#lego monkie king fanfic
maki--na · 2 years
Macaque, wise of the possessed children
Now that I remember.🤔🤔🤔 How did Mac know that LBD had a girl possessed?
Rewatching the series, I noticed that in both the Shadowplay scene behind the theater, there was this bright purple billboard.
Is it likely that Macaque witnessed the girl being possessed by LBD?
That's why I reacted immediately when LBD released the girl.
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chauvessb · 3 months
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From an lmk fic “Fractured Pieces Make a Mosaic” written by @furornocturna on Ao3!! This is a seen from chapter 7 (best chapter fr fr) I love this fic so much!!✨ it gives a new viewpoint on Macaque and Sun Wukong that ppl don’t address often, so plz check it out and show some love!!!
“Fractured Pieces Make a Mosaic” - Ao3
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izuke-the-zombie · 9 months
This is a little head cannon/What if Macaque had more original powers, a little more Starry Night dreamlike powers leaning into the more nurturing kind, you know, the moon and sun kind of powers? 🌙☀️
Maybe in the past, he was like a therapy friend to Wukong, someone he could really be himself with, vent, and tell his secrets without being judged in the safety of his own dreams. Someone he can truly trust, and that was Macaque.
Skip to Redemption Ark for Mac
Now he's a therapy friend to the whole MK team! (Against his will) They cuddle, pet, and vent to him with their problems. He's like one of Sandy's therapy cats, just bigger and grumpier.😾💕✨ he just has this way with people I guess
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Okay, this is how it starts: Macaque and Wukong's first encounter was in a dream.
Wukong would not shut up about the pretty demon in his crazy dreams, often to his sworn brothers; he talked about all the fun and crazy adventures he'd have, the long meaningful conversations and jokes, and the occasionally moving pictures of otherworldly strong magical humans with sparkly eyes and spiky hair who wield giant weapons that shoots Fire called anime, and that this had been going on for a few months now.
This annoyed and concerned them; they think it's a demon trying to take over the Monkey King's mind or trying to brainwash him somehow, so Azure Lion and the Sworn Brothers all brainstormed together to devise a plan to somehow confront this tricky dream demon. Wukong doesn't want the fun dreams to end or scare off this other celestial monkey, so he decides to talk to his friend in his dreams. Wukong casually brings up the idea that the macaque should visit Flower Fruit and meet his sworn brothers! Macaque of course hesitates, not sure of the idea of traveling to an unknown island and meeting The Monkey King's questionable choice of sworn brothers, but of course, Wukong, sad and a bit offended, but he doesn't give up.
He decides to bring upon the Ultimate Weapon, begging and whining until Macaque crumbles and gives in, which eventually does. Mac reluctantly agrees to travel over to FFM in disguise, just to be safe he tells Wukong he'll be there. Within a month, Wukong couldn't be more excited; he was like a little kid waiting for Christmas day!
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So this is what kinds of powers I think he should have.
😴 the first pic is crossing over to other people's dreams and making their experience life-like he has illusion magic so this makes sense to me. Wukong and macaque would prank the Brotherhood or play tags and hide and seek in their brother's dreams. 🌸The second pic is the soothing ability to calm one's nerves if they pet or cuddle him like a therapy cat,🐈 Wukong would groom him for hours to calm his nerves. now come copes with food🍑🍔🍭
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🌸🎶I saved the best one for last the cute/sad little head Cannon I have
At the end of every dream Mac visits they would end it by dancing to music Mac would bring from the future laughing and stumbling while wukong slowly wakes up, wukong has always gone to bed early But now he goes even earlier to bed. Wukong always thought he was the luckiest monkey in the world he gets to have two Adventure and one of them is with his prettiest best friend Macaque 😚✨the monkey of his dreams.
🌸 Wukong couldn't truly dream of a world without his bestest friend🥰✨
#monkie kid#lego monkie kid#lmk#sun wukong#six eared macaque#doodle#monkey king#macaque#shadowpeach#third idea of power: creating little stars out of his hands that float around like for his shadow play or a night light for the baby monkey#cute right!?#originally I was going to write a short fanfic about Wukong having nightmares and not being able to sleep because of that Mac notices#and decides to visit Wukong in his dreams#Hong Kong wakes up in his dream within a dream to a beautiful breathtaking flower field and seeing the beautiful sky it looks super Galaxy#and Mac just pops up out of nowhere and tries to start up a conversation#at first he's like cocky and stuff and then he gets little awkward#fumbling with his words and he gets a little bit more flustered wukong is like super confused and surprise to see him here#Mac gives up on trying to talk and just attacks wukong after a while we'll come figures out he's just play fighting they pretty much#just play tag and wukong slowly he gets into it but Mac starts cheating a little bit and this Riles up The Monkey King and they're just#having a blast now and at the end of it they start talking eating a few peaches just joking around it's awkward but it's nice wukongs#grooming him and he's just feeling a whole lot better Mac wants to know what's bothering him but he feels like can wait until Monkey King#Monkey King is ready for that macaque gets up extensive hand to Wukong they try to dance#and they're both terribly out of practice they keep going until they're tumbling and laughing and will come slowly gets up#with a smile on the face and super well-rested all thanks to macaque the monkey of his dreams#seriously if anybody wants to make a fanfic about this you have my full permission I don't know I think you guys can do way better than me😫
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writeyouin · 5 months
LMK shadowpeach x foreign fem reader? Its readers first Christmas in China and wants to spend it with the monkeys! Got them a Christmas gift too that’s fitting for the three of them. For some cute fluff, she made some delicious treats from her home country (I probably would make them fry bread or fruit related sweets of the sort)
Sun Wukong X Macaque X Reader (Poly-Shadowpeach) – Chinese Christmas
A/N – So this went a myriad of ways in my head and I kept changing it, and now it’s super different to what I first thought was going to happen. Anyway, here’s the end result, and I got to do some cool research on Christmas in China which was really interesting.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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“Would you please calm down?” Macaque growled at Sun Wukong, annoyed since his partner was being more irksome than usual.
Granted, the pair had recently made up after all their years of fighting, but sometimes… Well, the Monkey King had a lot more energy than Macaque, and he wasted it in frivolous ways, always bouncing around and rarely bothering to stay still unless he was choosing to be inconvenient and lazy, in which case it was impossible to make him get up and do whatever was required of him.
Sun Wukong was equally displeased with Macaque, who didn’t seem to be taking his plight seriously.
“Calm down?” He wailed, his search continually frantic as he flew from mountain top to mountain top. “Who can calm down at a TIME LIKE THIS?! (Y/N)’s missing!”
Macaque rubbed his temples, feeling a headache begin to form. “They’re not missing, they’re probably just at their house or-”
“ON CHRISTMAS?” Sun jumped in front of Macaque, grabbing him by the shoulders and wrapping his tail tightly around the darker simian, “Not a chance! I planned everything for today. We were going to go ice skating, get some wrapped apples, sing karaoke, drink hot chocolate, go to that new noodle bar- There’s just no way (Y/N) would miss all that.”
“… Fine. If you must continue this inane search, could you use your gold vision and get it over with already?”
Sun raised a mischievous eyebrow and smirked, “And miss out on the fun of the search?”
Macaque sighed irritably, “You’re seriously having fun with this?”
“Well yeah. What’d be the point if I found (Y/N) immediately? It needs to be dramatic.”
With that, the Monkey King got back to his search, whilst Macaque stepped away to take a breather, and possibly to brood if the mood struck him; relationships were exhausting. As soon as he left Wukong, his sharp hearing picked up your voice at the bottom of the mountain.
“Shoot-” You said upon clearly dropping something.
Macaque smiled as a more forceful expletive followed, and listened more intently. Evidently, you were carrying something and your bag had split. He chuckled and took pity on you, waiting till you had recovered your items before casting out a shadow portal that brought you directly in front of him.
Having been ready to take a step that was no longer in front of you, you stumbled into Macaque’s open arms.
“You always trip,” He commented drily, “You think you’d be used to that by now.”
You smiled up at Macaque, pecking his cheek before replying, “I don’t think I’ll ever be used to that. You always do it when I least expect it.”
“Then you’ve got to learn to expect the unexpected.”
“If I did that, there would never be an unexpected event and my life would become oh so dull.”
Macaque began a witty retort, but he was drowned out by Wukong who hurried over to meet you, crushing you in a hug, clingy as ever. Whenever you were around, there was hardly a moment wherein he wasn’t holding onto you in some manner.
“Peaches!” He exclaimed joyfully, using your affectionately awarded nickname, “I knew you wouldn’t abandon us on Christmas. Where were you? You’ve already wasted half the day.”
“It’s only ten,” You protested.
“Yeah, well I would’ve been there for you at six if we were meeting at your place.”
That was a lie. If it was up to Sun Wukong to come to you, you knew that Macaque would have to drag him out of bed and that it would take him hours to wake from his sleepy state.
“If I say I brought presents, will that make it up to you?” You held up your bag; Macaque smiled when he saw the knot you had tied in the bottom to patch the split.
Sun immediately pushed you away to snatch up the bag, though his tail remained wrapped around your wrist.
“Share,” You reminded him, bringing Macaque back into the loop.
“Can we open these now?” Sun asked, already tearing at the gold paper which marked the presents meant for him.
“Apparently so.”
Macaque was much gentler with his sliver foiled presents. You hadn’t bothered to write any cards or tags. You couldn’t read or write Chinese, and your simian companions were equally unskilled in your native language. Instead, it was easier to treat them like the sun and the moon and wrap their gifts accordingly.
There were some generic little presents at the top of the bag, but soon your loves got to the gifts you had spent months lovingly crafting. Shawls, knitwear, and repaired clothing that both of them had mourned when damaged in battle made the bulk of the gifts. In a second smaller bag were the presents you had made fresh the night before. They were treats you missed from home, sweet breads, pastries, sugared fruits, and brandy snaps.
“Oh yeah,” Sun Wukong bragged, taking the first bite of a cream-filled sugar cone, “We’re going to have a feast tonight.”
“If we make it to tonight alive with all you have planned,” Macaque stated drily, though he spared an affectionate pat to Wukong’s head.
“All you have planned?” You asked, uncertain as to what anyone could do on Christmas Day when everywhere was closed. Alas, you were thinking of home, which differed greatly from China in many ways, Christmas traditions being one of them.
“Well, duh.” Sun Wukong placed a hand proudly on his chest and stood in a heroic position atop a newly summoned cloud. “Do you really think that I, Sun Wukong, the Monkey King and Great Sage Equal to Heaven would have anything less than a perfect day planned for my two true loves?”
“Funny,” Macaque chuckled, tying his new shawl around his neck, “I thought your two true loves were sleeping and making Wukong Dating sims.”
“Oh yeah? And what about you? You only love puppets and being all dramatic and emo.”
“And I love it when my boys don’t argue,” You said, stepping between them before their little spat turned into a contest which would inevitably lead to a fight. Granted, the three of you were a throuple now, but Sun Wukong and Macaque still had a lot of bad blood and unresolved history; some days were more difficult than others when they were learning how to choose love and forgiveness over anger and spite.
“So, what’s on the agenda for today?”
Wukong grinned and held you to his side, throwing his free arm up as if physically showing you the day’s schedule while he listed everything off.
Macaque approached you and took your hand gently in his, “Is that all okay? It’s probably a lot different to where you come from.”
You smiled bittersweetly, thinking about all the traditions you would miss out on and how Christmas was more family-oriented where you were from.
“It’s- It’s different to what I’m used to, but… I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I’m just happy to be with you two.”
At that, Sun Wukong softened. He stood in front of you, his tail curling around your waist, “Hey, we don’t have to do this if it’s too much. We can try your traditions if you want.”
“Next year,” You promised. “I want to see how you do things.”
Sun Wukong smiled at both you and Macaque. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was. He had spent far too long alone, and now he had two people he could spend the holidays with, and even more friends who you were all going to meet; he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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autism-autobot · 13 days
LMK Angst Fic, here we go!
MK: Wait! Monkey King...
SWK: I'm not just "The Monkey King" I'm not just "The Great Sage Equal to Heaven" I'm not just a CHARACTER from a story you LIKE TO READ!! I AM A PERSON!!!
SWK: I.... am.... real.
SWK: When you idolize someone you unintentionally and inadvertently strip them of their personhood, and I won't say "humanity" because there are so many of us out there that aren't human but are still people.
SWK: I am flawed, I am broken, I am hurting and in pain! Mentally and emotionally every day!
SWK: You, and all of your friends think of me as a story you were each told as children. But this! *Picks up a book titled Journey to the West and points to it with his other hand* HAPPENED!!!! IT HAPPENED TO ME!!!!
SWK: This is history, not fiction, not a fantasy where we all play pretend and everyone gets a 'happily ever after'!!
SWK: The hurt and the pain is real, MK. MY HURT AND MY PAIN IS REAL!!!
SWK: When you cut me off for being a 'terrible person' you weren't actually thinking of me as a person, were you? Just an idea of who I was and who I am that turned out to be false. And now you want me to come back to you?
SWK: The only difference is that he didn't pretend to be my friend beforehand, he didn't toy with me like this.
SWK: I am under no obligation to take you back. You said you didn't want me for a mentor? Fine! But that doesn't mean that the second you want me to have that same role in your life again, you can just have me back and pretend like it never happened!
SWK: What did you say that day? "Sometimes 'sorry' just doesn't cut it"? WHY DOES THAT APPLY TO ME AND NOT TO YOU???!!!! WHY DO THE RULES ONLY APPLY TO ME AND NO ONE ELSE???!!!!
SWK: *has tears streaming down his face*
SWK: I'm not just "The Monkey King", I'm not just "The Great Sage Equal to Heaven", I am not a toy you can pick up and play with whenever you feel like it. My name is Sun Wukong. I am someone. I am someone that you hurt.
SWK: And I'll be damned if I ever let it happen again.
SWK: *flies away crying*
MK and the others: *stunned silence as they watch Sun Wukong fly away*
MK: I f*cked up big time didn't I?
Everyone else: *nods in agreement*
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alliovera · 6 months
Hellloo!! May I request a (platonic obvi) wukong x child monkey reader? Maybe she gets found hurt and wukong gets attached taking care of him,like he gets a kid! Cuz wukong as a dad would be silly!!:3 (I'll send a romantic ask after this,wukong is so cute)
THANK U SM FOR REQUESTING! I really hope you like this and sorry it took some time </3
gn!child reader
(Slight crack)
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He knew he probably shouldn’t have promised to take care of you, but he couldn’t resist- you were just so cute! Despite everyone telling him it was a bad idea, he stuck to his role as your new ‘dad’.
And he never regretted it … until your first tantrum.
The lady bone demon caused a lot of destruction in her pursuit, and your family just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. All things worked out eventually as you ended up being saved by the Monkey King and gang.
At first, you were wary of him. A random, loud Monkey trying to claim being your father? Weird! But over time he earned your trust by actually (surprisingly) not sucking at parenting.
You cried and kicked as Monkey king struggled to figure out what to do. You had never acted this way before! It was all his fault though. You wanted to go into Megapolis and play at a park, but he just wasn’t in the mood to fly alllll the way over there!
Honestly, he would’ve just gotten up and taken you if he knew it would end like this. He’s so stressed as never having been on the receiving end of a melt down (usually its him throwing the fit).
In desperation he dialed Mk’s number, letting it ring for a few seconds before his friend picked up, “Hey Monk-“
“-Kid! You gotta help me! They wont stop crying and screaming and.. and they won’t listen to me!” Wukong rushed out. Your screams in the background told MK all he needed to know.
He laughed, “What did you do?”
“Nothing! Why is it always something I did?!” He sighed and caved - explaining his laziness.
“If you don’t wanna take them, offer them something as compensation. Like a snack or something… i dunno?”
Wukong ducked as a doll wizzed by his head. “I tried that already! Didn’t work obviou- OW!” He shouted as a small monkey figurine hit target.
That was it! He quickly finished up his conversation with Mk and ended the call, going over to try and sooth you for the tenth time.By then your tears had dried and your sadness became little baby anger. You gave Wukong the meanest glare you could muster (it did nothing as it was too cute to be scary).
The two of you stood in an imaginary duel, no one wanting to make the first move. After a bit, Wukong surrendered and slowly approached you. He crouched down to where you were sitting on the floor, “Look, i’m really sorry but we can’t go..” He panicked when your face scrunched up again and tears started to form, “Butbutbut! We could always call up uncle Macaque and have him take you!”
That finally put you in a better mood as you jumped up and raced around to try and get ready. Wukong smiled slyly and patted himself on the back for another successful day of parenting. (You were happy and he got to inconvenience Macaque. A win win)
[Feedback and critique is appreciated!] :D
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purble-turble · 1 year
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Demon King Red/Time Travel Red Son AU - Text from this Tumblr post
I’m really feeling the Demon King Red AU lately, and that Tumblr post really got to me! I just love time travel you guys, and TT Red is the best boy~
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swkbiggestdefender · 7 days
-Au idea??
wukong dying (somehow) in mk's arms and his last words is comforting mk and tell him it's okay and that's he's glad he lived long enough to meet him
and after that mk keeps wukong scarf and always wear it and he became cold and closed off bc a part of him blame himself that if he was stronger he could've protected him
meanwhile macaque being a stubborn asshole doing everything illegal both in heaven and the underworld to find a way to bring wukong back not caring who he have to destroy to bring him back he'll cross every line becoming more dangerous and deranged than he ever was
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dumbbitch2-0 · 1 year
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This fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/46162438/chapters/117491920#workskin by @smilesatdawn makes me so utterly insane I’m violently oscillating between “eee cute baby monkey shenanigans!! :DD” and bawling my eyes out
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monkiebois · 1 year
younger Wukong was so stingy about his peaches, he didn't let any of the brotherhood have even a bite. It was all his and his alone. Even if they asked for a hundred years if they could have one of the peaches from his carefully procured batch he would say no forever and always.
"Wukong, can I have a peach?"
Wukong looks at his pile and then back to Macaque, He runs to his HUGE pile of peaches and stuffs a butload into his arms. He's carrying so many you can barely see his eyes from behind them, so Macaque definitely couldn't see the wide smile and blush on his face as he carried them towards Macaque with glee.
His tail wasn't as easy to hide though, it wagged behind him like an exited puppy.
"here you go!" Wukong said holding the pile out for Macaque.
"i only wanted one" Macaque laughed, amused by Wukongs antics while he took a single peach.
"One isnt enough, these are some of the best peaches i've got!" Wukong said gently placing the pile on the ground then standing back up to face Macaque.
"i know, we'll have a picnic, a peach picnic!"
"with everyone?" Macaque asked
"no silly, just you and me!"
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cacophony-eg · 1 month
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Finally got a round to colouring Liu’er and Moon, these are their outfits for my fanfic Moon Knight and Sun King.
I drew them in LMK style but did the shading and highlights in my own style.
(For clarification this is what Liu’er looks like in his physical form not his shadow form; aka this is Liu’er when he fully possessed Macaque’s body.)
Unlike Macaque, Liu’er doesn’t hide his ears or his scared eye.
Moon differs a little from his LBD possessed form, as he has a cape instead of a crown, and changed some of his colouring slightly so it doesn’t clash with the cape.
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maki--na · 2 years
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‘Introducing the son-in-law’ (traductor)
Remembering that Red Son's parents freed LBD. When Mei introduces Red to her parents. 🤣🤣🤣
I don't think they're happy to have him with her daughter.😂😂 (but everything in the range of overprotective parents)
Or at least until proven otherwise.😅😅😅😅
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starsfic · 4 months
Prompt (if taking them] Lady Iron Fan decides to show that she reciprocated Demon Bull King's interest by courtnapping him. The Brotherhood (especially Azure Luon) thinks its a normal kidnapping/act of war.
"You know, my brothers will think this is an act of war."
"Oh, really?" The beautiful woman hummed, setting down the jug and passing over the goblet of wine. DBK was almost charmed, except for the fact that he was still tied to his chair and couldn't pick it up.
No, actually, he was charmed. He had always imagined that he would be the one doing this, excluding the tying to a chair. That was just rude.
"Do you think this is an act of war?" Princess Iron Fan said, drawing his attention back. It wasn't hard, considering the fact that she was a gorgeous woman, even more beautiful when she was committing acts of violence.
"I mean, you do have the wrong atmosphere for such a thing." The room was set up with red and lavender furniture and soft candles. A delicious feast had been laid out, and the pink dress she wore was long and flowing, not meant for battle. "But you could be trying to lower my guard with that eyesore of a dress."
Her smile disappeared. "What's wrong with my dress."
Oh no. "I mean, nothing's wrong! I just think you would look good in purple- no, no. That would be wrong. That would dull your eyes." DBK leaned his face up, away from her furrowed brows and the droop of her lips, to think. "My friend, the Six-Eared Macaque, once gave this long lecture about costume design. The color of the fabric is important when accenting features...uh..." To be fair, DBK had kinda tuned out in the middle and most of that lecture had been aimed at Peng, who had ruined a very nice bolt of fabric Wukong had gotten Macaque as a gift. "Your eyes are a wonderful shade of amber and you have gorgeous dark curls..."
"Really?" The anger had faded from her voice now. "What do you think of them?"
"I mean, gold would accent your everything very nicely since it would match your eyes." DBK tried to think of what color would match her best, but now he was thinking of her just in gold jewelry, which was a very nice thought but very distracting. "But your hair is enough of a draw of its own. It would just need a statement piece. Anything else would drown out your beauty in gaudiness- oh! Red! That is what you would look best in-"
A soft laugh broke through his thoughts. DBK looked down to see the princess cover her mouth, but not enough to hide a beautiful smile. When her giggles came to an end, she looked up. "You are very charming, your Majesty. Are you like this to every girl you meet?"
"No. I mean, I've only ever been like that with Wukong, and he was less charmed."
Iron Fan shrugged. "I can't blame you for trying. He's very pretty."
"So are you."
She leaned against the table and smiled at him. "So are you. By the way, your brothers are trying to break down the door."
DBK blinked. Oh yeah. "Should I go talk to them so we can have dinner in peace?"
"No," Iron Fan's magic hummed, and then she had her distinct fan in hand. "It will give me a chance to change. I have a very lovely red dress in my trunk."
He couldn't wait.
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izuke-the-zombie · 9 months
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🥱I woke up pretty early today here's a cute little sketch🥰
🌸fem ShadowPeach💖✨
I'll sketch something soon later on☀️
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dragzo · 8 months
Chapter 10 and the epilogue of my fic ‘The Chicken Across the Road’ have been uploaded, and now it’s finally finished! In celebration, let me share a storyboard I had prepared for my sunburst duo pirate AU :]
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The loyal shadow of the sun king
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I'm so proud.
Yeah... some blood + A bit of anxiety (not a bit a lot of)😏😎
I would honestly like to read something with a topic like this. Do you know anything worth paying attention to?
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