#king yoshiaki
corgipon · 1 year
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King Yoshiaki Omori (né Hisakawa), King Consort of the Eastern Queendom
About time I decided to draw the twins’ dad. I’m going to redesign their mum soon (she’ll also have those spiral ear markings).
Yoshiaki was born to Lady Hitomi and Lord Ryota of the Hisakawa noble house. Since he was a child, he took an interest in mechanical things and botany. Being their only son (He has three sisters), his parents prepared him to meet Queen Tomomi, and hoped that they could find love eventually. Luckily, Yoshiaki and Tomomi’s friendship eventually did evolve into true love, embracing their differences between each other and appreciating each other’s interests.
Yoshiaki, much like his wife the then-Queen Tomomi, is quite shy and reserved, but loves his wife and daughters dearly and will do anything for them. Because of his knowledge in how mechanical things work, he was known for creating many different timepieces and mechanical dolls found throughout Omori Palace. Much like how Ami resembles Tomomi, Emi in this case looks a lot like Yoshiaki.
However, Yoshiaki went missing one day without explanation. Sadly, after three long days of searching, he was found dead in the cypress woods north of Omori Palace, with the cause never being confirmed.
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talesfromthecrypts · 1 month
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Soon we'll be able to see it: the home of Carmilla, the Bloody Countess. You've heard of her. For five thousand years her rule of terror lasted, and then, that was that! Your father, the Vampire King, grew angry. He was impatient with her vanity; offended by her bloodlust, her gluttony. He grew so tired that he killed her while she slept, impaling her on a sword, and that was it for her. Except she haunts the place now with phantoms and demons.
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000) dir. Yoshiaki Kawajiri
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nat0rii · 26 days
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paper miku & the origami queen 🩵📄✨
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mariomusicdaily · 1 year
Mario Music of the Day: Autumn Mountain Battle from Paper Mario: The Origami King
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
Hii! I wanna say congratulations for the 300 followers, your writing is honestly amazing and you're def my comfort writer <3
Anyways, for the celebration request, can I get arranged marriage fluff with Motonari? I've been feeling in need of Motonari fluff lately, and I already know it's gonna be amazing with your writing skills and our favourite pirate king!
Again, congrats in 300! I honestly think you deserve way more than that 🫶
Thank you for your support, sweet anon! And thank you for this request! I love this pirate so much! And there needs to be more fluff with him! So, I am happy to contribute to that fluff.
Alright so here we go! Motonari and arranged marriage fluff!
The Pirate and The Princess
It had been two months now that Motonari had entered into this arranged marriage with the Oda Princess. Two months since she had come to live with him. He had let her know from the beginning this was nothing more than a political arrangement, that it was a marriage in name only.
Of course, the princess had known that even without him stating it so bluntly. She was his wife legally and in name…but that was all there was to it. In truth, she was little better than a hostage, a pawn in this political game to secure the alliance…to make sure that the Oda didn’t do anything Motonari didn’t agree with…and to ensure that Yoshiaki never came back into power.
“This marriage is just a means to an end. I never wanted no wife.” Motonari had told her, his tone harsh, though she didn’t flinch.
“I’m not an idiot.” She had told him, fixing a glare at him. “You think you’re some kind of catch or something? Please, I never picked this arrangement. You are the LAST person on earth I would pick.”
“Well, at least we’re on the same page then.” Motonari had replied, surprised by the fire in her eyes. He had mistaken her for some shy weak little thing…but it appeared she had been more.
“Lady Mouri, perhaps I can show you to your chambers.” Hiroyoshi had said, interrupting them.
“That sounds good.” She had said, getting up to follow the old goat, showing him a genuinely kind smile…something that had irked Motonari.
After that, the princess had given him the cold shoulder. Though she would smile and chat up Hiroyoshi and his crew, being totally sweet to them…and looking at Motonari with utter contempt whenever they would cross paths. 
It had honestly gotten under Motonari’s skin. “Why’s she always gotta look at me like that? Why’s she always got that sweet smile fer everyone else?”
“Perhaps my lord, you could try being kind to the Lady Mouri.” Hiroyoshi had said, to him as he brought Motonari some documents with some new trade agreements.
“The hell you talkin’ ‘bout ya old codger?” Motonari had groused.
“Nothing, my lord.” Hiroyoshi had replied. “You know, I was talking to the princess the other day…apparently she was working as a seamstress in Azuchi before she came here. It was something she rather enjoyed.”
“Am I s’posed ta care about somethin’ she likes?” Motonari had asked.
“Just thought it was an interesting tidbit, my lord.” Hiroyoshi had answered. “Though, I did hear that she was a highly sought after seamstress. Highly skilled and very passionate about her work. She brought in lots of new business to Azuchi.”
Motonari had looked up at the old man, intrigued by this, lifting one white brow. “That so?”
“Very so, my lord.” Hiroyoshi had answered.
“Get ‘er some fabrics then.” Motonari had said. “And sewin’ stuff.”
“Of course, my lord.” Hiroyoshi had replied, a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face.
“Don’t go gettin’ no funny ideas. It’s just good business.” Motonari snapped.
“No ideas at all, my lord.”
It had only taken another few days after that for the princess to come knocking on his council room door. “What?” Motonari had called as she came in, carrying something in her hands.
“I…just wanted to give you this…as a thank you for the fabrics and sewing notions.” She replied, bowing and handing him a small wrapped parcel.
Motonari looked at her as he took the package. “That ain’t nothin’ ta thank me for. Hiryoshi said you were a good seamstress. Just a good business move.” He replied, waving her off.
“Still…I really appreciate being able to get back to it and having something to do.” She replied. “I think I was beginning to drive poor Hiroyoshi crazy constantly asking him for something to do…and well also… I think we got off on the wrong foot.”
“What are ya talkin’ about?” Motonari asked.
“Just…I know this arrangement is all political and I don’t expect to EVER fall in love with you or for your shriveled black heart to start beating and beating for me…but maybe we can LIKE each other even if we don’t LOVE each other…and maybe be friends.”
Motonari blinked in surprise at her words…was…no one had ever come to him with such a crazy offer before. “Ya got flowers fer brains or what?” He had asked her.
“Ugh…I can’t believe I even tried!” She groaned as she got up in a huff. “I thought…I don’t know what I thought.” She was then quickly leaving the room. 
Motonari watched her go, not saying a word. It irritated him that she left so quickly…but he couldn’t quite figure out why. He looked down at the package she had given him…finally he decided to open it. Inside was a small handkerchief that matched the fabric of the cape he usually draped over his shoulder and was embroidered with the Mouri crest on the corner.
The fabric was perfectly cut and sewn well. The embroidery was intricate and clearly that of a skilled hand. “Ah…dammit.” Motonari had groaned, running a gloved hand through his hair in agitation. “Dammit all ta hell.”
The next night, Motonari had gone to the princess, carrying a tray with some tea and a freshly cooked meal he had made. “Here.” He said, as he sat the tray down in her room, where she sat working on her sewing.
She had looked at him, confusion in her face. “What’s this for?” She asked.
“Hiroyoshi said ya been workin’ all day…ain’t had much ta eat.” Motonari had answered, honestly not even sure why he was here.
“I…suppose now is a good time for a break.” She had replied, placing a loose stitch in her work to save her place before neatly folding it and setting it aside.
“Well, enjoy.” Motonari said, awkwardly heading for the door.
“You…you aren’t going to join me?” She asked, her words stopping him in his tracks.
“Well…I thought…nevermind.” She replied. “Thank you.”
Motonari let out a groan as he turned back around to her. “No, tell me what’s on yer mind.”
“I just…I thought maybe…this was you…maybe agreeing to what I said the other day…about us trying to just like each other…get to know each other.” The princess answered. “Where I come from… people share meals and get to know each other.”
“I still think ya got flowers growin’ in that head o’ yers…but maybe we can give it a try.” Motonari found himself saying.
And thus began a new ritual. Every night the pair would sit down to dinner together…a dinner Motonari made as he wouldn’t eat food others had touched. This was something Motonari had surprisingly come to look forward to. They would talk and… well they would bicker quite often. Motonari would tease her and get her riled up…and she would bite back…which was something he found he enjoyed.
Though if Motonari were being honest, the thing he enjoyed the most would be at the end of one of their bickering sessions. The princess would sigh and shake her head…but she would be wearing the most beautiful smile. Her eyes would be warm and full of light…and Motonari was entirely unaware of the warm look he would give to her in return.
On this particular night, after finishing their dinner the princess let out a sigh. “I guess you’ll be heading off then?” She asked.
“Don’t tell me you’ll be missin’ me, flower girl.” Motonari teased her.
The princess scrunched up her face. “I wouldn’t go THAT far…but… I just… get bored.”
Motonari chuckled. “Well, if yer bored, then hows about we go on a little adventure?” He found himself suggesting.
She looked up at him, her eyes narrowing in playful suspicion. “What kind of adventure?”
“Only one way to find out.” Motonari replied, grinning in spite of himself. “What do ya say, flower girl?”
“I say… I must be utterly insane because… it sounds like fun.”
It was a short time later, Motonari and the princess were leaving his castle, Motonari leading her through a path in the forest. “Watch yer footing. It can get kinda rough around here.” He warned her, as he held a small lantern to guide them.
���I’ll do my best.” She replied.
They walked a little further before Motonari found himself reaching a hand back towards the princess. “Here, don’t need ya fallin’ on yer face…despite how funny that might be.”
The princess blinked as she looked at Motonari’s outstretched hand, still clad in his white glove. Though they had never expressly discussed it…she was aware that he didn’t like to be touched. She’d been aware of the physical distance he purposely kept between them. She’d also seen him keep that same distance with… well everyone. She’d even witnessed him violently through off an overly-flirty lady of the night. It wasn’t too hard to pick up on the fact that Motonari didn’t like to be touched.
“What? Somethin’ wrong?” Motonari asked.
“W-won’t…you be…uncomfortable?” She asked, looking up at him, her eyes wide in the low light of the lantern and the moon.
It was then that Motonari seemed to become aware of himself…aware of what he was offering. Was he really about to let this other person TOUCH him? His hand was still hanging in the air between them. He thought hard about this now…but to his surprise…the idea of the princess’s hand in his…it didn’t make his skin crawl. It didn’t make him break out into a cold sweat. He didn’t know why…but SHE was okay.
“It’s…okay.” He told her, a surprisingly tender look in his eyes, his crooked smile soft. 
“Are…are you sure?” She asked, still hesitant. “If it would make you uncomfortable, I can walk fine on my own…and even if I were to trip, I’m not THAT delicate that a little tumble would hurt that bad…wouldn’t be the first time…”
She was rambling, he could tell. “I said it’s okay…but only if it’s you.”
A small gasp escaped the princess as she looked up at him, her eyes somehow going wider. “O-okay…” She was then ever so slowly, placing her hand in his.
Motonari’s gloved fingers curled around her delicate hand…so much smaller than his own. Her hand felt warm in his palm…and he was surprised to find…it actually felt pleasant to hold her hand. He turned forward once again and lead her through the forest, making sure to keep her from tripping as they went.
Soon they were coming to a clearing that led to a small cliff’s edge. “Stay close and watch yer step.” He told her as he led her up the cliff.
“You’re not gonna throw me over and claim I fell are you?” She joked, though Motonari could detect a hint of nervousness in her voice.
Motonari looked at her, lifting a brow. “No.” He answered. “Yer shakin’ there m’lady. I promise I ain’t takin’ ya out here ta hurt ya.”
She shook her head. “That’s…not it…I uh…I may…have a little fear…of high…places.” She admitted sheepishly, looking down at her feet.
Motonari still held her hand in his. He found himself giving her hand a gentle squeeze. “Don’t worry, I got ya.”
She looked up at him, surprised to see how gently he was looking at her right now. His hand around hers was warm…and surprisingly comforting. “Okay…” 
Motonari led her up the cliff, keeping her hand in his the entire time. “Now…have a look at this view.”
The princess turned and looked out. The cliff overlooked the ocean, and her breath was instantly taken away. The large full moon and the millions of twinkling stars were reflected on the water’s surface, broken only by the ripples of the gentle waves and the ocean creatures moving below the water. It looked as if the sky truly never ended.
“It’s…wow…it’s…” She gasped, as she took in the view.
Motonari watched her, unable to keep himself from smiling. Her eyes twinkled as if holding the light of the stars she was gazing at. As he looked at her, one word flitted through his mind completely unbidden…
“Beautiful.” The princess’s voice said, completing her unfinished thought.
Motonari couldn’t help himself and his lips were moving before he could even think better of it. “Yeah, beautiful view.”
The princess turned to him, her cheeks reddening as she realized Motonari was watching her and not the ocean of stars in front of them. 
It was there in that moonlit night, a garden’s worth of new flowers began to bloom.
@zulablaise @limonzu @kisara-16 @oda-princess
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Monkey Typhoon (2001) アソボット戦記五九
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Director: Mamoru Hamazu / Osamu Sekida / Ittoku Tanahashi / Kyousuke Mihara / Takenori Mihara / Yoshiaki Okumura / Shunji Yoshida / Kazuo Nogami / Yoshito Qin / Hiroshi Haraguchi / Akihiko Nishiyama / Yuki Kinoshita Screenwriter: Shinobu Shinobu / Hashimoto Yushi / Nakaze Rika / Urasawa Yoshio / Kobe Kazuhiko / Shizuya Isao Starring: Kappei Yamaguchi / Tomoichi Seki / Masaki Iizuka / Takeharu Kunimoto / Nozomi Sasaki / Minami Takayama / Atsuko Enomoto / Shinichiro Miki Genre: Comedy / Science Fiction / Animation / Adventure Official website: http://mv.avex.jp/asobot/asobot.html Country/Region of Production: Japan Language: Japanese Date: 2002-10-01 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 52 Single episode length: 23 minutes Also known as: Association Robot Goku / Asobotto Senki Goku / Five-Nine Wars / Aboto Senki Five-Nine / Monkey King Five-Nine / Journey to the West / Assobot战记五九 / 五九战记 / 阿波特战记五九 / 猴王五九 / 西游战记 IMDb: tt5916944 Type: Reimanging
On December 31, 2052, in order to prevent the scientist Ryutaro from destroying the world, Xuanzang Jiuzou asked his son Xuanzang Sanzang to select some robots from 99 robots numbered 1-99. Sanzang finally selected five robots: Gokyuu, Tongoh, Jou, Suuji, and Mioto. On January 1, 2053, Ryutaro modified the program of supercomputer Eve and began to destroy the world. In order to protect Sanzang, Zero, the first generation robot manufactured by Jiuzao, was destroyed along with the robots Soichi Fujimura and Souka Fujimura created by Ryutaro. Robot Tai is Wujiu's opponent on the surface, but in fact he is protecting Wujiu and his group. In order to restore the supercomputer Eve's program to its original appearance and return to December 31, 2052 to stop Ryutaro, they must find 49 parts to save the world. Head east! For Abbot (a life form of opportunity) to coexist with humans...
One thousand years in the future, the world has lost its balance. All the giant trees up to 10,000 meters high have been cut down by humans as obstacles. The entire world has turned into a desert. Only humans and Abbot are left in this world that is heading for destruction. As if guided by fate, Sanzang and Gokyuu meet. Traveling together, Sanzou - a young man shrouded in mystery, Gokyuu - the strongest and worst Anbot around, Tongoh - an Anbot fond of drinking, Jou - someone who is great with machines, Suuji - a female Anbot thief, and last but not least, Mioto. And so, their journey begins to the boundless East, to the land where the sun was born!
Source: https://myanimelist.net/anime/3193/Asobot_Senki_Gokuu
Link: https://gogoanime.be/anime/monkey-typhoon-xDRN/
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scarskelly · 2 months
Open The Introduction To Dragongate by Scar The Skelly [UNAFFILIATED PART 3]
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I can see the finish line, let's goooo!
Presentation Notes:
Ryu Fuda
Fuda and Mocchy had a wonderful match on the 6th of March this year in Korakuen, would recommend.
Daiki Yanagiuchi
The package Daiki gave Yoshioka was a challenge for the Dream Gate from Ben-K, including a note that proclaimed his intention and a golden rose.
Konomama Ichikawa
He’s actually from Kakamigahara City, Gifu. Yes, he’s from the same prefecture as Shun.
He’ll lose to moves you never should lose to in times you’d only see in squashes. Sometimes he even taps out during a move that isn’t a submission (like when he’s being held in a powerbomb position).
Kancho - a prank performed by clasping the hands together in the shape of a gun and attempting to poke the victim’s butthole.
Some of the people who have answered Ichikawa’s open challenge include Jun Akiyama, Yuji Nagata, The Great Sasuke, Necro Butcher, Akebono (rip king), Kensuke Sasaki, Abdullah The Butcher, Atsushi Onita, Yoshiaki Fujiwara, Keiji Muto, Shingo Takagi (returning from New Japan in a special only once a year appearance).
Ichikawa has only wrestled once this year so far, taking it easy and letting his body recover from getting beaten up mercilessly for about 25 years?
La Estrella
Should mention, the dates here on this slide are set up in DD/MM/YYYY order, as that is what I am familiar with.
Estrella was a talented amateur wrestler before getting into Dragongate, which is why he’s a bit older than you would expect something who debuted in 2020 to be. Does he use his amateur wrestling skills in the ring? If you make him, but for the most part, he’s flipping all over the place like you forgot to turn gravity on.
Estrella splits his time between DG and North America, wrestling in the U.S and Mexico.
Shuji Kondo
Kondo only has one championship reign in Dragongate (with it being a very recent Twin Gate reign with Kenoh as members of Kongo) as he was fired in December 2004 alongside the rest of Aagan Iisou for alleged behavioural issues. He only returned to Dragongate in 2019.
Kenichiro Arai
Just last year Araken had a match with GENTARO that got a bit of buzz in the English-speaking puro scene on Twitter. I haven’t seen it myself, but I heard a lot of good about it.
Araken is also a proud supporter of the Hanshin Tigers and was thrilled when they broke the Colonel Sanders statue river curse (look it up if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you won’t regret it).
Ryo Saito
SaiRyo has been in both Real Hazard and JIMMYZ (the same as Horiguchi). I don’t think I need to really explain how impressive it to be able to be in both one of the heel units and the face units, and it not feel weird at all. Genki and SaiRyo are amazing.
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aeswna · 1 month
Sengoku A Live ~Translation~
Main chapter: Season 1
- Chapter 1 episode 1 -
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- A Fateful Encounter -
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[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Would you like to join me in conquering the world with singing?"
[Yocchan looks straight ahead]
[He said as he looks at the mysterious group of people]
With songs,to rule the world...
[Oda Nobunaga?]"Ha,how ridiculous. You've been babbling nonsense for a while now, and you're talking about taking over the world?"
[Ishida Mitsunari?]"Do you understand the weight of the words 'to rule the world'?"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Of course. I'm serious"
[Date Masamune?]"You're aiming for the world, do you mean defeating Hideyoshi-san?"
[Ishida Mitsunari?]"What?"
[Oda Nobunaga?]"Don't mention names I don't know! I've never heard of Hideyoshi."
[Ishida Mitsunari?]"Are you saying that you do not know Lord Hideyoshi?"
[Oda Nobunaga?]"I don't know. Is it the name is some country samurai?"
[Ishida Mitsunari?]"--!"
[Date Masamune]"Whoa, where the hell are you from? Don't tell me--"
[Date Masamune?]"The Hojo army?"
[The man, one eyes hidden, placed his hand on the hilt of his sword]
[The bossy man also appears ready to fight back, and the atmosphere is tense.]
[You]"Hey! Clam down for a second!"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"I won't tolerate any stabbing in my castle"
[2 people]"...."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"I'm not going to tell to get along but for now I want to know your names. please tell me."
[Takeda Shingen?]"Well I'll suggest we also introduce ourselves"
[Mitsunari Ishida?]"I agree. I would like to know the name of the disrespectful person who does not know my master."
[Date Masamune?]"If it's okay, I'll tell you my name."
[Date Masamune]"I am Date Masamune from Oshu! I am the man who will take over the world some day!
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(So that's the setting. I see, it's the one-eyed dragon...)
[Mitsunari Ishida?]"Date Masamune...Ah, that country samurai who caused trouble for Hideyoshi-sama by arriving late."
[Date Masamune]"Huh? Who are you, calling me a country samurai"
[Mitsunari Ishida]" I am Mitsunari Ishida. As a vassal of the Toyomi family, I serve Lord Hideyoshi."
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[Date Masamune]"Ah, there was such a person. I heard that he was loyal and steady, but also straight-laced"
[Mitsunari Ishida]"Everything is a compliment to me"
[Date Masamune]"Huh?"
[Hattori Hanzo?]"That one, next, is it okay for me?"
[He ask with a friendly smile]
[You]"Ah, yes.... please?"
[Hattori Hanzo?]"Thanks♪"
[Hattori Hanzo]"My name is Hattori Hanzo. I serve Lord Matsudaira Motoyasu-sama , whether i am stealthily or not ♪"
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[Date Masamune]"Matsudaira Motoyasu... Is that Tokugawa Ieyasu?"
[Mitsunari Ishida]"Are you an enemy soldier?"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Huh? They're not enemies. The enemy army I was fighting didn't have Date or Ishida"
[Hattori Hanzo]"well~ I hope you both don't get mad at me. Now is the time to introduce ourselves right?"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Hey♪ you are next, tell me your name?"
[Fuuma Kotaro?]"---- don't touch me"
[Hattori Hanzo]"sorry sorry"
[Fuuma Kotaro]"........I am Fuuma Kotaro
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[Hattori Hanzo]"ahh Fuuma!"
[Fuuma Kotaro]"....."
[Hattori Hanzo]"Huh,so that's why you were using ninjutsu"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Fellow Shinobi, I want to know more about you.
[Fuuma Kotaro]"Kota-kun"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Kota-kun ♪"
[Fuuma Kotaro]".... Enough about me."
Hmm...................so far, all the names are famous historical figures.
[Oda Nobunaga?]"it's a shame to have so many names that I don't know."
[Date Masamune]"So who are you?"
[Oda Nobunaga]" I am Oda Nobunaga"
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[Mitsunari Ishida]" Oda Nobunaga--
The one who called himself the sixth heavenly Demon King?"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"......."
[Date Masamune]"You know, don't you have any pride in using the name of a dead person so brazenly?"
[Oda Nobunaga]"If it's a dead person"
[Date Masamune]"What, are serious that you don't even know he's dead"
[Date Masamune]" Oda Nobunaga has been dead for a long time. His name is well known though."
[Oda Nobunaga]"Are you trying to make fun of me"
[Date Masamune]"Whoa, what if you do it, I'll join you."
The men put their hand on their sword again
The blade that appeared glowed dull and slimy.
To Be Continued...
- Disclaimer -
Not all translations in this are correct..I have tried my mostly best to translate this so please don't simply steal it.
If it has any mistakes wrong in this translation please let me know , this is my first time doing this kind of blog..🙇🏻‍♀️
English is not my first language...so please forgive me . If there are a lot of typos, and if you see any mistakes, please tell me which paragraph and which spelling is wrong and I will come to fix it again
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cleoenfaserum · 5 months
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Nemette by Allen Williams REBLOG FROM ex0skeletal
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read more The Artist — Allen Williams Studio
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"Men have always fought each other, always creating chaos. That's familiar and safe. They know where they are in those circumstances, but to hazard a step into the unknown and actually love on another is far too risky for them. So if the demons do invade the world, bringing terror and misery with them, don't you think that men might welcome them as bearers of what they desire?"
reblog from goryhorroor link https://www.tumblr.com/goryhorroor/738546112691060736?source=share
Demon City Shinjuku (Japanese: 魔界都市〈新宿) is a novel by Hideyuki Kikuchi that was adapted into an original video animation (OVA) in 1988, directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri. The title has also been translated as Hell City Shinjuku and Monster City. It was also released as two manga by ADV Manga in 2003 and 2004.
952-1 LINK https://youtu.be/A8xfHpH8zxY Demon City Shinjuku - Wikipedia
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reblog from the-evil-clergyman
Illustrations from Howard Pyle's "The Story of King Arthur and his Knights" : Howard Pyle : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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Howard Pyle (March 5, 1853 – November 9, 1911) was an American illustrator, painter, and author, primarily of books for young people. He was a native of Wilmington, Delaware, and he spent the last year of his life in Florence, Italy.
Pyle travelled to Florence, Italy in 1910 to study mural painting. He died there in 1911 of a sudden kidney infection (Bright's disease). Howard Pyle - Wikipedia
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Restoration Triumph: Angkor Wat Causeway Reborn with Japanese Expertise
Completion of the Japan-backed Angkor Wat causeway restoration celebrated, highlighting traditional techniques and sustainable conservation. #angkorwat #restoration #causeway #sophiauniversity #southeastasianarchaeology #cambodia #archaeology
via various sources, 04 November 2023: The Western causeway of Angkor Wat, a symbol of Cambodia-Japan relations, was reopened in a ceremony attended by King Norodom Sihamoni and key Japanese figures, including Yoshiaki Ishizawa of Sophia University. This event not only marks the completion of the causeway’s restoration, supported by Japan’s official development assistance, but also celebrates the…
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oatmilkenjoyer69 · 2 years
February 2023 Media Breakdown
The Banshees of Inisherin (2022) - Martin McDonagh
Catherine Called Birdy (2022) - Lena Dunham
The Princess Diaries (2001) - Garry Marshall
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004) - Garry Marshall
Barbarian (2022) - Zach Cregger
TÁR (2022) - Todd Field
Mangrove (2020) - Steve McQueen
Fresh Dressed (2015) - Sacha Jenkins
Buckjumping (2018) - Lily Keber
Paris is Burning (1990) - Jennie Livingston
The Girl from Chicago (1932) - Oscar Micheaux
Metropolis (1927) - Fritz Lang
Marnie (1964) - Alfred Hitchcock
It Happened One Night (1934) - Frank Capra
Titanic (1997) - James Cameron
A Choice of Weapons: Inspired by Gordon Parks (2021) - John Maggio
Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella (1997) - Robert Iscove
A View to a Kill (1985) - John Glen
Black Is… Black Ain’t (1994) - Marlon Riggs
The Birds (1963) - Alfred Hitchcock
Knock at the Cabin (2023) - M. Night Shyamalan
La passion de Jeanne d’Arc (The Passion of Joan of Arc) (1928) - Carl Theodore Dreyer
Castle in the Sky (1986) - Hayao Miyazaki
Judas and the Black Messiah (2021) - Shaka King
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) - Rian Johnson
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000) - Yoshiaki Kawajiri
TV Shows:
The Last of Us - Season 1, Episodes 4-7 (2023)
Books: Completed
The Lord of Opium (2009) - Nancy Farmer
A Darker Shade of Magic (2015) - V.E. Schwab
Ariadne (2021) - Jennifer Saint
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow (2022) - Gabrielle Zevin
If Beale Street Could Talk (1974) - James Baldwin
Brave New World (1932) - Aldous Huxley
Fire & Blood: A History of the Targaryen Kings from Aegon the Conqueror to Aegon III (2018) - George R.R. Martin
A Court of Thorns and Roses (2015) - Sarah J. Maas
The Bluest Eye (1970) - Toni Morrison
Borne (2017) - Jeff VanderMeer
Books: In Progress
Bitterblue (2012) - Kristin Cashore | 18%
Six of Crows (2015) - Leigh Bardugo | 5%
Crime and Punishment (1866) - Fyodor Dostoevsky | 18%
Top 3 Albums:
Live At The Cafe Rouge (2010) - Artie Shaw | jazz
Kick in the Teeth (2023) - Hippo Campus | indie rock
flounder (2023) - quinnie | indie rock/alternative
Made so much plarn and crocheted 4 plarn tote bags from it
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corgipon · 6 months
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Queen Tomomi, Ami and Emi’s mother.
Tomomi was the eldest of three children and the heiress of Queen Yuina. She was always known to be very graceful, kind, and empathetic towards her family and subjects, taking things in stride. Compared to her timid husband King Yoshiaki, who hailed from the Hisakawa noble family, Tomomi was also rather reserved and calm in a way, but shared just as much protectiveness as he did. Between duties, Tomomi made time to take care of her daughters, which meant that handmaidens only seldomly were tasked to look after them. Over time Tomomi would prepare Ami to become the new queen, and she watched her and Emi grow up to be fine young ladies. Unfortunately, she would fall as a victim to an illness that would eventually take her life.
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horrorlover99 · 2 years
Cast and Crew of Hellsing Ultimate
Based on comic by
Kouta Kirano
Series publisher
Young King OURS
Published by
Shonen Gahosha., LTD.
Johji Nakata (Japanese) Crispin Freeman (English)
Seras Victoria
Fumiko Orikasa (Japanese) Katherine Gray (English)
Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing
Yoshiko Sakakibara (Japenese) Victoria Harwood (English)
Walter C. Dollneaz
Motomu Kiyokawa (Japanese) Ralph Lister (English)
Norio Wakamoto (Japanese) Steven Brand (English)
Nobuo Tobita (Japanese) Gildart Jackson (English)
Yosuke Akimoto (Japanese) Steven Brand (English)
Integra (youth)
Kaori Mizuhashi (Japanese) Samantha Kerr Dickson (English)
Kazuhiro Nakata (Japanese) JB Banc (English)
Nobuyuki Hiyama (Japanese) Taliesin Jaffe (English)
Chiaki Takahashi (Japanese) Samantha Kerr Dickson (English)
Osamu Saka (Japanese) William Knight (English)
Policeman (Simon)
Atsushi Imaruoka (Japanese) Jason C. Miller (English)
Policeman (Eddy)
Yasumichi Kushida (Japanese) Gildart Jackson (English)
Police Captain
Hajimi Iijima (Japanese) Emmett James (English)
Masakazu Kohara (Japanese) Gildart Jackson (English)
Tora Take (Japanese) Ralph Lister (English)
Kouta Nemoto (Japanese) John E. Breen (English)
Seika Kumagai (Japanese) Sterling Beaumon (English)
Child of the Asylum
Yuko Suzuki (Japanese) Jessica D. Stone (English)
Hiroki Yasumoto (Japanese) Jason C. Miller (English)
Former Sir Hellsing
Chikao Otsuka (Japanese) John E. Breen (English)
Series Structure/Script
Yosuke Kuroda
Tomokazu Tokoro Hideki Tonokatsu
Episode Director
Hideki Tonokatsu
Character Design/Chief Animation Director
Ryoji Nakamori
Animation Directors
Yae Otsuka Keiko Okuda Mitsuru Soma
Assistant Animation Directors
Kenichi Ishimaru Yoshiaki Hatano Kanji Nagasaka Mamoru Yasuhiko
Key Animators
Ryoji Nakamori Yae Otsuka Mitsuru Soma Keiko Okuda Kenichi Ishimaru Yoshiaki Hatano Kanji Nagasaka Mamoru Yasuhiko Yuko Watabe Kenichi Haneda Ryosuke Nakata Masaki Hosoyama Masami Suda Satoshi Osawa Emi Nakano Rie Saito Daisuke Niizuma Masayuki Yoshida Shinya Suzuki Miyoko Shikibe Fumiaki Sahara Jimmy Stone Akira Takahashi Tomokazu Tokoro
Studio Wanpack Takeshi Matsuura Nobuhiro Okazaki Yoshiaki Katayama Miyaki Honda
Ani Village Shim Hyun-Ok Park Hae-Won Lee Ho-Suk Song Yu-Bang Sung Min-Chul Kim Young-Zoo
JM Animation Kim Young-Chan Kim Jong-Lyon Oh Hyun-Kyoung Lee Jong-Hyun Jang Gi-Chul Choi Hyun-Sung Heo Gi-Dong
Digital Engine Park So-Yeun Kim Yong-Sik Shin Kang-Ei Eun Yu-Jung Kim Chil-Won Kim Jung-Ah
Pakpro Jang Bem-Ho Choi Jong-Gi Kim De-Hun Kim Young-Sun Lee Kwang-Duk Lee Ju-Hak Sin Heong-Sik
In Betweeners
Hiruy Doga Yoshitomo Miura Hiromi Sakai Pan Bing Wang Yi Fan
Ani Village
JM Animation
Digital Engine
In-Between Animation Checkers
Maki Yamada Cho En-Kyung
Color Key
Hitomi Sano
Color Setting/Checker
Hitomi Okura
Iseria Shigeru Saisou Masayuki Tashida
Hiryu Doga
Ani Village
JM Animation
Digital Engine
Rikuentai Aki Morimitsu
Painter Support
Digital Engine
St. Cats
Studio Matrix
Rikuentai Haruko Nobori
Art Director
Manabu Otsuzuki
Art Setting
Hideyasu Narita
Kusangi Kuniaki Nemoto Tsutomu Uchida Kazuyuki Hashimoto Yuji Kiharu Eiji Wakamatsu Toshiki Nishi Kyo Inoue Yoji Nakaza
Background Support
Yasutaka Kondo Team Tilldawn Ayumu Miuakoshi Akikazu Miyake
Mechanical Designs/Special Effects
Hidetaka Tenjin
Production Designs
Noriyuki Jinguji
CG Producer
Tomisaburo Hashimoto (Satelight)
Hiroshi Yagishito
3DCG Animation Chief
Yohei Suzuki
Hiroyuki Goto Emi Sonobe Hideaki Hata
VFX Director
Susumu Fukushi (T2)
T2 Studio Susumu Fukushi Nozomu Shitara Toshiyak KImura Yasuo Goto Keita Noda Chinbi Kin Naho Kozuka Yu Wakabuyashi Chie Kato Seita Minakami Jiro Tazawa Satoru Namiki Atsushi Iwasaki Toshi Goseki Tatsuya Watabe
VFX Support
Rikuentai Hiroyuki Chiba Masashi Kubota
Dr Tokyo
Asahi Production
ACC Production Studio
Satelight Sapporo Studio Naomi Takahashi Maki Ueda Hiroshi Sato Megumi Saito Hirotsugu Ishikiawa
Everyone from the Satelight CG Division
Kengo Shigemura
Production Designs Coordinator
Mana Uchiyama
Assistant Production Designs Coordinator
Emi Tsumiyama
Assistant Production Managers
Katsutoshi Yasuda Yusuke Nagashima Kota Nakai
CG Production Manager
Hiroaki Hata
Assistant CG Production Manager
Ko Mogi
Animation Production Producer
Tsutomu Inamura
Sound Effects Director
Yota Tsuruoka (Rakuonsha)
Casting Coordinator
Wataru Matsuoke (Office Osawa)
Sound Effects Production
Assistant Engineer
Soushi Shiihara
Sound Manager
Yoshimi Sugiyama
Recording Studio
Studio Gong
Hayato Matsuo
Music Producer
Toshiaki Ota
Music Production
Music Production Support
Online Editors
Q-Tec Hirohisa Kasahara Tomohiro Nemoto Masatoshi Yoshizumi
Public Relations
Takashi Iida (Geneon Entertainment)
Web Work
Norihiko Netsu (G-Square)
Executive Producers
Akihiro Kawamura (Geneon Entertainment) Katsuhiko Tsurumoto (Geneon Entertainment USA) Henry Goto (Geneon Entertainment USA) Shin-Ichiro Ishikawa (GDH) Rikichiro Toda (Shonen Gahosha Co., LTD.) Michiaki Sato (Satelight)
Area Management
US/Canada Satoshi Fujii (Geneon Entertainment USA) EU/Asia Hiroshi Kumada / Kanna Tamada (GDH)
Special Thanks to
Hideyuki Kurata / Hitoshi Nagai (Studio Orphee) Maki Asai (F-Face Eden Plastics) Higa Romanov Osamu Kobayashi (Factory Cano) Masahiro Kurata Toshio Yanagisawa (Yamato) Tomoyuki Kitayama (Mars 16)
Ueda Yasuyuki (Geneon Entertainment) Yoshiyuki Fudetani (Shonen Gahosha Co., LTD.)
Animation Production
Produced by
Wild Geese
Directed by
Tomokazu Tokoro
English Version Produced by
Geneon Entertainment (USA) Inc. In Association with New Generation Pictures, Inc. & Anime Dub
Voice Director
Taliesin Jaffe
Charlie Sullivan
English Script Adapted by
Taliesin Jaffe
Audio Recording Facilities Provided by
Central Command Studios
Recording Engineer & Sound Mixer
Julian Beeston
Video Editing Facilities Provided by
Soundscape Inc.
Audio Layback
Soundscape Inc.
Audio Layback Engineer
Gregg Hall
Executive Producer
Katsuhiko Tsurumoto (Geneon Entertainment (USA) Inc.)
Satoshi Fujiii (Geneon Entertainment (USA) Inc.) Reiko Matsuo (New Generation Pictures, Inc.) Jonathan Klein (New Generation Pictures, Inc.)
Additional Post-Production
Funimation Entertainment
Executive Producer
Gen Fukunaga
Carly Hunter Justin Cook
Director, Video Post-Production
Clarine Harp
Manager, Video Post-Production
Matthew O'Hara
Senior Video Editors
Daniel Mancilla Jeremy Jimenez
Video Editors
Robert Bell Josh Tyler
Ashley Rosse
Lead Video Engineer
Jacob Martin
Video Engineers
Andrew Manson Jason Weems
Post-Production Assistant
Aya Spann
Works Cited
Kuroda, Y. (Writer), & Tokoro, T. (Director). (2006). Hellsing I [Television series episode]. In U. Yasuyuki & Y. Fudetani (Producers), Hellsing Ultimate. Minato City, Tokyo: Geneon Entertainment.
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mariomusicdaily · 1 year
Mario Music of the Day: The Shifty Sticker from Paper Mario: The Origami King
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souseinoonmyoujitse · 5 years
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Saber (Fate/Stay Night) Art by Yoshiaki Sukeno (Mangaka of Sousei no Onmyouji)
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princess-sengoku · 6 years
Some of the ironic or similar things I see... part 2
(Sengoku Basara series) Tsuruhime is a cross of Ranmaru and Itsuki but a little older. She gets Ranmaru's bow and arrow set and maintains to protect what she loves (The sea, Kotaro possibly if he's around), while she gets Itsuki's girlness, gains help from the gods themselves, innocence, and love from her people around her. If you took off Itsuki's southern accent and made her voice a little cute girl that would be Itsuki's voice.
(DW9) The Wu people are slowly turning or acting like monkeys. A good example of this is Xiaoqiao's laugh in either Chinese or Japanese. Also Wu changed to "oo" in english.
(Sengoku Basara series) Hideaki is supposed to replace Yoshimoto in Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes. They act like each other, freaking out over nothing, largely dependant on their armies, and nicer clothing? Between Hideaki and Yoshimoto, Hideaki difference between them is that he loves food and he has his "protector" Tenkai aka Mitsuhide. Now that I think about it Yoshiaki could also be a replacement for Yoshimoto, except Yoshiaki isn't much as scared but sneaky.
(Sengoku Basara series again(i know but i keep finding stuff in this)) This time its only Devil Kings dubbing. The majority of the south (kyushu and shikoku) sounds like they are from the mafia (especially Xavi/Zabi) for some reason and the WAY north is southern accent(itsuki). Would it be the other way around? I understand that Itsuki is supposed to represent peasants but i don't think all of them speak like that.
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