#kirishima is a good friend
pjs-everyday · 10 months
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Even Sturdy Hero: Red Riot can’t avoid innuendos or plushies with vacant stares… oh well!!
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puppyaulait · 1 year
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Can be interpreted as pre-relationship or beginning of relationship KrBk
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yugiohz · 13 days
was thinking about how nice it would be if shoto also had a token girl best friend and then I remembered he got yaomomo…… and that horikoshi just dropped this dynamic…… I feel so sick but then again yaomomo DID get a yuriful friendship with jirou and atp they’re a couple kinda so idk i guess shoto has to deal with not having a token female best friend, you lose some you win some!!!!!
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k3r0deku · 8 months
i love the trope of katsuki breaking down kirishima’s door in the middle of the night cus he’s having a meltdown over being in love with deku
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sugawara--san · 3 months
the au where deku and kirishima have actually been internet bffs since middle school is my new fav omg
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hyuge · 11 months
Baby Daddy
Camie and Bakugou dated for a bit in high school but quickly realized it wasn't going to work and broke it off mutually. They stayed friends afterwards, no biggie. Several years later, Camie shows up at Bakugou's doorstep because she's pregnant and the dad didn't want anything to do with it. She wants to keep the baby but she's freaking out and needs someone more levelheaded than she is to talk to. Bakugou, who actually really loves kids, tells her he's gonna help her out the whole way through. He agrees not to go murder the asshole that would bail on her but he's pissed so he is just going to channel that energy into being the best fucking uncle that kid'll ever have.
Meanwhile, Kirishima is finally working up the nerve to confess his many years long crush on Bakugou. He tells himself he's finally going to do it. Bakugou hasn't really dated anyone in a long time, they're both established in their careers, they spend all their time together already, and then he gets a call from Bakugou.
"I need to tell you something but you have to keep it to yourself. It's really important that this doesn't get around."
Kirishima smiles and says, "Yeah, sure. Anything for you."
And then Bakugou tells him that Camie is at his apartment and she's pregnant. Kirishima drops his phone in a panic, heart racing. He knew Camie and Bakugou were still close and that he never really dated anyone after her. He just assumed they were just friends. Bakugou said the breakup was mutual. But was it really? had bakugou lied about it to save face and the reason he hadn't dated anyone up to this point was because he still had feelings for her? But then if they were back together, why wouldn't Bakugou have told him? Kirishima scrambles to pick up the phone but he can't think straight, so he doesn't hear anything else Bakugou is saying. "I'm sorry. I gotta go."
"What? Kirishi-"
He hangs up the phone. Kirishima has a meltdown thinking he waited too long and missed his chance.
Bakugou can't get ahold of him for awhile after that. He's pissed, but he pushes it aside because he promised to help Camie and he still has hero work to do. So he does the things her boyfriend should have. He takes her to the doctor, helps her pick out baby stuff, makes sure she's eating the proper meals a pregnant woman needs.
At one point Camie slips going down the stairs and Bakugou calls Todoroki. He tells him to bring his brother over because they need a doctor and he's not taking Camie to the ER where there's a bunch of nosy fuckers. Natsuo looks her over, says she's okay but if anything starts to hurt or feel off to give him a call. Bakugou tells Camie to move in with him until the baby comes. His place is bigger and this way he can keep an eye on her better. She's annoyed but agrees. Meanwhile, Bakugou still can't get ahold of Kirishima.
When Kirishima finally answers the phone he laughs awkwardly and makes an excuse about work being busy. Bakugou tells him that Camie's moving in and asks if he can help move stuff. Kirishima says he can't because he's busy that day (a lie).
Eventually, they're spotted baby shopping. Photos of them buying a crib and looking at baby clothes are plastered all over the internet. Bakugou never checks skeezy news sites, but Camie googles herself daily. The headlines are already twisted:
"IllusoMight having a baby?" "Pro Hero Dynamight and Pro Hero IllusoCamie spotted baby shopping!" "...sources say Dynamight and IllusoCamie dated in high school. It would seem their breakup wasn't as permanent as people thought!"
Camie yells for Bakugou from the other room. "Hey babe, I think you should look at this." Before he can even see what she's yelling about, his phone is ringing. Denki's name is on the screen when Bakugou answers.
"You're having a baby?!"
"What the fuck are you on about, sparks for brains?"
"It's all over the news. Pictures of you and Utsushimi baby shopping." Bakugou curses and rushes to the other room. Camie's holding her phone up with the screen facing him. "Why didn't you tell us you two were back together?"
"We're not," Bakugou growls. "I'm just helping her out because some asshole knocked her up and bailed."
"Were you the asshole?"
"Shut up." Bakugou hangs up the phone and collapses onto the sofa next to her.
Camie makes a joke about how the photos were pretty good candid shots. He glares at her and she sighs, holding her arms out for him to cuddle. Bakugou rests his head on her stomach and feels the baby kicking his face. He's so mad because fuck those shitty paparazzi, and the one person he wants to talk to the most isn't answering the phone.
He decides to try calling Kirishima again. After the third attempt, he picks up the phone. "Hey. I can't really talk I'm-"
"Busy. I know." Bakugou interrupts. His voice cracks.
"Hey. Hey, what's wrong?"
Bakugou sighs. "Can you come over? Please?"
There's a long pause before Kirishima finally answers with an, "Okay. I'll be there in twenty."
When Kirishima finally shows up he looks around the apartment before asking, "Where's Utsushimi?"
Bakugou waves him inside the apartment. "In her room, resting."
"Her room?"
Bakugou narrows his gaze at him. "Yeah, her room."
Kirishima has a confused look on his face, but shakes his head, deciding not to say whatever it is that was on his mind. "So, what's going on?"
Bakugou sits on the armrest of his sofa and sighs in defeat. "It's this whole pregnancy thing. I guess word started to spread."
"Oh," says Kirishima. "I know you wanted to keep a secret. I'm sure it's hard having a baby as a pro hero when you're not married."
"Mm. Camie seems more chill about it than expected. I think it helps that everyone online is saying how she's glowing. As if she couldn't make herself glow begin with." He rolls his eyes.
Kirishima nods slowly. "What about you? A baby's a huge change. That's gotta be hard."
"S'not like it's really my responsibility."
Kirishima actually looks mad about that for some reason. "Of course it's your responsibility! How could you say something so flippant when you're about to be a dad?"
"You're having a baby but you're saying it's not your responsibility," explains Kirishima.
"I'm not having a fucking baby."
"What?" This time it was Kirishima's turn to be confused.
"Did you not hear anything I said to you on the phone before?"
"Um..." Kirishima's cheeks flushed red and he rubbed the back of his neck.
"I told you some asshole knocked her up and ditched. I'm just helping her out."
Kirishima's eyes grow rounder than Bakugou had ever seen them before. "So... You're not having a baby?"
"And you're not back together with Utsushimi?"
"And you're not still in love with her?"
"Hell. Fucking. No."
And then Kirishima is so visibly relieved that without thinking he reaches for Bakugou and pulls him into a kiss, startling him, but he doesn't fight it. They straighten out their feelings after that, and of course because Camie is Camie, she had the whole thing recording in a livestream to clear up any and all internet confusion on whether or not Dynamight was her baby daddy.
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katsul0vr · 1 year
“Can You Kiss Me?”
Kirishima x Reader Fluff!!
Eijirou Kirishima is my best friend.
He’s the kind of friend that is there for you no matter what, you know?
The kind that shows up to your house unannounced just to chill and watch movies, play video games, or even just sit in silence with you. He’s the type to comfort you when you’re upset and need some cheering up, and my god, he gives the best hugs. He always knows how to make me feel better. Always there to hold my hand and give me a kiss on the forehead.
But like it’s totally platonic.
Nothing more to it.
I swear.
But of course, that doesn’t stop our friends from assuming otherwise.
Mina and Denki are the worst about it. Always saying something suggestive when me and Kiri are doing something completely innocent! We could literally just be cuddling as friends, and they just can’t keep their mouths shut about it. Bakugo honestly doesn’t care all that much. He really couldn’t care less. He does give us a weird glare every now and then., but hey, he’s Bakugo. What else should we expect?
But back to the point- Kiri is great. He’s literally the best. This time is no different from the others. Except for the fact that I got cheated on. And it hurt. A lot. Kiri warned me about the guy I was with, and I swore on everything I wouldn’t get hurt again, but shit happens. I ended up in Kiri’s apartment a lot. He deals sobbing in his bedroom while he holds me and tells me I’ll be alright. He reassures me when I start doubting myself, wondering if I did something wrong.
If it was all my fault.
He grabs me by the chin and turns my head to face him. “y/n, there’s no way you just asked me that.” He gives me a serious look and I shudder a bit, trying to maintain eye contact. “well- what if it was me? What if- what if I just wasn’t enough?” I mutter through tears. He wipes my tears away and kisses my forehead the way he always does. “y/n I promise you, you did nothing wrong. You’re amazing! And if he couldn’t see that then he never deserved you at all. Plus, I told you I had a bad feeling about him from the first date.” He wraps his arms around me tighter and places his head on my shoulder.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. You’re perfect, I promise. I should beat the asshole into next year for making you cry like this.” I giggle and let out a sigh, leaning into him. “I should’ve listened to you. I’m sorry you have to deal with me like this.” And I guess that I said something wrong because in that moment he picks me up, turns me to face him, and puts me on his lap with his hands on my waist. “You know you’re never a burden to me. So don’t act like you are, okay pretty girl?” I give him a soft smile and nod.
Then I look him in the eyes. That’s the moment I realized the position we were in, and the way he was looking at me. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, on the look in his eyes. But it makes me feel safe. It makes me think back on all of the things we’ve been through together and all of the things he’s helped me through.
It makes me realize that the guy I wanted, no- needed, was right here infront of me the whole time.
I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and I place my hands on his chest.
“Kiri I have a question..”
I almost regret saying that.
“What is it y/n?”
“Can you kiss me?”
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
Physical therapist AU that popped up into my mind yesterday and I can’t stop thinking about them!!!!
Bakugou as the physical therapist that most people are kind of scared of. He doesn’t get that many clients, only because his methods are a little harsh and his words are a little mean, but it’s only because he wants the best for you and your body. He focuses solely on your upper body and arms, for when you have pains or surgeries. He’s such an ass, likes to pick up 20 pound weights and show you how to do your exercise, tuts at you when you complain that your two pound weights are too heavy. But on the days when he really sees you struggling, his voice is a lot kinder, and he’ll give you the one pound weights when he sees your arms shaking a little. But the next appointment, you won’t be able to slack off!
Kiri as the lower body and legs physical therapist in the studio. He’s all cheery and bright when he sees you, is a little imposing with the eye contact whenever he explains each and every muscle in your calf and how it aids you and why it hurts when you run without warming up first. He’s just so big, doesn’t realize his size when he climbs up on the tables with you so that he can bend and twist your leg every which way to show you how it should feel. You hate to disappoint him, watch that bottom lip puff out when you admit that you haven’t done your exercises the way you were supposed to. He must hang out with Bakugou too much, because he goes just a little harder on you those days.
Deku who focuses on the whole body. He’s much like Kiri, with his big green eyes staring holes into your soul as he over explains where the soreness in your flank comes from. His hands are big and soft when they guide you into the right position he wants to put you in, his voice soft. Always whispers a drawn out ‘goooood job’ whenever you can do something he’s instructed you without any hiccups. He turns beet red whenever he realizes how his hands have found themselves in a compromising position on your body, just gets so caught up in guiding you, and it’s the most adorable thing ever.
Denki as the therapist who focuses solely on hands. He’s amazing with his fingers, all long and slender and pretty. He talks your head off when you come in after surgery on your pinky and middle finger, and you can’t help but find it endearing. He shows you how to do your exercises and routines, all pretty smiles and golden eyes that you can’t help but admire with a sweet sigh when you stare at him. He also buys his own lotion to massage into your hands, and coos about how soft they are and how good they smell after, embarrassing you whenever he holds your wrists up for other passersby’s to smell.
Shinsou works primarily with feet and ankles, and he’s damn good at it. He always has a bored little look on his face, and you’re scared he might be too rough, but he’s the complete opposite. Asks you intermittently, does this hurt? is the pain right here? should I add more pressure? And he doesn’t huff when you complain about his hands being too rough. He does give you a stern talking to though when he doesn’t see any progression because you haven’t been keeping up with at home maintenance. But on those days, he also offers up heat with the electro therapy treatment, because he knows you prefer it over the ice.
Todoroki as the additional chiropractor there???? His monotonous voice gives no indication when he’s going to basically separate your spine from your flesh, but you can always see his little hint of a smile when you scream a little. And delinquent turned front desk worker Dabi???? who only works there because his annoying brother got him job, but he doesn’t mind it because he gets to flirt with the patients before they’re whisked off to the back.
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lostfanboyarts · 9 months
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Bakusquad nap times 💕
Timelapse below the readmore
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kingdowager · 2 years
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dynamight and red riot paparazzi photo 📸
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eijiroukiriot · 11 months
why do you see bkg as trans?
i've had this ask sitting in my drafts since like august BECAUSE i knew if i did the question justice it was gonna get VERY long and pretty personal - if i'm gonna talk about it then i gotta talk about it in all earnest. and you've given me the floor to talk about it. so!!
at first i had these typed out as two separate points but i think they go a lot more hand-in-hand than that, so to start - when i think about my own gender and why i can't bring myself to identify fully with womanhood a lot of it is because there's something that feels so free about masculinity. mostly just like because of womanhood on a societal level a lot of my experience as a girl forever has been "you need to think about how your existence makes other people feel. you really need to present yourself in a way that's pleasant for other people. the way you look, the way you talk, the way you conduct yourself - people are entitled to having a say in all that. and if any of that isn't living up to the way it's supposed to be, then that's a fault of yours." here's a vent post i made when i was 17:
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which is mostly really superficial examples of the suffocating expectation of girlhood but it's also so blatantly about bkg. in the moment my thought process was more like "i'm so deeply unsatisfied with so many parts of being a girl, it sounds like there'd be so many less people to answer to if i were a boy" but it's funny reading back on it bc it's like "dude are you just talking about bkg". but then who's a better example of choosing to stomp through life exactly as loud and rude as he wants to be without answering to anyone than bakugou katsuki!! honest about his thoughts in any case!! free to speak as bluntly and rudely as he wants!! never putting up with shit that makes him feel unlike himself!! walks with big wide steps and wears stupid baggy clothes and doesn't care what people have to say about it and doesn't feel worse if they do disagree. grins crazy blasting himself through the air. fights with big windup swings and shouts all the while. huge huge presence and so unafraid to assert it. named himself great・explosion・murder・god dynamight. i think i project a big sense of defiance onto bkg's character because everything he is just feels so defiant to me. there's just a lot that i admire about boyhood and bkg feels like the embodiment of it to me
and then you've got bkg himself, who like- isn't even fulfilling the "doesn't feel worse about himself if he is genuinely not the greatest or kindest" part of it!! bkg's character is so centered around figuring out who he is and like navigating through the mortifying ordeal of existing and not actually liking the person you are and trying to figure out where to go from there- he really thinks he has so much to prove...both in the sense that he DOES want to project this big image and also that he really can't cut himself a break. and then he freaks out when he's not becoming the person he wants to be and picks a fight with deku over it and totally breaks down and picks himself back up and forces himself to seriously rewire the entire view of himself and others that he's had his entire life - he's 16 - and goes to all this teeth-clenching effort to be a better person and has highs and lows and wears himself raw and then comes back to life. well the quality of the later part of his arc is very debatable. but his character is so about just figuring out who he is and kind of failing at it a lot of the time. and then eventually figuring it out and getting confident and stable in it. he makes friends who rib on him because they know he's got a good heart under it all, and moreover he lets them. he gets good at shouting something back and carrying on. you see the amount of conscious thinking it takes him to take some of those steps - rethinking his relationship with deku, the god am i really fucking doing this scoff before he gives kirishima back the money - but a lot of it is just steady growth. growing up. genuinely getting more comfortable and more okay with himself over time. but there's also all these little failures along the way because he's just a kid figuring it out, and also genuinely this anger towards the world for not understanding it when he does assert himself (sports festival....where deku also specifically notes that he knows he's not as confident as he wants to be!)
i haven't really closely reread bnha in a sec so a lot of this is probably a lot of projecting (i know it's undeniably influenced by the picture of bkg i have in my head) and i probably also didn't really clarify anything, because in the end everything bakugou is feels very trans to me. "the image you have of bkg katsuki in your head can actually be so personal" etc. digging into my archives i found this post from years back where i described basically the same stuff about bkg being a teen figuring himself out and saying "so yeah he's trans" without being able to hit it more on the head. kirishima is my favorite most special boy of all time, and i love him in so many ways, but bkg is my cringefail stinky teen boy in w the unshatterable determination to actually go MAKE himself the person he wants to be, no matter how many missteps he makes on the way there. it brings me a lot of comfort to imagine him being a self-made man as a part of the because gender is so confusing and questioning can be so intense. i'm 23 and i'm typing all this about an anime boy so i hope it's evident what a soul-bearingly honest answer this is bc otherwise oh haha embarrassing. but yeah i love that kid. i hope every little victory and day where his voice sounds good to him and glance of his top scars in the mirror feels like one of the high points on the journey
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taus-inc · 23 hours
wheres the kirishima and tetsutetsu being friends and/or partners fics ???
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xamassed · 2 months
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— Dragon Eijiro flying with someone on his back, feeling a little cheeky and doing a roll in mid-air. The deep, rumbling laugh that comes from a dragon is probably terrifying if you don't know it's a laugh to begin with.
— It's storming, the ground and trees and air are damp. His traveling companion is dry and warm, tucked under his massive wing while he's in his dragon form. The sound of rain hitting his scales is surprisingly pleasant.
— He's always been positive, always been so sure that some day, people won't judge him because he has the blood of chromatic dragons. But someone's said something, or he's a little too tired to be optimistic that day. Sad dragon, wings drooping, tail not flicking the way it normally does when he's in a good mood.
— Dragon parts are rare to get, considering most have to fight one to piece it out. Eijiro knowing there are poachers, but he is still incredibly silly and sacrifices scales to earn him and his companion(s) much needed gold.
— The sheer joy on his face when he has the opportunity to bring his companion(s) to his home, where he can introduce them to his adoptive family. The way he nearly tackles Tetsutetsu in the biggest, most brotherly hug is too adorable.
— Bright and bubbly Eijiro. Smiling, laughing, always having a good time. The pure, white-hot rage that rips through him when his friends are hurt is frightening, even to those that he's traveled with for ages. Calming an enraged dragon is difficult but not impossible.
— An injury to his wing is troublesome, mostly because it means he can't fly until it's healed. The real pain is felt by his companion(s) because there's nothing worse than a moping, whiny dragon-man. He will gripe, he will be incredibly frustrated because flying is his favorite part of being a dragon.
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arlmy07 · 2 years
Kirishima: "I just got bribed..."
Kirishima: "Literally been at work for two minutes and I get bribed..."
Kirishima: "I accepted the offer of course."
Midoriya: "What was the bribe?"
Bakugo: "Was it at least a good offer?"
Kaminari: "Love? Food? It was food wasn't it?"
Todoroki: "Their firstborn child?"
Tokoyami: "So food then."
Kirishima: "Uh...no? It was four free tickets to the dancing seals show at the aquarium"
Kirishima: "And what about 'firstborn child' translates to food?"
Tokoyami: "A lot of things if you really think about it..."
Todoroki: "He has a point..."
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hitashi-san · 2 years
But I do love you…
Sorry I had writers block for a while then I got depressed soooo here ya guys go straight from the drafts!
⚠️TW: Self harm, Blood Idk its a short one (tell me if I missed any)⚠️
Fluff story - (fem or masc) Reader x best friend Krishima
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Credits to artist! This isn’t mine
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You’re on the floor of the cold tiled bathroom when he walks in. the makeup on your face running down your cheeks. Your arms are covered in blood and foundation. He opens the door to find you weeping into your hands. He’s scared anything he says will impact your next moves. Instead he just hurriedly grabs a warm towel and sits beside you pushing away the knife. He pulls your face up to look at his eyes burning as the air contacts your wet eyes. He kneels in front of you kissing your forehead and looking down at your arms. He holds one and gently starts to dab away the blood. Luckily you hadn’t passed out. From how bad it was it looked like you just started. Once he’s done he finally says something to you.
“Hey…tell me what's wrong. Please, tell me what happened please baby?” he's holding you on the verge of tears waiting for your response.
“I-I…I don’t know… I just…I-I felt so lonely…I hate being here … looking at those lovely couples happy together…I just want to end myself and make the pain go away…” all you can do is start to sob again away from his face. You liked him for so long. Just the small touches he gave you were making you want to pull him in and make him yours. 
“Hey hey you can’t do that… not before I can finally say I love you” He pulls your face up toward him. Your Dowy eyes look into his crimson ones. Did he just say I love you? You couldn’t have heard that right. You looked down but not before he pulled you to kiss him. Surprised you stiffened under him soon relaxing and holding onto him. Your eyes watered, releasing tears you didn’t know you still had.  Putting your arms around his neck you pulled him into a deeper kiss making him have to sit on the floor. You finally release him and he helps you off the ground walking you to your bedroom and sitting you on the bed. He walks back to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit and comes back to you. Your face is still red and you're holding your wists to try and stop the bleeding. He kneels in front of you and pulls out bandages wrapping your arms in the smooth cloth.
After you're taken care of, he goes to the bathroom to clean the water and blood from the floor. He then comes back to your room changed to comfort you. When he walks in your awake fiddling with the tuft of your favorite blanket. He sits beside you and you gesture for him to lie with you. He does so cuddling you until you both fall asleep.
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Thanks for reading! Yes I’m okay just thought about this cause of It 2 really. Kinda random but if you’ve seen it you’d understand what I mean. Enjoy your day or night lovelies!
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
of the popular bakugo ships, which one do you think is best for him in the long run? like which dynamic does he thrive the most in?
oh cee,,,u cant do this to me /lh.. im so biased AJHDSKS
i think krbk and bkdk are two very different dynamics and i do genuinely understand both of them (and like!!! both!!!) but to me the answer will always and forever be bkdk.
BUT. i dont think that can be said without the inevitable speech that bkdk as a romantic relationship is going to take a lot more work than krbk would.
while i like krbk and i think it's enjoyable to read if i am holding it up to bkdk it is a relationship i do genuinely view more platonically than i do bkdk. to me bkdk is like... the end game of bkgs life in a lot of ways. it takes way more to unpack and way more growth from both parties to make it work.
like. it takes time. it takes a lot of back and forth and it takes a lot of bakugou learning how to really be forgiven (and for both of them to learn how to be honest with their feelings.) like it takes years
eventually though, i think bakugou realizes that deku has been there for every single moment of his life with undoubted faith and there was never a moment he was deluded about any of who he is. the persistence and magnitude in which deku loves him as well as the inspiration he gets from competing with deku is something that i think is so good for bakugous life. they feel made for each other to me
it takes more time for them because it's a lot more intricate. but once they're there it just clicks. like everything in bakugous whole life just clicks everything makes sense. and i think it makes him wonder why things couldnt be that way from the start
i say this a lot but there is just no ship that could ever compare to me but i do think my specific interpretation of bkdk is not the popular one so i understand why people lean towards krbk.
bkg deserves that kind and shameless adoration and both ships can provide that but less people usually see it in the bkdk way but i feel like once i started rlly looking at bkdk it was simply impossible for me to see anything else.
i am a multshipper at heart so i will read anything where bkg is being adored but. bkdk simply hits different for me forever.
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