#its gonna be hard enough talking about this i dont need another thing to make me sound like an asshole
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insomniakisses · 1 year
Being Twice’s Omega
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General hcs;
- they fight over you
- well, bickering mostly
- only cause momo is possessive af and wants u all the time
- literally growls at them id they try to take u
- u just learn to live with it
- jihyo has to give her THAT look
- the look that says “share our gf or i take our gf”
- literally works for about a minute before momo is pouting and making grabby hands
- why is she so clingy and possessive?
- 1) she just loves you so much
- 2) you know that moment she got eliminated from 16 and thought she was never going to see you again? Yeah thats why
- it hurt so much and was such a scary feeling she never wants to feel that again
- thats why the girls put up with her behaviour
- they never want her to feel like she doesn’t have you
- usually u wait till momo is sleeping and sneak into another members bed
- nuzzle into them or lay kisses to there skin till they wake up
- face goes from confusion to the brightest smile in seconds
- so happy to finally cuddle and kiss you
- then scents the heck outta u
- Momo will wake up the next morning and yank you outta whoever’s grip and scent u with a smirk before pulling away
- after long talks and easing out of behaviour momo calms down
- everyone gets cuddles in
- momo still hogs u a little
- You have the MOST respectful alphas
- always checking in on you and if your okay
- they know when there being too much for u and will back off
- never come into ur nest uninvited no matter what
- they don’t even go near it when they need to talk to u opting to call or text u since a nest is a personal safe space and should smell and feel as u like it not of them because they barge in
- always have their arms around you in public
- SO IN LOVE (with u and eachother)
Heats + Ruts;
- likes contol
- fucks you from behind
- mostly over furniture
- the second she smells u in heat shes gonna fuck u right then and there
- slaps ur ass
- fucks you in doggy with ur hands tied and legs pinned
- loves that u trust her enough to take complete control of u
- subby baby
- your in control
- you spend heats either riding her and milking her for all she has
- or sitting on her face making a mess of it with your juices while your jerk her off
- likes when u do this and either overstimulate or edge her
- when shes in rut then she also likes it if u peg her or play with her ass.
- if shes in rut ur hers till she says so
- fucks u for hours
- scent marking
- bites
- scratches
- spanking
- knotting over and over again
- in your heat she is such a tease but eventually gives u what she wants.
- soft dom
- rubs her cock against ur clit for SO long
- gets it all red and leaking precum before pushing into u
- ur a whimpering mess by then
- just how she likes it
- fucks into u slow and deep
- or hard and fast
- there is no between
- thick cum but not alot of it.
- average in roughness
- definitely nit the roughests
- wants u to get pregnant
- purely for her lactation kink
- 🤫🤫🤫
- also cause no one thinks shes gonna actually get u pregnant and if she does she can rub it in their face
- she gets hard ALL THE TIME
- highest sex drive
- always down to fuck u
- lowkey has a thing for fucking u in public
- jerks of on lives and outside all the time
- probably subtly fucks u on live too
- cums ALOT but its not all that thick
- growling and quiet moans
- service top
- kinda a shy baby tbh
- lays ontop of u, face buried into ur neck as she thrusts into you softly
- kisses and nibbles at ur neck
- face hot and blushing
- less thrusting more humping tbh
- best for pre heats and after heats when u dont need rough sex
- rough and kinda needy?
- she litterally just wants to fuck u every second
- isnt too focused on breeding u or mating u
- just on the pleasure you can both feel
- low key isnt fussed about u getting pregnant or not
- shy 90% of the time but when it comes to her rut or ur heat
- then she is relentless
- fucks you into the mattress for HOURS
- relatively quiet moans
- but she curses ALOT
- scents the heck outa u
- lowkey kinky af
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not-handsome-enough · 2 months
Alright before I do anything take this with a grain of salt, cause it’s probably a continuity error / can be easily explained away BUT if you all would like to hold onto some hope please just hear me out. And also it offers a question for yall.
Alright! So!
On twitter someone had asked Brendon and Gene about Murmaider III and its placement on Dethalbum IV ( which btw shoutout to Gene’s wife that was brilliant ) and Brendon had mentioned that what sets 3 apart from the other two was that it was more dreamlike, and that it was made AFTER Army of the Doomstar. Now since Brendon and Gene weren’t the ones to make the order on the Album we can’t set a timeline for the songs ( though they are set in Brutal to Dreamlike order once again shoutout to Genes wife you goddess ) we can at least say that some songs were made post Army. In fact we could also make some assumptions about what songs were made DURING army. So I’ll separate that list here.
NOTE : YALL DONT NEED TO READ THIS PART THIS IS JUST ME RUNNING WITH “ some songs were made post AOTD which ones could they be teehee “ JUST KNOW MURMAIDER AND SOS WERE AFTER KUBBLER DIED OK SORRy I’m not deleting that whole thing I like it
Songs with “ * “ are canon, the rest are personal interpretation.
* Aortic Desecration ( the first song of salvation but obviously not )
* SOS ( song of salvation )
Gardener of Vengeance ( Nathan directly references this during the scene where he confides in the band and Knubbler that he doesn’t write songs about hope and he’s just doing what he knows. I believe he wrote and recorded this but felt it wasn’t good enough to be the song of salvation and moved on. HOWEVER the language he used could place this as post AOTD because it sounds more like a thrown out there example kinda like how he figured out SOS in the cave )
Poisoned By Food ( Again I think this is a scrapped song of salvation since besides the actual poisoning of food a lot of the imagery feels like the what the metalocalypse was described like )
BLOODBATH ( guess what another scrapped song of salvation. This one feels like a ‘you don’t scare me I’m going to confidently stop you because if I go down you go down with me’ song. Also it could be Nathan trying to reach out to Magnus since he was one of the people on his list. Also quick note I’m going song by song so I don’t know if I’ll notice if any other songs would reflect the list I just got out of work so I’m not gonna catch it all rn )
Horse of Fire ( this is tricky because lyrics like star still blazing allude to this being written before aortic desecration but also Nathan didn’t have the talk with the whale until the deadline came up in which he had to go with aortic desecration <he wouldn’t have had time to write about the fist or the hand.> But the lyrics don’t have the <we should reach out to the fans> revelation that SOS has. Maybe this was a draft for SOS but I think once Nathan figured out what SOS was meant to be it just came to him naturally. I’m not sure. HOWEVER since the doomstar is referred to as a star that is still blazing and not a portal that’s been destroyed it’s safe to say this is not post AOTD. Either way this is an important song to keep in mind if you look at this speculating )
* Murmaider III ( stated by Brendon Small in the interview. He said he feels that the boys would have written this after AOTD and based off of interviews he’s had in the past about his songwriting process it’s hard to not take this as canon so. )
DEADFACE ( I think this is post because while the song plays during the movie only Skwisgaar knew about the possession so the lyrics wouldn’t quite make sense yet. It’s a tricky placement but I can see Skwisgaar playing around with it since he does play the notes during the movie )
Mutilation on a Saturday Night ( this feels so much like a we survived so now we’re gonna party song I can’t see Nathan Skwisgaar or Pickles make an argument for this being a Song of Salvation. Also all the fucked up shit they talk about references what happened during the metalocalypse but it’s spoken in past tense like a ‘hey we fucked shit up but we fixed it so now we’re just gonna keep fucking around haha’)
I am The Beast ( simply cause I don’t see this as something Nathan would write during AOTD but the ‘ I am a beast this is my domain and when I speak you scream my name ‘ could work as a salvation line but it feels too much like a Mutilation Saturday Night ‘I can write whatever I want cause I lived and I’m not gonna hold back’ vibe )
Satellite Bleeding ( this feels like the first song they would have written and recorded after the doomstar died. Kinda like watching the sky clear up after a storm. )
Now despite me rambling on about this I would like to draw attention to what’s canon. Specifically SOS and Murmaider III. These songs came out after Knubbler died. Yet Dethalbum IV credits Knubbler for production.
Drawing your attention to how crediting in the Dethalbum works, each album has a little section for Dethklok to get musical credits and thank whoever and whatever. There’s also production credit and location credit. On ALL of the Dethalbums Knubbler is credited as producer. Cause he’s the producer makes sense yeayeyaeyah. But whenever there’s a change in location or production, there’s additional credits.
ANOTHER NOTE: I DONT HAVE THE KLOK OPERA CD I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE CREDITING SYSTEM LOOKS LIKE ON THERE but if someone happens to be selling that cd outside of eBay please let me know
Let’s look at them.
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Dethalbum I ^
Shit ton of credits right, and on the other page which I didn’t take a picture of and can’t because I’m not home at the moment there’s credit to Snakes N Barrels for “Kill You” with each member listed. Take note that songs that are considered exceptions are credited differently and locations not at Mordhaus are credited.
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I lied I have the other page. For those without the dethalbum cds the actual credits are usually on another page and “Kill You” got mixed in with it
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Dethalbum II
Hey Knubbies gets to thank someone this time! Anyways once again Knubbler is credited for production, but also Dethklok. Keep this in mind. Also the fact that different location credited for Murmaider II but it’s recorded at Mordhaus
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Dethalbum III
Knubbler credit AND Abigail credit along with Dethklok AND once again location credit is Mordhaus and another fuckass place. Only thing that’s not really credited is Magnus with The Hammer but idk if he was like Toki and William where they play the songs but don’t really write or if he actually wrote The Hammer. I’m not a HammerHead, I’ve seen people interpret him as both, but at the end of the day idrk.
So what about Dethalbum IV
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Knubbler is credited. At Deus Keep. Only Knubbler. Only at Deus Keep. “But he’s not credited as a Producer” True! If the album was released in universe it would probably be a producer credit. Especially since Brendon and Ulrich have Producer credit on the page prior. Maybe it’s because Knubbler didn’t make it to the final production stage. Or maybe he’s staying hidden undercover..
Remember earlier. He canonically was not around for two of these songs on this album. He could not have recorded OR mixed SOS or Murmaider III. Even if you don’t fully think that Murmaider III was made Post AOTD, SOS was done post Knubbler death. Hell, the song was dedicated to him by William! But there’s no separate credit for SOS.
If we went on the same basis as previous albums SOS would have been credited to that part of Norway where they traveled to that I forgot the name of and I’m not gonna look up but you get the point. Or even Dethklok would have been credited as production. I could also say something about how Murmaider III wasn’t recorded in the Mariana Trench and how the whale isn’t calling to Nathan anymore but that’s for another day. Right now though, it’s just Knubbler. Just Knubbler and Deus Keep.
Which leads to 3 possibilities.
Knubbler Lives: Knubbler survived ( the flashing things on the ground were teleporters ) and Deus Keep is rebuilt. To celebrate their survival they make Dethalbum IV but don’t release it
Knubbler Died: The band recorded the last few songs on the album at the remains of Deus Keep. Knubblers presets aren’t changed so credit remains to him. Once again not releasing it.
It’s not an album: Dethalbum IV doesn’t exist in universe. That’s why there’s no producer credit. That’s why Nathan doesn’t thank the klokateers ( he thanks the army of the doomstar which is just him thanking fans ). Dethklok recording it post AOTD is more to do with how Brendon records dethalbums than in universe writing.
I like to think that this is just an unreleased album in universe since the record label is more than likely destroyed, but it has the possibility of releasing one day if society is rebuilt to what it once was. But it really depends on if you think the album is canon to the universe. Cause there’s no Mordhaus credit on Dethalbum IV and there’s no way for SOS to have been recorded at Deus Keep and blablabla
something fun to think about tho yk?
TLDR: two songs on dethalbum IV were made after Knubbler death yet the credit doesn’t change for him in the dethalbum so there’s a chance that he recorded and mixed those songs cause he is alive and well horray
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fandomfluffandfuck · 24 days
hi S ok you definitely dont have to answer this bc its basically just me venting and its pretty lame haha but im curious if its something you've ever dealt with or if u have advice... basically i have diagnosed ASD and marvel is my special interest and has been since i was a kid and im pretty positive its going to stay my favorite thing for the rest of my life lol. and sometimes i get so sooo sad and kinda lonely thinking about the fact that like .. i know its basically still one of the biggest fandoms out there but like all my favorite fics were posted like 5-10 years ago mostly from authors that arent even in the fandom anymore and theres never gonna be another movie with steve and bucky together that everyone gets excited about and wants to talk about and theres also just so much less of a fun goofy little tight knit community for stucky on tumblr and online like ... idk i just miss so bad when the mcu was at its peak and there was so much content to consume and so many people passionate about it... and i know theres definitely still a huge presence and like im so thankful that youre an author that i love thats still super active and im always glad to visit your page and to see that theres still so many fans out there that care and wanna interact yknow. but tumblrs different now and its been like ten years since peak stucky content and the actors are all doing their own thing now idk it just makes me sad 😩😩 i feel like such a loser saying it i swear i have other interests and an irl life that is very fruitful and lovely hahaha its just makes me a bit frustrated at my autism because i know i wont be able to ever really stop loving these characters even as others move on
Hey, sweets!
I understand what you mean and you're not a loser, not at all. It's fucking great to have an interest in something, anything--what else is life for? You gotta have something to be focused on and interested in that gives you joy, otherwise, what is there? Just blandness. And, yeah, Marvel fandom is still very much active and that's wonderful and great! But, it's also true that it will never be the same as it was in its heyday. Personally, I wasn't around when the stucky fandom was exploding along the release of CA:TWS/the general MCU height, but I certainly see all the old art, edits, cosplay, etc. that's still reblogged and I've read so many of the fics from years prior, so I have a grasp of what was happening. And I can totally see how you'd miss generally, but especially if your fixation has attached deeply to these characters.
I have a sibling on the autism spectrum (who's old enough to have been diagnosed with Aspergers's syndrome before that was phased out but they are, of course, on the spectrum regardless of arbitrary hierarchical labels that I will restrain from ranting about because I fucking hate that shit, don't talk to me about "high functioning" ugh) and they have a few different life-long hyperfixations as well. So, you're not alone, but, it is hard to think of any actual advice per se. I think you're already doing what you need to be doing, y'know? You're here and enjoying what is going on now, connecting to blogs that are active, finding space where you can talk about these characters, you've got other things to do that also capture your attention, and, of course, you know you're sad about what isn't going on anymore. It's okay to be sad. You can't control what you're passionate about in the same way you can't control who you fall in love with. Are these silly little fictional characters not just people we've fallen in love with a little or a lot, no matter if they don't "exist"? I love that for us. Humans are so cute and full of love.
Fandoms and people change and sometimes it fucking sucks when it happens, sometimes it's great. Either way, it's part of the ecosystem of life. Water and nutrients and air and sun--it makes people change, it makes them grow, and you're allowed to be sad about what they used to be, you just have to keep growing, too. Remember what they were and know who they are now.
Hopefully, something in there helped you feel better, even if it was just from telling someone how you feel.
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angels-and-glitters · 5 months
I need to COMPLAIN.
This is gonna sound edgy nerdy not so girblogger coded but let me getto out of my silly girlie pop character for a minute i am RAGING.
For context two days ago i suddenly remembered that WEBTOON exists after trowhing it in a black hole in my mind, so i re download it and i start reading one. Apart from the endorphines i forgot a good webtoon gave me,
(whole other talk about redescovering old intrests !!!even if they look silly!!! when you feel a dry mind)
I finished it in a couple of days, and as i usually did when concluding a webtoon, a comic or any possible thing i liked, i start looking for the edits so i can imagine myself being in that universe while playing them.
(its a physical need i swear)
(No judgment let me being a cringy kid at the sound age of eighteen thanks)
(Its a guilty pleasure.)
Getting to the point. I am in DISAPPOINT.
What the fuck are these dry stupid no personality rage triggering edits.
They are MID.
Feel free to be' offended i stand where i stand
What the hell are these kids doing!?!
I had to scroll through YEARS to find the good ones.
So i started my reaserches.
First of all, i got to the sad conclusion that instagram edits are going through extinction.
Back in the days (☝🏻) when tik tok (musically for the ancient) wasn't that big of a thing for edits, you went on instagram (at least i did!!) And they were TOP TIER.
I would've hanged them on my walls if they were physical.
They were energetic, fresh, powerful, you could tell who's edits were by they're style because the editor's styles were so different one another.
They fitted the medias perfectly and don't let me start on the transitions.
They were immaculate.
Perfect to the millimeter.
These type of edits made me immerge in the media even more, i had my favourite edits saved, (a LOT), and i watched them every night before going to sleep multiple times, they were a lullaby to the mind.
But on my trip to these new (and few) Instagram edits... I was horrified.
First of all, no character whatsoever is put in these digital scums, the personal style is gone.
Probably due to these ages generations who wants to look the same be one another fit into something precise (I dont have the strength to start another fuss I'll just keep going with my silly polemic) but the transitions.
They are MID MID MID even terrible.
Actually I hate them.
There is not an ounce of effort in those disturbing sliding of images.
There isn't flow, variations,good blends. They all look like they were made by 10 year olds (wich is prob the case) and don't tell me oh it's just the age they'll learn as they grow.
I want the twelve year old freaks that edited like it was they're last day on earth.
Like theyre life depended on it.
Where did they go?!?
What's wrong with this generation? why didn't they pick up the heredity theyre ancestors gave them?
Why did they throw it all away?
Why are they descending into this madness abyss?
And the music choices.
They never match the mood of the fiction, or worse the mood of the edit itself.
And honestly they're just boring ass songs.
Now, what I said about these Instagram edits applies also for the tik tok ones, but with some differences.
First of all, because there's much more editors on tik tok now, luckily there are some exceptions.
Some good stuff that's going on, but for me it's still not enough. From the parameter of the golden age of edits, those edits are just.. average.
The average good stuff you save and lightly watch. Its hard to find an edit that makes you obsessed. It wasn't really back than.
And most of them still lack the personal style, that again, I think its crucial for the ideal enjoyment.
I also noticed that the capability of the editors changes based on wich media the edits are of.
Like for example the editors of jujutsu kaisen (dont ask me anything i didn't see it) aren't doing a so bad job.
Maybe because the target audience is older so are the editors, idk
But it still lacks something.
That sparkle that was there before
The one that made you crave to watch it again and again
Maybe it's just me who's lacking something I had before , and nothing else changed
In conclusion, I think the editing culture ended at the start of 2022.
Idk tell me you opinion so I don't feel crazy thanks!
(Sorry in advance for the bad english i'm not a native speaker or anything)
(Edit not sorry this is a masterpiece I should be employed somewhere my English is near perfection)
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farmerlesbian · 1 year
where is the line between transmasc/genderweird lesbians and Men with a capital M? i dont think there really is one, but as a lesbian who straddles that line, people are constantly trying to shame me onto one side or the other and its exhausting. i think sometimes the ppl trying to protect our community by keeping men out end up targeting mostly ppl who are in between or overlapping categories and are typically trans, instead of like, Cisguys preying on dykes. its become a real problem in the community just being visibly trans or butch tbh
i don't think it's possible to articulate A Line. i agree with you and don't really have anything to add!
i'll just say what i've said before. it's fuzzy/blurry. the nuances and intricacies of someone's gender through the narrow slice the internet (on anon!) is not enough for a stranger to make any sort of call about! it's something that individuals with non-binary gender experiences gotta use their own discretion about. people should go about these things with a mindset of using their best judgement and engaging in good faith, instead of like, pushing the boundaries of what is "allowed". instead of seeking approval and validation, seek to look inside onesself and determine 'is this for me? is this space for me? do i genuinely feel like i'm intruding and pushing the boundaries or do i feel like i'm being pushed out and unjustly excluded?'. those are different feelings and while i can imagine it's hard to discern sometimes, maybe talking with your irl people you can figure it out. yeah sometimes you gotta ask a clarifying question here and there to the organizers of the space in question -- i certainly do when seeing (nonlesbian) events for "femmes" and stuff like that haha!
i'm sorry that you're dealing with people being shitty to you about straddling the line. i know i see it, people having this like compulsive need to find rules and permission and categories for everything, needing to push people into one box or another in order to make sense of them, to know how to see you and treat you. and it sucks! it sucks even more because the boxes are WRONG! it hurts and they don't get you.
for ME, when i say "no men" i mean people who are men period. no additions no explanations no complications. just a straight up man. a fully binary man, if you will. i do not intend to apply this to people with funky genders. to trans folks straddling lines. i think if someone is genderweird or got somethin funky goin on they aren't a straight up Man capital M with no qualifiers! do you see yourself as a man or not, deep down? (general you, not you anon!) i do apply it to trans men and cis men alike. i see no reason to separate the two as if trans men aren't really men. because there ARE binary trans men. there are binary cis men! there are a LOT of them out there in the world! some of them are even on tumblr! are there ALSO trans men that feel also kinda butch at the same time and like a little dykey? maybe. i dunno any personally so i'm not gonna make harsh calls and big rules and statements. i'd expect people to make their own judgement calls and use their discretion and best judgment! i absolutely do not want to push someone out who feels that it is their community and that they deserve to belong in it. this is why i don't patrol my followers list except for bots (common lately ugh tumblr!) and obvious gross lesbophobes (quite rare).
sorry this got so long. lmao i say i'm not gonna add anything and then next thing i know you have an essay!! sorry!! hope it makes sense. basically i fully agree with you and i'm sorry you are having people shame you and push you. they should not do that and i do not support it and it is not what i think We should be doing as a lesbian community.
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sadpurpleblood · 10 months
Alright. I was gonna make this more in-depth, but i really have no idea how to condense a work longer than the bible into a coherent post so. Time for
SPB tries to explain Homestuck somewhat briefly.
(somewhat spoiler warning)
so. homestuck is a web"comic" about 4 kids (also 12 kids. plus 4 other ones. also one really fucked up one.) playing a game. that game is called SBURB. in some instances its actually SGRUB. because yes. that game causes their world to end. but its alright! you can escape into the game world. there you can breed frogs until you have a very special frog thats gonna be a new universe for people to live in. when youve done that, you won the game! this has very little to do with the actual gameplay of that game.
One player can build things at the house of the other. but that player has to kill enemies first so they have enough recourses. you build upwards towards floating gates so you can enter the game world. In the game world, every player gets their own planet! theres a scary boss monter hiding in it. also, somewhere on it is a bed where when you die on it you become a god! What kind of god depends on your personality. Or maybe your personality depends on what kind of god you are? noone knows. also the planets each have sweet little reptiles or amphibians who just live there. theyre cool. later on you can visit the planets of the other players through further gates.
you can make basically everything you want to by combining things with alchemy! actually the alchemy is more like programming. and needlessly complicated. (also people have inventories that function like different types of data storage. but that has nothing to do with SBURB. thats just normal in the world of homestuck)
you also get a little ghostly companion as compensation for the whole rest of your planet dying! A glowing orb absorbs something and it becomes your guide. most of the time, the thing the orb absorbs is someone/something dead, so you get to revive someone basically (neat!). actually two things can be put in the guide. But what you put in there before you go into the game world also affects the enemies youll be facing.
Somewhat related to the game, there are special dream moons. when you go to sleep, theres a dream you there on one of those. One moon is yellow and for :D people and the other one purple and for B) people. Your dream you can die seperately from your awake you, but you need them both you for the magical god-bed to work! Luckily, theres also another place to die on the moons where you just need the dream bodies around. Also, on the moons live chess people. The yellow one has white and the purple has black ones.
The chess people also have a big chessboard battlefield planet in the middle of the game world. They fight a war there. What you put in your guide thingies also affects the board.
Sometimes, the previous players fucked up and made your universe frog have cancer. That makes the game unbeatable for you! Luckily, theres maybe a place on one of your planets where you can basically hard reset your universe. Yay! But that means youd normally die. So if you dont wanna die, you gotta find a way around that to get into that new universe.
Okay, that was the game kinda. Now onto stuff that actually matters!
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Those are the four kids it starts with. its the one on the lefts birthday and the sburb beta comes out. so they all play sburb and cause their planet to be destroyed. but uh oh
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the trolls who played sburb first fucked up making the human universe so now the previous four gotta reset it! So they do that.
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Those are the new four kids that happen there. theyre actually the grandma/grandpa/mother/brother of the original four. actually theyre their mother/father/mother/father. because everyone is either a weird slime clone of themself or a mixture of two clone slimes.
the new four also talk with cherubs
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these guys. the red one hires a dream assassin to kill the green one. that one plays sburb alone and thats not allowed so he suffers a totally different session which i will NOT get into but he gets green leprechaun muppet henchmeb because of it and also hes the big bad actually.
Yeah turns out due to time shenanigans he kinda has always been there and *sorta* has been pulling the strings since the beginning?
doesnt matter. they manage to defeat him after they bring a new green cherub from another timeline there.
and uhh thats the end of homestuck then.
i left out basically everything that makes homestuck. fun. and enjoyable. But i will NOT get into the characters because everyone interacts with everyone and theyre really complex.
also, fun fact, the birthday "boy" from the beginning is actually a trans girl after someone found one of the authors toblerones. this shows up nowhere in canon material but according to hussie its canon now. its probably fine to picture that fella as whichever gender.
also everyone is hella queer and or neurodivergent. even the homophobic racist characters. especially those actually.
okay ill shut up fr now i might talk about the characters at some point but now definitely not.
(@possiblyatransgirl heres the quest attempt its shitty but homestuck is equally shitty)
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spikeinthepunch · 9 months
I dont know if this is something youd want to hear, but i absolutely love how during the beehive quest, brad is constantly emasculated and put down for being ugly and fat and bald and worthless and everything a man shouldnt be. But then during the campfire cutscene right after, Queen tells him hes hot. Not in a pitying compliment way, but in a way that someone actually believes in and likes about him.
I just thought that everything that was said to brad during that quest was a culmination of everything that has been said to him growing up, and that hes said to himself as well. And that someone saying he actually thinks hes hot... he needed something like that.
duuuude please i love getting asks at all i legit NEVER get asks and talking about my current fixation? yes please.
i forever love love queen's campfire scene esp when you get it right after the beehive quest. brad faces quite a bit of general 'old and bald' stuff in the game. and brad's general silence makes it kinda hard to know what he feels? i think in most cases we assume as players that brad is cold and stone faced. which i dont think is wrong. but the new dialogs, and especially in queen's, do show how stuff gets to him.
there is a very long line of emasculation and toxic masculinity in Brad's life. Marty and his grandfather push it so hard-- a lot of the emasculation can be seen in Brad's flashbacks/new dream. Brad is put down a *lot* in that way and we see it again with that quest. (and that weird island. place? that weird place where he also has to put on the dress? that whole thing was weird in another way lol. but it still brings up the idea).
queen is very straight forward and has no issue throwing down the compliments-- i think its something he is genuine about because hes a gay middle aged man living in a world of other middle aged men. and no one in olathe is gonna fall in that conventional attraction category, esp considering the state of the world. no ones keeping up with shit about their looks lmao. especially stereotypical cis straight men.
brad certainly has a lot of shyness and repression around the topic of sex but i think its easy to assume the series of actual compliments he gets from queen stun him because its the complete opposite of what hed been hearing. anything along the lines of him in some kind of sexual fashion'/context was degrading. but queen's compliments that lean towards sexual interest were actually positive. its probably some of the only words he has heard that can raise his self-esteem because they dont put him down for those aspects.
but yeah i wholly agree. the topic of brad and femininity and masculinity is an interesting one in the context of that quest. because outside of those negative experiences from others we also got to see how hes indulged with 'girly' things for younger girls (lisa and buddy). which i think is cute and lovely. but knowing one of those situations, with lisa, ended with them be reprimanded (to what degree...? who knows) i feel like that also could have been an easy starting point for being closed off with things that were not "masculine" enough... and then further comments in regards to his looks and whatnot-- comments insulting him for what are male features/ugly or even being treated in that sexual aspect as if being seen as feminine and being treated poorly through projected sexism like in the beehive situation............... it would all easily bring bad association to all of that.
sorry idk where i am going with this. i love brad and i love queen. insane about that campfire scene forever. i heard that movement in the dark. i want to know what that fucking was
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weirdcat1213 · 10 months
volume 9 you say....hmm
i fear for my life to be completely honest
chap 1:
-geesus no pls no i dont wanna read anymore
-3 days of crying is nothing when youre a trigun fan, am i right people :'D
-no im not fucking suffering cuz while all of that is happening the only thing on his mind is young livio NO IM FINE I SWEAR-
-lmao yeah wolfwood call him out >:D
-"you cant understand how i feel" my brother in christ YOURE SURROUNDED BY ORPHANS
-hmmmmmmmmm i mean im not sure if that applies here but who am i to tell him how he feels, sure buddy. happy for you
-geesus man not the dog, like....WHY THE DOG (i think ik why but still)
-tbh i would also go and ask for an explanation
-nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :c
-ah shit so we're here now oh fuck oh shit okokok cool
-ah yes, sweet bait actually, makes me cry every time
-"once this ark scare is over we'll be living the high life" yeaaaahhhh....about that.....
-thanks livio :3
chap 2:
-about his age i think hes on his 20s mentally but he looks like hes on his 30s, so hes still an adult but yknow...younger
-oh his eye :0 i love that tiny window between his glasses and his face where you can see his eyes, makes me sad every time
-the coolest mf
-"worse" you say...i wonder who did that to him...
-fuck off, take those fucking tears somewhere else old man
-THANKS AGAIN LIVIO (livio's good actions counter: 2 so far) BUT FUCK THAT OLD MAN
chap 3:
-oh ok yeah here we go
-GEESUS MAN, i hope someone kick you ass later
-aw livio noooooo :c
chap 4:
-no that fucking title while theyre bleeding holy crap no stop it nightow stop it
-leave my man alone plsssssssssssssssss
-oh thats...thats kinda hot actually (i say while wolfwood fights for his little life)
-i love nightow taking his fucking time. yes sir i will enjoy a page of the vial dropping from his mouth without any dialogue, thank you sir
-"please survive"................................im gonna need a million years
chap 5:
-demon....while hes killing his bro.....i have a limit thats all im saying
-oh....he looks so pretty tho. likes he came back to life and is surrounded by his servants....damn that goes hard...
-oh yeah, that arm that had no explanation whatsoever. its ok tho, nightow gets a pass
-ah fuck.....hes here...
-yeap, you could say thats a demon ig
chap 6:
-im sorry
-im jumping through the window idc anymore. poor livio man
-yeap that is scary as hell RUN WOLFWOOD GET TF OUTTA THERE
-orange if you animate this i will punch you but also kiss you in the lips
-i wonder what he means with that bell thats supposed to be tolling. hmmm. maybe its like a "hey come back to reality" kind of alarm thats not sounding
nightow you amazing bastard
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wonusite · 1 year
I have an idea and even i dont know what it is because my brain stopped functioning right after i was finished with the last part of my project (i am so happy about that cuz this project literally drained me but thats not what i am here to talk about) so please ignore any mistakes
Tw: this will include yandere seungcheol, magic (wizards and witches and some spell/curse)
This is royalty au, i am a sucker for royalty aus and i am on my seungcheol feelings right now
You are one of the rival queendom's princess and you mother (the Queen) raised you to be independent, strong and powerfull. You were raised to rule a whole country with no one by your side if needed but you knew you always wanted someone by your side. Not because you werent as independent as your mother wanted you to be but because you grew without your father and you watched how hard your mother worked to keep her queendom peaceful and wealthful (is this even a word lol)
You knew that if it wasnt for your father getting murdered by seungcheol's father he would help her with all the hard duties and support her through hard times because we are all human after all and we need to know that someone is by our side.
After your mothers sudden death your witches and wizards tell you that this was not a normal death, this one done by some other magician who is powerfull enough to make this curse work from far away.
You knew who did this, you knew that seungcheol was behind this terrible plan because he always accused your family for his fatherd death that happened years ago.
So you made a plan, you decided to invite him to arrange peace. After he signed the papers you would ask him about your mothers death and if your magicians caught him lying then you would pull out another arrangment. An arrangment about how he was going to keep peace and pay you tax every year or you would tell other kingdoms about how he was using the magic for killing other royals. Afterall, this was a big crime in magic laws and if some royals didnt submit to it, they were vanished from the history, the map and everybodies minds.
Everything went according to the plan, at first. He signed the papers about making a truce as long as both parties stayed true to their words. Then, while you were drinking your teas at your balcony you asked him about your mothers sudden death and if he was involved in it.
What you werent expecting was a barrier that separating you from the rest of the world to appear. And him saying "Its good that you noticed it, its good that you are aware of how powerfull i am, its good that you invited me to your home so i could take you back to our new home." with the sickest, the most sickening smile you have ever seen.
His voice was just like a lovers, who was confessing, serenading the greatist love ever to their beloved partner.
You waited for your wizards to do something, anything. But only for a few seconds, after you relaized that they were unable to get over the barrier you tooked the nearest knife and threw it to him.
You werent going to let this sick, crazy, mad man court you or take your queendom away from you.
Thats it, thats all i can think about, i dont know if you would like to continue this or just leave it here but i think this has potential, just not from me lol
Hope you like this one, i know its not much but i thought of an extremly powerfull magician seungcheol who always wanted to marry the princess since he saw her when he was visiting their kingdom with his father. Then things happened and he had to make sure that you were in as much pain as he was when his father was killed and his mother died because she couldnt stand the pain, that way you could be even (in his mind)
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um wtf how are you just gonna drop this whole ass fic in my inbox like nothing????? this was absolutely brilliant i love the entire concept of it.
now i can easily picture cheol and reader fighting it out until he somehow pins her to the ground, but the tension turns into a different kind when you feel his huge bulge literally pressing against your core. cheol feels like he can come from that alone and the expression on your face. bc although he sees resentment and disgust, he focuses more on the lust and want (even though it’s minimal).
it’s enough for him to back off (for now), but he would stay sending you gifts and appearing in ur private chambers since he’s so skilled and powerful that he can easily slip past the protections you’ve set up. you hate when he does this but lowkey he starts to grow on which just makes you feel sick and gross bc wtf he literally killed ur mom.
still, you can’t control these feelings that keep growing. it gets worse when u have a bad day, and literally ur in ur room on the verge of tears when he shows up. his eyes are filled with concern as he cradles ur face asking u what’s wrong before melting into a cold, unadulterated rage. he’ll calmly ask you who’s responsible for ur tears bc he’s going to end them.
ur not sure why that comforts you and sickeningly turn you on. so you just kiss him and he kisses you back, cock already hard bc wtf he’s waited for this moment for so long and u taste so sweet and now that he’s tasted u like this he’s never going to let you go.
as if ur possessed you start to take off his clothes and tell him to fuck you until you can’t think of anything else. so he does. cheol will shove his cock into you and start to pound into you relentlessly. ur tight cunt feels so good to him and the way you’re moaning out his name just makes it all the better.
so you two fuck all night, he’s filled you up so much that you literally can’t take any more of his cum and you just fall asleep and tell him to not pull out bc you want to keep feeling him until you fall asleep. and you make him promise not to leave u bc although he is sick and twisted, he is also the only person who’s constantly there for you. so he obliges every one of ur requests, smirking deviously when he wraps a blanket around both ur naked bodies and teleports back to his kingdom.
bc you’re his now, and he’s never letting you go.
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dualityvn · 1 year
and so my suffering begins anew
'two gods' 'the paint and the canvas'
presuming that the paint and the canvas Are the two gods in question, because i doubt even you would be so cruel to throw out fake hints like that, what exactly does that mean
now to state this right out of the gate, i know like,, nothing about religions so if this has any bearing on real world religions i for one will be totally blind to it so we will be working under the assumption that it does not
so to me, the paint and the canvas seem to be descriptors of like, the purpose that a god would serve. like one would be the foundation, the mainstay, the origin, 'the canvas', while the other is the embellishment, the life, the decoration, 'the paint'. separately they don't measure up to much, the canvas is empty and boring and the paint has no where to go to display its wonder. but together they form the two halves needed to create a whole, a full, a painting.
they cannot exist to their highest degree without the other, and so they are reliant upon each other. since we know like,, nothing about them at this point i cant say if this is an arrangement that they are happy with or that they dislike or what.
i am however going to take some liberties drawing potential parallels with our main boys, Keith and Tenebris. it did not escape my detective nose that the very first hint towards this that we received was that there are two (2) gods, with Nightmare going out of her way to make the point known that there are 2 (two), much like our leading lads.
and just like Keith and Tenebris, these two also seem to be inseparable. im not making the claim that Keith and Tenebris are these two gods, but i do think they are connected in some deeper way. my mind is drawn back to 'Magic Man', (the sus guy with the scar who talked to Keith about the MC after their first meeting) because if any of the known characters would have some connection to higher divinity at this point it feels like it would be him. he's also sus and definitely knows more about the situation.
another reason i dont think 'paint' and 'canvas' refer to Keith and Tenebris directly is because im having a hard time isolating either of them to those roles. that could just be because im writing this at 1 am but im not sure. i guess Keith could be considered for the role of canvas because they are both in his body, and Tenebris is the more 'bright' and 'noticeable' of the two, considering the fact that he's literally blue, but it just doesn't feel right since i think those terms are meant to refer to the gods more than the boys.
maybe its like a,, like a chosen vessel thing. like the gods pointed at poor Keith in his mothers stomach and poor Tenebris in a field somewhere and said "yooo this is gonna be funken sick and also poetically line up so well" and just yanked Tenebris into Keiths body so that they could have a physical representation of themselves on earth for some deep reason. or maybe just for kicks, who knows. i certainly don't. i never know until i manage to throw enough pasta at the wall that some of it sticks and im left there alone in my kitchen with pasta water on the floor and a mess that im going to have to clean up at some point.
i digress. if my last point is at least somewhere in the realm of reality then we will maybe finally be close to starting to figure out my last big question from my first round as theory anon, "why and how did this happen to Keith and Tenebris in the first place". Until this point there has been absolutely nothing to even begin trying to ponder that question, but the idea that there are two (2) gods that seem to be unable to exist without the other, the symbolism is just to yummy for it to not be related
for now tho, i am cold and tired and it is now 1:15 and i started this at like 12:30 so im putting a pin in this until Nightmare responds to this aks with the usual cyrptic answers that are always Just Enough to get me thinking. i am going to bed good night
Long theory asks are always so yummy. But you're right! The canvas is the one that created the structure, rules and everything that keeps things together. The paint made colors, emotions, smells, tastes, sensations, the differences between species, and what makes each creature, plant, rock or grain of sand unique.
And no, Keith and Tenebris are not gods. The gods don't really come up in the game at all. It's just world lore that may become important in other games :)
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e-icreator23 · 10 months
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Vent again. If you cant read it. Wither: You can't let him do that! He can't be banging or throwing stuff! You think its funny but its- D-d:You need to stop being a drama queen. It doesn't mean anything! Stop it. Where did banging and throwing things get bad? (where did you get that from?!) He's not doing any harm Wither:But it sounds like he's trying to break his controller! [He has a PS5] B-o: WHAT DO YOU CARE?! YOU HAVE A MASK ON AND YOUR A JUNIOR! ITS CRINGY! Wither: And you're a sophomore! You should know not to- B-o: Shut up! No one asked! Aren't you embarrassed?!! This is what happened right now. My brother started to rage at a game and from my room, it sounded like he was banging his controller. I came out to see whats going on and he was yelling before this and hitting something. I told my sister to go to her room and that he was acting stupid. He got mad and insulted me and said I am a nobody and I am embarrassing. My sister got scared from him yelling so got my dad who was drinking. He came it and my brother went back to the game he was getting mad at for loosing and he laughed about it. I told him what happened and he still laughed about it. I got mad since he lets them both get away with things like this and I am tired of the insults. I hate that once they know I will be married to a woman that they won't want me around since like my brother has said and I shit you not he said this word for word "FAGS ARE MENTAL. THEY AREN'T HUMAN" My dad constantly wonders why one of his cousins who came out to them is never around, I can't blame, not at all. It's because none of them support them! They outright show they disappointed in them! My brother says that my dad and him HATE people who are gay or anything relating to it with a passion. They are more concerned of how they look than about anything else, my brother has to constantly remind me that I am more on the bigger side and that he's so embarrassed about it! He said that he will never say hi to me during school even when I say hi, he acts like he doesn't know me and says to others that he doesn't know me. He likes to make fun of me saying I won't get anyone. And even if I do, they will leave me since they never really loved me. I am so tired of this. I want to leave so bad but If I try to leave with another family member then my dad will start to guilt trip me and I don't want to leave because I don't want to leave my friends yet. I know I'm a damn disappointment to them. I know that shit but I have to be reminded over and over and over again. No wonder why I'm distant with them. I try so hard at school to make them proud but it can never make it last. I won first place somewhere big in my state but just "oh nice". thats it. I get Honor roll. "good and stay like that" I am so tired of it and I know I am still gonna push myself to try and get good grades but I know nothing I do will ever be good enough to make them proud of me. They ask why is it hard for me to talk to people, no shit its hard because If I say anything wrong to them, I would get hit. I would get yelled at for saying anything wrong. They told me I am not allowed to tell anyone about my situation, I can't talk to my councilors about this, I cant ask for help. Not even online. If I say something wrong, I feel like they would hate me. If I do something they don't like then I'm the piece of shit. I know they have said that I can talk to them but I feel like I cant since I dont know what they will say. I am scared, I am so fucking scared. I know non of them are bad or anything I am just terrified of them since they are so amazing and I can never amount to them in any way. I don't know what to do. If I eat how I normally do, im told to stop. My health problems are my fault and yeah maybe they are. but still at least be semi nice but no he makes fun of me that I cant breath right. To them ADHD and autism arent real. it's fake so people can be lazy. If I am friends with anyone who's like that then im the weirdo. I'm stupid to even get near them. im so done.
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blole-hack · 2 years
My magical guide to get yourself out of bitchlessness. For men, for women, for everybody no matter who you are and who you wanna date.
me, tired aroace (angled) who has to actively avoid people from being attracted to him (because amatonormative society eyy): Look What They Need to Mimic a Fraction of My Power
So........u want my power? or at least what im talking about having because you don't believe me? fair tbh. dont believe everything you see
ok here's the shit:
1 - Just be a good person, don't be an asshole and take care of yourself, be authentically compassionate and respectful to yourself and to others, that's literally it. you'll find somebody good somehow.
2 - Don't let your loneliness and date hunger and obsession with relationships get in the way of you living authentically.
Ok, people are gonna be like "but i can get a relationship without having to do that shit (the last part especially)"
Yea, but are you really living fully while doing that?
Getting in a relationship is the easy part. Exercising and getting a glow up's the easy part. Acting as someone other people would be attracted to is the easy part. Why? because it's actionable and it has steps that could easily become clear! It just takes a little bit of research and commitment. But its bull crap if it doesn't truly come from you. Not just bull crap to them but bull crap to you.
What's hard is if you don't know yet is actually getting a healthy one. What's harder is being yourself. What's harder is building yourself and knowing yourself.
Dating is just a fraction of your life guys. Two people's lives can't/probably shouldn't perfectly coincide especially since you've been living your separate lives at first
Living a nice healthy life in the first place before ending up with someone while you're dysfunctional and fully believing your worth and your quality of personhood is entirely dependent on whether or not you can get into relationships
And of course you can, logically get into a relationship
Intrinsically, mathematically, it's fucking possible dawg. dont give yourself any of that "its hopeless for me SPECIFICALLY because IM A BEING BENEATH OTHER HUMANS. actually, iM TRASH, NOT EVEN HUMAN"
because DAWG
1- you're a human being
2- humans are attracted to nearly every kind of human being
3- and even if theyre not attracted some people still wanna get into relationship
boom see??? you mathematically already fit the bill. stop overcomplicating shit. sometimes it really just turns out youre not someone's type, or maybe they didnt get to know you enough but who cares? baby, there's literally so many people in the world so no shit youre not someone's type. but that shouldn't stop you from being your type.
what should stop you from being your type is if you're a fucking asshole (and people are unfortunately still attracted to that but like see no matter what you're gonna get into a relationship if you truly desire to.)
In reality, a lot of people have no standards.
1- that should make u confident
2- but you should still be a high quality person (in your own definition!!)
SO EARLIER i was talking about how to be qualified for a high quality romantic relationship, and now I will tell you
How do you make something romantic happen between you and another person?
make sure its balanced. both of you are important in this relationship and both of you should have space to be yourselves
AND THIS IS WHY it is so important to build yourself and learn about yourself like in what I just said above. You have to be interested in buying, and you also gotta know what you're selling/hj (this is just a metaphor dont take it as me thinking of relationships as business. BUT business is also a relationship in of itself)
And what you're selling HAS TO BE GOOD. Something that ISN'T what you would run away from, or throw away if it reaches near the people you care about. I know this is hard to think about if you really hate yourself.
Think of yourself as someone else and ask yourself "would i totes hang out with this guy? would this guy treat me right? would this guy bring value to my life? would this guy inspire me and make me see new shit and broaden my horizons which i might be missing from my life?" (and other things that are more of what you want)
AND IF YOU ARE NOT SOMEONE YOU ARE INTO, THEN ASK YOURSELF, WHAT ARE YOU INTO? Dont become WHAT YOU ARE INTO out of ENVY, become INSPIRED BY IT, and make yourself your human canvas bro of beautiful art bro. and it doesnt matter if it starts out as crap, all artists make crap at first, its a lifelong thing, and thats ok, and even if its crap, its still beautiful because it is authentic boiii
this is applicable for building any sort of relationship!
You don't have to chase squat.
AND THEN IF THEY GET INTERESTED IN YOU BACK, OR IF THEY ALREADY ARE AND THEY GET MORE INTERESTED IN U, Then you be honest with your feelings and then its entirely up to them and that's ok. Be OK with the fact that, bitch, there ain't no way to having a 100% guarantee or win rate in love bc that's stupid and things are always unique in terms of other people's relationships and personalities. NOT HAVING A 100% GUARANTEE IS TOTALLY NORMAL AND IT DOESNT MEAN YOURE SHITTY Following other people's bullshit dating advice is only going to attract you people that have bullshit values :) and that is NO BUENO homie, no matter how lonely you are my homie.
And now for the last step, or second actually, chronologically. But it requires the two above to understand.
You have to actually *decide* on who to date. Don't just pick someone just because they're the only option you see. Because, who would like only being liked that shallowly? it might not be a turn off if they're that desperate, but it would suck for them and make them sad. Plus, you're not getting much out of the relationship if you don't truly VALUE who you're with AS THEMSELF. Like, why u wanna be with them for life bro? If you don't even know them bro? And if you don't VALUE who that person is, they won't
Because the act of valuing a person, is valuable to the person. The very act of being choosy and choosing that person is important. Goes both ways. Don't pursue someone who is not on the same level of you in the value department
Everyone else's dating advice rely on other psychological tactics that allow you to become more perceivable/noticed by other people, which isn't intrinsically bad, but on its own its not sustainable. What I'm telling you is how to sustain that crap, yo. Its entirely up to you to follow them as well.
What you really have to be on the watch for is what kind of person do you want to notice you? This doesn't require you to change who you are bc you have to take into account that this person would also like who you are.
But yeah, if you wanna attract hot people, in most cases, you have to look your own brand of hot. Its just how things work. If you wanna attract good people, you have to be good.
And the process will follow. If you wanna be noticed by something, you gotta be around it, and you can figure that out on your own, you don't need weirdly phrased shit by other people
Oh yeah another last thing, you gotta make yourself strong bro. You gotta make sure your self love is strong enough that if you fuck up (and have to improve yourself) or get disliked/rejected for something that isn't your or anyone's fault, that it wont falter or it would get back together again.
Know to distinguish true criticism, needless bashing, and something that's just up to personal taste. Accept criticism and do it without the hurt, and ignore shit you don't have to change and dont feel like changing and move on
That's all everybro (gender neutral) go and slay
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hongism · 1 year
hi sooo....
O______O wow...
U DID IT AGAINNNNNNN, im so.. im so shocked reading the new moc chapter and must i say i love ur interim chapters i think theyre so !!!!!!!!!! chefs kiss truly
okokok so im speechless.. but im thinking abt it now and ... (maybe this is also bc i recently jus binged like all of moc in like 3 days so its still fresh on my brain but) the very first chapters when mc was alr on the ship and and there was that one bit with san and they spent the night together and were talking and it was when she still was carrying around the pardon papers and they had like a heart to heart to be there for each other and the cheek kiss !!!!!! if im remembering right.. i remember sans reaction being written kinda awkward initially (ill have to eventually go back and find it) so it- it makes me wonder how fast hongjoong tried to come up w a plan to manipulate mc... also... my heartbroke even reading the prev chapter when mc was crying and telling san "why did u have to make me doubt ur feelings?" and then reading this chapter- i have hope for them i really do but i fear.. whats gonna happen once she finds the truth out bc... ik she will </3 and i fear its gonna be hongjoong.. But also..??? WAIT NO BC IM THINKING 80 MILLION THINGS RN.
THE DIALOGUE W MINGI........ MINGI AND MINHO..... minho being shocked that his intelligence is more than he lets on.... ITS MAKING ME WONDER LIKE... theyve all kinda treated mingi like Oh he's helpless or struggling rather, we need to care for him diligently-which is true, bro got demons fr but... then im wondering how much mingi really knows bc...?? i remember mingi saying smth to mc too about like "ask urself why it is that ur even trying to disobey in the first place?" or like idk they had that deep ass talk and.... idk.. im thinking abt it now though... what does mingi know.......
im also wondering... 1) if joong has a conscious LOL 2) no i definitely think he does after this but,,,,,,,,, we still dunno WHY he's become this way- why his demons are like this/why theyre presented this way bc in a way (LOL ME TRYNNA PSYCHOANALYZE HIM)... it seems like he keeps everyone at an arms length... except seonghwa i feel like.. at least for now.. but i saw that because he keeps to himself a lot even amongst the ship- so it seems... but he definitely changes the way he wants to come across people... 3) idk if i wanna hug him and tell him its gonna be alright or if i wanna box him LMFAOOO he is so damn crazy... and then jus the way minho described the way they played chess... everyone else doing his dealing... actually now that im thinking about it.. he's been called out quite easily before... so maybe he isnt as hard to read as he thought... in fact ik mc has been the one to call him out hella on his shit so.. i wonder if thats why he's so adamant on keeping her in shape.... oh joong ... babes what did u go thru 🤣🤣🤣🙁🙁🙁 u lil control freak u~~
anywho.. im also confused.... bc i can see that mc does wanna be approved and accepted (?) by joong yet also cant stand the authority he gives so its quite the paradox.........
rn im jus ranting sm... its like everythings clicking..
but also.. im curious.. hongjoong has only lost chess to yeosang among all the members... yet.. seonghwa is the lit. which ofc im gonna assume its also him being a siren that like he said "the closer he is to me the better".. but then if yeosang thought most like joong... why is yeosang just a pawn in joongs eyes ...? yeosang losing the wooyoung </3 lordddd i dont even wanna start... then minho saying he's excited to see how another crew member plays.. joong immediately thinking seonghwa... but interestingly enough im guessing its either san or yunho.. but my best bet is san given he's like another right hand man kinda guy to joong...
ill conclude on that note since its 3am rn... but wow U DID IT AGAINNNNN i love ur writing so much seriously <33333 thank u thank u thank u and im excited for more x
hi hehe :3 i'm so thrilled that you enjoy the interims that's such a relief and so nice to hear ;-;;
you're in the perfect position bc you remember what happened early on and can pick up on the crumbs i was dropping to make it alllll come full circle! what goes around comes around! not only are hongjoong's plans important to consider (ie when he implemented them, when he put them into action) but also both how san carried out his initial duty and when san started to slip away from that duty into something genuine! both those things will be explored and opened up in san's upcoming interim, that will help pull all the pieces together i hope so!! that scene with mc crying to san,,, i cried writing it and i know it made a lot of people doubt san and his feelings but!! please have hope!! there are SOOO many possibilities!! will hongjoong really leave san to lie in the grave he dug for himself or will he dig it deeper or try to help him out…? all remains to be seen :3
mingi is truly truly such a fun and fascinating character to both write and unveil to you guys ;-; he's exceptionally intelligent beyond the scope of understanding emotions period but he gets treated like he's dumber because he doesn't understand emotions bc in the others' eyes emotions are just simple and easy to understand. mingi def possesses a different kind of intelligence but that kind of intelligence is on the same level of yeosang iw ould say! so it's easiest to think of it as mingi has a different kind of smartness compared to someone like say,,,,jongho or san who both have very good and high emotional intelligence!
1) DOES the man have a conscience? this interim is very telling in that regard and his thought process and the what some would call "intrusive thoughts" really showcase who he is as a person!
2) there are so many layers to him and you really get it bc he does keep everyone at arms length, even seonghwa to some degree bc the whole reason him and seonghwa aren't together is bc hongjoong shut him down the moment seonghwa started expressing his feelings towards hongjoong, he likes to keep to himself and doesn't like to leave his space for many reasons but we now know that one of those reasons is the past feelings of failure and loss coming back to haunt him, and bingo right on the money, he changes the way he wants to come across to people. prime example in yunho at the end of the interim, i think that scene is the absolute best showcase of hongjoong's character and who he is and how he operates.
3) he is DAMN CRAZY!!! i feel like i haven't so much shown that to the degrees that his character really is batshit insane so we're tiptoeing into those waters more now. you do have to think though, with the notion that he changes the way he wants to come across to people, when he's being "called out", is it accurate? or is it what hongjoong is presenting so they think they know what kind of person he is? when mc calls him out on his shit, it's often a two way punch where it as much about her as it is about him so much to think about! he's far far beyond a control freak tehe :3
the fun paradox in mc is that dynamic of wanting to be approved and accepted by him but also having this point blank issue with authority and also how hongjoong excises his authority. and that's been a big point of confusion too i think so im trying to delve more into it and expose more of it so that it makes more sense but there is meant to be a contradiction in her actions for sure
yeosang has been the only one to beat hj at chess, and he is not the lieutenant. we know that hongjoong personally selected seonghwa before yeosang joined the crew and that the position has never swayed, and we also know that yeosang is the master strategist on the crew, which is something a lieutenant would usually take care of so it lends to some questions about how hongjoong views authority in his crew? as far as the chess game goes, his queen was indeed seonghwa, the main bishop he used to both attack and sabotage his own pieces was san, he himself was king, then though not as heavily touched on, the other pieces i had in mind were: mingi and jongho were both knights, yeosang was the other bishop, then mc, wooyoung, and yunho were pawns. who minho was really referring to ;) is quite the twist but a fun one :3
bless you for sending me such a long ask at such a late hour you're so sweet ;-; it made my day i was so happy and excited seeing it thank you for letting me ramble right back at you :3 <3
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imjustabeanie · 3 months
yo its seras ... i decided to send one in for fun. id like a relationship matchup for someone from jjba + genshin if you could please.
any prns, cancer, intj, aro bi (im in romantic relationships so idm it. i just dont prioritize romantic gestures as they make me uncomfortable), true neutral, i have bpd + autism + bipolar + chronic pain so woo
im like 5'2, shorter hair like dirty blonde almost brown, pale also bc i dont leave the house except to go to work lol, freckles, blue eyes but they look more gray. i dont emote much at all really. i have a hard time talking about feelings / emotions / much of anything. i only talk passionately when it comes to my interests and things i really like. im very stubborn and overwork myself often. it takes me a long time to warm up to people and be trusting. i dont like touch unless ive been around you a Long time. i like people who make me feel looked out for and who won't be afraid to essentially force me to calm down / take breaks. not super pushy but like. kind pushy if that makes sense? i dont want to be smothered and need my space and would rather like parallel play. i like watching / playing games together and just enjoying time together. i also deal a lot with extreme emotions and hiding them, hence the bpd... my mood swings are a lot of the reason ppl can't handle or deal with me so someone who won't mind them so much would be nice? or someone who can rationalize and help me through emotions and things. i also need a lot of attention but not in an overwhelming suffocating way. im also hypersexual and it has a big part in my relationships and i need someone to keep up with that too. i have tendencies of being a bit manipulative but i dont. like that about myself. i dont like to go out a lot and would much rather stay at home. i dont mind going out to quieter places or just doing mundane things! i also do like going out for food + for conventions or events related to my interests. amusement parks also rock. i have special interests in animals (marine animals, cats, dogs), mythological creatures, the paranormal, cryptids, cosplay, animanga, video games (especially rpgs + visual novels + dating sims + rhythm games), old web, character analysis, horror media, and psychology.
hopefully thats enough? tysm
Your genshin match is Wriothesley!
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He's patient, funny, a great judge of character and respectful. What more could you ask for? Once you two break the ice you hit it off rather well. He's very caring as a lover without being overbearing. He's always here when you're in trouble and always looks out for you in his own way.
Wrio is definitely someone who can deal with you, he's patient after all. Especially with his lover. He knows when you're reaching your limit and he has a space in his office just for you to rest. But at the same time he's ready for you to innitiate more activities together. The most important is that you know he loves you. He shows his love through small acts and gifts. He always gives you his time and learned to convey his feelings with little gifts through the day.You always receive flowers, chocolates and a good lunch from him.
When he can, he'd love to go assist events at the surface! When he really can't he'll just order/make the foods he wants you to try. He also always gets a bunch of movies so the two of you can watch them together. As much as he enjoys physical affection, he'll always wait for you to initiate first. Once you give him the go he becomes another man.
Overall, it's a very nice relationship where you don't publicly show your love but people still know it's there. Wriothesley is patient and will always wait for you to come around. And he still gives you gentle pushes to encourage your goals.
Your JJBA match is...Kakyoin!
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Not gonna lie, Bruno was a close second but Kakyoin is way more playfull and chill. Both know how to guve you space but Kakyoin knows how to have fun.
Kakyoin shows his love through acts and quality time. He likes going on dates with you to explore new places yet also takes care of you and does his best to make you more comfortable. He's not that big on physical touch either so you don't really have to worry about this. When you engages he'll just happily welcomes it.
He absolutely loves playing video games with you! The two of you spend hours at arcades and the scores are often a tie! He also loves horror movies. One of the most common things you two do is just...sit in a pleasant place and discuss a recent movie/video game you two did. He's also quite cultivated in mythology so he has nice book recommendations. Food isn't much his things so he'd rather follow your recommendations.
Overall, you two are the average high school sweethearts but on the more timid side. People just know that you're soulmates by the way he looks at you.
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neteyamsw1fe · 1 year
Change is devastating
Neteyam x Fem.Reader
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A/n: Things are going be different like neteyam didnt die from the gun shot he just was very much hurt. And spider that dude left to go back to the dorest.Theres gonna be alot of build up btw.My spelling and punctuation is gonna suck ass btw💀.. Also theres gonna be this new Na'vi type so just wait and see what happens and if you like this tell me and ill make this like a series or sum.
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"Bro wait up! Im caring the plants while your running!! This is so unfair bro!" yelled Lo'ak. Neteyam was running into their home where their mother was starting on dinner. Today was marking 3 years avatar the sullys left the forest to not put others in danger. Everyone has come to terms this is their new home and they have all grown. Jake was smiling as the children helped Neytiri cook. He was happy everyone was ok these 3 years have been hard on the whole family. But if only they knew something from their past is coming back to them. Not by force but of coincidence..
The sullys went into the water for some hours as they do every sunday if its a pleasant day. When they were coming back from their time out they heard many people talking as they began to resurface. People were crowded around just like they were when the sullys first came here."Dad whats going on?" Tuk asked scared that it was some type of danger. " Dont worry tuk it cant be anything to serious they didnt sound the alarms." Jake told tuk as they started walking towards the crowd. " Wait.. Dad isnt that a Irken?! What the hell is that doing here? Ours are resting how the hell is there another?!" Asked kiri in fear something happen to the forest." I dont know. Might as well hurry up we need to know why and how theres a Irken here." Said jake as they rushed to the crowed.
"So you wish to stay here correct?" Asked Ronal to someone. All the sullys look at the detection of the person who was about to speak. Shocked, scared, and confused. " Yes. Im not running from anything I just need a place to stay. Ill learn your ways and help in any way I can. I was head warrior from where I come. I was the strongest out of anyone. Just please give me somewhere to lay atleast." A voice said calmly that voice belonged to..
"Y/n..?" Asked Lo'ak. He wasnt heard due to everyone else speaking their mind due to this event. Ronal hummed. " You seem formidable and quite talented young lady. I supose you may stay as long as you dont bring danger and if you do to keep it in check alright?" " Yes ma'am you have my word." Said y/n gracefully. Ronal told you the basics her kids would help you to learn but you have to learn fast since their is a festival coming up and they need to get ready themselves. You understood and started to follow her kids to learn everything but as you walked you noticed it was them. The sullys. You knew them ever since you were little your mother was best friends with Neytiri. Your father was supposably dead he died after you were born for some reason. You were a forest navi well thats what everyone knew. The sullys went back to their tent but knew they had to go up and ask you what happen and where did you get such a wired Irken. Yours had scars all over it and was this magestic beige color.
For the last 2 days the sullys havent been able to go up to you due to you being taught everything you needed to know. You caught on quickly. You already mastered everything down in just 2 days so you started to meet people on the third and got to know the past of this land.
You were sitting with Roxto,Tsireya, and Aonung on the shore just staring into the sky as someone walked over to you guys. "Y/n what are you doing here?" Asked Lo'ak. Everyone greeted Lo'ak in confusin on how he knew you since you too never spoke a word before. You stayed there in silence. "Come on answer me why are you here and not in the forest? Did something happen or what?" He asked again "Nothing happen Sully I just left the forest whats so wrong with that I'm old enough to make my own choices yk." You said while turning your head and giving him a cold glare. "What do you mean you just left huh?! What abt auntie Ember?!" Lo'ak kept asking. " For fucks sake Lo'ak get the memo shes dead fuck ass." You yelled while getting up from the sand. What you just said left him stunned. "What happen was it the sk-" " Oh get over yourself! Just shut it Lo'ak I already told you what happen now chill alright!" You yelled even louder then before causing the other sullys and some over people to gather around where you were. As this was going on the 3 siblings sat with confusin. "The hell happen with you y/n? Why are you so fucking harsh huh?! We havent seen one another in 3 years and this is what goes down?!" Yelled back a angry Lo'ak " FOR EWAS SAKE LO'AK. SHE KILLED HERSELF ALRIGHT?! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO KNOW?! SHE KILLED HERSELF BECAUSE OF YOUR FAMILY. A MONTH AFTER YOU LEFT I WAS CLEANING WITH THE CHILDREN AS PEOPLE KEPT LOOKING AT ME WITH PLEADING EYES. I WAS SO CONFUSED UNTIL I HEARD IT PEOPLE SAYING MY MOM JUST UP RIGHT KILLED HERSELF. I WENT RUSHING TO MY TENT FINDING HER HANGING DO YOU KNOW HOW PAINFUL IT WAS TO READ HER NOTE?! SHE TOLD ME SHE KILLED HERSELF BC SHE COULDNT DEAL WITH THE PAIN OF HER BESTFRIEND NOT BEING HERE WITH US. ALL BC YOU FUCKING LEFT MY MOM DIED." You screamed while boiling with rage. You started to notice how many people gathered around you. You saw the other sullys crying after hearing everything you just said." So do you get it?! Sad thing is thats not even the reason I left." You said coldly as you started to walk away from the scene that just happen.
Its been a day since the incident. The sullys were having a family meeting to try to comprehend what's going on."Is this really true?Did auntie Ember really kill herself dad?" Asked kiri. "I dont know kiri but by y/n's expression it is more then likely." Jake said to kiri."I cant believe it my bestfriend killed her self bc we weren't there."Neytiri said while crying."You guys do notice she said thats not even the reason why she left right?" Asked Neteyam who has stayed silent the whole time. The all nodded. The all said goodbyes as everyone started to go back to their normal activities. But Neteyam went looking for you. Just to find you siting on a rock with Aonung. Neteyam didn't understand this feeling in his stomach it was going all over the place. He just wanted to rip Aonung apart from you just so he could be with you. When you lived in the forest you and Neteyam were bestfriends you guys would go everywhere with one another. He never felt this way before but youve changed and he has to. He could sense a fire in your burning with pride of the Navi but he knew there was some other type burning within you but he just couldnt tell what. Both of your parents were from the forest right? Neteyam had enough time thinking he went up to you and Aonung."Hey cuz." Said Neteyam. "Oh hey brother whats up?" Aonung said while taking his arm off Y/n. Thats something Neteyam didnt notice before now he started to boil up again."Oh nothing much I'm here to talk to y/n in private please?"stated Neteyam while balling his hands into a fist. Aonung agreed said bye to y/n and started to head over to Roxto.
Neteyam greeted y/n as he started to take a seat. He started to feel something new as he sat down by her something his father told him he may feel. Nervous, love, and flushed. Is what Neteyam was feeling. "What do you need Neteyam I was talking to someone."said y/n "Well I'm here to ask why you left the forest. I was there when you were telling Lo'ak abt your mother and im sorry for your lost." Neteyam stated. "Well I mean I left bc I was being forced to mate someone. I have come of age and basically every other boy navi has sought me out. I was being told i was the prettiest and etc. But I was to busy fighting as head worrier since after Jake left I took over his roll. It was tuff but fun. But the new leader and me became bestfriends since we were going to be working side by side. I guess his mother took it the wrong way. One day she just told me I needed to mate her son. I disagreed and it turned into a whole argument. I told her if she continues with this I would leave. But i guess she thought it was a joke since she continued to bother me about being the mate for her son. I got fed up and got my weapons some food and some other items and got my Irken ready to leave. When she saw me about to leave she started this whole argument again. I just told her that isnt your whole family pure blood of the forest? You dont wanna break that right and she agreed so I told her if I mated your son the child would have Crystal Cove navi inside its blood taking the pure blood of the forest with the cove. She stayed there stunned as I just rode off." Y/n finished off. Neteyam stayed silent someone else was trying to mate you?! That was wrong you were to be his he couldnt keep his feelings in check anymore. You had to be his. But those thoughts finished as he remembered you said you were not just forest but Crystal Cove navi aswell. "Is that why you dress and look somewhat different than the forest people?" Asked Neteyam. You giggled "Yep that's why I have different markings I took after my father he had many of the ones I do aswell." " But how do you know he is dead did your mother tell you that?" "No no if you remember those vacations I would go on with my mother for weeks or even a month or so it was to visit my father in the cove where the other Crystal cove navi live." "Whoa thats hella cool!" After you guys kept talking Neteyam knew it he was in love with you. It started getting late so you both were going to say your goodbyes but before Neteyam could say his you gave him a quick peck on the check. "Oh please Neteyam I was loved by all the men in the forest its easy to tell if they like you if they keep looking at me Neteyam." You said while giggling and walking away. You left Neteyam stunned but he snapped out of it when his siblings started teasing him.
When Neteyam and his siblings got back home Jake and Netiri also started to tease him. The teasing kept going on until the next morning.
"But I don't know anything else she just brought up her being a Crystal cove navi." Neteyam told his family. " Well now we know why she left the forest which hurts to know but now this?" Said jake " My jake we need to relax and find out any other type of information of the crystal cove navi that we can." Neytiri told jake while going to his side."Mom does that mean they lied to us about being apart of the forest?" Asked tuk " Oh tuk its fine even if they did they had to have had a reason to." Neytiri told tuk. "We are going to continue this talk after dinner so everyone go do your activity's then come back for dinner." Jake told everyone while getting up from his spot. Everyone nodded and said see you till dinner. They all went their own ways but Neteyam was looking for you. Just to find you surrounded by every boy your age. He was confused so he went to the crowd and asked what was going on. They told Neteyam that they found out you were single and were looking for a mate or just a very close friend. Neteyam was confused on why you wanted one since you were just forced into one. After the crowed Neteyam saw you swimming in the water so he got in to ask you something.
"Why are you looking for a mate y/n?" He asked you "Well since all crsytal cove navi need to have a mate once their 19 and im 18 and my mate needs to meet my family so I need to rush in this matter." Y/n told Neteyam. He grabbed her hands and told her "Then let me be your mate y/n. Ive liked you since we were little and I jusy notcied and seeing you with other guys makes me jelous so please y/n. I know we havent seen one another since forever but please I need you." She stayed there in silince "Oh my Neteyam yes!" She said in excitement . They kissed a long awaited kiss.
To be continued..
Or not?
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