#we already look fucking identical i dont need to make it worse
flower-boi16 · 7 months
sorry for the incoming rant.
(cw for: mainly arophobia but also mentions of acephobia and mentions of people shipping an abuser with their victim)
praying for the teens and pre teens who think hazbin is *the* show for queer rep or progressive in any matter. it scares me immensely. not only the blatant fetishism and sex negativity and whatnot, but the fact people are being taught that labels *don't mean anything* and that they can do whatever they want (with a character).
yeah, "i gave my characters labels but fuck those labels ship whatever you want" is SURELY a great sentiment to leave behind. surely nobody would erase or discriminate against labels and identity, right? surely people WOULDN'T repsect labels and identities, right?*COUGH* *COUGH*
seriously the amount of ace- but more aro-phobia in that cult/clusterfuck in that fandom is insane. i hate how the aro tag has been poisoned/infiltrated by red twink no. 45 because of shipping discourse, and these people are being enabled by their "leader", never being lectured correctly. these people will ONLY listen to anyone who either agrees with them or isn't part of said label/identity. im so pissed. aros have little to none rep AT ALL and even then people will erase existing rep or come up with shitty excuses (if i hear the phrase "b-but aros can still date!!" one more time im breaking something. you dont care about the AROMANTIC dating experience, you only care about your stickmen kissing. period.). its more than exhausting.
i am not the only aro and aro-ace severly pissed off by this but im afraid there's nothing we can do. these people ship a severly traumatized victim and their assaulter together so im not suprised. at all.
all i came to know is that nobody actually fucking cares about representation or labels- they're all hopping around in fanfiction-shipping wonderland and bullying people relentlessly if they DARE to think otherwise. and they're being enabled.
-an exhausted and "done" aromantic. (i'm also on the ace spectrum but that's not as important to me right now- even though striker- the only one that's not horny 24/7 and clearly sex-repulsed or at least disgusted, is played as a big joke, but i believe someone else already said that. but that alone should raise eyebrows.)
Honestly, I don't even know what to add other than...this fandom kinda sucks. Like first bullying someone into killing themselves over shipping stuff and now this? And the fact that Viv doesn't call out ANY of this shit at all makes it worse.
Look, I'm of the opinion that we should not blame a creator for having a shitty fandom, HOWEVER, Viv needs to stop enabling her fans and say SOMETHING about this behavior.....but she isn't. Like, she could just say "hey guys stop doing this pls" buuuuut no. She's too busy whining about people criticizing her shows to actually do that.
Alastor is aroace guys, stop trying to erase that part of him just so you can drool over him. Just do that for LITTERALY ANY OTHER CHARACTER. It's that simple.
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aarcanechaoss · 2 years
Can you do a fic where it's revealed that Atsushi is actually a girl and she was just hiding her identity cause of trauma she had in the orphanage?
Can you include aktugawa's reaction as well😅
You dont have to do it if you dont want to💜
Sorry I took so long to get to this. I’ve been super busy 😞
Warnings: past sexual trauma (hinted at not described)
not edited
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Atsushi didn’t want to do a medical exam. She knows that Yosano means well but… she’s spent so long hiding who she was she didn’t want anyone to know. She knows Yosano wouldn’t willingly tell anyone a secret if she begged her not to but Ranpo is her best friend and she’s already surprised he doesn’t know she’s not a he. If Yosano knows a secret Ranpo knows and if Ranpo knows the entire team will too.
The worst of it though?
Akutagawa said he was coming by for a mission brief aka for Dazai of course. And Atsushi does not feel like being that assholes punching bag today.
Oh god and if Dazai found out….
“Okay Atsushi your turn.” Yosano called. The weretiger clenched her fists and stepped into the room.
“Hi Yosano.”
“Hi Atsushi… is everything okay you look pale?” The doctor questioned.
“Yeah.. fine.. so what will you be doing?”
“General health and mental health check. So I’ll need you to take off your shirt so I can check your muscles and determine if you are eating enough okay?”
“Do I have to?” Yosano blinked at the meek reply.
“Well if you aren’t comfortable with me doing it I can find another doctor?” Yosano smiled. “I understand us being colleagues may make it a strange experience so I can call up a friend instead…”
“No that’s not it. I don’t… I don’t want to…”
“Atsushi whatever it is you can tell me.”
“But whatever I tell you Ranpo will find out and Ranpo has a big mouth.” Atsushi muttered. Yosano chuckled at that- it was true after all.
“As true as that might be he doesn’t snoop through personal medical files unless it’s for a case. Speaking of I really do need to write you a full file. All I have in there is your name, age, sex, ability and injuries you’ve gained while working here.”
“She.” Atsushi mutters again.
“I’m a girl Dr Yosano.” Atsushi slumps her shoulders. She felt so guilty not telling her and even worse that she’s scared of the reaction she’ll get.
But who would have expected the woman to hug her.
“Hey Atsushi it’s okay… no one is going to judge you for wanting to be whoever you want-” oh she misinterpreted it.
“No. I am a girl, born a girl and I identify as one.” Atsushi cleared. “I… didn’t want anyone to know… didn’t want to be touched again.”
This time when Yosano hugged her she understood what Atsushi meant, understood more than the tiger could know.
A clatter came from the door beside them… fuck, fuck, fuck!
“Atsushi why did you never tell me!” Came Dazai’s whiny voice. “I wouldn’t have done anything!!!!”
“Dazai please, refrain from being shameful.” Kunikida sighed. “We apologise for overhearing your conversation, we knocked multiple times and no one replied.”
“Sorry about that. But kindly leave now and say nothing.” Yosano growled.
“Akutagawa is here. BYE!” Dazai yelled before rushing out the door, Kunikida yelling after him as the door banged closed.
“Dazai is gonna tell everyone isn’t he?” Atsushi sighed.
“Sorry to say probably.”
Akutagawa sat outside of the medical room, face stony and cold as usual as he waited for the weretiger. He had not expected Dazai and Kunikida to crash through the door, had not expected to hear the pathetic man tigers soft voice whisper words he only feared to hear his sister say.
Woman tiger? Tiger girl? Ryunosuke would need a new insult he supposed.. or perhaps continue with Man Tiger, after all he’s certain he wasn’t meant to hear a thing.
He may be a lowlife dog… but he has some morals at least.
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scaryarcade · 2 years
Hopefully this is okay to disscuss this kind of thing here. But in my own (and still on going) discovery of my plurarity ive found myself in a weird spot in DID/OSDD community where i relate to the some or most experiences of being a system but still feel like the way symptoms i DO experience is "wrong".
One of the examples i could give is criteria for DID/OSDD being "having repeated trauma before 6-9 years of age". But the only traumatic major event i can recall that started to affect me was at 11 years old. Before that age i almost zero memory from that period (which is terrifying on its own tbh). And from 11-13 i started devolping BPD and was probably the beggining of fragmatation of my identity/personality. My own dissociative spectrum feels more on then "just BPD dissociation when in stress" but still less severe in what you see in pwDID who have seperete identities. Though, lurking through your blog (im normal trust me /j) and knowing about "median system" did resionate with me a lot. I still feel like a huge imposter because i "dont have the worst trauma ever and have total seperate identities that make living hell", i for sure am disordered plural/system but i feel guilt when being plural doesnt completely ruin my life like it does with a lot of pwDID/OSDD. I am aware i probably have it better in this aspect of mental health in this community but i want to hear and knlw more about atypical/nonstereotyped way of living with DID/OSDD. And your blog gave me that comfort/closure i looked for so long lol. So honestly thank you for creating this little blog i appreciate you adding unique experience/opinions to the community a lot!!!!
I hope my ask is understandable and sorry for any errors i might have put here 😭😭
(Also im fucking losing it over the coincidence of sharing the same name/pronouns/age-range/interest ☠️☠️)
hi!! thank you for the ask + hell yes name twins!!! LMAO
i really appreciate you taking the time 2 share ur experience. there are a few things that came to mind while i was reading ur ask. this is not meant to imply you need to change how you view yourself/selves, but since you mentioned feeling like the way you experience symptoms is "wrong", you may find these things useful to know if you didn't already:
you do not have to recall trauma before the ages of 6-9 to be diagnosed with DID or OSDD! actually, you don't have to recall any trauma at all to receive a diagnosis.
anecdotally, there are a lot of people with DID who do not experience clear, rigid separation between parts/alters
also anecdotally, a ton of trauma survivors (especially those with complex and/or developmental trauma) struggle with imposter syndrome and feeling like they have it better than others.
i frequently feel guilty like i'm invading spaces/taking up resources/just generally don't belong in places for trauma survivors because "other people have it so much worse". this is a pretty normal way to feel, but it fucking sucks, so i'm really sorry you're dealing with what sounds like a similar feeling. i think this is what happens when we have been forced to spend a lot of time rationalizing the bad things that happen to us. mentally, we have to normalize and minimize our own trauma in order to endure it. so it's a lot easier to look at someone else's experience and go "wow that's horrible and traumatic!" than it is to do that with our own.
happy 2 hear that median terminology resonates with you!! it definitely was immensely comforting for me when i found a term that encapsulates the often REALLY confusing experience of, like. "we're separate people we're the same we're different from each other yes we are no we're not <3".
i'm rly glad to hear my blog has been a useful resource for u. i hope you know there is no threshold of suffering that you have to meet in order to deserve resources, support, and community. you belong here!
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archaeolitikum · 2 years
dreamt that i cut and bleached my hair white, this is a sign. one day i will do it
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sereniv · 2 years
God damn, you people will use actual genocide as a soapbox for why eating meat makes you worse than hitler.
There’s a tribe that’s been eradicated by unfettered capitalist expansion and severe government not-giving-a-shit and you want to use it to jerk yourself off because you live off a diet of celery and human slave labor.
I hope a carrot slides down your throat sideways you demonic fuck.
Lol i was waiting for someone to say this, because you guys are very predictable.
Im not sure if you read the article but one of the reasons the genocide happened is because of colonialist cattle ranching. and no, i am not talking about small community ranching, or indigenous fishing or hunting or whatever you want to believe.
im talking about the trawlers that fuck over native fishers. im talking about sports hunters. im talking about illegal and legal animal agriculture which cuts down the rain forest and kills tribes im talking about the billions of animals that are killed each year, trillions if you add in sea life, that need room to grow and graze and shit and piss and need soy as feed- like i dont know how to more simply put this for you to understand
which we try to tell you exists and happens and is a problem, but people like you, despite being provided proof and reputable sources, do shit like this. your brain shuts off once you sense a vegan and spin the wheel on premade arguments we have heard and debunked already, and basically its like talking to a brick wall.
The goverment of course plays a role, but you literally said yourself that capitalism is part of the problem. Animal agriculture industry is capitalism. what cant you understand about that? Its not here to feed you its here to make money. And the money doesnt go directly to hard working people it goes to CEOs.
And with small time farmers, which do still have a negative impact, the money goes to them directly and their buisness. And i dont see why there cant be a shift to plant based products which help the enviroment and people.
There will probably always be animal use. And thats fine. For whatever legitimate reasons it would be a small portion of the population. What we need is, instead of you doing this, actually educating yourself on the topic, and helping us make things more affordable, more available, basically helping us shift towards sustainability and ethical practices rather than calling for us to just. doing the least.
When you have an industry that is built on exploitation- not just of animals, but humans too- when you have an industry that exists because of power and money, than this is what you get
This isnt about being vegan, its not about me. its not about the title. i personally hate using the word vegan and i dont care if you use the title. because veganism isnt a diet its not an identity its not a badge or something to be proud of. its just a word to define a way of living and mindset based in science. regardless of any emotion, veganism IS science.
science that proves that animals are sentient and have the ability to suffer science that proves the destruction animal agriculture has. data that shows the mistreatment of migrant workers in the field, on the sea, and in the slaughterhouses, including slavery.
its about the science and the proof and the sources that you guys never want to look at because if you do, if you really actually put effort into reading the shit we send you, you would come to the conclusion that you have no real argument. you guys never have any real arguments that are inherent to veganism as a concept. there are issues within the community, but that goes for any community and movement and is not inherent to veganism.
you just dont want to change a single thing. you guys rarely admit that you actually dont care. you show it, but you dont want to own your stance. so you go on anon.
I dont need to go on anon. I am confident and ive read the peer reviewed reports, and the data ive looked at un biased material. I know my stance is based in reality and in science. you cant say the same for you, and that is why you hide behind anonymity
i mean veganism looks different for everyone, which includes changing nothing, if you are already doing the most you can do. that includes tribes, that can include a persons connection to religion or culture (personal, not collective). if you define your actions as truthfully nescessary, than who am i to say its not? YOU get to define that
and even with saying that people still get upset why do you think that is?
so why cant everyone get on board, when they see the proof from top universities, from the UN, from known news sources, from peer reviewed studies?
with all this data to back up what we say, and the very easy to follow concept of "doing what you can" why, still, do people like you pull this shit? What makes you get so angry and sticking your heels in the dirt?
The easiest thing- something you could literally just lie about and say youre already doing your best- why do you choose to fight against this? what are you even fighting? what are you even defending?
its because you KNOW you can do better and deep down you feel guilty. we get told all the time "stop making me feel guilty" when all we do is show proof with no judgement. if anything a lot of times we show understanding and are very willing to hold your hand and tailor help specifically for you. and STILL thats not good enough
and thats on you
ive said on this blog constantly, that when you try and its hard and you cant change something, to move on to changing something else. and if all else fails you can at least not fucking advocate against the concept of avoiding unnecessary exploitation. like you fighting against us helps NOTHING
stay in your goddamn fantasy world and ignore actual indigenous people who are directly affected by cattle ranching. ignore every marginalized identities that you claim to care about continue to use us in your arguments and then ignore us to our faces
you dont give a shit about slave labor you dont give a shit about migrant workers you dont give a shit about indigenous people you dont give a shit about anyone but yourself
That post was not about me, its about you. Its about you being part of the problem. You are not responsible for what happened, but you defend the industry that helped cause it to happen
and i hope you feel real righteous about it
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kaito-is-baby · 3 years
Devil Town
Shoto Todoroki x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: Spoilers about Dabi's identity? (I don't think this is a spoiler anymore lmao) and a little of gaslighting from the reader if you stretch
Plot: AU where Shoto kills Touya on accident, he and Endeavor run away, they end up on a ghost town and meet the reader, this will be a series and I can promise you I have a very good mystery for the town, also this was totally inspired by devil town by cavetown, it wil have many references to the song so… if you are a fan I think you will like this <3
part 1 (previous) | part 3 (next)
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The bright rays of dawn streaming through his curtains woke Shoto up, he took his phone in his hands wondering how soon in the morning would it be to have the sun just rising now
9:00 a.m his phone screen read 
Where in the world did the sun rise so damn late?
Shoto found clean clothes on his little bedside table, the very same clothes he was wearing, the same print on the white t-shirt he was wearing was resting on the white t-shirt on his table, the same blue shirt he was wearing could be found underneath the white t-shirt and the very same denim jeans he was wearing too, they had just one diference, the new ones waiting in his bedside table were not soaked in now dry blood from his brother.
Once dressed in his new clothes he opened the door just to hear his father’s voice calling him from behing 
Deciding to ignore him Shoto hurried up to the stairs, soon finding the hostel hall and, in its reception desk, the recepcionist was waiting, her elbows on the tabble, her chin resting on her hands and a little movement from side to side from her head, he found her just like he had left her the night before, the same white striped dressing gown on her and the same 'everything is just a game' expression on her face
The girl waved at him and that was the only thing Shoto needed to take his decision
He approached the girl, ready to ask her what had kept him awake almost all night when she cut him 
“Were the clothes of your liking?” she smiled 
“Eh... yeah, yes they were” so it had been her who brought them to his room and found them in the first place “How... How did you find clothes so similar to my old ones? And... it was already midnight when we arrived, the day had just started when I woke up and they were already on my room where did you bought them?”
“I... made them?” her eyebrows curved “Look, it’s my job to make sure everyone in this town is comfortable, I gave you father clothes too and he did not complain, take them and stop asking so many questions, will you?”
“But... I have one more question” the girl nodded at him, allowing him to continue “I want to know your name” 
She giggled 
“I want to know your real name too, I guess we can’t have everything we want” 
“At least give me a false name so I can refer to you” 
“You souldn't refer to me, you should go out and meet the town's people, you will lose any interest in me as soon as you do so”
“I heavily doubt it”
“But I am sure of it” she said, focusing her eyes on the book she had on her table
If there was something Shoto was more curious about than the girl it was that book, it looked like the usual book they have on a hotel to know who is staying in each dorm but the misteryous girl and her misteryous hostel had no one else hospeding than him and his father, what else could be filling pages and pages of that book? and why would she look at it and have it with her everytime? 
"Look, you are cute, really cute, but I’m not interested so can you please leave for once?” the girl’s angry voice woke him up
“Yes, sorry, I got distracted by...” she would never tell him what was inside that book, would she ever explain anything? “its nothing. I will leave now”
Already on the door Shoto said something else before leaving the hostel “You are really cute too” It was more a muffle to himself than a sentence directed to her yet she heard it and a silly smile appeared on her face
He was shy and unused to romantic interactions
And something much worse, he was in a weird town with a death in his back, this was not the time to fall for someone, less someone even weirder than the town itself
The sun rays blinded Shoto at first, how could it be already so shiny when it had just rised?
It’s true one of Shoto’s eyes was blue, which usually make the eyes more sensitive but he had never really be blinded by the sun before 
“I guess the hostel is way to dark and my eyes were not ready for this” Shoto calmed himself 
The whole town had changed, he knew it, his father's car wasn't at the hostel door anymore and the hostel was again at the top of a slope
But this time, under the slope Shoto found what he expected to find the first time instead of a weird forest, a little town
Much to Shoto’s disgrace it was now the entrance to the town and the road he and his father were following what had disappeared this time alongside the lonely forest 
Not more than ten houses, a clock tower and a cafe 
That was what constitued this “town”
He entered the small cafe, trying to get them to give him some information about the whereabouts of the road 
Inside the counter was a blonde boy with a black highlight, laughing loudly at whatever his co worker -a big muscular man with thick lips and scary eyebrows- had said. The big guy was scary at first but once Shoto saw him baking and joking with the blonde his first impresion changed completely, he seemed like a good person
But then Shoto thought to himself, Didn't he look like a good person too? And he was a murderer and no better than his horrible father 
“I’m Jirou and I have to attend you, is there anything you want?” a purple haired girl in the same uniform as the two boys behind the bar welcomed him and guided him to his table 
“Do you have green tea?” 
“No, we got out of it just yesterday but we will have the new cargament by tomorrow!”
“Well then I guess a dark coffe will make it too” 
“Alright, tomorrow we will have your green tea ready eh... what’s your name?”
“oh! right!! you are new!!” the blonde exclamed 
“The name’s Dabi” 
“Welcome to Devil town Dabi!” A pink colored skin girl greeted him
Shoto’s cup of coffe was almost empty when a green haired boy filled with freckless all over his faces entered the saloon, standing on a girl of his same height, big eyes and red cheeks
“Denki please, could you give us some ice for Izuku’s ankle? he broke it again”
“Shouldn’t you go to the hospital instead of asking for ice?” Shoto found himself asking
“Are you going to bring them to the hospital?” A deep and angry voice asked him 
“Don't you have one here?”
“Fuck off bastard, you can’t be serious and I really hate people mocking me” The blonde boy whose deep angry voice belonged to treatened him 
“Uraraka will take me to the city tomorrow to get checked” The injured boy, izuku, affirmed
 “In this shitty town there is nothing more than stupid trees” the angry boy spoke again
“And a road in the middle right?” Shoto asked, trying to find it again 
“What are you talking about?” Izuku asked
“There was a road with a sign with the towns name that crossed the whole town”
“The whole town are 10 houses and this cafe, I think you are mistaken, there’s no road here” the girl who attended him, Jirou, clarified 
“No, there was a road and-” Shoto then found a better thing to ask “the hostel! the hostel at the end of this slope, you have seen it right?”
“Yeah, but it’s been abandoned for years now, none of us has seen it working”  The baker answered 
“I don’t think its abandoned, there’s a recepcionist working on there”
“Who?” Denki, the guy who gave the injured boy the ice, asked this time
“I... I dont know her name”
“Look bastard, if you want to make fun of someone go somewhere else I dont want to see your stupid half burned face”
“Bakugo!” the girl with pink skin reprimanded him
Shoto left the saloon after that, wondering if he was the one losing his mind and not the people on this town, his biggest hipotesis was that both, he and the villagers were losing their minds
He wanted answers and he wanted answers from that stupidly misterious girl on the hostel 
He headed to the little amount of trees near him, he remebered, alongside the road were plenty of trees, he heard his mother on the woods. He had to walk through plenty of them until he found the hostel and not a single time did he sight the damn town
Shoto walked miles, he walked through the woods for hours and yet he couldn't find the road to get out of the weird town
He heard his mother voice again, calling him, screaming at him like the day he got the scar he had on his face 
“You said something dumb again” Shoto turned to where the voice came from
Sitting on one of the trees branches there she was, the recepcionist again 
“She’s mad” She jumped back to the ground “At least that’s what they say”
The girl was even prettier at the moonlight, it was easy for Shoto to lose himself on her eyes and forget about everything she was saying 
“Who? Who says that?” 
“The trees, obviously, who else would it be?” she laughed 
“oh” Shoto tried to find what she found so logical on her answer but he did just find it irracional, there was no way the trees were speaking, not even if he himself was hearing his mom coming from one of them “who... who is mad?”
“I'd say it’s your mother, she must miss you, all of you.” Was she refering to his older brother too? “I think this is not what she expected when you left” 
Shoto gulpped
He knew well what the misterious recepcionist was talking about, he left on a mision with his father to bring Touya back and now Touya was dead and both him and Endeavor were missing with no explanation
“But we’re fine, no one’s gonna catch you here” She said, speaking from his back again, she had walked through him while he thought about his past 
When he turned around she was no longer there and so he decided to leave, it was dark at night already and he wanted to wake up soon, he needed to know more 
“Can I get an explanation to that last thing you said in the woods?” Shoto exclamed just the moment he entered the hostel, his voice much louder than he had ever expected it to come
“I... I wasn’t on the woods Dabi, I’ve been here all day” 
“You were on the woods, sitting on a branche you said something about being save here because no one would catch us and-”
“Dabi, I think you need to rest” 
“No, you already said something like that yesterday, when you came from- where did you came from when I arrived at this town? I walked trough the whole forest and didn't see you”
“I was here all day, just like every other day, every day is the same here”
“No, no you weren't, when I arrived here this place was lonely like-” Then shoto remembered what the villagers had said about the hostel “-an abandoned place...”
“Well, I’m sorry I can’t have a 5 stars hotel but I’m not even charging you so-”
“You weren’t here when I entered and arrived later, you were out there and I didn’t see you and this place smelled like... The woods sounded like...” Like Touya, like mom was what Shoto tought to himself
“Do you need me to help you get to your room?”
“No... no, I will be fine”
Shoto set his alarm at 5 a.m, the unnamed girl couldn’t be already up at those hours right? He would take a look at that book of hers and finally discover what was going on here. Was this his own personal hell? Because it sure seemed like it 
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jennrypan · 3 years
Mkay im watchin it!
Kuro neko thoughts:
..Did Augustus get akumatized again?? Hawkass you stupid hoe you KNOW that wont work its just causing destruction you hack.
PLEASE. That look on adriens face is so adorable i-- hes so precious-
..still very..very indifferent to seeing Zoe as the bee cuz she just..doesnt fit. But whatever. I think that woman should move cuz her baby is a problem--
And awe Ladybug whyd you say that nooo- she obviously doesnt mean it but like lord nooo but yes cuz ANNGST.
He sounds so sad 😭 honey no- also. What happened before this episode? I wish shit was in order oml- cuz he seemed down already and this just made it worse? What did that son of a bitch Gabriel do 🔫
Also. Ladybugs sure throwin out these miraculous like candy cuz i truly dont believe she needs all the other heros? I guess it makes the fight easier but--
Kagami sounds so adorable also. She noticed him first-- that doesnt mean anything but..its cute to me-
And Theyre so happy to see him!!!
Also. Where is Rena :(( we see her new gorgeous look once and i wanna see it again
Im missin some..scenes cuz youtube clips are lackin but like. She sounded so worried!
Ohh Angry Plagg!
Also. "A chat noir that isnt in love with me" adrien is gonna lose his fucking mind-
This identity thing is nerfing them-
Lmaooo. Im sorry the sudden violins in the background are so funny
I wanna hug him! And beat Gabriels ass. (Ill have to beat his old ass first THEN hug him, but thats okay)
AHHHHG the person got snatched! Youtube you bitch ass hussies-
Dammit. Lemme find another way to watch it.
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And here I am again, on the topic of Carlos haters. I'm actually very happy for you for not being around people who wish him to crash or to die, because there are so many out there. And its scary. Especially in F1. In a sport where every single fan knows, how it can end. In a sport where its not that inpossible for a driver to actually loose his life. And still they are out there.
Triggerwarning, don't read if you get emotional easy
I had someone telling me that he wishes for Carlos to die, and that his whole family should see it, and that he should have a long and horrible death, which should cause him a lot of pain because "this is what he deserves".
And this broke me. Because its F1. Because it could happen. And I wouldn't know what do if Carlos would actually loose his life, not to imagine his family... And there are people out there who actually put it into words. Its distrubing, alarming. And it leaves me helpless. What should I with messages like it? How can I stop it?
I got nightmares of any kind of drivers dieing because of stuff like this. Because people throw around words without thinking. Or maybe its my fault? Because I'm too attached to drivers? Maybe their death or those people shouldnt bother me?
If you dont feel like sharing this message (because it might be quite disturbing and I got carried away quite a lot, sorry for that) but still wanna answer me, you can call me "Jamie B." in your post and I will still know that you meant me and this message. I was gonna write you a DM but it feels better to stay anonym in this topic, or people might use this against me.
Trigger warning - the following text and also the ask above contains content that some may find disturbing. Please, read with care.
Seriously, anonym - I'm very glad you sent this message to me, because such things need to be talked about and not get ignored! It's so important to talk about this topic and not just look past it.
Yeah, I know I can call myself really happy to be around people who don't wish Carlos or any other driver any harm. Yes, not everyone of the people I follow/talk to support Carlos to 100%, but at least they all stay respectful and are grown up enough to know that you DON'T say duch things! NEVER EVER! ABOUT NO ONE!
Like I have said before, I really wasn't aware about that there are (still) so many people out there, that say stuff like that and even worse they also really mean the thoughtless things they say serious. Mostly because I block every account that comes past my way and is not respectful towards Carlos.
And like I have also said before, I have never seen such a hate post before, but hearing about the (anonym) message you have got gives me chills the worst possible way. This just can't be true, or?! I actually don't even know where to start here..
First of all, it's okay for me to send me anonym asks or requests for fics, but if you have to say something, if you want to tell someone your opinion then for fuck's sake have the damn balls to not send it anonym! I'm pretty sure most of those hate messages people receive are because of the damn anonymity of the internet. First those people are cowards in my eyes and second they really need to see a therapist for just thinking stuff like that, not even mention it to write them down, take their time to send it to someone and overall mean that also serious!
In what a sick world are we actually living to wish someone's (long, painful) death and also let his/her loved ones/family watch him/her dying!? How sick is that?!
Yes, Carlos had said/done some things in the past he shouldn't have and he could have at least apologized for it, but that still doesn't give you the right to wish him stuff like that! He is still only human, like you and me. No one, really no one deserves this!
And the thought that some people would really cheer in front of their TV, if something should ever happen to Carlos makes me really, really sick. Because like you have already said, anonym - stuff like that can happen so easily and quickly in this sport. Carlos or anyone else could really die out there! They could really lose their lives, for real!
I really want to know (no, I actually don't even want to know) what goes through those people's mind, what they are thinking when they write those words down. I mean, how would they feel, if they would read stuff like that about themselves somewhere on the internet from complete strangers (even worse, you don't even know their identity)? (God, I really hope Carlos won't ever have to read those kind of messages) How would they feel about that? What would those words make to them? Don't they see their loved ones/family in front of their inner eyes how they would react, if you would be the one passing away? Are they really so cold and heartless to not ask themselves those questions before sending those messages? Do they really don't think at all before? What's wrong with these people? Have they never received any love in their lives?
To your ask about what you should do - talk, talk about it! Talk with your family, friends or with me about it (also anonymous, it's totally alright if want to stay anonym in this case). Talking about it helps, believe me.
I can also call myself lucky once again, because I have never received such hate messages before (this will probably change after this post..),but if I would get any, I would publish them. Maybe I wouldn't respond anything, but I would want people to know about it, because it's not okay, it's actually the worst thing ever.
And maybe, but only maybe, those people will change their minds if they will read other people's thoughts on their death treats, maybe they will finally be able to understand that such things are unacceptable, that they finally need to educate themselves properly, grow up and finally start to be good.
But if you don't want to publish those messages or read any of their words anymore, you should better really deactivate anonym asks. It's really for your own good and mental health, because I can tell you are suffering a lot because of it.
And if I have understood you right here (God, I really hope I haven't) and you actually know the person who has told you this, then please stop any contact with that person, if he/she doesn't want to understand why this is the worst thing ever. Stay away from those people who aren't good for you and who obviously aren't happy with their own lives. You don't need them. You don't have to listen to their sick thoughts.
But please, don't search the problem by yourself - it's really not your fault at all. You can support/be a fan of whoever you want and there will always be people who disagree with you - which is actually okay - but what these people are doing is more than just sick. It's not your fault that people are like that, their problems are not on you.
I hope I could help you here a little, anonym - but don't ever forget, if things should become too much, please talk with someone about it or take a step back from social media.
And please, also don't ever forget - don't fight hate with hate!
Stay safe, anonym and enjoy the good things in life ❤️
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flying-elliska · 3 years
I was so immersed in skam fandom, one of the first that I actually got into completely, that I forget that like other fandoms exist? Basically, I witnessed a lot of buffoonery in the skam fandom. It was nice with all the fanfics and meta but like it got wild and it’s one of the reasons I bowed out cause the anxiety was real man. But I’ve kind of entered into 911? But really it’s mostly just the fanfic because I go into the tag sometimes when an episode comes out but honestly ppl are WILD. Like Oliver stark had to deactivate because ppl won’t stop. And I’m over here like whaaat? I know ppl can freak out online and it’s one thing to make posts about it but like actors are real ppl and I really don’t understand the disconnect ppl have when they say shit to the actors. Like they don’t care or take into account that ppl are real and they are not their characters. It’s such a bummer and probably why I’ll stay in the land buddie fan fic lol
Wow this is so real like skamiverse fandom can def be a fucking circus sometimes and it's tempting to blame skam specific stuff like the live format etc
But yeah in fact each fandom unfortunately has its share of people who are either seriously deranged, too young to be online unsupervised, lacking any sort of decency, or at the very least have seriously lost touch with reality that they think it's okay to treat real people like this over made up shit.
It's so wack to me that people have invested so much of their identity and feelings in these stories that they fly off the handle like this. And this has a tendency unfortunately to get worse w queer pairings often bc media representation has come to be seen as a substitute for actual political activism so they see it as: not giving me the queer pairing I want = you must hate gay people = you deserve death threats (or something).
It's honestly such a shame bc it ruins the fandom for the rest of us. Like I read this and half of my enthusiasm for next ep was already gone, like this is so cringe I dont want to be associated with this. It would have been fun to see Oliver Stark liveblog the finale but I guess we can't have nice things.
And I mean I definitely think this is partly bc social media is specifically made to turn every possible human interaction into hot garbage for the algorithm but some people also really need to take a good look in the mirror.
I don't get the whole "haha bullying celebrities online is fun" thing ; sure they're rich and famous (and I mean in this case he's just a moderately well known TV actor so like...) but when it comes to it they're still one person facing a mass of people throwing insults their way which is not fun for anybody. And I know a lot of people doing that shit like to pretend that the power dynamics are in their favor because they're younger or not famous or whatever and the people they attack should "get over it" but it's like...just a bad faith excuse for being a piece of garbage. The way some people act like their faves somehow belong to them now bc of their support and they can do or say whatever and attack them for not giving them everything they want is so dehumanizing and gross.
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dinolikes · 4 years
summery ❤︎ nobody has any quirks and are stuck on a ship like among us
pairings ❤︎ imposter!dabi x reader
content warnings ❤︎ major character death
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you snuggled deeper into the warm arms around you as the automatic dim lights in your room turned on, meaning to simulate sunlight.
"morning babe," a groggy voice from behind you said, making you turn around almost as if on instinct to smile at the man.
"morning dabi~" you lightly teased, calling him by his codename, resulting in a chuckled that shook his chest, which you were currently resting on.
as he looked up from you he squinted his eyes, "i dont wanna get up, I just wanna stay with you"
you blush but laugh it off, "cmon loverboy, we have our daily tasks to do," you try to raise yourself onto your elbows only to be pushed back down against his chest. you laugh, "touya!"
he smirks at you, "oh so NOW it touya? i thought i was just dabi," he grabs you by the waist a flips you, tickling your sides.
"t-t-touya!" tears had begun to escape your eyes, "ple-please touya! let me go!" you gasped in between laughs, even touya throwing in a few chuckle before stopping, finally letting you breathe.
"you better not scream that too loud or else we'll have to get scolded by that kid again," he sniggered, leaving you lightly chucking too.
you TECHNICALLY werent supposed to know anyone's names, everyone going by code names to protect your identity from imposters, who were basically moles sent by an organization know as the league, lame name you know, but they were pissed with headquarters, they thought they treated us like guinea pigs by sending us out into space all the time.
you and touya of course hadn't listened to any of the rules about relationships or closeness.
but there was others on this ship, 8 others to be exact, half of them were pretty young, just interns straight out of school.
one was the little brother of the intergalactic space traveler ingenium, who was very VERY serious about rule breaking.
one time you had accidently started to call touya well, touya but you had stopped yourself. no one else cared, they already knew of their crewmates relationship, they were just glad you didnt actually slip up. ingeniumu on the other hand was very upset that you had exchange names.
you had to convince dabi to not tell him that it was because it was weird moaning out a codename during sex.
then there was touya's little brother, shoto, who didnt care that by knowing his brothers full name you knew half of his by default, considering he chose his 'codename' to be his literal first name. you didnt quite know how he got away with that but you assumed that due to touya and shoto's dad being a higher up, he could do whatever the hell he wanted.
then of course there was skittish but snappy deku and loud and cocky 'king explosion murder', who literally everyone refuses to call him and just decides on 'kaachan' which is what deku calls him.
overall the newbies werent too bad, you were mostly annoyed by the pro, tomura.
it was actually what caused you and dabi to get so close, the mutual annoyance of that stupid bastard.
once you and dabi got dressed in your crewmate uniform (which was just a jumpsuit that everyone had their own color, dabi being purple and you being pink) you walked into the cafeteria and sat at the table, dabi quickly wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
"hello lovebirds," tomura knowingly cackled, giving you guys, more specifically dabi, a certain look.
dabi rolled his eyes "shove off virgin,"
you hid your laugh behind a cough, and smiled at tomura, "hi to you too,"
you might not LIKE tomura, but he was higher up in levels than you, meaning you have to respect him, something that dabi, who was on his same level, didnt have to.
"kaachan what's a virgin?" deku looks up at his friend, considering he seemed to be the king of insults, he probably knew what all of them were.
"woah kid, maybe talk to your friend about that in private," hawks, another higher up, walked up into the conversation a little too late but smirked.
"shut it bird brain!" kaachan yelled, yes technically hawks was his higher up, yes technically that meant kaachan needed to respect him. you and dabi werent the only ones who broke the technicalities.
hawks just smirked and plopped down next to you, meaning you were squished between your boyfriend and the dude your boyfriend hates.
your boyfriend didnt like a lot of people on the ship.
dabi hates kaachan (too loud), hawks (too cocky), tomura (too gross), deku (too peppy), ingeniumu (too stuck up) and he only semi stands thirteen, dabi could really only like his brother when he first came on, which made it even more surprising that he took a liking to you, enough of a liking to open up and date you.
"morning wonder," wonder was your codename, everyone called you that, even dabi when you werent behind closed doors.
you smiled, "morning hawks!" dabi clenched his jaw and looked away, something that didnt go unnoticed by you.
you leant into his ear, "i cant say goodmorning to you if you kept me up all night," you pulled back to see a smirk playing on his lips.
it was true, you probably only got an hour sleep that night.
he leant in to kiss you, both your helmets not on yet so you could eat, and anticipation filled you.
and of course tomura had to ruin it with his shit eating smile, "stop flirting you two,"
dabi paused and growled a bit, "the fuck did I say before virgin?" it came out less like a question and more like a threat to shut up, probably because it was.
"c'mon, you only have a little while before your baby brother comes, you dont wanna scar him do you~"
"its fine if they kiss, that's what people in relationships do." shoto's stoic voice said as he sat down in between dabi and deku, his usual seat. "plus it's not like I havent seen them in worse positions," you blushed and hid your head in your hands,
he just shrugged.
everyone was there except thirteen, the seatings the same as always, with you and dabi practically on top of eachother, shoto next to dabi, then deku, kaachan, ingeniumu, tomura, twice, and then hawks, who next to you, completed the circle.
nobody had their helmets on, all waiting for thirteen to walk in with breakfast.
even though you werent supposed to gain connections to anyone on the ship, you all seemed to fall in rhythm with eachother and if even one person was off, you all were.
"thirteen's taking extra long..." deku muttered the rest agreeing,
"i dunno, is it someone's birthday? maybe he wanted to make someone a birthday breakfast," hawks shrugged.
"shut up, bird brain was just asking,"
"it kinda does."
"it's better than dabi! what even is a dabi?"
"you dont have to name yourself after something that already exists hawks," twice spoke up.
"and even so, you didnt have to pick something stupid like hawks, wonder over here did a fantastic job at that," dabi smirked at you as you rolled your eyes, a smile playing on your lips.
"you only say that because your dating her dumbass!"
twice rolled his eyes, "im gonna go check on thirteen, see what the hold up is,"
"oh please you cant talk 'king explosion murder', it sounds like a fucking kid named you, which I guess if you picked your name.." kaachan grew red at what touya was implying and stood up
touya too stood up, making your arm that was resting on his shoulder fall off, "oh yeah? I'd like to see you try!"
"kaachan! dont start stuff you cant finish!"
kaachan turned to deku and started yelling at him, where you just laughed and pulled dabi down, once again wrapping your arms around him.
"yeah dabi, dont start stuff you can't finish," you teased.
"oh you KNOW i could finish that," dabi wraps his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him til you were almost on top of him.
"whatever you say loverboy," dabi smirks at you, before turning his attention towards his brother.
"have you heard from dad yet?" shoto's aura around him darkened, and yours had just saddened.
touya had explained how the great endeavor had treated his children after you had gone on a tangent about how cool it was that touya had THE endeavor as a parent. you didnt think it was so cool after.
while shoto was still angry, and going through the rebellious stage determined to prove his dad wrong and win, touya always seemed like he didnt care, like he already won against endeavor some how.
a frantic twice ran into the room, looking disheveled and frightened, making everyone alert instantly.
"twice what's wr-"
"its th-thirteen! hes- hes DEAD!"
| next. |
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I posted 779 times in 2021
60 posts created (8%)
719 posts reblogged (92%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 12.0 posts.
I added 113 tags in 2021
#911 lone star - 18 posts
#tarlos - 16 posts
#ml spoilers - 16 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 15 posts
#carlos reyes - 14 posts
#tk strand - 9 posts
#adrien agreste - 9 posts
#druck - 6 posts
#my babies - 5 posts
#911ls - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#werde ich mir die zwei folgen zum dritten mal geben um nach schlüsselbeinen ausschau zu halten?
Lowkey surprised by the tags, ngl. The longest tag being German #TatortSaarbrücken? Ehrensache.
My Top Posts in 2021
Such a wild ride getting back into Ladybug and Chat Noir 😅 what did I miss?
Adrien/ Chat Noir is getting sidelined
We're still sleeping on Adrien x Nino / Chat x Carapace friend broship
We're still sleeping on Adrino/ Adrinino period
Are we clowns or humans akuma-Clowns?
Seriously, I need a speed-run through all the dramas, theories, and spoilers 🖖
80 notes • Posted 2021-05-30 18:07:18 GMT
I'm so done with Marinettes lack of self-awareness and her "I need to fix everything (because we all need to love each other)"- mentality. Yes, she kinda/maybe tried to apologize but she knew that Juleka hated to speek up and to stand up for herself. But still. She asked her to uninvite HER TWIN BROTHER FROM THEIR BIRTHDAY PARTY! (This might have made me extra angry, 'cause in my opinion? Siblings for the win. Always. No one -not my parents and especially not my friends- would even think about asking me to stay away from my sibling. Wtf?!) That wasn't cute or funny - that was Marinettes I dont even know what to call it lack of self-awareness? overcomplicated thinking? as selfless coded selfishness/egocentrism?
Yeah, she tried to apologize but it was a "I'm sorry I pressured you" and not a "I'm sorry I put my own needs ("what I think Luka needs without asking him") over your relationship with your brother for one fucking day"
We've seen a similar behavior in that episode where Juleka was worried about Rose? Adrien told Marinette to stay back. But she didn't listen and got herself involved. -Even worse: SHE FUCKING TOLD THE WHOLE CLASS EVEN THOUGH JULEKA ASKED HER NOT TO, wtf?! Because she had to be the one fixing everything and how dare someone in her class dare to keep something from the others?! Everything has to be bunnies and rainbows.
And dont even get me started on the class. When are they going to realize that making plans, manipulation, getting themselves involved in everything and trying to solve everything (and disregarding boundaries and overstepping while doing so) doesn't work?! Alya shouldn't have pressured Marinette to do something she wasn't comfortable with. And with the Ladybug-Card? Not cool. Gelbe Karte.
And dont even get me started on her freaking out everytime Adrien looks at someone else or leaves the country. She went to Shanghai just to stalk him?! I'm sorry, but thar, to me, in the real world, would be a red flag. As of now, I think she would turn out to be a possessive and abusive girlfriend.
Also: I'm not saying that Adrien is perfect. This is not a comparison post or a hate-Marinette campaign. This is me being pissed and done (mostly) because of the sibling-thing.
87 notes • Posted 2021-08-04 09:48:07 GMT
"Someone will find out Shadowmoths identity"
It could be Chloe or maybe Lila, probalby Felix or one of the heros BUT WHAT IF -and this would have been my first guess in the context of every other TV Show Drama- It could be Nathalie.
Whut, but she already knows?! -Exactly. The episode "Gabriel Agreste" could be his origin story, full of flashbacks. Including the story of Nathalie's involvement. Did she know from the start? Was she friends with Amelie? Did she find out? Why is she helping SHM?
Other TV Shows would use this tactic to promote drama.
(Please keep in mind, that I dont know the full length of the spoiler. I might be missing some information)
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Additional point: We've seen episodes that are supposed to happen after Gabriel Agreste, right?
107 notes • Posted 2021-07-23 19:48:46 GMT
Should we be talking about Ronen hinting at/ acknowledging Rafaels/ Carlos (lack of) screentime during S2? He talked about how everyone, including Rafael, had to be patient and how Rafael showed true professionalism while having almost no scenes. They know.
I feel like hope the messages were received: We want more Rafael/Carlos.
And we should definitely talk about how Ronen is Rafaels greatest fan. 😍
122 notes • Posted 2021-03-11 21:37:59 GMT
No Druck but this is very important
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254 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 13:33:00 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Geralt x reader We're Married? Part 1
Hey guys, thank you so much for all the love for my other story! I was so nervous posting it and you guys were just the best💕 this story was harder to write and I'm not sure it's as good as the other one but I'm gonna post it anyway. 
This can be read as a part 3 to the injured reader story:)
Part 2 here
Pairing: Geralt x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, blood, mentions of death, mentions of past sexual abuse.
Out of all the places you'd traveled too with the witcher, this had to be one of the nicest.
As you walked through the kingdom known as Servia you couldn't help but stare at everything around you. Vendors lined the streets selling everything you could possibly imagine, shining jewelry, beautifully woven fabrics, and oooooooh well well well what do we have here!!!
You made a beeline for the tray of freshly baked pastries, a seductive look on your face,
"Well hello boys...which one of you wants to come home with me hehehe, or perhaps I should take you all home? Oooh your so bad hehe, well if you insist hahahahaha".
From afar Geralt sighed and Jaskier just looked on with disturbing confusion, "Geralt? What exactly is she doing?" His face twisted uncomfortablely as you continued talking and giggling like a maniac.
"She has a thing about....desserts" Geralt closed his eyes and shuddered as he remembered the one time he left you alone in an inn and you used up all of his coin to order one of literally everything on the menu. He practically had to roll you away afterwards.
"My God geralt shes scaring the baker now".
Jaskier scrunched his mouth as he watched you continue to whisper to the pastries, completely unaware of the weird looks people were giving you." I swear brothel whores are more subtle.."
Geralt grunted and made his way over to you, "We'll uh...take however much this will get us" he placed a coin in the bakers hand and watched your eyes glint like a maniac when he handed you the box.
"There now that you have your sweets, can we please hurry! We can't be late!" Jaskier pleaded pushing you in the correct path again.
"Alright alright no more stops I promise....wait does anyone else smell chocolate?" You look around frantically.
"NO" the both of them shout in unison and drag you forward.
"Ugh ok, I was just asking geez.."you pout.
"Remind me again who we're meeting?" You questioned, looking up at Jaskier who rolled his eyes back at you.
"Ugh how many times do I have to tell you?!"
"His name is Yavert, hes the advisor of the royal family here and he also happens to be the man who requested our help".
You nodded your head, "oh yes I remember now" ok you actually had no idea what he was talking about but whatever, you'll figure it out.
Some time later you found yourselves gawking at the massive architecture that was the Castle de Servia. Calling it massive would be doing it a disservice. The structure went higher than your eyes could see and wider than any other castle you've been to. "Holy fuck.." Jaskier whispered in awe.
Geralt shook his head as if he was already fed up with it all, "let's go"
The guards led you through the castle and into a small side room. Red carpets lined the floors along with a beautiful mahogany table. The walls had several portraits, obviously of the royal family. You saw an older man, a woman, and a young girl about your age all ornately painted. Hmm why do people always look so upset in portraits. Couldn't the artist just add a smile?
A creak at the door gained everyone's attention. A man, probably in his mid fifties, entered. He was balding and on the fluffier side, dressed in a puffy sleeved shirt, with a velvet red vest over it.
"Welcome, please, have a seat, you all must be tired from your jouney" he said gesturing to the chairs.
"You have no idea what a relief it is to have you here Geralt of Rivia" a look of exhaustion fell over face.
"So what's the job" Geralt asked, straight to the point as usual.
The man looked uncomfortable for a moment before he scooted closer and leaned in as if he was telling a secret,
"Well..our...problem, began a few weeks ago when the alliance between Targeris and our own kingdom was official. Since then there have been several banquets of celebration, as there are still many things being discussed and processed. One of those being the upcoming wedding of our Princess Annora and their Prince Edgrin. Hence the big celebration we are having this evening, an engagement party of sorts."
"And the problem?" Geralt cocked a brow.
The man swallowed before continuing, "Well..since the alliance, there have been disappearances..."
"Dissapearances?" You echoed interested.
"Important Servia officials have suddenly been going missing..the first on the night the kings signed the peace agreement, the second when the marriage was announced.. and then.." he looked around wearily and lowered his voice even more, "things have gotten much worse.."
"How exactly did they get worse" Geralt inquired, suspicious of how Yavert was acting.
"At the last party, about a week ago, one of our ambassadors was found dead.."
Geralt narrowed his eyes, "what aren't you saying.."
The man gulped, " it was the way he died, no man could have..." he paused closing his eyes, obvious memories making him shudder. "No man could have done it, it had to be a monster".
"How can you be so sure?" You asked leaning in now intrigued.
"The body..was so mangled we could barely identify the man. His innards were ripped out and his eyes...they were gone. Clearly it was the work of a beast."
Geralt narrowed his brows, "I have never encountered a monster before that hand picks their pray." You nodded in agreement.
All the monsters you'd faced just destroyed everything in their path. And why would a monster suddenly decide to start targeting officials from Servia? It just doesnt make any sense.
"Please witcher, help us with finding and slaying the creature and we will pay whatever means necessary" he placed a large pouch in front of us.
"Hmm" geralt thought for a few moments, then turned to you wordlessly asking your opinion. A new habit that did make you feel more like partners.
You shrugged your shoulders in a "why not?" Sort of way.
"Alright what the hell.." he grabbed the pouch and stood up.
"Wait, theres a few more things you need to know.." Geralt sat back down with a grunt.
"It is important that you are discreet, no one can know who you or your companions are, not even the king and queen themselves.."
"What?!" Your eyes widened.
"They dont know?" Geralt asked completely bewildered.
"I have advised the king and queen since they first began their reign many years ago. They trust me with their lives I would never lie to them...except..." he sighed and continued, "we have been at odds with targeris for so long, and finally peace is withing our grasp.
But if the king catches wind of what's going on, he will no doubt blame Targeris. Our king is good, but his fault lies with his hate for Targeris. It took much convincing from everyone to finally have the king agree to peace. But he would quickly jump to accuse them. I have no doubt a war would begin if this were to happen...for the sake of peace, they cannot know.." he looked down in shame.
"And the king just doesn't notice all these officials have gone missing?" Geralt shook his head in disbelief.
"Well...we have done our best to cover them up...but the king is getting suspicious, which is why we need to figure out what exactly is going on before anything else happens."
Everything about this job just seemed off. A monster who hand picks their prey, disappearing officials, and the king hasnt even the slightest idea?
"How are we supposed to find this monster without having our identities revealed?" You cocked your head in question.
"Ah yes well, I have prepared an airtight alias for the both of you, after all if you're going to fool people, you will need real identities"
"Fool people? Why cant we just stay in the shadows until something pops up?". Monster hunting in your experience was much easier when there weren't people around. Probably monster hunting rule #1.
"Unfortunately you would not be able to as the king has eyes and ears everywhere, it would not be long before youd be questioned and ultimately found out." Yavert explains.
"Alright.." you say hesitantly, "So how are we supposed to track the monster then?
"So far all the accidents have occurred during nightfall. By blending in as elite members of society, no one will question you as you move about, not even the royal family."
God this just keeps getting more confusing..
"So not only do we have to worry about finding a seemingly brilliant monster, but also worry about being found out?" Jaskier piped in for the first time this entire conversation.
"Yes that's correct.." he nodded slowly.
"Unfortunately I was only able to manage 2 identities, you will be known as Sir and Lady Trestin. A well known name, although the couple is known for not socializing so the risk of someone recognizing that you're not them is extremely low, here are your official invitations you will have to present at the door." He slid some documents our way.
"Wait I'm sorry did you say couple? As in couple of friends? Couple of siblings? Couple of cousins??" Surely he didnt mean-
"The lady and sir Tristan and husband and wife..is that a problem?" He questioned eyebrow raised.
"No of course not.." Um maybe a little! Sure I've fantasized about it before *cough* but now to actually act it out?? This was going to be an adventure for sure..
"What about me?" Jaskier pipes in again.
"You can be our dog" Geralt says not missing a beat.
"Oh that's low geralt" he recoils dramatically.
"How about servant boy?" You offer with a shrug.
"Do I have to?" He gives a puppy dog look to Yavert.
"I'm afraid it's the only way" Yavert smiled slightly.
"Alright, now then, this is the address you will go to for preperation my lady and for the sirs, you'll come with me" you all stood up and parted ways.
Geralt as your husband? This could actually be fun..
"OUCH" you yelled for the thousandth time at the stupid woman who's mission was to tighten your corset until your eyes popped out.
"I'm sorry my lady but this must be done.." you sighed holding the wall for support.
"Especially a lady as...." she trailed off.
"Curvy as you.." did this bitch just?!?!
"You're job is to get me ready not tell me I've eaten too many sweets in my day" you rolled your eyes.
"Besides its nearing winter, I need the extra fluff for survival purposes"
"Well I think a little extra meat on a girl is highly attractive" a new voice chimed in.
"Jaskier? When did you get here?" You couldn't help out the small laugh when you truly got a good look at him. He wore the typical servants garb but his hair had been slicked back. He looked like a boiled egg.
"Don't you laugh too! I swear you and Geralt are so mean to me" he dejectedly sprawled himself out on a cushioned chair.
"Speaking of.." you looked at the door, "Where is he?"
"Hes still getting ready, a sir takes much longer than a mere servant." You laughed at his miserable tone.
"Oh lighten up Jaskier, servant boys have plenty of fun at these parties too, I'm sure some lady will see your puppy face and take you in" you smirked.
"Let's hope so.." another girl came in this time holding a few brightly colored dresses in her arms.
"Turn around boy" the older woman scolded.
"And you, arms up!" You complied as she slid the softest fabric you've ever felt over your body.
Your turned to look at the mirror, "Eww gross no way, Jaskier look! I'm a pineapple!" You both laughed annoying the girls. "Alright next!"
*insert shopping montage with corny music here*
"This one?"
Nods head
Both nod heads
Maybe? Actually nevermind..
Eww what even is this color barf in the spring??
Jaskier nods in agreement.
*Montage ends*
An hour later you were ready, the beautuful _____ colored gown was the perfect shape on your body. It wasnt like most of the boring dresses you had tried on. And you decided to ditch the corset..
"It isnt proper!" One scolded.
"But you have to admit, it's a hell of alot sexier.." Jaskier nodded looking over me.
"Plus I can actually breathe!" And besides how were you supposed to fight monsters if you couldn't move? You left that part out obviously.
The girls just shook their heads in exasperation and finished up your hair and make up in another room.
"There now you're ready" the ladies smiled in satisfaction and left. You thanked them and made your way out to where Jaskier was.
His eyes lit up when he saw you, "Y/n! You look amazing! Although you always look beautiful" he smirked taking your arm.
"Thank you Jaskier, after everything those ladies put me through I better look like a fucking goddess" you both laughed remembering how he had to hold you down while they waxed your legs.
Together you left the shop and you swore for a moment you forgot how to breathe. Now Geralt in full body armor is one thing, but princely Geralt? Well your dreams were Surely going to be wild tonight. Never had you seen the witcher so finely pressed before. It was very...refreshing.
His gaze rose as he finally noticed the two of you. You forgot how to breathe when he looked over you. "Well? What do you think?" You asked a little embarrassed.
"Well...no one will be questioning who you are when you're looking like that" the corner of his lips rose slighty and he stepped to the side, gesturing us into the waiting carriage.
That was a compliment right?? He meant like because you look so beautiful so one is going to ask questions right? Not, well you look like a snooty aristocrat so no one will question???? Ok I'm going with the first one. Stop overthinking geez.
The ride to the castle was quick and soon you were arm in arm with your "husband".
"Come along boy, don't dawdle" geralt teased behind him.
"Dont be mean" you lightly shoved him but couldn't help but laugh as well.
"What great friends I have.."he mumbled....
Ok so that's part 1, lemme know if it's any good. Also I'm kinda new to this so I don’t know the tagging etiquette lol so I just tagged whoever asked. Also part 2 will be uploaded tonight too as soon as I finish editing xoxo 
@marvels-gurl @shane-isa-shame @waitingtobeimpressed @viking-raider @dream-alittlebiggerdarling
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raybidtickles · 4 years
I decided to start writing again and like how I’m redrawing the tickletober prompts, I’m gonna be writing out some of the prompts until I get back into the swing of writing more.
Summary: Collin gets into more trouble than he anticipates when he gets left behind by his friends, and meets new ones in the process!
Collin could not believe his friends ditched him.
Well, no. Collin could definitely believe his friends ditched him. Never on purpose, but they had the habit of getting out of hand and out of sight quickly. Galen and Jaritri were magnets for trouble. If trouble didn’t find them, then they went out looking for it. Collin, who was convinced he was the only voice of reason at this point, always struggled to keep up. Not that he necessarily wanted to help terrorize the local human population, but the satyr’s worry compelled him to follow anyways.
Now he was stuck in an unfamiliar part of the woods with no sense of direction where home was. There wasn’t any way this day could get worse-
Collin’s right leg was quickly ripped out from under him and he landed on the forest floor with solid thud. His right dangled high above his head from a rope.
"Oh, seriously?" An exasperated sigh escaped Collin as he tugged at the rope, only to secure the rope tighter around his ankle. Just his rotten luck. He needed to get out before whoever set the trap got back. The last thing Collim wanted was the attention of whoever set the trap. Collin stretched upward, the knot of the rope only inches from his finger tips. The satyr fell back onto the ground in a huff, regretting the decision to not carry around the knife Gelasia gave him. Collin backed himself up on the grassy ground and yanked. He pushed against the rope around his ankle with his free hoof. If he could just loosen the knot just enough.
"If we didn't get anything this time I'm gonna be pissed." Collin's ears twitched at the sound of voices approaching. The sound of snapping twigs followed and Collin's heart raced to his throat. He wanted to frantically tug and flail to get his leg out of the trap, but his entire body locked into place. His eyes the only part of him able to move, frantically darting across his field of vision.
"Ah, calm down. Don't blame nature because you suck at hu-" Three figures emerged from the brush directly in front of them. Two tall and identical looking fellows along with a shorter man with black, spiky hair. The left twin's voice died the moment the group's gaze turned to Collin.
"Well, you sure caught something." The right twin commented, a confused, but none the less amused smile etched across his features. The smallest of the group huffed in exasperation that reminded Collin far too much of Galen.
"Oh, well this is just perfect!" A heated blush rushed to his cheeks as he glanced between his hunting partners gesturing at Collin's predicament. "Yeah, yeah of course this is what happens. If it's not just a completely empty trap it's this." One of the twins quickly grabbed the back of his cloak's hood and pulled it over to eyes. The short loudmouth yeld and swat at his hands in a struggle to obscure his vision.
"Bix, buddy. I don't think our fair friend over here appreciates being referred to as this." The second twin shoved his head down further as he smiled down at Collin.
"Heeeeey, sorry bout all this uh…" The duo leaned on their smaller friend's head and shoulders, attempting to keep him quiet and down. "...we aren't normally like this we swear." The fear that gripped Collin's chest slowly dissipated. He knew humans could be eccentric, but didn't realize they'd also be giant nerds.
"It's uh...no trouble really?" Collin bit back a smile at the ongoing struggle. He gaze glanced up to his still trapped hoof and he tugged tentatively on more. "Do you think you could…?" Collin's question came out just above a whisper when he pointed up.
"Ah. Right. That." The twins let 'Bix' go, causing the man to nearly trip over himself in a struggle that suddenly stopped. One of the twins rummaged around their bag as they approached. He retrieved a small hunting knife from the bag and flashed Collin a confident smile and wink. "We'll get you out of there in a-"
"Hey, no! Caiden, dont you fucking dare!" Bix latched onto the arm Caiden held the knife with. Caiden immediately shook and yanked at his arm to throw him off. Collin had to give the angry little man props for the persistence.
"What?! What is your problem? We aren't keeping him that's messed up man!" An uncontrolled noise of offense escaped Bix's throat as he narrowed his eyes up at him.
"What-no! What's wrong with you? I can untie him, you don't have to cut the rope." Caiden raised a brow, his eyes lingering over his friend's scrunched up face to decipher if he was serious.
"It's just rope man. What's the big-"
"It's your last length of rope isn't it?" The other twin interrupted, fully enjoying the performance at that point. Bix's composure stiffened, his angry glare quickly turned down to the ground. 
Yep. Bix definitely reminded Collin of Galen.
"...shut up shut up I didn't think it would be this bad today." Bix's face burnt bright red while the twins snickered.
"Alright, alright. You wanna try? I'll give ya a few minutes." Caiden finally shook Bix off and plopped the knife back into his satchel. "Aiden and I'll just wait until you admit you can't do it."
"Sorry, you're probably gonna be here for a while." Aiden chipped in, sticking his tongue out at Bix as he grumbled. Bix's glare reached down to Collin, a small shiver ran up his back. His glare softened a bit as he gripped around Collin's ankle.
"Don't listen to them. You'll be out of here in a second. Just stay still…" His thoughts seemed to trail off as his focused turned to the knot. Despite Bix's rough nature Collin could feel how nimble his fingers were. Each gentle brush against his ankle as Bix tried to loosen the knot sent a small ticklish jolt up his leg. Collin bit his lip and tried his best to keep his leg still. Each little twitch made Bix huff a bit out of his nose.
"Can you just sit for a second?" Bix grabbed Collin by the hoof, his thumb pressed slightly against the bottom. Collin couldn't help the startled yelp and twitches that followed.
"W-wahait! Don't press there please!" Collin yanked back, his free hoof digging into the ground to try and scoot away. The three hunters shared a quizitive look before Bix ran his thumb down the length of Collin's hoof. More giggles poured from the saytr, quiet objections went unheard.
"Awww, guys he's ticklish! That's so cute." Aiden cooed.
"On his hooves? How's that even possible?" Bix used both of his thumbs to rub into each toe of Collin's cloven foot.
 "Ahahaha! Dohohohon't do that!" Collin's free leg flailed, just barely missing Bix's leg.
"Who cares?? It's adorable!" Collin was forced on his back when Aiden snatched up his other ankle. "Ohhhh I wanna see." Aiden tapped his finger nails across the edges of Collin's hoof. His laughter became punctuated by small shrieks as the constant drumming sent electric ticklish shocks up his leg.
"Plehehease ah-! Please stohop!" Collin set himself up on his elbows, one hand reached out in vain to stop the gentle yet relentless assault.
"How can you expect to stop? You're laugh is just adorable." Aiden teased further, a micheveous smirk tugged at the edges of his lips. He traced an index in circles around the soles of his hoof that made Collin shiver with goosebumps.
"Yeah, besides. Maybe this'll teach you to watch your step next time." Bix allowed himself to smile down at the saytr. Hr glanced down at his satchel, his smile turning to full grin as he reached inside. He pulled a small hand brush out, making a show of pulling it out slow.
"W-wait, what are you gonna-aH WAHAHAIT! NOHOHOH NOT THAHAHAT!" The most the brush connected with his hoof Collin's laugh raised several octaves. He flopped flat on his back, his arms crossed over his stomach as hysterical belly laughs were torn from him. Small tears pricked the edges of his eyes and a small, but distinct bleat cut between his laugh. Almost like a snort or hiccup. After a moment the tickling stopped and Collin was able to breath again. He twitched and shivered as the tingle could still be felt on his hooves. Collin wiped his eyes and glanced up at the hunters, both with faces three shades dark and hands covering their mouths.
"Ohhhh that was really cute." Aiden's voice was muffled by his hand, but Collin heard it plainly and felt heat raise to his own cheeks.
"Alright, that's enough you two." Cadien quickly brandished his knife and with a quick flick Collin's leg thumped to the ground. An annoyed outburst followed from Bix that went ignored. Caiden reached down and gently gripped Collin's upper arms and slowly pulled him upward. Collin's balance wavered slightly, but he managed to stand on his own.
"Sorry bout that. Still swear we aren't normally like this." Caiden chuckled and clapped Collin on the shoulder.
"O-oh, you're fine it was ah..." Collin glanced nervously around, his gaze landing to the grassy ground. "It was kinda fun actually."
"Oh reeeeeally?" Aiden slipped an arm around his brother's shoulder, a large grin plasterd on his face. "Maybe we should meet up again hm? I'm sure Bix would love to." Bix couldn't deny or agree simply for the fact he already slipped away into the underbrush. "...he'd love to I'm sure uhhh…"Aiden glanced him down expectantly."
"O-oh! Collin. If that's what you were asking." Collin crossed an arm over his chest and hesitantly held out his hand. Aiden slipped off Caiden and clapped his hand between both of his.
"Aiden! Though I'm sure you already heard that. You got an address Colli? Lemme send you a letter and maybe we can-ah!" Aiden was quickly tugged away by the back of the coller.
"Aid, I swear if you don't stop." He twirled his brother around and shoved him in the direction they came from. He glanced back at Collin with a small wave. "Sorry about...aaaaall of that. Do hope to see you again though cutie!" Caiden left Collin alone with butterflies floating around in his stomach.
...he needed to lost around here just a bit more often.
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yea-im-smokin-pot · 4 years
this is boring but...STARKID SHOW RANKING
12. ani: a parody
ok so lemme explain, i love every starkid show, and i love ani. but i feel like its one of those shows where its like, some things are kinda better than this, yknow? also jar jar binks is one of the best characters in this musical.
11. firebringer
i literally perform this all the time in my room, but i feel like the writing on this isnt the bEeeSt? idk honestly. i love the female representation and im gay for lauren lopez, but this musical is not my absolute favorite.
10. holy musical b@man
i absolutely love the costumes, and i really dont wanna put it this low but iDk this is hard as fuuuuck. the writing is amazing, and by that i mean THE PUNS AND JOKES. they literally made the calendar man call batman and robin “april fools” and he also said “get ready to MARCH into your deaths” like WHAT. also jeff blim’s acting and timing is absolutely perfect.
9. me and my dick
i...fucking love this show? its one of the funniest shows if you’re into sex humor. joey’s heart is one of the best characters and boy am i a lesbian for ms. cooter. i absolutely love the production quality, its worse than a very potter musical somehow. i love how the quality of it has “5th grade sex ed” vibes. yknow?
8. a very potter sequel
oh boy am i gonna get hated for this. a very potter sequel is usually the favorite among the trilogy. ok in the harry potter trilogy, its not my absolute favorite, and it doesnt give the same vibe yknow??? but as a starkid show itself its really funny and the choreography is spectacular. thank james tolbert for that.
7. a very potter senior year
bro this one just HITS DIFFERENT YKNOW? if you ignore the fact that they have scripts on stage and that it seems rushed, then its really beautiful. i was watching it last night and i heard senior year play and i started SOBBING. the fact that it was the end of the trilogy was so sad. also, avpsy was supposed to be the last starkid show which makes it even sadder. the songs in this show are just so much better. for example, tonight this school is mine, sidekick, i was. THEYRE ALL B O P S ! joey richter’s vocals improved soo much and he deserved that solo.
6. twisted
DYLAN FREAKING SAUNDERS, GET THIS MAN ON BROADWAY. i love the character and emotion he put into ja’far. if i believed gets me every time, a tearjerker if i do say so myself. joe walker as prince achmed was the best choice honestly, now he’s one of my dream roles. also, jeff blim’s aladdin???? GOLDEN. thst scene where you find out he murdered his parents and he goes through this whole dialogue between his other identity is hilarious. the comedy is beautiful.
5. black friday
i might get attacked for putting this at number 5. but still, KENDALL NICOLE YAKSHE IS A FUCKING BLESSING. she’s only 13 and shes already top notch at acting. and honestly, i love mariah, i do, but im glad she didnt play lex. i loved angela’s version of her. also, IM SO HAPPY WE FINALLY HAVE AN ALTO. I CAN ACTUALLY SING TO BLACK FRIDAY AND CALIFORM.I.A. also, KIM WHALEN!!!!! HER VOCALS IN TAKE ME BACK ARE FUCKING ASTONISHING. robert manion is a BLESSING and jeff blim looks sosososo happy in this.
4. a very potter musical
i fucking love this musical. draco? a dream role. voldemort? mood. the songs? amazing. hotel? trivago. no but honestly, the reason why i like this musical so much is the nostalgia. whenever i listen to it just tear up a bit yknow? also this musical got me into glee so 😗✌️. also i feel like snape (joe moses) is so under appreciated in all three musicals??? like he’s so fucking funny. the music in this show is so good. also, quirrellmort??? beautiful.
3. the guy who didnt like musicals
and now, the musical that got me into starkid, this mess. ah yes, it was a hot july day. i was performing in a play, but oh shit i had strep!!! so i missed our last dress rehearsal :( but if it wasnt for that, i probably wouldn’t even know what starkid is. i remember trying to watch this musical when it first came out, but for some reason i had a fear of jeff blim so i turned it off. but i watched it and was like “DAYUM” also, robert manion’s hip wiggles are really fucking hot for some reason. i found this musical really funny and im really into comedy. the opening number? golden. the ending is where its at though, INEVITABLE. jon matteson has a really nice voice. and mariah rose faith, A GODDESS!!!! i had been watching mariah’s (@linguinismansion) covers ever since i got into theatre. i loved her dead girl walking cover and her world burn cover. (and now shes in mean girls!! wooo!) im also 90% sure mariah is why im a lesbian so...thanks...i guess?? anyway i love this show and its chaotic cast
2. trail to oregon
you guys are probably very confused as to why this is second. I TOLD YALL I LIKED COMEDY. jeff blim’s writing is fucking amazing. the music? godly. cornwallis? sexy. for some reason when i first watched this i found jeff blim sexy??? dont ask??? but its really hilarious and it honestly is just my family taking a road trip. c h a o t i c. the son is my dream role and if i ever play him then i want my name to be onion. dont ask. but i love the plot and music so much. also joey richter’s constant quick changes in independence are impressive as fuck!!! also he’s so good at every role in this musical. 11/10
1. starship
this might be a shocker since i never talk about it or have never used it in any of my posts. but every time i watch this musical, i cry. i fucking love status quo and joey richter has come so far in singing and theatre. he’s honestly so fucking good. status quo is the best starkid song, there i said it. also, im such a fucking lesbian for taz. her spanish accent, wow im gay. and dont get me started on dylan, the arm structure that you need to hold up pincer’s puppet, damn. he had his arms up for like 12 minutes!!! kick it up a notch is one of the best villain songs in all of starkid. also, brian holden is just fucking...making me question my sexuality, i dont know why but junior is cute as shit. it might be the hair i dont know. starship needs more recognition in the starkid fandom. im not saying it’s underrated like how ani and me and my dick are, but its very rare that you hear that this show is someone’s favorite. this musical is so fucking good and the music is just mWa! s p e c t a c u l a r.
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splendidshinobi · 4 years
almost halfway done lads how we feelin'
episode 21: the red glow
ah yes barry
"i'm alphonse elric!!!!!" yes u r baby!!!
who just popped over the wall
scar im assuming
"i kill therefore i am".....barry spouting descartes rn
it was scar haha
hi greed
thought i saw you earlier
ope he found the chimera crew...
jerry jewell's evil laugh gets me every time lmao he's so great
ed has deep philosophical talks bro
also ed is chaotic but his personal morals are unshakeable
who are these prison guards gonna release
oh hey kimblee
oh hey squad
ed take out ur pokeball
um wth is that
bro of all the things i was not expecting him
oof ishval flashbacks
young scar why is your hair brown
why is it white now
whos her
lust 1.0 im assuming
ew omg tucker is literally so fuckin nasty lookin idk
idk why but he's worse than rod reiss titan for me
wait a damn minute
wait a damn fucking minute
what is GOIN ON
i need tucker to stop whispering he sounds like fucking voldemort on the back of quirrells head
episode 22: created human
hughes' pajamas look like armin's futon from aot junior high
the bad place???? was that greed's prison gluttony was lookin at?
im still shook af over tucker and tbh its been like 24 hours since i watched episode 21
driving me up a wall
my poor son looks so tired :(
those moral principles at it again
ewww the way tucker walks STOP
hi envy!!!!!
so all of those prisoner guys gonna get flattened by some alchemy
hey kimblee!!!
so did greed escape with the homies???? cause i feel like he would have made his presence known already....
i feel like im missing a lot because im a ding dong
musty prison kimblee is kinda...hot....physically speaking..oops..personality wise obviously there's MUCH to work on
so envy knows hohenheim
he won't do it
oh no alphonse
oh god memory implants
al's identity crisis CONTINUES
they wanna become humans??? huh....doesnt really make sense for their characters...(maybe envy but more on that at 11)
is ed gonna kill these guys for al
some1!!!!!! hold!!!!! me!!!! im so stressed
is he pretending to do it and he's got another plan up his sleeve!!!!????
honestly he's so depressed i cant even tell
those unshakable moral principles at work again i see
the red water can turn ed into a god???? wtf ed doesnt want to be a god he wants to punch god
oh theres the greed squad! i found them!!! is kimblee joining up with them
maria girly!!!!!!!
who's the lady. i need 2 know.
episode 23: fullmetal heart
alphonse is destroyed again
poor kid
"edward sir" brosh pls!!!
oh excuse me--- ***Bloch
The Ross Slap™
winry <3
pinako takes no prisoners
ed didnt you JUST tell brosh and ross they might be right that you needed to trust adults with more shit and now youre blowing off hughes
ed's DRAWINGS im-
hi sig hi izumi!!!
al is so sad over there in that corner
poor baby son
sometimes i feel like hughes and mustang are ed and al's divorced dads
the little arakawa avatar cows in the back im CRYING!!!!!!!
snappy al
omg hughes plz
elicia is precious though we love her
"dad's friend the bookworm" omg sheska
awwww gracia made edward a cake!!!!!!!
god catch me cryin in the club
"whatever" al im crying he's so sad
"you goof"
yes winry you are correct boy is a goof
sir you are being so dramatic
give that baby a hug
"so called brother"
so we all know that was a knife through the heart for ed
al just jumped off a FUCKING ROOF and ED TRIED TO FOLLOW
so im crying
episode 24: bonding memories
guess we're gonna play w my emotions again
sometimes like....one bit characters talk...like villager b ya know? and im like who are you i know that voice
so the nasty military has come to ruin some lives again
and barry for some reason
aww poor al
youre real you are!!!!!!
i just feel like people would know people that wear sunglasses in the rain would be ishvalan
but what do i know
obviously they dont have the white hair thing in this version
poor ed is so sad
these boys need a hug 
let me just *pulls out adoption papers*
well if scar doesnt have queen mei to adopt in 03, he’s got this little toothless boy
dont lie al you do care
ew i dont like her
the drama of this boy
so the nasty military has come to ruin some lives again part 2
apparently they are *mercenaries??? excuse me
i have some questions regarding this kid’s mom
well you know i can see why this kid feels this way about his mom
it does look like she ran off...
al and scar dream team up
bout time
yall gonna have this talk now????
brotherhood barry is the true king there i said it
damn scar you baddie
barry like....you already knew him
someone save this boy!!!!
oh good his mom “saved” him
ah damn thats pretty tragic
she didnt know they were right in front of her
well my questions were answered
so she attacks with grape fanta. thats one way to do it
ed looks like such an angry gremlin right now this is a heartwarming moment sir please
why are ed and scar being so civil right now this is so weird
bye scar
we’ll see him again
see you later scar
episode 25: words of farewell
maes who let you buy that awful pink suit 
gracia please it better not have been you
mustang ew please
dont open the door lookin like that
what the hell are you doing in here 
so hughes WASNT in ishval here?
i think that takes a lot away from his character but anyway
bradley hangs around like a creep at every possible instant
why would bradley care about ishvalan refugees like hughes cmon
juliet douglas is this lady’s name
only took me 1000 episodes to figure that out
ED AND AL??? NOT DEALING WITH DANGEROUS THINGS??????? dont make me laugh assholes theyre lying thru their teeth
izumi time lets go
wow we’re still going to rush valley? wasnt really expecting that tbh
elicia i LOVE you!!!!!
ew kimblee “hi”
how did he lightning himself like that
if i were ishvalan i would not go to the south....yet ANOTHER war torn region of amestris but ok
an amestrian desert biker gang rolled up to wreak havoc
tbh i wouldnt want to tell roy anything either stupid bitch
um why do i feel like its hughes’ death episode
he would not be shown tucking elicia in to bed otherwise 
please im not ready to be hurt again
oh no
yeah he just learned something about our girl juliet
ive been waiting for this information 
he’s gonna die before we learn anything helpful
hey lust figured you’d show up sooner or later
i too wish i could look that sexy pulling a kunai out of my forehead
did girly just say SLOTH
i- nothing about her seems particularly slothy but ok
u know what!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha famous last words
oof it hurts every time
not the FUNERAL scene no!
time for me to go 
peace out homies im dead inside
yes my brigadier general 
hughes is sneezing six feet under
was ed supposed to be looking at hughes’ ghost
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writtenbyhappynerds · 4 years
Fanfic 102: Unit 3, Diversity
          Hello! Welcome back. This week we’re going to talk about Diversity. Beyond how to insert diversity into your writing, the nuances, and the ways you can create a believable character. The Editor and I understand how sensitive of a subject this is, and wanted to take the time to make sure the information we are doling out is inclusive and well-written and quality. There is often a lack of diversity in media and books, and often when it is included it’s shoe-horned in for brownie points. We understand that, and we want the up-and-coming writers to be better than those before them. The two most important things to remember are the following: no diversity beats terribly-done diversity, and, the way that the character is diverse is not and should never be their whole personality. We will be discussing LGBT, ableism, and race.
          The LGBT community is a vibrant community with members of all shapes and sizes. The most important part when writing a character who is gay or trans is that this aspect is part of their identity but it is not their whole identity. When we discussed characterization in Fanfiction 101, we talked about not reducing side characters or members of the cast to one-note aspects of their personality. The same applies here, and a character’s sexuality or gender expression should not be at the forefront of every conversation. You shouldn’t create these characters with their sexual or gender identity being at the forefront of your mind, because you wouldn’t do that for a straight or cis character. You wouldn’t sit down to make a character with your first thought being ‘ok but they have to be cis,’ so it’s silly to do the same to a gay or trans or nonbinary character. Make them like you would any other character. What changes would be aspects of their identity, or values they hold near and dear to their heart or motivations. Those may be different than a straight character or a cis-gender character.
          If you’re straight or cis and writing a gay or trans character, you need to do your research to accurately portray the character in a realistic and believable way. An example we love is Todd Chavez in Bojack Horseman, who portrayed an asexual character, and Todd’s journey as he came into his own. Bojack Horseman also portrayed polyamory with Hollyhock, who was the adopted daughter of 8 dads. What we enjoyed was that Todd’s sexuality added dimension to his character. It didn’t reduce him to being the token LGBT representative, and it didn’t force him into a box where he could only focus on LGBT issues. Todd was and is so much more than that, and his sexuality is a part of his story, but it’s not the sole story.
Rick Riordan is a master of writing experiences that are not his own, and he cheated the system by basing his characters off of people he knew. This is a method that you can use. You can base your characters off of friends, public figures, etc. If you decide to not do that, googling what transgender men and women have to experience or what top surgery is isn’t enough. I would suggest looking to Youtube, where many transgender and LGBT  influencers have talked about their experiences. I would suggest looking to forums, Reddit being one of them. Yahoo Answers is also a really good source. What you want is as many experiences as you can get: ones that are similar, and ones that contrast. The goal is to combine them and make your own character in a melting pot of other experiences. You owe it to not only those who read your story but yourself to do the research. You want your characters to represent the communities you do, and the ones you don’t as best you can.
          Let’s move on to people of color (POC). The same rules we’ve discussed prior apply: A poorly written POC is worse than no POC (Looking at you Baljeet). In addition, that POC’s ethnicity should not be their entire personality, and if you are creating a character just to say that you have made a POC, then you have already failed. There are many issues we see when we find people of color in fanfiction. Among them are language barriers, naming, and a misinterpretation of cultural values and experiences.
          Putting words in a foreign language in the middle of fanfic is very, very common. You see it everywhere. In Avengers fanfic it’s Russian or Norse. In Batman fanfic, it’s any of the languages that the Batkids speak. The writers put in these conversations that sometimes go on for pages in another language, and then add an author’s note at the bottom with the translation. This is awkward, and when you read books, this is something you never see. If you want your character to speak another language, you don’t need to actually write the other language. Putting a few sentences through Google translate doesn’t make you a better or more dedicated writer than someone who adds the tag: “she was screaming now, all her words coming out in rapid French.” Tags can be used to dictate a change in language, and I encourage you to use them. Now, there are of course exceptions to this rule, and those exceptions usually lie in food, names, and things. Calling someone a name that is in another language is fine. Describing food in another language is fine, and things are generally ok. But that’s just for you. Your characters also have to speak the language.
          No one worth their salt or heritage is going to go through a moment where they start out speaking in their fluent tongue and then “forget” to switch back and forth between English and their native language. It is so incredibly unrealistic and awful and it lets the reader know someone who is not actually bilingual wrote this piece of work. When you learn two languages, here’s what really happens: you forget words. You have to stumble through words in your own language before you get to the one you need. You call things, “that thing.” You point. You sometimes say “what’s that called?” you find aspects of the second language, or even your own language stupid and you don’t want to do it. You get words mixed up and you make mistakes. That’s all okay, and that all happens, and should be written as such. One of my teachers never forgot the French word for spider because she got the shit scared out of her by one and didn’t know what to call it when she needed someone to kill it. My aunt took 3 years to learn Turkish by immersion and now can speak it fluently. You don’t even need to be fluent in every language, and many people only know a handful of words in one or a few sentences in another. That’s totally okay! If anything that’s more realistic because it’s super hard to learn a new language and speak it fluently. Don’t force your characters into a box like that. Let them make mistakes.
          Culture is a huge thing when writing POC. You have to keep in mind that culture shifts, and what may have been culturally huge for one set of characters won’t be as significant for others. You want your characters to interact with their culture in a way that is realistic, and not reductive. Kelly from the Office is a great example, as she invites the office to celebrate Diwali with her. Lara Jean from To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is another example. We see her eat Korean food at home, and in the books, she still celebrates Korean holidays. Where the shift comes into play can be seen in Never Have I Ever where Devi is not as Indian as her parents, and we see her struggle with the culture. She still goes to Hindu association things, Ganesh puja, and she wears Indian clothes. However, she’s still a normal teenager out chasing boys and worrying about colleges. In Superstore the Muslim character prays 5 times a day, and still works at the grocery giant. The big takeaway is that these people have lives that include, but aren’t limited to their cultures. They aren’t reduced to stereotypes.
          Naming characters is already rough. However, naming characters from a different background than you are even tougher. The Editor has a lot of anger towards Panju Weasley, from Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Her exact words, as they were texted to me:
>Like Cursed Child where Ron and Padma has a kid named Panju.
>What the fuck is a Panju?
>That’s literally the dumbest name in the world
>All she had to google was Indian names.
>There are so many fucking lists.
>I dont even think it’s an actual name. Like it might be a nickname for some people but I dont think people have actually named their child panju.
          As usual, the Editor is very correct. There is a simple solution to getting around what we’ll call the Panju Dilemma- a phrase which we’ll use to describe terrible naming choices of POC. In Fanfiction 101 we had an entire unit centered around naming. Nameberry.com exists, and if they don’t have it all you need to do is Google the country of origin and the sex of the OC. Sometimes you can add in the year the OC was born, to really get a feel for the time period, but that doesn’t always work. For example, in one of our stories we have a cluster of kids from Syria. When it came time to name said kids, we Googled: popular Syrian names 2003. That’s how we got our OCs: Reem, Nour, Nizar, Jano, and Stella. Naming is very important, and you owe it to your readers and your characters to do them justice, and not saddle them with a terrible name.
          The final note of diversity we want to talk about is actual ability. Ableism is often overlooked in movies, shows, or books. It is something that is shoehorned in as an extra adversary for the OC or the cast, only *gasp* This time the biggest adversary is themselves. I hate that. I want to eliminate that because as someone with a disability and someone who has worked with kids with disabilities, you can absolutely write and code characters like that in so long as, and say it with me now, it is not their entire personality.
          You can totes write a character with anxiety and/or depression, so long as you don’t snub these very real mental disorders that millions face on a daily basis. You also have a duty, especially with anxiety and depression, to not glorify, glamorize, or romanticize either. Do not romanticize self-harm. Do not romanticize anxiety. Do not romanticize depression. They are not cruel tricks of life that befall beautiful intelligent women. It is not “tragically beautiful.” Depression and anxiety and self-harm are not a paragraph for you to lament on while the OC gazes longingly out the window at her lover. Anxiety keeps some people from talking on the phone they’re so nervous. It gives girls panic attacks in mall food courts because they don’t know what’s going on anymore. Depression isn’t your OC watching the rain in a hoodie and sweats, it’s not showering for days on end because you can’t find the motivation to. It’s having insomnia because you can’t sleep. Self-harm is not an OC’s love interest holding their wrists and telling them to stop. It is deep pain and numbness and hurting yourself to try and feel something. It is rubbing Neosporin on your cuts and hoping they go away. It is forcing your friends to keep it a secret because you don’t want anyone to know because what if they take it away from you. These mental disorders are not yours to romanticize. They are yours to show the growth and power and strength of your characters. They are yours to use to show how trauma has affected your character and can represent normality behind mental health and emotion and talking about things like this. Even more so than girls, writing a male OC with anxiety or depression is more empowering because you are allowing a character to talk about their feelings when that isn’t seen as acceptable by their sex. If you feel you are able to take that plunge, and you can do the adequate research to represent the disorder well, go for it.
          In addition to mental health, physical disabilities are often overlooked. I have a chronic illness. I have never seen in a book, movie, TV show, or fanfiction anyone with a chronic illness, let alone my chronic illness. That in of itself is a broad term, and I’ll let chronic illness mean anything from lupus and POTS to asthma and anemia. These disabilities make a character have to work harder, but hey, look at Captain America. The boy had every disability under the sun and he got out alright. No one is going to make changes for you. You have to be the change you want to see. If I want OCs with chronic illnesses, I have to write them and do them justice by not only my community but the communities that I don’t represent. Jeremy Scott’s The Ables is a great example of writing disability and using it as part of, but not a character’s entire identity. The main characters all have superpowers but are put in a class that doesn’t allow them to use said powers. This is because they are all disabled. The main character is blind and telekinetic, another can read minds but is in a wheelchair, another is a genius but has cerebral palsy. Their disabilities are a minor obstacle, but not the big bad, and that is a great way to write disability. People who live with physical disabilities or chronic illnesses have to deal with said limitations every day. To us, as time goes on it becomes less of the monster at the end of the story and more of an everyday beast. It becomes normal, and there are bigger things for us to worry about than just our disease. This speaks for every aspect of diversity we have covered in this chapter: The people with said note have to live with it every day. It is a common enemy, not the final boss. To treat it as such is to say that it is our biggest concern in life. I wish my chronic illness was my biggest concern, but I have other fish to fry.
          What we have done here is not an all-inclusive list of diversity. This chapter took 2 weeks to write because the Editor and I wanted to do right by our community. Not just the communities we proudly represent but the communities we don’t. There are many more nuances and aspects to diversity that are out there, and what we have presented is our best. Yet it is still incomplete. If there is something important that you feel we have left out, we sincerely apologize. We acknowledge that what we have written here is not all-encompassing for diversity. We wanted to talk about issues that are common occurrences. However, what we have covered is not the end-all of what’s out there. We apologize for the delay, and to make up for it, our next unit Writing Children will be published at the same time as this one. We sincerely apologize for the delay.
Xoxo, Gossip Girl
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