#kurt is gay now
faerieomenart · 13 days
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KURT ART GO! Sí, sí, y más. Another art dump. Close ups. VVV
I love fuzzy Kurt but I can't draw it well for my life :(( some Gambit and Rogue to heal the soul btw. They're in love ok ok? Btw beared Kurt in the sketch dump is my phone lockscreen, just calling myself out. And my background is the doodle of myself fawning over him aksjdkj. No shame.
Also have no idea how to draw Kurt consistently rip. Sorry to anyone who tries and cares to read all the random notes, idk why I do that, but they're not important ajskjsk.
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Lost the dates drawn, but idc bc they are recent.
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platossoulmates · 2 months
hello all!!!! i am looking for x men moots!!!i am currently so incredibly hyper fixated and would kill for more weirdos like me to talk with 😭😭
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dykedalecooper · 1 year
i think exodus and nightcrawler have a really weird relationship because exodus is like “ah yes... we are both men of god like we must talk, i have so little in common with the rest of these people on this forsakenly humid isle. i must ask; have you encountered the uncouth comments about ones... proclivities... this island stinks of deviancy and i struggle to bear it". and kurt is like “uhm vell safe sex is important and uhmmmm ah! hope! excellent you have returned” and hope and kurt like do the european cheek kisses thing and she's like “oh my god it's been so long since we've talked how's david i know you had a thing but now ruth is back how is that for you guys" and kurt is like looking back and forth between exodus and hope and hes like. “vell ve are… fine. zhey are together. ve are all fine. meggan has been staying vith us- vith me vhile she is... she and brian are 'on a break' i have been told” and exodus just gasps and hes like “egads! you… (12th century french homophobic slur)". and hope is like “i don’t know what that means but i'm so sorry we’re going to go now it was really nice to see you bye” and she drags exodus away and is like “please stop calling our friends and coworkers homophobic slurs” and he's like pouting and he's like “you said you didn't know what i said” and shes like “it was abundantly clear to literally everyone that it was a slur”
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backslashdelta · 1 year
Idk if any of you have looked at Kurt Hummel lately but he's actually a perfect human
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francisforever2014 · 1 year
i don’t believe in the concept of guilty pleasures but i really don’t know how else to categorize my habit of watching glee performances on youtube just to feel something
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callmebrycelee · 24 days
Advice from a Queer Almost-40 BuckTommy Shipper
Over the last several months, there's been a one-sided war brewing between Buddie shippers and BuckTommy shippers. As we get ready for Season 8, I want to give all of you fellow BuckTommy/Tevan/Kinley shippers some advice:
Do NOT let them ruin something truly groundbreaking and special.
I repeat:
Do NOT let them ruin something truly groundbreaking and special.
Let me take you way back to the early-2010s. Glee was quite popular in the cultural zeitgeist. The show spawned a plethora of ships including Finchel, Brittana, Samcedes, and Fabrey. However, there was one ship that reigned supreme on Beyoncé and Al Gore's internet. If you were on Tumblr during this time you definitely remember the chokehold Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson aka Klaine had on the Glee fandom.
Now I'll admit, at first, I was into the two glee club gays being together but then episode 2x06 aired. For those of you unfamiliar with the show, episode 2x06 titled "Never Been Kissed" is episode where closeted football jock Dave Karofsky cornered Kurt in the boys' lockerroom and kissed him. What followed was some of the best storytelling in the history of the show.
Over the next few seasons, we watched Dave Karofsky come to terms with his sexuality, apologize to Kurt for his relentless bullying, finally embrace his sexuality, get outed, and attempt to un-alive himself. Those of us who initially hated Dave and his initial treatment of Kurt became fans of him due to how realistic he was. If you went to high school in the early-2000s, chances are you either knew someone like Karofsky or you were him. That's why he resonated with so many of us in the queer community.
However, the showrunners weren't invested in Dave and Kurt becoming an item. You have to remember, this was the era of listening to the fandom and giving them exactly what they wanted. The fandom wanted Rachel and Finn to be together so that's what we got. The fandom wanted Brittany and Santana to be together so that's what we got. And what the fandom wanted was Kurt and Blaine.
Till this day, I still resent the fact that the showrunners and writers went the safe route when it came to couples on Glee. For the most part, all of their main pairings were expected and boring. Over a decade removed from the show, a lot of folks have come around to the idea that maybe Kurt and Blaine aren't the #couplegoals they initially thought. A lot of us will forever wonder just how different (and possibly better) the show would have been if they took a chance on Kurt and Dave.
Fast-forward to the year 2024. We have, on another Ryan Murphy show, Klaine and Kurtofsky 2.0. The moment Eddie came on the scene back in Season 2, folks on the internet started shipping him with Buck. Nevermind that these two were coded as platonic friends, here we had, once again, two good-looking guys played by two actors who have impeccable chemistry.
Much like Klaine, a lot of us see Buddie as boring. The ship smacks of cis straight women overlly fascinated by two good-looking, masculine guys. It reminds me of the overabundance of m/m romance written by straight women which have little interest in showcasing real queer male relationships and instead serve as fantasy fulfillment for straight women using two queer men as avatars to satisfy what they feel is lacking in their own heterosexual relationships. I don't necessary have a problem with those books existing but I do take issue with that kind of storytelling overshadowing queer male content written by queer male writers.
Whew! Now that I got that out of my system, let me tell you what I loved most about the latest season of 9-1-1. It seems the showrunners and writers of this show took note of what happened with Glee and they decided to go a different route. Instead of listening to the relentless noise on the internet, they have decided to not go the safe route.
Enter: Tommy Kinard.
The romance between Buck and Tommy is truly revolutionary. As someone who grew up consuming the queer media of the 90s and early-2000s, it is quite refreshing to have a couple like Evan Buckley and Tommy Kinard on primetime television. I love that many of the scenes between these two is just slice of life. Very similar to the scenes we get between Athena and Bobby and Chimney and Maddie. I've always said that true equality is when queer people can be just as mundane as straight people. Mission accomplished. Finally, we have two queer characters just existing and being happy. No AIDS. No gay-bashing. No Don't Ask Don't Tell. No epic coming out scene. Buck and Tommy are a shining example of what queer couples can and should look like in the 2020s.
So, back to my original point. When it comes to the great ship war, please do NOT let them ruin something so groundbreaking and special. If the showrunners wanted , they could have made Buck and Eddie a thing years ago. However, that's not the direction they wanted to venture. Thank you Tim Minear for not going the safe route. I look forward to all of the rich storytelling we will get in Season 8 and I have decided that whatever happens, I'm going to enjoy this era of 9-1-1. Oliver Stark and Lou Ferrigno Jr. are amazing actors but so are Angela Bassett and Peter Krause and Aisha Hinds and Kenneth Choi. All of the actors on this show, whether main or guest or supporting, are putting their whole self into crafting the characters we know and love. Regardless of what ship you champion, keep in mind that behind these beloved characters are real, human actors who do not deserve to be bullied and harrassed and threatened due to them simply doing their job. At the end of the day, everything we see on the screen is fiction.
Okay, this has gotten really long. Stepping off of my soapbox. Remember ladies and gentlemen, it's just a show. And although it makes us feel real emotions, 9-1-1 nor Glee is real life.
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eraldkarma · 4 months
Okay but mystique pride mounts head cannons! (All for the silliness)
The x men at pride or some kind of pride fundraiser because they are all a lil fruity and see mystique like passing out pamphlets to peoples:
Morph: what are you doing here?
Mystique: what do you mean? I’m gay?
Morph: you’ve tried to kill us on multiple occasions.
Mystique: I take June off.
Morph: …. You can do that?
Mystique: does Xavier not give you Guys pride month off?
The xmen: you can’t just attend a pride parade and have us not think you were gonna ruin it somehow.
Mystique: are you fucking kidding me? Why would I ruin pride! Do you now how many government officials I had to impersonate to get gay marriage legalized!
Bonus points if Kurt and rogue are there helping there mom or just celebrating.
Kurt: oh! Hi guys!
Logan: why are you here?
Kurt: Logan need I remind you all of the times I have slept with you?
Logan: oh fuck right! No I meant why are you here with your mother, she’s tried to kill you about eight times.
Kurt: oh we have a truce in June for pride month.
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Round 5 - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Sister Michael
She drives a DeLorean. She does judo on Fridays. She likes a good statue and despises the French. Her full nun name is Sister George Michael, after the guy from Wham!. She is the fiercest nun you’ll ever come across and, if you’re attending Lady Immaculate College, she’s the woman in charge. So whatever you do, if you’re feeling anxious or worried or just need a chat: don’t come crying to her.
joined the nunnery for the free accommodation?
she does love a good statue it has to be said
She is the headmistress of a catholic school <3
sister michael so reminds me of the nuns who taught me. they're tough and sometimes a little harsher than a woman who dedicated her life to god should be but they're also wonderful people. i had a nun teacher who was 60 years old and would do handstands. another nun (also in her 60s) told me god was nonbinary. another was really mean and made me cry. (so did the handstand nun.) while the catholic girls school is The Catholic Experience, the school wouldn't have been the same for me or the derry girls without at least one nun who seemed to have sprung up out of the ground fully formed, ageless.
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler Propaganda:
good lord where do i start. in the animated series he converts logan to catholisism and then fucks off basically thats the main thing he did there. i think one time they tried to make him a demon to explain how he looked but everyone hated that. he sold his soul one time to help his friends out after he died. he and logan have a weird little gay thing. he was a priest one time but he was made a priest by a fake bishop from a religion that hates mutants iirc so he just wasnt a priest. like 3 people have written him in a way i like and one of those is my friend just talking about how they view him.
wow marvel loves making catholic characters dress/look like demons
Kurt is a mutant who was born to mystique who looks a LOT like a devil (technically is half one but that cannon truth isn’t real go back to bed), his mother dropped him off a cliff when he was born and he was picked up by a Romani group/circus (fuck old comics man) however he then narrowly escaped being sold to a freak show and found himself in a small German town. There he met a kind priest, who showed him God, and he quickly grew attached to the idea- However, it wasn’t long before people began labeling him a demon and soon the whole town was against him with pitchforks and fire. Cornered and injured, Kurt thought this might be the end for him- maybe he would see heaven so long after finding it- but he was then saved by Charles Xavier who invited him to the X-Men. AND ITS BEEN SO MANY YEARS AND HE HAS BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH THERE. SO MUCH. SO GOD DAMN MUCH. BUT THE MOST AAAA THING TO ME CONCERNING HIS FAITH HE WHEN HE LITERALLY DIED AND WENT TO HEAVEN BUT THEN BECAUSE OF DRAMA WITH HIS FATHER HAD TO BRING HIS FRIENDS IN WITH HIM FROM THE BEYOND. THEN WITH ALOT OF TROUBLE THEY FOUGHT HIS FATHER AND THE ONLY WAY KURT SAW TO STOP HIM WAS IN A MOVE THAT STRIPPED THEM BOTH OF THEIR SOULS AND PUT THEM BACK ON EARTH. SO KURT CANONICALLY HAS NOW LOST HIS ABILITY FOR ETERNAL PEACE, LOST HIS VERY SOUL, TO SAVE PEOPLE- AND ALSO TOLD NO ONE NOT EVEN HIS GAY LOVER WOLVERINE.
Nightcrawler is a mutant vigilante who looks like a classical demon. He can’t even go to church without people panicking and trying to exorcize him. Despite it all, he’s so full of faith and hope and compassion, and he wants to believe the best of everyone. Also, he’s bffs with an extremely angry Jewish sword lesbian. That has nothing to do with anything, but it’s important to me that you all know that.
What if you were a devout christian and literally looked like the devil? He nearly became the pope, which was a plot by some supervillains that also involved faking a rapture? There is nothing like comics I swear to god.
A catholic who is half demon I don’t think I can better explain a struggle than that. But his character is so relatable to people who feel unwelcome with their congregation because of something that is a part of them but still feeling a connection to the faith. Kurt actively engaged in his faith and shares how his faith helps him through all the things he has faced in life and how he found a home with those of the church who leave the judging to God.
so they made kurt a priest briefly before deciding to retcon it, resulting in nightcrawler actually being part of a plan by villains to promote him to pope then reveal to the world that the pope is a demon. wild.
I have a side blog and a tattoo about him and i really really want him to win
Wisecracking devil-appearing devout Catholic with the Best superpower (teleportation)? HECK YES
German Catholic circus acrobat who looks like a demon & can teleport through a hellish alternate dimension with a puff of sulfur. Character of all time.
hes catholic and his dad is the devil. what could be funnier than that. also hes my silly little guy.
Nightcrawler is the world’s most fun catholic priest. I first was introduced to this kindhearted teleporting acrobat while he saved a boat full of stowaway refugees from inter dimensional pirates with swashbuckling gusto!
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d-criss-news · 5 months
Glee star Darren Criss says he is 'culturally queer' thanks to San Francisco upbringing
When Darren Criss broke out on Glee, he instantly became a "teenage dream" for viewers — especially for LGBTQ+ audiences, who were able to see themselves represented in a new way in television.
Criss himself identities as a straight, cisgender man, but he says that his upbringing in San Francisco, Calif., helped him understand the importance of his character, Blaine, and his character's relationship with Kurt (Chris Colfer).
When asked at the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2), what it was like portraying the groundbreaking relationship on television, Criss replied, "It was f---ing awesome.... Nowadays, we just call it a relationship on TV. But to contextualize it, a gay relationship on mainstream Fox, that's a pretty cool thing to be a part of," he said, adding emphasis when naming the network.
"I have been so culturally queer my whole life," he continued while appearing on a panel over the weekend. "Not because I'm trying — you know, actually, I was gonna say not because I'm trying to be cool but I'm gonna erase that, because I am trying to be cool. The things in my life that I have tried to emulate, learn from and be inspired by are 100 percent queer as f---."
"It was in queer communities that I've found people that I idolize, that I want to learn something from," he said. "And I'd say that's a gross generalization, that's a lot of things and a lot of people. But I grew up in San Francisco in the '90s. I watched men die. There was an awareness of the gay experience that was not a foreign concept to me. So, it was a narrative that I cared deeply about."
Criss also clarified that he didn't feel any ownership or entitlement over the role, but instead, felt a sense of responsibility once he was cast. "[I wasn't] like, 'I'm the man for the job,'" he explained. "They hired me...They said, 'You're the guy,' and I said, 'Okay, I'm the guy, I will do my best. I will do my best to talk about it in the way I believe and a way that I'm passionate about.'"
Criss portrayed Blaine Anderson for five of Glee's six seasons. He was introduced as an openly gay student at Dalton Academy and a member of a cappella group the Warblers in season 2. He recurred throughout the season. In season 3, Criss was upgraded to a series regular and Blaine transferred to William McKinley High School, home of Kurt and the New Directions. When the series ended, Blaine and Kurt were happily married after many ups and downs.
For Criss, Glee's legacy of portraying a relationship on television that so many people hadn't seen before was the most meaningful part of his experience. "In many ways, I'm glad it was me because it was a thing I really liked showing," he reflected. "It meant a great deal to me and it meant a great deal to other people. Because when people say they were affected by that show or that relationship, it's not because of me, it's because of that relationship on TV and the risks that people took to put that on TV."
"It took the people watching it to have the aptitude for seeing beyond what was maybe given to them in other avenues of culture. People of all ages, all spectrums of awareness say, 'I didn't grow up with a show like that and it was a really meaningful thing for me to see,' and I go I didn't grow up with a show like that and that would've been very meaningful for me too. Regardless of the fact that I'm a straight kid. That has value. For anyone who's been an underdog, we all know, in any shape or form — sexual, religious, biological — it has value because there's going to be a lot of people who see that and say, 'Okay, I can now understand this in a context that maybe I wasn't able to before.'
"It was a f-ing privilege," he concluded, "and I love talking about it and I'm so grateful I got to do it."
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idjits-areus · 13 days
No one asked, but have some of my favorite Destiel quotes/moments from 13x06 Tombstone plus one of my favorite Castiel quotes:
Cas: "I was. But then I annoyed an ancient cosmic being so much that he sent me back"
Cas: "How long was I gone?" Dean: "To damn long"
When Jack first brings up Dodge City at the beginning of the episode. Dean's face lights up and Cas's face just has a look of an affectionate 'here we go again." All while Jack just looks at the two of them confused.
Jack: "He really loves cowboys." Cas sighing exasperateingly: "Yes, yes he does"
Cas leaning towards Jack: "I told you. He's an angry sleeper. Like a bear"
Dean to a cowboy hat wearing Cas: "Just act like you're from tombstone."
Cas: "The city?"
Dean slightly disappointed: "The movie with Kurt Russell, I made you watch it."
Cas: "Yeah, yeah. The one with, ah, guns and tuberculosis. *Deeper Cas voice* I'm your huckleberry."
Dean swallows and looks away: "Yeah. Exactly."
The whole 'Cas acting like Val Kilmer.'
Side note: I've seen Tombstone the movie. Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp are gay and you can't tell me otherwise. The scene where Holliday is about to die in the hospital and he's telling Earp, "Wyatt, if you were ever my friend - if ya ever had even the slightest of feelin' for me, leave now." Like, sure. You're 'just friends.' He totally doesn't spend the last half of the movie on a revenge quest because he died. Totally not.
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wrongbodies · 1 year
The Punishment
Kurt thought of himself highly. Being one of the better players on the school’s baseball team, he was well regarded on and off the diamond. Having always been athletically gifted, and with little done to mitigate his ego, he had grown into quite a jerk. It was common for him to outright ignore students and peers who he deemed below his social circle. And with all the adoration he was used to, he was mostly able to surround himself with the people he wanted.
However, there was a side to Kurt not many knew. In fact, the only ones who knew were boys at summer camps or other such short term happenings. Kurt was gay, and loved getting with guys when he was certain there was little chance they could expose him to his precious social scene at home. When he was with these faraway trysts, he was pleasant and tender, but only because he never would face them again.
But all inflated egos pop one day, and usually at one’s own doing. As Kurt was a senior now, 18 years old and already scouted for college, he wasn’t so careful anymore. He figured he was bound for another state at a great school… Why worry about some nerd who was going to a school across the country (opposite where he was going)? 
Enter Ian. The boy was as doomed as far as poor gay boys in unwelcoming states can get. He was the kind of gay who couldn’t shuck the mannerisms or quash his hormones when flights of fancy caught him. Still, he was a good student and tried his best to do right to others as his single mother taught him. And despite the hard times he was bound for a decent enough school, below where his aptitude could get him, but well within their price range.
Kurt found Ian one day checking him out, a not so surreptitious stare giving him away. Normally, Kurt would ignore someone like that. But something about Ian’s lustful eyes and Kurt’s unchecked libido had him look back. He walked by Ian and whispered to meet in the dugout at the school baseball field afterschool. They would begin a secret affair, where Kurt would put Ian through his paces.
Ian, unfortunate romantic that he was, caught feelings. How could he not? Kurt, with his perfect body, unblemished save for the occasional bruises and scrapes from baseball, he was beautiful. And sometimes he handled Ian in their secret hookups so tenderly one could think it was love. But Kurt loved only himself and how he felt when he released inside Ian, and when the stupid nerd begged to be more than secret fuckbuddies… Well, Kurt roared with laughter. They had just finished screwing that fateful day, when he pushed Ian off his dick, who would fall into the reddish-brown dirt. 
Kurt pulled on his clothes, snickering as he turned away and reminded Ian that he was a nobody to him. That he was basically the human equivalent of a cumrag. Ian, outraged, felt his thin fingers claw into the dirty floor. Something inside him broke, a power he didn’t know he had or perhaps an entity beyond our ken took pity. He had little thought other than what he admonished Kurt with as he spoke: “I wish you knew, you jerk. I wish you knew what it was like to be me, and I wish I could be you.”
Kurt chuckled at that, and said, “sure, Ian. When I’m you tomorrow, are we still on to meet up and fuck here? I guess you’d get to top then, huh?”
It was as he was turning away he felt the air change. It wasn’t breezy before, but now it was like molasses. He came to a rest, as a shudder ran all across his body. From his position on the ground, Ian saw Kurt stop moving, just as a similar sensation ran across his form. Kurt turned to look back at Ian again, this time fear in his eyes. Someone always in control, always domineering and powerful, now was in the grip of something he couldn’t comprehend. 
As the shuddering feeling came again, this time the two felt something like a wave start from the top of their heads, sweeping all the way down to their feet. Ian looked at Kurt, and noticed he was shrinking, turning paler by the moment. Kurt saw the opposite, Ian naked on the ground seemed to expand and gain tanner skin by the moment. It became apparent as their faces rippled and changed, the two were switching bodies. Kurt was horrified to see his body before him, his muscles rippling now without clothing to hide under. And Ian became strangely giddy to see Kurt swimming in the clothes he once filled out so perfectly.
“What, why is this happening?” Kurt cried.
“I think this is… your punishment.” Ian smirked. Kurt looked mortified, and started tearing up. Ian started grabbing at the clothes Kurt was wearing. “I need these, you're much too small for them anyways.”
“B-but-” Kurt whimpered. Ian tossed his old clothing at Kurt, garments Kurt would never wear but now were the only hope of hiding his tiny new body.
“Hey Kurt, or Ian I should say…” Ian grinned from his new body, his clothes now in place. “I think I WILL top tomorrow. But also, I think we should go public, don’t you think?”
Kurt felt his stomach drop… this truly was a punishment.
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w1zard0foz · 17 days
because i’ve committed to this now i guess: rewatching apocalypse:
some thoughts:
everyday i wish jubilee had more screen time
“i think that was probably my favourite tree”
ugh moira (i don’t like moira)
off topic (there is no topic) but erik looks so good with those safety glasses
also he should have just let that guy die tbh
(okay full disclosure i started this like two weeks ago and forgot about it but my mom randomly turned on apocalypse so i guess the universe decided i should finish it- here’s the rest)
“you don’t know what it’s like to be trapped inside your own head!” stfu jean
“not my babies” D: D: D:
poor little guy
ugh moira
oh erik
my baby- he needs a hug :(
(yes i am calling a grown ass man baby, but i am also a grown ass man and i do what i want)
“who the fuck are you?”
unfortunately the only time erik gets to say fuck (he deserves to say it more)
bro brought him back to the camps- he does not want to be thereeeee
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
he feels charles in his mind before he even says anything
“charles..?” </3
“come back to us me”
i know what you are
“wreak havoc” STFU
another absolutely phenomenal scene from peter
“where’s alex?” D: D: D:
“pretty sure i got everybody”
i just know that erik is the one who folded up charles’ jack to make a pillow for him
“i told you from the moment i met you that there is more to you, erik. there is good in you too.”
just fucking tell him you love him smh
“what’s wrong with you?! is that gonna happen to all of us?!?!”
who said these movies weren’t funny?
“he’s my father” “WHAT?!?!”
i’m sorry logan looks so goofy in the movie- i love him
kurt is so cute
“you have charles”
damn right he does
“i’m your- i’m here for my family too”
bro was not being subtle there is no way in hell erik didn’t figure it out
if only kurt was a little bit faster </3
erik’s face when he realizes charles was in that plane
they should have set it to music
THE TEAR !! i fucking can’t
erik when peter gets hurt
he so knew
charles does not know that he’s bald
aghh erik!!! ily!!
ugh moira
erik ily but do you really have to be levitating all of the time???
he’s rebuilding charles’ house <3
the turtleneck <3 <3 <3
“you’re sure i can’t convince you to stay?”
“you’re psychic charles, you can convince me to do anything”
“goodbye, old friend”
“good luck professor”
cowards won’t give them comic accurate costumes </3
10/10 very gay
(maybe i do dark pheonix? idk)
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bigskydreaming · 15 days
Look, I'm not saying Bobby becoming canonically gay after 30 years of subtext was a trendsetter, I'm just saying that SINCE he came out, Kitty's been canonically established as bi, Rachel and Betsy are canonically dating, lesbian icon Irene Adler unburied herself by popular demand and married her longtime lover Mystique while using their wedding as a cover for a heist (with bonus 'Mystique confirmed for Kurt's bio dad and Irene canonically his mother now), Prodigy came out as bi and dated one of Wanda's son (the non-space emperor consort twink), and there's like a dozen other new gay, bi and trans mutants.
Draw your own conclusions, its fine if they're incorrect. No biggie.
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a-roguish-gambit · 3 months
More turn of the century thoughts
Morph being an elder gay to the kids. Xavier is a big fan of Dr Hershfeild in germany and is thus fostering a queer positive space in his institute.
Despite being early 20th century Catholic, Kurt's early 20th century German background also makes him more progressive than a lot of people in his family's little Iowa German community. (Early 20th century Germany pre 3rd Reich had a brief but hella important queer progressive era) his parents paid for publications from Germany to come to America so he could study without attending a school for a while, and he got quite an eclectic collection of scientific info that way, including sexology papers as he reached adolescence.
And being part of the underground of New Orleans+just the general mardigras culture has made remy very chill with queerness and relatively comfortable with his own for the time period.
Ororo herself also is very open about things coming from a very non western perspective on queerness and Forge never accepted a lot of the white standards of gender and sexuality.
And well, Logan is Morph's wolf so he's absolutely chill with all this. (Wolf was a term in the early 20th century for a gay man or bi man who passed for cishet. Usually it was used in reference to gender conforming bi men as it was most often applied to those who had sex with both men and women as "bisexual" was actually a term to describe someone who was trans at the time.)
So now that all that's been established, onto my plot idea:
Kurt overhears morph talking about the various queer clubs of nyc, which has its own thriving queer community at the time. He asks them if he can see it some time out of curiosity. Mentions how much he's read from queer people but hasn't gotten to meet many and wants to learn more about them. morph and Remy come up with a plan to take whoever wants to to their first fairy ball, licensed drag balls the police couldn't mess with.
Kitty and jean are immediately onboard for the excuse to wear men's clothing for fun. Scott gets dragged along (pun intended) with his girlfriend. Remy convinces rogue with a dapper Gothic suit, and Kurt jumps headlong into the idea having morph fit him for a hoop skirt so he doesn't have to tuck his tail in anywhere. Evan comes but isn't crossdressing, mostly just casually curious. Plus his aunt and Logan promised to tag along too so it doesn't feel like he's doing something he's not supposed to like he might have otherwise.
The kids enjoy the night mostly keeping to themselves but also chatting with couples there, even finding some gay teens that snuck out for the party. They meet some old friends of morph's from Broadway, enjoy some snacks, and is forced to promise to get the kids tickets for their friend's next show. Scott and Kurt get complements on their dresses, a queen giving Kurt her feather boa when she is informed it's his first event. The kid cries feeling like he's the star of a debutante's ball. He's never had this much positive attention from strangers. He feels like he's at home. They all do.
They end up leaving at 2 am as the party wraps up. Most of them passing out on the buggy ride back home. Having had a great evening out, they silently agree, even in their slumber this wasn't going to be the last fairy ball they attend.
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love-kurdt · 4 months
What are your all time favourite fanfics from each genre: fluff, smut, and agnst? <3
oh lord, this is TOUGH. i’ve read thousands of fanfics in my life and it’s borderline impossible for me to choose 😭
i can’t rlly separate them into genres per se bc most of them are multi chapter novel-length fics, but i will if applicable!
i’m not a huge fan of condensing entire works into a single word!!! authors work too hard for their writing to be trope-ified like that! so if any of the writers come across this post, please know that i would write fucking essays about these fics if y’all asked.
and one last disclaimer: i’m currently on my phone with limited cell service in europe and can’t jump between tabs to check peoples’ separate tumblr and ao3 usernames, so i’ve tagged who i know off the top of my head!!
so here are my top 10 (in no particular order, just listing what comes to mind first)
“in the sun” (kurt cobain x OC) by ugh-nirvana on wattpad. it has been my favorite fanfiction of all fucking time; i read this at least once a year. primarily fluff and angst, but it follows the OC and kurt through high school and into adulthood. the author and i are actually friends now bc we wrote two of the most popular kurt cobain x OC fics on wattpad 😭🖤
“the windows of this love” (byler angst) by delusional together (Whyyyyy) on ao3. phenomenal story, i cry every time i read it, and i’ve read it so many times it’s kind of a problem lmaooo. it was also one of my inspirations for TIMT.
“that blue gibson” (dave grohl x OC) by thatbluegibson on wattpad. a literal masterpiece. cute, romantic, fluffy, spicy, all of the above.
“the rawest desire (in it’s friendliest form)” (byler smut) by bangingbiddies on ao3. they have a very apropos username; this fic had me slamming my laptop shut multiple times and screaming at my cat. probably the best smut i’ve read tbh.
“i’m a wreck (without you here)” (byler angst) by @oldfashionedmorphine on ao3. INSANE. BEAUTIFUL. LYRICAL. i cannot praise this story highly enough, it’s one of my favorite byler fics of all time. alcoholic mike wheeler is my favorite mike wheeler ngl.
“second chances and dances” (byler angst/fluff) by @foodiewithdahoodie on ao3!!!! i’m a huge sucker for dad mike fics, and this one is *chefs kiss*
“lost without you” (byler angst/fluff) by julia_skysong on ao3. another dad mike fic i actually just finished for the 3rd fucking time in the past 6 months. i recommend reading this whole series, it’s so well written (and is still being written!!).
“fence sitter” (byler smut) by pinkcash on ao3. exactly what the title suggests. sensually spicy and severely suspenseful.
“boy in my class [gerard way]” by lilyrose93 on wattpad. it’s a gerard way x OC. very cute, very cliche, but if you’re looking for ✨fluff✨, this is it. and listen, i know writing about real people who are still alive is kinda weird but like… this one is serious, ok??? 💀
“tell me i’m a bad man” by therevengeparade on wattpad. along the same lines as the one before this— it’s teacher/student frerard. very messy, very smutty, top tier drama. if it helps at all, this was probably my initiation to gay fanfic. so… thanks therevengeparade!!! love u!!!
happy reading, friends 🥰🖤✨
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g-kat423 · 5 months
If Alcina being a lesbian is so important to you why does she have an ex husband in your fic
I’m going to assume this is a genuine question without malicious intent so I will provide a real answer.
This could actually apply to 2 of my fics, but I’m guessing you’re talking about Something Sweet since it’s the one that I update more frequently.
Gonna plop this under a read more since it’s gotten long
Alright, so, the reason for her having an ex husband has been stated throughout the fic. She felt she had to be closeted and to meet certain expectations set for her both by society and by her parents. Sure, people are more accepting now, not that there isn’t still bigotry or pressure to conform, but with the fic taking place in 2022(I started it in 2022 and only a few months have passed in fic time and while I never explicitly stated the year, that’s what everything is based off of, giving Alcina a 1978 birth year and the reader 2001) that means Alcina got married in 2008. Idk if you were around during that time, but homophobia was rampant, being gay was a punchline. It’s not something you would talk about, there’s no way to know if your friends would actually stay your friends and not spread vicious rumors about you. Marriage equality in most states, not a thing. Again, bigots still exist, but it’s generally not this life ruining thing for people to find out you’re queer. Alcina would have come of age in the 90’s which would make that even worse.
That aside, I tend to explore themes of coming out later and families not being being accepting because it’s all I know. I tend to process my trauma through my writing. That and I’m sure it’s no secret that I’ve taken heavy inspiration from Carol only with a sugar baby twist. I also wanted her to have younger, biological children since I felt that would be fitting of a 44 year old divorcee rather than having adopted adult children like she does in canon. Sure, they could have been adopted or older, but there needed to be a reason for her to stay with Kurt for the amount of time that she did. I needed her connected to Karl in someway too. Heisenberg was originally supposed to have a twin brother so I went off of that and now Alcina has her annoying ex brother-in-law(who actually isn’t so bad in this universe, but Alcina won’t hear of it)
As for The Fall of the House of Dimitrescu. I’m sure no one is asking, but in that case Alcina was weak from her hereditary blood disease and didn’t have the energy to be defiant the same way she was as a child. Her father had lost his wife and he had no desire to continue caring for Alcina so he set her up with somebody who she reluctantly went along with. In that case, Alcina wasn’t even aware of her attraction to women yet, she just didn’t understand why she didn’t feel a spark with her soon to be husband. She also assumed it was normal for sex to be an unpleasant “wifely duty.” Once she finally made the connection and had an affair with a woman, turns out she liked sex quite a bit lmao.
Idk, all this aside, I know I’m not the only one who has given Alcina a husband in some context yet still fully believes shes a lesbian. I also have plenty of fics where she’s never had one. The first multichapter fic I wrote she literally left her home and privileged life behind to struggle until she made it as musician rather than marry a man. I don’t think it’s a crime to explore other possibilities. I have so many different headcanons for Alcina and all are universe dependent whether that be modern AU, the canon compliant timeline where she never marries, the canon compliant timeline where she does, and all the other in between stuff that diverges from canon. She’s one of my favorite characters of all time and I love fleshing her out.
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