#lego dark forest
bluenpinkcastle · 3 months
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20240327: the History of LEGO Castle day 087. 6046 Hemlock Stronghold (1996, 220 pieces, 93 different parts) Hemlock Stronghold is the second of three Dark Forest sets and is built on a thin green 16x32 baseplate. To one side is a black and red catapult with brown and green foilage while the main part of the stronghold is built using two Big Ugly Rock Panels with a space between the two of them and a black and light gray indent built around a skeleton behind a ladder. The top of the stronghold has a dark gray turret top and two blue flags on black lances. Brown and green foilage cover protrude from the stronghold. This set has five minifigures. -The first of the new Dark Forest minifigures appears to be modeled after Earl Flynn and has a green forest folk cap with a small red feather, a yellow minifigure head with a black handle bar mustache and spikey beard, a brown quiver, a brown torso with yellow arms and printed black cross-chest belt with a yellow buckle and a black belt with three notches and a silver buckle, and plain green legs. -The second of the new Dark Forest minifigures has a small blue feather in a brown forest folk cap, a yellow minifigure head with black bangs and mustache, a brown quiver, a printed brown torso with a studded leather armor design and a cross-chest belt with a yellow buckle and a brown belt with black notches and a yellow buckle with blue arms, and plain light gray legs. -One minifigure has a plain yellow minifigure head with a blocked open stud, a white torso with blue arms and a yellow lion head with a yellow crown and a black mane on a halved red and white triangular background with a blue border, and red legs with a black belt. -One minifigure has a plain yellow minifigure head with a blocked open stud, a red torso with white arms and a yellow lion head with a yellow crown and a black mane on a red and white triangular background with a blue border, and black legs with a red belt. -The skeleton returns in this set, with a white minifigure head with black circular eyes, a black triangle nose, and a black tooth smile, a white skeleton body with thin shoulder pins, thin skeleton arms, and individual bone legs. Interestingly, the blue 2x2 circle tile with bottom "x" was only found in two other sets, 6090 Royal Knight's Castle and 6444 Outback Airstrip, the dark gray 4x8x2 castle turret top was only found in three other sets (6048 Majisto's Magical Workshop, 6094 Guarded Treasury, and 6097 Night Lord's Castle), the brown triangular forest shield with a deer head with antlers on a green background with brown border was only found in seven other sets, while the brown 1x5x4 continuous bow arch was only found in nine other LEGO sets. This set has some really neat features, such as the Big Ugly Rock Panel (BURP) that opens and how there are ladders between the first two levels of the stronghold. Parts inventory for this set can be found at BrickLink or Rebrickable with a free download of the instructions available on ToysPeriod.
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buried-blu · 2 years
Please ask/request stuff ppl! It’s open!
Asks open! Ask ANY character from ANY fandom!
Before you ask or request though, please read the following rules:
•No NSFW asks/requests
•Any Fandom is aloud
•I will draw mild gore for requests
•I’ll open a sheet for my OC asks or requests too
•Other than that, Have fun and go crazy!
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wowzersbrina · 2 years
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“Goodbye, friends of Hagrid...”
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dentixvoxel · 11 months
i did some weekly stuff in FH5 for a bit but now i just gotta launch Horizon 4 because i haven't played it in so long and it's a weird comfort game for me
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deltaruminations · 7 months
wd gaster merch concepts
scarlet forest tree costume
magnetic board with a print of the gonermaker background. includes a set of word magnets that you can arrange to make the mysterious voice say ridiculous word salad poetry like “YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THE LEGS. POSSIBILITY OF EGG? WONDERFUL.” as well as set of magnetic vessel parts that can be cobbled together into terrible abominations
bag of loose black and white legos that have no instructions and don’t fit together into anything recognizable
non-functional nokia 1100 cellphone that looks like it was dredged up from the bottom of a lake. when you press any of the buttons it emits a Horrible Noise
“Deconstructed” Plush (loose stuffing and squares of fabric in a ziploc bag)
fragrance blind box “for ‘HIM’”. a fine gift for the dark and mysterious gentleman in your life. the boxes are labeled “EXPERIMENT IN PROGRESS” and “OPEN TO OBSERVE YOUR FATE.” each box contains small vial of perfume and a figurine of a dead cat. possible scents include: ozone; sulfur; pine; charred bone; autumn leaves; petrichor; cigarette smoke
cookbook: 666 Ways to Crack an Egg. it’s written entirely in wingdings. recipes 26-666 are redacted “for you’re safety”. shockingly normal otherwise
small USB lamp shaped like a clear crystal. dangerously bright when turned on
Box Of Broken Glass
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Your villainous voidbeast husband takes you on an outing
Voidbeast (Valerian) x female reader
General Plot: Valerian takes you someplace special and you have breakfast together
Word Count: 1k
W: sfw monster fluff, yandere behavior
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Six
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Valerian brushed your cheek and you roused from where you were sleeping on his chest. With a blush, you wiped the drool you’d gotten on his robe away and peered up at him. 
“Are we there?” you asked, rubbing your bleary eyes. 
Valerian smiled at you, taking in your rumpled morning face. It was incredibly cute the way your nose crinkled when you were sleepy. 
“Take a look,” he said, gesturing out of the carriage window. 
You scooted closer and leaned over to look outside. 
“Wait! We have to stop!” you gasped.
He chuckled.
“Just a little while longer, my sweet,” he said, smoothing your hair under his big hand, “we’ll arrive at the overlook soon.” 
The carriage took you around a bend, driving you back into the forest and you lost track of the beautiful view only to gasp all over again when you emerged. 
Valerian called the vehicle to a stop at a small grassy clearing and helped you out. 
You broke away from him before he could stop you and went running to the edge of the cliff nearby. 
“This is amazing!” you shouted into the void below you. 
Stretching out before you was a deep canyon that went so far down it was pitch darkness at the bottom. What was fantastic about it, however, was as the sun rose into the sky it lit up the glittering layers of rainbow colored rock that striped the face of the cliffs. The bands of color went on as far as you could see in both directions, looking like something you might make from Legos, not a natural occurrence. 
Valerian’s heavy footsteps approached from behind you and he dragged you anxiously to his chest. 
“Don’t get too close to the edge,” he warned, clutching you to him as if you were going to throw yourself over the side. 
“How is this possible?” you asked. 
Nothing like this existed on Earth when you lived in your time. 
“Humans, actually,” he said, “though they never intended to make something so beautiful, of course. The bands you see are made of layers and layers of tainted earth from wars long past. Many, many times humans have destroyed themselves, turning the planet all sorts of colors. After a while it built up into this…Look at the top.” 
He pointed to the last layer before the dark topsoil. It was electric blue. 
“That was the last war,” he said, “they dissolved themselves with a gas and it left nothing but blue ash behind. The survivors lived in underground bunkers for generations before they emerged.” 
The spectacle was a little darker, now that you knew the truth, but it was still stunning. Each civilization had become nothing but a sparkling strip of color. 
“Come,” he said, “the servants packed breakfast.” 
He laid out a blanket on the grass and arranged a basket full of goodies next to you. The sky turned from its golden morning hue to the perfect blue of a sunny day. You shoved a crusty pastry in your mouth and chewed happily as the birds gathered around the two of you looking for treats. 
Valerian's eyes watched you intensely and you averted yours, blushing, your cheeks stuffed. 
“I’ve watched you for so long,” he said, “but it's completely different being here with you.” 
He drew a hand over his eyes for a moment and coughed out a laugh. 
“You know I thought of approaching you normally, changing myself into a smaller, more palatable version of myself for you,” he said, “for a while I really thought that was the way to go. I could approach you at that cafe you worked at, become a regular…ask you out to a movie one day. I could give you a fantasy of normalcy.” 
His four pupils narrowed as he focused on you. 
“But this…this is soooo much better. I’ve never been accepted before…only feared, but for some reason you don’t fear me.” 
Your jaw froze mid chew and you realized what he was saying was true. 
You’d been frightened and disoriented at first, but Valerian himself didn’t scare you. Your feelings were scary, the future was scary, but he was not. Even his more monstrous form was more startling than anything. Now that you’d gotten used to it, you were confident he would never physically harm you and his growling and gnashing was all for show. You swallowed. 
“I honestly can’t tell you which would have been better,” you admitted, brushing aside his last statement, because you weren’t sure how to respond to it.
“I miss my family…but I never would have known the truth of the world. I would have lived my life oblivious to all of this…wonder in the universe. Now that I know, I can’t say I want to go back to ignorance.” 
Valerian hummed to himself, pleased. It wasn’t a confession of love, but he’d shown you something you’d never seen before and sparked your interest. It was deeply satisfying.
“There are so many things I want to show you,” he said, “there are other planets than Earth…other civilizations. We could live as gods on any one of them.” 
You hid your smile. Inflicting his temper on a potentially innocent civilization was dubious, but it amused you that his mind immediately went to establishing himself as a deity. He wasn’t exactly the good guy you’d always pictured yourself with. 
“That’s really not necessary,” you said quickly, “I mean the “living as gods” part…it might be nice to peek in on aliens once in a while though.” 
“Whatever you wish,” he said grinning and handing you another pastry, “you should eat more. Your frail human body needs nourishment.” 
“I am not frail!” you pouted, taking the pastry anyway.
“You are tiny with teeny little bones…delicate…little breakable bones,” he pointed out and then he frowned, looking at you thoughtfully. 
The look worried you a bit. 
“I’ll have to fix that…” he said to himself. 
“What?” you asked. 
He smiled at you, flashing his large, sharp teeth. 
“Nothing,” he said, “eat up! When you’re done I’ll take you to the bottom of the canyon.” 
“How?” The canyon looked endless. 
He snorted as if the question were stupid. 
“I’ll fly,” he chuckled.   
You chewed quickly, eager to get going. 
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brickcentral · 1 year
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Hello community!
We've asked to our spotlighted artist Yuan He to provide an exclusive picture for Brickcentral along with some insights on how he made it, and here's what he have to say:
"I’m an interior designer, therefore most of my MOC projects are setting up in interior spaces or architectural scenes. I haven’t done too many projects in natural environment, which sometimes I found it very challenging and interesting. In this shot, I wanted to create a scene of bunch of friends gathering together in a forest, sort of like a camping trip, and in this case, it’s the characters from Winnie the pooh. In this project, in order to hide the boundary of the scene and creating a more realistic environment, I designed some rocky structure on the back, along with some trees and bushes. There is an awning at the center, and the friends of Winnie are playing music, telling stories and dancing, surrounding a fire pit, enjoying themselves and having fun. I planned the scene to be set in night time, in that way I can create contrast of cold and warm lighting colors in this shot, and the viewer can easily focus on the characters, to experience their joy.
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Despite the scene looks complicated, it’s actually a relatively simple scene, just lots of random items and repeatable steps, and takes time to build. I spent almost two weeks on it, most of the time are just placing flowers, grasses and trees.
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As I mentioned this is a night time scene, I needed to set up some camping lighting to light up the awning area. I’m using micro-LED lights inside of the translucent bricks, but they are not that bright, just for decorative purpose. Another light source is in the fire pit, again it’s not bright, but sometimes it would be helpful to add more details at the scene.
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After posting all the minifigures, and it’s time for the big boys to actually light up the whole scene. As you can see in this photo, I have 4 blue lighting fixtures to create the night time atmosphere. The two tubes on the back are for slightly lighting up the blue backdrop paper, to separate the trees and also mimicking the night sky, will get into that later. Besides of those, the front left light is serving the purpose of creating the general blue-sky light at night, which can be reflected on the front elements like trees, grasses etc. There is only one warm lights in front of the scene, since those decorative micro-LED lights are too weak, this small cube light is the key to light up the awning and minifigures, and generating a growing spot at the center. The small LED tube at the front right acts as a fill light, specifically for brightening minifigures, restores more details on the dark side.
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If we are shooting indoor, there are few tricks to create more realistic background for the photos. I used to have my computer monitor as a background to simulate the sky, distanced buildings etc. But sometimes it can be tricky, I might need to adjust lighting and monitor brightness levels to accommodate each other, or my scene is just too big to move. In this project, since the trees needed to be blended in with the “sky”, I’m using a blue paper as a backdrop to creates more depth on the scene and making it look bigger, it works great for night scene, but different scenarios like broad daylight might be too bland for just using a paper.
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Hope you enjoy this project and found it useful for creating your LEGO photos. I’ve learned a lot from other amazing photographers and creators all these years, I found it very interesting and inspiring to watch how others create their amazing photos. And like I said earlier, for LEGO photographers, camera gears are not that important, what matters is how your story want to be told."
Thanks for all the insights Yuan He! If you want to read this artist profile, head to our blog at https://brickentral.net/ - @theaphol, Community Outreach Manager
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samwise1548 · 9 months
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[ID: A screenshot of an asks by an anonymous user that reads "You're into t-m-a and Ninjago???? Omg omg omg???????????" In all caps, followed by a spamming of random keys. \End ID]
I AM INDEED!!! I was literally making a ninjago character lineup today XD. Here's a sneak peak:
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It's the he!!!!
[ID: A drawing of Lloyd Garmadon from the Lego Ninjago franchise. He's a tall white skinned teen, with short blond hair coming from dark roots, with pointy ears peaking out. He's wearing a baggy lime-green t-shirt with long black sleeves underneath, a green bandana, forest green pants with yellow belt straps, and black shoes. He has one beaded bracelet on one hand, and three simple bracelets on the other. He looks nervous. \End ID]
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bonefall · 9 months
Addendum on the previous post about sticking to canon on the afterlife system; one thing I'm actually pointedly NOT doing is working with the canon statement that the Dark Forest and StarClan are inherently linked. Canonically, if one is destroyed the other is destroyed too.
I said no <3 I have cooler ideas than that. The two entities are unique and only linked in the sense of like, two lego playsets that are hooked up with a bunch of flat bricks.
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piece-of-hweat · 8 months
Little Nightmares Headcanons!!
(May change over time n stuff)
listed from youngest to eldest
No clue, he/him
Really good at swimming (main reason why I draw him as a fish-person)
Loud, confident idiot (stares at Tommy-Innit)
Hates broccoli.
Lactose intolerant
Hates being wrong/failing
Very much a "act-before-think person"
Break dances epically
Competitive. Very competitive. (especially with Six)
Hates Six's guts
Has a collection of ships in bottles
Either Runaway or Mono are trans... I just want like... supportive brother arc please--
Plays with sticks
Knows one word in French. And it's piscine. He was the one who told Mono about the piscine joke.
SIX - 9y/o
Aro/ace, she/it
loves ducks
Will bite (you and your belongings)
Won't scratch (she bites her nails)
Knows how to swim on the surface
Pupils are slightly slitted
Sharp canines
Growls and hisses when she’s really mad, or extremely not in the mood for anything
Had a duck and mouse plush at some point
Will tear Runaway into pieces if she could
There was a head-canon idea where Six has some form of DID, OSDD, UDD, etc. I don't really use this headcanon a lot because I myself don't have DID, so :/
Dark humor
NOONE - 10y/o
Animal lover <3
Clutches/fiddles with the ends of her clothing when nervous
Looks confused/concerned and scared 24/7
Likes drawing (probably has some animal doodles in her school books)
Listens to Mono's late night singing.
Allergic to nuts (once, at school, a group of students with pbj sandwiches "offered" Noone the sandwiches despite her declining. She was sent to the ER shortly after and was excused from school for the rest of the day and the day afterwards.)
Probably will get along with Six
Reads a lot
Laughs at Six's jokes.
Around the same height as Mono (taller than Raincoat)
Smartest (academically) in the group
LOW - 10-11 y/o
Bird nerd
Always liked reading comic books (especially the super-hero ones)
Percussion my beloved <3
Listens to your problems and gives you decent advice
Took up archery in school
Makes friendship bracelets
*insert epic secret handshake*
Probably makes music with Mono and Raincoat
Apple Juice lover
Plays with sticks
Very strategic
Probably plays chess or smth
Gamer /pos
ALONE - 10-11 y/o
Listens to your problems and gives you… advice. Not good, not bad. Just advice.
Engineering <3 (probably would be really into those lego-machines)
Hits harder than a truck. Be careful, you might've shatter a bone.
Probably was a batter in baseball
Probably will win in a arm-wrestle against Mono.
Hits you lightly when laughing
Allergic to nuts
Apple juice lover
Doesn't talk much
Knows how to handle and discharge a gun properly. Do not ask her how or why she knows this. He simply does.
Person with the most amount of obscure knowledge (more people drown in freshwater than they do in saltwater. fear that creek in the forest behind your house. fear it. It will take your life one day)
Fascinated by wires and Mono's powers
Probably needs glasses
Reads a lot
MONO - 10-11y/o
Bi, He/him
Is British
Plays the violin (but it’s more like a guitar bc it’s big for him and he lost the bow)
Despite being taller than average, he walks around on his tippy toes
Barely knows how to swim (just fails around and barely stay afloat)
Knows very limited amounts of Japanese and German (knows a couple of words in French, but only really remembers bonjour and piscine)
Punches hit like a truck, but it hurts Mono's hand a lot
Very ticklish
stands awkwardly in the corner
Probably makes music with Raincoat and Low
Plays with sticks (uses them to direct magic)
Broken humor
Has negative associations with trains (doesn't like them)
RAINCOAT - 11-12 y/o
No Clue, She/her
Is Sisi
LOVES horses
Wanted to be an actress because MAKE UP, COSTUMES!! ACTING!! SINGING!! AAAAA!!
Good at cooking and baking (stares at my Bakes-Cookies-for-Otto headcanon)
Has some experience with piano and choir, but nothing else really
Bestest big sister ever
Will totally paint your nails while you ramble about something
Really likes playing with hair (another career dream she had was a hair stylist)
Will tease you (/lh)
Really pretty voice <3
Typically the one breaking conflict up
Probably makes music with Mono and Low
Reads bedtime stories to others
Around the same height as Mono (shorter than Noone)
Also, secret funky art post on youtube
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bluenpinkcastle · 3 months
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20240330: the History of LEGO Castle day 090. Dark Forest minifigures Since this is such a small theme and the Dark Forest minifigure torsos don't show up much outside of this LEGO Castle subtheme, I decided to just show all the minifigures used in the three Dark Forest sets (6024 Bandit Ambush, 6046 Hemlock Stronghold, and 6079 Dark Forest Fortress). -The skeleton shows up in two of the three Dark Forest sets, with a white minifigure head with black circular eyes, a black triangle nose, and a black tooth smile, a white skeleton body with thin shoulder pins, thin skeleton arms, and individual bone legs. This continues to be my favorite minifigure skeleton :) -The second minifigure has a small blue feather in a brown forest folk cap, a yellow minifigure head with black bangs and mustache, a printed brown torso with a studded leather armor design and a cross-chest belt with a yellow buckle and a brown belt with black notches and a yellow buckle with blue arms, and plain light gray legs. -The next minifigure appears to be modeled after Earl Flynn and has a green forest folk cap with a small red feather, a yellow minifigure head with a black handle bar mustache and spikey beard, a brown torso with yellow arms and printed black cross-chest belt with a yellow buckle and a black belt with three notches and a silver buckle, and plain green legs. -Another forest folk minifigure has a brown hood, a yellow minifigure head with black bangs and mustache and facial scruff, a green forest person torso with printed maroon spikey collar and red arms, a cross-torso black belt, a black belt with yellow buckle, and plain brown legs. This torso also appears in 6087 Witch's Magic Manor. -The next forest folk minifigure has a black hood, yellow minifigure head with brown bangs and longer side bangs, a brown quiver, a green torso with printed yellow v-neck, brown pouch on a black belt with a yellow buckle and green arms, and plain light gray legs. Other than the plain yellow smiley face minifigure head on the Royal Knight crossbow wielder, this is the only non-male capable minifigure in this series. This torso also appears in eight other non-Dark Forest sets. -The first Royal Knight minifigure has a yellow minifigure head with a blocked open stud and black bangs with a black mustache and facial scruff, a red torso with white arms and a yellow lion head with a yellow crown and a black mane on a red and white triangular background with a blue border, and black legs with a red belt. This torso is found in eight sets. -The second Royal Knight minifigure has a plain yellow minifigure head with a blocked open stud, a white torso with blue arms and a yellow lion head with a yellow crown and a black mane on a halved red and white triangular background with a blue border, and red legs with a black belt. This torso is found in three sets. -The first Dragon Master / Knight uses a yellow minifigure head with wavy black eyebrows, mustache, and goatee, a red torso with blue arms, printed silver shoulder covers, and a standing yellow and black halved dragon on a black and red background with black legs and a red belt. This torso is found in eight sets. -The second Dragon Master / Knight has a yellow minifigure head with black forehead tuft and mustache, a red torso with blue arms and a printed yellow dragon head on a red background with a printed black belt with yellow notches and circular hollow yellow belt buckle, and light gray legs with a black belt. This torso is found in eight sets.
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excelynch · 1 year
are you the king, mirror, ghost, magician or dreamer?
(write the letter of the answer you chose on a paper, at the end you will have the result of each letter)
1 - are you a poet, king or soldier?
a) poet
b) soldier
c) king
2 - choose a part of the song meet me in the woods by lord huron.
a) "I took a little journey to the unknown and I've come back changed I can feel it in my bones"
b) "I have seen what the darkness does. say goodbye to who I was"
c) "meet me in the woods tonight"
d) "I fucked with forces that our eyes can't see, now the darkness got a hold on me"
e) "show me yours and I'll show you mine"
3 - choose one of my opinions about trc that MAYBE you don't agree.
a) the dreamer trilogy has a slightly more interesting story.
b) the raven king ending sucks. like what is that DEMON?
c) adam and ronan were a little quick (but they're perfect anyway, maybe because it was so sudden, i wasn't expecting ronan lynch's secret)
d) declan was right most of the time, he just wanted to take care of what was left of the family.
e) noah deserved at least a decent goodbye.
4 - pick a random thing that was mentioned in the books
a) the pig
b) squash 1, squash 2, squash 3...
c) adam parrish's worn clothes.
d) lampshade dress (or ronan's lack of interest.
e) blue's pink pocket knife.
5 - you woke up at 03:49 am and you feel happy but you don't remember what you dreamed about. later, as the day goes by, you reflect. what did you dream about?
a) I don't remember exactly, just one person in front of me, they says my name and then they hugs me and I feel loved and then aliens take us to a distant planet and I turn out to be that person is a little girl who stole a lego of mine when i was a kid and we started battling for the hand of the cockroach queen.
b) I woke up happy that I finally got some sleep, but dreaming? it's something I'm still trying to remember how to do.
c) I can't remember what I dreamed about.
d) me in front of a mirror and in that mirror I saw myself as a kid. they told me in a calm voice "you can grow up now"
e) a house with all the ghosts that haunt me, they say they can move on now. I'm alone in the house, there's nothing left, but that emptiness doesn't bother me. I like the silence after so much noise.
6 - choose a quote from the books
a) "he threw me out the window"
b) "excelsior"
c) "maybe i dreamt you"
d) "safe as life"
e) "i am being perfectly fucking civil"
7 - ok, without judging the inside of the books, just choose by the cover.
a) the dream thieves
b) the raven king
c) the raven boys
d) blue lily, lily blue
e) call down the hawk / mister impossible /greywaren
8 - which of Ronan's dreams do you most identify with?
a) adam's perfect teeth (i know, i know)
b) matthew, the golden boy who just wants to be a normal boy
c) the other ronan who was born to die
d) forests and more forests
e) a hoverboard that will save everyone in the end
9 - if gansey is the king, blue is the mirror, ronan is the dreamer, noah is the ghost and adam is the magician so henry is...?
a) the one that's left (maybe you didn't care enough to give him a meaning)
b) madonna's number one fan
c) the bee
d) the son
e) the master
10 - if someone came and told you that you were going to die in a year, how would you react?
a) "no shit, sherlock! now say something new"
b) I would accept my fate and live normally. "After all, we're all going to die, I'm just going to die sooner"
c) I would do what I was always afraid to do.
d) "I've been dead for seven years"
e) I would do anything to change my destiny.
if you chose king add a point for ronan. if you chose poet add a point for noah and gansey. and if you chose soldier add a point for adam and blue.
now just add which letter you got the most and tell me in the comments the result :)
a = ronan
b = noah
c = gansey
d = adam
e = blue
I hope that you enjoyed and sorry for any mistakes, I'm learning english :)
I was thinking of doing a "which brother lynch are you" and one about the marauders, what do you think?
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 11 months
Till Death
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[ID: The title of the story, till death, written in light green, brush-stroke letters over a photo of a blonde woman in black clothing, walking through a dense forest, facing away from the viewer. All other images are divider lines, showing four small brass bells. End ID]
Her garment covered him like a soft green blanket. It didn’t keep him warm, because there was no warmth to keep, but it made him feel a bit safer. One tiny barrier between his broken body and the teeth of the forest, but perhaps it was enough. Perhaps she was going to stay with him until it was over.
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📖 Synopsis
Finnian is a wandering healer down on his luck. When one of his patients dies, the village turns against him, beating him half to death and abandoning him for thirst and scavengers to finish what they started.
Eilis lives deep in the forest, hiding from the world. When she finds him, impaled on a tree and barely alive, she can‘t leave him to his fate, even if it means upending the peaceful life she has built for herself.
As Finnian slowly recovers, days filled with quiet companionship make the prospect of him staying less daunting than either of them had expected. But he carries too many scars, and Eilis too many secrets, threatening to destroy their fragile relationship as the shadows of the past draw closer. When everything falls apart, will they save each other, or will the price be too high?
📖 About
Genre: Dark Fantasy Love Story
POV: Third person past tense, dual POV
Wordcount: 110k
Status: final_final_v2_thisone.doc
Content Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, gore and rape, including, graphic eye/hand trauma, attempted hanging, strong deathwish, insects, animal attacks, torture (whipping, strangulation, cutting, flaying, burns, broken bones), forced to watch, self-sacrifice, abusive marriage & childhood trauma
Vibes: left for dead / falling leaves / “please don’t leave me” / crows on the branches / making fire (the novel) / sweet berries / small touches / “i'm sorry” / the chiming of bells / a stubborn goat / unreliable magic / the smell of honey and milk / “don’t hurt her”
Moodboard | Playlist | Lego Finn & Eilis!! :D | Printed Version | "Advertisment" | Locket
AU: Forsaken - Forgiven - Forever
Custom artwork links below, contain spoilers as well as sketchy violence and gore <3
Left for Dead | Despair | Worry | Compliance | Forced to Watch | No other Way | The Wheel | Happy End
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📖 Cast
As a healer who cannot use his magic to heal, Finnian has spent the last fifteen years barely scraping by. He hates his profession, he hates people, and most of all, he hates himself. Unfortunately for him, someone else hates him just as much.
Deep inside the forest, in a little hut with only her ducks and goats for company, Eilis is hiding from her past. She can’t trust, she can’t speak — but she also can’t turn the wounded stranger away, even if it means risking her heart.
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📖 Tags
There aren’t many, because I have yet to think of a tag for the two protagonists. The only tag I am currently using is #wip: till death, for tag games and ask answers talking about this wip.
I don’t know what genre to call it — it does not quite fit the common cornerstones of Dark Fantasy, or Dark Romance, but oh boy, it definitely is dark.
It won’t be posted on Tumblr, instead arriving directly as ebook, because I am just done dealing with this site.
As of Aug 20th, the first draft is done at 110k words! Now I'll bother my friends, let it rest for a few weeks, then edit it. Fingers crossed!
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It's out! Download the ebook here.
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glitcheslikeslego · 27 days
my silly fan-made greek mythology lego thing :3
finally decided that if i’m gonna be making a lego greek mythology thing (inspired by what lmk did with jttw) i might as well start slowly introducing the characters
so here’s our main characters :3!
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Icarus (Left) and Atalanta (Right) are friends, and have been since they were little. Icarus 🪽☀️
Icarus is one of our main protagonists for LEGO Mythos! He's an energetic and cool guy who can barely fly, despite having wings. 
In Greek Mythology, Icarus was imprisoned in a tower, along with his father Daedalus, because Theseus escaped the labyrinth he created, which caused their King to believe them to be traitors. They escaped the tower with a pair of wings that Daedalus made. 
Icarus' father warned him to not fly too close to the sea or sun, but Icarus didn't listen. He's flew too high, causing the wax used to make his wings to meet, and he plunged into the sea and died. 
This Icarus isn't actually the Icarus in the story though, simply named after him because of the yellow (now blue) wings on his back. Why he has these, no one knows. He lives with his aunt Pandora.
Icarus seems to have a penchant for getting caught up in trouble, which is why he's constantly at the centre of every villainous attack on the city he lives in, New Atlas (which isn't an actual city in real life). 
Icarus has a weird talent for being able to beat maze puzzles, and even though he can't fly with his wings, he can still hover and glide, although it's only for a short amount of time (like Pit from Kid Icarus). 
Icarus is this world's MK.
His voice actor would be Anthony Del Rio. 
- Pit/Dark Pit (Kid Icarus)
- Kyle (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
- Kel (Star Wars Resistance)
- Ekko (League of Legends)
Atalanta 🏹👑
Atalanta is our second main protagonist, alongside Icarus. She's a determined go-getter who doesn't stop when she puts her mind to something.
In the myths, she was abandoned by her birth father and left to die, only to be found by a she-bear (a symbol of Artemis) and be raised by the bear to become a strong huntress and devoted herself to Artemis. 
In this story, Atalanta was mysteriously abandoned in a forest. She was found by Artemis, who named her after Atalanta and brought her to be raised by a well off family. 
Later on in life, when she and Icarus begin getting caught up in godly shenanigans, Artemis appears before Atalanta and offers the mortal to be her successor, whom Atalanta immediately agrees.
Atalanta enables all of Icarus' dumb ideas and actions, but knows when it goes too far. She always has Icarus' back no matter what, just like how he has hers. 
Atalanta is this world's Mei.
Her voice actor would be Caitlin Glass
- Mina Ashido (My Hero Academia)
- Cammy (Street Fighter)
- Damian Desmond (SPYxFAMILY)
- Diancie (Pokemon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction)
Extra Art
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Icarus’ first design
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Atalanta’s first design
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Icarus and Atalanta’s second designs
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Atalanta’s final design
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Can I request
Yandere shadowpeach free noodles spicynoodles and x paralyzed female reader Polly
Like here my idea we fall into the Lego world and we just got in a car crash and was in the hospital and got surgery and our boyfriend broke up with us cuz we are we can no longer walk. And after we just sat out load we wish we had some one who would love us and not leave us.
Not knowing a falling Star was going by
And when we go to sleep cuz we have a fever we fall into the world.
And each person from the chouple find us and nurse us to get better and we don't know the show but we know we are From a different world. And the boys slowly fall in love with us and makes us there wife.
And they lie about not being able to find a way home and keep us with them forever and have kids of our own( even though I'm freenoodles and shadowpeach we already adopted mk as our own the frist time we meet him lol)
Oooh! Modern reader, this is the first of them on here that I get to make😁 what a fantastic request!
Warning: noob author, angst, dark theme, romantic yandere characters,female!reader, poly relationships, and others.
Characters: shadowpeach, FreeNoodles, spicynoodles.
When you were in that car accident you had thought that your boyfriend would be there to support you like you did with him but you guess he didn’t feel the same as he broke up with you as soon as the both of you were told that you wouldn’t be able to walk until recovery.
(Who ever would do this to someone in need is a fool as everyone going through something because of a traumatic situation deserves to have someone with them to help them out in their time of need. You all matter so much more than you think you do so please have hope!! And I hope that these messages help you out as well.)
As days go by into a week you start to feel lonesome and homesick as the day turn into night, before getting a fever later in those days that had passed. You subconsciously spoke as you watch the stars from the hospital bed through the window had wished that you would appear in a new entirely different world and have someone to love and cherish you like you would them.
Not knowing that your wish will soon be fulfilled by a shooting star that had passed unnoticed by your window.
You went to bed soon after not realizing the change of scenery happening around you.
When you had finally woken up, you see that you’re not in your hospital bed anymore; you at first thought your wish had came true but soon dismissed it and try and think of a logical reason on why you’re in a new setting.
The setting is of a forest, one filled with lush green foliage and flowers along with clear skies and clean air.
Soon after you got a good look around from your sitting position a few monkeys seem to join you.
(So I didn’t know how paralyzed the reader should be so I’m just going to have the legs be paralyzed, sorry if that wasn’t what you had in mind.)
You played with them the best you can from your state. They all seemed to understand that you couldn’t move your legs but one monkey in particular had went somewhere into the depths of the forest that surrounded you and the little monkeys.
You worried on why it did that but the monkeys who are still with you at the moment seem to have wanted to distract you from where that monkey had went.
It wasn’t until what seems to be a hour before it came back but this time with two more companions which made you realized where you were.
(I also didn’t know if you wanted the reader to know lmk or not so I just went with her knowing lmk, hope you’re alright with that.)
It was sun wukong and macaque! So would that mean you’re in Lego monkie kid?!
The two was cautious with you as you could pose a threat to them and their friends but soon noticed you not making any moves to standing up, which sun being who he was had asked you why you haven’t stand up yet.
You were a little nervous on explaining it out of insecurity but macaque had understood perfectly on how you can’t walk with the way you had acted to his mate’s question so he walked over, picked you up and carried you bridal style to their home as he didn’t really won’t to leave you alone like he was before sun and him finally got together and made up with each other.
You had always thought they were interesting characters and you had a crush on them up until you had your ex boyfriend; you honestly never thought in a million years that you would meet them in person or even be in the world of Lego monkie kid!
It has been a month since you’ve met the two in real life and you started to feel much better now with them than you were with you boyfriend. You had also met mk and the others; mk is a sweet boy and you’ve been treating him like you would if you had a son because of how he’s been through.
The two also noticed how you quickly became a mother figure for mk and both agreed that you’re perfect for them.
It had been 2 more months until they started to court you after making sure you’re alright.
They have planned to have a special way of telling you that they love you and to ask you to be their mates.
Though that was ruined because of this ‘boyfriend’ of yours, you quickly explained that he was your ex boyfriend and how he broke up with you after you became disabled.
That filled both of them with rage each knowing what it’s like to be abandoned; macaque had brought you to their home before leaving to go join sun. You don’t know what they had done but apparently it took all day and night so you decided to wait for them and went to bed early.
When you woke up it was to being poked on the cheek, and when you opened your eyes you came to see sun in your face. He greeted you and you greeted back which he coped at as you had done it still in a sleepy daze.
He helped you into your wheelchair that they had got so long ago and rolled you to their kitchen for breakfast.
It was close to the end of breakfast when they decided to pop the question.
The question was shocking to hear as you started crying from finally feeling the love you had always wanted from someone or in this case by two special people who you cherish.
They will make sure you stay happy even if it means killing they will even teach yours and their son how to protect you from the dangers that will try to separate them apart.
They even gave you and mk a immortality peach so y’all can be a family forever.
You met them because of how you had accidentally fell on redson. You quickly apologized and tried to get off of him the best you could in your condition.
Redson was reasonably mad as this has happen a lot of times in the past, mostly by his boyfriend, mk.
Mk, being the sweetheart he is noticed you’re in need and decided to help you and take care of you; redson being who he is was going to complain but was ended up getting convinced by his boyfriend into helping you.
It’s been two weeks since the three of you met and y’all been getting along great; you help around the best you can and they’re thankful though they; mostly mk but redson as well, make sure you don’t have to do much as you still need well rest and recovery time.
When they had learned of your very foolish ex boyfriend, things turned a dark turn in private away from you when they need to talk about it. If the situation arises and your ex boyfriend somehow finds you, they will make sure to take care of him, though very much different on how they take care of you.
You automatically knew you were in Lego monkie kid as y’know, you fell on redson accidentally so that was a fast giveaway plus mk being next to where the both of you had fell.
It was 5 months before they confessed that the both of them have feelings for you; you also had feelings for them but your ex boyfriend kinda stopped that, but now that you’re here you get to be with them if they would like you to be there with them.
Redson had prepared the dinner date while mk was on movie picking dutie; seeing as you didn’t know anything about this you didn’t do anything sept for the hobbies you had.
It went perfectly as planned but redson had to leave in the middle to go somewhere before coming back 20 minutes later. After the movies you had went to sleep on their bed that the three of you are going to share from now on not knowing that your ex boyfriend had found a way to this world and redson, and mk will take care of him for you.
He didn’t deserve you anyway so it isn’t like anyone will miss him as know one from your world will come and try to mess with you about and even if they do the two of them won’t stop at nothing to make sure you stay safe with them.
Tang was the one who had found you in a alleyway passed out or asleep he didn’t know which but what he did know is that he couldn’t leave you all by your lonesome as you seemed to had have a hospital band on your wrist too.
You’ve been asleep for about 6 hours until you finally woke up not anticipating that you’d been in someone’s house in a different dimension than your own, though lucky it wasn’t one that you didn’t know as the dimension you seemed to have appeared in is Lego monkie kid.
Tang had opened and entered the room with what appears to be a bowl of pigsy’s noodles.
After you ate and had something to drink the two of you talked and you had explained a little that you couldn’t move your legs because of an accident had happened.
(Again sorry if you wanted more than paralyzed legs, I just didn’t know what else.)
Soon afterwards pigsy showed up in the room, tang then explained to him on what you told him and that he would like it for you to stay for a few months or so just to make sure you’re alright and for part of your recovery.
You had soon met the others and they had all made you feel at home though it was mostly tang and pigsy as well as mk.
Tang was the first to notice how you made sure that mk was healthy and eating right like a mother would do to her son and decided to mention it to pigsy.
Pigsy was liking that mk finally had a mother figure in his life as there had never really been one to help him. Him and tang had already begun talking about maybe adding another person to their relationship before you popped up and seeing you getting along with everyone made it seem almost like date as tang described it though they won’t mention until later in the future as to not ruin their chances.
You had soon told them of your recently ex boyfriend which had worried them if you would agree on their proposal so they decided to wait and make sure you’re comfortable and feel as safe as possible.
It took a year and 2 months before they decided to ask you the question they been wanting to ask. Pigsy had closed the shop but not because of needing some ingredients it was for a noodle date at the whole with candle light and everything.
You had accepted their proposal and soon became their fiancé to their joy. Though it might not have happened yet but they made sure to be prepared in case your ex boyfriend came back either to get him to leave or kill him off it doesn’t matter as no one will mess with you again.
(A/n: I hope y’all like it and also know how special y’all are and I hope y’all have a wonderful week/year/or month!!! Plus a wonderful day/evening/night!!
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prettyflyshyguy · 1 month
Hi, me again. Was laughing about the lego minifig lumberjack that suspiciously is wearing the same outfit as the lego minifig werewolf and it resulted in me having the most unhinged thoughts about Supernatural. Again.
Once again my brain is overcompensating for how badly I enjoyed S1-3 and how little I enjoyed season 4 onwards.
Now I have gone on record as being someone who generally prefers the non-comedy episodes of the early seasons (HOWEVER a good comedy episode goes a long way in a dark and gritty series as a refreshing break. I love a sensible chuckle. Look at me.) but hear me out. But for your consideration:
You know the drill. Small town, missing people or animal attack reports, maybe both. Shady shit going on. They're not sure if it's worth the time but they were nearby, or Bobby reckoned it was worth checking out so they swing through town, figure they'll stay a few nights. The place is pretty, out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woods. Picturesque and the people are nice. Maybe they could relax a few days while also sussing it out.
They can't immediately determine the cause, which is strange. There's always signs that they can equate to being this or that and "dad's journal" always has an answer. Almost always.
One of them goes out for a late night wander (probably Dean, look I'm predictable, but also it feels fitting - Sam got the demon blood ok) and gets attacked by something in the forest, and returns with a really weird bite mark that looks somewhere between canine and human. There's a bit of panic, yknow "What did it look like?" - "It looked like a werewolf! No not like, a werewolf, like a movie werewolf!"
And they're both freaked because there's a handful of horrible fucked up things that could be, and for most of them a bite is just a normal physical injury and the worst thing he'd have to worry about is rabies - but they test press a silver knife to his skin and.... Nothing. They try a few other on-hand items if they have them, probably some herbs and dried flowers, nothing. So they assume the bite's just. An animal bite.
Fast forward after one very tense day of research and uncomfortable vibes, and the sun goes down. And that's when things go to shit. It's not a full moon, which catches them off guard. Dean starts convulsing and twitching on the motel room floor and Sam is fucking panicking, searching for one of those curse-bag's that witches hide when they want to kill you. Dean has one nasty, gritty, panful transformation into something absolutely horrifying - going for my personal favorite - vaguely resembles human but very much weird wolf-man freak. He keeps his clothes but probably tears them up a bit as he's writhing about in pain. Sam is in shock, holding a machete out in defense trying to gauge the situation, Dean comes to and is just looking around in terror and confusion.
Probably have a stare-off before Sam just goes "... Dean???" and the poor guy cannot talk, can only make horrible throat noises, stumbles into the bathroom to get a look in the mirror and probably freaks out bad. Either bolts out the window in a panic, or bolts out the window cause he heard someone knock on the door hearing the noise of it all.
It's like the wishing well - so its some weird curse or local effect that's making a legend with its own rules become real - werewolves transform each night when the sun sets. There's something about racing against the literal setting sun that tickles me, and the added impact of it being something that requires management and mitigation each day is really fun.
So they have a shitty little time in this weird ass town trying to figure out; what's going on, how do we stop it, and arguing over if they call Bobby and tell him what happened or not.
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