#leaving it on the doorsteps somewhere for someone else
goatpaste · 2 years
I feel like this part 5 AU is going to become another Pillar Fam incident
No no. I can't i can't let thay happen not again
NoT again I might explode
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brummiereader · 8 months
Hopelessly Devoted (PART FIVE)
Summary: After your tearful departure from Small Heath, you find your way back in the town you bid farewell to quicker than expected, Inevitably back to face the very man who told you to leave. Will your unavoidable confrontation with Tommy threaten to put an even heavier strain on your already fragile relationship?
Warnings: Language, angst, mutual pining, mentions of blood
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" Fuck, fuck fuck!" you sobbed dropping your keys on the floor as you furiously wiped away your tears. With one sharp kick in frustration to the old wooden door at your current predicament you slumped down onto the cobbled floor as the clouds broke open and a deluge of rain poured down on you. Great.
" Y/N?..." You heard Polly's voice say in the darkened alleyway, her heels echoing loudly through the back row of house as she hurried over to you, holding her brolly up from the torrential rain now pouring down on the entire town. Yes that's right, Polly. You was back. Your dramatic departure filled with tears and sorrow in attempts to escape both your broken heart and Tommy's fury lasted all but one day. One fucking day. You quickly learnt upon your arrival in London after meeting with the Landlord that there had been a mistake or, what you had determined to be an absolute bollocks of an injustice. There was no letting, or at least there wasn't anymore. Greed knows no bounds and the Landlord your cousin had spoken of was no different. With little sympathy he quickly explained to you that he had let the property out to someone else, favouring their six months advance in rent over your measly one month deposit, leaving you on the doorstep of the flat you hoped you would call home with a puff from his cigar and a snide smirk as he slammed the door In your face. " Y/N?" Polly said as she helped you up from the ground, her eyes wide in confusion." You should be in London. What are you doing back here love?" She questioned as she pulled you under her umbrella, rubbing you arm up and down in attempts to warm you up.
" I was. But like everything in my life it was a disaster. I can't do anything right " you said as you sniffed back your tears bending down to pick up your keys.
" Disaster? You've only been gone twenty-four hours. What could have gone so wrong that you found yourself back in this shit hole?" She replied looking around her as she kicked a clump of mud off the end of her pristine black boots.
" Landlord had a better proposition, six months worth of rent in advance" you replied as you wrapped your hands around your body from the cold.
" Greedy bastard" she replied with an irritated huff on your behalf. "What about your cousin, you couldn't have stayed with her?"
"She's not there. Neighbour said she went to Hull on holiday. A holiday, In winter, who does that?" nobody does Polly thought to herself, especially not somewhere as bitterly windy as Hull. This was all too much of a coincidence for her liking. There was only one person that could have arranged all this within the space of twenty four hours and he was currently sat in the Garrison with her two other nephews and half a bottle of whisky in his hand. Deciding to spare you any further misery for one day she kept her suspicions to herself, but not without mentally taking note to give her meddling nephew a sharp smack to the back of his head the moment he had sobered up and the warm lull of alcohol had worn off. " I have two weeks left of rent on this place Pol. I kept a key just in case" you said turning to look up at your bedsit window. " He's changed the fucking locks on the back door, I can't get in!" you started to sob again as you looked down at the keys in your hand." Pol what am I supposed to do?"
" Come on, you'll stop at mine" she said hooking her arm in yours as she started walking you out the alleyway.
" Pol, Tommy...I can't " you said as you abruptly pulled away.
" Yes you can. You'll stop in Ada's old room. And as for Tommy, you let me worry about him. Understood?" she replied, not giving you a chance to argue otherwise as she took you by the arm once again. " I doubt you'll see him anyway love. He'll be in the Garrison until the early hours drowning in his sorrows"
" Sorrows? What's he got to be sorry about, thought he had everything made?"
"Y/N, there's something I need to tell you..."
" Bewitched, she bloody bewitched you!" John slurred as he raised his glass of whisky up to the ceiling whilst he precariously tried to pour a steady stream of the amber liquor down into his mouth, half of it inevitably spilling onto his freshly ironed shirt.
"No. Y/N bewitched me. Bewitched me since we were kids" Tommy said as he slammed his glass down onto the table, reaching in his pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes.
" Fucking hell, that good was it Tommy?" John laughed with a snort as Arthur threw a cushion at his head causing the remainder of his whisky to tip over onto the plush crimson sofa he was laying on. Polly would certainly have his head for that.
" Wouldn't fucking know anymore, it's been five years" Tommy mumbled under his breath lighting a cigarette as he let his body fall back into the arm chair. But he did know, he did remember. He'd thought about you every night since the day he boarded the train for France. Thought about the small whimpers he would coax from your lips as he rocked his body into yours. The way he'd wrap you tightly in his arms after as you drifted off to sleep, listening to the gentle sounds of you breathing as his own eyes became heavy, and he joined you in peaceful dreams. Now all he heard was the sound of shovels on the four walls of his room, reminding him of what he had lost, what he had endured in those lonely nights away from you. Not that he would admit it of course.
" So what's your plan Tom?" Arthur said as he looked down at his drink, swirling the amber liquor from side to side before downing it. For once, he was the lesser drunk out of the three. Polly had given him strict instructions to go easy on the whisky and watch that Tommy didn't drink himself into oblivion. What Polly really meant was to not drink at all, but all Arthur heard was " go easy". And he had, albeit within his own limits before he too was too drunk to stand and ended up as hammered as his two younger brothers.
" Bloody Plan. I don't have a plan" Tommy lied as he stood up, leaning his arm on the mantle of the fire place to keep himself steady as he looked into the flames.
" You not going to London after her then?" Arthur asked as a heavy feeling of guilt started to sit uncomfortably in the pit of Tommy's stomach. The truth was Tommy did have a plan, one that had started to play on his conscious like the many other things he had added in the last twenty-four hours.
" She won't be in London for long" Tommy replied as he flicked his cigarette into the flames.
" Jesus Tom, what you done now?" Arthur said as he stood up, handing him the bottle of whisky to further dull his guilt.
" Something I'll regret no doubt" he said taking the bottle, intent on finishing its contents before Arthur grabbed it back. Pulling out your gold watch from his trouser pocket Tommy rubbed his thumb over the front, the wear and tear of the years he had kept it by his side more noticeable the longer he looked at it. " Fucking women eh?" Tommy said as he cleared his throat placing the watch back in his pocket.
" Your fucking women. You don't half pick 'em" John replied as he sat up rubbing the back of his neck as he placed a cushion over the whisky stain beside him, hopeful Polly wouldn't notice.
" Nah, Y/N was an angel" Arthur said resting his hands on his stomach as the four glasses of sharp liquor started to weigh down his heavy eyes." It's the other one I didn't get. You had it all Tom, what the hell was that?"
" To piss Y/N off" Tommy said shamefully when the front door creaked open and you and Polly walked in from the rain.
" To piss me off?..." You said, standing their stunned having heard the entirety of their conversation.
" Y/N..." Tommy said stumbling your name out as he turned to face you, his eyes wide at the realisation you had heard his spiteful confession.
" What the bloody hell are you lot doing here? You're supposed to be in the Garrison" Polly said as she shook the rain from her umbrella, her eyes darting between you and Tommy and the death stare you was sending him. It was all about to kick off.
" Grace was to fucking piss me off?!" You shouted as you marched over, grabbing the bottle of whisky from Arthur's hand and launching it in Tommy's direction.
" Jesus fucking Christ!" John shouted as he jumped out the way, dodging the bottle that landed on the floor beside him as a barrage of other objects came flying Tommy's way.
" Y/N, darling, I didn't mean it like that..." Tommy attempted to say with his hands out as a vase of flowers landed on him, gashing his arm. "Fuck!" he yelled as he looked down at the shard of glass lodged in his skin.
" She got you good there Tom" Arthur chuckled, amused at the fact his little brother was finally getting his dues. " Stay still" Arthur said getting up as he rubbed his hands together ready to play the surgeon. Looking sheepishly over to you Tommy watched as you turned around and stormed out the house.
"Y/N wait!" Tommy shouted as he pushed Arthur's hands away, pulling out the piece of glass stuck in his arm with a loud grunt. " Y/N it's pissing it outside, come back in!" he yelled after you as he ran through the living room, stumbling over the edge of the coffee table in the process. Drunk, one arm bloody, hair disheveled, he looked a mess, a desperate pathetic mess.
" Fuck off Tommy!" you shouted, arms crossed as you walked rapidly down Watery Lane.
" Y/N I didn't know! I didn't fucking know!" He yelled back in the middle of the street, awakening the whole neighborhood as the rain continued to violently pour down on the small town. " I thought it was you. Isaiah, Kimber's men...what, what else was I supposed to think?" he said coming to a stop as you continued to ignore him." You started all this you know, five years ago when you broke my heart!"
" Shut up, shut the fuck up! You screamed as you span around, storming back to him having had enough of hearing the same broken record non- stop for five years. Coming face to face with him, Tommy took a step back. He had never seen you this way, this angry this furious, the softness of your face replaced with a rage he had created. "Have you ever, ever once stopped to think that when you left me on that platform when you didn't look back, you broke my heart too!"
" I did look.."
" Shut up Tommy, just stop!" you cut him off unwilling to entertain anything he had to say as the whirlwind of anger stormed within you.
" Y/N" Tommy said reaching his hand out for you that got quickly slapped away by your own.
" I may have broken your heart first Tommy but every day since you have broken mine over and over again. I waited Tommy, waited five years. Watched you move on with that barmaid, stood there as you accused me of stabbing you in the back" you sobbed, the bitter reality of your unrelenting devotion towards him and all the years you had wasted trying to please him cutting sharper then any cruel passing comment he had ever made." All because I loved you...because I couldn't let go" you sobbed as the anger that had been building in you rapidly left, leaving you stood there deflated.
" Sweetheart please.." Tommy pleaded hearing the hurt in your voice as he gently cupped your cheek, slowly moving closer to press his forehead against yours.
" I'm not your sweetheart anymore. I'm done Tommy." you cried turning around as Tommy's hand dropped from your face.
" Y/N!" Tommy shouted, watching you walk away as he stumbled forward slipping over the wet dirt covered ground, the half bottle of whisky he had drunk dulling his usually sharp reflects. " Have a look everyone, take a good fucking look!" he yelled watching the neighbours curtains twitch from behind their windows, his yelling bringing the whole street's attention to the commotion he was responsible for. "Tommy Shelby on his fucking knees begging, happy now Y/N. Y/N!"
" Bloody hell, get up Tom. You're making a fucking scene" Arthur said looking around the street as him and John pulled him up from the ground.
" How much has he drunk?" Polly said storming over with Tommy's coat as Arthur and John held him up.
" I don't know half a bottle, maybe more" he replied as he brushed the rain off Tommy's face." He's alright Pol, ain't you Tom?"
" Arthur, I told you to keep an eye on him. He's a miserable bastard when he's drunk" Polly said looking to her nephew as she placed the coat around Tommy's shoulders.
" Would you all just fuck off..." Tommy slurred, pushing his brothers off him as he walked off into the night.
" Tommy where you going?" John called out ready to follow when Arthur put his hand out.
" Let him drink it off John boy" Arthur said watching him stumble around the corner.
" Don't you mean sleep it off?"
" Drink it off. Tommy's barely slept a wink since him and Y/N broke up"
" Best we leave him to it. The drink will force him to sleep whether he wants to or not" Polly said as she ushered her nephews back to the house. " Come on, in" she ordered them as she turned around to shut the door. " One day, just one day I'd like us not to be the talk of this town"
" Tommy, Tommy! You sick Tommy?" Curly said as he bent down to Tommy laying in a heap of hay inside one of the horses stalls on Charlie's yard early the next morning, his hand grasped tightly around another bottle of whisky he had presumably found on his way there.
" Nothing the hair of the dog can't fix" Charlie said as he bent down lifting Tommy's peaked cap up as Tommy slowly opened his eyes . " Think he's had enough of the good stuff, get him a glass of vinegar instead Curly" Charlie said as Tommy grunted at the idea of his Uncles hangover cure.
" Vinegar, I'll go get vinegar for you Tom. We'll have you back in shape in no time" Curly said as he hurried off out of the stall.
" Tommy get up, you're laying in horses shit" Charlie said as he grabbed the bottle of whisky from his hand. "You won't find what your looking for at the bottom of a bottle Tom" Charlie said as he poured its contents onto the cobbled stable floor beside him whilst Tommy watched the only thing that dulled his self-inflicted guilt slip away. " Y/N?" Charlie said as he turned the tin water bucket upside down to sit next to him, handing him a cigarette.
" Written across my face is it Uncle?" Tommy said as Charlie leaned over to light the end.
" Always did find your way back here, sleeping with the horses when you two would have it off. That and a bowl of cold water on you when she'd find you the next day" Charlie said as Tommy let out a scoff of a laugh looking down at the cigarette between his fingers. " She still comes in here. Find her siting there watching Curly brush the horses like she did when she was a kid, like when you were both kids" he said as he nodded to the bench in the corner of the stall as Tommy rested the back of his head on the wooden enclosure whilst the memories of happier times flooded back to him.
" Started when her dad died. Would bring us here to get away from her mum and Polly's sharp hand on the back of my head" Tommy chuckled as he breathed out a cloud of smoke. " Just wanted her to enjoy the quiet" he sighed rubbing his thumb along his brow as last night's drinking started to catch up with him. How long would he keep doing this?
" Times changed" Charlie said as he looked over to Tommy's eyes fixed on the bench in the corner where you'd both sit " So what did you do this time then Tom?"
" What haven't I done?" Tommy replied as he stood up adjusting his coat around him.
" Still breaking her heart?" Charlie said looking up to Tommy as he watched him pat down the horse he had for company the whole night, thankful he couldn't repeat his drunken rambles.
" Since I boarded the train for France, so I've been told"
" You were too young Tommy. You were about to go off to fight. You could have left her a widow when she was still a kid herself. But I'm guessing that's not all you've done." Charlie said as Tommy listened and let his Uncles words sink in. " Make it right Tom. She's been good to you, she don't deserve this"
" Think I ruined all chances of that Charlie" Tommy said giving up, straightening his peaked cap out as he walked out into the bitter morning mist.
"Bollocks. Bite the bullet and do what you got to do Tom, else you'll spend the rest of your life looking down that whisky bottle" Charlie said as he walked off, throwing the empty glass bottle into the cut.
"Vinegar Tommy" curly said running up to Tommy as he squinted through the fog, watching his Uncle walk off into the yard.
" Save it Curly, for when I'm really down in the dirt, ey?" Tommy said as he patted his shoulder, forgoing the idea of drinking Charlie's sharp remedy to bring him to his senses. His words had been enough. It was time for him to pay the piper and own up to his mistakes if he ever wanted to win you back.
It had been a week since your return to the town you thought you had bid farewell to and a week since you had last seen Tommy, having avoided every one of his attempts to talk to you. After a sharp word to your landlord Polly handed you a new set of keys to your bedsit the very next day. But with only one weeks worth of rent paid left, and your unexpected return ticket from London costing more that you thought it would, your savings were dwindling. Polly had offered you help even asking you to come back to the betting shop, an offer you was convinced Tommy had been the first to suggest. Declining both propositions and adamant on showing Tommy you didn't need, nor want his help you decided to look for work elsewhere, and with three job interviews lined up for today you had high hopes your money troubles would soon pass. Fixing your hat in place, you pushed a small pin into the side firmly securing it from any gusts of wind that threatened to blow it over. With one last glance at your appearance in the mirror you turned around, the smile on your face dropping and a scowl quickly replacing it at the sight of the growing flower garden currently occupying every surface of your bedsit. Seven bouquets of flower for each day you had been back, each with their own card hand written to you from Tommy himself. Fuck sake. Gaudy, flashy, over the top. Not like the beautiful posy of meadow flowers he would spend time picking for you on your birthday. You thought to yourself as you glared at them opening your front door only to be met with another ridiculously large bouquet in your face.
" 'Scuse me Mam" the young boy said as he stepped back. " Delivery from Mr Shelby"
" Jesus fucking Christ" you mumbled under you breath. You had no space for them and was frankly getting fed up with his pitiful gestures. After the relentless messages he had left you it was time to send him one final of your own so he understood exactly what your thoughts were on his grand displays of love. Pulling the card out from within the bouquet of red roses you scoffed at the message before reading it aloud.
" Roses are red..." you said without finishing the rest of the card before ripping it up and placing it back within the flowers as the young boy shuffled on his feet, his eyes quickly darting away. " Send them back Archie" you said with a huff as you shut your door.
" But Mr Shelby he..." the young boy replied nervously before you stopped him.
" Archie it's alright" You said bending down to his level as you placed your hand on his shoulder " Don't you worry about Mr Shelby, he won't do a thing. The only person he will get angry at is himself after his brothers tease him about this, alright?" You smiled as he nodded his head in reply. "Send them back at noon when Arthur and John will be there. We can't let them miss out on the opportunity to get one over on him can we?" you giggled as the young boys muddy cheeks dimpled into a grin. " Go on" you said handing him a penny, winking to him as he ran to the stairs, jumping down the rickety wooden steps two at a time. That will keep him at bay, you thought to yourself as you too headed down the steps jumping off the last one, your mood suddenly brightened again. Little did you know your scheme to keep Tommy away would only backfire when the result of another stupid idea Tommy had concocted to get your attention was about to play out.
" What do you mean the position has been filled?" You asked as you stood in front of the manager of the postal office, having only just arrived for your final job interview that day.
" Sorry Mam. The Position was filled this morning" he replied clearing his throat as he shuffled the papers in front of him.
" But it's only eleven thirty, I'm the first to be interviewed on the list" you pointed out to him at the paper on his desk. This was your last hope. The two previous interviews, well, lack of interviews were disastrous. One only lasted all but three minutes and the other place was shut before you even arrived.
" We erhh, we found someone yesterday" he said packing his documents into the draw as he quickly stood up taking the other pile of files sitting on the side.
" Yesterday was Sunday"
" Mam I'm sorry. I can't help you, the position has been filled" he said as he looked to the door not wanting to be asked any further questions.
" Shelby Company Limited" you scoffed, noticing the business card on top of the pile of documents in his hand. " He's been here hasn't he? Told you not to give me the job?" you huffed crossing your arms as you bit your bottom lip trying to hold back the tears welling in your eyes. Your heightened emotions never failing to show themselves at the most inconvenient of times.
" He said you already have a job, he was quite adamant about it. He..." the manager replied as you put your hand up, stopping him from making any more excuses for him.
" Save it " you said wiping your eyes as you turned on your heel, heading for the very man you knew was to blame not only for this failed job interview but the two others as well. Thomas fucking Shelby. Was this his way of getting you to talk to him, for him to see you? Well he was going to get just that, and five years worth of pent-up anger coming his way too.
Tag list: @cosniffee @jonsncws @powellssaturn @jessimay89 @bruher @riseandreigns4u @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @chimchimjiminie16 @gaslysainz @calicoootalks (unable to tag) @weaponizedvirtue @vlryexsworld (unable to tag) @shittyprofilebutfuckit @peakyswritings @kammsinn @mysticalbouquetwolf-posts @cherryslyce @esquivelbianca @taliawz (unable to tag) @answer-the-sirens @dielgonacoffee @cicilysgrace @nadloves @fanatics30 @httyd-marauders @beeposstuff @yeppaweshallsee (unable to tag) @ja-4-leyvam (unable to tag) @xmariakx @slighltyaboveaverageiq (unable to tag) @fairypitou @youngbananamilkshake @call-sign-shark @peakyltd @jeysbae @muhahaha303 @mornixgstar18 @adaydreamaway08 @artzyhobo (unable to tag) @atomicsaladapricotcreator (unable to tag) @1lellykins @duckybird101 @warrior-of-justice @amberpanda99 @ @mrstargayen09 @synx-h (unable to tag)
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lujingheswife · 7 months
and it felt like home again.
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summary: when he gets drowned in exhaustion and homesickness, the first thing he wishes for is home.
featuring: oikawa tooru
word count: 729
cw: gn!reader, timeskip!oikawa tooru, comfort, oikawa is just homesick, not proofread, intentional lowercase, a bit of fluff <3
author’s notes: wanna write a fic of a character feeling homesick and exhausted (because i was) and oikawa was the first person that came into my mind! hope you enjoyyy
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
it was seven o clock in the evening.
tooru limply stepped into his rented apartment, the familiar loneliness welcoming him with silence. his eyes felt droopy from lack of sleep, his body sore from multiple rounds of exercising and his arms bruised from the strong receives.
he should be used to this, which he is, yet it happened to be one of those days when he felt absolutely, dreadfully exhausted.
he would be lying if he says he does not want to go home; he really wanted to. the countless practices had always made him wanting to just pack his bags and leave. he missed his family and his mother’s home cooked meals, he missed enjoying authentic ramen at the restaurant near his high school, he missed being in the arms if his partner just taking his time to relax.
he missed his home.
tooru placed his bags by the entrance, not bothering to arrange them somewhere. he kicked his shoes off without caring to keep them nicely in the shoe rack. he let his legs drag him towards the nearest, softest place he could find to rest— the sofa.
the apartment was dark although illuminated by the light lingering in the evening sky. he heavily rested an arm over his eyes, a loud sigh escaped his lips.
the first person that came into his mind was you.
he wanted to see you.
tooru suddenly thought of his phone that was left forgotten in his bag. he slightly lifted his arm to take a peek at his bag, but ignored it after.
whatever, not in the mood...
just a little longer maybe.
when his eyes could no longer bear the weight of his consciousness, they finally put him into slumber.
he found himself in a dream. he was in a field of grass with nothing else around him. every direction he went showed no signs of obstacle, only an endless field.
what was he searching for?
where was he going?
he continued walking aimlessly.
ah... how long have i been walking for?
the sound of a bell ringing came to him from the front. it caught his attention, and his legs picked up the pace. there he was, running towards where the bell rung from in hopes of a destination.
a flash of light blinded him.
tooru jotted awake from the sofa as the sound of the ringing doorbell continued echoing the apartment. confused, he definitely recalled not ordering any food delivery today nor did he invite anyone to come over.
"coming," he called. he groggily dragged himself towards the door, not bothering to check his phone again.
his hand reached for the doorknob as he unlocked it open. he had not look at who the person is, yet the shoes definitely belonged to someone familiar. "do you need anythi-"
his once droopy eyes widened immediately at the familiar voice calling for his name. his head shot up from facing the floor, immediately locking eyes with you.
you stood in front of his door with a big backpack clinging onto your back like a koala and a luggage standing next to you. you were there, physically, in front of him, plastering a grin that he loved so much on your face. "you did not answer my call," you said as you pouted your lips on purpose, yet he was sure that you were simply amused at your boyfriend's reaction.
tooru remained speechless as he observed you top to toe, confirming whether its the real deal, his precious partner, in front of his doorstep. was it a coincidence that you somehow magically appeared in front of him like an angel during the times when he needed you the most? probably.
his hand left the door knob as he immediately pulled you into a tight, warm embrace. how surreal did it feel when he buried his face in the crook of your neck, enjoying the coziness he longed to feel. he felt you responding to his hug as you returned it, and he could feel your familiar scent tickling his nose saying, "it's been a while!"
he stayed with you for a little longer before getting pestered to help you with your heavy bags. he asked no questions, just clinging onto you like a helpless toddler and ended the day with a cuddle.
and it felt like home again.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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fictionalgap · 4 months
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Pairing: College student! Hazel Callahan x College student! Reader
Summary: Rumors spread around the campus about you. You are afraid that your crush will believe them.
Warning: kissing
Song Recommendation: Delicate-Taylor Swift
You saw your 4 month friend and your fresh crush Hazel in the hallway of the dormitory.
"Hey." You called her as you were walking towards her.
She had a blank expression on her face and it seemed abnormal. She looked like she was mentally somewhere else.
"Haze, are you alright?" You came closer to her.
"Don't come close. I know what you did." She had a disgusted expression on her face and her voice came out hateful which you never once heard from her.
You realized she knew. You could have deny it or do or say anything else but you felt your tears filling your eyes as you watched her leave and disappear in the hallway.
You heard the sound of the your phone's alarm.
You relaxed once you realized it was a nightmare.
You once had a curious straight friend who was actually bisexual and she wanted to try making out.
You had a thing for her back then and you made out. It was nice.
You and she were in the same major and had common classes. She usually asked for your help. You always helped her but even you had limits for your crushes. You didn't cheat and help anyone with cheating. She wanted that. You told her you didn't want to do this. She didn't talk to you for weeks then you saw people looking and laughing to you. You were confused and felt awkward. You learned later from someone that she told everyone a rumor. That you forced her to make out. Even proffesors were looking at you differently. Some believed in her lie, some didn't.
You became friends with a girl called Isabelle and she believed in you after you told her what happened. Then you became friends with her friends. It was nice to have people who believed in you.
Common classes with your ex-friend was a total agony. You sat far as much as possible from her and tried to ignore mean comments and disgusted look to your direction.
You hated the idea one day Hazel might believe in her. That's what happened in your nightmare. You talked with PJ and Josie before her. The discussion never opened around her. If she hear from your ex-friend first, you were afraid that she might believe in her but you were also afraid to tell her yourself.
She hugged you two times and didn't seemed disgusted. 'What happens after she learns that? ' you thought to yourself.
Her opinion was important cause you wanted more with her. You wanted to go out with her, share the same bed, spend quality time(more than you do) and laugh with her. You wanted to offer her your heart without knowing she will offer hers because as much as you know she was beautiful. Inside and out. You wanted her to know that. You weren't going to tell her that, tho.
You didn't have the guts. Maybe If you go nuts.
You looked from your bed to your doorstep, only to see a smiling Hazel.
"Hey. What's up? "
"Nothing. You? "
"Same." You both nodded to each other.
She sat on your bed next to you.
"Actually... I want to ask you something. I know it hasn't been that long but I wonder maybe, you want to go out with me some time? " She looked at you with an insecure face.
You froze.
"I'm sorry. Did I ruined it?" She asked with a tiny voice.
Your mouth moved but no words came out.
"Fuck. I'm sorry. I'm leaving." she told you as she was getting up.
You held her arm quickly.
'Was this really happening? ' you thought to yourself. You saw a nightmare then this was a living dream. It was like rainbow after rain.
She turned to you with a shocked expression.
"Of course I would love to go out with you." You managed to say.
She chuckles and wiped her forming tears at the corner of her eyes.
She came next to you and placed her hands on your cheeks.
"Can I ki-
" You should know something about me. " You gulped.
She looked at you curiously.
But before you managed to say anything she asked "Is this about your friends fake rumor she spread around the whole campus? "
You froze again. She knew.
"PJ told me." She chuckled.
You didn't know you were crying.
She wiped your tears with her thumbs.
"It's okay."
"You believe me? "
"You can't harm or force anyone willingly. That much I know."
More tears came out.
"She wanted to do it. I didn't force her. " You managed to tell her.
"You don't need to explain yourself. We can talk about it later If you want. " She sighed with a soft smile.
You held her hands and she squeezed them.
It felt incredibly nice.
"Thank you. For understanding."
"Of course. " She tucked the hair which was covering half of your face.
"You can kiss me now. "
She smiled widely before you had the softest kiss ever.
"Wait... what about my reputation? Everyone knows me as-
" Fuck reputation. " She said as she kissed you again and you both smiled and giggled in the kiss.
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arachine · 1 year
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. . . tender wounds & soft kisses (won't you stay?) ; i. midoriya
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── ˚₊✩‧₊ synopsis :: trouble comes knocking on your doorstep seeking salvation. the question is, do you answer it?
── ˚₊✩‧₊ general tags :: pro!hero au, angst, fluff
── ˚₊✩‧₊ content warnings :: fem!reader, mentions of blood + death but nothing explicit, reader patches his wounds, intense feelings, making out, 3k words
── ˚₊✩‧₊ notes :: part one of two (?) of a future mini series :3 next part will include filth pinky promise !
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it doesn’t matter how many times he shows up at your door like this—battered and bruised, that is. you’ll never get used to it. you want to turn him away, to tell him he’d have better luck going to a hospital—but—it’s half past midnight, and it’s cold, and it’s raining, and…he doesn’t know where else to go. 
he knows you’re tired. can see it in the way you lean your head against the door frame, and the way you blink up at him with indifference, as if your eyes are telling him “come in now or i’ll leave you out in the cold”.  
with an appreciative smile, he enters through the door and brushes past you. takes his heavy, muddy boots off, one by one, and leaves them to sit in the foyer where they contrast starkly against your pristine-perfect ones. 
it’s a sight that’s starting to become all too familiar to you. sometimes it looks like there’s another person living here, like there’s someone to share the space with, but you know his presence is only ephemeral. you’d wish it weren’t, though. especially since he already knew the floor plan of your apartment like the back of his hand. 
even in the pitch-black dark, his steps are confident. calculated. familiar. he dredges down the corridor with impressive precision, and yields absolutely no qualms of bumping into your many awkwardly placed pieces of furniture. doesn’t even trip over the new coffee table you recently purchased. because instead of him doing the bumping and tripping, you do.
izuku comes to a sudden standstill in the middle of the living room, and you walk right into his back, knocking him forward a bit from the force.
“what’s wrong?” you question, trying not to let yourself sound too concerned, but it comes out more tender than anything. he breathes out a quick nothing, and continues the trek to your bathroom, wincing through gritted teeth while clutching his side. 
if he’s in pain, he won’t say it. which is another reason why you’ve come to resent his spontaneous fix-me-up visits. impatiently, you side step by him and rush to the bathroom. turn on the light and stand at the door frame with your arms crossed over your chest, like you were practically urging him to quicken his pace so he could be out of here faster.
but he takes his time. because despite the sharp-ache in his ribs, and the sting above his brow, he gets to see you. izuku midoriya gets to be touched by you. to be cleaned by you. patched up by you. sinewy muscles and bruised flesh, all taken care of by—you. 
so, yeah. he takes his sweet time getting to the bathroom—even if he’s five steps from getting there. he’ll make it ten. anything to make this last longer. 
“come on, i’m tired,” you say, turning on your heels to open the cabinet. “i’d like to get back into my comfy bed as soon as possible.” 
when you take a look inside the cabinet, you frown at the shortage of supplies you’re met with. which, honestly, shouldn’t even really surprise you—considering he was the one responsible for its barren state. 
regardless, you pluck what you can of what’s left, then set them down on the counter in the order of which you’ll use them: clean rag, soap, ointment, steri-strips, and gauze (in case there’s a bigger wound somewhere under his tattered clothes). 
from your peripheral, you can see his silhouette appear from out of the darkness, and you watch intently through the mirror as his now fully-illuminated body trudges behind you. god, he looks worse than he did standing under the light of your front porch. 
well, that’s what you think. prior, a good portion of his face had been enshrouded by night, so you couldn’t really make out anything worth noting—even if you wanted to, at least.
but now you bear witness to the hues of red that dance across his face; both from the inflamed capillaries underneath his skin, and the blood ribboning down the gash above his brow. 
“you know the drill.” your gaze is pointed, and you eye him through the mirror while dousing the rag under the warm running water. 
he comes to a halt in front of the toilet, grimacing once, then clutches his side protectively before bending down to sit. you note that too. 
“so…” a beat. “you gonna need help taking that off? or—“
“i’ve got it,” the green haired boy quips, moving to retract his arm from his side. 
you throw your hands up in defeat, and reposition yourself to lean against the sink’s ledge. your eyes trace every movement, and you watch amusedly as he pathetically struggles to remove his gloves, but eventually achieves. 
next, he attempts to tackle his zipper. a grimace. then, he attempts it again, only to withdraw in pain. 
“let me do it,” impatience on the tip of your tongue. you lunge forward to unzip the damn thing yourself because you can’t bear to watch any longer, small hand swatting his much larger one away. 
dropping to your knees, you sit between his legs and zip it down until the entirety of his torso is revealed. a solemn frown settles on your lips, and it takes everything in you to not shed a tear. 
gathering your wits, you continue undressing him, gently pulling each arm from its consecutive sleeve, before moving to unclasp the mask tugged down his neck.
“i hate when you do that,” your voice speaks up, replacing the unpleasant silence. there’s evident irritation laced in it, and he can’t help but to wince from the way it pulls his heart strings. 
“when i do what?” you take a brief moment before answering him. busy yourself with the loose thread hanging on the side of his leg pant, tug on it until you snap it off. “when you pretend you’re not in pain.” 
izuku sighs through his nose, something long and heavy. “i’m sorry,” he attempts at an apology, though he knows he’d have better luck convincing someone else who wasn’t accustomed to seeing him like this. 
“no you’re not, otherwise you’d stop waking me up in the middle of the night to tend to your wounds.” there it is. that venomous tongue of yours, the one that doesn’t hold back in telling him what he needs to hear. he can’t even counter it—so he takes it. leans back into the cool porcelain of the tank, and watches as you walk away to the sink, only to return with a stool and rag in tow. 
for a minute, you mull over which area of skin to tackle first, until you decide on prioritizing his torso. you take the damp rag and run it along the perimeter of his wound where there’s a culmination of dried blood and fresh red. his abs flex in response to the sensation, a sharp intake of breath.
“sorry,” you mutter without looking at him, eyes focused and hands working diligently between swipes. 
“nope, ‘m fine.”
“yeah,” he breathes. 
“how’d you get this one, huh? oh, wait, let me guess. off doing god knows what, at god knows where, chasing after some guy you’re not even authorized to be chasing.” 
you rise up from your seat to dispose of the rag, grabbing the remaining items on the counter. “did i get any of that right?”
izuku laughs, a small admittance. “i don’t think i’m at liberty to say.” 
scoffing, you plop back down in front of him, and carefully, begin cleaning the inside of the wound with a damp piece of gauze. every now and then, you check his face to gauge for any pain, but his relaxed expression is unfaltering. because he’s looking down at you with so much warmth it’s scalding.
his gaze feels like a thousand little pricks, makes you shiver from the intensity, and you silently pray he doesn’t catch it. though, it’s really wishful thinking on your part. he noticed most things, was just in his nature.
“what are you looking at?” all bite. his eyes shift from your face to the tiled floor. suddenly, the grout was starting too look interesting, in fact, when’s the last time you touched it u—
“n-nothing,” he stutters, warmth spreading across his face to the tips of his ears. 
“so weird…” your eyes flit up once, before refocusing on covering the wound in clean, dry gauze. 
in juxtaposition to your jagged edged words, you’re so gentle. delicate in everything you do, but especially so, when you’re handling him. it’s something that he’s come to find massively endearing, and he hates that the only time he’s a recipient of your attentiveness, is when he shows up at your door all bloodied and bruised. 
“shit, uh, can you hold this in place for a second? gonna get some tape.” 
izuku nods in compliance. follows with trained eyes as your frame disappears into the dark. then, the sound of a flicker follows suit shortly after, and the light—from what he presumes to be your room—illuminates the rest of the hallway. 
in the distance, he can hear the soft thud of feet padding back and forth between rooms, and can just about isolate the cacophonous sound of drawers opening and closing, along with muttered obscenities. 
the impending sound of footsteps announces your return, and you take your seat between his legs, this time with a roll of tape in tow. 
“and,” you drawl, “done. now let me look at that nasty gash on your face.” 
he scoots closer to the edge to give you a better look, and the pair of your knees knock together. neither of you acknowledge it, nor do you make an effort to move. the proximity has him reeling, but you seemingly remain indifferent. 
reaching up, you take hold of his chin and maneuver him intermittently as you prod and poke at the open flesh. suddenly, a feeling of sadness washes over you upon the realization that one day he might not even make it to your doorstep. that maybe this will be the last time you hold his beautiful face in your hands. that this will be the last time those kind, green eyes look up at you. the reality of the situation is that every day may very well be his last. 
when you stop your ministrations, he knows something’s up. “what is it? what’s wrong?” the intonation in his voice rising, displaying the sincerity of his concern. a calloused hand finds solace on the side of your cheek, and you careen into its warmth. 
“i don’t…i don’t know how many times i can keep seeing you like this,” you admit, voice straining at the effort it takes to quell your tears. 
izuku brings a second hand up to your face, cradles it in his calloused palms. swipes his thumbs soothingly over the apples of your cheeks and shushes you before a sob can erupt from your throat. 
“nonono, don’t get yourself all upset over me.”
“how can i not ‘zu?!”
“‘cause ‘m not worth it,” he spits, and it almost scares you how much he believes in the veracity of his statement. 
“‘not worth it’…” you repeat, “if you weren’t worth it, i wouldn’t let you keep coming back into my house. i wouldn’t patch you up…wouldn’t let you keep making me feel like this.”
“i’m sor—“
“don’t you fucking dare say sorry,” you get up abruptly, releasing yourself from his grasp. “god, you make me—you make me fucking crazy! can’t you see?” your hands go to reach the ledge of the sink, and you rock back and forth on anxious heels. 
forgetting the ache in his side, the pro-hero rises to his feet. he lets his weakened legs drag him to where you stand. your head is down, and your arms are out-stretched to support your weight. he can’t see your face, but he hears the beginnings of a sob. 
thoughts race through his mind a mile a minute. what should i do? he thinks. how can he console you? should he touch you? hold you? but what if you don’t want to be touched? he racks his brain for an answer, to no avail.  
for a while, he just stands there—because in the short distance he traveled, he didn’t really think of a plan. just acted on impulse. but then he sees a big cartoonish teardrop land on the counter and he loses it. 
unthinking, the greenette takes you into his hold. slots himself behind you like a puzzle piece and wraps you up, one arm across your chest, and the other over your middle. the sudden contact surprises you, but you make no contests. instead, you find yourself relaxing into his grip, and he takes that as a silent confirmation to squeeze you further into his embrace. 
“don’t cry,” izuku whispers into the interstice of your neck, “can’t bear it. don’t like it.” you raise your head to lay against his chest, and wrap your fingers around his forearm. his body radiates a warmth that you find wildly comforting. it’s intoxicating, almost. and now that you’ve had a taste of it, you’re not quite sure you’d be able to let go. 
but while the feeling is nice, it’s also equal parts scary and debilitating. because you weren’t a couple. you weren’t temporary lovers. you weren’t…anything, and yet—you fit like one. and that was scary. terrifying. 
it scared you how much space this person took up in your life; how little he gave in return, and how much of your heart belonged to him. and the worst part of it all? how scared he was to trust you with a scintilla of his. of all the years you’ve known izuku midoriya, this is the coldest you’ve known him to be. 
“alright, i’m better now. you can let go,” you speak, though the words that escape your lips directly conflict with what you really feel. 
don’t let go. don’t let go. hold me a little longer, please. 
reluctantly, the bigger man releases you from his firm grasp. he holds your gaze through the mirror, waits for you to start the conversation—which your eyes seem to have already started, because he swears that right now, they’re singing a song of sorrow.
“be honest with me, please. don’t you think i deserve that much?”
suddenly, the pain in his ribs throbs. his forehead falls to rest on your shoulder. he’s stalling. biding his time so that he can come up with an answer. 
“of course you do, you deserve the truth and so much more. but…”
“but,” you repeat plainly, because of course there’s a but. 
“—but there’s things that i just can’t tell you. and i know it sucks, and i know it sounds like a bunch of bullshit, but if something were to ever happen to you because of the information you knew, i literally wouldn’t be able to live with myself.” the words flow from his lips hurriedly, like if he doesn’t get it all out now, they’ll detonate inside of him. 
“you gotta just give me this, please, baby.” 
babybabybaby. he called you…baby. your eyes widen like saucers at the pet name, and then it dawns on him that he let it slip through a fit of passion. 
“baby? uh, pft, i meant…” he tries to recant the part in his spiel that he let slip out, nervously scratching the back of his freckled neck. 
“i hate you.” a lie. but it sounds right to say, even though there’s no real weight behind it. still, how dare he? how dare he make you go years thinking your feelings were unrequited? how dare he fucking steal your heart again with one little word, two syllables, and four letters? 
izuku smirks. if you had uttered these words to him when he was still young and unsure of himself, he’d believe you. but he doesn’t—because he knows you. knows that your venomous tongue lacks potency. and he knows that your heart is reserved for him, always has been—even if his negligence almost cost him you. 
“you don’t,” he says matter-of-factly, viridian irises soft, staring back at you. 
“i do.” unceremoniously, two large hands grab your waist. they turn you around with uncharacteristic speed, pin you against the sink and leave you with no exit. a gasp bubbles in your throat. 
“okay, then say it to my face, “ izuku leans forward, strong arms encasing you between his chest and the sink he holds. his neck tilts downward so that he’s looking into your eyes, and god, he’s so big. so imposing, takes up too much space. too much. 
“tell me you hate me, and i’ll stop doing…this. i’ll get out of your hair for good.”
any and all semblance of composure you had up until that point, dissipates into thin air right then and there. your eyes squint into slits because he fucking proved you right. you were too much of a coward to say it, but on the off-chance that you did, he’d see right through you. one thing you hate more than being proven wrong, is feeling like you have no control over things.
things like izuku. he made your head all foggy with just a glance, and your stomach knotted up with an utter of your name. but this? god, you couldn’t handle this. the proximity, the intimacy of your rather compromising position, the intensity of his gaze, or the way his breath kissed the curve of your jaw. he was everywhere, all the time. omnipotent. 
“you’re right,” you admit with a huff, acquiescing to his boyish-grin. your admission has him lurching forward, inching closer, and closer to the pair of roseate lips pouting up at him so prettily (that they might as well be an open invitation for him to kiss you).
“i’m right.” 
you find yourself initiating a game of cat and mouse. every time he moves in, you move out. it’s so silly. makes you feel like a love-sick school girl waiting by the lockers to give her crush a handwritten note. but you’re relishing in it; and so is he, admittedly more so than you. 
with every passing second, you become less and less aware of your surroundings. all you know is that your lips are moving in tandem, hovering over the other, open-mouthed and panting. you want him. you want to taste him, to bite him, to give him another wound that will turn into a pretty pearl-grey scar amongst the rest. 
your desire for him is carnal, but you play this little game like time is infinite. and you suppose, time can be anything you want it to be when you’re encased between his body.
just as he’s about to close the gap, you whisper a plea into his ear. “promise me,” your voice is breathy, wanting, but still firm. his lips dip down to your neck, and he places a hot, open-mouthed kiss into the divot of your clavicle. trails upwards as he pops up to answer you.
“i’ll promise you a hundred things, i’ll - i’ll promise you whatever you want.” 
“promise me you’ll start being careful,” you say breathless, “that i won’t see your name as a headline on the news.” 
“i promise,” he delves back into your neck, repeating it like a mantra along the vein of your jugular until he kisses his way up to your lips. there’s a brief pause initiated by you when your hand pushes back his chest.
a look of confusion overtakes his features, and you’re looking at him with nervous eyes. are we really about to do this? they say. are we really about to cross that threshold? like you haven’t already done that and more within the span of ten minutes. but you need the reassurance, to be told that everything after this will be okay.
yes, his say. it’s fine. you can trust me.
you felt again the rush of helplessness, the push and pull of the current; until, finally, you let it sink you. he kisses you gently, delicately, then with a swift gradation of intensity that has you whimpering into his mouth. 
“hate you,” a kiss, “for making me,” another, “wait so - mmf - long,” you try to speak between clashes of teeth and tongue, smoothing your arms up his exposed chest before encircling them around his neck.
“i know, baby, i’m terrible,” he breaks away to suckle your neck, “i’m the worst.”
“the worst,” you agree. suddenly, you start to understand why people say kissing is like melting, because every part of your body he touches, has you dissolving rapidly into sea-foam. you’re so hot and bothered, you don’t even know what to do with your hands. 
they were around his neck at some point, but now they’re roaming freely. over his chest, his biceps, down his back, in his hair—on his face. maybe you’ve traveled too far, because the sound it elicits from him is teetering the border between pain and pleasure.
“sorry, did i do that?” you gesture to his brow, which he shields protectively. 
“just a scratch, i can take it,” he reassures, attempting to resume his assault on your collar bone. you grab hold of his chin, redirecting him to look at you.
“just a scratch, huh? well, you’re lucky you got away with just a ‘scratch’.”
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© arachine 2023
635 notes · View notes
fintan-pyren · 3 months
a walrus is in a truck, being transported to a zoo -> the truck drivers become distracted and step out of the truck momentarily, leaving the keys in the ignition -> drunk college students steal the truck and drive off with the walrus -> oh fuck, there's a walrus in the truck -> we fucked up -> we can't just ditch the truck somewhere like we were planning. not with a walrus in it -> we need to get rid of the walrus -> drunk college students back up to the doorstep of a random house and lure the walrus out with fish -> drunk college students knock on the door and quickly drive away -> the walrus is now someone else's problem
112 notes · View notes
shaarlslec · 1 year
birthday flowers
words: 2345
requested by anon: "every year on her birthday, someone leaves flowers and a gift on her doorstep before the clock strikes midnight"
notes: hi! there was no name for the request but i totally pictured this cute idea with mick and i hope you like it this way! <3; just pure fluff, and nothing else;
You were in awe each time you kissed him that your stomach still twirled in twists as if your mouths never knew each other until then.
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It is your 26th birthday party, and you have decided at Mick’s pleadings to host it at your favorite restaurant.
You opposed at first, all you wanted was a small casual party in your apartment, and yet your boyfriend insisted for days to bring all your friends and family there assuring you that he is going to organize every single little detail.
You never had been able to resist those big blue gentle eyes begging something from you, therefore Mick’s request could not be ignored.
Arrived there, seeing the whole place filled with all giggles, chuckles and smiles, dancing hands in the air and clicks of glasses, friends, and families all together indulging in food and drinks, you were more than satisfied with the whole idea of hosting the party in there rather than your apartment which would have been heavily crowded with even this little people. 
“You were right,” You say at Mick’s ear as you tightened the distance in between your bodies, dancing on some slow blues song playing, “This was the better choice,” You continue, hands around your boyfriend’s neck as you lose your fingers in the boy’s blonde locks, “Thank you for renting it out, no more gifts aside from this party – have I made myself understood?” You speak, trying to sound as demanding as you can, but losing it instantly as Mick locks lips with yours, smiling into the kiss. 
You chuckle too, a rush thought entering your mind as you taste the sweetest laid still on the top of your lips after Mick departs. This is everything you dreamed of. You have someone to slow dance with, giggle after a short clash of lips and for whose taste to still linger although you’ve known it for almost ten years now. You were in awe each time you kissed him that your stomach still twirled in twists as if your mouths never knew each other until then. Mick too, was stunned, as he always is, by the sound of your laughs so close to his ears sounding better than any evergreen blues tunes.  
“Yes, sure.” Mick nudge, and you can tell by the way his corners lift in a smirk that he is full-blown lying into your face, “No more gifts.” He smiles, and you amusingly shake your head knowing it is all lies. 
You cup his cheeks to kiss him again, and the song stops. The only thing surrounding you now are your friends’ murmurs, “Take your cuteness somewhere else, please.” One of them pleads, you and Mick rolling your eyes at his words. 
“Oh please,” Another one interrupts, watching you as you swirl your arm around Mick’s and lean your head against the man’s shoulder, “They’ve been like this since high school, they cannot keep their hands off each other.” She continues, eyeing Mick as he leans in to kiss the top of your head. 
“Cannot help it.” Mick says, fingers tightening into yours as another song starts playing and he beats the taps on the back of your hand, “I mean,” Your boyfriend stops and stares at you head to toes, “Who could?” He sarcastically intones, and you cannot help yourself but timidly smile like in any other times when he compliments you in front of other people. Yes, it had been years – and still.
One of Mick’s friends drags his arm around your boyfriend’s neck after you thank him in a whisper, and you both turn into their direction as he speaks, “Let me tell you something about these two love birds right here, folks.” He begins, rousing curious glares from everybody around you as the one who speaks is Mick’s best friend, one of the few people who had been witnessing your relationship from start to now, and one of yours and Mick’s biggest fans while also being the one who’s been rolling his eyes the hardest at every little corny interaction in between the two of you, “I have never knew that someone can be so smitten over a girl until Mick met our birthday girl right here.” He says, spilling a few drops of wine from his glass as he points at you, “Does everybody here know the flowers story?” He inquires in loud voice to grab the attention on your conversation, “It is one of my favorite love stories, and as a hopeless romantic – I have heard them all.” He speaks, departing from Mick to join the people in front the two of you who were unaware of the tell. 
You and Mick laugh – the story was your favorite too. You have plenty, ten years together gave you lots of stories to tell. Some romantic, some hilarious, and some hurtful. And yet, the story of the innocent twelve-years old Mick leaving flowers at your door before midnight on your birthday for the first time was your most special one. 
You’ve lived next to Mick Schumacher for the eternity of your life. Your families knew each other, and they often got invited for lunches, dinners, barbeques, birthday parties and so on. You two were the same age, thus your families always paired you two in sharing toys, watching television, or simply running after each other in the yard. You were against the idea at first as two stubborn children, and yet with time and a lot of patience from your parents, you’ve learned to share your favorite coloring books and trucks, splash each other with water balloons and talk about what shapes the clouds in the sky have. 
Mick was the first one to figure out that the girl who visited their home during the weekends was not simply his neighbor – he was falling in love without even knowing what love is or why his cheeks turned red when you kissed him goodbye. Mick started small, stealing all kind of flowers from the back yard of his house and leaving them in front of your door for your birthday, and that was only because you told him one time to not step on the flowers planted in the backyard because they might, as well as you and him, have some sort of a soul inside for them to blossom in such pretty colors. 
“So, do you think that their colors match their souls?” Little Mick asked you then, both of you carefully analyzing the flowers in his backyard.  
You nodded, “That is the only explanation.” You spoke with the strongest belief a twelve-years-old child could have into your tone, “They are all so pretty – I cannot pick one.” You added, pointing to the little field of flowers ahead of you. 
Mick pondered your theory for a while, “What color do you think our souls are, then?” He asked, looking at your face with attention now as he was analyzing all the colors on your face: your skin, your rosy cheeks, your hair, and the pink of your lips – getting all flustered as you caught him staring. 
“All of them, I think.” You replied with another nod, “I mean – I am pretty sure yours is a rainbow.” You judged for a while, taking the boys’ cheeks into your hands, “With a whole lot of blue in it, that is for sure.” You added with a smile, watching his clear blue-sky eyes searching for more shades of pink on your face. 
That was when the little boy felt the urge for the first time to kiss you, without having no idea about what that meant. Yes, Mick has seen his parents kiss, and tight their hands around each other’s bodies, and laugh at incompressible jokes. That afternoon in the garden is when Mick had decided that you were the person with whom he wanted to do all those things, having no idea that there was a learning curve in all of that. Therefore, Mick pursed the idea in the years that followed by letting you know thinly about his little crush, being too shy to confess his feelings before ever knowing what a confession was. 
Your parents were the ones to watch him struggling with silently jumping over your common fence to leave the flowers at the entrance of your house. The next day after watching you happily jumping around after receiving flowers from “a secret admirer” (as your parents' told you), they went and told Mick’s parents'. For whole years your parents were thrilled of Mick’s act in all its cuteness, and they complotted for you to never find out until you figured out for yourself that you were in love with Mick too on your own, without any interference from the adults in your life. 
That happened four years after that, four years during which the flowers never stop arriving at your door for your birthday accompanied by small gifts such as electric trucks, coloring books and all the things Mick knew you liked. 
“Mom,” You spoke with a frail voice, watching Mick helping his father water the plants in the garden across the fence, “How do you know you are in love?” You questioned, eyeing Mick’s upper body completely uncovered, feeling your knees getting weak as the boy waved at you from the garden. 
Your mother caught your glare, as well as your teeth jabbing into your upper lip waving back at your “friend”, “I think you already know, darling.” She spoke, eyebrows amusingly twitching up, “I think you should stay up tonight, and that is how you will find out for sure.” She teased, returning to her book as you pulled yours closed to your chest following the cutest boy next door with your glare who was quick in stealing your glance on him, and even quicker to throw you a cheeky smile. 
You listened to your mother that night before your birthday, hopping that your senses were right and that the one to leave flowers at your door was no one else but him. Turning off the lights, you unwearyingly watched the porch from your window with your heart up to your throat that almost erupted when you spotted the boy’s silhouette into the dim darkness of your house.   
Legs rushed almost as fast as the beats of your heart down the stairs, waking up your parents in the process. They chuckled in their bed, “Mick’s here.” Your mother spoke, agreeing to go back to sleep in a minute or so as they knew that their daughter is in safe hands, and that she will forever be in the saftest that there exist. 
You opened the door wide just to collide with Mick’s startled figure after carefully placing on the mat the most exquisite bouquet of flowers you have ever seen or received. All shapes and colors, odors, and perfumes in front of you. The one in which you wanted to engulf the most was Mick’s, still. 
“Hi.” Mick’s shaky spoke, “I –” He blocked, stumbling on each word that was on his mind. A confession – that was all Mick had to do. And yet, you were standing so beautifully there in front of him with such an inebriating smile up to your ears, “I—” Mick tried again, and now was interrupted by your hurdling arms around him, holding him the closer to you that the boy has ever been. 
“I knew that it was you.” You murmured, head buried at Mick’s chest as his hands awkwardly wrapped against your body too, “I wished for my secret admirer to be you this whole time.” You confessed, head up now to watch him staring back at you with bright flickers inside those eyes of his. 
Mick laughed, placing one of his palms against your cheek with care as if there was something to break on your face, “I am glad you liked the flowers, and the other gifts.” 
You nodded, “What you got me this year besides the flowers?” You inquired, tiptoeing close to the boy’s mouth, the rosiness of his cheeks turning bright red. 
The secret admirer shyly so tittered again, “I thought about something different this year.” He gulped leaning towards you, “May I kiss you?” Mick asked, uncaging the butterflies from your stomach through your whole being.
You nodded right away, “Please do so.” You spoke, your lips brushing against Mick’s for the first time. 
Mick never stopped kissing you since then, and you never stopped enjoying every single brush of lips that provoked twists of stomachs and tingles on tips of your fingers. Even now, as Mick’s lips rest on your shoulder in the back of the car driving you home, you feel the tingles and all the emotions that have not faded since you were sixteen. You were living your teenage dream again, and again, and again with the one who thought you love. 
“That was fun.” You speak, watching Mick unlocking the door of your apartment, “And yet, I cannot wait to just take this dress off and jump into bed – completely naked, but completely tired.” You whimper in almost a sob after a short sly wink towards him, and Mick cannot help but be swept of his feet as he hears your little complains and attempt of flirting. 
“Not yet.” He speaks, switching the light on your hall waiting for you to gasp at the sight of your apartment. 
Flowers, everywhere. 
All kind, all shapes and all colors waiting for you two to step into the living room. You cover your mouth with both of your hands, you were basically walking into a huge floor shop that has moved into the apartment, “Mick, these are –” You breathlessly try to speak as you figure out that were the exact type of flowers that Mick’s mother grew in her backyard, the ones that they boy stolen from you throughout the years you were neighbors.
Mick hugs you from behind, placing a kiss underneath your left ear into which he whispers, “You said you cannot pick one, so I bought them all.” Mick murmurs, sending tingles throughout your spine with one more kiss, “Happiest of birthdays, from your not-so-secret admirer.” 
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farfromsugafanfic · 7 months
Heyy!! Love your writing so much, and I wanted to request a skz getting reader flowers but reader is allergic to them. Lots of love<333
SKZ Reaction To Them Getting You Flowers, But You're Allergic
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Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: Enjoy! Sorry it takes me a while to do requests, but I try to always get around to them as inspiration strikes.
Chan: This poor baby feels sooooo bad. As someone with allergies and similar problems, he blames himself for not thinking of it earlier. As soon as you sneeze he'll put it together and immediately take the flowers outside, even if you protest. Once he comes in, he'll change (or just take his shirt off) so that any pollen on his shirt doesn't further bother you. Wrapping you in his arms, he promises to get you something else. The next morning, you'd wake up to the flowers arranged prettily in a terrarium where you can enjoy them without an allergic reaction.
A lesser known fact about Minho is that he's a very good and thoughtful gift giver. He's always bringing you little trinkets and snacks from abroad. So, it is not out of character for him to bring you flowers, but with spring in full swing, your allergies simply cannot handle flowers in the house. When you sneeze and have to leave the room, he doesn't immediately get it but follows you out of the room. When you tell him it's the flowers, his eyes soften significantly and he grabs the bouquet and is gone for around twenty minutes. This time he returned with some rose shaped chocolates and he gave the flowers to your elder neighbor.
Changbin didn't know that lilies were so infamous for how many people are allergic to them. He simply saw them when he passed a florist and had to stop to get them for you. They were beautiful and he just wanted you to have them. But, when your eyes start watering and become red, he looks between the lilies and you a few times before getting rid of the flowers as quickly as he could. Changbin would jokingly and cutely ask you to forgive him, which, of course, you do.
Hyunjin made this mistake early in your relationship--before the two of you were even official. Therefore, it's become somewhat of an inside joke between the two of you. It was your third date and he'd come bearing a beautiful bouquet of flowers that he had helped arrange. Though, it only took a few minutes for your body to react and a flush to come over your skin and tears to stream down your cheeks involuntarily. Hyunjin panicked. Luckily, you both find the whole thing hilarious now and on every anniversary of your third date, Hyunjin paints you a flower bouquet.
Ngl, he might cry. Jisung hates to think that he caused you to have an allergic reaction, even if it was minor. Even if he didn't, he would not hesitate to throw the bouquet away and try to salvage the situation he thinks is a complete disaster. Some part of him is even convinced that you might break up with him over this. Of course, you know it was an honest mistake and even find it a bit cute. The two of you spend the rest of the night watching anime and cuddling.
Felix had flowers delivered to your work none the wiser that you were allergic. When he comes to your place afterward, he sees the flowers placed in a vase on the table. But, he knows something is wrong when he sees your reddened nose and red eyes. When you tell him it's because of the flowers, he chastises you for bringing them in and carefully removes them, placing them on the balcony instead. Lightening the mood with a joke about how he's the only flower you need, he holds you the rest of the night.
One of the ways Seungmin shows that he loves you is by buying you small gifts and leaving them somewhere he knows you'll find them. So, when you wake up one morning to flowers on your doorstep, you know they are from him. Your allergies were hit or miss, so you hoped you wouldn't react to them. Unfortunately, an hour later, you're sniffling and have a headache. He FaceTimes you not long later for your reaction and he's so horrified by your reaction that he finishes his work as quickly as he can to go be with you. Throwing out the flowers, he brings over a few sheets from his diary--dated from after your first date and the way he felt about you so immediately.
Jeongin is excited as he approaches your place with flowers in hand. His was handpicked, having collected wildflowers and a few from a friend's garden. He knew that you would love the thoughtfulness of the present and he was right, beaming as he noticed your surprise and delight at how he assembled the bouquet himself. You didn't want to tell him about your hay fever and how some of the flowers he picked you were very allergic to because he was too sweet. Eventually, though, Jeongin noticed you wheezing and met your eyes to find them red and irritated. He feels bad when he finally gets the truth out of you and he will apologize, taking the flowers back with him. A few weeks later, he brings them back dried and pressed onto a framed canvas.
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swaps55 · 10 months
I lost my friend to cancer yesterday.
I’d really like to tell you about her.
We meet people throughout our lives who change it, in big ways and small ways, and ways we will never forget. Sara/ @dearophelia was one of those people for me.
I met her here, on tumblr, about 10 years ago. I wish I could remember what piece of writing I stumbled onto first, but she was such a gifted writer that I immediately wanted to see more. I somehow wound up following her live blog of a road trip, which was full of uproariously snarky jokes about Ohio. I had the courage to reach out and tell her how funny I thought she was, and how great her username was to this fellow Mass Effect fan who lived right down the road in Kentucky and got all the Ohio jokes.
We talked. We chatted. I introduced her to a group of people I played Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer with. She grew from a level one first-timer to a total badass who could carry a team and taught other people how to do the same thing.
And then my life fell apart.
Everything fell apart for me. Turning to my family wound up being a catastrophe, and I didn’t have local “real world” friends I could turn to.
So I texted Sara. Told her I needed somewhere to go, and asked if I could stay with her that weekend.
She texted back, “Yes.” Sent me her address, and said to ping me when I got there. She didn’t hesitate. She didn’t ask why. She just gave me shelter. So I showed up on her doorstep, and she listened while I told her everything. She didn’t judge me. She didn’t think I was insane. She had every right to think both things. Instead, she gave me safe harbor at a time when I had no control over my life and didn’t know what was going to happen to me.
For the next several months, I made frequent trips up I-75 to Ohio. She kept an air mattress out for me. We played multiplayer. We talked about Mass Effect. We talked about life. We bitched about all the people who hated on one of our favorite characters. She introduced me to Babylon 5. I have so many memories of sitting on the couch in her apartment, with her cat Odo crawling around behind my head. When I eventually pieced myself together enough to leave Kentucky and start the work of starting over, it meant leaving behind that sanctuary with her in her apartment, and it was something I had to grieve along with everything else.
And now I am grieving it again, and so much more. I am so lucky I was able to fly back to Ohio a few weeks ago while I had the chance. Hugging someone goodbye, knowing it’s the last hug you’re going to get….well, it sucks.
But I got that hug.
Sara was so many things. She was a gifted storyteller with entire worlds in her head. One of the weekends I stayed with her, she had recreated the Mass Effect galaxy map on her wall with notecards and string to help her tell a story. She could create a character and make you fall in love with them in a matter of sentences. Because of her stories, I binge watched all ten seasons of Stargate SG-1.
She was also not afraid to unapologetically be herself. I had a lot of things to learn and unlearn about the world, feminism, gender, and sexuality, especially in those days. Listening to her fight for her space in the world and refuse to be told she was anything less than who she wanted to be helped me learn some of the things I needed to learn, and embrace the things I discovered about myself.   
She loved music. She made the best fucking playlists. She taped inspirational notes around her condo. She sent me a set of coasters that say, “Fuck It,” and “Nah,” and I use them every single day. Her smile was gorgeous. She lit up a room.  
And now she’s gone. I won’t see her in my tumblr notes anymore. I won’t see her on my dash. I won’t get pinged with new Odo photos. She won’t get to hear the new music I listen to that shows up in our Spotify blend. I won’t get to talk about the next Mass Effect game with her. I won’t get any more Ao3 updates in my inbox.
I wanted you to know about her – this pocket friend of mine who impacted my life in ways that I won’t ever forget.
I hope you will read her stories. Listen to her playlists. She was a brilliant human being. She should still be here. She isn’t.
And I miss her.  
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cherrygummycandy · 2 years
Roommate wanted
DHMIS main trio x Roommate!Reader
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(I lied, I was going to post a different pic but forgot I had this in my drafts!)
Bright colors shine through the windows of the small pink house, cascading off the checker print tiles. This light however, was suddenly dashed with a grunt from a green feathered bird as he slammed shut a curtain. "Ugh, can't the sun move somewhere else, it's ruining my light..." The bird grumbles, readjusting the mirror he has set up on the kitchen table. "Y'alright?" A tall red man asks absentmindedly from the other side of the table, not bothering to look up from his paper. "No! I'm not alright. I'm trying to brush my hair, and the sun is blinding me." The third and final member of the table perks up at this, now interjecting.
"But, you don't have hair, you're a bird." The yellow boy says, head tilted in confusion as he shovels cereal into his mouth. "Feathers are hair for birds, idiot." Duck snaps, The yellow one looks down sadly at this, a slight whine as he goes back to his cereal.
After a few minutes, Red sighs and puts down his paper. "Y'know, I thought something would have happened by now." He says. Duck's brow furrows as he looks up from his mirror, setting down his comb. "You're right, I'm bored. Someone do something. Call someone." He orders. "Call someone? Do we have a phone?" Yellow asks. "Nah, I think that electric person took it a few days ago, remember?" The three shiver at the memory of the small electric girl, and the sounds she made when they swapped her batteries. Duck snaps out of it first, and throws his mirror off the table. "Well, find something to do-" "What's this?" Yellow interjects, picking up the newspaper.
"DON'T INTERRUPT ME!" Duck screeches, only to be ignored by Red. "It's a newspaper." "But what's this say?" Yellow points to an ad, that reads 'Roomate wanted, apply at address below'. Red takes the paper from him, looking closer. "S' a roommate ad. Y'know, for people you live with, like us." He explains, before pausing. His eyes narrow. "Huh. This is our address." Duck snatches the paper. "Our address-" He looks up, even more annoyed. "You put out an ad for another roommate? Am I not enough?". Red shakes his head. "I didn't put out an ad, and he probably didn't either." He glances at yellow. "I don't even think he can read." Red continues to examine the ad, trying to ignore Duck's squabbling. In all this noise, Yellow seems to be the only one to hear a knock on the front door. He hops down from his chair, and heads out of the kitchen. "Where's he going?" Duck asks. The two follow him and peek around the doorframe, watching as he opens the door.
"Uhm, hello?" You greet, looking down at the odd yellow fellow. "Hello!" He greets you, staring up at you blankly. You wait a few moments, but he doesn't go on. "Oh, for god's sake-" A green bird in a tweed jacket pushes him aside with a grunt. "Who're you?" He asks, eyeing you up and down with furrowed brows. "I'm Y/N, I saw an ad in the paper." You reach into the bag hanging at your side and pull out the scrap of paper. "Yeah, says here 'Roomate wanted'.". You try to hand the bird the paper, but he swats it away. "We've seen the ad, we didn't send it! Go away!" He squawks, attempting to shut the door. A red foot stops it from closing all the way, and a much larger red figure looks down at the bird. "Hold on now, come on. You wanted something to do today, maybe we could use a new roommate." The red man proposes.
"What, No! There's three of us! Just three of us!" The bird exclaims. Once more, the two characters argue back and forth, leaving you confused and feeling awkward on there doorstep. "I'm Yellow. It's nice to meet you, roommate!" The yellow man says, extending a hand happily. "Wha- Oh, no! My name isn't roommate, my name is Y/N." You correct, shaking his hand gently. "So Roomates your last name?" Before you can respond, the duck coughs loudly to get your attention.
"Alright, Roommate. We have decided to allow you to stay here, as long as you're entertaining to me." Duck says. "No, I made the decision you could stay, I pay the rent." Red says. "Do you?" He rolls his eyes. "We've got a spare room, upstairs, to the left. You can set up there." Red offers. "We can have bunk beds!" Yellow exclaims, and Red shakes his head. "No, they'll have their own room." Duck nods in agreement. "But... how can you have bunk beds in two different rooms..." Yellow trails off.
"Thank you! I'll go drop my stuff off now." You thank them and head past the duck, into the house and up the stairs. "You think they'll last?" Duck asks, glancing at tred. "W-what?" Yellow asks, worry evident in his voice. "I mean, anyone new we meet pretty much leaves at the end of the day, so they probably will too." Red shrugs. "I mean, I guess it's possible. Just enjoy it while there here." He heads back into the kitchen. "But, I don't want them to leave, I like Roommate." Yellow whines. Duck only scoffs. "Please you just met them." He moves to follow Red, before stopping and turning back to say,
"and there name isn't roommate."
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bwabys-scenarios · 11 months
I feel like upon first meeting, Kurapika might not be as open, maybe even standoffish. But after reader gets through that shell, he doesn’t even realize how starved he is of affection. I feel like HE doesn’t even know he’s crushing until someone else points it out
The beginning, AKA how killua and Kurapika became frenemies in regards to YOU.
warning: none other than this isn’t proofread and Kurapika is horny for reader, but that isn’t anything new lol
You two meet during the Hunter exam. You join the group around the same time Killua does.
At first, Kurapika treats you the same as he would any of his other comrades. You’re sweet, and he likes that, but he wouldn’t consider you as anything other than an acquaintance.
Through the exam, you prove yourself to be reliable and kind, feeding the group and using your skills to help keep everyone together and on task.
His feelings change for you during the final phase of the exam. Kurapika doesn’t realize why at first, but seeing you fight against someone so much stronger than you makes him so fucking MAD. You get pretty beat up and lose your first match, but power through and win the next one!
He’s proud, but he’s also extremely upset. So much so that he avoids you. He doesn’t WANT to feel these things for anyone. He wants to remain distant from you, from Gon too, but when you follow them to the Zoldyck mansion to get Gon back, it’s a hard to ignore you.
You train with them, even though you’re exhausted and badly injured. You push through, helping them save Killua before finally going home, giving them all your number and making sure they know your home is always welcome to them.
It isn’t until Kurapika is in town and in need of somewhere to stay that he thinks of you again. He tried so hard to push you out of his mind that he groans. If he didn’t want to sleep outside tonight, he’d have to take you up on your offer.
You answer the call with surprise and excitement. “Kurapika, is that you? I’m so happy you called!”
Something in his chest flutters at your words. “… sorry that this is the reason I’ve called you, but do you remember saying we could stay with you if we needed to?”
“Hmm? Oh yeah, you want to take me up on that offer, hun?”
Oh dear, his face is turning red from the petname.
“Erm… yes. I’ll be staying in town for a week. I can get a hotel later I j-“
“Oh nonsense, I have a few free rooms. You can stay as long as you need!”
He is silent for a moment. This was his first time talking to you in nearly two years, and yet you were happily saying he could stay in your house. “… alright, thank you.”
When he shows up, you pull him into a hug. His arms shoot out around your sides, hovering. Kurapika isn’t able to do anything other than stutter out a ‘h-h-hello’.
“Are you hungry? I just made lunch, so you should probably hurry and get some before Gon and Killua eat it all.”
He blinks down at you. “Gon and Killua are here?”
You nod. “Oh yeah, they come here at least a few times a month and eat me out of house and home. But how can I say no when two hungry kids are on my doorstep covered in dirt? They say don’t feed stray dogs because they won’t leave you alone, but I never believed in that. If I have the food to feed someone hungry, then I will.”
Kurapika takes in your words, nodding.
You lead him into the kitchen where Killua and Gon were munching on fried chicken and fruit, both staring open jawed when you led Kurapika in by the hand.
He kind of just… hovers in the living room. He’s just standing still, glancing between you and the two boys as you fix him a plate of food.
He takes the plate and eats quietly before asking which room is his. After that, he walks in and gets unpacked.
“Why’s Kurapika here?” Gon asks, reaching into fridge to grab a soda. Killua is quiet, snacking on a plate of cookies you placed in front of them earlier.
“I’m not sure, he just needed a place to stay.” You answer.
Killua narrows his eyes. He hadn’t exactly LOVED the way Kurapika had pretty much ghosted you after you helped save him from the Zoldyck manor. He’d met up with them in York New, but refused to see you. It made him a bit suspicious he might just be using your kindness to have a free place to stay.
“Weird. He hasn’t talked to you in two years, right?”
Gon raises an eyebrow at his friend. “To be fair he only met up with us once in York New.”
“I just find it weird he only contacted you when he needed something.”
You huff and flick his forehead. “That’s the whole reason I gave you all my number. If Kurapika just wants somewhere to stay and then never talks to me again, that’s okay. I’m not going to force my friendship on him.”
Unbeknownst to you three, Kurapika was leaned against the door listening to your conversation. Killua’s words drove a stake through his heart. He felt like such a douchebag for ghosting you, and even worse for only contacting you when needing something. Killua was right, but…
You didn’t seem to mind. That’s what made him so hesitant to be around you, you were way too nice. If he allowed himself to be softened by your kindness, he might just get attached.
He couldn’t let that happen.
Kurapika followed you to town as you go grocery shopping. He could at least accompany you and help carry your bags home, considering you’ve been feeding and housing him for the past three days.
You’re a woman, a relatively defenseless one at that. Although you know nen, it’s more of a support type than defense or attack. You heal people, not fight them.
As the two of you stroll through town, he can’t help but watch as your hips sway, your pretty legs bare. Before, seeing a woman with bare legs wasn’t something that would fluster him at all.
But with you… he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. And because of his eyes on your legs, when a breeze passed by and lifted up your skirt, he caught a sight of what you were wearing underneath.
White panties. That’s all he saw, a plain part of white cotton panties. When he’d passed by the women’s section in clothing departments, he’d seen the exact same pair in a pack of 5. No biggie, it’s just a pair of panties.
But the sight of it… awoke something inside him.
He paused, mouth agape and palms sweaty as his face turned red. Kurapika had never seen a LIVE women’s underwear before. Sure he’d seen the occasional porn or billboard of a woman in her underwear, but you were his friend. A person right in front of him.
“Kurapika? Is something wrong?”
You look back at him, your face innocent and sweet. You had no reason to suspect your grocery shopping companion was having his sexual awakening right then and there over your panties.
“I… it’s nothing. Let’s get the shopping done.”
Kurapika is a little bit less standoffish, seemingly observing you. It’s a little unnerving, but he’s nice enough to carry your bags and help you choose between different items, so you ignore it.
When you get home, he talks with you.
“What is your favorite color?”
“Hmm? (Color), why?”
“Curious. What music do you like to listen to?”
The questions go on for a while until you leave to shower, throwing your hoodie off to reveal a crop top underneath.
He’s staring, and it’s way too obvious. It’s just a crop top, nothing special. You even wore one the last time you saw him, so why was he only reacting like this now?
Gon and Killua watch Kurapika with frowns on their faces. He’d been acting more aloof than usual, only perking up when you walked in the room. Kurapika seemed to follow you around like a lost puppy, asking you questions and watching over you.
Killua did not like it one bit.
“What’s up with you?”
Him and Kurapika were at a bakery, picking up and order for you. It was a batch of cupcakes for a small get together you were having. Killua’s sister and Leorio would be coming, so you’d be busy making dinner to work on cupcakes.
“What do you mean?”
Kurapika thanked the cash register and handed over the money you had given him.
“I mean what’s your deal with (Name)? You keep following her around like a creep.”
Kurapika bristled at the young boys words. “Creep? I’m just observing her. She’s… interesting.”
Killua raised an eyebrow. “Interesting how?”
Kurapika scoffed. “What are you, her dad? She’s just interesting. I’ve never met someone that made me… feel the way she does. She’s strange.”
Killua’s frown deepened at his words, but he didn’t say anything else.
When the two arrived home, you took the cupcakes and gave them both a quick hug. “Aww, thank you for running that little errand for me, my sweet boys!”
Killua, who was already used to your affection, just smiled and hurried to find Gon so they could go pick Alluka up.
But Kurapika was frozen to the spot. Again, his palms were sweaty and his face red.
He’d gotten a whiff of her scent, and it was enough to make him dizzy. She smelled sweet, like flowers or some kind of fruit, along with whatever she was cooking.
It made him think of what a wife would smell like when you arrived home from a long day of work. You’d greet him with a kiss and hug, telling him about your day as he joined you in the kitchen to spend some time baking with you.
Wait, why were you the wife and he the husband in that scenario? It felt as natural as breathing to imagine you in an apron, carrying a baby on your hip as you welcomed him home.
His heart thumped against his chest painfully. The sight of you working away on some potato dish was awfully domestic.
Deep in Kurapika’s heart, he wanted nothing more than a family to come home to. He wanted that domestic, normal life where he didn’t have to worry about avenging his clan and killing the Phantom Troupe.
A future where he could lay his head on your chest at night, listening to your heartbeat to confirm in his paranoid mind that you were there and alive, and you loved him.
He shook the thought from his head, taking a seat at the counter and watching you cook.
Kurapika didn’t understand you, not even a little. Something about the mystery was alluring to him. He wanted to soak up everything you had to say.
You look up from the stove. “Yes, sweetheart?”
He has to take a moment to recover from the pet name, glad your attention had returned to the pit you’d been stirring.
“Are you… have you ever thought about what you wanted… in the future?”
She blinked, glancing back at him. “What do you mean?”
He frowned in thought before replying. “Like… getting married. And having children.”
“Mmm, i want to get married one day, but I’m afraid I’ve never been exactly… sought after. And for kids…”
You glance back at Gon and Killua running out the door. “Hey, don’t forget your jackets!”
The two run back in and grab their jackets, thanking you for reminding them on the way out.
“I feel like I already have them. Gon and Killua basically live here.”
Kurapika didn’t think his strange infatuation could increase anymore. “Really? That’s… interesting.”
“What about you?”
Kurapika glanced up at you as you stood right in front of him, leaning down slightly to meet his eyes.
“I… I want a big family one day. But I fear I may not… live that long to have one.”
You tilt your head and lean back. “Why do you say that?”
“… I’ve chosen a dangerous path. One of sufferings and hardship. It may kill me one day.”
You’re silent for a moment, before you cup his cheek and look him in the eye.
“Please don’t throw your life away. I won’t tell you what to do with your life, but just know that you are important to me. If you can’t live for yourself, try and remember all the people who have loved you in the past, present, and who will love you in the future. You’re a sweet man, Kurapika. Too sweet to die so young.”
You say softly, your eyes never leaving his. When you finish, you pull him into a hug.
Even before you’d finished, Kurapika had begun crying. How could you say that you cared for him so easily? When he thought of all the people that had cared for him, it would be hard to risk his life to avenge his people.
Part of him wanted to be angry at you. How dare you remind him of the people he lost? His chest ached at the thought of his old friend seeing him now. Would he be angry that he was so careless with his life?
But the other part of him leaned into your hug, his tears soaking into your shoulder. You rubbed circles into his back as soothingly as possible, placing a kiss on the top of his head.
Kurapika needed to pull away. He shouldn’t indulge in this weakness of his, in you. But he couldn’t. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you even closer, letting himself sob like a child.
He’s never really been able to grieve his clan, constantly being on the lookout for the Spiders and unable to truly relax due to his scarlet eyes.
But now, he cried so hard that snot mixed in with his tears. You just ran your fingers through his hair, rocking him gently as he sobbed.
He was beginning to understand why his friends seemed so drawn to, although he was pulled towards you in less… platonic ways.
“Kurapika, we can move to my room, the guests will be h-“
He shook his head and looked up, his eyes red in two ways. His scarlet eyes shone up at you as he smiled.
“No, i… I think I’m okay now. Sorry for just…”
He gestured to the mess he made on your shirt. “This.”
You waved your hand dismissively. “Don’t mention it. It’s not the first time someone’s cried on me.”
You grabbed a wet paper towel and cleaned off his face, cupping his cheek when done.
“There, all better. I’m going to change, you’ll watch dinner for me, yeah?”
He nodded, watching her go with a sigh. Kurapika felt weirdly uncomfortable with the lack of your presence, awkwardly hovering around your room.
When you leave, you’re wearing a knee length long sleeve dress. It’s simple, but cute. The thing that Kurapika notices first however, is the dip that exposes some of your cleavage, his eyes going from your face, to your tits, to your face again.
He hopes you didn’t catch him checking you out, he truly didn’t mean to. Your chest was just in perfect view and he was having trouble controlling himself for some reason.
“Killua just called and say they’ll be here in five minutes. Let’s get everything ready!”
He helps you set out plates and mix up a batch of lemonade, finding little ways to brush his hand against yours. Every time it happened he’d blush and apologized, but you didn’t mind!
The group arrived just as dinner was finished. Alluka walked in the door, looked around, then gasped when she saw you.
She ran forward and jumped into your arms. You twirled her around and laughed, the girl clinging to you like a koala.
“Aww, miss me?”
She nodded, Killua chuckling. Alluka had to be attached to you for at least five minutes before Killua would be able to pull her off, so you sat down and chatted with her until you were released.
Kurapika watched this with growing interest. You were great with kids, each of them holding you in high regards. “What’s for dinner? I’m starving!”
Leorio arrived 15 minutes late, panting as he walked in. “S… sorry for… being late… had to… grab these…”
He placed a bouquet of flowers into your arms, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “Thanks lending me your old textbooks, the notes you took helped me ace my test.”
You look up at him in shock, holding the flowers to your chest. “You’re so sweet, Leorio. Thank you for the flowers!”
Something stirs in Kurapika’s chest, something he isn’t able to place. The way Leorio watches your ass as you go to grab a vase to put the flowers in makes him frown. He elbows the man in the stomach, grumbling something about being a pervert.
But Kurapika had been looking too.
Everyone gathered at the table, Alluka on one side of you and Killua on the other. Kurapika grumbled again as he took the chair in front of you. Why was he so upset over not getting to sit next to you?
Kurapika watched you throughout dinner. The way you ate, the way you wiped food from Allukas, your cute laugh when Killua made a joke. He absorbed everything about you, trying to understand what he felt for you.
Did he also see you as a mother figure, like the children did? Maybe a little, but that wasn’t quite it. He enjoyed your affection and sweet words, but there was something else bubbling beneath the surface.
Something… not platonic. Not friendly.
You were pretty, that was a known fact. He had known many pretty women, but you… you were different. You weren’t just pretty, you were… alluring. Something he wanted, desperately.
And he couldn’t understand why. Kurapika hated when he couldn’t understand things, it made him feel stupid.
“Kurapika, do you like your dinner?”
He was stirred from his thoughts by you, leaning forward a little bit and smiling at him.
“Oh, yes. It’s… delicious.”
He took another bite of his food for emphasis. It wasn’t a lie, the food was delectable, but he hadn’t been able to enjoy it due to being… distracted.
“Alright, everyone done? Time for cupcakes!!”
Killua and Gon carried the box in and set it on the table.
When they opened it, Kurapika was surprised. Instead of being cupcakes like he had been told, it was a vanilla cake with strawberry icing.
Written across the cake in white frosting were the words…
“Happy birthday Kurapika!!”
The entire group gathered around him, smiling and laughing. While he’d been reading the cake, they’d thrown on party hats.
Kurapika flinched when felt you put a hat on him, your chest squished against his back.
“This… is for me?”
KIllua watches him, his arms folded against his chest. “It was (Name)’s idea. She found out your birthday was last week and had to celebrate it.”
Kurapika couldn’t understand why. He hadn’t done anything for his birthday just a week prior. Kurapika had severe survivals guilt, and struggled to see why he should.
You leaned forward, your hair tickling his cheek as you placed some candles on his cake. You light them and pull back, putting your hands on his shoulders as you all sing happy birthday to him.
“Okay, now blow out the candles!”
He does, his eyes closing as he thought of what to wish for.
‘I want… I want to be closer to (Name).’
He was surprised by his own thought.
It was later in the night, the kids asleep in their respective rooms leaving the adults to chat. (Name) was tucking Killua into bed, the two other adults sitting in an awkward silence.
“You uh… been doing alright, Kurapika?”
Kurapika glanced at Leorio from his seat on the couch and nods in response.
“You look a little… rough.”
He wasn’t exactly wrong. His eyes were still a bit puffy from crying and his hair was ruffled, with dead ends.
Kurapika struggled to take care of himself besides the bare necessities to continue living. As long as he was able to keep moving, that was enough.
But now he pulled a strand of his hair toward and stared at it. His hair had grown out to nearly touching his shoulders, able to be put up in a ponytail if he needed.
He wondered if you liked his hair longer. It may be a bit rough and tangled, but in his heart he knew you wouldn’t mind.
You stepped out of Killua’s room, closing the door behind you slowly as to not make any noise. Once far enough away, you grin at the two.
“He likes being tucked in. It’s cute really.”
You plop down on the couch next to Kurapika and pulled a pillow into your lap to hug. “So, Kurapika, are you having fun?”
It was hard to concentrate on your question whne you were so close to him, but he managed to asnwer.
“It’s the best birthday I’ve had in a while.”
You give that pretty smile and squeeze his shoulder. “If you let me, I can make sure all of your birthdays will be fun.”
He blinks, taking a moment to process her words. “Wh-what do you mean by that?”
His cheeks turn pink, getting a little excited.
“I mean I want to be your friend, Kurapika.”
He’s unable to speak. This kind girl, who is sitting next to him smelling so sweet, wants to be HIS friend.
“You can think about it if you need to. I won’t make you-“
He was unable to look her in the eye, his hands gripping the fabric of his pants.
“I want to be your friend, too.”
You are quiet for a moment before you lean against his shoulder and laugh.
“I’m really glad. Thank you for being my friend.”
Unbeknownst to the three adults, Killua was listening from behind his door, an eyebrow raised.
‘Does he…’
Although Kurapika has said he was only staying for a week, it slowly turned into two weeks, to three, and then a month.
He would leave to go on missions or find information, but would always come back, looking around for you.
“Is (Name) home?”
Kurapika set his shoes by the door as he walked in. It was just a question for appearances, he couldn’t sense her aura so he knew she wasn’t there.
“No, she’s on a job right now.” Killua replied, flipping through a comic book and sipping on a glass of orange juice.
“A job? Like as a Hunter?”
Kurapika sighed as he leaned against the wall, glancing from Killua to the boxes of chocolate robots strewn across the floor.
“Did she say when she would be back?”
Killua closed his comic book and looked at him annoyed. “Why do you need to know?”
Kurapika raised an eyebrow. “Do I need a reason? I’m just curious.”
Killua rolled his eyes. “You mean you miss her.”
Kurapika’s face turned red, the white haired boy huffing. “You miss her. It’s way too obvious she’s the only reason you’ve stayed in town so long.”
Kurapika scowls and sits down, tapping his foot against the ground. “That’s not true. I stay here because it’s safe and convenient.”
“Keep telling yourself that, maybe it’ll come true.”
Killua stand up and walks to the door, opening it as you raise up your keys to unlock it.
“Oh, thank you Killua!”
You pocket your keys and pat his head before noticing Kurapika.
“Oh, you’re back!”
You rush forward and pull him into a hug, kissing the top of his head. “I missed you! How did you m-“
Kurapika stood up and promptly rushed out the front door, his face a dark shade of red.
“I-Ill be back in a minute. Forgot to- forgot something.”
As soon as he’s far enough away, Kurapika holds a hand to his head, panting. The sensation of your lips on him lingered, making his heart flutter.
Why did he feel like this?
After cooling off, he walks into a random bakery and picks up some cookies.
“Hey, I’m back. Forgot to pick these up.”
You look up from brushing out Killua’s hair and give him a smile. “Oh, cookies, how sweet of you! I’ll set these out!”
You look up and grab a platter and start to place them on it. Killua glanced back at Kurapika before standing up and pulling the man back outside.
“What do you-“
“What’s your issue with (Name)?”
Kurapika blinks down at the boy. “I don’t understand-“
“Don’t play dumb, yes you do. (Name) isn’t stupid, she’s noticed your strange behavior. Are you trying to worry her or what?”
“Why would I worry her? She’s… dear to me. A good friend.”
Killua groans and slaps a hand over his face. “Oh right, I forgot you’re dense. You mean you like her. It’s so obvious that even Gon has noticed.”
Kurapika splutters out a “w-what?!” before Killua continues.
“Let me clue you in. Every time you pass her by, you smile. You blush like a girl with a crush every time she hugs or touches you. Honestly you’re worse than Leorio..”
Kurapika wasn’t listening. Was that what he was feeling? He… he liked you?
It was starting to make sense.
“I…” he looked away, quiet, but didn’t deny Killua’s accusation.
“Listen, I don’t care if you like her or not. Just know that she is important to a lot of people, me and Gon included. You hurt her, you’re dead.”
With that, Killua walked back inside and joined you in the kitchen.
Kurapika held a hand over his chest. He knew he should push these butterflies away and distance himself from you, but before he could, something draws him back to your side.
Maybe he can indulge himself in these fuzzy feelings, just for a little while.
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yandere-fics · 4 months
(I put Eliza after Miriel because she's also a future leader of her area but let me know if you think I should have placed her somewhere else in the order. Nora is excluded because if her darling did not explicitly agree to date her then she would be content being close friends and just sabotaging anyone else her darling tries to date. Sawyer is also excluded because her scenario would be too similar to Nikki's except Sawyer would be a bit more amused by it and a bit more playful than Nikki.)
♡ How They Act With A Darling Who Doesn't Know They're Dating ♡
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♡ It's very easy to not know you are dating Miriel or even that you're mates with her. Sure a supernatural randomly approaching you in the city should be a sign but there are alot of people in the city not even aware that elves have soulmates, you likely wouldn't know that unless you worked with elves and most in the city work closer to the outskirts to be with nature or work at the diplomat building on Miriel's team. And Miriel is a meanish boss, her employees rarely have time to chat and have fun with the others in the building so it would be hard to get close enough to one to get that information, meaning Miriel is the only one who could tell you that and she... forgot. ♡
♡ She just thinks you're shy which is why you're not showing affection towards her and so while she is very sad about this, she's happy as long as she knows deep down you really do love her because you spend all your time with her and even moved in with her and while she is sad you sleep in a seperate bedroom, at least she can sneak in at night and hold you. You do relax in her hold which means you must really love her at least slightly, though she always makes sure to leave before you wake up so you don't get embarrassed from shyness. ♡
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♡ Despite how affectionate she is, she never actually lets you know where the both of you stand because she would have assumed it would be obvious based on the courting rituals she performs with you like making sure you smell exactly like her and growling at anyone who comes too close on your "dates", not to mention the dead bear she left on your doorstep once hoping you would make a coat out of it. (You didn't, you called pest control to take it away though they did advise you it was likely a gift and whoever sent it would be mad, you still made them get rid of it.) She thought you got the message because she licked all over your face every chance she could and she marked you the first day you met though you just thought she was fighting the urge to actually eat you and that the biting happened when she slipped for a moment and almost devoured you. ♡
♡ She does realize later she never actually said anything and while she is pretty sure you should know already, she remembers receiving advice from her elders before she left for training, warning her that having a human for a mate was extremely challenging, and then she starts to wonder if this exact scenario is what they were warning her for. So what does she do? State directly you are dating? Don't be silly, there's no need to do that when she can just bite out the throat of someone who asks you out in front of you just to make it clear where you stand with her! ♡
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♡ When Kassien is being patient with you she doesn't make it obvious to you that the both of you are dating and she would prefer it to stay that way, she doesn't want you to realize, she wants to firmly slot herself in that place before she asks you out and makes it clear you're dating. She can't let you catch on until there's no way you'll say no when she asks you out. Of course any normal person would have realized this a long time ago but she does love how clueless you are, it makes it easy to spoil and treat you like her mate even before she's finally claimed that position. ♡
♡ Once her patience runs out however it's a much different story. She was all good just treating you like her mate and waiting for you to want to start dating her but you continue to not notice her advances. You might be a bit dumb but it's okay, she's just going to have to get that much more aggressive so you become aware the both of you are in fact dating. Though she also didn't tell you still so you probably still are left unaware because she is in fact a dumbass. ♡
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♡ Nikki unlike some of the others on this list makes it clear from day one what your position in her life is which means that you have to be willfully ignorant or very naive to not know. She like "You're my future wife." and you're like "So like for tax purposes right?" At this point she's going to have to shove her tongue down your throat for you to realize and even then you might not realize. Nikki is just very confused by you not realizing, is this a human thing? Eventually she just comes to terms with the fact you want never realize the two of you are a couple and that's fine with her as long as she still gets to do all the stuff with you and you don't flirt with anyone else. ♡
♡ She may get out some literal children's books to explain to you what dating is if you're still not getting it. She's just very annoyed when you introduce her to people as your roommate and she says "Mate." to correct you but you're just like, "I know, that's what I just said." She is gritting her teeth so hard, eventually she does manage to get it through your head by leaving hickies all over you but she was rather annoyed that things had to be so much work when it could have just been simple. ♡
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♡ You're trapped in her apartment so it is a bit weird that you don't recognize you're dating her and that she wants you as her girlfriend but she never explicitly says so and while she demands love and affection at every turn, she never said dating so you could just assume she's treating you more like you're her captive that she kisses and cuddles with. It's not like you're talking to anyone so you never felt like you should ask her to define the relationship either, it just is what it is. ♡
♡ She's very angry to discover you don't think of her as your girlfriend and you haven't this whole time but unlike the others she realizes she never did define the relationship so you're just confused and love her too, finally a yandere's delusionality is partially correct! She actually takes the steps to remedy this issue by taking your hands gently, as gentle as she can when she's so anxious, and declare you two are officially dating though this small label doesn't really change anything but she's glad you now realize this! ♡
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ithaquakisser · 1 year
Synopsis; It wasn't a mere desire, but a need. Ithaqua wants and needs you more than ever.
CW; Unhealthy relationships, obsession, brief mentions of stalking
WC; ≈1K
Note; I wanted to experiment with a different take on Ithaqua for some time now, most specifically a yandere Ithaqua. I have to admit, I was reluctant at first since it'd be my first ever yandere fanfic. Although I guess we all have to start somewhere, no? But I hope you guys enjoy! This is a bit shorter than my usual fics.
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It wasn't a mere want or desire, but a need. An urge, an itch. An itch that needed to be scratched. An itch that could never be satisfied. If you were to dig your nails into it, you'd find yourself only bleeding profusely. Lamenting it all. You needed to bury a blade, skin deep into it to feel anything more than envy. To finally feel satisfied.
You were all Ithaqua could think about. You occupied his mind from dawn till dusk each day. You were akin to a pest, a fly that would never cease to leave him alone. Why must you be so kind to him? Why must you even exist to torment him each day? Making him feel these insufferable emotions every waking moment. Ithaqua himself was never able to decipher his feelings for you. All he knew was that he wanted you—no. He needed you. He needed you more than ever.
He celebrates the day you set foot into the manor, whilst you rued the day. Wrongfully, you were promised a wish of yours granted. All for it to be tossed aside like dross and crushed beneath the heel of reality itself. You lived in trepidation, each of your days consisting of nothing much but feelings of pure dread. You persistently fought to survive each day, and the question here is, "why?"
Ithaqua had never involved himself with anyone. You were his only exception. The apple of his eye since the moment he laid his eyes on you. If only you could look his way, just once. If only you knew how you made him feel, then maybe, just maybe you'd understand.
Maybe someday he too would understand why his heart skips a beat whenever you'd plea for mercy. Perhaps he'd understand why he'd ensure you were safe at all costs, looming over your doorstep practically every night. Why he'd scowl and feel an ache in his chest whenever he'd witness you speak to someone else.
Wherever you went, he wasn't too far to follow. Ithaqua wanted you for his own and his own only in the most greedy way possible. He was desperate, desperate for your touch, your attention, your voice, everything. He yearned for your embrace, to feel your hand in his, someday hear you talk sweet nothings to him and him alone. These were the many things he'd do anything for. If it meant seeing you smile he'd sacrifice it all.
Yet you.. You were oh so naive.
Your heart frantically pounded against your chest as you panted, and your eyes were tightly shut as you hid from the hunter searching for you. Your e/c eyes watered out of sheer terror, wishing for it all to end. Your hands trembled as you placed them on the wall, warily peeking from the walls of the Red Church. The faint sound of metal clanking against the cement pavement echoed throughout the vicinity.
All three of your teammates have been eliminated and only you remained. You were in a state of panic, unsure of what to do at this very moment. If you dared to move a single limb you were certain the hunter would find you even if it was a subtle movement. You were convinced he could hear your every move as you held your breath.
There was a brief moment of silence, you could hear nothing more but the sound of your heart beating in your ears. You let out a sigh of relief, relaxing your muscles as you made your way toward the dungeon which was just a few feet away from you. Immediately, you were taken by surprise. Your heart skipped a beat as you were forcefully pulled away from the dungeon by a strong wind current. You staggered for a moment before being struck down, letting out a whimper upon impact.
"Please.. just let me go." You pleaded as you groaned. The hunter grinned as he leisurely removed his mask. Wavy platinum hair draped over his forehead as dark eyes gazed upon yours with a grin. He could only chuckle in response to your pleas, finding amusement in your vulnerable state. Ithaqua lifted your chin with a finger, his gaze fixed on yours. "Now, now, don't give me that look. I did this all for you after all." He cooed, tracing his thumb over your lower lip.
"Wh.. What?" You uttered in confusion. Clutching your wound as droplets of crimson spilled from your side, a wave of fatigue overcame you as your vision began to blur. The dungeon before you seemingly looking further and further away. "I cleared the vicinity of any potential disturbances. I didn't wish for the two of us to be interrupted." Ithaqua explained. "I was meaning to make some time for the both of us, if only you knew how long I've waited for this."
"If I may ask, Y/N, have you been purposely avoiding me?" He inquired, caressing your cheek as he spoke. He looked at you in admiration, he felt his heart race at the sight of you before him. You shook your head, struggling to focus on the hunter in front of you as you continued to bleed. "Then why do we seldom speak, hm? Do you hate me?" Ithaqua interrogated.
"Why are you doing this..?" You questioned, furrowing your brows. "That does not answer my question." He scowled, gripping your face tightly. His nails lightly dug into your skin, causing you to wince. "Answer me, Y/N," Ithaqua demanded. You were unable to utter a single word out of dread, a hand clasping Ithaqua's wrist as he tightened his grip on you.
You struggled under his grip as you grew both weary and lightheaded. You weakened your grasp, watching as he softened his gaze, his lips curling into a smile. The young man lessened his grip on you and leaned towards you as your body threatened to collapse. Tenderly, he placed a kiss on your forehead. You lost consciousness shortly after. Having no memory recollection of the events that occurred afterward. However, the sound of wind rang in your ear as you awoke in your bed once again.
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koostarcandy · 2 years
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summary: a slight malfunction in your brain led to one of your greatest life choices.
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: fluff, friends to lovers, college au, mentions of sex (cause what are the couples i write w/o abit of physical love <3)
wc: 600 or so
a/n: so spontaneous but im letting the ideas flow before there's radio silence here again :] oktybye ily <3
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this was supposed to be a one night stand, a supposed situationship.
long nights with your hands tangled in his hair and him buried in you became an almost everyday affair. you converted from, "nah, relationships are not for me." to, "yeah, that's my man." with pink hearts instead of irises.
you had met jungkook through mutual friends, his best friend taehyung and your classmate claimed that you both would hit it off and that the vibes would be immaculate. you were initially reluctant to go meet anyone, having watched your peers. he wasn't exactly wrong, you both hit it off in a way no one saw it coming. there were stars in the sky and in your head that night, vowing to never settle for less if you were hook up with someone else, if that would ever happen again.
he had somehow snuck his number in your phone after that night giving himself a missed call and saving his contact as "koo <3" because you wouldn't stop calling him that when you were tipsy and giggly and all over him. this is a one time thing, you keep reminding yourself, this will either end very well or very badly.
but how could you stop yourself? night after night, you found yourself throwing away the strict rules you had put up to let in a certain doe eyed man in. jungkook was at your doorstep at 8.35 on the dot almost everyday, a random board game he found in his dorm's extensive attic or you were on his couch at 7.45, scrolling through his amazon prime recommendations. he even helped with your gardening hobby, eagerly learning about new buddies and frequently touching the touch-me-not leaves just to see them close up and giggle like a child who was handed candy.
you admired his innocence in a way, adopting his ways of always looking for a silver lining. somewhere, along the way, one of you caved in. threw all cares away, all your lingering doubts of, "will this stand a chance?"
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"you know, i remember taehyung telling me you were off limits, that you were too precious for me."
"and hyungie's right. am i not too precious for you?"
jungkook looks up at you from lying on your chest, warm hands rubbing up and down your back. "finally awake, hmm?" he says, chuckling when you snuggle further into his chest, pressing your ear to hear his steady heartbeat. "wanna stay here forever, you know that," you yawn, stretching your hands so you can try your best to hug him. he slips his hand under your his oversized tshirt, tracing hearts on your shoulder.
he presses kisses to your neck, groaning in delight when your hand massages his head just how he likes it, occasionally playing with his hair and saying you would braid it if he let you.
"get up, my love, we have a whole day ahead of us!"
"just say you want strawberry cheesecake for breakfast, koo."
"how dare you accuse me-"
while jungkook tickles you out of sleep's tight hold, trying to defend himself and saying that he thought it was very obvious he didn't want anything to do with your very yummy cheesecake, you take the chance to grip his wiggling hands knowing he can slip out of it easily. he immediately falls on you, careful enough to not lean his entire weight on you. while he kisses your neck and tries to get you out of bed, you can't help but think how glad you are that you let your guard down, letting him in, like a perfect glitch.
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pt time: @armys-dna ; @junsai-tree ; @soobhyun ; @shatzkrinslinzki ; @astronaut-jin-moon ; @cherishoshi ; @fragmentof-indifference ; @userhobis
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kaelily · 1 year
gn!reader, sfw, white day gift for @mixed-kester , i hope u like it <3
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Liyue is a nation known for its abundant mines full of precious ores and its prosperous trade. the silk flower, which is a local speciality, known for its ability to produce silky-smooth fabric benefits the nation's textile industry tremendously. due to these reasons kaeya chooses the nation to be the destination for your little shopping trip.
kaeya does enjoy giving you gifts. other than physical touch and words of affirmation, gift giving is also one of his love languages. he often comes home with little trinkets or clothing items to suprise you. so, the fact that he's going to pay for everything is already established before you enter one of the well known textile shops in liyue. he's glad that the past few days spent by filling up paperwork continuously is finally worth it.
you'll hear him click his tongue in a rather disapproving tone when you stray away from the clothes you obviously like because of how expensive they are. he places them back into your hands and encourages you to try them on with a kiss while casually dismissing the employee who arrives to assist you with his smooth talk. he thinks that there is no need for someone else to help you when your lover is right there with you.
his teasing nature makes its appearance again as both of you enter the private dressing room. hands wander up and down your waist and squeeze your hips as he helps you tie up any loose strings and adjust the clothing over your body. he can't help but leave kisses on the nape of your neck and lean over, with his lips brushing the shell of your ear to praise about how good you look with a low and sultry tone to his voice.
"kae...it tickles.." you whine as he nuzzles his face further into neck to leave light kisses there while grabbing your waist to pull you more closer to him, if that was even possible.
"just a few more darling, you look too good for me to not savour you"
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After his confrontation with the traveler and gaining an anemo vision, lesser lord kusanali grants him a chance for a proper closure he truly desired and also the time to heal himself, which he utilizes by traveling across the vast nation of sumeru. he has seen all kinds of things and met all kinds of people but they hold no value when compared with you. no matter how far his journey takes him, he always returns to the loving home he shares with you, just as promised.
wanderer does remember the way you mentioned your wish of wanting to watch the sunset with him. he never understood why sunsets were mesmerizing to mortals until the lesser lord explained how they can be both romantic and healing to witness and advised him to take you out to watch them one day as a date. even though he made a snide remark about how cliché all of it was, the thought of sitting side with you to witness the nightfall did fluster him
with some much needed encouragement from the lesser lord, he shows up at your doorstep with a small picnic basket saying that he wanted to take you somewhere, eyes wandering all over the place but never making contact with yours. he holds your hand throughout the journey and tightens his grip if he feels like you're about to let go. you find yourself standing at below one of the fluorescent mushrooms in the mawtiyima forest with him when he declares that the both of you have reached the destination he desired
with the help of his vision, he gently settles you down on top of the giant mushroom and takes his place beside you to finally confess that he desired to watch the sunset with you too. a faint blush spreads across his cheeks as you lean your head on his shoulder while watching the sun slowly dissappear behind the horizon and puts his own head on top of yours in response. the evening was rather peaceful, with the occasional banter shared between the both of you which made it a rather memorable one
"tch, are you really trying to reward me for my efforts with a mere 'thank you'? his lips curl into a rather smug smirk as you slightly panic. knuckles brush against your jaw to gently lift your face up and bring you closer to him.
"how 'bout a kiss to accompany that, dove?"
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a/n: srry if this was rushed and cringey, i was a lil busy with uni stuff :(
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sweetnsour1 · 2 years
Fluff, Bakugou x female reader, part 1 of 3
Part of the Cute as hell Collection
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The bright light brought tears to your eyes, so you scrunched them closed. Your nails scraped lightly against the porch as you leaned further back, but not enough to be covered in shade. You let the step dig into your spine, hoping it’d keep you from falling asleep on Class A’s doorstep.
Your face relaxed as the morning sun beat down on you, reminding you of him. The warmth was so similar to the way you could feel him on your skin when he was exploding across the gym, or the street…or the battlefield. You frowned as your mood shifted with the clouds, shadow enveloping you along with the memory of when he had gone cold.
“Miss me?” You hummed, opening your eyes to light and a talking shadow. You didn’t have to wait for your eyes to adjust with rapid blinks to know who it was. You’d know your favorite voice anywhere.
“Are you seeing someone else?” There was silence from the shadow. He moved closer and you wished you hadn’t squeezed your eyes so tightly as you struggled to see his expression.
“The fuck are you talkin’ about?”
There he was. His blonde hair smushed down with a baseball cap, a loose green shirt held his sunglasses on the v neck…all things he wore when he had somewhere to be, but didn’t want to be Dynamight.
“This is the third Saturday you’ve left looking like that.”
His expression was pulled tight, but other than being strained by the conversation you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. You sighed, pulling yourself up from the stairs and moving around him. He grabbed at your wrist, his determination evident as his fingers tightened their grip.
“How could you fuckin’ think that?”
You would’ve raised your voice if his words were interlaced with more anger and less hurt, but the tone he used left you speechless. You stopped trying to pull from his hold.
“How could you keep sneaking around without me thinking that?”
“Don’t answer my question with a question, brat.” You bit away a smile, not ready to lose. He groaned, knocking his hat off when he tried to run his hand through his hair. “Been goin' to a class.”
“Off campus?”
“Not that kinda class.” Your eyebrow shot up at the blush racing across his face. He let you go and shoved his hands in his pockets, kicking at nothing as he mumbled the rest of his secret. “It’s for your dumb plant graveyard.”
“You’ve been sneaking around to go to a gardening class…for me.” You were wearing his smirk for once, dancing around his shifting body to stay in front of his pouty face. He rolled his eyes, struggling to not smile at you.
“I went for the zombie plants.”
“You went for my zombie plants.” He tried to shut you up with a kiss, but even that couldn't stop you from giggling against him. "So can I go next time?"
"What for? I can teach you now." You hummed as he wrapped you in a hug, kissing at your neck.
"Sounds like you just wanted an excuse to boss me around." He chuckled and tugged your shirt so he could leave a not so gentle bite on your shoulder. "Katsuki!" You wriggled in his arms, apparently the only one remembering you were at the front door of nineteen other students. You froze when he growled against you.
"You thought I forgot you were thinkin' dumb shit about me? Come upstairs and make it up to me, beautiful."
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Read part 2
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