#last time i tried to make this point i got hated on :p
kil9 · 9 months
I wish when ppl talked about eating healthy they actually meant eating healthy, and not a roundabout way of saying "being skinny". what's considered "health food" is food that doesn't make you fat, no matter how harmful it actually is for human consumption. and what's considered "unhealthy" is what makes you fat, no matter how nourishing it is.
like. to eat healthy you have to eat.. enough. and this means also eating carbs and fats and sugars, sorry !!! this also means sometimes you will become fatter because this is what your body wants to do to store nutrients
like if a skinny person is eating handfuls of flax seeds (very toxic to humans and potentially lethal. ie not healthy) ppl will go yaay health food<3 skinny legend !!! but if I (fat) am eating a burger with cheese and tomato and lettuce and onion (has basically every food group inside, and protein, iron, calcium, vitamin c, etc. and will give me energy for a good portion of the day) ppl get disgusted because this is socially designated Fat Food :'(
like. get over it. in your perfect ideal future where everyone eats healthy, ppl will still be fat !!! get over it ! and people will also eat things that straight up ARE unhealthy because they want to ! and you still have to get over it :(
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rafesaddiction · 8 months
It's not cheating when he's your best friend – Rafe Cameron x Reader
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See here for part 2
Summary: You and your best friend Rafe want to watch some movies together, but your jealous boyfriend keeps calling you and makes you cry. Rafe takes care of you.
Concept: best friends, one bed
Warnings: mdni! – smut, fingering, sex, p in v, cheating (reader cheats on boyfriend), jealousy, hints at toxic relationship, name calling (reader is called slut), protective!rafe, but also kinda mean!rafe
Word count: 3.9k
“Now what has the dick done this time?”
“His name is Nick and you know that,” you punched your best friend against his chest, causing him to mouth an “ouch!” and rub the spot you had hit, pretending to be hurt, though you knew even if you'd tried, you could not actually hurt him. He was so much stronger than you. And hitting him with your fist, you just felt his hard muscles and actually hurt your own hand a little.
“Whatever. He's a dick for sure,” Rafe shrugged, reached over you to grab the popcorn. His arm brushed your chest, just hardly touching your shirt, and weirdly it made you shiver.
You frowned at Rafe who had already turned his face towards the TV screen again. You were sitting next to him on the floor in front of his bed. Sure it wasn't as comfortable as if you had been sitting on the bed, but it was kind of your thing. Yours and Rafe's. When you were kids you used to do that all the time, sit as close to the TV screen as possible, because “it was like going to the movies”, the screen seemed so much bigger. Now the screen was actually huge, it still felt bigger sitting on the floor and looking up. You kind of felt like kids again, even though you were both adults now. It was a feeling of nostalgia, something you hadn't known you had missed that much.
It had been a while since you had done this, just a movie night with your best friend since childhood. Though your college wasn't that far away from the island, you had hardly seen Rafe in the last couple of months. And you'd missed this, hanging out with your best friend. Watching a movie marathon – Rafe had picked tonight's movies: all four John Wick films. And even though you had rolled your eyes when Rafe told you, you had to admit the movies were actually fun to watch. And you enjoyed yourself, eating popcorn, sitting next to each other, chatting or just watching in silence when a scene got extremely exciting.
You enjoyed yourself more than you had in a while. And you were so glad that you had agreed to spending time with Rafe before you would have to drive back to college the next day.
Well, you had enjoyed yourself, until your phone just wouldn't keep quiet. You had it on silent, but you could see the screen blinking. And you couldn't ignore it, because it might be important.
It was your boyfriend who had been texting you. And you hated to leave him on read, so you replied. But he didn't stop. You told him – again – you would call him later, you were watching movies with your best friend. His answer wasn't what you had hoped for.
You were just typing back when Rafe asked you what your boyfriend had done.
You really didn't want to talk about it, you wanted to relax, not think about your boyfriend or college or the next day when you would have to return, not think about how much you had missed just being yourself in the company of your best friend.
But your phone kept ringing. Your boyfriend was now calling you. You sighed.
You saw Rafe glancing at you sideways.
You should just put your phone away, and ignore it. But you were already too upset to enjoy the movie.
So you got up.
“I gotta take this,” you told Rafe, pointing at your phone, and you didn't even wait for his reply, but went to the adjoining bathroom and closed the door behind you.
You took a deep breath before answering the phone.
“Hi babe, I—” But your boyfriend didn't let you finish. He started talking right away, though it wasn't actually talking, he was yelling at you. He was furious that you had ignored him. You tried to explain, but he wouldn't listen.
“Why haven't you told me who you are meeting?”
“I didn't think it was such a big deal. Rafe's my best friend, you know that. I've known him since forever…”
Your boyfriend went to high school with you, so he knew who Rafe Cameron was. And he had never gotten along with him. Which was okay, because you only started dating at college. And that was when you found out that he hated your best friend. But since you hardly ever saw Rafe, he was never really a topic in your relationship. Until now.
“Don't think I'm stupid, y/n. He's not just a friend. He's Rafe Cameron.”
“But he is my friend!” You had tried to keep quiet, but your emotions were in turmoil. You didn't know how it had happened, but you were almost feeling angry.
“A friend who wants to fuck you. But that's what you want, huh? You just wanna be one of his dumb sluts? He's using you!”
Tears filled your eyes and you couldn't hold them back at his harsh words.
“That's not true,” your voice sounded weak and you sobbed.
He wouldn't listen. He just accused you of these ridiculous things, calling you names, and then he just hung up. You tried to call him back, but the call went straight to voice mail.
Your mind was racing, your heart was beating so fast, you felt it would explode in your chest. Tears were running down your cheeks, but you didn't even care to wipe them from your face when you left the bathroom to return to Rafe's bedroom.
He was still sitting on the floor in front of the bed. The movie was paused, you noticed from the silence in the room, and it kind of touched you that he had been so considerate to pause the movie, so you wouldn't miss a scene.
He looked up at you, but you tried to avoid his gaze as you walked closer.
“I need to go,” you said, hardly audibly.
“What?” Rafe frowned at you. “Dicky calls and you come running?”
For a moment, you wondered if he was hurt. After all, you had promised to spend time with him, watch a John Wick marathon. And you hadn't seen him for so long.
“I can't do this now,” you sniffled and shook your head. You couldn't deal with your best friend's hurt feelings too now, even though you felt bad. But you needed to leave now, you needed to make things right with your boyfriend.
You reached down to pick up your bag that was lying on the floor next to Rafe, when he suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you down. You let out a surprised gasp as you fell right onto his lap, where he caught you, where he held you.
You struggled and tried to get up.
“Let me go, asshole,” you punched his shoulder, but Rafe only held you closer in both his arms.
“What now? I'm the asshole, but he makes you cry?”
Rafe grabbed your jaw, making you look at him when you tried to turn your face away.
“Let me go,” you said, blinking tears away.
“Only when you tell me what's going on. What has he done to you?”
You tried to shake your head, struggling to get up, but he was stronger, so much stronger, and the way he held you, held you like he would never let go off you, you became overwhelmed by your emotions, no longer able to get your act together, instead of pushing away, you now clung to your best friend. You buried your face at the crook of his neck, and he held you. Tears were soaking his shirt and he caressed your hair. You were shaking and trembling and sobbing, and Rafe pulled you closer.
This side of him wasn't new to you, but no one else knew him like this, caring, protecting. And you had only seen him like this on few occasions. And it was like your body reacted to his. Though your feelings were still in turmoil, your shaking had stopped, your crying became quieter. Your hands were still clinging to the fabric of his shirt.
He was quiet and you could just feel his calm breathing, when you got quieter yourself after some time. He did not say anything, did not urge you. And you felt so comfortable. So safe. And you realized that you hadn't felt like this in months. You hadn't felt like this since you left.
You were only sobbing quietly after a while and moved your head back, to gaze at your best friend.
He looked at you, and on his lips was a little smile, as if he was looking at something precious.
You suddenly became very aware of his gaze.
“Don’t look at me. I look like a mess,” you cast your eyes down.
“Hot mess,” he said softly and you felt your cheeks flushing.
You tried to punch his chest, but he caught your fist in his hand, wrapping it around it, holding it. This time, you didn't try to struggle and pull it away, you felt this warmth from the closeness, not just surrounding your hand. You looked up from his big hand holding yours to his face, finding his eyes still on you.
“You're fucking beautiful and if he doesn't make you feel that way, he doesn't deserve you.”
An incredible heat was rushing to your face and you knew you were blushing crimson.
“You only say that because you’re my best friend.”
“I shouldn't say that because I am your best friend…”
Your lips opened at his words, but instead of speaking you only breathed in. And you could feel his breath on your face, on your lips. You closed your mouth and unconsciously your tongue touched your lips, as if trying to feel something there.
His blue eyes looked at you, so intensely, you could almost feel them on you.
His fingers moved and he was caressing your hand still in his. It was such a light movement, such a delicate touch, but it sent waves of electricity through your body. This tingling sensation made you restless and your body wriggled in his arms, making you well aware of the fact that you were sitting in his lap. You inhaled sharply.
“I should go,” you mumbled and tried to get up.
Rafe held you tighter, his hand around your fist pressed against is chest. His other arm around your back.
“Rafe, let me go,” you urged.
“Only when you tell me what he's done to you.”
You shook your head, but Rafe suddenly gripped your jaws again, and this time so hard, it hurt a little. He looked at you, his eyes narrowed, a frown on his forehead and his voice was so stern, so commanding, it made you shiver.
“What did he say to you? Tell me now.”
You looked down with your eyes but somehow you couldn't refuse his command.
“He called me a dumb slut and said you just wanted to use me.”
There was silence, a cold, icy silence. You watched his face.
His brows furrowed, his nostrils flared, his jaws clenched.
“I'm gonna kill him.”
You saw his eyes darken, his handsome features grew tense. And even though you were sure that he didn't mean what he said, you felt a shiver running down your spine, because he kind of looked as if he meant it.
He was about to get up, and you were slipping from his lap in that motion. But you clung to him.
“No, Rafe, don't!”
And even though you were weaker than him, your hands pressed on his broad shoulders and you somehow managed to push him down, so he remained seated and you found yourself straddling his lap now.
His chest was rising and falling, as if from exhaustion. His hands found your hips and you felt you were panting too. Suddenly feeling so hot and restless.
“I'm gonna go,” you said, but you didn't get up.
“I can't let you drive like this. You’re a bad driver anyway, and you'll surely crash into some tree or something when you drive in this state.”
You frowned at his words.
“But I need to get back to college in the morning.”
You felt his hands grip your hips firmer, even though you didn't try to move.
“You can just stay the night and drive in the morning after you've rested.”
It wouldn't be the first night you spent at your best friend's. Though it had been a while.
“Rose is redecorating the guest room – again. You can't sleep in there. But you can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the floor.”
“But –”
“No buts.”
And that and the stern look on his face shut you up.
You weren't in the mood to continue watching the movie marathon and it was late anyway, so you decided to go to sleep. Rafe gave you one of his t-shirts to wear for the night, and you went into the bathroom to change and wash your face. It was a warm night, so you only wore the t-shirt over your panties, it was way too big for you, but it was extremely comfortable.
When you returned to the bedroom, you found Rafe putting a blanket on the floor next to the bed, making some make-shift bed. He was just wearing boxer briefs, and even though the light was dim, you could see his well-defined body clearly. You'd seen him like this before, of course. Like when you had been at the beach or swimming in the pool. Yet somehow, seeing him in his underwear felt different, more intimate.
You stood there, hands clutching the hem of the oversized t-shirt at your thighs. And you looked at him when he straightened up and turned towards you.
You felt his eyes travelling over your body and you quickly started moving towards the bed.
“What are you doing there?”
Rafe tilted his head. You pointed at the floor.
“You don't have to sleep on the floor. Your bed is big enough for the two of us. This is ridiculous.”
“Yeah, maybe I don't want to get hit when you're tossing and turning in your sleep?”
“I did that once! When I was eight!”
“Once was enough. And it really hurt when you punched my ribs in your sleep. So, no thank you. I'll take the floor.”
Rafe took a pillow from the bed and was about to set it on the floor when you grabbed his arm, to get that pillow back.
“You're stupid. This is stupid!”
You frowned at him, pulled at his arm, to get the pillow, and in your struggling with him, he must have lost balance, because you suddenly found yourself on your back on the bed and Rafe was lying on top of you. That pillow still in his hand, your hand around his wrist, with his arm and yours above your head on the bed.
You looked up at him, your face just an inch away from his. You could hardly see his features, but you felt the proximity, felt it so intensely. Felt that heat that was radiating from his body, felt it crawling over your skin. You felt the weight of his body on yours. And your breathing got harder.
You felt him shift, just a bit, on top of you, as if trying not to crush you and you inhaled and his scent filled your lungs.
You felt a light touch on your cheek. The fingertips of his free hand caressed your face.
“I'll sleep in the bed with you, if you promise me not to cry over that douchebag anymore,” his voice low, as he spoke those words, moving his lips so close hovering over yours. His eyes held your gaze. You nodded softly. And he got up and you exhaled a breath you didn't know you were holding in.
You kept lying on your back, just for some seconds, unable to move, still feeling his fingertips on your cheek, his body's weight pressing you down, feeling dizzy all of a sudden.
But then the bed tilted and you looked to the side, seeing that Rafe was getting into the bed, and you moved to make room for him.
You lay on your side, facing him as he pulled the blanket over you. His face once again close to yours, just for some seconds.
“Night, y/n.”
“Good night, Rafe.”
He turned on his back and switched off the lights. You turned to the other side and closed your eyes, focused on his breathing. You felt your own heart beating so rapidly at first, but after some time, you got calmer and were able to relax.
You must have fallen asleep, because when you woke up, you felt Rafe's body close behind yours, his arm loosely wrapped around you. You smelled his dark scent so intensely, felt his heat getting under your shirt. You felt his breath at the back of your head and a light shiver was running down your spine.
“Rafe?” You softly whispered his name, but he must have been fast asleep. He didn't answer, didn't move.
Carefully you placed your hand on his, your fingertips feeling along his long fingers.
He didn't move. His breathing still so calm.
His chest was pressing against your back and you could feel his regular heartbeat. It felt so familiar. You felt so safe.
And yet you couldn't stay still.
You bit your lips and moved, just a bit, arching your back, moving your butt back, pressing it against his crotch.
His breathing remained calm, telling you, he was still asleep, still unaware of what you were doing.
And you moved your butt just a little bit more and you felt him, felt him so prominently, you gasped in surprise. That tingling you felt turned into something hotter and you felt your core pulsing all of a sudden. You were breathing through your opened mouth as you felt this heat rushing through your body.
But Rafe was still breathing calmly, he was still asleep.
You felt him stir behind you, felt how hard he was, poking against your ass.
His palm was on your lower stomach. You felt it move under your hand. His calm breathing so close to your ear.
His hand moved down, moved over the fabric of the t-shirt you were wearing, and the pressure made you gasp and push back a little more.
You let go off his hand, but grasped the sheets. You tried to calm your breathing, but you were panting as you felt his fingers move under your shirt, felt his warm touch on your burning skin.
You couldn't see anything but you pressed your eyes shut nonetheless as his fingers slipped into your panties. They touched your heat, touched your most sensitive parts.
You let out a small whimper and your back arched further.
You listened, but he was so calm, so still, as if he was still asleep, and only his fingers were moving. And they moved between your legs. His fingers gently parting your folds.
You pressed your mouth shut, but you were sure that embarrassingly whining sound could be heard in the darkness of the room.
His fingertip rubbed your pearl and your body reacted, tensing up as you felt this incredible hot need literally throbbing.
You felt his breath so close to your ear and it sent a different kind of shiver through your body.
One finger slipped inside you, and you clenched around it hard. But he pushed deeper and you gasped. And you didn't know how but you were so wet, it made it easy for him to add another finger, though you pressed your legs tightly together.
For a moment, his digits just remained there, inside you, not moving. So very still like the rest of his body.
Then you felt his hard cock pressing against your ass, the length between your cheeks. And as if following some instinct, you rocked your hips, rubbed against him, creating more friction, creating more heat that made you shiver.
His fingers started moving inside you, pushing deeper, curling, and finding a spot that made you outright moan, and unable to suppress that sound.
His thumb pressed hard on your pearl, teasing you and sending hot bolts of pure need through your body. And your body was on heat, there was no other way to describe it. Every cell of your body was aching for his touch now. And he touched you, so good, so intensely, so determined.
You were moaning and whimpering as his fingers opened you up, made you spread your legs, urging him to go deeper, pushing against his thrusts, and pressing against his hardness.
You felt your climax building up quickly as his fingers pushed harder, moved deeper and more ruthlessly inside you, taking you.
You felt his hot lips on your neck as you pushed your head back, your body convulsing. Your hand wrapped around his wrist, but you weren't sure if you were trying to stop him – or if you even could.
His thumb rubbing your most sensitive pearl, making you clamp your walls around his fingers, you couldn't have stopped it, it was almost as if he was forcing that orgasm into you and you gave in, gave in willingly and with everything you had, everything you were, letting that wave of pure pleasure roll over you. Moaning shamelessly, your body trembling as his fingers fucked you through an overwhelming climax.
You lay there, panting, sweat covering your body, and you were still feeling dizzy from the aftermath of that amazing orgasm, when you felt a shiver of cold. He lifted the blanket off of you. And before you could ask why, you felt his hand on your thigh and he lifted up your leg. And before you could wonder what he was up to, you felt his fingers push your soaking wet panties to the side. And before you could really grasp what was going on, you felt his hard cock push inside you from behind.
You cried out as you were stretched by his thickness.
His hand covered your mouth, muffling your cries, as he pushed deeper, pushed his whole length into you. You felt like he was splitting you in two, he was so big, pushing so hard, but at the same time this was all you wanted, all your body was craving for.
Your body shook from his hard thrusts, and he wrapped his arm around you, holding you close, making you feel his rapid heartbeat, making you feel him, so intensely, you forgot where you ended and where he began. You felt as if you were melting into him as he took you with long hard thrusts, took you as if you were only his.
And when you felt his hot cum spilling inside you, your body convulsed so hard around him, making him gasp into your ear and you came again, and he was fucking you through another high, this time not as fierce, but even more intense as you felt this connection with him, something you had never felt before.
You were still panting and your body was trembling as he rolled you around and took you in his arms. His lips kissing your face, tasting your sweat, tasting your tears.
“You're one of my sluts now.”
You froze as you heard his dark whisper.
“What?” You moved your head back to look at him though it was too dark to make out his features.
“I said, go back to sleep now,” he said, softly. And kissed your forehead, before cradling you in his strong arms. Your head resting against his shoulder, as he held you. Held you close.
a/n: Thank you for reading. This was probably much sweeter than what I usually write. I hope you enjoyed it. All feedback is very much appreciated.
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munsonsmixtapes · 1 month
First Time
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Find part two here!
virgin!Eddie x experienced!fem!reader
since smut won the poll, heres what I came up with!
summary: you hook up with a very inexperienced Eddie in a club bathroom
cw: MDNI 18+ smut (p in v) oral (m receiving) Eddie receives a handjob
The club was very overcrowded with dancing bodies covering the dance floor. You had a drink in your hand and were dancing the night away without a care in the world. By that time in the night, you usually had someone to take home, but you came up empty handed. Nobody looked good. They were all either drunk off their asses or definitely looked like they’d slip something into your drink when you weren’t looking.
You scanned the place one last time, deciding that if you didn’t find anyone, you’d just go home by yourself, your only company being your fingers and vibrator. They did the job just fine, but sometimes you just didn’t want to fall asleep alone.
You noticed a table that was to the far left. Four men were sitting at it, laughing their asses off about something while sipping from their drinks. Your eyes locked on the one with curly hair, deciding that he was the one. He was so pretty and definitely your type. As you got closer, you could see that he had a beard which made you even more attracted to him.
You could practically imagine his beard scraping your chin and above your top lip as he kissed you roughly, his fingers digging into your hips as he tried to pull you closer.
As you approached the table, you noticed the small silver hoop looped through the right side of his nose. You loved men with piercings, finding them to be very attractive. Everyone at the table but him looked your way, all curious as to who you were going to talk to.
“Hey handsome,” you greeted but he still wasn’t making eye contact with you, almost as if he was avoiding it. The Black guy sitting next to him nudged his shoulder and he turned in his direction, only for his friend to point to you.
“Me?” He seemed confused as he pointed at himself, his eyebrows furrowing.
“You are handsome, aren’t you?” You asked, quirking an eyebrow as he got all flustered. God, he was adorable.
“I mean, I guess so,” he shrugged. You loved a modest man. Too many of them had a lot of confidence for being so mediocre.
“What’s your name?” His own name completely faded from his brain. Women didn’t usually talk to him, especially not super hot women such as yourself.
“Eddie,” the guy on the other side of him answered for him. For whatever reason, the name suited him. He looked like an Eddie.
“Well, Eddie, do you want to dance with me?” Dance? Eddie could do that to save his life, but since such a beautiful woman was asking, he had no choice but to say yes.
“He’d love to,” the same guy answered for him and pushed him up from his seat. You weren’t going to dance with him if he didn’t want to. Consent was very important and only wanted to do things with people if they were really enthusiastic about it. And that went for both inside and outside the bedroom.
“Would you?” You asked, wanting to make sure.
“I really would,” he nodded furiously and stood up from his chair, taking the hand that you were offering him.
You pulled Eddie out on the dance floor and he was quick to turn to his friends in panic. He had no idea what he was doing, but they all just gave him a reassuring thumbs up.
He liked the way your hand felt in his, all soft and warm. He let you lead him through all of the drunk, dancing bodies on the floor, just happy to be there. He tried his best to keep up with how fast your legs were moving. There was no way that he was losing you in the crowd. He could barely handle going to clubs with his friends, let alone by himself.
This whole thing was so overstimulating; the lights, the loud music and the people yelling over the loud music. Eddie hated it, but he only went because his friends liked it. While they danced, he sat at the table, throwing back glasses of whiskey like they were going out of style.
But there he was, actually getting his ass out onto the floor because you had asked him. He had denied so many invitations because he was afraid of looking stupid or being made fun of which had just been a product of not being desired in his youth. He was the freak, a loser, a person who just wasn’t worth anyone’s time. So why did he think that he was worth yours?
You stopped in the center of the floor and turned your back to him, taking no time to grind your ass on his dick to the beat of the pop song that was blasting through the speakers. Eddie had no idea what he was doing, but he was loving whatever was going on.
You grabbed his hands that were still by his side and guided him to rest them on your waist. You moved to the music together and Eddie could already feel his dick getting hard at the feelings of your ass grinding against his crotch.
If you noticed, you didn’t say anything. You turned around as the song chance and draped your arms around his shoulders. Eddie’s hands ended up on your ass when you moved in his arms and quickly slid his hands up to your back, thinking that it was a safe place for them.
“You’re quite the dancer, Eddie,” you smiled and he was grateful that you couldn’t see his blush in the terrible club lighting. He knew you were lying but he appreciated the compliment. He couldn’t dance to save his life and was sure that you agreed.
“Oh, am I?” He sounded so unsure and you thought it was refreshing that a man as attractive as him had no idea how good he was at anything.
“Definitely,” you nodded then leaned closer, your lips right by your ear. “You know, I can take care of that little problem in your pants if you’d like.” He felt a shiver run down his spine at both your breath and thinking about you “taking care” of his boner.
The thought made him kind of nervous. He didn’t have any sexual experience, hell, he hadn’t even kissed anyone since Josie Geller when he was thirteen and that hadn’t really counted. It wasn’t like he hadn’t had offers, he’d had many, but his insecurity always got the best of him. He was just convinced that it was all a prank and was quick to shut it down, not wanting to fall for anything like that again. He had had enough tin high school.
But for some reason, he has fully believed that you were being genuine. He could see the look in your eyes; it was excited and full of lust. You had to be telling the truth. Either that, or you were just a really good actress and he didn’t think that was the case.
“I would love that.” His words came out breathy and rushed and he hoped that you couldn’t see how desperate he was for you to help him with his little problem.
You took him by the hand and the two of you made a beeline for the bathroom. Eddie was almost giggling while you kept it cool. You had had your fair share of bathroom sex while he hadn’t had sex period. It was almost funny how opposite you were.
You pushed the women’s bathroom door open and checked to make sure no one else was in there before pushing him into one of the stalls. Eddie pressed his hands against the walls so he wouldn’t fall into the toilet while you locked the door and turned around to face him, your eyes lighting up as you took him in.
He was so hot even in the dark of the bathroom stall with the way his messy, curly hair that you just wanted to run your hands through, giving it a tug as pounded into you. Your gaze moved to his pretty pink lips and you could see that they were a bit chapped but you hardly minded. You just needed to feel them on yours.
You leaned forward, but Eddie put his hand on your shoulder to stop you. He took a deep breath before licking his lips, preparing himself to tell you the truth. He felt he owed that to you.
“Before we start anything, I should tell you that I’m a virgin.” Your eyes widened, now feeling guilty for pulling him into the stall. You pulled your hands away, backing up to the door, trying your best to give him space in the small area.
“Oh my god, I-I had no idea.” You put your hands up to your face to cover it, but Eddie quickly pulled them away.
“How could you have known?” Eddie wasn’t going to blame you for something you didn’t know. He just wanted you to be aware of the situation before you continued.
“We don’t-we don’t have to-”
“But I want to.” Even though Eddie didn’t know you, he still felt like he could trust you, not getting a single feeling in his gut like he had all the other times women approached him. It just felt right being there with you and he was hoping you felt the same.
“You do?” You wanted to be one hundred percent certain before you continued, wanting him to be absolutely sure that it was what he wanted.
“So badly. I mean,” his snapped to his still very hard dick and your gaze followed. “Still want to take care of it for me?”
“You’re sure you want to lose it to a stranger?” Eddie stepped closer to you so that you were chest to chest. He looked at you, taking in all your features and now that he was looking at you up close, he could confirm that you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and couldn’t have been more honored to have you take his virginity.
“I’m sure.” He gave you a nod and you slowly moved your arms to wrap around his neck while his went to your waist. You slowly inched your face towards his, capturing his bottom lip between your two.
He was quick to respond, mimicking your actions, hoping that he was as good at it as you were. He honestly had no idea what he was doing, but he was confident that you’d teach him, showing him exactly what he needed to do so he was fully prepared for next time.
The kiss slowly progressed to hot and heavy as you swiped your tongue along Eddie’s bottom lip. He opened up and let his tangle with yours, a whimper escaping from the back of his throat as he did so. His eyes widened at the noise and he pulled away, covering his mouth with his hand.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed,” you told him softly. “Make as much noise as you want. And actually, I found that really hot.” Even though first times could be awkward for some, you wanted Eddie’s to be memorable for him. Something he could look back on positively and not in embarrassment.
“Oh.” His cheeks burned at your compliment and you thought it was adorable how you could make him blush so easily.
“Wanna make it again?” Eddie thought for a moment and decided that he did, especially since you thought it sounded hot.
“I do, actually,” he nodded and your lips were back on his in a second. You licked into his mouth once again and he let out another whimper, not holding it back this time. You felt your cunt getting wet at hearing the noise and you slow moved your hand down his chest, stopping right when it got to his belt buckle.
You pulled away and looked at him for permission. He nodded his head furiously, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth and you slowly unbuckled his belt, giving him plenty of time to back out if he wanted to. You pulled down his pants and let them his the tops of his shoes before shimmying his underwear down his legs. You let out a gasp at how big he was, feeling honored that you were the first one that he was going to let touch it.
“Wow,” you said, looking back up at his eyes. “You really are huge, aren’t you? I’m going to consider myself grateful that you’re going to let me take care of it.”
“Wouldn’t want it to be anyone else, to be honest.”
Beads of pre were falling from the head and you looked around for your purse that had fallen to the floor at some point. You pulled out a small bottle of lube and put some in one of your hands before letting it and your purse to fall back to the floor.
You stepped forward and grabbed hold of Eddie’s dick, moving your hand up and down the shaft slowly to test the waters to see if he liked it. His hands moved to hold on to the wall as he threw his head back. A moan fell from his lips and you were convinced that you hadn’t heard anything hotter.
You continued to pump, making your movements harder and faster at his commands, wanting him to be in control and tell you what he wanted. Moan after moan fell from his lips and now you felt like he was ready for more.
“Can I suck you off?” You asked, your hand slowing down, but still moving at a good pace. Eddie still had his head titled backwards, his eyes closed and you felt yourself getting even more wet at seeing him like that, coming undone from your touch.
“God, please,” he groaned and you slowly dropped to your knees.
Your hand wrapped around the base and you took him into your mouth giving his dick a suck while your tongue swirled around the head. Eddie’s hands pressed flat against the stall as he threw his head back even more at the pleasure he was experiencing. God, this was so much better than using his hand.
“Shit,” he moaned, his breath becoming heavy. He closed his eyes, trying hard to prevent his knees from buckling. “Fuck.”
You continued to suck, taking all of him into your mouth, ignoring the fact that your eyes were watering, desperate to give him the best head of his life. Your tongue swiped along to tip another time as you sucked the hardest you could, eliciting the prettiest sounds from Eddie.
For the finale, you stood up and gently pulled down on his chin to force him to look at you. His eyes opened and he watched you swallow, feeling his knees buckle as you did so. God, you were so fucking hot.
“Fuck,” he moaned and pulled you into a kiss, his beard scratching roughly at your skin as he took what he wanted from you, you happy to be pliant under his touch. His hands moved down to your pants and you let him unbutton them, pushing them down so they hit your ankles and you kicked them off, leaving them in a small pile next to you.
“Is that all for me?” Eddie asked, his lips parting as he stared down at the wet patch that had dampened your underwear.
“And only for you,” you winked. “You think you’re ready to get inside me?”
“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life,” he breathed.
You pulled a condom from your purse and opened it before sliding it onto his cock. Once he was all set, you stepped forward, helping him line up with your pussy. He then slowly entered you, the two of you letting out moans as he did so.
He grabbed onto your waist and slowly pumped in and out of you, trying to feel it out for himself. You moaned as he pumped, closing your eyes in pleasure as you grabbed onto his neck.
“Am I doing this right?” He asked, unsure and you just moaned in response.
“Oh, Eddie.”
He began to moved a little faster which elicited more moans from you as you wound your hands into his hair, giving it tug after tug. You both moved together, feeling nothing but pleasure as he began to pound into you.
“Just like that, baby, yeah,” you whined and Eddie continued, feeling super confident about his movements, knowing that you’d let him know if you didn’t like something.
Sex was far better than he thought it was going to be, but he was sure that it was all because of you. You had been nothing but sweet and kind and made him feel like a king. How was he going to have sex with anyone else when his first time was practically perfect.
“Oh my god, I think I’m gonna-” he cut himself off as he reached his climax, suddenly feeling embarrassed that it had happened so quick.
“That’s right, honey,” you told him. “Let it out. You’re doing so well.”
“But I finished.” You honestly couldn’t have cared less how quickly he had finished. That just meant that you could have gone for round two that much faster if he was up for it.
“That’s okay,” you assured him as he pulled out. “Do you wanna…take this back to my place? I think it’d be more preferable to being here.”
“I’d love to go back to your place.” He pulled the condom off of his cock and tied it off before disposing of it. He then pulled up his underwear and pants before buckling his belt.
“Do you want to call a cab while I clean myself up here?” You asked and Eddie just nodded silently. You both shuffled around the stall so he could get to the door. You pressed a lingering kiss to his lips before he opened the door. He then stepped out and pulled out his phone to call the cab company while you took a piss then cleaned yourself up.
You were confident that you had just had the best sex of your life. Who knew that a virgin knew exactly how to make you cum as opposed to men who slept around all the time? Maybe it was because he was actually interested in pleasing you.
As Eddie ordered the cab, he couldn’t help but let the images of you orgasming flash in his head. It was the hottest thing hearing you moan like that and he was looking forward to hearing it again and again even after the night was over. Maybe if he played his cards right, you’d invite him over again.
You exited the bathroom as Eddie hung up the phone and placed your lips on his, pulling him in for a sweet kiss that has been the exact opposite of the last one you had given him.
“C’mon,” you reached for his hand once you pulled away. “Let get out of here.” He put his hand in yours and you led him out of the bathroom and through the club, confident that you’d make his second time even better than the first.
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 3 months
Smut w biker Ethan Landry ?!
Hi💕 I hope you like it! I got out of the hang of writing over the last few days so I might go back and make a few changes once i re-read over this at some point lmao
Roll Up - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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This Contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: Your boyfriend's new hobby scares you, but he shows you it isn't that bad.
Contains: Oral(f receiving), p in v, rough-ish sex.
A/N: We're going to pretend that this isn't based off of the photoshopped pics of Jack lmao. If this sucks, don't let me know. I'm sensitive👉👈
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When your boyfriend mentioned getting his motorcycle license, you thought he was crazy. You even created a power point presentation, showing him how dumb of an idea it was. He just rolled his eyes every time you made a good point, because he knew it was what he was going to do regardless.
“You aren’t going to break up with me if I get a bike, are you?” he asked, putting on his shoes as he got ready to go take the driving test. “I think it’d be a lot of fun to have one.”
“It’d take a lot more for me to break up with you…but what if something happens to you? I’d just be worried the whole time you were out,” you sighed, getting a little anxious.
You heard a knock on the door, as Ethan walked away from you to answer it. You took a deep breath when Chad walked in, carrying his extra helmet for Ethan.
“Why’d you have to corrupt my sweet boyfriend?” you asked, as Chad smiled at you.
“I think you’ll like it…Tara does,” he said, smirking at Ethan as he handed him the helmet.
“Yeah, what if I get one and you can’t keep your hands off me?” Ethan asked, cocking his eyebrow as he looked at you. “I like the sound of that.”
“Yeah, and I’d not like to hear the sound of your eulogy being spoken,” you said, as Ethan scoffed.
“You’re so overdramatic,” he said, walking over to kiss you. He placed a kiss to the tip of your nose, your lips, and your forehead before he pulled away. “I love you, baby. Wish me luck.”
“I love you, too,” you said, as both boys walked to the door. Ethan stood in the doorway for a minute, waiting for you to hear the other thing he needed you to say. “Fuck it, fine. Good luck. Please, just be careful.”
“I will, babe,” he said, chuckling as he walked out.
One thing about Ethan was that the second he got an idea in his head, you knew he was going to stop at nothing to get what he wanted. This was by far the scariest thing he’d ever wanted to do, and you’d done nothing but panic whenever you thought about it.
It all started when Chad brought Ethan to his friend’s garage, and they were talking about Chad getting his license. At first you laughed it off, thinking it was about Ethan wanting to have more in common with his best friend, but once you saw him browsing for bikes online, you realized how serious he was about it.
Once he got his learners, he started to spend more time with Chad and his friend. He’d lay in bed with you until you fell asleep, then sneak out of the bed once he’d get the text from Chad that he was outside. You hated it when you’d roll over and he wasn’t beside you, but you wanted him to practice when there were a lot less cars on the road.
He was always in the best mood when he’d come back home, still feeling the adrenaline. He tried to be quiet when he snuck back in, but you always woke up. You’d jump out of bed once you heard the shower cut on, strip off your clothes, and join him in the steamy bathroom. He’d tell you all the things he did and new stuff he learned as you sleepily listened, but it always ended in the hottest shower sex you’d ever had.
You kept checking the time on your phone, wondering what was taking Ethan so long to get back home. It’d been a few hours, and you were trying to prepare yourself. As worried as you were for him to get his license, you knew you’d be excited for him. But the possibility of him not getting it worried you more than if he did. You knew how much he wanted it, and you knew he’d be upset if he didn’t get it.
Once you saw Ethan’s name and picture flash across your phone screen, you quickly answered the call.
“Hey, babe,” you said, “How’d it go?”
You heard traffic passing him and sirens off in the distance.
“Come outside, I want to show you something.” You could hear the happiness in his voice, and you kind of had a hunch about what your boyfriend had done. Once you made your way down the stairs of your apartment complex and saw him standing there, a helmet under his arm and the matte black bike behind him, you didn’t know how to feel.
“I guess you passed,” you said, your eyes squinting as the early afternoon sunlight hit them just right. “I’m proud of you, baby.”
“I can still tell you’re mad,” he teased, as he leaned down to kiss you. “but thank you.”
“This is yours, isn’t it?” you asked, as he tried to fight off the excited smile.
“Yeah, I hope you don’t hate me because I didn’t talk to you about it first,” he said, reaching around and grabbing the extra helmet off the bike seat. “I want you to go on a ride with me.”
“Absolutely not,” you said, his smile dropping at your words. “Not right now, can we go out later tonight? I’m a little scared and I’d feel better if I didn’t feel like we were going to get hit.”
“Of course,” he said, his smile appearing on his lips again. “I think you’ll love it.”
“Whatever you say,” you said, as he grabbed your hand and led you inside.
As it got darker outside, Ethan got more excited. He knew how close he was to taking you out to see what made him almost as happy as you do. As much as you were freaking out, you knew he’d never put you in danger, and you really wanted to know what the big deal was.
“Okay,” Ethan said, as you slipped your hoodie over your head. “Just a few quick things…I know it’s a little scary, but you need to lean into any turns we take. Don’t ever let go of me and sit as close to me as you can.”
“If we lean, won’t you lose control?” you questioned, as he shook his head.
“We’re not doing anything crazy so don’t think I’m going to take you on any super curvy roads…but if you stay upright when we need to lean, that could cause me to lose control.”
“Okay,” you sighed, as he handed you the helmet.
He looked you over to make sure nothing on you was loose fitting and made sure your helmet was good before he slung his leg over the bike.
“You coming?” he asked, his hand reaching out to help you on.
“There’s not a lot of room back here,” you said, as he slid his helmet over his head.
“I already told you, just hold on to me, and stay as close as you can. I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said, his words a little muffled. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” you said, as he started the bike. Your arms tightly wrapped around him, his hand rubbing against your thigh to let you know he had you before he pulled off.
He took you on a few of the streets he first learned how to drive on, not wanting to freak you out too much. Once you came to a stop light, he started to yell over the hum of the bike.
“You okay?” he asked, his hand moving to rub against your thigh again.
“Yeah, you aren’t going very fast, though,” you yelled back, as he started to laugh to himself.
“You want me to go faster?” he asked, “I just didn’t want to scare you.”
“You can go faster, just don’t kill us,” you said, as the light turned green.
He revved the engine before he sped off, going significantly faster than he did before. You didn’t feel scared though, you were…turned on? You weren’t sure if it was the vibrations coming from the bike, or how hot your boyfriend was at that moment, but you knew you were going to jump him as soon as the two of you got back home.
He started to drive out of the city, taking you to one of the back roads he’d always pull off at with his friends. He stopped in the gravel area and helped you off the bike before he got off.
“Was that too much?” he asked, pulling the helmet off of his head. You quickly pulled yours off, mumbling a “No” as you stood on your tippy toes to kiss him. Your hands went up to his curls as his tongue brushed against your bottom lip to deepen the kiss. You stood there making out, the only light coming from the full moon and the glow of the headlights.
“We need to go home soon,” you said against his lips, “I understand why you always want sex after your late-night rides.”
“We’ll head home soon babe,” he said, his hand reaching down to squeeze your ass as he pulled you closer. “Or…we could do it right here.”
“I know this is a back road, but someone could still see us,” you said, glancing at the road for any other cars off in the distance.
“So what?” he asked, as his lips moved to your neck.
He pulled away once he heard the familiar loud hum heading up the road, slowing down a little once it got closer to where you and Ethan were.
“Is that Chad?” you asked, as Ethan nodded.
“Tara’s with him,” he said, noticing her tiny frame tightly clinging to him. “Good think I didn’t get you naked yet,” he laughed a little, thinking about how awkward that would’ve been.
“You know how I am when I want sex and I don’t get it,” you said, giving him a warning look. “Please don’t get caught up in talking for too long.”
“I won’t, babe,” he said, as Chad pulled in and took his helmet off.
“She didn’t kill you!” Chad yelled, as you rolled your eyes.
Ethan walked up to him as you walked over to Tara. She had the biggest smile on her face when she saw you standing there.
“Ahh! We can go on late night rides together, now!” she said, pulling you into a hug. “Isn’t this fun?”
“Yeah, I thought it was going to be scary,” you said, glancing over to Ethan to see him smiling at you. “Now I just have to convince him to take me home soon.”
“I get it, I feel the same way,” she said, picking up on your suggestiveness.
When Ethan walked around to you, he looked a little nervous as Chad motioned for Tara to get back on the bike.
“I hope you don’t mind, but Chad wants to ride around for a little bit. There’s this straight, flat road near here that we like to go way faster than we should, but if you’d rather go home, we can.”
“As long as we go home soon, I’m fine with it,” you said, as Ethan started to smile.
“Put your helmet back on,” he said, walking you back over to his bike.
He slid his over his head and helped you get on the back before he started it again and took off. You got a little confused once you hit a certain point in the road. Chad and Ethan both came to a stop on opposite sides, as you felt his hand grip your thigh.
“Do you trust me?” he asked, the question making you nervous as Chad gave him a thumbs up.
“Yeah,” you yelled, as he said, “Hold on tight.”
He revved the engine again before taking off, going way faster than he’d gone before, at least while you were on the back. The way you were rested against Ethan made it easy for you to see that Chad was keeping pace with him before he dropped a gear and flew past Ethan. Ethan did the same, your grip on him getting even tighter as you felt the adrenaline coursing through your veins. He quickly caught back up to Chad and passed him before he started to slow down a little.
“You okay, baby?” he asked, once he came to a stop and your grip on him relaxed.
“If you don’t take me home and fuck me, I’m not going to be okay,” you said, as Chad pulled up beside you and pulled his helmet off.
“Fuck, that thing’s fast,” he said, as Ethan pulled his helmet off.
“Yeah, I didn’t expect it. We were going over a hundred,” Ethan said, your eyes going wide as you listened to him speak. “I’m going to take her home.”
“You coming back out later?” Chad asked, as Ethan shook his head.
“No, I have other plans,” he said, as Chad nodded.
“You guys have fun. Don’t be an idiot,” Chad said, putting his helmet back on before speeding off.
“Over a hundred?!” you yelled, as Ethan started to laugh.
“Yeah, and I wasn’t going as fast as I could’ve,” he said, putting his helmet back on. “Let’s get you home.”
As soon as he got you home, you both were so needy. Various clothing items were scattered across your apartment, from the front door to the bedroom you shared with Ethan. He wasted no time, burying his head in between your thighs as soon as he pushed you back on your bed. Your fingers ran through his curls as soft moans slipped past your lips. His hands were kneading at your thighs as his tongue swirled around your sensitive clit.
“Use your fingers, babe,” you gasped out, as he suckled on your clit. He did what you said, sliding two of his fingers into your soaked, dripping pussy with ease. “Fuck, just like that.”
“Did being on the back of my bike turn you on that much?” he asked, his eyes boring into yours as he curved his fingers to brush against that spongy spot inside of you. “Yes,” you said, letting out a low moan. “You were just so fucking hot.”
His mouth went back to your clit as you tugged at his curls, the sounds of him fucking you with his fingers and your moans filling the room. His free hand was roaming your body, from your thighs up to your breasts. Once he started to pinch one of your nipples, you felt that familiar feeling starting to build inside of you.
Ethan knew you were close. Your legs were starting to shake as his fingers moved against your g-spot faster. He sucked your clit into his mouth, hard. Your back arched up off the bed as you pulled his hair so hard that it hurt. He didn’t let up though.
You let out a whimper as the feeling washed over you, your pussy fluttering around his fingers. He gently lapped at your clit until you started to come down from your high.
The grip you had on his hair relaxed as he sat up to look at you, his mouth coated in your arousal.
“Do I still have hair?” he asked, running his fingers through his curls. His scalp was so sensitive that he winced when he touched it.
“I’m sorry, baby,” you mumbled, as your breathing started to get a little more regular.
“It’s worth it if I made you cum that hard,” he said, smiling at you. “I loved having you on the back of my bike. It’s like you weren’t scared at all.”
“I wasn’t. I trust you.”
As much as Ethan loved watching your face when he fucked you, he wanted to be as deep as he could inside your warm, wet pussy. He positioned you so your ass was sticking up in the air for him as the side of your face rested against the cool comforter.
“So fucking perfect,” he said, rubbing the tip of his cock over your wet folds. “You ready, baby?”
“Yes,” you said, as he started to inch himself inside of you. The slight burning feeling as he stretched you out made you gasp, his hand roaming over your lower back as his hip bones met the curve of your ass.
He started out with slow thrusts, still giving you time to adjust. Once you whined out to let him know you wanted more, he moved faster. You heard the soft slapping of his skin against yours as the head of his cock hit that special spot inside of you. You glanced back to see him watching his cock disappear inside your pussy, slide himself out, head and all, before he started to pound into you.
“Fuck,” you whimpered, your eyes still on him as your hands grabbed at the sheets.
He looked up to watch your body as you started to roll your hips back, meeting his thrusts. His cheeks were red as his mouth hung open, a few of his curls sticking to his forehead. One of his hands tightly held your hip as his other hand reached around brushing against your lower stomach. You soon felt two of his fingers strumming against your clit, your moans getting louder by the second.
“Harder,” you whimpered, a smirk playing on his lips as he started to mercilessly pound into your pussy.  
 “That’s it, baby. You take it so fucking well,” he said, some of his words getting broken by the random grunts slipping past his lips.
Once he put the right amount of pressure on your clit and started to roll his fingers in circles, you felt your body start to tense up, your orgasm sneaking up on you. You were a whimpering mess as the slapping sounds got louder, echoing off the walls. He was getting close, but he was trying so hard to fight it.
He watched your fists ball up in the fitted sheet, pulling it lose as you cried out. Your pussy was squeezing him so tight that his thrusts started to falter.
“Where do you want it?” he rushed out, but you couldn’t form words, completely fucked out.
He slid out of you, releasing his hot cum all over your ass and lower back. His hand ran through his sweaty hair before he flopped down on the bed beside you. Your hips started to relax as you eased the lower half of your body to lay flat across the bed.
“Jesus,” he sighed, catching his breath. “That was amazing.”
“Was it as good as the shower sex?” you asked, smiling as you turned your head to face him.
“Well, we do still need to shower…”
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lazycats-stuff · 11 days
Hey can I ask for a batbro reader who begged for a bird and finally got one but the bird ended up hating everyone except for reader and Alfred (he deserves it) and is super protective of reader to the point that it bites anyone other than Alfred who gets close to him and always cuddles with the reader.
Reader is a mama bird and just blames everyone but his bird, can you make it a green-cheeked conure because just look at how cute.
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I'm not a bird person... But they are so damn adorable! The one on the left is smiling!😭 Animals are great and adorable... I won't use a gif for this fic. Also, this is short, but sitting too long in my drafts anyway. And, also got new glasses today! I can see everything in 4k. It's nuts lol.
Summary: (Y/N) has his birds. He is a mama bird.
Warnings: (Y/N) being mad, Earl the bird is a grumpy one.
For years on end, (Y/N) begged Bruce for a bird. He did everything he could to prove to Bruce that he was responsible enough for a bird. Everything. He learned everything there is to know about birds and how to take care of them. Especially with green cheeked conure because they are so damn adorable.
Bruce was hesitant. (Y/N) played the Damian card, saying Damian had all of his animals. Whenever Damian brought an animal it was all fine and nothing. (Y/N) couldn't even bring a damn bird home.
Bruce defended himself in saying that Damian's animals can't fly off and that taking care of birds and four legged animals. At this point, (Y/N) was ready to raise hell and blow the manor up with his rage. Why is a bird such a big deal?!
Bruce isn't an idiot and knows that (Y/N) is close to his breaking point and knew that (Y/N) would bring a bird in the house, sooner or later. So Bruce has devised a plan. He would get a green cheeked conure for (Y/N)'s birthday. (Y/N) has proven himself over the years to be responsible.
(Y/N) was still pissed when his birthday came around, ready to ignore Bruce all day if needed. And when the celebration rolled around, (Y/N) was mad when he came into the living room, more so when Bruce was all smiles.
" I know you and I have been at odds for a while due to you wanting a bird. " Bruce started and (Y/N) crossed his arms, making Bruce smirk. " But, I saw how responsible you are in the last few years and well, your bird is here. " Bruce said, just as Alfred brought a cage in with a gorgeous greened cheek conure.
(Y/N) was speechless before hugging Bruce tightly, saying thank you again and again so fast that Bruce laughed, turning (Y/N) to walk to the cage. Alfred put the cage on the table and (Y/N) opened the door, slowly reaching his hand towards the bird. The bird was a bit hesitant, but moved closer to the hand.
(Y/N) tried not to explode from the happiness, he couldn't startle the little bird, could he?
It has been a month since getting this bird and (Y/N) has named him Earl, since he was grumpy most of the time, just like an old man named Earl who hates kids playing outside. A grumpy old man in a bird's body. (Y/N) loved Earl and Earl loved (Y/N) too, allowing (Y/N) to put him on his shoulder.
Earl loved being on (Y/N)'s shoulder, chirping away and gently pecking (Y/N) with his beak. (Y/N) was over the moon ever since his birthday. He loved Earl and his grumpiness and finally wasn't mad at Bruce.
Earl became protective of (Y/N), even refusing to let anyone get close to his owner. Alfred was the only exception. Earl would bite anyone who would come near (Y/N), making them yelp. Jason was mad, glaring at Earl who almost, seemingly, glared back at him. The two were rivals. Damian has decided to somehow win Earl over, but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.
Dick and Tim thought briefly about getting rid of Earl, but (Y/N) would lose his shit about it and being murdered by him. Because (Y/N) would do it. They would be dead the moment he would find out and the manor would go kaboom, taking out everyone in it.
And Earl was fully aware of the fact that (Y/N) would protect him. It was comical to see (Y/N) blame his brothers for doing something to his bird, even when Earl was faking it. The boys saw that Earl was smarter and Jason once said that there is a human in that bird body.
Earl recently, however, did something that nearly made (Y/N) explode. Earl managed to fake an injury. He was walking with his wing, as if that wing was in pain and somehow injured. (Y/N) knew that none of his brothers would ever do something to injure Earl.
But he was still mad about it.
But when he saw Earl faking it, it was shocking. He never saw anything like that and he realized that he needed to have some sort of higher IQ to manage to do something like this.
Alfred, the only person that Earl allowed near (Y/N), laughed his ass off when he heard it. He didn't know that birds could be that smart. Bruce on the other hand, questioned why he got the damn bird.
Sure, it was to make his son happy, but still. He didn't expect Earl to be so connected to him, but connections with humans and animals are often strong and Bruce in all honesty, should have seen it coming. It's always one person and maybe a bonus person that an animal respects, loves and protects and the rest are in danger from being pecked by an animal. In this case, it's Earl.
Bruce still didn't understand the name Earl. Sure, the bird might be a grumpy one, but, he wouldn't question (Y/N) and his choice. But that bird does have a beak on him.
But Bruce doesn't regret it in the slightest. Seeing his son happy is the best thing he could ask for. And he wouldn't change that for the life of him. Even if it meant that Earl would hate them forever.
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lincolndjarin · 9 months
Best Kept Secret
chapter twenty four : lunar interlude : riduur
ao3 link ✿ series masterlist ✩ main masterlist ✧
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pairing : bodyguard!Din Djarin x afab!princess!reader
rating : 18+ mdni
word count : 7.8k (at last, a normal chapter length)
summary : din is so in love it's obscene at this point, keep it in your chest man (it being his heart.)
warnings, etc. : language, fluff, smut, this chapter is a sappy nightmare,,, like i've got one last chance to be sappy before i need to do my action packed finale so this is just me being sappy, din djarins so in love it makes me sick, fingering, p in v, clit stim, reverse cowgirl, creampie, cockwarming, massages, just general happiness like why are these idiots so happy what is their problem
a/n : WOOF this took a fucking WHILE to get out, and for those who waited, prepare to be UNDERWHELMED lmao. this is the last chapter before the final arc of the story and i was feeling rather sentimental while I wrote it. anyhow,,, i have a million excuses for why this took so long but like who cares cause it's here now yippee!!! as for every chapter i've ever posted i have no idea if i like this or not so there's that, i kind of hate this one the way i hate every lunar interlude, like i've never written a din pov and felt good about it lmao so i guess we'll see. comments and reblogs are appreciated <3
He doesn’t deserve this.
How could he possibly be deserving of you? Yet somehow you make him feel as if he is. With your soft touch and the way your eyes get just a little bigger when you see him. 
He’s going to ask you to marry him.
Is that something he can do? 
Technically of course you don’t really consider yourself married as far as he can tell. Sure you have a husband but that’s all he is, a husband. 
An obstacle. 
The two of you could still be married. 
And you wanted to leave this place. So he was going to give you exactly that. 
A home, far away from here. 
He pulls you into the cabin, wanting nothing more than for you to see the smile on his face. Of course you won’t let him do that much to his confusion. 
Maybe if you’re married to him you’ll look. 
The longer you wait the more nervous he gets about it. 
A lot can go wrong with this kind of thing. 
Very specifically, you could just not find him attractive in the slightest, which wouldn’t be great all things considered. If that happened maybe he could just live with the helmet on and you’d be okay with that. 
“Do you want to sleep here tonight or go back to the castle?” You look exhausted as he asks, he practically carries you towards the bed. 
“Here’s fine.” You look too tired to walk back anyway. 
He drags the mattress off of the busted frame, setting it on the floor. You seem surprised that he didn’t have a bigger reaction to your love confession. 
He did the first time you’d said it a few days ago. 
After the first day stuck in your room, you had said it that night. All you had wanted to do that day was fight and he hadn’t been able to give you even that. He knew you were right. It was stupid to stay. 
Even if things are okay now. 
You had said his name so clearly with such urgency that he believed you might be about to start another argument in the middle of the night.
“Din?” You had grabbed the front of his shirt and it wasn’t until he’d tried to talk to you that he’d realized you were still asleep. 
“Are you okay, sarad?” He sat up and cradled your head in his hands but you’d only held on tighter as you mumbled in your sleep.
“I love you.” And just like that you were collapsing back in his arms, still asleep as if nothing had happened. 
He hadn’t cried like he did that night since the kid left. 
And it didn’t matter when you didn’t say it back in the morning. (Despite the fact that he had said it quite a bit.) You loved him and he knew it. And he had made sure to show you just how much he loved you on that second day. 
He grins as you sit down on the bed with a yawn. He takes it upon himself to kneel beside you, unlacing the back of your gown. You have no resistance as he helps peel the rain soaked fabric from your skin. 
“Let me get you a change of clothes.” He leaves you to get out of the rest as he finds you a simple set of sleep wear. You let him redress you until he finally lays you down and stands, going to change out of his own wet clothes. 
When he steps out of the fresher you’ve turned the lights off he's in a clean flight suit with his helmet on as he slides under the blankets with you. 
“Warm enough?” The cabin feels colder than the castle as he pulls you closer. 
“I’m perfectly comfortable here.” Your voice is heavy with sleep as he rests his chin on the top of your head, beskar bumping against your hair. 
“Get some sleep.” He mumbles, not bothering to close his own eyes. 
“You promised you’d eat the candy.” You whisper into the darkness, you sound  barely conscious. 
“I did not.” At least he’s pretty sure he didn’t, he’s realized at this point that if he says anything with enough confidence you usually believe it. 
“You alluded to it.” You’re right, he probably did. 
“Do you really want to see the damage I would do after eating that thing?” He’ll never do it. In all honesty he’s a little nervous he’ll accidentally hurt you.
“A little.” You flip over in his arms so you’re facing him now, when you look at him he finds himself falling victim to the pleading look in your eyes. Damn nightvision. 
“Go to sleep.” He has to close his eyes, if he stares at you too long he’ll give in despite his own worries. “I love you.” He murmurs. He needs you to know it. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” You laugh softly before going silent. 
It only takes a few more minutes before your breathing gets quiet and steady against him. 
When he’s certain you’re asleep he reaches over to turn the lamp back on. You’d think with how often he does this that you’d have seen his face on accident at some point but maybe he’s just really lucky. 
He likes to look at you without the helmet on.
It’s fine with it, but nothing compares to seeing you without the barrier. Sometimes, if he’s still wearing the helmet and he takes it off you smile in your sleep when the airlock hisses. But since you’re insistent on not looking he doesn’t get a lot of opportunities to really look at you. So he does it on nights like these. 
You get so sleepy after sex. 
So he gets to hold you, and watch how your eyes flutter open the tiniest bit when he can’t help himself and kisses your cheeks until he can bring himself to sleep. Or how you mumble back to him when he whispers things to you in Mando’a. 
Most importantly you look less worried when you sleep. You always look so worried but not when you’re like this. There is plenty to be worried about so he can’t hold it against you. 
He’s going to build you a house someday. And he’s going to give you a garden. 
So you can go outside and look at the flowers whenever you want. 
And you won’t ever have to worry again. 
With a soft hiss of air he removes his helmet, setting it somewhere in the sheets as he looks at you, unburdened. He likes the way your lips part just a little bit as the corners of your mouth lift. 
He leans forward, pressing a kiss to your cheek before rolling over to rest his head on your chest so he can feel you breathe until he falls asleep, it helps him to match your breathing. Your hands hold him, even in your sleep you run your hands across his back and shoulders. One time you had a nightmare and you pulled his hair so hard you’d woke yourself up. But he’d never complain, it’s one of his favorite things about you. You love him even when you’re sleeping. Like right now, your nails lighty scratch at the nape of his neck. 
It helps him sleep.
When he wakes up he’s got a blanket thrown over his head and you’re already up, sitting at the table.
“You fell asleep without your helmet on.” He hears you grumble. 
“Sorry.” He chuckles as he searches for it in the mess of sheets only to find you’d set it on the floor beside him. Once it’s properly in place he finds you reading. He stands behind you, looking over your shoulder. 
“How did you find that?” He tries to grab the translation book but you swat his hand away. 
“You said we had no secrets.” Your eyes are scanning the pages. “Ner means mine.” You grin up at him as you say it. 
“Yes, it does.” He stares right back down at you. 
You lean backwards, grabbing the front of his shirt. 
Would you think less of him if you knew how often his face turned red when you spoke to him like that? A few weeks ago that kind of worry would drive him mad, but now? He knows you wouldn’t mind, knowing you'd probably feel accomplished to get such a reaction from him. 
“Gar serim.” You’re right. He murmurs back before getting your things together, listening to the sound of the pages frantically flipping behind him as you look for the words.
When you find the page you give him a dopey smile 
He suddenly remembers something, going to the fresher and searching through last night's wet clothes he finds the vial, bringing it to you, you don’t need any instruction from him as you pop the cap off, drinking the contents before setting it aside. 
“What do you want to do today?” He holds up the scraps of your dress, trying to decide if it’s even worth putting back on. 
“I’m a little tired, maybe we could read today.” You turn just in time to watch him toss it back on the ground. 
“Sounds perfect.” This will give him some much needed time to think.
He has a plan for today. There are a few things that he needs to get done before he leaves.
Like tell you that he has to leave. 
Of course he doesn’t want to leave you, even if it’s only going to be for a few days, but he wants to do this the right way and to do that he needs to leave. 
Just a few days. And then he doesn’t have to leave you ever again. 
And he needs to get away from you long enough to make the failsafe he knows you don’t want. You’re always together at this point, (not that he would have it any other way.) so it won’t be easy to find time away to do it but he’ll figure it out. 
“We should get going.” He’s pretty sure he has everything he needs and you need to be back in your room before any staff might notice you’re gone. 
“But  I wanna keep doing this.” You give him your sad eyes as you gesture to the book and he’s already ready to give in. 
“You can bring that to the library.” He groans and that’s all the convincing needed to get you on your feet. He manages to get you back to your room just before the girls arrive. He stands where he’s expected to stand out in the hall. It’s the only time he really spends away from you. 
When the door opens he instinctively stands up a little straighter.
They put you in a white dress. 
A pretty white dress. 
Did you know what this would do to him? 
You can’t possibly know the effect this kind of thing has on him, if you did you wouldn’t put him through this. 
“Ready?” He says as he peers at the translation book still happily tucked under your arm.
“Of course.” He’s mesmerized by your gown, it’s simpler than the ones they normally do you up in, white fabric flowing off your shoulders down to the floor, as you walk it trails behind you a bit. It’s a familiar quiet as he walks you to those large wooden doors, opening them as you rush inside. 
“What do you want to read today?” You’re searching around the shelves, you’ve already set your own reading in the nook. 
“Surprise me.” He won’t be reading today anyway, he needs to plan. 
“Here.” You hand him a book on speeder maintenance, normally he’d be thrilled to spend the day reading the sort of thing but he really should just take today to think. 
He sits first. Leaving space between his legs for you to sit which you happily do. Once you’re settled he opens his book, pretending to read as he lets his mind focus on what's important. 
Starting with the part where he tells you he’s leaving.
Or that he’s decided rather recently that he needs to leave.   
He should just do it now, get it out of the way so it stops bothering him, especially because he’d like to leave as soon as possible, but you seem so relaxed right now and he’d hate to ruin that. 
So he’ll focus more on the trip itself than the telling you part. 
It should only take a few days. A quick trip to the forge and back. 
He’s pretty sure he’s found out where the convert currently is. He doesn't have as much free time as he used to so it took a little outside help, seeking out old colleagues until finally hearing word of an outer rim planet where they might be located. He’ll catch a transport ship there, take care of what needs to be taken care of, and be back to you before he knows it. 
Then you can plan your life together. 
He would love to just bring you to the forge with him, go from there and never look back. That would be ideal. To get you out of here as quickly as possible. But that’s not possible, if he’s gonna go this he’s gonna do it right, so he’ll plan everything down to the last detail to make sure that it’s as safe as possible. If he’s being realistic he knows you’ll have to do something drastic, probably along the lines of faking your death. 
Will he have to kill Kodo? 
He’d like to. 
He’s wanted to kill Kodo for some time now, he’s just a little worried you’d be mad, you were so mad when he hit him. 
He never wanted you to be that mad at him ever again. 
So maybe he won’t. 
That would be the easiest way to get you out though, to be fair. Kill Kodo and run, and deal with the consequences after. He’ll hide you away somewhere until things die down and then he’ll build you something permanent. A home for the both of you. 
He could also just whisk you away into the night one of these days. 
He honestly isn’t sure how long they’d look for you, the last thing he’d want is for you to have to live a life on the run, he wants for the both of you to be able to settle. If it was clear he had taken you it would be deemed a kidnapping, it would be a long search, how long would they look if they believed you just ran away? He doesn’t talk to other staff members enough to know how seriously the royal family would take such a thing. 
Faking your death would probably be the easiest thing. 
No one comes looking for you. 
He isn’t entirely sure how you’ll handle that suggestion but if you’re serious about starting a life together it isn’t going to be easy. 
“I’ll be right back.” He stands, and you immediately give him a confused look, he never gets up and leaves, but he’s just realized that you’ll need to be taken care of while he’s gone. Who will protect you when he’s away? He definitely doesn’t trust anyone here to watch over you, Elaine would be his first choice but she’s busy when she isn’t tending to you and in all honesty he isn’t sure what she would do if something were to happen to you. 
So he’ll have to go with someone who he knows is available to watch you and who he’s certain won’t harm you. 
You aren’t going to be happy with his choice. 
When he steps out into the hall he calls his name, a few moments later Leo appears, he already seems reluctant, Din never summons him but this is important, and he doesn’t have any other options. 
“I’m leaving, tomorrow, I have to take care of some things, Kodo said it would be fine for me to take time off when I took the job.” Tomorrow. Well that’s settled then he supposes. The twi’lek trembles under his gaze, clearly unsure as to where he’s going with this.  
“While I’m gone you will watch her.” Din adds on at the end, Leo looks clearly unhappy with this arrangement as he stumbles back a bit. 
“I won’t repeat myself. You will watch her, you will make sure she doesn’t leave the castle when I am gone. If somebody tries to get near her, you stop them, if somebody tries to hurt her, you will stand between them, if she gets hurt you will feel whatever pain she feels tenfold upon my return. If she so much as gets a papercut while she’s reading in the library there will be repercussions.” He straightens his posture to make himself the tiniest bit more imposing over Leo. “Is that understood?”
“Yes, you’re understood.” Based on the fear in Leo’s eyes he’s certain he may have gone a little overboard but he’d rather be safe than sorry. 
That’s taken care of. 
Once Leo is gone, disappearing down the hall, he opens the door, slipping back into the library where you’re standing in the entryway.
At least he doesn’t have to figure out how to tell you. 
“You’re leaving.” You say it like it’s a fact. Which of course you now know it is. 
“Yes.” No sense in hiding it. 
“And you just weren’t going to tell me?” He definitely should have told you. 
“I was just about to tell you.” He hates when you look at him the way you are now. Like you can see right through the steel, like you know he’s lying, like you can see the guilty expression on his face. “I was going to tell you soon. I have to go take care of some things.” 
“Take me with you.” You say it more like a demand and less like a request. He probably should have seen that one coming, even if he wasn’t going to get something to surprise you with he probably wouldn’t be allowed to take you off planet. 
“I wish I could, sarad, but I have to go alone, I’ll only be gone a few days.” Kriff, he really should have told you sooner. 
“Where are you going?” You cross your arms in front of your chest. 
“I… can’t tell you.” Not a great excuse, he knows that. 
“If I’m being honest I don’t love the sound of that.” He can’t blame you, if your roles were reversed he wouldn’t just let you go. 
“I know but I need you to trust me, I’ll only be gone a few days.”
“And you absolutely have to go?” You sound less mad and more upset now. If he wasn’t leaving to do something for you, your expression alone would be enough to make him stay. 
“Yes. He says it like he’s confirming it for himself. 
“I’ll miss you.” All the anger has left your voice, now you just sound sad. 
“I’ll miss you.” More than anything. 
“When will you be back?” 
“I’m not sure exactly, I won’t be long.” Unless he can’t find the convert, but you don’t need to know that part. You nod and he’s a little surprised at your acceptance of all this. “I have to leave in the morning.” A deep frown settles on your face. 
“So soon?” He really should have told you sooner.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. If you have to then you have to.” You give him such a sad smile, he wishes he didn’t have to go but he wants to do this right. 
“Can you stay here, I’ll come get you in a few hours.” He cradles your face in his hands, wishing he could wash away any of your doubts, but now that you know he should probably go get ready. “I have to go pack a few things, I’ll be back before dark, okay?” 
“And then you’ll stay with me the rest of the night?” And every night after. 
“Of course.” 
“Okay then, hurry back.” 
This will also probably be the only chance he gets to make that fail safe.  
He lifts his helmet a bit to plant a kiss on your forehead before leaving you, watching as you instinctively close your eyes as he does. There isn’t a lot of time for him to do what he needs to do before you’ll be expecting him so he gets back to the cabin as quickly as possible.
He’s quick with everything, packing his bag with only the essentials and tossing the empty box down before finally sitting down at the table. 
Now to write the note. A letter with instructions on what to do if something ever happens to him. 
He doesn’t like the idea of you being left alone with your husband. The thought of it makes him sick. 
If another body guard were hired they wouldn’t protect you from him. 
Maybe he should ask Elaine to help you if that happens. 
She could get you out. 
If he wasn’t here he would want you to leave as quickly as possible, to go somewhere safe. He lists out all the places you could go, names and coordinates of people who can keep you safe at the mention of his name. He spends a solid hour staring at that piece of paper, writing out anything he’d want you to know before folding it up and setting it in the box. 
With that taken care of he kneels on the floor, feeling around until locating the familiar loose board under the kitchen table. 
He’d found it a week after moving in and it seemed like a perfectly good spot to hide things. He’s got a collection of things already set aside for you, he pulls each item from its hiding spot, putting them into the box before holding up a small chainmail shirt. He retrieves the stick shift knob from the shelf, wrapping it in the shirt and putting it in the box. 
In his note he’s left you with a task, to give those to the kid, and to tell him that he’s sorry. 
Lastly he fills a bag with credits, about a month's salary, you should be able to buy yourself a ship if you want, he isn’t sure if you’d know how to fly it but with the money provided you can pay someone to fly it for you. With that he sets the box under an extra flight suit in his bag before returning to the castle, on his way out the door he grabs the few bars of beskar he has. 
You’re right where he left you in the library, your brows furrowed as you stare at that damn book, he should have hidden it better. 
“Wanna go get some dinner?” You look up when he speaks, holding his hand out which you gladly take as he pulls you towards him. 
“We can do that. You’re all packed?” Thankfully you look less upset than you had earlier. 
“All packed.” He drops your hand as he opens the door, following you as you walk to the kitchens. He watches the way the back of your dress just barely drags along the stone floors as you ask for two dinners, handing his to him to carry with a smile as you continue to walk.
When you arrive back at your chambers you’re quick to lock the door, he watches as you rush to the closet, already sitting with your back to him when he steps inside, dim lamp light illuminates the room as he sits, his back brushing against yours as he listens to the sounds of your eating. 
What he wouldn’t give to eat face to face. 
He can’t remember the last time he shared a normal meal with someone. He ate in front of the kid but he always kept the helmet on, it would have been years and years ago, maybe with his parents. 
He finds the latch for his helmet, tossing it aside, he’s already decided he won’t be putting it back on tonight, he chews his food thoughtfully. What would life look like with you after this place? He certainly wouldn’t want to eat dinner like this every night. 
Maker, why won’t you just look? Everything would be easier if you’d just look. He would abandon his creed entirely if that’s what you wanted. Instead he loves the one person in the galaxy who doesn’t want to look. 
“You’re being quiet.” You finally break the silence as he sits up a little straighter.
“I’m always quiet.” He murmurs. 
“You think I don’t know that? You’re being extra quiet, what’s wrong.” 
“Nothing’s wrong.” He takes another bit as you lean back against him, resting your back on his as he hears you set your plate aside.
“You’ve been quiet all day.” Of course he has, he has to leave you tomorrow and you’ve been in a white dress all day. 
“I’m quiet every day.” He finishes his food quickly, reaching around blindly until he finds your plate, standing to set the both outside the room, when he turns around this time he faces you, kneeling on the floor behind you as he plays with the lace on the back of the dress, lining a series of buttons in a straight line down your spine. 
“You’re avoiding the point.” You snap at him but he just continues to trail his fingers across the intricate patterns of your dress.
“I’m just gonna miss you, that’s all.” 
“I’m gonna miss you too.” Your tone has softened.
“Want me to show you how much I’m gonna miss you?” He gives the back of your gown a teasing tug. 
“That might be nice.” You’re already reaching towards the lamp but he takes your hand, guiding it back into your lap. 
“Leave it.”
“Din…” You have a soft warning tone as he kisses your exposed shoulder. 
“Please, I want to see you.” He murmurs against your skin as he bunches up the fabric of your dress, pulling it up towards your hips. 
“But-” He’s quick to cut you off. 
“It’s fine, if you don’t look then you won’t see.” He swiftly unlatches his armor, setting it aside as he pulls you into his lap, his chest flush with your back. He turns to kiss your cheek, watching your eyes flutter shut as he does. 
He bunches up your skirt enough so he can see your thighs, pulling his gloves off so he can touch you, he likes the feeling of his skin on yours, how often does he get to have this? Only ever with you, not that he’d have it any other way. You’re just so soft, he likes the way you feel when he spreads your thighs a little wider, watching your mouth open a tiny bit as you inhale sharply. He’s already terribly hard, trying not to rut against your ass as he lets one hand dip between your legs, under your skirt, as the other one drifts up towards your chest, splayed out across your sternum to keep you in place.
He pushes your panties to the side, admiring the wetness he finds already there as he swipes his fingers along your seam. He tilts his head to the side, eager to watch your expression unburdened by his helmet as he pushes two fingers into you. 
Once he’s in your peripheral you close your eyes, leaving him to observe the way your mouth falls open as he gently slides his digits in and out, feeling you shift in his lap to grind against his palm. 
He’s fascinated by you, by the way you move in sync with him, with each movement of his hand you match it with a rock of your hips, or by arching your back.
“Din-” Your voice comes out as a high strangled cry that makes his cock ache against the fabric of his flight suit. 
“Go ahead, I wanna watch.” He mumbles as he presses his cheek to yours, staring down, mesmerized by the sight of you riding his fingers, his own mouth falling open as he feels your entire body tense up, feeling you clamp down on his fingers as you come. He keeps his fingers inside of you until your breathing evens out, once you come down from your orgasm he removes them, bringing them to his mouth as he uses his other hand to reach between the two of you, pulling his cock free. He stares down at the sight of himself against the pretty white fabric of your dress as he moans against his own fingers, stroking himself for a moment before popping his digits out of his mouth, grabbing your hips and lifting you a bit. 
He lets out a small groan as your hands reach down to line him up at your entrance, he lets go of your hips, letting you sink yourself down onto him, his hands wrapping around your thighs instead, squeezing the meat there with a pleased hum. 
You’re going at your own pace as he fights his own impatience, doing his best to not thrust up into you as he latches his mouth onto your shoulder, biting softly as you take nearly all of him, gasping his name the entire time. 
After another moment you’re fully sat in his lap, your breathing heavy as one of his hands moves from your thigh to your clit.
“Can you come again? Like this?” He rasps the words out against your skin, you nod as he begins to swirl his fingers in small precise circles, his moans match your own as he feels you slowly lift yourself off of him, your chest bouncing as you fuck yourself on him. 
Gods as his witness he’ll never wear his helmet again during sex. 
It’s just better to really see you like this, he can’t believe he deprives himself of this so often, the way your body trembles, the sounds you make, everything is simply better without the filters and the modulation. 
“Maker- Din!” Your strained plea snaps him out of his thoughts as he looks at your face, your eyes and nose scrunched up in frustration. “Please, fuck me, Din please.” You always sound so sweet, at this rate he’ll never be able to say no to you.  
He sits up a little to give himself more leverage, one arm wrapped around your waist to steady you, his other hand reaching behind himself to prop himself up as he thrusts up into you. His hips snapping up as he grits his teeth, a growl forming in his throat. He keeps you there for a bit, keeping up a brutal pace as he lets gravity do most of the work, bouncing you on his length, eventually relaxing after feeling your legs give out from under you. He sits back up on his knees, steadying you with both bands now, keeping you impaled on his cock as he leans forward, kissing up the column of your throat.    
“Kiss me, please.” He murmurs against your jaw, desperate for more of you as he lets out a low whine, wishing you would just look at him.
Your eyes shut as you turn your head to kiss him, he brings one hand up to your face, his other still on your stomach as he groans, rocking his hips upwards again. 
“You can look.” He pants, holding his forehead to yours as he stares at your face, contorted in pleasure as he pushes himself deeper into you, watching the way your eyes flutter a bit, never actually opening.
“I- I can’t.” You gasp out as he fucks up into you, short shallow thrusts, relishing in the way you take him, squeezing his cock with every rock of his hips, the way your face looks as he leans in for another kiss, quick and chaste, a sharp juxtaposition to how he’s fucking you, only pulling out in the slightest before slamming back into you. 
“You can, I want you to.” His voice is ragged and desperate at this point. 
“I will, just, not tonight.” 
“Ni vercopaanir gar Ru'kel haa'taylir.” I wish you would look. 
“I will, Din- I promise I will.” He’s sure you didn’t learn enough to know what he said but he’s still satisfied with that answer.
“Okay.” He kisses you again, swallowing your moans as he picks up the pace, pulling you down onto him as he rocks his hips upwards. He manipulates your body like it’s nothing, his hands holding you tightly enough to keep you upright as he continues to slam himself into you, you’re soaking his cock at this point as he muffles his grunts with your mouth. He knows you’re both nearly there, with the way your words become nonsensical. He turns his head to whisper into your ear. “Come for me, sarad.” He groans, his mouth falling open as a slew of filthy noises fall past his lips he feels you pulse around him, he frantically goes to pull out but you shake your head no, slamming your hips back against his and riding out your orgasm he watches you mumble, barely coherently. 
“In- Inside, Din.” 
You don’t have to tell him twice. You give him the sweetest cry as he bites down on your shoulder, he growls against your flesh as he releases the fire pooling in his stomach. 
“Bid jate- bid jate par ni.” So good for me. He mumbles against your shoulder.
He fucks his cum deeper into you with a few more sloppy thrusts before sitting back on his heels, staring at the ceiling as his chest heaves, letting you rest back against him as you go limp in his arms. 
Once he’s caught his breath he leans back, keeping himself inside you as he kicks his legs out. He swallows, still a little unsteady as you sit up, one of his hands wanders to you back, drawing a star there with one of his fingers. 
“Are you okay?” He whispers softly just before you lay back on top of him.
“Why do you do that?” He doesn’t stop you this time as you reach over and turn the lamp off, taking his hands and guiding him to turn the both of you onto your sides as his erection softens inside of you. 
“Do what?” He blinks, adjusting his eyes to the darkness and biting back a groan as you adjust yourself to put your hips flush with his.
“You switch languages, usually when you’re near the end, or when you say something kind.”
He’s never really thought about that. 
“How did you know what I said?” He brushes a bit of hair behind your ear as he runs his hand down and up your spine slowly. 
“I asked my question first.”
“Fair enough. I guess it just happens, I’ve never really thought about why. I suppose it’s just another layer of armor, another way to conceal things.” You don’t respond, presumably thinking over his response. “Your turn, how did you know what I said?”
“I guessed.” Smart girl. 
“Of course you did.” He places a kiss against the back of your neck before resting the bridge of his nose there. “Do you wanna sleep like this?” He rocks his hips a bit to accentuate his point, drawing a gasp from you. 
“Yes, please.” You whisper back.
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” He smiles before closing his eyes, wrapping his arms around you, the last thing he feels before falling asleep is you intertwining your fingers with his. 
He wakes up before you, careful to leave you undisturbed as he reaches over to turn on the lamp, happy to just watch you for a few more minutes before he leaves. Watching the rise and fall of your chest. After a moment he realizes he slipped out of you while he slept.
He’s in no rush but he knows the moment you wake he’ll have to go so he stays still for a while, enjoying the morning quiet until your eyes slowly open, and you stretch your arms with a groan. 
“Good morning, sarad.” He says softly, kissing your shoulder as you shudder at the sensation. 
“You’re leaving.” You whisper to him.
“I am.” 
Much to his surprise you turn to face him, of course he realizes a second too late that your eyes are closed. 
“Be safe.” You murmur, taking his face in your hands before kissing him. Maybe this will be a happy morning despite his worries about going. 
“Always.” He gives you another kiss before sitting up, dressing himself quickly, looking over at you every so often only to find that your eyes are closed until you hear the soft hiss of his helmet. 
“I’m serious, you better be careful.” You sit up and face him as he kneels beside you.
“I will, I promise.” He holds your face in one hand. “Goodbye, sarad’ika.” You give him a radiant smile. 
“Ret'urcye mhi, cyare.” Goodbye, beloved. That’s what you’d been learning yesterday. He’s a little taken aback by the sound of those words leaving your mouth, his own smile forming. 
“Jate bora” Good job. 
He doesn’t tell you how poorly you pronounced each of those words, too infatuated to care as he leans down, lifting his helmet enough to kiss your forehead. 
“I’ll be back in a few days, okay?”
He uses his free hand to gently grab your chin, giving you one last kiss.
“I’ll see you soon.” Once he’s shut the closet door he slips the fail safe box under your bed. 
And just like that he’s out the door, on his way to the nearest shipyard. 
It goes surprisingly smoothly. 
He’s only gone for about four days, he gets lucky as far as transportation goes, managing to catch a cargo ship going directly to the planet he’s looking for. He doesn’t recognize it and in all honesty he isn’t sure he’s ever been there but he finds the convert easily enough.
It took a bit of convincing but he got what he needed from the armorer and just like that he was catching a ship back to you with two rings attached to a thin chain around his neck. 
He’s eager to see you immediately after landing but he’s filthy from the trip so he goes to the cabin first, shedding his armor and clothes before stepping into the fresher. He’d be lying if he said that he hadn’t started taking care of himself more after meeting you. 
He’d avoided mirrors all together until you. 
He’d shave when his beard got unmanageable. He’d cut his hair when it stuck out the back of his helmet. And that was it. 
And then you came along and suddenly he was staring at himself in the dingy mirror he’s in front of now. The first day he realized he wanted to impress you he spent hours in the cabin fresher, trying to even out his facial hair, and give himself something that resembled a respectable haircut. He needs another one soon, staring at himself now he knows he’ll need to shave before he sees you but he can probably go a few more weeks without a haircut. 
He’s pretty sure you like his hair long, even if you’ve never seen it, that’s the only reason he hasn’t just buzzed it all, the way he’d normally do it. You’re always touching it. 
So he cleans up his beard before stepping into the shower, he’s in a hurry, scrubbing away the days of travel and grime. He finds a clean flightsuit and dons his armor as quickly as possible, his hair is still wet when he puts the helmet back on. 
He makes a beeline towards the castle as the sun sets, the promise of you drives him forward despite his exhaustion. 
He checks the library first, finding the nook to be empty. He goes to your chambers, if his count is correct you would have had dinner with Kodo yesterday, so if you aren’t reading you should be in your room. He’s pleased to see a nervous looking Leo outside your door, his eyes go wide as Din approaches. 
He stops a few inches away from Leodall, looming over him. 
“Everything went smoothly?” His voice is low and husky. His professional voice. 
“Yes, of course.” He’s pretty sure Leo is too scared of him to lie so he gives him a curt nod of approval. 
“Then you’re dismissed, thank you.” He really is thankful, despite his dislike for the twi’lek. He watches him scurry away before hastily pushing your door open, stepping inside to find you there. 
You’re laying on your stomach, a book laid out on the bed in front of you. A look of anger crosses your face when you look up, assuming you’d find Leo in the doorway but once you see him you’re sitting up, rushing over to him and wrapping your arms around him. 
“I missed you.” You mumble against his chest plate as he returns your embrace.
“It was only a few days.” He laughs softly as you look up at him. He’s just happy to be with you again. 
“That doesn’t mean anything, I still missed you.” With the way you’re looking at him it’s a wonder he doesn’t get on one knee right now. 
Instead he can’t help it as he yawns, he’d been in such a rush to return to you he’d barely slept during his trip.
“Are you tired?” Your brows furrow in concern as he shakes his head no. 
“No, I’m fine, I’m just happy to see you.” He’s about to lift his helmet to kiss you, but you frown and pull him towards the closet. He isn’t entirely sure he’s going to be able to properly fuck you in this state but he’ll make it work. As you shut the door he starts taking off his armor and you turn to help him, carefully removing each piece until he’s in just his flight suit and helmet. You gently put your hands on his shoulders, pushing him down to the floor before kneeling beside him. He puts his hands on your waist and is a little surprised when you tenderly pull them away. 
“Lay on your stomach.” You tilt your head to the side and he’s about to argue but you click your tongue and point at the blankets. “I let you disappear for a few days with no questions, you owe me, now lay down. And take off your flight suit.” 
With a reluctant groan he does as he’s told, sliding his flight suit down to his waist, his confusion only growing as you straddle his back. His bewilderment vanishes though as he feels your hands kneading his shoulders. He’s about to flip himself over and tell you he’s fine but as he opens his mouth to complain you dig the heel of your palm into his back and instead a moan slips out. 
He doesn’t make much of a fuss after that, letting you methodically take care of the many knots and tense spots across his back. 
He turns his head to the side, closing his eyes as you hum a song to yourself, caressing and kneading every inch of visible skin until you’re satisfied. He feels you lean down, planting a kiss along his spine before climbing off of him and laying down beside him, he sits up with another rather embarrassing moan. He’s trying to flip you over to do you as you laugh, pulling him back down to lay with you. 
“You need sleep.” You once again catch him off guard as he feels your fingers on the helmet release, the kiss of air accompanied by the click of the lamp as you remove his helmet, kissing his forehead. 
“I missed you too.” He whispers into the darkness, realizing he hasn’t said it yet.
“I know you did, now get some sleep.” You pull his head down against your chest, squeezing his shoulder as you do. He really is exhausted, he hadn’t realized until he was reunited with you that he doesn’t sleep as well without you. 
“I love you.” He sleepily mumbles against your chest. 
No one takes care of him the way you do. Your soft hands continue to rub his back as he succumbs to sleep. 
“I love you too.” He feels another kiss on his forehead as he exhales the last of his energy. 
If he wasn’t so tired he probably would have proposed right then and there. 
Having the rings has made him a mess.
Anytime you do anything he just wants to ask. When you’d kissed him this morning, when you’d walked out of your room in a green dress grinning at him like you’d done it just for him, when you’d handed him the speeder maintenance book from before because you just knew he hadn’t read it last time. 
And right now, as you read like you always do, sitting beside him. 
Now more than ever he wants to ask. 
He had wanted so badly for it to be special. 
He was thinking of maybe doing it in the gardens some night, where he had kissed you for the first time. But you look exactly how he always wants you to look right now. 
Your face buried in a romance book with a smile dancing on your lips. 
Tucked away in the nook, safe from the world. 
“How much of the Mando’a book did you end up reading?” He plays with the edge of the page he’s on now, he’s been pretending to read again, unable to pull his focus from you. 
“The translation book? Not a lot.” He watches as you turn to give him a smile. 
“Do you know what riduur means?” He knows you don’t, but he can’t stop himself from saying it. 
“No, I don't think I learned that.” You close your book, staring at him curiously. 
“It means partner, or spouse.” 
“Oh. Okay…” Your eyes get a little bigger once he says that. 
He gives you a nod before looking back down at his own book, silently cursing himself out for not going through with it. He hadn’t realized that having rings made would make him fall apart every time he’s in your presence. 
You’re just so… perfect. Do you have to be so perfect? You learn his language and you respect him and you love him and you’re endlessly sweet. 
He just wants to keep you like this forever.
Safe and happy. 
That’s why he can’t help himself as he sets his book down, he fidgets with his helmet for a moment before turning off the modulator, he wants you to hear his voice without the filter, sitting up, he cradles your face in his hands. 
“Can I ask you something?” He whispers.  
I am no longer doing taglists so follow @lincolndjarinnotifs and turn on notifications to be notified when new chapters are posted !!
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nervoussagittarius · 2 months
i know it’s crazy but he’s the one i want
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matt sturniolo x reader
summary: part two of strike out. after months of being apart y/n realizes she wants nothing more then to be with matt, and matt realizes how much he fucked up. part one
warnings: angst to smut. oral (fem receiving), p in v, no protection, matchmakers nick and chris
they slammed the door on
my whole world
the one thing i wanted
your world felt like it was turned completely upside down the minute you locked your front door on matt.
you wanted to run after him. you wanted to forgive him for everything, but something in you was telling you to hold back, to stay strong. you weren’t even sure if you knew the matt that stood with you 10 minutes ago. after a month of no contact there’s so much that could’ve changed. you definitely had changed. one one thing that stayed the same though was that you still couldn’t go more the an hour without thinking of matthew sturniolo.
matt blew up your phone that whole night. it took everything in you not to drive over to his house. you were a mess and he didn’t need to see you like that. you were supposed to be strong. you were the one who told him to leave after all.
a few more days past before you got a couple texts and a call from chris. you hesitantly answered. you hated to admit it but you missed him and nick. you missed matt too but you weren’t ready to admit that one out loud yet. “hello?” you answered. there was a beat of silence before you heard a sigh of relief from the other line. “hey y/n it’s chris. listen, i know you haven’t wanted to talk to us, and i understand, but nick and i need your help.” he sounded so stressed that you couldn’t help but worry about the pair. he didn’t give you time to respond before he continued his thought. “i know you don’t want to be with matt anymore, but he hasn’t left his room in almost a week. nick and i completely understand why you did what you did. matt told us what happened.. but he locked himself in and we don’t know what to do.” you teared up at the thought of matt being alone. yeah he enjoyed being by himself sometimes, but never to this extent. you couldn’t help but feel guilt for the way things went down. at the end of the day you were both in the wrong, and you desperately wanted to make things right.
“please just come talk to him. come see him. we tried to wait as long as we could to call you but it’s time. we have your back but he’s still our brother, and we don’t want to see him like this. nick and i really miss you. matt misses you” you didn’t confirm or deny if you would really show up. you wanted to talk to him. as much as he hurt you he didn’t deserve to feel how you have felt for months. you knew how shitty it was. “i miss you guys too.” and with that you ended the call. you didn’t need to specify who you were referring too. chris knew that you meant all three of them, and he hoped that you would come help his brother.
no i’m not coming to my senses
i know it’s crazy but he’s
the one i want
it took you almost two hours to work up the courage to go to the triplets house. you got in and out of your car 3 different times before you convinced yourself to finally turn it on and start driving. the directions were muscle memory at this point. having spent the last two years driving the same streets at least once a day, you weren’t a stranger to the street signs and the traffic. although it was almost 1 in the morning you had no worries about if the boys were awake or not. they always were at this time.
you felt weird pulling into their driveway. a spot that was once reserved for you now felt like a curse. it felt like you’d end up with three slashed tires if you parked there so you opted for parking in the street two houses down. this way if you chickened out before you made it to the door they’d never know.
you didn’t though. you couldn’t because the minute you stepped foot onto their doorstep nick threw open the door. no words were exchanged between the two of you. he instantly pulled you into a hug. you both needed it after the month and a half you just had. “i’m so glad you’re here” all you could do is hold him tighter in response. tears filled your eyes as chris made his way down the front steps to you both. he took his turn pulling you into a hug as well. when you broke apart he ran a soothing hand up and down your arm and let you walk to the living room.
the three of you sat on the couch together and you pulled your legs up into you. single tears streamed down your face every once and a while as you waited for someone to talk. “he doesn’t know you’re here,” nick started. “we didn’t want to tell him and freak him out.” “oh so he’s not allowed to be freaked out so i have to be. got it” you regretted it as soon as you got the sentence out. “sorry. fuck i’m sorry guys. i really just- i don’t know what i’m doing here.” you ran a hand through your hair nervously.
“it’s okay y/n/n we get it. we really just think you guys should talk.” chris said patting your knee. “yeah, we don’t want to pressure you but we think it will help both of you get some closure. so you sit here. we’re going to go out for a little bit, give you some space. if you decide you want to leave then please do so, but we won’t be upset if you’re here when we get back.” they gave you soft smiles as they made their way out of the house leaving you with your thoughts.
once you got the tears to stop, you knew that if you didn’t get off the couch now you would never make it to matt’s room. you were hesitant to knock. you didn’t hear anything in the otherside of the door. you were almost hoping he was asleep so you could go home and forget this ever happened.
as you began to raise your hand the door slowly opened. matt’s head was hung low looking at his phone. your lips parted slightly in shock. he quickly looked up when he noticed someone was standing there. “i- sorr- i um- i have to go.” you barely got out. as you tried turning so you could walk in the other room. “y/n?” matt was in shock and confused. you were the last person he expected to see. he just wanted to run over and hug you, but he kept his restraint. you rushed over to the couch looking for your keys. “i’m sorry i shouldn’t have come. chris and nick called me and i was worried about you but i really shouldn’t be here.” when you got nervous you just talked fast. your mouth couldn’t keep up with all the thoughts running through your head.
matt hadn’t moved from his doorway. he was frozen watching you pace the living room. when he finally came to his senses he spoke up to stop you. “wait please stop. please. i want to talk to you.” matt rushed over to you and grabbed your hand trying to get you to look at him. he fully expected you to pull away, but his confidence slightly boosted when you didn’t.
“please.” he repeated. “please come sit with me.” his words were soft and nervous. you nodded looking up at him. he walked you over to his room hand in hand. matt gestured for you to sit in his bed as he sat across from you. you decided to talk first. you just wanted to know he was okay. “um. your brothers asked me to come talk to you. they said you hadn’t left your room, and i know i shouldn’t be, because of the way we ended things, but i was really worried about you, matt. i don’t want you to be upset. i know i was really mean and i’m so sorry-” “no. please do not apologize.” he reached over to hold your hands. “i deserved everything you said to me. you were right. please look at me, sweetheart. i have been a mess because i feel so shitty about the way i treated you. and i couldn’t look at chris and nick because they lost you too. i feel so fucking bad.”
“i know you do, baby. i want to forgive you i really do, but i can’t go back to the way things were.” both of you had tears running down your faces. you just wanted to hold each other and forget everything. “i promise i can be better. i promise that i can do better. you deserve better then i’ve ever treated you and i will work my ass off everyday to prove that to you.” you moved closer to matt as you held his face and used the pads of your thumbs to wipe his tears. you leaned your forehead against his as you sat there debating what to say. “i know you will, matt. i believe you.” “do you really?” he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. he wanted nothing more then to kiss you but he couldn’t push your boundaries. “i do, baby. i’m so in love with you. i don’t know how i’ve spent this long without you.” you said slightly leaning in to matt.
both of you flicked your eyes between your lips and back to each others eyes. “i love you too.” matt said. “can i please kiss you?” he asked nervously. you guys had kissed millions of times before but something was different this time. you guys felt closer. “please, matt. you can do anything to me.” and with that your lips instantly connected. you two melted into eachother as the kiss deepened. he quickly swiped his tongue against your bottom lip asking for entrance which you accepted. “let me show you how sorry i am?” “please.”
he was chaos, he was revelry
bedroom eyes look like a remedy
matt gently pushed your back down onto his mattress. he took his lips off of yours as he pecked his way down your neck. your hands traveled down his chest as you pulled on the edge of his shirt. he took notice to this and hastily removed the piec rod fabric. he sent you pleading eyes as you nodded at him to take yours off as well. he took your bra off with it and trailed his hand down your arm to intertwine your fingers. your unoccupied hand went to matt’s hair as he placced soft kissed to your boobs. he’s movements become desperate as he attached his lips to my nipple as he gently sucked.
soft pants came out of your mouth as you pushed matt’s head lower towards where you were craving him most. he tilted his head up at you with a smug grin. “yeah baby, is that what you want?” he smirked at you as he shimmied your legs out of your pants and threw them to the corner of his room. he traveled down lower as he started to spread your legs letting him lay between them. he breath met your clit and he turned his head to bite the inside of your thigh.
“tell me what you need, sweetheart” “you, matt. i need you to touch me.” you rushed out. you needed to be close to him. you just wanted to feel him. matt pulled your underwear to the side and ran a finger through your slit. his cold hands tips sent goose bumps through your body. you swallowed thickly as he sent one quick lick to your core. he looked at you for a reaction only to get a nod of encouragement from you.
matt hummed while he wrapped one hand around your thigh spreading you farther apart for him. he slowly leaned into you dipping is tongue deeper into your wet folds. matt could feel the blood rushing to his cock due to your small pants and moans. the tight grip on his hair only encouraged him to keep going. you let out a small scream as he slowly began to enter his fingers into you. “fuck matt just like that.” you said as his middle and ring fingers curled up hitting that spongy spot. matt hummed into your cunt as he violently licked your clit.
neither of you had touched yourselves or anyone else in over a month. the pent up frustration made things go a lot faster then either of you expected. matt began rutting his hips softly into his mattress trying to relieve the tension he was feeling. you clenched around his fingers signally your close orgasm. matt’s head came up as his fingers still thrusted into you. “that feel good, baby. you gonna cum for me. come on, sweetheart. cum for me.” matt didn’t let up as your moans got louder if anything it made him to go in with more force. your orgasm came fast and hard. matt continued sucking as you came down from your high. you panted as matt slowly pulled his fingers out of you.
you started to sit up you you could return the favor only to be pushed back down as matt met you in a kiss. “no baby. tonight’s about you. i just want to make you feel good. i want to show you how sorry i am.” you looked at him with puppy dog eyes. “you do make me feel good matt. just let me return the favor.” you were quickly cut off by the sound of matt’s pants being pulled down. he shock his head at you to deny your request and your hand found the waistband of his boxers as you began to pull his cock out.
he was hard and somehow looked bigger then you remembered. matt’s head fell forward when you started stroking him. his arm that he was using to hold himself up almost giving out at the sensation. you ran his cock through your folds wetting him from you arousal and his precum. he took control as he slid into you, giving you a second to adjust, and then bottoming out at the sign of your approval.
you both let out signs as matt started thrusting into you. he ran his hand up and down your side and placed long kisses on your neck. certain to leave at least one hickey. matt was fully immersed in you. “matt please don’t stop. faster..fuck.” matt had every intention on taking his time with you tonight, to really show you how he feels, but he couldn’t turn down the opportunity. “fuck baby.” matt said speeding up. “faster? you want me to fuck you faster hm? tell me how good i’m making you feel baby.” matt kept up his pace as your hands found his back. your nails scratched down his skin leaving red marks in their trail. you threw your head back in pleasure when matt began rubbing your clit in figure eight motions. your noises only got louder but you were so fucked out that matt laughed when you couldn’t form a sentence. “you got it baby. you’re doing to good for me.” matt’s hips slammed into you surely leaving bruises. “tell me how good i’m making you feel. use your words.”
with one hand on your clit and the other brushing hair off of your forehead, matt soon approached his first orgasm of the night. you gasped and tried to catch your breath to say coherent words. “shit- i- god you’re doing so good, mmh. you feel so good. don’t stop. gonna cum.” you quickly reached your second orgasm. “yeah, you gonna cum,” matt taunted as his motions became sloppy. “good girl, cum with me, y/n.”
both of your orgasms built rapidly and didn’t disappoint. your head flew back in pleasure as matt lowly groaned and let out a small whimper. he rode out both of your orgasms and you reached out to out your head in this chest as you became overstimulated. matt slowly pulled out and fell down beside you as he leaned for his shirt to clean you up. “i love you.” you said as you rolled over to place your head in his chest. “i love you most.” he replied giving a kiss to the top of your head.
thinking it can change the
beat of my heart when he touches me
and counteract the chemistry
and undo the destiny
matt and you layed in a comfortable silence as you held each other. no one could ruin this moment for you two. you saw the comments over the months that you had ruined matt or that you’re a whore and you didn’t deserve him. no one knew the real truth. matt and you were made for each other. you didn’t believe in soulmates until matt came around.
you were still in matt’s bed when nick and chris got home that night. sound asleep you two basked in the presence of eachother. matt’s two brothers saw his bedroom door slightly ajar, they made their way over to see what was going on.
with no comment they smiled at each other noticing your states. they were happy to have their favorite couple back.
you ain’t gotta pray for me
me and my wild boy
and all this wild joy
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gh0stsp1d3r · 3 months
Could you an enemies to lovers Rafe Cameron x chubby/ curvy middle class Reader. She’s friends with the pogues and spends most of her time with them which leads to encounters with Rafe and his goonies. Rafe has always been in love with her but doesn’t show it instead he just teases/makes fun of her every time he sees her which always leads to bickering. She finally has enough when he scares off a guy who was hitting on her. She tells him that she just wanted to feel beautiful, not fat and good enough which he took away that possibility because of him scaring the guy off. She confront him his behavior towards her (thinking he is making fun of her by flirting with her)which leads to a love confession and a ton of smut with praise and breeding kink
I love this sm! So sorry this took a little to finish, hope you like it!!
What was that for?
Warnings- p in v, drinking, car sex, porn with plot
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Rafe Cameron. The kook prince, the man who was secretly, deeply infatuated with you.
He found you interesting. You weren’t scared to stand up to him, and that was rare with some pogues.
You hated him. He was attractive, he was extremely fucking hot. But he was the most annoying person you’ve ever met. Him and his little minions.
It was a life long fight between the two of you.
“Shit, well look who it is!” A familiar voice said. You rolled your eyes, putting on a fake smile and coming towards their table.
You had just gotten a new job at some fancy restaurant in figure 8. It paid well, so you tried your best to keep it.
“Since when did you start working here?” Rafe asked you, as you poured some water for him.
And you hated to even think it, but with his legs spread and his arms crossed in that chair, he looked too good.
“Last week.”
“Didn’t know they hired pogues.” One of his friends said with a laugh. Rafe smiled, his eyes fixed on you.
You clenched your jaw, forcing another small smile.
“What can I get for you guys?” You asked them, putting on your friendly- waitress voice, and keeping your fake smile.
Now, you sat down with your friends at the boneyard, a drink in your hand and a smile on your face. All of you talked for a while, about anything and everything.
Boneyard parties truly were amazing. Everyone came together, no matter what side of the island you’re from.
“C’mon, you needa pick up a guy.” JJ told you, he had been trying to set you up with this one guy the entire time.
You groaned, taking a sip of the cheap beer in your hands.
“It doesn’t even need to be him! I’m tired of seeing my best friend sulk around alone. And he told me that he thinks you’re hot!”
“I’m not alone. I got you guys. And while I-“
“You’re the only single one in the group.” He pointed out, nodding to Cleo and Pope, as well as Sarah and John B.
“C’mon. Give him a chance, please…?” Jj begged.
You sighed, scarfing down the rest of the beer and throwing it.
“Where is he?”
“That’s my girl!” He shouted, a smile on his face as he looked around, coming over to one of his friends.
“Hey, Josh, I thought I would introduce you to one of my friends. This is y/n.” He pointed to you.
“Y/n, this is Josh.” He pointed to the boy, who had a shy smile on his face as he held out his hand for you to shake.
“Hi.” He said quietly.
“Hi.” You said with a small smile.
“All righttt… you two get comfy, now.” Jj spoke, pointing finger guns at the both of you.
“See you, J.” Josh said.
You just waved goodbye, and turned back to Josh.
“Uhm… you’re..” he cleared his throat. “You’re beautiful.”
You smiled, your cheeks warming up.
“You’re not so bad yourself.”
He chuckled, and the two of you talked. You learned more about him,
He was sweet, you thought to yourself. He complimented you and didn’t talk about himself too much.
“Hey, so.. this might be a little soon, but I was wondering if I could get your number?” He asked you, his eyes hopeful.
“Yeah. Yeah. Of cour-“ you began to pull out your phone when a hand on your shoulder made you jump, you furrowed your eyebrows and turned around.
“Hey, I feel like I’ve seen you before.” Rafe spoke, looking at Josh, his gaze sharp.
“Uhm… I- I mean you- you probab-“
“I- I- you.” He mocked, cutting the boy off. “Oh, wait. You’re that one dude.” He clicked his tongue.
“You uh… you’re the dude who got beat up by Kelce in high school. That’s why you look so familiar.” He nodded.
“Yeah. You told your mommy on him. Nice to see you again, man.” He said, a wicked grin spreading across Rafes face.
Josh’s face was suddenly drained of all color.
“Feel like you had a nickname.. it was something like dirt licker? Cause…” he chuckled.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You exclaimed, and shrugged Rafe’s hand off of you.
“I’ll… I’ll see you later.” Josh murmured, ignoring Rafe and looking at you before walking away.
You stayed looking at Rafe now.
“What the hell was that for?!” You shouted, shoving him. You were thankful no one could hear, since you both were far away from the crowd.
He held his hands up in defense. “Chill out, sweetheart. I’m saving you. That dudes a pussy-“
“Why do you care? Why can’t you just fucking leave me alone?! One good thing happens and you ruin it all!”
He seemed genuinely confused at your words.
“You make me feel like shit, every. single. day. And some guy finally notices me, he finally fuckin’ makes me feel good about myself, I just wanted to feel pretty and not fat for once, and you ruined it!”
You both were close now, your face so close to his that he could feel your breath.
“I love you.” He blurted out. You looked at him, stepping back, confused.
“I thought I made it obvious.”
“Wha- Rafe, you fucking call me names every day, you come to my job literally just to make fun of me! You and your friends are complete assholes to me! Then you go ahead and flirt with me as a joke, which really fucking hurt, in case you didn’t know!”
“I wasn’t jokingly flirting with you. I just…”
You waited for his response, thinking it was gonna be more bullshit.
“I do like you. I have since like.. 11th grade. Why do you think I only give you so much shit?”
You looked at him, even more confused.
“You don’t mean that.”
“Let me show you.”
His lips were on yours in an instant, his hands making their way down your body, landing on your waist.
You were shocked, taken aback. But you quickly kissed him back, moaning into the kiss when he slid his tongue into your mouth.
“Back to my car?” He asked you, his voice a whisper as he pulled apart from the kiss.
You nodded quickly, the two of you walking to the car. He opened the back door for you, then jumped in as well.
You practically were jumping on him the second those doors shut. Your body flush against his in the backseats.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.” He said with a chuckle when your hands flew to his belt.
“I probably can.” You mumbled, pulling his pants down to his legs, he kicked them off. You straddled his lap now, a new confidence buzzing in you, mostly because of the alcohol in your system. He took his shirt off and threw it somewhere.
Your lips on his had him drunk off of you immediately, one hand cupped your face and the other went to your thigh, and then between your legs.
He pulled your panties to the side, dragging his finger down and collecting your wetness on it. You let out a moan at the contact.
He pulled away from the kiss, and before you could protest, he brought his finger to his mouth, looking at you with those hooded eyes.
That was probably the hottest thing you’ve ever seen in your life.
His fingers then started to moved in and out of your pussy, you clenching on his fingers was enough to make his pants tighten even more. He finally pulled them out, licking them clean.
Your eyes widened and he smirked, liking your reaction. He flipped you both over, you now laying on the seats and him hovering over your body. Pulling his hard cock out, you stared at it in disbelief.
How the hell would that even fit inside?
The tip was red and angry, leaking pre cum. He noticed your expression and chuckled, making you look back at him.
“I’ll make it fit.” He murmured, his hand bunching your dress up. He put his cock over your panties that he could see through because of the wetness seaping through. He rubbed his cock over your panties, moving it up and down.
“Please-“ you whined, desperate for any sort of contact at this point.
“Use your words.”
“Please, just fuck me!” You blurted out. He smiled at that.
“That’s all you had to say.”
His hands pulled the fabric to the side, he lined the tip up with your entrance.
You let out a cry as he slowly entered your gummy walls, you grabbed onto his back, pulling his body directly to yours.
He groaned as he moved even deeper from your movements. You buried your face in his shoulder, tears filling your eyes at the sharp pain you felt.
“You’re fine, you’re fine.” He murmured when your nails raked down his back. “Relax f’ me. God- too fuckin’ tight.” He groaned out.
Soon, the pain was overtaken by pleasure. He moved slow, watching your face for any sort of pain.
“You okay, baby?” He asked you, you let out a moan and nodded.
His pace quickened at your nod, one of his hands on the window.
“Shit.” He grunted out, as you moaned. He fought the urge to cum right then and there when he saw your fucked out face. His grunts and groans only made you closer to the edge.
“Rafe!” You cried out, he could tell you were close by the way you gripped him like a vice.
“C’mon, cum for me.” He told you, his free hand slithering its down and rubbing your clit in a circular motion.
That was enough to make you scream, coating his cock.
“Good fuckin’ girl.” His pace never stopped.
“Shit, where should I-“ he started, feeling his orgasm coming on.
“Inside.” He couldn’t even finish his sentence before you spoke. He groaned at simply the thought of you carrying around his child, and came inside of you, both of you panting as he slowly pulled out.
“Whose car is that?” Jj asked, stumbling around drunkenly with the rest of the group. They all looked at the car with the fogged up windows, it rocking back and forth, and shrugged.
“Don’t know but looks like someone’s getting it on tonight.” Kiara said with a laugh and a shrug.
“It’s my brothers.” Sarah said with a grimace. They all turned to her now.
“Hey- where’s y/n?” Pope asked suddenly, realizing her missing presence.
Jj shrugged. “Last I saw she was with Josh.”
“You think they went home together?”
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pandorxxx · 1 year
Made for each other (crazy about you part 2)
Lo’ak x Omatikayan fem reader (all aged up)
Warnings: pure smut, possessive, delusional, violent lo’ak (and reader), attempted murder, mentions of suicide, mentions of killing in general, spanking, choking, hair pulling, smacking, spit kink, biting (a lot of blood at the end), daddy kink, praise kink, cursing, oral, p in v, multiple orgasms, creampie. (Lmk If I miss something)
Addition warning: This fic follows the pattens of toxic relationships, so if this triggers you in any way, please do not continue.
Last warning⚠️: Lo’ak is extremely toxic in this. Please read at your own risk
It had been a year since you and lo’ak made it official, a year since he put you in your place. And the relationship was….toxic to say the least. You two had broken up and gotten back together so many times that you lost count. You were jealous and he was possessive, creating a recipe for disaster. You almost wished that you never even pursued him, maybe your life would be better without him in it. You wouldn’t dare tell him that though.
He told you that he would kill you if you tried to leave him for good, and apart of you believed him. You were becoming scared of lo’ak, scared that he might do something unspeakable, all for you. And it showed in his daily actions; the way he would linger around, watching your every move. Threatening any man that got to close to you, similar to the situation that transpired today:
“Bring your little ass here, right now! I’m sick of chasing you!” He growled, whipping through the trees as he followed your small frame.“NO! Why did you have to punch him?” You yelled, stomping away from him.
“He was too fucking close, y/n. Too close to what’s mine.” He growled, smacking leaves out of his path as he kept his pace behind you. “He’s didn’t even touch me!” You screamed, storming through the trees to get away from him.
“I’m a man! I know what the fuck he was thinking. Maybe I should just lock you up, huh? So no one can see you!” He chuckled angrily, speeding up his pace behind you.
“Ughhh! I hate you!!!” You screamed, hissing at him loudly, tail swaying in anger.
“I hate you too!” He roared, running towards you. He caught up quickly, yanking your arm harshly, turning you towards him.
“Let me go, idiot!” You shouted, trying to yank yourself out of his grasp, to no avail. He gripped your other arm, lifting you off the ground.
“No! You’re mine! Did you fucking forget?” He growled, shaking your small frame with every word. You hissed, struggling to get him off of you.
“Put me down, lo’ak! You’re hurting me!” You whined, making his gaze soften slightly, before he dropped you down to the ground.
You fell onto your back, instantly trying to crawl away from him. He grabbed your tail, pulling you back, before flipping you around. He straddled your lap, placing both of his large hands around your neck.
“You think you can leave me, y/n? HUH? I’ll never let you go!” He roared, squeezing your neck tightly, to the point where you couldn’t breathe all that well. “L-Lo’ak, y-you’re choking me!” You strained, tapping his forearm repeatedly. However, he didn’t let up.
“I’d rather see you dead than with someone else! I can’t see you with anyone else, y/n!” He yelled, voice becoming shaky as his emotions got the best of him. Tears flooding his eyes, loosening his grip on your neck slightly. Just enough for you to gasp loudly, regaining your breath.
He slowly crumbled, falling onto you as he weeped like a child. You cried too, looking into the sky. The situation that you put yourself in made you emotional. Deep down, you knew this was your karma for stalking him all these years. You blamed yourself for this. You just wanted out, but he couldn’t seem to let you go.
“P-please, baby! Please don’t fucking leave me. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He cried in your chest, punching the ground in frustration, causing you to flinch. He shot up, looking into your terrified eyes.
“B-Baby, I don’t mean to scare you. You know that right? I’ll do anything to make you love me again! ANYTHING! J-just give me another chance. I’ll be good for you this time. I-I won’t yell, or hit anybody anymore. I-I promise, please!” He rambled, crying as he caressed your tear stained cheek.
Lo’ak was draining you from the inside out. You regretted everything about your relationship with him. You truly wished that you could go back to the beginning, when he wanted nothing to do with you. But because you couldn’t turn back time, there was just something in you that didn’t want to let him go. Maybe it was his “bad boy” tendencies, or his protectiveness, his sex….you couldn’t quite pinpoint it. As many times as you tried to be strong, tried to end it, he always found a way to suck you back in, and today was no different.
“Lo’ak, please. I-i can’t do this anymore. Just let me go, please let me go…” you whimpered, shaking your head from side to side in exhaustion.
“You know I can’t do that, don’t make me do that, please! I promise I’ll change for you. I’ll calm down!” He whined, sliding his hand down to your loincloth. You shook your head again, so tired of the same old song he sang. He’d treat you like shit, get aggressive with you, apologize, and then fuck you until you felt better. And you let him. You’d let him fuck you until you forgot about the argument because deep down, you enjoyed this little game you played with him. You were just as sick as he was, just as delusional. You two were made for eachother.
“Let me make it better, ok? Daddy’s gonna make it better.” He spoke lowly, pecking your lips, tasting your salty tears as he slid his hand in your loincloth, rubbing circles into your clit. You moaned into his mouth, falling into his trance again. He slid a finger inside of you, pumping in and out at a slow pace, just how you liked it. He knew you like the back of his hand, and he knew how to please you.
“Mmm shit..” you whimpered, tears still streaming down your face. “It’s ok, baby. Don’t cry. I’m going to take care of you.” He whispered, kissing down your body until he reached your loincloth, pulling it down with his teeth.
“Lo’ak, I-im breaking up with you.” You cried, knowing that you didn’t even believe yourself. Knowing that after this, you would walk out of the forest with him, hand in hand.
“Don’t say that, mama. I’d kill you if you left me. Matter of fact, I’d kill myself. Is that what you want?” He spoke lowly, attaching his mouth to your cunt, French kissing it slowly as he glared into your puffy eyes. He grabbed your legs, pulling them over his shoulders as he caressed your thighs.
You moaned loudly, throwing your head back as your dainty hand connected to the back of his head. “Yes, baby. Open up to me!” He moaned, flicking his tongue against you clit. He trailed his hand up to your top, untying it gently.
“Lo’ak, please. w-we aren’t good for eachother.” You grunted while caressing his head softly, allowing him to pull you back into his toxic embrace.
“Stop saying that! You know I’m the best thing for you.” He growled, giving your clit one last flick before kissing your thigh. He flipped you over on your stomach before laying flat on top of you. He ripped his loincloth off, throwing it to the side. He grabbed his cock, sliding into you gently.
“Let me show you how much I love you, y/n. I’ll be good for you, I promise baby.” He spoke softly in your ear, thrusting into you slowly. You bit your lip, grabbing his large hands to hold them close to your heart. He sped up the pace, going deeper than he ever has.
You never truly believed him when he said he’d change. But he was so gentle with you today, solely focused on how you were feeling. It made you feel like he was capable of change, capable of being the man you knew he could be for you.
“Please, don’t stop!” You whined, throwing your head down to the moss. He kissed the back of your neck, still thrusting into you at a steady pace.
“I’ll never stop, y/n. I’ll never leave you alone, baby. You’re mine, ok?” He moaned in your ear before tugging on it with his canines. With you being a delusional mess for him, you nodded frantically.
“Yes, I’m yours! I’ll always be yours.” You whined, kissing his hand as tears blurred your vision. “Do you love me? Huh? Tell me you love me, and that you’ll never leave me.” He spoke lowly, his hot breath breezing past your ear. You felt that familiar knot in your stomach building up, in turn, making you submit to him, as you always have.
“Yes, lo’ak! I-i love you so much, I-I’ll n-ever leave you, baby!” You stuttered, holding his hands tightly as you felt his cock twitch inside of you, repeatedly. He let out a loud moan, thrusting into you harder to catch his high.
“Oh, baby! Please keep talking to me like that! Im gonna fucking cum!” He grunted in your ear before giving it a small peck. You loved when he became a complete mess for you, it turned you on and today was no different. “Mmmm, fuuuuck lo’ak! I-i dont know what I would do without you baby! I need you so bad!”
You whined loudly. You closed your eyes tightly, squeezing his hands in yours when you felt your high approaching quickly.
“Mhmm what else, mama?! Come on, t-talk to Me. Im almost there!” He whimpered, squeezing your hands as well, shutting his eyes tightly as his face screwed in pleasure.
“y-you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to Me. I-I would never give you up!” You whimpered, shaking your head to confirm your previous statement. He purred in your ear, before losing it completely.
“Fuck! *thrust* Fuck! *thrust* Fuck! *thrust*”
He moaned before coming undone inside of you, painting your walls with his seed. Yet and still, He kept a steady pace just for you, making sure you were taken care of. You felt the knot in your stomach coming undone, convulsing under his whimpering and moaning figure.
“Shiiit! Cumming!!” You screamed as your juices merged with his, coating his cock with every deep thrust.
“Goooood girl, baby! Such a good girl for daddy, aren’t you?” He whispered in Your ear, thrusting into you slowly as he rode out his high, also helping you ride out yours.
“Fuuuck yes! yes! I’m a good girl, just for you!” You moaned, letting out a sigh of relief, along with lo’ak. You were hoping that he meant everything he said about changing for you, so that you two could start fresh. But, just like the other times, he lied.
He continued to be possessive and aggressive. He would stalk, and watch your every move, watch for other men who could drive a wedge in between you two. All the while, still finding time to flirt with the other girls in the clan. Although you didn’t have solid proof of cheating, you had a feeling, and that’s all you needed. He would leave the hut early and come in late at night. And when you questioned him, the conversation always went alittle something like this:
“What? You don’t trust me?” Lo’ak would say, barely above a whisper. His ears flat, as he held his tail in his hand. Your gaze would soften, seeing his sad demeanor.
“n-no lo’ak, I do trust you!” You would nod frantically, caressing his biceps as you planted soft kisses across his chest.
“I thought we had something different, y/n. I thought YOU were different.” He would speak softly, shaking his head at you with disappointment before trying to leave. You would pull him back, willing to do anything to keep him right where he was. And it was an endless cycle for the two of you. If he wasn’t manipulating you, you were micromanaging him, making sure that nothing could hide under your nose. However, it didn’t seem like lo’ak cared that much. He would flirt with girls in-front of you, and today was no different.
Everyone shuffled around the common area, doing their daily chores. If lo’ak wasn’t stalking you, you were stalking him, watching his every move as he held long conversations with the other females.
Today, he decided to make conversation with Malina, who so happened to hate your guts. And vice versa. What made you mad was that lo’ak knew about your hatred towards her, and she knew that lo’ak was yours. Your blood boiled as you watched them laugh, and joke with eachother. You stalked from the trees, squeezing your bow tightly.
How could he? Any other girl but her! Why would he do this? Knowing the relationship you had with Malina?
You were furious, tail swooshing behind you in defense as you huffed with every breath. They could both die for all you cared, but more so Malina. She had the nerve to talk to lo’ak, knowing he belonged to you. You thought maybe you should just get rid of her, so she could leave him alone. So you wouldn’t have to worry about her.
All of theses thoughts ran through your head as you stood tall, drawing your bow back as you aimed it at Malina’s temple. You saw Malina raise a hand, running it down lo’aks bicep. And that was all the motivation you needed to take her fucking head off. You released the bow, watching it fly directly towards Malinda, just for it to hit the tree bark just inches above her head.
She screamed, ducking all the way down. Lo’ak jumped, stepping back from Malina slightly before looking around the forest in alertness. He had a feeling, but he didn’t want to believe it. However, he knew you all too well, and wouldn’t put this past you. Shit, he would do it too.
You cursed internally, disappointed in yourself for not putting a whole through her head. You shook your head in defeat, stepping out of the trees slowly. Lo’ak chuckled, throwing his head down as he shook it all-knowingly.
“Y/n, what the fuck!” Malina screamed in disbelief, standing to her full height. She looked at the bow sticking out of the bark, before slowly turning to you with wide eyes.
“Malina, I’m so sorry! My aim is so off today! I meant to kill you. Silly me!” You confessed with a sarcastic tone, grinning from ear to ear. Lo’ak bit his lip in anger, shooting you the scariest glare before turning to a flabbergasted Malina.
“I am so sorry for my girlfriend. She didn’t mean it.” He mumbled, trying not to let you hear what he was saying on your behalf.
“Oh, I meant it. Wish it would’ve went through that pretty little head, too.” You scoffed, glaring at malina. Lo’ak shut his eyes in frustration, clenching his jaw. He took a deep breath, darting over to you. He grabbed you by your hair, dragging you to your shared hut.
“What the fuck was that about, mama?” Lo’ak huffed in anger, slamming the hut door behind him. Coming face to face with you.
“You two were talking for too long, so I just ended the conversation early.” You spoke softly, crossing your arms as you glared up at him. He grinned, pulling you closer to him by your neck.
“You’re fucking crazy, you know that?” He said in his melodic tone, staring down at you with nothing but lust. He liked when you were jealous now that he found himself being completely obsessed with you. He also liked how quick you were to kill that girl, all for him.
“And you’re not? Threatening to kill me if I left you, but you do shit like this. Flirting with any girl that’ll give you the time of day. You’re fucking sick. You make me crazy, it’s all your fault!” You spat in a low tone, heat radiating off of your body in anger. He licked his lips, backing you into the wall harshly.
“Oh, I’m sick? But how did we get here?” He asked with a cocked brow, tilting his head in confusion.
“I told you in the beginning, that we wouldn’t work together. But you wouldn’t fucking listen. You just couldn’t take no for an answer. So I gave in, and now I’m stuck. I’ll never let you go. And I will kill you if you try to leave me. That’s not a threat, it’s a fucking promise. Play and see what happens.” He growled, pulling you closer to him by the grip he had on your neck.
“I can’t fucking stand you. I’ve had enough of your stupid game. I don’t wanna play anymore. I QUIT!” You shouted, pushing him away. You started to walk off but he snatched you back by your queue, pinning it on the wall. You hissed at him, trying to push him away to no avail.
“You’re done when I SAY you’re done. And I wanna keep playing.” He growled, holding your dainty wrists in one of his large hands. You shook your head wearily, so fucking tired of his games. He was draining you of everything, like a leech. Your emotions got the best of you, as your eyes started to water, blurring your vision completely.
He watched you on the verge of breaking down, and his gaze softened. He let your wrists go, finally understanding the severity of the situation. You leaned your head on his chest in exhaustion, feeling so sick that the thought of standing was making you tired. Lo’ak grabbed you in his arms, stopping your movements as he tried to keep you upright.
“Y/n, c-come on baby. Don’t do this.” He grunted, watching your body shake from your constant wailing. “No! w-why do you d- do this to me?!! You’re killing me, lo’ak! I-i can’t!” You cried, punching his chest weakly. You weeped, burying your head in his chest.
“Y/n- i-I’m sorry, please. I-it’ll never happen again! I’ll stop talking to her. I’ll never talk to her again. I’ll kill her if she comes near me, I only want you!” He rambled, as he always did when you threatened to leave him. You shook your head lazily, placing your fists on his chest.
“You always say that. Yet here we are! And here I am, looking stupid for staying with you.” You whimpered, leaning your head on the wall, looking into his teary eyes. He shook his head frantically, terrified at the thought of you leaving him, and him having to do the unthinkable to you.
“No, no, no! Please! I’ll change, y/n! I can’t live without you! You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I don’t wanna lose you, I CANT LOSE YOU!” He confessed, voice cracking from his sadness.
“Then SHOW ME! Show me you don’t wanna lose me!” You shouted, looking into his puffy eyes as tears fell from your face.
“You want me to show you? I’ll show you!” He growled, picking you up by your thighs, connecting his lips to yours, and like always, he sucked you in again. You grabbed the back of his head, deepening the kiss as his hands roamed your body.
You wrapped your hands around his waist, loosening the knot in his loincloth. It fell to his feet, allowing his cock to spring up in between the two of you. You took it in your hand, stroking the beads of precum out of his pulsing tip. He moaned in your mouth, bucking his hips into your hand. He slid a hand down to your loincloth, completely ripping it off of your hips, deeming it unwearable.
“You know I love you, right?” He spoke lowly in your ear, planting wet kisses on your neck. You really couldn’t tell anymore. The way he made you feel on a regular basis was unbearable, but the way he made it up to you was….unmatched. And you knew deep down that you would never find anyone that could hold a candle to the way lo’ak handled you.
“y-yes, I know!” You moaned, pushing your soaked cunt to his throbbing cock, pulling him closer to you by his shoulders.
“Just make it up to me. I-I need it, lo’ak!” You whined, bringing his cock up to your cunt, using the tip to massage your clit.
“You can have it, baby. It’s all yours, I swear. No one else’s.” He grunted, sliding into you with ease. You both let out a series of moans as he thrusted into you slowly. Still kissing your neck, placing a hand on the wall, next to your head.You clung to him, laying your head on his shoulder as you whined with every slow thrust.
“I-I need you to know that i would NEVER cheat on you. No other girl c-could ever make me feel the way you do, y/n. I’m crazy about you…” He whimpered, gnawing at your neck, biting down until he drew blood. You winced at the mix of pain and pleasure. He quickly licked the womb clean, speeding up his pace inside of you.
You would be lying if you said he wasn’t convincing. Especially when he would wait until he’s drilling into you to confess his love. It was such a manipulative move on his part. How could you even question him in the middle of him fucking you how he did? You couldn’t, and that was his plan.
“I-I know, lo’ak! Just keep fucking me like this, please don’t stop!” You moaned, leaning back on the wall, throwing your head back in pure bliss. He deemed this the perfect opportunity to nuzzle his head into your exposed chest, leaving his scent on your body. He purred into your chest, tail wrapping around your back. He slowly trailed his eyes to yours, planting a kiss on your quivering lips.
“I wont stop, baby. You like when I fuck you like this, huh? Tell me how good it feels.” He whispered, thrusting into you one hard time before rolling his hips into your sweetspot. You screamed loudly, digging your fingernails into his biceps. Your face screwed in pleasure, shaking your head from side to side in pleasure. “Come on baby, look at me!” He pouted smacking your face a couple of times before snaking his hand up to your neck, using it to focus your attention on him. Your eyes finally locked as he started to thrust into you at a steady pace. The room fell silent for a moment, as you both indulged in the squelching sounds with every stroke, looking deep into each others eyes.
“You make me feel soooo *thrust* fucking *thrust* good *thrust*.” You screamed, breaking the silence as tears welled in your eyes. He nodded in agreement, kissing your lips once more, muffling your cries for a moment.
“You m-make me -ngh!- feel good too, baby. I’m so fucking in love with you!” He growled through gritted teeth, shaking your neck with every syllable. He sped up his pace, making your jaw drop as you felt that knot in your stomach tightening.
“Yeeess, baby! Juuuust like that! Let go for daddy.” He nodded, biting his lip as your walls fluttered around his cock. A tear fell down you cheek as you convulsed in his arms.
“Daddy’s sorry, baby! I’m sooo sorry!” He spoke softly, kissing your bottom lip as your eyes rolled back. And just like that, you came undone on him. Every stroke revealing his cream coated cock.
“Such a good girl, aren’t you? I’m almost there baby.” He moaned, throwing his head back as he used your hips to rut into you, chasing his orgasm. You whimpered, as he brushed against your sensitive sweetspot with every stroke.
“Shiiit, I’m cumming baby!” He whined, leaning his head on your shoulder, burying his seed deep inside of you. “Oh, yesss lo’ak!” You moaned breathily, scratching his back up as he thrusted into you slowly, riding out his high. And just like that, he had you again. Wrapped around his finger, just how he liked it.
And as always, he fed you a bunch of BS. Although he stopped talking to other girls, the obsession and possessive behavior grew stronger. There were times where he wouldn’t even let you out of his sight; dragging you around with him everywhere. Anytime a male even looked at you for a second too long, he would lash out at them. Soon, everyone knew to stay clear of you, scared of what lo’ak would do if he saw you with another.
This caused loneliness, and you resented him for it. The only other male you could somewhat talk to was Neteyam. And lo’ak had a problem with that most of the time.
You mainly went to Neteyam for advice on your relationship. And he always spoke the truth to you. Telling you that it would be best if you stayed clear of lo’ak. And boy, did that make lo’ak mad.
“Y/n, I hate seeing you like this. It’s like he’s locked you in this hut. You need to dead his ass.” Neteyam explained, leaning on the hut wall as you sat on the cot across from him.
“Teyam, I can’t leave him. Do you know how many times he’s threatened to kill me? Kill himself? Plus….I love him.” You spoke, gesturing softly. Neteyam sighed in frustration at you, as you sat infront of him singing the same old song.
“He would never. I wouldn’t let him. And, he’s way too scared of my dad. He’s not fucking stupid. Crazy? Yes….but stupid? Nah.” Neteyam shook his head, crossing his arms with a light chuckle.
“You don’t understand. You don’t hear the conversations we have. I just….can’t leave him.”You shook your head, bringing your knees to your chest.
“He treats you like shit. Locking you up from the outside world. Don’t you think that’s alittle fucking toxic? Are you scared of him?” He asked, the last part echoing in your mind.
Were you scared of him?
You were scared of what he was capable of, but deep down, you knew lo’ak. And you knew his intentions were good. You knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to you, and that he would protect you. How could you be scared of your protector? Right?
“What’s there to be scared of?” A familiar voice said from the entrance of the hut, catching you and neteyam’s attention. It was non other than your smothering boyfriend, leaning against the door frame.
“Last time I checked, you set us up. Now you’re trying to break us apart? What, so you can have her to yourself?” Lo’ak spoke angrily, walking towards Neteyam. Neteyam stood up straight, assuming a position of dominance against his younger brother. Your heart pounded, watching the two brothers meet half with aggressive demeanors.
“I wish I knew you would treat her this way. Then I wouldn’t have set her up with your psycho ass.” Neteyam growled, getting in lo’aks visibly angry face.
“And if I find out you’ve threatened her again, I’ll kill YOU. How about that?” He growled, poking lo’aks chest. Lo’ak tilted his head in anger, tail swaying high in aggression. You panicked, shuffling off of the cot to stand in between them. Both of the men towering over your small frame as they eyed each other with so much hatred. You couldn’t help but think this was all your fault.
“Please… d-dont do this. Don’t fight.” You whispered wearily, getting choked up by your own tears as you shift your attention in between both brothers. They completely ignored you, still staring each-other down.“Neteyam, j-just go. I’m fine, really.” You grabbed his arms, shaking him to get his attention.
“Yeah, you should go Neteyam. Y/n and I need to….talk.” Lo’ak grinned, wrapping his arms around your shoulders lightly, pulling you flush to his chest.
Neteyam hissed at lo’ak before meeting your soft gaze. “If I see so much as a scratch on her, I’ll beat the shit out of you.” Neteyam spoke deeply, bumping lo’aks shoulder as he walked out of the hut, shutting the door behind him.
There was an awkward silence as he swayed you back and forth, before he broke it. “Why do you test me, y/n?” He asked calmly, slowly squeezing his arms together around your neck.“L-Lo’ak I- I’m sorry.” You apologized, not even knowing the reason why. You held onto his arms, trying to loosen his grip around your neck.
“Nah, don’t apologize now. All you ever do is is try to leaving me. Telling me that you want to break up with me.” His voice grew angrier, making you nervous. He spun you around in one fell swoop, walking you back into the wall by your neck, slamming you into it.
“What the fuck do you want me to do, huh? WHAT THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOU’RE NOT GOING NO FUCKING WHERE!” He growled, shaking your neck with every word. You had never seen him this angry before, and it made you tremble under his grasp.
“I-I UNDERSTAND! LO’AK I LOVE YOU!” You whimpered, voice shaky as tears flooded your vision. He shook his head, loosening his grip on your neck.
“Stop saying that! You don’t fucking mean it! You try to leave me every chance you get. And I do whatever I can to make you stay, make you love me. But I’m not enough for you. And everyone thinks I’m bad news, influencing you to believe the same! I’ve tried everything with you. I’ve apologized numerous times, I’ve stopped talking to other girls like you asked me to, but nothing is enough for you. Guess I’ve just gotta fuck you until you get it. Until EVERYONE gets it. You are MINE goddamit!” He roared, nothing but rage in his golden eyes as he punched the hut wall, creating a gaping whole in the foundation. He grabbed your hair, yanking you towards the cot before throwing you onto it.
“Lo’ak please!” You begged as he flipped you over on you stomach. “No, fuck that! I’m gonna show your little ass! Show you who the fuck you belong to.” He growled, all while tying your hands up with his hair tie. He tore your loincloth off, throwing it to the side.
“Lo’ak! I know I belong to you! I know I’m YOURS!” You shouted, looking back at him, only to see his hand raised to the heavens, coming down on your ass so hard that it left a handprint. You yelped in pain, squirming under him.
“What did I tell you, huh? Who do you belong to?!” He yelled, spanking you hard at a constant pace. “Lo’ak, MERCY!!” You screamed, tears tricking down your cheeks with every harsh blink.
“ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!” He roared, holding your wrists in place as he continued your punishment. “YOU- I BELONG TO YOU, BABY!” You whimpered, trying desperately to crawl from under him.
“I don’t believe you yet, mama…” he growled, pulling you up by your hair, before biting down on your neck, marking you as his. The blood flowed down your shoulder, dripping onto the cot. You hissed, feeling your neck throb from the open womb.
“YOU. ARE. MINE! Do you understand?!” He spoke through gritted teeth, tightening his grip on your hair. “Yes, lo’ak! I fucking get it!” You shouted in anger. He chuckled, kissing your cheek as he untied his loincloth with one hand, throwing it across the room.
“There’s my girl! I love making you mad. Gives me a reason to fuck you like a whore, just to straighten you out.” He whispered in your ear before kissing it.
He lined his cock up with your entrance, plunging into you deep. He pulled your hips up to meet his pelvis before he started rutting into you hard and steady. He gripped your long ponytail, wrapping it around his forearm to pull you up. Every thrust causing droplets of blood to fall beneath you.
“Say my fucking name, baby.” He spoke in a low and calm voice, smacking your bruised ass. Sending shock waves through your entire body.
“Looo’aaaak!” You whined, taking your lip in between your teeth, shutting your eyes tightly. He opened his mouth, letting spit drip down to where you were both connected before throwing his head back in pure bliss.
“This pussy is driving me crazy, baby!” He spoke sensually, thrusting into you faster. “Mmmm! you fuck me soooo good. I can’t get enough of you!” You moaned, smiling deliriously as your lower abdomen tightened.
“I’m so fucking obsessed with you, y/n!” He moaned, shaking his head before planting a soft kiss on your womb, coating his lips with your blood. He tugged on your hair, bringing your neck all the way back to kiss your lips passionately. The copper taste of your blood consuming you, before he pulled away.
“I’m obsessed with you too! No one can take your place! I-I’m so sorry daddy!” You whined, tears flowing down your cheeks from the immense amount of pleasure. Lo’ak groaned at your sweet words, feeling that familiar knot build in his stomach.
“No, no! I’m sorry, mama! I’ve b-been a fucking idiot.” He moaned, biting his lip as he admired your position. Your whines and moans got louder and louder as your peak neared.
“Go on and cum for daddy. I’m right behind you.” He spoke deeply, smacking your ass as he licked his lips. And that was all you needed, twitching under him as you came undone.“Yeeesss!” You screamed, screwing your face in pleasure as your eyes fell shut.
“Mmm! fuck! *thrust* fuck! *thrust* fuck! *thrust*” lo’ak grunted, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he painted your walls. He thrusted into you slowly, riding out his high.
“Untie me.” You moaned, trying to rip your way out of the restraints. “Why? So you can run away?” He chuckled deliriously, reminiscing on his first time with you.
“I just wanna fuck you so bad. Let me, please? I won’t leave. I’ll never leave.” You shook your head in reassurance. He bit his lip before tugging on the restraint, untying it from around your wrists. And immediately, you rose up from your position, pulling him down before you hopped on top of him, straddling his lap.
“Shit, you weren’t kidding, huh? You want this dick? Take it!” He grinned, plunging his cock into you. Both of you letting out a series of moans.
You watched his face screw in pleasure as you began to ride him. He threw his head back, exposing his neck. You weren’t one for marking but something came over you as you flashed your fangs, bending down to sink them into his neck, drawing blood. He hissed from the pain and pleasure, gripping your hips tightly. He watched you sit up slowly, blood dripping down your mouth and chest as you looked at him with nothing but lust.
“You are so fucking hot.” He muttered through gritted teeth, reaching up to rip your top off with harsh force, revealing your huge breasts. His blood mixing with yours, dripping down your breasts with each bounce to his lap.“Yeah, I know. And it’s all for you. I’m all yours!” You moaned, using his shoulders to bounce on him harder.
“Comere.” He spoke sensually, grabbing your neck to bring you down to his lips, indulging in a heated kiss. Tongues fighting for dominance as they danced around eachother. You pulled away, hovering over his lips.
“Open.” You commanded, and he obliged. You let a line of spit flow into his mouth as he swallowed it happily, bringing you in for another kiss. He thrusted up into you, causing you to moan loudly against his lips before he pulled away.
“I love you.” He whispered, gripping your ass to guide you down onto him. “I love you too.” You moaned before taking your lip in between your teeth, staring deep into his eyes.
“I’d really kill you if you left me. I fucking mean it.” He muttered with a clenched jaw, tightening his grip on your neck. You giggled deliriously with a weak grin.
“I know, daddy. I’d kill you if you left me. y-you know I’m good for it.” You spoke seductively in his ear before kitty licking it once, sending chills down his spine.
“Mmm, daddy’s little monster, huh?” He groaned, feeling his high slowly approaching him. You nodded with the same delirious smile, sitting up on him to speed up the pace. Your moans got louder as your abdomen got tighter, getting that familiar feeling again.
“d-daddy I’m gonna cum!” You whined, pouting at him with your puffy eyes. He nodded, gripping your hips again, using them to fuck into you just right.
“Come on baby, give it to me. Show me how much you love this dick.” He spoke lowly, watching your eyes roll back as you started to tremble on top of him. And just like that, you came undone again, coating his cock with your juices.
“Mmm, fuuuck! I’m about to cum in this pussy baby!” He moaned, throwing his head back in pleasure, releasing inside of you once more. Both of you letting out breathless moans as you came down from your highs. He looked up at you, pulling you down to him by your hair to bring you in for a passionate kiss. He pulled away, staring you in the eyes before speaking.
“Never forget who you belong to…”
Taglist: @number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @viajaeger @terrorthewolf @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @pullandhug @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @st-cass @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @thecutieyahia @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair @secretflowerobservation @violet-19999 @neteyamsprincess @xreadersstuff @sweetllamaparadise @lia-nath @sullymenrhot @dotheyevenknowmars @xdbluesky @slay-nt @domino-x3-blog @ladylovegood-69 @itssomeonereading @sweetirilly
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footygirl114 · 11 months
Cuando Eramos Niños (Alexia Putellas X Reader)
SO this is going to have another part.... but it got to this point today and I wanted to post something for y'all for being so patient with me. This one is a little less flirty Alexia, but it's the build up to the second part with all the cockiness. Let me know what we think?
Sitting on the plane to participate in your first world cup for your country was a surreal feeling, it was like nothing you have felt before. Looking out the window, watching the clouds fly by you couldn’t help but take a moment to reflect on the craziness of the past year. 
You had hoped to be an alternate player called in for Euros, as a left back you had a hard time finding playing time with the quality the team already had. Moving from Spain to England to play for Aston Villa, meant that you were being noticed but you had yet to make your national team debut. Watching the euros from your couch back at your mothers house in Barcelona, made your drive to play for them deeper and you wanted to push harder to get there. 
When the 15 came forward you hated that they had to do it, but you knew this would be your chance and you had to take advantage of it. And you did, you played some of the best football of your career during the international breaks but also during league play. You were working harder and digging deeper than you have ever done before. 
When your name was on that 30 player shortlist for the world cup you almost cried, but you still knew that you would not be here without the sacrifice of others, particular Leila who was missing out but you were taking her spot. While you were working harder, it slipped your mind that you would also be back playing with Alexia again. 
What no one else on the team realised was that you and Alexia had grown up together, she was a couple of years older than you, but she was your first for everything. You knew it was just a passing thing for her as you were younger and she was popular, but you knew the feelings you had for her ran much deeper than the ones she had for you. 
When she started to play more and signed her pro contract you were still in school, then your first contract came and it was on the other side of the country. You both grew apart, but you never missed her games - unless you were playing yourself. Neither of you had reached out but you watched her flourish and grow into one of the best players in the world and you kept pushing down those feelings that would bloom whenever you saw her. 
When you walked into camp that first day and your eyes locked you knew you were in trouble, when all those butterflies you felt came fluttering back. You couldn’t afford to be distracted now though so you vowed to yourself that you did not need her and you would make the team and do this by yourself. 
She didn’t get the message, and tried to befriend you and sit with you any chance she got, the one good thing is that she never hinted to anyone that you knew each other before. Last thing you wanted was for anyone to pick up on the massive crush you have had on her for years. When you walked out of the room that the coaches were using to deliver a players fate. You thought it was cruel but it was common in sports, you packed your bags before and when you left the room you were either heading to the team bus to continue on, or to a cab to fly home. 
Alexia was the first one you had seen walking out and you couldn’t help but let out an excited squeal and when she wrapped you in her arms it felt like coming home. The whispered “I am so proud of you” and the kiss pressed to your head made the butterflies go crazy. 
The following weeks of training leading up to this moment you are on the plane went by in a blur of training, meetings, and ice baths so many ice baths. The also included Alexia slowly getting more comfortable flirting with you, and she was not subtle in the way she watched you from the sidelines during drills. 
It wasn’t until the captain announced that the plan was landing that you shook out of your reflection. Reminding yourself in that moment that you got here on your own through hard work and grit meant that you would not given in to Alexia, she had already made her name in the football world. This was your chance to let everyone know what you could do. 
Transitioning from this plane to the final plane that would take you into New Zealand you kept repeating it in your head. Since this was a shorter plane ride it was a smaller plane, the team took up most of the plane and you settled into a window seat wanting to see the sights as you were landing. You were so deep in focus looking out the window and thinking about how you were going to get over this jet lag in order to keep playing your best. You felt someone sitting down beside you and didn’t think twice of it until you could feel someone pressing against your side, and feel their breath on your ear, you immediately know it’s Alexia. 
“Anything interesting out there?” she asks quietly into your ear. You feel the butterflies start again and the goosebumps on your skin as she finishes. 
“Once we move there will be” you say quietly back. 
She smiles and moves her hand to your arm and she rubs it softly as she says “I am looking at the most interesting thing here.”
You feel the blush rising on your cheeks as you say quietly “Ale please.” 
She chuckles and says “I missed that, I have missed you Y/N” 
Before you can answer the pilot announcement about seatbelts comes on and she leans back in her seat beside you. You wait until take off is over and you are at altitude before you turn toward her and say “I mean it you cant do that to me.” 
She turns her body slightly toward you in the seat and say with a smirk “I can do what ever I want Y/N.” 
“Ale, please Im asking you to give me a break” you say pleadingly. 
She reaches her hand out and places it on your forearm as she asks “give me a reason why not?” 
You close your eyes and take a deep breathe as you tell her “I worked my ass off to get here by myself, the last thing I need is a superstar like you complicating the one chance I will have to make my dream come true.” 
“complicate?” she asks softly. 
You look away as you say “yes Ale, you make me feel things that throw me off my game and I need to be on my game”
She squeezes your forearm and says “Y/N you are here cause we need you here, and you earned it. I have followed your career and I wish you had better opportunities to shine. The fact you didn’t  and still shined proves to me that you belong here.” 
You smile softly and met her eyes as you say “thank you for that Ale”
“do you remember that party in school when you found me sitting in the treehouse?” she asks softly as she runs her fingers softly over your wrist. 
“I do” you say with a question. 
She continues her movement as she says “do you remember why I was in the treehouse?” 
You look at her confused as you say “you needed a break from the party.”
She softly shakes her head and says “I had just found out that I would be signing my first pro contract the following week, I was freaking out about living up to their expectations.”
“You never said that” you say back. 
She smiles softly and says “I didn’t need to, its like you knew what to say without needing to know what I needed to hear.” she continues stroking your wrist moving up your forearms and she asks “do you remember what you said to me?”
You shake your head and say “no but I remember thats the first time you kissed me.”
She smirks and responds “I did but only because you told me that you believed in me and that I could do anything I set my mind to if I wanted to. You also told me that you would never stop following my career even if it took me to the other side of the world, cause you wanted to be able to say I know her.” 
You smile and nod whispering “I said all that?” 
“You did Y/N” she smiles “I never forgot it, and always knew I was playing for you.” 
“this doesn’t change anything Ale” you whisper silently. 
She nods and says “I know but I wanted you to know, that you have always been the reason I kept pushing, and for me this tournament being able to play beside you is a dream come true.” 
“It’s my dream too Ale, but I need to do this on my own. I got this far on my own I need to not be the player sleeping with Alexia Putellas.” you say firmly. This whole time she’s been running her fingers on your forearm, and you can feel the comfort only she can provide you.
She smiles at you and says “I can respect that but I will not change who I am Y/N, and who I am wants to flirt with you, and ever since I saw you again last month it reminded me of the feelings I had when we were younger.” 
“You did?” you ask her with a surprised look. 
“I did, I do Y/N.” she says. 
“even more reason I cant do this right now.” you say “I need to do this for me, and keep my head clear so I can be the best player I know I can be” 
She smiles and says “Okay Y/N, but I am going to prove to you that there can be an us while we both are the best players we can be.” 
Before you can answer there is shouting and the team is standing and dancing in the aisles of the plane, where they drag Alexia into the foray and you are happy that you do not have to have this conversation any more. turning back to the window all you can think about is how you will get these butterflies to calm down. 
You spent the next week avoiding Alexia at all costs, it wasn’t that hard since she was training away from the team. She would meet your eyes and send you a wink anytime they connected, but anytime you looked over and she washy looking at you, the anguish and pain on her face made you want to wrap her in your arms and never let go. 
Walking into the ice bath room the day before your first game of the world cup you saw the back of her head, you know it's her that pink hair doings it job, she was alone in the ice bath. You pause debating on coming back later, but the flash of her pained face comes across your mind and something pushes you to enter. 
“room for one more?” You ask her as you walk into the room. 
She immediately turns her head and smiles softly at you, you notice it doesn’t meet her eyes. “Yeah, come in Y/N, I am almost done.” 
You frown at the back of her head as she turns away from you. Placing your stuff on the bench you pull your shorts off leaving you in spandex, and your shirt off leaving you in your sports bra. Moving towards the end of her tub you slowly step in and sink down in one motion. 
You wait for her to say something and when she doesn’t meet your eyes you ask her “No comment about me stripping for you?” 
You can see her mouth quirk up as she says “not today.” 
Frowning as she still hasn’t looked to you, you move your foot to rub softly on her calf underwater as you ask her “penny for your thoughts?” 
“I’m okay” she says. 
“Ale, can you look at me when you say that?” you say and keep your foot rubbing on her calf. 
Again you see the corner of her mouth quirk up, and she moves her eyes up and finally meets yours. You can see the anguish in her eyes and she asks “happy?” 
“not really Ale” you say, you scoot closer to her and reach out for her hand as you ask “What’s going on in that pretty pink head of yours?” 
She snorts and says “Cute Y/N” and she moves to stand up as her timer beeps. 
You watch eyes locked on her body and she moves out of the tub and wraps a towel around her body, when she turns back to you with a smirk and a raised eye brow you smirk back and say “thanks for the show.” 
“anytime Y/N anytime” she chuckles and turns to leave. You close your eyes and lean your head back against the tub. You wait till the door closes and when it never does you peak one eye open and see her standing there with her back to you. Closing your eye again you wait it out. “I hate this Y/N, I hate not playing. I was just told I probably won’t get many minutes tomorrow and it pisses me off that they pushed my body too much and now I might pay for it.” 
You sit up and turn towards her still in the tub as you say “Alexia, thats not your fault.” 
She spins towards you and says “It is my fault Y/N, I am supposed to be the leader of this team, but I cant if I cant play. I should be the one helping us to win this thing, instead I am taking a spot from someone with a working fucking knee.” When she finishes you can see the weight lift off her shoulders as she gets that out. 
You get up and step out of the tub grabbing a towel and wrapping it around you. You move right in front of her and place your hands on her upper arms forcing her to look at you as you say “Every single one of us wants you here, no needs you here. You are a leader even when you aren’t on the field Ale. Don’t think I haven’t heard every one of your Barca teammates talk about your champion league half time talk. You are here to lead us to victory Ale.”
She softens and meets your eyes and says “what if I cant play Y/N?” 
“Then you yell and scream and lead us from the bench Ale. Just having you with us makes us all better.” you say and move your hands down to grab her’s. “Remember when I broke my ankle and thought I would never play again?” she nods and you continue “and you told me that you would cut your ankle off and give it to me if it meant me smiling again?”
She chuckles and says “I did say that” 
“I would do the same with my knee in a heartbeat Ale, every single one of us would. What i am trying to say is what you said to me a long time ago; That we need to fight through the hard times to get to the good times. You motivated me to be the bench player that my team needed, to be the strength when they lost there’s.” 
She smiles with watery eyes as she says “who knew I was so wise”
“I did” you respond softly. 
You watch as she inches closer to you and her eyes move down to your lips, you know you should pull away but right now you can tell she needs the closeness. Before your lips can touch your timer to get out of the ice bath dings and you pull back startled. 
You hear her chuckle behind you as she says “thank you Y/N”
“anytime Ale and for the record I am going to be playing for you when you can’t” you say with a smile. 
“then I’ll be the strength you need me to be Y/N” she smiles and you can hear movement down the hall as you smile and she says “we should go.” 
Nodding you follow her out of the room. Your mind and heart is racing and you cant help but think you aren’t going to survive the whole tournament if she keeps this up. 
When you get the nod on the starting 11 the following morning, you almost don’t believe it. But when you are lined up in the hallway waiting to walk out in your first world cup it finally hits you. When you are lined up for the anthems and you meet Alexia’s eyes, who’s dressed and ready to subbed on the bench, you feel a calm you didn’t know you needed. 
3-0 up in the 70th minute you glance towards the sub board and see Alexia’s number, that is the moment that this game feels surreal to you. This was what you dreamed of when you were younger, you and Alexia playing together for Spain on the worlds stage. 
She comes in and as the other subs are made, she looks towards you and smiles with a wink and you can feel the excitement build in your stomach, and this time you aren’t afraid of the butterflies, this time you use them. 
The connection you and Alexia have lead to a goal, you make the run down the wing, she just knows you will be there. And when you cut it back you can see exactly where she will be and you lay it off perfectly to her at the top of the box, one touch and she’s placed it in the top corner. 
She takes off running towards you and when she jumps up in your arms you know this feeling is one you want to keep feeling. 
Once the final whistle blows and you have shaken the other teams hands, you feel Alexia come up behind you and place an arm over you shoulder. You lean into her and feel her whisper “Unreal game Y/N, you are unreal.”
You can feel the blush, but luckily you are still red from running as you say “Ale that shot was unreal.” 
“only cause you set me up on a platter babe” she says with a wink as she pulls away to jog over to another player. 
Standing there with a blush on your cheeks it takes you a moment to look around and take it all in.  Knowing you have worked this hard to get to this moment was an overwhelming feeling, but you wanted to keep working hard and win this thing. 
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jensettermandu · 5 months
maneater - lalisa manoban
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
genre; smut
pairing; g!p lisa x female reader
content; fingering, slight edging, semi public (they have sex in a public bathroom), p in v :D, idk i don't think i missed anything
wc; 6.7k+
Expensive cars, luxury brands, trips worldwide, houses on every continent, and events for the elites. 
These were just some of the things in Lisa’s life. 
A long line of generational wealth. 
Sitting at a charity dinner wasn’t unusual for her despite only being 23. She was next in line to take over her family business once she would be suitable enough to do so. Those were years yet to come–five maybe seven before she would get to even touch that power. 
Of course, it all came with rival companies worth multiple billions who would always stand in the way, steal deals, and be competitive.
The ballroom was filled with chatter as everyone conversed and even if it was charity, for most it was just a chance for new business. She wasn’t invited as a plus one anymore but got her invites because her name would be important in the future. That was why she was sitting at another table, far from her father. 
Eight different people sat at the round table. 
There were so many different tables and close to 300 people at the charity. 
Out of all the seven different people she could have been seated with, right beside her was the 21-year-old Zhou Y/n who came from an even bigger line of generational wealth after being part of an old Chinese dynasty. 
The only heir of one of the biggest oil companies from a conservative family from China. 
Conservative media-wise until Y/n came along. 
The last headline Lisa could remember was the girl getting a DUI and she knew that there was so much more but her family covered every little trace, but driving a car into a pole right before the media would be hard to cover. 
Where Y/n went chaos followed.
What Lisa couldn’t phantom was how someone like her was set to start working by her father’s side in just four more years. Takeover in a couple more. Quicker than Lisa.
Smart. Y/n was incredibly smart despite everything else. 
She somehow balanced chaos and intelligence. 
Aside from that the girl was the daughter of Lisa’s father’s biggest competitor, arch-rival at this point as there was nothing but bad blood which automatically put a wall between her and Y/n. 
She hated the entitled and spoiled brat beside her, she was born to hate her and she would do so to carry on the legacy of hate as Y/n hated her just as much.
The only difference was that Y/n had a different approach to hatred. 
She made sure to make Lisa’s life miserable every time she had the chance while Lisa tried to hate her from her corner and not cause any trouble. 
It wasn’t like they saw each other often. 
Y/n was studying in a different state.
She knew these things because she simply did, it wasn’t like Y/n had somehow caught Lisa’s interest after she grew some boobs. Definitely not. 
Lisa had tried to keep her conversations going with the other five people at the table because the sixth was already being in Y/n’s trance which was Kim Jisoo. There didn’t seem to be a single person to fall for it.
Aside from that the rest of the table was filled with men and women in their early to late 40s.
However, she had found herself glancing over at the two girls now and then. Unfortunately for Lisa, the girl who smelled of sweet floral heaven beside her was sexy. Y/n was the definition of sex appeal. 
Everyone had something they liked, and Lisa liked women who were of the standard that Y/n was. Not many were but whatever was close enough. Now one that was of the highest standard was right beside her. One that was off limits to her which only made it that much more cravable.
Her glances had been subtle, only pretending to look around to maybe catch the girl’s exposed clavicles in the black dress and some of the cleavage. Or she would fix her chair to try and catch her legs in the black sheer tights. The way she would flip her hair back gently and only expose herself more all while having a conversation with Kim Jisoo who was just as lost in Y/n as Lisa was. 
Y/n was a big and seductive flirt is what Lisa had caught on to. 
She always led men and sometimes women on at these parties for fun. 
She had seen it herself and she had run into these victims who would ask Lisa if she had seen the girl who she would prior see leave the place with that resting bitch face.
Lisa had never fallen victim to Y/n’s misleading that she did for entertainment. These events could get boring at times. 
Although, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to fall victim either. 
Whatever subtle glances Lisa had thought she had gotten away with had all been obvious to the soul-sucking vampire beside her as she left everyone heartbroken with her games. 
Lisa jumped in her seat, getting startled in the middle of her conversation with the woman who was sitting on her left. She quickly put down the glass with champagne to not spill anything on her clothes after whatever brushed along her leg had made her flinch at how sudden it was. 
“I’m sorry, what was it that you said?” She apologised to the woman and leaned somewhat closer to hear her better, trying to play it off as if she hadn’t heard her. Lisa continued to listen to the woman, brushing it off as an accident despite the only possible culprit being the woman who had a husband beside her or the siren on her right. 
Whoever it was it had to be an accident–
Just a few seconds after she felt it right again but it startled her less. Lisa cleared her throat and leaned back in her chair, nodding to what the woman had said. She subtly glanced under the table and it had to be Y/n who was sitting with her right leg crossed over her left. 
When she looked over at Y/n she was showing off that perfect smile to the man who sat across from her and Jisoo. 
She let out a sigh and reached for her champagne glass. It would get overwhelming way too quickly otherwise. The woman would have been able to take that sip of expensive bubbles if it hadn’t been for the foot that ran right up her shin and she forcefully gulped it down. The thin glass almost slipped from her hold and she placed it right back down. 
Just as Lisa turned to not glance at the entitled girl but actually look at her, the woman felt a heat run over her spine in the worst way possible considering this was Y/n. She did not need these reactions because of her.
“I’m so sorry–” Y/n apologised, her body was now turned to Lisa who widened her eyes as the vixen had placed her slender hand right on Lisa’s thigh to show her concern. “It’s just so tight here and I tried to make myself more comfortable, didn’t mean to startle you, Lisa.” Lisa clenched her jaw at the teasing in Y/n’s tone as the girl’s eyes were playing an innocent and apologetic look which was far from what her lips were releasing. 
Lisa huffed from her nose, nostrils flaring as the hand clasped on her thigh was warm and firm with the grip. “It’s fine.” Y/n gave her a smile at that, Lisa’s whole body tensing up at the squeeze she gave her before she let go. Her eyes watched Y/n for a few more seconds, seeing that glint in her eyes and smile that meant no good. 
“Mrs. Park, I have no idea how I missed you,” Y/n exclaimed and Lisa leaned back into her chair. The scent of the vixen was strong and it was running ideas in Lisa’s head from the sexual appeal it drove further. She was invading Lisa’s space on purpose, her hand holding onto the back of the woman’s chair, her modest chest just a mere inch from touching Lisa’s arm.
It left her trapped. 
“Oh God no, me and Chaeyoung have been studying day and night.” Lisa scoffed under her breath at the words she knew were lies. Her guy and girlfriends were obsessed with observing what the elite beside her was up to. It all included wild parties with booze that could fill pools. Her little group of friends were all taking part in it so Chaeyoung wasn’t studying day and night. 
Y/n hummed to what Mrs Park said while Lisa toyed with the knife on the table to not interrupt them by trying to talk with someone else. “Is that so?” Y/n questioned and Lisa was dying in her chair at the hand that moved from the backrest of the chair and onto her shoulder, the foot right back to brushing against her leg–it wasn’t even slightly subtle the way it went higher and higher up, dragging up her slacks before letting them fall back down. 
Lisa was trying to find a reason to excuse herself as she was starting to get overwhelmed by Y/n. All while trying not to do any abrupt movements. The girl was all over her and out of all the times now was the time she had no control over her cock that was starting to react to someone she despised. She cursed Y/n for her good genes. 
Her eyes trailed along her bare skin, hair in waves and falling over her shoulders, but Y/n moved it with her other hand. All that hair went from her left side and onto the right, it only showed off her smooth and slim body more to Lisa. The dress was accentuating her small chest, pushing her breasts together and Lisa moved her brown eyes up at her sharp collarbones, a diamond pendant resting between them. Her neck was slim and perfect and Lisa was growing harder the longer she looked at Y/n. 
“Oh this, ring?” There was a drop of mischievousness in her tone.
Lisa found out why it was there right away. 
Y/n’s hand ran down her shoulder and along her arm, until her left hand was planted right by her crotch, thumb merely brushing over the forming bulge as she leaned forward and stretched out her right hand that Mrs Park grabbed to look at the diamond ring. 
“Daddy bought it for my 21st birthday.” She happily replied, adding more pressure on Lisa’s thigh who was growing into a mess. 
“Excuse me.” Lisa excused herself, the chair dragged along the flooring louder than necessary and Y/n sat right back when she broke the contact between her and Mrs Park. Ultimately removing Y/n from herself before she disappeared. The girl excused herself from her conversation with the older woman before she looked at the one beside her.
“See, it doesn’t matter if they hate me, Jisoo…No one can resist my appeal.” Y/n said with a giggle and bit her lower lip as she looked back at Jisoo. “I won the bet, so…The number please.” The girl took her designer clutch purse and reached for her phone while Jisoo clicked her tongue.
“Do I have to give it to you?” Jisoo asked to make sure as the bet was her cousin’s number and the last thing she wanted was for Y/n to seduce poor Jennie too. 
“A deal is a deal.” She handed over her phone and leaned back into her seat before looking over her shoulder where Lisa had disappeared. Winning the bet she had made with the girl beside her. 
“I thought Lisa would be better than this.” Jisoo sighed and handed the girl her phone back, only hoping that Jennie wouldn’t be as stupid as Lisa and she had been. 
The bet?
Seduce Lisa and get Jennie’s number. 
Don’t succeed within five minutes, Jisoo gets Y/n’s number. 
God, Jisoo was pissed that she had to give her cousin's number to Y/n when she wanted it. She thought it would be an easy bet to win as she knew about the rivalry between the two families and how that created a feud between the heirs. It didn’t seem to matter as Y/n could get anyone to crumble before her. 
She watched Y/n who put the phone away and gently slid her chair back before excusing herself to leave as she stood up. “Where’re you going?” Jisoo asked and grabbed hold of her wrist. Not wanting the girl to leave her company.
Y/n gave her a little smile. “Finish what I started?” She said and Jisoo gave her a look. 
“What? She’s hot compared to the rest. Don’t be jealous.” Y/n defended and slipped out of Jisoo’s grip as she usually just left everyone right after, but Lisa was hot even if they were meant to despise each other. 
Jisoo sighed and leaned back in her seat as she watched Y/n walk away, realising that she had been played with just as much as Lisa tonight. The only difference was that Lisa got lucky this time and Jisoo didn’t.
Lisa unlocked the door after spending a good minute trying to tuck her erection right to hide it. She was both pissed at herself and even more pissed at Y/n while trying to grasp how she let the girl affect her. It just so happened that the girl she despised was utterly attractive. 
The woman pushed the door open while finishing to buckle her belt, but looked up at the voice.
“Everything alright, Lisa?” The voice came out angelic, with so much worry, concern, and innocence that Lisa would have almost believed it if it hadn’t been for the person behind that voice. Her eyes landed on Y/n who was sitting on top of the marble counter, one leg crossed over the other while leaning back against her palms. She did not look concerned, worried, innocent or angelic. 
She looked like the sexy she-devil herself.
“Why wouldn’t it be?” She tried to play it off because her ego was too big to feed into Y/n’s and admit that she had caused her an erection. Never. The woman could feel the siren eyes following her as she walked over to the black marble countertop and turned on the faucet to wash her hands. 
“Are you sure? You just ran off all flustered.” She hummed at that, keeping her gaze on her hands and avoiding looking at Y/n at all costs. 
Y/n watched how Lisa swallowed, her eyes trailing further down where she had done a poor job hiding her erection. With her lower lip trapped between her teeth, she leaned forward, gripping the edge of the countertop with her hands before letting go with one and reaching over to Lisa.
“Do you hate me, Lisa?” She mumbled, fingers dancing around Lisa’s shoulder who stopped washing her hands. She raised an eyebrow and looked at Y/n who was already looking back at her, grey eyes staring deep into hers, hypnotising her, distracting her fully from the haughty little smirk she was sporting. 
“What’s there to like?” Lisa asked back with a scoff, unflatteringly drying her hands on her slacks. Her eyes were hard yet still exploring whatever she could with them as Y/n was extremely close now.  
“There’s only so little you can see, but so much more to explore.” The words caught her off guard and she grabbed hold of the wandering hand that was running down her bicep. Lisa dropped Y/n’s slender hand and licked her lips as they stood in the empty restroom that was lit by a golden-like yellow, with black marble, accentuated by gold. Their bodies reflected in the big mirror that was on the wall and a second-long silence fell upon them. Lisa's dick twitched at those stupid words she was falling for because there was no way Y/n was offering herself to her. She probably wanted to make a fool out of Lisa for even thinking about it.
“I’m not falling for your games, Y/n.” Y/n smiled at that with a hum and Lisa took it as her queue to leave. 
She was stopped though, her eyes snapped up at Y/n with confusion. The girl stretched her long leg out and blocked the way. It sent a shiver over her whole body when her calf brushed over her hard cock and she stepped back when Y/n pushed more into it.
“Help me down? Wouldn’t want to break a heel.” With a deep inhale Lisa decided to assist the girl after she pointed with her head towards the black heels she had on. Her lips were pursed and she looked in the mirror behind Y/n instead while she gripped her waist and the girl held onto the lapels of her blazer. She was light as a feather as Lisa lifted the slim figure off of the counter.
Y/n giggled as she purposely lost balance and her hands grabbed hold of the hem of Lisa’s pants. Her body pressed into Lisa’s who strained a groan when her dick got rubbed at by accident and she angrily looked down at Y/n who looked as amused as ever. 
“Y/n.” She warned and pushed the girl up by her waist who was taller than her with heels on and without them she was just an inch taller. 
“Yes?” The vixen questioned, fingers teasing and hooking around the hem of Lisa’s pants. Looking at her through her lashes and still sporting that faux innocence that always got her out of trouble. The poor girl could cause no harm, could she? Not when she was playing a kitten that was kicked to the curb and standing in the pouring rain.
“Stop.” Lisa would only give her one last warning and then she knew that she would snap because of how sexually frustrated she was. 
“Or what?” Y/n challenged. 
“Or you will regret it.” She earned a breathless chuckle that fell from Y/n’s plump and glossy lips.
“I don’t think I will.” There was that deeper tone back, the one that was like a melody of sex and drew Lisa in further. Y/n’s normal voice and not the sweet one she did to play along in her games. That innocence washed away and everything Lisa should repent when it came to Y/n coming to light. Things that made her cock strain.
Lisa almost got lightheaded when a sneaky hand cupped her, squeezing at her erection enough to elicit a moan from the back of her throat. 
Y/n feigned a gasp, knowing very well what was coming when she got pinned against the counter. Her hands gripped Lisa’s blazer and she pulled her even closer to her while the older woman grabbed hold of her hips. Lisa’s eyes were hard on her as she stood pressed against the girl, staring her down while watching the way Y/n bit her lower lip to try and contain the haughty smirk that still broke out on her plump and glossy lips. 
“Do you always get what you want?” Lisa questioned, watching how Y/n ran her one hand down along her upper body, and down her stomach. The touch was slowly sending Lisa into a frenzy as she couldn’t deny the fact that Y/n was gorgeous and that many would pay to even be in this place that Lisa was, if not kill for it. 
This was the daughter of the elite of elites which meant that she stood above all too. 
“I’m daddy’s girl so yes.” 
And Y/n got what she wanted once again when she cupped Lisa through her pants, the woman groaning and muffling it by pressing her lips against Y/n’s. The older used her strength to raise Y/n back onto the counter, making her wrap her legs around Lisa’s waist and pulling her into her. Her grip tightened on Y/n’s slim waist while her other hand tangled in the silky hair at the back of the girl’s head, tilting her head and pushing her tongue between Y/n’s parted lips. 
The girl welcomed her into her mouth, swallowing Lisa’s tongue and sucking on it while her hands tugged onto the belt, blindly trying to unbuckle it. 
“God, you’re so eager,” Lisa grumbled after slowly pulling away with Y/n’s bottom lips between hers as she tugged on it before letting go. 
“I don’t have the whole night to waste on you.” Lisa could strangle the girl who knew how highly she stood above all. Lisa would always be a waste of time unless she would show her that she wasn’t. She was sure the girl had had her fair share of fun and that it would be hard to be the best, but Lisa always liked to prove herself. Her lips trailed Y/n’s smooth skin who tilted her head back, leaving her slim neck to be kissed along. 
“Waste?” Lisa questioned. Her words were a whisper in Y/n’s ear as she was right by her pulse point. Her tongue came out and the belt was undone, licking at the skin, being able to feel it pulse against her slick muscle before she wrapped her lips around the skin. It elicited a light sigh from Y/n who unzipped Lisa’s pants after undoing the button on them. 
“Unless you manage to impress me.” Y/n teased, teeth tugging Lisa’s ear who shivered at the gesture. Her hand came down from the back of her head to the back of her neck and she pulled Y/n away, making her look her in the eye. “Pretty eyes won’t work on me though.” Y/n continued, hand coming up to cup Lisa’s face, thumb running over her wet lips and tugging it down as she pulled her face closer to her. The two were a few mere inches away.
Anyone walking in and they both would be in trouble. 
Lisa would be in deep mud and her father’s business included if Y/n’s father found out that Lalisa Manoban had touched his princess. That the daughter of his biggest rival had touched his daughter. Lalisa Manoban would be dickless for the rest of her life. 
Too bad his daughter never followed the rules and was spoiled rotten.
Her thumb ran down to the woman’s chin and Lisa attached her lips right back onto Y/n’s. With that, her hands ran to the hem of the dress and she started to pull it up, bunching up its expensive material at the girl’s waist. Y/n’s fingers fiddled with the hem of the briefs, slowly inching inside them until her slender fingers wrapped around Lisa’s scalding cock that was warm and heavy in her hand. 
The small whimpers were muffled by Y/n’s mouth as the girl squeezed the length in her hand, stroking up and gathering precum that she smeared down the hard cock. It was followed by two thuds as she slipped off the designer heels to get off the sheer tights–Lisa had other plans. The material ripped when Lisa ran her hands between the girl’s thighs, tearing the thin black material apart.
“Not impressive,” Y/n mumbled as she pulled away from Lisa’s lips, the woman trying to chase for them but stopping at the way her tip got squeezed. The girl caught the way her eyelids almost fell closed and a moan pushed from the back of her throat. 
“Not everyone is here to please you.” Lisa rasped, gripping Y/n’s thigh and squeezing it in her hold while running the fingers of her other hand along the girl’s inner thigh. She could feel how she fought the way she wanted to close them at the teasing. It tugged at the corners of Lisa’s lips as the two stared at each other, Y/n slowly working the length in her hand while Lisa’s fingers brushed over the lace material. It worked a barely there sigh from the siren, Lisa being able to feel the slick slowly seep through the material of her underwear.
“Or maybe you just don’t know how to please me?” Y/n fueled a fire that grew in Lisa who slowly pushed the lace aside, her hips barely staying still as Y/n hadn’t stopped stroking her cock. The girl was making it hard for Lisa to stay nonchalant about this, making it hard to make it seem as if she wasn’t trying to impress her.
The girl caught how Lisa’s eyebrow twitched, fighting the dilemma she was in, but dismissed it for now. Her eyes focused on Y/n’s face when she ran her fingers through the girl's slit, parting her wet folds and smiling at the way her plump lips parted with a gasp. It made her hand movement stop as she removed her hand from Lisa’s briefs and grabbed hold of her forearm, the other clutched onto her shoulder.
The woman ran her slender fingers through the wet folds, slowly teasing the girl, wanting to put her through some suffering for what she had done. Lisa leaned in, pecking the parted lips, Y/n’s eyebrows creasing and her chest heaving at the way she was getting something, but not nearly enough. Lips pressed against hers, tracing to her cheek, and jaw before Lisa dipped her head and kissed along her neck all while taking in the small gasps that Y/n let out that were turning whiny.
“Fuck–” Y/n cursed, Lisa being stronger and not letting the girl guide her hand when she teased her two fingers over the swollen clit. She only nudged it and could feel nails dig into her forearm through the blazer. 
“What is it?” Lisa mocked, running her fingers down and circling the hole that was clenching as she gathered more of the slick. Y/n exhaled deeply through her nose and looked at Lisa who pulled away from her neck. There was a stupid smile on the woman’s lips, the younger unable to close her legs because Lisa was between them, the pressure growing and her clit only got circled again.
“Poor Y/n isn’t getting what she wants.” She said with a chuckle, hissing when the girl held onto the side of her neck and dug her nails into the skin. 
“Poor Lisa won’t get her dick wet if she doesn’t stop acting like an asshole.” 
Y/n was truly making it hard for Lisa to not obey her every word–
With a huff, Lisa dipped her hand down, two fingers intruding into the clenching hole and slowly pushing inside the heat that sucked her in and throbbed around her. 
Her eyes fell on the siren ones, it made her dick twitch at the look in her eyes, those parted lips glistening as each expression was so erotic that Lisa was ready to just pull her fingers out and replace them with her cock. Her fingers curled, being knuckles deep inside the girl’s pulsating cunt that tightened with each stroke and Y/n moaned as fingers pressed against the spongy spot.
“The daughter of an elite is having her pussy fingered in the middle of a charity event in a bathroom—You couldn’t get any hotter with how dirty you are.” Lisa caught Y/n’s lips right after, the kiss got sloppier as Y/n was doing a poor job of containing herself. Her moans bounced off the empty walls of the marble bathroom at the way Lisa was circling her clit with her thumb, rubbing against her wall and slowly the tension grew in her body. 
The girl was far from a saint, and Lisa was loving every second of it, especially since she was fucking thee Zhou Y/n. 
The squelching of her snug pussy mixed with her whimpering moans, Lisa doing scissoring motions to stretch and get her ready for her cock. “So good,” Y/n whined. She pulled away from Lisa’s mouth who licked her lips, collecting any saliva and getting another taste of what was left of the girl’s lip gloss. Her forehead fell on Lisa’s shoulder, scratching along her neck with each zap that ran across her spine and her hips merely bucked into the thumb that was playing with her aching nub. 
Lisa hummed at those words that were boosting her ego, but she wasn’t aware of the smile that tugged on Y/n’s lips. Her walls fluttered around the two fingers that were spreading her tight hole, caressing at her g-spot. Lisa looked in the mirror, mesmerised by the way Y/n’s back arched like a cat, her ridges perfect. 
“Shame that I’ve had better.” Y/n sighed, leaning into Lisa’s neck with her breath fanning the skin. She bit down and pulled, making Lisa groan at the pain as somewhere between the lines they still had to hate each other. “Fuck, you’re a bitch.” She sucked air through her teeth and grabbed Y/n’s shoulder, pulling her away from her neck. 
The girl let out a breathless giggle, the fingers still working her cunt and Lisa sped up her thrusts, watching the way it made Y/n’s press more into her.  The hand that gripped her forearm tightened around her and so did the walls as the girl let out whiny moans, being brought right to the edge with Lisa’s fingers deep within her walls.
“Oh–Oh fuck.” It started to wash over her, stomach tightening and Lisa slowed down her movement, removing some pressure from the girl’s clit. It made Y/n whine in frustration at the high that got disrupted, her snug walls now throbbing uncomfortably.
“You want to be a tease?” Y/n questioned, grabbing hold of Lisa’s blazer and pulling her into her, making Lisa stop fully. Her fingers pulled out of the snug confines of the slick pussy. The woman bit her lower lip, forehead pressed against Y/n’s while she ran the same hand down to her boxers.
“Who was teasing me under the table?” Lisa questioned, trying to catch Y/n’s lips again because they moved so smoothly against hers and the way the girl sucked on her tongue made her lightheaded. Y/n moved back though, leaving her to a chase that she lost when Y/n held her back. 
“I can’t help that everyone folds so easily for me, Lisa.” 
Y/n’s hand came over to Lisa’s helping her pull down the briefs as she closed the gap and caught Lisa’s upper lip between hers, having her lower one sucked by the older. It went smoothly as Lisa propped herself up by planting her palm against the mirror behind Y/n who led the swollen pinkish tip towards her sopping wet entrance. 
It made Lisa shudder and Y/n tugged on her lip at the stretch that came, thighs trying to close but were unable to with Lisa between them. 
“Can you take it all?” Lisa asked through a deep breath as she pushed her tip inside the walls that were squeezing hard enough to almost push her back out. The blazer bunched in Y/n’s fist by the woman’s frail shoulder and she wrapped her legs around Lisa’s waist.
“Don’t let it get into your head.” Y/n moaned at the way Lisa pushed everything in all at once at her answer. It shot a heat through her spine and she pulled her closer with her legs. The stretch came painfully yet it made her want more as Lisa slowly started to move her hips with a chuckle at the words. 
“Haven’t had anyone stretch you out good enough, fuck–I will make sure your pussy fits my cock perfectly.” Lisa groaned, wrapping her arm around the slim waist of the girl, holding her close and burying her face in the crook of her sweet neck as the scent drove that carnal desire further. 
Y/n’s moans grew louder within a few seconds as Lisa wasn’t waiting around. Her thrusts were slow and deep, going at a steady pace and the gasps were falling from Y/n’s lips. The girl’s back arched into her, pressing her chest against Lisa’s as her eyes closed. Each gasp and moan came right into Lisa’s ear. Grunts pushed through the back of her throat each time she fucked her cock right back into Y/n after pulling out as much as possible.
She rolled her hips in a perfect and hard rhythm, each time making the girl’s breath hitch. The walls were filled to the brim, her dick curved perfectly to rub at her g-spot and reach every single spot she needed to reach as her cock was stuffing Y/n perfectly. Lisa was losing her mind over how tight the girl was, fingertips pressing against the mirror as she groaned.
It was hard not to think about who exactly it was that Lisa was pounding her cock into. Y/n was moaning right under her, walls squeezing her cock, being able to feel the other throb with need after each stroke. The idea that this could end so badly drove Lisa even further, wanting to fuck Y/n good enough to want more of the thrill of fucking someone she shouldn’t.
“Fuck, Y/n, your pussy is so good, isn’t it—could fuck it right every day,” Lisa mumbled, her voice turning into a gruff one as she pulled away from the girl’s neck. 
“Have to make me come to fuck me again.” Y/n moaned out and it made Lisa run her hand away from her waist. Her fingers found back to the slick clit and Y/n leaned back, palms planted against the marble behind her. Her eyes were intense on Lisa’s who was still fucking her, each thrust making the girl move who unwrapped her legs and spread them further for the cock that was abusing her throbbing pussy. The eyes that looked in hers were in a full haze as Lisa was getting closer with each second.
“Gonna have you run back for more.” Lisa forced the word out with another grunt.
The eye contact broke as Y/n threw her head back, her back arched and heat covered her whole body. The cock inside her was throbbing, dragging along her snug walls, caressing them and the wetness was running down further with each of the thrusts.
Their moans grew louder, only hoping that no one would be heading towards the bathroom or walking past it as the event was in full force with the main part of it starting any second now. Yet it left them both curious about what would happen if someone did catch them. It only made them fuck that much better. The ruffling of their clothes mixed with the wet sounds of Y/n’s pussy and Lisa’s dick filling the clenching hole that was sucking her in. 
The woman leaned down, unable to keep herself away from the clavicle that was on full display for her and the little cleavage. Her lips wetly kissed along the skin, sucking gently to not leave any unwanted marks until she reached the soft cleavage of the girl. Gently she nipped at the skin, feeling the way it made Y/n squeeze her length and whine, her chest pressing more into Lisa’s face. 
“Close ‘m so close, Lisa.” Y/n cried, this time not wanting the high to end before it could peak. Lisa kept up the movement of her hips while sucking on the soft skin of Y/n’s chest. Probably leaving a hickey here and there after herself. 
“Fuck, come on squeeze my cock and come, Y/n.”
Her pussy clasped tightly around the hard cock, back arching and a train of moans slipping out of her mouth that grew in pitch. The tension grew hard enough to break and Y/n was right at the high before falling at such force that her eyes rolled back. Her thighs quivered around Lisa as they closed in on her again. She slowed down her movement, looking at Y/n who was heaving for air while coming undone before her.
Her stomach flexed to hold herself until Y/n gripped onto her to stop. The girl swallowed down her dry throat, whining at how Lisa was still fucking her through the uncomfortable aftershocks. 
“I’m gonna–” She was cut off, groaning when the girl pushed her back without a second thought. Her cock slipped out of the warmth of her and Lisa barely managed to grab hold of her dick before cum started to spurt out of her tip. Her hand balled into a fist as she planted it on the wall beside her after losing the leverage of the mirror. Y/n felt the warm cum splatter against her thigh, seeping through the sheer tights, staining more than them as Lisa had no aim whatsoever. 
“Great.” Y/n deadpanned, the woman was still lightheaded and trying to catch her breath when she got shoved back by the girl's foot against her thigh.
“What?” She breathed out, fingers gripping the wall to not fall as she looked down. The mess was on the girl’s black dress, covering the hem in her creamy and sticky cum–Lisa cringed at the amount she released, more than usual. It made her quickly tuck her cock back inside her pants, not having time to zip them up as she reached for the paper towels. The faucet turned on as she wet it before reaching over to the girl’s dress.
Y/n leaned back as she hadn’t been expecting it and rolled her eyes while waiting for Lisa to finish.
“Shut up,” Y/n said and clicked her tongue, looking at Lisa with a face that held disgust as she still didn’t like her despite the good orgasm she gave her. She pushed her back again and Lisa leaned against the wall while Y/n got down the counter to remove the sheer tights.
Lisa’s mind still trying to comprehend the fact that she had just fucked the girl everyone wanted to be or be with. She even ruined her dress. Lisa felt stupidly proud as she grinned.
Y/n discarded them in the trash and slipped her heels back on.
“You ruined my dress, time to cut the charity short so I can go home.” 
“What’re you doing?” She questioned the girl who walked over to the door and opened it. The big corridor was empty, but the loud chatter from the ballroom was still filling it as she followed right after Y/n who was looking through her clutch purse. Lisa’s eyes were glued to Y/n who was walking fine, more than fine as she looked like she was on a catwalk while Lisa’s legs felt numb. It made her lean against the door frame with a frown, unable to bring herself to walk much more just yet. Her hands quickly worked to button up her slacks before anyone would see her this messy.
Y/n turned to her with that devilish smile on her face as she stood by the wall opposite of Lisa.
Where Y/n went chaos followed. 
“It’s for a good cause, Lisa–here’s my card in case you ever need a job, I guess you could walk my dog or something.” Lisa’s eyes winded, a private business card being flicked at her chest before it fluttered onto the floor and she watched Y/n reach for the fire alarm. The blaring alarm went off, the chatter getting drowned out before it was followed by panicked voices, and fire sprinklers going off. Her eyes were on Y/n who was already walking away while Lisa subconsciously crouched down and reached for the card. People slowly starting to pile the corridor.
Lisa did text.
She just never got an answer.
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tightjeansjavi · 11 months
Jail Bird | Joel Miller x smuggler/raider f! reader
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A/N: I got inspired by listening to the song “Stay” by Rihanna when I was driving home from Kentucky, and this was the result of it 🫠 you’re either gonna love, or hate the reader in this one.
~word count: 5.9k~
Summary: your relationship with Joel has always been easy up until the point that you make the conscious decision to leave him, and the QZ behind. Years later and you meet again, under violent circumstances.
Warnings: angst, unrequited love, pining, stalking (if you squint) borderline possessive/obsessive behavior, smut (described but not as the main focal point of the story) conning, emotional manipulation, the reader is morally gray and you’ll either love them or hate them, actions on the base of survival, implied consent, unprotected p in v, oral (f receiving) violence (undescribed but marked) possessive! Joel, vulnerable! Joel, protective! Joel, dark! Joel (if you squint) Joel is a hopeless romantic, manhandling, threats, use of firearms, smoking, +18 minors dni!
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Jail Bird: ‘a person who is or has been in prison’
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Your relationship with Joel Miller, your partner in crime, was as easy as sliced pie. The syrupy sticky sweet warm filling with melted vanilla ice cream drooling down the crust. Joel Miller, however, was anything but sweet. He tasted of smoky bourbon and life-long indescribable grief. Fluttering ashes, tongues tied, teeth clashing. His hands; sculpted by Greek gods in a meticulous manner. Strong, veiny, calloused yet soft. Joel Miller was a perfectly wrapped package with an ash stained bow. A dangerous combination of brooding, pining, and lust. Your partnership consisted of smuggling, sharing rations, and fucking. Joel was a man who knew how to fuck. The first time he took you was in a back alley in the QZ. The air was balmy and ridden with suspense. He caught you sneaking through the shadows past curfew to make a few back door deals with some FEDRA soldiers. A blow job for a trade of a handsome stack of ration cards? No biggie. He never felt jealousy course through his veins till he saw you sink to your knees on command.
Even with the lack of lighting, sans the pale moonlight shimmering above, Joel saw the doe like innocence in your eyes as he peeked his head around the corner. It felt wrong to watch. It weighed heavy like cement around his bones. Filth and sin dripped through his grime stained pores. He had been watching you for a while. You were a new resident to the QZ, a pretty thing that knew her way around the rules like they never even existed to you. He liked that about you. He liked that you were brash, that you outsmarted every lonesome fuck that crossed your path. So he’d observe you from a distance, catching your keen eye every now and then. It turned into an obsession for him and now the last shroud of little morals he possessed, were completely shredded as he palmed himself through his painfully tight jeans. Cursing under his breath as he tried to provide any form of relief to his aching cock. His head tilted back against the brick wall, lower lip taken harshly between his teeth as he took another risky peek around the corner.
You knew Joel was watching you. You caught his familiar, ruggedly handsome features appear from around the corner. How long he had been watching you did not matter. Your cunt ached for him just as much as his cock weeped for you. You had been observing him the day you arrived at the QZ, and you found yourself yearning for his rough caress.
Your eyes stayed locked on the spot behind the wall where Joel was pressed against as you pleasured the FEDRA soldier who lasted all of 30 seconds before he was spilling his filth down your throat and tossing ration cards at your knees. The stray dribble of cum was wiped from your lips with the tip of your thumb as you gathered up the ration cards and shoved them into your pockets as you rose to your feet. You pulled out a freshly rolled cigarette, bringing the tip to your lips as you lit the other end with an old lighter. Your features were illuminated by the warm glow of the flame as you lit the death stick and deeply inhaled. “You can come out from your hiding spot, Joel Miller. I know it’s you behind the wall. Don’t be shy.” Your head tilted to the side as you took another long drag.
Joel sauntered from behind the wall. His tall frame was brooding under the soft glow of the moon. His boots crunched heavily under rubble as he approached. Thunder lowly rumbled in the far distance as a warm breeze kissed your skin. The comforting glow of the moon was casted over in darkness of thick moving clouds as cooling droplets of water began to free fall from the heavens. The pavement was stained in dampness as the sky grumbled above. Bleach-burn hot flashes of lightning illuminated the jet black sky and illuminated Joel’s features in a blink of an eye. The rain didn’t deter him as he stopped a foot from where you stood. His gaze on you burned as brightly as the lit end of your cigarette pursed between your lips.
“You know, you’re worth a hell of a lot more than a blowjob in a back alleyway. How long did the fucker even last? 30 whole fuckin’ seconds?” He was leaning over you now, forearm resting along your head and you could feel the electricity and heat radiating from his body.
“Do you always watch women give blow jobs to FEDRA soldiers in back alleys? Or is this just a new hobby that you have suddenly developed?” You were casual with your question, a smirk playing on your lips as you lightly blew the hazardous smoke off to the side.
“No. You’re the first, darlin.’ It’s filthy of me, I am aware. Bet you liked it though huh? Bet you liked the idea of some dirty old man watching you get down on your knees prettily like that. You don’t seem like the type of gal to beat around the bush. Storms rollin’ in..wanna see if we can give the thunder a run for its money, sugar?” Joel wasn’t one to beat around the bush either and you appreciated a man that knew exactly what he wanted. Joel Miller was exactly what you needed to satiate your desires.
“You want to fuck me Mr. Miller?” You purred, flicking what was left of your cigarette to the ground, listening to the light hiss the extinguished flame gave when a stray rain drop fell upon it.
You felt his lips dip down to the shell of your ear, teeth scraping along the sensitive skin as he whispered, “wanna destroy you in the best fuckin’ way possible. Wanna ruin your sweet cunt. Been s’long for me, n’you’re so fuckin’ pretty, it hurts. Let me take care of ya, and I promise you won’t have to get on your knees for another FEDRA fuck again.” He pressed an open mouth kiss against the spot where your ear met your jaw, licking a hot stripe down your throat with a heavy warm breath.
“Is that a promise you can keep?” You whispered through the steady rainfall, eyes fluttering shut, lips parting.
“I don’t do promises, baby.” He rasped as his strong hands found purchase around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest. “I only fuck. Ain’t gonna find any love from me. Don’t go and lookin’ for it.”
“I don’t do love either. It’s lost all significant meaning for me. I’m just looking for a good consistent fuck, and the means to survive.” You grasped the back of his neck in one swift movement, yanking his head up so you could crash your lips against his in a heated, tongue filled, teeth clashing kiss.
“Well, you’ve come to the right place, doll. You’re mine now.” He mumbled against your swollen lips as he popped the button along your jeans and shoved his hand between the tight fabric and your soaked through panties.
“Yours.” You gasped longingly as his broad fingers teased your sticky, slick folds, gathering up your pooling arousal that oozed just for him.
The pounding rain soaked through your clothes as your thighs were wrapped tightly around Joel Miller’s hips. He was buried to the hilt inside of you as he slammed into you in a rhythmic pattern. The wind howled wildly as thunder cracked dangerously above. His hips would snap forward into you each time the thunder cracked ferociously. You and Joel were like two feral animals, clawing, biting, and moaning through the ever-growing violent tempest.
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Your need for one another had grown carnal. Your bodies were constantly drawn to one another, like moth to flame. You spent more time in his apartment on the other side of the QZ than your own. He fucked you into a peaceful slumber everytime. Sometimes he’d fall asleep inside of you when he’d grown exhausted. “G’nna keep you full of my cock all fuckin’ night.” He’d whispered against your sex stained skin as his arm wrapped firmly around your waist.
You’d slip out of his steel grip before the sun would kiss the budding horizon. Sleeping over at Joel’s felt too personal, and you did it for yours and his own good. Of course, it didn’t go unnoticed. He’d confront you about it each time you’d accompany him on a smuggling run. “Why’d you leave in’sucha hurrry? Think I’m ugly or somethin?’” He’d casually ask as he walked alongside you.
“We both agreed to do no sleepovers, Joel.” Was always your reply. It was like clockwork.
“Fuck our stupid rules. I want to wake up to that pretty little cunt squeezing my cock. You gonna deny me that? C’mon. One sleepover won’t kill ya. I like havin’ you in my bed darlin.’” He nudged you against a nearby tree as the early morning birds chirped along the swaying branches.
“Fine. One sleepover.” You grasped him firmly through the tight confines of his jeans as he hissed under his breath. “Just one, baby. I swear on my filthy, lust ridden heart.” He affirmed.
One sleepover turned into five, and five to a dozen, till neither of you could keep track. It’s as if Joel had made a home inside of your flesh where he refused to depart. He built a door between your sternum; strong and sturdy. On either side of your sumptuous breasts laid two crafted windows. Your heart is where his bed laid where he secretly wished he could inhabit there for the rest of his dying days.
You had grown accustomed to the old metal bed frame striking the crumbling wallpaper fiercely. The old creak and groan of the bed springs creating a rhythmic tune in sync with your sweat slick bodies colliding over, and over again. Joel took you in any position imaginable between those 4 cramped walls. He grew fond of the way you’d ride him slowly where he had the pleasure to watch the way your warm walls hugged his cock with each roll and rise of your hips. He reveled in the erotic sight of your cum mixing with his own, like your own personal watercolor painting between your connected bodies. He reveled in smearing your skin with his release, using his fingers as a paintbrush as he streaked your skin in his filth.
When he learned that you were incapable of having children, he’d press his cum back into your tight hole with glint in his darkened eyes as he used his tongue to push his cum further inside of you, humming at the taste. “Gotta keep all of that inside of ya, sweet girl. Love knowin’ I can fill ya up like this. Don’t want any drops to leak out of this cunt. Wanna keep you stained in my cum forever.” He’d kiss your clit lovingly, tenderly with a light flick of his wet muscle. His words were nothing short of filthy. Any existing priest in this shit-hole would proclaim that you and Joel were children of satan for the debauchery that you both willingly partook in.
You liked it that way.
On the evening you made the conscious decision to leave Joel, and the QZ forever. The weather was stormy, just like the night you had first officially met. The rain pounded furiously against the grime stained windows. The tattered curtains casted shadows along the peeling floral wallpaper. Bright hot flashes of lightning illuminated the room you inhabited for what felt like centuries in fluorescent white. Your thighs were deliciously squeezing either side of Joel’s head as his face was buried deeply into your ruined cunt for the fifth time that evening. His tongue worked you in practiced strokes. His hunger for you was that of a ravenous beast that hadn’t experienced the taste of a woman along his tongue in years. He lapped at you like a man starved as if your cunt was that of the holy grail, sweet and life-curing. His hands acted as anchors around your hips, holding you pliant with little strength needed, eyes blissfully closed as he drank and lapped every last drop you could possess for him. Always so willing, always so needy, always such a good, good, girl for him. Only for him.
When he finally detached his mouth from your swollen clit, he looked up at you, grinning like a devil. His beard and chin were freshly coated in your slick that glistened under the bright flashes of lightning. His lips were wet, and appeared like two dew kissed cherries, scarlet and kissable. He rested his cheek along the inside of your sweat thick thigh as he caught his breath, chest rising and falling as he gazed up at you through thick lashes. He pressed an open mouth kiss as his beard scratched your skin gently. He was in love, and yet you had no idea. Or, maybe you knew all along. Maybe you loved him too. Maybe, just maybe. “Do you think maybe we can just stay here forever?..I’ll greet ya with a kiss every mornin.’ We could just stay between these walls and no one would have to know.” He pressed a feather light kiss to your hip bone. “Just you and me, and this sweet cunt. Never have I tasted something so sweet.”
Your fingers found purchase through his sweaty tendrils, twisting them between your digits with a content sigh. “I’m leaving the QZ, Joel. I can’t stay here any longer.” The confession flitted past your lips with a heavy sigh to shortly follow.
He chuckled, the sound vibrated up his chest and through his throat that was coated in your taste like cough syrup. “What do you mean you’re leavin’ the QZ? Don’t be ridiculous, darlin.’ Everywhere behind these fuckin’ walls is a shithole. There ain’t anythin’ good out there. I can’t fuckin’ protect you past those gates.” Another kiss was left along your abdomen.
“I never asked for, nor needed your protection, Joel. I’m perfectly capable on my own. You have to let me go. This has gone on far too long, and it’s for our own good.”
He scoffed as his lips continued to kiss their way up your body. Stopping at every freckle, every scar, every blemish. He traced them gently. “Let you go? How the fuck do you expect me to do that when I’ve learned, and know every fuckin’ inch of ya. Is it really for our own good? Or just yours? Don’t lie to me.” He nipped at the spot just below your ribcage, and your immediate reaction was to arch up closer to his touch. You always felt magnetized to him.
“You and I both know that it’s better off this way. What we had was good, and I have no regrets, but we broke every fuckin’ rule we put in place, Joel. It’ll hurt for a while, but the pain will reside and you’ll forget all about me.”
He was on his knees now, yanking you down by your ankles so you were beneath him. “Don’t fuckin’ tell me how I’ll feel. You know how fuckin’ long it’s takin’ me to finally open myself to someone again? You think you can just leave and suddenly one day I’ll stop thinkin’ about you? You’re fuckin’ out of your goddamn mind if you think that to be true.” The tip of his cock was nudged against your entrance, dragging through your slick folds that parted open for him like a canyon. He pressed himself into your tight wet hole, groaning softly at the feeling of your cunt hugging him already. “Put your thighs up against your chest fo’me.” He gritted out between clenched teeth.
Your thighs moved on command as you brought them up to your chest, bending yourself in half like a folding table as the weight of his own broad chest pushed your back further into the old mattress. “Joel, please.” You mewled. “You have to let me go. You have to.”
“Stop. Tellin’. Me. What. I. Have. To. Do.” He enunciated each symbol in a borderline patronizing way. He sunk further, and further into your warm abyss. Your pussy hugged him tighter and tighter till he had bottomed out. Sweaty strands of curls draped across his forehead like curtains as he snapped his hips forward in an aggressive manner. “You wanna leave me so bad, baby? After everythin’ I have done for you? Everythin’ I have given you? Shelter, food in your belly and a cock that knows how to fuck you stupid? You ain’t goin’ anywhere. I’ll just have to follow you. Care about you too fuckin’ much to just let you leave me like that.”
The old springs in the mattress squeaked with each one of his heavy thrusts. Your eyes rolled back as his tip pressed firmly against your cervix, eliciting stars to be casted behind your eyes. He fucked into you at an impossibly deep angle, his heavy balls hung between his thighs and slapped against your skin with every snap of his hips. “Joel, please.” You pleaded with him between moans.
“Please what, baby? Please fuck you stupid till you forget all about wantin’ to leave me? You’re not the same until you’ve had a well deserved fuck. I’m the only fuckin’ man that can give it to ya. Take it like the good fuckin’ girl that you are fo’me. Your pretty ‘lil fuckin’ pussy is huggin’ my cock so perfectly. S’like she was made ‘jus fo’me.” He was kissing you now, all teeth and tongue to shut you up. You protested words that fell muffled against his addictive lips as he fucked you the way he knew best. Always making sure you felt filled, stretched to your limits, and on cloud nine by the end of it. He always took care of you afterwards. Gently wiping between your thighs, bathing you under a warm stream with the tenderest of touches. Joel Miller loved you, and that’s exactly why you had to leave him.
He kept you anchored against his naked chest all night. Notched together like two puzzle pieces. At the strike of morning, with the soft beams of light trickling in through the wispy curtains, prying yourself from his satiating grasp. If you stayed in his warm embrace any longer, your heart would cave and you’d never leave. Without even delivering a proper goodbye, you left his apartment without looking back. You kept pushing yourself further and further from Joel, from the QZ till it was just a mere speck in the distance.
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Joel drove himself mad on his search to find where you went. His anger shrouded his hurt as he scoured the QZ for any sign of your existence. He checked alleyways, the abandoned mall, your own apartment. He tore through your things in a fury, tears burning his vision as he ripped through your belongings like a predator rips apart its prey. No signs. No hidden clues for him to find where you ran off to. He inspected mutilated faces of the infected, praying that none of the once living would resemble you. None of them did. He gave up his search when he and Tess were forced to take a teenage girl across the country to the fireflies. Tess perished and soon it was just Joel and the kid. He never stopped thinking of you, of course. You haunted his dreams and sometimes he’d wake up to see your ghostly face laying beside him.
He thought he’d never see you again until one brutal winter in Jackson while he, Tommy, and a few other men were patrolling on horseback. Ellie was safely back in town, far from harm's way while Joel placed himself on death's doorstep every time he patrolled with his brother. His horses' hooves crunched heavily along the freshly fallen snow. The wind whipped and howled in an ominous tune as the bitter chill tore through his thick jacket and pierced his skin. “There ain’t nothin’ alive here for miles, Tommy. Let’s go back. That rumor we heard about a raiders camp is probably false. Besides, you said it yourself, ain’t no man is stupid enough to try and overthrow the town.” Joel rode up alongside Tommy’s horse.
“The cold botherin’ you or somethin’ brother? Thought you were tougher than that.” The younger Miller brother said with an amused grin as he lightly punched Joel in the shoulder.
The wholesome moment quickly turned to chaos as 3 shots rang through the snow covered evergreens. Your group had been closely stalking Joel and Tommy for hours in the shadow of the forest. It wasn’t your first choice to join a raider group. Why the men spared you that day was beyond you, but they had become your new family, and you’d take whatever protection you could get; good or bad. You were the mastermind behind ambushing the group from Jackson. Driven by greed and bloodlust, you convinced your men that they could take down the patrol group, and overthrow the town. A lack of poor judgment proved to be fatal as you were thrown from your horse and tumbled into the snow. Your gun was kicked violently from your grasp with a heavy boot as you let out a feral scream.
The same boot that disarmed you, kicked your body down into the snow with a heavy thud. Adrenaline coursing through your veins clouded your senses as you held your hands up in defense at your perpetrator. You could only see his eyes as the rest of his face was covered by a thick wool scarf. The barrel of his gun was pressed against your temple as the man’s knee pressed harshly down on your stomach, pinning you at his mercy. “Your men are dead, and now you’re about to fuckin’ join them. How stupid does one person have to be to try and pull off a stunt like that?” The man gruffly spoke, voice muffled through the thick wool disguising his features.
That voice. Could it be? No. You were just imagining things again.
“Go ahead and fucking shoot me then. Better you than the men back at my camp. They’ll do far worse than you can imagine.” You spat.
Joel grasped the back of your head, yanking you up as he kept the barrel of his gun steady against your trembling temple. “How many of ya are there? In your camp, how many? If you tell me where they are, I won’t kill you.” Joel Miller was always a man of his word.
“Twenty..or so. You’ll need more men.” You grinned your teeth together as he roughly yanked you up. Your face was also concealed with a thick scarf, but your eyes held a sense of familiarity that Joel hadn’t felt in years.
“Tommy! Round up what’s left of their horses, and we’ll take her back with us. She’s gonna tell us where the rest of her group is. Ain’t that right, darlin?’”
Tommy was weary of his brother's proposal but ultimately agreed. “Fine. We’ll put her in a cell and then interrogate her for information. Maria isn’t going to take lightly to this, just so you’re aware.” Tommy narrowed his eyes at you before turning on his heel to return to his own horse.
“So, I’m becoming your prisoner? You gonna put me in handcuffs or something, sir?” You couldn’t help but take a tone with this man, despite a literal gun being pressed against your forehead.
He yanked you up to your feet in one swift movement. “You’re going to be my jailbird for as long as I fuckin’ see fit. You wanna live another day? Better get to talkin’, and cut that smartass attitude out. The hell is wrong with you?” Joel shoved you towards your horse with the barrel of his gun now shoved at your back. “Get on.” He demanded.
“You injured my horse.” You flatly stated as you grabbed ahold of the reins and hoisted yourself back into the saddle, and your scarf fell down just the slightest before you quickly scrambled to re-secure it.
“That’s what happens when you ambush heavily armed people, darlin.’ A grazed bullet to the flank ain’t gonna kill your horse. He’ll live.” Joel hoisted himself back up into his own saddle.
“It’s a she, and fuck you.”
“Well, my apologies to her.” Joel held the reins in one hand while the other was firmly wrapped around your bicep, just in case you were going to be stupid enough to try and escape.
You were in fact thrown into Jackson’s makeshift jail like a rag doll. Joel was anything but gentle as he shoved you inside the cell and slammed the door shut with a heavy clank and locked it. “You outta go and make yourself comfortable, cus’ you’re gonna be here awhile.” He pulled up a chair to sit right outside the metal bars. It scraped painfully along the flooring as he sat down.
You sat down in the chair across from him, peering through the metal bars with your arms crossed against your chest. “So, even if I tell you where the rest of my group resides, you aren’t going to let me go?”
Joel mirrored your actions by crossing his broad shoulders over his chest in an intimidating manner. “I never said anythin’ about lettin’ you go. All I said was that I wouldn’t kill ya if you told me where the rest of your group is.”
“Ohh. So you were dead serious on the whole prisoner thing? I thought you were bluffing.” You pressed the weight of your back against the metal chair. “Well, if we’re gonna be here awhile, mind telling me who you are?”
“Those details are not necessary. You ain’t got a reason to know who the hell I am. You’re gonna sit there, and you’re gonna talk and I let you live. You think you get to call the shots, sweetheart? You got another thing comin’ for ya.” Joel stated with a raised brow.
“Alright, how about we make a deal. You seem like a reasonable man. How about we both take these scarves off and reveal our identities, and then I’ll talk. Let’s make this entire transaction personable, it’ll make it way more fun for me to kill you if I see your face.” Your threat was casual, yet all the more serious.
“Kill me? How are you gonna do that? I got you trapped behind these bars and there ain’t nothin’ you can do about it.” He scoffed at your threat, brushing it off like water off a ducks back.
“I have my ways.” You stood up from the chair and sauntered over to the bars, grasping them between your hands with your cheek pressed against the cold metal. “C’mon. Tell me your name, and then I’ll tell you where my camp is. It’s a fair deal.”
Joel let out an annoyed huff. He was sick of your games already and he briefly wondered how someone as incessant as you, survived this long. “Joel. My name is Joel.”
Joel is a common name, right? There’s plenty of Joel’s. There’s no way in fucking hell that this man was your Joel Miller. Not a chance.
The air felt heavy as you stared at him through the bars. Your gaze was heavy on his covered face as if you were trying to see through the wool that covered it.
“The fuck are you starin’ at? Y’know what? Maybe I should just kill you after all. You ain’t gonna tell me what I want to know. You think that you’re gonna fuckin’ weasel your way out of this. Well, guess what? You ain’t.” He stood up from the chair in a fury as he strode to the bars and grasped your chin in one swift movement. You clawed at his hand, but it was too late. Your scarf fell from where it was secured on your face and he stumbled back as if he had seen a ghost, his own scarf falling as his body collapsed into the chair.
“YOU?!” He yelled incredulously as he stared at your recognizable face in disbelief. “YOU TRIED TO FUCKIN’ KILL ME!” He tossed his scarf to the ground as he pulled himself back up from the chair. “All these years, and this is how we meet again?!” His voice echoed off the concrete walls, booming painfully against your eardrums as you cowered from the sound.
“Had I known it was you—”
He didn’t even give you a chance to finish your sentence as his hands slammed down around the bars. His face was flushed red with anger, his eyes narrowed into slits. “Bull fucking shit! You tried to kill me, and my brother! You fuckin’ ambushed us!”
“I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS YOU! I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS YOU, JOEL! I SWEAR!” You tried to plead with him.
“You tried to kill me.” His voice fell flat as he stepped back from the metal bars with a heavy shake of his head. “You fuckin’ bitch.” He whispered under his breath as he strode out of the makeshift jail without looking back.
Three days passed since you had last seen Joel Miller. You were convinced that he, and the people of Jackson would let you rot in here without a care in the world. In your solitude, your mind drifted off to the QZ and your time spent with Joel. Oh, how everything had changed.
A metal tray skidded to your feet below the metal bars along with a mug of coffee. Joel had returned and was once again sitting in the old metal chair as you scarfed down the food he provided you like a ravaged animal.
“Your men are dead. Cordyceps got to them before we could.” He was resting his hands on his knees as he leaned over, observing you.
“Good. I’m glad to hear it.” You spoke between mouthfuls of stew, not even looking up at him.
“Tommy wants to kill you. His wife is pretty fuckin’ pissed that you and your group ambushed us. I’ve convinced him for the time being to spare your life. You’re welcome.”
“I agree that they should kill me. I’m a traitorous killer. If you let me out of this cell, I won’t hesitate to kill you.”
“You can quit that whole tough girl act ‘round me. I know exactly who, and what you are, and you darlin’ are not a killer.” Joel retorted with a sigh.
“Stop fucking acting like you know who I am, Joel. You don’t know a goddamn thing about me anymore. You don’t know the people I have killed since I left you. You don’t know what I’m capable of, so stop pretending that you do.” You snapped.
“Oh? I don’t? Just because you went off and joined a group of murderous raiders, doesn’t mean I don’t know you anymore. Are you forgettin’ that I used to be one of them?”
“What exactly are you trying to get out of this, Joel? Are you looking for closure? Are you looking for revenge? What the hell is it that you want?” You kicked the empty tray back under the prison bars.
“I want some fuckin’ answers. I want to know why you just up and left me like that. Do you know how long I spent lookin’ for you? I was forced to give up because a teenage girl, who I now view as my own kid, was thrown into my life, quite literally, and we went on this journey together. I stopped looking for you in mutilated bodies, but I never stopped thinking about you, and where you were.”
“I already told you why I needed to leave. I gave you those answers, and you wouldn’t agree with me. Leaving you was the hardest thing I have ever fucking had to do. I told you it was for our own good.”
His boots were heavy along the floor as he stopped in front of the bars, grasping them tightly between clutched fists. “No. I want a real fuckin’ answer. I deserve that at the very least.”
You were in front of him now, hands grasping the bars just below his own with your eyes boring into his. “I left because I had to. If I stayed any longer, I would have never been able to leave. We would have never worked out, Joel. It was going to come to an end whether we wanted it to or not.”
“You didn’t fuckin’ have to do anythin.’ I provided you anythin’ you fuckin’ wanted. Anythin’ you needed. I let you ruin me, and you just get up and leave? Fuck you. I didn’t ask to feel this way. I didn’t ask to care about you. It just fuckin’ happened. So how dare you say that you had to do anythin.’” His tone dropped an octave as his eyes stayed locked on yours.
“What the fuck else do you want me to say, Joel? Do you want me to say that I hated you? That I never cared about you either? Do you want me to lie to your fucking face and tell you that you never fucking meant anything to me? Is that what you fucking want?!” You responded exasperatedly with your lips nearly touching his between the gaps in the bars. “I’ll lie to you if it means that you’ll finally let me go.”
“I loved you.” He whispered with a clenching heart. “I loved you, and would have done anythin’ to keep you. I’d lasso you the fuckin’ moon if it made you happy.” He confessed.
Your heart fell heavy between strained strings as your palms grew clammy. “No. Take it back. Don’t you dare fucking throw that word around with me, Joel Miller. You’re fucking lying.”
“Am I? Am I fucking lyin’ when I tell you that I searched every goddamn crevice in the QZ looking for you? Am I lyin’ when I tell you that I tore up your fuckin’ apartment to try and find any sign or clue as to where I could find you? Am I lyin’ when I spent sleepless nights cryin’ in my own filth because it felt like a piece of me was ripped away? Just like the way my fuckin’ daughter was ripped from me? I love you, you stupid, stupid girl.”
Suddenly, you were kissing. Magnets drawn together by an impossible force that not even prison bars could keep you apart. He grasped your face delicately between his hands as you kissed one another with desperation, as if you’d slip between one another’s hands like sand on a beach. He detached his lips from yours, a string of spit keeping you connected for a mere moment as he quickly unlocked the cell door with the key in his pocket. You were on each other in an instant, slamming his back into the door before kissing him fervently once more. Joel Miller should have never trusted a jailbird such as you. You felt the coolness of the key in your grasp, having him distracted at your mercy. You shoved him away, slipping through the door and slammed it shut before locking it. He barely had a chance to register that you were no longer in his proximity.
He shook the bars wildly, yelling fiercely as you slipped from his grasp once more. “DON’T LEAVE ME! DON’T LEAVE ME! I LOVE YOU, PLEASE! PLEASE DON’T GO! I LOVE YOU!” He slammed his fists into the bars over and over again, till his knuckles were raw and bleeding, and his throat ran dry.
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Tagging people I think will enjoy! @chaotic-mystery @cavillscurls @morning-star-joy @sinsofsummers @cupofjoel @thetriumphantpanda @dinsdjrn @darkroastjoel @korynnekorynne @kirsteng42
Part Two
425 notes · View notes
slytherinshua · 6 months
genre. lil angsty. fluff. headcanon. warnings. fighting >:( kissing. pairing. woonhak x fem!reader. wc. 1.1k. request. requested by anon: what if y/n and woonhak have an argument and y/n says "you are not my favourite teddy bear anymore" and cuddles her plushie teddy bear instead of him 😭 how do you think he would react a/n. gif by @/mattwooks <3 idk how good this is i haven't written for baby woon in a while skdjs but tysm for requesting!!
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you never meant it to escalate into a proper fight
really, you had never fought with your boyfriend before— not even once
Woonhak was tired and you were on your period, cramping badly and grumpy
all these factors made it so that it didn’t take much to push your buttons when he came home and unfortunately, he did it in the first few minutes
you just wanted to cuddle him as soon as he came through the door
you definitely didn’t want to start fighting over something as stupid as his work schedule
yet you found yourself rambling angrily about how he was always busy and that he didn’t care about anything but his work
he was busy, and you understood that
being an idol was demanding, and you couldn’t possibly expect to get much of his time
especially with preparations for the year end shows, boynextdoor had been busier than ever
but you had really, really missed him
and when he didn’t immediately give you his attention when he came back home, it was like the last straw
you had woken up with a sore neck, gotten your period, had to deal with bad cramps all day, had a stressful school presentation, bombed a test, got yelled at by your teacher, cried on the way home, failed at making the food you wanted, ended up microwaving a tasteless frozen meal instead, and waited for your boyfriend to show up for 2 hours
of course, Woonhak didn’t know any of it
he had been at dance practice all day and his body and mind was tired at this point
when you suddenly brought up how he was never there for you, he was shocked
the fight only escalated, with you bringing up petty insignificant things that Woonhak did that annoyed you but you always brushed off because you loved him
Woonhak responded how anyone would while upset and tired, and decided to be petty back
it was unnecessarily stressful for both of you, and you hated every second of it
your boyfriend could take most of your hurtful words
he knew you didn’t mean half of the things you said, and he clenched his jaw to keep from spitting words back that he also didn’t mean
but there was something you said that made his eyes widen
“you’re not my favourite teddy bear anymore”
you shouted it in the heat of the moment, tears streaming down your face, and ran upstairs to your room
Woonhak stood in the middle of the kitchen, stunned for minutes
this was something he was scared you actually meant
Woonhak had always been your teddy bear— your favourite cute little soft warm teddy bear
from when he started dating you, he had quickly replaced your childhood teddy as your favourite thing to cuddle with
you even called him my teddy bear— and whenever you did, he melted completely, broken down into a puddle of a lovesick mess
he didn’t like you saying that he wasn’t your favourite anymore 
he hated it
his chest tightened up and he could feel the tears that he had worked so hard to hold back begin to build up
he had never really fought with you like this before
there were always little fights, given your and his immaturity
you were still only 17 after all, you couldn’t expect both of you to be the most mature when handling arguments
but it was usually something that he never had to worry about before because arguments never happened
he paced around in the kitchen for a few seconds, sniffling back his tears, running a stressed hand through his hair
he didn’t know what to do
he didn’t know what you wanted either
would you be mad if he tried to reconcile with you? did you want him to come to you or to give you space? why were you so mad at him in the first place?
he frowned, thinking back on the argument like a lost child— he hated feeling unwanted, and right now he felt like you neither needed him nor wanted anything to do with him
it took a while for him to work up the courage to go upstairs to where you were
he found you on your bed, hugging a stuffed teddy tightly to your chest while listening to some music
there were balled up tissues scattered near the trashcan from when you had thrown them and missed the bin, and Woonhak frowned at the sight
you didn’t notice him standing at the doorway until he awkwardly cleared his throat and you looked up
you already had some time to cool off from the heat of the argument, and when you saw your poor boyfriend standing in the doorway, pouting sadly and looking so so small, you broke
your lip trembled and you silently opened up your arms for him, feeling absolutely horrible about everything— you shouldn’t have taken your frustration about the day out on him
he hugged you so so tightly, burying his face in the crook of your neck, some tears slipping down to soak into your t-shirt
he just wouldn’t let you go which made you frown even more
how could you have shouted at this precious boy?
you stroked his hair and back and whispered apologies into his ear
“I didn’t mean what I said” 
“I just had a rough day, I’m sorry”
“I love you so much, I’m sorry baby”
this seemed to only make him cry harder and hug you even closer, squeezing you so tightly but it was exactly what you needed
“am I still your favourite teddy bear? please say yes? please?”
he asked you, truly scared that you had really meant that part
“of course you’re my favourite teddy bear. you’re always my favourite. nothing could replace you, baby bear.”
you kissed his face and wiped his tears and kissed him some more
seeing him sad and seeing him cry and knowing that it was because of you was infinitely worse than the bad day you had had
Woonhak always came first for you— he was impossible to replace
and you made sure he knew that, repeating the ‘I love you’s’ and praises to him without stopping
he returned your kisses and apologies with his own, and eventually got comfortable laying on top of you; his head nestled underneath your chin, arms wrapped around your waist
as much as he was your personal teddy bear, you were also his
he looked so small and cute all curled up on top of you, his warm breath hitting your chest as he relaxed and closed his eyes
and you napped with him like that, both exhausted
but not before swearing that you would never fight unnecessarily like that again
↳ boynextdoor taglist: @rizzshimura,, @captivq,, @icyminghao,, @yeonjuns-redhair,, @metalchick529,, @schmocolateschmchip,, @kpoprhia,, @edensgardenn,, @weird-bookworm,, @cyberpunksunwoo
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lovelyney · 2 years
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─────────𝐀 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐔𝐒──────
DESC: “Maybe he shouldn’t have hidden his feelings behind harsh words and accusations,” he thought as he stared at your lifeless body.
PAIRINGS: Tighnari x (GN!) Reader
SCENT: angst
WARNINGS: hanahaki, throwing up, blood, tighnari’s a dick, dead dove do not eat.
FLORIST’S NOTE: here it is! finally. also, autosave feature? bless u, tumblr gods.
FLORIST’S NOTE﹙02﹚: uh Fawn here a few months after this was published </3 i'm super flattered you all like this so much; truthfully, i'm very insecure about my ability to write good angst, so it means so much!!
SONG: Secret Garden ― Empath-P
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YOU OBSERVED WITH DEFEATED EYES as Tighnari, yet again, swaddled your hands in gauze. You tried to take out a Withering Zone by yourself, wanting to help clear his schedule. However, despite having a vision of your own, you weren’t very familiar with the process and ended up getting hurt, much to the forest ranger’s dismay. 
Your throat ran dry as you struggled to find the right words to say without upsetting him more. It was clear he was about to snap at any moment, so you chose to stay silent, despite your anxiety eating away at the stillness.
“(NAME) for the last time, stop biting off more than you can chew,” the fox-eared boy berated, his gaze as bitter as the medicine he brews. “What was the point in bothering with something you clearly had no idea how to deal with? were you begging for a death wish?” 
You swallowed thickly, your stomach churning as he awaited your response. “My only intention was to take some of the burdens off your shoulders. . .” You answered feebly.
With an exasperated sigh, he rubbed his temples in frustration. “So you wanted to help me and ended up doing the exact opposite? Yeah, that sounds about right. 
“(NAME) this is what? The fifth time you’ve gotten yourself hurt trying to ‘help?’ Don’t you realize you’re only making things harder for the both of us?” Tighnari crossed his arms against his chest, growing more impatient with you by the minute. “Achons, we’re going to run out of medical supplies if you keep getting into situations like these. Can’t you learn to take a hint?” 
The harsh tone of his voice engulfed you in shame, his words ripping your heart into shreds. “I—I just—” your attempt to defend yourself was met with the burning stare of his multicolored eyes. 
He chastised, “save it, (NAME). You give me the same exact excuse every. single. time. Taking care of you like this again is already a migraine as it is.” With that, he packed the medical supplies into his backpack, not sparing you another glance. 
Tighnari criticizing and reminding you how all you do is pull everyone down had become routine by this point. He never told you directly that burdened everyone, yet he clearly didn’t care about hurting your feelings, so you never understood why he didn’t just give it to you straight.
He never acted so rashly to the other trainees, so it led you to believe that it was personal. That said, you don’t know what you did to make him hate you so much. And to add salt to the wound, you admired Tighnari a lot. Hidden beneath his sarcastic nature, he was diligent and dedicated to his work. You could tell he cared for everyone within the confines of the forest, although you highly doubted that to be your case. 
As you carefully observed him, you not-so-surprisingly developed feelings for him. You find it hard to believe now, but he treated you gently when you first met him. That memory felt so foreign after all he did was suffocate you with his accusations. Since then, you shoveled your feelings into the very back of your mind. 
“Are you even listening, (NAME)?” badgered Tighnari, snapping you out of your depressive reverie. 
Nodding slowly, you chewed the inside of your cheek, feeling your emotions consume you from the inside out. “Y—Yes, of course, Master. . .” 
“Really? Because ever since I got here, you’ve done nothing but stare at the ground helplessly.” He shook his head and sighed in defeat, “whatever. It’s not like you ever heed my advice anyways.
“Collei and I are going to be gone for a few days on an expedition. You are not to leave Gandhara Ville until I return. Do I make myself clear?” he said, his large ears flicking in aggravation.
That immediately grabbed your attention as your eyes shot open. You deflected, “I—I’m sorry?! Tighnari, I get that you’re mad at me and all, but I am not a child! I don’t need supervision!” Your face burned hot with humiliation as tears formed in your eyes. 
Tighnari’s eyes softened briefly at your defeated expression before returning to their normal venomous state. “Then quit giving me a reason to treat you like one, (NAME). Now, I’ll be taking my leave.” Before you could answer, he left your room, leaving you alone in your misery. 
After a few minutes of silence, Collei wandered in, her gaze saddening as she regarded your trembling figure. “Oh, (NAME). . .” She lamented and sat next to you, gingerly wrapping her arms around you. “I’m—I’m sorry. . . I don’t know why he’s been treating you so horribly lately; he’s usually never like this. . .” Muttered the girl as she rubbed circles on your back. “I’ll talk to him, o-okay? Please don’t cry. . .” 
Withdrawing from your friend’s hold, you rubbed away your tears with a forced smile in hopes of comforting her. “Don’t worry about me, Collei. I’ll—I’ll be alright,” you soothed, your weakened voice revealing the truth behind your words. 
Tighnari peeked his head over the opening, swallowing thickly when he noticed your tear-stained cheeks. “Collei, come with me, would you? I need to have a word with you.” He dictated, averting his regard away from you.
The girl perked up, “y—yes, Master!” She stood up and turned to you, carefully bringing your head to her chest once more. “I’ll figure something out, okay? D—Don’t worry,” she assured before bidding you goodbye and following Tighnari out. 
After the two left your line of sight, your throat and chest tightened. Scrambling into the bathroom, you stumbled over, suddenly coughing violently. You wiped the sweat from your temple, sighing in relief when it ceased. “What caused that I wonder?” You questioned and fluttered open your eyes. While staring downward at what appeared to be lotus petals, you suddenly felt overwhelming dizzy. Had it gotten that bad?
Your hands clutched your chest as bile burned your esophagus. You weakly shoved yourself up and flushed the toilet. You knew that hanahaki was life-threatening if not treated immediately. However, confessing seemed impossible given the circumstances of your relationship and who you’re in love with. Your other option was to have it surgically removed, but that also meant removing your capability to feel emotions. Nevertheless, you wanted to be a forest ranger like Tighnari and help people, so you’d much rather die of the flower that bloomed in your chest than be an empty husk and not feel anything. 
Laying on your bed, you watched Tighnari and Collei converse—probably about your probation if you were to be completely honest. You let out a meek laugh and closed your eyes, allowing your body and mind some well-deserved rest.
“Maybe if this disease takes me, I won’t burden him anymore. . .”
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The following morning was horrible. Following your wake-up, you had to race to the bathroom to throw up again; your lungs and chest burned from how fierce the fits were. Making matters worse, you got far from enough sleep because of the feeling of lotuses climbing your throat.
“(NAME)? It’s Collei! I just wanted to check on you before Master and I head out!”
Your eyes flew open at your friend’s voice. Shit. She wouldn’t take this well at all. Quickly flushing the toilet, you grabbed a towel and patted your face dry, hoping your tiredness wasn’t evident. 
“(NAME)? Are—are you alright?” She worried and walked into your bedroom. Her expression dimmed upon taking in your condition. “You look so tired! Did you not get enough sleep?” Fuck.
You compelled a weak smile, “I—I’m fine! Don’t worry about me, I’m just a little—” Your sentence stopped midway as you covered your mouth, hacking up more bloodied petals. Your hanahaki did not seem to appreciate you lying about your feelings for the sake of others. 
Collei paled immensely, her hand going to mimic your own. “(NAME). . . You—you’re. . .” Tears welled in her rose-colored eyes as she watched you recover. “We have to tell—”
“NO!” you interjected sharply. Sighing, you let out a quiet apology. “I—I’m sorry. . . I didn’t mean to yell like that. I just. . . please don’t tell Tighnari.” You muttered, voice enfeebled from your lack of sleep.
“B—But, (NAME). . . If y-you don’t get help. . .” 
“I know. But I don’t think I can take any more of his disdains. especially when he’s—” You, or rather the hanahaki, cut you off as more petals emerged from your throat and onto your shaking hands.  
Seeing the connection, her eyes softened. She lamented, “oh, (NAME). . . You like him, don’t you?” Her arms circled around you, “please, I—I don’t want to lose you. I promise I’ll talk him into apologizing! You don’t deserve this. . .”
Shaking your head, you gently patted the girl’s hair, her heartfelt words shattering your heart furthermore. “Collei, I—I’m not sure I can promise anything at this rate. . .” You imparted. “I’m not sure if Tighnari is someone you can reason with, as well. . .” 
“Collei? It’s time to go,” Tighnari announced from outside. Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. . .
The green-haired girl pulled away from you, looking at your (COLOR) eyes with her own pleading ones. “Everything will be alright, okay? I promise. . .” She sniffled.
You nodded despite your views contradicting hers. Watching her leave, your gaze, hopeless and cold, flickered to Tighnari. You couldn’t help but wonder what occupied his mind; has he even thought of you and how you felt once? Probably not. 
The fox-eared ranger caught a glimpse of your eyes and shivered; that’s right, shivered. The way they looked so dull put a pit in his stomach, and he couldn’t tell why at the time. He looked at his student curiously, “what were you two talking about?”
Collei sighed, “i-it was nothing, Master. . .” 
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The realization that you didn’t have much time left dawned on you as you gazed in the mirror. Your once bright and lively eyes were now dulled and impassive, almost as if you’d already gotten the surgery. You heeded Tighnari’s words, staying locked inside your hut and not bothering anybody. After all, that’s what he wanted, right?
Your condition worsened faster than you initially hoped. Every day and night, you retched at least five blood-covered lotuses, leaving you more weakened than the last. You couldn’t even estimate how much blood you had lost by now. With each passing second, your life slipped from your fingers like grains of sand. It seemed to tease you with the thought of death, never actually finishing you off—until now. In most cases, people have at least a few weeks to make the choice; you, unfortunately, did not with how fast your feelings developed. 
Reaching up, you wiped the blood from your lips, leaving a metallic taste in your mouth. Normally you would be grossed out by it, but it was almost comforting by now because it signaled you didn’t have to endure this pain much longer.
You staggered to your desk and pulled out a few things: an envelope, a piece of paper, and a quill. Your fingers trembled as you dipped the feather in ink and scrawled the name ‘Tighnari’ on the envelope. He’d admonish you for the handwriting, but when you’re on death’s doorstep, you can’t really expect perfect writing, can you?
With an unstable breath, you began composing the letter with all the energy you could gather.
“Dear, Master Tighnari. . .”
Tighnari took a deep breath as the faint outline of Gandhara Ville came into his field of vision. Ever since had and Collei finished the expedition, this dreadful feeling like something horrible happened stuck to him like a leech. And no matter what he did, it continued to suck the energy out of him. In retrospect, he’s had this feeling since he left. Worse part about it? He couldn’t figure out why; it’s like he could sense an anomaly but couldn’t see it. 
Collei quickly picked on her teacher’s anxiety and flashed a smile, hoping to comfort him. “M—Master, I’m sure everything will be fine! You know how nice (NAME) is! I’m—I’m sure they’ll forgive you! they’re normally so sweet no matter the circumstances!” She encouraged, though, deep within her mind, she was scared herself. She knew how much his words impacted you.
Tighnari dragged out a sigh, his fingers going through his dark hair. “That’s. . . That’s the problem, Collei. I. . . I treated them so fucking awful, and all they did was sit there and take it they didn’t dare speak up,” he seethed, wincing as he recalled the look in your eyes before they departed. “Archons, who knows if they’ll find it in their heart to even forgive me? I treated them like a toddler when I really meant to protect them. God, my delivery was fucking horrid, wasn’t it? I really messed this up.” He looked at Collei with defeated eyes, “That’s what you were talking to them about, wasn’t it? How vile I treated them. That’s why they were crying the other day.”  
The trainee harshly bit her lip, knowing that’s exactly what happened. She knew that he treated you like a weed in a garden full of lotuses when in reality, you were the flowers themself. And now, with your hanahaki, Celestia knows how much pain you must be in—both physically and emotionally. 
Only then did she remember that you had gotten hanahaki the day they left, and her heart sank. She swallowed hard, feeling her heart weigh heavy in her chest as it pounded against her ribcage. “Um, M—Master Tighnari. . .” she quavered.
He glanced her way, the pit in his stomach swallowing him whole when he regarded how horrified she appeared to be.  “Hm? What’s the matter, Collei?” Inquired the boy, his ears flickering in nervous anticipation. Oh god, did something actually happen to you? 
“I—I normally wouldn’t ask of you something like this, but please, when we get back, g-go check on them? They’re. . . they’re not well. . . ” She uttered aside, her voice wobbling as if she was on the brink of tears.
Her words confirmed Tighnari’s initial thoughts; there was something wrong. “Collei. . . what happened?” he spoke curtly. Hearing no answer, his chest tightened, and he could hear his breathing pick up. “Collei. Tell me now. I need to know if they’re in danger.” His voice rattled as he communicated, his anxiety clawing at his every thought. 
Collei’s shoulders shook with small sobs, “(NAME). . . They—they have Hanahaki. They didn’t want me to tell you because t-they hic knew you’d yell at them in some sort of way. . . A-and they’ve had it for a few days now and—”
“—Collei, I need you to be honest with me. Does (NAME) have romantic feelings for me?”
Glancing up at her teacher with a pitiful expression, she wiped her eyes with her sleeves. “Yes, Master, t—they do. . . I believe they have for a while,” she sniveled.
“Fuck.” He muttered and sprinted towards the ville, leaving poor Collei behind. However, at that time, I don’t think she minded; she recognized that he needed to find you as soon as possible—to save you. 
Pushing past everyone in the village, he shoved himself inside your hut. “(N-NAME)?! Are—are you here? We—we need to talk!” He called out, his voice breaking from breathing so heavily. “(NAME). . .?”
“Shit, shit! (NAME), where—where did you go now. . .” fretted Tighnari, his mind racing with every outcome possible. His eyes caught onto a wax-sealed envelope that sat neatly on your dresser. He picked it up and felt an overwhelming sense of dread wash over him as he stared at it. “It’s addressed to me. . .”
“ Dear Master Tighnari, 
As much as it hurts to me say this, but by the time you’ve finished reading this, I’ll have passed away. I don’t quite know what to put in this letter. . . Even as I’m writing this, my mind is blanking. I feel like there’s so much I have to say, but unfortunately, I don’t have much time before this disease takes its final toll on me.
I’m sure Collei’s told you by now of my hanahaki. I don’t blame her; the poor girl looked like she would pass out when she found me puking flowers. I know what you’re thinking, “(NAME), you lummox. So you’d rather just sit and watch yourself die than confess?” Well, Tighnari, would YOU confess to someone who’s admitted you’re nothing but a thorn in their side? If you haven’t figured it out by now, it’s you who I’m in love with. Have been for a while now. 
I must apologize for plaguing both you and everyone in Gandhara Ville. That was never my intention; I only wanted to repay the kindness everyone gave me, no matter if it cost my life or not. But, unfortunately, as you said, I ended up doing the entire opposite. And for that, I sincerely apologize. I wish I could take it all back. 
I hope you know that despite everything, I don’t harbor any negative feelings toward you. And maybe, in a different reality, things wouldn’t have turned out like this. 
Did you know that I’ve admired you from day one? And I’ll continue to do so in the afterlife. You’re genuinely incredible in my eyes; you’re diligent and passionate, everything I wished I was. You’re incredibly dedicated to the forest, which is admirable. And I supposed that’s why I fell so incredibly hard for you. Maybe you knew I loved you; maybe you didn’t. It’s all meaningless now that I lay on my deathbed made out of my own flowers. It’s strangely comforting, even though I’ve lived far from a fulfilling life. 
I honestly didn’t think my feelings had gotten this bad; I thought I had successfully pushed them away for the greater good. But, with how fast the hanahaki materialized, it seems I unestimated myself. That proves just how much I truly adored you. Never doubt your capabilities, alright? You’re truly unique, Tighnari.
This is where we part, my dear fox friend. My strength is running out, and so is the ink. Once more, I’m truly sorry for all the pain I’ve caused; I hope you can find it in you to forgive me. Please take care of Collei for me? Tell her I’m sorry I couldn’t make it; Celestia knows I tried to push through for her.
I love you, Tighnari. My love will continue to bloom for you in the form of lotus flowers. So, whenever you see one, I hope you think of me and how much I admired you. (: 
Yours Truly, (NAME). ”
The words blurred together as tears muddied Tighnari’s vision. Every written word cut deeper and deeper, but he forced himself to read it all. At first, he thought it was staged or a joke of some sort, and a part of him wished it was, but he could recognize your handwriting from a mile away. “No, no. . . this cannot be happening. . . They can’t be—” he thought to himself as he pocketed the note. He seethed, “FUCK! Where could they have gone?!” He pulled his hair stressfully as he wracked his brain for answers.
“My love will continue to bloom for you in the form of lotus flowers.”
His eyes snapped open when it clicked—the river not too far from here was known for the lotuses that bloomed in it. You couldn’t have gone far either, not in your condition, at least. 
Tighnari hurriedly sped out of the ville, ignoring everyone’s worried stares. “Please don’t be too late please be alive.” He prayed silently. He halted and surveyed the familiar spot, spotting a figure lying near the river’s shallows. he uttered, “(N—NAME). . .?”
Stumbling over, his pretty eyes drowned in tears the second he laid eyes on you. You were sprawled out, bloodied flowers sticking to your lifeless body. Blood smeared on your lips and fingers, and thank the Archons, your eyes were closed, or else Tighnari would’ve gone into cardiac arrest from crying so hard.
He collapsed at your side, cradling your face in his hands; the warmth of his palms contrasted with the chill of your skin. Shaking his head in denial, he thumbed at your face hoping to find some kind of reaction that proved you were still alive. “No, no, NO! Come on, (NAME)! W—wake up! You c-can’t. . .” He hiccuped. 
Tighnari gathered you in his arms, concealing his face in the crook of your neck to hide how hard he sobbed. “I. . . I’m so sorry, flower. T—This is all my fault. . . I-If I would’ve just told you how I felt instead of being a moron, then none of this would’ve happened—you wouldn’t have. . .” A sob strangled his throat and cut off his words.
“I—I thought I was protecting you from yourself. . . B-but I somehow did the exact opposite. I was the cause of your pain, and because of how shitty I treated you, you feared telling me how you felt. I. . . I’m so sorry, (NAME). Y-you didn’t deserve to go through so much pain alone.”   
“Master, I heard—o-oh my god.” 
Collei’s eyes rounded in horror, her figure starting to tremble as the situation settled in her head. “(N-NAME). . .” she croaked and dropped next to Tighnari, her hands shakily finding yours. Like her mentor, she was quick to shake her head in denial. “N—no. . . They can’t be. . . How—how did it—” bewailed the girl as her hand squeezed your fragile one. She turned to Tighnari, who looked to be on the verge of passing out from crying so hard. “M—Master, they’re. . . they’re not, r-right? They can’t be. . .”
The ranger shakily pulled out the letter and handed it to her, watching as the girl sobbed harder at its contents. “T—They found comfort in their death because of how much pain they were in. . .” He murmured weakly. As he pressed a kiss to your hair, he noticed that your fingers grasped something.  
Tighnari gingerly grabbed your hand and unraveled your fingers from what you held. A singular clean lotus. He smiled, weak and faint, plucking the lotus from your grip and tucking it in his hair—a memento of your love for him and his love for you. 
“My love for you will continue to blossom in life and in death. . . N—no matter where you are, you will be the first and last my heart is occupied with. There’s no room left for anyone else, flower. . . There never was in the beginning.
“I will look at each and every flower and think of how selfless and caring you were. Your love and dedication will continue to burn bright in Gandhara Ville. I will make sure of it. . .” 
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intoanotherworld23 · 1 year
The Neighbor
Pairing: Female reader x Chris Evans
Warnings: Brief mention of masturbation, swear words, mention of sex
Summary: Your incredibly handsome new neighbor Chris Evans moves in across the street, and he’s holding a secret that he doesn’t know if you’ll be able to handle
Check out my other works on my Hall Of Hunks
Part 2
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"You got any plans tonight?" Your friend asked as she made herself a drink.
"Yeah I actually do." She turned to give you a knowing look.
"Reading your dirty books and drinking wine is not plans." She scoffed as you rolled your eyes at her. She knew you all too well. "Let's go out tonight."
"I don't know." You groaned as you plopped down on the couch. Going out wasn't really your type of thing.
"You can touch yourself another night." She joked as you almost choked on your own spit.
"I don't do that." You exclaimed but she just scoffed at your response both you and her knowing that was the furthest thing from the truth.
"Everyone touches themselves Y/N." She gave you a look as she raised an eyebrow up. "It's perfectly normal and healthy."
Your friend had no trouble speaking her mind especially when it came to anything sexual. She literally had no filter and didn't care what she said. That's why you and her became best friends. She was the outgoing and spunky type of person, and you were a little shy and timid. Somehow it just worked out with you two.
"I don't need to do that anyway." Your voice became softer and quieter.
"Masturbation you can say the word out loud you know." She teased you watching you struggled to say the right words.
"Alright let's change the subject." She laughed at your response knowing which buttons to push.
She talked about sex so easily whereas you became flustered and uncomfortable. It wasn't a topic that came to you naturally or easily like it did her. You've had sex before but it was always so vanilla and boring. Which is why you just kind of gave up on the matter. No man being able to make you feel sexy or frisky.
"Okay let's go out tonight." She pressed again as you just sighed out loud. She wasn't going to give up.
"Nope." Popping the p looking at your phone.
"Come on bitch it'll be fun." Walking over to sit next to you.
"You know I don't exactly do well around..people." It was true every time you were around large groups of people you tended to make a fool of yourself. Sometimes unintentionally.
"When was the last time you went out?" She asked you. Looking down at the hands resting on your lap knowing she was right.
"I mean I go out." Shrugging your shoulders trying to dodge the question.
"Bitch please if you go out you go out with me." Laughing into her glass at your failed attempt to prove her wrong. "So like I said when was the last time you went out without me?"
Keeping silent of you started picking at your nails knowing she was right. You pushed yourself to go out more, but it never worked out the way you wanted. That's why you always went out whenever your friend invited you.
"Exactly." She sounded proud that she had a point. You just stuck your tongue out at her. "You only go out when it's with me."
"Well you're my best friend." You shot back but she wasn't buying it.
"Your my best friend too but I go out without you." She was making her case and you hated when she was right.
"Well we're different types of people." You stuttered that was the only thing you could come up with.
"I don't care you are going out tonight and that's final." She wasn't going to let up no matter how hard you tried. She'd drag you out if she had to.
Before you could rebuttal both of you heard what sounded like a big truck pulling up to your house. Getting up you walked over to the front window to see what was going on. Seeing a red Ferrari in the driveway of the house across the street, and a moving truck parking as close to the house as the could.
Immediately recognizing the man who stepped out of the Ferrari. Remembering you had seen him last week to close on the new house. What you really remembered though was just how drop dead handsome this man was. Your friend thinking they same thing too, as she practically was purring at the sight of him.
"Who is that?" She fanned herself making you giggle.
"I have no idea." You shrugged as your eyes remained glued to the man. "I only have seen him once last week."
What you didn't tell her though was how you couldn't get him out of your mind. That everytime you woke up you had hoped you'd see him again. Relying your time on seeing him, and even dolling yourself up a bit and sitting on the front porch hoping he would see you. Of course that didn't happen. Thinking a man like him would never go for a woman like you.
"And you didn't get his name?" She sounded offended and shocked. "I say we go over there and introduce ourselves."
"Are you crazy?" Stepping back to look at her with wide eyes. "We can't just go over there and talk to him."
"Ummm yes we can." She nodded her head not even bothering to look at you. "God he just looks like if sex were a person."
Y/F/N." You exclaimed lightly pushing her shoulder. "He's probably got a girlfriend or is married."
"Only one way to find out then huh?" Wiggling her eyebrows as she made for the front door not waiting for your response.
Following closely behind her as she strutted her way over, and you just kept cursing to yourself. Your nerves getting the better of you the closer you got. Wanting to just turn around and go back in your house to hide. Telling yourself he was going to be creeped out by the two of you, and not want anything to do with you.
Stepping on his driveway as you both stood behind him hearing your footsteps turning around to face the both of you. He looked a little surprised how swiftly you both approached him, but at least he smiled.
"Hi there you must be the new neighbor." She spoke first as you just stood almost behind her.
"How could you tell?" He sarcastically spoke looking as the movers carried boxes into the house.
"Just a hunch." She flirted as she stepped a little closer to him. His eyes focused on her as he would glance at you every once in a while. "I love you car by the way."
"Best purchase I've made." He turned to the shiny sports car that probably cost more than your house.
"Well I love these types of cars." Batting her eyelashes at him knowing she was already going to make her move. Given the fact that he clearly had money was an even bigger bonus for her.
Squinting your eyes as the sun started shining in your face, but that still didn't stop you from staring at him. Focusing on his massive arms as they bulged through his shirt. He was a very fit man, and you could only imagine what he looked like without a shirt.
"You must be the neighbor across from me." Of course he thought she was the one who lived there since he was interested in her.
"Actually I don't live here." She shook her head as a hand grabbed you toward her pull you closer. "But my beautiful friend here does."
"Hi." You waved awkwardly as he smiled so widely he showed off his straight whitened teeth.
"You must be the beautiful friend." Crossing his arms across his chest as his attention was on you now. "Oh the names Chris Evans should probably have said that."
"I'm Y/N and this is my friend Y/F/N." Introducing yourself his eyes not leaving yours.
"Well it's nice to meet you both." Coughing subtly as he realized he was just staring at you.
"The pleasure is all ours." Hearing as she deepened her voice. Trying to hold in the giggle that was bubbling in your throat.
"We're having a pool party tonight if you'd like to come." Your friend blurted at as you snapped your head to her.
"You have a pool?" He sounded excited and all you could do was just nod your head unable to find your voice.
"Oh yeah she has pool parties all the time." She continued on and you just turned to glare at her. "They are always a blast."
"She does look like a wild one." He winked at you feeling your cheeks starting to burn from embarrassment.
"I am not." You chuckled looking as innocent as you possibly could. He'd figure out real quick how shy and timid you exactly were.
"Oh yeah trust me Chris she's an animal." Placing an arm around your shoulder as he pulled you in flush against her. "She loves her pool parties."
"Can't say no to a pool party." He smirked already feeling himself getting hard at the thought of you in a bikini. "Any excuse to take these clothes off."
You weren't sure if he was just making those kinds of comments on accident, or if he was blatantly saying those things to get you all flustered. Either way he seemed like a guy that wasn't shy when it came to anything. He was definitely making you nervous.
"It'll start around eight you can just come in through the fenced gate the door will be unlocked." Not stuttering as she clearly made up this party at the last second. "You can bring your own food or liquor if you want."
"Yeah I might just have to make an appearance." Smiling as he glanced back at you as you returned the gesture then looking down at your feet.
"Okay then we'll see you tonight hopefully." Both of you started slowly walking backwards as you waved goodbye.
"What the fuck was that?" You grumbled as you both turned around heading back to your house. Chris still standing there looking as you walked away.
"What?" Looking at you with an innocent look damn well knowing what she was up to.
"A pool party?" You questioned her wondering how you were gonna be able to put together a pool party at last minute. "What happened to going out tonight?"
"Well fuck that we're having a pool party now." Stepping back into your house as you slammed your door shut. "So I'll gather a list of people to call and you just get the pool ready."
"I don't really feel like hosting a party tonight." Groaning at the thought of having tons of people in your house and then having to clean up.
"Oh babe you won't be hosting this party I will." She stated as you just raised an eyebrow at her. "You just need to focus on getting it in with the hot new neighbor."
"I'm not just gonna have sex with someone that I just met." You protested and she just rolled her eyes at you. "No matter how good looking he is."
"Drink enough and you will." She winked as she started going through her phone finding people to invite.
"I'm not that type of girl." You argued back not backing down.
"You need some good dick in your life." Stating her case as she gave you a certain look. "You'd be surprised what good sex will do to you."
"Then why don't you just have sex with him?" You joked but in all reality you started to feel a little jealous as you said that out loud.
"Please bitch I already get good dick you need it more than me." Unsure if you should be offended at her choice of words or thankful she was letting you have him. "Either way it's too late it's already been done."
It wasn't enough for her on pushing you to go out tonight, but now she had invited your incredibly attractive new neighbor to a last minute pool party at your house. Thank god she was your best friend otherwise you'd be super pissed at her. At least she was trying to help you find someone even if it was just a fling.
"Alright I'm gonna head to the liquor store, and bring you one of my bathing suits." Grabbing her purse as she got out her car keys.
"I already have a bathing suit." You defended.
"Yeah nothing sexy enough." She shook her head as she scrunched her nose.
"What do you mean not sexy enough?" Placing your hands on your hips as you glared at her offended. "You want me to just go nude?"
"Now there's an idea." Placing a finger under her chin as she seriously thought about it.
"I'm joking." Belting out a laugh as she saw the horror written across your face. "Okay bye bitch I'll be back later."
Shutting the door behind you as you stood there not knowing what to do now. Well looks like you were having a pool party at your house that your best friend made up, and your hot new neighbor Chris might be coming. This wasn't going to end badly at all.
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