#laser system
jbfly46 · 1 year
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forcatmarket · 2 years
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intuitive-revelations · 3 months
Thematically i kind of liked that.
But man that plot was... not good.
#Doctor Who#DW Spoilers#Doctor Who Spoilers#Empire of Death#DW Negativity#(another rare tag in case anyone wants to avoid)#might be my least favourite finale tbh#sorry but need to do some random ranting (and I'd rather do it here than in a full post of negativity because that's not my vibe)#like... the champion of life teases#the meaning we put into things#those were ok#the callback to 73 yards was neat#plus the connection to the perception filter#as were all the references in general#but Sutekh has been hanging on to the TARDIS for that long?#and the TARDIS / House just never noticed him in TDW?#they make it sound like he latched onto the TARDIS immediately after Pyramids so doesn't make sense#when did he hide in the Void?#the Time Vortex is linked to the Void but they're not actually the same thing#also when did he “evolve”?#the reason why Ruby/her mother were so powerful/resistant doesn't actually make sense without some other influence#especially with time literally changing#there's a lot of mysteries in the universe - what makes this one so important?#also no elaboration on the memory TARDIS?#I thought we'd at least get a nod to Tales#also how does Sutekh being pulled through the vortex undo what he did?#since everyone actually seems to see the consequences / partially remember it - are there just piles of sand all through history now?#the TARDIS has some laser weapon system now!?#(come on RTD why not just make it the heart of the TARDIS or something?)#also the genealogy thing still doesn't really make sense either
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digitalfossils · 6 months
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ceiling-karasu · 3 months
Iron Crow and Laser Weapons
I'm just straight up going to be out here making up the schematics and blueprints of the Iron Crow planes for this chapter, so I can extrapolate later, huh?
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I know nothing about planes, but here I am reading manuals and blueprints since these planes will probably feature heavily throughout The Rod That Blocks the Lightning. After all, a good portion of the plot of S2 was Geumseagi trying to find out what they were, and how they could be used against Flower Hill.
Especially since laser based weapons are apparently in development already? Like the HELIOS 60-plus-K-Class laser used by the USS Preble, used to blind optics and supposedly can destroy small targets.
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I think it is a similar version of the AN/SEQ-3 Laser Weapon System or XN-1 LaWS already in use by the US Navy to take down small targets.
(USS Ponce). Tumblr won't let me upload the video I have of it in action.
So, obviously, I now have to research these far more in depth, in order to figure out how the Iron Crows can take out entire tank units like they do.
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Actually, the beam is comparable to what we have now, it just seems to have a wider effect. I could see the Wolf Unit coming up with something like this, since they are supposed to be based on the US from what I understand, and these types of lasers have been researched since the 1930s. So why does Dr. Huinjogjebi have this type of technology in S1, if not for espionage and such? There must be a reason why the Wolf Unit hates the Weasel Unit.
The shape of the lasers is comparable to real life. I can see how the weight is distributed for the most part, so the shape of the plane should be sound.
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Although, they mostly seem to need something much more larger, like one of those large Navy Boats, to provide a stable base and energy support. The ships they are attached to don't seem to be using nuclear energy or anything like that. In fact, it appears to be good for ground attacks and boats anyway, since it can burn through aircraft wiring surprisingly easily.
Anyway, things to get you on an FBI watch-list part 8.
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girlactionfigure · 10 months
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kply-industries · 1 year
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wayti-blog · 1 year
"After 30 years of painstaking development, researchers in Germany and New Zealand have unveiled a laser gyroscope that can track fluctuations in Earth’s rotation in near real time and accurate to several milliseconds. The technique is much simpler than current methods and could provide further insights into phenomena that cause the fluctuations – such as shifts in ocean currents.
The Earth rotates once in one day, but there are tiny fluctuations in the rate and direction of our planet’s rotation. Some of these fluctuations are well understood – for example those caused by the tidal forces of the Moon and Sun.
Other tiny fluctuations are not well understood including those related to the exchange of momentum between the solid Earth and the oceans, atmosphere and ice sheets. These effects can arise from climate events such as the El Niño southern oscillation, which change ocean currents. As a result, measuring fluctuations in Earth’s rotation could shed light on important processes in the atmosphere.
Most rotation studies involve combining data from global satellite navigation systems; very long baseline radio-astronomy observations of quasars; and laser ranging. Due to the complexity of combining these techniques, only one measurement can be made per day.
Now, a team headed by Ulrich Schreiber at the Technical University of Munich has created a laser gyroscope that can measure the tiny fluctuations in near real time. What is more, their instrument can fit into a large room."
continue reading article
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gijoe-forever · 5 months
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bloodbowlminis · 12 days
5PfH The Mandalorian saga begins…
The story starts some time after Din Djarin and Din Grogu decided to head out and find other lost Mandalorians.
Campaign Turn 1 - Ep1 Revenge of the Empire
Diary of Din Djarin 10ABY
EVYN 3. We had heard there was a Mandalorian working in the EVYN system. A blaster for hire who had crossed the wrong ex-Imperial. We tapped into local communications, this kid is getting smarter by the day, and think we have tracked her and them. All we can hope is we can reach her in time. This is The Way.
Rival tracked us down forcing us into a showdown.
Unity Grunts/Stormtroopers
4 standard blast rifle
2 specialists pulse rifle
1 lieutenant blade + b rifle
2 Casualties - Atakoath-KO, Imupaek-Crippling Wound: 2cts, 4 turns in SB
Battle field find - 1x Still
Loot - Repair Bot
Got to use my Star Wars Legion/Imperial assault miniatures I hardly ever get to use as well as some great terrain I have been collecting this year including battle systems, loke battlemats, and Dungeons and Lasers, TT combat, and some great prints off of Etsy.
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kuyatecallate · 2 months
My sibling and I were talkin bout what we'd do if we got isekai's into our teenage years with the knowledge we had now; made me realise I genuinely miss secondary school. Sure, it was hot garbage and a harrowing experience for those with raging hormones, but I'll be honest, it has nothing on being an adult with no fuckin idea or motivation on what you wanna be or do.
All this to say, I miss woodwork. I miss maths. I shoulda tried harder with physics n chemistry. I wish I got to do comp science. The train of thought has me considering whether I even wanna work in the creative field; my problem-solving skills have all but starved to death--but I still enjoy it.
...man, at least then I could add 'smart' to my bucket of descriptors without feeling like a poser lmao. 'Ere I am daydreamin' bout robots when I coulda been studying em aaaa
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rattusrattus3 · 2 months
Idk too much about shipping in canada but is it possible to do some kind of deal where if someone gets one item they pay shipping too, and if they get two or more items they pay for half shipping? Or basically shipping would become cheaper/free for the customers the more items/bigger items they buy and you would only have to shoulder the full cost of shipping for your biggest orders?
Yes! I’m setting up my shipping on shopify later this week, and as long as I can figure out the logistics , of Course! You would NOT be expected to pay double shipping if you bought two items, that would be wild
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thisismyobsessionnow · 8 months
The woman who worked as the attendant on my train this morning? I think I'm a little bit in love with her.
Seeing her made my Friday morning, so let me gush a little.
She doesn't usually work my line, it's been months since I last saw her and I did not realise how much i missed her.
She seems to be an amazing human being. I've never seen her without a smile or not full of energy.
She always has some fun and cute accessories added to her uniform.
She always has something clever to say during her call outs, I'll never forget last fall when she made an extra call just to tell us we had to put down our phones and look out on the incredible sunset instead. Just tiny things that makes me believe she appreciates all the small moments in life so much. This morning she told us to take an extra look around before leaving so we wouldn't forget something or someone.
Girl, please, work my line more often, I need you to bring more moments of joy to my life.
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Harriet Bart, In the Presence of Absence, Mnemonic Press, Minneapolis, MN, 2002, Edition of 15 [Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN. © Harriet Bart]
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Stencil set by Philip Gallo at Hermetic Press Laser cut into Italian Pergamenta by Preco Laser Systems Covers by Glass Art Design Binding by Jill Jevne
Exhibition: Abracadabra and Other Forms of Protection, Weisman Art Museum, Minneapolis, MN, February 1 – November 29, 2020
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silverjetsystm · 7 months
"Tell me... a story..." Black Mask pants, easing himself down beside what would have been his lover could he still love, with rather much less grace than he'd like. They are about equally battered and bruised, due to crawl home more than limp... but Roman had been fresh to this fight and M not so much. The only reason he's the one capable of calling a shot. An old one. One extended to him forever ago, when they'd started tiring of the usual routine and had begun extending it. It appeals more than just putting a bullet in his bride and calling it a day. Price for being let go. One story. M's turn.
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@echoestm -- this is before we start making deals.
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Moon Knight's chest wheezed and clicked with wounded approximation of growling, face twisted in rage. Last night's Subterranean round with Commodore Planet. Common sense would have told him he wasn't ready for another match. Black Mask was his to deal with so he went. Mask had been ready for him. Moon Knight didn't make it easy. In the end, Silver spoon Sionis, settling down beside him, giving the terms of survival. Galling. "B-better leave. Hrrk. While you still can."
Bullet in his head isn't how he dies.
Concrete is a lousy mattress; he glares, rummaging through stories to tell. Himself? No. The snake and the rabbi in the shtetl, learned at his father's knee, drilled into tuned out ears as a teen, and recited to Marlene and Frenchie years ago? Too nostalgic, too revealing. Glowing eyes stare into the wooden skull.
{Purim's comin' up.} Really Jake? {Uh huh.}
Softer, saltier wheeze, shifting little by little upright. "Purim's comin' up. You'd like it. Big bash….Dress up, Masks. I'd always be Indy. Kids put on a lil play. Adult themes go over their heads. An' everyone gets fershnickered…" A boy's mischievous smile.
The story starts and stops. Catching breath. Coughing. "Long ago, in Persia, the king--" There was a name. They've forgotten. "--throws a six month long party for his whole kingdom. By the end, he's drunk and tells his queen to show her royal beauty. Y'know. Birthday suit style. She refuses. He picks a different girl to be queen. Esther. Esther's Jewish… Her cousin, Mordecai, tells her to keep it hidden. Mordecai keeps the king from getting assassinated. This ticks off his viceroy, Haman."
Deliberate pause. "Supposed to boo when you hear his name. Haman…" Boot nudges Mask's leg. "M tellin' a story. Y'gotta play along… W-Work with me here…M not performin' fer--" Wheeze, hack. "Rrrn. Haman learns Mordecai's Jewish. Convinces the king to kill all the Jews in Persia. Mordecai hears this plot. Jews start fastin' and prayin'. Nobody can talk sense into the king cause the king says anyone who approaches him will die. Esther's scared. She eventually addresses the king cause we all know she's the only one who can approach. Says 'If I perish, I perish.' Mordecai keeps tickin' Haman off by not bowin' to him."
Layers. Intrigue. Is the boxer holding pain while the scrapper talks? Chicago or Brooklyn? They're all Moon Knight, they all make up the rabbi's son. Is this even engaging? White clothes, black masks of cloth and wood. If Moon Knight dies, all they die. Chances are they'll scrap another time. Way of things. Jake and Grant guess this is high stakes flirting. Cute.
"Haman decides to hang Mordecai the next day. King hears Mordecai saved his life chapters ago. An' asks Haman how to honor a guy like that. Haman thinks the king's talkin' about him. So he tells the king to let the guy wear the king's robes and be led round on the king's horse. King has Haman give these honors to Mordecai. Haman's night is as bad as his day. Esther reveals she's Jewish, King backs her, an' Haman is executed."
Their smile turns Moon Knight bloodthirsty. Marc's favorite part. No G-d mentioned in this tale. G-d is in the pile-up of individual actions. "Cause y'can't call cancel a decree," he says, scathingly. "What y' can do is kill all those with lethal intent. The Jews rise up and put Haman's sons, would be killers, an' thousands of other people to the sword." The non-child friendly part. How far is too far?
"And now we tell the story every year, eating cookies of Haman's ear."
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