#kira trevelyan
amlovelies · 2 years
OC-TOBER 2022 Masterlist
a masterlist of the art I made for oc-tober 2022
Anielle Trevelyan
Kyra Arres
Jay Nordsen
Bernie Wiseman
Ostara Hawke
Denek Besha
Curtis Becker
Aiden Kalesko
Romi Brown
Minka Brosca
Kira Kingston
Gerlari Whitpik
ornella of harvest's bounty
corinna hawke
niyaz tayran
jessie davis
sozan xanî
aemilia hawke
lauren lin
bethany blake
hinigo lanas
ysandre cousland
vesper bui
ionna mahariel
pen hansley
yenena adaar
ikusmen juvic
pai bimmal
jytte shepard
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lethendralis-paints · 2 years
Kira Trevelyan. Proving that you don't need to have a chiseled jawline to save the world.
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biserker-kadan · 5 years
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mapplestrudel · 6 years
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#51 This was supposed to be a mere tracing practice, but then it kinda escalated o_O
So here’s my main Quizzy, Kira Trevelyan, live and in colour ❤
@gwen-cousland @john-cousland @bloodmagespectre @spaceborn–vagabond ^_^
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octerminal · 5 years
max trevelyan A7, A14, D1, J6, L2, L9,
Questions from here. Max is one of my unexpected favorites, actually. I never thought I’d like him as much as I do, but he’s…honestly more fleshed out than some of my Wardens and Hawkes. I don’t get to talk about him as much as I’d like.
(Apologies to mobile users if the cut doesn’t work)
Maxwell Trevelyan
A7. Is your OC confident in their reactions to life in general, or do they get embarrassed or easily shamed for it?
He is not confident at all. This is why he tends toward stoicism and the stoic dialogue options; it’s better to not show his feelings at all, than to risk feeling the “wrong” thing. This means the inner circle has to become pretty adept in reading him, because he’s certainly not going to speak up himself.
By Trespasser, he’s gotten moderately better. It’s an ongoing process.
A14. Is your character empathetic?
Yes, very - it’s a big part of why he never enjoyed his time in the Templars, and why he remained a recruit as long as he did. I imagine he managed to get on the bad side of one too many superiors who didn’t want him in their ranks but couldn’t kick him out because of the Trevelyan name.
D1. How religious is your OC? What do they practice, if anything? If they don’t associate with any religion, what do they think of religion in general?
He’s similar to a lot of the characters in the series who hint at being faithful, but don’t seem particularly amenable to the Chantry itself. My interpretation of the Trevelyan family is one that is very devout, one with several of their own within the Chantry’s ranks. Uncles, cousins, etc. who are brothers, sisters, Templars, or other miscellaneous available occupations. This is all to say: he is very much not a stranger to the Chantry and would have been raised in its history, politics, and teachings. His opinion is an informed one. He believes, but because of what he’s been exposed to - through his education, through his Templar training, and through having a mage sister - he can’t be a traditionalist without ignoring his morals.
…Which is basically what he ended up doing pre-Inquisition anyway, because of the abuse he’s endured and because he’s the type to always put duty (however misplaced) before his own feelings.
But by the end of the game, Leliana is his Divine, so hey.
J6. How do they react to people whose political viewpoints are very opposite of theirs?
Depends on where he’s at in his arc. Early on, you’d be hard-pressed to find him expressing a definitive opinion at all, so it’s not like anyone would even know their opinion is actually the opposite of his. He contorts himself to be what people want him to be and he has no clear idea of his own identity because of this. If someone expresses an opinion contrary to his own, he’s likely to just go along with them and tell them what they want to hear, or keep his actual opinion private. Not very healthy, nor very honest. (This is part of why he’s drawn to Dorian, because Dorian makes no apologies for who he is and what he believes in even though it’s led to his consistent ostracization.)
The “Inquisitor” mantle forces him out of this. He has to make his viewpoints public now, because his position demands action. He is still shaping himself around others’ expectations (a “leader” - not something that comes naturally to him nor something that he’d want himself, given the choice), which is a problem addressed at a later date, but he’s given…courtesy, at the very least, when speaking on Inquisition matters due to his title. His words hold weight; he’s not immediately ridiculed. Whatever else, this does help him build confidence in expressing his political opinions. By the time of Trespasser, he’ll add in his two cents and then lean toward diplomacy when necessary.
L2. What do you consider the biggest themes in your character, if any?
Learning to stand up for himself and to be his own person instead of being what everyone else wants and/or expects him to be.
L9. How did you come up with your OC?
I was watching videos of the companions’ reactions to the specializations, and I really liked what Dorian says about a Templar-specced Inquisitor smelling nice. Two problems, though: 1) I don’t think a pro-Templar Inquisitor would work well with Dorian in the long run and more importantly, 2) I have no desire to play a pro-Templar Inquisitor, at least not as my canon. 
So, then, why would my Inquisitor be specced as a Templar if he wasn’t pro-Templar? What circumstances would have lead to that? That’s what got me started, and then it snowballed from there. I also generally take into account the kind of character their intended LI is, and play off that so I have a dynamic that interests me.
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gefionne · 3 years
Gef's Year of the Rare-ish Pair
In 2021, I ended up writing almost exclusively rare-ish (not totally rare, but still kinda counts) pairs for smaller/older fandoms. It was incredibly rewarding to craft these stories with love and care while expecting only a little bit of feedback. What I got, though, was wonderful. I'm sharing my year in review here.
Mass Effect
"Worlds Collide" - fShep/Nihlus Kryik First Contact War AU where Shepard is assigned to Palaven as security for the new human ambassador. She falls in love with Nihlus. 69k [Read on AO3]
"Valió La Pena (It Was Worth It)" -fShep/James Vega starting with Shep's incarceration in Vancouver and progressing through ME3 with some canon-divergent elements. Super slow burn with two duty-bound marines daring to break the fraternization regs. 200k [Read on AO3]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine & Star Trek: The Next Generation
"What Will Grow Crooked, You Can't Make Straight" - Kira Nerys/Gul Dukat follow-up to a very classic fic written by another fan. A mating urge brings them together and they have to face the consequences back on DS9. 56k [Read on AO3]
"To the Wild and to the Both of Us" - Kira Nerys/Damar romance that moves between the Cardassian Liberation Front in season 7 and post-show. High romance that I treated myself to and loved working on. 50k [Read on AO3]
"Love Me Mercilessly" - Ro Laren/Will Riker mostly plotless hatefucking. What a fun time I had. 19k [Read on AO3]
Dragon Age
"The Dance at the Crossroads" - m!Inquisitor Trevelyan meets Lace Harding in each of the locations in DA:I and they become friends and then lovers. 36k [Read on AO3]
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vicekings · 7 years
I apparently missed some good shit earlier, so: Etienne's first impression of Aurora, and Bryn's first impression of Kira? :'D
Etienne of Aurora? He saw a saviour coming to deliver him. Whether it was through death or through being freed, he didn’t really know. Didn’t care either. He was ready for anything, even if it wasn’t good. So long as it got him out of the dungeon. The fact that she ended up liking him was just a long-form bonus point.
He has an updated opinion soon after, and that’s one of high regard. Anyone who’s willing to sit his ass in a tub while he’s delirious and help him get cleaned up and fed simply because they want him to feel better is a rare person who he needs to keep an eye on.
For Brynden, he sees Kira as a skin and bones stray cat with tail puffed up and claws out, ready to jump. She’s an intrigue and a mystery, and a puzzle to him. Someone he needs to keep an eye out for, and someone who he needs to offer guidance to. He’s a doctor, she’s clearly close to dying, and he’s not one to ignore a patient in need. The moment he sees her his nurturing nature kicks in and papa fox needs to look after this abandoned kit.
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sheyshen · 5 years
under the read more is my current drawing to-do list and the stages that they’re at, since i’m adding a few more on there to do (like the one i mentioned a post ago). This is also to explain why if I go quiet for a bit.
I also will take requests if there’s an OC or pair of mine that I’ve mentioned but haven’t drawn that you’d like to see me do I’ll for sure add them. It’s all for practice after all so the more the merrier.
Pair: Blue/Kira (Lined)
Pin-up: Anya Reyes (Flats)
Pair: Alessia/Crys (Sketch)
Pin-up: Alessia Arro (Sketch)
Pin-up: Kieran Grimmarrow (sketch)
Pin-up: Kody Gates (sketch)
Pin-up: Koren Gates (sketch)
Pin-up: Kole Gates (sketch)
Pair: Ren/Vinn (sketch)
Pin-up: Crys (sketch)
Pin-up: Lydia De Sardet (sketch)
Pair: Rana/Alistair (sketch)
Pin-up: Mikael Hawke (sketch)
Pin-up: Kaidan Frey (sketch)
Pin-up: (agent) Cali (sketch)
Pair: Kara/Arcann (sketch)
Pair: Lyra/Doc (sketch)
Pair: Raya/Matti (sketch)
Pair: Shepard/Kaidan (sketch)
Pair: Aulara/Kieran (sketch)
Pin-up: Trey Hawke (sketch)
Pair: Lydia/Kurt (sketch)
Pair: Koren/Trey (sketch)
Pair: Kurana/Andronikos (sketch)
Pair: Shey/Aethas (sketch)
Pair: Koro/Lana (sketch)
Pin-up: Scott Ryder (sketch)
Pin-up: Adrien Hart (sketch)
Pair: Sara/Reyes (sketch) 
Pin-up: Koro Dennan (sketch)
Pin-up: John Shepard (sketch)
Pair: Scott/Gil (sketch)
Pair: Kara/Theron (sketch)
Pair: Nora/Mikael (sketch)
Pair: Lyra/Cullen (sketch)
Pair: Garrett/Fenris (sketch)
Pair: Kara/Arcann/Theron (sketch)
Pin-up: Koren Haven (sketch)
Pin-up: Bast (sketch)
Pin-up: Ava Reiner (sketch)
Pin-up: Theron Shan (sketch)
Pair: Bast/Mathias (sketch)
Pair: Ava/Jonas (sketch)
Pair: Koren/Mey (sketch)
Pin-up: Aria Shan (sketch)
Pin-up: Nomad (Kira) (sketch)
Pin-up: Tish Wolffe (sketch)
Pin-up: Nitraxion (sketch)
Pair: Tish/Night (sketch)
Pair: Aria/Fives (sketch)
Pair: Cali/Maine (sketch)
Smut: Nora/Mikael (sketch)
Screenshot Redraw: Kara (sketch)
To be added:
Pin-up: Auren (Chiss twin #1)
Pin-up: Airi (Chiss twin #2)
Pin-up: Garrett Hawke
Pair: Shey/Varian (pre Legion)
something cute with Shey and Anduin
Pin-up: Rana Cousland
 Cali/Locus???? maybe? to give me and excuse to draw Locus?
Pinups of:
Lyra Hawke,
Raya Auren,
Aulara Stormdawn,
Nora Hawke,
Kurana Knight,
Shey (mage),
Sara Ryder
Shey Shen
Ren Hawke
Lyra Trevelyan
Kara Hawke
And Pair of Shey/Torian
So much art! :D
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violasarecool · 5 years
V, H, R?
Valo-raas AdaarNicknames: ValHogwarts House: GryffindorGender: AgenderOrientation: Trixenamoric, Ace, Poly3 Important Relationships (this is a rly funny number bc val has 4 gfs but hey let’s focus on other relationships):
Dorian: val and dorian are BFFS, they r super supportive of each other and val is ready to throw down at all times throughout dorian’s personal quest
Kaariss: val can sometimes be exasperated w ver dramatics but they’ve been together since the valo-kas started and they’re v close
Shokrakar: founding members of the valo-kas and besties for as long as they’ve known each other (val has a lot of friends lol), shok and val are a little different in temperament but shok’s there to support val even if they’re willingly engaging w human politics lmao
2 Fears:
not being able to protect loved ones
since joining the inquisition, fear of saying the wrong thing, alienating the wrong group, and dooming the inquisition. they learn fast but they’re not exactly from a politician’s background
1 Element of their backstory:  val’s mercenary group is only qunari, and many mages and tal-vashoth. this wasn’t the original goal, but val’s v happy it turned out that way: she loves that they can be a big family group of people who’ve had nothing but trouble up to now (shokrakar complains about all the shapeshifters but rly feels the same)
H: dammit, u got me lmfao, i used to have an h oc, havard trevelyan, but i gave up on it in favour of the nameless trevelyan im working on rn…….
Riaksu VyrNicknames: RiaHogwarts House: Gryffindor/Hufflepuff (literally even split, even by my fav split model. she values people & hard work, but is also v much the brave, charging in, gut feeling of right and wrong gryff) Gender: AporagenderOrientation: Pan, Poly3 Important Relationships:
Master Silara Lonisse: ria’s first master. they taught her to listen to nature, and value all skills and walks of life. they also taught her a great love for ataru and other energetic force techniques, and the two of them would often race each other through the jungle like giddy padawans.
Kira: ria and kira bond v fast; ria can be soft spoken and gentle, so kira may seem more impulsive at first glance, but when it comes down to it, both are equally likely to leap into dangerous situations. so they’re well matched, but a little enabling :P
T7: god i love t7 and so does ria, theyre a great lil team and they trust each other so much, i cant WAIT for them too meet up again in kotfe
2 Fears:
confined spaces (ria pushes through this to fix malfunctioning wiring and get help for her master and still loses them…)
1 Element of their backstory: ria spent most of her time as a padawan on an isolated jungle planet, serving w few other sentients in the ancient temples there. as a result, her jedi training was a little different than some, and she sometimes clashes with the masters on best practices.
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jt-boi-n7 · 5 years
Gifs of 5 Ships
Tagged by @cassandrapentayaaaaas thanks friend!
1. Cassandra Pentaghast/Everly Trevelyan (f!Inquisitor)
(Enjoy random faceclaim gifs below)
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2. FemShep/Liara
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3. Supercorp (Lena Luthor/Kara Danvers)
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4. Kira Nerys/Jadzia Dax
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5. B'Elanna Torres/Seven of Nine
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Tagging @thewindysideofcare @hobbular @pentaposting @ripplesofaqua @inoshatrynn @inquartata30 @mercurialmind and anyone else who wants a gif party
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biserker-kadan · 5 years
OCs as Golden Girls GIFs
Myrinah Lavellan
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Valerio 'Lavellan'
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Aliyah Adaar
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Eirianwen Lavellan
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Beau Cadash
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Tala Cadash
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Kira Trevelyan
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moonlight-rebel · 5 years
OC Info Meme: Inquisitor Raven
OC Info Meme
I was tagged by the lovely @schoute
Tagging: @briarfox13 @bitchesofostwick @obvidalous and @vorchagirl (With no obligation oc)
I knew I had several of these saved in google docs, but no pictures. I couldn’t decide between my first Dragon Age OC (Larissa Trevelyan) or my fave Quizzy (Raven) I present Inquisitor Raven
Full name: Ciara “Raven” Mae Trevelyan
Gender: cis-female
Sexuality: pansexual
Pronouns: she/her
Family:  Camille(mother), Raidan(father-deceased), Cecilia, Cleo, Calla(older sisters 32,30,27) Cyrus(older brother 30), Catalina(younger sister 20)
Birthplace: Ostwick, Free Marches although she tells everyone she was born in Antiva.
Job(s): valo-kas assassin, Inquisitor
Phobias: losing everything, spiders, heights
Guilty pleasures: Carnal 8:69 Blessed (yes seriously, its an actual drink you can find in Inquisition), Antivan fruit tarts
Hobbies: punching people, throwing knives at people, dancing, archery, horseback riding, singing, pranking stuck up nobles
Morality alignment: chaotic neutral
Sins:  lust / gluttony / pride / envy / wrath / sloth
Virtues:  charity / diligence / kindness / patience / justice
T H I S   O R   T H A T
introvert / extrovert / in between
organised / disorganized / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / restless / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
OTP: Raven x Cullen
Acceptable ships: Raven x Kira (her favorite Starkhaven gal and another one of my OC’s) and Raven x Bull
BroTP: Other than Kira? Bull, Dorian, and Josie.
NOTP: Raven x mages (they freak usually freak her out)
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Songday Sunday Collection (SSC) for May
So we’ve had our first two Songday Sundays last month and it’s safe to say it was a success! Looking at the amount of songs you’ve all sent in and are still waiting in our inbox for this month’s edition (10th and 24th of June) you can be certain we’ll continue this. :D
Underneath you can find every song once more for easy finding. And I made some banners for each character we’ve had so far to break the wall of text and links, so, long post ahead!
-Mod Kirra
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Anders Ever Dream - Nightwish God help the outcasts (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - Heidi Mollenhauer (singing voice of Esmeralda)
x Hawke No Way - Fifth Harmony Irresistible - Fall Out Boy (rivalmance)
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Aveline x Ser Wesley Vallen Sweet Memories - Maiden Rose OST
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Blackwall x Inquisitor Can you feel the love tonight (Disney)
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Cole Not Too Late - Lemaitre Gasoline - Halsey
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Cullen Fix you - Coldplay  May It Be - Enya The Draw - Bastille Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons Rear View - ZAYN Soldier - Ingrid Michaelson Hollow - Tori Kelly
x Inquisitor Rain - SID Can you feel the love tonight (Disney)
x Trevelyan  SPOTIFY LINK Ahead of Myself - Jamie Lawson Can’t See Straight - Jamie Lawson The Words - Christina Perri Hearts Don’t Break Around Here - Ed Sheeran Next to Me - Emeli Sandé Beneath Your Beautiful - Labyrinth ft. Emeli Sandé Be Still - The Fray I Touch Myself - Divinyls I Love You Will Still Sound The Same - Oh Honey Kiss Like Your Kiss - Lucinda Williams Bonfire Heart - James Blunt I Found You - Kina Grannis Forever Starts Today - Tim Halperin I Get To Love You - Ruelle Until You Came Along - JJ Heller Best Friend - Jason Mraz
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Dorian There For You - Flyleaf (friendship with Inquisitor)
x Inquisitor Death Of A Bachelor - Panic! At The Disco
x Iron Bull Love Love Love - Of Monsters And Men  Circles - KIRA Be As One - W-inds Can You Feel The Love Tonight - Elton John
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Fenris x f!Hawke Tale As Old As Time Intertwined - Dodie
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Hero of Ferelden f!Cousland Akatsuki no Hana (Yona of the Dawn OP)
x Ser Gilmore (also for f!Warden/Alistair) Sweet Memories - Maiden Rose OST
f!Warden x Leliana Tonight And The Rest Of My life - Nina Gordon 
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Hawke Human - Christina Perri Brother My Brother - Blessid Union of Souls
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Inquisition 10th Man Down - Nightwish Legends Are Made - Sam Tinnesz
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Iron Bull Look What They’ve Done To My Song, Ma - Melanie Safka
x Lavellan Sacrifices - Tinashe Honeymoon - Lana Del Rey Make You Feel - Alina Baraz Can I - Alina Baraz
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Josephine x f!Inquisitor Tonight And The Rest Of My life - Nina Gordon 
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Krem  Reflection - Christina Aguilera
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Leliana Burning Cold - Eurielle  Utsukushiki zankou na sekai (Attack on Titan ED) - Yoko Hikasa
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Merrill Field of Innocence - Evanescence Mary - Oingo Boingo Ingenue - Death Cab For Cutie
x f!Hawke Tonight And The Rest Of My life - Nina Gordon
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Morrigan Walking With Strangers -The Birthday Massacre 
x Warden Far Away - Nickelback  She Lit A Fire - Lord Huron
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Sera Royals - Lorde
x f!Inquisitor Tonight And The Rest Of My life - Nina Gordon
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Solas Fade Away - Matthias  Dancin’ In The Ruins - Blue Öyster Cult Different Frequencies - Skyhill
x Lavellan Nature Boy - AURORA I Went Too Far - AURORA Running with Wolves - AURORA Only Love Hurts Like This - Paloma Faith
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Varric Cry - James Blunt
x Cassandra My Kind Of Love - Emeli Sandé
x Hawke Immortals - Fall Out Boy 
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Vivienne Walking With Strangers -The Birthday Massacre 
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ohlawsons · 5 years
Writer asks - 3, 5, 10, 15, 19, 30, 33, 35, 41, 46?
writer ask game
3 : Do you outline according to big ideas or small details? both, sorta? i tend towards big ideas, but i’ll add in details when it’s something i want to make sure ends up in the draft. for example, here’s an outline of a 4k word chapter from the old draft of calli’s story:
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5 : Do you write better with or without deadlines? ehhh it depends on The Depression lmao. normal functioning brooke does better with deadlines, if only because it forces me to sit down and actually write. 
i haven’t written an academic paper in a while but deadlines for those stress me way out
10 : Do you brain-storm story ideas alone or with others? either way. i love being able to bounce ideas off others, but at the same time when it comes to original writing, i tend to not want to share a whole lot
15 : If you transport your original characters into another author’s world, which world would you choose? oh man i have no idea. ofc the only other fictional worlds coming to mind are from lotr and the pendragon series and neither are a good fit for calli and co
i’ll say pillars, for fun. aumaua druid/ranger calli, nature godlike wizard lu, moon godlike (reluctant) priest of ondra kimo, and wood elf fighter mya. actualy…….i kinda want it now
19 : Would you rather live in your characters’ world, or have your characters come live in our world? why would anyone want to live in a world where elves are Like That
30 : Does writing calm you down or stress you out? generally calms me. if i hit a spot i can’t seem to get passed, it does get pretty stressful
33 : Do you flesh-out characters before you write, or let their personalities develop over time? both? i tend to start with a solid idea and let the why and how develop naturally. occasionally i’ll drop in a fact (like the recent “calli goes into politics” thing, which i decided on about a week ago) and see if it meshes and fits
35 : Is it more fun to write villains or heroes? heroes, but i can’t deny that writing assholes with dubious morals can be fun (see: rei and zaara from swtor, abby and tristan from dragon age, kira and emily from mass effect, etc)
41 : Do you find it distracting to read while you’re writing a first draft? i’ll be entirely honest i’m not 100% sure what this question is asking. like, if it’s asking if it’s distracting to consume other media over the weeks and months i’m working on a draft, then no. it’s inspiring tbh
46 : What Hogwarts house would your protagonist(s) be in? lightning round for the canon ladies: calli is hufflepuff, olivia amell is hufflepuff, marian hawke is gryffindor, aubrie trevelyan is slytherin, reiyaxa is ravenclaw, alyssa shepard is gryffindor, sophie ryder would’ve gotten herself expelled before she got to the sorting hat
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ofloveandmedea · 6 years
Ask me about my characters
I feel like talking about my imaginary children. Choices are:
Caladrama, half-elf asshole gunslinger
Kira, halfling arcane rogue and nyoomiest shitbird
Serisperia, chillest and buffest tiefling forge cleric
Dragon Age:
Wardens: Lila Brosca, Vera Cousland, Emma Tabris, hates-his-name Amell
Hawkes: Marian (mage), Lyana (warrior)
Inquisitors: Evie Trevelyan (mage), Seri Adaar (warrior)
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dwarfsized · 6 years
Ar Lasa Mala Revas
(aka, I started posting fanfiction again and none of you can stop me)
Rating: Explicit, very NSFW
Pairing: Solas/Female Trevelyan
Chapters: 1 of 2
“I hope the meeting was as productive as it was lengthy,” Solas says, setting the tankard at her elbow with a quiet clunk.
Kira puts her face in her hands and groans, softly. “Maker, I wish. This noble wants us to throw the weight of the Inquisition behind his side of a property spat or he’ll stop supporting us. That arlessa wants to give us soldiers, but she has conditions. Thisbannorn needs us to investigate rumors of whatever and Leliana and Cullen decide to argue about the best way to do that for ten minutes and I have to break them up." --
The Inquisitor has borne the weight of the responsibilities the mark thrust upon her with grace and poise that Solas often finds himself surprised by, but after a particular grueling day at Skyhold, Kira Trevelyan asks Solas to assume the task of deciding. At least for the night.
[on ao3]
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