saysomethingabout · 2 months
Say something about this ship!
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phoenixlionme · 8 months
My Favorite Fictional Couples Part 42
NOTE: Be respectful of my choices; the OTPs are not ranked, just of who I thought when making this list.
Kill La Kill: Ryuko Matoi + Mako Mankanshoku = Ryumako
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2. Codename: Kids Next Door: Wallabee "Wally" Beatles aka Numbuh Four + Kuki Sanban aka Numbuh Three= Walluki
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3. Codename: Kids Next Door: Hogarth "Hoagie" P. Gilligan Jr. aka Numbuh Two + Abigail "Abby" Lincoln aka Numbuh Five = Hoagabby
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4. Harry Potter franchise: Scorpius Malfoy + Rose Weasley = Scorose
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5. DBZ franchise: Krillin + Android 18 = K18
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6. TLOK: Jinora + Skoochy = Jinoochy
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7. Disney's Bambi: Thumper + Miss Bunny = Thunny
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8. Dreamworks' 3Below: Prince Krel + Mary Wang = Krary
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9. Fionna and Cake: Gary Prince + Marhsall Lee = Gumlee
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10. Chuckie franchise: Jake Wheeler + Devon Evans= Jevon
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Do you ship it?
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Well, I think they are cute together when they hold hands and that DJ Kleb hug scene is very interesting to me. -
They are very interesting
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Typically post on my art acc but it's toa related so, made what I think the kleb or alive poster would've looked like, aka an excuse to draw krel.
[ not krary/ship | No reposts without permission ]
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Nigel Ning Best Funny Tiktoker | Try Control not to laugh 😂😂��� | Make You Happy#Shorts#nigelning
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My name: Nigel ning😎 Facebook-page、Tiktok、Youtube、Twitter。I will share a one-minute video world's funniest and animals! bring you new video
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incorrecttom · 1 year
[2:30 am]
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It was late at night yet, they were still working. They had been working for quite some time and they were tired. They had to review quite some reports and their eyes were tired. Ready to fall asleep.
Ignoring every piece of the paper, they would sometimes wonder what their life was? What would it lead to and more importantly how will it be in the future? Was all this work even worth?
And then they would remember you, your features, your soothing voice, your eyes in which they lived. Lying next to you and letting them be who they were. It can be useless work for others but they did work for you, their only motivation. They would do anything for you, even if it meant working over time, it is worth for you.
You were there only tunnel of hope. Your arms were always open for them and that's all they wanted.
Lucifer | Suna | Cassis | Malleus | Izuku | Shoto | Krari | Childe | Kaeya | Kuroo |
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@roseadleyn | @dxmoness | @bobateasilverpearl | @that-one-pretty-bitch | @sidra-29 | @chxrrylxdy | @meow-meow-potato | @lady-navier0357 | @yourlocalintrovertt | @nyrwve | @nxccolo |
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beannary · 2 years
I just realized something! If Krary was official, the four most popular girls at Arcadia Oaks High would be able to go on group dates with their amazing boyfriends! Ever thought of doing a story or drawing something like that?
I'm actually more of a Kreli shipper BUT Krary is also so cute and the gang would deeeefinitely go on triple dates together all the time
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Here are the girlies discussing their boyfriends!
Also Toby needs to also become some sort of nonhuman being so that Darci can also have a monster boyfriend cmon Toby you gotta step up
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ilikeavatartomuch · 8 months
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My version of krari! I did her next because I had ideas for it so yes I did her before the turtle minus Leo (also Leo post says she’s 19 but I’m still working on it and dissidence to Mack her 17 instead nothing is set in stone yet and it probably won’t be until I make a master post hopefully next week sometime) also sorry for the weird color filter is not supposed to be like that procreate is being wired I can’t control it
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pazaryerigundem · 7 days
İzmir Karabağlar Meclisi'nde doğalgaz krarı
İzmir Karabağlar Meclisi'nde doğalgaz krarı
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İzmir’de Karabağlar Belediyesi, Belediye Meclisi Haziran Ayı Toplantısı Belediye Başkanı Helil Kınay’ın başkanlığında gerçekleştirdi.
İZMİR (İGFA) –  Karabağlar Belediyesi, Belediye Meclisi Haziran Ayı Toplantısı Belediye Başkanı Helil Kınay’ın Başkanlığında gerçekleştirildi. Toplantıda vatandaşların yoğun talebinin olduğu doğalgaz konusunda karar alındı.
Meclis üyeleri tarafından verilen önergeler bölümünde meclis üyelerinin önergesiyle Uzundere Mahallesi,  Salih Omurtak, Bahriye Üçok, Limontepe, Umut, Ali Fuat Erden, Gazi, Devrim, Uzundere, Özgür, Yüzbaşı Şerafettin, Cennetçeşme Mahalleleri ile Yurtoğlu, Abdi İpekçi, İhsan Alyanak, Peker, Osman Aksüner, Aşık Veysel ve Aydın mahallelerinin bir bölümünü kapsayacak olan çalışmaların yürütülmesi için meclisten onay istendi. Komisyonlara sevk edilen kararın görüşülmesinin ardından, mecliste oy birliği ile kabul edildi.
Karabağlar Belediyesi kültür ve sanat için yeni bir adım daha attı. Karabağlar’da bir şehir tiyatrosu kurulması yönündeki önerge, mecliste oy birliği ile kabul edildi. Vatandaşların kültür ve sanatla iç içe yaşadıkları bir Karabağlar oluşturmak için daha çok çalışacaklarını vurgulayan Başkan Kınay; bu kararın, tüm mahallelerde kültür ve sanatın yaşamın bir parçası olması için yapılacak çalışmalarının başlangıcı olduğunu belirtti.
Gündemde yer alan bir diğer konu olan Sağlıklı Kentler Birliği’ne üye olunması konusu meclis üyelerinin onayına sunularak kabul edildi. Sağlıklı Kentler Birliği’ne Karabağlar temsilcisi olarak Nurcan Pirgan Çakır ve Mehmet Türkbay görevlendirilmesi onaylandı. Başkan Kınay sağlık dirençli yaşanılabilir kentler için koordinasyon ve iş birliklerinin güçlendirileceğini belirtti.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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purelyjustthesims2 · 2 years
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Krari: “How old do you think I am?”
Everglade: “A lot.”
Rho: “How old is Dumbledore?”
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boomerang446 · 2 years
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akozuheiwa · 3 years
Can people please not go onto someones ship post just to say "I hate this ship", yes this is about my recent space camp post
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freyaxx · 4 years
We need more Krary-stuff!
This is my absolute favorite ship (together with Taekook)! But only because I've been shipping the two since 3Below Part 1 Episode 4 kxmsflsl
But I noticed that there are hardly any things about the two. Hardly any fanarts, hardly any fanfics and hardly any other disturbed stuff... PLS SOMEONE! Write a GOOD Fanfic,,, draw GOOD fanarts... WE NEED MORE KRARY STANS HERE 😤
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arcadialedger · 5 years
Shoutout to Mary Wang for being such a standout this season.
Say what you want about her being a typical popular girl— she is an absolute sweetheart. Not only is she so supportive of her girls Claire and Darci (and helping Claire with her relationship with Jim), she is so supportive of and welcoming to new kids Aja and Krel.
She’s sassy, and she’s an— wait for it— it’s a miracle— ACTUAL TEENAGE GIRL WHO JUST WANTS TO HANG OUT WITH HER FRIENDS.
An amazing friend. A sassy badass not afraid to stand up for those she cares about. She is such a wonderful development of the popular girl archetype— not a cold bitch, but an extroverted and social girl with such a big heart.
I really hope she and Krel end up together— they compliment each other so well. And that handholding moment in the finale was beautiful.
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Yeah I'm pretty sure that I love them...
Also, are we making the official ship name Krary? Or does the ship name already exist and I just don't know about it? Idk 💙💙💙
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