#i nearly did pass out. i remember cleaning up dishes and starting to sway
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banditcoyote · 3 years
Wrangled and Tangled
Sasuga stood by the sink washing the last of the dishes from tonights meal. She smiled softly to herself as her tail flicked behind her, happy about the sets of cups and plates she had picked out, feeling domesticated and settled looking over the two sets of dishes her and her lover had shared, something about them in the drying rack felt almost romantic to her. But maybe it was just the way the sunset was showing so pink and purple over the water that was making her feel that way, the cool summer breeze blowing in from the open Lanai. She hummed to herself a little as she dried her hand and reached for the first plate, ready to dry them herself, when the dish cloth was plucked out of her hands swiftly.
“Let me take care of that.” Simon said perching himself onto the counter and starting to dry one of their plates.
“All the left overs put away?” she asked leaning against the counters and bringing her wine to her lips.
“Most of them.” he said with a nod. “Except for the second helping I couldn’t resist, which is now residing in my stomach.”  
She laughed lightly, brushing her hair back behind her ear “Well I’m glad you enjoyed it.” She said with a nod, moving to cozy up to him just a little bit, her eyes full of warmth, and maybe a bit of mischief. “Maybe we can enjoy some other things when you’re done putting those dishes away.” She said with a curl to her lips.
Simon returned the smile and took a moment to lean down to kiss her easily, drawing back with a little hum. “I can think of some things for sure.” He added. “But before we get too distracted.” He placed the clean plate down on the counter and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small ring box and placing it on the counter next to her hand. “Happy Anniversary.”
Sasuga froze at the sight of the small velvet box and her large eyes went wide, slowly looking up into Simon’s face, searching for the meaning.
Simon at once realizing what she might have thought smiled and blushed. “I know we’ve talked about it, but this is just a promise ring.”  Sasuga let go of the breath she was holding with some relief. He picked the box up and opened it. “See?” inside was a thing gold band with a small rose quartz crystal cut into the shape of a heart that side horizontal to the finger. He reached for her left hand and slid it on to her ring finger kissing it into place. “I love you Sasuga, I know that this might not be perfect, but I wanted you to know how much you mean to me.” Sasuga looked to the ring on her finger, feeling tears pull at the corner of her eyes. He hopped down from the counter “Oh no….is it too much? I know we said we weren’t going to do anything, that dinner was enough but-“
She shook her head “Don’t be stupid.” She said choking back her emotions. “I love it. I love you….Thank you.” She looked at the ring again before reaching up to tug on one of his horns pulling him down into a kiss. “Forget the dishes….come on.” She said, her tail already snaking up around his waist to guide him toward their bedroom.
Coyote woke up with a start, staring up into the dark ceiling above him. He contemplated for a moment what that dream could have meant, and his jaw tightened in his face. Did Sasuga sleep with Simon while he was away, it was the only rule he had given. Or maybe that had made the whole thing more enticing for the two of them. Still, why would Sasuga end up with Simon, he had the feeling he was absent, that house not looking familiar to him in the slightest. He closed his eyes again, almost willing it to come back to him, but some of the finer details were already fading from his memory, and all he remembered was the way the pair looked longingly at each other before they kissed. He gave a little growl and pushed himself up quickly to throw on some jeans and a shirt.
“Coyote?” Shishi asked lifting his head from where he was curled up on one of the pillows. “Where are you going?” he asked rubbing one of his eyes sleepily.
“I’m heading back to the Makai” he told Shishi as he pulled his shirt down over his torso.
The imp eyed the view appreciatively before his senses snapped back to him. “Should I be worried?” he asked knowing of Coyote’s sometimes prophetic dreams, and he wondered if he had some type of vision of Sasuga’s fights. “Do you want me to come with you?”
Coyote shook his head. “No. No. It’s nothing like that it’s….” only he wasn’t entirely sure he could begin to really understand it himself. He shook his head “Sasuga’s fine. I just need to see her. I only had that one other show at the end of the week anyway, stay here, I’ll go tell Russell to pack everything up and head on home. You’ll be fine finding a flight right? I mean, stay the night, don’t leave on my account.”
Shishi laughed “Oh it was that kind of dream was it?” he grinned. “Okay, Well, tell her I said hello and get back safely.” He said as he yawned and laid back down to sleep. “I’m sure Kurama and Gatlin will be happy to have me home, if they haven’t torn each other apart yet…”
Coyote slapped on his cowboy hat and grabbed a jacket though he felt his skin burning. “And you remember what we said about this right?” he asked as he headed toward the door.
“My lips are sealed.” Shishi murmured. “Not a word to anyone”
“Especially to Sasuga.” He confirmed hand on the door.
“Especially Sasuga.” Shishi promised “She’d probably be more upset with me than you anyway” and waved him off.
Coyote found himself easily at his ring manager’s trailer, pounding on the door. He felt bad to be waking Russell up like this but he knew he couldn’t just disappear in the middle of the night and leave Shishi to explain for  him, things looked weird enough having him around. Russell answered the door, looking as if he was still blinking back sleep. “Coyote, everything alright?” he asked looking around.
“No…Um no, there was a fire back at the ranch.” He said lying on his feet. Thinking easily of the fire at Thom’s he could use as a cover even if the time line wouldn’t match up. He figured it would never get back to Russell anyways. The manager looked concerned. “It’s nothing big, a small one thank god, no one hurt, but I really should get out there, I know we only have the exhibit at the end of the week so I was just going to head home now. Would that be too much of a pain for ya’ll to handle?”
Russell cleared the sleep from his eyes with his hand “Yeah, yeah I can handle it no problem. Take care, hope it’s as small as you say.” He said and headed back to his bed.
Coyote made one more stop, saying farewell to Poncho in his trailer, before he headed towards the nearest portal in the woods, which was still pretty far, and Coyote had to be careful no one saw him as he slipped into the woods and transformed, having to sprint as fast as he could to reach the portal before daylight. He was glad he had the foresight to try and keep his motorcycle as close to him as possible, as the only other way he could have gotten there was to fly back home and then race to her, and he wasn’t sure he could stand being on a plane the way he was feeling.  All cooped up without being able to run or move, or do anything. It would have been torture, not like the past few weeks hadn’t been. The time away from Sasuga had been harder than he’d like to admit, and he already knew he would never plan on being away from her like this again. All the time away from her he had felt like pulling his skin off. He had helped Thom around her house before he left, and at the rodeo he did more of the manual work than anyone really wanted him to. He ran Poncho as often as he felt he could without causing the poor animal too much strain, and then would run laps as fast as he could as long as he could well into the night. But it was never enough, the women that tried to greet him as soon as he stepped out of the rodeo corral still enticed him to the point he had to nearly run back to his RV. All that hair, perfume, and how the hell where they making such good bras now adays? Though he was sure that some of breasts out there weren’t only held up by a bra but maybe some type of surgery, that didn’t sway him away any. Then the fact that in some of the more populous areas there were actual demon women in the crowds, and those he really had to avoid. He was sure they’d sense something about him, and he was doing his best to be incognito. Luckily his prior years of fooling around with plenty of the women at these things rarely had any of his crew spotting him being social, so now that he was hiding out on his own it went unnoticed. Coyote tried to run himself ragged, exercise, the rodeo, his variety of plants and a few sex toys paired unironically with the body pillow he had snuck on board, none of it had done the exact trick. Which had then led him to call Shishi. It had been a long shot, but it didn’t take much convincing getting him to come out to see him in secret, even if he was a bit miffed at having to mostly stay hidden at the events. Coyote let him have the pass into where the wives or girlfriend’s normally sat, and he posed in his refinery during the events when it fancied him. It had helped tire him out, but he still hadn’t been getting enoug
He thought he could remain out here for the full month, and they had gotten so close, it was almost silly to run now. But after the dream with her and Simon he just couldn’t deny the ache he felt for his mate any longer and he had to find his way back to her. Dawn was just about to break as he reached the portal and he wasted no time heading through it and heading towards where he had hidden his bike. He felt like a dog that had gotten a scent, and he wasn’t going to rest until he got to her. **** Four days later still hours from dawn, Coyote stashed the bike behind the hotel, barely taking care to hide it, and stumbled into the lobby. He had all the faith in the world that Sasuga was still in the tournament, and held the most hope that meant she was still in the hotel room that he had the key stashed for. He limped into the lobby where the clerk paled at the site of him. “Sir….” He said rushing around the desk and towards him. “Do you need a medic?” he asked looking him over.
Coyote didn’t waste the energy to speak to him and only shook his head as he stumbled forward before catching his balance again. He knew what he looked like, but wasn’t stopped as it was clear the clerk in his pristine uniform was afraid to touch him at all.
“Is there someone I can call?” he said walking along side him as Coyote shuffled to the elevator, bracing himself against the lobby wall and causing a smear of blood to press into the wall paper.
Coyote considered it for a moment, but shook his head again. If Sasuga was still in the tournament this late in the game there was a chance she was injured as well, and he wanted her to save her strength for fighting. He’d be okay. He just needed a shower, some stitches, and her.
The clerk did not follow him into the elevator, being the main hotel for the tournament he was surely not the only injured guest they received, and he retreated back to their desk, probably to call for maintenance to clean up whatever other mess Coyote had left behind him. He leaned against the wall as it started it’s ascension toward the upper floors, again leaving a smear of dirt and blood where his shoulder braced himself. A few droplets of blood dripping from somewhere onto the floor. It seemed to take forever for the elevator to reach it’s destination, the doors pausing once as a couple was about to get on, but after seeing him let him go on without a question. Coyote almost passed out, unsure if it was from blood loss or exhaustion, but the dinging and wooshing of the doors riled him, and he staggered out into the hallway. Knowing he was so close to Sasuga spurred him on, and he was relieved to find that the card key still worked. He let himself into the hotel room, finding it dark and quiet and he did his best to move with stealth into the bathroom. He passed the bed and spotted Sasuga sleeping peacefully by herself, he was grateful for this because with the rage that was still somewhat in his veins if he had found Simon with her he might have taken a regrettable action. In that moment iat took everything in him to not simply cover her with himself, though with how dirty he was he knew it would only concern her more. There was blood in his mouth and under his fingernails, matting his hair down and sticking to his hat. Better to clean himself up first, and he shut the bathroom door behind him before turning on the light.
He did his best not to look at himself in the mirror, but finding it a necessity to assess some of the damage. If he had made it this far like this it couldn’t have been too bad. Still he was in rough shape. Not only was his face cut, bruised, and swollen, but he had also lost enough weight that he appeared gaunt under the torn and dirty clothes he wore. He slowly undressed, assessing each wound, fresh bruises forming on top of old ones, some cuts that were still bleeding every time he moved, gashes that would no doubt need to be closed up. He hissed as some of the clothing stuck to him where blood had dried, let his effects fall to the floor, his gun empty and tucked back in his holster, and stepped into the shower letting the water strike at his feet until it was warm enough to step into. He braced himself against the wall, letting it flow over his hair and down his back, feeling the sense of relief start to fill him as well. He had made it, he was close to resting, and he was close to his mate, that was all he could ask for right now.
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Inconveniences ↬ p.p
AN: This is a reupload from my old account!
An entry for @geminiparkers’s 1k writing challenge!
Pairing- College!Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Warnings: mentions of sex :)
Wc: 1.7k
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You didn’t understand what people saw in the Avengers. They were annoying and had no concept of personal space.
Or maybe those were just your thoughts. You’ve been living with them ever since quarantine started, finally able to convince your parents that you were capable of living alone, you were an avenger, after all. Well you weren’t really living alone, as the people in question along with your boyfriend, Spider-Man lived with you.
Never were you ever glad that May Parker, the angel, had allowed you two to stay together (without much embarrassment).
Back to the point where you got no privacy. For example:
“Peterrrr” you whined, elongating his name to get his attention. You had been horny all day long, craving some semblance of touch from your extremely sweet, hot, amazing, beautiful boyfriend.
He hummed, not even looking up from the laptop he was typing on. He was laying on his side, so you tried to shimmy yourself between the little space on the couch and him, only to grunt when he wouldn’t move.
So you tried something else, because fuck the Avengers you wanted a dick now.
“Petey petey pie,” you whispered, tracing his abs from under his t-shirt. You knew your trick would work, because you could feel them clench.
“Y/N, not here sweetheart.” He muttered, holding your hand while he continued to ignore you.
Pouting, you huffed and flopped back as much as you could.
“You promised you would be free tonight! Gah you’re such a nerd!” You whined, rolling your eyes when you saw Nat entered the living room.
At first she ignored you both, sipping at her milkshake and walking towards the kitchen.
“You chose me and not Harry remember? Thought you were into nerds not gonna lie.” He smirked, his voice low, the kind that had you clenching without a thought.
“And? Are you questioning my choices? Come on Petey you can do your homework later.” You said.
You climbed on top of him, your foot purposefully catching his dick. By now you were practically on his chest , tracing circles around his nipples.
Smirking, you continued to pepper his exposed neck with featherlight kisses, making sure to moan every now and then.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” He clenched his jaw, huffing to show that your kisses were not affecting him.
“Well you’re being a party pooper, so I’m having mine.” You muttered, voice muffled as you slid your hands inside his t-shirt, scratching your fingers against his chest.
Grunting, he gently pushed you off, sitting up with his laptop on his legs, “Y/N this is important."
Mouth open now, you puffed your cheeks, folding your hands on your chest.
"Can you believe this dude?!” You shouted, looking at Nat while pointing at your smirking boyfriend, “he chooses homework over sex!”
Sipping at your drink, you smiled at the scene in front of you. It was almost half a year under quarantine, and Tony had finally agreed to host a party, albeit an internal one with only the Avengers, and May, now that she was out of duty from the hospital.
“How’re you feeling babe?” Peter appeared, wrapping his hands around your stomach, resting his nose on the crook of your neck.
Sighing, you leaned onto his head, enjoying the way he kissed your neck, caressing your waist with his thumbs.
“I’m good, things are getting normal again, if only the president caught the virus, this country would be a much better place.” You snorted, feeling your back vibrate as he laughed.
“You hate him so much don’t you?” He said.
“He’s hate worthy.” You shrugged, turning around to wrap your hands around his neck, playing with the baby hair on the nape.
Leaning forward, you hummed against his lips, crading your hands through his hair as he pushed you into his chest, fingers playing with the hem of your pants.
“Someone’s gonna walk in on us.” You mutter against his mouth, moaning as his tongue attacks your lips, parting them hungrily.
Swaying with the loud music, you whimpered when he touched your waist, his fingers hot and leaving shocks, your pussy throbbing and gut coiling with anticipation.
Panting desperately, you pulled at his shirt, fingers scrunching in the material as he lifted you up, planting on the counter top as you wrapped your legs around his waist, effectively straddling him. Feeling his muscles rippling under the shirt, gave a throaty moan, huffing due to the lack of oxygen.
Sweat was already coating your foreheads, creating highlights on his cheekbones and reflecting off the lens of his glasses-
“Peter did you see my- Oh! Oh am I disturbing you? Why don’t you use the bedroom though, I don’t think Tony would like if you do it in the kitchen-"
"May! Oh my god-"
”-It’s okay honey, you’re not a teenager anymore-“
Falling off the counter top, you bit your lip, playing with the hem of your shirt, not meeting May’s eyes. You look at your blushing boyfriend, embarrassed at being caught making out in between a party.
"May, just go, please-”
“Um, sorry I was just leaving anyway, you know, I got work to do. Yeah. You both continue.” She smirked, nodding at you and sending a sly wink at you.
Shaking your head, you looked at Peter, twiddling your hands together.
“Sooo, wanna make out?” You ask.
“Yeah. Sure"
The dishes clinked together, the noise echoing in the empty kitchen. Peter moved with agility, hands cleaning the dishes as he passed it to you who were putting them on the rack.
You saw him take a deep breath, biting your lips and gulping. You knew what was coming next.
Peter had always been protective of you, as a friend or as a girlfriend. He protected everyone who he loved.
"I’m sorry-"
"Save it. Take your meds and go to sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow.” He grunted, nearly smashing the plates as you raised your eyebrows.
“Well be careful of the plates, they’re fragile.” You joked, heart beating fast as you contemplate his reaction.
“How are you so chill about all this?! You know you were reckless, and yet you do decide to not acknowledge the fact that you almost died!” He slammed his fist, nearly breaking the plate with his hand, a small piece did break, piercing his skin.
You jumped at his sudden aggression, your own anger building.
“I’m a big girl now Peter, I can take care of myself, I don’t need you to look out for me everytime I go out!” You snarled, curling your fist, “and you’re one to talk you hypocrite! You’re always so reckless during patrols, how is me getting blasted by a bomb in a fireproof suit, reckless when you get hit by bullets on a daily basis?"
"I stopped listening after you said you got blasted by a bomb, you’re not enhanced Y/N, how am I supposed to-”, he said voice cracking, “I love you okay? I can’t - I can’t lose you okay?"
Your chest ached at his hurt voice. Peter had lost a lot in his short life, his parents, his uncle, almost lost Tony. And now you felt bad about making him feel that way.
"I’m sorry Petey.” You said, taking his cheek in one hand, holding his suds filled hand in another, “You’re hurt."
He chuckled, looking at his hand where the broken plate had pierced it. Tony wouldn’t mind one broken plate, he was a billionaire after all.
"Yeah.” He said, sniffing and putting it under the faucet to get off any remaining blood. You watched in fascination as the wound closed up, not even leaving a scar behind as if you were watching a time lapse.
Rolling your eyes, you grinned mischievously, poking his chest with you fingers and snorting as he giggled, pulling you closer-
“Bucky! Give me back my cookie now or I swear to god-"
"Ughhh you guys do this purposely don’t you?” You groaned, glaring at Bucky and Sam as they stop in their tracks, looking at each other and smirking.
“We neither confirm nor deny your accusations.” Bucky said, plopping the cookie in his mouth and walking out of the kitchen as you bang your forehead against the table.
Why can’t people just let you be intimate with your boyfriend for one second?
“Are you sure no one’s gonna walk in, Spider-Man?” You hummed against his lips, moving in slow motions as he caresses your bum.
“If they do, I’ll take care of it.” He rasps, squeezing your bottom and fingering the hem of your shirt shorts.
You were sitting in Peter’s bedroom after a full day of teasing him, because you were horny and desperate. Softly kneading your fingers through his hair, you whined at the feel of his bulge against your crotch, a wet feeling already seeping through those shorts.
Rubbing your hips faster against his, you huff, tracing his biceps and squeezing them occasionally as he moved down with his lips, slipping off your tank top.
“Thought you had super speed.” You grunted, urging him to go faster as he unclasped your bra before looking at you with a smirk, his eyes shining with mirth and lust.
“You were a bad girl today, teasing me every opportunity you got, it’s only fair if I get to do the same.” He said before squeezing your one boob and sucking on the other, a wet pop noise leaving his mouth every time he sucked on it.
Spreading your legs further, you shimmy out of your shorts, lifting Peter’s shirt up to get him out of it before he stopped you.
“Oh no, you’re not-” he started before the door opened with a bang.
“Did you guys-” before Tony could see anything, Peter produced his web-shooters and shot at the door, locking it for at least another two hours.
A muffled, “at least use protection!” Was heard from outside the door. Your face was burning with embarrassment, looking at Peter with an innocently terrified look on your face. He could hear your heart racing, and it was making him like, really hard.
“Now, where to begin.” He whispered, chills shooting up your spine, goosebumps appearing on your skin and the wet feeling intensifying between your thighs.
“Let me at least undress you.” You plead, lifting his t-shirt and unbuttoning his jeans simultaneously.
“No, you were a brat today, and brats don’t get a taste without punishment.” He smirked, flipping you so you hit the backrest, holding your arms up and…webbing You up against the headboard, “today I’m doing all the work."
And you didn’t mind it really. Like, at all.
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If I Go, I’m Goin
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Dr. Spencer Reid x Reader
Words: 1845
Part One
Summary: With the reader’s funeral just days away, the team worries about Reid. Spencer struggles to cope and finds himself going to places he remembers being with you. Inspired by the song If I Go, I’m Goin by Gregory Alan Isakov. 
Notes: I know. I’m mean. 
Warnings: Character death, grief, depression
More Criminal Minds: HERE
And the photographs know I’m a liar
They laugh as I burn her down
She wasn’t leaving until he opened the door. J.J. knocked again, this time a little louder than the first. She had given him a day to himself, but now she was worried. It had been less than 48 hours since Y/N died. Everyone was dealing with it differently. Prentiss and Morgan went to the shooting range, Hotch buried himself in paperwork, Penelope was running around trying to fix everything, and Rossi was being, well, Rossi. 
Everyone thought it was a good idea to let Reid be alone for a while, but they didn’t know what J.J. knew. They didn’t know what Y/N had told her that day. Of course, everyone had their suspicions, but J.J, and maybe Penelope, were the only ones that knew that Spence just lost the woman he’d loved for at least the past year. 
The door slowly opened just enough for him to look out. From the little sliver that she could see, he didn’t look well. His eyes were sunken and dark and it looked like he hadn’t changed clothes since the hospital. The sight of his despair nearly brought tears to her eyes. 
“Hey J.J.” 
“Spence.” She greeted, her voice quiet and empathetic. “Can I come in?” 
“Uh, I guess. Sure.” He stepped aside and let her walk past him into his living room. It was strangely well put together. She expected things to be discarded on the floor, for the kitchen sink to be full with dishes. But the only thing that seemed out of place was a single chair facing the window. “Why did you come?” 
“I just wanted to see how you were holding up.” 
“Did Hotch tell you to come see me?” 
“Because I really don’t need a psych evaluation right now.” He sat down in the chair in front of the window. Honestly, it was where he had been for the hours before J.J. got there. He just sat, looking out like he was waiting for Y/N to come down the street. 
“I came here as a friend, Spencer. Not as an agent.” 
“Oh.” She watched as the previous outburst lost its effect on him and he slumped forward, leaning his head on the glass. It was like watching a wounded animal stop fighting. It broke her heart. 
Spencer didn’t say anything else. When J.J. asked him a question, he responded with either a silent nod or a quiet mumble. Eventually, there was nothing else she could say. 
“We’re all here, Spence.” She put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “If you need anything before the funeral…” The last word nearly caught in her throat. Funeral. J.J. kept a steady appearance, leaning over and kissing the top of his head. “Bye Spence.” 
He didn’t say anything as the door closed behind her. He didn’t even look back. Spencer kept his gaze out the window and watched J.J. get in her car and drive away. He must have sat there for a few more hours because by the time he finally moved, it was dark out.  
He forced himself to stand and walk back to his room so he could take a much needed shower. Seeing his still made bed made his stomach twist. His mind conjured the image of a quiet morning, none in particular, where he laid with her. He laid with Y/N in his arms as the sun peeked through the windows. Just as quickly as it had come, the vision left, returning the room to its original empty state. 
Spencer moved through his apartment aimlessly, his body moving before his mind could catch up. His thoughts were far away, trapped in those woods with the constant sound of an arrow cracking through bone. It cracked through his chest, leaving only a painful ache. He stepped into the shower with his clothes still on. 
This old house, she’s quite the keeper
Quite the keeper of you
He was there before anyone else, sitting in the dim light by himself for nearly an hour. When Hotch quietly trudged to his office, he stopped suddenly, seeing the form sitting at his desk. 
“Reid?” He flipped on the main lights and looked warily at the young agent. While he didn’t show it, Hotch noticed Reid’s disheveled appearance and blank expression. “What are you doing here?” 
“I wanted to do some paperwork,” Reid replied, keeping his eyes trained in front of him. Hotch set his briefcase down. 
“I told the team to take a few days off.”
“You’re here.” 
“I have to deal with…” He trailed off, dreading the report sitting on his desk. Reid nodded, still not entirely paying attention to his supervisor. 
“Right.” He continued to slowly tap his pen against the surface of his desk. Hotch knew that the psych evals weren’t until after everyone came back, but Reid was worrying him. Grabbing his briefcase, he kept a close eye on him as he went to his office. 
Spencer stared at the desk across from him. 
“Come on, there has to be something that you don’t know.” You challenged, chewing absentmindedly on the cap of your pen. Normally he would remark on how many germs were on the average pen, but when you did it, he thought it was cute. 
“Of course there are things I don’t know, I just don’t talk about them because I don’t know them well enough to talk about them.” 
“I bet you can’t name every character in Star Wars.” 
“Alphabetically or in order of appearance.” He smirked smugly. 
He blinked and the memory was gone. Y/N was gone and the emptiness returned. Spencer stood up, wanting to find something that would conjure another image of her. He wandered aimlessly around the office, slowly weaving in between desks. He opened the drawers of her old desk, but they had already been emptied. Her parents must have already cleaned it out. 
Right. Her parents were here. He’d almost forgotten. They were here for the… 
Somehow, he found himself standing in the break room in front of the empty coffee maker. He made himself a pot, not really thinking about his motions as he put the grounds in the filter and poured the water. It wasn’t until he imagined her hand on his arm that he felt anything at all. 
“What are you doing?” He asked, an amused smile playing at his lips. 
“I’m dancing.” You twirled to the other side of him, your playful laugh filling the small room. 
“There isn’t any music playing.” 
“Who said you need music to dance, Spence?” You took his hands and spun into him, giggling relentlessly. “Come on, dance with me.” 
“Are you crazy? We’re at work.” He tried to sound stern, but he just laughed instead. 
“So? Nobody will see us.” You put a hand on his shoulder and moved his arm around your waist. You both swayed to the music in your mind, your hearts somehow playing the same song. For a moment, you forgot where you were. You forgot that there was another horrific case awaiting you in the conference room and all that existed was you and the man that held you. 
“Hey Y/N.”
“I love you.” It seemed now that the two of you were swaying to the sounds of your heartbeats. You blinked up at him, surprised at first, but soon a bright smile spread across your face. 
“I love you too.” 
This vision faded slower than the last, Y/N’s face staying until the last possible moment. His arms ached from the emptiness, his feet rocking back and forth like he was dancing all on his own. 
“Reid.” Hotch’s voice halted the music in his mind. His voice was grimmer, almost sadder than it was before. “Are you ready to go?” 
“Go?” He read Hotch’s expression. “Oh. Right. That’s today.” Hotch nodded and stood aside so Reid could pass by. 
“I’ll drive you home so you can change.” 
If I go, I’m goin crazy
Let my darlin take me there
It was a perfectly nice day, making him even more sick to his stomach. The sun was out and clouds lazily drifted across the sky. He wished it would have rained. At least then, the world would look like he felt; colorless and dark. 
Y/N’s parents both shared a few words and Penelope did the eulogy. Spencer was sure it was nice, but he couldn’t focus enough to really hear any of the words. Hotch kept a close eye on him, though he tried not to be obvious about it. Spencer felt like everyone was watching him, waiting for his numb exterior to break. He knew they meant well, but he’d appreciate it if they were a little more subtle about it. 
Somehow, the ceremony felt both eternal and over too quickly. Before he had even moved to put his rose on the coffin, it seemed like everyone was leaving. Maybe it was just him; frozen in time until he could bring himself to step forward. It still felt like everyone was staring at him. How many people even knew about him and Y/N? Maybe everyone, at this point. They were profilers after all and he hadn’t been abundantly subtle on that last case. 
That last case. 
Suddenly the rose in his hand was an arrow, bloody and splintered at one end. It fell between his fingers and hit the grass as a flower again. A petal fell off and he held it to his lips. Was he going insane? Was this what it would be like from now on? Everything reminding him of that last moment with her? With the blood and the arrow and the screaming? 
With a slow, shaky hand, he placed the rose on the coffin. Someone put their hand on top of his, but when he turned, there wasn’t anyone there and suddenly, he felt something… peaceful. Something that told him that all he would need to remember were the good things. The smiles. The laughter. The dances in the breakroom. Despite every logical impulse in his mind, every scientific fact he knew by memory, he knew. It was her. Y/N.
Finally, he started to cry. The numbness was gone and allowed for emotion to finally come to light. Sobs shook his body and nearly made his knees buckle, but he made himself stand. He ran his fingers over the gleaming surface of the coffin and cried. 
“I love you. I’ll always love you.” 
He must have stood there like that for at least an hour, if not several, but when he turned around, he found his team- his family- waiting there for him. And they walked away together, always to remember the member that they lost. A friend. A sister. A lover. And Spencer would never forget you, as long as he lived. 
I will go if you ask me to
I will stay if you dare
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks; @kendahl0216​
Requested Tag: @ lolalee24; @ haylaansmi; @ obsssedwithjustaboutanything;
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You Weren’t My Mission: Ch. 1
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Chapter One – A Second Encounter
TW: alcohol, implied violence
Note: Hello! All chapters will have warnings at the beginning of their content and possible triggers. If you find that I miss any triggers, please let me know and I will add them to the chapter warnings as soon as possible. Thank you! <3
Series masterpost
Also available on Wattpad and AO3
His eyes were fixed on yours, gaze intense despite the physical distance between you. If the sight of his metal hand hadn’t confirmed that it was him, then his face solidified it. You’d seen this exact glare in your nightmares for years now. Although nearly a decade had passed since the last time you saw him, you had never been able to shake the memory. It was him, and you were sure of it. ・:*:・゚☆
Your thumb swept around the surface your glass, collecting the droplets of condensation that had begun building up. With one final swig you downed the remainder of your gin and tonic, eyeing the entryway on the lookout for any newcomers.
“You all done for the night, y/n?” Vincent wandered over, dish towel in hand, to collect your glass that was now only filled with ice and a slice of lime. He knew your routine by now — you only ever came by for a single drink after work, people-watching as you unwound before heading home to your quiet apartment. While you hadn’t ever told him that last part, he figured that if you had somewhere urgent to be that you wouldn’t be here every night, although he’d never ask.
“I’ll have another, actually,” you declared, voice unsteady as you weren’t sure in your choice. Typically you’d have one drink and leave, occasionally staying around a bit longer to sip on some water if you really didn’t want to go home that night. But the week had been long and it was only Wednesday; you wanted — no, needed that second drink.
“Sure ‘bout that?”
“Yea, I’m gonna hang around a bit longer tonight.” Vincent’s eyebrows raised as he did a slight nod, reaching below the counter for a new glass, to which you let out a playful scoff. “Don’t act so surprised,” you teased, “I mix it up sometimes.” While you rarely talked, you and Vincent had become more comfortable with your banter over the past year or so. Even the most guarded of patrons like you couldn’t avoid small talk with the bartender — especially not if you were a regular.
As you waited for your drink you scanned your surroundings, looking to see if anybody new had come in for a drink. Weeknights tended to be slower, but there were a few couples and groups of friends scattered throughout the room. You and a man no younger than 50 were the only ones seated at the bar, him closer to the entrance while you sat furthest away at the seat you knew had the best view of the place. Almost every night you were in this exact spot, sipping slowly on whatever drink you’d ordered, checking your phone for the occasional text message or work email, and people-watching. It was pretty rare for you to spend more than an hour there in one evening, but tonight it had been nearly an hour and here you were ordering a second drink.
You jumped when Vincent placed the new glass in front of you, your mind focused on the other people scattered throughout the room. He let out a light chuckle as he turned around, walking towards the other side of the bar; he was pretty used to your skittishness by now. Hand wrapped around your new drink, you brought your focus back to your surroundings. A couple seated at a small table to your right engaged in small talk, exchanging pleasantries in-between awkward sips of their drinks. Definitely a first date, you thought. A burst of laughter from a booth further away caught your attention, where a group of men in suits sat meeting for a drink after work. Aside from that, there was little commotion in the bar tonight. While commotion made for fun people-watching, you preferred the gentle hum of casual conversations on slower nights, the occasional clinking of glasses from Vincent’s cleaning or a new table being served.
Realizing a few minutes had passed, you grabbed for your drink and took a sip, eyes skirting over the rim of the glass as you spotted movement in the entryway.
Suddenly, you wished you hadn’t ordered that second drink.
A tall figure entered the bar, shoulders swaying with each step. When he came to a stop you finally took him in, eyes scanning over the black leather jacket that spanned his broad frame and running down to his hands. Dressed in all black, the flesh tone of his hand stood out. Which made the metallic black of his left hand all the more apparent, confirming what you had hoped was just another instance of unnecessary panic.
The brooding figure wasn’t foreign to you.
Your eyes glossed over as you remembered the last time you’d seen him all those years ago. While the nightmares weren’t as frequent and you were able to go days at a time without thinking about it, you were still able to vividly remember the moment. The way his eyes had met yours, menacing and unforgiving as you held back a wail of pain from the pressure of debris pressing on, or into, your torso. The fear that ripped through you when you registered the M4A1 in his tight grip, barrel pointed in your direction. The way you laid there, shaking and ears ringing, wishing that he, whoever he was, would keep moving past you, that he would leave you be. He had done just that, only pausing for a moment to assess your helpless position before lowering the barrel of his gun and trudging onward in his search for his true target.
So many times since then you thought you’d seen him again, only to sigh with relief when you saw the two flesh hands of whoever had startled you.
But this wasn’t one of those moments, and the sight of his metal hand confirmed it. It wasn’t silver like the one in your memory, but there were only so many guys out there with bionic left arms.
You came out of your trance to find that his eyes were fixed on yours, gaze intense despite the physical distance between you. If the sight of his metal hand hadn’t confirmed that it was him, then his face solidified it. You’d seen this exact glare in your nightmares for years now. Although nearly a decade had passed since the last time you saw him, you had never been able to shake the memory. It was him, and you were sure of it.
With a slight roll of his shoulders and a subtle nod, he dropped his gaze to the floor and began his slow descent towards the bar.
The sip of gin and tonic you had taken still sat on your tongue as you finally lowered the glass, letting the liquid slide down your throat and feeling the tingling sensation travel down to your chest. Your breath was shallow as your hands started to shake, to which you began fidgeting with the closest thing in front of you — the paper napkin that had been under your glass. As you ran your fingers along its corners and kept your eyes glued to the bar top, you felt his presence near yours, confirmed by the sound of heavy footsteps that approached.
The scent of fresh balsam and a bit of mint flooded your senses as you noticed him standing to your side, giving you a moment to take in his presence before sliding into the seat to your right. Having kept your eyes trained on the napkin at your fingertips, you subtly glanced over, noting the metal arm that was closest to you. It’s really him, you confirmed. Instead of a reflective silver like the arm you remembered, this one was much darker, a black metal with hints of gold in between the plates. You couldn’t see further up than his wrist, the rest of his arm concealed by the jacket.
It took everything in you to refrain from bouncing your leg against your barstool. Maybe if I stay as still as possible, you thought to yourself, I’ll make it out of here alive. You had no clue what he wanted and it terrified you.
The desire to fidget became all the more intense as you felt him shifting his upper body to face you while in his seat. Your breath hitched when his flesh hand came into view, extended for a greeting in your direction. He let out a low sigh as you shifted your gaze slightly, glancing at his hand before sheepishly making eye contact with the man who had once both threatened and spared your life. You watched as he slightly parted his lips, allowing for a gentle smile to form at the corner of his lips.
“Long time, no see, Miss y/n. I’m James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, and you’re a part of my efforts to make amends.”
Next Chapter (Chapter 2 – Making Amends)
A/N: Thank you for reading the first chapter of this story! I'm currently drafting up what will come next, but am in the end of a semester so it may be a few days until I have something ready to publish. This is my first longer work and I'm looking forward to the journey. Stay tuned for updates, and please let me know if you have any comments or questions!
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
Build Me Up, Buttercup
George Weasley x Reader
Song Inspired
Warnings: Zilch. Pure Fluff.
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Life at the Burrow can get pretty hectic. With so many people running in and out all of the time things can quickly get out of hand. So, fortunately for Mrs Weasley she had so many ready and willing children to lend a hand when necessary.
Okay, maybe 'ready and willing' is a stretch. It's more of a 'whether you like it or not' arrangement if we're being honest. But regardless it gets the jobs done.
Today being no exception, so while Molly and Arthur left for town to run some errands preparing for the new school year, there were a list of chores for her 'happy' helpers; Fred, George, Y/n, Ron, Harry and Ginny, to get done.
Ron and Harry were set the challenge of De-Gnoming the garden, Ginny had a chicken coop to clean, Fred - to his great pleasure - were on laundry duty (though last George saw there weren't much folding going on. More his brother were sprawled out dramatically over a pile of towels groaning loudly), Y/n meanwhile was on kitchen duty and so that left George the very taxing chore of cleaning the attic. Molly were sure to give he and Fred separate jobs knowing full well, left to their own devices, no work would get done - if anything she'd come home to a bigger mess.
George hated the attic, it were so cluttered and stuffy. Not to mention the Ghoul were no help with all the racket he liked to make banging one piece of junk against the other. Thankfully, however, he were nearly finished.
Placing the final box atop the others he'd organised George dusted his hands before resting them on his hips with a tired sigh.
He let his eyes roam the space - damn they had some junk. Although there were a notable improvement thanks to his efforts. All that remained was to dust the, many, cobwebs and sweep the floors.
Looking around the room he noticed the broom and dustpan were nowhere in sight - that's when he remembered y/n had been using them to clean the living room earlier. As he was sure she'd be finished using them by now, he turned to descend the staircase, ducking briefly to avoid an old pan the Ghoul threw in protest of the houses usual quietness, George made his way towards the sitting room.
Passing Fred, whom were not much better off than when he'd started - still groaning, but now upright and reluctantly folding, this brought an amused smile to his twins face until something piqued his curiosity. There were Muggle music coming from the bottom floor.
Y/n, being a half-blood, had introduced the Weasleys to some records from her home on her previous visit and must have put one on to listen to whilst she cleaned.
As he drew nearer the music grew louder and more recognisable. Her record of The Foundations was playing - a favourite of hers George had learned.
As he reached the bottom flight of stairs his eyes scanned the room - y/n had done an excellent job - unfortunately though the object he required were nowhere to be found. Turning to step off the landing George reddied to ask y/n if she were done using it, assuming she'd carried on her good work to the dining room, but he found himself halted by the sight before him.
Y/n were by the sink scrubbing this mornings dishes. But that's not what stopped him in his tracks. She were dancing and singing along to the record as she did so - quite passionately.
George leant against the nearby cabinet as he admired her while she 'performed', so obliviously happy wrapped up in her own little world. He watched the way her hips swayed in time with the beat, the slight bounce in her step as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. How her hair was flowing wildly with each silly head-bang and nod along. He could see the way her face lit up in joy by the faint reflection in the window. His favourite thing by far though was the way she used the scrubbing brush as a microphone as she sang along.
His smile grew as the next song began to play, which he knew she were very fond of, and her enthusiasm seemed to increase ten fold.
Her arms flailed about of their own accord as she danced, singing excitedly, "Why do you build me up, Buttercup, baby, just to let me down?"
It were moments like these George found himself falling for her harder - everytime. When she finally let her walls down and would let herself be truly happy and unashamedly expressive of her real - crazy - self. A side he wished she'd show more.
His relationship with y/n were complicated in a way. They've known each other for years. Grown up in the same small town and had been sorted into the same house at Hogwarts; so naturally she'd always been close with the Weasleys, especially the Twins, and over the years it became blatantly obvious to everyone, even y/n and George, that they'd developed feelings for each other.
They'd just never managed to act on them.
There'd been plenty of moments. Nights spent up late talking by the fire of the common room. Plenty of long walks by the Black Lake. Plenty of midnight snack runs to the kitchens and Butterbeers drank in Hogsmead. Plenty of moments, just never the right one.
A slight chuckle rolled from the back of Georges throat as he watched on and y/ns movements became more energetic and her voice began to carry more over the music
"...worst of all, you never call, baby. When you say you will. But I still-" y/n had spun in place only to be met with the realisation she were no longer alone and that her little concert had an on-looker.
George stood smugly, with arms folded as his tongue slowly came to wet his lips and a wide toothy smile graced his features.
Y/n was frozen like a deer in headlights. Her make shift microphone still held high. Her eyes left his as she drew a heavy breath but simply shrugged and carried on with her karaoke, only now it weren't a show for the dishes - she instead began to serenade George.
She smoothly tossed the scourer from one hand into the other, her dominant one now pointed dramatically at George as she sung,
"I need you! More than anyone, Darling." George raised his eyebrows in mock surprise as if to say 'oh, really?'
"You know I have from the start" her arm that'd been pointing at the redhead was then swiftly cast high into the air, her head falling back with it singing loudly "so, build me up!" George couldn't help the laugh that erupt from his chest at her theatrics watching as she put her hand over her heart, looking back to him with doey-love eyes, a slight shake to her head finishing the chorus' "don't break my heart" in a loving tone.
As the song continued y/n kept on with her awkward dance moves, beckoning for him to join her. He'd genuinely tried to resist - but he could never say no to her.
His hands found hers twisting in time with the music and twirling her just to hear the laugh it brought from her.
Y/n hadn't expected him to join her much less start singing himself but he did and she couldn't be happier.
"Baby, baby, try to find a little time and I'll make you happy" both were laughing loudly as their moves slowly became more comical. George was swaying her about the room, pushing her away in a twirl before pulling her back into his chest (all those lessons for the Yule ball really paying off right now) as he continued to sing y/n jokingly raised the brush for him to sing into as she had, which he did with as much energy and flare as he does anything.
"But I could be the boy you adore, if you'd just let me know...BA-DAH-DAH!" he yelled the last part particularly loud which nearly had y/n falling to her knees in laughter, but George had caught her.
Y/n snatched the 'microphone' back from him as the chorus came back round and sang sweetly to him once again;
"But I love you still. I need you, more than anyone, Darling. You know that I have since the start. So build me up, Buttercup. Baby, don't break my heart."
George didn't know what came over him. Maybe it were because of how unbelievably adorable she looked in this moment. The way hearing her say 'I love you' got his heart racing, beating harder than a drum. Or simply the build up of years of pointless pining for one another, when they both clearly wanted this - all that wasted time in which they could have been together. Whatever the reason; he knew there'd never be a more right moment than this.
Suddenly his hand was finding her waist and pulling her body tight against his while the other came to her cheek. His thumb delicately traced her bottom lip as his fingers slowly moved to caress and rest lovingly by the nape of her neck.
"I'd never" he'd whispered the words so tenderly, with eyes which seemed to hold more love than could be considered possible. Her body all but melted under his touch, eyes dancing frantically back and forth between his trying to anticipate his next move. But it was her word he was waiting for, he wasn't taking this any further unless he was sure she wanted it, and she did. Her gaze flicked briefly to his lips encouragingly.
Georges hand slowly glided across her soft skin, tracing the line of her jaw till reaching her chin, tilting her head up ever-so-slightly as they leaned towards one another. Their eyes fluttered close, lips only just meeting in a feather-light touch that had y/n inhaling shakily at the tingles which had erupted through her spine. Their lips were just about to connect-
A flash of green and loud crash from the fireplace sent them jumping from their skins. Lungs coughing copious amounts of soot which indicated the return of Mr and Mrs Weasley.
"My, the place looks marvellous" Molly beamed, admiring the dining and living areas. "Afternoon, Kids! Keeping busy then I hope?" Arthur greeted smilingly. "Yeah" George answered, "we're just finishing up the dishes." He grinned down to y/n who was determinately focusing on the two adults in attempt to control her nervousness. "Excellent, well don't let us mind you - we'll be out of your hair in a tick" his father spoke as both parents ascended the staircase fussing over the school supplies they'd purchased.
The teens turned their attention to the long since forgotten dishes in the sink. They worked in comfortable silence, y/n scrubbing as George dried. His eye was constantly being pulled to the girl beside him as he noticed how she were trying - and failing - to hide a smile. Playfully he bumped her hip with his own, which finally turned her attention to him once again. She was waiting for him to speak but he never did. Merely smirking down at her with a glance to her lips, a look that completely broke the girls composed facade as she focused back to the task at hand, biting her lip to suppress a giddy smile.
George did the same, but there were no hiding his own wide smile, not even if he wanted to.
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tokimihyachi · 4 years
Dainty Fingers
BC Holiday Special #6
Pairing: Yami Sukehiro X Charlotte Roselei
Warnings: None
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The melodious sound of the string quartet playing below her room echoed throughout House Roselei and a few meters from their home. Ringing in her ears as she sat up to carefully look from below, basking the warmth of the sun as it touched her skin.
Her grandmother, decided to stay, anointing herself as head of the House for a few days. The reason for her return, was mainly to push her granddaughter to finally 'take a bite' of the man she's been in love with for several years.
The electric blue-eyed maiden smiled at the memory, knowing her grandmother meant well. She was the first to know of such forbidden secret, seeing how the young Roselei was once in a daze as if daydreaming when her Prince Charming would walk through the doors and kiss her on the lips like she always wanted.
She looked over her shoulder, swiftly moving up from the chair she sat on to the scarf she tried sewing. Sewing. Most women had several intrinsic skills that were used to base how good of a wife they would become.
Charlotte in particular had no interest in such whatsoever, but hearing that her former Captain who was dubbed as the 'old and maiden rose' sent her an invitation a few days ago, informing her that she is to be wed to a man, a being she's told her she despised for years, on February the following year.
The former captain of the Blue Rose summoned Charlotte two days ago. Happily rambling about the joys of being engaged and loved, 'called me to brag? so much like you.' she said to herself, preventing herself from rolling her eyes and making any noise that proven she was unintrested to hear her love life.
But her former captain mentioned something about what makes a woman 'wife material' which caught her attention. When the woman listed down all of the requirements that must be met, Charlotte started practicing all of them.
Knitting? She was horrible at it. Compared to the ones her grandmother made, the old woman's creation was beyond beautiful that every pattern was of foliage or flower in flowing swirls, as if together, in print and hue, it told of the oneness of Earth.
Cooking? She nearly burned their kitchen. If not close with a few maids she would've embarassed herself completely if the secret that the next head of House Roselei was not a great cook— a total contrast to her mother; one of the greatest chefs in Clover Kingdom that even the King favored her dishes.
Conversations with men? The worst. Simply trying to hold a conversation with other people was difficult, much less with a man, and what more with him who she loves deeply.
The only thing she seemed to pass was cleaning. Her room has always been tidy. Everything placed where it should be and some even considered their places thoughtful as it was in an area that was most convenient for its use.
She eventually gave up, claiming she really wasn't meant for the job, but she always remembered how exposed his body was to the cold. 'A scarf would be good' she said to herself, smiling when she thought about sewing or creating one.
Despite her greatest efforts, she failed, and failed, and failed.
"A-Ahck!" she cursed, accidentally stinging herself with the needle. Looking at her fingers that were now covered in bandages, she sighed and slumped her back onto the wooden bench of the garden of their base.
"This is hopeless." she said out loud, raising her hand into the air realizing how bad it looked like. 'I'll just wear gloves. It is the winter season so no one would think it's strange...'
"What the heck happened to your hand?" Bolting from her position, she sat up, eyes meeting his dark ones she drowned endlessly in.
Gulping, she tried to open her mouth to speak, but no word came out of it. Without a warning, she hid the scarf she made behind her along with her hands. Yami groaned as he sat beside her, "Show me your hands." he quietly said, eyes staying on her figure that was melting under his gaze.
She looked down and swayed her head left, then right. Yami crushed the cigarette on his hand with his foot, and sighed, "Too late to hide it." was the last phrase he uttered before attempting to see what she was hiding.
The stubborn woman Charlotte is continued to repress it further, stretching her hands upward in the air, and when Yami was able to grab a hold of it, it was only then when he realized how close their faces were to each other.
Her lips were a pale pink that reminded him of a rose bud. The top lip was thinner, but not too thin, and it had a natural cupid's bow; the bottom one was larger and more plush. He stared at them and back to her eyes— repeating this action several times, not knowing what to do.
It was too late for Charlotte now. Her mind completely shut down the moment she understood the direction their actions were heading to. Yami did the first move and placed his lips above hers. Their softness was nothing like the words she spoke at all.
Charlotte froze in place. When the captain of the Black Bulls felt that she wasn't reciprocating the kiss he pulled away, "A-Ah shit. Sorry Prickly Q—" as if acting on impulse, Charlotte wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him closer.
The first drop of snowfall goes down as they kissed in the coldness of the winter. The snowflakes run down their faces to where their lips meet, both of them tasting the cold drops. Instead of detracting from the intensity of the moment, it brings them to new heights.
Charlotte pushes her lips in more firmly and the wave that runs through him that was intoxicating, making her head swim as he pulls back to take in her beautiful face, feeling tears trailing down her cheeks.
The black-haired man tucked her hair behind her ear, slightly smiling as she was blushing profusely. 'Cute.' he thought so uncharacteristically to himself.
But seeing her cry and release her emotions was something he least expected, was he perhaps that much of a bad kisser? Did his breath smell? But he brushed his teeth thrice before going here to bring the letter Julius asked him to— wait where is the letter!?
He bent down to take the letter that was... open? Accidentally peaking inside of it, he saw a piece of paper that had nothing written on it. 'Damn you, Julius. Did you know this would happen? Tch. Now I owe the old man.' He looked at her again, who was able to calm down thanks to the gentleness of his calloused hands rubbing hers— avoiding places that had bandages.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked hesitantly, "I-If you don't I- It's okay. No pressure." he added, reassuring her as she sniffled in place, holding his hand tighter.
"I-I... I wa-wanted to g-give you this ri-ridiculous scarf." she laughed, crying while doing so. Yami, the careless and sometimes clueless man that he is, roared laughing, 'Seriously,' he thought again, looking at her who was sending him to the underworld with her intense glare. Charlotte swatted his hand and stood up to walk out, only to have Yami pull her into a warm embrace.
"Tsk. I'm not belittling your capabilities or thinking of any other self-degrading thoughts you're having." Yami said, hugging her tighter. Charlotte stopped squirming and pushing him, "This," he said, taking her hand and raising it, "should be taken care of." he finished, planting a soft kiss on her hand that made her breath hitch.
"Looks like even the Prickly Queen can prickle her self." he joked making Charlotte scoff. Her heart wanted to burst right out of her chest, but the heaviness her lungs have been carrying was somehow released with his presence, unlike before that suffocated her.
"Thank you." she whispered, responding to his hug and tightly wrapping her own arms around him. The pain she felt upon prickling her own fingers with the needle already gone and long forgotten, as all she can ever think of is him, who was embracing her— reassuring her that she needed not to be like other women for him to like her back.
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choco-felix · 4 years
morning love ☆ ♡ bestfriend!jisung | 1.7k words
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The coolness of the shower water chilled you deep inside, but you continued to let it fall against your skin; you were trying to pull yourself back into reality after waking up half naked beside your best friend, but, it wasn’t quite working. You sighed as you finally heated up the water, your shivering ceasing as you reached over to grab what you presumed was Jisung’s body wash. You let your hand graze over the front of the bottle before opening it, letting yourself take in the familiar scent of the liquid as you squeezed out a respectable amount.
You weren’t sure if your brain was working, but you couldn’t seem to remember anything about the night before other than...showing up at the club alongside Hyunjin, who had given you a soft smile and had left you by yourself at the bar. Everything after that was a completely blur until your eyes opened up under the soft sheets of Jisung’s bed and you had nearly screamed.
With a deep breath, you made your way back to his bedroom, having thrown on one of his t-shirts that was left inside of the bathroom (and of which looked clean). You were mentally preparing yourself to talk to him, about what might have or might have not happened the night before, but just as you entered the room, it was empty. “Is that my shirt?”
You whirled around to the sound of his voice, your eyes falling upon him scanning you from top to bottom, before raising his head to meet your gaze. “Um, yeah, it is...sorry, I should’ve asked—” You felt self-conscious at that point, suddenly aware even though it wasn’t the first time you had worn any of his clothes. “I just couldn’t find mine...”
Jisung shook his head immediately, “No! No, it’s fine. You don’t have to ask, I don’t mind. Uh, so, I made breakfast? Yeah, no, I made breakfast so, if you wanna...?” He trailed off, gesturing towards the kitchen; his eyes grazed past your bare legs as you walked off, his cheeks flaring up from the exposure as he looked away.
You had to say that breakfast with your best friend had never felt so awkward before, the two of you only stealing glances at each other every now and then while slowly eating the pancakes that he had cooked. They were—surprisingly good, considering his cooking skills had increased greatly since you had started teaching him. Just as you finished, you stood up to discard of your plate when Jisung swept by you, taking the dish from your hand instead.
You followed by as you watched him wash the dishes, your eyes moving from his hands and then trailing up his bare arms, stopping at the ends of his sleeveless shirt. Pursing your lips, you let yourself go for a few seconds, your mouth nearly watering over the sight of his hands. Your thoughts wandered, never leaving his hands while you imagined them moving up your thighs, stopping between the flesh near your core and inching his fingers just a little closer to where you needed to feel him before slipping them—
“—Y/N?” You snapped out of your daze, realizing that he was now standing in front of you with a concerned look on his face. “Are you okay? Do you feel alright or do you want a painkiller...or something? You don’t look like you have that bad of a hangover.” Jisung raised one of his hands to run through his hair, and you focused on it almost immediately that it made you embarrassed at how easily you were getting turned on by your best friend. The rings on a few of his fingers made you gulp, making him perk up. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah! Yeah, ‘m fine!” You answered a little too enthusiastically, not being able to rip your gaze away from those hands of his (had you not noticed them earlier?) until he sensed your look, making you glance away. “Um, yeah so I just wanted to ask—what happened? Like, yesterday?” What happened that I ended up in my underwear and in your bed at the same time?
“So Hyunjin got you drunk, like always,” he chuckled softly at the memory of your swaying figure, clinging onto him like a koala as you whined that your feet hurt. “And you insisted I take you to my place, so here we are!” He wasn’t quite sure if he should elaborate on what had happened after that, so he left it there, giving you a large gummy smile and moving to walk away.
“Wait! I mean, what happened after we got here?” You heard your own voice trailing off along with your self-confidence, and your grip that you had fastened on his arm slowly releasing as well. He seemed to get what you were going at, moving back in front of you.
“Well,” Jisung’s fingers drummed the granite counter, sending spontaneous shivers down your spine for some odd reason. “You said that you were—tired, so I brought you to my room but uh, I wasn’t planning on staying there! You kinda said I could stay there with you, so...” He looked back up at you after the words were said, but you still hadn’t gotten everything from him; there was something that you knew he was hiding. “...that’s about it.”
“Then w-why did I—” you weren’t sure how to word the phrase—wake up naked in your bed? “Uh, I wasn’t wearing any clothes though?”
“Oh,” he let out a laugh, startling you when he leaned sideways. “Right—so you pinned me down on my own bed and kept telling me to call you princess. But my best part was when you complained it was too hot and took your dress off, right on top of me, actually. Pretty shameless.” You buried your face into your hands, feeling your face growing an honest burn as he continued. “I thought I was gonna have to wrestle you to sleep or something, but you passed out like a second after that.”
“Oh my god,” you mumbled into your skin, shaking your head repeatedly. “I’m so sorry you had to see that, that was probably traumatizing.” So, good job Y/N, you did well. Stripped in front of your best friend this time, what’s next? Getting naked in front of him?
“It was a pretty enjoyable view,” he said without hesitation, making your heart skip a beat when you peeked at him through your hands. He was now wearing a custom smirk, one that grew wider into a true smile. “A gorgeous girl was sitting atop of me, practically yanking a tight dress off her equally gorgeous body; how could that be traumatizing? It was heaven.” Your mouth fell open at his words, your eyes going wide as you realized he was getting awfully close to you, now making sure his face was inches in front of your own. “Wanna send me to heaven again?”
“W-What is that supposed to mean?” You knew exactly what that meant, especially when he brought his hands up to your face, wriggling his fingers in front of your eyes. “What are you doing?”
“I know you have a thing for my hands,” Jisung chirped, one of his hands resting against your hot cheek for a second before he giggled. “Are you nervous? Don’t be nervous, it’s just me.” His fingers grazed past the softness of your lips, swiping across the bottom for a second before they moved past your parted lips, slipping into your mouth. “Suck on them, pretty girl.”
You obeyed, watching him carefully as you swiped your tongue over his flesh, a low sound coming from your throat as they inched further back into your mouth. “Yeah? You like that?” He pulled them out, admiring the way your saliva coated his flesh so perfectly. “You wanna ride them?”
Pursing your lips, you nodded eagerly, no longer caring about any dignity around your friend. Jisung chuckled at your response, “Or do you want me to fuck you with them?” His question was low, the earlier thoughts of yours being thrown out of the window to his blatant suggestion.
“Yes,” you got out, your thighs involuntarily rubbing against each other at the thought of seeing his fingers disappear into your hole. He groaned out at your response, pressing his lips to yours without warning. You slowed him down with a hand to his chest, molding your mouth against his own the way you had wished to do for so long. His hands wrapped around your waist, hoisting you up against the counter before pulling away to wriggle a hand between your knees, parting your legs apart.
With a push to your (his) shirt, he had his fingers hooked onto your panties already, pulling you back into reality as you stopped him with a hand over his own. He looked back up at you, a mask of concern falling over the primary lust. “We don’t have to do this,” he said slowly. “Do you want me to stop?”
With another gulp, you shook your head. “No, I just had to—think for a moment.” He nodded knowingly, tapping softly at your hips to get you to lift them, and then slid your laced panties far down your legs, leaving them discarded on the floor. You let out a sound that was an awkward squawk, almost, shutting your legs in an attempt to cover yourself. Now, you just felt stupid, going back and forth from yeses and noes.
“Let me see how beautiful you are, princess,” Jisung tried at his words, feeling you loosen up to the pet name almost without a second thought. He spread your legs as wide as they allowed, running his hands and up down your thighs as he drank in the sight of your already dripping pussy. “You’re making a mess in my kitchen. Already so wet...from these things?” He wiggled his fingers in front of you again, liking your eye widening reaction. “Well, don’t you worry, I’ll put them to good use too.”
Just as his hands trailed up your thighs, massaging the soft flesh, you couldn’t help but feel like there was something missing. “Stop,” he removed his hands immediately, looking up at you. “Can we...not do this here?”
“Then my bed it is,” he said without hesitation, pulling you into his grasp and getting ready to give you the time of your life.
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Turtle’s Naked Challenge
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@bloody-weapons-soft-soul13​ @fyreball66​ @lonelyheart-clubband @blossom-skies @narwals14 @betelgeusessonajblog @missbeautyandherbeast @midnightrebel669 @midnight-chocolate-turtle @myheyheyheystuff @nikitaboeve @mistyroselove @waterstar2016 @bluesakurablossom @bayverse-turtle-power @nights-legacy @janna-the-breaker @missmagellanic @darksaphire2002 @aurora-the-kunoichi @moonlightflower21 @queendice98 @infintyfandoms @ravn-87 @bmntgirl @vixie-chan233
This took a while to do considering my daughter after hearing her auntie bae claim I was fucking lazy decided to dump a drink over my flashdrives so I couldn’t use them anymore resulting in losing all my files, stories, and all my asks but as requested here’s some steamy wet turtle nudity
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Her boyfriend had gotten to her place after a long strenuous patrol looking so tired and rundown just knowing being the leader could be hard
Being the older brother to three whack job goofy brothers could also do a number on a turtle’s mentality and had her heart going out to him instantly one these nights making her somewhat baby her alpha much to the displeasure on his face
He didn’t like the coddling but knowing how grumpy he could be had the woman wanting to make it better because Leonardo deserved to be pampered like a king when he allowed her to do so
After all he made her feel like a queen every day she could do the same for her leader
Upon offering him her shower to relax and wash the day away but also giving him tons of kisses that pulled a loving smile from her special guy and promising of more once he was done had him swayed easily
Plus he seemed more willing as her hand trailed up his plastron hearing her whispering of maybe some more enticing fun once he was finished he had immediately hopped in to clean up while she got comfortable and started reading her new book he had gotten her a few weeks back
The woman figured he might be a while and he deserved the longest shower he could stand so why not read a few chapters until he was done already having their movie ready to be started and dinner in the stove already prepared knowing he loved home cooked meals
Only the best for her turtle
She was so absorbed in the pages happily following the hero’s tale the water turning off didn’t even register to her nor did the bathroom door squeaking or abnormal soft steps approaching her couch where she was lounged out comfortably
What did was the sopping wet towel that landed on her making her squeak and jump a foot in the air
“Finally reading it – it’s a really good story”
She pulled the cloth off her before freezing seeing her leader standing there proud in front of her in all his glorious perfection steam roving lazily off his leaf green flesh as those blue sapphires set her on fire feeling the room getting warm as she looked him over shifting in her seat as something else started to feel ‘hot’
She was panting and all he was doing was looking at her
The throbbing appendage between his thick thighs had her trying desperately not to look down and she failed miserably as he strolled forward a sly grin on his face his lower lip caught between his teeth before he tilted her head up smelling what he was doing to her and the soft fabric of the blue nightie had him seconds from losing his dominate stance
“Just wondering does that offer still stand or are you just going to sit there drooling all over the book” she apparently didn’t answer him fast enough because the look in his eyes shifted as he got over her growling under his breath “Bedroom now and on your knees before I break the couch again~”
Her body responded this time as he moved back so fluidly walking towards the hallway before letting her pass him a small moan leaving her as the pressure of his fingers on the back of her neck had her bending to his will “Whatever you want Sensei”
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He had to be having a bad day cause when he got to her place he was growling, cussing, and mumbling nasty obscenities through his bared teeth
No doubt somebody had pissed him off and being how late it was that list of names was fairly a mile long but not limited to several of the normal characters but after a bit of persuading and lots of affection to her teddy bear she had finally convinced him to go take a hot shower to calm himself
She hated seeing him so upset
She lit the sweet fresh picked strawberry candles on the counter just for him knowing the smell of her newest set always made him feel calm remembering with clarity the first night she got them he had shown up in a rage over something she truly didn’t understand but the second he took a deep breath he had just relaxed curling up with his head on her chest passing out almost immediately purring like a kitten
Every night after if she knew he was coming over she was burning those candles finding he became very affectionate and needy
He tried to coax his love into the bedroom mumbling he just wanted cuddles but she handed him her biggest towel and sent him on his way swearing they could snuggle after he was done for as long as her turtle needed
Not wanting to bother the hothead she had sat down on the sofa to wait knowing once he was done she could drag the turtle into some loving cuddles until he wanted to talk about what happened so maybe when he headed home he was in a much better mood
While he was showering she just knew he would be a while and it was her favorite night so the woman turned on her TV fast to catch up on her crime show and became oblivious to everything in her surroundings
She was focused on her favorite character shirtless grinning like a love sick school girl hardly hearing the bathroom door open so when a towel landed over her head she was a bit shocked quickly pulling it off “Raphie this is the best part what are you-!?”
The woman looked up from her couch to see the massive turtle standing there with a serious look completely stripped of his normal attire leaving her in a dazed stupor upon seeing what was in front of her as he stepped in the way of her TV
Licking his lips Raphael stood holding a smaller towel drying off his neck as water dripped down his naked built body and damn he had her full attention before a smug smile was aimed at her when she couldn’t look away taking in his perfectly sculpted physique realizing now she had never comprehended how big he was
“Ya still wanna watch the show or – ya up ta help me blow off some pent up steam?” he winked still exuding cockiness walking towards her room giving her a great view of his ass making her turn off the TV so fast not caring if she missed her new episodes before jumping over the back of her couch already unbuttoning her blouse
“No sir… Nope not at all” she ran after him hearing that thunderous chuckle as she shut her bedroom door jumping the massive turtle quickly once he was on her bed kissing him hard as the woman was pulled against him knowing she wasn’t going to let Raph leave tonight “I’m all yours baby”
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He was late and not answering his phone… of course he was and after she had worked so hard making him his favorite Italian dish and had even gone all out to make a beautiful tiramisu from scratch which was far from easy like the recipe online had claimed but it was all for her loving genius wanting his rare day off to be perfect but after this long she knew he’s be at her window the moment he realized it
As forgetful as Donatello was she knew he wouldn’t stand her up
Almost on cue two hours later the genius was tapping on the frame with that cute bashful smile on his face as he climbed in the window dropping his gear in the chair she had purposely moved there to keep him from just dropping everything on her floor
“Sorry dove the truck was in need of a tune up and then I got distracted by the leaking radiator hoses – it was a big mess but I’m here – and dinner smells amazing”
Her adorkable nerd trying to explain the whole ordeal as if the woman couldn’t tell what had kept her boyfriend was always adorable he wore the evidence of oil and grease all over his skin and pants stained
The woman jumping back as he started moving in to kiss her made him pause hoping she wasn’t mad at him before she stopped the genius with one finger pointing to the problem before heading to her room
He was still looking himself over like he didn’t see the problem when she reappeared handing him a large towel and the clothes he had left last time he had stayed at her place a serious look plastered on her face but the ghost of a smile on her lips told him she wasn’t upset “You are not sitting on the couch or any furniture until every speck of that is off you”
He gave her the cutest pout starting to argue that he was starving and she knew how long it would take for him to actually get off every bit of grease which – actually made her reconsider her words wondering if he had eaten today but moved closer bringing him down by his dirty mask giving him a loving kiss
She promised as soon as he was cleaned up she would have his plate ready before going to the kitchen getting the degreaser scrub she bought after the last time the genius came over covered in oil after fixing the garbage truck seeing him roll his eyes before chuckling as he finally gave stealing one last kiss as he headed down the hallway
It was going to be a little bit with his having to scrub his arms and hands so she turned on her computer starting to check over a few things her boss needed by next week already having it mostly done thanks to having a brilliant boyfriend who explained it in full detail in less then a minute where as her dumbass boss had pulled her into a three hour long meeting to explain it but left her even more confused
But of course the computer was running slower then normal calling down the hall she would need his tech support help to fix it later whining as it tried to shut down on her after working great minutes before
She had just hit save when a soaked towel landed in her lap making her jump nearly spilling her drink on the laptop before snapping around to get onto the turtle but paused her face draining of any anger that had been there to be replaced by a dark blush
A smaller towel draped over his shoulders as he dried his neck and face had her suddenly aware of just how handsome he was without the mask he always wore but him standing there with nothing on but a crooked half smile on his lips and his glasses hanging low on his snout giving her a clear view of the molten honey brown orbs taking her in
“Did I hear somebody needs tech support? I hate to tell you this princess but the price of services goes up on my day off~”
She couldn’t even come up with a single thing to say with him looking down at her, that heated bedroom gaze melting her in her chair as his mates wide eyes drifted slowly over his body left completely breathless by just how sensual he looked
They had been together for a while and Donnie was normally a little shy even around her but right then he was just as confident as any of his brothers “But maybe I could be swayed to give you a discount for the right payment”
His smile widened noticing she was unable to tear her gaze away from his body always loving how she could boost his self confidence so easily
“I’m willing to do a full payment with interest if you’ll fix it by tomorrow morning Sir”
Her eyes finally met his again feeling the heat building in her, she was already well aware of what he was silently commanding closing her computer the second he shifted his weight back, dinner long forgotten before she was hurrying after him catching his hand
She was in his arms seconds later his lips crushing hers just as the door shut never realizing they were on the bed until the thin fabric of her top ripped and he was ravishing her breast
His glasses coming off was her only warning the lovable shy genius was no longer there
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She had already pushed all of the furniture out of the way hoping his patrol wouldn’t last too much longer knowing Leo would try to not make him too late but it gave her time to get everything set up along with the three pizzas and his favorite snacks
Having just finished up with everything a smile spread on her lips when he clambered through the main bay window from her balcony already dressed out in his old sweatpants covered in paint stains with all his supplies knowing he had just ran the whole way after getting home his arms immediately placing them on the plastic on the floor before he was behind her wrapping his girl in a tight hug giving all the kisses he could to her
“What do you think?”
Michelangelo had came over to do an art date and being as the wonderful girlfriend she was she had gotten some of the biggest canvases she could find at the craft store for them wanting to do something special for both of them giggling as he kissed down her neck seeing her surprise for him “I love it babycakes! This is perfect!” his excitement only made her smile wider
They were going to do a portrait for one another so she had planned out her painting to the youngest turtle since she had seen his excitement in having a special night at her place like she tried to do often for him
Being Mikey couldn’t go out in public and she knew how much it bothered him that he couldn’t take her somewhere on dates even though she didn’t really want to be in public the woman always tried to come up with fun dates where the only thing that really mattered was being together and making sure he knew his baby didn’t need to be seen out with somebody or go anywhere fancy to love him
All she needed was the loving and attentive turtle who made her feel special every single day
After placing their easels back to back both of them were so ready to get started grabbing one box of pizza to sit between them as he prepared his stuff being overly affectionate with her kissing and holding her just wanting to watch what she was going to do but she shooed him to his side
This had to be a surprise
Two hours later she finished with the layout starting to add color, of course she couldn’t see what he was doing but her normally hyper noisy boyfriend was surprisingly quiet hearing him working hard on whatever he was painting for her made her work even harder wanting it to be perfect for him
Lost in the painting the woman couldn’t stop from smiling the more and more it looked like his shell the deep mahogany blending in with the hints of chestnut and small streaks of orange she had admired since the day she met him giving it a few finishing touches
He called out he was done just as she finished the last major detail making her carefully pick up her painting placing it over on a homemade drying rack when he came over placing his canvas beside hers for the big reveal
Mikey was instantly pressed against her back holding her from behind hearing a surprised gasp at seeing the pattern of his carapace plates up close “Baby! Holy crap it’s – does my shell really look like that?” she giggled as he tried to look over his shoulder before she took in what he had done
On his there was lots of color blended in together making it very bright, happy, and a bit psychedelic the way the splatters brought out the finer details, her name was in a graffiti like cursive style with tiny spots of glitter making it shimmer like a diamond before seeing in the center the imprint of his chest plate was painted there in his own cute signature loving how he had painted in the heart with green and orange so she would never forget him
“It’s beautiful-” she turned to kiss him noticing his sweats on the floor looking back before she exploded in laughter shocked to see the turtle standing there with a wide grin his brow line wiggling before her eyes slipped lower finding him there in nothing
“Oh my god Mikey!” her boyfriend stood there looking so proud of himself, his entire upper half centered more towards his plastron was covered in multiple colors of paint that went all the way down past his waistline which told her he had painted himself and pressed against the canvas he was splattered in every color imaginable across his muscular arms and cute happy face “Did you get any paint on the canvas”
He seemed so offended looking himself up and down before striking a pose in full Mikey fashion giving her a flirtatious wink “Oh baby you see this body it is the canvas” she giggled waving him off before screaming out as he tackled her to the floor kissing her as he smeared some paint on her face
“N-NO MIKEY! STOP!” she was laughing way too much to be taken serious squirming as he pulled at her clothes mumbling she should try painting nude too throwing them off to the side
Biting her lip she tried to stop from moaning her cheeks burned hotly while trailing the streaks of colorful paint that made his body stand out a bit more biting her lip trying to look up blushing and finding it a bit difficult to resist him with the thick shaft already erect and throbbing against her exposed belly as he picked up a brush as he opened her to him pressing close so she could feel him “Now baby girl – I know something I’m about to paint white~”
With him this was what she lived for her arms surrounding him as she kissed her way to his neck not really caring if she got messy when his hands accidently landed in her paints starting to like where this was going as he smeared it over her curves when she fell limp finally submitting as she pointed to a stack of canvases off to the side
“Let’s do something that will only be for your eyes Daddy~”
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corvo-bianco-lilacs · 4 years
Hey @lady-of-the-cunts, remember that post you made about modern AU Calanthe and Eist?
Well... I may have taken that and run with it :D
I hope you like it!!
It’s a bit long, but I kept pushing it off and off until I finally got the inspiration to finish it today before work!
Also @queen-calanthe-of-cintra, I hope you like it too!
Eist climbed out of bed, stretching for a moment before padding into the bathroom and stepping into the shower, cleaning the previous day from his taught skin. He stood under the water and compiled a list of chores that he planned to do while Calanthe was working, including picking Ciri up from school and cleaning around the house. He stepped out of the shower and pulled on a clean pair of boxers, followed by some old blue jeans and a faded black t-shirt that hugged his toned biceps just right.
First task: Laundry.
He walked down into the basement and pulled the clean clothes from the dryer, folding them into neat piles as he went. Ciri’s clothes to his left, Cal’s clothes to his right. He wiggled his brows for a moment when he found a thong of Cal’s among the clean clothes, his mind momentarily drifting to watching her slip out of it the night before as she sauntered over to bed. He took a breath, calming his racing heart and he placed the garment on the pile of her pants and shorts. Placing the clean clothes into the empty hamper to carry back upstairs, he took the wet clothes from the washer and tossed them into the dryer, starting the timer before gathering the clean clothes and taking them upstairs. He brought Ciri’s clothes to her room and placed them neatly on her bed, stopping for just a moment to gently scratch Kelpie’s ear. The lab wagged her tail happily before curling back up at the foot of Ciri’s bed. Eist then gathered the basket back up in his arms and carried it down the hall to their bedroom, quickly putting their clothes away before promptly making his way back down to the first floor.
“Kelpie! Come on girl, outside!” He called, waiting for the tell-tale sign of a rampaging lab barreling down the stairs. As soon as he caught sight of the sixty-pound lab, he slid the back door open and watched her run down the patio steps into the grass below, chasing a rabbit that had wandered into the yard. “Hey! No, don’t chase the rabbit!” Eist hollered, clapping his hands to get her attention. “Kelpie! Do your business!” With Kelpie outside, he stepped into the kitchen and gazed down at the next chore.
Second task: Dishes.
He’d nearly forgotten just how much his granddaughter liked to snack. With a laugh and a shake of his head, he got to work loading up the dishwasher and putting the clean dishes back in the cabinets and drawers. He started the next load before wiping down the counters and spraying out the sink, swaying a bit on his feet as he hummed a song to himself. He was broken from his reverie when Kelpie came up to the door and pawed at the glass. He slid the door open and allowed her back in, scratching behind her ear as he walked over to the counter and pulled a treat from the jar.
“Sit.” He instructed, watching her for a moment before she plopped down on her haunches. “Good girl!”
He tossed the treat to her, smiling as she caught it with a crunch, chewing happily as her tail wagged across the hardwood floor. Once finished with her treat, Kelpie trotted back up the stairs towards Ciri’s room. Eist smiled as he finished with the dishes, spraying out the sink once more as he tidied the area around it. He unloaded the second batch of dishes from the washer and put them away in the cupboards, then dried his hands on the towel that hung from the oven door. He peered over at the clock.
“Almost time to get my kiddo.” He mused, walking over to the bottom of the stairs. “Kelpie! Ride?” He called, listening for the lab as she thundered from Ciri’s room to the top of the stairs, her tail wagging furiously as she sped down the stairs to him, looking up at him expectantly as he grabbed her leash from the banister and clipped it to her collar and lead her out the door, grabbing his keys before locking the door behind them. He unlocked his trusty Crown Victoria, ushering Kelpie into the back seat before plopping into the driver’s seat and starting the engine. He pulled out of the driveway and rolled down the back window for Kelpie, turning the radio up just enough to hear over the gusts of wind. For a Friday, he was surprised by the lack of traffic, but he counted his blessings and pulled into the parking lot at Ciri’s middle school, popped the car into park, and waited with Kelpie for the school bell to ring.
He scrolled through his phone, sending Cal a few texts saying that he was waiting for Ciri at the school, that the dishes were done, and that he would see her when she got home. She replied with a quick photo that he would keep for… later… use. He cleared his throat as the school bell rang, releasing students for the weekend ahead. He rolled down the other back window so Kelpie could watch for her favorite girl. He smiled as he saw her approaching the car, her ashen hair pulled back into a ponytail, backpack slung over one shoulder, as she ran towards the car. She tossed her bag in the trunk and cuddled Kelpie through the open back window before climbing into the passenger seat and buckling herself in.
“Hey there half-pint.” Eist chuckled, leaning over to kiss her head as she settled in for the ride, a smile plastered on her face. “How was school?” He questioned, shifting the car into drive before rolling away from the curb and to the light leading out to the main road.
“It was good! I had fun today!”
“Oh? What did you guys do today?”
“We had ice cream after lunch, we had a spelling test that I got an A on, we learned about dissection in science class, Miss Merigold is teaching us about CPR, and Miss Papebrock let us have silent reading for the last half-hour of class!”
“Wow!” Eist declared, turning onto the road towards the house, “it sounds like you had a really good day at school!”
Ciri beamed up at him before turning her attention back out to the trees as they passed them by. Eist smiled at her, reaching over to pat her head affectionately before pulling back into the driveway and shutting the car off. Ciri hopped out of the car and gathered her bag from the trunk before opening the door for Kelpie to jump out beside her, following her up to the front door as Eist came up behind them. He unlocked the door and let the girls in before shutting it behind him.
“You ready for dinner, kiddo?” He asked, making his way towards the kitchen to gather the pan he had set aside earlier for chicken parmigiana. At Ciri’s quick response of ‘yes’, he set about gathering the ingredients and chicken, breading, frying, covering it in tomato sauce and thick slices of mozzarella, then popping the pan into the oven to finish with a soft bake.
While waiting for the chicken to finish cooking, he set about vacuuming the living room, letting the stereo play in the background. Currently it was playing 5 Seconds of Summer, and he sang along with the radio. So caught up in the song, he didn’t notice when the front door opened and Cal walked in, shutting the door behind her and turning to face him with a smirk on her lips. She watched her husband dance around with the vacuum, his voice echoing the words to the song as the smell of chicken filled the house. At that moment, Eist turned and caught his wife smirking at him, her arms folded across her chest as her eyes focused on his. He walked over to her and pulled her to his chest, dancing with her in the living room as he sang the words to her, twirling her and dipping her along to the lyrics, earning a smile and laughter from his usually stoic wife.
Ciri sat at the top of the stairs with Kelpie at her side, a smile on her lips as she watched her grandparents dance about the living room without a care in the world. She had to admit that her grandfather was pretty smooth as he took her grandmother in his arms, spinning around the living room in time with the music. She couldn’t help the smile on her face as she slowly ran her fingers through Kelpie’s fur, reaching up to scratch behind the pup’s ears. She continued to watch them until the song ended with her grandfather dipping her grandmother, then taking her lips in a tender kiss. Ciri fake gagged at the scene before her, bringing their attention to her as they broke out in fits of laughter.
“Alright there, half-pint, wash up for dinner then come down and join us.” Eist chuckled, pulling Calanthe back up to her feet as Ciri scampered off to the bathroom. Eist turned his attention back to Cal and leaned into her ear. “And I’ll have you know that I intend to see more than what that picture showed me after kiddo is in bed.” He whispered, kissing her neck as she shivered in his arms.
“You always will, dear.” She purred, walking with him into the kitchen to finish dinner before Ciri padded downstairs to join them. It was good to be home.
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fullmetalscullyy · 4 years
a conspiracy theory - chapter 5
co-written by @snowdog49 and @jeanhaavoc
summary:  Detective Roy takes on a challenging task… To find Olivier Armstrong’s sword. However, he has a beautiful woman to distract him along the way. Will he, Jean, and Ed be able to find the sword in time, or will they succumb to the conspiracy?
warning: graphic depictions of violence
tags: conspiracy, pining, unresolved sexual tension, private detective au, royai, havolina, mystery, violence, modern au, coffee shops
rated: m | words: 4697
read on ao3
Ling had insisted on Roy and Ed meeting at his apartment, which was fine if Roy knew what he was going up against. When he parked the car and got out, the apartment proved to be the whole house. It was on the river’s bank, two stories, and a large garage. The lawn was well kept, with a large tree shadowing the grass and a cherry tree on the other side by the garage. There was a silver motorcycle parked out front in the driveway as well as a black sports car. Roy had to roll his eyes. If there was ever a definition of a politician’s kid, Ling was proving himself one even before meeting Roy. Ed stared at the bike, then back at Roy, who just kept walking up to the door. He half expected a butler or some kind of servant to answer the door, but instead, the young man himself did. Ling was barefoot with dark jeans and a white t-shirt on, covered by a sports coat. He grinned ear to ear and waved them in.
“Mustang right? Come on in!” He was cheery and almost carefree. His shoulders were relaxed and his legs walked easily as if he was inviting friends into his home.  
Roy already found Ling almost too happy. He was just a little taller than Ed, black hair pulled back with wild hairs in front of his face. He had on this goofy smile and a bounce in his step. He had nothing to hide, and it showed in the way he welcomed them both into his house without another thought. Roy noted that behaviour, but didn’t think there would be a reason to agonize over it later. After all, he was just a kid.
As they walked through the hallway, Roy noted the house was decorated rather normally, and Roy felt as if Ling’s parents were going to come out at any time. The living room had a couch and a coffee table, a big TV on the wall above the fireplace. It wasn’t ‘fancy’ by any means, but neither modest. Taking in more of his surroundings, Roy noted the large picture of the Xing capital on the wall.
“Is that your bike out there?” Roy heard, pulling him from his observations. He turned to look over at Ed.
“Yeah!” Ling nodded excitedly. “It’s the X-3005!”
“That’s freaking sweet!” Roy couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Ed so happy. His face lit up like a child’s on Christmas Morning. “I was trying to get my girlfriend to let me buy the BDR-889 but she says I’m only going to hurt myself.”
The young Xingese man laughed, holding his stomach as he did so. “All girls would say that. No! Don’t sell yourself short. The X class is where it’s at,” he gushed. “The BDRs are bikes for commuters. I will give credit where it’s due, they have great gas mileage, and they’re incredibly reliable, but they just aren’t as powerful.”
Roy’s eyes widened as he saw the connection right away.
“Come check out my garage!”
And just like that, his protege and Ling walked through the house and into the garage. Slightly bewildered, Roy watched the two of them walk off without him. Roy didn’t even think they remembered why he was there, or even if he existed at all. That was fine, though. It gave him time to walk slowly through to the garage after them, and take in as much as he could about the house.
It was quiet, the boards creaked under his feet. There was Xingese music playing in the garage and he heard Ed laughing. The kitchen was full of dishes, and there was a pizza box on the counter. It was finally starting to look like a young man lived there. On the dining table, in the same room, there was a computer and several books. As Roy rose onto his tiptoes to see as he passed by, he noticed Ling was studying law, Amestrian Law. He nodded and walked down the hallway. There were more pictures of Xing, and one of Ling, and what he guessed was his entire family. There were nearly 20 people in the photo. Maybe they were his friends? There were older people in there too. Roy tilted his head as he began to wonder who was in the picture.
“My girl Lan Fan hates it!”
Roy raised his eyebrow. Ed was doing exactly what he needed to be doing. It’d loosen Ling Yao up just enough so that he’d talk more casually.
Roy peered carefully into one room as he walked by, noticing that it had a few sets of weights in it. On the wall sat a few Xingese-type swords. They weren’t Amestrian at all. Leaning slightly further in the doorway, he also noticed some kunai knives. They sat more as a decoration on the wall, though Roy was curious if Ling knew how to use them. There were two mats on the floor, a mirror on the wall, and resistance bands on the floor. He nodded, his hair swaying as he returned to the hall. There were stairs on his left before he reached the garage, but Roy decided not to push his luck. He’d seen enough in his slow sweep. The house was just too clean. It was too big for just an Ambassador’s son to be living in by himself.
“No way!”
Roy gave in and walked the last few feet towards the garage, coming to a stop so he could lean on the doorframe. Ed was sitting on a jetski with a huge grin on his face.
“I’m serious,” Ling nodded excitedly. “We can go out! I’ll take you anytime!”
“This weekend?”
Ling nodded to Ed.
“This is freaking awesome!” Ed thrust his hands into the air.
Roy couldn’t help but laugh.
“Even for a twenty-year-old, you have so many toys.”
Ling laughed loudly again. “I’m eighteen. I just look older.”
Ed’s hands fell to his side. “You’re younger than me?”
“How old are you?”
“But,” Ed blinked with a sad face. “You’re taller than me…”
The two stared at one another for what seemed like too long. Roy finally spoke. “I don’t mean to interrupt. I just have a few questions to ask, then I can let you two go back to the jet ski.”
“Sure,” Ling crossed his arms and turned to face Roy.
“You remember Selim Bradley’s birthday party two weeks ago?”
“Oh yeah,” Ling nodded as he put out an arm to lean on a car in the garage. It was another sports car that now had Roy distracted. “Crappy party. There wasn't a birthday cake. There was this rich fudge stuff and they gave me a little spoon.” He pinched his finger and his thumb together to indicate ‘small.’ “There wasn’t an actual meal, just o’dourves. They were good though. And they didn’t have beer either! Usually, I don’t mind wine, but a beer would have been great since they didn’t have a regular birthday cake.”
Roy nodded his head slowly.
“I actually brought the kid a birthday present and didn’t even see the kid!”
“I just wish I went to a party that had o‘dourves,” Ed commented quietly behind Ling.
“Well,” Ling turned now to face Ed. “I was there by proxy. Ambassador Fu likes to take me so that I can learn the tricks of the trade.” He faced Roy. “To be political,” he made quotation marks with his fingers.
Roy nodded slowly. Didn’t Raven say…
“I really didn’t want to be there. My girlfriend, Lan Fan was having a bonfire. I left as soon as I could. Bonfires have better food anyway. I think I ate fifty marshmallows.”
Ed laughed. “That’s easy.”
“Next bonfire,” Ling pointed his finger at Ed, challenging him. “You are on!”
“Okay,” Roy interrupted calmly as he raised his hand. “So you left…”
“Yeah. That was that.”
“Did you see a sword?”
Ling scoffed. “No.”
“You didn’t see a military sword?” Ed clarified.
Ling shook his head. “I would’ve been all over that.”
Roy nodded and sighed loudly. “I’m guessing you’re not one to show off swords of all kinds?”
“The only real sword is from Xing,” Ling laughed loudly. “Sabers are of Amestris. I think you also have a few rapiers, but Aerugo traditionally fights with rapiers.” Ling took a fencing stance and acted as if he was fencing. The young man was very amusing, and free talking.
“You don’t want an Amestrian sword?”
“A saber? Naw,” Ling snorted a laugh. “I’m from Xing. What would I do with a saber?”
“Just to show off. I saw your work out room. You have some nice swords on the wall.”
Ling nodded. “But you don’t see any saber -” he stopped and his face became serious. “Are you insinuating that I stole something of King Bradley’s?”
Roy chuckled. “Maybe…”
“No, Man.” Ling shook his hands in front of his face. “Stealing is low. I’m the Xingese President’s son! I do not stoop that low. In fact, I’m offended that you even insinuated it!”
“No offense meant,” Ed quickly called from behind. “We just have to ask. We were asked to find it and were hoping you knew where it was.”
Ling shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t have it. I ate a few of those fancy finger foods and left.”
“No sword?” Roy asked seriously.
Ling shook his head.
“I’m sure you hear quite a bit, being in and out of official offices.” Roy reached into his pocket. “Will you call me if you hear anything, anything at all?”
Ling shook his head and put his hands in his pockets. “Not my thing, Mr. Mustang. It’s not my property, not really worried about it.”
“Can you give me a call,” Ed asked, walking up next to Ling.
“Yeah, le me get you my info and we can go out tomorrow or Sunday and ride some waves!”
Ling and Edward pushed past Roy and into the kitchen. He nodded with a grin.
Ling was as innocent as they could get. But a frown soon followed on Roy’s face. Now the investigation was getting deeper than a stolen sword. He walked to the front door and leaned against it, hearing the two young men exchange contact information. It was obvious that Senator Raven lied about it being invitation only, and it was Bradley’s house. He scratched his cheek in thought.
“Are you going to see King Bradley?”
Roy turned to see the two walk from the living room to the entryway.
“It was his house. Oh! I have tickets to this dinner they are having. The Bradleys like to entertain, but they are so annoying.” Ling dropped his head to the side with a groan. “They talk too much. Anyway, it’s some fundraiser for exchange students… or something like that. I have no idea. It’s invitation only. You should go! Maybe you can talk to someone there!”
“Will there be the same crowd there?” Ed walked next to Roy.
“Mostly. Maybe more.” Ling ran over to the mantle and grabbed two letters from it, handing them to Roy. “That will get you in. Free fancy food and wine!”
“Thanks!” Ed raised his hand and the two high-fived.
“See you Saturday!”
Roy opened the door. “Thank you for your help, Ling,” Roy called as he walked out the door.
They walked calmly to the car, Ed trying not to jump in excitement too much and remain professional. Roy could see right through it.
“You did really well in there,” he complimented.
“Huh?” Ed opened his door.
“Just… Good job.”
“What did I do?”
Roy just grinned and got into his side of the car. “You did everything you should’ve done.”
*          *          *
A headache was beginning to form fairly quickly in Roy’s head. He’d spent too long looking at the same photographs, with his mind going into overdrive, trying to write up motivations for possible suspects. His eyes drooped as he looked at his computer screen, typing up the last thought he had so that he didn’t lose it. Even that felt like an extreme effort. Hitting period, he sat back in his chair, defeated at the moment. This was taking too long. Everything felt unorganized and he had no solid lead yet. He hated it. He needed results, he needed something to go on, he needed…
“I need a coffee,” he muttered to himself.
A good boost of caffeine would fuel him for the rest of the afternoon. Rebecca and Jean were already out on their lunch. Edward had left to do the same shortly after the couple, mumbling about going to meet his girlfriend, Winry. Roy had been adamant he’d work through lunch and try and get a solid lead by the end of Friday afternoon, but that goal was slowly becoming impossible. Admitting defeat and locking the office door, Roy made his way tiredly to his car.
Although there were two coffee shops closer to the office than Metric Coffee, Roy felt he needed some good coffee for his lunch break in order to get him through the rest of the day. Plus, they did delicious doughnuts. He could use a doughnut.
He pulled up across the street in his car and parked. As he crossed the road, his heart leapt in his throat as he spotted a familiar-looking dog outside. He faltered in his step before picking up his pace to almost jog to the cafe. Feeling flushed, Roy pushed open the door, as his eyes instantly searched for a familiar blonde head. Despite the excitement, he reminded himself that there was more than one Shiba Inu in Central.
Looking down the line, he didn’t see her. Riza wasn’t at any of the tables either. His face fell, and he sulked as he moved to the line. She wasn’t here. Roy exhaled loudly, feeling disappointment wash over him.
It was short-lived. To his left, he caught movement out the corner of his eye, slightly behind him. The door to the customer toilets opened, and Riza walked out of it. She turned, making sure the toilet door closed softly, before shouldering her purse more securely, and moved to join the back of the line. She didn’t see him, he was too far up the line, and she didn’t seem to be paying much attention to her surroundings. She was dressed in what had to be her work clothes, wearing a simple white blouse and black dress pants. A black cardigan covered her shoulders, which looked light enough that it wouldn’t be too warm to wear in the summer heat, but would also protect against the gentle breeze outside.
Roy took a step forward in the queue, momentarily distracted. His emotions whiplashed as excitement coursed through him. He opened his mouth to call out to her, but promptly closed it. If he didn’t say anything, he would be able to buy her a coffee like he’d offered to.
“What will it be, Sir?” the server asked politely.
“A black coffee, please.” Indecision ruled him for a moment before he grinned with confidence. “And a caramel latte as well, please.”
“Of course.”
With both drinks in hand, he walked towards her, unable to keep the grin off his face. Noticing movement out the corner of her eye, Riza looked up from her phone. Her eyebrows had been drawn together again, a deep frown on her face as she studied the contents of her phone. However, her expression relaxed as their eyes met, and a smile spread across her face in a way that made Roy’s heart skip a beat.
“Hey,” he greeted. It was like he was welcoming a long lost friend back into his life, that’s how happy he was to see her.
“Hello, Roy.” She glanced down at the drink he’d extended to her. “What’s this for?” She looked slightly confused at the offer, but still looked happy to see him.
“I did say I would buy you a coffee,” he reminded her.
“You did,” she agreed dryly. “That was very kind of you.” She took the drink from him carefully but their fingers still brushed, her fingers slipping alongside his. Roy felt a jolt go through his hand and he tried to hide his breath stuttering and the way his hand flinched at the electric sizzle of their connection. He kept his eyes on her drink and ignored the strong urge to look up to see if Riza had a similar reaction. Instead, he heard a sincere, “Thank you, Roy.” He glanced up at her face this time, noticing the softening smile gracing her features.
“Don’t mention it,” he beamed. His fingers were still tingling after brushing against hers, a feeling he relished. Roy slipped his free hand into his pocket, making a fist as the warmth there continued to spread through his hand.
“You got my order right as well,” Riza commented with a raised eyebrow. “I’m beginning to think you really do stalk me,” she smirked.
Roy held up both hands in surrender. “I’m not. I promise,” he urged. “I overheard you order it the last few times and I took a wild guess of what you might like today,” he joked.
“I’m kidding, Roy,” she laughed, patting his shoulder playfully. Her smile reached her eyes as she grinned at him. “Listen...” Riza turned to look outside to where her dog was waiting patiently for her. “I’m going to take a walk to the park with Hayate on my lunch break. Do you want to come?”
“Yeah, of course!” He was ecstatic. She’d offered him the chance to accompany her and he wasn’t going to turn it down. Riza eyed him for a second, clearly amused by his enthusiasm, but Roy didn't care. His headache was very quickly dissipating and his mood was rising exponentially. He hadn’t even realized he’d forgotten about his doughnut.
So, the two of them walked to the park with Hayate, each sipping at their hot drinks. They crossed over the street into the shade. Every so often there would be a break in the buildings and the sun would pour through, turning her hair golden. Roy felt as though he was caught in a trance every time he noticed the change in colour. That was his downfall because she must have felt his eyes on her. Riza looked over and found him staring. A light dusting of pink covered the bridge of her nose and her cheeks as she looked away. He felt embarrassed for gazing at her so openly so he coughed nervously, tearing his eyes away.
“Do you always walk Hayate on your lunch break?” Roy asked.
Riza nodded. “I do. My apartment isn’t too far from my work, so I go home and pick up Hayate to let him out for a while.” She glanced down at the pup. “I don’t like leaving him home alone all day.”
“He seems to be a very well behaved dog,” Roy commented, watching Hayate sniff at the ground as they walked.
“He is. I hit the jackpot with his temperament. He’s the calmest dog I’ve ever met.”
Hayate would stray off towards something that caught his interest as they walked, but wouldn’t pull or walk too far from Riza’s side. His tongue lolled happily as he explored the world, curiously looking up at people who passed by them. Every time someone showed some interest in the dog, his tail would begin to wag.
“That’s good then,” Roy considered. “Especially if he’s home alone quite a lot.”
Riza agreed. “It certainly makes things easier. I haven’t come across him destroying anything yet while I’m at work,” she chuckled. “But I like to think that he knows better than to try a stunt like that.” She tilted her head forward, narrowing her eyes playfully at Hayate.
Hayate barked in response, walking closer to Riza’s side and remaining there.
They arrived at a crossing, so stopped as they waited for traffic to stop. Roy noticed Hayate heeled perfectly without any need for a command from Riza. Across the road, the greenery of the park stretched out before them.
“I normally take Hayate to the dog park instead of walking around the park itself,” Riza explained. “It means I can let him off the lead and not worry too much about where he will wander off to.”
“Is he a wanderer?” Roy smiled.
“Hm… He likes to explore.” Riza glanced down at her dog affectionately. “And can get a little hyperactive if he finds something really interesting. But he always comes back.”
The park was busy. Like them, there were business people sitting on benches and chatting as they enjoyed their lunches. A couple of cyclists passed by them, giving poor Hayate a fright. He jumped and scurried close to Riza’s side as they walked towards the dog park. Riza stopped in place, crouching to soothe him. She smiled kindly at her dog, explaining that it was just a bike that had given him a fright, letting out a short laugh. From her tone, it was like a mother talking to a child. It endeared Roy to her even more.
Again, he was caught staring, but this time Roy grinned at her as Riza straightened and they continued to walk.
“Poor dog,” Roy commented. Hayate still stuck close to Riza’s side as they walked, head looking around for any more potentially frightening things coming his way.
Riza shook her head fondly. “He doesn’t like cyclists.”
The dog park wasn’t too busy, but there would be plenty of dogs for Hayate to play with if he decided to venture their way. People were walking around the path inside the fenced-off area. Owners sat at the various benches spread around the park while their dogs either sat obediently by their side or running around and playing with other dogs. Riza crouched and let the Shiba off his leash, giving him a free run of the park. Anywhere he went they’d be able to see him. Riza was happy to let him go off and do his own thing.
“I normally sit for a while as Hayate runs around for a bit.”
“Sounds like a good idea,” Roy agreed. It would give them time to finish their drinks. Roy didn’t have anything to eat, but he could always pick something up on the way back and eat it at his desk. It was only then that he remembered about his doughnut quest. He felt he didn’t need it now though. Talking to Riza was a better remedy than any sweet treat.
From her purse, Riza pulled out a prepacked sandwich and began to unwrap it. She glanced up at him expectantly. “Do you have anything to eat with you?”
He shook his head, lifting up his coffee cup. “This will fuel me for a little while.”
“You should still eat,” she frowned. Looking over her shoulder, Riza turned to look for something. “There’s normally a food van around the park.” She turned back to face him but looked past his shoulder, still searching. “I don’t know where it is though. That sells hot food.”
He appreciated the effort, but reassured Riza he’d be fine. “I’ll pick something up on my way back to the office.”
“Are you sure? We can walk around and look -”
“I’ll be fine, Riza. I swear,” he chuckled. His expression softened as she met his gaze. “I promise, I will eat. I may be a bachelor but I can still look after myself,” he smirked.
“Good.” Riza relaxed.
He hoped offering up some more personal information about himself would steer the conversation towards getting to know each other better. Riza had been a mystery to him for so long that he was eager to learn more. From what he already knew and had witnessed, she endeared him. Even as she ate her lunch, she took dainty bites of her sandwich and met his gaze while they spoke, but every so often she would glance away to check on Hayate.
“So, will it be a busy afternoon for you once you go back to work?”
Riza shook her head. “It’s a Friday and work can slow right down in the afternoon. However, I do have some reports due for an audit soon.” She shrugged. “It’s easy enough, just a lot of paperwork to trawl through.”
“I hear you,” Roy replied.
“Will it be a late one for you?”
Roy grimaced. “Probably. I think I’ll need more coffee later,” he laughed. “But I don’t mind too much. I get intrigued easily by cases and often fall in deep if they’re good.”
“And your co-workers don’t mind working late?”
Roy shook his head. “They’re not required to do overtime. I wouldn’t ask them too either unless they were really interested in a case, so they’re free to go whenever they want to. I’ll probably just order some take out later and eat it at the office.”
“I’m lucky then that I don’t have to work late at the office.”
“Would anyone mind if you did?”
She offered him a wry smile. “Someone is fishing,” Riza snickered.
Roy was confused by her comment, then his eyes widened. “Oh no! No, that’s not what I meant,” he stammered. “I meant, if your friends would mind if you worked late. It’s a Friday night, after all. Surely you have some big plans?”
She chuckled, shaking her head. “No. I’ve got no plans this evening. I foresee a large glass of wine in my future while I sit on my couch with my dog.” She glanced back over to check on Hayate. He was busy chasing a large labrador.
“I’m surprised,” Roy replied. “I mean, that kind of night in does sound great…” He wished he had a plan like that for this weekend, but duty called. “But I would’ve thought a pretty lady like yourself would have grand plans for the weekend.”
Her cheeks turned a light pink and she dropped her gaze with a smile, observing her sandwich and picking at the wrapper. Roy grinned to himself, enjoying how beautiful the light blush looked on her cheeks.
“No grand plans,” she replied.
“Okay then… Well, what would you say to dinner sometime then?” he ventured.
She lifted an eyebrow. “So you were fishing then?”
“That’s for me to know,” Roy smirked.
“And for me to find out?”
“Come to dinner with me, and you might find out,” he quipped. He wasn’t desperate, it was an innocent offer, but he couldn’t rid himself of the jolt he’d experienced when their fingers brushed together earlier.
“Hm, that’s a lot of effort just to try and find that out,” she hummed, lifting her cup to take a sip of her latte. Riza looked at him expectantly after her light challenge.
Roy’s stomach dropped. “Lunch then?” he asked.
Riza regarded him quietly, then her expression softened. “I can’t do lunch any time soon.”
Roy’s face fell, but he nodded in understanding regardless.
“So, I guess, dinner will just have to do.” Her eyes twinkled with amusement as she spoke.
The widest smile spread from ear to ear across Roy’s face. “Great! I mean, great. Good. I know it’s short notice, but how about tomorrow?”
Riza cocked her head to the side in thought. “Tomorrow should be fine.”
“Where do you want to go?” Roy asked eagerly.
“Nowhere uptown,” Riza shook her head. “Anywhere else… Will be fine.”
Uptown… Roy nodded. He could do that. He didn’t particularly enjoy that side of town either. It was too fancy for his tastes, and his wallet. Simple meals were far too expensive, and after his week of dealing with rich people and their associates, Roy was more than ready to just unwind and go somewhere simple with good food.
“It’s a date.” Excitement and happiness coursed through his body.
Riza laughed quietly at his statement and glanced down at her paper cup. After a brief second, she looked back up at him with a small but entirely genuine smile on her face.
10 notes · View notes
quickspinner · 5 years
MLHolidays2k19 - 20. Traditions
Part 1 - 23. Carols
Part 3 - 21. Blankets
This one ended up skating a little close to NSFW - mature, but not explicit. Nothing actually happens onscreen. I think it should be fine, but use your judgement. Also, you know, everything I learned about French traditions came from the internet, so take it with a grain of salt. The point is, Marinette goes overboard because of course she does.
Marinette had a Plan. She was now a woman on a mission for a traditional French Christmas Eve dinner. She felt bad because she knew she was blowing up Luka’s phone with all her texts, but he seemed more amused than annoyed as far as she could tell. So far, she had asked him about food sensitivities and preferences, and what he wanted to drink with dinner besides wine, if there was any type of food his family traditionally had for Christmas, and his favorite color. She was standing in the grocery store pouting at the lack of oysters when he actually texted her. 
Should I dress up? 
No, no she sent, and then changed her mind. Well Maybe a little bit? Not like, coat and tie, but maybe a button-down? I’m going to wear a dress so But it’s just us, so whatever you’re comfortable with
Luka sent back, If you’re making dinner, I can handle wearing a nice shirt.
Marinette passed the dairy aisle and her eyes lit up with an idea. She texted him, If you want, you can stay over. We can do Christmas breakfast in the morning!  
It took her about thirty seconds to realize how that sounded and quickly she added, On the couch! I didn’t mean that how it sounded. Just on the couch. Sorry! Marinette groaned and dropped her head on her arms on the handle of her grocery cart. Ugh, she was so lame.
Her phone buzzed and she was almost afraid to look at it, but finally she peeked at it through her fingers. I got it, I got it. You’re a funny girl, Marinette. I’d love breakfast if that’s really okay. I’ll pack a bag. For the couch. Promise.
She blew out a relieved breath, and added ingredients for breakfast to her cart. She winced a little at the checkout, but she was normally pretty frugal, and it was worth it for just tonight. Because she had a Plan.
A plan that turned out to be a bit more challenging than she expected, getting everything ready in her apartment’s tiny kitchen, but challenging was nothing to Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and when Luka arrived that evening, Marinette opened the door in breathless excitement, a Christmas plaid apron still over her sparkly red sweater dress. “Hi!” She beamed, and without thinking, she rose up on her toes to offer him la bise like he was an old friend. If he was surprised, he didn’t show it, bending to meet her and returning the gesture easily. He straightened and gave her his slow smile as he offered her the wine he had brought. 
“It smells amazing in here, Marinette,” Luka commented, and Marinette beamed at him. 
“I couldn’t get everything I wanted,” she said, bustling into the kitchen to start carrying plates out. “I couldn’t find any oysters, and I had to get turkey instead of goose, but I have salmon and foie gras, and the bread isn’t as good as Papa’s but I think it’s all right.” 
Her small table was covered with a deep red cloth, knotted at the ends, and three candles in mismatched but harmonizing candlesticks stood waiting to be lit. 
Luka was looking at her with unrestrained wonder as she got the matches and lit the candles. “You planned and pulled all of this off in one day? You—“ He shook his head. “You’re amazing, Marinette. I can’t believe you got up a full Réveillon just for the two of us.”
Marinette felt a little foolish, all of a sudden. “It is a bit much, isn’t it,” she admitted, twisting the hem of her apron. “I probably went overboard. I just wanted everything to be perfect.” She glanced up at the garlands she had hung around the room, and the lights that framed her windows.
Luka chuckled and gave her a soft look that made her blush. “Marinette, I could tell from the moment I met you that you’re the kind of person who puts her whole heart into everything she does. I’m just impressed you managed to do so much in so little time.”
Marinette was still embarrassed but pleased by his praise. She saw him notice her tiny tree on a side table, and smile at the small package wrapped in blue under it, with his name on it in big, enthusiastic letters. Without commenting, he took a small package from his pocket and placed it under the tree as well.
She got him the corkscrew and let him serve the (very nice) wine, and soon they were sitting down to enjoy their dinner. Marinette told him about the meals she had at home with her family as they sipped the wine and made their leisurely way through the food. Luka was as good a listener as she remembered, and he seemed interested in everything she said as she talked about the food and how it compared to her family’s normal dinner. 
“We’re not nearly so fancy as this,” Luka commented, gesturing to the table with his fork. “My mother’s not big on formality, and we’re a little limited with the just the galley for cooking. It sounds nice when you talk about it though,” he smiled. “I always figured it would be kind of stuffy, but it sounds cozy. Like this,” he gestured to the meal between them. “This is nice.” 
“It can get stuffy and boring when you have a lot of people,” Marinette admitted. “We’ve had some awful ones when there were a lot of relatives in town, but usually it’s just Mama and Papa and me, and then it’s like this. No rush, but no waiting for everyone else to finish either, and it’s all just—“ she shrugged. “Comfortable.”
“I like comfortable,” Luka agreed. “This has really been great, Marinette, truly.”
“It’s not over yet!” Marinette proclaimed, hopping up from the table and running into the kitchen. She could barely contain her excitement as she set the bûche de Noël on the table. “It might not be as good as Papa’s,” she said cheerfully, “but it was as close as I could get.”
“It looks fantastic,” Luka said, impressed. 
“Papa’s might taste a little better but even he can’t beat me for decorating.” She handed Luka the cake knife.
A short time later they both set down their forks and looked at each other in defeat.
“It’s amazing, Marinette, but I really can’t eat any more,” Luka sighed. 
“Honestly, me neither,” Marinette giggled. 
“Let me help you clean up.”
It did take quite a while to get all the leftovers packed away in the fridge. Marinette made sure to put some in a container for Luka to take home later. Fortunately Marinette’s apartment had a dishwasher, so they only had a few things left to wash by hand.
“I didn’t actually pick the apartment or most of the stuff in it,” she confessed to Luka as they stood washing up at the sink. She kept trying not to be too obvious about looking at his forearms while his sleeves were rolled up. “It was all selected and paid for by the company for as long as I’m on this assignment.”
“I’m sharing a place with two other guys from the band,” Luka said ruefully. “I’m used to living in small shared spaces, but it’s different when it’s not family. Sometimes I just need some space and quiet, and it’s a little hard to find when you’re sharing space with rock stars in New York City.”
“Well, you’re welcome to come hang out here when you need to,” Marinette said absently as she scrubbed the last dish that wouldn’t fit in the washer. “It’s almost too quiet most of the time.” 
“You just can’t help yourself, can you?” Luka asked admiringly. “You just have to offer help if you can.”
“I’m sorry,” Marinette said quickly, embarrassed again. “I’m a fixer. I don’t always think things through before I offer. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I know we just met—“
“You didn’t make me uncomfortable,” Luka interrupted. “And really, I appreciate the offer. I might take you up on it. And...I hope this comes out right.” He sighed, and Marinette was surprised to see a bit of color appear on his cheeks. “I don’t feel like we just met. You know, sometimes you meet people and you connect right away. Sometimes you meet people and no matter how long you know them, you just don’t quite vibe.” He smiled at her, a little tentatively. “It feels easy, being with you.” He gently took the dish Marinette was holding and began to dry it off while she blinked at him stupidly. “I hope that didn’t sound weird,” he muttered, shuffling his feet.
“No, it—I get what you mean. Really.” She smiled. 
“Well, now that that’s done—“ Luka set the dish on the drying rack and turned to her, with a broad grin that somehow still looked a little shy. “You want a little taste of a Couffaine Christmas?” 
Marinette giggled. “What do you have in mind?”
“Are you a good dancer?”
“Ah...no, not really.” 
“Perfect,” he said with a wink. “Where’s your music?”
It was a little embarrassing at first, dancing silly with Luka, but he joked and teased and had no problem looking ridiculous himself, and soon she was giggling too hard to be self-conscious. 
“You have pretty good taste in music,” he told her as they bopped around the room. 
“Actually credit goes to my friend Nino,” she admitted, swishing her hair and swinging her hips without a care in the world. “He put this playlist together and sent it to me to, and I quote, ‘keep you from getting too depressed at Christmas.’” She giggled. “I’m not sure that this is what he intended, but it works!”
When she began to protest that she was getting tired, Luka swept her up in a waltz hold and swirled her around the small space. His hold was gentle but strong and firm, and she relaxed into it and let him whirl her around until they were dizzy. 
“Christmas at your house seems like a lot of fun,” Marinette laughed as she leaned into him and waited for the room to stop spinning. 
“It’s not quite the same without the boat rocking and Juleka trying to trip me every few minutes,” Luka grinned, leaning on her as well as he swayed slightly on his feet. “For a Couffaine Christmas Dance Party that was pretty tame. But I think I can live without hitting the deck four or five times and getting beer spilled all over me.”
“Do you live on a boat or in a club?” Marinette teased. 
“It’s hard to tell the difference sometimes,” Luka admitted, pulling Marinette into a slow dance with him as a soft piano intro played and a female voice crooned “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…” Marinette leaned her head on his shoulder, glad to have a breather as they swayed lightly. 
“Thank you, Marinette,” he said near her ear. “This is so much better than what I had planned. This is—this is perfect, really. Thank you for sharing Christmas with me.”
Marinette smiled and cuddled a little closer. Luka was warm and comfortable, and maybe she should have been more self-conscious about being held by someone who was practically a stranger, but...he was right, what he’d said in the kitchen. He didn’t feel like a stranger. 
“So…” Luka began, and she could hear amusement in his voice. “I do have one question.”
“Hmm?” Marinette lifted her head to look at him, and he nodded upwards. 
“Is that French good luck mistletoe or American kissing mistletoe?” He grinned. Marinette gasped for a moment and then laughed.
“I completely forgot the tradition was different here. I guess we might as well be thorough.” She rose up on her toes to peck his lips, but he lowered to meet her and somehow made it something softer and a little longer than she intended, though still little more than a quick press of lips. Still, it sent a jolt of warmth through her body that she hadn’t been expecting.
Then again, she reflected as he pulled back, she hadn’t been kissed in a long time, so maybe she should have expected it.
Luka grinned, oblivious to her suddenly wobbly knees. “Well, so much for the kissing, and I certainly feel lucky,” he chuckled. “I think we’ve got our bases covered.” He took a step back, hands sliding down her arms to take her hands. “Usually about this time we’ve all had enough party, so we’d get out our instruments and take turns playing. Can I play for you, Marinette?”
Marinette was delighted with the idea. “Yes, please! Hot chocolate?”
He shook his head. “I’m good, but feel free. I’ll get the guitar in tune and meet you on the couch.”
Marinette was actually glad for a little distance from those warm eyes and that gentle, knowing smile and those rough, strong hands, as she went to the kitchen and served herself a mug of hot chocolate. She turned down the lights, blew out the candles on the table, and flicked on the apartment’s little gas fireplace, which came to life with a faint whoosh. 
“Now that’s atmosphere,” Luka chuckled, plucking a string and adjusting the tuning peg. “I brought the acoustic because it’s more apartment friendly than my electric, and now I’m glad. It definitely goes better with the vibe tonight.” 
“I always love listening to you play at the bistro,” Marinette smiled as she sat down on the couch, tucking her feet up under her. “You play with so much passion.”
“I always love it when you come to listen,” he said, darting a look at her from under his lashes without actually looking away from the guitar. “When I play with Jagged, the audiences are huge and nobody’s there just to listen to me. I miss that connection, so I play at a couple small places like that around town. I really like it when you come because you seem so invested In the music. It’s nice to see someone enjoy it so much.”
“You...noticed me?”
He smiled, still not looking up from the guitar. “You’re hard to miss, Marinette. Now I’m only sorry I didn’t talk to you sooner, but you always seemed so engrossed in what you were doing that I didn’t want to interrupt.” He glanced at her again, and it was hard to tell in the firelight but she thought there was a little pink in his cheeks. “But with eyes like those?” He reached out and curled a finger under her chin, lifting her face to the light. “Yeah. I noticed you. Every time.” He dropped his hand quickly and strummed slowly and deliberately down the strings. “There, that sounds about right. Anything you want to hear?” 
Marinette shook her head. “Anything. You pick.” 
So Luka played, and Marinette listened, sinking more fully into the couch as the music relaxed her. 
“That was lovely,” she said when he paused. 
“That was you,” he smiled, and shrugged slightly when she turned wide eyes on him. “It’s a thing I do sometimes, just for fun. Like your sketches, only with music.”
“That’s so cool, Luka,” she said in surprise. “Can you play your mom?”
He wasn’t expecting that, plainly, but then he smiled brightly. “The electric suits her better, but I’ll give it a shot,” he said, turning back to the strings. The tune he played was lively, almost jumpy, though a little bit...hard? It had a Celtic feel to it and the rhythm rolled like the ocean.
“This one’s my sister,” he murmured, changing to a slow and almost somber tune, quiet, but rich, with a thread of mischief. When it ended Luka lifted his head and smiled at her. “Thanks for asking. Playing them actually makes them feel a little closer.” 
“I wonder what my parents would sound like,” Marinette mused aloud, turning the cup in her hands. 
“Tell me about them,” Luka said, picking a few seemingly random chords. “Let’s see what we can do together.” 
In the end Marinette brought her sketchbook over, and sat pressed to his side, turning through the sketches she had done before she left home. 
“Hang on,” Luka stopped her. “Is that me?”
“Oh,” Marinette ducked her head shyly. “Yeah, I’ve sketched you a couple of times now.”
“May I see?” he asked, and though it made her face burn, she opened the book fully. Luka put his arm across the couch behind her so he could lean closer. 
It wasn’t a cleaned up sketch and there was no color, and parts of it were indistinct. His eyes and his hands were clear, and his smile, and the rest of it was more of an impression than a picture. Marinette held her breath while Luka studied it, but he only looked up and said, “Thank you,” and let her turn back to the beginning of the book, to the pictures she’d been looking for. 
These were complete and meticulous, carefully done to help her cherish the memory of home while she was away. Her father laughing in the bakery, her mother at the register, the two of them reclining together on the couch. Their faces, lovingly rendered, her father’s squinty, happy eyes above his thick mustache, and the warmth of her mother’s smile.
Luka smiled softly. “You can really see the love in these,” he observed. “Not just their love, that’s obvious, but the way you love them. All the little details you worked to get just right.” It felt natural to lean against him, to seek his support as her heart began to ache for home again. Luka reached over and gently closed the book. “I think I can try now,” he murmured into her hair. “If you still want me to.” 
“Yes, please.” 
Luka waited for her to move off him, and then drew back to pick up his guitar again. He seemed to sit thinking for a moment, trying out different chords. Then he flashed a quick smile at her, and began to play. 
Marinette clasped her hands over her heart and squeezed her eyes closed against the tears that threatened as Luka played, first a warm, passionate, boisterous tune, and then adding in a calmer, more relaxed and level harmony. 
“What do you think?” he asked when the notes faded away. “Did we get close?”
“That was beautiful,” Marinette quavered. “It was just like them.” 
“Hey now,” Luka said, setting down the guitar and scooting closer. “It wasn’t supposed to make you sad.” He touched her face tenderly and then slipped his hand to her shoulder, applying a gentle pressure. She obeyed it, leaning on him and letting him fold her up in his arms. 
“I’m sorry,” she gasped. 
“Don’t be sorry,” he said, running his fingers through her hair. “This is why I’m here. So neither of us has to have these feelings alone.” 
“We were having such a nice time,” Marinette sniffled.
“It’s still nice,” Luka said, reaching to grab her a tissue from the end table. “It’s wonderful. Thank you for inviting me into your home and going to all this trouble. It’ll take more than a few fully justified tears to ruin any of it.”
“Can we just stay like this for a bit?”
“Of course.”
Eventually she calmed, her breathing evening out, and she moved her face out of his shirt to lay it on his shoulder. It felt so good to be held. And Luka could have been so many things, this man she’d known only for a couple of days, but he was kind and sweet and gentle and genuine and just...wonderful. She found herself staring at the opening of his collar, and just above, the hollow of his throat.
Without questioning the impulse too much, she turned her head just enough to kiss the spot. She liked the way it felt, both his warm skin against her lips and the sudden catch in his breath. She sat up a little more, nose and lips gliding up his skin until she found another soft place to kiss below his jaw. He swallowed and tilted his head slightly, which she took as permission to continue, laying soft kisses along the column of his neck. 
Luka pulled away, just far enough to see her face. He cupped her jaw and rubbed his thumb lightly against her cheek, the firelight making his eyes look dark. 
Or maybe it wasn’t the firelight, because when her lips parted to speak, he kissed her, and it was soft but firm and wanting. That warm, fizzy feeling from before came rushing back, even stronger as Luka began to brush tender fingers across her face and neck.
They exchanged slow, deep kisses, gravitating toward each other, arms slowly circling and tightening, bodies drawing closer until they were pressed as close as they could get. Luka’s hand slipped down under her thigh, tugging lightly. Marinette moved, shifting into him, allowing him to guide her knee across his lap. Her fingers slid into his hair and his hands massaged her thighs before slipping up her sides and down again. 
Her teeth scraped his lower lip and he gasped, his hips jerking up into her and she broke away with a breathless cry and for a moment they both hung, panting, undecided. 
“Marinette?” Luka prompted, voice raw. She didn’t answer, hyper aware of everywhere they were touching, the very movement of his breath enough to fuel the fire in her belly. 
“We can stop now and I can still sleep on the couch if that’s what you want,” he said softly. 
Marinette buried her face in his shoulder for a moment, gathering her courage, and then lifted it to look him in the eye. “What if that’s not what I want?”
He held her gaze for a moment, as if waiting for something, maybe giving her a chance to back out. Marinette let out a shaky breath, but didn’t look away. “I don’t want to stop. And I don’t want you to sleep on the couch.” 
“Okay,” he breathed into the barely-there space between them as he brushed his lips against hers again. 
Despite her bold words, part of her was panicking as they sank down in her bed together, because what was she thinking? At the same time it felt like the most right, most natural end to what otherwise would have been a lonely night full of tears. Though eager and near shaking with want, he was as gentle and considerate as he had been all night. It made her feel powerful and wanted and treasured and safe all at once, and when it was over, all the wanting and tension spent, the gentleness, the care for her remained, and he asked her in that same soft way if she wanted him to leave. 
“No,” she whispered, drawing him back down to her, “Stay with me. Didn’t we agree not to be alone on Christmas?” Luka relaxed back down into the bed with a sigh that sounded like relief, slipping one strong arm around her waist. She traced it lightly with her fingers as he kissed her shoulder and murmured “Joyeaux Noël, Marinette.”
She glanced up at the clock smiled, seeing it was well after midnight, and officially Christmas Day. “Joyeaux Noël, Luka.”
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shuskas-story-book · 4 years
Beside Me
Based off the song Mother Mother by Oleander
This story was a birthday present for @brinytrolls.
Faldur and Sarky both belong to Freddie 
"Thanks for watchin dudes, seeya in the next video" Sarkan chirped, a bright smile on his lips before hitting the end button on his recording system. "Well....looks like another succesful run eh Sarks?" he asked himself, shaking his head and letting his ears droop a bit. He sighed and looked out the window to the storm before frowning. Out on the road closing in on his borrowed vacation house was a familiar shape, one of the only people who would know where he was spending the perigee in quiet solitude.
"Fal? What in alternia's grey biosphere are you doing out in the rain?!" he asked aloud, quickly pushing back from the desk his computer was stationed on and quickly hurrying his way out to the front porch. He looked around, panting for breath as he tried to catch sight of his Kismesis through the thick rain.
"Faldur! Where are you?!" he shouted with worry, trying to find the violet seadweller with the darkness being illuminated with a massive flash of lightning. His teal eyes went wide when he finally spotted the sea dweller, covered in mixture of rust and gold and cerulean blood and wandering down the road as though he didnt know where he was. It took just moments before Sarky had his shoes on and was pelting down the road in his pajama pants, his favored hoodie, and a pair of flipflops.
"Faldur! Terrors above what are you doing out here? I know your a seadweller but this isnt like yo-HOLY SHIT IS THAT BLOOD?!" he nearly screamed. Faldur's eyes were tinted a bloody orange, not even caring about the brightly colored blood on his suit jacket or the fact that his typical fedora was missing from atop his head. His hatesprit gave a soft little whine, the teal reaching out and carefully wrapping his arm around Fal to help support the seadweller as his knees buckled. Fal could be heard muttering things about what had happened, the dark growl in his voice causing the fur along Sarkan's back and ears to rise. "Lets get you upstairs and in bed" he said softly as he guided the seadweller back to the house.
The day was a long one, Faldur shattering plates and cups as he went on his angry little tirade. It wasnt like he couldnt replace the things in his own house, it was more the fear that Sarky felt watching the highblood destroy things and not bother with the damage he was leaving on himself. Dark fingerpads sliced open, jacket sleeves shredded by talons and glittering porcelain and glass pieces from what was just in the kitchen.
Faldur wound up falling asleep curled up in the corner of the large dining room, his thin form trembling lightly in the aftermath of his rage. Sarky sighed when he noticed this and gave a small little smile, moving over to drape one of his extra hoodies over his kismesis to try and help give him some comfort as the teal worked on cleaning up the shattered remains of what was once a set of dishes.
"Come on Fal, lets get you in a tub" Sarky sighed, having stayed up the entire day to make sure Faldur didnt wake back up and get hurt. The violet gave a confused little noise as he felt the warm hands under his arm and around one wrist as he was guided to his feet. "Sark..... when did.... why are you here I went home?" he asked, mostly to himself in his tired state.
"Well....I mean when you come wandering down the road half the town away from your place I'd guess you didnt go home" Sarky teased softly, not doing much more than that as they stepped into the downstairs bathroom and settled faldur on the closed toilet. "What happened last night man? You were shamblin around like a day walker!" Sarky commented, his long ears lowering. He worked quickly to get the water started and to the right temperature for the seadweller.
"I.....I went on a date last night....was supposed to be a possible matesprit" Fal replied with a shaky breath, tears starting to well in his eyes. "I....Sarkan I dont.....Why does everyone decide I'm nothing? Th-that I'm only good for my money?" he asked.
sarky was taken back by the question, a hand moving to rub at the back of his neck. "I....I dont think I can answer that for ya Fal.... Alternia's a cruel place, we all know this but the fact that you came home covered in blood is....more than what I guess was just a date gone south" he said softly, sighing and kneeling down beside his kismesis. "But no matter what I'm right here for you. Quadrants be damned for tonight, you need someone with a gentle touch" he stated, Faldur blinking and looking to his kismesis with a confused little chirp in his throat.
"you heard me fish face, now come on. Lets get you out of these bloody clothes and into a nice cold bath eh?" he offered, standing up enough to help remove the tattered cloth from the seadweller. It was a long process, Sarky taking extra care around the gills and fins and making sure to check the other for any cut or scrape that could have been worse than first thought.
"Sarkan.....why do you do this?" The seadweller asked, Sarky's ears perking up a bit as he looked over his glasses. "Why wouldnt I Fal? We may be kismesis, but that's just a rivalry thing more than anything else. Rivals can still care for one another and help them to be stronger than what we were before" he explained softly, tapping the other's hip lightly as he nodded towards the tub "Come on. Get in so we can get the rest of this blood off you"
Faldur pinned his fins back, turning his half blind eyes away. "did....did you find my glasses anywhere?" he asked instead, trying to get the old feelings to squash down enough for him to look Sarky in the eyes again.
"No, you didnt have them on when I found you last night" came the soft reply, Sark guiding the fish down into the water with careful hands as though he could break at any moment. "I know where you keep your backup pair at this place, so i'll grab them when I get you something clean to wear. " he hummed, grabbing a rag and starting to carefully run it over Fal's shoulders.
They worked like this in silence for a few moments before Faldur spoke up with a shaky, qiet voice "Sarky....you always stand beside me.....even when I'm out of my mind" Sark blinked and tilted his head a bit with a confused little pout. "Hmm? What do you mean by that?" he asked, Fal shaking his head and bringing one hand up to nervously fiddle with one of his fin piercings.
"I-i shattered all that glass...dont pretend i didnt, I saw it in the trash bin when we passed by" he muttered "Yea fal you did....but i'm right here to sweep it all up" Sarky hummed, shaking his head a bit with a chuckle. "Why are you smiling Sarkan?I-i made a huge ffffucking mess! I-i-i was acting obscene!" he blurted out, hand dropping into the water as Sark carefully cradled the fish's cheek in his hand "Yea...But I'll be right here to help you clean up and destress....You can be the anger and the rage, and I'll be all the rest" What Faldur didnt expect was the soft kiss to his forehead, fins flaring out a bit as he looked up to the other with wide eyes. "W-what? What do you mean by that? Where are you going?!" he asked, hands moving to grasp at the side of the tub.
The teal just offered a small smile "I'm just getting you something to wear Fal, I'm not leaving you here alone" He replied softly, trailing his nails along Faldur's hornbed in an attempt to calm the others nerves. It worked for the most part, Fal letting his fins droop back into a comfortable position before sighing and closing his eyes.
"you know Sarkan.....If you leave me, I think it would kill me"
"I know fal.....I know"
The two were bundled up in comfortable pajamas, faldur having been patched up from his wounds and now clean and cuddly against the larger troll. They were quiet as an old movie played, something the both of them would enjoy so as to not cause any major issues on the film choice.
A scene had the characters passing through a large garden and had Sarky perking his ears with a small smile as he broke the comfortable silence they had settled into. "You know....You're like a Wisteria Fal" he hummed, reaching up to trail his fingers through the other's lightly damp curls. "Bright petals, beautiful hues~" he cooed, fal blinking and turning up to the other with a pout. "A Wisteria? Bright like me?" he asked in reply, Sarky chuckling and nodding with a soft kiss to his violets forehead. "Yes like you~" he hummed.
"Sarkan....I'm more like a vile little child stuck in a farm sty!" Fal huffed, arms crossing over his chest as he turned his eyes away from the other. "So? you know I love playing with my vile little reptiles~" Sarky teased, sticking out his tongue at fal playfully and getting a swat to the shoulder.
"Difference is I'll burn you out!"
"So? I remember burning your diary that one time Higgins~"
Fal puffed out his cheeks and growled softly, turning away and just going silent as Sarky moved his hand down to pull the other into a hug instead of just lounging across his lap. "But, just like back then Fal, if you start to cry I'll work to put a smile back on that horrid face of yours" he purred. Faldur smiled a bit at the memories he had with the teal that held him, his own arms moving around his shoulders to return the hug tightly. "Yea.....If you left me rest assured I'd perrish... it would kill me to loose someone like you" he muttered against the fuzzy ear next to his cheek.
Sarky just chuckled softly and shook his head, swaying along lightly to the music the movie was putting off "Your my little wisteria, bright beautiful petals" he hummed, fal pulling back and offering a soft little smile "A wisteria.....bright and beautiful" he replied with a happy little purr in his chest, Sarky touching foreheads with him
"Yes, just like you Fal"
"just like me~"
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web-of-fics · 5 years
This Town
Tumblr media
Requested by: @samantha4music (“Can u do a fic based off Niall Horans song This Town?”)
Starring: Peter Parker (and friends) x his lost love (she/her pronouns)
Fandom: MCU
Warnings: whole lotta angst... oof
Summary: Peter goes out with his friends to try and get his ex out of his head. Unfortunately for him he can’t seem to do that. 
Words: 2448
Writer’s notes: 💔 Click here to set the mood 💔 Italics denote flashbacks.
“Did you just smell my pillow?”
“What?” Peter laughed. “No.”
“I know you did,” she grinned. “It’s okay, I do it too,” she winked and disappeared back into the bathroom.
Peter smiled to himself, gazing down and caressing his palm across the soft indentation from where she had slept the night before. He furrowed his brow. 
“Hey,” he called. 
She stuck her head back in the doorframe, toothbrush hanging from her mouth. 
“Are we back together?” 
She spit in the sink and laughed in confusion. “We’ve always been together, Peter.” 
“Oh yeah,” he said. His concern seemed so out-of-place now. Why had he needed her to tell him something so obvious? 
He felt compelled to share something in return. 
“Come here,” he said.
She bounced over and snuggled back next to him, yanking the blanket up to her shoulders. Peter smiled to himself. She was the only person he knew who would be shivering in the same room where beats of sweat slowly consumed his curls.
“I have to tell you something,” he said, “I don’t think I had the chance to tell you before...”
“What is it? Before what?”
The sound of a jackhammer yanked Peter from his sleep. He frowned, puzzled at his hand when he stretched it across the bed, grasping only air and bedsheets. Then the remnants of his dream faded and reality sank in. 
It had been three Saturdays since the breakup, but his body seemed unable to recall such a fact. He couldn’t count how many mornings he awoke thinking they were back together until the awful truth forced its way back into his awareness, crushing his heart just as badly each time.
Peter rubbed his eyes with his palms, spotting a freed eyelash as he pulled them away. He blew gently and it disappeared among the sunbeams dancing in from his window. He wondered idly if other people still made wishes on theirs. 
Peter rolled off the bed and into a wrinkled change of clothes. He couldn’t believe it was already the weekend. What was he supposed to do with all this free time? Normally he’d distract himself with a pile of homework, but his teachers had decided everyone deserved a break after exam week. Unlike everyone else, he was unable to enjoy the extra time to himself. 
He shuffled into the kitchen and poured himself a bowl of cereal. The pieces clinked into the ceramic bowl until it was filled to the brim. 
Aunt May regarded him with a look of concern, but said nothing. He didn’t meet her eyes as he sat down, unable to bear the puppy dog-like sympathy they contained. It was the only way she’d looked at him for the past month.
“Ned called,” she said over her coffee mug.
With a mouthful of cereal, Peter raised his eyebrows as if to say, “why would he call you?”
“Said you weren’t answering your phone. He wanted to know if you would join everyone for tacos tonight.”
Peter opened his mouth to respond just as she returned her focus to the newspaper and informed him, “I said you’d be thrilled to see them all there.”
Peter sighed, rubbed his face again—willing himself to wake up—and nodded. He wouldn’t mind seeing his friends outside of school again. And he hadn’t been out for Mexican food in forever.
“Sounds good. Thanks.”
“And go put some fresh clothes on,” she added as he retreated to his room.
What’s wrong with this? Peter wondered, but obliged. He opted for jeans and a hoodie from a forgotten corner of his closet. In the other corner lay a carefully-folded hoodie that still smelled like her. 
- - - - - - - - -
Peter ran into Ned as they approached the sidewalk entrance from opposite directions. Together they entered the dim glow of the restaurant, the volume of the inside crowd increasing with every step. The place smelled like fresh tortilla chips and homemade salsa. Glassware clinked as it was exchanged between bartenders cleaning glasses and pouring drinks. Ned followed his friend past the bar counter, nearly bumping into him when he stopped abruptly. 
“What’s the matter?” Ned said, following Peter’s gaze. 
“Nothing,” Peter said after a moment. “I thought I saw... never mind.”
Ned didn’t have to ask.
They turned into the dining area and spotted the bright faces of their friends waiting from the far corner.
Ned and Peter filled the last two seats around the table, greeting everyone with a wave.
“Hurry up and decide what to order because I’m starving,” MJ said, passing them a menu and motioning the waiter over.
“Um,” Peter glanced down at the menu, trying to remember what he ordered the last time he ate there. When he glanced up again, a familiar figure caught his eye once more. He stood. 
“I’ll have whatever you’re having,” he said vaguely to Ned before making for the restroom. 
He burst through the swinging door and doused his face in tap water. It was unexpectedly warm, and he quickly scraped it off with a paper towel. Isn’t this supposed to feel cold like in the movies? He couldn’t even tell if sweat was dripping down his forehead or if the towel was just that bad at its only job.
He balled it up and chucked it into the nearest garbage, willing himself not to get sick at the thought of running into her here. 
Why now? He thought. Why do I care? It’s been weeks! A normal person would be totally over it by now.
He stared down the hot mess in the mirror. Who was this Peter and how was he so different from four weeks ago? 
“Dance with me.”
“Me? Are you sure about that?”
“Of course!”
“I’m going to step all over your feet.”
“Consider me prepared. And tired of waiting. Come on.”
She pulled Peter in front of the band right when they began a new song. The truth was, Peter was thrilled out of his mind that she asked. He was just petrified that his dancing might scare her away. Part of him knew this was irrational, but he had so many butterflies flipping around in his stomach that he couldn’t think straight around her. He doubted he would be able to dance with a semblance of coordination. He would just focus on mirroring whatever she did. 
They joined hands and swayed rhythmically. Another couple danced a few feet away from them. It was late enough that no one else was in the restaurant. 
“You liar. You’re not even close to smashing my toes.” 
“Give it time,” he said. She beamed at him. 
“I’m really glad we’re here tonight,” she said. 
“Me too,” he stepped on her toes with his shoe gently when the band transitioned between songs, which made her laugh harder than she had all night. 
There were plenty of moments that night Peter wished he had said more to her. But whenever he replayed this dance in his head, he was sure this would have been the right moment. If only the butterflies hadn’t gotten in his way. 
Peter smiled at the memory and returned to the table, hoping no one would notice his sweaty hairline as he sat down and feigned interest in the conversation.
Naturally, everyone noticed but continued their chatter without comment.
Peter gulped the icy water glass as soon as the waiter reappeared to fill them. He had half a mind to toss the last of it over his head, but resisted. He sucked on an ice cube instead, looking around the room. 
He inhaled sharply and Ned frowned at him. Then Ned noticed the cause of Peter’s distress seated at the next table over. Someone Peter could pick out from a sea of 1,000 people with his eyes closed. 
Ned looked back at him. Peter’s stomach somersaulted. Instead of butterflies, it felt like a bunch of moths were bumbling around in search of their missing light. 
“Ohhh shit,” Ned gasped. “Listen, Peter you can go home if you want, I can just get a to-go box for you and drop it by later--” Ned started, but Peter was shaking his head rapidly.
“No, that’s okay,” he said with a nervous laugh. “I’m fine,” he squeaked.
“Peter, you’re not fine,” Ned said. He paused. “But part of me really hopes she’ll come over and say something.”
Peter shot him a look but couldn’t hold back his genuine laugh.
Ned pretended to look offended. “Just for the drama!”
A live band started up from the stage platform located in a distant corner of the room. A guy bent his head over an acoustic guitar while another crooned into a microphone stand. After the first verse it was clear he was brooding over a lost love. 
The irony was not lost on anyone at Peter’s table. Several pairs of eyes flickered modestly to him and away. A couple pairs fixated, wide-eyed as they recognized the girl sitting just behind him. Peter couldn’t help but follow their gazes. 
She stood now and approached the open floor in front of the band. The second figure from her table followed. They began slow dancing to a fast song. 
Peter covered his face with his hands. He peeked through to Ned. 
“Is it too late to ask for take-out?” he mumbled. 
At the same moment, the waiter reappeared with several platters, expertly placing each dish in front of its owner before bustling away. 
Ned looked to Peter apologetically before being pulled into a conversation taking place across the table. Peter sighed and devoured his food, enjoying it as much as he had during his first visit. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t eaten there in so long.
“Where are you taking me?” she giggled. 
“Shh,” Peter said, hating to stifle her laughter but not wanting to wake anyone.
She waved her hand dismissively, rubbing her hands together despite the 60-plus-degree night air. She was always cold. “Nobody’s going to hear me all the way from the driveway.”
She was probably right. Peter took her hand and led her in the direction of the river. 
“I hope you like Mexican.”
“Who doesn’t?” she said, offended the idea of someone disliking tacos.
Peter grinned.
There had been a band that night too, Peter remembered. They had played electric guitars, though.
Polite applause that arose between the band’s songs brought Peter back to the present. He made an effort to listen to either of the conversations surrounding him, but he couldn’t be bothered to get himself emotionally invested in the ever-important debates about chunky salsa or standardized testing happening among his peers. 
He only realized he was staring into space and no longer at his ex when he blinked and noticed she was no longer dancing there. Without thinking, he whipped around to look at their table and saw that the plates and checks had been cleared. He didn’t understand why he felt worse now that she and her date had left, but he did. 
Peter told Ned he was stepping out to get some air and hurried towards the door. He wasn’t sure what he was doing. He knew he had already had his chance but he couldn’t help feeling like, miraculously, he was granted this second one for a reason. 
As the entrance door swung shut behind him, a gust of chilled air greeted his sweaty face. He wiped it with his sleeve, grateful for the fresh feeling. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. 
When he opened them again he noticed her staring straight at him. Peter’s stomach fluttered.
“Peter?” she said in her impossible-to-forget voice.
“Hey,” he said, suddenly unsure what to say. “H-how are you?”
She shrugged, abandoning the curb in favor approaching him on the sidewalk. “I’ve been worse.” She looked up at him. “If I’m being honest, I’ve been better too.”
“Sorry,” he said automatically.
She smiled and jammed her hands into her pockets, bouncing on her heels to generate warmth. 
Peter wanted to ask what happened to her date but thought better of it. “W-are you alone?” he asked and winced, grateful she wouldn’t find that sort of question creepy since it was coming from him. 
She nodded. “Kinda. Well, now I am. I was with... someone else earlier but they left now. I wasn’t really feeling it anyway.” She looked down. 
“What about you? What are you doing here?” she said amicably. 
“Um, eating,” Peter said. He waved his arm toward the building. “Ned and everyone are inside.”
“Oh,” her face flushed. “Cool.”
They stood in silence for a moment, both working up to saying their next piece. 
Peter spoke up first. “I... I know we’re not together anymore,” he said slowly, gauging her reaction. “But, if it’s okay, I still have something I need to tell you before I lose this chance again.”
She nodded, her eyes growing slightly bigger. “Why? What is it?”
“I mean, this was true when we were together but I wasn’t able to say it then. I don’t expect you to say anything back but I think I’ll lose my mind if I don’t say i to you now.”
“Got it. Go ahead, you can tell me.”
Peter sucked in a breath and didn’t let himself take another one before he let everything out.
“I love you. I loved you weeks ago. And I still do. I don’t know how to make it stop or if I even want it to, but I just had to let you know before it was too late. Even though I know it kind of already is. It is.”
He sighed in equal parts relief and panic. He hoped he was able to convey this desperate need to share this with her even though he knew it wasn’t really fair to come out and say something like it out of the blue. 
A new song suddenly throbbed to life from inside the restaurant. It sounded like electric instruments had taken over the acoustic ones for now. 
Slowly, she reached out and took Peter’s hand, a smile teasing at the corners of her mouth but already dancing in the glimmer of her eyes. 
“Too late for what?” she said. “I’m not here with anybody but you right now.”
She opened the door and pulled him back inside.
“I learned a few new moves so you’ll have to keep up with me if we want to impress the dinner crowd this time,” she added. 
Peter’s butterflies were back but this time he didn’t think they would get in the way of enjoying this night, with this girl, in this town. 
Just one more before bed? Click here for a masterlist of my fics!
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Promptathon: Shirayuki is very happy for Obi. Really, she is! Honestly. (Shirayuki/Obi, Obi seems to be taking a big step into his future... without her?)
Prompts are currently closed while I catch up. I will announce when I am open! :)
A different retelling of Chapter 96. Takes place in Our Place in the Stars right before Sway with Me.
The first time she came here, she was a girl. A mere nineteen years summers - wide eyed, anxious, and filled with uncertainty. At her side, an equally tentative and much shorter mentor had hugged close. That their arrival had been uninspiring would have been an understatement. The thick sheets of snow; the unimpressed scholars; the bare rooms with their simple cots and dressers. And, worst of all, no Zen.
But this place…
From the moment she first stepped through its heavy oak doors, weighed down with worry and gut gnawing with more than hunger, she knew that she’s had found a reminder of who she once was.
The wait staff had been kind, seating them as close to the hearth as humanly possible and yet still neither she nor Ryuu had been unable to shed their outer garments. And just the same as now, the air had been heavy with beer and simple fried dishes. Though nothing made in this kitchen was remotely similar to what was prepared in her grandparents – the waitress had to describe the dishes one by one, patiently explaining which were the regional specialties and which were inspired by further north than even here – the wave of familiarity had soothed her stomach and warmed her heart. Here, in a land full of strangers and useless to anyone that didn’t know her (and that was everyone), she was closer to her childhood home than she thought she would ever be again. 
The sound of the restaurant clatters around them, filled with happy cheers and laughter and the memories of that first day and every day that came after. Obi’s arrival. The moment she declared that she, too, would aim for Wilant. Giggling over drinks as Yuzuri swore that Shirayuki would be able to bear more than a single glass and still walk home at the end of the night before her tenure at Lyrias ended. Obi betting against that promise. Endless working lunches and dinners and then even breakfasts with Suzu and Lata and Shidan, picking through details while stuffing their faces after two meals skipped faster than was wise.
But no matter the memories, no matter the happy days, it still doesn’t change the way her empty stomach sours at the thought of food now.
Between them both, Zen is the one among them the least versed with the shape Obi’s disapproval takes - she does not think Obi had the nerve to do more than tease in Wistal, and even then it was more difficult than he would ever let on. But she, on the other hand, who has had years of direct opportunity to accumulate, ah, mishaps, was well aware that even the gentlest of hearts had bridges one must not cross. 
So it is not a surprise when Zen is the first one to break the ice wall of silence. “Well, um, Obi-“
“We’re sorry,” Shirayuki breaks in to save him, because she is. Really, truly, she is.
Zen won’t have her taking the blame, though she wish he would. “It was my mistake. I was the one who said we should follow you.”
Smile pursed tight in a way that reminds her eerily of Makiri, Obi shrugs, lazily picking through a bowl of nuts the waitress brought with their drinks. “No worries. It’s perfectly fine.”
Fine. The word is flat. Lifeless. And really she’s just the worst friend. The absolute worst. She knows how Obi values his privacy, how little of himself he shares. She’s spent the better part of four years now drawing him out and- and the times that it was him and not circumstances that made him speak of his life beyond her and Ryuu and the Olin Maris were precious, a gift of trust, and now they went and stole them from him-
Zen straightens, leaning across the table and later she thinks that he must have been trying to dispel this awkward air, because that’s the only reason one would possibly want to stay on this topic. “So, when did you noti-”
A pistachio nut cracks between two long fingers, the sound crisp and sharp. It sends her back to Tanbarun. To the Sunday markets when the fowlers brought more than eggs to hawk. She remembers her first time there, standing half nestled in her grandmother’s skirts as they shouldered their way through the crowds to pick out the plumpest bird. Her small hand had reached out, pointed, and the man had swooped it up into a flurry of squawks and feathers and frantically beating wings. It was fast, over in not nearly a second, the snap of bone swift and clean and-
It sounds exactly like that.
Swallowing, Shirayuki fiddles with the fringe of her skirt and Zen is painfully silent as Obi washes down the nut, his eyes level and dead. Swishing the beer between his teeth, the weight of his ire lays even heavier, and- Oh god. Shirayuki looks away. He’s really mad, oh no.
It’s the giggle that tips her off. Then the snort. Then Obi is in full hysterics under her and Zen’s startled gazes, head thrown back and palms slapping the table. He’s- he’s making a scene, and if she had a heart to be embarrassed, she would be, but she can’t when she doesn’t know what it means.
“I can’t do it,” he giggles, tears glittering in the corners of his eyes. Every few words escape between little gasps of air. “I mean. You guys were hiding? And it was funny you were acting all weird about me? So I played along! But let’s stop here. I’ve got to stop.”
The pressure lifts from her chest, but not entirely. Obi wipes the moisture from the corner of his eyes with the heels of his palms.
“So,” she ventures, uncertain. “You’re not angry?”
Obi snorts, a fit of giggles nearly starting him up again. “No way!” he laughs, waving his hand. “I was walking aimlessly on purpose!”
That… certainly sounds like something he would do.
But before she can comment on it, and because he apparently he didn’t learn from his last try not two minutes ago, Zen presses, “Then who were you meeting at the base?”
It’s almost funny the way Obi’s face goes from amused to annoyed. Almost. Sighing, he hides it behind his drink. “Straight to the point as soon as the awkwardness passes, huh?” Obi grumbles into his cup. His eyes don’t return to theirs, instead stalling in the depths of his drink, and Shirayuki’s heart gives a single pound when his cheeks go a shade darker.
“Well.” He chokes out something affecting a grin and it’s not unlike the smile he gives her when she removes a bandage. Tense. Pained. And entirely fake. “Well, she was my partner for a marriage meeting!”
Shock… would be a word for what she is feeling. If shock could strike you to the gut like this. Her chest feels strange, too, like her heart isn’t beating in her chest like it should. Zen isn’t speaking, either, and Obi’s cheeks go darker, his mouth opening to no doubt fill the silence with something other than this.
Another, brighter voice makes it so he doesn’t have to. “May I take your order?” the waitress breaks in.
“Ah, right!” Shirayuki stutters, tearing her gaze away and up. Then, because clearly it’s her job to lighten the mood by stating the obvious, she adds, “We haven’t ordered yet!”
~ ~ ~
“Let’s see,” Obi drawls, picking up his tankard. It’s his third and he has shown no hint of slowing down. But he also hasn’t pressed her or Zen about still being on their first. “She’s the younger sister of one of the knights here. He’s been bringing it up over and over since way back…“
The strangeness in her chest turns into a lurch and she presses her forefingers to her pulse under the table. Counts her heartbeat in time to her breath. Does the math. That’s months of him thinking about this. Months of him measuring himself to decide if he- if he wants-
“…And that brings us to today!” Obi shrugs. “That’s all.”
To think, it was that long. That long about thinking of something so important and he didn’t-
Tell her.
“What kind of person is she?” Zen asks, because her chest isn’t feeling strange enough as it is. She takes a quick gulp of her own drink in lieu of rubbing her sternum to soothe the ache.
“Eh?” Obi rucks his mouth up, considering. “Ah, mm, she’s a few years younger than me. Her older brother is full of energy and she doesn’t seem to know what to do with him. They seem to be close. I think she’ll find a good match soon. We talked a little about those dinner banquet gatherings they hold for young people.”
Zen nods, mouth full of food, but Shirayuki just… sits there. Staring at him. With her mouth slightly agape. And she wishes she had some elegance in these matters, because this was- a big deal! She should be happy that he was- was trying. That he thought himself well enough - good enough - to move forward.
“Miss?” Obi prods gently, smile nervous and stretched thin. “You haven’t said anything.”
“Ah.” The breath comes out in a surprised puff. She hadn’t- she didn’t notice that she had been holding it all in. “You went so far as to hide it. I thought that maybe she had some sort of situation surrounding her.”
Obi’s smile slaps off clean and then he ducks his head, as guilty as a scolded dog. “Ahh, I see.” He shakes his head, but he’s hiding from her. “No. It wasn’t an issue with her.”
Shirayuki’s heart clenches. Maybe this place was too open. Maybe they needed to go someplace more quiet-
“When I’m dealing with something outside my comfort zone,” Obi begins, body rounding in on itself, and she almost drags him out of this bar right then and there. Here, the lighting is too poor. She can only see the tension in his jaw when he flexes it, the sharp arch of his cheek cutting light and shadows, the shy glimmer of gold as his eyes avert from hers. The rest is hidden behind his drink. “It’s like my senses dull. There was no reason to hide it, but with my mind stuck on it like that, I felt like I couldn’t face you.”
“That makes sense,” Zen says, infuriatingly patient for a man who just minutes ago was not. “You’re not the type to jump off unfamiliar scaffolding, after all.”
Shirayuki’s jaw goes slack and she- she’s never been so inspired, not since their first meeting, to shake him. To pull him aside and ask what is wrong? It had been like this ever since their reunion. Well, not their reunion in particular, but the three of them. Every song sung a chance to scoff, every observation an opportunity to launch a barb. It had been- not entirely unforeseen, not when they took their short trip south and certainly not when Zen invited himself up to Lyrias for several weeks. Zen has always been jealous, nipping at the heels of anyone who spent more time with her than him. He was like that with all of his people and kept each one of them as close as his brother would allow. But- she was growing weary after weeks of it without end.
Obi, this time, like all the other times, laughs, no better than Zen in falling back into his patterns from- from before and her heart sinks. That he would hide the strike behind a joke was one thing, but this time, his hand climbs out from beneath the table, grasping for his shoulder-
-before falling just short and plopping down on the surface of the table.
Shirayuki stares at it. It’s been… years, she thinks. Perhaps. Since she saw that motion. It has her swallowing down on a scream, tearing her gaze from it to Obi’s face where the lines draw tight around his eyes. She wonders if it was obvious before as it is now that his smile is a lie.
“You’re right!” Obi laughs. “Of course.”
“In any case, people are asking after you, huh?” Zen asks with a sigh. “That means I should probably introduce you formally at this point.”
“Oh no Master,” Obi holds up both hands in protest, and Shirayuki wants nothing more than to join him in that objection. “That’s not necessarily.”
He’s adamant, shaking his head. “As your lord, it’s my responsibility. I honestly should have done it years ago,” Zen says, plucking at his hair. “After we got your first, ah-“
He cuts off with a wince, guiltily, a delicate flush creeping up his neck.
Shirayuki doesn’t think she wants to know. But her mouth had never been good with holding back a question. “First…?”
“First, uhm-” The flush deepens, red blotching his cheeks, “-courtship letter.”
Surprisingly the one squawking is her. When her eyes snap to Obi for confirmation that her ears were working properly, he’s just as surprised as her, his jaw hanging from its hinges.
“Courtship?” he asks faintly, and oh- oh, she did not need to know the way his voice sounded when it he has been so thoroughly wounded. “Letters?”
Zen clears his throat, looking everywhere but the two of them. “Yea, uh-“ He straightens a little, ducking past her startled gaze to look Obi square in the eyes. “It’s only natural, first as my messenger and then as an immediate knight that you would gain some interest.”
Obi goes a shade paler, a sickly sheen dotting the edge of his forehead. His eyes are distant, faded, but his smile is still in place, his motions still attentive, and-
“Wait,” Shirayuki steps in. “How many? When did they come? After we left for Lyrias?”
Zen winces and continues not to look at her. “It doesn’t matter,” he chokes, intent on Obi and no one else. “When I return, though, I’ll bring them with me. We can go over them.”
It’s only because she knows him so well that she can hear the breathlessness of the reply, the panic snapping on the heels of the words. “Of course, Master.”
“In the meantime!” Zen smiles, stretching his arms over his head. “We should start training you for court. Get you a wardrobe, even. Just because we’re behind doesn’t mean we can’t catch up!”
“Wait!” Obi straightens, hands splayed out across the table. “There’s no need-”
It’s rare that Zen strengthens his voice with them, making his words less a request and more a demand. “There’s every need, Obi.” They both straighten, shocked, and a small smile of the Prince they know tugs at his lips. “They’ll be inviting you, you know? To those dinners. I don’t want them to have reason to think you’re anything less than an ideal companion.”
“Well,” Obi laughs, and she wonders if Zen can hear what she does. Or if they’ve changed so much that the language spoken beneath the words is lost to him. “I was already invited before. We all were.”
That gets a reaction. “Shirayuki, you too?” Zen yelps, betrayed. “This is the first I’ve heard of it!”
“It was a luncheon!” she chirps helpfully, kicking at Obi’s shins under the table. She catches his lips twitching around his drink, pressed once again to his mouth, and- and-
Fine. They were even now. She spies on him. He tells on her. Even.
Also, as much as she hates to admit it, Zen’s is… endearing when he pouts like this. “It’s not an issue of time of day… I mean, that matters, but that’s not it!”
They went exactly once, is what she wants to say. After a repeated outbreak of a stomach virus seemed to center on one banquet hall in particular. She hadn’t even done much aside from collect samples under the cover of their ruse. It had been easier than expected, and all the gentlemen had been so nice, even if she did smell like cold meats and cheese for a week after.
“I wanted to turn down the invite, but Miss insisted!” Obi objects over her thoughts, like a liar. He hadn’t wanted to go, yes, but she had not asked him to follow and neither of them had particularly enjoyed the experience regardless. The entire afternoon had been him dodging away from soft hands and sweet voices while she alternated between glowering at the kitchen and Obi’s would be suitors. “It made it very hard for me to come up with excuses to not entertain partners at a party just for that purpose.”
Zen gives him a flat look. “You sure have confidence in your popularity.”
You would, too, Shirayuki thinks. If you had seen him at that luncheon.
Obi ducks his head coyly, lashes fanning across his cheeks as he lifts his mug. “I understand how much I’ve got from past experience,” he grins. “”I’ve got some talent in lighting a flame.”
If Zen catches the inference, he doesn’t let it show. For her part, she just… wishes he wouldn’t joke like that. Not when-
-Not when he was… thinking about a wife.
“…Did you try that at the dinner party?” Zen drawls, eyebrows raised.
Obi sputters. “I did not! I was with the young Miss!”
And that, she thinks, may be the only time that her presence dissuaded him from anything.
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nexstrik · 6 years
when i see you, my voice goes (2/6)
Summary: Evelynn and Ahri had been together for as long as anyone could remember. They always thought they never needed anyone else, and then then slowly learn how wrong they were. 
Akali is a typical directionless millennial trying to get back on her feet after a nasty breakup left her depressed and downtrodden. Then a group of popstars flip her world upside down. 
A/N: Please pretend the rap is good, and also in Korean. Shout out to @reduxroyal for the song title “Foxfire”. 
You can read this story in chronological order on my blog You can also read this story on AO3
Her nose never led her astray.
Akali followed the sharp burn of garlic and boiling stock, a late-night shop that catered to the drunks who came stumbling out after all the bars closed. She inhaled the street food, hot grease burning all the way down until it settled in her stomach like a cozy, lit coal. Then she called a taxi, stumbled into the backseat, and did her best not to pass out before she made it safely home.
The streetlights rushed over her closed eyelids. The scent of a hundred other passengers clung to the cheap leather seats, molding together into the caustic fake pine swinging from the rearview mirror. When Akali opened her eyes again, the taxi had rolled to a stop in front of her family's dojo, and the world blacked out for a second. Reality returned and she was standing in the dark kitchen, peering into the fridge and blinking at the light that poured out of the open door.
Then her uncle spoke. "Where have you been all night?"
Akali nearly blacked out again. A tower of side-dishes in plastic containers, neatly stacked, clattered onto the floor. One hand to her aching head, Akali knelt down and gathered them up and tried to put them away again. "Shit, Uncle Shen. I told you I'd be out late."
When she turned around with a glass of juice in her hand, it was to her uncle's disapproving stare. "Are you okay? You didn't answer my texts."
She nodded as she downed the glass in a few steady gulps, not pausing for air. "Mmmhmm." With a gasp, she finished and dropped the cup into the sink. Then, remembering she was raised right, she rinsed out the cup and put that away, too. "I'm fine. There was bad signal in the club."
"You said you were in a singing competition."
Akali closed her eyes. Oh boy. "It was a rap battle, Uncle Shen. I'm pretty sure I said it was a rap battle."
Akali swayed in place, blinking hard and focusing all her attention on not keeling over. For a moment her uncle seemed like he would just stand there in silence until the sun rose. By her estimation, that would be in about three hours.
Then he hummed. "Did you win?"
Relieved, Akali threw a pair of devil horns and winked. "Hell yeah I did!"
And then half the club bought her drinks, and she accepted a few too many of them. Dumb idea, probably. She was full of those. And piss and vinegar, or so her mom always said, whatever the fuck that meant.
Uncle Shen's lips pursed. She couldn't get a good read on him, as usual, and couldn't tell if he was pleased or if he disapproved. Up until now she ran on the assumption that he supported her. He let her live here rent-free after she escaped that mess she left in Busan, and he, like... well didn't not like approve. Right? Probably. He'd say something if he thought she were wasting her life on this.
Someone would say something.
(Someone did say something.)
The kitchen spun. She managed a weak smile. "I'm gonna go to bed. Sorry for making you stay up so late."
"As long as you're safe," he said, voice growing more distant as she travelled to the far side of the house, to her old bedroom.
When she collapsed onto the bed, Akali stared at the ceiling until the world settled down. Restless now, too drunk to sleep, she rolled over onto her side. A massive sprawl of posters were plastered to the far wall, overlapping. They were like the layers of the earth, her oldest obsessions covered over and replaced and clamoring for space, from the ages of thirteen to nineteen.
She'd moved out and then moved right back in a few years later.
"How long am I gonna have to keep looking at your face?" she wondered at the collection of anime characters and popstars and actresses and swimsuit models. "You're probably tired of me, too."
Covering her face with one hand, she saw nothing but stars. They spun even as she stayed still, drowning in shallow, stagnant pools of darkness.
Thankfully she was able to sleep in the next day. Classes in the dojo didn't start until late afternoon, and she didn't work her other part-time job on Saturdays. Scraping herself from her mattress, Akali took a shower and got ready to assist her uncle with any other chores that needed doing.
He greeted her with few words, as always, and was kind enough to point her to this morning's breakfast still left in the fridge.
"Hey," she said, stirring cold rice around in her bowl and wondering if she should bother microwaving it. "Sorry again for last night."
The summer light streaming in through the open windows did little to lessen the shadows around Shen's face. "Do you think you did something worth apologizing for?"
Cryptic as ever. It was a genuine question, though, she could tell. Akali wasn't sure if that made things better or worse. Shen was her only living relative, and he hadn't been equipped to handle raising a moody, rebellious teen. Still, there was something nostalgic about his cool rationale, the way he never lost his temper even when she felt he had every right to. "I guess I just got a little sloppy. I'm embarrassed."
"Well," Uncle Shen said, "Now you know for next time."
He patted the back of her hand and Akali wolfed down her very late breakfast. That should have been the most eventful thing that happened that day.
But then she got an email.
   Akali thought she might still be drunk. Standing in front of her, the three members of a band named "KDA" waited expectantly.
They'd broken down the deal in language she could understand. They told her they saw her music video, the one she recorded with her friends and her girlfriend, back when she still had both of those things.
Most of it went in one ear and right out the other. The whole time, Akali stared at Ahri as if she might vanish the next time she blinked.
It's her. It's her. It's her.
There was enough adrenaline in her system to make her heart explode. Every inch of her wanted to leap this opportunity.
She wants me. Foxy wants me to be their rapper.
But instead she wet her lips, mouth suddenly dry.
"I don't know if I can join you."
The reactions were mixed. Kai'sa visibly deflated, her shoulders dropping. Evelynn was unsurprised, her arms crossed and her expression blank.
"At least not yet," Akali clarified. "This is...a lot."
Ahri smiled sweetly, in a way that suggested she'd expected this as well.
"Of course. I'll be sending over a proper contract later tonight. Take your time reading it over," Ahri said, encouraging. She kept her hands over Akali's. The contact made her skin feel sticky, sweaty palms, hot summer air making the dojo stifling. "If you want a lawyer to go over it, too, that's totally fine."
A lawyer? Shit, she was just gonna take this to Uncle Shen and ask him what he thought. "Okay. Yeah, that's a good idea."
They said their goodbyes, apologizing for their unannounced arrival. Evelynn and Kai'sa left first, waving as they did. But Ahri lingered at the doorway, half-turned towards Akali as though something pulled her towards the other woman. Whatever that connection was, Ahri quickly severed it and then swept outside, her tightly-curled hair bouncing with every step.
Akali slid down to the floor right next to her training dummy, her hand still tingling from where Ahri touched it. Her  wooden kamas found their way into her grip instead, the grain warm on her palm. That was still the same, even if everything else around her had dramatically changed. She could still smell Ahri everywhere, lingering on her own hand like she had folded herself into Akali's skin.
So she tried to ignore the contract for another hour, training to sweat the poison out of her system.
Then she assisted Shen with the lessons, and they cleaned up together.
He didn't ask about the three strange women who had come to visit her, and she didn't offer an explanation. Instead she holed herself up in her room and pored over the contact list in her phone, wondering who she could call. Desperate for some kind of confirmation and validation, her first instinct was to call her ex-girlfriend.
Her thumb hovered over the name.
Then she snapped her phone shut, staring at the ceiling again. There were stars, there, again. Faint because the glow-in-the-dark chemicals had long since expired or faded away. This was still a child's room. It was too small for her, in every sense. It was everything she tried to leave behind when she moved south to Busan.
What's holding me back? she wondered. What could possibly be holding me back?
  It took hours to get to sleep, exhausted as she was. And so she woke up late again, stumbling downstairs to eat a cold breakfast before running to her part-time job. Then she came back home, changed her clothes, and helped Shen with lessons.
Shen had personally trained Akali, and she was qualified to teach and give lessons on her own, if she desired. But the idea of that— finding a new area to attract students, finding space to dole out those lessons,  slogging through more of the same for the rest of her life— made her so depressed she couldn't stand up straight.
It wasn't that she couldn't or didn't want to work hard. But it had to be towards something she actually liked.
So why are you avoiding the contract in your inbox?
Exhausted, she cleaned up alone. At the end of the week some of the older students would often offer to help, but most of the upkeep fell on her shoulders. Dusting, mopping, and sweeping were all a part of her post-workout routine at this point.
Except she wasn't alone.
Akali had lifted up one of the mats, nose wrinkling in distaste at a sticky mess underneath, probably a spilled sports drink that one of the younger students neglected to mention. Probably because there was a steep punishment for having food or drink near the mats.
Cursing, she let the mat drop and was about to get up to her feet and find the mop.
In front of her were a pair of smooth, long legs.
Sitting back on her heels, Akali looked up, and up, and up, to a scandalously short skirt and a manicured hand waving only with the fingertips.
"Hi," Evelynn said, finally drawing her attention higher to a pair of mirrored sunglasses. She saw her own reflection in them, on her knees, frowning tightly. "You're very focused, aren't you? I've been here for a while."
"I get lost in thought a lot." Akali stood up but that did little to lessen the distance between them. "Thank you for removing your shoes before coming inside," she grumbled, irrationally wishing she had her own boots on. They added a much-needed boost to her height and her confidence.
Evelynn's lips quirked in a smile, as if she knew what Akali was really trying to say. "Of course. I'm not an animal."
The resulting silence was horrifically awkward, but Evelynn seemed to relish in it. It didn't permeate her confident aura at all. Akali was left wondering what, if anything, could.
"If you're here for lessons, the last one ended a while ago." Akali thumbed over to the clock on the wall. "You'll have to come back tomorrow."
"Is the first hit free?" Evelynn asked. Fist on her hip, she glanced about the main floor. "I think your little dojo is just darling, so I'd be tempted to try and learn."
"I saw the video of your scrape with that photographer," Akali said, unable to resist rising to the obvious bait. She smirked. "You definitely could use some guidance."
That video and the resulting viral imagery was the first time Akali had ever heard of Evelynn, actually. Akali saw a furious, beautiful woman covered in blood and that kind of did it for her. Of course she was taking that truth to her grave. She respected Evelynn too much as an artist to ever admit she liked her for anything other than her music.
And. You know. Evelynn was married. That was kind of important too.
"Really now." Evelynn's brows rose, lips parting with interest. "Got any pointers?"
"Sure. Here's some free advice." She reached up and sharply tapped Evelynn right on the center of her forehead. "Don't lead with your head."
For a second she wondered if she'd crossed a line. It was hard to tell what Evelynn was thinking what with those thick sunglasses she always wore, even indoors. As if reading her mind, Evelynn took them off.
It immediately closed some of the distance between them, made Evelynn seem much more human as the corners of her eyes crinkled in mirth. "Oh, I like you."
"Could've fooled me." Akali crossed her arms tightly, thumbs tucked against her chest. "Now, can you tell me why you're here? I haven't signed the KDA contract yet."
Tucking her shades into her blouse pocket, Evelynn produced a phone from her purse. "Kai'sa sent me to invite you over for dinner," she said, tapping something out on the screen. "She wants to know if you're allergic to anything or if you're a vegetarian, et cetera, et cetera."
"No, I don't, uh. I don't have anything like that. I mean I'm lactose intolerant but that's never stopped me before." Akali hesitated as Evelynn handed her phone over, expectant. "What?"
"Your number," Evelynn explained. "I didn't get a chance to grab it last time."
A little irritated at the memory, Akali swiped the phone and started plugging in her information. "Because you were too busy begging for your teeth to be knocked in."
"Well, maybe you shouldn't be swinging swords around with your headphones on at full volume. You'll ruin your hearing that way, you know."
"Well, maybe you should mind your own business."
"Sweetheart," Evelynn said, really sounding like she meant the word. "If you sign that contract, every part of your body might soon become my business."
Her thumbs paused over the keyboard as Akali looked up at her.
"If," she responded, and then hit enter.
This isn't what she expected when she made that video. She'd gotten millions of views on The Tower, and the traffic spilled over to her online store. People didn't just like her, they were spending money on her. It wasn't a lot of money in the grand scheme of the music industry of course, but she'd been able to pay off her credit card bills with that revenue alone. That was something, to Akali.
(Why wasn't it enough for her girlfriend?)
"So what's next?" Evelynn asked her, returning her to reality again. She really needed to stop spacing out when people were talking to her. "If you're so confident you decide not to sign with us."
She rolled her eyes, but Akali was smiling. Who knew someone as powerful and famous as Evelynn could be so easy to needle?
"I'm doing what I did before." Akali sensed the change in the conversation, the way she noticed when a sparring partner shifted their weight, making them easier to throw. Self-assured now, she excitedly shared her plans with Evelynn. "Making my own music and posting it online. Getting known in the local scene."
Evelynn started toying with her necklace, long and gold with a rectangular charm hanging low on her chest. "And?"
Sweat burned into her eyes, reality marching around around her. She was still grimy from practice and there were still chores to be done, but she didn't want to attend to any of them yet. Pulling up her shirt, she mopped her face with the hem, shrugging. "I'm working in a music store nearby. I don't have a lot of physical merch but they agreed to sell it there, plus I have an online store." She couldn't help but puff up a little. "We got a lot of hits after my last video!"
Evelynn's thumb rested over her lips, fingers wrapped thoughtfully around her chin. Her teeth occasionally worried the nail like she was trying very hard not to interrupt Akali. Just when it looked like she was about to burst, she licked the pad, reached out, and dragged it over Akali's bare stomach.
"Yo!" Akali slapped her hand away, jumping back a step and letting her shirt drop. "Personal space?"
Evelynn laughed. "Sorry. I needed to know if the abs were spray painted on."
"Well, they're real. I work very hard on them." Self-conscious now, she covered her stomach with both hands. "And now I'm having second thoughts about having dinner at your place."
"No you're not," Evelynn said.
She didn't say anything else. Not for a while. Not until the silence was unbearably uncomfortable.
Evelynn put her on edge again, effortlessly. The balance had shifted; Akali wasn't in control of where it went anymore. Evelynn made her feel like at any given moment she was one wrong move away from being turned into a stylish leather belt. That was alarming enough on its own, but the worst part was Akali didn't entirely dislike the sensation.
"Kai'sa is an excellent cook. It's your loss if you decide not to come." Evelynn lifted her shoulders in a shrug. Her fingers found the necklace again, thumb stroking over the flat gold charm. "I know my wife will be so disappointed, she really wanted to have a proper conversation with you."
Her wife, Foxy— Ahri. One of the biggest names in kpop, if not the biggest. Akali thought back to their first brief meeting, the way Ahri hesitated after the others left, like there was something more she wanted to say. The way the scent of her clung to Akali's hand.
What did someone like her want with someone like Akali?
It lingered in her head long after Evelynn left, long after she should have fallen asleep.
That night she lay in bed, awake, again. The stars surrounding her shone little illumination on her predicament, and her quiet cell phone had no answers, either. Even though she knew it wouldn't do her any good, she went through her photo albums. After assaulting herself with years of memories among people she didn't like anymore, she finally jumped to one she had saved on every social media so that she'd never lose it.
In the photo she is fourteen years old. Her nose red, a faint trace of blood smeared on the back of her hand. Grinning like a wild thing despite the injury, because one arm was looped around Ahri's waist and the other was throwing a peace sign.
That was eight years ago. Ahri would have been twenty one years old.
She doesn't remember me, Akali reminded herself, not with any bitterness. Just faint nostalgia, and a tinge of sadness. The vast gap between their experience, their clout, yawned up larger than ever. Of course she doesn't. Why would she?
Ahri was a god, shaping the industry since she was fourteen herself. Setting trends, selling records, making deals, shipping products, wrapping everyone around her pinkie finger. She was a force of nature and Akali was... a soundcloud rapper.
She scrolled a little bit, going over her twitter feed, and then back to her sparse contact list.
Evelynn's name was near the top.
Turning it off, she rolled onto her side and tried to fall asleep.
  When the time came for her to get ready, Akali realized she'd overlooked one very important detail: there was no guide for what to wear when dining with pop stars. She tore through her closet, tossing clothes over her shoulders. All of her stuff was decidedly casual, especially since she had to toss most of her possessions after moving out of her girlfriend's apartment. Relocating to Busan was not a simple task, and coming back had not been any easier.
The point being, she couldn't show up to a meeting with Foxy— with Ahri— with KDA in a hoodie and her ratty old jeans. But that was pretty much all she owned.
There was one solution, but it burned her to admit it. Some part of her resented the idea of asking Evelynn for any advice, but she decided to swallow her pride early rather than face embarrassment later.
should i dress up?
its just going to be us 4, right?
this isn't a fancy celebrity thing, is it?
Evelynn quickly texted her back. ahri is still in her pajamas so honestly wear whatever you want
"Oh?" Akali said, staring down at her phone. That was a relief...unless Evelynn was lying. If Akali showed up, the only person in casual clothing, she wouldn't need to worry about signing that contract. Ahri would just laugh her out of existence.
Unbidden, one of Ahri's older music videos came to mind. She doubted Ahri really wore lacy see-through lingerie to bed, nobody could be that extra 24/7. But the mental image had her blushing until she forced it down.
In a rush, she went out and bought a nicer top and new jeans, tighter and pricier than she normally went for. But after wrangling her hair into submission and putting on eyeliner, she thought she looked like a passable girl.
Soon it was time. Ahri and Evelynn had rented an entire house, it looked like, with a gate that needed to buzz her in. Walking to the front door, Akali steeled herself to knock when it flew open and that ridiculously tall, hot white lady stood in front of her. It took a moment to recognize her, because Akali distinctly remembered that she had black hair, but today it was platinum blonde.
"Akali! I'm so glad you made it," she said, speaking in surprisingly good Korean. "Come on inside, I hope it wasn't too long a trip."
"It was fine." Instinct made her throw a peace sign. "Kai'sa, right?"
"Mhmm! Don't wear it out!"
Kai'sa had an unusual gait, so light on her feet Akali thought she might float away. She led Akali further inside after letting her take off her shoes, and the scent of sizzling garlic, onion, fatty meat. Her stomach roared, and Akali found herself fidgeting with the bag in her hand.
"Aw," Kai'sa said when Akali revealed a small boxed cake. "You brought dessert?"
"Since you were making dinner..." Akali trailed off with a grin, glad she was pleased by the offering. She'd honestly been torn between this and a bottle or two of soju. But she read on some gossip sites that Evelynn didn't like to drink much after her very public struggle with substance abuse, that Ahri preferred expensive Italian wine way out of her price range, and Kai'sa...
A little guilty, Akali realized she knew next to nothing about the third member of the band.
"Well, I would've been happy to make dessert, too!" Kai'sa said, sounding so genuinely joyful at the idea, and smiling so broadly, that Akali's heart fluttered.
It figured that a potential pop star was beautiful to an unearthly degree, but Kai'sa was striking in a way Akali wasn't accustomed to. It didn't hurt that her accent was kinda cute, too.
"Noted." Akali forced herself not to stare, looking around the empty kitchen. "Did Ahri and Evelynn bail?"
Kai'sa waved the idea way with a laugh. "They're out getting the dye."
At first she thought she might have misheard. Her face must have betrayed her confusion, because Kai'sa went on. "They didn't tell you?" Thoughtful, she lifted a hand to her hair, fingering through the pale lengths. "I gave myself a few days to think about it, but...phase two begins tonight. I'm in a very blue state of mind lately and it keeps showing up in all my paintings, so I'm dyeing my hair blue to see if that'll get it out of my system."
Akali wished she'd brought a hoodie after all, because now without the cake, she didn't know what to do with her hands. She kept instinctively rolling them over her stomach, seeking the comfort of a kangaroo pouch that wasn't there. "Um. Do I have to do that, too?"
After giving Akali a careful look, a frustrated sigh escaped Kai'sa. "Evelynn did tell you this would be just a normal hang out and not an audition, right? I told her to tell you but now I'm not sure she listened."
"Isn't it, though?" When Kai'sa made a curious noise in response, Akali shrugged. "If it turns out we can't stand being in the same room together for a few hours, it's better to learn that now rather than later."
Reluctant to admit it, Kai'sa inhaled quickly like she was about to disagree. Then she paused, thinking about it, coiling a strand of blonde hair around her index finger. "I guess," she said after a moment.
Then she leaned down, all the way down to whisper into Akali's ear. A long sheet of blonde hair almost smacked her in the face, the sharp scent of citrus and sweet candy overwhelming, this close.
"But just between you and me," Kai'sa said, "I think they're already in love with you."
A million thoughts exploded like fireworks, each trailing off in wildly different directions. Primarily hhhh girl hot and she smells so good am I creepy for sniffing her? and I might actually be too gay to hang around pop stars, but most pressingly, in love with me? what, like with my music?
There was no immediate answer to any of those thoughts, because the front door swung open and Ahri launched herself inside, landing with flair. "We made it back!" she shouted in triumph, posed like a magical girl as a bunch of plastic bags swung from her arms. "The journey was long, but—"
Her knees went a weird way when she realized Kai'sa was not alone, twisting inward and bending slightly.
"Oh!" Ahri fumbled. "Akali is here. Hi, Akali!"
Akali's eyes swept over Ahri once, up and down, drinking her in. A white dress with cherry patterns on it, and a matching set of cherry-red bangles. She hadn't really expected to see Ahri in her pajamas, but the pop star very clearly wasn't wearing makeup or any product in her hair. This really was a casual hangout.
Evelynn slid in past Ahri, carrying a few more bags. She spared Akali a single glance before focusing on Kai'sa. "I told you to text us."
Straightening out, Kai'sa hid her hands behind her back, singing her response. "Sorrreeeee. But she literally just got here!"
"Well." Setting the bags down, Evelynn pulled off her sunglasses. She played with one of the legs, working it back and forth on its hinge. "That's good."
Before her brain could catch up, her smart mouth was already moving. "Worried I'd get bored waiting for you?"
"You do seem easily distracted," Evelynn shot back, going through the bags. It looked as though she and Ahri had also made a short grocery trip. She started putting things away, with Kai'sa fluttering at her side no matter which way she turned.
"Did you bring the—"
A bottle of soy sauce appeared on the counter.
"Nice! Thank you, Eve. And also did you—"
Evelynn set a green onion stalk down on the cutting board.
"Perfect! How about—"
Evelynn wordlessly produced one bottle of peach soju from her bag and set it in Kai'sa's palms.
"Eeeeeve! You're the best!" She did a happy little shimmy before throwing her arms around Evelynn's neck. It forced Evelynn a few steps back, but she quickly recovered to return the hug, squeezing her tight.
"Of course baby. I know what you need."
Slipping out of Evelynn's arms with a twirl, Kai'sa chopped up the onion and set it in a small dipping bowl with the soy sauce.
"Everyone sit!" she ordered, wiping her hands off on a hand towel and getting the rest of the ingredients together. "The grill's all set up, I have the tea brewed, and I already tried the pork and it's soooo good. I marinated it all day!"
Akali was hustled over to the personal grill and a low table that Kai'sa proceeded to completely cover in bowls of purple rice, dipping sauces, finely sliced garlic and onions, fatty pork belly, mushrooms, an entire rainbow assortment of banchan, and fresh leafy vegetables to wrap it all in. The table groaned under the weight.
"Uh..." Akali blinked, and in the next instant a shot glass of soju was in her hands. When she looked up, she saw Ahri and Evelynn were seated across from her, and Kai'sa slipped in at her right side after serving them tea. "Wow."
"Told you," Evelynn said, smiling smugly.
They served themselves. Ahri stuck mostly to vegetables, only making an exception when Evelynn wrapped a slice of pork in a perilla leaf and fed it to her so casually that this must be a common occurrence. Akali did her best not to stare, focusing all her attention on Kai'sa instead of the woman sitting across from her, the woman she'd had a crush on for most of her young adult life.
"So how long have you been living in Korea?" she asked, pouring Kai'sa another drink.
Kai'sa sat back a little, frowning. "Mmm. A few weeks? Months?" Making a few kissy noises to get Evelynn's attention, Kai'sa grinned. "Eve, how long have I been here?"
"At least four months," Evelynn said. Her hand was at her throat again, playing with her necklace. "A little bit before Ahri wanted KDA to be a thing."
As they chattered and ate, Ahri pushed aside her half-full plate and retrieved the hair dye. "Scoot," she said, and settled comfortably behind Kai'sa to start working on her hair.
"Aw, Ahri, you hardly even touched your—"
"I'm fine." Ahri didn't let her complete the sentence. "If we start now, we'll be almost done by the time you've finished dessert. And I'll eat that too. Promise."
A little exchange happened, wordless: Kai'sa hummed in suspicion. Ahri smirked, reached down, and gave Kai'sa's ear a tug. Whatever understanding occurred, Ahri got her way, and soon Kai'sa's head was entirely wrapped in tin foil.
"Ugh, that stuff stinks." Evelynn wrinkled her nose. "Do you have to do it at the dinner table? We have a guest."
"Don't mind me," Akali said, picking a mushroom and a roasted slice of garlic off the grill. "I'm not gonna complain when you keep me this well-fed."
"And just think." Kai'sa's eyes twinkled. "If you sign on with us, I'll cook for you whenever you like."
The soju had her tongue even more loose than usual. "Oh, so you're offering bribes, now. How desperately do you want me?"
Kai'sa's mouth popped open in shock. Then she laughed, reaching over and slapping Akali lightly on the shoulder. "Cockyyyy! Okay!" she said in English, before swapping back to Korean. "You know, you rap really good, but can you actually sing?"
Akali jerked a thumb towards the front entrance. "There's a noraebang fifteen minutes that way if you want to find out."
"Fuck that," Evelynn said, getting up from the table. For a second Akali again wondered if she'd crossed a line. The woman was just terrifying sometimes, everything about her so intense. Her goosebumps settled as Evelynn merely went over to the tv, and dragged a tiny black box over to it. "We've got everything we need right here."
Then a microphone was dropped into her hands.
"Sing something," Evelynn said, eyes blazing over the lens of her sunglasses.
Akali looked askance at Kai'sa. "So this is an audition."
"I guess it is, now." Kai'sa shrugged, the tinfoil in her hair wrinkling and making noise with every tilt of her head.
When she got up to her feet, the world spun a little. Such was the danger of drinking while sitting down. She and Evelynn inspected the black box, and after a quick internet search, Akali learned it was a personal noraebang machine.
(The first result put its cost at ₩3,000,000. Akali quickly banished any thoughts of getting one for her room.)
"How do you work this thing," Akali grumbled, fiddling with it in vain.
Ahri had been watching them all quietly, her arms crossed. She seemed interested in how the cards would fall, neither approving nor disapproving. But when the three of them struggled to work the machine, she decided to intervene. Sighing, Ahri shooed them away and took over, pulling up a list of songs for Akali to choose from.
"You know, you've got a surprisingly cute voice," she murmured. "It's higher than the last rapper I worked with. Very distinct."
Sharply, Akali realized this was the first thing Ahri had directly said to her since she entered the house. Not sure what to make of that, she scrolled through the list, focused intently on finding something that would make her look good. After a moment though, she landed on some older pop songs, and a devilish spirit overtook her. "How about this one?"
Ahri gasped. "No!"
"Oh, yes," Evelynn said, and hit play. Her wife wailed and covered her face with both hands as a sparkling, youthful techno beat popped out. Ahri's unmistakable voice started chirping and crooning to them.
Laughing, Akali jumped in the distinct dance for Foxfire, one of Ahri's earliest singles. Kai'sa joined in; it was almost impossible not to. Nearly every station in the world featured the video for it. If you didn't know the Foxy dance, you were a reclusive weirdo.
It helped that the chorus was... pretty easy to memorize.
I am a fox, I am a fox, I am a fox, I am a fox, I am a fox, I am a fox, I am a fox, I am a fox, I am a fox, I am a fox, I am a fox, I am a fox.
When the song was over, Kai'sa and Akali were both breathless with laughter, leaning heavily on each other. Even Evelynn couldn't hide her smile. Though she'd wanted a serious display of Akali's talents, she couldn't resist a little fun. Meanwhile, her wife was as red as a cherry tomato.
"Oh, she thinks she's funny," she said, voice surprisingly icy.
"No, I'm hysterical," Akali responded, finally feeling at ease.
Tutting, Evelynn drew Ahri into her arms, holding her and rubbing her nose into Ahri's hair. "Don't be mad, gumiho. It's my fault, I selected the song."
"I'm not mad, I'm embarrassed!" she said, voice muffled by Evelynn's chest. "Just because you did that, Akali has to sing one of your least favorite songs now!"
One of their phones starting beeping, a timer going off. "Hold that thought," Kai'sa said, rushing away. "I need to wash this dye out. Don't start without me! I want to hear Akali sing for real!"
Evelynn followed her movements with a smirk, eyes tracking Kai'sa until she was gone. "...Yep, you won her over."
"Well, Kai'sa has a hard time resisting a woman who can dance," Ahri mused.
Still flush from drinking and dancing, Akali's face grew even warmer. The bizarreness of this situation probably didn't help. Here she was, trying to impress a goddess of pop and a reclusive musical icon, the stars of their industry. And one very cute, very tall girl that she still knew nothing about. "She uh. She likes to dance, huh?"
"She loves to dance," Ahri corrected her, pulling out her phone. She was smiling brightly now that the subject of the conversation had changed, twisting with excitement. "Have you seen the stuff she was doing at her old studio? It's insane, watch this."
Eager and curious, Akali waited while Ahri searched for the right video. The music started, and a few other dancers from the studio gave their performances. Each of them worked slightly different choreography to the same song. Most were decidedly provocative. Akali's English was a little rusty, but the language barrier didn't matter much when the dancers made it clear what the lyrics conveyed.
Then Kai'sa slinked onto the screen, naked except for scraps of leather and flannel and thigh high heels. 
Akali spent the next solid minute screaming internally as she watched Kai'sa crawl across the floor, her teeth bared in what could have been a furious snarl or a helpless grimace of ecstasy. More than sex appeal, Kai'sa projected nothing but unbridled hunger, head clutched in her hands as she lay on her back, hips arched. Each kick of stiletto heels felt like a strike to Akali's core. Sweat was flying from Kai'sa's silver hair as she tossed it wildly, and touched her straining torso, fingers dancing over her ribs and toned stomach. It was combative, demanding, voracious, and lithe, and...
"God, I love this one," Evelynn said, longingly. "But it's not her best! This one is... blunter than Kai'sa tends to be."
"Okay," Ahri said, "So which one is her best?"
"The one that was so sad it almost made me cry?"
Ahri's eyes widened. "Oooh. Okay, well, unless you want to cry in front of Akali..."
Evelynn thought about it. She twisted the gold necklace, fiddling with the golden charm. When she made up her mind, she pulled up another video. "This one is more typical Kai'sa."
"Mmm," Akali squeaked, because she knew if she remained dead quiet they'd suspect she was about to combust. Thankfully the next video was significantly tamer. Kai'sa had black hair again, coiled up in cute buns. A familiar pop song bounced in the background while Kai'sa danced, clearly having the time of her life. 
Strutting confidently, she displayed more of the Kai'sa they had seen at dinner. Cheeky and sweet and just a little flirty. They went through a few more videos, each one increasingly impressive. Akali's personal favorite was the one that was almost entirely splits and painful-looking contortions. She didn't even know the human body could bend that way.
"Hey!" Kai'sa said when she returned. The dye had taken well; her hair shone, bright blue like cotton candy. Toweling off some excess water from her ear, she beamed at them. "Are you showing Akali my old dance stuff? Did you show her the fire-dancing one? Oh! Did you show her the really slutty one?"
"That's the first one I showed her." Ahri grinned.
Kai'sa made a fist. "Nice. That one's my favorite."
"But it's not your best!" Evelynn insisted, distressed this time.
Paying her no heed, Kai'sa strode up to Akali and pushed the microphone back into her hands. "Okay, Miss Akali," she said. "It's time. Pick a Siren song that Evelynn hates."
"That will be very difficult to find," Evelynn said, "Because I don't publish anything I don't love."
Ahri rolled her eyes, surprising Akali with a little childish mimicry. "I don't publish anything I don't love," Ahri said, opening and closing her hand like a little mouth.
"I don't," Evelynn replied coolly.
"How about Agony's Embrace ?" When Evelynn responded with just a quirked brow, Akali shrugged. "It's stuck in my head. Sue me."
She pressed play, swaying, and immediately realized her mistake. Evelynn's voice was perfectly suited for her own song, obviously... and the two of them couldn't sound more different. While Akali did her best to keep up, she croaked on one or two notes. She didn't much care to copy Evelynn, but if she was supposed to be showing off her strengths, this wasn't the song to do it with.
She made up for it by dancing, or so she hoped. As talented as she knew Kai'sa and the others to be, Akali doubted they knew any hat tricks. So she popped off her snapback, rolling it over her chest in exaggerated, locked movements. She even managed to bounce it from her knee to her foot and back again.
Whirling around, she winked at her audience, setting the cap back on her head.
Sensing the challenge, Kai'sa stepped forward and yanked Akali's hat off with her teeth. Clutching the bill, she flipped it and caught it by the bill again before letting it drop to her knee, then her foot, then she kicked it back up. The hat soared through the air, spinning over Kai'sa's head and down her back, where she hooked onto it with her toes.
Kicking back, she launched the hat into the air once more, and it landed, lopsided, on her crown.
Akali forgot all about the song.
"What!?" she screamed, clutching her own head in shock. "How did you do that?! That was incredible, oh my god! Keep the hat, just keep it! It's yours now! Take everything I own!"
"Kai'sa," Ahri and Evelynn said at the same time, with twin expressions of annoyance.
"Stop being a showoff and let Akali sing," Evelynn added.
"Sorrreeeee," she sang, not looking sorry at all.
But after that, it was impossible for Akali to get her head back in the game. "I'm not a very strong singer," she admitted. "I can carry a tune and harmonize alright, but I'm not gonna have any solos anytime soon."
"Don't be so sure of that," Ahri said. "You're very talented. And we can coach you."
Grabbing her by the arm, Kai'sa gave her a friendly little shake. "And what's really in your heart is rapping and dancing and writing lyrics, right? That's why we want you, and that's what you're good at!"
Something about the unadulterated praise made her want to provide a counterweight. She wasn't used to this much positive attention. "I mostly freestyle—"
"Then freestyle for us," Evelynn said.
The more they talked, the more real this felt. Akali was swept up in it, excitedly clutching Kai'sa's hand when it rested over hers. "...Okay!"
The song was still playing, nearing the end. And the instrumentals behind Agony's Embrace poured over her, familiar as a friend. She'd been listening to this song nonstop for weeks, actually, so she had a good sense for the beat and where she wanted to enter in.  
Except she was still a little tipsy ( Shit. Shit.) and didn't know what she was going to say and other women were all so hot and cool ( ice ) and talented ( gold ) and Foxy was so perfect ( like a diamond ), even without heavy makeup ( glitter ), maybe even especially without it ( diamonds are ice and snow glitters in the light ). Akali found herself staring at at her, too focused to worry about anything except the words bouncing in her head ( cold but I spit fire ).
...What rhymed with glitter?
She took a deep breath, running on instinct and years of writing, the rhymes forming from muscle memory, ideas linked together on the fly.
  Rhyming I'm a spitter, Til I'm winding up to hit 'er Turn her round and sit her bottom line on something mined that glitters, Diamonds, Ice bitter cold, so nice with the flow But Aka's lit, don't you know? Steel nerve, inflexible That's hard rock Louder than a gun cocked On velvet fur or soft locks That's why we need a stone fox Because she likes it on top Clapping like a beat keep it nonstop KDA gon' bring the heat BECAUSE WE GOT THIS ON LOCK!
 The song kept going, but Akali was finished. Shouting, Ahri and Kai'sa both pounced on her in an excited hug pile, praising her impromptu rap. She didn't think it was her best or even very good, and she thought Evelynn might tell her as much.
Instead, the song wound down into chatter and laughter, until Evelynn picked another song, taking her turn at the mic.
It was perfect. It was absolutely perfect.
  Akali woke up on the couch, throat a little sore and eyes glued shut. It took her a second to remember where she was, staring up at the ceiling and not seeing the glow in the dark stars. She hadn't even realized she'd fallen asleep.
Someone had draped their jacket over her in the middle of the night. Closing her eyes again, Akali snuggled into it, inhaling deeply. It smelled distinctly like sweet wet leather, chocolate. Layered in there, bitter undertones of something sharp and woodsy, like pine. She wondered whose jacket it was. She hoped it was Ahri's.
Unexpectedly, her body ached. The thought of Ahri on her, surrounding her, holding her, sent a bolt of heat right to Akali's clit.
Damn it.
Getting up, she couldn't resist shrugging the jacket on. A glance outside the window confirmed it was still dark outside. Just as she wondered if it would be more rude to leave or stay, she heard a voice.
"I'm sorry," Ahri said, "Did I wake you?"
Spooked enough that her skin rippled with gooseflesh, Akali didn't answer at first. Deep in the shadows of the hallway, near the kitchen, Ahri was half-obscured. "No."
Ahri stepped a little closer just as the sun started rising more, the room lightening bit by bit. She was smiling, hair messily piled on top of her head, and Akali learned she was the type who wore long shirts to bed. When she reached up to stretch, the hem lifted up, revealing a flash of bright red shorts underneath.
When Akali tore her eyes away back to Ahri's face, hoping she hadn't been staring too hard, she found Ahri grinning knowingly.
"Nice jacket."
She immediately began to shrug out of it. "Sorry, it was on me when I woke up."
"No, no, no." Ahri stopped her, fingertips brushing against her bared shoulder. Again her skin prickled, flesh rising to the touch the way flowers opened to the sun rising. "It looks good on you." She thought a moment. "Keep it."
The white leather settled comfortably back around her. Akali shoved her hands into the pockets, unable to resist beaming at Ahri. "Okay, but no take-backs."
"Heh. You're cute, Akali. I wish I'd met you sooner."
You did, Akali wanted to say, but she bit it back.
Ahri stretched again, rubbing her face before she started fiddling with the coffee maker. "You drink coffee?"
Sometimes her ex had it with dessert, if it was very, very sweet. But Akali was mystified that anyone actually needed it to get their day going. "Never liked it."
"Never start. It's unhealthy." Ahri tapped out the grounds, still yawning sleepily. "The only thing it's good for is summoning wayward spirits. Do you want to see a magic trick?"
When Akali nodded, Ahri giggled and flicked on the machine. It bubbled, hissing. The bitter scent rose up, and soon enough Evelynn and Kai'sa were at the kitchen table, both of them on the verge of passing out as they waited for their wake-up juice.
"Oh," Evelynn drawled. "The meme girl is still here."
Kai'sa whacked her on the shoulder, hard enough that Evelynn actually flinched. "Be nice!"
Evelynn slumped further onto the table, rubbing her bruised skin. Then her tongue flashed as it clicked against straight white teeth, and Evelynn let loose a string of grinning Mandarin so fast and so saucy that Akali wasn't sure she wanted a translation. That suspicion was only confirmed when Kai'sa turned bright red. She unleashed a flurry of slaps to Evelynn's shoulder, snapping back an impassioned response.
"There's no need to bring my ancestors into this," Evelynn said, drawing herself up, regal and self-important.
"There's only so many ways I can curse you out, specifically," Kai'sa huffed back.
"Well that just makes you uncreative."
Their bickering became very physical, ending with Evelynn's neck trapped in the crook of Kai'sa's arm, both of them complaining loudly. Akali watched, fascinated, as Ahri just served them both a cup of coffee as if she saw this every morning.
(She probably did.)
"Come on, Akali." Ahri vanished, returning in a summer dress and a sunhat, waving for her to follow. "I'll drive you home. These two are obviously unfit for polite company right now."
"I'm not sure caffeine will help," Akali joked as she followed her.
The other two didn't even acknowledge them leaving, too wrapped up in their argument. Ahri let Akali out first, and so she had just enough view to see them still bickering. But as the door shut, Akali swore she saw Kai'sa lean in close, her long hair obscuring their faces.
Ahri locked the front door, eyes glued to her cellphone. She shot off a few quick text messages before smiling up at Akali. "You good?"
"Uh." Akali thought she might still be sleepy. Seeing things. "Yes, I'm fine. I can just take the bus."
The other woman dismissed the idea, car keys jingling. "It'll be faster if I take you." Her lips curled in a smile, and damn it, the only way to describe it was vulpine. "Besides, this way I get to spend more time with you."
Despite that, the car ride was mostly silent. Akali remained distracted by the memory of Kai'sa and Evelynn, how close they had been sitting. How comfortable Evelynn's hand was on Kai'sa's lap, and the things they had said to each other last night. She wondered what their relationship was. She wondered how she could ask.
Instead, she blurted out, "So what's the deal with you guys?"
Ahri kept her eyes on the road. "Hmm?"
"I don't know. It just seems weird, I guess. None of us are typical kpop fare."
"We're misfits," Ahri said after only a moment of deliberation.
Akali shifted uncomfortably, remembering what Evelynn had called her. "Is that why you want me?"
Beside her, Ahri let out a low, sudden breath. "Yes."
Akali glanced at her.
"I think you're a good fit for us," Ahri clarified. "Akali, I'm sorry if I was a little cagey last night, and still acting a little strange now. It's just, you make me nervous."
She made her nervous? She didn't even know the famous Foxy could be nervous. Now she knew was staring, and nothing could make her stop. But rather than be entranced by Ahri's profile, by the golden glitter of her loose hair, Akali wasn't sure who she was looking at. "That explains why you barely talked to me last night."
Ahri grimaced. "So you noticed."
"I'm smarter than I think you or your wife give me credit for, yeah." There went her mouth again, always getting her in trouble. Familiarity breeds contempt as they say, and Akali couldn't keep a respectful tone in her voice if she was comfortable with someone. Shockingly enough, it earned her few friends.
She glowered out the window, trying not to be mad at herself and failing. "Look, you don't have to be nervous around me. I'm just a nobody. And you, you're." Where could she even start with Ahri, this perfectly sculpted figure from her earliest fantasies, her most vivid dreams? She'd been chasing after Ahri's shadow her whole life. "You're a god. You don't need me."
All too soon they arrived at Akali's place. The dojo, and Shen's home attached to it. Turning to her, Ahri's smile and casual demeanor dropped entirely. For once, she was deadly serious. "When I was growing up there were a hundred girls who could have eagerly taken my place, and fucked the producer for the opportunity."
Startled by her blunt words, Akali leaned in to let Ahri know she was listening.
"I work very hard, but the truth is I am also just extraordinarily lucky." Ahri waited, taking care with how she chose her words. "More of this industry boils down to chance than anyone wants to admit."
The car idled, a low rumble. Akali wasn't sure what she should say, or if Ahri was even done talking. Ahri didn't seem sure either, struggling with something Akali couldn't begin to understand, and then she sighed.
"What I'm trying to say is, I'm not perfect, and you're not a nobody," Ahri said. "I don't want you to join KDA if you think that. And if this is about need, then we need you a hell of a lot more than you need us."
"Me?" Akali repeated the only part she could clearly understand.
"Yes, Akali. You. Everything about you. You're real. You're hungry for what you haven't had a taste of yet." But Ahri was the one who seemed ravenous just then, something almost desperate trying to claw its way out of her stoic expression. The distance between them shrank, the brim of Ahri's hat knocking on Akali's forehead. "We've been too well-fed for too long."
I don't want you to join KDA if you think that.
She didn't know if she wanted to join KDA. Or if there was even anything she wanted, anymore. Akali had been floating aimlessly for months now, and suddenly there were too many paths and she wasn't prepared for any of them.
Ahri's eyes dropped down to Akali's mouth, and she licked her lips.
She knew exactly what she wanted.
There wasn't any resistance, and barely any space left between them when they kissed. She wasn't even sure which of them had broken the air with that final movement. Ahri slipped her hat off, getting it out of the way, her hand shifting from the wheel to Akali's lap. She didn't know when that had happened, either. The only thing she knew was a pleasure so keen it could almost be called agony. It burned white hot over the split in her brain, no right or left hemisphere, all animal instinct, a hungry little reptile wriggling towards the heat of the sun.
Sparks flew, just like all the songs said they would. She saw nothing but blazing light behind her closed eyelids, disbelief making her body numb until Ahri touched her and brought her to life again.
Her hand immediately went for Ahri's breast, palming her over her dress and then under it. She'd always been fast, liked to go for the kill. Akali didn't care about the car motor still running or the broad daylight outside or that anyone could see them. She wanted flesh in her hands and she wasn't going to wait. Nimble fingers found Ahri's nipple, rolling it greedily until it was stiff enough to pinch.
"Oh, god," Ahri whimpered, sounding tormented, confused.
Akali pulled back sharply, hand over her mouth. It was still warm. It still smelled like Ahri.
She finally got a good grasp on what that was: roses thick on the back of her throat, heavy florals, and something base, something animal and thick as blood on her tongue.
On the other side of the car, pressed against the driver door, Ahri didn't fix the strap on her dress or her half-exposed chest, pink nipple still pert and swollen like it wanted more attention. Ahri's cheeks flushed, with embarrassment and with the heat still dripping from her gaze.
Then clarity returned to her eyes. Then panic.
"Akali," she started, covering herself up, but Akali was already gone. She slammed the car door shut behind her, heart pounding in her head as she stiffly walked back inside her home.
Retreating to her room, she slammed that door too, slumping down to the floor with her head in her hands, all her thoughts replaced with wordless screams.
  It only took a few days for her to come to a decision. There was no other choice she could make, not with everything she was feeling, with everything she knew was right.
She turned them down, politely, via email. She hit send.
Not even an hour later, Evelynn was blowing up her phone.
Ahri was too nice to say it but you'll never get an opportunity like this again in your life
With Evelynn, at least, she didn't feel so bad about her naturally grouchy disposition.
oh so youre goign to throw a tantrum bc i dont want to deal with you???? thats cute
She tapped out furiously, hands shaking.
i bet getting rejected stings a lot to people like you
who never have to hear 'no'
Briefly she thought of what Ahri said, about fucking the producer for the position. She didn't think that was what almost happened, but at the same time they had crossed a line. They had crossed every line. And she was here yelling at her wife.
well too bad you can just get over it
you dont even like me
is this because of me? is it something I did?
I do like you, Akali. I told you I liked you.
A very long pause. She thought that might be the last she ever heard from KDA, from Evelynn, from Kai'sa, from her idol, Ahri, Foxy, her goddess.
Then an hour later, one mournful text.
I like you so much
  She knew, more or less, when Ahri told Evelynn what happened in the car.
Because the next text message was all alone, almost sinister.
maybe its best you didnt join us
Definitely bait. Akali had returned to making music, doing good on her promise. Taking heart from what Ahri said, that she didn't need them. Akali felt it must be true. She didn't need anyone. Hadn't life already proved that? After she gave up everything for one person, and that person hadn't ever even properly supported her, had told her she was wasting her life.
She didn't need people like that anymore. She didn't need anyone, she didn't need to share with anyone and she didn't want to share.
what does that mean
Akali took the bait anyway. She was bad at ignoring provocation, always ready to fight.
Ahri doesnt fuck bandmates
The words were like taking a dip in ice water after a workout. All the burning rage left her body, replaced with shame. Irrationally she wanted to set the phone on the ground and bow to it, like that could somehow get across her embarrassment, her almost-sin.
but if you're lucky
Evelynn texted,
she might just fuck a groupie
and Akali went red-hot again, out of anger, and lust, and confusion.
  The stars in her room didn't shine any brighter, but she got over that, too.
On one of her rare days off, she locked herself inside with her new computer and a set of noise-cancelling headphones. Swiveling from side to side in her chair, she leaned back and closed her eyes, nodding along to the beat. It wasn't much more than snare drums and a synth but she thought it sounded pretty good.
Akali did not lack in confidence, usually.
Maybe in the aftermath of a wretched breakup she had gotten a little weak. She couldn't blame anybody but herself for that.
Restarting the track, she sat forward and opened up her editing software, wanting to play around with it some more, when she heard a knock.
"I'm busy, Uncle Shen," she called back.
A lengthy pause, and then a softer knock. Rolling her eyes, Akali stalked over and swung open the door, ready to be confrontational.
"Hi," Ahri said, and in a panic Akali almost slammed the door shut in her face.
It was a close thing. She clung to the door handle with both palms, crouching like she was ready to bolt. "Oh, shit!"
Ahri started laughing. "Oh, shit? Is that how you greet me?"
"Yes. I mean no!" She took a few steps back, rubbing her eyes. They burned from staring at the computer screen. "I mean... shit. You're still in town? I thought you'd left by now."
Getting a better look at her, Akali found her body posture oddly cute, hands hidden behind her back like she had a secret. "Mm. Nope. Kai'sa finds the mountains very inspiring, so she wants to stay here a little longer."
The other woman very clearly wanted to be annoyed, but all she could muster was fond amusement. She probably loved it that Kai'sa was being such a little artiste. It seemed like she and Evelynn both enjoyed indulging her when they could.
Awkwardness burned between them. So Akali did what she did best and bustled on through it. "So what do you want? I already told you no. And I'm sure Evelynn will be really happy nobody is gunning for her wife anymore, unless you have other girls you've been making out with."
Taken aback, Ahri pressed her lips firmly together. "Evelynn likes your music. She likes you. Kai'sa does too. We..."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Now you're gonna tell me you're not predatory like everyone else in the industry and you're cute and nice so that means I should trust you."
"Most idols don't even make any money for their first few years." Ahri's voice took on a harder edge now, annoyed. Akali found it refreshing from that unending sweetness, that carefully controlled politeness, the sugar over the ice. "Eve and I are backing this almost entirely by ourselves. That means no debt for the living arrangements, for feeding you, for filming you, for training you—"
"Ahhh. So now you're saying I have to sign on with you."
"No!" Those soft brown eyes were focused on her, burning with a heat that had nothing to do with the summer sun outside. "I mean I— didn't want to coerce you into this decision, but yes, it's true. I'm giving you something you'd be crazy to throw away!"
Ahri rubbed her forehead, suddenly exhausted.
"...I didn't come here to snipe at you," Ahri said at last. "I'm sorry. I know I muddled things up. You have every right to reject my offer."
"Uh, yeah," Akali said. "I'd say so."
Taking a moment to collect herself, Ahri inhaled deeply and then dropped her head in a deep bow.
"I'm sorry," she said again, eyes hidden by a curtain of blonde hair. "I just wanted to see you again, and apologize properly. That's all."
"Mhm," Akali said, not impressed in the slightest. "I remember what happened the last time you 'just' wanted to spend more time with me."
A wine red blush spread over Ahri's cheeks as she glancing up from her bow to pout at Akali. "Okay, yeah. I know that wasn't right of me. What do you want me to say? I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Some of her steel started to droop, sadness taking over. "And if that's why you decided not to join..."
Akali couldn't take any more apologies. "Stop."
Waiting patiently for an explanation, Ahri slowly realized none was forthcoming. "Okay."
That should have been the end of it. There wasn't anything left to do except say goodbye. She couldn't be with Ahri, not the way she wanted. Being in the same band as her would only hammer in all the things she could never have, until pining turned into bitterness. Akali didn't want to fight for Ahri's attention. And the cold hard truth was she had to share her. Not just with her wife, but with the whole world.
She needed to come to grips with the fact that she wasn't the only person who loved Ahri...though she probably never really loved her at all. Heck, she didn't even know her. Just like any other fan, she loved a version of Ahri she had built in her head.
"Your wife is the one you should be apologizing to, anyway," she finally said.
Ahri's bark of laughter made her blink. "Don't worry about Eve. She's just jealous I got to you first."
She what?
A curious light entered her eyes, voice edging closer to suspicion. "Come on, Akali. It's an open secret that Eve and I aren't monogamous. Is that why you freaked out?"
Akali refused to answer that. "So how much of you asking me to join was just because you two wanted to fuck me?" Akali accused her instead.
But instead Ahri just smiled, shameless for once. "Uh. About twenty percent? I thought I kept a good lid on it until you kissed me."
"You kissed me."
Ahri shrugged. "Either way I was being selfish."
"Because you don't fuck bandmates." She tried for anger again, for something pointed. In truth she said it because she wanted Ahri to hurt. Apologies weren't cutting it, not for all the conflicted feelings Ahri was responsible for.
"...I don't," Ahri said, studying her hard.
Instead, that lingering sexual tension ramped up to an unfathomable degree.
"I never have," she went on, "Unless you count Eve. And Akali, there's only so much my ego can take. So if we're done here please tell me. Otherwise I'm going to need you to lock the door."
Akali's pulse pounded, like the abandoned beat still bumping from her discarded headphones. 
Grabbing Ahri by the forearm, she dragged her further into the room, shutting the door and pinning her against it with a kiss. Ahri wound her arms around Akali's neck, mouth already open, tonguing her roughly like she wanted to hurt her too, but was just as bad at it.
"Is this what you were really after?" she asked, shoving her harder against the door when Ahri started to push back. Ahri let her, submitting, head rolling as Akali kissed down her neck. Both hands cupped her breasts, filled and overflowing as she squeezed and kneaded.
"N-no," she said, offering some token resistance before Akali bit her bare shoulder. She hissed, squirming. " —yes, fuck, fuck, yes."
She stood between Ahri's legs, hiking up her dress and getting just a taste of soft thighs before she stroked right over her underwear, as gently as possible. Ahri pushed her hips forward, seeking friction, and Akali met her pace, working two fingers over damp fabric until Ahri was cursing under her breath.
Then Ahri started shaking with helpless giggles. Pulling back, Akali frowned at her until she remembered what was right behind her, plastered to the wall. Just to confirm, like she didn't already know what she'd see, Akali glanced over her shoulder to glare at a life-sized poster of Ahri on her bedroom wall.
Akali closed her eyes, wanting to sink into the floor. "Pretend you didn't see that."
"That's a dinosaur of a print," Ahri said, trying and failing to muffle her giggles. "I recognize that limited edition sticker! How long have you had it?"
There was no way she was going to answer that. But while she was distracted, Ahri took over. She had a way of manipulating the people around her without effort, in her career and evidently in her love life, too. Their position swapped so fast that Akali didn't know when or how it happened. When she tensed to step away, her back hit the wall, and moving any direction meant some part of her touching Ahri.
"Did you want an autograph?" Ahri whispered, lips brushing over her neck.
Yes. "No."
She got chills, body throbbing as Ahri worked open her belt with both hands, roughly yanking, demanding more. "Do you want this?"
Definitely yes. "Only if you aren't too busy, I guess."
Ahri sealed her lips on a patch of Akali's neck, hard enough to leave a mark. Then she changed gears and blew a loud raspberry, shocking a laugh out of Akali. She squirmed, shrieking in laughter and rubbing her neck with one hand.
"Kai'sa was right," she teased her. "You are cocky."
Once she got ahold of herself again, Akali was flush with embarrassment. She hadn't expected Ahri to be so silly; some part of her still wanted a fight.
"Yeah." She grabbed Ahri by the wrists, stopping her when she tried to slip her hands down Akali's pants. Hefting her up over one shoulder, she smiled when Ahri squeaked. It was a short trip to the bed, dropping her hard enough that she bounced. "Well you won't be complaining when I'm knuckle-deep inside you."
A look of genuine distress crossed over Ahri's face then. She sat up, crossing her arms over her chest in an X. "Whoa! Pause! Being totally serious here for a moment: don't do that. I don't like penetration."
Some of the heat of the moment fizzled out, leaving Akali to awkwardly reassure her. "Oh. Um, that's okay. I'm not too crazy about it either, to be honest."
"Neat." Another big grin from Ahri. Then she wiggled out of her dress, tossing it aside and looking up at Akali expectantly. "It's kind of nerve-wracking, isn't it? Learning how to make love to someone new."
Akali agreed, but couldn't say as much. Her eyes were glued to the gold necklace around Ahri's pale neck, the chain draped over the sharp angle of her collarbone. It perfectly matched the one Evelynn was always fiddling with; Ahri just didn't often wear a neckline low enough to display it.
She shrugged out of her shirt but not her pants, carefully taking a seat next to Ahri on the mattress. There was still time for one or both of them to change their mind; this felt more permanent than any contract Ahri might ever throw at her. They couldn't go back, not from this.
But it was hard to be scared of that idea when Ahri had that proud smirk on her face, eyes bright with devilish intent. She leapt onto Akali's lap, wriggling closer as she reached behind herself to unclasp her own bra. "So how thin are these walls?"
Her palms framed Ahri's waist, tracing the way it blossomed out into full hips. Akali reached further down, grabbing Ahri's ass with one hand and kneading it possessively. "Very."
Ahri let the bra drop, grinning even sharper now as she fluffed up her hair with one hand, pushing it back from her face. "Then I guess we'd better keep your mouth occupied."
Two hands coiled into her hair, working her ponytail loose before gently massaging her scalp. Akali closed her eyes, hot and relaxed at the same time. Those hands guided her down, along with a murmured request. "Play with my breasts a little."
"Okay." She took as much of Ahri into her mouth as she could, sucking and licking her nipples until Ahri was grinding on her lap. Ahri didn't keep her hands to herself, stroking down the back of Akali's neck and passing over her shoulders, soft noises of approval humming low in her throat.
Then Akali stopped, sitting back and putting both hands flat on the mattress. "But only a little."
Ahri complained, pushing her back against the mattress, knees straddling her waist. "More than a little!"
"Shh," Akali reminded her, free arm around Ahri's waist and pressing one finger to her mouth for silence.
She ran her thumb over Ahri's lips, pleasantly surprised when Ahri instinctively opened her mouth to let her inside. Breathless with excitement, she watched, fascinated, as Ahri took her thumb up to the knuckle. Her tongue flicked over it once, lips tight as she dragged it free and took Akali's index and middle finger instead, moaning softly around them.
"You can do better than fucking a groupie on a twin-sized mattress," she said, in a whisper.
Her fingers dropped from Ahri's mouth, tracing a wet trail down her chin before dipping below her waistband. She found her, stroking her clit, and was immediately rewarded with another noise of pleasure.
"Oh my god, Akali." Ahri's gasping words barely made it past the sound of Akali's pounding heart. Her clit twitched every time Ahri said her name like that, already soaking wet and she hadn't even been touched yet. "You still don't get it, do you?"
Ahri held her tight, rocking onto her hand, breathing heavily. She was unbelievably soft, skin ghostly pale against Akali's tanned hand. This close to her, Akali couldn't resist leaving bruises wherever her mouth could reach, spilling drops of red and purple paint all over the canvas. With every stuttering twitch of her hips, Ahri came so close to coming that Akali could almost taste it.
But just before she did, Ahri stopped her. A breathless exchange ended with her kneeling over Akali's shoulders, digging into the mattress on either side of her head.
"You're not just a fan to me." She stroked her head, fondness swimming in her eyes. Akali looked up at her, feeling defenseless even though Ahri was the one stripped bare. "You're the competition."
She did taste her then, completely overwhelmed by the thighs pillowing her face and Ahri's bare sex rutting against her tongue. Ahri was incredibly gentle, careful where she rested her weight. She took Akali's hands, folding them with hers and pinning them against the mattress. Every inch of her burned, sweat and sex making her thighs sticky when she desperately pressed them together, trying to find relief.
Briefly she entertained the idea of drawing this out, but she didn't get to tease Ahri for long before both hands were on her head again.
"Like this, Akali," she said.
Hearing Ahri tell her exactly how to get her off was enough to have her fumbling open the top button of her pants, hands shaking as she touched her own slit.
"Good girl, Akali." She twisted onto Akali's tongue, gasping. "Oh, good girl."
She'd never been with someone like this before, so in tune with her own desires and so unafraid of asking for more. Locking her lips around Ahri's clit, she narrowed her eyes and remembered to breathe, licking Ahri until her jaw hurt. Her own orgasm was on the precipice, so close but not enough, and she couldn't focus on getting both of them off at the same time.
Ahri came on her face, messily, shaking, quiet. The world shrank away, all her concentration on drawing out what she could until Ahri lowered herself down back to lie alongside Akali. Her intense gaze wavered slightly from exhaustion, like a guttering candle flame.
"Can I touch you?" she asked, and when Akali nodded she traced her sex over her pants. She was wet enough to have soaked through her underwear, a cool, damp spot pressing between her legs as Ahri found her pants ruined too. "God, you're wet."
Ignoring that for the moment, Ahri openly admired Akali's abs. She kissed them, tongue stroking over them and down the sharp furrow of her hips. Impatient, Akali pulled her pants and underwear down past her hips. Ahri returned to her face, kissing kissing Akali as she stroked over slick, dark curls.
"Please." Her throat was almost too tight to squeeze it out.
Ahri's serene smile returned. She pressed a little harder, framing Akali's stiff clit between her fingers. "Please what?"
"Please," was all Akali could say.
Ahri kept up indirect contact, petting and stroking just around where Akali wanted until she buckled.
"Please touch me." The words spilled from her lips, not held back by embarrassment or pride any longer. "Please make me come. Please, I'm so close."
"Look at me." It wasn't an order, not exactly, but it was impossible to disobey. Locked together with her arms around Ahri's neck, she struggled to keep quiet, to keep her eyes open.
Ahri watched her fall, anchored her as the world went blank, and when it was over, stroked her hair as she trembled furiously.
Her first instinct was to move away and get some breathing room, but that almost toppled her over the edge of the bed. Instead she wound together even tighter with Ahri, who snuggled up against her, face to Akali's chest.
"That was fun," she said, thumb tracing a slow circle over Akali's hip. "I should have done that the moment I met you."
Akali propped her chin on top of Ahri's head, still reeling a little bit, but also strangely underwhelmed by how normal this part still was, just like with any other girl she'd ever touched. "You would be in jail."
Ahri huffed. "Excuse me?"
Slapping a hand around on her bedside table, Akali found her phone. She held it up, scrolling through albums until she found the picture. Maybe it was embarrassing, but she'd just come in less than a minute from Ahri's delicate fingers stroking her off, there wasn't anything she could do that was more vulnerable than that.
"Here." She showed Ahri the picture they took together when Akali was fourteen. "You probably don't remember, but there was this private event in the next town over. I scaled the wall to get in, cause I didn't have a ticket. When I fell flat on my face in front of you onstage, you—"
"Oh my god!" Ahri bolted upright, gasping in shock. "Nosebleed Girl?! That was you? I tell people that story all the time!"
Akali sat up too, cheeks warming. "...I'm not sure if this is better or worse than you not knowing me at all. Thanks for the photo, by the way."
"Awww, Akali." Ahri reached out, pinching both of her cheeks. "You were a baby, how could I have said no?"
She couldn't help but scowl at the memory. "Yet you still had security escort me out."
"Sweetheart, you broke in. Keeping you wouldn't have been fair to the fans who paid."
Keep me, a little voice inside her said. Keep me now. Want me.
She wrestled the urge down, firmly slamming a door shut over it and locking it shut. "Would've been nice to get an autograph, too."
Ahri's smile turned devious. "Thought you didn't want one."
She could have insisted that she didn't. It wasn't too late. But instead her face kept warming up until she knew she must be bright red, and Ahri started laughing. Flopping back against the bed, Akali pulled a pillow over her head. "Shut up."
The mattress shifted as Ahri got up. Akali waited, hearing fabric rustling, and assumed that the other woman must be getting dressed. It was bittersweet. She hadn't expected Ahri to stick around, but she wasn't ready to say goodbye yet, either.
Then a warm weight dipped over her, Ahri's naked body pressed against hers. Akali lifted the pillow to see Ahri straddling her hips again, a black marker in her hands. She uncapped it, the stringent scent of alcohol hitting her as she slowly dragged the tip over Akali's bare chest. By the time Akali caught on to what she was doing, Ahri was already done.
She couldn't read it at this angle, but Ahri had written what looked like an entire screed all over her breasts, long and large enough that it sprawled down Akali's sternum.
It would have made sense to be angry, or amused, at the expression of smug satisfaction on Ahri's face. Like they were playing a game, and Ahri had won, somehow.
Akali's hands curled into fists at her side, arousal pooling up between her legs again. "Are you done, or did you want to add your manifesto, too?"
"Oh. You're right, I did forget to add something."
Ahri shifted lower, and this time Akali could clearly read property of Foxy over her thigh, bordered with hearts and flowers. Ahri capped the marker again. She tossed it aside, kissing just under her handwriting.
A low hiss escaped Akali, fists gripping the sheets now as Ahri kissed her way up between Akali's thighs. "Open your legs for me, Akali."
Akali realized she must be getting off on this. Ahri had to be getting off on this, the knowledge that every time Ahri said her name she clenched with need. The fact that Akali loved her with that unique fannish desperation people give to idols. It could have made her angry if it were anyone else. It should have made her angry.
Instead she sank into the sensation of Ahri's mouth cleaning the sticky come on her thighs, her hands spreading her lips open to gently kiss her entrance, thumb rubbing eager circles over her clit. She used her fingers and her mouth, more communicative than any other partner she'd had before.
Is this okay? Is this too deep? Is this how you like it?
"That's it, Akali," she said as Akali started to fall apart underneath her again. An appreciative hand stroked over her stomach, coveting the divots of her abdomen, tracing every hard-earned muscle. "One more time, just for me."
Tears pricked at her eyes from the struggle to keep from shouting. She saw stars even when she closed her eyes, bright lights spinning in her head until she came down with a whimper. Ahri's tongue was a firm presence against her clit, pressed hard to her but not moving, not until she stopped twitching. Only once Akali had calmed down did she start again, a slow, torturous drag.
This time Akali thrashed, fists tangled in Ahri's hair, thinking, I can't, I can't, I can't, I couldn't, I shouldn't, except she could and she did, coming like a frazzled broken wire, sparks shooting off erratically, just on the edge of pain.
Taking Akali's hand, Ahri and guided it between her own legs. Eager to take back some measure of control, Akali explored with her hand what her tongue had already known. Akali thought she couldn't come, not again, not until she felt Ahri twist on her palm and cry out loud.
She came so fast.
The sound of her, of wet flesh and sharp breathing, and the smell of her, overwhelming.
"One more, Akali, one more for me," Ahri encouraged her, the force of her own climax leaving her sounding tormented.
And she couldn't tell Ahri no.
Ahri worked her slowly, as if she knew this one needed to be savored. Or maybe she was being merciful, knowing at this point Akali was sensitive to the point of pain. Her last orgasm shocked her, seized her up, and she forgot herself entirely as her back arched up off the bed, and she shouted yes!, or maybe she just thought it so loud she imagined Ahri could hear it. Surely it was etched out over every inch of her body, like the ink running down her wet skin.
"Stop!" she finally gasped when Ahri's breath huffed against her overheated flesh, since Ahri was evidently going to keep at it until she begged her not to. "Stop, stop."
She drifted in and out for a solid minute, chest heaving. Akali was vaguely aware she was drenched in sweat, the writing on her body probably smudged to the point of being illegible.
Ahri's cool hand touched her cheek, face fading into her vision. "Are you okay?"
She nodded, too winded to speak. This time when Ahri slipped from the bed, she really did get dressed. The dress straps slipped back over her shoulders, brazenly marked with Akali's own signature. The bite marks had blossomed out nicely, every inch of her exposed neck and chest clearly bruised, unmistakable for anything except what it was.
Ahri noticed too, a wry smile on her face. "Can I borrow a scarf?"
She gave Ahri one of her jackets, pulling the hood up over her head and tugging the strings. "What are you going to tell Evelynn?"
"I'll tell her we had sex. And it was very good."
That firm hand gripped her chin, guiding her in close for another lingering kiss.
"She won't be mad?" Akali couldn't help but whisper, feeling ashamed again and wishing she didn't.
Thankfully, Ahri was fine reassuring her some more. "With how much she flirts with Kai'sa, I have a feeling we'll need to re-establish some boundaries soon. But no, she won't be mad."
She frowned deeply. "Is this band just a front for you two to pick up chicks?"
"It's not." Ahri blushed a little. "I really wanted you to join KDA."
Akali eyed her, still wary. "If you say so."
A soft sigh. Ahri zipped up her jacket, adjusting her purse on her shoulder. "The contract is still valid for a good long while," she told her. "If you ever change your mind, Akali, you know how to reach us."
One last shiver as she said her name, but less intense than before. The fever had passed, and neither of them said goodbye as Ahri walked out of her room, and shut the door behind her.
  The next few days passed like a dream. She spaced out mid-conversation, staring out the windows or brooding on the roof where Shen couldn't find her. Her music still waited, everything she wanted to share with the world still in-progress.
When she had washed off Ahri's words from her body, she could just faintly make out a word or two. All my love, and to my biggest fan, and hugs and kisses. She'd really gone all out with it.
A week later, a thin cardboard tube arrived with her name on it. Even without a name attached, even before opening it she had a feeling she knew what was inside.
Cautious, Akali unrolled the poster. It wasn't from any photoshoot she recognized, and as a Foxy superfan, she knew about most every single one. Despite herself, she was impressed. Foxy had been working on rebranding her image for years, and here was a final proof of concept. Ahri was posed on a plush chair, wearing form-fitting black and white with a long blonde fox tail draped over her lap. It was elegant. It was sexy. No more bubblegum pop. Three business cards and a letter also fell from the poster, and Akali bent to pick them up.
This is from a top secret project, Ahri's handwriting said, more flowers and hearts and smiley faces scribbled on all the margins. The pre-orders go live tomorrow, no one else has them yet. So if you leak it sooner, remember, I know where you live.
Akali's voice was dry as she spoke to the air. "I'd like to see you try to take me on."
Examining the business cards now, Akali couldn't fight a smile. They were KDA's professional contact information, and the name of their agent. A note from Ahri explained further.
Even if you're striking out on your own, you'll still need friends. KDA will always be here to support you and share the stage.
Damn it.
Akali wanted to be mad still, but it was hard when Ahri was being so damn cute. Rolling up the poster, she set it down beside her chair.
"I don't want to share," she said, to no one.
The last person I shared with hurt me, so, so bad.
Sitting back in her chair, Akali stared up at the glow-in-the-dark stars on her ceiling.
Then she scrambled out of her bedroom, pulling a hat on and hopping into her shoes at the doorway.
She ran nearly every single day. She ran to build stamina and to keep her physique and to get away from the house and a million other reasons.
So she was only mildly out of breath when she reached the house Ahri and the others were renting. Spotting Evelynn's car outside, she nodded to herself and quickly scaled the fence. It was easy; she dropped down on their lawn and jogged right up to the front door and banged on it with a balled-up fist.
"Hey! Open up!" she said. "Is anyone home?"
She heard faint movement inside, then the door lock clicking. When it swung open, Evelynn stood there, an absolutely poisonous glare on her face.
"Miss Akali," Evelynn said, "Do you know what time it is?"
Oh. Akali glanced at her phone, grimacing at the early hour. "Uh. Sorry. It couldn't wait. I mean I have your number but I didn't want to call. I mean this is important! I need to do this in person!"
As she babbled, some of the ice melted from Evelynn, replaced with concern. "Slow down. Is everything okay? Are you in trouble or something?"
"No!" Akali took a deep breath. "No."
Then she yanked the contract from her backpack, freshly printed with her name signed at the bottom. Holding it in both hands, she extended it to Evelynn, bowing politely.
"I want to join KDA."
The resulting silence burned, weighing her down until she finally dared to look up at Evelynn.
The other woman had a hand tight over her mouth, eyes shining with barely constrained laughter.
"Oh my god," Evelynn said in between careful, deep breaths. "Ohhh, this is gonna be good."
She stepped forward, closing the door shut behind her as she forced Akali back a few steps.
"Tell me honestly," Evelynn said, and after a moment Akali realized she needed to stand her ground eventually or Evelynn would chase her right to the front gate. So she stood still, forcing herself to not back off when Evelynn was right there, close enough to touch, chest to chest. "Did you change your mind just because Ahri fucked you?"
She knows. Of course she knew, Ahri said she'd tell her. Ahri probably told Evelynn she'd try to make a move before it even happened.
"And you'd better tell me the truth," Evelynn added, "Or I won't let you inside."
Because I want to share. Akali stood firm, even if she couldn't help but crane back a bit, leaning away from Evelynn. Some small part of her wanted to run away even now, wanted to hide somewhere she didn't have to take any risks, or let anyone near her, or let anyone close enough to hurt her ever again. Admit it. Say it. Even if I make it big somehow it'd all be meaningless if I didn't have someone to share it with.
Then she hung her head, knowing she wore her heart on the sleeve and knowing Evelynn was probably shrewd enough to see she wasn't telling the whole truth.
"Because I'd— I'd—I'm—" Akali stammered.
Spit it out, stop being a coward, be the firespitter, spit it out, admit it!
"I'm—" she took a deep breath. "—Lonely. I'm so lonely. And I c-can't take it anymore."
I'd rather die than spend one more day as lonely as I feel right now.
Evelynn stroked her necklace thoughtfully, eyeing her over.
"I see."
That was all she said. At first.
Until she reached out, gently pulling the contract from Akali's hands.
"Let's take a look at this over breakfast," she suggested, moving so that she had one arm over Akali's shoulders. Akali was swept up in that familiar scent again, sweet leather and chocolate and bitter pine. Belatedly, she realized that jacket, the one Ahri let her keep. It must have been Evelynn's. The other woman guided Akali back to the house, opening the front door for Akali. "Kai'sa can make enough for four."
Too thrilled to be stunned, Akali let a huge grin take over her face. "Yeah?"
"Yes." Evelynn casually pinched her cheek. "And then you and I are going to talk about exactly what you expect from my wife."
Her stomach plummeted, nerves making her want to backflip right over the fence she'd just scaled. But before she could lose her nerve and dig her heels in, they were inside the house and she'd slipped her shoes off.
"Honey," Evelynn called out, an amused smirk on her face. "Are you up? You're going to want to see this."
She gave Akali a sidelong glance.
"I brought a surprise."
    bittersweet, undefeated creature – against you there is no defence
— from Anne Carson’s translation of Sappho’s fragments, entitled If Not, Winter
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