#kokichi ouma fanfiction
yawujin · 4 months
Hallo would you be alright with writing (you don't have to) v3 boys x blunt reader (male)
Example: *someone walks into the room wearing baggy pants and a long coat* reader:"you look like you have stubby legs"
Also side note I think it would be funny if tenko has beef with him due to him sometimes calling her out on her shit (I don't like tenko that much)
request | v3 boys x a very blunt reader
type | react , non killing game, male reader
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shuichi saihara ♡
shuichi definitely appreciates you being able to be unapologetically blunt and honest
sure he can be too but
sometimes it's hard for him to be completely honest with some people
he goes to you the most for constructive criticism
rantaro amami ♡
he likes that you keep people in check
when tenko tries to call rantaro a 'disgusting' male, you step in and tell her rantaro is fine just the way he is
rantaro is a pretty nice guy after all
and you just have no problem telling him that
K1B0/kiibo ♡
you can bet this man was DEVASTATED when you told him his singing is really not good, like, at all
he's really happy when you do give him praise for things he's especially skilled at though
is appreciative towards you when you step into an argument he's having with someone
you're always reminding him that not everyone is 'robophobic' and they're just joking with him
korekiyo shinguji ♡
he finds your ability to be so blunt very admirable
if someone tries to give you shit about you having no filter
korekiyo will remind you that being honest is a sign of good communication
he's happiest when engaging in conversation with you about his anthropology work because of your opinions on various topics
kaito momota ♡
"he's obviously not an idiot if he was able to pass the exams to become an astronaut" is what you said when everyone called him an idiot
"FINALLY, THANK YOU (Y/N)!!!" he exclaimed happily
"he's smart in his own way" you smiled
"hey! that's very backhanded!!" he cried
eventually kaito, got used to your comments and it made him toughen up
it was so refreshing that he found someone that talks so freely
gonta gokuhara ♡
you ward off the people that like to make jokes at gonta's expense
at times, gonta asks you not to be so harsh
sometimes you let people off easy, other times not so much
"thanks (Y/N) for protecting gonta" he gave you a tender hug
gonta often goes to you for advice on how to be more gentlemanly
ryoma hoshi ♡
likes that you can be brutally honest
doesn't mind that you don't sugarcoat your opinions on his plays during tennis, especially if he didn't give it his all at practice that day
when that happens, you joke with him by using his own catchphrase back at him "you've still got a ways to go"
he always looks forward to your compliments when he does do well though
kokichi ouma ♡
a very interesting dynamic to say the least
your truth and his lies clash most of the time
for example:
someone will walk into a room with you two inside, and ask your guys' opinion on their outfit
"it's shit" you say
"it's perfect!" kokichi remarks
you two get in a mini argument, and the poor person walks out of the room confused on how they really look
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sketch-twentytwo · 5 months
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“Danganronpa is the latest and greatest in Killing Game Entertainment! As they are the pioneers of their craft, they try to incorporate bigger and better gimmicks into each season. With the fiftieth season and beyond—the V0-series if you will—came the ‘implementation’ feature! As Danganronpa moved to virtuality to host their seasons, it became possible to program not just avatars for our Players, but false memories, talents, and personalities as well! All of this has allowed the characters to come to life before the audience’s very eyes! “See, there’s a special little agreement that one must sign before the game that’s part of the audition contract! It gives the Player the option to keep all of the artificial junk that Team Danganronpa stuffed into their head under the condition that they win! It’s an optional prize, but who wouldn’t want to keep their very own—very special—Super High School Level talent!?” A single checkbox makes Shuichi Saihara’s world spin. A single check mark makes Kokichi Ouma’s world break. --- Or, the killing game ends, but not everyone is back where they started.
After six years(?), I have finally returned to rewrite my post-game, saiouma fic which you can read [here].
The story follows, Shuichi Saihara after the events of V3. He discovers that the killing game was all a virtual reality simulation and all of his friends are alive, except anyone who didn't survive til the end AND sign off on keeping their in-game memories before the game has been reverted to their pre-game state.
It's a story of self-discovery in the wake of an identity crisis sprinkled in with the frustrating romance of two teenage boys!
It's been an arduous five months of work, but I've come to deliver 60K+ words to you, dear reader! Even if you have already read this fic in the past, I would strongly encourage you to give it a once-over/another chance. I have VASTLY improved the pacing, plot, characterization, and grammar, and I'm quite proud with what I've been able to create! I used to be very insecure with my writing style but in the past six(?) years, I have improved in both my confidence and prose.
Give it a shot, leave a comment, and just let me know what you think! Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated and I hope to continue working on this after taking a bit of a writing break! :D
(Alt. Image under the cut)
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m-y-fandoms · 9 months
Commission: DRV3 Boys x Female Reader - Seven Minutes in Heaven
Details: Takes place during the killing game, timeline switched around, creative license taken to imply everyone is alive and has known each other for at least a few weeks and has had time to get to know each other a bit. The threat of the killing game is still there though. Monokuma has announced it, just nobody has been killed yet. It’s also implied that the reader has a crush on the boy in each section however whether or not the boy is oblivious to that fact or feels the same varies.
Word Count: 5K Words
Warnings: SFW - fluff, maybe mild angst, possible V3 spoilers
Everyone needed something to divert their attention and obsessive thoughts away from the killing game. Though nothing had happened yet, the group of Ultimates got more and more antsy by the day. Every dark corner or empty stairwell seemed like a threat, and mistrust grew and loomed over them all like a black mold growing on the walls.
No one seemed to feel safe, though it had been weeks since the menacing-looking monochrome bear informed them that they were to kill each other for sport so they could return home to their regular school life and families. There was no concrete proof that this wasn't an extensive, well-planned practical joke or social experiment, some prank that would result in cameramen and producers springing out of the woodwork once all was said and done, and that was the only thing holding them together mentally. This could all be fake.
Nevertheless, something needed to change. They all had their little subgroups, individual trusted cliques or closest allies, but there was no denying the entire group needed to come together, to get to know each other a bit better and let off some steam. Unity meant potential lasting peace and no fatalities.
Someone suggested they play a frivolous little game that could keep everyone's attention for a while. Even though most of the group hadn't played it since middle school and some never at all, the rules were straightforward and simple enough. In addition to passing the time, it might even spark a little drama or romance. Any emotion was preferable to the fear of death and the sense of impending disaster.
Seven Minutes in Heaven: a game where two people go into a small room or cramped closet alone and have seven minutes to do anything they want to each other. Usually, the goal was the get handsy, to kiss or hug, to confess to someone, to make each other nervous, or to engage in casual romantic activities. It was supposed to be steamy and awkward, to put pressure on the two people. They would all randomly pick straws, and the two people who got the shortest straws would have to go in together while everyone else sat outside and timed their seven minutes. Knowing your peers were mere feet away outside the door only added to the tension.
The location was set: a small, cramped closet on the first floor next to the spare classroom and just before the steps down to the basement. It was dimly lit by an ancient overhead lightbulb hanging on by a thread and had just enough room for two people once the abandoned supplies, tools, and cobwebs were scooted to the edges. The Hotel Kumasutra was suggested first, but was shot down for being perhaps a little too intense, dramatic, and high-pressure for such a simple game. Nobody felt comfortable enough to enter the daunting building as of yet, despite its proximity to the popular casino.
And so, the game began.
Rantarou Amami
Waiting anxiously to see who you'll be paired up with, you pace the meager few steps you can manage in the tiny closet - back and forth, back and forth - working up a sweat that's more nerves than physical exertion. When the door swings casually open and you immediately see a fluffy full head of green hair, a shiver runs down your spine. It's a shiver that is half excitement and half humiliation. Of all fifteen other classmates, of course your crush, Rantarou Amami, was the one destined to draw the other straw and be trapped in here with you for seven excruciating minutes. Anyone else, literally anyone else, and you could've stalled, talked your way through those seven minutes, felt indifferent, and at most a little awkward. Rantarou made your heart flutter, froze you in place nearly every time he interacted with you. You stuttered, felt like you never said the right thing. He was just so handsome, with a smooth voice and a mysterious yet kind personality. You were quite sure, even with the memory loss you'd all suffered, that you hadn't had a crush this intense in quite a while. Certainly not one that turned you into a foolish mess.
Rantarou entered with his head bowed, shoulders shrugged forward. You'd never seen him - a dude who was usually quite confident and smooth - looking so uncomfortable. When he spun to look at you, the door now shutting you two in alone, he was almost wincing, facial expression squeezed into wrinkles and furrowed brows. It was as if his face was trying to say: "I'm sorry about this..."
"Heeeeey, (Y/N)," Rantarou spoke in a sing-songy voice that, again, was out of character for him, yet you felt your body stiffen up all the same. You hugged your body instinctively, feeling vulnerable as your heart beat wildly in your chest. You took a step back to create more space between you and the object of your infatuation and nearly tripped over a cardboard box on the ground behind you. "Yeah, this is about what I expected," he chuckled, his eyes wrinkling closed into kind little lines. He held his hands out in a sign of passive surrender. "So sorry about this, (Y/N). I swear, there was nothing I could do! It was all random." He rubbed the back of his neck, a small dust of pink over his cheeks. You felt your stomach drop. Did he think you disliked him? Was he perceiving your involuntary reaction as disgust rather than flustered? You suddenly felt super guilty. You were just now realizing he probably had taken note of this same adverse reaction every single time you were in the room with him. The logical thought process would probably be that your body language showed disdain.
"Oh, oh no, I hope you don't think I'm upset about being paired with you! I didn't realize my-" you tried to relax your shoulders, not wanting to let your own feelings affect him negatively.
"No, I don't think that at all, actually..." he cut you off, not wanting to let you get too far into this incorrect notion. He paused, thinking over how to word things delicately. "It's quite the opposite. I'm not as dense as you might think, actually. I pick up on things pretty well," he chuckled again, trying to ease the tense atmosphere, "and I... I kinda know you like me. You always get like this... when I talk to you. I'm... a bit more perceptive and empathetic than people think. I just wanted you to know, it's okay! You don't have to feel that way! I was worried about your reaction when I stepped in here. I knew you'd freak out." So subtly - almost seeming practiced and experienced - he gently clasped his rough hands into yours. They felt calloused, perhaps from the travels and adventures he'd vaguely mentioned when you sat there like a statue listening to him talk around the academy. The many bracelets settling on his wrists shook you back to reality, and your face heated up at the skin-to-skin contact. "I mean, I'm not trying to boast because I really don't think I'm such a catch, but I see the way you look at me, I've heard Miu talking about you having a crush as well..."
"I... I don't know what to say," you release a breath you didn't know you'd been holding, "This is a bit embarrassing..." you grumble, looking at the ground.
"You don't need to feel embarrassed. Honestly, I think you're a really cool person as well. I would love to get to know you more, but you always seem to run away after we talk for a little. The others are always around. It would be cool to spend some time hanging out alone, now that... I'm kinda confessing that I'm interested in you too?" He gives you a crooked smile. "Woah... your hands are like shaking."
Was this a dream? Was Monokuma replacing your classmates with clones to prank and humiliate you? There's no way Rantarou, the most attractive and fascinating guy here, was into you...
"I... I would really like that. Yeah, I'm sorry about my... less than pleasant reaction. I really didn't mean to come off as weird or make you uncomfortable."
"Hey, no worries. Well, you know, I played this game a ton in middle school. It was always silly, and stupid, but I have no issue playing it again, especially with you. What do you say? After all, I've played games way worse than this."
Ryoma Hoshi
The athlete strolled leisurely into the closet, hands in his pockets and the stick of a lollipop hanging carelessly out of his mouth. He always had something hanging out his lip, be it a candy cigarette, a toothpick, or something in between. You wondered if it soothed him. You'd gathered from conversations with him that his life had been pretty traumatic, at least in your opinion. His eyes were half-lidded as always, lazy and donning dark bags underneath. He sighed, stepping into the dim lighting provided by the single, dingy bulb above.
"Yeah, so I didn't really have anything better to do. Everyone else was sayin' they'd play and I was in the room at the time so I got roped in. Can't be much worse than anything else I've been through. Figured it might be good for morale, for these people to loosen up and play a game or two together. Lotta mistrust brewing." He looked around, seemingly disinterested and boasting an incredibly calm demeanor. You were wondering how someone could feel not even a little bit nervous playing a game with a premise like this.
"You don't have to stay if you don't want to!" You smiled softly, offering him an out. You liked Ryoma a lot. His chill attitude, mysterious and interesting past, deep voice, and cute face intrigued you enough to even form a little crush, but you didn't want him here out of coercion or peer pressure.
“It’s whatever. I’m down to play. It’s fine. However, I’m sure I wasn’t who you expected or were hoping for.” He shrugs, less self-deprecating and more as if stating a plain fact. It didn’t seem to bother him either way if you did in fact wish it was someone else who was chosen to be with you for this dumb little game.
“Nah, I’m not disappointed,” you smirk a bit deviously, trying to hide the excitement you truly felt. You see his eyebrows raise a tad, which is more expression than you usually get from him. “Someone like you is kind of an interesting partner for this game. I’m betting you have more life experience overall than me. In fact, I know you do, after listening to some of your stories. You probably have more experience in everything: street smarts, common sense, even romance.”
“Uh, let me stop you right there.” He lets out a tiny, brief, dry chuckle, something skeptical in his tone. “Actually, not true at all, that last part. Not much romance in my life. Funny, you and I actually talk more often than I do with the others… I thought you would’ve picked up on that.”
“Oh?” You challenge him playfully, trying to flirt him into a more open mood.
"Yeah, I'd think that would be obvious. Who wants to take a chance on a no-good criminal with a clouded, ominous past? I don't really tell people all the details, and I'm not going to, but then I can't be surprised if people don't want to get to know me or trust me. Also, I'm aware I'm not the ideal, looks-wise. Never bothered me, but-" Once again, you can tell he's not looking for sympathy, but just honestly sharing his thoughts about himself. Before he can talk himself down further, however, you cut him off.
Stopping his words in their tracks, you leaned down to his height, bending at the waist sensually. Without skipping a beat, you casually took the lollipop from his mouth, coaxing it out without much resistance on his part. Smiling impishly, you popped it into your own mouth.
You'd never seen Ryoma Hoshi blush before this moment. It seemed like something he was incapable of.
Korekiyo Shinguuji
The lean, dangerously mysterious anthropologist stood across from you, tall enough and so close that he blotted out the dim light from the single bulb above in the cramped closet. He appeared like a silhouette, like some spooky demon or spirit from the cultural legends he often told you about. He seemed to be giggling behind his mask, amused at your flustered reaction to his closeness before he began to speak in that mystifying voice of his that was like smoke hissing past your ear and tickling the outer shell:
"You know, (Y/N), I almost said no to playing... This seems like such a childish little game, maybe even a waste of my precious time when I could be studying up on literally any other topic. But... then I thought: I've done far more promiscuous things than this before, games and rituals alike, so what's the harm in some little kid’s game? Why not? After all, there's something to be learned from every experience, and this game seemed integral to the middle school lives of our classmates, therefore making it culturally significant... if I... broaden my definitions a little." He rolled his eyes up to the ceiling, making you sweat as he moved even closer during his little monologue.
"I see you're being v-very open-minded," you chuckled nervously, trying to hide the loud pumping of your heart. "Yes, I would've thought you were far too mature for this game!" You were now flat against the wall, nearly caged in by his lithe form hovering over you.
"I thought it might even be exciting," his tone adopted a more predatory note, "to see who I get and explore the essence of who they are, find their inner beauty for myself, one-on-one and in private. When nobody else can hear or see, they might let down some walls, and expose a side of themselves in this killing game that nobody has seen yet. It could be a fascinating study of human behavior. I didn't really care who I got matched with, as everyone here - with such varied personalities and talents - could be an extremely interesting subject!"
"Subject?" Now he was starting to worry you. You had to admit, though, the way he was passionately speaking, the way he pinned you into the corner of this enclosed space... it was rather exciting.
"You seem nervous..." he tilts his head innocently. "There's nothing to be afraid of, little (Y/N). This game, as I take it from the rules, is to start a romantic or flirty interaction, to cause feelings to bubble up in each other - excitement, arousal. These emotions are so wonderfully and beautifully human. Is that what you want, to try this in earnest?" You see one of his hands reach over to its opposite and begin to unravel the layers of gauze bandaging. You nod enthusiastically, almost entranced by his words. He takes this consent as his opportunity to take control, and something in his golden eyes turns animalistic. 
"Good." He purrs.
Gonta Gokuhara
Almost comically shoved into this tiny closet and leaving little to no room for you was your chosen-at-random partner: Gonta Gokuhara, the gentle giant. He was desperately trying not to hit his head on the ceiling while also trying to remember to be considerate of you and your personal space. It was the gentlemanly thing to do, after all.
"Gonta wanted to play, because all of his friends were playing too! This game... sounds fun, but Gonta never played it before. Gonta a bit confused. Gonta love everyone here as a good friend, swear to protect them all, so why we not all play game together, in bigger, more comfortable place?" He asked genuine, thoughtful questions, and it appeared to you that he in fact did not know what he was getting himself into. You'd make sure he understood clearly before playing, as someone had obviously shoved him in here without a clear description of the rules or goals.
"Well, Gonta, this is a game where you're supposed to come in with one other person only and do flirty, cute, romantic stuff. Why did you agree to play without knowing what's going on?" You shook your head, snickering under your breath. You'd always found Gonta's endless positivity and determination to make others feel happy and protected adorable. He probably just wanted to be included, to make sure everyone had fun. And you had no doubt he was intelligent enough to understand the simple rules of this game, it was just very likely someone more mischievous - like Kokichi or Miu - purposely kept him out of the loop.
"Oh! O-okay!" He begins to blush, his mouth pressing into an uncomfortable, pursed line. "Gonta never done anything like that!" He was beginning to perspire on his brow.
"Well, do you want to try? You don't have to, keep that in mind! It's your choice, Gonta." You smiled in encouragement, making sure your body language wasn't applying any pressure to him even subconsciously.
"Ummm... Gonta would like to try if everyone else playing. Also!... Gonta trust (Y/N)." His words are shaking, and you decide you'll do the bare minimum, just a warm-up to see if he truly means his words. Him putting his trust in you was melting your heart.
Gently, as if you were approaching a bird that might fly away at any moment, you took a step closer to him and began to unbutton the tight brown suit jacket from his abs and waist.
Kokichi Ouma
Immediately upon being trapped in the closet with this gremlin, he started teasing you, trying to make you crack, or cry, whichever came first. All reactions were good reactions to him.
"Of all people, you got stuck in here with me. Sucks for you, don't it, (Y/N), you prude!" He swirls a finger in the air and presses it firmly into your chest, taunting you.
He spends the next few agonizingly drawn-out moments poking fun at you, at your flustered reactions, at the way your body responds to both his words and small touches.
"Oh, come on, (Y/N), this is baby shit! I barely even touched you! With my title as Supreme Leader, I've had to seduce hundreds of marks into giving up information or giving me what I want, and you can't even handle this? You wouldn't last two minutes in an interrogation by my organization, let alone seven. Pathetic!" He starts laughing, amused by your humiliation so much that his eyes begin to water.
You're sure his claims of seducing and interrogating victims before are lies, but regardless, your heart was beating out of your chest. Why did he have this effect on you? He had you right where he wanted you, and you were falling into his trap. Every time he ran his chilled fingers up your exposed arm or touched your chest and collarbones, you felt a shiver of desire and fright, a shockwave of panic and delight in tandem.
In truth, the others were worried about you. Most of them, the kinder portion of the group, felt bad about sending you in there alone with Kokichi. They didn't think such a kind, unassuming person deserved this kind of treatment.
With an underlying gentleness that almost betrayed his performative vitriol for you, he pushed your shoulders back, like a bully on a playground. He took note of your clumsiness, of the lack of coordination you must have if such a petite young man like him could nearly topple you over. He seemed to be taking into account his lack of time. Seven minutes wasn't much to work with. He'd had his fun, and was ready for the climax.
You stumble back against the wall, and instantly he pounced on you, cornering you in. Before you had time to adjust, to correct yourself to an upright position, he grabbed both sides of your face, pulling you in for a sloppy, deep kiss that lacked any care or gentleness. Your eyelids flew open as the taste of sweet candies and grape sodas flooded your mouth.
Kaito Momota
Kaito stood with his arms crossed defiantly in the middle of the closet. His taller frame and masculine figure took up most of the space as he stood firm, stubbornly biting the inside of his cheek. His brow was furrowed angrily, but not with an anger directed at you. After all, you must've been a victim in this just as much as he.
"Now, I didn't really wanna do this... it's beneath someone who sees fit to call themselves the Luminary of the Stars. I didn't earn this title through kiddy games after all, but..." he looked frustrated, maybe even with himself, "but they tried to say I'm too scared to play! As if!" He paced once in a circle in the tight confines, then huffed. "I'm realizing just now that I probably fell for it and this was their plan all along." He sighed deeply. "I gotta stop letting these assholes get to me." He conceded, his pride hurt. You had to admit, his reaction to the game was disappointing you, as you couldn't think of a better person to get stuck in here with. You smiled sheepishly, letting the uncomfortable silence mellow out in the air. You only had seven minutes, after all. "Man, it's cold and awkward in here..." Ah, yes. Kaito wasn't the type to let things just be silent. You decided it was your turn to speak now.
"So... you don't want to play with me, at all?" You speak shyly, a bit embarrassed at your own words.
"What, you do?" He counters, a single brow raised as you piqued his curiosity,
"Well... I mean, haha," you thought through how to word this so as to not weird him out or scare him off, or really just embarrass yourself in the process, "I felt really lucky to get stuck in here with you, out of everyone. If I may speak openly and honestly, I've been crushing on you for a while..." You felt your blood running hot.
"You have?" He's flushed pink, pulling his jacket in closer for security.
"Yeah, of course! You're handsome, charismatic, and you make me laugh when we are just hanging out casually. I think your determined spirit is admirable... but if you don't feel the same-"
"No!" He cut you off a little too eagerly before he could remind himself he was supposed to be playing it cool. He cleared his throat, calming down his tone a bit, "No, I mean I think you're great, too. And you're beautiful! Out of all these idiots, I'm glad it's you, too." Your heart swells. "Not that... not that I've been dwelling on this thought for too long." Though it feels like your heart is pumping fast enough to warm the entire room, Kaito was right, it was quite drafty in there. Seeing you shiver at the temperature, Kaito removes his large galaxy jacket and wraps it around your shoulders. It smells of him, of hair products and fresh deodorant. Simple and subtle. "We should hang out some more on our own, when we want to, not when these assholes force us into some stupid game with expectations and shit." He shows you a beaming, celebrity-like grin. "I would be an idiot to not want to get to know you more, especially with your talent!"
Shuichi Saihara
Poor Shuichi. The reserved, introverted detective had found himself shoved into this closet against his will. He'd merely come to observe the game from the farthest corner of the room - bored, and too wary of the threat of the killing game to be alone. Being alone was just the worst option right now: either his own thoughts would consume him or a potential killer might.
So now here he was, paying the consequences of wanting to hang out with a group of his peers. They'd put his name into the lottery without his permission, thinking it a cute and funny little prank, and when he was chosen, it only took two or three of them to shove him inside while he attempted to jump and claw his way out. Now he was a sweating, blushing mess, pawing at the door like a cat trapped in a bedroom. The same students that pushed him in snickered and howled in laughter on the other side, leaning their weight into the door so he couldn't escape. After a while, someone as smart as him knows when an effort becomes futile. He sighs, turning to face you with a warm flush of red over his entire body that contrasts wildly with the blues and blacks of his hair and uniform tones.
"Ugh, I'm so sorry, (Y/N)," he groans, his voice cracking under his nerves. "I told them I didn't wanna play, but..." were you really that bad to be stuck in here with? His reaction seemed... over the top. Your shoulders sank downward, humbled by his response to your existence in the same space as him. He sees your crestfallen expression and panics, guilt overcoming him. "Please, no it's not you! I mean no offense. I didn't wanna come in here with anyone." He takes note of how your mood doesn't pick up in the slightest, and lets his head fall into his hands. "This is so embarrassing. I actually do really like you, this is just so awkward."
"You do?" Your ears perk up at that. Maybe you were mistaken in your earlier judgment.
"Yeah! You've always been kind to me, and you're quite interesting and fun to hang out with in this hellhole. Talking to you... really gets my mind off things..." he admits, clearly self-conscious. "I... well sometimes, I hear you talking about how you think you'll be the first victim of the killing game, talking down about yourself. I don’t think you should count yourself out... we all have our own strengths, though I know I ought to take my own advice sometime." He chuckles in such a gentle, exhausted way that it might as well have been merely an exhale.
Neither of you even noticed that during his little speech of praise toward you, he'd reached out and taken your hands gently in his own. It was a reflexive, instinctive, and intimate move. Rather than pull away, now feeling a bit more stable, and comfortable in sharing his thoughts as you hadn't reacted adversely, he pushes a bit further. He rubs his thumb across the back of your hand, and for seven minutes, that's enough for him.
Kiibo / K1-B0
The almost-human robot is standing across from you, arms flat by his side. He looks far more relaxed than you were, passive and maybe in some kind of rest mode, if he had one.
"Now what?" He asks plainly.
"Nobody told you what to do?" You replied, a bit stunned and wondering why he was even here.
"Vaguely. It sounded like a complete waste of time, though. If it's what humans do, it's certainly not in my programming. Therefore, I might as well learn from this experience as not to be embarrassed later on should the topic come up again." He sounded so practical, so... bored with the current situation.
"Well... I don't know how much you were told but this game is about emotions, feelings... touching and flirting, making the other person nervous and flustered, seeing how far you two are willing to go with each other… in a romantic kind of way. It's uniquely human... it may not be productive for you if you can't comprehend-"
"I have plenty of emotions and feelings! I can understand it perfectly fine!" He retorted, offended and seemingly embarrassed. You didn't know he could get embarrassed. Maybe he could in fact enjoy this game to its fullest. You intended to get something out of this experience. This could be fun. You had to admit, you'd been curious about the extent of Kiibo's understanding of human interactions and emotions for a while now. You wondered how much he could feel, emotionally and physically. If you pulled his hair, would he cry out? If you scratched his thigh, would it bleed simulated blood? There could be a lot of room for exciting discovery that awaited you.
"Well then, I'm curious..." you reach a single, cautious hand outward and stroke his hair. It's stunningly soft. It feels shockingly real, not like some cheap synthetic wig or some type of rubber or metal shaped to mimic hair. Kiibo did something like a vibration or shudder, a chill running down his spine. You wondered if this was a programmed response, all artificial and planned, or if Kiibo's free will really extended that far. How real did his creator intend for him to be? For what purpose was he truly built? What did a scientist stand to gain from making a feeling, loving, human-like young man? You could see a war machine or an endless knowledge bank easily being worth the time, but Kiibo didn't seem to excel in pretty much... anything. "How does that feel?"
"I... I don't know. It's making me... relax? I think that's how you'd describe it. I feel like I am running on low power and sluggish, but in a good way? On purpose..." he speaks softly.
"And this?" You run a hand down his pale cheek, and it's warmer than expected, though below a real human’s body temperature for sure. You're so focused on touching the simulated, soft, supple skin, that you don't even notice Kiibo's eyes blown wide open as if scanning you, entranced and staring almost through you. It was safe to say he might have been touched-starved, unused to the sensation.
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kotton-kandy953 · 18 days
➛ yandere!male headcannons x fem/gn!reader
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title page┆word count: 0.3k┆warnings: second-person pronouns, drugging, kidnapping, manipulation, mentions of murder, obsessive behavior, stalking, violence, yandere themes┆a/n: I lowkey don’t like like Kokichi but I know some of you guys do. So here you go
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general ! yandere ! kokichi ouma hc’s x gn ! reader
“There’s no way you’d choose that fucker over me!”
At first, Kokichi shows absolutely no interest in you, romantically or platonically. On the outside, of course. On the inside, he just doesn’t understand what he feels or how to express his feelings.
Nevertheless, he still does whatever he can in his power to be around you and becoming a close-ish friend. Occasionally throwing insults towards his other classmates that so desperately need to spend time with you.
I believe that Kokichi would get jealous pretty easily and quickly. So much so that he would borderline threaten the person who just loves to be in your presence. Then playing it off as just another lie. But was it really?
His opinion towards you compared to the others is very noticeable. He’s never said any snarky remarks or sly insults towards you, maybe some dirty jokes here and there but overall, he’s all smiles.
Kokichi doesn’t find you “perfect” or anything, just very interesting. So he’s always following you around… without your knowledge.
Yes, I do believe Kokichi would “eliminate,” or, murder his foes, but after very careful consideration. He’s never murdered a person where the blood was on his hands before. But anything for you, right?
On the topic of murder, Kokichi would enjoy making his victims suffer in agony. Especially if they’ve gotten in between you and Kokichi’s nonexistent “relationship.” But the only downside on his part would be cleaning up the blood splatter. Finding anything from a person other than you utterly disgusting.
And after they’re gone, you’ll never know who to suspect when he’s around. You can never tell when he’s lying or not.
Making himself seem innocent in your eyes is his specialty. You both are friends, after all.
When Kokichi kidnaps you, he’d either knock you out by force or just by drugging you.
And if you were to try to run away, there’d be no punishment. He’d just manipulate you into staying. And due to his compulsive lying, it’d be way easier for him.
Anyway, these are my headcannons for Kokichi. He’s literally a lying, manipulative piece of shit.
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gontagokuhara · 2 months
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Gundham’s throne room is smaller than Shuuichi would have assumed it to be, should he have spared a stray thought to the notion before actually being confronted with it. Somehow reserved, in comparison to the sprawling, ornate cathedral interiors that they bore witness to in Celestia’s Palace.
Much like what Shuuichi had gleaned from their time roaming the corridors, the throne room is funereal and cramped — windows that did once line the perimeter of the room have long been shuttered, or just boarded shut altogether. And alongside those same glowing torches affixed to the walls that have been searing his eyesight a brilliant sapphire blue, the room is artificially illuminated to a greater degree than the hallways had been by another, much more peculiar source:
That would be the hexagram sigil carved into and alight within the floor, the circumference of the complex, etched-in circle bleeding light the same color as the torches across most of the available floor space separating the entrance of the throne room from what awaits at the very heart of it.
(or: of gods, monsters, and pointy objects chapter twenty-six, in which the thing everyone has been waiting for happens.)
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izumeno · 24 days
Ultimate Motivational Speaker Kaito and Ultimate Clown Kokichi Interaction (From my V3 TalentSwap AU)
Kaito: Hey, my sidekicks! Kaito here and I hope ya liked my speech! And remember! We are not just telling stories, we-
Kokichi: *pops up* We are changing lives!
Kaito: Goddamn it! *stops the recording* The hell you are doing here?
Kokichi: I was bored and because I love you so much, I decided to visit you Omota Chan :D. And to help you, remember your lines!
Kaito: I wasn't gonna say "We are changing lives"! *grumbles annoyed*
Kokichi: Aww, but Dhar Mann does it too, right?
Kaito: The hell?! What does he have to do with anything?
Kokichi: Well, both of you try to improve people's lives. That means you are the same :D
Kaito: No! I am not doing this, for cash! I am doing this to help people!
Kokichi: SUuure....*smirks* I believe you.
Kaito: You don't.
Kokichi: Huh? How do you know?
Kaito: You know why. *glares and crosses arms*
Kokichi: Do I?
Kaito: Yeah.
Kokichi: No.
Kaito: Yeah.
Kokichi: No.
Kaito: Yeah.
Kokichi: No.
Kaito: Yeah.
Kokichi: No.
Kaito: No- Wait!
Kokichi: Haha! You admitted it :D
Kaito: *grits teeth* God,don't you have somewhere else to be annoying?
Kokichi: Not until four :P
Kaito: *groans annoyed and rubs his head* Can you please...just let me finish my goddamn recording?
Kokichi: Hmm...Okay! *steps aside*
Kaito: *lets out a sigh and then coughs a bit before smiling* Hey, my sidekicks! Kaito here and I hope ya liked my speech! And remember! We are not just telling stories, we-
*Suddenly a pie flies into Kaito's face and Kokichi pops up*
Kokichi: We are eating pies :D
Kaito: YOU!
*Thus, the two had a classic Tom and Jerry chase scene.*
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miltonbarbie · 2 years
Hajime, Nagito, Kokichi and Shuichi Reacting to falling on top of their crush!
Hajime wasn't a clumsy guy, but hiyoko decided to pull a prank that she thought was funny and tripped Hajime while laughing like the girlboss she is. You were walking by and that's when it happened. Hajime tried to maintain his balance but ended up tripping and falling. ON TOP OF YOU.
Ohmygodohmygod he was internally freaking out and wanted to disapear. He stared at you underneath him and he blushed like crazy. He quickly apologized and helped you up while walking away as fast as he could. He wasn't getting over this anytime soon.
It was just a matter of his luck cycle. He was in the hallway trying to find Chiaki because he wanted to play video games with her, and Chiaki has A LOT.
You were running really fast because you forgot your phone in the girls washroom, and you bumped into nagito. You fell down and nagito tried to help you get up, but ended up falling on top of you instead. You got really flustered and Nagito stared at you in suprise, he definitely had some dirty thoughts in his head LMAO he chuckled a bit and got up, pulling you up with him. Apologizing and blaming it on his luck.
"Ahaha! Sorry Y/n. It's just my dumb luck again. Besides, garbage like shouldn't do stuff like that anyway. I'm so stupid.." He rubbed the back of his head while smiling at you. You apologized really quickly and patted his shoulder as another apology before speed-walking to the bathroom to get your phone.
Kokichi was running obviously, while chasing Kiibo and asking him "Robophobic" questions. Kiibo ran past you while Kokichi tripped on his shoelace and fell down, you tumbling down beneath him.
He groaned before opening his eyes and seeing you down with him. He smirked and started to make dirty jokes.
"Oh~ Y/n-chan what a coincidence! I never knew you'd look so vulnerable beneath me. If only it could've been somewhere more ... Private.." He giggled, and you squealed with an extremely blushy face before pushing him away and putting your hands on your face.
"K-kokichi don't say stuff like that!!"
He found your blushy face really cute.. Maybe he should pin you down more often .. ;)
Poor boy, he was just trying to read a book until he bumped into you. You fell while he tried to catch you but he still had his book in his hand, you grabbed his collar and accidently brought him on top of you.
His two hands on the side of the floor, with you in the middle. He started blushing really hard after realizing what was going on. He wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. He was stammering, stuttering and couldn't even form words together. You just froze with him on top of you, you two completely malfunctioning (Was that Robophobic?). Shuichi got off of you and extended his hand out to you while his other hand was pulling his hat down to cover his face. You grabbed his hand and he pulled you up so you could regain your balance. You and him apologized at the same time while walking away really awkwardly.
Kokichi saw the whole thing.
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nerd-cat-rambles · 1 month
Danganronpa V3 AU:
They all catch Tsumugi in the first chapter using Kaede's plan and go to the outside world without much idea of what's going on. (including flashback lights, fiction, etc.) turns out Tsumugi used other peoples' identities for the game (there is a famous pianist named Kaede Akamatsu, a leader named Kokichi Oma etc)
All the remaining students are wanted for "identity theft" (although it was out of their control, many questions of drv3 were not answered because it ended so quickly without a resolve.)
The AU revolves around them surviving in an apocalyptic world, on the run from everybody, they're all together trying to survive, and trying to piece together their true pasts.
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nabateaprodigy · 10 months
How do you think Kokichi would deal with a reader who is sort of the opposite in personality to him. Like they can’t lie, mellow and just mind their own business yet is mature and patient. They end up becoming friends or lovers cuz if Kokichi pulls a prank on reader, reader gets revenge or if he lies, reader just sasses him back with a tongue sticking out, but there isn’t any hard feelings. He brings out their inner playful side. When he becomes injured, while the others don’t care. Reader actually checks up on him cuz he’s bleeding. He finds out from reader that they feel relaxed around him and don’t find him annoying at all?
Playful Tendencies
Series: Danganronpa.
Characters: Kokichi.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Gender Neutral.
Notes: This is such a cute request! Glad I was able to do it! ^^
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An angel that's how Kokichi would describe you far too kind and someone who could never lie. A very mature person who followed the rules and was never seen breaking them. A person who minded their own business unless they wanted to get involved.
Kokichi thought you were perfect...perfect for a prank that is! He didn't think you were perfect because of how you handled yourself or how you appeared to others. He didn't think you were perfect because he wanted to get to know you or better connect with you why would he?
That's what he told himself at least but deep down he knew the truth. So he decided to play pranks on you to ignore what he felt. Your reaction to his playful behavior was what he expected doesn't mean he didn't enjoy seeing the expression on your face any less.
However, something very unexpected that day happened to him. As soon as he entered his dorm room water fell onto him with a bucket soon following. "You aren't the only one who can play pranks around here Kokichi~"
Now Kokichi knew without a doubt you were perfect he knew it in his heart as he watched you walk off while you laughing at him. So that's how it's going to be, is it? Very well this means war!
Since then the two of you would constantly play pranks on each other even if it went into the late hours of the night. After a successful prank, you would stick out at him nothing wrong with rubbing salt in the wound right? But you couldn't both couldn't help it neither would let each other know about it. Not that you minded though you loved this side of Kokichi seeing how playful he is.
But if you thought that's where it ended you were sorely mistaken who better to play pranks on than your classmates? Of course, Miu was the main target of these pranks as her reactions were always the best. Although it would always end up running away together as Miu had thrown things at you while yelling curse words at you both.
You truly loved being with Kokichi you always felt as though you had to keep up an appearance as people thought and saw you in a certain way. At first, you were fine with this it didn't bother you that much but sometimes it was just too much for you. So to play pranks with Kokichi to laugh and smile you loved it and you showed a side of yourself that you've kept locked away.
You just felt so relaxed and at peace when you were with Kokichi it's something you wish could last forever. You knew that wasn't possible however for as long as you knew Kokichi you would remember all the fun moments you had together. He was special to you and you wanted nothing but the best for him.
So that's why it always made you so afraid to see him when he got injured. You didn't feel the need to hide your concern for him he knew you long enough that he could see through your facade. "What's with the gloomy look Y/N? It's just a little scratch nothing serious!" He spoke with a smile on his face as if nothing was wrong.
"A little scratch? It's more than just a little scratch!" You were angry but you were only angry because you cared so much for him. You held his hand in yours as you spoke to him.
"Kokichi you mean a lot to mean okay? To see you injured in any way it worries me. You make me feel so relaxed like nothing else matters and I can be myself and just be alive. So please take better care of yourself alright?" You smile at him.
"..." He said nothing a part of him knew how you felt about him but to hear that? It was something else entirely. So he hugged you keeping both you and himself safe. "Don't know Y/N I'll be careful and...I love you." You smile as you hug him back "I love you too Kokichi."
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ghostofdiamonds · 3 months
guys help I'm thinking about a saiouma promare au
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Fandom: Danganronpa V3
Sample Size: 15,345 stories
Source: AO3
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yawujin · 19 days
Hear me out on this one
DRV3 boys with a crush on someone that’s just a little bit afraid of them
i'm listening 👂🔊
request | v3 boys x scared! reader
type | head canon format , cute , ship dynamic , gender neutral/you pronouns used , no killing game
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shuichi saihara ♡
is he really that scary? he honestly thinks that he's harmless
he has all the qualities of a good detective
so , if you commit a crime, he'll be able to easily figure you out
but as far as he knows...you are harmless too
he doesn't understand :(( but he decides to talk to you about it anyway
feel free to say whatever, we all know he's an understanding king (for the most part 😅)
rantaro amami ♡
feels a little hurt but that's okay! he knows he's not a creep or anything so he tries not to take the fact that they're scared of him personally
although he tries to understand from your point of view why you would be
he opens up more in conversations with you so you can get a feel on what type of guy he truly is
he hopes they can overcome this small fear of theirs
k1b0/kiibo ♡
he supposes he can understand why his crush is afraid of him
at first , he thought it was robophobia but then he thinks about it...
maybe it's because you think he has lazer eyes that can cut through anything?
nah, that can't be it
you can bet he's searching 'how to be less scary' and 'how to not be intimidating'
korekiyo shinguji ♡
he gets it
he doesn't hesitate to prove otherwise though
all he has to do is talk to them more and open himself up to them
even if he has to spill all his secrets...
he wants to make sure you are not afraid of him anymore
kaito momota ♡
his initial reaction is "awww what? they're scared of me?"
he doesn't understand that at all!
he practically an open book
he's always offering up help or a conversation
even if they need a shoulder to cry on...he's there!
eventually, he decides to be upfront about it and ask them why
gonta gokuhara ♡
he can understand why but it makes him so sad 😭
he at least hopes they are not afraid of bugs because he brought over a handful of lady bugs to show you as a sort of peace offering
he invites you over for bug meet and greets more often so you can really see how gentle he is
asks you if the two of you can study together, just so you can get to know him in a more peaceful atmosphere
ryoma hoshi ♡
he expected it tbh
and because he did, he doesn't really mind but it still stings
he knows he's a little intimidating but that's just his nature
still he avoids approaching them at night
he tries to talk to them more in the daytime, even if it's just smalltalk
kokichi ouma ♡
when the word gets out that you're scared of him, he laughs it off (or at least tries to)
he's really hurt but he changes for no one!
he does lay off on the over the top pranks though
he can't risk *intentionally* scaring you, now can he?
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brightstarblogs · 2 months
Apple of Temptation (Danganronpa V3 Demon AU) Chapter 9
Please click here to read!
Chapters: 9/16 Rating: Mature Relationships: Saihara Shuichi/Ouma Kokichi, Saihara Shuichi&Akamatsu Kaede, Momota Kaito/Harukawa Maki Characters: Saihara Shuichi, Ouma Kokichi, Momota Kaito, Harukawa Maki, Akamatsu Kaede, Iruma Miu, Oogami Sakura, D.I.C.E
Summary: Kokichi gets some advice from Sakura and Shuichi and Kokichi reunite once more
First, let me say, thank you everyone for your patience with this! I more than understand if people don't want to be tagged for updates anymore if they've moved on from the fandom so please let me know.
As I do with all my works, I want to thank my beta reader @bowsersrighthandmon for helping me with this work!
Now tagging people who liked/reblogged the last part (let me know if you don’t want me to tag you by sending an ask or DM ^_^)
Apologies if I missed you but sometimes I can’t tag some people
@residualmanifests @lamekit @legit-nobody-at-all @unidentifiedtomdoe @cheloneuniverse
@nikonekosenpai @hazelnutdeedee @fastrainbowdas @shsl-lantern @miruunya
@l-niky @selenashuu @millakatariina64 @hhheima @prettykittyrain
@mintisbored @taydolf-swiftler @maplebites @angels-scars @babybackribbos
@kokichi-simp2657 @wiltinglibrary @iamshyasfuck @englishblackrose @takeovertheworldsstuff
@rinmo @cheesecakemermaid1048 @the-good-noodle-kf @breadfacednerd @ashley2u
@charakitcat @hotsinglehorsesinyourarea11037
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m-y-fandoms · 1 year
COMMISSION: Kokichi Ouma dating a taller woman (headcanon list + drabble)
Word Count: 1.4K words approximately
Warnings/Details: SFW was requested, so any NSFW headcanons would have to be a separate piece. Expect fluff, romance, and possible unhealthy relationship elements because it’s Kokichi, but still SFW overall.
(A taller woman is defined here as literally even an inch taller than him, all the way up to a major height difference. I’ve dated a man only an inch shorter than me and definitely noticed that inch difference so we have a wide height range to work with here! I personally am imagining a woman at least a good five inches taller than him in my mind, but again, anyone taller than him in any way would work!)
As friends before you two were officially dating (but he had a crush on you):
Kokichi is definitely the type to tease and pick on the people he likes. It might even be hard to tell he has a crush on you because he’s mischievous and obnoxious with everyone. Depending on your personality type, you might enjoy just having his attention so often or, you might think he hates you or is just trying to bully you.
If you respond by liking the attention or teasing him back, he would get super confident and a little more touchy each time. It would become increasingly obvious that he’s flirting with you.
If you responded by pulling away or getting offended, he would become frustrated. In his mind it would be obvious that he likes you. Why else would he be giving you so much of his precious time and attention??? He would be a little whiny when you responded poorly or eventually feel the need to explain that he really likes you, but he would hate having to explain it. His cheeks would get all red, he’d roll his eyes, talking to you like you’re some idiot for not picking up on his cues.
Kokichi lies to everyone, even himself, so even though he acts like his height doesn’t bother him and even might joke about it sometimes, it probably bothers him at least a tiny bit deep down. He doesn’t make it a focus in his life but doesn’t like when people point it out, even if he plays it off and has a sarcastic rebuttal for them.
Therefore, when he finds himself crushing on you, a woman taller then him, he for sure would use your height to tease you. If he’s going to feel insecure, then everyone’s going to feel insecure. He doesn’t want you to think his height matters/is a flaw, so him teasing you will prove he’s confident in himself, right?
You’d definitely hear a bunch on uncreative jabs and nicknames: tree trunk, giraffe, skyscraper, stretch, bigfoot, lamp-post, daddy long legs, gigantasaurus, Goliath, stilts, rooftop, and so on and so forth.
He might surprise attack you, running and jumping onto your back and latching on. Whether or not this takes you down to the ground or you carry him around like a baby sloth matters little to him.
After you two start dating:
Sometimes, he will like to prove implicitly that he is not weak and not to be looked down upon for his size…
When you two are alone, he sometimes will pull at your hair or the collar of your shirt to bring you down to his height so he can kiss you or whisper in your ear. 
He likes to put you in physically uncomfortable positions to fluster and corner you. Feeling like he’s in control and can make you nervous excites him.
He will corner you in hallways, push you up against walls and trap you in between his arms.
He’s much stronger then he looks, but like with most aspects of Kokichi, what you see initially, isn’t always what you get.
When you two are alone in his room, he will cage you below him on his bed to kiss you, hold you down, be more assertive and initiate make-out sessions.
If you’re sitting together talking or playing games, he might pull you onto his lap, reassuring you in his own immature, aloof way that you’re not too heavy for him.
The teasing never stops, and certainly not in public. Kokichi isn’t one to bring down his walls and be vulnerable and romantic in front of others. Protective, possessive, or jealous maybe. He reserves his true feelings and mushy moments for when you two are alone, and threatens you with death should you tell anyone.
If he does let out some PDA with you, it’s purposely to fluster you or scare away others that he thinks are interested in you.
Also, he’s very much the “Only I can make fun of Y/N” or “Only I can hold Y/N’s hand” type of boyfriend, especially if you’re insecure about your height already. He gets clingy and jealous even when you’re just being platonic with others.
You were sitting in your dorm room for once. Usually, you found yourself spending the night in Kokichi’s, but he was being rather secretive about his room for some reason this week. You sat next to him on the ground, looking at a splayed out deck of cards on the floor. You often spent the nights like this: with him, either wandering the school grounds and getting up to trouble or in his room where he could have you all to himself. He could be selfish like that, clingy. Sometimes seeing others get close to you made him more jealous than he’d like to admit.
And you could most definitely tell when it was one of his more needy days. He’d be more whiny, showing his true feelings through a furrowed brow here or a scrunched nose there. He sighed, tired of leaning his head onto your shoulder. He wanted more, more contact with you, more of you entirely. Without warning, he grabbed both hands firmly onto your legs and pulled you into his lap. He was sitting with his legs criss-crossed, and with an unexpected show of strength for someone of his size, he sunk his slender, pale fingers into the meat of your thighs and slid you effortlessly into his lap. He snuggled you in and you slotted perfectly into the cavity of his hips and thighs.
You squirmed in protest, gasping a little at the surprise of being lifted so suddenly. Your cheeks warmed up at the close contact and intimate position. He placed his chin back onto your shoulder, nuzzling against it every so often and resumed the game, handing you cards and promising not to cheat and peek at your hand (probably a lie).
When moments passed and you still squirmed about uncomfortably in his lap, he grunted, irate:
“Sit still, I’m trying to get comfortable!” He tilted his head, biting down into the skin of your shoulder in a childish display of frustration.
“Well… Kokichi… aren’t I a little heavily? Are you sure you want me to sit here like this…?” You finally voiced the apprehension behind your wriggling. You were bigger then him, and his frame was so lithe and petite. You felt like a beast crushing it’s prey. It wasn’t that you didn’t like the closeness and his touch, but you couldn’t help but feel self conscious.
“Why would I put you here if I didn’t want it, stupid head?!” He puffed his cheeks out in exasperation.
“It just… I mean I feel like I’m grating your pelvis into dust right now…” He wouldn’t say it directly, but he hated comments like this. Though he knew it was your own insecurities against yourself at work, he couldn’t help but be offended for himself, like you thought he was puny and weak at the same time. You would never say that to Gonta or Kaito, right? Even Kiyo, who was thin as could be would be spared from such comments. Why? Because he was 6’2”. Kokichi frowned at your comment, trying not to take out that anger on you, though he really wanted to.
“If you move even an inch, I’m going to bonk you over the head and knock you out…” he grumbled, wrapping both arms around your torso and crushing you into his chest in a show of dominance. He wanted to prove that he could hold you, he could be strong and in control, he could handle all of you.
You relaxed into his hold, feeling the beating of his heart against your back and deciding to let the topic go for now. 
He gets pissed, crossing his arms and practically steaming when you guys go to amusement parks and people imply that he’s not tall enough for certain rides.
He finds your body super attractive, content to sit back and simply watch you try on clothes without complaint.
He refers to you as his “tall gf” or “huge gf” in many different scenarios, even if you’re just the least bit taller than him.
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kotton-kandy953 · 17 days
➛ various!yandere!male one-shots x fem!reader
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title page┆word count: 1.1k┆warnings: blood, death, kidnapping, obsessive behavior, violence, yandere themes┆a/n: I was lowkey bribed into writing this by my sister bc I don't really fw Danganronpa like that (that's a lie)
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DECEPTION ━ kokichi ouma x kidnapped ! reader
⤷ ❝ 𝕺𝕳,
Y/n!!" The boy shouted as he dragged the heavy object behind him. Leaving a long trail of magenta in his wake.
"Hey, don't run away!" He called out while wiping the pink splatter off his pale face.
"I think it'd be a good-fucking-idea to show yourself now..."
"...Y/n!!" He screamed while kicking open your bedroom door. It made a loud SLAM! when it hit the wall.
He looked around the room with crazy, purple eyes all while plastering that same playful smile on his pale face.
"Aw... you're not in here either?" He crouched down to look under your bed
"Y'know, I'm getting really tired of this game of hide-'n'-seek!" He grumbled quietly to himself as he opened the different doors and hiding places in your bedroom. Little did he know, you were standing right outside the room he was in.
Holding a kitchen knife.
It was the very first thing you saw so you grabbed it. Right now, you were beginning to regret not owning any bigger objects like a golf club.
You watched fearfully as Kokichi searched for you, occasionally rummaging through your more... personal items.
When his back was facing you, that's when you took your chance to attack.
Charging towards the purple haired psycho, you raised the knife to stab him.
But he saw right through you.
He quickly turned around and grabbed your wrist. "Found you!" He laughed while tightened his grip, making you to drop the weapon.
"It's not good to run around with sharp objects Y/n! You might end up hurting someone!" He yanked you closer by your hips and lightly pecked your nose with a smile.
A smile that irked you to your core.
How could he still be smiling after all of this!? You thought to yourself as you looked his bloodied figure up and down.
How could he still be smiling after murdering them in cold blood!!?
Tears pricked in the corners of your eyes as you thought back to the gruesome sight. He just bludgeoned my best friend to death with a baseball bat!! And now he's giggling about it!?
Kokichi's smile quickly disappeared as he stared deep into your fearful, (e/c) eyes. His arm tightly wrapped around your waist while the other firmly holding the bat.
"Why are you so scared? I won't hurt you... unless you want me to..." He smiled suggestively while slowly moving his face closer to yours.
"H- Help! Help me!!" You screamed while attempting to free yourself from his grip,
"He's fucking craz-!!"
Kokichi dropped the bat and quickly cupped his free hand over your mouth, "Who are you screaming for, Y/n?"
Tears pricked in your eyes as you desperately tried to pry his magenta-stained fingers off your face.
"What, you think your parents are alive too!?" He giggled, "they're dead!!"
His words froze you.
"Wh- Wha..." was all that left your mouth.
He removed his hand from your face and proceeded to laugh, "What, you thought I'd spare their dumbasses!? Of course I killed them!"
His laughs grew louder and louder as tears streaked down your (s/c) face.
His hand muffling your pitiful sobs, "no, no, no, no, no..." You kept repeating it over and over to yourself as you shook your head rapidly.
You couldn't believe it... you wouldn't believe it.
The purple haired boy lifted his hand to wipe the tears from your eyes.
"I know, I know, a dick move, I know," he smiled somewhat warmly at you, "But I had to, Y/n."
"N- no... no... you... you're lying... this is just another one of your... l- lies..." Kokichi slowly let go you of your figure as you panicked, breathing hard and sobbing loudly.
"Y/n," He reached down to the bat lying on the ground.
"I did all of this for you..."
He raised the bloodied weapon above his head.
"And I'd never fucking lie about that."
And after that, everything went black.
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Slowly opening your eyes, the first thing you noticed were most of your senses being cut off.
Your mouth was taped shut and your ankles and wrists firmly tied together with rope. Your back was pressed against a hard, cement wall. Are you in a basement?
What the hell is going on!?
You can barely remember anything from earlier. The last memory you can recall is being in your bedroom — and then Kokichi...
Kokichi... you thought.
A playful voice giggled out while quickly making their way over to you in the dim light.
When close enough, he crouched down, smiling crazily. "Don't worry too much about your whereabouts. You're safe with me, now..."
He reached out and caressed your head, the dried blood staining his figure becoming more and more visible as your eyes begin to clearly focus.
But you weren't dwelling on that at the moment, at least not yet. You were more focused on his strange words and that horrible headache you have. In contrast of responding to his statements, you looking around the place you've been brought to.
Where... am I...?
As you were thinking, the purple haired boy softly placed a hand on the back of your head. "Hm, you're still bleeding?" He retracted his hand then looked down at it.
"I couldn't have hit you that hard...!"
After wiping, or just smearing, your pink-colored blood on his white uniform, he yanked the silver duct tape off of your mouth.
You let out a noise of pain at the quick action, but he just giggled, "Nee-hee hee, I'm so sorry, dear... "
You couldn't tell if his tone was mocking or genuine, either way, you instinctively pressed your back against the wall as far as you could.
You wanted to call out for help, you really did. But you didn't know what Kokichi would do. Would he be mad or...?
Opening your suddenly dry mouth to scream, you were put to a stop by his soft lips roughly being pushed against yours. You struggled to breathe as he kissed you with such fervor, as if he was never going to pull away.
And when he did, you were panting with flushed lips and an even hotter face. Feeling both embarrassed and happy that you can breathe normally again.
His psychotic, purple, irises traced over your figure with a deranged smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"I'm surprised you haven't fought against me this whole time, Y/n!" He giggled, "Hee hee... you've probably decided to submit to me already..."
"P- please..." you swallowed hard, "just let me go..."
Kokichi shook his head, "I can't do that. You're finally safe with me..."
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gontagokuhara · 14 days
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“Save us the soliloquy, drama queen. You are not the titular character of today’s tragedy.” Now she bangs her gavel down in front of her, and she’s quick to abandon it once she’s fully commanded the room again, now tapping a finger against her chin as she blinks owlishly down at the group of errant demigods still left without an assigned seat for…whatever she’s gearing up to. “Nah, that’s so last week. But the real shining star of today’s main event…let’s see, that would be…eenie, meenie, miney…”
Junko takes considerable time sustaining the tension of the moment as she switches her attention between each of the eight of them, as if there are any doubts as to who’s about to be called up to bat. When she finally deigns to speak again, she’s decided to drop the impish lilt in her voice, affect flat as she quits her attempted, bluffed suspense and levels her finger squarely at Shuuichi.
“…You, New Kid. You’re up.”
Obviously. But she still manages to beckon him forward in what is feasibly the most skin-crawling way possible.
(or: of gods, monster, and pointy objects chapter twenty-seven, in which the thing everyone has NOT been waiting for happens)
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