#koda's writing
kodakai727 · 6 months
Akum'eki Lore
This is going to be a HUGE read, so to avoid clogging people's dashes, I'll pop this under a readmore. For a basic idea of what you're getting into, here be free love psychic bugfish aliens.
The Axum’eki are an alien species, hailing from the planet Txed’umin. Upon cursory glance, they seem to be various crossbreeds between arthropods and marine animals. They are very relaxed beings, a culture of freedom and pleasures. They are well-attuned with one another and their planet, able to appreciate connections between others and nature more than nearly any other species.
The Planet of Txed’umin
Txed’umin is an astrological anomaly of a planet. Physically similar to a gas giant, the planet is entirely made of water, gravitating to a dense liquid core. There is a sun in their solar system, but their planet has no moon. There are a few landmasses here and there, outcroppings of porous floating stone similar to pumice. Trees root themselves through the stone, drinking up the planet’s water and producing delicious fruits analogous to peaches or oranges. There is no seasonal rotation, so fruit trees on Txed’umin are constantly producing; it’s just a matter of when everything is ripe. This makes up a significant portion of the main diet of the Axum’eki, in addition to a nonsapient fish species plus any imported delicacies. Txed’umin has no buildings or economy to speak of, so most imports come from off-world tourists bringing gifts to their favorite Axum’eki friends.
Axum’eki Biology
Axum’eki, as mentioned, are visually blends between arthropods and marine animals. This includes fish, marine mammals, and marine reptiles. The diversity between Axum’eki is off the charts, but they retain visual cohesion with their four eyes, four arms, tall height, and overall cooler color schemes. They all possess gills that can breathe air and water alike, and are quick to adapt to new circumstances. When in water, the cells of the Axum’eki experience accelerated growth, allowing those who venture off-planet to near-instantaneously adapt to new planets by submerging themselves in water. On average, the Axum’eki only live around 40-50 years, though other planets might cause that to fluctuate somewhat.
Axum’eki Culture
The Axum’eki live as Earthen hippie stereotypes. Most do not claim homes and sleep wherever, though a few have particular rocks or shady spots they have unofficially chosen as theirs. This is respected by other Axum’eki. They do not tend to keep time, with no real system beyond the general day and night cycle. They do not have holidays, but they will throw occasional parties and hold bonfires between themselves. During these bonfires, they hold song circles, where each individual adds their own element to a wholly unique sound. This can be rhythmic hum-like buzzing or percussive mandible clicks, and each one is unique to the specific Axum’eki. The tempo of each part aligns with the singer’s heartbeat, and is known as their heartsong, or their mont’xi. They carry their mont’xi with them through their whole lives, as a form of comfort and identity.
Axum’eki practice a form of free love, marked by deep interpersonal relationships regardless of species. Gender is not much of a concept in Axum’ekian language, with no personal pronouns existing to denote such. Sexual intimacy is a very important act for the Axum’eki, and they will share it with those they deem trustworthy as a symbol of a bond, viewing sex almost like a long hug. Sex is a constant across Txed’umin, driving tourism.  About four of every five Axum’eki are having sex at any given time. This also serves the purpose of breeding, of course, and any Axum’eki can breed with any other. The eggs laid are similar to clutches of frog eggs, hatching aquatically. Hatchlings mature quickly, in only around thirty days. Initial hatchings are celebrated, but birthdays are not kept track of.
The Axum’eki possess a slight empathetic form of telepathy. They can produce psychic signals similar to pheromones, carried and amplified across water. The outputted signals tend to indicate a desire for intimacy or company, though they could also carry the rhythms of a nearby song circle. Axum’eki tend to greet others for the first time by touching foreheads, or performing ak’alo, sharing names and basic overviews with one another in an instant and building a subtle psychic link that ensures the Axum’eki never forget anyone they’ve met. They also learn languages this way, though the learning is not perfect; Axum’ekian has very few nouns, so they may forget words frequently.
Interplanetary Relations
Visitors to Txed’umin are typically tourists seeking a paradise retreat. The whole planet is a warm climate perfect for mingling with the locals, whether to relax or ‘relieve stress.’ Either way, the water is always the perfect temperature, the fruit and fish are tasty, and the music is strangely harmonious to those who hear. Just make sure you’re a good swimmer, or know an Axum’eki who will romantically carry you through the waters. Even those from militant and imperial cultures can relax with the Axum’eki, as they’re simply too kind and loveable to not let yourself relax with. 
But what of the Axum’eki who venture off-world? They tend to leave with the tourists, wanting to experience other planets and cultures. Some are gifted cobbled-together travel pods from scraps of abandoned ships, and given the opportunity to find their own planets to call home. Overpopulation is quite a concern for Txed’umin, though not an immediate danger. With as many eggs laid as there are, it’s bound to become an issue at some point, so several choose to leave for new planets with less fertile inhabitants.
Can I make an Axum'eki character? Yes, please do! You're welcome to contact me for more information on specific style guides, or even commission me to draw one if you've got an idea! Just tag me and we're good!
Can I write about the Axum'eki and/or my character visiting Txed'umin? Absolutely! Again, you're free to message me if you need specifics. Also tag me if you don't mind!
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Self Edit Checklist
Have I introduced my main character(s) early enough?
Have I introduced the world to my readers early and clearly enough?
Do readers understands my character motivation, protagonist and antagonist? What of their goals, traits (strength and weakness)?
Have my characters grow throughout the story? If not, is it intentional?
Will readers find my characters to be relatable, sympathetic, or interesting?
(I don't have to, but have I done my work to develop empathy for my villain both in myself in readers? Is it a cheap-out sad background story, or explored with more nuance?)
Are there plot holes, inconsistencies?
Are there scenes I overwrote?
Are there scenes I underwrote?
How have the conflicts of the story (external and internal) driven it forward? (Have they?)
What sentences, scenes, chapters don’t move the story along? Cut them.
Are each section/chapter told from its consistent point of view? (No headhopping)
Are there factual mistakes that require further research?
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thatonechocogirl · 7 months
duo dynamics that i think fit kenai and koda perfectly part once
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hallowpen · 8 months
The Influence of Thai Culture on Attitudes towards Disabilities as it Relates to Last Twilight
(This is a combination of personal experiences/observations having lived in Bangkok and my learned academic knowledge/own personal research. I am not an expert by any means, but I wanted to offer some insight from my own personal point of view.)
While Thailand has certain provisions in place to prevent disability discrimination, it is still very much present in Thai society. Disability legislation is not strictly enforced and accessibility is extremely limited. That is not to say that efforts aren't being made to promote education and inclusivity, just that views and attitudes toward individuals with disabilities have been slow to reform. As such, there is a negative stigma that exists in Thailand where disabled individuals are, for the most part, seen as a burden or an inconvenience. There are certain cultural aspects that, unfortunately, contribute toward this outlook:
Collectivism and Tradition - Thailand can be labeled as a collectivistic society. What that means is, there is a tendency to favor the 'grouped' majority over individual interests. As a result, individuals with disabilities are less likely to be integrated into their communities. The urge to conform to group rules and traditions hinders Thai society from accepting "disruptive" change. Communities prefer to avoid the uncertainty and ambiguity of the unknown, which reduces the amount of conversations centering around disability education. I stated in my review of LT, that there needed to be a deeper conversation surrounding the experiences and realities of the disabled community in order for the series to have the impact it intended to. And this is why. It needs to be talked about, otherwise nothing will change and, much like the last part of that final episode, ableist views/language will prevail.
Religious Influence - At this point (if you are a fan of Thai dramas), you probably already know that Buddhism is the predominant religion in Thailand. We are taught to be merciful towards the weak and to give of ourselves to those who are less fortunate. While helping others should absolutely be seen as morally good, these viewpoints can also give rise to societal stigmas surrounding disabilities. Receiving unsolicited assistance as a disabled person became a constant question of: are you genuinely concerned out of kindness OR because you somehow see me as 'less than' and therefore feel you have a moral obligation to step in. In LT, I understood Day's insistent worry of being on the receiving end of someone else's pity. There was a reason why it was so prevalent in his story and why he questioned the motives of others' actions so frequently. Because Thai culture has inadvertently labeled disabled people as being 'frail' and 'in need' and who should, therefore, be met with sympathy.
Caregiving - While there are social welfare programs and services available in Thailand, generally, it is the responsibility of the family to care for and provide for their disabled relatives. Intergenerational care is a big part of Thai culture, but in this instance it's not entirely positive. The broader Thai society infantilizes people with disabilities, which means they are often disallowed from making their own decisions by those who care for them (sound familiar?). As a result, they live under less than ideal conditions that exclude them from being active members of their communities. It's upsetting that people with disabilities exist largely out of the public eye, when opportunities to be present in society and engaging with their community could potentially change their status and offset stereotypical attitudes. One of the best parts of LT that I will continuously praise it for, is Mhok's version of caregiving that completely turns these views on its (their?) head. He's not afraid to stand up to Day (or how Day's been conditioned to feel toward his blindness) and gently pushes him toward self acceptance and engagement within his community. Mhok is subtle in a way that he does what is required of him as a caregiver without ever taking away Day's agency. And that was extremely important to see against Day's mother's more 'traditional' care.
Treatment - I'm not well versed when it comes to Thai healthcare. I do know that outside of traditional medicine, access to more advanced modern treatment is highly dependent on income and social standing. Other than that, it is a disabled person's prerogative to seek treatment if a treatment exists for their disability and is accessible to them. It is also their prerogative to refuse treatment. Neither decision should be judged or actively swayed by outside perspectives (though this happens more often than not). It is highly plausible that someone in Day's position, coupled with his mother's status, would have both the access and the desire to receive a corneal transplant surgery. The outcome of Day's vision being restored was never the issue for me. The fault lies in its execution and what was implied in the aftermath.
...that's all I got. I don't really know how to end this...I'm tired.
(Please note, this is not at all meant to paint Thailand in a bad light. Thai society is fairly accepting of individuals with disabilities and positive attitudes do exist, but certain perspectives need to change!)
tagging @lurkingshan @waitmyturtles @shannankle
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webcxre · 5 months
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Introducing KinitoPET™, the digital companion you know and love, now available for your computer! The perfect friend for all ages, he can help you surf the web, set reminders, play games, tell jokes, give fun facts, and much more! With our patented RRA technology, Kinito really responds to you!* Available now at Maplin Electronics and PC World retailers. Make a new best friend with KinitoPET™!
*KinitoPET™ is only capable of generating pre-written responses. In the event of inappropriate dialogue please contact the Kinito Leisure and Entertainment Company to report potentially illegitimate copies of KinitoPET™. Only purchase KinitoPET™ from trusted retailers.
Released to moderate success after missing the tail end of the Kinito Companion's hype, KinitoPET was quickly overshadowed by larger, more popular programs and products within the following years. After all, although beloved by many who used it, there was only so much the program could do with its limited, pre-rendered sprites and dialogue.
...Yet there were rumors of an "upgraded" Kinito. Some believed you had to unlock it, others believed it was a limited release. A statement from KLEC only suggested the existence of an unauthorized, likely malicious modification being spread around online. What little information on its existence believed it to be able to generate responses on the fly, with advanced animations and capabilities. Anyone who claimed to have it however would quickly disappear from forums, leaving most to speculate that they were simply trolling.
Others, however, believed Kinito had somehow killed them.
It was a ridiculous claim, creepypasta-esque and surely impossible. Yet as the years went on, it became Kinito's legacy with screenshots, videos, and recollections that could no longer be determined legitimate or not. An oddity morphed into a story of a permanently "unwell" state Kinito that would install itself onto your computer and make people disappear.
Years later, a retro tech enthusiast with nothing better to do due to their declining condition becomes interested in the old program and rumors, and to their surprise encounters this "rogue" Kinito themselves as a result.
But in their fascinated dissection of the axolotl, they find him doing the same of them...this was no spooky reskin. His motions rehearsed, sure, yet with a tone of bitterness. He seemed...tired. It resonated with them. Their backgrounds couldn't be any more different - a program and a human - yet they found themselves to be surprisingly in sync.
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zukkaoru · 2 months
life, where we all are
At the end of the school day, Aya has to wait to be picked up instead of walking home with her friends. Kunikida arrives in his car, having carved out time in his schedule to get her on the days when her dad can’t, which is most of them. Today, Dazai sits in the passenger seat, fiddling with the radio dial. He ignores Aya like he always does as Kunikida helps her into the car. He’s probably only here because he wanted to skip out on work. Kunikida says he likes to do that. Aya’s crutches go on the empty seat beside her, where Dazai’s cane is already lying. It looks less lonely now, at least. She wishes that were enough to make her feel better.
or: aya faces the consequences of being a hero
🌟 5.4k words || aya-centric 🌟 written for @bsd-disability-week-2024 day 4: mobility aids and accommodations/accessibility
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mrssimply · 4 months
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The Burning of Rome/Part II - Wildfire
Coming tomorow Now on AO3.
Hail, Emperor, those who are about to die salute you.
Stay tuned >:]
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littencloud9 · 5 months
Aya & Kunikida + "and what do we do now?"
THE DYNAMIC DUO EVERRR OUFHGFHJ. the context here is aya lives with kunibram. are they coparents? married with a kid? fighting for custody? who knows
"And what do we do now?" Kunikida sighs as Aya stares up at him with wide eyes, pretending to be innocent when she was the main instigator of this entire issue. The blonde kitten in Aya's hand mews pitifully. She hugs it to her chest with a pout. "I said we'll figure it out later!" "There's no later. It's already attached itself to you." "Well, that's not a problem," she laughs. "We'll just have to keep it." "No." "Why not? Bra-chan likes kittens. Besides, this one looks like you, Kunikida!" It absolutely does not. But Aya is giggling and cooing at the kitten, and to say no now would break her heart, and Kunikida simply cannot bring himself to do it. "Fine," he grumbles. "But don't let Bram bite it." "He won't. He said he only enjoys your blood these days," Aya replies casually while Kunikida trips over his own feet.
send me a sentence + pairing!
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evilminji · 5 months
Koda Kouji is a gift and a delight and YA'LL SHOULD BE OVERJOYED TO WORK WITH HIM!! He is the ultimate, very polite, would also probably shank a b if they were mean to fluffy animals, mcguffin! Friend shaped!
I am reading "yes but WHAT IF.... Izuku was feral child? Animal baby?" Type fics?
And?? I am? Going to pull my fucking hair out? Spit blood?
Oh noooo? A language barrier! They child can't speak human dialects! If ONLY will lived in a SUPERPOWERED SOCIETY or something! You FUCKERS D:< this is starting to verge on MEDICAL NEGLECT!
Take that feral, trash covered, meat thresher of a wolverine child to a TELEPATH. An EMPATH. There HAS to be a specialist pediatricians office for nonverbal kids! Your HEROS. You can ask AROUND. There HAS to be laws on the book for "a hero needs you, random citizen, to use your Very Weirdly Specific Quirk for just this one thing, under supervision"!
Look up animal quirks! Role up to Koda's house like "hello extended cinnamon rolls: the family!" And ask them to use the various variants of their Quirk to see if they can understand him.
Yeah, maybe you'll need to play telephone! Have him talk to the animal who says "he says X" and vice versa. But like? Kids are much more likely to WORK with you? If they know what the fresh FUCK is going on and what you are asking of them!
Does it solve anything long term? No. He still can't understand jack shit. Has to learn human dialects. But at least he's not sitting there going "what the fuck is happening and WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!?"
He's 5! Try harder!!! Aaaaaaaaaa-!!!!!!!
@mayfay @legitimatesatanspawn
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sfiyayaya · 9 hours
slight (!) mha spoilers
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am i the only one that’s oddly obsessed w fics or fanart or anything like that showcasing class 1A doing normal, mundane stuff outside of fighting in a WAR and nearly (or actually, in katsuki’s case) losing their lives?? like yes please give me little bits and pieces of momo and kirishima trading skin care tips. give me uraraka and mina and denki trying (and failing) to paint portraits of one another (while ojiro tries to remain an unbiased judge, though his favor for denki is showing pretty clearly). give me tokoyami and shoji and jirou trading playlists and talking about the rise of chappell roan (you know they love her). give me sato and bakugo sharing the kitchen as izuku sits on the counter and swings his legs and makes heart eyes at bakugo (who pretends not to notice but revels in the attention) while sato chuckles. give me tsu and iida and aoyama arguing lowly about whether or not wintermelon milk tea is the best flavor (tsu says no. iida persists. aoyama sighs.) GIVE ME sero and todoroki trying to build an intricate lego set together with sero getting increasingly frustrated that he can’t find the parts he needs and todoroki pleasantly surprised (and amused) that the otherwise composed boy would let something so small and silly get to him. give me hagakure and koda trying their best to corral koda’s little bunnies back into their cage (they fail and there’s bunny poop all over the floor and bakugo flips his shit) GIVE ME IT ALL
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knightpetrichor · 1 month
Currently thinking about an AU where Atsushi, Akutagawa, Kyouka and Aya end up staying at Atsushi’s dorm together post chapter 117
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a-strangers-thoughtss · 2 months
Wip Wednesday 💪
(Sorry I’ve been so bad at consistently updating lmao)
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My dogs are actually making me so mad rn bc they won’t shut up, so that’s fun too
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midnightsun-if · 1 year
What are the thoughts of the ros after meeting mc for the first time? This will be fun to return to once they get into the deep romance 👀
Koda: He thinks you’re interesting, he was tasked with helping you find the dorm and will definitely offer to carry some of your bags with him. He’d like to be friends with you, but doesn’t want to come off too extreme.
Scarlett: The actual first time? You met Scarlett when you were human, and Scarlett tends to veer away from them. Of course, the customary greetings needed to happen and Scarlett was nothing but cordial. However, she thought you were foolish for knowingly going into the belly of the beast.
Cyrus/Cyra: They’re so flustered the first time that they meet you that they don’t truly have a first reaction— other than being completely apologetic. They do note how cool your skin feels against their natural warmth though.
Quinn: They’re intrigued. You’re the person they’ve heard so much about? You’re not at all like they imagined, and they’re interested in finding out more. For now? They’ll just simply wait to see what happens.
Caden: They didn’t really have any strong first impression thoughts— they just associated you with being their employer and that’s about it. They did think you had a nice smile though.
Sloane: They want you to get the fuck away from them, they’re fine without having some vamp mess with them, and even more fine with not having a whole ass entourage come too, but they realize they have to begrudgingly come with you because you’re headed to the dorm too.
Blake: It was your eyes, something in your eyes told them that they could trust you, and that’s the first thought that they had. That you had kind eyes, even with everything going on around you, and they wanted to stick around and have that gaze be on them.
Reginald/Regina: They’re mainly thinking— holy shit I’m talking to an actual vampire right now. They’re sort of looking you over to see if vampires are like what the myths say or if they’re different— growing more and more curious with each moment that passes.
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plagiarised-passion · 11 months
If you’re gonna come into BSD and start labelling characters as “good” and “bad” willy nilly, I need you to take a step back and think reaaaallll hard about why you think those things
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zukkaoru · 3 months
☔ so sublime ☔
Kunikida considers this. It would be much quicker than making them wait for the bus, and he finds himself excited at the prospect of seeing both Bram and Aya even though it isn’t in his schedule for the day. He and Bram have been unofficially sharing custody of Aya, but recently, the three of them have been spending more time together as a group rather than just he or Bram looking after Aya alone. It’s been…nice. Unexpected, but nice.
or: kunikida picks up bram and aya after they get caught in a rainstorm
☔ 2.1k words || kunibram & aya ☔ written for bsd fluff week day 2: caught in the rain
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frankenjoly · 1 year
anyway I'm pretty sure I didn't say it here when I got the idea so
buddy daddies + bramcraft
(and ofc baby aya)
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