#kol is the youngest sibling
fandoms--fluff · 4 months
hi! if your still doing requests could you please do rebekah and her daughter reader? literally anything haha just rebekah and her daughter❣️
Rebekah Mikaelson as your Mom
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You guys would be very close, like best friends close
You could tell her everything without feeling judged, she'd always be there for you
Watching cheesy rom-coms together all snuggled up on the couch with blankets and popcorn
^kicking all your uncles out so they don't disturb you guys
You'd have a special bond with your mom
She'd spoil you rotten and no one could stop her
Would be just as lost as you if you ever needed help with homework
^that's an uncle Elijah question
"Mom! Uncle Kol won't leave me alone" You groan. You walk into the library, arms crossed. Kol is following right behind you. "I am not, I'm just asking a couple questions" He also crosses his arms.
"Last I checked, I had only one child" Rebekah puts her magazine down. "Kol, if you keep bothering my daughter, you're getting a time-out."
"What?! H-how is that- What? You-you can't do that!" Kol sputtered at being talked to like he was a child and his sister's acting as his mom.
Rebekah raised an eyebrow and gave her signature glare to her younger brother. "Fine" Kol huffs before trudging out of the room.
"Thanks, Mom" You sit next to her on the couch. You cuddle up to her and she wraps her arm around you. "Anytime, Sweetie" she kisses the top of your head.
"Are you sure Uncle Kol isn't adopted?" You look up at her from where your head rests on her chest.
"I wouldn't be shocked if he was" Rebekah smirks, making you chuckle.
"What are you two laughing about?" Klaus comes into the room and heads over to the alcohol cart. "Nothing," You both say at the same time.
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captainsophiestark · 4 months
Kol Mikaelson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Summary: You've finally worked up the courage to ask Kol on a date, but with all the people who've been trying to kill him lately, he jumps to the wrong conclusion about what's being asked of him. Set right after TVD "A View To A Kill", if Jeremy didn't succeed in killing Kol.
Word Count: 2,517
Category: Fluff, Humor
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"Hello, love. I wasn't expecting to get a call from you."
I grinned at the voice of the youngest Mikaelson brother coming through the other end of the phone. I'd met him at the Grill a few weeks ago, and we'd pretty much immediately hit it off. I'd been trying to work up the courage to ask him out ever since, and after overhearing his siblings talking about how close he'd come to dying recently, I'd decided to stop wasting time and just give him a call.
"Hi Kol. Uh, I know this is kind of out of the blue, but... well, I wanted to see if you wanted to maybe get together at some point and... talk. Hang out. All that... stuff..."
I grimaced. I'd never done this before, and it was probably painfully obvious, especially to a vampire with a literal thousand years of experience.
"You want to get together and talk?" asked Kol, a lilt to his voice that I couldn't quite decipher. Everything in me screamed that I should bail out, but I grit my teeth and forced myself to toughen up.
"Yeah. If that's something you'd want to do."
"Oh, it very much is." My heart stopped. I'd been sure this call was about to be a total fumble, but apparently, somehow it'd worked? "What did you have in mind?"
"Uh..." I mentally kicked myself. I'd spent so much time trying to work up the nerve to actually call him, I hadn't thought at all about what I would do if he actually said yes. "Well, I don't know. Is there anywhere you'd especially like to meet up? Or anything you'd like to do?"
"How about your house?" The doorbell rang. "Right now?"
My brain short circuited. He was here? Now? I wasn't ready at all! The house was fairly clean, and I didn't look like a total mess, but I also wasn't ready for a date! And wasn't a first date supposed to be about thirty degrees more chill and removed, like a going to a movie or dinner or something?
I forced myself to take a deep breath. Yes, this was technically a first date, but Kol and I had interacted before. We were friendly, maybe even friends. It's not like he was some stranger I was about to let into my home.
"Uh, sure. Now is... now is good. I take it you're the one at my door?"
"Yes I am, darling."
"Okay. Well, then... I guess I'll see you in a second."
I hung up the phone before I could make any more of a fool of myself, paused at the mirror in the hallway to quickly adjust my outfit, then strode confidently to the front door. If I pretended to be confident, it would probably rub off and turn into the real thing, right?
I swung open my door to find a grinning Kol on the other side, one arm raised and resting against the doorframe. My heart did a little backflip at that, and I just hoped his vampire senses hadn't clued him in on it.
"Well? Aren't you going to invite me in?"
"Oh! Right, yeah, come on in, Kol."
He grinned at me as he slowly, deliberately put one foot over the threshold, then the other. He paused once he officially stood in my house, facing me with a look like he expected me to have some kind of reaction. I just gave him a smile.
"Welcome in. Uh, I'll be honest, I wasn't really prepared for you to come over, like, now. But we can make some drinks, maybe play a board game or something? I actually think I have an at-home dart board buried somewhere around here if you want to get your ass kicked like you did the first time we met."
Kol huffed a laugh, a smaller, more genuine smile pulling onto his face as he shook his head at me.
"Well, now we have to play, don't we? I can't let my honor be tarnished without fighting back."
"I think it only counts as tarnishing your honor if it's not true," I mused as I led Kol into the kitchen, incredibly aware of how closely he followed behind me. If vampires could hear heart beats, then I was well and truly screwed.
"Exactly. I didn't get my ass kicked in darts, so what you said wasn't true."
I paused long enough to give Kol a judgey look over my shoulder, then walked around to the cabinets behind the kitchen island.
"Alright, I'll go dig out the dartboard in a minute, but let's figure out drinks first. I'll be honest, I'm not the best bartender, but I'll see what I can do."
"Here, let me. I'm an excellent bartender."
Kol reached for the bottles in my hand, but I paused, holding them slightly away from him. He leaned into me, and my heart did its stupid jumping jacks again, although I ignored it. Instead, I fixed Kol with another look.
"Are you an excellent bartender in the way you're an excellent dart player? Or are you actually an excellent bartender?"
Kol shook his head, an edged smile spread on his face as he reached across me and took the bottles from my hands. I was more than a little disappointed when he pulled away.
"Alright, I'm going to make us some drinks while you go and get that dart board, right now. We're going to settle this, once and for all."
"I'm still not totally sure that I actually have it," I reminded him, walking backwards out of the kitchen. Kol just hummed, shooting me one last look as he got to work on the drinks before I turned the corner.
As soon as I was out of his sight, I paused to take a few deep breaths. I was starting to feel seriously giddy hanging out with him like this, and I needed to calm the hell down. It was a casual first date, after all. I didn't need to get ahead of myself.
Once the butterflies in my chest had settled down a bit, I walked the rest of the way to the hall closet, or what I thought of as my junk closet. It was packed with things that were just useful or sentimental enough that I didn't want to throw them away, but that basically never came in handy on a regular basis. If that dartboard someone had gotten me for my birthday a few years ago was anywhere, it would be here.
I dug through a few boxes I thought might be likely candidates, trying to remember where past me might've put things last time I'd organized everything. Finally, after what felt like way too much searching, I found it at the bottom of a box on a higher shelf. Even better, a bag with all the darts still together was with it.
I grinned, doing a little triumphant fist pump to myself before turning to head out of the closet. In the doorway, however, I found Kol hovering, watching me intently, a menacing air about him that hadn't been there earlier.
"Hey... what are you doing?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow at me and crossed his arms.
"Me? I was about to ask you the same thing, darling. It really took you that long to find the dart board?"
I furrowed my eyebrows at him, watching for any clues as to what the hell he was doing before briefly glancing away to check the time my phone. Honestly, it hadn't even been that long.
"I mean, yes? Have you looked around this closet at all since you got here? It's a mess. How long have you been standing there, anyway?"
"I'm not an idiot, sweetheart," he said instead of answering me, taking another step forward. I narrowed my eyes at him. "I know you're back here messaging your little friends, trying to set up another ambush for me after the first one didn't work. I know how you Mystic Falls people like to operate."
My frown deepened. "Kol, what the hell are you talking about?"
"Don't play innocent with me, darling, it won't work. So who have you been texting?"
"No one, other than you! I knew you were acting weird on the phone, and when you first showed up. I thought my nerves were just getting the better of me, but apparently not."
"Nerves for what? Don't tell me Jeremy's going to come bursting through the door playing Van Helsing again."
"Jeremy who, Kol? Seriously, I have no idea what you're talking about."
For the first time since he'd appeared in the closet doorway, Kol seemed to believe me. His look changed from borderline threatening to almost as confused as my own.
"Jeremy Gilbert."
I paused, trying to place the name. It sounded familiar, but it took me a little while to figure out why.
"That's... Elena Gilbert's little brother? Right?"
"Yes. You're actually trying to tell me you don't know him?"
I scoffed. "Kol, of course I don't know him. I graduated from high school when he was still in middle school. I barely remember him or his sister."
He studied me, eyes scanning my face, apparently looking for some sign of a lie. I just watched him back, waiting on some kind of explanation for this to make sense.
"So you're not working with Elena and her little group of friends, then? Or either of the Salvatores?"
"No, Kol. Working with them on what?"
"You're not lying."
"I know I'm not lying! Now what the hell are you talking about?"
Kol sighed, slumping back against the doorframe a little, the tension easing out of his body although he still looked a little confused. I could relate.
"Elena and Jeremy tried to kill me not too long ago," he said, as if he was saying they'd asked him for directions on the street. "Elena tried to keep me busy by lying about wanting to discuss a truce with me. I assumed this was a terrible second attempt at the same thing."
I sighed, shaking my head and closing my eyes for a beat as I leaned against the shelf behind me. I knew he was a vampire, and I'd even known someone had tried to kill him recently. But somehow, I'd underestimated the level of ridiculous drama and miscommunication that would likely create.
"Yikes. Well... I'm glad you survived, and I can honestly tell you that I'm not a part of any plot to try to kill you. I can't even remember the last time I talked to Elena, and the only time I've ever talked to either of the Salvatores was when Damon was drunk and hit on me at the Grill."
Kol snorted. "Sounds familiar."
"I'm sure."
The two of us stayed put, neither moving to stand up or leave the closet, neither speaking either. The silence just hung, and I had no idea what I was supposed to do next, so it was a relief when Kol leaned forward, the menace in his posture gone and replaced by tentative curiosity.
"You know, this leaves us with a very important question."
"And what's that?"
"If you weren't trying to drive a stake through my heart... why did you call me and ask to meet up?"
And just like that, the relief was replaced with sheer nervous panic.
"Uh... well..."
Kol grinned and took a few steps towards me.
"You said you wanted to get together and talk," he said, a teasing tone to his voice that made my heart speed up at the same time that it made me want to give him a shove. "What exactly did you want to talk about, if not murdering me?"
I shook my head, trying and failing to keep a smile off my face. Kol was well and truly in my space now, standing right in front of me, one arm over my head and leaning against the shelf behind me. Based on the grin he gave me when I met his eyes, I got the feeling he could hear my heart racing.
"I... Well, I was trying to ask you on a date."
"Were you now?" asked Kol, his shit eating grin doubling in size. I huffed.
"Yes. And it took a lot of effort to work up the courage to actually go through with it, so if you're just messing with me right now with the whole leaning into my space and flirting thing, I might actually join Team Try To Kill Kol."
Kol just laughed and shook his head, leaning in a little bit further as he did. I couldn't help a subconscious glance at his lips, and with the way they curled up even further, I knew he'd noticed.
"I'd never dream of messing with you about this, darling. Honestly, this is the best news I've gotten in days. If I hadn't been working to keep a few different people from killing me, I would've asked you out a week ago."
I grinned. "Really?"
I huffed a happy, disbelieving laugh as Kol leaned the rest of the way in, his lips finding mine. Fireworks exploded in my chest at the sensation, especially as he wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. My hands found his shoulders, holding on tightly, and when I finally pulled away after a few long, long moments, I was a little breathless and a little dizzy.
"Now that was worth thinking I was about to be vampire-slayed," said Kol, grinning at me before starting to lean in again. I laughed, but put a hand to his chest to stop him.
"I agree, but this is still a first date. I want to actually talk to you and get to know you beyond the few conversations we've had at the Grill, not just make out in my closet."
"You didn't like making out in the closet?"
"I didn't say that." Kol grinned, and I gave him an exasperated smile of my own. "I like this, Kol, a lot. But I could've just kept flirting at you with the Grill if all I wanted was to make out with you. Dates are supposed to be... a little more than that, at least to me."
Kol sighed, bringing his hand up to cup my chin and running his thumb across my lips before stepping back. My heart was doing backflips, and from the smirk on his face, I knew he could tell.
"Alright then, darling. I'll give your version of a date a try. As much as I like making out in closets, it might be nice to just talk to you for a bit, too."
I beamed at him. "Good. Although, it doesn't have to be all talk." I retrieved the dartboard that had been shoved back onto a shelf when Kol had first gotten in my space and held it up. "We have a few things to settle, after all."
"Oh yes we do. Come on love, our drinks are waiting in the kitchen. You're going to need one, so you have something to blame your loss on later tonight."
"Keep talking, Twilight. It's just gonna make it that much sweeter when I win."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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the-dawn-star · 1 year
Hi, can you please do a platonic yandere Mikaelsons headcanon with a human reader where they viewed her as a younger sibling? Thanks a lot.
A/N: Hi! I don't know if I'm really happy about this, but I hope you still enjoy this.
+300ish words.
TW: implied abandonment and abuse. Manipulation, again jsut not good stuff,
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The Mikaelsons are fiercely protective of their own and will do whatever it takes to protect the youngest of them. 
Elijah had found you barely alive because of dehydration and starvation, and Elijah being Elijah, he took you in.  
At first, all of his siblings were really confused by their brother’s behavior but soon after meeting you they became just as obsessed with you as Elijah.  
And soon after that they started to call you a Mikaelson too, I mean you need to have the same family as your siblings, right. 
Rebekah likes to take almost a maternal role in your life and for most of the time she treats you like a child without free will.  
Kol is the fun brother who turns into a version of himself that you cannot even recognize.  
Freya and Finn are the most chill of the siblings, but they will manipulate you into staying with the family no matter how stressed you get because of the family.  
Klaus is somewhere between Kol and Finn+Freya. But he will hurt you even without realizing it. Also, he gets super paranoid when you aren’t a beaming light of happiness.  
Elijah is the most responsible adult of the family, but he will put so much pressure on you (about you being the only hope for the family) that at the end he might hurt your mental state the most.  
Overall, you will be well protected, but you never get a moment to yourself, and all of your decisions will be taken away from you.
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poly!mikaelsons x reader (klaus, elijah, & kol) | requested
summary: your attitude gets the already fired-up mikaelson boys to put you in your place the hard way
tags: tickling (kink?), sex toys, fingering, face-fucking, blowjobs, vaginal sex, edging, overstimulation, nipple play, wax play, minor blood drinking, minor daddy kink, minor loss of consciousness (from overstimulation), cuddling, aftercare
word count: 3.7k
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“Don’t come any closer,” you put a hand up at Klaus, backing away as he continues to inch towards you. “I mean it!”
The man just smiles and licks his lips, “oh come on now, love. I mean you no harm.”
“I’m serious! Stay there! I don’t want-” His eyes flick to something behind you, but only for a mere second. Before you can question it, someone grabs your waist from behind. You scream, but your captor puts his hand over your mouth. “No! Stop!” You try to argue, but your efforts are futile. 
Klaus then comes at you quickly, knowing you won’t be able to escape his brother’s grasp. You still squirm anyway, fighting for your freedom. 
“Niklaus!” A deep voice stops all three of you immediately. Moments later, Elijah enters the room, then rolls his eyes at the situation. “And Kol, you’re here, too. Of course.” He looks at you. “Brothers, leave the poor girl alone. You’ve tormented her enough today.”
“She secretly likes it,” Kol argues. He lets you go, though, and you escape to Elijah’s side, seeking protection. 
Elijah sighs. It’s quiet as he thinks up a reply, but then you realize it’s too quiet. Too late. “I know,” he smiles. Before you can run again, he grabs you in his arms, holding you tightly and tickling your sides. 
“No, no, no! Stop! ‘Lijah, I trusted you!” You try to cry out, but it’s difficult when you’re also half laughing. 
“See,” Kol points, “she likes it.” He speeds to your side to help his older brother, then is followed by Klaus, too. The three of them are ruthless in their attack, unrelenting until you fall to your knees. 
“Okay! Okay!” You pant, out of breath, “you win! Let me go!”
Elijah finally does, but you only take a step before you’re in the arms of Klaus. 
“Wait, no! Put me down!”
“Nuh uh, love, we’re not quite finished with you.”
He carries you bridal-style to his room, then tosses you on the bed roughly. There’s no point in trying to escape - you’ll never beat him - but you try anyway. 
“Ah, ah, ah, no you don’t,” he races to stand in front of you as you crawl to the bedside. “Don’t you dare,” he warns, watching your eyes glance to the opposite site. “Whatever you try, I will always win.”
“He’s right, darling. You can’t win against us. Two original vampires versus a tiny, mere human! You don’t stand a chance,” Kol enters the room. He walks over to the other side, barricading you on the bed. 
Elijah then enters and stands at the foot. “Three, actually.”
“But you don’t have to be frightened, love. All we want is some fun. And maybe just a little bite, too.”
“Haven’t you had your fun chasing me all over?” You sass the boys. 
“Oh! She’s got a bit of attitude! No bother, we can clear that right up. Elijah, if you will.”
There’s nothing you can do as you watch the man undo his tie and stalk over to you. Your heart pounds in your chest, half from nervousness and half from anticipation. He instructs you to lie down, then binds your hands with his tie. Though before leaving you to the mercy of his youngest brothers, he kisses your bound hands and then your forehead. 
“Let me know when she’s learned her lesson. I’ll be back.”
The two wilder siblings lick their lips the minute they’re left alone with you. Your heart sinks to your toes, having no idea what could be racing in their heads. For the first minute, it’s a staring match, like a rabbit up against two wolves, all wondering who will make the first move. You’re done trying to escape at this point; you decide, instead, to stay completely still. 
“I can hear your heartbeat, love,” the hybrid breaks the silence. “Tell me, how are we making you feel? Scared? Nervous?” He makes his way closer to you with each word. “Hungry?” By now, he’s inches from your face. You can feel his breath on your lips. Your eyes are so close that you can see every fleck of gold in his green eyes. 
“Aww,” he cuts you off, “was that really all it took for you to drop that little attitude of yours? Seems my intimidation tactics are right on spot. I was afraid you’d require more effort.”
“I’m not scared,” you say suddenly. “In fact, I think that was a rather lousy attempt at intimidating me. You know I can handle you, Klaus.”
The man erupts in laughter and turns to his brother. Upon seeing the smirk on his face, he turns back to you. “You can, hm? Brave words from such a small, innocent human..”
“Innocent’s certainly not the word to describe me.” You peer behind him to see Kol. “Remember that time we snuck away from the Christmas party to have a little fun? It was so loud in the compound that no one heard a thing. Little did they all know what was happening right above them.” There’s a glimmer in your eyes, knowing you might turn the brothers against each other. 
In your favor, Klaus does face his brother. “What is this now?”
Kol swallows before answering, “she was in desperate need to be taught a lesson. Didn’t want to make a scene, so I brought her up alone.”
“And why did you not relay this to the rest of us afterwards?”
“Thought she had learned her lesson and didn’t need it resurfaced. Promise I taught her well, Nik. She was a very good girl afterwards. Which is what’s going to go down tonight, right, darling? You’re going to stay quiet and let us do what needs to be done.”
You bite your lip at the way Kol digs himself out of the hole. There goes your final chance at escaping this. 
“Is it not?” He prompts.
“Oh, yes, um, yes, it is.”
“Good. Now, stay there, and no touching,” he pauses, “oh wait!” He giggles childishly, “you can’t.”
Despite being apart for decades, the brothers seem to know each other’s every move when it comes to preparing you. They work in silence and light touches, though you know it won’t be like that for long. Klaus rips off your clothes and you fit the urge to protest, knowing it’ll probably just get you in more trouble, while Kol fetches something from the closet before settling in between your legs. Before long, both have their hands exploring your body. You feel tingles under their fingertips, and a burning in your core. It’s so quiet, it’s killing you, and you’re on the verge of making a comment just to raise their blood pressure a little. 
Just at that moment, Kol pushes two fingers into you without warning. You gasp and forget your words. “What were you about to say, darling?”
Quickly, you shake your head, denying his statement.
“Oh, you most certainly were,” Klaus challenges. “Come on, say it.”
“I didn’t- I wasn’t-”
“If you admit it, I might be less harsh in dishing out your punishment.”
That’s a lie, and you know it. Yet, you come clean. “I was just gonna ask if you were actually planning on doing anything.”
The man laughs, “my, you just don’t know when to drop the attitude! You know, Y/N, Elijah is well stocked with ties. We can bind your mouth with one if we need.” He makes a stride over to the closet door.
“No! No, no, please! I’ll be good, I promise. No more comments. I’ll listen.”
“Will you now?”
“Yes! Klaus, I will. I swear.”
“Well I do like to hear the sound of you begging,” he pauses, “but until you can control your tongue, I think you need something keeping you from using it.” He opens the door and begins to sift through the selection.
“Actually, Nik, I have a better idea.”
“Do tell.”
“Don’t need a little string of fabric to shut her up. Not when there are much more crude ways to do it.” He raises an eyebrow at you and you gulp, catching on. 
The man turns around quickly, “and how do you feel about that suggestion, love? Do you want me or this pretty little piece?” He holds up another tie, but you shake your head at it. “You can answer. Just this time.”
“You. Please.”
The smirk returns to his face and he speeds over to you, dropping the tie. “You asked for this, love. Remember that.” Then, in mere seconds, he becomes undressed before you and straddles your chest. You share a look with him and nod, telling him you’re okay, before he adjusts so you can take him in your mouth. He grips the headboard, hovering over you, as you prepare. He allows a few kitten licks to his tip before deciding when you’re ready, then lowers his hips until he’s buried between your lips. Before moving, he taps twice on your shoulder and you nod - a silent reassurance that you’re still okay. He increases pace slowly until he’s found a comfortable one for both of you. 
“There you go, love,” he praises, one hand tousled in your hair. He thrusts more, and you gag, but he doesn’t let up. 
Kol, meanwhile, has just traded his fingers for the toy in his hand. With no warning, he turns it on and presses it to your clit. You jump at the feeling, making you gag again on Klaus’ cock. A whine escapes your lips, substituting a string of curse words; a vibration that only turns the hybrid on more. 
Despite your current state, you want to bite at Kol for using the vibrator, but you can’t. You try to close your legs, but he only spreads them again. You whine again, feeling yourself getting close. Your body feels like it’s on fire, spreading to every inch of your skin. A knot ties in your stomach, getting tighter by the second. Kol stops, letting out a chuckle. 
“Not yet, darling.”
The only sound you hear next is that of his belt as it drops to the floor. And for the third time, in typical Kol style, he gives no warning before pushing his cock into you. There’s no difficulty at all; not a bit of pain or discomfort, because of how wet you are. You take his size with no problem, and soon, he’s at the same pace and rhythm as his brother. 
It isn’t long before Klaus starts to get sloppy. He tries to hide it - always does - but you know the man almost as well as he knows himself. Even if he can throw you off from it, his eyes give him away. He steals glances at you, green softens to its bluer hue, and tears of pleasure escape the corners. You know you have tears, too, but he wipes them away with his thumbs. 
"Love?" He mutters. 
You nod, encouraging him to finish. He thrusts a couple more times before his taste fills your mouth. Hot, sticky release runs down your throat, and only then does he let up so you can swallow. He lifts your head up gently, not wanting you to choke, and kisses your forehead.
"Going soft on her, are you?" Kol teases. 
"She did a good job, brother. Merely rewarding her."
The youngest smiles, heart warm at the reminder of how much Klaus adores you, but he doesn't slow himself. 
"You okay?" Klaus asks you.
You nod, then stick out your tongue to show him you swallowed everything. 
"Good. Keep it up, love. Because we're not done with you yet." He cocks his head to his brother to continue. 
Kol alternates between rubbing your clit, but then removing his hand as soon as you feel the tension building again. It's killing you, but you don't want to call out and receive more punishment. 
As he waits for Kol to finish, Klaus moves to your side to tease your nipples. He squeezes one in between his fingers, while running his other hand along your body. The way you shiver at his touch almost makes him moan. In a moment of weakness, he tickles your side. You jump suddenly, giggling. Kol moans at the feeling of his cock moving inside you at the abrupt motion. You feel it, too, then become overwhelmed with the need for his release. 
"Kol," you whine. 
Klaus catches on quickly. He pinches your side again, repeating the same sequence of events. 
"I told you you loved it," Kol says to you. 
You don't respond, partly because of the laughter you're holding back. 
Neither can think of a more beautiful sight right now than the girl they love falling apart in front of them, face bright with joy, and so close to coming. 
Of course, they won't let that happen until Elijah has his way with you, but they will edge and tease you as much as they can. 
Then, finally, your body jolts one more time, and it's all that's needed for Kol to spill his release inside of you. He's a lot less in control than his brother when he's pleasured. His eyes roll back in his head and he has to fight to keep himself from collapsing onto your chest. He doesn't pull out, though, until he's done. When he does remove his cock, he immediately puts a finger inside of you, swirls it around to gather his cum, and then brings it to your lips. You suck his fingers happily, licking your lips after he retracts them. 
"That's a good girl," he says, kissing your lips and tasting himself. 
"Do you think she's ready for Elijah?" Klaus smirks after only a minute of recovery. You've barely caught your breath, and still haven't come, but you know it's not over yet. 
"I think so.”
Just in time, Elijah walks back into the room, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. You gulp at the sight. “How is she doing?”
“Lots better. Dropped the attitude and has been patient for her release.”
“You haven’t given it, have you?”
“Of course not. Right, love?”
You nod quickly. 
“Very good. I have something in store that will certainly teach her. Any residual sass will just, ah, may we say… melt away.” He gives you a half smile that tells you everything you need to know. “Niklaus, get me a towel just in case. Kol, untie her, but hold her still.”
The two do as they’re told; Kol sits behind you to hold onto your arms, while Klaus and Elijah disappear into the other room for a second. 
“I love you, darling,” he whispers into your ear. He continues to leave a trail of feather-light kisses down your neck, sending chills down your spine. 
“I love you, too,” you say back. “Even when you’re mean.”
“It’s not mean, puppy, it’s our way of showing we love you.”
“Definitely mean.”
“If you think that was bad, it’s about to get way worse,” Klaus comes back, smirking, with a towel in hand.
You stiffen as he stalks towards you. “Why the towel?”
“To clean up the mess. Supposing there is any.” He puts it underneath you, lifting your body gently in certain places. 
“There will be,” Elijah says in a rather calm tone. “Kol, are you holding her?”
“I have her.”
It’s at that moment that you realize what he’s holding - a small candle, lit, which appears to have been burning for some time now. “What’s that for? Silencing spell?”
“Not quite.”
You narrow your eyes.
“Less a silencing spell for the room, and more just for you.” Before you can ask any further questions, he smiles, “remember the word you say if you need to stop. Remind me of it.”
“There you go.” All three of you are dead quiet and watching intently as Elijah blows out the candle. You brace yourself as he sits beside you and places a hand on your hip. With his other hand, he moves the candle so that it's positioned in between your breasts. Then, as you sharply inhale upon realizing what’s about to happen, he tilts it ever so slightly, letting liquid wax drip onto your body. Initially, it burns, and a shudder runs through you. Kol holds onto your arms just a little tighter, just in case. But as the first drop cools and hardens, you relax. Elijah takes this as a sign to continue, and drips it along the center of your body, stopping at your navel. Some of the wax falls down the sides of your stomach before it can harden, landing on the towel Klaus had laid down for that reason. The sensations have you panting slightly, but nothing prepares you for Elijah’s next move. Moving the candle back to your breasts, he lets the wax drip onto your nipples, one at a time, and then plunges two fingers into your hot, but swollen core. A loud moan escapes your lips at this, and you pull against Kol’s restraint. 
“Now, now, darling,” he whispers into your ear, nibbling at it gently. 
With Kol distracting you, you don’t notice Elijah’s nod to Klaus for him to pour more wax. It comes unexpectedly, causing you to jump, and Kol to bite you harder than he meant. Now you have three sensations: the man fingerfucking you, and increasing his speed by the minute; the man dripping wax along every inch of your bare stomach; and the man licking blood off your ear. You can feel yourself getting overstimulated. The only sounds in the room are the wet squelching noises from your heat, and cries coming from you as you beg the men to either slow down, or make you come, or both. Neither answer, though you catch a glimpse of the two eldest both smirking. 
You know you can’t fight them. There’s no use. You can only hold it out, hoping they don’t ease up, because you’ve decided you just want to come, no matter how hot your body feels. You start pleading with them by name. 
“‘Lijah, please don’t stop! Feels so good!”
At this point, Klaus has run out of wax and resorts to sticking his fingers in the hardening spots, rubbing it in circles. His nails scratch your skin painfully, but the softness of the wax eases the soreness. 
“Oh god, please, Nik! Please let me cum, please, please.”
You tilt your neck to give Kol access to your veins, knowing if you can distract him back and get him to drink, you won’t be the only one getting in trouble in case you come early. It works, and the minute his teeth sink into your neck, pleasure fills your body. 
“Oh, Kol, right there!” You moan loudly, drowning out your own words. 
“Kol!” Elijah disciplines his brother, “do not get distracted!”
He draws his fangs back in, “sorry, brother. She’s so tempting.”
“Hold her in place.”
“Are you gonna let her cum soon? She’s been a good girl.”
Elijah looks at his youngest brother, then the hybrid, for confirmation.
“She has been very good,” Klaus agrees, “she’s earned it, I’d say.”
He then looks at you, never ceasing in his actions, “convince me you deserve it.”
“I’ve been so good, daddy. I haven’t come at all, and I dropped the attitude a long time ago. I won’t make you regret it, daddy, please!”
“Alright, beautiful,” he finally says, “come for me. Come for us.”
Permission granted, you immediately feel yourself start to lose control. Your mind goes fuzzy and your legs begin to shake. A series of whines escape your lips and sweat graces your forehead. 
Klaus comes up to sit beside Kol as you come undone, but Elijah fingerfucks you throughout your orgasm. All three watch in admiration as their girl experiences one of the greatest orgasms they’ve ever given her. 
Your body goes numb once it ripples through your body. Elijah slowly comes to a stop before pulling out and sucking your taste off his fingers. You want to thank him for the mercy, but are unable to speak. Only another whine comes out instead. 
“You alright, darling?” Kol notices your state first. He shakes your arm gently, trying for a reaction but getting nothing. 
“Give her a little blood,” Klaus says quickly, not caring who does it. 
Kol beats his brothers to it, biting his wrist and forcing you to drink. At the same time, Elijah grabs the water bottle from beside the bed, steals an ice cube from inside, and places it on your cheeks. The sudden cold sensation, plus the healing blood, shocks you out of a daze.
“What happened there, love? Are you alright?”
You look around, at the room, the company - your boys, - and then take a deep breath. “Okay. Just overstimulated.”
“Did we go too far?” Kol asks worriedly. 
You look up and cradle his face with your palms, “no, sweetheart. It was perfect.” You look at the two on your other side. “You were all perfect.”
“You scared us there for a second, baby,” Elijah says, standing up.
You almost answer with a sassy reply, but then remember that’s how this whole thing started. Instead, you say, “can we cuddle now?”
Kol mutters in agreement and curls up beside you, but the other two insist on just a little bit of aftercare first. 
“You already did that. You gave me blood. That’s enough for now. Come cuddle.”
“Technically only Kol gave you his blood. Which is why I’m not scolding him right now for not helping us. But we’ll be with you in just a moment.” 
With a pouty face, you curl up into the youngest, burying your face in his chest. Klaus removes the towel from underneath you, while Elijah uses a baby wipe on your skin to clean the wax. He then puts a salve on your swollen clit, which he knows must be throbbing from overstimulation, as well as a lotion on your stomach where Klaus’ nails scratched. Only after they’re sure you’re well taken care of do they join you on the bed. After a second, they smile to themselves, realizing you’re already fast asleep. 
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klaus-littlestwolf · 9 months
Heyy I totally understand how you would feel uncomfortable about the Ed one so could you please do the insomnia one shot i cant wait to read it if you do xx
Internal Clock in Smithereens -Klaus M.
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(Sorry this one took so long, I completely forgot I had nearly finished it)
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She tried so incredibly hard to hide it.
The first 2 months of their relationship she came up with every excuse in the book to not stay the night at his house. Forgotten things, appointments the next day, family emergencies, and she had to give Klaus credit for putting up with it for 2 whole months before he began taking it personally.
Admittedly he considered she was just more comfortable sleeping in her own bed and so he had gone shopping and gotten the comfiest bed he could possibly find. He knew she liked it because she had drifted off on it for many naps at the strangest times, naps he always felt bad waking her up from for some reason he couldn’t identify, though she never complained.
He had also considered that she was uncomfortable around his siblings and so he set out to ensure they behaved themselves around her and they all did. Elijah loved Y/n, he was thrilled to finally meet his brothers redemption in human form, he knew this girl was it for his little brother and he would do anything he had to, to make sure she stayed with him. Even if that means controlling Kol.
Shockingly enough, Kol loved her as well. She distracted Klaus and kept him off of the youngest Mikaelson’s back, she also kept him in a mostly good mood which saved Kol many a time when he had screwed up again. Rebekah also enjoyed her (though it took her a while to warm up) after learning that Y/n was much different than her Scooby Gang friends and didn’t judge Rebekah. Y/n enjoyed spending time with the Original girl, going shopping with her, having days out just the two of them, basically giving Rebekah the best friend she had always wanted.
All 3 of his siblings would have done anything to make sure Y/n was comfortable in their home.
It was actually Elijah that proposed the possibility of her having sleeping troubles but Klaus dismissed this as he had seen her fall asleep in the oddest places at the oddest times.
When Klaus finally just asked her if she had reservations about being with him, she gave in and stayed over. She didn’t want him to think that she didn’t love him, or that she was afraid of him so she pushed through her discomfort and packed a bag, staying with him for the entire weekend.
The first day after Klaus woke up he had planned a day out for the both of them and though she was exhausted, she powered through. The second night she laid there, staring at the ceiling all night long with Klaus’ arms around her without the option of even reading on her phone, only getting about an hour and a half of actual sleep.
It was the third night that she finally snuck from his arms and ended up in the family room, reading a book. Klaus woke up around 2am and ventured off to find her, thoroughly confused as he could clearly see how exhausted she was when he looked at her eyes.
‘Love? What are you doing out of bed?’ He asked and she jumped, startled as none of the vampires in this house make noise when they walk. She had gotten used to identifying everyone she’s ever lived with by their footsteps but she can’t do it here.
‘I couldn’t sleep is all. Go back to bed Nik, I’m okay.’ He shook his head, moving to her and taking her into his arms with no effort at all.
‘I’m not going without you. Come on, I’ll make you some hot tea and you’ll fall right asleep.’ She shook her head this time and tried to get him to put her down. ‘I can compel you to help you relax…is that what it is? Are you scared of being here? I promise you that my siblings-‘
‘Nik! It has nothing to do with your family, I-‘ she heaved a heavy sigh, forcing her way to her feet and sitting back on the couch while he crouched down in front of her, taking her hands into his.
‘What’s going on, Love? I don’t understand-‘
‘I can’t sleep.’ She admitted, actually feeling good about finally saying it out loud to him. ‘I have had really bad insomnia since I was a kid. It started when I was 6, it’s why I end up napping in such strange places. I get so physically tired that my body eventually just passes out…it made for some interesting jokes with my family my whole life. That’s why I didn’t want to stay here, it’s even worse in unfamiliar places and I didn’t want to keep you up.’ Klaus paused, just watching his girls eyes as they looked over his face nervously.
‘Why didn’t you tell me, Y/n? It’s not a big deal!’ He eyes hardened and she glared at him angrily. ‘Let me rephrase that. It’s obviously a big deal that you can’t sleep. It sucks and I wish you didn’t have this problem, but it’s not a big deal to me.’ He hated how she looked up at him in that moment and he wanted so badly to comfort her, moving himself to the couch and pulling her onto his lap, kissing her head tenderly.
‘It’s embarrassing. Do you know how funny everyone thought it was when I was a kid? They got annoyed that I would be up watching TV all night but then be laughing about a new picture they took of me asleep leaning against the couch standing up. It was like my issues were a huge joke to tell at parties. My parents showed those humiliating pictures to everyone that listened, she sent one into school for my yearbook childhood picture. I don’t tell anyone…I should have just told you but I didn’t want to risk you finding it funny. God knows Kol would never let it go-‘
‘No one here will tease you, I’ll make sure of it. Now, let’s go get you to sleep. I don’t know how long compulsion will last but you’ll be able to get some rest. No more embarrassment over this, you had me worried sick, do you hear me love?’ She nodded, allowing her Hybrid to sweep her off of her feet and carry her back to his overly comfortable bed.
It turns out compulsion only works for about 3 hours at a time but considering how shitty her sleep normally is, it does wonders for her. Klaus is more than happy to wake up and compel her once again into sleeping for a few more hours and now that he can, he all but moved her into his home with him.
Apparently even a fucked up internal clock doesn’t stand a chance against a hybrid.
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(This isn’t my best work. I wasn’t really into it and I feel like it really shows (even if it was already meant to be a short fic) but I hope you at least enjoy it a little bit)
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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rekaning · 1 year
The Housekeeper | Part 1 | Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Additional tags: Human!Mikaelsons, Modern!AU, Housekeeper!Reader, no use of Y/N Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader, The Originals x Reader (Platonic) Summary: You've been hired as the new housekeeper for the Mikaelson estate, owned by the elusive Elijah Mikaelson.
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His sister had hired you. She had explained during the interview that her brother's previous housekeeper had been getting on in age and was looking to retire soon. There would be two weeks of training to make the transition between housekeeper feel seamless. The master of the home had a certain expectation of the cleanliness of his home, and he would expect the same amount of care to be shown by the new housekeeper.
You weren't worried at all.
You grew up around the janitorial occupation. Your mother had taken you along with her to the home's she'd been hired at on days you didn't have school. She always sat you down and made sure you were occupied while she went about tidying up the million dollar residences. You watched her most of the time. Saw how hard she worked to keep the domicile organized and clean. Whether it be cleaning the toilets, mopping the floors, scrubbing the bathtub. Your mother did it all. And you had been so impressed with her.
While many other children looked up to and aspired to be firefighters or astronauts, you had wanted to do what your mother did.
"One of the greatest things in life you can do, is to serve others." Your mother had once said. After a long and tough day at work, you asked her why she seemed to enjoy this job so much when it took so much out of her, physically. That had been her response. And when her employer arrived, looking at his home impressed and awestruck, his wide smile and generous words had made your mother's face light up like a Christmas tree.
"That feeling you get," she explained, "when a person thanks you from the bottom of their heart, when you can see the gratitude in their eyes; you can feel your chest swell with warmth at their words. It's one of the best feelings in the world."
You hadn't felt that before. You wanted to know what it felt like. So, one day in school, you made an effort to offer your services to clean up the classroom for your 2nd grade teacher, Miss Dobson.
After the class had been dismissed for recess, you walked over to the supply cabinet and grabbed a cleaning spray you had seen your teacher use for cleaning smudges, and a small hand towel, and got to work on wiping down all the desks of your classmates. Miss Dobson, having occupied herself with wiping the chalkboard clean looked over at you, diligently cleaning the desks.
Her look of surprise soon morphed into one of unabashed thankfulness. "That is very thoughtful of you! Thank you so much, my little helper!"
Safe to say, your mother had been right. The feeling you got was unlike anything you had ever experienced.
Since that moment, you'd vowed to follow in your mother's footsteps. Having observed her all your life, you went into the housecleaning business once you turned 18.
And it's how you had ended up working for one of the heirs of the Mikaelson conglomerate. Namely, the 2nd eldest son, Elijah Mikaelson.
The Mikaelsons were a world-renowned name, made famous by the various industries each sibling was tied to. The oldest of the siblings and 1st daughter, Freya, worked closely with the 2nd youngest brother, Kol; the two had co-founded an archeological enterprise that specialized in finding and preserving ancient texts and artifacts, usually donating items to museums the world over.
The oldest son, Finn, was a deeply loved humanitarian and patron for education. He traveled the world, working with out-reach programs to feed famine-stricken countries and bring medicine to villages that faced medical crisis. He also worked closely with his siblings Freya and Kol to facilitate extracurricular programs for children to learn more about history, giving out funds to schools to create more opportunities to take their classes to museums and other learning facilities.
Nikalus Mikaelson; or as his more well-known alias, Klaus, was a huge advocate for the arts. He owned and ran several galleries in different countries, curated a vast collection of paintings from famous artists of the past, and was quite the accomplished artist himself. He also funded many theaters, most of them opera houses and even owned a very exclusive art supply chain.
Rebekah, the youngest daughter, and the one who had hired you in the first place, was one of the highest paid models of this generation. She also had her own clothing line and marketed a lot of her items online, using her influence to sell her product. Out of all the siblings, Rebekah was the most "accessible", so to speak, her online presence marking her as the most social of the family.
There was also the youngest brother, Henrik, but he was still pursuing his education overseas, although rumor had it that he was very close to his brother Klaus and it was expected that he would most likely venture into the art business with him.
Finally, there was Elijah. The more elusive of the siblings. The 2nd eldest son was well established in the wine industry. He owned several wineries and even some breweries. He even worked together with his sister, Rebekah, and started a clothing brand for tailored suits. It was widely rumored that Elijah was the one running the entire conglomeration of Mikaelson subsidiaries. He was rarely seen out and about in public, keeping himself far from the spotlight, seeming rather content to let his siblings be front and center.
You were no stranger to the more reclusive type, there were plenty of millionaires you had worked for in the past that stayed indoor as often as possible, many of them incredibly uptight about punctuality and routine. You had expected the same of Elijah when you first came to work for him.
Surprisingly enough, he was anything but. You had met him on your first day. He had been the one to open the door, held out his hand, and greeted you cordially. He then escorted you to his retiring housekeeper, Philomena, and left the two of you for some meeting or other.
Over the transition period of learning the in's and out's of the Mikaelson home, you had come to learn a bit more about the family. Most all the children had homes of their own, besides Henrik, who still lived with their mother and father, but many of them would stay over at each other's houses quite often. The siblings whose homes were occupied a majority of the time were Elijah's and Klaus'.
After a few weeks of taking over as housekeeper, you met the siblings one after the other.
The first was Rebekah, though you had already tehnically met, seeing as she was the one to hire you. She had entered the home one morning and asked for Elijah. You had told her that he had stepped out for an early brunch with several investors regarding the opening of another winery. The beautiful blonde model sighed at the news and muttered that it 'couldn't be helped'. She then had you sit on one of the plush couches in the living area as she brought in a rack of gowns and asked you to pick which suited her better.
It had been a bizarre morning for you but you had enjoyed the time you spent with the young woman. You learned that she used these mini-runway sessions as an excuse to visit her siblings. She mostly dropped in on Elijah or Klaus, the two brothers she was closest with, but she did occasionally visit the others.
That day you had seen a sight you would not soon forget. Once Elijah came home and caught sight of his sister, a bright, wide smile spread across his lips, his face lit up instantly, and he looked years younger. You were awestruck.
He was never completely devoid of emotion, but many of the smiles he had shot your way had been cordial and polite. To see his face smooth over and relax the way it had with his little sister, you felt your heart skip a beat at the sight.
You prepared a special meal that day, to celebrate Rebekah's visit. Rebekah's words of praise at the delicious meal had that wonderful feeling spread through you. Your beaming smile at the blonde distracted you from noticing Elijah's own eyes from staring at you with curious wonder.
Klaus had visited a week later after Rebekah's departure. You had helped him lug in his 12 foot canvases to the studio room you cleaned out every other week. Thankfully, you cleaned it a day before the brother's arrival, earning an appreciative nod from the man as he went about setting up his work space. Over the next few days, you catered to the artist, bringing him his meals and any other items he required. When Elijah was present, Klaus would step away from his paintings, and the two would mainly spend their time in the library, either playing chess, reading, or discussing various topics regarding their respective businesses.
The two had such differing personalities that it was amazing to see how they balanced each other. Klaus seemed to act out of impulse. You had heard him yelling every now and again to someone on the phone but Elijah's calm demeanor seemed to counteract his little brother's short fuse.
On the last night of Klaus's visit, the blonde man had retired to his room earlier that day. Seeing it as your opportunity to tidy the studio room a bit, you carefully entered. You went about sweeping and mopping the floors, organizing the brushes and towels he had left scattered around. Once you had finished, you finally took a moment to actually look at the paintings that surrounded the room. It was safe to say that Klaus was far more talented than you originally believed. You stared in wonder at the majestic landscapes depicted on the canvas.
It was in this enraptured trance that Elijah had caught you. The door to the studio hadn't been shut completely, allowing the fumes from the paint to escape. He had just been on his way to his office when he had noticed the light on in the room. He had merely gone to glance inside to make sure his little brother hadn't just forgotten to turn off the light. Then he saw you.
You were staring at the painting Niklaus had finished. Your eyes were shining in amazement, and your mouth agape with awe. And Elijah couldn't help but smile. As his housekeeper, you and he communicated quite often, but there was a distance that couldn't be breached due to your position and because of that, he only ever saw you focused on your duties, polite and respectful responses to his questions and requests. Your professionalism only seemed to drop when you interacted with his siblings. And there was a part of him that was envious of them.
He had left the scene very shortly after watching you for a moment, slightly embarrassed at his blatant ogling. You were none the wiser to his presence that night.
Freya, Kol, and Finn arrived in one fell swoop. You had been surprised, only having expected to meet each Mikaelson one by one. Finn and Freya were warm in their greetings. Kol, while still polite, was the more aloof one of the trio. You had the sense that he was very wary of outsiders. From your observations while they resided in the estate, Kol seemed to thrive on the attention and praise of his siblings. He was an incredibly smart person, intuitive and thinking outside the box for solutions to problems. You noticed that he stuck very closely to his older sister and brother and how he would retaliate verbally more harshly toward Elijah or against Klaus and Rebekah if they were mentioned in some form or another. You soon realized that his aloof persona was really a shield to hide away his own insecurities. He craved validation from his siblings and wanted to feel just as loved as he so fiercely loved them. His combative nature toward Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus seemed to be more out of jealousy at their bond with one another than actual contempt.
Having realized that, you treated him with more care than the rest. He didn't trust you but kept a close eye on you during his stay with his siblings. He would flirt with you, not because he was interested, it was a tactic for him to get you flustered, wanting you to slip up whatever facade he believed you had going on. But you were not that easily shakeable. You knew he was worried for his family. You'd heard plenty of stories of previous hired help around the home and how some had the audacity to try and steal from the Mikaelsons. Kol was just looking out for Elijah—and by extension the rest of his siblings—in his own way.
It was only when you had shown interest in a particular project that he and Freya had undertaken, did he start to warm up to you. The two had discovered ruins in the outskirts of a small village in El Salvador. Freya had sent an advance team ahead to secure the perimeter and begin initial survey's of the terrain for the main archeological team. Kol and she had been seated in their office, piles of books surrounding them with maps and charts pinned to the myriad of cork boards they had covering the walls of the office.
You had been bringing them a pot of tea, Finn trailing behind you holding a tray of cookies to go along with the prepared drink. As you laid the two trays on the emptiest looking portion of the desk, you caught sight of a map of El Salvador, a red circle encompassing their purported dig site.
"Oh, are you going to be digging near El Boquerón?"
Freya and Kol abruptly paused their discussion and turned their heads to you. Freya saw you eyeing the map and nodded, "Yes, that's correct. You know the place?"
You looked up from the map and sheepishly stepped away, "Uh, I was really interested in ancient civilizations during high school. I read a lot of books talking about various indigenous cultures in Central and South America. I really ended up focusing on Mayan nations and sub cultures that formed in remote locations. I know that there was a section of indigenous people in El Salvador known as the Pipil."
You pointed to the red circle on the page, "This area was devastated by a volcanic eruption in the late 1910's. The lake that was once there completely disappeared and many of the homes of the people there was completely burned or melted away by the lava."
Freya and Finn practically beamed at the information you were providing them. Kol tried hard not to look impressed with your knowledge. The three were quick to bring you into their discussion from that point. Asking if you knew anything about the climate there and the terrain they may face.
Elijah came in later that day to find the four of you huddled around Freya's laptop, an image of an item resembling a ceramic jar, half buried in the dirt. Again, a pang of envy coursed through him at the sight of you chatting away so freely with his brothers and sister.
But a bigger part of him was overjoyed to see how well his family had taken to you. Philomena, while a phenomenal housekeeper, had kept to herself and never connected with him, nor his siblings, on a personal level.
You were something special.
He looked on silently as you continued to point out different portions of the computer image. The moments of jealousy that coursed through him were unexpected but not wholly unwelcome. It told him that there was something he wanted to explore with you—only if you wanted to as well, of course—and that the time for distance was to come to an end.
He wanted to know you more, the same way his siblings had gotten the privilege to over these last few months.
Elijah was eager to learn more about his dear housekeeper.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Author's note: This just kept getting longer and longer until I had to make it into a separate part.
Can you tell I love Original sibling interactions with OC's/reader's?
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daenysthedreamer101 · 5 months
Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Mikaelson!OC headcanons
Elijah's relationship with Kassandra
Their relationship is my Roman Empire! I'll write for the other siblings as well, but Elijah goes first since he's my fave (and kassie's lol)
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Elijah remembers the day Kassie was born very well (also he was like 10 btw)
It was a bright and sunny day, despite it being autumn
He wondered if it would be another girl, since their mother gave birth to Rebekah only a year prior
Klaus and Kol were saying it would be a boy, but deep down he wished for another sister
He was with his brothers, training with wooden swords under their father's supervision
Then, Ayana, his mother's friend came down running toward them
"Good news, Mikael! It's another healthy girl!"
He remembers holding her for the first time, her little face red and wrinkly
"What shall we name her, Elijah?" His mother asked him softly
Elijah thought about a name and said the first one that came to his mind
"Kassandra. Like the Greek Princess from your stories"
As he was much older than them, Elijah was quite protective of his little sisters
He remembers Kassie asking their father if she could also train with a sword and later he comforted her when their father yelled at her
As a child (even as an adult) Kassie was scared of thunder. Often when there was a storm brewing, she would hide in Elijah's arm
Many times, little Kassandra would be plagued by nightmares
She was too scared to wake up her parents so instead she would wake up Elijah
With teary eyes she would shake the dark-haired boy and ask if she could sleep in his arms
He never refused her
Elijah also remembers the day Kassie died, because, well, they died together
After the death of their youngest brother Henrik, his parents started acting strange
One fateful night, everything changed
He and Kassie were put in a room and told to wait. Elijah had a bad feeling about the whole thing
Their father came into the house, closed the door, and stared at them
"Father? What's happening?" Kassie asked quietly
Elijah's heart dropped when their father pulled out his sword and lunged toward Kassie
Elijah stood in front of Kassie, shielding her as their father plunged the blade of his sword into his heart
The last memory of Elijah's human life was the screams of his little sister echoing in his ears
Kassie screamed as she fell to her knees. She was in too much shock to defend herself.
She felt the blade piercing her chest and fell next to Elijah
Her last memory was the sight of her brother's dead body
In the early days of their new life, Elijah tried his best to keep everyone under control
Out of everyone, Kassie seemed to struggle the most with their new vampiric urges
She had a hard time accepting the fact that to survive, she had to kill innocent people
Over time, they learned to feed without killing
Kassie would never admit but Elijah was most definitely her favorite brother
Elijah, ever the peace holder, refused to admit Kassie was his favorite sibling
The others knew well that she, in fact, was his favorite sibling
Bookworms, both of them lol
They would spend countless hours in libraries, reading together and discussing the current state of the world
She almost sees him as a father figure, since Mikael wasn't the best father to any of them really
Forehead kisses! So many forehead kisses!
Kassie always had a gentle heart and her vampirism only magnified that
Elijah would always shield and defend Kassie from Klaus when the latter would raise his voice at her
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One look into her big blue eyes and her pouty lips and this man is crumbling (see gif above lol)
She knows she has Elijah (and Klaus) wrapped around her little finger
She's aware that manipulating her brothers using their love for her isn't the right thing to do, but a girl sometimes has to use morally dubious means to make her life easier
"Can you give me your credit card? I saw these really cute boots, I have to have them! Please???" She asks while batting her eyelashes
*he sighs and pulls out his wallet*
*she squeals and kisses him on the cheek*
"You're the best brother in the whole wide world!"
Elijah smirks while shaking his head and continues reading
He knows he's being manipulated but doesn't to anything about it
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andreal831 · 8 months
Do you think the Mikaelsons would have had different dynamics if they weren't born in that order? Like if Klaus was older than Elijah, or Rebekah older than them?
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I think it could make some slight differences but I also think a lot of their behavior is just their personality/trauma responses.
For example, Elijah's behavior has more to do with what was happening in their family while he was born/young rather than his birth order. How Elijah behaves, he seems like he would be an eldest child, but he is actually a middle child. However, because his family had lost Freya and was going through a turbulent time, a lot of pressure and responsibility was put on him. He steps up and acts like the oldest sibling.
Same thing with Rebekah. Yes, she is the baby and often acts like it and is treated like it from her siblings. However, it is also because they had lost Freya and she was the only girl. Even if she had been born the oldest, they still would have treated her like the baby if they had lost Freya. She also lived through a lot of time periods where women were treated as second class citizens and that affects how she interacts with the world and even how her siblings view her.
Kol would be Kol no matter where he was born. He has a very independent nature and likely wouldn't have stepped up if he was the oldest. Not because he can't handle responsibility, but because he wouldn't allow his siblings to be pawned off on him like Elijah did. He probably would have taken off earlier if he had been the oldest.
Finn never acted like the oldest sibling. A big part of this is because he was traumatized as a youngest sibling. He loved Freya and clearly holds onto those memories, when he was the youngest with a big sister looking after him. After he lost Freya and became a big brother, he never took on the role of the big brother. Rather he behaved as if he was an only child. If he had been born last, maybe he would have felt closer to his family because he wouldn't be so traumatized by losing Freya and wouldn't have developed an unhealthy attachment to his mother. But it was that trauma that influenced him more than his birth order.
Freya is an interesting one because, while she is the oldest, she is also the youngest. Yes, she was born first, but she also has the least amount of life experience. Even Finn was awake more than her over the thousand years. I wish the show would have played more into this. She wanted to be the oldest and take on the responsibilities of the family but she didn't know how. The family was so used to letting Elijah fill that spot that they had trouble letting Freya take over. Freya does have a take charge personality so even if she had been born last or in the middle, she likely would still partner up with Elijah to take care of the rest of them.
Klaus is the only one who really felt like his birth order. He is very much the stereotypical middle child. He loves to boss his baby siblings around but also loves to sit back and let his older siblings clean up his mess. Although, I don't think him being born in a different order would affect his behavior. A lot of the time he is pretending to be the "leader" of the family while Elijah is handling things behind the scene. He is also very much treated like the baby of the family by Elijah and Rebekah and even Freya at times. A lot of his behavior is from how Esther and Mikael treated him as a child. Esther seemed to baby him and, of course, Mikael abused him. This dynamic stunted his emotional growth. And again, this wasn't because of his birth order but because of his parents.
Thanks for the ask!
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klonnieshippersclub · 8 months
I NEED someone to write a fic of Klaus trying to do his mixed kids hair😤
A fic about soft Klonnie moments sounds like a nice idea! I accept any and every fic concept to share it with everyone else who loves Klonnie. What good is this space for if not sharing ideas!
That being said, Klaus is a thousand years old I think he would be well-educated in styling his daughter’s hair. If there were any struggles Bonnie would help him. TVD’s styling didn’t do Bonnie justice to not accommodate Kat. I reject this “bad hair Bonnie” canon! Kol wouldn’t be allowed to do any of their girls hair. This was a cute concept, so I gave it a try. Let me know your thoughts!
This took 15 minutes, so you might want to manage your expectations. Enjoy!
Iris peaked her head into her parent's bedroom to find her father alone in a chair sketching. She hates to interrupt his quiet time, but she needed him. While fidgeting with the sleeves of her sweater, Iris cleared her throat. 
"Papa, who is going to do my hair with Mama gone?" she asked with distress painted on her face. "I can't go to school looking a mess!"
Klaus frowned at his child obviously being upset. "You sound like your Aunt Rebekah. I can do your hair for you."
"I'm not sure you're qualified," his daughter responded with a wary look in her eyes.
"I do have a few curls of my own, sweetheart."
"Yeah, but my hair is hard," Iris anguished. "Marina's waves are easy to manage."
Klaus inwardly sighed at his youngest daughter's bad habit of comparing herself to one of her elder siblings. He hoped to comfort her and ease her worry but knew this talk would be easier with Bonnie here. Then again, Iris wouldn't have come to him about her hair if Bonnie was present in the first place. Instead, she was off assisting a witch doctor in nursing a cursed wolf pack back to health.
"Your hair isn't hard," Klaus softly chided. "It's just different from your older sister's."
Iris wasn't quite sure if she believed him. He was her father. He had to love everything about her, even her difficult hair. It was his job as a parent to do so. "I guess..."
"Your lovely hair is just like your mother's and she taught me a few tricks," said Klaus as he stood to retrieve Bonnie's hair supplies that she didn't take with her. "Sit and be amazed."
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nightingale2004 · 4 months
The originals next generation: Klaroline version
Adreena Rebekah Forbes Mikaelson
Faceclaim: Lili Reinhart
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Adreena is the first daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes
She is the older half-sister of the Saltzman twins, and Hope Mikaelson
Everyone calls her Audrey or Reena for short
She is the oldest amongst her siblings and takes after her mother, but when enemies come after her family, her father's darkside shows completely
She is a werewolf vampire hybrid like her father but prefers her vampire side over her werewolf side
Her wolf form is golden dirty blonde fur when she transforms into her wolf form
She makes sure to keep her temper in check 24/7
She attempts to keep her family in line (it's very difficult)
Like her mom, she is a bit of a control freak and perfectionist
She is Aunt Rebekah's favorite, and they both have a love of fashion
Audrey is extremely overprotective of her family and loves her family very much
Audrey loves Hope, and the Saltzman twins
She helps out at the Salvatore boarding school
Believe it or not, she was conceived during the forest incident between Klaus and Caroline
Cornelius Finn Forbes Mikaelson
Faceclaim: Rudy Pankow
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Cornelius is the second child of Caroline and Klaus
Like his sister, he is also a hybrid, but he prefers his werewolf side
He takes after Klaus due to his temper, lack patience, and love for a good fight
He also takes after his uncle Kol by being the mischievous, sarcastic troublemaker in the family, along with being the most playful and unserious among his family
His wolf form is golden blonde fur that is lighter than Audrey's
Loves Madi Gras and walks through the streets of New Orleans
Has a love for jazz, rock, and country music
He loves making his family smile and turning their frowns upside down
Can secretly juggle
Can't dance to save his life, but that doesn't stop him from hitting the dance floor
Is not afraid to embarrass himself in public
He's normally never serious, so when the situation calls for to be serious, he's completely unrecognizable .
He is extremely intelligent but doesn't show it a lot
Henrik Elijah Forbes Mikaelson
Faceclaim: Jace Norman
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Henrik is the second son and third child of Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes
Henrik is named after Klaus's younger late brother Henrik
He is the middle child, and surprisingly enough, for everyone, he was born a tribrid like Hope (the witch genes from Klaus's mother snuck in)
He is a year younger than Hope and tries to keep all three parts of himself in check
He spends time with his aunt Freya and Davina and Uncle Kol a lot since they have a lot of knowledge about the witch side of their family
He loves his family and his siblings
Like Hope, he also feels a bit different, but he also knows his family will be there for him no matter what
He is pretty serious and is the strategist in the family. He plans the alliances and makes sure that when his cousins and siblings take over, they don't make any more enemies than they already inherited from their parents
He also gets along well with the Saltzman twins and loves geeking out on magic with them and the Bennett sisters
His wolf fur is dirty blonde and darker than both his older brother and sister
Clara Evelyn Forbes Mikaelson
Faceclaim: Emma Myers
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Clara is the youngest child of Klaus and Caroline
She is also a werewolf vampire hybrid
Everyone calls her the baby wolf of the family
Like her older brother Cornelius, she likes seeing her family happy
She easily makes friends and is very social
She also knows all the drama that's happening in Salvatore boarding school and in New Orleans (she makes sure her family updates her daily)
She can easily get away with anything, and Klaus is weak with her
She is master of blackmail and negotiating
Like her father, she has an artistic soul and likes to paint with Hope a lot (sister sister time yay 😊 )
Despite being the youngest, she can be very intimidating since she takes after both her parents but has her mother's intelligence and nose for drama
Her wolf form is platinum blonde, almost white
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Family Therapist
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Female vampire reader x Elijah Mikaelson
Summary: Elijah is your husband and you've been basically the family therapist. Well, one night you both became one for his little brother.
Warnings: mentions of death I think?, mentions of ghosts,
Elijah and you have been married for well over 400 years and over time you have gotten used to the family's drama and dynamic.
There have been many times when you acted as the family therapist, and let's not kid ourselves, you still are. Just somehow in weirder ways than some may think.
(But let's also be real, you still have to lecture Klaus out of daggering any of his siblings or hurting them 'just because', being the only one who he actually listens to, which is a miracle by itself.)
A great example is what just happened one night.
Surprising enough, this is the first time you've ever been in a situation like this. It's definitely not the worst or anything of it, but this was very different to say the least.
You were sound asleep in your husband's arms until you hear the door to your guys' room slam open. Both of you separate in alert, but the only danger there is, is the body that crashed between the both of you.
"What the?" You said sleepily and reached over to turn the lamp on.
Once the light lit the room in a yellow glow, you both look at the visitor in your bed.
"Kol? What are you doing?" Elijah asks, surprised that his younger brother is there, without acknowledging one of you.
"Oh you know, just missed my older brother and his wife" his voice was muffled by the pillow he pressed his face in to.
"Uh huh, and how does that explain you gripping onto the blanket for dear life?" You raised your eyebrow at the youngest brother.
"Because it's soft?" He asked unsure, rather than answering you.
"What happened?" You kept your eyebrow raised at the immortal teenager, no way for him to get himself out of this conversation now. Elijah saw that look on your face, knowing, now you won't budge until you get the truth out of Kol.
Kol looked up at you, letting out a huff, seeing no way of getting out of this. At least this is better than Nik, he'd just throw him in a box, he thought.
"I swear I saw someone move in my room, but I couldn't find anything, so I came in here to make sure if the ghost comes back there'll be alibis" he rapidly said, and hid his face back into the pillow, feeling his cheeks starting to turn red.
You and Elijah shared a look of concern before your husband placed a hand on Kol's back. "Kol, you don't have to be embarrassed about that, considering your experience with ghosts in the past, you have a right to react the way you did," he told him.
"Lijah's right, we would never judge you about that. So what if you're a bit wary about ghosts, it's normal, a lot of people are" you added.
Kol's breath hitched before speaking, "Really?" He looked up at both of you.
"Of course" You and Elijah nodded.
He smiled softly before a cheeky grin appeared on his face. "Just so you know, I'm not leaving. And if that ghost takes me, I'd rather have my final moments with you guys over Nik, who would most likely yell at me."
He laid his head back down on the pillow and closed his eyes, knowing that he was laying between you guys. "I know you guys probably want to be laying together and be all cute and couply, but I don't want to think about you two doing anything over pg-13. My poor innocence couldn't handle it" he said and let out an 'oof' when you smacked him with a pillow for the comment.
"Have you ever even been innocent?" You asked and looked at Elijah with amused eyes as he pinched the bridge of his nose, looking like a tired father that just had to put up with his child. Honestly, he just did, considering what Kol had just said and he can sadly be even more immature.
"Of course I have...like that time...okay maybe when I was human, but that still counts" he mumbles and sticks his tongue out at you. And he hates it when you call him a child? Really?
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anewkindofme · 10 months
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"Klaus asked me to run away with him, but I told him I would never leave Rebekah and Kol at the mercy of Mikael."
It's so interesting at how things changed. Early on, Elijah protected his youngest siblings. Then the guilt from him not being able to do the same for Klaus caused him to enable such horrid behaviors for centuries, all under the guise of "Klaus will do good if he's happy."
So, in helping Kol and Rebekah, he feels he betrayed Niklaus. But the reality is, he betrayed his youngest two siblings by enabling Klaus. He could never be a good brother to all three of them at once (forget how he treated Finn, but to be fair, that was equal opportunity loathing). But I also feel circumstances never truly allowed him to.
Elijah is really such a complicated character and brother.
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pydiasterek · 2 years
My Mikaelson Family
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Freya Mikaelson: the older, protective sister who tries to keep the family together
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Finn Mikaelson: the distant and reclusive brother
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Elijah Mikaelson: the noble one and "fathers" of his brothers
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Niklaus/Klaus Mikaelson: the hybrid, the brother who does everything for the people he loves
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Kol Mikaelson: the rebellious brother, the favorite uncle his life consists of traveling the world with his precious wife
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Rebekah Gerard-Mikaelson: the bitch, the female version of Klaus, the little girl of her siblings
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Henrik Mikaelson: the youngest Mikaelson, the sibling’s baby
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Hope Andréa Mikaelson: the tribid, the light of the family
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Nik Vincent Malraux-Mikaelson: the family baby, the little one and the smart kid
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Keelin Malraux-Mikaelson: the pacifist, the “the mother” of the family
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Sage Benedici-Mikaelson: the older sister-in-law, boxer, the only one who can make Finn want to live
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Hayley Marshall-Mikaelson: the queen of the wolves, the boss, the one that puts limits on everyone.
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Camille O’Connell-Mikaelson: the family's psychologist, the counselor, it's really sweet, but her gentle smile hides a brave woman.
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Davina Claire-Mikaelson: the terror of the witches of new orleans, She loves some family members, the others she can only take because they are her husband's brothers (cof cof Finn e Klaus cof cof).
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Marcellus/Marcel MIkaelson-Gerard: The leader of the vampires, the strategist, the one who manages to infiltrate with the enemies to take them down
(sorry for my bad english, it’s not my first language)
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absolutely random kol mikaelson headcanons
huge maneskin fan
has an anxious habit of biting his nails that bex often scolds him for doing
heavily reliant on autocorrect whenever he texts
he can spell just fine, but is still getting used to the small keyboard
a lot of the time, he pushes 'enter' instead of the send button, expecting it to send, but it just makes a new paragraph and his texts are never actually sent
it pisses his siblings off big time
canonically spends time in records shops to flirt with girls, but secretly has a record player and owns many albums
100% pulls harmless pranks on his siblings, and 50% of the time, they never realize it was him
but one time, he meant to scare bex by hiding behind a door, and accidentally scared elijah, and the man had a fit of rage at his youngest brother after nearly jumping out of his own skin
thinks damon would be a cool friend / murder / prank buddy if they could put aside their differences (wanting each other dead) and give it a try
definitely has mommy issues (what mikaelson doesn't?), but his make him more passive than aggressive
the only people he's ever opened up to, he's ended up killing out of fear of his secrets being shared
loves a good fruity cocktail every now and then, but it's a secret he guards with his life
bonus points if the straw has an umbrella
was never actually going to kill jeremy, he just wanted to get under bonnie's skin
however, he was ready to kill any of them that wanted to raise silas
and would've killed april young for fun had she not been a friend of his sister's, and he and his sister were getting along that day
has a playlist full of songs from musicals that is locked from his profile, just in case one of his siblings look at his account (btw, elijah pays for the family spotify account)
and since elijah pays for spotify, kol pays for netflix, bex pays for disney+, and klaus pays for hbo
they all get the money from the same place, but they feel like they're making meaningful contributions to the family by putting their names on these specific bills
when kol died, bex was not happy about having to pay for two streaming services, but she was not about to miss out on finishing the shows she had started
when kol came back, she immediately gave him back his payment responsibility
whenever they're pissed at each other, they change the password and the one at whom they're mad has to complete a series of puzzles to get access to the new password
kol started this, but klaus does it the most
has a secret affinity for iced coffee, and goes ham for pumpkin spiced lattes every year
pumpkin flavored everything, really
when bex finds out, the teasing never ceases
kol and bex spend halloween together watching movies all day, but then going out and scaring children at night
elijah chides them for being childish, so sometimes they sneak out before he can ruin the fun
wants to kill matt donovan solely for the fact that he slept with his sister
wanted to kill him before, but now it's personal
secretly adores hope, even though klaus doesn't let him near her
braids her hair whenever his brother isn't around, then says elijah or bex did it, and klaus doesn't question it
has tea parties with her and lets her paint his nails
when klaus finally catches them, hope defends her uncle, and her father reluctantly lets them continue to hang out
weapon of choice has been a baseball bat ever since he got a huge satisfaction out of hitting damon with one
likes caroline over cami when it comes to klaus' dating life
likes that caroline persistently rejected him despite his multiple attempts to woo her
painted itty bitty ghost into one of klaus' paintings and he has yet to notice
lives in fear of the day he finally does notice (but not enough to regret doing it)
doesn't often drink so much he gets drunk, but on bourbon, he's a rather upset drunk, however on wine, he's a very giggly drunk
touchier than people would think, and many never realize until he is drunk and lets his guard down a little
has a fear of tight spaces
much prefers being a witch, but also enjoys the thrill of tearing off someone's head with his teeth
no outfit is complete without a little bit of blood
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rekaning · 1 year
The Housekeeper | Part 2 | Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Additional tags: Human!Mikaelsons, Modern!AU, Housekeeper!Reader, no use of Y/N Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader, The Originals x Reader (Platonic) Summary: Elijah and you have a moment of connection.
Previously: Part 1
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"Do let me know if you grow tired of spending time with my hum-drum of a brother, darling. I could certainly use your services in my own home." Kol smirked slyly as he kissed the back of your hand.
You could hear said "hum-drum" scoff behind you as you playfully rolled your eyes and patted the younger Mikaelson's cheek, "I don't think that will be any time soon, Kol. But thank you for the offer."
Finn patted your shoulder, grabbing your attention as he brought you into a side hug, "Honestly, you're dodging a bullet. Kol's quite the neglectful caretaker, you'd be cleaning that place for a full year and not be halfway done."
You chuckled heartily as Kol let out an indignant cry. Finn stepped away, going over to Elijah to say his good-bye's while Freya embraced you. "I'll text you pictures of the site and any more items we dig up. It was so good to talk shop with someone who isn't Kol or Finn."
You giggled and hugged her back tightly, "My ear is always open if they ever drive you up the wall."
While you said your farewells to Freya, Finn stepped away from Elijah, he glanced back at you before turning knowingly to his little brother, "We all approve, you know?"
Elijah, having seen him look back at you, blinked in surprise before sighing, throwing you a quick glance to make sure you weren't paying their conversation any mind, and cut back to his brother, "Was I that forthcoming with my interest?"
Finn chuckled softly, "Rebekah took notice first and went about hinting to us that you were pining."
Elijah looked affronted, "Of course she did, and I do not pine."
Finn smiled sympathetically, patting his shoulder in a show of comfort, "You do, brother."
His little brother huffed and looked away, unknowingly trailing his eyes to you, still talking with Freya and Kol, who'd stepped into the conversation.
Elijah cleared his throat and focused back on Finn, his eyes slightly wary, "Do you all truly approve?"
The elder Mikaelson brother grinned, "We really do, Elijah. Even Henrik. And before you ask," he mentioned quickly when he saw Elijah open his mouth to question, "Nik was the one to blab."
Elijah shook his head, a look of affection crossing his face at the mention of his youngest brother.
Finn took another look back and saw that your conversation with Freya and Kol was coming to an end. He turned to Elijah one last time, another hearty pat to his younger brothers shoulder, his eyes warm as he said softly, "You deserve happiness too, Elijah. We all think so. She's not like them."
A familiar sinking feeling formed in the pit of his stomach. Elijah sighed, "You can say their names, Finn. I will not shatter like some fragile, porcelain doll."
"I know," Finn acknowledged softly.
"Finn, come along, you bore!" Kol called obnoxiously from the car.
With a roll of his eyes, Finn stepped away from his little brother and as he passed you, he gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze. He quickly leaned down and whispered, "Take care of him, will you?"
You looked up and smiled brightly at the eldest brother's request, "For as long as he needs me."
Finn's smile widened, heading to the car without another word.
You heard Elijah step forward behind you, both watching the car drive away. Once the car was out of sight, you turned around, seeing Elijah's eyes already on you, a small, somewhat forlorn smile on his face, "Not many people can get into Kol's good graces. Especially in such a short amount of time."
You two began to make your way back inside the estate. You chuckled sheepishly at the subtle compliment, "I've dealt with Kol's type before. Mainly with middle children, they feel the most isolated of their siblings. It's usually because they feel the most deeply, at least I think so. And they try to hide it behind jokes and aloofness. But my mother would always say, 'You see a lot more when you're in our position'."
Elijah opened the door for you with a questioning look, "Our position?"
You inclined your head in gratitude of his gesture and hummed at his question, "Mmhm. Those in the service industry. We see a lot of things that people don't intend to show, but nobody really notices us. We're seen, but we're not seen, y'know?"
Understanding came over him, "I see. A valuable skill she passed to you, it seems."
You beamed at the compliment and Elijah's heart leaped at the joy displayed so plainly on your face.
"Was she the one to inspire you into pursuing this career?" He asked, moving over to seat himself at the plush couch in the living area.
You hesitated for a moment, never expecting to talk so personally with him but moved to take a seat at the other end of the couch, "She was, yes. She'd take me with her to work on days I didn't have school. She would bring coloring books and toys from home to keep me occupied but I always liked to watch her work."
Elijah smiled warmly at the thought of a child version of you sitting at a table of a stranger's home and being fascinated by your mother's work ethic.
"She was always so dedicated, it didn't matter who's house it was. I wanted to be like her. She dedicated her life to bringing others happiness by being of service to them. When I did my first meaningful act of service, it was such an unforgettable experience. It was..."
You tried to find the word before Elijah finished for you, "Euphoric."
You blinked in surprise, your eyes on him, as if you were seeing him for the first time. Breathlessly, you nodded, "Yes, exactly."
Elijah smiled wryly, "I am no stranger to that feeling. I have spent nearly my whole life in the service of my family. For their safety, comfort, and well-being, there is nothing I wouldn't do for them."
Your eyes shined with new-found respect for your employer.
"You've had to give up a lot, haven't you," you whispered, almost afraid to voice out the statement.
His eyes softened as they trailed to a point behind you, melancholy apparent on his face, "A few things, yes."
You ached to wipe away that look on his face. You stared down at your lap, hands gripping each other so that you didn't impulsively reach out and touch him. You looked over to where his gaze had moved to and it hit you.
Turning back to him, you bobbed your head toward the object in the other room, "Do you still play at all?"
He sighed, "Not at all. Too busy."
You grinned and stood from the couch and with courage you didn't know you possessed, you grabbed hold of the well dressed Mikaelson's sleeve, pulling him up from his seat and dragged him over to the grand piano in the drawing room.
"Well, you seem to have some free time right now, so," you pulled out the piano bench and gestured for him to sit.
He chuckled at your firmness, but seated himself in front of the instrument. You sat down beside him, hands in your lap and your knees grazing each other. Elijah perhaps should have fought a little more, he had a meeting in 15 minutes, but the eagerness on your face had him rooted to his seat.
"You are oddly persuasive. Very well, any requests?" He lifted the fallboard and placed his hands over the keys, ready for whatever piece you might voice.
You thought for a moment before settling on the piece, a favorite of your mother's.
Elijah nodded, inhaled, and played.
The piece began slowly, his fingers tenderly pressing down on the keys, the sound sweet and soft before it built up, louder and louder, with more emotion. His fingers were gliding across the keys, hands moving higher on the board, then scaling down toward the lower notes. His fingers moved so pointedly, so rapidly, it looked like he was simply tickling the keys.
The music swelled and you closed your eyes, feeling yourself moved with the melody. And all you could think about was your mother. Your moments with her, moments that weren't significant by any means, just times when you and her would go out to the park and walk around, the moments you would help her cook in the kitchen, the time you helped her set up a few light bulbs around her home, the times when you two just sat at her couch and watched a movie together or read in the living room.
And soon enough, you opened your eyes, the last of the notes fading away. Elijah looked over at you and he felt his chest tighten. Your eyes were swimming with emotion, tears threatening to spill over. But your smile was as radiant as moonlight. Your eyes stared up at him, overflowing with an emotion he couldn't place.
"Thank you," came your chocked whisper.
His hand lifted without a second thought, and wiped a finger across your cheek where a tear had broken free and raced down your face.
He looked at you in a way you couldn't fathom at the moment, an emotion you couldn't—or perhaps, wouldn't—name.
Your entranced gaze was cut short at the sound of a blaring tone coming from within his jacket pocket.
The both of you blinked and moved away. When had you even scooted closer to him?
He reached into his jacket and extracted his phone, noting the time—6 minutes late for his meeting—and stood, an apologetic look thrown your way. You smiled back and shook your head, a clear sign saying, 'don't worry'.
He walked away in the direction of his office as he answered the call.
Your body deflated dramatically the moment he was out of sight.
Did that just happen? What exactly happened?
You placed a hand over your racing heart before shaking your head and rising from the bench. You carefully closed the fallboard and pushed the bench so that it was under the piano.
Brushing off non-existent dirt from your clothes, you pushed the incident away from your mind, for now.
You had bed sheets that needed changing.
Author's note: A shorter part but its the spark needed to jump-start this whole thing into gear!
Part 3
All the Mikaelson siblings already shipping you and Elijah together lmao
Also the piano piece I listened to was the main theme from Interstellar, particularly this arrangement.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 3 months
Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Ch 8 - Family Reunion
Warnings: drama-filled dinner, Klaus annoying Kassie, Klaus getting what he deserves, Elijah reuniting with Kassie ugh my heart! messy boots galore
Corresponding episode: TVD 3x13
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October 2010, Mystic Falls
"You look surprised to see me," Elijah said to Klaus as he wiped the blood off his hands. "So it wasn't you that removed the dagger from my chest." He concluded.
 "You look like you could do with a drink. And we have a lot to discuss, so shall we?" Klaus said, gesturing to the table. 
Instead of doing that, Elijah attacked, throwing Klaus across the room and in the process breaking stuff all around. The brothers continued fighting until Klaus opened up one of the caskets, pulled a dagger out of one of his siblings, and pinned Elijah against the other casket. 
"Come on, use it. I dare you. You'll have Kol to deal with." Elijah said, while Klaus choked him. Klaus eventually let him go and revealed to him that Mikael was dead. Elijah furrowed his brows. 
 "Why do our family remain in these coffins?"  Elijah asked angrily. "Finn for over 900 years, Kol for over a century. You even daggered Kassandra."
"No. She's not there anymore. I undaggered her months ago." Klaus revealed and he couldn't help but notice how Elijah's eyes widened at this. 
"What? Where is she?" Elijah asked, with a tone of desperation in his voice.
After hours in the rainy woods and reminiscing about her past, Kassie concluded this was enough for today. Just like when she arrived, she slowly made her way back to her house. Thankfully the rain was now less heavy and the sky was clearing out.
She ran up the stairs and walked inside the mansion. She put the umbrella away. "Klaus? I'm home." She announced while taking her coat off and hanging it on a rack. 
No answer. Strange. Surely he was back after all these hours. She walked across the entrance hall into a smaller room and was met with the sight of a dead body. "Klaus! What happened-" 
But once she raised her eyes she saw someone she hadn't seen in decades. Someone whom she constantly thought about. Someone whom she missed desperately. 
"Elijah?" His name fell from her lips in the form of a whisper.  She couldn't believe her eyes. There he was; her beloved brother, the man who practically raised her. He too was shocked, if she was going by his facial expression. It was like time itself stopped. 
"Kassandra." Before she could stop herself, she threw herself into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life as he spun her around. She never noticed Klaus's envious gaze. 
She put her hands on Elijah's face and kissed his cheeks, unable to contain her happiness. "I missed you so much, Lijah," She said tearfully. 
He cradled her head and kissed her forehead. "Oh, my sweet girl. I missed you too." He whispered as she buried her face into his shoulder. He held her tightly, scared of letting her go. The last time he did, she was daggered. He would not let that happen ever again, his loyalty to Klaus be damned. 
Klaus cleared his throat. "Not to ruin this precious moment or anything but we have lots to discuss. Kassandra, where were you? Especially in this weather. " 
Kassie released Elijah from her hug, but she still clung to his arms. "I left you a message. I went out for a walk." 
"And where did you walk?" Klaus asked, getting closer to her. 
She sighed. "It's none of your business." 
Klaus smirked condescendingly. "Hmmm, it's fascinating how bold you get when he's around." 
Kassie couldn't understand where his resentment was coming from all of a sudden. All the negative emotions she has been feeling toward Klaus resurfaced. Anger boiled inside her, and she couldn't stop the black veins from appearing on her face. 
She lunged herself toward him, hissing and baring her fangs. Elijah pulled her back while Klaus just chuckled, further fueling her anger. Elijah held her tightly, blocking her from moving forward. 
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"Enough! Niklaus, behave yourself. Stop provoking her." Elijah scolded. He then turned toward his sister. He gently grabbed her face for she was still glaring at Klaus. He ran his thumb across her cheek. She looked at him, her red sclerae slowly disappearing. 
"Breathe, angel. Calm down." 
She did exactly as she was told and took in a deep breath. "Good girl. Now, come, we have a lot of catching up to do." 
Elijah took her hand and led her away. Once they were gone, the smirk on Klaus's face disappeared and was replaced with a frown. Envy bubbled inside his heart. Why did she love Elijah more than him? Why did she obey Elijah so easily? Why didn't she smile at him like that? 
Kassie and Elijah were sitting in the living room, hands joined as they poured each other's hearts out and talked about everything that happened in the past 15 years. Kassie told Elijah everything about how Klaus caught her and daggered her and Elijah told her everything about Klaus coming to Mystic Falls and breaking his curse. 
"I'm just so happy that you're back!" She said with a teary smile. He smiled and caressed her cheek. 
"I'm happy to be back too, little dove. Nothing will come between us ever again. I promise you." 
Kassie smiled in response. She observed how his dark hair fell over his brows, covering his eye. She pushed it back and giggled. 
"Your hair is long. When was the last time you cut it?" 
He thought about it for a second. "Must be over 20 years now." 
"You should change it up a little!" Kassie suggested. 
"You think?" 
"Yeah, why not? Everyone needs a change from time to time."  
Only two hours later, Elijah came back with a fresh new haircut. He also met with Damon Salvatore who wanted to negotiate a deal with Klaus. 
Elijah suggested they go out for a walk. Together they walked to the outskirts of the town. 
They were now in the middle of a meadow, only minutes away from Wickery Bridge. "Was there something you wanted to talk about?" Kassie asked after a couple of minutes of silence. 
"Yes...it concerns our mother," Elijah said, looking down at the grass. He sighed, now looking up at the sky, collecting his words. He grabbed her hands, holding her close to him. 
"Elijah? What is it?" Kassie asked, sensing her brother's hesitancy. Why would he want to talk about their mother? She has been dead for over ten centuries. What was there to talk about? Maybe he was feeling sentimental? 
"I need you to stay calm Kassandra. No matter how you feel, I need you to stay collected and not do anything rash." He warned which only confused her more. 
"For a thousand years we all believed that it was our father who killed our mother in retaliation for her...infidelity. This is not true. Our father did not kill Mother." 
"....Then who did, Lijah?" 
He went quiet. Her brain was going haywire. No. There was no way. "Elijah?" 
"It was Klaus." He finally revealed. 
".....What?" Kassie uttered, her eyes already full of tears. She felt her throat tightening and her vision going blurry with tears. All this time, he lied; not just to her, but to all of them. She hated her mother for what she did to them but she could not deny that it hurt to know that one of her siblings killed her mother. 
She let go of Elijah, her hands dropping. She closed her eyes and sank to her knees. Her chest tightened painfully. She was exhausted from feeling constant pain, anger, and disappointment; because that is all she felt when she was with Klaus. 
She had no energy to yell, scream, or curse him out. Elijah pulled her into a hug and she silently cried into his chest while he rubbed her back. 
Once they returned home she completely ignored Klaus and refused to talk to him. He knew why and dared not to say anything about it. He knew he deserved it.
The following evening
Kassandra was in her room, getting ready for the dinner they were to have with the Salvatore brothers. She was finishing up her makeup. She wore a dark red lip combo with lip gloss cause she preferred a shiny finish. 
She wore a burgundy off-the-shoulder top with long bell-bottom sleeves, black skinny jeans, and black knee-high Versace boots made of leather. Her hair was softly curled and she pulled half of it to the back with a black butterfly-shaped claw clip. On her ears, she wore cute heart-shaped earrings. 
Of course, she was not there to participate in the negotiations; Klaus would never allow that. But Elijah convinced him to let Kassandra sit with them during dinner instead of her being alone in her room like she was a child. She was to sit there and look pretty. Ok, that shouldn't be an issue. 
As one final touch, she sprayed a bit of perfume on her wrists and neck. Satisfied with her appearance, she walked down to where the dinner was being held. The sound of her heels clicking reverberated off the walls as she entered the room. 
"Ah! There you are, sister. You look beautiful, my love." Elijah said with a smile and she hugged him gladly. 
Klaus said nothing, knowing that anything he said could potentially trigger her, and with Elijah now by her side, he dared not provoke her. Kassie noticed four busty waitresses who were obviously compelled to be there, standing at the back of the room. 
Only minutes later, the doorbell rang. Elijah was the one to open the door. 
"Niklaus, our guests have arrived," Elijah announced as the Salvatore brothers entered. 
Kassandra was standing in front of her chair, her hands on the chair's frame and her head was tilted as she watched their guests take in the room. She noticed how both brothers seemed to be surprised by her presence. She smiled sweetly at both of them. 
"Damon. Stefan. Elijah tells me you seek an audience. Very bold." Klaus greeted. "Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men, shall we?" He added, gesturing to the dining table. 
"It's better to indulge him," Elijah said to the Salvatores and moved toward Kassandra. Stefan retorted, saying that he didn't want to be here in the first place and was in no mood for dinner. Kassie noticed the look of disapproval on Damon's face.
Klaus chuckled. "Well, we can sit and eat or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides." He said as sat down. "The choice is yours."
Damon smiled awkwardly while Stefan just stared at Klaus. This is going to be interesting, Kassie thought. Elijah pulled her chair out for her before sitting down himself. 
"Gentlemen, please," Elijah said and the Salvatores had no choice but to obey.
"Isn't this nice? The five of us dining together. Such a treat. Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger out of my brother?" Klaus asked Damon. 
"Well, I know how he felt about you. So I figured, the more, the merrier." Damon said, winking at Elijah. Kassie had to suppress a chuckle.
Klaus said he and Elijah had many quarrels over the centuries but they always made it through. Then Stefan asked where Rebekah was and said Klaus kept her daggered cause he was scared of facing her. Finally, somebody telling the truth, Kassie thought as she sipped on her wine. 
"If you're referring to the fact that Rebekah knows I killed our mother, I've already come clean to Elijah and Kassandra," Klaus said, looking at Elijah. Kassie just continued sipping on her wine. She still hasn't confronted Klaus about that. Damon reprimanded Stefan and told him to dial down the judgment. 
"We're here to make a deal, Damon. Doesn't mean we need to kiss his ass for seven courses." Stefan replied. 
"Careful, Stefan. There's a lady in our presence. Mind your tongue." Damon once again warned his brother. Kassie just smirked into her glass. 
"Stefan, where is the lovely Elena tonight?" Elijah asked.
"I don't know. Ask Damon." Stefan replied curtly. Klaus chuckled at this. Elijah looked confused. All Kassie knew was that Elena's relationship with Stefan became strained after Klaus took Stefan away for the summer. 
"I'm sorry. You missed so much. Trouble in paradise." Klaus explained. 
"One more word about Elena and this dinner is over," Stefan said. Klaus cheekily covered his mouth with his finger.
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"You know what? It's probably best to keep Elena in the do-not-discuss pile." Damon said, trying to steer away the conversation from Elena." Klaus agreed. 
"It's just, that the allure of the Petrova doppelganger is still so strong. What do you say, brother? Shall we tell them about Tatia?" Klaus suggested to Elijah. Kassie could not stop herself from audibly sighing and rolling her eyes. 
Seriously, her? You want to talk about her? Kassie thought as her brother explained who Tatia was. Kassie tuned out for most of the conversation. 
"Kassandra, judging by your reaction, you weren't fond of Tatia?" Stefan asked and for the first time that night, she spoke. 
"No, I was not. And that's putting it lightly." Kassie replied curtly, looking at her nails. Stefan asked why. 
"I'd rather not talk about it." She replied and gave Stefan a stiff smile. 
The real reason why she was not fond of Tatia was because before playing with both Klaus and Elijah's feelings, Tatia had another man in mind - Axel. At the time Kassie was no older than 17 years old and she couldn't help but feel threatened that Tatia would win Axel over.
Thankfully for Kassandra, Axel politely rejected Tatia, which meant she still had a chance with him. On the other hand, she also disliked Tatia for what she did to her brothers. It was so bad, they refused to talk to each other for a while and even physically attacked each other. Kassie hated Tatia for that and she couldn't say she was sorry when she learned of Tatia's death. 
Elijah suggested they start discussing the terms of the proposal. "Well, that's very simple. Klaus gets his coffin back. In exchange, he and the Original extended family leave Mystic Falls forever." Damon answered. 
"The deal sounds fair brother," Elijah said and Kassie could not agree more. She would love nothing more than to leave this sad little town and never come back.
Klaus then went on a tangent about how he would never leave Elena behind, because of her doppelganger blood. Kassie rolled her eyes once again. All that trouble for just one girl. Damon excused himself, saying he needed fresh air. Elijah went after him. 
"All this talk has made me thirsty," Klaus said, looking at one of the waitresses. Kassie sighed and got up from the table. 
"Excuse me, I have to go and powder my nose," Kassie said and quickly left the room. Everything was going according to the plan and Klaus didn't suspect a thing. Perfect.
Instead of going to the bathroom, she went to the lounge room where the coffins of her siblings were. Elijah and Damon were also there. "You know what to do," Her brother whispered in her ear. Then, the two of them went back to Klaus and Stefan.
As the four men discussed the proposal, Kassie was quickly opening the coffins of her siblings. In the background, she could hear Klaus fighting with Stefan and pushing his hand into the fireplace. 
The next thing she knew, Elijah and Damon were back in the room. Elijah motioned to be quiet and nodded, giving her the green light. Finally, she thought as she walked toward Rebekah's coffin and slowly pulled the dagger from her chest. 
Then, she turned around to Finn's coffin, grabbed the dagger that was plunged into Finn's heart, and pulled it out. After 900 years he was finally free. Elijah pulled the dagger out of Kol. Kassie then proceeded to pour blood into three glasses. 
Rebekah was the first one to wake up. She turned around, confused, but Elijah just gestured to be quiet. Kassie gave her a big smile and gave her the glass. Kol was next and finally, Finn. He seemed to be disoriented but once his eyes fell on Kassie he seemed to calm down. 
She hugged him tightly. "Welcome back brother." She whispered into his ear in their mother tongue. They all got out of their coffins. Kassie took two daggers and put them on a silver platter, while Finn kept his. Then, they all followed Elijah into the dining room. 
"Elijah? Why haven't you left?" Klaus asked. Kassandra stood next to Elijah and in her hand was the platter, covered with a silk handkerchief. 
"Well, where are your manners brother? We forgot dessert." Elijah said and uncovered the platter that was in Kassandra's hands. On it, the two silver daggers. Kassandra couldn't help but smirk at Klaus's terrified expression. 
"I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now." Elijah said and from behind him, Kol appeared. The look of horror on Klaus's face was priceless.
"Kol..." Klaus said backing away.
"Long time, brother," Kol said, walking up to Klaus. Klaus tried fleeing but was stopped by Finn who stabbed Klaus's hand with the dagger. 
Klaus tried escaping again but in his way was Rebekah, fury written all over her face. She stabbed him in the gut. "This is for our mother." She said and pushed him back. Kol grabbed his arms, making sure he could not escape. 
"You're free to go. This is family business." Elijah said to the Salvatore brothers who quickly got out. 
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"I like what you've done with the new place, Nik," Bekah said, grabbed a glass vase, and threw it against the wall. Kassie was sitting on the leather sofa in the corner of the room. Finn was next to her, leaning against the fireplace. Kol and Elijah were in front of her, while Klaus leaned against the table. 
"I wanted it to be for all of us. A place we could all call home. A place we could all be a family." Klaus lamented. Elijah and Bekah exchanged unimpressed looks while Kassie just stared down at her boots. She was just happy her family was back. 
"None of us would ever have to be alone again," Klaus said and Kassie couldn't help but chuckle at that. 
"Well, you're right. None of us will be." Elijah said, walking away from Klaus. Kol, Kassie, and Finn followed. 
"You're staying behind," Finn added as the five of them stood on the opposite side of the room while Klaus stood alone next to the table. A look of shock washed over his face. 
"We're leaving you Nik, right after I kill that doppelganger wench," Bekah said. "Then you will be alone. Always and forever." 
Klaus threatened to kill them all if they ran. Elijah said that would turn him into everything he hated - their father. Klaus proceeded to yell how he had nothing to fear from any of them. 
"Even you, Kassandra?" Klaus asked. 
"Do not...do not try and guilt trip me into subservience. It won't work anymore." Kassie replied, proud that she was finally standing up to him.
Then, the front door could be heard opening. Seconds later, a person walked into the dining room. Someone whom Kassandra and the rest of her siblings thought long dead.
"Mother..." Rebekah uttered while everyone else just watched in awe as their mother stood in front of them as if she hadn't been dead for over ten centuries. Shock was written all over the faces of the Mikaelson siblings, most notably Klaus. 
Kassie and Elijah exchanged confused looks as their mother walked down the stairs and closer to Klaus. 
"Look at me!" Mother said sternly as Klaus struggled to raise his eye to meet their mother's. She asked him if he knew why she was there.
"To kill me," Klaus replied grimly. 
"Niklaus, you are my son. And I am here to forgive you." Mother said and turned to face the rest of her children.
"I want us to be a family again." 
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Oh, this one was messy!!! Finally, the entire Mikaelson family is reunited! Next chapter we'll see how Kassie reacts to this new predicament and how she spends time with her newly awakened family!
Thank you for reading! 💞💞💞
If you have any questions/opinions feel free to comment!
Taglist: @ashaluuler
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