#and thinking about how much money im losing and how much shit i need to be doing
arcadequeerz · 8 months
Oh mind electric we're really in it now.
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wishful-seeker · 7 days
I would like to see more people talk about how jobs treat disabled employees.
I used to prep, wash dishes, and cook at mellow mushroom. I had chronic pain that wasn't NEARLY as bad as it is today, but it was still very debilitating. I told my employer "i cannot stand more than 4 to 6 hours. I CANNOT do shifts longer than this due to my illness." And even though i made my boundaries VERY clear, everyday i worked it was 8 hours at the least and 10 or 12 at the most. I would go up to my manager and say "look i really need to leave, my shift is over, my chronic pain is killing me." And he'd say "we really need to here, you HAVE to push through." And so i did, and after one, ONE month of that job my crps got incredibly worse to the point where i could no longer walk my dog around the block which was .5 miles. I quit, and that was FOUR years ago, and ever since that day I HAVE BEEN BEDRIDDEN AND HAVE TO USE A WHEELCHAIR. It is my biggest regret in life.
My best friend who has seen my whole journey has recently developed undiagnosed chronic pain, and she is in the EXACT same scenario i was 4 years ago. Busting her ass at a pizza place with extreme pain that hurts her so much she tells me "im in so much pain i don't even feel like a person." She doesn't feel LUCID. And her manager and coworkers are saying the same thing "if you don't help us you will let us down, we'll be in the shit."
That job thats hurting you isn't fucking worth it. I promise you no money is worth losing all your physical abilities and never getting them back. Your coworkers and boss do not give a shit about you, so don't you dare suffer for them. They will never understand your struggle and they will never try. They truly think being understaffed is worse than whatever pain you experience. They would rather you permanently damage yourself than inconvenience them. FUCK THEM. DON'T FUCKING DO IT!
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fratboykate · 1 year
I'm totally in support of the writers in theory but I'm trying to understand more of what you're fighting for because I've seen some people on twitter claim writers make more money a week than most of us make in a month so I'm trying to understand what the issue is. Also if that info is accurate. This is a genuine question. Not trying to have a "gotcha moment". I really want to hear from a writer.
people have always had wild misconceptions about how much a writer earns because of their lack of understanding of how the industry actually works. there's so many posts about how "you guys make 5k a week. what more do you want?!" yeah...let's do some math on that.
5k a week for 14 weeks (and that's a long room. a lot of rooms these days are 8-10 weeks. those are the dreaded mini-rooms we're trying to kill) is $70,000. for roughly three months of work. you'd think we're cooking with gas...BUT HOLD UP. that's gross! let's see everything that has to come out of that check:
10% to our agent
10% to our manager
5% to our entertainment attorney
5% to our business manager (not everyone has one but a lot of us do. i do, so that's literally 30% immediately off the top of every check)
most of these breakdowns ive seen downplay taxes severely. someone made one that says writers pay 5% in taxes and i would like to ask them "in what universe?". that doesn't even cover state taxes. the way taxes work in the industry is really complicated, but the short of it is most of us have companies for tax reasons so we aren't taxed like people on w2s/1099. if we did we'd be even more fucked. basically every production hires a writer's company instead of the writer as an individual. so they engage our companies for our services and then at the end of the year we (the company) pay taxes as corporations or llcs (depending on what the writer chose to go with). my company is registered as a "corporation" so let's go with those rates. california's corporate rate is 9% and the federal corporate tax rate is 21%. there's other expenses with running a business like fees and other shit so my business managers/accountants/bookkeepers have recommended i save between 35-40% of everything i make for when tax season comes.
you see where the math is at already??? 25-30% in commissions and then 35-40% in taxes. on the lower end you're at THE VERY LEAST looking at 60% of that check gone. 70% worst case scenario. suddenly those $70,000 people claim we make are actually down to $28,000 as the take home pay. and that's if you're only losing 60%. it goes down to $21,000 if it's 70%.
lets pretend you worked a long 14 week room (that's the longest room ive ever worked btw) and let's also be generous and say you only have 60% in expenses so the take home is $28,000. average rent in los angeles is around $2,800-$3,000. if you're paying $2,800 in rent that means you need AT LEAST $4,000 a month to have a semi decent life since you need to also cover groceries, gas, medical expenses, toiletries, phone, internet, utilities, rental and car insurances, car payments, student loan payments, etc etc etc. and again, this is los angeles. everything is more expensive so you're living BARE BONES on 4k. and these are numbers as a single person. im not even taking having children into account. so those $28,000 you take home might cover your life for 6-7 months. 3 of which you're in the room working. the reality is that once that room ends, you might not work in a room again for 6-9-12 months (i have friends whose last jobs were over 18 months ago) and you now only have about 3 months left of savings to hold you over. we have to make that money stretch while we do all the endless free development we do for studios and until we get our next paying job. so...3 months left of enough money to cover your expenses -> possible 9 months of not having a job. this is how writers end up on food stamps or applying to work at target.
this is why we're fighting for better rates and better residuals. residuals were a thing writers used to rely on to get them through the unemployment periods. residual checks have gone down from 20k to $0.03 cents. im not joking.
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they've decimated our regular pay and then destroyed residuals. we have nothing left. so don't believe it when they tell you writers are being greedy. writers are simply fighting to be able to make a middle class living. we're not asking them to become poor for our sake. we're asking for raises that amount to 2% of their profit. TWO PERCENT. this is a fight for writing even being a career in five years instead of something you do on the side while you work retail to pay your bills. if you think shows are bad now imagine when your writer has to do it as a hobby because they need a real job to pay their bills and support a family. (which none of us can currently afford to have btw)
support writers. stop being bootlickers for billion dollar corporations. stop caring about fictional people more than you care about the real people that write them. if we don't win this fight it truly is game over. the industry as you know it is gone.
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ennabear · 7 days
i beg of you to write more mean abby.. i reread all of ur mean abby works religiously i swear i just love her too much ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ NONNIEEEEE STOP THIS JS TOO SWEET!!!! IM BLUSHING IM BLUSHING I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! sorry this is a lil bit messy, i haven’t really had time to lock in on anything official I HOPE THATS OKAY!!!! here are some thoughts… 18+
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i think mean!abby is one of those people who are discreetly rich. she’s not the type of person to go on big fancy vacations, or buy expensive sports cars, or to always have the newest technology. before she met you, she probably spent most of her money on books or expensive brands of tea imported from countries she’s never even heard of. after she met you, though? she’d swipe her card a million times a day to see you smile.
the best way i can describe her personality is like some old cranky grandpa, the scary guy on the block who never smiles but is very confrontational. if you’ve seen her around, you’d know that she’s always wearing a scowl, only leaves her penthouse apartment early to go to the gym, and has beef with most of her neighbors. but if you know know her? she’s a sweetie pie. she loves spontaneous sweet treats, slow dancing to 70’s music, old horror films (mean!abby letterboxd goes CRAZY i just know), and most shockingly, her cats.
and she LOVES those fuckers. it’s so perfect how she can have a companion who’s quiet and small and independent, and two of them? barely any responsibility. they have an automatic feeder, entertain each other, and only bug her about once a day for attention.
as for her job, i could see her having two possibilities. one being an extreme workaholic. maybe an office job or a surgeon or something?? (NOT a nurse because they’re supposed to be good at talking to people…) OR she only really works part time, some freelance job that doesn’t really have any rules. a photographer or a tattoo artist or some sort of small business that she can mostly manage on her own. money has never been an issue for her, coming from a family of doctors. her ass was spoiled rotten as a kid, and after her dad died she inherited all of that money.
she’s the biggest protector in the world. someone was talking shit about you? she’s breaking their nose right now actually. i think the biggest reason she’s “mean” is because she actually just has anxiety. the last time she felt a love this strong, it was for her dad. she can’t afford to lose you like she lost him, so she always has to make sure you’re safe and sound. it’s not like she’s trying to be controlling by texting you every half hour, she just worries that maybe she won’t be able to protect you for once, and it’ll be at the worst possible time.
ok lock in here are some nsfw thoughts :3
you know that trope that’s like “big mean stoic character is actually the subbiest bottomest little puppy in the whole world.” yeah…. if you don’t agree what are you still doing here.
it definitely took her a while to be this vulnerable, but jesus christ is it worth it!!! the way you get to watch her squirm and whimper underneath you, knowing that you’re the only one who can make her feel this way. to give your big protective guard dog girlfriend a night off, to take care of her in return for all that she does for you.
and she lovessss being tied up!!!! something about the intimacy of knowing you’re gonna give her a good time makes her submit to you almost instantly. she has to trust you on this, has sit back and relax and let her brain melt because she physically can’t do anything about it.
when she does dom i imagine she’s a pretty big brat tamer. c’mon, not everyone has the luxury of having a girlfriend like her. if you don’t act grateful she’ll whip you in to shape. literally. she’s not afraid of a good spanking.
also she’s strapped up 24/7 but this is canon in every universe… no matter what she’s doing or where she’s going or who she’s gonna meet, the strap stays ON!!! just in case she may need it….
but she’s the aftercare QUEEN. of course. apart from the basics like food, water, cuddles, etc. she has tonssss of knowledge on proper aftercare. you’d never have to worry about being hurt or getting a uti or feeling unloved because she’s read every forum to exist about aftercare!!! i just know this bitch runs a tumblr kink blog like it’s the military… 🤦
that’s all…. going to eep now……
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mono-dot-jpeg · 6 months
bad decisions - i. sae, b. meguru & m. reo
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summary; let's make some bad decisions.
genre/extra tags; rambling post?/scenarios???, fluff but not really, diet fluff, and diet angst, late night thoughts combined with day light thoughts, might be ooc
a/n; im gonna go out on a limb here and say you dont want yandere obsessive tendencies in the relationship (i dont write yandere bc i hate that trope and i dont understand the appeal). i only did three bc this was all i can think of, im so sorry- hope you enjoy this either way. thank you for requesting and for your patience.
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i think we all saw this coming when i say, sae probably gotta have some odd habits and thoughts when it comes to being a relationship. he's precise and serious in his soccer, and that bleeds into his relationships. it has nothing to you, no, not when he's so used to seeing into every detail and every possibility. he keeps trying to predict what you will do, and then you surprise him when it's not what he expected. most of the time, this happens when you're just doing something without much thought. he gets kind of weird about it though, he just blue-screens and had to take a moment before asking what is wrong with you because you didn't do the thing he expected. you have to tell him that this is just how you are, and he refuses to be outsmarted by his partner when he's usually the one with the brain cell between you two.
he feels the need to check on you a lot because he doesn't express it outright. he observes you like he's in a game match. it's cute at first but then you realize, "oh god he's really paying attention a little too well..."
he hates if you ever even try to interact with rin. he is one jealous little shit. if he's in a good mood [which is hard to tell with him], you have like a higher chance of talking to rin. but most days, he's keeping you away from him.
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bachira is unpredictable and he's crazy. he loves you a lot. and i mean a lot. he's extremely clingy towards things he cherishes and that probably stems from the lack of friends he had back then and he's just scared to lose you. but sometimes he really impedes on the day-to-day routine. he needs reassurance when you're gone. he texts you a lot. very standard clingy person.
he feels the need to be a guard dog. he's possessive but not in the way sae would be with his jealously. no, bachira is possessive but he's confident that he will keep you protected from others. but also he loves to wreak havoc so he likes being loud about being clingy and protective. it can get overwhelming.
i'm gonna be real, this one is short because bachira's traits could probably be pretty amplified in a relationship and honestly, i would go as far as to think that most of his traits would just be either better or worse in a relationship.
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overbearing. that should be enough to explain it.
he's got a weird complex with him. at least that is what i think. he really stuck with nagi a lot, and i think he would do the same in a romantic relationship. he's gotten too used to coddling nagi and he does the same to you. he spoils you. and it's great at first, but it can be a lot at once. and honestly i think he feels the need to compensate for something. what is the thing he's compensating for? i don't know, but he gives me those "compensating for something with money" vibes.
i think it's safe to say that all the boys have a pride to uphold and reo is no different. he hates being inactive. he wants to help you all the time. and i mean all the time. he wants to be useful but he goes at it terribly. he wants to be relied on.
is it crazy to say that i think reo is the worst out of the three here? probably but whatever.
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badasmuse · 10 months
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Bada Lee x Reader
Warnings: 18+ (MDNI), lowercase intended, language, cheater!bada, bottom!bada, bada is married to h*wl, bada has a daughter, top!reader, lonely bada, she also cries, appearance from itzy’s yuna
Summary: bada is lonely, you fix that.
Part 2 Here
you absolutely loved children. ever since you were fifteen when you started babysitting for your neighbor that’s when you knew. you actually wanted to start your own daycare but you wanted a degree so you decided to take a few online classes in early childhood education. but, going to college meant you need money for books and such so you never stopped babysitting. but your usual child’s father came back into her life making you jobless once again, so when you received a text from an unknown number stating she got your number from her friend you jumped with joy. and that’s how you started working for bada lee and her husband.
on your first day, you pull up to the extremely big house, you’re nervous. you keep thinking, what if i lose this kid in this big ass house.
there’s a tall woman and a slightly shorter male standing in the doorway holding a little girl. she looks about seven. you step out of the uber and approach the little family. “hi i’m y/n. i’m looking for ms. lee?”
“that’s me.” she steps out shaking your hand. “you can call me bada. this is my husband howl, not his real name but as a dancer it’s just what he goes by, and our daughter chaeyoung. come in.”
you follow the woman in and dude when i tell you this house is huge. you could probably fit three semi trailers stacked on top of each other in here. with the wheels still on and everything. you’re too busy admiring the house to hear what bada is saying.
“got that y/n?” is all you hear.
“huh? oh i’m… im sorry i was admiring your house i didn’t hear a thing. could you… repeat that?” you say shyly.
“oh no problem. this is a list of people you can call if you can’t get in touch with either of us. always try lusher first she’s my best friend she’ll always be able to get ahold of me. i’ll be out at the studio a lot this month because i’m choreographing a few comebacks and howl is getting ready to go to japan to teach some classes. i will be back around nine tonight. here’s chae’s bedtime routine. she’ll try to stay up past eight thirty, if she fights let her because she’ll fall asleep in the next five minutes. you can just lay a blanket over her on the couch and i’ll carry her to the room when i come back. is that too much at one time?” bada asks after literally vomiting a shit ton of information.
“no no i think i got it all. also, if you’re gonna be dancing, i don’t mind carrying her to her room. you’ll be tired and probably want to shower, i can handle it.” you say smiling.
“if you can i’d appreciate it. oh we have to go. chae you be good for y/n okay? i mean it.” bada says crouching in front of the girl who just nods in response before hugging her mother tight and hugging her father’s leg.
soon, it’s just you and her. boy did she give you a run for your money. you did lose her in the house while playing hide n seek. she made you play dress up with her. she took your phone and hid it, spilled apple juice everywhere, and even went into her parent’s room and took one of her mom’s lipsticks.
by now it’s eight thirty and she surprisingly went to bed without an issue, which you were grateful for because now you have to clean the mess in the kitchen and living room.
“hi i’m home.. y/n?” you hear bada say.
“kitchen!” you respond.
“what.. happened?”
“oh she spilled apple juice. this- here. she took this from your room. um, do you mind calling my phone?” you mumble.
bada sighs and goes into a room before coming out with your phone in hand. “i’m sorry she did this to the last babysitter, and the one before. if you don’t want to continue just let me know okay?” she says helping you clean the apple juice.
you look up at her and see the sweat dripping down her face, the tired look in her eyes. she’s obviously struggling. “what time should i be here tomorrow?”
her eyes light up and she smiles brightly. “um, same time okay? it’ll just be me and her, my husband will be gone early.”
“i’ll be here. go shower. i’ll finish up and make my way out of here.” you pick up the used paper towel, throwing it in the garbage.
thirty minutes later she emerges from the bathroom dressed in a new pair of sweats and a tank with her wet hair flowing down her back.
“i’ll get your uber home. can you put your address in here?”
now it’s been four months and man, the feelings you feel towards this woman are crazy.
“she’s just so.. fine, yuna.” you say to your best friend. “when she comes home from the studio and she’s dripping with sweat. you know how hard it is to not jump on her?”
yuna laughs, “isn’t she married?”
“yes but… come on. her husband is never really there. she’s always tired and probably sexually frustrated. i could fix that for her for real.” you say taking the drink from her.
“that’s mine.” she sighs, “well are you gonna go for it?”
“i don’t know, should i? what if i get fired?” you say.
“then you get fired. come on i’ll drop you off. it’s almost time.”
once you arrive at the house, you knock and wait, watching yuna pull off. bada opens the door and looks at you surprised. “y/n? what are you doing here?”
you blink, “it’s.. saturday?”
“oh! oh i’m so sorry. first come in.” she steps to the side, “i’m sorry, chaeyoung is with her grandmother for today. i thought i told you. probably forgot i was doing so much this morning. i feel so bad you probably ubered here, let me pay you for that and i’ll get you one back.”
“my friend dropped me off. i can ask her to come get me.” you say sending a quick text to yuna.
“well have you eaten? let me get you something.” she says.
“i’m okay i’m not hungry.” at least, not for food.
“well.. here’s a water bottle. i’m so sorry.”
“it’s okay bada. my schedule is open.” you look at the reply from yuna and sigh. “actually could you get the uber? my friend is busy, she won’t be able to come get me for at least an hour or so.. unless you don’t mind me waiting?”
“i don’t mind. i actually wanted to talk to you about chaeyoung.” she says sitting next to you.
“what is it?”
“i’m not too sure what you’re doing but.. she used to be terrible in school, behavior wise, and ever since you came along it’s changed. what are you doing with her? what can i do to make sure she doesn’t act that way once you get your degree and stop working for me?” bada sighs, leaning back on the couch.
“bada,” you turn your body to face her, “the issue with chae is you don’t give her enough attention. i know both you and howl work a lot. it happens. but she tells me all the time how she wishes at least you were here more often. she’s lonely. it’s only her and you stick her with a bunch of strangers. she told me she feels happy when i’m here because even tho i’m leaving, i still make her happy because i’m giving her the attention she craves.”
bada wipes a tear from her cheek, “i try. it’s just hard. i want to be here. then howl took that stupid job traveling to different countries like he doesn’t have a wife and child at home. i feel like i’ve been snapping at her which is why i sent her with her grandmother. i wanted to.. be with my husband and he’s not even here he went to america. i wanted to talk to him about this.”
you pull bada in for a hug and rub her back as she cries into your shoulder. “you’re doing the best you can, bada. you can’t be too hard on yourself. howl should’ve thought about that before he left. he needs to understand you need help.” you say softly.
bada pulls back and looks at you, “you really think i’m doing my best?”
“i do.”
there’s a tension filled silence as you look at each other. you don’t know what fueled you but you lean in and kiss her on her lips before pulling back quickly. “oh shit i’m sorry you’re married-“
she cuts you off with another kiss gripping your shirt. this one is a lot more desperate. “please…” she mumbles against your lips. “i need this please.. please don’t go.” she whines.
“your room.” you say and she stands up pulling you into the bedroom she shared with howl.
she pushes you on the bed and climbs on top of you finding your lips again as your hands trail under her shirt. you pull it off her and she whines.
“relax baby, i’ll make you feel good, just be patient.” you turn her on her back kissing her neck and down to her chest. lifting up her bra you attach to her nipple, sucking gently and she moans. you pinch the other one with your fingers and her hips buck up against you, looking for friction.
“keep your hips down.” you whisper, kissing down her stomach. you leave marks on her hip bones and she moans your name.
“y/n please… please i want you so bad!” she writhes on the bed.
you pull her shorts off and she’s not wearing anything under them. “made this easy for me huh? oh you’re so wet for me bada.” you run a finger over her clit and her leg jerks. you put her leg on your shoulder and make eye contact with her. “can i?”
“please y/n please do- OH!” she moans out when your tongue makes contact with her clit. her hands clutch the sheets as you suck on her clit, sticking two fingers in her.
her breath hitches and she lets out loud moans, “oh my god s-so good! please more!”
you insert another finger curling them up into her spot. she lets out a squeal. “why are you so good at this?” she moans, hands going to your hair as she fucks herself onto your fingers. “i’m cumming!”
you speed up your fingers, flicking your tongue skillfully and she cums with a scream, your name falling off her lips.
you pull your hand out giving her a minute to breathe. “you okay?” you run her lower stomach gently.
“i need… more. please? i have.. have toys in my sock drawer.” she pants.
you walk over to where she points and find a different array of toys. “oh you’re kinky.”
“please use whatever you want. make me your slut. please.” she whines.
you bite your lip, grabbing the dildo, a vibrator, and some handcuffs. “you mind?”
“oh please!” she moves her hands to the headboard, letting you cuff her to it. “i-i can eat you out while you fuck me. you can sit on my face.”
you shiver at the thought before stripping and doing what she wants. her tongue skillfully explores you and you question how she let a man trap her with a tongue like that? you lean forward and put the dildo in her, immediately thrusting it in and out of her while putting the vibrator on her swollen clit. she moans into you and pulls at the cuffs. you’re worried she might be uncomfortable so you lift up but she whines loudly. “i’m not finished!”
you sit back down, thrusting the toy faster and turning up the speed on the vibrator. you let out a moan trying not to grind on her face. you move when she starts to mumble something.
“what did you say baby?”
“use me. use me to get yourself off. make me your personal tuck toy.” she moans out.
you moan as you move back onto her face doing as she asks all while you fuck into her tight count with the dildo. you’re close and you know she’s close from the way her moans get higher. she latches onto your clit sucking roughly as you pound the dildo into her gspot and you’re both cumming with loud moans. you remove the toys and she squirts all over her bed. you get off her and rub her clit, helping her ride out her high.
“okay! okay i’m done i can't…i’m done please!” she moans pulling the cuffs.
“give me one more. let me make sure you’re 100% satisfied. you might not get it this good for a while.” you whisper.
she whimpers and cums one last time, her juices flow out of her and you caress her thigh gently.
“so good for me bada. did such a good job.” you uncuff her and she pulls you in for a kiss. you can taste yourself on her tongue.
“thank you.” she whispers. “i needed that. god i needed that.. tell your friend nevermind. stay with me.”
“what about your husband? and chae?” you ask.
“he’s gone for a week, chae will be back tomorrow night. after i take a nap i want to go again.” she groans, turning on her side.
grabbing your phone, you tell yuna to just bring your backpack that has your strap instead and you lay down next to bada. she immediately moves her head onto your chest and sighs, falling asleep.
that was a lot easier than you thought it would be.
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
Okay so I am absolutely obsessed with your writing .
Every day I check Tumblr to see if you've uploaded anything
When they move in together how do you think they will spilt the chores ?
And do you think their aesthetic would change as they grow older ?
Thank youuu
Love youuu
OH i love this. okay.
when they move in together, how do you think they will split the chores?
they do not.
they are in an interesting situation: nico has never had to do chores in his life. as a kid, he was the son of Literal Hades and an aristocrat, he for sure had people doing that shit for him. in the lotus, they presumably had room service. he may have had to do a few chores at the military school, but a) they weren't there for long and b) as an older sister with a younger brother, bianca was doing that shit for him. she ordered him to make his bed, he did a horrible job, she huffed and did it herself because it's more of a pain in the ass to make your brother do it again than it is to do it yourself. bianca i get you. after that he was homeless, so there was obviously no cleaning there, and then he lived in his father's palace. he has never so much as done a load of laundry except maybe hastily with a public washroom sink and a bar of soap. he barely knows what a mop is.
will, on the other hand, has been in charge of both a cabin and a literal infirmary since he was 13 years old. on top of that, if i am not mistaken (i'm so sorry i still havent read toa and tsats im getting there i swear), he grew up on a farm. his ass knows how chores work, in fact i would bet money that he gets a little obsessive when it comes to cleaning. he is acutely aware of how many germs are on every single surface ever. he cleans and he does it a lot.
this could go really badly, because habit would indicate that will would be doing all of the housework and nico none, which is Bad For Relationships.
nico really likes will.
will is a massive hypocrite who overworks himself. he also is a bit of a control freak.
nico is also very, very observant.
i think, in the beginning of their friendship, even, nico noticed that will, like bianca, would let the onus of cleaning and tidying fall to him because 'no one else does it right', and also, maybe, it's just easier not to fight people about it. i think this would bother him. i think he would, in his inability to, like, be normal, impulsively challenge will to a cleaning contest.
and. like. will is a competitive person, okay. maybe not about things he knows he can't win, but when he knows he's good at something? he is not letting that shit slide. look at how fast he was to dunk on octavian, how prickly he got when nico doubted his ability to outrun the romans. if nico, who will knows damn well has done like four chores in his life, tries to challenge will, mr. antiseptic is my closest friend solace, to a cleaning contest?
he is going to sweep the floor with him.
pun absolutely intended.
from there things kind of spiral. at first it's a dorky ass learning curve, because nico loses every cleaning competition so so badly and quit fucking laughing, solace, you dickead, the windows are not that streaked and also watch me spray you in the goddamn eyes, huh, how do you like that and it's just kind of...fun. for the first time in a long time cleaning up doesn't make will quietly bitter.
plus, as an added bonus, nico helping will clean up makes it less invisible when he does it. now people are starting to notice that, no, the infirmary does not magically clean and organise itself, someone does that. and maybe a few more people pitch in to help. and maybe will realises, and maybe he smiles gratefully at nico when, for the first time in years, he has two entire days off, back to back, in the summer, for the first time in years. and maybe nico thinks he is going to collapse into dust because gods will has a nice smile. not that he cares or notices or anything.
do they need to keep having competitive chores forever?
but does it make both of them kind of shyly pleased and happy to remember how they started? to remember how much their friendship means to them, first and foremost, and not just their relationship?
(also, by the gods, nico is going to beat will at laundry one day. he is. as soon as he learns to fold without creasing the whole stupid shirt it's over.)
how do you think their aesthetic would change as they get older?
not much tbh.
will is pretty happy in his cargo shorts, which, mood. and nico is very committed to his Prince of Darkness look.
they are gonna have to get used to like...regular weather when they leave camp tho. i think will might begrudgingly have to get used to pants. he hates jeans with a fiery passion and any kind of slacks, but he will accept track pants.
he is also into shirts with horrible horrible puns on them. especially medical puns. he and nico frequently fight over who gets to buy shirts with bone puns on them, because they both find it funny. their closet (lol) is quickly morphing into one monster.
will complains about wearing shoes every single time he has to wear something that isn't flip-flops (again, understandable). he likes buying off-brand white converse and customizing them, though, so those are acceptable.
he refuses to wear boots under literally any circumstances. there could be three feet of snow on the ground and dumbass will be wearing chucks.
while their t-shirt situation is pretty similar, nico literally doesn't wear pants that aren't jeans. sometimes he sleeps in jeans. (not to make will's eye twitch, noooo, of course not, sometimes he just Reasonably Forgets or is Reasonably Too Lazy to get changed)
nico does also, on occasion, wear button ups, sleeves folded to just above the elbow.
will likes these very much.
especially the green one.
the green one is Very Very nice.
as for hair, nico grows his out to shoulder length so he can tie it back. he doesnt keep it much longer than that, because too long and he looks like bianca -- he always looks like her, and he never forgets that, but its important to him to remember her while still being able to think of himself as a separate person. he cuts it when it goes past his shoulders.
wills hair is literally untamable. it grows where it pleases. he hasnt had a haircut since he was six years old and somehow his hair doesnt grow down to his waist. he has no idea how long it actually is. they tried to measure it once but it changed every two minutes. the literal only time it resembles anything close to maintained is when he wears it in two french braid pigtails :) nico likes to buy him elastics with little charms on them. he wears them to suit his mood, he has a whole collection.
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nocofamilyau · 2 months
1. since its summer do they go on family vacations...
2. how do mikes classmates/the other parentd react to him havinf 2 dads
3. can we see how/why noah and cody decided to adopt mike dave and raj.. like their upbringing..
They don’t do anything too elaborate, maybe the occasional day trip to the woodsy area/lake near where they live, simple lil trips like that, but they’re saving proper vacations for when the boys are all a lil older and money is way easier to keep (that and travelling with a baby, a kid who absolutely loses it at the drop of a hat and another kid who has a complex mental condition kinda sounds like hell, don’t think anyone would come out of that experience happy)
Yea, most of em are cool with it, I mean they live in Canada where they’re much more accepting, they just treat Mike and his parents like any other family (shit, I think some of Mike’s classmates might also have gay parents too…)
This is kinda harder to answer, but you'd think that Noah and Cody (especially Noah) wouldn't really be the type of people to want kids, but plot/au needs to happen so for the sake of it,, I'd say for both they just felt it was just the next natural step in life (it'd also give them something else to focus on instead of the crushing internal turmoil that C-list stardom during your youth brings you). To get more specific, Noah probably already thought about wanting kids when he was still with Emma (and he'd probably be more used to it given he lived with several older siblings, and possibly dealt with multiple younger cousins, nephews and nieces at it too) while Cody would probably want to prove to himself that he's much more capable than his parents (particularly his father) in terms of loving something.
Besides, most of their time as parents has boiled down to 'fuck it, guess we'll do this now'. Like I mentioned this before, but they only wanted to adopt one kid and keep it at one kid in the beginning. And while they (mainly Noah) both wanted kids, it does make sense that they chose to adopt an older kid than raise them right from the start. Like yea this kid may have mental problems but at least we won't have to deal with sleepless nights and no time to ourselves and constant screaming and crying and shitty diapers and all that stuff (and then fucking Dave comes along and just throws a massive curveball into that plan but they got through it the best they could, so much so that they're confident enough to handle ANOTHER baby, or whatever comes over parents to make them want another kid)
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spiderrmax · 2 months
SHIT IM SO sorry LMFAO 🌼 20 kyle broflovski pleasee💀💀💀🙏
🌼 20: clumsy attempts at flirting
word count: 640 author's note: LMAO you are so good nonny!! just wanted to get what you wanted :) i also wrote a small drabble based on your original ask (rivals to lovers) & tried to incorporate the trope here but it was not working also kyle is the only one clumsily flirting. he's the best representation of hopeless romantic but no game there is.
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Kyle hates the feeling of having a crush. Knows from his adolescence that his romantic endeavors seemed doomed from the start. He is also aware of Cartman’s never ending enjoyment in ruining his life, and knows that these things are more likely to crash and burn.
Even so, you are always on his mind. With how you wait for him to tie his shoes, ask about his family, seem to care about his religion. Your interactions have a softness he isn’t familiar with, everyone around him seemingly made out of harsh edges. He doesn’t want to lose you, can already feel the way you are starting to erode his jagged walls.
Kyle only went to Kenny with his dilemma, aware of his promising history with romance, even if Kenny is driven more by lust. He was his best shot.
(“Just be yourself, but more confident. Like, lean up against a wall. You’re tall, they’ll like that. You don’t give yourself enough credit.”)
Kenny’s advice is all that rings in Kyle’s mind as he finds you in the hall. The last bell just rang, and you will be at your locker. Luckily, it seems to just be you who needs to be grabbing books, which gives Kyle ample space to follow Kenny’s gospel.
Leaning against the locker is horrendously awkward, one of the hinges digging into his shoulder. He feels stupid, but doesn’t have a chance to straighten out because you are shutting your locker door and closing the one thing separating the two of you.
You jump, startled by his presence, but that fear alleviates when you notice who it is. “Oh! Hi Kyle. Do you need something?” 
(“You could try a pick up line. But I don’t think you’re smooth enough. Maybe ask them for coffee. A study date is horrendously boring but could work for you.”)
“Are you free this afternoon?” It takes him a moment to reply, trying to stop the words from getting stuck in his throat. He doesn’t understand how you can look so beautiful even after getting up at 6 in the morning and being inside of this school for 8 hours. It makes it hard to think, when you look like that.
You pause to think, holding your few books close to you. “Yeah! I was just going to do some assignments due later this week. Why? Do you need something?”
Kyle wonders if you can see the blush on his face; he can feel it. “Uh. No. I mean, yeah. I just…” His voice trails off, and he fumbles a bit around as he stands straight up, feeling more like himself without the attempt to replicate Kenny’s cool persona. 
“Do you want to get coffee with me?” He finally asks, and he can’t breathe until you respond.
“Aw, Kyle, I’d love too,” You start, and he tries to get ready for the familiar taste of rejection, “But I don't have my wallet with me.”
His shoulders sag, and he can’t believe he was that tensed up. He lets out a deep breath, not rejected. Of course you’d feel bad for not having money, and would want to pay even though he asked you.
“I don’t mind paying,” Kyle smiles, and he should thank Kenny later for the coffee date suggestion. 
You grin even brighter and nod, “If you’re sure. I’ll just pay for the next date.” After that you begin walking to the parking lot, laughing as you hear him stutter a response and jog to catch up with you. Ever the gentleman, he offers to take your books. You let him, knowing how much the small gesture probably means to him. 
If his hands weren’t full, you’d probably be holding his hand, warm and presumably sweaty from anxious he was. It wouldn’t matter, and there will always be a next time.
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kisses4lao · 1 year
Jamil Jamil, hes our man! (🍋Jamil x gn!reader🍋)
Okay so this is a belated birthday gift for my beloved boyfriend <<333
I mainly based the things reader says and does over things he'd personally do but I did want to post this on here so he could read it anytime
♧CW: reader is referred to with they/them but is fem bodied, smut and comfort, probably ooc jamil bc we love it when he's soft, first time sex, reader is dealing with a lot of shit fuck and jamil Is so sweet such husband, unsafe sex, its premarital too, jamil has big pp energy so he absolutely has a big pp here, he doesn't know how to use it tho pls help this man, bath sex and cockwarming near the end btw, smut smut smut oh so smutty we love him!!!!!! Also jamil cums inside?? Idk I might do that ig we'll see LMAO, oh also pet names, oh so many pet names bc me and my boyfriend use them on eachother all the time
♤NOT PROOFREAD yall ever proofread a smut??? Its embarrassing. Im not doing that.
♧ it had been one hell of a week.
Everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong. Grim was sick beyond belief, no amount of tuna could help him stomach anything. You TRIED to buy more paper towels and better probiotics for him from Sam's shop, but you couldn't afford them because Crowley wasn't paying you enough.
Speaking of Crowley, he had to cut back on your paychecks because the school was putting out too much money for the overblots.
Ace and Deuce were over at ramshackle to help get things fixed up, but the ghosts decided that wasn't a good idea. They started throwing everything around, and one of them hit deuce in the head with a spare candlestick on accident. He wasn't okay, to say the least.
Not only that, but in Crewels class, you weren't paired up with your beloved boyfriend, Jamil! Crewel decided to pair you up with Sebek, and his loud yelling made you lose focus and fuck up the potion, earning a really bad scold from both Sebek, AND Crewel.
But luckily, it was Friday. After school. And you wanted some comfort. And what better way to get that from Jamil himself? Going to the mirror chamber, you get teleported to Scarabia.
Knocking on the door, you're greeted with the ball of sunshine of NRC, the Scarabia housewarden himself. "Hey you! I've been hoping you'd swing by, Jamil seems a little down, think you can cheer him up?" Seems like he's in the same position. No worries, you guys are always help eachother through bad times. Having kalim escort you throughout the halls, you're infront of his door, Jamils door.
Knocking on the door, Kalim yells out to him, "hey Jamil! Your s/o is here! They wanna hang out with you!" He leans on the door, ear pressed against it as you do the same. You can hear jamil yawn from the other side, seems as though he just woke up.
"Come in." He says. Kalim bids his farewell as you open the door to see your beloved. "Ah, my love, I've been hoping you'd come by." He said with a smile as he stood up from his desk. "Jamil! I'm so glad you're here, I heard from Kalim that you were upset.. are you okay?" "I'm more worried about you, dear. You've had quite the week. I've been worrying about you, thats all."
He walks over to his closet and pulls out a stick of incense. Lighting it up and putting it in a holder, he begins to walk over to you. "How are you doing? Are you okay?" He asks as he takes your hands and leads you to sit on his bed, sitting next to you after. You start to twiddle your thumbs, something he picked up that you did when you were nervous.
"I'm just.. I'm so tired... mentally, physically, everything hurts.." you say as you begin to shed tears. Jamil lightly cups your face with one hand and takes your hands in his empty one. He leaves Featherlite kisses on you cheeks as your tears start to spill, he places a soft kiss on your lips before speaking. "Honey, I know this is hard, okay? But im here whenever you need me. I'll always be here, no matter what. You're such an amazing person, everything about you entices me. You're so beautiful, and smart- and I just can't stand seeing you upset. You're so amazing, you don't deserve to feel like this, but im here for you. Always."
Looking into his eyes show nothing but love. He slowly leans in to kiss your lips. Its soft, and sweet. Perfect for him, his lips are so soft against yours. After a few seconds, he pulls away, letting a string of saliva connect the two of you as he places his forehead against yours. "I love you, never forget that." He says, placing another soft kiss on your lips.
"I love you too." You say, deepening the kiss. You begin to nibble on his lower lip, asking for permission and when he gives you it, you slip your tongue in. His mouth is sweet, warm, comforting. You just couldn't help but want more.
You can tell he was getting excited. He usually does when the two of you make out, but he doesn't say anything most of the time. He just excuses himself and takes care of it, coming back like nothing happened. But, what if you just, took it further this time? I mean, Jamil was such an amazing boyfriend, who else would you want to take your first? You knew he was a virgin too, though you have talked about sex in the past with him you couldn't help but notice how shy he'd get when you got too close.
Taking the initiative, you place your palm on his growing bulge, just to earn a surprised grunt from Jamil, followed with him pulling away from the kiss and halting your movements by holding your wrist. "(Y/n).. what are you doing? I mean, I know what you're doing, but are you sure nows a good time? I mean, like, I want to do this, I do, but, you're upset.. you're vulnerable.. I dont want to take advantage of that. I want you to be in the right mindset for this.. thats all." He looks at you with genuine concern in his eyes, but deep down you can see a hint of lost aswell.
"Jamil.. please, I need you. I've wanted this for so long and I just need a stress reliever.. please, you're the only one who can make me feel better.." tears start to form in your eyes out of sexual frustration. Cant someone just want to be dicked down by their boyfriend in peace? Apparently not in this economy.
Jamil takes a second to think, hand still cupping your face as he avoids looking you in the eye. Looking back at you, he begins to speak. "I just don't want you to think im taking advantage of your vulnerability. So, tell me you want this, and I'll give you everything I have. Promise." He says as he places a soft kiss on your forehead.
"I want this, I want you Jamil." You say with a nod. A smile shows on his face as he stands up and walks to his bathroom. Coming back after a few moments, he has some things in his hands. "I have condoms and stuff, but if you want to we can do it raw and have you take plan b in the morning? Whatever you want dear, im fine with whatever." Taking a minute to scan everything over, you answer. "Raw. Raw is better. Cum inside me too. Please." Blunt. Jamil got so red from you saying that, he starts tripping over his words, which puts a smile on your face.
"Are you sure? Like, SERIOUSLY, are you sure?? I'm just, I-I'm flattered, really, but we don't have to do this, im okay with wearing condoms, or not doing anything at all!" Jamil says as he avoids looking you in the eyes again. Instead of answering with words, you just answer by kissing him, interlocking your fingers with his, giving them a tight yet gentle squeeze. He seems to take the hint and goes back to the bathroom with everything in hand, putting it away.
He comes back looking as red as a tomato as he walks to the bed and sits next to you. Turning to you, you're able to finally be able to catch his lips into a sweet kiss again. This one getting heated quickly with your tongues dancing in a matter of seconds. You begin to take his jacket off as he slowly unbuttons your dress shirt, leaving enough open so he can begin touching your exposed skin. Slipping of his shirt, you begin to touch his chest, reveling in how toned his stomach is.
He begins to slip off your panties with one hand while the other touches the plush of your thighs. Taking the undergarments off and throwing them somewhere in the room, the takes his middle and ring finger and begins to grab slick while unintentionally brushing up against your clit, earning a loud, unexpected moan from you. He begins to push his fingers into your entrance while kissing you, swallowing and hushing your moans.
As he begins to pump his two fingers in and out of you, he takes his thumb and begins to stimulate your clit, which makes you scream his name whilst breaking your kiss. "Shhh honey, I know you like it, but we must be quiet, we don't want anyone intruding, do we?" He says with a tease in his voice as he begins sucking hickeys on your neck in private places. You still have school after all, he wouldn't want you to get in trouble.
With all of the stimulation, you can quite quickly. How couldn't you? Jamil had two fingers inside you, scissoring and curling while his thumb was rubbing circles on you clit. Coming down from your high, you take steady breaths as Jamil begins to unbuckle his belt, taking his pants and boxers off in one go.
Placing one hand on your hip as his other aligns his long, stiff member with your entrance, he looks into your eyes with nothing bit pure love. "If you ever feel uncomfortable, or want to switch positions, or stop or anything during this, just bite my ear okay? And im not saying nibble, im saying full on bite. I dont give a shit if you draw blood i just want you to be comfortable and happy, okay?" Nodding your head in anticipation, he kisses you as he slowly sinks his member into you.
It hurts. The pain is indescribable, but it quickly morphs into pleasure as he sinks in more. Jamil begins to groan, softly saying under his breath how tight you are, how you're taking him so well, how beautiful you look. Spoonfeeding you praise after praise as he reaches you deepest ends of you.
Finally bottoming out, he hugs your waist, kissing your neck softly. "Tell me when I can move, love." Waiting a minute or two to be adjusted to his size, you speak up. "You can move now." And with that, he begins to thrust in and out of you. Choked moans fill the room from you both as he tries to find a steady pace.
Jamil begins to lean down to your ear, praising how good you feel, telling you how amazing you are and telling you how lucky he is to have you. As he begins to thrust harder and deeper, he begins to kiss you. Its more teeth and tongue than anything, you're both acting like starved beasts who haven't eaten in days.
As Jamil experimentally pulls out and slams his cock back into you, the both of you groan loudly, realizing that he hit your g-spot. As he continues to go in and out of you at a rapid, yet somehow soft pace, you begin to feel his cock twitch inside of you.
Leaning to your ear, he praises you more. "My love, you're making me feel so good. I know you already said I could, but will you please give me permission to cum inside you? You make me feel so amazing, I need you so bad." He says as you moan his name again, not caring who'll hear anymore. Nodding as permission, he releases he load into you, making a few deep thrusts so you cum aswell.
Laying together to catch your breaths, Jamil slowly pulls out, watching as your body twitches from being empty. Going into his bathroom again, he grabs two waters and some sweets for you. "Eat up. You lost a lot of energy just now. I'll go and run a bath for us."
Once you're finished with your snacks and water, Jamil carries you bridal style to the bathroom. Placing you in the bath first, he climbs in after you. He then snakes his arms around your waist and pulls you into his lap. As he begins to wash you up, shampooing your hair and putting bodywash on you, your hands find their way back to his semi hardened member. Jamil practically chokes on his moan as you begin to stroke him, running your finger up and down his shaft.
He looks at you with confusion, earning a small chuckle from you. "One more round? Please?" You say, looking up at him with pleading eyes. He let's out a sigh, picking you up by the waist and slowly sinking you down on his now hardened cock. Getting into a position where your face is buried in his chest, you're content with not moving and just staying as is.
As he begins to wash you more, barely moving his hips as his one hand grips your waist, he starts to kiss more marks into your neck again. "My love, you've sparked something in me. Now im not sure if I can stop after 'one more round'," he practically growls in your ear. This may have been one long week, but this was going to be an even longer night.
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lesbianboyfriend · 3 months
thinking about your sexual violence discussion in Buffy.
I think there is something in Anya's story arc in season 7 that ties in.
D'hoffryn is always polite and affable but always proves to be sadistic. he wears politeness as a disguise. When Aud cursed her husband, she is praised and exalted by this demon man who promised her power and glory for the chance to do something good in the world like help women get revenge.
but he really thinks of all of his girls as disposable. he kills Halfrek just to make Anya hurt. kind of like how the watchers view the Slayer as disposable. You can always find other woman to fill the gap. preferably a young attractive one.
he is not interested in The actual revenge that happens. he doesn't actually care about the girls who work for him. he just wants power over people. They even say there's always vengeance needed at brothels, implying that a lot of revenge is tied to sexual violence or misbehavior. he is taking advantage of women in these situations to build his influence rather than actually help them.
Anya truly believes she is doing good work until now when she realizes that she is not helping these women, very frequently she is scaring them. That's why she wants to undo the wish. she doesn't want to hurt women anymore and she is punished for that
omg….anon im kissing you on the lips. this is such such a good point. i’ve been meaning to examine anya’s place in the btvs sexual violence schema and i think you’re so right with this…..i think there’s also something to be said for how anya’s character in general has literally only revolved around men….d’hoffryn as a vengeance demon, then xander when she lost that, then d’hoffryn again when she lost xander, then xander again when she loses d’hoffryn again…..the episode where anya gives up being a vengeance demon is SUCH a good episode where she decides that she has to define her life outside of these relationships to men. and then they immediately bring her back to just joke about her and xander again. she deserved so much better…..i think there’s also something to be said for how her loving money is played off as like a joke and a negative character trait but how having money is like. a very material necessity for women to have independence from men especially considering the era she grew up in where she literally would not have had any money of her own. anya has never been independent she has always been reliant on a man in her life out of necessity. she took so much shit from xander because as a demon recently turned young woman she was not equipped to live in the world on her own and the help of the scoobies was dependent on her relationship with xander…..genuinely makes me seethe how her character was treated so poorly by the other characters and narratively as just a joke character when she’s literally such a rich interesting and fascinating person…..anya babygirl i would treat you so right
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buriedpair · 5 months
I'm Inlove with your ocs — How would the yandere react to a dense darling with no knowledge of gambling or any games who goes to the casino every now and then, who still manage to win without cheating? Like the others are pissed off by them and yet here they are asking what the rules are because they're forgetful -
Ahem. Yes. The prompt. I only did Amias and Edge for this one, since Jackpot, DD, and Gambit aren't really in on the gambling side of things and it probably wouldn't change much.
Yandere!OCs x GN Reader
The casino has plenty of nice reviews. It's clean, and the drinks are good. As far as you're concerned, it's just like any other bar you've ever been to. When your friend dragged you along to play a game, you didn't think twice.
Um... but you've only ever played Go-Fish before...
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Upon first meeting you, Amias is really, REALLY frustrated. Somehow, he's losing money to you. It barely puts a dent in his funds, but wow. You ask what a Royal Flush is EVERY time, and every time you end up having one. There's no way it's Edge cheating, because even when he does, Amias ALWAYS wins.
You have the most insane, frustrating, INFURIATING beginners luck he has ever seen. It's driving him literally crazy. He's in his room tearing up playing cards and hanging up pictures of you and trying to figure out what you're trying to achieve. He wants to shake you so hard your brain falls out and you die. He's chewing his nails off and tearing his hair out.
Sometime after all that. when he's gathering pictures of you, he realizes that... Well, there's absolutely no reason he needs those. Why would he need those? He should get rid of them.
But the second he reaches for one of them to tear off his wall, he has a full-on panic attack and ends up sobbing on the floor.
He almost hurt you! Granted, it was just a picture of you, but it's YOU! You, who he has spent months watching and taking care of and--
Shit. Damnit. God, fuck. He's in love with you.
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Edge has never, in his entire career, had to explain to someone what "all in" means THIS many times.
Ahem, but he calmly reexplains with a smile. He deals your cards, and...
You won. Again.
You look gleeful, and later when he's laying alone in his dark bedroom, he can't get that look of joy out of his head. Not that he'd ever admit that.
He decides he's going to teach you the terms and the rules and everything you need to know.
And so the private tutoring begins. It's frustrating, but he manages to teach you all the things you need to know... While simultaneously memorizing all your quirks and habits. He knows you like the back of his hand now, and he wants more. He wants to take that information and use it to absolutely shatter you.
It's like a game. Should be fun, no?
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Double Down
DD could not care less how much you know about gambling. He's going to bite you. You will have rabies. And die.
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jesterthestar · 6 months
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☆ | author's note : hello ! Im so sorry for not posting for so long. :33 I have been feeling bad lately , but now that i spent most of my pocket money on energy drinks ... or vapes ( i have been drinking one per day for 20 days straight ) so it gave me an idea.
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★ | warnings : gn!reader ; fluff mostly ; cursing ( from reader mostly ) ; modern!human!alastor ; might be un canon ; can be seen both as planotic and romantic ( no specifics ) ; reader is in university ; alastor and reader are both in their early 20s ; in this AU alastor is not a murderer.
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Well it has been a while since you properly slept.
Your grades , for the most part weren't great so you spent hours to days studying without a stop until you were just dizzy from not eating for days on end. And not only that but your grades were still hot shit , which worried you since you didn't want to lose your scholarship. It wad already rare , so you were "blessed".
As you opened the apartment door the sounds of jazz met your ears , Alastor was already home. You didn't want to make your boyfriend upset , mostly about your habits , but you didn't know what to do to keep yourself a bit fresher than you wanted to be. You drifted into your thoughts as you took of your coat and hung it , then stepped into the apartment... well , stumbled. It would be much more fitting.
"Ah , dear , didn't notice you there ! How was your day?"
Alastor said with a smile as he helped you with your bag.
"Shitty , as usual. I think i'll fail geomtery this semester."
You exclaimed. Alastor chuckled as he led you to the kitchen.
"Well i think if you actually were healthy your grades would be much better so i-"
"Al. Babe , you don't have to take care of me , im not a child. It's only a month until the exams so i need to study non stop."
You gave him a gentle kiss on the head. He always cooked for you , every evening so by now your humble little apartment was nearly a food storage. You felt guilty and ungreatful , he worked hard and you just ended up brushing it off.
You went to the fridge and took out another energy drink... for gods sake it was the 3rd one today. Alastor took your wrist before you could open it.
"Darling i insist... and i'd prefer that you stopped drinking those ,it's bad for the heart ! And i don't want you getting more sick. Besides , it's saturday and i think you should give sunday out to take care of yourself."
You stared at him with your tired eyes. It was ... true. Everything he said was true. You barely payed attention to him even , which made you feel worse. You sighed before you brushed off his hand.
"Last one , Al. I swear i'll eat later."
You opened the can and took a gulp.
You realized it barely even helped you at this point , even though you had like a whole stash in your fridge. It was now a mere apitizer for your pathetic little life.
"Ugh , fine."
Alastor calmed down a bit and as you sat down at the table he placed a plate in front of you then sat across you , just watching you.
"You're not gonna eat ?"
"Oh , i already did."
"You know you don't look any better than me."
Alastors expression became annoyed. You looked like a skeleton and could barely lift up your bag, which wasn't that heavy because it was all just notes and papers.
"Fine , fine , im sorry."
You said before a shaky chuckle escaped your lips.
"You better be."
"Oh nooo , im so scared of mister thin tall and bad."
He forced out a laugh.
"Be greatful that mister thin tall and bad keeps you fed."
You couldn't complain about that. Your boyfriend was an absolute charmer. You decided to continue eating in silence.
"Maybe i'll have the honor to sleep with you tonight instead of you sleeping on your desk ?"
You just nodded. The idea was great ... but you'd lose 8 hours of studying.
"What do i get in return?"
"Oho , what do you get ? I think you got enough. Consider it... payment."
You laughed at your boyfriend.
Honestly you sometimes thought how'd you even get him into your arms. He was the one to initiate every move at first. Gifting you various gifts and even helping you with your home task, which you failed... plenty of times. He was such a charmer , and you were a clean paper. It seemed irrational
You snapped out of your thoughts... literally , ad Alastor snapped his fingers in front of your face.
"Eat up. We have to go to bed soon."
"I love you."
Alastor stared at you for a good moment before he slowly chuckled with a sweet voice.
"I love you too... but you still hsve to eat."
His hand lifted up to your face and wiped the corner of your mouth with a napkin.
What a sweet night.
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♱   | ok but i would LOVE to live like that. I cry for 2 hours straight when i come back from university or work. ( average adulthood life )
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no-higher-thought · 22 days
said you wanted to talk about 2bhank on your last post... well i'm all ears.
oo Wait fr ??
Oh my goodness gracious youve no idea what you just released anon FUCK you for making me write all this down /lh
Very unorganised thoughts cause i had like 12 pages worth of ramblings in my notes and had to cut it down. It was borderline just nonsense, man. Im losing it. Sorry if words don't make sense.
First off, they can and have hurt eachother. Hard not to, in a world as fucked up as theirs. Hank is someone who only knows violence, and doc is far too used to manipulating people and circumstances to gain the upper hand. In combat, in business deals, sieges, all that jazz.
But honestly, considering everything ? Their relationship is definitely among the healthiest, most stable in all of Nevada. Mostly cause the bar is all the way in The Nowhere but. y'know.
Both see it as VERY transactional, which, i mean. It is, first and foremost, a business deal so like. Fair i suppose. Hank is very good at their job of killing, and doc is very good at pointing them at nice targets. A sort of  "ah shit they didn't slam the door this time guess i gotta be extra careful pulling all the shrapnel out of their abdominal cavity."
There was never any moment one could consider "feelings realization" or whatever. They're simply incredibly close as a result of just how LONG they've worked together. Neither is particularly keen on asking somethn like "what are we to eachother?" Because it just. Doesn't. Matter to them.
That and like. I am very aroace. Hank is canon aroace. Saw doc fanart with ace ring once and have been rotating it in my brain since. Big fan of non-traditional relationships, man.
It's mostly convenience, methinks. Hank may not need doc to bring them back to life, but it sure does make the process a lot shorter and less painful. Doc doesn't need hank, he has plenty of money and access to many of Nevada's most feared mercenaries. He could find someone else to do his dirty work, if need be.
And yet.
Every moment they spend together is a moment of putting their life in the other's hands. Hank trusts him not to staple their legs on backwards, and doc trusts them to not dome him the moment he turns around. Don't get me wrong, it's not trust in the other, no. It's trusting that the other isn't dumb enough to get rid of a valuable asset.
But frankly, to someone used to nothing but pain and violence, a simple lack of it might as well be a loving embrace.
Theirs is a relationship built off of many years of contracts, of shared goals, of depending on eachother, expecting the other to catch them when they fall. When they crawl back battered and bloodied. When they pass out from overworking in front of their computer for the upteenth time this week.
They'd share a bed simply because both have horrific waking nightmares and huddling together on a shitty moldy mattress helps. A net positive, mutualism. They might seek some affection from the other, but its always self-serving.
Still. Neither of them are sentimental. If the machine took them on different paths, or hell, if they had to kill the other (for one reason or another), i don't think either of them would mourn.
Simply fill their time with the next mission at hand.
Doc could kill hank. They've been under his knife often enough. It wouldn't stick, sure, but he's very much capable of sending them back to the Other place, at least once.
Hank could absolutely kill doc. There's very little stopping them. All it would take is a single hand around his neck and one good squeeze.
But they don't.
They don't, and neither does he. Because at the end of the day, both of them benefit more when the other is alive.
... Anyways uh hank is a cuddler. With how fucked up their nerves must be, i bet most of their sense of touch is straight up just pain. Which would be be a bigger deal, except. Doc has access to heavy-duty painkillers. How can you not, in some odd way, love the guy that makes the pain go away, even for a bit ?
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packsvlog · 2 months
HIIIIII i love your work and i wanted to try out the matchmaking prompt you have ok here’s my description:
I am 5,10 (yes tall i know) i have brown eyes, freckles and i’m black and colombian. I speak fluent french and spanish. I have heterochromia ( my right eye is green) I also have a beauty mark on my upper lip.
As for my personality….
I like to think i’m very funny, i can’t really take anything seriously, i laugh a lot usually not in the best situations. And despite what i just said i usually don’t like talking to people because i get very easily irritated sometimes( it really just depends) I LOVE to sleep, and it’s actually kind of bad sometimes because i’ll literally sleep until someone wakes me up. I have a major sweet tooth and could seriously eat candy for the rest of my life but i also really like to work out. Ummm im lowkey broke ngl i’m too lazy to work and if i do get money i spend it within like 2 days of having it. and uhhh that’s all!
(also ignore my shit punctuation sorry)
you seem like the prettiest person ever, hello??? also i had three matches for you being geto, gojo and toji, but nanami came and was like “nah.”
•⁀➷ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. . . ﹫ 𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪 ៹ ༉‧₊
kento could try and lie to himself, that what called his attention was your strength to beat a stitched curse — shooting through the air during his mission, landing right in front of him. blood covered your skin, yet you were majestical to him. when you fixed your attention on him, eyes shinning with mischief, you winked and said to him “are you alright, mon coeur?”
he disguised it all with a dinner date, as gratitude for saving his life in shibuya. later, he showed you how grateful he could actually be.
nanami finds himself devoted very quickly. there are certain personality traits you have he could not accept so easily. see, sometimes you act like satoru, and he doesn’t like that very much. still, he loves you even more. still, it’s you, the one that does no wrong in his eyes.
so, in the middle of it all, dazed inside a mist of love and passion, he finds himself coming out of his trance in the most baffling moments. for example, after giving you all the candies you wish, it’s like a mind link, you crave and he grants. nanami snorts half way through the bag when he realized it’s the fourth day in a row he has been spoiling you.
“why are you laughing, mi amor?” silk voice with sprinkled sour candy, you smile lovingly and he stares back the same way.
“i love you, just that.”
how easy it is for kento to indulge you in whatever you wish. yet, he knows he has to put his foot down, so here comes the balance. candies are only for the weekends or after lunch, and only fifteen minutes naps are allowed (you take four a day).
god, nanami loves to wake you up. sleepy eyes, groggy expressions and mumbles. he kisses the dreams away, bringing you back from slumber with more energy than ever.
truth is, nanami doesn’t mind your bad habits if only he is the one to keep you balanced. he would never, in a million years, cut your things off, instead he adores your sparky eyes and tongue tinted with bubblegum, to come home and catch you cuddled up on the couch, wearing his clothes and sleeping waiting for him to get you from dreamland. and like a knight and a romantic, he gets you. he’ll always get you.
──── 𓇼 ° ⋆ FUN FACTS ᵎᵎ
۫ ּ ﹗nanami’s favorite sounds come from you — your voice and laugh, he often loses his composure and laugh with you as well. is quite a sight for those who aren’t used to seeing even a single smirk from him.
۫ ּ ﹗nanami buys everything you need, and slowly he helps you to deal with this desire to waste it all, mostly because you’re not wasting yours but instead his. nanami is rich, i don’t make the rules.
۫ ּ ﹗you can get irritated with him sometimes, but never long enough. he can sense the atmosphere changing and come home with a bouquet and a box of chocolate. you both much rather shit talk about others than fight each-other.
۫ ּ ﹗you go quiet, he goes. you tell geto and gojo to eat shit, nanami makes sure they do. he is a simp, trying hard to pretend it’s all under control, but he falls for your antics so easily. the biggest supporter!
۫ ּ ﹗teach him all the languages you know, he learns easily and loves to call you “mi vida” or “chérie
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