#kingdom of delusion
udretlnea · 4 months
A Slice of That Kingdom Life
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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Words: 1.8k
Kaveh almost forgot how to build things with his hands, especially when the materials were gigantic cubes the size of one’s head.
He dusted his hands off with a satisfied smile. Then he jumped off the newly made roof and rolled onto his feet. Kaveh stepped back to admire his work. The blonde stared at a cozy looking house made of wood and stone. It was decorated with quartz too so that it had some fancy flair.
Ahh, there. Now that was something I needed. I should thank El for introducing me to this “Minecraft”. I didn’t expect this to be an effective way to relax, but- Kaveh’s eyebrow twitched. 
There was something in the air. It was faint, but slowly it was growing louder. And it was coming from…above? Kaveh looked to the sky. He squinted his eyes, trying to search for its source. It was a partly cloudy day which made it somewhat difficult, but then he noticed something. 
What is that? Is that a meteor? But it’s not night and I don’t remember being told there’d be any- Kaveh paused his thoughts as he continued observing the fireball slowly grow bigger. Huh? Is-is heading here? Now!? I need to find one of the moderators. I need to find El!
Kaveh turned and raced toward the castle.
Meanwhile, Prince was busy playing with Noraa’s staff. He had just made a statue of a chicken-of all things-and was basking in his work. The blonde kid waited five more seconds until he’d decided he’d had enough. Prince pointed at it, spawned some TnT using the staff, ignited them, then ran back a safe distance. Several seconds later sounds of explosions filled the air.
When Prince turned around all that remained was a crater. He smiled to himself, only to hear hurried footsteps coming from behind him. Prince’s face morphed into confusion when he saw Kaveh springint past him. That doesn’t look good.
In response, Prince put one leg over the staff imagining himself like a witch on a broom. He felt himself levitate and soon he was flying to Kaveh’s side. The architect was so focused that he hadn’t noticed the child flying beside him until the latter spoke up. 
“Hey,” he said brightly. Kaveh was spooked, until he saw who it was. Prince gestured to the spot behind him. “Hop on.”
Riding on the staff saved him time. They both arrived in front of the castle. Without missing a beat, Kaveh burst through the doors. Navigating the twisting hallways cost him some time, but eventually he was able to find a familiar path. Instincts guided him to open the closest door. 
Inside, Kokomi and someone else (a blonde woman with curled locks dressed in Fontaine clothes) were sitting in front of each other; desserts and tea were laid on the table. The former was the first to remark on his disheveled appearance. “Kaveh? You look out of sorts. What happened?”
Kaveh took a second to take a deep breath. “Kokomi, where’s El. Tell her something’s hurtling toward the kingdom. Wait, where’s the queen?” 
“She’s currently out with El. It seemed they had plans today,” the pinkette explained. She looked to the woman in front of her. “I’m sorry to cut our time short Miss Navia, but I’m afraid I’m needed. I kindly ask that you wait here until the situation has been handled.”
Navia simply smiled in understanding. “Of course, but please don’t forget what we discussed about.”
Kokomi nodded. She stood up and exited the tea room. They navigated the hallways together with Kaveh regaling to her what had happened from the beginning. Kokomi listened with rapt attention; he had just finished as they opened the entrance doors. Sitting on the steps was Prince who’d been patiently waiting for Kaveh to return. The kid opened his mouth when-
All three were knocked off their feet. Kaveh and Kokomi grabbed the stone banister to balance them. Prince flailed on one foot, planting the staff on the ground at the last second to catch himself. The blonde kid put a hand over his heart. 
“That was a big one!” He said breathlessly. 
Kaveh shook his head after he’d processed that shockwave. “What on earth was that? That sounded like a big one-huh? There!” 
He pointed to a crater that had most definitely not been there several minutes ago; smoke rose from it like a chimney in use. All three looked at each other, then raced toward it in concern. It was a way off from the castle but close enough that it took a few minutes to reach. The trio stood at the edge, peering down. Prince waved the staff and the smoke cleared faster than it would have.
In the center was-
“Big bro?!” Prince cried out. 
Noraa was on knees and his outfit was ripped like he’d been in a scuffle. His body was randomly distorting and blinking in and out like a glitch. Prince took a step to slide down, ignoring the cries of Kaveh and Kokomi. They reached the bottom just as Noraa stood up despite the continued glitching. Prince pointed the staff-Noraa’s staff at the man himself.
“Big bro? What’s wrong?” he asked. Kaveh put a hand on Prince before the latter could get closer. Kokomi and Kaveh put themselves in between the child and Noraa just as the latter stood up straight. 
Noraa’s face wasn’t even visual because that's where most of the glitching was happening. He grunted out some noises that were obviously pained. He took one step, and then something fell off his face; it fluttered and landed near Kokomi’s shoes. That seemed to take all of Noraa’s energy because he fell face first into the dirt. There was a final glitch sound like reality correcting itself and Noraa’s body transformed into a jade-green stickfigure; it was still the same height as he was.
Silence stretched between the trio. Finally, it was Kokomi who talked first. “Kaveh, go and call for the moderators. The sooner they’re here the better. Prince, I’m gonna need you to gently carry Noraa to his house. Use the staff, it’s easier.” 
They acted quickly. Kokomi mentally prepared herself for what she’d have to tell El and possibly Queen Daphne; to speak of nothing of the other protocols she’d have to implement.
This is gonna be a busy day. She thought. 
Clouds covered the sky, casting the kingdom into darkness. Though, just to clarify, it wasn’t an all-consuming darkness but a rather melancholic and depression-inducing type. It was the kind where one didn’t feel like going outside and mingling. Additionally, there was a light rain that was drizzling thus forcing citizens to carry their umbrellas. This was the norm for the past week and it was starting to take its toll.
The rain tap-tap-tapped on the windows of the tower. If it were any other occasion, Prince would’ve made music out of it. Alas, he was busy refilling a bucket with cold water; once finished he walked over to the couch. Then he picked up a white cloth from the table, soaked it in the water and laid it on the forehead of Noraa. The moderator lay still as a stone.
Prince rested his chin on top of Noraa’s chest. The kid gazed longingly at the latter like a worried puppy. Please wake up big bro. I need you…
Prince remembered the day Noraa fell from the sky. He and Kaveh carried the moderator on a stretcher back to their shared home. Once there they immediately covered him with a blanket; he had a pulse surprisingly, which spelled hope. If he was still alive then he could wake up. The question was when.
The door suddenly opened. Prince didn’t bother looking up for he didn’t dare look away lest his big brother woke up then and there. When he heard footsteps getting closer he opened his mouth. “Kaveh?”
It was a guess, but the architect was rather consistent with his visits. Sure enough, heavy footsteps made their way to the dining room alongside some beep-boops. “I’m back. I brought lunch.”
It’s already lunchtime? Man, the clouds make everything more difficult. Prince thought as he lay there.
He felt a sharp nudge on his shoulder. It was Mehrak. The little suitcase robot chittered. It sounded almost emotional. Prince wordlessly slid his chin off and walked away from Noraa’s unconscious body.
Kaveh was taking out food from a bag as Prince stepped in. 
Take-out, the boy realized.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I bought some food from Lambad’s. There’s hardly any ingredients left here and I don’t feel like cooking,” explained Kaveh.
Prince shook his head.  “It’s alright. I like the food from Sumeru. Especially the ones with spices.”
Kaveh frowned. “But didn’t you have a stomach ache after trying the Panpurri.”
“Yeah! It made me feel all rumbly inside. That’s how you know they’re delicious.”
The blond raised an eyebrow bemusedly. “Uh-huh.”
“Besides, I can actually TASTE them. Unlike…other foods. Actually, it’s weird. Ever since the past week I couldn’t taste anything I ate.” Prince takes a seat across from Kaveh like usual. The latter seems to pause before he finishes preparing the table. Weird, but meh.
“Er, Prince. You said you can’t taste anything since last week?” Kaveh repeats slowly as id realizing something. 
Prince nods and that makes Kaveh frown. But the Kshahrewar shakes his head. “Never mind. It’s nothing. Why don’t we eat?”
Lunch is Aaru Mixed Rice with Masala Cheese Balls. Prince can feel the cheese stretch in his mouth as he chews. It’s quiet in the dining room. No conversation or recounting times where clients were difficult or Alhaitham being annoyingly arrogant. The aura around the table felt awkward. 
The moment passed quickly, and cleaning the table was but an afterthought. Before Kaveh could say anything else to Prince, the kid already entered the living room. He sighed. It’s not healthy for him to be obsessed like that. I get that he’s worried but ever since that day he’s been by his side.
The architect peeked into the room to see something that made his heart ache. 
Prince had pulled out a notebook and was talking to the comatose Noraa. He spoke with such vigor it pierced through the tense atmosphere that the weather had created. For a moment it was just a younger brother recounting a story to their older sibling. The image tugged at his heartstrings. Within the span of a picosecond, Kaveh flashbacked to a tender moment with his mother.
Maman, today in class…
…and I drew this! Are you proud?
Someday, I’ll be an architect like you!
Mom…? Are you coming back?
Kaveh bit his lip, then leaned against the cool wall of the kitchen. I have to help him somehow…maybe I can bring him on a trip to Sumeru-oh. That’s it!
A lightbulb went off in his head. It was a stupid idea compared to more conventional ones, but it’s just what Prince needs.
What are you doing?
You can die when you’re finished.
Wake up. 
You have people waiting for you, after all.
Startled, the stickfigure sat up.
A/N: I apologize for my disappearance. I have a good reason:
Anyway, clarification time: Noraa wears a special mask that hides his real form; he’s a stick figure underneath it, and he can’t talk without it (I mean, do ya usually see a mouth on ‘em?). Hmm but I wonder what happened to him that made him all…hurt. I suppose y’all will find out soon enough, trust me! I promise I won’t disappear again soon!
Prince got rather depressed when he saw his big bro like that. It’s sad to see him like that. It hurt to write him like that, but it was for character development and plot purposes so what can ya do? 
UUUuuu new project comin’ up. STAY TUNED.
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fumifooms · 6 months
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Thistle and Delgal - Dungeon Meshi, Ryoko Kui
^ Fernando Pessoa / Killing Flies, Michael Dickman / A Brother Named Gethsemane, Natalie Diaz / Antigonick, Anne Carson v Oats We Sow, Gregory and the Hawk
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wylanslcve · 1 year
I'm not leaving 2023 without the knowledge that one day I'll see them fall through a ceiling together.
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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little dove.
a short comic about Ash and Snow's first meeting / how Snow got her nickname.
Snow's story
Ash’s story
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all my other comics
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shellshooked · 6 months
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there’s enough brainrot abt this au to write like a book series so I thought i would finally introduce it properly,, so here goes NOTHING !!
image descriptions:
jedi knight (botw) zelda conversating with padawan ahsoka tano strolling through the jedi temple on coruscant
there’s a firm reason the jedi council never allow commander link (botw) and general anakin skywalker on the same missions during the clone wars
general zelda and link (tp) of the rebel cell referred to as the twilight squadron debriefing their next attack towards the empire
jedi padawan link (ww) and his pirate best friend tetra have no idea what they’re about to face up against when his clone captain suddenly aims his blaster in their direction, claiming to execute the unknown directive of order 66..
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I got the scene. I got it. The one I’ve been looking for.
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THE WAY HE SHAKES WITH ANGER??? My little man is DONE with these people talking about Riku. I love him sm and gosh…….the way he defends Riku🥺.
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hera-annwn · 4 months
While I'm working on writing oneshots, I'll just leave this here..
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Glad to meet you! I would like to request How would Yandere! Self Aware Hollyberry Cookie act learning about The Baker
Request: Yes
Type: Headcanons
Warnings: yandere Hollyberry Cookie, delusions
Type: Yandere/Self Aware
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Hollyberry Cookie was pretty shocked when she realized that she was in a game. She had to grapple with it for a long time. Knowing that her friends weren't real, and she was just a part of a larger game messed with her for a bit.
It put her down for a while, and it messed with her how no one seemed to notice. Their code not really cognizing that she's become sentient.
However, what makes up for it is you. She hasn't said much to you, not that she can, but she can tell that you're kind. You treat each of the Cookies on your team with care, and make sure to give them the best toppings.
She's always on your team, and always hears you cheer them on during a battle. While the others don't notice, she does. It means so much that you care.
She latches onto you. You're the only real thing now in her life. She makes sure to come to you time and time again, giving you her soulstones. It costs less to level her up. She deals massive damage.
She doesn't want to lose you. Please don't leave her. Hopefully, one day, she can show you just how much she cares.
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Poly! Kanej x gn! Reader - Bound to one another
A/n: This was a fun one to write, and originally it was going to be longer (kaz and inej are barely in it lol) but my trail of thought for this one ended. Regardless, I hope you all still like it!
Summary: As an anniversary gift, Inej gifts the three of you matching knives with your titles on them. You are confused by yours.
Warnings: killing, swearing, kidnapping, slavers, the slave trade in the grishaverse, violence, not too graphic gore, I think that's it? You have been warned!
The three P's:
[Pov: 2nd person] [Pronouns used: you/your] [Pairings: (poly!) (romantic!) kanej x reader]
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As always, not my gif
It had been a week before your anniversary and Inej (despite the three of you agreeing not to) had decided to gift each of you a knife. As she claimed she wasn't going to be back from the seas until the day after so she had to give it to you now.
They looked the same to the unassuming eye - cold, black, slick, grisha steel daggers. Yet every one of them had a name forged onto the blade that you could only see under certain lights.
Inej's inscribed Queen of Thieves, Kaz had Crow King, and yours was Ketterdam's Ruler.
At first yours had confused you, Inej's made sense, she really was the queen of thieves, and Kaz's was just bluntly obvious but yours seemed to always escape your mind any time you felt close to an answer. How could you be the ruler of Ketterdam, when there was already a crowning king and queen?
Even after being with the two of them after all this time doubts like this always clouded your mind, they were after all together before you ever came into the picture. What if the frame didn't fit with you in it? What if Ketterdam didn't need another Monarch?
Then the doubts would quell when Kaz would brush his hand against yours, or when Inej would slide you a book that you wanted to get and hadn't even mentioned it to her yet.
Of course they didn't disappear, like Inej they were never truly gone, but right now you had more pressing issues.
"Y/n, you need to get out of here." Kaz hissed at you as the both of you had your bodies pressed up against a wall as you peaked around to check if there were any guards.
This time it wasn't a merchant's mansion where you were going to steal some jewel, or other valuable. This wasn't even a heist, originally you had gone alone but Kaz had tailed you to the slaver's house and now he had decided to show himself.
Another reason you weren't truly in rank with your lovers, you couldn't pin point their presences when they could do it with each other.
The reason you were at this slaver's house was actually your girlfriend's and boyfriend's anniversary present.
"Why did you follow me Kaz." You growl back quietly as you see the guards go through their next rotation.
"Inej is back."
How could you forget that Inej was coming back today? The day where the three of you were having your unofficial anniversary nonetheless! Although that was the whole reason why you were here, yet it didn't push down your disappointment in yourself. The three of you had made a pact that you were not allowed to go on any jobs the day Inej comes back from the seas. Of course you were the one to break it.
Though, you weren't technically on a job.
"This is important Kaz, tell Inej I'll be there in an hour."
Ouch, that would hurt your plan a bit but you would stick to it nevertheless. You wouldn't let them down more than you already had.
You took a quick glance at Kaz to see his face glaring back at you before you looked back and saw your opening.
"I promise this isn't a job, I'll be there in an hour and if not wait thirty more minutes then you can bust me if you want."
Kaz sighed as your heartbeat quickens with the adrenaline starting to course through your veins.
"Fine, one hour."
You grinned at him before taking your opening.
His name is Ethan Sullivan, and you were going to kill him.
Your motive for killing this bastard was simple, or rather it was simple to you.
He's a slaver who not only has been getting on Inej's ass but nearly killed her. Then he captured Jesper and only let him go after he got Kaz.
While Kaz had escaped fairly quickly he still had found out your significant others weakness; each other, and now he was dangerous. Very dangerous.
Your pretty crows were waiting to find the right moment when to strike him back, but you knew he wouldn't whittle his life on a pleasantly soft sofa as he figured out the secret to take over the barrel. His plans had to be going out soon, which meant he was an admirable foe and dangerous - too dangerous. He had to be put down, permanently.
"Come here." Sullivan croaked over to you as you posed as a servant with a blanket resting over your arm. "Help me out of bed."
You had chosen the precise time where you could be alone with him, so that no one could disturb your little scheme. You even made sure to lock the door on your way in, then you would escape through his window.
Moving towards the man you felt the weight of the dagger Inej had given you weighing down your pocket.
Ketterdam's Ruler.
"Move quicker would you!" He snapped at you and it's there you make your decision.
You do move quickly, though as you do you leap on top of him and place the stygian blade to his throat.
He tries to cry out but you shush him like he's a child and press the knife close to his throat.
"Ethan Sullivan, you nearly killed the Wraith, and you captured Dirtyhands, now I'm here for vengeance."
He laughed, and it almost sent a shiver down your spine, you're sure that's the laugh many children have heard as they beg for their parents.
"I was just evening out the odds, nothing wrong about that." He grinned. "Ketterdam might just eat them alive because of it though."
Fury flashed through you, yet instead of slashing his throat right in that moment like Inej would have done, like Kaz would have finished, rather you took his throat in between your hand.
He chocked, and his eyes widened when you tightened it.
"Mercy!" He managed to chock out, the words barely leaving his purple lips.
You would grab him with an iron fist and show him what your mercy is.
What Ketterdam's mercy is.
Using your other, free hand you twirled the dagger in it and the title Inej had given you through it glared back at you, then you plunged it into his thigh.
He tried to scream but it was muffled by the hand around his throat.
"That was for my treasure Inej, she wouldn't have wanted you to suffer much."
You pulled it out and before he could even attempt to scream again you sliced open his face.
"And that." You grunted through gritted teeth. "Was for my lovely Kaz, he would have wanted you to suffer, very much."
Releasing the hand on his throat he tried to break away from your grip, but you held him down and put the dagger against his throat for the last time.
"I am Ketterdam's ruler, and this is my mercy."
Then you cut his throat.
You didn't bother to watch him chock on his own blood before you were out the window, checking your watch. You were so late, and dressed like a servant nonetheless.
Yet, the disappointment, the fury at yourself for finding yet another thing lacking that your lovers had that you did not, didn't come. You have protected your own tonight, you've sent a message to all who listen closely to the whispers of drunken shadows and barrel rats. You were Ketterdam's ruler, you ranked far above Inej and Kaz and would do anything to protect them.
The three of you were equals in this game, but when it came to their safety you had the ultimate say over this filthy city. You are Ketterdam's ruler, you keep her on line when she gets too wild, and let her off her leash when people need to pay their dues.
Like Ethan Sullivan, and you think there will be others still, that's alright with you. They will be no match for your mercy.
Words 1343
Grishaverse taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien @dontjudgeabookbythecover @brekker-zenik @alohastitch0626 @brekkers-desigirl @emmsamultifan06
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ghoulshima · 1 year
midna’s theme is in the trailer i repeat MIDNA’S THEME IS IN THE TRAILER. i’m a day 1 totk twili connection believer i never ONCE LOST FAITH
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royalnavyart · 3 months
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I offer peace and facts.
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✨ wips ✨
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udretlnea · 5 months
A Slice of that Kingdom Life
1(here) / 2 / 3 /4
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A/N: Howdy! I'm back!
My birthday's coming up so I wanted to do something for it for once. This little piece? series? is what I came up with. It's just slice of life in-universe for the Kingdom of Delusion.
The gist of that place is that in-universe it's another world on the Imaginary Tree in the Hoyoverse, at least, that's what I imagine it.
This is for fun, and for practice at the same time. I hope y'all enjoy it! To be honest, I want to get into a steady work-life schedule. That way I can make whatever art I want for whatever fandom I hyperfixate on in the moment.
Anyway, take care y'all! And remember to sleep early!
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incorrect-koh-posts · 4 months
Hypothically, if someone would start to write a Tiberias x OC ff, would you be willing to give feedback as somewhat of an expert on that matter?
*mutters cryptically* A Tiberias fic, you say? Show me your credentials 📄; I need to ensure you'll be treating the old badger well. He's only to be given into the most loving of hands.
Jokes aside, I'd be happy to help with matters of characterisation or history or whatever you have in mind if that's what you'd like. Feel free to DM me :))
But also, just to be clear here, I'm not the end-all-be-all of KoH fanfic and don't want to come across as though I mean to prescribe you a certain way of approaching the subject. If you want to write blatantly out of character historically inaccurate self-indulgent smut epics, folks, by all means go for it. It may not be my thing, but I guarantee you it will be somebody else's. Just because I have a bit of a background in medieval studies and my blog has a become kind of a staple in the fandom doesn't make me more of an authority than anyone else. Fandom is a space to have fun, not to have people tell you how to do things when you'd rather tackle them in a totally different way. 🤍
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quibbs126 · 5 months
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First off I want you to know that this entire night I have been waking up every 2 hours in wait for this (only for it to have come out 4 hours ago). It has been a very frustrating night and I’m not going back to sleep now
Anyways, so new Legendary. To be completely honest I’m confused why some people are shocked. I mean I suppose I was only assuming it’d be a Legendary, they hadn’t officially said prior that it was going to be one, so maybe it’s just that I was convinced, but still
To be honest I can’t really make out much of a silhouette. I mean I think that’s her hair at the top, presumably cloud like, but I can’t really tell the bottom. I know there’s supposed to be something on the right, but I’m not sure what. To be honest, to me it looks like a bug with little lightning wings
One thing I can make out though is that she has some sort of ribbon thing around her, like what Lotus has (idk what they’re called)
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My personal guess is that she’s going to have some basis on some sort of eastern mythology, or at least take inspiration, but I’m not sure what specifically. I don’t have extensive knowledge on mythology in that region of the world (or most mythology tbh, but I at least have some knowledge on European ones)
Edit: I think she’ll be based on something from Korean mythology specifically, because of the spear. And also because in my search to find what the ribbon thing is, I found that it might be a Korean thing? Or like, there’s some sort of Korean being that has those flowing ribbons. I’m not sure what specifically, I can only seem to get a word that seems to translate to “fairy” and doesn’t have an easy English translation, or is a transliteration like the spear thing. But I’m looking at 선녀 for reference. I don’t know if it’s accurate to what she is, I’m just going down a rabbit hole. And also as I translate/read this article I found, it seems to also be a thing in Chinese and Japanese culture, it just doesn’t have a clean translation into English
Also I think now I’ve made out that the two lightning bolts are the top and the bottom of her spear. Though granted I’m not sure that looks like the weapon she’s supposed to presumably have (I think it’s this, called a woldo and apparently translates to “moon blade”, which fits the criteria)
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I mean maybe it works with the lightning bolt having two points? I’m not sure
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kingdomofdelulus · 6 months
Here are our Lovely Queens~
Queen Daphne - she/her, 18 - @deardaffy
Queen Micheya - she/her, Adult - @micheya
Keepers of the Keys~
Ari - all pronouns, 17 - @n3r0-1417
El - she/they, 19 - @sangoqueenkoko
Noraa - he/him, 22- @taurus-caeli
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lilacthebooklover · 7 months
i know i've been referring to eternal sugar with she/her pronouns this whole time but wouldn't it be really freaking funny if she turned out to be a dude?
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