#mallleus twisted wonderland
incorrecttom · 1 year
[2:30 am]
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It was late at night yet, they were still working. They had been working for quite some time and they were tired. They had to review quite some reports and their eyes were tired. Ready to fall asleep.
Ignoring every piece of the paper, they would sometimes wonder what their life was? What would it lead to and more importantly how will it be in the future? Was all this work even worth?
And then they would remember you, your features, your soothing voice, your eyes in which they lived. Lying next to you and letting them be who they were. It can be useless work for others but they did work for you, their only motivation. They would do anything for you, even if it meant working over time, it is worth for you.
You were there only tunnel of hope. Your arms were always open for them and that's all they wanted.
Lucifer | Suna | Cassis | Malleus | Izuku | Shoto | Krari | Childe | Kaeya | Kuroo |
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@roseadleyn | @dxmoness | @bobateasilverpearl | @that-one-pretty-bitch | @sidra-29 | @chxrrylxdy | @meow-meow-potato | @lady-navier0357 | @yourlocalintrovertt | @nyrwve | @nxccolo |
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hanafubukki · 4 months
I binged your Lilia with a baby daughter and I couldn't get enough. Can you imagine if General Lilia gets yeeted into that timeline and he finds out that not only did his future self marry a human but also actually have a child with her. If current timeline Half Faces are already kinda rare so imagine from his time where he's at war with them. Also how Lilia's little girl interacting with her Papa (who isn't really her Papa but also isn't lmao) Also, MC who he is married to. I just wanna see his Tsun Tsun ass be flustered but confused lmao. Ok, thank youuu!
[referring to these posts: 1, 2, and 3]
Hello Anonie 🌺🌷🌻
I'm happy that you enjoyed them anonie! I had a blast writing them. 🌟💚
Ohhhh Anonie you guys know how to hit my weak spots 😂💕💜 Babies, General Lilia, time travel shenanigans oh my 🤣💚 You and me 🤝 wants to see General Lilia tsun tsun butt be flustered mwah chef kiss.
General Lilia being sent to the future is a curse and a blessing...depending on who you ask 😂 jkjk
Just thinking about it and I just?? Love the thought of General Vanrouge meeting a new born baby or up to a 1 year old. Something about him just holding her with these awkward hands just has me so soft 😩🥹
But then I also think our Lilia might be possessive and go ‘My Baby’ on him, even though that’s literally himself 🤣
I have so many thoughts sooo many on how General Vanrouge’s reaction to Malleus and Silver could go, and even Sebek. But more so on Malleus and Silver. Also his reaction to his future self too, you know??
In reverse, our Lilia’s reaction to his past self. It can go many ways as well. Depending on how General Vanrouge reacts. Papa instincts ✨
But we’ll skip that because this ask is about baby and General Vanrouge ✨✨
A part of me thinks that our Lilia is going to just yeet the baby at his past self. Deja vu right?? Don’t worry, he knows himself and knows the General will catch the little one.
After flicking Lilia on the forehead for his actions and letting Mal and Sil deal with him, you go to the General who’s frozen. He caught her of course, but he seems stumped on what to do.
You can’t blame him really. After being in war and seeing and dealing with what he has. This peace and quiet must be new, not to mention being in the future.
So you go to him and as gently as possible, making sure to not frighten him, move his hands so he’s more comfortably holding the baby.
Unknown to him, but his eyes softened as the little one curled into him while making cooing noises. You know your Lilia is taking a bunch of pictures.
“See? You’re a natural.”
He looks at you in disbelief but you can see the amazement in them too.
You tell him how he has no choice but to hold the baby now because she will cry if you move her from her new favorite spot. He flusters a bit at that.
Time goes on, General Vanrouge wears casual clothing and hangs up his armor temporarily after Lilia had a talk with him. His weapon is with him, you all understand why. His need to protect what’s his is engraved even though he doesn’t see it yet.
[Sometimes you see your Lilia looking at the armor. His eyes mixed with emotions. You simply lay your head on his shoulder; he kisses your hand]
The General gets attached to your daughter. She babbles at him and pulls at his hair. He tries not to flinch. For someone who was against raising kids, the General doesn’t say anything when your daughter stuffs his hair into her mouth or drools on him as she sleeps.
Lilia’s proud, “that’s my girl!” is often heard.
At one point, you take pity on him. You take a hairbrush, running it carefully through his hair before tying it in a high bun. You fondly roll your eyes at the pout your Lilia has before taking your daughter to feed. For the General’s sake, you chose not to comment on his flustered expression.
Our Lilia is repeatedly saying “spoilers” which irritates the General whenever he asks a question. You get why it’s frustrating but the scene is rather funny and your baby girl’s laughter agrees with you.
“I won’t have you ruining my future! I’ll have you know I wouldn’t change anything for the happiness I have now, so you have to be patient.”
Malleus and Silver both have the sweetest smile. They know exactly what he means.
The General watches how his future self acts. You can see the slight scowl and twitch of his eyebrow. He’s questioning his whole existence.
What surprises you is his question to you.
“Are you sure you want to be married to that?”
You laugh softly, tenderly tucking a stray strand behind his ear, “Yes. He’s you, isn’t he?”
The smile you give him then has him falling deeper unbeknownst to him.
Anabskdkds okay, but why am I the one flustered now?? Qbskwjwjejr 😂💞🥰
Ahhhhh this was longer than I expected but I had so many ideas and I wanted to especially include that last one 🥹💞
Thank you for sending this in Anonie 😭💚 Currently screaming into a pillow and rolling in bed. Ahhhhh 💞💞💞💚💚
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levienjoyer · 9 months
i would literally die for minthara or astarion from the hit game bg3
(alternatively nagito komaeda or malleus draconia twst caus i think theyd would look bangin in ur shapeful art style) thank u in advance 🙏
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angelofstarlight · 2 years
Sailor Moon and Twisted Wonderland crossover short
Rini arrives at NRC
(Happens after VDC and Serena learns Mallleus's actual name)
It was after class and the first year group was studying outside.
"Man today was long." Ace said.
"It did feel rather long today." Epel said agreeing.
Serena giggled at them as Sebek rolled his eyes. Luna and Grim were on the ground by the textbooks watching them.
"Come on we need to study." Jack said.
"Why? We've been in class all day." Ace said.
"I agree." Grim said.
Before any of them could reply the wind picked up and a pink cloud appeared above them. Next thing that happened was a little girl fell out of it landing on Serena.
"HI Serena." She said.
"Hello Rini....Rini!" Serena exclaimed hugging her with a smile.
The others looked at them before the little girl looked at them with narrowed eyes.
"Who are you and why are you around my mother." She said.
"M-mother?" Deuce said.
"Rini's my future daughter. She visits from time to time." Serena said.
Luna looked at them amused.
"We should inform the others." Epel said.
Serena sighed and nodded
*fourty minutes later*
Serena was smiling nervously as the housewardens stared at her shocked. The teachers however were trying to figure out how to work with this. Lilia however was grinning in delight.
"Angelfish who's her father?" Azul asked.
"Never met him when I went to Rini's time. I figured I had her like my mother had me, through magic." Serena replied
"Correction Serena hadn't met him yet so she couldn't see him." Rini said.
This made all of them freeze before glaring at one another. Crewel noticed and stepped him.
"Heel! None of you are to pry anything from the pup. If she hasn't said anything it is because she doesn't want to damage the timeline." He said.
"Yes sir." They all replied.
Rini however was smirking. Oh she was going to mess with them. Honestly she had no idea what her mother saw in them currently.
"Seeing how attached the little hatchling is to Serena we have agreed to let Rini join Serena in class." Crowley said.
"I take it you are well behaved?" Crewel asked Rini.
"I am. Momma raised me to be respectful and polite. I actually want to be a lady like her." Rini replied.
"That's adorable." Lilia said.
"Don't let that fool you. Rini can be devious too. And i know she didn't get it from me. I'm just learning to be." Serena said.
"Yep. I got it from papa." Rini said.
The boys looked at each other because they all could be. The teachers sighed knowing this will be a experience and headache.
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coolbattlegirl · 2 years
Overblot!Malleus Theory(?)
Contains Spoilers!
(I have a gist of what happens at the end but I’m waiting for a translation so this might not be 100% accurate. This is based on what I have gathered)
As you can see near the ending of chapter 6, Malleus is left thinking about the fragility of humans and their short life spans after seeing an aged Vil. I assume that Malleus never really thought deep into the whole “my whole life span is longer than humans and I’ll probably outlive all of my friends” thing.
Lilia hinted that he could possibly be dying as he says, “I have made many wishes to that star before… but this may be the last time.” What’s that suppose to mean?  He’s been alive for like…. Hundreds if not thousands of years! Which can only make me assume one thing… his time is running out. And Silver and Sebek(half fae so he’ll live a bit longer but die later) are human.
Not to mention that Yuu(aka mc) who is Malleus first friend (sorry Lilia, Silver, and Sebek) is a human as well! And lets not forget that we will have to go home eventually, and (possibly) never see the friends we made in Twisted Wonderland again.
Malleus is going to be all alone if not even more lonely then ever. I think he’s starting to realize that with all the thinking he’s been doing. It’ll practically eat away at him the more he thinks about it.
What could make Malleus snap/overblot?
Well, there’s a number of things that could contribute to this.
1. Crowley finally stops being lazy and finds a way to get Yuu(mc) home. Malleus discovers that and loses it, as he’s losing the first friend he ever made. Malleus really cares about us. In the beginning he just saw us as someone fun to mess around with since we didn’t know his identity, but later down the line we see Yuu’s and Malleus’s friendship develop. Especially after learning his true identity. We weren’t scared of him and that probably means the world to him.
2. Malleus learns that Lilia is dying. He’s known Lilia since forever and learning that the one constant person in his life is going to be gone is going to mess him up a lot. He’ll most likely go into denial mode and try to preserve Lilia’s remaining life. But near the ending of chapter 6 Mallleus mentions that he does not have the ability to turn back time. Making me believe that he will do what Maleficent does in “Sleeping Beauty”.
3. A combination of both 1 and 2. Which honestly looks like a huge disaster in the making if it does happen.
I also would like to touch a little on the topic of Silver’s role in Malleus’s overblot. I think he will place a huge role of helping defeat Malleus as he is technically the “prince”. If you look in the loading screen, Silver’s symbol is that of a sword. And how was Maleficent defeated? By a sword. Making me believe that Silver will play a large role in chapter 7.
Again, as I mentioned earlier, I have not seen the translation of the last few recent chapter so I can’t contribute anymore on the subject unfortunately.
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👀 can I have reader as little sister for twisted wonderland I imagine her age was 7-9
Character : malleus, deuce, and lilia
Warning : fluff and platonic
Where you country u live(life) in? (Just curious)
By the way, I live in Finland. It is very cold here and a lot of antisocial people.
Deuce Spade
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Deuce would love his younger sister.
He would be your typical protective brother who dazzles all the boys who dare to come near you.
( And Deuce can be really scary. )
He makes sure you never get to know his gang background or problems.
To you, he has always been a reliable, safe and stable big brother.
Deuce supports and encourages your dreams, he praises you when you do something right and loves to carry you.
( Also, he loves to kick Ace who dared to laugh when he saw you two in the park... Ace will never make the same mistake again )
Deuce would love to read you stories and play with you.
He is surprisingly good at playing.
Deuce also agrees to sit still while you make up him and drink tea with him.
You are important to him and Deuce loves to see you smile
Lilia Vanrouge
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You are the reason why Lilia is so good with kids.
He has cared for you since you were young.
And the horrible moment of your childhood was when Lilia tried to cook for you and you had to eat it.
( Childhood traumas )
Lilia would be just the brother who would make pranks on everyone and accidentally drag you along.
He would never bully you.
But he might sometimes say things that aren’t entirely true.
( For example, that there is a bastard under the bed or that someone broke into your home just to be able to eat your candy. Usually you complain about this to your mother )
Lilia would also be a very protective big brother.
He would definitely like to try his hand at those who dare to bully his little sister.
( Lilia also has a lot of childhood pictures that even as a parent he wants to present to everyone )
( Silver and Sebek have seen all of your baby photos more than ten times )
Lilia would love all the gifts you make for him.
He has an entire closet reserved for storing your pasta necklaces.
( And another for all the drawings you have made for him )
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus would be a very overprotective big brother.
He doesn’t want you to be as lonely as he was your age.
Malleus usually spends a lot of time with you.
He loves to play with his cute sister.
And if you want, Sebek and Silver will also play with you.
You have a great deal of power over your brother's conduct.
( Once you made flower crowns for Sebek and Silver ... Malleus made sure they kept those flower crowns all day )
If someone would make you sad Malleus would be very upset.
(This was supposed to be a joke about Malleus being in his snakes about the situation because he is a dragon but it really doesn't work in English... In Finland, in snakes, the word can also mean shocked )
He will surely curse the bully, this whole family and their pets.
And Malleus refuses to undo the curse until the bully apologizes to his sister.
Malleus can be very angry for a long time.
But there is one thing Malleus loves about being a big brother.
He loves all the hugs you give him.
Mallleus requires a lot of hugs.
And if someone comes to interrupt his hug time it doesn’t end well.
( Malleus needs more love )
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its-nyakemi-nya · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland One Shot Raffle #5: Malleus Draconia x Short! Fem! Reader
yandere-of-your-dreams: Oh really yay🍀❤️ Ummm let's see Maybe a Malleus x reader
its-nyakemi-nya: Do you have any specific scenarios you'd like me to do nya?
yandere-of-your-dreams: Umm maybe one where the reader is short and wants to catch a bird but can't so Malleus helps the reader
Won and requested by @yandere-of-your-dreams. This is our fifth one shot nya!
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland nya. I only own the plot of this one shot nya.
P.S. I would like to apologise for the canon characters being OOC and my grammatical errors nya. Enjoy nya!
You were looking at a tree in the school’s courtyard.
“What are you staring at, [First Name]?” Grim asked you, weirded out that you’ve been staring at that tree for a couple of minutes already.
“I’m looking at the bird over there,” You answered as you pointed it out.
“Where? I don’t see it,” Grim said, “You sure got some sharp eyes, [First Name].”
“Thanks,” You said as you walked towards the tree.
Why were you walking towards the tree you say? That’s because you want to catch it. And why you asked? That’s because that bird’s wing was injured for some reason and you want to help to solve its problem.
There is one problem though: the tree was quite quite tall. Certainly, you’re height won’t be able to help you with this one since you’re short. Heck, you’re even shorter than Riddle!
“Oi! Are you nuts, [First Name]?!” Grim yelled at you as you attempt to climb the tree, “You suck at climbing, you know!”
“Gee! Thanks for the encouragement, Grim!” You said to Grim sarcastically, still trying to climb.
Physical exercise is not your forte here unfortunately despite...ermmm...al the troubles you’ve already went through during your time here in Night Raven College.
“Give it up, [First Name],” Grim said as he lay down the grass under a shade.
You’ve been stumbling down the tree. You weren’t even close to where the injured bird is.
“I need to do it! That bird is injured!” You said with determination as you tried to climb once more.
Eventually, you were at arm’s reach. You’re almost close enough to reach the bird, “Come on! I can do this.”
“Child of man, what are you doing here?”
“Yiieep!” You lost focus that you lost your grip and fell down. 
Lucky you, you were caught by none other than THE Malleus Draconia. The one who also made you lost your focus.
You slightly blushed, “Thanks for catching me.”
“Do tell me: what are you doing?” Malleus asked curiously as he sets you down gently on the ground.
“I’m trying to get the bird over there. It seemed quite hurt,” You answered, “I want to help the little fella fly again once more.”
“I see.”
An idea popped out in your mind. You look at Malleus who, in return, looks back at you with a confused expression.
“Do I have something on my face, child of man?” Malleus asked.
You took a deep breathe to calm yourself because what you’re going to ask is embarrassing for you, “I need your help, Malleus. Can I get on your shoulders? That way, with our heights combined, I can get the bird.”
Mallleus started to laugh, which made you confuse, “You’re quite interesting, child of man. Very well then. Just this once, i’ll let you on my shoulders.”
“Yay! Thank you so much!”
Malleus bend down so you can get on his shoulders. Surprisingly, he’s quite strong physically as well as you got the bird with ease.
“I got it, Malleus. Let’s treat it!”
“You know that you don’t have to do this, Malleus. I’m the one who should treat it since I’m the one who wanted to do so,” You said, not wanting to trouble Malleus.
“It’s quite alright. I don’t mind if it’s you,” Malleus said as he finished bandaging the bird, “You can always ask me for help, you know.”
You blushed at his statement, “Th-Thank yo-you, Malleus.”
“By the way, we’re going to need to go to the infirmary,” Malleus said.
“Why?” You asked.
“You’re injured yourself,” Malleus answered as he pointed out all the scratches and bruises from your trial and errors in climbing the tree to get the bird before he even arrived at the area.
“No, it’s fine. It’s just a scratch,” You said as you stand up to prove that you’re fine, “See, Malleus. I’m fine.”
Malleus sighed as he picked you up and carried you bridal style, “You’re quite selfless, [First Name]. But I don’t like seeing you hurt because of it. Now, be a good girl and let’s get you to the infirmary to be treated, shall we?”
Malleus quickly ran to the infirmary to get you treated while you simply blushed because of his gesture. As you two quickly passed by the halls, you were seen by none other than Sebek who watched you two in disbelief.
In the end you got scolded by Sebek and saying that you shouldn’t trouble the young master in these things and so on and so forth. However, you were not listening to his lectures thinking about the sweet gesture Malleus did earlier.
And for some reason, you looked at him and then blushed since he was staring back at you with a sweet smile.
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