken to Neverland by Peter Pan.
Descendants in the Heroes and Villians parts 1-3;
Summary; edits of the descendants in the Heroes and Villians verse.
Descendants in the Heroes and Villians part 4;
Summary; edits of the descendants in the Heroes and Villians verse.
Descendants and ouat edits/scenes part 15;
Summary; ouat and descendants crossover edits if the descendants kids for my crossover fanfictions.
Descendants and ouat edits/scenes part 16;
Summary; what the title says.
Descendants and ouat edits/scenes part 17;
Summary; what the title says.
Descendants and ouat edits/scenes part 18;
Summary; what the title says.
Descendants and ouat edits/scenes part 19;
Summary; what the title says.
Cursed in Storybrooke moodboards Part 1;
Summary; moodboards for my ouat/descendants fanfiction of mine.
Cursed in Storybrooke moodboards Part 2;
Summary; moodboards for my ouat/descendants fanfiction of mine.
Once Upon a New York Au Moodboards;
Summary; moodboards for my ouat/descendants fanfiction of mine.
My problems with the descendants Heroes;
Summary; what the title said.
Quick question;
Summary; rant and confusion about why no one ever apologizes to Chad.
My descendants fancast redone part 1;
My descendants fancast redone part 2;
My descendants fancast redone part 3;
My descendants fancast redone part 4;
My descendants fancast redone part 5;
Descendants Headcanons:
Summary; P.A.T.I stands for 'People Against The Isle', which is a group of people who were against the isle of the lost's creation. Here is the list of these people.
Blending descendants friend groups headcanons;
Summary: Headcanons about the main aks and vks.
Chaudrey Friendship headcanons;
Summary; Plantonic Chaudrey headcanons.
Tremaine-Westergaard-Stabbington family headcanons updated;
Summary; My headcanons about the Stabbington, Westergaard, and Tremaine family in descendants.
Tartie headcanons;
Summary; friend sent me this request-- can you come with a fanfic or some hc for my decendants oc Tulip Lampwick and Prince Artie? i ship them-- and I complied.
Lil Chaca headcanons;
Summary; Lil Shang x Chaca headcanons.
Hunelim headcanons;
Summary: Hunter de Vil x Jim Jr x Elisa/Eliza Fae headcanons.
Rap/Rolly headcanons;
Summary: Ruby x Hap headcanons.
Lonnie Headcanons;
Summary; Li Lonnie headcanons.
Melody of Atlantica headcanons revamped:
summary; how Melody fits into the descendants universe.
Chloe Charming headcanons revised;
Summary; Chloe Charming headcanons pre- the actors announcement.
Derek Dwarfson Headcanons;
Summary; headcanons about Derek, Doug's brother.
Rick Ratcliffe Headcanons Revised;
Summary; Rick Ratcliffe headcanons.
Ginny Gothel Headcanons revised;
Summary; Ginny Gothel headcanons.
LeFou Deux Headcanons;
Summary; Lefou Deux headcanons.
Harriet Hook headcanons revised;
Summary; Harriet Hook headcanons.
Anthony Tremaine's headcanons revised;
Summary; Anthony Tremaine headcanons.
Li Shang Jr Headcanons;
Summary; Li Shang Jr headcanons.
Eddie Balthazar Headcanons;
Summary; Eddie Balthazar Headcanons.
Hermie Bing Headcanons;
Summary; Hermie Bing Headcanons.
Soaring Angel Headcanons;
Summary; Claudine Frollo and Lefou Deux.
Audrey Rose Headcanons;
Summary; Headcanons about Audrey Rose.
Chad Charming Headcanons;
Summary; my disney descendants Prince Chad Charming headcanons. This is not Cinderella and Prince Charming friendly, so don't like, don't read.
Hadie Headcanons revised;
Summary: Hadie headcanons revised.
Tiger Peony headcanons revised;
Summary; Tiger Peony headcanons.
Cj Hook headcanons:
Summary: Cj Hook headcanons.
Ak Headcanons;
Summary; How I view the lesser known aks.
Descendants birthdays headcanons;
Summary; what the title says.
Auradon's round table;
Summary; what Ben's round table would look like.
Random Descendants headcanons;
Summary: what the title says.
Language headcanons about the vks;
Summary: what the title says.
Mad Maddy headcanons revised;
Summary: what the title says.
Shan Desiree headcanons;
Summary; Shan Desiree headcanons.
Yi-min headcanons;
Summary; Yi-min headcanons.
Jade of Agrabah headcanons;
Summary; what the title says.
Jane Darling headcanons revamped;
Summary; Jane Darling headcanons.
Rachel Ratcliffe info;
Summary; info about my oc.
Known Descendants Stuff;
Summary; what the title says.
Descendants Timeline;
Summary; what the title says.
Locations on the isle of the lost;
Summary; what the title says.
Locations in Auradon;
Summary; what the title says.
Characters in descendants oc-ified:
Summary: Background characters turned into ocs.
Naming background vks redone;
Summary; background characters named.
Unpopular Descendants Opinions;
Summary; my unpopular descendants opinions.
Ariel's fam;
Summary; the next gen of Atiel's family.
Members of Uma's crew;
Summary; Members of Uma's crew.
Harriet Hook crew info;
Summary; Members of Harriet Hook's crew.
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scvrllet · 3 years
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A Captain Killian Jones (ouat) & Reader Oneshot
The past can come to back to haunt you in interesting ways to say the least but in Killian’s case, a rather unpleasant and painful way.
contains: they/them pronouns, father-child relationship type beat, being referred to as a Lost Boy (I wrote it in a gender neutral sense but feel free to switch to any term you feel comfortable with), death mention, possible derealization warning (1,052 words)
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“Careful,” Hook said as he put an arm out to prevent Emma from walking forward. “He may look like a boy, but he’s a bloody demon.”
The captain was right to be wary considering he was standing on Neverland soil. And while it is wise to avoid Pan if you weren’t going to join him, it would also be smart to avoid having a history with any of the people who follow him.
“I think you’ve got the wrong boy captain.” A voice said as they emerged from the bushes.
Placing his hand on the handle of his sword, Killian's gaze hardened as the Lost Boy approached them with an almost taunting smile. "What? Wasn't expecting to see me captain?"
"No this- you can't be alive." He replied as his grip loosened on his sword. A feeling of guilt filled his chest as he took a few steps backwards.
"And why is that?" They replied, their smile growing wider as they started walking towards him. "Why would I not be alive captain? Is it because you shoved a sword through my heart?"
Killian had now fallen to the ground, eyes never leaving theirs as they looked down on him. The Lost Boy scoffed at the sight of the pirate cowering before crouching down to be at eye level with him. "I just wanted to protect my home and family but you wouldn't let that happen!" Their voice started to shake as they spoke, each word becoming louder until the point where it sounded like they were screaming. "I just wanted to be happy but you had to ruin it! First with Ruffio, than Theo, than Mason and then me."
Tears fell down their cheeks and Killian didn't even notice they had grabbed onto the collar of his shirt until they tugged at it, harshly. "Why couldn't you just leave us? We were finally happy but you had to separate us from the only family we had!"
Killian was already accepting whatever fate the Lost Boy had in store for him when their screaming had been suddenly cut short. Opening one eye to see exactly what had happened, Hook was met with the shocked expression of Emma Swan with a sword in hand aimed at the Lost Boy who turned into a shadow. It was a trick.
He watched in mixed horror and relief as (E/C) eyes glowed to become white and all colour drained to a black abyss. All before staring at him one more time as they flew up to the sky and out of sight, leaving Killian and Emma breathing heavy.
"What the hell was that?" Emma was the first to break the silence between them and despite him wanting to forget what had just happened, he knew there was no use in hiding.
"Pan's Shadow, likes to play tricks and mess with people." He answered knowing it didn't answer her question.
"Okay maybe I was too vague, who was that the Shadow was pretending to be? What'd you do?"
Hook sighed, fixing his shirt and hair before dropping his gaze to his feet. "That was (Y/N) the Shadow was acting like. I took them in a long time ago. Parents had kicked them out, or abandoned them rather, and I decided to take them in."
The ghost of a smile graced his lips as he seemed to reminisce on those memories but it quickly faded as he continued the rest of his story. "I saw them as my own kid, treated them like my own too. One day we got into a fight and I told them they can either shut it or leave. Stubborn kid took the emergency boat and left.
I didn't know where they ended up for months. I changed courses to find them, spent weeks in the middle of nowhere in hopes of finding them, or even a sign but there was none. Eventually, time came where I had to give up and get back on course and I soon had other things to worry about. Fast forward a couple more months, little Baelfire, or Neal, landed on my ship and it was great.``
He paused. A single tear slid down his face as he took a deep breath.
"Until I lost him too. Lost Boys came onto the ship, grabbed the boy and left. Pan had been terrorizing me and my crew for weeks before but even after I gave him Bae he never stopped. I decided to stop it once and for all, come onto the island and find a way to their little camp but just as the fight broke out, I saw them."
"Neal?" Emma asked.
Hook shook his head. "(Y/N). They had ended up on Neverland somehow, and I was already too deep to leave and..."
"You killed them." Emma finished his sentence, waiting for him to deny or accept the answer before dropping her sword and walking away as he nodded his head.
The silence that filled the air around him afterwards was deafening, leaving him alone with his thoughts and doubts.
"Funny isn't it?" A new voice, this one belonging to a bloody demon as he previously mentioned. And this time, Killian knew it wasn't a trick, because the Shadow wouldn't need to pretend to be it's owner. Especially when they found great pleasure in taunting the pirate by themselves.
"What do you want, Pan?"
"Isn't it funny how despite the years we spend telling ourselves we're over it, that a single encounter can bring back a million doubts? Even if it was all a trick." Pan said, ignoring Hook's question to continue his taunting. "Crazy how guilt rushes back to us once-"
"I would choose your next words wisely boy."
A smirk grew on Pan's lips as he paused. "Or else what? A pirate who's still grieving after a hundred years is going to do something about?"
Killian found himself unable to speak. He tried, desperately, to get the boy's taunting to end, but nothing came out. The demon seemed to enjoy his struggling and even mockingly encouraged him until the pirate finally got a word.
Laughter cut off his sentence, maniacal laughter, as the pirate looked up to see what he thought was the boy faded to the similar silhouette of the Shadow.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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Nothing But A Pirate
Killian Jones x Reader
Summary: When the reader thought they had found true love they didn’t think that true love would leave her with a broken heart
Requested by @thenocturnalsyren // Hi. I don’t know if you’re taking requests right now but can I get a Hook x reader where the reader is Regina’s younger sister who she’s very protective of. Regina’s not entirely thrilled that her sister is getting close to Hook, a pirate, and threatens to tear his life apart if he doesn’t break it off before the relationship progresses to just more than friends. Reader is heart broken until one night when Hook drunkenly confesses what happened and his feelings for her.
Join The TagList Here 💜 // Killian Jones Masterlist
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“Thanks for a good night Killian” you grinned as he walked you to your front door.
“You needed it” he smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear making you feel like a teenager again.
“I hope you realise you aren’t getting this shirt back any time soon right?” You giggled resting your hands on his chest.
“I know, I mean it looks better on you than it ever did on me” he winked
“I best get going before Regina realises I’m still out” you laughed.
“Love she’s not your mum and you are 26” he smirked.
“I know but you know how overprotective she is of me” you shrugged “but I will see you tomorrow yeah?”
“Yeah you will love” he nodded “now go get some sleep you have work in the morning”
“Oh if I’m tired I’m fully blaming you” you giggled.
“Guilty” he winked.
“Night Killian” you smiled standing on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
“Goodnight Y/N” he smiled hugging you.
Quietly you unlocked the door, waving at Killian before you closed the door as quietly as you could hoping Regina wasn’t still up. You didn’t know what you and Killian were, but you couldn’t deny you were falling for him. Leaning against the front door you couldn’t help but smile at how amazing the night had been, yes you might have been slightly buzzed from the rum but you needed a night like this.
“What time do you call this Y/N/N” Regina said appearing from the kitchen.
“Shit I didn’t realise you were still up” you sighed.
“Where have you been?” She asked raising her eyebrow at you, she didn’t need to ask she knew where you had been but she wanted you to say it.
“Just out” you smiled.
“You were with him again wasn’t you?” She asked.
“Yes I with with Killian” you nodded.
“I’ve told you he is trouble, he is nothing but a pirate” she sighed.
“And I’ve told you before Ree, we are just friends” you sighed as you realised that’s all you would ever be.
“Somehow I don’t quite believe that” she frowned.
“Can I go to bed now?” You asked, folding your arms across your chest.
“Yes” she sighed, moving from the bottom of the stairs to let you up.
Regina had always hated how close you and Killian were but you never let it bother you, he made you feel like no one else had ever done and you were just friends. So her being over protective couldn’t wipe the smile on your face as you made your way into your room.
You couldn’t help it as you got changed for bed, you were going to sleep in his shirt, the smell of leather and spice was intoxicating and you knew you were going to get the best nights sleep wearing his shirt.
Morning soon rolled around, you were disturbed from your sleep from the sound of your alarm blaring in your room making you groan. You were tired from only getting 4 hours sleep but it was so worth it. Rolling out of bed you wiggled your toes in your fluffy rug as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.
You knew you didn’t need to start getting ready straight away so you pulled on a pair of shorts, grabbing your phone you headed downstairs for some much needed coffee.
“Morning Aunt Y/N” Henry grinned from the breakfast bar.
“Morning kiddo” you smiled ruffling his hair making him groan.
“So mums not happy with you” Henry said resting his head on his fists.
“When is she ever happy with me” you laughed as you poured yourself a coffee.
“You went out with Hook again didn’t you” he grinned.
“Yeah I did” you smiled leaning against the counter next to him. “But I don’t know why you are so happy about that kiddo”
“Well you see, you and Hook are meant to be together” he smirked.
“Let me guess it’s in your book!” You asked raising your brow at your nephew. “Look kid, me and Killian are just friends and that’s all it will ever be”
“Trust me” Henry winked.
“Don’t you need to be getting ready for school?” You asked nudging him.
“Nope it’s Saturday” he smirked making you laugh
Checking your phone you saw a text off Ruby asking if you could come on a bit earlier and open up as Granny wasn’t feeling too well.
“Gotta go kid, gotta get ready for work” you nodded kissing Henry’s head.
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“You wanted to see me Regina” Killian asked walking into her office.
“Yes take a seat” she nodded. “I wanted to speak to you about Y/N”
He couldn’t help it, a smile formed on his face as your name was mentioned.
“I don’t want you seeing her anymore” she said coldly.
“Excuse me” Killian said in shock “we are just friends”
“See I don’t quite believe that, I’ve seen how you both flirt with each other and nearly every night I know Y/N sneaks out to see you.” She said with no emotion “you are a bad influence on her Killian”
“Like I said we are just friends” he said standing his ground.
“And if you don’t back off and break whatever it is you have going on with my sister before it progresses to more than just friends then I will tear your life apart” she hissed “do you understand?”
He just stared at Regina taking in the words she just spoke. There was nothing he could do, he knew if he didn’t follow her orders she would make your life hell as well.
“You know this will crush her?” He sighed running his hand over his face.
“She will get over it” Regina shrugged.
“You know if you make me do this I’ll have nothing to look forward to. My life will be empty” Killian said quietly.
“I’m sure you will find something to fill your time but it sure as hell won’t be from my sister” she glared “now pass me your phone if you know what’s good for you”
Reluctantly he handed his phone over to her and watched as she typed a message out before handing it back to him.
“Remember Killian I can make your life hell so don’t try anything” she smirked.
Instantly his heart felt heavy as he left the office but there was nothing he could do when Regina had backed him into a corner. As he was walking through the building he checked what she had sent.
New message to: My Trouble Maker 🔥
We can’t see each other any more, I was never your friend. I just felt sorry for you. Do not contact me, I’m done.
And in that moment he felt his heart shatter into a thousand pieces.
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“Ruby I’m taking my break” you shouted as you were walking out the door.
Your break always consisted of taking your coffee and going for a stroll through Storybrooke. You were in a good mood until you got a text off Killian. A text that made you freeze and tears fall instantly. He was just using you. Everything he had ever said was a lie. It was like the weather matched your mood as the bitter wind picked up making you pull your leather jacket tighter around your body. Cutting your wall short you stormed back into the diner and into the bathroom.
Leaning against the sink you tried to calm you breathing down but it was no use, you couldn’t control the sobs as you punched the mirror, watching it shatter like your heart. You knew nothing would ever happen with him but the fact he was just cutting you out of your life stung more than your now bleeding knuckles.
You didn’t even hear the door to the bathroom open until you felt the gentle touch of Mary-Margret as she placed her hand on your shoulder.
“Oh Y/N what happened?” She asked softly.
“Killian fucking Jones happened” you sobbed as she pulled you into her arms.
“Come on let’s get you out of here, we will get your knuckles cleaned up and we can talk” she whispered.
“Okay but what about work?” You whimpered.
“I will speak to Ruby” she said, guiding you out of the bathroom.
As you were waiting by the door, you felt every looking at you. You knew you looked a mess but didn’t care. That was until a certain pirate walked into the diner.
Before he could even reach you Mary-Margret stepped in.
“Don’t even think about it, I don’t know what you have done but you have broken Y/N so just go somewhere else” she hissed as she placed her hand on the small of your back guiding you out of the diner.
You were now sitting on Mary-Margret’s sofa with a cup of hot chocolate and a blanket wrapped around you. You had finally managed to stop crying.
“So what’s got you so upset over Killian?” She asked “I thought things were going well with the two of you”
“I thought the same” you sighed “we had an amazing night last night sitting on his ship, drinking rum and him teaching me about the constellations but then today I get this text from him”
Passing her your phone she read the text and sighed.
“Oh Y/N” she whispered.
“I know we were just friends but I thought we could be more you know” you sniffled “he made me feel like no one else has ever done, and then there’s the flirting but I guess it was all lies and I don’t know what to do”
“Why don’t you help me with the fundraiser tonight, it might help take your mind off things even if it is just a couple of hours” she whispered squeezing your knee.
“Thank you” you whimpered. “To make matters worse Henry thinks Killian and I are destined to be together. I don’t know why he thinks that but I know he is going to try and convince me things are going to work out but I really don’t think they will”
“Maybe he is right Y/N look at me and David we had a rocky start but look at us now” she smiled “just give yourself some time, your heart will mend eventually”
“It just hurts” you whispered as a few more tears rolled down your cheek “I thought I meant something to him”
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It had been a month and a half since your heart was shattered into a thousand pieces and you were still heartbroken, you weren't as lively as you once were. Nothing felt the same anymore. And right now you didn’t want to be drinking cocktails at Granny’s with Emma, Ruby, Mary-Margret and Belle but they forced you to come out. So you put your best fake smile on and pretended to be having a good night.
Hearing the bell ring as the door opened, you looked up wishing you hadn’t. You walked as Killian stumbled into Granny’s, it was obvious to anyone that he was drunk. And he was making a b line directly for you.
“No I don’t think so Mr” Ruby snapped as she stood up in front of you “she doesn’t care what you have to say especially not when you are drunk so just turn around and go away”
“Y/N please” Killian pleaded.
All it took was one look into his piercing blue eyes for you to cave.
“You have 5 minutes” you sighed, pushing yourself to your feet.
“Are you sure?” Ruby whispered, placing her hand on your arm.
“Yes Rubs I’m sure, if I’m going to get closure to move on I should hear him out” you nodded.
You followed Killian outside, and were relieved that no one was out here. Sitting at one of the tables you placed a cigarette between your lips not wanting to start the conversation.
All it took for Killian to start sobering up was you agreeing to give him 5 minutes of your time and seeing you so broken helped sober him up a bit.
“Love” he whispered sitting next to you. “I’m sorry”
“Is that all you have to say” you scoffed rolling your eyes “because if it is I’m going to go back inside”
“You know I’m never good with words” he sighed “it wasn’t me that sent that text”
“Oh so someone took your phone and sent it then” you laughed.
“Something like that” he nodded “look I didn’t want to cut you out of my life but I had to”
“You didn’t have to do anything Killian” you sighed leaning back in the chair.
“Regina threatened me” he said.
“No you are lying, my own sister wouldn’t do that to me” you snapped.
“She didn’t like that you were spending so much time with me and warned me that if I didn’t break off whatever was going on with us before it progressed then she would tear my life apart” he said as tears burnt his eyes.
Looking up at him you sighed, you knew when people were lying and right now you couldn’t tell if he was lying or not.
The two of you sat in silence as you lit another cigarette.
“I thought I told you to stay away from her” Regina’s voice appeared from behind you. “Or have you forgotten what I said.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, he was telling the truth all along.
“Excuse me” you spat standing up, squaring up to your older sister. “It was you”
“Yes it was” she said “I was only doing it to protect you Y/N”
“No what you were doing was making my life hell” you hissed “I’m a big girl now Regina, it’s my life and I can do what I want”
“Can’t you see he is a bad influence on you Y/N, he is just a pirate and he will never change” she said.
“I don’t care if he is just a pirate Ree” you shouted “you had no right doing what you did, and yes to you he might just be a pirate but to me he is more than that, he makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. Don’t you want me to be happy?”
“You know that’s all I want” she nodded.
“Then back the fuck off and let me live my god damn life, and if I want to spend my time with Killian I will damn well do so” you screamed.
“Fine but don’t come crying to me when he breaks your heart” she said “I’m only doing this because I love you”
“You know I love you Ree but right now just go before we both do something we regret” you sighed taking a step back.
You watched as she left, taking a deep breath you ran your hands through your hair knowing full well Killian had just heard every you had just said.
“So” he smiled as you sat back down at the table.
“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you” you whispered, not looking at him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t let you know sooner what was going on” he said placing his hand under your chin lifting your face up so you were looking at him. “And I’m also sorry for not coming clean about how I felt, I didn’t know if you felt the same way and I thought I’d rather have you in my life as a friend than nothing else. Every night we spent on my ship, drinking and watching the stars were the best nights of my life”
You could help but smile as he wiped away the tears that fell, the feeling of him touching your skin was electrifying. And you couldn’t help but let your eyes flicker down to his lips before looking back into his eyes.
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