#kinda want to keep the lenght of my hair kinda want to go back to my middle part 90s cool guy hair
silvertsundere · 2 months
Silver Talks AniManga (07/07/24)
didn't post yesterday cause was busy all day (against my will) new season starting tho so that's fun, even if I'm not watching a ton this time around, also the end of this new serialization round I'm on vacation for the next couple weeks so hopefully I find the time to catch up/finish some stuff but I also got the ff14 expansion I want to play through so we'll see
green - new series/new to me
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Plus-Sized Elf Ep1
I completely missed the announcement that this was gonna be a short anime so I was surprised when I saw the lenght was only 11 minutes, it's fine tho, it fits the manga and makes it more easily digestible. Anyway, that was alright, nothing too impressive and a lot of still panning shots as you'd expect from an adaptation like this. I was surprised by the full on uncensored tiddies tho. What really carries shows like this is the voice cast and Itou Ayasa did a solid job I think. Not expecting a lot out of this, but since it's short it should be a nice little appetizer before I watch Samurai on fridays
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The Elusive Samurai Ep1
wow wow wow WOW Like what else can I say but that? I wasn't too hopeful for the anime from the pvs we saw before, they looked good, yes, but it felt like something was missing, to me. All those doubts are completely dispelled now however. Ep 1 was nothing short of incredible, like it's hard to even find the words to explain just how good it was, you gotta see it to understand. Everything was great. Both OP and ED had good visuals and songs. The OST and voices were great, and the animation was really solid too. There was a chance to have some sakuga during a certain scene, and they didn't do it, but it still looked good, if they keep that throughout the whole show then it should be fine. My favourite part was the colours tho, it looked beautiful and there were a lot of great shots like the ones below, among many others. It's just refreshing to see such creative use of colours, like some shots looked good enough to be in a movie adaptation instead of a TV anime
But anyway, I've been reading the manga since day 1 so it's crazy to see it get such a great adaptation. Matsui truly is built different. Me and my buddy mega were discussing were the anime is gonna end, since it's confirmed 12 episodes, and I'm fairly sure it's gonna be on chap 58 for various reasons. We'll see how the pacing for the new few eps goes tho, it may not get quite that farhard
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Hima-Ten! Ch1
That was... ok. As I mentioned before I read the author's previous work as it came out years ago, and it was a ping pong series. I figured this was going to be sports based too, so I was surprised when they released the synopsis and I found out it was going to be a rom com. I'll start out by saying I'm not too big on romance stuff. Like I love Blue Box but it took a while for me to warm up to it and even then it lacks a lot of the issues I usually have with that kinda stuff.
Back to this series tho, my biggest complaint about chapter 1 was setting up this secondary girl (the black haired one in the pic below) and making it clear that the MC even has a crush on her, just for the main girl to show up and, obviously, win him over eventually. I mean the damn summary for the series on M+ ends with "Say hello to some company president girl x house-cleaner boy romantic comedy hijinks!", so there's not much room to wonder about what'll happen.
Other than that it was a nice chap 1. The art has improved so much that it's like a completely different artist (tho there's still some recognizable bits from his old stuff) and this new style is super cute, I actually really like it. The interactions between the mains were fun and the expressions were good too, it really is just that nagging point I have with it. We'll see how the next few chaps go I guess but not expecting much tbh
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Dandadan Ch159
while this was inevitable and I knew it was a matter of time til it happened it really took me by surprise to see it happen now. Ofc I could see the build up in the few pages before it but still I don't remember if I've talked about this arc so far but it's been pretty cool, basically jumanji but instead of the game coming out they go inside the game. It's had a buncha cool ideas and the new chara with powers is a nice guy too
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archaeolitikum · 2 years
dreamt that i cut and bleached my hair white, this is a sign. one day i will do it
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madamaryxx · 3 years
Hello my children its me your mother yra😌
I serve you a Teacher Aizawa x Teacher Reader
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You and Aizawa are Married, 5 years to be exact you two have a 3 year old daughter name Fala (i came up to that lol, you can change it if you want
Aizawa is the class-1A homeroom teacher, and you are the Support class teacher (youre the one who teach how to build, how to create different inventions and you have your own agency)
And dont worry when you two are at work your mother take care of fala, but sometimes you bring Fala to your work shes mostly at the teacher lounge
No one knew that you two are married except the teachers and hatsume because you sometimes bring fala at the development studio(she keep asking who is the father over and over again, you cant take it anymore,so you tell her that its Aizawa, dont worry she wont tell anyone :) )
the reason why people didnt speculate that fala's father is aizawa because she got your bubbly personality, she's always smilling, a friendly kid, but she still inherited something from her father, her appearance, black medium lenght hair, black eyes (without the eyebags👩‍🦯) and ofcourse! her love with cats!! You will see her in a cat tshirt, she will carry her cat plushie everywhere
But of course some people suspect something is going on with you and aizawa
Like there this one time where
Fala is with you at the development studio your mother cant look after her. You werent really expecting students to come by at the studio but no no no, three students from 1-a came inside, looks like their look for hatsume
"may i help you?" You smiled, "hello were looking for hatsume? ma'am-" from the tone of the green hair boy looks like he's trying to remember your name "[your name]" you reply "Yea!!maam [your name]" he scratch his head, "she will arrive soon"
"Mommy how do you do this?" Your daughter asks, she's pointing at the screw bar "you use this to loose or tighted a slotted head" "this?" She grab one of the slotted head "yes sweetheart"aww your baby is following your footstep (suck to sucks eraser head)
"Awww you look so cute" the brown hair approach you two, "hi im ochaco uraraka!"
"Hi im Fala!" your daughter gave her a big smile, "Hi im deku!" So the green boy hair name deku wait a damn minute "wait so your Izuku Midoriya?" "Yes i am" oh so its him aizawa once mention him
"So now we have izuku midoriya he's the one who breaks his bone at the entrance exam"
"Thats so Cute" fala giggle " i know right!" Ochaco agree to her, "im tenya iida" he bowed "Hello!!!!!!!"
deku's thought: this kid kinda give me sir aizawa's vibe, i mean her attitude is so far from sir aizawa but her appearance and tshirt-
"HEY MISS [your name]! IM BACK" "oh finally hatsume this three has been waiting for you" "oh im sorry"
Few minutes later~~
"Thank you so much!" The three bowed and left.
Dekus Pov
"is just me or that kid kinda give me sir aizawa's vibe" uraraka said "now that you mention it, it did give" i reply "why dont we ask miss [your name]" tenya suggest "Sir aizawa didnt tell us anything about his love life so maybe he want to keep it private?" Uraraka reply, "yea maybe thats the reason or maybe fala's father isnt actually sir aizawa!" "If they want to keep it a secret, then we have respect that" "yea" "lets go back to class"
how would class 1-a found out aizawa's wife
Okay hear me out
You knew that scene where the hero license where Joke (my waifu) shows up yea there
"Lets get married"
"No? Good one!"
"Because i already have a wife"
"HUH?! SINCE WHEN?!!" mina shouted
"Since your 11 years old" aizawa reply in a cold tone
"Wait so, 1, 2- 5 YEARS?!?!?!"
"Oh- well who is this lucky lady" joke wiggle her eyebrows, aizawa just look at her with a annoyed face expression. "Sir aizawa can i ask something?" Uraraka suddently break the silence "what is it?" "Is it Miss [Your name]?" Aizawa quite shock, "change into your hero cotsume and head to the briefing"
"Wait HER?!, i mean i feel something going on~"
"Can i ask who is she?" Mina ask, "She's the support class teacher and her agency help make your costume" Joke reply
"Yes mina she's my wife and i have a daughter" just like hatsume mina keep asking if Youre Aizawa's wife and the whole class cant believe he's dating anyone and have a child HAHAHAHAHAHA
"Its been a rough day today" aizawa said while hugging your waist, you two have been cuddiling in your shared bed, "really what happen?" "Joke shows up then said "lets get married" of course im annoyed so i tell her no because i already have a wife" he even hug you tighter "let me guess your class is so shock and joke" you laugh "you didnt tell me you met uraraka" "oh not only uraraka also deku and iida" you brush his hair "mhm i miss you" he stop hugging your waist and kiss your forehead "i miss you too babe"
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My children please forgive me for my grammar mistake😔
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mister-langdon · 3 years
hi you can make a tate langdon alphabet fluff with the shy reader please
Tate Langdon x Shy Reader: Alphabet Fluff
(prompt made by @magical-warlock )
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Tate adores listening to music. Whether it be cradling them in his arms while they play with his hair, or kissing, he loves doing everything with music in the background.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Every feature. He adores every feature of his S.O., but he especially is fond of his lovers eyes and lips.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Gently, he would try and coax them out of it. Rubbing their back, petting their hair, trying to get them to talk. Eventually, if they began to cry, he would cry with them, and hold them close.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
If he hadn’t been stuck in the murder house, he would wish to run away with them after high school. Where to, it didn't matter, but to be with them forever, away from the pain of the town they lived.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Tate tends to be more domineering. In arguments or fights, he likes to take control, to combat the childhood he had.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Tate dislikes fighting, but he can be very stubborn. He hates to disagree, but doesn’t necessarily prevent it. After a while of him cooling down, eventually, he apologizes and wants to be with his S.O again.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He greatly appreciates his S.O’s kindness towards him. Even though they’re shy, and more quiet, he still takes their gentle kindness gigantically. He loves it.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
At the beginning of the relationship, he doesn’t tell them anything. He’s just the next door neighbor who’s kind to the new person. But after they become close, he tells them everything. If they accept him, he will never keep a single secret.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Greatly! Tate, before his lover, was rude, self-centered, and generally violent. After finding love, he slowly changed to be more tender and passionate, and overcame his own mental illness and trauma.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Tate gets jealous extremely easily. Whether it be other ghosts in the house, or new house owners, he tends to get possessive. He would naturally handle it by fighting, but his lover coaxed him out of it, so he just pouts.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Though Tate isn’t experienced, he tends to be fairly decent at kissing. He tends to be passionate and tender, he wants his lovers touch.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
I feel he is poetic, and would get them a flower. Maybe a bouquet of uniquely colored flowers? He would try and make it beautiful, just like his lover.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Since he’s dead, he has no interest in getting married. But if his S.O wanted, he would get them a promise ring to match the ring he has. It may have a small skull, or a raven on the head.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Tate would be interested in using many nicknames for his S.O. He would most likely use the classics, “babe, baby, my girl”, or if you were a boy, “my boy”. But he’d also call them names like “kitten” or “darling”. If it flustered them, he’d use it so often.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
The most noticeable difference is him being kinder, and more warm to be around. His S,O’s warmth is contagious for him, and he slowly becomes a better person, and lets go of his pain he’s been dealing with.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
The bragging he does is mostly to assert himself to anyone who talks to you. He can do a lot of PDA, to make others see he’s their partner.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He plans the BEST Halloween dates.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He is extremely creative with his romantic gestures. He tries to make things different, and unique, for example Violets black flower.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
It’s a bit hard for him to help, but with little goals, like schoolwork, or a talent, he’d support the, the whole way through.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Tate certainly does like to spice things up, but not too much. Too much change is exciting being a ghost, but he still wants the same old you. He loves you for who you are, and as long as you don’t change, he’ll be okay.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He struggled with empathy in the beginning of the relationship, but after some time, learning and growing, he slowly became kind, and wanted to learn everything about his S.O. Now, he knows almost everything, and remembers every detail.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Even if Tate had the world going on, you’d still be the most important thing to him. He values you above all, and he loves you more than anything.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He writes little poetry for you. He thinks it’s stupid, but it’s actually kinda cute. It’s normally about the darkness of the world, and the brightness of you.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Tate tries to seem avoidant, to seem tough, but melts into any touch. And if he barely heard the word leave his partners mouth, he’d end up holding them and playing with their hair. So, yes, he loves it.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He misses them even if they’re just out of the house. He’ll call, and text, and if they don’t reply, he’ll get a bit pouty. When you get home, he holds onto you and tells you that you’re his. He can be a bit possessive.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He would kill for his lover, he loves them extraordinarily.
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slytherinbangchan · 4 years
College Tutor! Hyunjin 2 (Nerdy Hj- Requested)
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Part 1
Blog’s Masterlist
Warnings: Smut, alcohol (party stuff), switch/sub Hyunjin
Pairing: Hyunjin x FemReader
Word count: 2.6k
You've been fucking Hyunjin all weekend practically non-stop and when Sunday arrives you get a text from you roommate asking if you're okay or what. The only thing she knew for sure is that you went and grabbed some more clothes yesterday while she was away but that's all. You laugh at the text she just sent as you lie on your stomach naked while Hyunjin leaves a trail of kisses on your back. 'What?' He ask right before biting on your butt softly. You whine a bit at the bite and turn your head to look at him pouting. 'Kiss first'. You say and he chuckles softly before climbing over you to kiss.
His cock against your butt getting hard just with the feeling of your naked body under him. You smile and turn around to face him completely and he accommodates between your legs to keep kissing. His dick rubbing against your slit now. You whine on the kiss and he stops to look at you in your eyes. 'Are you still sore?' He asks and you nod. 'Mhm, but it's fine if you keep doing only that'. You tell him before pecking his lips. 'We run out of condoms again anyway'. You say as you chuckle and he smiles. '..Already?' He asks and you laugh. 'Yes! Already. But it's fine I'll go buy some more while you study later'. You say as he distractedly nibs on your neck down to your tits. You play with his hair as he does so. You can hear he's trying to say something but you don't know what it is. 'Jinnie, baby, maybe let go of my nipple and try again'. You giggle and he looks up wih rosy cheeks. 'Sorry'. He says making your heart flutter at his embarrassed face. 'It's fine. What were you saying, love?' You ask and he sits up a bit. 'Ah, I was asking why did you laugh earlier, you never told me'. 'Right'. You say. 'My roommate was making jokes about me being here for too long'. He's gonna say something about that but suddenly you hear someone unlocking the door from outside so you get under the covers as quick as you can and Hyunjin puts on some joggers that were laying around.
'Hey bro, why was the door locke... Nevermind'. Hyunjin's roomate says then stares at you. 'y/n..??' He asks and you laugh. 'Hey, Mark. Can you turn around for a moment?' You ask him as Hyunjin hands you your clothes and he does. You can tell how awkward they both feel right now so you jump out of bed as soon as you have your clothes on. 'Okay you can move again now Mark, thanks'. You let him know and then make Hyunjin lean a bit so you can kiss him. 'You look so good on those stupid pants'. You whisper in his ear making him lightly blush. 'Anyway I'm gonna go back to my room but there's a party later. Will you come with me? Mark, you should come too'. You tell them and Mark scoffs as he smiles. 'Of course I'm going but good luck convincing this one'. He says as he points at Hyunjin with his head. 'What does he mean?' You ask and Hyunjin clicks his tongue at Mark then looks at you. 'Don't mind him. Of course I'll go with you'. He says and you smile so big. 'What??' Mark exclaims. 'Hwang Hyunjin is going to a party? I've spent almost two years trying to get you to go to one?' He complains and you laugh. 'I feel powerful right now'. You say and Hyunjin smiles before pecking your nose.
You leave his room and head to yours. You roommate sure has a lot of questions about you and Hyunjin but you avoid most of them cause you're so tired, so you take a shower and get into bed for a bit. Gotta get some energy back before going to the party. Ah.. And you're still so sore but that doesn't stop you from mising his cock already.
Some hours later you and your roommate meet with the guys outside the dorms. The party is at some rich kid's house. The only thing you know about him is his name, 'Chenle', but anyway, your roommate is driving so that means you don't have to worry about how many drinks you have. That's also why you are already drinking on your way there. 'You don't want anything?' You ask Hyunjin as Mark clumsily pours you a glass in a moving car and Hyunjin bites his lips lightly. 'Okay, let me have some of yours'. He says and you peck his lips before handing him the red plastic cup. By the time you get to the party Hyunjin is already a bit tipsy. 'Adorable'. You say as he almost trips while getting down the car. He giggles and you fix his hair a bit. A smile on his face as you do so. Making you smile too. 'Whaat?' You ask as you chuckle and he shakes his head. 'You're so pretty'. He says and you blush lightly. 'Pfft, shut up'. You tell him and he smiles again before leaning over you to kiss. His hands on your hips pulling you closer. 'You guys, stop it. I'm getting jealous, let's go inside already'. Your roommate says and you pull away after a moment with a smile on your face.
'Let's go get some more drinks'. Mark tells Hyunjin and they both disappear in the crowd. 'Hey y/n who is that guy?' Some girl asks. 'Ah, hey. You mean Hyunjin? He's in our class you idiot'. You say and she gasps. 'So it's true? You're dating Hwang Hyunjin? Isn't he like... a huge nerd?' She laughs and you roll your eyes. 'Yeah I guess? So?' She laughs again. 'Well, you know...' She says but you just wait for a better explanation. 'I mean, I gotta admit he looks pretty hot today but still... Why a nerd like him?' She asks and you roll your eyes at her once again before simply leaving.
There's a lot of people there and you know most of them. Normally you’d go around talking to everyone but tonight you find the fact that people keep stopping you just to chat a bit annoying, maybe a lot. There's this guy, Lucas who won't let you go. You try to look behind him cause you think you just saw Hyunjin talking to some guys. 'Yeah, yeah. See you around Lucas'. You say as you push him out of your way and walk towards hyunjin.
He's in fact drinking as some people ask him questions. 'So, are you really fucking y/n?' You get to hear a guy asking as you come closer. Hyunjin blushes lightly. 'Ah... How do you know?' He asks and the other guy laughs. 'Mark Lee told everyone. Isn't he your roommate?' You get there just in time to rescue a very blushy Hyunjin from probably a bunch of embarrassing questions. 'Ah, here you are baby'. You say as you take his hand. 'Let's dance, huh?'
You thought he would kinda resist but he followed you instantly with a smile on his face. You tilt your head confused as he starts dancing. 'Wait, you can actually dance?' You ask as you chuckle. 'Of course I can. And this is not my first party'. He says and you gasp. 'You got a secret life? Tell me everything about it'. You say and he chuckles as he spins you around. Your butt is against his crotch now as he bites on your neck softly and guides your hips with his hands. You turn around after a bit to kiss him. His hands on your butt now and everyone around is looking but you couldn't care less. 'Let's do some shots'. You suggest and he follows you until you find some guys doing tequila shots. 'This is perfect, here'. You say as you gently bend his neck for a moment to pour some salt then you make him hold a lime slice with his teeth. 'Cheers'. You say before sensually licking the salt from his neck and drinking the shot. Then you take the lime from his lips with your mouth. He smiles before you peck his lips. 'Your turn'. You say, handling him the salt. He smiles and moves a lock of your hair to a side to pour the salt over one of your tits. You put a lime slice in your mouth. He licks the salt and drinks the shot, then he takes the lime from your mouth and bites it before kissing you passionately. And again, it doesn't matter how many people are around you two. In your head they're just extras in a movie.
After some shots you sneak to one of the rooms upstairs. Hyunjin's hands are roaming all over your body as you try to get rid of your panties. 'Waiiit' You chuckle as you try to stop him for a minute. 'Here'. You say as you push him so he'd fall on the bed. He licks his lips with a shaky breath as he waits for you. An impatient whine scapes him as you finally get rid of your underwear and climb the bed, unzipping his pants as soon as you're there. His dick aching for your touch. You pull down his pants and underwear at the same time releasing his cock. Precum deliciously dripping from his tip. You just hold his lenght and take it whole into your mouth. He groans softly as you suck him. Throwing his head back in pleasure as you play with his balls at the same time. And he's just so hard.
His hands on your head setting a pace. You find amusing how confident he's getting around you. Something you'll use to mess with him in the future no doubt.
He whines your name out and you let go of his cock and start jerking him off instead, moving your hand faster as he's about to release. He bites his lips as he lets go, painting your hand and his own stomach with cum. You clean your hand and Hyunjin a bit before lying next to him. 'I wanna eat you out'. He blurts out and you chuckle. 'Yeah? I think I want that too'.  You tell him and he smiles before sitting up and place himself between your legs. Then someone bangs on the door. 'Everyone out of the rooms'. More banging in other rooms's doors. 'I said no upstairs'. That must be Chenle. 'You guys get out right now or we'll take you out personally'. We? He must have brought some friends to help him. You look at Hyunjin and he pouts. 'It's fine baby, we'll play later, huh?' You say and caress his chin before pecking his lips.
Since they kicked you out from one of the bedrooms you decide to just keep drinking and dancing until your roommate is sober enough to drive you all back to the dorms. You're practically jerking Hyunjin off in the car on your way back but Mark is too drunk and your roommate too tired to even care about it. 'Oof, you're fucking when we get to the dorms right?' Mark asks. 'Y/n you stay with Hyunjin in our room I'll borrow your bed for tonight if that's okay with you too?' He's asking your roommate now.
You're already moaning at the room's door as Hyunjin attempts to open it without stopping the kissing or the bites. You whine at how long you're having to wait so you stop him taking the keys from his hands and turning around to try and unlock the door. His hands are quick to run to your hips and press your butt against his hard cock. 'Can't wait to fuck you just like this' He whispers in your ear and you bite your lips finally opening the door.
You're both quick on gettin rid of your clothes. His warm body against yours as you kiss. He flips you over and pushes you so you’d rest on your forearms over his desk. His fingers softly running along your slit collecting some juices before he starts pumping his dick. 'You got the condoms?' He asks. 'Fuck. I forgot to buy them'. You say and he pats your butt softly before moving to Mark's side of the room. 'Found some' He says after a minute then goes back to you. You can hear him putting in on and that makes your juices flow even more. You wiggle your butt lightly and pout so he chuckles. One of his hands on your hips as he looks for your entrance with his tip. Then he grasps on your butt as he slides into you. You bite your lips as you feel the burning pain of your sore pussy at first but soon you forget about it as he begins to pound into you. You're still kinda drunk and so is he so the room is filled with moans and panting and whines without any kind of remorse. In that position he's just hitting all the right spots. You reach your high without even expecting it so he stops and you quickly turn around to kiss him. 'Why the fuck did you stop?' You ask between kisses, then you push him so he'd fall on the bed and he sits up but you just climb him there in the edge of the bed and ride him so hard. 'F-fuck'. He says as he's about to cum and you ride your second orgasm as he releases a moment later. Milking him completely. There's a lot of sloppy kisses as you cockwarm him for a bit after you both came.
He takes the condom off after a while and ties it before throwing it to the floor next to bed. Then you both get a shower before going back to bed for some lazy kissing before falling asleep.
Next morning you're hugging him in your sleep when you hear some chuckling. You open your eyes slowly and see Hyunjin's sleepy face sweetely smiling as he looks at you. 'What?' You ask as you blush and he chuckles again. 'Nothing, you're just so cute'. He says and you sit up a little as you remember all those other moments where he's showed interest on your softest self. Maybe he wants to dom sometime too? You're getting excited just thinking about how you can mess with him knowing that fact. 'Were you watching me sleep?' You pout and he smiles. 'Yeah'. He chuckles softly. 'Mhm~' You say as you cutely play with his fingers then look up at him with pleading eyes as you pout again for no reason. He blushes immediately and your eyes drift to his crotch. 'Ah~ Jinnie, you got hard just now, didn't you?' You laugh and now he's the one pouting. 'I knew you were messing with me being all cute out of nowhere'. He says and you laugh again. 'Aww, sowwy babyy I just wanted to see if I could comfirm something'. You say as you try to peck his cheek and he hits you with a pillow. 'Pfft, leave me alone'. He says as he chuckles softly. 'No way, make out with me'. You say. 'No!' He pouts looking away. 'Ah, really? Okay'. You say and he gasps. 'No! Wait, I do want to...' He mumbles and you smile then push him so he'd fall back on the other side of the bed. You leave a trail of kisses from his collarbone to his lips, then, for some reason your eyes drift to the floor, specifically to last night's condom. Your heart stops for a moment before you quickly jump out of bed. Hyunjin watches you attentively with a confused face as you pick up the condom. Then you both see cum dripping from a tiny break on the side.  You sigh and throw the condom away. 'Fuck'.
Part 3
While I work on part 3 maybe you’d like to read: Gray Joggers (Hyunjin One-Shot)
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ladywinterwitch · 5 years
On Va Voir
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Avenger! Reader
Summary: During a mission you unexpectedly find a new kink: Steve speaking french.
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex (wrap it tf up), oral sex (f receiving), fingering, language kink (?), a bit of a dom fight between the reader and Steve, 18 + so if you’re under that age you shouldn’t be reading this. You’ve been warned.
Word Count: 3205 
A/n: Just rewatched for the 34868 time  the winter soldier and I’ve never noticed before HOW MUCH of a turn on is Steve speaking french. So yeah, enjoy a bit of smutty Rogers. Also, this is pretty much no plot and total filth.
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                                                  (Gif not mine)
You were on a mission with Steve, Natasha, Sam and Bucky. You had been paired with Bucky, while Sam was with Nat and Steve was alone, although you were constantly in contact with your auricular. -We’re inside the ship, front. What’s your position?- Bucky says with a gun in each hand. You followed behind him, with two guns of your own. -We’re in the control room. Working on the informations.- Sam responds. -Steve?- Bucky tries.
-I’m on the roof. And I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. How long have you got?- he asks. -Like, ten minutes, at least. This computer’s older than both of you.- Natasha responds and you can feel the smirk on her voice. You press your lips tightly to not chuckle, Bucky notices and shakes his head.
-Ah, very funny Romanoff.- the blonde sasses back.
-She got you there, oldies.- Sam commented. Bucky grunted with a ‘shut up’. After a few moments you realize that there’s no one in your area, so you lower your guns.
-We should come to you, Steve. We got nothing to do here anyways.- you say, looking at your partner that was still, but didn’t completely put off his guard. -Don’t worry doll, I got it.- but then you hear a gun shot, and glare at Bucky with wide eyes. He looks at you and starts to run. -We’re coming, pal, hold on.- he speaks while running. You both get out to the open and then come up the stairs to the roof.
When you arrive, you see a couple of men already on the ground, and Steve facing another alone. They are one in front of the other and he’s talking. You don’t hear what he says, but you hear Steve response. He drops the shield at his side and then removes his helmet, his hair a little messy. He has the slightest smirk on his face while he speaks. -On va voir.- you hear from the speaker. 'Lets see’. And in that moment something in your stomach shifts. You can’t really place what or why, but you just know that you feel a little too hot in your leather catsuit all of a sudden.
The two start to fight, but it doesn’t take long for the avenger to take him down. You glance at Bucky, who’s just leaning againts the door, with his arms crossed, guns slipped into the belt at his sides. A little knowing smirk playing on his lips. -Jerk.- he says amused. You turn around and see Steve that kicks his shield, making it jump back to his wrist. -Okay guys we have everything. We’ll meet at the quinjet.- Sam says. You clear your throat and look away. -Copy that.- you croak. - You all go back to the avengers tower safely and Tony decides to throw a party. Why? Cause he’s Tony. He didn’t really need a valid reason. So here you were, the day after, finding yourself in front of your full lenght mirror, in your matching blue lacy lingerie, fixing your wavy loose hair and your red lipstick. Normally at this time, especially after a mission, you would’ve all been lazy somewhere, but obviously your teammate couldn’t wait one more day to give you a wild night. Missions usually had as a consequence jet lag, a few bruises to heal, business to take care of and stuff to analyze, so it wasn’t exactly the perfect timing, but fortunately you were able to sleep like a baby the night prior. A particualr help came, indirectly, from Steve which helped your love-me session to end quickly and kick you out to sleep.
You should’ve felt ashamed for that, but honestly you were pretty sure you were not the only one in the world to get off at the thought of the broad and handsome Captain America. The only small detail was that you were his teammate and friend. You had a huge crush on him, but you feel more like a friend vibe from him and that’s okay. It sure avoids problems at work.
You couldn’t stop thinking about that phrase that Steve said in french the day before. It turned you on to no end. You didn’t know why, but the way he said it, with that smugness, his hair all messy and shit. It was just so sexy to you. In any case, the crush was your dirty little secret. Well, not exactly, considering that both Bucky and Natasha had figured out by themselves and Wanda just happened to be reading your mind in the wrong moment. But you trusted them, even if them teasing you about it whenever they had the occasion was beyond embarassing.
You slid into your tight, red bodycon . It was plain, above the knee and had a low cut sweetheart neckline. It was strapless and it hugged your body perfectly. It wasn’t much in your style, but you felt bold that night, also you may or may not wanted to find someone to get laid.
You gave yourself one last look before going down with the elevator. Your black heels were already starting to bother you. You weren’t really a type for parties, but you did it just for the team. And a good drink, yeah. You arrived at the floor and when you stepped out you saw that there were a lot of people, but it wasn’t Tony’s worst. You looked around and saw Sam, Rhodie, Clint and Natasha at the bar, Wanda, Vision, Thor and Maria at the couches, Tony and Pepper talking with a couple of people, and then in a corner near the big window wall, Steve and Bucky.
They were both handsome. Bucky was wearing a grey shirt and Steve a deep blue one. They both had the first few buttons undone and were holding a beer and laughing. The blonde turned his head and saw you. His smile dropped and his gaze wandered on your body, from head to toe. You looked away, kinda embarrassed that you had been caught looking, but a few moments later the two man came to you.
-Y/n! You look great.- Bucky greeted you with a hug. You laughed and hugged him back. -Doesn’t she, Stevie?- he said in a slyly. The captain didn’t took his gaze away from you. -She always does.- he responds with a low tone that made you heat up. -Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself.- you motioned at the two in front of you.
-Hey doll, care for a drink? We could go to the bar and -the brunette started, but Steve stepped closer. -Sam wants to talk to you, I’ll accompany her.- he says with a small smile. You smiled back and Bucky frowned. -Since when that bird man wants to breathe my same air?- Steve shoot at him a glare and he raised his eyebrows.
-Ooh, yeah, about the.. Uhm.. The mission…- he tries to save himself. Steve relaxes and Bucky starts to walk away. -Alright, catch up with you guys later.- he gives you a thumbs up. Steve looks at you and offers his arm. -Shall we get that drink?- he smirks making you melt. You smile widely and take his offer. -We very much shall.-
You soon were joined by the rest of the group and were having fun at the bar. You noticed that Steve never took his gaze off you, but you weren’t certain, considering the amount of alcohol that you ingested. You felt a little claustrophobic at one point so you excused yourself getting up. -Want me to come with you?- Nat asked. You shook your head. -I’m fine babe, just need a little air.- you walked between the people reaching the big balcony.
You went closer to the glass barrier and propped your elbows on the edge, looking at New York City by night. You closed your eyes, breathing deep. -Did you really drank that much?- you open your eyes suddenly, turning back to the voice. Steve was just a few feet away, hands in his pants’ pockets. He was looking at you with a little smile. You mirrored his expression, turning back to the view. The glass door was closed and you were alone.
-Not really. I’m just a little dizzy, and I needed some fresh air, that’s all.- you responded. There were some moments of silence. It wasn’t uncomfortable though. You felt him getting closeer to you, almost too close. So close that you could feel his breath on your neck. -You look so beautiful tonight..- he whispered raising one hand and resting it on your hip. Your breath hitched.
-Maybe it’s the alcohol, even though we both know I can’t really get drunk, or maybe its the way Bucky flirted before, or the way you looked so flustered yesterday on the mission..- he started to caress your waist gently. You were slowly melting under his touch, his hand so warm in stark contrast with the chilly air. You had goosbumps. -But I just can’t ignore how I feel anymore.- he turned you to face him slowly. You locked eyes. -I’ve never wanted someone so bad in my life, and I think that you want me, too.- he paused. You didn’t know what to say. You were completely taken aback by his confession.
-But if I’m wrong, I’m gonna step back right now and I’m gonna stay away.- he continued, with a little of uncertainty. You widened your eyes, laying your hand on his chest. -No- you said quickly. -I do. I want you. God, I want you so bad.- in that moment he grabbed your cheeks with his hands and started to kiss you. It was hungry, fast and messy. You almost didn’t even realize that he placed you against the wall, away from the view of the people. You grabbed his hair with one hand and his shirt in the other.
-I wanna fuck you right now, I don’t care if everyone sees, the team, the other people.- he said kissing your neck. -Steve.. Please- you moaned. He looked at you with the best bedroom eyes he could give. -Please what, baby?- he cooed.
-I need you, please. Let’s.. Let’s go to the bedroom, please I can’t take it anymore- he nodded and you quickly went inside, careful to not be seen by the team you reached the elevator and pressed to your private floor.
You had to keep your cool because you weren’t alone, but when you arrived you ran like teenagers, giggling towards his room. He opened the door and then slammed it shut. You pushed him on the bed and he let himself fall, resting on his elbows while he watches you like you were his prey. What he didn’t know was that joke’s on him.
You stood right in front of him, a smirk playing on your lips, an equally predatory gaze in your eyes. You reached to your side, unzipping the red dress slowly, letting it pool around your heels. You stepped out of the dress, bending to pick it up and in the meantime giving Steve a perfect view of your ass. -Fuck baby girl, blue is definitely your color.- he groaned. You chuckled straddling his lap. His warm hands were on your body in no time, pulling you flush against him kissing you. It wasn’t sweet, at all. It was full of passion, all teeth and tongue and soft bites.
At some point he reached behind your back to unclasp your blue lacy bra, then tossing the garment in some part of the room. He didn’t lose time and quickly attacked one of your breasts with his mouth, while he touched the other with his hand.
-Eager, captain?- you let out a noise that was a mixture between a moan and a laugh. He released your nipple from his mouth locking eyes.
-Excuse me if I can’t resist my urge to worship the goddess in front, oh well actually, on me.- he said smugly making you laugh. You gave him a push on the chest to make him lay down.
-Sweet talker.- you tease him, trailing his neck and jawline with wet kisses. He chuckles a little, his hands travelling on your sides, back and ass.
-What? You think I’m just, saying it? It’s true, y/n. You are stunning.- he says sincerly, making you look at him for a second. You smile and place a sweet kiss on his lips.
-Well, thank you.- you respond and you’re caught off guard when he grabs you by the hips and flips your position, so now he was hovering you. You gasped for the surprise.
-And now I’m gonna show exactly how much I want you.- he smirked and started to pepper your belly and hip bones with open mouthed kisses, and at the same time he slipped off your panties, letting them fall on the ground. And now you were stark naked and totally at his mercy. You moaned and with all the strenght you could find you stopped him. He gave you a confused look.
-First, I think you’re not playing fairly there, captain. Then, I’m gonna tell you exactly what I want. Strip.- you order and he licks his lips, his cerulean, and now glassy, eyes were eating you up. He got up, standing on his knees, and started to unbutton his blue shirt, while you took care of his belt and zip. He took off his pants and boxers in one move.
-Happy now?- he asked amused, resuming his work with his mouth, this time he started from your ankle, going up as he went. You peeked at his hard lenght, tip already glistening with precum and angry red.
-Can say so.- you murmured, laying on your back and enjoying the show of Steve between your legs. Your breath started to hitch when he got closer to your center, but as the teasing bastard that he his, he stopped.
-C'mon Steve, baby, I need you.- you say, throwing out of the window yor dignity. -What do you need? Tell me sweetheart.- he murmurs against your thigh, looking at you. -I’d quite like you to speak French between my legs, captain.- you smirk, biting your lip. His expression was priceless.
-Fuck yes- he groaned spreading your legsmore in front of him. He then smiled mischievously. -Alors c'est ce qui vous a tous énervé hier, uh?- So that’s what got you all flustered yesterday, uh?, his tone was a mixture of teasing and realization. He licked a long stripe from your entrance up to your clit anthat made you almost scream, instead you opted for grabbing his blonde hair with one hand and the snow-white like sheets.
-Can’t really blame me. With your cute messy hair, showing off like that..- you responded mewling, your eyes closed and your head leaned back. He chucked sending vibrations trough your whole body. You clenched instinctively. -Yeah, 'cause I’m good at what I do doesn’t mean that I was showing off, chéri.- a particularly harsh suck on your bundle of nerves got your back arching off the bed and moaning loudly -Steve- 
-Tu aimes ça, chérie?- You like that baby? you moaned when you heard him speak French again.
-Yes, God, Steve right there- you answer struggling to not grind onto his face. He adds two fingers and that knocks the air out of your lungs.
-Tu es si doux. Si mouillé, est-ce tout pour moi, chérie? Mmh cette jolie petite chatte, tout à moi pour jouer- You’re so sweet. So wet, is it all for me baby? This pretty little pussy, all mine to play with. He kept talking in between licks and open mouthed kisses on your clit, his long and thick fingers pumping directrly on your sweet spot.
-Fuck. I..I can’t take it anymore, please..- you pulled his hair slightly and he growled, the vibrations went straight to your core and you felt the coil in your belly tighten. You started to gasp. -You’re close aren’t you? Come on baby, I’ve got you, let go honey- he hummed, back to english, speeding up a little his fingers. With that you came. Hard. You screamed his name arching your back of the bed, the sheets out of place because of your pulling.
He rode you thorough your orgasm, and when he felt you calm down a bit he extracted his fingers, licking them clean. You could’ve cum again just by watching him. But instead, you rose up and pulled him to you, kissing him. You hummed when you felt your taste on his tongue. Your hand reached out to stroke his cock, now even harder than before. He choked out a moan on your mouth. -Baby girl I need to be inside you- you nodded and he replaced your hand with his, stroking his cock a few times, he lined himself with your entrance and entered you with a sharp thrust that took both your breaths away.
-Fuck y/n, baby, you feel so good around me- he hid his face in your neck and you circled his shoulders with your arms. -Please move- you gasped and he complied, starting to move faster. After a while he took your leg putting it on his hip, reaching a deeper spot inside you.
-Oh, Fuck. Yeah, right..ah, right there baby.-you gasped, your nails scratching his strong shoulders. You started to feel his breath getting erratic.
-So beautiful- he murmured in your ear and you felt yourself melt a bit more. -Baby ’m gonna come, I’m so close. Are you with me?- you said kissing him on the lips, the cheek, the jaw.
-Right behind you, love.- the pet name made your heart flutter, but you soon forgot about it when he stated to pick up pace again, then adding his fingers on your clit, and that was it. You orgasmed for the second time that night and he followed a few thrusts later with a loud moan and your name spilling from his plump lips. He ride out both of your releases and then planted his forehead against yours.
-It’s okay, baby.- you murmured scratching the nape of his neck lightly, while he calmed his breath, making him hum approvingly. You looked at his parted lips and closed eyes, his blissed out expression making you smile. A few seconds later he opened his blue pools, smiling back quite shyly. -Hi.- you said softly. -Hi sweetheart.- he responded fondly, caressing your cheek. You stayed there for a while.
Then he got up and cleaned you both with a warm and damp wash cloth, bringing it back to the bathroom then he came back to bed with you. -I don’t really wanna deal with the team tomorrow.- you said with your head on his chest. Your fingers tracing imaginary patterns on his torso, him petting your hair delicately. -Me neither. But even if we don’t say anything they’re gonna find out anyway. We kind of disappeared and never came back.- he chuckled and you laughed with him. -Let’s just enjoy this, for now.- you responded. -Yeah. Everything else can wait.- he kissed your head.
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Thank you for reading, feedback is appreciated ;)
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dannyboyzone · 3 years
Writing rules 101 by Kin
Everybody has their own writing style, and you absolutely don't have to listen to me. This is only posted for two reasons, one being that I might not have the mental strenght to post request for 2 or 3 days due to personal reasons, the other one being hey, someone might find this useful.
It's not to nag though, it's more for fun and I am open to respectful critism.
The first one that's the most important one is - In my eyes at least - that you should absolutely never write the character doing absolutely nothing.
Start out sentences with someone being in the middle of something, either something big or something small.
Not that good; Daniel woke up to the sound at his alarm, at 7:30 am and went to brush his teeth.
Alright!; Daniel shifted his gaze from the window back inside his kitchen. It was raining today, he couldn't help but wonder if it was a bad omen, or if his mind is simply trying to mess with him.
He opened the door to reveal his kitchen shelves, putting away the mug he had gotten from Gun that morning.
ex end.
Not only will it give more depth and possibilities for your story, but it will also keep the reader more entertained and in picture with what's happening.
Also, you are less likely to get a writers block.
Please, if possible, do not write in a big text block.
By that, I mean not possible break in between lines at all.
Please try to make a format you are possible with, of what your gut feeling says feels right.
You could write like this.
I do not follow a possible format, but in my opinion the best format is one or two sentences starters. The next graph being three to five sentences.
It will not only make you more able to focus, and know where you left off but it is also helpful for the readers.
You can, of course add big paragraphs - if they are called that - but! People with certain disabilities, especially reading ones, will be able to pay attention more and not get overwhelmed if you follow the process of 'small text, big text, small text' or one similar to that made by your own. Also, were you aware that people who don't have English as their first language will be able to follow through more like that?!
Well, now you are!
ex end.
" It is not necessary for you to always add who is talking while two people are having a conversation. " said Mira,
" That's right, but that rule only applies if it's obvious who is talking! " Zoe added to the conversation, with a cheerful smile.
Zack leaned back in his chair, holding a hand in front of his mouth as he yawned,
" If you are going to tell them the obvious anyway, just tell them that a sentence which is followed up by a quote should never have a dot but rather a comma. "
" Zack, don't be silly! Everyone knows that! "
" Actually... Some people might not! Let's not be judgemental everyone. " said the brown haired one.
" Pft, that's for beginners tho! "
" Hey!!! Let's also tell them that they can use differences between the people talking instead of their name too! " said his desk mate, as he looked up from the notes on their desk.
Zack leaned his head on Daniel's shoulder, closing his eyes as he made himself comfortable for a nap,
" Yup, especially if there is a pronoun difference. "
Mira turned to Y/n, holding their shoulder,
" Don't feel stressed please! It's alright to make mistakes, and writing is pretty hard anyway! Just follow your own pace! "
Do not add anything that doesn't have a meaning.
Even if it's taking a sip of drink, it should have a meaning.
It's poisoned, dirty, the first step for someone to be healthy, the first drink someone has for survival, holds a significant meaning or It's to provoke someone.
It doesn't matter, as long as it adds something to the story.
If you do not make everything have a meaning that adds depth to the story or the personality of a character you are wasting the time of your reader and could possibly give them false hope.
Though, you don't immediately have to add the meaning of if in the same scene or even same chapter.
Some sentences have multiple meanings depending on which word is pressed down.
Take an example, the sentence
" I never said she stole my money "
has 7 different meanings depending on the word you press down. Just try it out.
So if you might write a sentence with multiple meanings please write the pressed down word in italics.
If you want to say the person didn't steal the money, but someone else did, you would have to write,
" I never said she stole my money "
I hope it's clear with only one example!
Your work is bad because you have read it at least a thousand times, but the people you will publish it to will read it for the first time and you will always have to remember that.
If you want to improve it though, write down everything in your notes, then fully delete it.
You can then open your post tab on your publishing site - like tumblr or something - and start rewriting it.
You will definitely only remember what's necessary in addition to your story.
I personally don't do this, but a lot of people might find it important.
Always do research please, even if things won't always be accurate.
If you do research, less people will be annoyed by the inaccuracy and you will be able to add a lot of things that you couldn't have without them.
Also, you can avoid appropriating cultures and offending different kind of communities that way.
Along side that, please always state if your work will out of character or inaccurate on purpose.
Plus! Checking your spelling errors with a trusted app of yours will never hurt anybody! ♡
If you have a writers block, please either
1. Change the weather; Opens up different kind of possibilities due to clothing, back ground, objects, air and reactions it brings out of others.
2. Add something dramatic; Only do this if it's absolutely necessary, because it could ruin your work. If everything goes right, add something that goes wrong and vice versa. This is only if you want to add angst in your fluff or wise versa.
3. Change the environments and/or the positions the characters are in; It gives a better perspective of the mood and general idea of the topic on hand that you are writing about.
4. Move on to the next scene; You can either leave the scene at that, or write the scene after that which can give you ideas for the one previous to that.
5. Make sure to clean the room you are in; Distractions and environment factors can change the way you feel about writing. Especially if not everything is clean, even if you don't like the mess. Also, drink water.
Never add the end being a dream in longer works.
I don't mean the middle, a twist or a necessity. I mean the absolute end.
It just disappoints people and wastes their time.
If you are writing anything other than romance such as action, horror, thriller ect I would like to say that, romance is not a necessity.
I beg of you, please don't add it if your main focus isn't romance.
Sure, people can have relationships but unnecessary romance rather drives people away than bring in more readers.
If your main focus is romance, please don't immediately make the people fall for each other.
It doesn't necessary have to be enemies or something you don't enjoy, but please remember that no one loves at first sight, and even people with a lot of chemistry can be shy!
Even if you love someone the first day you meet them due to something, it will definitely take a few hours and naivety.
So unless the main point is love at first sight, it's better to build up a relationship bit by bit.
Be diverse with tension levels in scenes!
If a whole work is simply tense, or simply has a normal tone that can be either overwhelming or underwhelming.
For example, if your work is shorter, you can add a tiny moment where someone pouts yet gets cheered up with kisses a bit after.
If it's longer, you can add for example a race scene, which after ending is followed up with a group of friends smiling and having fun at a dinner table. If would not only give more depth to your story, but it could make viewers think and make their own headcanons of your story.
So, in short, please balance your story out. Readers have an easier time to finish a work that's balanced in the course of the same day over works that are over or underwhelming! ♡
Every writer has a word that they might repeat too often. Mine are pronouns, but for others it might be fangs, headband, no, lenght or even cat.
Please try to recognise yours!
If you feel like you are repeating your key word more often than 3 times please rewrite your sentence(s) in a way it's more pleasant.
You will have an easier time writing and your reader won't feel like you are repeating yourself.
Also, you can improve your speech pattern that way. ♡
Whew, that was a lot. Kinda gave me a headache.
Please remember that these are tips and not to put anyone down. I would have just liked to help and make up for the lack of post. - Ouch, parrot much. - I enjoyed writing these, but if anyone got offended I apologise. Hopefully, this won't get ignored since I put a lot of effort in it. 🥲
Thank you for your time! <3
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slightlymore · 4 years
Jungwoo + blowjob
Jungwoo's hand was lazily drawing patterns only he could understand on your sensitive back skin while humming little gentle sweetnesses on top on your head. You were smiling, eyes closed, ear pressed to his chest, listening to the buzz of his voice and the rhythm of his heart.
"Jungwoo", you whispered timid, still uneasy to be like that with him as it was the first time for you to be seen by a man. After he made you dig your fingers into his back and moan his name, reality slowly got a grip of your mind, lust quenched, and you felt like hiding under the covers when he slowly let himself roll over on the bed beside you.
You did so well, baby, he said with a breathy smile. Don't hide, he ordered softly, making you look at him with those glossy eyes of yours, letting him see your flushed cheeks and abused lower lip. You bit into it a lot as Jungwoo caressed your thighs while his tongue tortured your clit in ways you didn't know were possible. And he bit down into it as well as he was feeling you clenching hard around him while his hips rolled into yours every second faster.
After that, his hands made you come closer, hugging you against his chest, slowly bringing your body to lay on him, praising you and assuring you that everything was alright.
Now, resting like that on top of him, his arms tightly wrapped around your bust, your skin feelings his, you brought up the courage to look at him in the eyes again.
"Hm?" he replied as you called his name. You placed your hands underneath your chin, rising your face, and tried to smile but it soon faltered as his hands moved slowly to rest on the softness of your ass, massaging it ever so slightly.
"What is it?" he chuckled seeing you suddenly at a loss of words.
His thigh was between your legs and he probably could feel how only that little touch made your core heated again.
You gulped and shook your head.
Jungwoo's smile widened. "Come on", he whined, "tell me".
You looked down at your hands on his toned chest and started to draw little circles on his skin, timidly.
"Do you-", you started unsurely, then shaking your head again your resumed, "-no, uhm, is there-", you said instead of looking at him from underneath your lashes, making him laugh at how cute you were. "Come on", he encouraged you again.
"Is there something in particular you want to try?" you finally managed to ask, drowning in embarrassment.
Jungwoo licked his lips, eyes suddenly more aware and intense. "You mean, sex-wise?" he asked and you gulped shocked at his nonchalant ways of speaking.
"What? Does it shock you to hear me say-- sex?" he joked whispering the last word as to tease you. "There are a lot of things I want to do", he added, enjoying seeing you getting every second more flustered.
"Like what?" you asked.
"Mm-mm", he shook his head. "You first. Is there something you want to try?", he caressed your hair, gently but with a certain quiver.
You pursed your lips in a pout to mask your embarrassment. "I asked first".
"Come on" he whispered. "Tell me, baby, I'll do whatever you want".
You shifted your body on his, as if unsure, and you could feel the way his cock rubbed against your thigh in the movement, making you lose concentration for a second. You could swear he was a little harder than before and that gave you courage to open your mouth.
As close as to almost whisper on his lips you breathed out.
"Well, I don't know much, but I would love to just--uhm - try different positions?".
Jungwoo hummed pleased inviting you to go on.
"Like- maybe like this with me on top?" you suggested stuttering lightly with a little voice and Jungwoo's breath increased imperceptibly just as his cock grew slightly harder on your skin.
"Or- maybe like-- from behind? While my face is pressed on the pillow?" you talked again and your boyfriend had definitely a good imagination since he breathed in sharply at your words. His fingers pressed on your hips and his lips opened up to let the air flow out. Your words were affecting him, you could feel it clearly, and it affected you as well, as he unintentionally held your body against his ever harder, making his thigh rub against your wetness. You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to keep in the whimpers when his voice made you look at him again.
"What else?" he asked with a soft voice, almost a whisper, but still deeper than usual and kinda dangerous.
"I want-" you breathed in and out, "-I want to go down on you- to taste you" you replied with a tiny voice but unable to finish the sentence as the last syllables got eaten by Jungwoo's hungry mouth on you. He kissed you intensely while his hands gripped your sides and made you straddle both of his legs. You had no choice but to feel him so hard and so present underneath you, letting the tip of his cock tease you. When you broke off the kiss to breathe you could see just how needy he looked and it drove you insane. You actually had that power over someone and it made you lose control. You let him kiss the air as you suddenly pressed your lips on his collarbones, both surprised at your sudden spirit of initiative. And you went down on his chest while he propped himself up on the pillows to be able to look at you with wide eyes. His hands caressed your hair, trying to move it away from your face and he ended up guiding you gently as you continued to place heated and wet kissed all over his skin.
"You'll have to tell me what to do" you whispered and the airflow out of your mouth, so close to his tip, made his whole cock visibly twitch.
His breath hitched right before he tried to speak as you kissed his soft skin, starting from the tip and going down until the bottom.
"You just have to-" he tried to speak again but the words died in his throat when your tongue slowly licked his whole lenght, ending up sucking lightly on it while pursing your lips.
"-shit-- I don't think you need any guidance, baby girl" he joked giving you the courage to take him between your lips, letting your tongue hug it on the bottom, careful to not scratch him with your teeth. Then you let him out with a long and deep suck, raising your eyes to see his expression, worried that maybe it wasn't how he liked it.
But Jungwoo let his head fall behind, exposing his adam apple going up and down, eyes closed and fingers tightening the grip on your cheeks.
His lips let out soft cusses and you took it for a good sign and slowly repeated the movement, bobbing your head, taking in as much as you could. After a few movements, you could already feel your jaw hurting but Jungwoo's deep moans were so worth going on. His fingers then wrapped yours and put them around the base of his cock, showing you how to jerk it off while you were sucking the top half and you eagerly complied, wanting to make him feel good. The hisses he let out when you brought up the pace were heavenly and you were sure that you were probably dripping on the bedsheets by now as well.
"Shit-" he alternated looking at you from underneath his half-closed eyes and closing them fully, resting his head on the pillow, licking his lips, breathing heavily as if you were sucking the oxygen out of his body.
"-oh-oh fuck, baby-I'm" his hands fighting with themselves, stopping from pushing your head down onto him, fucking your mouth as his muscles were so desperately wanting to do. So you did it, placing your hand on his stomach and letting his cock slide in as much as you could take. Your eyes suddenly were pierced with tears as he hit the back of your throat and you hummed around him, sending vibrations all around it, before letting him out all at once with a loud plop, a little string of saliva connecting his pink tip to your tongue. You were breathing heavily, cheeks flushed from effort and arousal.
"You don't have to do it like that if you don't like it-" Jungwoo spoke through his teeth almost worried but you shook your head.
"I love it, I want you in my mouth and deep down as well" you replied before kitty licking his slit again and wrapping your lips around him, going down until reaching the base of it, fighting the urge to gag, wanting to hear him moaning ever harder.
Jungwoo shuddered in your hold, turned on by your sudden dirty talking and pressing your fingers on your chin he made you look up at him, taking in the view of your face stuffed with his cock.
"Then make me cum, baby girl", he whispered and you hummed again listening to his praising telling you how good he was feeling thanks to you.
When you reached your clit with the other hand Jungwoo swore sharply and released with a groan. You remained still but the flow soon filled your mouth so you let go, letting him finish on his stomach with broken shudders, still pumping the base, while another trail of cum slowly traced your chin falling down to your breasts.
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I never made a mobile-friendly post with my Verses and Rules so... just check under the cut, I guess?
I'll also pin it to be easy to access.
Borderlands 3 - After Jackpot
The “default” verse for my roleplay, unless stated otherwise. Thanks to the help of Moxxi and the Vault Hunters, he was able to flee from that golden Jack-shaped prison and try to search a new place where he could start over and finally live his own life, even if having the voice and appearances (and also DNA) of a deceased dictator will not make it easy. To overcome all of this and the traumas he suffered, Timothy will need time…but now he finally has all the time he needs. Free. (small note: for this verse, Tim got a new hand thanks to FL4K building it like they do for their pets)
Tag: #[verse: after jackpot]
Pre-Sequel - Jimothy the Body Double
Basically, a verse that takes place in the Pre-Sequel Era after he got tricked into the surgery, whole body-double/Vault Hunter gig.
Tag: #[verse: jimothy]
Borderlands 2 - Still a Doppelganger
After the events of Pre-Sequel and before the death of Handsome Jack, a sort of AU where he didn’t get sent to the Jackpot and continues acting as a double for Jack. He was branded, dons the mask, and he’s the firts of the doubles…the other double (mostly pocket-watch doubles) consider him being the “favourite” since he’s the first one, but he suffers the same consequences - or probably worse - as the others if he stumbles upon the wrath of Jack. He doesn’t like having to continue being a double, but what other option there is for someone like him?
Tag: #[verse: still a doppelganger]
Post-TPS/early BL2 and after - Timothy the Renegade
Another sort of AU. After the events of TPS and after the branding, Timothy finally finds the courage to flee from Jack and Hyperion. Faking to being busy with some business for Jack on Concordia, he stops by Nurse Nina to get the infamous bomb out of his body and remove the clasps of the mask (the surgeries were irreversible but at least those things where fixable) - paying well to ensure that she’ll never tell that he has been there - and defects on Pandora. The best way to hide something, sometimes is in plain sight. Also, no one would notice someone that keeps his face hidden between all the masked bandits that live on that planet. There, he lives as a bounty hunter and by not staying too long on the same place.
His hair is kept long, in a low ponytail, the scarred face usually his hidden with goggles and a scarf, the voice is changed through a modulator that keeps hidden under the scarf. Tim still has the watch with his diji-jacks, he was able to alter their code so Jack couldn’t use the watch to track him down nor control it, and also made them able to mimic his disguise so they won’t out his identity. No more silly one-liners, their AI was improved after the Elpis’ events.
Tag: #[verse: renegade]
Pre-Canon - Freckled Ginger
Before the Pre-Sequel. Timothy was a simple guy - with ginger hair, freckles and glasses - attempting at completing his college studies while the loan he had to take was keeping him more than broke. But he didn’t want to go back to his family after he insisted to go to that college instead of a community one. He won’t be able to handle the shame of failing, nor having to admit that he has a big debt on his shoulders because he wanted to chase his dream to become a writer.
Tag: #[verse: freckled ginger]
I have roleplaying experience, but not on Tumblr
English is not my language, sorry in advance
I’m shit at formatting, but I’ll try my best
Even though my schedule is embarassingly open, I can’t assure to be active often or be able to reply fast because of both timezones (I’m in GMT+1) or because my mental health told me to go fuck myself to take a break for a bit.
Will be roleplaying when I’m on computer, because I hate that the phone keyboard hides almost all the text editor of Tumblr app.
Now the real rules:
I won’t be writing any sexual NSFW content: I’m not comfortable with that.
Any other thing (adult or not) found in the Borderlands universe is fine with me, just don’t make me write the hanky-panky.
As stated before, I’m not good with formatting posts
I don’t have a fixed lenght for replies, but I’ll try to adapt to the other’s style… but I can’t guarantee to be able to write sth lenghty bc of language skills barrier.
There won’t be icons in my replies because I know myself and I’ll end up forgetting to add them quite soon.
I’m not selective currently, I just want to roleplay and have fun. Probably I will not be following back non-rp blogs simply to keep dash & notifications tidy.
OC friendly! I love seeing Borderlands OCs and if you have an about page I’ll surely will be giving it a look!
Multiverse: mainly BL3 post Jackpot DLC, but I’m open to roleplay other timelines and Verses/AUs
About this, if you have any idea for a verse/au feel free to message me to discuss plots and stuff together!
Since it’s Multiverse I guess that it could also be Multiship, but I don’t really care about ship stuff. Let’s see how the plot goes naturally.
No Godmodding but this should be like the basic thing in rp.
The Timothy that I’ll roleplay will be a mix of Canon and Headcanons, so it could not fit the expecations
Mun is not the Muse: me and Timothy may have a bunch of traits in common, but we are not the same thing. Please keep them separated.
On this note, no OOC drama. I don’t want you drama, nor I care about it. Keep your drama for yourself because I have my share of drama irl: if I’m here I want to have fun and not suffer anxiety/panic attacks because of some shit internet drama.
I’m kinda shy and anxious so I can’t guarantee to be the one initiating the interactions, but I’ll try my best.
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filypadreams · 4 years
Fleeting Touches
( Asmodeus x GN!MC)
Synopsis: Do you know what fleeting means? It means you should apreciate every moment while you can. Even if you get lost in illusions for it.
TW: Slight angst
The streets were full this time of the year, even with the cold weather. It was a race for most humans to get that last minute gift for that special someone.
Their children, parents, grandparents or significant others. For some reason it's tradition to get that one person a last minute present.
And that's always a disaster...
" Calvin Klein One... with bergamot, cardamom, pineapple and jasmin. Tropical? Or maybe Dolce & Gabanna Velvet Exotic Leather. Traditional and italian... also at good prices, I need to ask if they are antiallergenic! "
I spend 15 minutes on the line but get both perfumes and walk outside onto the sunny street. It's not as busy as the mall and I really should get home before it gets to close to one pm.
Today, faces are a blur to me.
" Thanks for the tip Asmo, I was sick of the strong scents of women perfumes and the always down to earth male ones~"
I cheerfully speak to myself while touching the 'tattoo' above my left breast.
It's a one-way communication system. I'm not even sure Asmodeus hears what I tell him but I sure do hear his thoughts.
" Ohhh, bootie alert at 12! No, wait! Delicious curves at 4- oohh...that's a mix at 9 o'clock~!"
I see a man, woman, I think the last one is in mid transitioning but I'm not sure.
" He'll be a beautiful man, I'm 95% sure!"
" Maybe it's a 'they'... not that you can hear me."
Though I agree, they look...handsome. With a nice physique, curly shoulder lenght hair, smooth skin as if rivalling Asmos' ... and who can resist a dark biker leather jacket?!
No, stop. Don't let the mark influence you from your mission MC!
Setting the christmas gifts.
I start running in the direction of the bus station when I collide with a tall lady, her black shades falling to the ground from her beautiful light pink sweater.
My head hurts. It felt like hitting a brick wall...or Beel.
Are my only thoughts as I scramble to pick her glasses and my shopping bag. Good thing it was well packed.
"Oh my~ I'm so sorry, I didn't notice such a beautiful face in this crowd. I was retoutching my eyeliner, huhu! Let me help~"
The lady crouches down next to me. I notice from the corner of my eyes that she is also wearing a black turtle neck... and has peach coloured hair...
" Asmo?!"
Darkness. A cold hand covers my eyes while the other takes the shades from mine and exchanges them with my bags...it seems. He whispers is my ear.
" Now, now. Don't ruin the surprise! I'm just a beautiful 'lady'. Hahaha."
And with that he dissapears. Everything seems to dissapear, as soon it gets dark and I'm sitted in my couch, replaying today's event.
It felt so real... I called him a lady.
Well... I don't think Asmodeus minds.
I walk around the tree, putting down colorfully wrapped gifts. That I went purposely to markets and malls to have wrapped!
Diavolo better play Santa and give me some grimm if I ever get an invite to Devildom, I blew most of my allowances with these!
On the blue corner I have vynil disks and office supplies. Getting stuff for Lucifer is hard.
The yellow corner... is a mess of acessories like shades and wristwatches and some jackets. Mammon needs a new one.
The orange corner was the cheapest but most difficult to prepare. I wrapped most of my otaku related rarities, in Devildom at least, and put them in a pile. Levi better apreciate my figurines!
The green pile was also simple. It's actually small with my old literature books. All from great authors and all trying to escape religious judgement so Satan might find that amusing.
I don't have a red corner, just baked goods on the table and two glasses of milk in case Santa visits.
I put purple pillows, warm robes, matresses and scarves around the tree. Belphie won't lose comfort soon.
And now finishing the pink corner.
There's the perfumes, some cosmetics I really don't get but my 'chest instinct' said to go ahead and...
" I hope he likes this fluffy bunny backpack!"
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I kinda wanted the bunny for myself... but I can't.
The day went on so fast... why am I even doing this? Might as well call Solomon and offer him these so he can perform his rituals. I'll just wake up tomorrow to a full room of wasted money and a mountain of calories. An empty heart.
I caress the bunny when i hear rustling on my door. Something is playing with my wreath? I pick a knife from the dinning table.
" W-who's there?! Show yourself fiend!"
" Aww, that hurts to hear MC-chan..."
From the darkness into the light walks the same person I crashed into this morning.
" You better drop that knife before someone gets hurt..."
" How...Asmo, how are you here?! Why?!!"
Tears come to my eyes. It's been a while. A long while since I've seen any of them. Since I've had slumber parties with Asmodeus, self care sessions...
He shakes his head cleaning the few teardrops away with the back of his index finger and walks to the tree, messing with the gifts.
" Tears don't suit you well. Oh, you even got something for Barbatos... I'm slightly jealous, I thought you only thought about me~"
He starts opening his gifts.
" Wait! It's not even Christmas Eve. We need to wait until midnight at least..."
As I try to explain, his taller stature hovers over me, playing with my hair and putting a mistletoe, secure in it's knots. Wait... how is he so tall? The height difference is too abnormal.
" I'm afraid the concept of time doesn't apply in dreams, MC."
" H-huh?! Wha... the day... went on really fast. So you..."
I look down slightly dissapointed. The floor starts cracking and falling. Darkness and constelations starting to form under my feet.
" Afraid not. Christmas is not really part of our traditions, haha. Even if we had a great celebration that one time Diavolo proposed we did it with the exchange students.
I like the angel."
He points to the tree top.
" Oh, that... I was thinking of Beel and Belphie when I made the decision. It's my oldest decoration. I was thinking on putting a star this year but... I got a literal gut feeling to keep the angel."
I smirk at Asmodeus as he puts an arm around my shoulders, leaning me a little closer to him. We both apreciate the flashing lights from the tree. Even if it was fake. The rest of the room crumbles away and Asmo let's go of me to pick his gifts and stuffing them inside his new backpack.
" I know he was thinking of the only person that shines as bright as us two together.
Hmm, but you haven't been taking good care of yourself, MC-chan! Remember to follow the morning routine I gave you so your skin is almost as perfect as mine!"
" I haven't been feeling like...doing much I guess. I had a lot of work this year."
" Humans are always full of work. I mean me too.
Since RAD is closed for the 'holidays', we are back to our other jobs. Things get dirty real fast, so many pests! Maybe we can actually come visit during New Year's."
After apreciating the representation if Lilith, he turns to berate me, before picking a bottle of perfurm and examining it, followed by spraying some on while making a spin as he explains his bodyguard/demon threat exterminator job.
He must have loved it because he transforms, with a smile on his face and his horns move like pincers.
" I always found your demon form the funniest."
" ...Dear, I'm fabulous."
" Hahahahaha! Ok, but if this isn't a Diavolo, Barbatos or Lucifer' scheme... is it Belphegor's? You mentioned dreams, and it explains the constelations."
I look around, darkness being drilled by the light of many tiny stars.
" I think I see taurus... and of course he had ro include pisces. Mammon is supposed to be the greedy one, this is OUR moment!"
He huffes and crosses his arms. I chuckle and pat his back.
" So, I'm asleep at the same time as Belphie."
" It's night time in both worlds. You could say I'm an intruder. I was taking my immersive nightly bath as I prepared to get into your dreams~ I hope I didn't actually fall asleep, my poor skin!"
" How did you convince him?"
I wonder as he touches his arm and the parts of revealed skin as if to feel if something was wrong with his real body.
" Oh, well...he actually wanted to see you to! I also promised to take more cute pictures of Lucifer for him. But I don't think he admires his beauty the same way I do-"
The world trembles. Belphie must be waking up. And angry...
" Oh, dear! I must have upset him. This illusion will end soon and you'll wake up in your bed as if nothing happened. I hope you don't forget me."
Asmo walks closer and caresses my face. Kissing my forehead.
It's warm. Fleeting but I can feel his gestures. Even in a dream.
I slap his hand when I feel it sliding down my back a little too far.
" Ouch! My nail...ok, ok. I'm sorry! Won't happen again~"
He apologises when making contact with my burning stare and proceeds to act innocently after.
" It better not. I... think it will be difficult to forget you. Specially now. Make sure the others know-! Ahh!!!"
Another quake and I "conveniently" fall in his arms. I'm able to see his pixie sized wings batting in excitement.
" This is a cliché."
I mumble as Asmo wraps his arms around me.
" I need to go. I'm sure we'll see each other soon. You know I'll always be here. Literally. And I do hear you, you know?"
He pokes his mark, above my heart and pouts.
" ...I know... see you soon Asmo."
I pick his hand and kiss it.
Then I wake up. It's still the middle of the night. My room is cold.
There on my window sill are two roses. One peach and one dark pink.
The End
Special dedicatory to: @shortnessangel
and @asmoluvsyou .
Bunny Backpack comes from: https://kawaiibabe.com/products/creepy-bun-backpack
(Curiosities: The perfumes are gender neutral, I can still link you the page where I found them.
The colour of the roses have a specific meaning. I can post the pic I got it from if you want.)
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Ok, so, I would like a RFA match up, pretty please 🥺 I just love how you portray them.
About myself, I am an introvert, idk if you follow the personalities test thingy but I am INFP-T, which is basically this:
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(The T stands for Turbulent and is just about me being on the lower self esteem spectrum of the personality)
I do tend to be more shy and quiet, around strangers and general people that I just don't get along with, I prefer to simmer on my emotions and thoughts by myself, and once I've process I share with whoever is willing to listen. I don't like when people start pushing me about the meaning of my feelings when I'm not ready to express them.
However, I am a very feeling-based-decisions type of person.
I grew up taking care and responsibility for my sisters, and I was in charge of babysitting a lot of my baby cousins during extended periods of time, that gave me a weakness to babies but low patience to brats and their parents. Also, now that I don't take care of anyone that actually needs to be taken care of, I'm kinda restless.
I try to be polite to everyone, because I hate bullying, but only once I feel comfortable enough I show my quirky, and weird part of myself, I am a gossip (however, I don't spread rumors nor do I tell secrets that were confided to me), loyal to a fault (which sometimes leads to being spiteful if I'm betrayed) and a hopeless romantic to the core.
I am touch starved, like very very mcuh, I just want cuddles, kisses, hugs and physical affection, but I also need my space and time for myself to do my own stuff. (Is it just me or that sounds like a cat?)
I'm somewhat lazy, I daydream a lot, and I come up with a bunch of writing ideas that I never really write or finish.
My favorite color is pink because it reminds me of the good parts of my childhood, my rebel time as an angsty teen and now it brings me peace and familiarity, however I like to wear more red and black clothing because I think I look better in that.
My perfect date would be a sleepover either in my house or his house, we would order takeout from his favorite place but we would get my favorite desserts. We would watch a Dreamworks movie marathon previously agreed by rock, paper, scissors (he won, but ultimately he chose my favorite movies) and we would snuggle together in a pillow fort in front of the TV. After each movie we would share commentary in how the plot would've been better, or the actors performances, our favorite scenes, characters or anything really. Afterwards, in the middle of the night, when all the movies are over we would just start talking about everything and anything, maybe share one or two kisses but nothing more until one of us falls asleep.
The thingd I look in a partner are fidelity, patience, words of affirmation, trust, stability, and affection, a little bit of lust and possessiveness isn't bad for me, I like to feel that I belong somewhere, with someone and if my partner can be that for me would be ideal, also, I don't like being teased or mocked because I'm very sensitive, preferably someone calm that can ground me when I'm stressed or lost inside me without being mean about it, basically a man that can help me making me feel safe about myself and safe in the relationship (my ex was rather abusive and I just want stability and safety)
Ok, do I don't know if this helps but a little description of my physical appearance: I am 21, mexican, 5'4, shoulder-lenght layered dark brown hair, big dark brown eyes that I like to hide behind huge glasses because I'm blind as heck, chubby, thick thighs, plump-cheeked, round face, my skin is light with yellowish undertones, with small scattered freckles on my nose and cheeks.
Damn, this is very long, I hope this is helpful to you.
Thank you so much for your patience and for doing this, and no pressure at all, take your time and make sure to take breaks to care for yourself.
Gracias otra vez y que tengas una excelente semana.
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Oh this is perfect!
Also are you me bc I honestly relate to all of that 100% (twinsies heyooo and not only that I'm an INFP too! xD)
Anyway here we go!
I hope you enjoy the match pft I'm always nervous about this!
I match you with....
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When you first met, he found it a bit strange about how quiet you were. At first you were pretty quiet in the chatrooms, but after a few days he began to see more and more of you.
One night while you were in bed writing, you received a call from Jumin. Normally you'd be pretty shy to talk to him, but you decided to be brave and answer.
At first it was a bit awkward, but for some reason listening to Jumin made you want to get to know him a bit more. The two of you ended up talking for two whole hours.
One night you invited Jumin over to watch a movie together. The poor man had never seen the wonderful and beautiful thing that is all the Shrek Movies.
It was amazing.
Jumin actually gave some pretty deep commentary, and you loved talking about your favorite parts of the movie once it was done. Jumin couldn't help the big smile that appeared on his face and you suddenly stopped your rant about the movie, feeling suddenly a bit self conscious. Were you weirding him out?
You immediately mumbled an apology, feeling hurt, but Jumin grabbed your hands and kissed them. "No, no, please don't think I'm laughing at you. I just...well....to be honest I've never found myself captivated by someone....yet here I am, unable to tear my eyes away from you. You...you are truly a wonderful person you know?"
That day you had your first kiss.
The two of you had a really cute dynamic, with Jumin being the one that always solved everything by logic, and you being the one that always followed your heart. You two ended up helping each other a lot!
Whenever you feel down or tired, Jumin only has to take one look at you and will immediately come over to hug you. He won't ask about anything unless you want to talk about it. He's super observant, so he always knows how you're feeling without you having to tell him.
Another thing, is that you've helped this man take more care of himself. Whenever he's overworking, you'll come up to his office and wrap your arms around him, telling him to take a quick break.
Also, did you say you were almost like a cat? Because this man absolutely loves cats and just adores it when you come up to cuddle with him.
Jumin knows when you give you space, and he is always there if you need someone to comfort you. He is also extremely loyal (and protective too! -not in the creepy DONT TALK TO OTHER GUYS way- but he always makes sure you have body guards when you leave, and if he finds someone staring at you funny he will suddenly come up to you and kiss you.)
If you're ever stressed and dealing with any problems, he will take you by the hands and lead you to the balcony, where he will guide you through some breathing exercises. Then, when you've calmed down he will talk to you about the problem and give you solutions.
If you need time by yourself Jumin will definetly step away for a bit and come back when you're ready!
At dinner time he humors you by talking about any office drama he's heard about (recently he's been asking Jaehee to keep track of those sort of things so he can tell them to you -also he's definitely become invested but won't admit it pft)
Over all, Jumin will always take your feelings into consideration first, and he will make sure to always be there for you!
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thewritingginger · 5 years
A-Z Fluff Alphabet - Beelzebub
I’ve been playing Obey Me for about a few weeks
So of course I wanted to try writing for our demon boys :3 
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
- Eat! Beel doesn't just enjoy eating with his s/o, he also really loves cooking with them and trying new recipes.
- Besides eating and cooking he like going for walks in the park or going to amusement parks (if there is one in town) riding all the rollercoasters and trying the fair food.
- But he can do anything with his partner, just as long as he has them with him he's a happy boy
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
- Personality wise Beelzebub really admires your generosity and helpfulness.
- Beelzebub thinks your smile is the most beautiful, he cant help but find a smile grace his face when he see yours.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
- May not always know what to do or say but is always there to be a shoulder to cry on and do whatever he can to help his s/o
- Will hold you in his strong arms against his chest running his fingers through your hair
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
- Beel pictures having a gang of kids with his s/o, maybe w/ a pet or two all raised happily in a beautiful home in Devildom 
- Days filled with happy and exciting memories, and nights overflowing with laughter, good food and family time.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
- I think Beelzebub has a healthy mix of both passive and dominant. It just depends on the situation. 
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
- Depending what the fight was about will change how angry he gets and how long it takes him to cool off. But once he is calmed down and the air is cleared between both him and his s/o he will forgive him partner.
- If Beel feels really upset and the fight is getting quite heated he will leave to calm down alone before he can come back and talk about it and resolve it.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
- Beel is grateful to have someone willing to constantly make him food, ok not just for that 
- It wasn't until one night he was sitting in bed that when he looked down at his sleeping s/o that it really set in what he had and what they brought into his life.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
- Beelzebub shares most things with my s/o 
- It might take a bit of time to confess something embarrassing or something he's nervous to bring up or say
- But it will always come out in the end, would never hide important or serious things for forever
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
- His s/o greatly helped him have peace with stuff that happened in the past and overcome bad memories.
- Helped him to stop blaming himself 
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
- Does get jealous easily but not the worst of of the brothers
- Might be the one to puff out his chest if the situation calls for it 
- Can be quite territorial of his s/o
- Might get pouty 
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
- A very good kisser, soft and sentimental 
- The first kiss shared between him and his s/o was nerve wrecking for him. Was tender little kiss nothing crazy. Once it was done it felt like a huge weight off of his shoulders.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
- It kinda just came out in the moment 
- He and his s/o were on a little picnic and everything just was perfect. They were laughing and his s/o was just so beautiful and everything felt perfect that he just said it absent minded.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
- Beel does want to get married.
- I think he would propose in a more private setting. EX: In your shared bed room/at home, maybe on a cute date (a picnic or star gazing), or “your place”
- Your marriage with Beelzebub would involve cooking family dinners together, sentimental moments, and lots of quality time cuddling
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
- Nicknames you call him: Beely, | Bubzy, | Baby, | Your Hungry Boy, |
-  Nicknames he calls you: Babe, | His little ‘Dumpling’, | 
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
- When Beelzebub is in love he very loving and cuddly 
- If has a secret love (hasn't confessed) he will share/offer to share his snacks, and a bit shy.
- He isn't overtly obvious to others but can raise a few flags to others he might like/love someone like when he shares his food or blushes 
- Beelzebub expresses his feelings more with actions than words 
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
- Beelzebub isn't afraid to show affection in public or around others but more so with holding hands/ arm around their shoulder, nuzzling and hugs; arms wrapped behind them with his head resting on theirs (EX: while standing around waiting somewhere) and maybe quick kisses here and there but nothing more than pecks. 
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
- Is being tall an ability . . .  yes!!!
- Having a a big boy you always have someone to get things off the top shelf or lift you up in his strong arms
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
- Beelzebub is on a scale for 1-10 about a 6 or 7 when it comes to being romantic.
- He tries to do romantic gestures but it sometimes doesn't play out like he thought. 
- For example; On your anniversary he wanted to make you dinner with dessert and everything. Everything was going swimmingly, the food turned out how he wanted it, the table was set nicely, and he was dressed to impress. Nothing when wrong till he accidentally bumped the glass of wine he was pouring for you and spilt it onto the table, and you. Saying he was a bit embarrassed is a bit of an understatement. 
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
- Beel just wants his partner to be happy and so supporting them in there dreams whether that's of a specific job/going to school or mental and physical goals and everything else in between.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
- Whether you’re talking about food or your relationship, Beelzebub likes to spice things up from time to time. Is open to new experiences as long as his s/o there to experience it with him.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
- Beel is a very good listener 
- May not always know what to do or say but is always there to be a shoulder to cry on and 
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
- His s/o is his world
- His s/o is the only person that he feels comfortable and safe telling everything to without fear of judgment and being made fun of
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
- When his s/o gets sick he pampers them and tries to help them feel better by, making Lots of food wants to make sure that they don't miss a meal, running them a hot bath, putting a cold rag on their head if they have a fever, snuggling for hours with his big arms around them to keep them warm and anything that his s/o needs they just ask.
- “Are you feeling okey?” | “Are you hungry?” | “I’ll help warm you up.” |
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
- Beel may be a big guy but he is very affectionate with his s/o.
- Just holding his partner to his is enough for him, feeling their warmth on him is really comforting 
- loves it when his s/o gives him little kisses, whether on his lips, face, or neck. 
- A quick peck is enough to warm his whole chest and feel happy 
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
- When he misses his partner (like if they haven't seen each other all day or they are away for a trip) he’ll text &/or call them to talk for a bit 
- “Whatcha up to?” | “Want to get something to eat together when you get home?” |
- If he knows they can't talk at the moment (busy with school or work, etc) he’ll text them something cute and earnest, to read when they’re done.
- “I know you cant talk right now so I just want to tell you that I miss you and I cant wait till you get back so I can hold you in my arms.” | “I love you~” |
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
- If he really loves his s/o he is willing to do anything to make them happy and to have them in his life
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Hey, could I have a matchup? I'm 5'3,kinda curvy, and have middle lenght, thick, wavy hair. I'm quiet when you first meet me, but I warm up to people pretty quickly and become the loudest mf to ever walk this Earth, and I literally never stop talking. I have big chaotic energy and would likely try all kinds of stupid crap if left unsupervised. I'm really creative and can make cool stuff out of mostly anything. If I had a boyfriend, I would be the biggest clothes thief, mostly hoodies, of course.
You sound so c u t e!! And same my alignment is like chaotic dumbass! 😂😂
I have to give you-
Tumblr media
You two! Match in Heaven-
Well um Devildom 👀👀
You’re both loud asfff! Lucifer just wanted an exchange student who would just be quiet and get through the year so they could go back to their normal lives. He didn’t expect you to shake up their lives THIS much!
You and Mammon have gotten into so much stupid shit-
From Mammon getting into more debt with the witches and funny enough so did you(?) Lucifer still doesn’t know how that happened-
Simple rule: Leave the smaller level demons alone just keep going and they won’t hurt you! But you both had a bet on if you could prank the other demon harder ofc you won! But you also won a cut knee and a 10 hour lecture from Lucifer! A record the other boys congratulate you on!
And to top it off on you guy’s relationship-
You still his jackets and sunglasses//
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elisabeth-carrion · 4 years
2020 was... a year. Tbh, 2019 was worse for me. Ive read my 2019 diary and i dont know how i managed, and in the end i was still optimistic. 2020 was supposed to be my year of spoiling myself and doing new things. Of course not everything went according to the plan.... but i managed to do a few things.
Lets see
This year i did two things i thought i would never, ever do. Like even last year, i didnt even consider it. 1. i got a tattoo. The idea came to me at the beginning of the year, the plan was to do it in spring, but then quarantine happened, then renovations, and in the end i had it done in september. Its a flower and i love it.
2. i left academia. last year i got accepted into phd program. It was a mess and in the end, i had enough. Ive stayed a few months longer for the scholarship money, and resigned. I am now academia free and enjoying my very frist study free christmas break. Im vibing
among other thing, there are: 3. i cut my hair. it was waist lenght and i cut it shoulder lenght. I dont know why it was such a huge deal for me, but it was. The hair grew back real fast and i had it cut again in november. I think im gonna keep it this way. Or shorter. I’ll see.
4. had my ears pierced. I had one set of earrings, now i have two. I bought a lot of earrings. I really like it. More jewerly is better jewelry.
5. discovered the band breaking benjamin, very nice
6. discovered the book captive prince. ive read it three times already. would recommend
7. made a candle out of what was left of other candles. easier than i thought, but putting dried flowers into it wasnt a good idea
8. made a hat. and then another hat. im kinda proud of them. didnt get to wear them outside yet tho
9. made a brooch. out of an old notebook cover and christmas decor. its kinda big. i dont mind
10. made a head band. this one needs some improvements tho
11. i thought online classes and im still alive. i prefer real life classes but i managed. i learned about teaching too, i hope i can improve my knowledge next year
12. renovated my kitchen! it was old and disgusting. now its nice and clean and pretty and i love it
13. started french, german and turkish on duolingo somewhere around march. im still doing it every day. kinda like it!
14. tried embroideiry. it was fine. i want to go to embroidery class after the plague is over
15. started taking my own outfit photos. i got a cheap tripod for it and it works! 
16. honesly i didnt count it, but i did some writing. I didnt finish anything, but i wrote significantly more than in the past. I want to finish something  next year
17. started using reusable pens again. sadly the ink doesnt really work on some of my cheap notebooks... it leaks. But i do when i can
18. expanded and cleared my wardrobe. I love every single dress i have. I cant believe i really do have a full wardrobe of pretty dresses! its a dream that came true
19. shaved my eyebrow. they grew back darker. now i have visible eyebrows for the first time in my life
20. got a resuable shaving blade. it looks baddas and i have so many razors they will last me a lifetime
21. met the google car! cant wait to see myself on google street view.
22. i learned kanji like crazy, im over 1700 now. Thats enough for the n2 exam, i will try to take it in december next year
23. renovated my room and rearranged the furniture. It is now the cute pink room i wanted for some time. I got a cute carpet and a vanity table. I feel like a princess and for the first time i feel that all my belongings are in order
24. started studying and doing tarot. i got cards for birthday and got really into it
25. assembled a diy tiny doll room. It was fun! its like puzzles but 3d. Its not perfect but i really enjoyed it
26. seen Laura Makabresku exhibition in Sosnowiec. It was nice.
27. Seen tour de pologne race. kinda randomly, i didnt plan to, but it was nice
28. went to a watercolor class. i really enjoyed it!
29. survived the plague so far 
30. started counting calories again. in the past i did it to control, to restrict, and to punish. Now i just want to know
Ive tried new things. I wrote down every single one of them, even the tiniest: 1. kurtosz in both sweet and sour verson
2. Kitkat in the following tastes: melon, peanut butter, salt caramel, gold caramel, strwaberry, salty lemon
3. okonomiyaki
4. carrot kissiel
5. smoking . yes im doings some back to the teenage years things. it tasted like ashes. i still have some left i dont know what i will do with them
6. spring rolls /sajgonki
7. chinese take out fried pasta
8. dandelion and burdock tea
9. mushroom bun - a polish street food with pieczarrki
10. pancakes with juice instead of milk. kind of accidently but it is a thing
11. boiled corn
12. lavender lemonade
13. vegan subway
14. salty licorice
15. vegan sandwich from żabka
16. oyakata soy ramen
17. halvah wafffles
18. gingerbread twix
19. shampoo in a bar... like soap but its shampoo. very nice
20. tofubar
21. bora bora black tea that tastes like roses
22. chocolate coated ginger
23. flavored coffe: five flavour mix, marzepan, raspberry meringue
24. Visited a few new coffe shops and restaurants [sowa, we coffee, mont blanc, zicherka, pod prosiakiem, kaffka, zielona krowa, proper coffee, suzette, starbucks, coffee faza, pigal] and places [zamek sielecki, this one park that has no name but has rainbow lights]. It may seem insignificat but for me its a big deal to visit a new place even if its just a coffee shop.... and its stressful. so yes im proud of that
i must say that i changed. im not the same person anymore. ive grown, ive learned my wants and needs, i started giving myself what i want and what i need, and maybe even more importantly, ive stopped punishing myself. No more of that. I deserve everything and im gonna get it :)
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Could I request a story about Formaggio and Mista being old friends from childhood and meeting again while in the mafia? Idk something about that scenario is amazing to me. I love your blog!
Hi darling!! Absolutely YES aaaaaa I love this :,) So, a couple of things: 1. This hints my Formaggio lore, so no one’s forced to agree on it! Everyone has their opinion and that’s the pretty thing! 2. Formaggio has a name. Like, a real one, not one come straight from a groceries list. Yatta!
This said, I hope you’ll enjoy it :3
Formaggio and Guido Mista, who have been old friend from childhood, meet again while they’re in Passione
(Under the cut for lenght!)
Mista swallowed, feeling a bit nervous. Why right him… He wasn’t new to bring messages around, as Bruno, even if he wasn’t Caporegime, had to act in Polpo’s place, as Polpo himself had ordered, but this time it was too much.
Why did Lady Luck turned her face to him, this time? Why had he have to be the one to bring Polpo’s message to the infamous Squadra Esecuzioni? And, especially, didn’t the Squadra Esecuzioni take orders just from the Boss? Then why was Polpo contacting them?!
Mista took a deep breath, stopping in front of the door the Caporegime indicated as the assassins’ hideout. It was nothing out of the ordinary, just an old and slightly ruined door near to other old and ruined doors… but, in the end, it made sense: they had to blend with their surroundings. He sighed, muttering to the Pistols, who were grumbling from under his hat, to shut up, and, finally, he knocked.
Few, long seconds passed without anyone answering. Maybe this was the wrong door…?
Finally, a noise from inside announced someone’s arrival and the door was opened.
“Who the fuck i- Guido?!” Mista’s jaw almost dropped to the ground when he saw that red, short and messy hair, unmistakable even if the last time he had seen it it had been years ago. How the hell…
“Valerio?!” Mista choked when the other man put a hand on his mouth at really high speed, warning him to shut the hell up.
“Shhhh!! No one knows my real name, Gu! I go by Formaggio now.” he hissed, looking around to be sure no one heard their short exchange. Mista snorted against the assassin’s hand, letting him basically dragging him inside. He slapped Formaggio’s hand away the moment the assassin closed the door, still snorting.
“Formaggio? Among all the nicknames you could choose you picked Formaggio?!” the older man rolled his eyes, while Mista’s eyes were tearing due to the effort he was making not to laugh. Typical…
“Well, I had to fit the group’s aesthetic. But what are you doing here? Do you know how lucky you have been? Like, if Ghiaccio had opened the door you would have found yourself freezed and probably without a finger or worse!” Formaggio led him to the empty living room, where two armchairs and two couches were positioned around a small coffee table.
“No, don’t use the armchairs; one is Capo’s and the other… well, things might have happened here, so use the couches.” Mista jumped away from the armchair, going to sit on the same couch as Formaggio.
“Man, what do you think? You know that I have Lady Luck at my side.” Formaggio snorted, resting his back on a couch pillow. Oh, so he still believed it!
“Yeah, yeah, and number four is still your unlucky number. Anyway, Lady Luck must have not been so prone to help you, today, or you wouldn’t be here.” Formaggio observed, amused. Mista shrugged, relaxing on the couch.
“Or maybe she sent me here to meet you. You just disappeared in thin air, Vale! Where the hell have you been? What happened?” Mista asked, turning to watch him. Formaggio sighed, rubbing his forehead. Well, that was hard…
“Do you remember when dad died? Yeah, grandma Zita hosted me for a while, may God bless that woman, but y’annow, I couldn’t live there forever. Grandma Zita had her own squadron of grandchildren and, well… I felt like a burden.” Mista frowned, hearing his words. If only he had known…
“But, Vale, you could have asked us. You know we would have hosted you, you were, like, one of the family! Dude, aunt Lia knitted a scarf for you and she doesn’t do it even for her own grandchildren! Shit, we’ve known each other since the day we’ve been born, how could you think we wouldn’t have helped you?” Mista asked, feeling kinda lost. Did he and his family do something that maybe had pissed him off to the point to make him refuse even to think to ask them for help? If so, what? He had to know…!
“Gu, I’ve already told you: I didn’t want to be a burden. I also didn’t want to be a burden to your family too. I… I wanted to make it alone. You know… to prove to that piece of shit that I could manage to survive alone. That I wasn’t worthless as he thought.” he answered, shrugging. Mista grimaced, hearing those bitter, bitter words said with so much nonchalance. Typical of him… before he could say or ask anything, like “And what are you doing here?”, Formaggio spoke.
“Gu, would you like to explain me how the hell did you end up in Passione? And with a stand too! No, don’t be so surprised, your little ones are mumbling under your hat. So?” Mista pouted, as amazed now like when he was a child by Valerio’s -no, Formaggio- intuition. He always seemed a fool, someone who could be easily deceived, but the truth was that Formaggio wasn’t a fool nor he could be easily deceived. Since their childhood days, when little Mista played soccer with Roberto the Tippler’s son, he had noticed that the other boy, just few years older than him, was fast to understand other people’s intentions and how to act. He was able to hide behind a veil of foolish brightness his true brain and, so, no one had ever managed to deceive him or to make him do something he didn’t want to.
“Weeeell, let’s say that… I’ve done something to defend a woman and this led me in jail. Bucciarati found me there and recruited me and here I am! Ah! I’ve almost forgotten: Bucciarati sent me here to give to your team this, from Polpo.” the gunman fished from his pocket a sealed letter. Formaggio, at the mention of Polpo, grew serious, and with the same seriousness he took the letter.
“I’ll give it to my Capo… Gu, you’d better go back. You know… Bucciarati might grow anxious, if you stay in the wolf’s lair too long.” Mista snorted, amused, before getting up with Formaggio. Melodramatic idiot…
“But we should meet again, one of these days. I’m going to offer you a beer, so I don’t accept a no as answer.” Formaggio huffed a laugh, lifting his hands in a pliable gesture.
“Ah, if you pay for my beer it’s a big yes from me. So, until next time, Gu, be safe, hm? And if you see aunt Lia and uncle Raniero, say hi from me, yeah? It would be nice to see them again.” Mista nodded, smiling and wheezing a laugh when he gave him a quick but strong hug, followed by few pats on his shoulders, right like when they were just children. Some things never changed…
“I’ll do. Be safe too, eh? Aunt Lia will kill me if you even get a scratch, you know.” Mista waved his hand, keeping the other in his trousers’ pocket, walking backwards, with that big smile that, Formaggio knew from their last months together, always made girls’ hearts tremble. The man shook his head, still smiling, even when Mista was now far away. What an unexpected meeting…
He took the letter, now with a serious gaze. Another “extra” task, it seemed… he put it back inside his gilet, closing the door and slowly walking to Risotto’s office, shooting a grieving gaze to one of the empty armchairs. Maybe things were about to change, finally…
And they would have had their revenge.
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sweet-royalty · 5 years
"If I die, I’m haunting you first." Logince, maybe?
I’m not sure if it will be anything like you imagined/wanted because I’m kinda new on this thing but let’s go xD
Content: Human!Sides, High-School!AU, slight reference to an Arch Enemy song? (I mean, if that’s important somehow. I’d make a MCR reference but hey… I don’t know that many MCR songs so let’s go for what I know lol)
TW: Cursing, B-word, S-word.
Lenght: 614 words (yeah pretty short)
Pairings: Logince, Platonic Prinxiety, “Implied” Moxiety
Read it on AO3
Read it on Wattpad
- Urgh, I can’t keep up with your stupid pinning, just go talk to him already!
- Are you CRAZY?? – Roman asked lowering his voice and getting closer to his best friend – Logan is simply impossible to get through! No one ever talks to him and he closes himself to everyone! There is just NO WAY I can talk to him, he’ll think I’m just another stupid jock trying to make fun of him! He won’t take me seriously.
Virgil angrily raised his left eyebrow to him.
- Roman Prince, are you kidding? You made me go through all that dramatic shit with Patton and now you’re all worried out because you can’t talk to Logan Yerkes? Look! – Virgil pointed to where the over-distracted nerd was – He’s right there, hair licked back, fixing his glasses like it’s going to fall any minute even though he just fixed that, taking another bite of toast with that jelly he always brings from home-
- Do you really need to narrate everything he’s doing? – Roman covered his blushing face wishing for the bell to ring earlier with no success.
- Yes, because you do that all the time on loop and because it makes you look more stupid than usual. Anyway OHHHHH would you look at thaaaaat, he’s reading that dramatic theater thing book that you like
- You mean, Hamlet?
- Yeah, this shit
- You know Hamlet! Why did you called it like that??
- I know exactly what I said. Anyway, this is the PERFECT time for you to go there and talk to him. Say that you enjoy it or whatever. Look, I’m the most anxious mess that you probably know, if I could do this I’m pretty sure that you also can.
- Easier said than done – Roman said burying his face on the table – And you had my help so I have half of the credit for you being able to talk with Patton.
Virgil then stared at Roman, looked back at Logan and gave his friend the meaniest smile he could give.
- Aaaalright, then! Gimme a sec – Virgil got up from the table and went to Logan’s direction, making the jock panic
- Wait! Virgil, what are you doing?? – he tried to grab the emo’s arm but it was too late.
- This is sweet revenge, Princey – the emo whispered making his way to Logan’s table and at this point Roman simply picked up his cellphone and tried to pretend there was anything happening.
Sometimes he lifted his eyes to peek on what was happening. He could see Virgil pointing at Logan’s book and his head nodding in response. After a few seconds he looked again and saw Virgil pointing at him instead so he lowered his head as fast as he could and never looked up again.
After what seemed to be an eternity, Virgil came back with is hands on the pocket of his hoodie, keeping up with his mean smile.
- And karma is a bitch – he whispered at the blushing mess.
- Virge, if I die you can bet all your My Chemical Romance CDs you’ll be the first one I’m haunting – he said, making Virgil chuckle
- He said you seem to be… Ahem… “Quite intriguing and nice to be with… And ahn… a little bit attractive too” – he said trying his best to impersonate Logan’s voice, even the way he cleared his throat at the end – He’d love to talk with you about Shakespeare, so go on.
Roman took a deep breath and looked at Logan, who was probably looking at him because he moved his head quickly to the books direction. Roman smiled at his friend, whispered a small “thank you” and made his way to his table.
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