#last night at work (saturday is the worst fucking day) it was so hot and i felt like i was going to throw up AND pass out
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leepackett · 2 years
When: Saturday 28th January 2023 Where: Howl at The Moon Who: @priscillaflores​
It was easy to say that Lee Packet was a player, a charmer. A man looking for one thing. Sure, his attention was easily taken by girls at the diner. He was a natural flirty, and he wasn’t bad to look at (and he knew it). But mostly, he enjoyed their company. 
But as easy as it was to say he was a player, it was just as easy to say that if something, or someone, wasn’t immediately in front of him to take up all his attention then, well, it was likely to be lost. Because he was easily distracted. If it wasn’t by some other beautiful girl this time maybe at the gym, or some club, or literally walking down the street (he found himself telling Ro he was in love with someone different on a weekly basis, remember when he carved messages into a tree for that one girl?), then it was by one of his idiotic ideas, or some adventure he found himself on, or some conspiracy rabbit hole he’d fallen down. 
Which is what lead to Lee being at work one day, minding his own business at a booth in the corner, when suddenly an angry, familiar, and hot, blonde was in front of him. A blonde who only the week before he had spent the night with, followed by what he considered one of his better first dates, and stayed on his mind, only to then have the next three days chewed up because him and his mates in the mines found a whole new tunnel (to disappointing results, by the way). But now she was in front of him, a scowl on her face, already going on about how he’d used her, how he made her feel like an idiot, made her believe his lies. And Lee was sinking deeper into his chair, because in that moment he remembered when he’d pulled out his phone to reply to her, only to get dragged away and forget. Fuck. But an apology had barely even left his mouth when a slap crossed his cheek. 
“Hey, no, don’t be like that. I'm --” 
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But she was already out the door with one last look of disdain at him. Okay, so maybe not replying wasn’t the worst thing he’d done, no matter how good their night together had been. He glanced around, hoping no one else had seen that entire display, when when his eyes locked eyes with the person at the opposite booth. “You saw that, huh?”
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percontaion-points · 18 days
TBWSIMBW chapter 5
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Today's review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Click here for the rest of the series!
Chapter 5
“Listen, Amber, kick that hot piece off [sic] ass out of your bed and get over here! We have a new routine, and you need to learn it,” Justin said, sounding amused now, he’d obviously heard Liam. Justin was the only person that knew that Liam stayed with me, he didn’t know the whole story as to why, but he knew that he did.
Are you going to bother to explain to us who the fuck Justin is and why the hell he’s calling at 7 AM on a Saturday? No, fuck us, you say? Okay then. 
I quickly shot my hands down to feel that his t-shirt that I was wearing, was now up bunched up around my waist, which meant he had a clear view of my ass in my thong. I didn’t quite know where we stood after last night, but I think I had the right to tease him a little.
The dude has spent every goddamned night in her bed for the past 8 years and she still doesn’t know where they stand? 
He’s going to crush you and you’re going to end up like that damn slut Jessica, begging for his attention once he’s finished and got what he wanted. 
This entire slut-shaming thing doesn’t work when you KNOW that Amber/Liam is endgame. 
I scribbled a note for Jake telling him that I had gone dancing…
That’s an odd way to say that she’s gone to dance practice… 
Justin pulled me into a big hug and I tried not to flinch away from him; he was wearing his trademark piece of pink in the form of a cap today.
This would probably be more impactful if we’d met Justin before right now. 
Edit from the end of the chapter: …or if Justin was literally a character. 
We set to work on a new routine; it was hard and complicated and even had some pretty scary lifts. The worst one was where I was on Ricky’s shoulders and had to flip off, turn in the air so I was facing backwards, then he would catch me as I fell down his body. Almost instantly, I had to wrap my legs around his waist before leaning all the way back putting my arms on the floor and roll my body into the floor. Luckily we had mats, because it took over an hour for me to even land it once, and let me tell you, even landing on your back or stomach on a padded mat, hurts, especially if the muscled guy who is supposed to catch you, lands on top of you. 
After about the twentieth attempt, I pushed Ricky off of me, laughing. I couldn’t even get up I was so tired, sweat was running down my back. “OK, I officially give up on this for the day. My head hurts, my back hurts, my butt hurts, even my arms and legs hurt from holding on,” I whined, laying like a starfish on the mat. 
I don’t know much about learning dance routines, but aren’t you supposed to build up to moves like this? You start off doing simple things, and then you put them all together. 
This seems like an excuse for the author to write about Amber being in suggestive positions with some dude named Ricky. 
“I’ve been crazy about you since the first time I saw you, Angel, but your brother wouldn’t let me anywhere near you. All this time it’s only ever been you.”
If you need me, I’m going to be over there, beating my head against the wall. 
“Anytime,” he said as he walked out of the door.
Chapter 5 summary: Amber is awoken the next morning by a call from a member of the dance team she’s on, complaining that she’s late for practice. She tries to kick Liam out of bed, but they end up making out for an entire page instead. 
Liam drives her to practise, only stopping so that Amber can get doughnuts as an apology for her dance team. On the way there, Liam is like “Yeah, I bagged a hot chick last night, so that’s why I’m in such a good mood!” However, Amber naturally jumps to the conclusion that it couldn’t possibly be her, that he had sex with some random chick at the party. 
Anyway, she goes to her dance rehearsal, where they do this really complex move that Amber can’t quite get. I said what I said about that.
After practice is over, Liam shows up, physically carries Amber into the locker room, and throws her into the shower, clothes and all. The two of them start making out… Yes, still fully dressed but in the shower. However, Amber puts a stop to all of that by reminding him about the “chick you hooked up with last night”. He has to fucking spell out for her that he was talking about HER, because she’s that dense. He also goes on to explain that he’s only ever had eyes for her. Which she doesn’t believe for a goddamned second, because he’s got a reputation for sticking his dick into ANYTHING that moves. 
He promises to take her out to lunch as a way to make up for this… but also as a date. 
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omega-tech · 4 months
how was my weekend shift at my job!!! (incoming rant)
Ok, where to start. Well for the past three days, I was on quality until saturday. Let me start by saying that I was only trained to do quality work for an hour, then a whole day. And I did quality in the worst way ever, even when trying to ask for help. I get pushed away while they would do my work for me then try to teach me and what I made a mistake on. So that night I just threw my hands up and gave up. I never thought they would train someone to do quality work for one hour and then hope for the best after that. I didn't learn shit from that training personal or my team leader who was working with me. I mean I was trained to do the stables lines, gluers inlet box, paper work, labeling and etc. but where I am now is the execution area where I made the film to make trash bags out of. I had to learn everything by myself when no one wanted to train me the proper then a fucking so call “hack” or “trick”. Yet these muther fucker blame me when shit goes down when they didn’t give me the proper training or skills i needed to know and learn about. Also I don’t have no one to supervise the help and training I need. Do ya think an hour of training is enough to do quality, which is the biggest thing to do before it gets run into a line to make trash bags outta of. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am already thinking about looking for another job but I don't know if I wanna jump right back where I was last year when no one wanted to hire me or give me a chance with these skills set I have in hand. Hell i didn’t ask to go to fucking execution when i was trying to advance up to B1 level and get the two dollars rise. But the fucking team leaders didn’t think i couldn’t do the fucking job even through i was already learning how to put chip carts, glue pebbles in the hopper hot tub, fix minor issue to the stable box machine, and all source of shit i was doing on the floor as a material handler then a operator B1 when working with two of my operators C1. Yet it wasn’t good enough to work that position and get thrown in the back. 
I should just calm down and try to process the bullshit I was dealt with by the people who didn’t give me the right training all while they were thinking of the output production number if we made it and satisfied  their customer to our consumers. I think just next time I would ask if I will have someone with me training me and watching me for more than an hour. If not, I will gently ask to step down until I am given a person to work with. 
At my old job, when someone gets trained on the first day or moving up a position, they train with that person within the eights outta five days or two weeks to get everything down and skill level up so much that they can work on their own without my help. I trained people for the whole eight to twelve hours for seven to two weeks before they do their test to see if they can make it on their own then with assistance from me or others. Well at this job, you do get the proper training as a material handler, but! As for trying to advance up to a B1 like I was trying to do. I had to prove to my cell leaders and team leaders if I was good enough, which in most of the cell leaders' eyes I was good as long as I got the training but the damn cold hearted team leaders don’t see that way at all. I am busting my ass off to try to move up in this company yet I am faced with multiple challenges on a daily basis when someone on this shift doesn’t want to do their job but yet they get rewarded. Yeah, award the lazy workers then the hard working person. 
If things don’t turn out to be good, I will try to work as much overtime as possible before I quit this job, to save enough money before i quit. I might not even put in my two weeks notice since it might not be worth it since this company alone goes through employees like toilet paper like my old job at pactiv. I am just done working at these factory jobs but that is what temples have in this town. Fucking factory jobs then good jobs that could push this town a better place then what it is now. I just hope I can make it at the end of the year so I can start going to school for my CNC OPERATOR or fall back on my back up plan as a CDL license driver and work a Monday thru Friday kindle deal then a rotation shift of twelve hours shifts. That my little rant of what happened on my saturday night shift at reynolds.
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afr0-thunder · 11 months
[Poor Chronicles Pt. 24]
Topics: Wrestling/Savings/Phone/Shopping/Weed/Racism/Work/Housemate Hostility/More Work/“Love”(Lust) Interests/Meet-Cutes/“Love” Triangles [Ending “In shorts”]
I forgot to mention, Saturday, I got home and WOW (Women Of Wrestling) was on the CW. I was so excited. Not only because I haven’t watched professional wrestling (or is it considered amateur?) in YEARS, but because some of these girls were really HOT! It was good though.
Savings: $135 > $140
I have acquired service. I had to leave the store and walk like 30+ blocks back to my house and go into my monthly expenses (more than I thought it would be). There’s a store closer to me, but I told her I’d be back and nearly 3 and a half hours later, there I was. I received almost 2 months of service for the price of one. I was watching Instagram stories with the sound on and my housemate walked into the kitchen looking confused. I locked my phone and spent the rest of the night watching stories and tik toks with the volume lowered. I don’t want to tell her I have service, I considered not giving a fuck, but I don’t want her to further keep track of my expenses. I’ll wait a bit longer.
I stopped at the clothing store. I just wanted to look around. I wanted to get a Chicago White Sox shirt, but I hate white people and the color white was in the shirt. I DID stumble upon this Ralph Lauren Polo sweater. Haven’t seen one I liked since about 2015, it was my favorite color and about $330. I almost bought it too. This one only had a medium and an XL (or 2XL, I forgot). I estimated $80 - $150 before I checked the tag…$138.00. That is almost as much as my savings. I left the store immediately after. I previously said I wouldn’t make any unnecessary clothing purchases, as I haven’t totally debuted my other clothes. I said to myself, “I may get this later. In the coming weeks or months, I want to make sure I will have enough to be ahead in my monthly expenses.”. It may not be there in a month. I’ve decided to get it after my next pay. A Christmas gift to myself. I haven’t gotten many in the past 6 years. Maybe a couple in 2020. This will affect being ahead in December’s monthly expenses, so I will be having mostly (or only) ramen noodles in the coming weeks. It has all the colors of my new color theme, but it has a small bit of orange (which indirectly relates). I hate it still, but something told me, “One of your bitches will think it’s cute…”.
This may also halt my return to smoking weed, unfortunately.
My managers and some coworkers keep asking what I spend my money on. I think my head coach keeps wondering since I told her I never leave home really. I also lost a lot of weight in June/July when I started dieting because I quit my daily 120+ push ups a few months earlier. I think they thought my increase in pay at the time meant I was doing drugs. ONLY reason I dislike the job, the subtle racism of my head and assistant coach. I started being scheduled less after. NOW, I bring it up because every time a shift I try to pick up gets denied, someone asks about what I spend my money on. I think they think I’m a drug dealer, but I’m not clearing up SHIT! Fuck that.
I made some nachos (with Doritos) last night. After I made Bowl 3/3, my housemate said, “Mmm, what’s that? It smell gooood!”. I was thinking, “Bet it do smell good bitch, but it don’t smell like the Wi-Fi back on. Seeing as though I had to get cell phone service today.”. I just let it go. I may not be cooking again soon though. Nothing major. Ground turkey mixed with jarred salsa con queso. Looked like chili, pissed. Maybe I needed more cheese so it was more yellow and thicker, but at least the queso was warm. Still responding to the hostility.
Worst day of my life was Friday. I found out my favorite coworker smokes cigarettes. My next favorite coworker, who I said I could never fuck because her attitude sucks, asked me if she should quit today. I told her I would come to her house everyday and make her come back…I don’t even know where she lives, but I’m serious.
The manager, who I said I could never fuck ALSO, looked thick today. First time her ass has caught my attention in a while. I noticed her eyeing me when I was “interviewed”, but caught her flirting with this other guy (now fired) after my 2nd week. Probably because I wasn’t paying her attention. I have deflected compliments for almost a year now (and played dumb). I may throw her a bone (fuck up her life) now.
When I left, I passed this girl who I see every few weeks or so, who works for a non profit organization. She usually asks about my salad (which discontinued one of my favorite ingredients today) that I’m demolishing or makes the quickest 6 second conversation because I don’t stop. She almost starts “flirting”, but I don’t think she has much interracial dating experience (and she’s at work). It almost seems like she doesn’t think her pick up lines will work and gets discouraged. She’s oddly cute though.
I want to talk on the Phone/FaceTime someone(‘s girlfriend), so we can talk about how she hates him and I can leave her on paused while I watch Tik Toks. Or FaceTime me when she’s drunk (I stopped drinking entirely over a year ago). It would be nice if my other phone had service so I don’t have to, but she’ll be fine. I do have a hotspot, but how long would we be on the phone? Preferably long distance, but I don’t drive, so it’s all long distance since almost anyone would be over an hour away. I would do it with my new “favorite” coworker (TBD), D is for “Destroyed”, because every other one has pissed me off, so far, but we’re not close like that.
There’s this other girl (far fetched), but I don’t know her like that and her and her boyfriend are “in love”…my least favorite thing about her. I know she’s interested, but her attachment to him disgusts me. I know it will never end. In the end, I’m not mad. It’s just fucking and I know we click more, but I don’t interfere with those kinds of attachments.
In short, this was supposed to be 4 to 5 paragraphs and I wasn’t even going to post a chronicle today, but I felt that today could provide a great story.
- MH (2023)
[10/23/2023 - 8:59PM]
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hotdamnmadison · 2 years
Thoughts While Up North 🙂and more updates...
How did everybody enjoy that blog post from last night? I'm sure it was slightly eye opening to some - and if you're still here after learning those things about me - I appreciate you <3 ...
I attempted to journal a bit from my notes app while I was up North over the weekend. It didn't go well lol. I was horrifically inconsistent. But I told myself I'd post this any way along with a few landscape photos. I hope you guys enjoy. I had a blast.
10/1/22 10:00 am Saturday 
Fuck it’s cold up here. Last night was almost a disaster - arrived too late to check in, too late to buy firewood, and too late to SEE! Setting up the tent was tough but I managed. And if I hadn’t brought a propane heater along well - I might’ve looked like Jack Nicholson at the end of the shining. Managed to get a fire going despite using super wet wood from the forest. It had been a crazy first few hours. Even so, I wouldn’t trade being up here right now for anything in the world. Sure - it’s not as sexy as the things I usually post - and it’s probably not what you came to this blog to look at.  But this place is beautiful. The leaves are changing red and orange. The smell of fall and campfire smoke fill my lungs. Delicious. A flask of whiskey and a few cold beers made the trip as well. Perfection. I’m so glad to be here - having a break from my world back home. Up here I get to decompress and unwind. And it feels amazing…. So I’ll take the cold. It doesn’t bother me any. It’s important to get away from the world of sex, porn, social media, television, blah blah blah…. And get back to the basics…. You don’t necessarily have to travel all the way up here. But seriously, treat yourself to a break in nature every once in a while. 
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6:00 pm Saturday
Whew what a hike. 3900 feet of elevation and a gorgeous view from the top. Not to sound cliché, but it really is breathtaking… photos don’t do it justice. You had to be there. It’s like I said this morning… please go treat yourself to nature and break away from the screen for a while. You’ll be glad you did. There is a such a versatile group of hikers on there trails - young and old. You can do it too. 
So what am I doing now? Enjoying a little drink in the camp showers, and yes I’m journaling at the same time. Getting my lushes little body all clean for a night at a local brewery. Maybe a hot stud will show up well I’m in here. ;) I’ll admit - the urge to touch myself while thinking about some company is definitely on my mind. But I’m a good girl. I made this trip without the cage, and without the plugs and dildo. No play time for me ;)
9:40 AM Sunday
Campsite is torn down and I’m loading up to head home. Always a bit bittersweet to be honest. Part of me wants to stay - and live out my days up north with no internet service and outside distractions. The other part of me is tired, and needs a legit bed to sleep in haha. But hey - they always say if you get too much of a good thing you’ll start to find a way to dislike or hate it. So maybe leaving is a good thing. Maybe I should leave these trips as special rewards for myself. It will make them that much more special every time I get to go.
6:00 PM Sunday 
Home. And boy am I sore and tired too of course. I’ve somehow dragged myself along enough (with the help of some coffee) to get some laundry going. The worst part of these trips is the cleanup process. And then putting it all away afterwards. I cannot express how badly I don’t want to go to work tomorrow… someone come save me lol.
And now for today - Tuesday October 4th. I'm settled nicely back into work and while I do miss the hiking, the nature, and the campfire smoke - I am glad to be home again. I am especially glad to be back because there is so much I want to do and accomplish - both in my vanilla life and my NSFW side.
Obviously the next thing on my agenda is tackling some coding for my camgirl pages... oh, and finding time to actually BE a camgirl again. A handful of you have told me that you think I can pull it off - and I have faith in myself that I can too with enough work.
I also want to start selling my erotic short stories and novels to potential buyers - this could even include commission pieces with made up characters of the customers choosing. I'm still figuring out how to put that in place. But that is definitely a goal of mine by the end of the year. Just sell ONE piece to someone.
And then of course - there is a lot to get done in my life that you folks will never really see. Hobbies at home, house work, prepping for what appears to be another harsh winter, and finding other creative ways to get my bills paid. Oh and squeezing in some time to decompress and have fun as well.
There's a lot to juggle there, but I ask that you're all patient with me while I find a way to make it all work. :)
Anyway! I am headed out for the day. Thanks for taking the time this morning.
Ashley <3
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hwanchaesong · 3 years
ATEEZ as your sugar daddy:
a/n: this has vulgar words so minors dni pls, scroll down and read some fluff
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using dating apps to find a sugar daddy who would pay for your tuition fee is the last resort
and you were just about to give up when all you see are old perverted men
that is until you stumbled on his account
young, handsome, rich, not looking for commitment, goodness aren't you lucky to find your perfect match
you two met each other for the first time in a cafe
him laying out the grounds and rules that the two of you will follow, and you nodding along bc what can you even say
you're the one that needs the money, not him, so all you can do is listen and agree
he made you follow a strict schedule, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday meet ups in this hotel at exactly 8:30 PM
after all the sessions, he always give you the same exact amount of money every time
enough to pay your bills, but also more than so that you can buy the things that you want
you were late once and you paid dearly for it, hickeys loitered in your body and limping around for days
he's kinda small in stature so you weren't expecting much from him
lmao what a joke
he made you cry on your first time together with how devilish he is in bed
what you didn't know is he's a very jealous, possessive man
one thursday morning, he saw you with a random guy at a restaurant, giggling and playfully hitting him at something that he said
wow, what the hell is that, he's here and yet you have the audacity to hit on other men?
you were shocked when he called you later that night, telling you to come to his house and that you'll have to 'talk'
turns out, the talk is him spanking you, denying you of your orgasms, overstimulating you, and overall a punishment that you would be willing to experience again
"I am the only man you need, understand? Meet up with other men one more time and let's see what will happen to you, kitten."
SugarDaddy!Hongjoong Oneshot
Park Seonghwa
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baby sitting his daughter to earn extra money may be the worst or best thing in your life that ever happened
it's the best because you earn money by looking after a child who doesn't give you any headaches at all
it's the worst because it means you have to see the child's hot af father everyday
everyday is becoming more and more difficult for you
how can you not stare at his well sculpted body?
or even think of what his tongue can do when he darts it out everytime like a chameleon
he even dares to remove his shirt in front of you when he just finished working out
you were about to explode and accuse him of doing it on purpose
in which you got your answer without even asking him
you just found yourself under him without any clothes on, moaning and telling him not to stop fucking you until you pass out
after that intense session, you noticed that the money he gives you are more than before
you won't complain, more money and great sex pft, where would you even get that in this era
you're basically living there at this point, with the little amount of time you spend in your own home
sometimes, things feel so domestic
the two of you doing household chores, eating breakfast together, tucking his daughter in bed
now is not the time to dwell on it tho, not when his tongue is deep inside you with his hands on your boobs
getting freaky before sleeping is a must, then his daughter decided to enter the bedroom
you and Seonghwa shuffled, hiding what you were doing under the covers when his daughter called you, no, not your name
Seonghwa smirks at you, liking the sound of it
"Well, she can't sleep, what are you gonna do about it, 'mommy'?"
SugarDaddy!Seonghwa Oneshot
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you caught his eye when he visited the convenience store you're working at
there you are working the early morning shift, 2 AM to be exact
your uniform slightly unbuttoned at the top and tight pants are giving him things to imagine
he was about to leave when you crouched down, picking up something that you dropped on the floor
giving him a nice view of your cleavage
okay, that's it, he's a man full of needs and the busy months of being a business man did nothing to satiate that
he waited for you outside your workplace, approaching you when you finally come out to go home
his looming height intimated you, wanting to run away but he caught your arm, pulling you back into him
there must have been a reason why you're working at such a young age
turns out that you've been saving money to continue your studies in a good university
dw, yunho will pay all of your expenses if you just lend your body to him in return
you declined at first, but when you saw him pull out a black card from his wallet, you lost it
that night he took you home and made you his, ecstatic even when he learned that he is your first time
your financial status is not a concern anymore, rather it was yunho himself
recently, he's been weird
just wanting to hang out with you, spend time without even having sex
you thought it was unfair if he's giving you money but he doesn't get the other side of the coin
so one night, you boldly straddled him, grinding in his crotch, wanting answers to his actions
he groans, placing his hands on your hips before leaning in closer to whisper in your ear
"I don't want anymore meaningless sex with you, I will only touch you again when we are an official couple. I love you, princess, and I want to make you feel good inside and out."
SugarDaddy!Yunho Oneshot
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well, who would've thought that a famous model like him would take an interest in a lowly student like you
no one of course, who would even think a mature man would have a kink towards young and innocent girls like you
he coincidentally saw you being harassed by some thugs
like a shining armor, he jumped in to save you
only to think that he wants to corrupt you when you looked at him with such pure, thankful eyes
the next day, he came to you with gifts
he bought you pretty dresses and jewelries, then made you come with him in a fancy restaurant
you feel like you're in a fairytale
except your prince charming doesn't plan on giving you a kiss at the end of the day, or let you leave at midnight
no, he wants to bring you home at midnight and fuck you til morning
so he did just that, he didn't woo you with all those expensive shit just for you to leave him hanging
and that is how you find a sugar daddy that literally made you his doll
on the other hand, you love it
the feeling of getting pampered that you never got from your own family or relatives
you enjoy his full attention
his hands and lips on your body
the way he thrusts into you, his smirk and chuckle when you beg him for more
his sweet gestures and aftercare
the kisses on your nose and cuddles
you love everything about him (shit)
he'll never know, that's it
yes he'll know, especially when you talk to yourself infront of the mirror, convincing yourself that you should be contented with what you have
so he barged in the room, kissing you so passionately that it made your head spin
"The feelings are mutual, doll, so what do you say we get one round in before setting up our marriage?"
SugarDaddy!Yeosang Oneshot
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regret is the only thing you feel now when your taekwondo instructor touched you to correct your position
why did you even enroll in a self defense class?
you can just buy a damn pepper spray to spill into the eyes of your kidnapper
then someone told you that it won't work all the time
damn it, you were thinking out loud weren't you?
you panted after doing some kicks, and that made San smirk because it sounded so sensual in his ears
oh, how lovely would it be if he heard that with you underneath him
lady luck seems to be on his side when he saw you at the grocery store after the lessons
seeming to have problems with your bills
so he paid for your items, coolly slamming down his black card and winking at you
he's even nice enough to drive you back home, saying that it's dark and there are a lot of creeps on the street
you didn't have enough money today because you had to pay for his taekwondo lessons, alright
he'll compromise, he will not make you pay his lessons anymore, buy you your groceries in exchange of an another lesson
that lesson ended up with the two of you at the backseat of his car, fogging the windows up with the amount of heat the two you are producing
San's dream of making you pant under him turned into reality, and he wanted to hear more
his stamina is crazy, can go multiple rounds leaving you breathless
and his damn hips make you see stars as you reach utopia
a truly wild man but such a child outside of bedroom
you question him as to why he's such an intense person in bed but becomes so adorable af afterwards
"babe, I allow myself to be like this around you because I trust you, and you should as well. So, will you please cuddle me, I'm cold, unless you want to heat me up with a blowjob?"
SugarDaddy!San Oneshot
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why the hell would they give you a sexy tutor like him? you'll never know the answer
Mingi can be a bit childish sometimes, but he gets the job done
he just did a little bit of motivating for you to be able to learn faster
and that includes wrecking you and giving you gifts that you may or may not need
you don't understand much of your dynamics
just one day he kissed you, made you cum on his fingers when you got all the questions right in his pre-test before your exams
then when you passed your exams with high marks, he gave you the latest iphone model with a bonus of him fucking you from behind
he gives you rewards for being obedient, and punishes you for being a brat
his methods always work like magic, but it seems like it's useless against this literature topic
why would they even give you an assignment that requires you to write a ten pages essay about love
what do you even know about it
all the while you're brainstorming about what to write, Mingi was looking intently at you
he doesn't like seeing you get stressed, so he did the best thing that he could do
he stood up and carried you bridal style, bringing you away from your work
he plopped you onto the bed, making you squeal but it was replaced by a moan when he sucked on your sensitive spot
here we go again, his large hands doing wonders in your body
his tongue making you squirm in his hold
and his godforsaken technique in fucking you so right made you release all the pent up frustrations
what surprised you is the sudden affection from him
hugging you close to him and peppering kisses on your face afterwards
"Write about me, it's about love right? I know I'm not the only one who feels the spark when we are together, I know you have feelings for me, darling."
SugarDaddy!Mingi Oneshot
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you met him in bar during a rainy, gloomy night
he was downing shots after shots, keen on getting drunk
the hot man is a bit wet, he probably walked here instead of taking a cab or something
you approached him, wanting to have fun tonight
you didn't come to this place just to leave empty-handed
the plan was to seduce him, get you to fuck him, but no, one word from him and the situation was turned around
he was the one who swayed you into bed, the one who fucked your brains out
it was safe to say that you were ashamed of yourself when you saw a picture of him and his wife in his bedroom's side table
but he explained to you that his wife cheated on him and that he's in the middle of divorce
still, you don't plan to continue hooking up with a divorced man
boy you were wrong once again when you find yourself on top of him, riding him like there's no tomorrow in a fancy hotel room
after the session, he gave you an envelope full of money, exchange for the time you gave him
naturally you accepted it, who wouldn't for fucks sake, especially when you're bank account needs a feeding
it continued like that, money exchanged for sex
though you didn't know when the casual fucking turned into love making
it was unusual, him being slow and sensual instead of the usual rough and fast paced thrusts
you'd question wooyoung about your relationship later, wanting to enjoy the feeling of his muscular arms in your body for now
not until he dropped the question first
"I didn't know that I'd feel the rush of emotions like this once again, what do you say we up our relationship, baby girl?"
SugarDaddy!Wooyoung Oneshot
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dear lord, you'll never know that your substitute pe teacher would be such an eye candy
he wears shorts for your classes and that makes you wetter than the pool in your gym
'shut it self, why are you so thirsty?' you scolded yourself when you find yourself daydreaming about him again
you can't get him off your mind
whenever his thick thighs flexes, it makes you want to ride it
he showed off his strength last time by breaking an apple in half, and how you wished he'd break you instead
okay, too much. distraction. yes. you just need a distraction tonight
what the hell man, who would've thought that your pe instructor would be the owner of the bar that you frequented to
he approached you first, your skimpy dress so alluring that even if he only saw your back, he knows you're a catch
his plan of flirting and making you scream later were scratched when he saw your face
still a catch but he can't fuck his student
and you're making it harder for him to control his urges when you clung into him in your drunk state
okay, whatever, your boobs in his body and your dirty words ain't making things any better so he'll just go with the plan
he paid for your drinks, got you in his car, and you were in for a ride the whole night
when you woke up, an unfamiliar ceiling greeted you
not to mention the arms in your waist and pain in your lower body
then you remembered what happened last night
the kisses, licks, bites, moans, the sex
"Finally you're awake, don't worry I'll pay for your drinks at the bar from now on, I'll even let you do your fantasies on me. Just do me a favor angel, keep this between us."
SugarDaddy!Jongho Oneshot
1K notes · View notes
jayflrt · 3 years
to all my firsts with you
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PAIRING ▸ jake sim x fem!reader 
GENRES ▸ fluff, angst, crack, strangers to lovers, mutual pining, college au, “right person, wrong time” trope
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, mentions of drinking, mc being an absolute wreck around jake, jake being so whipped he puts whipped cream to shame, jayhoon are terrible wingmen, jayhoon are also deemed tweedledee and tweedledum because of this, you get to choose your ending (it makes sense at the end), lots of fluff !!
SUMMARY ▸ first kiss. first date. first love. first heartbreak. with jake, your timing would always be off—like thunder following lightning—barely missing the other by seconds.
WORD COUNT ▸ 7342 words
TAG LIST ▸ @mykalon​ @honeyju​
PLAYLIST ▸ bungee by baekhyun • stars by duncan laurence
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ hello !! so i just thought of this last night ?? i wrote this in a day WHAT i was just so passionate ♡ i hope you guys enjoy !! (hint: if you want a happy ending, just click on the link at the end)
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i. love blooms unexpectedly (sometimes, it involves ladybugs)
Starting a study session with your closest friends sounded productive, and it forced you to actually complete your assignments. In retrospect, you should’ve had no complaints, but you didn’t realize just how wrong a study session could go. You supposed there were worse things in the world. Getting mauled by a pack of wolves would definitely be worse, but seeing Jake Sim walk into the library’s study space was making you prefer the wild dogs.
Your biology midterm was in six days so you didn’t really have time to complain, but this was probably the worst-case scenario for you right now. There were nearly a hundred people in your biology lecture, and of all those students, Sunghoon just had to drag Jake over.
You were absolutely sick of your best friend. Park Sunghoon was the dictionary definition of the devil in disguise; he was utterly evil to the core and his pretty privilege helped him get away with it. You often asked yourself why God decided to make Sunghoon hot. Obviously, the boy had no say in the matter, but now you were stuck with a hot best friend with an inflated ego, and that simply wasn’t fair.
Around now was when you started wishing you had decided to go with Jay’s idea: clubbing. You weren’t really a party person, but waking up on a bathroom floor in a pair of bunny ears (courtesy of Jay Park, of course) and your heels missing was something you would choose in a heartbeat over this situation.
Well, as long as you glossed over the fact that you woke up to see that you had ordered 3000 live ladybugs for the price of $26.80.
If you were at a club, you could take a breather and forget about your silly little crush on Jake. Now, you were buried with material to review, but you were clearly not in the right headspace to actually do your work. The metaphysical RNA models in your head were mocking you with mini Jakes sticking out of every single nucleobase.
However, Sunghoon and Jay would not accept your lovesick acid trip as a valid excuse to get out of participating in the study session.
“Oh fuck,” was your first reaction upon seeing Jake walk in.
“This’ll be fun,” Jay muttered under his breath, propping an elbow up on the table so he could shield himself from your death glare.
Because you had no control over your actions at this point, you started looking up where you could buy live ladybugs even though you were absolutely sick of ladybugs. You were sure you were just searching out of pure fretfulness because Jake Sim was setting his backpack down just across the table. However, you came to your senses when you saw a post of 3500 live ladybugs being sold for only $32.84.
What a deal.
But forget the ladybugs.
It really was Jake. The tousled hair, the grey sweater, the smile—and you had to hide how utterly whipped you were for him. You clenched your jaw and looked back at your screen. A few painful seconds passed by, and some stupid flicker of hope made you truly believe he was gone, so you looked up.
“Hey,” Jake greeted, the corners of his lips high on his cheeks.
“Hi,” you got out, dissatisfied by your suddenly strangled voice.
“You good?” Sunghoon asked unhelpfully but didn’t wait for you to confirm or deny. Clearly, a formality. “Anyway, we are all gathered here today because we are all royally fucked for this bio midterm.” He eyed the miserable-looking college students. “Raise your hand if you’re a bio major.”
You, Jake, and Sunghoon raised your hands.
“What are you?” Jake questioned, nodding in Jay’s direction.
“Okay, that sounded like a microaggression,” Jay replied, folding his arms across his chest. His voice dropped to a mutter as he explained, “I just took the wrong class.”
Sunghoon made a face and cocked his head to the side before he moved on. “Alright, raise your hand if you’re barely passing the class.”
You, Jake, and Sunghoon raised your hands again.
“Okay, raise your hand if you have a good grade in the class.”
Jay raised his hand.
“What the fuck?” You looked over at your best friend and leaned over to peer at his laptop screen. “What’s your grade in the class?”
“A ninety,” Jay answered, turning his laptop for the three to see his portal.
Great. You four were officially the Three Idiots plus their smart friend, Jay.
“A ninety?” Jake pressed.
“You’re a business major,” Sunghoon sneered. “Stop outshining the bio majors!”
Jay snorted. “Well, maybe if the bio majors didn’t suck ass in their own field of expertise, then they wouldn’t need to worry about me,” he retorted.
“Here’s the plan,” Sunghoon started, ignoring Jay’s crude comment. “We’re gonna meet up every single night before this midterm.”
“Why do I have to come every single night if my grades are fine?” Jay asked.
“Because we need your help, obviously,” Jake said. “You’re our holy grail!”
“He’s right,” you added, “we need a teacher if we want to pass—”
“And we’ll start tomorrow!” Sunghoon announced, slamming his palm against the table as he got up to his feet. “Come on, Jay. It’s time to play Tekken until we crash.”
You could only stare in disbelief as your best friends got up to leave, slinging their backpacks on. Why would Sunghoon call Jake over and then leave him in the dust right after? You were appalled and ready to talk shit about him because there was absolutely no way he was going to get away with dragging you across campus for a five-minute meeting.
“The hell?” Jake looked over his shoulder to stare at Sunghoon. “You’re leaving already?”
“We’re tired, and it’s dark out,” Sunghoon explained, a slow grin spreading across his face. “Hey, Y/N, you should get back to your dorm safely. Maybe ask someone to walk you—ow! Jay, that hurt!”
“We’re off,” Jay finished quickly, shoving Sunghoon out of the room and leaving you alone with Jake.
You knew it.
You knew this was all part of Sunghoon and Jay’s twisted plan to get you alone with your crush and wait for you to make a move. They were probably conspiring behind your back at the very moment. You, however, weren’t just going to feed into their desire. You weren’t going to give in and allow them the satisfaction of knowing they aided you in pursuing your crush.
However, you soon realized that you were going to lose either way.
Not going with Sunghoon and Jay’s plan meant that nothing would ever happen between you and Jake. Likewise, going along with it meant that they would take credit and tease you endlessly if anything ever happened.
Before you knew it, you were looking up universities to transfer into.
You and Jake sat in silence for the longest thirty minutes of your life, until you heard him ask, “Are you moving schools? Your grade can’t be that bad in bio, right?”
You jumped at the realization that he was right behind you, eyes locked on your laptop screen. While you were lost in your thoughts, he must have started packing up and walked up right behind you. There was genuine concern drawn on his face, and you had no idea how to tell him that he was the cause of your problems. Nevertheless, you weren’t sure how to explain what was on your screen; you had split it so you were looking at other schools on the right and shopping for ladybugs on the left.
“No!” you defended. “I’m just, uh…”
“It’s okay,” Jake assured, placing a hand on the head of your chair. “These study sessions will hopefully help, and if it gets any worse, you can just drop the class.”
This was bad. Jake Sim thought you were an idiot.
(You were, but he didn’t have to know that.)
“Anyway,” Jake continued, “I should walk you back. Which dorms do you live in?”
You closed your laptop and slipped it into your bag, pondering over your next response to him. You were stuck between explaining where your dorms were and debunking the myth that you were possibly dropping out of college over a biology class.
“I live in the dorms close by,” you explained. “It’s not too far so I can walk on my own.”
“Oh, I’ll go with you,” Jake said. “I live there too.”
In the semester and a half you’ve been crushing on Jake Sim, you had somehow never realized that he lived in the same dorm as you. Your only means of seeing were through shared lectures and occasionally at the dining hall between classes. You had only struck up a conversation with him a few times here and there, always simply existing as ‘Sunghoon’s friend’ to him.
Jake Sim had a reputation, after all; with his looks, there was no way he wouldn’t be fawned over. He was a mysterious one, really. You were shocked that rumors could extend and be warped so far that no one actually knew what the person was truly like.
Some said Jake had a kingdom of women doing his bidding back in high school. You weren’t too sure of this because Sunghoon had informed you that the only female he spoke to with enthusiasm was his English teacher. Another rumor floated around that Jake was a street-fighter and almost killed a man once. You weren’t too sure of this one either because you recalled seeing his helpless self getting attacked by a bird in the courtyard a few days ago.
Everyone was well aware of his reputation. Even Jake himself knew that there were all sorts of gossip flying around about him. Although, from what you knew, most of these rumors were fake. However, some of them were convincing enough to cause Jake’s best friend, Sunghoon, to storm over to his room and ask if he really was a world-class fencer.
(Sunghoon later gathered that Jake could hardly hold a kitchen knife without his hands shaking; he was not a fencer.)
“Oh, then sure—” You stood up quickly, whipping around to face him, unfortunately miscalculating just how close he was.
But Jake’s soft lips brushed against yours faster than either of you could turn away.
You had no time to process what had just happened or how Jake reacted, taking the moment of shock to make a beeline for the door. You croaked out an awkward “goodbye” and never looked back, speed-walking out of the library despite all the questioning stares you were getting.
It was cold when you got outside, but the heat creeping up to your face overpowered the chill. You probably looked like an idiot, but who cared when you just kissed the freshman bio student with The Reputation™ on accident?
This was the end of the line for any chance you had with Jake. Maybe if you kept your composure back then and laughed it off, it wouldn’t have seemed like a big deal. Now, however, you were completely humiliated and were probably going to be ignored by Jake Sim for the rest of your life.
Or not.
Maybe if you pretended you didn’t hear anything, you wouldn’t have to deal with the situation. That was irrational of you, though, so you turned around to see Jake jogging to catch up with you.
Lips parted as he tried to catch his breath. Lips letting out puffs of cold air. Lips that were against yours earlier.
“You left your keys in the library,” he breathed out, holding out the Studio Ghibli lanyard that had three keys and a Totoro keychain dangling from it.
“Oh.” You let him drop them in the palm of your hands and then stared down at the bundle of keys. “Thanks! Um… sorry, I have to go, like… right now.”
“Yeah, same,” Jake replied, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He waved quickly and started walking away, despite the dorms being in the opposite direction. He was probably heading to Sunghoon’s place, and you felt a little upset that you wouldn’t walk back with him. “See you tomorrow!”
“See you!”
You frowned down at the lanyard and crumpled up paper that Jake left in your hand. On the surface, that was a seemingly normal conversation, and you could’ve safely concluded that Jake just brushed the incident off. Looking closely, however, he was clearly treating you like garbage. He even left his scraps for you to clean up.
Dejected, you unfolded the piece of paper before you tossed it into the trash can and froze. It must have been a mistake. There was no way he was going to give you that on purpose, right? You contemplated running after him to give him back the piece of paper, but you were frozen in place, unable to comprehend what he just gave you and why.
Jake’s phone number. Scrawled onto the tiny slip. Rushed, barely legible handwriting.
You pinched yourself and concluded, no, this was not a dream.
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ii. and, somehow, lemongrass becomes your favorite scent
The study sessions carried on as planned, with Sunghoon and Jay actually taking them seriously, to your surprise. Jay was an excellent teacher, you discovered, and although he blew his fuse whenever you asked a stupid question, he explained concepts thoroughly. Jake picked up the material faster than you and Sunghoon, so you started spending extra hours to internalize the information.
Additionally, the study sessions brought you four closer together. You and Jake, on the other hand, hadn’t progressed your relationship farther than simply gazing at each other every now and then. Despite entering his phone number into your contacts, you hadn’t contacted him since. There were many times where you came close, but you chickened out almost immediately.
However, with only less than a week left until the midterm, you were more focused on the exam than Jake.
Between your labs and lectures, you decided it was best to study at the coffee shop on your campus instead of walking back to your dorm. Naturally, the man you had been dreading to see decided to walk up to you in the middle of your study session.
“Hey, Y/N,” Jake greeted with an easy smile. He placed his hand on the head of the chair across from you. “Is this seat taken?”
“Oh, no, go ahead,” you said, and Jake took the cue to sit down. He looked adorable, cheeks and nose pink from the blistering cold outside. Only then did you realize just how unprepared he was for the weather. “You must be freezing!”
“I just ordered a coffee to warm me up,” Jake said, pointing his thumb back at the register behind the seating area. When he slid into the chair across from you, he said, “I’m only staying here until it’s ready, and then I’m making a run for the dorms.”
This would be the perfect opportunity for you to spend time with Jake, but you thought it would be weird if you walked back with him. There was something else that was bothering you, though: your accidental kiss.
You couldn’t concentrate on virtually anything without remembering Jake’s soft lips against yours. It was a brief, fleeting moment, but it threw your emotions into a whirlwind. There were multiple times when you’d catch his eyes dropping to your lips, but when you both snapped back into reality, the fantasy shattered into pieces.
“Um,” you started, trying to frame your thoughts clearly before you blurted out, “do you wanna hang out after the midterm’s over?”
“Like… just the two of us?” Jake asked.
You contemplated on saying you’d invite Sunghoon and Jay, if he wanted, but that would defeat the whole purpose of you attempting to ask Jake Sim out. You had to start taking initiative if you wanted to start anything between you two.
“Yeah,” you answered, smiling. “Just us.”
A grin stretched across Jake’s face, those beautiful corners of his lips turning up. “It’s a date.”
Oh, he went there.
You were a little too shell-shocked to reply, your cheeks burning up at his proposal. Your brain was going haywire. 3000 live ladybugs for the price of $26.80. 3500 for only $32.84. You still had those in your shopping cart for god knows what reason, and lord, Jake Sim was asking you out on a date.
Jake’s head whipped around when he heard the barista call his name. He stood up, looking at you like he was expecting something. You weren’t sure what to do, so you stood up, only realizing soon after that he was way too close.
“That’s my drink,” he said. “Text me later, okay?”
“Yeah, of course,” you replied, and before you knew it, Jake had pulled you in for a hug.
Your heart stuttered in your chest when you felt Jake’s arms wrap around you. Maybe he was just a touchy person, or maybe he did this with all of his friends, but this felt warm. It felt right. You could smell lemongrass on his sweater, and you inhaled it, feeling a little dizzy but content.
A few seconds passed and Jake pulled back. Something in his eyes told you that he didn’t want to let go, and you didn’t either.
You slumped back into your seat when he left. Your brain was turning to mush because not only did you have a date with Jake Sim, but you couldn’t get those endearing corners of his lips out of your head either.  
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iii. the most beautiful moments are when you least expect them
You had never felt so relieved to finish a midterm.
It was as if several heavy boulders were lifted off of your shoulders. You felt lighter on your feet and a lot happier when you walked out of the examination room. The best part was that you actually felt like you did good on the exam. You made a mental note to show Jay your gratitude later.
However, you didn’t plan on showing your gratitude by letting him and Sunghoon crash your date with Jake.
You had met up with Jake a week after the midterm. (You needed the week before to revitalize and recoup from all the studying you had done.) When you texted him about your date, he planned to take you to dinner the same night. Although you were a tad overwhelmed, you agreed, buzzing with excitement as you sent the text.
Dressing up for a date required expertise (aka self-proclaimed fashion expert Jay Park), but you were hesitant to tell your friends that you were going on a date with Jake. Instead, you decided to cycle through your entire closet, trying on every possible combination of clothes for an hour until you settled on something decent.
If Jake didn’t like it, you were going to crawl in a hole and die because you invested so much time in choosing one outfit.
To your delight, your heart ended up skipping a beat when you saw Jake’s jaw hang slack at the sight of you. You had to press your lips together to hide your smile, but Jake didn’t seem to notice. Those pretty corners of his lips turned up, and a warm feeling burst in your chest.
“Hey,” you greeted, a touch awkward. You never expected a couple of study sessions would result in you meeting Jake like this. “So, where to?”
“Campus dining isn’t exactly fine cuisine, but I know good comfort food,” he said, slipping his hand in yours to walk with you. Your brain was hardly functioning, jumping to wonder if your hand was clammy and then thinking about how large Jake’s hands were. The both of you lapsed into silence, but then he mentioned, “Remember that, um… kiss?”
You stiffened. “In the library?” In an attempt to not make the conversation awkward, you forced a laugh, indulging Jake with unnecessary information. “Did you know that was my first kiss?”
Scratch that. Your attempts to not make the situation awkward tragically failed.
Thankfully, Jake was a good conversationalist.
“Yeah, so,” Jake started, the tips of his ears going red, “if that was your first kiss… can I show you a better one later?”
Code red. Sirens. Flashing lights. About every single alarm was going off in your head right now. All those ladybugs in your Amazon shopping cart felt as if they were flying in your stomach, which was, in theory, a horrifying thought, but you were scared of butterflies so ladybugs were the next best comparison.
Your voice came out shaky when you answered, “Kiss me again? I mean—”
“Is that Y/N and Jake holding hands?” Jay Park’s voice penetrated your eardrum rather unpleasantly. Your face immediately went stony when you saw him and Sunghoon walk up to you two. “You two grabbing dinner?”
Yes! you wanted to scream. Read the room, read the room, read the room—
“Let’s all go together!” Sunghoon proposed cheerfully.
You started to understand the frustration behind the term cockblocked. You’d think holding hands would be as good as writing ‘LEAVE US ALONE’ across your forehead, but unfortunately, your friends couldn’t pick up on your cues. However, your heart soared a little when Jake gripped your hand tighter despite your friends being around.
Still, Jake Sim was too nice to turn them down.
“Sure!” he replied cheerily. “Y/N and I were just about to head in. We can get a table for four.”
You forced a smile. “Yay.”
You wondered if your feigned excitement was convincing.
(Spoiler: it wasn’t.)
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Dinner was great and all, but you were ticked off.
You were currently walking back to the dorms, Sunghoon and Jay chatting away while you and Jake followed from behind. Your entire dinner was spent with Tweedledee and Tweedledum crashing your date with no care in the world, gushing to Jake about video games and whatnot. Afterward, Sunghoon proposed getting ice cream together, and realizing that they were never going to leave you two alone, you went along. For two friends who were so adamant about setting you up with Jake, they were so oblivious when it came to your advances.
Now, your supposed-to-be-perfect night was ending, and you were feeling a little upset. Jake seemed to take notice, his eyebrows knitting in concern before he took ahold of your hand again.
“Hey, guys,” he spoke up. “Y/N and I are gonna take the scenic route.”
Jay started, “Oh, we’ll come—”
“Alone,” Jake cut in, a small smirk playing on his lips as he tugged you the opposite way. “Goodnight, you two!”
You exhaled a sigh of relief when you and Jake were getting further away from Jay and Sunghoon. You were afraid that the entire night would end up as a simple hang-out instead of a date, but now you were glad that Jake came to the rescue.
“Those two are a riot,” you said, “but they desperately need to read the room.”
Jake laughed, and you thought it was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard. “Right? They’re my boys but they can be my boys when I’m not with my girl.”
You froze. Literally. Jake had to stop walking because your feet were rooted to the ground.
“Your girl?” you asked softly.
You were surprised your voice didn’t come out as high and strangled as you had expected it to. Your heart was racing a million miles a second, and you could hear your blood rushing in your ears. It wasn’t like you didn’t get the idea before that Jake felt the same way you did, but hearing those words from his lips only confirmed your suspicions.
Mutual attraction. It was a little scary, a little too real, but you felt like you were floating.
“Yeah, about that…'' Jake trailed off when he saw a bush of pink hydrangeas. He reached over and plucked one off the stem, eyes boring into yours as he tucked the flower behind your ear and moved his hand to your cheek. “I don’t know if I’m going too fast, but I wanna get to know you better.”
Your lips were frozen as you stared into his eyes a little helplessly. Jake Sim, the guy you had been crushing on for months, was confessing to you. You thought this was a dream, and you didn’t have the mind to pinch yourself, but when Jake’s gaze fell to your lips, you realized this was reality.
“And,” he added, “I really wanna kiss you right now.”
Jake leaned in slowly, leaving you frozen on the spot. On the dirt path to the dorms, next to bushels of hydrangeas, you were sure this was the happiest place on earth. There was no urgency, no uninvited guests—just you and Jake alone in the dark hours of the night. His eyes were half-lidded when his lips were a hair’s breadth away, nose barely brushing against yours and lips curled into a bashful smile.
“Y/N, can I kiss you?” Jake asked in a whisper.
“Please,” you almost begged, and Jake sealed his lips over yours.
It was like a melody. Jake’s lips felt like slow, heart-tugging music that made your brain go fuzzy and your legs buckle under you. Something about the way he held you made you wonder if he had been waiting to do this for a long time. Maybe even since your accidental kiss in the library. You closed your eyes and let yourself melt with him.
There was nothing anymore. Just you and Jake Sim.
When Jake broke from the kiss, you were a flustered mess, unable to look him straight in the eye. He seemed to find this either endearing or entertaining because his chuckle caught you off guard, but soon, you were pulled into his warm embrace.
Seconds passed. Minutes. Then, you relaxed into his grip, figuring that you’d be there for a while.
You didn’t believe in dramatic concepts like soulmates, but with your face buried into Jake’s chest, you felt like the two of you fit together so perfectly. Like you filled out each other’s empty spaces.
Jake spoke up after a few minutes of silence, “Do you wanna go out?”
“Yeah,” you replied, blissfully content with your first kiss and your first boyfriend.
Yeah, you thought as Jake pulled you impossibly closer by the waist, I could get used to this.
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iv. challenge!! confess to your boyfriend crush
you: JAKE
you: JAKE !!!
jake 😡💘: Y/N!!
jake 😡💘: omg no way
jake 😡💘: say “hey i like you <3 let’s date”
you: okay
you: hey i like you <3 let’s date
jake 😡💘: i like you too y/n ❤️
you: jake……… 😰
jake 😡💘: how’d it go
you: he likes me back 🥰💞💘💖💗💖💞
jake 😡💘: 💀
jake 😡💘: i’d make fun of you but ur cute so come over already
you: omw boyfriend 🏃‍♂️
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v. flashes of lightning happen at 670,000,000 mph, but your heart beats faster
Having a boyfriend was a strange experience. It wasn’t something you were used to (considering Jake was your first), so you were awkward and flailing in the beginning, unaware of how to properly act like a girlfriend. Later, you started to realize that there was no proper way to be a girlfriend. There was no step-by-step manual, no guide—you just had to be yourself. The you that Jake fell for.
It was only a year into your relationship when things started getting serious. You had been casually dating Jake throughout your first year, but halfway through your second year was when you realized something.
You were in love with Jake Sim.
No, it wasn’t the silly, school-girl crush you harbored before. You loved Jake down to your core. You loved him like the rain loved the earth, like the sun loved the moon, like thunder loved lightning.
There was no dramatic occurrence that made you come to this realization. Like most things, it happened naturally. Something uneventful to an outsider but monumental to you.
It was after you got wasted at a party. You weren’t doing so good, so your friend called Jake to pick you up. This wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, but he stayed with you that night, holding your hand before you slept and crashing on your couch to make sure you slept peacefully.
The next morning, when Jake brought chocolate-chip pancakes to your room, you almost wanted to cry.
“You didn’t have to do all this,” you said at the time.
“I didn’t,” your boyfriend replied, “but I wanted to do it for you.”
“I love you.”
The words fell out of your lips abruptly, and Jake nearly dropped the plate of pancakes he made for you. You both stared at each other in silence, and you were almost terrified that he wouldn’t say it back. It was the first time you had said something from your heart. The first time you admitted that you truly loved him.
Then, those beautiful corners lifted up. “I love you too, Y/N.”
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vi. little by little, the petals start to wilt off the flower
Fights with Jake were rare, but now, they were becoming more common.
If you could have it your way, you would continue living through each beautiful moment with Jake. You would relive the time he held your hand to help you ice skate; the time he introduced you to his dog, Layla, and referred to you both as his “favorite girls”; and the time he stopped mid-stride to tuck a flower behind your ear and tell you how beautiful you were.
Neither you nor Jake saw days like these coming. You were under the impression that it was all smooth sailing, but when you hit your third year of university, the stress and workload was getting to the both of you.
“What are you doing?” you asked him late one night, frowning. “You can’t just keep pulling all-nighters to keep up with your classes, Jake.”
He was clearly on the brink of collapsing. The dark circles under his eyes and mutters of complaints were enough for you to intervene. You were worried for your boyfriend, and seeing him push his body to its limits was making you feel dreadful. At this point, it was messing with Jake’s mental health too, and you had to step in before he spiraled out of control.
Bitter with exhaustion, Jake grumbled. “Well, I can’t exactly do that when I need to catch up, can I?”
“I’m just worried for your health,” you explained.
“Well, maybe you should worry about yourself instead of nagging every little thing I do,” Jake snapped, his face washing over with instant regret when he saw yours fall.
“Nagging?” you asked shakily, trying to keep your composure. “How could you say that? You know I just want the best for you—you know that!”
“You’re right, I just… look,” Jake started, letting out a heavy sigh, “I’m just not feeling good tonight. Please just go to bed before I say something I regret.”
You thought it would be okay. That, in the end, you and Jake would still be by each other’s sides, hands gripped tight and fingers interlocked. You two would always come back to each other because you needed each other.
Yet, moments like these made you doubt whether forever was an option for you two. “Forever” was a childish mindset to have. You knew that nothing good ever lasted long, but you assumed this was just a bump in the road, that things would get better along the way.
Really, you sometimes thought it was a tragedy that you had to fall in love with Jake Sim.
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You called Sunghoon late one night. All of your thoughts were a jumbled mess, but you needed to get one thing off your chest. It was bugging you for the past few weeks, but you had been pushing it off.
“Hey,” you said quickly when your best friend picked up. “There’s something that’s been on my mind.”
“Shoot.” Sunghoon yawned. “Hope it’s juicy considering you interrupted my beauty sleep.”
“Please, Jay posted a video of you raging over Mario Kart like ten minutes ago,” you brushed off. After Sunghoon stammered for a moment, you snorted and explained, “I think I wanna go to grad school.”
“Grad school?” You could hear shifting on the other end, like Sunghoon was sitting up straighter. “That’s great. You should go for it.”
“Thing is… I’d have to go long-distance with Jake,” you said, “and I’m not sure I’m ready for that.”
“Plenty of couples go long-distance, Y/N,” Sunghoon assured. “You guys can get through it. I mean, have you seen Jake? That guy’s down bad for you.”
You pressed your lips together in a grim line. What Sunghoon said was definitely nice to hear, but you still weren’t convinced. You never wanted to have to make a choice like this, but before you came to a conclusion, you needed to have a conversation with Jake first.
If you could bring yourself to do that.
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vii. you can see the lightning before you hear the thunder
You knew it was coming, but it still hurt all the same.
It was the winter of your third year at university. You and Jake had grown since your first year, but sometimes being so close hindered the other’s room to grow, so you were bound to let go.
You didn’t think there were any more ‘firsts’ that Jake could take from you. He had been by your side through everything, through every up and down the universe sent your way. Each memory—good or bad—was something you held close to your heart, like a secret that was only real between you and Jake.
You didn’t think there were any more firsts, but then Jake broke your heart for the first time.
“We should end this,” Jake mumbled, and you flinched as if the words had manifested themselves into something tangible to slap you across the face. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
Three years of loving Jake unconditionally, and you had lost him. You were so consumed in thinking you needed each other that you felt lost. A strange feeling of hollowness carved itself into your chest, spreading until all you could feel was an empty gap that had no room for love.
It was pathetic, but you felt too defeated to even argue. There was nothing more you wanted than to salvage your relationship, but you and Jake were unfortunately on the same page. You knew Jake too well to know that there were no malicious intentions behind his decision; you were both too busy, too consumed in your work life, that your spark fizzled out.
Instead, you asked, “Was it my fault?”
Your voice broke around the edges, and when Jake pulled you into his arms, you realized you had broken down. Jake lapsed into silence while you sobbed into his chest, grabbing at the front of his shirt like he would disappear if you didn’t hold on tight enough. You never wanted this to happen; it was just something you had to deal with.
You hated it. You hated the universe for letting you meet the right person at the wrong time.
“It wasn’t any of our faults, Y/N,” Jake murmured, rubbing soothing circles into your back. “We love each other, don’t we?” You nodded into his chest, and Jake continued, “We need to figure out ourselves and our lives first, but we just have to say goodbye for now.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, looking up at him through bleary eyes.
Jake sucked in a sharp breath. “You wanna go to grad school, don’t you? I heard you on the phone with Sunghoon talking about wanting to go but wanting to stay with me.” He bit his lip and shook his head. “I want you to go.”
It was true. The only thing holding you back from pursuing the grad school of your dreams was the distance it would put between you and Jake. Time was running out, though, and you needed to make those life-changing decisions, but you were at a crossroads.
However, with your boyfriend telling you to go, it felt like the goodbye you couldn’t bring yourself to say.
You spent a moment whimpering and crying into his chest. The faint scent of lemongrass was still on his sweater. His warmth was emanating, but what hurt you more was that it would never be yours again.
“I love you,” you whispered hoarsely.
You could hear Jake crying this time, the quiet sobs racking his body as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. Once, you longed to be in his arms like this, and now, it was the most painful thing you had to go through.
“I love you too,” Jake replied softly. “I always will.”
You swallowed thickly. You knew it was the right thing to do, but the aching feeling in your chest was only getting more painful. You loved Jake, but you loved him so much that you knew he needed time to work on his self-growth alone.
This is really happening, you thought, feeling a little lightheaded, a little empty.
You tried to smile for him, but it cracked on your face, so you let it fall to pieces on the floor. From the moment you fell in love with Jake, you knew that something always felt rushed between you two. Your timing would always be off—like thunder following lightning—barely missing the other by seconds.
It was a cold winter. Your heart shattered and sank into the snow, but there was no stopping you now. You had to keep going or all of your heartbreak would be for nothing. All of the love and torment you experienced would be nothing but a memory instead of a moment.
This time, you managed a smile for Jake. It was genuine because, stripped down to your core, all you had was love for him. To be able to experience a love so raw and beautiful was a feeling you would never trade for anything else.
It was a cold winter, so you picked up the broken pieces of your heart, fingers cut and bleeding, and walked the path ahead of you.
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viii. first love
“This has to call for a celebration,” Sunghoon gushed, his eyes twinkling as he stared at your GRE score. You had scored way better than you thought you would, and you were over the moon. “Y/N, you’re basically guaranteed a seat at grad school.”
You tried to fight down the big smile that stretched across your lips, but it was no use. “I just can’t believe this is finally happening. I’ve worked so hard for this moment.”
The fall of your fourth year was for applying to grad schools, so you were busy preparing your applications. Your GRE score coming in was just the icing on the cake, skyrocketing your chances at acceptance to your top schools. Your parents were probably bragging all over every social media platform they knew, and you wouldn’t be surprised if you went home to have your neighbors congratulate you.
Jay walked over with a tray of drinks, grinning ear-to-ear. You figured it was less because of your accomplishment and more because he had been waiting for a night to let loose.
“Y/N, since you’re the winner tonight, why don’t you give us a toast?” your best friend suggested while Sunghoon nodded eagerly.
You held up one of the glasses, standing up at the same time. “I did good this year. I deserve a pat on the back or, like, a free popsicle or something. Thank you.” You lowered your glass and stared at Sunghoon and Jay. “That was my speech.”
“Lame,” Sunghoon said. “Go get the napkins for us since you wasted our time with that speech.”
You stuck your tongue out at him childishly. “Fine, but only because you two never bring enough.”
You got out of your seat and headed to where the napkins and condiments were. Before you could reach to grab the napkins, however, another hand got there first. You glanced at the person beside you, and a flicker of recognition crossed your face, followed by your cheeks burning.
It was him.
The boy you loved for years was standing right next to you, and you had to pretend like you weren’t still pitifully in love with him. Like you never went on dates together and planned a shared future. Like you never kissed him until you felt dizzy with love and spent nights in his arms.
“Jake,” you breathed out. “Hey.”
“Y/N,” he greeted, dazed in the same way you were. When he regained his composure, that smile you always loved stretched across his face. “I heard from Sunghoon that you got a really good GRE score.”
“Sunghoon talked about me?” you asked. That couldn’t be right; Sunghoon wasn’t really the type to brag about his friends.
Jake let out a sheepish laugh, his hand flying up to rub the back of his neck. His laugh pulled at the strings of your heart. You knew that laugh would never be for you again, and it broke you a little. Yet, seeing Jake like this provided some relief that breaking up was the best decision for you two.
“Not really, no,” he replied. You raised a brow and Jake clarified, “I asked.”
You could’ve waited for the perfect words to form on your tongue—those three little words you had been longing to say. You could’ve cut in during the few seconds of silence, but after this moment was over, the both of you had your own lives to get back to.
Plus, seeing Jake smiling and healthy was enough. You were glad he picked up the pieces and moved on.
Jake smiled. “I’m happy for you, Y/N.” I love you.
“Thank you.” I love you too.
“I gotta get going. I’ll see you later.”
This time, you smiled big and bright. “Goodbye, Jake.”
And, at that moment, you knew it was the right thing to do. Jake was growing as an individual and you were moving onto big things in your life. What you learned from dating him was far more valuable than any college lecture or lab you had attended.
These things happened, and life went on. You and Jake were no exception to the rule. Love was a very fragile and often transient emotion, but one thing you could bet on was that you and Jake shared a love strong enough to break the sky.
In another lifetime, in some parallel universe, there was probably still a you and Jake that existed. There was probably still another you and him that held hands and kissed under the shade of trees. There was another him that tucked flowers behind your ear and told you how beautiful you were.
For now, in this reality, you would push forward. You would go to grad school and find your calling. You would focus on your future and work on yourself until everything was clear for you. You would stumble and fall, and you would pick yourself back up.
In the end, you were glad that Jake was your first love and first heartbreak because no one else would be able to make it taste so sweet.
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ix. the truth is, thunder and lightning occur at the same time. it's just that one is always a little faster, so it takes time for the other to catch up.
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criminalmindzjunkie · 4 years
Love Sick
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Summary: A story about how Spencer’s worst decision ever somehow ends up being his best.
A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day, my loves! This fic is loosely based on a request I got about Spencer faking an illness to keep the reader from going on a date.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content Warning: swearing
Word Count: 4k
Spencer has done a terrible, awful thing.
He wants to argue that he doesn’t know what came over him, but that would be untrue and he’s already met today’s quota on little white lies. Spencer knows exactly what possessed him to call you up at seven thirty on a Saturday night, and it wasn’t so that the two of you could discuss the weather or the recent upward trend in the stock market. Spencer’s spontaneous (panicked) phone call to you was a brazen attempt to abate the green-eyed monster that had been whispering dreadful things in his ear for the better part of a week.
To put it simply; Spencer is jealous, and he’s dealing with it rather poorly.
So poorly that he’s resorted to sabotage.
As he sits on his couch and worries at a hole in the bottom of his designated lounging sweatshirt, Spencer attempts to justify his actions. His tiny fib won’t hurt anyone . . . except, perhaps, one annoyingly perfect and stupidly handsome veterinarian. But Spencer can live with that. Potentially scorning an animal care specialist isn’t the thing that has his stomach in knots. That, he can live with. Spencer doesn’t even have pets, so there’s no longterm consequences as far as the vet is concerned. The notion of lying to you, on the other hand? 
Spencer is positively sick with nerves.
He’s not sure why. Spencer’s gotten rather good at lying to you. Several months of pining for you from across the hallway of your shared apartment complex has turned him into quite the master of deceit, after all. He was a sucker from the moment he opened his door and lay his eyes on you, arms outstretched and wielding a plate of homemade sweets. The cookies were lovely, but the breathtaking smile on your face is what really did him in.
Since that first day, Spencer’s gone out of his way to ensure that he’s on the receiving end of that smile as often as possible. His efforts are never in vain; for reasons unbeknownst to him, you seem to enjoy spending time with him just as much as he did you. This mutual fondness results in most of Spencer’s off days being spent in your company. Spencer was certain that, with time, he would work up the nerve to ask you out on a date. He’s halfway to convincing himself that you might even say yes when your cat makes the unfortunate decision to steal a brownie from your plate and gulp the whole thing down.
Enter, aforementioned veterinarian.
The sound of your door opening from across the hall has Spencer breaking out into a cold sweat. His hand is halfway to his forehead, ready to wipe away the perspiration when he pauses. His body’s anxious reaction might just help him sell his story. Yes, Spencer thinks, this is a good thing. Authenticity, and all that.
Several soft footsteps are muffled by the door that separates him from you, and then his doorknob jiggles as you struggle to fit your key into the lock. A jolt of adrenaline surges through Spencer and in the blink of an eye he’s on his feet and sprinting to his bathroom in the name of authenticity. If he wants to keep up this ridiculous façade, and he really, really does, Spencer is prepared to fake it until he makes it. The alternative is far too mortifying. Failure is not an option.
Spencer cringes when he lifts his eyes to meet his reflection. He’s been told more than once that he’s an absolutely terrible liar, and the wide, guilty eyes that stare back at him confirm this. All it will take is one look at him and you’ll know something’s amiss. Perhaps it isn’t too late for Spencer to come clean. It would be embarrassing, yeah, but no less embarrassing than it would be an hour from now when you call him on his shit. But then again, there is always the possibility that you will get angry with him and leave, and Spencer isn’t willing to risk you walking away from him. Not tonight.
Spencer barely has the time to splash some cold water on his face and dive to the bathroom floor before you’re pushing open the door to his apartment and calling out his name. His brain, the part that isn’t rendered useless in his panicked state, reminds him of just how many germs can be found on the average bathroom floor. It’s enough to make him pause, but only for a moment. He takes a deep breath before slumping over against the toilet.
“M’ in here,” Spencer calls out in his croakiest voice. It comes out exactly as he intended, all rough and pitiful. Maybe he can pull this off, after all.
The soft pitter patter of your bare feet makes his heart rate increase exponentially. Spencer steels himself, recites a reassuring mantra in his head. I can do this; I can do this.
Spencer’s poor, overworked heart gets a much-needed rest when you step into the doorway. In fact, he’s almost certain it stops completely at the sight of you in a tiny red dress. A tiny red dress that leaves very little to the imagination. Spencer can’t even see past his mounting panic to enjoy the way you look. That damn red dress serves as a brutal reminder of why he’s sitting in his bathroom floor, clutching his toilet bowl and damn near drowning in a nervous sweat.
The thing is, Spencer hadn’t intended on sabotaging your date with the vet. He had every intention of staying in, wallowing in his sorrows and waiting up for you. Spencer even said this to Derek, who was kind enough to call him and remind him of how big of a jackass he was. Spencer didn’t need the reminder. He was well aware.
But then Derek said something that made Spencer’s blood run cold.
“And what exactly do you plan to do if she doesn’t come home?”
So, really, it’s Derek’s fault that Spencer promptly ended the call and dialed your number. It’s also Derek’s fault that Spencer is about to give the most convincing performance of his entire fucking life.
“I’m sorry I called you, but I didn’t know what else to do. I just feel so awful.” And he does feel awful, just not in the way you think.
You’re quick to close the distance between the two of you, dropping to your knees and brushing stray pieces of hair away from Spencer’s clammy forehead. His skin sings where your hand grazes it. If he didn’t have a fever before, he will if you don’t stop touching him.
“Don’t ever apologize, Spence. I wish you’d have called me sooner,” you murmur. Warm, concerned eyes drag across Spencer’s bedraggled appearance. “How long have you been feeling sick?”
Spencer gulps. “A few hours, I guess. I ate my leftovers from last night for lunch. Maybe that’s what’s wrong.”Lies, lies, lies!
Your brow furrows. “That’s strange. I ate mine, too, and I feel fine.”
Spencer doesn’t really have an argument for that, so he fakes a pained groan and rests his head against his arm. He closes his eyes and prays the intro to theater class he took in high school will pay off.
You must deem his act convincing enough because you press a soft kiss to the top of his hair and stand. Spencer hears the sound of a cabinet opening, followed by the sound of running water.
The tender touch of your hand on his shoulder has him raising his head and looking up at you, inquisitive. You place a cold washrag to his forehead, and Spencer melts into the touch. It feels heavenly against his hot skin.
“Do you think you could manage to take a shower?” you prompt, earning a feeble nod from Spencer. He doesn’t even have to fake the way he trembles as you run the damp cloth down his neck. “I think I have some broccoli and cheddar soup at my apartment. I’ll go change and grab it while you shower.”
Elation spreads through Spencer, pouring from his heart until it reaches the very tips of his extremities. He can’t believe his scheme hasn’t blown up in his face already.
With the help of your outstretched hand, Spencer rises to his feet and braces himself against the shower door. You make no move to remove your hand from his, and that gives him the courage to ask his next question.
“What about your date?”
You shrug and an easy smile spreads across your face. Spencer feels faint. He blames it on his imaginary illness.  
“Don’t worry about that. The only thing I’m concerned with right now is taking care of you.”
Spencer bites down hard on the flesh of his cheek to keep a smug grin at bay. This is a victory he’ll have to celebrate at a later date.
Spencer enters his living room, freshly showered and donned in clean pajamas, to the sound of your voice speaking quietly into your cellphone. He halts just before he enters his kitchen, straining to catch a snippet of your conversation. As he leans closer to the sound of your voice, Spencer halfheartedly chastises himself. First, he deceives you, now he’s resorting to eavesdropping. Rock, meet bottom.
He’s just about to wrench himself away and retreat to the couch, when:
“I really am sorry about cancelling, especially on such short notice.” A short stretch of silence follows. “Next Saturday? Oh. Um, yeah, I’ll let you know, okay?”
Spencer is very much like a popped balloon; the earlier feelings of elation leave him in a harsh gust. Next Saturday? He barely managed to derail this Saturday’s date! No way he could get away with it a second time.
In the midst of his inner turmoil, Spencer misses you exchanging goodbyes with the vet before collecting Spencer’s bowl of soup. He’s still standing there, absolutely crestfallen, when you round the corner. You nearly collide with his chest, narrowly avoiding it by skidding to a halt in front of him. Your eyes run up his frame, assessing him, until they rest on his face.
“You scared me, Spence,” you chuckle. You cock your head to the side. Spencer imagines his expression is none dissimilar to that of a disgruntled frog. “You feeling okay? You’re not going to puke again, are you?”
Honestly, he might. The idea of you rescheduling your date with the vet is about as vomit inducing as it gets.
“I’m fine,” Spencer says on an exhale. Funnily, it’s probably the biggest lie he’s told all day. “The shower helped.”
His delivery is flat, but you don’t seem to mind. You smile up at him, relieved, and Spencer’s chest aches.
“I was thinking you and I could watch a movie?” you offer, and Spencer nods his assent. He can’t fathom turning you down. Not when you’re wearing an old sweatshirt you stole from his closet and a pair of fuzzy socks with little hearts on them. The ache intensifies.
“What are we watching?”
You plop down on the couch and look at him expectantly. He follows in suit, settling in beside you.
“I was thinking that you could choose,” you murmur as you place the bowl in his hands. Spencer shoots a teasing smile your way as he raises the spoon to his mouth.
“You mean, you’re actually going to let me pick the movie? I should get sick more often.”
His cheek earns him an exaggerated roll of your eyes.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” you mutter. “You always pick the movie.” 
He can count on one hand the amount of times he’s gotten to pick the movie.
Spencer is about to launch into an impassioned rebuttal when the feeling of your fingers scratching against his scalp renders him speechless. His eyes dart to your face as you concentrate on scrolling through the TV guide, seemingly unaware of the effect the simple act has on him. Meanwhile, Spencer’s brain is short-circuiting.
You begin to read off a list of potential movies to him, but Spencer barely hears you. He’s practically purring as you twirl his curls around lithe fingers, his eyes threatening to flutter closed as an intense feeling of euphoria washes over him. Maybe it’s because he’s touch starved, or maybe it’s because it’s been so long since someone just looked after him. Whatever it is, Spencer embraces it wholeheartedly.
“-heard it’s pretty good. So, what do you say, Spence?”
Spencer pulls himself back to the present, blinking lazily at you. You’re looking at him, expectant, and Spencer’s eyes flit to the TV. His eyes skim its contents, reading briefly about a movie in which some family moves into a haunted house.
His face breaks out into a grin and he nods, because Spencer’s known you long enough to recognize that watching a horror movie usually results in you pressed tightly to his side and clinging to his hand. He also knows that nine times out of ten, you choose to watch a horror movie over anything else. No wonder he always lets you choose.
And sure enough, not even ten minutes in, Spencer is ditching his bowl of soup and pulling you into his arms. Once you’ve draped a blanket around the two of you settled in, you glance up at him.
“How are you feeling, Spence?”
Spencer responds by saying that he’s suddenly feeling much better. 
Spencer Reid - 1, Veterinarian – 0
Spencer’s not sure at which point he fell asleep. All he knows is that he certainly does not remember sprawling out across your body, nor does he remember tucking his head into the crook of your neck. But this is how he finds himself when the sun begins to pour in through his windows the next morning, and Spencer can’t bring himself to care about how he came to be there.
Spencer guesstimates that it’s no later than seven in the morning. You’re still fast asleep underneath him, your chest rising and falling rhythmically with every breath. It’s early, and it’s Sunday, and Spencer can’t think of a single reason to wake you. Instead, he snuggles in closer, because he’d be a fool not to enjoy this while it lasts.
Unfortunately, the shrill sound of Spencer’s ringing phone shatters the serenity. He prays that it won’t disturb you, that you’ll remain oblivious and continue to sleep, but that hope is shattered when you begin to shift underneath him. Spencer makes quick work of peeling himself off of you before dashing to his kitchen and snatching his phone off the table.
He’s prepared to verbally assault whoever has the audacity to defile the sanctity of lazy Sunday mornings when a quick peek into the living room finds you still fast asleep on his sofa. He smiles, soft and fond, before pressing the accept button and bringing the phone to his ear.
“I was beginning to wonder if you were still alive.” Spencer’s smile transforms into a grimace. Apparently, Derek Morgan doesn’t believe in lie-ins. “I was preparing myself for a rescue mission.”
“It’s seven in the morning. I was asleep.”
Derek lets out a low whistle. “Who pissed in your Cheerios, Pretty Boy?”
“You, when you decided that it was acceptable to ring me before eight,” Spencer whisper shouts. He knows that he’s being touchy, to say the least, but who can blame him? Five minutes ago, he was cuddling with the most beautiful girl he’s ever had the privilege to lay eyes on. Now, he’s shooting the breeze with a colleague. Obviously, Spencer would prefer the former to the latter.
“Jesus, kid. I’m going to take a wild guess and say that girl of yours didn’t make it home, after all. You okay?”
The guilty feeling returns and Spencer cringes. “Uh, define ‘okay.’”
Derek curses on the other end of the line. “I’m sorry, kid. Try not to beat yourself up about it, okay? There’s plenty of fish in the sea, you’ve just gotta put yourself out there. How’s this; you and me will go out next weekend and bar hop. I’ll teach you some Derek Morgan tricks of the trade. Soon enough, you’ll have forgotten all about her.”
“I don’t know, that might be hard.” Spencer scratches the back of his neck. “She’s asleep on my couch right now.”
A long stretch of silence comes from the other end of the line, and Spencer thinks for a moment that the call dropped. Unfortunately, he isn’t that lucky. A booming laugh erupts from the speaker and makes him jump out of his skin.
“My man!” Derek laughs, incredulous. “I didn’t think you had it in you, I’ll be honest.”
“It’s not what you think-”
“How did you manage that? Did the Good Doctor make a grand romantic gesture? Damn, I really hate that I missed that.”
“No, there were no gestures. And it’s not-”
Derek cuts him off. Again. “How’d she take the news? I’m assuming she took it well, if she stayed the night.”
“I didn’t tell her anything!” Spencer spits out, frustrated. “I… I told her I was sick. She came over to take care of me, and we fell asleep on the couch.”
Spencer’s proclamation is met with another long silence.
“So, you sabotaged the date?”
Spencer winces. “I did not sabotage it. I just… manipulated the situation a little.”
“Oh, you certainly did,” Derek chuckles. “How did you pull that off? I’ve seen you try to lie. That shit is laughable.”
Spencer opens his mouth to defend himself, but the pitter patter of socked feet approaching him from behind has his mouth running dry.
“Yeah, Spencer. How did you pull that off?”
Spencer had been correct in his earlier assumptions. The inevitable moment in which you called him out on his shit has arrived, and it’s every bit as mortifying as he expected. So mortifying that he can practically feel the blood drain from his face. And the thing is that he knows he deserves whatever you’re about to throw his way… it’s just that the thought of you being angry with him kind of makes him want to cry. And that would only add to the mortification.
He turns around slowly, his body rigid, until he’s met with the adorably rumpled vision of you with your arms crossed and your hair sticking up in all directions.
Spencer’s never seen anything quite so mesmerizing, and it hurts because he knows he’s ruined everything. He’ll never get to watch another scary movie with you tucked neatly against his side, or wake up in your arms again. He’ll never get to kiss you.
And the worst of all; Spencer will never get to tell you how he really feels. It’s a crying shame, because he thinks he could have been really good at loving you.
“Hey, Derek, I gotta go.”
Spencer presses the end call button and immerses himself in what has to be the most awkward stand-off of all time. You stand there, arms crossed, head cocked to the side with one hip jutted out. Spencer isn’t sure how you manage to look intimidating and endearing at the same time. He supposes the fuzzy socks are to blame.
Minutes pass, but they feel like hours. Spencer is approximately three seconds away from dropping to his knees and groveling when you finally speak.
“You sabotaged my date.”
Spencer lets out a strangled laugh. Perhaps humor is the way to go? It couldn’t hurt to try. In his opinion, the situation couldn’t possibly get any worse. “I think sabotage is a strong word. I prefer the term obstruct.”
You let loose a laugh of your own, but this one holds no humor. “And I prefer keeping the company of people who don’t lie to me.” Okay, maybe it can get worse.
Spencer visibly deflates. It was a stupid idea. He’s never been a funny guy.
“I am so, so, so incredibly sorry.” Sorry for lying to you, that is. Spencer isn’t in the least bit apologetic for ruining your date. Given the chance, he’d do it again - in a more tactful way, of course. Preferably, in such a way that didn’t involve him laying in his bathroom floor. 
Spencer attempts to take a step forward, only to be rooted to the spot when you fix him with a look. He’s not funny but he is smart – smart enough to know better than to push it. 
“Why did you do it?”
Spencer was really hoping you wouldn’t ask that.
Apparently, an eidetic memory doesn’t stand a chance when it comes to confrontations involving pretty girls. One quirk of an immaculately plucked eyebrow and Spencer loses the ability to recall a single word of the English language. It’s tragic, really.
“Spit it out, Spencer.”
“I didn’t want you to go on the date.” It’s like ripping off a band aid, the way the words tumble from his lips. It’s painless at first, but then the sting sets in when he realizes what he’s done. 
Your lack of reaction doesn’t help. Your face remains passive, as if he didn’t just offer himself to you on a silver platter. Spencer squirms uncomfortably.
“Why didn’t you want me to go on the date?”
God, this is excruciating. You’re clearly out for blood, and the twinkle in your eye shows just how much you’re enjoying this. Spencer would have never taken you for a sadist.
“Because…” Spencer trails off and allows his eyes to drift closed. If he’s going to do this, he’s going to do it his way. With his eyes closed, because he can’t bear the thought of looking you in the eye when you reject him. “B-Because I like you. A lot.”
Spencer hasn’t had a lot of practice at being wrong. In fact, he’s spent the majority of his life being right. It seems the universe is making up for that now, because he can’t seem to get a single goddamn thing right today.
You laugh at him. You actually laugh in his face. Mortified doesn’t even begin to cover it. 
“You like me.” It isn’t a question.
Spencer keeps his eyes shut tight.
You know how they say if you take away one of a person’s senses, all of the others are heightened? Spencer couldn’t disagree more. In the midst of his despair, he’s completely unaware that you’ve crossed the room and are now standing directly in front of him until you speak again.
“Well, that’s rather unfortunate,” you sigh. Spencer inhales a sharp breath when he realizes you’re close enough to touch. Still, he keeps his eyes closed.
“Uh, why is that?”
Spencer nearly jumps out of his skin when your hand reaches up and caresses the side of his jaw.
“Because, Spencer,” you murmur, silky and sweet. “I was hoping you just might love me.”
Spencer’s eyes fly open and he’s greeted by a lazy, contented smile. It’s similar to the one that greeted him when he opened his front door on that very first day, but it’s better somehow. Later reflection will determine that it’s better because it’s the kind of smile reserved just for him. And that’s all he’s ever wanted, really.
“You heard me.” You tilt your head up and rest your palm on Spencer’s chest. His heartbeat is erratic, thundering hard against his ribcage. He’d surely be embarrassed if he wasn’t about to faint from shock. “Do you love me, Spencer Reid?”
Spencer doesn’t even have to think twice.
“More than anything.”
“Good.” Your thumb brushes across the apple of his cheek, eliciting a full body shudder. “I was beginning to think you would never catch up.”
Spencer must be hallucinating. That, or this is all a dream and any second now his alarm is going to go off. He subtly pinches himself on the thigh to test the theory. You can imagine his surprise when nothing changes. He doesn’t wake up in a pile of his own drool, and now the skin on his thigh stings.
“You . . . You like me, too?”
You shake your head. “No, Spencer. I love you, too. Why do you think I bake you cookies and spend all of my free time in your apartment?”
“Because my couch is better than yours?” Spencer deadpans.
“I mean, that certainly doesn’t hurt. But it’s not the only reason.”
“What about the vet?” It must be his guilty conscious talking, because Spencer cannot conjure up any other reason he has for asking such a moronic question. He, personally, could not care less about the vet. Full offense intended.
“Cameron is a nice guy, sure,” you trail off. Spencer doesn’t miss the way your eyes drift down to his lips before returning to his eyes. “But he’s not really my type.”
“And what is your type, exactly?” A giddy grin finds its way to Spencer’s face. He’s notorious for being chronically clueless, but even the master of imperception himself can see where this is going. 
You snort, and it’s adorable. “Liars, apparently.”
It’s impossible to determine who moves first, but that doesn’t really matter. What does matter is the end result of Spencer’s lips colliding with yours. It’s earth-shatteringly lovely; slow and sweet and tentative. There’s no rushing, no frantic fumbling of hands. Just the reverent drag of your lips against his, warm and intoxicating. 
Spencer eventually regains the use of his limbs and when he does, he’s snaking one arm around your waist as the other entangles itself in your wonderfully unruly hair. 
You sigh a happy sigh against his lips and Spencer’s heart soars. In a completely unforeseen turn of events, the possibility of more lazy Sunday mornings is now back on the table. Thank God he’s better at lying than he gave himself credit for. 
God, and Derek Morgan’s meddling ass. 
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diorjadore · 3 years
Headaches — Vinnie Hacker
Part 2 of the California Series
Pairing/s: Vinnie Hacker x fem!reader
Summary: She finally made it to Los Angeles after months of planning! Looking forward to a hot girl summer with her friends, she catches the eye of a famous social media influencer.
Warning/s: Drinking
Word Count: ~2.2k words
Song Suggestion/s:
July 9 Saturday, 10:30 am
It was the day after meeting Vinnie and you still didn’t know that Celine gave him your number. Your head was pounding from the drinks you consumed and you felt like the world was coming down on you. Nadine wasn’t spared either because she’s still lying on her bed with all the curtains drawn. Neither of you could help each other. You persevered through as you forced yourself to take a relaxing bath, putting what the hotel had to offer to good use.
You’re supposed to meet Eloise, Celine, and Red for brunch somewhere in goddamn Los Angeles, you honestly couldn’t care less where, you just needed food. Nadine passed on the chance and just ordered room service, too exhausted to even get out of bed.
It was a good day in LA with the sun out, occasional blowing of horns towards those who can’t drive can be heard from the inside. Celine was acting suspicious, asking if you found guys to mess around with already. You told her no but maybe though when you all go to the frat party later. The game plan is to make an appearance, do a lap around the house, talk to some Chads, drink a little, and wait for Eloise until she’s done fucking her Tinder-frat boy, and then dip. Excessive drinking at frat parties is a dangerous move.
There’s something about this city’s energy that doesn’t sit right with you. You’re not one to judge but every person that caught your eye here seems to all have similarities; they’re all…fixed. Trust me, that’s not a bad thing but this place feels like what the internet would look like personified. You would only see people that got work done on Instagram and Tiktok but it shocked you, and your friends apparently, that they were real, functioning people. From the conversations you overheard from brunch, it seems as if they have fake personalities too. That was way worse, you thought. You repelled the idea of visiting for a short while and especially living here as you were already impatient to head East. You finished brunch and bid your goodbyes for now as you will see them later anyways.
Around the afternoon, you got a text from an unknown number.
+ 310 444 9815
Hi i dont know if you remember me but im the guy from last night, Vinnie Hacker. Ur friend gave me ur number and i figured i get to know u while ure here while showing u around.
+ 917 221 7367
Hey! Of course i remember you. I guess it would be nice to be shown around LA, whats d worst that could happen right? :’)
Vinnie Hacker, Boa LA (+ 310 444 9815)
Nice! How does tomorrow sound? Lmk ur address n ill pick u up by 5. Is that ayt with u? We could go to d beach n have a picnic hehe maybe watch d sunset?
Y/n, cutie from bday dinner (+ 917 221 7367)
I would love that! We’re staying at Sheraton. See u then! :’)
You blushed at his date idea because you found it cute, he even planned it in advance. That’s a first, you thought. Most guys would just arrange a poor date specifically timed at night hoping that you’ll let them smash.
9:00 pm
You were the designated driver for tonight and that was alright with you because you didn’t plan on drinking at all. As you arrived, the house was somewhat packed. From the blonde broads to the frat brothers wearing tank tops shotgunning, you were already itching to go home. Maybe wait for an hour and a half?
You couldn’t stop thinking about your date with Vinnie tomorrow. Why was he being so accommodating to you? You’re certainly not his type, well you figured because all his past girls looked like clones. You couldn’t be more wrong though, that man is falling hard. He couldn’t stop thinking about you last night and today that it even creeped him out, obsession much?Jett’s ears were about to fall off from how much his best friend worried out loud that your date with him would be a disaster. The raven haired boy assured him that it would be fine, the worst that could happen is either him throwing up on you or him bringing the boys along for moral support. What a loser he would be if that happened.
All of those nerves were due to the fact that he doesn’t go on dates at all. All holed up in his room playing games with his friends day in and day out, you would think he only talks to Liza and the girls from the Hype House, a total of 3. And you being beautiful intimidated him even more, he really wants to impress you. He has to keep his cool though despite his urge to just confess his feelings.
You were snapped out of your thinking when Celine asked you her question again from brunch. “Yeah, some guy actually texted me awhile ago. Did you have anything to do with that?” You asked and she sipped on her cup.
“I’m just doing God’s work.” She shrugged and smirked. You thanked her in your mind because you can’t ever tell her how giddy you got when Vinnie texted you. After a few minutes, you finally reunited with your friends as you were ready to go home.
July 10 Sunday, 4:40 pm
You’re finally getting ready for your date with Vinnie! You had a hair appointment that afternoon so you didn’t worry about styling it anymore, you just touched up your light makeup and changed into a white dress, Converse shoes, dainty jewelry, and a small bag containing your things and both your film and polaroid camera. Vinnie texted that he’ll be there in 5 minutes so you went down to the lobby and as if right timing, you saw him pull up in front. You smiled as you saw him rush out of his car to open the door for you. You greeted him and supported yourself by putting your hands on his shoulders as you kissed him on the cheek. He turned red but you didn’t notice, thankfully for him.
He was a blushing mess the whole way, still relishing at the fact that you kissed him, truly a contagious site to see. Both of you didn’t talk much for the whole ride. It wasn’t awkward silence but rather a comforting one. Neither of you wanted to ruin such a pure moment. Sometimes, he would steal glances at you when you would turn to see the sites that LA has to offer, perfectly illuminating your beauty. You would also sometimes look at him and down at his hands holding the shifting gear, how you wish your hands were under his or how you wish that it was intertwined with yours on your thighs as you soothe his large ones.
The beach wasn’t crowded at all when you got there, a few people here and there. You asked if you could set the picnic with him but he refused. You watched him make a fool of himself as he tried to flatten the picnic blanket, the sides would turn due to the wind. “Maybe I do need your help.” He sheepishly said as you happily obliged. He brought those aesthetically pleasing cakes you only see on Pinterest, a mini cheese board, sandwiches, and juice boxes.
You were eating as you faced the ocean waiting for the sunset as you laughed. “This is so cheesy.” You said while grinning. He must’ve not understood you because he thought you found it ridiculous, that you found him ridiculous.
“I’m sorry I didn’t have any idea what to do on a first date and I wanted to make a good impression…” He rambled and sat up from his side lying position in panic.
You put a hand on his forearm which made him immediately stop. “This is a first date?” You look at him in the eyes, amused by how fast he gets flustered.
“Yeah, well I wanted it to be but I guess not anymore.” He sighed. You playfully shoved him as you let out a chuckle.
“Vinnie, I’m playing! You need to chill. Yes I know this is a first date, I could tell by how nervous you are. And I said cheesy because I found it adorable how you thought of all of this. It’s definitely a great first date, better than the ones I’ve been on.” You comforted him and you saw how his eyes lit up, calmness taking over. He thought about what Jett said earlier about throwing up and he thanked the heavens that he didn’t though he almost did.
You sat there again in comfortable silence watching the sun set right in front of you, you wanted to capture the moment so you pulled out your film camera. “Woah! You have one?” He said in amazement.
“No, Vinnie this isn’t real.” You playfully rolled your eyes.
“You’re mean.” The blond huffed.
“No I’m not.” You smiled at how childish he was, it’s cute if you have to be honest.
“You’re right, no you’re not.” He grinned while looking at you as you set up your camera. One side of your hair was tucked behind your ear and your eyebrows were furrowed, the light catching your good side, the wind blowing and the waves served as background music. How many times does one need to fall? He thought to himself. One too many, hell, as much and as deep as you want. His heart retorted.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You looked up at him and down again as you finished setting the camera. He didn’t answer but he did smile in embarrassment. Right on cue, you snapped a picture of him with his eyes crinkled close as he rubbed his eyes. He took it from your hands and took a picture of you as well. The wind was in your favor as it perfectly blew your hair, the lighting behind you a beautiful purple, pink, and orange color.
“Come here, let’s take a picture.” You said and he scooted near you. You pointed the camera at both of your faces. Your head was leaning in between his head and shoulders as his arm sneaked its way to your waist, the sudden touch sparked heat inside the both of you. You both smiled and took another one; the two of you looking at each other with the most loving eyes. You decided to snap a picture on your polaroid camera as well. Vinnie could kiss you then and there and you told yourself that if he did then you would be his forever. It was the perfect moment one could ask for. He was shy, you were shy but that didn’t ruin the bliss you separately felt, together.
You didn’t want to end your date at all so you asked. “So when will you take me to the State Fair?” He looked up at you and smiled.
“I wanted to ask you about that but I felt like I would be pushing it too far.” He reasoned out but you can tell from his face how willing he is to spend more time with you.
“Let’s go right now then.” You said and he almost dragged you back to the car.
7:45 pm
There were a lot of people at the fair and some even took pictures with Vinnie. This was what worried you the most; being seen with him. No, you weren’t embarrassed, hell, who in their right mind would? It’s the rabid fans that think they have some weird possession over him. You knew that you’ll get threats for this and for that to not happen is for Vinnie to act like you don’t exist on the internet. Let them go crazy with their assumptions about his love life, you know he’ll never speak of it. You felt some of them eyeing you so you kept your distance while they took pictures with him, they never acknowledged your presence.
“Sorry about that.” Vinnie apologized after he was done taking pictures with the teenage girls.
“It’s alright. Do you wanna ride the Ferris Wheel?” You eased the awkward tension. He agreed and you hopped in one of the cars. The view was spectacular to say the least. You can see the lights from the booths and the both of you watched as the people below turned into ants. You pulled out both cameras and you tried to immortalize the both of you, this moment, and this feeling.
He’s such a surreal feeling. He’s like a gust of wind on a humid day, a nostalgic song suddenly blasting on the radio, a hearty breakfast to fuel you for the day. You struggle to find words and analogies to express what he feels like through primal senses right now but you hope that those words will arrive at your doorstep at the right time, right when you need to say it the most to him.
Vinnie had his shoulders wrapped around you when suddenly he said. “I wanna know who you are, Y/n.” You looked directly at his eyes as he gently grabbed your chin and gave you a soft chaste kiss as you laid your hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. He kissed you again and again and again until you were smiling and giggling. Your thought about him kissing you making you his forever finally came true.
Author’s Note: Hello i hope yall listen to d songs its good imo! I enjoyed writing this hehe i wanted to include y/n meeting Harry Raftus bc thats his frat but like what will he contribute to d story lol AHAHAHA
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Just Give Me Time (Charlie Barber x Reader)
Summary: One day when going through Charlies night stand you find something you really didn't expect to find.
Warnings: Angst, infidelity, cheating, mentions of divorce
Word Count: 1,907
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You were bustling around Charlie’s apartment filling up a small backpack ready for the day. It was a warm Saturday afternoon and the plan was already lain out; you were going out to photograph the new vintage fair that had come into the city a couple of weeks ago. You and Charlie rarely had days out, both of you makes excuses of being too tired from work so the principle of getting an outing with your boyfriend made you giddy! Charlie had already promised to treat you to as many cotton candies and ice cream you could muster, watching you bounce around like a little excited kid made his heart swell with joy.
“Charlie!” you called out throughout the apartment “Where did you put the little bag for the digital camera?”
“Ummm… try my night stand” he said absentmindedly, rustling around in the bags to get them ready.
You pulled your eyebrows down in confusion popping your head round the door, “Why would they be-“ but he was already walking away from you into the kitchen. You rolled your eyes and figured you’d give his suggestion a shot.
Making your way into the bedroom you slid open the top drawer on his side of the bed.
You didn’t even register what you were looking at at first, brain still in a rush to find this camera bag and get out the door, but then your eyes focussed a little more on what was in front of you.
For some reason you sunk to your knees, almost following your stomach which had dropped down to your feet. The voice in the back of your brain reminded you that you’d never been in this drawer, not that you’d had a reason too. Charlie kept his reading material, phone and glasses on the top of the stand, condoms in the bottom drawer and medications in the bathroom so why else would you need to go in here.
But now you knew why.
Sitting in the back of the drawer on Charlie’s side of the bed was a simple gold ring on top of a picture of a little boy, probably about 7 or 8 years old.
Walking back into the living room you could see Charlie packing the last few things into your bag, on any other occasion you would see this as a sweet gesture but right now you could barely stand to look at him. Your eyes almost immediately dragged themselves away from him as your stomach churned. “What’s this?” you asked in a small voice, trying to keep your tone neutral. A tiny part of you was hoping there was a reasonable explanation. Your hands shook a little holding the two items out to him, surely there had to be another reason?
Maybe the ring was his grandads and it was a gift when he passed away? Maybe the boy was a nephew you didn’t know about?
Charlie turned to you smiling, looking from your face down to your outstretched hands, and stopped dead in his tracks. The sudden twist of his features told you everything you needed to know. Instant silent tears began to drip steadily down your cheeks as the reality washed over you.
“Are you married?” despite your determination to keep your voice level having to utter those words made you tremble. Despite how nauseous the words made you it had to be him that told you, no room for presumptions or assuming the worst – you needed to hear him say it.
“S-sweetheart, listen I-“
“Are you married?” you shouted, anger and humiliation bubbled over and you couldn’t bear to hear him stammer.
A simple, quiet reply was all that followed, “Yes”
You scoffed in shock and held your stomach tight, fighting the bile that threatened to rise up. Your legs felt like they wanted to collapse again, like everything in your body was telling you to ground yourself in this ridiculous reality.
“We’re divorcing!” Charlie rushed out, taking a step towards you. Holding your hand up you stopped him, not wanting him to come any closer to you let alone touch you. Your skin crawled as his fingers stayed outstretched.
“Do you think that matters?” you spat; he waved his hands in response like he was attempting to get words to come out. You noticed that they were shaking as he did so.
You continued in his silence, “We’ve been seeing each other for nearly 9 months Charlie! You didn’t think to mention that you were still married?”
He nodded, “Of course I did but… it’s complicated”
“OH I’m sure it is!”
You looked down at the little collection you had in your hands, the tip of your thumb played with the worn gold band but you were focussed on the picture that was below it.
“Your son?” you asked accusingly, holding it up for him to see.
He nodded again, this was the quietest you’d seen Charlie in a long time and you were almost pleased, “Henry”
“Cute name” you sniffed and wiped the cascading tears away roughly with the back of your hand.
A deathly uncomfortable silence fell over the room; all that could be heard was Charlie’s laboured breathing and your sniffles. It was a pathetic scene to say the least. Suddenly, like a white hot flash, you realised you were still clutching the picture with his wedding ring and you felt dirty. You unceremoniously dropped them onto the side table next to you, fighting the temptation to wipe your hands down your jeans.
There was no real shouting, no screaming, throwing things and calling him names. The reality was dumbstruck silence. You felt like you’d been hit by a truck, your limbs shook and your stomach ached. Blinking your eyes you tried to push away the tears and the fact that your head felt like it was spinning.
You were the other woman, at the ripe old age of 28 you were a mistress. It made your blood boil in your veins to think you’d been tricked into hurting another woman.
“How did I not know?” a question for yourself as well as him, you stood shaking your head in disbelief as you received no reply, “I’m so stupid!”
Charlie stuttered, no words making an appearance before his shoulders slumbered and his voice quietened. You stared at him, eyes wide with the horror at his lack of even a defence.
“I’m going home” you said turning frantically to find your jacket and bag.
“Please wait…” Charlie whispered, now the tears began spilling down his cheeks as he spoke up. You noticed how his bottom lip shook as he reached out for you and it made your stomach twist with a strange sympathy. His large hands grappled with your forearms as you tried to stand back from him but his grip was strong enough to hold you.
You gasped a little as he dug his fingers into your skin in desperation, “You’re hurting me” you whimpered and he instantly let go.
“I love you”
Staring up at him you didn’t know whether to slap him or hold him, his face held the picture of complete grief. You shook your head in response and now it was your turn to stutter, lowering your gaze to the floor you kept your eyes on your feet.
Before you could really form words he kept speaking, “I love you! I love you! I love you!” he gasped in a breath and his hands returned to cover your forearms.
“Please don’t go. I… I should have told you. I was going too! But I was scared I would lose him”
Those words caused your eyes to snap up to his face. He nodded, “I thought she would go after me if she knew…. I would never see my son again!” and then it was like something snapped inside him and his towering body crumpled.
Slipping down to his knees he rested his palms on your hips, curling his fingers to grip the material of your jumper. Your body swayed with the force of his actions and your hands found steadying purchase on his broad heaving shoulders. Charlie sobbed, unabashed and completely broken, into your body. Your own tears joined in and you couldn’t help but weave your fingers into his hair and stroke gently along his scalp.
“Please just… give me time to explain everything. There’s so much… I-I can’t…” he cried, coughing and spluttering around his sobs.
“Charlie I-“
“Please!” he practically screamed, in that moment he gazed up at you and your heart shattered once again.
Nothing about him felt malicious or cruel; he was just a lost man who didn’t know what to do. A man whose own actions caused a whirlwind in his life that he didn’t know how to control. A man who just loved his son.
“I-I’m also going to need time” you stuttered, bending down to his level. He still sobbed violently remaining clutched too you as best as he could. Your brain felt like it was rattling in your skull, mere moments ago you were happily in love with the most amazing, brilliant, strong dependable man and now…. now you didn’t know anything.
You stroked back his ruffled hair that was sticking to the tears on his face, snot ran down his top lip from the force of his sobs and you scrunched your jumper sleeve to wipe it away. He nodded rapidly in response to your statement, chewing on his bottom lip to stop it from wobbling, and brought his hands up to cup your face.
“Do you understand that I never meant to hurt you?” he asked, “You are the one thing, other than my son, that has kept me alive through all this fucking shit! You are the one thing that makes me happy. Everything is so… fucked up!”
Everything was so fucked up. Everything was so confusing and you didn’t know what the right answer was here. Part of you wanted to walk out and never come back; your friends would scold you for even still being here. They’d tell you that Charlie lied for 9 whole months! And that divorce or no divorce he was a married man with a child who had stakes in all this. A young kid who would live his whole life affected by your actions from here on out.
But this was the problem - you loved Charlie, that’s why it was confusing. You loved him more than anyone you’d ever met and you just couldn’t let yourself make this so cut and dry. Your heart ached to see Charlie cry and… you didn’t know the situation really. For all you knew his soon to be ex-wife was the worst person alive and she deserved everything she got.
You tried to convince yourself of that but honestly it wasn’t all that convincing. She was probably just some normal woman just like Charlie was some normal man. Maybe she fucked him up, maybe she didn’t.
In this moment you realised you didn’t want to save him. But maybe you could still love him. You were making no promises other than to hear him out, with the ever present threat that you could decide to leave him and never come back if this situation didn’t feel right.
Reaching up you brushed back tears from his flushed cheeks, you nodded once to confirm you understood.
“Just… give me time”
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gohyuck · 3 years
hometown (lee jeno) teaser
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pairing: jeno lee x reader
genre: smut, angst
teaser word count: 1.5k
fic word count: 7k+ (it looks like it may end up being, like, 11-12k? i’m unsure)
teaser warnings: wet dream, one-sided emotional affair, jerking off into a shared bathroom sink, some discussion of math, general hatred of “the System”, mentions of depression
general plot warnings for the fic: infidelity: reader cheats on yuta and jeno cheats on his original character gf and neither of their partners find out so there isn’t even a nice little revenge scene at the end... it’s literally just them getting away with cheating, leftist thought points/philosophies discussed even if they aren’t outright stated as leftist, both implicit and explicit discussion of mental illnesses (mostly depression and suicidal ideation but like it isn’t explicit ideation and they don’t actually want to die they kind of just don’t want to exist), general disillusionment with the system, jeno and the reader are not very happy people and are actually full of a lot of hopelessness about society and the future of the planet as a whole, explicit mentions of American politics/legislation/etc. and implicit criticization of them, mentions of drugs (weed), the characters are so self-aware that it hurts me to write them because i feel bad for them and feel even worse for their significant others
A brief taste of hair in his mouth - he doesn’t like it, he decides then and there - before you pull yourself away from him, laughing softly at the way you’d accidentally shifted just as he’d leaned in to press a kiss against your forehead. You reach up to smooth the wrinkle between his eyebrows, a gesture more symbolic than anything, and he straightens his face out himself, trading the hair-in-mouth disgust in for the gentle smile he’d had just before being so rudely assaulted. It’s as you start to move your hand away from his face that the two of you meet eyes, and a corner of Jeno’s mouth turns up as he circles his hand around your wrist to stop it mid-air.
“Kiss?” He asks, one of his brows arched now. You can’t look at it too long, knowing that the urge to pluck away at his stray hairs will overcome you. Instead, you train your gaze on his cupid’s bow, thinner upper lip giving way to the kind of full lower lip you love to sink your teeth into. Jeno makes the prettiest noise when you do so.
“Mhm,” You respond, sounding noncommittal to the world but absolutely sure to the boy you’re straddling. He grins fully now, right before leaning up to capture your lips in his. The first touch is just a little clumsy, just slightly awkward, but after the initial meeting it’s only up from there. It’s easy, natural, the way you dissolve into each other, a mess of tongue and teeth as his hands grip the cloth across your back that much harder, as you grind the apex of your thighs down into his with that much more force. Time progresses at the speed of light. Time doesn’t progress at all.
It’s only a matter of seconds before Jeno cums in his pants, but it’s only a matter of seconds before you do, too. He knows it. It’s what happened when he’d actually lived through this, and it’s what happens now, over and over again, a moment preserved in time with a delicacy only minds can make. The stuff of dreams, literally.
Jeno wakes up right before it happens. It isn’t jarring only because he’s used to it. His fourth alarm of the morning is blaring, and he uses one hand to haphazardly wipe the sleep out of his eyes while extracting his other arm out from underneath his girlfriend in order to reach his phone. She’s sound asleep - she always is - and he envies her for a moment before turning the alarm off and, for good measure, turning his goddamn phone off too.
It’s a bit fucked, he realizes once he’s properly come to, for him to have a wet dream about you when Minhee is right there, still sleeping off the way he’d fucked her into the bed last night. He’s had this revelation twelve nights and days in a row now. For a split second he feels bad, feels as if he’s the worst person on Earth, but it’s easily overshadowed by the way his cock is straining in his boxers. This has happened for the past 12 days too.
Jeno’s always wanted to have a daily routine.
He slides out of bed, careful not to wake Minhee, before slipping the nearest shoes on - gold Nike slides, a birthday gift from Jaemin who’d insisted that Jeno wear colorful things even if it’s just in their dorm room - and making his way to the bathroom him and Jaemin share with Renjun and Donghyuck. They’re the best suitemates he could possibly have, but he’s even more glad in this moment: none of them will be awake ‘til noon. It’s a Saturday.
He can jerk off in peace.
Just in case, Jeno locks both the bathroom doors and double checks to make sure that they’re locked before he finally, finally slips a thumb under his waistband, forcing it down with almost gratuitous speed. He can’t help the soft grunt that bubbles up from the back of his throat as he wraps one hand around his dick. He braces the other against the mirror for balance, just in case.
Jeno swipes across the base of his tip with his thumb, his eyes sliding shut at the feeling. He moves his wrist up once, lets precum drool over his own fingers for a second before sliding his hand back down with purpose, slicking himself up to make the slide between his cock and his calloused palm easier. It isn’t Minhee’s face or body that sear themselves into the inside of his eyelids as he strokes himself, bottom lip folded in between his teeth. You’d love to bite it, tug on it. He imagines your face as you’d cum from grinding against him that one time.
He tightens his grip.
He’d never actually fucked you: you hadn’t wanted to lose your virginity to someone who was so starry-eyed, so untarnished by the ways of the world. You didn’t want to take the virginity of someone like that either. It felt wrong on every level somehow. You’d made sure to tell him so, never one to mince words, not even as a 16 year old. The breakup hadn’t come long after the singular time he had (in his pants, he remembers with a wince… always with a wince when he isn’t dreaming of it) and although it didn’t work out romantically between the two of you, you’d stayed friends for the rest of your high school careers. Even now, both in different parts of the country for college, the two of you keep up, more or less, with each other. It’s friendly in a way it wasn’t before.
You’d been having your manic pixie dream girl arc the year you’d dated him, Jeno supposes now. Cynical, hopeless, bitter at the world and hating everything and everyone. The world was and is awful, and you were too aware of it, or so you said. Jeno wants to laugh so badly at that old version of you, the one that had broken his heart, but he finds that he can’t anymore. A too-big part of him thinks you might’ve been right about everything.
You’d slept with YangYang Liu in senior year, had called Jeno afterwards to see if he’d go with you to get Plan B at 3 a.m. on a Friday. It’d been hardly a week after he’d cum embarrassingly early while sleeping with someone - a girl from his third period class - for the first time. He’d swallowed his suddenly resurfacing heartbreak to pick you up and drive you to the nearest CVS in the same car you’d made out with him so many times before. He’d swallowed his moans later that night as he lay in bed, fisting his cock tightly at the thought of gripping your thighs so hard they bruised, at sinking into you, at how warm, how wet, how tight - fuck!, he’d hissed to himself then, having bitten so hard into the hand he’d used to quiet himself that blood bloomed from broken skin.
Jeno had cum hard then, and he cums just as hard now, canine splitting the flesh of his lip as he muffles his long, drawn out groans. The metallic taste of blood is enough to push him further over the edge, and he practically hunches in on himself as spurts of opaque white liquid land in the bathroom sink. He’s satiated for now. He remembers all the work he has to do - midterms are upcoming - and his post-orgasm glory fades as soon as it’d come.
After an earth-shattering orgasm to properly wake him up, everything else feels twice as mundane as usual. Jeno’s quick to run hot water in the sink, making sure all evidence of his one-sided emotional affair is gone, before brushing his teeth and pissing. He’d shower, but for some reason he can’t bring himself to. Sometimes, he can’t bring himself to for two days, or three. Deodorant and Minhee’s perfume are his best friends now. Donghyuck, psych major that he is, calls it depression. Jeno, hellbent on never letting Hyuck be correct, calls it ‘finally experiencing ego death’.
He thinks Hyuck is right, though. He won’t say so.
Jeno’d come in as a mechanical engineering major, though he thinks he might switch to computer science. If he’s going to be a corporate shill - he’s realized, quite quickly, that there’s not much else to be - he may as well do it as efficiently as possible. He’d started college with the firm belief that the world is easy to change, and that he can help to do so. He’d dispelled this concept less than three weeks in.
He has midterms to study for, and corporate shill-dom to look forward to for it. Jeno should open the blinds - Jaemin isn’t here right now anyways, and Minhee’ll sleep through that, too - and sit down at his messy desk and get to work. He should study up on eigenvectors and eigenvalues - they’re easy, but they’re comfortable, and Jeno has started to like comfortable - or work through his solids textbook. He should, he should, he should.
Jeno doesn’t even pause between leaving the bathroom and climbing back into bed. Minhee shifts, and he presses a gentle kiss to her forehead before settling in beside her.
He has this moment, so he takes it. He doesn’t feel like he has many moments to himself anymore.
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fanfiction-inc · 2 years
“What Could Go Wrong?”
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Verse: Stranger Things
Characters/Pairings: Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson/ Reader, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Jonathan Byers, and Nancy Wheeler
Rating: Explicit
Warnings/Tags: Drinking, Drug Use, Oral Sex (female receiving), Sex in general, Fingering, Vaginal Fingering, Creampie (wrap it up kiddos), Jealousy, Possessive Sex, Aftercare, Eddie just wants the reader, And Steve has a way of bringing out the "worst" in him, Over 18 reader
Word Count: 7,960
Summary: When truth or dare takes a turn, Eddie makes something of the jealousy he feels.
Link to Ao3 Version: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40121673
Saturday night, home alone with parents hundreds of miles away on business, and a liquor cabinet that isn’t locked away safely. What could go wrong? The phrase keeps playing in your mind as you sit among the circle of your friends, liquor swirling slowly in your system and a buzzed smile lingering on your lips. You had planned this little party after you found out your mother and father had to rush away on urgent work business, thinking maybe you could take a break from all the studying and applying for colleges and just finally relax. You didn’t have your parents hounding at you to finish another personal essay, or study harder for the SAT’s. You didn’t have to worry over someone just walking in while you conversate over the phone only to yell at you to get back to work, or try to tell you what direction to take your life in.
“No, you can’t go with your friends this weekend. You need to ace the math portion of the test!”
“Don’t even think about going to that concert so and so is going to. That shit is the DEVIL!”
No this, no that.
No. No. No.
“Alright! Alright! Steve, it’s your turn.” The words leave you as you scoot in a touch closer to the circle of people. Truth or dare, you remember playing the game one time before back in middle school at a makeshift birthday party hosted by one of the girls in your class. It was all a ruse, you came to find out, for her to get to “first base” with Scotty McAllister, the prettiest boy in the school that all the girls fawned over. You never saw the appeal, but hey, to each their own. Steve adjusted in his spot, the can of the cheapest beer a fake ID could buy hitting the ground and rolling, threatening to topple over and spill the remaining contents but settling to stay upright. He cleared his throat, a lazy grin meeting his lips. “Hm, okay. (First name), truth or dare?” You knew it would have to come around to you eventually, Robin and Jonathan having already been in the hot seat in the past couple of questions. Nancy was lucky to scrape by, having only been asked truths so far, and Eddie, oh poor Eddie, has been the subject of every minuscule dare one could do without entering the territory of perversion. But that seemed to fade away as the liquor pushed the group.
You ponder the question for a moment, sipping the contents in your plastic cup and feeling the subtle burn run down your throat and into your chest. It warms you further, the summer night having already made you dress down to your top and shorts, forgoing the sweater you had thrown on before everyone arrived and the shoes now abandoned by the poolside. “Truth.” You hear a groan from the sassy girl beside you, Robin rolling her eyes at your response. “Of course, you play it safe!”
“Oh hush!” You stick your tongue out at the girl, the act mirrored as she stuck her tongue out at you in turn. A whistle sounds in the air and your head snaps back to Steve, the brunette grinning towards you as he pats his hands on his knees in anticipation. Fuck, this wouldn’t be good. “When was the last time, before this party, you did something your parents wouldn’t approve of?” Ah, it wasn’t an overtly bad question, but it was one that still made your cheeks heat as you recall the days, weeks, and months leading up to before this party. You did a couple things, mainly because your friends had a habit of sneaking you out at night to experience life without the bars your parents insisted you stayed behind. If they knew all you’ve done thus far, they’d send you off to some Catholic school in the middle of nowhere to deter you from this “rebellious” attitude you’ve developed. You sigh as you straighten up, biting at your lip gently. “Well, Steve, I stole twenty dollars from my father’s wallet before he left and bought this disgusting beer you’ve been drinking on all night.” He laughs at your words, shaking his head at you as sass fills his voice. “Oh, you rebel you! Not really being daddy’s good girl, huh?” You scoff, rolling your eyes at his word. Of course, that was all everyone ever saw you as. The good girl with a good family trying to get good grades and be someone she knew deep down she wasn’t. Steve saw you as this perfectionist, which admittedly you are, but you’ve been learning how to let go and just get it done without worry if it’s perfect. Life wasn’t perfect. You glance to the one who began showing you a different view of the world after you joined this friend group. Eddie met your gaze after a moment of feeling like someone was watching him, sending you a buzzed smile that made one meet your lips.
You shared your first joint with him. Got your first experience outside of the general music and talk show radio that your parents played on the way to school with him. Metallica, Iron Maiden, Mercyful Fate, he showed you bands that at first scared you, but then excited you to hear each time he pulled into the school parking lot with his van, blaring the tunes even behind closed windows. Eddie showed you things you never expected you’d learn about and experience, just as the rest of the group has shown you in their own ways.  “Robin, truth or dare?” Robin glances to you with an excited gaze, always the risk-taker. “Dare.” She wiggles her brows at you, a laugh erupting from your lips before you regain your composure. “Make it a sexy one.”
Sexy, alright you could try that.
“I dare you to do your sexiest fake orgasm while looking at Nancy.” A collective laugh of disbelief leaves the group as they look between you and the girl with color spreading across her cheeks. “Wow, okay um…Wow.” She can’t make any words come to mind that were coherent, shocked by your dare but loving it nevertheless. Maybe they had finally done it, corrupted this “pure and perfect” girl that everyone knew you to be. She shifts to sit on her knees, facing Nancy who chewed her lip and watched the girl psych herself up. After a moment of tension and awkward silence, a soft, almost mewl like sound leaves her lips, gently building up into a quicker, heavier tempo. Each moan grows more until she overexaggerates a wail of imaginary bliss, making everyone bust out laughing as she pretends to be having the best pornstar-esc orgasm of her life. She throws her head back, laughing along with the others at the conflicting look embedded onto Nancy’s features, the girl unsure what to make of the scene she had to witness firsthand. “Bravo!” She pretends to take a bow before looking to the next person in the group who was subject to the risk of each question and dare. Her attention turns towards Jonathan who fumbles with a baggie Eddie had brought for the night, finally getting the flimsy packet open to snag out one of the pre-rolled joints. “Johnny boy,” he hums in response as he fishes out a lighter and lights the joint, looking to Robin, “truth or dare?”
“Have you ever jerked off thinking about Nancy?” He chokes on the drug-infused smoke as it passes his throat, coughing violently and letting the joint fall to the ground. Eddie scoops it up before it can go to waste, spending no time inhaling a big puff from it as his free hand comes around to smack the lad on the back, attempting to help him calm down. “W-What!?” “You heard me, Byers, have you ever jerked off thinking about Nancy?” He is red in the face by now, but it's unclear if it’s because of the coughing fit he is recovering from or the embarrassment he is facing from having to answer this question. “Do I have to answer that?” “You can pass,” Steve mumbles as he cracks open another beer, a grin taking to his lips as he meets Jonathan’s gaze, “but you’ll have to accept a punishment from Robin.” The lad looks on in horror at the smirking woman. It was either let everyone know his dirty little secret or suffer whatever fate Robin had planned for him. He shakes his head, sighing to himself. “Yes.” The words come out softly, and Robin holds a hand up to her ear, leaning in closer. “Come again, Johnny? Gotta speak up there.” “Yes! Okay? Yes!” He’s burning red now after blurting the words out, the blush across his face spreading down the length of his neck and to the tips of his ears. Nancy stares at him as he avoids her gaze, surprise littering her features and the twitch at the corner of her mouth indicating the shy smile trying to form its way. She was honored, that much was for sure, flattered too.
 “See, was that so hard to admit?” The metalhead grins to Jonathan, making the lad want to sink in even further on himself. He finally spares a glance to Nancy, instantly relaxing when he doesn’t get smacked or called a perv. Maybe it was the alcohol making it to where he wasn’t in trouble. Maybe she’d forget about the confession by the next morning. He hoped so. “Your turn, Byers.” Eddie reminds him before giving a noise of surprise when Steve snags the joint that was loosely hanging from his lips, sending him a cheeky look before stealing a small puff. He coughs softly when he exhales the smoke, absently jutting the joint out to you and pulling his hand back when you take it. God, this was so strange. Even with Eddie having snuck into your room before to deliver you a joint or two to take with you on a trip, just to get you by, you never smoked on the premises of your home before. You take a small inhale, straining for a second to withhold a cough before letting the smoke leave your lips. Practice has made it easier, that’s for sure. “Um okay…Eddie, truth or dare?”
“Do you really have to ask?” You joke towards Jonathan, grinning when you look to Eddie. He raises a brow at you before a smug grin meets his lips. For the past couple of rounds, he’s chosen dare. It’s natural of Eddie, the risk-taker as he liked to present himself as. “What, don’t think I’ll do truth, Ms. Always chooses truth?”
“No, I don’t, Mr. Always chooses dare!” You jab back, taking the final swig of your drink. He gives you a watch me look before turning his attention to Jonathan. “Lay it on me, man! Truth.”
“What would you say is your non-metal guilty pleasure?” Eddie blinks, surprised by the question and a silence fills the air excluding the gentle sloshing of a bottle as you pour more liquor into your cup. “I- What?” A laugh of disbelief leaves his lips, and he has to think for a second if he should answer or not. “Non-metal? Is there really any other music than metal?” “Madonna.” Robin pipes up.
“Bruce Springfield?” Steve questions.
“Kate Bush?” “That’s not real music!” Eddie argues with a pout before rolling his eyes at the others, setting his jaw as he crosses his arms.
“Then who, Eddie? You gotta answer the question!” “Queen, goddammit!” “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait!” You try to interject before he can say anything else.
“Nuh-uh, we didn’t agree on discussion!” He quickly bites back, trying to shut that shit down. “We totally have to discuss you liking Queen, Eddie!” You squeak, trying to get him to elaborate. Did he have a favorite album? Or just a song he had to play on repeat? “No, we fucking do not!”
You bicker with the metalhead for a while before Robin groans and interrupts you two with suddenly standing up, pointing to Eddie. “Ugh, you both sound like a fucking married couple! Just shut it already, you’re killin’ my buzz!” You shut up first, sending an apologetic look to your friend group before Eddie clears his throat, giving a faint “sorry”, and turns his attention to Steve. “Truth or dare, big boy?” Steve crosses his arms over his chest, brows raised in a challenging manner. “Dare.” “I dare you to kiss someone of your choosing from this group.” He gestured around the small circle, assuming he’d probably have yet another dick-fighting competition over Nancy with Jonathan. Might as well make it entertaining. “Make it spicy, yeah?”
Steve glanced around the group, carefully deciding who he’d choose before his eyes settled on yours. It was like slow motion, watching him get on his knees and move in close to you, his hand coming to rest of your cheek and tilt your head up to meet his. Eddie stared, his body going cold as he watched Steve lean in, pressing his warm lips against your own. He makes a show of it, tongue tracing your lip in a quiet question of entrance to which you nervously comply, tracing your own and coaxing you to return the kiss. The soft noise that leaves your throat when he pulls away, in awe of what just happened and the wink he sends you, it drives the group to gawk, and chocolate eyes you’ve seen so bright or so serious in the time you’ve known them darken. Eddie stares at the two of you, watching as Steve returns to his seat with a satisfied look and your dumbfounded, kiss-swollen look. Your fingers carefully rise to your lips, tracing them and feeling your cheeks burn. What the fuck was that? How the fuck- What? It was as if you were in a trace, lost in your mind with all the budding questions and oblivious to the way the metalhead boiled. But his looks didn’t go unnoticed by Harrington as he looked back to see his reaction, expecting a snarky comment about his work, a critique. Nor did the others who watches how his fingers dug into his knees and the way he stared on as if he could murder the very man who he dared to do it. Why did this bother him so badly? He couldn’t possibly explain, but all he could feel was the way it bubbled up inside him and drove him round.
Eddie was fucking jealous.
Robin all but takes over the next question, skipping you as you process and watching each and every movie Eddie makes. The way his eyes stay hooked on you, watching your every move like a fucking hawk. The way your fingers slowly drag down your lips and fall to your lap, how your breath had picked up just a touch. He wanted to make you feel like that. Wanted to leave you breathless and lips kiss-swollen and only thinking about him and- fuck, he couldn’t think about anything else, even when the turn fell to him. “Eddie.” “Hm?” “Truth or dare?” He looked back to Jonathan, seeing him look among the friend group before meeting Eddie’s gaze once more. “Tru-“ Robin quickly shakes her head at him, his brows shooting up in questioning. “Dare…?” “I dare you to kiss (First name), see if you’re any better than Harrington.” “Hey!” Steve pouts, but he gives a small nod towards Eddie. Eddie didn’t dare waste a single second, even when you give a quiet protest of “wait” because you’ve already been surprise kissed once now and here comes another, but his lips are on yours. It’s not slow and steady like Steve had made it. It’s quick and needy and filled with so much fire it leaves you feeling like jelly. You damn near melt when his teeth gently nip at your lower lip, pulling back and letting the flesh go in exchange for meeting your gaze. His eyes are so dark, pupils blown and chest heaving ever so gently. His gaze is intense, far more intense than you’ve ever seen it before and it makes something within you heat, core clench around nothing. It was a gaze that screamed “I’ll ruin you” but left the most delicious warmth to spread over your body and make you release the softest whimper that could barely be picked up…Only, Eddie picked it up, and it made him damn near purr at the sound. Fuck, he drew that from you, he made you do that.
“I um- Excuse me.” Wait- what? He watched as you pulled away from him, throwing the door that led into the house open and quickly making your way inside. Eddie watched you retreat, then hears the quiet laugh leaving Robin as she moved to lean back and catch Eddie’s gaze. “Seems someone is a bit flustered.” He sits back, worry etched into his brow. “Maybe you should go check and see if she needs a change of panties, hot shot.” She joked, giving his shoulder a push. He stands with a frown, shaking his head. This was stupid. HE was stupid. He shouldn’t have done that, shouldn’t have pushed the boundaries of your friendship, even with a couple drinks in him.
He makes his way inside while the others hang around and joke, looking around each room of the pristine home until he comes to the staircase. He pauses, unsure if he should follow you up or wait for you to come back down. Maybe you’re pissed with him. Maybe you just needed to get away because all of this was overwhelming, and he just made it go past the point of being okay. “Fuck it.” He goes up the stairs slowly, looking at every photo that lined the wall. Family photos, awards your father and mother had received. All achievements that he would never get because he wasn’t among the favored members of society. He wasn’t upset, not in the slightest, he was just happy he helped you see past all that. “(First name)?” He carefully, cautiously, knocks at your door, hearing the faint shuffling behind the door. When you open the door, his heart skips a beat. Puffy lips, kiss-swollen, beautiful, and so damn tempting to kiss again. Blushing cheeks, shaky breath, you were a beautiful mess. “You good?” He gives a small rub to the back of his neck, his intense gaze from before softened and worried. It was the same look he had when you’d go to him during school and ask to ditch because you had gotten into a fight with your parents and just needed to get away. Or when you were worrying about what was next, and he’d light a joint and help you calm back down to the present.
“I think so.” You whisper, seeing how he nervously shifted from one foot to another before opening the door wider for him to come in. He’s been in this room before, seen all that it was. It was plain, dull, just soft pastel purple on the walls and flower border. No posters, no books besides the literary classics and SAT how-to’s. No music, no real anything except for the Polaroid pictures surrounding your vanity. He looked over each one as you moved to close the door and return to your spot on the bed, hands resting on your lap. “Overwhelmed”?
“A bit.” You admit. “Wasn’t expecting to be kissed tonight, much less by two guys.” “If I went too far, ya gotta tell me, sweetheart.” That nickname, it makes your heart flutter and legs squirm. He catches a glimpse of such in the mirror, having to adjust the semi that’s growing in his pants since his back is to you. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” “You didn’t, Eddie.” He turns his head to look over his shoulder at you, scared to turn his whole body and show the effect you have on him, even without actually coming onto him. “I just- Holy fuck that was intense. I mean I just…Wow.” You laugh softly, shaking your head at yourself. “Who knew Eddie Munson was a good kisser?” A smile cracks on his lips at such words, but the cocky side of him was rising up. You didn’t say anything about Harrington, and it made him thrive. “Better than Stevie boy?” He questioned, turning back to the mirror and watching your expression.
“Better than Steve.” You confirmed all too quickly, hearing the lad laugh before moving to come sit at your side. He watches how your hands laid on your lap, clasped together and grip growing tighter with him around. He placed a heavy hand over your own joined ones, seeing your gaze flicker up to meet his. “So, I didn’t scare you off?” His words are near a whisper, subtly leaning in towards you and he wormed his fingers in between your own so he can grasp one of your hands, intertwining your digits with his. “N-Not at all.” You whisper back, the chill of the metal from his rings leaving you to shiver. Carefully he moves to stand, fingers keeping hold of yours as you fall back from your sitting position, your joined hands held above your head while the other rest on your rising chest. Your heart quickens its beats, chest heaves just a hint with the speed of your breathing. He uses his leg and kicks yours open, standing between them with a low noise of approval. You take in a shaky breath, meeting those chocolate eyes once again and feeling everything seem to fade away. The worries about your parents, about life. The dull interior of your room is forgotten, the voices from outside no longer loud enough over the beat of your own heart. It was all focused in on Eddie, locked in on the way he licks over his lips and breaths in a heavy breath.
“I never thought I would hate to see someone else kissing you.” The words leave him as he exhales, the pad of his thumb brushing over your knuckles. “First he’s all Dustin can talk about, and now he’s the one who gets to kiss you first. For all I fucking know he’s the first kiss you’ve had.” His grip tightens, and you gasp as his hips push up against your own, the semi-hard on he has pressing against your covered core rubbing deliciously. Your body trembles at the feeling, at the way his eyes darken as he moves his face in closer towards yours. You can feel the alcohol-laced breath fanning over your lips, the way his hair tickles your cheeks as it frames you both in. “If I’m being honest, I’m a bit jealous, but,” he brushes his lips over your own, lashes fluttering at the anticipation of being able to kiss you again, “I think I can prove to you just how much better I am than Harrington.” He waits a moment, a second just to make sure there are no protests before his lips are on yours again. It’s the same intensity, the same heat and need from before. And fucking hell, his lips feel like the one thing you’ve been missing this whole time, like they’re meant to be against your own, made for them. A noise rips from your throat, muffled by the mouth pressed against yours as his hips grind into you, feeling yours press back in turn. He pulls away for a quick breath before diving back in for another kiss, his free hand snaking up beneath the fabric of your top and feeling the way your skin erupts in goosebumps under the pads of his fingers. Maybe it’s the alcohol running through you that is making you press your chest up towards him, making your hips grind back and body buzz with newfound arousal, but it was a feeling you were living for. Eddie and even Steve may not be your first kiss, but Eddie sure as hell was the first guy to touch you like this. He was the first to show you he wanted you, needed you, and he made your body buzz in the most delicious way possible. You wrap your legs around him, heels pressing against his ass as he pushes your shirt up, revealing inch by inch your flushed skin. He could get lost in all that is you, and he hasn’t even gotten you undressed yet, gotten inside of you yet. Yet. His dick throbbed at the thought of such.
He pulls away to pull your shirt over your head, clicking his tongue in surprise at the colorful bra adorning your skin. “Mommy doesn’t know you own this one, does she?” He hummed in questioning, admiring the intricate lace around the border, the way it fit your figure perfectly. “R-Robin insisted I get this one.”
“She made a damn good choice. Suits you more than what your mother would prefer, I bet.” He trails his fingers along the material, feeling the way your nipples harden under his touch through the thin fabric. He toys with them for a moment, hearing the soft whine that leaves you before a squeal that makes your hand slap over your mouth when he gives a soft pinch. His hand shoots up and grabs yours away from your mouth, pinning it back in place with a chuckle that makes your core stir. “Nuh-uh, sweetheart. You’re not goin’ quiet on me tonight.” He repeats the motion to the other nipple with his free hand, earning another squeal that makes your lip tremble and hand twitch, wanting to cover your mouth and keep quiet. His eyes flick up to that hand, expecting in nature and giving a look of approval when you move your over hand to join the other, his long digits moving to wrap around both of your wrists. He already has such an effect on your body, and it makes your mind spiral, reeling at the way he can make each noise leaving your lips come out with such ease. Slowly, methodically he runs his fingers down the side of your chest, trailing back to worm under your body. You lift your back as much as you can, feeling his fingers fiddle with the clasp of the bra, flicking it open after a moment of struggle. “If I wasn’t a gentleman, I would have just ripped it off.” He mumbles the words more to himself than anything, pulling the bra up and letting go of your hands long enough to get the article of clothing off and tossed aside. He holds still for a moment, looking down at your exposed chest, committing every feature to memory. “Keep your hands up there for me, yeah?” You nod quickly but whimper when he grips your chin. “Hm? I thought I said I wanted to hear you. Now, keep your hands up there, okay?”
“Yes, Eddie.” Breathless, your voice is absolutely failing you, but the way you say his name with it makes him react like a man starved. He doesn’t dare take his eyes off you as he works his battle vest off, setting the denim aside on your nightstand before pulling the Hellfire Club shirt that clung to his arms so nicely off and letting it join the pile growing on the floor. Your first instinct is to touch him, to trace the inked skin of each tattoo with your fingers, but the second is to trail your eyes down, down and down as you watch the happy trail of dark hair led to the top of his pants. It’s taunting you, making you want to see more than he was offering at this moment. You keep your hands firm above you, no matter how badly you want to touch him, and eyes locked on his own despite the struggle to not glance lower and take in as much as you can. Eyes on him, hands up. You were a good girl, following orders.
What could go wrong?
“Fuck, I swear I’ve never seen someone so beautiful in my life, baby. Stevie boy couldn’t handle you, but ole Eddie knows just what to do.” You snort for a second, breaking the confident stride he had and making him blush with nerves. “Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?”
“It sounded sexier in my head.” He admits, chuckling at the smile on your lips. You were just too perfect for him. He didn’t deserve you. But Steve doesn’t either. Eddie moves his hands to your hips, slowly bringing them down to the top of your pants. With a yank, he pulls them down mid-thigh, reaching down to hoist a leg up and kiss at each bit of skin that’s exposed as he works your pant leg off. He repeats the process with the other leg until your pants are discarded to the pile and your legs are resting over his shoulders. The position makes you blush, seeing how he sinks down to his knees before you and has a perfect view of the panties you were currently soaking with each passing second of his body being so close to yours. His ego skyrocketed when he sees the wet patch that has formed, licking his lips at the view. “Sweetheart, is this all because of me?”
“Y-Yes.” He hums his approval, casually blowing on your damp crotch and seeing how your hips jump back at the sensation. It makes the tent in his jeans begin to hurt with how hard you’re getting him. So responsive, and all for him. He pulls you back towards him, starting a trail of burning kisses up along your leg. He works up to your thigh, ducking down to deliver a soft, teasing nip to the flesh of your inner thigh that makes you whimper out. It’s hot, watching every reaction you have from this viewpoint. His tongue, hot and wet, trails along the nip mark before dragging up to where your waistband meets your skin. “Don’t mind me,” he grabs the material between his teeth, looking up at you with a wicked look that makes you pulse, “just need to get rid of these.” Even with his voice muffled by the material, the sexual quality of his tone as you near moaning. He hasn’t even touched you where you need him most yet and you’re already about to fucking combust. Your ass rises to allow him to pull the material away and ass he gets it down, his eyes catch sight of your glistening sex. He damn near cums in his pants from the sight of it. So slick and inviting, he hurries along with getting the material down and doesn’t dare spend a second wasting time before he’s face to face with your cunt, diving in like a man lest thirsty in the desert and finally spotting a watering hole. A soft cry leaves your lips the moment his tongue does a full swipe from your entrance up to your bundle of nerves, licking through your delicate folds and repeating the motion once more.
He growls low in his chest as his tongue pulls back into his mouth, savoring the flavor left there. It’s his new favorite thing, he already deems it such before going back in for another energetic swipe. Eddie’s hands move to your things, keeping them in a firm grip and leaving the ever-so-subtle indents from his rings on your flesh as he drinks for your honey pot. His grip tightens with each brush to your clit, focusing on the bundle as sweet, delicious noise upon noise falls from your lips. It’s a struggle to do as he said, to keep your hands up rather than covering your mouth and hoping nobody from the part comes up to see what the fuck is going on. You know for a fact the door isn’t locked. You didn’t intend for this to happen, but do you regret it? Not for a damn second. Your body doesn’t seem to either as it grounds back against Eddie’s silver tongue, the man like a skilled devil with how he works it along your core. Each swipe, each slap against your bundle, it makes your chest heave, and quick breaths drawn in in between each noise that falls from your lips. He pauses for a moment, much to your dismay, his nose brushing the bundle as he purrs against your core. “Fuck, you taste so good. I swear you’ve just introduced me to my favorite drug. Makin’ me all addicted to you.” Addicted to you? You’re addicted to this man and that fucking tongue. For as long as he’s been between your legs, you haven’t looked down, too scared to know the mess you’re making of this man, but something compels you to sneak a glance. It's pure filth, delightful filth. His chocolate eyes look more black in the shadows of your room, his tongue working your clit in a way that makes your thighs tremble with each brush. He looked lust-stricken, hot, and downright devious as a hand pulls away to allow for a single-digit to enter your core. He watches your reaction, how your eyes can’t pull away and the moan ripped from your lungs follows when he adds a second. You’re so wet, and it’s so easy to push his digits in with all the natural lubrication your body was producing. His digits carefully curled with each pump, searching for that spot he knew existed but just needed a bit of coaxing to find.
You can hear the soft squelch noise that comes from you, embarrassed by all the wet noises coming from your core as he fingers you, but the embarrassment melts away the moment he takes your bundle between his lips, suckling hard and fingers pressing against that spot that makes you blank for a moment. A cry you’ve never heard yourself make before escapes your lips, the self-satisfied smirk the man wears as he works both points of pleasure growing with each passing second. Your walls squeeze at his digits, growing more rhythmic and intense as you build up and up. It’s without warning when it hits you, head falling back on the plush mattress as your orgasm takes over. Your thighs tremble, body rocks with each wave, but Eddie keeps you grounded as he works you through it until it’s almost too much and tears spring to your eyes. He carefully pulls his fingers from your core, standing between your legs as they fall to either side of him, like jelly. They feel weak, and you can hardly will your body to move, much less get your mind to think of anything besides the lad standing before you. Eddie’s chin glistened with your release, fingers coated in your mess and making a scissoring motion to look at the “damage”. He hums, dragging his eyes along your exposed form before connecting with your own half-lidded ones, a single-digit popping into his mouth and sucked clean. He repeats the motion with the second finger, an obscene sound leaving your lips at the sight of such. Your cunt clenches around nothing, erotic being the only word that comes to mind in your orgasm-riddled brain as you lets his fingers fall from his mouth with a soft pop. Your chest heaves softly, cheeks burning like the surface of the sun. In no instance have you ever came that hard, had such a quick build-up and powerful release. No guy could get you off like that, not with their fingers or tongue, but Eddie managed to rock your world in less than five minutes.
“Eddie.” His name falls from your lips softly as you recover, throat already a touch scratchy from the volume you had reached. If you thought about it too hard, you know you must have made quite the commotion, but not nearly giving the vocal performance Eddie wanted from you just yet. He knew he could get more, get you louder, but all in due time. “Yeah baby?” He whispered gently, hands falling to his belt as he worked it open and out of each belt loop. Your words fail you as you watch it come off, only returning the moment his hand is placed on your thigh, stabilizing you and reeling you back in. “M-More…Please?”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, there’s plenty more where that comes from.” The smirk lingering on his lips is telling, but the tent in his jeans, springing beneath the material of his underwear as he pushes them down and kicks them off each leg is far more telling. He casually loops his thumbs in the waistband before dragging the material slowly down, teasing you with each movement until he is freed and flopping against his abdomen. Your wildest dreams couldn’t prepare you for the sight of Eddie Munson naked in your bedroom, standing there over your nude body and looking like something straight out of a dirty magazine. With a gentle nudge, he pushes you up on the bed further so he can place his knees on the comfortable mattress. The box springs creak gently as he settles between your legs, bringing them back up to loop around his waist. “Goddamn, you’re so wet for me, sweetheart. I bet he couldn’t make you this wet.” The words leave him in a soft huff, a hand slotting between your bodies so he can drag the weeping tip of his cock along your slickened folds. So warm, he casually thrust between your folds, gathering your slick and his saliva mixture along his length, his cock brushing your clit with each move. Your hips push back and grind with each push, a soft grunt leaving his lips at the movement. He grows impatient after a moment longer of playing between your folds, pushing his cock down your slit until he rests at the entrance of your core. With one hand on your hip and the other moving to place beside your head, he spares one final look into your eyes. Is this okay? The silent question screaming in his gaze is enough to make you swoon, nodding before you feel him invade your core. A noise leaves your lips in a combination of discomfort and pleasure, the lad stretching you out more than his fingers previously had and pushing inch upon inch deep within your slick heat. It’s taking everything in him not to rush and settle balls deep, to take it slow as he eases into you. You just feel too damn good!
A moan falls from his lips when he’s finally settled fully inside you, joining with the soft noise you let out when you feel his body pressed against your lower half. With the time he uses to restrain himself, you’re adjusting to the dull throb of your core as it adjusts to his size, hips carefully moving once it’s enough to bear when your body demands further stimulation. A gasp falls from your lips when he pulls his hips back, only to grip your body and push back in suddenly. You both moan in unison, his body moving down to loom over yours as he braces himself better on the arm beside your head. He repeats the motion again, then again, starting up to a steady rhythm that draws noise upon noise from your throat. It’s shrill and needy, each noise falling past your lips coming in time with each push of his hips forward. As the rhythm grows, your body moves to push back and meet each trust the metalhead delivers, constricting around his dick when it brushes against that spot within you that he toyed with earlier. You’re still sensitive from the previous orgasm he gave you, feeling your body work as the tingling of another orgasm makes itself known. Eddie can feel the subtle pulse from your cunt, feel how it squeezes him gently, and beacons to what is to come.
“Does it feel good, baby? Do I make you feel?” “Yes! Yes Eddie!” The words are rushed, lip trembling as he works your mind back to that near-blank stage. His grip on your hip is bruising when he sets a new pace, cock driving into that spot suddenly and making a shrill cry of pleasure leave your lips. Fuck, everyone can probably hear you now. Your hand slaps over your mouth once more, disobeying what Eddie had told you before when you both first started. He takes note quickly, the hand that was bracing himself moving to grab at your wrists once more and yank your hand back to above your head. His face looms inches from yours, gaze like steel yet hips not stopping the onslaught of your core. “Fuck no, I want him to hear every little noise I make you have. I want him to know who makes you feel. This. Damn. Good.” He accents his words with a deliberate, deep thrust that sends you reeling, squeezing him as he works you up higher and higher. The newfound speed with the increase of your pitch is enough to drive him wild. He wants to hear you scream for him; hear you call his name like it’s the only thing you remember. A soft “oh shit” falls from his lips as his cock twitches within you, forehead pressing against your own as he takes you. Each thrust intermingles with the harsh screech of the bedspring beneath, bed rocking steadily and frame smacking the wall with each increase in intensity.
His thumb reaches down and starts making tight, quick circles on your clit, sending you reeling with each touch. It was like he knew your body, know how to make it sing just for him and him alone. His name quickly became a mantra on your lips, falling quicker and quicker until all it is is Eddie, Eddie, EDDIE. All you could muster was his name and the way your nails clawed at the sheets beneath you, lost in the pleasure you’re receiving and disregarding the fact that these would have to be cleaned well before your mother and father gets home. You’d be fucked even more so than you are being right now if they knew you had a party, much less had a boy in your room who was fucking the shit out of you. But the idea of being rebellious like this, doing what you want, it thrilled you and made you cling to every building sensation. “Fuck, fuck, FUCK, Eddieeee!” You whine his name when he rolls his hips, feeling that familiar warmth burns in your gut. He meets your gaze, that smirk from before long gone in exchange for the soft huffs he lets out with each thrust, those slightly chapped lips of his hanging open with each noise. He curses under his breath as you squeeze him one last time in warning, knowing exactly what you need.
“Come on, sweetheart, show ‘em who’s making you feel this good. Cum for me.” His words, the way his eyes lock with yours and he gives you all he’s got, it sends you spiraling over the edge. You don’t know how loud you got, don’t know if gibberish was leaving your lips or if it was his name, all of it drowned out like a flash grenade going off with a muffled noise. You cry out as your cunt grips him, making his pace stutter and hand fall back to your hip to pull you flush against his crotch. He spills deep within you, each aftershock from your orgasm milking him for all he’s worth. His body collapses onto you, chest heaving as he murmurs your name and a mixture of elaborate curses, peppering soft, open-mouthed kisses along your skin until he reaches your lips. The kiss, it’s far more gentle, soft, bringing you back from the recesses of your climax to the lad laying on you. “Eddie?” “Hm?”
“You’re startin’ to hurt me.” “Oh shit!” He sits up quickly, too quickly, and lets his head drop as dizziness takes over. “Fuck, sorry, gimme a sec.” He pushes his body to move, softening cock pulling from your core and falling beside you on the bed that now wreaked of sweat and sex. There was also the unique scent of Eddie that surrounded you, lulling your body to melt into the comfort of his warmth inside you, leaking out gently from your core. You both collect yourselves as best as you can, taking in heaps of breath until things start to return to normal, and the world comes back around you.
The same dull bedroom in the same dull life with the same dull goals. But Eddie stood out as the difference, the presence you hoped would linger and take over and “corrupt” you.
Eddie reaches for you, hand going up to grasp yours before he brings it to his lips, delivering a soft kiss. “I didn’t hurt you, right baby?” He mumbles against your knuckles, watching you like a hawk. “Not…Not that I can feel.” You mumble in turn, giving a soft noise as you turn to roll on your side and face him, the softest of mewls leaving your lips as you feel more of his spend leaking from you. “I…Holy fuck, I can’t believe we did,” you vaguely gesture between you two, the words failing you for a moment from the mixture of alcohol and sex that addled your brain, “this.” He pulls you against him, arm slinging around your waist and head resting against your own. He’s sweet, brushing a strand of hair from your face and tracing gentle patterns along your waist. Your fingers drag up to the tattoos you can reach, tracing each design with a gentle hum. “Do you regret it?” His words surprise you, and you are quick to shake your head, arching your head up to place a soft kiss against his lips. He returns it with a gentleness you hadn’t felt earlier in his kiss. It’s something you wanted to feel every day, his lips on yours. “Not for a second.” The words are hushed against his lips, but they bring a smile to them no less as he steals a quick peck.
“Soooo, what does this mean now? I mean I know I initiated all of this, but I have no clue what is gonna happen next.” He gives a small, nervous chuckle, insecurity sneaking up on him.
“Well, my dear Eddie Munson, we do what you’ve been teaching me.” You cup his cheek, stroking over the soft skin and giving him your best million-dollar smile. “We take it a day at a time and live it to the fucking fullest.”
“I can make sure it stays full.” He jokes, earning a slap against his chest and making him laugh out with a soft “ow”.
“Jesus, why do I like you?” You muse absently.
“Not sure.” He shrugs. “Maybe it’s my good looks, or apparently how good of a kisser I am compared to Harrington.”
“Oh, way better than Harrington. I mean he’s got you on tongue game but that isn’t something we can’t work on as time goes by.” “Whoa, whoa, wait- He has better tongue game?” He pouts, making you giggle and cup his cheeks between your hands.
“Hey, none of that, Munson.” You pat his cheek with a grin. “You see who got the girl at the end of the night, right?” He grins in turn, shaking his head at you.
“One lucky bastard apparently.”
Tag List: @yancy-trash
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Fifty Bucks
Bishop Losa x Reader
Request from the babe @masterlistforimagines: Reader and Angel made a bet that she couldn’t last without having sex with Bishop for a week so she keeps “running” away every time her and Bishop get close to having sex. In the end, she lasts a week, collects her money from Angel and Bishop then finds out and takes her to Templo and has sex with her then. Oooh but I want Bishop to literally pick the reader up and bring her into templo and also the crew to hear them going at it
Warnings: language, (unprotected) sex, dominant Bishop giving all of us life
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: Sometimes you have to write Bishop smut at midnight on a Sunday and that’s totally valid. This was incredibly fun to write so I hope y’all enjoy it!
Bish Tag: @sincerelyasomebody @sadeyesgf @thesandbeneathmytoes @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @multiyfandomgirl40 @sillygoose6969 @queenbeered​ @louisianalady​
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“No way you could do it,” Angel laughed as he leaned back in his chair.
You scoffed, shaking your head, “I could totally do it. One week? Easy.”
He took a sip of his beer but you could still see the smirk on his face, “Alright then. What’s the bet? Twenty bucks?”
You rolled your eyes, “If I’m gonna go a whole week without having sex with my boyfriend you gotta at least make it worth my while. A hundred.”
He immediately shook his head, “No fuckin’ way.”
“If you’re so sure you’re going to win it shouldn’t matter, right?”
“Fifty,” he paused, “And no getting yourself off either.”
“Ugh. You’re the worst. But you’re about to make me fifty dollars richer so fine,” you held your hand out to shake on it.
He grasped your hand tight in his, “Oh, and you can’t tell Bish. Don’t want him taking it easy on you to help you win a bet.”
It wasn’t going to be a fun week for you, but you figured it was going to be a manageable one. You and Bishop had a healthy sex life, and you immediately started brainstorming ways to get out of sexual situations with him, which was something that you never thought that you would have to be doing. For most of the time that you’d known him, you were trying to figure out how to get in to sexual situations with him. This all felt foreign and also wrong.
Monday evening rolled around and you were in the kitchen making dinner for the two of you. You felt his chest press up against your back as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing his lips against your neck. Your legs went a little weak as you gave in slightly to his touch.
“How long ‘til it’s all ready?” he mumbled, his scruff tickling the sensitive skin of your neck.
You smiled, shaking your head, “Not too long.”
“Long enough?” his hands slid down into your shorts, his fingers pulling your panties off to the side.
Ordinarily you would have said, “Fuck it, let dinner burn and we can order in when we’re done,” but you had fifty bucks on the line. And also your pride. You spun around so that you were facing him and you repositioned his hands so they were no longer on the inside of your shorts, “Not this time. Can you grab some plates and cups from the cabinet, please?” you smiled at him.
Confusion crossed over his face for a moment but he did as you asked. You let out a quiet sigh of relief at one avoided situation. You knew how persistent he could be, though, and you had the feeling that you were in for a very long week.
You figured that Bishop assumed that you weren’t in the mood, because for the rest of the night he didn’t push it. The two of you were cuddled up on the couch after dinner and for the first time in a long time he didn’t try to get handsy with you. Part of you hoped that he would keep this up for most of the week so you wouldn’t have to try and dodge him.
Too bad you hardly ever get what you hope for. The next morning you woke up to Bishop’s fingers lightly trailing along your sides and thighs, his lips pressing against your neck. You giggled, still feeling heavy with sleep. He pulled you back against him and pressed a firm kiss onto your jaw.
“Good morning, sweetheart.”
You turned so that you were facing him, forcing your eyes open all the way, “Good morning.”
He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, one hand snaking up behind your neck to keep you pressed against him. You moaned lightly into your kiss as your hands came to rest against his chest. He attempted to pull you on top so that you were straddling him and you caught yourself right before you let him. You peeled yourself away from him, hating everything about the stupid bet that you had made with Angel.
“I gotta get ready, I have an early meeting today,” you kissed him on the lips and cupped his face for a moment, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he placed his hand over yours. You could see it in his eyes that he wanted to say something but he stopped himself.
After work, you ran home to throw on a more comfortable set of clothes and then head over to the clubhouse. You knew that the guys would all be there, and you figured that if you were out of the house, the less likely it would be that you would end up in a sexual situation with your boyfriend. It wasn’t completely out of the question, but it definitely put the odds in your favor a little bit more.
You were sitting at the bar, scrolling absently through your phone when you felt a pair of hands press down hard on your shoulders. Angel’s laugh filled your ears, “You owe me fifty bucks yet?”
You huffed, rolling your eyes, “Not yet. Only two days in and I feel like it’s been two weeks,” you glared at him as he sat down on the stool next to you, “You’re the fucking worst by the way.”
He laughed as he took a beer off the surface of the bar, “You could just pay up now and be done with it. Go home with Bish and get your back blown out. Fine by me.”
You laughed and gave him a firm but playful shove, “No fucking way. I’m not gonna let you win this.”
“You two all good over here?” Bishop appeared, gently resting his hands on your hips.
You looked up at him with a smile, “We’re fine.”
He leaned down and gave you a quick peck on the lips, “No beating up my new secretario. I need him…for now.”
“Damn, Pres, that’s cold,” Angel chuckled. He waited for Bishop to walk away and pick up a conversation with someone else before he turned back to you, a smug grin on his face, “Not as cold as you’re gonna have to be for the next five days, though.”
“Again, I say, you’re the worst.”
Wednesday night you were in the shower, lip-syncing to your playlist and rinsing off what had been an incredibly long day. You heard the door creak as it was slowly pushed open. You smiled to yourself and stuck your head outside the curtain. Bishop was standing there, a grin plastered on his face as he watched water drip down the sides of your face. He walked over and pressed a kiss to your dripping forehead.
“Got room in there for one more?”
Your entire face got hot. You desperately wanted to say yes, but you knew that it would, most likely, lead to the two of you having sex. But you also knew that saying no was going to set off some type of alarm bell in Bishop’s head.
“I was actually just about to hop out. Water’s starting to get cold,” you hated lying but it was the only way you could think to say no without having to actually say no. If he was annoyed, he was very good at hiding it. He placed one extra kiss on the tip of your nose before leaving you to get out and dry off. You let out a sigh of relief when he shut the door behind him.
Thursday was your only day of rest because you and Bishop hardly saw each other at all. You had to leave early for work, and by the time he got home from dealing with the club, you were passed out and he was too exhausted to try and wake you. You stirred slightly when he got into bed but didn’t stay awake for long after you felt his arms wrap around your waist. Within seconds he was snoring and you happily drifted back to sleep.
Bishop walked into the bedroom on Friday night and whistled when he saw you standing in front of the mirror, checking your hair and makeup. “Where are you going,” he walked up and snaked his arms around your waist, “dressed like this?” he kissed your shoulder, “And can I go with you?”
You laughed, shaking your head, “Girl’s night, remember?” you rested your hands on top of his, “I told you about it last week. Some of my college girlfriends are in town so we’re all going out tonight,” you gave him a look through the reflection of the mirror, “No boys allowed.”
He smiled, squeezing you lightly, “What about men?”
You chuckled, “Still a no from me, Obispo. Sorry.”
“Fine. I’ll be here waiting when you get home, though,” he kissed your neck.
The contact made your whole body ache, absolutely hating that you haven’t been touched by your boyfriend in five days. “I’ll text you and keep you updated, okay?”
He nodded, “Have fun.”
It was around 2AM when you called Bishop from your friend’s hotel room, telling him that you were staying the night with them and that you would be home in the morning. He offered to come and pick you up, he offered to get you an Uber, but you told him that it’d just be easier to crash with the girls and come home in the morning. He didn’t like it but it accepted it, asking you to please text him first thing in the morning so he knew that you were alright.
You stumbled through the door early Saturday afternoon. Your hair was a mess and your head was pounding. Bishop was nowhere to be found, and his bike hadn’t been in the driveway either. You grabbed some comfy clothes to change into and made your way to the bathroom to shower. There was a note on the counter next to a bottle of aspirin and you smiled as you read it.
“Sorry I can’t be there when you get back. I’ll be home tonight. Hopefully your hangover will be done by then. I love you.”
You were sprawled out on the bed on your stomach, half asleep with the television on in the background when you heard the sound of Bishop’s boots in the hallway. You turned so that you were facing the doorway and he smiled at the sight of you. He stripped down to his boxers and crawled onto the bed. He positioned himself so that he was straddling you, situated right above your hips. He pushed up the fabric of your shirt (his shirt) and started to rub gentle circles into your back. You smiled, humming in approval as you all but melted into the mattress at his touch.
“I’m assuming from the volume of the television that your head still isn’t feeling great?” he chuckled as his hands worked their way up to your shoulders.
You smiled, “I’m alright. I’m not that old yet.”
Somewhere along the way the massage became a lot more than just a massage. For a moment you were wondering if just oral would break the bet with Angel. But you had less than twenty-four hours and you were so close to winning. You were a terrible liar so if you caved you wouldn’t be able to hide it from Angel.
Bishop had your panties pushed halfway down your legs when you pulled your lips off of his, placing a hand on his chest. His hands stilled as he looked down at you, concern all over his face when he saw your expression, “Everything okay, sweetheart?”
You nodded, “Yea. I just, you know,” you paused, trying to string together the right words to safely derail this situation, “you think you could just hold me for a little bit?”
He repositioned himself so that he was lying on his side facing you, “Of course,” he pulled you up against him, “You feeling okay? You’ve felt far away lately.”
You smiled up at him, nodding, “Yea, I’m okay. Just in a cuddly mood…is that okay?”
He laughed, nodding, “Of course. Can I still kiss you?”
You chuckled, “Of course.”
Sunday night rolled around and you all but kicked the doors in to the clubhouse. The MC was already there—Bishop had left the house a few hours earlier for Templo. The meeting had since adjourned because all of the guys were milling about the expanse of the clubhouse with the usual hang-arounds.
You went up to Angel, who was sitting with his brother at the bar. You held out your hand, “Pay up, Reyes.”
EZ looked back and forth between the two of you with confusion all over his face. Angel chuckled, “Damn, you really did it, didn’t you? No wonder Bish was so uptight in Templo tonight,” he laughed as he dug his wallet out and slapped the money into your hand.
Before you could come up with a smart remark, Bishop materialized next to you, wondering why you hadn’t come over to say hello but instead came over to Angel. Bishop was always your first stop when you arrived at the clubhouse.
“What’s going on over here?” he asked with a curious smile.
You wrapped your arm around Bishop’s waist, “Your secretario just made me fifty bucks richer. That’s what’s going on.”
“Oh? How’d that happen?”
You looked at Angel, “Go on. Tell him. I’m getting a fucking drink,” you laughed as you walked over to the bartender.
“So?” Bishop looked at Angel.
It was written all over his face that he didn’t want to tell the MC president that he had made a bet about the man’s sex life. But you hadn’t left him with much of a choice. Angel chuckled nervously and shrugged his shoulders, “I made a bet with Y/N that she couldn’t, y’know, that she couldn’t go a week without—”
“A week without fucking you,” you interrupted your way back into the conversation when you saw that the discomfort was about to kill Angel on the spot. The look on his face was almost worth more than the fifty dollars.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Bishop was looking at Angel when he asked. When he saw that Angel wasn’t going to be able to come up with an answer, he turned to you, “Why did you agree?”
You held up the fifty-dollar bill that was in your hand, “Fifty bucks is fifty bucks, baby.”
He shook his head and without another word he crouched down, wrapped his arms around your thighs, and threw you over his shoulder. You let you a scream that turned into a laugh as he carried you across the expanse of the clubhouse. You awkwardly tried to tuck the money back into your back pocket as he carried you. The most impressive part of the whole thing was that he hefted you off the ground like he had done it a million times before, and you were content to just let him.
He walked into Templo and slid the door shut hard behind him. You giggled to yourself as he set you on the end of the table. He spread your legs and stood between them, looking down into your eyes.
“You think this is funny?” his tone was serious.
“A little,” you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling at the absurdity of the entire situation. How you had successfully dodged every sexual situation with him that week was beyond you.
He gripped your hips, “It’s been a long fuckin’ week, sweetheart.”
The playful smile disappeared from your face as a shiver went through your whole body. He grabbed the bottom hem of your shirt and pulled it off over your head, tossing it to the side. You pulled him in close to you and kissed him hard on the lips, melting into him as his hands roamed all over your body. He bit down on your bottom lip and you moaned, pressing your fingertips harder into his shoulder blades.
His hands wandered down to the button on your jeans and you smiled into your kiss as he deftly undid both the button and the zipper without missing a beat. You braced yourself against him and lifted your hips up slightly, allowing him to pull down your jeans and underwear in one smooth motion. You gasped as you sat back down on the table, the cold sensation against your freshly-exposed skin shocking you for a moment.
Bishop attached his lips to your neck and you moaned as you blindly reached for his belt. You tried to stay focused enough to undo it, which was proving difficult as you felt him sucking a dark mark into the side of your neck. A wave of heat washed over your entire body, reveling in the fact that he was touching you and you didn’t have to come up with a reason to make him stop. You finally yanked down on his jeans and you felt him chuckle against your neck.
He pulled you closer to the edge of the table and you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him as close to you as you could. Seven days felt like an eternity, and as you felt him pressing against your entrance, you wondered how the hell you managed it.
“You been this wet waiting for me all week, querida?” his nipped at your bottom lip.
You nodded, letting out an unsteady breath, “Yes.”
There was a smug grin on his face as he slowly pushed into you. He let out a low groan as he did and you dropped your head back, a loud moan escaping you before you could try to censor yourself.
“Fuck, Obispo,” you dug your nails into his shoulders as you pressed yourself tight to him, “You feel so good.”
He pressed kisses all over your neck and jawline as he started to slowly thrust into you, “You miss this?”
You nodded, hardly able to form a coherent thought, “Fuck, yes.”
He quickly pulled out of you, peeling your body off of his. You whimpered at the loss of contact. Before you could say anything, he pulled you completely off the table and bent you over it, causing you to gasp. He spread your legs and slid back inside you. You gripped the edges of the table to try and steady yourself.
He wrapped one hand around your throat and gripped slightly, pulling you upwards just a bit as he thrust into you. “Was it worth it?” he grunted, “Going all week without this, without me?” his applied more pressure to your throat, letting you know that it was not a question he wanted you to actually respond to.
He let go of you and you sucked in a breath, bracing yourself against the tabletop. His hands dropped down to your hips and pulled you back hard against him. You moaned as his hand came down hard against your ass. You bit down on your lip to try and quiet yourself but Bishop wasn’t having it.
“Moan louder for me, sweetheart,” one hand slid up your back and gripped the back of your neck.
“Obispo,” you panted, “they’ll hear—”
“You made it their fuckin’ business already, Y/N, don’t get shy now.”
The statement made your whole face get hot, but you didn’t have much time to think about being embarrassed. His fingertips dug back in to your hips as he slammed into you, making you let out a yelp. He reached one hand around and started rubbing circles onto your clit and you couldn’t fight back the moans that escaped you. Your entire body started to shake and you knew that you weren’t going to be able to hold out any longer, not after a week of no real contact with him.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum,” you gripped the table.
He pushed farther into you, “Cum for me.”
That was all you needed to hear. You were completely depending on him and the table to keep you somewhat upright as your orgasm rolled through you. You felt his pace speed up as he started to get close as well. He gripped one of your shoulders hard as he came inside you, moaning as he pressed his face into your back. You let out a shaky breath, soaking up the feeling of him leaning into you, keeping you held tight to him.
Once he caught his breath, he slowly pulled out of you. He gently lifted you and set you back on the table, knowing it was going to be difficult for you to stand. There was a small smile on his face as he pulled up his jeans and redid his belt. He stepped in close to you again, leaving a trail of soft kisses from your chest up your neck and to your lips. You laughed lightly, your hands reaching out to gently cup his face.
You rested your forehead against his, “I wanna go home, Obispo.”
He chuckled, “There gonna be enough hot water for both of us to shower this time?”
You laughed, your face getting hot, “Yea, I think so.”
You got dressed, instantly ready to get your clothes off and get clean the second you got home. You wished that you didn’t need to drive back. You tried to fix and adjust your clothing, not that it would really matter—the guys knew what the two of you had been doing.
Bishop slid the door open and let you walk out first. Everyone was making an effort to look anywhere but at the two of you. You placed a light kiss on Bishop’s lips and headed right out to your car, not bothering to say goodbye to anyone. They were all expected Bishop to follow right after you but instead he walked up to Angel, who was staring very intently at his beer bottle.
“Get all that sorted out, Pres?” Angel chuckled, trying to pretend that there wasn’t fear shooting up and down his spine.
“I find out you’re making any other stupid fucking bets like that again I’ll take your flash,” his face was serious for a moment before he allowed himself to smile. He clapped Angel on the back and walked away, leaving the man sitting there wondering just how serious that threat was.
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prettyboybarzal · 4 years
Tumblr media
A/N: I think about Nolan’s thighs 24/7, so this is super self-indulgent... But I know y’all are hoes for his thighs too, so it’s also a gift (especially a gift for @bandgirlsclub​). This is short and probably not extremely well written, but please enjoy these words and thoughts put to paper!!! ✨ P.S. Maybe someday I’ll write a full Pat fic. Maybe. (Probably.)
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Thigh riding and weed smoking (an ideal day if you ask me lmfao bye)
Nolan wasn’t being fair. He knew what he was doing in those short shorts, thigh tattoo on display. He knew that you wouldn’t be able to pry your eyes off the ink decorating his muscled leg. He did this on purpose. And the nerve of him to do it in front of your friends who had no clue you’d been hooking up while away in Philly.
You grew up together in Winnipeg and spent your summers much like you were spending your current one, with friends around a pool or skating around town on rollerblades. You’d always had a small crush on him. His carefree attitude and dry sense of humor made you feel safe, and in return, he liked your calming nature and the fact that you weren’t nearly as loud as your other friends.
When you called him to tell him you’d accepted a job in Philly, you didn’t expect him to become such a staple in your life. But he was there the day you landed to pick you up, and it felt like you hadn’t gone a day without seeing him since.
It took until the Flyers New Years’ party for your feelings to bubble to the surface. The night started with one too many glasses of Champagne and ended with Nolan between your thighs in more ways than one. It became a weekly occurrence at least, fucking Nolan, and when the season came to an end, you decided to put things to bed, at least until you were back in Philadelphia.
But it was getting really fucking hard to ignore how badly you wanted to rip his clothes off.
Nolan was a whole different person in Winnipeg. He was confident and cocky. He undressed you with his eyes every time you walked into a room and whenever he got you alone, he whispered all the dirty little things he wanted to do to you. It never got far, though, with your friends always in tow, and the two of you were perpetually sexually frustrated.
Especially with him in those short shorts.
“Anyone wanna smoke?” you asked, standing from the lounge chair in your childhood best friend’s yard. It was a Saturday in June which meant the entire friend group was together, rotting the day away around her pool.
Nolan stood abruptly to follow you, but the others declined the invite and you felt butterflies in your stomach as you slipped into the pool house and he followed. He paid you no special attention as he plopped onto the sofa in the middle of the room, but he watched as you settled down on the other end, making sure to leave space between you.
He liked to watch you roll joints. Watching your fingers move deftly over the rolling paper and your tongue swipe along it to keep it packed together turned him on every time without fail. He liked it when you placed the joint in your mouth and let it hang there while you reached for the lighter.
After taking your first hit, you handed it off to him and then came the worst part about smoking with him— actually watching him smoke. He always looked good with smoke rolling off his lips, but he looked great doing it shirtless with his thighs on full display in those shorts that left little to the imagination.
“C’mere,” he murmured, nodding his head to get you to come closer after he’d noticed you staring. You rolled your eyes at him. “C’mon, YN. You’ve been in that little bikini all day and I haven’t even been able to touch you. It’s not fair.”
“I’m not fair?” you asked incredulously. “Look at you! You’re in the shortest shorts I’ve ever seen you wear, showing off your thighs and your fucking tattoos. You did that on purpose. You’re the one playing games.”
Nolan smiled as he pulled another hit from the joint in his hand.
“So, it worked,” he stated, extending the joint to you. You snatched it, careful not to allow your fingers to touch, and rolled your eyes as he leaned back against the couch and spread his legs. He flexed his thighs a bit and took a glance to find you staring. “They look good, huh? I’ve been putting in some overtime work this summer.”
You tore your eyes away and blew a cloud of smoke out towards the window.
“Just let me touch you,” he groaned, throwing his head back in exasperation. “You haven’t let me touch you since we left Philly.”
“Because our friends are always right outside!” you whisper-shouted, pointing a finger towards the door. He laughed. “I don’t need you to get me all worked up and then not follow through because we’re interrupted by them, or we have to stop because we have plans with them, so no.”
You stood from the couch to get a water bottle for your cotton mouth and he let you go, staring at your ass as you went. You grabbed two bottles and handed him one as you walked over, but he didn’t open it. Instead, he dropped it to the couch and grabbed your wrist, tugging you down into his lap and pulling your legs around so you were straddling his waist.
“Patty,” you warned, pushing his chest away. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pinned you to his chest.
“Who says I won’t follow through and make you cum right now?”
“I’m not getting naked when any of them could walk in.”
“I don’t need you to get naked,” he murmured against the skin of your collarbone. His finger slipping beneath the strap on your shoulder. He pushed it down and kissed the skin where it once was. “Besides, you’re already naked enough.”
He moved his kisses to the column of your throat and smiled against your skin as you lulled your head back, then leaned up to capture more of your skin beneath his lips before sitting up and adjusting himself to pull a leg out from beneath you so that you were straddling one of his thighs. You glanced down, eyes catching on the ink just below your core.
“What’s up, angel?” he asked, eyes still on your scantily clad pussy. Your whine captured his attention, eyes gazing up finally. Your bottom lip was drawn between your teeth, joint resting between your index finger and thumb. “You want me to make you cum?”
His hands fell to your waist, gripping tightly as he began to guide you along his thigh. You placed the joint between your lips as your rode him and took a long hit. He snatched it a moment later to replace it with a kiss, tongue swiping along your lip as you continued to rub your core against him.
“You’re so fucking hot,” he praised as he watched you grind against him. “I could watch you get yourself off on my thigh all day.” You felt his muscles ripple beneath your pussy and moaned loudly, forehead falling to his shoulder. His hands reattached to your hips and he held you tighter as he flexed beneath you. “You like that?”
“Fuck, Nolan,” you rushed out. “Yes!”
“Be quiet,” he barked, hands holding you in place on his thigh, halting your movements. You whimpered. “You don’t want them coming in here, right? You want to cum?”
“Good girl,” he murmured, detaching his hands and leaning back against the couch again. “Go ahead. Let me see you.”
You braced your hands against his chest as you slid along his thigh, slowly at first. The cockiness exuding from him as he watched you with hooded eyes and the joint between his lips heightened your senses. He looked so good, so in control of himself while you had absolutely no control, and you loved being watched by him.
It felt otherworldly, riding his thigh while high. You couldn’t help but think about how it would feel to fuck him while stoned, to feel him fill you up with that joint hanging from his lips.
He noticed that your hips begin to stutter and reached out to help you. His fingers gripped your waist, sure to leave bruises for the morning, and he set a pace that was a bit quicker than how you’d started out. He knew you were closer now, heard it in your panting and the whimpers that filled the room. With each grinding movement, he flexed beneath you and received soft exclamations of how good it felt.
“I’m s- so close,” you said, breathlessly. He held you tightly to his thigh as you began to lose the rest of what little control you had. “F-fuck, oh my—Nolan.”
“I wanna see you cum,” he spoke and, finally, you were over the edge. You threw your head back with a guttural moan and he helped you through the orgasm that washed over you by continuing to guide your core along his thigh. “Didn’t know you were such a slut for my thighs. I’d’ve shown them off for you a long time ago.”
You were moaning into his neck as softly as you could while he continued sliding your core along his muscles and he smiled softly when he saw the shake of your legs from the aftershock.
“Nolan, please.”
“Please stop,” you sighed out. He chuckled darkly and released the grip he had on your waist to wrap his arms around you. He held you against his chest, placing kisses along your shoulder as the rise and fall of your chest slowed and you finally caught your breath. “Fuck.”
“That was hot,” he spoke. You leaned back, smile on your face. “I’m never skipping leg day ever again.”
“Please don’t,” you said, snatching the almost finished joint from his hand for one last pull. He watched you, eyes dark and trained on your lips. You placed it on a nearby ashtray and stood slowly, hoping your legs wouldn’t resemble that of a newborn giraffe. Thankfully, Nolan’s hand shot out to steady you in case.
“You sure you’re ready to go out there?”
“I think the real question is, are you?” you asked, directing your gaze at the bulge in his shorts. He stood, sliding a hand into his shorts to fix himself.
“Yeah, I’m good,” he answered, blush rising to his cheeks.
You stepped forward, dropping one hand over the front of his shorts, fingers curling over his member. He sucked in a breath, eyes blown wide, cheeks bright red.
“Maybe, if you’re lucky, I can take care of this later.”
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Abstinence (M)
Summary: ''I told you, I don't know how to live without you anymore, it's like you're my drug and I'm an addict.”
"What a bad comparison." They laughed, Harry hugging her tighter. Ginny rested her head close to his collarbone, feeling entirely happy. She was so happy he was home.
"I know." Harry kissed her head. "But that's how I feel."
Harry and Ginny haven't had much time alone, until after being gone for three days, Harry comes back feeling abstinent from his favorite drug.
Notes: I wrote this for @blvnk-art's Smut Hinny Sundays, and hope you all like it I wasn't inspired by a specific art of hers, but by several I was also inspired by the song All The Time - Jeremih
Ginny sighed as she got home, taking off her cloak and shoes, her feet tired after all those hours of practice, her arms sore too. Gwenog seemed to want to kill her now that she was back.
It was great to be back, Ginny was glad she had made that decision six months ago, but her body still wasn't used to all that burden of being a mother and playing Quidditch, and strength training was always the worst, leaving her more tired than usual and with even more pain in her arms.
At least, Ginny thought, Harry was staying at home more, which helped her not to spend all the hours she was away worrying about James and whether he was okay. The boy was staying part-time in day care - in the afternoon - and so far they hadn't had a problem with anything, James even seemed happier now that he was with other kids.
"Babe?" Ginny called, walking past their house which was silent, which was weird since James didn't seem to be a big fan of silence. But Harry didn't show up anywhere, all the lights in there were off, which Ginny assumed was because he'd already put James to sleep and was upstairs.
She was happy, thinking that maybe she could get a massage that night—or even something more.
Walking slowly up the stairs, afraid to make a noise, she arrived in front of James' room, smiling when she saw that Harry was sleeping sitting in the rocking chair, the little one lying on his arm, sleeping clutching his shirt. It was such a cute scene that Ginny thought her heart might melt, still unaccustomed, even after almost two years, to how Harry was such a lovely father.
He had become another man now that they had James, Harry was much more careful at work, and much more affectionate. Not that he hadn't gone before, but it looked like James had freed him from the fear of showing. Harry cried more easily, wasn't afraid to play and do childish things with Teddy and James, and let them teach him everything he didn't know. Like last week James had made Harry realize he needed to eat more slowly— "Swow, Daddy," James had said, and now he seemed a lot less anxious and rushed into eating.
Even more careful now not to wake her son, Ginny approached the chair, kissing Harry's forehead and shaking him slowly, just so he woke up and put James in his crib so they could go to bed together.
"Hi," Harry whispered, a faint smile on his lips. His face was a little scrunched up from the pillows, his cheeks red with heat, probably because he had lit the fireplace in the living room.
"Hi." Ginny gave him a quick peck. “Shall we go to bed?” She ran a hand over his face, pushing his hair out of his eyes and straightening his crooked glasses. He nodded, taking a deep breath and stretching his legs, looking at James who didn't move in his arms.
"He didn't want to leave me today." Harry stood up, looking worried as he laid his son on his own bed, but as always after he fell asleep, James made no sign that he was going to wake up. Little hands ran to grab the yellow blanket Hermione had given him, and Ginny covered him with the other blanket, not wanting him to be cold at night. She kissed his forehead and lifted the crib enclosure, thinking that soon that wouldn't be enough to stop James from getting out of bed.
'You were gone for three days, he missed you' Ginny reminded him, hugging Harry and resting her head on his chest, letting him drag her towards their bedroom, feeling finally at home now that he was there.
Harry had gone away to a conference in Spain, and it had been a long three lonely days where she had the bed all to herself - sometimes James would cry to stay with her through the night, seeming to realize that things weren't the same without his daddy there.
"I missed you guys too." Harry kissed her head. 'I need to take a shower.'
"Me too, Gwenog today seemed to want to kill us in practice, I even thought maybe she was punishing us for something... You know, she's crazy sometimes."
'I know. Robards was about to lose his hair at the conference, telling everyone he would go crazy if he heard one more lecture.” Harry went into their bathroom, turning on the shower and starting to undress. Ginny had missed that routine and intimacy.
She took off her clothes too, tossing them in the laundry hamper, their cold room making her skin crawl. "We have a party to go to on Saturday."
"A party?" Harry grimaced, stepping under the shower.
‘Yes, I promised we would. Sorry, there was no other way out.' She followed, re-embracing Harry and resting her head on his now bare chest, the water splashing between them, relaxing her muscles. "It's a fundraiser for an orphaned children's charity… It'll be quick, we'll stay for an hour or two, then we'll go back." She promised, giving him what she hoped was her best look. Harry sighed and nodded, tightening his arms around her, pulling their bodies closer together.
‘Okay, we will. But two hours at most.” Ginny nodded, standing up on her tiptoes to kiss him.
"I missed you so much," she whispered, lifting her hands to cup his face, pulling him into a deeper kiss, never wanting to let go. Harry squeezed her hips, letting her feel his cock that was beginning to show signs of life.
The kiss started to get hotter faster than she expected, soon Harry had picked her up and pushed her against the cold wall, squeezing her waist tighter and thrusting his tongue deeper into her mouth, as if suddenly a key had turned inside him and Harry had been as hungry as she was.
Ginny pulled at his hair, moaning into his mouth and scratching at his scalp trying to make him as crazy as he was leaving her, his teeth playing with her lip and his hands going down to her ass and squeezing.
“Fuck, I missed this.” Harry moaned as she tightened her legs around him, her wet intimacy touching his already hard cock.
They hadn't had a lot of time to get laid now that James was older, the boy seemed to have the right timing to want his parents whenever they were too close to each other, either to pee or because he was bored and hunger. Ginny had already accepted that by the weekend they would be too tired to do anything but sleep, and that getting laid would have to be for weekdays, during the morning shower, a quickie before James woke up.
"Me too." Ginny thought she might lose her mind at any moment, almost screaming when his trained fingers touched her swollen clit, throwing her head back and biting her lip to keep the noises back.
"The last few days I felt like a fucking teenager thinking about you." Harry whispered in her ear, his thick voice making her moan. “Thinking of you on top of me, below, on the side, on all fours…” He continued, biting the sensitive skin of her neck. "As much as I love getting laid in the shower, I miss a bed."
"Yes, shit, Harry yes." Ginny would agree to flee this planet right now if he continued to touch her like that.
She didn't pay much attention to the next few minutes between him turning off the shower, applying a basic dry spell on their bodies, and walking into their bedroom, waking up only when Harry threw her onto the bed, looking like a hungry animal climbing on top of her, his mouth traveling all over her body, sucking and biting the inside of her thighs until it reached the top and licked her clit. All the tension from practice, the daily worries, everything, was gone when his mouth touched her there and did all those wonders to her.
Ginny still remembered the first time Harry had done that to her, that hot, muggy summer after the war, one sunny afternoon when Harry had taken her to her room, all nervous and anxious, saying he wanted to try something new. It was good, confusing, but good. But now, Merlin, now it was perfect. There were no toys that came close to what he did, all that erotic dance with his tongue, taking her to the peak and making her enjoy the delicious fall more and more.
Her throat went dry, her scream scratching as Harry sucked on her clit, his arms holding Ginny firmly in place, preventing her from moving any further.
She saw stars, can't wait any longer, thighs trembling as she began to come, trying not to scream too loudly so that nothing could stand in the way of them both.
"I feel like a new man," Harry said, wiping his beard and moving up to be level with her face, a naughty grin plastered across his face. "Making you come is the best thing in the world." He kissed her, but Ginny was still too much in the clouds to reciprocate in a very excited way, her body looking like jelly on the bed.
"I wish I could suck you back babe, but I miss you inside of me." Ginny muttered, biting his lower lip and moving down to kiss his jaw and neck.
'I don't care too much about it, I want to be inside you too soon' Harry moaned as she spun them around, taking advantage of the fact that he was too focused on her mouth on his neck, and Ginny snuggled into his lap, jerking him a little to buy time for herr body to be ready again. “Fuck, you're going to kill me.” His green eyes darkened, rolling in their sockets.
"Don't die before you fuck me." Ginny chuckled as he moaned once more, her hand tightening a little more at the base of his dick as Harry liked, already sensing she was almost ready.
"No, not in a million years." He arched his back, biting his lip and seeming to try hard not to get carried away before they even started. "I feel like an abstinence junkie."
"I'm glad my pussy has that effect on you." She blinked at him who admired her as if Ginny were a Goddess. She felt so desired when he looked at her like that.
She couldn't take it anymore, she lifted her hips, adjusting to take him inside her, moaning in satisfaction at the feel of Harry opening her, needing to lean against his chest so she wouldn't fall once she was fully seated. That was one of her favorite positions, he touched her in that delicious spot that made Ginny lose consciousness and be taken by fire.
"Fuck." Harry squeezed her hips to keep her from moving, closing his eyes as if in pain, his back arching on the bed. 'Fuck, you feel so good.' Ginny tensed her muscles as she'd learned in that magazine she read in her gynecologist's office, and Harry seemed to lose whatever sanity was left in him, moaning loudly and still clenching his hands, almost to the point of hurting her.
"Like it?" she asked, a satisfied smirk on her face, even though it had taken her out of her orbit as well. Harry nodded, finally letting her move.
"So good," he muttered, finally opening his eyes and staring at her, the green iris making her blush. His hands moved from her hips to her breasts, pinching and massaging her sensitive nipples, and Ginny nearly lost her rhythm and fell on top of Harry with the teasing.
Neither of them could say much more, Ginny quickened her movement, interspersed with the contractions that made her and Harry moan and lose their minds more and more, each time feeling closer to coming again. His trained hands roamed her body, to her nipples, and then to her sensitive clit, playing just enough to make her feel pleasure and not pain.
Ginny thought she would go crazy if she didn't come soon.
Harry looked the same, because suddenly he couldn't wait any longer, squeezing her hips and lifting his, rushing his thrusts and fucking her as if it made him come alive. She didn't care too much, because she felt the same way.
It wasn't long before they both came, Ginny bent down and captured Harry's lips before he made too much noise and woke James, kissing him to keep himself sane, her nails firmly on his shoulders as that electric shock took over her body, the ripples making her lose control.
"I love you," she whispered, feeling Harry pull out of her and his cum trickle out. They would deal with that mess in a little while, Ginny needed to breathe first.
"Me too." Harry looked the same mess as her, body sweaty and arms trembling, he smiled at her. ‘I'm glad to be home again, not having you to sleep at night is unbearable.’
"Just to sleep?" Ginny joked, looking at him like he was still that 16 year old boy she was madly in love with, feeling a lot of new things and not being able to go to sleep without smiling.
'For everything. I told you, I don't know how to live without you anymore, it's like you're my drug and I'm an addict.”
"What a bad comparison." They laughed, Harry hugging her tighter. Ginny rested her head close to his collarbone, feeling entirely happy. She was so happy he was home.
"I know." Harry kissed her head. "But that's how I feel."
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