#kinda like what nora has??
chibitorra · 1 year
Revisiting Coral Island again after the better half of a year.
Created a new farmer for beta testing n all and themed her after a Cara-Cara Orange lol.
They also added pets! Though most of them don’t have 3d models yet, but one of the cats profiles legit looks like my old baby girl, Stella, I cried when I saw them... Whoever submitted KitKat into the game, thank you. I can adopt my sweet girl all over again <3 
Though, trying to adopt them seems to crash my game for some reason lol. Idk if we’re meant to adopt them yet.
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autumnrory · 10 months
i'll still read tsc of course but i always hoped if there was more to aftg it would still be about neil even though it did seem pretty well like his story was over that epilogue just ended things so abruptly i felt and there could be more there but at honestly i would really rather something about ANY of the other foxes like rereading i was like okay kevin and andrew are the most fleshed out probably followed by dan and matt bc neil is closest to them but we could learn so much more about everyone else particularly allison, i feel like we know the least about her and i just. i love my foxes :(
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rotisseries · 1 year
hey remember when andrew was like "you were supposed to be a side effect of the drugs." meaning he thought he hallucinated neil, a whole ass person. "you are a pipedream." how crazy is that
shut up shut up I cannot do this
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1, 2, 5, and 8
1 answered here!
2. What is their grooming routine?
Nora's top priority is always her hair and face, in that order. She braids or wraps her hair at night to keep it from being damaged, and washing her face/brushing her teeth is the first thing she does after waking up or before going to bed. She also does those on an as-needed basis throughout the day.
5. What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances?
Oh man, she cries a lot--but (almost) always to herself, typically at night. Sometimes it's because of the overwhelming circumstances she's in; sometimes she just feels like it.
8. Describe the place where they sleep.
For the majority of my fic, the place she sleeps most often ("home" as it were) is the spare bed at the detective agency. At first, when she still feels like a guest, she keeps her things to herself, typically putting everything in her bag before going to bed.
Once she starts working with Nick and gets more comfortable in the space, she spreads out a bit--she keeps her boots at the foot of the bed, her personal grooming supplies on the dresser, and any sentimental items on the headboard of her bed (for example, the toy soldier MacCready gives her). Everything she owns is kept within sight of her bed instead of put into drawers, mostly for convenience but also for some struggles with object permanence related to her ADHD. Overall, her personal space is very tidy.
She tends to be a side sleeper and likes to have a pillow against her back as well as under her head. She also prefers one heavy comforter to several smaller blankets.
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weird-an · 4 months
Billy doesn't ask for things.
It's driving Jim crazy.
The kid has been living with him for half a year now. While Jim has braced himself for a lot of things, he had expected more drugs and girls than tons of hairspray in the bathroom and Billy coming and going like he's just a ghost haunting the place. They don't really talk - at all.
Jim knows he works a lot, until he's got the money to fuck off to California, but it's like Billy is always on the run, never stopping.
The Camaro has a flat tire. It's sitting at Buckley's garage and Billy had walked to work. There's no bus that goes to the Cabin and when Jim realized it yesterday, he'd felt so guilty.
So, he waited for Billy in the kitchen this morning. Billy shuffles into the kitchen, stopping dead on his tracks when he sees Jim pouring coffee in two cups.
"I'm drivin' you today," Jim says. It's not an offer, because it's non negotiable.
"Oh," Billy takes the coffee, putting a spoonful of sugar into it. (He's always taking two when he thinks Jim isn't watching.) "You don't have to."
Jim thinks about Billy walking through the dark forest. Thinks about what was hiding there, not so long ago. "I do."
"Thanks, Si- Chief." It hurts more than it should. Jim knows that the wounds father's leave take time to stop bleeding.
"No problem," Jim says. It feels like a bandaid on a broken bone.
Billy's jaw won't stop working until they sit in the car.
"I'm… not working today," Billy admits, when Jim's about to start the engine.
"Where are you going then?" The piece of honesty seems precious and fragile. Jim's afraid to break it.
"Loch Nora," Billy mumbles. He's staring out of the window. "I'm meeting… Stev- Harrington."
"Okay," Jim says, starting the car. "Is he a friend?"
"Kinda." Billy finally looks at him, eyes unsure. "You're still…"
"Sure." Jim doesn’t know what to do. So he just drives. If Billy doesn’t ask for things, maybe get can still give it to him.
"Usually I'm sittin' on the backseat," Billy tells him after a while.
"Callahan told me all about that," Jim snorts. "How did you get out of the handcuffs?"
Billy just gives him an angelic smile. "No idea what you're talkin' about."
Jim feels line they're finally moving forward.
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arc-misadventures · 7 months
Scroll Case
Jaune: Dammit, I forgot my scroll back in my room. Hey, Yang, can I borrow your scroll?
Yang: Sure. Let me…?!
Jaune: Thanks!
Jaune reached his hand between, Yang’s cleavage, and pulled out her scroll.
Yang: H-How did you know it was there…?
Jaune: You have a scroll, and a big rack, duh.
Yang: Duh?! Dude, just because a girl has big boobs doesn’t mean she has her scroll between them!
Jaune: Do you seriously believe that? Cause you do it.
Yang: Doesn’t mean everyone else does it!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Ladies?
Glynda pulls out her scroll from between her shirts boob window.
Glynda: Does it appear like my outfit has pockets to put this anywhere?
Yang: Well, no…
May undos her binding letting her massive breast spill out before she reaches inside to grab her scroll.
May: It stays safe between my soft breasts.
Yang: Since when were you that big…?
Neo pulls out several scrolls before grabbing hers.
Neo: ‘How many cops do you think will frisk my boobs?’
Yang: Not many…?
Nora pulls out her scroll after undoing her bra revealing she was wearing a binder based upon how big she actually is.
Nora: I can use mine as a charger!
Yang: Seriously?
Willow unbuttons her dress shirt letting her ‘mommy milkers’ out to breathe before pulling out her scroll, and a flask.
Willow: The bigger they are the more pocket space they have~!
Yang: That’s a compelling argument…
Jaune: See, stacked woman everywhere do it. You do it, why don’t you think that anyone else did it too?
Yang: I don’t know, it’s just weird to think about it really.
Jaune: That’s fair.
Yang: But, I gotta ask… how?
Jaune: How, what?
Yang: You did you just reached in, and grabbed it, with absolutely no hesitation at all. You just put your hand in there, between my boobs, and you just pulled it out! How?!
Jaune: Oh, most of my sisters are stacked as hell, they hide their, and my stuff between their cleavage all the time. So, I’m pretty desensitized to reaching to grab something feom between some girls boobs.
Yang: Seriously, you just sister-zoned me, and you can just grab it like that?!
Jaune: No, like I said, I’m desensitized to doing it to woman. See…
Jaune puts his hand in, Glynda’s boob window, and pulls out her scroll.
Glynda: Oh~?!
Jaune: See, I’m totally desensitized to doing it.
Yang: But, haven’t you ever been afraid of accidentally coping a feel?
Jaune: No.
Yang: R-Really?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Did you want me to?
Yang: …
Yang: Kinda…
Jaune: Uhh… what?!
Glynda: It felt nice when you grabbed my scroll.
Jaune: Say what now?
May: I wouldn’t! Well… Maybe… But-But, only if it was you, Jaune!
Jaune: Thank you…?
Neo: ‘Wanna see how many I’m really carrying~?’
Jaune: Kinda…
Nora: You think you’ll get a shock if you try?
Jaune: That’s an odd, but an interesting question.
Willow: I more curious about what you could put in between them~!
Jaune: Now, I’m curious too…
Yang: So… Do you… do you wanna touch them…?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Yes.
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estrellami-1 · 6 months
Pay the Price
In which Steve needs Eddie’s help stopping the boys’ asshole behavior towards Lucas. He didn’t think he’d get anything more than a tentative alliance out of this, but best laid plans and all.
Part 1
“Eddie Munson,” Steve starts. “Heard you’re the man to talk to about teaching someone a lesson.”
A pause. “Uh,” Eddie says, “I mean, I don’t really do anything physical? But I won’t tell either, man, to each their own, I guess, unless you mean withholding weed, because that I can do. Depending on the lesson being taught.”
Steve chuckles. “No, nothing physical, and no weed withholding, either. Or at least, there shouldn’t be, considering they’re kids.”
Eddie sighs. “Okay, I get it. Prank call, right? Ha-ha, very funny, wanna get your laughs out now before I end the call?”
“Not a prank call,” Steve says evenly. “‘S about the kids I babysit. They’re in Hellfire. Mike’s being a little shit to Lucas.” A pause, “Dustin too, kinda, but Mike’s definitely the ringleader, y’know?”
“What the actual fuck,” Eddie says slowly, “is happening?”
Steve chuckles. “Like I said. The kids’re being shits to Lucas and I need your help curbing their behavior.”
“Who the fuck are you, man?”
Steve chuckles again. “Tell you what, ‘cause I doubt you’re gonna believe me unless you see me. You busy for the next hour or so?”
“You’ve piqued my interest. I’ll bite. No, I’m not busy.”
“Y’know Loch Nora?”
“Doesn’t everybody?”
“Last house on the right. Twenty minutes. See you then, Munson.”
Steve puts the phone back on the receiver and breathes out a sigh as he grins. This is gonna be fun.
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @mischivarien @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @inadequatecowboy @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
Fic Taglist: @damnpotatoe @lemon-astra @margaglitterdeath @gloomysoup @finntheehumaneater @boxsam @bananahoneycomb @skiddit @a-little-unsteddie @slowandsteddie @pluto-pepsi
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ellabsbitch · 11 months
tolerate it
Tumblr media
pairing: older/modern abby anderson x reader
warnings: angsty angsty shit, cursing, abby kinda sucks
a/n: she has risen🙏🙏 on god i wrote this in like 2ish days because i’ve been obsessed with taylor swifts tolerate it so that’s what this is based off of <3 if it’s bad don’t tell me okay bye enjoy
wc: 4.6k :p
The unopened wine bottle placed in front of you seems to be taunting you at your loneliness, and the fancy glasses you pulled out from the highest shelf collect dust the longer they sit, empty as the day you got them. The dinner you prepared on the plate across from you sits untouched, the steam completely dissipated. You’re met with silence as you finish the last bite of your food, a part of you still hoping to hear the sound of the study door opening. A moment passes as you consider leaving the food out at the table for her but you decide to take it to her yourself. With a careful push on the table, you stand up with your plate in hand and begin putting the dishes you used while cooking into the sink.
The moon glows in the sky during the time you spend cleaning up, the window over the sink giving you the perfect view to see how late it's gotten. A quick glance at the clock above your stove tells you it's half past nine now. You grab the towel off of the hook next to the sink and use it to wipe your hands after loading the dishwasher. Lastly, you put the leftovers from dinner into the fridge and put the wine up in the cabinet along with the empty glasses. Carefully, you grab the full plate of food and make your way over to the intimidating door across from the kitchen. The sound of you knocking fills the otherwise mute home and after you wait a good moment, you think she might be ignoring you.
Just as you go to walk away, you hear a, “Come in,” from the other side of the door. The knob turns as you twist your hand around it, trying to balance the plate of food in your other hand. There Abby sits, hunched over her large dark oak desk, reading what seems to be a thick packet of paperwork she has to go over for a client. Her hair is pulled back into her signature braid, a few loose strands have fallen, outlining her frowning face. She has yet to change out of her work clothes, though she's lost the tie you recognize from gifting it to her on Christmas the year before, seeing it tossed carelessly on the ground next to her desk. You watch as her eyes scan the documents with her head down in concentration, leaving no room for any distractions, including you as you notice she has yet to acknowledge you. After watching her work in silence for a few minutes, you clear your throat in hopes she will finally take note that you are standing there. At the sudden disruption, your favorite pair of eyes flicker up to where you stay standing with a warm smile, holding out the dinner you prepared for her. 
Without a second beat, her eyes fell back down on the papers in front of her, muttering out, “M’not hungry.”  The smile adorning your face falls. A quiet sigh escapes your lips, and you walk to the left of her desk, placing the plate next to the documents that seem to captivate all of her attention. Her eyes stay locked onto the papers, even as you stand near. You see the tie out of your peripheral and you go to grab it, hearing the sound of keyboard keys clicking from beside you. When you look back at her, she's now busy typing away on the laptop she takes from home to work. The silence is deafening, other than the constant clicks of the keyboard.
Trying to fill the quiet void, you ask, “Are we still going to Nora’s tomorrow for dinner?” You receive no response other than the constant typing that you begin to grow tired of. A minute passes of your heavy stare analyzing the way she manages to effortlessly ignore your presence. 
You try again, “Abs?” No answer, once again. The familiar burning in your eyes that you've grown accustomed to these past few weeks start up again but you fight to hold back the tears of frustration from her dismissive behavior. 
“Abby…” you nearly beg once more for her to at least look up at you. 
Suddenly, the constant clattering of her fingertips on the keyboard stops, being replaced by the sound of her sighing dramatically. Her right hand comes up to wipe her face in annoyance before she turns to where you stand at her left. 
“What, y/n? I’m busy.” she says, tiredly looking across your cowering form. Her eyes drop down to where you play with her tie in your hands before she meets your stare. 
“I asked if we are still going to Nora’s for dinner tomorrow,” you quietly say, not wanting to worsen her already bad mood. Her eyes go back to her computer, starting up that annoying typing again. “I’ll take us when I get home from work.” You nod, though you know she isn’t paying attention.
Turning to leave, you pause, “Are you coming to bed soon?” She nods before stopping her typing once again to look up at you, “Don’t wait up.” You sigh, nodding again with a forced smile, leaving her to her work. You carry yourself upstairs to your shared bedroom, changing into your sleep clothes. You glance at the dresser she keeps her night clothes in, deciding to lay a pair out for her. The pajamas lay on her side of the bed as you get under the thick duvet you bought with Abby when you first moved in. Even the blanket can’t hide the coldness you feel without having her next to you. The familiar burn returns, not being able to hold back anymore. You silently cry, missing your Abby who used to never let you go to sleep alone. The same Abby who would never miss one of your homemade dinners. Most importantly, your Abby who would never take you for granted. The tears flow until you feel yourself slowly drifting to sleep, the bed still half-full. 
— — — — — 
When you wake up the next morning, you feel as cold as the night before. Wiping the sleep and dried tears from your eyes, you turn to where Abby slept, only to find her side empty. The pair of sleep clothes sits untouched in the spot you left them. You immediately go to her study once you get out of bed, finding her in the same hunched over spot you last saw her in. 
Unlike how you left her, she’s fallen asleep with her head in the palm of her hand, the stack of paperwork as her cushion. You watch as she breathes in and out, though a bit struggled with the way she is bent over her desk. Her hair is as messy as ever, blonde wisps strung across her freckled face. Somehow she manages to make sleeping on a desk the most peaceful sight.
Quietly, you tiptoe your way to her side, just like the night before. You carefully reach over, placing your hand on her shoulder to lightly shake her awake. “Abs… wake up hun,” you whisper out to her, your other hand coming up to comb back the hair from her face. She groans at the intrusion on her sleep before she slowly opens her blue orbs. For a moment, she seems as at peace as she was before you woke her, however it’s gone in a flash and she’s shaking your hands off of her. 
“Fuck, I gotta get ready,” she says, voice still deep from her sleep. You watch her quickly but neatly stuff her paperwork into her work bag and then dart out of the room. Walking after her, you hear the sound of heavy footsteps running upstairs, which you assume means she is going to get ready for work. You decide to make her a quick coffee to help her wake up from what you presume was a long night. The sound of the clock ticking fills the silent kitchen as you wait for the coffee to finish brewing. 
Just as it gets finished, you hear those same heavy footsteps rushing down the stairs.
“Abs, wait up!” you say and quickly grab the cup of coffee to give it to her before she leaves. By the time you step out of the kitchen, the front door slams shut with an echo throughout the house. You stand there, facing the front door with a coffee in hand and no one to give it to. 
The walk back to the kitchen is just as gut wrenching as the sound of the front door slamming. Not having the energy to deal with what’s left of your sweet gesture, you leave the full cup of coffee on the counter and go back to divulge in your sorrow in the comfort of your bed. 
— — — — — 
Across the room from you Abby sits at Nora’s living room couch, surrounded by her friends and coworkers. Manny, Owen, and Mel sit on the long couch while Abby and Jessica sit on the smaller couch. She’s laughing at something Jessica tells her. Her eyes are lit up in a way you haven’t seen in weeks. 
You stay standing at the entrance to the kitchen with Nora, your favorite of Abby’s friends. When Abby first brought you around her people, Nora was the most friendly and accepting of you. It always intimidated you, coming to these parties with people who are so much older than you, but Nora always made the time pass a lot better. 
“How have you been?” Nora asks suddenly, eyeing the way your gaze hasn't left Abby and Jessica the whole time you've been there. You part ways with the two on the couch and turn your attention to your kind friend.
“I’ve been good!” you say, mustering up a smile to sell your awful attempt at lying. 
Nora sees right through it. You can tell because she casts a quick glance at Abby and then to you with a look that says ‘seriously?’ Her knowing look has you dropping the eye contact, instead choosing to focus on the way your drink swirls around in the solo cup Nora made for you earlier that night. You can’t accumulate the right words to say, choosing to sigh out instead. All of the sudden, Nora’s pulling you into the kitchen, where no one can hear the two of you. 
“You wanna tell me what’s really been going on? I can tell something is off between you two,” she states with her hand coming up to rest on your shoulder in an attempt to console you. With a shake of your head, you try to laugh it off.
“Nothing is going on, Nora! Abby has been the best and I’m so grateful for everything she has done for me. Sure, she's been busy with work recently but that doesn’t mean we aren’t okay!” you respond, though you’re sure she can see past your semi-lie just as she did before. I mean, it is somewhat true. Abby HAS been extremely busy with work, but you two definitely aren’t okay.
 “Okay…” Nora pauses in thought for a moment, analyzing the smile you’re forcing and what you’ve told her. “Well I’m always here if you ever want to talk about anything, alright?” You nod your head in response, giving her a genuine smile this time. In the living room, you hear a loud commotion of yells and congratulations being thrown around. Nora nods her head in the direction of the sound, signaling you follow her into the living room. When you emerge from the kitchen, you see people surrounding Abby, giving her their congratulations and highfives. But your eyes latch onto the way Jessica is now leaned into Abby’s side, hugging her a little too intimately in your opinion. 
“What’s going on guys?” Nora asks, venturing into the swarm of people. The sound of her voice draws everyone’s attention to her, though, you stay back, watching the scene unfold. 
Manny is the first one to say, “Abby got a big promotion!” Nora is quick to congratulate her like everyone else, and the room erupts into bustling conversation. 
You continued to hang back, a little hurt that Abby didn’t tell you about the promotion, but you cut it up to that she just wanted to wait to tell everyone together. 
That is, until you hear Jessica’s agonizing voice say aloud, “She was so happy when the boss let her know, she came straight to me and told me!” 
The chatter didn’t stop but it felt like your heart did. Your head felt cloudy as you watched Abby smile so big at the people around her, not even noticing you standing there, shocked as ever. Nora turns toward you with her eyes conveying all of the words she can’t say. Without a second thought, you dart toward the bathroom down the hallway.
The door locks behind you, leaving you to try to catch your breath from the ache that resonates in your chest. You haven't realized you've started crying until you see the tears dropping into the sink you’re hunched over. Shaky hands reach up in an attempt at wiping the wetness from under your eyes but it's no use, the tears never ending. You meet your reflection in the mirror, the girl staring back at you not someone you can even recognize anymore. She is a girl who has been reduced to watching the person she loves from the sidelines. The girl who used to be the first person her lover would call with good news, cast to the side. The question is, how much more of this heartache can she bare before she fully breaks?
— — — — — 
The car ride home is silent, no words spoken between the two of you, only the sound of the engine fills the void. You’re turned towards the window, staring out into the stars that glow in the sky. You notice from the corner of your eye that she keeps glancing at you, but she's yet to say a word. By now, the tears from before have dried up, leaving your puffy eyes and smudged mascara in its wake. As the streets pass by, you try to calculate how much longer until you’re home, so you can bundle up in your bed and sleep the night away.
The sound of Abby clearing her throat knocks you out of your thoughts, casting your gaze in her direction. One hand is on the wheel and the other rests on the middle console between you two, she continues to glance back and forth between you and the road, asking, “Did you have fun?”
Your eyes cut back to the window while responding with a “Mhm.” You hear Abby sigh out, now turning into your neighborhood. The sound of your foot tapping fills the car, anticipating getting out of this confined space with her. 
As she pulls into the driveway she says, “Well, are you going to congratulate me on my promotion?” You scoff in return, whipping back to where she sits as she puts the car in park. 
“I’m sure Jessica has done enough congratulating for the both of us,” you reply, getting out of the car with a slam of the door. Not long after, you hear the driver's door slam as well and heavy footsteps walking up to follow you up on the porch. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asks, with a defensive tone in her words. You shake your head, unlocking the front door, your back still facing her. Once the door is unlocked, you rush inside to remove your shoes at the entryway. 
As you lean down to untie your shoes, a hand is placed on your shoulder, pulling you around to face her. Abby stands with her arms crossed in front of her chest, eyebrow furrowed in accusation, “What are you trying to say?” Yet again, you shake your head in disbelief. 
“You tell me, Abby. I mean, Jessica was the first to know about the big news and you didn’t even bother to tell me before we went to the party,” you gasp out at her ignorance. It’s her turn to shake her head as she reaches up to rub her temple as if what you’re saying is making her head hurt.
“Jessica is one of my closest friends and coworkers, y/n. Of course I told her first,” she sighs out, meeting your intense gaze once again. Your eyes nearly bulge out of your skull at her words.
“Over your girlfriend of three years?” She looks down at your reply. You scoff once again, “Well I can certainly see what’s been keeping you at work for so long these past few weeks.” 
Something snaps in her at that moment. Her head whips up, the signature braid following suit. You watch at the way her eyebrows furrow even further and her lips come up in a snarl in accordance to the accusation. She walks closer to you, now standing about a foot away so you have to look up to meet the anger she holds in her eyes. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” she grits out, losing all composure she previously had. “I work my ass off for you all fucking day and you have the audacity to accuse me of cheating on you? Have you lost your fucking mind?” 
You shrink under her angry gaze, dropping your head to stare at your feet. Your shoe half-untied, and her boot clad feet contrast each other greatly. Suddenly, your trance is disrupted by the snap of her fingers. 
“No,” she mutters, “Fucking look at me.” 
Slowly, you lift your head up to meet her glare, hands beginning to shake. The weight in your chest returns and the cloudiness you felt earlier in your head reappears. You feel the quicken of your heartbeat in your chest at the way she looks at you, no love in sight.
“God forbid I have one night of relaxation with my friends and here you are bitching to me about it,” she says, her hostile tone bringing tears to your eyes. You can’t hide them from her anymore, almost sobbing out. She shakes her head at you with the same glare. 
“Now you’re crying like I’m the bad guy. Jesus fucking christ, y/n,” her voice raises, “You fucking suffocate me, you know that?” The sound of your sobs increases causing her to turn away from you. Her hands run up and down her head, trying to distract herself from the sound of you crying. Your knees feel weak as your hurt grows stronger, falling to the ground. You reach your arms around your knees to pull yourself in a ball, feeling your heart ache worsen and worsen. You watch as Abby paces the room, not saying a word. 
“Abs, I’m sorr-,” you go to apologize but she cuts you off with a raise of her hand in your direction. She shakes her head once again, not meeting your gaze. 
“I don’t want to hear it,” she says, staring at the ground. Her braid hangs next to her face and you look on to see her wiping her own tears away. She straightens up after a moment and turns to the door. Grabbing her jacket, she says, “I’m gonna go. We’ll talk tomorrow.” And with that, she’s gone, leaving you to wallow away in your pain alone. 
— — — — — 
The sun peeks through the curtains, casting a warm glow across your skin. Your chest still aches from the night before and your head feels like it’s pounding. Abby's side of the bed is left untouched once again, no trace of the blonde coming home last night. The sight makes your heart grow heavier but you gather yourself to the bathroom to freshen up from your slumber. 
When you exit the bathroom, you can hear a quiet murmur from outside of the bedroom. You quietly trek to the door and lean into it, delicately pressing your ear to it so that you can hear the conversation. It’s Abby, she's on the phone with someone, you notice. 
“I know the luncheon is a big deal, Jess.” you hear her mumble. “I just have to deal with y/n before I leave.” With that, you dart away from the door as your breath grows heavier. A hand reaches up in an attempt to calm the pounding in your chest, though it does little to help. You’re not surprised that once again she’s choosing a work luncheon, or Jessica for that matter, over you. But you won’t sit around waiting for her to choose you anymore.
Once you’ve made up your mind, you rush to the closet you share with Abby, grabbing your suitcase and bringing it to the bed. You scramble around the room, gathering clothes and other important things, stuffing them without care into the suitcase. Remembering your tooth brush and other bathroom items, you hurry to the bathroom to grab those as well, wanting to be packed up by the time Abby comes to check on you. 
You finish frantically packing your travel bag and emerge from the bathroom to see Abby opening your bedroom door. She notices you standing there and lets out a small smile, analyzing your expression to try to see how you’re doing. 
“Hey sweetheart, you’re awak-” she cuts herself off as she watches you walk with your travel bag to the suitcase that lays open and packed on your shared bed. “W-what are you doing?” Her voice stutters, realizing exactly what you are doing but not wanting to say it.
“I’m leaving,” you state with no room left to argue. You can’t face her like this, knowing that if you did, she would have you falling down to your knees, begging for another chance. 
She laughs out almost like she thinks you’re playing a funny prank on her, but when she sees the stone cold expression painted across your delicate features, she knows it’s not a joke. You hear her slowly make her way to where you’re packing at the side of the bed, her breathing so loud that you can hear it from where you stand. 
“Baby, just let me-,” she goes to say, however you cut her off before she can finish with a raise of your hand, the same way she did to you last night.
“I don’t want to hear it, Abby.” you say, whipping your head to face her. “I’m sure you have more important things to take care of, like that luncheon ‘Jess’ was talking about.” Your words come out harsh but it‘s nothing compared to the way she spoke to you the night before. The look in her eyes shows regret and her own pain that your actions are causing her but you can’t bring yourself  to care as you turn back toward your suitcase to finish zipping it up. You lift the suitcase by the handle and drop it to the floor and begin to walk around her, suitcase in your trail. With each step you take, you hear her exhale shakier than the time before and once you reach the bedroom door, you hear her speak up.
“Can we please just talk about this, baby?” she whispers out to you, your hand pausing on the door. You turn back toward her to find her looking at you with a crestfallen expression, tears now dripping from the corners of her eyes. Her cheeks are stained red, in the way they usually are when she’s anxious from work, but now it’s because of you. You feel yourself begin to nod and you watch as her back straightens for a moment. 
“You know what? Yeah, let’s talk,” you say, turning back toward the door to drag your suitcase down to the living room. The sound of her familiar footsteps follow you, you sitting on the couch and her on the chair next to it. You find yourself in deep thought on what you want to say to her, wanting to show her what she’s put you through.. She sits, watching you quietly, anxiously waiting for you to speak first. Her hands run up and down her muscular thighs in an attempt to calm herself down. When you finally gather your thoughts, you pan back to her. Her eyes immediately lock on to yours, and there is a hopefulness in the way she stares back at you.
“You used to be the person who I could go to with all of my problems and you would find a way to make me feel better about them,” you start, watching as her head drops down to stare at the palms of her hands. “Baby-” she tries but you stop her, “Let me finish.” She looks back up at you, small tears forming in her eyes, but she nods nonetheless. 
“All of my pain from the past went away whenever you were near, but now it’s like I’m begging to just be in a small portion of your life.” you say, feeling the burning from your eyes start up. “I mean, you don’t even talk to me anymore, Abby.”
She shakes her head at the weight of your words. “I’m so sorry, y/n. I’ve been so busy with work and I guess I assumed you were fine.” At her words, she wraps her arms around her body, trying to console herself. You let out a small cry at that, reaching up to wipe your face. 
“Where did you think I was, Abby? When you were out there getting your big promotions and new clients, I was here, waiting for you to come home,” you remind her, tears blurring your vision. She’s now moved to holding her head in her hands, crying harder than before. “I’ve made you my everything, I cook your favorite meals and I clean up after you, but you make me feel like I’m taking up too much space. And when I do try to talk to you, you act as if I’m wasting your time.”
Once again, she's frantically shaking her head and turning her attention back to you. “No, baby, you are never a waste of time and I love when you’re around.” You watch as she falls down on her knees in front of you, begging for you to believe her. “Please, forgive me. I didn’t mean anything I said last night.”
“You take my love for granted, Abby.” you whisper to her, trying to hold back the sobs that are waiting to be unleashed. “I can’t live like this anymore. Not when it feels like you just tolerate my love for you.” 
She cries harder as you stand up from your seat on the couch and grab your suitcase. The walk to the front door is hard, trying to block out the sobs from behind you. You pause once you’ve made it and turn back towards her, finding her standing up in the same spot, watching you leave. 
You give one last request, “I love you so much, Abby, but until you prove to me that you appreciate me and want me in your life, I won’t be back.” Despite the tears streaming down your face, your expression remains firm and you mean every word you say. You watch as she nods her head and makes her way over to you. With a gentle touch, she lifts her strong hands to cup your face, placing a warm kiss on the top of your head. She tilts your head up to face her blue orbs, glistening with tears, and she says, “I promise I won’t stop until I have you back.”
You nod up at her as she releases her hold on your head, and you turn back to open the door. The crisp breeze hits you as soon as you step outside with your baggage and you turn back one last time.
“Goodbye, Abby.” you say, looking at the tears continuously pouring down her freckled cheeks. Her lips pick up in a small, sad smile as she says, “I’ll see you soon, y/n.” 
— — — — —
a/n: i hope you enjoyed even tho it’s sad lmao but i’m thinking about writing a part two where abby tries to get her back (or maybe something else :0) lmk if y’all liked it 🤞
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thesunshinecourts · 5 months
five curiosities for the next book, after reading the sunshine court
a non-exhaustive list, but five things i'm curious to (hopefully) find out more about in TSC2, or that i have questions about still:
what happened at the trojans' fall banquet (presumably jeremy's first year)? it's a Scandal, and jeremy cannot stand to be around bryson, and annalise has never forgiven him for sticking with exy after that, despite having attended all his games in high school. given the allusions to his stepfather, and also his step-grandfather being a congressman, i can see how jeremy's sexuality might be relevant to the situation—especially if we read into lucas' stiff apology and shame at his implication about jeremy and jean as being born from more than just common decency, but rather knowledge of this being a previous sticking point in terms of jeremy's scandals—but i also keep thinking about what cat said. jeremy has—three. two brothers, one sister. the way she says it, how it sticks out to jean as an odd switch, and the fact that we've only met two siblings – it makes me wonder what happened to the third. or if that's even the right question to ask, regarding jeremy's siblings.
elodie. i'm curious if we learn anything about what happened—by and large, i kinda hope not, if only because then jean has to too, unless it turns out stuart is lying, but that's a very different kind of fallout. (i don't actively theorise he is—at some point, these kids will run out of tolerance for ghost stories coming back to life—but i think its possibility ought to be considered, at least). i think we'll get more flashes of her from jean's thoughts, though, and i anticipate lots of heartbreak lmao
lucas. assuming stuart's contact comes through, and neil's hit goes ahead, we've got lucas in the aftermath of finding out his brother is a monster, and jean saying not to call the police, and then possibly his brother being dead. if it happens any other day—if it happens in west virginia, especially—i suspect lucas might be able to look at it like another domino in the ravens machine falling down, or even that something horrible happened to him when he returned home, but if it's still in LA, after what he did to jean, after jean said no cops-------i can see how that might twist into something more suspicious. who knows! i'm curious to see what happens there. grayson is a monster, but he is still lucas' brother. aaron and kevin still have complicated grief about tilda and riko, and they were their direct, constant abusers; cass never learned until after the fact, and lucas is in a complex space between the two parts of that spectrum. if grayson dies, i think the fallout will be unavoidable for exploration
this is a small one but man, i just want to keep seeing jean's list grow. it tears something out of me every time, and stitches me back together, and i want to go through that over and over, because i want to see a jean who not only hears that his life is his and worth living, but a jean who learns to believe it too
i'm just kinda assuming we see the foxes again, because i remember nora's character list having new details about characters who didn't show up in this one, but i'm also quietly hoping for more thea. their scene made me ache, and he'd never had good defenses against thea, and kevin knew that. jean would kill him for bringing her here made my heart do the !! double-tap. i'm extremely invested in jean, thea and kevin as a unit, and it would be so incredibly wonderful to see more
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phoneuserhana333 · 1 year
.°˖✧ NSFW+SFW neighbor!doctor!abby / neighbor!producer!reader headcanons .°˖✧
tags: NSFW!!!, dom!abby, strap on, size kink, semi-public car sex, recording the deed, undefined relationship, fluff? perhaps?, hickey giving, come to brazil
:: notes; basically miscellaneous headcanons and thoughts!! hope u enjoy<3 also, part two of the story-based headcanons is in the works, but i fear that it’ll be tooooo long:(
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• during your situationship era, just when you started to get close, abby and you would pick each other’s packages up. you both had expensive equipment shipped over often, so it was a welcome gesture.
• imagine your shocked face when you see a “nsfw, do not open in public!” stamp on one of these packages
• when you rip it open, and find a sleek black strap on (that’s way too big), you nearly cum on the spot. you could barely wrap your hand around it!
• of course, abby would make it fit, albeit with a bit of a struggle she secretly enjoyed, which is exactly why she ordered a bigger size. dr. anderson has a raging size kink!
• abby acts all cool and unbothered when you show her the love songs that you wrote about her. what you don’t see is her giggling and blushing red when she hears the same song in the hospital during her shift a few weeks later, blasting on the radio in the voice of some singer who you work with often
• on the other hand, hearing a more suggestive song she knows is about her will have the woman pulling the car over during a road trip and kissing you until you’re breathless; “backseat, on your knees”
• and suddenly you’re being fucked silly with her hand over your mouth and the other gripping your hips, as abby tries to angle the strap juuust right so that it pleases you both
• it took abby months to find out you were famous. honestly, nora probably told her.
• and she didn’t realize how famous you are until you started dating. kinda dawns upon her when you explain why people are commenting “come to brazil” on a photo of you holding hands, but she’s still pretty clueless
• she is the FIRST person to tell you that a sample or song or lyric sucks (“you know i love you but sweetheart… what is this?”), followed by a pat on the butt and a kiss on the cheek for trying
• she likes to help with lyrics but stays away from instruments and melodies, rightfully so
• accidentally pressed some random buttons when she was fucking you in your home studio once and recorded the whole thing. will send the audio to you randomly, followed by a formal “When will you be home, darling? :)”
• technologically illiterate. poor abs
• when you were still in that undefined phase of your relationship, abby would hate fuck you alll the time.
• singing loudly late into the night? she’s stuffing your red panties into your mouth to shut you up. back talking when she’s telling you off? suddenly you’re bent over her knee, spanked and edged into oblivion. having another party? abby already snuck in, trapping you in the bathroom until she’s had enough of your pussy
• abby herself has no idea why she’s hatefucking you 80% of the time. spoiler alert: it’s because of her repressed emotions towards you. abby doesn’t really date around imo and you showing up and flipping her life upside down was unexpected
• and tbh ellie doesn’t help with this; she’s a huge fan of your work, knows all the singers you work with and is always super nice to you whenever dina drags her along to your parties
• abby hates her. she becomes so much more affectionate towards you after she meets ellie: touching your shoulders and legs, wiping a crumb of food from the corner of your lips with her thumb, anything she can get away with basically
• makes you cum extra hard the night after she met ellie, making sure your neck and collarbones are bruised from her rough kisses and bites (and you’re not even dating yet, how scandalous!)
• she confessed first. horribly anxious and overdressed, abby showed up at your door with a bouquet of assorted flowers, that she chose based on their meaning, your favorite champagne and some sweets you liked. thoughtful, thoughtful gal
• if it was up to her, you would’ve u-hauled a loooog time ago, but she wants to give you space. still, you find yourself sleeping over 6 nights a week and daydreaming about matching rings. how odd!
• basically, you felt first, abby fell harder.
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httpiastri · 1 month
more than enough – jmm21
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you hate your birthday, but pepe is determined to change your mind.
genre: fluff/a little angsty/comfort
pairing: reader x college!pepe marti, ft christian mansell and sebastian montoya
warnings: uhhh anxiety and such ?? idk
word count: 2.6k
author's note: just like last year, this is merely a very self-indulgent birthday gift to myself (and a bit of a late birthday gift for a friend on here who confided in me about not liking their birthday either), so sorry if you don't relate but i needed to write this for myself despite how painful it was. not happy with how it turned out but, i had to get it out of my system. <3 (also not proofread because i will freak out likely aaaaa)
this is mostly a standalone fic but ig it kinda works as college!pepe so i put that there. i got this idea at my mom's birthday back in march but never actually wrote it until this last week... also loosely based on a tiktok that really spoke to me.
also! this doesn't really work with the headcanon of pepe, seb and chris all sharing an apartment, but i wanted it this way. i also wasn't comfortable including gaby or hermes, so i used the names nora and emma for seb's and chris's respective gfs. :)
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"why didn't you tell me your birthday is next week?"
the question is innocent enough, only borderline accusing, but something tightens in your stomach nonetheless. you don't look up from the pot in your hand, however, instead continuing to scrub it with your dishbrush like it's no big deal. "who told you that?"
pepe chuckles as he makes his way over to your side, leaning against the counter as he looks at you. "emma," he tells you, crossing his arms over his chest. "going to answer my question now?"
"i must've forgotten to tell you."
"oh, come on..." your boyfriend shakes his head. "is there a reason i wasn't allowed to know? did i do something? do you not trust me? am i-"
"pepe," you say, his name followed by a sigh as you look over to him in hopes of stopping his rambling. "it's nothing personal."
"what is it, then?" he presses, eyes following your hands as they begin to rinse the pot he'd cooked your pasta in just a couple hours ago. "why don't you want to tell me?"
you take a deep breath, shrugging your shoulders before turning off the tap. "i just... i'm not a big fan of my birthday."
the biggest understatement of the year.
you hate your birthday.
for a number of reasons, really. some to do with your family and childhood; many to do with your own inner thoughts and feelings.
you hate how it reminds you of every bad birthday you had as a kid. you hate how it makes you hopeful that people will remember and congratulate you, because you hate how painful it is when they don't. you hate how you always get reminded of how little people seem to care, and how they always prioritize themselves even on what's supposed to be your day.
it's too much of a mess to explain to him right now – maybe, hopefully, one day you'll have the energy and courage to go through it all.
you hadn't forgotten to tell pepe; you had just been silently hoping he wouldn't address it, and that everyone else would forget, too. but apparently, you have a snitch in your friend group. "what do you mean?" pepe asks.
"i'd much rather not celebrate it." you place the pot on the drying rack, wiping your hands on your towel hanging by the stove before turning to him. "a lot of stuff regarding my birthday just makes me really upset. if i could, i'd just... make it disappear, honestly."
your eyes flicker to the floor, fingers nervously fiddling with the sleeve of your shirt. he can tell you don't want to get into it, and he won't push you. instead, he opens his arms wide, taking a step forward. you accept the offer instantly, arms wrapping around his waist as he pulls you close.
the air in your little dorm room isn't as thick as you had expected it to be when telling him all of this – but at the same time, you aren't surprised. pepe has always had a way of grounding you, making everything seem a bit easier. "i can't make it completely disappear, i think," he says, placing his chin on top of your head. "but i can pretend for you."
you hum contently, letting your eyes close for a few moments. "that would be great."
he remains quiet for a couple of seconds, but then he can't stop himself from talking again. "do you really not want anything? no party? you threw me that party for my birthday, i'd feel guilty not doing anything back."
"i did it because you had a fun time and you like those things, and because i enjoyed planning it. but i was really hoping i could skip all that," you answer, pulling away ever so slightly to look up at him with a sheepish expression. "i would honestly rather have dinner with you, emma, nora, sebas, chris... maybe get some takeout from that new indian place down the road?"
to pepe's ears, you sound more than just a tiny bit crazy – but your being so different from him is one of the things that attracted him in the first place. he nods, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. "whatever you say, love."
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"where did your girl go?" emma asks the second pepe slumps into a free seat by the cafeteria table.
your boyfriend shoots a glance over his shoulder back to the serving line before setting his plate down. "they were out of rice so she's just waiting for a new batch," he says with a shrug.
"okay then, let's be quick before she gets here," emma speaks up again. "what are we doing for her birthday? it's just a few days away, but i think we can pull something off."
"me and seb were talking about throwing her a surprise party," nora says, looking over at sebastian who's nodding excitedly.
pepe, however, lets out a dismissive sound and swats the air with his hand. "no, forget about that," he says, stuffing a spoonful of pasta into his mouth. "she doesn't want any of that."
nora snorts. "what? of course she does."
"you know, pepe," emma counters, eyebrows raised at the spaniard. "every girl will tell you that she doesn't want a surprise party. don't bother, i don't care, you don't have to do all that for me! but in reality, we're all secretly craving it."
pepe considers her words for a few moments; maybe there is some truth in them after all. maybe all you did was try to act modest, to put the idea in his head so he would make the right choice.
but you weren't the one to bring up the subject – he was. he remembers clearly how you were doing your very best to avoid talking about your birthday at all, and the memory of how tough of a subject it seemed like to you is still etched into his mind. he thinks you were so brave to confide in him like that, and so he needs to stand up for you. he can't dishonor your trust.
"trust me, guys. she really doesn't want it." he ignores the groans of the people around him, taking a few sips of his water before continuing. "can't we all just grab some dinner on saturday instead? maybe that new indian place?"
"works for me," christian joins in. "how about presents, then?"
"right, are we all buying something together, or separate gifts?" emma fills in.
pepe shakes his head yet again. "i don't think she wants that, either." his words are followed by a long silence, which makes him unable to hold back a chuckle. "just paying for the food should be enough."
nora sighs dramatically, the palms of her hands pressing into the sides of her face. "and i'm supposed to just trust you, huh?" she asks and pepe merely shrugs, focusing back on his food. "hope you're not messing with us here, marti."
"i have no idea what he said, but he usually is," your voice spreads through the group as you finally take a seat at the table. "fill me in and i'll help you decide if he's just being annoying."
"i was just telling them about what mr. peterson said yesterday," pepe says quickly. "about what he'll do to everyone who fails the exam."
you throw your head back laughing, nodding instantly. "oh my god, that was hilarious. so, it started with someone on the front row asking about..."
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pepe loves birthdays. his own, too, but mostly he finds himself looking forward to his friends' birthdays and longing to celebrate the important people in his life. he loves picking out gifts, planning celebrations, and making sure everything is perfect. it just comes naturally for him to be caring and detailed in that way.
but while pepe eagerly awaits your birthday, you couldn't even come close to feeling the same way.
most years, you spend the weeks leading up to your birthday dreading it, and the day of your birthday crying, because your birthday reminds you of everything you try to forget year-round.
pepe wants to make the day perfect for you, but he also obviously doesn't want to do too much. it's a hard task, but he's set on making it work – and the first step is getting a cake.
his first thought was to get you something huge, something to properly convey what he thinks you deserve and how much he loves you. though, it didn't take long for him to realize that something like that would be way too much for you. instead, he settled on a more basic yellow cake with some kind of white coating that the lady in the bakery recommended to him, and dropped by the grocery store near campus to buy sprinkles and a bunch of candles.
the end product is a little messy, but created with so much love, and pepe knows you're going to adore it. what he doesn't know is how he managed to keep you away from his refrigerator and the surprise hiding in it all night yesterday, but it doesn't matter – all that matters is that you're currently still sleeping soundlessly in his bed, with no clue of what's going on over in the kitchen.
pepe's hands are trembling slightly as he lights up the candles; he is a little nervous, he will admit, but he's also excited at the same time. he can't wait to see the look of surprise on your face, so he hurries up and places the cake on a tray along with two cups of coffee.
he silently curses at the way his bedroom door creaks when he pushes it open with his foot, but thankfully you don't move a single muscle. he carefully scoots over to the side of the bed, sitting down next to you and balancing the tray in his lap. he reaches over with one hand to your cheek, thumb tracing along your skin, fingers settling under your jaw. "mi amor," he whispers, a soft hum leaving his lips as he watches your eyelids slowly flutter open. "happy birthday."
it takes a few moments for your eyes to adjust to the sunshine lighting up the room, but when they do, they can't help but focus on him. the goofy grin on his lips, the messy hair, the-
the cake on his lap.
you push yourself up to sit in bed, rubbing some sleep out of your eyes. you're mistaken, surely? you're still half-asleep, you must've imagined it...
but no amount of blinking makes the cake disappear. the little flames of the candles swaying in the air, the single drop of stearic rolling down the side of a candle, the rainbow sprinkles sticking to the top and sides of the cake – it's all very real.
pepe was so sure this was the right way to go. but seeing the tears begin to seep out of the corners of his eyes makes him horrified. he messed up.
he knew the sprinkles would be too much. and that amount of candles, what was he thinking? he definitely went overboard.
"oh my god," he says, instantly placing the tray on the bedside table before scooting closer to you. "i'm so so so sorry, i thought you would like it... i don't know what i was thinking. here, let me-"
you shake your head as he begins brushing away your tears with his thumbs, and to his big surprise, you chuckle. "don't be sorry," you say, letting out another laugh when you see the confused expression on his face. "i do like it. a lot." you reach up to take his hands in yours, bringing them down to the bed and intertwining your fingers. "it's just... very emotional, for me. as you can see."
he also chuckles now, and he thinks he understands – even though seeing your happy tears is more painful than he'd expected. "okay," he says with a nod. "so..." his eyes flicker back to the cake.
"yes, please. i mean, what could be better than a sugar rush first thing in the morning?"
pepe would've been so happy to shower you with presents to express how much he loves you; it would've made him so proud to invite all your friends to a big celebration, to show you how much you mean to all of them, to change your idea of a birthday. but this – sitting together in bed, eating straight from the cake (no plates needed), pressing sugary kisses to each other's cheeks – is another form of perfect.
he just hopes you think it's perfect, too.
hearing you tell the stories of how you needed to bake the cake for yourself if you wanted one as a child, how you always made sure to buy yourself a gift because the risk that no one else would get you one was too high, and how you always needed to plan out your own parties breaks his heart – but hearing you open up like that also means the world to him. he understands that it's all buried so deep inside of you, but there's nothing he wants more than to help you heal and to prove that you can have much better and bigger birthdays than that.
but for now, a little cake in bed and a ton of kisses will have to do.
baby steps.
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"chris, will you pass me the chicken korma?"
he leans over the crowded couch table and holds out the takeaway box to nora, who takes it into her hands and thanks him. "that one is really good," you tell her through your mouthful of bread, nodding to your friend.
"what's the verdict, then?" sebastian asks from his seat over on the couch. "i need a rating from the birthday girl, one to ten."
"food? ten," you say, taking a sip of your soda. "company? ten."
birthday? eleven.
the whole day has been much better than you'd expected; from your wake-up this morning, to the lunch date you shared with pepe over in town after a cute walk along the river, to having your closest friends all gathered in your living room for you. you don't even mind the way your buttcheeks are already starting to hurt after sitting on the floor for too long – you knew you should've invested in more seating for moments like these – because all of this is worth it.
"agreed," pepe chimes in from next to you. "especially about the food."
"speaking of which," says emma. "was there any bread left?"
you're quick to jump to your feet, already turning towards the kitchen. "garlic or plain?"
"ooh, garlic! thank you!"
pepe hurries off the floor right after you, making up some excuse about getting a new spoon for one of the sauces, but no one even bats an eye. you hear him enter through the door, and you smile instinctively. "how are you feeling?" he asks when he reaches your side, hand finding the small of your back as you rummage through the takeaway bag. "is this all enough?"
"it's more than enough. so much more." after pulling out the garlic naan from the bag, you reach up to the side of his face with your free hand, brushing your thumb over his cheekbone. "best birthday ever."
you seal your words with a feather-light kiss to his lips, and he's still smiling when you pull away. "you promise?" he asks, eyes searching through yours for any slightest hint of insincerity or uncertainty.
"i promise." another kiss, followed by a gentle hum, and he visibly relaxes. "thank you."
"no, thank you." for opening up, for letting him do all this for you. for existing. "only happy birthdays from now on, okay? i will make sure of it."
"it could never be anything other than a happy birthday with you around."
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midnightsnyx · 1 year
girl at home | mat barzal | part 2
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pairing: mat barzal x fem!reader summary: you’re eighteen when you find yourself pregnant after Mat leaves for hockey. nearly eight years later, Mat finds out about your daughter and you have to deal with the consequences of not telling him about her.
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, lil bit of angst with a sprinkle of fluff and not edited im sorry lol word count: 2.1k authors note: *screams internally* thank you guys so much for the love on this story so far. I was super hesitant to post it at first but I am glad you guys like it! I'm posting this a little early but updates will be every sunday from now on. This chapter is kinda sad but happy times are on the way <3 thanks for the feedback, and if you like part 2, let me know!
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Sitting across from Mat for the first time in almost eight years, doesn’t go exactly as planned. He’s waiting for you even though you arrive fifteen minutes before the agreed time, hoping to rid yourself of the anxiety you are feeling which means he’s been here even longer. So you wipe your sweaty palms on your jeans and stride over to where he’s waiting and sit on the chair across from him. He’s staring at his phone so his head jerks up when he hears you.
The first words that come out of his mouth are: “are you sure she’s mine?”
Which, okay, that’s a fair question because you did tell everybody and their grandmother who asked that Mat was not the one who knocked you up. Of course, nobody actually believed you but there were a few people from your high school that believed it. Most girls who had always had a crush on Mat, would say that you cheated on him and obviously Nora couldn’t be his child because for some reason, they never actually accepted that you and Mat were a couple. 
So yeah, his question is fair and you did know he would ask. 
“Yeah, we can do a paternity test if you don’t believe me,” you say quietly. It’s not something you necessarily want to do, because then you’d have to come up with some reason to tell Nora why she needs to go get her cheek swabbed or blood tested. She’s as stubborn as Mat, and you would probably have to hold her down to get whatever the doctors needed unless she agreed. 
“No, I believe you.” 
His words take a huge weight off your shoulders but also replace it with a new one. You know Mat, he’s the kindest soul and has the biggest heart and he’s going to want to at least properly meet Nora and might ask to be in her life. In the first few years of her life, there wouldn’t have been anything you wanted more in the world. However, you’ve grown now and so has she. Your number one priority has to be what is best for Nora, and turning her life upside by introducing her to Mat is scary. For both you and her. 
And Mat? Despite what he might think, he’s nowhere near prepared to jump into being her dad.
“Can I ask you something?” he says, pulling you from your spiraling thoughts. 
“Sure,” you say even though you know what he’s going to ask. It’s a question you’re nowhere near ready to answer but you have no choice now.
“Why? Why didn’t you tell me about her?”
He doesn’t sound as angry as you were expecting, maybe thanks to his dad talking to him but there’s underlying hurt. You try to put yourself in his shoes, trying to think if there was anything in the world that would have stopped you from wanting Nora. You know for a fact that if Mat knew, he would have been in her life somehow but you’re not sure if he would have given up the NHL to do it, and that’s exactly why you didn’t tell him.
“I didn’t want to hold you back,” you say softly, watching his facial expression change. He just looked confused before but now he looks sad almost. His eyes close for a moment and when he opens them, you feel like you’ve been punched in the stomach. 
“I thought you knew me better than that.”
“I did! I do,” you argue. “If you knew about her, it would have kept you away from everything you worked hard for. Your dream was the NHL, Mat. If I told you about her, it would’ve crushed that dream. We didn’t want to hold you back.”
“Yeah,” he scoffs. “Who’s we? You and my parents? You shouldn’t have made that choice for me, it wasn’t right.”
“This is a child we’re talking about Mat. Were you really ready at eighteen to drop everything and raise one?” 
“Were you?”
“No,” you say truthfully. “But I didn’t have a jersey with my name on the back waiting for me.”
He doesn’t say anything and for a moment, it’s silent between the two of you with background chatter from the cafe. You’re sure that he’s just going to get up and storm out but he takes a deep breath and slowly exhales, knotting his fingers together.
“I wish you’d told me,” he mumbles before looking up at you. “I would’ve stayed.”
“I know,” you whisper but you can’t meet his gaze.
. . .
You’re picking Nora up from her day camp a couple of days later when you get a message from Mat asking if he can meet up with you. There’s been no contact since the two of you last met, having left with a short goodbye to pick up Nora. He hadn’t asked to see her and you hadn’t offered so you thought maybe he would leave it but you should’ve known better.
You fire off a sure, see you in twenty, and debate on whether to bring Nora with you or drop her off with your mom. Mat might not even want to see her, but if he’s reaching out to you again it’s probably about her. 
“Wanna go meet my friend?” you ask, looking back at her to gauge her reaction. She might just want to go home after all day at camp, but she perks up immediately when you ask.
“The one from the grocery store?” she squeals but narrows her eyes and gives you a suspicious look. “Hey, I thought you said he was a stranger.”
“Well, he was to you,” you try to explain. “I knew him when I was younger.”
“As young as me?”
“As young as you,” you tell her and she grins, nodding her head and shouting an excited yes, so you pull out of the parking-lot and start towards Mat’s parents house. You’re a little nervous to be around his family after dancing around them for so long after Nora was born. Meeting up with Liana wasn’t as hard as you were expecting, but you’re not so sure about his parents. Aside from the occasional awkward greeting, you haven’t properly spoken to them since before Nora and you’re starting to think maybe bringing her will just make things worse but before you can change your mind, you’re parking your car in the driveway. 
He’s sitting outside on the porch swing when you step out, and his eyes widen in surprise when Nora climbs out of the car. He definitely wasn’t expecting you to bring her but this could be a good test. If he decides he wants to be part of her life, having all their interactions scheduled wouldn’t be a good start so you decide to just jump in the deep end.
“Hey,” you call out before grabbing Nora’s hand and making your way towards him. He’s already making his way down the pathway and meets you about half way, pulling you into a surprising hug before crouching down to Nora’s level.
“Hey Nora,” he says, smiling gently and offering her his hand to shake just like last time. “Do you remember me?”
She bobs her head once, accepting his hand but tries to hide her face in your leg. Of course now, she’s practicing Stranger Danger, instead of blurting out her full name. 
“Mom made dinner, if you guys are hungry?” 
Family dinner is just about the last thing you want to do but Nora perks up at the idea of food so you agree, following Mat into the all too familiar home you spent so much time in as a kid. Not much has changed, you realize as you look around the foyer. It feels a bit like coming home but you’re not sure if you were missed. 
“Smells good,” you say, trying to make conversation and Mat smiles awkwardly. 
“Yeah, mom is making your favorite.” 
How she can remember your favorite meal is beyond you, but you’re not about to miss a peace offering and this is certainly one.
“My favorite food is spaghetti,” Nora informs him and you watch Mat nod seriously, taking in anything she says. You try not to look too deep into it because even though he knows she’s biologically his, Nora is still just a cute kid talking a mile a minute about anything and Mat has probably been trained on how to handle excited children. 
When the three of you make your way to the living room, with Nora still chatting excitedly, you stop short when you see a picture frame on the wall. 
It’s you. Well, it’s you and Mat at graduation. Arms wrapped around each other and Mat kissing your forehead. If you look close enough, you can see past your smile and see the sadness in your eyes. This was before you were pregnant but you were already grieving the loss of Mat. He left for hockey shortly after and your only reminder was the brown haired little girl still talking to Mat. 
“Is that you, mama?” Nora asks suddenly, standing on the tips of her toes so she can get a better view. Her nose scrunches up and she looks at the photo, then Mat, and then the photo again.
“Oh,” she says and you sigh. 
“Let’s go see Mat’s parents.”
Nadia and Mike are waiting in the kitchen, trying to make it seem like they weren’t listening in on the conversation. Liana is sitting at the table, reading a book casually but you know she was probably listening too.
“This is Mike, Nadia, and Liana,” you tell Nora who lights up at Nadia’s name.
“My middle name is Nadia!” She squeals and you stare at the floor, not wanting to meet any of their eyes. Someone - probably Nadia - inhales sharply and then lets out what sounds like a sob. 
“That’s a beautiful name,” Liana says and you look up to see her looking at Nora with a soft smile on her face. Mike has an arm wrapped around Nadia who’s trying, and failing, to hide tears. You’re glad Liana is trying to distract Nora because you’re about two seconds away from crying and Mat must be able to tell because you feel his hand lightly touch your back. His hand lingers for a moment until you take a deep breath and blow it out steadily. 
Then his hand is gone and you feel the loss right away.
“Hey, we have a swing outside in the backyard,” Mat tells Nora. “Wanna go check it out while dinner finishes cooking?” 
He looks at you for permission so you nod, smiling at Nora when he takes her hand and leads her outside. Liana follows shortly after and then it’s just you, Nadia and Mike. Both their eyes are red rimmed and Nadia only hesitates for a moment before striding over and pulling you into a tight hug. 
“Thank you, my girl,” she whispers and all you can manage is a nod because you’ll probably cry now if you try to talk. The two of you just stand there for a couple minutes until Mike chuckles. You pull away, wiping your eyes to see him standing in front of the patio door so you make your way over to see what he’s looking at and almost start crying again. 
Mat and Nora are playing what looks like a game of tag, Liana laughing at them while trying to film. It’s exactly the kind of thing you had sometimes allowed yourself to imagine.
“Would you look at that,” Mike says softly. 
“He’s a natural,” Nadia agrees. “Always was.”
Then she turns to you with a small smile on her face. “I know the struggles of being a mom. You have to do what’s best for your kids…” she hesitates, gazing outside before looking back at you. “He wants to try, if you’ll give him the chance. We’d all love to get to know Nora.”
You would love nothing more than to have Mat’s family in Nora’s life. For her to get to know her other grandparents but you can’t help but be scared of what could happen if you let Mat into her life. She could get attached only to have him ripped away when he has to go back to New York but you can’t have Nora in Nadia, Mike, and Liana’s life and not Mat’s. 
But maybe you owe it to Mat, to give him a chance at having a place in her life after not telling him about her all this time. You were doing what you thought was right - what was right - but if Mat really wants to be part of her life, maybe it’s time. 
You look outside and see Nora on Mat’s shoulders with Liana chasing them, before looking back at the woman in front of you and smiling softly.
“I think Nora would love that.”
tag list: @dasiysthings
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walkingzombiegirl · 2 months
how about some sexually frustrated banter with hange, the only other titan scientist behind the walls who you're always competing with when it comes to your research?
or flirty ellie who always gets on your nerves but in reality she's just a big loser and a science geek and that actually makes her kinda hot...
oorrrr knight abby who is devoted to your protection and the kingdom's so that is why she has put up with that bratty attitude until one day she finally snaps and calls you a brat and suddenly you're all flustered and that was almost all it took to have you spread out beneath her with her head lost between your legs. she could stay there for hours and be satisfied with just that .
anyway i have a huge thing for enemies to lovers and banter idk what's wrong with me 😭😭
━ 𝙂𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙂𝙞𝙧𝙡
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 - ellie williams x fem!reader
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀 - Ellie and you are opposites, causing a bit of bickering that never seems to end. But when she has to go to her room before Dina gets back to find her wallet, she drags you along. However, it takes a more fun turn that you would've ever thought possible. Especially since you fucking hate her.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 - cursing, bitchy!reader, flirting, slight alludes to previous sexual encounter between them, alludes to having sex at the end, scandalous figurine
𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘀 - sorry i disappeared if you couldn't tell by how badly this was written i haven't been feeling the best and been stressed about college! Also I am planning on writing the other two... slow roll.
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"Did you buy all of these?" You asked glancing around her decked out room, in awe at how many figurines she had around the place. Practically stacked full, wall to wall was gaming posters, ones of various rock bands, some shows and cartoons you didn't recognize. Between those was shelves of comic books, and an overly messy deck scattered with work and drawings she quickly covered up.
"Yeah, that's how shopping works."
You glared at her, looking around at the room some more before spotting another shelf that had more little people. You smiled, picking up a lady that was wearing a rather scandalous outfit.
You nearly let a laugh escape, twirling her around in your fingers, her dress the same color as your nails. At that, it was promptly snatched from your fingers. A scoff falling from your lips.
"What? I was just looking." But when your eyes met her freckled face you noticed a light coat of pink dusted her cheeks. Her eyes rocketing around the room like she'd been told there was someone ready to kill her inside. "Don't touch anything." "Alright, alright." You huffed, putting your hands up in faux submission.
"Can I at least sit somewhere while I wait for you to do whatever the fuck you dragged me in here to do?" You asked, Ellie immediatley giving a glare and then pointing at the mattress with a tight face. The little hot lady still in her hand.
You couldn't help yourself, you peered at her, squinting to see past her fingers. Once she realized, however, the little lady hurriedly went flying over her shoulder and knocked against the desk.
"Hey!" You plopped down on the bed, the springs squeaking under your weight. "I just wanted to see her." "It's none of your business just wait a minute for me."
You didn't respond, instead watching her ruffle around in the top drawer of her dresser. But you couldn't help yourself, you turned around to look at the photo board you seen when you walked in, all of Dina, Jesse, and others like Abby and Nora.
Boring... until, wait?
"Is that me?" You then broke the silence, scooting up the bed to see a photo of you and Dina on the beach from last summer. You were both grinning at the camera and holding up beers. "That's from the night we-" "Yes."
You peered back to her, green irises staring into your soul as you met her eyes.
"You're a freak." "You look hot in that picture." By the look on her face you were probably number three in the amount of total girls she'd said that to. To their faces anyway. "You are such a nerd." You whispered, staring at her with an almost freakishly large grin on your face.
"You are a bitch." She then replied, her expression mirroring your own. "Says the perv with a picture of me on your wall in a bikini. Creep." "Says little miss 'let me see your doll's tits, Ellie'." She spoke, but didn't seem annoyed, instead, almost intrigued as you responded, "You own the doll!"
"Not for those reasons!" She spat, laughing halfway through the sentence. "Are you sure you don't fuck the doll, Ellie?" "You wish I did, it'd be the closest you've gotten to me in months." You sneered at that, biting your lip.
"You're so full of yourself." Ellie rolled her eyes. "Whatever." "Whatever? God you irritate the fuck out of me." You exclaimed, running your hands down your face with a groan. "You're in my room." "You told me to just to go with you."
There was a pregnant pause before,
"Please tell me you jack to the photo." "No!" She stared at you, making a face. "No." "You do!" "So what you're not horrible to look at." You smirked up at her, shaking your head. "Perv." You hummed, her face inching closer to yours, eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips before back up again.
"Nuh uh, you don't get to do that." You said and reached forward grabbing her buckle, pulling her in. "You fucking freak." She just rolled her eyes, looking back at her bedroom door.
There was a silence that felt thick compared to the conversation just had, her head rolling back to face you.
"How long until Dina gets back?" She asked, eyes practically gouging into yours. Her stare had you squirming already.
"Long enough."
She nodded, looking again before at the alarm clock beside her bed.
"Do you-"
"Yes Ellie. Yes."
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awkward ellie is more canon then sex god ellie and i stand by that
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yandereforme · 7 months
Listen, I know it's a really stupid scenario but it really amused me and I wanna share it imagine yandere batfam and yandere platonic rogues with a male reader who is overly kind and that makes the family worry but somehow the reader manages to befriend/ sort of redeem a lot of the rogues
Maybe they redeem Harley and ivy convincing them to leave the life of crime, they cure Mr freeze wife(who also becomes yandere), they convince riddler to use his riddles more like a challenge for the smartest people in Gotham (Arkham games kinda) and imagine he manages to convince bane, of all people,to become a vigilante because I really like the idea of batfam being in huge trouble reader being like "don't worry I got back up" and then fucking bane shows up(bane only became a vigilante to keep reader happy , he doesn't kill but with how he fights that might be woese)
Now the batfamily has self declared aunt Harley and her girlfriend ivy who is the manors gardener , Mr freeze who enlist himself as security and nora as a cook (Alfred appricates the help), bane who is readers godfather(also self declared) and weird cousin nigma who lives in the shed(don't worry he likes it there)
batman is torn between being proud that his kid managed to do what he couldn't and tearing his hair out in frustration because these people are declaring themselves family to HIS kid so hes like "I'm super proud of you but maybe stay inside and don't befriend anymore of Gotham rogues please?" And 3 months later Shiva shows up because apparently reader befriended her trough letters since reader was curious about the formation and history of her clan and she is technically not from Gotham
Cassandra is upset at this, because why talk to Shiva when she's right here, Damian is just hoping his mother and grandfather aren't next(they are)
I love this idea!
They all just look at you like they want to lock you in a room full of pillows so you can’t find any danger. You are definitely never allowed to leave.
Also, they never want to introduce their friends to you because of being afraid of similar reactions (Honestly I think most of them would probably be romantic Yanderes too, which gives the Batfam another reason to hide you away.
( honestly this could work as it’s own post, and it’s not stupid, it’s awesome! You should write more like this)
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xasafi · 8 months
First of all...
Hell yeah! TSC will have two books (and most likely two POVs - Jean's obviously, and it seems like Jeremy's POV is also confirmed!) YES!
Now, onto the... other stuff Nora posted.
"TSC1 has made me sadder than all 3 books of aftg" Ouch. How am I supposed to survive this?!
"but he needs to be an autumn baby, fall is for dying things" Yo, what the fuck Nora? WHAT. THE. FUCK.
It seems like TSC will indeed explore the relationship between Neil and Jean and I couldn't be happier! This is all I wanted (well, this and Jerejean but we all know which one was more likely to happen...)
Also, Jeaneil had been making-out in the Nest in previous drafts before Nora realized Neil is ace? Wow. Okay, okay. I'm fine.
Spicy scenes in TSC2? Um. I have mixed feelings about this, tbh.
"if yall were genuinely sane you wouldn't have liked aftg yes???" Well, yes. That is correct.
We got a short description of Andreil from Jean's POV?! Dreams do come true, thank you Nora.
Andrew is the older twin apparently. I kinda liked the idea that Aaron was the older one but honestly, it fits.
In most drafts Neil kissed Andrew first? Oh, wow. This is interesting.
Nora said once again that to her Andreil are versatile in bed. Yes, yes. We love to see it.
Andrew's future without Neil would have been "empty & meaningless". Oh god... I'm so glad they found each other and were able to stay together because holy fuck.
Neil would totally buy all the Fox merchandise. Yup, that's our #1 Foxes fan.
Andreil learning Russian or ASL together? My heart.
Nora claims that she would only do small changes in extra content... Does this mean no Jerejean? :(
Andrew used to hook-up with Renee after sparring in previous drafts before Nora made him gay?! WTF. Nope, I'm not even gonna acknowledge that. I didn't see it, this is not true, nope. NOPE.
"one day ppl will learn to stop asking me questions" I'm afraid we won't, even if we don't always like the answers.
Can the spring come faster?
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arc-misadventures · 3 months
Would You Care To Join Us? 2
Jaune: Nora, I need your… advice.
Nora: Oh?! Fearless Leder needs my help?! This is a glorious day!
Jaune: I’m already starting to regret this…
Nora: So tell me gloriously leader! What can I help you with?
Jaune: How does one… get a girl…? How does one make a girl your girlfriend?
Nora: Why are you asking me that; Couldn’t you ask, Rin, or Pyrrha?
Jaune: Pyrrha’s only been on publicity dates, meant to show off something, or someone. No romance in those at all. And has, Rin ever been on anything close to a date?
Nora: Ahh, good points. But, I’ve never dated before, why are you asking me?
Jaune: Cause it’s you, Nora.
Nora: Ahh! That’s why you’re the leader! Always coming up with the smart plans there!
Jaune: So… any ideas?
Nora: Who’s the girl you’re trying to win over?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Ms. Goodwitch…
Nora: Triple G?!
Jaune: Don’t call her that!
Nora: Sorry…
Jaune: Haa… Okay, so can you help me?
Nora: I can!
Jaune: Awesome!
Jaune: How…?
Nora: Hmmm… Oh I know! You should have sex with, Blake in her classroom!
Jaune: …
Jaune: The fuck?!
Nora: I know it’s crazy, but hear me out. So, you sleep with, Blake in, Ms. Goodwitch’s classroom, then she stumbles upon you, and then you ask her to join in! Simple as that!
Jaune: …
Jaune: That’s the craziest plan I ever heard…
Nora: But, it could work~?
Jaune: Even if I agree to this plan, answer me one thing: Why, Blake?
Nora: She’s kinky, she’d totally do it.
Jaune: …
Jaune: She probably would.
Jaune: Haaa… Fine I’ll do it… But, if this back fires, and I wind up in detention, you’re banned from having pancakes for a week.
Nora: You wouldn’t dare!
Jaune: Pray that you don’t find out.
Blake: Oh fuck~?!
Jaune: Honestly, I thought you slap me in the face for even suggesting we do this. But, you’re really getting into this, Blake.
Blake: Oh~! Can you blame me? You have no idea how many boxes this ticks off, and me on~!
Jaune: Really? Care to tell me? Maybe I can check off another item on that list for you~?
Blake: Doing it in a classroom. Ooph~! The possibility of being caught. Doing a human. Actually getting off~!
Jaune: Ouch, how many bad lovers have you had?
Blake: Too many! Oh! We should film this, and send it to them!
Jaune: Beg pardon?
Blake: Those losers would absolutely… Ohhh~! Would absolutely lose it if they saw me actually getting off, to a human no less! Oh gods~! We should have done this sooner~!
Jaune: I-I’m not really sure about…?!
Ruby: Blake, are you here? I want the next volume of… Ninjas in… love…?
Jaune: Uhh… hi, Ruby…?
Ruby: H-Hi…
Jaune: Uhh… Blake, and I are kinda busy right now… you can ask her for that book later.
Ruby: O-Okay… whoa that’s massive…
Jaune: But, in the meantime… w-would you care to join us?
Ruby: Yes!
Blake: A threesome?! Fuck yeah, another item off my checklist!
Nora: Ruby?
Jaune: Yeah…
Nora: How did it go?
Jaune: Blake got… kinky so I didn’t really do it a lot with her.
Nora: Makes sense.
Jaune: So, Ruby asked me to join her in the classroom again.
Nora: Oh cool! Treat her nicely!
Jaune: Don’t worry, I will!
Ruby: H-How are you… Ohh~! How are you so good with knots? Mmmm~!
Jaune: Boy scout, easiest badge I ever got
Ruby: I knew it! You’re a total boy scout!
Jaune: And, you’re loving it~!
Ruby: Hell yeah~! Ohhh~!
Jaune: Tell me; You like being tied up, how about being gagged?
Ruby: Oh fuck yeah!
Jaune: Alright then, let’s…?!
Weiss: Ruby, did you take my binder… A-Again…?
Ruby: N-No…
Jaune: Hmmm… That didn’t sound so sincere. Did it, Weiss?
Weiss: N-No it didn’t…
Jaune: Would you care to join us, Weiss? Maybe then we can get her to talk.
Weiss: …?!
Nora: Did, Weiss join in?
Jaune: Yeah… yeah she did…
Nora: Was it bad?
Jaune: Oddly specifically kinky…
Nora: Eh?
Weiss: Grrk! Grrk! Grrk!
Jaune: Oh, are you enjoying yourself, bitch?
Weiss: Mmmph~?!
Jaune: D-Did you just…? Who said you could do that?
Weiss: Mmm-mmrrry!
Jaune: Looks like I’m going to to have to puni…
Yang: Did someone say, ‘Pun?!’
Jaune: Uhhh…?
Weiss: …?!
Jaune: No… no they did not…
Yang: Oh… Uhh…? What’s going on here…?
Jaune: Exploring, Weiss’s kink…
Yang: Kink?
Jaune: Domination…
Yang: Oh… that’s unexpected…
Jaune: Yeah…
Yang: …
Jaune: Are you just going to stand there, or would you care to join us, Yang?
Yang: Oh~?
Nora: Yang? You got the wrong blonde, Fearless Leader.
Jaune: Yeah…
Nora: So… Are you going to try again with, Yang?
Jaune: Yeah, she asked me to help her explore her kink.
Nora: What’s her kink?
Jaune: Beats me.
Yang: Ohh~! Big bro! We can’t do this here~!
Jaune: I am so conflicted right now! I have seven sisters, and you look like all of them! And, you want to do this?!
Yang: Because, its so god damn hot~!
Jaune: That’s what makes it worse!
Yang: Forget about it, just focus on me, and the moment, big bro~!
Jaune: Gods… Why is my little sister such a…?!
Emerald: Shit, where did I place that…?! That…?
Jaune: Uhhh… Hi… Emerald…
Emerald: Hi…
Yang: Yo~!
Emerald: Hi… Uhhh… A-Are you two related…?
Jaune: N-No…
Emerald: B-But… L-Lil sis…?
Jaune: It’s… its her kink… So…
Emerald: Oh…
Jaune: So… so are you going to do whatever it is you were going to do, or would you like to join us instead?
Emerald: J-Join…?
Nora: A brother complex?
Jaune: Yeah, I thought only girls with brothers would develop a brother complex like my sisters. But, apparently not.
Nora: Yeah…
Nora: So, Emerald… How was that?
Jaune: Also into the brother complex thing too.
Nora: Okay…
Jaune: She asked for a second run.
Nora: She did?
Jaune: She said she wanted to play something out.
Nora: Oh really? What does she want to play out?
Emerald: I’m sorry!
Jaune: For what?!
Emerald: I’m sorry for stealing!
Jaune: No you’re not! You’re sorry you got caught!
Emerald: OHH~!
Jaune: Oh? You like that? You wanted to get caught didn’t you! So you could be punished you naughty butch!
Emerald: N-N-NooooOoh~?!
Jaune: You do~! Well, guess I’ll have to try harder to punish you, you slu…?!
Cinder: Emerald?! Are you here, we need to… to…?!
Jaune: Uhh…?!
Emerald: C-Cinder?! W-What are you doing here?!
Cinder: I was… I was looking… L-Looking for you…
Emerald: F-For what…?
Cinder: I… I don’t remember… oh gods… its so big…
Jaune: Oh… well would you like to join us maybe we can jog your memory?
Cinder: J-Join…?
Nora: So, Cinder joined in, eh?
Jaune: Yeah, Emerald really enjoyed it when, Cinder joined in on the action.
Nora: Must have a crush on her.
Jaune: I’d bet money on that.
Nora: So, did, Cinder ask you for a spin too~?
Cinder: AhhHhh~!
Jaune: I’m sorry! Did I hurt you?
Cinder: No. It’s just to so~!
Jaune: I’ll go slow… be nice, and gentle, just like you asked.
Cinder: Oh dear~! Hold me!
Jaune: I’m here honey, I’m here… eh?!
Cinder: Huw?
Neo: 🙂
Jaune: H-Hi…?
Neo: 😁👋
Cinder: N-Neo?! What are you doing here?!
Neo: 😍🍆💦
Cinder: You want to join us?
Neo: 🤩
Jaune: Whoa hey?! I didn’t say the line!
Nora: So, Cinder is into softcore?
Jaune: I think she’s more into the feeling of being loved, because she hasn’t ever experienced genuine live in all her life. In the afterglow she delved into to some… heavy stuff… she’s been through a lot…
Nora: Oh… I’m sorry to hear that… so… What does, Neo want?
Jaune: She’s mute, so she didn’t tell me.
Nora: So she’ll show you then?
Jaune: Probably.
Ruby: 🥴
Jaune: Okay… This is unexpected…
Ruby: 🚫❤️❔
Jaune: I didn’t say that. I will say, you certainly are tighter than her!
Ruby: 😏
Jaune: What’s that smile about?
Weiss: 😍
Jaune: Okay, now this is a semblance I would like to play with!
Nora: 🥰
Jaune: Okay, I haven’t done it with her, so this is kinda…??
Nora: Jaune! We ran out of…?!
Jaune: Uhh…?!
Nora: N-Neo…?
Nora: 😘
Nora: You’re fucking me… but, not me…?
Jaune: Uhh… yeah…? I-It was her idea!
Nora: 😇
Nora: I’m a little offended really… I mean, you’re fucking me, but not the real me? Why?
Jaune: Oh… Well, we can fix that… So, would you care to join us?
Nora: …
Nora: Fuck me… Literally~!
Nora: That was awesome!
Jaune: Glad you like it. I thought you would be unnerved with doing yourself… like that…
Nora: Naww it was fucking hot! You should do it again, but this time with, Blake! She’d really get into it!
Jaune: It worries me that she would…
Nora: So, up for another round fearless leader~?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Sure.
Nora: Ahhh~Haa~! H-Harder~!
Jaune: Oh? Of course you like it hard, and rough.
Nora: Hell yeah I do! Ohh~! What do you take me for, some pillow… Ahhh~! Pillow princess?!
Jaune: Like hell I would, I just expected you’d like things little… HARDER!
Jaune: That’s more like it~! Scream for me bitch!
Velvet: Yeah, scream for him you slut!
Jaune: AHHH?! What the?! Velvet, what the hell are you doing here?
Velvet: Waiting for my turn.
Jaune: Your turn?!
Velvet: Yeah, you fucked, Blake, then, Ruby showed up, and then you had a threesome with her. Now, I’m here, and I’m waiting for you two to finish so I can have my turn.
Jaune: Well,I’s happily ask if you would care to join is, but how the hell did you know we were doing this?
Velvet: Blake told me.
Jaune: Son’a bitch!
Nora: Blake blabbed?
Jaune: Yep.
Nora: Of course she did… I’ll go teach her a lesson. You go tame the rabbit. She’s going to lose it if she doesn’t get her fix.
Jaune: Should I bring a spare change of clothes with me?
Nora: Wouldn’t hurt.
Velvet: Ghack?! J-Jaune?!! Y-You’re… Oh fuck~?! C-Chocking me! Oh~?!
Jaune: That’s because I need to hold you in place you in heat bunny slut!
Velvet: Oh gods~?!
Jaune: Besides, you can deny it all you want, you got tighter the moment I squeezed~!
Velvet: OH-OHHHH~!
Jaune: He… squirter… that’s a first…
Coco: Holy fuck…
Jaune: Coco?!
Velvet: Co-co~? Heyyyy~! Would you care to join us, Coco~? I need help taming the big fella~!
Coco: Join you?
Jaune: Evidently, Velvet was in heat…
Nora: That’s a thing?! I thought that was some racist stereotype?
Jaune: According to, Velvet it only happens to females, and certain types of faunas.
Nora: Bunnies being one of them?
Jaune: Yep.
Nora: So did, Coco join you?
Jaune: Yep.
Nora: Really? I thought she was gay.
Jaune: Me too. But, she asked for another go so…
Nora: Maybe she’s curious?
Jaune: Maybe. I’ll do it, I just hope what happened with my sister-in-law doesn’t happen again…
Nora: Sister-in-what now?
Coco: Fuck!Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK~!
Jaune: Enjoying yourself?
Coco: Oh gods?! Why the fuck did I use those worthless dildos?! Ahhh~fuck~?!
Jaune: Ahh, crap. Looks like I did it again.
Coco: Did… Ahh! Did what aga-ahhhh~!
Jaune: Make a lesbian question her sexuality.
Coco: You’ve turned a lesbian straight?!
Jaune: Bisexual, but does that really matter?
Coco: You gotta… Oh fuck~?! You gotta tell me how that went down! Cause that sounds so hoOOOOOOT~!
Jaune: Maybe next time, for now lets just enjoy the…?!
Reese: Hey, guys do you know where the cafeteria… is…?
Jaune: Oh, hi Reese… The cafeteria is down here hall to your right.
Reese: Oh cool, thanks… But, uhh… I’m not that hungry anymore… Maybe you can help me gain a appetite~?
Jaune: Oh? In that case, would you care to join us?
Reese: Mmmm~! Please take care of me~!
Coco: Oh he will~! He will~!
Nora: Reese? That punk, scatter girl?
Jaune: Yep, that’s her.
Nora: So, did you help her get an appetite?
Jaune: She’s still hungry, so…?
Nora: So~?
Reese: I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m…?! Ohh~?! I’m sorry sir!
Jaune: Sorry for what?! That you were cheating, or that you were caught?!
Reese: Ohhh~?!
Jaune: There… I believe you have learned your lesson, Ms. Chloris.
Reese: W-What was the lesson, Professor Arc~?
Jaune: …
Reese: OHhhh~!
Jaune: Kids these days… they never learn…?!
Arslan: Reese! Where are you? We got some… training… to do…
Jaune: Oh… Hello, Ms. Altan. Ms. Chloris is currently in the midst of some supplementary lessons. Perhaps you could come by later. Unless, you would care to join us for some extra credit?
Reese: Extra credit~! Hehehehe…
Arslan: Your name is, Jaune Arc right? You’re Pyrrha Nioks team leader, and partner.
Jaune: That’s right I am.
Arslan: Interesting~!
Nora: What was interesting?
Jaune: I don’t know, and I’m scared to find out…
Nora: You sure, cause your friend says otherwise?
Jaune: I said I was scared, not that I don’t find this hot!
Arslan: Fuck you, Nikos!
Jaune: Oh, so is sleeping with me your way of one upping, Pyrrha?
Arslan: At first… Ohh~! But, this cock is something a girl can’t deny she wants~!
Jaune: Really? Then how would you feel if I said I haven’t slept with, Pyrrha?
Arslan: Seriously?!
Jaune: OH FUCK?! You just got so much tighter?!
Arslan: Ha! Take that bitch! I got your man first! And, I’m going to make him mine~!
Pyrrha: Not if I have anything to say about it.
Jaune: Huw?! P-Pyrrha?!
Arslan: Hey bitch~! Guess who just stole your man from you!
Pyrrha: Bitch please… Let me show you how a real woman pleases a man~!
Jaune: P-Please be gentle…?
Jaune: Oh gods… My body hurts all over…
Nora: Didn’t your aura protect you? It did when we went at it.
Jaune: They broke my aura! I’m just one man, do you expect me to handle a pair of Amazonian’s all on my own?!
Nora: Oh shit really? Why did they go so hard on you?
Jaune: Evidently the pair have some history back in, Mistrial. The number one, and two always competing for top place. I just so happened to be the ‘top place’ at the moment…
Nora: The top place being your dick right~?
Jaune: …
Jaune: I wasn’t going to say it, but yeah… it was the, ‘top place’ this time…
Nora: So, who won?
Jaune: Actually they both asked for a rematch…
Nora: They, what?
Pyrrha: Oh fuuuuuck~!
Jaune: Oh gods!
Pyrrha: How does it feel, Jaune~! I’m better than that cheap slut~!
Arslan: Oh you whore! Come here you bitch!
Pyrrha: Hey?! Hands of my man you cunt!
Arslan: Bring it whore!
Pyrrha: Oh~! You bitch~!
Arslan: Mmmmph~! Make be whore~!
Pyrrha: Mmmm~! You slut~!
Arslan: Ahhh~!
Jaune: Uhh…?
Arslan: Ohh fucck~! Right there~! Use your tongue right there you slut~!
Pyrrha: Mmmmmm~!
Arslan: I’m cumming~! AHHHHHooooh fuuuuuck~!
Pyrrha: Ha, beat that bitch~!
Arslan: With pleasure~!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Should I just go? Because it seems that, I’ve become the third wheel here so…?
PA: Come here you!
Jaune: Whaaa?!
Nora: So, do you think they worked out their relationship?
Jaune: I think so? The pair may not be competing on who the better fighter is anymore, but they’re still competing with one another.
Nora: The sexual tension between the pair is rather intense. I guess you just pushed the pair over the edge.
Jaune: Define edge?
Nora: Ehhh~! Nice!
Jaune: Thank you, I’m here all week~!
Neon: Oh, there you are, Jaune~!
Jaune: Ahh?! Neon, what are you doing here?
Neon: I was told that you are considered, ‘safe.’ I’m curious how, ‘safe’ you really are, if you catch my drift.
Jaune: Drift? No, no I don’t.
Neon: I’ll see you again at your… usual hunting ground. Till later~!
Jaune: Uhh… Okay?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Did you find it weird that someone wanted to do it with me without first catching me, and another person in the act?
Nora: Yeah, that was pretty weird.
Jaune: Yeah, weird. So, any idea who snitched on us?
Nora: Blake, or Velvet, possibly both of them.
Jaune: Damn their loose lips… Nora!
Nora: Yes, Fearless Leader!
Jaune: Teach those two a lesson! I will deal with the stray cat!
Nora: At once, Fearless Leader!
Neon: Never miss a beat! Never miss a beat! Never miss a beeeeeeAaat!
Jaune: How was that, Neo? Dis a miss a beat?
Neon: You his every beat right know yhe mark handsome~!
Jaune: Good, now then, let’s try things at a different… eh? May?
May: Uhh… H-Hey, Jaune?
Jaune: Oh hey, May. Need something, or would you care to join us?
Neon: Yeah! Join us~! You won’t regret it~!
May: Uhhh… M-Maybe… But, I have a word with you later, Jaune? I want to have a word with you.
Jaune: Uhh… sure. But, what did you want to talk about?
Nora: So, how was, Neon?
Jaune: I like it when a girl does her hair in pigtails.
Nora: Why?
Jaune: Handle bars.
Nora: Nice~! So, what does, May want to talk to you about?
Jaune: Beats me, probably wants to thank me for protecting her from that grenade you almost hit her with.
Nora: Yeah… she wants to, ‘thank you~!’
Jaune: Oh gods… They’re so soft~!
May: (Slurrr-Pop~!) And, you’re so hard, and big~!
Jaune: You’re one to talk? I thought you were a B-Cup, what are those, H-Cup? How the hell did you manage to hide those?
May: Lots of binding… (Slurp~!) Otherwise they get in the way… But, now they’re right where I want them~!
Jaune: I’ll admit, I’ve always wanted to a girl with a big chest to do this to me. Done side if be a hormonal teenager with seven sisters as big as you.
May: Mmmm~! Day ar?
Jaune: Mmmm~! Much bigger… I’ll show you a place later where you can get some proper restraining bras. Those binding’s will hurt your chest in the long wrong.
May: (Pop~!) Really?! Oh, thanks, Jaune! That means a lot!
Jaune: My pleasure.
May: But, in the meantime, your ‘little’ friend here owes me a make over~!
Jaune: Then get back to work, There’s a lot more I want to do with you than just give you a makeover~!
May: I’m looking forward to it the…?!
Penny: Amazing! Are most male reproduction organs so big?!
Jaune: Penny?! W-What are you doing here?
Penny: Friend Ruby recounted the tale of your sexual escapades, I was interested the validity of her words , so I described to authentic her tale for myself.
Jaune: So…? Would you care to join us then?
Penny: Sensational!
Nora: Ruby blabbed?
Jaune: Yep…
Nora: Shall I take care of her.
Jaune: You may.
Nora: So how was, Penny?
Jaune: She just watched us, she wanted to know what to expect before she did anything.
Nora: So you’re gonna pop her cherry then~?
Jaune: Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.
Nora: With that bitchbreaker? Yeah right!
Penny: S-S-Sen… Sensa-sa-sation-a-aalllll~!
Jaune: Penny?! P-Penny are you okay…?
Ciel: I think you short circuited her… And, it only took you: Twelve minutes, and thirty seven seconds.
Jaune: Uhh… Is she okay? I saw literal sparks fly off of her.
Ciel: She is in the midst of a reboot. She will be fine in ten to fifteen minutes.
Jaune: Are you sure?
Ciel: I am. Now, you have not ejaculated yet despite, Penny’s best efforts. So I shall offer you a fellatio to bring you to ejaculation. This should take no more than five minutes.
Jaune: Wait, what?!
Jaune: It did in fact take no longer than five minutes…
Nora: You sound disappointed by that.
Jaune: I couldn’t really enjoy it. Sure she went after me like a vacuum, but I couldn’t enjoy it. Besides, it feels weird to time how long you can bring someone to come.
Nora: That makes sense. It’s not a contest to see who can eat the most pancakes the fastest.
Jaune: According to, Penny, Ciel is very punctual. Basically everything she does is done to a schedule, and I mean everything, down to the last second is marked on one of her schedules.
Nora: Yikes, major control freak right there. Hmm… You two having another scheduled interaction together?
Jaune: Yeah, why?
Nora: It would be a shame if things didn’t go to schedule, if you catch my drift~!
Jaune: Oh really~?
Ciel: OH FUCK~?!!
Jaune: What was that~? Barely even a few minutes? Doesn’t it take you five minutes to have a orgasm?
Ciel: Y-Y-You…?! Oh fuck?! You disrupting mu p-p-pla-Ahhhh~!
Jaune: And, you’re absolutely loving it~!
Ciel: N-No! I’m not! I-I… Ohhh~! I hate…?! Oh gods~!
Jaune: You love it~!
Ciel: Oh~!
Jaune: Admit it, Ciel. You love it when I disrupt your precious little timetable~!
Ciel: I don’t! I-I-Ahhh~! i ha… Ha… I LOVE IT~! I fucking love it! I love not know when I’ll cum, when you’ll come! Oh gods~! This feels amazing~!
Jaune: Good girl~! You deserve a reward… I know, how about another one of these!
Ciel: Oh gods~?! It’s so warm! S-S-So warm~!
Jaune: Good girl~! Let’s spend… two minutes for you to catch your breath before we… Rin?!
Rin: H-Hey, Jaune… You looking… big…
Jaune: Oh uhh… Thanks. So… Ciel seems a bit out of it… Would you care to join us? Give, Ciel a chance to get her legs back?
Rin: J-Join you…?
Rin: …
Rin: Later.
Jaune: Later?
Rin: Yeah, later… I meed to prepare myself… mentally… and physically…
Jaune: Oh, okay. Let me know when you’re ready to do it.
Rin: Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait too long. Till then, Jaune~!
Jaune: Till then…?
Jaune: I’m… worried…
Nora: About, Rin?
Jaune: Yeah… the way she stared at me… there was something in her eyes that seemed… wanting, lusting, and… and, unhinged…
Nora: Hmmm… Yeah, I asked her about the two of you going at it. The way she rubbed her thighs, and bit her lip… There was something… there was something in her eyes that unnerves me…
Jaune: We won’t know until we do it… But, until then keep an eye on, Rin. Something’s fishy, and I want to know what’s going on.
Nora: Will do, Fearless Leader!
Jaune: Let’s hope nothing bad happens…
Rin: That’s it you magnificent stud!
Jaune: Whoa, Rin?! What’s gotten into you?!
Rin: Come on! Come on! Comeonecomeonconeobcomeone!
Jaune: Ahh, Rin?! What the hells gotten into you?!
Rin: Come inside! Come inside, and knock me up!
Jaune: Wait, what?!
Rin: Get me pregnant! Give me your babies! Make me a mommmMMMMMY~!!!
Jaune: Ahh fuck… Are you try to…?! What the fuck, Rin?!
Rin: Ahh~! I’m gonna be a mother~! Ahhhhhhh…
Jaune: Rin? Oi, Rin, what the hell was that?!
Glynda: A violation of several school codes, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Ahhh?! M-M-Ms. Goodwitch… H-Hi…?
Glynda: I see you are having… fun…
Jaune: Yeah… fun…
Glynda: Fun…
Jaune: Uhhh…
Glynda: Clean up your teammate, Mr. Arc, then clean the spot where you… Where you had your fun…
Jaune: I’ll get right on that, Ms. Goodwitch!
Glynda: Good… I will see you tomorrow at detention, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Detention? That seems… appropriate…
Jaune: So… Rin wants me to impregnate her…
Nora: Yeah… that’s… yeah…
Jaune: Yeah…
Nora: I made her take some, ‘morning after’ pills.
Jaune: Oh? Oh that’s good! That’s good…
Nora: Something wrong?
Jaune: I’m just confused on all of… that!
Nora: Are you against having a kid… a kid with, Rin…?
Jaune: …
Jaune: I’m not against it… It’s just… I never expected that, Rin wants such a thing… from me no less… But… I don’t know… We’ll need to talk with, Rin about this later… I just… I need more time to process all of this…
Nora: Okay… I’ll let, Pyrrha know what happened so we can all talk about this.
Jaune: Good idea. It’s best if she also keeps an eye on, Rin as well. Haa… Okay, I have to get going… detention, Ms. Goodwitch…
Nora: Good luck, Jaune.
Jaune: I’ll need it…
Glynda: So… Let me get this straight… In an attempt to whoo me, you had sexual intercourse in my classroom, hoping that I would catch you in the midst of the act where you would ask me: “Would you care to join us?” Is that correct, Mr. Arc?
Jaune: Y-Yes…
Glynda: Good. Let’s continue; You started this little plot with, Ms. Belladonna, where instead of me catching you in the act, you were caught by, Ms. Rose, then you tried it again with, Ms. Rose. Then you tried it again with, Ms. Schnee. And, again with, Ms. Xiao Long. And then with, Ms. Sustari. And, then with, Ms. Fall. And, then with her teammate, Ms. Politan. And, then with your teammate, Ms. Valkyrie. And, then with, Ms. Scarlatina. And, then with her partner, Ms. Adel. And, then with, Ms. Chloris. And, then it was, Ms. Arslan, which involved, Ms. Nikos in a competition of some sorts. Then, Ms. Katt asked you to join your… harem. And, then Miss Zedong ask to join you. And, then it was, Ms. Polendina, who was with, Ms. Soleil, and lastly it was your teammate, Lie Rin before I, Glynda Goodwitch finally caught you in the act…
Jaune: Y-Y-Yeah… That’s p-pretty much it…
Glynda: And, tell me, Mr. Arc… Why… Why didn’t you just ask me out on a date, instead of this convoluted plan where you started a harem after sleeping with seventeen different woman? If you just asked me out back then, I would be enjoying your massive cock between my breasts long ago!
Jaune: I-I’m sorry! I thought you would say no!
Glynda: Mr… No… Jaune… You promised to marry me when you were six… I waited twelve years for you to make your move, and instead of making your move on me, you slept with secenteen other woman! What the hell, Jaune!
Jaune: Uhh… E-Eighteen woman actually…
Glynda: Eighteen?! You’ve slept with eighteen woman before me?! That it! You may have slept with sixteen woman before me, but I’ll be the first to have your child!
Jaune: Y-Yeah… about that…
Glynda: What!! You’re already a father?! Who the hell did you…?! Adrian… You’re, Adrian’s father, aren’t you?!
Jaune: Surprise…?
Glynda: You slept with your sister’s wife to conceive a child?!
Jaune: It was consensual! They wanted an, Arc, so I gave them an, Arc baby!
Glynda: And, Saphron just sat there, and watched as you knocked up her wife, Terra?!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Nineteen…
Glynda: Motherfucker?!
Jaune: Technically true…
Glynda: That’s it! I don’t care about your harem, or the fact I’m number twenty! But, I’ll be damned if someone else has your child before me! I’m number two! Rin can become number three after me! So get ready, Jaune, you’re going to become a father again~!
Jaune: H-Help…?
Ozlyn: Ara-Ara~! Do you really think that I will allow that to happen, Glynda?
Jaune: Headmistress Ozlyn?!
Glynda: Ozlyn?! What are you doing here?
Ozlyn: Me? Why I was planning to get the number two spot, but I don’t mind being number three~!
Glynda: The number two spot is mine bitch!
Ozlyn: We’ll see honey~! But, before we begin, Mr. Arc?
Jaune: Yes…?
Ozlyn: Please say, ‘The Lline.’
Jaune: The line…?
Ozlyn: Yes, ‘The Line~!’
Jaune: Uhhh… H-Hello, Headmistress Ozlyn… would you care to join us…?
Ozlyn: Fufufu~! With extreme pleasure~!
Nora: Glynda Goodwitch, and Headmistress Ozlyn?!
Jaune: Yeah… both of them…
Nora: Whoa… How was it?
Jaune: Starved, to say the least…
Nora: Oh gods… So… Now what…? You started a harem with twentyone different woman, and all of us are ready, and waiting for a second run! So, what are you going to do, Fearless Leader?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Pancakes…
Nora: Pancakes?
Jaune: Yeah, pancakes. I’m hungry.
Nora: Whoo! Pancakes! Can we have sex afterwards?
Jaune: Sure.
Nora: Fuck yeah!
Jaune: No syrup in the bedroom though.
Nora: Dammit!
Haaa… Days of work… And it’s finally over!
Doing the bloody colour coding took forever…
Do enjoy~!
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