#kind of loud and can be a bit obnoxious but not in a rude way
tariah23 · 2 years
Been thinking about oc’s today
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olderthannetfic · 14 days
Random thought about Steven Universe, bc of how dirty it was done by not just Cartoon network but also fandom.
One of the things I hated about the fandom was how people were so set on the "race coding" that they couldn't even just take the characters as their own entities within their own realm and system. That doesn't mean you can't celebrate the characters, or draw paralells, but the fandom went way the fuck beyond that.
One incident I remember explicitly was when Pearls were first revealed as a servant "slave" class, and instead of viewing it as interesting or whatever world building... guess what people did.
They got angry and ranted about why the "white" gem would be a slave and how it was racist because Garnet the "black" gem was Black-coded, so obviously it was racist because reason... I guess. The fact that the color of a gem is superficial didn't matter.
The fact that Gems have no canonical race, or that, while they may have obvious features, that has no impact on their role in the lore was completely ignored. Or the fact that gems are made for specific work, and that "slave" was a bit of a reach.
Also the fact that, after years of saying that Garnet is black bc her VA is black. Suddenly it didn't matter that Pearl's VA is an Asian-American woman. Then again, Amethyst was also voiced by an Asian-American, but got coded Latina because... well, honestly it was basically just a bunch of stereotypes, especially negative ones: Loud. Glutton. "Obnoxious". Rude. Mean.
Another one was how people cried racism that one of the Diamond characters didn't turn out looking more "Indian" and just ended up as a "basic white" character. Once again, that character, Blue diamond, is a fucking humanoid gemstone, blue everything. Most of the gems didn't have any kind of explicitly cultural clothing. Esp when compared to the human characters, like the Indian main-side character, who apparently was also Hindu... whom people then promptly drew as Muslim in a hijab, which is a whole other can of offensive and really really bad decision worms. Guys if you have an Indian character in a show, especially a Hindu, drawing them as a Muslim is not a good move.
There are "What if white people were the real oppressed class?!" bad decision pieces of art, but this doesn't seem like one of them.
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icedragonlizard · 7 months
I very much like my headcanons of all the villain-turned-dream-friends still being very flawed people one way or another.
I'd say that they could all be considered morally grey to various degrees. Some may be nicer than others, but overall I wouldn't really call any of them saints. None of them are irredeemably evil, and Kirby is friends with every single one of them, but they're all still flawed. And Kirby is basically their 'parole officer' as he keeps them all in check.
This post got quite long as I wrote everything I wanted, so I'm gonna post a 'Keep reading tag' down below.
Feel free to click on it if you'd like to see my interpretations on the flaws of some Kirby characters! I'll be covering Marx, Dark Meta Knight, Daroach, Magolor, Taranza, Susie and the mage sisters here.
Marx may be on Kirby's good side now as he's not looking to attempt conquest on Popstar again, but he's still essentially an agent of chaos. He's loud, he's obnoxious, he's widely known to be a prankster, and he loves getting a rise out of people. He enjoys causing scenes purely for the sake of it. And his sense of humor isn't exactly good at having tact, as he'll make jokes out of things that most others wouldn't dare do. He can be considered the most insufferable one out of the bunch.
But there are good qualities to him, too. Some people legitimately think he's the funniest guy alive, so there's that. Marx loves attention in general, regardless if it's bad or good attention, and so he gets delighted if someone likes him and enjoys his antics. He loves it when people decide to join him on mischief. If you're his friend, he'll often give you stuff to laugh about and you're likely to find yourself having fun with him. If he likes you enough, he'll even stand up for you if someone else antagonizes you. His friends are literally his homies.
He's still quite the wild creature, though. It requires a lot of patience and a lax/chill attitude to be able to put up with Marx. It's not uncommon for him to find ways to instigate chaos in Star Allies gatherings. But he CAN be forced to behave, albeit not always easily. Kirby and Magolor are the ones that can most easily get him to listen.
Dark Meta Knight is still a standoffish jerk with a temperament. He's rude, brutal, and isn't at all afraid to say things that might run shivers down people's spines. He's prone to violence if he feels even the least bit agitated. He's also a rather detached person that does not care to make friends with most of the other star allies, and is quite a big hater for the ones that get on his nerves. He has a bad habit of being too blunt about wishing death or general ill-will for people he hates.
Not just that, but I headcanon that Dark Mind is technically still alive as a neutralized little fragment that desperately needs assistance. DMK hasn't given up trying to bring DM back to its former glory, and is still devoted enough to do what DM asks of him to do. It's not actually as frightening as it sounds, though. Trying to bring DM back to its former glory may be impossible due to how much it'd take, so that threat may not warrant much concern, but DMK still strives for it.
But DMK can be kept in check at times by a few others in the cast. I headcanon that DMK is friends with Daroach, Adeleine, Ribbon and Kirby, and he does care about what they think of him. But I hc those are the only friends he has in the cast, as he's the dream friend with the least amount of friends. He doesn't care about anyone else. He's also willing to do art stuff with Adeleine, and will protect his friends from danger. But overall, DMK is still a ruthless son-of-a-gun.
Daroach has a notably kind-hearted side to him, but he's also absolutely still a thief. Some people are ticked off by his persistent thievery. He likes the challenge of breaking into certain areas and to see what's he capable of successfully stealing. This can get especially irritating for some if he's brought the entire squeak squad with him for these instances. Daroach also has a trollish/smug side to him, as he thinks it's funny to get reactions out of people as he steals from them.
He does have standards, though. There are people that Daroach will NOT steal from. This includes Kirby, Adeleine, the entirety of Ripple Star (he'd feel bad to rob from that planet) and he also respects Meta Knight enough to never steal anything from the Halberd. He's also a softy around Kirby. And there's times in the day where Daroach decides to be chill and not steal anything. He can be quite a laidback bro if he's your friend. He has a big sense of humor and if you don't mind him pulling lighthearted fast ones on you, he'll gladly do that.
But he's still our resident thief! Hahaha. And he often has a rather shady demeanor that might make some people put their guards up.
Magolor did make a well known apology and created an amusement park to back it up, but I headcanon he's still very much a flawed person. Much like his buddy Marx, Magolor is a mischievous prankster that likes getting a rise out of people at times, although he's much more tactful than the jester in this regard. There's other problems with Magolor, like how he often says awkward things that make it evident he doesn't have the best understanding of social cues. He also has a tendency to insert himself into things, due to still having a bit of an ego, and he can sometimes be a blatantly obvious suck-up.
It's also arguably somewhat flawed morality-wise on Magolor's behalf to have made all the masks he did for Merry Magoland. He had great intentions with that, as he wanted to honor many people with that, but he made a lot of them without permission. And it ended up being pretty awkward for some people to see the masks. Thankfully, it didn't elicit any reactions bad enough for Magolor to lose any friends, but he arguably should've gotten many people's permission first.
Magolor is still buds with Kirby despite his current flaws, though. And he actually cares about being liked and cares about making people have fun, and so he makes sure that he has standards accordingly for that. He also just has very weird ways of going on about trying to be a better person than what he was before. But regardless, he's trying!
Taranza may be mourning the death of his beloved queen, but as a matter of fact I do not headcanon him to be a complete softboy! Once enough time passed for him to start properly recovering from his loss, he's eventually started coming back to being a snobby rich-theater kid type of guy like he was before. He can be very bizarrely smug and confident at times. He has an iconic devious smile. He makes webs at people's homes with often trollish messages. Don't be surprised if he sneakily rearranges the stuff in your home without you looking.
And believe it or not, he also has a secretly vengeful and vindictive side to him. He'd love to torment and beat up everyone that picks on him. And because it was a dimensional mirror that corrupted his queen, he heavily resents the mirror world and talks smack about its inhabitants. Honestly if he saw a dimensional mirror again he'd love to break it and smash it to pieces. He also legit wants DMK to die.
But overall, Taranza is no serious bad guy anymore. He does have a definite nice and caring side to him. He's really grateful to all of his friends that have helped him out with his grief (especially Susie, who understands him better than anyone else does) and he'd panic like frick when one of his friends gets hurt. He doesn't want to lose any of his current friends, the last thing he needs is MORE things to grieve over. He's also glad to show people about flora. He's also still just a silly-ass rich theater guy that can be quite a big, dramatic handful.
Susie, while no longer the terrifying colonizer she once was, is still very much a corporate-minded woman with a lot of unhinged stuff going on with her. The HWC's practices are substantially improved in her rule compared to what it was in her dad's rule, but she still makes corny business decisions at times. She has a notable stubborn streak, and is often a bit too blunt and formal to people she isn't close enough to be friends with. She's also feisty and a bit too ruthless when it comes to combat, as it may require others to calm her down. And like Magolor, she gets awkward at times with her low understanding of social cues.
She's also still a mad-scientist at heart, although she's mostly stopped mechanizing people (except for those that explicitly WANT it) and has largely shifted to applying her mad-scientist desires on inanimate objects such as toys and accessories. I headcanon that Susie has an entire hobby of making super-detailed custom furbies as I wrote a post about it. But despite the improved shift, she often gets way ahead of herself when experimenting on inanimate objects to the point that the final result of her creations are pretty darn freaky and unnerving to some people. She really loves doing it, though! And the unhinged level of detail to her creations can be hilarious to some.
Susie does have friends that she cares about, and she lets them reign her in as she doesn't want to disappoint them. And despite usually being rather cold, she's not entirely without her kind moments. Susie is at her nicest when interacting with Taranza and Kirby, and she has other friends like Magolor and the mage sisters that she can be great with. Her friends are the one thing that help motivate her to get better. But despite that, Susie is still absolutely a big handful in terms of flaws. She's still a vindictive, standoffish, corporate mad-scientist that's ballsy enough to constantly snap back during confrontations!
The Mage Sisters are still chaotic menaces. They're exceptionally grateful to Kirby and co. for saving them and Hyness in HiAD, and so they definitely ain't doing that Void Termina crap again, but these women still engage in absurdly violent and bombastic activities. They love to destroy random buildings for no real reason other than just for kicks and giggles. They cackle like hyenas when they cause mischief.
Francisca is perhaps the most obviously flawed mage sister, as she literally keeps her frozen trophy collection and even tries to expand it! That's a bruh moment. It doesn't exactly help that she's close buddies with Marx as those two will just make some absolutely absurd hijinks together. Her relatively quiet nature can also be rather unnerving. It's not all bad, though, as she can be genuinely sweet to people that she cares about. And she's kind enough to give you free water with her soda gun if you'd like that, but overall she's an extraordinary freak.
Flamberge is the nicest of the three mage sisters, but she still has her fair share of chaos as she loves causing big booms with her fire abilities. She can be considered a daredevil with that sort of thing. Another notable flaw with her is that she lets Francisca get away with anything. She will NEVER hold her psychotic blue sister accountable. And there's of course her temperament, but she's surprisingly chill a lot of the time and is really only angry if given an actual reason to be.
Zan Partizanne can be quite rude with excessive name-calling, as she has a mentality of "it goes both ways" when her name can't be said right. If you can't say her name right, then she'll make it even by giving you some unhinged nickname. She also has a guilty pleasure of starting playful bickering matches with people purely for fun. That being said, she's something of a leader alongside Hyness at the Jambandran base and is always glad to help guide people around the place, but she can overall be quite a standoffish and feisty person.
The mage sisters do care about trying to be better, though. They want to make Kirby proud as he's essentially their little hero. They're still incredibly unhinged people by virtue of being raised in a literal cult, though, and they still love to start ruckuses and cause chaos. With the amount of mischief they cause with their weapons, it may be wise to keep some distance as to not get caught in their weapons' range.
That's basically everything I got. All these characters are still very flawed people to me. They're all redeemable to various extents, but yeah. I like to think that they all need occasional slaps on the wrists by Kirby. He's their 'parole officer' like I said at the beginning of the post. He keeps them in check. And it works as they all respect him!
But despite sometimes slapping them on the wrists, Kirby does care about all these people. He's friends with all of them. He cheers them on as they progress in life. When they do good things, he's proud of them! He also can't help but feel sorry for the more traumatized ones.
Kirby has remarkable tolerance. He can basically be friends with bad people, lol. He always has faith and sees the good in people. He's the perfect little guy to motivate people to get better. He can keep someone in check from doing bad things, and is merciful enough to always give them a second chance. Man, thank this universe for Kirby!
Thanks for reading if you did. See you for the next one.
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your-local-crypt1d · 3 months
So about your Papa Fwhip au, does Pixlriffs play much of a role in it?
Ohhhh Pix plays such an interesting role in this thank you for asking!!
Tommy and Pix, once they meet formally, get to have that spiderman into the spiderverse moment where they sense that they're like each other. Death prophets, that is.
Pix has been one of Lady Deaths' chosen for a very very long time. He's had the time to get used to the vivid visions and general unrest the presence of a seer can cause (I'm sure you've heard We Don't Talk About Bruno, that's how most people treat prophets)
Tommy only started getting his visions after his first canon life was lost, and it really freaked his friends out when he started talking about it. Tommy now tends to keep it to himself.
But Pix is happy to discuss whatever he sees, try to make sense of the vagueness and all.
When you're the king (or the count) of your lands, people tend to be respectful and kind to you 24/7, unless they're close friends and family. Tommy is an outlier, because he's tommyinnit. He's loud, he's rude (in a sense), he swears a lot, makes weird sexual innuendos and just generally acts like abrasive child.
Most would find him obnoxious, but I think Pix wouldn't mind all that much. He's met a lot worse in his life than a prickly teenager. It can also be hilarious when he goes on his weird rants or insists that sand is totally edible and very good for you, Pix you should eat some right now.
It's such a far cry from how everyone treats the copper king he can't help but find it a bit funny. Besides, Tommy can be very endearing, it's how he got fWhip so attached to him (and like several father figures before him).
Not many flowers grow out in the desert, not ones Pix thought possible could be turned into flower crowns, but somehow Tommy managed to make him a beautiful crown of desert lilies anyway. Pix is pretty sure that those flowers only bloom on cacti, and his suspicions were confirmed when he found many prickles all over Tommys' clothes and in his fingers.
If Pix wore that flower crown under his official copper crown until the flowers withered away, that's for him and his citizens to know.
The dsmp in this au is a galaxy land very far away thats cursed, once you enter you cannot leave. It's got a hodgepodge of different species cultures and traditions, and eventually a few of their own sparked on from L'manberg and other factions. All this to say, I think Tommy would be somewhat curious about Pixandrian culture, particularly the Vigil and their beliefs around Lady Death (he's only ever heard about her through Phil, it's nice to hear a different story for once)
Pix is also a Silly Guy™ and would absolutely encourage Tommys' more harmless shenanigans, maybe he'd help too but that's for him and Tommy to know.
I like to think Tommy would set up a candle at the vigil for Wilbur, simply saying its for his brother and not elaborating. Pix doesn't need him to say any more, though, he did have a family once upon a time, he understands.
I imagine Pix to be a good secret keeper, so when fWhip asks to keep quiet about the whole thing (he hasn't even told his siblings yet), Pix acquiesces, even offers to babysit here or there even fWhip needs. Not that Tommy is happy about that, whining about being a big man and not a child who needs babysitting.
Grandpa Pix (: he sneaks Tommy candy when fWhip says no (((:
Now for the angst (Cw for a brief discussion of a panic attack and some talk of mental health issues like psychosis. Don't feel like you need to read the rest if you can't!)
Pix was one of the first people to learn about Tommys' existence, entirely by accident. He had come to the Grimlands for his usual trade deal with fWhip (and also to check in on the count who looked more stressed than ever) only to meet Tommy in the worst way possible.
fWhip and Pix are in the middle of their meeting when Tommy calls out for fWhip in distress. All Pix really gets to see is fWhip calm Tommy down from a panic attack, mumbling about how he saw someone in the window, someone who was gonna hurt him again, and fWhip assuring him repeatedly that it wasn't real and nobody was gonna hurt him.
Pix was already curious about what was going on with fWhip, concerned mainly but also curious. fWhip had mentioned something about "someone he needed to look after now" during their last visit. Now he gets to meet that someone.
That someone being a child struggling with hallucinations and severe CPTSD...
That's why fWhips been exhausted, he's been staying up to keep an eye on Tommy in case he gets woken up by night terrors again. That's why fWhips been stressed, Sausage had similar issues growing up that I won't get into here but Pix is old enough to remember his adoption by fWhip and Gems' parents; he's old enough to remember a 12-year-old fWhip talking about how his new big brother is "very sick".
Part of Tommys' C-PTSD is hallucinations, usually visual ones of the people he knows or has killed. He often sees Dream through windows or in crowds, and it always triggers a panic attack for him.
That's partly why Pix offers to "babysit" him, what he really means is "be there if Tommy needs someone to calm him down from a breakdown".
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Hi I was wondering if it's all right can I please ask for a yandere Bloody Painter with a quiet and gentle darling that wears Jirai Kai fashion because of their abandonment issues and because it's cute
Can it be where the darling is more scared of him abandoning them then the fact he's kidnapped them and where the darling asks him why he loves them / kidnap them
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I'm sorry if this is too much or this sounds weird
You don't take this and have a nice day or night
I hope you also have a nice day or night :)
Also, this fashion is really cute
I hope this is good enough
Yandere Bloody Painter X Quiet and Gentle Reader
TW: Mentions of murder and blood
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You were a quiet and gentle person and kind to those around you
That's something Helen, The Bloody Painter, liked about you
You weren't loud or obnoxious, and you weren't mean or bullied others
He also thought you fashion sense was interesting and cute
You caught Helen's eye after he saw you help a lost kid back to his parents when he wandered a bit too far out in the forest, and stumbled into your camping sight
After that, he began to watch you and the way you lived
He decided to wait until you were walking home one night and cloriform you when he was sure nobody was around, and take you back to his home
He stalked you wherever you went, took pictures of you, which he would later paint on a large canvas, and he would usually follow you home without your knowledge
He even made it in your home a few times to watch you sleep, but stopped when he accidentally triggered an alarm when leaving
When he wasn't stalking you, he painted pictures of you and hung them around his house, just so he could admire your beauty
You, on the other hand, didn't seem to know you were being stalked
When Helen triggered an alarm in your home, you only thought someone was breaking into it to steal items or to kill you
You didn't have any idea it was your stalker
Whenever someone was rude or bullied you, like a coworker or a mean neighbor, they always seemed to go missing
That caused the police to come and investigate you, but it was proven that you didn't do anything criminal
Though that didn't stop people from being suspicious, but people left you alone
No one knew that Helen was the cause of all this, and he felt a bit bad that you had to do with his actions
But he did enjoy torturing and killing those who hurt you, and use their blood in his art
After about a year, Helen decided enough was enough and began to form a plan on how to get you to be his
After you woke startled and scared in his basement, Helen tried to comfort you with a bone crushing hug, a kiss to the forehead, and offerd you a glass of cool water
To his surprise, after a few minutes, you didn't seem to mind, but you were a little confused, and shocked, on seeing all the paintings of yourself
Helen explained to you that he loved you with all his heart, and he didn't want you to leave him, and that if you ever tried to escape he would do something he would regret
That's why you were in his basement
You took the news pretty well, considering you were kidnapped by your stalker with a tons of, admittedly impressive, pictures of you
For a few weeks you were pretty distant to Helen, and didn't like being in the basement all the time
So to try and make you more comfortable, Helen would buy you items, such as clothing, accessories and jewelry, that fit the kind of fashion you wore
After a couple of weeks, finally realizing that you would probably never leave, you began to open up to him more, which led to him bringing you up to his room out of the basement, and even told you parts of you past after a couple of months
You told him you were abandoned by different people in your life, like a family member, a significant other. and a "good friend", lus making you being to start to have abandonment issues
To cope with this, you began to wear Jirai Kai fashion, and usually pushed others out of you life if they got too close
You also told him you weren't that scared of him anymore, and didn't seem to care that he kidnapped you
You were more afraid of him abandoning you than anything
With a hug, Helen assured you that he would never do such a thing, and that he loves you more than anything
Then, unexpectedly, you asked him a question you've wanted to ask him of a while
"Why do you love me?"
At first. Helen was speechless, then he snapped out of it
He told you that heloved you for various reasons. For your personality and how gentle you were, and your beauty and how much of a good of a model you were
After many, many, many more compliments about your personality and looks, (and some instances of Helen saying he took care of those "dirty bullies") you seemed convinced that he wouldn't leave you
And Helen was intending to keep it that way
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frogg093 · 1 year
~ Second meetings and reluctant apologies ~
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Synopsis: When your mother told you about Aunty Buer's nephew, who was visiting for the summer, you were expecting a kind, shy boy who loved helping out his aunty and spending time with the lonely elders and cheerful children of the neighborhood. It was quite the surprise when you found out just how mean Kunikuzushi really was. Your first encounter went poorly, and you were absolutely dreading your next meeting. You already hate him. But, a lot can change in one summer... perhaps you'll have different views of each other by the time school starts again, and Kunikuzushi has to return to Inazuma..?
a/n: Hahaha... I took forever to write this part... I'm sorry pookies 🤧🤧🤧
Kunikuzushi x Sumerian!gn!reader / no pronouns used / <3
♡ Part 1
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Kunikuzushi was a lot of work.
For someone who was constantly being praised by both your mother and his aunty, he was quite difficult to tolerate. As a person who was always quiet and reserved, you hated how obnoxious he acted at times. It’s not like he was loud or boisterous, but he was quite disrespectful, and just an overall jerk.
On your first meeting, you ended up responding to his disgusted gaze and rude remarks with some... not so nice words. You two ended up arguing, and your mother gave you an earful when you got back home. She forced you to go back to Aunty Buer’s house the next day and apologize with some sweets, which was an infuriating experience. 
☆.𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊.☆
“I hate sweets.” Kunikuzushi said, crossing his arms and looking at you with an indifferent expression. It took everything in you not to glare at him as your grip tightened around the tray you were holding. You put your whole damn soul into this stupid dessert, all while your mother scolded you for arguing with him, even though it was completely his fault, and he doesn’t even like sweets? You almost feel like throwing the whole tray at his stupid face. But you don’t, because that would defeat the whole purpose of coming here today. 
“You can give them to Aunty Buer, then.” You mumble, trying not to sound irritated as you look around before setting the tray down on the table beside you. What now?? You’ve gotten the apology bit out of the way - but he hasn’t said whether he forgives you or not. All he’s done is reject the sweets that took you a painful amount of time to make. You stand there awkwardly, wondering if you should say something about it. 
“...well? What are you still doing here?” He asks. You flinch a little at the judgemental look on his face. How the hell are you supposed to word this? Internally cringing, you decide to just say it.
“Uhh... you didn’t answer my apology. Do you forgive me?” You fidget with your sleeve. You wish you could just turn around and leave, but you know that you’ll be scolded if you go back home without a clear response to your apology.
“Oh. Yeah, whatever. It’s fine.” He looked at the clock on the wall, like he had other things to be doing. You followed his gaze. “Is that it? You can leave now.” He covered a yawn behind his hand, waving you away with the other.
Gladly, You think, as you nod and glance at your shoes.
“Okay. Bye, Kunikuzushi.” You give him an awkward wave and turn around to leave. Was... was that really it? You were expecting him to insult you again, or tell you that he doesn’t forgive you. But oh well. You walk out of the living room and through the kitchen. Buer is sitting at the table with her sewing machine.
Oh, you think. So that’s why the chairs are so tall. You feel a little stupid for not realizing earlier, but you ignore it and walk to the table to say goodbye. 
“I’m going now, Aunty Buer. Thank you for having me.” You hug her, and you feel her little arms wrapping around you in return.
“No problem, [name]! Did you and Kuni make up?” She asked hopefully, taking your hand and smiling kindly at you. Her smile is so cute, you just want to eat her.
“Um, I guess so.” You respond, trying not to stare at her too much.
“Ah, I’m glad.” Her smile grows even bigger. “I know Kuni can be really mean sometimes, but he’s a good kid at heart. He’s just not very good at socializing. So please don’t be too mad at him, okay?” She gives your hand a gentle squeeze.
You almost scoff, but Aunty Buer is just too sweet. It’ll be hard, but for her sake, you’ll try not to be offended by his behavior.
“Okay, Aunty.” You smile and nod at her.
“Thank you, [name]. I’ll talk to him for you, okay?” She pats your cheek and pinches it gently.
You hesitate. You don’t want it to seem like you asked her to talk to him for you, but either way, it’s not like you can convince her not to. You’ve learned not to try and dissuade an aunty once she’s made up her mind.
“Okay. Thank you.” You give her one last hug. “Bye, Aunty. I’ll see you soon.”
“Wait, let me open the door for you.”
And with that, your little visit was over. As much as you wanted to forgive him, for Buer’s sake, you were still a little pissed off by the way that he acts. Sure, he might hate socializing, but he could definitely be a little nicer about it! But then again, maybe you’re just being petty. You look up at the sky as you walk down the street. You hold an arm over your head to protect your eyes from being burned off by the sun. Should you just get over it and be nice to him anyways? You’re still a little shocked that he forgave you so easily. Maybe you were overreacting.
You think about what Buer said to you.
“I know Kuni can be really mean sometimes, but he’s a good kid at heart. He’s just not very good at socializing. So please don’t be too mad at him, okay?”
'Kuni' was a cute nickname.
You push that thought aside as you reach your house at the end of the street. Time to relay your experience to your mother and hope that she’s satisfied with your apology. 
☆.𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊.☆
Taglist: @scarasvision , @kunikuzushisbeloved , @chocolate-koala , @wings101 , @sakeeeee (Please work please work please work please work)
Ik it's short I'm sorry 😔😔😔 Part 3 coming soon (maybe)!!!
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Domino’s opinions on everyone:
Riddle - He is alright and we are on decent terms. Good leader, but has a short temper. - Ace - He’s my brother’s friend, but I don’t know how highly I think of him. He’s quite annoying and invades my space too much. - Deuce - I don’t know what I think. He is my brother, but I had zero clue I ever had a brother before now. I am fond of him, I think. He’s nice at least. - Trey - He’s nice, but I find it hard to trust his kindness. I tend to avoid him, but I don’t mind interacting if I have to. - Cater - He needs to stop kidnapping me to bring me to his club. He’s too friendly, and I can sense he’s not being truthful, but it’s odd that he doesn’t use his mask to blend in more.
Leona - We rarely interact, but I don’t think lowly of him. He’s lazy, sure, but he doesn’t involve himself where he’s not needed and he does lead quite well. - Jack - I like him well enough. We don’t share many interests, but he’s quiet and doesn’t get involved in my business. - Ruggie - He started hounding me once he found out I was adopted into a rich family. He left once I told him I would have no access to the money in Wonderland, but once I started making some money from music, he came back. I don’t know how much I dislike him though, if at all. It’s more annoyance.
Azul - He’s exactly like the people I’m used to. We don’t interact too much, but I have no issues when we do. (A slight dislike forms after Azul gets Deuce into a contract in book 3.) - Floyd - He thinks I’m fun for whatever reason, and refuses to leave me alone or get out of my space. If I see him, I turn around, but that doesn’t usually work. (Domino can’t hide his emotions well, so his emotions are very visible when Floyd squeezes him. That’s why he’s a target.) - Jade - Another who’s like those I’m used to talking to. He’s fun to talk to when he talks about mushrooms, so I almost joined his club.
Kalim - I don’t know if he is that dense or keeps insulting me on purpose. I’ve tried to hide from him, but it never works. He also steals me to bring me to his club. I think I’m allergic to him though, especially his smile. - Jamil - I understand quite well that he doesn’t like me, but I tend to gravitate towards him because I’m used to being around people like him. He is also someone I think I’m allergic too.
Vil - We only interact a handful of times, but he is alright. He’s a good leader, driven, and doesn’t get in my space. I have no reason to dislike him. - Epel - He’s quite loud and definitely has a temper. I would rather not be around him, but he hangs out with Deuce so if I want to spend time with my brother, I don’t always have a choice. - Rook - I don’t know what I think, but I’m pretty sure I dislike him. He’s always popping up out of nowhere and constantly speaks in poems. We don’t interact too much, and I’m thankful.
Idia - We don’t interact in person at all, but I have talked to him over his tablet though. He talks in a way I don’t understand and is quite rude. Though he does stay in his own space and not mine, so I don’t dislike him too much. - Ortho - I am alright with him. He’s a bit loud and bubbly for me, but he understands I want my own space. He’s kind as well.
Malleus - I like to hang out with him. He is quiet and mild mannered as well as a good leader. Plus he gives a lot of interesting knowledge on gargoyles. - Sebek - He’s loud and kind of obnoxious. He is a good training partner and knows to mind his business most of the time though. - Silver - He is kind and really sweet. I realize that I tend to gravitate towards him, but I don’t know why. I think I’m the most allergic to him, but Draconia is hinting that there’s something else. - Lilia - He kidnaps to bring to that me the most. He gives me physical space, but is always somewhere around me. He also likes to push me to be around Silver.
Grim - Loud and annoying. I don’t think much else of him, and wish he would never interact with me. - Crowley - I’m use to interacting with people like him, so I don’t dislike him too much. He just isn’t a good leader. - Crewel - Not the type of person I would gravitate toward, but I don’t have any reason to think negatively of him. It does feel weird being referred to as a dog though. - Trein - He is a great teacher and always helpful. His class is always nice and peaceful. - Vargas - He’s loud, and took it upon himself to train me. Though after spending time with him, I have grown to like him and his class. - Sam - I don’t dislike him, but he’s too good at selling things. I try to avoid his shop without a list I can go off.
(If you’re loud and invade his space, Domino doesn’t like you. So like most of the people.)
LMAO, Rook's:
"I don't know much about him, but I pretty sure I don't like him"
Rook has that affect on people.
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0junemeatcleaver0 · 1 year
Anonsense: A Deconstruction of a Bad Faith Argument
I honestly don't know why I'm even posting this. Will it be helpful for people who don't know how to immediately clock a bad faith argument? The people pleasers who might feel compelled to answer every anon no matter what? I hope so.
Do I have a bit of a bee in my bonnet after being woken up at 4am because I forgot to silence my phone only to see this bullshit after living through the most stressful week of my fucking life?? Also yes.
Whatever. At best this is a learning moment, at worst it's an opportunity to point and laugh at someone who thinks they deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for failing at being real pussy cunt-cunt in a stranger's inbox.
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I am confused. You haven't watched the show but you hate the show...? Correct! You can, in fact, hate a thing you've only gotten a taste of. I saw the trailer (you know, the thing networks release to get you interested in a show?) and didn't care for what they were doing. That opinion was only cemented when I saw the ridiculous clip of Louis chasing a fucking goat around.
Something fans of colour especially black fans talk of so enthusiastically and fondly? You're right, VC fans of color are all a monolith and all enjoy the show. And the fact that I--a rando white person--hate the show is mortally wounding to them all. This is in no way infantalizing to fans of color, to imply that I somehow have enough power as some random person to ruin their good time by making posts about how silly I think this show is--posts I don't tag so that fans of the show don't have to see them.
And these fans aren't always show onlies. I know. I've talked to a few of them. They seem nice.
Idk if this ask is going to come off as bait Yes you do. You absolutely know that. And if you didn't know that, that was your clue to go back to the drawing board re: how to phrase what you meant in a good faith way.
-think of it as you will How kind of you. Thanks for the permission.
but this...you realize this comes off as some type of way, don't you? Only to the people who are actively looking to be upset, yes. And I don't care about those people. They are not of my concern.
You have had an ask that you published where the anon says they don't care that "certain demographics" of people are loving AMC. That's very very sus. 'Very very sus'. Am I suddenly on Twitter? Anyway. You do realize that book-only fans are constantly accused of belittling all show fans no matter what we say, right? That it's much more likely that anon said "certain demographics" meaning "the fraction loud, obnoxious fans who will accuse you of being immoral for not liking the show" and "people who never read the books and have nothing to compare it to" and not as some dogwhistle to mean "fans of the global majority", right? Also, my memory is shit. I may have used that phrase and if so, see the above reasoning for why I used it but also if I didn't: Why am I being held accountable for a random person's choice of wording?? I'm not anon's mom.
I don't particularly care if you answer or not. I'm sure. That's why you wrote an essay in my inbox. To not get a response.
If you block. I did. Fuck outta here.
I just had to put it there. Did you? What was the goal in this? Do you even know?
Maybe this is rude as per tumblr etiquettes. It's pretty rude regardless, but hey what do I know. I'm no Emily Post.
But this was just so odd as I am new to both the book and show fandom and while going through blogs I found yours So what I'm hearing is you're missing a lot of context for what's been going on around here and you've not realized that, is what I'm hearing. And you're either purposefully ignoring of didn't wait to find the many, many posts I've made detailing why I personally think the show is bad, why I think the white cishet frat bro turned wanna be auteur showrunner is doing a bad job of including characters of color in the text, the reblogs of fans of color who have brought up similar points, etc?
Stretch before you reach this hard, anon.
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fatfables · 8 months
Fat People Can Sing Too (Part One)
The Santa Rosa was on her way back to Southampton after three months at sea. Ben was relieved. It had been his first voyage, his first time working on a cruise ship, and he hadn’t really enjoyed it. Yes, the weather in the Mediterranean was much better than back home in Nottingham, and he had developed a healthy tan, but he hadn’t enjoyed the job. He had always wanted to sing for a living, of course he dreamt of being a pop star, but he had always known that this was unrealistic. Still he lived for the stage. He had twice applied to RADA and twice been rejected, instead opting for a musical school for gifted youths in Manchester. The job on the Santa Rosa had at first seemed perfect, his big chance to perform regularly to real audiences who weren’t just his mates. He was a good singer with decent range, and he was handsome, not pretty but handsome, with deep brown eyes, a constant five o’clock shadow and thick brown hair that swept over his forehead. The audiences liked him but he hadn’t been so keen on them.
It was the repetition that bored him. He sang the same nine songs to what felt like the same twenty people every night. They were not the same people every night of course, but he could have sworn that they were. A retired couple from Basingstoke and their friends, also retired from Basingstoke. A loud fat business man always on his phone, the type who could never leave his job behind. A lonely bachelor and a lonely widow. Neither of whom would talk to each other, both hoping to catch someone twenty years younger. What a waste. A gay couple, a lesbian couple, four people who would wander in and out at least three times during a one hour set, and worst of all the children. Rude, demanding, obnoxious, and always on their phones. They all applauded politely. One or two would talk to him afterwards and tell him half-heartedly how good he was and that he should be on TV. He didn’t believe them because they didn’t believe themselves. As the Santa Rosa came into harbour he was glad it was over.
David was surprised at how well Ben was looking. They had been in constant contact via text for the three months that Ben had been away and all Ben had said was how much he hated it and couldn’t wait to get back home. So when he saw Ben disembark looking very well tanned, bulked, and smiling broadly, he was a bit shocked. He had been expecting him to appear depressed and anorexic, kind of like he had been that time in college when they both smoked too much weed and got dumped in the same week. He complimented Ben on his healthy appearance but Ben just waved it off blaming it on too much sun and too much access to the staff buffet three times a day. They drove back to Nottingham in near silence.
Ben had planned to go and live back with his parents for a while but David convinced him that was a terrible idea and that he should crash on his couch until he’d worked out what to do next. At twenty five David was slightly older than his friend and had maybe assumed that Ben was a touch more mature than he actually was. Ben wasn’t by any means childish but he took David’s kindness for granted and treated his apartment like it was his parents house. He spent his days playing computer games and eating snacks on the sofa and made no effort to look for an actual job. Singers don’t work in customer service or offices and they certainly don’t labour or lay bricks. He had replied to a few trade advertisements looking for club singers or band members but had no luck and anyway he really wasn’t into emo or death metal. So like a lot of self-proclaimed artistic types he sat around on his friends sofa waiting for his dreams to come true.
When David first read the advertorial on the pop-up strewn website of what used to be called the Nottingham Evening Post he considered asking Ben first but quickly dismissed the thought. Ben would complain but wouldn’t be able to turn the chance down. This was a chance to be a pop star and although it wasn’t the way that Ben would want to do it, it was at least an opportunity. It lacked artistic integrity , which he would hate, but he wouldn’t be able to say no. David turned out to be correct. The chance of success must have been less than one in a thousand but even one in a thousand was a chance to get Ben off his sofa.
The first round auditions for the new show took place at the Theatre Royal on a Sunday morning. There were no TV cameras or judges present. Ben was asked to perform a song, he chose, I Want to Break Free by Queen, and the sound only was recorded and sent off to the BBC, where a production team would listen to it and decide if you made the cut for the first round proper in front of the cameras. Ben was nervous but performed well. Three weeks later he got a letter to say that he had been selected and he was to go to London for filming at the end of the month. He was over the moon.
David attended with Ben. The new show to be broadcast on Saturday nights was called ‘I Can Sing Too’ and it followed a very familiar format but with a twist. Which performers would go through to the next round would initially be decided by four celebrity judges, who could not see the performers, only hear them. Nothing new so far. The twist was that the judges would never get to see the performers, voting them through on their singing ability alone every week, until the grand final that is, then they would be allowed to actually watch the acts. Public voting was of course involved and began at round three. Viewer and judge votes were equally weighted until the semi-final, at that stage it was seventy five percent public and twenty five percent judges. For the final the judges had no vote, only the viewers would get to decide the winner. Ben and David had yet to get to grips with the intricacies of the show, at this stage they had no idea that Ben would even get through round one.
He almost never made it on stage. The train to St. Pancras was badly delayed and then both being inexperienced with London they had gotten lost on the tube. When they arrived at the BBC they once more lost themselves in a maze of corridors looking for the right studio and set of dressing rooms. They had a strange conversation with a security guard who had eventually pointed them in the right direction after at first seeming to be very confused. Ben told him that he was to be on the new singing show, to which the guard said, “Oh you mean FPCS2.” Ben and David had no idea what the man was on about, “No, It’s called I Can Sing Too” Ben explained. “That’s kinda what I said” the guard had responded with a smirk, “I’m surprised you’re on that show. You’re really not so big.” “Er thanks,” Ben replied with growing uncertainty as to what was happening.
The guard did show them the correct way and Ben made it into make-up with less than five minutes to spare. There some nice scouse ladies powered his face, did his hair, and dressed him in a tight revealing translucent t-shirt that clung to the thin layer of podge that his stomach and chest had developed while he was on the cruise ship. He had protested and said he wanted to wear his own clothes but the scousers said that choice of clothing was contractually theirs and that it was just to keep the housewives happy at home. “You’re a good looking boy” they said “If you want them to vote for you in the later rounds then you need them to start liking you now.”
Ben sang ‘I’ll Make Love to You’ by Boyz ll Men and the judges voted him through in second place. He was ecstatic. Three contestants out of ten were taken forward to the next round the others were a fat old pensioner who crooned out a long forgotten Tony Bennett hit and a brother/sister combo who were so misshapen and ugly that it was hard to correctly gender assign them. All of the successful contestants were assigned a voice/career coach to help them train for the forthcoming rounds.
Ben’s coach was called Brian. He was a friendly but directly spoken thirty something with round rimmed glasses, a penchant for red wine, and his own house in Notting Hill. Not a couch in Nottingham. Brian had explained to Ben and David that they needed to find Ben a sad backstory, a sob-story to endear him to the housewives. “They need to feel sorry for you and sympathise with you at the same time as they want to fuck you.” Brian was nothing if not to the point. Ben hated the idea, he protested that he wanted to win based on his talent and nothing else. Brian laughed at him, “Gareth Gates had his speech impediment. Susan Boyle was as ugly as an arsehole with piles. You need to have something wrong with you. A weakness that is not your fault.” “Who’s Gareth Gates?” Ben had asked. “Oh, don’t worry about him, I’m pretty sure he’s dead now,” Brian replied.
After an hour or so of going round in circles with terrible ideas David finally chipped in with, “Didn’t your gran die from complications with her diabetes last year?” “Yeah but she was like eighty seven and I barely ever saw her.” “It’s a start,” said Brian jumping in on the faintest whiff of a workable idea. David was suddenly hit with the gift of inspiration, “And now you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes too!” “I have?” Brian purposefully misconstrued what Ben said. “That’s perfect! Having the same disease that killed your gran, your poor gran, who you loved so dearly and meant the world to you. Well that must be terrifying! That’s the sympathy card! That’s an ongoing problem and character development!” “I’m sure that lots of housewives have diabetes or know someone who does,” David chipped in. He was getting good at this. It was agreed. Ben had no say in it. He was now a young diabetic singer and needed to learn his place - if he wanted to be a pop star...
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theomnicode · 2 years
I had a stroke of evil idea at work and an expansion and continuation to this that I would like to share...because who doesn't like a good amount of drama and plot points?
Fufufu... WC spoilers ahead.
Editing and reblogging for more content and slightly better buildup, fufufu
So Forte comes around to Saitama's house more revved up, confrontational and ready to see what kind of dude Saitama is because...
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Just wanting to see how a newbie guy is talking to S-class hero like King and how well he stacks up.
Forte and Co have to actually help Saitama navigate back into his own house since they were just there, which makes Saitama feel foolish and it just makes him look dumb in the eyes of these other A-class heroes, undeserving of King's attention.
Chances are, they don't even step inside his house to chat, they go straight to fighting.
So when Forte pitches a fight, he wants to fight more seriously, so Saitama will take him seriously and tries to use his intuition to decipher how the fight will go. Forte is more rude, haughty and obnoxious in their interactions too, so Saitama is not feeling so generous to Forte and more miffed at the interaction in general. He just wanted to chill inside his home.
So they actually start to fight and Forte is distracted properly and Saitama defends, then suddenly he sees from the corner of his eye that a car is driving at their way.
In moment of indecision, Saitama does not actually do anything, not even mime, to stop Forte from getting hit by a car.
Saitama sees Forte get really hurt and painfully flung around and witnesses the consequences of this indecison and then he realizes that by not doing anything to help because he personally felt miffed at Forte being ruder and confrontational, Forte got hurt because of him because he neglected to do anything about it.
This realization shakes him and suddenly, he's back to when Forte started the fight and he shakes his head in confusion.
What in the world just happened?
Suddenly the car is coming at them again and this time, he pulls Forte to safety because he doesn't actually want to see other people get hurt like this.
The third eye, clairvoyance, is open and motivated him to act on his empathy. Because the power of his soul on the moon had grown so strong.
Saitama makes sure Forte is alright, but he still feels emotionally shaken and stirred and now, very pissed off. Why are these people driving a car like this on residential area anyway?
He walks to the driver's side door and tears it off it's hinges, pulls out the driver and absolutely tores into that guy.
Everyone is legitimately scared.
Someone, probably Forte or Fubuki, calms down Saitama, either by assuring Forte is alright or by threathening consequences because Saitama just totaled an expensive car's door.
Saitama will feel like he did a bad thing again and Fubuki assures him that he won't get off this easy, but since Fubuki knows Saitama is piss poor, she will ask him a favour instead. Saitama tells her he won't join the Blizzard group, but Fubuki instead says that she had thought as much and instead Saitama will help Fubuki search for Psykos when they get more information about her. Fubuki agrees to meet him later at his house when information comes up.
Forte turns out to be an alright good guy, who offers Saitama his spare earbuds and music player because Saitama looks like he needs it more to keep calm it since he's a new guy in town and it helps Forte relax and tune out the sounds of the busy city and be inside his own mind a bit. Saitama gets jarred by the loud setting at first when he tests it out but Forte shows him how to operate it. They say their goodbyes and Saitama can finally go back home to peace and quiet.
Or well, maybe not so quiet. Busy residental area sucks and it has many noises in general. There is little quietness to be found.
Saitama's house has only the bare essentials in it and very few items. Just the frying pan and the bucket he's carrying and there's futons piled on the side but not anything else really. New, unfamiliar, barren and unhomely. Inhospitable even. Unsafe and difficult to relax in.
Saitama says he's home and takes off his boots but Genos is not apparently back yet and Saitama thinks how empty their place really is. He takes a quick shower to shake off the grime, missing his old bathtub and then realizes he'd have to do laundry as well, one of his few shirts got shred too. He puts on his last clean shirt.
He feels tired after the day, so he sets out the futon so he can just lie down. The cold floor is irritating and uncomfortable.
Then he gets bored because he doesn't have anything to do. No manga, no tv, no Genos, no games, no nothing. All he can hear is car sounds, random beeping, loud chatting from miles away and electronic appliances humming in the kitchen and nothing fun to distract himself with. The cacophony is really deafening. He holds his ears to try and block the sounds.
Then he remembers Forte gave him his earbuds to listen to music with and out of boredom and interest and mild desperation, he puts it on and starts listening. And finds that the rhythmic music is actually really fucking good.
He starts jamming in tune and then he gets motivation to start preparing some food for himself and Genos when he gets back and he's more energetic. He happily makes food and does not notice Genos actually getting back inside.
Genos notices how happy and serene Saitama looks and is transfixed on his profile. Saitama suddenly notices Genos from the corner of his eye and cracks the largest smile ever and welcomes Genos home and asks what did they want at the HQ.
Genos tells Saitama they've asked Genos to start doing a lot of jobs all around the place because other S-rankers are absent and Genos looks visibly bothered, because they are asking him to do a lot.
Saitama looks at Genos in concern and in a surprising gesture, puts a hand on Genos shoulder to reassure him that it's going to be fine, because he's a strong guy.
Genos is surprised at the contact, but smiles. They begin eating.
Later during the night, Saitama can't sleep with all the noise and he twists and turns. First night in the new house is really bothersome since they had been staying at Kuseno's place before this. He finally gets some sleep when he focuses on the sounds Genos is making.
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upper-moon-4askblog · 11 months
No offense Sekido, truly. But in my personal opinion you’ll get nowhere by being a BITCH to Ishimaki 🤨
Urogi lets out a loud chortle at your remark.
— "You are not wrong, human.. If anything, your words are true. The way Sekido speaks to others, especially Ishimaki-chan, is incredibly rude and unnecessary. He doesn't seem to understand that kindness and compassion won't 'weaken' anybody. In fact, it's the complete opposite, it'll improve everyone and boost morale, which can help us all succeed as demon kings."
He says with a smile, seeming to truly agree with your thoughts.
Sekido is absolutely livid. He shouts out.
— "I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT THE HELL YOU THINK!! She is a WEAKLING!!! She is a weak demon!! That is the sole truth here!!"
He stands up now, towering over you as he glares down at you intensely with hate and rage in his eyes.
— "I don't need to speak kindly towards weaklings!! It only makes them even more reliant on you, and you're only feeding them with lies!!"
Ishimaki's tears filled eyes started to cry in fear as Sekido looked down on her and started to rant about how weak demons are.
"Eeeeeh!? But I… I'm a demon. A child demon.. Does this mean I'm weak and I have to live up on my own. I'm a demon, So… So that means I should be strong, right? So then why do they hate me? I'm just a child, so why would they hate children?"
Ishimaki started to whimper and cry.
Hearing Ishimaki speak, Karaku immediately gives her his undivided attention and gently pats her back to try to comfort her.
— "Now, now, Ishimaki-chan, don't listen to him. He's a bit misguided in his thoughts about us.. He doesn't mean to upset you, he's just trying to toughen you up so you won't be weak in the future. You're a great kid, and no one hates you, you just have to be strong, okay?"
He continues to say this as he tries to help you not to cry.
Aizetsu sits back, continuing to eat his popcorn, seeming to not care about this whole interaction between you and Sekido.
— "Just ignore him, he's always like this.. His intentions may be good, but he doesn't know how to show it or express it in a good way.. Don't mind him, alright Ishimaki? You have done nothing wrong at all.."
He says with a calming smile, speaking from the side of his mouth as he continued to eat his popcorn.
Sekido storms over and grabs onto Aizetsu by the neck, his fingers clamping down around his neck. He starts to squeeze his neck, tightening his grip.
— "How dare you try to ignore me!!"
He yells as he squeezes Aizetsu's neck even harder, showing no mercy as he strangles him in rage.
— "What is wrong with you?! You're obnoxious and only try to distract people!"
He yells once more, his grip tightening even more as you see Aizetsu's face turning blue and his eyes bulging out.
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arsynnotarson · 1 month
Do you have any source-related thoughts/opinions you’d be willing to share? I’m particularly curious about your thoughts on people from your source, but anything you’re willing to share is fine
thanks for asking!!!
i assume you mean on the fellows in the festival, or on the festival as a whole? ill be covering both. its a long read, so prepare yourself, hah.
personally, concerning the festival, it was a bloodbath, as expected. i was used to seeing blood used for religious purposes like face engraving and ritualistic cutting, but since i grew up in prehevil-- while not great better than nothing--i wasnt used to murder being everywhere and expecting to be murdered. prehevil was a chore to be in, people being gloomy, not much going on besides religion and school, but killings werent on your front doorstep... atleast daily, that is.
back to termina, it was terribly stressful. if my hair wasnt already white when i arrived, it surely would have been that way if when i left (actually, there were white streaks in my hair, not entirely white, so thats a half-lie, haha.) you didn't know who to trust, what was around you, and what your enemy was capable of. its a miracle i survived it all, even against perkele. fog was oppressive, it was a labyrinth through the very few buildings that were still able to be entered, and puzzles that made me feel more miniscule than i already was.
about the others, id love to anecdote.
pav: pervy, obviously. obnoxious in many ways you can probably point out if you play my source material. loud often, and his favorite place to bark orders at us was in closed spaces. we didnt get to know eachother well, since i avoided him when i could for the aforementioned reasons. he was a hot-headed looney toon with abiut 4 good jokes, to summarize. used his looks to advantage, too.
osaa: we didnt speak much, and when we interacted or i had the audacity to approach him, itd be in small, surface-level conversation with unmistakable judgemental glares sent my way. i think there was a reason sometimes. although he was very smart, he was painstakingly independent. whether or not the headaches were from him or nashrah, i know he had something to do with it.
abella: very nice when she wasnt hiding the solutions to ciphers; thats my primary gripe with her, but besides that very kind. loved to pick flowers with olivia, and especially liked the red hues of nature, from the deep sunset to the maroon herbs. did not like the blood, though.
olivia: also a pleasure to be around. tried to help whenever she could, but is like a bit osaa in terms of being a lone wolf. she was reluctant to accept help, but a little awkward buttering up from marcoh, logic from me, and passive pressure from daan, she eventually took it. i think she may have gifted more herbs to certain people she favored, but the ones who got less didnt realize. also made very rare comments about others that sounded rude, but they were so cryptic no one could say what her intention was.
tanaka: didnt get to know him much. the fandom is pretty accurate with the unlucky streak, it was the little comedy we had in the hellscape, even if it did come from the same man falling over the same root in the ground for the 5th time. he was respectful to others as i expected from a man in a suit, but there were times where his anger would peek through when frustrated, like clenching his fists or tugging on the hem of his jacket while clenching his teeth. traded glasses with olivia when his inevitably broke with much hesitance.
marcoh: such a sweetie. a little stiff when it came to social interaction, but once the urgency picked up he stepped out of his comfort zone. caligura thought him and tanaka were dating and i think he prayed for them; not out of the kindness of his heart, though. didnt like fighting others, yes, but when it came down to protecting the only sane people he had arrived with, he did enough to keep them out of our hair.
levi: surprisingly entertaining if he liked you. he was very coy during withdrawal, running, and while it went down after he got it fix, it took a few hours for him to fully grasp the fact we werent there to kill him. maybe its because we grew up in the same area, but his sense of humor really appealed to me. nearly had me crying in the cabin when we hung out while others were out. i had to clear up that i dont know samarie too since he was subtly but very obvious he didnt like being stared at by a mysterious stranger any time he wants to talk to me at all.
samarie: really, really made me feel watched. i never knew her, except for the few times i saw her while on my way to schooland break hour. devotion was really creepy and didnt know at all on how to talk to anything. the fact she was dying was sad and made me pity her, yes, but... she still, you know, killed my dad. i hated him, but now i dont know what happened to my mom and will never find out verifiably. wasnt the conventional yandere type actually, just really, really obsessed, but had her moments of hating those i spoke to.
karin: talkative and didnt shut up. shes like that one person who you agree with, but they present it in such an unnecessarily hostile tone that you cant reblog it. she was tolerable sometimes when she wasnt going on about her feats on her newspaper and actually contributing, but those only lasted for so long. very literate and clever, despite all. i prefer daan more.
daan: has his flaws, like always needing to have the last word, which is smooth as velcro when it comes to arguing with karin. a lifesaver for the team, quite literally, even if he was talking down on you very transparently while making you a tourniquet that made you want to just bleed out there. i think he wanted to be a bartender when he was younger, or atleast was at some point, given his sudden skills on it. at the very least, he made listening to another argument in the middle of a murder game funny.
caligura: we didnt speak much. prefers to be alone, again. from what i gathered, if we ignore the homocide, he seemed to have more underlying issues. had a listless look on his face while he wandered when not angry. very paranoid, too, always looking over his shoulder in a way he tried to play off as casual. hates being startled, too, and wont hesitate to cuss at you (as if he would hold back anyway).
august: acted as if he knew more than we did; not in a superior, egotistical way, just knew his way around well for someone out of town. levi and i both shared the impression he was suspicious too, but he never caused issues with us and helped when he could. tanaka didnt take a liking to him though for a reason he only explained to marcoh, and i think august knew this. never talked but two times.
henryk: weird but not as weird as pav is. off his rocker, not only because of the manor incident, but he also mumbled to himself while he cooked. some little words were im understandable english, some in french, and the rest just vowels jumbled together. when i tried to read his mind, instead of hearing words, there were diagrams detailing topics i didnt have context of any kind to. also yelled to "get out of my head" when i was listening in on him. if that was a coincidence, or him being aware of my confused eavesdropping, are both mysteries that keep me up at night to this day.
congrats on getting to the end,,, thank you so much for the ask! i loved writing this!!! any further questions are welcomed and encouraged.
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breakthewall · 3 months
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Name: Roman Holiday Grant
Pronouns: he/him
Age: appears 16, who knows how old he actually is
Role: Camper
Cabin: 7
About: For all surface looks, Roman looks like a regular old rambunctious teenager-- scrawny, thin, all awkward limbs and broken smiles, but beneath all of that, he's actually a demon, straight from hell. The Devil Himself, just... disguised, for his time here on the surface, here at Weehawken. He doesn't remember anything about being in hell, or being a demon or the devil, and the only one who seems to know anything about that is Angel. As far as he, and everyone else, is aware, he's just a normal human kid. Just uh... don't look at his eyes too close!
Personality: Roman himself is an outgoing beast of a teen, he's loud and obnoxious, and pretty damn full of himself for someone who sometimes still sounds like a squeaky toy. He's kind, though, and is always willing to stand up for the younger campers, no matter the issue at hand. If someone's in trouble with a counselor, Roman will be there trying to weasel his way in, to weasel the other camper out. He has a bit of a temper, but his fuse is loooong, it takes a lot to make him angry.
Likes: getting on people's nerves, guitar players, playing guitar himself, singing, swimming, snakes, campfires
Dislikes: being told to be quiet, most adults, the daytime, having a bedtime/curfew, giving up the cigarettes he worked really hard to obtain, thank you very much. (he stole them)
Name: Michaelangelo "Angel" Solomon
Pronouns: he/it
Age: ageless. appears to be around 47
Role (Staff, Camper or Counsellor?): Counselor
Cabin: 7
About: Angel is as his namesake hints-- an angel. Specifically, he's a seraphim with a human body, which means he's a little awkward when he moves, as he's not quite used to it. He's been sent to watch over the little devil known as Roman, posing at his guardian, and is aware that Roman isn't just a regular human kid, but has been informed not to draw attention to it at all. He's taking the role of a counselor to keep an eye on him even more, and in turn, the rest of the campers that end up in his cabin. Luckily, he seems to enjoy most of the campers, even if his ever-common scowling face seems to say otherwise. He seems to have eyes on his cabin at all times, no matter where they are (except the bathroom, of course.) and isn't afraid to wrangle them back to the cabin if need be.
Personality: Angel is stoic at the best of times, and seems to carefully choose how he speaks to anyone and everyone. He comes off as brash and rude, but, it's not on purpose. More so it's because he's not used to interacting with people, and it seems obvious in how he holds himself. He's getting better, though, and the camp atmosphere seems to be loosening the way he steels himself constantly. He isn't one for rule breakers, though, but he isn't the greatest with coming up with fair punishments, just knowing who needs to be punished and when. Despite all of that, Angel is caring, and is willing to stand up for those who might need it when the time comes.
Likes: the quiet, reading by the lake, s'mores (though he'll deny it), when his campers listen to him
Dislikes: excessive constant loud noise, rule breakers, small talk, hiking, being mistaken as Roman's father ("seriously we look nothing alike how blind can you be--")
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Chieftain tanks are my happy place
I grew up in Germany in the 1980s, a time of the cold war, Chernobyl and the Chieftain tank. Sadly, only one of these things has turned into something fun to play with at the weekend.
I have loved the Chieftain tank since childhood and had more than one chance to crawl across one, while still an overly excited pre-teen, visiting the Tank Museum in Bovington. Obviously, as soon as I hit my teenage years, I immediately stopped loving something as loud, obnoxious and heavy as a tank and instead got into music, namely Heavy Metal music.
Along with my love of Heavy Metal music, came my delight in the peace movement and even now aged horribly close to fifty, I am still involved in the peace movement, albeit, while wishing that I had the disposable income and large area of unused farmland upon which I could dabble in my interest in Chieftain tanks.
As we all know, the venerable old Chieftain had something of an Achilles heel out back, in the form the Leyland L60 engine. However, when it did work, the nineteen litre, opposing piston, two stroke multi-fuel engine had a glorious howl to it, despite being chronically underpowered for the vehicle it was propelling. Luckily the pack was easy to pull out and replace while in the field... Every cloud etc.
You can now buy your own Chieftain tank, providing that you have £60K to play with. However you also need a thousand pounds to fill the tank, every time you want to go for a drive of more than half a mile. If you want to know more about this kind of thing, why not go and have a look at the Mr Hewes YouTube channel. If you love tanks, you will not be disappointed.
Now of late, I have of course got into my art in a big way and when I say a big way, I now have a room in the house entirely dedicated to my making art. I have some of my art displayed in our home and the wife even likes some of it! However, I have wanted to make a Chieftain Tank Diorama for a while now and always put it off because of the cost of a decent sized set. Now obviously, the kindly folk at Google would never listen in to my conversations through their monitoring devices in my phones and computers, so it was by pure chance that they displayed to me one day, a whole host of cheap model tanks... It would have been rude to ignore it, so I snapped up a Tamiya 1/35 scale model set for a penny short of £17. The bastard Post Office added their own stab in the back for delivery and four days later, it arrived in my disgustingly sweaty paws. Thus, the plan came together and I got my magic bucket out of the shed. I cut the wood for a base and dropped it in the bucket. I also slapped in some ripped up newspaper and a bottle of glue, then tickled the lot with a paintbrush and then dropped in the bits of tank. I put the lid on the bucket, gave it a hearty shake as I said the magic words (do you really think that I am going to tell you my magic words?) and what do you know? A load of spilled paint, sticky glue, broken plastic and ripped up newspaper fell out of the bucket!
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So with a new model set delivered to my desk and the magic bucket on toilet cleaning duty, I set about doing it properly. The base was a piece of off cut chipboard donated by a friend. The newspaper came from my Mother in law, while Wifypoozles supplied the PVA glue. Knowing the dimensions of the tank, I was able to map out the diorama and then start designing the landscape. I knew that I wanted a rocky bank and a drainage ditch either side of the vehicle, with a fence and some grass. Using a cardboard tube and flower arranging foam, I quickly modelled the bank and then using a drill and a Dremel I cut the ditch into the base board.
The base board was then coated with newspaper and a mix of paint and PVA, sealing the tube and foam into place. I also placed a couple of pretty stones and a larger rock into place to give me a rocky bank with an exposed rock face.
With the base dry, it was time to add the soil and substrate, for which I used a mix of builders sand, gravel and pebbles, mixed with PVA. It took a couple of days to dry, but when it did, it was as hard as rock. Using my airbrush, I gave it a quick coat of burnt umber paint, which just deepened the already very brown of the sand and gravel. I used some lichen that had fallen from one of our trees to simulate bushes and shrubs and used some sheet grass from a model railway to make the grassy tufts I wanted at the edge of my gravel road.
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I used cocktail sticks and super glue to knock up a fence and then found the measurements for a stile and added one of them too. A quick on line check sourced an army range sign warning about the dangers of picking up used ordnance.
With the base done, I turned to the model tank and began the construction with painting and building of twelve road wheels, two front guide wheels, two rear sprockets and six return rollers. Five hours later, each wheel was assembled, painted and ready for fitting to the bogies. By the end of day one on the tank build, I had assembled the lower hull, with tracks.
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Day two saw me make a start on the upper section of the tank, also known as the Glacis Plate and engine deck. This took barely more than an hour and the boxes looked great assembled and fitted. Moving onto the turret was where things got complicated as several tiny parts needed to be located and fitted. The crew doors had to be functional, so that if I decided to use them, I could add the figures for a heads out driving of the vehicle. I also had to fit the barrel lock, which again had to be functional to allow the main gun to be locked into the rearward position. With all of these parts functional, it was fun to add the first coats of paint, a dark green acrylic ink designed for use with an air brush. With the dark green base coat of the plastic, it needed only thin coverage to give the wanted effect, however as the paint dried, it took on the usual glossy finish, totally unsuitable for NATO camouflage. Luckily, when I bought the model set, I also purchased a bottle of clear mat varnish.
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Some parts of the set were extremely well made and thus it went together beautifully, not needing anything more than a light sanding to remove moulding marks. Sat on the shelf behind me in my room was two jars of experimental spru-goo and not once did I need it. However some parts were quite poorly made. Actually, that is unfair. The plastic tow cables were brittle and did not lay like real steel cable, so I raided the mountain bike spares and pulled out a stainless steel brake cable, which I unwound to find the wire core. At point eight of a millimetre, this was the exact size to replace the plastic tow cables. However the eyelets that connect the cable to the tank were another story. Using some of the spru-goo, I attempted to model some eyelets. However at the time of writing, the spru-goo has not yet reached full hardness. So with a heavy heart, I cut the eyelets off of the plastic tow cable and with a micro-drill, made a 0.5mm hole and then enlarged it to just under one millimetre. This was just big enough for take a tight fitting steel cable and thus the tow cables were made.
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The final pieces to be assembled were the crew and in the instruction guide, all three of the crew are to be painted as white European men. This grated against my more egalitarian heart and so when I started to paint the figures, I painted the tank Commander with a skin tone that matched a photograph of Grand Tour level cyclist, Biniam Girmay, the first Black African cyclist to win a stage in a grand tour. The young man is an extremely talented professional cyclist, who was unfortunately taken out of the 2022 Gyro d'Italia after winning a stage, when the cork from a podium celebration bottle hit him in the eye.
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With my crew painted, I fitted them and then decided that they needed a back story, so here it is. The Driver is a Gay man, out and proud. The Gunner is a Trans Man, brave and strong and then the Commander is a young Black man. The sad truth is that during the years of service for this vehicle, it is extremely unlikely that such people would ever get into the army, let alone command of a main battle tank.
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Thus my project came to an end, with a large stone holding the tank hull down to the base board as I waited for the glue to dry. So while I wait for the glues, paints and resins to harden, I must find another project to distract me from the unending pain I suffer every day. I know, I will design and scratch build from paper stock an entire model of my motorbike! I am a fucking idiot.
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shimbongulus · 1 year
Old Jokes
Asgore emerged from their room resplendent in his beige apron tied about his ponderous belly, also wearing his straw hat. This was much to Toriel’s chagrin as she sat in her reading chair.
“Gorey, dearest, you truly are the most stubborn man in the world. Did you not pull your back yesterday!?”
“Yes, in fact, I did. And I intend to help it feel better with some gardening.”
Toriel shook her head, “At least yell loudly if you need assistance. I may be out in a bit - You have caught me in the midst of the most thrilling part of Eighty New Disserations on Snail Biology !”
He nodded, “I will. If it will make you feel better, Asriel’d offered to buy a second pair of gardening tools for us. You could be out there keeping me out of trouble.”
She snorted a bit, “As good a gift as any, the gift of keeping an eye on you. Please, be careful out there.”
“I will.” He walked out the front door, bound for the backyard.
She sighed and returned to her novel, the thought passing through her head, Some days he can be as stubborn as Gerson was.  
Toriel moved her paw to turn the page when suddenly a great burst of obnoxious electronic music came from the corner of the room, accompanied by a flood of nonsense lyrics. The song’s only redeeming quality was a kicking bassline.
Toriel jumped initially at the loud, rude beats disrupting her reading trance. Without even raising her head to look at the source, she smirked and spoke after she had recovered, “Sans, you are, er, how does Alphys say it? Cringe?”
He stepped from the shadow with his usual comic smirk and grin, replying, “cringe is in the eye of the beholder.” The skeleton’s sneakers gently thudded against the floor as he sauntered towards Toriel. “how ya doin’, old lady?”
“Hee hee hee. And to think I called myself old when we first met. I was practically a spring chicken!”
“huh?” Sans spoke quizzically, “you were a chicken? never knew that.”
“It is a figure of speech, you silly creature,” she jokingly chided. But it was too late.
She could feel it on top of her head. She had to strike a delicate balance, carefully moving her head this way and that, straightening her magical spine, lightly sticking out her arms as her book gently thudded shut, the bookmark mercifully where she left it.
The thing on top of her head could only be felt by the slightest brushing against her fur, the lightest tickle against the hairs on her head.
“Sans, you did not.”
Sans winked, “so proud to see you’ve got another one on the way.”
The ovular hen-produce gently jostled adjacent to her horns. “Do you know what will happen if this gets on my lovely seat?”
“you’ll be doing one peck of a clean-up job?”
She struggled (and failed) not to even chuckle at the pun, the ovum atop her horned head,  “Oh, come the hell on, Sans. This is not fair, that was a good one!”
He stared dead into her eyes, “now now, that language is not egg-spected of a hen of your standing.”
She fought the cackle that welled up from inside, reducing it to a chortle as she did a kind of manic top-half wobble to roll the egg from the back of her head once more towards the middle, but the chortle made the egg bounce ever so slightly.
“gonna run to the kitchen, you want anything?”
She snorted, “A paper towel would be nice for the impending mess you are about to cause on this seat!”
The sounds of rustling came from the kitchen as Toriel focused on not giving her favorite reading chair a new yolky eye. Glass rustled against plastic - a glass clacking against the dish strainer. The sound of liquid being poured came to her ears shortly after, as she focused on backing the egg away from the nearby precipice of the right side of her head.
The sound of the tearing of a paper towel gave her some relief as Sans thudded back from the kitchen with a half-full glass of water and a paper towel.
She watched his steps as she hoped, prayed, dreamed that he would step in her direction and offer her besieged balance a boon.
Instead, he sat down, yanking a seat from the table and sitting criss-cross-applesauce in the wooden chair. He gulped down some cranberry juice as he watched Toriel struggle to balance the egg.
And tauntingly, so tauntingly, he lifted the blue paper towel so slowly and delicately to his absolutely stain-free chin, dabbing absolutely nothing off his mouth.
“Oh, come the fuck on.”
(Read more...)
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clumsyexpression · 2 years
[POV: You Play Too Much] -- Last Letter Game
You're his Partner-in-Crime But also his Pain-in-the-Λss
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“Hey, let’s play a game.”
“Y/N, time and place.”
“But even you have to admit it’s a little dull right now. And besides, I think we could both use a little excitement tonight.”
Drake, the usually stoic between the two of you, couldn’t help but feel a bit unnerved by that. Not necessarily by the game, but how you chose to say it.
Slightly flustered by your remark, Drake fastened his arms across the very visible skin his jacket left exposed – as if giving himself a hug to keep from getting cold. Or to block out any of your shenanigans he knew was coming his way.
He’s never rude or obnoxious to you, but you can tell when he becomes guarded around you and tries to keep you from reading him – which, you like to remind, is very dangerous since both your lives depend heavily on communication from one another. Being on top-rank covert missions require transparency between the two of you, in which you also like to remind him of.. even though you more or less mean it in less than professional contexts.
“W-what do you, erm, mean by that?”
He doesn’t forget that kind of thing.
“Um, how do you think I meant it?”
“This is serious business, Y/N. Just…nothing that will blow our cover.”
Drake took a moment to prod at his eye mask as you shuffle your feet into the gravel - poking around at discarded cigarette butts and pebbles as you marinate on some potential schemes. Standing outside one of the many ubiquitous bars and lounges Wano had to offer, there were many ears to hear and eyes to spy. But that in itself cropped an idea for you that you would enjoy.
Solely, you.
Because of course, he wouldn’t admit that he would.
Out loud.
“That’s fine. ‘Last Letter Game’, category being, hmm? Wano?”  you say with equal stringency, establishing a mutual understanding of just how significant this all was. Knowing just how heavy the gravity of the situation was meant just how far you could possibly push the envelope, after all.
You commenced the first round, knowing that Drake could easily keep up with the 5 second limit of answering once you uttered the starting word.
“Tobi Roppo.”
Drake couldn’t fully stifle his snicker as his gloved hands did a poor job muffling it from nearby ears. Thankfully, no one was receptive enough to really care what was so funny or pick up on the connection of the two words and carried on with their daily bustle. Realizing where he was a split moment after his break of character, Drake continued in a hushed but pointed whisper to keep prying ears from tuning in so easily anyway - tightening his crossed arms to his chest.
Now for your plan to be put into action.
Slight delay in comparison to his prompt answers from before, Drake picked up the game from where he had dropped the pause - dropping you a stern but bothered glance as he picked up on the developing theme with your choice of words. “Y/N…”
“Uncontrollable.” Feigning innocent of the look he just shot you, you await again for an answer, looking for a much quicker response.
“Y-Y/N, I see what you’re doing, and it’s…”
“What? You don’t feel the same way?”
Face fully flushed to the max to where any attempt to hide it was futile, Drake had to compose himself to spare hearing you prattle on about it, and to also keep within the time limit of the game. Doing a poor job of both, he could only clear his throat as he tried to keep from completely choking on his word.
And barely managing another glance your way, Drake held his face in his hand as if it was melting off from the immense heat that ripped it aflame – trying his best to keep it together. You curiously angled yourself face in front of his, attempting to make eye contact with him since that’s only the proper thing to do when speaking with someone.
“Dirty? Yell? Lubricous? Stimulating? Are you even trying?”
It was almost impossible to repress the ever-growing smirk you wore on your face as it was for him to withhold any and every shred of embarrassment he wore on his. The two of you were as transparent as ever, and it was no secret that he was easy to fluster over the most mildest of mild sexual implications, but if he likes to contest it,  then you’re always game for it.
“So I guess that means I win – you’re declaring me the winner?”
“What…does a-any of that have..to do with Wano?”
“Huh? Were you not paying ANY attention at all to today’s events?” You huffed, fully aware of it not being so obvious. “Uh, Sumo wrestling? Duh. What else could it have been about, silly?”
“Oh, I-I see..”
“That’s literally the first thing to come to mind when I think of those words. Where was your head at? In the gutter?” You lightly gibe with a tap of a finger on your temple while he tried his darndest to rub out the tension headache from his.
 In your book, it is against the rules for X Drake to ever catch a break.
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